XApps Portfolio 19 12 2019

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Company Profile

Start too Smart

XApps for
mobile applications
& smart systems.
XApps works in development and
programming for mobile
applications and systems with
smart technologies.
• Provide smart •Provide smart
solutions for every business solutions with
medium and large latest software
enterprise and technologies,
entrepreneurs with awesome interactive
high quality. and flexible UI design.
Why you deal with us
• Experience in Building Mobile
Applications Since 2009.
• High-Quality with High Commitment.
• +70 Applications & Systems Delivered.
• Qualified Team Members & Managers.
• Modern & Suitable UI Design.
• Clean & Easy UX User Experience.
• Native Development.
• System Security.
• Scalable & Maintainable Architecture.
• Smart Support.
Electrolux Egypt (internal app.)
Android technicians application.
Electrolux internal Android mobile application for
technicians. A native mobile application for
technicians to help them work online and offline with
ERP and CRM systems integrations.
Tollab Educational startup Kuwait.
(Students and lecturers Platform)
Tollab is a platform that makes education process easier
with Android and IOS application for lecturers to upload
their courses. Also, Android and IOS applications for
students to use courses online with comments and simple
motivational UX UI and native applications.
Magrabi retail (internal app.)
KSA - Egypt - UAE
Magrabi internal mobile application for retail sellers to
help them to collect customer's data easily with SMS
verification and membership offers. The application
for Android tablets and IOS IPads. Also, powered by
eye test examination results with simple innovate UI
UX designs and native mobile applications.
Faragalla Ecommerce application Egypt.
(Retail sales control system)
Faragalla is a system that increases company sales by
supply retailers (company customers) with offers, products
and requests. System consist of Android and iOS
applications with simple UI UX and native mobile
Beauty Market
(Ecommerce solution for cosmetics)
Beauty Market system is a mobile commerce solution
for cosmetics with Android and iOS native applications
with high-quality designs UI / UX. System admin can
send notifications to all clients with new offers, and
products with unlimited categories and products.
Al Mozarea system for M.O.A Sudan
(Ecommerce solution for ministry of agriculture)
Al Mozarea system for ministry of agriculture in Sudan,
The system helps farmers to order their farm needs from
agricultural associations. This system contains Android and
iOS native mobile applications with web application for
agricultural associations with high-quality designs UI / UX.
Forrera Delivery B2B startup Egypt
(Shops and delivery men Platform)
Forrera is a platform that makes goods delivery process
easier for shops and restaurants owner. Platform consist of
Android application for delivery man and Android
application for shop owner. The system powered by native
applications with easy and simple UI UX.
E lixir Restaurant in KSA
Eli x i r is a mobile application system contains
Android and iOS applications. It helps users to
choose best dishes with easy and convenient
reservation way. Elixir system is empowered by
sample and easy UI UX design.
Zain Tawseel system increases selling in mobile and utilities
in Kuwait. Zain Tawsel is on off Zain Kuwait native Android
application and native iOS application integrated with
Magento ecommerce web application. Zain Tawseel system
has unique and high quality modern UI / UX graphic designs.
Reefy Market App.
Reefy is mobile application developed for m-commerce and
e-commerce android and iOS application with smart control
panel to sell home products. With cash payment and GPS
delivery assistance and unlimited push notifications
Ortho House Medical app. Egypt.
(Internal and external sales control system)
Ortho House is a system that increases company
sales by doctors application for Android and iOS
powered by products, categories and requests. Also
there is Android application for sales team to control
team tasks and locations.
Modeer (Construction platform) KSA
Modeer is a platform based on mobile applications in
Android and IOS. Modeer helps house users to get
workers and services with high quality rate. Modeer
powered by four native Android and iOS applications
for both clients and workers.
Al Shegrey bookstore e-commerce system increases selling in
hard books and digital publishings in KSA. Al Shegrey bookstore
e-commerce system consist off a native Android application and
native iOS application. Al Shegrey bookstore e-commerce
system has unique and high-quality modern UI / UX -user
experience and user interface- graphic designs.
EAds Car (Egypt) (startup)
(Advertising system)
Eads car is an advertising system with android tablets on
car to distribute advertises. Also system contain web
application for advertisers integrated with system. A
native Android application can distribute videos smartly.
Rgaad App.
Startup Kuwait (Tourism B2C – B2B)
Rgaad is a mobile application system in travel and
tourism and hotels reservation with best offers
developed as Android applications and iOS
applications for client and web application for
provider with notifications, auctions. It makes usability
easily done by high quality UI UX designs.
Doctor EG (Egypt)
(Medical platform for doctors and patient)
Doctor EG is completely medical web and mobile
application for Android and iOS with native
development technology and modern UI/UX. System is
equipped with user wallet and points. There are two
applications for patient and doctor with offers and
Blink safety accident prevention App.
Startup Egypt
Blink is mobile application developed for Android application
with smart machine learning engine to detect accident
location and prevent it using contact list and GPS location
and GSM location with insurance companies, ambulance and
police systems integration.
Beyond Assistance powered by Visa Egypt is a native
programmed Android application and native programmed iOS
application, this is financial Android application and financial iOS
application in Egypt with cash and visa payment with UI / UX
professional graphic designs. For services provided by Visa such
as: Governmental,Road Assistant and Pickup & Delivery Services.
Encyclopedia of Justice and Law is a native programmed iOS
application, this is legal iOS application in Egypt with modern
and simple UI / UX User interface /user experience
professional graphic designs. Prepared by Counselor Wagdy
Fayez General Counsel for Judicial Inspection.
Tabeeb net patient is a native programmed Android
application and native programmed iOS application, this is
medical Android application and medical iOS application in
Egypt with cash and visa payment with UI / UX professional
graphic designs.
Tabeeb net doctor is a native programmed Android
application and native programmed iOS application, this is
medical Android application and medical iOS application in
Egypt with cash and visa payment with UI / UX professional
graphic designs.
iVicon internal system USA with NASA
iVico SPS is an internal iOS application on iPad for iVicon
SPS training company based in China and provides NASA
USA with trained astronauts. The iOS application helps
trainees to reserve courses and trainings The system
powered by native application with easy and simple UI UX.
Mr Print App.
Startup KSA Saudi Arabia
Mr Print is a mobile application system in printing
services field developed as Android applications and
iOS applications for client and provider with auctions,
offers, rating and digital payment. It makes printing
easily done by high quality UI UX designs.
WorMart Startup KSA
(Multi sellers ecommerce platform)
WorMart is a multi-sellers mobile commerce system
built on native Android and iOS mobile applications
for clients and web application for sellers. System use
GPS location and view products and services with
simple and modern UI UX.
Egyptian E-learning solution.
Ma3ak Al Moasser (Soon)
Ma3ak is completely educational application for
Android, iOS and windows desktop with native
development technology and modern UI/UX.
With payment and wallet for Egyptian students.
Traffic system for M.O.I Egypt
(Development consultation)
Traffic system for ministry of interior in Egypt, the
system helps traffic police man to make invoices and
Traffic violations. The system integrated with security layers
and VPN. Also system is integrated with RFID detector and
bar code reader and GPS tracking with Android device for
traffic police man with high-quality designs UI / UX.
Doctor On Time Medical App.
Egypt (Startup)
DrOnTime is completely medical application for Android
and iOS with native development technology and
modern UI/UX. With payment and wallet. The App For
patient and doctor with video calls.

~ Coogle play

ID Click Hereo

Mobile application that makes good relation between Doom Water

company with their customers with many features: Customer can request 12
product by application customer can register for application with email
and mobile number define customer location by GPS -
Doom water (profile - news - certificates - social media platforms).
Esham Stay organized woman App.
Saudi Arabia KSA
Esham is mobile application developed for Android
application and iOS with smart control panel and unlimited
push notifications messages to help women to be
organized with daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists with
wonderful UI UX designs.




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Click Here{':j

United Doctors Hospital

UDH Application for smart phones offers instant booking for outpatient clin-
ics .qulck view for UDH doctors with summarized CV and quick tour in UDH
suites and rooms, and more ...
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AI Thakhlra Youth Center




AI Zakhira Youth Centre mobile Application for smart phones offers push
notifications for events and announcements , member can post photos and
complains, also member can reply to other member posts, also Andriod and lOS
application have contact information with AI Zakhira Youth Centre, and more ...
Top dentist KSA & Jordan
(medical b2c platform)
Top dentist is a native Android and iOS mobile application
for dentists & clients to search for clinics through maps and
GPS. Also, the dentist can add advise and clinic services.
Top dentist has developed as iOS and Android mobile for
users as a medical application. with high-quality designs UI
/ UX user interface and user experience.
Abd El Rahman Banafeaa is Islamic Andriod Application that sends daily
articles. Also it contains Azkar and some Verses of the holy Quran.
" Available on the

Click Here {")

My Trip transportation App like (UBER).
Startup Canada.
My Trip is mobile application developed for Android
application and iOS applications for driver and user with
google service integrations GPS and digital payment. It make
transportations easily done by high quality UI UX designs.
TAHADI is a game application in Andriod and IOS. You can play football
games with your friends and record your scores in TAHADI. Enjoy more
gaming with your friends and TAHADI IOS & Andriod Application.
Share Edu
(Educational system Egypt – KSA)
Share Edu sis an educational system on iOS and
Android applications by hybrid technology by
Cooperation with XApps and Share Edu company.
GPC Market App.
Egypt (soon)
GPC is mobile application developed for m-commerce and e-
commerce Android and iOS application with smart control
panel to sell supermarket products. With cash and Visa
payment and GPS delivery assistance and unlimited push
notifications messages.





Hoovene (Egypt) (startup)
(Homemade platform for clients, chiefs and delivery)
Hoovene is a platform for home made food with clever
chiefs by web and mobile application for Android and
iOS with native development technology and modern
UI/UX. The system is equipped with user wallet, points
and GPS location.
, Available on the

• AppStore


~ Coogle play

Click Here6

New Muslims

For Da'wah-Focused

Click Here{':j

Governmental Project
complete flow work system helps governmental managers
monitoring projects, tasks and who working on them.
Gold (KSA) (startup) (Gold trade platform)
Gold is a trade platform that helps gold traders to
publish their gold products with grams and updated
price with Api in Android native mobile application. With
modern and simple user experience UX and user
interface UI graphic designs.
My Points (Egypt) (startup)
(My Points discount application)
My Points is an application for discounts with end user
and shops to make loyal customers. The system
contains Android and iOS mobile application with native
development technology and modern UI/UX. The user
has wallet and points. Shops have web interface.
Bizol is oil engines German brand. XApps made UI/UX design for its
agent in Egypt (National Motors Egypt). It’s Andriod & IOS applica-
tion will be puplished soon with control panel to add/edit products,
news, offers & distributors with GPS map. ALso application contians
digital payment.


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Vote Me

~ Coogle play

Click Here 6

Vote Me
For making votes, polls and surveys
Click Hereo

Be Your Selfie
Be Your Selfie application is an application by TDesign Creations part of The Alliance Corporation.
The application's mere purpose is to create a fun social atmosphere while engaging people in a
competition-based contest.The best "Selfie" taken photos get ranked between friends on a monthly
basis, and the top 10 winners get to enjoy exquisite social events & gatherings with the application's
firm owners (Restaurants, Hotels, prizes & a lot more). What do i do now?! ... comb your hair, brush
your teeth, put on your winner outfit, give the crazy look to your mobile phone camera & say

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Click Hereo

e-fileApp is Mobile Application Version ofe-FileArchiving System as
you can add and store your Document .easy to useeasy to search be
with you all time every where.

~ Coogle play

Click Here 6

Application for Human Resources

Management in Jubail & yanbu -KSA

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Click Here {")

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" Available on the
AppStore ,. Coogle play

Click Here 6
ORO chat (soon)

Click Here6

• Instant Messanger
• Can buy albums for famous People
• Chat with text and images
" Available on the

Click Here <b

The 7r Chat
Click Here 6

Application for Insurance Authority UAE



~ Coogle play

Click Hereo

-This App Help UAE young to Know more about The Marriage Fund This
App is Just About The Services and Marriage Fund of UAEin the next
Version We will add anew features as online requests ,news ,events
and More.
' Av ar I able on the
• AppStore


r Coogleplay

Click Here 6

Sporting club
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