UngulatesofIndia 2004 Chital PDF
UngulatesofIndia 2004 Chital PDF
UngulatesofIndia 2004 Chital PDF
Ungulat es
I ndia
Wildlife Institute of India
The Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre at the Wildlife Institute of India , set up in
September 1997, is part of the ENVIS setup of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India. It deals with general matters concerning `wildlife' and specifically those related to `protected
areas'. Its objectives are to:
Establish a data bank on information related to wildlife and wildlife protected areas, and thereby
buildup a repository and dissemination centre for information on wildlife science;
Promote national and international cooperation , and exchange of wildlife related information;
Provide decision makers at the apex level with information related to conservation and
Wildlife and Protected Areas
Project Leader
P.R. Sinha
Project Coordinator
V.B. Mathur
Project Associate
A. David
Advisory Committee
P.K. Mathur
B.C. Choudhury
K. Sivakumar
M. S. Rana
R. Thapa
K.K. Shrivastava
Ungulates of India
K. Sankar
S.P. Goyal
Editorial Processing
G. Chhibber
M. Veerappan
The contents of the bulletin may be freely used for non-commercial purposes with due acknowledgement.
Citation: Sankar, K and Goyal, S.P. (Eds.) 2004. Ungulates of India. ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife
and Protected Areas, Vol. 07, No. 1. Wildlife Institute of India, Deheradun, India. Pp. 448.
Citation for individual chapter. Sharma, K., and Rahmani, A.R. 2004. Four horned antelope
or Chowsingha (Tetracpn6 quad *vris Blainvill1e). Pp. 53-60. In: K. Sankar and S.P. Goyal (Eds.)
Ungulates of India. ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife and Protected Areas, Vol. 07, No. 1. Wildlife
Institute of India, Deheradun, India. Pp. 448.
ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife and Protected Areas, Vol. 07. No. 1. Printed in 2007.
Species illustrations are by Centre for Environmentl Education (CEE), Ahmedabad, India.
Photo Credits:
Asian wild buffalo, Barking deer, Indian wild ass, Nilgiri tahr, Rhinoceros (WII Photo Library)
Blue bull, Hog deer, Sambar (K. Sankar)
Indian gazelle (J. Van Gruisen), Four horned antelope (S.P. Goyal), Brow antlered deer (S.A. Hussain),
Wild pig (J.S. Jalal), Indian antelope (Y.V. Jhala), Pygmy hog (G. Narayan), Soptted deer (B. Pandav),
Indian bison (M.K.S. Pasha), Mouse deer (S. Prasad), Swamp deer (Q. Qureshi)
Leaf deer (www.animalinfo.org/species/artiperi/muntputa.htm)
Order Artiodactyla
Family Cervidae
Sub-Family Cervinae
Genus Axis
Species A. axis
Common name Spotted deer
Conservation Status
WPA (1972) : Schedule III
CITES : Not listed
Chital or spotted deer (Axis axis) is the third largest deer inhabiting the
plains and undulating terrain of India. A well-built stag stands 90 cm at
the shoulder and weighs about 85 kg (Prater 1971). The coat is reddish-
fawn, spotted with white, and with white underparts. The antlers curve in
the shape of a lyre, with up to three points on each antler. This popular
species is a favourite with zoological parks around the world for their
beautiful appearance and graceful gait.
Chital have declined drastically throughout their range, and are now
only locally abundant within 123 Protected Areas of India and some
forest tracts (Source: National Wildlife Database, WII). The strongholds
of chital where they have been adequately studied are: Corbett (De
and Spillit 1966), Kanha (Schaller 1967), Bandipur (Johnsingh 1983),
Nagarahole (Karanth and Sunquist 1992), Sariska (Sankar 1994), Gir
(Khan et a!. 1995), Guindy (Raman 1997), Pench (Biswas and Sankar
2002), Ranthambore (Bagchi eta!. 2003) in India, Chitwan (Mishra 1982)
and Karnali-Bardia (Dinerstein 1980), in Nepal, and Wilpattu (Eisenberg
and Lockhart 1972) in Sri Lanka. Introduced chital populations occur
in USSR, Yugoslavia, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Australia,
Hawaii and several private ranches in the Western Cape, South Africa
(Lever 1985).
during feeding periods, during the rut when males frequently join groups
of females (Schaller 1967), or while fleeing from predators (Dinerstein
1980). These social groupings of chital do not remain permanent (Schaller
1967, Eisenberg and Lockhart 1972).
Sex ratio
The main causes of death in chital are predation, diseases and accident.
Occasionally, stags kill each other when fighting. Humans avidly hunt
and poach chital throughout their range. Chital are known to be
susceptible to livestock-borne diseases such as rinderpest (Schaller
1967) and foot-and-mouth disease (Sankar 1994). Accidents especially
from speeding vehicles are a cause of chital mortality but occur rarely
within protected areas. Predation is by far the major cause of chital
mortality. Older chital stags are more susceptible to predation than
younger stags (Johnsingh 1983, Patel 1992, Karanth and Sunquist 1995).
This may be due to their being less vigilant during rut, separation from
the group after rut, or weakening from injuries from conflicts. In Kanha,
chital remains were found in about 52% of tiger scats and 59% of leopard
scats analysed (Schaller 1967). In Bandipur remains of chital were found
in about 39 % tiger scats, 51% leopard scats, and 52% dhole scats
(Johnsingh 1983). In adjoining Nagarahole remains of chital were found
in about 31% tiger scats, 44% leopard scats, and 50% dhole scats
(Karanth and Sunquist 1995). In Sariska, around 54% of the scats of
tiger and 21% of leopard scats contained chital remains (Sankar 1994).
Chital remains were found in about 53% of tiger scats in Pench (Biswas
and Sankar 2002) and 61 % of tiger scats in Ranthambore (Bagchi et a!.
Food habits
Chital are known to feed on more than 160 species of plants (Schaller
1967, Johnsingh and Sankar 1991). Schaller (1967) showed that graze
formed the bulk of the feed of chital, while Mishra (1982) considered
chital primarily a grazer. On the basis of morpho-physiological ruminant
feeding types, Hofmann (1985) classified chital as an intermediate/mixed
feeder. Rodgers (1988) had categorised chital as a generalist feeder,
with a diet consisting of grasses, forbs, and leaves of woody plants. In
Sariska, chital was a grazer as long as green grasses were available
(monsoon and post-monsoon seasons), but switched over to fallen leaves,
flowers and fruits in winter (Sankar 1994).
Home range
In Sariska the mean home range of male chital stag was around 3.5 km2,
and that of a chital doe was around 2.5 km2. The estimated annual home
Water use
Chital usually drink water once a day, and more frequently in summer.
This has made them inhabitants of forest tracts with widely scattered but
assured presence of water.
Chital spend a major portion of their life in foraging, resting , and wandering
within their ranges , with the extent of these activities determined by
season (Schaller 1967). In a day, peak feeding times are around dawn
and dusk . They usually have two major resting periods - before dawn
and mid-day.
Chital form one of the important prey of top carnivores as is evident from
studies in Kanha (Schaller 1967), Bandipur (Johnsingh 1983), Rajaji
National Park (Johnsingh et al. 1993), Sariska (1994), Pench (Biswas
and Sankar 2002) and Ranthambore (Bagchi et al. 2002). Chital is a
species that is most amenable to wildlife management practices, and
just a little effort and care is required to increase the numbers of this
prolific breeder, in addition to maintaining the grassland-woodland
interface (edge) habitat so essential for the survival of the species.
Though the species has thrived well and, is now locally abundant within
protected areas, the remaining population is highly vulnerable to poaching,
habitat destructions and livestock-borne diseases. Livestock such as
buffaloes out-compete chital in forage consumption during the pinch
season as observed in Sariska (Sankar 1994), making the case strong
for prevention of livestock grazing where chital is present. As would be
obvious from the above fact, the conservation and management of chital
populations is of paramount importance in reducing large carnivore
depredation of livestock, and, consequently, mitigate the increasing levels
of human-wildlife conflict.
Ables, E.D. 1974. The Axis deer in Texas. The Caeser Kleberg Research
Programme. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. A & M
University System. Texas. 86 Pp.
Barrette , C. 1991. The size of Axis deer fluid groups in Wilpattu National
Park , Sri Lanka . Mammalia 55 :207-220.
Biswas , S., and Sankar , K. 2002. Prey abundance and food habit of
tigers ( Panthera tigris tigris) in Pench National Park , Madhya Pradesh,
India. Journal of Zoology 256:411-420.
De, R.C., and Spillit, J.J. 1966. A study of the chital or spotted deer in
Corbett National Park, Uttar Pradesh. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 63:
Fuchs, E.R. 1977. Behaviour. In: The Axis deer in Texas. E.B. Ables
(Ed.).Pp 24-52. Ceasar Kleberg, Texas.
Graf, W. and Nichols , L.1966. The Axis deer in Hawaii . J. Bombay Nat.
Khan, J. A., Chellam, R. and Johnsingh, A.J.T. 1995. Group size and
age-sex composition of three major ungulate species in Gir Lion
Sanctuary, Gujarat, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 92:295-302.
Mishra, H.R. 1982. The ecology and behaviour of chital (Axis axis) in the
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Ph.D. Thesis. University of
Edinburg. U.K. 240 Pp.
Spotted deer
Moe, S. R., and Wegge, P. 1997. Spacing behaviour and habitat use of
axis deer (Axis axis) in lowland Nepal. Canadian Journal of Zoology
Prater , S.H. 1934. The wild animals of the Indian Empire . J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 37: 76-79.
Prater, S.H. 1971. The book of Indian animals. Bombay Natural History
Society, Bombay.
Schaller, G.B. 1967. The Deer and the Tiger. A study of Wildlife in India.
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp. 370.
Varman, K. S., and Sukumar, R. 1995. The line transect method for
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