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UC Berkeley

Consortium on Deburring and Edge Finishing

Advancing Cutting Technology


Byrne, G.
Dornfeld, David
Denkena, B.

Publication Date

Peer reviewed Powered by the California Digital Library

University of California
Advancing Cutting Technology

G. Byrne1 (1), D. Dornfeld2 (1), B. Denkena3

1 University College Dublin, Ireland
2 University of California, Berkeley, USA
3 University of Hannover, Germany

This paper reviews some of the main developments in cutting technology since the foundation of CIRP
over fifty years ago. Material removal processes can take place at considerably higher performance levels
in the range up to Qw = 150 - 1500 cm3/min for most workpiece materials at cutting speeds up to some
8.000 m/min. Dry or near dry cutting is finding widespread application. The superhard cutting tool materi-
als embody hardness levels in the range 3000 – 9000 HV with toughness levels exceeding 1000 MPa.
Coated tool materials offer the opportunity to fine tune the cutting tool to the material being machined.
Machining accuracies down to 10 µm can now be achieved for conventional cutting processes with CNC
machine tools, whilst ultraprecision cutting can operate in the range < 0.1µm. The main technological
developments associated with the cutting tool and tool materials, the workpiece materials, the machine
tool, the process conditions and the manufacturing environment which have led to this advancement are
given detailed consideration in this paper. The basis for a roadmap of future development of cutting tech-
nology is provided.

Cutting, Material Removal, Process Development

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS geometrie”. In a further presentation by OPITZ, the doc-

The authors are grateful to the following persons for their toral work of SALJÉ was presented on external cylindrical
contributions to the preparation of this paper: grinding. Wheel speeds of vs = 32 m/s and depths of cut
as low as 6 µm were utilised. At that time considerable
Professor Taylan Altan, The Ohio State University, USA, work was in progress on the development of dynamome-
Professor Ekkart Brinksmeier, University of Bremen, Ger- ters for force measurement arising in machining proc-
many, Professor John Corbett, Cranfield University, UK, esses and this paper reports on a state of the art grinding
Professor Fritz Klocke WZL, Aachen University, Germany, dynamometer. BICKEL (ETH Zürich) addressed the issue
Professor T. Moriwaki, Kobe University, Japan, Professor of two dimensional heat flow in the vicinity of the cutting
John Sutherland ,University of Michigan, USA, Professor edge while EUGÈNE presented micrographs of chip roots
Rafi Wertheim, Iscar Ltd., Israel, Professor Scott Smith, at magnifications of x70 and x60. Clearly, the heritage of
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, Professor the Scientific Committee “Cutting” [STC”C”] within the
Matt Davies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, CIRP community is very strong.
USA, Professor Kees van Luttervelt, Delft University of
Technology, Holland, Alex Corcoran and Garret Having achieved strong technical competence during 50
O’Donnell, University College Dublin, Ireland, Professor years of remarkable technological development, it is now
Eckart Uhlmann, Technical University Berlin, Germany, appropriate to consider the future needs of production
Professor Klaus Weinert, University of Dortmund, Ger- engineering from the perspective of cutting technologies.
many. There is a need to re-examine the spectrum of cutting
technologies so as to ensure that the balance of CIRP
activities is attuned to the real needs of modern manufac-
1 BACKGROUND turing industry. It is deemed to be very important that
Since the foundation of CIRP in 1950, the Scientific Tech- manufacturing engineering and then by implication cutting
nical Committee for Cutting [STC “C”] has been highly technologies be considered from the holistic perspective.
active in pioneering the development of all aspects of the Cutting technology is multidisciplinary with economics
cutting process [1]. Central to the work has been the com- playing an increasingly important role. Recent studies [1]
plete analysis of the tool/workpiece engagement including came to the conclusion that there should be a strong
the chip formation mechanisms, the investigation of the integration of technologies and management using infor-
fundamental wear mechanisms and life of the cutting tool mation technologies (IT), for example, integration of the
and the analysis and characterisation of the machined process planning and production planning, simulation of
surface and surface layer. This analysis has not just been manufacturing systems, agile manufacturing, fast redesign
performed from a materials science perspective, but also of new products, modelling of manufacturing equipment
from the perspectives of the energy balance and dynamic performance, including the human operator, functional
behaviour. product analysis, virtual machining and inspection algo-
rithms etc. The key change drivers in the case of cutting
It is most interesting to review the first available Annals of technology include: diminishing component size, en-
CIRP Volume I, 1952 which reports on the Assemblée hanced surface quality, tighter tolerances and manufactur-
Générale De Louvain, 1952 [2] organised by PETERS. ing accuracies, reduced costs, diminished component
NICOLAU presented on the subject “Position du probléme weight and reduced batch sizes (Figure 1).
de la qualification des aberrations microgéométriques des
surfaces de pieces mecaniques”. OPITZ presented on These change drivers have a direct influence on the pri-
“Eine Zusammenfassung über die Deformation des Spa- mary inputs to the cutting process namely the cutting tool
nes und den Verschleiss der Werkzeuge” and KIENZLE and tool material, the workpiece material and the cutting
on “Bemerkung zu den Grundbegriffen der Oberflächen-
fluid. Each of these inputs are given detailed treatment in Hard-metal Silicon
the paper (sections 2, 3 and 4 respectively). Steel, Non-ferrous
metals, Ceramic, Silicon Etching
Glass, Polymers
Laser machining

Structure Dimensions
Metals, Micro-machining
1 Polymers
10 Non-ferrous metals,
Electric Discharge Infrared Crystals

25 Machining Grinding
Hard-metal, Steel,
Steel, Non-ferrous Ceramic,
50 metals Glass Geometry-Variation

Planar Freeform

200 100 50 25 10 nm 5
Surface Quality Ra

Figure 3: Micromachining relative to other machining

processes [IPT-Aachen].
In parallel with the achievement of increased manufactur-
ing accuracy there has been significant development in
Figure 1: Primary aspects associated with advancing the reduction of the size of engineering components.
cutting technology. Figure 4 shows the historical development in the weight
reduction of the ABS system for automotive application. In
These inputs go to the machine tool, which in parallel with the period 1989 to 2001, the weight has reduced from 6.2
cutting technology has also been the subject of enormous kg to 1.8 kg. One of the important issues associated with
development since the early days of CIRP (summarised in miniature components is that the surface area to volume
section 5). SPUR [1] notes that the foundation of CIRP ratio increases. This being the case, the surface and its
concurred with the early development of NC control for integrity takes on increasing importance.
machine tools. Central to the whole issue of cutting tech-
nology is the performance capability and control of the
manufacturing system. The ability to predict and evaluate
cutting performance is addressed in section 6 of the pa- 6
The curves presented by [3] and updated recently by kg 6.2 kg
McKeown [4] in Figure 2 (in simplified form) trace the

development in manufacturing capability in terms of

achievable machining accuracy since the 1940’s. Today, 3
ultra-precision machine tools under computer control can 3.8 kg
position the tool relative to the workpiece to a resolution 1989
and positioning accuracy in the order of 1nm. Figure 2 2.6 kg
2.5 kg
shows that the achievable machining accuracy includes
1.8 kg
the use of not only cutting tools and abrasive techniques
but also energy beam processes such as ion beam and 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001
electron beam machining, plus scanning probe techniques
for surface measurement and molecular manipulation [4].
Figure 4: Weight reduction of the ABS system [Source:
Figure 3 shows the capability of micromachining relative to
other processes such as laser machining, EDM, grinding
and the LIGA process. It can be seen that Ra values in One of the key inputs to the cutting process is the cutting
the range down to almost 5 nm can be attained for fea- tool. When CIRP was founded, the range of cutting tool
tures down to 1µm. For the case of “normal machining” materials available was restricted primarily to: tool steels,
e.g. CNC turning and milling machines, accuracies of 10 high speed steel, stellite and tungsten carbide with ce-
to 100 µm can be achieved (Figure 2). ramic materials coming on stream. For economic manu-
facture, the throughput time is the critical issue and the
development of cutting tool materials has permitted a
Machine Tools & Equipment
Turning & Milling Machines
significant increase not just of cutting speed but also of
Grinding Machines feedrates.
Normal Machining CNC Machines
10 Unit material cost of
Machining Accuracy µm

Lapping, Honing, Boring 140 mm

mm useful useable area 101.6 mm CVD Disc
(1 µm) and Grinding Machines PCBN Disc
Micron 1
Precision Machining Precision Grinding and
Turning Machines 140
Largest size produced

High Precision and

Ultra Precision Machines 80 74 mm
PCD Disc
Ultra Precision 60 57 mm
Free Abrasive Machining
(1 nm) Machining Disc
0.001 40
Atomic Lattice Separation Ion Beam Machining
0.0001 Molecular Manipulation
(1A°) 20
1940 1960 1980 2000
source: McKeown after Taniguchi 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Figure 2: Taniguchi equivalent for cutting processes
[modified by the authors]. Figure 5: Cost reduction of superhard tool materials
[source: Element 6].
Central to the economics of the cutting process is the cost
of the cutting tool materials. Figure 5 shows the size evo- Front Back
lution and cost advantage for PCD and PCBN since the 250
1970’s. Diameters up to 140 mm can be reliably produced Essential operation time
today for the CVD discs, 101.6 mm for PCBN and 74 mm 48,9 Cycle time 18 %
for PCD. The unit materials cost of useable area of the

Cycle time
150 about
discs is also shown. The dramatic reduction since the 49 %
1970’s is clearly evident. 100

The workpiece material has also been the subject of ex- 50 79,3
tensive development in recent years. Figure 6 shows an
overview of the hard turning process as related to the ISO 0
Convent parameters Opt. Parameters Non productive time
standard and the Rz values achievable. The development Convent tools Opt. tools 82 %
is towards reduced Rz values and towards tighter ISO Convent process strategy Opt. process strategy
Five optimisation steps
classes. Under controlled conditions IT 3 is now achiev-
able at Rz values of below 1µm.
Figure 7: Reduction of the cycle time for machining a
10 model workpiece [ISF].
On recognising that the prediction of process behaviour is
Rough hard turning taking on an increasingly important role, a CIRP Working
Group on “Modelling of Machining Operations” was estab-
lished in 1995 within the Scientific Technical Committee
Roughness Rz

6 for Cutting [STC C]. The aim of this group was to stimulate
the development of models capable of quantitatively pre-
dicting the performance of metal cutting operations better
4 High precision adapted to the needs of the metal cutting industry in the
hard turning Precision hard turning future [8].

Development specific conditions
0 Cutting tools are subjected to high stresses by modern
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 machining technologies, like dry machining, high-speed
IT (ISO tolerance)
machining or high-performance machining. The develop-
Figure 6: Roughness versus IT Tolerances for Hard ment of new processes demands adapted cutting tools.
Turning. An ideal cutting material combines high hardness with
good toughness and chemical stability. In particular hard-
In the last 2 years emphasis has been placed on High ness and toughness represent opposing properties and
Performance Cutting (HPC) and some fundamental issues there is no single cutting material, which achieves all three
are being addressed by the CIRP Working Group on High conditions simultaneously. In order to merge the charac-
Performance Cutting (HPC) which was established in teristics mentioned, wear resistant coatings with a tough
2002 [5]. The working group identified the following as- substrate material are combined. A total coating thickness
pects of cutting as being of particular significance in the between 3-10 µm is appropriate, whereby the combina-
quest for high performance cutting at high levels of pro- tions and sequences depend on the application.
Especially in dry machining with coated tools, variations of
• Non Productive Times (NPT) in cutting processes, the interface quality cause distinct differences in tool life.
• Dry and Near Dry Cutting (usage of minimal quanti- The substrate-layer compound fails due to thermal and
ties of cutting fluids), mechanical loads in dry machining. Failures occur in par-
ticular if the substrate itself reaches a critical load. The
• Chip formation and chip handling processes and failures of the compound are strongly influenced by the
• Strategies for burr minimisation. surface and subsurface characteristics of the ground tool.
The economic efficiency of production facilities is a central The surface and the subsurface characteristics of the tool
issue for cutting technology. In-plant, adding of value to are a direct result of the grinding operations used during
products and workpieces only takes place during essential the tool manufacture [9].
operating time. Conventional processes such as grinding 2.1 Cutting Materials
and turning have come under close scrutiny from a pro-
ductivity perspective and process chains have been ana- Materials utilised in cutting tools have to meet a different
lysed and redesigned to minimise throughput times. The set of requirements than those used in general engineer-
trend in recent years has been towards integrated proc- ing construction applications. Important criteria, in addition
esses. For example, by replacing grinding with hard turn- to the dimensional quality in terms of size and shape, are
ing, process steps can be eliminated [6]. The requirement the mechanical properties of the cutting material, for ex-
for integrated processes place new and demanding chal- ample high hardness and toughness at elevated tempera-
lenges on the design and technology of the cutting proc- tures. The toughness is indicated by the critical stress
esses. intensity factor, which describes the stress concentration
required at the end of a crack to extend that crack. In
In parallel, it is also necessary to consider the technologi- choosing the materials for cutting applications the me-
cal and economic developments associated with the ma- chanical characteristics may not only be regarded at am-
chine tool which have taken place in order to achieve bient temperature. Their behaviour must be considered as
these cutting speeds and the high level of productivity a function of the temperature (Figure 8). Good thermal
demanded. Figure 7 demonstrates how the cycle time for shock resistance is an important characteristic of suitable
machining one model workpiece can be reduced by about cutting materials [10].
50% in five systematic optimisation steps [7].
8000 bides, limitations concerning the feed rate are evident.
Due to their properties, cermets are the link between the

steel BN hard brittle ceramic cutting tools and the tough, but less
MPa tungsten wear resistant, cemented carbides [14, 15, 16].
4000 CN
steel carbide

2000 CA
2000 tool steel HW
0 For cutting tools, two kinds of ceramic composite materi-
Ti(C,N)-Ni,Mo 0 400 800 °C 1200
stellite Temperature als are used, which can be differentiated according to the
1000 PD
matrix materials. Aluminum oxide, commonly referred to
MD as alumina, possesses strong ionic interatomic bonding
500 Al2O3
TiC B4C super-hard giving rise to it’s desirable material characteristics. It can
materials exist in several crystalline phases which all revert to the
500 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 9000 most stable hexagonal alpha phase at elevated tempera-
hardness HV
tures. It can be combined with hard materials like car-
bides, in order to change the mechanical properties of the
Figure 8: Toughness and hardness of cutting materials.
matrix [17].
Carbides On the other hand, silicon nitride is used. Silicon nitride
Carbides are made by powder metallurgy methods using has good high temperature strength, creep resistance and
metallic hard materials (primarily carbides) and tough oxidation resistance. In addition, its low thermal expansion
metals of the iron group (binders). The most common hard coefficient gives good thermal shock resistance compared
metal is tungsten carbide (WC), which is made by sinter- with most ceramic materials. Silicon nitride is produced in
ing (at high temperature) a combination of tungsten car- three main types: Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride
bide powder with powdered cobalt (Co). Two parameters, (RBSN), Hot Pressed Silicon Nitride (HPSN) and Sintered
namely the ratio of Co to WC and the WC particle size, Silicon Nitride (SSN) [18].
control the material properties [11]. Precursor ceramics are monomers or polymers containing
Specifying a large WC particle size and a high percentage all the elements to be present in the final materials. The
of Cobalt yields a high shock resistance and high impact idea behind this approach is to carry out changes at the
strength. The finer the WC grain size (and therefore the atomic level, which in turn, change the properties of the
more WC surface area that has to be coated with Cobalt), material. In contrast with conventional ceramic
the less Cobalt is used and the harder and more wear- processing, ceramic precursors can be processed at low
resistant the material becomes. The most significant new temperatures [19].
development to increase hardness in the case of the WC- SiC whisker-reinforced ceramic composites are an innova-
Co carbides are the submicron and ultra-fine grained tion that have come into prominence for potential struc-
alloys with WC grain sizes of 0.5 - 0.8 µm and tural applications because of the significant improvements
0.2 - 0.5 µm, with a respective cobalt content of 6 –16% in the mechanical properties of these materials. SiC
by mass. Unlike standard materials, all the fine powder whiskers used for reinforcement are discontinuous, rod- or
particles have more or less a round shape which has a needle-shaped fibres in the size range of 0.1 to 1 µm in
favourable influence not only on uniformity of the as- diameter and 5 to 100 µm in length. For example the
sintered microstructure but also on compactability. incorporation of SiC whiskers into alumina ceramics re-
One of the latest developments in the field of carbides is a sults in an increasing strength, fracture toughness, ther-
functional gradient in near-surface areas of cutting tools mal conductivity, thermal shock resistance and high tem-
leading to functional gradient carbides. Such a functional perature creep resistance. Because they are nearly single
gradient is a specific smoothly varying distribution of crystals, the whiskers typically have very high tensile
phases and/or element composition to provide a highly strengths (up to 7 GPa) and elastic modulus values (up to
resistant surface region which withstands the cutting tool 550 GPa).
and workpiece interaction at high temperatures and which Boron Nitride
smoothly attains the microstructure of the carbide [11].
There exist different crystal forms of boron nitride: Graph-
Cermets ite-like, more commonly referred to as hexagonal boron
The growing importance of dry machining has given new nitride is known for its soft and lubricating qualities, con-
impetus to the development of cermets. In principle cer- trasted to the cubic structure (CBN) which is hard and
mets have a similar microstructure to conventional car- abrasive and used for cutting tools. CBN has the same
bides. They contain various hard material particles in a structure as diamond and its properties mirror those of
binder matrix of cobalt and nickel. The hard material com- diamond. Indeed CBN is the second hardest material next
ponents do not consist of WC and (Ti,Ta,W)C but of car- to diamond. CBN, a synthetic material that is composed of
bonitrides of titanium (Ti) with different proportions of cubic boron nitride grain and special ceramic binder, has
tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W) and sometimes molybdenum excellent features such as high hardness and less chemi-
(Mo) [1, 12]. cal wear resistance up to temperatures of 1400 °C [20]. It
shows great performance for high-speed finish turning of
In the microstructure of conventional carbides the mixed hardened material and grey cast iron.
carbides of titanium are rounded and the tungsten car-
bides angular. The cermet microstructure displays exclu- Diamond
sively rounded carbonitrides of titanium, and these hard Natural diamonds consist of carbon. The different colours
material particles have characteristic core-rim structure. originate by inclusions of pigments. Monocrystalline Dia-
The toughness of nitrogen-containing cermets is com- mond (MCD) is the hardest material. This hardness is
parable with that of conventional carbides. The oxidation caused by the specific atomic grid structure in the crystal.
resistance is outstanding [12, 13].
Diamond can be manufactured by a synthesis under ex-
The advantages of cermets are the high hardness values treme high pressure and temperature. Because of their
at elevated temperatures that enable high cutting speeds higher toughness polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are
and the chemical stability which effects high wear resis- preferred to monocrystalline diamond tools for cutting
tance as well as good surface quality of the workpiece. As applications [21].
cermets are less tough than WC-based cemented car-
Diamond provides an impressive combination of chemical, Micro blasting can minimise this effect by loading high
physical and mechanical properties; e.g. low coefficient of compressive stresses in the substrate before coating.
friction and thermal expansion, high strength and resis- The application of fine grinding wheels produces smoother
tance to chemical corrosion. But diamond also has limita- surfaces that minimise the amount of smeared bond mate-
tions. It is meta stable at room temperature and pressure, rial required. On the other hand, the application of coarse
forming a black coat when heated to above 600°C in oxy- grinding wheels leads to high compressive stress in the
gen. Due to the chemical affinity of carbon and iron, the subsurface. Both contribute to an increase of the adhesive
machining of ferrous materials by diamond results in high strength of the coating (Figure 10) [24].
wear rates.
The poor machinability of WC-carbides influences the
2.2 Cutting Tool Manufacture surface quality attained by the grinding processes during
The quality of coated tools is influenced by various fac- the tool manufacturing process. In particular, the interface
tors. These factors themselves are influenced by the strength of PVD-coatings depends on the surface proper-
method of manufacture of the tool substrate. In order to ties of the substrate. The residual stress state and the
understand the mechanisms by which the coating is ap- surface roughness has been taken into account. Whereas
plied, the entire manufacturing process must be consid- in wet machining the interface strength of PVD-coated
ered. carbide tools are sufficient, in dry machining variations of
interface quality cause distinct differences in tool life.
Between the single process steps, technological interac- Because of high interface loads in dry cutting processes,
tions determine the output-values of one step and the deposited PVD-coatings chip off (including the adhered
input-values of the following step. The sintered material binder phase). Superior wear behaviour in dry machining
passes through many different processes up to the fin- was observed as a result of using adapted grinding condi-
ished tool. During the grinding process the geometry and tions in the tool manufacturing process.
the surface characteristics are determined. Likewise the
grinding process affects the subsurface characteristics 0,5
D10 D25 D46
such as the residual stress state. Figure 9 illustrates the cutting time T = 10 min

width of wear land VB B

relative costs of each of the powder metallurgical tool emulsion
processing stages. It is obvious, that both the grinding and 0,3 B
mineral oil
coating processes incur the highest costs [10].


ground micro blasted ground micro blasted ground micro blasted
grinding: grinding wheels: turning: substrate:
cup grinding wheel D46, 25, 10 16MnCr5 WC-based carbide P25
vc = 20 m/s f = 0,1 mm
Pre- vfa = 4..16 mm/min grinding coolant: ap = 1,0 mm coating:
V’w = 500 mm 3/mm emulsion 4% vc = 500 m/min (Ti,Al)N, s = 3 µm
treatment Figure 10: Influence of tool grinding on the cutting per-
formance in turning.
The market share of coated tools is increasing continu-
ously, since the metal working industry is constantly call-
ing for more effective machining processes [25]. For op-
Figure 9: Manufacturing process of powder metallurgical erations with a geometrically defined cutting edge, this
tools. means higher cutting speeds, high removal rates, dry
cutting wherever possible and a high process reliability.
Thermal and mechanical loads in grinding during tool
Also, new materials with great design potential often
manufacturing influence the roughness, the topography as
cause machining problems. This means increasing de-
well as the surface integrity of the substrate. By the meas-
mands on tools regarding mechanical, thermal and
urement of the residual stresses in the substrate, these
chemical resistance. The advancement of the coating
influences of the grinding process can be detected. Gen-
technology leads to the fact that in particular the market
erally high compressive residual stress is induced by the
share of new improved and also complex coatings will
mechanical effect of the grinding process. The thermal
strongly increase in the coming years. Special attention,
load caused by friction in the grinding operation leads to
however, must be given to the cutting edge radius, which
tensile residual stress and counteracts the compressive
is dependent on the coating thickness [26]. A thin coating
residual stress in the substrate. The residual stress distri-
thickness, leads to strongly negative face angles. In
bution is an important factor in the following coating proc-
Figure 11 the basic structures of different coating con-
ess [22].
cepts are represented.
The coating adhesion investigations are undertaken by
turning tests with coated tools. Turning tests with a cutting solid solution graded layer meta stable nano crystalline, multilayer
hardened coating multiphase coatings
time of T = 10 min are undertaken. Improved coating coatings systems coatings
adhesion of samples ground with the D25 grinding wheel e.g. Ti(C,N) e.g. WC->TiC->TiN e.g. (Ti,Al)N) e.g. (TiB2 /TiC) e.g. TiB2 /TiC
indicates the positive effect of varying grinding parame-
heteropolar ~50-1000
ters. Furthermore the tools ground with the D25 grinding twice solid
wheel exhibited very low wear levels, see Figure 10. The solution covalent
tools ground with oil show a smaller wear land, than the metallic structure
tools ground with emulsion. Compressive residual
stresses that are induced into the substrate by the grind-
ing process are slightly reduced by the residual stresses
+ hardness +adhesion + hot hardness + hot hardness + hot hardness
inherent in the PVD (physical vapour deposition) coating. + hot hardness +chemical + oxidation + toughness + toughness
When using the cutting tools in turning applications, the stability and corrosion + tribological + tribological
resistence properties multifunctions
compressive stress in the subsurface of the substrate is
reduced by tensile stresses induced in the process. A
Figure 11: Structure of Coatings.
failure in the substrate itself is the consequence [23].
Coated carbides are proven for machining of non-ferrous these advantages PVD-processes gained more impor-
metals, nickel based alloys and for austenitic and ferritic tance in coating of cutting tools in the last 15 years.
stainless steels. The number of the possible layer combi-
nations is almost unlimited. The importance of titanium Self-lubricating coatings
based tool coatings in machining has also been docu- In many cases, self-lubricating coatings (soft coatings) are
mented [27]. applied to tools for dry machining operations nowadays.
Multi-layer coatings enable the generation of more favour- Friction and process heat can be reduced [30]. Soft coat-
able characteristic combinations. For example, TiC can be ings on MoS2-base as well as on diamond like carbon
applied with good adhesion on a tough tungsten carbide. It (DLC) show good results. Figure 12 shows the wear be-
reduces abrasive wear because of its high hardness. haviour of the cutting edge of (Ti,Al)N-coated and
Ti(C,N)-coatings can be structured on TiC with uniform (Ti,Al)N+ a-C-coated drills. a-C-coatings belong to the
transition of the proportions up to pure TiN. The nitride is class of diamond-like carbons. The matrix consists of
chemically slow-acting and prevents diffusion and oxida- carbon, which is the reason for the good tribological prop-
tion wear. Furthermore, its inclination to adhere is rela- erties. The metallic component consists of at most
tively small and this lowers the adhesion wear. (Ti, Al)N 5 – 15 at % W, Ta or Nb.
shows advantages at high process temperatures and The development of the tool wear can be divided into two
forms a thin passive layer at the tool surface, which pre- phases. In the first phase, the running in period, the drills
vents a fast progressing diffusion or oxidation wear. The show a rapidly increasing tool wear. In the second phase,
hardness of (Ti, Al)N at elevated temperatures is much the wear rate declines but is continuously increasing over
higher than any other common hard coatings [27]. High the tool path lf.
ionisation pulsing processes currently allow the coating of operation : drilling
non-conducting nitrides with a high content of oxidelayer material : Ck45
0.12 drilling depth : 2.5 x D, blind hole
forming elements, for example (Al, Ti)N supernitride coat- cutting speed : vc = 80 m/min

width of flank wear VB

feed rate : f = 0.16 mm
ings with more than 65 mol% AlN. mm
(Ti,Al)N tool life criteria : Lf = 20 m, VB = 0.3 mm
radial run out : ∆r < 7 µm
Intermediate ceramic layers can furthermore modify sub- 0.08 0.3 mm cooling : dry
tool : twist drill D = 8.5 mm
stantially the tool-chip interface behaviour and thus the 0.06 type N
dissipation of frictional heat between sliding materials [28]. 0.04
geometry A
CVD-diamond (chemical vapour deposition) thick layer 0.02
9% Co
coatings have yielded very good results in recent time for
the machining of non-ferrous materials. They show an 5 10 15 m
0.3 mm
tool path l f
excellent resistance against abrasive wear and thermal
loads and boron doping improves the thermal resistance. Figure 12: Wear performance of soft coated drills.
The fundamental problem of the CVD-diamond thin layer
coatings is the coating adhesion process. Furthermore the The (Ti,AI)N-coating shows the highest wear rate in the
coating surface roughness is high. A main effort to im- first phase. After a tool path of lf = 4 m the width of flank
prove the performance of CVD-diamond coatings nowa- wear if using (Ti,Al)N-coated tools is 40 µm compared to
days concentrates on the improvement of the coating 25 µm if using (Ti,Al)N+WC/C-coated tools. The soft coat-
adhesion [21]. Also, smooth diamond coatings are in de- ing shows a measurable relief of the tool in the first phase.
velopment and show good results. [29] In the second phase, both tools show a similar increase of
Tool wear results from friction and thermal loads in the the width of the flank wear. Here, the soft coating shows
contact zone between chip and tool. By applying a hard no further influence on the wear behaviour. For drills,
coating, the frictional behaviour between chip and tool is further advantages of soft coatings can be found in a
influenced. The friction is reduced by the coating, which better chip removal, since the reduced friction in the chip
has the consequence that the chip can glide faster over flutes prevent a stacking of the chips. The effect of an
the tool. Thereby a smaller contact zone between chip and improved performance of the tool during the running in
work piece develops. This has as the consequence that period is also reported with a PFPE layer on a TiN coating
the smaller contact length reduces the thermal loading on [31].
the tool. Now it is possible by CVD and PCVD techniques to syn-
thesise new multi-component and multi-phase coatings for
Requirements and influences on properties of coated tools cemented carbide inserts and tools. These coatings in-
Several properties of the layer-substrate system are re- clude carbonitrides, nitrides and oxides of titanium, zirco-
quired to achieve a high wear resistance as well as a high nium, hafnium and aluminium [25].
process safety in cutting. The substrate determines
geometry and toughness of the tool whereas the tribologi- 2.3 Cutting tool design
cal properties depend on the layer characteristics. The The improvement of cutting tools was mainly achieved in
intermediate zone between coating and substrate, called the past by an optimisation of macro geometry and an
interface, determines the film adhesion. increased performance of cutting tool material and coat-
The requirements on coatings for wear protection in cut- ings. Modern tool design considers detailed and special-
ting are a high hardness and a sufficient toughness. Fur- ized geometries for each cutting application. A trend is to
thermore, reduced tribological interactions to the work- realise different cutting processes with a single tool (e.g.
piece material have to be achieved at the surface of the stepdrills, drilling-hoist-mill, etc.).
coating. Several coating technologies offer the possibility In addition to defining the tool macro geometry, it is nec-
to deposit various coating compositions as well as coating essary to adapt the cutting tool material and coating sys-
structures. Nowadays it is mainly CVD-processes that are tem for each special application. Thus, the trend toward
used for deposition of tool coatings. Disadvantages of the customised tooling is underway. The optimisation of cut-
CVD-technology are high thermal loads imparted to the ting tools regarding the macro geometry is advanced to a
substrate as well as the thermal stresses in the interface considerable degree. Due to the expanding know-how, the
due to high temperatures during deposition (T > 800°C). geometry of the tools is varied within very close toler-
Characteristics of PVD-processes are low substrate tem- ances. The conflicting aims for optimising the tool
peratures during deposition (300°C < T < 500°C) as well geometry consists essentially of a rigid tool design that
as a great flexibility of possible target materials. Due to enables the removal of large sized chips. Substantial
increases of the performance of cutting tools can be only smaller feed rates especially for the finishing operations.
achieved by the sensible manipulation of the defined cut- The machining forces can be reduced with an unevenly
ting edge geometry. In the past, the cutting edge chamfered cutting edge. Thus increased quality of the
geometry was defined by presence of an arc or the size of workpiece surface can be obtained and the tool life can be
the radius. Further investigations show that it is absolutely increased. The investigations show that a characterisation
necessary to give a more detailed view of the cutting edge of the cutting edge geometry using only the chamfer ra-
geometry [32]. dius rβ is not sufficient.
The aim of optimising cutting edge geometry is to improve 1,25 process:
A B orthogonal turning
the surface quality of sharp edges. These are very sus- f = 0,05 mm process parameter:

ceptible to wear. The cutting edge is prepared by an addi- f = 0,1 mm
vc = 250 m/min, f = var

relative cutting force

1,15 workpiece material: Ck45 N
tional production process (brushing, blasting, etc.) after f = 0,2 mm cutting material: HW-K10
tool geometry:
grinding to improve the quality of the surface and the tool 1,1
C insert: WSP - SNGN 1204
life. Beside the improvement of the surface quality a pur- 1,05
posefully designed cutting edge enables the possibility to 1
6° 90° -6° 90° 0°
cutting edge:
affect the chip formation thereby achieving reduced cut- 0
ϕ ∆r Sα Sγ
ting forces and a better workpiece quality. 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 grad° 25 var. 10µm var. var.
angle ϕ coolant: none
A systematic investigation requires a characterisation of A B C D
Sα 20 µm
the defined shapes of the cutting edge geometry. Former

cutting edge
flank face ϕ
characterisation took place by defining only the cutting ϕ

edge radius rβ. This description of the cutting edge Sγ rake face
geometry is not sufficient, because the shape does not ϕ = -13,5° ϕ = 0° ϕ = 13,5° ϕ = 21°

resemble an arc of a circle. Moreover, the same radii can

be measured with apparently different forms. So far there Figure 14: Cutting edge geometry and cutting forces.
are no standardised instructions, how the cutting edge The new introduced parameters enable a practical charac-
radius should be measured in case of different shapes. terisation of the cutting edge geometries. A defined cutting
Four new characterisation parameters are introduced: ∆r, edge geometry is necessary for an effective machining
ϕ, Sγ, Sα [32] (Figure 13). These parameters enable a process with reduced tool wear and improved surface
better characterisation of uneven shapes of the cutting quality of the workpiece.
rake face
The individual industrial branches drive the specific de-
flank face flank face
mands for new innovations using the differing engineering
untreated cutting edge chamfered cutting edge materials. In particular in the automotive and the aero-
measuring measurement parameter space sectors, the use of light weight, energy saving ma-
terials play a vital role for structural components, housings
feed motion sharp cutting edge
caliper 19° and drive system components. The continuing generation

∆r Sα of new material types feeds the demand for low-density
R25µm flank face contour −ϕ materials with high strength and easy manufacturability.
Material removal rates for different processes and work-
rake face
rake face flank face piece materials are summarised in double logarithmic
insert prism form in Figure 15.
Figure 13: Characterisation of the cutting edge geometry. processes:
50CrV4V AlCuMgPb
The value ∆r describes the size of the chamfer shape, the mm2 Q
angle ϕ the shift of the cut point either to the rake face - or 8
24CrNiMo6B 0
to the flank face, the parameter Sγ and Sα the sharp or chilled castiron(59 HRC) cm
obtuse run of the curve to the rake- or the flank-face re- 6 25CrMo4B

spectively. These parameters can be automatically deter- Q

chip section a x f

4 17CrNiMo6 W
mined with the help of a measurement program. TiAl6V4
16MnCr5 15
It should be considered that the ray-tracer possesses a 2
sufficiently small nose angle, in order to be able to flaw- 9SMn28 AlCuMgPb
42CrMo4V Inconel
lessly scan different chamfer geometries with different 1
Cf53 GG(240 HB)
G-AlSi Ck45N
wedge angles. For the measurement the cutting edge is 0.8
cm ST50-2 16MnCrS5
aligned on a prism, and the chamfer is scanned with the 0.6 Cf53 (69 HRC) 3
G-Cu GG30
calliper. Primary investigations in cutting tests in orthogo- 0.4
nal turning show strong dependencies of these parame- St70-2

ters (Figure 14). 0.2

chilled castiron GD-AlSi AlCuMgPb

For these cutting tests, different chamfer geometries are AlZnMgCu1,5 GK-AlSi AlSi
case hardening steel
prepared and tested in orthogonal turning. The results 0.1 (63 HRC)

show that in spite of a constant parameter ∆r there is no 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 m/min 10000
linear run of the curve. In each case an even chamfer cutting speed vc
geometry with ϕ = 0 causes the highest cutting forces. It is
shown that for all the uneven chamfer geometries - Figure 15: Material removal rates for a range of materials
whether in a positive or negative direction - smaller cutting and cutting processes [33].
forces result. The deviation of the machining forces with
varying angles is larger for smaller feed rates than for The material removal rate which is the main target for
higher ones. It should be considered that there is an in- optimisation of a high performance cutting process is
creased influence of the cutting edge geometry with calculated by the chip section and the cutting speed. The
possibility of adjusting these variables is strongly depend-
ent on the combination of cutting technology and machin- cracks in the shear zone represent the most important
ing task. The rates lie primarily in the range phenomena initiating localised shearing [39]. In the litera-
Qw = 150 to 1500 cm3/min for the majority of materials. As ture different theories exist concerning crack growth.
can be expected, modern manufacturing research seeks Crack initiation and crack growth are subject to tempera-
to push this trend toward higher material removal rates. ture distribution, stress distribution, strain and strain rate
The increase of the material removal rate is a function of in the work area as well being dependent on time and
both the specific characteristic of the cutting technology location. Crack initiation and crack growth are influenced
and the work-piece material properties. Figure 16 gives an by the location dependent thermo-mechanical loads [6].
indication of achievable cutting speeds. Workpiece material: Cutting material: Cutting conditions:
100 Cr 6 V CBN Vc = 140 m/min
fiber rein- (61 HRC) (DNGA 1506125-L1) F = 0.08 mm
forced plastics ap = 0.2 mm
drilling 600
conv. vc copper
broaching HSC copper alloys MPa VB = 0 µm

Residual stresses
reaming casting 5 µm
circ. sawing
steel 0
-200 VB = 200 µm
cutting speed -400 5 µm
cluster high very high extremly Ni-based alloy
high -600
1 10 100 1000 m/min 105 106 10 100 m/min 103 0 40 80 120 160 µm 240 Microstructure
Distance from the surface of rim zone

Figure 16: Achievable cutting speeds [34]. Figure 17: Residual stress and surface layer effects after
Today the HSC process is mainly realised in the area of hard turning [40].
aluminium and manganese machining. These work-piece A more recent development is the application of the bur-
materials cause relatively low mechanical and thermal nishing process following hard turning, which can be im-
load on the cutting tool. For example, front milling of man- plemented on the same machine tool as that used for the
ganese is performed dry with a cutting speed up to turning process. In this process a hydrostatically sup-
vc = 4000 m/min and a feed to vf = 60 m/min. The further ported ceramic ball is pressed against the machined sur-
tool development made it possible to increase cutting face. The feed of the ball permits the burnishing of the
speed and feed rate for drilling and reaming operations up entire surface. The pressure applied by the hydrostatic
to vc = 500 m/min (drilling) / vc = 1500 m/min (reaming) bearing system dictates the force with which the operation
and feed rate to f =0,9 mm. takes place. High contact stresses can be obtained
In the case of grinding processes typically a QW of the through this plastic deformation process which smoothes
order of 200 up to 2500 cm3/min can be achieved. With the roughness peaks, increases the hardness of the sur-
respect to the cutting speed vC, the process window in face layer and induces high compressive residual stresses
grinding is pushed toward comparably higher speeds of (Figure 18). All effects improve component life [40].
between 1200 up to 15000 m/min. However, in grinding
Workpiece Material: Cutting Material: Rolling Conditions:
the material removal rate QW depends to a large extent on 100Cr6 V CBN Ball= ∅ 6 mm
the active width of the grinding wheel and, hence, on the (61 HRC) (DNGA 1506125-L1) pr= 40 Mpa
fr = 0.10 mm
geometry of the component.
Some of the important developments for a range of differ- Hard Turned (VB = 200 µm)
MPa 1
ent workpiece materials are now given detailed considera-
Residual Stresses

Hard Turned (VB = 200 µm) µm


tion. These include hardened steels, leaded and calcium 0


treated steels, cast materials, lightweight materials, and -400

0 40 80 µm 160
aerospace materials. The ultra-precision machining of Hard Turned (VB = 200 µm) Hard Turned + Roller Burnished
-800 + Roller Burnished 1
ductile and brittle materials is not addressed in this paper.

-1200 0
3.1 Cutting of Hardened Steels -1600 -1
0 40 80 120 160 µm 240 0 40 80 µm 160
The functional behaviour of machined parts is strongly Distance from the Surface
Measuring Length
influenced by the fine finishing processes which represent Surface Profile
the final step in many process chains [6, 35, 36]. High
flexibility and the ability to manufacture complex work- Figure 18: Surface layer effects due to roller burnishing
piece geometries in a single set-up are among the main [40].
advantages of hard turning over grinding. The residual
stress values on the subsurface of the workpiece are 3.2 Cutting of Leaded and Calcium Treated Steels
mainly influenced by the friction between the workpiece
For decades, low levels of lead have been added to free
material and the tool tip. With an increasing flank wear
cutting and engineering steels with the objective of im-
friction and consequently thermal load to the part surface
proving their machinability. In recent years the use of lead
is rising – a new tool cutting edge induces compressive
has become undesirable for environmental reasons.
residual stresses to the part subsurface, whereas a pro-
Hence, there is considerable interest in the development
gressively worn tool tip causes tensile residual stresses
of materials with alternative machinability enhancers.
and the appearance of a ‘white layer’ with an extremely
Accordingly, there are many demands on the new addi-
fine microstructure (Figure 17).
tives as they must not diminish the machining perform-
High hydrostatic pressure is found to be the most impor- ance. Lead is not soluble in steel and is distributed in a
tant physical quantity for the plastic deformation of hard- fine dispersive manner in the material. In low carbon free
ened ferrous materials which is essential for manufactur- cutting steels, lead accumulates at the manganese sul-
ing technical surfaces [37, 38]. Localised shearing occurs phides. König [41] studied the influence of non-metallic
and results in segmented chip formation. Local thermal inclusions on the machinability of steels. The small lead
softness, crack initiation in the free surface and micro- inclusions cause an embrittlement of the workpiece mate-
rial at the local cutting temperatures and they are believed characteristics result not only from the altered graphite
to act as an internal lubricant [42]. The friction in the con- form, but in particular due to the reduced sulphur content
tact zone between work piece and tool is lowered, which and the incorporated hard metal particles such as TiC. In
leads to reduced heat generation during cutting (Figure this regard, the wear minimising MnS layers are no longer
179). formed. Also, the utilisation of other hard metal cutting
materials bring no clear advantage. For this reason, cur-
rent transfer scenarios utilise only conventional cutting
σ Ca-aluminate speeds. Tools with multiple cutting edges must be utilised
in order to reach the required process cycle times [47, 48].
τ τ
Al Ca Turning of CGI with CBN Turning of ADI with carbide HC-K10
f = 0.3 mm; ap= 0.3 mm f = 0.2 mm; a=p 1 mm
ϑ ϑ
layer 20 60
SGI 400
km min
CGI 25 ADI 900

Tool life

Tool life
layer formation in - friction - abrasion SGI 700
machining - forces - adhesion
- temperatures - diffusion 15
calcium treated steel 4 CGI 40

0 0
Figure 19: Layer formation in machining calcium treated 0 100 200 300 400 m/min 700 100 180 260 340 m/min420
Cutting speed vc Cutting speed vc
steels [43].
A reduction of cutting temperatures up to 30% compared Figure 21: Demands on the cutting process in the turning
to unleaded steel can be achieved [44]. Cutting forces are of CGI and ADI [46, 47].
reduced, and tool life is enhanced (Figure 1720). Further,
Austempered Ductile Iron is a further development of
additions of lead improve surface quality and chip break-
conventional globular cast iron. The unusual combination
age. Latest investigations regarding the substitution of
of high strength, high ductility and high toughness results
lead deal with the comparison of tin, bismuth and sulphur
from a special heat treatment mechanism, entitled
additions and the resulting machinability. Both the plain
Austempering. The primary reason for the excellent me-
and the leaded steels act as a benchmark in this case.
chanical properties of ADI is its fine structured austenite-
Admittedly, not only the machining performance has to be
ferrite basis grain structure – also known as Ausferrite.
evaluated but also the component behaviour needs to be
The austenite present in this grain structure is stabilised
taken into account. Furthermore, metallurgy plays a dis-
by the typical high carbon content of cast irons. It is also
tinct role, as only an optimised desoxidation methodology
free of the carbides that are present in steels which un-
can guarantee the desired sulphide types and soft oxide
dergo the same heat treatment. As a result, the improved
inclusions [45].
mechanical properties of ADI require machining develop-
ment. High strength, high abrasive wear characteristics
and a high ductility lead to significantly increased me-
Ca S
width of wear land VB

0.5 chanical and thermal loading close to the cutting edge of

Untreated the machining tool. In the case of dry turning with K10-
hardmetal tools, this leads to explicit crater wear. Typical
cutting speeds used in the case of conventional globular
Ca-treated cast irons (e.g. over 200 m/min) must as a result be re-
300 µm
1 2 4 6 10 20 100 duced to approximately 140 – 180 m/min. Significant
cutting time tc process tuning must also be undertaken in the case of
material : 38MnSiVS5 tool material : HC-P15 drilling, tapping and gun drilling. The increased material
cutting speed
: SNMG 120408
: vc = 250 m/min
coating : Ti(C,N)/Al2 O 3 /TiN
: f = 0.32 mm
load associated with ADI leads to reduced tool life (Figure
depth of cut : ap = 2.5 mm coolant : dry 17). In the case of drilling, for example, drill geometry
must be optimised. Conventional drills achieve only 10%
Figure 20: Influence of calcium treatment on tool life in of the tool life of these optimised drills [47].
turning with coated carbides [45]. 3.4 Cutting of Lightweight Materials
3.3 Cutting of Cast Materials Aluminium
In recent years the development of new cast iron materials Aluminium materials, in the form of cast and wrought
has been seen to offer greater competition to other mate- alloys, have a wide variety of applications both in small-to-
rials and make cast iron a contender for components not medium volume production and mass production. Due its
traditionally manufactured from this material. Two newer low density and excellent recycling potential, the demand
materials that form a major part of these recent develop- for aluminium in the transport industry is increasing [49].
ments are Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) and Austem- Technically, the most important alloying elements are
pered Ductile Iron (ADI) whereby CGI and ADI offer sig- silicon, magnesium, zinc and copper. A silicon alloy con-
nificantly higher strengths in the fields of cast irons pos- tent of 12.5% defines the Eutectic point in this material
sessing lamellar graphite and globular graphite structures system. Due to the bandwidth of the utilised alloying ele-
respectively. ments, the machinability of the aluminium alloy depends
Compacted Graphite Iron is a suitable material for engine on the alloy composition and the associated grain struc-
blocks in high performance diesel engines. In addition to ture (e.g. heat treatment) of the material. The various
the higher machining power requirements, the machining material categories such as wrought alloys, hypo-eutectic
of CGI requires further development of the machining and hyper-eutectic cast alloys differ significantly in their
strategies used for conventional laminar cast irons. Typi- mechanical properties. The extremely high tendency of
cal HSC processes such as the drilling of engine cylinders aluminium to adhere during cutting presents a significant
using a single edge CBN tool are no longer feasible due to risk that can lead to tool breakage [50]. Long, ductile
the dramatically reduced tool life. Changes in the wear chips, that complicate the machining process, are formed
regardless of the cutting tool geometry chosen. The use of Fibre- and particle-reinforced aluminiums (Al-MMC, Alu-
cutting fluids is unavoidable in the case of these materials. minium-Metal Matrix Composite materials) play a special
The influence of workpiece material on the chip formation role due to the method of manufacture. It is possible in the
under high speed cutting conditions (HSC) when turning case of numerous aluminium alloys to improve the mate-
pure aluminium Al99.5 and the aluminium alloy rial strength and thermal properties significantly by the
AlZnMgCu1.5 was investigated by Brinksmeier et al. [51]. introduction of ceramic particles (e.g. SiC or Al2O3-fibres)
[55]. Technically these materials are characterised not as
Magnesium aluminium alloys but rather as aluminium based compos-
Magnesium has been rediscovered as a material for light- ite materials. In this regard, it is the method in which the
weight construction, mainly driven by the automotive in- reinforcement is introduced, the respective material type
dustry. Typical applications are gear housings, steering and the form that have the greatest influence on the ma-
wheel cores, seat frames, lock housings, cross car beams chinability. In addition to the mixing of reinforcement mate-
and other parts produced by die-casting. It is predicted rial with the aluminium alloy, there exists the possibility to
that the number of magnesium die castings will double produce these composite materials using a powder metal
between 1998 and 2008 [52]. Magnesium die-castings approach. The result is a considerable difference in the
exhibit good machinability. Magnesium materials such as machinability of these materials that is dependent on the
alloy AZ91hp, are practically free of abrasive particles and hardness and the distribution of the reinforcement in the
possess very little susceptibility to adhesion with the cut- material matrix [56].
ting tool surfaces. The result is low cutting tool wear. High Due to the intensity of the two main wear mechanisms,
cutting speed, vc = 4000 to 6000 m/min and feeds per wear and adhesion (Figure 1722), diamond based cutting
tooth up to fz = 0.6 mm in face milling can be applied, materials are the only economical cutting alternatives for
provided the thin walled castings have sufficient rigidity. In the machining of these materials. Tool wear resulting from
drilling, cutting speeds up to vc = 1000 m/min and feeds chemical or tribological mechanisms is relatively low in
as high as f = 0.8 mm are possible. Finishing operations this case. The reason for this is the low temperatures
like reaming can also be performed at very high cutting generated in the machining process (melt-temperature of
speeds greater than vc = 1500 m/min, provided the stabil- AlSi7Mg
ity of the components and the reamers allow for such υ = 557...613°C) [57]. Similarly in the case of machining
conditions. The cutting forces in machining magnesium high content silicon alloys, CVD diamond coated tools
are about 30% smaller as compared with hypo-eutectic present a potentially high tool life due to the missing bind-
aluminium alloys. All cutting operations produce short ing phase.
breaking chips. The reason for this is the HCP lattice
structure of the magnesium crystal, which only offers the HW-K10 PCD-Diamond (s d = 20 µm) machine tool:
base plane for slip under shear stress at room tempera- n = 16.000 min -1
a =1g
ture. At temperatures greater than 220 °C twelve addi- vf max = 60 m/min
tional planes are activated. This intrinsic material behav- tool:
Major flank
iour results in the formation of chips with pronounced end mill
lamella structure on the upper side and a coherent film on d = 10 mm
the bottom side. 200 µm 200 µm
cutting parameters:
The first choice cutting material for magnesium is poly- vc = 500 m/min
crystalline diamond, PCD, not because of wear, but rather fz = 0.12 mm
ap = 5 mm
because of the extremely long tool life attainable and the ae = d = 10 mm
accompanying consistent surface- and dimensional quality Aa2124 + 18% SiC
rake emulsion
of the machined components. For complicated shaped 200 µm 200 µm
tools like end mills, twist drills, taps or thread milling cut- lf = 4.8 m lf = 54 m
ters fine grained cemented carbide grades, K10F-20F, are
used. Dry cutting of magnesium is under development.
Two main items are to be addressed, safety and thermal Figure 22: Tool wear in the end milling of particle rein-
control of the processes [53]. forced wrought alloys [58].

3.5 Cutting of Aerospace Materials

Composite Materials For the classical turbine materials titanium and nickel
The cutting of composite materials was given specific alloys, the high performance cutting tool materials fine
treatment in the CIRP keynote paper 2002 [54]. Cutting of grained tungsten carbides, whisker reinforced ceramics,
composites differs in many respects from the cutting of SiAlON, polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and polycrystalline
conventional material and their alloys. In cutting compos- cubic boron nitride allow an enormous increase in the
ites, the material behaviour is not only non-homogenous, material removal rates and in productivity [59]. Figure 23
but it depends on the diverse properties of the reinforce- shows the range of materials in modern turbine manufac-
ment and matrix materials. The tool encounters continu- ture. The titanium-alumnides and the titanium metal matrix
ously alternate matrix and reinforcement materials whose composites place new demands on the cutting processes.
response to the cutting process can be entirely different. The cutting of these materials is difficult due to the low
The fibre type, the reinforcement architecture and the thermal conductivity, the brittle nature of the material and
matrix content are the most important factors governing the high chemical affinity to all known cutting tool materi-
tool selection and the cutting parameters that can be als [60]. Drilling tests using HSS have exhibited rapid
adopted. In the case of glass fibre reinforced plastics blunting of the cutting edges resulting in extremely low
(GFRP) and carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP), it is cutting distances to reach tool life (in the millimetre range).
the cutting tool materials that dominate the tool selection. Using tungsten carbide drills (ISO HW-K10/K20) optimal
In the case of aramid fibre reinforced plastics it is the tool cutting distances to reach the tool life could be obtained
geometry that is the most significant factor in the choice of with a feed of f = 0.033 mm and a cutting speed of vc = 7 –
cutting tool. The hardness of the glass and more espe- 10 m/min. With increasing drill diameter the cutting dis-
cially, of the carbon fibres results in a high rate of tool tance diminishes when using the same cutting parame-
wear [54]. ters. Material removal rates in the range 0.3 cm3/min for a
drill diameter of 3 mm and 2 cm3/min for a drill of 20 mm
diameter can be achieved [61].
1000 A number of things are clear from this image – there is
103 m carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic
specific creep limit Rp 0,1, 100 h/g ρ fibre-reinforced Al - alloys substantial subsurface damage and deformation associ-
fibre-reinforced Ti - alloys ated with a burr, the shape is quite complex and, hence,
200 intermetallic phase TiAl the description of a burr can be quite complex, and pres-
intermetallic phase NiAl ence of a burr can cause problems in manufacturing. In
70 carbon-fibre-reinforced carbon fact, this burr shown in the cross-section in Figure 24
40 gives the appearance of a rather simple phenomenon.
20 Si3 N4 SiC The range of burrs found in machining practice is quite
wide, especially when the full range of processes from
drilling to grinding is considered. To emphasize the point,
4 Ni- Nb- Figure 25 shows typical drilling burrs and their classifica-
ODS alloys tion in stainless steel as an indication of the potential
2 Al- Ti- Ni-based
alloys variation [64]. Burrs in milling and turning exhibit wide
alloys alloys
1 variation as well.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 °C 1600
temperature Classification

Figure 23: Materials for turbine manufacture

[source: MTU].
For the case of turning, fine grain tungsten carbides or
uncoated conventional KW-K10 or HW-K20 tungsten TYPE I TYPE II TYPE III
carbides are used. Depending on the workpiece material Burr Shape Uniform Burr Uniform Burr Crown Burr
properties, the cutting speeds and feeds lie in the range vc Burr Height ~0.150 mm ~1.1 mm (1.1~1.5)(d/2)
< 50 m/min and f = 0.12 mm. To date, ceramic, PCD and
CBN tool materials do not represent an economic alterna-
tive to the tungsten carbides [62]. Figure 25: Three typical burrs in drilling stainless steel
One of the significant features of the titanium-aluminide
materials is their brittle behaviour. For this reason not only The cost associated with removing these burrs is substan-
the issues of suitable tool materials and cutting conditions tial. The typical costs as a percentage of manufacturing
arise, but also surface condition after machining is of cost varies up to 30% for high precision components such
central importance. The TiAl machined surface produced as aircraft engines, etc. In automotive components, the
by turning exhibits micro-cracks and particle break-away total amount of deburring cost for a part of medium com-
which occur normal to the feed-mark direction. These plexity is approximately 14% of manufacturing expenses
defects deteriorate with increasing tool wear. The surface [65].
defects arise due to the degree of brittleness of the mate- To minimise or prevent burr formation requires that all
rial, which possesses very low or virtually no resistance to stages of manufacturing from the design of the component
plastic deformation. Micro-particle breakaway at the ma- through process planning and production be integrated so
chined surface can be accounted for through the fracture that the potential part features and material constraints,
and disengagement of the surface crystals or the inter- tooling and process sequences and process variables be
metallic phases. Similar phenomenon occur in the high considered from a perspective of the potential for creation
speed milling of these materials. The machining of tita- of burrs on the workpiece. That is, the inputs (process,
nium-aluminides thus presents a dual challenge. On the material, tools, workpiece geometry, fixturing, etc.) must
one hand the poor tool life and the low permissible cutting be considered along with the part functionality (part per-
speeds and on the other hand the inadequate quality of formance, fit and assembly requirements) as well as any
the machined surface present new challenges for high expected or required deburring processes. This is most
performance cutting. successful when clear standards and classifications are
3.6 Burr Formation in Cutting available, edge tolerances can be specified and the rela-
tionship between the edge quality and part functionality is
Burr formation affects workpiece accuracy and quality in clearly understood. This is not generally the case.
several ways; dimensional distortion on part edge, chal-
lenges to assembly and handling caused by burrs in sen- The future development in this regard is seen to depend
sitive locations on the workpiece and damage done to the on the following:
work subsurface from the deformation associated with • the development of predictive models with competent
burr formation. A typical burr formed on a metal compo- databases, including “expert data bases” for process
nent due to the exit of a cutting edge is seen in Figure 24 specification
[63]. • simulation models of burr formation capable of indi-
cating the interaction and dependencies of key
process parameters (finite element models, for ex-
VZ2 ample)
α, β tilting angle
• strategies for burr reduction linked to computer aided
design (CAD) systems for product design and
VZ1 deformation zone
process planning
b f2

lateral bore

b f1

VZ2 deformation zone • inspection strategies for burr detection and charac-
lateral bore terisation including specialised burr sensors.
L H bf1, bf2 dimensions of burr

root One could also add here the development of specialised

L,H measurands of burr tooling for deburring although that is an area well covered
100 µm
100 µm
commercially today.
There are substantial differences between burr formation
Figure 24: Typical burr and proposed measuring in drilling and milling for example. In drilling, infeed can
nomenclature [63]. play an important role in the development of drilling burrs
[66]. In addition, the drill geometry can affect the size and
shape of the burr formed as well as prevent burr formation • The constituents of the cutting fluid must not have
in some cases. Analytical models are increasingly sup- negative effects on the health of the production
plemented with finite element method (FEM) models of worker or on the environment.
the drilling process to predict effects of drill geometry,
• During their use cutting fluids should not produce
process parameters and workpiece characteristics on size
contaminants nor have negative effects on machine
and shape of the burr [67]. Applications to aerospace
tool components or seals.
component manufacturing, in particular multi-layer struc-
tures, is a primary area of focus for FEM drilling process • The zone of cutting should not be flooded but rather
modelling. This is also applicable to milling but less so to cooling and lubrication should take place in a defined
date due to the complexity of the milling process. manner thereby minimising the volume of fluid
Since milling (especially face milling) features so promi- necessary, for example internal supply to within the
nently in the manufacture of so many parts, for example, tooling and specifically designed nozzles for external
automotive engines and transmission components, it has supply.
been a major focus for burr reduction and prevention for • Continuous monitoring of the cutting fluid and the
many years. In milling, the kinematics of tool exits from machine tool environment with online sensors is de-
the workpiece are a dominant factor in burr formation and sirable.
as a result substantial success has been realised by ad- • Through separate care and maintenance of cutting
justing the tool path over the workpiece. The principal fluids, the total amount of oil and water required for
criteria in tool path determination have been: emulsion can be reduced leading to cost savings.
• avoiding exits of inserts (or always machining on to The problem of cutting fluid disposal in manufacturing is
the part edge) one of the most important aspects in relation to environ-
• sequencing of process steps to create any burrs on a mental protection and one objective of research work is
last, less significant edge the improvement of the life of the cutting fluid by the fluid
manufacturers and by high quality maintenance and moni-
• control of exit order sequence (EOS) by tool
toring. Surveys carried out in the German Automotive
geometry and path variation
industry show that workpiece related manufacturing costs
• maintaining uniform tool chip loads over critical fea- incurred with the deployment of cutting fluids range from 7
tures –17 % . As compared with this, the tooling costs can ac-
• lift and re-contact of milling cutter for some features count for approximately 2 to 4% [68]. The wide range
where manoeuvrability is limited within which cutting fluid costs fall is due to the varying
boundary conditions. The level of workpiece related cut-
• avoiding “push exits” (those with long cutter ting fluid costs depends to a large extent on the manufac-
path/edge contact lengths). turing operation, the component, required part quality,
While these criteria are often difficult to apply in all situa- cutting fluid drag, and vapourisation, the lubricating me-
tions they have shown dramatic reductions in burr forma- dium involved, the type of machine, the size of the facility,
tion with the corresponding increases in tool life (tools are the situation regarding the building, cutting fluid process-
often changed when burr size reaches a specification ing and disposal and other factors [68].
limit) and reductions in deburring costs. In all circum- The introduction of dry cutting requires suitable measures
stances cycle time constraints must be met with any re- to compensate for the primary functions of the fluid. This
designed tool paths. requires a thorough understanding of the complex interre-
lationships which link the process, tool, part and machine
4 CUTTING FLUIDS AND DRY OR NEAR DRY tool. The CIRP Keynote Paper in 1997 addressed the
CUTTING issue of dry cutting of cast iron, steel, aluminium and even
superalloys and titanium [68]. In some cases it is not pos-
When considering environmental issues in cutting, one of sible to achieve dry cutting e.g. where there is strong
the most fundamental concerns is the use of cutting fluids. adhesion between the cutting tool and the chip underside,
Cutting fluids have a direct influence on the environment where the tool wear is excessive under dry conditions or
and in recent times are being questioned in the light of where the thermal deformation of the workpiece cannot be
ecological and economic manufacture. Expertise in rela- controlled. Tight dimensional and form tolerances may
tion to cutting fluids is currently divided amongst the disci- present a significant restriction for dry machining and call
plines: chemistry, process technology, manufacturing for special countermeasures. Examples where dry cutting
technology, environmental conservation, medicine and is applied include turning, milling and drilling (l/D < 3) of
tribology. Losses of cutting fluids from the manufacturing cast and steel materials. Tools for dry machining must
system occur through vapourisation, loss with chips and incorporate specially designed features relating to the
workpiece as they leave the machine tool, loss with ma- substrate, the coating and the geometry. Low friction in
chine components such as handling/manipulation devices, the tool-workpiece contact zone and a high thermal resis-
as well as trough vacuum and air pressure systems and tance are required [9]. A dry cutting process must be
through droplet formation and ensuing leakage. Leakage designed to minimise the amount of heat flowing into the
of fluid is a critical factor contributing both to loss and in workpiece. This may be achieved by minimising the cut-
some cases has a negative influence on the hydraulic ting forces and also by influencing the heat distribution.
systems of the machine tool. Wet and dirty workpieces, Cutting forces can be reduced by positive cutting edge
chips and particles leave the machine tool and enter the geometries, while heat distribution towards the workpiece
cleaning and drying system. Taking into account that up to may be positively influenced by increasing the cutting
30% of the annual total cutting fluid consumption can be speed [68]. The introduction of dry machining necessitates
lost through removal from the system by the above measures to compensate for the primary functions of the
means, it becomes clear that effective methods to combat fluid, cooling, lubricating and chip transport. Table 1
such losses are being continually sought. The following shows a summary of the situation in relation to the use of
points have to be observed in consideration of the ques- dry cutting and Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) for a
tion of cutting fluids for environmentally clean manufactur- range of materials aluminium, steel and cast iron. In some
ing: cases, as for example in the milling and drilling of alumin-
ium, very small quantities of fluid may be applied. Those
processes in which the friction and adhesion play a domi-
nant role generally require the usage of minimal quantities industrial hygiene hazard, opportunity to employ more
of fluid. Examples here include thread cutting and forming, benign fluids (e.g., vegetable oils) and improved process
fine drilling, and drilling of steels with l/D ratios > 3. Al- performance as compared to dry machining. Widespread
though somewhat misleading the term Minimum Quantity use of MQL is still inhibited by concerns related to un-
Lubrication (MQL) is commonly used. MQL was applied in known costs, chip flushing problems, potential flammability
the American aerospace industry with a view to cutting issues associated with airborne metal dust, and system
difficult materials in the 1970’s. reliability/repeatability.
material aluminium steel cast iron 4.1 Drilling and Milling under Dry or Near Dry
wrought High alloyed Free cutting Conditions
cast alloys steels steels quench GG20-
and tem-
pering steels
GGG70 Drilling is a critical operation: chip evacuation, chip adhe-
drilling MQL MQL MQL dry/MQL dry/MQL sion to the drill, and drill wear are major issues tied to
reaming MQL MQL MQL MQL MQL cutting fluid application. Some efforts have been reported
tappening MQL MQL MQL MQL MQL associated with MQL applications in drilling. [72] reported
MQL MQL MQL MQL MQL that MQL (0.000167 litres/min of mineral oil in a flow of 4.5
deep hole
bar of compressed air) could be used successfully in the
drilling MQL MQL MQL MQL drilling process of aluminum-silicon alloys (SAE 323)
milling MQL/dry MQL dry dry dry where dry cutting is especially difficult. The holes pro-
turning MQL/dry MQL/dry dry dry dry duced with an external MQL system presented either
gear milling dry dry dry
similar or better quality than those obtained with a water
soluble oil flood application. The flank wear was also simi-
broaching MQL MQL/dry dry
lar for the two fluid applications.
Table 1: Dry Cutting and MQL [69]. Tests carried out on the evaluation of MQL milling con-
cluded that in end milling, 30-40% longer tool life and 20-
MQL or Near Dry Machining (NDM) is defined as the dis- 30% lower resultant force could be obtained with MQL
pensing of cutting fluids at optimal (generally very low) (external system with straight oil, 0.00183 litres/min) com-
flow rates, tiny quantities of cutting fluid are sprayed to the pared to flood application (6.44 litres/min). Rahman et al.
cutting zone directly [68]. Papers relating to MQL and [73] conducted an end-milling test with an external MQL
NDM are limited and have appeared in technical literature system (with BP CILORA 128 cutting oil, 0.000142 li-
only recently. tres/min). Cutting force components, surface finish, burr
For manufacturing organisations that perform machining height, burr length and tool wear were all better compared
or cutting operations, cutting fluids represent an issue of to those obtained by flood application (42 litres/min) or dry
growing interest owing to environmental, health, economic cutting.
and safety concerns. These fluids include such chemical Brinksmeier [74] conducted experiments on the machining
constituents as hydrocarbons, sulphur, phosphorus, chlo- of a range of advanced materials, e.g. titanium alloys and
rine, surfactants/emulsifiers, and biocides. The handling of extreme low sulphur steels under MQL conditions. The
used cutting fluids presents a number of environmental focus was on cutting tool performance and wear mecha-
issues. Fluid splashing, spillage, and improper disposal nisms at high cutting speeds. MQL was shown to be suc-
can contaminate lakes, rivers, and groundwater sources. cessful from the perspectives of tool life, surface finish
Pre-treatment and treatment of cutting fluids serves to and avoidance of tensile residual stresses.
reduce the environmentally damaging influence of the
fluid, but does not completely eliminate the potential haz- 4.2 Turning under Dry or Near Dry Conditions
ard. In addition to the environmental concerns associated Um et al. [75] used a water spray (sprayed at the flow rate
with cutting fluids, several studies have shown that hu- of 0.067 litres/min with the air pressure at 560 kPa) in
mans exposed to cutting fluids through dermal and inhala- turning 416 stainless-steel cylindrical bar stock and con-
tion pathways often develop health problems [70]. Moti- cluded that spray cooling (and resulting phase change
vated by health problems related to cutting fluid mist inha- from liquid to vapour) lowers the temperature at the
lation, several recent research efforts have focused on tool/chip interface and results in smoother surface finish,
investigating the mechanisms associated with cutting fluid better chip breakability, and longer tool-life compared to
mist formation [71]. A final potential hazard associated dry cutting. Machado et al. [76] carried out tests on turning
with cutting fluid mist is safety-related; mist with a high oil medium carbon steel (AISI 1040) using very low flow rate
concentration can be flammable. Finally, it should be (0.0033 litres/min for the soluble oil and 0.0049 litres/min
noted that significant expenses associated with the pur- for water) of cutting fluid mixed with compressed air (2
chase, maintenance, treatment, mist handling, recircula- bar). The results revealed that surface finish, chip thick-
tion, and disposal of cutting fluids represent yet additional ness, and force variation are all affected beneficially with a
motivation for manufacturing industry to carefully examine low fluid volume compared to a copious fluid application of
cutting fluid usage decisions. 5.2 litres/min. Wakabayshi et al. [77] applied an oil-air
Dry machining eliminates the environmental problems supply lubrication unit (normally used to lubricate a high-
associated with cutting fluids. While there remains poten- speed bearing) to a turning operation. Air containing an
tial health hazards (dermal irritation and inhalation) and extremely low concentration (0.00001-0.00016 litres/min)
flammability issues from machining dust, these are far of cutting oil was discharged on the rake and flank faces
less of a worry than for fluid mist. While switching from wet of a turning tool at a pressure of 0.6 MPa. Results showed
machining to dry machining may provide environmental, that the proposed supply system provides better lubrica-
health, safety, and generally cost benefits, there are con- tion between the chip and the tool, and better cooling
cerns about other process performance measures. MQL compared to dry cutting. The MQL system provided com-
represents an intermediate alternative between copious parable performance in terms of tool wear, surface finish,
fluid application and dry machining. It attenuates many of and built-up edge formation to a flood application.
the negative aspects associated with flood application and
is still able to provide some of the process benefits not
available with dry machining. MQL offers the following
advantages: decreased use of metal working fluids, re-
duced costs as compared to flood applications, reduced
Production is facing the need for higher productivity, flexi-

change of positioning time

bility and quality due to the on-going progress of customi-
sation and global competitive markets. Over the last dec-
ade, new manufacturing strategies like high speed and 20
high performance cutting, hard and dry machining, 10
process-integration, complete machining and new tool
materials influenced machine tool developments, or have
been made possible by it [78]. In consequence, productive -10
as well as non-productive times could be drastically re- -20 0.500 m ce
duced. Key machine tool innovations are: ta n


amax *1/2
vmax *1/2



amax *2
vmax *2
• powerful high frequency work spindles sit
i on
50 % reduce P o
• innovative drive systems d
100 % incre
Variation of ased
control para
• roller or ball type linear guideways meters
kv : Disturbance control loop gain j : Jerk limitation
• light weight materials and constructions Kgv : Feedforward control amax : Max. axis acceleration
• innovative kinematic concepts d : Precision interval window vmax : Max. velocity

• sensors and actuators providing process stability

Figure 26: Positioning time of a machining center.
In addition, multiple manufacturing technologies have
been integrated into machine tools to avoid time consum- Drive dynamics are not the only limiting factor regarding
ing and inaccurate handling and transportation of work- machining performance. Taking the required accuracy and
pieces. Complete manufacturing strategies have been surface quality into account, process stability is most im-
introduced into industry. As a result, handling systems portant. Therefore, the structural dynamic stiffness of the
could be eliminated, which reduces system costs and machine tool mainly influences the machining results. To
required floorspace and maximises flexibility of facilities. avoid unduly excitation of the machine structure due to
Finally, minimisation of pollution and power consumption high speed movements of parts and components, the
is a challenge for the future. allowed jerk – the derivative of the acceleration – is re-
stricted by the machine controls [86]. Consequently, the
5.1 Machine Tool Performance control parameters are also limiting positioning speeds
Manufacturing speeds together with minimised secondary and process times [87]. In Figure 26 the dependency
times, process stability and machining quality continuously between positioning times and the dynamic control pa-
increase production efficiency [79]. Major innovation steps rameters are shown. The left hand side shows the effect
result from higher dynamics achieved with linear direct of a reduction of control parameters whereas the right
drives. For example, world production of machining cen- hand side shows an increased parameter set. Especially
ters reached appr. 25.000 units in 2000. About 1.100 of at small positioning distances it can be seen, that besides
them applied linear motors. Compared to 1999 (320) an the jerk, the gain value (kv) is a limiting factor. This pa-
increase of 250% can be noticed [80, 81]. Overall, in 2001 rameter also depends on the structural stiffness of the
over 3.000 machine tool axes were equipped with linear machine tool. Serious research and development work
direct drives [82]. Besides high dynamics, the success of has been carried out, to achieve light but stiff machines
direct drives is based on a higher stiffness due to the and components [88, 89, 90, 91].
absence of mechanical force transmission [83]. Modern drive systems and controls are able to monitor
However, linear motors have not been able to totally re- process forces and vibrations without additional sensors.
place conventional techniques. Modern ball screw drives Information can be gathered directly from the motor cur-
with improved performance (up to 120 m/min and 1.4 g) rent [92].
are still dominant [84, 85]. Fast direct driven machines A new approach combines direct drive technology with
show feed rates of 120 m/min, vectorial accelerations of non-contact magnetic guideways. Beside highest dynam-
3.2 g and chip-to-chip times of 2.4 sec. On the other hand, ics, the absence of friction forces allows adaptronic appli-
90 m/min, 1.2 g per axis and 1.8 sec chip-to-chip time can cations of drive and bearing system. Today, the compli-
be achieved with ball screws.
ance of linear magnetic guides reaches about 0.06 µm/N
(Figure 27) [93].

Figure 27: Machine tool with direct drives and magnetic

guided z-axis.
Current accuracy demands are met by using direct meas-
uring systems for linear or rotary axes. Furthermore,
strategies for compensation of additional machining errors
are investigated. Newest approaches to counteract tool With counter workpiece spindle, for 6-side machining is
deflection and chatter are based on adaptive actuators possible with rapid speeds of up to 75 m/s [98]. Siegwart
[30]. Offline methods include prediction of process forces [99] describes a manufacturing solution in which eight
with the aim of optimised process design [94]. separate conventional machines were replaced by a sin-
In the future, machine tool developers are expected to not gle mill-turn-center. The integration of multiple cutting
mainly concentrate on maximum speeds and acceleration technologies in combination with in-situ part measurement
of machine axes, but to concentrate on other non- not only allowed more efficient and accurate machining,
productive time aspects, like set-up time of machines. but also shortened the overall process chain by eliminat-
Very likely, work will also be done in the area of machine ing certain processes. This is due to the reduced number
accuracy and flexibility. In the latter case not only of the of clampings, in the described case from eight to two,
machine but in most cases of complete systems including combined with accurate workpiece measurement which
part, tool and information handling. enabled the required dimensional tolerances to be
achieved using geometrically defined cutting instead of
5.2 Process Integration and Complete Machining grinding.
The following process strategies have innovated the clas- Vertical turning centers with pick-up-spindle have been
sical process chains with sequential and dedicated ma- introduced more than 10 years ago. Their advantage is
chine applications in one clamping or at least in one ma- the use of machine axes for part loading and unloading.
chine, often called complete machining : Costly peripheral equipment, like robots or gantry loaders
• Integration of various machining processes into one are eliminated. This machine class has also been ex-
machine tool (e.g. turning, milling, drilling, grinding, tended as multiple process machining centers, see Figure
deburring). 29. Such integration enables further reduction of the re-
quired floorspace and logistics expenditure for given proc-
• Six side machining. ess chains. Feinauer et al. [100] quote an example in
In addition, process designs have been further optimised which hard turning, measuring and grinding of HSK tool
regarding productivity by introducing: holders are carried out in a stand alone vertical turning
• Parallel processing: 2 or more processes are utilised center. The resulting primary processing time was re-
independently on a single machine (e.g. 4 axes turn- duced by 50-70% depending on the workpiece geometry.
ing). Furthermore, other complete machining solutions show
process savings in the order of 30%. In [101] a flexible
• Hybrid processes: 2 or more processes are coupled manufacturing center with pick-up technique is introduced,
to achieve a specific workpiece alteration, also called which contains two tool holding fixtures for hard machin-
assisted machining (e.g. laser aided turning). ing, a high speed spindle for internal grinding and another
• Integrated processes: New processes based on 2 or motor spindle for external grinding. Especially in hard
more conventional processes (e.g. grind hardening). turning, pick-up systems show advantages regarding the
system stiffness [102, 103, 104]. Some vertical turning
All these approaches have one main goal: To reduce non-
centers also allow six side machining [105].
value adding processing times due to transportation and
part handling. Furthermore, inventory can be reduced Hybrid machine tool examples are quoted in [106]: Com-
because the number of unfinished parts within the bined end milling (roughing) and laser machining (finish-
process chain is widely eliminated. Usually, this goes ing);
along with an elimination of re-clamping operations which • Incorporation of a laser on a grinding machine for
has positive effects on the part accuracy [95]. wheel conditioning;
Examples: The problem of high centrifugal forces on part • Integration of creep feed grinding on a high
chucking systems due to high cutting speeds used to speed machining centre.
restrict the application of HSC in turning. Nowadays these
forces can be reduced by turn-milling. Besides lower Examples of hybrid (assisted) machining processes in-
processing times, surface finish can be expected to be clude:
about 10 times higher than that of pure turning [96, 97] . • Plasma/laser assisted turning;
One additional tool spindle has to be integrated into the • Ultrasonic assisted turning and milling.
turning machine. Technologies that have been realised
with mill-turn centers are listed in Figure 28. Due to its modular and flexible nature, the laser is a popu-
lar candidate for integration into machine tools. Laser
systems can be configured to carry out fine cutting, drill-
ing, welding and surface treatment processes. Surface
Turning Splice Hardening
4- Axis treatment includes case-hardening, surface melting and
coating (cladding). Müller [107] quotes an example in
Turn milling
B- Axis Grinding which a laser integrated solution was transferred for the
manufacture of magnetic bushings. The integrated turning
Drilling Groove milling centre carried out a turning operation followed by a laser
B- Axis Deburring welding operation. The pick-up spindle also enabled the
assembly of the machined and welded part with its mating
Circular milling
Deep drilling
B- Axis
Cam milling
Furthermore, the laser can be utilised to assist the ma-
chining of difficult to machine materials. Work carried out
Turning with
drilling rod
Hobbing Measuring by Weck and Hermanns [108] concentrated on the laser
assisted machining of materials such as Si3N4 (silicon
nitride) ceramics, Inconel Nickel superalloys, Titanium
Figure 28: Technologies integrated into mill-turn-centers. alloys and high-strength steel using both CO2 and Nd:YAG
laser integrated turning centers.
Modern mill-turn-centers do not only provide powerful
driven tools but complete high speed tool spindle heads
mounted on X/Y/Z-axis units with 240°-B-axis. 100 or
more tools are supplied by fast automatic tool changers.
Vertical Turning Center beneath –90° in x- and y- direction below 600 Hz and thus
no chatter addiction. Turning results of a ball geometry by
DIN 8580
Manufacturing Workpiece Spindle interpolation in bronze alloy show shape accuracies
Processes of ±3 µm.
6. Material
2. Forming Property
Palette Spindle A Spindle B Revolver Laser
(DIN 8582) Alteration
Transport Grinding Milling Turning Harden
Realisation of multiple production
technologies in a single machine
Laser Machining Transport Assembly

Complete Manufacture!
3. Cutting 5. Coating

4. Joining (DIN 8593)

Figure 29: Integration of multiple processing technologies

into vertical turning centers.
In addition to productivity, there is a growing demand on
high and ultra precision machines. These machines have
to provide exceptional static, dynamic and thermal stabil-
ity. Active approaches to compensate static and thermal
deformations have already been investigated [109]. With Figure 30: Parallel kinematic pick-up machine.
piezo based devices workpieces and tools can be aligned
according to measured deviations. Piezo actuators can Pure parallel kinematics, like Hexapod or Tripod struc-
also be used to perform active damping in lathes, milling tures have been supplemented with hybrid kinematics, the
and grinding machines. First approaches with adaptive combination of parallel and serial kinematics. Despite a
algorithms show good damping abilities for chatter vibra- great number of machines and prototypes being intro-
tions. Altintas et al. presented a piezo actuator based fast duced on machine tool shows, the principal design meth-
tool servo, which is used to achieve tool positioning reso- odology is still a research topic regarding workspace,
lutions of +/- 10 nm. High surface finish qualities were was stiffness or maximum load [114, 115, 116].
obtained for hard turning of AISI 4340 and AISI 4320 The coupled structure of PKMs and hybrid kinematics,
steels [110]. A tool holder with integrated piezo actuator in non-linear system behavior and the need for highest posi-
combination with predictive algorithms is presented in tioning accuracies require adapted control systems and
[111]. A reduction of machined surface roughness Ra by strategies. New dynamic modeling approaches were pre-
50 % was achieved. sented during the last years. A dynamic model approach
Future trends in the area of cutting processes will be de- for PKMs which leads to a model that is linear with respect
termined by two main manufacturing trends: First of all, to a minimal parameter set is introduced in [117]. The
other traditional manufacturing processes, like casting or feedforward control gives the perspective of large reduc-
forming, will be able to produce higher accuracies and tions of tracking errors as rigid-body dynamics strongly
therefore, the overall amount of cutting will be reduced. influence the whole system behavior [117].
New technologies, like laser sintering, or the substitution Parallel and hybrid kinematic machine tools have, except
of metal by polymeric parts, will support this trend. It is for very few examples, not yet found its way into manufac-
expected that the remaining metal cutting will mainly con- turing plants. Problems, i.e. with accuracy, have been
centrate on the generation of precision and ultra-precision underestimated. It is expected that these problems will be
surfaces, whereas the overall manufacturing process solved in the near future and that new concepts will come
chain as well as the part characteristics will be designed up based on latest scientific results. This class of machine
using extensive simulation tools. Secondly, the ongoing will find its place within the manufacturing landscape, but
trend for mass-customisation will accelerate the need for not generally replace conventional serial machine tools.
highly flexible cutting processes and manufacturing
equipment. New, more efficient methods for machine set- 5.4 Health and Safety
up and programming, change-over, clamping and trans- The request for safe cutting processes and equipment
portation, etc. will be needed. with low environmental pollution has an overall impact on
the design of machine tools and cutting processes.
5.3 Parallel and Hybrid Kinematic Machines
A system that supports the latest European Safety Stan-
Parallel (PKM) and hybrid (HKM) kinematic machine tools dards regarding protection of operators is presented in
have been intensively investigated over the last decade. [118]. It uses an integrated FEM calculation to determine
Only a few of them have found so far their way into indus- the impact strength of safeguard components. The calcu-
trial applications yet. The development goal was to opti- lation simulates standardised test conditions to reduce
mise cutting conditions, productivity and system costs with time and cost intensive experimental effort for safety
these new machine structures. Higher stiffness due to the measures. The state of the art in safety integration in
elimination of bending moments to the structure and thus machine tools is given in [119]. The use of software
reduced masses and excellent resulting dynamics were agents for planning of cutting processes for CNC machin-
quoted to be the main advantages of this new machine ing can minimise their environmental impact [120].
class [112].
Due to the increasing application of dry machining de-
An example for a 3 axes parallel kinematic turning ma- mands on safety and hygiene devices have been adapted.
chine which is established on the market is introduced in Especially in dry grinding large amounts of dust is pro-
[113] (see Figure 30). The machine combines the advan- duced as chips and grinding particles cannot be bounded
tages of a light and stiff parallel kinematic structure with a and transported by cooling lubricants. An emission analy-
pick-up-spindle. Small parts (chuck size up to 130 mm) sis based on the rules of VDI 2066 and DIN 689 was car-
are picked up from a conveyor inside the workspace. ried out by comparing the dry grinding process without
Accelerations up to 8 m/s² and velocities up to 50 m/min suction to grinding with point and chamber suction. The
lead to minimised workpiece changing times of 7 s. The investigations revealed that only in grinding with suction
structure shows no eigenfrequencies with a phase twist
the registered emissions were uncritical for the environ- lated using this model. Common models used are based
ment [121]. An experimental comparison of air quality in on Eulerian or Lagrangian finite element techniques. Four
wet and dry turning of cast iron shows that wet turning primary categories of methodologies for modelling of cut-
generates 12-80 times more cutting fluid mist compared to ting are evident over the past several decades [126].
dust in dry turning [122]. • analytical modelling (determining the relationship
High speed and high performance cutting on the other between the forces in cutting based on cutting
hand requires new precautions due to high kinetic ener- geometry and including experimentally determined
gies of tools or parts. Safety glasses and armoured ma- values of shear angle, friction conditions and chip flow
chine tool guarding are used to protect the worker from angle; for example, Ernst and Merchant’s early work,
released parts in case of failures. An analysis of the im- [127])
pact of released parts during HSC-milling and turning to
• slip-line modelling (predicts mechanical response and
different protection devices is presented in [123]. The
temperature distributions based on assumptions
achieved results together with theoretical investigations
about slip line field geometry in the shear zone and
led to construction rules for safe separating protection
around the tool; for example, Oxley’s work, [128])
devices. Focussing on the fatigue of tool bodies during
high speed milling processes, in [124] a calculation • mechanistic modelling (predicts cutting forces for a
method for the fatigue life based on the nominal stress wide range of complex machining processes based
concept was developed. on the assumption that cutting forces are the product
Health and safety measures have always been deter- of the uncut chip area and specific cutting energy
mined by the progress being made in the area of cutting where specific cutting energy is empirically derived
processes and production machinery and by the relevant from workpiece material, cutting parameters, and cut-
environmental and safety regulations. It is expected that ting geometry; for example the work of Tlusty, [129])
future work will have to concentrate also on energy con- • finite element modelling (FEM techniques use small
sumption and on the specialised requirements of new mesh representations of the material and tooling as
hybrid or integrated processes. the basis for determining material stress and strain
conditions and, ultimately, flow of material based on
assumptions of continuity between adjacent ele-
The term “Cutting Performance” is used here in the con- The application of these modelling techniques covers the
text established by the High Performance Cutting working range of cutting processes and interests including cutting
group in CIRP and a longstanding working group in Ger- forces (static and dynamic), power, tool wear and life, chip
many. The working group has focused on the optimisation flow angle/curl/form, built up edge, temperatures, work-
of the machining of prismatic parts and includes the influ- piece surface conditions and integrity, tool geometry,
ences of the chain of production including upstream and coating and design influences, burr formation, part distor-
downstream processes and their relationship. In that tion and accuracy, tool deflection, dynamic stability limits
sense, then, cutting performance is an indication of the and thermal damage. Processes modelled range from
degree to which a set of production operations is opti- orthogonal cutting to multi-tooth milling, hard-turning and
mised with respect to each single operation but also for drilling. The predominance of the work, as evidenced by
the set of operations so that there is no negative influence research publications, is in turning (plane face tools), face
of one operation on another. This is to be done with the milling, drilling (twist drills) and end milling and slotting
objective of shortening value added chains (for example, [126].
merging operations) and with minimisation of measure-
ment activities by ensuring process quality control. A number of application areas are described here that
have been motivated by increasing cutting performance
A number of performance measures are commonly asso- where modelling has been shown to be effective (cutting
ciated with cutting performance. These can be illustrated hard materials, burr formation, chip formation, tempera-
as shown in Figure 31, from [125] and, for the purposes of ture and tool wear in cutting).
this discussion we can include burr formation and similar
effects as included in part accuracy. Cutting hard materials – the state of the art in cutting of
hardened steel was presented in the 2000 keynote paper
of STC “C” by Tönshoff [6]. In this review cutting and
Tool-life grinding were compared. Surprisingly, little modelling in
the sense discussed here was reported in this very chal-
Chip-form/ Part lenging application area for cutting. There has been a
Chip Breakability Accuracy
tremendous experimental effort to understand the funda-
mentals of hard cutting and successful implementations in
practice. Understanding the mechanisms of chip formation
combined with the thermo-mechanical influence of the
work-tool zone is critical to controlling the generation of a
Cutting Surface machined surface by pure plastic deformation required in
Force / Power Roughness this application. Models describing elements of this are
based on “mechanics of plasticity” analyses and, in par-
ticular, the work of Recht as early as 1964 [130] is cited as
Figure 31: Representation of the factors influencing ma- useful in describing segmentation of chips found in this
chining performance for turning [125]. type of cutting. Poulachon et al. [131] also relied on
Recht’s early work in their attempts to model flow stress in
6.1 Predictive performance machining of hardened alloy steels. Guo and Liu use FEM
We generally use the terms modelling and simulation analysis for analyzing the machinability of AISI 52100
interchangeably in manufacturing research literature. In steel [132, 133]. They report on the use of 3D turning
the case of cutting, there are many phenomenon that are simulations using a commercial finite element code to
not easily observed or not subject to direct experimenta- estimate cutting forces and chip geometry. The simulation
tion so the models are developed (e.g. burr formation at is based on flow stress data extrapolated from tensile test
the interface between two plates during drilling) so that the data using a velocity modified temperature. The cutting
influence of a number of process parameters can be simu-
simulation includes realistic tool materials and a devel- nificant progress has been made in modelling chip at the
oped friction model to account for both sticking and sliding 2D-level but that there has been very little success in
conditions. Chip flow, chip morphology, cutting forces, “operation-based” modelling [136]. This is due to the wide
residual stresses, and cutting temperatures are predicted. variety of cutting tool geometries, coatings, and tool mate-
Reasonable validation of chip morphology and forces is rials and the inadequacy of current modelling techniques
obtained. for fully predictive models. A goal is to predict chip form
Burr formation – Understanding the mechanics of burr and breakability for a given tool geometry/work material
formation has been greatly enhanced by modelling of the combination. An explicit dynamic thermo-mechanically
burr formation process analytically, mechanistically and coupled finite element modelling technique was evaluated
with finite element techniques. Early work by Ko and Dorn- for chip breakage simulation in 2-D [137]. Low and high
feld [133] established a basic analytical model of exit roll speed compression test data for AISI 4130 material was
over burr formation in orthogonal cutting. Although useful, used to characterise the workpiece and cutting force and
analytical models are limited in their abilities to accommo- chip thickness results were validated in orthogonal tube
date the important process variables associated with the turning. A number of commercial chip breaker geometries
tool geometry and exit conditions critical in burr formation. were also evaluated. The increasing use of high speed
This is specially true in the case of drilling where drill ge- machining has encouraged modelling of chip formation as
ometry effects can substantially encourage or hinder burr well since the optimisation of cutting at high speeds (for
formation. example, up to 2000 m/min cutting speed) with exotic
materials is not straightforward. As with lower speed cut-
In drill burr formation modelling there are two primary ting, the objectives are to understand the dependency of
influences: tool geometry, and feedrate. Realistic tool chip formation on parameters such as cutting forces,
types (split point, for example) must be able to be included chip/tool/workpiece interface temperature, stress and
in the analysis which requires that their geometries be strain distribution.
converted in to meshed shapes. Feedrate effects in drill-
ing burr formation will determine whether the burr formed Temperature and tool wear in cutting – Beside burr forma-
is of uniform shape (with or without a “cap”) or crown tion, cutting forces and chip formation quality of the cutting
shape (generally undesirable due to excessive size and process is determined by the tool wear behaviour and
rough shape). Software for generating meshed drill struc- thermal load on the tool and workpiece [138, 139, 140].
tures for use in FEM analysis has been developed [134] Molecular dynamics-based simulation
and allows for variation in critical geometry parameters.
This ability, combined with the work on drilling burr model- A newer class of modelling of cutting, at the nanometer
ling, has allowed reasonable modelling of exit surface burr level, is referred to as molecular dynamics modelling and
formation in drilling of ductile materials such as stainless is distinguished from the other techniques discussed
steel. Burr formation is also affected by tool geometry and above. Suited best for simulating processes with chip
interfacial frictional conditions. The influence and accurate sizes and surface features well below those capable of
modelling of friction in cutting in general has been a long- simulation with more “traditional” techniques as classical
standing challenge. Recent work on FEM analysis of the mechanics and finite element methods, molecular dynam-
influence of tool coatings on burr formation was reported ics was first applied to ultraprecision in the early 90’s.
by Leopold [135]. The thermoconductivity differences of Molecular dynamics theory is well based in physics and is
different coatings along with differences in coefficient of comprised of descriptions of the interactions between
friction were seen to influence chip formation and cutting atoms at the atomic level instead of the electronic level
forces as well as burr formation. In this study element thus allowing atomic level simulation of behavior of mate-
sizes less than 5 microns were used, Figure 32, yielding rials [141]. To improve the correlation of experimental
the better resolution required. results with theoretical prediction, empirical elements have
been added from material science. Time dependent proc-
esses such as surface generation and roughness devel-
opment in cutting can be studied at this atomic level.
Since this offers insight into the subsurface region of the
work surface, effects such as dislocation formation and
stress relief can be simulated and observed in both two
and three dimensional machining configurations, Figure
33. The figure illustrates the nano-machining of copper
with specific crystallographic orientation in both 2D and
3D. Evidence of burr formation at the grain boundary due
to dislocation movement and plastic deformation with
accompanying storage of atoms at the boundary and pile-
up on the surface (burr) can be clearly seen. Experiments
in cutting at nanometric levels, for example by Lucca [142]
on Ge, suggest that there are means to validate molecular
dynamics experiments with physical setups. With the
High mesh density in the shear zone and in the new surface
increase in micromachining to create molds and other
features for a variety of components, it is interesting to
Figure 32: FEM simulation of burr formation in orthogonal see the “scale-ability” of larger scale phenomena to the
cutting utilising different mesh densities [135]. nano-scale and, thus, the ability to control the quality of
Chip formation – Much attention has been paid to under- these components.
standing the mechanisms of chip formation and the role of
influential parameters. Traditionally, studies have relied on
the collection of extensive sets of experimental data. The
modelling of chip formation using any of the techniques
outlined above has been challenging. However, much
progress is being made and models, specially finite ele-
ment, are having an impact on the ability to understand
this complex aspect of cutting. Jawahir reported that sig-
5.0 nm production, protect investment, indicate needs for mainte-
nance, and protect workers and the environment. Inasaki
and Tönshoff outline the trends and roles of monitoring
systems in [143].
Early developments have proven, that process monitoring
is essential for economic production. Most significant for
availability and quality are tool wear and tool breakage. An
work excellent overview of monitoring of machining for tool
condition monitoring (until now a principal concern in cut-
ting) can be found in [144]. Standard approaches on proc-
Calculation: System parameter Tool/work Work Cutting parameter:
total time 4.4 ns materials diamond (Cu) copper speed 5.0 m/s ess monitoring are the measurement or identification of
time steps 2 200 000 σ min 2.05 A 2.56 A depth 2.0 nm the interaction between process and machine structure.
cut length 22.0 nm time step/cut-off 2.0 fs 1.87 σ edge radius 5.0 nm
atoms 400 12.000 wedge 60° Particularly the vibrational behavior plays an important
role, since it significantly affects the workpiece accuracy
as shown by simulation and experiment e.g. in [145].
An indication of the evolution of monitoring systems in
manufacturing was presented by Tönshoff [146]. An up-
dated table from [146] illustrating this evolution is shown in
Figure 34 and indicates the stage of development or im-
plementation of the application area.
Frankly, there has not been much advancement from the
state outlined by Tönshoff. But now there are additional
requirements for increased flexibility. Specifically, sensor
systems must be able to be interfaced with open system
architecture controllers for machines and systems must be
designed to accommodate needs of so called “reconfigur-
able” systems. Activity in both of these areas is still pre-
Figure 33: 2D and 3D molecular dynamics simulation of dominately in the research stage with few industrial appli-
burr and chip formation in copper [141]. cations.
To achieve the “intelligent machine tool,” which has as its
New Directions in Improving Process Understanding objective to be able to maintain an optimised cutting per-
The improvement in modelling capability from macro to formance, requires sensor along with control systems with
nano scale processes consistently encourages develop- the knowledge accumulation capability to store the ac-
ments in process simulation and increased process un- quired “experience” for use in future production.
derstanding. This improvement is expected to be depend-
ent upon the following developments:
Basic Industrial
• transition from 2D to true 3D capability for “real” proc- research implementation
workpiece monitoring
• increased ease of changing tooling parameters
(geometry, coatings/friction, material properties, me- tool condition monitoring
chanical characteristics (stiffness, etc.))
process diagnosis
• improved material properties for model inputs
process monitoring
• accommodation of multiple materials/layers
• increased complexity of workpiece shapes and fea- machine monitoring
open system
• resolution at level of micro or nano-scale variables
(grains, inclusions, etc.) reconfigurable systems

• capability of simulating more realistic process ele-

ments (chips, burr, residual stresses, part distor- Figure 34: Monitoring systems evolution in manufacturing
tion/form errors, etc.) (updated) [146].
The real challenges to the effective utilisation of process
Further, given the development of reconfigurable systems,
models to improve cutting performance include (i.) how to
monitoring strategies must be flexible enough to accom-
integrate with CAD systems for product and process de-
modate different machine configurations and processes.
sign functions, (ii.) model validation (NIST data base de-
This would be logically tied in with machine control hard-
velopment,, is an important step), (iii.)
ware and software in an “open” environment. In that
enhanced set of material property data, and (iv.) en-
sense, this would be an example of the “intelligent sen-
hanced user interface (ease of implementation).
Application areas that are expected to offer the greatest
Recent developments aim at different directions. Some
potential for cutting performance enhancement are: hard
are based on new fields of production, other use new
turning, dry machining, high speed cutting, burr formation
sensor concepts. Most process monitoring systems are
and minimisation, chip formation and control, and overall
designed for processes of limited complexity like drilling,
process simulation from the point of view of reduced non-
thread cutting or straight pass milling. Whereas solutions
productive time.
for sculptured surface milling, especially ball end finishing
6.2 Monitoring of cutting operations operations, are still not available on the market. These
The complex interactions between machines, tools, work- have a great significance in die and mould finishing with
pieces, fluids, measurement systems, material handling only small process forces. New approaches use special
systems, humans and the environment in cutting opera- sensors to measure force [147, 148] or accelerations [149]
tions requires that sensors be employed to insure efficient for process monitoring in milling of sculptured surfaces.
The standard fixed threshold method has been adapted to practical and, to a great extent, research on this topic has
be more universal. Dynamic boundaries combined with not yet become popular. Modelling techniques such as
neural networks are presented in [150]. Neural networks molecular dynamics modelling offer some good potential.
have proven to be effective for small size productions.
Especially flank wear of tools in milling can be monitored
with neural networks [151]. 7 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK
It seems to be an obvious solution to use dynamic sys- This paper demonstrates that cutting technology has
tems for the supervision of a dynamic process like a cut- made remarkable progress in the last 50 years since the
ting process. Probably due to stability problems, the out- foundation of CIRP. The thrust towards the application of
put of pure dynamic networks is limited. A promising ap- higher performance workpiece and cutting tool materials,
proach is a model in which a static and a dynamic net- towards usage of minimal quantities of cutting fluid, to
works are combined hierarchically as a “state space rep- higher precision and to the application of micro-systems
resentation” of the cutting process. A recent development will continue. The technological capabilities of our cutting
has been mapped on tool condition monitoring for hard systems will continues to develop and higher performance
turning [152]. with enhanced safety standards and environmental
cleanliness and lower manufacturing costs will result.
Another approach is the usage of a disturbance observer
for reconstruction of process forces [153]. This review shows that up to now we have been primarily
involved in the cutting of metallic and polymeric materials
The field of high speed cutting (HSC) introduces new for engineering applications and that work in the field of
dynamic effects to the process monitoring. In [154] an the life sciences has received little attention from the cut-
approach applying time series analysis is introduced. The ting technology perspective. Workpiece materials for the
standard analysis methods dominated by the Fast Fourier telecommunications sector has likewise received little
Transformation (FFT) are extended by Wavelet Trans- attention by the research community dealing with cutting
forms [148, 155] and Cepstrum Analysis, the later proven tools of defined macro-geometry. In setting out a roadmap
to be especially sufficient for machine and process moni- for cutting technology the newer biological and microelec-
toring. tronic materials need incorporation.
6.3 Integrated sensors Clearly an essential element of the roadmap for cutting
Considering the range of sensors and applications in the technology is the integration of manufacturing processes.
cutting process, the machine tool requires a large number In the past, simple process elements have been opti-
of sensors [156]. Integrated sensor systems can today mised. Progress will be made by focussing on technology
accomplish several tasks and cooperate to insure process interfaces and on the complete process chain. Our manu-
optimisation. Cutting performance overall requires reduc- facturing systems for cutting technology will be hybrid in
tion in process and non-productive times, verification and nature and will encompass modularity features for ease of
maintenance of process capability, while reducing direct reconfigurability and for minimisation of non-productive
production costs and ensuring environmentally-friendly times. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems, when im-
production. plemented with open architecture control systems for
basic machine tool control as well as adaptive control of
Inasaki discussed the concepts of replicated sensor sys- machining performance can offer substantial improve-
tems and disparate sensor systems referring to similar ments in cutting performance by assuring economic flexi-
sensors integrated to provide greater reliability and differ- ble systems responsive to changing demands and shorter
ent types of sensors integrated to provide flexibility in product cycles. Disparate sensor systems as part of open
sensor system application, respectively [157]. Perhaps the architecture control will contribute to the development of
best review of some of the individual sensing systems, “intelligent” machining systems with learning ability. Sub-
application potential and limitations as well as identifica- stantial research work is needed to integrate methods of
tion, decision making and fusion methodologies can be assessment of part quality with operating machining sys-
found in [144, 158]. tems.
6.4 Integrated workpiece quality evaluation Specific cutting process and process effects will benefit
Finally, we look at the ability to integrate evaluation of the from continued modelling research including cutting hard
workpiece quality into cutting performance. This remains materials, burr formation, and chip formation. Molecular
an illusive goal due to many challenges. The first chal- dynamics modelling offers potential for coupling micro and
lenge is defining workpiece quality quantitatively over the nano scale process features with macro scale processes.
range of processes and parts manufactured (for example, The improvement in modelling capability from macro to
subsurface damage in machining, or surface roughness). nano scale processes drives improved process simulation
Second, measuring or somehow assessing the quality and process understanding.
elements of the workpiece as part of the production envi-
ronment (for example, surface roughness that is depend- 8 REFERENCES
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