Financial Report Writer 8.10: D17627GC10 1.0 April 2004 D40782

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Financial Report Writer 8.


Instructor Guide

April 2004
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Preface Financial Report Writer 8.10 ........................................................................................ vii

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues .................................................................. vii
Related Documentation and Resources ..............................................................................ix

Lesson 1 Course Overview ...............................................................................................................1

Agenda: Day 1....................................................................................................................2
Agenda: Day 2....................................................................................................................3
Agenda: Day 3....................................................................................................................4

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview ...............................................................................................5

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components .........................................................6
Describing the Report Design Aid Features......................................................................12

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid ........................................................................15

Describing Financial Report Specifications ......................................................................16
Creating Report Objects ....................................................................................................19
Activity 1: Creating a New Report with Report Specifications and Viewing the Report
in Preview Mode ...............................................................................................................28
Overriding Version Specifications ....................................................................................33
Activity 2: Copying a Template and Creating a Batch Version with Override
Specifications ....................................................................................................................35

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features ..............................................................................................39

Describing Additional Report Features .............................................................................40
Creating Reports with Row Specifications........................................................................42
Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications..................................................46
Creating Column Specifications........................................................................................58
Activity 4: Creating Reports with Smart Field Column Headings ................................61
Creating Reports with Calculations Defined in Expression Manager...............................71
Activity 5: Creating a Report with Expression Manager Calculations..........................73

Lesson 5 Adding Basic Report Enhancements .............................................................................79

Describing How to Modify Section Properties .................................................................80

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential iii

Financial Report Wrtier 8.10 Contents

Describing How to Modify Report Objects.......................................................................82


Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties .............................................................................................85

Describing How Cell Overrides Are Used ........................................................................86
Creating a Report with Cell Overrides ..............................................................................88
Activity 6: Creating Reports with Cell Specifications and Cell Overrides....................90

Lesson 7 Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid ..............................................101

Describing the Steps for Creating a Journal Entry in RDA.............................................102
Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA..............................................................................104
Activity 7: Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA ........................................................106

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features ..............................................111

Describing Advanced Features and Related Benefits .....................................................112
Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports ...............................................................114
Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features..............................................118

Lesson 9 Course Review ...............................................................................................................135

Completed Objectives .....................................................................................................135
Create Financial Reports .................................................................................................136
Use Advanced Report Features to Enhance Reports .......................................................137

Appendix A PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Curriculum Maps.............................................................139

Appendix B Report Sample for Activity 1: Creating a New Report with Report Specifications
and Viewing the Report in Preview Mode ..................................................................141

Appendix C Report Sample for Activity 2: Copying a Template and Creating a Batch Version
with Override Specifications ........................................................................................143

Appendix D Report Sample for Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications – Manual

Appendix E Report Sample for Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications – Auto
Row Generation.............................................................................................................147

Appendix F Report Sample for Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications – AAI

Appendix G Report Sample for Activity 4: Creating Reports with Smart Field Column

iv PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Contents Financial Report Wrtier 8.10

Report Sample for Activity 4: Creating Reports with Smart Field Column Headings
Appendix H – With Column Overrides ............................................................................................153

Appendix I Report Sample for Activity 5: Creating a Report with Expression Manager

Appendix J Report Sample for Activity 6: Creating Reports with Cell Specifications and Cell
Overrides – Cell Specifications ....................................................................................157

Appendix K Report Sample for Activity 6: Creating Reports with Cell Specifications and Cell
Overrides – Cell Overrides...........................................................................................159

Appendix L Report Sample for Activity 7: Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA......................161

Appendix M Report Sample for Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features –
Business Functions ........................................................................................................163

Appendix N Report Sample for Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features – Date

Appendix O Report Sample for Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features –
Subledgers ......................................................................................................................167

Appendix P Report Sample for Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features – Fixed
Assets Template .............................................................................................................169

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Financial Report Wrtier 8.10 Contents

vi PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential


Financial Report Writer 8.10

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues

This section discusses:

• Typographical conventions.

• Visual cues.

• Country, region, and industry identifiers.

• Currency codes.

Typographical Conventions
This table contains the typographical conventions that are used in this guide:

Typographical Convention Description

Bold Indicates PeopleCode function names, method names, language
constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be included
literally in the function call.
Italics Indicates field values, emphasis, and PeopleSoft or other book-
length publication titles. In PeopleCode syntax, italic items are
placeholders for arguments that your program must supply.
We also use italics when we refer to words as words or letters as
letters, as in the following: Enter the letter O.
KEY+KEY Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign (+)
between keys means that you must hold down the first key while
you press the second key. For ALT+W, hold down the ALT key
while you press the W key.
Monospace font Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code example.
“ ” (quotation marks) Indicate lesson and chapter titles in cross-references and words that
are used differently from their intended meanings.
. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.
{ } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.
Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).
[ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential vii

Financial Report Wrtier 8.10 Preface

Typographical Convention Description

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax, an
ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already instantiated
Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

Visual Cues
Training courses contain the following visual cues.

Notes indicate information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with
the PeopleSoft system.

Note. Example of a note.

If the note is preceded by Important!, the note is crucial and includes information that
concerns what you must do for the system to function properly.

Important! Example of an important note.

Warnings indicate crucial configuration considerations. Pay close attention to warning

Warning! Example of a warning.

Training guides provide cross-references either under the heading “See Also” or on a
separate line preceded by the word See. Cross-references lead to other documents, such
as PeopleBooks, that are pertinent to the immediately preceding documentation.


Example of cross-reference to a PeopleBook

Country, Region, and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific country, region, or industry is preceded by a
standard identifier in parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a
section heading, but it may also appear at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a country-specific heading: “(FRA) Hiring an Employee”

Example of a region-specific heading: “(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation”

viii PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Preface Financial Report Wrtier 8.10

Country Identifiers
Countries are identified with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
country code. The following country identifiers appear in this guide:

• JPN (Japan)

• USA (United States)

• <and so on>

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers appear in this

• Asia Pacific

• Europe

• Latin America

• North America

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The
following industry identifiers appear in this guide:

• USF (U.S. Federal)

• E&G (Education and Government)

Currency Codes
Monetary amounts are identified by the ISO currency code. The following currency
codes appear in this guide:

• USD (U.S. dollars)

• <and so on>

Related Documentation and Resources

PeopleSoft applications are documented in PeopleBooks, which are delivered on the
PeopleBooks CD-ROM. You can also order printed, bound versions of PeopleBooks
through the Documentation section of the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website. You
can find updates and additional documentation for each release on the PeopleSoft
Customer Connection website.

See PeopleSoft Customer Connection,

The following resources are located on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website:

Resource Navigation
Application maintenance information Updates + Fixes

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential ix

Financial Report Wrtier 8.10 Preface

Resource Navigation
Business process diagrams Support, Documentation, Business Process Maps
Data models Support, Documentation, Data Models
Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) catalog Support, Documentation, Enterprise Integration
Point (EIP) Catalog
Hardware and software requirements Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Implementation
Guide, Implementation Documentation and
Software, Hardware and Software Requirements
Installation guides Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Implementation
Guide, Implementation Documentation and
Software, Installation Guides and Notes
PeopleBook documentation updates Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates
PeopleSoft support policy Support, Support Policy
Product release roadmap Support, Roadmaps + Schedules
Release notes Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Upgrade Guide,
Upgrade Documentation and Software, Release
Table-loading sequences Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Implementation
Guide, Implementation Documentation and
Software, Table Loading Sequences
Troubleshooting information Support, Troubleshooting
Upgrade documentation Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Upgrade Guide

x PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 1

Course Overview

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Describe the financial report features and components.

• Create financial reports.

• Use advanced report features to enhance reports.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 1

Course Overview Lesson 1

Agenda: Day 1
On day one, we will provide an overview of Financial Report Writer and discuss these

• Describing the financial report writing process.

• Creating reports in Report Design Aid.


Instructor Notes
Activity Dependencies
In many of the activities in this course, students create application data that is necessary
for subsequent activities. This table presents the dependencies between activities within
this course:

Lesson Activity Required Notes

3 1 None
3 2 1
4 3 None
4 4 None
4 5 None
6 6 1
7 7 None
8 8 1

2 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 1 Course Overview

Agenda: Day 2
On day two, we will discuss these topics:

• Using additional features.

• Adding basic report enhancements.


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Course Overview Lesson 1

Agenda: Day 3
On day three, we will discuss these topics:

• Overriding cell properties.

• Generating journal entries using Report Design Aid.

• Enhancing reports using advanced report features.

• Course review.


4 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2

Business Process Overview

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to describe:

• The financial report writer components.

• The Report Design Aid features.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 5

Business Process Overview Lesson 2

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components

Basic Report Structure

Financial Report Writer is a powerful tool to manage information and summarize
financial data. A report is a set of metadata that enables the system to process the report.
The basic report components are:

• Report objects

• Report templates

• Batch versions

• Report sections


6 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components (continued)

Financial Report Objects

Each report is a report object in the Object Management Workbench (OMW) and is a
Universal Batch Engine (UBE) object type. Each report object consists of report sections.


Student Notes
Report Object Information
When you add report objects, a header record is created with information about the
report, such as its name and description.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 7

Business Process Overview Lesson 2

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components (continued)

Financial Report Templates

When reports are the basis for creating similar reports, they are referred to as report
templates. Report templates hold the master metadata that describes the report to the
system and contains information about:

• How data is selected, sorted, and displayed.

• How data is formatted on the report.


Student Notes
Report Template Information
Templates become the basis for all versions of the report. This is useful for standardizing
reports and reducing report maintenance.

8 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components (continued)

Batch Versions
Batch versions are reports that have been created using report templates. The original
report template properties can be overridden in a batch version of that template. Some
report properties that can be overridden are:

• Data selection

• Data sequencing

• Section layout

• Section properties


Student Notes
Batch Version Information
The system will process the report template metadata and any changes overridden in the
batch version. Many batch versions can be created from the same report template.

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Business Process Overview Lesson 2

Describing the Financial Report Writer Components (continued)

Financial Report Sections

Each report object consists of report sections. Report sections include a:

• Header section

• Detail section

• Footer section


Student Notes
Report Sections
This diagram shows the different report sections:

These sections are the building blocks of a report.

Report Header Section

Page Header Section

Columnar Section

Group Section

Tabular Section

Page Footer Section

Report Footer Section

Report building blocks

10 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview

Instructor Notes
Report Sections
The header section appears at the top of the report and usually includes information such
as report date, company name, report name, run time, page numbers, and other

The detail section contains data based on business views. A business view is used to
access data from database tables. Columns created from business views link data in the
database tables to the report

Explain the three different detail sections: columnar, group, and tabular.

Columnar sections consist of several columns with associated values. The data in each
column is linked to the column heading and cannot be separated. Reports created with
columnar sections are the least flexible.

Group sections have a free-form layout and are not restricted to standard columns or
rows. This is the most flexible section type.

Tabular sections have built-in spreadsheet functions making them suitable for presenting
financial information. Tabular sections appear in a column and row format but enable
data to be summarized with subtotals and totals.

The footer section appears at the bottom of the report. Additional text can be added to
print at the bottom of each page. A report can contain only one footer section.

Tabular sections will be used extensively throughout the course.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 11

Business Process Overview Lesson 2

Describing the Report Design Aid Features

Creating Application Reports Using the Director

Application reports are created through Report Design Aid (RDA). Application reports
use Director templates that contain common criteria for specific types of reports. Users
can also create their own templates. These templates:

• Group data tables into logical views.

• Enable the use of smart fields.


Student Notes
Smart Fields
Smart fields will be covered in more detail later. They are designed to retrieve data in a
specific manner. For example, the smart field FINRPTAB will access account balance
information for financial periods and fiscal years. Smart fields are used to capture data in

12 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview

Describing the Report Design Aid Features (continued)

Smart Fields and Business Functions

Smart fields call business functions or named event rules. Business functions are
programs that use data structures to:

• Request specific data from system tables.

• Return data to established parameters in the data structure.

• Perform some type of calculation.

• Send information such as column headings and calculations to the report.


Student Notes
Additional Information About Smart Fields
Smart fields have already been created, so no complex programming is necessary.
Complex logic can be easily included in a report. Additional calculation columns can be
added to the report after creating smart field columns. Values in calculation columns are
based on how amounts appear on the report, not in the system.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 13

Business Process Overview Lesson 2

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Each report is an object in the Object Management Workbench containing multiple


• The report director includes standard director templates for creating report columns
with smart fields.


Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Creating an Application Report with the Director PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Creating an Application Report with
the Director”

14 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3

Creating Reports in Report Design


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe financial report specifications.

• Create report objects.

• Override version specifications.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 15

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Describing Financial Report Specifications

Selecting Tables for Columns

You can define your own business views, but predefined business views are available in
the system. The most commonly used business views for financial reports are:

• Financial reports

• Financial row reports


16 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Describing Financial Report Specifications (continued)

Selecting Data and Sequencing

You can define each report with specific data requirements and create rows by
sequencing the data the way the report should be totaled. Data selection might include:

• Company

• Account ranges

• Ledger Type

• Fiscal Year


Student Notes
Data Sequencing
Level breaks on data will create totals and print rows on a report.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 17

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Describing Financial Report Specifications (continued)

Report Totaling
Total reports by:

• Using data sequencing

• Defining row calculations

• Summarizing at level of detail


Instructor Notes
Question: Describing Financial Report Specifications
Question Answer
You can create rows through data sequencing. 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

18 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Creating Report Objects

Report Objects
Report objects consist of:

• Constants

• Alpha variables

• Numeric variables

• Date variables

• Smart fields


Instructor Notes
Report Object Attributes
Stress that report objects are the parts used to create the section layout. Each object has
its own set of properties.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 19

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Choosing a Business View

Business views:

• Contain data from one or more tables.

• Link an application to one or more tables.

• Are required to create an application or generate a report.


Student Notes
Financial Reporting Data Tables
• Business Unit Master (F0006)

• Account Master (F0901)

• Account Balances (F0902)

Instructor Notes
Predefined Business Views
Emphasize using the Financial Report view (V8300001) for reports that do not have row
specifications. This report template uses data sequencing for amount totals.

Use Financial Row Reports (V8300005) for reports with row specifications. This report
template uses row for amount totals and enables reverse sign capability. Reports with row
specifications will run more efficiently using this business view.

20 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Defining Smart Field Columns

Smart fields are used to create columns on a report. Available smart fields rely on:

• Selected business view

• Linked data tables

Smart field headings are dynamic when set up properly.


Instructor Notes
Smart Field Information
Explain the setup for dynamic smart field headings and how they are used in reports.
Emphasize selecting the smart field heading box to make the smart fields dynamic. A
rolling income statement which, has headings that change every month, would be a good
example. One of these reports will be in an activity later in the class.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 21

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Assigning Data Selection

Data selection:

• Filters data on a report.

• Limits the number of records accessed at runtime.

• Is used in conjunction with data sequencing for report rows and totals.


Student Notes
Data Selection
Data selection for a company’s income statement will limit data to the company, income
statement accounts, fiscal year, and ledger type.

Instructor Notes
Data Selection
Open Report Design Aid (RDA) and show data selection at the report level and in smart
field columns.

22 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Data Sequencing
Data sequencing:

• Determines the order in which records appear on reports.

• Provides report subtotals and totals.


Instructor Notes
Data Sequencing
Open Report Design Aid (RDA) and show data sequencing at the report level. Explain
that every row must have a level break to be printed on the report.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 23

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Additional Properties
The following options are available on the Additional Properties form in Report Design
Director when you are using financial report templates:

• AAI (automatic accounting instructions) subtotaling.

• Reverse sign.

• Account level of detail.

• Drill down.

• Zero row suppression.


Instructor Notes
Additional Properties
Show the additional properties form in RDA and explain each option.

24 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Distinguishing Batch Versions from Templates

Batch versions are necessary to run reports and can be:

• Created in RDA automatically.

• Created later from the Batch Versions form as a new version.

• Copied from another batch version.

Batch versions are based on templates, but sections can be overridden.


Instructor Notes
Batch Version vs. Templates
Explain that batch versions do not contain specifications except specifications that have
been overridden from the report templates. Make it clear that future changes to the
original template will not follow batch versions if the batch versions have overrides
where these changes are made.

Adding versions will create a version based solely on the original template specifications.
Copying a version will create a report based on the original specifications and any
overrides attached to the copied version.

Show how to copy and add versions from Batch Versions List. Explain how the batch
versions can be added at the time the report template is created in RDA or added later in
Batch Versions.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 25

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Column and Row Overrides

Column and row overrides:

• Borrow row specifications from other reports.

• Borrow column specifications from other reports.

• Minimize report maintenance.

• Add reporting consistency by using report models.


Instructor Notes
Column and Row Overrides
Discuss creation of model report templates as the basis for other reports that borrow rows
or columns. Fewer reports need updating when you use overrides.

26 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Creating Report Objects (continued)

Using Report Design Aid (RDA)

RDA enables you to:

• Create report sections.

• View a graphical report representation.

• Use the navigation assistant to set up reports.


Instructor Notes
Question: Creating Report Objects
Question Answer
Business views link reports to data tables. 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 27

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Activity 1: Creating a New Report with Report Specifications and

Viewing the Report in Preview Mode
In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a new report using Report Design Aid.

• View the report using the report preview feature.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 3, “Creating Report Objects,”
Activity 1: Creating a New Report with Report Specifications and Viewing the Report in
Preview Mode.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 45 minutes.

Note. It is recommended that you guide the students through this activity.

Activity Overview
You will create a new report template using the example in Appendix B. When
completed, your new report should have the same headings, rows, and columns as the
sample report in Appendix B.

To create the report through Report Design Aid, add report R55ST1< last two digits of
your student signon> in product system code 55. The following table provides additional
information about account ranges:

Description Object Account Range

Gross Revenue 5000–5999
Direct Costs 6000–6999
General and Administrative 8000–8999

Creating a New Report with Report Specifications

To create a new report with report specifications:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report, enter the following values:

28 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Form Element Value

Report Name R55ST1< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Income Statement
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the Smart Field, enter Gross Revenue in the Variable Name field, and enter
Gross and Revenue in the Report Column Headings.

Do not select Smart Column Headings.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

5. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

6. Enter the following criteria on the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA
Company 00060
Object Account: From 5000
Object Account: To 5999

7. Click Finish.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 29

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

8. Repeat steps 1–7 for Direct Costs (Object Account EQ 6000–7999) and General and
Administration (Object Account EQ 8000–8999).

Define Calculation
1. To add a calculation column, select Define Calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Gross Margin
Calculation Type Difference between
Operands RV Gross Revenue, RV Direct Costs

2. Click Finish

3. Select Define Calculation to define a second calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Operating Profit
Calculation Type Difference between
Operands RVGross Margin, RVGeneral and Administration

4. Click Finish

5. Use the up and down arrows to order the columns as follows:

a. Gross Revenue

b. Direct Costs

c. Gross Margin

d. General & Admin

e. Operating Profit

6. Click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Company and Business Unit.
Select Advanced: I’d like to setup the sequencing and level breaking myself.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Sequencing

1. To sequence data, drag and drop Description Name Region from the Available
Columns to the Selected Columns on the Section Data Sequencing form.

2. Use the up and down arrows to order the columns as follows:

a. Company

30 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

b. Region

c. Business Unit

3. Click Next.

Define Sort Properties

1. On Define Sort Properties, choose Level Break for the following:

a. Company

b. Region

c. Business Unit

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

• Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


• I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–8999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, select Revenue +, Expense + from the drop-down list box,
in the Reverse Sign for text box.

2. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 31

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Report Design
1. Click Save from the toolbar to save the report.

2. Click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

3. Exit Report Design.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

32 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Overriding Version Specifications

Using Version Specification Overrides

Version specifications that can override are:

• Section Layout

• Section Data Selection

• Section Event Rules

• Section Database Output

• Section Sort Sequence


Instructor Notes
Version Specification Overrides

• Section Layout to change section properties.

• Section Data Selection to change data selection on a version.

• Section Event Rules to add or change an event rule.

• Section Database Output to print output on a different printer.

• Section Sort Sequence to change data sequence or sort order.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 33

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

Overriding Version Specifications (continued)

Using Overrides in a Batch Version

Any changes to the base report template will not be updated on the batch version that has
a related override.


Student Notes
Example of a Version Specification Override
A batch version has an override for section layout. A column is added to the original
report. The batch version does not reflect the new column because the section layout has
been overridden in the batch version.

Instructor Notes
Question: Overriding Version Specifications
Question Answer
Version specifications overridden in a report will 2 (False)
reflect changes made to the same specifications in
the original template.
1. True
2. False

34 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

Activity 2: Copying a Template and Creating a Batch Version with

Override Specifications
In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a version by copying a template.

• Override report specifications on the batch version.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 3, “Describing Financial Report
Specifications,” Activity 2: Copying a Template and Creating a Batch Version with
Override Specifications.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 30 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create a new batch version using the example in Appendix C. When completed,
your new report should have the same headings, rows, and columns as the sample report
in Appendix C.

To create the version, copy the report template R55ST1<use the last two digits of your
student signon>. Override the appropriate report specifications to achieve the desired

Creating a Batch Version with Override Specifications

To create a batch version with override specifications:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Batch Versions List.

2. On Work With Batch Versions, enter Batch Application R55ST1<use the last two
digits of your student signon> and click Find.

3. On Work With Batch Versions, click Add to create a batch version.

4. On the Version Add form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Version R001< last two digits of your student signon>
Version Title Account Detail by Business Unit
Prompting Options 2
Job Queue QBATCH

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 35

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

5. Click OK, then OK again.

6. Focus on this version and choose Advanced from the Row menu.

7. On the Advanced Operations form, select Design Version from the Row menu.

Financial Reporting Section Modifications

1. Focus on the Financial Reporting section in the Report Design.

2. Choose Override Version Specifications from the Section menu. On the Tabular
Section Override tab, click Section Layout and Sort Sequence. Click OK.

3. Choose Define Data Sequence from the Section menu and specify the following
sequence on the Section Data Sequencing tab:

a. Business Unit

b. Object

c. Subsidiary

4. Click the Define Sort Properties tab and select level break for Business Unit, Object,
and Subsidiary. Click OK.

5. Choose Section Properties from the Section menu. Under the Financial Report tab,
select Suppress All Zero Rows from the drop-down menu. Click OK.

Print Setup
1. Choose Print Setup from the Report menu.

2. Choose Portrait in the Orientation box.

Page Header Modifications

1. Focus on the Page Header section. Choose Override Version Specifications from the
Section menu. On the Page Header Override tab, click Section Layout. Click OK.

2. Add a constant from the Insert menu. Place the constant below the first two headings.

3. Double-click the constant, and enter Account Detail by Business Unit in the Name
field. Center the constant below the other two headings.

4. Insert a second constant, and type a blank space in the Name field. This will provide
additional spacing between the header and detail report sections.

5. Double-click in the page header to display the Page Header properties form. Change
the font style and size to bold and 10 point. Center the page header information.

Cosmetic Changes
1. Double-click the description heading, click the override column headings button, and
change the name to Business Unit/Account.

2. Double-click the calculation column heading for Gross Margin. Revise the column
heading to place Gross and Margin on separate lines.

36 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Creating Reports in Report Design Aid

3. Double-click the calculation column heading for Operating Profit. Revise the column
heading to place Operating and Profit on separate lines.

4. Double-click the Financial Reporting Section to display the Tabular Section

Properties form. Change the Scaling to 1 and the font to point 9.

5. Adjust the width of the columns to fit on one page. Save and qut the version.

Process the Version

1. Quit the Advanced Operations form.

2. Select and submit version R001< last two digits of your student signon>.Click OK
on the Processing Options form. Click OK on the Report Output Destination to view
the report.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 37

Creating Reports in Report Design Aid Lesson 3

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Financial reports use business views that link financial reporting data tables.

• Reports are objects and contain objects, each with their own set of properties.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Creating an Application Report with the Director PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Creating an Application Report with
the Director”

38 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4

Using Additional Features

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe additional report features.

• Create reports with row specifications.

• Create column specifications.

• Create reports with calculations defined in Expression Manager.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 39

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Describing Additional Report Features

Rows on a report can be generated by:

• Sequencing data

• Adding rows manually

• Using Auto Row Generation


Student Notes
Additional Information on Row Specifications
Reports that are sequenced using data do not contain row specifications.

40 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Describing Additional Report Features (continued)

Report Totals
Totals can be created as:

• Manual calculations.

• AAI subtotals.

• Level of detail totals.

• Part of auto row generation using the chart-of-accounts structure


Instructor Notes
AAI Subtotaling
Show FSxx AAIs and explain how these AAIs define special interim totals. Access the
AAIs by entering AAI in the Fast Path field or using menu G0941.

Show GLGx AAIs and explain how they relate to the chart of accounts and reporting.

Question: Describing Additional Report Features

Question Answer
Financial statement AAIs produce special interim 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 41

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating Reports with Row Specifications

Row Types
Rows can be defined in a tabular report as:

• Data – data from financial tables.

• Calculation – data calculated from data in other rows.

• Sum – addition of rows from one row to another.

• Underline – produces underlines.

• Constant – used for text rows.


42 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Creating Reports with Row Specifications (continued)

Row Specifications
Row specifications are needed when you require:

• Special underlining.

• Special spacing or page breaks.

• Special interim totals.

• Footnotes or comment lines.

• Revenues and expenses both to be positive.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 43

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating Reports with Row Specifications (continued)

Row Creation
Rows in a tabular report are created two ways:

• Manual row creation

• Auto row generation


Instructor Notes
Rows in a Tabular Report
Explain that all row types can be created manually. Using the Auto Row Generation
feature generates rows based on the chart of accounts for a specific business unit and
level of detail.

Show how to create rows manually and how to use Auto Row Generation.

44 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Creating Reports with Row Specifications (continued)

Additional Rows
After using Auto Row Generation, you can create additional rows manually as needed.


Instructor Notes
Question: Creating Reports with Row Specifications
Question Answer
Rows using Automatic Row Generation are based on 1 (True)
the chart-of-accounts structure.
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 45

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a report with manual rows.

• Create a report with rows using auto row generation.

• Create a report with AAI subtotals.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 4, “Using Additional Features,”
Activity 3: Creating Reports with Row Specifications.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 90 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create three new reports using the examples in Appendixes D, E, and F. When
completed, your new reports should match the sample reports. To create the reports
through Report Design Aid, add the reports with the following values in product system
code 55:

Report Sample Appendix Description Object Name

Create a report with D Rows Created R55ST4< last two digits of your student
manual rows Manually signon>
Create a report with rows E Auto Row R55ST5< last two digits of your student
using auto row Generation signon>
Create a report with AAI F Special Interim R56EXT< last two digits of your student
subtotals Totals signon>

Data for reports:

Description Value
Company 60
Ledger Type AA
Mountain Branch Business Unit 61
Valley Branch Business Unit 62
Coastal Branch Business Unit 63
Product Sales Object Accounts 5100–5299

46 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Description Value
Product Costs Object Accounts 6100–6299
Salaries & Benefits Object Accounts 8100–8199
Other Expenses Object Accounts 8200–8499
Income Taxes Object Account 9700

Creating a Report with Manual Rows

To create a report with manual rows:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55ST4< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Rows Created Manually
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Account Balances field from the Available
Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter Mountain Branch in the Variable Name field. Enter
Mountain and Branch in the Report Column Headings.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 47

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Do not select Smart Column Headings.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

5. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

6. Enter the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Business Unit 61

7. Click Finish.

8. Repeat steps 1–7 for Valley Branch (Business Unit 62) and Coastal Branch (Business
Unit 63).

9. Click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, deselect Business Unit.

2. Click Next.

Define Sort Properties

1. On Define Sort Properties, select Level Break for Company.

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENTaccounts from the automatic accounting


b. Select I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

48 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

2. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Create Manual Rows

1. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and choose Create from the Row menu. Set
up the following rows with the following criteria:

Row Create Row Row Title Row Criterion Expression

Description Description Manager
Revenue Constant Revenue Revenue
Product Sales Data Product Sales ^^Product Sales Object 5100–
Direct Costs Constant Direct Costs Direct Costs
Product Costs Data Product Costs ^^Product Costs Object 6100–
Gross Margin Underline GM Underline
Gross Margin Calculation Gross Margin ^^^Gross Margin TR Product
Calc. Sales + TR
Gross Margin Underline Gross Margin
Underline Underline 2
General & Constant G&A General &
Administrative Administrative
Salaries & Data Salaries ^^Salaries & Object 8100–
Benefits Benefits 8199
Other Expenses Data Other ^^Other Object 8200–
Expenses 8499
G&A Underline1 Underline G&A
Underline 1
G&A Calculation Calculation G&A Calc ^^^General & TR Salaries +
Administrative TR Other
G&A Underline Underline G&A
2 Underline 2
Earnings Before Calculation Earnings Earnings Before TR Gross
Tax Before Tax Tax Margin Calc.
+ TR G&A

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 49

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Row Create Row Row Title Row Criterion Expression

Description Description Manager
Income Taxes Data Income Taxes Income Taxes Object 9700
Tax Underline 1 Tax Underline
Net Income Calculation Net Income ^^^Net Income TR Earnings
(Loss) (Loss) (Loss) Before. Tax
+ TR Income
Income Underline Income
Underline Underline
Income Underline Income
Underline Underline

2. Double-click each row to display the Row Properties.

3. Click the Edit Code button and change the Edit Code to S.

4. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report and quit Report Design.

Create Batch Version

1. From Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55ST4< last two digits of your
student signon>.

2. On Work with Batch Versions, click Add to create a new version of the report

3. Enter the following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Version R< last two digits of your student signon>001
Version Title Rows Created Manually
Prompting Options 2
Job Queue QBATCH
Version Detail Creating Income Statement Rows Manually

4. Click OK.

5. On Work with Batch Versions, select and submit version R< last two digits of your
student signon>001.

6. Enter the following processing options:

Form Element Value or Status

Period Number 6
Fiscal Year 5

50 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Form Element Value or Status

Reverse Sign 1

7. Click OK and choose On Screen for Report Destination.

8. Click OK.

Creating a Report with Rows Using Auto Row Generation

To create a report with rows using auto row generation:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55ST5< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Auto Row Generation
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Account Balance field from the Available
Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter Current Month in the Variable Name field. Enter
Current and Month in the Report Column Headings. Select Smart Field Column
Headings and click Next.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 51

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. Add the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

6. Click Finish

7. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Prior Year’s Account Balance field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

8. To set up the smart field, enter Prior Year Account Balance in the Variable Name
field. Enter Prior Year and Account Balance in the Report Column Headings. Do not
select the Smart Field Column Heading. Click Next.

9. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

10. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

11. Add the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, deselect Report Grouping by Business Unit.

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, select Set up data selection manually.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

Where Company is equal to <Literal> 00060
And Ledger Type is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click Next

52 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Additional Properties
1. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report.

2. Focus on the Description variable and select Automatic Row Generation from the
Row menu.

3. On the Financial Account Level of Detail Row Generation form, add the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Business Unit 60
From Account 1000
Thru Account 4999

4. Click OK.

5. Focus on the YTD Income/Loss row. From the Row menu, select Row, Create, Data.

6. On the Data Row Properties form, enter the following and indent the description two

Form Element Value or Status

Name Net Income/Loss
Description Net Income/Loss

7. Click OK.

8. On Data Selection, add the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

Where Object Account is equal to <Literal>5000–

9. Focus on the YTD Income (Loss) row and delete the row.

Insert the Title

1. Focus on the Page Header section.

2. From the Insert menu, choose Constant Field and place below the first two headings.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 53

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

3. Double-click the constant and enter the Variable Name Balance Sheet for Company

4. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

5. Save the report and exit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55ST5< last two digits of
your student signon> .

2. On Work with Batch Versions, select and submit VERSION1.

3. Click OK and choose On Screen for Report Destination.

4. Click OK.

Creating a Report with AAI Subtotals

To create a report with AAI subtotals:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R56EXT1< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Income Statement
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

54 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Period Activity field from the Available Smart
Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter Current Period in the Variable Name field. Enter
Current and Period in the Report Column Headings.

Do not select Smart Field Column Heading.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

5. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

6. Enter the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

7. Click Finish.

8. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD Through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

9. To set up the Smart Field, enter YTD Through Current Period in the Variable Name
field. Enter YTD Through and Current Period in the Report Column Headings.

Do not select Smart Field Column Heading.

10. Click Next.

11. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

12. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

13. Enter the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

14. Click Finish and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Business Unit. Select and
click Account Number.

2. Click Next.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 55

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Help with Section Data Selection

3. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


b. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

4. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

5. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Business Unit (F0006) is equal to <Literal> 62
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

6. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, select AAI Subtotaling

2. From the Zero Row Suppression menu, select Suppress All Zero Rows.

3. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report.

2. Focus on the Page Header section and add a Constant Field from the Insert menu.
Place the constant below the first two headings.

3. Double-click the constant and enter the Variable Name For the Valley Branch.

4. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

5. Double-click the Page Header section to display the Page Header Properties form.
Change the font style to bold and size to 10 point.

56 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

6. Double-click the Description Heading, click the Override Col Headings (override
column headings) option, and change the name to Business Unit/Account.

7. Double-click the Financial Reporting Section to display the Tabular Section

Properties form.

8. Click the Financial Reporting tab and choose the option With Keys. Click OK.

9. Double-click the Current Period Column Variable to display the Column Variable
Properties. Select the Display tab and change the Edit Code to B. Click OK.

10. Double-click the YTD Through Current Period Column Variable to display the
Column Variable Properties. Select the Display tab and change the Edit Code to B.
Click OK.

11. Save the report and click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

12. Quit Report Design

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R56EXT1< last two digits of
your student signon> .

2. On Work with Batch Versions, select and submit VERSION1.

3. Click OK and choose On Screen for Report Destination.

4. Click OK.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 57

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating Column Specifications

Column Types
The following types of columns are defined for tabular reports:

• Smart field columns

• Calculation columns


58 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Creating Column Specifications (continued)

Smart Field Columns

Columns in a tabular report consist of smart fields defined by:

• Column heading

• Period

• Year

• Data selection


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 59

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating Column Specifications (continued)

Smart Column Headings

Smart field columns with the smart field heading selected:

• Associate the column heading with a period name

• Dynamically change headings and data for different reporting periods


Student Notes
Smart Column Headings
A rolling income statement would use smart field column headings.

Instructor Notes
Smart Field Column Heading Feature
Discuss the smart field column heading feature and what it does. Show a smart field in a
report. Explain the use of offset period numbers or blank fields to reduce maintenance.

Question: Creating Column Specifications

Question Answer
A rolling income statement requires less 1 (True)
maintenance when columns are defined with smart
field column headings.
1. True
2. False

60 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Activity 4: Creating Reports with Smart Field Column Headings

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a rolling monthly spreadsheet for actual amounts using smart field column

• Create a rolling monthly spreadsheet for budget amounts using column overrides.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 4, “Using Additional Features,”
Activity 4: Creating Reports with Smart Field Column Headings.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 60 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create two reports using the examples in appendixes G and H. When completed,
your new reports should match the sample reports. To create the reports through Report
Design Aid, add the reports with the following values in product system code 55:

Report Sample Appendix Description Object Name

Create a report with G Rolling Monthly R55ST2< last two digits of your student
smart field headings Spreadsheet signon>
Create a report using H Rolling R55ST3< last two digits of your student
smart field headings from Spreadsheet for signon>
another report Budget Amounts

Data for reports:

Description Value
Company 60
Financial Reporting Period June
Financial Reporting Year 2005
Actual Amounts Ledger Type AA
Budget Amounts Ledger Type BA

Note. Use column overrides from report R55ST2< last two digits of your student signon>
when creating report R55ST3< last two digits of your student signon>.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 61

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating a Rolling Monthly Spreadsheet for Actual Amounts Using Smart Field
Column Headings
To create a rolling monthly spreadsheet for actual amounts using smart field column

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55ST2< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Rolling Monthly Spreadsheet
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Period Activity field from the Available Smart
Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the Smart Field, enter Current Month in the Variable Name field. Enter
Current and Month in the Report Column Headings. Select Smart Field Column
Heading. Click Next.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. On the Define Smart Field Parameters – Column Heading Offset form, click Next.

6. Delete the AA in the Ledger Type field

62 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Important! The default value AA must be removed to use these columns in the next

7. Click Finish.

8. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Period Activity field from the Available Smart
Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

9. To set up the Smart Field, enter Current-1 Month in the Variable Name field. Enter
Current and –1Month in the Report Column Headings. Select Smart Field Column
Heading. Click Next.

10. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, enter –1 and
click Next.

11. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

12. On the Define Smart Field Parameters – Column Heading Offset form, enter the
literal value –1 and click Next.

13. Delete the AA in the Ledger Type field

14. Click Finish.

15. Repeat the steps 8–12 to add remaining columns. Delete the AA Ledger Type on
Smart Field Data Selection. Enter the following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Variable Name Current –2 Months
Report Column Headings Current – 2Months
Period Number Offset –2
Fiscal Year Offset Clear
Column Heading Offset Clear
Variable Name Current –3 Months
Report Column Headings Current– 3 Months
Period Number Offset –3
Fiscal Year Offset Clear
Column Heading Offset Clear
Variable Name Current –4 Months
Report Column Headings Current – 4 Months
Period Number Offset –4
Fiscal Year Offset Clear
Column Heading Offset Clear
Variable Name Current––5 Months
Report Column Headings Current –5 Months
Period Number Offset –5
Fiscal Year Offset Clear

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 63

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Form Element Value or Status

Column Heading Offset Clear
Variable Name Current– 6 Months
Report Column Headings Current –6 Months
Period Number Offset –6
Fiscal Year Offset Clear
Column Heading Offset Clear

Define Calculation
1. To add a calculation column, select Define Calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Total Six Months
Calculation Type Total of
Operands RV Current Month, RV Current –1 Month, RV
Current –2 Months, RV Current –3 Months, RV
Current –4 Months, RV Current –5 Months, RV
Current –6 Months

2. Click Finish, and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, deselect Report Grouping by Company and select
Advanced: I’d like to setup the sequencing and level breaking myself.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Sequencing

3. To sequence data, drag and drop Object Account and Subsidiary description names
from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns on the Section Data
Sequencing form.

4. Use the up and down arrows to order the columns as follows:

a. Business Unit

b. Object Account

c. Subsidiary

5. Click Next.

Define Sort Properties

1. On Define Sort Properties, select Level Break for the following:

a. Business Unit

64 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

b. Object Account

c. Subsidiary

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

d. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


e. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click Next

Additional Properties
3. On Additional Properties, select AAI Subtotaling and Revenue+, Expense– from the
drop down box in the Reverse Sign for text box.

4. Select Account Level Detail of Rollup.

5. From the Zero Row Suppression menu, select Suppress All Zero Rows.

6. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report.

2. Reduce the width of the columns to fit the report on one page.

3. Double-click the column heading Total Six Months. Enter Total for Col Heading 1
(Column Heading 1) and Six Months for Col Heading 2 (Column Heading 2).

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 65

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

4. Insert a Constant Field below the report title. Double-click the constant and in the
Variable Name field, enter for Actual Amounts.

5. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

6. Save the report and quit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55ST2< last two digits of
your student signon>.

2. On Work with Batch Versions, click Add to create a new version. On the Version
Add form, enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Version R< last two digits of your student signon>001
Version Title Rolling Spreadsheet
Prompting Options 2
Job Queue QBATCH

3. Click OK, and then click OK again.

4. Select and submit version R< last two digits of your student signon>001.

5. Select the following processing options:

Form Element Value or Status

Process Period Number Clear
Process Fiscal Year Clear
Process Account Level of Detail 4
Process Reverse Sign 0

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK and select On Screen for Report Destination.

Creating a Rolling Monthly Spreadsheet for Budget Amounts Using Column

To create a rolling monthly spreadsheet for budget amounts using column overrides:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

66 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55ST3< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Rolling Spreadsheet for Budget Amounts
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. Click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, select Advanced: I’d like to setup the sequencing and
level breaking myself.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Sequencing

1. To sequence data, drag and drop the following description names from the Available
Columns to the Selected Columns on the Section Data Sequencing form:

a. Company

b. Region

c. Business Unit

d. Object Account

e. Subsidiary

2. Rearrange data items so that they appear in the same order.

3. Click Next.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 67

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Define Sort Properties

1. On Define Sort Properties, choose Level Break for the following:

a. Company

b. Region

c. Business Unit

d. Object Account

e. Subsidiary

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


b. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

3. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> BA

4. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, select Revenue+, Expense– from the drop-down list box in
the Reverse Sign for text box.

2. Select Account Level Detail of Rollup.

3. From the Zero Row Suppression menu, select Suppress All Zero Rows.

4. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

68 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Report Design
1. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report.

2. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and select Section Properties from the
Section menu.

3. Select the Column Override tab, and click Select/Modify.

4. On the Work With Applications form, enter R55ST2< last two digits of your student
signon> and click Find.

5. Select R55ST2< last two digits of your student signon>.

6. Select version R< last two digits of your student signon>001 and click OK on the
Processing Options form.

7. Click OK.

8. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

9. Double-click the Financial Reporting Section to display the Tabular Section

Properties form. Change Decimal Scaling to 1,000 and click OK.

10. Save the report and quit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55ST3< last two digits of
your student signon>.

2. On Work with Batch Versions, click Add to create a new version. On the Version
Add form, enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Version R< last two digits of your student signon>001
Version Title Rolling Budget Spreadsheet
Prompting Options 2
Job Queue QBATCH

3. Click OK, and then click OK again.

4. Select and submit version R< last two digits of your student signon>001.

5. Select the following processing options:

Form Element Value or Status

Process Period Number Clear
Process Fiscal Year Clear
Process Account Level of Detail 4

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 69

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Form Element Value or Status

Process Reverse Sign 0

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK and select On Screen for Report Destination.

Note. If the report is incorrect, verify the Smart Field Column Data Selection in report
R55ST2<last two digits of your student signon>. Clear the ledger type field if it contains
the value AA.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

70 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Creating Reports with Calculations Defined in Expression Manager

Defining Calculations
Calculations can be defined through Expression Manager for:

• Columns

• Rows


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 71

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

Creating Reports with Calculations Defined in Expression Manager


Report Design Calculations

Calculation columns and rows defined in Expression Manager perform calculations such

• The total of two columns

• Subtracting two rows from one another

Calculations can be undefined when you set up the report and defined later in Expression


Instructor Notes
Defining Calculations in Expression Manager
Show how to create a calculation in Expression Manager.

Question: Creating Reports with Calculations Defined in Expression

Question Answer
Column calculations that use rows that are not 1 (True)
defined during report creation can be set up as
undefined and modified later in report layout.
1. True
2. False

72 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Activity 5: Creating a Report with Expression Manager Calculations

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create a report with percentages
defined in Expression Manager.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 4, “Using Additional Features,”
Activity 5: Creating a Report with Expression Manager Calculations.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 40 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create a new report template using the example in Appendix I. When completed,
your new report should have the same results as the sample report in Appendix I.

To create the report through Report Design Aid, add report R55PER< last two digits of
your student signon> in product system code 55. Create rows automatically from the
chart of accounts for business unit 61. Use level of detail 5 and include totals.

Data for the report:

Description Value
Company 60
Ledger Type AA
Revenue Account Range Object Accounts 5000–5999
Income Statement Accounts Object Accounts 5000-9999

Creating a Report with a Calculation Defined Using Expression Manager

To create a report with a calculation defined using expression manager:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55PER< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Percent of Total Revenue
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 73

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Row Reports
for Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter YTD Current Period in the Variable Name field. Enter
YTD and Current Period in the Report Column Headings. Do not select Smart Field
Column Heading. Click Next.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. Enter the following criteria on the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

6. Click Finish.

Define Calculation
1. To add a calculation column, select Define Calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Percent of Revenue
Calculation Type Undefined

2. Click Finish, and then click Next.

74 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, deselect Report Grouping by Company and Business

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

c. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


d. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

3. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

4. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, select Suppress All Zero Rows Revenue from the Zero
Row Suppression menu.

2. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Click Save on the toolbar to save the report.

2. Focus on the YTD Current Period column. From the Row menu, select Row, Create,
Data. On Data Row Properties, enter the following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Name Revenue Account Range
Description Revenue Account Range

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 75

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

3. On Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–5999
(Obj) Values

4. Click OK, and then click OK again.

5. Double-click the Revenue Account Range row to display Data Row Properties.
Deselect the Visible option in the Advanced tab so that this row does not appear on
the report. This row is used for percentage calculations.

6. Focus on the Description variable and select Automatic Row Generation from the
Row menu.

7. On the Financial Account Level of Detail Row Generation form, add the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Business Unit 61
From Account 5000
Thru Account 9999
Level of Detail 5

8. Click OK.

Define the Percent Revenue Calculation

1. Focus on the Percent of Revenue column and select Define Calculation from the
Column menu.

2. Set up the following calculation in Expression Manager:

• [RV YTD through Current Period]/[TC Revenue Account Range : YTD through
Current Period]*100

3. Click OK and save the report.

Page Header Modifications

1. Focus on the Page Header Section.

2. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

3. Save and quit Report Design.

76 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Using Additional Features

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55PER< last two digits of
your student signon> .

2. On Work with Batch Versions, select VERSION1 and submit the report.

3. Select On Screen for Report Destination and click OK.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 77

Using Additional Features Lesson 4

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Reports without row specifications use data sequencing.

• Rows are created manually and through auto row generation.

• Smart fields create columns using data items from business views.

• Calculations are defined in Expression Manager.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Creating a Tabular Report PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Creating a Tabular Report”

78 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5

Adding Basic Report


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe how to modify section properties.

• Describe how to modify report objects.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 79

Adding Basic Report Enhancements Lesson 5

Describing How to Modify Section Properties

Detail Section
Change section properties to create a specific report format. Changes might include:

• Changing the detail section description.

• Hiding report sections.

• Displaying a section based on meeting certain conditions.

• Aligning fields or columns.


Instructor Notes
Modifying Tabular Section Properties
Show how objects in the tabular section can be modified.

80 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Adding Basic Report Enhancements

Describing How to Modify Section Properties (continued)

Other Section Properties

Make changes to report appearance:

• Constants can be added to create blank spacing on reports.

• Field length can be modified.

• Column width can be changed.


Instructor Notes
Modifying Report Objects
Show how to change the width of a column or field.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 81

Adding Basic Report Enhancements Lesson 5

Describing How to Modify Report Objects

Adding Other Objects

Add or delete other objects to an existing report such as.

• Header sections

• Footer sections

• Text attachments

• Rows and columns

• Constants


Instructor Notes
Adding or Deleting Other Report Objects
Show how to move or delete rows and columns from a report. Add new header and footer
sections. Add constants to the header section and align objects in the header.

82 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Adding Basic Report Enhancements

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Report sections can be modified, added, and deleted.

• Report objects such as columns and rows can be added to an existing report.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Modifying the Appearance of Report Objects PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Modifying the Appearance of Report

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 83

Adding Basic Report Enhancements Lesson 5






















84 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6

Overriding Cell Properties

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe how cell overrides are used.

• Create a report with cell overrides.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 85

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

Describing How Cell Overrides Are Used

Cell Definition
Reports contain rows and columns. The intersection of a row and a column is called a


86 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

Describing How Cell Overrides Are Used (continued)

Cell Overrides
Cells can be overridden to:

• Change signage.

• Prevent meaningless numbers from showing on a report.

• Force a calculation.


Instructor Notes
Question: Describing How Cell Overrides Are Used
Question Answer
Cells can be overridden in data rows. 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 87

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

Creating a Report with Cell Overrides

Row Variables
Cell overrides can be used in:

• Data row variables

• Calculation row variables

• Constant row variables

• Underline row variables


Instructor Notes
Cell Overrides
Show how to override cells in a report.

88 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

Creating a Report with Cell Overrides (continued)

Cell Mode
You cannot override cells unless you are in the cell mode. An entire row will be
highlighted until cell mode is activated.


Student Notes
Cell Overrides
Overridden cells will show on a report with an outlined box around the cell.

Instructor Notes
Question: Creating a Report with Cell Overrides
Question Answer
Overridden cells in a report are outlined in report 1 (True)
layout to indicate they are cell overrides.
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 89

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

Activity 6: Creating Reports with Cell Specifications and Cell

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a report with cell specifications.

• Create a report with cell overrides.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 6, “Overriding Cell Properties,”
Activity 6: Creating Reports with Cell Specifications and Cell Overrides.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 70 minutes.

Note. It is recommended that you guide the students through this activity.

Activity Overview
You will create two new reports using the examples in Appendixes J and K. When
completed, your new reports should match the sample reports. To create the reports
through Report Design Aid, add the reports with the following values in product system
code 55:

Report Sample Appendix Description Object Name

Create a report with cell J Rows Created R55COS< last two digits of your student
specifications Manually signon>
Create a report with cell K Auto Row R55002< last two digits of your student
overrides Generation signon>

Data for reports:

Description Value
Company 60
Actual Amounts Ledger Type AA
Actual Units Ledger Type AU
Budget Amounts Ledger Type BA
Mountain Branch Business Unit 61
Valley Branch Business Unit 62
Coastal Branch Business Unit 63
Revenue Object Accounts 5000–5999

90 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

Description Value
Cost of Revenue Object Accounts 6000-7999

Creating a Report with Cell Specifications

To create a report with cell specifications:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55COS< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Per Unit Analysis
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Row Report
for Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter Mountain Branch in the Variable Name field. Enter
Mountain and Branch in the Report Column Headings. Do not select Smart Field
Column Heading. Click Next.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 91

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

5. Remove ledger type AA and add the following criteria on the Smart Field Data
Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Business Unit 61

6. Click Finish.

7. Repeat steps 1–6 to create two more columns for business unit 62 Valley Branch and
business unit 63 Coastal Branch.

Define Calculation
1. To add a calculation column, select Define Calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Total
Calculation Type Total of
Operands RV Mountain Branch, RV Valley Branch, RV Coastal

2. Click Finish, and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, deselect Report Grouping by Business Unit. Select
Advanced: I’d like to setup the sequencing and level breaking myself.

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

3. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


b. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

4. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

5. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> List of AA, AU, BA
(LT) Values

92 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

6. Click Next

Additional Properties
7. On Additional Properties, select Revenue+, Expense+ from the drop-down list box in
the Reverse Sign for text box.

8. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and select Create from the Row menu. Set
up the following rows with the following criteria:

Row Create Row Row Title Row Criterion Expression

Description Description Manager
Revenue Constant Revenue Revenue
Actual Revenue Data Actual Actual Revenue Object 5000–
Revenue 5999
Ledger Type
Budgeted Data Budgeted Budgeted Object 5000–
Revenue Revenue Revenue 5999
Ledger Type
Clear Constant Clear Clear Clear Clear
Cost of Revenue Constant Cost of Cost of Revenue
Actual Cost of Data Actual Cost of Actual Cost of Object 6000–
Revenue Revenue Revenue 7999
Ledger Type
Budgeted Cost of Data Budgeted Cost Budgeted Cost of Object 6000-
Revenue of Revenue Revenue 7999
Ledger Type
Clear Constant Clear Clear Clear Clear
Total Units Sold Data Total Units Total Units Sold Object 5000–
Sold 5999
Ledger Type
Clear Constant Clear Clear Clear Clear
Per Unit Constant Per Unit Per Unit

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 93

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

Row Create Row Row Title Row Criterion Expression

Description Description Manager
Actual Revenue Calculation Actual Actual Revenue [TR Actual
per Unit Revenue per Unit Revenue]/[TR
Total Units
Actual Cost per Calculation Actual Cost Actual Cost per [TR Actual
Unit per Unit Unit Cost of
Total Units
Gross Profit per Calculation Gross Profit Gross Profit per [TR Actual
Unit per Unit Unit Revenue per
Actual Cost
per Unit]
Clear Constant Clear Clear Clear Clear
Budgeted Calculation Budgeted Budgeted TR Budgeted
Revenue per Unit Revenue per Revenue per Unit Revenue]/[TR
Unit Total Units
Budgeted Cost Calculation Budgeted Cost Budgeted Cost [TR Budgeted
per Unit per Unit per Unit Cost of
Total Units
Budgeted Gross Calculation Budgeted Budgeted Gross [TR Budgeted
Profit per Unit Gross Profit Profit per Unit Revenue per
per Unit Unit]-[TR
Cost per Unit]

2. Double-click each of the following rows to modify edit codes from the Display tab in
Row Properties. Change the edit code to 3:

a. Total Units Sold

b. Actual Revenue per Unit

c. Actual Cost per Unit

d. Gross Profit per Unit

e. Budgeted Revenue per Unit

f. Budgeted Cost per Unit

g. Budgeted Gross Profit per Unit

Cell Overrides
1. Focus on the Total column and select Cell Mode from the Cell menu.

94 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

2. Highlight individual cells within the Total column. From the Cell menu, select Create
Override, then Calculation. Click OK.

3. In the Expression Manager, create the following formulas:

Row Description Formula

Actual Revenue per Unit ([TC Actual Revenue : Total]/[TC Total Units Sold :
Actual Cost per Unit ([TC Actual Cost of Revenue : Total]/[TC Total
Units Sold : Total])
Gross Profit per Unit [TC Actual Revenue per Unit : Total]-[TC Actual
Cost per Unit : Total]
Budgeted Revenue per Unit ([TC Budgeted Revenue : Total]/[TC Total Units
Sold : Total])
Budgeted Cost per Unit ([TC Budgeted Cost of Revenue : Total]/[TC Total
Units Sold : Total])
Budgeted Gross Profit per Unit [TC Budgeted Revenue per Unit : Total]-[TC
Budgeted Cost per Unit : Total]

Page Header Modifications

1. Focus on the Page Header Section and Insert a Constant Field below the title.

2. Double-click the constant and enter a blank space in the Variable Name field. This
will provide additional spacing between the Header and Detail sections.

3. Save the report and click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

4. Quit Report Design.

Creating a Report with Cell Overrides

To create a report with cell overrides:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Batch Versions List.

2. From Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55ST4< last two digits of your
student signon>.

3. On Work with Batch Versions, click Add to create a new version of the report

4. Enter the following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Version R55002< last two digits of your student signon>
Version Title Percentage of Total Net Income
Prompting Options 2

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 95

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

Form Element Value or Status

Job Queue QBATCH
Version Detail Overrides Cell Specifications

5. Click OK, and then click OK again

6. Focus on the version and select Advanced from the Row menu.

7. On the Advanced Operations form, choose Design Version from the Row menu.

Report Design
1. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and choose Override Version
Specifications from the Section menu.

2. On the Tabular Section Override tab, select Section Layout, then Event Rules. Click

3. From the Row menu, select Create, then Calculation. Enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Name Percentage of Net Income
Description Percentage of Net Income

4. Click OK.

5. Enter the numeric value 1 in Expression Manager. This will provide a placeholder for
the calculation row to be defined later.

Cell Overrides
1. From the Cell menu, choose Cell Mode.

2. Highlight the first cell, Mountain Branch : Percentage of Net Income. From the Cell
menu, select Create Override, then Calculation.

3. In Expression Manager, create the formula:

Cell Description Formula

Mountain Branch : Percentage of Net Income [TC Net Income : Mountain Branch]/([TC Net
Income : Valley Branch]+[TC Net Income :
Mountain Branch]+[TC Net Income : Coastal

4. Click OK.

5. Highlight the next cell, Valley Branch : Percentage of Net Income. From the Cell
menu, select Create Override, then Calculation.

96 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

6. In Expression Manager, create the formula:

Cell Description Formula

Valley Branch : Percentage of Net Income [TC Net Income : Mountain Branch]/([TC Net
Income : Valley Branch]+[TC Net Income :
Mountain Branch]+[TC Net Income : Coastal

7. Click OK.

8. Highlight the next cell, Coastal Branch : Percentage of Net Income. From the Cell
menu, select Create Override, then Calculation.

9. In Expression Manager, create the formula:

Cell Description Formula

Coastal Branch : Percentage of Net Income [TC Net Income : Mountain Branch]/([TC Net
Income : Valley Branch]+[TC Net Income :
Mountain Branch]+[TC Net Income : Coastal

10. Click OK.

11. From the Section menu, select Section Properties. On the Financial Row Properties
Tabular Section, choose Revenue+, Expense– for reverse sign.

Page Header Modifications

12. Focus on the Page Header Section and override version specifications from the
Section menu. On the Page Header Override tab, click Section Layout, and then click

13. Insert a Constant Field below the title.

14. Double-click the constant and enter Cell Override in the Variable Name field.

15. Insert another constant below the heading. Enter a blank space in the Variable Name
field and click OK. This will provide additional spacing between the Header and
Detail sections.

16. Save the report and quit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. Click cancel on the Advanced Operations form.

2. Select and submit version R55002< last two digits of your student signon>..

3. On Work with Batch Versions, select and submit VERSION1.

4. Click OK and choose On Screen for Report Destination.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 97

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6

5. Click OK.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

98 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Overriding Cell Properties

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Cells are the intersection of rows and columns.

• Cells can be overridden.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Creating a Tabular Report PeopleSoftEnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Creating a Tabular Report”

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 99

Overriding Cell Properties Lesson 6






















100 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7

Generating Journal Entries Using

Report Design Aid

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe the steps for creating a journal entry in Report Design Aid (RDA).

• Create a journal entry using RDA.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 101

Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid Lesson 7

Describing the Steps for Creating a Journal Entry in RDA

Journal Entries in RDA

To create a journal entry in RDA:

• Create a financial report to perform the required calculations.

• Create a version of the report.

• Run the version.


102 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid

Describing the Steps for Creating a Journal Entry in RDA (continued)

Journal Entry Creation

The journal entry is created when the report version is run in journal entry creation mode.
The entry must be posted through the general accounting system.


Instructor Notes
Question: Describing the Steps for Creating a Journal Entry in RDA
Question Answer
A Journal Entry created in RDA is not posted at the 1 (True)
time it is created.
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 103

Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid Lesson 7

Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA

Journal Entry Calculation

Define the calculation using the Journal Entry Smart Field:

• Select the column on which the journal entry is based.

• Select the originating and target accounts where the entry will post.


Student Notes

Instructor Notes

104 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid

Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA (continued)

Journal Entry Creation Tab

You created the journal entry report version and need to complete the journal entry
specifications by defining:

• Journal Entry Creation Mode.

• Journal Entry G/L Date

• Journal Entry Document Type


Instructor Notes
Question: Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA
Question Answer
No journal entry is created in proof mode. 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 105

Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid Lesson 7

Activity 7: Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create a journal entry using

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 7, “Generating Journal Entries Using
Report Design Aid,” Activity 7: Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 20 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create a journal entry using RDA by referring to the example in Appendix L.
When completed, your new report should have the same headings, rows, and columns as
the sample report in Appendix L. The journal entry should be created based on data in
business unit 61.

To create the report through Report Design Aid, add report R55JE< last two digits of
your student signon> in product system code 55. Additional information includes:

Description Object Account Range

Business Unit 61
JE Report Result Business Unit 63
JE Report Result Object 5100
Ledger Type AA
JE General Ledger Date July 8, 2005
JE Document Type X1

Creating a Journal Entry Using RDA

To create a journal entry using RDA:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On the Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55JE< last two digits of your student signon>

106 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid

Form Element Value

Description Journal Entry Creation
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Period Activity field from the Available Smart
Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, select Smart Field Column Heading and accept the default
values by clicking Next.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. Add the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

6. Click Finish.

7. On Select Columns, drag and drop the Create Journal Entry field from the Available
Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

8. To set up the smart field, accept the default values by clicking Next.

9. On the Define Smart Field Parameters – Journal Entry Amount form, select RV
Period Activity from the drop-down menu and click Next.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 107

Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid Lesson 7

10. On the Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Result Business Unit form, enter
63 and click Next.

11. On the Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Result Object form, enter 5100
and click Next.

12. On each of the following fields, accept the default value by clicking Next:

a. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Result Subsidiary

b. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Result Subledger

c. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Result Subledger Type

d. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Offset Business Unit

e. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Offset Object

f. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Offset Subsidiary

g. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Offset Subledger

h. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Report Offset Subledger Type

i. Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Unit

13. On Define Smart Field Parameters – JE Ledger Type, enter the literal AA and click

14. Add the following criteria on the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

15. Click Finish, and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Company and Business Unit.

2. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

3. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


b. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

4. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

108 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Business Unit (F0006) is equal to <Literal> 61
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, select Suppress All Zero Rows Revenue from the Zero
Row Suppression menu.

2. Click Next

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Save the report and quit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. From the Batch Versions List, find Batch Application R55JE< last two digits of your
student signon>.

2. On Work with Batch Versions, highlight VERSION1.

3. From the Row menu, select Processing Options.

4. Select the JE Creation tab and complete the following fields:

Form Element Value or Status

Report Journal Entry Creation Mode 1
JE G/L Date July 8, 2005
JE Document Type X1
JE Name – Alpha Explanation Reclass incorrect journal entries

5. Submit the report to create the journal entry and review the report output.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 109

Generating Journal Entries Using Report Design Aid Lesson 7

In this lesson, you learned that:

• RDA functionality includes journal entry creation.

• Journal entries are created when the report is submitted for processing.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Advanced Report Enhancements PeopleSoftEnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Advanced Report Enhancements”

110 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8

Enhancing Reports Using

Advanced Report Features

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe advanced features and related benefits.

• Use advanced features to enhance reports.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 111

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Describing Advanced Features and Related Benefits

Building Logic into Reports

Advanced features include:

• Event rules

• Drill down

• Report properties

• Director templates


112 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Describing Advanced Features and Related Benefits (continued)

Business Functions
Business functions are prewritten logic modules that perform specific business tasks.


Instructor Notes
Question: Describing Advanced Features and Related Benefits
Question Answer
Business functions add logic to reports. 1 (True)
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 113

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports

Adding Event Rules

Event rules can perform logical operations, such as:

• Processing conditional logic.

• Moving values between objects.

• Performing calculations and complex expressions.


Instructor Notes
Event Rules
Explain that an event rule is a specific point in time that occurs during the report
processing sequence. Event rules can be attached to any report event to perform logic at
that point in time.

Event rules can be attached to report sections or a variable object.

114 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports (continued)

Adding Date Titles

This illustration shows the business function for adding date titles:

Data Structure
Value Dir Data Item Literal value
B - balance sheet
P cPO DateTitleType P - profit/loss
S - single period
PO PeriodNoGeneralL mnPOPeriodNumber Based on processing option values

Literal value
00060 szBCCompany
Value = company number

PO szFiscalYear szPOFiscalYear Based on processing option values

RV alpha variable name (Remember to

RV Date Title szReturnAmount
rename the variable to find it easily.)


Instructor Notes
Adding a Date Title
Show how to add a date title to an existing report. Discuss user-defined date titles on the
Advanced Report Setup menu GH9141.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 115

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports (continued)

Drill Down Business Function

The drill down feature provides an audit trail to show the detail associated with data on a
report. The audit trail is not created when:

• Reports contain row or cell specifications.

• Data is a calculated field.


Student Notes
Drill Down Feature
If drill down is not set up when the report is created, it can be done later. If drill down is
added after report creation, the event rule must be defined.

Instructor Notes
Additional Information About Drill Down
Show how to set up the audit trail using the drill down feature. Explain the Additional
Properties setup during report creation as well as setting up drill down after report
creation in Tabular Section Properties.

116 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports (continued)

Modifying Report Properties

Report properties can be changed to include:

• Report format

• Number of records displayed

• Fonts

• Printing options


Instructor Notes
Report Properties
Show report properties that can be modified by opening them in a report.

Question: Using Advanced Features to Enhance Reports

Question Answer
The drill down feature creates a link to an interactive 1 (True)
application that accesses the data in a report.
1. True
2. False

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 117

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a date title.

• Create a report using business functions to enhance the report.

• Create a report with date title.

• Create a report with subledgers.

• Create a report using the fixed assets report template.

See Financial Report Writer: Activity Guide, lesson 8, “Enhancing Reports Using
Advanced Report Features,” Activity 8: Creating Reports Using Advanced Features.


Instructor Notes
Note. This activity should take approximately 120 minutes.

Activity Overview
You will create four reports using the examples in Appendixes M, N, O, and P.

A new date title is required for the report sample in Appendix M. The date title should be
created so that it appears on the report as shown on the report in Appendix M. This report
is a version from the report template R55ST1< last two digits of your student signon>.
All remaining reports should be created as new reports.

When completed, your reports should match the sample reports. To create the reports
through Report Design Aid, add the reports with the following values in product system
code 55:

Report Sample Appendix Description Object Name

Create a report with M Event Rules R< last two digits of your student
business functions signon>002
Create a report with date N Creating R55CPC< last two digits of your student
title Percentages Using signon>
Cell and Percent of
Create a report O Sales Revenue by R55ST0< last two digits of your student
subledgers Salesperson/ signon>
Product Line
Create a report using the P Fixed Assets R55FA< last two digits of your student
fixed assets report Report signon>

118 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Data for reports:

Description Value
Company 60
Ledger Type AA
Mountain Branch Business Unit 61
Valley Branch Business Unit 62
Coastal Branch Business Unit 63
Gross Revenue Object Accounts 5100–5200
Income Statement Accounts Object Accounts 5000–9999

Creating a Date Title

To create a date title:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Date Title.

2. Find Date Title Type M. If it has not been created, add this date title using the
following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Date Title Type M
Description For the Periods Ended
Language Clear

3. Complete the date title with the following information:

Form Element Value or Status

Element 01 For the
Element 02 @5
Element 03 Periods Ended
Element 04 @1
Element 05 @2
Element 06 Clear
Element 07 @

4. Click OK and Click Cancel.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 119

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

5. On the Work With Date Titles form, find the new date title type and select Preview
from the Row menu to view the new date format.

Creating a Report with Business Functions

To create a report with business functions:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Batch Versions List.

2. On Work With Batch Versions, find Batch Application R55ST1< last two digits of
your student signon> and click Add to add a new version

3. On the Version Add form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Version Name R< last two digits of your student signon>002
Description Event Rules
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK, and then click OK again.

5. Highlight the new version. From the Row menu, select Advanced, then Design

Report Design
1. Click Save from the toolbar to save the report.

2. Focus on the Page Header Section. From the Section menu, select Override Versions
Specifications. From the Section Specification Override form, click Section Layout
and Section Event Rules. Click OK.

Add a Date Title

1. On the Page Header section, select Alpha Variable from the Insert menu. Place the
variable below the report heading.

2. Double-click the alpha variable and enter Date Title in the Variable Name field.
Change display length to 50 and center justify. Click OK.

3. Focus on the Date Title variable and select Event Rules from the Edit menu.

4. Choose the Do Variable event and click the business functions option.

5. On the Business Function Search form, enter 83 in the query by example (QBE) row
and click Find

6. Choose the business function UserDefinedDateTitle (B8300007) to access the

Business Functions form. Values should be passed to the data structure as follows:

Form Element Direction Value or Status

<Literal> M Æ CPODateTitleType

120 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Form Element Direction Value or Status

SL Language Preference Æ SzLanguagePreference
<Literal> 00060 Æ SzBCCompany
POPeriodNoGeneral Æ MnPOPeriodNumber
POszFiscalYear Æ SzPOFiscalYear
RV Date Title Æ szDateTitle

Note. The value M for the date title type displays the date For the Six Periods Ended June
30, 2005.

7. Click OK on the Business Functions form and save the report.

8. Insert a Constant Field below the title. Double-click the constant and enter a blank
space in the Variable Name field. This will provide additional spacing between the
Header and Detail sections.

Add Drill Down

1. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and choose Override Version
Specifications from the Section menu. Select Section Layout and Section Event
Rules on the Section Versions Overrides form. Click OK.

2. Choose Section Properties from the Section menu and click Financial Report tab
from Tabular Section Properties. Click Drill Down, and then click the Define option

3. On Work With Applications, enter 83 in the Product Code column of the QBE row
and click Find.

4. On Work With Forms, choose Financial Reporting Drill Down.

5. On Work With Versions, choose Financial Reporting.

6. On Form Interconnections – Values to Pass, set up the values as follows:

Form Element Direction Value or Status

SL Report Name Æ SZ Program ID

SL Version Name Æ SZ Version ID

SL Section Number Æ MN Section Number

SL Current Column Æ MN Column Number

SL Current Row Æ MN Row Number

7. Click OK to quit Form Interconnections.

8. Click OK to quit Tabular Section Properties.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 121

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Page Header Modifications

9. On the Page Header section, choose Alpha Variable from the Insert menu. Place this
variable in the upper left-hand corner of the report below the template name.

10. Double-click the alpha variable and enter Version Name in Variable Properties. Click

11. Focus on the Version Name variable and select Event Rules from the Edit menu.

12. Choose the Do Variable event and select the X= button (Assignment\Expression).

13. On the Assignment form, click RV Version Name under the To Object field.

14. Select SL Version Name under the From Object field. Click OK.

15. The Event Rules Design form now appears:

• RV Version Name = SL Version Name

16. Select the Save and Exit icon.

Report Design
1. Double-click the calculation column heading for Gross Margin. Enter Gross and
Margin on separate lines. Repeat this step for the calculation column heading
Operating Profit.

2. Save the version and quit Report Design.

3. Click Cancel on the Advanced form.

4. Select and submit the new version.

5. Test the drill down feature by clicking the amount in the Gross Revenue column for
Mountain Branch.

6. Select Account Ledger from the Row menu to view the account balance detail.

7. Click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

Creating a Report with Date Title

To create report with date title:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55CPC< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Creating Percentages Using Cell and Percent of
Revenue Calculations
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

122 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Row Reports
for Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

2. To set up the smart field, enter YTD through Current Period in the Variable Name
field. Enter YTD and through Current Period in the Report Column Headings. Do not
select Smart Field Column Heading.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

5. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

6. Add the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

7. Click Finish.

Define Calculation
1. To add a calculation column, select Define Calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Percent of Total Expense
Calculation Type Undefined

2. Click Finish

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 123

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

3. Select Define Calculation to define a second calculation and enter the following:

Form Element Value or Status

Calculation Name Percent of Total Revenue
Calculation Type Undefined

4. Click Finish, and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

5. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Company. Deselect Report
Grouping by Business Unit.

6. Click Next.

Help with Section Data Selection

7. On Help With Section Data Selection, choose the following:

a. Select only INCOME STATEMENT accounts from the automatic accounting


b. I’ll add my own data to the above balance sheet or income statement criteria.

8. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5000–9999
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click Next

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, click Next.

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Financial Reporting Section Modifications

1. Focus on the Financial Reporting section in Report Design.

124 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

2. Focus on the Financial Reporting Section and select Create from the Row menu. Set
up the following rows with the following criteria:

Row Create Row Row Title Row Criterion Expression

Description Description Manager
Revenue Data Revenue Revenue Object 5000–
Clear Constant Clear Clear Clear
Expenses Constant Expenses Expenses Clear
General & Constant General and General and Clear
Administrative Admin Admin
Salaries & Data Salaries & Salaries & Object 8100
Benefits Benefits Benefits
Maintenance Data Maintenance Maintenance Object 8200
Insurance Data Insurance Insurance Object 8300
Equipment Data Equipment Equipment Object 8400
Total Expenses Sum Total Expenses Total Expenses From Row
Salaries and
To Row

3. Click OK.

Cell Overrides
1. Focus on the Percent of Total Expense Column. From the Cell Menu, select Cell

2. Highlight individual cells within the Percent of Total Expense Column. From the Cell
menu, select Create Override, then Calculation.

3. In Expression Manager, create the following formulas:

Description Calculation
Revenue [TC Revenue : Percent of Total Expense]*0
Salaries and Benefits ([TC Salaries and Benefits : YTD through Current
Period]/[TC Total Expenses : YTD through Current
Maintenance ([TC Maintenance : YTD through Current
Period]/[TC Total Expenses : YTD through Current
Insurance ([TC Insurance : YTD through Current Period]/[TC
Total Expenses : YTD through Current Period])*100
Total Expenses ([TC Total Expenses : YTD through Current
Period]/[TC Total Expenses : YTD through Current

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 125

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

4. To prevent values from being printed in the Revenue row in the Percent of Total
Revenue column, the cell must be overridden. Focus on the Percent of Total Revenue
column and select Cell Mode from the Cell menu.

5. Highlight the Revenue row cell within the Percent of Total Revenue column. From
the Cell menu, select Create Override, then Calculation.

6. In Expression Manager, create the following formula:

[TC Revenue: Percent of Total Revenue]*0

Define a Percent Calculation

7. Focus on the Percent of Total Revenue column and select Define Calculation option.
In Expression Manager, define the following:

([RV YTD through Current Period]/[TC Revenue : YTD through Current


8. Click Finish.

Add a Date Title

1. Click the Page Header Section and add an Alpha Variable from the Insert menu.

2. Double-click the variable and enter Date Title in the Variable Name field.

3. Highlight the variable, right-click the variable, and then choose Event Rules.

4. Choose the Do Variable event and click the business functions option.

5. On the Business Function Search form, enter 83 in the query by example (QBE) row
and click Find

6. Choose the business function UserDefinedDateTitle (B8300007) to access the

Business Functions form. Values should be passed to the data structure as follows:

Form Element Direction Value or Status

<Literal> P Æ CPODateTitleType
SL Language Preference Æ SzLanguagePreference
<Literal> 00060 Æ SzBCCompany
POPeriodNoGeneral Æ MnPOPeriodNumber
POszFiscalYear Æ SzPOFiscalYear
RV Date Title Æ szDateTitle

7. Click OK and quit Form Interconnections. Save the Event Rule.

Page Header Modifications

1. On the Page Header section, add a Constant Field from the Insert menu. Place this
variable below the other two headings.

126 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

2. Double-click the constant variable and enter a blank space in Variable Name. Click

3. Insert another constant with a blank name to provide additional spacing.

4. Click Save from the toolbar to save the report and quit Report Design.

Batch Version Processing

1. From Batch Versions List, submit VERSION1 of R55CPC< last two digits of your
student signon>.

2. Exit Report Design.

Creating a Report with Subledgers

To create a new report with subledgers:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55S13< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Sales Revenue by Sales Person/Product Line
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Financial Report for
Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the YTD through Current Period field from the
Available Smart Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 127

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

2. To set up the smart field, enter YTD through Current Period in the Variable Name
field. Enter YTD and Current Period in the Report Column Headings. Do not select
Smart Field Column Heading. Click Next.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. Add the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

6. Click Finish, and then click Next.

Data Sequencing Help

7. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Company and Business Unit.
Add Account Number. Select Advanced: I’d like to setup the sequencing and level
heading myself. Click Next.

Section Data Sequencing

1. To sequence data, drag and drop Description Name Subledger from the Available
Columns to the Selected Columns on the Section Data Sequencing form.

2. Use the up and down arrows to order the columns in the following sequence:

a. Company

b. Business Unit

c. Object

d. Subsidiary

e. Subledger

3. Click Next.

Define Sort Properties

4. On Define Sort Properties, select Level Break for:

a. Company

b. Business Unit

c. Object

d. Subsidiary

e. Subledger

5. Click Next.

128 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Help with Section Data Selection

1. On Help With Section Data Selection, select I am not using predefined financial

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

3. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F0901) is equal to <Literal> Range of 5100–5200
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F0901) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00060
And BC Ledger Type (F0902) is equal to <Literal> AA
And BC Posting Edit Code is not equal to <Literal> N
And BC Subledger is not equal to <blank> clear

4. Click Next

Additional Properties
5. On Additional Properties, select Suppress All Zero Rows from the Zero Row

6. Click Next

Report Director Finish

7. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

8. Click Finish.

Add a Date Title

1. Click the Page Header Section and add an Alpha Variable from the Insert menu.

2. Double-click the variable and enter Date in the Variable Name field. On the Display
tab, change justification to Center and length to 100.

3. Highlight and right-click the Financial Reporting Section. Choose Event Rules.

4. Select Before Level Break event and click the business functions option.

5. On the Business Function Search form, enter 83 in the query by example (QBE) row
and click Find

6. Choose the business function UserDefinedDateTitle. (B8300007) to access the

Business Functions form. Values should be passed to the data structure as follows:

Form Element Direction Value or Status

<Literal> A Æ CPODateTitleType

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 129

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Form Element Direction Value or Status

SL Language Preference Æ SzLanguagePreference
<Literal> 00060 Æ SzBCCompany
POPeriodNoGeneral Æ MnPOPeriodNumber
POszFiscalYear Æ SzPOFiscalYear
RV Date Æ szDateTitle

7. Click OK and save the Event Rule.

8. Focus on the Page Header section. From the Insert menu, insert a Constant Field and
place below the Date Title variable.

9. Insert a blank Constant Field to provide additional spacing between the Header and
Detail sections.

10. Click Save from the toolbar to save the report.

11. Click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

12. Quit Report Design.

Creating a Report Using the Fixed Assets Report Template

To create a report using a fixed assets report template:

1. Select General Accounting, General Accounting System Setup, Financial Reporting

Setup, Report Design Aid.

2. On Report Design, click New to add a new report

3. On Create New Report form, enter the following values:

Form Element Value

Report Name R55FA< last two digits of your student signon>
Description Fixed Asset Report
Product System Code 55 (Reserved for clients)

4. Click OK.

Welcome to the Report Director

1. On Welcome to the Report Director, select Page Header and Fixed Asset Report
Writer for Application Reports.

2. Click Next.

Page Header Details

1. On Page Header Details, click Next to select the default informational fields in the
page header section.

130 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

Business View Selection Options

1. On Business View Selection Options, select the predefined financial report business

2. Click Next.

Select Columns
1. On Select Columns, drag and drop the following columns from the Available Smart
Fields list to the Columns in Report Section list:

Smart FieldColumn Name ColumnHeading

Prior Year End Balance Forward Beginning Asset Cost
Asset Addition Current Year Additions
Retirement Amount Assets Sold or Retired
Account Balance Ending Asset Cost

2. Do not select Smart Field Column Heading.

3. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Period Number Offset form, click Next.

4. On the Define Smart Field Parameters - Fiscal Year Offset form, click Next.

5. Remove the following criteria in the Smart Field Data Selection form:

Form Element Value or Status

Ledger Type AA

6. Click Finish.

Data Sequencing Help

1. For Data Sequencing Help, select Report Grouping by Company and Asset Number.

2. Click Next.

Section Data Selection

1. On Section Data Selection, enter the following data selection:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand Value

Where BC Object Account (F1202) is equal to <Literal> Range of 2010–2095
(Obj) Values
And BC Company (F1201) (CO) is equal to <Literal> 00050
And BC Ledger Types (F1202) is equal to <Literal> AA

2. Click OK, and then click Next

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 131

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8

Additional Properties
1. On Additional Properties, click Next.

Report Director Finish

1. Enter VERSION1 to create a version of this report.

2. Click Finish.

Report Design
1. Insert a blank Constant Field below the title.

2. Click the Tabular Report section and add the following smart field:

Form Element Value or Status

Asset Item Number Asset Number

3. Save the report and click the Preview tab to view the report specifications.

4. Quit Report Design.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

132 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features

In this lesson, you learned that:

• Business functions build logic into reports.

• Special features such as event rules and drill down enhance reports.


Student Notes
Additional Resources
This table lists additional resources that provide more details about the topics that we
have discussed in this lesson:

Topic Cross-Reference
Advanced Report Enhancements PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Enterprise Report Writing
8.10 Guide, “Advanced Report Enhancements”

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 133

Enhancing Reports Using Advanced Report Features Lesson 8






















134 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9

Course Review

Completed Objectives
In this course, you learned how to:

• Describe the financial report features and components.

• Create financial reports.

• Use advanced report features to enhance reports.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 135

Course Review Lesson 9

Create Financial Reports

Using Report Design Aid, you can create reports easily with the Report Design Director.
Reports are objects that contain objects. These objects have properties than can be
modified to change the appearance of the report.

Report components consist of:

• Report objects

• Report templates

• Batch versions

• Report sections


136 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9 Course Review

Use Advanced Report Features to Enhance Reports

Business functions enhance reports and add logic. Event rules perform logic at a specific
point in time and can be attached to any report event. The drill down feature produces an
audit trail to provide detail information about data in a report.


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 137

Course Review Lesson 9






















138 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A

PeopleSoft Financials
Management Curriculum Map

To view the PeopleSoft courses and learning paths, please visit:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 139

PeopleSoft Financials Management Curriculum Map Appendix A

140 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix B

Report Sample for Activity 1:

Creating a New Report with
Report Specifications and Viewing
the Report in Preview Mode

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 141

R55ST1 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 11:26:15

Income Statement Page - 1

Description Gross Direct Gross Margin General and Operating Profit
Revenue Costs Administrative
Financial Reporting Company
Central North America
Mountain Branch 1,211,000.00 737,000.00 474,000.00 230,000.00 244,000.00
Valley Branch 1,691,000.00 1,421,000.00 270,000.00 372,000.00 102,000.00-
Central North America 2,902,000.00 2,158,000.00 744,000.00 602,000.00 142,000.00

Eastern North America

Coastal Branch 778,000.00 293,000.00 485,000.00 100,000.00 385,000.00
Eastern North America 778,000.00 293,000.00 485,000.00 100,000.00 385,000.00

Financial Reporting Company 3,680,000.00 2,451,000.00 1,229,000.00 702,000.00 527,000.00

Appendix C

Report Sample for Activity 2:

Copying a Template and Creating
a Batch Version with Override

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 143

R55ST1 Worldwide Company
04/09/2004 12:29:55
Income Statement
Page - 1
Account Detail by Business Unit

Business Unit/Account Gross Direct Gross General and Operating

Revenue Costs Margin Administrative Profit
Mountain Branch
Sales - Product Class 1 955,000 955,000 955,000
Sales - Product Class 2 256,000 256,000 256,000
Costs - Product Class 1 667,000 667,000- 667,000-
Costs - Product Class 2 70,000 70,000- 70,000-
Salaries and Benefits 96,000 96,000-
Maintenance Costs 43,000 43,000-
Insurance Expense 49,000 49,000-
Equipment Expense 42,000 42,000-

Mountain Branch 1,211,000 737,000 474,000 230,000 244,000

Valley Branch
Sales - Product Class 1 1,217,000 1,217,000 1,217,000
Sales - Product Class 2 474,000 474,000 474,000
Costs - Product Class 1 1,042,000 1,042,000- 1,042,000-
Costs - Product Class 2 379,000 379,000- 379,000-
Salaries and Benefits 179,000 179,000-
Maintenance Costs 61,000 61,000-
Insurance Expense 79,000 79,000-
Equipment Expense 53,000 53,000-

Valley Branch 1,691,000 1,421,000 270,000 372,000 102,000-

Coastal Branch
Sales - Product Class 1 558,000 558,000 558,000
Sales - Product Class 2 220,000 220,000 220,000
Costs - Product Class 1 194,000 194,000- 194,000-
Costs - Product Class 2 99,000 99,000- 99,000-
Salaries and Benefits 33,500 33,500-
Maintenance Costs 18,750 18,750-
Insurance Expense 28,250 28,250-
Equipment Expense 19,500 19,500-

Coastal Branch 778,000 293,000 485,000 100,000 385,000

Appendix D

Report Sample for Activity 3:

Creating Reports with Row
Specifications – Manual Rows

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 145

R55ST4 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 11:15:52

Rows Created Manually Page - 1

Description Mountain Valley Coastal
Branch Branch Branch
Financial Reporting Company
Product Sales 1,211,000.00 1,691,000.00 778,000.00
Direct Costs
Product Costs (737,000.00) (1,421,000.00) (293,000.00)

Gross Margin 474,000.00 270,000.00 485,000.00

General and Administrative

Salaries and Benefits (96,000.00) (179,000.00) (33,500.00)
Other Expenses (134,000.00) (193,000.00) (66,500.00)

General and Administrative 230,000.00- 372,000.00- 100,000.00-

Earnings Before Tax 244,000.00 102,000.00- 385,000.00

Income Taxes (96,000.00) (53,000.00) (28,000.00)

Net Income (Loss) 148,000.00 (155,000.00) 357,000.00

Appendix E

Report Sample for Activity 3:

Creating Reports with Row
Specifications – Auto Row

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 147

R55ST5 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 11:44:03

Auto Row Generation Page - 1

Description June Prior Year
Account Balance
Financial Reporting Company
Current Assets
Cash in Banks 497,614.73 296,819.73
Accounts Receivable 216,853.77 198,121.77
Intercompany Account
Inventory 58,473.80 52,247.80
Prepaid Expense 23,281.68 21,987.68

Current Assets 796,223.98 569,176.98

Fixed Assets
Property and Equipment 165,391.00 143,557.00
Accumulated Depreciation 7,982.00 6,079.00

Fixed Assets 173,373.00 149,636.00

Assets 969,596.98 718,812.98

Liabilities and Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 41,334.00- 34,950.00-
Accrued Payroll Liabilities 14,072.00- 12,433.00-
Other Accrued Liabilities 5,448.00- 5,824.00-
Accrued Taxes 10,030.00- 9,188.00-

Current Liabilities 70,884.00- 62,395.00-

Long-Term Liabilities
Notes Payable 13,948.00- 11,732.00-
Encumbrance Rollover

Notes Payable 13,948.00- 11,732.00-

Long Term Debt 47,043.00- 41,112.00-

Long-Term Liabilities 60,991.00- 52,844.00-

Stockholder's Equity
Common Stock
Paid in Capital 33,639.00- 25,004.00-
Retained Earnings 454,082.98- 5,852.98-
Net Income (Loss) 350,000.00- 572,717.00-

Stockholder's Equity 837,721.98- 603,573.98-

Liabilities and Equity 969,596.98- 718,812.98-

Appendix F

Report Sample for Activity 3:

Creating Reports with Row
Specifications – AAI Subtotals

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 149

R56EXT Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 12:44:56
Special Interim Totals Page - 1

For the Valley Branch

Business Unit/ Current YTD Through

Account Period Current
62 Valley Branch
5100 Sales - Product Class 215,000.00 Cr 1,217,000.00 Cr
5200 Sales - Product Class 110,000.00 Cr 474,000.00 Cr
6100 Costs - Product Class 180,000.00 1,042,000.00
6200 Costs - Product Class 80,000.00 379,000.00

Gross Margin 65,000.00 Cr 270,000.00 Cr

8100 Salaries and Benefits 40,000.00 179,000.00
8200 Maintenance Costs 12,000.00 61,000.00
8300 Insurance Expense 15,000.00 79,000.00
8400 Equipment Expense 10,000.00 53,000.00

Operating Income 12,000.00 102,000.00

Net Profit Before Taxes 12,000.00 102,000.00

9700 Income Taxes 53,000.00

62 Valley Branch 12,000.00 155,000.00

Net Income (Loss) 12,000.00 155,000.00

Appendix G

Report Sample for Activity 4:

Creating Reports with Smart Field
Column Headings

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 151

R55ST2 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 13:30:06

Rolling Monthly Spreadsheet Page - 1

for Actual Amounts

Description June May April March February January Total

Six Months
Mountain Branch
Revenue 215,000.00 214,000.00 206,000.00 186,000.00 190,000.00 200,000.00 1,211,000.00
Direct Costs 120,000.00- 122,000.00- 116,000.00- 123,000.00- 125,000.00- 131,000.00- 737,000.00-
Gross Margin 95,000.00 92,000.00 90,000.00 63,000.00 65,000.00 69,000.00 474,000.00
General and Administrative 62,000.00- 62,000.00- 61,000.00- 45,000.00- 47,000.00- 49,000.00- 326,000.00-
Mountain Branch 33,000.00 30,000.00 29,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 148,000.00

Net Income (Loss) 33,000.00 30,000.00 29,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 148,000.00
Valley Branch
Revenue 325,000.00 305,000.00 293,000.00 264,000.00 271,000.00 233,000.00 1,691,000.00
Direct Costs 260,000.00- 245,000.00- 234,000.00- 276,000.00- 254,000.00- 152,000.00- 1,421,000.00-
Gross Margin 65,000.00 60,000.00 59,000.00 12,000.00- 17,000.00 81,000.00 270,000.00
General and Administrative 77,000.00- 72,000.00- 71,000.00- 55,000.00- 55,000.00- 42,000.00- 372,000.00-
Operating Income 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 67,000.00- 38,000.00- 39,000.00 102,000.00-
Estimated Income Taxes 18,000.00- 19,000.00- 16,000.00- 53,000.00-
Valley Branch 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 85,000.00- 57,000.00- 23,000.00 155,000.00-

Net Income (Loss) 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 12,000.00- 85,000.00- 57,000.00- 23,000.00 155,000.00-
Coastal Branch
Revenue 135,000.00 130,000.00 125,000.00 150,000.00 116,000.00 122,000.00 778,000.00
Direct Costs 76,000.00- 70,000.00- 67,000.00- 80,000.00- 293,000.00-
Gross Margin 59,000.00 60,000.00 58,000.00 150,000.00 116,000.00 42,000.00 485,000.00
General and Administrative 16,000.00- 17,000.00- 16,000.00- 16,000.00- 13,000.00- 22,000.00- 100,000.00-
Operating Income 43,000.00 43,000.00 42,000.00 134,000.00 103,000.00 20,000.00 385,000.00
Estimated Income Taxes 11,000.00- 8,000.00- 9,000.00- 28,000.00-
Coastal Branch 43,000.00 43,000.00 42,000.00 123,000.00 95,000.00 11,000.00 357,000.00

Net Income (Loss) 43,000.00 43,000.00 42,000.00 123,000.00 95,000.00 11,000.00 357,000.00
Appendix H

Report Sample for Activity 4:

Creating Reports with Smart Field
Column Headings – With Column

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 153

R55ST3 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 17:46:32

Rolling Spreadsheet for Budget Page - 1


Description June May April March February January Total

Six Months
Financial Reporting Company
Central North America
Mountain Branch
Revenue 204 204 204 204 204 204 1,225
Direct Costs 127- 127- 127- 127- 127- 127- 763-
General and Administrative 44- 44- 44- 44- 44- 44- 263-
Estimated Income Taxes 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 17- 100-
Mountain Branch 16 16 16 16 16 16 96

Valley Branch
Revenue 533 274 237- 570
Direct Costs 356- 180- 154- 689-
General and Administrative 89- 47- 42- 179-
Estimated Income Taxes 36- 19- 16- 72-
Valley Branch 52 28 449- 369-

Central North America 16 16 16 68 44 433- 273-

Eastern North America

Coastal Branch
Revenue 152 117 123 392
Direct Costs 101- 77- 81- 259-
General and Administrative 27- 21- 22- 71-
Estimated Income Taxes 11- 8- 9- 28-
Coastal Branch 13 11 11 35

Eastern North America 13 11 11 35

Financial Reporting Company 16 16 16 81 55 422- 238-

Appendix I

Report Sample for Activity 5:

Creating a Report with Expression
Manager Calculations

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 155

R55PER Worldwide Company 04/09/2004 13:16:10

Percent of Total Revenue Page - 1

Description YTD Percent of Revenue

Current Period

Sales - Product Class 1 2,730,000.00- 74.18
Sales - Product Class 2 950,000.00- 25.82

Revenue 3,680,000.00- 100.00

Direct Costs
Costs - Product Class 1 1,903,000.00 51.71-
Costs - Product Class 2 548,000.00 14.89-

Direct Costs 2,451,000.00 66.60-

General and Administrative
Salaries and Benefits 308,500.00 8.38-
Maintenance Costs 122,750.00 3.34-
Insurance Expense 156,250.00 4.25-
Equipment Expense 114,500.00 3.11-

General and Administrative 702,000.00 19.08-

Estimated Income Taxes
Income Taxes 177,000.00 4.81-

Estimated Income Taxes 177,000.00 4.81-

Appendix J

Report Sample for Activity 6:

Creating Reports with Cell
Specifications and Cell Overrides
– Cell Specifications

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 157

R55COS Worldwide Company 04/09/2004 17:05:27

Per Unit Analysis Page - 1

Description Mountain Valley Coastal Total

Branch Branch Branch
Financial Reporting Company
Actual Revenue 1,211,000.00 1,691,000.00 778,000.00 3,680,000.00
Budgeted Revenue 1,224,600.00 569,640.00 391,880.00 2,186,120.00

Cost of Revenue
Actual Cost of Revenue 737,000.00 1,421,000.00 293,000.00 2,451,000.00
Budgeted Cost of Revenue 762,500.00 688,820.00 258,560.00 1,709,880.00

Total Units Sold 155818.00 253356.00 104213.00 513387.00

Per Unit
Actual Revenue per Unit 7.77 6.67 7.47 7.17
Actual Cost per Unit 4.73 5.61 2.81 4.77
Gross Profit per Unit 3.04 1.07 4.65 2.39

Budgeted Revenue per Unit 7.86 2.25 3.76 4.26

Budgeted Cost per Unit 4.89 2.72 2.48 3.33
Budgeted Gross Profit per Unit 2.97 .47 1.28 .93
Appendix K

Report Sample for Activity 6:

Creating Reports with Cell
Specifications and Cell Overrides
– Cell Overrides

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 159

R55ST4 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 14:47:28

Rows Created Manually Page - 1

Cell Override

Description Mountain Valley Coastal

Branch Branch Branch
Financial Reporting Company
Product Sales 1,211,000.00 1,691,000.00 778,000.00
Direct Costs
Product Costs (737,000.00) (1,421,000.00) (293,000.00)

Gross Margin 474,000.00 270,000.00 485,000.00

General and Administrative

Salaries and Benefits (96,000.00) (179,000.00) (33,500.00)
Other Expenses (134,000.00) (193,000.00) (66,500.00)

General and Administrative 230,000.00- 372,000.00- 100,000.00-

Earnings Before Tax 244,000.00 102,000.00- 385,000.00

Income Taxes (96,000.00) (53,000.00) (28,000.00)

Net Income (Loss) 148,000.00 (155,000.00) 357,000.00

Percentage of Net Income .42 .44- 1.02

Appendix L

Report Sample for Activity 7:

Creating a Journal Entry Using

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 161

R55JE Worldwide Company 04/09/200416:08:46

Journal Entry Creation Page - 1

Description June Journal
Financial Reporting Company
Mountain Branch
Sales - Product Class 1 175,000.00- 175,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 2 40,000.00- 40,000.00-
Costs - Product Class 1 155,000.00 155,000.00
Costs - Product Class 2 35,000.00- 35,000.00-
Salaries and Benefits 20,000.00 20,000.00
Maintenance Costs 8,000.00 8,000.00
Insurance Expense 7,000.00 7,000.00
Equipment Expense 7,000.00 7,000.00
Income Taxes 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mountain Branch 33,000.00-

Financial Reporting Company 33,000.00-

Appendix M

Report Sample for Activity 8:

Creating Reports Using Advanced
Features – Business Functions

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 163

R55ST1 Worldwide Company 04/13/2004 15:36:54

Income Statement Page - 1


For the Six Periods Ended June 30, 2005

Description Gross Direct Gross General and Operating

Revenue Costs Margin Administrative Profit
Financial Reporting Company
Central North America
Mountain Branch 1,211,000.00 737,000.00 474,000.00 230,000.00 244,000.00
Valley Branch 1,691,000.00 1,421,000.00 270,000.00 372,000.00 102,000.00-
Central North America 2,902,000.00 2,158,000.00 744,000.00 602,000.00 142,000.00

Eastern North America

Coastal Branch 778,000.00 293,000.00 485,000.00 100,000.00 385,000.00
Eastern North America 778,000.00 293,000.00 485,000.00 100,000.00 385,000.00

Financial Reporting Company 3,680,000.00 2,451,000.00 1,229,000.00 702,000.00 527,000.00

Appendix N

Report Sample for Activity 8:

Creating Reports Using Advanced
Features – Date Title

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 165

R55CPC Worldwide Company 04/09/2004 17:24:27

Creating Percentages using Cell and Percent of Revenue Calcs Page - 1

For the Six Months Ending June 30, 2005

Description YTD Percent of Total Expense Percent of Total Revenue

through Current Period
Financial Reporting Company
Revenue 3,680,000.00-

General and Admin
Salaries and Benefits 308,500.00 43.95 8.38-
Maintenance 122,750.00 17.49 3.34-
Insurance 156,250.00 22.26 4.25-
Equipment 114,500.00 16.31 3.11-
Total Expenses 702,000.00 100.00 19.08-
Appendix O

Report Sample for Activity 8:

Creating Reports Using Advanced
Features – Subledgers

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 167

R55S13 Worldwide Company 04/09/2004 17:38:49
Sales Revenue by Sales Page - 1
Person/Product Line

As of 6/30/2005

Description YTD

Financial Reporting Company

Mountain Branch
Sales - Product Class 1
Walters, Annette 425,000.00-
Ingram, Paul 230,000.00-
Breton, Josephine 300,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 1 955,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 2
Abbott, Dominique 256,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 2 256,000.00-

Mountain Branch 1,211,000.00-

Valley Branch
Sales - Product Class 1
Beck, Jeremy 1,000,000.00-
Guererra, Joe 217,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 1 1,217,000.00-

Valley Branch 1,217,000.00-

Coastal Branch
Sales - Product Class 1
Rothchild, Abigal E. 255,000.00-
Hunter, Monica 300,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 1 555,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 2
Ato, Connie 110,000.00-
McDougle, Cathy 110,000.00-
Sales - Product Class 2 220,000.00-

Coastal Branch 775,000.00-

Financial Reporting Company 3,203,000.00-

Appendix P

Report Sample for Activity 8:

Creating Reports Using Advanced
Features – Fixed Assets Template

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 169

R55FA Worldwide Company 4/13/2004 9:49:34

Fixed Asset Report Page - 1

Description Asset Beginning Additions Assets Sold or Ending Asset

Number Asset Cost Retired Cost
Project Management Company
2005 Jeep Cherokee 123 32,000.00 32,000.00
AA9 Motor Grader 1001 57,443.21 63,435.62 120,878.83
Chrysler Minivan 1002 32,500.00 32,500.00-
26 Cubicle Workstations 1003 63,210.14 63,210.14
Developer PC Laptop 1004 5,525.00 5,525.00
Teleton 6800 Server 1005 92,000.00 92,000.00
Office Building 1006 249,014.72 249,014.72
Teleton Network OCE 1007 30,650.00 30,650.00
Copy Machine 1008 21,260.00 21,260.00
Engine, Diesel, Cummins 1013
Ace Truck, 3/4 Ton Panel 1018 13,879.19 13,879.19
ESCO High Alloy Blade 1034
Backhoe, Caterpillar 426 1300 46,108.00 46,108.00
Backhoe Bucket, 36" 2277 1,387.59 1,387.59
Backhoe Bucket, 48" 2288 1,579.41 1,579.41
26 Cubicle Workstations 32336 63,210.15 63,210.15
Dump Truck, Gravel Mine 36450
Project Management Company 141,657.40 631,545.63 32,500.00- 740,703.03

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