About The Unit: Unit 9F Patterns of Reactivity

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Science Year 9

Unit 9F Patterns of reactivity

About the unit Expectations

In this unit pupils: At the end of this unit
• learn that although metals react in a similar way with oxygen, water and acids, some react more readily than in terms of scientific enquiry
• establish and use a reactivity series for metals most pupils will: select and make effective use of secondary sources
• represent chemical reactions by word and/or symbol equations about the origins and uses of metals; identify relevant observations
and describe patterns in these; suggest a workable approach to
In scientific enquiry pupils:
investigating the reaction of metals with acids, identifying variables
• use a proposed reactivity series to make predictions
to be controlled; explain results using scientific knowledge and
• present qualitative data in a way which enables patterns to be described
• investigate the relative reactivity of different metals, identifying and controlling relevant variables
some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: select
This unit is expected to take approximately 7.5 hours. information from secondary sources about the origins and uses of
metals; describe observations and identify where there are
Where the unit fits in
similarities; suggest how reaction with acids might be investigated,
This unit builds on unit 8E ‘Atoms and elements’, unit 8F ‘Compounds and mixtures’ and unit 9E ‘Reactions of controlling variables identified for them; relate results to scientific
metals and metal compounds’. knowledge and understanding
Ideas in this unit are developed further in unit 9G ‘Environmental chemistry’ and unit 9H ‘Using chemistry’. some pupils will have progressed further and will: synthesise information
The unit lays the foundation for work in key stage 4 on metals and their compounds. from secondary sources; point out where reactions do not fit the
pattern expected
in terms of materials and their properties
most pupils will: identify and describe similarities in chemical reactions;
identify differences in the reactivity of different metals and use these
to explain some everyday uses and occurrence of metals; represent
chemical reactions by word equations
some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: describe how
some metals react with water, acids and oxygen; give some uses of
metals, relating these to the reactivity of the metal
some pupils will have progressed further and will: use the reactivity series
to make predictions about the reactions of metals; relate the
reactivity of a metal to its uses, how it occurs and when it was first
extracted and used; represent some reactions by symbol equations

Key stage 3 schemes of work

Prior learning Resources
It is helpful if pupils: Resources include:
• can explain the differences between elements and compounds • photographs, videos or nearby examples of bronze statues or roofs
• have represented elements and compounds by symbols and formulae that are covered with verdigris
• have represented chemical reactions by word equations • samples of other tarnished or corroded metal objects, eg copper, silver,
• have carried out tests to identify common gases aluminium
• know that many metals react with oxygen to form oxides • photographs or samples of gold artefacts that have not corroded
• can make generalisations about the reaction of metals with acids • data tables for reactivity series
• materials for thermit reaction, safety equipment and Hazcards
• a video clip showing reactions of rubidium and caesium with water
Health and safety • hazard warning labels for alkali metals
Risk assessments are required for any hazardous activity. In this unit
• observe reactions of alkali metals Out-of-school learning
• use metals, acids and solutions of salts which may be hazardous Pupils could:
• use flammable metals and observe what happens when they burn • look for examples of the everyday use of metals, identifying which
• observe the thermit reaction metals are used and whether corrosion is a problem
• work with coarse mesh filings of metals • read news stories about metals, metal extraction and mining
• plan and carry out their own investigation into the reaction of metals • read fiction and poems, eg ‘Charcoal burners’, about the search for
with acids metals
Model risk assessments used by most employers for normal science • read about alchemy and the quest to turn base metal into gold
activities can be found in the publications listed in the Teacher’s guide.
Teachers need to follow these as indicated in the guidance notes for the
activities, and consider what modifications are needed for individual
classroom situations.

Language for learning

Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand, use
and spell correctly:
• words with different meanings in scientific and everyday contexts,
eg displacement, nature
• words with a precise scientific meaning, eg compound, reactivity,
react, salt, equation, reactant, product
• names of chemical compounds, eg copper sulfate, magnesium nitrate,
zinc chloride
• words and phrases relating to scientific enquiry, eg order of reactivity,
qualitative observations
Through the activities pupils could:
• identify information needed and use different texts as sources
• structure paragraphs to develop points, using evidence and additional

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


Why do metals tarnish?

• that many metals are affected by • Show pupils a range of metal objects or pictures of objects, eg copper and nickel • describe how metals change due • It is helpful to contrast the permanent
air and water coins, gold rings, an old gold necklace, a relatively new rusty hinge, a tarnished to exposure to the air, eg iron uncorroded state of gold, eg an old gold
• that different metals are silver cup, a photograph of a bronze/copper roof, and ask them to describe what rusts, silver becomes dull, copper necklace, with the rapid corrosion of
affected in different ways has happened to each and what has caused this. Elicit ideas about the ef fect of air/ darkens other metals, eg a new iron hinge.
• that some metals are soft and water and the different effects on different metals. • identify some metals that • In unit 8E ‘Atoms and elements’ pupils
can be cut • Extend to show pieces of potassium, sodium and lithium, which ar e shiny when corrode readily and some that identified characteristics of metals and
freshly cut but which immediately tarnish on exposure to air. Ask pupils to explain do not where they are placed in the periodic
why the surfaces become dull. Challenge pupils to say whether these ar e metals or • give a reason why sodium, table.
not, asking them to produce reasons for and against. Refer back to work on the potassium and lithium seem to • Extension: a corrosion trail around the
periodic table. be metals, eg they are shiny, and school could be constructed for pupils to
a reason why they seem not to follow on their own.
be, eg they are not hard, they Safety – potassium, sodium and
can’t be left in the air without lithium are corrosive and highly
tarnishing flammable. Small pieces the size
of rice grains should be used.
Eye protection and safety screens
should be used

How do metals react with water?

• that some metals react with cold • Ask pupils whether metals react with water or not, giving their reasons. Invite them • identify evidence for a chemical • Teachers may wish to extend this work to
water to produce hydrogen to explore the reaction of some familiar metals, eg iron, zinc, magnesium, copper. reaction, eg bubbles of gas, heat the reactions of some metals with steam,
• that some metals react more Ask pupils to predict whether the rapidly tarnishing metals seen in the previous produced but it is not necessary to do so. Eye
readily with water than others activity would react with water. Demonstrate the reactions to test their predictions. • describe some similarities in the protection and safety screens should be
• about the hazards associated • Use a safe method to show that hydrogen and an alkaline solution are produced, reactions, eg hydrogen used.
with some metals eg place a small piece of lithium in a beaker of water and collect the gas produced produced, pH shows alkali • Extension: pupils could be asked to find
in a test tube. Ask pupils to identify similarities and differences in the reactions of produced out how fires involving metals are dealt
potassium, sodium and lithium with water. Establish an order of reactivity of these • describe differences between with.
metals and help pupils to write word equations. Extend by showing pupils a video the reactions, eg flame • Extension: pupils could be asked to write
clip of the reactions of rubidium and caesium with water. Compare the reactions produced with potassium but the symbols and formulae for reactants
of the alkali metals with those of the other metals used earlier and agr ee a not with sodium or lithium and products, and from these form
tentative order of reactivity. Show pupils the hazard-warning labels on alkali metal • identify an order of reactivity of symbol equations.
containers and ask why they are kept under oil. the metals Safety – potassium, sodium and
• describe and explain some of the lithium are corrosive and highly
safety precautions to be taken flammable. Small pieces the size
when dealing with reactive of rice grains should be used.
metals Eye protection and safety screens
should be used

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


Is the order of reactivity of metals with water the same as that with acids?

• that some metals react more • Remind pupils of work they did in unit 9E ‘Reactions of metals and metal • identify relevant observations, • This activity is intended to be done
readily with acids than others compounds’ on the reactions of acids with metals and ask them what is formed. eg extent of bubbling, rise in quickly. There is an opportunity to
• to decide which observations are Help them to write word equations. Ask pupils to carry out quick reactions temperature investigate the reaction of some metals
relevant to a piece of work between either sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid and filings of coarse metal mesh, • use observations to suggest an with acid later in the unit.
eg copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, and from their observations decide the order of order of reactivity • At this point it is sufficient to ensure that
reactivity. Ask them which observations they took account of, to compare the similar amounts of each metal and
reactions of hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, and then to agree an order of reactivity. similar amounts of acid are used. After
Compare this with what was established in the previous activity. the activity, pupils could be asked to
evaluate how confident they are in their
results and to consider which variables to
• Extension: pupils could be asked to write
the symbols and formulae for reactants
and products, and from these write
symbol equations.
Safety – 0.4 mol dm-3 acid should be
used. Eye protection should be worn.
Hydrogen sulfide (toxic) may be
formed in the reaction with iron.
However, this is not usually a safety
problem. Supervise the use of
magnesium. Coarse-mesh
magnesium is highly flammable

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


Can we make predictions about the reactions of metals with oxygen?

• to use a proposed reactivity • Remind pupils that metals also react with oxygen (or the oxygen in the air) to form • use the reactivity series to make • Extension: some pupils may be ready to
series to make predictions oxides. Ask them about word equations. Ask pupils to use their proposed reactivity a sensible prediction, eg sodium look at quantitative data supporting an
• to test predictions made series to suggest how readily different metals would react, and then use a mixture would be more reactive with established reactivity series. In unit 9I
• that metals react with oxygen to of demonstration and video clips to test whether the predictions are supported. oxygen than copper ‘Energy and electricity’ pupils explore the
form oxides Point out that in establishing a reactivity series, more secure evidence than • evaluate the evidence obtained, voltage of simple cells with poles made
qualitative observations is needed. Establish with pupils that, in terms of the eg magnesium reacted more from different metals.
evidence collected, the order of reactivity of metals with oxygen is generally similar violently than copper, but it was • Extension: pupils could be asked to write
to that with water and with acids. difficult to compare sodium and the symbols and formulae for reactants
calcium and products, and from these write
• state that all the metals tested symbol equations.
produced oxides Safety – magnesium and some other
metals are highly flammable. Risk
assessments should be followed.
Eye protection should be used.
Avoid looking directly at burning
magnesium. Safety screens should
be used

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


Can metals displace each other?

• that a metal will displace a less • Provide pupils with small samples of metals, eg magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and • identify where reactions occur • Using very small quantities in a dimple
reactive metal from a solution of solutions of metal salts, eg zinc sulfate, iron (II) sulfate, copper sulfate, silver and where they do not tile works well. In some cases, eg if
one of its salts nitrate. Ask pupils to plan tests of combinations of metal and metal salt to fi nd out • relate their results to the position magnesium is added to copper sulfate
• to construct a table to show if there is a reaction, recording their results in a table. Ask pupils to find a pattern in of the metal in the reactivity solution, the reaction may be between
patterns clearly their results and, if possible, to reorder their table to show the results more clearly. series the water and the metal rather than
• to identify patterns in Discuss the results with the pupils and use an analogy or model to explain the • articulate the pattern, eg it’s the between the salt and the metal.
observations displacement of the less reactive metal by the more reactive one. Ask pupils to metal that’s important; a metal • This activity provides an opportunity to
• to use a model to explain results predict whether other reactions will occur. high in the reactivity series will use ICT to reorder tables of results.
• Show using an analogy, eg ‘pull’ of metal on the sulfate, and word or symbol push out one lower down, but a • This work could be extended to heating
equations that whether there is a reaction or not depends on the metal and the lower one won’t push out a metals, eg copper, zinc, with metal
metal in the salt, not on the acid from which the salt was derived. higher one oxides to determine whether there is a
• If appropriate, link to work pupils have done on the voltages of simple cells. • use an analogy or model to reaction. Some mixtures may be
explain the results, eg the zinc dangerous.
has a stronger pull on the sulfate • Although analogies, eg ‘pull’ of metal,
than the copper does are not strictly correct, they may be
helpful to pupils in establishing principles
about displacement.
• Extension: pupils could be asked to write
the symbols and formulae for reactants
and products, and from these write
symbol equations.
– 0.4 mol dm-3 or 0.1 mol dm-3
solutions of salts can be used.
Eye protection should be worn.
– appropriate risk assessments
should be followed before practical
work begins

• that displacement reactions can • Demonstrate the thermit reaction between iron (III) oxide and aluminium. Ask • explain that energy released by Safety – an appropriate method
be useful pupils to explain where the energy to melt the iron produced comes from, and the reaction is sufficient to melt should be used and a risk assessment
explain, eg using a video clip, the use of the reaction in welding. Use the the iron followed. Safety screens and face
displacement model to describe what is taking place during the r eaction. • describe how molten iron is used shields should be used
in welding, eg on railway lines

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


Checking progress

• how an activity series can help to • Provide pupils with an activity series of metals (including some that they haven’ t • summarise reactions of metals, • Extension: some pupils could be given
make sense of the reactions of tested, eg aluminium, lead, silver) and help them make a summary sheet showing making use of patterns in the quantitative data.
metals reactions of the metals. reactivity series
• how an activity series can be • Tell pupils the position in a series of an unknown metal and ask them to pr edict its • use the activity series to make
used to make predictions reactions. Give pupils information about the reactions of metals not already in the predictions about the reactions
• that sometimes the data doesn’t series and ask them to predict where they might come. of metals
enable firm predictions/ • Discuss with pupils any difficulties in coming to decisions. • identify where an element
conclusions to be made cannot be given a position or
where a firm prediction cannot
be made, giving reasons for the

How does the activity series relate to uses and sources of metals?

• to identify what information is • Introduce the activity with a short video illustrating the range and uses, and • identify key points relevant to • In unit 9E ‘Reactions of metals and metal
needed, and use different texts possibly extraction, of metals. the questions asked compounds’ pupils will have found out
as sources • Ask pupils to use secondary sources, together with their own knowledge of metals • make connections between something about uses and sources of
• to structure paragraphs to to find the answers to a series of questions of varying difficulty, eg reactivity and aspects of use, eg metals. This activity extends that work by
develop points, using evidence – Why is sodium not used for cutlery? aluminium is reactive, and relating it to the reactivity series.
and additional facts – Why is a light metal like magnesium not used for car bodies? therefore hard to extract – this is • Pupils should be encouraged not to look
• to relate the occurrence, – Why has so much gold jewellery survived from ancient civilisations? why it wasn’t used as early as in too much detail at extraction
extraction and use of metals to – Why was bronze used before iron? iron processes, but to identify the key point
their position in the activity – Aluminium is much more abundant than iron, so why wasn’t it used until the about the method, eg electrolysis,
series beginning of the twentieth century? smelting with carbon.
– Which metals are found naturally? • Information about copper can be found
– What are the sources of magnesium? Why is it not found naturally? on the internet, eg at www.copper.org
– How are metals recycled?
• Ask pupils to present their findings and help them to organise the points to
produce an information leaflet linking metals’ reactivity to their uses (including
when they were first used).

Key stage 3 schemes of work Science unit 9F


How can we find out more about the reaction of metals with acids?

• to decide which observations or • Review what pupils remember about the reactions of acids with metals and remind • identify a workable procedure, • If pupils devise their own methods for
measurements are appropriate them of how they compared their reactivity. Explain that they are going to eg to measure the temperature this investigation, they may choose
• to identify variables that need to investigate more systematically the differences in reactivity of zinc, magnesium and of the reacting mixture every measures that compare the rates of the
be controlled and decide how to aluminium with hydrochloric acid. Discuss the indicators, eg changes in minute for 10 minutes reactions rather than the reactivity of the
do this temperature, amount of gas produced, that might be measured and which • identify variables that need to be metals. Some teachers may wish to
• to choose axes and scales for variables they will need to control. Help pupils plan and carry out their controlled, eg quantity of metal, discuss this with some pupils.
graphs investigations safely and, where appropriate, present their results as graphs. Ask volume of acid Safety
• to decide whether results that pupils to tell the story of what the graphs show and to explain whether the r esults • present results clearly and – 0.4 mol dm-3 acid and coarse-mesh
do not fit the pattern expected are what they expected from the relative positions of the metals in the reactivity appropriately filings of the metal can be used. Eye
arise from experimental series. Remind them of earlier work on the extraction of aluminium. Discuss with • explain the results obtained in protection should be worn. Coarse-
shortcomings or are significant pupils the key points in this investigation and help them to write an account that the light of the reactivity series mesh magnesium and aluminium are
• to explain results in the light of brings these out clearly. and knowledge about highly flammable. Supervise this
scientific knowledge and aluminium investigation closely
understanding – pupils’ plans should be checked for
health and safety before practical
work begins

Reviewing work

• key ideas about the relative • Prepare a short test on the content of the unit, eg using comprehension and data- • recall key ideas about the
reactivity of different metals handling questions about different metals, together with additional questions to relative reactivity of different
• how to apply the ideas provide practice materials. Discuss the additional questions with pupils, eg by metals
• how to recognise what asking them to read questions out loud, discuss what the questions mean and • use and apply these ideas in
information questions are what sort of answers are required before they take the test. When pupils have different contexts
seeking and to evaluate answers taken the test and it has been marked, discuss their answers to the test questions • identify how sample answers
in a similar way. Provide real (or made-up) answers to some questions and ask provide, or do not provide, the
pupils to identify good and bad points in each. information required

Ref: QCA/00/445 © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) 2000 Science unit 9F

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