The Enigmatic Morula: Mechanisms of Development, Cell Fate Determination, Self-Correction and Implications For ART
The Enigmatic Morula: Mechanisms of Development, Cell Fate Determination, Self-Correction and Implications For ART
The Enigmatic Morula: Mechanisms of Development, Cell Fate Determination, Self-Correction and Implications For ART
1–17, 2019
9.Baby, Family and Fertility Center, Via Dante 15, 40125 Bologna, Italy 2Centre for Cardiovascular Metabolic Research, Hull York Medical
School, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
*Correspondence address. 9.Baby, Family and Fertility Center, Via Dante 15, 40125 Bologna, Italy. E-mail: giovanni.coticchio@9puntobaby.
Submitted on December 2, 2018; resubmitted on January 20, 2019; editorial decision on February 8, 2019; accepted on February 11, 2019
• Introduction
• Methods
• The morula stage in the continuum of preimplantation development
• Inner/outer cells and morula geometry
• The forces that shape the morula in the process of compaction
• Cellular arrangements in the nascent morula
• Roles of cell positioning and polarity in cell fate determination
• Molecular control of cell fate determination
TE specification
ICM specification
Mutual negative regulation
• The morula stage in clinical embryology
Embryo selection and transfer at the morula stage
The use of morula stage embryos for preimplantation genetic testing
Cryopreservation of human morulae
Emerging data from TLM
• Conclusions
BACKGROUND: Assisted reproduction technology offers the opportunity to observe the very early stages of human development.
However, due to practical constraints, for decades morphological examination of embryo development has been undertaken at a few iso-
lated time points at the stages of fertilisation (Day 1), cleavage (Day 2–3) and blastocyst (Day 5–6). Rather surprisingly, the morula stage
(Day 3–4) has been so far neglected, despite its involvement in crucial cellular processes and developmental decisions.
OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The objective of this review is to collate novel and unsuspected insights into developmental processes
occurring during formation of the morula, highlighting the key importance of this stage for a better understanding of preimplantation devel-
opment and an improvement of ART.
SEARCH METHODS: PubMed was used to search the MEDLINE database for peer-reviewed English-language original articles and
reviews concerning the morula stage in mammals. Searches were performed by adopting ‘embryo’, ‘morula’, ‘compaction’, ‘cell fate’ and
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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2 Coticchio et al.
‘IVF/assisted reproduction’ as main terms, in association with other keywords expressing concepts relevant to the subject (e.g. cell polar-
ity). The most relevant publications, i.e. those concerning major phenomena occurring during formation of the morula in established
experimental models and the human species, were assessed and discussed critically.
OUTCOMES: Novel live cell imaging technologies and cell biology studies have extended our understanding of morula formation as a key
describing the morula simply as ‘an indistinguishable mass of cells on cleavage stages, the embryo is comparatively quiescent (Smith and
Day 4 of development’ (ESHRE Atlas of Human Embryology). In the Sturmey, 2013). Cell divisions occur at a moderate pace, net mass
human, compaction typically occurs usually between the 8- and 10- does not increase and most of the energy requirements are focused
cell stage, although sporadically can be observed as early as the 4-cell on general homoeostatic functions, with limited need for biosynthetic
studies carried out in the mouse have suggested the concept (referred unfolds apparently uneventfully. Compaction marks a dramatic
to as inside-outside theory) that, as cleavage progresses, blastomeres change in cell behaviour and shape, so profound that it can be
that become totally internalised within the structure of the embryo observed by a simple transmitted light microscope. At compaction,
will exclusively form the ICM, while blastomeres that remain external blastomeres lose their sphericity to acquire a rather flattened
These include compaction, intercellular sealing to allow blastocoel formation, positioning of inner and outer cells, establishment of cell polarity and cell fate determination.
6 Coticchio et al.
implications for the process of compaction and ultimately embryo via- initiation of blastocyst formation. In particular, by preventing the free
bility in vitro (Eckert et al., 2007). diffusion of membrane proteins, adherens junctions maintain the integ-
Recent advances in in-vivo labelling and time lapse imagining techni- rity of the baso-lateral and apical membrane domains. Such a difference
ques have extended our understanding of the mechanisms of com- represents a prominent aspect of cell polarity. Differentiations in the
Blastomere polarisation was also observed in human embryos from (mCherry) targeting the cell membrane. The emitted fluorescence
the 8-cell stage (Nikas et al., 1996). Different orientations of cleavage can be then detected by two-photon confocal microscopy and used
planes will therefore determine alternative destinies of daughter cells to track cell positioning in 4D at a high resolution, following analysis
(Johnson and Ziomek, 1981a). Planes oriented parallel to the cell by a methodology referred to as computational membrane segmenta-
compaction, opposite tensile forces produced by actomyosin accu- development (Morris et al., 2012). During the 8- to 16-cell interval,
mulation at the cell borders induce some cells to undergo apical con- inner and outer cells are formed, developing preferentially into the
striction coupled to basal broadening. As a result of these changes, ICM and TE compartments of the blastocyst, respectively. This could
such cells reposition internally. At later stages of compaction, inner suggest a change in developmental rules by which cell potency is pro-
and outer cells are also generated by differential orientation of the gressively restricted. While in general this concept is correct
cleavage planes by which outer cells divide, with planes oriented par- (Suwińska et al., 2008), the reality is more complex. Elegant cell disas-
allel or orthogonal to the cell basal–apical axis giving rise to only out- sociation–reassociation experiments have revealed that all blasto-
er or both inner and outer cell, respectively. Finally, actomyosin rings meres of mouse 16-cell embryos maintain the ability to contribute to
localised at the areas of contact between outer cells generate tensile the formation of both the ICM and the TE (Ziomek and Johnson,
forces required to seal the barrier formed from adherens junctions, 1982; Suwińska et al., 2008). Blastomeres of 32-cell embryos appear
making it impermeable. This ultimately allows accumulation and to have lost this plasticity, developing only into ICM or TE depending
retention of fluid in the blastocoel. on whether they have an inner or outer origin, respectively (Suwińska
et al., 2008). Therefore, under undisturbed conditions during the
8–16-cell transition, blastomeres appear to have made ‘decisions’
about position and ultimate fate, but these seem not to be irrevers-
Roles of cell positioning and ible commitments to a specific lineage at this stage. What makes blas-
polarity in cell fate tomeres different during the 8–16-cell interval is their inner/outer
position and apolar/polar symmetry. Historically, both these condi-
determination tions have been proposed to cause cell determination at this stage
Experimental removal and spatial rearrangements of blastomeres (reviewed in Mihajlović and Bruce, 2017). According to one model,
have shown that early mouse embryos are highly plastic. When one by definition, inner cells are totally engaged in cell-to-cell contacts
blastomere is removed from a 2-cell embryo, the remaining half throughout their surface, while outer cells have also cell-to-cell
embryo can develop to term without significant consequences. Also, contact-free surfaces exposed to the surrounding environment.
blastomeres of 4- to 8-cell embryos, still morphologically and pos- These two statuses are believed to coincide with different micro-
itionally identical, can be disassembled and reassembled to form chi- environmental cues that determine the ICM and TE cell fate, respect-
maeric associations able to support normal pre- and postimplantation ively. In the polarity model, at the 8-cell stage blastomeres become
The morula: implications for development and ART 9
polarised acquiring a baso-lateral domain oriented towards the inter- mutated TEAD4 embryos, caudal-type homeoboxprotein-2 (Cdx2),
ior and an apical domain facing the exterior. Depending on whether which commit cells into the TE fate, is largely downregulated and all
cleavage occurs parallel or orthogonal to the baso-apical axis, daugh- blastomeres acquire ICM characteristics (Yagi et al., 2007; Nishioka
ter cells lose or preserve their polarity, respectively, and inherit differ- et al., 2008) (Table I). However, because TEAD4 is ubiquitously
Figure 2 Example of integration of positional, polarity and molecular cues to achieve differential gene expression and deter-
mination of alternative cell fates. In inner cells (in green), Amot is associated with the adherens junctions throughout the cell membrane and
has reduced activity for F-actin. This condition promotes interaction with and phosphorylation by Lats and ultimately activation of the Hippo regula-
tory pathway, which prevents intranuclear localisation of Yap and expression of TE determining genes. In outer cells (in blue), polarisation generated
by Par-aPKC sequesters Amot in the apical domain bound to F-actin and prevents the interaction of the same protein with E-cadherin at the level of
adherens junctions. In this fashion, Amot is not phosphorylated by Lats and Hippo cannot be activated (Hirate et al., 2013).
10 Coticchio et al.
in the cytoplasm in all blastomeres, not only in inner cells (Hirate pathways that promote the specification of the TE and ICM lineages
et al., 2013). On another hand, Hippo signalling requires strong cell– and establish mutual regulatory loops. Notably, decisions on cell fate
cell adhesion, which is particularly enhanced in inner cells; this is are not necessarily made at the same time by the cells of the same
confirmed by the fact that Hippo is not activated in dissociated blas- compartment, making the understanding of regulatory networks par-
stem cells following differentiation induced by leukaemia inhibitory et al., 2012). By contrast, human embryos show a different temporal
factor (LIF) (Palmieri et al., 1994), whereas its absence in Oct4 –/– pattern of Cdx2 expression. In fact, this regulator is detectable only
mutant embryos does not prevent decidualisation but causes peri- after formation of the blastocoel and is initially co-expressed with
implantation death (Nichols et al., 1998). This factor is therefore con- Oct4 (Niakan et al., 2012). It seems, therefore, that specification of
transfer (38.7% and 32.1%, respectively). In addition, sub-analysis of conclusions on the safety of the Day 4 approach. Concerns derive not
the Day 4 group revealed that morulae entirely or partially com- only from the possible impact of removal of 3–7 cells from an embryo
pacted, and otherwise normal, implanted with comparable rates usually formed from 12 to 32 blastomeres, but also from potential
(40.0% and 37.1%, respectively); however, in cases where partial undefined physiological effects arising from the disruption, as we have
was 79.7 h post ICSI, a value similar to that of embryos affected by a derived from such abnormally cleaving embryos exhibited a higher rate
single aneuploidy (80.7 h), but significantly different to that of of euploidy compared with blastocysts developed from embryos with-
embryos carrying multiple aneuploidies (85.1 h). Median times of full out cleavage anomalies (75.0% vs, 49.2% respectively). Even more
morula formation in the three study groups were not statistically dif- interestingly, it was found that all euploid blastocysts derived from
process. Interestingly, in partially compacted embryos, exclusion was junctional structures, but also by fine and dynamic regulation of spe-
found to occur more frequently in embryos of younger women, while cialised cellular projections, filopodia (Fierro-González et al., 2013).
the opposite was observed in case of extrusion. This finding, together We have also learnt that generation of inner and outer cells occurs
with the recently reported differences in chromosome constitution not only as a consequence of alternative orientation of cleavage
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