Ozone Mag #25 - Jul 2004
Ozone Mag #25 - Jul 2004
Ozone Mag #25 - Jul 2004
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Jutia Beverty (JB)
Jutia Beverty (J8,) 16BrrspgiAt2
ADG gUIF{f tuo fillhntos pgr At$t6, BI-tg
Bobby Novoa, Bogan, Brian O'Hare,
Chris lmani, Cynthia Coutard, Dain
Burroughs, Darnella Dunham, Dave
Goodson, Fetisha Foxx, Felita
Knight, Hasan Brown, lisha Hitt-
mon, Jaro Vacek, Jeska Manrique,
Jesse Jazz, Jessica Kostow, J Lash,
Katerina Perez, Keith Kennedy,
K.G. Mostey, Matik "Copafeet"
Abdut, Nada Taha, Natalia Gomez,
Noe[ Matcotm, Rayfietd Warren,
Rohit Loomba, Spiff, Swift, Walty
Che' Johnson (Gotta Boogie tlgmt)
Kyte P. King, P.A. (King Law Firm)
Nikki Kancey
Mercedes (Strictly Streets)
Buggah D. Govanah (On Point)
Big Teach (Big ltouth)
Efren Mauricio (Direct Promo)
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l(iami office:
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Miami, FL 33132
Cover credits: Terror Squad and DJ
Khated photos by Jutia Beverty; Lit'
Ftip photo by Dan Higgins; Remy Martin
photo by Bogan. OZONE Magazine is Pimpw.
pubtished eteven times annuatty by
OZONE Magazine, lnc. OZONE does Audd
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pg. Bl8
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magazine may be reproduced in any nDR€iliairsp$Bn2 E)qess
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the publisher. Printed in the USA.
klbnlhW{ilirq p$Arg
Vkleo Gon* Re*tr'rrr pgr B?3 pgt 825
t23 Main sr
Atyrh€.q .-**ffi
US 123,+j
-l*. I juei i+*e1 ;.*+:i;:' ? eents ;:thsut hevr .y*1.J g*l stariel witli ths *:ega- !*rr :::=3azi=* is the pui.:e oi th* sir+r€is. I fur-i'*!:l:y wr:lk el Sjrci it."
uiil*. I qfi( r*uch 1*v* {::r y*il i:*ei ysui"g*il*. Ksep it e*;njn,l - Fig {** j;:1 and i=vE tr*en a :tr ci :+;r n::q+;rire lin{e r.h* i:eqi*ri.ififr. t g*t
Jag, big**+jay{*:C*p#{.it*f:ir:s6:r"*mu{i**.**m {5t, F*t*rsbr.:rg, -l} =ig
reeu*::5 fr-=r:r ine=:=s he:'s;ii th*:i:ne ls;+*tl.i thFin a {.fl$_}y uf iie
r?aga:ine, *::i lih:-:.: ihat's hi:;ri*i":s. lilst wantte{l !.o t€il y*il gu:j$ t*
trantrsE i*r i,h*v',rrrq i|y l{et s.;ire l*v* ii: ycur rr':*gexin*. i just h*ar"e.l hil 14e*p up {h* q$si n'r'orir.. = !3*rr*l! 5c*tt, hiq:;{l}tt(r5#Hehc*,<*t=
il*il{'5fi!r* ** ?9 J*i-+; the *t+*r dav. 1t'* ** refres*ing io h**i s*i.n* fit{"tsi{ {Sr-
le*d*, F{*}
wilii r+*l iirric:" r*pres*;:ti:-:g il+*+ {*uilty ii!!.r* hig;-hop ai iiie sHrft€ tifii*.
! lik* *iilll3+g, i:r:t h:s:;.ylc ig:.; i:mjtcrl t: *i1 dirtsJi a*i ce{r!+ Firr;:;*s ?irag:ks fwn y**r {*v*r $tsry *ri Fttb*:i. I're {u**n t**. ,;l*ci tt's *:*t
thai h* iot*-: rn*. Sty isil't jils'r ft*+fh*r fiilft]e* *rr fi tt;if:i.. li seeixls t* !"i* t*:ai Flt*uli 'i:: *u!*a* f !!q* :::*" i#* *on't giv* a fu*k oreuss fis {ut*ams
tltal !:e's q*t fl Let fi*r€ ift $t*r+ i*r us. { **::'t thiilk,lriami *i hip*h*i_: i: ws $h*y the :a***, di* tfo* sa-:*. and ;"i** *y t[r* saffie hai:*, *n *t,s
r*edy f*!- this li,iat" +c's hri*.ti1-rg irac.k 1'/!i*r drew fit$ri tf r_;s t* *j="h*::. alt fihr:Lct sff*:"t, i rvle:: *j{t}r".rll lj:* be:t. ir: *vunyt*ing }te {i**s. - S**l**i,
Ai.t ihat giiil*!'*hi{t fi:::*1ilg i-q n*l i+}:*l hip-h*J:r.'*: aLl ah*ut ba*k rh*:-:, :4l!1-ht***g*ft" !"r.{etlr i*riend*, -l-}
s* ',,re'v*r **i |*s .*ai trll* quaiity nf lryi*i ti'te art h$s t* *{fsr'" Ti:+ pas-
si*!r" trLi:"-fi. +n* sr*l $f th€ *iiistt tr ca* i**i ali thet 1-:uilger and *iiv* i*,'recli l.ls: ?.+sre n ers i.r,'J ii.:a,=.'t9cl F:&*a* aop*{s*s {r:} ptr_q€ !# tsf *tii
ti: i:iy's d+-*1i'/sf't. li**p ilp lh* t{rod o.*r*rF. *ver nf *i*N5. - !-i*:rr:*sty, Jilr]r *di*isff: ##8 w+;.4mdr* :t*ird#.r:;;-e and {J:j.i,foi# frsl{s G FlrrEst*n*
h*n**ssylSSFh*l{s**tfi"fiet {A4t*rni, F{-} f+;"rlc'rvgnr*i, ': *frfr:*kg: s61+', *Fs #?# w*s 6{r. $1*$,".iei'n ar:d #j Anfjcs
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Fi*I* #li *!l F*SF ?-! ',r,*s fr*iig #
Srle*;$*, w!i*i's rh y'ati? I ;***n, ycl!_! gst ti:is durj* fi i1&*|:ey kts+i*q
r-lp wf i,. irlp #p&J(i-f, Ftrert. -., ;dn',
ever'1'$;;iiy's in th* rrrjti( gfrln*, *nd tfren h+ qets i:ilsteri f,:r ssli-
i*g h**tl*g {l}s and *Vlis at th* r*il#id trall" L*r::e *rr, di-;de, y*!r'rs 4F ;1j;J, ws itrren*lF receivgd + *h*n* c::i{ in r*g*rds t,3 *#r *tij&e ,,piJ=fiffif -
y6+15 fl[d. T*#t'! jiti€r*ilg stuff. lit yn *Li: ass,j*t+n. A+cj what'-c *r- erjit'l i'y r'sdf tn j:{'=,"u" c:-l;5a= .* j-jl' S**:ie" J.r fJ**f nrfjejc, '.q,f j!rc*i-r.*ffly
{lit+'nteLl raeli*, *;her+ lheni i*N! *tl lhe}- r,i:*s d*ing t:1*ir thin#. j j:*ar }*lfffen ii:{rf So=:is has "n$ :-Eiors ,J*nl, ** fix.r*ssrnts*i. *nd lj* ;iror--
m**y Le{ h*:t{tl d*iirg +:liri:s. *r:* Whitfl nci frie*l, h*': siiil doi*s +j: a*fing slc;f" " !i;? *o*id li*e i* rsfi'd;rf fh#t *rl*fflr?r*#f. :fur* if fijms
tiuiq dizzi.*. l"i1rtl +** hir h*y L; *.4erl{o, th*i; **i on€ +{ il-ifl cr**k*lt lp*ti *uf fF*i #a*::'* #*ss **.rer cl ,t:*:;*gsr s*d is $i-gfi*# f6 Fir,:p fl.s ?ri{{
r:n n :+;.urcj*y liifii1t". A++ *;irv !: Fr*style rn hrigh*aciecl. h* ni*,t ab*uq f;l-ifsilrriri::*;if. #;s ,.nynris_q Ftri|nsr t4fuS$is ry*s ei{sc *si nrs+{j*:::*d
shil" Y'::if l;.e*;: hi*wir:* his tread r:; i:iie he *cme :e*i filckt+' rupers{ar. rr? lhc ffrfi{is.
ffiH#ru# ffirymx*r*m ilw$#flv#ffi efu* #ght ** *dfrtr $*mdfu*mfiq s€*fufie.+€sm$mffis 9ffifl **mr*ftg *n RmaryHfu.
, sTsP! AWA**
m ffi M
has kind of a har gnt that nrore impact, go is more energiz- like some sugary
Yitamin after- with Crunkl ing. Pimp Juice is Fhwaiian Punch.
sweet sweetness,
ta:te, tike those This is me all day. Juice, lfyou tm soft for me- " l\lothin'but pure
Flintstones chew- ,itix it with a lil' want a smooth sugar. Crunkl
ablesycu wed to bit ofthat drank. Cratoradetyp€ '"The Fimp Juice Juice actually
hawwhenlrou feel me?" flavor, go with is good, but the has flavor to it."
& M @
werea hd, Pimp Pimp Juice." Crunkl Juice got
Juice is a pineap- me right. lfeel < "l likeCrunkl
@ ffi
< "l did a blind
piy subrtance," taste test. I don't < "l can't really energized," Juice, l'm about
know what they choose one. Pimp to be bouncing
< "l gotta go with put in Crunkl Juic€ is s{€etcr, < "Crunk! Jui{e off the walls."
Pimp Juice. Juice, but it's but Crunkl Juke woke me up. lt
Crunk! i5 a littls nasty. I like the wilt get ya right," tastes like an "l need Crunkl in
too harsh for rne. Pimp Juice," energy drink. lt's mysystem!"
lil too strong." "Yx.r could mix got more kick to
ffi M M
< "Crunkl Juice 'em@edurrd it, Pimp Juice is < "lffhat did the
bo watery like
< "Pimp Juice it awful, lt tarter get a crurf( pimp." five knuckles say
gro€! down a lot like a man! fratorade." to $€ face?"
easief. lt's kind of drink. I like the < "Depen& on (piw staps the
tike Red Bull Pimp Juice, you the mood. Crunkl < 'This is defi- Pinq Juice ean)
witho* leaving could mix it with Juke tastes just nttely Crunk!. I'll 'Smack! I liks the
that nasty tittle Lrypnotiq or like the name, corne back in ten Crunk! Juire."
ffi m ffi
kick in your somethlng llke and Pirnp Juie minutes and let
nrouth." that." tastes just tike p: knowif it < "l've been in
the name-" kicked in," love with Crunk!
< "Fimp Juice is . "l gofta go with .,luice *nce the
Juke." nice rn' sweet." either one." the taste." sweet for me. "
(brushes dirt off
4t}Vo @ lOo/o M
shatlders) < "l'il not eyen
from the South,
< "l like Pinrp lrnt l'm gonna
Juice. This (runk have to go with
shit tastes that Crunkl
p*F:nnffi punp JurcE nasty."
tfltDgctDF Juice-" pnscnnE cRuru$ rur03
Latino rap-
(A plane flies by overhead, advertislng Fat Joeis iv€*i.tgtE
South Beach. "See that?" he points. "That's.why.thqj';re-''|i;ad:!)
:.,1., ,r -:
I heard you just bought your wife a new cai?: ., .r:. . , .
Do yOU
you have any kids? r : ,.,. , ;. :1.-
Yes, I have two sons: Joey and Ryan. They come and visit all the.time. My-i-- :.-' =:. :.:
son just
iust told me he doesn't have summer camp, cominE to.'bbwith" iri ,:,r,i:
camD. so he's comingto.bb.vdth:riri.:,-;,::
me every day. I totd him I was going on tour, but you know, l've got to fig- .
ure it out somehow. We're on the Latin Kings of Hip-Hop il-our. ltrs'mgani{,::.,::,:1.r:,1
a bunch of poputar Spanish rappers. I'm the headtiner, of course.
.,',S-b' this upcorning album a compitation album? don't know what they want from us. ' . , ,' l-
'.riitiS a'Tgrror: Squad atbum. Remy Martin is on there, Tony [Sunshine] got so-
:,los;,Armageddon and Prospect are on there, and [Big] Pun is on there. I got Are you coming out with a solo album soon? ' .
" &
We're working on my atbum and Remy's album. Welye got Khated, Cool
,aJoint.on lhe atbum with me, Big L, and Pun. lt's crazy, verses from Big L
ah{ you neyer heard before. lt's catled "Bring 'em Back." lt's sick. Dre, Street Runnerz, and DirtBag so far.
I r,roticed.you switch up your flow a lot. Anything else you want to say?
At'timesyou have to be inventing stuff. That what hetps you have longev- We love Miami!
.jty. !'ve come up with so many names, come back so many times. You have
ffto ceme back with a new flow every time. I feet tike I'm the best I've ever
t. been. ['rn tetting myself be creative, and tatk about different things. I'm
. just expanding right now, and not afraid to take a chance.
,.':(Joe interrupts the interview when his right-hand man lvlacho arrives with
:','suntan lotion, "No homo... l4ach, put that shit on my back, please!")
.. t'..
:":.tl[ow did you still keep that New York feel to your music when you're
.:..,down here in Miami so often?
:. r'l,t'trlr so- New York. I'm the King of New York, nobody else. I know everyone
: ;:w.ho owns anything in New York, even the guys who own the Frankfurter
:ir,stands. l come down here and get that Southern vibe. {sings) "Ohhh, I tike
,::it tike that, Stow motion for me." That shit don't be poppin' in New York
a :, ::,"but
PUI I De be UP on it.
up On Now II'm
lf . NOW m starting to fwlsf
Starung fO twist rlly
my flow
ltow celLalll
certain ways, 5(J now it
so llow lL
' can only help me. l've always got that New York hardcore hip-hop vibe. I
i.d,::,: am that. That's what I tive and breathe. Being in the South just attows me
i.;1, ,;to open up and try some new shit.
There was a rumor going around that you and Cuban Link had an
altercation in a hotel down here in Miami?
*' Wow. I haven't heard that name in so [ong. Actua[ty, the day he
said I did that, I was sitting front row at the Heat game. I'm not .q
s r.1
lvarit to take care of my chitdren. ljust love working. I'm happy when l'm Do you write most of your songs?
I do write, but on this album, I didn't get the opportunity to get down
the way I wanted to. Coo[ & Dre did most of the writing and production,
but it mostty came from my emotions and feetings. They hetped me write
what I was feeting at the moment. They'd ask me how I fett about certain
situations, I expressed my feetings, and they wrote about it. lt's crazy.
Coo[ & Dre are incredibte songwriters and producers. As far as my career
goes, I owe it att to Joe and Coo[ & Dre, man.
'....'...'. ..;,
Are you everCaf iiiiioih
I started off :when,:.lr wes;
Spanish battads. I sung with a
Spanish industry as a
Prospect grew up ctose to Big Pun, who happened to be his cousin's best "Everyone is on their own fucking dickl" Remy exctaims when irsked-to..
friend. Pun had formed a [oca[ crew and invited Prospect to join after hear- describe her Terror Squad famity, but there's nothing but love for thQ
ing his demo. "l knew he was about to pop off," Prospect recatls. "But that clique. "Everyone's [ike, the same," she giggtes. "lt's tike youlre'deatin!
was my man, so I ain't even ask him to help me out. I was [ike, 'Fuck the with yoursetf four times att day!" According to Remy, she's considered
rap shit. "' Pun eventuatty introduced Prospect to Fat Joe. the probtem chitd of the group. "l must state my opinion!" she taughs.-i
"But, I'm the nice one, in my opinion. I always remember to buy looth- i,
Prospect Avenue was where Prospect grew up and eventually drew his name paste for everyone. I'm the one who remembers to buy mitk for the i'
from, but this New York MC atso draws from the definition of the word: up- cereat, and remembers that we need spoons instead of forks."
coming success. With some input from Pun, Prospect adopted the word as i \l
his stage name. Aside from Terror Squad, Prospect is working on some per- Another crew that Remy reps is the Murda Mamis, a group of industry
sonal projects inctuding a DVD and compitation atbum with a French group females which includes Gloria Velez and MTV's La La. "The concept of
in BK. As far as a solo album, Prospect is more focused on putting together Murda Mamis," exptains Remy, "ls that it's a cottaboration of girls
soto tracks. "l'm not realty looking for a deal with a major [abe[ right now," a[[ over." There are DJs, promoters, MCs, and other industry figures
he says. "My crew has connects, but you know, it's not easy to get numbers volved. Remy continued by discussing the role of femates in the
from everyone tike that." noting that it's never been a probtem for her.
When it comes to the new Terror Squad compitation atbum through SRC/ As far as her own projects, Remy has a solo atbum in the works
Universal, Prospect offers, "l didn't have much input on the atbum, but she began recording before the Terror Squad album. After the
I'm on a couple of joints." You can tett a relationship is a littte weak when is reteased, she fears she won't have much time to record.
a whole group except one member goes on vacation. When Terror Squad considered putting out a ctothing [ine, but is waiting for t
went down to Miami for Memorial Day weekend, Prospect says, "l was in the "l wouldn't want to endorse it just for the check." We atso h
'hood. I was in the projects, man. The whote squad was there, but I was on the possibitity of her endorsing Remy Martin liquor*"That'tt
in the projects. They didn't catl for me, they left me in the hood." He stitl the tine somewhere. I reatty don't know;" she says.
looks at the bright side, however. "As long as they had a good time, it's atl "")" ' ".-'--- -'
good. " Reatty, Prospect? Overa[[, it's ctear that Remy enjoys tife and simpty does v,itl4tFver: sh6
"Nobody but the [ate, great Big Pun," Prospect says when asked about
his mentors. "He didn't teach me to rap, but he just totd me how to ptay
around with my style." Pun kept Prospect focused on rap and gave him mo-
tivation. "He schooted me to the ups and downs of the whote game when he
made it big," remembers Prospect.
Since's Pun's passing, however, it seems that the distance between Prospect
and the rest of Terror Squad has grown. When asked about Summer Jam,
Prospect reptied, "l heard something about that. I think we might be out
there." Odd, considering that less than thirty minutes ago, Remy Martin was
going out of her mind with excitement for the Terror Squad appearance at
Summer Jam. lt even seems that Prospect has been financially left out of
the picture. He has no car, and mentioned that the videos aren't making
him any money. Don't forget the obvious indicator of his tack of Fat Joe
weatth: Prospect's home, in the hood, is "stitt humbte." He interrupted our
interview briefly to tetl someone to stop and let him out of the car. A Terror
Squad MC hitching a ride?!? Prospect seems to be using his thumb to do the
"Lean Back. "
Maybe one day, another aspiring artist witt be abte to hetp Prospect out by
giving him a ride and picking up some of his wisdom. When you barety see
your groupmates outside of the studio, are you reatty a part of the group?
Hard to say who's fautt that is, though. Maybe Prospect prefers being soto.
prom the beginning of our interview, it was clear that something had
h 1gr1e1 Squad's femate MC Remy Martin extremety hyped up. ln fact,
I "giddy" best describes her state of mind. "l'm mad happy, I'm in a
great mood!" she votunteered. lt turned out that she was gushing over Hot
97's Summer Jam., which was coming up the fottowing day. Terror. S_quad
was stated to make an appearance. "We're not even showcasing," Rem{''a {i.
exptained. "We're coming out as a surprise guest with someone eGe." ".ol
\ !
With Remy so excited about Summer Jam, the interview was off and run- \.
ning. I coutdn't have even stopped Remy if I tried as she excitedty shared \.
story after story. One of the stories she shared with lots of vigor was Me-
morial Day Weekend, which atso happened to be her birthday weekend.
ln good ot' hip-hop fashion, Remy made a trip to Miami, Vice City itsetf,
with fettow TS members Fat Joe, Tony Sunshine, and their entourage. she
{words:rohit ** --}q-t* !k .*ar'-.".!e,
'knows what coutd have happehed.' . .. ,,:.:. '
ln his situation, did he have a certain medicil condi-
tion that caused him to gain weight?
Yeah, probabty so. They don't even reatize what
they're doing to themsetves until it's too tate. I just
try to give the best advice that I can. l'r,n training Tony,
and Tony is difficult to train because he likes to eat and
;ir, drink. When you're a celebrity, poppin' bottles, Moet
it': and Cristat, that's not heatthy. That's one of the most
important things I totd Joe: to tose weight, you've got
rl. to stop drinking. And he did stop. I hate cigarettes. I've
been on Tony about that, but every man can make their
own decisions. lt's his life, he's the one that wants to
smoke a cigarette. lt a[[ depends on the individuat. The
most important thing is that we atl get focused. l'm
here to train whoever wants to be trained.
Howdo you motivate someone to exercise?
You've gotta tet them know it's a good thing. it It must be hard trying to find weights when you're on
rnakes you strong. Working out is good for you, pe- the road. What if you don't have access to a gym?
riod.'You can't atways be mentalty strong, you've We go outside and do a littte calisthenics. Push-ups,
got to be physicatly strong as wett. A tot of rappers putt-ups. We take it back to the jait mentality. ln jait,
have money and don't take care of themsetves, you don't always have the weights and the luxury of
so they wind up with diabetes and high btood a gum. When lwas in jail lwas a bad guy, so if you're
pressure. I just try to motivate them, especiatly misbehaving they punish you. I was in a cell atl day, so
my farnily. l'm here to support my Terror Squad I had to make the best of it. Keep my stomach right. I
famity. Joe's my brother, I love Joe. lf it wasn't did a tot of push-ups, crunches, leg raises, and working
for him, I probabty wouldn't be here right now. my abs right. I atso used to meditate a [ot. I used to sit
He was atways there when I was incarcerated, on my head for hatf an hour a day.
and he's there now. When I was in the hatfway
house, Joe :was there for me. You've got to ap- What's the advantage of sitting on your head?
preciate those sma[[ things. I stay in contact with I coutd feel the btood rush from the bottom of my legs
everybody in jait right now, cause I've got a lot atl the way to my head. lt put me in a zone where I
of homies doing life. I send them pictures, I do could be at peace. When you're misbehaving in jait,
everything I can for them. they put you on diets to try to make you weak. I'd give
my neighbor cake, and he'd give me his chicken.
Do you think prison can rehabilitate someone?
Onty if you want it to. lt's got to come from How could someone contact you for training?
within your heart. Jai[ was a terribte ptace to be. They can reach me at 347 -234-8834 or 917 -703-3903.
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. lt's not
coot at att. Betieve me, I know.
How did.you pass the time?
Working bUt. I love weights. I haven't eaten meat
in fifteen years, so l'm strong as hetl.
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Srime Mab
*Knuek lf Ya BucK'
< (Lil' Flip continued)
with that shit. lf you ain't fuck wit' me then, don't fuck wit' me now. That's
how I look at it.
What made you decide to release a song like "Sunshine" which is obvi'
ously directed more towards the ladies?
I mean, everybody tiked it. When I do my albums, I let the DJs tetl me what
they [ike, the labet, my homeboys, instead of me just going with what I
wanna go with. Sometimes you can lose like then when you go with your
ego. I took everybody's advice and the radio just started playing it.
What about the people that are cool with both you and Flip? Bun B per-
formed with you, and then after you dissed Flip he was backstage on his
cell lookin' upset.
Are you serious? That's you taking what you think and basically making it
into whatever you woutd like for it to be. I tatk to Bun B every other day.
l'm up here in the studio right now with PautWatt and a gang of niggas from
Clovertand. lf a nigga is cool with him and me too, hey, I apotogize if you
feet tike you being placed in the middte but the best thing to do is just stay
out the shit and tet him stand on his own two feet.
How many tracks did you do on the Terror Squad album? ls itgoing to be a North meets South vibe?
I did the intro, "Nothing's Gonna Stop," and a song with Yeah, like the best of both wortds, from a DJ stand-
me and Joe, "Yes Them to Death." point.
Since you started out in the game DJing with DJ Nasty, are you two go- Do you think there's any conflict of interest with you serving as both a
ing to do any more production collabos? producer and a DJ? Like, you can produce a record and automatically
Definitety. Nasty's my man. Whatever he wants to do, I'm down. When it get it on the radio?
comes to music, me and Nasty have this vibe. I'tt be in town or he't[ be in I see what you're saying. But if everyone around me feets like it ain't hot,
town and we't[ just knock it out. We don't ever stop working. then it ain't hot. lf it's hot, it's hot. I don't care. lf I make a record and
it's a hit, I'm gonna go qazy with it.
Do you feel like the production quality of your beats has gotten better
since you've been working at it? What if you made a record that you feel is hot and another DJ isn't
Yeah, because I made myself step my game up. The more I progressed, I feeling it, do you think you'd second-guess yourself?
was [ike, damn. I'm the Beat Novocain. You can't give up until the song is buried. That's just one DJ's opinion.
Where did you come up with that name, the Beat Novocain? Anything else you wanna say?
When you hear the Terror Squad album, there's a line where Joe says, "l OZONE's the #1 magazine in the world. Don't get it fucked up.
picked up a few producers and with Khated, dammit man, we did it again,
the Beat Novocain." - lnterview and photo by Julia Beverly, [email protected]
-*Iorq* ren
- *+{ADq€/le
- nJrrrn
Ftl;l lUlOllE IHFO CIOIsrnGT BE!|HICE @ 4cnr-g7$-6973t
(lll ElllrlAtl. EExl]iI(ll.I.|G t @ACtr*lBOm or BI(EEA]ILPRC}II@IACIL,{BOIUI
::rreffiWhere would people know you from?
I was a part of Beats by the Pound. Me, Moby I have other peopte to do that. I have an atl- body. Everybody finatty got their first break to
Dick, Craig B, and Odett used to be the in-house star [ineup: Mystikat, Snoop, Juvenile, L'it' Jon, be put out on a major, so it reatty didn't matter
producers for No Limit. There was another cat Soulja Slim, B.G., Daz Dillinger, Fiend, Mr. Serv- whose atbum it was. We atl came together in one
named Cartos who's no longer with us. I produce On, Don Yute, C-Nite, Beautifut, and a lot of room and made an atbum, and had fun doing it.
soto now, with Medicine Men. other artists. Fiend is on the lead singte, "Down It was never one person individuatty making his
South." lt's stitt the same Pound: me, Craig B, own record. lt started getting like that later on
Why did you end up leaving No Limit? How did Moby Dick, and Odetl. down the ['ine.
things deteriorate?
When people bring up the money I do tatk about Are you putting the album out independently What other projects are you working on?
it, but it wasn't the money that made us leave. or looking for a major distributor? We just signed a cat named Calico, and we're
It was the communication. When [Master P] de- It alI depends if the tabels start acting right. ln- working on his project. We're also working on a
cided to go pursue his basketbalt career, it fucked dependent is offering me better money than the Medicine Man album called Beafs by the Pound.
up our communication. Whenever we had to tatk majors. Peopte want it, but if the majors ain't B.G. and Soutja Stim atso got an album together
to him, we had to go through somebody. When it tatking right, then l'tt go independent. l't[ make catled .Ain'f No Limit to my Cash l4oney. It's hot
goes through somebody, it gets back to him att more money but l't[ have to go out and work as fuck. lt's probabty the most gangsta shit you't[
fucked up. That started some bullshit. Money the record more, which is actuatly something I ever hear in a long time. Everyone atways won-
didn't have anything to do with us leaving, but need to do. Peopte don't know me, they know dered what it would be tike if Cash Money and
after we teft, shit, he started sending papers to my music. No Limit worked together. Soutja S[im actuatly
our lawyers about "faiture to report to work." brought B.G. to me, so his death reatly brought
So we were tike, fuck it. We were never signed Why did you decide to change the name? me and B.G. real ctose. When me and B.G. do a
to a contract, so we wasn't even tripping on the When we left No Limit, P had some other pro- song together he'[t flow on it, but [Stim's death]
money. We just wanted out. There were several ducers working under the name "Beats by the witl fuck with him. lt reatly does affect him. lt
times when we, [Beats by the Pound], tried to Pound." His production was so fucked up, it was real hard for both me and him. Stim and B.G.
tatk to h'im to get the situation solved, because burned the name. Anything after "Fuck Them was real ctose, even when that Cash Money/No
it was some minor shit. lt was just his pride. And Other Niggas," we didn't produce. Limit shit was going on. Nothing broke their
one thing I know from experience is that he's bond. Nothing. That's how it is with me and Man-
a real good person, but he's influenced by the Why did Master P fite bankruptcy? nie [Fresh]; a lot of peopte don't know that cause
peopte around him. So a lot of the decisions that P stitI has loyaI fans, but tike I said, it's att about they never see us. Me and Mannie are real tight.
he made didn't realty come from him, it was just chemistry. People want to hear him on our shit. We have the utmost respect for each other when
what other muthafuckers was tetling him. Whenever Snoop puts out a record, they stitt it comes to our work. He loves what I do and I
want to hear him on a Dr. Dre beat. Whatever love what he does.
What did you see happen to No Limit after you Missy puts out, they wanna hear her on a Tim-
left? batand beat. Beats by the Pound created the No Anything else you want to say?
He broke chemistry. You can't do that. These Limit sound from day one. Since 1995. When I Be on the lookout for the new KLC atbum, KLC
days in music, production is the key focus. I'm hooked up with P in 1995, he was stitl in Oak- the Drum Major, coming in August.
not taking nothing away from no rappers, but land. He was buying beats from like
it's just at that point where everyone wants the ten producers. When we came up,
right beat. They can't do nothing without that it just fit. I hooked him up with the
beat. Whenever a [abe[ goes shopping for a deal, beat for "Bout lt, Bout lt," and that
the majors want to know who's producing your turned out to be the biggest song on
records. Look at Cash Money: Baby ain't stupid. his first album.
Juvenite teft, B.G. left, Turk left, but Mannie stitt
there. He won't let him go. How does the creative process
work when you have four people in
ls there anything P could have said or done to a production team?
make you stay? Offer you more money? It atl depends. Most of the time we
You know what it was? Att he had to do was come work individuatty, but there comes a
to us and admit he's wrong sometimes. Att he had point on the record where we might
to do was say, "Man, my bad, l fucked up." But do three or four songs together. We
he'd rather shit out 530,000 or $40,000. He'd each have an individuat sound, so
rather give us money instead of admitting he that's why it balances out on the re-
was wrong. cord. A real No Limit fan or Beats by
the Pound fan could listen to a record
When did you finally leave No Limit? and know which one of us did it.
We left in 1999. As a matter of fact, the last song
I produced on No Limit was "Fuck Them Other Were you close to Soulja Slim?
Niggas." After I did that song, shit just ain't get Soutja Slim was actuatty my very first
worked out. We had a meeting with him where artist. Back in 1991, before I hooked
he finatty offered us a contract, but the contract up with Beats by the Pound, I had
wasn't good. He was in a conference catt, prob- a record [abe[. Mystikat, Mr. Serv-
abty somewhere in L.A., and we were waiting for On, Soutja Stim, Pound, and Fiend,
him to ca[t. After waiting six or seven hours, he those were my artists. A lot of peopte
finalty catted. The meeting went [ike this: P said, don't know that I brought them to No
"lf you're not going to sign the contract, get the Limit. Me and P damn near got into
fuck out my face. " So we got the fuck out his face 'it over Soutja Stim and Fiend, when I
and never went back. first brought them in. This was at the
beginning, when P was buitding the
What have you been doing since then? company. Eventua[[y, everyone came
Working on my atbum and producing some other to an agreement. Fiend was on the
things. I did the "Move Bitch" record for Ludac- "Bout lt" soundtrack, and after he
ris, and I'm working on some tracks for T.l. and did that song, it was official that P
Trick Daddy. I also have my album coming out. wanted to fuck with him.
Are you rapping on the album, or mostly just So who would you credit with No
producing? Limit's success?
Just a lit' somethin', somethin'. lt ain't serious. It was a cottective effort from every-
am stitl a strange, strange man. lt was hard for me. I went to a private
school where I was the only black kid, so I had to fend for mysetf. I
started DJing when I was about 18. I wanted to take it to every [eve[:
MTV, BET, and right now l'm there. I was the first DJ from this area to
be on Rap City and 106th & Park. I was the first, don't get it twisted.
The first. I did counttess mix shows, l've done every singte club in the
city. I was the first DJ to do a live TV show from a club. I'm proud of the
peopte who like "rea[" music and come to see me ptay. l've ptayed for
8,000 peopte, but I atso could have fun with just eleven people.
entitled Life After Cash lieve that Mike is moving as much weight as he B. Other appearances inctude Stim Thug, Young
fo go along with
lvloney. claims, they might also betieve that Chamit[ion- Ro, and Big Gem. Another standout track is "l"m
the titte, B.G. utilizes aire is getting as much pussy as he claims. The a Ba[[a," with Far East and Ptay & Skittz. Chamil-
his slow languid flow to repeated swipes at "Dyke Jones" eventuatty lionaire gives a interesting vocal introduction to
share his insights about come off sounding chitdish. ln the war against this track, explaining how it atl came together.
his former Cash Money Mike Jones, Chamillionaire only scores twice: Chamiltionaire shoutd just focus on running his
crew and his falten comrade Soutja Stim. lt's first with the amusing "Tatk Show lnterlude" own race instead of trying to stop Mike Jones. lt's
no surprise that B.G. spends more than a few and second with the final track, "The Truth," ctear they're both headed in the same direction.
bars on Cash Money, bragging that he'tt "Get it where Chamiltionaire speaks and gives the [is- - Julia Beverly, [email protected]
without a nigga." On "Geezy Where U Been,"
featuring Ziggter the Wiggter, B.G. proclaims,
"Everybody Baby teft hanging, l'm comin' back
to get ya... Not one Maybach, ten 'Lac's comin' rl
through." Hopefutty B-Gizzle atready has the 't,
ten Cadittacs, because I don't think this CD cr
wi[[ be abte to fund them. B.G. also touches on Fj
Cash Money founders Stim and Birdman on "My
Life" with lines [ike, "How you play me, I can't g
respect that." The first singte, however, the DJ ..1
Smurf-produced "l Want lt," isn't as powerful {i
as it shoutd be. The beat has potential for tre-
mendous energy, but its deep horns just aren't {rcg
q€reEi rrn
matched by B.G.'s flow. He predicts, "When
it's over, I bet I see a profit," but I think he
might be wrong. The atbum is flawed by simpte
production, the same rhyme patterns he used
rdE 5
on Checkmote, and his nearty lethargic flow. ,€EfF ;J
One track that's worth a listen is "Get Witd
With lt," where the Ying Yang Twins seem to
#E s
infuse a little more animation into B.G.'s de-
tivery. "Street Nigga," featuring T.1., is another
standout track. "l Wanna Fuck," produced by
G-Sta, has an interesting beat but is otherwise
lacking. One other track you should check for
is "Don't Wanna Be Without U," featuring Gar
and Reat. This album witt probabty be appreci-
ated by Cash Money fans, since they can catch
ptenty of Cash Money references throughout
the album. Diehard B.G. fans wi[[ also want rPr#su
to pick up this album to get a good look inside .ll;trfidhfl
the mind of B-Gizzle himsetf. Aside from that, rF.l[ffi.t*
if you're just a general hip-hop fan, I wouldn't r tusdplrdq
advise spending too much time sampling this r HgdPlffH$ml
at your [oca[ record store. - Rohit Loomba, rSmrd&#th*tlm
[email protected]
.ll*irto ryqp/
Chamillionaire 3#rasiFsldfi€*h
"The Mixtape Messiah" . #Dccilgs
Houston has a stew of
independent artists with E
massive fan bases, and o
from the outside [ook-
ing in it might appear o
that they're att one F
big happy famity. On o
Chamillionaire's newest retease, however, he
comes out swinging at one particutar target: a
Mike Jones. We've all seen double-disc CDs,
but this is a tittle unusuat: three CDs in one.
The first CD is almost entirely dedicated to diss-
ing "Dyke Jones." The second CD, of course, is
screwed & chopped by O.G. Ron C. The third CD E
is a mixture of freestyles, original songs, and .g
slinging a littte more mud at Mike Jones. After -c
hearing more than a dozen tracks about Mike
Jones, l'm sti[[ not sure why exactly Chamit- F
ffi phylists
05 - Houston f/ Chingy & Nate Dogg 05 - Lloyd Banks "On Fire" , 10 Ludacris "Oiamond in the BacK'
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09 - Ying Yang Twins fl Trick Daddy 10 - Bonecrusher fl Ying Yang Twins "Take ya 'My Block Burn"
"What's Happ'nin!" Ctothes Ofi" 15 - iAike Jones "Got it Sowed Up'
'10 - Lloyd fl Ashanti "Southside"
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dvd reviews:
Dirty States of America, both educational and entertaining, is essentiatly a cottection of interviews and
footage pieced together to te[[ the comprehensive history of Southern music culture. The ctips are orga-
nized in a fast-paced, attention-grabbing manner, and even though the DVD is ninety minutes [ong, there's
no time wasted. Producer/director FLX uses a simple yet effective layout which clearty shows who's
speaking, where they're from, and tites of other relevant clips. Throughout the DVD, we travel state.by-
state, exploring the origins of each region's music. We begin in Memphis with the "gangsta watk," where Setect-O-Hits' J-Dawg
'ittustrates the walk for amusement purposes. Moving into Florida, FLX emphasizes the importance of bass music pioneers like
Uncle Luke, Magic Mike, and Jam Pony Express. Khia, known for cursing out program directors, expresses her pricetess opinion on
corporate radio. Of course, you can't tatk about bass music without ptenty of ass-shaking footage. We've atl seen those amateur
Spring Break DVDs, but at least in this case the ass-shaking footage is retevant to the subject matter. However - the stowed-down
sequence of a rather large woman dancing naked to a Mike Jones song - I reatty did not need to see that. Anyway, moving into the
Texas segment on screwed & chopped music, FLX again does an excellent job of capturing the true influence that DJ Screw, the
Geto Boys, and UGK have had on Southern music. PautWalt defines "drank, syrup, lean," while other Texas artists tike Lit' Ftip,
Stim Thug, and Chamittionaire throw in their two cents. The Atlanta segment focuses on underground favorites like Sammy Sam as we[[ as the "King of
Crunk," Lit' Jon and co. The crunk segment naturatty features some great live performance footage (David Banner throwing chairs Jerry Springer-styte;
Bonecrusher and Kitler Mike poppin' botttes and drenching the audience). Lit' Scrappy and Triltville's acapetta rendition of "Neva Eva" is the most
visuatty entertaining footage on the DVD. Moving into Mississippi, FLX touches on the KKK, the civil rights movement, and the influence of stavery on
Southern cutture as a whote. Finally, we exptore the jazz elements of New Orteans' bounce music.
One of the most refreshing aspects of this DVD is that it isn't [imited just to cetebrities; there are plenty of useful soundbites from underground tegends,
up-and-coming artists, and just ptain ot' regular peopte. Don't get me wrong, though, there is plenty of star power: Lit' Ftip sips on some drank, David
Banner explains where his New York animosity comes from, and other big names like Juvenile, Lit' Jon, Bubba Spaxxx, Ki[[er Mike, and T.l. speak can-
didty. Of course, no Southern DVD woutd be complete without a segment on rims. DJs give an extensive explanation of "parking tot pimpin'," fottowed
by Petey Pablo's humorous and accurate description of "treal niggas" who spend more money pimpin' their car than the actual car cost.
There are a few brief intertudes of artists kicking rhymes: Sean Pau[ of the YoungBtoodz (GA), Smoke D (MS), Fiend (LA), ESG (TX), Chyna White (GA),
Chamiltionaire (TX), and Cottard Greens (SC), just to name a few. ESG drops a long and impressive freestyle, which he laughingty dismisses as "buttshit."
The onty thing I coutd possibty criticize about this DVD is that sometimes the audio levets vary from ctip to ctip, so you might find yoursetf adjusting
the volume a few times. As far as content, though, it can best be summarized by the description on the back cover: "The most comprehensive, in your
face, no bultshit fitm on hip-hop ever made. From screw to crunk to bounce, Dirty States gives you the 'trill shit' you need to know as totd by tegends
and superstars of the Southern scene." (www.lmage-Entertoinment.com) - Julia Beverly, [email protected]
: .r ., : I don't like to knock anybody's hustle, but with this Cornbread Street Heat DVD lvlagazine,l've got to be
,'. honest. Everything - the fitm-quatity, fhe "interviews," the menu layout - is stoppy. From the cover, it ap-
.' pears to have some potential, promising "real videos, rea[ concerts, real interviews, reat fights" atong with
appearances by "Twista, Aticia Keys, Lit' Ftip, Mike Jones, David Banner, Too Short, Big Tymers, Young-
Btoodz, T.1." and more. But, I was apprehensive once I popped in the DVD, since it had a hand-written title
on a CompUSA DVD. The menu is extremety ptain and boring, with onty five options. There's no way to skip from one "interview"
or "concert" to the next, so it's possible that there was some interesting content on here that I couldn't figure out how to get to.
From what I saw of the "rea[ concerts," it was basically just really bad footage of crowds of peopte. Most of the "tive interviews"
are actuatty just drops. A[so, when you first ctick on the menu options, you have to watch an entire music video before getting
to the actual "content." The music videos - from artists tike D.S.R. and Roscoe - are actualty the hightights of the DVD, but it's
irritating to have to sit through a whole video without being abte to skip forward. lf you're gonna put out a product, don't put
out a half-ass product. lt irritates those of us who take pride in our work. - Julia Beverly, [email protected]
Here we have the sixth instattment of,4ll Access: the DVD lvlagazine, the "Southern" edition. From the be-
ginning, this DVD has quality cover graphics and an easy-to-navigate menu. We start off in Attanta, where
$#fK the atways entertaining Hot '107 radio host Coco Brother attempts to get some dirt out of Timbaland. Coco
tries to find out how much Timbatand hates Jermaine Dupri, if the chemistry with Missy Ettiott extends from
the studio to the bedroom, and how much he charges for a beat. Timb drops a few soundbites ("lf I brought
Lit' Kim back, I could bring anybody back," when asked about Bubba Sparxxx) and even gets uncharacteristicatly heated when
discussing radio potitics. Next, ,4ll Access stops by David Banner's tour bus en route to Lit' Jon's ptatinum party in NYC. Banner
emptoys his signature a[[-up-in-the-camera interview styte to express some backstage thoughts on his three favorite subjects:
Mississippi, God, and titties. Lit' Jon, Bonecrusher, the Ying Yang Twins, and a few others make cameo appearances.
Other features include car segments calted "parkin' lot pimpin"' and a model search for Appte Bottom jeans. It's ctear that this
DVD is directed towards men, because there's ptenty of gratuitous ass shots. The camera man seems to have a difficult time
keeping the lens on Jacki-O's face while she's being interviewed, but we do get plenty of ctoseup shots of the rest of her body.
There's atso a lot more eye candy for the guys during the feature interview with Uncle Luke: slow-mo shots of a girt with two tongue rings, staircase
up-the-girls'-skirts footage, and of course, ptenty of strip club action. The segment is titted "48 Hours with Uncle Luke." I'm not sure if this titte is
comptetely accurate, but nonethetess, the drawback to having 48 hours of footage is that it moves at a rather slow pace. There are a few scenes (Uncle
Luke hocking a loogie out of his car window on l-95, Uncte Luke and Disco Rick watking down a hattway, Uncte Luke watking down the stairs) that seem
stow and unnecessary. Sometimes questions are posed as text and flash slowly across the screen, which is lengthy and distracting. After the stow radio
station sequence with Tigger, Avant, and Loon, however, Luke gets more comfortabte with the camera and things start to get really interesting. lnside
the comfort of his own home, Luke proctaims that R Ketty will become "a hero," but notes, "l'm not eating no stray bitch's ass |ike R Ketty did on that
video tapel. That's not clean." After smashing his pimp cup against a wa[[, he has a few choice words for Snoop Dogg. "l don't need no nigga to give me
no gtass to put me in the pussy game. This is real pimpin'. At[ them niggas with those cups need
to listen to my atbum real close. You do not get a cup and turn into a fuckin' pimp overnight.
Don Juan is stitt pimpin': he's pimpin' them rap niggas. Now that's deep, y'att. He started by
pimpin'hoes, now he's pimpin'them rap niggas. Theythe new hoes."
A[[ Access does a great job of branding, with the togo appearing on screen throughout most
of the DVD. They also get points for having a customized, fast-paced introduction and being
easy to navigate. The DVD woutd be bettelif it had a little more content, maybe a few more
interviews, but I guess that's what the next issue is for. (www.TheDVDA4agazine.com) - Julia
Beverly, [email protected]
parents. ii eriur6 pi"niv oiilitil in?-iurn ulo;s1h; Gt irialtorv ti"e t[JC*tt [Lep ;; iil
[cge ;i'vouireclineiiiiit'te
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riddted end. 5o xif vou tlink
think vour readv t*,iUike
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the quickest hands in the west, then pul{ on your best boots and your fav*rite'hat and'get r*ady to ride.rdmF "W ,-,
There are so many great things about thrs game that I don't know where to start. The ffi ma;or
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LU tilE gtvilrErrL)
by )EYgr Clt elements in
several Lilr) title.
ilt this LrL(9. The --
-- are uEaulrrui
,rrs environments ors ranging from
beautifut rarrSrrrS rrur rr .ffi
.ffig7 TL--^....,,,,, iL-
canvons fitted with bandits and lndian
ooen canyons
open dustv tcwn
lnd'ian bushwhackers to dusty busy riitd'citizens
town busv ffiGry , lnelq wlt #e ;.
riitti citizens *ffiFF-.-'l*.19-yltl.ff
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ano aiike. The
auttaws attKe. I ne most nOilceaDte
noticeable ana and memorailre elementis
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timel*s mu5rc ..ffi_,;i:;.::..:
"ry Tili:es,wnen v?Y.
:::,.1,r_iJ,.-r....:: ,
straight out of a spaghetti western. Rockstar coutdn't have been more on point vrltl nno yoursetl 1n
withihisaspectoidivetopmenr, treallviiiriiiiipr*vi"iiilitintothe wrirldof Red$,q*;,.,,Jff.?F :,sla'r:.r']:i:fi:€fii*"'.'..
il;;";; HiJ;;;;r.-;;;;i;iil'ifi;',il;;dvb lelr,nioi,e tnat r'i iust sick. He can srow lir"
- ftS vou and a major char-
xi1y:fffil;tr$rs*$l::i:iii*?y:nil,';1yf,'j'il'l,tlill*Jxlu,tig::l'is*ffi i;[rli{qffiHtral.is;
;il[rdril iioliJ
lttT;^T3:1lf: easy to master and
Peopte simpty had to have their Jam Pony tapes. They were
addictive, and people became fiends. Sales became so ri-
diculous that Stic Vic's father buitt a door directly to his son's
bedroom. "Every time the phone rang, it was for me," says
Stic Vic. "Every time they answered the door, it was for me.
My mom totd me that as soon as I was old enough, I'd have to
leave!" At 18, he moved to the Parkway section of Ft. Lauder-
dale. He produced ten tapes a day: specialty tapes, custom-
made tapes, and regutar mixes, setling them for S10 to 525
each. He made a kitting in the earty 80's. "l was making about
5500 a week just in Ft. Lauderdate, and 51000 every other
week in Miami!" The tapes quickty spread throughout Ftorida,
Atabama, and 6eorgia, and even as far as Germany thanks to
friends in the mititary.