Development Support Communication Campai
Development Support Communication Campai
Development Support Communication Campai
Reg No.627-FSS/BSMC/S14
Semester: 8
The term Development is heavily loaded with different conceptions and a richness of
uses and functions shaped by their various theoretical foundations.
The term development for communication can be defined as It is a process through
Emergence of DSC:
Development is a concept which is as old as the human history itself but in 18th
century industrial revolution in Europe and then World War I and II gave new
dimensions to this concept.
There emerge a new concept of development as a total change as positive change in
“ ”
After the destruction brought about by the Second World War, the question was raised
for the development in the Western Countries.
At that time third world countries were suffering from poverty, economic crisis, lack
of scientific knowledge, technology and etc.
For the first time the concept Development Communication (DC) was introduced
and its main purpose was to use communication and media to promote development
in the third world countries.
Originally the term Development Communication (DC) was used by the Western
writers like Daniel Lerner, Lucian Pye and Wilbur Schramm.
During 1950s loans were issued to under developed countries and technology was
transferred to speed up their development process.
After a decade when analysis was done, it was realized that most of the plans failed.
Projects were wasted and the problems of the people living in the rural and urban
areas remain unsolved.
Factors lying behind the failure of these projects were lack of understanding about
social and cultural environmental problems, and lack of interpersonal communication
of project developers.
They were unable to create a strategy to make successful plans while they were not
able to involve farmers, poor, semi illiterate people to participate in decision making
process for their own benefit.
Then it was realized that one country s development strategy cannot be applied over
another country, it s better to plan projects in the light of the needs of that area,
climate, thinking, concepts, culture, tradition, and the aptitude of the local people.
Thus In this situation in early 1960s the idea of development support communication
(DSC) was conceived by Professional Information Officer (employ of United
Nations Development Program (UNDP)) Erskine Childers.
The reaction against modernization (and to some extent the realization of global
structural imbalances) gave birth to participatory approach basis on actively involving
people who were the "subjects" of development in happening of the process.
All involved people have right to play a part in shaping the decisions that affect their
Participation in benefit: People should take part in enjoying the fruits of a project,
this maybe water from a hand-pump, medical care by a "bare-foot doctor", a truck to
transport produce to market, or village meetings in the new community hall.
Assess media channels available to potential target groups and find out whether
technology transfer inputs are readily available.
o Stage 2:
o Stage 3:
o Formulation of the plan:
It includes selection of the suitable method, timing the campaign, using slogans and
symbols, pretesting the messages, providing channels for information, seeking and
involving people.
o Stage 4:
Carry out small scale field evaluations at strategic points during campaign to suggest
where "in-course" changes may be warranted.
Conduct full scale post-campaign impact evaluation survey and use as feed-forward
for future campaigns.
Tips For Successful DSC Campaign Plan:
Concretization: Examination of the problems identified by the groups in the light of
local conditions.
Identification of the amount of information required and easy ways to access this
Selective Perceptions