Unit 6 Test: Listening
Unit 6 Test: Listening
Unit 6 Test: Listening
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Grammar _______ / 50
Reading _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 6 test
3 Sarah and Peter ___________________________
To Julie, Chris, Richard
a friend. From Janet
4 We ________________________________ money. There is a lot of support for the sponsored run. 240 students have signed
up and the organization is going well. Julie has publicized the event on
8 Use one will and one going to form of the verbs message boards and you can sponsor the runners online on a special
in brackets in each sentence. (8 marks) website. Chris has designed a route which is exactly 10 km. Friends and
parents will be happy with the route because it’s easy to see the runners.
1 I ____________________ (give) her the bad news The event is in June, but it might rain because this is England! If it rains,
Richard will provide special rain gear for the runners.
tomorrow, so she _______________ (be) a bit sad.
Action points
2 He ___________________ (be) thinner soon
1) Richard is going to email the route to runners.
because he ___________________ (go) on a diet. 2) Janet is going to set up tables of water every 2.5 kilometres. If it’s
3 They ___________________ (take) lessons, so sunny, the runners will get thirsty and it’s important to stay hydrated.
3) Julie is going to find out if we need to inform the town council about
their Spanish ____________________ (improve). the event.
4 I think Juventus ____________________ (win) the 4) Julie is also going to ask the teachers to join in. If students see that
their teachers are participating, they’ll train harder.
league, so I ___________________ (support) them
this season.
9 Write the questions and answers using the
present continuous. (4 marks) 12 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
1 Have you got a minute / time / wait?
1 What time _________ you and your family
2 How / What / Which can I do for you?
________________ dinner tonight? (have)
3 What’s the sponsored run as / by / for?
___________________________ at 7 o’clock.
4 I hope to lift / push / raise around £50.
2 What _________ he ____________ after dinner?
5 It sounds as / like / as if a good cause.
_____________________________ to music.
13 Imagine there are rubbish collections in your street
Reading only once a month. You want to have more. Write a
10 Read the text on the right. What is the purpose formal letter to your local council (Town Council,
of the email? (2 marks) Old Road, Moortown, MR34 1XZ). Use the correct
layout, and linkers for explaining. (10 marks)
a to raise sponsor money for a charity event
b to give information about a charity event Paragraph 1: Introduction
c to help organize a charity event Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to you because ...
11 Write Janet, Julie, Chris or Richard. You can use Paragraph 2: The problem (dirty, smelly, etc.)
some names more than once. (8 marks) In my opinion, ... For this reason, ...
1 ______________wrote the summary. I am in favour of ... as ...
Paragraph 3: Action
2 ______________ is going to organize drinks.
We have therefore decided to ... Yours faithfully,
3 ______________ will help the runners if it’s wet.
4 ______________ has posted adverts online.
5 ______________ is going to send information to
the runners.
6 ______________ is going to ask if local authorities
need to know about the event.
7 ______________ has created a route.
8 ______________
Total marks:isListening
going to contact
/ 10 whoVocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______
work at the school. / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100