What Have I Learned So Far On Philosophy of Man?

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What have I learned so far on Philosophy of Man?

“The truth is not always true” this sentence summarized all my learn on the subject philosophy
of man, why you ask? Let’s start with a famous philosopher of western philosophy, Aristotle.
His philosophy is about what is the purpose of an object or its essences. He said that the
Essenes or purpose of an object or a thing will not change in any circumstances. For example,
Sir mar lay down on a table. The essence of a table will not change it is only to put things on top
nothing more nothing less whether sir Mar lay down or sit in the table, but many years past
another philosopher philosophize or critic Aristotle philosophy and that is Martin Heidegger. He
said that the essence of an object will change depending on the users intention, for example a
murderer wants to kill sir Mar so sir Mar run then he stumble upon an table then he lift the
table then hit the murderer with the table. In his case according to Aristotle the essences the
table will not change whatever you do to the table but according to Martin Heidegger the
essence of the table change not putting things on top but a weapon to protect sir Mar’s life.
Same topic but has contradicting views so the real question is What is the truth? Aristotle who
tutors even Alexander the great or a German philosopher that does not tutor any known genius
in history.

This I will question his work .Im sorry for any that will tackle in this Statement but this is my
view, My opinion so I have the freedom in it .Without farther ado lets Start. Thomas Aquinas,
His theory about the 5 proof why God exist. The Argument of Motion, He said that every
moving objects has something that is moving it. He say that God is the unmoved mover or the
beginning and the end of motion because he thought that is impossible for an object to move
at the beginning, Someone must have move it and that is God. And my question is this. Why is it
impossible why cant it be possible. Like the beginning of a circle. We cannot determine the
exact beginning of it so we formulate different guest on where does it start?. Why cant we all
agree that the circle has no beginning or an ending why cant we agree that we move because
we want to not just something that telling us to move or the quote that we are not perfect so
God is the perfect being. Why are we not perfect? We live we move we eat etc. so what’s there
to be imperfect? We commit mistakes? And mistakes makes us imperfect, excuse me? We
identify those action as mistakes. We our selves identify it. So from that I conclude that God
only exist because we want him to exist. We want him to be the answer of the question that we
don’t have an clue to answer, We idealized or create an image of him based from our minds. Or
in short God exist because we created him as our escape rope or idol that we need to follow.
Last is Jeremy Bentham. The “greatest Good for the greatest number of people “lets take Robin
hood for example. He steals then give it to the poor. According to one philosopher forgot his
name that the action of robin hood is immoral. If the cause is immoral then the end is also
immoral. But according to Jeremy Bentham we should based on the people that are affected on
the cause. The poor has many number so many will be happy and the action is moral.so from
that as long as many people benefited at the action all is Good right? So from that we should
bomb Singapore then take its land for our people. Our population is greater than in Singapore
and many will be happy when we take over their land. From that is the action moral or not?
What did he mean by greatest number?75% pleasure 25% pain? Lets go back from the story of
Robin Hood. He steals from the government then Give the poor money. Its moral right?
Because of the number, but what if that money he steal will be use for making roads so that we
can trade to other town and will help us improve the economy? Moral or not? That is the
In all of the statement that I discussed is an example of what I learn in the philosophy of man.
That The truth is not always true. Many question will arise in the future. Many philosophy will
be revised or in other worlds nothing is permanent. What we know the truth now but later that
truth will not consider truth. And that is Philosophy for me. It is the endless pursuit of the truth.
One thing that I don’t know is that why is 1+1=2?why cant it be 3?or 4?why?and that’s

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