List of Tasks in Speech For Classroom
List of Tasks in Speech For Classroom
List of Tasks in Speech For Classroom
(Tasks that were previously assigned in Google Classroom are also counted)
Note: Please note that the below tasks are selected for the reason that we are on quarantine, so other
activities including public speaking in a bigger setting and interviews outside home are not assigned.
Some tasks require a video recording for speech technicalities and audio-visual importance. Rubrics are
used for assessing some tasks. In the video recording, say your name first, course & year, and then the
task #. Avoid recording in an area with noisy background. You can use your editing skills in finalizing the
video. No confirm schedule for the submission but once the quarantine is over, you must be ready with
your outputs. So, for your video recordings, save them in your phone galleries and for the written tasks,
compile them on a short-white folder with your name, course & year, and subject on the cover. For the
paper, you can either use the yellow or bondpaper short.
C. On a whole sheet of paper, answer this question and make sure to give example: How
can the sudden change in communicative strategy in a conversation affect the quality of
interaction, the speaker-audience relationship, the role and responsibilities of the
speaker, the message, and the delivery?
D. Create a comic strip (a sequence of drawings telling a story like in a newspaper or comic
book) that clearly portrays at least four conventions (nomination, turn-taking, repair,
termination, topic shifting, topic control, restriction). It should be in a class scenario. Use
a short bondpaper.
TASK #6 (Project):
Plan and present a minimum of 5-minute video about the place you have visited.
Mention the things that make the tourist spot a dream destination. Remember, this
activity will help you practice making positive statements about a vacation site and
responding to how people see this place differently. Take note, it doesn’t need to be a
popular tourist spot but you can also consider presenting destinations that you think are
beautiful and a good place to visit.
When writing your script for the video, you can answer these 10 questions as your
1. Why do tourists visit this place?
2. What do many visitors like to do here?
3. What would be best for a day trip?
4. What should one do for a good night out?
5. Where can visitors get the best food?
6. Where can visitors buy their souvenirs?
7. What outdoor activities are famous?
8. What is amazing about the weather?
9. What is the best thing to do here during summer?
10. What do tourists say about this vacation spot?
Tip: You can watch some commercial videos to get suggestions and ideas in making this
video presentation.