Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment For Pipe Lowering
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment For Pipe Lowering
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment For Pipe Lowering
Project : Report No :
Client : Location :
Consultant : Date :
1 Pipe Lowering 1. Hydraulic Failure 1. Personnal 3 C M 1. Ensure Valid registration, Third party 1 A L 1. Competent person to be L
Injury Certificate for all side booms and hydra. assigned in site for the
2. All lifting tackles are to be
2. Trench Collapse 2. Property inspected visually by supervisor.
Damage 2. First aid box shall be provided
3. Ensure that all lifting tackles have at site.
3. Pipe move/roll valid 3rd party certification.
4. Pipe may hit the 4. Follow proper Job ergonomics, 3. Emergency vehicle shall be
person during Workers must take frequent breaks to avoid provided.
shifting/lowering fatigue.
Frequent /Almost
Severity People Assets Environment Reputation Rare Possible Likely Often
Single fatality or
Major National
4. Severe permanent total Major effect.
damage. impact.