Us 2556488
Us 2556488
Us 2556488
Percent Wiscosity of
age of Percentage of Solvent TEFE- Time of Percentage solution in
Styrene Employed (by which heating of Poly- benzene of
(by weight) weight) heated in hours merisation the poly
oC. Seconds
10% Xylene.----------- 80-180 155 94 425
10% Dipentene- 80-80 153 90 235
20%-Xylene---- 75-150 27 80 500
20%. Dipentene 75-150 27 60 240
75%. Mineral Spir - i40 30 68 28
75% Dipentene-------- 140 30 35 18
Wiscosity of
Psi- Percentage of Solvent Terps" Time of Percentage solution in
styrene Employed (by if heating of Poly. benzene of
(by weight) weight) heated in hours Enerisation 'EEE
oC. Seconds
50--------- 50% Xylene---------- 100-80 20 64 370
50--- - 50% Alpha Pinene---- 00-180 20 92 230
25- - - -- 75%. Mineral Spirits--- 140 30 68 28
25--------- 75% Alpha Pinene---- 40 30 76 17.5
ing the mixture appeared to be partly Soluble in 70. In the above Table 2 the viscosity of the poly
petroleum ether, So in place of the latter alcohol mers obtained in the first two experiments, where
was substituted for the precipitating medium; it the percentage of styrene initially mixed with
was found that the polymer came down very Well, the solvent amounted to 50 per cent, is expressed
especially if the alcohol was warned slightly as the time in Seconds taken for a 1 per cent Solt
after adding...the Solution theretO. 75 tion of the polymer in benzene to flow through a
5 s
No. 1 Ostwald viscometer, whilst the viscosity of 8. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
the polymers obtained in the last two experiments the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
where the initial concentration of the styrene a solvent containing an admixture of a mono
amounted to 25 per cent is expressed as the time cyclic alpha terpene and an aliphatic hydro
in Seconds taken for a 2 per cent Solution of the carbon.
polymer in benzene to flow through a No. 2 9. A proceSS as claimed in claim 1 in which
Ostwald viscometer, all the viscosities being the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
measured at 20° C. a Solvent containing an admixture of a mono
From the details given in Table 2 it will be cyclic alpha terpene and Xylene.
Seen that the viscosity of the polystyrene pro O 10. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
duced in the presence of alpha, pinene is con the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
Siderably lower than the Wiscosity of the polymers a Solvent containing an admixture of a mono
formed in Xylene or mineral Spirits; from these cyclic alpha terpene and mineral spirits.
Wiscosity figures it is apparent therefore that 11. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
alpha pinene exerts an effect similar to that of 15 the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
dipentene in producing polystyrenes of relatively a solvent containing an admixture of a dicyclic
low molecular weight. Further from the figures alpha terpene and an aromatic hydrocarbon.
of percentage of polymerisation given in Table 12. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
2, it will be noted that alpha pinene appears to the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
give a Somewhat faster rate of reaction than 20 a solvent containing an admixture of a dicyclic
Xylene or mineral Spirits for the production of alpha terpene and an aliphatic hydrocarbon.
the polystyrene. 13. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
In a third series of comparative experiments, the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
a Sample of commercial dipentene was fraction a Solvent containing an admixture of a dicyclic
ally distilled to yield pure dipentene, alpha ter 25 alpha terpene and xylene.
pinene and alpha teipinolene and each of these 14. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
products WaS separately tested in mixture with the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
Styrene in experiments similar to those previously a solvent containing an admixture of a dicyclic
described in connection with Table 1 and found alpha terpene and mineral Spirits.
to give polystyrenes of low molecular weight, 30 15. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
as shown by the results given in Table 3 below: the quantity of solvent employed is equal to the
Table 3
Wiscosity of
E Percentage of Solvent Type- Time of Percentage solution in
She Fmpeg,
weig (by which ag merisation
in hours of Poly- E.
(by weight) heated styrene
oC. Seconds
50--------- 50% Xylene----------- 100-80 25 78 365
50--------- 50% Limonene.------- 100-180 25 63 220
50 --- 50%. Alpha Terpinene. 100-180 25 31 220
50--------- 50%. Alpha Terpino- 100-180 25 26 230
In the above Table 3 the viscosity of the poly quantity of styrene subjected to the polymer
mers obtained by heating in the respective solu 45 ization reaction.
tions is expressed as the tine, in seconds, taken 16. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which
for a 1 per cent Solution of the polymer in ben the quantity of solvent employed is less than the
Zene to iow through a No. 1. Ostwald viscometer, quantity of styrene subjected to the polymeri
all the viscosities being measured at 20° C. zation reaction.
What We claim and desire to secure by Letters 50 17. A proceSS as claimed in claim 1 in Which
Patent of the United States is: the quantity of solvent employed is greater than
1. A process for the production of polystyrene the quantity of styrene subjected to the poly
of a relatively low molecular weight in the order merization reaction.
of 9,000 to 12,000 which consists in effecting the 55 LESLIE ERNEST WAKEFOR.D.
polymerization by heating, in the absence of a DONALID HELMSLEY HEWITT.
polymerization catalyst, monomeric styrene in a
Solvent containing at least one terpene of the REFERENCES CTED
class consisting of monocyclic and dicyclic alpha The following references are of record in the
terpenes in an amount sufficient to control the 60 file of this patent:
molecular weight of the product.
2. A proceSS as claimed in claim 1 wherein UNITED STATES PATENTS
the terpene consists of dipentene. NameNumber Date
3. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the 1910,846 Maximoff ---------- May 23, 1933
terpene consists of alpha pinene. 65 2,313,728 Austin et al. ------- May 16, 1943
4. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the 2,383,084 Rummelsburg ------ Aug. 21, 1945
terpene consistS of limonene. 2,392,710 Wakeford et al. ----- Jan. 8, 1946
5. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the FOREIGN PATENTS
terpene consists of alpha terpinene.
6. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein Number Country Date
the terpene consists of alpha terpinolene. 278,486 Germany.------- May 24, 1913
7. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which OTHER REFERENCES
the polymerization of the styrene is effected in
Synthetic Resins and Allied Plastics, R. S.
a solvent containing an admixture of a mono 7 Morrell
cyclic alpha terpene and an aromatic hydro (Oxford Univ. Press) 1937, page 321,
carbon, s