Temel2010 PDF
Temel2010 PDF
Temel2010 PDF
ABSTRACT: Main chain polymeric benzophenone photoinitiator PBP was found as 250 ns. The photoinitiation efficiency of PBP
(PBP) was synthesized by using ‘‘Thiol-ene Click Chemistry’’ was determined for the polymerization of Hexanedioldiacrylate
and characterized with 1H NMR, FTIR, UV, and phosphores- (HDDA) with PBP and BP in the presence of a coinitiator
cence spectroscopies. PBP as a polymeric photoinitiator pre- namely, N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) by Photo-DSC. The
sented excellent absorption properties (e294 ¼ 28,300 mol1 L1 initiation efficiency of PBP for polymerization of HDDA is much
cm1) compared to the molecular initiator BP (e252 ¼ 16,600 higher than for the formulation consisting of BP. V C 2010 Wiley
mol1 L1 cm1). The triplet energy of PBP was obtained from Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 48: 5306–
the phosphorescence measurement in 2-methyl tetrahydrofur- 5312, 2010
ane at 77 K as 298.3 kJ/mol and according to phosphorescence
lifetime, the lowest triplet state of PBP has an n-p* nature. Tri- KEYWORDS: benzophenone; click chemistry; photopolymeriza-
plet–triplet absorption spectrum of PBP at 550 nm following tion; photochemistry; polymeric photoinitiator; radical poly-
laser excitation (355 nm) were recorded and triplet lifetime of merization; thiol-ene
INTRODUCTION Photopolymerization processes receive con- meric photoinitiators and of photoproducts means that cured
tinuous interest because of their wide application in UV-cur- coatings are less prone to yellowing.12,13
able coatings, printing inks, photoresist, and microelec- In our previous studies, to overcome some of the problems,
tronics. Free radical photoinitiators can be classed as a- we successfully synthesized novel side chain thioxanthone
cleavage (Type I) and H-abstraction (Type II) initiators. Free and benzophenone containing polystyrene based polymeric
radical generation process is H-abstraction reaction of tri- photoinitiators and they were used as polymeric photoinitia-
plet photoinitiator from hydrogen donors such as amines tors in free radical polymerization.5,6,10,14–16
and alcohols. The radical derived from the donor can initiate
the polymerization while ketyl radicals stemming from aro- Over the last decade, efficient and versatile cross reactions such
as radical coupling reactions,14,17,18 click chemistry,5,16,19–32
matic carbonyl compound are usually not reactive toward
diels alder reactions,5,33,34 thio-bromo click reaction,35–37 etc.,
vinyl monomers due to bulkiness and/or the delocalization
have been used to obtain functional polymers in quantitative
of the unpaired electrons. The overall process is depicted on
yield. Cu (I) catalyzed 1,3-Huisgen dipolar cycloaddition is the
the example of benzophenone in Scheme 1.
most widely used reaction to synthesize telechelic poly-
There have been many new developments in synthesis and mers,26,27 functional dendrimers,23,38,39 hyperbranched poly-
photochemical studies of novel polymeric photoinitiators. mers,40 biopolymers,41 polymeric photoinitiators5,16 and so on.
Polymeric photoinitiators have attracted much attention in High temperature conditions or the requirement of metal cata-
recent years for they combine the properties of polymers lysts, which generally need to be removed by various purifica-
with those of low molecular weight photoinitiators.1–11 Solu- tion methods after the reaction, are the only deterrents of the
bility and miscibility problems, often observed with coatings click method. Recently, thiol-ene chemistry has appeared as a
containing low molecular weight photoinitiators, do not new type of click chemistry method in the absence of a toxic
occur with the polymeric ones since polymers are easily mis- metal catalyst.20,42 Thiol-ene click chemistry has been success-
cible with the resin to be cured as well as with the final fully employed to synthesize biomaterials,43,44 star polymers,45
cured film. Moreover, odor and toxicity problems do not crosslinked materials,42,46,47 and UV-curable coatings.42,48,49
occur with macrophotoinitiators owing to the low volatility However, thiol-ene reactions can be initiated photochemically
of the large molecules. The low migration tendency of poly- or thermally in the presence of a photo or thermal initiator.20,42
the basic alumina just before use. All other reagents were pur-
chased from Aldrich and Merck and used as received.
(d, 4H, CH2), 4.12 (t, 4H, CH2), 2.86-2.75 (m, 8H), 2.1-2.0 were taken on a Varian UV-Visible Carry 50 Spectrophotome-
(m, 4H). ter. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analyses of the
polymers were performed with a set-up consisting of a
Instrumentation pump (Waters) and four ultrastyragel columns of different
H NMR measurements were recorded in CDCl3 with Si porosities. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was used as the eluent
(CH3)4 as internal standard, using a Bruker AC250 (250.133 (flow rate 0.3 mL min1), and detection was carried out
MHz) instrument. FTIR spectra were recorded on a Perkin– with the aid of a differential refractometer. The number-aver-
Elmer FTIR Spectrum One-B spectrometer. UV-Vis spectra age molecular weights were determined using polystyrene
FIGURE 5 Rate of polymerization versus time for the polymer- FIGURE 7 Rate of polymerization versus time for the polymer-
ization of HDDA initiated by PBP/MDEA (0.1/1.0 w/w) and BP/ ization of HDDA initiated by PBP/MDEA (1.0/10.0 w/w) and BP/
MDEA (0.1/1.0 w/w) systems cured at 30 C by UV light with an MDEA (1.0/10.0 w/w) systems cured at 30 C by UV light with
intensity of 50 mW cm2 in the presence and absence of an air an intensity of 50 mW cm2 in the presence and absence of an
atmosphere. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, air atmosphere. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
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