SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
FAMILY SIZE It was seen in all our Although they were The level of the Increasing number of
households that the contented with their family opportunity members in every
Family stayed lives their level of can be acquired by family displays a
together despite of competence in life is means of educating significant change on
their hardships. transparent, the the individual their status. The
Predominantly the increasing numbers families about family malnutrition, poor
members are of members within planning, health health status, may
supportive in each the family already is education and follow. The
other; they have this a sign of offering them increasing number of
mindset that life is overpopulation and livelihood programs. members on each
simple that they beyond the limit of household creates
were contented with their salary. inadequate space for
their lives. everyone.
Economic Although half of the Since majority of the By encouraging Scarify, inadequate
overall population of household are livelihood programs food supply,
the family head have undergraduate this such as Planting also malnutrition and
a stable job, the increases the provide them the poor health can
other half have families low chance chance to have a greatly occur.
unstable job, we are to have a quality life, source of income
able to assess their unable to provide which adds their
determination of the their daily needs daily need and
family head to find a which results to supplies.
job support the financial instability
family members which made great
need. impact on their
health and as well as
their status in life.
Location They have planted The location is The opportunity of The improper waste
palays and fruits. considered very the location of our disposal and poor
hazardous and households are at no sewage system
considered as health chance of health status of
threat. The pathways improvement family members are
is half cemented and because of the fact greatly affected.
the other half is that they don’t own Diseases may arise
made of wet sand in the land. Primary such as dengue as
which this would action may be well as other
bring difficulty implemented as of illnesses. Airborne
toward the people now, these are, diseases is also
who trail the path providing awareness prone arise on this
especially during about the hazards area since houses are
rainy days. The and threats, may close and crowded to
location also have advice them, or each other.
sufficient light to encouraged them in
lighten the whole rice planting. People
area during the night should be aware of
time, most of the the proper waste
people claimed that disposal system and
they don’t own the proper sewage
land they are living. system.
There is also no
proper waste
disposal and poor
sewage system.
Character Usually the families They don’t challenge Family planning and Over population,
(population) source of income themselves to be health awareness high rate of
came from their able to improve their program were given dependency poor
bread winner which quality of life they to the individual status and quality of
usually are the limit themselves families to at least life.
husbands and the because of the great improve their state
ones that were left in factor of having poor of life. Diseases may arise
their houses were the status in life and in in accordance to
mothers who looks this ways their health their poor sanitation
after their children, were greatly affected which includes their
they were the ones especially their way way of improper
who budgets their of living. handling of food.
daily costs. The
housewives point of Almost majority of
view majority the population as
claimed that they are observed were
contented with their dependent.
way of living and
they seemed to have
no sense of
competence in life
considering their
educational status.
Some of them
stresses out the
importance of
education for their
Every community problem that are significantly seen and observed must be taken into a
consideration and great focus implementation of variety programs must be done affecting primarily the
health status, livelihood programs, family planning and clean and green programs. Encouragement of the
community is highly needed and importantly education and awareness for every individual member on
the households. They must act as role models for the effective change and progress of the community
towards their individual improvement of quality of life.
FAMILY SIZE - Good family High population and Productivity in life’s Large family size
bonding birth rate due to lack endeavor since each may result to
- Top priority of the of knowledge of member is given a diseases or drug
members/each family planning. top priority and incompliance
individual in the sample time despite because they’d rather
community the lack of resources. prioritize food than
- Knows how to
adjust to life’s
- Happy and
appreciates even
small things such
as having new
clothing and
housing materials.
ECONOMIC - The population is Lack of resources Sari-sari store. Poverty to the extend
determined to and materials to that their health may
succeed towards pursue and be at risk.
economic growth. implement their
- Open-minded to plans.
opportunities that
improve their
Based on the community problem problems identified, activities in line with sari sari store will be
great help towards their improvement. If only the community leaders can see and identify the needs and
responds to theses conditions, only then can economic growth be achieved. What the community longs is
feasible opportunities that will help them through life’s obstacles.