Sheet Metal Forming Processes
Sheet Metal Forming Processes
Sheet Metal Forming Processes
Chapter 8:
Department Processes
Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
CHAPTER Eight: Sheet Metal Processes
8.3 Sheet metal bending processes
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8.1 Sheet Metal Deep Drawing Process Technology
In all deep drawing processes, the pressing force is applied over the draw punch
onto the bottom surface of the drawn part.
It is further transferred from there to the perimeter in the deformation zone, 3
between the die and the blank holder.
8.1 Sheet Metal Deep Drawing Process Technology.. continue
8.1 Sheet Metal Deep Drawing Process Technology.. continue
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Unlike in deep drawing, in stretch forming the sheet metal cannot flow because it is
gripped by clamps or held in a blank holder. The forming process takes place with a
reduction in the thickness of the sheet metal. Pure stretch drawing is a forming process
conducted under tensile stresses. 6
8.1.1 Deep Drawing Processes
2) Single action deep drawing process
3) Counter drawing or reverse drawing process
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8.1.1 Deep Drawing Processes
slides acting from above: the
drawing slide with the draw
punch and the blank holder slide
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with the blank holder.
The blank-holding slide
transfers the blank-holding force
via the blank holder onto the 2 3
blank and the draw die.
The die and the ejector are
located in the lower die on the
press bed
8.1.1 Deep Drawing Processes
way round the forming force is
exerted by the slide above
1 4
through the die and the blank
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holder onto the draw cushion in
the press bed.
The draw punch and the blank
holder of the drawing tool are
both located in a base plate on
the press bed.
Pressure pins, which come up
through the press bed and the 2
base plate transfer the blank 3
holder force from the draw 9
cushion onto the blank holder.
8.1.1 Deep Drawing Processes ?
drawing process.
The top die is attached to the slide. The
lower die is mounted on the press bed
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with the blank holder. The punch is
located in an opening in the center of
the press bed on the draw cushion.
During deformation, the blankholding
force is transferred via the slide from
above and the draw punch force acts
from below through the active draw
cushion. The punch forms the part by
means of its upward movement while
the blank holder rests on the die, see Fig 10
8.1.2 Calculation of the blank size in deep drawing:
example of a simple rotationally
symmetrical body.
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In order to calculate the blank
diameter, volume constancy in metal
forming is used. Hence, the entire ax-
symmetric part is divide into various
individual ax symmetric components, D
in accordance with Table 8.1a and
then calculate the surface areas of
these components.
The total surface area as a sum of
the individual areas enables the 11
calculation of the diameter of blank
8.1.2 Calculation of the blank size in deep drawing:
Department Processes
8.1.2 Calculation of the blank size
in deep drawing:
Processes Department
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8.1.3 Calculation Drawing Ratio:
Department Processes
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Department Processes
8.1.4 Calculation Drawing Force
Department Processes
8.1.5 Calculating Blank Holding Force
Department Processes
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Department Processes
8.1.6 Calculating Drawing Energy
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
8.2 Shear and Hole Stamping Products
Department Processes
8.2.1 Sheet Metal Shearing Process
Department Processes
8.2.1 Sheet Metal Shearing Process .. continue
Punch and die are made from hardened alloy steel to resist wear.
Processes Department
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8.2.1 Sheet Metal Shearing Process Blanking .. continue
the clutch the rotating flywheel is
coupled to the crankshaft, which
rotates driving the ram of the press
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The energy stored in the flywheel
provides the force necessary to push
the punch into the die and then returns
the punch to the starting position,
where upon the clutch disengages and
the motor drives the flywheel up to
speed ready for the next stroke,
replacing the energy used in the 24
blanking operation.
8.2.1 Sheet Metal Shearing Process Blanking Applications .. continue
Processes Department
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8.2.1 Sheet Metal Shearing Process Blanking .. continue
If the clearance is suitable the
cracks run one into the other. The
resulting hole is slightly tapered,
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the work done in shearing is
somewhere near minimum, but
the maximum load on the punch
is almost independent of the
clearance and is given by:
Department Processes
8.3 Sheet metal bending technology
to stresses beyond its yielding and below its
ultimate tensile strength. There is little
change in surface area, about bend axis.
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Bending is a flexible process by which a
varity of different shapes can be produced
through the use of standard die sets on
bend break. The material is placed on the
die, and positioned in place with stops
and/or gauges. It is held in place with hold
downs, where the upper part of the press is
the ram with appropriately shaped punch
descends and forms the blank 30
longitudinally, see Fig 8.15.
8.3 Sheet metal bending processes
Bending also can be down using rotating
rolls called roll bending machine, see Fig
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8.16. Rotating rolls also can be used to
straighten the rod or sheet metal, see Fig
8.17. Bending also can be carried on
tandem rolling stands to bend the sheet
metal in incremental stages (roll forming
process), see Fig 8.18. There are also other
special bending processes, like swivel
bending, circular bending, tube bending,
..etc., see Fig 8.19
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes
KSU - College of Engineering - IE Chapter 8: Sheet Metal Forming
Department Processes