Anastasios of Sinai, Questions and Answers. CCSG 59, CCiT 7 (2011) PDF
Anastasios of Sinai, Questions and Answers. CCSG 59, CCiT 7 (2011) PDF
Anastasios of Sinai, Questions and Answers. CCSG 59, CCiT 7 (2011) PDF
Series Graeca
Academic Overview
ISBN 978-2-503-53512-8
Life IO
Original Erotapokriseis II
QQ 7- I4 Problems of Salvation 6o
Qu. 7 For non-Christians 6o
Qu. 8 For all races 6I
Qu. 9 Unbaptized children 62
Qu. IO One good work enough? 62
Qu. II Loss of good works? 73
Qu. I2 Minimum age for sin 74
Qu. I3 Blasphemy versus sexual sin 74
Qu. I4 No rebaptism for heretics 75
QQ I5-27 Universal Questions 77
Qu. I5 Night before day? 77
Qu. I6 A fixed day of death? 78
Qu. I7 Why not known? 87
Qu. I8 Depression? 87
QQ I9-2I Nature of the soul? 89
Qu. 20 Place after death? 93
Qu. 2I Recognition? 95
Qu. 22 Resurrection of the body? 98
Qu. 23 Paradise: in this world or elsewhere? I03
Qu. 24 Can one pray without ceasing? I05
Qu. 25 Why .do sexual improprieties occur? Io6
Qu. 26 Why is sickness so common among Christians? ro6
Qu. 27 Causes of character differences? ro8
QQ 28-30 Questions Connected With Death III
Qu. 28 Death and providence? III
Qu. 29-30 Violent deaths 128
QQ 3I-36 Moral and pastoral questions I33
Qu. 3I Nature of arrogance I33
Qu. 32 Pardon without confession I33
Qu. 33 Repeated sins and death I35
Qu. 34 Role of devil I36
Qu. 35 Frequency factor I37
Qu. 36 True repentance I38
QQ 37-39 Questions Relating to Sexual Morality I4I
Qu. 37 Polygamy? I4I
Qu. 38 Marital sex and communion I42
Qu. 39 'Wet dreams' and communion I45
Around the year 700, near the tip of the Sinai peninsula,
the Monastery now known as St Catherine's was home to a
monk-priest, Anastasios, who clearly loved to write. A consid-
erable number of his works have survived (c£ Bibliography),
all marked by the same fluency and characteristic idiosyncrasy.
Thanks to them, it is possible to form some picture of this
polemical yet kindly figure, quick to take up arms in defence
of what he considered orthodox teaching against the power-
ful and authoritative bishops who had gained control of the
independent monophysite church in Alexandria - as can be
seen especially in his Hodegos. Yet he was also ready to travel
to Palestine to preach, 1 while taking note with typical curiosity
of the stories, the Narrationes, concerning the doings of monks
and the relations between Christians and the incoming Arab
invaders. It is to this "Hagios" or '~bbas" Anastasios that the
Questions and Answers (known in Greek as erotapokriseis) are
attributed. 2
Several of these sermons have been edited by Karl-Heinz Uthemann in
the CCSG.
Incidentally the title "abbas" simply means "Father", and not "abbot".
Different "titles" were added to the work by successive scribes.
Original Erotapokriseis
The tenth-century (?) Synaxarion of Constantii1ople records in its entry
on "our saintly father" Anastasios of Sinai (April 21, §1) that he died a very old
man (col. 6q, lines 26 and following) and this seems very likely.
For the disciple, cf. Narrationes, Binggeli II 5, ro.
See p. 186 note a to the translation.
The most complete survey was published in Greek: S. N. Sakkos, llryi
Jlvarrnxrr!UJv LtvctirCJv, Thessaloniki, 1964.
The CPG §§7745-7758 (1979, with Supplement 1998) gives the present
status quaestionis. The Hexaemeron should perhaps also be attributed to Anasta-
sios; see C. Kuehn and]. Baggarly, S.J., Anastasios of Sinai: Hexaemeron (OCA
278), Rome, 2007, pp. XIII-XXIII.
Sancti Anastasii Sinaitae, Patriarchae Antiocheni Quaestiones et Responsio-
nes de variis argumentis CLIV Nunc primum graece et latine cum insigni auctario
publicatae. Cura jacobi Gretseri Societatis Iesu theology ... Ingolstadii ... [1617].
"Les veritables 'Questions et Reponses' d'Anastase le Sina"ite" (see Bibli-
The answer points out that the vast majority of the saints
of the Old Testament were in that situation (with polygamy
thrown in as a bonus) and were loved by God as his friends. But
another question adds a more poignant note:
If somebody has built up a habit of carnal sin and has grown old
in it, and he realizes in himself that he is now incapable of fasting,
or of undertaking penance or sleeping on the floor, or of giving
up everything and entering a monastery, how can such a person
reach salvation when he is now old, and how can he win forgive-
ness for his sins?
Narrationes II 8, 13-17, and pp. 456-457.
of keeping the law of the Lord. And indeed He did not stipulate
virginity for us, nor withdrawal from all the things of the world, and
not even abstinence from meat and wine, but to love God, to love
one's neighbour, not to be spiteful, not to judge others, to be humble
and as compassionate as possible, to pray within our hearts, to sup-
port misfortunes, to be mild and peace-loving. Now all these are
things that a sickly man and an old man, somebody confined to his
bed or married to a wife in the world is able to do. If he does these
things, he will certainly be saved, no matter if he has committed all
the sins of that famous Manasses, the king. (Qu. 4 7)
foods of sin has ceased, and especially that she now hates above
all else the sweetness of pleasure - for the sweetness of honey has
turned hateful to every pregnant women. (Qu. 2, §r)
"We wouldn't deny that Anastasios of Sinai was a saint, but would
never call him a theologian ... ", he remarks; cf. J.A. Munitiz, "In the steps of
Anastasios ... ", p. 453·
In Qu. 28, §12, there seems to be a reference to Clement of Rome, but see
p. n8 note a there.
Thus in Qu. 16 (see p. 78 note a) he may be indebted to Leontios of Con-
stantinople, who was writing in the previous century.
In his CCSG volumes Karl-Heinz Uthemann lists numerous parallels with
Maximos, but the name is not mentioned by Anastasios.
Qu. 22, p. 100 note a.
Qu. 99, §I.
Qu. 21, §8.
Table I
C£ Qu. 53, with Comment (I).
Quite soon after the initial diffusion of the Questions and Answers,
attempts were made to reformulate and perhaps to complement
the original text. The reasons are not hard to find: Anastasios has
strong personal views, and although claiming to follow traditional
views, rarely provides corroborative quotations. The first revised
version may have been intended to shorten the work, to eliminate
the personal asides, and to add support texts, but above all it was
to give it a new "slant". This and the "collections" that followed it,
were to have a great popularity; they appear in literally hundreds
authentic, but as they had not been published previously they were
included in the CCSG edition as appendices and all have been
incorporated, where it seemed appropriate, in this translation.
6. Finally, another sample of such collections was discovered
by Richard, Collection d, probably from the same period as the
two previous collections. Like Collection a it combines the Col-
lection of88 QQ with questions from the Original Collection. It
is the least useful from an editor's point of view as the compiler
tended to rewrite or paraphrase the texts he selected, and the
manuscript evidence is poor. 32
7. In the edition of the Greek text, samples of there-workings,
taken mainly from Collection b (§5 above), were published as a
series of Appendices. However, for the translation it seems best to
incorporate these in the Comments on each question. In this way
one can follow how a particular subject is treated in the different
collections. The full list is added to this volume showing where
each of the Appendices can be found in the translation.
Problems of borrowings
Richard, Marcel, "Les veri tables 'Questions et Reponses"', pp. 53-54.
For a discussion of the date of the QQ ad Antiochum, cf. Hans George
Thi.immel (Bibliography).
34 See Qu. 8o with Comment (2). None of the QQ mentioned above as
referring to the Arabs has a correspondence in the QQ ad Antiochum.
Timothy of Alexandria
Equally problematic are the relations between the Anastasian
Collection and the Responsiones Canonicae (CPG 2520) attrib-
uted to the fourth-century Timothy of Alexandria, as can be
seen in Qu. 12, 35 and in QQ 40 and 46. In all three cases, the
correct attribution is doubtful, and the questions may have
originated with Anastasios. On the other hand in Collection b
three genuine erotapokriseis taken from Timothy are included;
they have been added as a Comment to Qu. 38 because they
show how the two authors deal with the same problem in simi-
lar but slightly different ways.
Table 2
With Comment (2).
All these titles were added to the work some time after its composition.
The works of Bardy and of Heinrich Dorrie and Hermann Dorries, for
His first attempt to tackle the problems of the Anastasian collection is
to be found in his important contribution to the Dictionnaire de Spiritualiti
published in 1962, where there is no indication of the real contents of the col-
lections included in Migne. It was only some years later (1967) that he found
the key to understanding which were les veritables 'Questions et Riponses' of
Good examples can be found in the article by John Haldan, and in the
Proceedings of the Utrecht Colloquium, 2003 edited by Annelie Volvers and
Claudio Zamagni.
Problems of salvation
Qu. 8 Then how is it said, From all races, anyone fearing God
and acting justly is acceptable to Him (Acts 10: 35)?
Qu. 9 In the case of children, <who die> without sin at the age
of five or four, but are the offspring of Jews or unbaptized, where
do we want to say that they go, to condemnation or to Paradise?
Qu. 10 Is it possible to gain the remission of sins through
one good work? [+ Appendices 17, 18]
Qu. n And if someone has performed some sinful deed, and
then does some worthy acts in order to have this forgiven him,
then once again sins after these worthy deeds, does such a per-
son then wipe out the worthy deeds performed? [+ Appendix 5]
Qu. 12 From what age are a person's sins judged by God?
Qu. 13 Why is it that, although the blasphemy of the heretics
has a greater condemnation than a sexual sin, when a sinner of
each sort converts to repentance, the Church immediately ac-
cepts the heretic to communion [Kotvwvfa], but bars from com-
munion for a period the one who has committed sexual sins?
Qu. 14 Why is it that we do not rebaptize heretics when
they convert and enter the catholic Church?
Universal questions
Qu. r8 How many sorts [TponoL] of desolation [syxaTaAEnyl~
lit. "abandonment"] are there? <Is it> as a trial, or as weakness,
or for sins? [+Appendix 8]
Qu. 30 Is it the case that all those who fall off cliffs, or are
drowned or overwhelmed, suffer in this way because of a divine
will and ordinance, or is it also because of the activity [EvEpyact]
of the Hater of the good?
Qu. 37 As those under the Law often had two wives at the
same time and were not condemned for it, is the same also pos-
sible for Christians?
Qu. 38 Is it a good thing for somebody who has been in
bed with his own wife or who has had a nocturnal emission
of seed, to wash himself with water and then go straight to
church? [+ Appendices u, 12, 13]
Qu. 42 Some people raise doubts saying, "The dead are not
. helped at all by the liturgies celebrated on their behalf."
Qu. 43 If somebody has killed two or even more men, and is
then arrested and dies, is such a person forgiven or not?
Moral problems
Devotional practices
Other faiths
Varied problems
temptation), but you (i.e. the wicked one) will observe the heel of
that person (Gen 3: 15) (meaning, in my opinion, the final mo-
ments of that person's life), how does Satan know what are the
final moments of somebody? For we have seen many persons
who passed almost the whole of their lives in a befitting way,
but who fell away at the very end of their lives, one of whom
was indeed that famous Julian, the wretched apostate.
Qu. 8o Some people want to say that Satan fell away because
of his not paying homage to Adam.
Qu. 8r You said in previous <answers>, in your physiologi-
cal explanation of the elements, that frequently it is because of
some physical interconnection and due to the humours of the
body that some women come to be childless, others are fertile
with many children and yet others with few, but you did not
specify the manner of this causality.
Qu. 82 What is the talent which the Lord says He will
take from the wicked servant at the final day [Ev T~ o-vvTEl\ELt;t]
and give to him who had worked well with the five (cf. Mt
25: 14-30) talents?
Qu. 83 What is the mammon of iniquity (Lk r6: 9) about
which the Lord speaks? [+Appendix 15]
Qu. 84 Which are the sins committed consciously [EV yvwo-EL],
and which are those committed unconsciously [Ev ayvott;t],
and which, when one commits them, are the more grievous?
[ + Appendices 19, 25]
Qu. 85 What is "chance", and should a Christian talk about
Qu. 86 As God says in Scripture, Rescue them who are led to
death (Prov 24: n), what then? Is it good to save even thieves
and murderers?
Qu. 87 If I am subjected to slavery or prison, and I am not
able, as and when I would wish, to take time in church or to
fast and practise night-vigils, how can I be saved and gain the
remission of sins?
Qu. 88 Suppose there is someone in a position of authority,
who has many blessings from God and is engaged in business
affairs [np&.yp,a.m], someone who is unable to retire from life,
Qu. 98 What sort of thing was the object called in the Law
the ephoud?
Qu. 99 Some people, turning away from God and the holy
Church along with this race <of the Arabs>, affirm, "Whom
God wishes to save, he is saved, and whom God destroys, is
destroyed," and they quote to support them the saying of the
apostle Paul, I will have mercy on whomever I have mercy, and I
will have compassion on whomever I have compassion (Rom 9: 15),
and He has mercy on whom He wishes, and he hardens the heart
of whom He wishes (Rom 9: r8), and Those whom he foreknew
he also predestined (Rom 8: 29), and Some vessels were made by
God for an honourable purpose, and some others to be dishonoured
(Rom 9: 21), by "vessels" meaning "human beings".
Qu. roo Very many people, not only among non-believers
but even among believers, because of their leaning towards the
polygamy <permitted> in the Law, quote at us the saying of
the Lord which states, I have not come to abolish the Law, but
to fulfil it (Mt 5: 17). What reply ought we to make about this?
Qu. ror Is it true of all the evil things done by the Arabs
against the lands and nations of the Christians, that they have
done them against us completely at God's command and with
his approval? [+Appendix 21]
Qu. 102 If somebody is living in the desert or in captivity
and, because of the hardship and hunger, tastes the meat of
camel, or wild ass, or something of that sort, is it to be counted
as a fault on that person's part or not?
Qu. 103 If somebody imposes on oneself the performance
of something judged to be good, e.g. to abstain from wine or
meat, or from his own wife for some time, or something else
of that sort, and then does not have the strength to fulfil this
self-imposed obligation but falls short of it, what should that
person do? [+Appendices 3, 24]
Biblical Books
HALDON, ]., "The Works of Anastasios of Sinai: a Key Source for the His-
tory of East Mediterranean Society and Belief", eds A. Cameron and
L. Conrad, The Early Medieval East: Problems in the Literary Source
Materials [Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam r], Princeton,
1992, PP· I07-I47·
BALKIN, FR, Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca [SH 8a], Brussels, 1957.
- , Novum Auctarium BHG [SH 65], Brussels, 1984.
Horologion (cf. ODB p. 947), Dpol6yLOv To Mtya, Athens, 19776 •
]oANNOV, P.-P., c£ Canons.
LAcKNER, W, Nikephoros Blemmydes gegen die Vorherbestimmung der
Todesstunde [Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi 2], Leiden, 1985.
LAMPE, G. W H., A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford, 196r.
LEONTIOS OF CoNSTANTINOPLE, Homilia X In Mesopentecosten [CPG
7888], 343-370 eds C. Datema and P. Allen [CCSG 17], 1987.
LEQUEUX, X., "Glanures hagiographiques dans les Narrationes d'Anastase
le Sina"ite", Anal. Boll., 126, 2008, pp. 334-336.
MARTINI, E., Catalogo di manoscritti greci esister~:ti nelle biblioteche ital-
iane, t. II, Milan, 1902.
MATTHEW OF CRETE, BI~AO~ ~ xa'Aov~ivr; 'Oor;ro~ TOV &v arlot~ 7r:rt7po~ ~~CJv
J1vacrra(T/ov rov Ltvahov xa[ &7r:trnc67r:ov 8&ov7r:6Auu~ J1vTto;rda~ 7r:po~ ra~
&7r:EVEI(Sd(Trt~ avrc;) Epwr1(Tct~ 7r:rtpa T!V(J)V 7r:cpl Ota¢6pwv K&¢a'Aalwv, Ta~
Av(TEt~ xai J17r:oxp/(Tct~ &x rwv Sdwv Fpa¢wv 7r:otr;(Ta~&vo~, Venice, I777·
RHALLES, G. A. and PoTLES, M., eds, :Luvrayp.a Twv 8Elwv Ked iEpwv
Kctvovwv, vols r-6, Athens, 1852-1859·
a For Comments on the two titles, see Introduction. The headings to the
various QQ have been added by the translator. Marginal numbers indicate the
page numbers in the CCSG edition.
Question I
as: "a true house of Christ, made of reason, constructed out of good works
and holy beliefs" (ttAY]8lll0~ oiKo~ XptOTOU loynco~ ot' §pywv ayrx8wv KIXl OO)'[lCtTWV
evcn;~wv 01!VLOTCt[lEVO~), Viae Dux II, 6, 20-2! (CCSG 8, P· 6o).
Question 2
" The Greek preposition can mean 'inside' (the sense implied here), or
'among' (the sense usually accepted).
b Cf. Jn ro: I.
Question 3
QuESTION Is it possible to explain, What rye has not seen nor
ear heard, and what has not entered the human heart (r Cor 2: 9)?
ANSWER I. Not only is it possible to explain, but some per-
sons have been worthy to enter into possession of these things,
those about whom Christ said, We shall come, I and my Father,
and we shall make our dwelling in them (Jn 14: 23). Wherever
God dwells and walks about, there all knowledge is at home.
8 2. One should note that the remark, what eye has not seen, re-
fers to those of former times, i.e. to the Just Ones before Christ;
Scripture does not say, "Nor shall they see". In the same way the
Lord also says, Many prophets and just persons desired to see what
you saw, and hear what you hear, and they did not hear (Mt 13:
17), and again he said, No one has seen God (Jn r: r8); he did not
say, "Neither will anyone have sight", for Blessed, he said, are the
p14re ofheart, for they will see God (Mt 5: 8).
3. Therefore pay careful attention, if you will, and you will see
that those, who are like Paul, saw and are now seeing what the
eye ofthose under the law has not seen, nor ear heard, and what had
not entered the human heart (r Cor 2: 9) of those of the Old Tes-
tament, what God has prepared for those who love him. And Paul
added at once the phrase, But to me God has revealed these things
through the spirit; for the spirit searches even the depths of God (r
Cor 2: ro); thus those things are known to those who are worthy,
which the eye of the sinner has not seen.
4· However they are unspeakable and inexplicable because
some are not capable of them. So in the same discourse Paul
adds the remark: Someone who is <only> psychida does not accept
what is of the spirit (r Cor 2: 14); it is folly for such a person.
9 For things ofthe spirit are learned and revealed in a spiritual way
a The word 1Jruxnc6~ is translated in the RSV as "unspiritual" [with the note
"or natural"]; Paul is contrasting the natural "psyche" with the God-given
Question 4
r Cf Mt 26: 7; Mk 14: 3; Lk 7: 3·
shake (Mt 24: 29) for fear and terror of him, but as for the j~st,
he who made them will cause them to lie down at table, and
approaching them he will serve them (Lk 12: 37).•
4· These and similar things are what are presented to us by
Christ as gifts, which the angels long to gaze upon (1 Pet 1: 12),
that is, to enter.
(r) This Qu. is found in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 77), and in Coli. d
(Qu. 4).
(2) Qu. 8o below returns to this theme, and in the first of
the Narrationes about Sinai there is a reference to the proskynesis
offered by the angels to human nature, not vice versa (a1rro't T~'V
~[l&T~pa'V cpvow npo01CV'VOVOW E'V ovpa'Vo't~, ovx ~[-tEl~ T~'V llVTW'V). b
(3) In another set of Narrationes, the 'fuxwcpEAEt~ ("helpful to
the soul"), Anastasios points out that angels lack the power given
to priests to forgive sins.c
(4) An important testimony to the later tradition of the
Anastasian QQ occurs in the LltonTpa of Philip Monotropos (=the
Solitary, late-nth cent.), where this Qu. and the following (Qu. 5)
are quoted. d
Question 5
foreordained from before the ages (r Cor 2: 7), viz. the sojourn
among humans and his kindness.
3· Thus God is devoted to what is human rather than to
any other created thing in two ways: in the first place, as to
something both formed by his own hands and a blue-print
[npoTU7rW[lfX] of his plan of salvation [oLKOVO[lLfX] ,a a living be-
ing that is both invisible and visible, mortal and immortal, as
is also Christ; secondly, as he is of the same race as we are, and
of the same substance, and of the same stock, and of the same
form, having become man.
4· Thus Christ also is devoted to us for a physical reason
and in a physical way, because every nature and every race has
a natural inclination and affection for what is of similar stock
and of the same race and of the same substance to itself
(1) This Qu. is also found in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 78), in Coli. d
(Qu. 5) and is mentioned by Philip Monotropos, as noted in the
comments on the previous Qu.
Question 6
d Cf. Ps 34: 9·
e Cf. I Cor 2: IJ; I Pet 2: 5·
Question 7
Question 8
(1) Included in Coil. a (Qu. ed. 8o), Coil. b (Qu. 2), and
Coil. d (Qu. 8); it was added (in part) to Qu. 7 in the QQ ad
Antiochum (see Comment 2 on Qu. 7).
a Cf Jon 3= IO.
Question 9
Question 10
a Cf. Ex 20: 5·
b Cf. Deut 24: r6; Ezek r8: 20 (and 4).
c Cf. Josh 2 and 6: 25.
Anastasian Homilia de sacra synaxi; G. Mercati ("Un preteso scritto di san Pietro
vescovo d'Alexandria") has argued that it was probably added there ("e un' aggiunta
posteriore alla redazione prima dell' omilia", p. 441) and his article will be found
mentioned again in connection with the Philo referred to in the isolated question
given below in connection with Qu. 84, Comment (4), p. 210 note a.
b Theognostos, Thesaurus, XVII, C §§1-4 (CCSG 5, pp. r8o-r82).
c Details available in the CCSG edition of the Anastasian QQ, p. 196.
other place by His own hands, <l swear> that I did not present
the holy offering, nor did I distribute communion to the people
ever since I abandoned God and became a sorcerer. Instead an
angel of the Lord would come and tie me to a pillar of the priestly
area [the sanctuary], and then offer and distribute to the people;
and when he said, "Let us go in the peace of Christ", then he
would untie me and I would go out. However none of the people
saw this secret [TO [lVOT~pto11], except for me alone, and the people
thought that I was the one making the offering and distributing
communion to them.
6. No less worthy of being written downa for future memory 15
is something that the blessed Isidore, the lawyer [lit. scholastikos],
who died three years ago, recounted to me. He said that he had a
certain brother-in-law, while he was still a layman in Alexandria,
who had on his forehead a tumour that had formed there, the size
of a large apple. He said that this man had the custom, each time
that he received the holy mysteries in communion, to anoint the
hard swelling of the tumour with the holy blood. b
7· Now one day he came for his daily midday communion to
the church of the holy Mother of God, the church in the Theo-
nasc district, and moved by some diabolical impulse he peeped
through the keyhole of the door and saw the chaplain inside in
the sacristy copulating with a woman. Drawing back a short way
away, when he saw that the woman had left he did not become
critical or shocked but thought to himself, "If the clergyman has
just sinned, still tomorrow he can make his repentance and be
saved, and it is not my business to judge him until Christ judges
him. In any case, my belief is this, that the holy mysteries are
given to us not from the hands of human beings but from the
hands of holy angels." And so approaching for the communion,
no sooner had he opened his mouth and said the ''Amen", at once
the tumour on his forehead was cured and became invisible.
8. However if those who are really super-critical say that these
are mythical tales, let them be put to shame before the holy and
ecumenical synod of the three hundred and eighteen holy Fathers
a The story de fide sincera, seu de sanatione tuberis (BHG 1444y) is found in
Nau LVI ( Oriens Christianus 3, 1903, pp. 83-84) and in Binggeli (Appendix 3,
p. 277).
b Cf Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus, Catech. Myst. V, 22 (PG 33, II25 Br-9),
from which it is clear that the custom of anointing eyes and forehead with the
remnants of consecrated wine on the lips was not uncommon.
c Unfortunately not identified so far.
several sources, but this version seems to go back to Theodoret ofCyrrhus (5th c.),
c£ F. Halkin, "Constantin se voilant la face?", Anal. Boll, 85, 1967, pp. 440.
b The expression "the enemies of the cross" is also found in the Narrationes
(Nau XLVIII, Binggeli II, 14line 21).
cOne of the manuscripts of Coil. h (Athas, Philotheou 52), which has added
other texts (notably Appendices 20, 21, 22, 23a) here gives the following addition:
Let that person be to you like a gentile; there are some people who are very
careless and who criticise in a pharisaic way not only priests but also those who
have opted for the monastic life; and when they spot some member of a monas-
tery who has an extra himation [garment], they fling out the Lord's command,
"Do not own two chitonas [tunics]" (c£ Mt 10: 10; Mk 6: 9; Lk 9: 3), while they
themselves are grasping at everything and enriching themselves every day. Again,
if they observe some religious person eating too much, they become harsh crit-
ics though they themselves are getting drunk every day and stuffing themselves
and banqueting: if you have presented the monk with what he has, why do you
mock him in witless fashion; and if another person has provided the monk with
what he has acquired and you then mock him, you will receive a more severe
condemnation from the Lord for your envy and meddling. There is no objection
to a straight-forward criticism, but the Lord commands, First take the log out of
your own eye, and then draw the speck from your neighbour's eye (Mt 7= 5; Lk 6: 42).
This text is found largely in a homily of John Chrysostom, Hom. in Matt.
23, 2 (PG 57, 309 [36-48]); the same text is included in Coil. 88 as an addition
to the series of Gospel texts that make up Qu. 8o (found as Qu. ed. 70, PG 89,
has passed judgement on that person. For the father has given all
judgement to Christ (]n 5: 22), so that someone who judges his
neighbour has snatched away Christ's dignity as a judge, and such
a person is an Anti-Christ.
4· On other occasions there are many who receive pardon for
their sins through varied trials, in a way that we do not know.
Again others are purified through physical illness and chronic
sickness: for the Lord has chastised me with his chastisement, but
He has not handed me over to death (Ps 117: 18). Some of us being
judged by the Lord are chastised in this life, so that we may not be
condemned with the world in the next. This is what Paul turned
upon the incestuous fornicator in Corinth when he said, "Let such
a one be handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that
the spirit may be saved in the day ofjudgemeni' (I Cor 5: 5). Thus
even <for> those possessed by demons/ if they bear it with grati-
tude, this chastisement becomes for their good.
5· Again there are some who through others - either some
saintly persons or their own parents - gain the forgiveness of their
sins: the Lord carries out the wishes ofthose who fear him (Ps 144: 19).
Also some people find mercy even while in the midst of some
mortal illness, as did Hezekiah who pleaded tearfully with God
(4 Kings 20: 5). While others, having made some secret pact and
understanding between themselves and God, departed this life a
few days later and were saved. Wherever one has reached, whether
a good state or an evil one, from there that person departs. That
is why God said through Ezekiel the prophet: ''Although someone
has committed all sorts of injustice, if such a one then converts
and does what is just, there will be no memory of his crimes; for
where I find someone, there will I judge that person". b But divine
Scripture bears witness th;~t in many cases some receive pardon
for their sins through the prayers of holy men: for even Aaron,
after making the calf for Israel at Horeb, was forgiven through the
prayers of Moses, c and similarly the sister of Moses, Miriam, was
purified of her leprosy because of the prayers of Moses;d and simi-
larly Nabouchodonosor [= Nebuchadnezzar] was judged worthy
of God's kindness because of the prayers of the prophet DanieLe
a Grammatically, the nominative is left hanging here in the Greek, but the
sense is dear.
b Cf. Ezek 3: 19-20; 18: 27-30; 24: 14; 33: 16-20.
c Cf. Ex 32-34.
Question II
a Found in the later tradition: cf. Theognostos, Thesaurus, II, 43 (ed. Mu-
of oneself but rather stand up once more and make a stand against
the enemy with good works and repentance.
2. For just as in the imperial army, the emperor welcomes the
soldier who stands and fights against the enemy, at one moment
giving a blow, at another receiving one, rather than the one who
flees and throws away his arms, even so God has more affection for
the soul that stands and does not give in, but fights against the de-
mons, rather than for the one who puts up no fight, but instead falls
into despair for hersel£ and consequently commits sins recklessly.
3· Someone who sins daily has a different condemnation from
the one who sins from time to time, just as someone who gives
alms every day has a different reward from someone who does so
once a year. Therefore, though you have sinned a thousand times,
repent a thousand times, so that when death comes it may find
you engaged in repentance.a
(3) The problem recurs in two of the QQ ad Antiochum, 84
(PG 28, 649A-B) and 133 (PG 28, 68rA-B), but here the replies are
more developed and the wording unrelated.
Question 12
Question 13
(r) Included in Coli. a,(Qu. ed. 85), and in Coli. d (Qu. 12),
but not in Coli. b.
(2) There may be an echo in the Qu. of a passage in John
''A certain learned man put a serious question to me, saying:
'what is the gravest sin, apart from murder and denial of God?'
And when I said: 'To fall into heresy,' he asked: 'Then why does
the catholic Church receive heretics who have sincerely anathe-
matized their heresy, and consider them worthy to partake in the
mysteries; while on the other hand when a man who has commit-
ted fornication is received, even though he confess and forsakes
his sin, the Apostolic Constitutions order him to be excluded from
the immaculate mysteries for a number of years?' I was struck
with bewilderment, and what perplexed me then has remained
unresolved." Scala Paradisi, gr. 15 (PG 88, 889B1-13; English trans-
lation, §48, pp. 152-153).
This would provide a rare link between Anastasios and some-
one thought to have been a contemporary or predecessor in the
Monastery of Sinai. In a Scholion to this passage (Scholion 26,
PG 88, 912) a different "answer" is given: heresy is a deviation of
the mind and a sin of the mouth, whereas fornication is a sin of
the whole body.
(3) Canonical regulations varied in the number of years of Eu-
charistic abstinence imposed on fornicators: cf Nomocanon, tit.
13, ch. 5 (RP 1, 301-2); for the proper pastoral attitude towards
heretics, cf Qu. 14.
Question 14
Question 15
Question r6
a For the first part of his answer Anastasios may have been drawing on the
6th century homilist, Leontios of Constantinople, Homilia X In Mesopente-
costen (CPG 7888), 343-370 ed. Datema-Allen, CCSG 17, pp. 329-331, and cf
p. 306; PG 86(2), 1988B-D) (who may be a different person from the theolo-
gian, known as Leontios ofByzantium, included in the ODB, p. 1213); see the
text given in Comment (4) §7.
b See the previous note.
e Cf Sirach 3: 9·
you may not die in a time that is not yours (Eccl 7= q)? Therefore if
it is possible to die in a time that is not yours, why did some people 214
think they could teach that, "Deaths are brought on when the
limits of life have been fulfilled?"a And why, when Hezekiahb and
the Ninevites" asked for more life, did God add it for them?
ANswER r. The fount of wisdom, the great receptacle of knowl-
edge, Paul the Apostle, writing to the Corinthians says: For any one
who eats and drinks (the body and the blood of the Lord) unwor-
thily, eats and drinks judgement upon himse/:f that is why many of
you are weak and ill, and quite a number are dead (1 Corn: 27-30).d
Pay attention, with great care: because you partake of the sacred
mysteries unworthily, many of you are dead, so that had they par-
taken worthily, they would not have died then, and consequently
how can we require a fixed term of life as proposed to us by many?
Again, God said to Eliphaz the Themanite, "You have sinned, you
and your two .friends (Job 42: 7-8), and if it were not for my servant
Job, I would have destroyed you".e And the Psalmist says about the
Israelites: God said he would have destroyed them, except for Moses,
his chosen one (Ps 105: 23). Thus it was because of the virtue, in
relation to God, of Job and Moses that these did not die, and not
because the fixed term of their lives had <not>f been completed.
2. But if, as some people think, the days of one's life were fixed
and defined,g then nobody, when about to die in misdeeds would
rush to saintly men so that they implore God for further life and
a conversion for oneself; nobody would request from God for the
lives of their children. The term (opo~) has been set and accord-
ing to them it is impossible for any addition to be made. Again, 215
divine Scripture says: Honour your fother and your mother so that it
may go well with you and you may be long-lived upon the earth (Ex
20: 12). To my mind this is also what St Basil was thinking when
he uttered his remark, "Deaths are put in place when the terms of
lives are completed" .h
a The author of this Qu. is referring here to Basil of Caesarea (who is named
later) in his treatise, Quod Deus non est auctor malorum (CPG 2853), 3 (PG 31,
333B5-9). Note thatAnastasios names Basil at the end ofQu. r6.
b Cf. 4 Kings 20: 6.
c Cf. Jon 3: 9·
d Mentioned in Qu. r6, §4.
230 8. I know of three sorts of death:a the first is that brought about
individually in the way common to most persons. The second is
that sent following a threat by God, and not as the result of some "
physical order and process but because of God's anger and divine
wrath. Such were <the deaths caused by> the Flood, b and those
of the people of Sodom, c and those of the first-born in Egypt, d
and of the Israelites in the desert/ and the extermination of the
Canaanitesf and of the one hundred and eighty five thousand fu-
syriansg in one night, and of many other peoples; similarly the
capture and slaughter and burning of Jerusalem, which happened
later under the Romans because of the killing of Christ, but also
the frequent divine wrath entailing death in many places. The
third sort is that of those who in accordance with some unimagi-
nable judgement of God meet death by falling or being swallowed
up, both just and unjust, as in the case of the sons of Job,h and
when earthquakes strike cities.
9· Similarly there are two sorts of <extensions of > life:i the
first is that granted by God, as in the case of the fifteen years of
Hezekiah,i and that of Lazarusk and other similar cases; so also the
divine kindness shown to the Ninevites1 because of their repen-
tance. The second sort is that which with God's foreknowledge
comes about in a common fashion for natural reasons through
the orderly organization of the elements and the harmony of the
climate. St Paul the Apostle also writes to the Corinthians that
because some people ·partake unworthily of the mysteries, That is
why many ofyou are weak and ill, and quite a number have died (1
Cor n: 27-30). It is obvious that it was because of this that they
died before the time, because they communicated unworthily,
something that happens to many nowadays: as is said, Anyone who
eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgement to oneself, not discerning
the body of the Lord (ditto); and if such a person does not take
care and put things right, that person either will fall, with a more
d C£ Ex n: 29.
e C£ Ex 32: 28; Num 21: 6.
f C£ Num 21: 3·
g C£ 4 Kings 19: 35·
h Job r: r8-r9.
i C£ 4 Kings 20: 6.
k C£ Jn n: 43-44·
Cf. Jon 4: II.
Question 17
Question 18
d Cf Job 40: 8.
e Cf. Jer 44: 16; 45: 6; Dan 6: 14-23-
faults, neither will your heavenly father forgive you your faults (Mt
6: 15; cf. 18: 35).
2. Consider that in the case of the debtor owing a thousand
talents who made supplication, his master remitted the debt;
but on hearing "a thousand talents" you should understand
among them all sorts of sins, and murders, and poisonings, and
licentiousness, and fornication, and all other evil actions. But
when the debtor\ who had gained remission of his debt of a
thousand talents, would not forgive the debt of "fifty pence",
that is to say the minor faults that his neighbour had committed
against him, then the master was angry with him and handed
him over to the punishment, and it was his rancour alone, go-
ing beyond all the other sins of his past life, that prevailed to
destroy him.
Question 19
d Cf. Eusebius of Caesarea, Praep. Evang. III, r6 ( ed. E. des Places [SC 228],
Paris, 1976, pp. 204-206; PG 21, 133); Basil of Caesarea, Hom. in illud, Attende
tibi ipsi (ed. S.Y. Rudberg, §6, Stockholm, 1962, pp. 32-34).
2.They say that the reason why humans are said to be in the
image and likeness (Gen r: 26) of God is that much that exists
essentially [ovo-Lwow~] in the divine nature is dimly brought to '
light, as in an image and sketch, in our souls, not by nature but
by grace [xapL~]. a
3· What I mean is this: we confess and believe that the nature
[cpuo-L~] of God is, by nature [1ca:ra cpum11], incomprehensible, un-
nameable, invisible, immortal, untouchable and imperishable;b
31 thus our soul also, in so far as it is in the image of God, not by
nature but by grace [xaprn], is incomprehensible in its essence
[Ka-r' ovo-Lctll] to us humans, and invisible, inexplicable, untouch-
able, imperishable and immortal; it is even creative, by grace, as
human beings can make and generate other human beings by the
grace of God, create houses, cities, agriculture, crafts, education
and learning, as they exist in the image of God (Gen r: 26). c
4· Thus, just as nobody in this life can say what is the nature
of God, nor what sort of thing He is, so nobody can explain or
conceive what or what sort of thing is the essence/being [ovaia]
of the soul that exists in the image of God. However just as
God shows forth his own powers and activities by means of
the material created things visible to us - I mean by the heav-
ens and stars, the sun and moon, the showers, the earthquakes,
the plants, winds and sea - although He himself is invisible,
so our soul, which is invisible in the image of God, displays
its own activities through the visible body which belongs to
it (as if it was a sort of "cosmos" /universed); the soul has the
mind [11ov~] placed as a commander [~YEfLWII] in the brain above
what is called the ouraniskon [lit. "little heaven" = roof of the
32 mouth], after the pattern of God who is above the heaven, the
mind serving to dispose and control the body as if it were some
earthly cosmos. That is why, should someone be seen to receive
d Similar parallel in the Hodegos, II, 7, 52-53 (l.c., p. 63) and the Sermo I, 2,
55- 6r (l.c., p. r6).
some violent blow on the head, the mind suffers at once and
the person can no longer decide nor remember as before. •
5· On the other hand the reasoning part [To A.oytcrmc6-v]
is activated by the soul through the heart, the concupis-
cent part [To &m9v~Y]TLKO"V] through the liver, the humorous
part [To ~ELOtcWTtK6-v] through the spleen, the breathing [-ro
a:vct7rVEVCITLKO"V] through the lung, the generative [TO y6-vt~O"V]
through the kidneys, the passionate [TO ev~LKO"V] through the
blood, the knowing [To y-vwptcrrtKO"V] through the eyes, the
speaking [To ActAY]TO"V] through the tongue, so that when the lat-
ter is cut out, one can no longer speak.
6. For the same reason when it (I mean the soul) is separated
from the whole body, it can no longer perform the acts it sets in
motion through the limbs of the body- neither speak, nor re-
member, nor decide, nor desire, nor reason, nor feel anger, nor
gaze. Instead the soul exists by itself deathless in a sort of self-
consciousness [01J"V"Votct] until it once more regains its own body,
made imperishable, and can then set in motion in imperishable
fashion the acts in that body.
7· But what has been said by us so far concerns those who 33
die in their sins, whereas those souls that have acquired the Holy
Spirit and have become like a body or organ of the Spirit seem to
me to enjoy bliss even after their death thanks to the illumination
of the Spirit, and they both praise God mentally in word and in-
tercede on behalf of others, as we learn from the Scriptures. b
8. One should realize that all the visions· that take place
in church buildings or at the tombs of the saints are brought
about through the holy angelsc at God's command [&ntTpon~v];
that the saints seen in visions are really angelic powers (ovvli[LEL~ TLVS~ irrr~pxov
ayyD~.tKctl, Ev ax~fLctTL 6¢8EtO"ctl TWV aylwv 7rctTspwv) - also appears: cf. Nau, XLI;
Binggeli, II 8, 83-88; and cf. Eustratius of Constantinople, lac. cit., p. 5 (lines
for before the resurrection of bodies has taken place, and while
the bones and fleshy parts of the saints are scattered, how is it
possible for them to be recognized as fully formed men, often
seen armoured and on horseback? And if you intend to disagree
with me, then you tell me, please, how Paul, or Peter, or any
other Apostle or martyr, each being a single person, came to
be seen at the same moment very often in different places. Not
even an angel can find itself at the same moment in different
places or in different countries; the only one who can do that is
God, the uncircumscribed.
34 9· But to prevent some people thinking that I am concocting
the sort of legends made up by doctors,a pay attention to the
theological teaching of Scriptures concerning souls. To know
that the soul is deprived of the power of reasoning when separat-
ed from the body, listen to what the Psalm says about those who
die:. On that day, it says, all their designs [oLaAO)'LCT[loL, "reason-
ings"] come to an end (Ps 145: 4). And as for their not remember-
ing anyone, it also says: In death there is no one that makes men-
tion ofyou (Ps 6: 6) - God. But it is obvious that if they do not
have memory of God, they do not offer prayers. For it says, The
dead will not praise you, Lord, nor will all those who go down to
Hades (Ps n3: 25). Then concerning the fact that they do not see
this cosmos, listen to the Prophet saying about a human being:
A spirit [7rVEU[lrl, breath] has passed through this person, who will
not exist and will not know any more his or her place (Ps 102: r6).
ro. How indeed can the souls recognize one another in that
other life, when they never saw one another in their naked state
while in this life? Clearly recognition comes through differ-
ence and characteristics that vary, but in that state no soul any
longer possesses a difference of shape or form; there is a com-
plete essential similarity and sameness among them.
rr. However even after the resurrections we shall not recog-
nize each other by a process of physical recognition: for there
35 is not, there cannot be in that situation, any smallness or great-
and elsewhere shows an interest in medical lore, and perhaps was infirmarian.
Question 20
I99I, p. 32.
d Cf. Lk 23: 43·
e Cf. Athanasius, Vita Antonii, §§ 6o, 66, ed. G. J. M. Bartelink (SC 400),
2. Then for the souls of the wicked, all the Old and the New
Testaments bear witness that they are despatched to what is the
prison of Hades, as if in a gaol, as the Lord has also said about
that rich man connected with Lazarus." Similarly David also
said, You will not abandon my soul to Hades (Ps 15: ro) and Lord,
you have fetched my soul out ofHades (Ps 29: 4). On another oc-
casion he said: Let the sinners return to Hades (Ps 9: r8); but to
say 'Let them return' means that their souls are now there, later
they come out and receive their own bodies, and then in this
way the sentence of the judge is passed on them saying, Let the
37 sinners return to Hades. It is quite obvious that if one returns,
he goes back to the place from which he came out; Hades is the
lowest of the low in the places of the underworld, a place that
by nature is painful; this is where Christ descended, by means
of His spotless and God-filled soul, b and visited those who sat in
darkness and the shadow of death (Ps ro6: ro; Lk r: 78-79). [See 0
virtue, and did not reach the perfect measure. This is what is
meant by the saying that "there are many dwellings" for the cho-
sen (cf. Jn I4: 2). To show that the souls of the saints are already
in the heavens, the most divine Paul cries out, We know that ifour
earthly dwelling of this tent is dissolved we have our own residence
.from God, not made by hands, eternal, in the heavens (2 Cor 5: I).
And he also testifies that he has a longing to be dissolved and to be
with Christ (Phil I: 23). Where Christ is, the same blessed one calls
out, raising us up in a certain way by his words from the earth to
the highest citizenship, keep your minds on the higher things, he
says, and not on the things ofthe earth; seek the higher where Christ
is seated at the right hand ofthe Father (Col3: I-2). He is not refer-
ring to a seat in space; the talk is indicative of bodily shapes, but
with the words "right hand" he is making clear the parity in glory.
Now just as we do not doubt that the souls of the saints and
just are in heaven and in Paradise, (so also with regard to the souls
of the sinners).
Text 2 And the souls of the saints and of the just find them-
selves in God's grace and in good spirits and in good hope and
expectation, while the souls of the sinners on the other hand
are in suffering and in the most painful anguish because of the
expected miserable and most appalling judgement.
Question 21
3· In the second place, because those who are sent into Hades
do not see the just as they are snatched up into the clouds and
who are now in the kingdom of God above the heavens; how-
ever [nl~-v], as I said earlier, the full punishment or reward has
not yet come, neither for the sinners nor for the just. What
sort of justice would that be, if the soul were to be punished
39 or crowned without the body, the body and the soul having
sinned or done right together? Listen to Paul teaching you this:
talking of the just he says, Being commended for their faith, they
have not yet borne offthe promised rewards, because God, he says,
has foreseen something better for us, so that apart from us they may
not reach perfection (Heb n: 39-40). And on another occasion
he says, So that each of us may receive recompense for what has
been done through the body, good or bad (2 Cor 5: ro). When he
says "what has been done through the body" he indicates that
at present the soul without the body can do nothing, except
[nl~-v] that the souls of sinners are in a state of partial pain and
woeful expectation, and similarly the souls of the just are also
participating in some sort of joy and happiness.•
4· And so that I may call to mind a vision seen by a holy man
who is still alive, this person recounted the following:b "Once,
when I was earnestly and sedulously imploring God for infor-
mation about the situation and state of the soul when separated
from the body, I saw one night in a vision that I was in a sort of
vineyard, while my body was separated from me and lay dead
at a short distance. I realized that I had been separated from
the body, and I found that my mind and thought (¢ps-va) were
40 perfectly clear. However when I woke up from my dream, I was
incapable of sketching out or imagining what shape or form
I had had outside my body, except for the fact that my soul's
existence was personally mine (E-vvn6<rra-ro~) and not a figment
of the imagination (a¢a-v-rao-ta<rro~)."
5. Let no one then think that the soul after death is dis-
solved and destroyed, as if it were a puff of smoke or a cloud, as
is the case with the soul and breath of irrational beings. Listen
to Christ teaching about the personal nature (To EvvnocrraTov)
and immortality of our souls when he says, Do not ftar those
who kill the body but are incapable of killing the soul (Mt ro:
28). Thus the souls have substance (Evovawt [lEV dow) after the
death of the body, but they certainly do not exist before the
body as in the myths of Origen. a The person that a man sows
in the womb is not something soul-less or half-human; but a
human person with soul sows a perfect person with soul. Nei-
ther does the body exist before the soul, nor the soul before
the body.
6. But if it was the case, as the hereticsh maintain, that man 41
sows a soul-less body and he does not impart the soul, then ir-
rational beings would be found to be worthy of more respect
for they sow and produce complete living beings with souls.
Of course the soul of the irrational animalc is the life-giving
movement in the blood which comes about through the blow-
ing [nvcfi[la] of air; this movement draws its existence from the
elements and it dissolves into them once more when the living
being dies. But the soul of someone human is a substantial be-
ing (ova-[a Evova-w~), gifted with reason, immortal, capable of
thought, which draws its existence not from the elements, but
from God, d an existence such that God alone knows its how
and its wherefrom, and in a way that the One who put the
soul together knows, every soul that is united with a <human>
body is a being that does not exist without beginning but will
continue without end.
" On Origen's theory of the pre-existence of the soul (prior to the body),
cf. the letter attributed to Justinian, Epistula ad synodum de Origene (PG 86/1,
b The main heretic in question is Apollinarius, though others are mentioned
in the "Anastasian", Florilegium adversus monotheletas [cf. CPG 7771] (CCSG 12,
p. 89, 71-76; PG 89, n8¢); they held that in Christ the divinity replaced the
soul, so that strictly speaking his body was soul-less.
c Similar ideas in the Hodegos, II, 5, 55-65 (CCSG 8, pp. 53-54).
d Cf. Gen 2: 7·
(1) Included in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 91) and Coli. d. (Qu. 19);
omitted in Coli. b.
(2) Similar QQ in the QQ ad Antiochum: 16, q, 20, 21 (PG
28, 6o8A9-B5, B6-14, 6o9B5-C4, C5-D2).
Question 22
a In his Hodegos Anastasios insists that one should accept Scripture, "with
simplicity ofheart" (E-v carAOTYJTL Kctpola.~), I, I, I3-I4 (CCSG 8, p. 7) and XXII, 3>
I-3 (CCSG 8, p. 297).
b Despite this remark, it would be misleading to assume that Anastasios is in
favour of an interpretation of Scripture restricted to the literal meaning; to gain
a complete picture of his approach, his other writings should be taken into ac-
count, notably his sermons (Homiliae) and probably his Hexaemeron. Cf. Qu. 23.
c Creation ex nihilo is taught in the Hodegos, II, 5, 76-77, and XIII, 8, 27-30
(CCSG 8, pp. 55 and 243), and by Eusebius of Caesarea, De ecclesiastica theolo-
gia, I, 12 (GCS 4, p. 7I, 5; PG 24, 845D).
and whatever else, are in the hand of God, and God brings out
of them the body that they have eaten and taken and drowned.
4· The reason is that a dead body does not undergo anni-
hilation. Even if it is destroyed by any number of animals or
other causes, it departs into the four elements from which it
came:a viz. the heat to the sun, the cold to the air, the damp
to the waters, and the dry to the earth. It is laid up among the
elements as if in a sort of warehouse (napa9~KYJ), and kept there
until the day of the resurrection, when the power of God will
join it together once more out of them, just as in the beginning
when He made it.
5· In order that I may convince you with a parallel from
nature that the dead body is dissolved and divided among the
elements, listen to this. The element which is alive and pro-
vides life, both to men and to irrational animals, and to all that
has some sort of soul and moves, is the blood, that is to say
45 the warm and energetic movement of the element of fire; in
the case of irrational animals this binds and combines and sets
in motion the other three elements; in the case of humans, it
binds and combines the soul and the remaining three elements.
So is it that when the blood, which serves as a bond, is emptied
out excessively, either from a human or from any other animal,
at once both the animal and the human die. And even if it is
not emptied out, but its warm and living movement and en-
ergy do leave, similarly the body dies at once.
6. To convince yourself that it is the warm element that en-
genders life and sets in motion, it is enough to consider the eggs
of a bird, which receive life and soul and movement and full-
ness, all through being warmed up; similarly a cauldron of water
which becomes alive and starts to move, when it is heated up
with fire, produces a noise as it boils. Sacred Scriptures and the
Lord talking to the Samaritan womanb call the water living when
a Anastasios mentions his belief in the theory of the body being made up
of the four elements in the Hodegos II, 5, 86-91 (CCSG 8, p. 55); on the back-
ground to the theory of the elements, cf. M. Spanneut, Le stoi"cisme des peres de
l'Eglise, Paris, 1957\ pp. 350-351.
b Cf. Gen 21: 19; 26: 19; Ioh 4: 10-14.
• In the "Prologue" to the collection of stories "good for the soul" CtuxocpsA~)
attributed to Anastasios there is also mention of the turtle-dove and the swal-
low: cf. Narrationes, ed. Nau XLII; ed. Binggeli, II Prol. 7-ro.
b Perhaps an autobiographical hint to medical studies.
fire give life (see §6) but he does not seem to have referred explicitly to the sun,
except incidentally (see §7), either in this answer nor in his other writings.
b Anastasios is dearly playing on the verbal similarity between the two terms
CtVctCTTctat~ and CtVct'TrTYJ<Yl~ ("upward flight").
Question 23
a See §3 above.
a The exegete quoted seems to be the late-second century bishop and apolo-
gist, Theophilus of Antioch; this fragment of his Ad Auto(ycum II, 24 (ed. R.M.
Grant, Theophilus ofAntioch, Oxford, I970, p. 66; PG 6, I089D4-1092A2) was
included in the catena on Genesis (Gen 2: 8-9), ed. Franc;oise Petit, La Chafne
sur la Genese, I, no. 227, Leuven, I99I, p. I58, and Anastasios may have found
it there.
b The whole of this paragraph may be indebted to the fourth century bish-
op of Salamis, Epiphanius; cf. Ancoratus, 54, 2- 55, 3; 58, I-2; 58, 6- 59, I (ed.
K. Holl, Epiphanius I [GCS 25], Leipzig, I9I5, pp. 63, 67-69 PG 4I, n48-49,
and PG 43, n2-n3); these fragments are also found in the catenae, cf. Franc;oise
Petit, loc. cit., nos. 233-235, pp. I62-I66. When the compiler of Coli. 23 added
a florilegium, he chose a passage from Epiphanius containing these extracts
(PG 89, 540-54I).
c Cf. Rev 2I: 2.
source for this opinion: cf. the fragment attributed to him, Ad Gen. 2: I4, (ed.
R. Devreesse, Les anciens commentateurs grecs de l'Octateuque et des Rois, [Studi
e Testi 201], Vatican, I959, pp. III-II2; this text does not figure in the Catena in
(I) One section (§3) was included in Coli. 23 (Qu. 23 = Qu.
ed. 23; cf. PG 89, 540B9-C6).
(2) The Qu. appears in Coli. d. (Qu. 21), but was omitted in
Coli. b.
(3) In the QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 48 (PG 28, 628D-629A) has
some resemblance with the first two paragraphs.
Question 24
(I) Included in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 93), but omitted (surprisingly)
in the other collections.
(2) This Qu. shows that Anastasios was dealing with questions
from a lay audience.
• C£ Jn 6: 38-40.
Question 25
Question 26
" Usually translated "fornication", the term refers to any sexual impurity.
b One obvious source could be John Climacus, Scala Paradisi, gr. 15 (PG 88,
c The word acrEHvElct can mean "weakness" or "illness".
The adjective formed from the place-name, Aϊlas, viz. 'Άϊlisios" (Άίλήσιος),
is found in an inscription in the Monastery Church on Mount Sinai (cf
Ι. Sevcenko, "The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery'', DOP 20, 1966, pp. 257
and 262) and also in a London manuscript (Londin. Burney 50/2, f 144ν) dated
1362; there is a mention in John Moschos (Pratum Spirituale, 62-66 [PG 87/3,
2913-2917]) of a monastery that belonged to the 'Ά.iliotoi" (Αίλιωτών) on Mount
Sinai, who seem to have come fωm the town of Aϊlas; in the Narrationes this
town is mentίoned (Nau ΧΙΙ, Binggeli Ι, 20) as in Procopius (BelL Pers., Ι, 19), but
the spelling probably varied (Αίλaς, ΑίλιΧ, ΑίλcJJς).
b This capture of Cyprus by the Turks took place in 649-650, cf Theo-
phanes, Cl:ιronographia, anno 6140 [647/8 A.D.], ed. de Boor, Leipzig, 1883, vol.
Question 27
b Unfortunately it is not clear if this separate treatise has survived: see S.N.
Sakkos, Thessaloniki, 1964, p. 155.
far as here in the East, we showed that it is not God who makes
one person restrained from birth, and another in contrast lech-
erous, nor one choleric and another patient, but that there are
certain races and regions, and there are combinations of places,
elements and climates, and turning points and alterations of sea-
sons, finally, that there are also physical causes consequent on the
body's elements by all of which causes and situations and com- 55
binations and seasons, if there happens to be a preponderance of
the warm element at the moment of conception of the child, the
newly-born acquires the character of a warm combination and
is attached to generosity and good-living; on the other hand if
conception occurs with the surge of the cold element, the engen-
dered person is of a more temperate and cool character. So in the
same way for the other two elements: the dry produces a person
that is wrathful and harsh and sober and resourceful; whereas
the wet, one who is dull and material and gluttonous and sordid.
2. The reason is that were we to say that it is God's com-
mand that such a person is conceived and becomes restrained,
whereas another a fornicator and sharp and wrathful, then God
would be found to be the cause of the passions, and at the same
time a respecter of persons, a in that He created this person good
and the other wicked. And further, not even the restrained per-
son would be found to be worthy of reward, seeing that it is
God who made him restrained by nature, nor would the for-
nicator and choleric person be worthy of punishment, having
become so because of God.
3· Therefore, these things that come by nature, I mean gen-
tleness, prudence, restraint, are not termed "virtues" by the
holy Fathers, but are physical advantages and gains, which the
stupidly-wise astrologers among the Hellenes [= "pagans"] ex-
plained as occurring among different persons because of the
mythical influence of the movement of the starsh.
4- But as I said at the beginning, we have spoken of these
things in greater detail in another place.
a Something explicitly denied by St Peter, cf. Acts ro: 34·
b Philipp us Solitarius, H otonTpa., ed. Spyridon Lauriotis, 0 i\8w~ r, Athens,
1919, pp. 169-170.
(I) Included in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 95) and in Coli. d (Qu. 23);
omitted in Coli. b.
(2) In the QQ ad Antiochum, the question of personal charac-
ter appears in Qu. II9 (PG 28, 673B-D) but receives a very differ-
ent response.
(3) As with Qu. 4 above this Qu. is reported in the LltonTprx. of
Philip Monotropos.
Question 28
the churches and open the temples of the idols; then the one
who had adopted such a resolution recovered and he opened
the idols' temples. But another absolute ruler [-rvprxvvo~] made
exactly the contrary resolution, saying that if he rose from his
sick-bed and escaped his illness, he would open the churches,
and close the temples, and grant largess, and free those in pris-
on. He even set in writing a rescript [oLc:tTvnom~] of all these
good intentions and had it witnessed. Well, this second person
did not recover, but came to his end in his sins, and none of
these good things came to pass.
3· It is possible to see daily a thousand and one similar oc-
currences, and that is why the pagans [ ''EMYJVc~], bewildered,
thought that the world was not governed by providence, and
also why very often the faithful feel some doubts in their hearts
about God's just judgement; they dare not express them to any-
one, but only know that in their heart of hearts they are scan-
dalized and consumed with doubt.
58 ANsWER r. It is quite clear that a rule of Scripture [v6[.Lo~
yprx¢nc6~] lays down, Do not seek what is too difficult for you, and
do not examine what is too deep for you (Sirach 3: 21). However
we know, even if it is written that The judgements of the Lord
are a great abyss (Ps 35: 7), that another text affirms that God
makes known his judgements and decisions to Israel (Ps 147= 8). By
"Israel" I mean the spiritual one, that according to Christ; in-
deed "Israel" is interpreted to mean "the mind that sees God".a
So anyone who sees God has the power, if illumined by God
through the Holy Spirit, to learn something of His judgements
and mysteries: The Spirit investigates even the depths of God (1
Cor 2: 10), Scripture says. Although it has been said, Who has
known the mind ofthe Lord? (Isa 40: 13), b still Paul and those like
Paul say, We possess the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2: 16), just as Jer-
a S.N Sakkos has drawn attention to the liking for etymological explana-
tions drawn from the Hebrew that surfaces in some of the Anastasiana (S.N.
Sakkos, fl&pl Jlvacrracr/cuv Ltvai76Jv, Thessaloniki, I964, p. I 55 note 5, and p. I97);
on this particular example, cf. F. Wutz, Onomastica Sacra, [TU 4I, I, 2], Leipzig,
I9I4-I9I5, vol. I, p. XXII and see the Indices, s.v. Israel.
b Cf. Rom n: 34; I Cor 2: r6.
emiah says, God will not do a thing that he will not reveal to his
slaves the prophets. a
2. Now if, as David says, God revealed to those under the
Law the unclear and secret aspects ofHis wisdom (Ps 50: 8), how
much more <will He do so> to those in a state of grace, who
have learned what eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and
what has not emerged in the human mind (r Cor 2: 9), that is to
say, those who have entered and taken their rest amid the di-
vine and incomprehensible mysteries of God, which the angels 59
long to gaze upon (r Pet r: 12), as Scripture testifies, those who
have both the Father and the Son indwelling within them along
with the Spirit, in accordance with Christ's promise which says,
We, the Father and L will come and make our dwelling with them
(Jn 14: 23). And who said on another occasion, Nobody knows
the Father, except for the Son and the one to whom the Son wishes
to reveal Him (Mt n: 27).
3· Therefore, if God Himself, the All-mighty, reveals Him-
self in a certain spiritual fashion without speech to those wor-
thy of Him, how much more are the reasons and mysteries
of His creation to be revealed? For if to the pagans [ "EM.'1crt],
whom one might say were not really worthy of conversion and
the knowledge of God, He partly disclosed and made known
the mysteries of heaven, and of earth and stars, those of the sun
and moon, and of the sea and the abyss, of the elements and
bodies and spirits, how much more <will He do this> to those
who possess Him dwelling within them?
4· Thus many such questions and queries about these and
similar problems and about God's judgements have been raised
for ages past; and not only concerning the points raised, but
also, why did such and such a saintly man suddenly come to 6o
his end in the road while taking a walk, and why did another
equally suddenly give up his soul in the bath, and why did a
third while at table receive the cup and along with it drink from
the cup of death? Why did one woman die in child-birth, and
another in her bridal chamber, while still intact and virginal,
a This quotation seems to be taken from Amos 3: 7, and not from Jeremiah.
just when her hour of marriage and joy had come? Why did
one man die without any previous sickness, on the third day
of his being properly ordained as a priest and while capable of
saving many souls? Concerning all these questions, let anyone
who advances in faith go forward (Mt 19: 12) and listen without
hesitation to the solution that comes from the teaching of the
[cf Additional§§ (given below) found only in Coli. d.]
5· In the beginning, when God madea heaven and earth and
the sea and all the visible creation, He put it all together in an
extraordinary fashion out of four elements, as I have already
mentioned earlier:b fire, water, air and earth; and the body, both
of ourselves and of the animals, is made up out of these. God
thus appointed these four elements, as if they were generals or
charioteers, to follow his wishes and take charge, driving and
directing the nature [¢uaw] of the bodies that were composed
out of them, as if that nature had been engendered and estab-
lished by them as if they were a sort of parents. So one can
observe that continuously all the bodies on the earth, and the
plants and animals, all that is animate and inanimate, is con-
ducted and set up and altered and worked upon, or is animated
61 and vivified, or dissolved in corruption, in accordance with the
mixture of the climates [cHpwv] and of the elements.c
6. However if some doubts cross your mind about what has
been said, tell me why is it that very often plagues also strike
animals and birds and fish in the sea, all of which are not sinful
in God's eyes? Therefore, our human body also, taken up from
the earth- and in so far as it is of the same nature [6~oouo-LOv]
as they - is liable to death and corruption and suffering, and
a Cf Gen I: I-31.
b Probably a reference to Qu. 22, §§4, 8.
c S.N. Sakkos (loc. cit., pp. 154-155) uses this passage as evidence that Anas-
tasios "does not follow exactly in the footsteps of orthodox tradition" (oh OTOLXEl
ilKpt~w~ et~ -ra 'i;cvYJ T~~ 6p8o06sov 7rrtpao60"ew~, p. 154), and uses this as proof that
the Qu. is not authentic, but written by another ''Anastasios". He refers here
to the earlier opinion of Hans-Georg Beck, Kirche und theologische Literatur,
Munich, 1959, p. 444, also against the authenticity - an opinion formed while
only the Pseudo-Anastasian erotapokriseis (Collection a) had been published.
d Cf 4 Kings 20: 6.
e Cf Jn II: 33-34; 12: 2, 9-10.
a However, Anastasios gives npo~ TOV~ 'ITctTEpa~ av-rov, "to his fathers/ances-
tors" instead of the LXX text, npo~ -rov 'Aaov, "to his people".
b Cf. Dan 4: 24: the LXX spelling, "Nabouchodonosor", differs from that
given in the Hebrew, "Nebuchadnezzar".
exandria (c£ Fragmenta, Nr. 42 [GCS 17\ p. 220]), but it is known only through
this text of Anastasios; in the Hodegos Anastasios mentions a "Clement" (prob-
ably of Rome), cf. I, 3, 73-79, and II, r, 3 (CCSG 8, pp. 21-22, 23); worth noting
is the mention by Nikephoros Blemmydes in his De vitae termino (ed. W Lack-
ner, Leiden, 1985, p. r6, lines 14-18) of this same passage, which he attributes
explicitly to Clement of Rome.
bThe Greek phrase JCctTtt T~v pon~v ctinov here seems to refer to God, and the
same word pon~ is used later in §q also referring to God.
hand, if the cold of the air increases, it is the birds that perish,
and if the element of fire becomes (with permission of its crea-
tor) over-hot, it is human beings who die of the plague.
14. It is because of these movements and increases and dimi-
nutions and mixtures and qualities of the elements that some
countries (with God's foreknowledge) never experience plagues,
often because they enjoy climates and waters that are dryer and
pure and unpolluted and healthy. As proof there are the waters
of Jericho, that at the time of Elisha made people sterile and 67
brought death;a that is why the prophet to cure them said, Thus
says the Lord: I have healed these waters, and death will not be
in them, nor the childless woman (4 Kings 2: 2r).b You can hear,
you who would have us believe in foreordained periods, this
prophetic and divine voice bearing witness that also out of the
waters come deaths and sterility upon people, just as the waters
of Egypt also bear witness to the same, as they are producers
of fertility and child-bearing. But if the deaths of bodies come
from the waters (with God's permission) it is obvious that they
will also come from the other elements, in accordance with
their increases and diminutions.c
15. However, if this were not so, please tell me why itis that
God instructed human beings in the wisdom of the medical
profession,d and why He took care to provide plants and all
other sorts of remedies in such a way that, in my opinion, with
God's foreknowledge, doctors often save people from death?
Indeed the experts among the established slave.:traders inquired
among the wise and the professionals among the doctors, ask-
ing them to inform them precisely about the qualities of the
climates and elements in different lands, and in what land one
dition, with nature replacing the divine will: Ta 6noia npooloovv {mo"Aav8thovaav
{moKaTc'taTaatv Tov 8Elov 8EA~fliXTos ota T* ¢vaEws (loc. cit., p. 154); but presum-
ably Anastasios would defend himself by appealing to the notion of secondary
causality (that of natural causes).
d A very similar passage occurs in Qu. 16, §2.
by birth (see also Qu. 26, §4), and that he had travelled in Palestine; from the
Hodegos it is clear that he had visited Alexandria (cf. X. 1, 12 [CCSG 8, p. 143]).
"See Qu. 66 for another answer dealing with the problem of plagues.
b The Greek expression recurs in Qu. 81, §6. Official legislation against suc-
cessive marriages appeared only in 920 with the rulings of the Tomos of Union
(see ODB [Alexander Kazhdan], p. 2093).
ten husbands and buried them all one after the other, because
she was of a certain very fierce and energetic humour and seed.
And similarly for the same reason it has often been possible for
a man to marry various women and progressively bury them all.
71 21. Some people suggest that it is in this same way, viz. be-
cause of the mixture and disposition and causality and incom-
patibility of the elements that some people, though saintly,
only after many hours or even days of death-agony tear away
the soul from the body, while others who are wicked are sepa-
rated from their bodies quite peacefully and harmlessly. A proof
of this is the case of death from lung infection: such invalids,
no matter if they are devout or the contrary, finish their days
without pain, eating and drinking and talking. The reason is
that lung diseases are due to the cold element, and they quickly
suppress the warm life-giving work of the blood, thus produc-
ing for such patients a separation of the soul with less suffering.
22. In order to show you that in general many cases of deadly
illness are due to an increase of the blood, let me give you three
or four instances. In the first place, children often end quickly
because they are too hot. Secondly, when spring starts at Easter-
time, the period when the blood increases and when bleedings
occur, then there is a special tendency for deadly pestilence to
break out. In the third place, many of those who end their days
die as the sun is sinking, because the coldness of the hour expels
the life-giving energy from the blood and makes a person grow
72 cold. That is why if you divide up someone who has just died,
you will find three of the elements in the body, viz. those of the
phlegm, the humour and bile, but you will not find any blood.
23. However the carping listener" should not seize on what
has been said, supposing that we are advocating belief in ran-
domness and fate by our remarks. There stands the word of
the Lord: Not one sparrow will fall upon the earth without the
knowledge ofyour father who is in heaven (Mt 10: 29). For, the
" S.N. Sakkos (loc. cit., p. 153) points out that the "carping listener" recurs
in the Preface to the Hexaemeron, Praef. III, 2 (ed. Kuehn-Baggarly [OCA 278],
Rome, 2007, p. ro, lines 177-180; PG 89, 856C8-r2 [Latin version]), thus provid-
ing additional proof of the identity of authorship.
life ['Vux~]
ofall living things are in his hand (Job 12: 10), as Job
said, and In his hand are the ends of the earth (Ps 94: 4). And
again there is the Scripture quotation: His judgements are in all
the earth (Ps 104: 7), and He bears (and alters) all things by the
word (and the will) ofHis power (Heb 1: 3).a
24. But this very same God, provident creator of all, He
who bears and governs all things by the will of His power, has
formed the human being from the beginning as a dual animal
[orr-rov ~wov]. I mean one made up of an eternal, intellectual
soul and of a composite, material body. He has placed in this
being's essential constitution two governing bodies [owllc~o-st~,
lit. "dioceses"], granting to the soul control by means of an
autonomous free choice, so that she can incline the soul as she 73
wishes, either to virtue or to vice, without God being respon-
sible for this, and granting to the body, in what concerns life,
the power to rule and govern with the assent of God by means
of the elements. In the same way that from above and from
the beginning God has granted to the sun the energy to heat
and burn, and to the moon the power to illumine the night,
and to the earth the ability to increase through the produc-
tion of seeds, and to the plants the full bloom which brings
forth fruit, and to animals the support [o-UtTTa.o-t~] produced
through copulation, and in a word the appropriate energy to
each nature, so He has granted to the elements what seems to
me to be the power to dispose and rule over bodies in what
concerns their life and death, acting in accordance with His
own knowledge.
25. It is absolutely necessary that we realize this, so that
when you observe how unholy people live to a ripe old age,
whereas devout ones die young, or again that one person comes
to an end suddenly, while all at once another is unable to speak,
one saintly person's children all end their days young, while the
sons of another irreligious person all live to a great old age, one
devout person has to endure many days in the agony of dying,
while a pagan ["EMYJV] passes away peacefully and quietly, one
as the divine David says, then once again restoring and rejoin-
ing the ocean. On that occasion also it was not Moses himself
who held the movement of the currents in his hand, but quite
certainly of itself the sea would have stayed undivided; how-
ever God moved the sea for the salvation of the leader of the
6. Jacob's eye-pupils grew dim,a but this was due to matter
[had a material cause]. Since he had come to the end of this life,
and was spent with old age, his head was full of phlegm, and it
was this that brought on his eye-illness.
7· Similarly the prophet David, when he grew old, felt cold
in his body, and thus his flesh needed women to warm him.b
This again was due to matter: with the increase of the cold el-
ement, the implanted warm element grew weak, so the whole
body was shivering with the cold and therefore needed warm
contact. Matter underlies everyone in common and with the
same respect [= from the material point of view, all humans are
common and equal].
8. The fact that matter is what causes such changes is also clear
from the case of genetic influences: we notice that persons born
from defective parents who suffer from the liver or from gout,
soon display illness in the liver or in the foot, and on the other
hand those people are fit and strong whose parents are such. Ac-
cording to whether the seed has a defect, or again is pure and with-
out alloy, this appears in the off-shoots; similarly the off-spring
display in their bodies or in their souls the defects or advantages
of their forbears. As Scripture says: Adam begot Seth according to
his form and his likeness (Gen 5: 3). If there are frequent changes
in natures over the generations, this also is due to material causes:
matter is not by nature stable. So those affairs that have a more
divine causation are more stable and unchangeable, whereas those
that are further removed from the divine are both more subject to
matter and subject to all sorts of mutability. For example, spring,
summer, autumn and winter; they never turn around or alter; but
showers, hail, drizzle, thunder-storms and freezing cold, some-
times they come in abundance and sometimes at rare intervals,
because they are all subject to matter and this is malleable and
9· The reason is that God from the beginning has given cer-
tain tendencies [pon&.~], of one sort or another, to bodily things,
so that some of these things have precise sequences, others dis-
turbance and disorder. For example, to the heaven <God gave>
to be moved with an even motion and to be whirled around in
a circle; to fire, a movement upwards, as indeed to the air along
with it; to earth and to water, a movement downwards. To form-
less matter, a capacity to take all forms, a capacity for adapt-
ability and change; to the bodies that are sublunary, the ability
to change into all things. Thus whenever fire moves up, and any
lump moves down, they would appear to have the movement
appropriate to their nature, just as when the heaven is seen to
be unchangeable; but our bodies are swept along with the flow
proper to matter, such movement or rest of whatever sort it is,
is not due in the first place to God, but to themselves and to the
nature of each.
10. However we are not saying by talking in this way that mat-
ter does anything of itself against God's will, but rather that it is
not in the first place because of His will, nor because He is inno-
vating matter, but that it is changing and altering because of its
own nature and so introducing changes in us, who are composite
(I) Included in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 96); also in Coli. d. (Qu. 14),
but without the long question at the beginning.
(2) Omitted as such in Coli. b, but see the additional Qu. to
that collection, given above in Qu. 16. This Qu. has to be read
with Qu. 16 and its additional texts (Comments [3] and [4]).
(3) The authenticity of this exceptionally long Qu. has been
called in doubt (c£ S. N. Sakkos, Il&_pt'Jivarrrarrlcuv LtvaiTCJv, Thes-
saloniki, 1964, p. 155), and the suggestion made that it should be
attributed to the same author who wrote the Hexaemeron. How-
ever, at that time critical editions of the works of Anastasios were
lacking. At present, both internal evidence (style and vocabulary)
and external testimony (the manuscript tradition) are strongly in
favour of its authenticity.
(4) A number of QQ ad Antiochum have parallel passages: c£
QQ 69, 103, 105 (PG 28, 636-637, 661-663).
Question 29
(r) The Qu. appears in Coli. b.(Qu. 33). This and the follow-
ing Qu. were joined, adapted and included as one in Coli. 23
(Qu. 18 = Qu. ed. 18), which then appears in Coli. d (Qu. 15).
(2) Various parallels appear in the QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 69,
71, and 105 (PG 28, 636B-637A, 637D-64oB, 66rD-664).
Question 30
8o QuESTION Is it the case that all those who fall off cliffs, or
are drowned or overwhelmed, suffer in this way because of a
divine will and ordinance, or is it also because of the activity
[evspycw]of the Hater of the good?
ANswER r. It is perfectly clear from Christ's statement, In
your case, even the hairs ofyour heads have all been numbered (Mt
ro: 30), that Satan has no power- not only over no humans, but
not even over the beasts and swine, as the Gospel bears witness."
Therefore some of these deaths occur by sentence of God, as in
the case of the Flood, b others by His permission, as in the case of
the sons of Job crushed to death,c and yet others only with God's
knowledge, without His either agreeing to nor preventing them.
2. However it _is probably quite frequent that because of
God's will, some come to a painful end for their own salvation.
Thus when the Emperor Maurice prayed to God that he might
8r pay the penalty in this life for the sins he had committed, he
saw in a dream an Emperor of exceeding splendour, who or-
dered him to be handed over to Phokas, the soldier, and that
was what happened. d
d One version of this story of Maurice has been given above (Qu. 10,
Comment 3, pp. 69-71); there are parallels in the Narrationes (Nau XXIX;
Binggeli I, 39, 12-19, and II, 24, with the additional "Note complementaire
sur le traitement de la legende de Maurice dans l'oeuvre d'Anastase", loc. cit.
pp. 524-525); the story may derive from a lost Chronicle ofJohn of Antioch, used
by Theophanes, Chronographia, anno 6092 [584 A.D.], ed. de Boor, Leipzig,
1883, pp. 284-285 (cf. C. Mango and R. Scott, The Chronicle ofTheophanes, Ox-
ford, 1997, p. 406 [n. 19] and p. 415 [n. 14]). Maurice (582-602) figures in a very
positive light in the works of Anastasios: cf. P. Schreiner, "Der brennende Kaiser.
Zur Schaffung eines positiven und eines negativen Kaiserbildes in den Legenden
Chretien, 18, 1913, pp. 139-140); a latin version can be found in PL 73, 995 A7-
B12. In a 13th century Vatican manuscript (Palatinus gr. 2ro, ff 122v-123v) a
slightly shorter version of this story is given in a collection of accounts of death:
"One of the fathers gave an account saying, "There was a hermit in the 82
desert of Neiloupolis, and a faithful layman was in his service; there was also
in that city a rich and irreligious man. The latter happened to die, and the city
including the bishop processed with lights for his burial. The hermit's helper
went off as usual to bring him some loaves, and he found the hermit eaten by a
hyena, and he fall on his face before the Lord saying, "I won't get up until you
give me some explanation: how can it be that on the one hand that unholy man
should have had an honourable death with such ostentation, while on the other
hand someone who slaved for you night and day had to undergo such an end."
And an angel came and said to him: "That unholy man had <to his credit> one
minor good work, and he was rewarded for it here on earth so that he may be
given no relief in the next world; and this hermit, while being a man adorned
with every virtue, also, as he was human, had some small fault; he has received
what was due here so that he may be found pure before God in the other place."
And having been informed, he went off, praising God for His judgements, as
they are true."
The mention of a place-name, and the assumption that the hermit's helper
was not living with him, but bringing him food- a more likely situation - sug-
gest that this version is either the original, or reflects the original, which has
been worked up into the Anastasian text.
a This address suggests that the Qu. was written for the benefit of a group;
Question 31
(r) Found in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 97), but omitted in Coli. band
Coli. d.
(2) This is the first of the QQ to be included in the short Coli. c.
Question 32
" Isa 64: 6: Liddell & Scott point out that the word ct7rOKct8Y]~VY]~ ("sitting
apart") here has to be interpreted in the light ofLev 20: r8 (see NETS on Isa 64: 6).
b Anastasios feels the need to distinguish a "spiritual person", who is not
ordained, and a "worthy priest", a cleric.
this subject.
d Possibly an autobiographical hint.
Question 33
the present Qu. (cf. Qu. ed. 8 [PG 89, 392B4-9]); this Qu. 8 also
appears in Coil. d (Qu. 25).
(2) Related to this Qu. is Coil. b (Qu. r6), even if the teaching
given differs from that of the authentic QQ 33 and 47;
Coil. b, Qu. r6 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 9]
QuESTION Which of the passions stands out as the strongest
and most difficult to shake off in comparison with the others?
ANsWER r. The evil habit of long date: when someone has
grown accustomed to self-abuse over a number of years, then as
a consequence even against one's will and not wanting it, one is
dragged into sin, being pulled and forced by long habit.
2. It is because of this that the blessed holy men [fLClKrtpLOL &110pE~]
envisaged and selected withdrawal from the world, and a flight into
desert places far from foolish distractions; some of them had tried
very often while they were in the world and in the midst of distrac-
tions to cut short that evil habit, and had not had the strength, but
frequently, although they forced themselves for a short time and even
managed to gain self-control, once again like dogs they returned to
the vomit" of their sin, undoing again what they had achieved.
3· It is only God who has the power to guard unscorched
someone who walks among fiery coals, and to preserve un-
scratched a person who enters among thorns and brambles, and
to save unbesmirched someone who comes near to muddy swine.
So in the same way, only the power of God's right hand can keep
without any fall, or spot, or blemish someone who dwells within
and frequents the context of deceit and fame and the luxury of
life's vanity, witnessing lewd shows and listening to unseemly talk,
touched with the fire of deadly customs that incite to impurity.
And <this is true> not only in the case of those who are weak, but
also of those who seem to be just, and self-controlled, and chaste.
(3) In the QQadAntiochum, Qu. 94 (PG2 28, 656Ar4-C4) has
a similar question but a different answer.
Question 34
QuESTION Is it true that the devil is the cause of all sin and
sexual misconduct [nop11da], and is it he whom one should blame?
ANswER The devil does not force anyone, but only suggests;
but bad habit can force someone, so that this is something
more wicked and stronger than the devil himself. Consequently
it is we ourselves that we should blame.
a Cf. Prov 26: II.
(r) Included in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 98), in Coli. b (Qu. r8), and
in Coli. c (Qu. 2).
(2) Omitted in Coli. d, and no obvious parallels in the QQ ad
Question 35
Question 36
89 QuESTION Some people want to say that repentanceb for sin
is this, to break off and to stop from it?
ANswER As Holy Scripture says, Turn away from evil and do
good (Ps 33: 15), it is quite clear that to stop doing evil is only
the beginning of repentance; however that is not enough for
salvation. For tell me: supposing that somebody stops murder-
Question 37
up for all humankind were Adam and Eve; the lust for several
women comes to us because of our wantonness and lack of fear
of God.
(r) This Qu. is found in Coli. a (Qu. ed. 99), and also in
Coli. d (Qu. 27); missing in Coli. b.
(2) A similar Qu. in QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 37 (PG 28,
Question 38
mutual agreement (r Cor 7: 5), as the Apostle says, because the flesh
has desires against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, for they
are opposed to each other (Gal 5: q), it is absolutely necessary that
such a person should not receive communion before he has cleaned
away to the best of his ability any stain that may have affected
him, by means of assiduous prayer and a three-day sexual absti-
nence, so that we may not fall into hypocrisy, neglecting the divine
commands: for Accursed are those Scripture says who deviate ftom
your commandments (Ps n8: 21) and the one who performs negligently
the works ofthe Lord (Jer 31: ro).
4· You can see, beloved, that it is not only the gluttonous and
the boastful and the envious, but also the person subject to quick
temper or importuned into compliance with dirty thoughts. If
it is not possible for a person to approach the divine mysteries,
when out of inquisitive looking he has entertained a wet dream,
how much more justly should a person who has taken part in
copulation be prevented on that day? For "The holy things" are
not for the unhallowed and unworthy, but "for the holy'' and the
worthy [cf Liturgy of John Chrysostom, Prayer before commu-
nion (ed. F. E. Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western, vol. r
[Eastern Liturgies], Oxford, 1896, p. 393)].
Question 39
Question 40
a C£ Mt 9:20.
Question 41
a See Comment (4): at this point a different version has been added.
b On the cleansing effect of alms-giving, cf. Tobit 4: ro; Sirach 3: 30; Dan.
4: 24, and see Comment (3): here begins the version found in Coli. b (Qu. 20).
c Cf. Apophthegmata Patrum, Collectio anonyma, [CPG 556r], Nau 571 (cf. J.-
C. Guy, Recherches, p. 69). The narrator of the story seems to have been speak-
ing to the "somebody'' mentioned earlier.
'priest', not the High Priest, and Abiathar is his son; c£ I Kings 22: 20.
b C£ I Kings 2I: 4-5; Qu. ed. 7 (PG 89, 388Ar4-B5), and also Qu. 67 below.
c C£ Mt 9:20.
d Jn I3: 27; also Anastasios of Sinai, Homilia de sacra synaxi (PG 89, 832B12-C3).
rightly teaches, One should examine oneself, and then eat of the
bread and drink of the cup; anyone who eats and drinks unworthily
eats and drinks judgement for oneself, for failing to distinguish the
body and blood ofthe Lord (1 Corn: 28-29).
4· But those whose conscience is clear of anything wrong
should receive communion more frequently without hindrance,
so that grace being multiplied in them may equip them as more
ready for the fruit of justification.
5· However supposing that they seek out communion with-
out being worthy but to gain help for themselves and not for any
other human motive, we would not criticise them given that they
are trying to get help; nor is it through dislike for them that we
would oppose their desire, but rather pretending their own good.
So let them give up their evil ways (Acts 3: 26), and let them no
longer walk in those paths; let them show fruit worthy of their
reform (Mt 3: 8), so that being shown worthy they may be worthy
of it [=communion].
6. On the other hand those who have become worthy of it 18:
[= communion], let them not be careless; rather let them take
thought to lead ever more prudent lives, and let them devote
themselves to prayer with ever greater assiduity. So envy will not
darken their gaze, nor guile deceive their hearts, so that being
tripped up they fall short of its chastity. As Scripture says, "The
fascination ofwickedness obscures the things that are good, and roving
desire undermines an innocent mind' (Wisdom 4: 12).
Question 42
Question 43
a Cf Lev 24: 20-21; Mt 5: 38; the last words are not explicit in the sources.
b Cf Mt 14: 1-12; Mk 6: 17-29.
c Cf Eusebius of Caesarea, Hist. Eccl., 2, 25, 5-6 (ed. E. Schwartz [GCS 9,
Question 44
a Cf. Lk r6: 9·
Question 45
QuESTION God says, "Gold and silver are mine) and I give
them to whom I wish";" so, is it true that anyone who is rich has
been enriched by God?
ANSWER Nobody who has amassed riches from wars, and
bloodshed, and thefts, and perjuries, and robberies, and taking
bribes, and other unjust acts, can say "I have been enriched 9~
by God", but by the Evil One. Only those who amass wealth
from honest and sinless sources can say with Job, The Lord has
given) the Lord has taken away (Job r: 21). So it is obvious that it
is useless for those to offer thanks to God who heap up wealth
(r) A similar version of this Qu. was included in Coil. 23
(Qu. n) and hence appears in Coil. a (Qu. ed. n) and is also
found as such in Coil. d (Qu. 33).
(2) The original Qu. figures in Coil. b (Qu. 25).
a Cf. Hag 2: 8.
Question 46
Question 47
old and weak is capable of keeping the law of the Lord. And
indeed He did not stipulate virginity for us, nor withdrawal
from all the things of the world, and not even abstinence from
meat and wine, but to love God, to love one's neighbour, • not
to be spiteful, nor to judge others, to be humble and as com-
passionate as possible, to pray within our hearts, to support
misfortunes, to be mild and peace-loving. Now all these are
things that a sickly man and an old man, somebody confined
to his bed or married to a wife in the world, is able to do. If he
does these things, he will certainly be saved, no matter if he has
committed all the sins of that famous Manasses,b the king.
(1) Used in a longer version in Coli. 23 (Qu. ed. 5), and this is
also found in Coli. d (Qu. 34).
(2) Included in Coli. c (Qu. 8), and thus added by Gretser to
Coli. a (Qu. ed. 1oo4).
(3) In Coli. b there are two different, but related questions
(QQ6, 9):
Coli. b, Qu. 6 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 2]
QuESTION Supposing that an old man is weak and timid, and 172
that he is not able to enter a monastery or perform monastic du-
ties, how can such a man repent and be saved?
ANswER r. From the Lord's words, My yoke is gentle and my
burden is light (Mt n: 30), it is quite clear that even someone who
is old and weak is capable of keeping the Lord's commandment.
For it is written, The ways ofthe Lord are straight, and the just make
progress along them, but the impious [tto-E~ET~] (or rather, the sickly
[tta-8Ev&T~]) will be weak along them (Hos 14: 1,0).
2. Indeed he did not stipulate celibacy for us, nor withdrawal
from all the things of the world, but that we should love God and
the neighbour, be humble and compassionate, pray, support mis-
fortunes, be mild and peace-loving, not to be spiteful nor to judge
others, not to lie. As the divine Apostle says, Let us put offthe deeds
ofdarkness and let us put on the armour oflight (Rom 13: 12). So no-
body should concoct pretexts for sins (Ps 140: 4); the kind God wishes
all to be saved and to come to the knowledge ofthe truth (1 Tim 2: 4).
Coli. b, Qu. 9 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 4]
• Cf Mk n: 30-31.
b Cf. 2 Chr 33: r-20; Anastasios of Sinai, Homilia in sextum Psalmum (rec. r)
(CPG 7751 [r]; PG 89, II04-II05), and see Qu. 88 below.
174 QuESTION If someone has grown old in sins, but while at prayer
proposes a covenant between oneself and God saying, "Forgive me,
Lord, any sins I have committed up to now, and in future I shall not
continue my former sins, nor return in any way to them, but confess
to your name." If someone makes this sort of covenant with God
and dies a few days later, what should one think of such a person?
ANsWER The proposal was accepted by God and for that per-
son "where one reaches, there one will be ranked",a i.e. among
those saved by repentance. It depends indeed on the individual if
one repents and abandons one's sin, but it depends on God if that
person lives for many years. In this case, one offered this undertak-
ing expecting to live a long life in repentance, but God, foreseeing
how corrupt and fallible and fickle we are with respect to sin, has
often acted in this way, and when He has seen someone turn to
repentance, God has quickly removed that person from life and
saved the person. As God He foresaw that with a longer life in the
world, the person would have returned perhaps once more to sin.
(4) Among the QQ ad Antiochum there is a similar question,
Qu. 92 (PG 28, 653C-D) but a very different answer.
Question 48
ror QuESTION How many ways are there of being saved and
receiving pardon from God for sins?
ANSWER Three: the first is by never committing sin, the sec-
ond is by a proper repentance, and there is a third way of be-
ing saved for those who have sinned, by supporting trials and
tribulations and by patience, in accordance with the Scripture
saying, With a muzzle and bridle you squeeze the jaws of those
who do not come near to you (Ps 31: 9), as happened with King
Nabouchodonosor [Nebuchadnezzar]. b Occasionally indeed
God engulfs in trials the sinner who will not repent, and such
a person reaches humility through these trials, and through
humility and confession is saved without having practised
asceticism, as did the tax-gatherer and the thief c
(1) Included in Coil. a, Qu. ed. 104, and in all the other collec-
tions: Coil. h (Qu. 13); Coil. c (Qu. 9); Coil. d (Qu. 35); known al-
Question 49
laughter, lower the eyes - and then God will concede to that
person also the ability to weep.
3· However please note that the prayer which takes place
in your own private rooma is much more beneficial than that
performed in church before everyone.
(r) Included in Coil. a, Qu. ed. 105, and also in Coil. c
(Qu. ro) and in Coil. d (Qu. 36).
(2) In the QQ ad Antiochum Qu. 8o (PG 28, 648B-C) deals
with a similar topic incorporating some similar phrases.
Question 50
a Cf. Mt 6:6.
b C£ Jn 15: 15.
Question 51
QuESTION Christ said, It is not what enters through the mouth 104
that defiles a person (Mt 15: n), <so> why did the Fathersa stipu-
late that we should not eat meat on the holy fast days?
ANswER r. In the case of all fasting, sleeping on the ground, 105
abstaining from wine and refraining from certain foods, piety
[Et)(TE~da] has two aims: the one is that by not enjoying the
pleasures of this world, we may eventually enjoy in place of
them the good things that are to come. That is why withdrawal
from the world and virginity have come into being, so that we
may gain eternal goods instead of passing advantages. However
a second aim of fasting and of abstaining from meat was in-
tended, viz. that the soul and logical thinking [Aoyto-[!6<;] should
be humbled along with the body being humbled; once the soul
is humbled, one implores God sincerely and with true repent-
ance, and thus one receives forgiveness.
2. However one should take note that if someone refrains
from meat, but pampers and fattens the body with other foods
and drinks, that person is not helped by fasting.
(r) Included in Coil. b (Qu. 38).
• Cf. John of Damascus, Expos. Fidei 84, 4I-42 (ed. Kotter, IV n: PG 94,
II28-II29). .
b Cf Eusebius of Caesarea, De vita Constantini, I 28-30 (ed. F. Winkelmann,
Eusebius Werke I, I, Ober das Leben des Kaisers Konstantin [GCS], Berlin, I975,
pp. 29-30; PG 20, 944-A-C).
c On the finding of the True Cross, cf A. Frolow, La relique de la vraie croix
403, 4I3).
e Cf Canones Apostolorum, Canones 64 (vel66), 69 (ed. P.-P. Joannou, Can-
ons, FONT!, vol. I, 2, Rome, I962, pp. 4I, 43; ed. G.A. Rhalles- M. Potles,
L:irvTct)'[.tct ... , vol. 2, Athens, I852, pp. 84, 88).
f Cf e.g. Peter of Alex., Canon I5 [Sermo de Pascha] (ed. P.-P. Joannou, Can-
ons, FONT!, vol. II, Rome, 1963, pp. 57-58; Theophilus of Alex.), Canon I (ed.
P.-P. Joannou, Canons, FONT!, vol. II, Rome, 1963, pp. 262-263; Ps.-Athana-
sius, Syntagma ad monachos [CPG 2264] (ed. P. Batiffol, Paris, I890, pp. I23-124;
PG 28, 837C8-84o).
Question 52
Question 53
Question 54
Question 55
QuESTION What proportion of one's personal financial
resources should one offer in alms?
ANswER The pagans [ "EXA11vc~] and those outside the Law
used to slaughter their own sons and daughters in offering to
their gods, a so what excuse can we have? Even if we were to
offer our own flesh to God, we would have done nothing com-
mensurate with the gifts He has given us.
(1)This Qu. is taken over almost literally in Coil. 23, Qu. 13,
and included in Coil. a, Qu. ed. 13, and in Coil. d (Qu. 40). It is
missing in Coil. b and in Coll. c.
(2) In the QQ ad Antiochum one finds a similar question
(Qu. 90 [PG 28, 653A-B]), but the answer is quite different.
• In the Gretser edition (also found in Migne) one finds a scribe's addition at
this point: "or rather to their demons", missing in most manuscripts.
Question 56
Question 57
QuESTION Is it right for a Christian to open <the Bible> for
lachmeterionb [in search of an omen text]?
a Cf. I Cor. 2: 15.
b The spelling AIXXflYJT~ptov seems preferable to the alternative AIXXVLOT~ptov
found in some manuscripts; the term refers to the practice of opening the Bible
at random and taking the first words one sees as an omen for future action; it is
also found in astrological texts, cf. Trapp, Lexikon zur byzantinischen Grazitiit,
s.v. AIXXflYJT~ptov.
Question 58
Question 59
no QuESTION Supposing that a fellow Christian has caused me
trouble and I cannot talk with him or greet him whole-heart-
edly, but only with my lips,a what am I to do? Shall I continue
relations with him at least for appearance's sake, or shall I break
off relations with him?
ANsWER Continue to have relations with him, at least ver-
bally; for very often from such beginnings a real affection pro-
gressively develops. It is better for you to be half, and not fully,
((barren". b
(I) Included in Coil. a, Qu. ed. 109, and also in Coil. c
(Qu. n) and Coil. d (Qu. 44).
(2) Omitted as such in Coil. b, but related perhaps to its
Qu. 27, which is related in turn to QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 83
(PG 28, 649A), and later found its way into the thirteenth-
century Thesaurus ofTheognostos, XX §39 (CCPG 5, p. 221).
Coil. b, qu. 27 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 16]
QuESTION If someone undertakes a good deed not willingly
but forcing oneself, does one have a reward or not?
ANswER I. Tpe perfect sacrifice is one that somebody offers
without sorrow or compulsion, for God loves a cheerfUl giver (2
Cor 9: 7; Prov 22: Sa). However, since we hear the Lord saying,
«The violent are those to whom belongs the kingdom ofthe heavens,
and the violent snatch it away" (Mt n: n), we trust in His good-
ness that even in those things where we force ourselves, we shall
receive a reward.
2. Indeed those who practise virginity bring force to bear on
their nature and on themselves; similarly those who undertake
ascetic practices for many years, abstaining from wine and meat
and other things, and those who shut themselves up and practise
solitude, and sleep on the ground, and renounce the world, these
force themselves. Surely all of them will receive a reward from
God for the force expended.
Question 6o
Question 6r
QuESTION Well, then~ should one also pray for the pagans
["EMY]VS~], who finished their lives before Christ's appearance,
and not anathematize them?
ANsWER r. You should certainly not anathematize anyone
who died before Christ's dwelling among us. The reason is that
even in Hades the announcement of Christ was made once,
though only once. It was John the Baptist who took the lead and
proclaimed Christ there as well. And listen to what Saint Peter
says about Christ: He went and made a proclamation even to the
spirits in Hades who in former times did not obey (r Pet 3: 19).
2. Indeed there is an ancient traditionb that a certain law-
yer [oxo'AcwTnc6~] had been cursing Plato the philosopher very
much; then Plato appears to him in a dream saying to him, II2
"Sir, stop your cursing of me, because you are only doing harm
a This prayer is found in the litanies of various oriental liturgies, e.g. that of
Question 62
Question 63
(r) Included in Coli. a, Qu. ed. n2 and in Coli. d (Qu. 48).
(2) In Coil. 88 a question appears about the ventriloqust
woman (Qu. 39, PG 89, 581-584) but the answer is taken (like
several other QQ in this collection) from Theodoret, In I Reg., 63,
a Cf. Mt Io: r.
b Cf. I Kings 28: n-12; also Qu. 62, §I, above.
c Cf. I Pet 3: 19.
Question 64
consecrated Host.
b Cf. Mt 15: 17-20.
c Anastasios plays on the two similar-ending words 'ITLOTEt~ and 8v~o-£t~,
Question 65
QuESTION The Apostle says that the powers that are in the
world are instituted by God (Rom 13: 1). Does it follow that
every governor [apxwv] and emperor is appointed by God?
ANsWER r. God says in the Law [Ev Tw N6[L~], I will give you
rulers after your own hearts (Jer 3: 15); and so we say that some
governors and emperors are appointed by God as worthy of such
an honour, while others who are unworthy are appointed by
God's permission or will with a view to the people who are wor-
thy of such unworthiness. And listen to some stories about these.b
2. When the tyrant Phokas became emperorc and began to rrj
perpetrate those bloody massacres through Bonososd the ex-:-
ecutioner [Tou dYJ[LLOV], a certain anchorite in Constantinople,
a holy and very simple man who had great confidence with
God, as if God were like his father or an intimate friend, used
to complain to God in all simplicity, "Lord, why have you
made such a man emperor?" After several days had gone by
and he repeated the same thing to God, "Why have you made
such a man emperor?", a voice came to him from God saying,
"Because I have not found anybody worse!"
3· There was another city, one in the Thebaid,e that was very
wicked and where all sorts of evil and irregular deeds were per-
formed. One of the most abominable of the faction members
[demotes, dYJ[LOTYJ~] in that city suddenly underwent a pseudo-
conversion and went of£ received the tonsure, and donned the
a Anastasios adapts the quotation which should read: ''And I will give you
executed (see Qu. 30, §2) and was himself executed by his successor, Heraclius
d Bonosos (spelt Bwvoo-o~, B6vwo-o~, Bovwo-o~) was "Comes Orientis" under
Phokas, cf Theophanes, Chronographia, anno 6IOI [6o8/9 A.D.], ed. de Boor,
Leipzig, I883, vol. I, p. 296 (21-25), transl. C. Mango & R. Scott, Chronicle of
Theophanes, Oxford, 1997, pp. 425-427: cf Vita Theodori Syceotae, ed. A.-J. Fes-
tugiere [SH 48], Brussels, 1970, vol. I, cap. I42 (line I Bouvouo-o-o~), vol. 2, p. 256.
e The capital of the southern Egyptian province of Upper and Lower The-
baid was Antinoopolis, but several other important civic centres are to be found
in this heartland of Egyptian monasticism.
a Here an individual questioner seems to be addressed: but cf. Qu. 30, §4.
b The idea that the Arab invasions were a punishment is found elsewhere in
the works of Anastasios, e.g. Homilia III de creatione hominis (CPG 7749), III, r,
84-n2, ed. K.-H. Uthemann [CCSG n], pp. 59-61, and cf.]. L. van Dieten, Ge-
schichte der Patriarchen von Sergios I bis johannes VI. (6ro-7r)), [Enzyklopadie
der Byzantinistik 24], Amsterdam, 1972, p. r8r.
cThe circus faction system (distinguished by colours) inherited from Rome,
was not limited in its activity to the hippodrome or theatre, nor to Constan-
tinople; the Green and Blue factions had immense political impact and were
particularly strong in Alexandria and Egypt (see M. McCormack, "Factions",
ODB, pp. 773-774, with relevant bibliography).
d The following nominatives are not clearly linked with the preceding verbs;
the meaning seems to be that these countries are also examples of internecine
(I) A slighty adapted version of this question appears in
Coli. 23 (Qu. I6) and was incorporated into Coli. a (Qu. ed.
I6), and also into Coli. d (Qu. 50). It is missing in Coli. b and
Coli. c.·
(2) A very brief treatment of the problem occurs in the QQ ad
Antiochum, Qu. I2I (PG 28, 676A7-I5), using the same quotation
from Jeremiah (see §I).
(3) This answer contains two Narrationes not found elsewhere
in the Anastasian writings.
Question 66
Question 67
• Cf. r Kings 21: 2-7. As pointed out in connection with Qu. 41 (see Com-
ment [3] giving Coli. b, Qu. 20, §3, p. 150), Abimelech, or Amimelech is the
name found in the LXX, and Abiathar is his son.
Question 68
2-4), if this person says that he speaks "in a partial way" and un-
derstands "in a partial way'', he who had Christ dwelling with-
in himself (cf. Gal 2: 20), who is there then capable of saying
that, "I speak in a perfect way and I know in a perfect way"? To
speak about God is not without danger, as the blessed Gregory
says, "Those who are not aware of what is within them," he
says, "and do not even know what is the form [eloo~] and being
[ova-let] of their own souls - what sort of thing and how they
are, where they come from or how they come or where they go
- how much more so are they not capable of grasping anything
of the God who is not to be grasped, not to be uttered, not to
be investigated?" [cf. Greg. Nyssenus, Contra Eunomium, II, I,
§§I05-I07 (ed. W. Jaeger, Leiden, I96o\ vol. I, pp. 257-258)] In-
deed all the perverted heresies went astray and met destruction
because they were too meddlesome and inquisitive about the
incomprehensible depth of the godhead.
2. In relation with the Jews, and pagans [ "EMYJVE~] and Ar-
abs, the Church has a different argument, and defense [ilno'Aoylct]
concerning Christ and the faith. But in relation to the two her-
esies [prob. Nestorianism and Monophysitism] that hold sway
at present in Syria and Mesopotamia and Egypt, viz. for those
led astray by Nestorius and by Severus and Jakobos, those who
are not skilled in the finer points of dogma and Scripture can
present the following speech: "Every emperor and sovereign and
lord entrusts his essential dwellings and treasuries to those who
are by all means the most trustworthy and wisest of his people
and of all his ministers. But the most hofl.ourabl~wetimgs-;.nd
most holy treasuries of the mysteries of Christ <I](e, among all the
holy places on earth, holy Nazareth, holy Bethlkhem, the holy city
of God, Jerusalem, honoured Golgotha,, the(holy Mount Tabor,
Jordan, the holiest of rivers, holy Sion, ~cied Gethsemane, the
holy Mount of Olives, and honourable Mount Sinai. Now we can
see that all these holy and famous places, God has entrusted and
graciously granted them to our catholic Church for His glorifica- 2IO
tion and adoration. If the faith of Nestorius or Severus or Jako-
bos or Ga!anos or Theodosios or anyone else among the heretics
was more to be revered than that of our holy catholic Church, it
was necessary that these Holy Places of God should have been
entrusted rather to that faith."
3· But i£ as is likely, the heretic says that the catholic Church
owns these Holy Places because of imperial force and tyranny, he
is telling a lie which rebounds on himself. At one time the Arians
seized those places by imperial force, while the Romans rPw[-tcilOL =
Question 69
a Although no word for "church'' appears, this seems to be the meaning here.
b The same argument, claiming that all the places they hold in honour,
are now in Christian hands, is used against the Jews in the Disputatio adver-
sus Iudaeos (cf. PG 89, 1221B-C); this work is attributed doubtfully to Anas-
tasios (CPG 7772), but Andre Binggeli (Ricits, p. 337, n. 24) points out that
strong arguments exist in favour of its authenticity; he refers to WE. Kaegi,
Byzantium and the Early Islamic Conquests, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 221-226, and
H.-G. Thiimmel, Die Friihgeschichte der ostkirchlichen Bilderlehre. Texte und
Untersuchungen zur Zeit vor dem Bilderstreit [TU 139], Berlin, 1992, pp. 259-268.
c Arianism, despite the Council of Nicaea in 325, was in control of several
Question 70
QuESTION Why is it that Satan has not created so many
heresies and schisms in any other faith, but only in that of the
123 ANSWER r. The reason is that the faiths of the unfaithful are
all dear to the devil, and there is no reason for him to wage war
on them, but only on the faith of Christ, as it is opposed to
him, frequently makes war against him, and makes him inef-
2. It is possible to learn that this is true as follows. Before
Christ's dwelling here, there was no other nation on earth that
was truly God-worshipping except for that of Israel, and Satan
never divided any other nation except that one; so the tribes
were divided, and their kingdom, and they often made war
against one another, and they acquired many faiths and her-
esies. And would that they had quarrelled only about God in
was born in 5500, so the year 6200 is being referred to, viz. 708 A.D. To judge by
his other writings Anastasios was born about 630 A.D., and composed Homilia
III de creatione hominis around the year 700 A.D. (Binggeli, Recits, pp. 349, 362).
b In the Narrationes one finds this same notion (that all other religions are
dear to Satan) in the story about the conversation with demons mentioned
above (Qu. 41, Comment [3], Coli. b, Qu. 20, §8, p. 151), cf Nau LIII, Bing-
geli, II, 20 lines 35-39; there is also a strong affirmation along these lines in the
Hexaemeron XI, §n: "I say that only Christ's Church, the Church of Christians,
is an enemy and is fighting against the serpent. All the rest in the world- the
other religions and faiths of Gentiles, Jews, and heathens - are friends, com-
rades, spouses, and family of the diabolical serpent" (quoted by S.N. Sakkos, p.
153; Latin version PG 89, 1033B-C).
their heresies and schisms! But they also did so about idols, as
one may read in the Books of the Kings" and in the Prophets.
That is why Jeremiah said that, according to the number oftheir
cities were.their gods (Jer 2: 28; n: 13), and so also the heresies of
their foolish religion and their schisms.
3· So in the same way as now, then also while each irreligious
nation had one faith, as for the God-worshipping nation of Is-
rael, Satan split it into thousands of faiths.
(1) Included in Coli. a, Qu. ed. n8, and in Coli. d (Qu. 54,
which includes the following question, Qu. 71), but not in
Coli. c.
(2) Although this question is not in Coli. b, another ques-
tion on church history does figure there and is worth including
Coli. b, Qu. 42 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 22]
QuESTION For what reason do many signs and wonders not 212
occur among us today, as used to occur among earlier generations?
ANsWER r. It is very obvious that because wickedness is multiplied
(as the Lord says) the love of many has grown cold (Mt 24: 12), and
with it all good things. Nevertheless, as we learn from the divine
Scriptures, signs occur for the sake of the unbelievers, and not for
the sake of the believers; so when the Jews wanted to see signs from
Christ, listen to what he says to them: 0 evil and adulterous genera-
tion, unless you see signs and wonders, you do not believe! (Mt 12: 39;
16: 4; Lk n: 29; Jn 4: 48). Along with them, when Thomas sought
to see this, I mean the imprint of the nails and of the side (cf. Jn
20: 25), the Lord rebuked him saying, Is it because you have seen me
that you have believed? Blessed are those who have not seen and have
believed (Jn 20: 29), that is to say ourselves, who have not seen
Christ in the flesh, nor witness now signs and wonders.
2. Further, very often some are condemned more severely be-
cause of those very signs that have come about: seeing them, they
neither believed nor were baptized, but carried on in their evil.
Tell me, how was Pharaoh helped by so varied and so numerous 213
signs by Moses? What did Israel gain, though it saw the signs in
Egypt, and in the sea, and in the desert, and on Sinai, and in
the pillar of fire, and in the gloom and fire and storm-wind and
trumpet blasts? Mter all these, did Israel not construct at once the
calf and worship it? Similarly, what did that foolish people gain,
having seen Christ raising the dead to life, cleansing lepers, and
performing all kinds of healing? Did it not call him a sorcerer
[cpa.p[Lcoc6v], one who casts out demons through Beelzebul (M t 9: 34;
12: 24; Mk 3: 22; Lk n: 15)? Therefore they condemned him to
death, crucifying him with thieves as an evil-doer.
3· And to draw everything together in a final remark, let me
say, what good did it do and what conversion did it bring to this
Ariana nation to have been the witness of cures and signs and
wonders that have taken place in many different churches belong-
ing to us? They were not helped but rather they were condemned
more severely. And making this perfectly plain the Lord said
about the Jews, If I had not come and spoken to them, they would
not have sin (Jn 15: 22), so that signs come about for the greater
condemnation of many.
(3) Among the QQ ad Antiochum a similar question appears
(Qu. 43 [PG 28, 625A]), but with many textual differences.
Question 71
124 QuESTION Why did God permit Satan to wage any war at
all against humans, and did not annihilate him?
ANswER If there were no enemy to be seen, neither would
the tried soldiers and friends of the Emperor appear; and if
there were no battles and struggles, neither would there be vic-
tories, nor would crowns and rewards be granted.
(1) Included in Coil. a. Qu. ed. n9, and in Coil. d (Qu. 54,
which includes both this and the previous Qu.), but not in
Coil. b nor in Coil. c.
(2) Similar question and answer in the QQ ad Antiochum,
Qu. II (PG 28, 6o4C-D).
Question 72
lest demons take the opportunity from there to deceive and lead
us astray, as has happened to some. However dreams are often
due to the actions and preoccupations we have during the day.
Again they are brought on by the demons, or are made up of the
fantasies caused by one's digestion, or may come from God- for
quite often the holy angels guide us or frighten us with dreams.
2. Again, as the soul is rational and gifted with intellect, it 12
often foresees and forewarns a person of certain things, especially
that soul that possesses the Holy Spirit. As God says, I pour out
my spirit upon all flesh (that is faithful), and your sons and daugh-
ters shallprophesy, andyour young men shall see visions, andyour old
men shall dream with dreams (Acts 2: 17 [Joel2: 28]).
3· So any dreams you see that lead you to compunction, and
improvement, and conversion, and fear of God, these and only
these you should cherish.
(1) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. uo, and in Coli. d (Qu. 55),
but not in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
(2) Shorter version in the QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 99 (PG 28,
Question 73
QuESTION How is it that we see some of the faithful who
commit sins of the flesh and yet are beloved of God and blessed
and saved from dangers?
ANswER God's judgements are beyond our understanding
and impossible to unravel, a and because of this no one should
judge a person before the day of the resurrection. It may happen
that some people are thought to have committed some faults,
but in secret they have been making great achievements before
God: by us they are considered to be sinners, but they are just
before God; again there are others who are judged worthy of
kindness because of the prayers of their parents, as happened
with Solomon thanks to David. b And there are yet others who
(1) Adapted to form Qu. 10 in Coli. 23 (= Qu. ed. 10, PG 89,
432A4-C3), and then included in Coli. d (Qu. 56); omitted in
Coli. c.
(2) In Coli. ban additional Qu. (Qu. 42) deals with the theme
of not passing judgement and has been given above: see Qu. 10,
Comment (3), pp. 66-73.
Question 74
Question 75
ens to destroy one's life [lit. the destruction of the soul], each
has the right to do what one tests oneself capable of doing; but
if the persecution is just about bodily penalties, we ought to
support them for Christ's sake.
(r) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 122, and in Coli. d (Qu. 59),
but not in Coil. b nor in Coli. c.
Question 76
Question 77
Question 78
have overtaken them in the next life; and as they have sown
among others and taught a blasphemous faith, they have fol-
lowing in their train after death the sins and blasphemies of
the souls that have been harmed and destroyed by their wicked
2. However not only in the case of heresiarchs, but in that
of all other sins the one who teaches them to others has the
guilt following behind him. As can also be said indeed of good
deeds; those who teach sound doctrines, those who establish
hospitals and churches and orphanages, those who bequeath
their possessions and incomes to such foundations, all these
possess after death good <liturgical> commemorations (mne-
mosyna) and their rewards following after them. Surely it would ·
not be just of God that evil deeds should follow behind an
evil person and good deeds not equally follow behind a good
one. However, glory to the One who alone can grasp His own
(1) Although this Qu. appears in Coli. d (Qu. 6o), it is the
only authentic Qu. missing, as such, in all the other collections,
and does not appear in the QQ ad Antiochum.
(2) However, as D. Sieswerda has pointed out/ the author of
Coli. 23 used the opening quotation from this question (c£ PG
89, 372Cn-14) and some of the thoughts in the answer, along with
Qu. 52 to formulate his Qu. 6 (= Qu. ed. 6).
Question 79
who fell away at the very end of their lives, one of whom was
indeed that famous Julian; the wretched apostate.
ANswER r. Some people tell old wives' tales and say that the
devil, because he dwells in the air, can overhear God's decisions
about human beings. But that is impossible because God does
not use a voice that resounds, but does everything with His
voiceless and unspeakable will.
2. So my opinion is that Satan, being a light incorporeal
spirit, can understand and gauge much more accurately than
with any human medical science what are the powers and ener-
gies, the increases and diminutions of the life-giving force of
the body through the condition of the blood. From that he is
able by guess work [aToxaaTncw~], but not with full accuracy, to
estimate a person's end.b
3· The same may be said about soothsayers and ventrilo-
quists. The devils are light spirits; they can see who has robbed
whom, c and where the thief has put the stolen goods; they can
announce all this, just as quite often, having seen heavy rainfall
in the area of the Upper Nile [T~ 'lvdLK~ xwpa, lit. the Indian
land], they tell some Egyptian people in advance that the Nile's
rising will be high.d But if somebody questions these people
about the exact number of cubits and inches of the rise, they
have problems about giving an answer, and are convicted of be-
ing completely ignorant.
(r) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 125, and in Coli. d (Qu. 6r),
but not in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
(2) Some lines (§§2-3) are used in Coli. 23 (Qu. 20 = Qu.
ed. 2o, c£ PG 89B2-C5).e
a Emperor Julian, 361-363 A.D., but the suggestion that it was only at the
pp. 220-224).
c Cf. Athanasius, loc. cit., c. 31. 4 (p. 222), with a different interpretation.
Question 8o
QuESTION Some people want to say that Satan fell away be- 131
cause of his not paying homage to Adam. a
ANSWER 1. Such silly [rtcinttot] myths belong to the pagans
[EM.~vwv] and Arabs, b because from the Prophets, and espe-
cially from the great Ezekiel,c one can learn that it was because
of pride that Satan was cast away from God, before Adam had
come into being.
2. When God was bringing into being this visible creation
the devil thought that God would place him to be its emperor.
So when he saw that God had made Adam and set him over the
works ojHis hands> and subjected all things under his feet (Ps 8: 7), ·
then indeed he took up arms against Adam and deceived him.
(r) Included in Coil. a. Qu. ed. 126, and in Coil. d (Qu. 62),
but not in Coil. b nor in Coil. c.
(2) Although a similar Qu. appears in QQ ad Antiochum,
Qu. ro (PG 28, 6o4Cr-9), in place of the mention of pagans and
Arabs one finds simply "the foolish" [li¢p6vwv].
(3) The answer is remarkable, partly be<;ause of its apparent
reference to the Koran, and partly because in the Hodegos Anas-
tasios seems to refer to himself (w~ ¢ryJ"t TL~ Twv OtOCX.OlCetAwv) and
quotes the words. "the devil thought that God would place him to
be its emperor": cf. Viae Dux IV, 23-27, 37-38 (CCSG 8, p. 83); in
the first of the Narrationes (Nau I; Binggeli I r lines n-12 [p. qr])
there is mention of the adoration by the angels offered to human
nature (in Christ), as also appears in Qu. 4 §2 above.
a The same idea is found in the hymns of Romanos, c£ Hymnus XLIII 23
(ed. J. Grosdidier de Matons [SC 128], Paris, 1967, p. 528, note r).
b C£ Koran Sourate (al-Baqarah) 2, 34; also Sidney H. Griffith, "Anastasios
of Sinai, the Hodegos and the Muslims", The Greek Orthodox Theological Review,
32, 1987, pp. 346-347; Richard P. H. Greenfield, Traditions ofBeliefin Late Byz-
antine Demonology, Amsterdam, 1988, pp. n-13.
c Cf. Ezek 28: 2-10, 12-19; Isa 14: 12-14.
Question 81
out in church.
b Cf. Gen 2: 7; Sirach q: r, 32.
c The source for this opinion has not been identified.
a A very similar turn of phrase ("If my opponent [6 6t'E-vanla~] says to me ... ")
occurs in the Homiliae (Capita adversus monotheletas VI, 3 line 86, ed. K.-H.
Uthemann [CCSG n], p. rn).
tired out and exhausted. Again, at times, during the night, quiet
[~o-vXtct] from noises restores the mind to peace and equilibrium;
but at other times, if there are noises or burning heat overtakes
the body, our incorporeal mind is also perturbed and agitated.
And surely, while the body is childish and immature, our minds
also are childish, immature and foolish, almost as incapable of
solid judgement as the brute beasts. But with the limbs making
progress and growing in successive stages [KctTCt np6o-~cto-rv] ,"the
mind gradually grows with them and is enlightened.
7· Clearly if this incorporeal and invisible power [oullctp.t~] of
our souls and minds is ruled and influenced by the combina-
tion between the elements and the body, and if at God's bid-
ding it depends upon that, and is dominated by it, then believe
135 me without any further hesitation when you hear that both the
birth and growth of the material body, its formation and dis-
solution, are brought about, with God's foreknowledge, under
the governing rule of the elements. Without any doubt the
plants which lack souls and sense organs regularly correspond
to the sequence of elements and climate. That is why one coun-
try never propagates palm trees, while another produces no
olive groves, yet a third is barren as far as vines are concerned,
and a fourth has no acorn crop.
8. That is why the most accurate of the world's geographers
insist that Paradise lies in the easternmost part of the world's
surface, serving as its altar of sacrifice, for as Scripture says: God
planted a paradise [= an orchard} in Edem towards the east (Gen
2: 8). So it is that in the land of the Indians, which is the near-
est to it, nearly all the fruits have the most fragrant aromas,
because with the air current of the winds the sweet scent of the
most fragrant plants in paradise are carried and communicated
to them, after the fashion of palm trees which are close to one
another; they communicate between themselves by the winds
seed producing flowers from the male plants.
9· Now any sweet scent, and especially that which comes
from Indian perfumes, even when prepared without any liquid
Question 82
(r) Included in Coil. a. Qu. ed. 128, and in Coil. d (Qu. 64),
but not in Coil. b nor in Coil. c.
(2) The same question appears in Coli. 88 as Qu. 8r, but there
consists only of the two quotations that make up the florilegium
added to Qu. ed. 128 (cf. PG 89, 78IA-C); in this case Coil. d
(Qu. 64) does not give the version found in Coil. 88 but instead
copies the authentic answer.
Question 83
ANswER I. The Lord did not say these things giving permis-
sion nor giving orders for you to accumulate money from injus-
tice and to give alms out of it; but aware that the whole world is
involved in injustice and that almost all the wealth of those who
are rich and in positions of government comes from injustice -
usury, confiscations, enforced gifts, robberies. That is why he gave
utterance to such a saying, so that one might choose the lesser evil
by comparison.
2. It is a beautiful act and pleasing to God that one should 191
give alms from one's just and sinless labours and pains; it was
from these that those around Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and
Job did so, viz. from tillage, vineyards, cattle, just commerce,
hired labour, skilled farming and similar devices. However if it
appears that a certain wealth has come to us through some injus-
tice, it is better that what has been accumulated from evil sources
be distributed for good purposes, and not that what has come
from evil sources should go once more into evil practices, and
luxury, and fornication, and drunkenness, and profligacy, and
houses with golden ceilings and silken hangings, and all the other
deceit of life.
(3) This question was taken over and expanded (with both
more text and a florilegia of fourteen quotations) in Coli. 23 (Qu.
12 = Qu. ed. 12); this passed into Coil. d (Qu. 65).
(4) Cf. Qu. 44 above, and also QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 87 (PG
28, 649D-652A).
Question 84
convinced that they are the true faith, and the pagans ["EMYjVc~]
in punishing the martyrs thought that they were acting well,
and those who now burn churches think that this is a sacrifice
to God, and those who crucified Christ did not know. what they
were doing (Lk 23: 34) and Herod because of his oath thought
he was doing good in assassinating John, and the sister ofMoses
who became a leper, she thought she was acting according to
the Law, when she upbraided Moses."
3· It is necessary to be informed of this so that we will not
think that we will not be called to account for the sins commit-
ted unconsciously.
(1) Included in Coil. a. Qu. ed. 130, and in Coil. d (Qu. 66),
but not in Coil. c.
(2) Although this question is not included in most copies
of Coli. b another, somewhat related, question has been added
there (Qu. 38) by the Athos manuscript, Philotheou 52, and the
same question is also found in at least one manuscript of Coil.
d (Parisinus Coislin n6) as an additional question.b A paraphrase
of this question comes in QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 72 (PG 28,
64oC1-644C7), and there is a very similar text in Ps.-Athanasius,
De communi essentia 49 (PG 28, 73-77). However, note should
be taken of a further treatment of this question in Coli. 88
where Qu. 65 asks "How is it that every blasphemy is forgiven to
humans, but that of the Spirit is not forgiven?" and the question
is answered by a quotation from Chrysostom, Hom. in Matth. 41, 3
(PG 57, 449[13]-450[5]) and another quotation from Basil: this
question appears in Coli. a as Qu. ed. 147 (PG 89, 801 Aio-C6).
Coil. b, Qu. 38 [Greek text: CCSG 59, Appendix 19]
204 QuESTION How are we to understand the saying of the Lord,
Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men . .. and whoever says
205 anything against the Son ofMan, it will be forgiven him; but who-
ever says anything against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him,
neither in the present time nor in the future age (Mt 12: 31-32, but cf.
Mk 3: 28; Lk 12: Io) ?
denies me, I will deny him (Mt ro: 33)? How did you exhort say-
ing, The person who does not honour the son does not honour the
father (J n 5: 23)? All the heresies from the beginning of time, those
from your arrival on earth, were insulting to you and they blas-
phemed against you the Son: and do you tell me, Whoever says
anything against the Son, it will be forgiven him? Will it be forgiven
to Simon Magus, who said, "The one who was born from Mary is
not the Christ [the anointed one], but I am the Christ" (c£ Acts 8:
9-24)? Will it be forgiven to Arius, who said, "The Son of God is
something created, like the rest of created things, and he was not
engendered from God"? Will it be forgiven to accursed Nestorius,
who blasphemed against the Son and said, "Do not boast, Mary,
for you did not give birth to God, but to a man"?
5. If all of these are to be forgiven, 0 Master, people who blas-
phemed against you, then why did the holy Councils of the Fa-
thers condemn them with such terrifYing excommunications and
anathemas? If we are to understand the words of the Lord in a cut
207 and dried way, without any examination, then all the heresies are
irreproachable, with the sole exception of that ofMacedonius, the
Spirit-fighter, who blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, using the
names "creature" and "artefact" for Him.
6. Indeed many silly people who did not understand the pur-
pose of the Lord with regard to the aforementioned sayings, fell
into godless heresies, in this fashion: Every sin and blasphemy will
be forgiven to men. When the demented Origen heard this, and
then Eusebius from Palestine, they began to spread the accursed
teaching that there would be a winding-up (apokatastasis) of hell
and that everyone, and Satan himself, after <the end of> hell
would be judged worthy of the kingdom of heaven. a
7· Next let us consider the consequences of the Lord's say-
ing, Whoever says anything against the Son of Man, it will be for-
given him (Mt 12: 31-32). Again when the cursed Arius heard this,
he split the Son away from the Father, arguing that the Son was
lesser, and not only lesser than the Father, but also than the Holy
Spirit. Other fellow lunatics when they heard, Whoever says any-
thing against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, they went
astray saying, "All those who blaspheme against the flesh of the
Lord, will find forgiveness; only those who criticize his divini-
ty will be condemned." Again when Navatos [Novatian] heard,
Whoever says anything against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven
him, neither in the present time not in the future, he went out of his
adds a marginal note here: "he calls 'enemies' the lsmaelites and Hagarenes [=
Muslim Arabs] who oppress the Christians even up to the present time in Syria
love for Him, and for our faith in Him we suffer persecution, for His
sake we deny ourselves homes, fathers and mothers, brothers and
sisters, wives and children (c£ Mt 19: 29; Mk 10: 29; Lk 18: 29), and
we gladly give even our own flesh in martyrdom and torture on His
behalf How then is it possible for us to blaspheme and mock our
God for whom we die every day (c£ I Cor 15: 31)? But this evil think-
ing is nothing but jealousy and spite of the devil who wants to raise
obstacles and separate us from our God. Yet no one, as I said earlier,
can reverence and blaspheme the self-same God. Neither the pagans
[''EM.YlvE<;] nor the devils who insinuate such blasphemy into the soul
dare to blaspheme against Him.a
4· If such a blasphemy were truly the product of a human be-
ing, surely we would have uttered the words with the mouth. But
at present we prefer to be burned with fire rather than to utter
any sort of blasphemy with our mouths. So understanding this 22
properly and bearing in mind the cunning of the devil, let us by
no means hold such an evil thinking as a definite choice [tyjcpov]. b
5· Also from the following one should be certain that such a
temptation is an alien thing: with regard to our own evil passions
and our own evil thoughts, those that we breed within us, such
as adultery, fornication, gluttony, envy, hate, jealousy, avaricious-
ness, back-biting, quarrelling, anger, and other similar things, it
depends on us whether we practice these or not, and whether we
turn them over in our minds or not. But in the case of this evil
and Palestine and Phoenicia and Persia and Egypt and in the Holy Mountain
of Sinai."
"The Paris manuscript, Coislin. n6, which is one of the main witnesses for
Coil. d and which also happens to contain this question, adds at this point a
reference to the acknowledgement by the dem_ons, mentioned in the Gospels
(Mk r: 24; Lk 4: 34), of Christ's divinity.
b Here also Coislin. n6 makes an addition:
"But if the demon starts again to pronounce within us those hateful words,
let us say to him, 'May affliction come down on your head, and your blasphemy
fall on your skull, wicked and unclean demon! For my part, I reverence the Lord
my God, and him alone I adore (cf Mt 4: ro; Lk 4: 8), and I shall never blas-
pheme against him. How is it possible for me to blaspheme and also pronounce
the praise of the Lord my God? How can I insult him whom I praise and rev-
erence night and day with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my
strength and with all my mind? But that praise-giving is mine; while the blas-
phemy, you will see to be a shadow. You will be punished for your evil speaking.
You are the one who speaks as an apostate against God.' In this way, and not
in any other, a person will be able to be freed from this trial, as one recognizes
the trickery of the Evil One and despises it and eliminates it as belonging to the
demon and not to the human person."
There are similarities in this passage with Qu. 15 in the QQ ad Antiochum
mentioned above.
which comes from the early historians. a One of the fathers of the
Skete,b being gravely troubled by this thought-process [Aoytufl6~], 2
gave an account of it to the most blessed Peter, the Archbishop of
Alexandria who was also a martyr. c The most blessed Peter replied
to him in the following words:
Go away, my child! Pay attention to your other sins, but
leave the responsibility for this thought-process and any guilt
upon me; it is obvious that all those who believe whole-heart-
edly and reverence God are not responsible for such a thought-
process; it is <due to> jealousy of the devil, his creation and his
suggestion, because he wants to impede and distract us from
the struggle against him and from the service to and attendance
on God. To convince you by means of a story from one of the
great fathers that such a mental figment [sn[voLct] is not due to
human agency but to the wicked demon, listen to this saying-
story [an6¢9eyt-tct] which does much good to the soul.
8. Once when such an evil thought process was also af-
flicting meci I gave an account of it to the servant of God and
confessor of the faith, Paphnoutios. He encouraged me say-
ing, 'When I was in the prison itself, and while with fire and
tortures my body was being burnt and cut away for Christ's
sake, the demon within was uttering blasphemies against God.
Then rebuking him with anger I said,
"Oh most wicked one, creator of all evil, I have given my
blood and my soul on behalf of Christ even unto death so
that I may not deny and blaspheme Him, and are you uttering
a This historian, identified in §9 as Philo, is unknown except for the refer-
ences that Anastasios makes to him here and in the "Demonstration" (a:rr6oet~t~)
(on which see Qu. ro, Comment [3]) while introdu_cing the story de area mar-
tyris; G. Mercati has shown that this Philo is not the fourth-century Bishop of
Carpasia (Cyprus), probably known to Anastasios of Sinai, nor of course Philo,
the first-century Jewish philosopher and exegete (though Anastasios of Sinai
does refer to him elsewhere, e.g. Hodegos XIII, ro, 19 and 85 [CCSG 8, pp. 252,
255]); cf. G. Mercati, "Un preteso scritto di san Pietro vescovo d'Alexandria'',
p. 435; also Patrology, pp. 336-7.
b The famous Egyptian monastic settlement in the Wadi Natrun (cf. ODB,
sv. Skete); in §9 the monk is identified as Pambo.
c Peter I of Alexandria died in3n as a martyr, and was venerated as a saint;
however, at his death Pambo was still a child and could not have asked him for
advice as recounted here; as Mercati remarks the whole story is "senza valore per
la biografia di lui" (loc. cit., p. 430).
d The best manuscript, Hieros. S. Sabbas 408, adds the scholion: "The saint-
ly Peter also recounted these things to the monk from Skete to encourage him
to have confidence", clearly to avoid the misapprehension that Anastasios might
be speaking of himself.
a Cf. note a (p. 209); however, both Hieros. 5. Sabbas 408 and the eleventh-
century Vatican Angelicus gr. 52 add this marginal scholion: "This Philo, who was
mentioned above, was bishop of Carpathios [lege, Carpasia], the name of a cape
in love-filled [a wordplay on Kvnpl~w] Cyprus towards the East, since that to the
West is called Paphos, as the Acts of the Apostles makes plain: Then Paul and his
companions set sail from Paphos and came to Perga in Pamphylia (Acts 13: 13); that
was an appointment by the most blessed Epiphanios, as he [Philo] was dearly be-
loved by him, and Epiphanios left him behind, when he went off to Rome to the
Emperor Honorius, to represent him and take charge of any ecclesiastical matters
that might occur." Mercati (loc. cit., p. 433 n. 1) notes that this scholion is drawing
on chapter 49 of the legendary vita of St Epiphanios (PG 41, 85A-B).
b Both the Coislin manuscript and a Vatican manuscript, Barberinianus gr.
522 (dated to the eleventh or twelfth century) add here: "the other passions and
human sins frequently need time and a set moment [and day adds C], and some
material things, and it is possible for someone to fight against them and prevent
them; but this sort of thought-process invades the soul as swiftly as a lightning-
Bash or falling thunder-bolt or a blink of the eye before one can say a word,
and it is not in our power to prevent it or close the mouth of the bodiless de-
mon." However, in view of the scholion mentioned in the next note, this whole
paragraph seems to have been misplaced, and should follow §ro, or at least be
read in parentheses; Mercati suggested placing the words "which we have found
recounted in the compilation of Philo the historian" between brackets. Another
possibility is that the words, ''And he also said" [Kctl sins] have been omitted.
c Hieros. 5. Sabbas 408, adds in the margin the scholion: "This story is also
due to the most holy Pope and Archbishop Peter, because Anastasios, who says
and writes these things, was much more recent than they, being the hegou-
menos of the Holy Mountain of Sinai."
way you can free yourselves from the Evil One. I greet you in the
Lord, amen.
Question 85
Question 86
(1) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 131, and in Coli. d (Qu. 68),
but not in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
Question 87
QuESTION If I am subjected to slavery or prison, and I am
not able, as and when I would wish, to take time in church or
to fast and practise night-vigils, how can I be saved and gain the
remission of sins?
ANSWER 1. Any slavery, imprisonment and state of wretch-
edness clearly has been brought into the world for the re-
140 mission of your sins. Thus if you guard your faith, and give
thanks to God for your slavery, and if you repeat to yourself
in humility the reflection, "Righteous you are, 0 Lord (Ps n8:
137), in all that you have done to me, and I have suffered
nothing appropriate to my sins," this humility and thank-
fulness will be counted for you as fasting and attending the
liturgy. However, if someone loves God, one is able in any
circumstances, wherever one may be, to remember God in
one's heart.
2. Because it was revealed on one occasion by God to the ab-
bot Anthony as he was in the desert, "There is a doctor in the
town who is up to your level; he gives all his surplus money to
the poor, and during the whole day he is chanting in his heart
along with the angels the Holy, holy, holy."
(1) Although the question is included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 132,
the answer given is in fact the answer to the following question,
Qu. 88, §§1-2; this error dearly distinguishes one branch of the
manuscript tradition.
(2) In Coli. d (Qu. 69), but not in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
(3) One of several QQ dealing with life under Arab domina-
tion: c£ QQ 76, 101, 102.
Question 88
enjoyment, then perhaps those who concoct pretexts for sins (Ps
I40: 4) might be said to have some cause. But as it is, we see in
Holy Scripture that nearly all those who gained God's friend-
ship, I mean people like Abraham and those of his generation,
and Joseph, and Job, and Moses, and David, and innumerable
others, were all persons who pleased God while surrounded by
wealth, worldly things and children.
2. In fact this is yet another of the Devil's ploys: he suggests to
someone, "It is impossible for you to be saved if you do not with-
draw from the world, practise solitude and retire to the desert."
He has beguiled and misled many with similar considerations,
so that they lived in the hope of retiring from the world in the
distant future and with this thought took recklessly to sin, and
as they were not able to retire he packed them off to eternal fire.
3· Tell me, was there ever someone more wicked that Manasses,a
who during fifty-five years forced all Israel to worship idols? And
yet when he repented, he was welcomed by God on making his
confession, since being then a prisoner he was incapable of win-
ning God's favour with donations and almsgiving. In the case
of that other notorious sinner, I mean Nabouchodonosor, as he
was in possession of great wealth Daniel counselled him to save I.
himself by almsgiving and said to him, 0 King, let my counsel be
acceptable to you; atone for your sins with alms andfor your iniquities
with compassionate deeds to the needy (Dan 4: 24 [27]).
4· What excuse will we have on the day of judgement,
especially the present generation which has to see so many of
our own brothers and co-religionists and off-spring in such
necessity and straitened circumstances, living in deserted track-
less wastes, amid hardships and hunger and thirst and naked-
ness and exhaustion and toil? It is true that Israel was once
an enslaved population, but they were not condemned to the
desert, but in cities and among other people.
5· However supposing that you lack money for them,
I mean for these brothers of yours, and cannot share their
sufferings financially, I have a word of advice for you which
is valid for everyone and which can bring salvation to both
rich and poor. What advice is this? Simply that when you sit
down at your table and see the abundance of different dishes
laid out before you, you sigh to yourself and criticize yourself,
saying, ''My God, make me, sinner that I am, blameless in
respect of these your numerous blessings! How many of our
brothers are longing even at this moment for a small morsel of
bread! How many are there at this very moment in the desert
who do not even have enough water to satisfy them! How
many do not even dispose of shade, but are being scorched by
the sun!" Similarly on the point of getting into bed, when you
are going to sleep, turn over in your mind similar thoughts,
and so also when you are in the bath-house, and in church,
and in the market-place, constantly bewailing and criticizing
yourself. I can assure you that anyone who uses these reflec-
tions to confess before God and to belittle oneself, will find a
measure of grace with God.
143 6. As for those who say to themselves, "The reason why
God has given me all this is so that I may eat and drink and
enjoy myself, and had God wanted He would surely have given
the same both to me and to the poor person, so that such a
one might eat and drink, and find enjoyment," people who
say such things have closed the gate of the Kingdom on them-
(r) Included in Coli. a. partly (§§r-2) as the answer to the
previous question, Qu. ed. 132, and partly as a separate question-
and-answer, Qu. ed. 133 (§§3-6).
(2) Included in Coli. d (Qu. 70) as one question, but omitting
§r; not included in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
(3) In Coli. 23 (Qu. 15 = Qu. ed. 15) the compiler took §r
and expanded it with more quotations from Paul, but omitted
the rest, adding instead a florilegium with long quotations from
St Basil, John Climacus and the Apostolic Constitutions (PG 89,
(4) In the QQ ad Antiochum a passage similar to §3 occurs in a
question on alms-giving, Qu. 88 (PG 28, 65B-C).
(5) A similar theme in Qu. 47 above.
Question 89
QuESTION How is that in our own day we see many who are
willing to gladly give themselves up to death for the sake of the
orthodox faith, but when they come to the moment of death,
the tyrannical rulers, either because of the intercession of cer-
tain persons or simply because they change their minds, decide
to set them free? What is one to think of the cause of such a
liberation? Is it due to God or to human intervention?
ANSWER The ways and judgements of God are multiple
and varied, thanks to which some persons are liberated from
such deaths. There are often some whom God redeems, per-
haps because they happen to be teachers or in charge of the
poor; in these cases He welcomed their good intention but set
them free for the salvation of others. Again, there are others He
redeems perhaps because the cause for which they offer their
lives no longer deserves what they think it does. But it is also
frequent for the devil to raise an obstacle, to prevent someone
from gaining the crown. And so on, there are numerous other
explanations, which it is not necessary to mention because
some cannot understand them.
(r) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 134, and in Coli. d (Qu. 71),
but not in Coli. b nor in Coli. c.
Question 90
Question 91
Question 92
Question 93
• Cf. Mt 25: 8.
of the "eternal" is the same for the just and for sinners, as the
former are for eternal life and the latter for eternal hell (Mt 25: 46).
2. Again in a similar way the Lord says about those condemned
to Gehenna, Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched
(Mk 9: 48). Moreover both the parable about the rich man and
Lazarus; and that about the ten virgins,h make plain the never-
ending nature of hell. So also the words spoken about Judas: It
were good for him had he not been born (Mt 26: 24), suggest an
eternal hell, because if he were to be punished for several years in
hell and then later enter the kingdom of the heavens for all ages,
it would not be better for him had he not been born. Again, how
149 could Scripture say, In death there is no one who makes mention of
you (God), and in Hades who will acknowledge you (Ps 6: 6)? The
mention of God does not exist there, nor does his proclamation;
it is obvious then that there will also never be its abolition.
3· As for the Apostle's saying, If someone's work is burned,
that one will suffer loss, but the person will be saved, even ifonly as
through fire (1 Cor 3: 15), this means that sin is destroyed there
and will no longer exist, but the person who committed it will
not be wiped out like the sin, but being indestructible is saved
in the fire, i.e. persists and endures and is not destroyed in it.
4· However even if hell lasted a thousand years, as the her-
etics claim, c what need is there to make trial of such horror
when we cannot now stand our bodies being burnt even for a
moment [npo~ pon~v]?
(r) Included in Coli. d (Qu. 76).
(2) In Coli. a, Qu. ed. 137 (PG 89, 789 Cr-7) includes a frag-
ment (§3) from this question, even if most of it draws on the fol-
lowing question (Qu. 94).
(3) In Coli. 88 one question (Qu. 56) raises the same problem,
but the answer is drawn from John Chrysostom.
(4) In the QQ ad Antiochum, Qu. 102 (PG 28, 666D-66rA)
has points in common with this Qu.
Question 94
QuESTION Is there a time-limit for the consummation of
the world or not?
ANSWER God foreknows all things before their beginning. a 150
However the holy Fathers do say that when the number of
the just fully equals the number of angels who fell, so that the
upper world is full, then will the consummation come about; as
Gregory" cries out, "The upper world must be filled!"
(1) Included in Coli. a. Qu. ed. 137, in Coli. b (Qu. 35) and in
Coli. d (Qu. 77), but not in Coli. c.
Question 95
QuESTION Some people have difficulty on hearing the
apostolic [= Pauline] phrase which says with reference to the
resurrection: Then the Son Himself will also be subjected to the
Father, who has put all things in subjection under Him (1 Cor
15: 28).
ANSWER r. A problem of this sort is typical of the Arians
and Nestorians, who want to prove that God the Word is sec-
ondary and a slave and a created thing. So one should put
them the question, "How will the Son be subjected to the Fa-
ther at the resurrection, will i~ be as one who at present is
not subjected, or as one already subjected?" And if they an- 15
swer, ''As one not subjected", the Apostle himself puts them to
shame when he says that the Christ is obedient, and subjected
to His own father, to the point of death, even death on a cross
(Phil 2: 8).
2. Now someone who is obedient to his own father unto
death, how can he be still further subjected to Him at the resur-
rection? Surely the body of Christ, which is the church of those
Question 96
Question 97
(1) This question is included (though omitting §3) in Coll. c
(Qu. 13), and was then added to the Gretser edition of Coil. a as
Qu. 109bis (PG 89, 761C-76¢.
(2) Although the question was taken over in Coll. 88 (as Qu.
71) the original answer was omitted and in place of it texts from
Basil and John Chrysostom added; it appears in Coll. a as Qu.
61 (PG 89, 645C-648A), the question thus appearing twice in the
Gretser edition, but with very different answers.
Question 98
154 QuESTION What sort of thing was the object called in the
Law the ephoud?
ANSWER r. The name itself on its own signifies "revela-
tion" or "ransoming". As for its form, Scripture testifies that
it was a piece of cloth, about a hand-span across, shaped
as a square panel of silken material woven with gold-thread
and fashioned very skilfully. In the middle it had a sort of
solid gold plaque with two perfect emeralds set on either
155 side, each having engraved on it six of the twelve tribes of
Israel, while in the middle, between the emeralds was an
adamant stone.
2. The shoulder garment of the High Priest had the form
of a cape, which was short and came down only as far as the
thighs; the high priests wore this when they offered incense and
performed religious ceremonies.
3· Whenever the need arose to question God on some sub-
ject, the High Priest attached one edge of the ephoud to his
shoulder garment at the level of his heart and put both his
hands under it, so that it was positioned spread out on the
palms of his hand like a tablet; then he put the question to
God, while gazing at the ephoud.
4· If the affair was to God's liking the adamant stone at once
began to shine and sparkle, emitting beams of light; however if
what was asked for was not to God's liking, the stone stayed in
the same state. On the other hand, if God intended handing
over the people for slaughter, the diamond took on a bloodshot,
(r) The compiler of Coll. 88 took over this question (Qu. 40;
PG 89, 585A6-Br4) and added three texts to form a florilegium; this
version is included in Coll. a as Qu. 40, and is also found in Coll.
d (Qu. 8r); Anastasios calls it "ephoud», but "ephod)) is more usual.
(2) The object discussed here is mentioned (though not named
as such) in Exodus 28: 6-13, 26 (30); the name appears in Judges 8:
27; q: 5 and r Kings 14: 3, r8-2o.
(3) In the Catenae on Exodusa one finds references to the
prophetic use made of changing colours of stones, and the text
given by Anastasios appears there attributed to him or to the
Souda.b However, there seems to be no other exact parallel to
the use of the adamant stone, even if changes of colour in other
stones is mentioned: cf Theodoret of Cyrrhus, QQ in Exod. 6o
(eds Fernandez Marcos & Saenz Badillos, QQ in Octateuchum,
pp. 139-144; PG 8o, 285C); Epiphanius, De XII gemmis (CPG
3748; PG 43, 293-301, 301-304, 371-372); in general, cf. Frederick
H. Cryer, Divination in Ancient Israel and its Near Eastern En-
vironment. A socio-Historicalinvestigation [Journal for the Study
of the Old Testament Supplement Series 142], Sheffield, 1994,
pp. 277-282 ("The Ephod and the Ark").
Question 99
a Nikephoros, LEtpa ... Ei~ T~v 'OKT&.nvxov, vol. r, Leipzig, 1772, col. 875;
Fr. Petit, La Chaine sur l'Exode [Traditio Exegetica Graeca n], Num. 871 Ad Ex.
28, 26 (30), Louvain, 2000, p. 223.
bOn the Souda, cf Qu. 85, Comment (3).
tiles, It is not you who bear the root; it is the root that bears you
(Rom n: r8), meaning by "root" the Law. Similarly when he
says, He who is weak eats vegetables (Rom 14: 2), he is talk-
ing of the former Jews; when they adopted the faith and
were baptized, to avoid all suspicion of eating any sort of
meat derived from pig, which they abhorred, a they abstained
completely from all meat, consuming only vegetarian food
in future. It is on their behalf that Paul said, He who is weak,
meaning in the faith, someone who is not yet completely
reformed, eats vegetables (Rom 14: 2).
7· Consequently let no one among you say, along with these
ungodly people, "Whom God wishes, He saves, and whom
God wishes, He destroys", because he would be making God
unjust; if God Himself destroyed the sinner, why does He send
that person to hell? Moreover God will be presented as having
favourites,h in so far as He saves some and destroys others. But
that is not so, God forbid! God has given humans the power of
free-will, and He has set before them the way of life (]er 21: 8),
just as the devil has set before them the way of sin, and each
will proceed along whichever each chooses. That is why God
gives to the just 'the kingdom of heaven as a reward for their
good intention, and similarly to the wicked He gives hell for
their wicked intention.
(r) Found in Coli. b (Qu. 32).
(2) In Coli. 88 (Qu. 55) this topic is brought up, but an answer
attributed to John Chrysostom replaces the Anastasian answer,
and this is the version, also included in Coli. d (Qu. 55), that can
be read in Coli. a, Qu. ed. 55 (PG 89, 6q-62o).
Question roo
of the Lord which states, I have not come to abolish the Law,
but to fulfil it (Mt 5: 17). What reply ought we to make about
ANSWER I. On many different occasions in the Gospel
the Lord can be seen to be teaching us the cancellation
of the Law; for example, when He says, The Law and the
prophets, up to the time of john (Lk r6: r6; Mt n: 13), and
again to the Jews, The vineyard- meaning the cultivation
sanctioned by the Law and the worship - will be taken away
from you and will be given to a people that produces its fruit
(Mt 21: 43, 41). And also, "The Romans will come and they
will destroy the city and the kingdom ",a and, Behold, your
house is left to you desolate (Mt 23: 38; Lk 13: 35), and yet
again when He says to the disciples, This is my blood of the
new covenant (Mt 26: 28),b it is obvious that He rejected the
former sacrifice.
2. Therefore, when the Lord says to the Jews, I have not
come to abolish the Law (Mt 5: 17), He is speaking in an ex-
cellent way that respects religious decorum and yet suggest-
ing to them something like, "I for my part have not come to
abolish the Law, provided that you had accepted me and be-
lieved in me as the one proclaimed in advance by the Law
and the prophets; but when you condemned me the lawgiver
to death, it is you, therefore, who dissolved the Law and the
3· However, even before Christ's sojourn one can see that
God was revealing the cancellation of the worship sanctioned
by the Law; He did this through all the prophets, but more es-
pecially He spoke under oath through Jeremiah, saying, Behold,
I swore by my great name, says the Lord almighty, if indeed my
name shall be in the future in the mouth of all Judah (Jer 51: 26
[44: 26]). But if God said that He would take away His name
a Jn n: 48, but replacing "the city and the kingdom" by "our holy place [OR
Question 101
4· You have heard that God handed them over mildly, but
those lawless men treated them mercilessly. That is why He
wiped out the Assyrians, because they had treated Israel wicked-
ly, just as in the case of Pharaoh, because he also treated the Jews
[-rovc;'lovocdovc;] cruelly and harshly, God drowned him in the sea,
which is what we hope will also happen to these in a short time.
5· It is, necessary for us to be aware of these things, so that
when you see these lawless men closing the churches, shedding
blood, persecuting some people unjustly and mercilessly, and
committing other crimes, you will not be angry with God, but
realize clearly that they are acting thus because of their own
godlessness, and that they await the worst possible hell.
(I) Used in Coli. 23 (Qu. I7 = Qu. ed. I7) for the first
paragraph (cf. PG 89, 484A4-BI4), but greatly expanded and
answering the question if all assaults by foreign foes occur at
God's orders, without specific reference to the Arabs.
(2) Not included in Coli. c.
(3) There is a different, but related, version in Coli. b, the
Arabs referred to as ''Arians" (probably not a scribal error; cf.
Appendix 22, §3, p. I88).
Coli. b, Qu. 40 [Greek text found only in one manuscript:
CCSG 59, Appendix 2I]
QuESTION When some people hear the Gospel words, All
things came into being through the word of God, and without him
came into being not one thing that came into being (Jn I: 3), they say
that all the things that happen in the world and every hardship
that the race [TO yho~] of the Ariansa inflicts upon us believers, it
inflicts with the permission of God.
ANswER I. Those who say and think these things are far from
the word of truth, because the murders and adulteries and forni-
cations and thefts and other sins that happen in the world do not
come about through God, but from the Evil One [sKToihrov'l']poii].
Therefore it was about created things that the evangelist said, All
things came into being through the word of God, and without him
came into being not one thing that came into being (Jn I: 3).
a In this question the term ''Arian" is clearly an opprobrious term for ''Arab"
(as in Appendix 22 [given in Comment (2) on Qu. 70, §3]), whereas elsewhere
in Coli. b the term can also be used to indicate the heretical group (see Appen-
dix 20 [given in Comment (2, §3) on Qu. 68). Anastasios keeps to the latter use
(cf QQ 69 and 95).
2. So one should clearly realize that all the dreadful things that
the Arians do against the people of Christ are certainly not done
with the permission of God. For God does not order them to
force or persecute the believer, so that he denies the worship of
Christ as God and Son of God, nor again so that he denies the
cross or baptism or the communion of God's holy mysteries. Nor
again is it by God's command that they slaughter just men who
have done nothing wrong, nor is God served when they trample
on His most holy body and blood, and commit fornication in the
Holy of Holies. But for all these wicked deeds they will receive an
eternal punishment on the day of judgement.
3· And lest some foolish person have the idea of saying that we
are speaking simply off the top of our heads and by guesswork, let
us listen to God speaking through a couple of the prophets. One
of them is Isaiah, who says about Israel and the Chaldaeans who
imprisoned Israel: "I handed over my people for something minor,
that is that you might chastise them sparinglr and kindly, but you
have inflicted on them something major; you have weighed down the
yoke ofthe elder and had no pity on the widow and the orphan". b In
saying these things to the Chaldaeans through the prophets, God
was warning that he would bring His anger to bear upon them
because of the mercilessness that they had shown to Israel.
2!2 4· If some example should be given: just as a farmer setting fire
to his own field· has burnt down with the thorns the vines as well,
so we are to think in the case of the Arians, that what they do to
the people of God is certainly not pleasing to God.
5. We had to compose the above lest those who are punished
unsparingly by these people curse God, judging that the senseless
punishment coming from them is at His command.
Question 102
Question 103
a Here Coil. a adds an extra line from the quotation from Luke, and also,
"to whom be glory for ages upon ages, Amen'', or simply, ''Amen".
b Cf. Mt r8: r8.
Coil. b) and adds two examples of a "Prayer for those who rashly
swears to do something'' Evx~ Enl TW'V nponETW~ O[L'VVO'VTW'V] .a
(4) Paul ofEvergetis in the nth century includes this question,
but uses the version found in Coli. b: cf. Synagoge II 24, 4 (ed.
Athens, 19646 , t. 2, p. 283).
(5) An isolated question dealing in general with religious scep-
ticism and iconoclasm has been added to the authentic questions
in one important late (xvth cent.) manuscript, Scorialensis gr. 470
(D.IV.I8); it precedes the short Qu. 65 from the QQ ad Antio-
chum (PG 28, 633B14-C5), which is followed in turn by the rest of
the QQ ad Antiochum but they are given a different title.
Isolated question [CCSG 59, Appendix 24]
QuESTION What ought one to say about those who hold
in contempt the divine in general [TO 8cTo'V], and also the re-
vered images [ELKO'VLO"[LtXTa] in churches and the sacred offerings
ANswER I. Concerning this subject I shall propose examples
enough to convince anyone: that well-known Baltasar (= Belshaz-
zar) (cf Dan 5: 1-3), the Chaldaean, although he had committed
many and very serious other sins, does not appear to have had
to pay any penalty whatsoever before the God of all; but when
he brought forth for that accursed banquet the vessels that had
been consecrated from of old for the house of God and which
his father, Nabouchodonosor [= Nebuchadnezzar] had transferred
from Jerusalem, and when he and his invitees drank from them,
then he heard from the great prophet, Daniel, "God has measured
your kingdom and folfilled if' (Dan 5: 26). And on that very night,
Baltasar was murdered (cf Dan 5: 30).
2. Therefore, if disrespect shown to the vessels of the Jews and
under the Old Law, and insult against: God brought about such
destruction to the perpetrator, an affront against the grace and
the Church of Christ, which He redeemed by his own blood, and
sacrilege against those sacred images· [anE tKO'VLO"[LtXTa], surely all the
more will these bring the greatest and worst of all punishments to
the one who dares to commit them? With such a clear demonstra-
tion, who will dare to say that the Baltasarb among us has under-
gone such a great destruction because of any other crime rather
than the insult to Christ?
Monasterio Sanctae Catharinae in Monte Sina asservantur, vol. III (1), St Peters-
burg, 1917, p. 203.
b Perhaps a reference to Chosroes II, decisively defeated by Heraclius in 627
and murdered in the following year: cf G. Ostrogorsky, History ofthe Byzantine
State, tr. Joan Hussey, Oxford, 1968, p. 103.
Genesis Deuteronomy
I: 5 77 5: 9 62
I: I5 77 8: 3 I6I
I: 26 90
I: 28 n8
I Kings
2: 7 99, IOI
I3: I4 218
2: 8 I98
21: 5-6 I44
2: 9 82
2: I7 82
2: 24 I4I 4 Kings
3: IO 99 2: 2I II9
3: I5 I93 20: 5 68
3: I9 8o, 82
f3 126
I8: 27 218 Tobit
4: IO I 50
Exodus 12: 9 I 50
I4: 8 226
I9: I5 I44 Job
20: I2 79, 8I I: 2I I 57
2I: 23-24 I 55 I2: IO 123
32: 6 I6I I4: I3 2I6
33: I9 225 I4: I4 216
42: 7-8 8I
26: I2 52, 58 Wisdom
I: I3 84
Numbers 2: 24 84
20: 24 n6 4: II 82, 84
27: I2 n6 4: I2 I 53
5= 5 68 Colossians
6: 9-10 20}, 2I9 I: 24 222
6: I6 I90 3: I-2 95
6: I8 I42
7:4 I4I
I Thessalonians
7: 5 I43, I44' I45
7: I4 62, I90 4:3 I 50
T 29 I44 5: 17 !05
9: 27 I44
ro: 7 I6I I Timothy
IO: I2 67 I: I5 I44
II: 26 I44 2: 2 I73
II: 27-30 8I, 86 2:4 79, I59, 227
II: 28 I49 4:9 I44
II: 28-29 I 53 5:24 I92
I}: 3 2I9
I}: 9-I2 I82 2 Timothy
I5: 28 22I 3: I6 I6I
I5:}I 207 4: 8 I37
2 Corinthians
I: I6 52
4: I8 59
5: I 95
5: IO 96
5= I7 I: 3 I23
6: I6 52, 58 4= I2 70
9=7 172 5= I4 170
2-4 II: 6 52
12: I82-I83
I2: 4 II: 39-40 96
I2: 7 88
I}: 5 53 JameS
2: I9 217
2: 26 52
I: I8 6I
I Peter
5= 17 I45
6: I I: I2 55, 56, II}
2: 9 78
3= I9 173
I: 22-23 222 I john
4= 25 222 5: I6 I 50
Philippians Revelation
I: 23 95 5= 9 I4I
2: 8 22I 2I: 3 59
Fragment de Genesi I04
Capita ad Sergium Grammaticum
Capita adversus monotheletas I97
Disputatio adversus Iudaeos I8S
Hexaemeron 99,I22,I2~I76,I86,193
Hodegos (Viae Dux) SI, 57· 89, 90, 94, 97· 100, 117, 118,
12.0, 184, 195, 209
Homilia III de creatione hominis 178, 186
Homilia de sacra synaxi 63, 64, 67, ISO
Narrationes (Nau and Binggeli) s6, 63, 64, 6s, 66, 91, IOI, 107, 108,
I30, I48, ISI, I76, I79, 186, I91, I9S
f2.!!:aestiones passim
Homilia in sextum Psalmum I 59
Sermones (Homiliae) 90, 91, 99> I97
De blasphemia 205-211, 240
Florilegium adversus monotheletas 97
Fragmentum de iis qui vita excedunt 94
~estion on fasting 166
Tractate de vitae termino 83-87, 239
Antonius 24 67, 212.
Eucharistus I 67
Longinus s 53
Anonymous collection 131, I47
Vita Antonii
De communi essentia 202
QQ ad Antiochum passim
Syntagma ad monachos 167
Enchiridion 221
Homily in illud) Attende tibi ipsi
Quod Deus non est auctor malo rum
De vitae termino 79, uS, 1So
Canones Apostolorum
In Genesim
Fragment uS
Commentary in Ioannem 199
Mystical Catechetics 65
Epistula ad Basilidem 143
Ecclesiastical Hierarchy 154
Ancoratus 104
Treatise de XII gemmis 225
Ecclesiastical History
Ecclesiastical Theology
Lift of Constantine
Praeparatio Evangelica
On the activity ofsouls 91
Sermon 38 221
Contra Eunomium
Homily de cruce et latrone
Homily in Matt. 23:2
Homily in Matt. 4I: 3 202
Liturgy 145
Treatise de virginitate 137
Scala Paradisi 75, I06, 139
Expositio Fidei 166, 167, 220
Spiritual Meadow
Epistula ad synodum de Origene 97
Koran 195
Homily X, In Mesopentecosten
Cyril the Phileot
St Epiphanios
Theodore the Sykeot 177
de area martyris
de baptismo pueri mortui
Canon I5 [Sermo de Paschal
de Bello Persico 107
Ecclesiastical History 66,83
Commentary in I Reg. 175
QQinExod. 225
Chronicle (Chronographia)
Canon I
Fragment ad Auto/ycum 104
Responsiones Canonicae
5 143, 237
I2 143, 145, 237
IJ 144,237
IO 146
IS 74
Dpo'A6ywv TO MEyct
murder, 75, 89, 138-139, 206, 222, oath, 202, 229, 234, 236
231 obedience, 82, 221
Musurillo, H., 137 oikonomia, r66
mutilation of self, 19, 222 Olajos, T., 131
mysteries (in general), 57, 59, 98, old age, cf. age
n2-n3, 179, r82-r84, r85; cf. olive groves, 198
communiOn Olives, Mount of, 183
oral prayer, 15, 105
Nabouchodonosor, 68, u6, r6o, Origen, 93, 97, 204
213, 235 opo~, 78-87
Narrationes, 9, ro, n, 14; cf. Orthodox Church, 234
Index of non-Biblical Sources Ostrogorsky, G., 235
Nau, F., cf. Index of non-Biblical Our Father, I 51
Sources (Anastasius: Oxford (manuscript), 24
Navatos (Novatian), 204
Nazareth, 183, 185 pagans, 19, 6r, 66, 109, III-II3,
Neapolis, cf. Leontios II6, 123, 124, 137, 169, 173,
N ebuchadnezzar, 183, 190, 195, 202, 207, 208,
cf. Nabouchodonosor 2II, 227
Neiloupolis, 131 naT~, 70
Nero, 155 Palestine, 9, ro, 14, uo, q8, 184,
Nestorianism, 183 204, 207; cf. Eusebius
Nestorians, 221 palm trees, 198
Nestorius, 183, 204 Pambo, 93, 209-210
New Rome, 184; cf. Pamphylia, 210
Constantinople Paphnoutios, 209
Nicaea, 66, 185 Paphos, 210
Nicodemus, 6o Paradise, 19, 62, 67, 93-95, 99,
night (and day), 19, 77-78 I03-I04, r66, 182, 198-199
Nikephoros I, 59 Paramelle, Joseph, r6r
Nikephoros (catena), 225 pardon, r8, 67-69, 133-134, 138,
Nikephoros Blemmydes, 79, 8o, 150, 160, 191, 203, 218
u8, r8o parents, 68, 79, II4-II5, u6, r89
Nikolopoulos, P. G., r6r Paris (manuscripts), 69, 72, 148,
Nikon of the Black Mountain, 202, 207, 210
151 Parmentier, L., 83
Nile, 104, 194 passions, 15, 53, 88, 109, 136, 143,
Ninevites, 6r, 8r, 86, 239 144, 207, 208, 2IO, 222, 237
nocturnal emission, ro6, 142-143, patrician, 71
145 Paul, St, 15, 92, 155, 190, 215;
nomisma, 67, 147-148 cf. Index of Scriptural
Noret, J., 140 References
nous (intellectual capacities), 51 Paul of Evergetis, 63, 235
Novatian, cf. Navatos penance, 14, 158
Rome, 155, 178, 210, 227; Scripture, 17, 20, 24, 54, 56, 68,
manuscript, r6r, 240; cf. 81-83, 89, 91, 92, 98-100, 104,
Clement; New Rome II2, II3, 123, 125, 126, 128, 133,
Rudberg, S. Y., 89 135, 137-139, 144, 145, 149, 150,
rulers, 13, 19, III, 173, 177, 215 152, 153, r6o, 161, 165, 182,
pon~ (influence), II8, 120 183, 187, 196, 198, 199, 2ll,
213, 217, 219, 220, 224, 226,
227, 230, 234; cf. Index of
Sabbath, 77 Scriptural References
Sabellius, 205 semen, 135, 142
sacraments, 55, 205, 206, 240 Senachireim [Sennacheri b], 12 5
sacrifice, 55, 58-59, 64, 128, 141, Seth, 126
142, 144, 150, 172, 198, 202, Sevcenko, I., 107
203, 218, 229 seven hundred years, n, 184
saints, 14, 72, 78, 8r, 83, 85, 91, 93 Severus, 183, 184
Sakkos, S. N., II, 64, 108, II2, sexual ethics, 13, 19, 74-75, ro6,
II4, II9, 122, 127, 176, 186 135, 142-145, 158-r6o, 189-190,
salvation, 14, 19, 53, 54, 57, 192, 196, 219; cf. adultery;
60-76, 84, 85, III, 126, fornication
128-130, 137, 138, 150, 158, r66, sickness, 19, 68, 72, ro6-ro8, 114,
206, 208, 214, 215, 217, 240 117, 121, 125, 129
Samaritans, 6o Sieswerda, D. T., 20, 161, 193,
Samaritan.woman, roo, 203
194, 216
Samuel, 174-175 Siloam, 128
Saracens, 178
Simon Magus, 204
Sarah, 121
sin: doubtful, 190, 232-233;
Sargologos, E., 164
frequent sin, 135, 137-138;
Satan, r8, 63, 68, 87, 99, 130, 143,
forgiveness 13, 14, 15, 19, 148,
146, 147, 149, 152, r86-188,
158-r6o, r66, r8r, 191, 204,
193-195, 203-204, 206, 208,
212, 213-215, 216, 218; sins
226; cf. demons, devil
committed unconsciously,
Saturday, 77, 144
201-210; sins of ignorance, 75;
Saul, 175
cf. sexual ethics
scandal, 63, II2, 134, 168, 222, 238
Sinai, 9, ro, 14, 17, 24, 25, 49, 56,
scent, 198, 199
58, 75· 107, 183, 185, !87, 207,
scepticism, religious, 23 5
210; cf. Anastasios
Scheidweiler, F., 83
schisms, r86, 187 Sinai (manuscript), 234
Scholarios, cf. George Scholarios Sian, 183, 185, 230
Schoors, A., 140 Skete, 209
Schreiner, P., 130 skevophorion, 176
Schwartz, E., 155 slavery/slaves, 15, 71, 87, II9, 120,
scientific knowledge, 17 163-165, 191, 212, 214, 221
Scott, R., ro8, 130, 177 Sodom, 6r, 86, 129
scribal error, 231, 232 Sodomites, 129, 138, 203, 226
Solomon, 79, 8o, 84, r88, 189, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, cf. Index
239 of non-Biblical Sources
sorcerers, 64, 65, 151, qr, r88 Theodorus (heretic), 205
Souda, 2II, 225 Theodosios (heretic), 183
soul, 15, 19, 51-53, 56-58, 63, 69, Theodosios I (Emperor), r85
74, 88, 104, III, II3, II4, II7, Theognostos, cf. Index of
!22, !26, 138, 142, 147> 149, non-Biblical Sources
152, 154, r6r, 163-165, r68, 169, Theonas, 65
175, 183, 191, 193, 197-198, Theophanes, cf. Index of non-
205, 216; nature, 89-98; Biblical Sources
resurrection, 98-ro3; role, Theophilos of Antioch, cf. Index
123, r89, 198, 222; unwanted of non-Biblicaal Sources
thoughts, 205-2II, 239 Theotokos, 148
Spanneut, M., roo Thomas (apostle), 187
Spirit, Holy, 19, 53, 54, 58-59, 67, Thiimmel, George, 22; r85
71, 72, 76, 89, 91, II2, II3, 139, Thursday, 67
152, 162, 165, 167, 189, 199, Tiberios, 69
202-206, 223, 238, 240 Timothy of Alexandria, 23; cf.
spiritual person, 131, 133, r68 Index of non-Biblical Sources
spring (season), 122, 126, 179 titles, 24, 49
Spyridon Lauriotis, 109 Tomos of Union, 121
St Catherine's, 9, 58 Trachiades, 64
stars, 90, 109, II3, 132, 167; cf. Trapp, Erich, 170
astrology trial from God, 68, 216
Stephen, St, 129 Trinity, 59
sterility, ror, II6-124, 196-199 trouble with fellow Christian, 172
subjection of the Son, 221 tumour, 65
Sunday, 77, 144, 147, 148, 152, 237 Turks, !07
Suvorov, N., 164
Synaxarion of Constantinople, II
Syria, ro, 14, r83, 206 Uthemann, Karl-Heinz, 9, ro, q,
LWT~PlO~, 20-2! rj8, 197
Utrecht Colloquium, 25
virginity, I5, IJ8, I59, I65, 172, woman/women, I3, I5-I6, I8,
230 52-53, 55, 65, 67, IIJ, 126, IJ3,
virtues, I9, 73, 8I, 87, 94, 95, 109, IJ7, IJ8, I4I-I45, I46, 148, I50,
III, I2J, IJI, IJ2, 179, I99 I74-176, I8I, I90-I92, 2I7,
visions, IJ, 69, 9I, 96, I89, 223 230; cf. marriage; Samaritan;
Volvers, Annelie, 25 sterility; ventriloquist woman
vows, I9, 233-235 wonders, I9, III, I3I, I66, 174-175,
187, I88, 239
world's end, 19, 221
Wadi Natrun, 209 worship, 57, II6, I86-I88, 213,
war, 78, 83, 85, III, I57, I86, I88, 222, 229, 232
206, 208 Wutz, F., II2
wealth, IJ, I4, I9, 6o, IJ2, I57,
17I, 200-20I, 2IJ, 217
Wednesday, I66, I67, 240 Zamagni, Claudio, 25
Whitby, Michael, 69 Zechariah, 230
Winkelmann, F., I67 Zeno (Emperor), 148
Wolfenbtittel (manuscript), 24 Zoar, I20