Escholarship UC Item 7hd8r1ft
Escholarship UC Item 7hd8r1ft
Escholarship UC Item 7hd8r1ft
Advancing Cutting Technology
Byrne, G.
Dornfeld, David
Denkena, B.
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
This paper reviews some of the main developments in cutting technology since the foundation of CIRP
over fifty years ago. Material removal processes can take place at considerably higher performance levels
in the range up to Qw = 150 - 1500 cm3/min for most workpiece materials at cutting speeds up to some
8.000 m/min. Dry or near dry cutting is finding widespread application. The superhard cutting tool materi-
als embody hardness levels in the range 3000 – 9000 HV with toughness levels exceeding 1000 MPa.
Coated tool materials offer the opportunity to fine tune the cutting tool to the material being machined.
Machining accuracies down to 10 µm can now be achieved for conventional cutting processes with CNC
machine tools, whilst ultraprecision cutting can operate in the range < 0.1µm. The main technological
developments associated with the cutting tool and tool materials, the workpiece materials, the machine
tool, the process conditions and the manufacturing environment which have led to this advancement are
given detailed consideration in this paper. The basis for a roadmap of future development of cutting tech-
nology is provided.
Cutting, Material Removal, Process Development
Structure Dimensions
Metals, Micro-machining
1 Polymers
10 Non-ferrous metals,
Electric Discharge Infrared Crystals
25 Machining Grinding
Hard-metal, Steel,
Steel, Non-ferrous Ceramic,
50 metals Glass Geometry-Variation
Planar Freeform
200 100 50 25 10 nm 5
Surface Quality Ra
Cycle time
150 about
discs is also shown. The dramatic reduction since the 49 %
1970’s is clearly evident. 100
The workpiece material has also been the subject of ex- 50 79,3
tensive development in recent years. Figure 6 shows an
overview of the hard turning process as related to the ISO 0
Convent parameters Opt. Parameters Non productive time
standard and the Rz values achievable. The development Convent tools Opt. tools 82 %
is towards reduced Rz values and towards tighter ISO Convent process strategy Opt. process strategy
Five optimisation steps
classes. Under controlled conditions IT 3 is now achiev-
able at Rz values of below 1µm.
Figure 7: Reduction of the cycle time for machining a
10 model workpiece [ISF].
On recognising that the prediction of process behaviour is
Rough hard turning taking on an increasingly important role, a CIRP Working
Group on “Modelling of Machining Operations” was estab-
lished in 1995 within the Scientific Technical Committee
Roughness Rz
6 for Cutting [STC C]. The aim of this group was to stimulate
the development of models capable of quantitatively pre-
dicting the performance of metal cutting operations better
4 High precision adapted to the needs of the metal cutting industry in the
hard turning Precision hard turning future [8].
Development specific conditions
0 Cutting tools are subjected to high stresses by modern
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 machining technologies, like dry machining, high-speed
IT (ISO tolerance)
machining or high-performance machining. The develop-
Figure 6: Roughness versus IT Tolerances for Hard ment of new processes demands adapted cutting tools.
Turning. An ideal cutting material combines high hardness with
good toughness and chemical stability. In particular hard-
In the last 2 years emphasis has been placed on High ness and toughness represent opposing properties and
Performance Cutting (HPC) and some fundamental issues there is no single cutting material, which achieves all three
are being addressed by the CIRP Working Group on High conditions simultaneously. In order to merge the charac-
Performance Cutting (HPC) which was established in teristics mentioned, wear resistant coatings with a tough
2002 [5]. The working group identified the following as- substrate material are combined. A total coating thickness
pects of cutting as being of particular significance in the between 3-10 µm is appropriate, whereby the combina-
quest for high performance cutting at high levels of pro- tions and sequences depend on the application.
Especially in dry machining with coated tools, variations of
• Non Productive Times (NPT) in cutting processes, the interface quality cause distinct differences in tool life.
• Dry and Near Dry Cutting (usage of minimal quanti- The substrate-layer compound fails due to thermal and
ties of cutting fluids), mechanical loads in dry machining. Failures occur in par-
ticular if the substrate itself reaches a critical load. The
• Chip formation and chip handling processes and failures of the compound are strongly influenced by the
• Strategies for burr minimisation. surface and subsurface characteristics of the ground tool.
The economic efficiency of production facilities is a central The surface and the subsurface characteristics of the tool
issue for cutting technology. In-plant, adding of value to are a direct result of the grinding operations used during
products and workpieces only takes place during essential the tool manufacture [9].
operating time. Conventional processes such as grinding 2.1 Cutting Materials
and turning have come under close scrutiny from a pro-
ductivity perspective and process chains have been ana- Materials utilised in cutting tools have to meet a different
lysed and redesigned to minimise throughput times. The set of requirements than those used in general engineer-
trend in recent years has been towards integrated proc- ing construction applications. Important criteria, in addition
esses. For example, by replacing grinding with hard turn- to the dimensional quality in terms of size and shape, are
ing, process steps can be eliminated [6]. The requirement the mechanical properties of the cutting material, for ex-
for integrated processes place new and demanding chal- ample high hardness and toughness at elevated tempera-
lenges on the design and technology of the cutting proc- tures. The toughness is indicated by the critical stress
esses. intensity factor, which describes the stress concentration
required at the end of a crack to extend that crack. In
In parallel, it is also necessary to consider the technologi- choosing the materials for cutting applications the me-
cal and economic developments associated with the ma- chanical characteristics may not only be regarded at am-
chine tool which have taken place in order to achieve bient temperature. Their behaviour must be considered as
these cutting speeds and the high level of productivity a function of the temperature (Figure 8). Good thermal
demanded. Figure 7 demonstrates how the cycle time for shock resistance is an important characteristic of suitable
machining one model workpiece can be reduced by about cutting materials [10].
50% in five systematic optimisation steps [7].
8000 bides, limitations concerning the feed rate are evident.
Due to their properties, cermets are the link between the
steel BN hard brittle ceramic cutting tools and the tough, but less
MPa tungsten wear resistant, cemented carbides [14, 15, 16].
4000 CN
steel carbide
2000 CA
2000 tool steel HW
0 For cutting tools, two kinds of ceramic composite materi-
Ti(C,N)-Ni,Mo 0 400 800 °C 1200
stellite Temperature als are used, which can be differentiated according to the
1000 PD
matrix materials. Aluminum oxide, commonly referred to
MD as alumina, possesses strong ionic interatomic bonding
500 Al2O3
TiC B4C super-hard giving rise to it’s desirable material characteristics. It can
materials exist in several crystalline phases which all revert to the
500 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 9000 most stable hexagonal alpha phase at elevated tempera-
hardness HV
tures. It can be combined with hard materials like car-
bides, in order to change the mechanical properties of the
Figure 8: Toughness and hardness of cutting materials.
matrix [17].
Carbides On the other hand, silicon nitride is used. Silicon nitride
Carbides are made by powder metallurgy methods using has good high temperature strength, creep resistance and
metallic hard materials (primarily carbides) and tough oxidation resistance. In addition, its low thermal expansion
metals of the iron group (binders). The most common hard coefficient gives good thermal shock resistance compared
metal is tungsten carbide (WC), which is made by sinter- with most ceramic materials. Silicon nitride is produced in
ing (at high temperature) a combination of tungsten car- three main types: Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride
bide powder with powdered cobalt (Co). Two parameters, (RBSN), Hot Pressed Silicon Nitride (HPSN) and Sintered
namely the ratio of Co to WC and the WC particle size, Silicon Nitride (SSN) [18].
control the material properties [11]. Precursor ceramics are monomers or polymers containing
Specifying a large WC particle size and a high percentage all the elements to be present in the final materials. The
of Cobalt yields a high shock resistance and high impact idea behind this approach is to carry out changes at the
strength. The finer the WC grain size (and therefore the atomic level, which in turn, change the properties of the
more WC surface area that has to be coated with Cobalt), material. In contrast with conventional ceramic
the less Cobalt is used and the harder and more wear- processing, ceramic precursors can be processed at low
resistant the material becomes. The most significant new temperatures [19].
development to increase hardness in the case of the WC- SiC whisker-reinforced ceramic composites are an innova-
Co carbides are the submicron and ultra-fine grained tion that have come into prominence for potential struc-
alloys with WC grain sizes of 0.5 - 0.8 µm and tural applications because of the significant improvements
0.2 - 0.5 µm, with a respective cobalt content of 6 –16% in the mechanical properties of these materials. SiC
by mass. Unlike standard materials, all the fine powder whiskers used for reinforcement are discontinuous, rod- or
particles have more or less a round shape which has a needle-shaped fibres in the size range of 0.1 to 1 µm in
favourable influence not only on uniformity of the as- diameter and 5 to 100 µm in length. For example the
sintered microstructure but also on compactability. incorporation of SiC whiskers into alumina ceramics re-
One of the latest developments in the field of carbides is a sults in an increasing strength, fracture toughness, ther-
functional gradient in near-surface areas of cutting tools mal conductivity, thermal shock resistance and high tem-
leading to functional gradient carbides. Such a functional perature creep resistance. Because they are nearly single
gradient is a specific smoothly varying distribution of crystals, the whiskers typically have very high tensile
phases and/or element composition to provide a highly strengths (up to 7 GPa) and elastic modulus values (up to
resistant surface region which withstands the cutting tool 550 GPa).
and workpiece interaction at high temperatures and which Boron Nitride
smoothly attains the microstructure of the carbide [11].
There exist different crystal forms of boron nitride: Graph-
Cermets ite-like, more commonly referred to as hexagonal boron
The growing importance of dry machining has given new nitride is known for its soft and lubricating qualities, con-
impetus to the development of cermets. In principle cer- trasted to the cubic structure (CBN) which is hard and
mets have a similar microstructure to conventional car- abrasive and used for cutting tools. CBN has the same
bides. They contain various hard material particles in a structure as diamond and its properties mirror those of
binder matrix of cobalt and nickel. The hard material com- diamond. Indeed CBN is the second hardest material next
ponents do not consist of WC and (Ti,Ta,W)C but of car- to diamond. CBN, a synthetic material that is composed of
bonitrides of titanium (Ti) with different proportions of cubic boron nitride grain and special ceramic binder, has
tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W) and sometimes molybdenum excellent features such as high hardness and less chemi-
(Mo) [1, 12]. cal wear resistance up to temperatures of 1400 °C [20]. It
shows great performance for high-speed finish turning of
In the microstructure of conventional carbides the mixed hardened material and grey cast iron.
carbides of titanium are rounded and the tungsten car-
bides angular. The cermet microstructure displays exclu- Diamond
sively rounded carbonitrides of titanium, and these hard Natural diamonds consist of carbon. The different colours
material particles have characteristic core-rim structure. originate by inclusions of pigments. Monocrystalline Dia-
The toughness of nitrogen-containing cermets is com- mond (MCD) is the hardest material. This hardness is
parable with that of conventional carbides. The oxidation caused by the specific atomic grid structure in the crystal.
resistance is outstanding [12, 13].
Diamond can be manufactured by a synthesis under ex-
The advantages of cermets are the high hardness values treme high pressure and temperature. Because of their
at elevated temperatures that enable high cutting speeds higher toughness polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are
and the chemical stability which effects high wear resis- preferred to monocrystalline diamond tools for cutting
tance as well as good surface quality of the workpiece. As applications [21].
cermets are less tough than WC-based cemented car-
Diamond provides an impressive combination of chemical, Micro blasting can minimise this effect by loading high
physical and mechanical properties; e.g. low coefficient of compressive stresses in the substrate before coating.
friction and thermal expansion, high strength and resis- The application of fine grinding wheels produces smoother
tance to chemical corrosion. But diamond also has limita- surfaces that minimise the amount of smeared bond mate-
tions. It is meta stable at room temperature and pressure, rial required. On the other hand, the application of coarse
forming a black coat when heated to above 600°C in oxy- grinding wheels leads to high compressive stress in the
gen. Due to the chemical affinity of carbon and iron, the subsurface. Both contribute to an increase of the adhesive
machining of ferrous materials by diamond results in high strength of the coating (Figure 10) [24].
wear rates.
The poor machinability of WC-carbides influences the
2.2 Cutting Tool Manufacture surface quality attained by the grinding processes during
The quality of coated tools is influenced by various fac- the tool manufacturing process. In particular, the interface
tors. These factors themselves are influenced by the strength of PVD-coatings depends on the surface proper-
method of manufacture of the tool substrate. In order to ties of the substrate. The residual stress state and the
understand the mechanisms by which the coating is ap- surface roughness has been taken into account. Whereas
plied, the entire manufacturing process must be consid- in wet machining the interface strength of PVD-coated
ered. carbide tools are sufficient, in dry machining variations of
interface quality cause distinct differences in tool life.
Between the single process steps, technological interac- Because of high interface loads in dry cutting processes,
tions determine the output-values of one step and the deposited PVD-coatings chip off (including the adhered
input-values of the following step. The sintered material binder phase). Superior wear behaviour in dry machining
passes through many different processes up to the fin- was observed as a result of using adapted grinding condi-
ished tool. During the grinding process the geometry and tions in the tool manufacturing process.
the surface characteristics are determined. Likewise the
grinding process affects the subsurface characteristics 0,5
D10 D25 D46
such as the residual stress state. Figure 9 illustrates the cutting time T = 10 min
ground micro blasted ground micro blasted ground micro blasted
grinding: grinding wheels: turning: substrate:
cup grinding wheel D46, 25, 10 16MnCr5 WC-based carbide P25
vc = 20 m/s f = 0,1 mm
Pre- vfa = 4..16 mm/min grinding coolant: ap = 1,0 mm coating:
V’w = 500 mm 3/mm emulsion 4% vc = 500 m/min (Ti,Al)N, s = 3 µm
treatment Figure 10: Influence of tool grinding on the cutting per-
formance in turning.
The market share of coated tools is increasing continu-
ously, since the metal working industry is constantly call-
ing for more effective machining processes [25]. For op-
Figure 9: Manufacturing process of powder metallurgical erations with a geometrically defined cutting edge, this
tools. means higher cutting speeds, high removal rates, dry
cutting wherever possible and a high process reliability.
Thermal and mechanical loads in grinding during tool
Also, new materials with great design potential often
manufacturing influence the roughness, the topography as
cause machining problems. This means increasing de-
well as the surface integrity of the substrate. By the meas-
mands on tools regarding mechanical, thermal and
urement of the residual stresses in the substrate, these
chemical resistance. The advancement of the coating
influences of the grinding process can be detected. Gen-
technology leads to the fact that in particular the market
erally high compressive residual stress is induced by the
share of new improved and also complex coatings will
mechanical effect of the grinding process. The thermal
strongly increase in the coming years. Special attention,
load caused by friction in the grinding operation leads to
however, must be given to the cutting edge radius, which
tensile residual stress and counteracts the compressive
is dependent on the coating thickness [26]. A thin coating
residual stress in the substrate. The residual stress distri-
thickness, leads to strongly negative face angles. In
bution is an important factor in the following coating proc-
Figure 11 the basic structures of different coating con-
ess [22].
cepts are represented.
The coating adhesion investigations are undertaken by
turning tests with coated tools. Turning tests with a cutting solid solution graded layer meta stable nano crystalline, multilayer
hardened coating multiphase coatings
time of T = 10 min are undertaken. Improved coating coatings systems coatings
adhesion of samples ground with the D25 grinding wheel e.g. Ti(C,N) e.g. WC->TiC->TiN e.g. (Ti,Al)N) e.g. (TiB2 /TiC) e.g. TiB2 /TiC
indicates the positive effect of varying grinding parame-
heteropolar ~50-1000
ters. Furthermore the tools ground with the D25 grinding twice solid
wheel exhibited very low wear levels, see Figure 10. The solution covalent
tools ground with oil show a smaller wear land, than the metallic structure
tools ground with emulsion. Compressive residual
stresses that are induced into the substrate by the grind-
ing process are slightly reduced by the residual stresses
+ hardness +adhesion + hot hardness + hot hardness + hot hardness
inherent in the PVD (physical vapour deposition) coating. + hot hardness +chemical + oxidation + toughness + toughness
When using the cutting tools in turning applications, the stability and corrosion + tribological + tribological
resistence properties multifunctions
compressive stress in the subsurface of the substrate is
reduced by tensile stresses induced in the process. A
Figure 11: Structure of Coatings.
failure in the substrate itself is the consequence [23].
Coated carbides are proven for machining of non-ferrous these advantages PVD-processes gained more impor-
metals, nickel based alloys and for austenitic and ferritic tance in coating of cutting tools in the last 15 years.
stainless steels. The number of the possible layer combi-
nations is almost unlimited. The importance of titanium Self-lubricating coatings
based tool coatings in machining has also been docu- In many cases, self-lubricating coatings (soft coatings) are
mented [27]. applied to tools for dry machining operations nowadays.
Multi-layer coatings enable the generation of more favour- Friction and process heat can be reduced [30]. Soft coat-
able characteristic combinations. For example, TiC can be ings on MoS2-base as well as on diamond like carbon
applied with good adhesion on a tough tungsten carbide. It (DLC) show good results. Figure 12 shows the wear be-
reduces abrasive wear because of its high hardness. haviour of the cutting edge of (Ti,Al)N-coated and
Ti(C,N)-coatings can be structured on TiC with uniform (Ti,Al)N+ a-C-coated drills. a-C-coatings belong to the
transition of the proportions up to pure TiN. The nitride is class of diamond-like carbons. The matrix consists of
chemically slow-acting and prevents diffusion and oxida- carbon, which is the reason for the good tribological prop-
tion wear. Furthermore, its inclination to adhere is rela- erties. The metallic component consists of at most
tively small and this lowers the adhesion wear. (Ti, Al)N 5 – 15 at % W, Ta or Nb.
shows advantages at high process temperatures and The development of the tool wear can be divided into two
forms a thin passive layer at the tool surface, which pre- phases. In the first phase, the running in period, the drills
vents a fast progressing diffusion or oxidation wear. The show a rapidly increasing tool wear. In the second phase,
hardness of (Ti, Al)N at elevated temperatures is much the wear rate declines but is continuously increasing over
higher than any other common hard coatings [27]. High the tool path lf.
ionisation pulsing processes currently allow the coating of operation : drilling
non-conducting nitrides with a high content of oxidelayer material : Ck45
0.12 drilling depth : 2.5 x D, blind hole
forming elements, for example (Al, Ti)N supernitride coat- cutting speed : vc = 80 m/min
ceptible to wear. The cutting edge is prepared by an addi- f = 0,1 mm
vc = 250 m/min, f = var
cutting edge
flank face ϕ
characterisation took place by defining only the cutting ϕ
edge radius rβ. This description of the cutting edge Sγ rake face
geometry is not sufficient, because the shape does not ϕ = -13,5° ϕ = 0° ϕ = 13,5° ϕ = 21°
4 17CrNiMo6 W
mined with the help of a measurement program. TiAl6V4
16MnCr5 15
It should be considered that the ray-tracer possesses a 2
sufficiently small nose angle, in order to be able to flaw- 9SMn28 AlCuMgPb
42CrMo4V Inconel
lessly scan different chamfer geometries with different 1
Cf53 GG(240 HB)
G-AlSi Ck45N
wedge angles. For the measurement the cutting edge is 0.8
cm ST50-2 16MnCrS5
aligned on a prism, and the chamfer is scanned with the 0.6 Cf53 (69 HRC) 3
G-Cu GG30
calliper. Primary investigations in cutting tests in orthogo- 0.4
nal turning show strong dependencies of these parame- St70-2
For these cutting tests, different chamfer geometries are AlZnMgCu1,5 GK-AlSi AlSi
case hardening steel
prepared and tested in orthogonal turning. The results 0.1 (63 HRC)
show that in spite of a constant parameter ∆r there is no 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 m/min 10000
linear run of the curve. In each case an even chamfer cutting speed vc
geometry with ϕ = 0 causes the highest cutting forces. It is
shown that for all the uneven chamfer geometries - Figure 15: Material removal rates for a range of materials
whether in a positive or negative direction - smaller cutting and cutting processes [33].
forces result. The deviation of the machining forces with
varying angles is larger for smaller feed rates than for The material removal rate which is the main target for
higher ones. It should be considered that there is an in- optimisation of a high performance cutting process is
creased influence of the cutting edge geometry with calculated by the chip section and the cutting speed. The
possibility of adjusting these variables is strongly depend-
ent on the combination of cutting technology and machin- cracks in the shear zone represent the most important
ing task. The rates lie primarily in the range phenomena initiating localised shearing [39]. In the litera-
Qw = 150 to 1500 cm3/min for the majority of materials. As ture different theories exist concerning crack growth.
can be expected, modern manufacturing research seeks Crack initiation and crack growth are subject to tempera-
to push this trend toward higher material removal rates. ture distribution, stress distribution, strain and strain rate
The increase of the material removal rate is a function of in the work area as well being dependent on time and
both the specific characteristic of the cutting technology location. Crack initiation and crack growth are influenced
and the work-piece material properties. Figure 16 gives an by the location dependent thermo-mechanical loads [6].
indication of achievable cutting speeds. Workpiece material: Cutting material: Cutting conditions:
100 Cr 6 V CBN Vc = 140 m/min
fiber rein- (61 HRC) (DNGA 1506125-L1) F = 0.08 mm
forced plastics ap = 0.2 mm
drilling 600
conv. vc copper
broaching HSC copper alloys MPa VB = 0 µm
Residual stresses
reaming casting 5 µm
circ. sawing
steel 0
-200 VB = 200 µm
cutting speed -400 5 µm
cluster high very high extremly Ni-based alloy
high -600
1 10 100 1000 m/min 105 106 10 100 m/min 103 0 40 80 120 160 µm 240 Microstructure
Distance from the surface of rim zone
Figure 16: Achievable cutting speeds [34]. Figure 17: Residual stress and surface layer effects after
Today the HSC process is mainly realised in the area of hard turning [40].
aluminium and manganese machining. These work-piece A more recent development is the application of the bur-
materials cause relatively low mechanical and thermal nishing process following hard turning, which can be im-
load on the cutting tool. For example, front milling of man- plemented on the same machine tool as that used for the
ganese is performed dry with a cutting speed up to turning process. In this process a hydrostatically sup-
vc = 4000 m/min and a feed to vf = 60 m/min. The further ported ceramic ball is pressed against the machined sur-
tool development made it possible to increase cutting face. The feed of the ball permits the burnishing of the
speed and feed rate for drilling and reaming operations up entire surface. The pressure applied by the hydrostatic
to vc = 500 m/min (drilling) / vc = 1500 m/min (reaming) bearing system dictates the force with which the operation
and feed rate to f =0,9 mm. takes place. High contact stresses can be obtained
In the case of grinding processes typically a QW of the through this plastic deformation process which smoothes
order of 200 up to 2500 cm3/min can be achieved. With the roughness peaks, increases the hardness of the sur-
respect to the cutting speed vC, the process window in face layer and induces high compressive residual stresses
grinding is pushed toward comparably higher speeds of (Figure 18). All effects improve component life [40].
between 1200 up to 15000 m/min. However, in grinding
Workpiece Material: Cutting Material: Rolling Conditions:
the material removal rate QW depends to a large extent on 100Cr6 V CBN Ball= ∅ 6 mm
the active width of the grinding wheel and, hence, on the (61 HRC) (DNGA 1506125-L1) pr= 40 Mpa
fr = 0.10 mm
geometry of the component.
Some of the important developments for a range of differ- Hard Turned (VB = 200 µm)
MPa 1
ent workpiece materials are now given detailed considera-
Residual Stresses
-1200 0
3.1 Cutting of Hardened Steels -1600 -1
0 40 80 120 160 µm 240 0 40 80 µm 160
The functional behaviour of machined parts is strongly Distance from the Surface
Measuring Length
influenced by the fine finishing processes which represent Surface Profile
the final step in many process chains [6, 35, 36]. High
flexibility and the ability to manufacture complex work- Figure 18: Surface layer effects due to roller burnishing
piece geometries in a single set-up are among the main [40].
advantages of hard turning over grinding. The residual
stress values on the subsurface of the workpiece are 3.2 Cutting of Leaded and Calcium Treated Steels
mainly influenced by the friction between the workpiece
For decades, low levels of lead have been added to free
material and the tool tip. With an increasing flank wear
cutting and engineering steels with the objective of im-
friction and consequently thermal load to the part surface
proving their machinability. In recent years the use of lead
is rising – a new tool cutting edge induces compressive
has become undesirable for environmental reasons.
residual stresses to the part subsurface, whereas a pro-
Hence, there is considerable interest in the development
gressively worn tool tip causes tensile residual stresses
of materials with alternative machinability enhancers.
and the appearance of a ‘white layer’ with an extremely
Accordingly, there are many demands on the new addi-
fine microstructure (Figure 17).
tives as they must not diminish the machining perform-
High hydrostatic pressure is found to be the most impor- ance. Lead is not soluble in steel and is distributed in a
tant physical quantity for the plastic deformation of hard- fine dispersive manner in the material. In low carbon free
ened ferrous materials which is essential for manufactur- cutting steels, lead accumulates at the manganese sul-
ing technical surfaces [37, 38]. Localised shearing occurs phides. König [41] studied the influence of non-metallic
and results in segmented chip formation. Local thermal inclusions on the machinability of steels. The small lead
softness, crack initiation in the free surface and micro- inclusions cause an embrittlement of the workpiece mate-
rial at the local cutting temperatures and they are believed characteristics result not only from the altered graphite
to act as an internal lubricant [42]. The friction in the con- form, but in particular due to the reduced sulphur content
tact zone between work piece and tool is lowered, which and the incorporated hard metal particles such as TiC. In
leads to reduced heat generation during cutting (Figure this regard, the wear minimising MnS layers are no longer
179). formed. Also, the utilisation of other hard metal cutting
materials bring no clear advantage. For this reason, cur-
rent transfer scenarios utilise only conventional cutting
σ Ca-aluminate speeds. Tools with multiple cutting edges must be utilised
in order to reach the required process cycle times [47, 48].
τ τ
Al Ca Turning of CGI with CBN Turning of ADI with carbide HC-K10
f = 0.3 mm; ap= 0.3 mm f = 0.2 mm; a=p 1 mm
ϑ ϑ
layer 20 60
SGI 400
km min
CGI 25 ADI 900
Tool life
Tool life
layer formation in - friction - abrasion SGI 700
machining - forces - adhesion
- temperatures - diffusion 15
calcium treated steel 4 CGI 40
0 0
Figure 19: Layer formation in machining calcium treated 0 100 200 300 400 m/min 700 100 180 260 340 m/min420
Cutting speed vc Cutting speed vc
steels [43].
A reduction of cutting temperatures up to 30% compared Figure 21: Demands on the cutting process in the turning
to unleaded steel can be achieved [44]. Cutting forces are of CGI and ADI [46, 47].
reduced, and tool life is enhanced (Figure 1720). Further,
Austempered Ductile Iron is a further development of
additions of lead improve surface quality and chip break-
conventional globular cast iron. The unusual combination
age. Latest investigations regarding the substitution of
of high strength, high ductility and high toughness results
lead deal with the comparison of tin, bismuth and sulphur
from a special heat treatment mechanism, entitled
additions and the resulting machinability. Both the plain
Austempering. The primary reason for the excellent me-
and the leaded steels act as a benchmark in this case.
chanical properties of ADI is its fine structured austenite-
Admittedly, not only the machining performance has to be
ferrite basis grain structure – also known as Ausferrite.
evaluated but also the component behaviour needs to be
The austenite present in this grain structure is stabilised
taken into account. Furthermore, metallurgy plays a dis-
by the typical high carbon content of cast irons. It is also
tinct role, as only an optimised desoxidation methodology
free of the carbides that are present in steels which un-
can guarantee the desired sulphide types and soft oxide
dergo the same heat treatment. As a result, the improved
inclusions [45].
mechanical properties of ADI require machining develop-
ment. High strength, high abrasive wear characteristics
and a high ductility lead to significantly increased me-
Ca S
width of wear land VB
lateral bore
b f1
VZ2 deformation zone • inspection strategies for burr detection and charac-
lateral bore terisation including specialised burr sensors.
L H bf1, bf2 dimensions of burr
amax *1/2
vmax *1/2
amax *2
vmax *2
• powerful high frequency work spindles sit
i on
50 % reduce P o
• innovative drive systems d
100 % incre
Variation of ased
control para
• roller or ball type linear guideways meters
kv : Disturbance control loop gain j : Jerk limitation
• light weight materials and constructions Kgv : Feedforward control amax : Max. axis acceleration
• innovative kinematic concepts d : Precision interval window vmax : Max. velocity
Complete Manufacture!
3. Cutting 5. Coating