Anterior Chamber Depth Measurement in Pseudophakic Eyes A Comparison of Pentacam and Ultrasound
Anterior Chamber Depth Measurement in Pseudophakic Eyes A Comparison of Pentacam and Ultrasound
Anterior Chamber Depth Measurement in Pseudophakic Eyes A Comparison of Pentacam and Ultrasound
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fter cataract surgery, the position of the intraocular
lens (IOL) relative to the cornea has a major influence
PURPOSE: To compare the anterior chamber depth
on refractive outcome and is therefore regarded as
(ACD) measurements of a Scheimpflug camera (Pen- a key factor in IOL power calculation.1-6 However, although
tacam, Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH) and immersion ultra- other parameters needed for this purpose (eg, corneal power
sound biometry (UltraScan Imaging System, Alcon Labo- and axial length) can be assessed preoperatively, the distance
ratories) in pseudophakic eyes. between the cornea and IOL, known as anterior chamber
depth (ACD) or effective lens position, cannot be measured
METHODS: This prospective, multicenter study included
three independent sample groups. The ACD, defined as
and is thus predicted by relying on the formulas currently
the distance between the corneal epithelium and intra- used to calculate the IOL power.7-10 Once surgery has been
ocular lens anterior surface, was assessed by ultrasound performed, the ACD can be measured and compared to the
biometry. Two Pentacam ACD measurements were eval- predicted value to assess the accuracy of various methods
uated—the value automatically provided by the inter- adopted to calculate the IOL power. This has been done using
nal software and a manual measurement obtained by
moving the software calipers on a single Scheimpflug
several technologies, including contact and immersion ultra-
image. sound biometry,11-15 optical pachymetry,15,16 scanning-slit
topography,15 and partial coherence interferometry.17,18
RESULTS: For the comparison group (12 eyes), no In 2004, another instrument for measuring the ACD became
significant difference between the mean ultrasound available—the Pentacam (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar,
biometry and mean Pentacam manual measurement Germany)—which uses a rotating Scheimpflug camera to
(4.51⫾0.34 mm and 4.50⫾0.34 mm, respectively,
P⬎.05) was noted, whereas the mean automatic value
image the anterior segment of the eye. The ACD measure-
was significantly higher (4.94⫾0.41 mm, P=.0002), ments provided by this device have been extensively studied
as the posterior edge of the anterior chamber is in phakic eyes, where they have shown reliable repeatabil-
erroneously identified as coinciding with the bound- ity and non-significant or very small differences compared
ary of the posterior capsule. A strong correlation was to other methods, such as ultrasound, partial coherence
found between Pentacam manual measurements and
ultrasound biometry (r=0.98, P⬍.0001); this cor-
interferometry and scanning-slit topography.19-24 On the other
relation was confirmed by the confirmation group (17 hand, only two studies have evaluated ACD measurements
eyes), whose mean values were 4.76⫾0.39 mm and performed with the Pentacam in pseudophakic eyes.22,25
4.72⫾0.37 mm, respectively (r=0.98, P⬍.0001). After Regrettably, those authors found that the automatic values
merging the data for the comparison and confirmation provided by the instrument were significantly different from
groups, the difference between Pentacam manual mea-
surements (4.65⫾0.38 mm) and ultrasound readings
(4.63⫾0.38 mm) was not statistically significant. For
the assessment group (15 eyes), relative repeatability From G.B. Bietti Eye Foundation-IRCCS, Rome, Italy (Savini); University
and reproducibility of Pentacam manual measurements Eye Clinic, Aarhus Hospital, Aahrus, Denmark (Olsen); Studio Oculistico
were 1.17% and 1.59%, respectively. Carbonara, Rome, Italy (Carbonara, Pazzaglia); Studio Oculistico d’Azeglio,
Bologna, Italy (Barboni, Carbonelli); and Jules Stein Eye Institute, University
of California, Los Angeles, Calif (Hoffer).
CONCLUSIONS: In pseudophakic eyes, the Pentacam
provides ACD values that do not statistically differ from The authors have no proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.
those of ultrasound immersion biometry, on the condi- Correspondence: Giacomo Savini, MD, G.B. Bietti Eye Foundation-IRCCS, Via
tion that manual measurements are used rather than Livenza 3, Rome, Italy. Tel: 39 06 85356727; Fax: 39 06 84242333; E-mail:
automatic ones. [J Refract Surg. 2010;26:341-347.] [email protected]
Received: August 7, 2008; Accepted: May 5, 2009
Posted online: June 22, 2009
Ultrascan outputs an ACD only for the scan chosen to examiner 1 as recommended by Bland and Altman and
appear in the printout, the operator arbitrarily chose 1 proposed by the British Standards Institution; the coef-
of the 10 ACD measurements. ficient of repeatability was defined as 2 standard devia-
tions of the differences between pairs of measurements
CONFIRMATION GROUP in the same patients obtained during the same visit by
Seventeen consecutive patients who had undergone the same observer. The interobserver reproducibility
uneventful phacoemulsification and IOL implantation was assessed by analyzing the difference between the
in the capsular bag were enrolled in a hospital-based first measurements obtained by the two examiners; the
center (Aarhus, Denmark). Mean age was 58.8⫾16.1 coefficient of reproducibility was defined as 2 standard
years (range: 38 to 87 years). Surgery had been per- deviations of the differences between pairs of measure-
formed a mean of 22⫾18 days earlier (range: 7 to 57 ments in the same patients obtained during repetition
days). All eyes received an AcrySof SA60AT IOL of the test under different conditions, such as a differ-
(Alcon Laboratories) with a mean power of 24.30⫾3.00 D ent examiner.27-29
(range: 8.50 to 31.00 D). Pentacam and ultrasound bi- Relative repeatability and relative reproducibil-
ometry measurements were performed following the ity were calculated as a percentage of the ratio of the
same method described for the comparison group. repeatability and reproducibility coefficients, respec-
tively, to the mean value of the measurements.20
Fifteen consecutive patients who had undergone RESULTS
uneventful phacoemulsification and IOL implanta- For the comparison group, mean ACD as mea-
tion in the capsular bag were enrolled in a hospital- sured by immersion ultrasound biometry was
based center (Rome, Italy). Mean age was 74.4⫾19.1 4.51⫾0.34 mm (range: 3.99 to 5.11 mm). The mean
years (range: 60 to 85 years). Surgery had been per- automatic reading of the Pentacam was significantly
formed a mean of 12⫾5 months (range: 5 to 21 months) higher than ultrasound biometry (4.94⫾0.41 mm,
earlier. All eyes received an AcrySof MA60AC IOL P=.0002), whereas manual measurements were simi-
(Alcon Laboratories) with a mean power of 21.20⫾1.60 D lar (4.50⫾0.34 mm, P⬎.05). The difference compared
(range: 18.50 to 24.50 D). Pentacam measurements to ultrasound biometry ranged between ⫺0.11 and 0.73
were performed following the same methods described mm in the automatic mode and between ⫺0.06 and
for the comparison group by two independent exam- ⫹0.09 mm in the manual mode. Accordingly, Bland-
iners in a single session. Ultrasound biometry was Altman plots revealed wider 95% limits of agreement
not performed for the assessment group. To assess between ultrasound readings and Pentacam automatic
intraobserver repeatability, examiner 1 acquired two sets values (⫺0.12 to ⫹0.98 mm, Fig 2A) than between ul-
of scans. To assess interobserver reproducibility, a sec- trasound readings and Pentacam manual values (⫺0.11
ond operator acquired one more set of scans. to ⫹0.1 mm, Fig 2B). Statistical analysis revealed a
stronger correlation between the ultrasound readings
STATISTICS and the manual Pentacam values (r=0.98, P⬍.0001)
Because in all groups some patients had surgery in than between the ultrasound readings and the auto-
both eyes, only one eye for each patient was used for matic Pentacam values (r=0.69, P=.01).
statistical analysis (in the event of bilateral surgery, The confirmation group values confirmed good corre-
it was randomly chosen using a computer-generated, lation between manual Pentacam (4.76⫾0.39 mm) and
predetermined randomization schedule). In the com- immersion biometry (4.72⫾0.37 mm) measurements
parison and confirmation groups, pairs of measure- (r=0.98, P⬍.0001), as well as good agreement (95% lim-
ments were compared by means of paired t test and its of agreement: ⫺0.14 to 0.07 mm). After merging the
linear regression was used to quantify how well the data for the comparison and confirmation groups, the
measurements varied together. Statistical analyses difference between Pentacam manual measurements
were performed using GraphPad InStat Version 3a for (4.65⫾0.38 mm) and ultrasound readings (4.63⫾0.38 mm)
Macintosh (GraphPad Software, San Diego, Calif). The was not statistically significant (P⬎.05).
relationship between pairs of measurements was also Regarding repeatability and reproducibility, both
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ments were compared by paired t test. Intraobserver ability and reproducibility were ⫾0.05 and 0.06 mm,
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