The Enigmatic Morula: Mechanisms of Development, Cell Fate Determination, Self-Correction and Implications For ART

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Human Reproduction Update, pp.

1–17, 2019

The enigmatic morula: mechanisms of

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development, cell fate determination,
self-correction and implications for
Giovanni Coticchio 1,*, Cristina Lagalla 1
, Roger Sturmey2,
Francesca Pennetta1, and Andrea Borini 1

9.Baby, Family and Fertility Center, Via Dante 15, 40125 Bologna, Italy 2Centre for Cardiovascular Metabolic Research, Hull York Medical
School, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom

*Correspondence address. 9.Baby, Family and Fertility Center, Via Dante 15, 40125 Bologna, Italy. E-mail: giovanni.coticchio@9puntobaby.

Submitted on December 2, 2018; resubmitted on January 20, 2019; editorial decision on February 8, 2019; accepted on February 11, 2019

• Introduction
• Methods
• The morula stage in the continuum of preimplantation development
• Inner/outer cells and morula geometry
• The forces that shape the morula in the process of compaction
• Cellular arrangements in the nascent morula
• Roles of cell positioning and polarity in cell fate determination
• Molecular control of cell fate determination
TE specification
ICM specification
Mutual negative regulation
• The morula stage in clinical embryology
Embryo selection and transfer at the morula stage
The use of morula stage embryos for preimplantation genetic testing
Cryopreservation of human morulae
Emerging data from TLM
• Conclusions

BACKGROUND: Assisted reproduction technology offers the opportunity to observe the very early stages of human development.
However, due to practical constraints, for decades morphological examination of embryo development has been undertaken at a few iso-
lated time points at the stages of fertilisation (Day 1), cleavage (Day 2–3) and blastocyst (Day 5–6). Rather surprisingly, the morula stage
(Day 3–4) has been so far neglected, despite its involvement in crucial cellular processes and developmental decisions.
OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The objective of this review is to collate novel and unsuspected insights into developmental processes
occurring during formation of the morula, highlighting the key importance of this stage for a better understanding of preimplantation devel-
opment and an improvement of ART.
SEARCH METHODS: PubMed was used to search the MEDLINE database for peer-reviewed English-language original articles and
reviews concerning the morula stage in mammals. Searches were performed by adopting ‘embryo’, ‘morula’, ‘compaction’, ‘cell fate’ and

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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2 Coticchio et al.

‘IVF/assisted reproduction’ as main terms, in association with other keywords expressing concepts relevant to the subject (e.g. cell polar-
ity). The most relevant publications, i.e. those concerning major phenomena occurring during formation of the morula in established
experimental models and the human species, were assessed and discussed critically.
OUTCOMES: Novel live cell imaging technologies and cell biology studies have extended our understanding of morula formation as a key

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stage for the development of the blastocyst and determination of the inner cell mass (ICM) and the trophectoderm (TE). Cellular pro-
cesses, such as dynamic formation of filopodia and cytoskeleton-mediated zippering cell-to-cell interactions, intervene to allow cell com-
paction (a geometrical requisite essential for development) and formation of the blastocoel, respectively. At the same time, differential
orientation of cleavage planes, cell polarity and cortical tensile forces interact and cooperate to position blastomeres either internally or
externally, thereby influencing their cellular fate. Recent time lapse microscopy (TLM) observations also suggest that in the human the pro-
cess of compaction may represent an important checkpoint for embryo viability, through which chromosomally abnormal blastomeres are
sensed and eliminated by the embryo.
WIDER IMPLICATIONS: In clinical embryology, the morula stage has been always perceived as a ‘black box’ in the continuum of pre-
implantation development. This has dictated its virtual exclusion from mainstream ART procedures. Recent findings described in this
review indicate that the morula, and the associated process of compaction, as a crucial stage not only for the formation of the blastocyst,
but also for the health of the conceptus. This understanding may open new avenues for innovative approaches to embryo manipulation,
assessment and treatment.

Key words: morula / compaction / embryo / inner cell mass / trophectoderm

4 is limited compared to other stages of development, especially con-

Introduction cerning the relationship between morphology and developmental
In assisted reproduction technology (ART), embryos are routinely ability. Consequently, this review will highlight the relevance of the
assessed and selected for transfer at isolated time points on Day 2, 3 morula relative to developmental processes that occur during preim-
and, in case of culture to the blastocyst stage, Day 5/6. Embryos plantation development and discuss downstream implications of such
may also be observed, but are rarely selected, on Day 4, since processes for practices used in human ART.
embryo transfer (ET) at this stage does not imply the practical advan-
tages of transfer on Days 2–3 (reduced costs and management) or
Day 5/6 (higher self-selection and increased cycle efficiency). Day Methods
4 ET is also hindered by difficulties in assessing accurately the morph- PubMed was systematically searched for peer-reviewed original articles
ology of embryos at this stage of development. and reviews identified by relevant keywords, such as ‘embryo’, ‘blasto-
In normal undisturbed development, Day 4 embryos have already mere’, ‘morula’, ‘compaction’, ‘blastocyst’, ‘blastocoel’, ‘cell fate’, ‘cell lin-
started, and have often completed, the transition from the cleavage eage’, ‘cell determination’, ‘cell polarity’, ‘cell junctions’, ‘IVF’, ‘assisted
stages, in which blastomeres appear as well-distinct approximately reproduction’, ‘inner cell mass’ and ‘trophectoderm’. Keywords were
spherical units, to the compacted morula stage, characterised instead used in multiple and overlapping combinations in order to identify those
by tightly interconnected cells with ill-defined margins, localised either publications strictly relevant to the morula. Additional studies were iden-
tified by thorough analysis of reference lists from relevant publications.
internally or externally in the embryo ( At the
The ‘English language’ limit was applied. The most relevant publications,
sub-cellular level, this phase of development is also when the blasto-
i.e. those concerning major phenomena occurring during the develop-
meres undergo cell polarisation. Cells localised internally are charac-
mental morula stage were assessed and discussed critically to offer a
terised by a nucleus positioned approximately centrally and comprehensive description of the process bridging early segmentation
organelles and other specialised structures distributed in the cell and the blastocyst. Concerning animal studies, priority was given to publi-
environment without an apparent pattern. Cells distributed externally cations relevant to species more consistently used as experimental mod-
respond instead to a more defined pattern: the nucleus is positioned els for the human.
basally, cell adhesion structures and stable acetylated microtubules
are localised baso-laterally, while more dynamic microtubules, actin
filaments and microvilli are found in the apical region. The regulation The morula stage in the
of the process of polarisation remains unclear, with significant efforts continuum of preimplantation
on unpicking the origin of cell polarity in mammalian embryos.
Furthermore, the chromosomal status of the Day 4 embryo has development
received little attention, despite the hypothesis that during develop- The crucial phases of preimplantation development have been
ment from the cleavage to the blastocyst stage, mosaic embryos can described in meticulous detail; Day 1 (fertilisation and first cleavage),
implement mechanisms of self-correction to reduce the aneuploidy Days 2–3 (second and third rounds of cleavage) and Days 5–7 (blasto-
load. cyst stage) of human development have been assessed morphologic-
Being a developmental phase less amenable to observation and ally in thousands of studies. In contrast, the morula stage has received
morphological classification, knowledge of the human embryo on Day astonishingly little attention, as illustrated by an authoritative source
The morula: implications for development and ART 3

describing the morula simply as ‘an indistinguishable mass of cells on cleavage stages, the embryo is comparatively quiescent (Smith and
Day 4 of development’ (ESHRE Atlas of Human Embryology). In the Sturmey, 2013). Cell divisions occur at a moderate pace, net mass
human, compaction typically occurs usually between the 8- and 10- does not increase and most of the energy requirements are focused
cell stage, although sporadically can be observed as early as the 4-cell on general homoeostatic functions, with limited need for biosynthetic

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stage (Iwata et al., 2014). Qualitative assessment of the morula also processes. Consequently, metabolic needs, in terms of ATP during
appears rather vague; a ‘good quality morula’ is defined as ‘composed the cleavage stages, are satisfied largely from low levels of oxidation
of 16–32 blastomeres and all the blastomeres should be included in of pyruvate and lactate, which are abundantly present in the sur-
the compaction process’ (ESHRE Atlas of Human Embryology). rounding environment (Smith and Sturmey, 2013). In addition, a high
Exclusion of one or more cells from the compacted morula is thought ATP:ADP ratio negatively regulates the flux of glucose through the
to be associated with reduced developmental competence (Ebner glycolytic pathway prior to compaction (Rozell et al., 1992). This pic-
et al., 2009). However, the morula remains poorly described. This is ture changes in the second half of preimplantation development, cor-
due in part to the lack of well-defined morphological markers that can responding to a period when gene transcription is more sustained,
be considered typical of this stage. In addition, compaction and forma- the rate of cell division increases and embryo mass increases.
tion of the morula are dynamic processes, difficult to assess in IVF Importantly, considerable energy is invested in Na+/K+ ATPase, an
routine practice if observation is carried out at isolated time points. enzyme needed for an active transport of those ions from the sur-
Nevertheless, overlooking this ‘Cinderella’ stage of development is rounding environment to intercellular spaces (Martin and Leese,
naïve, since recent data indicate that the morula is pivotal for blasto- 1999; Houghton et al., 2003). A high ion concentration in the inter-
cyst formation, establishment of the first cell lineages and, therefore, cellular space facilitates movement of water down a concentration
the entire developmental process. This role is underpinned by gradient from the extra-embryonic environment, leading ultimately to
molecular, metabolic and cellular changes, which are temporally and the formation of the blastocoel (Watson and Barcroft, 2001). The
spatially regulated, and a transition from a group of individual cells to a energy demands for such activities are satisfied by a marked increase
coordinated, responsive structure (Brison et al., 2014). Stage-specific in metabolic function. The rate of oxygen consumption rises signifi-
modulations of gene expression and metabolism are indicative of such cantly, as a range of metabolic fuels including pyruvate, glutamine and
changes. fatty acids are oxidised (Houghton et al., 1996; Thompson et al.,
The early stages of embryo development are largely under the 1996; Houghton et al., 2003; Sturmey and Leese, 2003; Lopes et al.,
molecular control of maternally-inherited mRNAs and regulatory pro- 2005). In parallel, there is a marked, significant rise in glucose con-
teins stockpiled throughout oogenesis. The function of genes, sumption via aerobic glycolysis (Gardner et al., 2001; Krisher and
referred to as ‘maternal effect genes’, encoding for such regulators Prather, 2012). Importantly, aerobic utilisation of glucose can support
was initially ascertained in invertebrates and lower vertebrates, but multiple biosynthetic pathways, as well as providing ATP (Krisher and
knowledge of their action in mammals, including the human, is emer- Prather, 2012). In addition to aerobic glycolysis, the increased uptake
ging (Condic, 2016). This initial maternal control of development is of glucose is important for sustaining the Pentose Phosphate
gradually superseded as the embryo expresses its own genes. The Pathway, essential for the provision of ribose sugars necessary for
first studies in the human reported that embryonic genome activation nucleotide synthesis (Smith and Sturmey, 2013). Crucially, genes
(EGA) began at 4 to 8-cell stage (Braude et al., 1988), but details of whose products, such as the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, func-
the overall dynamics of gene expression during preimplantation tionally link glycolysis to the activity of the oxidative TCA cycle, may
development remained unclear for several years. More recently, be regulated at the transcriptional level and expressed in a timely
sophisticated DNA technologies have revealed a more detailed and fashion. Therefore, as the embryo evolves from a low-energy, low
complex picture of EGA, which has relevance for the morula stage. activity, almost automatic system to one that is highly energetic,
Briefly, we now know that the first signs of transcription in the human highly proliferative and developmentally active, the morula stage
embryonic genome are detectable at the 2-cell stage, much earlier represents a key regulatory landmark during which a pyruvate-based
than previously thought. Notably, analysis of the whole preimplanta- metabolism characterised by low oxidative levels gives way to a more
tion period showed that EGA occurs in a multiphasic fashion at desig- active aerobic utilisation of glucose, combined with other metabolic
nated stages: a pattern seen mirrored in a range of mammalians fuels, in response to modified developmental needs. Unfortunately,
embryos (Svoboda et al., 2015). A major wave of transcription activa- detailed knowledge of metabolism of the morula per se is sparse,
tion occurs at the 4–6 cell stage, involving mainly genes with a role in compared to the wealth of data on cleavage and blastocyst stage
the translation machinery. This sets the stage for the two following embryos, mostly due to the challenges described above.
and more extensive transcriptional bursts, which take place towards
the end of Day 3 of development (from the 8–10 cell stage interval),
i.e. shortly before compaction of the morula (Vassena et al., 2011). Inner/outer cells and morula
Many genes transcribed in these phases encode for proteins related
to the metabolism of lipids, proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates.
Embryo compaction is therefore preceded by changes in gene During preimplantation development, the cells of the embryo make
expression that are suggestive of major shifts in embryo metabolism. their first developmental decision, i.e. whether to contribute to the
Indeed, it is well documented both in model species and the formation of the inner cell mass (ICM) or the trophectoderm (TE) of
human that during preimplantation development, metabolism under- the blastocyst. After implantation, the former will develop mainly into
goes important phase-dependent modifications in response to spe- the soma of the future organism, while the latter will give raise to
cific requirements of the embryo (Leese, 2012). During the early extra-embryonic tissues supporting the embryo proper. Classical
4 Coticchio et al.

studies carried out in the mouse have suggested the concept (referred unfolds apparently uneventfully. Compaction marks a dramatic
to as inside-outside theory) that, as cleavage progresses, blastomeres change in cell behaviour and shape, so profound that it can be
that become totally internalised within the structure of the embryo observed by a simple transmitted light microscope. At compaction,
will exclusively form the ICM, while blastomeres that remain external blastomeres lose their sphericity to acquire a rather flattened

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and exposed to the surrounding environment will contribute mainly to epithelial-like shape in which cell contour is difficult to discriminate.
the TE. These conclusions were drawn by simple, but ingenious, This has prompted the hypothesis that cellular specialisations that
experiments in which outer cells of 16-cell mouse embryos were ensure cell-to-cell contact and adhesion play an essential role in com-
labelled with fluorescent microparticles and labelling patterns of ICM paction. Early investigations on the Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion
and TE were observed following development of morulae into blasto- molecule E-cadherin were consistent with this hypothesis. In the
cysts (Fleming, 1987). However, the precise timing and mechanism of mouse, E-cadherin is uniformly distributed in the cell membrane dur-
the fate decision remains unclear and answers to the questions of ing the first cleavages but from the 8-cell stage, its localisation
how blastomeres acquire an inner or outer position, how inner and becomes restricted to intercellular adherens junctions, also referred
outer cells become different and how positional cues are translated to as zonulae adherens (Vestweber et al., 1987), which ensure mutual
into developmental decisions still elude us. In a fascinating recent lateral adhesion between epithelial cells and contribute to the main-
study, Biase et al. (2018) used an RNASeq approach, combined with tenance of epithelial cell polarity (Table I). In the human, E-cadherin
cellular barcoding, to indicate that lineage differences were apparent follows a similar pattern of redistribution, with a preferential localisa-
as early as the two-cell stage in mouse embryos, indicating that the tion in adherens junctions from Day 3.5 to 4.0 of development
fate of the morula may be determined after the first cleavage. The (Campbell et al., 1995). The initial finding that mouse compacted
morula and the process of compaction are particularly relevant to morulae exposed to functionally interfering anti-E-cadherin antibodies
such questions, because they represent the functional manifestation of undergo decompaction (Vestweber and Kemler, 1985) inspired sub-
repositioning the inner and outer cells (as discussed below). sequent gene targeting studies. Indeed, mouse morulae homozygous
The creation of the morula presents a geometrical challenge, in for a null mutation of the E-cadherin-encoding gene were unable to
which cells are required to distinctly occupy internal or external posi- persist in a compacted state, progressively losing cohesiveness and
tions. Up until the third round of divisions, all cells (up to eight) are reverting to a decompacted morphology, with cells still able to cleave
approximately spherical and are all exposed to the surrounding envir- but not mutually adhesive and unable to organise themselves into
onment, in addition to being in contact with each other. During the blastocyst (Riethmacher et al., 1995). One explanation for this is that
fourth round of cleavage, cell number increases from 8 to 16, and, on the early embryo is endowed with E-cadherin molecules of maternal
average, five blastomeres become positioned in the interior of the origin that can initiate compaction, but new, zygotic-derived E-cad-
mouse embryo (Morris et al., 2010). If blastomeres were to retain a herin is necessary to complete the process. Interestingly, loss of E-
spherical shape and remain in mutual contact, for mere geometrical cadherin function and compaction is accompanied by intracellular
rules (the Newton’s kissing number), only a single cell would find allo- alterations, particularly the loss of cell polarity (Riethmacher et al.,
cation internally in the embryo at the 13-cell stage (White et al., 1995). However, compaction and cell polarity are not strictly mutu-
2017). Beyond such a stage, the addition of further cells in the inter- ally dependent because under specific experimental conditions, one
ior of the embryo would be impossible while maintaining blastomere process can occur in the absence of the other (Stephenson et al.,
and embryonic sphericity and cell-to-cell contact. In the mouse, com- 2010).
paction occurs normally between the 8- and 16-cell stage, concomi- In the mouse, other molecules interacting with E-cadherin in the
tantly with the formation of inner and outer cells. Cell compaction is formation of adherens junctions have been implicated in the process
therefore the geometrical, functionally-essential, solution that permits of compaction, further supporting a role for cell adhesion in this devel-
the development of populations of inner and outer cells in a definite opmental phase. The intracellular domain of E-cadherin is connected
proportion and to preserve its overall shape of a homogeneous with β- or γ-catenin. This complex is in contact with α-catenin,
sphere within the constraints of the zona pellucida. In the majority of through which it is anchored to the actin cytoskeleton (Perez-Moreno
cases in the human, compaction also occurs during the same devel- et al., 2003). In mice, experimental ablation of α-catenin produces a
opmental interval (Iwata et al., 2014), although the overall process of phenotype similar to that of the previously described E-cadherin null
commitment of inner and outer cells in the formation of ICM and TE, mutants, with embryos able to initiate but not complete compaction
respectively, is less certain (see below). (Torres et al., 1997). By contrast, in β-catenin knockout embryos,
compaction occurs unperturbed, with developmental anomalies emer-
ging only at gastrulation, perhaps as an effect of redundancy due to
the presence of other catenins or protracted action of maternal mole-
The forces that shape the cules (Haegel et al., 1995). Ephitin, a transmembrane serine protease,
morula in the process of is another example of a cell adhesion molecule that appears to be
involved in compaction. It co-localises with E-cadherin at areas of the
compaction cell membrane of contact between blastomeres of compacted mouse
Geometry is however only one of the several obstacles that the 8-cell embryos. When its expression is ablated in RNAi experiments,
developing embryo has to overcome to ensure the generation of two cell adhesion is lost and embryo death occurs shortly afterwards
cell lines. One of the most topical questions that concern the morula (Khang et al., 2005). Importantly, and unlike the mouse, the culture
stage and indeed preimplantation development revolves around the conditions may also affect the stability and function of junctional com-
forces that make compaction possible. Until the 8-cell stage, cleavage plexes occurring between blastomeres in human embryos, with
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The morula: implications for development and ART
Table I Schematic description of function of proteins in key developmental processes that characterise the morula stage.

Protein Developmental role References

E-cadherin Contribute to the formation of adherens junctions (zonulae adherens), which ensure Vestweber et al. (1987); Haegel et al. (1995); Riethmacher et al. (1995);
Catenins mutual lateral adhesion between epithelial cells, thus contributing to the maintenance of Campbell et al. (1995); Torres et al. (1997); Perez-Moreno et al. (2003).
epithelial cell polarity
E-cadherin Contribute to the organisation and function of filopodia, which extend between adjacent Fierro-González et al. (2013).
F-actin blastomeres and determine cell flattening during compaction
E-cadherin Intervenes in the formation of tight junctions (zonulae occludens), which create belt-like Eckert and Fleming (2008).
impermeable structures located at the upper-lateral sides of adjacent outer cells
Actin Cooperate to lead to the formation of an actomyosin ring localised at the margins of Zenker et al. (2018).
Myosin II adjacent cells. This ring produces the tension forces required for the zippering mechanism
that acts in coordination with cell junctions to seal the intercellular contact between outer
Myosin II Generates tensile forces at cell borders and constriction of the apical domain, by which Samarage et al. (2015).
blastomeres are internalised
Hippo Cooperate in the formation of a regulatory mechanism involving signalling of Hippo for Ota and Sasaki (2008); Zhao et al. (2008); reviewed in Harvey et al. (2013);
Yap the phosphorylation and consequent cytoplasmic localisation of Yap. Absence of nuclear Nishioka et al. (2009); Hirate et al. (2012).
Lats proteins localisation of Yap prevents the activation of the transcription regulator TEAD.
Inactivation of Hippo leads to localisation of dephosphorylated Yap in the nucleus and
activation of TEAD
TEAD Upon activation by unphosphorylated Yap, TEAD initiates the transcription of several Yagi et al. (2007); Nishioka et al. (2008); Nishioka et al. (2009); Ralston et al.
effector genes, among which those that determine the trophectoderm cell fate (e.g. Cdx2 (2010).
and Gata3)
Par3-Par6-aPKC (Par-aPCK) Interact mutually to establish apical (Par-aPCK) and baso-lateral domains in outer cells Suzuki and Ohno (2006).
Par3-Par6-aPKC (Par-aPCK) Inhibit the Hippo pathway, which acts against the specification of trophectoderm Hirate et al. (2013).
Angiomotin (Amot) proteins Cooperate to activate Hippo Hirate et al. (2013); Leung and Zernicka-Goetz (2013)
Cdx2 Once expressed as an effect of positive regulation by TEAD, induce the expression of Jedrusik et al. (2008); Ralston and Rossant (2008); Ralston et al. (2010)
Gata3 trophectoderm characteristics.
Oct 4 Act as apical regulators for the maintenance of cell pluripotency Chambers et al. (2003); Takahashi and Yamanaka (2006); Okita et al. (2007)
Fgf4 Are regulated by Oct4 and Sox2, contributing to the preservation of pluripotency Ambrosetti et al. (1997); Okuda et al. (1998); Cauffman et al. (2009).

These include compaction, intercellular sealing to allow blastocoel formation, positioning of inner and outer cells, establishment of cell polarity and cell fate determination.

6 Coticchio et al.

implications for the process of compaction and ultimately embryo via- initiation of blastocyst formation. In particular, by preventing the free
bility in vitro (Eckert et al., 2007). diffusion of membrane proteins, adherens junctions maintain the integ-
Recent advances in in-vivo labelling and time lapse imagining techni- rity of the baso-lateral and apical membrane domains. Such a difference
ques have extended our understanding of the mechanisms of com- represents a prominent aspect of cell polarity. Differentiations in the

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paction and the role of E-cadherin and associated molecules. It is composition and function of cell membrane domains are central for the
now possible to view E-cadherin distribution in live cells, by microin- mechanism of accumulation of intercellular fluid which leads to forma-
jecting RNA molecules encoding E-cadherin with a GFP fluorescent tion of the blastocoel. As a further consequence of the localisation and
tag. This approach has revealed a complex and regulated cell-to-cell function of adherens junctions, the Na+/K+ ATPase system is localised
interaction occurring at the time of compaction (Fierro-González only at the baso-lateral membrane domain of outer cells of mouse
et al., 2013). Before the 8-cell stage, E-cadherin is found throughout embryos (Watson and Kidder, 1988). By hydrolysation of one mol-
the cell membrane, although particularly abundant at adherens junc- ecule of ATP, the enzyme transports three Na+ ions out of the cell, in
tions. During the 8- to 16-cell stage interval, concomitant with com- exchange for two K+ ions. This allows the establishment of an ion con-
paction, E-cadherin-rich filopodia become visible. Originating from an centration gradient between the intercellular spaces of the morula,
area situated between the adherens junctions and the cell apical which become enriched in Na+ ions, and the surrounding environment.
domain, these filopodia have a length of 10–12 μm and extend over As a result, and assisted by increased and coordinated expression of
the apical membrane of adjacent cells. These blastomere protrusions aquaporins (Barcroft et al., 2003), water flows unidirectionally from the
are positive for F-actin and Myo10, but do not appear to contain α- exterior through the epithelial-like outer cells, accumulating extracellu-
tubulin, consistent with typical filopodia structure (Table I). Detailed larly and thereby forming the blastocoel (Watson and Barcroft, 2001).
4D analysis during the 8- to 16-cell interval unveiled an astonishing Concomitantly at this stage, E-cadherin-dependent formation of tight
regulation of filopodia (Fierro-González et al., 2013). They are junctions (zonulae occludens) creates a belt-like impermeable structure
detected only in 55–60% of all blastomeres. Each blastomere projects located at the upper-lateral sides of adjacent outer cells (Table I). This
5–6 filopodia over the apical membrane of 2–3 adjacent cells; how- specialisation of cell-to-cell contact contributes to the retention of
ever, adjacent blastomeres never project filopodia reciprocally. water in the intercellular spaces of the embryo, as shown in the mouse,
Filopodia are dynamic, appearing to extend and retract in coordin- the human and other species (Eckert and Fleming, 2008). Live cell
ation with cell division. Remarkably, they are retracted before a cell imaging used to study the development of mouse embryos has
division is initiated, while cells receiving filopodia do not divide as revealed that the creation of a barrier that seals the interior of the
long as filopodia extend over their membranes. In addition, approxi- mouse embryo from the outside is assisted by an actin-zippering mech-
mately two-thirds of blastomeres with filopodia undergo symmetric anism. Before formation of the blastocoel, actin-rich rings form at the
division and remain to the outer of the embryo organisation, while apical side of outer cells. These rings do not have contractile ability but
the remaining one-third divide asymmetrically giving rise to one inner instead expand in size and diameter until they reach cell-to-cell areas of
and one outer cell. Notably, such a 7:3 ratio of symmetric/asymmet- contact. At this level, they interact with and stabilise cell junctions by
ric divisions is believed to occur during compaction (Morris et al., recruiting the relevant components. This is followed by focused associ-
2010). The observation that, before division, retraction of filopodia is ation with myosin II (Table I). In this fashion, the newly formed acto-
followed by a change in cell shape from elongated to rounded, has myosin ring localised at the margins of adjacent cells produces the
inspired further experiments confirming a causal role of filopodia in tension forces required for the zippering mechanism that acts in coord-
the process of compaction. When filopodia were ablated by laser ination with cell junctions to seal the intercellular contact between out-
micromanipulation, the juxtaposed membranes of two adjacent cells er cells (Zenker et al., 2018).
retracted immediately, indicating that filopodia impose mechanical
forces between cells that can influence membrane tension and there-
fore cell shape. The same effect was not observed when adherens Cellular arrangements in the
junctions were ablated (Fierro-González et al., 2013).
Molecular manipulations have confirmed a role for filopodia in
nascent morula
determining cell elongation behaviours required by compaction. In If indeed compaction, encompassing cell elongation and flattening,
effect, mouse blastomeres microinjected with E-cadherin short inter- represents a cellular ‘trickery’ to accommodate inner and outer cells
fering RNA (siRNA) form few filopodia, remain rounded and fail to in the structure of the morula beyond the 8-cell stage, it poses the
integrate in a compacted structure formed by non-injected cells. question of how these two cell populations are generated in the first
Knock down of α-catenin and β-catenin, which co-localise with E- place. Collective evidence suggests that the modalities by which inner
cadherin in filopodia, also cause a drastic reduction in filopodia num- and outer cell are generated are multiple and probably not mutually
ber and inability of the knocked-down blastomeres to elongate and exclusive. One of such modalities, the first to be identified in studies
compact (Fierro-González et al., 2013). Together, these findings con- on mouse embryo development, is based on two major elements,
firm an instrumental role for E-cadherin and associated proteins in i.e. cell polarity and symmetry of cell division (Mihajlović and Bruce,
embryo compaction, while indicating filopodia, but not adherens junc- 2017). As mentioned above, between the 8-cell and the 16-cell stage,
tions, as the prominent cell specialisation required for a change in cell blastomeres acquire a well-defined polarised organisation, with
shape from rounded to elongated. nuclear (Reeve and Kelly, 1983), cytoskeletal (Johnson and Maro,
Collectively, this evidence indicates a critical role for cell adhesion in 1984; Houliston and Maro, 1989) and cell membrane components
the process of compaction. However, cell adhesion appears to have (Fleming and Pickering, 1985; Korotkevich et al., 2017) distributed dif-
other significant implications for the function of the morula and ferently in the baso-lateral (internal) and apical (external) domains.
The morula: implications for development and ART 7

Blastomere polarisation was also observed in human embryos from (mCherry) targeting the cell membrane. The emitted fluorescence
the 8-cell stage (Nikas et al., 1996). Different orientations of cleavage can be then detected by two-photon confocal microscopy and used
planes will therefore determine alternative destinies of daughter cells to track cell positioning in 4D at a high resolution, following analysis
(Johnson and Ziomek, 1981a). Planes oriented parallel to the cell by a methodology referred to as computational membrane segmenta-

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baso-apical axis will produce two symmetric daughter cells, both tion (Fierro-González et al., 2013). Mouse embryos at the 8 to 16-
remaining in an external position and inheriting approximately the cell stage studied with this approach showed unexpected properties
same polarised organisation of their progenitor cell. On the contrary, (Samarage et al., 2015). In the first place, it was observed that more
planes oriented orthogonally to the cell baso-apical axis will generate than 80% of inner cells derive from symmetric divisions and that 60%
two asymmetric cells, one external cell inheriting the organisation and of embryos produce inner cells without undergoing asymmetric divi-
molecules of the apical domain and one internal cell characterised by sions. Therefore, asymmetric division, although important in the pro-
baso-lateral attributes of the mother cell. These two types of cell div- cess of cell allocation as demonstrated by early studies, is not a
ision are also referred to as conservative and differentiative, respect- frequent or ‘sine qua non’ condition to determine the position of the
ively, depending on whether they preserve and reproduce a pre- first inner cells to be formed. Rather, computational membrane seg-
existing cellular status or generate diversity in the position (external mentation has revealed a different morphogenetic mechanism causing
or internal) and inheritance of cellular organisation (apical or baso-lat- cell internalisation. Starting from the 12-cell stage, some cells undergo
eral) between daughter cells (Sutherland et al., 1990). Recent studies a well-defined change in shape that involves constriction of the apical
(Korotkevich et al., 2017) indicate that orientation of the cleavage portion and expansion of the baso-lateral domain, with a consequent
plane at the 8-cell stage is not a random event, but rather seems gradual repositioning towards the geometrical centre of the embryo.
regulated by innate cell contact-independent factors. For example, in Once positioned centrally, after the 16-cell stage these cells divide to
isolated blastomeres of mouse embryos which already show signs of increase their number, although more inner cells can be generated
cell polarisation, the mitotic spindle aligns preferentially to the basal– through the classical mechanism of asymmetric division (Samarage
apical axis producing asymmetric cells in more than 80% of cases et al., 2015).
(Korotkevich et al., 2017). In addition, experimental disruption of the Further observations clarified how apical constriction can occur in
apical domain in isolated blastomeres of 8-cell embryos is associated cells destined to internalisation (Samarage et al., 2015). In principle,
with a random spindle (and cleavage plan) orientation, suggesting that cell constriction can result from different morphogenetic forces acting
the cortical domain can regulate spindle positioning and ultimately between adjacent cells, such as adhesion, involving E-cadherin, and
symmetric or asymmetric division. This hypothesis is in line with cortical tension, derived by contractility of actomyosin structures. In
micro-transplantation experiments in which the cortical domain of 8- to 16-cell mouse embryos, E-cadherin is localised preferentially in
polarised cells integrated in non-polarised cells was able to induce the baso-lateral region of all cells, while no differences in its distribu-
asymmetric cell division (Korotkevich et al., 2017). The polarised cor- tion are seen in the apical domain of constricting and non-constricting
tical domain seems therefore not only necessary, but also sufficient cells (Fierro-González et al., 2013). Modulation in cell-to-cell adhe-
to control the orientation of the cleavage plan and the occurrence of sion is therefore unlikely to generate apical constriction. On the con-
asymmetric division. Consequently, the geometry of cell division at trary, myosin II, but not actin, distribution can differ between
the 8–16-cell stage introduces a new structural dimension (inner–out- adjacent cells (Fig. 1). In particular, Myosin II is more abundant at the
er) in the multicellular organisation of the mouse embryo and creates borders between constricting and non-constricting cells, tending to
diversity among blastomeres (Johnson, 2009). Notably, asymmetric accumulate as apical constriction progresses (Samarage et al., 2015).
division unequally redistributes cell fate determining factors (localised Micromanipulation experiments involving laser ablation of areas of
especially in the apical domain) in inner and outer cells, making them the actomyosin organisation situated at the margins between con-
not only positionally, but also functionally, different (see below). stricting and non-constricting cells have produced data informing on
Importantly, the frequency of symmetric and asymmetric divisions directionality and magnitude of tensile interactions. Such information
has implications for the relative proportion of inner and outer cells is consistent with a biomechanical model, according to which forces
and, as a consequence, abundance of ICM and TE cells in the ensuing acting at the border of constricting cells promote their internalisation,
blastocyst (Bischoff et al., 2008). Studies on isolated blastomeres of while forces surrounding the same cells act against apical constriction
8-cell mouse embryos suggest that the probability by which symmet- and cell internalisation (Table I). Myosin II is essential in this mechan-
ric and asymmetric divisions can occur may be an intrinsic cell charac- ism. This is shown by the evidence that, when Myosin II is experi-
teristic at this stage (Johnson and Ziomek, 1981b), In particular, mentally downregulated in some, but not all, cells of an 8- to 16-cell
symmetric divisions, which preserve polarity in both daughter cells, embryo, control cells with normal levels of Myosin II fail to constrict
are more likely to occur in blastomeres with larger apical domains and undergo internalisation if they are delimited by three or more
(Pickering et al., 1988) and higher levels of expression of apical- knockdown cells. Therefore, tensile forces acting in non-constricting
specific determinants. cells are also important for internalisation (Samarage et al., 2015).
More recent studies on cell allocation in the mouse embryo have The overall choreography by which cell shape changes to allow the
shown that the geometry of cell division (symmetric/asymmetric) is accommodation of an adequate number and positioning of inner and
not the exclusive, and perhaps not even the most important, modal- outer cells in the growing mouse morula is therefore complex.
ity by which the two populations of inner and outer cells are formed. Adherens junctions and filopodia drive modification of the cell shape
Such studies have been made possible by an advanced and highly from approximately spherical, until the 8-cell stage, to elongated and
sophisticated live imaging technique. This approach involves embryos flattened at later stages to overcome the geometrical limitations
that are microinjected with RNA encoding for a fluorescent protein imposed by the Newton’s kissing number. At the beginning of
8 Coticchio et al.

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Figure 1 Forces that shape blastomeres and secure sealing of intercellular spaces at the morula stage. (A) Flows of cortical cyto-
plasm and a network of polar microtubules cooperate to generate a ring of actin in the apical domain of outer cells. This ring expands reaching the
cell boundaries, recruits myosin II, becomes contractile and allows cell shape remodelling. (B) At cell boundaries, expanded actin rings cooperate
with tight and adherens junctions to achieve intercellular zippering and sealing to finally assist accumulation of intercellular fluid and formation of the

compaction, opposite tensile forces produced by actomyosin accu- development (Morris et al., 2012). During the 8- to 16-cell interval,
mulation at the cell borders induce some cells to undergo apical con- inner and outer cells are formed, developing preferentially into the
striction coupled to basal broadening. As a result of these changes, ICM and TE compartments of the blastocyst, respectively. This could
such cells reposition internally. At later stages of compaction, inner suggest a change in developmental rules by which cell potency is pro-
and outer cells are also generated by differential orientation of the gressively restricted. While in general this concept is correct
cleavage planes by which outer cells divide, with planes oriented par- (Suwińska et al., 2008), the reality is more complex. Elegant cell disas-
allel or orthogonal to the cell basal–apical axis giving rise to only out- sociation–reassociation experiments have revealed that all blasto-
er or both inner and outer cell, respectively. Finally, actomyosin rings meres of mouse 16-cell embryos maintain the ability to contribute to
localised at the areas of contact between outer cells generate tensile the formation of both the ICM and the TE (Ziomek and Johnson,
forces required to seal the barrier formed from adherens junctions, 1982; Suwińska et al., 2008). Blastomeres of 32-cell embryos appear
making it impermeable. This ultimately allows accumulation and to have lost this plasticity, developing only into ICM or TE depending
retention of fluid in the blastocoel. on whether they have an inner or outer origin, respectively (Suwińska
et al., 2008). Therefore, under undisturbed conditions during the
8–16-cell transition, blastomeres appear to have made ‘decisions’
about position and ultimate fate, but these seem not to be irrevers-
Roles of cell positioning and ible commitments to a specific lineage at this stage. What makes blas-
polarity in cell fate tomeres different during the 8–16-cell interval is their inner/outer
position and apolar/polar symmetry. Historically, both these condi-
determination tions have been proposed to cause cell determination at this stage
Experimental removal and spatial rearrangements of blastomeres (reviewed in Mihajlović and Bruce, 2017). According to one model,
have shown that early mouse embryos are highly plastic. When one by definition, inner cells are totally engaged in cell-to-cell contacts
blastomere is removed from a 2-cell embryo, the remaining half throughout their surface, while outer cells have also cell-to-cell
embryo can develop to term without significant consequences. Also, contact-free surfaces exposed to the surrounding environment.
blastomeres of 4- to 8-cell embryos, still morphologically and pos- These two statuses are believed to coincide with different micro-
itionally identical, can be disassembled and reassembled to form chi- environmental cues that determine the ICM and TE cell fate, respect-
maeric associations able to support normal pre- and postimplantation ively. In the polarity model, at the 8-cell stage blastomeres become
The morula: implications for development and ART 9

polarised acquiring a baso-lateral domain oriented towards the inter- mutated TEAD4 embryos, caudal-type homeoboxprotein-2 (Cdx2),
ior and an apical domain facing the exterior. Depending on whether which commit cells into the TE fate, is largely downregulated and all
cleavage occurs parallel or orthogonal to the baso-apical axis, daugh- blastomeres acquire ICM characteristics (Yagi et al., 2007; Nishioka
ter cells lose or preserve their polarity, respectively, and inherit differ- et al., 2008) (Table I). However, because TEAD4 is ubiquitously

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ently distributed regulatory molecules that commit them into the expressed in the embryo, in normal development a modality must exist
ICM or TE pathway. The two models are not mutually exclusive, that prevents its action in blastomeres that develop into ICM. The key
though, because predominantly inner cells are apolar and outer cells regulatory factor of this network in indeed Hippo (Fig. 2) (Nishioka
are polar. These concepts were already described in this review, but et al., 2009). Its signalling pathway is activated only in the inner cells,
notably several more recent studies point toward an interplay between where Yap becomes phosphorylated, and so remains in the cytoplasm
polarity, position and a third major regulator of cell fate, the Hippo sig- meaning that TEAD4 cannot trigger the TE pathway. At the same
nalling pathway. Hippo is a tumour-suppressor pathway described ini- time, in the outer cells, unphosphorylated Yap can be transported into
tially in Drosophila and conserved across species (Mihajlović and the nucleus and activate TEAD4 (Hirate et al., 2012). Finally, TEAD4
Bruce, 2017) (reviewed in Harvey et al., 2013). Its activation depends directly promotes the transcription of TE-determining genes, such as
on several stimuli among which, importantly in the case of embryos, the previously mentioned Cdx2, and GATA-binding protein 3 (Gata3)
cell contact. When Hippo is active, transcriptional co-activator proteins (Nishioka et al., 2009; Ralston et al., 2010) (Table I).
Yap (Yap1 and Wwtr1) are phosphorylated by Lats protein kinase. In At this stage, cell polarity and position assume importance. In out-
its phosphorylated form, Yap is retained in the cytoplasmic compart- er cells, polarity is imposed by mutual regulatory influences by which
ment and degraded. By contrast, inactivity of Hippo allows nuclear the Par3-Par6-aPKC (Par-aPCK) system promotes the organisation of
localisation of unphosphorylated Yap. In the nucleus, Yap can bind sev- the apical domain (Table I), while Par1 induces the configuration of
eral transcription factors, among which TEA domain transcription fac- the baso-lateral domain (Suzuki and Ohno, 2006). Par-aPCK appears
tors (TEAD). Then, the binary complex TEAD-Yap targets several to have the ability to inhibit the Hippo pathway, which acts against
effector genes (Ota and Sasaki, 2008; Zhao et al., 2008) (Table I). the specification of TE characteristics. This is indicated by the finding
Clues that the TEAD and Hippo systems are involved in embryonic that at the 32-cell stage in Par-aPCK-mutated embryos showing loss
cell fate determination derives from experiments showing that in of polarity in outer cells, Hippo is activated and Yap remains localised

Figure 2 Example of integration of positional, polarity and molecular cues to achieve differential gene expression and deter-
mination of alternative cell fates. In inner cells (in green), Amot is associated with the adherens junctions throughout the cell membrane and
has reduced activity for F-actin. This condition promotes interaction with and phosphorylation by Lats and ultimately activation of the Hippo regula-
tory pathway, which prevents intranuclear localisation of Yap and expression of TE determining genes. In outer cells (in blue), polarisation generated
by Par-aPKC sequesters Amot in the apical domain bound to F-actin and prevents the interaction of the same protein with E-cadherin at the level of
adherens junctions. In this fashion, Amot is not phosphorylated by Lats and Hippo cannot be activated (Hirate et al., 2013).
10 Coticchio et al.

in the cytoplasm in all blastomeres, not only in inner cells (Hirate pathways that promote the specification of the TE and ICM lineages
et al., 2013). On another hand, Hippo signalling requires strong cell– and establish mutual regulatory loops. Notably, decisions on cell fate
cell adhesion, which is particularly enhanced in inner cells; this is are not necessarily made at the same time by the cells of the same
confirmed by the fact that Hippo is not activated in dissociated blas- compartment, making the understanding of regulatory networks par-

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tomeres from polarity-disrupted embryos, irrespective of the original ticularly arduous. In addition, the large majority of data have been
inner or outer cell position (Hirate et al., 2013). generated in the mouse model (see below), while information con-
In the human, studies on the role of Yap in cell determination are cerning the human embryos remains scant.
lacking. However, cell programming experiments showed that Yap is
activated when embryonic fibroblasts are induced to become pluripo- TE specification
tent stem cells, suggesting that the hippo regulatory pathway is
As discussed above, Cdx2 is a crucial component for specification of
involved in the expression of pluripotency (Lian et al., 2010).
TE characteristics. In the mouse 8-cell stage embryo, this regulator is
Some details on how, at the molecular level, polarity and cell adhe-
expressed only in some blastomeres but as the morula forms, it is
sion interact to regulate Hippo activation are known (Fig. 2). Hippo acti-
found in a higher proportion of cells, to become expressed in outer
vation depends on angiomotin (Amot) proteins (Table I). These
cells of the morula and finally in elements of the TE (Jedrusik et al.,
regulatory proteins are also crucial for cell fate determination because
2008; Ralston and Rossant, 2008). Cdx2 –/– is embryonic lethal, due
their loss is sufficient to commit blastomeres into the TE fate irrespect-
to the inability to form a TE. Embryos begin to cavitate but the blas-
ive of their position or polarity (Hirate et al., 2013; Leung and Zernicka-
tocoel do not form properly because outer cells do not acquire their
Goetz, 2013). Amot has a different intracellular distribution in inner and
typical epithelial phenotype and fail to form a selective barrier which
outer cells. In the former it is found associated with the adherens junc-
is instrumental for inward transport of water and expansion of the
tions throughout the membrane, while in the latter it is selectively loca-
embryo (Strumpf et al., 2005). In the absence of Cdx2 expression, a
lised at the apical domain (Hirate et al., 2013; Leung and Zernicka-
lack of epithelial characteristics is associated with specific molecular
Goetz, 2013). Amot also has binding activities which are differentially
features, such as repression of Eomesodermin (Eomes) and Hand1,
regulated in inner and outer cells. At the adherens junctions of inner
while ICM-determining genes are expressed ectopically (Strumpf
cell, one region of the protein binds the cytoplasmic segment of E-
et al., 2005). Eomes is a T-box-specific factor (Ciruna and Rossant,
cadherin and the junction-associated protein Nf2. Another subdomain
1999). In null mutants, its absence coincides with the inability of
of Amot has F-actin binding activity. In the same inner cells when the
embryos to develop a functional TE. This occurs in association with
Amot-E-cadherin-Nf2 complex is formed, phosphorylation of this site
normal levels of Cdx2 while Hand1 and P11, typical of epithelial dif-
by Lats reduces the affinity for F-actin, promotes interaction with Lats
ferentiation, are undetectable (Strumpf et al., 2005). Combined,
itself and ultimately stimulates the ability of Lats to activate Hippo
these data suggest that the relative position of Eomes in the pathway
(Hirate et al., 2013). In outer cells, polarisation generated by Par-aPKC
that specifies the TE fate is downstream of Cdx2 and upstream of
sequesters Amot in the apical domain bound to F-actin and prevents
more terminal markers of TE differentiation. Another key regulator
the interaction of the same protein with E-cadherin at the level of adhe-
of TE formation is the zinc-finger transcription factor Gata3. Loss of
rens junctions. In this fashion, Amot is not phosphorylated by Lats and
function of this factor, through RNAi action, leads to a phenotype
Hippo cannot be activated (Hirate et al., 2013). These conditions are
very similar to Cdx2 null mutants, in which blastocyst formation is
permissive for a nuclear localisation of Yap and expression of TE-
impeded and development arrests at the blastocyst stage (Ralston
determining genes. Taken together, regulation of the Hippo signalling
et al., 2010). While there is consensus on the opinion that Gata3 is
exemplifies how cell–cell adhesion, whose intensity depends on cell pos-
not governed by the Hippo pathway, the question of the hierarchical
ition and cell polarity, can influence call fate. This scenario, however,
position with respect to Cdx2 is more controversial. However, a
does not rule out that other factors can affect the Hippo-Yap pathway
comparable temporal pattern of expression between Gata3 and
and ultimately cell fate. For example, in compacted mouse morulae,
Cdx2 suggest that the two regulators act in parallel (Ralston and
when biomechanical forces of outer blastomeres are experimentally
Rossant, 2008), with no upstream influence of one over the other.
weakened by knocking down the maternal myosin gene (Myh9), loss of
Indeed, Gata3 is co-expressed with Cdx2 already at the 8-cell stage
cell contractility alone can lead to increased Yap phosphorylation and
and is found in TE, but not ICM cells, at the blastocyst stage (Ralston
cytoplasmic localisation. As a consequence of reduced intranuclear YAP
et al., 2010).
presence, although such blastomeres remain external, they fail to
express the TEAD-Yap-controlled genes that are responsible for the
acquisition of TE characteristics (Maître et al., 2016). These experiments ICM specification
demonstrate an extreme integration of mechanical, positional and As the inner cells commit to their lineage, they must not only not
molecular cues in a single regulative network of cell fate determination. express TE characteristics as an effect of hippo activation, but also,
they must initiate the ICM pathway. In such cells, the master regula-
tory factor is the octamer-binding transcription factor 3/4 (Oct4,
Molecular control of cell fate also known as Pou5f1) (Table I). Oct4 positively regulates gene tran-
scription by recognising the sequence ATGCAAAT situated in the
determination promoters and enhancer regions of several genes (Schöler et al.,
As described, Hippo signalling is a major regulatory mechanism which 1990). While its expression is observed throughout preimplantation
ultimately prevents expression of transcription factors that elicit the development, as the embryo develops its presence becomes
TE phenotype. However, several other questions concern the restricted to the ICM. Oct4 appears downregulated in embryonic
The morula: implications for development and ART 11

stem cells following differentiation induced by leukaemia inhibitory et al., 2012). By contrast, human embryos show a different temporal
factor (LIF) (Palmieri et al., 1994), whereas its absence in Oct4 –/– pattern of Cdx2 expression. In fact, this regulator is detectable only
mutant embryos does not prevent decidualisation but causes peri- after formation of the blastocoel and is initially co-expressed with
implantation death (Nichols et al., 1998). This factor is therefore con- Oct4 (Niakan et al., 2012). It seems, therefore, that specification of

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sidered instrumental for pluripotency. Other factors contribute to the two cell lines occurs significantly later than in the mouse and
pluripotency of the ICM and are differentially regulated in a cell- and does not necessarily require the Oct4/Cdx2 antagonism. This opens
stage-specific fashion. For example, in the mouse, Nanog (Chambers the possibility that the fate of human blastomeres can remain plastic
et al., 2003) is expressed in the inner cells of the morula and until relatively advanced stages of development. Indeed, human outer
becomes restricted to the epiblast of the ICM in the blastocyst, from cells from compacted morulae or early blastocysts can contribute to
which the embryo proper derives (Chambers et al., 2003). Indeed, formation of the ICM if experimentally repositioned inside the
reprogramming experiments of somatic cells induced into pluripotent embryo (De Paepe et al., 2013). Furthermore, after isolation and
stem cells illustrate the critical importance of both Oct4 and Nanog reaggregation, human outer cells are able to reconstitute an embryo
in maintaining pluripotency (Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2006; Okita able to cavitate and form an ICM (De Paepe et al., 2013). Therefore,
et al., 2007). while mouse and human development share some common features
The binding domain-containing family of transcription factors, of cell fate determination, further studies are warranted to ascertain
Sox2, is a member of the High Mobility Group (HMG) protein family possible interspecies differences.
that is associated with maintenance of pluripotency in the embryo
(Table I). It is detectable throughout mouse preimplantation develop-
ment, from the zygote until the morula stage, when it disappears in The morula stage in clinical
the cells that will form the TE (Avilion et al., 2003). The observations
that Sox2 –/– embryos have an unchanged pattern of protein expres- embryology
sion and that Sox2 mRNA starts to be produced from the morula
stage indicate that this factor is accumulated in the oocyte during
Embryo selection and transfer at the morula
oogenesis (Avilion et al., 2003). Sox2 appears crucial for ICM and in stage
particular the epiblast at the time of implantation (Avilion et al., Clinical data on the reproductive performance of Day 4 embryos are
2003). Furthermore, and interaction between Sox2 and Oct4 appears scarce. In clinical IVF, embryos are usually transferred in the uterus at
essential for the expression of downstream pluripotency genes, such early cleavage (Days 2/3) or blastocyst (Days 5/6) stages. Much less
as Fgf4 (Ambrosetti et al., 1997), Utf1 (Okuda et al., 1998) and commonly, they are replaced on Day 4 when they are expected to
Nanog (Rodda et al., 2005) (Table I). Again, in the human, the timing have reached the morula stage, owing in part to the challenges
of expression may differ; indeed, nuclear localisation of Sox2 was described above. Furthermore, where such embryos are used, they
observed only from the compacted morula stage, i.e. much later than will often be transferred together with Day 3 or Day 5 embryos,
in the mouse embryo (Cauffman et al., 2009). making the association between embryonic stage and ability to
implant and develop to term unachievable. However, there is isolated
evidence that embryo transfer (ET) can be successfully implemented
Mutual negative regulation on Day 4. In the late 1990s, preliminary reports indicated that morula
Several lines of evidence converge towards a model involving mutual stage embryos could be used for ET following blastomere biopsy on
interaction at the intracellular level between the ICM and TE regula- Day 3 in preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) cycles (Grifo et al.,
tory systems. Indeed, Cdx2 knockout mouse embryos are unable to 1998; Gianaroli et al., 1999). In one of the few specific studies carried
promote positive regulation of TE specific genes such as Eomes and out on the morula stage, Tao et al. (2002) compared retrospectively
Hand1 in outer cells, but instead express Oct4 and Nanog, which are the relative clinical performance of Day 3 and Day 4 embryos. In all
typically associated with inner cells. At the molecular level, this cross- cases, Day 4 ET were associated with higher implantation and preg-
regulation is explained by the fact that at the blastocyst stage Cdx2 nancy rates, suggesting that culture to Day 4 could offer better
and SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling factor cooperate to bind the chances for embryo selection compared to Day 3. A prospective ran-
promoter region of Oct4 in cells that will develop into TE, thus inhi- domised study published several years later and including 350 couples
biting the action of this pluripotency factor. This replicates a scheme (Pantos et al., 2008) showed that Day 4 ET was associated with
observed in other types of epithelial cells (Wang et al., 2010). implantation and clinical pregnancy rates that were comparable to
There are also hints of an inverse, mutual regulation between the Day 3 ET (22.0 vs. 21.0 and 49.7% vs. 45.3%, respectively). A further
Cdx2 and Oct4 pathways. Indeed, in embryonic stem cells, Oct4 was retrospective analysis (Skorupski et al., 2007) claimed that the trans-
found to interact with Cdk1. The two proteins form a complex that fer of Day 4 embryos was compatible with high rates of implantation
is required to repress the transcription of Cdx2 (Li et al., 2012). (45–34%) and live birth (55–33%) across a large spectrum of female
Therefore, in the mouse, not only do the Cdx2 and Oct4 regulatory age (≤34 to 40 years). However, the absence of a control group and
pathways specify the TE and ICM cell fates, respectively, but also are scoring criteria, as well as the fact that some of the embryos had
involved in an elegant interplay of mutual regulation in which one undergone assisted hatching, means that these data need careful
represses the other in its own embryonic compartment. Consistent interpretation. The clinical outcome of Day 4 and Day 5 ET was the
with the mouse embryo, in the human at the 8-cell stage, Oct4 and object of another retrospective study (Feil et al., 2008). This analysis
Nanog are initially expressed in all blastomeres; afterwards their adopted a single embryo transfer (SET) approach and reported com-
localisation remains limited to the ICM (Kimber et al., 2008; Niakan parable overall ongoing pregnancy rates between Day 4 and Day 5
12 Coticchio et al.

transfer (38.7% and 32.1%, respectively). In addition, sub-analysis of conclusions on the safety of the Day 4 approach. Concerns derive not
the Day 4 group revealed that morulae entirely or partially com- only from the possible impact of removal of 3–7 cells from an embryo
pacted, and otherwise normal, implanted with comparable rates usually formed from 12 to 32 blastomeres, but also from potential
(40.0% and 37.1%, respectively); however, in cases where partial undefined physiological effects arising from the disruption, as we have

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compaction was associated with large vacuoles and extensive frag- illustrated above, of highly complex and important morphogenetic
mentation, the implantation rate dropped dramatically. Thus, Day 4 events occurring at the morula stage. Thus, exposure to Ca2+-free
embryos at the morula stage can be discriminated morphologically medium, functional ablation of intercellular contacts and consequent
and developmentally to some degree and, in the best-case scenario, reversion of cell shape from elongated to spherical, although transient,
appear to have implantation rates comparable to that achieved by could potentially perturb embryo physiology with long-term develop-
Day 5 transfers. Such conclusions are supported by a further retro- mental consequences. Nonetheless, embryo biopsy at the morula
spective study by Kang et al. (2012). For all major clinical outcomes, stage remains an interesting option, implicating advantages such as (i)
i.e. pregnancy rate (51.5% vs. 51.8%), implantation rate (52.3% vs. the recovery of a higher number of cells compared to Day 3 biopsy,
52.5%) and live birth rate (39.2% vs. 44.7%), results were comparable (ii) the possibility to have one full day for chromosome analysis and
between morula and Day 5 ET, respectively, although the miscar- therefore perform fresh ET of unaffected embryos on Day 5, and (iii)
riage rate tended to be higher in the Day 4 group. Together, these the recovery of intact biopsied cells, whose integrity is amenable to
data suggest that ET of morulae on Day 4 can be contemplated as an FISH, in cases where this analytical method is preferable.
option in case of intense laboratory workload and necessity to redis-
tribute ETs more uniformly over consecutive days.
A recent report specifically focused on the predictive value of Cryopreservation of human morulae
morphology of Day 4 embryos (Fabozzi et al., 2015). Embryos were Cryopreservation at the morula stage has been reported in numerous
considered at the morula stage if showing at least 14 cells and scored studies conducted in animal models, including mouse, rat, cow, pig and
according to four morphological classes (A–D, best–worst), depend- goat. Therefore, it appears to be technically possible. However, evi-
ing on a combination of the degrees of compaction and integrity. Out dence from animal studies cannot be directly applied to human IVF.
of 393 embryos, the proportions of grade A–D morulae were Membrane permeability to the various cryoprotectants, on which suc-
47.84%, 26.72%, 20.36% and 5.09%, respectively. The degree of cessful cryopreservation depends, occurs by simple diffusion or via spe-
compaction and integrity was positively associated with the blastocyst cific channels (aquaporins) according to kinetics that vary from stage to
formation rate which was 87.2%, 63.8%, 41.3% and 15.0% for the A– stage often in a species-specific fashion. Early experiments suggested
D classes, respectively. Importantly, this classification system was that human blastocysts vitrified using fine plastic capillaries as storage
found to be a better predictor of blastocyst formation and quality devices gave acceptable rates of survival (Cremades, 2004). Recent pro-
compared with a conventional grading system performed on Day 3. gress in vitrification has allowed improvement in survival rates of both
Overall, these data confirm previous reports suggesting that the scor- intact and biopsied morulae (92.0% and 87.5%, respectively) (Zhang
ing systems based on degree of compaction and integrity of Day 4 et al., 2009). Isolated cases of healthy live births (one twin and one sin-
embryos have the ability to predict the rate and quality of blastocyst gle) were also reported after the transfer of compacted morulae cryo-
formation (Ebner et al., 2009; Ivec et al., 2011). preserved by slow freezing (Tao et al., 2001). In a larger case series, 54
Day 4 morulae were warmed after vitrification; 38 embryos survived to
24 h after thawing, while 30 developed to the blastocyst stage. In 18
The use of morula stage embryos for ETs, implantation and birth rates for ET were 20.0% (6/30) and 27.8%
preimplantation genetic testing (5/18), respectively (Vanderzwalmen et al., 2002). Therefore, while
Over the course of the last decade, PGT has undergone major cryopreservation at the morula stage can be applied, the limited avail-
changes. Progress in embryo culture and cryopreservation have able data suggest a reduced efficacy compared with cryopreservation at
shifted the preference for the time of embryo biopsy from Day 3 (6–8 the cleavage or blastocyst stage. Again however, caution should be
cell stage) to Day 5 or 6 (blastocyst stage). This means that more cells exercised as this is an under investigated area of treatment.
are available for analysis (3–10 instead of 1–2) and, in general,
embryos appear more resilient to the biopsy procedure. However,
Emerging data from TLM
Zakharova et al. (2014) reported on embryo biopsies performed on
709 Day 4 morulae from 215 PGT cycles. To achieve loosening of Timing of the morula stage
intercellular contacts, compacted morulae were exposed to a Ca2 For decades, the morula has been described as characteristic of Day
-free medium. Three to seven blastomeres were biopsied from each 4, but little data was available on the specific timing of cleavage
embryo and analysed by fluorescent in-situ hybridisation (FISH). After events beyond the 8-cell stage or the dynamics of the process of
return to standard medium containing Ca2+, more than 90% of biop- compaction (ESHRE Atlas of Human Embryology). Isolated reports
sied embryos reached the blastocyst stage by Day 6. In an impressive indicated that starting compaction ‘early’ was associated with a higher
range of endpoints, including postnatal follow up, no differences were implantation potential (Skiadas et al., 2006), although the precise tim-
apparent between the PGT and non-PGT groups. Therefore, the ing of initiation of this process was not described.
authors concluded that embryo biopsy is technically feasible and safe The introduction of TLM has provided new opportunities to
to be carried out at the compacted morula stage. Although encour- observe the morphokinetics of the morula stage. In one of the first
aging, caution must be exercised, since the relatively small numbers of TLM studies describing the morula stage, Campbell et al. (2013)
embryos from a single-centre study are unlikely to offer solid reported the median time of start of compaction in euploid embryos
The morula: implications for development and ART 13

was 79.7 h post ICSI, a value similar to that of embryos affected by a derived from such abnormally cleaving embryos exhibited a higher rate
single aneuploidy (80.7 h), but significantly different to that of of euploidy compared with blastocysts developed from embryos with-
embryos carrying multiple aneuploidies (85.1 h). Median times of full out cleavage anomalies (75.0% vs, 49.2% respectively). Even more
morula formation in the three study groups were not statistically dif- interestingly, it was found that all euploid blastocysts derived from

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ferent (83.5, 87.9 and 88.2 h, respectively). Another study investi- abnormally cleaving embryos were characterised by the phenomenon
gated the formation of the fully compacted morula in embryos of of partial compaction. Partial compaction was observed also in
PGT cases, reporting mean times of 94.4 and 95.3 h in euploid and embryos with no apparent cleavage anomalies, but at a much lower
aneuploid embryos, respectively (Minasi et al., 2016). Times of full rate. Taken together, these findings suggest that, on one hand, blasto-
compaction appears different in the two studies, although it should meres that have become aneuploid as a consequence of cleavage
be noted that they were reported using different parameters (median anomalies (e.g. direct cleavage) may in some cases prevent develop-
and mean, respectively). In a study specifically focussed on stage of ment to blastocyst. On the other hand, it might be possible that such
compaction, Iwata et al. (2014) found that compaction can occur at aneuploid blastomeres are excluded at compaction, with a rescue of
any stage between the 4- and the 16-cell stage, although the majority the original condition of euploidy of the embryo as a whole. The latter
of embryos initiate compaction at the 8-cell stage or later. In such hypothesis appears to be confirmed by comparative chromosome ana-
embryos, almost half go on to form good quality blastocysts, while lysis of cells excluded from compaction. In the majority of cases, in the
embryos starting compaction before the 8-cell stage form good blas- same embryo the chromosome constitution of these cells was more
tocysts in less than 20% of cases. Interestingly, early compacting affected by segregation errors compared with cells of the trophecto-
embryos appear to be characterised by cell cycle anomalies, like mul- derm, or they could not be analysed due to extensive DNA degrad-
tinucleation caused by cytokinesis failure (Iwata et al., 2014). ation, a hallmark of apoptosis often triggered in response to complex
Technically, the determination of the time of full compaction is chal- aneuploidy. Therefore, it is plausible to propose that during compac-
lenging because of its dynamic nature, occurring over several hours. tion, aneuploid cells are excluded from the embryos allowing a restor-
Therefore, significant intra- and inter-operator variability cannot be ation of euploidy. This is in line with the well-established notion that
excluded. Nonetheless, it is realistic that time differences between stud- mosaicism is more frequent at earlier stages of development than at
ies, at the morula and all developmental stages, can reflect intrinsic differ- the blastocyst stage. If true, this suggests a startling critical role for the
ences between cohorts of embryos and/or extrinsic influences, such as morula in terms of embryo rescue and elimination of mosaicism, as
culture conditions. Indeed, while mean times of formation of fully com- well as the more widely-described functions relating to morphogenetic
pacted morulae are very similar in males and females embryos (91.2 and events and determination of cell fate. The notion of the existence of
91.9 h, respectively) (Bronet et al., 2015), embryos from overweight/ mechanisms of self-correction during preimplantation development is
obese women have an overall faster developmental kinetics. This is also also emerging from other observations. For example, a study on
reflected in times of morula formation 17 h shorter than women of nor- embryos displaying direct unequal cleavage (i.e. division of one cell into
mal weight (Leary et al., 2015). Likewise, in another study, it was shown three or more daughter cells) indicates that extrusion from the com-
that embryos undergoing repeated contractions and expansions during pacted morula of blastomeres affected by such a cleavage anomaly is
blastocyst formation, a phenomenon indicated as a negative marker of strongly associated with the formation of good quality blastocysts
implantation potential, achieve full compaction ~5 h earlier (80.9 vs. (Zhan et al., 2016). Such information might be of crucial relevance in
86.3 h, respectively) compared with those that do not exhibit cyclical the application of PGT at the morula stage.
contractions/expansions (Marcos et al., 2015). Laboratory manipulations
can also impact the morula stage. Indeed, an analysis carried out in A plea for more research on the morula stage and compaction
embryos produced in PGT cycles described that Day 3 embryos of at process
least eight cells and subject to removal of 1–2 blastomeres progressed Recent investigations confirm the necessity of intensifying research
to the morula stage with a 5-h delay and implanted at a lower rate com- efforts on the morula stage. Data from Mayer et al. (2018) described
pared with embryos of a control group (Bar-El et al., 2016). These find- the phenomenon of late onset of cell vacuolisation at the morula stage.
ings are consistent with a previous study reported by Kirkegaard et al. In particular, they reported that the implantation ability of good quality
(2011). Notwithstanding such limitations, the time of compaction alone blastocysts is significantly reduced in case of formation of vacuoles at
appears to be associated with embryo implantation. This notion derives the morula stage. The morula stage also appears relevant to the man-
from a recent study showing that in a selected population of embryos agement of slow-growing embryos. In fact, Tannus et al. (2018)
full compaction in accomplished 14 h earlier in those that implant (86.4 observed that embryos reaching the morula stage on early Day 5 and
vs. 100.3 h, respectively) (Motato et al., 2016). achieving the blastocyst stage on Day 6 can implant with higher fre-
quency if cryopreserved and transferred in a frozen embryo replace-
Morphokinetics and chromosomal status of the morula ment, instead of being used fresh, confirming the importance of
Data from a recent investigation (Lagalla et al., 2017) suggest that the endometrial receptivity and synchronisation. Even more intriguing infor-
morula stage could be an important checkpoint for embryo quality dur- mation seems to derive from detailed observation of the mechanism of
ing preimplantation development and that the process of compaction compaction and elimination of presumably abnormal cell from the mass
could be involved in mechanisms of self-correction. The study con- that then organises itself into blastocyst. In a preliminary report, Lagalla
firmed that diverse cleavage anomalies (e.g. direct cleavage of one cell and colleagues (2018) proposed the existence of two distinct mechan-
into three, rapid cleavage, reverse cleavage) were associated with a isms of cell elimination resulting in partial compaction: (a) exclusion of
50% reduction in the chances of an embryo developing into a good cells from the outset, before the beginning of compaction, or (b) extru-
quality blastocyst. Interestingly, the study also showed that blastocysts sion of cells following their initial involvement in the compaction
14 Coticchio et al.

process. Interestingly, in partially compacted embryos, exclusion was junctional structures, but also by fine and dynamic regulation of spe-
found to occur more frequently in embryos of younger women, while cialised cellular projections, filopodia (Fierro-González et al., 2013).
the opposite was observed in case of extrusion. This finding, together We have also learnt that generation of inner and outer cells occurs
with the recently reported differences in chromosome constitution not only as a consequence of alternative orientation of cleavage

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between the embryo and cells eliminated during compaction (Lagalla planes, but also as an effect of differences in cortical tension between
et al., 2017), is suggestive of the morula stage as an important check- adjacent outer blastomeres. In addition, new information has revealed
point stage during formation of a viable blastocyst. However, research the crucial role of an actin-zippering mechanism in ensuring intercellu-
in clinical embryology alone is unlikely to have the capacity to reveal the lar sealing and establishing a permeability barrier required by the pro-
intimate secrets of the morula stage. Strategic collaboration with other cess of blastocoel expansion. New light has also been shed on the
disciplines and approaches will be crucial to ensure progress in this field. mutually regulated pathways of gene expression that commit cells into
Being a dynamic process and extremely difficult to observe even with distinct developmental destinies (Jedrusik, 2015). Although obtained
the aid of TLM, the morula stage could be amenable to investigation by in the mouse model, such a wealth of information has reignited inter-
exploiting machine learning approaches, which has already found appli- est in the specific merit of the morula stage for clinical embryology.
cation to predict embryo implantation ability at the blastocyst stage Information on possible influences of in-vitro culture on developmental
(Zaninovic et al., 2018). Further progress could derive from the analysis decisions taken at the morula stage are lacking in human ART. Indeed,
of extruded/excluded cells to reveal their cellular and molecular consti- recent morphokinetic data suggest that compaction could represent
tution and gain more in-depth insights on possible mechanisms of self- an opportunity to sense chromosomal anomalies in individual blasto-
correction. Live cell imaging, especially if developed in a truly non- meres and implement self-correction mechanisms aimed at excluding
invasive fashion, could also give a crucial impulse to research on the abnormal cells from the developing embryo (Lagalla et al., 2017).
morula stage. Three-dimensional modelling approaches have already Overall, such a knowledge casts new light on this crucial developmen-
begun to reveal how cell internalisation, and therefore formation of the tal stage. It also indicates new avenues for future research in preim-
two main cell lineages, occurs only when differences in cell surface plantation development in the context of clinical embryology.
contractility exceed a predictable threshold (Maître et al., 2016).
Molecular, cellular and metabolic analysis of spent media exposed to
embryos of different developmental stages could shed new light on the Authors’ roles
morula and better explain its unique characteristics.
Giovanni Coticchio: manuscript design, literature search, manuscript
writing, critical discussion and editing. Cristina Lagalla: manuscript
design, literature search, manuscript writing, critical discussion and
Conclusions editing. Roger Sturmey: manuscript writing. Francesca Pennetta:
The morula stage and the associated process of compaction have manuscript design, critical reading and editing, design and production
received relatively little attention in ART due to their highly dynamic of figures. Andrea Borini: manuscript design and critical discussion.
nature combined with the ambiguous criteria of morphological classifi-
cation. Morula stage embryos therefore remain scarcely integrated in
the mainstream ART procedures, such as embryo quality assessment, Funding
ET, cryopreservation and embryo biopsy. This is in striking conflict
with the importance that the construction of the morula has for pre- No external funding was either sought or obtained for this study.
implantation development and indeed the entire developmental pro-
cess. For example, during the temporal span of the morula stage,
newly expressed genes of the embryonic genome mediate the trans- Conflict of interest
ition from a low-activity, low-energy metabolic state characterising the
None declared.
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