ANC0003 08 - Hot Air Ballon en

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Hot Air


Designed by Dhara Shah Design No.: ANC0003-08
@anchorcrafting Dhara Shah, 2019. All Rights Reserved.
ANC0003-08-Hot Air Balloon
Anchor Stranded Cotton 8m No. 4635000- # (Colour nº)
Anchor Pearl Cotton tck 8 4591008 - # (Colour nº) Embroidery

1 x #00926, #00128, #00187, #00147, #00010, #00054, #000109, #00025, #00298,

#00260, #000108 Intermediate 3
Pearl Cotton 1 x #00001, # 00403, #00316, #00256, #00101, #00300, #00269,
#00360, #00330 , #00371

nº 6 / nº7 6” Embroidery Hoop

Hot Air Balloon c. Balloon basket in P10 with back stitch and F10 with basket weave (alter-
nate vertical and horizonal satin stitch)
Beige Linen Fabric- I have used two layers of fabric to ensure tension while 4. Bottom Left Balloon
embroidering a. Balloon background in F11 with back stitch
6” wooden hoop with screw b. Balloon design circles’ filling in P3 with satin stitch
Anchor Stranded and Pearl Cotton tck 8 Embroidery Floss c. Balloon design circles’ outline in single strand P7 with back stitch
Pilot Frixion Pen (or any other heat or air disappearing ink pen) d. Basket design in P4 with satins stitch and P10 with back stitch

YARN KEY 5. Bottom Right Balloon

Anchor Pearl Cotton tck 8 a. Balloon design in P4 with French knots
P1 Black #00403 b. Balloon design in F9 with back stitch
P2 White #00001 c. Balloon basket in P8 with basket weave and P9 with back stitch.
P3 Golden Yellow #00316
P4 Light Fern Green #00256 6. Filled Clouds
P5 Purple #00101 a. French knots with F1 and P2.
P6 Cream #00300
P8 Dark Chocolate Brown #00360 1. Start with tracing or printing the sketch on thick drawing paper with a fine
P9 Orange #00330 tip gel pen. Then proceed to trace the image onto the fabric, which you
P10 Brown #00371 can do either using a light board or holding the paper and fabric against a
window. A good tip is to tape the edges of the paper and the fabric with a
Anchor Stranded Cotton (6ply) paper tape to ensure there are no creases. I used a Frixion pen to do the
F1 Off-white #00926 transfer. You can use any water soluble or heat disappearing pen. At this
F2 Light Blue #00128 stage your embroidery will look like IMG1.
F3 Teal #00187 2. Once the image was transferred onto the fabric, proceed to make the
F4 Blue #00147 balloon outlines using a black Perle single strand thread. At this stage your
F5 Peach #00010 embroidery will look like IMG2.
F6 Hot Pink #00054 Also started embroidering the balloons, which will take the longest to em-
F7 Lavender #00109 broider. But the resulting texture is worth all the hard work! I suggest mak-
F8 Light Pink #00025 ing an outline of the balloon using French knots and filling the space inside
F9 Yellow #00298 with more French knots later. Once you are done with this your embroidery
F10 Pale Green #00260 will resemble IMG3.
F11 Light Lavender #00108 3. Now you’re ready for the fun part! Filling in the colours! Take the help
of the yarn key and the guide explaining the stitches used to slowly cre-
STITCHES USED ate your embroidery – you can use the exact shades recommended if you
Please refer to the sketch to reference the stitches used in each of the hot wish to recreate the embroidery shown here. All the embroideries to fill
air balloons. Unless specified otherwise all embroidery is done using full the balloons are done with full skeins of Anchor Stranded cotton floss or 2
skein of stranded cotton or 2 strands of Pearl cotton. strands or Anchor Pearl Cotton. However, the beauty of this pattern is you
can experiment with your choice of colours and stitches and you’ll still end
1. Top Left Balloon up with something unique and beautiful. Your finished embroidery will look
a. Balloon stripes in Satin Stitch in P5. like IMG4.
b. Balloon stripes in Back Stitch in F10.
c. Balloon basket in Satin Stitch in F9, French knots in P8. WASHING INSTRUCTIONS
All our threads are produced in accordance with Oeko-tex standards. PH
2. Top Right Balloon values are tested and all our colors dye lots adhere to Global fastness stand-
a. Balloon background in P9 with backstitch. ards. However, it is important to follow our thread washing instructions. Par-
b. Balloon design in satin stitch in F2, F3 and F4. ticularly with dark colors, excess dye can remain on the thread. To minimize
c. Balloon basket in back stitch in P10 and P6. any potential bleeding of excess dyestuff it is important to wash the products
in THE HOTTEST TEMPERATURE possible, in accordance with the specifica-
3. Centre Balloon tions of the fabrics, and use a large amount of water. Please make sure that
a. Balloon background in P6 with satin stitch. you also follow the fabric washing instructions. As a precaution, you can also
b. Balloon stripes design in random order in a combination of F5, F6, F7 use decolorating sheets that you can find in any supermarket.
and F8 with satin stitch.

Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website
Stranded © Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2018.

Cotton MEZ GmbH · Hauptstraße 78 · D-79336 Herbolzheim, Germany · 2/3

ANC0003-08-Hot Air Balloon


Please review our full terms of use of this pattern on our website
Stranded © Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2018.

Cotton MEZ GmbH · Hauptstraße 78 · D-79336 Herbolzheim, Germany · 3/3

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