Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Intelligence - Randy W Kamphaus PDF
Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Intelligence - Randy W Kamphaus PDF
Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Intelligence - Randy W Kamphaus PDF
To Norma, Ashley, and Natalie-
Thanks for making life meaningful.
And to all of my former assessment students-
Thanks for teaching me how to teach.
Randy W. Kamphaus
Professor of Educational Psychology
University of Georgia
Dept. of Educational Psychology
329 Aderhold Hall
Athens, GA 30602
E-mail: [email protected]
This book was previously published under the title Clinical Assessment of Children's Intelligence.
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Research Findings
History Chapter Questions 64
Chapter Questions 1 Stability 65
Early History 3 Nature versus Nurture 72
The First Breakthrough 6 Can We "Cure" Low Intelligence? 77
The Contributions of Terman 9 Other Factors Affecting Intelligence 81
World Warl 11 Conclusions 90
The Second 50 Years 12 Chapter Summary 92
A Century of Controversy 23
Recent History 24
Conclusions 28 SECTION Two
Chapter Summary 28 AssESSMENT FouNDATIONS
Chapter 2 Chapter4
Theory The Assessment Process
Chapter Questions 31 Chapter Questions 94
Colloquial Theory 32 The Testing Environment 96
Binet's Rationale 33 Establishing Rapport 98
Measurement Assumptions 33 Conducting an Assessment 101
General Intelligence Theory 35 General Administration Procedures 106
Factor Analytic Theories 39 Problems in the Assessment Process 110
A Taxonomy 50 Conclusions 114
New "Factors" 51 Chapter Summary 114
theory and research findings separately in order 8. Emphasize learning by example. I have found
to foster a deeper understanding of the nature of it difficult to teach students about assessment with-
the construct that these tests purport to measure. out examples. My students have always forced me
Clinicians receive tough questions from parents to "concretize" the process for them. They crave
and teachers about intelligence tests, and they opportunities to see tests administered and review
must be able to respond in an enlightened fash- sample reports. Hence, this text includes case after
ion. Chapter 6 includes an expanded section on sample case. These cases provide students with nu-
test bias to allow clinicians to speak to this topic merous concrete models to emulate.
with authority. Ifstudents simply study tests, they
may think that Wechsler was famous among in-
telligence theorists. Not to take anything away
Uses of the Book
from Wechsler, but he was a gifted clinician who This book was written with several potential uses
made practical contributions to the field. The so- in mind. While its central purpose is to serve the
phisticated clinician should be able to cite numer- instructor in a first graduate course in intellectual
ous individuals who have made less visible but assessment, it will also be useful as a "refresher"
nonetheless important theoretical contributions for the clinician who was trained some time ago
that may lead to tests of the future and valid in- and seeks some updating. This book may also
ferences in the present. serve as a companion text in an assessment
5. Enhance readability. My text is written to course. While the book is a teaching text, there is
communicate with beginning graduate students, also a need for resource texts, so that the profes-
not advanced students who have completed pre- sor can emphasize specific tests or assessment
vious assessment coursework. I have attempted to procedures. This book may also be used with
write the copy in a conversational style and limit Dr. Alan Kaufman's (1990) book, AssessingAdoles-
"psychobabble" when possible. Drafts of the text cent and Adult Intelligence, for a course that covers
were used in numerous assessment classes prior to both child and adult intellectual assessment.
publication in order to ensure readability.
6. Maintain the interest of students. Several
measures were taken to improve student interest
Intended Audience
and comprehension. Case studies, anecdotes, re- Psychologists have traditionally been charged
search reports, and chapter questions are inter- with the assessment of children's intelligence.
spersed throughout the text to give students This book was intended to communicate to psy-
a respite from some of the difficult copy while chologists in training and assumes a certain
simultaneously being instructive. amount of psychological background. This text
7. Strive to communicate the state of the art. may also be used with other trainees, such as
While it is impossible to include every test and educational diagnosticians, who have a similar
every new test as it is published, it is desirable to educational background but are simply not called
include newer techniques that apply to the inter- psychologists. This text may be useful to some
pretation of all tests including intelligence tests. educational policy makers and others who are
Consequently, this edition is far different from charged with developing assessment or diagnos-
the first. tic guidelines for children and adolescents.
First, I wish to applaud and express my thanks to Shapiro, Dr. Janet Martin, Dr. Mary Shapiro,
Cheryl Hendry, Mary Kral, and Ellen Rowe. Dr. Roy Martin, Dr. Mark Daniel, and Dr. Ben
Their work makes me proud to have them as Lahey.
colleagues. I also wish to express my deep grati- Invaluable critical feedback came from nu-
.tude to the legions of individuals who assisted merous colleagues, who provided anonymous
with either the first or second editions including but skilled reviews. The insights and suggestions
Dr. Kathy Smith, Dr. Marion Huettner, Dr. Carol of same substantially improved this edition.
Schmitt, Karen Pleiss, Dr. Lori Unruh, Kimberley Most importantly, this book would not have
Wells-Hatton, Dr. Alison Lorys, Dr. Pat Good- been possible without the intellectual leadership
year, Dr. Jose Gonzalez, Dr. Janna Dresden, of colleagues and mentors. In this regard I owe a
Dr. Jerry Slotkin, Connie Silberman, Dr. Brian great debt to Dr. Alan S. Kaufman, Dr. Cecil R.
Nicoll, A Shayne Abelkop, Dr. Leslie Platt, Wanda Reynolds, Dr. Ronald Havens, Mr. Pete Prunkl,
Sanders, Michael Perla, Carolyn Brennan, and Dr. Carl Huberty, Mr. Dennis Campbell, Dr.
Dr. Nancy Lett. Paul Caillier, and Dr. John Nolan.
Many colleagues provided assistance at various Finally, the contributions of Mylan Jaixen,
stages. Some contributed ideas for psychological Sue Hutchinson, and Rebecca Pascal of Allyn
reports, and others provided encouragement, feed- and Bacon are gratefully acknowledged. Their
back and advice on various aspects of the book. editorial experience coupled with their consider-
I especially appreciate the contributions of Dr. able expertise served to encourage high-quality
George Hynd, Dr. Paul Frick, Dr. Marion Ego, work at every step of the writing process.
Dr. GailMatazow, Dr.JackNaglieri, Dr.Michael
... [C]onfusion can arise ifone focuses more ofthe actual The Ubiquitous Nature
tasks assembled in a test than on the underlying ability.
This is an issue that bears on matters oftest use in pre- ofTesting
dicting educational or occupational success. ... Perhaps Consider, for example, the typical user of this
this point can be clarified and reinforced by noting that book. The reader was likely "tested" on a 10-
nobody would challenge the use of opticians' Snellen
point rating scale of general health status at birth,
charts in appraising visual acuity, even though per-
formance in reading such letter charts is unlikely to be
namely, the Apgar test. Other "tests" soon fol-
directly involved in occupations in which high visual lowed such as measures of height, weight, and,
acuity is required. (Carroll, 1993, p. 24) perhaps, physician or other observations of tem-
perament. Medical-related testing then gave
way to educational testing in the preschool
years. Children are then typically "screened" for
kindergarten readiness using scales that assess
language development, behavior problems, basic
CHAPTER QUESTIONS concept knowledge, and other constructs. The
educational testing process gathers momentum
Why were intelligence tests invented? in elementary school when a child is subjected to
teacher-made tests, performance assessments,
What are some of the more significant intelli-
group-administered, survey-level achievement
gence tests, from a historical perspective?
batteries (often administered in the Spring of al-
Who are the creators of modern intelligence ternate academic years), creativity evaluations for
tests? gifted program entry, and teacher ratings of class-
How was the IQ score invented? room behavior among many other evaluations.
Of course, secondary school and university test- nomenon by simply recording the number of oc-
ing is no small matter. The Scholastic Achieve- casions that the term IQ is heard or seen in any
ment Tests (SAT), American College Testing given week. One is likely to hear references to
Program (ACT), high school competency exams, basketball IQ, social IQ, exercise IQ, or tax IQ.
class tests, driving tests, Graduate Record Exam- This chapter summarizes some of the historical
ination (GRE) and teacher/professor ratings of events and trends that brings intelligence testing
musical and other talents are significant testing practice to the present day, where in numerous
enterprises. Finally, the reader is likely embark- cultures, intelligence testing and its terminology
ing on a professional development track that will is as prevalent as ever. The reader is cautioned,
result in lifelong testing, including degree-quali- however, that there are other important mile-
fying exams, licensure exams, board specialty ex- stones that will not be discussed because of space
aminations, oral ethics examinations, and other considerations. Other historical events ofinterest
"tests." And now, as if this is not enough testing, can be found in sources such as Jenkins and Pa-
intelligence and other functions can be "tested" terson (1961), DuBois (1970), and Thorndike
on the World Wide Web at sites such as and Lohman (1990).
intelligence Historical Knowledge
New age IQ test
iqtest.html New intelligence tests and revisions of older tests
continue to be released at a steady rate. Some of
Mensa these tests may purport to assess new abilities,
mensa/workout.html whereas others may claim to be culture fair due
An easy IQ Test to their use of nonverbal test stimuli. Such tests
can be evaluated for use according to their re-
Intelligence tests are but one component of search foundation, theory, cost, practicality, and
the substantial testing to which many individuals a variety of other considerations, including his-
are exposed over the course of their develop- torical precedent. There are, as the reader will
ment. Part of the blame rests with the early in- soon know, numerous previous efforts to develop
telligence testers who demonstrated that it was so-called "culture fair" tests and measures of at-
possible to systematically assess a variety of tentional abilities, most of which have not met
human traits. The achievement testing move- user expectations for validity evidence. A user
ment, in particular, can easily be identified as with this knowledge of history will be a better
having roots in the early intelligence testing and appropriately skeptical consumer of new "in-
movement (French & Hale, 1990). Moreover, novations" in intelligence testing technology.
intelligence testing, for the most part, predates The history of research and development in in-
modern methods of personality assessment. In telligence testing is fraught with repeated mis-
fact, some personality test items, such as the- steps and failures; with the several attempts to
matic storytelling methods, can be traced directly "raise" intelligence being among them (Spitz,
to research and development in intelligence test- 1986a). Every new offering of tests and theories
ing (Kamphaus & Frick, 1996). that promises "breakthroughs" challenges the
Further evidence of the influence of intelli- psychologist to be well versed in history. Conse-
gence testing on U.S. culture can be found by quently, this volume begins with an overview of
perusing the popular media. The term IQ enjoys pertinent historical milestones in an attempt to
frequent usage in American society in particular. make the reader a better consumer and, of
The interested reader can investigate this phe- greater importance, a sophisticated test user who
heredity" (p. 326). The scientific merit of the unwanted variables in the experiment. If one is
work of the early test developers has and will interested in assessing individual differences in
continue to be debated. These individuals may intelligence, then it would be wise to control for
be viewed as either true pioneers who changed unwanted factors such as fatigue by ensuring that
dramatically the way people think about individ- the examinee is well rested. Similarly, in Wundt's
ual differences, or as scientists who strayed far lab it was discovered that tests of physical skill,
from the path to scientific truth. It can be said such as reaction time, had to be administered
with greater certainty, however, that the intro- under consistent conditions in order to serve as
duction of practical intelligence tests spurred the reliable and valid measures of individual differ-
development of a great variety of measures of ences. The association of experimental control
human abilities and skills, including academic and mental measurement, thus, was established
achievement measures and employee selection early on. To this day, standardized (carefully
tests in the 1920s. controlled) procedures are a hallmark of individ-
ual intelligence testing.
Development~ in Experimental
Sir Francis Galton
Clearly, numerous early theorists and re-
Wundt's Laboratory searchers were convinced that intelligence was an
inherited trait. They considered the inheritance
The pioneering efforts of early intelligence test of intelligence to be so substantial that intelli-
researchers were made possible in part by devel- gence could be measured and studied in much
opments in experimental psychology (Anastasi, the same way as other inherited characteristics
1988). It is a well-known fact to students of psy- such as height. The Englishman Sir Francis Gal-
chology that intelligence testing is about 100 ton was a contemporary of Cattell's who was
years old. Not so coincidentally, experimental keenly interested in the inheritance of mental
psychology also traces its roots to the opening of abilities. Galton (1869/1978) strongly believed
Wilhelm Wundt's lab in Leipzig, Germany, in that intelligence was inherited and that it could
1879. Many early efforts at measuring intelli- be objectively measured, as is evident from the
gence used tests that were developed in early ex- following quote:
perimental psychology laboratories. For
example, Wundt and his first assistant, the Amer-
I acknowledge freely the g;reat power ofeducation and so-
ican James McKeen Cattell, found numerous in- cial influences in developing the active powers of the
dividual differences on measures of sensory mind, just as I acknowledge the effect ofuse in develop-
abilities and reaction time. These types of mea- ing the muscles ofthe blacksmith's arm, and no farther.
sures were later incorporated into intelligence Let the blacksmith labor as he will, he will find that
tests developed by Cattell and Sir Francis Gal- there are certain feats beyond his power that are well
ton. Cattell made numerous contributions to the within the strength ofa man of herculean make, even
development of the testing movement in the although the latter may have led a sedentary life. (Jenk-
United States, not the least of which was coining ins & Paterson, 1961, p. 1)
the term mental test.
It also became clear in early laboratory exper- Galton developed a battery of tests that he
iments that experimental conditions had to be thought would allow him to study the inheri-
carefully controlled in order to achieve reliable tance of intelligence. His tests were similar in
findings (Anastasi, 1988). The notion of "con- content to the tests of sensory and physical skill
trol" refers to the need to eliminate the effects of used by experimental psychologists such as Cat-
tell. Galton viewed the use of these psychophys- have not been considered conclusive for deciding
ical measures as sensible because, he reasoned, if the utility of Cattell's instruments.
all information is obtained through the senses, Wissler (1901) reported that every student at
then intelligent individuals must have very capa- Columbia College was required to take an an-
ble sensory abilities (Galton, 1883). Galton's nual psychological examination that was de-
tests were introduced to the public at the 1884 signed by Cattell and his colleagues. This annual
International Exhibition in London, where an psychological exam included the following tests,
individual could get his or her intelligence tested some of which are direct descendants of mea-
for three pence (Anastasi, 1988). sures developed in Wundt's lab:
Galton made many other contributions to the
study of individual differences, including laying Perception of Size Size of Head
the groundwork for the understanding of the Strength of Hand Fatigue
normal curve. In 1869 he concluded, "Hence we
Eyesight Color Vision
arrive at the undeniable ... that eminently gifted
men are raised as much above mediocrity as id- Hearing Perception of Pitch
iots are depressed below it ..." Genkins & Pater- Sensation Areas Sensitiveness to Pain
son, 1961, p. 1(:i). This was an important insight Color Preference Reaction Time
into the nature of individual differences, as it op-
erationalized what many people knew intuitively: Rate of Perception Naming Colors
There are many more people in the middle of Rate of Movement Accuracy of Movement
the intelligence distribution than there are at ei- Association Imagery
ther high or low levels of intelligence. The prop- Rhythm and Perception of Time
erties of the normal curve are the foundation of
what has been called "classical test theory." The Perception of Weight or Force of Movement
normal curve is also the foundation for much of Memory (Auditory, Visual, Logical,
the interpretive work in intelligence assessment. Retrospective)
TABLE 1.1 Correlations of psychology clinic mea- forms of treatment were required to drive the
sures with measures of academic achievement from evil from them. Frequently, people with mental
Wissler's ( 1901) research retardation or illne:;s were whipped, bound with
Strength of hand and class standing -.08
chains, and placed in dungeons until they
changed their ways.
Fatigue and class standing +.23
Itard and Sequin worked in the days of con-
Reaction time and class standing -.02 siderable optimism when they were primarily in-
Association time and class standing +.08 terested in developing cures for mental
Naming the colors and class standing +.02 retardation. Common to all of their approaches
Logical memory and class standing +.19 was an emphasis on motor and sensory training
Auditory memory and class standing +.16
to raise the intellectual levels of these individuals
(Spitz, 1986a). It is interesting and perhaps not
Logical memory and mathematics +.11
accidental that the emphasis on sensory ability as
Logical memory and Latin +.22 central to the treatment of mental retardation
Latin and mathematics +.58 coincides with the common practice at the time
Latin and rhetoric +.55 of assessing sensory skills as measures of intelli-
Rhetoric and mathematics +.51 gence.
German and mathematics +.52
Interest in the treatment of mental retarda-
tion was also strong in the United States at this
time. Two special residential schools for the
treatment of mental retardation were established
in Massachusetts in the mid-1800s. In 1876 the
such as academic attainment or occupational
Association of Medical Officers of American In-
success. A breakthrough that solved this prob-
stitutions for Idiots and Feeble Minded Persons,
lem was already in the making in France.
now called the American Association on Mental
Retardation, was founded. The early special
schools in the United States have been cited as
The Societal Need early failures, which resulted in considerable pes-
Like other scientific breakthroughs, the develop- simism among early American leaders of the
ment of intelligence tests was carried out in re- movement G- F. Gardner, 1993).
sponse to a societal need. Modern intelligence Of course, to first identify mentally retarded
testing can be traced most directly to the concern individuals for treatment, it was necessary to de-
and need for the humane treatment of individuals velop appropriate diagnostic criteria and proce-
with mental retardation that was exemplified by dures. As a result, the need for intelligence tests
the work of pioneers such as Itard (1896-1962) to diagnose mental retardation was clear. This
and Sequin (1866-1907) in France and Wilbur need for accurate measures of intelligence, par-
and Howe in the United States. Prior to the ticularly measures of children's intelligence, pro-
work of Itard and Sequin, individuals with men- vided an impetus for research and development
tal retardation were generally scorned and sub- in intelligence testing.
jected to inhumane treatment. This lack of
respect for individuals afflicted with mental re-
tardation was evident during the Renaissance,
when it was commonly believed that mentally re-
tarded individuals were the children of Satan
(Pintner, 1923). Logically it followed that if these Given the need expressed by European govern-
individuals were possessed by demons, severe ments (particularly France) for the accurate diag-
nosis of children's intelligence and the failed ef- paring two weights." On the other hand, most of
forts of Cattell and Galton at providing measures the "new" tests departed from past practice by
that correlated adequately with school achieve- measuring higher-level reasoning abilities. The
ment, the stage was set for some individual or inclusion of tests such as "reply to an abstract
group of individuals to overcome the predictive question" and "defining abstract terms" was in-
validity barrier and meet the societal need. In his tended to measure more complex cognitive activ-
1901 presidential address to the American Psy- ities. Some of the tests on the 1905 scale were as
chological Association, Joseph Jastrow was opti- follows:
mistic about the prospects of a breakthrough in
intelligence testing. He portrayed the future of Following a moving object with one's eyes
intelligence testing as bright in the following Grasping a small object which is seen
passage from his speech: Finding and eating a square of chocolate
wrapped in paper
The study ofnormal efficiency ofthat composite group of
processes which contribute to our common humanity has,
Naming objects in pictures
I confidently believe, an important and a practical Comparing two weights
future. Its progress is dependent upon careful analysis, Susceptibility to suggestion
upon systematic investigation, upon the cooperative and
Defining common words by function
the coordinate labors of many, upon interpretive skill
and psychological insight. An auspicious start has been Repeating a sentence of 15 words
made; the day ofthe production ofworks and fruit can- Memory for pictures
not be far off (Jenkins & Paterson, 1961,p. 31) Drawing a design from memory
Telling how two common objects are alike
It was only a few years later that the break-
Making rhymes
through Jastrow envisioned occurred. Alfred
Binet and Theophilius Simon (1905) produced Using three words in a sentence
the first technological breakthrough in intelli- Reply to an abstract question
gence testing by developing the first practical in- Defining abstract terms
telligence test battery. (See Research Report 1.1
for a history of Binet's earlier work in hypnosis Binet validated his tests by administering
and other areas.) It was practical in the sense that them to groups of normal and mentally retarded
it assessed "higher"-level cognitive skills and, as a children and determining the ability of each
result, produced substantial correlations with measure to differentiate these two distinct
measures of school achievement. As Boring groups. An interesting fact is that Binet used the
(1929) observed, "Binet was seeking to measure commonsense judgment of parents and teachers
the intellectual faculties, the complex mental to form his groups of normal and mentally re-
processes, whereas Galton measured only simple tarded youngsters (Pintner, 1923). As such, soci-
capacities, hoping vainly that they might have ety's informal conceptions of who was or was not
some significance for the 'intellect.' Binet was intelligent played a central role in the validation
right, Galton was wrong ..." (p. 546). of this most important measure.
He had become a man almost bereft oftheoretical underpinnings, and, what was worse, even ofthe "facts" on which he had been so sure he
could count, whatever theories might be built out ofthem. ... They were years in which his own studies and controversies led him into blind
alleys and humiliating defeats. (p. 702)
The birth ofBinet's children, Madeleine in 1885 and Alice in 1887, may have helped him sharpen his interests
in individual differences. First, he noted continuing temperamental differences between his daughters. He de-
scribed Madeleine as "silent, cool, concentrated, while Alice was a laugher, gay, thoughtless, giddy, and turbulent"
(cited in Wolf, 1966). Binet began experimenting with his daughters, studying changes such as dominance (e.g.,
handedness) and reaction time. He concluded early on that higher-level cognitive tasks would be necessary to dif-
ferentiate child and adult intelligence. He demonstrated this using a task where the subject was asked to discrimi-
nate lines of different lengths; two lines of differing lengths on five cards (Wolf, 1966). He found that his two
daughters could discriminate the lines on all of the cards except the last one, and, when he showed the cards to two
adults they had the same success rate as the children. This important experiment, showing a lack of age differenti-
ation for a sensory task, thus led him to depart from his contemporaries who were using psychophysical measures
of intelligence.
What was Binet like? Wolf (1966) describes him as shy and somewhat uncomfortable in social situations. Some
of his colleagues described him as demanding and difficult to work with. He was also very selective about his col-
leagues. Simon apparently worked diligently to endear himself to Binet in order to get a chance to work in his lab-
oratory. Simon also hypothesized that Binet would not tolerate teaching well as he would likely have had little
patience for students. Simon's perseverance, however, was rewarded with the admiration of his mentor. Binet said
of Simon,
I have had many students and collaborators, but I have never had any as sincere and as loyal as Simon. And another thing, never would
he say ''.Yes" to me when he thought "no." (p. 247, cited by Wolf, 1961)
tasks, then they could be said to measure aca- 2. The pedagogical method, which aims to judge
demic achievement and not intelligence. Consis- the intelligence according to the sum of ac-
tent with his idea that his test had to be obviously quired knowledge.
different from achievement tests, he proposed 3. The psychological method, which makes direct
the following three methods of the study of in- observations and measurements of the degree
telligence and showed how intelligence testing of intelligence.
differed from other types of assessment:
Binet and Simon (1905) stated further:
1. The medical method, which aims to appreciate
the anatomical, physiological, and pathologi- Our purpose is to evaluate a level of intelligence. It is
cal signs of inferior intelligence. understood that we here separate natural intelligence
and instruction. It is the intelligence alone that we seek gence is to be "... useful in formulating a course
to measure, by disregarding, insofar as possible, the de- of instruction really adapted to their aptitudes"
gree of instruction the subject possesses. He should, in- Genkins & Paterson, p. 103).
deed, be considered by the examiner as a complete
ignoramus knowing neither how to read nor write. This
necessity forces us to forego a great many exercises hav-
ing verbal, literary or scholastic character. These belong THE CONTRIBUTIONS
to a pedagogical examination. (p. 93)
developing tests of this kind we should, of course, gence ofthe draftees as soon as they came into the Army
have to look out for the influences of formal in- so that the superior officers could pick out officer mate-
struction" (p. 33 7). This problem of the overlap rial and could place the men in the various functions of
of the assessment of school achievement and in- the Army to the best advantage. So he invited some
telligence remains as a nagging interpretive other psychologists, Drs. Whipple, Terman, and Hag-
gerty, to form with him a committee to consider the
dilemma for users of these tests even today.
possibility of doing this testing. It was Major Yerkes'
idea at the time that they would have to train a lot of
psychologists to give the Binet. He didn't know any-
thing about any group tests. ... So, fortunately per-
WoRLDWARI haps, Dr. Terman presumably had a copy ofmy test in
his pocket with him at the time. You see this incident
occurred, this incident of World War I-just at the
Intelligence testing received considerable atten-
time that I was finishing my doctor's degree, and I had
tion in the United States during World War I. this manuscript ofthe test and it was pretty well stan-
During the war, Robert Yerkes directed an as- dardized. Dr. Terman had been convinced that it was
sessment committee of the American Psycholog- fairly sound and workable, and so he probably told him
ical Association that was eventually charged with that they needn't bother with giving the Binet to every-
the screening of about a million and a half po- body because there's a young fellow out at the Univer-
tential soldiers (Anastasi, 1988). It was this group sity in my class who has made up a group test. He
of psychologists that developed the first group- presumably convinced them that they should send for
administered tests of intelligence. me and make up some group tests which, ofcourse, was
done. They enlisted the help ofperhaps 100 or so psy-
chologistsfrom all over the country and we got together
and made up as many items as we could. They just fol-
A Graduate Student's Insight lowed my group test. They said, "Wess, he made up op-
As it turns out, this group of researchers bene- posites, we'll do that, and he made up analogies, we'll
do that, " and they made up groups oftests just ofper-
fited greatly from the pioneering work of a stu-
sonnel ofthe Army. Very much to the surprise ofevery-
dent of Lewis Terman's by the name of Arthur one, including our psychologists, we found that the
Otis (Lennon, 1985). Otis began as an engineer- privates did the most poorly, and the corporals did bet-
ing student who switched majors to psychology ter, and the sergeants did better, and the second lieu-
and became intrigued with the work of Terman. tenants did better, and the first lieutenants did better,
While Otis was convinced that Terman was cor- and the captains did better, and the majors did better,
rect in arguing that every schoolchild should re- and the lieutenant colonels did better, and the colonels
ceive an individual evaluation in order to did better, and the majors, and the generals did the
understand him/her better, Otis wondered if this best of all. Well, that sold intelligence testing to the
was truly practical. He reasoned that if children Army completely, ofcourse. ..
could be tested in groups that they could, in fact,
all receive an evaluation of their intelligence. Some insight into the inner workings of the
Otis describes how he became involved in this eminent psychologists involved in the World
undertaking in a 1959 television interview with War I testing effort is provided by van Mayr-
Walter Durost. Otis describes his involvement in hauser (1992), a historian. Procedures that we
a response to a question by Durost as follows (as consider settled by consensus today, such as basic
cited by Lennon, 1985): issues regarding the demonstration of reliability,
had to be worked out to the satisfaction of com-
Otis: Yes. Well, when World War I began, Major mittee members and the military. The following
Yerkes, a psychologist at Yale University, conceived the quote by van Mayrhauser (1992) sheds some
idea that it would be very desirable to test the intelli- light on the early development and reliability and
validity evidence that fostered acceptance of the were from England, Scotland, Canada, and Scan-
committee's efforts. dinavia, and those with the lowest scores were
from Russia, Italy, and Poland (Eysenck &
During the summer of 1917, after Yerkes and Ter- Kamin, 1981). Consequently, it was concluded
man could not agree on whether to use the Stanford- that "Nordics" were genetically superior to their
Binet or the Yerkes point scale to demonstrate the counterparts from "Alpine" and "Mediter-
reliability ofalpha, Yerkes asked [E. L.J Thorndike and ranean" races (Eysenck & Kamin, 1981). In these
a statistical unit to settle the issue. Thorndike delivered early years it was a commonly held belief that in-
two reports on August 15, which set the precedent for telligence tests measured genetic potential-a
separating experimental reliability from a method of position not held by all psychologists of the day,
legitimation that required a criterion extrinsic to test including Binet (Eysenck & Kamin, 1981). Evi-
construction. For his colleagues he demonstrated the
dently, the stage was set early on for the na-
consistency between alpha's component tests and previ-
ous test results. For the military, he correlated alpha's
ture/nurture debate regarding the determination
components with the officer ratings of "intelligence" of intelligence.
that Scott had collected with his "Rating Scale for Se-
lecting Captains." That scale sold the military on ap-
proving a Committee on Classification ofPersonnel in
the Army. ... Although the check against concurrent THE SECOND 50 YEARS
judgments did not impress Yerkes and Terman, it sal-
vaged development of the instrument that would be-
come the professions' most influential contribution to The 1920s
American Society. (p. 252)
One of the most influential early theories of in-
telligence was popularized by Spearman (1927).
The Army Alpha (See Box 1.1) was used to
In his frequently cited 1927 text, The Abilities of
screen most recruits, while the Army Beta, a non-
Man, Spearman defined his hierarchical model
verbal test, was used with nonreaders and those
of intelligence. This model emanates largely
who did not speak English. Among other things,
from Spearman's pioneering work in factor
these tests highlighted the practical and cost-
analysis. At the top of Spearman's hierarchy is
efficient nature of multiple-choice item types.
the generalfactor (general intelligence or "g"), the
As a result, these first group intelligence tests
factor that explains most of the variance in the
spawned the creation of similar tests for a variety
factor analytic solutions conducted by Spearman.
of age groups and populations. Group intel-
While "g" is frequently the most important de-
ligence testing soon became standard fare in
terminant of an individual's performance on a
American classrooms. The army recruit screen-
particular test, every test also required a specific
ing effort was seen as being so successful that the
factor ("s") or mental ability for the particular
invention of these tests was cited as one of many
test. In Spearman's (1927) own words, the con-
factors that contributed to the winning of the war
cepts of "g" and "s" are explained in the follow-
(French & Hale, 1990).
ing manner:
Controversy has surrounded intelligence test-
ing since its inception. The use of tests to screen
The one part has been called the ''generalfactor" and de-
recruits led to some of the first controversial noted by the letter g; it is so named because, although
stances taken based on intelligence test results. It varyingfreely from individual to individual, it remains
was found, for example, after the test results from the same for any one individual in respect ofall the cor-
the recruits were analyzed, that there were dis- related abilities. The second factor has berm called the
tinct group differences. After the war, it was re- ''specific factor" and denoted by the letter s. It not only
ported that the recruits with the highest scores varies from individual to individual, but even for any
I. 00000 1
2. 3
3. R·W
4. 8
5. 0 0 0 YEs No ,i.;1.
6. 00000
9. 34-79-56-87-68-25-82-47-27-31-64-93-71-41-52-99
1o. I I I I II
12. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Printed ill U.S.A. 46-116"?
SAMPLES { i 12 )
This is a test of common sense. Below are sixteen questions. Three answers are given to each question. You are to look
at the answers carefully; then make a cross in the square before the best answer to each question, as in the sample:
Why do we use stoves? Because
D they look well
SAMPLES { 18:] they keep us warm
D they are black
Here the second answer is the best one and is marked with a cross. Begin with No. 1 and keep on until time is called.
1 Cats are useful animals, because 10 The feathers on a bird's wing help him to fly
D they catch mice because they
D they are gentle D make a wide, light surface
D they are afraid of dogs D keep the air off his body
2 Shoes are made ofleather, because D keep the wings from cooling off too fast
D it is tanned 11 All traffic going one way keeps to the same side
D it is tough, pliable and warm of the street because
D it can be blackened most people are right handed
3 If it rains when you are starting to go for the D the traffic policeman insists on it
doctor, what should you do? D it avoids confusion and collisions
D stay at home 12 Why are criminals locked up?
D take an umbrella to protect society
D wait until it stops raining D to get even with them
4 The main reason why stone is used for building D to make them work
purposes is because
D it makes a good appearance 13 Why should a married man have his life insured?
D it is strong and lasting Because
D itis heavy death may come at any time
5 Why is beef better food than cabbage? Because
D insurance companies are usually honest
D it tastes better D his family will not then suffer if he dies
D it is more nourishing 14 In Leap Year February has 29 days because
D it is harder to obtain D February is a short month
6 If someone does you a favor, what should you do? D some people are born on February 29th
D try to forget it D otherwise the calendar would not come out
D steal for him if he asks you to right
D return the favor 15 If you are held up and robbed in a strange city,
7 Why is wheat better for food than corn? Because you should
it is more nutritious D apply to the police for help
D it is more expensive D ask the first man you meet for money to get
D it can be ground finer home
8 The main thing the farmers do is to borrow some money at a bank
D supply luxuries 16 Why do some men who could afford to own a
D make work for the unemployed house live in a rented one? Because
D feed the nation they don't have to pay taxes
9 If a man who can't swim should fall into a river, they don't have to buy a rented one
he should they can make more money by investing the
D yell for help and try to scramble out money the house would cost
D dive to the bottom and crawl out
D lie on his back and float Score
If the two words of a pair mean the same or nearly the same, draw a line under same. If they mean the opposite,
or nearly the opposite, draw a line under opposite. If you cannot be sure, guess. The two samples are already
marked as they should be.
SAMPLES { ~ood-bad .................................................................................................same-oppos~te
little-small ...............................................................................................same-opposite
1 no--yes.................................................................................................same-opposite
2 day-night............................................................................................same-opposite
3 go--leave ..............................................................................................same-opposite
4 begin-commence ...............................................................................same-opposite
5 bitter-sweet ........................................................................................same-opposite
6 assume-suppose .................................................................................same-opposite
7 command-obey..................................................................................same-opposite
8 tease-plague .......................................................................................same-opposite
9 diligent-industrious ...........................................................................same-opposite
10 corrupt-honest...................................................................................same-opposite
11 toward-from ......................................................................................same-opposite
12 masculine-feminine ...........................................................................same-opposite
13 complex-simple..................................................................................same-opposite
14 sacred-hallowed .................................................................................same-opposite
15 often-seldom......................................................................................same-opposite
16 ancient-modern .................................................................................same-opposite
I7 enormous-gigantic.............................................................................same-opposite
18 confer-grant.......................................................................................same-opposite
19 acquire-lose........................................................................................same-opposite
20 compute-calculate .............................................................................same-opposite
21 defile-purify .......................................................................................same-opposite
22 apprehensive-fearful ..........................................................................same-opposite
23 sterile-fertile ......................................................................................same-opposite
24 chasm-abyss .......................................................................................same-opposite
25 somber-gloomy .................................................................................same-opposite
26 vestige-trace .......................................................................................same-opposite
27 vilify-praise ........................................................................................same-opposite
28 finite-limited ......................................................................................same-opposite
29 contradict-corroborate ......................................................................same-opposite
30 immune-susceptible...........................................................................same-opposite
31 credit-debit ........................................................................................same-opposite
32 assiduous-diligent .............................................................................same-opposite
33 transient-permanent..........................................................................same-opposite
34 palliate-mitigate .................................................................................same-opposite
35 execrate-revile....................................................................................same-opposire
36 extinct-extant .....................................................................................same-opposite
37 pertinent-relevant..............................................................................same-opposite
38 synchronous-simultaneous ................................................................same-opposite
39 supercilious-disdainful.......................................................................same-opposite
40 abstruse-recondite .............................................................................same-opposite
Score (R-W) _ _ _ __
The words 'A EATS COW GRASS' in that order are mixed up and don't make a sentence; but they would make
a sentence if put in the right order: 'A COW EATS GRASS,' and this statement is true.
Again, the words 'WHEELS SQUARE ARE ALL' would make a sentence if put in the order 'ALL WHEELS
ARE SQUARE,' but this statement is false.
Below are twenty-four mixed-up sentences. Some of them are true and some are false. When I say 'begin,' take
these sentences one at a time. Think what each would say if the words were straightened out, but don't write
them yourself. Then, if what it would say is true, draw a line under the word 'true'; if what it would say is false,
draw a line under the word 'false.' If you cannot be sure, guess. The two samples are already marked as they
should be. Begin with No. 1 and work right down the page until time is called.
SAMPLES { a eats cow grass .................................................................................................true-false
wheels square are all ..........................................................................................true-false
Score (R-W) _ _ _ __
Look at each row of numbers below, and on the two dotted lines write the two numbers that should
come next as in the samples.
4 6 8 10 12 _l±_ ___lQ__
s=PLES{ 8 7 6 5 4 _3 _2
2 3 3 4 4 _5 _5
7 2 7 3 7 _4 _7
3 4 5 6 7 8
8 7 6 5 4 3
10 15 20 25 30 35
9 9 7 7 5 5
3 6 9 12 15 18
8 1 6 1 4 1
5 9 13 17 21 25
8 9 12 13 16 17
27 27 23 23 19 19
2 4 8 16 32
19 16 14 11 9 6
11 13 12 14 13 15
2 3 5 8 12 17
18 14 17 13 16 12
29 28 26 23 19 14
20 17 15 14 11 9
81 27 9 3 1 l/3
1 4 9 16 25 36
16 17 15 18 14 19
3 6 8 16 18 36
In each of the lines below, the first two words are related to each other in some way. What you are to do in each
line is to see what the relation is between the first two words, and underline the word in heavy type that is related
in the same way to the third word. Begin with No. 1 and mark as many sets as you can before time is called. The
samples are already marked as they should be.
sky-blue .. grass-table warm big
SAMPLES { fish-swims .. man-paper time walks girl
day-night .. white-red black clear pure
1 shoe-foot :: hat-kitten head knife penny
2 pup-dog :: lamb-red door. sheep book
3 spring-summer .. autumn-winter warm harvest rise
4 devil-angel :: bad-mean disobedient defamed good
5 finger-hand .. toe-body foot skin nail
6 legs-frog :: wings-eat swim bird nest
7 chew-teeth :: smell-sweet stink odor nose
8 lion-roar .. dog-drive pony bark harness
9 cat-tiger :: dog-wolf bark bite snap
10 good-bad :: long-tall big snake short
11 giant-large .. dwarf-jungle small beard ugly
12 winter-season :: January-February day month Christmas
13 skating-winter .. swimming-diving floating hole summer
14 blonde-light :: brunette-dark hair brilliant blonde
15 love-friend .. hate-malice saint enemy dislike
16 egg-bird .. seed-grow plant crack germinate
17 dig-ti-ench :: build-run house spade bullet
18 agree-quarrell :: friend-comrade need mother enemy
19 palace-king :: hut-peasant cottage farm city
20 cloud-burst-shower :: cyclone-bath breeze destroy West
21 success-joy :: failure-sadness success fail work
22 parents-command .. children-men shall women obey
23 diamohd-rare :: iron-common silver ore steel
24 yes-affirmative :: no-think knowledge yes negative
25 hour-day :: day-night week hour noon
16 eye-head .. window-key floor room door
27 clothes-man .. hair-horse comb beard hat
28 draw-picture .. make-destroy table break hard
29 automobile-wagon .. motorcycle-ride speed bicycle car
30 granary-wheat .. library-read books paper chairs
31 quarrel-enemy .. agree-friend disagree agreeable foe
32 razor-sharp :: hoe-bury dull cuts tree
33 esteem-despise :: Friends--Quakers enemies lovers men
34 abide-stay :: depart-come hence leave late
35 abundant-scarce .. chea~buy costly bargain nasty
36 whale-large .. thunder-loud rain lightning kill
37 reward-hero :: punish-God everlasting pain traitor
38 music-soothing .. noise-hear distracting sound report
39 book-writer .. statue-sculptor liberty picture state
40 wound-pain .. health-sickness disease exhilaration doctor
Score _ __
Notice the sample sentence:
People hear with the eyes ears nose mouth
The correct word is ears, because it makes the truest sentence.
In each of the sentences below you have four choices for the last word. Only one of them is correct. In each sen-
tence draw a line under the one of these four words which makes the truest sentence. If you cannot be sure, guess.
The two samples are already marked as they should be.
SAMPLES { People ~e~r with the eye~ ears nose mouth
France 1s m Europe Asia Africa Australia
one individual from each ability to another. ... to children's intelligence testing (see Research
Although, however, both of these factors occur in every Report 1.1). He used some of the same tests as
ability, they need not be equally influential in all. ... At Binet, and he introduced and adapted other tasks
one extreme lay the talentsfor classics, where the ratio of for the purpose of assessing adult intelligence.
the influence of ''g" to ''s" was rated to be as high as 15 Most importantly, Wechsler was the benefi-
to 1. At the other extreme was the talent for music, ciary of the World War I testing experience. In
where the ratio was only 1 to 4 (p. 75)
many ways his tests mimic the methods used in
the war effort. One of the contributions of his
The notion ofintellectual abilities being hier- scale was the inclusion of separate verbal and
archically organized is an alluring one that has performance scales akin to the Army Alpha/Beta
been embraced by a number of influential intel- measures that he used in the war. Wechsler pop-
ligence theorists. Spearman's influence can also ularized other innovations in individual intelli-
be found in the everyday practice of assessing in- gence testing, including the use of the Deviation
telligence, where psychologists may be observed IQ (standard score) in lieu of the old Ratio IQ
discussing the "g"-loading of a particular subtest and the provision of subtest scores in addition to
from an intelligence test battery. In addition, composite scores. His children's test batteries
Spearman's introduction of factor analytic meth- differed substantially from Binet's test. Wech-
ods into intelligence research has resulted in a sler did not order his subtests sequentially by de-
continuing emphasis on factor analytic proce- velopmental age as Binet did. Instead, Wechsler
dures for, among other things, establishing the created subtests that possessed enough range of
validity of intelligence measures. A final example item difficulty to span the entire age range of
of the enduring influence of Spearman's theoriz- the scale. Hence, there was much less switching
ing is the continuing research into the nature of from one subtest to another when administering
"g" (Jensen, 1986). the Wechsler scales, making them easier for ex-
It was also at about this time that scientists aminers to master. The Wechsler-Bellevue I,
were expressing a great deal of doubt about the an adult intelligence test published in 1939, was
practice of intelligence testing. Respected scien- Wechsler's first test. The chronology of Wech-
tists such as E. L. Thorndike (192 7) questioned sler's prolific test development career is given
whether anyone knew what intelligence tests below.
measured. Furthermore, writers such as Pintner
(1923) were wholly dissatisfied with vague con-
cepts of general intelligence. In fact, Pintner YEAR TEST
(1923) argued the following:
1939 Wechsler-Bellevue I
We may say rather that the psychologist borrowed from 1946 Wechsler-Bellevue II
everyday life a vague term implying all-round ability 1949 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
and knowledge, and in the process of trying to measure Children (WISC)
this trait, he has been and still is attempting to define it
more sharply and endow it with a stricter scientific con- 1955 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
notation. (p. 53) (WAIS)
1967 Wechsler Preschool and Primary
Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
Wechsler's Tests 1974 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
David Wechsler was a clinical psychologist at Children-Revised (WISC-R)
Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York. He 1981 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-
was to adult intelligence testing what Binet was Revised (WAIS-R)
and outside of psychology. All indications are ray (1994) and the virulent reactions to it are fur-
that this love-hate relationship with such tests ther testimony to a continuing legacy of con-
will continue. Witness some of the more strident tentious debate.
protests of the 1960s.
The sidewalk in front of the headquarters of
the American Psychological Association served RECENT HrsTORY
as the platform for about a dozen protesters.
Their placards read:
"mental ability" (Lennon, 1985). The days of the tant in making decisions and that they should not
use of the term IQ appear numbered. While re- be undervalued because of the presence of intel-
naming the composite scores ofintelligence tests ligence test scores. Furthermore, the IDEA also
is not revolutionary, it is symptomatic of the created a need for translations and modifications
changing intellectual assessment scene. of popular intelligence tests. This occurred be-
It is also conceivable that the term intelligence cause of the standard indicating that a test should
test may fall into disuse. Long ago, group-admin- be administered in the child's native language or
istered tests of intelligence dropped the term in- "other means" should be used to assess intelli-
telligence from their titles, using other terms such gence without undue influence from linguistic
as cognitive skills or scholastic ability instead. It difference.
would not be surprising to see tests of the future
opting for alternate terms to intelligence.
Larry P. v. Riles
The case of Larry P. v. Riles is of significance in
Individuals with Disabilities the annals of intellectual assessment. As a result
Education Act (IDEA) of the testimony at this trial, intelligence tests
were found to be biased against African Ameri-
In 1974 the Education for all Handicapped Chil- can children, and the San Francisco public
dren Act (PL 94-142) was passed by Congress. schools were enjoined from using intelligence
This federal law mandated that school districts tests when evaluating African American children
provide a "free and appropriate" public educa- (Elliot, 1987). In 1986, the Larry P. decision was
tion for all handicapped children living in their reiterated and clarified (Landers, 1986). Judge
jurisdiction. Now referred to as IDEA, Public Peckham, who presided over the original Larry
Law 94-142 mandated the identification of all P. trial, made his decision quite clear in this most
children eligible for special education services. recent statement. He said, "School districts are
This "child find" effort created a great need for not to use intelligence tests in the assessment of
examiners of children and enhanced the demand Black pupils who have been referred for special
for intelligence testing of children. education services."
This law also carried with it some very ex- This trial and the associated testimony brought
plicit guidelines for the use of tests, including in- into clear focus all of the data, and the lack of
telligence tests, in the diagnostic process. The data, on issues of test bias. As a result, this case
important aspect of these regulations for intelli- provided the impetus for considerable research
gence testing was that, in many ways, this was and discussion of issues of test bias that may not
the first time that federal standards for the use of have taken place otherwise. This case is a land-
intelligence tests in the schools were instituted. mark because it is also the only case where intel-
The IDEA standards, for example, make it ligence tests were found to be invalid for use with
clear that intelligence test results should not out- a particular cultural group. More on this issue
weigh other test results in making diagnostic de- will be presented in later chapters.
cisions. They should be viewed as but one piece
of evidence to be considered when making diag-
noses. This is an important point to remember Mergers of Theory and
when interpreting intelligence tests to parents
and others who may focus almost exclusively on
Intelligence Testing
intelligence test data in order to gauge their The marriage between intelligence testing and
child's needs. The IDEA emphasizes the point psychological theory has always been a tenuous
that other tests may be equally or more impor- one. In fact, intelligence testing began primarily
as an empirical effort relatively uninfluenced New measures of intelligence will need to take
by theory. The separation of test development further strides in this regard in order to gain ac-
and theory was recognized by many psycholo- ceptance among users. These new tests are likely
gists and is reflected in the following quote by to use methods described as rational-theoretical
Henry Garrett (1946/1961) in his presidential approaches to test development where theoreti-
address to the American Psychological Associa- cal and empirical methods, mutatis mutandis,
tion in 1946: produce tests that benefit from the use of both
The trial and error period in mental measurement is, I The pace of change, however, is frustratingly
believe, drawing to a close. Much progress has been slow (Sternberg & Kaufman, 1996). The history
made over the war years in the construction and use of ofinnovation in intelligence testing is marked by
mental tests. I think that we can anticipate a brightfu- minor, seemingly glacial, changes in the technol-
ture for psychometrics, and by no means the smallest ogy. Such incremental change is likely to con-
achievement will be an increase in the number ofvalid
tinue, and change will not be welcomed unless
tests capable ofmeasuring precisely defined aptitudes and
traits. (p. 581)
the new test is proven to have some enhanced
value over its competitors (Daniel, 1997). Intelli-
gence tests and intelligence testing has faced
It appears that Garrett's prediction was accu-
many challenges and, yet, it remains a widely
rate but its fulfillment belated. Up to this point it
practiced enterprise. Many "innovations" have
has been difficult to argue that intelligence tests
been offered over the course of the first 100 years
are measures of precisely defined traits. The
and most have been discarded in favor of the
traits being measured by the Wechsler scales and
standard bearers. Considerable time, money, and
older editions of the Binet scales have not been
energy will be needed to make the next bonafide
clearly delineated in the test's manuals. The
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-
ABC) ushered in a new era with its publication in
1983 by devoting a great deal of space in its man-
ual to discussing the theory underlying the test Intelligence Tests of the Future
development process and interpretation of re-
The major breakthroughs of the near future are
sults. More recently, the Stanford-Binet Fourth
likely to be an increase in the number of available
Edition, Differential Ability Scales (DAS), and
tests and a further rapprochement between the-
Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) devote con-
ory and intelligence testing. New tests are likely
siderable attention in their various manuals to
to expand on the precedents of the 1980s and
discussing the theory underlying their scales.
1990s set by the Kaufman Assessment Battery for
The pendulum, however, should not be allowed
Children (K-ABC), and Woodcock-Johnson
to tilt too far toward theory without scientific
(\VJ-R), which have clear-cut theoretical founda-
support. Cronbach (1986) wisely cautions against
tions. There are likely to be a variety of tests
this outcome by concluding,
available because of the increasing diversity of
theories of intelligence. Some of this diversity is
we don't have much theory, and I don't favor using the
word loosely for almost any abstraction of point of
reflected in Table 1.2, where a sampling of defi-
view. ... I would reserve the word theory for substan- nitions of intelligence is given.
tial, articulated, somewhat validated constructions. It is also important to consider that it may not
Rather than an emperor with no clothes, we have theory be necessary, or even desirable, to achieve una-
being used as an imperial cloak that has no emperor in- nimity on the definition of intelligence. Jensen
side. (p. 23, cited in Messick, 1992) (1987) likened the term intelligence to other
TABLE 1.2 Definitions of intelligence from the distant past to the present
Alfred Binet and Theophilius Simon (1905). "It seems to us that in intelligence there is a fundamental faculty,
the alteration or the lack of which, is of the utmost importance for practical life. This faculty is judgment, other-
wise called good sense, practical sense, initiative, the faculty of adapting one's self to circumstances. To judge
well, to comprehend well, to reason well, these are the essential activities of intelligence" (Jenkins & Paterson,
1961, p. 93).
Rudolf Pintner (1923). "It includes the capacity for getting along well in all sorts of situations. This implies ease
and rapidity in making adjustments and, hence, ease in breaking old habits and in forming new ones.... The
intelligent person has a multiplicity of responses; the unintelligent few. The intelligent organism responds to a
great number of situations; the unintelligent few. Intelligent behavior leads one from one thing to another in
ever-widening circles; unintelligent behavior is narrow and restricted, and leads to repetition or cessation."
C. Spearman (1927). "This is to regard 'g' as measuring something analogous to an 'energy'; that is to say, it
is some force capable of being transformed from one mental operation to another different one. Even on the
physiological side, there are some grounds for hoping that some such energy will sooner or later be discovered
in the nervous system, especially the cerebral cortex."
Henry E. Garrett (1946/1961). "... intelligence as I shall use the term in this paper includes at least the
abilities demanded in the solution of problems which require the comprehension and use of symbols. By symbols
I mean words, numbers, diagrams, equations, formulas, which represent ideas and relationships ranging from the
fairly simple to the very complex. For simplicity we may call the ability to deal with such stimuli symbol or abstract
Frederick B. Davis (1964). "From time immemorial, men have observed that their fellows differ greatly in
the ease and accuracy with which they perceive facts and ideas, remember them, draw logical conclusions and
inferences from them, and benefit or learn from experiences."
Alexander G. Wesman (1968). "Intelligence as here defined is a summation oflearning experiences. The
instances in which intelligent behavior is observed may be classified in various ways that appear to be logical or
homogeneous, but they are individual instances all the same. Each instance represents a response the organism
has learned; each learned response in turn predisposes the organism for learning additional responses which
permit the organism to display new acts of intelligent behavior."
J. P. Guilford (1979). "... Intelligence is defined as a systematic collection of abilities or functions for processing
different kinds of information in various ways. Intelligence is thus concerned both with kinds of information and
kinds of operations performed with information. Regarding the brain as 'that computer between our ears' is a
useful conception, at least by analogy. Like computers, brains also possess information in storage and programs
for dealing with that information."
Jaan Valsiner (1984). "... We can operationalize it in terms of the process structure-the dynamic organization
of the actor's goal-directed actions in the particular (possibly dynamic) ecological niche."
Phillip A. Vernon (1985). ".. . individual differences in mental ability can be thought of as being a function of
what appears to be a rather general factor of neural efficiency. At one level, neural efficiency allows information
to be processed quickly, preventing an overload of the limited capacity of working memory. At another level, the
factor is expressed as neural adaptability, again relating to an efficient use of limited neural resources. At still a
third level, neural efficiency will at some time undoubtedly be identified with some sort of neuronal biochemical
Robert}. Sternberg (1997): "Intelligence comprises the mental abilities necessary for adaptation to, and
shaping and selection of, any environmental context."
broadly defined scientific terms. He concluded, about individual's lives, such as the diagnoses and
"Scientists don't actually try to define 'nature' or services they receive, and the educational oppor-
to construct 'theories of nature.' 'Intelligence' tunities they are afforded, these tests are likely to
ought to be regarded like 'nature' in this respect" continue to be controversial. Hence, any discus-
(p. 196). This school of thought suggests that in- sion of the history of intelligence testing must
telligence be viewed as a field of study with many consider not only the scientific aspects of these
potentially appropriate lines of inquiry. measures, but the sociopolitical aspects as well
It is unlikely, and probably undesirable, that (Elliot, 1987).
one definition of intelligence will be found. It is The last century of intelligence assessment
probable, however, that new intelligence tests, has been marked by changes in the tests them-
based on a variety of theoretical approaches, will selves, including their theoretical foundations,
measure more precisely defined intellectual and guidelines for test use. In addition, signifi-
skills, abilities, traits, styles, or behaviors. Intelli- cant scientific progress has been made in under-
gence and cognition researchers are frequently standing the nature of intelligence (Hunt, 1999).
calling for future tests to assess very precisely de- There is no indication from history that this pace
fined cognitive activities (Pellegrino, 1986; of change in this vibrant field of inquiry and
Richardson & Bynner, 1984). Richardson and practice is slowing. On the contrary, the pool of
Bynner (1984), for example, suggest that intelli- available measures and theories continues to ex-
gence researchers "... follow in the footsteps of pand rapidly. The next century of intelligence as-
more rigorous sciences by seeking precise defi- sessment should continue to differentiate itself
nitions of the different elements of cognitive from the first 100 years. The pace of change is
functions and processes ..." (p. 521). We will likely to be consistent but not convulsive. Some
wait with eager anticipation to see the new tests strive for an upheaval of the status quo. Such up-
offered and their associated theories. It appears heaval may not occur in the nature ofintelligence
that, regardless of the theories that will be fa- tests themselves but rather in their normal usage.
vored, the criticism that intelligence is "what the Current psychological research gives clear evi-
test measures" will no longer apply as we move dence that current tests should be used in differ-
from the empirical to the theoretical age of intel- ent ways than is often the case. These alterations
lectual assessment. in test usage are the practicing clinician's best
hope of avoiding some of the mishaps of the past,
usages that have been characterized by making
CONCLUSIONS inferences that are not consistent with the cur-
rent state of psychological knowledge.
• Many early efforts at measuring intelligence logical Association that was eventually charged
used tests that were developed in early exper- with the screening of about a million and a
imental psychology laboratories. half potential soldiers (Anastasi, 1988). It was
• Galton viewed the use of psychophysical mea- this group of psychologists that developed the
sures to assess intelligence as sensible because, first group-administered tests of intelligence.
he reasoned, if all information is obtained The Army Alpha was used to screen most re-
through the senses, then intelligent individu- cruits, while the Army Beta, a nonverbal test,
als must have very capable sensory abilities. was used with nonreaders and those who did
not speak English.
• The central problem with the use of psy-
chophysical measures of intelligence was their • In 1927 Spearman introduced an influential
lack ofcorrelation with school achievement. hierarchical theory of intelligence. At the top
of Spearman's hierarchy is the "general fac-
• The development of intelligence tests was car-
tor" (general intelligence or "g"), the factor
ried out in response to a societal need. Mod-
that explains most of the variance in the factor
ern intelligence testing can be traced to the
analytic solutions conducted by Spearman.
concern for the humane treatment of mentally
retarded individuals that was exemplified by the • David Wechsler was a clinical psychologist at
work of pioneers such as Itard and Sequin Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York
during the 19th century. who developed adult and children's intelligence
tests. He used some of the same tests as Binet,
• Alfred Binet and Theophilius Simon (1905)
and he introduced and adapted other tasks for
produced the first technological breakthrough
the purpose of assessing adult intelligence.
in intelligence testing by developing the first
practical intelligence test battery. • In the 1950s, many psychologists turned to
the development of theories that explained the
• The Binet-Simon scale assessed higher-level
concept of intelligence. Some of the most in-
cognitive skills and, as a result, produced sub-
fluential theories of the day included Cattell's
stantial correlations with measures of school
(1971) theory of Fluid and Crystallized intel-
ligence, Guilford's (1967) Structure of Intel-
• Binet and Simon placed considerable empha- lect Model, and Vernon's (1950) Hierarchical
sis on the establishment of content validity for Model of Intelligence.
their scale, an emphasis that has been lacking
• Wesman (1968) stated unequivocally that in-
in many subsequent measures.
telligence tests measured "previous learn-
• Terman (1916) produced the most successful ings," not ability to learn. He offered the
of the English translations of Binet's work. following conclusions regarding intelligence
His scale, the Stanford-Binet, met high psy- that he described as "obvious": (1) Intelligence
chometric standards for the time. is an attribute, not an entity. (2) Intelligence is
• Terman also introduced the concept of the in- the summation of the learning experiences of
telligence quotient (IQ), which was originally the individual.
the invention of a German scientist named • The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities
William Stern. is a preschool intelligence test that was pub-
• There were four editions of the Stanford-Binet. lished in 1972.
The 1972 version was simply a renorming. • The term intelligence quotient is outdated.
• During the war, Robert Yerkes directed an as- Once the use of standard scores became wide-
sessment committee of the American Psycho- spread, the IQ was no longer descriptive; the
score from an intelligence test was not a "quo- result of the testimony at this trial, intelli-
tient" but rather a standard score. gence tests were found to be biased against
• In 1975 the Education for all Handicapped African American children, and the San Fran-
Children Act (PL 94-142) was passed by Con- cisco public schools were enjoined from using
gress. This law also carried with it some very intelligence tests when evaluating African
explicit guidelines for the use of tests, includ- American children.
ing intelligence tests, in the diagnostic process. • New measures of intelligence are promising
• The case of Larry P. v. Riles is of significance to continue the trend of measuring intelli-
in the annals of intellectual assessment. As a gence from a stronger theoretical basis.
The problem ofdefinition is an embarrassment to all of to being called into the boss's office is influenced
science. Edgar Doll (1953, p. 60) by theory depending on whether one thinks that
the boss is calling the meeting to offer congratula-
tions or a reprimand. So too, in intellectual assess-
CHAPTER QUESTIONS ment, a psychologist may offer either a dismal
prognosis for or a favorable one depending on the
examiner's theories of intelligence. This is one
What is a latent trait?
crucial reason psychologists should have a clear
How has favor analysis contributed to intelli- understanding of intelligence theory.
gence theory? Another reason for theoretical knowledge is
What is the relationship between specific and to allow implementation of the "intelligent test-
general intellectual abilities? ing" approach to interpretation (Kaufman, 1990,
Which theories are used widely for intelli- 1994). This interpretive method is highly so-
gence test development? phisticated and individualized, requiring sub-
stantial theoretical knowledge on the part of
examiners. Take, for example, the case of a child
WhyTheory? who is referred for an evaluation subsequent to
Theoretical knowledge is important because it can receiving a head injury in a car wreck. If this
affect behavior-in this case the interpretive be- child's intelligence test score is considerably
havior of the clinician using an intelligence test. lower than premorbid estimates (estimates of the
Our interpretations of test results, either in writ- child's intelligence before the injury), a psychol-
ing or presented orally in a parent conference or ogist would be hard pressed to argue that the
other venue, are expressions of our theoretical child's scores are now lower due to changes in
knowledge or biases. Similarly, a person's reaction reinforcement contingencies (behavioral theory).
More than likely a neuropsychological model of and philosophers. They were people like you and
intelligence would best explain the score decre- me who for whatever reason labeled an individ-
ment in this case. The variety of problems and ual as intelligent or less than intelligent. The lex-
circumstances presented by children call for a icon of intelligence and its assessment has been
clinician who is well versed in a variety of disci- commonly used for centuries, long before the
plines and possesses knowledge of several theo- availability of intelligence tests. Individuals have
ries if interpretation is going to be truly always categorized others as "bright," "dull,"
"intelligent." A psychologist who does not indi- "gifted," and the like. In fact, humans have a nat-
vidualize interpretation is easily "found out" by ural tendency to categorize (Kamphaus, Reynolds,
referral sources. If all children are found to have & Imperato-McCammon, 1998). Even preschool-
brain damage, or task-intrinsic motivation ers "assess" their own intelligence and that of their
deficits, or long-term memory problems, the peers. Parents of young children know that chil-
consumers of reports such as teachers, psychia- dren make their own diagnoses of intelligence in
trists, and parents will soon realize the limited the early school grades by saying such things as,
knowledge of the psychologist and stop refer- "Lanier is smart, she's in the cardinal's reading
ring cases or only refer those that fit the psy- group." Teachers also know that the names they
chologist's theoretical leanings. Perhaps the use to deemphasize differences in instructional
worst eventuality that can befall a psychologist groups are usually decoded by children within
bereft of theory is to simply report scores with- minutes of their application. Children in early
out any interpretation. This practice will not grades know full well that if all the good readers
satisfy parents and others, and it poses peril to are in one group that this is the "advanced
the well-being of children and adults. The mere group." Actually, intelligence tests simply for-
"tester" of children offers no advice for helping malize a common practice used by humans to
a child and perhaps produces scores that can be identify individual differences between people-
misunderstood by others since they are not con- they assess intelligence. Hopefully, the science of
nected to useful interpretation. intelligence research has allowed for the devel-
The remainder of this chapter is designed to opment of intelligence tests that are more objec-
help foster the theoretical sophistication neces- tive than intuitive classification practices.
sary to be a capable interpreter of scores by fo- We all have our own implicit theories of what
cusing primarily on factor analytic theory. It has constitutes intelligent individuals and intelligent
been said that trait theory associated with intelli- behavior (Weinberg, 1989). When commuters
gence and personality measurement, which has waiting for a train, shoppers in a supermarket,
as its foundation factor analytic findings, is one of and university students were asked, "What is in-
the most significant "fruits" of the psychological telligence?," there were three general areas of
science of individual differences (Harkness & agreement: (1) practical problem-solving ability,
Lilienfeld, 1997). To that end, this chapter is de- (2) verbal ability, and (3) social intelligence
voted to providing an overview of the substantial (Weinberg, 1989). It has also been found that
fruits of the labors of the legions of individual- adults consider problem solving and reasoning to
difference researchers of the past 100 years. become increasingly important markers of intel-
ligence with increasing developmental age. In
addition, perceptual and motor abilities are seen
COLLOQUIAL THEORY as measures of intelligence for infants and
younger children, whereas verbal ability is per-
ceived as important from age 2 through adult-
The original "testers" were parents, preschool- hood (Weinberg, 1989). Weinberg (1989) also
ers, employers, teachers, spouses, grandparents, makes the point that these public conceptions of
the nature of intelligence are quite similar to the to vary from citation to citation (Thorndike &
conceptualizations commonly held by profes- Lohman, 1990). By most accounts he did seem to
sionals such as psychologists. ascribe to the notion of intelligence as a single
The idea that something such as "intelli- entity. One of his most recognized statements on
gence" exists also appears to be universal. Neisser his views of the nature of intelligence is given in
(1979) made the following observations about this excerpt:
African conceptions of intelligence and their
similarity to Western definitions. It seems to us that in intelligence there is a fundamental
faculty, the alteration or lack ofwhich, is of the utmost
The notion that some people are intelligent (or clever, or importance for practical life. This faculty is judgement,
cunning, or bright, or smart, or wise, or insightful, or otherwise called good sense, practical sense, initiative, the
brilliant, or intellectual, or . . .) is widespread indeed. I faculty ofadapting one's selfto circumstances. To judge
suspect that every language must have some such galaxy well, to comprehend well, to reason well, these are the
ofcognitive terms. It is at least certain that the existence essential activities of intelligence. A person may be a
ofintelligence-related words does not depend on technol- moron or an imbecile if he is lacking in judgment; but
ogy or education, or testing. E. F. Dube (1977) recently with goodjudgement he can never be either. Indeed the
conducted an inquiry into the meaning ofsuch concepts rest ofthe intellectualfaculties seem oflittle importance
among non-literate traditional villagers in Botswana. in comparison with judgement. (Binet & Simon, 1905,
He used 13 Setswana words which had been suggested by pp. 42-43)
translators as possible equivalents of "intelligent" and
other related words in English. The elders ofthe villages Even in this statement Binet seems to waiver.
were easily able to "define" these terms, by giving exam- While emphasizing the preeminence of judg-
ples ofthe behaviors and characteristics thatjustify using ment he then begins to retreat and mention that
a given word. Moreover, their attributions were gen- this is but one of many faculties. This retreat
uinely predictive ofbehavior. At Dube's request, the el-
suggests that he considers other abilities or skills
ders pointed out which of the children were definitely
as aspects of intelligence. This lack of precise de-
"bot/hale" (the Setswana word closest to "intelligent")
and which ones were not. These attributions were pow-
finition, however, is not only a characteristic of
erful predictors ofthe children's subsequent performance Binet's work but also Wechsler's (1958) and
in an experiment on memory for stories. (p. 222) other definitions of intelligence. Binet's empha-
sis on a single global entity is consistent with the
The universality of the concept of intelligence, zeitgeist of the times in that numer~ms workers
not just intelligence testing, perhaps explains emphasized an "intelligence" as opposed to dis-
why the tests are viewed with such reverence by tinct intelligences, abilities, or faculties . Addi-
some and disdain by others. The idea that the tional theories that emphasized a global ability
construct of intelligence can be measured is in- are exemplified by the work of the British.
triguing to many. The search for a definitive the-
ory of intelligence is equally alluring.
This chapter focuses primarily on factor analytic
theory for several reasons. Factor analysis, at its
Though Binet's efforts aimed at developing the essence a correlational method, has proven to be
first intelligence test were mostly practical and the dominant research methodology for intelli-
empirical, he did theorize about the nature of in- gence theory development for decades. In addi-
telligence. His theoretical stance, however, seems tion, many modern intelligence tests are based
on factor analytically derived theories and/or can be referred to as "latent." In addition, since
they made extensive use of factor analysis during psychological tests are not direct measures of in-
various phases of test construction. Conse- telligence, they are sometimes referred to as "in-
quently, factor analytic theories are likely to be dicators" of the trait. To reiterate, when we say
applicable to the intelligence test interpretation that an individual has high or low or average in-
process. The forthcoming discussion of factor telligence, we are making an inference based on
analytic theories will serve as the backbone for an observed scores or estimated true scores, which
interpretive system to be offered in later chap- are indirect measures of the trait.
ters. Still other theories will be introduced in this Second, traits are often thought of as residing
and other chapters as deemed relevant. Knowl- within the individual. People are said to possess
edge of theories, other than those developed via average intelligence, introversion, sociability,
factor analysis, is not to be viewed as irrelevant. and the like. As a result much of the psychologi-
On the contrary, new and alternate theories pro- cal testing enterprise is aimed at measuring the
vide the fertile ground on which new approaches person, as opposed to the person's environment.
can be germinated. This statement does not imply that measurement
of environments is unimportant, rather that the
measurement of environments rests on theories
Latent Traits other than trait theory.
There are many well-known psychological traits Third, traits are presumed to be relatively sta-
including anxiety, extroversion, distractibility, ble; otherwise they cannot be measured with ac-
and yes, intelligence. The theories presented in curacy. Certainly, the amount of trait that a
this chapter explicate the latter construct. Some person possesses can change due to a variety of
terminology must be introduced, however, to circumstances, but a trait possesses adequate sta-
further clarify the intelligence trait(s). A trait bility so as to be measurable.
may be defined as, "A characteristicfeature ofmind Finally, traits typically take a monotonic
or character; a distinguishing quality, especially of a (nearly linear form) in that performance on a test
person, culture, or social group" (Brown, 1997). usually indicates a level of the latent trait
Consistent with this definition, a psychological (Thorndike, 1982). Items are typically, as is the
trait has several key characteristics. case for intelligence tests, ordered by item diffi-
First, a psychological trait is a construct, not a culty. Therefore, mastery of item content on an
palpable entity. In other words, traits of the na- intelligence test is associated with increasingly
ture that will be discussed in this volume cannot high levels of a trait.
be directly perceived through the senses. Traits Since latent traits of the intelligence nature
are merely inferred based on test scores, observa- are inferred and not measured directly, their ex-
tions, and other referents. In classical test theory istence cannot be proven or disproved defini-
traits are inferred in a three-step process begin- tively. The existence of traits can only be
ning with the observed score (i.e., the intelli- confirmed via the accumulation of substantial ev-
gence test scores). These scores, however, are idence and through "logical deductions and
known to possess some degree of imperfection mathematical proofs" (p. 8, Suen, 1990). The
(error). Theoretically, an estimated true score process of accumulating such evidence will be
can be calculated based on the observed score. elaborated in later chapters. The premise intro-
The third step involved in measuring a trait is to duced at this point is that the practical utility of
make an inference based on the true score; that is all measures oflatent traits is a function of the va-
to say, a person is identified as having a particu- riety of evidence currently available-the scien-
lar level of the unobservable trait (Suen, 1990). tific ebb and flow of supportive, clarifying, and
Since it cannot be observed, a psychological trait disconfirming evidence. Just as is the case in
physical science where theories of temperature, test scores have proven helpful for defining the
evolution, and other constructs are the subjects universe of cognitive abilities. Traditionally, tests
of vigorous debate so too is intelligence testing, that have not been found to correlate to some ex-
perhaps even more so given the association of tent with widely recognized intelligence tests
this trait with controversy. have difficulty being accepted as measures of
Moreover, various types of validity evidence cognitive abilities.
are required to support test interpretations.
While factor analysis is a popular statistical tech-
nique for evaluating the validity of a test, it is by
no means the only or best method for all circum- Skills may also be defined as the capacity to do
stances. At the risk of being repetitive, it is im- something, and the term can apply to ability to
portant to punctuate the notion that validity "reason as a mental faculty" (Brown, 1997). The
emanates from the accumulation of a variety of term, however, has a slightly different connota-
types of evidence (Messick, 1989). tion in that it refers to an ability that is "acquired
through practice or learning." This meaning of the
term skill is especially appropriate with reference
Abilities to intelligence testing in the sense that these tests
Some psychological traits are identified as abili- share so many similarities with achievement
ties because individuals differ in terms of the measures of a great variety. The term cognitive
amount of the latent trait that they possess. In skills may be most appropriate for use in describ-
other words, an ability can be defined as "suitable ing the results of intelligence tests. This point
or sufficient power; capacity" (Brown, 1997). The will be buttressed further as intelligence testing
term ability does not presume a particular expla- research is covered in more detail in the next and
nation for its development. Likewise, precursors later chapters.
of any given ability may be either innate or expe- The assumptions of traits and abilities are
riential, or a dynamic combination thereof. Lastly, central to the work of Charles Spearman, who
ability tests may measure a variety of dimensions studied the correlations among cognitive tests
and appear on intelligence, achievement, tem- as a means of developing an influential theory of
perament, or other test batteries. Cognitive abil- intelligence.
ities may serve as but one set of abilities of
interest to psychologists and others.
Cognitive abilities are those that require the GENERAL INTELLIGENCE
"processing of mental information" (p. 10, Carroll, THEORY
1993). This mental processing is requisite to suc-
cessful performance on the cognitive ability test.
According to this definition, a test of verbal rea- Spearman's theory exemplifies an approach to
soning ability would presumably qualify as a cog- conceptualizing intelligence that has sometimes
nitive measure. Scales of behavioral impulsivity been called the "British approach" (Minton &
or introversion by contrast would likely not fall Schneider, 1980). This approach is exemplified
into the category of "cognitive" but, in contrast, by the work of Spearman (1927), Burt (1950),
would lay in the realm of emotion, temperament, and Vernon (1950), among others. Weinberg
or similar area of study. The cognitive versus (1988) describes these theorists as "lumpers" or
noncognitive distinction, however, does depend those who tend to focus on a single general intel-
on consensus at some point since a large array of ligence as the major concept. Spearman is usually
abilities may require some type of mental pro- credited as the first to offer a hierarchical theory
cessing. The correlational relationships among of intelligence.
It could be said that the invention of the cor- (i .e., average correlation with other cognitive
relation coefficient by Charles Spearman set the tests). In this example, Vocabulary has the most
stage for the development of the construct of saturation and Memory the least. It may be said
general intelligence ("g"). Spearman made the in- then that performance on the Vocabulary test is
sightful observation that cognitive tests tended determined to a greater extent by "g" than in the
to positively correlate with one another (Carroll, case for Memory. In addition, all three of the
1993). This "positive manifold," as it is some- tests are positively correlated to a significant de-
times called, suggested to Spearman that perfor- gree indicating that "g" is an important influence
mance on cognitive tests was in large part on performance on a variety of cognitive tasks.
determined by a common latent trait that is caus-
ing all of the cognitive tests to correlate. He
identified this central trait as "g" and theorized In Support of "g"
that the observed positive manifold supports the A well-known proponent of the British approach
idea that this is the most important intellectual to the study of intelligence is the American re-
trait. Consequently, he placed "g" at the top of a searcher Arthur Jensen.Jensen (1969) proposed a
hierarchical model of intelligence. He also hy- theory of intelligence that hypothesized the exis-
pothesized that "g" represents an underlying tence of two mental processes. Level I processing
"mental energy" that is central to all intelligent (associative ability) typically does not require ma-
problem solving and called for further research nipulation or transformation of the stimulus
to better identify the biological roots of this "en- input prior to producing a response. Level I abil-
ergy." Spearman recognized that performance ity is tapped by rote learning tasks such as digit
on a cognitive task also requires a specificfactor or recall and paired associate learning. Level II pro-
"s"; it is, however, the general ability that is cessing (conceptual ability), on the other hand,
clearly viewed as most important for producing requires considerable manipulation and elabora-
intelligence test performance. tion of the stimulus input in order to produce a
The relative influence of both "g" and "s" can response. Level II processing is tapped by tests
be crudely demonstrated by reviewing a set of such as concept learning and spatial problem
correlations such as those in the matrix shown in solving. Level II processing is clearly the higher
Table 2.1. These data show that the three tests level of processing in Jensen's hierarchy of intel-
can be ordered according to their "g" saturation ligence, whereas Level I processing does not re-
quire very complex problem solving. While only
hypothesizing two mental processes, Jensen's
TABLE 2.1 Hypothetical intercorrelation matrix for earlier theorizing clearly resembles a hierarchical
a set of three cognitive tests approach where reasoning is considered to be an
indicator of better intelligence than measures of
Vocabulary Memory Spatial rote recall.
Vocabulary .50 .60 Jensen (1982) has since turned his attention to
"g" and its definition. He has also responded to
Memory .50 .40
the criticism that psychometric "g," the positive
Spatial .60 .40 correlation among mental tests, is a statistical ar-
tifact. After a careful review of research studies,
Average Correlation of Vocabulary with Two Other Tests= he concluded:
.55 [(.50 + .60)/2)
Average Correlation of Memory with Two Other Tests =
.45 [(.50 + .40)/2) Evidence is summarized showing that g is correlated
Average Correlation of Spatial with Two Other Measures= more highly than any otherfactor with a number ofphe-
.50 [(.60 + .40)/2) nomena that are wholly independent ofboth psychomet-
rics and factor analysis. Relationships have been found visual (such as an incomplete drawing that has
between g and the heritability oftest scores, the effects of vertical lines of differing length on both the right
inbreeding depression on test scores, reaction times to el- and left sides); it is exposed for 10 milliseconds or
ementary cognitive tasks which have virtually no intel- less but, in contrast to RT tasks, the correctness
lectual content, evoked electrical potentials ofthe cerebral of the individual's judgment of the line length
cortex, and otherphysical correlates. This evidence ofbi-
(Which one is longer, the right or the left?) is
ological correlates of g supports the view that g is not a
taken as the item response (Deary & Stough,
biological artifact but is a fact ofnature. However, the
causal nature of g itself is not yet scientifically under- 1996). The examinee can take as much time as
stood. That goal awaitsfurther advances in neuroscience. possible to offer a response since speed of re-
(p. 157) sponse is irrelevant.
Deary and Stough (1996) contend that meta-
Additionally, Jensen (1982) has declared a re- analyses of correlations of inspection time mea-
vival for theories of reaction time (RT) as mea- sures with intelligence tests such as the Wechsler
sures of general intelligence. Previously, reaction series have consistently found coefficients to be
time and simple psychophysical measures were in the range of .40 to .50. However, these coeffi-
found to not correlate highly with criterion mea- cients are higher for the Wechsler Performance
sures, especially academic achievement. Jensen, scale than for the Verbal scale, and the correla-
however, has concluded that Galton was in fact tions may be better for elderly populations of
correct, but that he lacked the technology neces- those with cognitive impairments. The interested
sary to assess reaction time adequately. He also reader is referred to Deary and Stough (1996) for
argued that much of the RT research suffered an overview of inspection time research.
from other experimental design problems, such The overall intelligence index, the practical
as not using enough trials so as to obtain reliable expression of the measurement of "g," has also
estimates of reaction time. Jensen (1982) cited been shown to be stable over the course of devel-
numerous studies and research paradigms as in- opment (Moffit, Caspi, Harkness, & Silva, 1993).
dicative of renewed interest in RT as a measure In fact, Moffit et al. (1993) demonstrated that the
of general intelligence.Jensen (1987) himself has popular alternative to the composite score, the
shown correlations as high as .98 between dual profile of scores represented by a variety of intel-
RT measures and the "g" (general intelligence) ligence test subtests, is unstable when analyzing
factor of an aptitude battery. data from a large longitudinal study of change.
There are also studies that have not found Such findings further buttress the conception of
high correlations between RT measures and "g" based on its practical interpretive value.
intelligence tests. Ruchala, Schalt, and Bogel Recent work has pointed to two mechanisms
(1985) found only a complex RT task to correlate that may serve as the essence of psychometric
somewhat with a German test of intelligence, the "g"-reasoning ability and working memory
"Intelligenz-Strukturtest." However, even the (Gustafsson, 1999). Reasoning ability, as alluded
correlation of the complex RT task with the in- to earlier, is best represented by measures of
telligence test was significant, but unimpressive. "fluid" ability (to be discussed later). Working
The highest correlation found was only .16. memory capacity (also discussed later) has also
One should not presume, based on the fore- been cited as a central mechanism of "g" (Kyllo-
going discussion, that RT research and its vari- nen, 1996). These intriguing possibilities bring
ants are no longer of interest. Inspection time, a us closer to an understanding of "g" than has
significant variant from the RT measure, contin- been possible in the first century of intelligence
ues to be studied with vigor (Deary, 1999). The testing. We are presuming, however, that there is
inspection time paradigm differs from the RT general agreement that the concept of "g" exists.
methodology in numerous ways. The stimulus is Some prominent researchers and theoreticians
think that not only is "g" an epiphenomenon but point out that height and weight also correlate, and
much time has been wasted in pursuit of a better rather substantially, yet we consider them to be separate
understanding of this unimportant concept. A characteristics. {p. 6)
sampling of these views are aired next.
Detterman's ideas are provocative in that they
are one way of reconciling the differences between
Counter Arguments to "g" Weinberg's "lumpers" and "splitters." He sug-
Detterman (1987) has taken issue with the con- gested that both points have something to con-
cept of "g" using the modern large university as tribute to our understanding of intelligence that
an analogy. He proposed that intelligence tests may be greater than either theory individually.
currently in use are made up of complex tasks More condemning criticisms of the concept
that when summed or averaged produce an esti- of "g" are made by Horn (1988), Stankov (1999),
mate of overall system (intellectual) functioning. and others. One of the most problematic pieces
This estimate is similar to the size of a univer- of evidence that detracts from the validity of "g"
sity's endowment or library holdings in that it is is that many different combinations of tests yield
a gross estimate of the quality of a university the same "g" factor. For example, a reasonable
(Detterman, 1987). This information is helpful estimate of general intelligence can be obtained
to the high school senior who intends to select from the many short-term memory (labeled se-
among various colleges so long as the student is quential processing by the test authors) and spatial
interested in the overall quality of the institution. ability (labeled simultaneous processing) subtests of
But a prospective student may be interested in a the K-ABC. On the other hand, the verbal, spa-
specific program at the university, say the Jour- tial, and sequential and quantitative reasoning
nalism school. It is conceivable that the univer- scales of the DAS, when combined, also produce
sity is excellent overall but the Journalism school a good estimate of general intelligence. Such
for some reason is in turmoil. In this case the findings do indeed make "g" look like a statistical
overall university rating or "g" is of no value. So artifact of cognitive testing. Based on data such as
too is the case with intelligence testing where a these, the criticisms of "g" can be stinging.
child may receive a particularly high or low com- Stankov (1999) stated the spirit of most of these
posite score. A child may have a rather unique criticisms by saying:
skill or weakness that is masked because the focus
is on the composite score. Taking this argument First, there has been an unjustified tendency to overem-
one step further, a case could be made that both pha~ize the role of the general factor at the expense of
Galton and Binet were incorrect. Galton had a broad (e.g., Gf [fluid intelligence], Ge [crystallized in-
telligence], and so forth) and primary factors (Jensen,
good idea to measure discrete basic cognitive
1997). A logical conclusion on the part of the decision
skills, but he erred by not demonstrating how makers is that research into the usefulness ofa variety of
combining these skills can be used to solve cer- tasks is unnecessary-virtually any cognitive task that
tain problems. Binet too may have erred by using has satisfactory psychometric properties will do. This is
only complex tasks, making it difficult to deter- not only an impoverished view ofhuman cognition but is
mine how cognitive skills may interact to solve also scientifically dubious because it ignores a large body
problems. ofcontrary evidence. (p. 316)
Vandenberg and Vogler (1985) question the
concept of "g" from a different vantage point by Stankov ( 1999) is not only arguing that the
concluding: study of "g" is of little value, but also theorizing
that such research could lead those who fund
Against the argument that all ability tests correlate pos- cognitive science research to falsely believe that
itively and therefore measure the same ability, one can further scientific work is unnecessary. Basically,
an emphasis on "g" may give the false impression TABLE 2.2 Hypothetical factor loadings for four
that much of human intelligence and cognition is cognitive tests
understood. This latter outcome would truly be -------------------
disastrous as there is clear evidence that other Test Factor 1 Factor 2
factors of intelligence are highly related to a va- Vocabulary .71 -.22
riety of life outcomes. First, hcwever, it is im-
Definitions .60 -.11
portant to understand the factor analytic tradition
that has produced much of the knowledge base Copying Designs .10 .59
regarding intelligence and its measurement. Visual Closure .18 .66
Vocabulary (excellent measure of"g" with little "subtest specificity," i.e., "s")
Reliable Shared Variance "g" Variance
.0 1.0
Reliable Specific
Variance "s"
Copying Designs (relatively poor measure of"g" with more "subtest specificity," i.e., "s")
Reliable Shared Variance "g" Variance
.0 1.0
Reliable Specific
Variance "s"
Relative influence of"g" and "s" on two cognitive tests
factors (i.e., latent traits) that underlie the corre- on the part of the individual researcher (Anastasi,
lations among these four tests. The factor loadings 1988). In the case of the WISC there is a long tra-
for each test on each factor are shown in the pre- dition associated with the names of the first two
ceding table (the loading for the factor of which factors. The first factor is typically referred to as
it is a member is given first for each test). Also Verbal Comprehension, and the second as Per-
observe that the higher factor loadings approach ceptual Organization. The labels for these factors
a value of 1.0 while lower loadings nearer to have, however, been debated and the naming of
the juncture of the factor vectors are 0. While the the third factor has been particularly controver-
initial factor loadings place the four tests near the sial (Lowman, Kamphaus, & Schwanz, 1996). For
vectors representing their factors, the solution many tests such as the K-ABC and Binet 4, there
can be improved by "rotating" the axes, a proce- is considerable disagreement as to the traits being
dure designed to maximize the loadings of tests measured by the obtained factors (Kamphaus,
on factors. The rotation procedure provides a 1990; Thorndike, 1990).
better fit of the tests to the factors, thus making The logical procedures for identifying the
the factor a better estimate of the underlying la- trait associated with a factor are not consistently
tent trait. Now the difficult part involves identi- elucidated or utilized. A trait may be identified
fying the latent trait and defining it in a manner based on the content of the items themselves
that fosters usage of the factor as a derived score. (e.g., verbal versus nonverbal) or the nature of
Once the factor matrix, as is shown in Table the stimulus input or output (e.g., expressive ver-
2.2, is obtained, the reseacher must provide an in- sus receptive). Traits may also be hypothesized
terpretation and label for the obtained factors. using the theory of information processing un-
This labeling is done not based on statistical pro- derlying the test as was the case for the K-ABC,
cedures but based on theoretical considerations where the two major factors were labeled simul-
taneous and sequential processing (Kaufman & is the parental standard that has been applied in
Kaufman, 1983b). Research from areas such as fields such as journalism-that is, "you say that
cognitive psychology and neuropsychology may your mother loves you, now prove it." If test re-
also be used to label a factor. Digit recall tests, sults cannot be explained successfully to your
for example, have been called memory span or mother or father, who are presumed to not be
working memory by various researchers. This psychologists, then your identification of the la-
knowledge may be used by a factor analyst to tent trait underlying test performance is of ques-
then label a factor that, among other properties, tionable value to other consumers.
is characterized by high factor loadings for a digit
recall task. Finally, tradition certainly plays a role
in this naming process. One of my colleagues Factor Analytic Theories
once described himself as a "practicing and de-
Vernon (I 950) expanded on the hierarchical
vout chicken" when referring to his naming of
model proposed by Spearman by offering a more
factors for a research study. Perhaps there is
detailed hierarchy of intellectual abilities as is
some safety in naming factors based on prece-
shown in Figure 2.3. At the top of this hierarchy
dents that have been set by famous factor analysts
is the major group factor, general intelligence,
of the past.
which is highly consistent with the theorizing
Conservatism notwithstanding, the identifica-
of Spearman. Next in the hierarchy are the
tion of the latent trait underlying performance
minor group factors, which are of two varieties:
on a factor is a crucial inferential step in the in-
verbal/educational (v:ed) and spatial/mechanical
telligence testing process. Failure to provide a
(k:m) types of intelligence. Within these two
clear interpretation of a factor has a direct and
group factors then are several specific factors of
detrimental impact on the interpretability of the
obtained score associated with a factor. This lack
Vernon (1984) supports the further division
of interpretive clarity makes the utility of many
of "g" into the verbal/educational and spatial/
intelligence test scores questionable. For exam-
mechanical dimensions primarily with factor
ple, although most psychologists are familiar
analysis. His studies have shown that when over-
with the term perceptual organization, a consen-
all "g" is held constant, verbal tests intercorrelate
sual definition of the term eludes the field. More
and visual/spatial tests intercorrelate, but the
alarmingly, few psychologists can offer an opera-
correlation between the two types is usually neg-
tional definition of this construct, thus reinforc-
ative. Vernon, however, finds little evidence to
ing the perception that intelligence is "what the
support focusing on particular cognitive styles
test measures."
including the verbal/spatial dichotomy, as most
Therefore, it is incumbent on the field to
of the variance in intelligence tests is still attrib-
identify consensual definitions of the constructs
utable to the major group factor-"g." Vernon's
measured by various intelligence test factors. De-
bate can continue to rage among researchers but
clinicians must have some commonly under-
standable trait definitions and labels. Consensual
definitions have emerged for some psychological V:ed
I K:m
traits such as depression. The use of this term
connotes some meaning to clients and colleagues 1111111!11111111 1111111l11111111
alike. In direct contrast, when one speaks of a Specific Abilities Specific Abilities
strength in perceptual organization the meaning
is less clear. One standard that clinicians may FIGURE 2.3
apply to assess the clarity of their interpretations Vernon's (1950) hierarchical model
theory is of greater interest today than perhaps Memory(M) Facility in rote memory of
at any time because his work foreshadowed the words, numbers, letters, and
refinement of so-called hierarchical theories of other materials.
intelligence. Inductive Ability to abstract a rule
Reasoning (I) common to a set of particulars.
Thurstone's Primary
Mental Abilities Cattell's Fluid and Crystallized
T hurstone's theory has often been cited as stand- Abilities
ing in direct opposition to that of Spearman.
While Spearman used factor analysis to "prove" At about the same time as the development of
the existence of "g," Thurstone used factor ana- the first publication of the Wechsler scale, Cat-
lytic techniques to prove the opposite, that intel- tell's factor analytically based intelligence the-
ligence was made up of a rather large number of ory was garnering recognition (Cattell, 1940).
faculties, the so-called primary mental abilities Cattell, as is seemingly common for intelligence
(PMAs). Performance of an individual on a par- theorists, hypothesized two types of intelligence.
ticular cognitive task was not then a function of Essentially, Cattell found that the ideas of
"g" and the "s," or specific cognitive ability, re- Spearman's "g" and Thurstone's primary mental
quired for the task; rather performance was dic- abilities were not irreconcilable (Cattell, 1979).
tated by the primary mental abilities required for He proposed reconciling the two approaches
successful completion of the cognitive task. As by designating two types of "g." The first type is
such, Thurstone's theory was not hierarchical in "g/' or fluid intelligence. This is similar to
nature as was Spearman's. Spearman's "g" in that it affects all types of
problem solving. As Cattell (1979) states, "it
flows with unrestricted expression into all fields
ThePMAs of relation perception." Fluid intelligence has
Thurstone (1938) first identified nine, then been found to develop rapidly to about age 15
seven (Thurstone & Thurstone, 1941), then six (regardless of education) and decline thereafter.
(Thurstone, 1961/1941) primary mental abilities It is also more related to physiological factors
through factor analytic investigations. The seven and more highly influenced by genetic factors
abilities most frequently attributed to Thurstone (Cattell, 1979). Crystallized intelligence, "gc,"
include those listed below (Minton & Schneider, by contrast, is related to some particular area of
1980). expertise that an individual has specifically
learned or experienced (e.g., arithmetic, vocabu-
Space (S) Facility in spatial or visual lary, general information).
imagery. Presumably, a culture-free intelligence test
Perceptual Quick and accurate noting of could be devised using only "g/' tests. This has
Speed (P) visual details. proved difficult in practice, and some expert aca-
demicians such as Anastasi (1988) have advised
Number(N) Speed and accuracy in making
against it, saying it is not possible to separate
arithmetic computations.
the two.
Verbal Understanding ideas and Horn (1979), a colleague of Cattell's, has ex-
Meaning (V) meanings of words. panded on the "gr" and "gc'' dimensions by
Word Speed in manipulating single adding second-order factors. He has further
Fluency (W) and isolated words. identified factors, including "gv," visualization.
Abilities that are part of this factor include visual- relatively discrete cognitive abilities such as Pi-
ization, spatial orientation, flexibility of closure, agetian reasoning, lexical knowledge, spelling
and speed of closure. Another factor, "g.," general ability, visual memory, spatial scanning, speech
auditory organization, includes abilities such as sound discrimination, ideational fluency, rate of
speech perception under distraction/distortion, test taking, and simple reaction time.
auditory cognition of relationships, and temporal The second "broad" stratum in the hierarchy
tracking. The short-term acquisition and retrieval represents measures of traits that are combina-
(SAR) factor measures the ability of the individ- tions of stratum-one measures. The stratum-two
ual to learn and retain information over the span construct of crystallized intelligence, for exam-
of a few seconds or minutes. A final factor is la- ple, is produced by measuring first-stratum traits
beled tertiary storage and retrieval (TSR), and abil- such as tests oflanguage development, verbal lan-
ities it assesses include associational fluency, guage comprehension, lexical knowledge, etc. In
ideational fluency, and expressional fluency. This other words, crystallized intelligence represents a
factor assesses the ability to make association trait that is measured substantially by all of these
with material recalled from the distant past. first-stratum traits. The complete list of second-
Horn's (1979) approach to the study of individual stratum traits hypothesized by Carroll includes
differences has received considerable attention fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, gen-
since it serves as the basis for the cognitive as- eral memory and learning, broad visual percep-
sessment portion of the Woodcock-Johnson Psy- tion, broad auditory perception, broad retrieval
choeducational Test Battery-Revised. ability, broad cognitive speediness, processing
speed (i.e., reaction time decision speed). Each of
these factors will be discussed, in turn, as they
have numerous implications for the interpreta-
Carroll's Tour de Force tion of intelligence tests.
The three-stratum theory of intellectual abilities The ground rules for interpreting Carroll's
is based on the already classic 1993 text by John work in this section are as follows. First, the
B. Carroll. This text represents one of the most marker tests for each of the second-order factors
ambitious undertakings in the history of factor are given with special emphasis devoted to those
analytic research. Carroll (1993) gathered hun- tests that are currently part of commercially
dreds of sets of correlational data for cognitive available intelligence tests. Whether one consid-
tests, both experimental and clinical, and reana- ers the current crop of tests to be of sufficient
lyzed the data using factor analysis. This compi- practical value is not a consideration. These tests
lation of factor analytic findings is of such are likely to continue to be applied for the fore-
breadth and depth that no distillation of his find- seeable future, making clear interpretation of
ings will suffice, including that which follows. their results a continuing professional need. Sec-
The serious student of intellectual assessment is ond, Carroll's and related works will be inte-
ill-informed if he or she has not read the text in grated and interpreted in the context of other
its entirety. findings so as to deepen the clinician's knowl-
In its simplest form the three-stratum theory edge of the major factors of intelligence tests
derives from data, not the clinical or theoretical (stratum-two factors). The second-stratum fac-
musings of Dr. Carroll. The data utilized to gen- tors will then be linked conceptually to popular
erate the theory are the results of numerous hi- tests and definitions offered for each. This join-
erarchical factor analyses that yielded three ing of these factors to popular tests will serve as
"strata" of factors for interpretation. The first an important foundation for an interpretive sys-
"narrow" stratum consists of factors that measure tem that will be offered in a later chapter.
second-order factor. It is important then to turn and-order factor (Carroll, 1993). All of these
attention to the labeling of this factor. tasks have the common characteristics of recall-
The crystallized ability label possesses some ing the identity of stimuli and, in most cases,
of the same problems with clarity as is endemic doing so in serial order. Typical item types for
to the fluid ability factor: (1) psychologists may such measures include
not have a general consensual definition of the
construct that allows for clear communication 1. The examiner asks a child to repeat these
among clinicians, and (2) the term crystallized numbers in sequence, "9-2-6-8."
abiHty is often accompanied by simplistic inter-
2. The examiner asks a child to repeat these
pretations. Specifically, crystallized ability theory
words in sequence, "It is very cold when the
has been associated with environmental causa-
wind blows."
tion (see next chapter). Therefore, it may be de-
fensible and, in fact, advantageous to the need 3. After showing a stalk with 6 differing colored
for effective communication to relabel the sec- beads on it an examiner asks the child to re-
ond-order factor so as to fully recognize the cen- peat the pattern using a separate stalk and set
trality of language processes represented by all of beads.
of the first-order factors. With this objective in
mind, it is now necessary to identify a language- Carroll (1993) observed that all memory
related label and propose an accompanying oper- span subtests require "attention to temporally or-
ational definition. dered stimulus, registration ofthe stimulus in imme-
In the interpretive scheme introduced later, diate memory, and output ofits repetition" (p. 259).
this secondary factor will adopt the name verbal This quote serves as a good operational definition
so as to enhance communication between clini- of the trait assessed by the majority of these tests
cians and consumers. This characterization rec- in current use. Furthermore, Carroll (1993) did
ognizes the centrality of language and yet the not identify any differences in factor loadings that
variety of tasks found to measure this latent trait could be attributed to requiring the presentation
(e.g., word reading and spelling). In addition, the of digits in reverse sequence (i.e., WISC-III Dig-
term verbal has often been used by the general its Backward), or differences due to verbal versus
public when describing types of intelligence, sug- visual presentation of the stimuli. These data sug-
gesting that this label may be helpful for commu- gest that the more global term memory may be
nicating the results derived from such measures. applicable to the naming of this factor and serve
Finally, for the purposes of this text, the verbal la- to describe the central underlying latent trait.
tent trait is defined as oral and written communica- Some intelligence tests have a limited number
tion skills thatfollow the system ofrules associated with of measures of this variety (e.g., WISC-III),
a language. This definition is intended to apply to whereas others have two or more such measures
various forms of oral and written expression and allowing for the ready identification of a memory
to both forms of comprehension. span factor (e.g., the Binet 4 has both Bead
Memory and Memory for Sentences subtests
among others). Given this situation, clinicians
General Memory and Learning are often able to have adequate indicators of the
The vast majority of tests of memory included in first-stratum memory span factor, which they
popular intelligence tests are of the memory span may use to make an inference about the stratum-
variety. The popular digit span, sentence recall, two memory trait.
geometric design recall, bead recall, and similar Memory, however, is a complex function that
measures loaded consistently on a first-order fac- can be subdivided into a lengthy list of compo-
tor that, in turn, can be subsumed under this sec- nent processes or, so we think (see information
2P 2C- 2Y 2V 2U 2R 2S 2T
Stratum II Fluid Crystallized General Memory Broad Visual Broad Auditory Broad Retrieval Broad Cognitive Processing Speed
Intelligence Intelligence and Learning Perception Perception Ability Speediness RT Decision Speed)
Stratum I Level factors: Level factors: Level factors: Level factors: Level factors: Level factors: Speed factors: Speed factors:
General Sequential Language Development (LO) Memory Span (MS) Visualization (VZ) Hearing and Speech Originality/ Rate of Simple
Reasoning (RG) Verbal (Printed) Language Threshold factors Creativity (FO) Test Taking (R9) Reaction Time (RI)
Induction (I) Comprehension (V) Rate factors: Speed factors: (UA, UT, UU) Numerical Choice Reaction
Quantitative Lexical Knowledge (VL) Associative Spatial Speech Sound Speed factors: Facility (N) Time(R2)
Reasoning (RQ) Reading Comprehension (RC) Memory(MA) Relations (SR) Discrimination (US) ldeational [Perceptual Semantic Processing
Piagetian Reading Decoding (RD) Free Recall Closure General Sound Fluency (Fl) Speed (P)- Speed (R4)
Reasoning (RP) Cloze Ability (CZ) Memory(M6) Speed (CS) Discrimination (U3) Naming also listed Mental Comparison
Spelling Ability (SG) Meaningful Flexibility of Sound-Frequency Facility (NA) under 2V] Speed (R7)
Speed factors: Phonetic Coding (PC) Memory(MM) Closure (CF) Discrimination (US) Associational
Speed of Grammatical Visual Serial Perception Sound-Intensity/ Fluency (FA)
Reasoning (RE?) Sensitivity (MV) Memory(MV) Integration (Pl) Duration Discrim. (U6) Expressiona)
Foreign Language Learning Spatial Scanning Musical Discrimination Fluency (FE)
Aptitude (LA) Ability (LI) (SS) and Judgment (UI, U9) Word Fluency (FW)
Communication Perceptual Speed Resistance to Auditory Sensirivitv to
Ability(CM) (P) Stimulus Proble~s (SP)
Listening Ability (LS) Distortion (UR) Figural
Foreign Language Miscellaneous: Temporal Tracking (UK) Fluency (FF)
Proficiency (KL) Imagery (IM) Maintaining and Judging Figural
Length Rhythm(UB) Flexibility (FX)
Speed and level factors: Estimation (LE) Memory for Sound
Reading Speed (RS) Perception of Patterns (UM)
Oral Production Illusions(IL) Absolute Pitch (UP)
and Fluency (OP) Perceptual Sound Localization (UL)
Writing Ability (WA) Alternations (PN)
Hierarchical organization of Carroll's (1993) three-stratum theory (Reprinted with permission)
The essence of "g" can be inferred to some working memory quite adeptly identified chil-
extent based on inspection of Figure 2.4. The dren with language impairments. More signifi-
second-order factors most related to the first fac- cantly, this stratum-one task appears to cause
tor are fluid and crystallized ability, while mea- problems in language acquisition-the abilities
sures of auditory perception, retrieval, rate of test assessed at stratum two by measures of crystal-
taking, and processing speed are further re- lized intelligence.
moved. Such findings suggest that "g" is com- While it is tempting to reify a particular level
prised primarily of tests that are already common (or stratum) of interpretation, "g," stratum two,
on popular measures of intelligence. Further de- or narrowly defined stratum-one factors, to do
lineation of the "g" construct, however, is diffi- so would likely be simplistic. Individuals may dis-
cult to achieve given the varied nature of the play dysfunction or strength at each level, mak-
second-stratum tasks that contribute to its mea- ing interpretation dependent on the clinician's
surement. In fact, the psychologist is more likely knowledge of relevant research.
to be able to successfully explain the first- and
second-stratum factors since these are less re-
moved from their marker tasks.
Developed Abilities
Carroll's monumental compilation of data Factor analytic evidence clearly indicates that in-
takes further support from related research by telligence and academic achievement tests often
other factor analysts. His findings are not sur- correlate highly, suggesting that the distinction
prising to the student of factor analytic theories between the two types of tests is based primarily
of intelligence. These results are, in fact, reassur- on differences in content, not factor structure or
ing in that they confirm the earlier findings of other psychometric evidence. One needs only to
factors of fluid and crystallized ability, memory witness Carroll's second-stratum crystallized in-
span, and visual perception that are encountered telligence factor to see this relationship. This fac-
in many popular tests of intelligence to be dis- tor includes numerous indicators that are shared
cussed in this volume. between intelligence and achievement measures,
with spelling and reading comprehension tests as
noteworthy examples.
Stratum One Revisited Although these findings are long standing, in-
The importance of stratum-one factors cannot telligence test performance is still typically pre-
be overlooked in spite of the premise that it ac- sumed to be predictive of and underlie academic
counts for less variance in score determination. achievement test results. Similarly, intellectual
While tests within the crystallized abilities do- abilities are thought to be the result of a multi-
main, for example, presumably measure the same tude of factors, including genetic predisposition,
construct, reading specialists and others are un- parental stimulation, schooling, and other influ-
likely to adopt the view that reading decoding, ences whereas achievement test results are
reading comprehension, phonemic awareness, viewed as resulting from formal school instruc-
and spelling tests measure the same constructs. tion. Depending on the ability being assessed,
Simply put there are other types of evidence, in both of these suppositions may be untenable
addition to factor analysis, that shed light on the (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). Perhaps it is best to
abilities measured by tests. Experimental investi- consider intelligence test results as developed
gations also demonstrate that stratum-one tests abilities just as is typically the case for academic
can function quite dissimilarly for select popu- achievement tests.
lations of children (Baddeley, 1999). In a series In addition, one can say that intelligence tests
of investigations Baddeley (1999) has shown that currently in vogue are measures of "academic
a stratum-one test of p~onological encoding in intelligence" or "scholastic aptitude" (p. 296,
Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). They measure a lim- TABLE 2. 3 Categories of the structure of intellect
ited range of cognitive abilities that, in some model
cases, such as quantitative or crystallized abilities,
are highly related to academic achievement mea- Operations Contents Products
sures. The distinction between intelligence and
Cognitive Visual Units
achievement tests is a subtle one that requires fur-
ther clarification throughout this volume. At this Memory Auditory Classes
point one distinction is clear: Binet as well as his Divergent Symbolic Relations
successors have merely attempted to differentiate Production
the item content of intelligence and achievement Convergent Semantic Systems
measures in order to aspire to the "psychological" Production
as opposed to the "pedagogical" method. Evaluation Behavioral Transformations
Piaget's theory has only infrequently been conservation tasks. This approach resulted in
used as a model for the development of intelli- considerable disagreement as to whether Piaget-
gence tests. An attempt was made by U zgiris and ian intelligence differs significantly from so-
Hunt (1989) to develop an intelligence measure called psychometric intelligence as measured by
based on Piaget's theory of cognitive develop- the Wechsler or Binet scales (Carroll, Kohlberg,
ment. Other attempts to measure intelligence & DeVries, 1984) (see Research Report 2.1). In
with Piagetian tasks have depended heavily on one large-scale investigation, however, it was
The authors observed that since the conservation tasks have their highest ioadings on a separate factor from the
Binet that these tests measure something that is not part of traditional test batteries. Carroll et al. (1984) likened this
conservation factor to other group factors that have been identified for cognitive tests such as spatial, verbal, or nu-
merical abilities. They also concluded, however, that the majority of the Piagetian tests are like other tasks on in-
telligence measures in that there is a significant correlation among the measures or "g" factor. Based on these results
the authors offered the proposition that Piagetian and traditional "psychometric" intelligences were similar and yet
distinct and that current intelligence tests did not assess some of the important milestones of cognitive development
such as conservation.
concluded that traditional intelligence tests and as well as a host of 'non-intellective' variables
tests based on Piagetian tasks measure the same such as attitude toward learning, work habits,
construct (Humphreys & Parsons, 1979). and motives."
A recent investigation used Piagetian theory Haywood and Switzky's ideas build on the
as a basis for an intervention program with chil- writings of McCall (1983). One central feature of
dren of low socioeconomic status (SES) (Camp- this theory is the concept of canalization, which
bell & Ramey, 1990). The Concept Assessment McCall (1983) describes as follows:
Kit-Conservation (CAK) was used to assess the
conservation skills of eighty-six 5-, 6-, and 7- Canalization postulates a species typical path, called a
year-olds in a longitudinal investigation. The low creod, along which nearly all members of the species
SES children did show a favorable response to tend to develop. However, a given characteristic follows
conservation training. More germane to this dis- the creod only so as long as the organism is exposed to
cussion, however, were the findings of significant species-typical, appropriate environments. In the pres-
ence ofsuch environments, development proceeds "nor-
relationships between CAK scores and WISC-R
mally"; when the environment deviates markedly from
and mathematics achievement scores. CAK scores
the typical, development may stray from the creod. (pp.
correlated .49 with the Full Scale and Verbal 113-114)
scores of the WISC-Rand .37 with the Perfor-
mance Scale. Similarly, the CAK scores correlated Davis (1964) also agrees with the transactional
.46 with a measure of mathematics achievement viewpoint. He gives a more practical application
(Campbell & Ramey, 1990). These results provide of the notion of deviation from a genetically
empirical support for the continued study of Pi- determined path (or creod) in the following
aget's theory in order to assess its contribution to quotation.
intelligence theory and measurement. On a prac-
tical level, it appears that despite the profound Of course, the predictive accuracy of an aptitude test is
influence of Piaget's theorizing on education, his poorest for individuals of high native ability who have
views have had relatively little influence on the had exceptionally barren or stultifying environments and
day-to-day practice of intellectual assessment. for individuals oflow native ability who have had excep-
tionally rich and stimulating environments. (p. 130)
telligence of children from nonsupportive envi- and task-intrinsic motivation. It is these latter
ronments. This idea, however, is not supported two constructs that Haywood has attempted to
by research on test bias. modify in his experimental preschool programs.
Some of the basic tenets of the way intelli- Haywood, Tzuriel, and Vaught (1992) explain
gence is conceptualized by transactional theory further:
are given below.
. .. intelligence is largely genetically determined,
1. Intelligence is largely transmitted genetically whereas cognitive processes must be acquired. Intelli-
through a polygenetic inheritance system. gence is modestly modifiable, but cognitive processes are
highly modifiable (having been acquired through learn-
2. Certain genetic and environmental character- ing in the first place). Components of intelligence in-
istics occur fairly consistently together. Thus, clude general, group, and specific factors-all related to
children who inherit polygenes for high IQ ''pure" ability variables, but components of cognitive
from their parents are often reared in psycho- processes may include both cognitive "structures" and
logically stimulating environments, and the motivational/attitudinal/affective variables. (p. 47)
reverse is often true of children who inherit
polygenes associated with low IQ. Transactional theory, however, does not yet
3. Persons differ in the extent to which their in- have an extensive research base. Its major off-
tellectual functioning is affected by more-or- shoot, dynamic assessment, has spawned both re-
less standard environmental variations. Thus, search and disagreement, as is discussed later in
some children gain many IQ points from par- the text.
ticipation in a preschool education program,
while other children in the same classes gain
very little. A Cognitive-Developmental
4. Other biological events such as clinical (and Model
even subclinical) malnutrition and anomalies An alternative developmental model has been of-
of the nervous and metabolic systems often fered by Borkowski (1985), who has elaborated
produce dramatic effects on intellectual devel- on the work of Campione and Brown (1978), and
opment. has drawn heavily from information processing
5. These biological events often are correlated research to propose a theory of intelligence and
with specific environmental circumstances methods for its assessment. This is a hierarchical
that alter their effects on intellectual develop- model with two levels (Borkowski, 1985).
ment. A child's response to malnutrition and
premature birth are dependent on the quali- 1. The architectural system, which includes capac-
ties of the rearing environment. ity for memory span, durability of stimulus
6. The greatest intellectual deficits can be ex- traces, and efficiency or speed of encoding-
pected to occur among children who have the decoding information.
combination of poor nutrition, poor biomed- 2. The executive system, which includes retrieval
ical history, and poor environment. (Hay- of knowledge from long-term memory, Pi-
wood, 1986,pp. 5-6) agetian schemes, control processes (e.g., re-
hearsal strategies), and metacognitive states.
Haywood (1986) hypothesizes further that
there are equally important factors that should One of the interesting aspects of this theory is
be considered when evaluating children and their its emphasis on the development of these systems
intelligence test scores. The most important of and their components over the life span. The de-
these are environmentally determined cognition velopmental trajectories for several components
,__ ___
sensory capabilities are most important. The sen-
sory register holds the stimuli intact, but only for
a short period of time-milliseconds (Bjorklund,
s .....
..... ,, 1989). At this point the question is transferred to
the short-term memory store or working mem-
--- ---- m --- ory for further processing. Here there is a limited
capacity, but the stimulus trace is more durable-
lasting for seconds (Bjorklund, 1989). It is in
FIGURE 2.5 short-term memory that a great deal of "think-
ing" is done. Perhaps this is why it is sometimes
Borkowski's hypothetical development of
called "working memory." It is also in short-term
intellectual skills
SouRcE: Adapted from Borkowski (I 988).
Environmental Input
of the architectural and executive systems are
shown in Figure 2.5. Efficiency, for example, I
Sensory Registers
peaks very early, perhaps by age 5, and declines
in late adulthood. Knowledge, on the other hand,
increases throughout the life span. Interestingly, •
these predictions are somewhat consistent with •
research on the assent and decline of intelligence Haptic
test scores (see next chapter).
Shon-term Memory
(Temporary, Working Memory)
Control Process:
THEORY Rehearsal
Information processing approaches to the study Retrieval Strategies
of human cognition burst onto the scene in the
late 1960s and early 1970s. A central characteris-
tic of information processing theories is the use Long-term Memory
of the computer and the way it processes infor- (Permanent Memory Store)
mation as a metaphor for human cognition. A
classic information processing model that may be
used for understanding performance on intelli-
Response Output
memory where a number of strategies can be traces, and it stores acquired facts. Procedural
used to process information efficiently. In the memory differs in a number of ways but most
case of an intelligence test item, it will probably importantly in that it stores rules for problem
be necessary for retrieval strategies to be gener- solving or production knowledge. Procedural
ated in order to find the answer to our question. memory stores knowledge about how to solve
A retrieval cue such as a related concept or men- problems or apply information (Kyllonen &
tal image may be used to search for information Alluisi, 1987). These two types of long-term
related to the item. In order to carry out this storage then work in concert with working
search, one has to go to the last component of (short-term) memory to solve problems. Cur-
the system, long-term memory. It is here where rently there are no commercially produced tests
memory traces are placed for extended periods of these two types of long-term storage. Much
of time-hours, days, or years for that matter. needs to be learned about these and other aspects
Surely the answer is in there somewhere! Once of memory, including how procedural memory
the answer to the test item is found in long-term develops (Kyllonen & Alluisi, 1987).
memory, it is transferred back to short-term
memory and given in a vocal response to the
The basic human information processing system
has been expanded by others. Flavell and Well-
Long-Term Memory man (1977) subsequently offered the idea of meta-
The basic information processing model has cognition. As the name implies, metacognition is
been expanded by a number of researchers. Kyl- knowledge about how thinking works. Metacog-
lonen and Alluisi (1987), for example, divide nition may include knowledge about one's own
long-term memory into two components-de- cognitive strengths and weaknesses, about how
clarative memory and procedural memory. De- to keep memory working efficiently, or about how
clarative memory is similar to traditional notions to size up the demands of a cognitive task (Bjork-
of long-term memory in that it is characterized lund, 1989). An important finding for under-
by long-term storage and slow decay of memory standing children's intelligence test performance
Declarative Procedural
PRIMARY FUNCTION Stores meaning of inputs Stores how-to knowledge
CAPACITY Unlimited Unlimited
CONTENTS Semantic codes Semantic codes
Spatial codes Spatial codes
Acoustic codes Acoustic codes
Motor codes Motor codes
Temporal codes Temporal codes
INFORMATION UNITS Concepts Productions (if-then rules)
Propositions Specific to general
is that metacognitive knowledge increases with thoroughly reviewed the so-called psychometric
age. and other approaches to the study of intelligence
More recently, the focus of information pro- in the process of proposing his model. His theory
cessing research has begun to shift emphasis has a distinctly information processing flavor to
from process to knowledge and its organization it, making it resemble various aspects of cogni-
and use (Curtis & Glaser, 1984). Some re- tive theories. Perhaps the greatest contribution
searchers have proposed that knowledge may of Sternberg is his attempt to "decompose" intel-
even be prerequisite to the use of some strategies lectual performance into the various strategies,
(Bjorklund, 1989). This intermingling of the procedures, and processes used to solve a prob-
concepts of knowledge and process to the study lem. In a sense it could be said that his theory al-
of children's intelligence is described in the fol- lows for a detailed task analysis of problem
lowing excerpt from Curtis and Glaser (1984). solving, fostering better understanding of the
reasons a child may perform well or poorly on a
. . . individual differences in the ability to learn can be problem.
attributed to differences in the content and structure of This theory hypothesizes three types of infor-
the knowledge base, and to differences in the way that mation processing components that are neces-
knowledge is accessed, applied, and modified. It must be sary for competent problem solving. One type of
noted that this view is in sharp contrast to one in which process consists of metacomponents. These are ex-
skilled learners are thought to differ from those who are
ecutive processes that plan, monitor, and evalu-
less-skilled simply because ofsuperior mental ability. In-
stead, cognitive models view intellectual competence as a
ate problem solving. Clearly, there is some
much more complex function of the knowledge that has relationship here to the cognitive term metacog-
been acquired and the processes that act on that knowl- nition. Metacomponential processes include the
edge. (p. 481) following (Sternberg, 1987).
This point of view is not an isolated one. Ad- 1. Deciding on the nature of the problem.
ditionally, it may also serve to reiterate the point 2. Selecting a set oflower-order processes to use
that it is simplistic to make a strict differentiation to solve a problem.
between intelligence and achievement testing, at 3. Selecting a strategy for combining processes
least in the current manner in which these two to solve a problem.
constructs are assessed. The skilled psychologist 4. Selecting a mental representation on which
can make inferences about the interplay of the processes and strategy can act.
knowledge and cognitive skills that affect a child's
5. Allocating mental resources.
performance on a great variety of cognitive tasks
encountered in academic and other settings. 6. Monitoring problem solving
solving. Knowledge acquisition components in- sortings of western adults. Had investigators used the
clude selective encoding, selective combination, sorting task as a measure of intelligence in the tradi-
and selective comparison. tional way, they might well have labeled the Kpelle
Another part of triarchic theory, experiential tribesmen as intellectually inferior to western adults.
subtheory, has two characteristics. It deals with the However, through persistent exploration of why the
Kpelle were sorting in this way, they found that the
effects of experience on the expression of intelli-
Kpelle considered functional sorting to be the intelligent
gent behavior. As Sternberg (1987) and others form ofsorting. When the tribesmen were asked to sort
have correctly observed, all tasks used to assess the way a stupid person would do so, they had no trouble
intelligence have some level of familiarity to the sorting taxonomically. In short, they differed on this test
individual being tested. As such, the ability to not in their intellectual competence vis-a-vis western
deal with novelty becomes a factor in intelligence adults, but in their conception ofwhat was functionally
test performance. Sternberg (1987) proposes that adaptive. Indeed, it takes little thought to see the practi-
one reason cultural groups may have different cality of sorting functionally: people do, after all, use
mean scores on intelligence tests is due to the utensils in conjunction with foods of a given catego1y
cultural group's experiences, or lack of same, (e.g., fruits) on a frequent basis. (p. 159)
with novel stimuli.
The second ability that is central to this expe- Sternberg (1997) continues to clarify and ex-
riential subtheory is the ability to automatize in- pand his theory in numerous ways. He makes a
formation processing. This ability refers to the case for the importance of his theory to lifelong
common finding that problem solving occurs learning and success in an article in American Psy-
more expeditiously with repeated trials. chologist. In this article he differentiates three con-
The contextual subtheory of triarchic theory structs: "intelligence, intelligent behavior, and
states that intelligent behavior is directed toward tested intelligence" (p. 1031). Tested intelligence
the achievement of three behavioral goals: adap- is reflected in the set of scores obtained from a
tation to an environment, shaping of an environ- formal measure administered by a qualified ex-
ment, and selection of an environment (Sternberg, aminer. Intelligence is conceptualized as the
1987). The idea that intelligence has to be un- mental processes used by an individual to learn as
derstood in relationship to environmental con- reflected by the use of metacomponents, for ex-
text makes this and other recent theories of ample. Intelligent behavior is something quite
intelligence (e.g., Valsiner, 1984) very distant different from tested intelligence and intelli-
cousins to early intelligence theories in that the gence. Intelligent behavior is the behavior exhib-
vast majority of early intelligence theories em- ited by the individual that is largely determined
phasize the internal world of the person being by environmental context as in the case of the
tested. An example of how intelligent behavior Kpelle cited previously. Thus when psycholo-
can be defined differently based on culture or gists draw inferences regarding a person's intelli-
context is provided by Cole, Gay, Glick, and gence, Sternberg suggests that there may often
Sharp (1971) as described by Sternberg (1987) in be conceptual confusion. Tested intelligence
the following quote: may reflect deficient intelligence or intelligent
behavior that is.simply different from that of the
These investigators asked adult Kpelle tribesmen to sort
expectation of the examiner due to contextual
20 familiar objects into groups ofthings that belong to-
gether. Their subjects separated the objects into func-
factors. Most important, Sternberg attempts to
tional groupings (e.g., a knife with an orange), as "stretch" the factor analytic theories of intelli-
children in western societies would do. This pattern of gence (e.g., Carroll) to include constructs such as
sorting surprised investigators, who had expected to see practical intelligence or intelligence behavior.
taxonomic groupings (e.g., tools sorted together andfood Other theoreticians and researchers stretch the
sorted togeth~r) of a kind that would be found in the construct much further, as will be seen.
Sternberg's theoretical work is one of the Nevertheless, Sternberg's theory does bring
most recognized of the latter half of the 20 th cen- to mind some potential test interpretations. An
tury. Moreover, his work has had an impact on example of the application of Sternberg's contex-
the public due to his prolific writing. On the tual "subtheory" of intelligent behavior in inter-
other hand, triarchic theory needs considerable preting the profile of an undergraduate student
research to support it-research that is lacking as may be found in Box 2.1. The notion of the con-
of the time of this writing. One eminent reviewer textualist nature of intelligence is receiving in-
of his work cites the clarity of Sternberg's theory creasing attention by recent theorists. In fact, the
as an impediment to its testability. Messick theorizing ofJaan Valsiner (1984) may place the
(1992), in a detailed review, found triarchic the- greatest premium on understanding intelligence
ory wanting by concluding that in context.
Box 2.1
Application of Sternberg's Theory to Interpretation of a Young Adult's WAIS Results
The various theories described in this chapter may seem somewhat removed from the realm of everyday intelligence
test interpretation. I beg to differ. On the contrary, I find myself labeling children as little Jensen's, Sternberg's,
Cattell's, or the like. One of the clearest cases of the application of a theory comes from a coed who volunteered to
take the WAIS-R for a student in my graduate assessment course.
The student who tested this young lady brought the results to my class for presentation and discussion. My stu-
dent's concern about the young lady was obvious shortly after the case was presented. The young lady had achieved
a WAIS-R Full Scale of only 86. We then launched into a discussion ofwhether we should tell this person about her
"low IQ" despite our policy to the contrary and commitment to confidentiality. I then interrogated my student to
produce the following profile of the coed.
She had a B+ college GPA, she was well liked by all, her major was recreation studies, she planned to open a
health club after graduation, she was engaged and looking forward to getting married, and she was an elected mem-
ber of student government. It then struck me that this lady's profile was a perfect example of one of Sternberg's con-
textual notions of adult intelligence. Namely, intelligent people shape and adapt to their environments by making
maximum use of their strengths and deemphasizing their weaknesses.
By traditional measures of intelligence, the WAIS-R, this student had "problems," was "below average-dull"
or "at risk" to say the least. However, when broadening the concept of intelligence to include adaptation, this lady
was clearly clever, and I thought to myself, she will definitely be physically healthier, if not happier and wealthier
than myself! She was clearly behaving quite adaptively as was indicated by her choice of major field of study. She
must have some strengths in this area to have a good GPA, and she avoided majors that could have perhaps high-
lighted whatever cognitive limitations that she may possess. My suggestion to the class was to review Sternberg's
ideas, to continue to strive to integrate theory and practice so as to avoid being merely a producer of intelligence
test scores, and to not attempt to seek this young woman out and tell her that she has a low IQ.
telligent behavior are frequently culture specific clues, and suggestions by the examiner. Some
(remember the Kpelle). Many Western cultures, children, then, may have identical IQs but very
for example, refer to intelligence as a stable prop- different ZPDs based on how they benefit from
erty of the individual (e.g., "she's intelligent"). social interaction with a competent adult. Char-
According to Valsiner (1984), this traditional ap- acteristics of the ZPD include the notion that all
proach assumes that intelligence is an internal learning is interpersonal and ecological in nature.
characteristic of the individual. The traditional A child does not have a ZPD per se, but rather a
view also conceptualized intelligence as static, ZPD exists between the adult and child in an in-
with a level of intelligence for any one individual terpersonal interaction (Belmont, 1989). The
that is relatively stable. concept of the ZPD has been used to support the
Valsiner (1984) argues that in order for an in- development and use of dynamic assessment
telligence theory to be relevant to a host of cul- models (Belmont, 1989). These models (see
tures, it must be set in an ecological framework. Chapter 6) hold out the promise of a strong link
In other words, intelligence theory must move between cognitive assessment and intervention
from being internal/static in nature to being rela- planning since "teaching" is an integral part of
tionship/dynamic. Viewed in this way, intelli- the assessment process.
gence cannot be attributed to the individual or the Ecological models are also better able to cap-
environment, but to the relationship between the ture the full range of intelligent behavior (Fred-
two. Valsiner (1984) cites the mother/child rela- eriksen, 1986). Group-administered measures of
tionship as an example. If two mothers are ob- intelligence are most limited in the range of be-
served trying to calm their crying children and havior they assess. Three major limitations of
one mother is much more successful more these measures include (Frederiksen, 1986):
quickly, is she the intelligent one (an internal/
static attribution)? As mothers know, however, 1. The basic format of intelligence tests is un-
frequently the key to calming a crying child is de- able to access the full range of real-life behav-
termined by cues given by the child that allow the ior, especially when multiple-choice formats
mother to ascertain if the child is tired, is hungry, are used.
or has soiled pants. Perhaps the mother who 2. A particular problem with intelligence tests is
calmed her child first was more successful not be- their inability to diagnose the various
cause she is intelligent, but because her child has processes that underlie a person's perfor-
very distinct cries that allow her to easily discern mance on a test. Individual children may use a
the source of the child's discomfort. Valsiner host of different strategies for responding to
(1984) argues for this latter viewpoint, that it is the same stimuli. A child may respond to a
the ecology of this relationship that needs to be puzzle-solving item nonverbally and use spa-
studied if we are going to be able to define intel- tial skills to solve it, or a child may speak out
ligence in a cross-culturally meaningful way. loud while solving the item and use verbal me-
diation to assemble the puzzle.
3. There is little variation in the situations in
Vygotsky which intelligence test data are collected, thus
Valsiner and others (Belmont, 1989) have cited precluding the possibility of novel responses
Vygotsky's (1968) theory regarding the zone of to problem solving. In a sense, the standard-
proximal development (ZPD) as the theoretical ized procedures that enhance reliability may
basis for an ecological point of view. Briefly, the force a limited range of intellectual assess-
ZPD is the difference between how a child may ment. In less structured settings a child may
perform on an intelligence test in isolation and respond to a challenge very differently than in
how the child would perform given some hints, an academic-like setting.
In ecological fashion, Frederiksen (1986) has only stood the test of time but also gained re-
also proposed numerous alternatives to group newed vigor due in large part to Carroll's her-
tests of intelligence that use different formats, in- culean effort to map the factor analytic terrain. It
cluding tests of hypothesis testing using real-life also appears that there is no clear successor to
types of problems, interviewing to assess intelli- this tradition despite proposals for a number of
gence, and "in-basket" tests. alternatives (Daniel, 1997). It could very well be
that further attempts to refine and extend the
work of Carroll will be the focus of study for
some time to come.
All of this theoretical work must eventually
collide with practice, because, whether or not
Jensen (1987) and Baltes (1986) proposed that one thinks that intelligence testing practice has
intelligence not be viewed as an elusive con- preceded adequate science, the application takes
struct that requires one definition on which place daily on a grand and global scale. This con-
everyone agrees. They offered that intelligence sideration increases the appeal of the body of fac-
be a more global construct that defines a field of tor analytic research to serve as an anchor for test
study. Jensen (1987) similarly argued that the interpretation. In fact, new interpretive proce-
term intelligence be treated in the same way as dures are being offered based on the recent work
the term nature, in that it be viewed as a broadly of Carroll, Horn, and others. Hence, this text
descriptive term of an area of inquiry. Intelli- will detail an interpretive procedure in Chapter
gence, like nature, includes a variety of different 17 that attempts to align the popular tests with
phenomena to be studied. Baltes (1986) elo- factor analytic theory while leaving room for the
quently described this view of intelligence as an use of other theories. In fact, the potential utility
area of investigation. of some of the factor analytic results becomes ap-
parent in the next chapter, which presents and
First, intelligence should not be used as a "theoretical" discusses selected empirical findings.
construct, but as the label for a field ofscholarship. ...
Second, ifone is interested in formulating theoretical ac-
counts offacets ofthe field, then it is necessary to intro-
duce qualifiers to be added to the term intelligence. CHAPTER SUMMARY
Otherwise, surplus meaning and metatheoretical discord
will continue to be paramount. For example, rather than
speak of intelligence per se, my preference is to speak of • A psychologist's interpretations of test results,
constructs such as innate intellectual capacity (Anlage), either written in a report or orally presented
intellectual reserve capacity, learning capacity, intellec- in a parent conference or other venue, are ex-
tual abilities, intelligent systems, prob/em-solving abil- pressions of the psychologist's theoretical
ity, and knowledge systems. Each of these compound knowledge or biases.
terms permits the generation of more theoretical speci-
• The idea that something such as "intelli-
ficity and precision. (cited in Detterman & Sternberg,
p. 24) gence" exists appears to be universal.
• Binet seemed to ascribe to the notion ofintel-
While a single theory of intelligence will not ligence as a single entity.
in the near future (Eysenck, 1988) be deemed the • Spearman hypothesized the existence of "g"
"correct" one, current data suggest problems and or general intelligence, an underlying "mental
promise for some theories. The psychometric energy" that is central to all intelligent prob-
theories that have dominated the 20 th century lem solving. There are also specific or "s" fac-
continue to do so. Remarkably, they have not tors that are of lesser importance.
• Vernon (1950) offered a more detailed hierar- • Transactional theory, as proposed by Hay-
chy of intellectual abilities where general in- wood and Switzky (1986), presents a theory of
telligence is at the top of the hierarchy. Next intelligence that attempts to explain the na-
in the hierarchy are the major group factors, ture of the genetic/environment interaction
which are of two varieties: verbal/educational that produces various levels of performance
(v:ed) and spatial/mechanical (k:m) types of on intelligence tests.
intelligence. • Transactional theory stipulates that everyone
• Jensen (1969) proposed a theory of intelli- has a creod, a species specific developmental
gence that hypothesized the existence of two path, for intelligence.
mental processes. Level I processing (associa- • Jensen (1987) has shown significant correla-
tive ability) typically does not require manip- tions between dual reaction time measures
ulation or transformation of the stimulus and the "g" (general intelligence) factor of an
input prior to producing a response. Level II aptitude battery.
processing (conceptual ability) requires con-
• The three components of Guilford's structure
siderable manipulation and elaboration of the
stimulus input in order to produce a response. of intellect model are contents, operations,
and products.
• Thurstone (1938) first identified nine, then
seven (Thurstone & Thurstone, 1941), then • A central characteristic of information pro-
six (Thurstone, 1951) primary mental abilities cessing theories is the use of the computer,
through factor analytic investigations. and the way it processes information, as a
metaphor for human cognition.
• The complete list of second-stratum traits
hypothesized by Carroll include fluid intelli- • Declarative memory is similar to traditional
gence, crystallized intelligence, general mem- notions of long-term memory in that it is
ory and learning, broad visual perception, characterized by long-term storage and slow
broad auditory perception, broad retrieval abil- decay of memory traces, and it stores acquired
ity, broad cognitive speediness, and process- facts. Procedural memory stores rules for
ing speed (i.e., reaction time decision speed). problem solving or production knowledge.
• Weinberg (1989) offered the broad categories • Robert Sternberg has proposed his triarchic
of "lumpers" and "splitters," those who pro- theory in an attempt to produce an integrative
pose that intelligence is a general ability and theory of intelligence.
those who prefer to consider it as a set of abil- • Valsiner argues that intelligence theory must
ities respectively. move from being internal/static in nature to
• Piaget's theory has only infrequently been being relationship/dynamic.
used as a model for the development of intel- • Frederiksen (1986) has proposed numerous
ligence tests (e.g., Uzgiris & Hunt, 1989). alternative methods for assessing intelligence,
• David Wechsler views intelligence as a com- including tests of hypothesis testing using
plex interaction of abilities that produce intel- real-life types of problems, interviewing to as-
ligent behavior that reflects "g." sess intelligence, and "in-basket" tests.
• Cattell proposed two types of intelligence: • Anastasi and Urbina (1997) view intelligence
fluid and crystallized. His follower, John as a type of developed ability similar to acade-
Horn, has expanded the model to include mic achievement.
other factors such as visualization and short- • Intelligence can be conceptualized as a global
term memory. construct that defines a field of study.
Research Findings
The concepts ofaverage child and average environment bilitating as is revealed by research indicating
have no utility whateverfor the investigation ofdynam- that clinical depression does not lower composite
ics. ... An inference from the average to the particular intelligence test scores (Grossman, Kaufman,
case is ... impossible. (Lewin, 1931, p. 95; cited in Mednitsky, Scharff, & Dennis, 1994). It is also
Richters, 1997) interesting to note that children with higher in-
telligence test scores less risk for engaging
in criminal behavior (Neisser, et al., 1996);
CHAPTER QUESTIONS These are among many of the compelling find-
ings yielded in the last century of a vigorous re-
search effort, where intelligence tests have served
How stable are intelligence test scores?
a critical role in advancing knowledge.
How potent are environmental effects on in- In order to fully understand the implications
telligence? of such research, some definitional issues must
Can we "cure" low intelligence? first be put to rest. In order to gauge the gener-
alizability of this repository of knowledge, it is
Intelligence test research serves the practicing important to understand the typical research de-
psychologist in many ways. Research has shown, sign utilized. Most of the research studies that
for example, that children with intelligence test have used intelligence tests have been conducted
scores below 55 do not respond as well to psy- in the United States, utilizing a Wechsler scale,
chostimulant therapy (e.g., Ritalin) (Brown, and featuring interpretation of the overall com-
Dreelin, & Dingle, 1997). In addition, while posite score (i.e., measure of"g"). Consequently,
clinical depression does have adverse affects on this same large body of research can simultane-
cognition these effects are not as pervasive or de- ously be viewed as limited. The defacto defini-
tion of intelligence, intelligence test scores, psy- struct. In those cases where the word intelligence
chometric intelligence, intellectual abilities, and is used it is only offered as a short form for intel-
similar terms used by researchers is the Full Scale ligence test score.
composite score of a Wechsler scale. Although Alas, the title of this chapter may constitute a
this point represents an overgeneralization, it misrepresentation of its contents. No single
does cause the reader of such research to think chapter, book, or subdiscipline in psychology can
carefully about the meaning of the results re- claim to summarize intelligence research. This
ported. It may be inappropriate to conclude, for field, which also evades easy definition, is simply
example, that "intelligence" is affected or unaf- too substantial to be easily summarized. Hence,
fected by some variable under study. It is, there- this chapter will provide only a glimpse of a few
fore, important to consider the scores under key issues and findings. I aspire, however, to en-
study. These may be subtest, composite, stratum sure that you, the reader and test user, will be
II, item, or other scores yielded by a great variety well informed regarding scientific findings that
of intelligence tests. affect your interpretations. In this spirit I recom-
Throughout this chapter, I attempt to refer to mend some additional readings to you. These
changes in intelligence test scores as opposed to changes readings, which I highly recommend, will cause
in intelligence. This distinction is important be- you to think differently and deeply about the
cause of the aforementioned scientific debate re- intellectual assessment process. My annotated
garding whether or not current intelligence tests bibliography is given in Research Report 3.1 ac-
measure "intelligence." Just as the original roent- companying this chapter.
gen ray (X ray) machines may have been difficult
to read because of "shadows" and other factors,
so too modern intelligence tests may in some
cases not measure intelligence well because of
technical inadequacies, socioeconomic, motiva-
tional, and other individual factors. All of the
findings in this chapter refer to results obtained
Age and Test Interval
with the current technology, which likely is not There are three major findings of importance on
the ultimate measures of the intelligence con- this topic. First, intelligence test scores are less
stable for infants and preschoolers than for older Given this contrast in findings a single state-
children (Goodman, 1990). Second, the longer ment cannot be made about the stability of intel-
the interval between tests the greater the insta- ligence test scores for infant and preschool
bility (Schuerger & Witt, 1989). Finally, high children. Therefore, two statements are in order.
scores for young children are less stable than low
scores (Bauman, 1991). I. Intelligence test scores should generally be
Infant intellectual assessment is a special considered as unstable for nonreferred, other-
problem area. The instability of infant intelli- wise normally developing preschool and,
gence test scores has led some to question the seemingly, precocious children.
continued practice of testing young children 2. Intelligence test scores are fairly stable for
(Goodman, 1990). The lack of stability for infant children with disabilities, particularly infants
intelligence test scores is most apparent for sam- and preschoolers with mental retardation.
ples of nondisabled children. Some typical results
are shown in Table 3.1. These results clearly What about the stability of scores for older
demonstrate that the stability of the obtained children? At this age the results are much less in-
scores increases dramatically as a result of the teresting. Intelligence test scores seem to stabi-
child being older at the time of initial assessment. lize at about age 6. Schuerger and Witt (1989)
The stability of scores for infants and pre- reviewed 34 studies of test-retest reliability for
schoolers with developmental disabilities, how- the WAIS, WAIS-R, WISC, WISC-R, and sev-
ever, is considerably better than for nondelayed eral editions of the Stanford-Binet, exclusive of
children (Goodman, 1990). Whereas the stability the Binet 4. Using multiple regression proce-
coefficients in Table 3.1 were only in the .30 to dures they found that age and interval between
.50 range at best, coefficients for samples of chil- tests were the two variables most predictive of
dren with disabilities of this same age range are changes in intelligence test scores. Gender was
generally above .50 when retested at 5 to 7 years not a significant variable, nor was treatment sta-
of age. Some studies have found stability coeffi- tus (i.e., patient versus nonpatient). These results
cients as high as .80 and .90 (Goodman, 1990). reinforced the previous findings of studies re-
garding age, but they also demonstrate a rela-
tionship between age and test interval for
elementary grade samples and samples of adults.
Schuerger and Witt (1989) found stability co-
TABLE 3.1 Average correlations between infant and
efficients to be high, even for 6-year-olds. The
later intelligence test scores for nondisabled children
coefficients for 6-year-olds ranged from .85 for a
Age in I-week interval to .67 for a 20-year interval. Sta-
Months at Age in Years at bility was still better for 39-year-olds where co-
Initial Test Childhood Test
efficients ranged from .99 for 1 week to .82 for
3-4 5-7 8-18 20 years. This relationship between age/interval
and stability of test scores is depicted graphically
1-6 .21 .09 .06
in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Stability is maximized as
7-12 .32 .20 .25
age increases and interval between test adminis-
13-18 .50 .34 .32 tration decreases.
19-30 .59 .39 .49 Wechsler Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale
scores have all been found to be very stable for
Correlations of .30 and above are in boldface. children participating in special education classes
SouRcE: Adapted from McCall (1979). (Canivez & Watkins, 1998). Cassidy (1997) com-
.E' 0.7
. 0.50.4
< 0.3
6 9 12 15 20 25 35 45 55 65
Age in Years
Graph depicting the relationship between age and stability
SouRcE: Adapted from Schuerger and Witt (1989).
.E' 0.6
v5 0.5
< 0. 3
0 .2
0-10 10-20 20-30 3!H0 40-140 140-280 280 +
Graph depicting the relationship between test interval and stability
SouRcE: Adapted from Schuerger and Witt (1989).
pared the Wechsler scores for 592 children who However, 4% of the sample experienced changes
were enrolled in special education classes for a 3- of at least 15 points on the WISC-R. The prac-
year period. She found that for the group as a ticing psychologist has to identify the "changers"
whole the scores did not significantly differ over in order to make predictions with precision. It is
this time period. There was also a tendency for up to the experience and acumen of the psychol-
deviant scores to regress toward the mean upon ogist to identify the children who will change
retest. Children with Full Scale scores below significantly, an unenviable task indeed.
90 score higher upon retest by 1 or 2 points, A search for guidance for identifying "chang-
whereas children with scores above 109 scored ers" has largely been unsuccessful. Moffitt et al.
lower by 3 to 5 points when retested. (1993) tested children every 2 years between the
These same Wechsler scores. are remarkably ages of 3 and 11 for a longitudinal sample of 794
consistent in late adulthood. A study of 70-year- children who were participants in the Dunedin
olds (mean age = 72) who were administered the (New Zealand) Multidisciplinary Health and De-
WAIS-Rone year apart produced a remarkably velopment Study. This research group studied
high test-retest coefficient of .90 (Raguet, Camp- the relationship between a variety of contextual
bell, Berry, Schmitt, & Smith, 1996). Of particu- and child variables and intelligence test score
lar interest is the finding that there was a slight change. Some of these variables included two-
rise in scores from time one to time two of about parent families, number of address changes,
3 standard score points for the Full Scale (mean= number of siblings, SES, family relations, mater-
111.5 at time one and mean= 114.7 at time two). nal health, perinatal problems, impaired vision
The authors attributed this mild increase to prac- or audition, and a variety of behavior problems.
tice effects, that is, the tendency for scores to im- With regard to contextual variables the authors
prove due simply to familiarity with the item types. concluded,
It is important to be mindful of the fact that all
of the results cited are based on group, not sin- Contrary to conventional wisdom about environmental
gle-case data (see opening quote for this chap- influences on changes in children's test performance,
ter). Schuerger and Witt (1989) also calculated there were no such systematic relations in our data.
the percentage of each sample that would show a There was also no evidence ofa systematic temporal re-
change in intelligence test score of 15 points or lation between naturalistic environmental change and
more. They found that for 6-year-olds evaluated IQ change. (p. 489)
1 year apart fully 13 % of the sample changed
scores by at least one standard deviation-a big In a smaller scale investigation (N = 169) of
change by any standard! Even 7% of the 30-year- "disadvantaged" children, Pianta and Egeland
olds changed their scores by more than 15 stan- (1994) concluded that the environmental vari-
dard score points. In another study of changes in ables of maternal social support, maternal inter-
intelligence test scores from age 6 to 18 years sta- actions with others, and child internalizing
bility coefficients were high, but considerable problems (although this latter variable accounted
changes in the magnitude of scores were noted for only 2 % of the variance accounted for at age
(Anastasi, 1988). One study found 59% of the 8) were predictive of intelligence test score
children to change by 15 or more standard score change. This study differs from the Moffitt et al.
points, 37% by 20 or more points, and 9% by 30 (1993) investigation in numerous ways, includ-
or more points (Honzik, Macfarlane, & Allen, ing smaller sample size, use of a high-risk sample,
1948). In another investigation of 170 children and a smaller number of data points (2 as op-
with learning disabilities who were tested 3 years posed to 4). An attempt to reconcile the differ-
apart, the changes were less dramatic than in the ences among these studies may be to conclude
studies just cited (Oakman & Wilson, 1988). that intelligence test scores change little over the course
ofdevelopment far most individuals. Moreover, when recruit had a mentality about equal to a mental age of
scores change the specific variables implicated may be 13.8 on the Stanford Revision. (p. 67)
unpredictable and variable between individuals.
Perhaps one of the reasons for the lack of Fortunately, the outlook for adult intelligence
change in intelligence test scores is the stability has become more optimistic since the early days
of environmental characteristics. Sameroff, Seifer, of testing. The pessimistic views regarding the
Baldwin, and Baldwin (1993) found measured in- growth and decline of intelligence were in ascen-
telligence at 4 years of age to correlate .72 with dance in the 1940s and 1950s. At that time a
intelligence at 13 years of age, whereas the cor- number of research investigations using cross-
relation between cumulative risk factors across sectional methods made the claim that intelligence
this same period was equally high at .76. Their test scores declined, in some cases, dramatically in
sample, including many disadvantaged families, old age (Dixon, Kramer, & Baltes, 1985). This
was taken from the Rochester Longitudinal finding generated a great deal of controversy and
Study. The risk factors studied were minority resulted in the onset of a number of longitudinal
group status, occupation of head of household, investlgations of intellectual growth. These lon-
maternal education, family size, father absence, gitudinal investigations did not produce such pes-
stressful life events (e.g., deaths, job losses), simistic outcomes (Dixon et al., 1985). One study,
parental perspectives on child development, and using a longitudinal research design, found that
maternal mental health, among others. Sameroff, one of the few reliable decrements before age 60
Seifer, Baldwin, and Baldwin (1993) concluded was in word fluency. On the contrary, there was a
that cumulative risk was more predictive of child reliable increment in verbal meaning to the age of
intelligence than pattern of risk. In other words, 39 years. Why, then, is there a seeming disagree-
it is far more difficult to implicate a specific risk fac- ment between longitudinal and cross-sectional
tor that may be associated with intelligence change studies? The most likely hypothesis is that differ-
than to suggest that a child with many risk factors is ences in educational attainment are a potent fac-
at risk far obtaining lower scores and maintaining tor in cross-sectional investigations. The average
low scores. It is possible that the lack of change in level of education for the American population
scores for most children is due to more than one has increased over the generations, resulting in
"fixed" entity (i.e., genetics). Environments may older individuals in a cross-sectional design hav-
be "fixed" for most children as well (Reiss, et ing lower levels of educational attainment than
al., 2000). younger individuals. Of course, the effect of edu-
cational attainment can be more easily controlled
in a longitudinal investigation.
Growth and Decline There are, however, some reliable decre-
Early research and theory gave a pessimistic view ments in intelligence (Schaie & Hertzog, 1983).
of the trajectory of intellectual development be- Schaie and Hertzog (I 983) found a reliable
yond adolescence. Pintner (192 3) reviewed the decrement in overall intelligence between the
research on the intelligence test scores of World ages of 60 and 80 years of about one standard de-
War I recruits in order to determine when intel- viation. In addition, when these same individuals
ligence test scores reached an asymptote in adult- were placed in an intervention program, their in-
hood. As far as the maximum level of mental telligence test scores gained by about the same
development he concluded that amount, one standard deviation. Remarkably,
they returned to predecline levels. The decre-
At present, it is customary to assume the fourteen-year- ment in intelligence test scores in late adulthood
old level in view ofthe general results ofthe mental test- has been attributed to both biological and social
ing in the army, where it was found that the average factors. The effects of cardiovascular disease
(Hertzog, Schaie, & Gribbin, 1978) and social tell/Horn's abilities remain stable or decrease
deprivation (Gribbin, Schaie, & Parham, 1975) with age (Kaufman, Kaufman, Chen, & Kauf-
have both been implicated. man, 1996). This investigation of a U.S. nation-
ally representative norming sample of individuals
aged 15 to 94 years evaluated the stability of six
Fluid and Crystallized Theory abilities from Cattell/Horn's work, many of
The application of the fluid/crystallized dichot- which are analogous to several of Carroll's (1993)
omy still seems to be useful for conceptualizing Stratum II abilities. The abilities under investi-
the rise and fall of specific cognitive skills. Recent gation included "gc'' (crystallized), "g/' (fluid),
investigations have replicated previous findings "gq" (quantitative reasoning, which was not
regarding the decline ofWAIS-R IQs (Kaufman, found adequate for inclusion in Carroll's Stra-
Reynolds, & McClean, 1989). Wechsler Verbal tum II), "gv" (visualization or in Carroll's terms
scores, typically considered to be measures of broad visual perception), SAR (short-term acqui-
crystallized ability, tend to show little decline sition and retrieval, which is roughly equivalent
over the course of adulthood, while Performance to Carroll's general memory and learning Stra-
scores, considered by some to be measures of tum II ability), and TSR (long-term storage and
fluid abilities, decline precipitously (see Figure retrieval, which is similar to Carroll's Stratum II
3.3). These data do support the relationship be- broad retrieval ability). Age was controlled in all
tween fluid ability and physical well-being. Kauf- analyses to account for the fact that older indi-
man (1990) provides a very detailed analysis of viduals generally have less formal education.
this issue and summarizes relevant research on Kaufman et al. (1996) found some predictable
changes in adult intelligence. results in that crystallized and quantitative abili-
A large-scale cross-sectional investigation pro- ties showed less deterioration with age. "gc'', for
duced some intriguing clues as to which of Cat- example, produced a mean of 89.1 at ages 15-16,
6oL---------------- --
--- ---------..._
--- -------
--- = Verbal
20 - - - -= Performance
20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-69
Age Groups
Data from the Kaufman, Reynolds, and McClean (1989) investigation on changes
in intelligence in adulthood
reached an asymptote of 105.8 at ages 40-44, and 1977) has defined cumulative deficits as the ten-
reverted to a mean of90.0 at ages 70-94. "gl', on dency for the effects of an unfavorable environ-
the other hand, showed considerable decrement ment to compound with time. Jensen explains
with a mean of 102.2 at ages 15-16, a high point that new learning is dependent on previous
of 107.4 at 20-24, and a decline to a mean of82.6 learning. When initial learning is inadequate,
at ages 75-94. These findings are highly consis- considerable effort must be expended in order to
tent with Cattell/Horn theory, which hypothe- reverse the inadequate course of cognitive devel-
sizes that "g/' is much more vulnerable to the opment. This conceptualization is consistent
effects of aging. One interesting finding from the with Piaget's and other developmental theories.
investigation was a suggestion that "gv" is also A lack of early stimulation may inhibit opportu-
quite vulnerable. Using a gestalt closure subtest nities for accommodation and inhibit cognitive
(an incomplete drawing that must be named by growth. Haywood (1986) has noted this phe-
the examinee) Kaufman et al. (1996) found a nomenon with children with mental retardation
mean of 104.9 at ages 15-16 and only 82.1 at age and labeled it the MA (mental age) deficit.
group 70-94. This finding does require cross- Evidence for the existence of the cumulative
validation, but it does imply that research on the deficit phenomenon comes from a variety of
effects of aging on all Stratum II abilities are in sources. One of the first studies was conducted
order if we are going to develop a more thor- with impoverished mountain children in Ap-
ough understanding of the growth and decline of palachia (Sherman & Key, 1932). Cumulative
cognitive function. deficits in performance have also been identified
These findings have resulted in reframing the for low SES children in India (Misra, 1983), low
question, do intelligence test scores decline in SES African American children Qensen, 1977),
late adulthood? There are now a host of ques- and disadvantaged children from England and
tions about which intelligence test scores decline, Wales (Cox, 1983).
the causes of the decline, and its permanence. The cumulative deficit is often explained based
Similarly, why do some scores show great resis- on environmental variables. It has been docu-
tance to decline? Some of these findings may mented that low SES children who have not par-
have relevance for understanding the declining ticipated in a preschool intervention program are
scores of some children. If, for example, physical at higher risk for special education placement,
well-being is associated with intelligence test and "as a result, their parents, their teachers, and
scores in adulthood, then this may also be the they themselves come to expect less of them-
case for children. (See Chapter 19 for related re- selves, and thus the twig is bent" (Bouchard &
search on the effects of brain injury on children's Segal, 1985, p. 451). This scenario, in turn, cre-
intelligence test scores.) ates a spiral of decelerating school performance,
resulting in cumulative deficits in test scores.
This type of instability in test scores is of par-
ticular importance for psychologists given that in
Cumulative Deficits
a number of settings the primary type of referral
The cumulative deficit phenomenon is a more will be high-risk children from impoverished en-
distressing type of instability that psychologists vironments. When these children are retested by
have to face all too often. There is a tendency for psychologists, the cumulative deficit phenome-
children from low SES environments to have non may be observed. Unfortunately, the cure
their intelligence test scores gradually decrease for this disturbing phenomenon is not yet readily
over the course of development in relationship to apparent as we do not yet have a clear under-
the normative mean (Anastasi, 1988; Saco-Pol- standing of the salient environmental effects on
litt, Pollitt, & Greenfield, 1985). Jensen (1974, intelligence test scores. Although the nature/
nurture debate has been vigorous for decades, the first test to a mean of 117 at the last follow-
relatively little is understood about environmen- up. Based on these findings Skodak and Skeels
tal effects. (1949) concluded:
power (Flynn, 1998). Several additional intrigu- search, it is important to note that correlation
ing possibilities exist for explaining the environ- coefficients are described in particular ways. The
mental mechanisms that cause the Flynn Effect two words that are used to describe correlational
including environmental complexity (Schooler, relationships are concordant and discordant. A con-
1998), peer influences (Steinberg, Dornbusch, & cordant relationship means that there is a high
Brown, 1992), and early enrichment experiences correlation between relatives, and discordant
(Burchinal, Campbell, Bryant, Wasik, & Ramey, means that there is a low or perhaps even nega-
1997). While the exact mechanism(s) is unknown tive correlation between relatives. Twins tend to
there is, with dissenters duly recognized, a con- be concordant for intelligence with monozygotic
sensus among many investigators that the ultimate twins having higher concordance rates than dizy-
cause will be an environmental one (Neisser, gotic twins. As Bouchard and McGue (1981) re-
1998). ported, the average correlation for monozygotic
Some researchers who are interested in envi- twins between their intelligence test scores is .86,
ronmental effects assert that there is a techno- whereas for dizygotic twins the correlation is
logical vacuum that is hindering the study of only .60. These values show the tendency for in-
environmental factors on intelligence and other telligence test performance to be related to de-
traits (Bloom, 1964; Bouchard & Segal, 1985; gree of genetic similarity among individuals.
Horowitz & O'Brien, 1989). There are no well- Another large-scale analysis of twin studies
developed and normed measures of "environ- again showed a substantial relationship between
ment" that are as respected as those used to genetic similarity and intellectual similarity (Os-
measure intelligence. There may be many unex- borne, 1980). Osborne (1980) also separated the
plored aspects of environmental effects that are twin correlations for various specific types of
awaiting the development of interviews, partici- abilities. Skills with greater heritability included
pant observational systems, or tests. Consider- spatial visualization, reasoning, and clerical speed
able progress continues to be made giving hope and accuracy. Skills that are least affected by
that several plausible environmental mechanisms hereditary factors are verbal fluency and diver-
are nearing discovery. gent thinking. Vandenberg and Vogler (1985)
suggest cautious interpretation of these data by
noting that if all of the variance was due to ge-
Genetic Effects netic factors, the correlation for monozygotic
The evidence for the heritability of intelligence twins would be near 1.0., which is clearly not
is equally weighty. Many researchers are willing the case.
to attribute at least some of the variance in intel- Twin studies, however, have frequently been
ligence test scores to genetic factors (Snyderman criticized because twins share not only genetics,
& Rothman, 1987). Much of the evidence rests but frequently they also share environmental in-
on the evaluation of correlations between biolog- fluence. This situation is changing, however, as
ically related relatives. The first studies to point more and more data are becoming available on
to the likelihood of a strong genetic effect on in- twins that have been reared apart. These data
telligence test performance were twin studies. also show a strong genetic component in the in-
Bouchard and McGue (1981) reviewed all of heritance of intelligence, since the correlations
the research comparing monozygotic and dizy- between twins and their adoptive parents tend to
gotic twins. Monozygotic twins are the so-called be smaller than those between twins and their bi-
identical twins that emanate from one fertilized ological parents with whom they do not share
ovum. Dizygotic twins, better known to the pub- any environmental circumstances. Studies of this
lic as fraternal twins, are those that are the results nature and their results are shown in Table 3.2.
of two fertilized ova. In behavior genetics re- In a study by Bouchard at the University of Min-
Adoptive Biological
Study r N r N
Scarr & Weinberg (1976) Fathers .27 170 .39 142
Mothers .23 174 .34 141
Scarr & Weinberg (1978) Fathers .15 150 .39 237
Mothers .04 150 .39 237
Horn (1979) Fathers .17 457 .42 162
Mothers .19 455 .23 162
Labuda et al. (1986) . Fathers .16 133 .46 133
Mothers .16 133 .23 133
nesota (as cited by Vandenberg & Vogler, 1985) In some of his own investigations he has found
the correlation between twins reared apart on the that the correlation between biological parents
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale was .66. and their adopted away infants increases with in-
As the state of science currently stands, it ap- creasing age of the child (Plomin, 1989). This
pears that there is considerable evidence of the tendency was demonstrated in a study by
heritability of intelligence from a host of differ- LaBuda, DeFries, Plomin, amd Fulker (1986). In
ent types of investigations. Based on numerous this study 13 3 adopted children were followed
twin studies, Vandenberg and Vogler (1985) esti- and their intelligence test scores correlated with
mate that 30% to 40% of the variance in intelli- those of their biological and adoptive mothers
gence test scores is due to hereditary factors. and fathers (see Table 3.3).
Plomin (1989) notes further that there is not The results of the Labuda et al. (1986) study
only a strong relationship between genetic inher- suggest a strong hereditary component to intel-
itance and intelligence, but that this relationship ligence. With the exception of year three, the
gets stronger with increasing age (see Table 3.3). correlations are significantly higher between
TABLE 3.3 Relationship between intelligence test scores of biological and adoptive parents
and offspring
SoURCE: These correlations are pooled estimates adapted from Labuda et al. (1986).
biological parents and offspring than between background of the individual. Intelligence is not
adoptive parents and offspring (see Table 3.3). likely to follow this pattern because of the com-
Another convincing bit of evidence for the plexity of intellectual behaviors that are assessed.
genetic point of view is the lack of correlation of Environmental factors will still be considered to
intelligence test results and other scores for play an important role in affecting the expression
individuals in the same environment. Plomin of the genetic potential of the individual. As
(1989) summarizes the research on the correla- Plomin (1989) notes:
tions between children who are adopted into
the same family (shared environment, not shared As the pendulum swings from environmentalism, it is
inheritance). important that the pendulum be caught mid swing be-
fore its momentum carries it to biological determinism.
Results are clear in showing little influence ofshared en- Behavioral genetic research clearly demonstrates that
vironment. For personality, adoptive sibling environ- both nature and nurture are important in development.
ments are about .05 on the average. Genetically (p. 110)
unrelated individuals adopted together show no-greater-
than-chance resemblance for psychopathology. For cogni- Anastasi (1988) gives additional caveats re-
tive abilities, although adoptive siblings are similar in garding research on the heritability of intelli-
childhood (correlations of.25), by adolescence, their cor- gence citing specific problems with the use of
relations are near zero, suggesting that the long-term heritability coefficients. Heritability estimates,
impact ofsharedfamily environment is slight. (p. 109) the percentage of variance in a trait that is due to
genetic factors, are affected by the nature of the
There is a potential problem with the in- sample on which the index was calculated. More
creased willingness on the part of the scientific important, heritability indices are based on
community to consider genetic determinants of group not individual data, and the psychologist is
intellectual abilities (Plomin, 1988; Weinberg, most concerned with the individual client. One
1988). Some may search for a single gene that child with mild mental retardation could suffer
mediates the inheritance of intelligence. A single from Down syndrome, a genetic disorder,
gene is an unlikely explanation. According to at whereas another mildly retarded child may have
least one well-known researcher in the area of been adversely affected by an extremely stultify-
behavior genetics, ·this is misguided (Plomin, ing environment. For these two cases the heri-
1989). Plomin (1989) notes, for example, that tability index in the population is irrelevant; of
early reports of a single gene determining spatial greatest importance to the psychologist seeking
ability have turned out to be unfounded. He as- to understand these cases is the "heritability
serts, furthermore, that researchers have not index" for each case. As is the situation with other
been able to find a single gene that is associated aspects of clinical assessment, the group-based
with susceptibility to disorders such as schizo- research aids primarily in giving a set of proba-
phrenia and depression. Intelligence is a very bilities for the case, but the psychologist has to
complex construct, and the search for a single decide if these probabilities apply.
gene that determines intellectual abilities is likely
to prove fruitless. As such, intelligence is likely
determined polygenetically (by a number of Confusing Malleability and
genes) (Plomin, 1989). In addition, genetic ef-
fects on intelligence are likely to be probabilistic,
Genetic Determination
as opposed to deterministic (Plomin, 1989). In The conventional wisdom, and perhaps one of
comparison, diseases such as sickle cell anemia the causes for the polemics associated with intel-
are determined by a single gene and express lectual assessment, is that if a trait such as intelli-
themselves regardless of environment or genetic gence is at least partly genetically determined
then the trait is affected very little by environ- Imagine that two fields ofcorn have been planted with
mental factors. This viewpoint is a fallacy. A the same strain ofgenetically varied seeds but that only
number of authors have shown convincingly that one field is adequately watered and fertilized. The result
the relationship between genetic determination will be an entirely environmental between-field differ-
of a characteristic, such as intelligence, to its mal- ence, together with a large and entirely genetic within-
field variance. (p. 18)
leability is a tenuous one (Anastasi, 1988; Angoff,
1988; Plomin, 1989).
Angoff (1988) observes, for example, that even Neisser (1998) goes on to say,
characteristics that are thought to have heritabil-
ity coefficients near 1.0 can be malleable. He uses Whatever the merits of the various explanations, they
may all soon be out ofdate. This is for two reasons. The
height as an example of a trait that is considered
first reason, ofcourse, is the rise in test scores. As we have
by most people to be 100% genetically deter- seen, the 3-point-per-decade gain documented by Flynn
mined. Yet a number of studies have shown means that the test performance of Black Americans
remarkable changes in height due to environ- today is roughly equivalent to that of Whites in the
mental variation. As an example, some research 1940s. Even if the mean test scores [between the two
has shown that American and British adolescents groups} are still 15 points apart, it is now clear that a
are about 6 inches taller today than their peers of gap ofthis size can easily resultfrom environmental dif-
a century ago (Angoff, 1988). Other data are ferences, specifically, from the differences between the
cited showing that Japanese children born in general American environment of 1940 and 1990.
California were taller, heavier, and more long- (p. 18)
legged than children born in Japan (Angoff,
1988). It is also important to remember that
some of these changes noted in a characteristic
over time are masked by correlation coefficients. CAN WE "CuRE" Low
This is the case because a correlation coefficient INTELLIGENCE?
between two groups of related individuals, such
as twins, indicates only the rank ordering of the
individuals on the characteristic being studied. The noble goals of Seguin, Itard, and others to
Angoff (1988) observes that "the correlations be- cure mental retardation remain largely unful-
tween heights of fathers and heights of their sons filled. This is not to say that immense progress
would be unaffected whether the sons were two, has not been made in the prevention and treat-
three, or five inches taller, or shorter, than their ment of the disability. Thanks largely to the use
fathers" (p. 714). Hence, since correlation coeffi- of intelligence tests by researchers, expecting
cients between biologically related individuals do mothers routinely receive counsel to limit alco-
not assess mean differences, they may mask im- hol and other substance intake, eliminate smok-
portant changes in a characteristic under study. ing, and take other measures to avoiding prenatal
In other words, correlation coefficients can be destruction of cognitive ability. Laws restricting
high as well and yet mean differences between the use of lead-based paint are another example
groups can be large. of the influence of research that has used intelli-
Statistical caveats aside, the important notion gence tests. It may be a bold statement to make
regarding heritability is that the construct for the but I think that the invention of the intelligence
most part should be considered separately from test provided a readily available and practical
the issue of malleability. Neisser (1998) cites measurement technology for gauging the effects
Lewinton's (1970) view that genetic cause and of many variables on cognitive development.
environmental malleability may be orthogonal Therefore, failure to find a cure for low intelli-
by describing a field of corn. gence test scores should be placed in the larger
perspective that substantial progress has been One of the most disconcerting aspects of the
made while simultaneously recognizing that rnuch intelligence training movement is the lack of
needs to be done. This section is focused exclu- generalization of improvements in intelligence to
sively on efforts to train intelligence in order to improvements in academic performance (Glut-
improve intelligence test scores, which is an ex- ting & McDermott, 1990). Perhaps the focus of
ceedingly narrow focus that has produced disap- this type of research is misguided in that it em-
pointing results. Nevertheless, this tradition is of phasizes intelligence (the predictor variable),
historical import because of its failure. when the real question of import is how well the
Nineteenth-century pioneers in mental retar- child is doing in school (the criterion variable). A
dation treatment tried a variety of sensory and similarly illogical situation would occur when an
motor training tasks to improve intelligence. In individual does perfectly well in college when ad-
this century the movement to train intelligence mitted on a probationary basis without admission
continues in various theoretical guises. The work test scores and later obtains an admission test
of Feuerstein, Rand, and Hoffman (1979) on dy- score that is so low that it resulted in the individ-
namic assessment (see Chapter 6) has garnered a ual's suspension from school. Logic of this na-
great deal of attention in this regard. Feuerstein's ture has led to the use of the term overachiever-a
theory of cognitive modifiability assumes that in- very dubious concept.
telligence is a highly malleable trait. He advises This same confounding of predictor and cri-
that after intellectual assessment pupils receive terion variables may be evident in intelligence
his instrumental enrichment program to improve training research, suggesting that the focus of re-
their intelligence and, hence, their academic suc- search should be on developing new instructional
cess in school. technologies for improving the achievement test
Despite these seemingly sensible theories, scores of individuals with low intelligence test
research does not show that intelligence, as mea- scores rather than on improving intelligence per
sured by current intelligence tests, is substan- se. There is also a remarkable lack of data on the
tively trainable. Glutting and McDermott (1990) Feuerstein methodology. It may be the case that
elucidated several statistical problems with re- there is simply not yet enough data available on
search on the training of intelligence. For exam- the Feuerstein approach to evaluate its validity
ple, some of the positive results shown for the (Brody, 1985).
training of intelligence may be explained by re- Lidz and Mearig (1989) take issue with criti-
gression to the mean. Since the subjects of these cisms of Feuerstein's so-called dynamic assess-
investigations tend to be individuals with test ment by emphasizing the differing emphasis that
scores far below the mean, it may be that gains in this approach embodies. They argue that the
performance over time are not the result of a virtues of Feuerstein's approach are numerous,
training program such as instrumental enrich- including
ment, but rather simply regression to the mean
(see Chapter 5 for a discussion of regression 1. an emphasis on the link between assessment
effects). Given that intelligence tests are not per- and intervention.
fectly reliable measures, the amount of the re- 2. a deemphasis on passive placement and pre-
gression effect can be predicted based on a test's diction.
reliability coefficient. Glutting and McDermott
(1990) have done just this. They concluded that They cite disillusionment with current ap-
the vast majority of gains in performance shown proaches by saying, "It is historical fact that
in intelligence training studies are within the many children have been misclassified by static,
range of improvement that could be explained by 'objective,' standardized tests, and on this basis
regression effects alone. have been assigned to programs with minimal
content, low expectations, and restricted (rather 3. On categorical variables of school perfor-
than enriched) teaching approaches" (p. 83). mance, such as special education placement
This point may be argued, but it is emblematic of and grade retention, there is very strong evi-
the concern over the use of intelligence tests and dence of positive effects for the model pro-
their association with special education programs grams and modest evidence of the effects for
of questionable value. While reforms in special Head Start programs.
education are under way, changes in intellectual 4. On measures of life-success, such as teen
assessment should also be sought. Though pregnancy, delinquency, welfare participation,
Feuerstein's Learning Potential Assessment De- and employment, there is modest evidence of
vice (LPAD) method lacks empirical support, a positive impacts for model programs but vir-
cure for low intelligence should still be pursued tually no evidence for Head Start. (p. 278)
earnestly (Spitz, 1986a).
There are, however, potential confounds to
keep in mind when evaluating this research.
Early Intervention Research Hoskins (1989) has noted that in the comparison
Another important evaluation of the malleability between Head Start and control-group children,
of intelligence test scores concerns the evalua- the Head Start sample seemed to be a more high-
tion of Head Start and a variety of other risk sample than the control groups. It consisted
preschool intervention programs designed pri- of children with mothers with fewer years of
marily for impoverished preschool-age children. schooling, homes that were more crowded,
The federally sponsored Head Start program was larger families, and other characteristics that
initiated in 1965, and it is unusual in that it con- have been associated with at-risk children.
tinues to enjoy bipartisan political support Head Start has also been thoroughly evaluated
(Ramey, 1999). Head Start programs also distin- in a study conducted by the General Accounting
guish themselves from various state-sponsored Office (1997). This review again called into ques-
preschool programs due to the comprehensive tion the lasting beneficial effects of Head Start
nature of services provided (Ripple, Gilliam, programs. Regardless, the clear evidence of
Chanana, & Zigler, 1999). Interventions and ser- shorter-term effects are frequently cited as im-
vices are not limited to the classroom, and portant for helping so-called at-risk children
parental involvement, for example, is an integral achieve readiness for formal schooling. More-
component. After a careful review, Hoskins over, school readiness involves much more than
(1989) drew the following four conclusions re- cognitive development (Ripple et al., 1999).
garding research on the effectiveness of Head
Start programs at improving intelligence and To be ready to learn, children need to be in good physical
academic achievement test scores. and mental health, be socially well-adjusted, and possess
age-appropriate cognitive competencies. They need to
have an idea ofhow to behave in the classroom by know-
1. Both model programs and Head Start produce
ing how to follow instructions, to be sensitive to the feel-
significant and meaningful gains in intellec- ings of others, to communicate their thoughts and
tual performance and socioemotional devel- feelings, and not to disrupt the classroom. (p. 329)
opment by the end of a year of intervention.
2. For both types of programs, gains on stan- Thus, while current evidence of effects on in-
dardized IQ and achievement tests as well as telligence test scores are either short-lived or
on tests of socioemotional development de- negligible it is important for the clinician to im-
cline within a few years (or even less in the part to parents, teachers, and other caregivers of
case of Head Start programs). preschool children that intelligence is but one
variable that affects preschool readiness. A child for some of the variance in intelligence test
with below-average intelligence but who is well scores, the effects of family context are as potent
liked, hardworking, attentive, physically robust, or more potent as suggested earlier. These find-
and has had good cognitive stimulation at home ings are consistent, then, with the Head Start re-
is likely to have differing outcomes in compari- sults showing school effects but primarily during
son to the child with the same intelligence test the phases of intensive intervention.
scores, ill-temper, hyperactivity, aggression toward There is, however, some relationship (Bouch-
peers, juvenile diabetes, and chronic exposure to ard & Segal, 1985) between the amount of
domestic violence and drug abuse at home. schooling and intelligence test scores. C0rrela-
Other preschool intervention programs shed tions in the .60s and .70s between the intelli-
additional light on the effects of early interven- gence test scores of adult males and number of
tion on intelligence test scores. An early review years of schooling are typical. The effect of edu-
by Bouchard and Segal (1985) provided the fol- cation, however, may not be as dramatic as the
lowing summary of the effects of preschool in- correlations indicate, since the typical effect of
tervention as studied by the Consortium for one year of education is to produce one standard
Longitudinal Studies founded in 1975. This score point improvement in general intellectual
group combined data from 11 major preschool level (Bouchard & Segal, 1985).
projects and reached the following conclusions. Perhaps the now-dated conclusion drawn by
Program children scored higher than control the Coleman report (1966) on the relationship
children at immediate posttesting (7 .42 points), 1 between schooling and outcomes for a child
year follow-up (4.32), 2 year follow-up (4.62), speaks most clearly to this issue. The report con-
and 3 to 4 year follow-up (3 .04). By the time the cluded:
children were followed at 10 to 19 years of age,
however, there were no significant differences in Taking all these results together, one implication stands
WISC scores between control and program chil- out above all: the schools bring little influence to bear on
dren (Bouchard & Segal, 1985). Even at these a child's achievement that is independent of his back-
older ages, however, there were differences in ground and general social context; and that this very
favor of the program children, but they were not lack ofan independent effect means that the inequalities
imposed on children by their home, neighborhood, and
IQ variables. Bouchard and Segal (1985) describe
peer environment are carried along to become the in-
these other program outcomes as follows. equalities which control life at the end of school. For
equality of educational opportunity through the schools
Some supe1·io1·ity in achievement test scores was main- to be effective, one must imply a strong effect ofschools
tained ~y pi-ogram children, especially in mathematics, that is independent of the child's immediate social en-
in grndes three through six. Some other benefits were in vironment, and that strong independent effect is not
the areas ofachievement 01·ientation, school competence, present in American schools. (Coleman et al., 1966,
educational attainment, and career accomplishments. p. 325)
For example, at age 15 years, program participants cited
a school-related activity when asked to name something
that makes them pi-oud (achievement orientation). Par-
In addition to the influence of family factors,
ents of these children voiced high aspirations for these and this point is frequently overlooked, it may be
children. F11rthe1wore, only 13% of the program chil- that Head Start. intervention is too brief, as it is
dren, compared with 31 % of the nonprogram children, primarily focused on the preschool years. It may
were eventually enrolled in special education classes. be necessary to continue intervention through-
(p. 451) out a child's lifetime of schooling in order to pro-
duce positive outcomes. This point of view is
Bouchard and Segal (1985) presented consid- eloquently stated in the following quotation
erable data to show that while school accounts (Horowitz & O'Brien, 1989):
Box 3.1
The Beginnings of Controversy over Genetic Differences
After World War I, Alexander (1922) published the results of the Army Alpha testing program. This article is an
excellent example of the type of article to engender polemics regarding intelligence testing. One can imagine the
consternation of politicians over such an article. Alexander drew several controversial conclusions after review-
ing the average Alpha scores of the states including the following, "It may be argued that the best blood tends to
be attracted to the cities, that good endowment assures success in economic advancement, and that states having
the better stocks build the better schools" (p. 183). The rankings of top five and bottom five states are given
were also delineated back in these early days, al- Sue and Okazaki (1990) proposed a theory of
though these were often ignored. One such cau- relative functionalism to explain Asian and
tion regarding the lower intelligence test scores American differences in achievement. They
of rural children was that, "Lincolns come from noted the consistent finding that Asian children
rural districts, but they never go back" (Pintner, show higher educational attainment than other
1923, p. 250). Of course, polemics arise when the American minority groups, and they proposed
difference between various groups is attributed to that this is true because it is more "functional"
genetic factors alone. Over the years there have for Asians. Their theory of relative functional-
been many hypotheses offered about the genetic ism has three premises:
inferiority of various racial and ethnic groups.
The only change has been the target groups of 1. Every cultural group has a drive for upward
the hypotheses (see Box 3.1). After World War I, mobility that is shaped by environmental
one of the first targets were the Italians. Later in factors.
the 1920s there was great concern about the infe-
2. When opportunities for a cultural group are
riority of rural children (Pintner, 1923). Also in
limited in most areas but educational attain-
the 1920s there was concern about the genetic
ment, a cultural group will choose educational
inferiority of American Indians (Pintner, 1923),
attainment as a goal.
and there has been continuing hypotheses offered
about African Americans (Jensen, 1969). 3. Having other cultural groups adopt Asian ed-
Comparisons between American children as a ucational values will likely be unsuccessful
group, American White children, and various since other cultural groups have outlets for at-
Asian groups have also received considerable at- tainment other than education.
tention. This controversy asserted itself in a
study by Lynn (1977), who compared the stan- Sue and Okazaki (1990) concluded that Asian
dardization data for older versions of the Wech- American children seek educational attainment
sler scales that were normed in both the United in part because of premise 2. Unlike other cul-
States and in Japan. The Japanese outperformed tural groups that have opportunities in areas such
the American children consistently, leading the as politics, government, entertainment, sports,
author to conclude that the Japanese were genet- and the like, Asian American children do not
ically superior in intelligence. have such opportunities readily available to
Stevenson, Stigler, Lee, Lucker, Kitamura, them, leaving education and the professions as
and Hsu (1985) tried to eliminate potential avenues for realizing their strivings.
methodological problems by developing cogni- Given our current knowledge of research on
tive and academic tests specifically for cross- the nature/nurture question, these hypotheses
cultural study. Their tests were constructed to be about racial and ethnic group differences should
as comparable as possible for Taiwanese, Japan- be clearly identified as such, hypotheses as op-
ese, and American children. In contrast to Lynn posed to conclusions that can be strongly rein-
(1977), Stevenson et al. (1985) found no signifi- forced by research data. The only conclusion
cant differences in overall cognitive (intelligence) that can be drawn is that there are mean differ-
test scores for the two groups. The most striking ences between various ethnic groups worldwide
difference was the American children's inferior- and in the United States. Even on newer intelli-
ity in mathematics achievement. These findings gence tests that have virtually eliminated individ-
could be interpreted as ruling out genetic differ- ually biased items mean differences persist.
ences in intelligence in favor of other factors that Kaufman and Kaufman (1983b) note that on the
may give some Asian groups an advantage in WISC-R the commonly found difference be-
quantitative skills. tween Black and White children was about 15
standard score points. On the K-ABC, the differ- So how do most researchers assess race for re-
ence was somewhat less, about 7 to 9 standard search purposes? They usually make a judgment
score points (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). of the subject's phenotype or they ask the subject
Even though we know that this difference exists, to evaluate his or her own phenotype. Zucker-
we are still a long way from understanding the man (1990) also cited data to show that within-
phenomenon. The different cultural rates ofter- group variability is larger than between-group
atogens, family factors and values, poverty, social variability for some traits, which further calls into
status, societal opportunities, and a long list of question some findings on racial group differ-
other factors must be studied in order to under- ences. There is a continuing need to identify the
stand group differences. Hence, to say that the biological and environmental variables that affect
difference between groups of children (and just cognitive development so that treatment and
defining the group members is not an easy task) preventive measures can be taken. This research
is due to genetic or environmental factors is agenda is likely a more fruitful endeavor in the
likely a gross oversimplification of the complex long term than studying group differences (Zuck-
factors that may produce an intelligence test erman, 1990).
score. Furthermore, general conclusions are fre- Currently much of the focus on racial or ethnic
quently going to be useless to psychologists who group differences has changed to the evaluation of
must strive to understand the complex interplay cultural effects on behavior and/or performance
of biological and environmental factors affecting in the assessment session. It has been found, for
children's cognitive development. What conclu- example, that the ethnicity of the evaluating psy-
sions can be drawn, for example, for the case chologist and the language used to conduct the
where a child's mother and father are both prod- evaluation has an impact on the psychologist's rat-
ucts of multiracial backgrounds? The "dual ocu- ing of presenting symptom severity (Malgady &
lar test of race" (i.e., the physical characteristics Costantino, 1998). In their study Malgady and
of the examinee) frequently is not of great help in Costantino (1998) evaluated 148 low SES His-
understanding the individual case. panic patients of primarily Puerto Rican and Do-
Zuckerman (1990) challenged much of the minican Republic origin. These adult patients
work on group differences as being based on were eventually diagnosed primarily with schizo-
flawed research studies. He argued that the diffi- phrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders accord-
culties involved in diagnosing race for research ing to DSM criteria. All patients included in the
purposes are not appreciated by many re- research study were evaluated with semistructured
searchers and not recognized as a cohfounding interviews by a team of psychiatrists and psychol-
variable in many investigations on group differ- ogists, all bilingual, who had to achieve 100%
ences. In Zuckerman's (1990) words: blind agreement on the Axis I Diagnosis. Patients
were also reevaluated again after 2 weeks of treat-
Studying distributions of blood types shows that some ment to ensure accuracy of the initial diagnosis. A
groups with common blood-type frequencies do not re- new team of 6 psychiatrists and 23 psychologists
semble each other in classical racial features, whereas then evaluated each patient in order to assess their
others, like Africans and Oceanic Negroids, who have presenting symptomatology. Four groups of pa-
common features ofcolor and hair form, differ in blood
tients were formed for diagnostic interview pur-
types. Australoid aborigines resemble American Indians
far more than they do Africans, Asians, or Europeans in
poses: English only-non-Hispanic Clinician;
their low frequencies ofthe type B gene even though they Spanish only-Hispanic clinician; English only-
are markedly different in physical type. The modern an- Hispanic clinician; and Bilingual-Hispanic clini-
thropology ofpopulation genetics raises serious questions cian. All four patient groups were matched on a
about the old concepts of race based on phenotypes. variety of variables, including gender, diagnosis,
(,p. 1298) and acculturation.
No differences were found in symptom rat- point for each subtest (this is only a 1/6 standard
ings between psychologists and psychiatrists. deviation difference). As a result, the girls' ad-
Among many findings, the authors noted that vantage on the Coding subtest, and the boys'
patients in the Spanish-only and Bilingual inter- slighter advantage on the other Performance
view conditions were rated as having the most subtests resulted in approximately equal Perfor-
symptomatology (Malgady & Costantino, 1998). mance IQs for boys and girls.
These results, according to the authors, raise at Vandenberg and Vogler (1985) have investi-
least two possibilities: (1) interviews conducted gated the possibility of genetic differences exist-
in the patient's native language by a Hispanic ing in the performance of females and males on
clinician may result in "overly pathologizing" the spatial subtests. They agree with the conclusions
patient's condition, or (2) Hispanic clinicians are of Plomin (1989) that the data does not quite
more sensitive than non-Hispanic clinicians in give adequate support for a genetic explanation
this circumstance to the presence of symptoma- for the relative superiority of boys on spatial
tology. While more research is needed to test tests. Jacklin (1989) offers the point of view that
these hypotheses, studies of this nature show sex differences on various measures of intelli-
clearly that language and culture can affect the gence, especially measures of verbal ability, has
diagnostic process, perhaps in unanticipated shown a closing of the gap between girls and
ways. Malgady and Costantino also observed that boys over the years. Perhaps another reason why
given the failure to recruit large numbers of His- there are only a few sex differences between boys
panics to the field, more training is needed for and girls on intelligence measures is that as far
non-Hispanic psychologists. back as the 1916 version of the Stanford Binet at-
Research of this nature has implications for tempts were made to search out and eliminate
the assessment process and interpretation of re- items that appeared to be gender biased. The
sults. Intelligence test results per se have been most reasonable conclusion is that a child's gen-
found to measure the same constructs for a vari- der is not likely to be a worthwhile explanation
ety of cultural groups (test bias will be discussed for a child's profile of scores. The differences be-
in a later chapter) (Neisser et al., 1996). It is the tween boys and girls on tests such as the WISC-
interpretation of these results in the context of R, while statistically significant (primarily due to
culture and language that can make intellec- large sample sizes), are not clinically significant
tual assessment either a stigmatizing or enabling or meaningful. The gender issue seems to be of
process. more theoretical than immediate practical im-
portance due to the fact that results to date have
produced small differences that are inconsistent
Gender Differences
across a variety of abilities (Neisser et al., 1996).
Boys and girls show consistent differences on
children's intelligence measures, and again psy-
chologists disagree over the attribution of these Socioeconomic Status
differences to genetic factors. The differences,
however, are extremely small in comparison to
and Intelligence
racial/ethnic group differences. As an example, During the long history of the development of
Kau&nan (1979b) found that girls outperform intelligence tests, there has been a consistent and
boys by about 1 1/2 scaled score points on the tobust relationship noted between measures of
Coding subtest of the WISC-R (this is a half socioeconomic status, such as parental occupa-
standard deviation difference). On all other tion, levels of parental educational attainment,
WISC-R Performance scale subtests boys scored and median family income, and the intelligence
slightly higher than girls, about a half scale score test scores. As far back as 1942, McNemar found
that the average intelligence test score of 15- to ily size increases parents have less and less time
18-year-old children whose parents were classi- to devote to each child. Thus, while the first-
fied as professionals was 116.4, while that of chil- born child receives a great deal of parental atten-
dren whose parents were classified as day labor tion and interaction with competent adult
urban and rural workers was 97.6. models, second-, and later-born children have
Intelligence and SES are so intertwined that less access to more competent models and more
they cannot be separated, much like genetic and access to their siblings, who are presumably not
environmental influences (Brody, 1985). lndivid- maximally intellectually developed. The finding
uals with higher intelligence test scores obtain of an eighth or ninth child having a higher intel-
more schooling, and educational attainment is ligence score than some of the earlier children is
the most potent predictor of occupational status also explained by this particular model. By this
(Brody, 1985). This fact suggests that SES can be point in time the older children of the family are
viewed as a proxy variable for intelligence and adults and are able to give more individual atten-
vice versa. tion to the later-born children. Others, most no-
tably Hurnst and Ankst (1983) in a review of the
literature, contend that the confluence model
Birth Order and Intelligence does not really explain the observed phenomena.
Birth order is another variable related to intelli- They note that the reason why children born to
gence test scores. Apparently, if one has a choice larger families tend to have lower average intel-
it is best to be born first. Bouchard & Megue ligence test scores is because larger families are
(1981) draws the following conclusions regarding associated with lower levels of socioeconomic
this field of research: status. In this scenario, a first-born child may be
more representative of the society at large,
1. IQ declines with increasing family size. whereas a fourth- or fifth-born child is born into
2. Within each family size, IQ declines with in- a family suffering considerably more financial
creasing birth order. strain.
Regardless of the theories offered, the pecking
3. Excluding last-horns, the data assume the
order of siblings for intelligence test scores has
form of a quadratic function. This means that,
been a fairly robust finding. Given that it re-
until the last-born child, there is a progressive
quires a certain intellectual level to be using a
reduction in IQ decrement, and an eventual
graduate-level text, such as this one, it may be
upswing for families of eight and nine children.
interesting to know the number of first-borns
4. Within each family size, last-horns show a that are in the intellectual assessment course
greater decline than do children of any other using this textbook. If more intellectually capable
birth rank. individuals enroll for graduate coursework, there
5. Only children score at about the same level as should be a large number of first-borns in the
second-horns in two-child families, or first- class using this text.
borns in four-child families. (p. 478) The effects of birth order, however, typically
do not warrant interpretation for intelligence
The theories as to why this association be- tests. This is a phenomenon similar to gender
tween birth order and intelligence test scores oc- differences, where the findings are more pro-
curs are numerous and none widely accepted. vocative for theory building than for clinical as-
The Confluence Model of Zajonc and Markus sessment practice. This is because the changes
(197 5) has been frequently cited as one explana- from child to child in a family are relatively
tion for the decline in intelligence test scores small, only a standard score point or two. The
with increasing family size. Presumably, as fam- only reason that the phenomenon is worth
mentioning is that the finding of small differ- and immutable as was initially hypothesized.
ences between siblings is so consistent across Bouchard and Segal (1985) conclude, based on
studies. an exhaustive review of the research, that the
correlation between IQ and birth weight is due
to differences between families, such as socioeco-
Teratogens and Trauma nomic status, not to birth weight per se. Chil-
dren from impoverished families who are of low
Malnutrition birth weight tend to have lower-than-average in-
Malnutrition may be a powerful teratogen affect- telligence test and other scores. The lower
ing development. There are, however, dramatic scores, however, are more likely due to the mul-
differences in the way malnutrition affects the tiple effects of impoverishment rather than the
development of various organs. Naeye, Diener, low birth weight or, for that matter, malnutri-
Delli,nger, and Blancs (1969) compared the organ tion, specifically.
weights of 445 consecutive stillbirths for poor
and "nonpoor" children. They found that all Anoxia
major organs were smaller for the malnourished
children. Of those affected the thymus was only Similarly, children suffering anoxia (a significant
66 % of normal size for these offspring and the lack of oxygen) shortly after birth have been hy-
adrenal gland was 77% of normal. Of particular pothesized to have a higher incidence of mental
interest was the finding that the only organ that retardation (Gottfried, 1973). However, on fur-
was expected size was the brain (101 % of normal ther analysis of longitudinal data it was found
for the poor group and 107% of normal for the that while there was an intelligence test score
nonpoor group). This surprising finding is con- decrement for anoxic children, the decrement
sistent with research on the intellectual develop- had all but disappeared by the age of 7 (Bouchard
ment of malnourished children, suggesting that & Segal, 1985).
children seem to be resilient. Findings regarding the relationship between
An investigation of Korean children who ex- prenatal and perinatal insults, malnutrition, and
perienced severe malnutrition during their first intelligence suggest a great deal of resiliency on
two or three years of life and were later adopted the part of children. If an insult, such as anoxia,
into relatively prosperous American families be- occurs at a fairly young age and is not of a suffi-
fore the age of 3 showed a reversal of the effects cient nature to be particularly life threatening or
of malnutrition. They showed dramatic gains result in easily documented physical damage, the
in height and weight and in intelligence and prognosis for recovery of intelligence test per-
achievement test performance (Winick, Meyer, formance in the early elementary grade years is
& Harris, 1975). This finding was cross-validated remarkably good. These results should not, how-
by a study of nutritionally deprived children ever, rule out the possible effects of early trauma
from Colombian families (McKay, Sinisterra, on obtained intelligence test scores. When the
McKay, Gomez, & Lloreda, 1978). Malnutrition trauma is fairly substantial or occurs later in life
and other potential teratogens may be responsi- than infancy, there may be a substantial impact
ble for the lower-than-average intelligence test on scores.
scores seen in samples of homeless children (Raf-
ferty & Shinn, 1991). Fetal Alcohol Exposure
Two recent studies highlight the detrimental ef-
Low Birth Weight
fects of maternal alcohol use during pregnancy
The relationship between low birth weight and on cognitive (Coles, Brown, Smith, Platzman,
intelligence test scores is also not as permanent Erickson, & Falek, 1991) outcomes. The Coles
et al. (1991) investigation followed three groups found that individual risk factors were not as
of high-risk mothers from an impoverished helpful for assessing teratogenic effects on intel-
inner city environment. One group of 21 moth- ligence test results as multiple risks.
ers reported never drinking alcohol during Specifically, they hypothesized that the num-
pregnancy. A group of 22 mothers drank during ber of risk factors may be more important to
part of the pregnancy but quit after being ad- know than the types. A total of 13 risk factors
vised of the risk to the fetus. This group aver- were collected for two classifications of fami-
aged 11 ½ ounces of alcohol per week up until lies-poor and nonpoor. The risk factors studied
the time they quit drinking. The third group of included birth weight, neonatal health, race/eth-
25 mothers continued drinking an average of 12 nicity, unemployment of head of household, ma-
ounces of alcohol per week in spite of being ad- ternal education, maternal verbal ability,
vised not to. Numerous measures were taken on maternal mental health, stressful life events, ma-
the offspring. ternal social support, teenage motherhood, fa-
The results revealed a direct relationship be- ther absence, high family density, and parental
tween maternal alcohol use and cognitive func- beliefs such as holding a simplistic and rigid view
tion with the never-drank and stopped-drinking of child development. Poor families were found
groups being similar and the continued-drinking to have a greater prevalence of 11 of these 13 risk
group showing significant cognitive impairment. factors. The risk factors shown to be associated
The composite intelligence test scores (the com- with overall intelligence estimates at age 3 in-
posite for the K-ABC is called the Mental Pro- cluded poverty status (poor versus nonpoor),
cessing Composite or MPC) for the K-ABC neonatal health, race/ethnicity, maternal educa-
taken at follow-up for the three groups were sig- tion, maternal verbal ability PPVI'-R scores (a
nificantly different. The mean MPC for the no- measure of hearing vocabulary), and maternal
drinking and stopped-drinking groups were depression. Generally, the children of poor
similar at 92 and 89, whereas the mean MPC for African American and Hispanic American fami-
the continued-drinking group was 84. These re- lies, and those with depressed mothers, were at
sults show the clear teratogenic effects of alcohol greatest risk for low intelligence test scores. In-
use during pregnancy. terestingly, an intervention that included home
Other traumas and physical problems may ad- visits, parent group meetings, and full-day atten-
versely affect intelligence test scores. The above dance at a child development center produced
research suggests that child clinicians should be significant gains in intelligence test scores over a
alert for any such conditions that may affect cur- 3-year period. The intervention group that ben-
rent performance. Among other things the child efited most included poor children that had the
clinician should simply inquire about the current fewest risk factors. Also noteworthy was the find-
health status of a child during the administration ing that the treatment group of poor children
of an intelligence test. In a study of adults, Field, scored higher than those of the no-treatment
Schaie, and Leino (1988) found a significant re- nonpoor group.
lationship between the adult's self-reported This study produces several implications for
health and intelligence test scores. further research and practice including:
First, poor families may be more likely to be exposed to
Cumulative Family Risks multiple risks, which, in turn, have detrimental effects
on child and parent well-being, highlight the importance
A study by Liaw and Brooks-Gunn (1994) out-
of looking at cumulative risks rather than focusing on
lined an approach to gauging risk based on the single risk factors. Second, the finding that being classi-
consideration of the accumulative effects of vari- fied as above the poverty line does not prevent a family
ous risks. In an investigation of 704 children, from experiencing risk factors--<Jr prevent the adverse
who were followed from birth to 3 years, they effects ofrisk factors-suggests that income per se should
not be taken as the single criterion far negative outcomes gitudinal sample, found that early disruptive be-
or be used as a markerfor a range offamily conditions. havior problems such as aggression, hyperactiv-
(Liaw & Brooks-Gunn, 1994, p. 369) ity, and conduct and oppositional behavior were
significantly correlated with later intelligence
Motivation, Temperament, test scores. They implicate disruptive behavior as
one potential cause of score decrements. Addi-
and Intelligence tional research of this nature will hopefully reveal
Research that addresses the relationship between the full extent of behavioral "teratogens" that
motivational and temperament variables and in- may affect cognitive development.
telligence test scores is minimal (Brody, 1985).
Anastasi (1988) cites some research showing a re- Intelligence and Academic
lationship between personality characteristics
and intelligence test performance. She notes that
some studies show that when personality test If, as transactional theory dictates, psychologists
scores are added to intelligence test scores in are trying to measure intelligence as opposed to
order to predict a person's subsequent academic achievement, then intelligence tests should be
achievement, they do add a significant amount of substantially different from measures of academ-
variance to the prediction. ic achievement, or as Binet called achievement,
Martin (1988) reports some studies assessing "the pedagogical method." Generally, there is a
the relationship between his Temperament As- significant overlap in variance between the two
sessment Battery for Children (TABC) and cog- types of measures (Anastasi, 1988; Wright, 1987).
nitive criterion variables such as school grades This overlap in variance has led Anastasi (1988)
and achievement tests that are good correlates of and others (Kau&nan, 1990) to propose that in-
intelligence measures. In one sample of 43 first- telligence and achievement are not unique and,
grade children, some T ABC scales were stronger therefore, intelligence tests should be interpreted
correlates of achievement than others. Emo- as specialized types of achievement measures
tional intensity was a relatively low correlate of (Anastasi, 1988; Kau&nan, 1990). Correlations
reading grades, whereas adaptability and persis- between the two measures, however, cannot be
tence had strong positive correlations in the .60s used as sole evidence that these measures are re-
and distractibility had a negative correlation of dundant. In another, but virtually identical con-
-.63. A similar pattern was found for mathemat- text, Vandenburg and Vogler (1985) eschew the
ics grades. These findings were cross-validated substantial correlation argument as evidence
in a second study of 104 first-grade children against the construct called "g" by pointing out
where reading and mathematics achievement test that "Against the argument that all ability tests
scores and grades were used as criterion vari- correlate positively and therefore measure ,the
ables. These findings suggest that certain tem- same ability, one can point out that height and
perament variables may be related to intelligence weight also correlate, and rather substantially,
test scores. Adaptability and persistence may by yet we consider them to be separate characteris-
positively related and distractibility may be neg- tics" (p. 6). Similarly, measures of reading and
atively related. This does appear, however, to be mathematics achievement also correlate highly,
a remarkably understudied topic that requires and we do not consider reading and mathematics
further research. to be the same construct.
Some potential causal links are also beginning The problem with the relationship between
to emerge between early behavior problems and intelligence and scholastic achievement is the
later intelligence test results. Fergusson and "chicken and egg" phenomenon. Since intelli-
Horwood (1995), for example, using a large Ion- gence is called such, people often assume that it
is the causative agent for academic achievement. 1930s as central to the process of assessing men-
It is equally likely that poor achievement "causes" tal retardation. He believed that social maturity
poor intelligence test scores, since intelligence (an older term for adaptive behavior) was as im-
tests, especially the more verbal ones, have vo- portant in the assessment of mentally retarded
cabulary, mathematical, and other achievement individuals as was intelligence. He published the
item types. At high levels of occupational attain- first edition of what is now called the Vineland
ment, knowledge becomes very specialized and Adaptive Behavior Scales (Sparrow, Balla, & Ci-
more important than intelligence test results per cchetti, 1984). His definition of adaptive behav-
se. "Knowledge also counts" according to Hunt ior is similar to modern ones. He states:
(1999) who observed that several studies have
shown that people who, in a modern industrial or Social competence is the functional ability ofthe human
postindustrial society requiring specialized skills, organism for exercising personal independence and social
learn the most become the most successful. Hunt responsibility. (Doll, 1953, p. 10)
(1999) pointedly describes the importance of
knowledge in adulthood in the following quote: Doll's test and subsequent scales measure a
host of skills needed for personal independence.
Today there is a great deal oftalk about "learning how The Vineland, for example, includes scales that
to learn" but little discussion about precisely how teach- assess Communication, Daily Living Skills, So-
ers are supposed to teach people to learn. Teachers cer- cialization, and Motor Skills.
tainly can teach specific skills, ''g/" in its broadest The relationship between intelligence and
framework. Students who complete a course in psycho- adaptive behavior measures is well researched, al-
logical statistics will be able to solve problems that baffled
though there is considerable variability among
Gauss or Pascal. Does this mean that today's students
are more intelligent than Blaise Pascal? In a sense, no,
studies (Destefano & Thompson, 1990). Overall
but who cares? They are better statisticians. (p. 24) though, the evidence reveals modest relation-
ships (correlations in the .30 to .60 range) with
Thus, the conceptual separation of the notions adaptive behavior scales (Kamphaus, 1987; Keith,
Fehrmann, Harrison, & Pottebaum, 1987).
ofintellectual ability and achievement can be said
to be unnecessary for some referral questions. In Keith et. al. (1987) conducted an exhaustive
the case of competent performance, be it job- or study of the relationship between the Vineland
school-related, the question of ability is mute. As- and the K-ABC involving 556 children in grades
sessment of the predictor variable, intelligence, is 1 through 8 from a variety of locations around
unneeded since performance on the criterion the United States. Three confirmatory factor
variable, achievement, is already known. Simi- models were fit to the data. Model 1 was con-
larly, as will be discussed in detail in later sections strained so that the relationship was assumed to
on test interpretation, even when assessment of be low (r = .39). Model 2 assumed no correlation
intelligence is warranted, the focus of interven- between intelligence and adaptive behavior. This
tion needs to be directed at achievement. model assumes that the two constructs are com-
pletely independent. Model 3 hypothesized a
perfect relationship between the two constructs,
Intelligence and Adaptive which assumes that both constructs are subserved
by the same general ability. The various fit sta-
tistics for the models are given in Table 3.4. The
There are numerous similarities in definitions of fit statistics show Model 1 to be the best fit to the
adaptive behavior. Edgar Doll, an illustrious psy- data. This model had the smallest Chi-square,
chologist at the Vineland State Training School the largest fit index, and the smallest root mean
in New Jersey, introduced the construct in the square residual, all indications of better fit to the
TABLE 3 .4 Fit statistics for the three factor models compared in the Keith
et al. (1987) study
model. This study exemplifies a more sophisti- nificant and moderate in magnitude. This fact
cated approach than comparing simple zero order begs psychologists not to consider these mea-
correlations between the two variables, but the sures as independent and calls for interpretation
results are the same-intelligence tests are sepa- of intelligence test scores and adaptive behavior
rate but related constructs (Keith et al., 1987). scores in combination. Psychologists should, for
This relationship is notable in that it differs example, look for an integration of results be-
significantly from the relationship between in- tween verbal intelligence test scores and commu-
telligence and academic achievement in which nication domains of adaptive behavior. Use of
correlations tend to range from .55 to .90, de- these multiple measures are most likely to pro-
pending on the study and achievement domain duce the greatest insight into the child's referral
(e.g., reading, writing). This modest relationship problems.
does leave considerable room for variability be-
tween intelligence and adaptive behavior scores
for a particular child, making interpretation a CONCLUSIONS
One of the reasons for variability among stud-
ies is the nature of the adaptive behavior scale The cause(s) ofintelligence of various kinds must
being used. Some scales use teachers as in- be delineated in order for intelligence assessment
formants, and these produce larger correlations to be deemed desirable by society (Hunt, 1999).
between intelligence and adaptive behavior Jencks (1992) observed that the nonscientific public
(Kamphaus, 1987). Also, scales that assess aca- dislikes the argument that genes cause intelligence be-
demic types of adaptive behavior tend to produce cause the mechanism for doing so has not been delin-
more overlap between intelligence and achieve- eated by research. It is only in the last decade, as
ment measures (Destefano & Thompson, 1990). the fields of behavior genetics and neuropsychol-
Hence, the agreement between intelligence and ogy have grown in sophistication and applica-
adaptive behavior scales, or lack thereof, depends tion, that we have begun to develop an
on the nature of the adaptive behavior test's item understanding of the biological causes, modera-
content as well as the informant. Psychologists tors, and mediators of intelligent performances
are likely to find adaptive behavior to differ from (Reiss, Neiderhiser, Hetherington, & Plomin,
intelligence test scores when the items pertain to 2000). Analogously, Hunt (1999) rings a hopeful
nonschool behavior and parents serve as the in- note, based on recent research progress, that ex-
formant. Even though the correlations of intelli- planations will be found. He offered the analogy
gence with adaptive behavior are lower than for that Columbus did not bring any gold back to
achievement, they will often be statistically sig- Spain but his successors, the conquistadors, were
entirely successful at doing so. Referring to the Much progress has been made along these
known fact that intellectual variation exists in lines and preventive measures (e.g., admonish-
humans, Hunt (1999) highlights the importance ments against alcohol consumption during preg-
of future research by observing: nancy) have been implemented to societal
benefit. Perhaps more important, personality,
We need to know the biological mechanisms by which motivational (see Research Report 3.2), and eco-
this is achieved. This is partly because we want to un- logical factors that affect intelligence have yet to
derstand the gene-peiformance relationships. In part, be substantially defined (Ackerman, 1999). And,
and equally important, it is because we want to under- as aptly pointed out by Hunt (1999), this progress
stand what other physicalfactors can affect mental com- will not be made by "gazing" at correlation coef-
petence and how we can avoid or ameliorate them. The ficients or factor analytic solutions. Other re-
persistence of recreational drugs, including alcohol,
search paradigms (e.g., experimental cognitive)
stands high on the list of danger factors to be investi-
gated, but they are by no means alone. We need a better
and disciplines (e.g., anthropology) will be
understanding ofnutritional effects and deterioration of needed to make substantive research progress.
intellectual competence associated with aging and dis- Fortunately, for the next generation, such real-
ease. We do not need to know the value ofthe heritabil- izations are now commonplace in the psycholog-
ity coefficient to the third decimal place, or even the ical science community, making the potential for
second. (p. 24) progress better than at any time before.
Your 3-year-old daughter fits the last piece into a 20-piece puzzle, and what do you tell her? That she's the smartest
little girl in the world, of course.
It's the most natural thing in the world to tell your child how smart she is. All parents do it. (And some insuf-
ferable ones tell everybody who comes into sight.)
But as it turns out, this kind of praise may not be the most constructive you can give your child. It may even un-
dermine her motivation to work hard and meet new challenges.
It is far better to praise for hard work. That is the conclusion of new research looking at children's motivation,
and many psychologists believe it may help explain why some intelligent kids never meet their potential.
Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Columbia University, studied fifth-graders and kindergartners from di-
verse economic and social backgrounds from Indiana to New York. She gave them an easy pattern-recognition test,
praising one group for its innate intelligence and another group for its good effort. The schoolchildren praised for
intelligence "got these little proud smiles, but that was their high point," said Dweck. After failing a more difficult
test, they tended to give up, lose pleasure in their work and show a general loss in confidence. Their intelligence
was viewed as a fixed trait; once lost, they didn't know how to get it back.
The process of learning
By comparison, the students who were praised for their hard efforts tended to focus on the process of learning. In
the face of criticism, they adopted new strategies and consistently refused to take their failures personally.
"Children who are vulnerable are very focused on their intelligence," concluded Dweck. "Am I smart? Am I not
smart? Is this test going to make me look smart?" They are enmeshed in it. Whereas, the kids who are really hardy
don't think of it that much. They see it as a set of skills that can be developed, but they don't worry how it looks at
any given moment." (Continued)
Cross-cultural studies reveal huge differences in the motivational factors that govern U.S. and Japanese students.
Hazel Marcus, a psychologist at Stanford, has found that when U.S. students are told that they've performed well
in a test, they are motivated to work harder. When they learn they've done poorly, they lose interest. Japanese stu-
dents, on the other hand, respond in the opposite way. Those who are told they've done poorly work hard to im-
prove themselves.
Mark Lepper, another Stanford psychologist, has spent 20 years studying motivation in children. He has looked
at both intrinsic and extrinsic learning and concluded that a student's motivation makes all the difference. An
intrinsically motivated student who pursues an activity for its own sake ultimately works harder and reaches for
higher challenges. The extrinsically motivated student who works for stickers, happy smiles or the ultimate
reward -money-often puts forth the minimal amount of effort necessary to get the maximal reward.
'Inherently rewarding'
"With young children it's just so obvious that the process oflearning is inherently rewarding," says Lepper. "No
one has ever seen a 3-year-old with a motivational deficit. Parents are more likely to complain of their child being
overly curious, always asking 'why,' exploring here and there. Yet, four or five years later, a substantial number of
children are diagnosed as having 'motivational problems.'
"When we get into school, because of the constraints of wanting to educate everybody we now have to teach
everybody the same thing at the same time, and we have to do it on a schedule. That means that you're not learn-
ing right at the point when you're most excited, but because it's the middle of March, you're in second grade, and
that's when we study subtraction with borrowing."
All too often, it is second grade when children get their first real taste of failure. Streamlined into reading groups
with fuzzy-sounding names of birds and animals, the kids quickly figure out the score - who among them are good
readers and who aren't.
"Giving up is a long process,'' says Lepper. "A lot of it depends on the child's theory of success and failure. Do
you believe it's because you're dumb and you'll never be able to change? Or do you believe it's because you didn't
work hard enough or have the right strategy?"
There's a lesson in all this for parents and teachers, which is to teach children to focus on the process and to de-
light in challenges, what William Butler Yeats, the great Irish poet, called "the fascination of what's difficult." And,
of course, children need praise.
"But it needs to be sincere, not condescending," says Karen Friedland-Brown, director of parent education at the
Children's Health Council in Palo Alto. "Let's say they're trying to make their bed. Say, 'I like your effort.' Not
'You did a beautiful job.' Use as few words as possible; us parents tend to over-talk."
• In some cases, intelligence test scores can
change by a standard deviation or more, even
in adulthood.
• Intelligence test scores are more stable for hand- • Early researchers believed that intelligence
icapped than nonhandicapped preschoolers. test scores peaked in adolescence and declined
• Intelligence test scores are less stable for together. Recent research suggests that intel-
preschoolers than for school-aged children ligence test scores peak in adulthood, and
and adults. some scores do not show substantial decline in
• Intelligence test scores are fairly stable for the late adult years.
adults yielding coefficients in the .60s over a • The term cumulative deficit refers to the theory
20-year time span. that the ill effects of an impoverished early en-
vironment accumulate over tpe course of de- Today, it is recognized that these differences
velopment to reveal decreasing intelligence are so intertwined with SES, values, family
test scores with increasing age. There is some constellation, and other factors that it is diffi-
research to support the phenomenon. cult to determine the extent of the differences
• Early adoption studies suggested that envi- due to genetic factors.
ronmental factors played a very important • Gender differences in intelligence test scores
role in intellectual development. Recent are small and not clinically meaningful.
studies have shown that genetic endowment • SES differences in intelligence test scores are
is a more important determinant of intelli- large and clinically significant.
gence test scores.
• The effects of birth order on intelligence test
• Intelligence is likely determined polygeneti-
scores are consistent but small. Oldest chil-
cally, as opposed to being linked to a single
dren tend to have slightly higher scores.
• Prenatal and postnatal teratogens adversely af-
• The issues of the genetic causation and mal-
fect intelligence test scores. There is evidence
leability are often confused. It is often as-
of resiliency whereby the effects of teratogens
sumed that if intelligence is genetically
such as low birth weight can be overcome by
determined it is not malleable.
the time a child reaches elementary school.
• Research to date shows that intelligence test
scores are not highly malleable, at least with • The relationship of personality to intelligence
short-term intervention. There is not yet a test scores is not yet well understood.
"cure" for low intelligence although there • Intelligence and academic achievement tests
may be some day. show substantial intercorrelations. These
• Race/cultural group differences in intelligence measures covary a great deal in clinical assess-
test scores persist. Traditionally, these differ- ment practice.
ences have been attributed to genetic differ- • Intelligence and adaptive behavior scales cor-
ences and this has caused great controversy. relate moderately at best.
In these tenns a test presumably is like an x-ray: regard- This individual will find intelligence testing to
less of the conditions external to the patient (the imme- be arduous, unrewarding, and perhaps punish-
diate environment) the 'thing' being studied (e.g., a bone, ing. The clinician who is skilled in interacting
intelligence, fantasy) can be observed in splendid isola- with children will be capable of making the
tion-a statement which is trne neitherfor a test norfor often stilted test directions used by some intel-
an x-ray" (Sarason, 1954, p.59).
ligence tests seem like ordinary conversation to
a child. She will make the intellectual evalua-
tion a pleasant experience for the child rather
CHAPTER QUESTIONS than an onerous one.
It is also not possible to acquire clinical skill
by reading a book chapter. Clinical skill may be a
How do examiners test infants and young personality related factor leading to the old ques-
children? tion, are clinicians born or are they trained? While
What is "standardized procedure"? this debate is far from settled, there are steps that
trainees can take to enhance their clinical skill in
The clinical skill required to properly administer addition to reading chapters. Useful activities for
an intelligence test cannot be overemphasized. acquiring clinical skill include the following:
Clinical skill is especially needed when assessing
children, since they are highly influenced by 1. Observe a variety of children in a variety of
adult behavior. The psychologist who acquires settings. Trainees in intellectual assessment
the necessary knowledge to use intelligence tests should be keenly aware of the developmental
but not the requisite clinical skill is ill prepared. characteristics of children. Such awareness can
be gained by observing children in preschool has little to do with the personal qualities of the
and other school settings, on playgrounds, and examiner, is to know the test well before testing.
in other public settings such as shopping cen-
ters. Trainees should also notice how children Collecting
interact with parents and other adults in these
Background Information
2. Observe master teachers interacting with chil- There are a number of psychological, social, and
dren. This will allow the trainee to acquire medical factors that are either related to or have an
a host of skills for interacting effectively with effect on intelligence test scores. These variables
children and adolescents. Experienced teach- include SES, ethnicity, dominant language, low
ers can model a number of important skills birth weight, head trauma, and others. As a result,
for establishing and maintaining rapport with examiners must collect information regarding
children. these variables when gathering background infor-
mation. A lack of such background information
3. Observe experienced psychologists administer- puts the evaluator at a disadvantage when it is
ing tests to normal and disabled children when time to interpret the obtained scores. Hence, it
possible. Clinicians may also see the differ- is important to conduct a thorough interview of a
ences, and lack of them, between normal and child's or adolescent's parents or caregivers in
disabled children and adolescents. order to understand the meaning of her scores.
4. Observe a special education teacher adminis- An example of the importance of even minimal
tering tests to children. Special education background information for interpreting a child's
teachers have to work with children inten- scores is evident in the following case. I once had
sively for long time periods and develop an a case where there seemed to be little resemblance
exhaustive repertoire of skills for dealing ef- between parent and child. The parents brought
fectively with them. their 10-year-old daughter to be evaluated for aca-
5. Practice administering intelligence tests to demic problems. The parents were high-achieving
cooperative individuals before giving a test individuals, both holding Ph.D. degrees. The
for clinical or course grading purposes. This daughter obtained an average score on the K-ABC
practice will allow the new examiner to work and had little interest in academic endeavors. In
out minor problems in a nonthreatening at- addition, the daughter did not look like her par-
mosphere prior to testing a "real" case. ents. She had red hair and fair skin in contrast to
her parents, who had brown hair and darker com-
6. If videotape equipment is available, it can serve
plexion. The differences in intellectual level and
as an important self-evaluation tool. If such
physical appearance between parents and child did
equipment is not available, audiotapes of sev-
not seem readily understandable given the back-
eral testing sessions can also be helpful. Using
ground information obtained using a standard
these methods, examiners frequently find that
form, until I asked if they had adopted their
they are using repetitive wording, or they can
daughter. They indicated that they had adopted
discover why a session was so difficult when
her a couple of years prior to the evaluation. This
the reasons were not apparent at the time.
case was very puzzling until I had complete back-
ground information. Prior to uncovering the
These exercises and others will go a long way child's complete history, I questioned the validity
toward supplementing this text in order to de- of my obtained scores because they seemed at
velop necessary clinical assessment skills. One odds with the scores one would expect given
key to acquiring good assessment skills, which parental characteristics.
Now the question is which pieces of back- the insult and the medical interventions carried out
ground information are important to obtain? to treat the condition. Oftentimes, examiners will
The clinician should collect information on all use a two-stage process for obtaining background
of the relevant variables that are known to affect information; the first stage involving collecting
intelligence test scores. In addition to these vari- general information about the child's background
ables, however, it is also important to collect in- and the second stage involving collecting very
formation on variables that may be specific to the detailed information about a specific episode or
clientele that the clinician usually assesses. For condition that may be especially germane to the
example, if a clinician works in a rehabilitation testing. The latter type ofinformation usually cen-
facility for brain-injured children, it will be vi- ters around the referring problem.
tally important for him to gather detailed infor- There are numerous forms and interview for-
mation on the nature of the trauma that caused mats for use with children and their families for
the injury, including such things as the time of obtaining background information. Some topics
that are often part of questionnaire/interview
schedules are shown in Figure 4.1. It is probably
wise for the new examiner to use standard forms
Demographic Information or outlines for collecting information to ensure
Name, birthdate, address, parents' names, that important aspects of behavior are not missed.
educational attainment, and occupation, This information will prove crucial in the final
stages of test interpretation.
Referral Information
Source and nature of referral
Family Structure and History
Siblings, parenting style, history of
medical/psychiatric illnesses, dwelling, Test Setting
family activities, etc.
Environmental variables are as important to the
Pre- and Perinatal History intelligence testing process as they are for some
Conception, maternal care or problems, medical procedures. Consequently, physicians and
type of delivery, complications, etc. psychologists alike try to control for the effects of
Child's Medical History extraneous factors.
Respiratory, gastrointestinal, To provide an optimal testing environment:
neuropsychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.
Developmental History 1. The testing room should
Motor and language milestones, toilet • be free from interruptions.
training, sleep habits, etc.
• be pleasantly, but minimally, decorated
Social History so as not to distract the child.
Hobbies, friends, behavior, etc.
• be well lit, without being too bright and
School History with no glare.
Preschool, elementary, high school, • have adequate ventilation.
retentions, special education, etc.
• be quiet with no noise from adjoining
FIGURE 4.1 • be a few degrees cooler than a room
Topics/content that are typically part meant for adults, as children have higher
of background information questionnaires body temperatures than adults.
• be sparsely furnished to minimize possible they need a break, and many children who are
distractions. very compliant will deny the offer. The examiner
2, The furniture should then pays a price for the child's compliance by
having to help the child clean his soiled pants.
• be comfortable.
In order to avoid this embarrassment it is im-
• be child sized-a table 36" long and portant for examiners to develop the skills to
20-24" wide and adjustable in height is "read" a child's behavior. One way of doing this
best. The child's elbows should rest on is to observe the child's behavior closely and take
the table and his feet on the floor-if his a break if the child's behavior changes from being
feet do not touch the floor, put a box calm to fidgety, or from being alert to yawning.
under the feet to avoid a restless feeling. It is also helpful for the examiner to monitor her
3. The materials should -own behavior. If the examiner feels that the room
• be child sized (i.e., large crayons). is getting stuffy or finds herself yawning, the
child may also be experiencing these problems,
• be well-organized and accessible to the
and a break will be in order. In other words,
examiners should not always make the decision
• be set up so that the child can only reach to take a break in the testing based on the verbal
the materials needed for the current task. report of the child.
These materials should be directly in In addition to considering sleeping and eating
front of the child. routines, examiners need to consider the possible
• be set up so that the examiner can effec- impact of activities that precede the assessment
tively use the manual without it becoming (Anastasi, 1988). Children are likely to behave
a barrier between the child and the exam- differently in an assessment situation if the pre-
iner. ceding activity has been a boisterous outdoor
• be set up so that the examiner can effi- time or a quiet story time (Kamphaus, Dresden,
ciently use the scoring sheet, but so the & Kaufman, 1993).
child cannot see it.
Other Participants
Timing A final environmental variable involves the pres-
Another important environmental variable is the ence of other people, particularly parents, in the
timing of the assessment. Young children may testing room. Psychologists generally agree that
still take naps and show fatigue quickly in an as- having parents present is not advisable for chil-
sessment situation. For most purposes it is best dren, especially those over the age of 3. There is
to test children and adolescents when they are some suggestion, however, that for very young
best able to give their optimal performance. In children parental presence may, in fact, be bene-
most instances this is going to be in the morning, ficial (Sattler, 1988). With young children an
the same time when the most demanding work is examiner must weigh the potential distraction
offered in schools. If a young child does need to caused by an additional person in the testing
take a break because of fatigue or for toileting room against the problems caused by separation
needs, it is important to break in between tests or anxiety. More valid assessments ofyoung children
subtests in order to not spoil a test. One common may be obtained when a parent is with the child
pitfall that I have seen a number of trainees en- in the testing room but is sitting quietly out of
counter is not recognizing when a young child the child's line of vision (Kamphaus, Dresden, &
needs a break. Usually my students will ask a Kaufman, 1993). Most importantly, when ad-
child about halfway through the testing session if dressing the issue of parental presence, examiners
must treat parents with respect, not as unwanted concerned about reading instructions correctly
intruders. If a parent wants to observe the testing that they pay little attention to the child. There-
session, an examiner must take the time neces- fore, they sometimes do not place materials in
sary to fully explain the pros and cons of observ- the correct orientation, which is usually in a
ing. It may be helpful, for example, to explain parallel fashion to the child. Note, also, that an
how difficult it is for parents to observe their examiner can also produce a psychological bar-
child being tested. Parents who are allowed to rier between herself and the child by placing a
observe may find the experience very stress pro- test manual between her and the child. In such
voking. Parents want their child to do well, and a circumstance, the test manual appears to be
when they do not, it can be extremely punishing protecting the examiner from intrusion by the
to a parent, especially when they know that their child. This situation should be avoided as it
child is taking an intelligence test. To some par- hinders working comfortably with the child
ents it is helpful to simply be aware that such stress and perhaps also hinders rapport.
is universal. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it is im-
portant for the child to be seated comfortably re-
gardless of the examiner's physical stature. Young
Physical Arrangements children should be seated in chairs and at tables
Examiners are typically well advised to keep test that are appropriate to their size. This arrange-
materials out of sight from the child so as to avoid ment is necessary to ensure that the child can eas-
distracting the child from the task at hand and ily see and manipulate the test materials.
to keep the young or obstreperous child from
destroying the organization of the materials.
Examiners also should have all of the materials
arranged prior to the child's entering the testing
room. This preparation will allow the examiner Rapport is the process of establishing a comfort-
to focus on his interaction with the child when he able working relationship with a child (Anastasi,
enters the testing room as opposed to arranging 1988). More than anything else, the practical ad-
materials. vice given earlier in this chapter on familiarizing
For some examiners the choice of seating oneself with the developmental characteristics of
arrangements is influenced by their personal children will be most helpful to the new exam-
preference. Some examiners, for example, prefer iner in learning how to establish rapport. In ad-
to sit across the table from the child. This allows dition this section will provide some sage wisdom
the examiner to easily keep the materials and the on the topic. Binet and Simon (1905) give rec-
record form out of the child's view. For many ommendations on the establishment of rapport.
examiners who work with children, it is either As the inventors of modern intelligence testing,
necessary and/or preferable to sit next to the their words are worthy of our attention.
child. For young children this allows the exam-
iner to more closely monitor the child during The examination should take place in a quiet room,
testing (in other words, this allows the examiner quite isolated, and the child should be called in alone
without other children. It is important that when a child
to grab the child if he starts to run) and direct his
sees the experimenterfor the first time, he should be re-
attention as necessary.
assured by the presence ofsomeone he knows, a relative,
One advantage of sitting across the table an attendant, or a school superintendent. The witness
from the child is that it makes it more likely should be instructed to remain passive and mute, and not
that the examiner will orient materials cor- to intervene in the examination by either word or ges-
rectly for the child's viewing or manipulation. ture. The experimenter should receive each child with a
I have seen many anxious novices who are so friendly familiarity to dispel the timidity ofearly years.
Greet him the moment he enters, shake hands with him Young Children
and seat him comfortably. If he is intelligent enough to
understand certain words, awaken his curiosiry, his pride.
Kamphaus, Dresden, and Kaufman (1993) de-
Ifhe refuses to reply to a test, pass to the next one, or per- lineate several characteristics of young children
haps offer him a piece ofcandy; if his silence continues, that make them more of a challenge in the as-
send him away until another time. These are little inci- sessment setting. These include the following
dents that frequently occur in an examination of the characteristics.
mental state, because in its last analysis, an examination
of this kind is based upon the good will of the subject.
1. Young children view the world differently from
(Jenkins & Paterson, 1961, p. 94) adults and older children and so have a differ-
ent view of the assessment process (Goldman,
Binet and Simon (1908) give additional rec- Stein, & Querry, 1983). More specifically, chil-
ommendations on the conduct of an intellectual dren under the age of 5 or 6 tend to be egocen-
assessment. tric and are unable to take the perspective of
another person. Because young children are
The subject to be examined should be kindly received; if only able to understand their own feelings and
he seems timid he should be reassured at once, not only by needs, they are less likely to be motivated by
a kind tone but also by giving him first the tests which extrinsic rewards and are often less compliant
seem most like play, for example-giving change for 20 than older children (Goldman et al., 1983;
sou., constantly encourage him during the tests in a gen-
Lidz, 1983).
tle voice; one should show satisfaction with his answers
whatever they may be. One should never criticize nor 2. The physical development of young children
lose time by attempting to teach him the test; there is a requires a high level of activity, and they may
time for everything. The child is here that his mental have trouble sitting still for long periods of
capaciry may be judged, not that he may be instructed. time (Lidz, 1983). Dealing with this straight-
Never help him by supplementary explanation which forward problem may require considerable in-
may suggest the answer. Often one is tempted to do so, genuity on the part of the examiner.
but it is wrong. (Jenkins & Paterson, 1961, p. 97)
3. Many children of this age require naps and/or
It has also been argued that the intelligence frequent snacks, so testing sessions must be
scheduled to accommodate these needs.
test itself (Glasser & Zimmerman, 1967) is often
effective at building rapport for the school-age 4. One of the major developmental tasks of the
child. This comment highlights a major differ- preschool years is the ability to separate suc-
ence between establishing rapport and establish- cessfully from significant adults. As many
ing a therapeutic relationship. Some students children continue to struggle with this issue,
confuse the two. Perhaps because of their thera- the assessment process will be complicated by
peutic training and good intentions, they try to the difficulties involved in being away from a
develop something more akin to a therapeutic parent or trusted teacher (Lidz, 1983).
relationship in lieu of a working relationship. For 5. The cognitive capabilities of young children
the purposes of assessing a child's intelligence, a also differ from those of older children and
therapeutic relationship is not necessary unless create challenges for the examiner. Preschool-
the testing session is a prelude to or occurs in the aged children are beset with several cognitive
context of psychotherapy. Many of my students limitations: (a) they are only able to perceive or
have found that trying too hard to establish a re- focus on one dimension of an object at a time
lationship has proved counterproductive. They (e.g., height or width); (b) they are only able to
have found that after spending a half hour trying remember a few pieces of information at a
to develop a relationship that the child may then time (and don't know how to use mnemonic
be too weary to take the test. strategies to increase their memory capacity);
(c) they do not understand the principle of 2. Examiners should be reassuring and encour-
transitivity (knowing that A > B, and B > C aging (Anastasi, 1988; Epps, 1974).
does not, to them, imply that A > C); (d) they 3. Examiners should be patient with the child's
may not understand concepts of time, or even efforts.
such relational terms as alike or different; and
(e) they often do not have well-developed ver- In addition to the style used by the examiner
bal expressive skills (Goldman et al., 1983; to interact with the child, the appearance of the
Lidz, 1983). examiner may even come into play. Exceedingly
6. The behavior of young children is simply elaborate clothing or jewelry may receive more
more variable than that of older children interest from the child than the test materials. All
(Lidz, 1983) and, in addition, young children of this information is not intended to make the
are much more susceptible to the influence new trainee obsess unduly about her personality
of extraneous variables. The characteristics of style or appearance prior to her first testing ses-
the examiner and of the environment exert sion. Examiners will find that most children and
more control over the performance of chil- adolescents will respond to any adult who is sin-
dren, especially young children, than they cerely interested in their well-being.
do on the performance of adults (Anastasi, Some specific suggestions for examiner behav-
1988, p. 38). iors that may be helpful for establishing rapport
with particularly young children include the fol-
In addition to child characteristics, it is also lowing (Kamphaus et al., 1993).
important to consider the effects of examiner
characteristics on children's behavior, especially 1. Place yourself at the child's eye level before you
the more variable behavior of young children. begin talking to them (Sattler, 1988); squatting
Unfortunately, while opinions abound on the is preferable to bending over because you are
potential effects of examiner characteristics on a then truly at their level.
child's intelligence test performance (Anastasi, 2. Introduce yourself to the child, avoiding use
1988; Barber, 1973; Epps, 1974; Sarason, 1954), of the title "Dr.," and ask what you should call
the research literature provides very little guid- him or her (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983a).
ance on the impact of examiner variables. Con- 3. Do not be overly demonstrative or intrusive;
cern has been voiced on the effects of a mismatch allow the child to make the first move (Anas-
between examiner and child on characteristics tasi, 1988).
such as race (Epps, 1974) and linguistic back-
ground (Figueroa, 1990). There appears to be a 4. Be honest and direct, explain to the child ex-
consensus, even without research data, that it is actly what will happen during the session.
desirable for examiner and child to share as many 5. Speak clearly-avoid both a "cutesy," high-
background characteristics as possible in order to pitched approach and an overly technical,
establish rapport. adult style of conversation (Paget, 1983).
Several suggestions have been offered for de-
veloping a personality style that is optimal for the The astute examiner will notice that there are
development of rapport, especially with young basically two methods for establishing rapport,
children. Kamphaus et al. (1993) have gleaned talking and doing. For many school-age children
the following suggestions from the literature on and adolescents talking will suffice. The exam-
this topic. iner may be able to quite satisfactorily develop
rapport by asking her about her family, hobbies,
1. Examiners should be friendly, cheerful, re- toys, friends, and school. For the younger child,
laxed, warm, and natural (Anastasi, 1988). on the other hand, doing may be more important
than talking. Many preschool and early elemen- If the child is brought to the examiner, it is
tary grade children may present themselves as helpful to begin the conversation with a neutral or
mutes when initially greeted by the examiner. It "easy" topic such as the weather. Especially useful
is often difficult to counteract their reticence by for starting conversations in these situations are
asking them questions. I have a "magic wand" concrete objects like fish tanks or appealing toys.
once given to me by a colleague. I have found
that many young children readily overcome their Creating Interest
reticence when they are given the wand and its
and Motivation
uses are explained to them. The point being
made here is that the examiner should have at Motivating the child requires the examiner to
her disposal objects such as toys, puppets, or even understand how the child perceives the assess-
pencil and paper that may be used to draw out ment and how the child feels about being as-
the reticent child. sessed. This knowledge will enable the examiner
to present the various tasks in a manner that is
both interesting and nonthreatening.
In addition, the attitude of the examiner to-
ward the assessment process will have an impact
The process of conducting an assessment is com- on the child's level of interest and motivation. An
plex, requiring all of the clinical and interper- examiner with a cheerful and friendly attitude
sonal skill an examiner can muster. Several will convey to the child the message that the
practical aspects of the skills required and process assessment process will be enjoyable for both of
of conducting an effective intellectual assessment them (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983a).
will be discussed in this section. The plan for the entire session and the require-
If the examiner must go to the child's class- ments of each task as it is presented should be
room or day care room to get her, he or she thoroughly explained to the child. Testing should
should not ask the child to leave in the middle of begin as soon as the child seems ready, in order to
an activity or at the beginning of a preferred ac- maximize the time before the child gets tired
tivity (Kamphaus et al., 1993). To the extent pos- (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983). Tasks should be
sible, the examiner should spend some time in presented as shared activities, and it is generally
the classroom just watching the child. This ob- useful to begin with subtests that are appealing
servation time will facilitate the familiarization and relatively easy (Anastasi, 1988).
process and will likely add a great deal to the ex-
aminer's understanding of the assessment results. How to Start
When it is time to begin the session, the child
should not be asked if he or she is ready to go- One of the most frequent questions of new ex-
this violates the old adage of never giving a child aminers is how to start. Glasser and Zimmerman
a choice unless they do, in fact, have a choice. In- (1967) provide an introduction to the WISC that
stead, the examiner should approach the child may be used to introduce any test of intelligence.
with positive, confident anticipation and simply They advise beginning the session by saying the
state that now it is time to go (Paget, 1983). The following:
examiner may wish to tell the child that she will I will be giving you this test which, as you see, is divided
be playing some games and that her help is needed into eleven parts (here demonstrate this by showing the
to gather some information. Specific words are selections on the blank). Each part starts out with easy
not particularly important; it is the way you ap- questions which then get harder as we go along. This is
proach the child that will make a difference (see because the test is made up to test children from the first
Research Report 4.1). grade on, up through high school. Don't wony if you
Considering the number ofstudies conducted to· date, tests administered, and subject variables, the findings are not substantial. The lit-
erature does not lend itselfto an adequate determination ofwhether rewards influence performance, under what conditions, and for
whom. (p. 214)
Fish (1988) does recognize that individual children may not be putting forth maximum effort and proposes the
use of reinforcement as a procedure for "testing the limits." An examiner could retest a child on portions or all of
an intelligence test if the child's motivation on the first test is suspect. If scores obtained under reinforcement con-
ditions are significantly higher (higher than one would expect by chance) than previous scores, the examiner will be
able to more confidently interpret a child's profile and how it may be affected by motivational factors.
can't get all the questions right-I don't expect you to. while others do not. As children differ so should
But I do want you to do the best you can. (p.11) the introduction.
I use a similar statement to introduce intelli-
gence tests. My little speech is as follows:
Using Praise
In attempting to encourage children, examiners
I will be administering you this test to determine how should praise effort instead of correctness. The
you think and solve problems. Yourjob in taking this test new trainee should know that this advice is awk-
is to try as hard as you can. You will probably find some
ward to follow. I have found that new students
ofthe items easy and others to be hard. This is to be ex-
pected since this test has items for both very young and
have an extremely difficult time avoiding the use
older children. The important thing is that you just give of phrases such as "that's right" or "you got it."
your best effort. Let me know if you get tired or for This temptation to praise correctness is particu-
whatever reason you need to take a break. larly difficult after a child has worked very hard
on a very demanding item. This situation may
I do recommend that the examiner be flexible tempt the examiner to stand up and cheer, let
in the wording she uses to introduce the test. alone praise correctness. Of course, the reason
Some children will require considerable assurance why it is desirable for the examiner not to praise
correctness is because the child may then become then the examiner is likely doing something
demoralized when his behavior is not praised. wrong that may have something to do with the
There are some steps that the new examiner appropriate use of praise.
can take to avoid the temptation to praise cor-
rectness. These include the following.
Keeping the Child on Task
1. Make a point to praise effort on items that the The primary tool for keeping children on task is
child did not get correct as well as on items that simply the reinforcement of on-task behavior. So-
the child did get correct. cial approval or praise may be used liberally, but
2. Use phrases such as the following to praise again, praise should be directed at process, not the
effort. product (Anastasi, 1988; Sattler, 1988). Such
comments as "I see you're really thinking hard,"
"You are working very hard."
or "I can tell you're really trying," can be valuable
"Keep up the good effort." reinforcers. Praise of this type, however, should
"I really appreciate the hard work you are be spontaneous and genuine, not redundant or
doing on this." perfunctory. Physical contact, used appropriately,
"Thanks for your hard work." can also be reinforcing and motivating to a child.
A pat on the arm, or even a hug, can show chil-
"You are really concentrating well."
dren that you like them and want them to try to
"That was a tricky one, thanks for sticking do their best.
with it." Keeping children on task will be easier if the
3. Avoid praising effort by using the following testing sessions are brief (Ana<;tasi, 1988) and if the
phrases. examiner makes allowances for different needs
"You got it right." wherever possible. Some subtests can be done on
the floor or in a different part of the room, and the
"Good answer."
order of the tasks can be varied to suit the individ-
"Right." ual needs of the child. For example, shy or anxious
"That's correct." children are likely to perform best when the initial
tasks are unstructured, play-type procedures that
It is also important to not give "faint praise" do not have obvious right and wrong answers,
(undeserved praise). Even the youngest exami- while highly active children benefit from begin-
nees can detect false praise, and the examiner ning with structured activities that help them to
risks the possibility of rewarding uncooperative focus their attention. For most children, however,
behavior. I was recently reminded again of the alternating tasks demanding close attention with
savvy of young children when my 5-year-old those that are more play-like and/or emphasize
brought home her first report card from school. motor skills makes good sense.
She pointed to the "excellent" that she received Another area where testing sessions can be
in reading and said, "That's an A." modified to suit the needs of individual children
The new examiner can gauge his skill at prais- is in the area of the pacing or tempo of the assess-
ing effort in lieu of correctness by observing the ment (Sattler, 1988). Some children do best with a
reactions of young elementary-grade children slow and relaxed pace, while other children need to
to the testing session. If the trainee used praise move very swiftly from one subtest to the next in
appropriately, most young children will speak order to keep their attention on the tasks. Exam-
positively or at least not negatively of the testing iners should be attentive to signs of boredom, fa-
session. If many children are demoralized and tigue, or overstimulation and should adjust the
apparently upset at the end of a testing session, tempo or length of the testing session accordingly.
Children should also be allowed to respond in elaboration without giving hints as to the correct
their own way and at their own pace. It takes a response.
great deal of sensitivity to know how to handle The need for cuing responses usually comes
children who are very slow to respond or who into play in the following circumstances.
frequently say that they don't know the answer.
On the one hand, children should not be urged 1. When a child responds to an item very quickly
to respond before they are ready, but on the by saying, "I don't know."
other hand children who respond that they don't 2. When a child refuses to respond to an item
know should generally be encouraged to try and communicates this nonverbally (by per-
again (Sattler, 1988). It is sometimes difficult to haps shaking his head no), or by saying some-
know what to do, but when children hesitate or thing like, "That's too hard for me" or "I can't
say, "I don't know," it is usually a good idea to do it."
make sure that they have understood the direc-
3. When the child asks for help with the problem.
tions and then to encourage them to try again.
A final technique for keeping children on task 4. When the child responds in a matter that is not
is the judicious use of breaks. Some children will clearly correct or incorrect, but is ambiguous.
be refreshed by a chance to get up and stretch
for a moment, others will lose their concentra- In the first two situations when a child does
tion and have difficulty getting back to work. It not seem to be giving her best effort or even
is the examiner's job to use breaks in such a way some effort the child may be masking her own
that they maximize the child's ability to perform intelligence by not responding at a level that she
well on the tests. Although it is advisable to let may be capable of. This behavior does not allow
children work steadily if they seem to be doing the examiner to view the child's maximum per-
fine, it is the examiner's responsibility to watch formance and may result in scores that are in-
for any signs of discomfort and to offer the shy valid in the sense that they do not reflect the
child an opportunity to use the bathroom or get child's ability. Hence, the examiner should help
a drink of water. Active or restless children will the child give his or her best effort by cuing re-
frequently request breaks or the opportunity to sponses. Examiners should use neutral phrases
play again with some favorite materials. These such as the following that do not give hints as to
requests can be granted upon completion of other the correct response.
tests thus serving as rewards for appropriate be- Suggested cues include:
havior. For example, "You may have another
drink of water as soon as we finish this game." 1. "Tell me more about it."
In this way the examiner maintains control while 2. "Explain what you mean."
being responsive to the needs of the child (see 3. "Explain more fully."
Research Report 4.2).
4. "Tell me more."
Cuing Responses
None of these statements are given in the
Examiners are not permitted to query responses form of a question so as not to allow the child to
in such a way as to give hints as to the correct re- respond to a query by saying "no" (Wechsler,
sponse. As with the use of praise, examiners are 1974). Questions such as "Can you tell me more
again asked to respond to children in the assess- about it" are thus discouraged.
ment setting in an unusual and awkward manner. The queries suggested above are also to be used
Examiners have to elicit more information re- to elicit more complete explanations of verbal
garding a child's response by asking the child for responses. This situation is particularly germane
Subjects for the study were 311 children ranging in age from 7 years 6 months to 14 years 4 months with a mean
of 10.5 years. Each child was administered the WISC-R, the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children (ABIC)
(administered to parents), and the California Achievement Test (CAT). The Test Behavior Observation Guide
(TBOG) was used as the measure of test session behavior. The items of interest from the TBOG included per-
formance rate, orientation to examination, initial adjustment, interest, cooperation, expressive ability, attention, self-
confidence, motivation, effort, persistence, ability to shift, reaction to praise and encouragement, reaction to failure,
and self-criticism. Each item was rated by examiners on a 5-point scale where 1 represents optimal behavior.
The TBOG was submitted to an exploratory factor analysis procedure, and three factors were identified as the most
parsimonious explanation of the item set. The first factor was labeled Task Attentiveness, the second Task Confidence, and
the third as Cooperative Disposition. These three factors of the TBOG were used in all subsequent analyses.
The correlations between the TBOG and the WISC-R were moderate (.40 to .50 range). The TBOG correla-
tions with the ABIC and CAT were generally smaller. The correlations of the TBOG with the ABIC ranged from
.08 to .29, and with the CAT .04 to .36. Cannonical correlation analyses were then used to study the overlap in vari-
ance between these variables further.
The higher correlations of the TBOG with the WISC-R were interpreted as supportive of the intrasession va-
lidity of observations during testing. The lower correlations of the TBOG with the ABIC in particular were taken
as evidence of a lack of exosession validity of test session observations. The authors caution that these findings sug-
gest that test session behaviors may not generalize to other settings thus limiting the ability of the clinician to con-
fidently draw hypotheses about exosession behavior. These results also argue for the importance of taking samples
of behavior from multiple environments as standard operating procedure for child examiners.
to the Wechsler scales, which use a multipoint since it is important that the cuing be nonthreat-
scoring system for many verbal subtests. Exam- ening and nonevaluative. If a number of children
ples of responses to items that would require cuing tested by a new examiner do not respond favor-
include the following. ably to cuing, then the examiner should reevalu-
ate her efforts. In addition, she should evaluate
Item: Tooth her nonverbal behavior when cuing responses,
Unclear Response: Mouth which to some children may be punitive.
Item: Who was the first United States
Incomplete Response: He was a Virginian.
Standardized Procedures
In these situations, the examiner would use one Perhaps one of the most difficult and awkward set
of the cues given above to get the child to elabo- of skills that new examiners must acquire is that
rate on his response. As Wechsler (1974) recog- of adhering to standardized procedures. The im-
nized, cuing responses requires considerable skill portance of adhering to standardized procedures
cannot be overemphasized, however, since it is This same level of rigid adherence to stan-
one of the hallmarks of intelligence testing. \Vhy dardized procedures has to be followed by a user
are standardized procedures important? They are of intelligence tests. The critical difference for
crucial because they ensure that the testing was intelligence test users is that they have to achieve
conducted under similar circumstances for both the difficult balance of rigid adherence to proce-
the child currently being tested and the children dure, and yet not sound stilted or rigid. This is a
tested in order to develop the norm tables. The difficult task indeed! One suggestion I give my
examiner can then feel confident that comparing students is to try and smile as they read instruc-
the child's scores to the norm for his age is justi- tions. I hope that this will force them to think
fied. So ifan examiner does not use standardized pro- about having to portray a warm and friendly atti-
cedures, then he or she should not use the norm tables. tude when administering a test. I think, however,
A recent study highlights the importance of using that the ability to be rigid and yet warm develops
standardized procedures. Hutchens and Thomas only after considerable practice. New examiners
(1990) administered the same digit span test to should practice as if they were actors preparing
82 undergraduate students under two conditions. for a performance.
In the first condition the examiner administered
the stimuli monotonically without dropping his
voice at the end of the stimulus string. In the GENERAL
second condition the same examiner (actually test ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES
administration was done by audiotape for better
control) administered the items while dropping
his voice after the last stimulus digit was given. There are also some administration procedures
The scores on the digit span test differed signifi- that apply to most tests. One of the common
cantly across conditions with the monotonic ad- prohibitions is to not allow memory items to be
ministration being significantly more difficult. repeated. \Vb.ether it be digit, sentence, or object
This finding shows how even seemingly minor recall, if the goal is to assess memory, it is not
changes in administration procedure affect test sensible to repeat the stimuli for the child.
results (Hutchens & Thomas, 1990). A frequent situation encountered by examin-
One of the best ways for new examiners to ers is the child who asks, "Did I get it right?"
understand the importance of standardized pro- The examiner is not allowed to answer this ques-
cedures is to think of their own experience tak- tion, as it effectively gives away too much infor-
ing tests. Most examiners recall taking a college mation about the test's content, an act prohibited
and/or graduate school entrance exam. They also by the Ethical Principles of Psychologists (Amer-
recall that there was a great deal of time at the ican Psychological Association, 1992). Releasing
beginning of the test session that was devoted to test content is prohibited by principle 2, which
explaining the "rules" to be followed in taking states: "... Psychologists make reasonable effort
the test. Examiners probably also remember that to maintain the integrity and security of tests and
the proctor read instructions word for word from other assessment techniques consistent with
an instruction sheet and that they may have law ..." (standard 2.10).
sounded stilted and uninteresting. These instruc- Another nuance of test administration that
tions that were read verbatim were an important can be problematic for trainees is the use of a
part of the standardized method for the test in stopwatch. New examiners are advised to handle
addition to other procedures such as time limits, the stopwatch as they do a wristwatch, as if it is
the number of proctors, and the seating arrange- a very normal tool to use. Unfortunately, I have
ments of examinees. seen many new examiners attempt to hide the
stopwatch. This makes use of the watch seem 2. Items that are readministered using nonstan-
nefarious. dardized procedures or for the purposes of
limit testing should not be counted in any way in
the scoring ofthe test.
Testing the Limits
One important point that a new examiner
Now I would like to contradict everything that I
should take from this discussion is that testing
just said in the previous section, or a least it will
the limits is a very powerful procedure in the
seem that way to the reader, because this sec-
hands of an experienced and sophisticated exam-
tion deals with using nonstandardized procedures
iner. Limit testing is not likely to be as valuable a
to assess intelligence. In common usage this
method for the new examiner.
procedure is called testing the limits. More than
anything else, testing the limits allows the profes-
sional examiner to test hypotheses. An example
would be a fire alarm interrupting the testing
General Scoring Principles
session at the end of a subtest where a child had There are a few principles of item scoring that
missed several items in a row and was near to meet- apply to virtually all major intelligence tests. One
ing the discontinue criterion. The null hypothesis of these is the importance of adherence to time
that the examiner may want to test here is that the limits. Generally speaking, a correct response
interruption caused by the fire alarm did not ad- given after the time limit allowed for the item
versely affect the child's performance and cause has expired is scored as a failure. Examiners may
her to discontinue prematurely thus inappropri- not reason that the response was given "close
ately lowering her score on the subtest. enough" to the time limit and give credit as this
In this case the examiner would go back and would likely be a violation of standardized scor-
readminister these items in order to test her hy- ing procedures.
pothesis. This will allow the sophisticated exam- A more difficult scoring dilemma occurs
iner to qualify her test results appropriately in when a child gives multiple verbal responses to
her written and verbal reports. If the child were an item. The question in the examiner's mind
to get several of the previously missed items cor- then is which item to score, and what to do if a
rect during limit testing, then the null hypothesis child gives an incorrect and a correct response.
would be disproved. If this occurred the exam- It is generally agreed that in the case of multiple
iner would have to carefully describe the poten- verbal responses to an item that the examiner
tial detrimental impact of the interruption on the should score the response that the child clearly
child's performance. If the impact were such that indicates is her final response. Consider the fol-
the child's intelligence were severely underesti- lowing example.
mated by the test, then limit testing may provide
enough evidence to discard the entire test. In this Vocabulary Item: Bird
situation the examiner would likely administer a Response: "A small animal with fur; no it has
new intelligence test to the child. feathers and can fly."
The examiner who readministers items for the
purposes of testing limits should, however, follow
In this case the child clearly intended his last re-
these guidelines.
sponse to replace the first. This situation, how-
ever, is relatively clear cut. In some cases it is not
1. Items should be readministered only after the clear at all if a child intends a later response to re-
entire intelligence test has been administered. place an earlier one. If a child gives a laundry list
of responses with no clear indication of which Unfortunately, there is frequently a time delay
one he prefers, then the examiner may have to between testing a child and writing a report. This
ask something like "Which one is it?" (Wechsler, delay of hours, days, or even weeks can cause the
1974; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983a) memory of a child's performance to fade.
It is also possible for a child to spoil a response A written record of responses is also impor-
by replacing a correct response with an incorrect tant when an examiner needs to report on the
response. This event may occur on both verbal child's performance at some time in the future.
and nonverbal items. An examiner can get very For example, an examiner may be asked to give
frustrated watching a child construct something considerable detail about a child's performance
like a Wechsler Block Design item correctly and at a court proceeding that is called years after the
then dismantle it. If the child indicates that her child was originally tested. A written record also
incorrect Block Design construction is intended serves as proof that services were in fact deliv-
to replace the previous correct construction, then ered, should this ever be questioned.
it is the incorrect one that is scored. Similarly, if The examiner needs to take the process of re-
a child responds correctly to a verbal item but cording responses seriously. While this endeavor
replaces her response with an incorrect one, she may seem an arduous one for the trainee, it is
does not receive credit. The following example in the long-term interest of the child and the
illustrates this point. examiner to do so. Fortunately, some time can
be saved by using a "shorthand" system for re-
Vocabulary Item: Roach cording the child's responses. A sample system is
Response: "An insect; no, a style of clothing. shown below.
Examiners often have difficulty reading a child's l. All of the child's verbal responses to items
intentions. They can develop a better sense for should be recorded verbatim.
this with training and experience. A more fre- 2. If a response is unclear or incomplete and is
quently encountered scoring problem is the case cued by the examiner, he or she should enter
where a child gets an item correct but does so after a "Q" (Query) and record the child's response
the time limit for the item has expired. This situ- to the cue.
ation occurs on subtests such as Block Design of
3. Many tests require an examiner to model cor-
the Wechsler Scales, Triangles of the K-ABC, and
rect responses especially on easy items. If, for
Pattern Analysis of the Stanford-Binet Fourth
example, a child responds to the question,
Edition. In most cases, where a child solves an
"Who discovered the north pole" incorrectly,
item correctly after the time limit is expired, a
the examiner may be instructed to give the child
child does not receive credit.
a correct response to this question before pro-
ceeding to the next question. When an exam-
Recording Responses iner models a response per standardized
procedure, an ''M" (model) should be entered by
To the extent that it is practical, a detailed writ-
the item on the record form.
ten record of the child's responses to the indi-
vidual items needs to be kept. This record is 4. If a child exceeds the time limit allowed for an
important for a number of reasons. A written item, the examiner should enter a "T" (time)
record is invaluable for use by the examiner in on the record form.
interpretation and report writing. Moreover, the 5. If the examiner repeats an item at the child's re-
written record will provide valuable details to quest (note that this is not allowed on a number
enhance the examiner's memory of the child's of subtests, especially memory tests-this is
performance for the purposes of report writing. typically allowed on arithmetic and vocabulary
tests), then an "R" (repeat) should be entered her with a framework for observing behavior
on the record form. during the session. Among other possibilities,
6. If a child points to indicate a correct response some of the typical aspects of child test-taking
in lieu of a verbal response (this is allowed on behavior that are observed by examiners include
the Picture Completion subtest of the \VISC- the following.
111 and the Expressive Vocabulary subtest of
the K-ABC), the examiner should enter "pts" • A description of the examinee, which may
(points) on the record form. include aspects such as appearance, physical
7. A "Ro" (rotation) is noted when a child con- limitations, and posture.
structs a design correctly but rotates it signifi- • Speech, including quality of the individual's
cantly (about 30 to 40 degrees or more). This voice, amount and quality of verbalization,
notation is used on tests such as \VISC-111 and a general impression of the ability of the
Block Design and Stanford-Binet Fourth Edi- child to express himself verbally.
tion Pattern Analysis.
• Vision and hearing, including any signs of de-
8. The notation "OT" (over time) is used to sig- ficiencies in these areas such as squinting or
nify when a child solved an item correctly but asking that questions be repeated frequently.
did so after the time limit for the item had
• Attitude toward the testing, including obser-
vations of a lack of cooperation.
9. The letters "DK" (don't know) are written to
• Gross and fine motor skills, including the in-
signify when a child said something like "I
dividual's gait, the presence or absence of
don't know" in response to an item.
motor ticks.
• Activity level, ranging from high activity levels
to very low levels of energy or activity.
Making and Recording
Observations • Self-confidence, including any self-deprecating
statements made by the child.
The child's behavior during testing is frequently • Attention, concentration, achievement moti-
a crucial variable for testing hypotheses that may vation, and effort.
explain a child's performance. Hence, making
relatively detailed behavioral observations eases • Persistence, tenacity, and the child's reaction
somewhat the interpretive work of the examiner to praise or encouragement.
by providing a considerable amount of data
against which to test hypotheses. The richness These are just a few of the variables that ex-
of interpretive information yielded by detailed aminers typically note about the child's behav-
observations is shown in the psychological report ior during testing. More structured behavioral
excerpts given in Figures 4.2 and 4.3. Note that observation systems are also available, such as
like a good novel the detailed description of the the Test Behavior Checklist (Aylward & Mac-
child yields a vivid portrayal in the reader's mind. Gruder, 1986).
The lucidness of the portrayal assists the reader Whether the examiner chooses to use one of
in understanding the child's results more fully. the systems mentioned or not, the new examiner
Several informal procedures for recording should use some sort of system for recording
behavioral observations have been offered (e.g., observations during testing. This forces the new
Aylward & MacGruder, 1986). Guides such as examiner to think more critically about a variety
the Test Behavior Checklist are particularly help- of aspects of child behavior that may affect chil-
ful to the new examiner because they provide dren's obtained scores.
Brad was eager to be tested. He met the examiner at the door of the clinic room and enthusiastically
escorted her into the room. He was ready immediately to begin testing.
It was apparent early on that Brad is a highly verbal child. He chattered incessantly before, during, and
after testing, and he particularly enjoyed the tests that required verbal responses. He occasionally bragged
about how much he knew, and commented on how easy some of the questions were. However, his
thoughts often became tangential and he had to be directed back onto task frequently. For example, when
asked to answer questions that required comprehension of certain concepts, he would answer the question
and then start telling a story either about the question, or about something that had nothing to do with the
question at all. He was particularly excited over the stopwatch, and many of his stories revolved around
how fast he could run, how fast he could ride his bike, and how fast the race cars would be going at the
Talladega 500.
Brad's behavior was marked by drastic changes from one subtest to the other; a change that was usually
brought about by moving from a Verbal subtest to a Performance test. On the Verbal items, he appeared
comfortable and at ease, and when confronted with an item he did not know, he simply said he forgot or
he had not done that in school yet. \Vhen presented with Performance tasks, he became irritated and
frustrated. On an item on which he was asked to assemble pieces of a puzzle together, he accused the
examiner of not giving him all of the pieces. He continually insisted that he could not do what was being
asked, and that the tasks were not fair. However, he eventually did complete the puzzles, only giving up
completely when the task clearly was too difficult for him. He grew frustrated at another subtest that
required him to assemble blocks to match a picture, and at one point he stood up and pushed the pieces
across the table. This mood did not seem to spill over onto the immediately succeeding test, however, as
Brad became calm again with the introduction of a more verbally oriented task.
One final note-Brad went on four self-imposed breaks. The examiner felt these were necessary in order
to get optimal performance for the remaining test items. It was clear that he could not stick to the testing
for prolonged periods of time, as during testing he occasionally got .out of his chair and began walking
around. His conversation became most tangential at these times, and it was relatively easy for the examiner
to predict when his next break would be.
Behavioral observation-WISC-III
Sharon is an attractive and friendly 9-year-old female, who was tested in her home. Throughout the
assessment session, Sharon was cooperative and helpful. For example, she offered the examiner a soft drink
several times during the assessment session. In addition, she offered to help transport testing material from
the examiner's car into Sharon's home. Sharon maintained excellent eye contact during the course of the
assessment and excellent rapport was established.
Prior to testing, Sharon appeared concerned that she would not do well on the test. She asked the examiner
several questions such as, "What grade do most kids get on the test?" and "If I don't do very good, can I take
it again?" Consequently, Sharon appeared to work hard on each test item. Before answering a question, she
often spent several seconds thinking intently. While contemplating an answer, Sharon would wrinkle her
forehead and repeat the question to herself before answering. On several items, she asked the examiner to
repeat the question. During the Number Recall subtest, a test that requires the examinee to repeat a string
of numbers back in a certain sequence, and the Word Order subtest, a test that requires the examinee to
identify a series of pictures from memory, Sharon demonstrated rehearsal strategies. She repeated items
softly to herself several times before answering. At one point during the Word Order subtest, Sharon stated,
"I'm trying to figure out the best way to remember these." Sharon appeared to work especially hard during
the Triangle subtest, in which the examinee uses triangles to reproduce abstract designs. On most of the
items, Sharon would not give up until she was able to reproduce the appropriate design. For example, after
working for several minutes on a particular design, the examiner suggested that Sharon try another pattern.
Sharon would not agree to move on to the next item until she was told that she would be allowed to come
back to the item on which she was working. After the Triangle subtest was completed, Sharon stated that
she had enjoyed the subtest. She said, "It's kind of fun doing this to see how well you can match the picture
(copy the abstract design with the blocks)."
Behavioral observation-K-ABC
experience for the child. It also may help the child their ability to translate the "baby talk" of their
gain a better understanding of the experience and children. Thus, infant assessment requires that
place it in some kind of context. the examiner develop a good rapport with the
mother as well as with the baby. In fact, rapport
with the mother is probably more important.
Assessing Infants
Rapport with the mother will be facilitated by
The assessment of children under 24 months of making eye contact, smiling, and approaching
age typically involves different psychometric in- her in a direct and friendly manner. The reason
struments (as is discussed in Chapter 12) and for the assessment and/or more neutral topics
some further modifications in the standard assess- such as the weather and parking difficulties
ment procedure. The most notable difference in may provide good material for an opening con-
the assessment of infants is that their mothers are versation. It is also important to explain the test-
typically present during the testing session and ing procedures thoroughly to the mother and to
are an integral part of the process. Parents are continue to explain what you are doing as you
crucial in the assessment of infants because of go along.
The examiner should be aware of the context very tricky indeed. In any case, a testing session
surrounding the individual testing session. This is should not be scheduled during a regular nap or
particularly important when testing infants be- feeding time.
cause the examiner has the opportunity to provide Recommendations regarding the environ-
the parent with some information about her child. ment are essentially the same for infants as for
For example, the examiner may use the session to preschoolers, with the addition of several sugges-
model appropriate interaction with an infant for a tions. The floor should be carpeted, and there
parent whose parenting skills need strengthening, should be comfortable places for the young in-
or may highlight the child's capabilities in order to fant-a quilt on the floor and an infant seat, for
reassure an overly anxious parent. example. If infant seats are not available, the
Scheduling, though an important considera- mother can be asked to bring the infant to the
tion with preschoolers, is crucial with infants. testing session in his or her car seat and the car
Young infants may have only an hour or two of seat can be used instead.
alert time each day, and it is imperative that ex- Because infants generally have such brief peri-
aminers attempt to schedule testing for this time. ods when they are happy and alert, the examiner
Unfortunately, predicting these alert times is must pace the session carefully and be extremely
often very difficult, making the testing of infants flexible. The pace of the session must be very
rapid in order to catch as much optimal behavior • It is important to conduct a thorough inter-
as possible, and very calm and gentle in order not view of a child's or adolescent's parents or
to overstimulate the baby. Too many repetitions caregivers in order to collect relevant back-
of an item or too many items in too little time ground information.
can cause the baby to be overwhelmed and fall • It is helpful for the new examiner to use a
apart. Flexibility is also necessary-the examiner standard form for collecting background in-
may have to follow a toddler around the room formation in order to ensure that no impor-
administering whatever item seems most likely tant aspects of behavior are missed.
to attract the child's attention. The key to flexi-
ble, swift, yet relaxed administration of a test is • Environmental variables can be crucial for de-
a very thorough knowledge of the test and total termining the success or failure of an intelli-
familiarity with the materials. This preparedness gence testing session.
enables the examiner to move rapidly from one • If a parent wants to observe the testing ses-
item to another while focusing on the child and sion, an examiner must take the time neces-
maximizing the likelihood that the child will per- sary to fully explain the pros and cons of
form up to the level of his or her true capability. observing.
• Rapport refers to the process of establishing a
CONCLUSIONS comfortable working relationship with a child.
• Examiners should have at their disposal ob-
jects such as toys, puppets, or even pencil and
Acquiring clinical assessment skills can be a
paper that may be used to draw out the reti-
daunting task, especially for the new clinician
cent child.
who has little experience with children. A lack
of experience with children, however, is easily • If the child is brought to the examiner, it is
remedied through experimental means. It be- helpful to begin the conversation with a neu-
hooves the new examiner to seek out these expe- tral or "easy" topic such as the weather. Espe-
riences in order to ease the process of testing. cially useful for starting conversations in these
Strong clinical interaction skills are also im- situations are concrete objects like fish tanks
portant to parents who are seeking evaluations or appealing toys.
for their children. A clinician without strong in- • Motivating the child requires the examiner to
terpersonal skills has the same difficulties as a understand how the child perceives the as-
physician without "bedside manner." Parents are sessment and how the child feels about being
especially sensitive to how a child responds to a assessed.
professional, and they may become dissatisfied if
a clinician cannot develop a good working rela- • Examiners should praise the child's effort in-
tionship with their child. stead of the correctness of the child's re-
• The primary tool for keeping children on
CHAPTER SUMMARY task is simply the reinforcement of on-task
• Substantial clinical skill is required to prop- • It is not permissible for examiners to query re-
erly administer an intelligence test. sponses in such a way as to give hints as to the
• Observing other child professionals can be a correct response.
useful activity for acquiring clinical skills for • Examiners must adhere to standardized pro-
assessing young children. cedures.
• Testing the limits allows the professional ex- by providing a considerable amount of data
aminer to test hypotheses. against which to test hypotheses.
• A correct response given after the time limit • At the close of the assessment the examiner
allowed for the item has expired is scored as a should discuss the testing session with the
failure. child and elicit his or her feelings about it.
• A detailed written record of the child's re- • Mothers, fathers, and other caretakers are
sponses to the individual items should be kept. crucial in the assessment of infants because
• Detailed behavioral observations ease some- of their ability to translate the "baby talk" of
what the interpretive work of the examiner their children.
Psychometric Principles
and Issues
The task for research in individual differences in cogni- Users of intelligence tests should have a thor-
tive abilities is one ofmapping a large territory. Some ough understanding of statistics, scaling, and mea-
350 years after the New World was opened up by surement principles. The discussion to follow,
Columbus, the British Admiralty, with the voyage ofthe however, would hardly qualify as "thorough."
Beagle, was still engaged in making more adequate This chapter is merely a reminder of what stu-
maps to sail ships around its waters; the task ofmapping
dents have already covered in previous course-
the terrain of the New World is still going on-using
cameras in satellites, space shuttles, and other modern
work that is central to the use of intelligence
gadgetry. The task we have ofmapping the terrain and tests. It is assumed that the user of this text has
the waters of cognitive individual differences is even had, at a minimum, undergraduate courses in sta-
more immense. If it is ever completed-even to a rea- tistics and tests and measurement. If a user of this
sonable approximation-we willfind that we have com- text is not acquainted with some of the principles
pleted a large part of the task of psychological science discussed here, then a statistics and/or measure-
itself. (Carroll, 1983, pp. 29-30) ment textbook should be consulted. There are a
number ofexcellent measurement textbooks avail-
able including Anastasi and Urbina (1997).
This chapter begins with a review of basic
CHAPTER QUESTIONS principles of statistics and measurement includ-
ing topics ranging from measures of central ten-
dency to factor analysis. The last portion of the
How do scientists assess the reliability of in- chapter introduces measurement issues that are
telligence tests? more specific to the use and interpretation of in-
How are intelligence tests_ validated? telligence tests.
also important because it helps in understanding term bell-shaped). Sometimes researchers do not
the normal curve. obtain normal distributions of scores in their
samples, but when large samples of intelligence
THE NORMAL CURVE test performance are collected, and there is little
sampling error, the distributions approximate
normality very closely (see Figure 5.1). In a nor-
The normal curve refers to the graphic depic- mal distribution there are a few people with very
tion of distributions of test scores that is sym- low scores (these people are represented by the
metrical (normal), resembling a bell (hence, the tail of the curve on the left), a few with very high
-4SD -3SD -2SD -ISO .\lean +!SD +2SD +3SD +4SD
Test Score
z score
-4 -3 -2 -I 0 +I +2 +3 +4
10 20 30 40 ;o 60 70 80 90
Binet 4 standard
age scores 26 34 42 50 58 66 74
Binet 4 Composite
52 68 84 100 116 132 148
\\'cchslcr Dc\'iation
IQ(SD = 15) 55 70 85 100 I 15 130 145
Wechsler Subtest
Scaled Score 4 7 10 13 16 19
.f.% I rn Imfl 17½ 120% 11;%!'2 ', I 7% I i%
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
scores (the tail on the right), and many individ- Raw scores on most tests of intelligence are sim-
uals with scores about the average (the highest ply comprised of the number of items correct, or
point in the curve). they are a summation of the number of points
When a distribution is normal or bell-shaped, earned on individual items. The term raw is
as is the case in Figure 5.1, the SD always divides probably apropos for these scores in that they
up the same proportion of a normal distribution. give little information about the child's per-
More specifically, ±1 SD always includes approx- formance as compared to his/her peers. As such,
imately 68% of the cases in a normal distribu- raw scores are not helpful for norm-referenced
tion, and ±2 SD always includes approximately interpretation.
95% of the cases, as is shown in Figure 5.1. The
normal curve is also sometimes referred to as
the normal probability or Gaussian curve.
Standard Scores
The most popular type of score for intelligence
tests is the standard score. Standard scores con-
NORM-REFERENCED SCORES vert raw scores to a distribution with a set mean
and standard deviation, with equal units along
Intelligence test interpretation focuses on norm- the scale. The typical standard score scale used
referenced interpretation, the comparison of chil- for intelligence tests is what Wechsler termed
dren's scores to some standard or norm. For the Deviation IQ, where the mean is set at 100
the purposes of intelligence test interpretation, and the standard deviation is set at 15. By having
scores are usually compared to those of children equal units along the scale, standard scores are
the same age. Achievement tests may compare very powerful for statistical analyses and useful
children's scores to those of others in the same for making comparisons across tests. The equal
grade. College admission counselors may com- units (or intervals) that are characteristic of stan-
pare an incoming student's GPA to that of fresh- dard scores are shown in Figure 5.1 for the var-
men who entered the year before. Just as people ious Deviation IQ scores, where the distance
frequently compute means, they also engage in between 55 and 70 is the same as that between
norm-referenced interpretation. Students may 70 and 85, which is the same as between 85 and
compare their performance to others in the same 100, and so on.
class or compare their professors to others they Standard scores are also particularly useful
have had in the past. for intelligence test interpretation because they
allow comparisons among various subtests or
composites yielded by the same intelligence test.
In other words, they facilitate interpretation of a
TYPES OF SCORES child's profile of scores. Most modern intelli-
gence tests use standard scores for their com-
posites that have a mean of 100 and a standard
There are a great variety of scores, most of which
deviation of 15. This metric is used for popular
are norm-referenced, that are yielded by intelli-
tests such as the WISC-III, K-ABC, and WAIS-
gence tests.
111. The notable exception to this standard score
scale is the Binet 4, which yields a standard score
scale with a mean of 100 and standard deviation
Raw Scores
of 16 for its composite scores (see Figure 5.1).
The first score that the clinician encounters after Fortunately, a number of tables (see Table 5.1)
summing item scores is usually called a raw score. are available for equating one scale to another.
Binet Subtest
Standard Standard Subtest "Sealed
Score Score T-score Score Score"
M= 100 M= 100 M=50 M=50 M= 10 Percentile
SD= 15 SD= 16 SD= 10 SD=8 SD= 3 Ranks
160 164 90 82 99.99
159 163 89 99.99
158 162 89 81 99.99
157 161 88 99.99
156 160 87 80 99.99
155 159 87 99.99
154 158 86 79 99.99
153 157 85 99.98
153 156 85 78 99.98
152 155 85 99.97
151 154 84 77 99.96
150 153 83 99.95
149 152 83 76 99.94
148 151 82 99.93
147 150 81 75 99.91
146 149 81 99.89
145 148 80 74 19 99.87
144 147 79 99.84
143 146 79 73 99.80
142 145 78 99.75
141 144 77 72 99.70
140 143 77 18 99.64
139 142 76 71 99.57
138 141 75 99
138 140 75 70 99
137 139 75 99
136 138 74 69 99
135 137 73 17 99
134 136 73 68 99
133 135 72 99
132 134 71 67 98
131 133 71 98
130 132 70 66 16 98
129 131 69 97
128 130 69 65 97
127 129 68 97
126 128 67 64 96
125 127 67 15 95
124 126 66 63 95
123 125 65 94
123 124 65 62 93
122 123 65 92
121 122 64 61 92
TABLE 5.1 Standard score and percentile rank conversion table (Continued)
Binet Subtest
Standard Standard Subtest "Sealed
Score Score T-score Score Score"
M= 100 M= 100 M=50 M:50 M=lO Percentile
SD= 15 SD= 16 SD= 10 SD=8 SD= 3 Ranks
120 121 63 14 91
119 120 63 60 89
118 119 62 88
117 118 61 59 87
116 117 61 86
115 116 60 58 13 84
114 115 59 83
113 114 59 57 81
112 113 58 79
111 112 57 56 77
110 111 57 12 75
109 110 56 55 73
108 109 55 71
108 108 55 54 69
107 107 55 67
106 106 54 53 65
105 105 53 11 65
104 104 53 52 62
103 103 52 57
102 102 51 51 55
101 101 51 52
100 100 50 50 10 50
99 99 49 48
98 98 49 49 45
97 97 48 43
96 96 47 48 40
95 95 47 9 38
94 94 46 47 35
93 93 45 33
93 92 45 46 31
92 91 45 29
91 90 44 45 27
90 89 43 8 25
89 88 43 44 23
88 87 42 21
87 86 41 43 19
86 85 41 17
85 84 40 42 7 16
84 83 39 14
83 82 39 41 13
82 81 38 12
81 80 37 40 11
80 79 37 6 9
TABLE 5.1 Standard score and percentile rank conversion table (Continued)
Binet Subtest
Standard Standard Subtest "Sealed
Score Score T-score Score Score"
M= 100 M= 100 M=50 M=50 M= 10 Percentile
SD= 15 SD= 16 SD= 10 SD=8 SD= 3 Ranks
79 78 36 39 8
78 77 35 8
78 76 35 38 7
77 75 35 6
76 74 34 37 5
75 73 33 5 5
74 72 33 36 4
73 71 32 3
72 70 31 35 3
71 69 31 3
70 68 30 34 4 2
69 67 29 2
68 66 29 33 2
67 65 28 1
66 64 27 32 1
65 63 27 3 1
64 62 26 31 1
63 61 25 1
63 60 25 30 1
62 59 25 1
61 58 24 29 .49
60 57 23 2 .36
59 56 23 28 .30
58 55 22 .25
57 54 21 27 .20
56 53 21 .16
55 52 20 26 1 .13
54 51 19 .11
53 50 19 25 .09
52 49 18 .o7
51 48 17 24 .06
50 47 17 .05
49 46 16 23 .04
48 45 15 .03
48 44 15 22 .02
47 43 15 .02
46 42 14 21 .01
45 41 13 .01
44 40 13 20 .01
43 39 12 .01
42 38 11 19 .01
41 37 11 .01
40 36 10 18 .01
NoTE: I appreciate the assistance of Dr. Gary Robertson with obtaining some of the raw data for this table.
There are other popular standard score scales. ranks are very useful for communicating with par-
Wechsler also popularized the scaled score metric ents, administrators, educators, and others who
for intelligence test subtest scores. Scaled scores do not have an extensive background in scaling
have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3 methods (Lyman, 1963). It is very easy for parents
(see Figure 5.1). A standard score scale that is to understand that if their child received a per-
commonly used in personality assessment is the centile rank of 50 he or she scored better than
T-score scale (see Figure 5.1). The T-score scale approximately 50% of the norm group and worse
has a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10. than approximately 50% of the norm group. This
The Binet 4 Standard Age Scores are a variant of type of interpretation works well so long as the
the T-score scale having the same mean of 50, parent understands the difference between per-
but a standard deviation of only 8 (Thorndike, centile rank and percent of items passed.
Hagen, & Sattler, 1986; see Figure 5.1). As can be seen from inspection of Figure 5.1,
A more unusual type of standard score scale is percentile ranks have one major disadvantage in
the normal curve equivalent, better known as the comparison to standard scores: percentile ranks
NCE. The NCE was developed to produce a have unequal units along their scale. Note in Fig-
standard score that ranges from 1 to 99. In order ure 5.1 that the difference between the first and
to achieve this end, the NCE scale has a mean fifth percentile rank is larger than the difference
of 50 and a rather unusual standard deviation of between the 40th and 50th percentile ranks. In
21.06 (Nitko, 1983)! other words, percentile ranks in the middle of the
A less popular type of standard score is re- distribution tend to overemphasize differences be-
ferred to as stanines, which stands for "standard tween standard scores, whereas percentile ranks
nines." This scale was used heavily by the armed at the tails of the distribution tend to underempha-
forces and was rather convenient because it is size differences in performance.
the lone standard score scale that uses only one Here is an example of how confusing this
digit and ranges from a low of 1 to a high of 9. property of having unequal uQits can be. Every
The stanine scale is also shown in Figure 5.1. time I teach my intellectual assessment course, I
Stanines are rarely used in modern intelligence ask my students the following question: "How
test interpretation. would you describe a child who obtained a per-
The important thing to remember about this centile rank of 2 5 on an intelligence test: well
great variety of standard scores is that they are above average, above average, average, below
simply different ways of doing the same thing, average, or well below average?" Most often the
expressing children's scores in terms of their dis- majority of the class responds with "below aver-
tance from the mean or average. All standard age." Then I ask, "How would you rate the intel-
scores that reflect a normal distribution divide ligence of a child with a standard score of 90
up the same proportions of the normal curve. As using the same classification system?" In this
can be seen in Figure 5.1, a Deviation IQ of 85, a latter case most students describe the child as
T score of 40, a Scaled Score of 7, and a Standard being "average" or "below average." Usually, how-
Age Score of 42 all represent the same level of ever, one or two students are not fooled, and
performance! These scores are also all at the 16th they correctly point out that a percentile rank of
percentile rank (see Figure 5.1). 25 equals a standard score of 90 (see Figure 5.1).
This is one graphic method of portraying one of
the interpretive problems with percentile ranks,
Percentile Ranks
their unequal scale units. An average standard
A score that is particularly useful for intelligence score, for example, can be made to sound much
test interpretation is the percentile rank. A per- worse when converted to a percentile rank. As a
centile rank gives an individual's relative position result, when percentile ranks may be misleading
within the norm group (Lyman, 1965). Percentile when used to describe a child's performance, they
should not be used, despite some of their obvious responsible for some of his own cooking and all
advantages. of his housekeeping duties. He maintains his own
room and laundry, and he is responsible for tak-
ing public transportation to and from the shel-
Age Equivalents tered workshop every day. He is currently dating
Individual intelligence tests have a long history another resident of the group home and plans
of the use of age equivalents (AE), developmental to get married. This individual is tested with an
ages, or mental ages (11,1A). These terms all refer to intelligence test and obtains an age equivalent of
the same type of score. Age equivalents are com- 7-4 (7 years-4 months). This score indicates that
puted based on the performance of every age he obtained a relatively low score on the intelli-
group used in the norming of the test. For exam- gence test in comparison to other 18-year-olds.
ple, if the average raw score for 7-year-olds on an This score does not, however, mean that this 18-
intelligence test is 24, then 24 becomes the raw year-old has the "mind" of a 7-year-old. He is
score that yields an age equivalent of 7 years. involved in a host of activities that may or may
If the average raw score on the same intelligence not even occur to a 7-year-old child. This ten-
test for 10-year-olds is 32, then 32 becomes the dency to ascribe superfluous psychological mean-
raw score corresponding to an age equivalent ing to age equivalents is a major reason for their
of 10 years. If a 7-year-old obtains a raw score on deemphasis in test interpretation.
an intelligence test of 32, the child's age equiva- On a technical level, age equivalents are also
lent on this intelligence test is 10 years, and he or problematic since they have different standard
she is considered above average for his age deviations at each age level, with a trend for larger
group. The 10-year-old who obtains a raw score standard deviations with increasing age (Anastasi,
of 24 is assigned an age equivalent of 7 years and 1988). As such, age equivalents have unequal
is deemed as being below average in comparison units along their scale and, just as is the case with
to other 10-year-olds. The important thing to percentile ranks, powerful statistical methods can-
remember about the derivation of age equiva- not be used with them.
lents is that they describe nothing more than the
number of raw score points obtained by a partic-
ular age group.
Grade Equivalents
Since age equivalents merely reflect whether Grade equivalents (GE) are another type of devel-
or not a child obtained a high or low raw score, opmental norm. These were derived specifically
they are typically prone to overinterpretation for plotting growth through the academic cur-
(Lyman, 1963). A frequent scenario would be for riculum. Unfortunately, grade equivalents may
the 7-year-old who obtained an age equivalent of not be the best score for this purpose as they
10 years to be considered to have the "mind of a share all of the interpretive and technical weak-
10-year-old." This, in fact, may or may not be the nesses of age equivalents. Grade equivalents are
case. What is true is that the 7-year-old has cer- computed in identical fashion to age equivalents
tainly obtained more items correct than the average and have the same central interpretive problem in
7-year-old. Whether or not he or she has the that they do not indicate a particular level of cur-
"mind" of a 10-year-old is open to debate and is ricular knowledge. They simply indicate whether
not measured directly by the mental age score. or not a child obtained a higher or lower raw
Perhaps a more extreme case would better score than her particular grade-reference group.
illustrate this point. Say an 18-year-old moder- The following example illustrates the problem
ately mentally retarded individual is working in a with grade equivalents.
sheltered workshop setting and living in a group Suzie is a student in the first grade who is very
home for retarded individuals. This person is intelligent. She obtained a grade equivalent of 3-4
(third grade-fourth month) on the mathematics knowledge (albeit with a tendency to make some
portion ofan academic achievement test. Her per- "silly" errors) than Suzie. Suzie has also clearly
formance on every item is shown below. not mastered the higher-level skills. Grade
equivalents thus do not necessarily indicate the
hEM ScoRE level of curricular knowledge or expertise that an
individual child possesses. They simply indicate a
1 1 level of performance. In addition, as was the case
2 1 with age equivalents, grade equivalents do not
3 1 have equal units along their scale.
4 1
5 1
6 0 Latent Trait Scores
7 0 A proposed solution to the problems of age
8 0 equivalents and grade equivalents is latent trait
Raw Score= 5 methodology, also referred to as item response theory
(Anastasi, 1988). The terms most frequently used
Amy is a student in the third grade who is of to describe these scores are scaled scores, latent
about average intelligence, and she also obtained trait scores, Rasch scaling techniques, one-, two-, or
a grade equivalent of 3-4 (third grade-fourth three-parameter scaling techniques, or item response
month) on the same mathematics test. Her per- theory scaling methods. Latent trait scores are de-
formance is shown below. velopmental norms like GEs and AEs with one
exception: these scores have equal units along
hEM SCORE their scale. These scores, frequently referred to
as "scaled scores" on academic achievement tests,
1 1 are designed for the same purposes as GEs,
2 0 tracking growth through the curriculum. At this
3 0 point in their development, they do not solve the
4 1 interpretive problems of grade equivalents or age
5 0 equivalents as far as providing an estimate of cur-
6 1 ricular knowledge goes. They do, however, solve
7 1 one interpretive problem in that obtaining the
8 1 same difference between scaled scores from year
Raw Score= 5 to year indicates a similar level of growth. Again,
an example is in order here. Say that Jimmy ob-
Note that Suzie and Amy obtained the same tained the grade equivalents and scaled scores
raw scores on the achievement test and, conse- shown below:
quently, the same grade equivalents. Suzie's par-
ents, however, may easily misinterpret her grade FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH
equivalent by thinking that, if she has a third- GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE
grade equivalent, then perhaps she should be ad-
vanced to that grade level in mathematics. This Grade 1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7
course of action, however, does not appear to be Equivalent
warranted because although the two children re- Scaled Score 240 260 280 300
ceived the same raw score and grade equivalents,
they achieved them in very different ways, with One can say, based on scaled score informa-
Amy showing considerably more mathematical tion, that Jimmy does seem to be progressing at
are available on the same sample of children.
An example is the 'correlation of SAT score (vari-
IO able 1) and high school GPA (variable 2) with col-
:c lege GPA (variable 3). This multiple correlation
serves as the basis for formulas using SAT scores
and high school GPA to predict college GPA.
Multiple correlations are otherwise similar to other
() L.....L__JL...-_•L"-1-:.••~-L----L-.L..--'---' correlations in that they range from -1 to + 1, and
60 80 100 I 20 HO 160 the amount of variance shared between one vari-
Intelligence Test 'Scores able and two or more others is computed by
squaring the coefficient (R2 ). Using the example
FIGURE 5.4 above, R 2 , indicates the amount ofvariance shared
by the predictors (SAT and high school GPA) and
Correlations between two variables occur be- the criterion (college GPA).
cause two variables share some common variance.
Correlations can be squared to calculate the exact
amount of variance shared by the two tests or
variables being correlated. If, for example, tests A
and B correlate .70 with each other, the amount "When attempting to quantify a sample of behav-
of shared variance equals 49% (.70 2 ). ior, reliability refers to the consistency of such
In this book, as in most others, the plus sign (+) measurements when the testing procedure is re-
is assumed for correlation coefficients when it is peated on a population of individuals or groups
not present. An important understanding is that (AERA, 1999, p. 25). The type of reliability that
correlation coefficients assess rank ordering, not is of particular interest to intelligence test users is
agreement (Lyman, 1963). For example, the cor- stability, or the degree to which a child's intelli-
relation between two sets of scores may be high, gence test scores are likely to be similar from one
and yet the means of the two sets of scores can be measurement to the next. The various theories of
very different. The comparison of the concepts of intelligence all suggest that it is a fairly stable
correlation and agreement can be better appreci- trait over the course of development. If an indi-
ated by computing an example. If a correlation vidual has an extremely high level of intelligence,
was computed between the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 it is likely to remain this way barring any unusual
and the squares of these numbers, the resulting circumstances.
correlation is .95, and yet the means are 6 and 44,
respectively. Since correlations do not necessarily The Reliability Coefficient
reflect agreement, a high correlation between two
scores does not suggest that a child will obtain The reliability of an intelligence test is expressed
highly similar scores on the two measures. by the computation of a reliability coefficient,
which is a special type of correlation coefficient
(Anastasi, 1988). One essential difference between
Multiple Correlation
a reliability coefficient and a correlation coeffi-
A multiple correlation (Rx.yz .. .) is the correlation cient is that reliability coefficients are typically not
between one variable and two or more other vari- negative, while negative correlation coefficients
are eminently possible. Reliability coefficients because they are inexpensively produced, since
range, then, from Oto +1. Reliability coefficients they only require one administration of the test,
represent the amount of reliable variance asso- and serve as good estimates of test-retest or stabil-
ciated with a test. In other words, a reliability ity coefficients. Typical formulae used for the
coefficient is not squared, as is the case with cor- computation of internal consistency coefficients
relation coefficients, to calculate the amount of include split-half coefficients, Kuder Richardson
reliable variance (Anastasi, 1988). For example, 20, and Coefficient Alpha (Anastasi, 1988).
the reliable variance of a test with a reliability co- On occasion there are differences between in-
efficient of. 90 is 90%, an unusually easy compu- ternal consistency and test-retest coefficients that
tation (Anastasi, 1988)! can affect intelligence test interpretation. A test
The error variance associated with a test is may, for example, have a relatively poor internal
also easy to calculate. It is done by subtracting consistency coefficient, and yet have a strong
the reliability coefficient from 1 (perfect reliabil- test-retest coefficient. An example is the Gestalt
ity). Taking the previous example, the error vari- Closure subtest of the K-ABC, which has a very
ance for a test with a reliability coefficient of .90 heterogeneous item pool. Its internal consistency
is 10% (1-.90). coefficients are in the .60 to .70 range, but its
test-retest coefficient is in the .80 range. Because
internal consistency coefficients are imperfect
Test-Retest Method estimates of stability coefficients, both types of
The most popular method for computing the coefficients should be recorded in the manual for
stability of intelligence test scores is the test-retest an intelligence test (see also AERA, 1999).
method. In this method the same test, for example
the WISC, is administered to the same group of
individuals under the same or similar conditions Variables That Affect Reliability
over a brief period of time (typically 2 to 4 Clinicians who use intelligence tests should be es-
weeks). The correlation between the first and pecially cognizant of factors that can affect relia-
second administrations of the test is then com- bility. Foremost among these is test length (Nitko,
puted, yielding a test-retest reliability coefficient 1983). The longer the test, the more likely the
that is typically very close to 1.0, usually some- clinician is to obtain an accurate assessment of a
where between .90 and .98. child's intelligence. For this reason, short forms of
intelligence tests are generally frowned upon.
Other factors that the clinician should keep in
Internal mind when estimating the reliability of a test for a
Consistency Coefficients particular child include the following:
Another type of reliability coefficient that is typ-
ically reported in intelligence test manuals is 1. Reliability is affected by homogeneous ability
an internal consistency coefficient. This is very levels. Differentiating among the very gifted
different from test-retest ot stability coefficients or severely impaired may be difficult since
in that it does not assess directly the stability of these individuals represent a very small range
the measure of intelligence over time. Internal of scores (Nitko, 1983).
consistency coefficients assess what the name 2. Reliability can change for different ability lev-
implies-the average correlation among the els. A test that is very reliable for gifted stu-
items in an intelligence test, or in other words, dents is not necessarily as reliable for mentally
the homogeneity of the test item pool. Internal retarded students without research evidence
consistency coefficients are primarily valuable to support its use (Nitko, 1983).
3. Reliability can suffer when there is a long in- 1. Compute the multiple correlation (R) be-
terval between assessments (Nitko, 1983). tween the test in question and all other tests in
4. Characteristics of the child can affect reliabil- the battery and square it (R2 ). This computa-
ity including age, fatigue, and other factors. tion yields the amount of reliable shared vari-
Reliability of intelligence measurement drops ance between the test in question, in this case
precipitously at preschool-age levels. quantitative reasoning, and the other tests in
the battery.
2. Subtract the squared multiple correlation co-
Reliable Specific Variance efficient from the reliability coefficient or rtt.
If R2 = .30, .82-.30 = .52. This formula yields
Another reliability coefficient that has become the reliable specific variance.
more popular in recent years is the estimate of
3. Compare the amount of reliable specific vari-
reliable specific variance more commonly re-
ance (.52) to the amount of error variance
ferred to as subtest specificity (Kaufman, 1979b).
(1-.82 = .18). Ifthe reliable specific variance ex-
Subtest specifici-ty is the amount of reliable specific
ceeds the error variance by .20 or more, then
variance that can be attributed to a single subtest.
the test is considered to have adequate speci-
Kaufman (1979b) popularized the use of subtest
ficity for interpretive purposes. If the reliable
specificity in clinical assessment as a way of gaug-
specific variance exceeds the error variance by
ing the amount of confidence a clinician should
.19 or less, then the test lacks specificity, and it
have in conclusions that are based on a single
should be cautiously interpreted. If the reliable
subtest. In effect, knowledge of subtest specificity
specific variance does not exceed the error vari-
makes clinicians more cautious about drawing
ance, then very cautious interpretation of the
conclusions based on single subtest scores.
subtest is advised.
A reliability coefficient represents the amount
of reliable variance associated with a test. An ex-
Fortunately, subtest specificity values are al-
ample would be a quantitative reasoning test taken
ready computed for most tests, and summary
from a larger battery of 13 tests, all of which are
tables are provided. New clinicians should re-
part ofa major intelligence test battery. The quan-
member that the observed reliability coefficients
titative reasoning test has a test-retest reliability
for a subtest are not adequate for gauging the
coefficient of .82. On the surface this test looks
reliable specific variance of a subtest.
reliable. If this test produces the child's lowest
score, the examiner may wish to say that the child
has a problem with quantitative reasoning. The
examiner can then make this statement with con-
Standard Error of Measurement
fidence because the test is relatively reliable, right? The standard error of measurement (SEM) gives
Not necessarily. As Kaufman (1979b) points out, an indication of the amount of error associated
the conclusion being drawn by the clinician is with test scores. In more technical terms, the
about some skill or ability (in this case quantitative SEM is the standard deviation of the error dis-
reasoning) that is specific or measured only by this tribution of scores. The reliability coefficient of
one subtest. The reliability coefficient, on the other an intelligence test is one manner of expressing
hand, reflects riot just reliable specific variance but the amount of error associated with an intelli-
also reliable shared variance. As such, Kaufman gence test score in order to allow the user to
(1979b) presents revised reliability estimates for gauge the level of confidence that she should
the WISC-R that reflect only subtest specificity. place in the obtained scores. An examiner may
He computes and evaluates subtest specificity in report an intelligence test score for a child as
the following way: being 113 with a test reliability coefficient of.95.
This practice, however, is unorthodox and eludes a child's true score.Just as is done with the
clumsy. The typical practice is to report an in- televised opinion polls, clinicians use the SEM to
telligence test score along with the test's stan- show the amount of error, or unreliability, associ-
dard error of measurement. This procedure is ated with obtained scores on intelligence tests.
frequently done for opinion polls that are con- Obtained scores are banded with error. Banding
ducted by the popular media. In a poll, a na- is accomplished by subtracting 1 SEM from and
tional sample may be surveyed to determine adding 1 SEM to the obtained score. If, for ex-
what percentage of the population eats rutabagas ample, the child obtained a standard score of 103
on a daily basis. A news reporter may report the on the WISC, one could apply the theory of stan-
results of the poll by saying, "Rutabagas are a dard error of measurement to band this score
less than popular vegetable in that only 5% of with error. With most age groups the standard
the respondents to our poll indicate that they eat error of measurement for the WISC rounds to
rutabagas at any time. The error rate of this poll about three standard score points (Wechsler,
is 3 % ." The error rate reported by newscasters is 1991). Given that ±1 SEM includes approxi-
typically the standard error ofmeasurement for the mately 68% of the error distribution of scores,
poll that was taken. The standard error of mea- the clinician could then say that there is a 68%
surement simply is another way of reflecting the likelihood that the child's true score lies some-
amount of error associated with a test score. where in the range of 100 to 106. Or, if an exam-
In theory, if a child were administered an intel- iner wanted to use a more conservative ±2 SEMs,
ligence test 100 times under identical conditions, he could say that there is a 95% probability that
he or she would not get the same composite score the child's true score lies somewhere between 97
on all 100 administrations. The child would not and 109. Confidence bands may be obtained for a
obtain the same composite score because the relia- variety of levels. Most manuals include confi-
bility of an intelligence test is imperfect. Rather, dence bands for the 68%, 85%, 90%, 95%, and
the child would obtain a distribution of scores that 99% levels of confidence.
approximates a normal curve. Hence, in theory,
error is also normally distributed. This error distribu-
Regression Effects
tion would have a mean. The mean of this theoret-
ical distribution ofscores is the child's "true score." Regression effects refer to the well-known phe-
A true score is a theoretical construct that can only be es- nomenon of discrepant scores tending to regress
timated. This error distribution, like other normal toward the mean upon retesting. Using the ob-
distributions, not only has a mean, but also can be tained score to make a probability statement
divided into standard deviations. In an error distri- about the child's true score is probably a very
bution, however, instead of being called a standard reasonable practice for scores in the middle of
deviation it is called the SEM. As one would pre- the distribution-that is, for those children with
dict then, in this error distribution of scores ±1 scores near the average. However, at the tails of
SEM divides up the same portion of the normal the distribution for the developmentally delayed
curve (68%) as does a standard deviation and ±2 or the exceedingly precocious, use of the ob-
SEMs divides up the same proportion of the error tained score with its associated confidence band
distribution (95 %) as ±2 standard deviations does is more questionable because of regression effects.
for a normal distribution of obtained scores. In theory and in everyday practice, scores at the
tails of the distribution are less reliable and,
as such, they are more likely to regress (move)
Confidence Bands
toward the mean upon retesting.
A confidence band is a probability statement about If, for example, a child has an obtained score
the likelihood that a particular range of scores in- of 103 on a test with a reliability coefficient of
.95, there is little regression to the mean when a construct that it purports to measure. There are a
theoretical true score is computed. The resulting number of different ways of evaluating the valid-
true score is 102.85 which rounds to 103. On the ity of a test. A variety of the more common types
other hand, for a child who has a standard score of validity evidence will be discussed in this sec-
of 65, when the true score is computed there is tion. Validity is the most important psychometric
considerable regression toward the mean. characteristic that an intelligence test must pos-
Most test manuals ignore this fact of regres- sess. A test can be extremely well normed and ex-
sion and simply use what are called symmetrical tremely reliable, and yet have no validity for the
confidence bands, where the obtained score is as- assessment of intelligence. One could, for exam-
signed a confidence band. This practice has be- ple, develop a very good test of algebra knowl-
come customary for at least two reasons. First, edge, but if one were to try to call this a test of
many clinicians are accustomed to using sym- general intelligence, there would likely be a num-
metrical bands and have not been introduced to ber of opponents to this point of view.
the computation of true scores and their under- Recently, uniform theories of construct valid-
lying theory. Secondly, some children upon ity have held sway over partitioning approaches
retesting violate what would be predicted based (Suen, 1990). Traditionally, distinctions have been
upon test theory and obtain scores that are even made between various types of validity evidence.
further from the mean! This result has been the Some types of validity-for example, construct
frequently noted case with data associated with validity-have been distinguished from factor
the cumulative deficit hypothesis where chil- analysis, which has been considered to be a test
dren's scores upon retesting actually move fur- of construct validity per se. Messick's (1989) in-
ther from the mean (see Chapter 3). fluential work has resulted in a blurring of dis-
A few tests such as the Wechsler Intelligence tinctions between types of validity evidence and
Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) resists reifying one type of validity evidence in
use asymmetrical confidence bands. When true favor of others. At the time of this writing many
score confidence bands are used, the obtained types ofvalidity evidence are deemed necessary to
score is not banded with error; rather, the child's support score interpretation.
estimated true score is banded with error. This Benson (1998) has described modern ap-
procedure takes into account regression effects, proaches to construct validation in an article
which results in confidence bands about the ob- that defines a "strong program of construct vali-
tained score that are asymmetrical, especially at dation." This approach to construct validation, a
the tails of the distribution. Clinicians should un- program for combining various forms of validity
derstand the difference between symmetrical and evidence, will be described in detail after several
asymmetrical confidence bands, because some types of validation procedures are described.
tests do prefer the latter, most notably the
PPVT-111 and WISC-III. In addition, many
Content V aliclity
more computer programs offer true scores
and/or asymmetrical confidence bands as output. One of the reasons that many people would dis-
agree with using a test of algebra knowledge as a
measure of intelligence is that it does not appear
to possess valid content. Content validity refers
to the appropriate sampling of a particular con-
tent domain (Anastasi, 1988). Content validity
Validity is the foundation upon which the use of has been most closely associated with the de-
modern tests of intelligence is based. Validity is velopment of tests of academic achievement for
defined as the degree to which a test measures the use in school settings (Anastasi, 1988). Typically,
procedures for the establishment of content va- related. One of the important criteria for the eval-
lidity are judgmental in nature (Petersen, Kolen, uation of intelligence measures since their incep-
& Hoover, 1989). In the process of developing tion was that they show a substantial correlation
an academic achievement test, a test publisher with measures of academic achievement. The
will hire a number of consulting editors to define typical concurrent validity investigation involves
the appropriate content for reading, mathemat- administering a new intelligence test and an aca-
ics, spelling, and other areas included in the bat- demic achievement test to a group of students. If
tery. This board of editors will define the content a correlation of .20 was obtained, then the con-
and in addition to that, determine the agreement current validity of the intelligence test would be
between the content used in the test and the cur- in question. A .7 5 correlation, on the other hand,
ricula typically used in the schools. would be supportive of the validity of the intelli-
Unfortunately, intelligence test developers, gence test. Other possible criterion measures that
until recently, have paid little or no attention to may be used in concurrent validity studies include
the establishment of content validity (Kamphaus, measures of psychomotor skills, speech/language
1998). This oversight is perhaps why the con- tests, and tests of information processing.
struct of intelligence has been criticized as being Composite scores for more narrowly defined
"what the test measures." Intelligence tests were abilities can also be assessed to determine whether
first developed for empirical purposes. More re- or not they correlate with criteria in predictable
cently, attention has been given to the content ways. The third factor of the WISC-III, which
validity issue. produces a freedom from distractibili-ty (FFD) index
The K-ABC, for example, took a very strong score, has been predicted to relate to criterion
theoretical stand in the test's manuals and then measures of inattention. Cohen, Becker, and
selected the content for individual subtests based Campbell (1990) conducted such a study in which
upon this theoretical model. As such, the authors they correlated FFD scores with the Revised Be-
attempted to define content domains and select havior Problem Checklist (RBPC), Conners
subtests and items to assess the domains. Older Teacher Rating Scale, and Conners Parent Rating
tests, however, included very little information Scale for 13 5 consecutive referrals to a pediatric
regarding the theory behind the test in the test neuropsychology clinic. They found that, contrary
manuals. Consequently, the purposes behind the to prediction, the FFD factor did not correlate
selection ofitems and subtests were never clearly significantly with any behavioral measure of inat-
explained. It is hoped that new tests and revisions tention/distractibility. The highest correlation
of older tests will now pay more attention to the noted was a -.31 between the FFD score and
establishment of content validity. teacher-rated anxiety. The FFD scale never cor-
related significantly with parent or teacher rat-
ings of attention problems as rated by parents or
Criterion-Related Validity teachers with the Conners. The result of this
Criterion-related validity assesses the degree to type of investigation is straightforward to inter-
which intelligence tests relate to other tests in a pret in that it clearly demonstrates a lack of con-
theoretically appropriate manner. Some of the current validity for the FFD scale in relationship
types of criterion-related validity studies are de- to a criterion construct that it has been hypoth-
scribed next. esized to assess.
Concurrent V aliclity
This type ofvalidity stipulates that an intelligence
Correlations with Similar Tests
test should show substantial correlations with One can use correlations with other tests in order
other measures to which they are theoretically to evaluate the validity of an intelligence test. In a
TABLE 5.2 Correlations between K-ABC scores and factor scores on the
Das-Kirby-Jarman Successive-Simultaneous Battery
Global Scales
Sequential Processing .50 .32
Simultaneous Processing .12 .54
It is evident from this table that the Simulta- construct on the other test battery substantially,
neous and Sequential scales of the K-ABC show which is indicative of evidence of convergent va-
evidence of convergent and discriminant validity. lidity. Yet, the Simultaneous scale of the K-ABC
To show evidence ofconvergent/discriminant va- did not correlate as highly with measures of dis-
lidity the following pattern of correlations should similar constructs, including the Sequential scale
hold: of the K-ABC and the successive scale of the
other test battery. The predicted pattern also
1. The K-ABC Simultaneous scale should corre- emerged for the K-ABC Sequential scale. This
late highly with the Das Simultaneous scale table shows an excellent example of the establish-
and poorly with the K-ABC Sequential and ment of convergent and discrhninant validation,
Das Successive scales. a type of validity evidence that is all too fre-
2. The K-ABC Sequential scale should correlate quently missing from test manuals.
highly with the Das Successive scale and poorly
with the Simultaneous scales of both tests. Factor Analysis
The results are generally consistent with Factor analysis is a popular technique used in the
these predictions. The Simultaneous scale of the process ofvalidating modern tests of intelligence
K-ABC correlates with a measure of the same that traces its roots to the work of the eminent
statistician Karl Pearson (1901). Factor analysis In addition, the general fit between the factor
has become increasingly popular as a technique structure dictated a priori and the obtained data
for test validation because of the onset of high- are assessed. If there is a great deal of corre-
speed computers that greatly facilitate what was spondence between the hypothesized structure
formerly a very laborious statistical procedure. and the obtained factor structure, then the va-
Hence, there are a wealth of factoi: analytic stud- lidity of the intelligence test is supported (hence
ies beginning with the widespread availability of the term confirmatory), and the theory is con-
computer systems in the 1960s. firmed. If, for example, a researcher hypothe-
Factor analysis is a very difficult topic to broach sized the existence of four factors in a particular
in only a few paragraphs although an attempt was intelligence test, the confirmatory factor analysis
made in Chapter 2. Those readers who are in- will, in fact, yield four factors. Statistics assessing
terested in learning factor analysis require a sepa- the fit of these four factors to the data may, how-
rate course on this particular technique and a ever, indicate a lack of congruence (correlation)
great deal of independent reading and experience. between the hypothesized four factors and the
A very thorough discussion of factor analytic tech- obtained four factors.
niques can be found in Gorsuch (1988). An intro- More thorough confirmatory factor analytic
ductory-level discussion may be found in Anastasi studies use a variety of statistics to assess the fit
and Urbina (1997). of the hypothesized factor structure to the data.
These statistics may include a Chi-square sta-
tistic, goodness-of-fit index (GFI), adjusted
Confirmatory Factor Analysis goodness-of-fit index (AGFI), and root mean
The procedures discussed in Chapter 2 are gen- square residual (RMR) among others. Several
erally referred to as exploratory factor analytic proce- statistics are desirable for checking the fit of a
dures. A newer factor analytic technique, utilizing confirmatory factor analysis because all of these
structural equation modeling, is referred to as con- statistics have strengths and weaknesses. The
firmatory factor analysis. These two factor analytic Chi-square statistic, for example, is highly influ-
procedures differ in some very important ways. enced by sample size (Glutting & Kaplan, 1990).
In exploratory factor analysis, the number of fac- Some general guidelines for assessing the fit of a
tors to be yielded is typically dictated by the char- confirmatory factor analysis may include the fol-
acteristics of the intercorrelation matrix. That is, lowing (Kline, 1989):
the number of factors selected is based upon the
amount of variance that each factor explains in 1. Nonsignificant Chi-square statistic
the correlation matrix. If a factor, for example, ex- 2. Goodness-of-fit index> .90
plains 70% of the variance in the correlation ma-
trix, then it is typically included as a viable factor 3. Adjusted goodness-of-fit Index> .80
in further aspects of the factor analysis. If, on the 4. Root Mean square residual < .10
other hand, the factor only accounts for 2% of
the variance in a factor matrix, then it may not be Consequently, confirmatory factor analytic
included as a viable factor. procedures may yield the number of factors hy-
In direct contrast, in confirmatory factor pothesized by the test developer, which, in ex-
analysis the number of factors is not dictated by ploratory factor analysis, would lend support to
data, but rather by the theory underlying the test the theory and structure of the test. In confirma-
under investigation: In confirmatory factor analy- tory factor analysis, however, consumers of the
sis the number of factors is selected a priori, and research have to evaluate the statistics that assess
the factor loadings of each subtest on the a priori the fit between the hypothesized and the obtained
designated number of factors is then analyzed. factor structure. These statistics will indicate
whether or not the evidence is strong or weak The conclusion that theory development has
for the validity of the scores yielded by the test commonly lagged in intelligence test develop-
under study. ment is irrefutable (Kaufman & Sternberg, 1997).
Another issue in confirmatory factor analysis It logically follows then that studies of structural
is that many researchers use it in an exploratory and external validation will be hindered by a lack
factor analytic manner (Thorndike, 1990). Some of clarity. It is impossible, for example, to defin-
authors specify a model a priori and then modify itively prove the existence of "g" or challenge the
that model numerous times until adequate fit theory when the construct is vaguely defined as a
statistics are obtained. Thorndike (1990) con- first principle component or first factor yielded
tends that this is a misuse of the methodology by exploratory factor analysis. Supporters of "g"
that dilutes the theoretical importance of the ob- can claim validity for the construct given the
tained results. Ideally, researchers should con- certainty that factor analysis will produce a first
duct studies comparing competing theoretical factor that accounts for more variance than
models (see Kline, 1989, for such an example) in other factors and detractors can justifiably claim
order to evaluate the theoretical structure of a test that the finding is an artifact of the statistical
(Thorndike, 1990). methodology. This type of study, based on inad-
equate theory and irrefutable hypotheses, only
contributes to a continuous loop of fruitless dis-
The Validation Process cussion and debate.
It is always inappropriate to refer to tests as An example of a more scientifically valuable
being either valid or invalid, although this is approach to test validation is provided in a study
often the case in conversation among individual of "g" theory byJensen (1983), who reviewed the
test users and, in fact, references of this nature K-ABC shortly after its release. He offered a
are difficult to avoid. Validation is not a condi- refutable hypothesis, based on theory, that the
tion but, rather, it is a process (Benson, 1998) K-ABC would not measure "g" as well as some
whereby evidence is . continually collected to competitors. His theory-based hypothesis was
support or refute particular test uses. Benson incorrect.
(1998) describes her interpretation of the valida- The related problems of construct irrelevance
tion process as follows: and construct underrepresentation (Messick,
1989) can plague definitions of intelligence con-
The belief in a strong program of validation also was structs. Construct irrelevance may become prob-
reflected in the early writing ofLoevinger (19 57) and lematic if an intelligence construct is defined too
later by Nunnally (1978) who described the process broadly. For example, many non-psychologists
of construct validation as consisting of three aspects: a are surprised to discover that several intelligence
substantive component, a structural component, and tests include measures of basic arithmetic skills.
an external component. The substantive component is In a sense, the public is concluding that mathe-
where the theoretical domain of the construct is speci- matics skills are irrelevant to the intelligence
fied and then operationally defined in terms ofthe ob- construct. Factor analysis or structural equation
served variables (e.g., the behaviors that reflect the modeling (of which confirmatory factor analysis
construct). The structural component involves relating
is subset) may be used to determine if mathemat-
the items to the structure ofthe construct by determing
to what extent the observed variables relate to one an-
ics subtests are good measures of intelligence.
other and the construct. It is the external component Some studies have found "g" loadings for such
that begins to give meaning to test scores by determin- measures to be adequate (Kaufman & McLean,
ing whether or not the measures of a given construct 1987), and a relatively new test, the Differential
relate in expected ways with measures of other con- Ability Scales, has included some mathematics
structs. (p. 11) items along with figural matrices items to measure
"nonverbal reasoning." These findings reveal The ideal for developing intelligence test
that some items that may first appear inappro- norms for an American test would be to test all
priate for intelligence measures are not construct children in the United States in order to com-
irrelevant in that they measure at least the "g" pare individual children with the national norm.
and reasoning constructs. Some mathematics This procedure would be used for any country
items, however, may not function as well, such that would be using a particular intelligence test,
as knowledge of geometry, which loads on an thus allowing a child to be compared to a com-
achievement factor (Carroll, 1993). Geometry mon norm regardless of the municipality in which
items may represent construct irrelevancy. she resides in a country. Unfortunately, this pro-
Construct underrepresentation may pose cess is not possible, so test developers collect
equally serious problems for the definitional samples of children that are representative of
stage of the validation process (Benson, 1998). the national population, much in the same way
A spelling measure, for example, may be in- that pollsters collect samples of the population in
adequate to measure the verbal ability repre- order to gauge the political will of voters prior to
sented by Carroll's (1993) crystallized factor. an election.
Construct underrepresentation may still be ob- In order to select a representative sample of
tained if a second indicator of spelling ability is the national population for any country, test
added. Two spelling measures would lead to developers typically use what are called stratifi-
adequate assessment of the first-order spelling cation variables. These stratification variables
factor, but they may not adequately represent are assumed to have important effects upon in-
the second-order verbal skills construct, which telligence test scores, which necessitates their
includes language development, reading, and inclusion as sample selection variables. Two of
other first-order factors. Construct underrepre- the most important stratification variables in
sentation would be particularly likely if two the United States are some indication of socioe-
spelling measures were utilized to measure the conomic status and ethnic/racial identification.
verbal skills of preschoolers. Differences in SES and ethnicity produce sig-
Most of the popular procedures for test vali- nificant differences in intelligence test scores
dation are utilized during the structural stage, (Vanderploeg, Schinka, Baum, Tremont, & Mit-
where the relationships among test variables are tenberg, 1998). Some stratification variables such
compared to the theoretical organization of the as gender and geographic region are included
constructs (Benson, 1998). Factor analysis, gen- based more upon tradition, since they do not
eralizability theory, item response theory, item- produce substantial differences in intelligence
test intercorrelations, multitrait-multimethod test scores.
matrix procedures, and confirmatory factor analy- In the United States, the stratification vari-
sis are commonly used for such purposes. ables are based upon U.S. Census Bureau statis-
tics. If the census, for example, says that 75 % of
the United States population is made up of white
children, then test developers will typically try to
include 75% white children in the norming sam-
ple. Some typical stratification variables are age,
Intelligence test scores are rather meaningless gender, parental socioeconomic status (tests have
without the use of norm groups. Generally speak- traditionally used either parental educational at-
ing, individuals are to be compared to norm tainment or occupation), race or ethnic group,
groups of their peers. Intelligence test developers community size, and geographic region.
thus strive to collect norm samples that are re- In many cases a psychologist will wish to com-
flective of a child's peers. pare intellgence test results with other measures
such as adaptive behavior or academic achieve- sometimes substantially. There are a number of
ment. A comparison of intelligence to adaptive psychometric reasons for changes in scores, in-
behavior may be important for making the men- cluding the age of the norms, floor and ceiling
tal retardation diagnosis and a comparison to effects, selection bias/regression effects, age at
achievement may be utilized to make a learning which the child was first tested, item content dif-
disability diagnosis. In these cases, error is intro- ferences, and reliability of gain/difference scores.
duced into the comparison process if the two
tests utilized are normed on different samples
of children taken at different points in time
(Cicchetti, 1994). Some tests are normed to- One of the most important characteristics of
gether (e.g., K-ABC and Vineland Adaptive Be- norm tables is the necessity that they be recent. A
havior Scales-Survey Form) but others are not. comprehensive analysis of changes in Stanford-
Examiners must then be aware of the possibility Binet and Wechsler norms from the years 1932
of noncomparable norms when making cross- to 1978, by James Flynn (1984), highlights the
construct comparisons (Cicchetti, 1994). problem of using antiquated norms. Flynn's con-
clusior., as noted in Chapter 3, was that the
Local Norms American population became about one standard
deviation (15 standard score points) "smarter"
Occasionally, a clinician may want to have local over an approximately 50-year period. In other
norms available (Kamphaus & Lozano, 1981). words, the norm tables became "tougher" with
Local norms are those based on some subset of each succeeding decade in the sense that a child
the national population. Say, for example, a child had to obtain a higher raw score every time a test
was transferring from an impoverished area of a was renormed to obtain the same standard score
city to a school system in a high-SES area. The that he had obtained previously. If a child, for
child from the impoverished environment may example, took the WISC (normed in the 1940s)
have obtained an intelligence test composite score in 1956 and correctly answered 13 Vocabulary
of 100. This child, however, may be at consider- items, she may obtain a scaled score of 10. If a
able risk for school problems if she is moved to a child took the Vocabulary test on the WISC-R
highly competitive school system where the aver- (normed in the early 1970s) and answered 13
age intelligence test composite score is 117. In this items correctly, her scaled score may be only 8 or
case, the national norms are of some benefit in 9. One of the most interesting aspects of the
that they indicate that the child has average in- Flynn investigation is that he provides a rule of
telligence, but local norms based on a sample from thumb for this change in the difficulty of Ameri-
a high-SES school district may be even more can intelligence test norms. He concludes that
enlightening and might assist- with planning the intelligence test norms for the United States in-
transition of this child from one school system to crease in difficulty by about three standard score
another. Local norms, however, are rarely avail- points every decade. A test, for example, that was
able for clinical tests because they are time con- normed in 1980, would have "softer" or easier
suming and somewhat expensive to develop. norms. This test would yield standard scores
that, on the average, are about three standard
WHY TEST SCORES DIFFER score points (based on a mean of 100 and a stan-
dard deviation of 15) higher than for a compara-
ble or the same test with norms collected in
A frequently perplexing problem for clinicians 1990. This statement assumes, of course, that the
is having to explain why two or more sets of in- norm samples for both tests are representative of
telligence test scores for the same child differ, the national population.
Based on data other than Flynn's, it is striking range, for example, is 6 to 16 years. The WISC-
how aptly this rule of thumb of a change of three III is likely to exhibit ceiling effects for 15-year-
standard score points applies. A perusal of the olds of average to above-average ability and floor
WISC-R manual shows that it produced scores effects for 6- and 7-year-olds who are develop-
about 2 points lower than the 1967 WPPSI. Sim- mentally delayed. Some tests, however, may be
ilarly, the 1981 edition of the W AIS-R produces more prone to floor effects than others. The
standard scores about 6 points lower than the clinician can identify these problems through
1955 WAIS. Finally, the Binet-4, and K-ABC, experience with a particular test. Another way to
both normed in the 1980s, produced standard identify the presence of floor and ceiling effects,
scores anywhere from about 2 to 4 points lower however, is to inspect P-values for a particular
than the WISC-R, which was normed in the test. AP-value is the percentage of children pass-
1970s (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). ing an item (e.g., 45% of 2-year-olds passed the
Though this rule of thumb may not be in ef- first item on a test). Unfortunately, publishers
fect forever, at this time when a clinician selects usually do not include P-values in their test man-
an intelligence test for use, one of the first things uals (P-values for the K-ABC are available in
to look for is the date of the data collection for Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). Publishers are,
the sample. If the standardization sample is 10years however, likely to publish raw score descriptive
old or more, then the clinician has to become wary of statistics by age group, including means and stan-
the accuracy ofthe normsfor current use. dard deviations. Floor effects can be gauged by
This psychometric hypothesis is one of the reviewing the relationships of the mean to the
first to entertain when a difference is observed standard deviation for the younger age ranges of
between intelligence test scores gathered on a test. If the standard deviation exceeds the mean
separate occasions. Clinicians, for example, at an age group, this suggests that the test is too
can expect to see WISC-III scores that are 2 to difficult (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987).
4 standard score points lower than K-ABC and Similarly, the age differentiation validity of a
Binet 4 scores for the same child. test can indicate whether or not ceiling effects
are present. If the mean raw score for the oldest
age group is similar to or less than the preceding
Floor and Ceiling Effects age group, the test has poor age differentiation
Floor effects occur when the test being adminis- validity and an associated ceiling effect. Ceiling
tered to a child lacks enough easy items to allow effects are a problem for all tests at their extreme
the child to obtain a raw score (i.e., the child gets age ranges. The best way to avoid ceiling effects
all of the items wrong). Conversely, ceiling effects if little is known about the nature of the referral
occur when a test lacks difficult items, resulting in is to not use a test with an age range that will in-
the child obtaining a perfect score. These prob- crease the likelihood of a lack of item difficulty.
lems of a lack of an adequate range of difficulty For example, for a 14-year-old use a test with an
are frequently encountered in clinical assessment. upper age limit of 18, instead of using a test that
Floor and ceiling effects are problematic in that has an upper age limit of only 16.
if a child obtains either a perfect score or a zero
raw score, his intelligence has not been measured
adequately. The examiner then does not know how
Correlations Between Tests
far his ability lies below the lowest item or how far Certainly one of the most straightforward reasons
he is above the last item. for test score differences is the possibility that the
Clinicians are most likely to encounter prob- two tests are not highly correlated. Intelligence
lems with insufficient floor and ceiling near the test composite scores typically have reliability
extremes of a test's age range. The WISC-III age coefficients in the .90 range. As a result, when a
child is tested with the same test twice his scores representing the relationship between the WISC-
are likely to be similar. If, on the other hand, a III and DAS. If the sample of mentally retarded
child is administered two different intelligence children is selected based on having WISC-III
tests, his scores are likely to differ simply because scores less than 70 (these are the children whose
an intelligence test typically correlates more with scores are represented in quadrants 1 and 2), then
itself than it does with other intelligence tests. some children with DAS composite scores of less
than 70 (and WISC-III scores greater than 70)
were not diagnosed as mentally retarded and not
Selection Bias included in the sample (these cases are in quad-
The regression effect for extreme scores is fre- rant 4). The use of the WISC-III as selection test
quently compounded by selection bias, which is therefore lowers the mean of the WISC-III for
also a plausible explanation for score differences. the sample and raises the mean of the DAS since
Selection bias, as coined by Rirhard Woodcock the children's scores in quadrant 4 with DAS
(1984), occurs when the regression effect is com- composites below 70 and WISC-III scores above
pounded for the second test administered to a 70 were excluded from the sample. The phenom-
child who is at the extremes of the normal distri- enon of selection bias suggests that the scores of
bution. Say, for example, that children are se- children who are diagnosed because of being at
lected for mental retardation classes using the the tails of the normal distribution can be quite
WISC-III and these children are reevaluated discrepant on two tests of intelligence.
with the Differential Ability Scales (DAS). Selec-
tion bias predicts that the mean score for the
DAS will be higher (closer to the mean) than for Reliability and Age
the WISC-III since the WISC-III was used as
Generally, intelligence tests are less reliable for
the selection test.
preschool-aged children (Anastasi, 1988). This
The selection bias phenomenon for this sce-
unreliability is a plausible hypothesis for differ-
nario is shown graphically in Figure 5.6. This fig-
ences between intelligence test scores for a pre-
ure is a scatterplot, divided into four quadrants
school child and for differences between scores
when a child is tested in the preschool years and
again at a later date.
120 I
Test length can also be a plausible hypothesis
I for differences between intelligence tests. The
I I0 I K-ABC, for example, is shorter than either the
I WISC-III or Binet 4 by about two subtests. Sim-
100 I ilarly, short forms of intelligence tests can pro-
I duce differences between tests.
VJ yua~rant
< 90
80 I
I • - •
• yuadrant
Content Differences
. i. ----------------
Intelligence tests can be based on a variety of
quadrant theories that dictate item and subtest selection.
-l Some tests may place a premium on verbal skills,
60 80 100 120 140 160 others on motor skills. The child with cerebral
WISC-III palsy, for example, may perform very differently
on two intelligence measures depending on the
FIGURE 5.6 content of the items-verbal versus nonverbal.
Interpreting Score Differences
Based on the previous discussion, the following • The mode (Mo) is the most frequently occur-
list of psychometric hypotheses should be con- ring score in a distribution of scores.
sidered when differences between intelligence • The median (Md) is the midpoint of a distribu-
tests occur. tion of scores.
• The mean (M) is the arithmetic average of the • The most popular type ofscore for intelligence
distribution of scores. tests is the standard score. Standard scores con-
• The range is the difference between the high- vert raw scores to a distribution with a set mean
est and lowest scores in a distribution. and standard deviation, with equal units along
the scale.
• The standard deviation (SD) is the square root
of the average squared deviation in a group of • Scaled scores are standard scores that have a
scores. The SD is large when there is a great mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3.
deal ofvariability (a large range) ofscores, and
• A T score is a standard score that has a mean
it is very small when there is little variability.
of 50 and standard deviation of 10.
• Raw scores on most tests of intelligence are
simply comprised of the number of items cor- • A normal curve equivalent (NCE) is a standard
rect, or they are a summation of the number score that has a mean of 50 and a rather un-
of points earned on individual items. usual standard deviation of 21.06.
• Stanines, which stands for "standard nines," • Predictive validity refers to the ability of an in-
were used heavily by the armed forces and telligence test to predict (as shown by its cor-
were rather convenient because they repre- relation) some criterion of success.
sent the lone standard score scale that uses • The age differentiation validity of an intelli-
only one digit and ranges from a low of 1 to a gence test is the degree to which raw scores
high of 9. show theoretically lawful increases or decreases
• A percentile rank gives an individual's relative with age.
position within the norm group. • Convergent validity is established when an in-
• Age and grade equivalents are computed based telligence test construct correlates with con-
upon the performance of every age/grade group structs with which it is hypothesized to have a
used in the norming of the test. strong relationship. Discriminant validity is
• Latent trait scores are developmental norms supported when an intelligence measure has a
like GEs and AEs with one exception: these poor correlation with a construct with which
scores have equal units along their scale. it is supposed to have a poor correlation.
• A correlation coefficient (rx.y) expresses the de- • Factor analysis is a data reduction technique
gree to which two variables (test scores) covary. that attempts to explain the variance in an in-
telligence test in a parsimonious fashion.
• A multiple correlation (Rx.yz .. _) is the correla-
tion between one variable and two or more • A factor loading is in most cases the correla-
other variables. tion between a subtest and a factor. 1
• The reliability of a test refers to the degree to • In confirmatory factor analysis, consumers of
which its scores are free from errors of mea- the research have to evaluate the statistics that
surement. assess the fit between the hypothesized and
the obtained factor structure.
• Subtest specificity is the amount of reliable
specific variance that can be attributed to a sin- • In order to select a representative sample of
gle subtest. the national population for any country, test
developers typically use what are called strati-
• The standard error of measurement (SEM) is
fication variables.
the standard deviation of the error distribution
of scores. • Local norms are those based on some subset
of the national population.
• A confidence band is a probability statement
about the likelihood that a particular range of • One of the most important characteristics of
scores includes a child's true score. norm tables is the necessity that they be based
on recent data.
• Regression effects refer to the well-known
phenomenon of discrepant scores tending to • Floor effects occur when the test being admin-
regress toward the mean upon retesting. istered to a child lacks enough easy items to
allow the child to obtain a raw score (i.e., the
• Validity is defined as the degree to which tests
child gets all of the items wrong).
measure what they purport to measure.
• Content validity refers to the appropriate
sampling of a particular content domain. 1 When orthogonal (independent or uncorrelated) rotation
• Concurrent validity stipulates that an intelli- techniques are used (and these techniques are very frequently
gence test should show substantial correlations used in test validation research), the factor loading represents
the correlation between the subtest and a factor. This is not
with other measures that should theoretically the case when oblique or correlated methods of factor analy-
correlate with intelligence tests. sis are used (Anastasi, 1988).
• Conversely, ceiling effects occur when a test tered to a child who is at the extremes of the
lacks difficult items, resulting in the child ob- normal distribution.
taining a perfect score. • Gain scores are computed by subtracting a
• AP-value is the percentage of children pass- child's first score on an intelligence test from
ing an item (e.g., 45% of 2-year-olds passed her second score.
the first item on a test). • Practice effects are observed when scores im-
• Selection bias occurs when the regression effect prove (a gain score) due to familiarity with the
is compounded for the second test adminis- test items.
The social problem of alienation between technical psy- different from that of the test developers. The tra-
chology and the mainstream of cultural understanding ditions of Galton, Binet, Wechsler, Cattell, and
cannot be resolved by merely selling the ideas ofscience to others underlie all modern tests of intelligence.
the generalpublic. Because intelligence is itselfa culturally These tests emanated from French, British, Ger-
constructed aspect ofthe human mind, scientific theories of man, North American, and other similarly Euro-
intelligence need to incorporate the common-sense intu-
pean cultures. Intelligence testing, however,
itions ofthe society at large. Professional psychologists need
to adapt their definitions, their assessment methods, and
became unusually popular in the United States, a
their interventions in the light of open and constructive society that is perhaps unusually multicultural,
discourse with other participants of the culture. (Serpe/I, being characterized by diverse values, languages,
1994,p. 163) and religious beliefs.
The utility of intelligence tests for U.S. chil-
dren of non-European descent or non-English-
CHAPTER QUESTIONS speaking background has been questioned since
the early days of intelligence testing (French &
Hale, 1990). Since intelligence tests have resem-
What were the outcomes of litigation related bled academic achievement tests, their content
to intelligence tests and special education? has always been easily criticized as being cultur-
How would one assess the intelligence ofa non- ally specific. The essential question is, can an in-
English-speaking child when only English- telligence test serve the same purpose as measures
language tests are available? for the physical sciences?
Intelligence tests have come under great scru-
Several issues have led to concern about the use tiny because of their uses. The seemingly arbi-
of intelligence tests with children from cultures trary and capricious nature of special education
diagnosis brought the use of intelligence mea- tried your best to resolve the problem. Now they
sures to the attention of the courts in the 1970s. tell you that your child was given "some tests"
and that these showed that his ability was poor,
to the point that he qualified as "mildly mentally
TEST BIAS AND THE COURTS handicapped," which you know means that they
are calling him "retarded." Note that it is easier
for the professionals to emphasize the test's role
History rather than the role of the professionals. It is
Psychologists have learned a great deal about easier to say, "The test indicates ..." than "I
intelligence test bias in the decades of the 1970s think ...". You may now have several thoughts
and 1980s. The premier reason for this greater running through your mind such as, "I know he
understanding has been the litigation of the can do better," "Why didn't they tell me about
1970s. Court cases forced organized psychology it in grade school, how can he suddenly be re-
to study test bias issues with greater urgency. Re- tarded?," "Is it my fault?," and, finally, "What
search in this area was substantial in the late are these intelligence tests, I know that he can
1970s and early 1980s so that today we know a figure things out at home ifhe wants to-he han-
great deal about the statistical properties of intel- dles his own lawn mowing service?"
ligence tests for various cultural groups. The foregoing vignette provides a concrete
More importantly, the issues regarding intelli- example of the frustration and tension surround-
gence test misuse have been clarified. This clari- ing special education placement decisions. The
fication has led to numerous publications advising consternation of parents and others came to a
clinicians how to use intelligence, and other, tests boiling point in the late 1960s when a number of
appropriately in multicultural settings (Sandoval well-known court cases were filed in order to deal
& Irvin, 1990). with the very thorny special education placement
issue. More specifically, special education aimed
at children with mental retardation was the focus
Court Cases of numerous court cases.
One can imagine how these court cases came The folk definition of intelligence is that it is
about. Put yourself in the shoes of a parent for a an innate capacity. Hence, there is an extraordi-
moment. Imagine receiving a letter from your nary stigma associated with low scores on intelli-
child's school saying that your child has been gence measures. This stigmatization is even
evaluated and you need to come to school for a more clearcut and abhorrent to many individuals
meeting to decide what to do with your child. when the term mentally retarded is used. It is the
You arrive at school and are ushered into a room diagnosis of mental retardation and the associ-
with a half dozen school personnel, some ofwhom ated educational placement of children in classes
you may not know, including the principal, your for the mentally retarded that has created a
child's teacher, a school psychologist, a social search for an alternative or remedy to what has
worker, a guidance counselor, and a special edu- been viewed by many as a stigmatizing and inef-
cation teacher. Is it not clear to you at this point fective enterprise.
that you are going to hear some very bad news?
These people are not gathered here to give you
a parenting award. Then they tell you that Hobson v. Hanson
your 12-year-old son has some school problems, One of the first cases to question the use of so-
which, by the way, is not news to you. You were called ability tests to make special education
already aware that his achievement motivation decisions for mental retardation placement-
has become worse from year to year, and you have the oft-used term is educable mentally retarded
(EMR)-was the case of Hobson v. Hansen Some important practices that were to be imple-
(1967). This decision resulted in the dissolu- mented as a result of this case included using
tion of a tracking system in the Washington, more than one assessment device to make the
DC, public schools that depended on the use of diagnosis of mental retardation. Related to this
group-administered achievement tests. It was directive was a stipulation that adaptive behavior
determined that as a result of the tracking sys- scores should also be used in the mental retarda-
tem, many African American children were tion diagnostic process. Although it had long
placed in the lower tracks in a proportion that been standard practice to diagnose mental retar-
exceeded the proportion of African American dation on the basis of concurrent deficits in intel-
children in the total school population. Some ligence and adaptive behavior (see Chapter 20),
90% of the school population was Black, but apparently this standard practice was not routine
Black children accounted for approximately practice for the school system involved in this
95% of the children in the "mental retarda- particular case. Hence, by emphasizing multiple
tion" track (Elliott, 1987). Judge Wright in this measures and the use of adaptive behavior scales,
case was concerned that in addition to the use the consent decree was reiterating long-standing
of tests that were not true measures of innate practices of sound psychological assessment and
ability, the tracking system resulted in children diagnosis. The Diana decision also required the
being placed in tracks that provided a lower- periodic reevaluation of the EMR students in
quality educational experience. These tracks order to allow for their passage out of the EMR
also had the potential to be stigmatizing and program should improvements obtain.
produce expectations on the part of teachers Another result of the Diana case was to clearly
and students alike for low academic achieve- identify the criterion of two standard deviations
ment. One ofJudge Wright's concerns was that below the mean as the cutoff for mental retarda-
this self-fulfilling prophecy would lead to chil- tion special education placement. This decision
dren staying in this track for the remainder of resulted in a reduction in the total number of
their school career. EMR enrollment in California schools from a
high of 57,148 in 1968-1969 to 38,208 in 1971-
1972 after the Diana decision (Elliott, 1987).
This reduction of EMR enrollment because of
A second case filed in 1970 in northern Califor- the new standard, however, did not solve the
nia was the case of Diana v. State Board ofEduca- continuing problem of overrepresentation of mi-
tion (1970). There were nine plaintiffs in this nority, especially African American, children in
particular case, all of Latino descent. These nine proportion to the total population. In 1968 and
children were placed in an EMR class based upon 1969, African Americans constituted 25.5% of
individually administered intelligence test re- the EMR enrollment and in 1971-72, they con-
sults. Upon retesting however, eight of the nine stituted 26.7% of the EMR enrollment. Even as
children scored outside the EMR range. The late as 1976-77 when EMR enrollment was only
case of Diana resulted in consent decrees that about 19,000 students, 25% of these students
served to clarify the appropriate and inappropri- were African American (Elliott, 1987).
ate uses of intelligence measures and special ed- After Hobsen v. Hansen and the case of Diana,
ucation assessment procedures in general with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
children for whom English was not their primary PL 94-142, the Education for all Handicapped
language. Some of the decrees of this case are Children Act of 1975, clarified some of the stan-
strikingly similar to the regulations later included dards of nondiscriminatory assessment and, more
in Public Law 94-142 (now known as the Indi- importantly, specified criteria for the selection
viduals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA). and use of measures such as intelligence tests.
These regulations essentially borrowed the prin- California at Riverside. She suggested that in-
ciples that were discovered as part of litigation telligence tests were unable to predict school
over employment testing of a decade earlier. As grades, especially those of minority children.
a consequence of this litigation, the Equal Em- This belief is reflected in the development of her
ployment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) own SOMPA (as is discussed later in this chap-
developed guidelines and regulations that a test ter). She proposed that minority group children
must be specifically validated for the purpose for which should routinely have their scores adjusted in
it is being used (Anastasi, 1988). This is the stan- order to preclude placement in classes for the
dard to which intelligence tests would be held in mentally retarded (the adjusted score is called an
later cases. In the case of employment testing, it ELP, estimated learning potential, score). Con-
was necessary for every employer to show that a ceptually, the use of the ELP is similar to a vet-
particular selection test was appropriate for a eran's preference (Elliott, 1987).
specific job classification. For example, an em- Many noted psychologists also provided testi-
ployer could not use an intelligence test to select mony supporting the use of intelligence tests.
individuals for secretarial and managerial posi- Well-known measurement experts such as Dr.
tions unless the test was specifically validated Lloyd Humphries, Dr. Robert Thorndike, and
(through traditional predictive validity types of Dr. Jerome Doppelt testified in the case. Mea-
studies) separately for managerial applicants and surement experts provided considerable evidence
for secretarial applicants. that the "WISC-R was not biased. Dr. Nadine
Lambert of the University of California at Berke-
LarryP. ley testified in support of the use of intelligence
The Larry P. v. Riles case began in 1971 when the tests, suggesting that teachers were the most im-
plaintiffs representing Black children who were portant variable in making placement decisions
overrepresented in classes for the mentally re- and that because of the high teacher referral rate
tarded asked for an injunction against the use of of minority group children, there was overrepre-
intelligence tests in the San Francisco public sentation in classes for the mentally retarded.
schools. The injunction was granted by Judge Data in support of teacher referral as a biasing
Peckham in June of 1972 (Elliott, 1987). The in- factor were collected by Ashurst and Meyers
junction suggested that before the trial began, (1973) (as cited in Elliott, 1987). These data from
there was the presumption that the intelligence the Riverside, California, school system showed
tests were culturally biased. The trial did not that the population of the school system at the
actually occur until 1977 and 1978. Many well- time was 80% White, 8% Black, and 11 %
known psychologists testified at the hearing. Dr. Latino. Of the 2 57 children referred and studied
Leon Kamin, the author of the book The Science in the investigation, 48% were Anglo, 20% were
and Politics of IQ (1974), provided some com- Black, and 31 % were Latino. The percentage of
pelling testimony about the history of intelli- different ethnic groups actually placed in special
gence testing. He provided quotations from such education classes were 41 % White, 20% Black,
luminaries as Lewis Terman, Henry Goddard, and 30% Latino. These results supported Lam-
and Robert Yerkes that revealed clearly racist bert's argument that teacher referral is the major
viewpoints. These viewpoints were so strident arbiter in the special education decision for the
that they could not be differentiated from the view- mental retardation placement.
points of modern groups such as the Klu Klux
Klan (Elliott, 1987). This sort of testimony PASE
certainly created concern about the intentions of The 1980 PASE case came to the opposite con-
early intelligence test developers. Additional dam- clusion of the Larry P. case, although much of
aging evidence against the use of the WISC-R was the testimony was the same. The acronym PASE
provided by Dr.Jane Mercer of the University of stands for Parents in Action on Special Educa-
tion. Most of the individuals involved in the law- American children. Consider the hypothetical
suit were Latino. The organizer of the case, Dan example where 90% of the children are Anglo
Merquez, was a student interning in an EMR and 10% are minority, and 100 of the children in
classroom in a heavily Latino area of the city. He the school district were placed in EMR classes in
thought that many of the students were inappro- a given year. If minority children were 100%
priately placed in the class because of linguistic overrepresented, then the make-up of the class
differences (Elliott, 1987). Elliott (1987) provides of mentally retarded children would be 20% mi-
interesting information on the social milieu of nority children and 80% White children. If there
the PASE case and its differences from that of were 10,000 students in the entire school system,
the La'f7"'J P. case. For example, by the time of the of the 1,000 minority children in the school sys-
filing of the PASE case, most of the central office tem (10% of the 10,000 children), 20 are in classes
administration of the Chicago Public Schools for the mentally retarded. The 20 children rep-
were minority group members. In addition, the resent 2 % of the entire minority population.
vast proportion of students in the Chicago public \Vb.en the statistics are presented in this fash-
schools were minorities. ion, the rate of special education placement
Judge Grady was very interested in obtaining whereby minority children are 100% overrepre-
data on the individual Wechsler items, and his sented in classes for the mildly retarded does
interest was clearly peaked by the controversy not sound nearly as aberrant. Because of such
over the famous WISC-R "fight" item. This com- caveats the statistics offered in these court cases
prehension item asked what a boy or girl should had to be considered very carefully since only a
do if a child much smaller than himself or herself small proportion of the school-age population is
should start to pick a fight. This item was identi- identified as having mental retardation.
fied in the La'f7"'J P. case as an inappropriate item
for a Black child from a ghetto, because these Marshall v. Georgia (1984)
children would customarily get the item wrong This case was brought against rural school dis-
because the most adaptive response in their harsh tricts in the state of Georgia by the NAACP. It
environment would be to fight back.Judge Grady argued that instructional grouping and placement
was very impressed by the research on this item. practices were discriminatory. The Marshall case
Contrary to the testimony in the La'l7"'J P. case, heard considerable testimony by numerous ex-
the item was found to be easier for African Amer- perts in assessing mental retardation and intel-
ican than for Anglo children (Elliott, 1987). lectual development. As was the case with Judge
Judge Grady apparently expended considerable Grady, the grouping and placement practices
time on his own study of Wechsler and Stanford- were upheld.
Binet items and identified some as potentially bi- Elliott (1987), in his extensive and thoughtful
ased. Regardless,Judge Grady decided in favor of review of these and other court cases, drew the
the Chicago Board of Education, indicating that conclusion that court decisions regarding the use
the bias identified in the Wechsler and Binet of tests have not substantially helped minority
items was not substantial. group children nor have they impacted test use.
The issue of overrepresentation, which was He suggested that what is needed is strong lead-
central to many of these cases, can also be over- ership, patience, and the expenditure of large
stated by the use of statistics. For example, while sums of money to help disadvantaged children of
10% of the population in a particular school sys- all ethnic groups.
tem might be minority, it sounds like a gross
amount of overrepresentation to have 20% of the
children in EMR classes to be minority. How- Effects of Court Decisions
ever, when one looks at the absolute numbers, One of the clearest impacts of these cases has
this is still a relatively small proportion ofAfrican been an increase in research on test bias issues.
Judge Grady's consternation at a lack ofitem bias the 1970s is the increasing availability of nonver-
data for the \VISC-R (Elliott, 1987) was one fac- bal scales. Nonverbal scales presumably would
tor that undoubtedly spawned a number of stud- allow the scores to be less influenced by cultural
ies on \VISC-R item bias. Now it is ordinary and and linguistic differences. There has been a burst
customary practice for new tests of intelligence of new entries in the nonverbal intelligence mar-
to have investigated bias in judgmental and sta- ket (see Chapter 16).
tistical fashion prior to publication. Further-
more, it will be increasingly likely that new tests
will assess construct validity bias prior to publi-
cation. Some good examples of the consideration
of bias in the development of item pools are One proposed solution to the issues posed by the
given in the K-ABC and DAS manuals. Larry P. case was the System ofMulticultural Plu-
There has for many years been a hesitancy to ralistic Assessment (SOMPA) (Mercer, 1979). The
place minority group children in classes for the SOMPA. created by Dr.Jane Mercer, had several
mentally retarded. This reluctance had to be re- aims for attacking the overrepresentation prob-
inforced by the attention that intelligence testing lem, including (1) adjusting IQ scores based on
received in the courts in the 1970s. This in turn social and cultural differences in order to prevent
may be one of the factors that has decreased overrepresentation, (2) offering a variety of do-
placement rates in classes for the mildly retarded. mains of assessment to consider when making
Potentially another factor is a lack of convincing special education decisions, and (3) using Spanish-
effectiveness research for special education of the language materials for the assessment of Latino
mildly retarded. EMR enrollment in California children and their families.
went from an all-time high of 58,000 children in To fulfill these goals the SOMPA had to be
EMR classrooms for the years 1968-69 to only comprehensive, including the medical, social, and
12,000 to 13,000 in 1984 (Elliott, 1987). This pluralistic components. These included:
prevalence rate for EMR children is lower than
the rate for moderate mental retardation. Elliott MEDICAL
(1987) has argued that many of these children
1. Physical Dexterity Tasks
have been picked up for services in the less stig-
matizing learning disabilities program or other 2. Bender-Gestalt Test
remedial programs. 3. Visual Acuity
These court cases also spawned a search for new 4. Auditory Acuity
assessment approaches. One of the most favored 5. Health History Inventory
assessment approaches to come from this era
was the SOMPA (described in the next section). SOCIAL
These trials also increased interest in test-teach-
1. Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children
test assessment paradigms. The most popular such
(ABIC) (a parent report adaptive behavior
paradigm of the 1970s was Feuerstein's Learning
Potential Assessment Device (LPAD). The dy-
namic assessment model of Feuerstein emphasizes 2. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-
the malleability of intelligence. This paradigm Revised (\VISC-R)
emphasizes an initial assessment, then the applica- PLURALISTIC
tion of the intervention program, and a subsequent
posttesting. 1. Sociocultural scales. These assess the degree to
Another popular adaptation ofintelligence tests which a child's culture differs from the domi-
that could potentially be related to the litigation of nant Anglo culture.
2. Estimated learning potential. This score is com- The results are generally congruent with clin-
puted based on multiple regression techniques ician's impressions that the ELP score would not
that use the sociocultural scales to "adjust" the show better predictive validity than the regular
child's WISC-R IQs according to his or her Wechsler IQs. Predictive validities for the IQs
own culture (Anglo, Latino, African American). and ELPs were consistently in the .40s and .50s.
This score is intended to project how a child There were no differences across ethnic group
may perform if all impediments to learning, or level of SES with one exception. For the
such as language differences, were removed. African American children at the lowest level of
SES there was some slight superiority for the
The SOMPA was normed in the early 1970s predictive validity of the ELP. This finding,
on a California sample of 2,100 public school however, could be explained by sampling error.
children aged 5 to 11 years. There were 700 Lati- Since these were impoverished children who did
nos, 700 African Americans, and 700 Anglos. Par- not drop out of school, they may have some spe-
ent interviews were conducted by fluent bilingual cial characteristics that allowed them to "beat
examiners, and child testing was completed by the odds." Figueroa and Sassenrath (1989) con-
qualified examiners. cluded that
While the SOMPA originally seemed like a
reasonable approach, it has fallen into disuse. For all three ethnic groups, VIQ correlated slightly but
Why is this? The predictive validity of the ELP consistently higher with all the achievement measures
score is the primary culprit. Say, for example, a than did VIQ-ELP. ... Consequently, VIQ rather than
child obtains a Full Scale IQ score of 78 and an VIQ-ELP generally appears to be the more sensitive
ELP of 94. What does this mean? Many psy- predictor ofschool achievement. (p. 17)
chologists had trouble grappling with this issue
because they knew that the child was referred be- It is also possible that the ELP is a viable con-
cause of academic problems and that the Full struct but was simply poorly executed (Figueroa
Scale was fairly predictive of school achievement. & Sassenrath, 1989). It could also be that the value
How could the more optimistic prediction of the of the ELP does not rest with prediction but with
ELP be brought about? This question and others focusing treatment goals. Both the Wechsler Full
did not have clear answers. There are, however, Scale and ELP long-term predictive validity co-
clear answers to the predictive validity question efficients found in the Figueroa and Sassenrath
regarding the ELP score. (1989) investigation are low to moderate. Al-
The most impressive study in this area was though it sounds axiomatic, these results show
conducted by Figueroa and Sassenrath (1989). that there are factors above and beyond the
These researchers were able to find 1,184 of the Wechsler scores that are important to consider
original SOMPA standardization participants when gauging a child's needs in order to provide
and retest them approximately a decade later in educational/cognitive intervention.
1981-83. At this point the children were all in A. R. van den Berg (1986) proposed a score
high school. This sample does have some prob- similar to an ELP but offered it for very different
lems, however, since it only includes children uses. He essentially advocated computing a "range
that were still in school. Certainly this is a skewed of reaction" for each child tested. He first com-
sample since the dropout rates, especially for im- puted an SEDIQ (socioeconomically deprived
poverished children, are distressingly high. The IQ). This is the norm-referenced score for the
original Full Scale and ELP scores were corre- low-SES child living in an English-dominant so-
lated with student's reading and mathematics ciety. It is presumed that this score is depressed
scores from the Stanford Achievement Test and in these cases because of the known relationship
various GPAs. between environmental factors and intelligence
scores. Van den Berg (1986) cited the environ- PROIQ is rare in reality because interventions
mental factors identified by Thorndike and Hagen are not strong or lengthy enough. Preschool in-
(1977) as the causative agents for this low score. terventions, for example, often result in the child
These factors included going home after school to an environment that
still has one of the risk factors identified above.
1. a home language other than "standard" English. Environments work both ways, both to gradu-
2. home values that do not emphasize school ally foster or hamper intellectual development
learning. (van den Berg, 1986). The range of reaction no-
3. home, social, and economic factors that may tion is important for test interpretation. This
interfere with development. concept, supported by the nearly equivalent pre-
dictive validity of obtained and adjusted IQ scores
4. undereducated parents that cannot function as (Figueroa & Sassenrath, 1989), means that out-
teachers for their children. comes may differ considerably for individuals
5. a feeling of separation and alienation from the with the same scores.
dominant culture.
The next score derived by van de Berg is the DEFINING THE IssuEs
PROIQ (projected IQ). This score is like an ELP.
It is an SEDIQ (obtained IQ) that is adjusted by In addition to suggesting new methodologies for
a measure of the child's difference from the norm assessing intelligence, court cases have served to
based on the socioeconomic factors identified by define the issues of intelligence test use more
Thorndike and Hagen (1977) above. Van den clearly. Test bias has always been a difficult issue
Berg (1986), however, departed from Mercer's to discuss because it is so imbedded in other is-
notion of the ELP. He stated that sues. Hence, in order to consider issues of test
bias one must first define the issues involved.
I am not in favour of the notion that the IQ score ofa
socioeconomically deprived testee should be adjusted rou- One source of confusion is the nature/nurture
tinely in the hope that this will compensatefor his hand- debate. The public, and some professionals, seem
icap. This kind of "compensation" is simply an illusion to take the news that one cultural group has a
because it can make no real change in the testee 's ability higher mean score than another cultural group as
to solve intellectual problems in the scientifically and evidence of either genetic inferiority or superior-
technologically based culture. (p. 20) ity. The conclusion of genetic differences has
nothing to do with the issue of whether or not a
He continued by describing the PROIQ by say- test is biased (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990).
ing that Another common source of confusion is the
relationship between special education and test
The PROIQ index estimates the IQ that could be
bias. If one cultural group scores lower than
expected for the deprived pre-adolescent if intensive
long-term remedial treatment, which would include im- others, then more members of this group would
proving his environment but exclude direct training in be diagnosed as mildly retarded-a label consid-
answering IQ tests, were given to him. (p. 21) ered abhorrent by many parents, including my-
self. Not only is the label stigmatizing, but as a
If this sounds familiar, it should. Van den parent I would be concerned that my child not be
Berg is advocating "peeling" the phenotype just "warehoused" and thus not receive a quality in-
as was proposed by Haywood in his transactional structional program. Here the issue of the effec-
theory (see Chapter 2). Van den Berg (1986) tiveness ofspecial education becomes intertwined
also maintains that successful achievement of the with intelligence test bias. This source ofconfusion
highlights the relationship between test bias and SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF BIAS
differential impact. It is this latter issue that has
led to many of the court cases regarding the use of
intelligence tests. Mean Score Differences
Unfortunately, most of the research on intelli- One of the conventional pieces of wisdom re-
gence tests does not address directly these "larger" garding test bias is that if two cultural groups,
issues. The wealth of data available focuses on the linguistic groups, or racial groups obtain mean
properties of tests per se, rather than on some score differences on a test, then the test is biased
equally interesting issues such as the reasons for against one group or another. It is difficult to
referring more children from one cultural group determine how this logic became applied to in-
for a psychological evaluation than others, the telligence tests, but this has been this case. This
effectiveness of special education, stigmatization view has served to distort somewhat the issue of
associated with being diagnosed as mentally re- intelligence test bias because essentially the issue
tarded, and the relationship between stigmatiza- of mean score differences between cultural groups
tion and a child's achievement motivation. is irrelevant (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990; Thorn-
The point of this prelude is to emphasize that dike, 1971). If intelligence tests did not produce
there is much more to the test bias issue than the re- mean score differences between groups such as
search on bias in intelligence tests. It is for this rea- younger children and older children, they would
son that the last section of this chapter focuses be worthless. The essence of any type of psy-
on test use. There is a specific concern about the chological or physical test is for the measure to
overuse of intelligence tests by less qualified in- be able to discriminate among individuals and
dividuals who may misuse the results or let tests groups of individuals. In almost all other types of
make the decisions rather than depend on the measures, mean score differences between cul-
judgment of a highly trained professional (Kauf- tural groups exist. For example, it is well docu-
man, 1990). mented that certain groups of children are on
Even a moratorium on the use of intelligence average shorter than others. Similarly, men are
tests would likely not eliminate injustice and consistently taller than women as indicated by
poor instruction of children. Unfortunately, tests of height. In all these incidences, we do not
such assaults on children predate the invention say that the test is biased because it measures
of intelligence tests. Jensen (1980) explained height, medical condition, or whatever. How-
why the elimination of tests will not solve child ever, when it comes to intelligence and academic
problems: achievement testing, the lay public is much more
willing to consider mean score differences as evi-
The answers to questions about test bias surely need not dence of bias in the test.
await a scientific consensus on the so-called nature-
nurture question. A proper assessment of test bias, on
the other hand, is an essential step towards a scientific The Psychometric Approach
understanding ofthe observed differences in all the im-
In some cases, however, even the mean differ-
portant educational, occupational, and social correlates of
ences in intelligence are small between groups.
test scores. Test scores themselves are merely correlates,
predictors, and indicators, of other socially important
Jensen and Whang (1993) found few significant
variables, which would not be altered in the least if tests differences in reaction time between Chinese
did not exist. The problem ofindividual differences and American and Anglo-American children. Psy-
group differences would not be made to disappear by chometric studies of test bias do not consider the
abolishing tests. One cannot treat a fever by throwing issue of mean score differences as a meaningful
away a thermometer. (p. xi) test of bias. Hence, when people talk of test bias,
they may be talking about vastly different issues gender groups is at the first step in the proce-
than lay individuals or others who are unfamiliar dure, which is to match the groups on overall
with the science of measurement. The psycho- score (ability) level. If one, for example, was look-
metrician is assessing the validity of an intelli- ing for gender bias in a pool of intelligence test
gence test across groups as opposed to evaluating items, one would first match boys and girls on
mean score differences. In this approach to bias, their overall intelligence test score, be it standard
there would have to be evidence that the construct or raw score. So if one wanted to evaluate biased
validity for an intelligence test differs across items in the Differential Ability Scales, for exam-
groups. Numerous studies have addressed these ple, one would first statistically group the cases
technical issues. For the purpose of this chapter, with perhaps all of the boys and girls with com-
the definition of test bias offered by Reynolds posite standard scores above 150 as one group,
and Kaiser (1990) is most appropriate. those between 140 and 149 as another group,
those between 130 and 139 as another group and
"Test bias" refers in a global sense to systematic error in so on (it should be understood that this is not the
the estimation ofsome "t111e" value for a group ofindi- exact procedure used by most item bias tech-
viduals. The key word here is ''systematic"; all measures niques but an oversimplification of such proce-
contain error, but this error is assumed to be random un- dures). Then some statistical test of significance
less shown to be otherwise. Bias investigation is a statisti-
is applied to see if within these various ability
cal inquiry that does not concern itself with culture
loading, labeling effects, or test use/testfairness. (p. 624)
groups there are still significant differences in
difficulty for the items for one gender group or
another. A similar approach to this was used in
Content Validity Bias the development of the K-ABC. Most of these
items were removed from the K-ABC; however,
Bias in content validity was one of the first areas some were retained (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
of investigation of intelligence test bias. This is 1987). For example, Item 15 of Gestalt Closure
highly understandable given that the scoring cri- was biased against boys at age 7 only and item 37
teria for many intelligence test items seem arbi- of the Arithmetic subtest was biased against girls
trary and were devised primarily by Anglo males
only at age 11. These items were likely retained
and females. WISC-III comprehension items are because although they were biased, it was only at
especially prone to arguments of inappropriate a particular age group. Item 15 on Gestalt clo-
content or bias. Again, a very helpful definition sure is a crown, and item 37 on Arithmetic re-
of content validity bias may be taken from Rey- quires the child to round a four-digit number.
nolds and Kaiser (1990). As is obvious from these examples, it is often-
times difficult to interpret the results of the sta-
An item or subscale ofa test is considered to be biased in
tistical analysis of item bias on a particular test.
content when it is demonstrated to be relatively more
difficult for members of one group than for members Why would the crown item be biased against
ofanother in a situation where the general ability level of boys, and only 7-year-old boys, and why is only
the groups being compared is held constant and no rea- one Arithmetic rounding item, the second-most
sonable theoretical rationale exist to explain group dif- difficult on the test, biased only against girls who
ferences on the item (or subscale) in question. (p. 625) are age 11? Why not 10-year-old or 12-year-old
girls? It appears that it would require a rather rich
Numerous procedures have been proposed imagination on the part of the test developer to
for assessing bias in individual items, but the determine why some of these items are biased
logic behind item bias detection techniques is against one gender or cultural group.
fairly simple. The central aspect of most statisti- This discussion relates to another popular
cal methods that assess for bias across cultural or item bias technique, that of using judgmental
bias reviews. The procedure used by many pub- 1976; Mille, 1979; Sandoval, 1979) have found
lishers is to have groups of individuals review that anywhere from 2% to 5% of the variance in
the items carefully. This procedure ensures that the WISC-R was due to biased items. Also, it is
members of a number of cultural groups review important to note that the biased items in the
the items to determine not only potential bias WISC-R seemed to work in various directions:
but also items that may be insulting or inappro- against boys, in favor of boys, against Anglos, in
priate for various cultural groups. Many tests in favor of Anglos, and so on.
the past such as the K-ABC used Anglo male and Substitute Canadian item content for the
female reviewers, African American reviewers, WISC Information subtest has been added for
and Latino item reviewers. This procedure re- Canadian examiners. Yet Beal (1988) found no
sulted in a few items being removed from the empirical justification for doing so.
K-ABC (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). One of
these items so removed was a vacuum cleaner
from the Gestalt Closure subtest. One of the Construct Validity Bias
Latino reviewers remarked that in the inner-city A workable definition of construct validity bias
environment where she worked, many Latino by Reynolds and Kaiser (1990) suggests that
children lived in apartments where brooms were
used in lieu of vacuum cleaners. There is, how- Bias exists in regard to construct validity when a test is
ever, a great deal of disagreement between judg- shown to measure different hypothetical traits (psy-
mental reviews of items and statistical analyses of chological constructs) for one group or another, or to
bias. It appears that statistical analyses of bias are measure the same trait but with differing degrees of
more reliable (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990). In an- accuracy. (p. 632)
other investigation of judgmental bias reviews,
Sandoval and Mille (1979) compared the ratings The most popular method used for the study
of 45 WISC-R items by 38 African American, of construct validity bias is factor analysis. Nu-
22 Mexican American, and 40 Anglo undergrad- merous researchers have used similar procedures.
uate students. Their study found that minority The central characteristic of these procedures is
and nonminority judges did not differ in their to conduct factor analyses separately for various
ability to identify culturally biased items. The cultural and gender groups. Since the WISC-R
conclusions of Sandoval and Mille (1979) were was the target of early court cases in the 1970s, it
that "(l) judges are not able to detect items was the recipient of the largest number of factor
which are more difficult for a minority child than analytic investigations. Reschly (1978) compared
for an Anglo child, and (2) the ethnic background the factor structure of the WISC-R for groups of
of the judges makes no difference in accuracy of Anglo, African American, Mexican American,
item selection for minority children" (p. 6). It and Native American children. All of these chil-
should also be noted that in the Sandoval and dren were from the southwestern United States.
Mille investigation, the most biased items were Reschly compared two factor solutions across the
used from the WISC-R to try to make it easier various cultural groups and found substantially
for the judges to select biased items. high correlations among the factor solutions
Now the most important question regarding across groups. The most popular procedure used
this line of research is not these technical issues for assessing the agreement between the factor
but whether or not very popular tests of intel- structures across groups is a coefficient of con-
ligence such as the WISC-III are riddled with gruence, which is interpreted similarly to a cor-
biased items for cultural groups, gender, geo- relation coefficient. Reschly found coefficients
graphic region, or whatever. Results suggest that of congruence across groups to range from .97 to
this is not the case. Numerous studies Oensen, .99, in other words, near perfect congruence of
factors across these four cultural groups for the findings for content validity bias in that evidence
WISC-R. These findings suggest that in terms of of bias is difficult to find and erratic when it does
factor structure, the WISC-R was virtually iden- occur. The final type of bias that has received a
tical across these four groups and no evidence of great deal of attention in the adult personnel se-
bias was present. Other studies have come to the lection literature is bias in predictive validity.
identical conclusions of Reschly (Vance & Wall-
brown, 1978; Wherry & Wherry, 1969). Oak-
land and Feigenbaum (1979) factor analyzed the
Predictive Validity Bias
WISC-R separately for samples of nonhandi- A working definition of predictive validity bias as
capped African American, Anglo, and Mexican adapted from Cleary, Humphreys, Kendrick, and
American children from an urban area in the Wesman (1975) by Reynolds and Kaiser (1990) is
southwestern United States. Pearson coefficients as follows:
were used to assess the similarity of factors for
each group. The first unrotated "g" factor showed A test is considered biased with respect to predictive va-
lidity if the inference drawn from the test score is not
an Anglo/African American correlation of .9 5
made with the smallestfeasible random error or if there
and a Mexican American/Anglo correlation of is constant error in an inference for prediction as afunc-
.97. The lowest correlation among factors to be tion ofmembership in a particular group. (p. 638)
found in this investigation was still high at .94.
The authors concluded that there is no evidence The issue regarding predictive or criterion-
of construct validity bias for the WISC-R in this related validity is that these coefficients should
investigation. Gutkin and Reynolds (1980, 1981) not differ significantly across cultural or gender
conducted two large-scale investigations of con- group. One of the typical procedures in this
struct validity bias for the WISC-R. The first in- research literature is to compare the predictive
vestigation (1980) involved comparing the factor validity coefficients across groups. A study by
structure of the WISC-R for samples of referred Glutting (1986) is an excellent example of such
children including Anglo American and Mexican an investigation. This investigation studied the
American children. Coefficients of congruence predictive validity of the K-ABC for 146 Anglo,
for this investigation ranged from .91 to .99. African American, and Puerto Rican children from
Similarly, the second investigation (Gutkin & the New York City metropolitan area. In addi-
Reynolds, 1981) of the WISC-R standardization tion, the Puerto Rican sample was subdivided
sample comparing African American and Anglo into English-dominant children and into Spanish-
American children produced coefficients of con- dominant children. The predictive validity coef-
gruence in the 90s. Similar studies of construct ficients found for this investigation were strikingly
validity bias have been conducted for the WISC- similar across ethnic and linguistic groups. That
III (Roid & W arrall, 1997), the WISC-R and is, the magnitudes of the coefficients were very
Chinese children (Dai & Lynn, 1994), McCarthy similar. Comparing the magnitude of the coeffi-
Scales (Kaufman & DiCuio, 1975), the WPPSI cients as Glutting did by collecting a sample,
(Kaufman & Hollenbeck, 1974), and the K-ABC administering an intelligence test, and adminis-
(Reynolds, Willson, & Chatman, 1985). There tering a criterion test, such as an achievement
is also one factor analytic study of the K-ABC test at some subsequent date, is a common pro-
for separate groups of boys and girls (Kamphaus cedure. If Glutting would have found, for exam-
& Kaufman, 1986). All of these investigations ple, that the predictive validity coefficient for the
have resulted in similar findings-a great deal K-ABC for the Anglo group was .90 and for the
of similarity of factor structure across ethnic other groups was .30, this would be evidence of
and gender groups. These results then mimic the significant predictive validity bias and that the
test is more predictive for the Anglo than for the There is one study that is something of an out-
other groups. This result, however, did not occur lier as far as predictive validity bias goes, and this
in this investigation. If it were to occur, this type is a study by Goldman and Hartig (1976). This
of bias (different predictive validity coefficients) study used the 1949 WISC and compared pre-
would be called slope bias. In order to understand dictive validity coefficients for African American,
the concept of slope bias, it is helpful to recollect Mexican American, and Anglo children. It found
how correlation coefficients are learned in intro- adequate predictive validity coefficients for the
ductory statistics courses. Such procedures are Anglo children, but coefficients were not ade-
typically taught by having the students collect quate for African American and Mexican Ameri-
data on two variables and plotting the scores of a can children. This is the only study to show such
group of individuals on these two variables. This substantial evidence of predictive validity or slope
plot results in a scatter plot (see Chapter 5). bias. But it has been criticized on methodological
Then students compute a correlation coefficient grounds (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990). This study is
and draw a line of best fit through the scatter one of a very few to use "academic GPA" or
plot. This line of best fit is a visual representation school grades as a criterion measure of academic
of the slope (see Chapter 5). A correlation coeffi- achievement. There were significant differences
cient (predictive validity coefficient) of .90 would in the variances or range of scores between the
produce a very different slope than a correlation Anglo children and the two other groups. This
coefficient of .30. This is why this type of bias in fact alone could account for the difference in pre-
predictive validity is referred to as slope bias. dictive validity coefficients (see the discussion of
Studies of the WISC-Ragain have produced lit- restriction of range and how this may deflate cor-
tle evidence of slope bias. relation coefficients in Chapter 5). In addition,
Reynolds and Hartlage (1979) conducted a however, Reynolds and Kaiser suggest that the
study of the predictive validity of the Full Scale study may also be an outlier because of the use of
standard scores from the WISC-R for African GPA, a questionable and frequently unreliable
American and Anglo children who were referred measure of performance. They point out that aca-
for psychological services. In addition, they demic GPA in this particular study also included
used the Potthoff (1966) technique to test for grades in music, health, art, and physical educa-
identity of the slopes or regression lines for the tion and that in these particular courses, it looked
two groups for predicting reading and mathe- as if the students received exceedingly high grades
matics achievement. This study did not yield producing little variability.
significant evidence of bias for the two groups. These studies of slope bias are strikingly sim-
In a series of studies, Reynolds and colleagues ilar to the studies of content validity and construct
(Reynolds & Gutkin, 1980a) conducted a pre- validity bias. Evidence of predictive validity bias
dictive validity study of bias for Anglo and Mex- is infrequent. When it does occur, it is often
ican American children from the southwestern counterintuitive and inexplicable, as in the case
United States and found no evidence of bias. In of the Glutting analysis of the K-ABC. Thus the
another study by Reynolds, Gutkin, Dappen, wealth of findings suggest that as far as most
and Wright (1979), no evidence of predictive major tests of intelligence go, evidence of inter-
validity bias was found for groups of boys and nal test bias is exceedingly difficult to document.
girls on the WISC-R. The WISC-III appears to Moreover, studies of personality test bias have
vary little from its predecessors showing no evi- produced similar results. A meta-analysis of 2 5
dence of slope bias for African American and comparative studies of the MMPI for various
Hispanic children or for gender (Weiss, Prifitera, ethnic groups over a 31-year period produced no
& Roid, 1992). evidence of bias, and highly similar mean scores,
for all major U.S. ethnic groups (Hall, Bansal, & shown considerable adaptation to harsh environ-
Lopez, 1999). mental circumstances (Serpell, 1994). In this view
intelligence testing, as is the case for schooling,
may be viewed as an irrelevant enterprise for large
Summary Comments on Bias groups of children if it is seen as disconnected
The results of bias studies, many of which were from the culture's views. It is perhaps for this rea-
conducted from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s son that the recent theory of multiple intelli-
as a consequence of the numerous court cases in gences has captured the fancy of the public and
the 1970s, have turned up little substantial evi- some school personnel. Multiple intelligence the-
dence of bias in modern tests of intelligence. ory may appeal to the public view that intelli-
This evidence suggests that intelligence tests are gence is a multifaceted construct (Sternberg,
measures very similar to medical tests that have Conway, Ketron, & Bernstein, 1981) that in-
shown significant group differences. Group dif- cludes social and practical intelligences that are
ferences between intelligence test scores are not assessed by most tests. Toward this end, psy-
likely real, but what they mean and the implica- chologists are beginning to strive to develop
tions of the f1ndings remain open to debate. cultural and linguistic competencies to allow
One view is that these results sound an alarm themselves to better understand the application
regarding the cognitive development ofchildren. ofintelligence testing for diagnosis and treatment
Just as differences in the prevalence rates of breast planning within various cultural contexts.
cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, and school drop-
out raise alarms as they afflict cultural groups
differentially, so too, intelligence test scores that MuLTICULTURAL EXPERTISE
may differ across cultural groups should be a call
to arms for those individuals concerned about
the welfare of children. As van den Berg (1986) Cultural plurality has posed a challenge to assess-
states aptly: ment and diagnostic practice since the early days
of the "mental testers." The testing movement
Inappropriate acceptance ofthe test bias hypothesis could was forced early on to change tests and testing
therefore inadvertently maintain the poverty cycle; in- practice in the United States because of the tre-
advertently far those who wish to break the cycle but per- mendous influx of new immigrants. Between
haps advertently far those who might wish to maintain 1901 and 1910 over 9 million immigrants entered
it. (p. 16) the United States. This figure represented more
immigrants than the combined populations of
Another point of view is that intelligence test- New York, Maryland, and New Hampshire in
ing and schooling is a cultural construction that 1900 (French & Hale, 1990).
should be aligned more closely with a culture's The creation of new tests (e.g., SOMPA and
view of cognitive and social competency (Serpell, nonverbal measures) has not proved sufficient to
1994). A study of rural Zambian children re- meet the assessment and diagnostic needs of a
vealed that they systemmatically avoided school multicultural society because new tests cannot
and labeled themselves unintelligent. They did so preclude poor interpretation. In many cases clin-
because they saw no chance of success in a rigidly icians choose the wrong test and make inappro-
hierarchical system with examinations required priate interpretations of the data (Shepard, 1989).
for promotion from one grade level to the next. Interpretations have often been simplistic and
They knew that often fewer than 20% of the chil- culturally bound, showing a lack of appreciation
dren would typically be advanced to the next for cultural differences and traditions (see Re-
grade level. Yet, these children and families had search Report 6.1).
Dasen notes that there is some distinction in these descriptors of intelligent behavior between the social and the
academic. Among this particular culture, the academic is deemed relatively useless unless it is applied to enhance
the social well-being of the cultural group. Dasen (1984) thinks that it is this integration of the social and cognitive
intelligences that makes this culture's view of intelligent behavior unique from that of Western societies.
The next part of the investigation was to test these adult conceptualizations of child intelligence by determining
the extent to which Baoule children show knowledge of concrete operations. Another interesting observation re-
garding cultural differences was that Dasen and his colleagues could not praise children as they performed the tasks
as is typical of Piaget's clinical method. In this particular culture, praising a child may bring bad luck. After assessing
the concrete operation skills of a sample of Baoule children, the authors then had parents rate the children on the
extent to which they possess n'glouele (intelligence). These ratings were then correlated with performance on the Pi-
aget concrete operation tasks. The correlations between three Piagetian tasks of space, conservation, and elementary
logic yielded small and frequently negative correlations with the parents ratings of n'glouele. School intelligence, for
example, correlated -.74 with parent ratings of n'glouele. The only consistent positive correlation between parent
rating~ of n'glouele were with regard to otikpa (serviceableness). These correlations ranged from .03 to .2 3. The log-
ical conclusion from these results was that parent ratings of n'glouele value social intelligence to a greater extent, re-
sulting in low and frequently negative correlations between parent ratings and Piagetian cognitive task performance.
Further analyses of the data showed that parents were generally not concerned about a child's school marks and that
spatial skills were not prized.
But are these implications valid onlyfor African cultures? Could we, in the overindus:trialized west, not learn somethingfrom the African
definition ofintelligence? ... Our society values mainly intellectual skills, and uses these selfishly, in particularfor developing more deadly
weapons, over-exploiting non-renewable sources, and increasing its wealth at the expense ofthe third world. Wouldn't these skills be more
useful if they were more integrated with social skills, in the service ofthe world as a community? (p. 431)
Few technological gains have been made in Malgady and Constantino (1998) found that
devising specific tests for specific populations. bilingual Hispanic examiners identified signifi-
As Figueroa (1990) observes: cantly more symptoms in bilingual Hispanic
patients than Anglo examiners. One of their
conclusions was that Anglo clinicians lacked
Currently, bilingual testing is an art form. The tester
adequate cultural knowledge, resulting in un-
must infer and estimate the impact oflanguage, culture,
and schooling in the English versions ofintelligence tests,
and then do the same with even more marginal tests in Another example of the importance of multi-
another language. (p. 687) cultural knowledge may help clarify the need for
such knowledge. Perhaps a psychologist is work-
ing in a multicultural neighborhood where most
Inappropriate, ill-informed, or insensitive in- of the inhabitants are children of African and
terpretations also apply to "clinical" data. An Indian/Pakistani decent and Italian American chil-
examiner may conclude that a 13-year-old girl dren are in the minority. Yet the Italian immigrant
of Asian heritage is socially introverted, shy, and children are making up a large percentage of the
perhaps in need of assertiveness training because referrals for mental health services, much larger
of her behavior during an interview with a male than would be expected based on their propor-
clinician. She may have been demure and made tions in the neighborhood. A psychologist who is
no eye contact. The examiner may draw such a not schooled in multicultural research may con-
conclusion despite the fact that she appeared clude that there is something awry with the Italian
friendly and outgoing when she was observed American family, physical constitution, or what-
on the school playground and seemed to interact ever. However, the psychologist who is familiar
more openly with her family members. This client with multicultural issues may more appropriately
may not in fact be pathologically shy, rather she conclude that community/preventive interventions
may be adhering to a prohibition against making may be most appropriate since research shows that
eye contact with a male because of her cultural minori'ty status itself is a stressor for any cultural
values, which suggest that this is a highly sexually group. Mintz and Schwartz (1964, cited in Gibbs
seductive behavior (or an indication of a lack & Huang, 1989), for example, found that Whites
of respect) that is deemed inappropriate for her living in Black areas had an incidence of psychosis
(Hasegawa, 1989). In this case the clinician was about 313 % higher than Whites who lived in
simply ignoring relevant data, and the clinician's communities where they were the majority.
lack of familiarity with the child's culture resulted Within cultural groups, variability can also be
in an erroneous interpretation. substantial (Zuckerman, 1990). It may be assumed
by some that Vietnamese and Chinese children psychology to conduct an evaluation compe-
have similar values due to earlier Chinese domina- tently, it is increasingly clear that they must know
tion and inculcation with Confucian ethic. There the history, culture, and language of their com-
have also been other influences on this culture munity extremely well in order to not use assess-
that may affect a child's behavior including Euro- ment procedures inappropriately and make naive
pean Roman Catholicism brought by the French interpretations. One source of such knowledge
conquest of 1958, the influence of American cul- may be university coursework in the history and
ture from the Vietnam War, and Buddhist influ- culture ofAppalachia, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Uganda,
ences from neighboring Cambodia (Huang, 1990). Korea, Hungary and the like, depending on the
Classifying children by race, culture, or language nature of the local population being served by
background is an appealing approach for research- the clinician.
ers and clinicians alike that is fraught with errors
primarily due to the tendency to overgeneralize
about a particular group of people (Zuckerman,
Assessing Multilingual Children
1990). One advised alternative for the assessment of
Incla'n and Herron (1989) cite the "culture of children for whom English is not their primary
poverty" as another subculture that may affect language is to use a translation of a popular intel-
a variety of groups. This "culture" is formed by ligence test. This practice, however, is fraught
a clash between those who have achieved mate- with problems, including the fact that once the
rial wealth and prosperity and those who struggle test is translated its psychometric properties are
to achieve economic parity with little hope of unknown (Figueroa, 1989) (see Research Report
doing so. Children reared in a culture of poverty 6.2). It may be that if the WISC-R were to be
possess characteristics such as an orientation to used with a Spanish-speaking population, for ex-
present time, inability to delay gratification, im- ample, it would have to be created anew. In fact,
pulsivity, sense of predetermined fate, resentment problems of translation can occur even if minor
of authority, alienation and distrust of others, changes are made in an item. I was reminded
and lack of emphasis on rigor, discipline, and of this when I attended a conference in Canada
perseverance (Incla'n & Herron, 1989). Incla'n where the metric system is used. There was con-
and Herron (1989) note that some impoverished cern expressed about an Arithmetic item on an
parents of adolescents may be assessed by a ther- intelligence test that involved calculating miles
apist as being too rigid and controlling of their per hour from the miles driven in a specified time
youngsters at a time when parents should be al- period. Would this item remain in the same diffi-
lowing their children more freedom. It is possi- culty order on the test if the metric were changed
ble, however, that poor parents may be all too to kilometers? I don't know, but the item would
familiar with the culture of poverty, and they definitely involve larger numbers. At any rate,
may be seeking control not for its own sake but if there are difficulties with changes within the
rather to ensure that their child or adolescent English language, one can imagine the potential
does not fall prey to the negative consequences of problems when an entire test is translated.
behavior associated with a culture of poverty A second popular assessment choice is to use a
(Incla'n & Herron, 1989). nonverbal test with non-English-speaking chil-
More than anything else clinicians have to dren. This practice, however, has also been ques-
develop an enlarged knowledge base in order tioned, as it has been argued that these measures
to deal effectively with their referral population. are less predictive of future academic achieve-
Just as clinicians have to have knowledge of be- ment (Figueroa, 1990).
havioral principles, psychometrics, child develop- A third approach is to take an English test and
ment, child psychopathology, and physiological administer it via a translator. As one can imagine
this introduces further complications into the some have argued that only with psychometrically valid
interpretation of the results. As Figueroa (1989) tests in the child's primary language can an interpreter
states: be used. There is no cross-cultural data on how children
from different cultures and languages respond to two un-
When a psychologist uses an interpreter, the child is at known adults asking decontextualized questions and pre-
risk and the psychologist is at risk. There is no empirically senting progressively more complex problems. Finally,
validated model for training or using an interpreter. there is no recognition ofthe legal distinctions that can be
There is no data indicating the operative conditions nec- raised about which linguistic groups may have to be tested
essary to insure that the one-on-one experience of an with an interpreter. (p. 19)
English-speaking child is comparable to the one-on-one
experience of an LEP [limited English proficient} child So what is a clinician to do? Well, it seems in-
with her/his psychologist and interpreter. There is no in- tuitive that a clinician will undoubtedly encounter
formation on which tests to use in this process, though a situation where cultural/linguistic differences
will be magnified (see Box 6.1). If possible (unfor- the clients' other language yields more informa-
tunately, it usually is not) it would be best to refer tion than using one language alone.
to a psychologist that may share some linguistic It is also overly simplistic to give guidelines for
similarity with the child. Frequently, linguistic dif- cultural groups such as Hispanic, African Ameri-
ferences are associated with cultural differences can, Asian, and other cultural groups. These
and a psychologist may unwittingly behave in a groups are not monoliths. The cultural and lin-
way that is insulting or intimidating to a child. In guistic differences among Hispanic children, for
some cultures, for example, it is viewed as impo- example, are numbing. In constructing prediction
lite or improper to show your teeth (as in smil- equations for academic achievement for Asian
ing), a very high frequency behavior for those American children, Sue and Abe (1988) found
who assess children. Lopez (1999) suggests that significant differences among Asian groups, in-
carrying out the evaluation in both English and cluding Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos,
and East Indians/Pakistanis. A comparable Ameri- may affect the acculturation and behavior of
can example would be the various Native American Mexican American students.
tribes and their languages and cultures. For these a. Length of residence in the United States
reasons psychologists cannot expect to memorize a
b. Distance from the Mexican border
few simple rules about cultural values. Assessment
situations will have to be individualized and per- c. Degree of urbanization
haps improvised by the savvy clinician. d. Degree of economic and political strength
Here are some suggestions for dealing with lin- of Mexican Americans in the community
guistic differences in the intellectual assessment e. Identity with Mexican and/or Mexican
process. American history
f. Degree of prejudice toward Mexican
1. Collect detailed background information on
Americans in the community
each case. Clinicians already typically collect
various types of developmental, medical, and
social history information. Multicultural ex- Efforts to improve services in multicultural
pertise, however, requires the collection of in- societies include the recruitment of multicul-
formation that may not be part of traditional tural providers and the use of intercultural
history questionnaires. Castaneda (1976) gives teams (Gibbs & Huang, 1989).
an example of additional information that 2. Attempt to refer the child to a psychologist
would be desirable for proper interpretation of who speaks the child's native tongue. This
the assessment data for a Mexican American examiner could use tests designed specifically
child. He proposed that the following factors for the child's linguistic group (e.g., there could
be some from the child's homeland, although child and assess the trajectory of his or her cog-
often there will not be any) or administer non- nitive development. In this paradigm the admin-
verbal measures. istration and scoring of the intelligence test is the
3. Failing this, the psychologist should consult beginning ofthe assessment process, not the end result.
with a community resource about the child's Actually, all children could likely benefit from
language and culture before proceeding with such careful case management, but particularly
the evaluation. There are usually others in the those children for whom the psychologist feels
community who speak the same language. less certain of the results.
Potential resources could include a parent,
shopkeeper, office of bilingual education, or CONCLUSIONS
minister. One could also contact professional
organizations such as the American Psycho-
logical Association for advice. These individu- Much progress has been made in exploring the
als could give advice as to how to interact with issue of test bias. Litigation regarding assessment
the child. They may also be willing to join the practices, and intelligence testing specifically, has
test session, much in the same way that parents created needed motivation to carefully consider
will sometimes join a session, to help make the the nature and use of such tests with children from
child feel more at ease. The examiner could diverse backgrounds. While bias internal to intel-
then use a nonverbal measure of intelligence. ligence tests is rare, test overuse, misuse, and dif-
ferential impact remain relatively commonplace.
In these circumstances, however, the results Linguistic and cultural issues in the assess-
may still be speculative. Hence, psychologists ment process are the new fruitful areas for re-
should make greater use of "therapeutic testing" search and practice innovation. Clearly, the role
with children who speak a language other than of affluence and its impact on schooling and
English. Many of us remember visits to the test performance is one of many areas needing
physician when the doctor told us to take an study (Campbell, 1996; van deVijver, 1997). In
over-the-counter medication and get bed rest. the interim, consensual guidelines such as the
In most cases we get better soon after. This is Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to
one type of therapeutic testing where the physi- Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Popula-
cian takes an educated guess that we are suffering tions (APA, 1993) are advised.
from the common cold, prescribes treatment,
and tells us to call back if we don't get better. If
the therapy works, then the diagnosis must have CHAPTER SUMMARY
been correct, hence, the term therapeutic testing.
If the bilingual child scores extremely well on the
• The utility of intelligence tests for children
intelligence test, we may want to have him or her
of non-European descent or non-English-
try some enrichment classes to mitigate against
speaking background has been questioned
boredom. If the child scores poorly, classes for
since the early days of intelligence testing
children in need of remedial work could be ad-
(French & Hale, 1990).
vised. Regardless, these should be tentative, short-
term, therapeutic tests that should be reevaluated • Psychologists learned a great deal about intel-
consistently by consulting with teachers and par- ligence test bias in the decades of the 1970s
ents in an ongoing fashion (probably at least once and 1980s.
a week) to make modifications in the "treatment" • One of the first cases to question the use of so-
as necessary. This process will also allow the psy- called ability tests to make special education
chologist to collect more long-term data on the decisions for mental retardation placement-
the oft-used term is educable mentally retarded • Numerous studies (Jensen, 1976; Mille, 1979;
(EMR)-was the case of Hobson v. Hansen Sandoval, 1979) have found that anywhere
(1967). from 2% of 5% of the variance in the WISC-
• One result of the Diana case was to clearly R is due to biased items. Biased items in the
identify the criterion of two standard devia- WISC-R seem to work in various directions:
tions below the mean as the cutoff for mental against boys, in favor of boys, against Anglos,
retardation special education placement. in favor of Anglos, and so on.
• The Larry P. v. Riles case began in 1971 when • The most popular method used for the study
the plaintiffs representing Black children who of construct validity bias is factor analysis.
were overrepresented in classes for the men- • Content validity bias is difficult to find and
tally retarded asked for an injunction against erratic when it does occur.
the use of intelligence tests in the San Fran- • The results of bias studies, many of which
cisco public schools. were conducted from the mid-1970s to the
• The 1980 PASE case came to the opposite mid-1980s as a consequence of the numerous
conclusion of the Larry P. case, although much court cases in the 1970s, have turned up little
of the testimony was the same. substantial evidence of bias in modem tests of
• The statistics offered in these court cases had to intelligence.
be considered very carefully since only a small • Between 1901 and 1910 over 9 million immi-
proportion of the school-age population is grants entered the United States. This figure
identified as suffering from mental retardation. represented more immigrants than the com-
• One proposed solution to the issues posed by bined populations of New York, Maryland,
the Larry P. case was the System of Multicul- and New Hampshire in 1900 (French & Hale,
tural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA) (Mercer, 1990).
1979). • Mintz and Schwartz (1964, cited in Gibbs &
• The ELP score does not show better predic- Huang, 1989) found that Whites living in
tive validity than the regular Wechsler scores. Black areas had an incidence of psychosis
• If intelligence tests did not produce mean score about 313 % higher than Whites who lived in
differences between groups such as younger communities where they were the majority.
children and older children, they would be • Incla'n and Herron (1989) cite the "culture of
worthless. Psychometric studies of test bias poverty" as another subculture that may affect
typically do not consider the issue of mean a variety of groups. This "culture" is formed
score differences as a meaningful test of bias. by a clash between those who have achieved
• The central aspect of most statistical methods material wealth and prosperity and those who
that assess for bias across cultural or gender struggle to achieve economic parity with little
groups is that the first step in the procedure is to hope of doing so.
match the groups on overall score (ability) level. • Translation of popular intelligence test such
• There is a great deal of disagreement between as the WISC for children for whom English is
judgmental reviews of items and statistical not their primary language is fraught with
analyses of bias. It appears that statistical problems, including the fact that once the test
analyses of bias are more reliable (Reynolds & is translated its psychometric properties are
Kaiser, 1990). unknown (Figueroa, 1989).
Practice Standards
and Test Selection
When making inferences about a client's past, present, tests are becoming available in numerous shapes,
and future behaviors and other characteristics from test sizes, and varieties. The last section of this chap-
scores, the professional reviews the literature to develop ter suggests to the clinician a framework for
familiarity with supporting evidence. (ABRA, APA, selecting a test in order to maximize the effec-
NCME, 1999,p. 121) tiveness of a given evaluation.
Is it permissible to demonstrate the use of an The practicing clinician will be assaulted with new
intelligence test to a group of parents at a intelligence test offerings that will promise phe-
PTA meeting by administering a few items nomenal results or features (Buros, 1963). Thus
from the WISC-III? clinicians will have to know psychometric princi-
How should a psychologist respond to a judi- ples well in order to judge the quality of new
cial mandate to release copies of test protocols methods. As Buros (1963) laments, clinicians are
(i.e., record forms)? left to their own devices when judging the quali-
ties of new measures (see Research Report 7.1) as
This chapter addresses three important areas of publishers and test authors will sometimes make
practice: test standards, ethics, and test selection. exaggerated claims that may confuse the uncritical
The first two topics are routinely considered in clinician.
assessment texts but often not in a separate chap- In order to make an informed decision about
ter so as to give them substantial emphasis. The the purchase and use of a particular instrument,
issue of test selection is oft ignored. Intelligence a standard is needed. Fortunately, considerable
At present, no matter how poor a test may be, if it is nicely packaged and if it promises to do all sorts ofthings which no test can do, the test
willfind many gullible buyers. When we initiated critical test reviewing (1938) we had no idea how difficult it would be to discourage the
use ofpoorly constructed tests ofunknown validity. Even the better informed test users who finally become convinced that a widely used test
has no validity after all are likely to rush to use a new instrument which promises far more than any good test can possibly deliver. Coun-
selors, personnel directors, psychologists, and school administrators seem to have an unshakable will to believe the exaggerated claims oftest
authors and publishers. If these users were better informed regarding the merits and limitations oftheir testing instruments, they would
probably be less happy and less successful in their work. The test user who has faith-however unjustified-can speak with confidence in
interpreting test results and in making recommendations. The well informed test user cannot do this; he knows that the best ofour tests are
still highly fallible instruments which are extremely difficult to interpret with assurance in individual cases. Consequently, he must inter-
pret test results cautiously and with so many reservations that others wonder whether he really knows what he is talking about. Children,
parent,, teachers, and school administrators are likely to have a greater respect and admiration for a school counselor who interprets test
results with confidence even though his interpretations have no scientificjustification. The same applies to psychologists and personnel di-
rectors. Highly trained psychologists appear to be as gullible as the less well trained school counselor. It pays to know only a little about test-
ing; furthermore, it is much more fun for everyone concerned-the examiner, examinee, and the examiner's employer.
It is difficult to allocate the blame for the lack ofgreater progress. We think, however, that the major blame rests with test users. The
better test publishers would like to make more moderate claims for their tests. Unfortunately, test buyers don't want tests which make only
moderate claims. Consequently, even the best test publishers find themselves forced by competition to offer test users what they want. Bad
usage oftests is probably more common than good usage. Must it always be this way? We are afraid so.
From 0. K. Buros. (1961). Tests in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliog;raphy ofTests for Use in Education, Psychology and
Indust1y. Highland Park, New Jersey: Gryphon Press. Reprinted with permission of the Buros Institute, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
attention has been directed oflate to setting stan- and other professionals who engage in any type of
dards for intelligence and other measures. The assessment. The new Test Standards are divided
next section highlights the application of some into three substantive sections: test construction,
standards to test selection and use. evaluation, and documentation; fairness in test-
ing; and testing applications. A few of the stan-
TEST STANDARDS dards will be highlighted here as they relate
specifically to intelligence testing applications.
A central theme of the new Test Standards is
The Standards for Educational and Psychological evidentiary-based interpretation as alluded to
Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999, hereafter re- in the opening quote of this chapter. Several
ferred to as the "Test Standards"), a much-needed standards are offered related to the issue of
revision of an earlier edition, serves as an inval- evidence-based interpretations. The second
uable compendium of guidance for test users, standard for test users (Standard 11.2), for ex-
producers, consumers, and other stakeholders. ample, states that
These standards are so widely cited that they are
likely to influence litigation and legislation re- When a test is used for a purpose for which little or no
lated to testing in school, business, and clinical documentation is available, the user is responsible for ob-
settings, including intelligence testing. Hence, taining evidence of the test's validity and reliability for
they are mandatory reading for all psychologists this purpose. (ABRA, APA, NCME, 1999, p. 113)
This evidentiary-based interpretation theme the potential limitations of the test scores in such
has been present in the Test Standards and other situations" (p. 114).
publications for some time, but its meaning and It is particularly difficult to amass validity evi-
centrality to the assessment enterprise is high- dence for interpretations associated with the di-
lighted significantly in the revision. It is also agnosis of low incidence disorders. Turner's
noteworthy in Standard 11.2 that users have to syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, Rasmussen's
take responsibility for their interpretations and syndrome, and cognitive impairment associated
validation ofsame. The major implication of these with tuberous sclerosis are only a few of the
standards is that modern interpretation of intel- many syndromes that are typically lacking valid-
ligence tests must depend more on sound psy- ity evidence in a test's manual. Children from re-
chometric evidence than has been the case in the mote areas (e.g., northern Alaska) and those who
past. A few examples may help clarify the mean- speak lesser known languages (e.g., Euskera from
ing of these standards relating to evidence-based the Basque region) are also not likely to have
interpretation. been studied systematically as part of the test
A psychologist, for example, may wish to begin validation process either prior to or after publi-
using the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) for cation of the scale. In all of these cases the Test
the diagnosis of intellectual problems of chil- Standards suggest that conclusions be offered as
dren who are suspected of having moderate to tentative hypotheses pending further assessment
severe levels of mental retardation. The Test or follow-up assessment at a later date. This
Standards suggest that the DAS manual or Hand- theme of evidence-based interpretation serves as
book (Elliott, 1990b), or an independent research the foundation for the interpretation methodol-
study, should provide evidence for the validity of ogy to be offered in Chapter 17.
the DAS for making such a diagnosis. The DAS Another recurring theme of the revised Test
seems well suited to this use, since it has an ex- Standards is full disclosure. Test user Standard
tended score scale that appears ideal for the diag- 11.5, for example, states,
nosis of such a population. In addition, the DAS
Handbook includes an impressive array of prepub- Those who have a legitimate interest in an assessment
should be informed about the purposes of testing, how
lication research with special populations of chil-
tests will be administered, the factors considered in scor-
dren, yet a study with children with moderate to
ing examinee responses, how the scores are typically used,
severe mental retardation is lacking. It is there- how long records will be retained, and to whom and
fore conceivable that, if an independent study of under what conditions the records may be released.
the use of the DAS with this population cannot (AERA,APA,NCME, 1999,p.114)
be found, the use of the DAS for making the
diagnosis of moderate or severe mental retarda- In the case of child examinees these explana-
tion could be construed as inappropriate in the tions should likely be given to the child and care-
light of the Test Standards. givers at a minimum. This standard, and related
The Test Standards, however, do offer a fairly ones, require that clinicians themselves enter the
generous definition of evidence. They note that clinical assessment process fully informed in
support for an interpretation may come from order to explain the points above to examinees
both empirical and theoretical literatures. They and others. It may be helpful to prepare a written
also do not restrict clinicians from offering hy- guide to be handed to parents, children, and other
potheses based on observations during test ses- interested parties in the assessment. The act of
sions and other data that are indiosyncratic to the preparing such a document will help examiners
case. Clinicians are cautioned to label hypothe- clarify their thinking about these issues.
ses, including those that may be contraindicated Some of these issues, such as the release of
by the research literature as "tentative." In addi- records, are at least partially governed by state
tion, "Interested parties should be made aware of statutes in the United States. Laws regarding
of the inferences made should be offered. More- because this diagnosis would preclude my
over, any inferences lacking evidence of valid- client from receiving the death penalty.
ity through prior research should be identified 4. Is this test appropriate for use given the ex-
as such. aminee's "culture, language, and/or physical
Psychologists are also now clearly prohibited requirements of the tests" (p. 131)? Exem-
from selecting tests and interpreting results as a plar: I chose the K-ABC because it has been
result of bias that is introduced by colleagues, at- shown to be less influenced by linguistic fac-
torneys, other health care professionals or others tors for Hispanic bilingual children (Kauf-
who may have a vested interest in a particular man & Kaufman, 1983b).
outcome (Standard 12.2). As the psychological
assessment process has become more visible in lit- 5. Is there validity evidence to support my com-
igation, school placement, and other circum- bining these scores from two measures to
stances the potential for bias, even unarticulated make an interpretation? Exemplar: I cannot
bias, is large. It is indeed helpful that the Test Stan- make the determination of a learning disabil-
dards have addressed this sometimes unrecognized ity based on a simple discrepancy between my
source of influence on the testing process. Binet-4 and measures of reading achievement
The aforementioned entries are merely some when the achievement scores are in the aver-
of the standards that appear to be "raising the age or above range (Siegel, 1999; Stanovich,
standard" of psychological assessment practice, 1999).
including the use of intelligence tests. The 6. Does the combination of tests that I have se-
specifics of each are better understood by read- lected have adequate evidence of sensitivity
ing the original source. It may be helpful to the and specificity for detecting the child's prob-
practitioner, however, to,have a short-form re- lem or problem areas? Exemplar: I cannot
minder of the major standards to use as a mental make the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome
checklist during an evaluation. In this spirit the based solely on the results of this test be-
following self-assessment questions are offered cause no validity evidence exists.
as a guide to encourage compliance with the Test 7. Is there adequate validity evidence to show
Standards specifically related to "psychological that this test is capable of differentiating the
assessment." diagnostic group of interest from other diag-
1. Am I competent by virtue of my "education, nostic groups? Exemplar: I cannot use DAS
supervised training, experience, and appro- results in isolation to differentiate early in-
priate credentialing" (p. 131) to use this test? fantile autism from mental retardation in this
Exemplar: I have completed a 2-year postdoc- case because no validity evidence exists for
toral experience in neuropsychology, which doing so.
qualifies me to conduct an assessment of 8. Do I have a defensible operational definition
memory and learning for this adolescent. of the diagnostic terms that I am employing
2. Did I select this test primarily because of the to conceptualize and report the diagnostic
influence of others more so than for its. ap- results? Exemplar: I am using the DSM-IV
propriateness to the case? Exemplar: I ad- definition ofADHD to report my diagnostic
ministered the Wechsler scale because this findings both orally and in writing.
test was requested by the parents. 9. When I am supervising a group administra-
3. Am I making this interpretation primarily as tion of a test (e.g., a screening measure),
the result of the influence of others rather have I ensured that the individuals who in-
than based on the test findings? Exemplar: terpret the scores are properly trained for
I made the diagnosis of mental retardation this purpose? Exemplar: I have taught the
psychology assistant how to properly admin- composite score. The DAS was adminis-
ister and score the Otis Lennon School Abil- tered in the hospital in order to rule out sus-
ity Test in a small-group format. I have also pected mental retardation, a finding that
supervised her work with 20 cases, and I am may have significantly impacted discharge
confident that she will make appropriate re- plans. I scheduled an appointment with her
ferrals for comprehensive intellectual assess- after discharge to administer the Wechsler
ments when necessary. Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI;
10. Prior to testing, have I explained the testing Wechsler, 1999) which, by the way, pro-
procedures to my client using the language duced an overall composite score very similar
that he or she understands best, and have I to that of the DAS that was administered
explained any procedures for obtaining re- under less-optimal conditions.
testing? Exemplar: I have communicated 14. Am I fully aware of the validity evidence
with my client in Spanish because this is his associated with the inferences that I wish
preferred language for everyday use. He is, to draw from the test, and can I articulate
however, bilingual due to the requirements a "logical analysis" that supports the infer-
of his job where he has spoken English ex- ences drawn? Exemplar: I have concluded
clusively for the past IO years. I have there- that my client's potential for academic
fore also explained the testing procedures in achievement in school is quite good based
English. on the finding that he possesses above-av-
11. Do I maintain the confidentiality of test re- erage verbal abilities as assessed by the
sults and materials as dictated by my ethical \1/ISC-III. The Verbal scale of the WISC-
guidelines? Exemplar: \Vhen called by the III has been shown to be a better predictor
noncustodial parent of my client, I informed of academic achievement than its composite
her that I would share information about her scores (see Chapter 8).
daughter after I received written permission 15. Did I incorporate observations, interviews,
from the custodial parent. and historical and qualitative data into my
12. Before testing did I examine available norms, interpretations? Exemplar: Her high scores
follow administration instructions (including on the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intel-
calibrating any technical equipment and ver- ligence Test (KAIT; 1993) were matched by
ifying scoring accuracy and replicability), her good attention to tasks, persistence in
and arrange for an optimal testing setting? difficult tasks, and expressions of motivation
Exemplar: I arranged for administration of to perform well.
the \1/ISC-III in an administrative office in 16. \Vhen I use computer-based interpretations,
the hospital in order to conduct the testing have I systematically evaluated the quality of
in a less-distracting setting than the patient's the interpretations and the appropriateness
room. I followed standardized procedures of the norm samples on which the interpre-
throughout the administration. tations are based? Exemplar: I do not use
13. If the testing setting was nonoptimal, did I this output, which suggests that certain pat-
report the reason for using such a setting and terns of intelligence test results may be diag-
did I "... conduct the testing under optimal nostic of ADHD, because this conclusion is
conditions to provide a comparison" (p. 133)? based only on studies differentiating ADHD
Exemplar: \Vhen I administered the DAS from "normal" samples. They did not test
to her in the hospital, she was very tearful the ability of the test to differentiate ADHD
and uncooperative, and she refused to take from learning disability or other similar clin-
one of the subtests resulting in one prorated ical groups.
17. Did I avoid making inferences regarding the well be the case that his intelligence is above
relationships among test results, "... pre- average, but in this testing circumstance, his
scribed interventions, and desired outcomes" symptoms associated with depression may
when empirical evidence for same was not explain his average scores.
available for individuals similar to my client? 23. Did I share the results with my client? Exem-
Exemplar: I cannot confidently predict my plar: I met with Janine and her mother to
client's performance in school based on the share the test results.
results of W ASI, because I could not identify
predictive validity studies utilizing Navajo The new Test Standards also address issues of
samples drawn from Navajo schools such as linguistic and cultural diversity and their consid-
the one that this child is attending. eration in the assessment process.
18. Did I avoid making actuarial-based interpre-
tations when criterion-related validity was Fairness in Testing
unavailable? Exemplar: I cannot state that
your child has a 50% chance of success in his Issues not adequately addressed by the prior Test
new residential school. Any such conclusion Standards are thoroughly treated in the revision.
would be merely conjecture since such actu- Some of these issues include guidelines for the
arial data are not available. encouragement of a fair interaction between psy-
19. Did I use multiple sources of convergent ev- chologist and client, establishment of subgroup
idence to draw inferences about my client? validity when necessary, offensiveness of test con-
Exemplar: I think that your child requires tent and sensitivity to cultural differences, and
intensive academic intervention given that assessment of multiple domains for individuals
her DAS results, school grades, local crite- suspected of having disabilities.
rion-referenced test results, and teacher's The goal of the intelligence assessment is to
appraisal of her cognitive abilities are all assess the intelligence constructs of interest and,
consistently below average. relatedly, avoid the assessment of construct irrele-
vant variance (i.e., nonintelligence constructs)
20. Do I have "... appropriate education, su- (Standard 7.2, AERA, APA, NCME, 1999). It is
pervised experience, and an appreciation of necessary then to be cognizant of the potential in-
procedural, theoretical, and empirical limita- fluence of other sources of variance on the test
tions of the tests" (p. 134) to draw appropri- scores. One source of construct irrelevant variance
ate inferences? Exemplar: I have not begun is membership in a subgroup that is known to
using the DAS because I do not have any typically solve test items in a manner not antici-
formal training in its use. I will be attending pated by the test developers. For example, I once
a workshop next week in order to learn how worked on a project where a test item used a
to administer it properly and become intro- photograph of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We
duced to the theory and psychometric evi- noticed that one group of children was giving the
dence related to the DAS. response "leaning tower of the YMCA." Upon
21. Am I fully aware of the many factors that may further investigation, we noted that these children
have influenced my client's performance on were all from the Evanston, Illinois, test site where
this test? Exemplar: I noted that she was very a replica of the tower resides near the entrance to
irritable and inattentive during administra- the YMCA. The item was discarded since it was
tion of the WAIS-III. not assessing knowledge of world architecture but
22. When appropriate, did I report alternative rather attendance at the local YMCA.
hypotheses to my inferences that may also It is for this reason that the previous chapter
explain the results? Exemplar: It could very cited the results of many factor analytic investi-
gations of the Wechsler scales for a variety of dif- The issue of fairness also looms large for the
ferent cultural, ethnic, or racial groups. For the examination of individuals with disabilities or
most part the Wechsler scales withstood such those who are suspected of disabilities. Clinicians
scrutiny well by yielding the same intelligence are cautioned to not use a single score, such as a
factors across groups. If this were not the case, composite from an intelligence test, as the "sole
the test should not be used for some subgroups indicator" of an examinee's functioning (Stan-
or a new test developed that would not assess dard 10.12; AERA, APA, NCME, 1999). The
construct-irrelevant variance for the subgroup. multidimensional nature of human functioning
The Test Standards do not specifically require must be recognized and considered when making
validation evidence for every subgroup recog- diagnostic or prognostic decisions that may have
nizing the lack of feasibility of this endeavor. It a profound influence on the life of a person with
is, however, important for the test user to rou- a disability. In addition, psychologists should re-
tinely consider the possibility of subgroup inap- alize that a team of multidisciplinary examiners is
propriateness and act accordingly by exercising often needed to fully evaluate the functioning of
"thoughtful professional judgment." By doing so an individual with a disability.
the clinician increases the likelihood that the Another characteristic of an examination that
evaluation will be "fair." is "fair" is an adequately prepared examinee.
An issue related to subgroup relevance is the Although written consent for child testing is rou-
need to refrain from unnecessarily insulting a tinely obtained, some children may not have
client by using potentially offensive item content been made aware of the specific day or time of
(Standard 7.4; AERA, APA, NCME, 1999). Most day of the assessment by their parents or the ex-
test developers make a significant effort to elimi- amining psychologist. Unprepared children may
nate such content, but not all potentially prob- be less likely to display their intellectual abilities,
lematic items can be identified. The identification particularly in the presence of a stranger in a new
of offensive content can serve as a factor to be environment.
considered in test selection. Fortunately, the large Some young children may require multiple ex-
array of available tests allows modem examiners to posures to a psychologist before they become com-
choose tests with item content that is most appro- fortable enough to respond. Psychologists may
priate for the groups that they serve. have to schedule two or more appointments in
Examiners are also cautioned to attend to the order to ensure that they are getting the optimal
interpersonal issues associated with this very performance of a child on an intelligence test.
invasive assessment process. They should be Test developers have also become more sensi-
cognizant of the effects of their behavior and tive to preparing examinees for taking an intelli-
the examination on the client and "... be pro- gence test by building sample items into the tests
fessional, courteous, caring, and respectful." themselves. The Binet-4 and WISC-III, for ex-
Clinicians should be aware of the potential for ample, include more sample unscored items than
influence due to the power differential in the was the case for their earlier editions.
testing relationship. Moreover, remarks, behav- Efforts to prepare examinees need to be made,
iors, and the conclusions of the examiner have however, prior to the test session. Parents should
the potential to markedly alter the life circum- be informed in advance of intelligence testing
stances of the client. Examiners should also be that is being done at school including the exact
aware of any negativity that they hold toward date of the testing. This knowledge will help the
the client. Sufficient negative attitudes by the parents prepare the child for the testing by en-
examiner would warrant referral to someone who suring that the child obtains adequate sleep the
is less likely to bias the assessment results and evening before the testing and nourishment to
conclusions. encourage stamina during the test session.
In addition to the Test Standards a variety of The premise underlying this chapter is consistent
professional organizations have developed ethi- with the premise underlying the Test Standards-
cal principles with provisions regarding the use not all intelligence tests are valid for all children
of educational and psychological tests. Many all of the time. This section assumes that intel-
of the users of intelligence tests are members of ligence tests have accumulated various types of
the American Psychological Association and are, validity evidence that makes them useful for par-
therefore, responsible for following the Ethical ticular purposes. It is also not likely that a single
Principles ofPsychologists and Code ofConduct (APA, intelligence test will prove useful for all assess-
1992). ment purposes. This last section builds on the
This ethics code overlaps considerably with assumption of a lack of universal validity for an
the Test Standards in that it addresses the follow- intelligence test by giving guidance to test selec-
ing issues, most of which are covered in greater tion. Having considered this issue, the clinician
detail in the Test Standards. will be able to choose an intelligence test more
wisely in the future. There are a number of vari-
2.01 Evaluation, Diagnosis, and ables that may influence test selection for an indi-
Interventions in Professional Context vidual case. Among the variables that clinicians
2.02 Competence and Appropriate Use of should consider are the following (see Box 7.1).
Assessments and Interventions
2.03 Test Construction Purpose of the Assessment
2.04 Use of Assessment in General and with
Is the purpose screening or diagnosis? A screen-
Special Populations
ing measure would require only a few subtests
2.05 Interpreting Assessment Results from a major test of intelligence with the focus
2.06 Unqualified Persons of the assessment on deriving a global estimate
2.07 Obsolete Tests and Outdated Test of intellectual functioning. Screeners such as
Results the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT;
Kau&nan & Kaufman, 1990) or the Vocabulary
2.08 Test Scoring and Interpretation
and Pattern Analysis subtests of the Binet-4 might
2.09 Explaining Assessment Results An assessment that is aimed at diagnostic de-
2.10 Maintaining Test Security cision making, by contrast, calls for an in-depth
evaluation that measures multiple domains of
Ethical guidelines produced by professional intelligence. Cognitive domains of interest might
membership organizations do differ in one very include verbal, spatial, or short-term memory
important way from the Test Standards in that skills.
they do possess associated enforcement proce- The diagnostic assessment of intelligence also
dures for members of the association. A member requires a measure of intelligence that is highly
found in violation of the ethical guidelines may reliable and valid. Screening measures are less re-
be subjected to disciplinary actions including liable because of their brief nature. A diagnostic
expulsion from the organization. More on the decision should never be based on a measure
APA standards and their enforcement for mem- with low reliability. Diagnostic decision making
bers may be found at the association's Web site requires that a measure have reliability estimates
at in the .90 and above range.
1. Is the premise of the test reasonable? Is its theory based on some supportive citations of previous research?
2. Are the test development goals clearly delineated?
3. Are the manuals complete, including topics ranging from theory to interpretation of the results?
4. Are administration and scoring guidelines complete and easy to follow?
5. Are the test materials attractive to children? Are they sturdy and practical?
6. Are all of the items derivatives of those on other tests? Are some of them new?
7. Were the items subjected to judgmental bias reviews so as to not be offensive to test users or takers?
8. Is the test easy to administer so that the examiner can focus on the child's behavior during testing?
9. Is there evidence of content validity? Were cognitive science experts consulted? Does the item content seem
consistent with the theory?
10. Were statistical item bias studies undertaken?
11. Was the test norming sample collected recently?
12. Does the norming sample closely match the stratification statistics selected? Was there some measure of
SES used for stratification?
13. Are the internal consistency and stability coefficients high-above .90 for the composite?
14. Is there evidence of good factorial, predictive, and concurrent validity?
15. Are several derived scores offered, such as standard scores and percentile ranks, in order to enhance inter-
16. Are interpretive tables for determining intraindividual strengths and weaknesses offered?
17. Are the scaling methods (i.e., norm-development procedures) described in detail?
18. Have early reviews been either favorable or optimistic?
19. Is the test appropriate for the population of children that I serve? For example, does it have extended norms
for a severely mentally handicapped population?
The screening versus diagnosis test selection All children who are evaluated by the psycholo-
decision then requires the clinician to weigh the gist may receive a screener in order to assess the
need for a highly reliable estimate of intelligence need for administration of a diagnostic measure.
that considers multiple intelligence domains ver- One colleague of mine always uses the Draw-
sus a global estimate of intelligence with lower a-Person (DAP) as a screener for children re-
reliability. A third possibility is to assess only ferred for school problems. The DAP serves as
global capacity with an intelligence measure that a screener for spatial/visual-motor skills. While
has strong reliability estimates. The Binet-4 sub- the DAP in particular is a fairly poor correlate
tests, for example, are rather long and combining of comprehensive measures (see Chapter 14),
two of them in many cases will result in reliabil- she has found this set of measures helpful for
ity estimates that approach or exceed .90. planning the remainder of the evaluation. This
There are several reasons for choosing screen- psychologist found screeners to be extremely
ers over a longer examination. One reason is triage. powerful in one case. In this case she had a boy
referred for school problems who drew a sexually as some of the newer tests have impressive ranges
explicit DAP. When asked how he had learned to (e.g., the DAS; see Research Report 7.2).
draw like this, he indicated that the girl seated
next to him in class had taught him how to do
this. Further investigation revealed the girl seated
next to him was being sexually abused at home.
This is an unusually powerful result for a screener. To some this issue seems trite, but this is a cen-
The screener served a triage function in this case tral issue with infants and preschoolers, espe-
by helping decide which child needed the most cially those who exhibit behavior problems.
immediate attention. Practicality can include several components. One
Screeners may also be used when abundant in- component is interest level to children. Interest
formation about intelligence is already available level may not only be important for the practi-
for the child. A child may have received the DAS cality of administration but also because a high
on two separate occasions in the past year and level of interest may enhance validity. Children
received similar scores both times. If the child who are highly motivated will presumably put
were evaluated a third time, a shorter form may forth their best effort for the examiner. While
be adequate. interest level is somewhat of an intangible, there
Screeners may also be useful when intelligence is accumulated clinical experience to suggest that
is not central to the referral problem. If, for ex- some instruments are more childlike and inher-
ample, a child were referred for depression but ently more interesting to young children than
was obtaining good grades in school, the focus others. The McCarthy and K-ABC appear to be
of the evaluation would likely be on the referral more attractive, for example, than the WPPSI-R.
problem. A screener for intelligence may be ad- Realistically, clinicians will have to decide which
ministered just to ensure that no unidentified tests are more interesting and attractive to their
problems lay in the cognitive realm. If screener clientele especially in the light of multicultural
results are suspicious, then a more comprehen- issues. Although the K-ABC is attractive to many
sive measure would be in order. children, some items may be offensive or inap-
propriate for children from some cultural groups.
An attendee at a workshop that I once presented
suggested that the "clapping hands" item on the
Age/Score Range Reading Understanding subtest was inappropri-
For some assessment purposes an extended score ate for some of the Russian immigrant children
range is necessary. An example would be differ- with whom she was working because they were
entiation among levels of mental retardation- members of a religious sect that did not allow
mild, moderate, severe, and profound. Many tests hand clapping.
simply do not have the score range necessary for Another aspect of practicality is ease of admin-
such differential diagnoses. In fact, some intelli- istration. If a child is exhibiting substantial be-
gence measures do not possess a wide enough havior problems, administration of a complex
range of scores to differentiate mental retarda- instrument may be difficult. The extensive fol-
tion from below-average intelligence or gifted- low-up questioning required on the Vocabulary,
ness from above-average intelligence. Similarities, and Comprehension subtests of the
Tests are most likely to pose floor and ceiling WISC-III, for example, may be interpreted by
problems near the "tails" of their age range. some children as an unnecessary inquisition. Some
Hence, age is merely a proxy variable for score obstreperous children may respond to this ad-
range. It appears that test developers have become ministration format by refusing to complete the
sensitized to the need for extended score ranges, test. Similarly, a test with complex instructions
may not be welcomed by the impatient child with computer scoring routinely. This makes the W-J
attention difficulties. less desirable for emergency cases in a hospital or
There are many aspects of practicality, rang- other setting where the psychologist needs to
ing from the size of the test kit to administration score all tests immediately and does not have ac-
time to cost to ease of scoring. One would not cess to the software scoring back at the office.
think that ease of scoring could be a factor, but it Even administration time may become impor-
can be. The W-J Cognitive, for example, is a tant in some assessment situations. The WISC-III,
poor choice for emergency work because it is so for instance, possesses numerous strengths, includ-
complex to score that many people prefer using ing a broad sampling of intelligence. The DAS
takes a narrower swath, but it provides an esti- beforehand which domains ofintelligence require
mate of cognitive development in a more time assessment and select the test(s) that best assesses
efficient manner when time is at a premium. these domains. A sample case would be a child
Examiners will have to gauge the practicality who is referred for a short-term memory deficit.
ofindividual tests in the light of the clientele they In this case the current status of the deficit is im-
serve. Although frequently neglected these can portant to assess. In this situation the clinician
be crucial issues to the practitioner. would likely choose to use the Binet-4, DAS,
Clinicians, however, have to balance the needs K-ABC, or W-J, all of which possess more short-
for practicality against the need to enhance the term memory subtests. If, on the other hand, a
validity of the results. Clinicians could be encour- child is referred for a possible processing speed
aged by administrators to emphasize issues such problem, then the WISC-III, DAS, or W-J would
as cost and time that may hinder the ability to the likely serve this purpose best.
clinician to do a thorough job (see Box 7.1). Someone may query, however, what would
happen if a clinician assesses weaknesses and this
serves to lower the child's composite score and
Revisions versus Old Editions qualify a child for mental retardation placement
Often clinicians debate whether or not to switch when this would be inappropriate? Intelligence test
from an old edition of a test to a revision. Refer- scores should never "qualify" any childfor placement.
ence to the Test Standards would lead the clini- Professionaljudgment and consultation should be the
cian to always use tests with the strongest validi-ty only vehicles used to decide what services a child may
evidence for the assessment purpose. If a revision need. I refer back to my previous example of a
has better evidence of validity, then it should be physician only being allowed to prescribe a med-
adopted. This scenario is the most frequent one. ication for high blood pressure if a person's sys-
In most cases the new edition of a test does pos- tolic pressure is beyond a certain level. This
sess strengths over the old one. latter scenario is an example of uninspired medi-
In some cases, however, the issue of whether cine just as the former scenario is a example of
or not to use a new edition of a test clouds the poor psychological assessment practice.
essential issue of choosing the best test for the Intelligence tests may also be selected so as to
assessment situation. A clinician, for example, assess for the presence of cognitive strengths. If a
may wish that the old Stanford-Binet-Form LM child were referred for an evaluation for gifted-
were still available for assessing young children ness and is reported to have strong quantitative
with developmental problems. There may be an- skills, the Binet-4 may be the test of choice be-
other option here that is less obvious, and that is cause of its Quantitative Reasoning scale. The
the DAS. The DAS has some Binet-LM item clarification of this strength may be helpful for
types and it has more "floor" than either the emphasizing its presence so that it could be con-
Binet-LM or the Binet-4. In other words, in some sidered as a strength to be capitalized on in cur-
cases the clinician may feel that the only choice is riculum planning.
between a new or old edition when, in fact, an en-
tirely new measure should be considered.
Test Strengths and Weaknesses
Domains Assessed The strong and weak points of individual tests
Assessment domain is becoming a more crucial are crucial elements in the test selection process
variable as new intelligence tests are offered that (see Research Report 7.3). It is for this reason
include an enlarged sampling of children's cogni- that specific mention of same is made in later
tive performance. The clinician needs to gauge chapters.
SAMPLE CASES in too many raw scores of 0. In this case the Mc-
OF TEST SELECTION Carthy would be a good test to attempt with
Alexandra because it should have enough easy
items, administration time is reasonable, and the
Case 1 test provides built in "breaks" (i.e., the Motor
scale) for children with limited attention spans.
Alexandra is a 6-year-old who is referred for at-
tention deficit. She is also suspected to have
below-average intelligence. Case2
Test Selection Considerations Alai is an 11-year-old boy who is referred for
reading problems. He has a history of above-
Such a referral would require a high-interest average grades in all school subjects except for
test that is not too lengthy. Tests lacking consid- reading and spelling.
erable appeal for young children would be
ruled out, including the Binet-4, DAS, W-J, and Test Selection Considerations
WPPSI-R. Other high-appeal tests available for
this age group would include the K-ABC and The K-ABC would be ruled out quickly in this
McCarthy. While the K-ABC is appealing, this is case because of a lack of difficult items for this
a "crossover" age for the scale in that a number age group. The WISC-III, Binet-4, DAS, and
of new tests begin at ages 5 and 6 (e.g., Matrix W-J may all be useful in this case.
Analogies, Photo Series, and Reading/Decoding).
Where new tests begin for an age group, they
Case 3
may be difficult. Since Alexandra is suspected of
below-average intelligence, some of the K-ABC Janine is a 16-year-old who is seeking assistance
subtests may prove too difficult for her resulting in choosing a college. She has always been in
gifted classes and she is attending an elite board- use and about appropriate practices for their use.
ing school for high school. It is likely that should there be a problem with
the use of an individual's intelligence test results,
Test Selection Considerations the clinician will be held accountable for compli-
ance to relevant standards and guidelines. Read-
The WICS-111 would be a poor choice here be- ers of this text would be well advised to discuss
cause of a lack of difficulty. The Binet-4 also the implications of various standards and guide-
lacks some difficulty at this age. The DAS, W-J, lines in order to ensure that they are using chil-
and WAIS-III may be reasonable options. dren's intelligence tests appropriately.
Pablo is an 8-year-old who is referred for poor CHAPTER SUMMARY
academic performance. His performance began
to deteriorate about a year ago subsequent to a • Clinicians have to know psychometric princi-
head injury incurred in an automobile accident. ples well in order to judge the quality of new
His family speaks Spanish at home. Pablo speaks methods. ·
English most of the time.
• The Standards for Educational and Psychological
Test Selection Considerations Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) discusses
numerous types of validity evidence.
The English-language demands of the WISC- • Clinicians should customarily make efforts to
111, Binet-4, DAS, and W-J may be an impedi- explain how test results will be used and how
ment here. The brief oral instructions of the they may be released to others.
K-ABC may help ensure that Pablo understands
what is expected of him in the test session. • Not all intelligence tests are valid for all chil-
It is important to understand that these test dren all of the time.
selection examples are based on the examiner's • An assessment that is aimed at diagnostic deci-
predictions that have emanated from extensive sion making, as opposed to screening, requires
knowledge of numerous test insi:rumen~. As a an in-depth evaluation that measures multiple
result these predictions will occasionally be domains of intelligence.
flawed. Hopefully, the word "occasionally" is the • Screening measures may be preferred for use,
operative term here. Regardless of the "hit rate," including triage, in situations when abundant
the importance of examiner foresight in test se- information about intelligence is already avail-
lection cannot be emphasized too much. able for the child and when intelligence is not
central to the child's referral problem(s).
• The practicality of an intelligence test can
CONCLUSIONS include several components such as interest
level to children, administration time, and
As is eminently clear from reading the Test Stan- ease of administration and scoring.
dards, the modern-day user of intelligence tests • Another factor to consider in test selection is
has to aspire to an entirely new level of practice assessment domain, which is becoming a more
in comparison to previous generations of clini- crucial variable as new intelligence tests are
cians. Users of modern intelligence tests have to offered that include an enlarged sampling of
be extremely well informed about the tests they children's cognitive performance.
"Dr. Wechsler possessed a rare blend of humility and But Vocabulary is a better test of intelligence than a
grandeur." (Kaufman, 1992, p. 4) Form Board, primarily because people can express them-
selves more meaningfully in verbal than in geometric
symbols. This, of course, would not hold in the case of
deaf-mutes or individuals who are in the habit ofthink-
CHAPTER QUESTIONS ing spatially, manipulatively or in any other way. Hence,
as a generalprinciple, an effective test ofintelligence should
be made up of tasks calling upon as many "abilities" as
What features have served to make the Wech-
possible. This was intuitively perceived by Binet, who was
sler scales so popular? thefirst to devise an effective test ofgeneral intelligence.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the (p. 16, 1958)
Wechsler (1958) also took a stand on the issue
of the localization of intelligence. He said that
WEcHSLER's Vrnws essentially intelligence will never be localized in a
particular area of the brain. Since intelligence, in
Wechsler's view, is basically the "perception of re-
David Wechsler placed a great deal of emphasis lations" among stimuli, then the modality ofneural
on the assessment of general intelligence even representation of these stimuli is unimportant. The
though his original test featured both Verbal perception ofrelations then will be independent of
and Performance scales. Wechsler viewed intelli- the localization of specific stimuli.
gence as a complex interaction of abilities that Just as it is important to understand the his-
produce intelligent behavior that reflects "g." He tory and original purposes of the Binet scale, it
explained: is equally important to understand Wechsler's
purposes in order to appropriately use his tests. the individual study of psychiatric patients at the
Binet's test was designed solely for the purpose Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital (Zimmerman &
of diagnosing mental retardation, yet it and other Woo-Sam, 1985). For many reasons, at the time
intelligence measures have become centerpieces the Wechsler/Bellevue was published, it was
of neuropsychological and learning disability clearly differentiated from the Binet scales and
diagnosis, purposes for which they were not offered a number of advantages that were attrac-
specifically designed. In similar fashion there is tive to practicing psychologists.
a great deal of discussion in the literature about This extensive popularity has led to the publi-
verbal and nonverbal (or performance) intelli- cation ofa variety ofscales by Wechsler, including
gence, yet these scales were formed based on his most famous children's scale, the Wechsler In-
practical considerations, not theoretical ones telligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R).
(see Chapter 1). The Verbal and Performance The original WISC was published in 1949 and
scales of the Wechsler series were similarly not its revision, the WISC-R, was published in 1974.
designed to assess laterality of cerebral function. The WISC-R also enjoyed a great deal of pop-
With these points of view in mind it is probably ularity with researchers. As a result, it is a very
best for modern psychologists to use the Wech- well-known test both clinically and empirically,
sler scales as they were originally intended, as with over 1,100 publications that assess various
measures of general intelligence designed pri- aspects of its clinical utility and validity (Reynolds
marily for use with adolescents and adults. & Kaufman, 1990). The Wechsler scales promise
to be popular for the foreseeable future, especially
with the publication of the WISC-III. Through
WISC History all of these revisions, the structure of the \Vechsler
The Wechsler scales enjoy unprecedented popu- scales has not changed appreciably. The most
larity and have a rich clinical and research tradi- daring changes in the WISC were made in the
tion. The publication of the Wechsler-Bellevue WISC-III when a new subtest, Symbol Search,
in 1939 was a bold stroke on the part of David was added.
Wechsler in even attempting to challenge the Detterman (1985) attributes the popularity of
hallowed Binet scales (Reynolds & Kaufman, the WISC to its ease of administration. This rela-
1990). Somewhat surprisingly, from the outset tive ease of administration is fostered by the orga-
the Wechsler scales were welcomed. The Wech- nization of the tests into subtests that are brief yet
sler/Bellevue offered a number of features that long enough to be reliable and have long clinical
were not available in previous editions of the histories (Detterman, 1985). Detterman's (1985)
Binet scales, including separate norms for chil- major complaint about the WISC is that it clings
dren and adults; the provision of subtest standard to the tradition of offering "only one interpretable
scores, which made the test more amenable to score." He acknowledges the need for an intelli-
profile interpretation; the inclusion of a separate gence test that assesses more specific skills so that
Performance scale to allow for the assessment of it will lend itself better to treatment planning.
linguistic and cultural minorities; and a Standard Opinions about the WISC run the gamut from
Score (Deviation IQ) that solved many of the ebullient praise to condemnation. A review by
psychometric problems associated with ratio IQ Witt and Gresham (1985) concluded that the
scales (Zimmerman & Woo-Sam, 1985). WISC-R was overrated. Specifically, they sug-
The Wechsler scales also enjoyed immediate gest that the WISC is outdated and that it lacks
credibility because of the reputation of David treatment validity.
Wechsler himself. In contrast to Binet, who was The WISC-III, however, remains the most
known as a researcher, Wechsler was a clinical popular and respected test in the world with
psychologist who had a wealth of experience in separate standardization samples for Canada,
Australia, and the United Kingdom and at least proving the subtests, (c) minimizing test bias, and
11 translations for major language groups (Pri- (d) developing supplementary materials such as a
fitera, Weiss, & Saklofske, 1998). conormed achievement test (Raid, 1990). It ap-
pears that another overriding goal was to keep the
basic structure of the WISC intact.
WEcHSLER's Vrnw The WISC-III is comprised of 10 mandatory
OF INTELLIGENCE and 3 supplementary subtests, all of which span
the age range of 6 through 16 years. The 5 man-
datory subtests on the Verbal scale include In-
David Wechsler's conceptualization of intelli-
formation, Similarities, Arithmetic, Vocabulary,
gence is consistent with that of other well-known
and Comprehension. The supplementary subtest
theorists of his day. He, as well as Spearman,
on the Verbal scale is Digit Span. Traditionally,
Galton, and others, emphasized the concept of
Digit Span is administered with the remainder
general intelligence. An excerpt from Wechsler's
of the Verbal subtests, although it is not included
WISC-R manual (1974) best describes his view:
in the computation of the Verbal IQ unless one
Intelligence is the overall capacity of an individual to of the Verbal subtests is spoiled or invalidated,
understand and cope with the world around him. Stated at which point it may be substituted in the com-
in these general terms, this definition may impress the putation of the Verbal IQ. Wechsler (1974)
reader perhaps as not too radically different from any points out clearly, however, that the Digit Span
other definitions that might be cited. A careful compar- score may not be substituted for a Verbal scale
ison with these, however, would reveal that it differs subtest simply because a Verbal scale subtest
from most ofthem in two important respects: (1) it con- score may be low.
ceives ofintelligence as an overall or global entity; that
Similarly, the Performance scale of the WISC-
is, a multidetermined and multifaceted entity rather
than an independent, uniquely-defined trait. (2) It
III is comprised of 5 subtests, including Picture
avoids singling out any ability, however esteemed (e.g., Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block Design,
abstract reasoning), as crucial or overwhelmingly im- Object Assembly, and Coding. The two supple-
portant. In particular, it avoids equating general intel- mentary subtests on the Performance scale are
ligence with intellectual ability. (p. 5) Mazes and Symbol Search, which (as was the case
with Digit Span) are not included in the computa-
Wechsler designed his scale with subtests in tion of the Performance IQ. The Symbol Search
order to give numerous opportunities for the subtest, however, is somewhat unique in that it
clinician to assess this global entity. He spoke of may only be substituted for the Coding subtest.
these subtests as different "languages" that may The Mazes subtest, however, may be substituted
be used to assess the expression of intelligence. for any Performance scale subtest.
He also points out that he did not consider the The Verbal and Performance IQs are then
Verbal and Pe1formance scales to represent separate combined in order to compute the Full Scale IQ.
abilities, but, rather, he regarded them as two ad- In the computation of the composite scores of
ditional "languages" through which the underly- the WISC-III, all subtests and composites are
ing general intelligence may express itself. weighted equally, reflecting Wechsler's belief
that all of the Wechsler subtests and scales have
STRUCTURE OF THE WISC-III an equal opportunity of uncovering an individ-
ual's intelligence. The WISC-III uses standard
scores for interpretation. The subtest scaled
The primary test development goals for the (standard) scores have a mean of 10 and standard
WISC-III included (a) enhancing, and perhaps deviation of 3, whereas the IQs have a mean of
clarifying, the WISC factor structure, (b) im- 100 and standard deviation of 15.
Item Tryout 2
Symbol Search
The second field testing of the WISC-III was
This new subtest was added in an attempt to clar- conducted in 1988 with a sample of 450 children
ify the controversial WISC-R third factor, often (Wechsler, 1991).
called freedom from distractibility (Wechsler, 1991).
The WISC-R third factor included the Arith-
metic, Digit Span, and Coding subtests (Kauf-
man, 1979b). The controversy surrounding the The WISC- III was normed in early 1989 using a
labeling of this third factor in a manner that best stratified sampling procedure. The stratification
describes the major abilities assessed by the fac- variables used included age, sex, race/ethnicity,
tor is legendary (this controversy will be dis- geographic region, occupation of head of house-
cussed in detail in later sections). The rationale hold, and urban-rural residence. The sample in-
for adding the Symbol Search test was that this cluded 200 children in each of 11 age groups
addition might clarify the nature of the third from 6 through 16 years. This sampling plan
factor by determining whether or not attention/ produced a total of 2,200 cases in the standard-
distractibility, short-term memory, or some other ization sample.
ability is central to successful performance on The stratification percentages for the WISC-
the third factor subtests (Wechsler, 1991). To III sample are based upon 1988 United States
some extent the addition of this new test clarifies Census Bureau Data. There is a very close match
the third factor; however, it also produced a new between the standardization sample and Cen-
fourth factor. The answer to the third factor puz- sus Bureau statistics on all of the stratification
zle is provided later. variables.
somewhat below average. The Performance scale level. Analyses were conducted to assess ethnic,
gain scores suggest that while the first score gender, and regional bias. This procedure resulted
obtained is reliable the second score may be sig- in the elimination and modification of items pri-
nificantly higher. This is an important distinc- marily on the Information, Vocabulary, and Com-
tion to draw because it makes the examiner more prehension subtests (Wechsler, 1991). Judgmental
cautious when interpreting the Performance bias reviews were also conducted.
score the first time it is administered. The results of predictive validity bias studies
The Performance scale gain scores are only ri- indicate that this version differs little from its
valed by the Perceptual Organization and Pro- predecessors in that it produces equivalent pre-
cessing Speed Index scores. These scores produce dictive validity coefficients for Caucasian Ameri-
gains ranging from about 9 to 11 points in the can, Hispanic American, and African American
three test-retest studies (see Tables 5.3 through groups that were self-identified or identified by
5.5 in Wechsler, 1991). These scores should also adults (Weiss, Prifitera, & Roid, 1995; Weiss,
be expected to improve perhaps significantly on a Prifitera, & Roid, 1993). Furthermore, no signif-
second test. icant bias in prediction of academic achievement
was found between the Canadian, British, and
Standard Error of Measurement American norming samples (Prifitera et al., 1998).
The standard error of measurement (SEM) is
simply another way of expressing the amount of Age Differentiation
error associated with a test score (see Chapter 5). Mean raw scores by age group are not provided
The average standard error of measurement for in the WISC-III manual. Hence, age differentia-
the Full Scale IQ across all age groups for the tion validity has to be inferred from the norm
WISC-III is 3.20 (Wechsler, 1991). The stan- tables. The norm tables do provide a good range
dard error of measurement is larger for the Per- of scores for each subtest with the IQ scores pro-
formance IQ (4.54) than for the Verbal IQ ducing a range of 40 to 160. The index scores,
(3.53). A value of 3 standard score points for the however, do not produce much differentiation at
SEM of the Full Scale IQ is a good rule of low and high score levels with scores ranging
thumb to keep in mind when reporting scores from 50 to 150.
from the WISC-III.
WISC-III SEMs for the Index scores are
somewhat higher (Table 5.2, Wechsler, 1991). Concurrent Validity
The SEM values range from 3.78 for the Verbal Correlations between the WISC-III and other
Comprehension Index to 5.83 for the Processing intelligence tests are high. Concurrent validity
Speed Index. studies reported in the manual show the WISC-
III Full Scale to correlate .89 with the WISC-R,
.86 with the WAIS-R, .85 with the WPPSI-R,
Validity and .92 with the Differential Ability Scales.
While the rank orders of these scores for vari-
Bias ous tests are likely to be similar, there are consis-
The manual reports that efforts were made to tent mean score differences. In these same studies
eliminate item bias using both statistical and judg- the Full Scale score of the WISC-III was 5 points
mental methods (Wechsler, 1991). Tryout and lower than for the WISC-R, 4 points lower than
standardization data were both analyzed to detect WAIS-R, 4 points higher than WPPSI-R, and 2
items that were exceedingly difficult for one group points higher than the DAS. Weiss (1991) explains
of children despite controlling for overall ability that the WISC-III should produce lower scores
than the vVISC-R because of the out-of-date stan- than on the WISC-R the differences may be
dardization sample of the latter. Weiss (1991) pro- more substantial for children diagnosed with
vides a sample explanation for parents about the mental retardation. More detail on these investi-
changes in norms, which may also be helpful to gations may be found in the vVISC-III manual.
others trying to conceptualize the issue:
Similarly, Information and Vocabulary contain These data raise some interesting questions.
items that are likely influenced by various aspects Specifically, why administer the Performance
of school instruction. These findings give further scale if one is only interested in predicting
credence to Anastasi's (1988) conceptualization achievement? And why administer the subtests
of intelligence tests as measures of developed necessary to compute the Full Scale if one is
abilities (see Chapter 2). The Verbal IQ of the only interested in prediction of achievement?
WISC-III in particular should be regarded as a Answers will be proposed to these questions at
specialized type of achievement measure. Kauf- later points, particularly in Chapter 17.
man (1994) argues that the Performance IQ These relationships with academic achieve-
should be conceptualized similarly-that is, as a ment are clarified somewhat by the correlations
measure of what a child has learned. of the WISC-III Index scores with achievement.
Another investigation of several age groups In the aforementioned investigation of 358
reinforces the view that the Verbal scale is likely youngsters the Verbal Comprehension Index
to routinely be a better predictor of academic (VCI) correlated highest with total achievement
achievement in reading, mathematics, and spell- at .70. The Freedom from Distractibility Index
ing than the Performance score. In a multi-age- (FDI) was next at .63. The Perceptual Organi-
group study of the relationship of the WISC-III zation Index (POI) and the Processing Speed
with the Kaufman Test of Educational Achieve- Index (PSI) were the poorest correlates with
ment (K-TEA; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1985b) achievement with coefficients of .56 and .50. In
for four age groups, the.Verbal scale correlated another study with the Wide Range Achieve-
more highly with K-TEA achievement scores ment Test-Revised (WRAT-R) the VCI and
than the Performance score and often as well FDI were again higher correlates with achieve-
as the Full Scale score. Some sample correla- ment than the POI and PSI. There was an ex-
tions are shown below. ception to this rule in that the PSI was a high
correlate of mathematics scores on the WRAT
(.73) (Wechsler, 1991).
Reading Mathematics
WISC-ID Scale Composite Composite Spelling Factor Analysis: WISC-R
Ages 6-7
The factor structure of the WISC-R is important
Verbal .55 .65 .51
Performance .46
to understand as a backdrop to factor studies of
.58 .44
Full Scale .60 .72 .56 the WISC-III. There are many studies, using
Ages 8-10 many samples, that have evaluated the factor
Verbal .82 .78 .76 structure of the WISC and WISC-R (Reynolds
Performance .65 .65 .59 & Kaufman, 1990).
Full Scale .79 .77 .73 Like many intelligence tests, the WISC-R
Ages 11-13 produced a large first or general intelligence "g"
Verbal .83 .84 .61 factor (see Chapter 5). The large WISC-R "g"
Performance .69 .73 .57 factpr also supported the WISC-R, yielding an
Full Scale .82 .84 .64 overall composite score, or to use WISC-R ter-
Ages 14-16
minology, the Full Scale IQ (the combination of
Verbal .84 .80 .68
Performance .69
the Verbal and Performance IQs) (Wallbrown,
.69 .59
Full Scale .79 .78 .66 Blaha, Wallbrown, & Engin, 1975). The results
of studies of "g" loadings suggest that tests such
as Digit Span, Coding, and Mazes prove to be in-
NoTE: These correlations are taken from unpublished Re-
search ReportKT-2 that is available from AGS, 4201 Wood- terpretive challenges, as they may frequently be
land Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796. deviant from the overall trend in a child's scores.
One of the consistent findings in the WISC-R work of Cohen (1959) on the original WISC.
factor analytic literature was the robust nature of The Freedom from Distractibility factor (here-
its three-factor structure (Reynolds & Kaufman, after referred to as the "WISC-R "third factor")
1990). Kaufman's (1975a) seminal investigation has been enigmatic (Kaufman, 1979b), with a
showed the WISC-R to have a very comparable number of alternative names for this factor being
factor structure to its predecessor, the 1949 WISC proposed, including attention/distractibility, anx-
(Silverstein, 1982a; Silverstein & Legutki, 1982), iety, symbolic ability, sequential processing, and
including three factors that are easily labeled Ver- memory (Reynolds & Kaufman, 1990).
bal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, Some researchers voiced dissenting opinions
and Freedom from Distractibility. The 12 subtests on the labels applied to the WISC-R factors.
of the "WISC-R correspond to the three factors as Most notably, Wallbrown et al. (1975) proposed
shown below. application ofVernon's (1950) hierarchical model
(see Chapter 2) of intelligence to the WISC-R.
At the top of the hierarchy is "g" or general intel-
Verbal Perceptual Freedom from
Comprehension Organization Distractibility ligence. The two lower levels in the hierarchy,
the major group factors according to Vernon, are
Information Picture Arithmetic Verbal-Educational-Numerical (V:ed) and Spa-
tial-Practical-Manual-Mechanical (K:m). In the
Similarities Picture Digit Span Wallbrown et al. (1975) investigation, the Verbal
Arrangement Conceptualization and Perceptual Organization
Vocabulary Block Design Coding factors were renamed Verbal-Educational and
Comprehension Object Assembly Spatial-Mechanical, consistent with Vernon's
Mazes theory. Silverstein (1982a) concluded that there
was only a slight advantage for three-versus two-
factor "WISC-R solutions.
The label of Verbal-Educational for the first
The three-factor structure of the WISC-R has WISC-R factor was also supported by an in-
been shown to be consistent for a variety of pop- vestigation by Kaufman and McClean (1987).
ulations. These same three factors have ~merged These researchers performed a joint factor analy-
for children with learning disabilities (Naglieri, sis for 212 children without known disabilities on
1981 b), children with learning disability (LD) the "WISC-Rand the K-ABC. The Verbal sub-
tested on two occasions 3 years apart (Juliano, tests of the "WISC-R and the Achievement
Haddad, & Carroll, 1988), and mildly mentally subtests of the K-ABC showed a great deal of
retarded children (Cummins & Das, 1980). An- congruence; all loaded on the same first factor.
other consistent finding in these investigations The term educational from Vernon's theory seems
is that the Freedom from Distractibility factor is comparable to the term achievement from Kauf-
small. It accounts for a small proportion of vari- man's conceptualization for the K-ABC, im-
ance in comparison to the first two factors. As a plying that there is a heavy emphasis on the
result, the Verbal and Performance scales of assessment of academic skills for the Verbal sub-
the "WISC-R have long been considered to have tests. These findings are also consistent with
adequate construct validity as assessed by factor the aforementioned predictive validity data on the
analysis. The third factor, or Freedom from WISC-R, showing that the Verbal scale is con-
Distractibility factor, was the only blemish on siderably more predictive of future school success
this otherwise favorable picture of validity for than the Performance scale.
the Verbal and Performance scales. The Free- In summary, there are several important lessons
dom from Distractibility label comes from the to be learned from the factor analytic research
on the WISC-R. The more pertinent of these continue to be difficult to interpret because of its
findings include: allegiance to numerous factors and composites.
Digit Span (DS) is similar to PA in that it is
1. There was strong factor analytic support for not strongly linked with a particular factor. This
the Full Scale IQ. test loads .2 6 on verbal, .19 on performance, .34
2. There was strong factor analytic support for on the third factor, and .18 on the processing
the Verbal and Performance IQs. speed factor. These results suggest that Digit
3. There was strong support for the third factor, Span will also not consistently align itself with a
but little agreement as to what it measured. particular composite.
The third factor was also smaller in compari- The addition of the Symbol Search subtest
son to the Verbal and Performance factors. did not strengthen the "distractibility" factor as
was anticipated. The Symbol Search subtest
4. Some subtests such as the Coding, Picture
helped create a new fourth factor (based on an
Arrangement, and Digit Span subtests would
exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation)
more frequently emerge as deviant subtests
labeled processing speed, which is marked by
that were difficult to interpret.
high loadings for Coding (.79) and Symbol
Search (.46). No other subtests have substantial
Factor Analysis: WISC-ID loadings on this factor. This finding of a new
The factor analysis of the WISC-III reported in fourth factor next raises the question of the clar-
the manual produces some interesting findings ity of the third factor.
(Wechsler, 1991) in that there are numerous The WISC-III third factor differs substan-
points of agreement with tradition and yet some tially from that of the WISC-R. This factor is
disagreement. Findings of agreement will be con- now marked by only two subtests-Arithmetic
sidered first. (.73) and Digit Span (.34). The label now as-
The WISC-III produces two factors that cor- signed to this factor is "freedom from distractibil-
respond to some extent with the Verbal and Per- ity." This label is questionable at best given the
formance scales. The verbal factor has strong history of controversy surrounding the identifi-
average loadings for the Information(. 72), Simi- cation of the unifying ability underlying it (Kauf-
larities (.72), Vocabulary (.79), and Comprehen- man, 1979b). Little (1991) argued for dropping
sion (.65) subtests. The Arithmetic subtest also the freedom from distractibility label by com-
loads on this factor at .41. menting, "Would it not therefore make more
The perceptual organization factor remains sense to abandon this terminology now so that
intact, but it is less well supported, consisting individuals would be less likely to make faulty as-
primarily of three subtests. The factor is defined sumptions" (p. 24). The WISC-III third factor
by strong loadings for Picture Completion (.53), seems even more difficult to label because of the
Block Design (.70), and Object Assembly (.69). pattern of loadings of its two component sub-
As was the case with the WISC-R, Picture tests. The loadings for the Arithmetic subtest are
Arrangement has a mediocre loading on this fac- consistently high, ranging from .54 for 8- to 10-
tor (.3 7), as does Mazes (.36). year-olds to .85 for ages 14 to 16. The Arith-
Picture Arrangement (PA) not only loads metic subtest also has consistent secondary
poorly on the perceptual organization factor, but loadings on the verbal factor (average = .41). As
it also does not affiliate itself with any WISC-III was previously cited, the Digit Span loadings
factor. Picture Arrangement loaded .3 3 on the show no particular allegiance to a factor. While
verbal factor, .3 7 on the performance factor, .08 its mean loading on the third factor is .34, its av-
on the third factor, and .25 on the processing erage loading on the verbal factor is .26, which is
speed factor. These data suggest that PA will not a substantial difference. There is no evidence
that the WISC-III third factor is any more inter- more highly with "g" than Digit Span (passive
pretable than the third factor for the WISC-R. storage in primary memory). Thus, Kranzler
Researchers can still argue for previous inter- (1997) proposes that working memory efficiency is
pretations, ranging from numerical facility to au- a better label for the latent trait assessed by the
ditory short-term memory. It is now abundantly third factor. This point ofview is logical and con-
clear, however, that the third factor is a poor sistent with previous research. The only caveat
measure of distractibility (Kamphaus, 1998). Ric- remaining to consider is that the third factor was
cio, Cohen, Hall, and Ross (1997) studied the not explicitly designed to measure WM, suggest-
correlation of the third factor with behavioral ing that better measures of the WM construct
measures of inattention and hyperactivity for may be available. Said another way, it is never-
controls and children with ADHD subtypes. Cor- theless troublesome that Digit Span has a medi-
relations of the third factor with the Continuous ocre loading on the third factor in comparison
Performance Test were nonsignificant. Corre- to Arithmetic. Further studies are needed com-
lations with the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (a paring the third factor to measures of numerical
measure of executive functioning) were also in- facility, WM, etc., to assist the clinician in inter-
significant for 7 of 8 comparisons. Correlations pretation of this factor. In the interim I think
were insignificant with the Conners parent and that working memory efficiency is the most logically
teacher rating scales for all 8 comparisons and consistent label for the latent trait assessed by the
with the Behavior Assessment System for Chil- third factor.
dren (BASC) parent and teacher ratings for all Similarly, the labeling of the new fourth factor
26 comparisons; for the Revised Behavior Prob- as processing speed should be considered as ten-
lem Checklist, the correlations were insignificant tative pending the outcome of future studies of
for 6 of 8 comparisons. These results, taken in the relationship of this factor to other measures
the context of other findings (Lowman, Schwanz, of processing speed and other cognitive ability
& Kamphaus, 1997), lead clearly to the con- constructs. The relationship of processing speed
clusion that the WISC-III third factor is one ofthe to "g" has a long research tradition in individ-
worst measures of distractibility that a psychologist ual differences inquiry (Deary, 1999) with one
could utilize. prominent finding-measures of reaction time
Keith and Witta (1997) propose that the third and inspection time correlate significantly and
factor be considered to be a measure of quantita- moderately with measures of "g." In the case of
tive reasoning. This hypothesis is similar to that the fourth factor of the WISC-III, this typical
of Carroll's (1993), who proposed that the third pattern of results does not occur (Kranzler,
factor measures facility with numbers. Kranzler 1997). Coding and Symbol Search may be a less
(1997) disagrees with these interpretations and cognitively complex processing task in com-
makes a compelling case for labeling the third parison to the typical processing speed para-
factor as working memory. He reviews previous digms, thus attenuating their relationship to
literature by Baddeley (1996) and others and "g" (Kranzler, 1997). In fact, Carroll (1993)
notes that there are two aspects of short-term noted this distinction in task demands and as-
memory: (1) primary memory, which is a passive signed Coding-like tasks to the stratum II factor
store that simply holds information for the pur- of broad cognitive speediness, which is far re-
poses of further processing, and (2) working moved from better measures of "g" at stratum
memory (WM), where the actual processing of II (see Chapter 2). Kranzler (1997) cites the
information occurs. It is WM then that is more modest loading of these component subtests as
highly correlated with "g" thus explaining why a rationale for not using the processing speed
Arithmetic (a measure of WM capacity that re- label espoused for this factor. In his own words
quires active processing ofinformation) correlates he observed:
Further research on what this factor measures is obvi- manner to improve its validity as a measure
ously needed, but in the meantime other names should ofWM.
be considered, because labeling this factor "Processing
3. The fourth factor possesses evidence of facto-
Speed" is inconsistent with the results of contemporary
theory and research on the cognitive underpinnings ofg
rial validity but not substantial evidence of cri-
and may mislead those unfamiliar with the literature. terion-related or predictive validity. Pending
(p. 114) such research, this factor should also be consid-
ered as supplementary and only interpreted in
The implications of these findings for inter- the context of case data that are compelling.
pretive purposes are myriad. The clinician who 4. Arithmetic is the marker task for the third
understands these findings has a clear sense of factor, yet it has a substantial secondary load-
how the WISC-III subtests are likely to covary ing on the verbal comprehension factor. The
for most children. This allows the clinician to Arithmetic subtest is only, therefore, slightly
know when test results are likely attributed to more likely to align itself with the third factor
normal variation and when they are anomalous than with the Verbal IQ. As such, clinicians
and therefore clinically meaningful. At a mini- evaluating the profile for a particular child
mum the WISC-III factor analyses teach us the should not be surprised to see the Arithmetic
following lessons about expected variation on subtest align itself with either the Verbal IQ
the WISC-III. or the third-factor subtests, Digit Span and
potentially Coding.
1. The Verbal and Performance scales lack the 5. Also noteworthy from these factor analytic re-
internal validity evidence of the new Index sults is that Digit Span bears little relationship
scores. Generally speaking, the VOI and POI to the Verbal IQ, despite the fact that it is
Index scores are a better choice for routine placed on this scale. The Digit Span subtest,
assessment of verbal and spatial abilities. The therefore, is not a good substitute for other
PA subtest, however, does not appear to be- verbal tests that have been spoiled or have
long on the POL somehow been invalidated. Perhaps prorating,
2. The third factor should be routinely referred the process of computing an estimated IQ
to as working memory, which has broad mean- when one or more subtests are missing for
ing. This label is suggested with two cautions: either the Verbal or Performance IQ, is a bet-
(1) the third factor has only the minimum of ter option than substituting a Digit Span score
two indicators to measure the WM trait, and (see the WISC-III manual for discussion of
(2) only the Arithmetic subtest may involve prorating procedures).
WM, whereas the Digit Span subtest may 6. Clearly, Block Design and Object Assembly
measure primary memory (Kranzler, 1997) are the marker Perceptual Organization tasks
and working memory (i.e., digits backwards) contributing to the Performance IQ. Picture
(Reynolds, 1997). Clinicians will only be able Arrangement, on the other: hand, has a medi-
to interpret the factor in light of other data. If, ocre loading on the Perceptual Organization
for example, a child with a mathematics dis- factor (.3 7). Picture Arrangement is less likely
ability has a depressed third factor score then than other Performance subtests to align it-
numerical facility may be a plausible reason self with the Performance IQ. In addition,
for the low score. This type of case-by-case the Picture Arrangement subtest has slightly
interpretation is the only reasonable course of smaller secondary loadings on the fourth fac-
action until convincing validation studies are tor and on the verbal comprehension factor.
done to elucidate the latent trait underlaying Consequently, the Picture Arrangement subtest
this factor or the factor is reconstructed in a score is more likely than most WISC-III subtests
to be a maverick in the profile for an individual emphasis on power than speed. Since the
child. This subtest could easily produce a WISC-III makes heavy use of a stopwatch, it is
scaled score that is an outlier from the rest of incumbent on the examiner to develop skill in
the WISC-III. its use. Examiners should not expect use of the
7. The Coding subtest, despite its placement as stopwatch to come naturally, as it takes a great
an alternative Performance scale test, is not a deal of practice for most.
strong member of the Performance IQ, simi- Some of the examiner instructions on the
lar to the way Digit Span shares little variance WISC-III are wordy. Examiners have to there-
with the Verbal IQ, making it a poor substi- fore do their best to make the testing seem less
tute if one of the Performance scale subtests contrived in spite of this. Examiners have to do
is spoiled. Coding, then, may frequently be this, however, without shortcutting or modifying
found to be deviant from the rest of the Per- the standardized wording. The standardized word-
formance subtests. ing must be used.
The new examiner must also study the start-
8. The new Symbol Search test actually has a
ing points and discontinue rules for each subtest
better perceptual organization factor loading
carefully. On the WISC-III these differ consid-
(. 35 versus .13) than the Coding subtest. This
erably for each subtest. On Information, for ex-
subtest may be a more suitable Performance
ample, there are four different starting points
scale alternate than Coding.
depending on a child's age. By contrast, on Com-
9. Given the preliminary nature of the processing prehension every child begins with Item 1.
speed factor and the controversial nature of
the third factor, these factors are only advised
for use by experienced WISC-III examiners,
and only by these individuals if future validity
studies are supportive of these factors.
For the most part the WISC-III is easy and objec-
tive to score. The scoring ofsome subtests can still
be tricky for new examiners. While the scoring of
Mazes is objective, it does take some time and
practice. Similarly, awarding partial credit for
The WISC-III administration procedures are the Object Assembly items can be tricky. For par-
consistent with the history of psychological assess- tially complete items, the raw score is equal to the
ment. For example, while many newer tests such "number of correct junctures." New examiners
as the K-ABC, Woodcock-Johnson, and Binet-4 would benefit from practice in giving partial credit
use an easel format where the various stimuli and for various arrangements of puzzle pieces.
instructions are self-contained, the WISC-III
test stimuli and manual are separate from one an-
other. The WISC-III, in contrast to the WISC-
Scoring Verbal Responses
R, obviates the need for purchasing a bookstand The WISC-R Similarities, Vocabulary, and Com-
because of the "crack back" manual that stands prehension tests were particularly difficult for
on its own. Administration of the WISC-III can new examiners to score correctly (Slate & Chick,
be rather awkward for the new examiner, since 1989). It is not clear how much easier the scoring
both the manual and the test stimuli have to be of these verbal tests will be for the WISC-III.
manipulated separately. These tests are unusual because of their use of a
The WISC-III also places a premium on trichotomous scoring system (scores of 2,1,0).
the use of a stopwatch. The stopwatch has also Most modern tests eschew such a system and use
been supplanted by newer tests that place more dichotomous scoring for vocabulary and similar
tests. The WISC-III tries to ease scoring of III offers asymmetrical confidence bands (see
these tests by placing scoring criteria adjacent to Chapter 5). For most cases a 90% confidence
the item. The advantage of such a trichotomous level is reasonable to use (Kaufman, 1979b).
system is that it requires more verbal expression Age equivalents and prorating tables are also
on the part of the child, which provides the given in the WISC- III manual. The numerous
examiner with rich observations of the child's WISC-III interpretive tables will be discussed
verbal skills. later in this chapter.
In order to use the discontinue rules for each
of these tests appropriately, one should
the scoring criteria for each item to memory. THE WECHSLER SuBTESTs
This task, however, is difficult to accomplish.
A frequent error made by my students is to score
a questionable response from memory when the This section discusses some of the distinctive
exact response given by the child is listed ver- aspects of each subtest. Most of the WISC-III
batim in the scoring criteria accompanying the subtests have a long and rich clinical history. Un-
item. I suggest that for a questionable response, derstanding the origins of the item types and for-
new examiners should read every response given in mats of the individual subtests is crucial to
the scoring criteriafor the item before assigning a score an integrative approach to interpretation. The
to the response. description of each subtest will begin with an
overview of the nature of the task, its history, and
any distinctive aspects. Any noteworthy charac-
Computing Derived Scores teristics having to do with administration and
The Computation of WISC-III raw and derived scoring will then be addressed. Common prob-
scores is simple. Clinicians do have to be careful lems and tips for beginners are also delineated.
when adding item scores to obtain a raw score. This section, however, is not a substitute but a
A frequently made mistake is to fail to give a supplement to the WISC-III manual.
child credit for items not administered prior to Next some important psychometric character-
the starting point for a particular subtest. istics for each test that have implications for in-
Subtest scaled scores (standard scores with a terpretation are listed. The reliability coefficients
mean of 10 and SD of 3) are easily obtained from reported are median internal consistency coeffi-
Table A.1 of the WISC-III manual. The Wech- cients from the WISC-III manual (Wechsler,
sler IQ equivalents (standard scores with a mean 1991). The factor analytic results are median
of 100 and SD of 15) are then computed based loadings taken from the factor analysis of the
on the sums of scaled scores using Tables A.2 WISC-III standardization sample cited in the
through A.4. Index scores are provided in Tables manual (Wechsler, 1991). The "g" loadings and
A.5 through A. 7. The Index scores are the alter- reliable specific variance (subtest specificity) esti-
native "IQ equivalents" for the four factor scores. mates were computed based on the intercorre-
These standard scores also use the mean = 100 lation matrix of the WISC-III subtests for all
and SD = 15 metric. ages combined 3 (Wechsler, 1991).
One oft-made mistake of new examiners is to
pick raw scores off the front of the record form
3 The "g" loadings used for this chapter represent the loading
when writing a report. New examiners may want
for each subtest on the unrotated first principal component.
to highlight the standard scores to avoid this fre- The subtest specificities were computed in the same fashion
quent and embarrassing mistake. as Kaufman (1979b). These values were computed by sub-
Confidence bands for the WISC-III are in- tracting the squared multiple correlation of each subtest from
its average internal consistency coefficient. I am indebted to
cluded with the composite score norm tables in Dr. Leslie Oliver Platt for her expeditious computation of
the manual. Examiners will note that the WISC- these values.
A list of noteworthy behaviors for examiners to the point of frustration. The examiner has to
observe during testing is also provided. These be- "read" carefully the child's reaction to encourage-
haviors can be helpful for testing hypotheses ment and discontinue prodding when it is clear
about a child's performance. Finally, hypotheses that the child is getting frustrated.
regarding variables that may influence subtest Edelman (1996) harshly criticizes the "Orange"
performance are provided. The interpretive pro- item of this test. He notes:
cess that is used to test these hypotheses will
be discussed in detail in the following chapter. The worst item on this subtest is the Orange. ... It has
These lists are offered in this chapter to help the been my experience that more children say that the seeds
examiner better understand the range of possible were missing than the sector line. Apparently, this was a
skills and behaviors that influence each WISC- problem during the standardization, because the exam-
III subtest. iner must ask for another response and allow for an
additional 20 seconds when the child says that the seeds
are missing. This causes one to wonder whether the item
was included because the substitution ofa different item
Picture Completion would have been too much ofa bother. (p. 221)
BEHAVIORS TO NoTE crucial issue for the child to grasp is the notion
of "sameness." Some young children never fully
1. Rechecking the code, indicating that it is grasp this concept.
not memorized
2. Squinting or other evidence of difficulty ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
3. Poor motor control 1. Become extremely familiar with the trichoto-
mous scoring system prior to administration.
This test requires the child to arrange cards de- 1. Gives several responses in reverse sequence
picting a scene from a story in their correct se- 2. Does not survey the cards before responding
quence. Picture Arrangement was also originally
developed during the World War I screening
effort (Reynolds & Kaufman, 1990). This test
assesses whether or not the child can follow a l. Social judgment (See Chapter 17)
story line given in pictures. This fact is probably
one of the reasons why this test has a significant 2. Knowledge base
factor loading on the verbal comprehension fac- 3. Inferring cause-and-effect relationships
tor in some investigations. Clearly, children will 4. Executive system (Borkowski)
be helped if they are able to verbally identify the 5. Fine motor skill
plot (although this is usually done subvocally by
children taking the test) and to explain the order 6. Successive processing (Luria, Das)
of the pictures. Generally, however, this test can
be difficult to interpret as it has mediocre load- BIOGRAPHICAL AND BEHAVIORAL
ings on three of the four WISC-III factors (save HYPOTHESES TO INVESTIGATE
factor 3). In fact, when five-factor exploratory
factor analysis solutions were computed for the l. Anxiety related to the stopwatch
WISC-III, the Picture Arrangement subtest oc- 2. Experience with comic strips
casionally produced its own factor, particularly 3. Experiences with social interaction
at younger age groups. This failure to align itself
4. Attention span/impulsivity
clearly with a factor makes it enigmatic.
5. Visual acuity and discrimination
This test is also rather unusual in that the Loading on verbal comprehension
child is not allowed to use aids such as pencil and factor= .41
paper or a calculator. This makes the task unre- Loading on perceptual organization
alistic in comparison to everyday mathematics factor= .27
calculation tests.
Finally, the Arithmetic test is not a compre- Loading on third factor = .73
hensive test of mathematics knowledge, and in Loading on fourth factor = .15
some cases it may not even serve well as a Subtest specificity= .30 (adequate)
screener. This situation is primarily due to the
fact that the Arithmetic test lacks evidence of
content validity. Evidence has not been pre- BEHAVIORS TO NoTE
On this task the child is required to construct 1. Practice modeling and administering second
designs out of blocks to match a model. Block trials.
Design is a variant of a test developed in the
2. Practice scoring rotations.
early part of last century by Kohs (1923). Block
Design has a distinctly spatial component and
requires a minimal level of fine motor skill to PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
the small number of items it is, nevertheless, im- BIOGRAPHICAL AND BEHAVIORAL
portant to note how a child obtained his or her HYPOTHESES TO INVESTIGATE
raw score. A careless error on one of the items
may have a dramatic effect on the overall score. 1. Visual acuity and discrimination
As was the case with Block Design, a child may 2. Anxiety related to the stopwatch
be punished for having very careful work habits, 3. Achievement motivation
as speed is integral to obtaining a high score.
4. Attention span/impulsivity
Average reliability = .77
1. Perceptual organization (factor analysis)
"g" loading= .68
2. Spatial ability (Carroll)
Loading on verbal comprehension
3. Holistic (simultaneous) processing factor= .65
(Luria, Das)
Loading on perceptual organization
4. Fine motor coordination factor= .19
5. Visual-motor coordination Loading on third factor = .1 7
6. Executive system (Borkowski) Loading on fourth factor = .19
7. Puzzle-solving skill Subtest specificity= .30 (adequate)
BEHAVIORS TO NOTE The clinical value of this test is not well known
nor is its distinctiveness from the Coding subtest.
1. Word retrieval (finding) problems Symbol Search does covary with Coding, yet it
2. Responses that are deviant from societal has a significant secondary loading on the percep-
norms tual organization factor, unlike Coding (see below
and section on factor analysis). This finding re-
veals that the Symbol Search test shares more with
the Performance scale than Coding, making it a
1. Knowledge base more suitable substitute for another Performance
scale subtest than the Wechsler original-Coding.
2. Verbal expression
While such a substitution is warranted by the data,
3. Long-term memory the advice in the manual is contrary, in that Sym-
4. Verbal comprehension (factor analysis) bol Search is only allowed to be substituted for the
5. Knowledge acquisition components Coding test. The logic of the position taken in
(Sternberg) the manual is, therefore, not clear.
6. Verbal meaning (Thurstone)
7. Executive system (Borkowski)
8. Crystallized ability (Cattell) 1. Be sure to have two pencils without erasers.
2. Use only the standardized instructions given.
Loading on perceptual organization This test can also be difficult to score, espe-
factor= .19 cially if a child changes his or her mind fre-
Loading on third factor = .34 quently or is sloppy. Mazes also lacks difficulty
(ceiling) for older children, resulting in lower re-
Loading on fourth factor = .18
liability coefficients for older age groups. In fact
Subtest specificity= .63 (ample) the test-retest coefficients (corrected for varia-
bility) for Mazes for the 10-11 and 14-15 age
BEHAVIORS TO NoTE groups were .56 and .57, respectively. These fac-
tors have contributed to its lack of popularity
1. Absence of evidence of rehearsal with practicing clinicians. This test is rarely used
2. Comments about their memory skills in clinical practice.
3. Responds before examiner gives complete
stimulus suggesting impulsivity ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
2. English-language proficiency
1. Numerous changes of course indicative
3. Attention span/impulsivity of impulsivity
4. Anxiety 2. Squinting or other evidence of vision
5. Fatigue or boredom problems
Ancedotally, I have seen a number of children A linguistic difference hypothesis should enter
display a P>V pattern that seemed to center on clinician's minds when testing any non-English-
the child's preference for dealing with nonverbal speaking child, including Spanish-speaking, Asian
stimuli. The children who come to mind when American, and Native American children. There
thinking of this pattern have been reticent during may also be forms of English that differ some-
the testing. They seem to be genuinely enthusias- what from the terminology used on the WISC-
tic about the Performance tests (as indicated by III. I once tested an impoverished black child
moving closer to the table and working intently) from rural Appalachia with whom I had consid-
and dread the Verbal scale tests. Less frequently, I erable difficulty communicating. I remember
have observed children who obtain a V>P pattern having difficulty interpreting his responses to
who take delight in the Verbal tests and appear Verbal scale items. One response sounded to me
confident in their verbal skills. On Performance like "ho dolla," which turned out to be a dollar
tests, by contrast, their confidence withers, and bill. The causative factors were unclear, whether
they seem unsure as to how to solve the problems. it be poverty, Black dialect, or rural location, but
Frequently, these children will express interest in his English clearly departed substantially from
highly Verbal activities, such as reading. Test be- that required to get a high Verbal score (see
havior such as these may be helpful in corroborat- Chapter 17). A linguistic difference hypothesis
ing verbal or nonverbal content differences. may also be confounded by cultural differences.
A child may conceivably be self-conscious about
SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE his or her lack of English proficiency and make
a limited attempt to use English. An examiner
1. Poor (or strong) academic achievement could assess this possibility before the evaluation
record by observing the child in school or other social
2. Poor (or good) articulation setting, or by asking the child's teacher or parent
3. Delayed (or precocious) language development to describe the child's English-language profi-
ciency. Examiners may also assess the impact of
4. Interest (or lack of interest) in mechanical
English proficiency on the child's test scores by
skills or hobbies
obtaining information from other sources about
5. Interest (or lack of interest) in reading his or her knowledge and use of English.
6. Good (or poor) conversational skills
7. Strong (or poor) school achievement SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE
suggested based upon thorough knowledge of trouble coping with novelty. This hypothesis may
background information regarding the child being explain why African American children showed a
assessed. Clearly, a child who has a verbal expres- V>P profile on the WISC-R (Reynolds, 1981a).
sion problem will have difficulty on the Verbal The Performance scale poses a number of unfa-
scale more than on the Performance scale. miliar item types to children in contrast to the
familiar words used on the Verbal scale. Perhaps
SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE children who are not used to having novel stimuli
presented to them, as is more likely to be the case
1. Delayed language development for impoverished children or children from cul-
2. History of speech/language services tural groups with a history of a high incidence of
3. Poor reading skills poverty, may not possess coping skills for dealing
4. Poor Vocabulary test scores with novelty.
Clinicians can "test the limits" in order to
assess the effects of novelty on WISC-III Per-
Hearing Impairment (P>V)
formance scores. An examiner could ask the child,
Common sense and research findings support a once testing is completed, if certain items were
clear Performance > Verbal profile for children more familiar to him or her than others.
with significant hearing impairments. Sullivan
and Burley (1990) state that typical practice in- SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE
volves using the WISC Performance scale only in
the assessment of the cognitive skills of hearing- 1. Uses unsystematic (trial and error) approach
impaired children. to Performance items
A clinician may also encounter children with 2. Seems uncomfortable in test setting (e.g., reluc-
mild or undetected hearing loss that produce a tant to speak or make eye contact)
P>V pattern. Behaviors that may suggest hear-
ing loss include unclear, loud, or delayed speech; 3. Low scores on other nonentrenched tests such
requests to repeat items or instructions; or diffi- as Ravens Progressive matrices
culty understanding instructions. Children who 4. Adequate to good school achievement
have been prescribed hearing aids should wear
them for the evaluation. When a child's speech is
not easily interpretable, or the child uses sign Achievement Motivation (V>P or P>V)
language, a specialist should conduct the intel- Since the Verbal scale of the WISC-III is more
lectual evaluation. highly correlated with school achievement than
the Performance scale, a child may have a V>P
SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE profile that is due to a high level of achievement
motivation and associated academic achievement.
1. History of hearing impairment A relatively high Verbal score could not only be
2. Does not hear well during evaluation the cause of a high level of academic achieve-
3. Wears hearing aids ment, but also be the product of high levels of
4. Uses sign language academic achievement, especially on tests highly
5. Poor Vocabulary test scores related to in-school achievement, such as Infor-
mation and Arithmetic.
A child who is the product of a striving family
Novelty (V>P) may exhibit this profile. Behaviors that may be
Sternberg (1987) contends that some children, exhibited by the child include tenacity, great con-
especially some minority group children, have cern about whether or not he or she gave correct
responses, and curiosity about correct responses 1979b), based upon the groundbreaking research
for items solved incorrectly. of Sperry, Gazzaniga, and Bogen (1969) (see
A contrasting lack of achievement motivation Chapter 2). The hypothesis that left-hemisphere
could be associated with a P>V profile. While processing is more related to Verbal scale per-
this is theoretically possible, it may be more clin- formance is due to the theorizing that the left
ically rare. The unmotivated child or ,adolescent brain is specialized for language and the right
may also not put forth good effort during admin- hemisphere is primarily nonverbal (Gazzaniga,
istration of the Performance scale, resulting in a 1975) (see Chapter 19). The right hemisphere
lack of bonus points. This scenario could pro- has been associated with Performance scale
duce an overall underestimate of the child's skills. abilities because tests such as Block Design were
This hypothesis could be tested by readminister- included by split-brain researchers as exemplary
ing some tests, or a new intelligence test, and giv- measures of the spatial-holistic processing abil-
ing rewards (e.g., toys, money, praise, etc.) for ities of the right hemisphere. Unfortunately,
competent performance (see Chapter 5, Research while this left hemisphere versus right hemi-
Report). If a child's scores increase dramatically sphere dichotomy seems logical and intuitively
(beyond what would be expected based on the appealing, it is apparently not consistently doc-
standard error of estimate for the subtest or com- umented in children (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
posite score) on retesting, then an achievement 1987). A riumber of research investigations
motivation weakness may be suspected as con- have shown no clear-cut relationship between
tributing to low scores or a P>V split. Verbal and Performance IQs and left- and right-
This hypothesis is more likely to be sensible hemisphere functioning for children (Kaufman,
for older children. It assumes that the child has 1979b; Morris & Bigler, 1985; Shapiro &
already had ample opportunity to demonstrate Dotan, 1985) (see also Chapter 19). Part of
tenacity, hard work, or apathy in school. the probiem is that the attribution of a child's
problems to one hemisphere is an oversimplifi-
SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE cation of a dynamic and complex system. There
are cases where this model may be at least par-
1. Parents (do or do not) emphasize education tially helpful.
and achievement One of the more salient cases in my memory
2. Academic achievement scores higher is of a child who displayed a P>V profile shortly
(or lower) than Performance score after recovering from a drug-induced coma.
3. Good (or poor) effort in school The child was given the wrong medication by
his pharmacy. He lost almost all speech but
4. Child expresses like (br dislike) for school
did recover much of it. Later, he still showed
5. Lack (or excess) of behavior problems in a P>V profile that was statistically significant,
school although his speech had apparently returned to
6. Low (or high) level of aspiration as indicated normal.
by career goals
Hemispheric Specialization
1. History of head trauma
2. History of seizures
Researchers have hypothesized for some time
that the Verbal scale of the WISC-III measures 3. Delayed early developmental milestones
primarily left-brain processing, and the Perfor- 4. History of medical condition associated with
mance scale right-brain processing (Kaufman, neurological damage (e.g., tuberous sclerosis)
Time Pressure (V>P) P>V profile (Fourqurean, 1987; Rethazi & Wil-
Since the only timed items are on the Perfor- son, 1988). This profile, however, is of virtually
no value in making the diagnosis ofa learning disabil-
mance scale, a V>P pattern may occur because of
an inability to handle the pressure associated iry since the crux oflearning disability diagnosis is
the determination of an ability/achievement dis-
with being timed by a stopwatch. Some children
become visibly upset, with hands shaking, and crepancy (see Chapters 17 and 20).
face flushed on tests such as Block Design and SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE
Object Assembly.
Underlying anxiety may set the stage for re- 1. Delayed acquisition of basic academic skills,
sponding to time pressures. The following obser- particularly in reading
vations taken from a WISC-III evaluation of a 2. History of diagnosis of reading disability in
13-year-old exemplify this pattern. "Significant immediate family members
weight loss lately. Many, many self-deprecating 3. Teacher and parent: suspicions of a learning
statements throughout exam despite continuous disability
successes. Extreme somatic tenseness: cracking
vertebrae, clenching jaw, trembling hands, sitting
Long-Tenn Memory/Word Retrieval
rigidly in his seat, breathing heavily, Careless
mistakes on portions of timed tests. Too much
pressure for him." This individual obtained a A VIP discrepancy could be highly influenced by
Verbal score of 137 and Performance of 121! long-term memory processes if one subscribes to
an information processing perspective (see
SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE Chapter 2). The efficiency with which a child
solves Verbal scale items is determined to a large
1. Signs of anxiety during timed tests (e.g., extent by his or her ability to store and retrieve
sweating, increased respiration) information from long-term memory. A child
2. Rushes through timed tests who does not use good strategies to store verbal
information or lacks retrieval cues may display a
Leaming Disability (P>V) P>V profile. The Performance scale does not re-
quire a child to retrieve substantial amounts of
The general trend for children with learning dis- information from memory.
abilities is to have a P>V profile (Kavale & For- Children sometimes struggle through a variety
ness, 1984). The differences in a number of of Verbal tests making comments like, "I know
investigations, however, are small. In the Kavale that." One hypothesis that this type of statement
and Forness (1984) meta-analytic investigation suggests is that the child did not do a good job of
of 94 studies of learning disabled children, the storing the class material and, therefore, was un-
average Verbal standard score was 94 and the able to efficiently retrieve the information (P>V
Performance standard score average was 98. This profile). A child may also have word retrieval
difference of a few standard score points, al- problems that are due to neuropsychological in-
though small, is persistent. sults (see Chapter 19).
A trend toward a P>V profile for learning dis-
abled children is intuitive since the Verbal scale is SUGGESTIVE EVIDENCE
more highly correlated with school achievement.
Children are referred for learning disability ser- 1. Good (or poor) school performance
vices because they are performing poorly in the 2. Exhibits obvious memory strategies during
classroom (Kaufman, 1979b). More recent inves- the evaluation (V>P) (e.g., repeats numbers on
tigations have also corroborated the findings of a Digit Span)
3. Spontaneously expresses knowledge of mem- 12 points between the Verbal and Performance
ory strategies (V>P) (e.g., "I repeat names to scales is likely a reliable one that is not due to
myself so I can remember them better") chance factors. Said another way, there is only a
4. Good (or poor) performance on delayed recall 5% probability (.05) that the difference is due to
tests such as those on the Woodcock-Johnson chance and there is a 95% probability that it is an
or Differential Ability Scales accurate difference.
Because of the difference between statistical
significance and clinical significance, Kaufman
(1979b) advised that examiners also consider the
Classification of the Full Scale relative rarity of discrepancy scores in the normal
and Other Composites population. Values for determining the propor-
The classification scheme that I use is as follows tion of the WISC-III standardization sample that
(see Chapter 18 for other systems). obtained a given discrepancy score or larger are
given in the WISC-III manual. As a general guide,
1. 130 and above-significantly above average I suggest that a discrepancy of 25 points that occurs
in 5% or less of the standardiwtion sample is rare
2. 110-129-above average
(see Table B.2, Wechsler, 1991) and renders the
3. 90-109-average overall composite standard score, in this case
4. 71-89-below average the Full Scale standard score, as relatively useless
5. 70 and below-significantly below average as an overall estimate of intelligence. When a dif-
ference this unusual, and this large, occurs in an
I use two classifications to describe a Full Scale individual's intelligence test performance at the
or other composite score if the score is border- composite score level, the child's intelligence is
line-that is, within 3 standard score points (about simply too multifaceted to be summarized with a
1 SEM) of the adjoining category. If, for exam- single number (see section on Illusory V/P dif-
ple, a significantly below-average Full Scale of 69 ferences discussed later for an exception).
is obtained, then the score is described as "below Differences between Index scores may also be
to significantly below average." The same two hypothesized and tested (see Research Report
classifications are given for a score of 73. 8.1). Tables B.l and B.2 of the WISC-III manual
(Wechsler, 1991) allow examiners to test for re-
liable and rare differences between many pair-
Compare Composite Scores wise comparisons of Index scores. An examiner
may hypothesize, for example, that the Process-
to Assess Their Meaningfulness
ing Speed Index will be lower than the Percep-
The interpretive value of the Full Scale score may tual Organization Index because a child is said to
be gauged in two ways. The first procedure is to be extremely slow to complete written work in
test the statistical significance (or reliability; Sil- the classroom. A reading of Table B.1 reveals
verstein, 1981) of the difference between Verbal that a 15-point difference between these two
and Performance standard scores. In this way the Index scores is reliable (i.e., statistically signifi-
examiner can determine if the difference between cant at the .05 level), and Table B.2 shows that a
Verbal and Performance scores is likely accurate difference between these scores of 31 points or
and not a statistical artifact (i.e., due to chance). more occurs in less than 5 % of the population.
The average values across ages are a Verbal/ Interpretation of the WISC-III composites is
Performance difference of 12 standard score points confusing at first blush due to the preponderance
at the .05 level and 15 points at the .01 level of composite scores now available. Clinicians can
(Wechsler, 1991). In other words, a difference of choose to interpret the traditional VIQ/PIQ and
It is interesting that the two "shape" profiles may also be differentiated by level for the first three Index scores.
Only the Processing Speed Index adds "shape" to these profiles. In the absence of this finding the five clusters of
children in the sample could be easily classified as ranging from below average to above average.
The relative importance of the Processing Speed finding is also unclear since the clusters have not been validated
against external criteria (e.g., child academic performance). The average socioeconomic status of the families of the
five types were calculated by Donders as one test of external validation. Consistent with intuitive predictions (and
empirical findings cited in Chapter 3) the SES associated with the types were predicted by FSIQ. Type one, for ex-
ample, would be expected to be of lower SES than type 5, and this finding was obtained. Approximately 10% of the
parents of type 1 cases had 16 or more years of education versus 22 % of type 5.
This investigation suggests that the Processing Speed Index requires further study. Until results of impor-
tance are obtained the level of performance seems to be of greater importance than shape for most members of
the standardization sample which is, after all, intended to serve as a microcosm of the U.S. population of chil-
dren between 6 and 16.
Full Scale or the newer four Index scores and the Index and the four that make up the Perceptual
even newer General Ability Index (GAi) Organization Index. I advise the following simple
(Prifitera et al., 1998). The new GAi is merely an prioritization rules.
eight subtest short form Full Scale composite First, utilize the traditional Full Scale score
(excluding Arithmetic and Coding) based on the for most purposes. The GAi is not particularly
four scores that enter the Verbal Comprehension short, consisting of eight subtests, so it offers
few practical advantages. In addition, the tradi- easier to interpret, regardless of the name uti-
tional Full Scale will ensure comparability with lized, since they have apt descriptions from a
prior results. I realize, however, that differences variety of theoretical perspectives ranging from
between the GAi and Full Scale will likely be the seminal factor studies of Philip E. Vernon
small in everyday assessment practice. There- (Verbal/Educational versus Spatia/Mechanical)
fore, for most purposes, the choice of overall to the comprehensive factor analyses ofJohn B.
composite score is not of critical importance. Carroll (crystallized versus visualization). Work-
Secondly, utilize the newer Index scores for most ing definitions of these traits and the Processing
purposes. Granted, the traditional VIQ and PIQs Speed Index may be obtained from Chapter 2.
have a substantial research base. It is also clear, The clear caveat to the clinician is that some or
however, that this research base has clearly shown all of the Index scores can be of little value in a
that the WISC, WISC-R, and now WISC-III are case if the component subtests of the Index score
better described as assessing more than two la- produce highly variable results, otherwise known
tent traits (see Appendix A). Hence, the large as "scatter." If, for example, a child obtains third
number of available studies contradict Wechsler's factor Index subtest scores of 14 for Arithmetic
original conceptualization for children. It should and 7 for Coding, then the FFD Index score is of
also be recalled that Wechsler did not have mod- no value for describing a latent trait at Stratum II
ern statistical methods available to thoroughly (Carroll, 1993).
test the factorial validity of the original scales.
Unfortunately, the nature of the latent traits
assessed by the four Index scores is likely to be Consider Shared
debated for some years to come. The latent trait
Subtest Hypotheses
assessed by the third factor, for example, is alter-
natively considered to be a measure of "working Experienced examiners will be able to merely
memory" (Prifitera et al., 1998) or two traits: glance at the subtest scores for an individual child
"short-term memory" (Digit Span) and "quanti- and discover significant fluctuations in the profile
tative ability" (Arithmetic) (McGrew & Flana- (see Box 8.1). The new examiner, however, re-
gan, 1998). The VCI and POI indexes will be quires specific guidelines for determining when a
fluctuation in a child's profile may be of signifi- The WISC-III profile for Connie in Figure
cance. Kaufman (1979b) produced tables for 8.1 will serve as an example of how subtest
determining the statistical significance of pro- strengths and weaknesses are determined. This
file fluctuations. This principle is the same as child obtained a mean scaled score for 12 tests of
was used in determining significant or reliable 11. The subtest scores are compared to the
differences between Verbal and Performance mean, revealing the strengths and weaknesses
scores. The difference in this case is determin- shown in Figure 8.1.
ing whether or not there are reliable peaks or In order to confirm shared subtest hypotheses
valleys, or strengths or weaknesses, in a child's in the sample profile all, or virtually all, of the
profile of Wechsler subtest scores. scores for the subtests that are a part ofthe hypothesis
The common procedure for determining sig- should be at or below the subtest mean of I I. In Con-
nificant strengths and weaknesses in Wechsler nie's case such a hypothesis would be supported
subtest profiles is to consult Table B.3 of the by the Coding and Symbol Search scores of 4
WISC-III manual (Wechsler, 1991). The WISC- and 9, respectively.
III manual offers a bewildering number of possi- Shared subtest hypotheses for Wechsler Sub-
bilities for determining subtest strengths and tests are given in Table 8.1. This table is given to
weaknesses--eight to be exact, depending on the assist clinicians in the process of generating hy-
number of subtests administered and whether or potheses as to why a child's score may be partic-
not one uses the mean of all subtests for compar- ularly high or low.
ison or the mean of the Verbal and Performance Table 8.1 also includes cognitive factors, back-
scales separately (the issue of which subtest mean ground variables, test behaviors, and emotional
is preferable will be discussed later). The values traits and states that may affect performance. This
needed for this section are given on page 264 of list is also provided for the purpose of generating
the WISC-III manual. hypotheses during interpretation.
The advised procedure for determining sig- For a number of reasons these lists should
nificant fluctuations in a profile is as follows: not be treated as a "cookbook." Lists of this
nature can be misleading because many of the
l . Compute the mean scaled score of all 12 sub- hypotheses may not possess scientific support.
tests (or 10 or 13 subtests as appropriate) They do help new clinicians think through a
combined and round this value to the nearest profile, yet trainees can easily become too de-
whole number. pendent on them. These lists emanate from
theory and experience more so than research.
2. Compute the difference between each subtest They are based primarily on the work of Kauf-
scaled score and the mean scaled score. man (1979b), Zimmerman and Woo-Sam (1985),
3. Compare each difference score to the cor- the larger body of WISC-R literature, and on
responding subtest difference score value my own experiences and those of my colleagues
for the .05 level (the second column in the and students with the WISC-III. Another im-
table) presented in Table B.3 (p. 264) of portant realization is that each item in these
the WISC-III manual. Round the values in lists is relative. For example, quality of school-
Table B.3 to make these comparisons. If a ing probably influences performance on every
difference between a subtest score and the WISC-III subtest, but it is not listed for all. By
mean meets or exceeds the rounded tabled value, inference then these lists are suggestive and cer-
then it is marked as a strength (S). Mark a tainly not all inclusive.
weakness (W) if the subtest scaled score is The significant fluctuations in this profile give
lower than the mean but at least as large as some guidelines as to where to search for profiles
the tabled value. that may be of importance for understanding a
The basics of interpretation are now demonstrated with a sample case. Connie is a 16-year-old female who was
evaluated subsequent to receiving hospital treatment for drug dependency. Her scores and significant profile
fluctuations are shown below. Connie's significant profile fluctuations were determined using the aforementioned
Composite Scores
Full Scale Standard Score 108
Verbal Standard Score 117
Performance Standard Score 96
Subtest Scores
Information 13 11 2 3
Similarities 13 11 2 4
Arithmetic 13 11 2 4
Vocabulary 12 11 1 3
Comprehension 13 11 2 4
Digit Span 13 11 2 4
Picture Completion 14 11 3 4
Picture Arrangement 10 11 -1 4
Block Design 10 11 -1 3
Object Assembly 10 11 -1 5
Coding 4 11 -7 4 w
Symbol Search 9 11 -2 4
Overall Mean= 11 (11.36)
Drawing Conclusions
One can easily corroborate the hypothesis of average to above-average intelligence. First, Connie's achievement
test scores were average to above average, and secondly, the examiner noted that she was highly motivated to do
well on the tests. For example, she frequently asked whether or not she solved items correctly. She also appeared
somewhat confident of her skills.
Connie's V>P profile of a relative strength in verbal skills and weakness in nonverbal skills is also easily
corroborated. It is noteworthy that her highest score on the Performance scale was on the only subtest on that
scale that elicits a verbal response (Picture Completion).
It is also possible to support the hypothesis of a deficit in pencil and paper (writing) skill. According to her teacher
she has particular difficulty expressing herself in writing. She also had a difficult time on the spelling test that was
administered as part of the test battery. She erased frequently, which resulted in a messy written product. Connie's
weakness in written expression was also shown in the following written responses to the sentence completion blank
"I want to be like myself off of drugs."
Sample cases
In swnmary, in Connie's case there are only two reasonable hypotheses at the composite score level (average
to above-average intelligence and verbal >nonverbal content skills) and one at the single subtest level (pencil and
paper or writing skill). Hence, the task here is to take the pencil and paper skill hypothesis and try to attribute it
to the more reliable and valid relative weakness in nonverbal areas. The goal here is to say that Connie's pencil
and paper skill weakness is merely a reflection of her overall relative weakness in nonverbal areas.
In this case such a statement is not logical. While ideally one would like to err in the direction of "higher"
levels of interpretation, the evidence for the weakness in pencil and paper skill is compelling. The following
evidence supports interpreting the Coding test separately for Connie:
1. Coding is one of only two test on the \VISC requiring the child to use a pencil.
2. Coding is not slightly lower than the other tests but considerably lower. The next highest scaled score is 6
points higher. This is more than a standard deviation and a half difference.
3. Writing problems were obvious on other tests administered as part of the evaluation.
4. A written expression weakness is well documented by teacher report.
5. Coding and Symbol Search possess ample subtest specificity.
In the light of the aforementioned considerations, the following conclusions will be listed in Connie's report.
Jerry is a third-grader who was referred by his teacher for academic problems in all areas.
Composite Scores
Full Scale Standard Score 69
Verbal Comprehension Index 68
Performance Perceptual Organization Index 85
FFD Index 64
Processing Speed Index 50
Sample cases (Continued)
Arithmetic 4 5 -1 4
Vocabulary 4 5 -1 3
Comprehension 4 5 -1 4
Digit Span 3 5 -2 4
Picture Completion 8 5 -3 4
Coding 1 5 -4 4 w
Picture Arrangement 7 5 -2 4
Block Design 6 5 1 3
Object Assembly 8 5 -3 5
Symbol Search 1 5 -4 4 w
Overall Mean= 5 (4.5)
Drawing Conclusions
The bulk of evidence suggests that Jerry's intelligence is significantly below average. This consistent evidence
makes it reasonable to emphasize the composite score conclusion in a report.
In Jerry's case, however, the WISC-III Index scores give the clearest picture of his intellectual strengths and
weaknesses. The Index scores are also strikingly consistent with previous information. Because of the clarity with
which the Index scores describe Jerry's cognitive skills, these should be highlighted in written reports along with
the Full Scale.
Many implications could be drawn from Jerry's WISC-III results. The relative strength in perceptual
organization, for example, may be of benefit on some academic or vocational tasks.
Janine is an 8-year-old female who is well liked by everyone. She is described by her parents and teacher as
cheerful, cooperative, and hardworking. She is, however, having significant difficulties in school. She was retained
in kindergarten due to her lack of academic progress, and she is currently being evaluated by school personnel to
determine her eligibility for special education and related services. A prior evaluation did not produce a
diagnosable condition.
Janine's intelligence and achievement test results produce a consistent picture of a child with below-average
cognitive skill development. These results stand in stark contrast to her interpersonal and adaptive strengths.
She occasionally produces test scores in the average range; however, these scores are not as highly related to
successful school performance.
Of greater concern is Janine's developing negative attitude toward school, as revealed on the BASC Self-
Report of Personality where she reported significant evidence of negative attitude toward school and her teacher.
She also reported feelings of inadequacy regarding her school performance.
Sample cases (Continued)
Janine requires academic instruction that fosters her academic growth and, simultaneously, her academic
motivation. Currently, she does not appear to be making adequate progress toward meeting either objective.
Interpretive Notes
The case ofJanine points out several interpretive principles. Note that WISC-III Coding emerges as a strength
of dubious value. First, this result is not surprising giyi::n that Coding, a member of the rate of test-taking factor
as alluded to by Carroll (1993), is distant from "g." Odnsequently, this strength is likely to be of limited value for
supporting her academic success.
Note also that most of the visualization factor subtests are below average save one: Visual Closure from the
W-J Test of Cognitive Abilities. Other equally strong tests ofvisualization, such as the WISC-III PIQ and DAS
Spatial, are consistently below average. There are then two possible interpretations for the Visual Closure score:
(1) it is anomalous, representing a single indicator of a trait when two ihdicators are needed to adequately assess
a trait, or (2) it is an accurate identification of a level I specific factor of cognitive ability. Even if this finding is
accepted as a valid indicator, interpretation of this score may not need to be emphasized. In the context of the
entire case this finding, like the Coding result, represents overinterpretation that does not contribute substantially
to either diagnosis or case planning for Janine. Certainly, academic skill development requires a complex array of
cognitive abilities utilized in combination, and a curricular intervention cannot be based on such an isolated skill
that is not highly correlated with general academic achievement in the early elementary grades.
Analogously, emphasizing Janine's Coding and/or Visual Closure results would be similar to a neurologist
concluding that a pediatric stroke victim who has incurred damage to Broca's area and thus has lost speech has an
intact olfactory nerve. The importance of this result pales in comparison to the fact that numerous neurological
systems, some of which are highly valued for functioning in society, are substantially impaired and in need of
treatment. It is sufficient in Janine's case to merely identify the Visual Closure result as a finding of unknown
value at this time, but it is reported for future reference if needed.
Composite Scores
Full Scale Standard Score 69
Verbal Standard Score 66
Performance Standard Score 75
Subtest Scores
Information 5 Vocabulary 5
Similarities 4 Comprehension 4
Arithmetic 9 Digit Span 8
Sample cases (Continued)
GCA 77 Nonverbal Reasoning 79
Verbal 81 Spatial 81
Recall of Digits 42
Speed of Information Processing 42
Memory for Sentences 79 Visual Closure 100
Visual Matching 86 Picture Vocabulary 86
Incomplete Words 89 Analysis-Synthesis 72
Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests
Composite Score 81 Mathematics 75
Reading 77 Language 87
Sample cases (Continued)
School Maladjusonent 67 Personal Adjusonent 41
Clinical Maladjusonent 38 Emotional Symptoms Index 46
Sample cases (Continued)
TABLE 8.1 Shared and single subtest hypotheses for WISC-III strengths and weaknesses
TABLE 8.1 Shared and single subtest hypotheses for WISC-III strengths and weaknesses (Continued)
child's cognitive skills. The profile in Figure 8.1 investigating further all, or virtually all, ofthe scores
has only one significant fluctuation-a weakness for the subtests that are a part ofthis hypothesis should
for the Coding subtest. The next step is to enter be at or below the subtest mean of 11. Arithmetic does
Table 8.1 and write down all shared subtest hy- not lend support because of its score of 13. Digit
potheses for Coding. Span mitigates further against listing this hypoth-
For a hypothesis to be listed as potentially vi- esis because of its score of 13. Given this state of
able, it has to include, of course, Coding, and all, affairs the sequencing hypothesis is discarded as a
or nearly all, of the subtests that are lower than possible weakness and the search continues.
the subtest mean of 11. If one enters Table 8.1 The next step is to reenter Table 8.1 and check
the following hypotheses rriay be listed as plausi- the next hypothesis that includes the Coding sub-
ble for shared subtest weaknesses that include test-short-term memory. This hypothesis will
Coding. The first hypothesis that includes the also not work because it includes the same subtests
Coding subtest is sequencing. Looking across the as the prior hypothesis-Arithmetic and Digit
page there are two other subtests that are hy- Span. This process continues until all shared sub-
pothesized as placing a premium on this skill- test hypotheses are exhausted.
Arithmetic and Digit Span. As alluded to earlier, One more caution regarding scatter analysis is
in order to list sequencing as a hypothesis worth necessary, whether one is discussing Index score
differences, differences between lowest and high- Examiners also need to refer back to informa-
est subtest scores, or other indices of deviance. tion on subtest specificity when offering a single
Most clinicians tend to underestimate the amount of subtest hypothesis. It would be helpful to record
scatter that is normal in the population (Kaufman, the subtest specificity on the sheet used for mak-
1990) which, in turn, can result in overdiagnosis ing case notes and listing hypotheses. The subtest
of pathology. On the face of it, for example, a specificity for Digit Span may bolster the clini-
subtest score range of 5 to 14 for the 12 subtest cian's confidence in the hypothesis, and for Ob-
administration of the WISC-III is not well within ject Assembly the clinician may decide a priori to
normal limits, but it was obtained by 39% of the not even entertain single subtest hypotheses.
norming sample. A range of 5 to 17 may be more
unusual but this variability was seen in about 13 %
Draw Conclusions
of the norming sample cases (Schinka, Vander-
ploeg, & Curtiss, 1997). The normal base rate of Now the clinician must determine which hy-
occurrence of scatter must always be considered potheses have the most support by "testing" each
prior to drawing a conclusion regarding the pres- hypothesis listed against background information,
ence of cognitive pathology. observations during testing, interview informa-
tion, school or clinic records, reports of parents
Consider Single and teachers, other test scores, and WISC re-
search findings.
Subtest Hypotheses Each hypothesis should be taken in turn and the
These hypotheses are considered if the subtest corroborating or conflicting evidence recorded.
score upon which the hypothesis is based is de- Two pieces ofevidence are generally adequate to cor-
termined to be a statistically significant (or nearly roborate or reject a hypothesis. In some cases one
significant) strength or weakness. Ideas for these strong piece of evidence may corroborate a hy-
hypotheses are provided with the detailed descrip- pothesis. If, for example, a child was brought to a
tions of the WISC-III subtests and in Table 8.1. clinic setting for a suspected mathematics learning
This level of interpretation was saved for last disability, and the Arithmetic subtest of the WISC-
because it is the most treacherous as it lacks reli- III emerged as a lone weakness, then the referral
ability and validity support even more so than problem (mathematics learning disability) may be a
the shared subtest level (see Chapter 17). This strong piece of evidence that explains the Arith-
step involves taking the subtests that emerge as metic weakness. A more cloudy case would be the
strengths or weaknesses and entering Table 8.1 situation where Arithmetic is the lone weakness in
in order to generate hypotheses for the Coding a profile and there is no evidence of a mathematics
subtest in isolation. Entering Table 8.1 with problem.
Coding in mind the following list of hypotheses The disconfirming evidence for a hypothesis
can be written: weaknesses in clerical speed and can also be compelling. Low scores on Object
accuracy, following instructions, and fatigue or Assembly and Block Design could be used to form
boredom. A hypothesis not offered in Table 8.1 a shared subtest hypothesis having to do with
is dysgraphia (a written expression learning dis- part-whole relationships. This is a difficult hy-
ability that could be secondary to a brain insult). pothesis to corroborate as is, but if the child had
This is but one of many potential hypotheses that strengths on Pattern Analysis (a Block Design
is not offered in Table 8.1 because it is low inci- look-alike on the Stanford-Binet), the Bender
dence, lacks research support, or is speculative. (a design drawing task), and no problems with
It is, however, an example of a hypothesis that part-whole relationships are noted by parents or
may be offered based on the examiner's knowl- teachers, then the disconfirming evidence forces
edge of the case. the clinician to attribute the hypothesis to chance
variation or some other factor. This hypothesis is background information. Most importantly, they
then not offered to others as being important. are "ecologically" valid in that they are directly
The final step in the interpretive process is to related to the referral questions. In addition, these
consider the hypotheses that have been corrobo- hypotheses can be highly valid because they are
rated and determine which ones, if any, should frequently based on considerable historical data.
be reported orally or in writing. The important If, for example, a child has a history of language
rule at this stage is to subsume less reliable and valid delays, is receiving speech/language services, and
hypotheses under more reliable and valid ones. By her teacher observes language weaknesses, then a
doing so examiners are erring in the direction of relative weakness on the Verbal scale is predicta-
drawing conclusions based on greater evidence ble and important to interpret.
of reliability and validity (see Appendix A).
If a child had a lone weakness on the Infor-
mation test, one may be tempted to interpret this
as a single subtest weakness and say something
about fund of general information in an oral or INTERPRETIVE ISSUES
written report. This same child, however, could
also have a P>V discrepancy. In most cases it will
be more sensible to subsume the Information Factor Analysis and WISC-III
weakness under the Verbal standard score and Interpretation Revisited
conclude that the child simply has a relative The case studies presented in Figure 8.1 demon-
weakness in verbal skills. This conclusion is more strate the importance of factor analysis for com-
psychometrically robust than the single subtest petent WISC-III interpretation. In many of the
conclusion (again, see Appendix A). cases which are a representative sample of chil-
Similarly, if a child obtains an Information dren with a great variety of presenting problems,
relative strength, this too could be subsumed the factor structure of the WISC-III is supported.
under high composite scores. If this same child For most cases the Verbal and Performance scales
has a high Full Scale score, it would be best to are relatively unitary. When they are not, the re-
attribute the Information strength to overall sults mimick more closely the four-factor struc-
strong cognitive skills. ture of the WISC-III. Specifically, when subtests
This emphasis on composite scores (whether deviate from the child's average, they tended to
overall composite or other composites such as In- be those that correlated least with the Full Scale
dex scores), and shared hypotheses over single test score, such as Coding, Symbol Search, and Digit
hypotheses, is an interpretive bias that shows re- Span. These and other factor analytic findings are
spect for psychometric properties. Shared or single probably the clinician's most potent weapons for
subtest hypotheses may still be viable, but they making sense of WISC-III results.
should be corroborated to the point that they are
clearly superior to composite score hypotheses.
It is also possible to draw conclusions at all Illusory VIP Differences
levels of interpretation for the same case. A com-
and Subtest Scatter
posite score and single subtest conclusion can co-
exist, as will be seen in some of the sample cases. One way of evaluating whether or not a Verbal/
In fact, in some situations, it will be eminently Performance discrepancy is illusory is to investi-
reasonable to draw conclusions at all three levels gate scatter within the Verbal and Performance
of interpretation. scales. The normal range of scaled scores (the dif-
A second overriding rule for drawing con- ference between the lowest subtest scaled score
clusions is to favor hypotheses that are based on and the highest scaled score within the Verbal and
Performance Scales) is approximately 6 points for 1. Compute the mean scaled score of the Verbal
six Verbal tests and six Performance tests (Table scale subtests administered and round it to
B.5, Wechsler, 1991). If the intrascale scatter is the nearest whole number.
somewhat unusual, then it becomes difficult to in- 2. Compute the mean of the Performance scale
terpret the Verbal and Performance scales as uni- subtests administered and round it to the near-
tary dimensions. With considerable scatter the est whole number.
Verbal and Performance scales are best considered
as assessing a variety of cognitive skills. When The examiner then computes significant
within-scale scatter is fairly large, reasonable con- strengths and weaknesses (Table B.3, Wechsler,
clusions may not lie in the Verbal/Performance 1991) and then uses shared ability tables (see
scales or at the composite score level but at the Table 8.1) to develop hypotheses.
shared or single subtest levels of interpretation. The within scale approach may be useful for
Jerry's case (see Figure 8.1) provides a good testing the homogeneity of a child's performance
example of the meaningfulness ofintrascale scat- on that scale. This approach is most likely to be use-
ter. Jerry's level of scatter within the Verbal and ful when there is a significant VIP discrepancy (a VIP
Performance scales is 2 (scaled scores of 3 to 5) discrepancy of 11 points or more).
and 7 (scaled scores of 1 to 8), respectively. The The WISC-III manual does include all of the
Verbal scale scatter is not unusual in that a dif- data necessary to determine strengths and weak-
ference of 2 points or larger between the lowest nesses separately for the Verbal and Performance
and highest subscale score occurred in 99.5% of scales in Table B.3 (Wechsler, 1991). Examiners
the WISC-III norm sample (Table B.5, Wech- may want to initially use both methods for deter-
sler, 1991). A difference of 7 points or more for mining strengths and weaknesses particularly if
the Performance scale occurred in 46% of the they are using computer scoring, which makes
norming sample (Table B.5, Wechsler, 1991). computation easy.
The 7-point scatter on the Performance scale is
not unusual by any standard, but it does hint that WISC-III STRENGTHS
there is more diversity of skills on this scale than
on the Verbal scale. A difference of l l points on
the Performance scale would indicate significant
scatter, as a difference this large or larger oc- Clinicians must be familiar with the strengths
curred in 5 % or less of the norming sample and weaknesses of the WISC-III in order to
(Table B.5, Wechsler, 1991). decide when to use it. This premise of test selec-
tion assumes that there is no such thing as a per-
fect intelligence test that should be used with all
Supplementary Procedures children under all circumstances. In fact, this
for Profile Analysis point of view is a consistent bias underlying this
textbook. Just as there are numerous word pro-
Kaufman (1979b) popularized a method of cessing programs available for writing a textbook
WISC-R hypothesis generation involving deter- such as this one, there are also an increasing
mining subtest strengths and weaknesses sepa- number of intelligence tests and procedures, all
rately for the Verbal and Performance scales. This of which have some virtues and problems. It is
procedure requires the examiner to compute hoped that by having a clear understanding of
separate mean scaled scores for the Verbal and the strengths and weaknesses of each test dis-
Performance scales, then compare each subtest to cussed in this book, examiners can make informed
its respective means. In order to use this proce- choices that meet their assessment needs and serve
dure the following means must be computed. their clients best.
original ideas about the practical needs of clini- span the age range of 6½ through 16 1/2 years.
cians involved in intellectual assessment. Other The 5 mandatory subtests on the Verbal scale
assets of the WISC-III are its long clinical and include Information, Similarities, Arithmetic,
research history. This legacy has led to the devel- Vocabulary, and Comprehension. The sup-
opment of strong interpretive systems (Kau&nan, plementary subtest on the Verbal scale is
1994) that further enhance the utility of the scale. Digit Span. Traditionally, Digit Span is ad-
The WISC-III possesses numerous strengths that ministered with the remainder of the Verbal
enhance the Wechsler tradition, including a clar- subtests.
ification of the WISC factor structure that prom- • The Performance scale of the WISC-III is
ises to enhance interpretation. comprised of 5 subtests, including Picture
The WISC-Ill's history and lack of change Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block De-
over the generations is also its greatest liability sign, Object Assembly, and Coding. The Sup-
(Sternberg & Kau&nan, 1996). Much has been plementary subtests on the Performance scale
learned about children's cognitive development are Mazes and Symbol Search.
since the conceptualization of the Wechsler
• The WISC has been criticized for not being
scales, and yet few of these findings have been
in tune with modern research in cognition
incorporated into revisions. New tests that
and neuropsychology (Witt & Gresham,
capitalize on current research findings will be
the greatest challenge _to the WISC-III. The
popularity of the WISC, however, cannot be • Wechsler subtest scaled (standard) scores have
overstated_ a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3,
whereas the IQs have a mean of 100 and stan-
dard deviation of 15.
• The WISC-III norming sample was stratified
so as to match 1990 U.S. Census statistics.
• The reliability of the WISC is exemplary.
• The Wechsler-Bellevue offered a number of • The average standard error of measurement
features that were not available in previous for the Full Scale IQ across all age groups for
editions of the Binet scales, including separate the WISC-III is 3.19.
norms for children and adults, the provision
• Gain scores for the Verbal scale are small (2-4
of subtest standard scores, a separate Perfor-
points), whereas on the Performance scale the
mance scale to allow for the assessment oflin-
average gain upon short-term retesting is in
guistic and cultural minorities, and a Standard
Score (Deviation IQ) that solved many of the the 8- to 11-point range.
psychometric problems associated with ratio • WISC-III predictive validity coefficients are in
IQ scales_ The Wechsler series of tests are the the range of .50 to .60 for most investigations.
only widely used measures of intelligence that • The WISC-III produces a large first or gen-
continue to use the term IQ. Most modern eral intelligence "g" factor.
tests have dropped the terminology. • Kaufman's (197 5a) seminal investigation
• Wechsler did not consider the Verbal and Per- showed the WISC-R to have a very compara-
formance scales to represent separate abilities, ble factor structure to its predecessor, the
but, rather, he considered them as two addi- 1949 WISC, including three factors labeled
tional "languages" through which the underly- verbal comprehension, perceptual organiza-
ing general intelligence may express itself. tion, and freedom from distractibility.
• The WISC-III is comprised of 10 mandatory • There was considerable controversy over the
and 3 supplementary subtests, all of which naming of the WISC-R freedom from dis-
tractibility factor. Alternate names that were Verbal versus Nonverbal Intelligence (V>P or
proposed for this factor included symbolic P>V)
ability, sequential processing, and short-term Linguistic Differences (P>V)
memory (Reynolds & Kaufman, 1990). Speech or Language Impairment (P>V)
• WISC-III factor analytic findings are proba- Hearing Impairment (P>V)
bly the clinician's most potent weapons far inter- Novelty (P>V)
preting WISC-III results. Achievement Motivation (P>V)
• Some of the examiner instructions on the Hemispheric Specialization (V>P or P>V)
WISC-III are wordy and inappropriate for Spatial Ability (P>V or V>P)
early elementary-grade children. Motor Problem (V>P)
• The WISC-III Verbal tests of Similarities, Vo- Deliberate Response Style (V>P)
cabulary, and Comprehension seem to be par- Time Pressure (V>P)
ticularly difficult for new examiners to score Learning Disability (P>V)
Long-Term Memory (V<P or V>P)
• The WISC-III also possesses an extraordinary Third-Factor Hypotheses
research base that can be used to guide assess-
• The typical procedure for determining signifi-
ment practice.
cant strengths and weaknesses in Wechsler
• The WISC-III possesses many admirable subtest profiles is to consult a table of values
psychometric properties. It is a good measure for determining the significance of a difference
of "g," has ample predictive validity, and has between a subtest score and the child's average
excellent reliability estimates for the compos- subtest score.
ite scores.
• Kaufman (1979b) popularized a method of
• A major weakness of the WISC-III is its lack WISC-R hypothesis generation involving de-
of theoretical clarity. termining strengths and weaknesses separately
• Hypotheses for V/P differences may include: for the Verbal and Performance scales.
Stanford-Binet-Fourth Edition
This essentially new instrument ... is not much like the opposed to what is typically considered a mere re-
Stanford-Binetofformeryears. (Cronbach, 1989,p. 773) vision of an earlier scale. The Binet-4, however,
does remain a significant achievement in intel-
ligence test technology and, as such, it warrants
CHAPTER QUESTIONS serious consideration by individuals who use these
How does this Binet differ from its prede-
How does factor analytic research for the
Binet-4 affect interpretation of its composite
scores? The Binet-4 differs from its forbearers by pro-
posing a theoretical model that was used to
The latest (fourth) edition of the Stanford-Binet guide test development endeavors, and which
in some ways follows in the tradition of Alfred is described in detail in the Binet-4 Technical
Binet's original work and Terman's American re- Manual (Thorndike, Hagan, & Sattler, 1986).
vision of his scale (see Chapter 1). Some of the This theoretical model had not been used in any
items found on the Binet-4 have long histories previous editions of the Binet scales. In this hi-
and can be traced directly to Binet's original erarchical model, "g," or general intelligence,
work. On the other hand, this newest version of remains the premier cognitive ability at the top
the Binet departs from its predecessors to such of the hierarchy (Thorndike et al., 1986). The
an extent, especially in terms of its structure and Binet-4 authors observed: "Still, the general
theory, that it should be considered a new test, as ability factor, g, refuses to die. Like a phoenix, it
keeps rising from its ashes and will no doubt Quantitative Reasoning, and Abstract/Visual Rea-
continue to be an enduring part of our psy- soning-was designed to receive less emphasis in
chometric theory and psychometric practice" interpretation than the two higher levels (Thorn-
(Thorndike et al., 1986, p. 6). dike et al., 1986). Finally, the Binet-4 consists
Regarding whether to assess "g" with a single of 15 subtests, 4 subtests each for Verbal Rea-
test or a variety of tests, the authors (Thorndike soning, Abstract/Visual Reasoning, and Short-
et al., 1986) decided to side with the wisdom of Term Memory, and 3 subtests for Quantitative
Wechsler, as is shown in the following quotation. Reasoning.
Some of the areas assessed by the Binet-4,
It is our strong belief that the best measure ofg-and such as Verbal Reasoning and Abstract/Visual
consequently broad effective prediction-will stem from reasoning, are also reminiscent of Vernon's
a diverse set of cognitive tasks that call for relational (1950) well-known hierarchical model of intelli-
thinking in a diversity ofcontexts. We have tried to pro- gence (see Chapter 2 and Glutting & Kaplan,
vide this both in CogAT and in the Fourth Edition of 1990). In many ways, then, the Binet interpre-
the Stanford-Binet. (p. 6) tive hierarchy is based upon a confluence of
theories from a variety of individuals who wrote
The second level of the Binet hierarchy is extensively on theories of intelligence in this
based on the work of Cattell and his fluid and past century. As such, the Binet-4 theory should
crystallized dimensions of intelligence (see Chap- in no way be considered as new or novel or, for
ter 2). The crystallized abilities, those abilities that matter, modern. The emphasis on an over-
that are most influenced by schooling, familial, all composite score dates back to Spearman's
and other environmental factors, are measured work in the 1920s; the second level of interpre-
by subtests from the Verbal Reasoning and tation based upon the fluid/crystallized di-
Quantitative Reasoning areas. The fluid analytic chotomy dates back to the 1940s; and the third
abilities at the second level of the hierarchy con- level of interpretation, which is reminiscent of
sist of primarily abstract/visual reasoning tasks. Vernon's theory, dates back to the 1940s and
The authors of the Binet-4 added a third theo- 1950s. Hence, the Binet-4 is based on several
retical construct to this second most important well-known theoretical traditions.
level of interpretation. Short-term memory is
a theoretical construct that is more associated
with human information processing theories
than the theories of Cattell (Glutting & Kap- PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
lan, 1990). Nevertheless, it is added to Cattell's
work to create a triumvirate, so to speak, at the
second level of the Binet-4 theoretical hierar-
chy. This hierarchical framework of intelligence The Stanford-Binet-Fourth Edition was normed
is highly consistent with the British approach to on 5,013 children between the ages of 2 and 23
intelligence. years. Cases were drawn from 47 states in the
The third level in the Binet theoretical hier- United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, so
archy consists of finer discriminations of the fluid as to be representative of the 1980 U.S. Census.
and crystallized abilities. The crystallized abili- A stratified random sampling procedure was em-
ties are subdivided into Verbal Reasoning and ployed, with stratification variables that included
Quantitative Reasoning areas. The Abstract/ geographic region, community size, gender, eth-
Visual Reasoning area or group of subtests repre- nicity, and socioeconomic status. Parental occupa-
sents the assessment of fluid analytic abilities. This tion and education were used as the measures of
third level of interpretation-Verbal Reasoning, SES (Thorndike et al., 1986).
One of the early controversies that occurred them more heavily in the development of norms
shortly after the release of the Binet-4 was the ap- for the individual subtests. This weighting pro-
parent mismatch between Census Bureau statis- cedure, then, served to change the composition of
tics and the Binet-4 standardization sample. The the sample to match very closely 1980 Census fig-
Binet-4 Technical Manual (Thorndike et al., 1986) ures. Weighting samples this way is not typical of
showed clearly that the sample was biased toward clinical tests of intelligence such as the WISC
the inclusion of children from higher socioeco- (Wechsler, 1991) and the K-ABC (Kaufman &
nomic status families than would be indicated by Kaufman, 1983b). Consequently, questions arise
the appropriate census statistics. This oversam- as to the appropriateness and accuracy of the
pling of high-SES groups and undersampling of weighting procedure.
low-SES children could have contributed dra- All indications are, however, that the weight-
matically to the development of norms of inap- ing procedure was effective in producing norm-
propriate difficulty level. In order to counteract referenced scores that are consistent and
this sampling problem the authors weighted the predictable in relationship to other tests of
norming cases to create a proper SES distribu- intelligence (Glutting & Kaplan, 1990). Several
tion. In other words, since high-SES children studies of nondisabled children have shown the
were overrepresented, the scores of children from Binet-4 norm-referenced scores to be slightly
high-SES families counted as less than one case in lower (2-3 standard score points) than those of
the development of norms. On the other hand, older tests normed in previous eras (see Table
the scores of children from low-SES families were 9.1; the Binet-4 Technical Manual; and Sattler,
counted as greater than one-thus weighting 1988).
TABLE 9.1 Mean differences between the Binet-4 and other test composites
TABLE 9.1 Mean differences between the Binet-4 and other test composites (Continued)
ND = no diagnosis
.87 for the Verbal Reasoning scale. The compos- and factorial validity. Some of the earliest studies
ite score reliability coefficient for this investi- of concurrent validity are reported in the Techni-
gation was .90. Since stability coefficients are of cal Manual and Table 9.2. These studies show a
practical importance, these test-retest coefficients strong correlational relationship between the
should be kept clearly in mind. This advice is par- Binet-4 and its predecessors, suggesting that the
ticularly true for problematic tests such as those Binet-4 is very much like other well-respected
on the quantitative scale. Further test-retest stud- intelligence measures. Studies reported in the
ies on the Binet-4 could yield higher test-retest Technical Manual (Thorndike et al., 1986) and
coefficients. Unfortunately, the single study in- elsewhere have produced coefficients for non-
cluded in the Technical Manual (Thorndike et al., disabled samples ranging from .72 to .91. The
1986) is all that is currently available. focus of these studies, however, is on the compos-
ite score of the Binet-4. The area scores of the test
are less well-known entities, particularly the
Validity Short-Term Memory and Quantitative scales,
The Binet-4 has amassed considerable validity evi- since these are not offered on tests such as the
dence to date, particularly evidence of concurrent WISC-III.
TABLE 9.2 Concurrent validity studies of the Binet-4 composite and other test composites
ND = no diagnosis
Binet-4: Verbal Reasoning, Abstract/Visual Rea- used confirmatory factor analytic methods to
soning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Short-Tenn support the validity of the area scores (Keith
Memory. Since these are the four featured area et al., 1988; Ownby & Carmin, 1988; Thorndike
scores, supportive factor analytic studies should et al., 1986), and yet, several studies using both
show four factors that intuitively correspond to comfinnatory and exploratory methods have con-
these groupings of subtests. cluded that some of the four area scores lack fac-
Factor analytic studies have created some con- tor analytic support (Kline, 1989; Reynolds et al.,
fusion because various researchers, using similar 1988; Sattler, 1988). These contrasting findings
procedures, have produced different conclusions. do provide a dilemma for the clinician who needs
Keith, Cool, Novak, White, and Pottebaum to know how much faith can be placed in the area
(1988) used confirmatory factor analytic proce- scores. Fortunately, despite the obvious differ-
dures to conclude that there was general support ences, consistency can be found across many of
for the four area scores, while Kline (1989) used these studies when one looks closely at the results
these same procedures to conclude that Sattler's of these articles and chapters.
(1988) two- and three-factor models were a better First, there is agreement that the Verbal Rea-
fit to the data. Upon closer inspection one can soning and Abstract/Visual Reasoning areas show
find considerable agreement among these stud- strong evidence of factorial support (Keith et al.,
ies. The agreement across studies will be cap- 1988; Kline, 1989; Ownby & Carmin, 1988; Rey-
tured next in an effort to develop an interpretive nolds et al., 1988; Sattler, 1988; Thorndike et al.,
system for the Binet-4. 1986). This is hardly surprising given the well-
known verbal/nonverbal factors that have been
"g" Loadings well documented since World War I.
There is also considerable agreement that the
General intelligence ("g") loadings are typically
Quantitative scale lacks clear evidence of a corre-
defined as the loading of each test on an unro-
sponding factor (Kline, 1989; Reynolds et al.,
tated first factor. Analyses of the Binet-4 suggest
1988; Sattler, 1988). This observation is true
that tests such as Vocabulary, Quantitative, Num-
even when one inspects the results of "support-
ber Series, Comprehension, and Matrices are
ive" studies. The analysis of Thorndike, Hagen,
likely to produce scores that are consistent with
and Sattler (1986) that generally supports the
one another (i.e., they have high "g" loadings)
area scores shows some problems with the Quan-
(Reynolds, Kamphaus, & Rosenthal, 1988; Sat-
titative Reasoning scale. In this analysis the
tler, 1988; Thorndike et al., 1986). On the other
Quantitative and Number Series subtests have
hand, Memory for Digits, Memory for Objects,
paltry loadings of .21 and .26, respectively, on
and Copying are likely to produce discrepant
the Quantitative factor. The Quantitative Rea-
scores from the remainder of the test battery (i.e.,
soning area score is also suspect because it is
they have low "g" loadings) (Reynolds et al.,
most appropriate for older children. The typical
1988; Sattler, 1988; Thorndike et al., 1986).
procedure used by many clinicians is to only ad-
minister one or two subtests from this domain.
The Area Score Controversy
If a clinician uses the general-purpose six-subtest
While all factor analytic researchers have con- battery, then only one subtest (Quantitative)
cluded that the Binet-4 test composite is a good from ttiis area is used. Finally, it could be argued
measure of "g" (Glutting & Kaplan, 1990), there that the Quantitative area, although certainly
is not unanimity on the factorial validity of the measuring aspects of intelligence, is so similar to
four area scores: Verbal Reasoning, Abstract/ mathematics tests that it is difficult to establish
Visual Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and its content validity as an intelligence measure
Short-Term Memory. Several researchers have (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
The Short-Term Memory area score is a mixed structure is also supported by the confirmatory
bag. Some researchers have found support for it factor structure of Kline (1989). The finding of
(Keith et al., 1988; Ownby & Carmin, 1988; developmental differences in factor structure is
Thorndike et al., 1986), others have not (Reynolds also consistent with the factor analytic findings
et al., 1988), and some have found support for it at for the K-ABC (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
elementary and secondary age groups but not for These findings also cast further doubt on the
preschoolers (Kline, 1989; Sattler, 1988). There robustness of the Quantitative and Short-Term
are two subtests that seem to contribute to the Memory area scores.
disagreement regarding this area score: Memory
for Sentences and Bead Memory. Binet-4 and Wechsler Research
Memory for Sentences loads as highly, and in Perhaps one way of reconciling this overwhelm-
some cases higher, on the verbal reasoning factor ing amount of data is to compare these findings
as on the memory factor. Sattler (1988), for ex- to those for other tests and three-stratum the-
ample, found Memory for Sentences to have an ory. The literature is replete with the findings
average loading of .57 on the memory factor and of two and three factors for multisubtest intel-
.58 on the verbal factor. Keith et al. (1988), al- ligence measures. Of course, the Wechsler scales
though generally supportive of the Binet-4 struc- are notable for this finding. The well-known
ture, found that in their "relaxed" confirmatory verbal and spatial visualization constructs are
model, Memory for Sentences loaded .43 on the again evident.
memory factor and .40 on the verbal factor. Certainly the Binet-4 is not a Wechsler clone.
The scenario for Bead Memory is strikingly It has many new subtests that measure a great
similar. Sattler (1988) found the average loading variety of skills. It could well be that although
for this test on the memory factor to be .36, and the Quantitative score lacks support, it could be
on the abstract/visual factor its loading was extremely useful for identifying the mathemati-
higher at .51. Again, in the Keith et al. (1988) re- cally gifted, or perhaps other uses.
laxed model, Bead Memory loaded higher on the
abstract/visual (.49) than on the memory factor Implications for Interpretation
(.27). These results all bring into question the
routine interpretation of the Quantitative Rea- With these findings in mind, the following ap-
soning and Short-Term Memory area scores as plications of the Binet-4 factor analytic results
homogeneous scales. These results do suggest are offered.
that the Verbal and Abstract/Visual area scores
1. The Binet-4 test composite can be interpreted
are sound.
in much the same way as other tests that have
been shown to be good measures of general
Developmental Differences intelligence, such as the WISC-III.
in Factor Structure 2. The Quantitative Area Score has little factor
Sattler (1988), Kline (1989), Gridley and McIntosh analytic support and would have to be con-
(1991), and Maltese et al. (1992) call attention gruent with other data in order to be empha-
to possible developmental factors in the interpre- sized in the interpretive process.
tation of the Binet-4 by concluding that two fac- 3. The Short-Term Memory Area Score may
tors (Sattler calls them verbal comprehension have more validity at ages 7 and above.
and nonverbal reasoning/visualization) consti- 4. Tests such as Memory for Digits, Memory for
tute the most parsimonious solution for children Objects, and Copying have poor "g" loadings.
ages 2 through 6, and three factors for ages 8 Therefore, they are more likely to deviate
and above (where a memory scale is added). This from the remainder of the profile.
which each child was administered the number of If a child is precocious, beginning at a point ap-
subtests deemed appropriate by his or her scores propriate for his or her chronological age is not a
on the Vocabulary routing test-usually about wise use of testing time. The Binet-4 adaptive
eight subtests. Binet-4 short forms, and those for testing strategy using the Vocabulary subtest is
other tests, should likely be used as screening or intended to counteract this problem by basing
backup procedures as opposed to batteries of first starting points for individual subtests on ability
choice for diagnosis (see Chapter 14). rather than on chronological age.
The efficiency of this adaptive testing strategy,
however, is dependent on the correlation 0f the
Adaptive Testing
Vocabulary subtest with the other subtests of the
The Binet-4 uses an adaptive testing design. This Binet-4. Consequently, the Vocabulary subtest is
design was one of the unique features of previous going to be a better routing test for some tests
editions of the Binet. Adaptive procedures are in- than for others. It is likely to be an excellent rout-
cluded primarily to make testing efficient and ing test for the Comprehension subtest, with
brief (Thorndike et al., 1986). The basic proce- which it shares a high intercorrelation (Thorndike
dure is to administer the Vocabulary subtest first et al., 1986). On the other hand, the Vocabulary
to all children. This Vocabulary subtest then subtest is likely to be an inefficient and perhaps in-
serves as a "routing" subtest to appropriate entry accurate routing test for a test such as Bead
points on subsequent subtests that are adminis- Memory, which has a considerably lower correla-
tered to the child. The Vocabulary test is an ex- tion with Vocabulary. This is the reason why, in
cellent candidate for a routing test because everyday practice, the wisdom of an adaptive test-
traditionally it has been an excellent measure of ing strategy is not overwhelmingly evident. The
"g" (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987), and on the Binet-4 is likely ushering in a new era in children's
Binet-4 it is an extremely high correlate of all intellectual assessment where eventually many
the other subtests in the battery (Reynolds et al., tests will be administered and scored via comput-
1988). If a test is a high correlate of various other ers and routing procedures can then be made
tests in the battery, then it will do a good job of more efficient.
routing the examiner to items of appropriate dif-
ficulty level on subsequent subtests.
Consistent with theories of adaptive testing,
Comprehension of Instructions
the Vocabulary test serves as an initial estimate of Glutting and Kaplan (1990) reviewed the com-
the child's ability. Based upon this initial estimate prehension level of Binet-4 directions for pre-
of ability, the examiner can be routed to the schoolers by evaluating the number of basic
various levels of the Binet (that are signified by concepts that are used by the instructions to chil-
letters of the alphabet) that are most likely to be dren. They used the same procedure as Kaufman
of appropriate difficulty for the child. This pro- (1978), who found that several preschool tests
cedure should facilitate starting at appropriate require children to understand basic concepts
points on individual subtests so as to quickly iden- that may be too difficult for the typical pre-
tify basal and ceiling levels in order to reduce schooler. Kaufman (1978) found, for example,
testing time. This approach is in contrast to that the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities
others such as those used on the Wechsler and (McCarthy, 1972) included 7 basic concepts in
the K-ABC, on which starting points for children the instructions. By comparison, the Glutting and
are designated by the child's chronological age. Kaplan (I 990) analysis of the Binet-4 revealed
The Binet-4 routing procedure may be a very that 8 basic concepts were included in the instruc-
efficient procedure for a child whose mental age is tions for this measure. This review suggests that
very different from his or her chronological age. the comprehension level of Binet-4 instructions
is about the same as that of other popular pre- measures. A conversion table is presentc:d in the
school measures of intelligence. Binet-4 Expanded Guide for Scoring and Interpre-
tation (Delaney & Hopkins, 1987) and the Tech-
nical Manual (Thorndike et al., 1986).
Differences from WISC-ID Perhaps the most confusing of the different
metrics used by the Binet-4 is that used for the
Some Binet-4 administration and scoring pro-
subtest scores. These are normalized standard
cedures differ significantly from those of the
scores with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation
WISC-III. Dichotomous scoring was used on
of 8. This metric seems to be wholly idiosyncratic
the Vocabulary subtest of the Binet-4, as op-
and is not used by any other popular tests. It is
posed to the three-point system used on the
reminiscent of the T-score method used heavily
Wechsler scales. In fact, all of the Binet-4 sub-
in personality assessment, where the mean is 50
tests use a dichotomous scoring system. Also,
and the standard deviation 10. However, this sub-
the Binet-4 makes extensive use of sample
test score metric on the Binet-4 differs enough
items. This practice creates the opportunity for
from the T-score metric to make for little transfer
a child to make mistakes on initial items without
of training. As a result, examiners have to think
having his or her score affected. Similarly, it
very differently when interpreting Binet-4 com-
allows the examiner greater opportunity to ex-
posite, area, and subtest standard scores since
plain the nature of the various tasks to the child
these scores have different percentile rank con-
before continuing with the test.
versions than those of other popular tests.
A scoring procedure that is unique to the
Binet-4 is the use of common area score norm
Derived Scores
tables regardless of the tests used to assess the
One of the complications of the Binet-4 for ex- child. For example, the manual includes only
aminers is the use of a standard score metric that one norm table for converting the sum of the
is not comparable with other modern tests of in- Short-Term Memory subtest score to an area
telligence and, for that matter, with tests of aca- composite score, and yet, anywhere from one to
demic achievement. While virtually all the tests four of the Short-Term Memory subtests may
discussed in this volume use standard score met- be used to enter the table and derive a compos-
rics with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of ite. A clinician may use Bead Memory and Mem-
15, the Binet-4 defies this trend. The Binet-4, in ory for Sentences, or Memory for Digits and
a sense, goes "back to the future" and resurrects Memory for Objects to enter the norm table
an older metric in which the mean of the stan- and obtain a composite score. Without separate
dard score distribution is set at 100 and the stan- tables for the specific tests used, one basically as-
dard deviation is set at 16. This metric is used for sumes that all subtests intercorrelate equally-
the Binet-4 test composite score and for the four an untenable assumption.
area scores. This scaling procedure can be an an-
noyance. For example, the standard score to per-
centile rank conversion table for all tests that use
normalized standard scores with the mean of
100 and standard deviation of 15 is universal. The Binet-4 subtests are described next in the
One can use the percentile rank tables for the same manner that was used for the WISC-III.
WISC-III, K-ABC, or the Woodcock-Johnson, The reliabilities, "g" loadings, and specificities are
for example. However, because of the standard from Thorndike, Hagen, and Sattler (1986), and
deviation of 16, the percentile rank distribution factor loadings are from Table 19 of Thorndike
for the Binet-4 is different from that of other (1990).
1. Poor or misarticulation
2. Description of the word or examples of use of
For the first 15 items in the Vocabulary subtest, the word in lieu of a definition
the child has to point to a picture named by the 3. Word retrieval problems (follow up with a
examiner. Items 16 through 46 require the child word retrieval test if necessary)
to define words given by the examiner. While the
word definition portion of this test appears simi- 4. Reticence to speak, point, or use gestures
lar to that of the Wechsler scales, scoring of the ("test the limits" by readministering items if
individual items has been simplified. Instead of the child becomes more expressive on later
the more complex 2-1-0 scoring system used by items than on earlier items)
the Wechsler scales, only dichotomous scoring is
used on this particular subtest (1 or 0), thus sim- Comprehension
plifying scoring. For the first six items, a child is required to iden-
Performance on this test may be affected by tify body parts on a card with a picture of a child.
language stimulation at home, school, and among For items 7 through 42, the child has to respond
peers. Scores may also be impacted by linguis- to Wechsler-like questions about everyday prob-
tic and schooling differences and language- lem situations ranging from survival behavior to
based handicapping conditions such as oral civic duties.
expression learning disabilities. Information about Performance on this test may be particularly
the child's language development and environ- affected by oral expression skills and language
mental stimulation may be helpful in corroborat- stimulation at school and at home. Acclimation to
ing hypotheses. American culture is also an important determin-
ing factor. This test should not be used in situa-
tions where cultural factors may be preeminent.
1. Study the scoring criteria carefully in order to Information about the child's language develop-
be able to query responses appropriately. ment, environmental stimulation, and culture may
be helpful in corroborating hypotheses.
2. Be sensitive to cultural/linguistic differences
3. Record actual responses if possible to assist
with report writing. 1. Study the scoring criteria carefully in order
to be able to queP/ responses and score them
4. Check the pronunciations of unclear words
with the child's parent.
2. Be sensitive to cultural/linguistic differences
and local dialects.
3. Record actual responses if possible to assist
Average reliability= .87 with scoring and report writing.
"g" loading= .76 4. Check the pronunciations of unclear words
Loading on verbal factor = .86 with the child's parent.
Loading on memory factor = .06
Loading on quantitative factor = -.00
Loading on abstract/visual factor= .03 Average reliability = .89
Subtest specificity= .25 (adequate) "g" loading = .71
1. Questions about the meanings of words used
in the stimuli 1. Self-deprecating statements about mathemat-
ics skills
Quantitative Reasoning Area 2. Limited or no use of the scratch paper on dif-
ficult items (this may indicate poor achieve-
ment motivation or lack of confidence)
3. Impulsive responding
In the Quantitative subtest, children are required 4. Sweating, tearfulness, shaking, or other signs
to solve applied mathematics problems and show
of anxiety
knowledge of mathematics concepts. This test
uses visual as well as oral stimuli, making it per- 5. Statements suggesting low self-esteem (e.g., "I
haps more similar to the Arithmetic subtest of can't do this, I'm not as smart as my friends")
the K-ABC than to the Arithmetic test of the
-wISC-III. In addition, the child is allowed to use Number Series
scratch paper and pencil on this test. The child has to review a series of four or more
Quantitative scores are likely affected by the numbers presented by the examiner, identify the
child's mathematics knowledge, which in turn principle underlying the series of numbers, and
may be determined by interest, quality of school- then generate the next two numbers in the series
ing, and other factors. Scores on this test can be consistent with the principle.
compared to scores from other mathematics mea- This test is also affected by academic achieve-
sures to test hypotheses. Scores for young children ment in mathematics. Scores on this test may also
on this test may be difficult to interpret since a be affected by related factors such as achievement
different item type is used for items 1 to 3 and 6 motivation and academic self-concept. Scores on
to 8. These early items place a premium on spatial this test may be compared to scores from other
perception and reasoning skills. While the items mathematics measures to test hypotheses.
used in this test assess a variety of mathematics
skills, the authors do not suggest that the test is a ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
comprehensive measure of mathematics ability.
1. Record responses as an aid to understanding
ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS the nature of a child's reasoning errors.
1. Be sure to give the child scratch paper begin-
ning with item 19.
Average reliability= .90
"g" loading = .79
Average reliability= .88 Loading on verbal factor= .05
"g" loading= .78 Loading on memory factor = .26
Copying Matrices
For the first 12 items the child is required to The child is presented figural matrices in which
produce models with single-color blocks. For one portion of the matrix is missing. The child has
items 13 through 28 the child has to use pencil to identify the missing element from multiple-
and paper to draw a variety of geometric and choice alternatives.
similar designs to match a model. This test fol- The Matrices test uses a format similar to that
lows in the tradition of visual-motor skill assess- used by Ravens Progressive Matrices and the
ment popularized by Lauretta Bender (1938). Matrix Analogies of the K-ABC. Tests of this na-
These item types (i.e., drawing geometric de- ture are known for strong correlations with com-
signs) have, however, been included on previous posite scores or "g" loadings. This test requires
editions of the Binet. As with all visual-motor strong spatial skills.
tests, the Copying test items are most appro-
priate for younger children. The skills required ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
for this type of test evidently develop early and
peak by about the middle of the elementary 1. Although this test is difficult for younger chil-
school years. Performance on this test can be dren, it may be appropriate for some younger
affected by visual activity, motor problems, or precocious children.
neurodevelopmental problems.
1. Heavy use of colloquial language, which re- 1. Practice may be required to flip the stimulus
sults in low scores pages quickly.
The child has to repeat digits exactly as they were Average reliability= .73
stated by the examiner and, for some items, in re-
"g" loading= .51
verse order. This is a clone of Wechsler's Digit
Span test, a classic short-term memory test that Loading on verbal factor = .00
traces its roots to the earliest days of intellectual Loading on memory factor= .50
assessment. Loading on quantitative factor= .00
Loading on abstract/visual factor= .18
Subtest specificity= .50 (adequate)
1. The I-second presentation rate may require
practice in order to administer the items in BEHAVIORS TO NoTE
consistent fashion.
1. Inattention
PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES 2. Absence of rehearsal strategies
Memory scores. Given the lack of validity evi- TABLE 9.3 Clinical rarity of differences between
dence for these latter two scales, they are more abstract/visual and verbal reasoning area scores for
similar to shared hypotheses than composite score two age groups
hypotheses. The three levels of Binet-4 interpre-
tation may then be conceptualized as follows. Percentage of Norm Sample
Obtaining a Difference
Composite DIFFERENCE AGES 2-10 AGES 11-23
Verbal Reasoning area 10 points 48 39
Abstract/Visual area 15 points 29 20
20 points 16 8
25 points 8 3
Combinations of two or more subtests 30 points 3 1
Short-Term Memory area 35 points 1 1
Quantitative area
Table values were computed based on data provided by
Rosenthal and Kamphaus (1988).
Vocabulary knowledge
Verbal expression
Verbal concept formation
Verbal comprehension
Part-to-whole synthesis
Visual analysis
Mathematics knowledge
Fluid ability
Crystallized ability
Memory strategies
Short-term auditory memory
Short-term visual memory
Visual-motor coordination
Knowledge of social conventions
Response to novelty
Manual dexterity
T ime pressure
unusual. It also may produce some quite high Binet was used. I recommend that each report
ratios of subtest specificity to error variance for list the Binet-4 subtests administered and any that
several subtests (e.g., .59 for Bead Memory), sug- were spoiled or eliminated for whatever reason.
gesting that some of the Binet-4 subtests are Report writers should explain why subtests were
amenable to interpretation as assessing some rel- eliminated in order to ensure that subtests were
atively unique cognitive skill or set of skills. The not eliminated capriciously.
validity of such interpretations, however, is still The Binet report also needs an introductory
dependent on the clinician's judgment rather paragraph. Here is one example of such an in-
than an available body of validity research. Single troduction.
subtest hypotheses are also given in Table 9.4.
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition
(Binet-4) is a major test ofintelligence thatyields a com-
Report Writing posite that is comparable to the overall score of other
major intelligence tests and similar to the traditional
The Binet-4 poses several interesting challenges IQ score. The Binet-4 subtests are divided into four sub-
for report writing. It is one of the few tests where scales-Verbal Reasoning, Abstract/Visual Reasoning,
the subtests administered to a child should be Quantitative Reasoning, and Short-Term Memory.
clearly listed. Since the array of subtests that may Typically a minimum oftwo subtestsfrom each area are
be administered is large, the reader of a Binet administered, although the specific subtest used and scores
report will likely question which "version" of the interpreted may vary depending on the case.
For the Binet-4 it may also be necessary to she can apply an integrative approach to a larger
describe the nature of a particular subtest when set of data that includes information in addition
writing about it. Some of the Binet items, such as to intelligence test data.
those on the Number Series test, are infre- Jerri is referred for school difficulties. There is
quently used and/or new to this edition of the concern about her poor academic performance.
Binet. This situation creates the possibility that She is currently being served in a special educa-
even other psychologists may be unfamiliar with tion program on a resource basis with an empha-
the task. sis on basic academic skill development. She was
retained once for academic failure and she has re-
ceived after-school tutoring. She also has a his-
tory of head injury and questionable prenatal care
or environment. All of these factors are associated
with lower-than-average intelligence test scores.
The Binet-4 case study ofJerri (see Box 9.1) dif- A reasonable a priori hypothesis is that her Binet
fers from those of earlier chapters. This case is scores will be below average. Jerri also estimated
presented as a final report with a priori hypothe- her intelligence to be below average, as was in-
ses offered. This format assumes that the new dicated by her numerous self-deprecating state-
clinician has progressed to the point that he or ments during testing.
Name: Jerri
Grade: Fifth
Sex: Female
Age: 12 years, 3 months
School: East End Middle School
Assessment Procedures
Parent, teacher, and child interviews
Parent rating scales
Parenting Stress Index (PSI)
Parent Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (Parent Achenbach)
Teacher rating scale
Teacher Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (Teacher Achenbach)
Child rating scales
Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (Piers-Harris)
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS)
Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (Binet-4)
Bender Gestalt
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement/Comprehensive Form (K-TEA)
Draw-a-Person (OAP)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Reason for Referral
Jerri was referred for evaluation by her mother and teachers for poor performance in many academic areas.
Test Observations
Jeri was extremely cooperative during testing. She was compliant and attentive. She did, however, display a poor
academic self-concept. She called herself"stupid" and "dumb" on numerous occasions.
Assessment Results
The Binet-4 intelligence scale comprises 15 subtests, of which usually 6 to 9 are administered to a given child or
young adult. These tests are divided into four areas, including Verbal Reasoning, Abstract/Visual Reasoning, Quan-
titative Reasoning, and Short-Term Memory. The Verbal Reasoning area contains tests such as defining words and
answering commonsense questions. Abstract/Visual Reasoning tests include items such as constructing puzzles,
assembling abstract designs with blocks, and drawing figures. The Quantitative Reasoning area includes test items
that assess applied mathematical problem solving and advanced mathematical skills such as algebra. Finally, Short-
Term Memory items require children to recall digits, sentences, and arrangements of multicolored and multishaped
beads. The subtests in each area are combined to produce an area score (e.g., Abstract/Visual). These area scores in
turn are combined to derive a Test Composite Score. Jerri obtained a Test Composite in the well-below-average
range. Her Test Composite score corresponds to a percentile rank of 7, indicating that she performed better than ap-
proximately 7% of other 12-year-olds taking the test and worse than approximately 93 % .Jerri's performance on this
measure is highly consistent with her mother's report ofJerri being "low" in all skill areas.
These results are also highly consistent with those from the K-TEA. Individual academic area and composite
standard scores for Jerri ranged from 70 to 85, which corresponds to percentile ranks ranging from 2 to 16 (see psy-
chometric summary). No significant pattern of strengths and/or weaknesses were evident between subtest areas;
rather, all skill areas assessed were below average. Again, this result is supported by maternal reports and school
records ofJerri's past and present academic achievement.
Social/Emotional Area
According to results of the Parenting Stress Index, areas of stress revealed between Jerri and her mother appear to
be related to her mother's frustration with what she perceives as her daughter's excessive activity level and lack of
fulfillment of her mother's expectations for her. On the Achenbach Child B~havior Checklist (CBCL), the only
clinically significant area was attention problems. Interview information obtained from Jerri's mother confirms
these findings, with her reporting that she sees Jerri as extremely distractable and overactive.
1. Jerri's behavior meets the diagnostic criteria for attention deficit disorder, as specified by the Diagnostic and Sta-
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., hyperactivity-primary inattentive type). This diagnostic category
seems appropriate for Jerri because of her high level of inattention and distractibility without hyperactivity. This
diagnosis suggests that Jerri will need some type of intervention to control her distractibility at school.
2. A number of risk factors appear to be present in areas related toJerri's emotional functioning. It is recommended
that individual counseling and group counseling be sought to lessen the risk of Jerri's development of future
emotional problems.
3. Jerri has been identified as a slow learner in academic areas. A formal tutorial program is recommended to en-
hance her development of academic skills. In conjunction with tutoring, curriculum-based assessment is advised
to help pinpoint specific areas of academic weakness.
Psychometric Summary
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition
Verbal Reasoning 73
Vocabulary 36
Comprehension 39
Abstract/Visual Reasoning 86
Pattern Analysis 43
Copying 43
Quantitative 84
Quantitative 42
Short-Term Memory 74
Bead Memory 36
Memory for Sentences 42
Composite 76, 7th percentile
Behavior 10 25 4 43
Intellectual & School Status 5 6 2 34
Physical Appearance & Attributes 4 11 2 37
Anxiety 8 37 4 47
Popularity 3 5 2 34
Happiness & Satisfaction 9 72 6 56
Total Score 18 1 1 27
Adaptability 26 Dependent 21
Acceptability 19 Attentive 14
Demonstrative 21 Restraint 16
Mother 12 Competent 30
Distractibility 32 Isolation 13
Reinforcement 10 Health 10
Total Anxiety 38 47
Lie 90 13
its predecessors, suggesting that the Binet-4 is • The Binet-4 consists of 15 subtests, only a
very much like other well-respected intelli- portion of which are administered to each
gence measures. age group.
• Factor analytic studies of the Binet-4 have • Until more research support exists for the
created some confusion because various re- Binet-4 short forms, they should likely be used
searchers, using similar procedures, have pro- as secondary or backup procedures as opposed
duced different conclusions. to batteries of first choice.
• The Binet-4 uses an adaptive testing design.
• Vocabulary, Quantitative, Number Series, The Vocabulary subtest then serves as a "rout-
Comprehension, and Matrices have high ing" subtest to appropriate entry points on
"g" loadings. Memory for Digits, Memory subsequent subtests that are administered to
for Objects, and Copying have poor "g" the child.
loadings. • The comprehension level of Binet-4 instruc-
• The Verbal Reasoning and Abstract/Visual tions is about the same as that of other popu-
Reasoning area scores show strong evidence lar preschool measures of intelligence.
of factorial support. • The Binet-4 uses a standard score metric that
is not comparable with other modern tests of
• The Quantitative area score lacks clear evi- intelligence and, for that matter, with tests
dence of a corresponding factor. of academic achievement.
• The Short-Term Memory area score receives • In a report, clinicians should list the Binet-4
support in some factor analytic studies yet not subtests administered and any that were spoiled
in others. or eliminated for whatever reason.
the K-ABC (Miller & Reynolds, 1984) (see Box that its implementation requires a sophisticated
10.1). Many of the controversies, especially those clinician who is well informed in several fields of
regarding the validity of the K-ABC theory, will psychology" (p. 484).
likely endure unresolved for some time. In the One can readily see that the Kaufmans en-
meantime, however, a wealth of research can lead tered the arena of intelligence test development
clinicians in interpreting the K-ABC because so with well-deserved laurels. This fact may ex-
much is known about how it correlates with plain in part why the K-ABC has enjoyed some
other measures. acceptance.
Despite its apparent nuances, the K-ABC
should be viewed as a logical outgrowth of the his-
tory of intelligence testing. The K-ABC authors
have extensive experience with other measures,
notably the WISC- R. Alan Kaufman had a major
impact on the assessment ofchildren's intelligence The K-ABC intelligence scales are based on a
in his role as a researcher at The Psychological theoretjcal framework that differs greatly from
Corporation. Kaufman was project director for the approach of Wechsler, who emphasized
development of the WISC-R and the McCarthy the assessment of "g" (see Chapter 2). The Kauf-
scales, tasks to which he was well suited because of mans put much more emphasis on. their sub-
his studies at Columbia under the tutelage of the scales, Sequential and Simultaneous information
famed psychometrician Robert L. Thorndike. processing, which are roughly equivalent to the
The Kaufmans' first book, Clinical Evaluation Verbal and Performance scales. Wechsler used
ofYoung Children with the McCarthy Scales (1977), the Verbal and Performance scales as means to
provided a training ground for their work on an end, that end being the assessment of general
the K-ABC by immersing them in the work of intelligence. The Kaufmans, however, elevate
Dorothea McCarthy, a well-respected child clin- the Sequential and Simultaneous scales so that
ician. Alan Kaufman is probably best known they rather than the overall score_:_the Mental
for his text Intelligent Testing with the WISC-R Processing Composite (MPC)-are the focus of
(1979b). This text laid the groundwork for mod- interpretation.
ern intelligence test interpretation, much ofwhich The theoretical underpinnings of the Sequen-
is incorporated into early chapters of this book. tial and Simultaneous scales are really an updated
As Anastasi (1988) observes: "The basic approach version of a variety of theories (Kamphaus,
described by Kaufman undoubtedly represents a 1990). They were gleaned from a convergence of
major contribution to the clinical use of intelli- research and theory in diverse areas including
gence tests. Nevertheless, it should be recognized clinical and experimental neuropsychology and
Box 10.1
Now I'm really confused
Reviews of tests by experts are important sources of information when making intelligence test purchase and use de-
cisions. The clinician should, however, read more than one review as experts often disagree, as shown in the exam-
ples below that were taken from a 1984 special issue of the Journal ofSpecial Education devoted entirely to reviews
of the K-ABC. Often intelligence test users will have to read several reviews and even try out a new test before de-
ciding on its utility. While at first these reviews of the K-ABC appear confusing, they are enlightening in at least
several respects. They highlight the controversial nature of the K-ABC when it was first published and they show
that the K-ABC appeared at the time to be different from its predecessors.
Dean (1984)
The K-ABC i-epresents a theoretically consistent battery of tests that offers insights into children's cognitive processing beyond presently
available measures ofintelligence.
Sternberg (1984)
The creators ofthe Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children have attempted to put together a unique, innovative test that will solve the
problems created by existing tests. Unfortunately, the test generates more problems than it salves. It is based upon an inadequate conception
ofintelligence, and as a result, it is not a good measure ofintelligence. The data ofothers cited to support the conception do not in fact support
it, and the data collected specifically to evaluate the K-ABC also do not support it. The external validations, ifanything, contraindicate the
validity ofthe theory, and the internal validations are inadequate. I cannot think ofany circumstance under which I would advocate use
ofthis test over its major competitors, such as the WISC-R or the Stanford-Binet. I am sorry to have to conclude with such a negative eval-
uation, because ideally, innovation should be rewarded. In the present case, the innovation did not succeed, and the value ofthe test appears
to be a media phenomenon rather than a new measure ofintelligence.
Majovsky (1984)
The K-ABC appears to have adequate construct validity as supported by its theoretical basisfrom the research ofcognitive psychology, clin-
ical neuropsychology, cerebral lateralization studies, and other psychological supporting evidence. Secondly, the K-ABC can be most useful
in research studies on normal neuropsychological development in young children, as well as impaired brain-behaviorfunctions in diverse
childhood populations. Thirdly, the K-ABC is seen to be useful in neuropsychological investigations offering the experienced clinician to see
how the information processing style ofa child is utilized and on what kinds oftasks. The K-ABC can give a wider degree ofinformation
that is not readily obtained by other intelligence measures or test batteries. Fourthly, the K-ABC can be used to supplement a child's clin-
ical neuropsychological evaluation ofthe level at which the child is processing specific kinds ofinformation, what cognitive strategies are em-
ployed, and the efficiencies ofthe child's information processing styles. The K-ABC in the bands ofan experienced clinician offers qualitative
observation plus well-standardized and well-defined reliability and validity far making generalizations when and where appropriate.
Anastasi (1984)
The use ofmultiple scores and profile analysis are a commendable feature ofthe K-ABC, a feature that enhances the diagnostic value of
the battery and facilitates the planning ofindividualized educational programs. But such multiple assessments can be implemented with-
out introducing a distinction that encourages misuse. In the hands ofa highly qualified professional, the K-ABC is a promising instrument
for dealing with important practical testing needs. It should be presented to the testing community with adequate safeguards against pop-
ular misinterpretation.
Jensen (1984)
The diminished black-white difference on the K-ABC seems to be largely the result ofp,ychometric and statistical artifacts: lower g load-
ings of the mental processing scales and greater heterogeneity of the standardization sample, which causes mean group differences to be
smaller when they are expressed in standard score units. The generalfactor measured by the K-ABC is essentially the same gas that ofthe
Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales. But the K-ABCyields a more diluted and less valid measure ofg than do the other tests. The K-ABC
factors ofsuccessive and simultaneous mental processing, independent ofthe g factor, constituted only a small fraction ofthe total variance
in K-ABC scores, and the predictive validity ofthese small factors per se is probably nil.
Kaufman (1984)
If the widespread use ofthe K-ABC shows that the WISC-R/Binet monopoly can be challenged, and ifthat realization spurs the develop-
ment ofnumerous new well-normed and well-conceived intelligence tests from a plethora ofpractical, clinical, and theoretical perspectives,
then I will be the first to applaud. That, to me, would be the K-ABC's finest legacy.
cognitive psychology. The Sequential and Simul- characteristic of simultaneous processing is the
taneous theory was distilled primarily from two mental synthesis of the stimuli to solve the prob-
lines: the information processing approach of lem, independent of the sensory modality of the
Luria (e.g., Luria, 1966a) and the cerebral spe- input or the output. Simultaneous processing is
cialization work done by Sperry (1968, 1974), also required on the Photo Series subtest of the
Bogen (1969), Kinsbourne (197 5), and Wada, K-ABC. This finding is sometimes a surprise to
Clarke, and Hamm (1975). the new user because of the similarities between
this test and Wechsler's Picture Arrangement.
The Photo Series test, however, is a marker
Simultaneous Processing task of the Simultaneous scale, as it is tied with
Triangles for having the best factor loading on
Simultaneous processing refers to the mental ability
the simultaneous factor (Kaufman & Kamphaus,
of the child to integrate input all at once to solve
1984). Hence, even though the Photo Series sub-
a problem correctly. Simultaneous processing
test appears to have a sequential component (and
frequently involves spatial, analogic, or organi-
the Kaufmans theorized that it was a sequential
zational abilities (Kaufman & Kaufman 1983b;
task but were surprised themselves [Kamphaus
Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). Often there is a
& Reynolds, 1987]), the process that most chil-
visual aspect to the problem and visual imagery
dren elect to use places it on the Simultaneous
may be involved in solving it. The Triangles sub-
scale. Evidently the more crucial aspect of solv-
test on the K-ABC (an analogue of Wechsler's
ing Photo Series items correctly involves devel-
Block Design task) is a prototypical measure of
oping a sense of the whole series of pictures and
simultaneous processing. To solve these items
how they connect to one another.
correctly one must mentally integrate the com-
ponents of the design to "see" the whole. Such a
task seems to match up nicely with Luria's qual-
ifying statement of synthesis of separate elements
Sequential Processing
(each triangle) into spatial schemes (the larger Sequentialprocessing, on the other hand, emphasizes
pattern of triangles, which may form squares, rec- the arrangement of stimuli in sequential or serial
tangles, or larger triangles). Whether the tasks order for successful problem solving. In every
are spatial or analogic in nature, the unifying instance each stimulus is linearly or temporally
related to the previous one (Kaufman & Kaufman, (Faces and Places), Vocabulary (Riddles and Ex-
1983b), creating a form of serial interdependence pressive Vocabulary), and Arithmetic (Arithmetic)
within the stimulus. The K-ABC includes sequen- and putting them on their own scale as achieve-
tial processing subtests that tap a variety of modal- ment tests. The K-ABC authors (Kaufman &
ities. The Hand Movements subtest involves visual Kaufman, 1983b) give the following rationale for
input and a motor response; the Number Recall this move.
subtest involves auditory input with an auditory re-
sponse. Word Order involves auditory input and a Unlike the theoretically based mental processing scales,
visual response. Therefore, the mode of presenta- the K-ABC Achievement Scale was derived from only
tion or mode of response is not what determines rational and logical considerations. . . . We see these di-
the scale placement of a task, but rather the mental verse tasks as united by the demands they place on chil-
dren to extract and assimilate information from their
processing demands are important (Kaufman & Kauf-
cultural and school environment. Regardless of more
man, 1983b). traditional approaches to the definition and measure-
ment ofintelligence, the K-ABC is predicated on the dis-
tinction between problem solving and knowledge offacts.
Process versus Content The former set ofskills is interpreted as intelligence; the
latter is defined as achievement. This definition presents
Unfortunately, this distinction between type of
a break from other intelligence tests, where a person's ac-
mental process as opposed to type of content or quired factual information and applied skills frequently
stimulus makes the K-ABC theory more difficult influence greatly the obtained IQ. (p. 2)
to grasp than the verbal/nonverbal content dis-
tinction of the WISC. The logic of the Wechsler The label "achievement" may, however, not
scales as to why subtests belong on either the be the best for this scale (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
Verbal or Performance scale is easy to under- 1987) because of its similarity to the WISC-III
stand. In the case of the Wechsler scales, if it Verbal scale. In some cases this scale may func-
"looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it is tion as two-verbal intelligence and reading
probably a duck." Alternatively, the K-ABC sub- (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). This division
tests were placed on the Sequential and Simulta- of the Achievement scale is especially appealing
neous scales empirically regardless of the authors' in the light of the factor analytic data on the
intuitions or hopes. Consequently, the K-ABC K-ABC, which suggests that the K-ABC pos-
intelligence scales require a higher level of infer- sesses three factors that are very similar to those
ence than the Wechsler scales, making them of the WISC-III.
more difficult for the student to understand. In
the case of the K-ABC theory, if it "looks like
a duck, and walks like a duck, it may in fact be a ORGANIZATION OF THE K-ABC
The intelligence scales of the K-ABC consist
Achievement versus Intelligence of subtests that are combined to form scales of
While the empirical nature of the intelligence Sequential Processing, Simultaneous Process-
scales of the K-ABC may be novel, an equally con- ing, and the Mental Processing Composite, a
troversial move was to take the equivalent of the summary score reflective of the Sequential and
WISC-III Verbal scale and say that these types Simultaneous scales. On the separate Achieve-
of tests are no longer intelligence tests-they are ment scale, subtests are combined to form a global
now achievement tests (Kamphaus & Reynolds, Achievement score.
1987), which is what the Kaufmans did by taking The K-ABC differs greatly from the WISC-
analogues of Wechsler tests such as Information III in its developmental focus. Instead of giving
all subtests to all children, the K-ABC has subtests All of the K-ABC global scales (Sequential
that are designed only for specific age groups. As a Processing, Simultaneous Processing, Mental
result, children at different ages not only are ad- Processing Composite, Achievement, and Non-
ministered different subtests but also different verbal) yield standard scores, with a mean of 100
numbers of subtests, with young children receiv- and standard deviation of 15, to provide a com-
ing far fewer subtests than older children. monly understood metric and to permit compar-
The K-ABC also includes a special short form isons of mental processing with achievement for
of the Mental Processing Composite, known as children suspected of learning disabilities. Fur-
the Nonverbal scale (composed of tasks that can thermore, use of this metric allows for easy com-
be administered in pantomime and that are re- parison of the K-ABC global scales to other
sponded to motorically) to assess the intelligence major tests of intelligence and to popular indi-
of children with speech or language handicaps, vidually administered tests of academic achieve-
of hearing-impaired children, and of those who ment. The Mental Processing subtests yield
do not speak English. It is particularly useful standard scores with a mean of 10 and standard
as part of the assessment of children suspected deviation of 3, modeled after the familiar Wech-
of aphasias or other expressive or receptive lan- sler scaled score. Achievement subtests, on the
guage disorders. However, the Nonverbal scale is other hand, yield standard scores with a mean
useful as an estimate of general intellectual level of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, which
only and cannot be subdivided into Sequential or permits direct comparisons of the Mental Pro-
Simultaneous Processing scales. cessing global scales with individual achievement
areas. The K-ABC achievement tests are also
longer than similar tests on the WISC-III, which
Supplementary Scales allows them to support a more familiar metric.
Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987) proposed new
supplementary scales for Verbal Intelligence,
Reading Composite, and a Global Intelligence
Composite. These supplementary scales are in- PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
tended for specialized uses (see Table 10.1).
and other special populations in the standardiza- preschoolers, for early elementary grades, and for
tion sample according to data provided by the later elementary grades). Achievement scale com-
National Center for Education Statistics and the posite reliabilities for these same age ranges were
U.S. Office of Civil Rights. Overall, the match .95, .95, and .97, respectively. (Further details of
of the sample to Census statistics is quite good, the test-retest study can be found on pp. 81-84
although high-SES minorities (specifically African of the Interpretive Manual for the K-ABC [Kauf-
Americans and Hispanics) were statistically signifi- man & Kaufman, 1983b]).
cantly oversampled (Bracken, 1985). The effect of The test-retest reliability coefficients for the
this sampling, however, was probably rather small global scales-and to a lesser extent the internal
(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). consistency (split-half) coefficients-show a clear
developmental trend, with coefficients for the
preschool ages being smaller than those for the
Reliability school-age range. This trend is consistent with
Split-half reliability coefficients for the K-ABC the known variability over time that charac-
global scales range from 0.86 to 0.93 (mean = terizes preschool children's standardized test
0.90) for preschool children and from 0.89 to performance in general (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
0.97 (mean= 0.93) for children age 5 to 12½. All 1987).
of the K-ABC subtests show internal consisten-
cies that are comparable to those of other mea-
sures except one-Gestalt Closure. This test had Validity
mean internal consistency coefficients of.72 for
The eagerness to conduct research on the K-ABC
preschoolers and .71 for school-age children.
may have been spurred by the Kau&nans them-
These results suggest that this test has a relatively
selves. The Interpretive Manual for the K-ABC
heterogeneous item pool.
(Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1983b) includes the re-
I have seen this heterogeneity reflected in my
sults of 43 validity studies, an impressive amount
own clinical assessment practice, where I will fre-
of prepublication research that at the time was all
quently see children perform inconsistently on
too uncommon in test manuals. Studies were
this test. A child may solve easy items incorrectly
conducted on aspects of construct, concurrent,
and later, more difficult, items correctly. The
and predictive validity. In addition, several of
Gestalt Closure subtest is also a good example of
the studies were conducted with samples of ex-
the difference between internal consistency coef-
ceptional children, including samples classified as
ficients and test-retest coefficients. The stability
hearing impaired, physically impaired, gifted,
or test-retest coefficients are considerably higher
mentally retarded, and learning disabled.
for this test (.74 for preschoolers, .84 for early
elementary grades, and .86 for later elementary
grades) than the internal consistency estimates.
Developmental Changes
These data suggest that although this test has a The K-ABC yields satisfactory growth curves for
heterogeneous item pool, the overall scores ob- most age groups (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987).
tained by a child are relatively stable over time. It has, however, some problems with a lack of
A test-retest reliability study was conducted easy items for preschoolers (inadequate floor)
with 246 children retested after a 2- to 4-week and difficult items for older children (inadequate
interval (mean interval= 17 days). The results of ceiling) (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). At the
this study showed good estimates ofstability that preschool level the K-ABC generally lacks dif-
improved with increasing age. For the Mental ficulty for 2½- and 3-year-olds with below-
Processing Composite, coefficients of .83, .88, average intelligence. Since children are usually
and .93 were obtained for each age group (for referred at this age for developmental problems,
a child will likely obtain at least one raw score of correlate very highly (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
zero. A child who obtains more than one raw 1987). In a study of 182 children enrolled in reg-
score of 0 has not been measured because the ular classrooms, the Mental Processing Compos-
examiner does not know how far below 0 this ite (MPC) correlated 0.70 with WISC-R Full
child's skill or ability lies. When this situation Scale IQ (FSIQ) (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
occurs, it makes interpretation of the child's Hence, the K-ABC Mental Processing scales and
scores difficult and results in the examiner having the WISC-R share a 49% overlap in variance.
to engage in a high level of inference. The exam- They correlate similarly to the relationship be-
iner would do better to avoid such problems by tween older versions of the Wechsler and Binet
choosing a test with more floor. The problem scales. The correlations between the K-ABC and
with this age group is that there are not many WISC-R for numerous nonhandicapped and ex-
alternatives to the K-ABC with evidence of ade- ceptional populations shown in the Interpretive
quate floor (see Chapter 15). Manual range from .57 to .74. The K-ABC over-
The parallel problem is the lack of ceiling for laps with the WISC-Ra good deal, and yet it also
older age groups, which occurs for children be- shows some independence. Also of interest in
ginning at about 10 years of age. The major prob- the sample of 182 children is the standard score
lem here is on the Simultaneous scale, on which a difference between the MPC and FSIQ. The
child may obtain a perfect score on tests such as K-ABC, based on 1980 U.S. Census data, was
Photo Series and Matrix Analogies. If this even- shown to be about 3 points "tougher" (mean
tuality occurs, then, again, the child has not been MPC = 113.6) than the WISC-R (mean FSIQ =
measured. The K-ABC is perhaps not the test of 116.7) based on this sample of children from
choice for gifted children 10 years old or older. regular classes (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
In summary, age differentiation validity is an These findings suggest that just because the
issue of greater relevance to the K-ABC than to K-ABC and WISC-R correlate relatively highly
the WISC-III. The K-ABC introduces new tests with one another does not mean that they will yield
at a variety of ages and spans the preschool and the same score.
school-age ranges, and both of these factors
make the scale more prone to zero and perfect Predictive Validity
raw scores than the WISC-III. Clinicians have Predictive validity evidence for the K-ABC is gen-
to keep knowledge about age differentiation erally comparable to that of the WISC-III (Kauf-
validity clearly in mind in order to use this test man & Kaufman, 1983b). Murray and Bracken
effectively. (1984), for example, evaluated the predictive va-
lidity of the K-ABC over an 11-month interval for
Item Bias/Content Validity
a group of 29 children. They found the MPC to
The K-ABC has an extremely well-scrutinized predict Peabody Individual Achievement Test
set of items. Many items were removed at various (PIAT) Total Test scores at a .79 level over this
stages of the test development process due to time period. The Achievement scale composite
concern over gender, regional, or racial/ethnic from the K-ABC was an even better predictor,
group bias. A more thorough discussion of this with a validity coefficient of .88. In a 6-month pre-
issue and examples of biased items can be found dictive validity study by Childers and colleagues
in Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987). (1985) the MPC was found to correlate .65 with
the Total score on the California Achievement
Correlations with Other Tests
Test (CAT). The relationship of the K-ABC
Despite the fact that the K-ABC differs in nu- Achievement scale to the CAT was .77. These
merous ways from tests such as the WISC, over- studies, along with those in the Interpretive Manual
whelming evidence shows that these measures for the K-ABC (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b),
suggest good predictive validity evidence for the third-best measure of the sequential factor, it
MPC and exemplary predictive validity evidence had a consistent and significant secondary load-
for the K-ABC Achievement scale. ing on the simultaneous factor. In addition, Photo
Series, long thought to be a sequential task, loaded
Factor Analysis consistently higher on the simultaneous factor.
The K-ABC initially sparked a flurry of factor As a result, after norming, this test was switched
analytic investigations. These studies are helpful from the Sequential to the Simultaneous scale
for understanding the K-ABC better, and be- (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b). There was, how-
cause ofsimilar results, they have the potential to ever, some support for the K-ABC theoretical
enhance interpretation of the WISC-III and model that emerged from the "nonloadings"
Binet-4. The factor structures of these three mea- in this investigation for Hand Movements and
sures are looking more similar with each new fac- Spatial Memory. The Hand Movements subtest
tor analytic investigation. had an insignificant loading on the simultaneous
A first point to consider is the "g," or unro- factor for preschoolers. Similarly, Spatial Mem-
tated first factor, loadings of the K-ABC in com- ory never had an important loading on the se-
parison to the WISC-R. Initially researchers quential factor. These two sets of loadings
thought that the K-ABC, particularly the Se- support the processing (versus content) distinc-
quential scale, was a more diluted measure of tion of the Kaufmans. Hand Movements has
"g"-that the Mental Processing subtests mea- an obvious visual component, and yet it never
sured more simple memory and spatial skills than loads higher on the more visual simultaneous
high-level intellectual abilities (Jensen, 1984; factor than it does on the sequential factor. Spa-
Sternberg, 1984). Subsequently these researchers tial Memory, with its obvious short-term mem-
have been proven wrong, as the similarity be- ory component (it has a 5-second exposure of
tween the "g" factors of the K-ABC and the the stimuli before their placement must be re-
WISC-R have proved strikingly similar (Kam- called), never joins the sequential factor. These
phaus & Reynolds, 1987). Also of interest is the two findings suggest that there may be problems
finding that the Sequential and Simultaneous applying hierarchical (memory versus reasoning)
scales measure "g" to the same extent (Kamphaus and content (verbal versus nonverbal) models to
& Reynolds, 1987). This is a somewhat surprising the K-ABC.
finding given that for most children the Simulta- Kamphaus and Kaufman (1986) conducted
neous scale has two more tests than the Sequen- an exploratory factor analysis for boys and girls.
tial scale and is slightly more reliable. A study by This investigation yielded similar results to the
Kline, Guilmette, Snyder, and Castellanos (1992) Kaufman and Kamphaus (1984) study, finding
concluded that the K-ABC assessed less cognitive virtually no differences in factor structure attrib-
complexity than the WISC-R. utable to gender. There was a tendency for Hand
The first well-known factor analytic evidence Movements to have a higher simultaneous load-
offered in support of the Sequential and Simul- ing for girls at the school-age level than for boys.
taneous scales was by Kaufman and Kamphaus Again, however, Hand Movements and Spatial
(1984). These authors identified three factors for Memory remained aligned with their respective
the K-ABC and labeled them as sequential, simul- scales, providing some support for the Kaufmans'
taneous, and achievement. processing distinction.
Some problems with the sequential/simultane- In a series of studies, Keith and his colleagues
ous model, however, were apparent even in this (Keith, 1985; Keith & Dunbar, 1984; Keith,
early investigation. Hand Movements had a split Hood, Eberhart, & Pottebaum, 1985) have called
loading, particularly at the school-age level. Even the K-ABC processing model into question by ap-
though Hand Movements was consistently the plying Wechsler-like content labels to the K-ABC
scales. Keith (1985) has used labels such as "non- mention, however, is the notion of teaching items.
verbal/reasoning" (Simultaneous), "achievement/ The first three items of each Mental Processing
verbal reasoning" (Achievement), and "verbal subtest (the sample and the first two items ap-
memory" (Sequential) for the K-ABC, factors, propriate for a child's age group) are designated
making the scales similar to the tradition of psy- as teaching items. On these items the examiner
chological assessment. In a study of a sample of is required to teach the task if the child fails on
585 referred children (Keith et al., 1985) three fac- the first attempt at solving the item. The phrase
tors emerged in an exploratory factor analysis. "teaching the task" means that the examiner is
Virtually all of the factor analyses were similar to allowed the flexibility to use alternate wording,
those found in previous studies, but their inter- gestures, physical guidance, or even a language
pretation differed greatly. Hand Movements, for other than English to communicate the task de-
example, loaded highest on the verbal memory mands to the child. The examiner is not allowed
factor, and Faces & Places, Riddles, and Arith- to teach the child a specific strategy for solving
metic had substantial secondary loadings on the the problem, however. This built-in flexibility
nonverbal/reasoning factor. The issue of what to was designed to be particularly helpful to pre-
call the K-ABC factors remains debated but unre- schoolers, minority-group children, and excep-
solved (see, for example, Kamphaus, 1990). tional children, who sometimes perform poorly
Kaufman and McLean (1987) conducted a fac- on a task from a traditional IQ test not because
tor analytic investigation for a sample oflearning- of a lack of ability but because of an inability to
disabled children and obtained a factor structure understand the instructions given. Kaufman and
that was similar to the model proposed by Keith. Kaufman (1983 b) discuss the concept of teach-
Findings of this nature suggest that the interpre- ing items in greater detail and note that this
tive model applied to the K-ABC may depend on built-in flexibility has not adversely affected the
sample (child) characteristics. In this way, K-ABC reliability of the K-ABC. Sample items are now
interpretation is entirely consistent with Kauf- common fare, as they were subsequently em-
man's (1979b) intelligent testing model. braced by both the Binet-4 and WISC-III.
One confirmatory factor analytic investigation The K-ABC basal and ceiling rules, referred
has provided strong support for the two-factor to as starting and stopping points in the Administra-
sequential and simultaneous processing model tion and Scoring Manual for the K-ABC (Kauf-
(Wilson, Reynolds, Chatman, & Kaufman, 1985) man & Kaufman, 1983a), also differ from those
but less enthusiastic support of a distinct Achieve- of many existing intelligence tests. The first rule
ment scale. The subtests of the Achievement scale for administering the K-ABC subtests is straight-
do show their largest loadings on a separate fac- forward: Examiners are instructed to start and
tor, as Kaufman and Kaufman (1983b) proposed, stop testing at the items designated as starting
yet each shows large secondary loadings on the and stopping points for the child's age group.
two mental processing factors. The set of items between the starting and stop-
ping points are, therefore, designed based on
standardization data to represent a full range
ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING of difficulty for the child's age group. This first
basal and ceiling rule is very straightforward, but
it is also rigid. Hence, several supplemental rules
Administration and scoring procedures for the are given to allow examiners to find items of ap-
K-ABC are available in the Administration propriate difficulty for children at the ends of the
and Scoring Manual for the K-ABC (Kaufman distribution of ability (Kaufman & Kaufman,
& Kaufman, 1983a). One important aspect of 1983a). The K-ABC also incorporates a very
K-ABC administration that deserves special simple discontinue rule (discontinue testing after
1 unit of incorrect items) that is the same for all the first test to be administered to preschool-
K-ABC subtests. ers. It appears to be appropriately placed as
the first subtest for preschoolers, as viewing
through the window to try to discover the ob-
The K-ABC Subtests ject behind it is a genuinely intriguing task for
In contrast to the WISC-III, the K-ABC subtests young children.
are a rather unique collection. The WISC-III It is also an interesting task from the stand-
point that while the stimulus is visual, the re-
subtests, for example, were taken primarily from
the early Army group tests. The K-ABC subtests sponse is clearly verbal, demonstrating again the
relative independence of test content from the
are taken from a wider range of sources including
mental process used to solve the item. This task
the WISC-III (Number Recall and Triangles),
was found to be one of the best measures of
experimental cognitive science (Face Recogni-
tion), neuropsychology (Hand Movements), and simultaneous processing for preschoolers (Kauf-
man & Kaufman, 1983b).
early psychometricians such as Raven (Matrix
Analogies), among other sources. In addition,
some of the K-ABC subtests are novel, such as ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
Magic Window and Faces & Places.
The K-ABC subtests, however, do have a com- 1. Practice the 5-second exposure interval used
mon lineage in the K-ABC theoretical model, the on this subtest. While the marks on the back
division of the Sequential, Simultaneous, and of the window are a helpful guide, it does take
Achievement scales. The K-ABC subtests had to some experience to get used to this exposure
show a great deal of consistency with the test's interval.
theoretical model in order to be retained. This
philosophy is illustrated by the large number of PsvcHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
tests that were discarded in the developmental
process (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b). This Average reliability = .72
section is organized in the same manner as for "g" loading= NIA
the WISC-III; a test overview, adininistration
and scoring pointers, noteworthy observations, Loading on sequential factor= .24
and psychometric properties. Loading on simultaneous factor= .53
Psychometric properties are taken from the Loading on achievement factor = .2 3
Interpretive Manual for the K-ABC (Kaufman &
Subtest specificity= .40 (ample)
Kaufman, 1983b). Some factor analytic results
are from Jensen (1984).
Magic Wmdow (Ages 2½-4) 1. Squinting or other indication that the child
Magic Window requires the child to identify a is having extraordinary difficulty seeing the
picture that the examiner exposes by moving items
it past a narrow slit or "window" (making the 2. A lack of curiosity about the task
picture only partially visible at any one point in
3. Poor articulation
time). This subtest appears to be one of the few
subtests that can justifiably be described as novel, 4. Curiosity as to the correct answer
as it has no clear counterpart in the history of 5. An ability to describe the correct answer yet
intellectual assessment. This test is designed as not name it accurately (for example, it has
the first measure of simultaneous processing and tires and doors)
Wechsler's Block Design task has also been used Number Recall as the premier measure of se-
in split-brain research investigations as a marker quential processing. This task requires a child to
task of right-brain processing (see Chapter 19) touch a series of pictures in the same sequence as
(see Chapter 2). they were named by the examiner. On more dif-
Although the Triangles test is obviously related ficult items a color interference task is used. The
to Wechsler's Block Design test, the absolute cor- Kau&nans (Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1983b) see this
relations between these two tests is not all that task as an auditory-vocal test of the McCarthy
high, generally in the .50s (Kau&nan & McLean, (1972) Verbal Memory ilk. This task is also sim-
1987). It appears that these two tests, while tend- ilar to tests such as Memory for Sentences on
ing to correlate with one another, should not be the Stanford Binet-4. The Kau&nans borrowed
viewed by clinicians as interchangeable. some aspects of this test, including the interfer-
ence task component, from a clinical neuropsy-
ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS chological test used by Luria (1966a).
The color interference task of Word Order
1. Remember that there are no time bonus points may also provide some valuable clinical infor-
for these items. mation. Denckla (1979) observed that disabled
2. Remember that the child is not allowed to readers perform more poorly than capable read-
stand the triangles on end. ers on rapid naming tests that include the naming
3. Remember that there is no penalty for rota- of colors, letters, and objects.
1. Remember that examiners are not allowed to
Average reliability-preschool = .89 drop their voice at the end of each sequence.
Average reliability-school age = .84 2. The color interference task can be especially
"g" loading= .65 awkward, and the examiner requires some
Loading on sequential factor = .21 practice in order to administer it properly.
Loading on simultaneous factor = .63
Loading on achievement factor= .27
Subtest specificity-preschool= .51 (ample) Average reliability-preschool= .84
Subtest specificity-school age= .37 (ample) Average reliability-school age = .82
"g" loading= .64
Loading on sequential factor = .68
1. Squinting or other indications that the child is Loading on simultaneous factor = .22
having difficulty seeing the stimulus pictures
Loading on achievement factor = .29
2. Dependence on one hand or difficulty using
Subtest specificity-preschool= .33 (ample)
hands to construct the designs
3. Numerous 90° rotations Subtest specificity-school age .28 (ample)
Word Order is the third and last Sequential Pro- 1. Recalls the stimuli correctly but misses items
cessing subtest on the K-ABC. It ranks behind because ofrecalling them in incorrect sequence
1. Be sure to lay out the "chips" in the same se- Average reliability= .80
quence as shown on the easel.
"g" loading= .56
Loading on sequential factor= .26
Loading on simultaneous factor= .58
Average reliability = .85 Loading on achievement factor = .15
"g" loading= .62 Subtest specificity= .39 (ample)
Loading on sequential factor= .30
Loading on simultaneous factor = .50 BEHAVIORS TO NOTE
and then applying this configuration on the Loading on simultaneous factor= .64
response page Loading on achievement factor= .26
2. Focusing more attention on the content of Subtest specificity= .33 (ample)
the stimuli (e.g., naming the stimuli or asking
questions about them) than on the location of
the stimuli on the page per se
3. Difficulty in rapid naming of the colors 1. Impulsive responding, where the child d~es
not survey the stimulus cards adequately pnor
Photo Series (6-12½) to producing a response
2. Trial-and-error responding, where the child
Photo Series requires the child to .place pho-
obviously does not have a Gestalt for ho~ the
tographs of an event in chronological order. This
picture should be placed together and trles to
test, on the face of it, looks similar to Wechsler's
compare each card to every other card.
Picture Arrangement subtest. However, several
investigations of these two batteries show modest
to poor intercorrelations between these two sub- Expressive Vocabulary (2½-4)
tests (Kaufman & Kaufman, 19836; Kaufman &
Expressive Vocabulary requires the child to
McLean, 1987). The Photo Series test also ap-
name objects that are pictured in photographs.
pears to have a distinctly sequential component.
This test is the first one encountered by pre-
However, factor analyses of the K-ABC have
schoolers on the Achievement scale. The Ex-
shown that this subtest, along with Triangles, is a
pressive Vocabulary test is intended to follow in
marker task of simultaneous processing ability
the tradition of Wechsler and Binet Vocabulary
(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). One hypo~esis is
tests (Kaufman & Kaufman, 19836). The Ka~f-
that in the case of Photo Series the sequential re-
mans propose that the assessment of verbal m-
sponse is anticlimactic to the holistic proc~ssing of
telligence is essential as part of a~ intell~ctual
the stimuli that is required prior to producmg a re-
evaluation, but they prefer that the verbal mtel-
sponse. In other words, a child has to first visually
ligence" subtests on the K-ABC be inc~uded
interpret and verbally label the series (e.g., _as a c~r
on the Achievement scale and not labeled mtel-
backing up) before he or she can put the pieces m
ligence as such (Kaufman & Kaufman, 19836;
their correct sequence in the examiner's hand.
Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987).
1. Correct last names can be accepted as correct ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING POINTERS
responses even if the first name is not given.
1. Remember that the child is not allowed to use
PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES pencil and paper for this subtest.
1. This test uses only a 1-0 scoring system with PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
no bonus points.
Average reliability= .92
Loading on sequential factor= .39
Average reliability-preschool= .83
Average reliability-school age= .86 Loading on simultaneous factor = .26
"g" loading= .78 Loading on achievement factor = .68
Loading on sequential factor = .34 Subtest specificity= .21 (adequate)
Loading on simultaneous factor= .42
Loading on achievement factor = .62 BEHAVIORS To NoTE
Subtest specificity-3-8 = .23 (adequate) 1. Frustration on the part of the child with his/her
Subtest specificity-9-12 ½ = .19 (inadequate) reading ability
2. Self-deprecating statements regarding reading
1. Word retrieval problems 3. Reversals
2. Self-deprecating statements regarding aca- 4. Problems with particular item types (e.g., silent
demic achievement consonants)
the simultaneous weakness was only the result (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). This test's load-
of motor problems, the clinicians involved ad- ing on the Sequential factor is consistently but
ministered the Motor Free Visual Perception not considerably higher than its loading on the Si-
Test (MVPT) to assess visual perception skills multaneous factor.
relatively independently of motor skill. The The often observed consequence of this factor
MVPT score was very similar to the Simultane- structure is that the Number Recall and Word
ous score, suggesting that the child's visual per- Order tests will yield similar scores that are both
ception problems were more important than the discrepant from the rest of the profile. The diffi-
motor problem in determining the low Simulta- cult call in this instance is to determine if these
neous score. This finding was also sensible in the two tests are reflecting sequential processing or
light of the K-ABC profile, which showed that auditory short-term memory. Several sugges-
even tests such as Gestalt Closure, which has a tions for testing these hypotheses are:
visual perceptual component but no motor in-
volvement, were also depressed. 1. If a child's responses on these two tests indi-
For some children with motor problems both cate good recall but poor sequencing, then a
the Simultaneous and Sequential scales may be sequencing hypothesis is supported. For ex-
well below the mean of 100. This possibility is ample, a child who responds to the stimulus
exemplified by a study of hemiplegic children "8-2-5-1" with "2-5-1-8" may have greater
(Lewandowski & DiRienzo, 1985). In this study problems with sequencing in recall than mem-
a group of children with cerebral palsy (and doc- ory span per se.
umented congenital neurodevelopmental delays
2. If Spatial Memory and Hand Movements
localized primarily to one of the cerebral hemi-
scores are more in line (not necessarily strong
spheres) were compared to a group of control
or weak to the same degree) with Number Re-
children without neurodevelopmental problems.
call and Word Order than with the Simulta-
These children with obvious hemiplegia on one
neous scale subtests, then hypotheses related
side achieved mean K-ABC Sequential and Si-
to a memory problem are more plausible.
multaneous scores that were significantly below
that of the control group, which achieved means 3. Teacher reports can also help test an auditory
near 100. The mean Sequential scores of the short-term memory versus sequencing hypoth-
two brain-injured groups with associated motor esis. A child's teacher may produce evidence of
problems were 95 and 95, whereas their Simul- sequencing problems from worksheets or other
taneous scores were 84 and 95. These data hint student products. The child's teacher should
that the Simultaneous sale may be more sensitive also be asked whether or not examples of sig-
to motor problems, but they also suggest that nificant memory failure can be cited.
the Sequential scale, with tests such as Hand
Movements, may show some depression due to VERBAL VERSUS NONVERBAL INTELLIGENCE (AcH >
severe motor problems. SEQ> SIM) Factor analyses of all K-ABC subtests
have consistently produced three factors similar
AUDITORY SHORT-TERM MEMORY PROBLEM (SIM> to the Sequential, Simultaneous, and Achievement
SEQ) This profile seems to be all too frequent scales. Factor labels, however, are dictated to a
and tests the interpretive savvy of clinicians large extent by the theoretical orientation of the test
(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). It occurs rela- author or researcher conducting the investigation
tively frequently because it is consistent with the (Kamphaus, 1990). Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987)
factor structure of the K-ABC. The Hand Move- have taken this work one step further by devel-
ments test "switches allegiance" because of its oping new scores for the K-ABC that facilitate
equivocal factor loadings for school-age children the application of a verbal/nonverbal intelligence
dichotomy. Use of the Wechsler model, however, Peter was diagnosed with below avg
is not only a change in labels but a change from a fetal alcohol syndrome shortly Seq, Sim,
process to a content distinction. after birth. His mother used MPC, and
Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987) divide the alcohol daily during pregnancy Achievement
Achievement scale into two components: verbal and she smoked one to two scores
intelligence, which includes all of the Achieve- packs of cigarettes per day.
ment scale subtests exclusive of the two reading His developmental milestones
tests, and a reading composite, which consists of were delayed and he was
the two reading subtests. Even without the use retained in kindergarten for
of these supplementary procedures (see Kam- next year. His family is poor.
phaus & Reynolds, 1987) the verbal/nonverbal His mother and father
distinction may be of some value. cannot read.
Two of the Sequential tests (Number Recall Monja is in the gifted class at Ach >Sim>
and Word Order) use verbal stimuli, and so do her school. She was referred Seq
the Achievement scale subtests. A child with an by her teacher for behavior
oral expression deficit, speech problem, language problems in class and
processing problem, or similar difficulty that may inattention.
adversely impact performance on Verbal subtests
Cheng was born with cerebral Ach & Seq>
may produce a profile of Ach < Seq < Sim. Simi-
palsy. Sim
larly, a child with strong verbal skills may pro-
duce the reverse. Gina has missed 60 days of MPC>Ach.
school this past year due to Arithmetic
frequent relocations of her may be par-
Examples family. ticularly low
Examples of hypotheses for the K-ABC are given
next. The reader will note that many of these
overlap with WISC-III hypotheses because the Shared Subtest Hypotheses
K-ABC possesses a similar research base.
The Interpretive Manual for the K-ABC (Kauf-
man & Kaufman, 1983b) uses the same procedure
for determining strengths and weaknesses as was
Jesse is a first-grader who Sim> Seq outlined previously for the WISC-III in Chapter
is referred for a suspected 8. Rounded values for determining subtest
reading disability. His teacher strengths and weaknesses are again advised.
reports that he is slow to This interpretive step is analogous to the
acquire phonics skills and WISC-III. Numerous possible hypotheses are
has difficulty sequencing. given on pages 197-201 of the Interpretive Manual
Jack is referred for language for the K-ABC (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
delays by his social worker.
His native language is Navajo,
although he speaks primarily Single Subtest Hypotheses
English at school. His mother The K-ABC Mental Processing subtests are
is concerned because he spoke rather brief, like those of the WISC-III, and
much later than her other produce similar reliabilities. This fact suggests
children and his Navajo and that a similar amount of caution be used when
English articulation are poor. interpreting K-ABC subtests. The same process
for generating single subtest hypotheses should up and said, "Gotcha! You thought I was sick,
also be used. didn't you." After Gestalt Closure, Walter ran
When recording single subtest hypotheses from the room, saying that he had to use the rest-
from the Inte-rpretive Manualfor the K-ABC (Kauf- room. He played with water in the restroom for
man & Kaufman, 1983b), the amount of subtest several minutes before agreeing to come out.
specificity associated with the test should also be Walter required continuous monitoring and
noted. Specificity values and ratings were given reminders to stay in his seat and pay attention.
earlier in this chapter, and more information He missed some Number Recall items because
can be found in Tables 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the the examiner could not maintain his attention.
Inte-rpretive Manual for the K-ABC (Kaufman & On some Gestalt Closure items he gave the im-
Kaufman, 1983b). pression that he preferred to not put forth an
effort. When Walter was asked where his mother
was, he responded. "Doin' drugs."
Background Information
Referral Information Walter's maternal grandmother currently has
Walter is a 3-year-old male who was referred for custody of him. Custody was removed from his
hyperactivity and attention problems. His pedia- birth mother because of numerous accusations of
trician wanted to know if he suffered from atten- child abuse and neglect. His mother has a long-
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder. standing history of chemical dependency.
Walter's grandmother's account of his early
development was sketchy. She was able, how-
Behavioral Observations ever, to provide vivid descriptions of his current
behavior problems. She reports that Walter is
Walter was brought to the clinic by his birth fa-
highly active, strong-willed, manipulative, dis-
ther. It was clear in the waiting room that his
obedient, accident-prone, and disorganized. He
father had trouble controlling him. Walter im-
has had conduct problems, including setting an-
mediately opened the candy jar on the reception-
other child's hair ablaze.
ist's desk upon entering the waiting area. He
unwrapped and ate a piece of candy despite his
father's protests. He talked almost constantly to
whomever would listen. He tried to strike up a
Drawing Conclusions
conversation with every adult in the waiting room. With a child is this age one has few pieces of
He removed most of the toys from the toy box, data to use for corroboration. In such a case
and he refused to replace any of them. even the conclusions of above-average intelli-
After entering the testing room, Walter gence and achievement should be presented
grabbed several games and a whistle from a shelf. cautiously and additional testing recommended.
He asked to play with these rather than "your These scores could be a fairly drastic underesti-
games." He protested taking the test at least once mate of Walter's cognitive development given
during every subtest. At the end of Number Re- his misbehavior during testing. In this case the
call, for example, he said, "I told you I don't want scores serve an important function as baselines
to do this anymore." During Gestalt Closure he for further evaluations.
feigned illness by slouching in his chair and com- The Number Recall test could be interpreted
plaining of a stomach ache. After the examiner as a unique strength, but such an interpretation
asked him about his not feeling well, he perked would be highly speculative for the following
K-ABC Scores
Standard Significant
Score Mean Diff. Diff. SorW
Sequential Scale
Hand Movements 10 11 -1 3
Number Recall 14 11 3 3 s
Simultaneous Scale
Magic Window 11 11 0 4
Face Recognition 10 11 -1 3
Gestalt Closure 10 11 -1 4
Achievement Scale
Expressive Vocabulary 128 117 11 13
Faces & Places 130 117 13 15
Arithmetic 90 117 -27 12 w
Riddles 122 117 5 13
Global Scales Scores
Sequential Processing 112
Simultaneous Processing 104
Mental Processing Composite 109
Achievement 121
reasons: (1) there is no corroborating evidence of an Arithmetic weakness could either not be
for this strength; (2) more cautious interpre- offered or offered as a hypothesis that requires
tation of Walter's profile is advised because of further evaluation. Walter's volatile living situa-
his age and the potential confounding of his tion and behavior beg for ongoing monitoring of
behavior problems; and (3) the Number Recall treatment and periodic reevaluation of numerous
strength is consistent with his overall above- domains including intelligence. In Walter's case,
average performance, making it easy to subsume intelligence and achievement may be bright spots.
this under the global scale hypothesis. In this situation the psychologist will likely focus
Any interpretation of the Arithmetic weakness attention on other domains and let intelligence
would be similarly highly speculative. This weak- fade into the background for the time being.
ness, however, is more plausible because it flies in
the face of the above-average trend in the profile.
The child's history of neglect provides some cor- AssESSING ExcEPTIONAL
roborating evidence for this hypothesis. On the CHILDREN WITH THE K-ABC
other hand, why did the neglect not affect his
other measures of knowledge acquisition? This
hypothesis also requires further corroboration. Given that for most children the K-ABC corre-
The main conclusions are above-average intel- lates substantially with the WlSC-R, it is likely
ligence and academic achievement. A hypothesis that the K-ABC and WISC-III will covary to a
great extent when used for evaluating exceptional children, however, there is a substantial risk of a
children. Some groups of children, however, lack of floor for most ages, as the K-ABC has
show substantial differences. For these groups new subtests introduced at virtually every age
the selection of one test over another can be group from 2½ through 7. Second, the K-ABC
crucial in the diagnostic process. Moreover, the composite score norms usually do not extend
clinician has to be especially alert when dealing below a standard score of 55, which makes the
with individual cases where research does not K-ABC less useful for the diagnosis of moderate
apply or is lacking. This section summarizes re- or severe levels of mental retardation. Tests such
search on the utility of the K-ABC for assessing as the Stanford-Binet Fourth Edition and the
exceptional children, with special emphasis on DAS may be better suited for the purpose since
its assets and liabilities as identified by Kamphaus their composite score norms often extend down
and Reynolds (1987). below 55 (see Chapter 13).
The availability of sample and teaching items
and the intuitive nature of the K-ABC task de-
Mental Retardation mands are advantages for the assessment ofdelayed
There is a tendency for children with mental re- children. A potential benefit of the use of teaching
tardation to have higher K-ABC than WISC-R items is that they allow the examiner to see how a
scores (Naglieri, 1985a). K-ABC data for samples child responds to instruction. This opportunity
of previously identified (usually with the WISC- can be a primitive assessment of a child's zone
R) children with mental retardation (Kamphaus of proximal development (ZPD) (Vygotsky, 1962;
& Reynolds, 1987) (see Chapter 20) show mean see Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987), where the ZPD
Mental Processing Composite scores ranging is the difference in performance on a task with and
from the mid-60s to about 70. Naglieri (1985a) without instruction.
administered the K-ABC to 37 children who
were diagnosed previously as mildly mentally re-
tarded. When these children were reevaluated,
Leaming Disabilities
the K-ABC and WISC-R were administered in Mean K-ABC global scale and subtest scores for a
counterbalanced fashion. The resulting WISC-R number of samples of learning-disabled children
Full Scale mean was 58 and the K-ABC mean was suggest that children with learning problems tend
65. The correlation of the K-ABC and WISC-R to score in the below-average to average ranges,
for this sample was very high (.83), suggesting exhibit a "mild" Simultaneous greater than Se-
that the rank order of the children on these quential profile (6 to 8 standard score points), and
two tests was highly similar, but the K-ABC have their lowest scores on the Achievement
distribution of scores was tilted more toward the and Sequential scales (Kamphaus & Reynolds,
normative mean of 100. 1987). There is also a consistent trend for the
The K-ABC has some practical limitations average MPC to be greater than the average
that examiners must consider in using the test to Achievement scale score. This is consistent with
diagnose mental retardation. First is the issue of the operational definition of learning disabilities,
subtest floor. Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987) where a discrepancy between "ability" and achieve-
observed that the K-ABC lacks easy items for ment must be identified.
some developmentally delayed children. In other Fourqurean (1987) identified a substantial pat-
words, a 5-year-old mentally retarded child may tern of underachievement for a sample of limited
obtain too many raw scores of zero. This risk of English proficient Latino learning-disabled chil-
a lack of floor, however, is less likely to occur for dren. These results support the hypothesis that
an 8-, 9-, or 10-year-old mildly retarded child. the K-ABC Achievement scale is adversely af-
For moderately to severely mentally retarded fected not only by learning problems but also by
cultural and/or linguistic differences. In addition, Binet shared extensive overlap with measures of
the MPC in this study appeared to be less in- academic achievement.
fluenced or confounded by linguistic or cultural
differences. This study highlights the theoretical
differences between the K-ABC and the WISC- EDUCATIONAL REMEDIATION
R. The mean WISC-R Verbal IQ of 68.1 for RESEARCH
these children, for example, was almost identical
to their mean Achievement scale score on the
K-ABC of 67.7. As a result, the MPC for this The K-ABC is unique in that one of the test
sample was considerably higher (82.9) than the development goals was to produce a test that is
Full Scale IQ (76.7). The K-ABC may prove helpful in the educational remediation process
valuable in cases where a clinician is trying to dif- (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b). This is an am-
ferentiate among intellectual, cultural, and lin- bitious goal that is similar to saying that a cure
guistic influences on learning. exists for low intelligence (i.e., mental retarda-
tion). Hence, the mere statement of intent to be
useful for educational remediation was contro-
Intellectually Gifted Children versial and led to immediate attack (Salvia &
No typical global scale profile emerges for sam- Hritcko, 1984).
ples of gifted children (Kamphaus & Reynolds, The Kaufmans went much further than their
1987). Gestalt Closure is one of the worst sub- predecessors by including an entire chapter on
tests for gifted children. Relative strengths on educational translation of K-ABC scores in the
Triangles and Matrix Analogies may suggest Technical Manual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b).
that the higher the "g" loading of the subtest, the They reviewed some models of special education
more likely the gifted samples will score higher intervention, identified problems, and proposed
(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). The K-ABC solutions. They offered a "strength" model of re-
MPC is consistently lower than Stanford-Binet mediation (Reynolds, 1981a) that borrows heavily
and Wechsler scores for these children. Naglieri from neuropsychological models of remediation.
and Anderson (1985), for example, obtained a The Kaufmans' model proposed that one should
K-ABC means of 126.3 and WISC-R mean of not try to remediate weaknesses (e.g., prescribe
134.3. McCallum, Karnes, and Edwards (1984) exercises that would improve a child's simul-
obtained a mean Stanford-Binet LM IQ (1972 taneous weakness), but rather a child's cognitive
edition) that was about 16.19 points higher than strengths should be utilized to improve academic
the mean K-ABC MPC. One explanation for the skills. This model is a familiar one in medical re-
difference between the 1972 Stanford-Binet and habilitation. A stroke victim, for example, may
the K-ABC for gifted children is that the 1972 never regain the strength of his dominant hand
Stanford-Binet may give higher bound estimates that he used to dress himself. In cases such as this
of intelligence for academically capable children. an occupational therapist will teach the patient
This is suggested by a study by Zins and Barnett dressing skills that capitalize on the patient's
(1984) that showed an extremely high correlation strengths. The therapist may show the patient
(.86) between the 1972 Stanford-Binet and the clever ways to fasten fasteners partially before
K-ABC Achievement scale. In addition, a study the garment is worn. Similarly, the Kaufmans
in the Stanford-Binet-Fourth Edition Technical propose that a child with reading problems and a
Manual (1986) indicates that the 1972 Stanford- sequential deficit not be taught sequencing skills
Binet produces much higher scores (mean IQ = (this would be nonsensical since sequencing is the
13 5. 3) than the 1986 Fourth Edition (mean predictor variable not the criterion variable), but
IQ = 121.8). It may be that the 1972 Stanford- rather be taught how to use simultaneous skills to
compensate for sequential weaknesses in the achievement that can be administered in rela-
reading process. tively brief amounts of time are needed. Exam-
Recently the whole idea of using intelligence ples of uses of short forms include preschool
tests with the goal of a direct link to intervention screening for identification of at-risk or poten-
has been questioned (Kamphaus, 1990). As Kam- tially gifted children, research, and certain clini-
phaus (1990) observed: "I think that intelligence cal or educational circumstances. Although the
tests will never have direct, and I emphasize the administration of a short form can never replace
word direct, effects on treatment planning.... the multiple scores and clinical evaluations ob-
Take, for example, measures of height, such as tained from administration of a complete battery,
feet and inches. Do these measures have 'treat- short forms of the K-ABC demonstrate excellent
ment validity' for measuring height?" (p. 366). psychometric properties and offer useful estimates
Kamphaus (1990) proposes that intelligence of functioning.
tests will be more likely to have indirect effects on Extensive analysis of the reliability and valid-
treatment. Medical tests such as the MRI scan do ity of various combinations of subtests led to the
not possess strong evidence of treatment validity, selection of the following short forms for age 4
but they do allow for more sophisticated research through 12½ years. (Short forms were not devel-
on a disorder that may indirectly lead to treat- oped for younger children because the K-ABC is
ment. This discussion calls into question the in- already relatively brief for those ages.)
clusion of a "remediation" chapter in the K-ABC
manual. Mental Processing Dyad: Triangles, Word
Some pilot data presented in the Interpretive Order
Manual for the K-ABC (Kaufman & Kaufman,
Mental Processing Triad: Triangles, Word
1983b) suggested that the K-ABC may be useful
Order, Matrix Analogies
for designing educational interventions. In direct
contrast, a study by Ayres, Cooley, and Severson Mental Processing Tetrad: Hand Movements,
(1988) suggested that the K-ABC will not be Triangles, Word Order, Matrix Analogies
useful for treatment planning. Both of these
pieces of research have methodological weak- Mean reliability coefficients for the short
nesses. The Kaufinan and Kaufman (1983b) stud- forms are excellent and range from .88 to .93.
ies were based on small samples and they were Although the corrected validity coefficient be-
not well controlled. The Ayres, Cooley, and tween the Mental Processing dyad and the com-
Severson (1988) investigation used criterion mea- plete K-ABC is a marginal .80, the remaining
sures of sequential and simultaneous processing short forms demonstrate excellent validity, with
that had no strong evidence ofvalidity. The ques- corrected coefficients of .86 for the Mental Pro-
tion of whether or not the K-ABC remedial cessing triad, .88 for the Mental Processing
model is effective is still not answered. There tetrad, and .93 for an Achievement dyad. Apple-
are simply no large-scale, well-controlled studies gate and Kaufman (1988) recommended using
available on this topic. either the Mental Processing triad or tetrad along
with an Achievement dyad whenever a short form
of the K-ABC, is needed. Tables for computing
Estimated Mental Processing Composites and
Achievement standard scores (X = 100, SD = 15)
based on the sum of subtest scaled or standard
Kaufman and Applegate (1988) developed short scores are provided in Kaufman and Applegate
forms of the K-ABC that may be useful when (1988). The word estimated should be used when-
only general estimates of mental processing and ever scores from short forms are reported.
1. The theory underlying the K-ABC is explicit, CONCLUSIONS
making it easier to understand why the test is
organized as it is. The theory also yields a pre-
dictable factor structure that is the beneficiary The K-ABC is a unique contribution to the in-
of some research support. tellectual assessment scene that has resulted in
2. The K-ABC is lawfully related to other intel- polarized viewpoints on the instrument-either
ligence measures. It does differ from other you like it or you do not. The K-ABC has made
some important contributions to children's intel-
measures when language is an important vari-
able for a child. lectual assessment. The most important one is
that it has served as a catalyst for research on
3. The K-ABC is relatively fun and easy to ad- children's intellectual assessment. The K-ABC
minister and score. The newer and more has also been adopted by clinicians, suggesting
portable and lighter version is also a boon to that it has proven clinical value for some children
the mobile clinician. in some settings. This is a well-known test be-
4. The psychometric properties of the K-ABC, cause of all of its related research, which will
including norming, reliability, and validity, are likely foster its use for the foreseeable future (see
strong. Appendix A).
5. The K-ABC assesses more memory functions
than the WISC-III.
1. While the MPC may be easily interpreted, the • Surveys have found that the K-ABC is still
meaning of the Sequential and Simultaneous heavily used by practitioners.
scores is not as clear, making the test more of • The K-ABC has been the subject of great
an interpretive challenge for clinicians. controversy, as attested to by the strongly pro
and con articles written for a special issue of • Predictive validity evidence for the K-ABC is
the Journal ofSpecial Education devoted to the comparable to that of the WISC-III.
K-ABC. • The first well-known factor analytic evidence
• Simultaneous processing is the mental ability offered in support of the Sequential and Simul-
of the child to integrate input all at once to taneous scales was by Kaufman and Kamphaus
solve a problem correctly. (1984). These authors identified three factors
for the K-ABC and labeled them as sequential,
• Sequential processing, on the other hand,
simultaneous, and achievement.
emphasizes the arrangement of stimuli in se-
quential or serial order for successful prob- • In a series of studies, Keith and his colleagues
lem solving. In every instance, each stimulus have called the K-ABC processing model into
is linearly or temporarily related to the pre- question by applying Wechsler-like content
vious one. labels to the K-ABC scales.
• A controversial move was to take the equiva- • The following steps are advised to begin the
lent of the WISC-III Verbal scale and say that K-ABC interpretive process.
these types of tests are no longer intelligence 1. Assign a verbal classification to the MPC
tests-they are now achievement tests. (e.g., average).
• Kamphaus and Reynolds (1987) proposed new 2. Band the MPC with error (the 90% level
supplementary scales for verbal intelligence, of confidence is recommended).
reading composite, and a global intelligence
3. Assign verbal classifications to the Sequen-
tial and Simultaneous scales.
• The K-ABC global scales (Sequential Process- 4. Band the Sequential and Simultaneous
ing, Simultaneous Processing, Mental Process- scales with error.
ing Composite, Achievement, and Nonverbal)
yield standard scores, with a mean of 100 and 5. Test the difference between the Sequential
standard deviation of 15. and Simultaneous scales for statistical sig-
nificance (a reliable difference at the .05
• The K-ABC was standardized on a sample of level) using Table 10 of the Administration
2,000 children, using primarily 1980 U.S. and Scoring Manual for the K-ABC (Kauf-
Census figures. man & Kaufman, 1983b).
• Split-half reliability coefficients for the K-ABC 6. Test the difference between the Sequential
global scale range from 0.86 to 0.93 (mean= and Simultaneous scales for clinical rarity
0.90) for preschool children, and from 0.89 to (where a difference that occurred in 5% of
0.97 (mean= 0.93) for children age 5 to 12½. the population or less is considered rare)
• The K-ABC yields satisfactory growth curves using Table 5.12 (p. 193) of the Interpretive
(age differentiation validity) for most age Manual for the K-ABC (Kaufman & Kauf-
groups. man, 1983b).
• The K-ABC has an extremely well-scrutinized 7. Develop hypotheses for reliable (not neces-
set of items, which benefited from item bias sarily rare) differences between Sequential
studies. and Simultaneous scores.
• In a study of 182 children enrolled in regular • Hypotheses for Sequential/Simultaneous (Seq/
classrooms, the Mental Processing Composite Sim) differences include:
(MPC) correlated 0.70 with WISC-R Full Sequential versus Simultaneous Processing
Scale IQ (FSIQ). (Seq > Sim or Sim > Seq)
Linguistic differences (Sim > Seq) • The question of whether or not the K-ABC
Motor problem (Sim < Seq) remedial model is effective is still not an-
Auditory short-term memory problem
(Sim> Seq) • Kaufman and Applegate (1988) developed
short forms of the K-ABC.
Verbal versus nonverbal intelligence
(Ach > Seq > Sim)
Assessment of Adolescent
and Adult Intelligence
Ellen W. Rowe
The University of Georgia
frequently cited measure (91 %) in clinicians' has been published recently, this issue is particu-
batteries. Even in other cultures, the Wechsler larly germane at this time. Therefore, this sec-
scales are often the instruments of choice for tion begins with an introduction of the WAIS-III
assessment of adults. Ryan, Dai, and Zheng predecessors.
(1994) found that the Chinese version of the As discussed elsewhere in this text, Wechsler's
WAIS was the most popular and frequently first test was the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence
used test, regardless of assessment domain, in Scale Form I (W-B I) published in 1939 (Wech-
their survey of medical, psychiatric, and educa- sler, 1939). The WAIS was published in 1955
tional facilities in the People's Republic of China (Wechsler, 1955) as a revision to the W-B I. The
(see Box 11.1). W AIS-R appeared in 1981 (Wechsler, 1981), and
the most recent revision, the WAIS-III (Wech-
sler, 1997a) became available in 1997. When learn-
ing the Wechsler intelli'gence tests, it is helpful to
keep in mind that all are based, in some form, on
WAIS AND THE WAIS-R: the Wechsler-Bellevue or one of the revisions.
SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Hence there is a great deal of similarity and conti-
nuity across ages and revisions of the Wechsler in-
telligence tests (Thorndike, 1997).
Knowledge of the many rev1s10ns and exten-
sions of the Wechsler scales is important not
only from a historical perspective, but as Kauf- Similarities in Format
man (1990) observed, also for interpretive pur- and Content for the W-B I,
poses. Researchers have designed and carried
out thousands of studies on the WAIS-Rand its
the WAIS, and the WAIS-R
predecessors, but the ability to generalize these Through the first two revisions, the Wechsler in-
findings from one revision to another depends telligence scales for adults retained a format was
on the degree of change from revision to revision. relatively like that of Wechsler's original scale.
Because the most recent revision, the WAIS-III, The W-B I, the WAIS, and the WAIS-R all
provide an IQ score as well as Verbal and Per- 1972). The increase in reliability from the W-B I
formance scales. Furthermore, all three contain to the WAIS and the continued high reliability
the same 11 subtests. In addition, all of these for the WAIS-R (.97 for Full Scale IQ) are evi-
subtests or an analogous one also appear on the dence of his success. Another goal in W echsler's
WISC-III and the WAIS-III. As discussed in revisions was to improve the quality of the stan-
the chapter on the WISC-III, Wechsler did not dardization samples. The original W-B I sample
actually develop his subtests, but selected various consisted mainly of white, urban New Yorkers,
tasks from the tests available in the 1930s, such as age 17-70 years (Wechsler, 1939). This sample
the Army Alpha and Army Beta (Kaufman, 1990; was roughly stratified op. education, but not
Thorndike, 1997). Wechsler's theoretical orien- on gender, race, or occupation. Although these
tation and reasons for selecting each subtest are norms seem extremely limited by today's stan-
discussed earlier in this text. While Wechsler's dards, Wechsler did not have financial backing,
theoretical orientation is important, one should so a nationwide norming was virtually impossi-
keep in mind that his approach was primarily a ble. Wechsler, however, did recognize the impor-
practical one. He chose a set of tasks that were tance of stratification on education (Wechsler,
suitable across a broad span of ages, were easy to 1939). Furthermore, Wechsler, an innovator in
administer and score, and had documented abil- many areas, was among the first to stratify by age
ity to discriminate at both the item and subtest for adults. Previously, adults over the age of 16
level (Zachary, 1990). The fact that these same had often been considered a single age group.
11 subtests still appear on the most widely used Years later, Kaufman (1994) speculated on what
intelligence tests to date is a testament to Wech- Dr. Wechsler would have thought about the re-
sler's acumen and insight. vised WISC-III. These comments are probably
About two-thirds of the items on the W-B I applicable to revisions of Wechsler's adult scales
appeared on the WAIS and almost three-fifths re- also. According to Kaufman (1994), "he'd be im-
mained on the WAIS-R (Wechsler, 1955, 1981). pressed by the immaculate standardization and
At the same time, a number of new items, 42.8%, supersophisticated psychometric treatment of the
appeared on the WAIS that had not appeared data, but he wouldn't admit it to anyone. Instead
on the W-B I. From the WAIS to the WAIS-R, he'd argue that his all-Coney Island standardiza-
however, the changes were minor. Only 13.2% of tion of the original Wechsler-Bellevue was pretty
WAIS-R items were totally new. Changes in con- darn good" (pp. xiii-xiv).
tent from the WAIS to the WAIS-R were made Both the WAIS (ages 16-64) and the WAIS-R
primarily to delete or modify dated or ambiguous (16-74) were normed on a sample stratified
items, to add more items relevant to women and for age, gender, race, geographic region, urban
minorities, and to remove very easy items (Wech- versus rural households, education, and occupa-
sler, 1981). Interestingly, in the revision of the tion (Wechsler, 1955, 1981). The norms for
WAIS-R to the WAIS-III, the developers added a the WAIS-R represented an extension of those
number of easier items across several subtests (this for the WAIS by providing stratified norms up to
issue is discussed further in a following section). age 74.
Force flyers, college students, brain-injured pa- the Wechsler adult batteries generated an enor-
tients, and high school students. Although several mous amount of interest and attention from psy-
statistically significant differences existed, the chometric researchers (Kaufman, 1990). Much
differences were often not clinically significant. of this interest was undoubtedly due to the fact
In most cases, the WAIS scores were slightly that a definitive solution to the question was
lower. Given the findings of Flynn (1984), how- not reached. In fact, different factor analytic stud-
ever, one would expect lower mean scores on a ies produced differing results, and the number
restandardization of a test. and structure of constructs to interpret was
In the WAIS-R Manual, Wechsler (1981) re- debated from the W-B to the WAIS-R. Various
ported correlations between the WAIS and the researchers and writers argued for the interpreta-
WAIS-R of .91 for the Verbal scale, .79 for tion of one-factor (O'Grady, 1983), two-factor
the Performance scale, and .88 for the Full Scale. (Silverstein, 1982c), and three-factor (Geary &
These results were not substantially lower than Whitworth, 1988; Kaufman, 1990; Leckliter,
those for the W AIS-R IQs in a test-retest format. Matarazzo, & Silverstein, 1986; Waller & Wald-
The high correlations among the WAIS and man, 1990) solutions. The one-factor solution
WAIS-R IQs are not surprising, however, given represented the hypothesis that the Wechsler
the degree of similarity between items on the two adult scales were primarily a measure of"g." The
tests. Later investigations explored the relation- two-factor solutions usually corresponded to
ship between the WAIS and the WAIS-R IQs Wechsler's Verbal and Performance scales. In a
with such various populations as college students, three-factor solution, a third factor of just a few
intellectually disabled individuals, psychiatric subtests (usually Digit Span, Arithmetic, and
patients, neurological patients, and Mensa Soci- Digit Symbol) emerged in addition to Verbal
ety members (Edwards & Klein, 1984; Lewis and Perceptual factors. In spite of the disagree-
& Johnson, 1985; Simon & Clopton, 1984; ment over an optimal factor solution and struc-
Zarantonello, 1988). In 1987, Ryan, Nowak, and ture, Kaufman (1990) concluded that strong
Geisser reviewed a large number of studies com- similarities were present in the factor structures
paring the WAIS and the WAIS-R. In general, of the W-B I, the WAIS, and the WAIS-R. As a
IQs were lower on the WAIS-R than on the result, factor analytic studies with the W-B I and
WAIS. The mean differences across the studies the WAIS could be generalized to the WAIS-R.
in the Ryan et al. (1987) paper were 6.6 for the In other words, the constructs that underlie the
Verbal scale, 6.4 on the Performance scale, and three tests, appeared to be the same.
6.8 on the Full Scale. Again, one would expect
lower scores with a revised test and updated
norms. These differences, then, may be viewed
Developmental Trends
as highlighting the importance of updating the An additional means of supporting the construct
normative samples for tests and of using the most validity of a test is with theoretically expected
recent versions of tests, but not as an indication or anticipated developmental trends (Kaufman,
of lack of consistency between the WAIS and the 1990). For example, intelligence test raw scores
WAIS-R IQ scores (Kaufman, 1990). (not age-corrected scores) should increase with
age during childhood and adolescence due to fac-
Factor Analytic Studies tors such as increases in levels of education. For
the WAIS-R 16 to 20 age group, the normative
of the Wechsler Adult Scales sample failed to show the anticipated develop-
Following Cohen's (1952, 1957) seminal factor mental trend, while the WAIS 16 to 20 sample
analytic studies of the W-B I and the WAIS, did evidence an expected developmental trend
the question of how many constructs underlie (Kaufman, 1990). In Table 7 of the WAIS-R
Manual, Wechsler (1981) presents the sum of and Performance sections (Wechsler, 1997c).
scaled scores (not age corrected on the WAIS-R) The six standard verbal subtests are Vocabulary,
for the nine age groups. As Kaufman pointed Similarities, Arithmetic, Digit Span, Information,
out, the 18- to 19-year-olds showed little in- and Comprehension. Letter-Number Sequenc-
crease in scores above the 16 to 17 age group al- ing is a supplementary subtest for the Verbal or
though they had more education. Furthermore, Full Scale IQs that can replace a spoiled Digit
the average scaled scores for the Performance, Span subtest. The standard five Performance
Verbal, and Full scales in the WAIS-R sample subtests are Picture Completion, Digit Symbol-
were much lower for ages 16 to 19 than those Coding, Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, and
for the WAIS (Kaufman, 1990). This difference Picture Arrangement. Symbol Search is a supple-
was particularly striking for the 18- to 19-year- mentary subtest that can substitute only for a
olds. For all ages 20 or above, the scores between spoiled Digit Symbol-Coding in calculating Per-
the WAIS and WAIS-R were comparable. Kauf- formance or Full Scale IQs. Object Assembly is
man reasons that some type of error in an optional subtest that can take the place of
the WAIS-R standardization sample procedure any spoiled Performance subtest for individuals
for ages 16 to 19 resulted in these problems. Ac- between 16 and 74. The WAIS-III Administration
cording to Kaufman, because of this issue, the and Scoring Manual (Wechsler, 1997c) indicates
construct validity of the WAIS-R for ages 16 to that analyses of the standardization data suggest
19 was not supported, and one could not gen- that Performance IQs in which Object Assembly
eralize findings from the W-B I or the WAIS was used as a replacement for each of the other
to the WAIS-R for samples of adolescents. Kauf- Performance subtest scores were roughly equiva-
man warned that interpretation of WAIS-R lent to Performance scores without using Object
scores for 16- to 19-year-olds should be done Assembly.
with caution. Verbal and Performance IQs are added to
compute a Full Scale IQ. All of the IQ and Index
scores have a mean of 100 and a standard devia-
Conclusions: W-B I to WAIS-R tion of 15. The subtests have a mean scaled score
of 10 and a standard deviation of 3.
Overall, however, the findings imply that a great In a presentation at the 1996 American Psy-
degree of continuity existed from the W-B I to chological Association annual conference a year
the W AIS-R (Kaufman, 1990). As a result, re- before the WAIS-III was released, the WAIS-III
search findings based on earlier instruments could project directors stressed that the WAIS-III
be applied to the WAIS-R. The one exception to would resemble its predecessors (Tulsky, Zhu, &
this continuity was the 16 to 19 age group for the Prifitera, 1996). The WAIS-III does resemble
WAIS-R. Having established the continuity and the previous Wechsler adult intelligence scales.
reviewed the similarities of these first three Wech- The WAIS-III, like its predecessors, provides
sler adult tests, the focus of the chapter now turns clinicians with Verbal, Performance, and Full
to the latest version, the WAIS-III. Scale IQ scores, and all 11 of the traditional sub-
tests are present. Of the actual items, more than
68% of the WAIS-R items appear in their origi-
WAIS-III nal or a slightly modified form on the WAIS-III
(Wechsler, 1997c).
At the same time, there are clear differences
The WAIS-III consists of 14 subtests for the as- between the WAIS-R and the WAIS-III. One of
sessment of individuals age 16 to 89. In Wechsler the most obvious changes is the addition of three
fashion, the 14 subtests are grouped into Verbal new subtests, Matrix Reasoning, Symbol Search,
and Letter-Number Sequencing. Approximately A further difference between the WAIS-R and
57% of the items on the WAIS-III are new (this the WAIS-III is that all examinees were admin-
does not include new Digit Symbol items) istered the same battery of 11 subtests on the
(Wechsler, 1997c). Of the 159 new items on the WAIS-R. The 11 subtests were used to compute
WAIS-III, 93 are on the three new subtests. The the IQ scores. On the WAIS-III examinees
WAIS-III includes 31 reversal items, scattered are not necessarily administered every subtest.
across selected subtests that are administered only The set of subtests administered depends on the
if an individual does not get the first two core scores an examiner wishes to interpret. Only 11
items correct. The familiar Object Assembly, of the 14 WAIS-III subtests are used to deter-
though present, is optional. In addition to the IQ mine IQ scores (Wechsler, 1997c). In this way
scores, clinicians also have the option of calcu- the WAIS-III is similar to the WISC-III. On the
lating and interpreting four Index scores from the WAIS-III, however, a different set of 11 subtests
test protocol. As with the WISC-III, the four are used for the Index scores (see Table 1 I.I).
Index scores represent factors identified in fac- When a clinician wants to interpret both IQ and
tor analytic studies. The four Index scores are Index scores for an individual, 13 subtests are ad-
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual ministered. A final change is that the WAIS-III
Organization Index (POI), Working Memory and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edi-
Index (WMI), and Processing Speed Index (PSI). tion (WMS-III; Wechsler, 1997b) were normed
With this format, clinicians can interpret IQ together and share the same technical manual
scores, Index scores, or both. (The Psychological Corporation, 1997).
Picture Completion X X X
Vocabulary X X X
Digit Symbol X X X
Similarities X X X
Block Design X X X
Arithmetic X X X
Matrix Reasoning X X X
Digit Span X X X
Information X X X
Picture Arrangement X X
Comprehension X X
Symbol Search X
Letter-Number X
Object Assembly
Memory) and fourth factors (Processing Speed). representative, national sample stratified on the
Hypotheses of these four factors emerged from variables of age, race/ethnicity, gender, educa-
the data supporting a four-factor model of the tion level, and geographic region (Tulsky et al.,
WISC-III. The new Letter-Number Sequencing 1996). The standardization sample closely matches
subtest was designed as a measure of working the 1995 U.S. Census Bureau statistics on all the
memory, and Symbol Search was added as a mea- stratification variables. The total sample consists
sure of processing speed. of 2,450 individuals in 13 age bands (16-17,
One criticism often leveled against the WAIS- 18-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44, 45-54,
R was the lack of an adequate floor (The Psy- 55-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89)
chological Corporation, 1997). In other words, (The Psychological Corporation, 1997). Each
the IQ scores do not extend low enough. Because age group except the two oldest included 200
of this, clinicians could not use the WAIS-R to participants. The 80 to 84 age group had
discriminate adequately among individuals with 150 adults, and the 85 to 89 group had 100.
various levels of mental retardation. Moreover, Thus, the WAIS-III follows in the tradition of
many of the subtests did not have enough easy the WAIS and the WAIS-R with a large, repre-
items to permit accurate scaling at lower levels. sentative normative sample.
To correct these problems, easier, "reversal"
items were added to several WAIS-III subtests.
As a result of these additions, the WAIS-III IQ
scores have been extended downward to 45 for As with the WAIS-Rand the WISC-III, the in-
the Full Scale IQ, 48 for the Verbal IQ, and 47 ternal consistency of the WAIS-III is superb.
for the Performance IQ. This will allow clini- The average internal consistency for the Full
cians to distinguish between mild and moderate Scale is .98, the Verbal is .97, and the Perfor-
levels of mental retardation when intelligence mance is .94 (The Psychological Corporation,
test scores are included as criteria. 1997). The Index scores also have good internal
Today, the developmental phase of most new consistency with averages of.96 for Verbal Com-
tests or major revisions of existing tests includes prehension, .93 for Perceptual Organization, .94
reassessment of reliability and validity. The WAIS- for Working Memory, and .88 for Processing
III is certainly no exception, and the results of Speed. The average reliabilities for individual
these studies are presented in the technical manual subtests range from .93 for Vocabulary to .70 for
(The Psychological Corporation, 1997). In addi- Object Assembly. Matrix Reasoning (average re-
tion, WAIS-III means are reported for samples liability of .90) replaces Block Design (average
of individuals with schizophrenia, neurological reliability of .86) as the most reliable subtest on
disorders (including Alzheimer's disease and trau- the Performance scale.
matic brain injury), and alcohol-related disorders. In the test-retest reliability studies presented
Finally, the conorming of the WAIS-III and the in the technical manual, participants in four age
\VMS-III allows clinicians to compare an individ- groups (16-29, 30-54, 55-74, and 75-89) were
ual's performance on the two measures directly. tested twice after an average interval of 34.6 days
(The Psychological Corporation, 1997). The
average stability coefficients across ages for the
Psychometric Properties three IQs were high: .96 for Full Scale IQ, .96
of the WAIS-ill for Verbal IQ, and .91 for Performance IQ.
Index score test-retest reliabilities were also high:
Norming .95 for Verbal Comprehension, .88 for Percep-
The norming data for the WAIS-III was col- tual Organization, and .89 for both Working
lected beginning in the summer of 1995 from a Memory and Processing Speed. Of the subtests,
Picture Arrangement had the lowest average and the WAIS-III, 192 individuals between the
stability coefficient at .69 and Information had ages of 16 and 74 were administered the two tests
the highest at .94. Across all age groups the mean in counterbalanced order (The Psychological
changes upon retest were about 2.5-3.2 points Corporation, 1997). The correlation coefficients
for the Verbal IQ, 2.5-8.3 for the Performance for the three IQs are .94 for Verbal, .86 for Per-
IQ, and 2.0-3.2 points for the Full Scale IQ. formance, and .93 for Full Scale. These coeffi-
These differences probably reflect practice effects, cients are even higher than those between the
and it is not surprising that the difference is WAIS and WAIS-R. As was the case with the
greater for the Performance scale. Overall, then, WAIS-Rand WAIS correlations, the coefficients
clinicians can be assured that the WAIS-III pro- for the WAIS-Rand the WAIS-III are not much
vides extremely reliable IQ scores. lower than those from the WAIS-III test-retest
reliability data. In general, Verbal scale subtests
Standard Error of Measurement tended to have higher correlations than did Per-
formance subtests. The range for Verbal subtests
The average SEM for all 13 age groups is 2.30 was .76 to .90, while the range for Performance
for the Full Scale IQ, 2.55 for the Verbal IQ, and
was .50 to .77. Because Index scores do not appear
3.67 for the Performance IQ (The Psychological in a standard format on the WAIS-R, correlations
Corporation, 1997). From this information it is for these scores are unavailable.
clear that one can have more confidence in the
The IQ scores on the WAIS-III were pre-
Full Scale IQ than in either the Verbal or Per-
dictably lower than those of the WAIS-R. The
formance IQs. The average SEMs for the Index
difference was greatest for the Performance IQs
scores are 3.01 for Verbal Comprehension, 3.95
(4.8 points), and least for the Verbal IQs (1.2
for Perceptual Organization, 3.84 for Working
points). The difference on Full Scale IQs was
Memory, and 5.13 for Processing Speed.
2.9 points. These differences are within an anti-
Comparisons between the SEM of subtests and
cipated range, given Flynn's (1984) findings.
IQ or Index scores should not be made due to the
Future studies will undoubtedly examine the rela-
difference in standard deviation units. On average, tionship between the WAIS-Rand the WAIS-III
Verbal scale subtests tend to have lower standard in a variety of populations, but these initial find-
errors of measurement than do Performance scale
ings appear to support the similarity between the
subtests. On the Verbal scale, Vocabulary has the WAIS-III and the WAIS-R.
lowest average SEM (. 79), while Matrix Reason-
ing has the lowest (.97) on the Performance scale. CoNCURRENTVALIDITY, WAIS-IIIANn WISC-III.
The WISC-III and the WAIS-III overlap for the
Validity 16-year-old age group, and either test may be used
Because the WAIS-III was released so recently, with this age group. The relationship between
no independent studies of WAIS-III validity are the two tests was examined by administering the
yet available. However, the WAIS-III-WMS-III tests in counterbalanced order to 184 16-year-olds
Technical Manual (The Psychological Corpora- (The Psychological Corporation, 1997). The cor-
tion, 1997) presents the results of several concur- relations between IQ scores on the two tests were
rent validity studies. Evidence of construct validity high. The coefficient for Verbal IQ was .88, for
is available from the factor analyses and the inter- Performance .78, and for Full Scale .88. The
correlations among subtests and scales presented correlations of Index scores are also available
in the Technical Manual. since both tests produce four Index scores. These
values are .87, .74, .80, and .79 for Verbal Com-
CONCURRENT VALIDITY, WAIS-RAND WAIS-III. prehension, Perceptual Organization, Working
To assess the relationship between the WAIS-R Memory, and Processing Speed, respectively.
It is clear that the two tests pro4uce similar IQ Corporation, 1997). The factor analytic studies
scores as well as Index scores. These findings are in the manual include both exploratory and
not surprising, however, due to the degree of sim- confirmatory factor analyses. In the first stage,
ilarities between the two tests. As discussed earlier, the test developers conducted exploratory factor
both tests are derivatives of the early Wechsler- analyses of the overall sample to decide if a facto-
Bellevue Scales. In fact, of the 14 subtests available rial pattern similar to that of the WISC-III could
to WAIS-III users, 12 appear in an analogous for- be replicated in the WAIS-III. The WISC-III
mat on the WISC-III. Furthermore, the factor pattern replicated, and further analyses sup-
structure of the two instruments is comparable. ported the inclusion of Letter-Number Sequenc-
The factor structure of the WAIS-III will be dis- ing to strengthen the third factor, labeled
cussed below. Working Memory. The four subtests that loaded
most highly on the first factor, Verbal Compre-
CONCURRENT VALIDITY, WAIS-III AND STAN- hension, were Vocabulary (loading .89), Informa-
FORD-BINET-FOURTH EDITION. Both the Stan- tion (.82), Comprehension (. 79), and Similarities
ford-Binet-Fourth Edition (Binet-4) and the (.76). The second factor, Perceptual Organiza-
WAIS-III were administered to a sample of 26 tion, also had four subtests with relatively high
adults from age 16 to 45 (The Psychological loadings. These were Block Design (.71), Matrix
Corporation, 1997). The mean Full Scale IQ on Reasoning (.61), Picture Completion (.56), and
the WAIS-III was 113.3, while that on the Binet- Picture Arrangement (.47). The Working Mem-
4 was 114.8. The correlations between Full Scale ory factor consisted of three subtests: Digit Span
IQs on the two tests was .88. This correlation is (.71), Letter-Number Sequencing (.62), and
comparable to that found between the WAIS-R Arithmetic (.51). Processing Speed had two sub-
and the Binet-4 (.91). tests: Digit Symbol (.68) and Symbol Search (.63).
Object Assembly was excluded from this analysis.
CRITERION VALIDITY, WAIS-III AND WIAT. Following the analysis of the overall sample,
The WAIS-III and the Wechsler Individual the standardization sample was split into five
Achievement Test (WIAT; The Psychological age groups (16-19, 20-34, 35-54, 55-74, and
Corporation, 1992) were administered to 142 75-89) in order to test the factor structure across
individuals from age 16 to 19 (The Psychologi- age groups (The Psychological Corporation,
cal Corporation, 1997). Generally, the correla- 1997). In the four youngest age bands, the factor
tions between the WAIS-III IQ scores and the structure was generally supported. In the 75-89
WIAT composite scores are moderate to high, age group, however, the results were not con-
with a range from .53 to .81. The correlations sistent with those of the overall sample or the
between WAIS-III Index scores and WIAT four younger age groups. In this older age group,
composite scores also range from moderate to the first (Verbal Comprehension) and third fac-
high (.42 to .77). Altogether, most of the cor- tors (Working Memory) did appear similar to
relations between composite scores are in the those in the overall sample and the other age
.60s or .70s. These findings are consistent with groups. However, the Perceptual Organization
the correlations found between the WIAT and and Processing Speed factors were not replicated
the WAIS-Rand between most intelligence and in a similar form. Only one subtest, Matrix
achievement tests. Reasoning, had a loading on Perceptual Organi-
zation above .40. At the same time, five subtests
FACTOR ANALYTIC RESULTS. To date the only fac- Picture Completion, Block Design, Picture Ar-
tor analytic studies on the WAIS-III are those rangement, Digit Symbol, and Symbol Search
discussed and presented in the WAIS-III- had loadings above .40 on the Processing Speed
WMS-III Technical Manual (The Psychological factor. Given these findings, the factor structure
of the WAIS-III at this age group remains in the Verbal Comprehension index. Also, Picture
question. Future studies undoubtedly will exam- Arrangement, which tends to have a high loading
ine the stability of this four-factor solution across on Verbal Comprehension as well as Perceptual
various populations. Organization, was dropped from the Perceptual
At the next step, five different models were Organization index. Working Memory and Pro-
compared and evaluated in confirmatory factor cessing Speed, which have three and two subtests
analyses to consider which model best fit the data respectively, retained the same structure.
(The Psychological Corporation, 1997). These Overall, these analyses provide support for the
analyses were run for an overall sample and at interpretation of the four factors up to the age of
five age bands. The first model examined was 75. Missing from these analyses, however, is a
one general factor with all 13 subtests (again, presentation of the two-factor solution along
Object Assembly was excluded from the analy- Verbal and Performance domains from an ex-
ses). The second model was that of two factors: ploratory factor analysis and the loadings of each
seven Verbal subtests and six Performance sub- subtest on the Verbal and Performance factors.
tests. The third model contained three factors Although numerous studies have examined the
consisting of five Verbal Comprehension sub- Verbal and Performance factors in previous
tests, four Perceptual Organization subtests, and Wechsler adult intelligence tests, the composi-
four Attentional subtests. The fourth model was tion of the Performance IQ is slightly different
the four-factor model discussed in the paragraph on the WAIS-III. It would be helpful to know if,
above. The fifth model included the four factors, or how, this change affects the two-factor solu-
Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, tion. Future studies with the WAIS-III will likely
Memory, and Processing Speed, with an added address these questions.
fifth factor, Quantitative Ability/Numerical
Ability. In the fifth model, the arithmetic subtest INTERCORRELATIONS AMONG SUBTESTS AND SCALES
no longer contributed to the third factor (Work- The pattern of intercorrelations among the
ing Memory) but was the only subtest on a WAIS-III subtests, IQ, and Index scores is
Quantitative Ability factor. The goodness-of-fit similar to that of the WAIS-R. Overall, most of
indices suggest that the fourth and fifth models the subtests correlate at least moderately with
best fit the data. For the most part, the improve- one another. The WAIS-III-WMS-III Technical
ment of the fifth model over the fourth was slight Manual (The Psychological Corporation, 1997)
to not at all. The case was made that the four- asserts that this supports the idea of a "g" factor
factor solution was more parsimonious than the underlying the WAIS-III. The correlations be-
five-factor solution, and therefore, the four- tween subtests range from a low of .26 between
factor solution was determined to be the optimal Object Assembly and Digit Span to a high of .77
solution (The Psychological Corporation, 1997). between Vocabulary and Information. Verbal
In the last step of the factor analyses, the final subtests tend to have stronger correlations with
composition of the factors was considered. Analy- other Verbal subtests than with Performance
ses were conducted to decide if all 13 subtests were subtests. Performance subtests show the same
needed in the factor structure (The Psychological tendency but not to the degree of the Verbal
Corporation, 1997). The results of a hierarchical subtests. According to the WAIS-III-WMS-III
regression analysis revealed that three subtests Technical Manual (The Psychological Corpora-
were sufficient to assess the abilities measured tion, 1997), Performance subtests with high "g"
by the Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual loadings tend to have moderate correlations with
Organization indices. Therefore, Comprehension, Verbal subtests as well as Performance subtests.
which takes longer to administer than Vocabulary, Generally, Verbal subtests tend to have higher cor-
Information, or Similarities, was not included on relations with the Full Scale IQ. The exceptions
are Digit Span (r = .52 with Full Scale IQ) and the WAIS-III are printed in blue in the WAIS-lll
Letter-Number Sequencing (r = .64). The range Administration and Scoring Manual (Wechsler,
for correlations between Performance subtests 1997c). Guidelines for teaching tasks, repeating
and Full Scale IQ is .59 for Object Assembly to items, probing responses, and queries are similar
.69 for Matrix Reasoning. to those on the WISC-III.
Subtest Sequence
The recommended order for administration of
the WAIS-III subtests is different from that
The administration procedures for the WAIS-III of the WAIS- R. On the WAIS-III, the first
are similar to those of the WAIS-R and the subtest to be administered is Picture Comple-
WISC-III. Like the WISC-III and the WAIS-R, tion. Following Picture Completion, the subtests
the WAIS-III administration manual is separate generally alternate between the Verbal and Per-
from the testing stimuli. Also like the WISC-III, formance scales. Because Object Assembly is
the WAIS-III manual is designed to stand on its an optional subtest and is not used to calculate
own. The WAIS-III requires the use of a stop- IQ or Index scores, it is administered last.
watch for most Performance subtests, and as with The WAIS-III Administration and Scoring Manual
all Wechsler intelligence tests, examiners should (Wechsler, 1997c) advises examiners to admin-
adhere to standardized wording. Instructions for ister all of the remaining 13 subtests whenever
possible. If a clinician is interested in only IQ or number required for each subtest are given on
Index scores but not both, he or she should the Record Form. The discontinue rules were
follow the order on the Record Form and skip determined by empirical data from the standard-
subtests that are not necessary for the relevant ization sample. Of the remaining three subtests,
composite scores. If breaks are needed, they Digit Symbol and Symbol Search are discontin-
should take place between subtests. ued after 120 seconds. All Object Assembly items
are administered.
Administration Time
Scoring Responses
Administration time of the WAIS-III depends
The scoring guidelines for the WAIS-III resem-
on the subtests administered and, as always, the
ble those of the \VISC-III. Scoring for most sub-
experience level of the examiner. The WAIS-III
tests is relatively objective. However, scoring of
Administration and Scoring Manual (Wechsler,
Similarities, Vocabulary, and Comprehension is
1997c) states that the subtests required for the
on a 3-point scale (0, 1, 2) which makes scoring
three IQ scores take about 80 minutes to ad-
more challenging. As advised for the WISC-III,
minister, while the subtests for the Index scores
read all responses given in the manual before de-
require about 60 minutes. Administration of the
termining a score.
13 subtests for both IQ and Index scores requires
about 85 minutes. Clinicians who wish to admin-
ister Object Assembly should allocate an addi- Computing Derived Scores
tional 10 to 15 minutes. Examiners with less
The process for converting raw scores to scaled
testing experience or less familiarity with the
scores and composite scores for the WAIS-III is
WAIS-III may want to allocate up to 2 hours.
like that for the \VISC-III. This process repre-
sents a change from the WAIS-R, where scaled
scores for all ages were based on those of the ref-
Starting and Discontinue Rules erence group, ages 20-34. To obtain raw subtest
Six of the WAIS-III subtests begin with the first scores, simply sum the points awarded and re-
item. Easier, reversal items are included in the member to include credit for reverse items not
other eight subtests. Those subtests with reversal administered. Raw scores are converted to scaled
items are Picture Completion, Vocabulary, Simi- scores, based on the examinee's age, by using
larities, Block Design, Arithmetic, Matrix Reason- Table A. l in the WAIS-III Administration and
ing, Information, and Comprehension. On these Scoring Manual (Wechsler, 1997c). Each page of
eight subtests if an examinee does not obtain a Table A.1 gives the scaled scores for one of the
perfect score (full credit, excluding bonus points) 13 age groups. Once the sum of scaled scores are
on the first two items designated by the starting calculated, the IQ and Index score equivalents
point, previous items are administered in reverse are found in Tables A.3 to A.9.
order. Unlike Block Design and Picture Arrange-
ment on the WISC-III, items before a starting
point on the \VAIS-III are administered in reverse
Other Options on Record Form
(not normal sequence) order for every subtest. The WAIS-III Record Form also gives examin-
On subtests with reversal items, full credit is ers the options ofcalculating subtest strengths and
awarded for all previous items not administered weaknesses on the Score Conversion Page. Sub-
once the criterion of two correct is met. test scaled scores may be compared to the overall
Eleven subtests have discontinue rules based mean scaled score, a Verbal mean, or Performance
on the criteria of consecutive failures. The specific mean. The differences required for statistical
significance at the .05 and the .15 are available items. All examinees start with item 6 and the dis-
in Table B.3 of the WAIS-III Administration and continue rule is 5 consecutive failures. Teaching,
Scoring Manual (Wechsler, 1997c). Frequencies in the form of providing the correct response,
for differences obtained by the standardization is allowed on items 6 and 7 only. The examinee
sample are also given in Table B.3 at levels of must respond to each item within 20 seconds.
1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, and 25%. Clinicians should Three caution statements are allowed, once each.
find these frequency tables helpful in determin- These statements are included on the Record
ing the degree to which significant differences Form as well as in the Administration Manual.
should be interpreted. Each item is scored O or 1. This subtest is used in
The Discrepancy Analysis Page provides exam- the calculation of both IQ and Index scores.
iners with space on the Record Form to compare
differences between Verbal and Performance IQs, PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
among Index scores, and the longest correct Digit
Span Forward and Backward. The required dif- Mean split-half reliability= .83
ferences for statistical significance at the .05 and Average test-restest reliability= .79
.15 between IQ and among Index scores are listed Correlation with Performance Scale = .60
in Table B.1 by age group. The frequencies of
Correlation with Full Scale IQ= .60
these differences in the standardization sample are
found in Table B.2. Again, these frequency tables Correlation with Verbal Scale= .53
provide important information for interpretive Correlation with Perceptual Organization
purposes. Tables B.6 and B.7 provide information Index= .55
on percentages correct and difference percentages Factor loading on Perceptual Organization
on for Digits Forward and Digits Backward. =.56
"g" loading = .64
Mean subtest specificity is ample
4The WAIS-III-WMS-III Technical Manual (The Psycho- Mean split-half reliability= .86
logical Corporation, 1997) notes that because Digit Symbol- Average test-retest reliability= .82
Coding is a speeded subtest, the split-half coefficient is not an
appropriate estimate of reliability. Correlation with Performance Scale = .66
Correlation with Full Scale IQ = .66 The discontinue rule is slightly different in that
Correlation with Verbal Scale= .59 there are two possible discontinue conditions:
after 4 consecutive failures or 4 failures out of 5
Factor loading on Perceptual Organization
consecutive items. This subtest is used in the cal-
culation of both IQ and Index scores.
"g" loading=. 72
Mean subtest specificity is ample PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
A letter-number sequencing task did not appear Mean split-half reliability= .70
on the W AIS-R nor is there a similar subtest on
Average test-retest reliability= .76
the WISC-III. For this task, the examiner reads a
combination of letters and numbers, and the ex- Correlation with Performance Scale = .64
aminee is asked to recall the numbers first in as- Correlation with Full Scale IQ = .59
cending order, and then the letters in alphabetical Correlation with Verbal Scale= .50
order. There are seven sets ofletters and numbers
"g" loading= .62
in increasing length, and each set consists of three
trials. The subtest begins with item 1. Five prac- Mean subtest specificity is inadequate
tice items appear in the WAIS-III Administration
and Scoring Manual (Wechsler, 1997c) but are not
on the record form. The scoring is Oor 1 per trial.
If an examinee responds with letters first, then OF THE wAIS-III
numbers but all of them in correct sequence,
credit is awarded. Discontinue after all three trials
A sample testing case utilizing the WAIS-III is
of an item are scored 0. Usually Letter-Number
presented in Box 11.3. Generally, interpretation
Sequencing scores are used to calculate Index
of the WAIS-III follows the same guidelines as
but not IQ scores. However, Letter-Number Se-
those for the WISC-III (see Chapters 8 and 17).
quencing can take the place of a spoiled Digit
The WAIS-III now shares a factor structure
Span in calculating IQ scores.
and composition like that of the WISC-III, and 12
of the 14 subtests are the same. Also, the similari-
ties between the WAIS-III and the WAIS-Rare
Mean split-half reliability= .82 substantial. As a result, much of the extensive re-
Average test-retest reliability= .75 search literature on previous Wechsler adult in-
telligence tests can be applied to the WAIS-III.
Correlation with Verbal Scale = .62 One criticism of the WAIS-R made by Kaufman
Correlation with Full Scale IQ = .64 (1990) was the lack of an expected developmental
Correlation with Performance Scale = .57 trend for the normative sample at ages 16 to 19.
Factor loading on Working Memory =.62 In his recent book on the WAIS-III, however,
Kaufman (1999) reports that he examined the
"g" loading= .65 WAIS-III standardization data. He concludes
Mean subtest specificity is ample that the norms for ages 16 to 17 are definitely
valid, and those for ages 18 to 19 are probably
valid. Thus, it appears that for these ages, clini-
Object Assembly cians can interpret WAIS-III results with greater
This subtest is similar to Object Assembly on assurance than they could W AIS-R results.
the WISC-III. There is no sample item on the In spite of the similarities, the WAIS-III has
WAIS-III, but if an examinee does not arrange features not shared with the WISC-III or the
item 1 correctly, the examiner demonstrates the WAIS-R that influence interpretation. The new
correct solution. There are 5 items, and all items Matrix Reasoning subtest is unique to the
are administered. The last two designs are new WAIS-III. The addition of this subtest provides
ones. This subtest is now optional and is not used clinicians with a measure of fluid reasoning, "gf."
in the calculation of IQ or Index scores. Object Previously, it was thought that Performance IQ
Assembly can take the place of any spoiled Per- was a measure of "g/' (Daniel, 1997; Kaufman,
formance subtest for ages 16-74. 1990), but recent data analyses have not supported
Behavioral Observations
For the purposes of this evaluation, Dan spent 11 hours completing rating scales and the assessment battery. Upon
arrival at the clinic, Dan appeared extremely tense and anxious. Most notably, he avoided making eye contact with
the graduate clinician. During the interview, Dan revealed that he felt some nervousness and hesitation about
coming to the clinic, but he would go through with the testing because he had already made the appointment.
After approximately I hour, Dan seemed more acclimated to the environment. Throughout the interview and test-
ing sessions, Dan was extremely honest and forthcoming with details and examples of his difficulties. He presented
as insightful and introspective about his growth and current functioning. He listed his strengths as bright, articu-
late, compassionate, generous, accessible, dependable, sensitive, and hardworking.
An additional observer during the testing process commented that Dan was very animated. He constantly used
his hands and became increasingly restless as the testing progressed. However, he was cooperative and put forth
good effort throughout the process. Despite some inattention and/or tiredness, this evaluation appears a valid as-
sessment of Dan's performance.
Test Interpretation
Cognitive functioning is estimated to be in the average to high average range. His WAIS-III Full Scale score places
him in the average range. Dan's cognitive skills are typical for someone his age. During the testing sessions, it was
obvious to the examiner that Dan enjoyed verbal tasks, such as defining words and discussing how two words were
similar. Dan's performance on the WAIS-III evidenced a relative strength on the Verbal Comprehension Index,
suggesting that his verbal conceptual skills are well developed.
He appeared more tense during tasks when he had to hold and transform information in his head. As an illustra-
tion, when solving word problems in his head, Dan needed items to be repeated so that he could remember the num-
bers with which he had to work. He began apologizing and making self-deprecating statements such as, "I'm spacing
out on these, and this is so embarrassing because these problems are so elementary." However, Dan's performance
for subtests that tap working memory suggested that he has typical skills in that area. He was able to recall digits in
forward and backward order correctly and transform a series of numbers and letters in correct order. Dan lost points
during the testing for failing to complete items within the time limit. In most of the instances, he correctly solved the
problem soon after the time limit.
To further examine Dan's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, he was administered the Woodcock-Johnson
Tests of Cognitive Ability-Revised. Overall, his performance was typical of others his age. His reasoning skills on
this test are consistent with average to above-average cognitive ability. Specifically, Dan's processing speed was
somewhat slower when he had an array of complex figures to scan. For example, in one subtest he had to mark all
the like symbols in a row of many different symbols. His relatively poorer performance may be the result of age-
related decrements in his vision. Dan had to hold some of the picture arrangement cards up close to his face to note
1. As a result of Dan's average performance on tests of cognitive ability, it is apparent that his difficulty with at-
tention and hyperactivity are interfering with his performance on the Graduate Record Exam. In addition,
Dan's distractibility makes it hard for him to complete items within the required time limit. Thus, it is recom-
mended that the Educational Testing Service allow Dan some accommodations that will provide him the op-
portunity to perform to the best of his ability. Specifically, he would benefit from an extended time limit that
would allow him to gather his thoughts and to reason through items. Also, he may need time for multiple breaks
to allow him to regain an appropriate level of attention.
2. Dan may benefit from consultation with a physician about the pharmacological treatment of ADHD. A variety
of medications have been useful for others diagnosed with this disorder. A blind placebo trial of medication will
help Dan know if the treatment is effective for him.
3. Dan may enjoy reading a book about adults with ADHD, You Mean I'm Not Crazy, Lazy. or Stupid? by Kate Kelly
and Peggy Ramundo, published by Fireside in 1993.
4. Dan should contact a counselor or psychologist to begin a therapeutic relationship in order to discuss some of
his concerns about self-worth, personal relationships, career-related issues, and family-of-origin issues.
5. As soon as Dan arrives at his new university, he should make contact with the office of disability services. The pro-
fessionals will be able to provide academic and emotional support for him as he completes doctoral work. The fol-
lowing modifications are recommended if available: extended time on exams, permission to tape class, notetakers,
and the use of a calculator for math assignments and tests.
Psychometric Summary
90% Confidence
Standard Score Interval
Verbal /Comprehension Index 122 116-126
Perceptual /Organizational Index 103 97-109
Working Memory Index 99 93-105
Processing Speed Index 99 92-107
The following subtest scores have a mean of 10 with a standard deviation of 3. Scores between 7 and 13 are con-
sidered average.
T-score Description
N euroticism 64 High
Extraversion 59 High
Openness to Experience 75 Very High
Agreeableness 46 Average
Conscientiousness 52 Average
that hypothesis (Carroll, 1993; Daniel, 1997; able, with an average reliability of .98 (The Psy-
McGrew, 1997). Instead, Performance IQ tests chological Corporation, 1997). Also, the con-
appear to measure visual ability or "gv" (Carroll, current validity studies of the WAIS-III with
1993; McGrew, 1997). If Matrix Reasoning does various other measures support the criterion-
prove to be a measure of "gf," then its addition related validity of the WAIS-III. Based on the
affords a broader measure of the "gf-gc'' abili- factor analytic studies in the manual, it appears
ties. Another unique characteristic of the WAIS- that one can interpret a four-factor structure
III is the extension of normative data up to the with confidence for all but the oldest age group.
age of 89. As stated earlier, the four-factor struc- Furthermore, the relationship between the
ture for the 75-89 age group does not appear WAIS-III and other measures or constructs has
consistent with that for other age groups or the been more firmly established. Due to conorm-
sample as a whole. Therefore, interpretation of ing with the WMS-III, differences in memory
the four factors for ages 75 to 89 should be made and cognitive abilities can be stated with greater
with caution. confidence. The similarity in structure between
the WISC-III and the WAIS-III enhances the
continuity between these two measures. One
wAIS-III STRENGTHS can use a Wechsler cognitive measure at almost
any age. Finally, the linking between the WAIS-
III and the WIAT results in technically valid
aptitude-achievement discrepancy norms (Har-
The WAIS-III is a sound instrument that shares rison et al., 1997).
many of the strengths and weaknesses of the As is the case with the other Wechsler tests
other Wechsler intelligence tests. To begin, (Carroll, 1993; Harrison et al., 1997; McGrew et
the WAIS-III rests on an extensive body of re- al., 1997), one of the main weaknesses of the
search dating from the original W-B I. This base WAIS-III is its lack of a clear theoretical frame-
of research has contributed greatly to the fields work. Attempts to fit the WAIS-III into current
of school psychology, clinical psychology, and accepted theories of intelligence are often awk-
special education (Harrison et al., 1997). The ward and inelegant. Although the data do sup-
WAIS-III is similar to its predecessors so that port a four-factor solution, neither this nor the
much of this knowledge can be applied. This two-factor, Verbal/Performance structure, fit
similarity also allowed the legions of clinicians well with currently accepted models of intelli-
who had used or were familiar with the WAIS-R gence. If one ascribes to the psychometric Car-
to adapt easily to the newest battery. Most clin- roll/Horn-Cattell model, for example, the
icians probably view the changes in artwork, WAIS-III appears to have no subtests that mea-
spacing, and addition of color as improvements. sure Auditory processing ("g.") or Long-Term
Moreover, the calculation of IQs from scaled Retrieval ("gi;').
scores based on age instead of the reference One criticism from several practitioners is the
group is more intuitive. length and time for administration. Since most
The psychometric properties of the WAIS-III practitioners are interested in gaining as much
are very strong. The normative sample is consis- information as possible, administration of 13 sub-
tent with the high standards David Wechsler tests seems to be the standard. This can often
hoped to achieve when he revised his original take up to an hour and a half. Another criticism is
W-B I. These standards of a representative, na- the continued emphasis on speed in many of the
tional sample are now customary for broadly mar- subtests. Although Matrix Reasoning is not a
keted intelligence tests. Like the WAIS-R before timed task, the other four Performance subtests,
it, the WAIS-III Full Scale IQ is extremely reli- as well as Arithmetic, are.
In summary, one can say the WAIS-III is a bat- Kau&nan, 1993b). In discussing factors that
tery that provides clinicians with a reliable mea- guided the design of tasks appropriate for adoles-
sure of"g." The four Index scores, though new to cents and adults, Kau&nan and Kau&nan (1993 b)
the WAIS-III, seem valid in the light of the factor refer to two theories that address developmental
analyses presented in the Technical Manual (The and neurological changes posited to begin in early
Psychological Corporation, 1997). At the same adolescence. Kau&nan and Kau&nan (1993b) cite
time, the WAIS-III does not fit well into the psy- the work of Golden and Luria in describing neu-
chometrically based theoretical frameworks like rological developments in the prefrontal cortex
those of Carroll or Horn-Cattell. Clinicians oper- occurring around age 12. According to Golden
ating from this perspective may decide not to rely (as cited in Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1993b), neuro-
solely on the WAIS-III for the intellectual assess- logical developments at this age in the tertiary
ment of adolescents and adults. areas of the frontal lobes correspond to the de-
velopment of functions such as decision making,
hypothesis testing, and emotional control so crit-
MUFMAN ADOLESCENT AND ical to Luria's notion of planning ability. In addi-
AnuLT INTELLIGENCE TEST tion, Kau&nan and Kau&nan consider aspects of
Piaget's theory in which the abstract skills of for-
mal operations begin at 11 or 12. Together these
KAIT Theoretical Foundations theories served as the initial impetus for the de-
velopment of new tasks requiring abstract think-
As noted in the previous section of this chapter, ing and decision-making skills appropriate for
the WAIS-III and the WISC-III share a similar adolescents and adults (Kau&nan & Kau&nan,
format and factor structure. In fact, the WAIS-III 1993b, 1997c). As Brown (1994) points out, many
is essentially an extension of the WISC-III. Be- of the KAIT subtests are designed to measure de-
cause of this, learning to administer the WAIS-III ductive rather than inductive reasoning. Finally,
is relatively easy if one has been trained to admin- these theories provide the rationale for the lower
ister the WISC-III. However, the Kau&nans' in- bound age limit of 11 on the KAIT.
telligence test for adults, the Kau&nan Adolescent The main theoretical underpinnings of the
and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT; Kau&nan & KAIT, however, are found in the Cattell-Horn
Kau&nan, 1993a) is a very different test from "grgc'' model of intelligence (Kau&nan & Kauf-
the Kau&nan's intelligence test for children, the man, 1993b). Although the WJ-R COG is also
K-ABC (Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1983a). Early in based on "grgc" theory (Woodcock & Mather,
the KAIT Manual, Kau&nan and Kau&nan (1993 b) 1989), Kau&nan and Kau&nan point out that the
stress that the KAIT was not designed as an up- KAIT differs from the WJ-R COG in substan-
ward extension of the K-ABC. The Kau&nans tive ways. A main distinction between the WJ-R
contend that adolescent and adult intelligence is Cog and the KAIT is that the KAIT is tied to the
based on constructs different from those of chil- fluid-crystallized dichotomy. The WJ-R COG,
dren. Hence, the KAIT has a different set of theo- on the other hand, was designed to assess the eight
retical foundations (Brown, 1994; Kau&nan & abilities included in Horn's (1994) expanded
Kau&nan, 1993 b). Many of the differences be- theory (Woodcock & Mather, 1989). Because of
tween the KAIT and the K-ABC are a result of its basis in the fluid-crystallized dichotomy, the
these different theoretical underpinnings. It should KAIT consists of a Crystallized scale and a Fluid
be noted that the KAIT is also very different from scale (Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1993b). The tasks
the Wechsler tests. on the Crystallized scale are in line with Horn's
The KAIT is based on a synthesis of three de- current writings on crystallized intelligence (see
velopmental models of intelligence (Kau&nan & Chapter 2 on theory). The Fluid scale, however,
reflects abilities closer to Cattell and Horn's ear- the KAIT battery is a short Mental Status subtest,
lier conceptualization of fluid intelligence rather which consists of 10 items.
than the newer definitions found in Horn's (Horn, The KAIT has been normed for use with ado-
1994; Horn & Noll, 1997) more recent work lescents and adults from age 11 to 85 or older.
(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). In their earlier Each of the three intelligence scales (Crystallized,
writings, Horn and Cattell included the influence Fluid, and Composite) has a mean of 100 and a
of short-term acquisition and retrieval, response standard deviation of 15. The mean for each sub-
speed, and long-term storage and retrieval in their test is 10, and the standard deviation is 3.
conceptualization of fluid intelligence (Flanagan,
Alfonso, & Flanagan, 1994; Kaufman & Kaufman,
1993b). Consistent with this broader definition, the KAIT Subtests
KAIT Fluid scale includes tasks that incorporate
As alluded to previously, few of the KAIT subtests
memory and speed components.
are found in an analogous format on the K-ABC.
In fact, the KAIT subtests seem new and interest-
Structure of the KAIT ing, even though many are adaptations from other
sources. The psychometric information listed
The KAIT Core Battery consists of six subtests,
below for each subtest is taken directly from the
three for the Crystallized scale and three for the
KAIT Manual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 19936).
Fluid scale. The three subtests comprising the
Crystallized scale are Definitions, Auditory Com-
prehension, and Double Meanings. Those for the Definitions
Fluid scale are Rebus Learning, Logical steps, On this subtest, the examinee figures out a word
and Mystery Codes. The Crystallized and Fluid based on a clue about the word's meaning and a
scales yield Crystallized and Fluid IQ scores presentation of the word with some letters miss-
and combine to produce the Composite Intelli- ing. An example of a clue is, "It's awfully old."
gence scale, a measure of overall intellectual func- The examiner points to the line "_NT _ Q __"
tioning. The KAIT also contains four additional and asks, "what word goes here?" The answer,
subtests that, together with the Core Battery, make of course, is "ANTIQUE." Examinees have 30
up the Extended Battery. The four additional sub- seconds to respond to each item. Like other tests
tests are Memory for Block Designs, Famous of vocabulary, Definitions was developed to as-
Faces, Rebus Delayed Recall, and Auditory De- sess verbal concept formation and word knowl-
layed Recall. Memory for Block Designs can edge (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). In addition
be substituted for one of the three subtests on to Samples A and B, items 1 and 2 can serve as
the Fluid scale, while Famous Faces is an alterna- teaching items. Examiners discontinue this sub-
tive subtest on the Crystallized scale. Memory for test after five consecutive scores of 0. Of course,
Block Designs and Famous Faces are used in the this subtest cannot be administered to examinees
calculation of IQ scores only when another sub- who cannot read or spell. Definitions is on the
test from the Core Battery is not used. The Rebus Crystallized scale and is one of the six core sub-
Delayed Recall and the Auditory Delayed Recall tests. Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b) point out
are not used in the calculation of IQs but can that as with other tests of vocabulary, Definitions
be used to make comparisons between immediate is an excellent measure of "g."
and delayed memory (Flanagan et al., 1994; Kauf-
man & Kaufman, 19936). These two delayed PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
memory tasks also provide a measure of Horn's
Long-Term Storage and Retrieval ability (Kauf- Mean split-half reliability= .90
man &Kaufman, 1997c). The final component of Average test-retest reliability= .95.
Correlation with Crystallized Scale= .76 For example, the examinee might be told that a
Correlation with Composite Intelligence staircase has seven steps. On the staircase Bob
Scale= .75 is always one step above Ann, and Bob is on
step 6. What step is Ann on? Paper and pencil
Correlation with Fluid Scale= .64.
are allowed to help work problems, but the sub-
Factor loading on Crystallized Scale= .80 test has a 30-second time limit for each item.
"g" loading = .82 (highest in the battery) This subtest does not have a parallel on other
Mean subtest specificity is ample tests of intelligence. In fact, this subtest was in-
spired by a section of the Law School Admissions
Test (LSAT). Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b)
Rebus Learning
state that Logical Steps was designed to measure
On Rebus Learning, the examinee learns the deductive reasoning and syllogistic thinking,
word or concept associated with a rebus drawing both of which are associated with formal opera-
and then attempts to read sentences or phrases tions and planning ability. The discontinue rule
made from the drawings. Rebus Learning is sim- for this subtest is based on the number correct
ilar in format to Visual-Auditory Learning on the per block of items. The corresponding easel
WJ-R. However, unlike Visual-Auditory Learn- pages and the test record have reminders about
ing, the examiner does not correct each error on when to discontinue. Logical Steps is a core sub-
Rebus Leaning. Instead, all symbols but the last test and is on the Fluid scale.
few are presented twice, once initially and again
to review with the next new set of symbols. The PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
discontinue rules for Rebus Learning are based
on the number correct per block of items and Mean split-half reliability= .90
are provided on the easel pages and on the test Average test-retest reliability=. 76
record. Rebus Learning is a Fluid subtest and is Correlation with Fluid Scale = .64
one of the six core subtests.
Correlation with Composite Intelligence
Scale= .67
Correlation with Crystallized Scale= .61
Mean split-half reliability= .93 Factor loading on Fluid Scale= .66
Average test-retest reliability = .81 "g" loading = .72
Correlation with Fluid Scale = .61 Mean subtest specificity is ample overall
Correlation with Composite Intelligence but merely adequate at ages 70-85+
Scale= .68
Correlation with Crystallized Scale= .63 Auditory Comprehension
Factor loading on Fluid Factor= .55 On Auditory Comprehension, the examinee listens
"g" loading= .72. to a tape of fictitious news stories and responds
Mean subtest specificity is ample to both literal and inferential questions about the
stories. Unlike similar tasks involving memory
for stories on tests like the WMS-III and the
Logical Steps
WJ-R, the examinee is not asked to repeat the en-
For Logical Steps, the examiner gives the exam- tire story, only respond to questions. The dis-
inee a set of logical facts both visually and in continue rule for Auditory Comprehension is
spoken format. The examinee then answers a based on the subtotal of correct responses per set
question based on the information presented. ofitems. These rules are listed on the record form
and on the easel pages. Auditory Comprehension Correlation with Fluid Scale = .63
is a Crystallized subtest and is one of the six core Correlation with Composite Intelligence
subtests. Scale= .64
Correlation with Crystallized Scale= .56
Factor loading on the Fluid Scale = .71
Mean split-half reliability= .89 "g" loading = .69
Average test-retest reliability= .77 Mean subtest specificity is ample
Correlation with Crystallized Scale = .70
Correlation with Composite Intelligence Double Meanings
Scale= .72
On the Double Meanings subtest, the examinee
Correlation with Fluid Scale = .63 considers two sets of word clues and then is
Factor loading on Crystallized Scale = .69 asked to generate a word with two meanings that
"g" loading=. 79 relates to both sets of presented clues. For ex-
ample, the two sets of words displayed might
Mean subtest specificity is ample
be "Animal/Vampire" and "Baseball/Stick," with
the correct response being "bat." The time limit
Mystery Codes for each item is 30 seconds. Examiners discon-
On this subtest the examinee studies a set of codes tinue testing after four consecutive scores of 0.
associated with pictorial stimuli. The examinee is Double Meanings is the sixth and final core sub-
then asked to figure out the code for a new stimu- test. It is on the Crystallized scale.
lus based on the information provided. Items 1-6
and a-e are found in the easel, but items 7-18 are PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
two measures of delayed recall, Rebus Delayed correctly with no incorrectly placed blocks),
Recall and Auditory Delayed Recall (see below), he or she may continue another 45 seconds.
are not to be considered true KAIT subtests. If the examinee produces the design correctly in
These two measures were developed and in- the additional time, he or she is still given credit
cluded in the battery only to allow comparisons for a correct response. Items 1 and 2 are worth
between a Rebus Learning score and a Rebus 2 points. The remaining items are scored O or 1.
Delayed Recall score and between Auditory Memory for Block Designs is a supplemental
Comprehension and Auditory Delayed Recall. Fluid subtest and is not normally used to com-
Chapter 5 of the manual provides tables and pute the Fluid IQ or the Composite Intelligence
rules for making comparisons and for interpret- scale. This subtest can be used as a substitute for
ing these comparisons. Neither of the delayed other Fluid subtests.
tasked is intended to measure fluid or crystallized
intelligence or a specific ability. As a result, the PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES
delayed tasks were not included in the KAIT fac-
tor analyses and the only psychometric informa- Mean internal consistence = .79
tion available is reliability. Average test-retest reliability= .73
Correlation with Fluid Scale= .61
Correlation with Composite Intelligence
Mean internal consistency= .91 Scale= .58
Correlation with the Crystallized Scale = .4 7
Auditory Delayed Recall Factor loading on Fluid Scale= .76
For this delayed recall subtest, the examinee an- "g" loading= .61 (lowest among the subtests
swers further questions about the fictitious news and possibly a reason for its status as a
stories introduced in subtest 4, Auditory Compre- supplemental subtest)
hension. This task is also administered without
Mean subtest specificity is ample
warning, following a 25-minute delay in which the
intervening subtests are administered.
Famous Faces
Famous Faces is similar to the Faces & Places
Mean internal consistency = .71 subtest on the K-ABC. On Famous Faces, the
examinee is asked to name famous people based
on their picture and a short verbal clue about
Memory for Block Designs them. Unlike Faces & Places where the child is
Memory for Block Designs is similar in format shown one picture per item, on Famous Faces
to the block design subtests found on other tests the examinee is to respond to one out of two
of intelligence. On the KAIT block design task, or two out of three famous faces per item. This
however, the examinee is allowed to examine is the only KAIT subtest besides the two de-
the pictorial design only 5 seconds before it is layed recall subtests without teaching items.
removed. At that point, the examinee is asked The discontinue rule for Famous Faces is four
to make the design from memory. The exami- consecutive scores of 0. Famous Faces is a
nee is allowed 45 seconds to complete the de- supplemental subtest on the Crystallized scale.
sign, and no bonus points are awarded for quick Because it is supplemental, this subtest is not
responses. In fact, if the examinee is working routinely used to calculate the Crystallized or
toward a correct solution (four blocks placed Composite IQs.
The Mental Status subtest consists of 10 simple The national standardization data for the KAIT
questions that are similar in format to questions were collected from April 1988 to October 1991
found on many mental status examinations. Ex- (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). A representative
ample questions are, "Right now, who is the sample of 2,000 individuals between the ages of
president of the United States?" and "What city 11 and 85+ years was obtained from the four
are we in right now?" Kaufman and Kaufman major regions of the United States. The sample
(1997c) point out that most adolescents and was stratified on gender, geographic region, socio-
adults will answer at least 9 of the items correctly. economic status, and race or ethnic group accord-
Normative information for Mental Status raw ing to 1988 U .S. Census data projections. There
scores is found in Table D.5 of the KAIT Manual was a slight overrepresentation of individuals
(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). This subtest can from the West and underrepresentation from
be helpful with individuals who have neurologi- the Northeast. The sample was organized into
cal impairment. The subtest can also be used as 13 age bands (11, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-19,
a screener to help determine if the KAIT can be 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-69,
administered validly. 70-74, 75-85+) with 100 to 250 subjects at each
level. The three oldest groups had 100 subjects
CoRRELATIONAL INFORMATION Mental Status cor- each, while the two groups between ages 2 5 and
relates .31 with Crystallized IQ and .25 with Fluid 44 were the largest with 250 per group. Each of
IQ. The correlation between Mental Status and the four youngest groups consisted of 125 indi-
the Composite scale is .30. viduals, the two groups between 17 and 24 both
had 150, and the two groups from 45 to 64 had
McGrew and Flanagan (1996) have also con- 250 subjects. In their review of the KAIT, Flana-
ducted a set of independent analyses looking at gan et al. (1994) concluded that the normative
the factor loadings of KAIT subtests on the first sample is large and matches the U.S. Census
unrotated factor, "g," as well as the subtest speci- Bureau predictions of the U.S. population on the
ficity of each subtest. In general, the findings of stratification variables. At the same time, Brown
McGrew and Flanagan were similar to those in (1994) suggested that the sample size for ages 11
the KAIT Manual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). to 24, while adequate, could be larger, given the
The few overall differences of consequence related variability in developmental rates at these ages.
Box 11.4 Comparison ofWAIS-R and KAIT Scores on a Sample of College Students
A study conducted at the University of Georgia Learning Disabilities Center (Morgan, Sullivan, Darden, &
Gregg, 1997) compared W AIS-R and KAIT scores for a sample of college students that included 30 students
with learning disabilities (LD) and 30 students without learning disabilities. On the composite scores, the re-
searchers found no interaq:ion between group and test and no significant differences between tests or groups.
Likewise, a comparison of the WAIS-R Verbal scale and the KAIT Crystallized scale yielded no significant find-
ings. In other words, in this sample the WAIS-R Full Scale and the KAIT Composite IQs produced essentially
equivalent results. The same was true for the WAIS-R Verbal and the KAIT Crystallized. However, a compar-
ison of the WAIS-R Performance scale and the KAIT Fluid scale revealed significant differences between the
tests. In both the LD and non-LD groups, the average KAIT Fluid score was significantly below the WAIS-R
Performance score. The difference in the LD group was 3.17 points and the difference in the non-LD group was
5.2 3 points.
The authors discuss several possible explanations for their findings. One explanation is the age difference of the
norms. The W AIS-R norms are 10 years older than the KAIT norms. This is certainly a reasonable hypothesis, yet
it is surprising that the effect appeared only in the Performance versus Fluid scale comparison. Though not dis-
cussed by the authors, an alternative explanation might be differences in the abilities measured by each scale. The
KAIT Fluid scale is reported to be a measure of fluid intelligence. The exact ability measured by the W AIS-R Per-
formance subtests remains an issue of debate (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1997c). Carroll (1993) states that the WAIS-
R Performance scales "can be taken as an approximate measure of Factor Gv, or s'omewhat less validly, of factor Gf"
(p. 702). Whatever abilities the W AIS-R Performance scale measures, Kaufman and Kaufman (1997c) conclude that
the two scales measure different abilities. This difference in abilities measured may account for the findings of dif-
ferences in scores on the Performance and Fluid scales for both LD and non-LD college students.
Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b) observe, this is the K-ABC Mental Processing Composite is
expected given the idea that the Wechsler Ver- moderate, .66. Interestingly, the correlation be-
bal scale is considered to be a good measure tween the KAIT Composite IQ and the K-ABC
of crystallized ability. The KAIT. Fluid IQs cor- Achievement score is higher, .82. The KAIT
related about equally with Verbal and Perfor- Crystallized scale had its highest correlations
mance IQs. Kaufman and Kaufman propose with the K-ABC Achievement scale. Because the
three possible explanations for this finding: (1) Achievement scale is the only scale on K-ABC
the Wechsler Performance subtests may not be with tests of crystallized ability, this finding
measuring fluid ability; (2) two of the KAIT would be predicted. Based on these same hy-
fluid subtests have strong verbal requirements potheses, one would expect the KAIT Fluid
(Logical Steps and Rebus Learning); (3) some of scale to correlate more highly with the K-ABC
the Wechsler Verbal subtests may demand fluid Mental Processing Composite (MPC) than the
ability. The mean differences between IQ scores Achievement scale. This was not the case. The
on the KAIT and the Wechsler tests were within KAIT Fluid scale correlated about equally with
the range that would be predicted based on the the MPC and Achievement scales. As with the
Flynn (1987) effect. Wechsler Performance scale, it may be that
the MPC is not a measure of fluid ability (Kauf-
CONCURRENT VALIDITY, KAIT AND K-ABC. man & Kaufman, 1993b). Overall, KAIT IQs
Correlations among the scales of the KAIT and are about 4 points lower than the K-ABC scores.
the K-ABC were obtained with a sample of This difference is slightly more than one would
124 adolescents aged 11 and 12. The correla- expect with a restandardized test (Kaufman &
tion for the KAIT Composite Intelligence and Kaufman, 1993b).
CONCURRENT VALIDITY, KAIT AND STANFORD- the Fluid subtests had loadings on the Fluid scale
BINET-FOURTH EDITION. The KAIT Compos- from .55 for Rebus Learning to .76 for Memory
ite IQ correlated highly with the Binet-4 Test for Block Designs and loadings on the Crystal-
Composite (.87). The Crystallized IQ had higher lized scale below .2 3. In particular age groups,
correlations with the Binet-4 Verbal Reasoning several of the subtests had moderate secondary
(. 78) and Quantitative Reasoning (. 77) than with loadings on the alternative factor. For example,
Abstract/Visual Reasoning (.66). This is consis- in the 15 to 19 age group Double Meanings
tent with expectations due to the fact that Verbal had a loading of .44 on the Crystallized factor
and Quantitative Reasoning were developed as and .41 on the Fluid factor. Usually, secondary
measures of crystallized ability and Abstract/ loadings should not exceed .30, and clinicians
Visual Reasoning as a measure of fluid ability. may want to use caution in interpreting an in-
Again, the Fluid scale did not conform to predic- dividual's profile at those age levels (Flanagan
tions. The KAIT Fluid scale had a slightly higher et al., 1994). Generally, though, the results of
correlation with the Binet-4 Verbal and Quan- these exploratory factor analyses support the va-
titative Reasoning than with the Abstract/Visual lidity of the battery.
Reasoning scale. This pattern of correlations Confirmatory factor analyses provided fur-
with the Binet-4 may be related to the findings ther evidence for the validity of the two-factor
suggesting that the Abstract/Visual Reasoning model (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). In analy-
scale lacks construct validity (Kaufman & Kauf- ses that compared one-factor "g," two-factor
man, 1993b). (crystallized and fluid), and three-factor (crystal-
lized, fluid, and memory) models, the goodness-
FACTOR ANALYTIC RESULTS. The results of both of-fit indices suggested that the two-factor
exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are model provided an acceptable fit for the data.
presented in the KAIT Manual (Kaufman & This was true for all ages except the 70 to 85 age
Kaufman, 1993b). The first set of factor loadings group. For this group, none of the models fit the
from an exploratory analysis are the loadings of data particularly well. It is interesting to note
each subtest on the first, unrotated factor "g" that the three-factor solution in all age groups
when two factors (Fluid and Crystallized) were except the eldest also yielded goodness-of-fit in-
extracted. Across all age groups, the factor load- dices indicative of an acceptable model fit. In
ings for the subtests on the "g" factor ranged this model, the Crystallized factor remained the
from a low of .61 for Memory For Block Designs same as in the two-factor model, but the Fluid
to a high of .82 for Definitions. The three core factor was divided into two factors. The first of
subtests of the Crystallized scale had loadings of these factors was a "pure" fluid factor more in
about .80 and the three core Fluid subtests had line with Horn's (1994) more recent writings
loadings around .70. One can conclude, there- that consisted of Logical Steps and Mystery
fore, that the six core subtests are good measures Codes. The next factor was a memory factor
of general intelligence, "g." consisting of Rebus Learning and Memory for
Exploratory analyses were also used to con- Block Designs. However, this three-factor
sider two-, three-, and four-factor solutions model did not improve the fit significantly and
across age groups. The two-factor solution was therefore rejected in favor of the more par-
emerged as the most meaningful. In the total simonious two-factor model. In summary, then,
sample, Crystallized subtests had loadings on the the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses
Crystallized scale from .69 for Auditory Com- supported the construct validity of the Crystal-
prehension and Double Meanings to .84 for Fa- lized and Fluid scales, up to the age of 70, as
mous Faces. The loadings of these subtests on well as for the placement of subtests on one scale
the Fluid scale ranged from .07 to .16. Overall, or another.
The finding of a two-factor solution was rep- Inclusion of the two supplemental tests and two
licated in a later study in separate samples of recall tests increases the administration time to
Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic ado- about an hour and a half. The KAIT is organized
lescents and adults using exploratory factor in an easel format. Easel 1 consists of the six core
analysis (Kaufman, Kaufman, & McLean, 1995). subtests, and Easel 2 contains the additional four
It would be interesting to see a similar across- subtests from the expanded battery as well as the
groups study using confirmatory factor analysis, Mental Status questions. Directions for the sub-
so that factor structure could be constrained tests are included on the easel pages, so no addi-
across groups. tional manuals are needed during administration.
However, a stopwatch is necessary. None of the
items on the KAIT have bonus points for quick
suBTESTS AND IQ SCALES. Most of the data on
responses, but five of the subtests require a re-
age changes for the KAIT were as one would
sponse within a time limit.
predict. Mean raw scores on all subtests in-
Both easels have tabbed starting pages for
creased relatively steadily from age 11 to the 20-
each subtest, but subtests are presented in the
to 24-year-old age group. Given the general ad-
order recommended for administration. The rec-
vances in education across these ages, one would
ommended order is particularly important if the
expect increases in raw scores. Raw scores on the
delayed memory subtests are to be administered.
Crystallized subtest were at their highest in the
All subtests except the delayed recall tasks and
20-24 age group and remained stable until about
Famous Faces include teaching items. On these
50-54. After age 54, average scores on the Crys-
items, the examiner is allowed to explain or teach
tallized subtests dropped slowly but steadily.
an approach if the examinee does not respond
For the Fluid subtests, mean raw scores reached
correctly. Items that are considered teaching
a peak at ages 20-24. Fluid raw scores dropped
items are so designated on the easel page for that
slightly at 25 to 29 and then remain stable until
item. All examinees begin with sample items and
age 54. After 54, these raw scores decline steeply.
start testing with item one. In other words, there
As Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b) note, these
are no age-specific starting points on the KAIT.
Fluid and Crystallized changes are in line with
Discontinue rules vary from subtest to subtest
predictions from the Horn-Cattell theory.
and are marked on the record form.
The correlation between the Fluid and Crystal-
lized scales is .72. As Kaufman and Kaufman
(1993b) point out, this denotes an overlap in vari- Scoring on the KAIT is relatively straightfor-
ance of about 52%. The correlation for these two ward, and most items are scored either O or 1.
scales is similar to that of the Verbal and Perfor- The exceptions to the 0/1 scoring are on Rebus
mance scales of the WAIS-III (r = .75). For the Learning, Rebus Recall, and Mystery Codes,
total KAIT standardization sample, the intercor- where points may be earned for partially correct
relation among the four Crystallized subtests was responses. In addition, items 1-3 on Double
about .64 and about .53 for the Fluid subtests. Meanings are scored 2, 1, or 0. Scoring on Audi-
tory Comprehension can be slightly tricky, as
some subjectivity is required. The manual pro-
Administration and Scoring vides sample responses, but as is always the case,
examinees sometimes give responses that are not
Administration in the manual.
Administration time for the six subtests of the The protocol permits the examiner to obtain
KAIT core battery is approximately an hour. raw score summations e:asily for each subtest.
"-'hen computing a raw score for Mystery Codes, Interpretation of the KAIT
though, examiners need to remember to award
credit for items a-e, which are not administered The KAITManual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 19936)
but are given credit with a correct response on provides a substantial amount of information to
items 1 through 6. If all items are administered assist clinicians in their interpretation of the
on the two delayed subtests, raw scores are ob- KAIT. After completing the front of the test
tained by simply summing item scores. If, how- record, Kaufman and Kaufman recommend be-
ever, an examinee is not given all of the delay ginning by examining the difference between the
items, the examiner uses a chart found in the test Crystallized and Fluid IQs. If the difference is
record to convert an observed raw score to a total not significant, then interpretation of the Com-
raw score. posite Intelligence Scale is appropriate. Kaufman
Once the subtest raw scores are obtained, and Kaufman write that the Composite IQ is in-
the examiner has the option of using the norms tended as a unitary measure to show the overall
tables in the manual and the profile page on back intellectual functioning of an individual who
of the protocol to calculate scores by hand or of evidences no significant difference between the
using the computerized scoring. If scoring by Crystallized and Fluid scales. With no significant
hand, the procedure is similar to that for other difference, one may conclude that an individual's
standardized intelligence tests. The examiner cognitive abilities, as measured by the KAIT,
transfers raw scores to the front page of the test are relatively equal. On the other hand, if a sig-
record and obtains subtest scaled scores. After nificant difference does exist between the Crys-
the examiner calculates sums of subtest scaled tallized and Fluid scales, the Kaufmans strongly
scores, he or she can use Tables D.2, D.3, and admonish clinicians not to interpret the Com-
D.4 in Appendix D of the manual to get IQ posite IQ. They reason that individuals who
scores for each scale. Confidence intervals, per- demonstrate meaningful differences on their
centile ranks, mean scaled scores, and descriptive Crystallized and Fluid IQs should be described
categories for IQ scores are also found in the by two separate IQs.
same tables. At this point, the examiner can com- Because the empirical evidence does support
pare Crystallized versus Fluid IQs, and if desired, the validity of the Fluid and Crystallized scales
a pattern of subtest strengths and weaknesses. on the KAIT, interpretation of these two scales
The Profile Analysis page on the back of the appears warranted. According to Kaufman and
test record has all the necessary information Kaufman (19936), the Fluid scale measures an
to determine significant subtest strengths and individual's intelligence when faced with novel
weaknesses. In determining subtest strengths and problems, and the Crystallized scale measures
weaknesses, Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b) rec- ability when faced with academic and experi-
ommend comparing subtest scaled scores with ence-related problems. Clearly, a significantly
the mean from the six core subtests. If, however, higher score on one scale or the other indicates
a significant difference between Crystallized and a significantly stronger ability in that area. "-'hen
Fluid IQs is found, Kaufman and Kaufman significantly different, clinicians can further de-
(1993b) advise clinicians to compare Crystallized scribe the discrepancy between the Fluid and
subtest scores with the mean scaled score on the Crystallized IQs in terms of the unusualness
Crystallized scale. This Crystallized mean is de- of that difference in a normal population of in-
rived from only the three core Crystallized sub- dividuals using Table 5.3 of the manual. Once
tests, even if all four were administered. Likewise, the clinician has examined possible differences
with a significant Crystallized/Fluid difference, between the Crystallized and Fluid IQs, Kauf-
clinicians are advised to compare Fluid subtests man and Kaufman advise clinicians to identify
with the mean of the three core Fluid subtests. subtest strengths and weaknesses.
The Profile Analysis page on the back of the If hypotheses of abilities based on subtest
test record allows clinicians to determine signifi- groupings cannot be found, Kaufman and Kauf-
cant subtest strengths and weaknesses at the .05 man (1993b) suggest that clinicians consider
level. However, Flanagan and her colleagues interpreting individual subtest strengths and weak-
(1994) encourage examiners to use the tables in nesses. In fact, the subtests generally demonstrate
Appendix B of the manual for this purpose, be- ample subtest specificity for this purpose. How-
cause the tables provide more complete informa- ever, Kaufman and Kaufman do urge caution in the
tion. Once significant strengths and weaknesses practice of interpreting unique abilities measured
have been identified, Kaufman and Kaufman by a single subtest. Moreover, some researchers
(1993b) recommend that clinicians generate hy- argue against the interpretation of single subtest
potheses about an examinee's intellectual abilities strengths or weaknesses (McDermott, Fantuzzo,
based on groupings of subtests. The use of subtest Glutting, Watkins, & Baggaley, 1992). Given the
groupings seems particularly important, as five test-retest reliabilities under .80 for five subtests,
of the KAlT subtests have test-retest reliabilities the use of caution does seem appropriate when in-
under .80. Chapter 6 of the manual presents terpreting an individual subtest (Flanagan et al.,
several tables of abilities believed to be shared 1994; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). As always,
by two or more subtests. Furthermore, the ta- additional information should be considered when
bles list the test-retest reliabilities of the subtest evaluating hypotheses of an individual's cognitive
groupings. For example, Logical Steps and Mys- strengths or weaknesses (see Chapter 17).
tery Codes are listed in Table 6.2 as sharing Neither of the delayed recall tasks (Rebus
the ability of "Hypothetico-deductive reasoning Delayed Recall and Auditory Delayed Recall)
(planning) with novel stimuli." Separately, these was included in the factor analyses of the KAlT.
two subtests have test-retest reliabilities below Kaufman and Kaufman (1993b) state that these
.80. Together, though, their test-retest reliability two tasks were not developed as measures of
is an adequate .83. Fluid or Crystallized abilities, nor are they meant
to be measures of specific mental abilities. The three scales are very good. The subtests also have
sole purpose of these tasks is for comparison with good internal reliabilities, and the subtest test-
either Rebus Leaning or Auditory Comprehen- retest reliabilities are in line with those from
sion. No other interpretation of the delayed re- other batteries. Also, information in the manual
call scores is recommended. In fact, Kaufman does support the validity of the KAIT, the Crys-
and Kaufman (1993b) did not combine these two tallized and Fluid scales, as well as the placement
delayed recall tasks into a delayed memory scale of the subtests on their respective scales.
because the factor analytic results did not sup- The fact that the Crystallized and Fluid scales
port the validity of such a scale. It seems that re- are based on the early Horn-Cattell theory is a
tention of rebus symbols over time is not related major advantage. This foundation provides clin-
to the retention of information from stories. icians with a theoretical framework from which
Therefore, interpretation of immediate versus to interpret and understand results. Moreover,
delay should be done separately for the two sets as Flanagan et al. (1994) point out, this is one of
of subtests. The authors go on to say that the as- the few measures of intelligence, besides the
sessment of memory on the KAIT is intended WJ-R COG, that combines theories of cog-
merely as a screening device. Possible problems nitive, psychometric, and neurological devel-
with memory as indicated on the KAIT by poor opment. The tables of shared abilities in the
performance on the memory subtests or signifi- manual are a further advantage for interpretive
cant differences between immediate and delayed purposes.
recall subtests should be investigated further with At the same time, findings like those of Car-
a thorough assessment of memory. roll (1993) provide support for a more expanded
theory of intelligence that is in line with the
Strengths and Weaknesses more recent writings of Horn and his colleagues
(Horn, 1994; Horn & Noll, 1997). With an
oftheKAIT appreciation for a broader set of eight or more
As is the case with the WAIS-III, the KAIT is abilities, the fluid-crystallized dichotomy seems
a sound instrument that offers users both ad- almost truncated. In addition, the information
vantages and disadvantages. Probably the most presented in a recent chapter by McGrew (1997)
obvious advantage to clinicians, particularly for raises the question of the abilities actually mea-
examiners or examinees who are thoroughly fa- sured by some of the subtests on the Fluid scale.
miliar with the Wechsler Scales, is that the Clearly, more research is needed.
KAIT subtests are innovative and new. Examin- This last sentence raises a final limitation of
ers find the KAIT to be relatively easy to ad- the KAIT. More research is needed. Although
minister, and examinees find it interesting (or at the KA1T Manual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b)
least different). Another advantage of the KAIT provides ample evidence to support the KAIT,
is that it can usually be administered in an hour. continuing research is also important. This re-
In these days of managed care, the adminis- search should include information on the abilities
tration time for any test is often an issue for measured, as well as on the diagnostic validity.
consideration. The manual provides some evidence of diagnostic
The psychometric properties of the KAIT are validity but additional research is needed.
excellent. The standardization sample is of the To date, one can conclude that the KAIT is a
caliber one would expect for a measure of intelli- viable, innovative option for the assessment of
gence intended for national or international use. adolescent and adult intelligence. The test pro-
The internal reliabilities for the three IQ scales vides reliable measures of intelligence, with a
are at .95 or above (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1993b). theoretical base, in a reasonable amount of time.
Furthermore the test-retest reliabilities for the As Brown (1994) notes, however, the KAIT may
suffer from a lack of use due to the profession's who wish to also administer Object Assembly
seeming blindness to all but the Wechsler scales, should allocate an additional 10 to 15 minutes.
particularly in the assessment of adolescents • Interpretation of the WAIS-III is now similar
and adults. to that for the WISC-III. The WAIS-III
shares a factor structure and composition like
that of the WISC-III, and twelve of the four-
CHAPTER SUMMARY teen subtests are the same.
• The similarities between the WAIS-III and
• Like the WISC-III for children, the Wechsler the WAIS-Rare also substantial. A5 a result,
scales for the assessment of adult and adoles- much of the extensive research literature on
cent intelligence are, and have been for the past previous Wechsler adult intelligence tests can
several decades, the most popular and com- be applied to the WAIS-III.
monly used instruments in adult assessment. • The psychometric properties of the W AIS-111
• The WAIS-III consists of 14 subtests for are excellent. For example, the WAIS-III Full
the assessment of individuals age 16 to 89. In Scale IQ is extremely reliable. Furthermore,
Wechsler fashion, the 14 subtests are grouped the relationship between the WAIS-III and
into Verbal and Performance sections. other measures or constructs has been firmly
• The six standard Verbal subtests are Vocabu- established. Based on the factor analytic stud-
lary, Similarities, Arithmetic, Digit Span, Infor- ies in the manual, it appears that one can in-
mation, and Comprehension. Letter-Number terpret a four-factor structure with confidence
Sequencing is a supplementary subtest for the for all but the oldest age group.
Verbal or Full Scale IQs that can replace a • A5 is the case with other Wechsler tests, one
spoiled Digit Span subtest. of the main weaknesses of the WAIS-III is its
• The standard five Performance subtests are lack of a clear theoretical foundation.
Picture Completion, Digit Symbol-Coding, • The KAIT was not designed as an upward ex-
Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, and Picture tension of the K-ABC, and the KAIT is a very
Arrangement. Symbol Search is a supplemen- different test from the Kaufman's intelligence
tary subtest that can substitute only for a test for children, the K-ABC.
spoiled Digit Symbol-Coding in calculating
• The main theoretical underpinnings of the
Performance or Full Scale IQs. Object A5-
KAIT are found in the Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc
sembly is an optional subtest that can take the
model of intelligence, and the KAIT is tied to
place of any spoiled Performance subtest for
the fluid-crystallized dichotomy.
individuals between 16 and 74.
• Like the WISC-III, the WAIS-III yields four • A5 a result of its theoretical framework, the
index scores. These are the Verbal Compre- KAIT consists of a Crystallized Scale and a
hension Index (VC), the Perceptual Organiza- Fluid Scale. The KAIT also yields a measure
tion Index (PO), the Working Memory Index of overall intellectual functioning, the Com-
(vVM), and the Processing Speed Index (PS). posite Intelligence scale.
• Clinicians should allow 80 minutes to admin- • The KAIT has been normed for use with ado-
ister the subtests required for the three IQ lescents and adults from age 11 to 85 or older.
scores. The subtests for the Index scores take • The KAIT Core Battery consists ofsix subtests.
about 60 minutes to administer. Administra- The three subtests comprising the Crystallized
tion of the 13 subtests for both IQ and Index scale are Definitions, Auditory Comprehension,
scores requires about 85 minutes. Clinicians and Double Meanings. Those for the Fluid
scale are Rebus Leaming, Logical steps, and intelligence. The Fluid scale, however, re-
Mystery Codes. flects abilities closer to Cattell and Horn's
• The KAIT also contains four additional sub- earlier conceptualization of fluid intelligence,
tests that, together with the Core Battery, and the Fluid scale includes tasks that incor-
make up the Extended Battery. The four addi- porate memory and speed items.
tional subtests are Memory for Block Designs, • The psychometric properties of the KAIT
Famous Faces, Rebus Delayed Recall, and Au- are excellent. The standardization sample is
ditory Delayed Recall. of the caliber one would expect, and the in-
• Administration time for the six subtests of the ternal reliabilities for the three IQ scales are
KAIT core battery is approximately an hour. at. 95 or above. The information in the man-
Inclusion of the two supplemental tests and ual does support the validity of the KAIT,
two recall tests increases the administration the Crystallized and Fluid scales, as well as
time to about an hour and a half. the placement of the subtests on their re-
• The tasks on the Crystallized scale are in line spective scales.
with Horn's current writings on crystallized • Continuing research on the KAIT is needed.
Woodcock-Johnson Tests
of Cognitive Ability (W-J)
Tradition and veneration are not hallmarks of techno- larity since their original release, probably more
logical advancement; rather, progress evolves from the so than the cognitive battery. The system also
search to replace old ways with new ones. The technology includes the W-J Scales oflndependent Behav-
ofintelligence assessment should be no exception. (Wood- ior (SIB), an adaptive behavior scale, among
cock, I997, p. 230) other components.
The current WJ-R Cog, however, differs sig-
nificantly from its predecessor in many ways.
CHAPTER QUESTION Most obvious is its closer tie to John Horn's
work with Cattell's fluid/crystallized model of
What theory drove development of the intelligence (see Chapter 2). Woodcock aligns
Woodcock-Johnson? the subtests of the W-J with seven of the cogni-
tive abilities isolated by Horn as shown in Table
12. 1 although additional abilities continue to be
isolated and scores offered (e.g., quantitative).
The \VJ-R Cog is extensive as is revealed by
the breadth of its theoretical model. The scale
The WJ-R Cog was published in 1989 as a revi- also includes two sets of subtests: standard and
sion to the 1977 edition. While this chapter fo- supplemental. Each of the seven featured cogni-
cuses on the cognitive battery, the W-J actually tive abilities have two subtests (or indicators)
represents one of the most comprehensive test which constitute the minimum necessary to mea-
batteries available for the clinical assessment sure a latent trait.
of children and adolescents. The W-J Tests of Some of the WJ-R Cog abilities are already
Achievement have enjoyed considerable popu- familiar to readers because they have been used
in other tests and/or they are described in earlier have generally been supportive (Bickley, Keith,
chapters. The greater dependency of the \VJ-R & Wolfe, 1995).
Cog revision on an explicitly stated theoretical
orientation is a major improvement over the
original W-J and many other measures for
that matter. The closer tie between the \VJ-R The \VJ-R Cog was normed on 6,359 cases using
Cog subtests and theory enhance the ability of a stratified sampling procedure to match U.S.
the new \VJ-R Cog user to learn to interpret Census Bureau statistics. The sample for ages 2
the test. In addition, the theoretical orientation to 5 consisted of 705 cases, while the sample for
should allow the user to interpret the scales grades Kindergarten through 12th grade included
with greater confidence and accuracy. Some data 3,245 cases. Stratification variables included gen-
are presented in the manual to support the theo- der, geographic region, community size, and race
retical organization of the subtests, and inde- (White, Black, Native American, Asian Pacific,
pendent factor analytic and other investigations Other and Hispanic origin). The \VJ-R Cog used
a different approach from the other tests dis- other test with lower coefficients is Visual Match-
cussed thus far to control for family SES. Com- ing. Reliability estimates in the .70s for this
munities were selected for the standardization test, however, are comparable to those for the
program based on SES. Community SES was "WISC-III Coding subtest. (These coefficients are
gauged by adult educational attainment, type of test-retest coefficients since internal consistency
occupation, occupational status, and household coefficients are inappropriate for timed tests.)
income. Educational attainment and occupation The Broad Cognitive Ability (BCA) compos-
were used as direct measures of SES for the adult ite score for the seven standard battery subtests
norming sample. Overall, there is a relatively yields a median internal consistency coefficient
close match between Census statistics and the of .94. The Broad Cognitive Ability Early De-
characteristics of the norming sample. velopment scale is also highly reliable for pre-
The vVJ-R Cog was normed concurrently schoolers with a coefficient of.96 at ages 2 and
with the vVJ-R Tests of Achievement. Because 4. Internal consistency reliabilities for the clus-
of the conorming of the vVJ-R Tests of Cogni- ters (composites) that are derived when supple-
tive Ability and Achievement, the vVJ-R Cog mental scales are used are also high. They range
fosters ability/achievement comparisons. Ability/ from a median coefficient of .80 for Fluid Rea-
achievement discrepancies, which may be par- soning to .96 for Short-Term Memory. While
ticularly useful for learning disability diagnosis, composites on the "WISC-III and other tests
may be computed based on the frequency of produce consistent reliability estimates in the
occurrence of these discrepancies in the stan- .90s, some of the vVJ-R Cog Cluster scores do
dardization sample. The manual and software not produce estimates this high. The Auditory
program provide for the systematic evaluation Processing, Visual Processing, Comprehension-
of such discrepancies (see Chapter 20 for a dis- Knowledge, and Fluid Reasoning clusters all
cussion of the issue of ability/achievement dis- have coefficients that average in the .80s. With
crepancies and learning disability diagnosis). This this finding in mind, these clusters may repre-
conorming is particularly necessary in the case sent something of an intermediate score that is
of the vVJ-R Cog since the Quantitative cluster more reliable that the typical intelligence test
is comprised of two subtests from the vVJ-R subtest and yet somewhat less reliable than the
Tests of Achievement. typical intelligence test composite score. De-
pending on the nature of validity evidence,
these scores should be interpreted in like fash-
Reliability ion-that is, receive more emphasis than a sub-
Internal consistency estimates for the standard test score but less emphasis than a composite
battery subtests are quite high. The median co- score.
efficients are above .80 for five of the seven sub-
tests. It is noteworthy that the Visual Closure
subtest yields coefficients in the .60s for ages 6
through 39. This test is similar to the Gestalt Some attention was paid to the establishment of
Closure subtest of the K-ABC, which has some content validity for the vVJ-R Cog, but no evi-
of the lowest internal consistency coefficients for dence is presented. According to the Examiner's
that battery. At other ages the Visual Closure Manual (Woodcock & Mather, 1989a), "Items
subtest has some coefficients in the .80s, but included in the various tests were selected using
the most use of the test will occur in the age item validity studies as well as expert opinion"
range with the worst coefficients. The Visual Clo- (p. 7). Some results of the expert's judgments or
sure subtest may produce some difficult scores description of the methods and results of the
to interpret as is the case with the K-ABC. The studies would have been desirable.
Several prepublication concurrent validity exist. In the Milky Way, we infer constellations. In the
studies were also completed. The concurrent "Milky Way ofintellectual abilities," we infer common-
validity coefficients show some overlap with ex- factor concepts ofconstellations that help us describe and
isting measures, but the magnitude of the corre- understand human intellectualfunctioning. (p. 2 33)
lations is somewhat less than one would expect
for a multisubtest measure of intelligence. For a Woodcock (1990) first presented a confirma-
study of 64 3-year-olds the \VJ-R Cog BCA tory factor analysis of 16 subtests with eight fac-
Early Development score correlated .69 with the tors identified. The fit indices were all strong
K-ABC MPC, .62 with the McCarthy GCI, and (above .95) and the root mean square residual
.69 with the Binet-4 Composite. For a sample of was only .02. Details regarding the specifications
9-year-olds the BCA Standard Battery compos- of the model (e.g., whether some or all tests were
ite correlated .57 with K-ABC MPC, .68 with allowed to have coloadings although some were
Binet-4 Composite, and .68 with the WISC-R apparently allowed to coload) were not given.
Full Scale. These relationships are lower and The factor loadings themselves are also support-
less impressive than some would have hoped. ive of the \VJ-R Cog model, although there are
Correlations with the WAIS-R also stayed some hints of problems. Picture Recognition
below .70 in a study involving 51 17-year-olds. does not appear to be a marker of the Visual Pro-
The WJ-R Cog BCA Standard Battery correlated cessing cluster as its loading was .3 8 on this scale
.65 with the Binet-4 and .64 with the WAIS-R and .24 on the Long-Term Retrieval cluster. This
Full Scale. All of these coefficients are slightly finding is also consistent with the lower reliability
lower than one would expect based on correla- coefficients for this cluster.
tions among previously published measures An exploratory factor analysis using oblique
where coefficients have often been above .70. rotation replicated these findings in that there
This typical finding still shows substantial overlap was considerable resemblance to the \VJ-R Cog
with the existing general intelligence assessment model, but there were also some inconsistencies
technology. (Woodcock, 1990). Picture Recognition again
The factor analytic validity of the WJ-R Cog was a poor measure of the Visual Processing
has been evaluated by Woodcock (1990), Reschly cluster with a small loading (less than .20 al-
(1990), and Ysseldyke (1990). Woodcock (1990) though the actual coefficient is not given) on this
presented the results of several factor analytic cluster and a loading of .25 on the Long-Term
studies. He found support for eight factors un- Retrieval cluster. In effect, the Visual Processing
derlying the \VJ-R Cog, which corresponded cluster looks like a one-subtest cluster where
closely to Horn-Cattell theory. He also argued Visual Closure devours the lion's share of the
that other tests are underfactored and made the variance. Some questions are also raised by this
point that many tests do not possess enough analysis for the Quantitative Ability cluster, as
breadth and depth of measurement of intelli- the Applied Problems test had loadings of .44 on
gence (Woodcock, 1990). Quantitative, .20 on Fluid Reasoning, and .27
The tendency to emphasize breadth in the in- on Comprehension-Knowledge. Remember the
tellectual assessment process is emphasized in Binet-4? The WJ-R Cog may be having similar
the following remarks from Woodcock (1990). problems identifying a homogeneous quantita-
He proposed that tive scale. It is also noteworthy that Carroll's
(1993) landmark work could not find ample evi-
Horn (1988) conceptualizes intellectualfunctioning as a dence for a Stratum II Quantitative Reasoning
''Milky Way" ofhuman abilities. Just as we do not know ability.
how many stars make up the Milky Way, we also do not Reschly (1990) and Ysseldyke (1990) lauded
know precisely how many unique intellectual abilities the \VJ-R Cog factor analytic data. Reschly (1990)
observed, "The psychometrically sound, rela- Triangles, or Pattern Analysis), the \VJ-R Cog
tively clean measures of the eight factors are does not. While the \VJ-R Cog is extremely easy
a major accomplishment" (p. 265). Ysseldyke to administer, its lack of similarity to other well-
(1990) similarly pointed out that, "it appears that known tests may deter transfer of training from
the \VJ-R adequately represents many of the other measures. On a practical level, the test may
major components of human ability as suggested also not be as inviting as others (e.g., McCarthy)
by the extant factor analytic research in intelli- for preschoolers who require manipulatives to
gence" (p. 274). Independent factor analyses of maintain their attention. The \VJ-R Cog does
the \VJ-R Cog are difficult to come by. The have an Early Development scale for preschriolers
Bickley et al. (1995) study is an exception but consisting of the Memory for Names, Incomplete
the purpose of this study was to assess aspects of Words, Visual Closure, and Picture Vocabulary
Carroll's (1993) theory, not the validity of the subtests.
\VJ-R Cog per se.
Administration The scoring options for the \VJ-R Cog are lim-
The \VJ-R Cog is designed for ages 2 to 90+ and itless, so much so that they may be bewildering,
is administered in an easel format. The cognitive especially to clinicians who primarily use stan-
battery consists of 21 subtests, only 7 of which dard scores for interpretation. The composite
are considered as part of the standard battery (see or IQ-like score is called Broad Cognitive Abil-
Table 12.1). Many of the \VJ-R Cog subtests ity, thus avoiding the inappropriate connota-
are familiar ones. Visual Matching, for example, tions of the IQ score. The overall composite
is highly similar to the Coding subtest of the for preschoolers is called Early Development.
WISC- R. On the other hand, Memory for Names Latent trait scores ("W" scores) are offered as
uses a novel and clever format (i.e., teaching the intermediate scores for later score calculations.
child the names of space creatures) that is inter- The composites and individual subtest scores
esting, time efficient, and clinically rich in that it have a mean of 100 and standard deviation of
allows the examiner to actually observe the. child 15, and percentile ranks are offered. Cluster
"learning." The administration of several tests is scores are available for the seven cognitive
also aided by the use of an audiotape for adminis- factors shown in Table 12.1. Other scores of-
tration. For the Incomplete Words test the word fered include T-scores, normal curve equivalents
fragments are presented by a female voice on the (NCEs), and stanines. Grade-based scores
tape. This procedure not only fosters the use of where grade is used as the norm or reference
uniform administration procedures, but it also group are offered in addition to the traditional
hastens the pace of administration. age-based scores.
The following comment may seem peculiar. One of the novel scores offered by the \VJ-R
The easel format of the \VJ-R Cog makes it Cog, which has previously been used more in
so easy to administer that it does not resemble achievement testing, is the Relative Mastery
other tests of intelligence. It resembles academic Index (RMI). The RMI is similar to a ratio with
achievement measures to a greater degree. For the second part of the ratio set at a value of
example, manipulatives (or toy-like materials) 90. Sample RMis look like the following: 40/90,
are not available for the assessment of pre- 55/90, 95/90. The 90 is based on the performance
schoolers. Similarly, while most intelligence tests of the norm sample (either age or grade reference
have a visual-motor measure (e.g., Block Design, groups). The denominator means that children
in the norm sample can perform the intellectual STANDARD SCORE LABEL
task with 90% accuracy. The first number of the
ratio represents the child's performance in rela- 131 and above Very Superior
tionship to the 90% level of accuracy (mastery). 121-130 Superior
If a child obtained an RMI of 45/90, it would 111-120 High Average
mean that the child's proficiency on the subtest 90-110 Average
is at a 45% level, whereas the typical child of
his or her age (or grade) mastered the material 80-89 Low Average
at a 90% level. The RMI is similar to the ra- 70-79 Low
tionale behind the Snellen Chart used for visual 69 and below Very Low
screening. Some of us have vision of 20/20,
some 20/60, and so on. In the case of the Snellen One caveat to consider when interpreting
Chart, however, the first number is fixed and \VJ-R Cog scores is the relatively small number
the second one varies. The rarity of the use of of items per subtest. The \VJ-R Cog covers an
the RMI score in intellectual assessment makes extraordinarily large age range with a small num-
it difficult to gauge its value in everyday cogni- ber of items. If a child is not attending on a few
tive assessment practice. No other major test of the items of a subtest, the derived scores
of intelligence offers such a score. As noted could change rather dramatically. On Memory
earlier the notion of "mastery" is more common for Sentences, for example, a raw score of 49
for achievement testing. corresponds to an age equivalent of 16.3, but a
The \VJ-R Cog also offers extended age and raw score of 50 corresponds to an AE of 20.
grade equivalent scales that may facilitate the Incomplete Words is another brief subtest.
evaluation of children at the tails of the normal For this test a raw score of 24 corresponds to an
distribution. Instead of having a lowest possible AE of 7-0 and a raw score of 26 corresponds to
age equivalent of 2-0 (2 years, 0 months), the an AE of 8-5. These conversions hint that some
\VJ-R Cog offers an age equivalent of 2-0 1, of the \,VJ-R Cog subtests may have too few
where the superscript one represents the first items to assess such a large age range. This situ-
percentile rank. An age equivalent of 2-0 48 means ation results in some unexpected relationships
that the child obtained a score at the 48th per- between raw scores and derived scores where
centile rank for 2-year-olds. small increases in raw scores may produce larger-
The easel format of administration and scor- than-expected differences in derived scores, thus
ing is assisted by a user-friendly and fast soft- creating more opportunity for test behavior, such
ware program. The foregoing paragraphs make as inattention, to influence scores.
handscoring of the \VJ-R Cog sound formidable In lieu of providing extensive tables of differ-
and, in fact, it is. This fact undoubtably makes ence score values for profile interpretation, the
the software of the \,VJ-R Cog very popular. \VJ-R Cog advises using confidence bands to
compare cluster and subtest scores. The rules for
comparing scores via this method are given on
page 82 of the Examiner's Manual (Woodcock &
Mather, 1989a).
Descriptive terms for levels of\VJ-R Cog perfor- Woodcock (1997) continues to refine the \,VJ-R
mance are modern in that they describe levels of Cog theoretical model in order to enhance inter-
performance as opposed to offering a diagnosis. pretation. He has collapsed nine Stratum II-like
The \,VJ-R Cog descriptive labels corresponding abilities to produce four intermediate categories
to standard scores are given in the next column. of abilities referred to as a Cognitive Performance
TABLE 12.2 \VJ-R Cog Cognitive Processing Model: Categories, subtests, and definitions (Woodcock, 1997
with permission)
Short-Tenn Memory
Test 2: Memory for Sentences Measures the ability to remember and repeat simple words, phrases, and
sentences presented auditorily by a tape player; test is a measure of Short-
Term Memory (Gsm)
Test 9: Memory for Words Measures the ability to repeat lists of unrelated words in the correct sequence;
words are presented by audiotape; test is a measure of Short-Term Memory
Test 17: Numbers Reversed Measures the ability to repeat a series of random numbers backward; number
sequences are presented by audiotape; test is a mixed measure of Short-Term
Memory and Fluid Reasoning (Gsm and Gf)
TABLE 12 .2 \VJ-R Cog Cognitive Processing Model: Categories, subtests, and definitions (Woodcock, 1997)
Test 13: Oral Vocabulary Measures knowledge of word meanings in Part A: Synonyms, the subject must
say a word similar in meaning to the word presented; in Part B: Antonyms, the
subject must say a word that is opposite in meaning to the word presented; test
is a measure of Comprehension-Knowledge (Ge)
Test 20: Listening Measures the ability to listen to a short tape-recorded passage and to verbally
Comprehension supply the single word missing at the end of the passage; test is a measure of
Comprehension-Knowledge (Ge)
Test 24: Calculation [WJ-R ACH] measures the subject's skill in performing mathematical
calculations ranging from simple addition to calculus; subject is not required
to make any decisions about what operations to use or what data to include;
test is a measure of Quantitative Ability (Gq)
Test 25: Applied Problems [WJ-R ACH] measures the subject's skill in analyzing and solving practical
prbblems in mathematics; subject must decide not only the appropriate
mathematical operations to use but also which of the data to include in the
calculation; test is a measure of Quantitative Ability (Gq)
Thinking Abilities
Test 5: Visual Closure Measures the ability to name a drawing or picture of a simple object that is
altered or obscured in one of several ways; test is a measure of Visual
Processing (Gv)
Test 12: Picture Recognition Measures the ability to recognize a subset of previously presented pictures
within a larger set of pictures; test is a measure of Visual Processing (Gv)
Test 19: Spatial Relations Measures the ability to visually match and combine shapes; subject must select
from a series of shapes, the component parts composing a given whole shape;
test is a mixed measure ofVisual Processing and Fluid Reasoning (Gv and Gf)
Test 4: Incomplete Words An audiotape subtest that measures auditory closure: after hearing a recorded
word with one or more phonemes missing, subject names the complete word;
test is a measure of Auditory Processing (Ga)
Test 11: Sound Blending Measures the ability to integrate and then say whole words after hearing parts
(syllables and/or phonemes) of the word; audiotape presents word parts in
their proper order for each item; test is a measure of Auditory Processing (Ga)
Test 18: Sound Patterns Measures the ability to indicate whether parts of complex sound patterns are
the same or different: patterns may differ in pitch, rhythm, or sound content;
sound patterns are presented by an audiotape; test is a mixed measure of
Auditory Processing and Fluid Reasoning (Ga and Gf)
Test 1: Memory for Names Measures the ability to learn associations between unfamiliar auditory and visual
stimuli (an auditory-visual association task): task requires learning the names of a
series of space creatures; test is a measure of Long-Term Retrieval (Glr)
TABLE 12.2 \VJ-R Cog Cognitive Processing Model: Categories, subtests, and definitions (Woodcock, 1997)
Test 8: Vocal-Auditory Measures the ability to associate new visual symbols (rebuses) with familiar
Learning words in oral language and to translate a series of symbols presented as a reading
passage (a visual-auditory association task); test is a measure of Long-Term
Retrieval (Gir)
Test I 5: Delayed Recall- Measures the ability to recall (after 1 to 8 days) the space creatures presented
Memory for Names in Memory for Names; test is a measure of Long-Term Retrieval (Glr)
Test 16: Delayed Recall- Measures the ability to recall (after 1 to 8 days) the symbols (rebuses)
Visual-Auditory Learning presented in Visual-Auditory Learning; test is a measure of Long-Term
Retrieval (Glr)
Test 7: Analysis-Synthesis Measures the ability to analyze the components of an incomplete logic puzzle
and to determine and name the missing components; test is a measure of Fluid
Reasoning (Gf)
Test 14: Concept Formation Measures the ability to identify and state the rule for a concept about a set of
colored geometric figures when shown instances and noninstances of the
concept; test is a measure of Fluid Reasoning (Gf)
Test 21: Verbal Analogies Measures the ability to complete phrases with words that indicate appropriate
analogies; although the vocabulary remains relatively simple, the relationships
among the words become increasingly complex; test is a mixed measure of
Fluid Reasoning and Comprehension-Knowledge (Gf and Ge)
Test 3: Visual Matching Measures the ability to quickly locate and circle the two identical numbers in
a row of six numbers: task proceeds in difficulty from single-digit numbers to
triple-digit numbers and has a 3-minute time limit; test is a measure of
Processing Speed (Gs)
Test 10: Cross Out Measures the ability to quickly scan and compare visual information: subject
must mark the 5 drawings in a row of 20 drawings that are identical to the first
drawing in the row; subject is given a 3-minute time limit to complete as many
rows of items as possible; test is a measure of Processing Speed (Gs)
anticipated. Intelligence is not the major refer- has not been identified as precocious, and she is
ral question and therefore is not highlighted in not in the college preparatory curriculum at her
the report. school. Kathy's test behavior suggested at least
Kathy demonstrates few risk factors for low average intelligence test scores. Her effort in the
intelligence test scores. Her development and test session was good despite her depression. All
medical histories are unremarkable. She has not of these factors argue for a prediction that she
been in special education nor has she been re- will possess general intelligence.
tained. On the other hand, there are not sugges- In addition, Kathy worked extremely hard on
tions of high intelligence test scores either. She the Visual Matching test. This test is a Wechsler
Assessment Procedures
Diagnostic Interview
K-TEA Comprehensive Form
Achenbach Youth Self-Report
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability
Sentence Completion Test
Thematic Apperception Test
Referral Information
Kathy was referred by her attending physician for a psychological evaluation subsequent to admission to the hos-
pital. Her admitting diagnosis was major depression, single episode, moderate. The referral question was whether
or not psychological evaluation would confirm this diagnosis.
Background Information
Kathy has been experiencing symptoms of depression for the past 6 months. These symptoms have included with-
drawal, feelings of hopelessness, depressed affect, crying spells, periodic suicidal ideation (without a specific plan),
difficulty falling asleep, and declining school grades. Kathy sought help from her high school English teacher and
was subsequently referred to the hospital.
Kathy lives with her birth father, mother, and three younger siblings. Her father works as a custodian and her
mother as a seamstress. She has never been retained nor has she received special education. She enjoys math and
art class. Kathy works 25-30 hours a week and seems to enjoy this activity. She reports that she has many friends.
She says that she is experiencing difficulty in her relationship with her mother. She feels that her mother is not giv-
ing her appropriate attention or care. As an example, she cited that occasionally she has come home after drinking
some alcohol with friends and that although there was a notable change in her behavior, she received no comment
from her mother.
Coding subtest analogue where a premium is Ever the innovator, Woodcock has created
placed on speed of performance. Kathy re- one of the first full Spanish versions of a U.S.-
sponded well to the demands of the task and developed cognitive test, the Bateria Woodcock-
seemed to push herself hard to respond. This Munoz-Revisada (\Voodcock & Munoz-Sandoval,
test also seemed to elicit Kathy's tendency to be 1996). Reviews of this innovation, however, have
extremely compliant and to try to meet the de- not been so positive. Lintel (1998), in fact, says
mands of others. Her behavior on this test leads that the instrument should not be used, and she
one to predict that this would be one of her gives numerous suggestions for creating a Span-
higher subtest scores. We will see. ish edition for use in the United States.
The forthcoming revision of the W-J Cog,
which is near release at the time of this writing,
has a substantial foundation on which to build.
Therefore, many of us eagerly await further re-
finements and improvements.
The ½']- R Cog is clearly the product of a thor-
ough test development process. The result is a
test with substantial psychometric support. This CHAPTER SUMMARY
edition of the ½'J-R Cog deserves serious re-
search attention and a clinical trial by psycholo-
gists. In a thorough review Cummings (1995) • The ½']-R Cog is designed for ages 2 to 90+
concluded: and is administered in an easel format. The
test battery consists of 21 subtests, only 7 of
... the WJ-R merits the attention of all engaged in which are considered as part of the standard
norm-referencedpsychoeducational assessment. (p. 1116) battery.
• The WJ-R Cog was normed on 6,359 cases • Reschly (1990) and Ysseldyke (1990) lauded
using a stra::ified sampling procedure to match the WJ-R Cog factor analytic data.
U.S. Census Bureau statistics.
• One caveat to consider when interpreting
• The WJ-R Cog concurrent validity coeffi- WJ-R Cog scores is the relatively small num-
cients show some overlap with existing mea- ber of items per subtest, which may compro-
sures but the magnitude of the correlations is mise the reliability and validity of scores for an
somewhat less than one would expect for a inattentive child.
multisubtest measure of intelligence.
''Although there is so much that is new in the DAS, was created. The DAS Cognitive Battery has both
paradoxically it recaptures the child-centered approach a preschool level (see Chapter 15) and a school-
and appeal ofthe old Stanford-Binet L-M (Terman & age level. For school-aged children, there are also
Merrill, 1960)" (Elliott, 1997, p. 204) reading, mathematics, and spelling achievement
tests that are described primarily as "screeners."
All of these measures were normed on the same
sample to make the comparison of cognitive
and achievement domains more appropriate (see
Chapter 14).
How does the DAS use item sets to reduce
child frustration?
Theory and Features
The Differential Ability Scales (DAS; Elliott, The DAS is built on a number of test develop-
1990c) is a comprehensive battery of cognitive ment goals, theoretical traditions, and assump-
and achievement tests that are designed for chil- tions about cognition. Elliott (1990b) describes
dren and adolescents between the ages of 2½ and his approach to the development of the DAS as
17 years. The DAS is a revision and U.S. adapta- "eclectic," having borrowed from the work of
tion of the British Ability Scales (BAS; Elliott, Cattell, Horn, Das, Jensen, Thurstone, Vernon,
Murray, & Pearson, 1979). There were, how- and Spearman. Elliott (1990b) appeals to Thur-
ever, several changes made in the DAS from its stone's notion of primary mental abilities. He
progenitor. In addition to the collection of the agrees with Thurstone's ideas that the emphasis
U.S. normative sample, several new subtests in intellectual assessment should be on the as-
were developed and a standard "core" battery sessment and interpretation of distinct abilities
as opposed to the assessment process focusing also clearly makes Elliott's work consistent with
exclusively on an overall composite score. For that of Spearman, Vernon, Jensen, and others
this reason the DAS subtests were constructed (see Chapter 2).
in order to enhance their subtest specificity It appears that Elliott reaches far and wide
which, in turn, should make the subtests more adopting theoretical notions from hierarchical
interpretable as measures of unique abilities. models and those espousing the value of assess-
Elliott (1997) presents evidence of higher sub- ing specific abilities with greater emphasis on the
test specificities by about a third, than for the latter (see Chapter 2). This eclecticism reveals
WISC-ill, K-ABC, and W-JR Cog. Presumably, Elliott's (1990b) grasp of the issues and provides
higher specificities would lead to clearer profiles support for the inclusion of the General Concep-
(Elliott, 1990b). tual Ability (GCA), Cluster, and Diagnostic sub-
Empirical evidence of meaningful DAS pro- test scores. Elliott's approach is also consistent
files for types or subtypes of clinical popula- with the three-stratum theory of Carroll (1993).
tions, however, is just emerging and, only for Although the theoretical structure of the DAS
samples of children with LD. McIntosh and presages the publication of three-stratum theory,
Gridley (1993) found that the addition of DAS the scale provides a thorough assessment of
Diagnostic (i.e., optional) subtests and achieve- general intelligence at Stratum III. At Stratum II
ment subtests was necessary to better differenti- the DAS provides an assessment of Nonverbal
ate subtypes. Reasoning (fluid ability) (Elliott, 1997), Verbal
Elliott (1990b) also appeals to the theoretical (crystallized ability), and Spatial (visualization)
stance of Spearman and others of the British abilities (see Table 13.1). The diagnostic subtests
school (see Chapter 2). He suggests that: offered provide at least some indicators of Stra-
tum II memory and processing speed abilities.
1. All ability measures are intercorrelated and, thus, In fact, the DAS allows for a more thorough
are likely to yield a general factor, ''g. " sampling of Stratum II abilities than the majority
2. Ability measures, if developed to be homogeneous, of available tests save the \VJ-R Cog. Finally,
are likely to form subgroupings at a lower level of Elliott's (1990b) attempt to enhance subtest spe-
generality than ''g," as well as showing a proportion cific is potentially advantageous for the assess-
ofreliable specific variance. The structure ofabilities ment of some Stratum I abilities.
is, therefore, likely to be hierarchical, with ''g" at Above all, Elliott (1997) desired to create a
the apex, followed by group factors and subtests at the test that would meet the needs of the practi-
lowest level. tioner. In his own words he addressed this central
3. The hierarchical structure will differentiate and de- goal as follows:
velop with age. (p. 378)
Two principles-self-evident truths to many practition-
Elliott (1990a) defines the "g" measured by the ers-drove the development ofthe DAS. The first is that
DAS in the following manner: professionals assessing children with learning and devel-
opmental disabilities need information at a finer level
Psychometric "g" is the general ability ofan individual to ofdetail than an IQ score. IQ tests in the past have had
peiform mental processing that involves conceptualiza- a primary, disproportionate focus on global composite
tion and the transformation ofinformation. (p. 380) scores. The second principle is that psychometric assess-
ment has much to offer the practitioner: Psychometric
tests ofcognitive abilities not only have well-established
This definition is strikingly similar to Jensen's qualities ofreliability, validity, time efficiency, objectiv-
definition of Level II processing (reasoning abil- ity, and lack ofbias, but often give us information criti-
ity; see Chapter 2), especially the emphasis on the cal to our understanding ofa child's learning styles and
transformation of information. Such a definition characteristics. {p.183)
TABLE 13 .1 Differential Ability Scale subtests and three Stratum Theory Abilities measured
(Elliott, 1997)
Administration and Scoring abilities" that were available in the test battery.
They include a balance of verbal and nonverbal
The DAS manual is exceedingly well written content and are administered in a prescribed se-
and helpful. The DAS norm tables, however, use quence. The General Conceptual Ability (GCA)
a small typeface and are "busy." The small font score is a summary score for the cognitive do-
is a particular problem for the achievement tests, mains that is similar to what is typically called a
where it seems that this typeface could lead to Full Scale IQ or overall cognitive score for other
the incorrect calculation of scores. intelligence tests.
There are two sets of subtests on the cognitive Subtest norms employ a nonstandard metric
scales of the DAS. One set is a group of "core" in intellectual assessment using T-scores with
subtests that are used to derive the GCA com- a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.
posite score and cluster scores. In addition to This metric is commonly used in personality
these there are a number of "diagnostic" subtests assessment but may provide a challenge for the
that are intended to measure relatively indepen- intelligence examiner who is used to a metric
dent abilities. The "core" battery is made up of with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of
four to six subtests, depending on the child's age. 15 or subtest scores with a mean of 10 and stan-
These subtests were selected because they were dard deviation of 3. The GCA score uses the
"the best measure of reasoning and conceptual more familiar metric of mean of 100 and standard
deviation of 15. The various diagnostic and "core" tests such as the WISC-III. A raw score to ability
subtests for the DAS are shown in Table 13.1. score conversion for the subtests contributes fur-
Like the Stanford-Binet, the administration of ther to the complexity of the record form. Once
the DAS is somewhat flexible allowing for out- the DAS has been mastered, however, the wealth
of-level testing and selection of diagnostic sub- of information offered on the record form will
tests. This practice of using diagnostic subtests likely be valued. It is also unusual to have sepa-
is especially appealing since administration of rate record forms for the preschool and school-
the core subtests is relatively brief, anywhere age ranges. Examiners must, therefore, keep track
from 25 to 65 minutes in comparison to the typ- of supplies of two record forms as opposed to one
ical one hour or greater administration of a test for tests such as the Binet-4. The DAS also uses
such as the WISC-III. This flexibility allows the many manipulatives that may require some prac-
examiner the opportunity to supplement the core tice to handle in a facile manner.
DAS with additional diagnostic subtests. The three achievement tests on the DAS in-
The DAS is designed to ensure that each child clude arithmetic computation, spelling, and word
is administered a set of items that is most appro- recognition (decoding). These subtests use the
priate for his or her ability level. This task can be convenient standard score metric where mean
difficult to carry out with the DAS as it is with = 100 and SD = 15. Grade-based percentile
other tests (e.g., Binet-4) that use forms of adap- ranks, NCEs, and grade equivalents are available
tive testing. The DAS tries to mimic adaptive in addition to the usual age-based scores. The
testing practices by having varied starting points estimated administration time for these subtests
for age groups and using "decision points." Chil- is anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes. Like the
dren begin at a point that is designated for their K-ABC, the DAS makes provisions for out-of-
age group, and they respond to items until a de- level testing. This option is especially helpful for
cision point is reached. At this decision point the preschoolers of either very high or very low abil-
examiner uses the child's performance as a basis ity levels and for low-scoring children age 6 and
for deciding to stop testing, administer more older. Examiners may select particular subsets of
difficult items, or return to easier items. In addi- items in order to get the best match between the
tion to designated stopping points, there are also items and the child's ability level. In addition,
"alternative" stopping points that should be used examiners may select a set of subtests normally
when a child is failing numerous items in succes- given at younger or older ages.
sion. Some DAS subtests do not use these pro- The DAS also includes a nonverbal scale to
cedures but revert to using the traditional basal allow for even greater flexibility in the assess-
artd ceiling approach. This variety of procedures ment of children with limited verbal abilities, lin-
is unusually burdensome to the new user but, guistic differences, hearing impairments, or for
once mastered, users will find the DAS item sets whatever other reason the examiner feels that ad-
preferable to the use of the typical basal and ceil- ministration of a verbal test may be confounded
ing rules. The use of item sets for administra- by language-related factors. The nonverbal scale,
tion, however, makes it less likely that a child will however, is relatively brief, producing a slightly
experience significant failure prior to reaching a lower reliability coefficient than when using the
discontinue point. Unlike other tests, a child may core subtests (see Chapter 16).
miss only a few items or even discontinue after
passing an item, thus not interfering with achieve-
ment motivation.
The implementation of these various ap- The DAS was normed on a representative na-
proaches to item administration also requires a tional sample of 3,475 children tested between
record form that is very "busy" by comparison to 1987 and 1989. The normative sample included
200 cases per 1-year age group between the ages Internal consistency reliabilities of the subtests
of 5 and 17 years. At the younger age groups the are also relatively strong with a few exceptions.
sample includes 350 cases between 2½ and 4-11 The mean reliability coefficient for Recall of Ob-
per year. Exceptional children were also included jects, for example, is only.71 and for Recognition
in this standardization to make it as representa- of Pictures only .73.
tive as possible of the population of U.S. chil- Test-retest coefficients for the composite
dren. Socioeconomic status was gauged using the scores are slightly lower primarily at the pre-
average educational level of the parent or parents school ages. At the preschool level the test-
living with the child. Sex, race/ethnicity, geo- retest reliability of the overall GCA is still a
graphic region, community size, and enrollment respectable .90. However, the reliability of the
(for ages 2-5 through 5-11) in an educational Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning composites
program were also controlled. are .84 and .79, respectively. Some of the indi-
One of the difficulties in the assessment of in- vidual subtest reliabilities are also low at these
dividuals with mental retardation is the problem young ages. For example, Picture Similarities
of differentiating levels of cognitive dysfunction. obtained a test-retest coefficient at the pre-
The DAS attempts to address this dilemma by school level of only .56, and Recognition of
developing extended GCA norms. The extended Pictures obtained a reliability coefficient of only
GCA norms, which extend to a standard score .58. The average test-retest coefficient for the
of 25, are obtained by scoring each subtest on subtests is .78. The trade-off of lower reliabili-
norms for a younger age, and then converting ties at the preschool ages may well be worth the
the sum of subtest scores to an appropriate stan- reduction in testing time.
dard score for the child's chronological age. Subtest specificities for the school-age level
Out-of-level norms are also provided to allow of the DAS are given in the Handbook (Elliott,
the examiner to use subtests that are designed for 19906). Recall of Digits and Speed of Informa-
a particular age group at a lower level in order to tion Processing have particularly favorable ratios
provide the child with an easier set of items. of subtest specificity to error variance. Speed of
These out-of-level norms can be interpreted in Information Processing, for example, has a mean
the same way as other norms because they were specificity of .82 and error variance of only .09.
based on the complete standardization sample. Item bias was systematically assessed during
the test development process as is now the case
for most tests. There is no detailed information
Reliability provided, however, only a few items were elimi-
Composite score reliabilities for the GCA are nated (Elliott, 1997).
generally quite good ranging from .89 to .95 de-
pending on the age range studied. Internal con-
sistency reliability estimates for the cluster scores
(a second tier of composites similar to Binet-4 Several correlational studies show good evidence
area scores) range from .83 for Nonverbal Rea- of concurrent validity for the DAS. Studies with
soning at age 5 to .94 for Spatial at several ages school-age children have yielded strong GCA
(although Elliott cautions that the values for Spa- correlations with the WISC-R Full Scale (.84 for
tial Ability are slightly inflated). The mean inter- 8- to 10-year-olds and .91 for 14- and 15-year-
nal consistency estimates for the clusters at the olds), Binet-4 Composite (.88 for 9- and 10-
school-age level are .88 for Verbal Ability, .90 for year-olds and .85 for a sample of gifted children),
Nonverbal Reasoning Ability, and .92 for Spatial and K-ABC MPC (.75) for 5- to 7-year-olds.
Ability. These coefficients are high for compos- The DAS did produce lower mean scores than
ites that each comprise only two subtests. the criterion test in each of these investigations.
The GC.(\ was 6 points lower than the WISC-R DAS Basic Number Skills, Spelling, and Word
Full Scale score in one study and 8 points lower Reading skills correlated .71, .78, and .81, respec-
in another. The DAS was only 3 points lower tively, with the K-TEA composite. The DAS
than the Binet-4 composite in one study but Achievement scale advantage was even obtained
6 points lower in the study for gifted children. when school grades were used as the criterion
The GCA was 9 points lower than the K-ABC of achievement. In a study of approximately
MPC. It is difficult to explain these differences 626 cases (some of the Ns for individual com-
based on the norming samples since some of parisons were smaller) the correlation between
these measures have older norms and some do Mathematics grades and GCA was .40, and be-
not. Score differences of about 5 points with the tween Mathematics grades and Basic Number
WISC-Rand about 2 points with the K-ABC Skills .43. The pattern was more striking for
would be expected because of the time intervals Spelling and Word Reading, where the corre-
between norming, but the actual differences lations with their grades in these areas and
exceed these expectations. A study by Dumont, GCA were .25 and .38, and grades with the
Cruse, Price, and Whelley (1996) demonstrated achievement tests were .60 and .48, respectively.
strikingly similar mean scores for WISC-III VIQ These results suggest that when one is only in-
and DAS Verbal, and WISC-III PIQ and DAS terested in the passive prediction of school
Spatial. The Nonverbal Reasoning score was achievement, the DAS achievement test scores
lower than the WISC-III and DAS composites are superior.
for this LD sample. We have seen the same trend Factor analyses of the DAS were conducted
clinically in that Nonverbal Reasoning tends to using confirmatory and exploratory factor analytic
differ more than other DAS composites from the techniques. At the school-age level the first factor
WISC-III. This observation is well explained by (a confirmatory factor that could also be inter-
factor analytic results to be discussed later. preted as a "g" factor) was marked by core subtests
The correlations of the DAS ability measures including Word Definitions, Similarities, Matri-
and a,chievement tests with academic achievement ces, Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning, and
tests mimic closely those results found for the Pattern Construction. At ages 2 ½ to 3 1/2 the Ver-
K-ABC. Namely, the achievement tests are bal Comprehension and Naming Vocabulary sub-
consistently more highly correlated with other tests are the premier measures of "g." At ages 4
achievement measures than are the ability mea- and 5 Verbal Comprehension and Early Number
sures. A correlational study of the DAS with Concepts are premier measures (Elliott, 1990b).
the BASIS (Basic Achievement Skills Individual These results hint that there may be a develop-
Screener) clearly demonstrated this finding (El- mental component to "g" since there is a tendency
liott, 1990b). Correlations of the GCA with the for the "g" factor to be marked by verbal tests at
three achievement subtests of the BASIS ranged younger ages and spatial/nonverbal reasoning
from .46 (Spelling for 11-year-olds) to .66 (Read- tests at older ages. This developmental trend may
ing for 7-year-olds). In direct contrast, the DAS require the clinician to ascribe different interpre-
achievement test correlations ranged from .64 tations to the GCA depending on the child's age.
(DAS Word Reading and BASIS Reading) to Subtests with low "g" loadings included Speed of
.88 (DAS Spelling and BASIS Spelling). The .64 Information Processing, Recognition of Pictures,
coefficient was the only one in the .60s; all others Recall of Digits, and Recall of Objects. These re-
were .75 and above. This trend was repeated in a sults corroborate the subtest specificity and inter-
study of the DAS and K-TEA (Kaufman Test of correlation findings for Recall of Digits and Speed
Educational Achievement) with 7- to 11-year-old of Information Processing, showing that these
gifted education referrals. In this study the GCA subtests measure discrete skills that overlap little
correlated .5 6 with the K-TEA composite and the with other tests in the battery.
Elliott (1990b) interpreted these results as a lack of a clear memory factor is also consistent
supporting the idea that "g" is a "mental com- with the research for the Binet-4 where the
plexity factor." The paltry "g" loadings for the memory factor has been disputed for younger
Speed oflnformation Processing test attest to its children (see Chapter 9), and for the K-ABC
specificity. Hence, this test may be an interesting where Spatial Memory never joins the other
supplemental clinical or research tool. short-term memory subtests (see Chapter 10).
Elliott (1990b) incorporated findings regard- So far, the DAS factors resemble closely those
ing general intelligence factor loadings into the of other tests, which should enhance transfer of
computation of the GCA score which provides training and competent interpretation.
a parsimonious measure of "g." At ages 2½ At the school-age level of the DAS, three factors
through 3 ½ the GCA only includes four subtests, were deemed most appropriate (Elliott, 1990b).
and at ages 3 ½ and above six subtests are in- These factors were identified as representing ver-
cluded. In contrast to the WISC-III, for example, bal, nonverbal reasoning, and spatial abilities. The
where subtests with small first factor loadings verbal factor seems intuitive and familiar in that it
such as Coding were included in the computation is marked by loadings for the Word Definitions
of the Full Scale, the DAS only includes tests in and Similarities subtests. The nonverbal reasoning
the computation of the GCA if they have sub- and spatial factors were also consistent with the ex-
stantial first factor loadings. The day-to-day ad- istence of separate Stratum II abilities.
vantage of this approach is that it reduces testing Finally, for clinical assessment purposes, it is
time and calculations when one is solely inter- important to keep in mind that some subtests
ested in testing for "g." It is also a theoretically are complex. Pattern Construction, for example,
defensible practice that is loyal to the factor ana- could align itself with either the Spatial or Non-
lytic data. verbal Reasoning Cluster depending on the ex-
The factor analytic study of the DAS included tent to which a child's performance is subserved
in the Handbook (Elliott, 1990b) is as thorough as by either spatial or fluid reasoning abilities.
in any intelligence test manual. At ages 2 1/2
through 3½ Elliott (1990b) concluded that a sin-
gle general factor was the most appropriate ex- Interpretation
planation for the intercorrelation matrix. Elliott The DAS manual provides interpretive informa-
(1990b) and colleagues tried to fit two- and tion and a framework for interpretation for the
three-factor models to the data with less success. composite scores and subtests. The DAS offers
The DAS scores remain loyal to these data by yet another classification system for intelligence
offering only the GCA at these ages, without test scores. This system is similar to newer sys-
lower-level "cluster" scores. tems in that it offers categories that are more
At ages 3-6 through 5-11 a two-factor model descriptive than diagnostic. The classification sys-
was proposed as the best fit to the data. These tem is as follows.
two factors were labeled as verbal and nonverbal.
Confirmatory factor analyses that included the GCA AND CLUSTER SCORES CATEGORY
memory subtests in a third factor did not pro-
duce an increase in fit. It was concluded that not 130 and above Very High
only were the memory subtests relatively inde- 120-129 High
pendent of the verbal and nonverbal factors, but, 110-119 Above Average
in addition, they were relatively independent of
90-109 Average
one another. Elliott (1990b) cited some informa-
tion processing research to support his view that 80-89 Below Average
a conceptualization of memory as a unitary dimen- 70-79 Low
sion is not defensible at this age. This finding of 69 and below Very Low
The DAS manual then proposes an interpre- approach is not offered by all tests but is of po-
tive system including appropriate tables of sta- tential value as it is a popular method for the
tistical values. For example, values are given on determination of ability/achievement discrepan-
the record form for determining the statistical cies (see Chapter 20).
significance of a difference between cluster scores. The DAS manual also includes some validity
The values given in conjunction with the cluster study research for samples of exceptional chil-
scores indicate that a 9-point difference is re- dren. The mean scores for a sample of gifted
quired to have a statistically significant difference children were rather low (Mean GCA = 118.1).
between any of the three cluster scores and the This finding, however, may be due to selection
GCA. Similarly, a 16-point difference is required bias since all of the children were previously
for a statistically significant difference between identified with other tests based on high intelli-
two cluster scores. The DAS difference values gence test scores (see Chapter 5). The mean
are adjusted for multiple comparisons. GCA was 59.4 for a sample of 25 students who
Values for determining significant strengths were previously identified as mildly retarded.
and weaknesses within a cluster are also given on A sample of 110 children who were identified by
the DAS record form. A difference of 12 points their school as learning disabled obtained a mean
or more between the two verbal tests is statisti- GCA of 89.6 with a consistent composite score
cally significant. Finally, values are given for com- pattern. There was, however, a discrepancy in that
paring a child's subtest score to the mean of all DAS Achievement test scores were consistently
core subtest scores in order to determine signifi- lower than the ability scores especially in Spelling
cant strengths and weaknesses. Although there is (mean= 78.2) and Word Reading (mean= 76.5).
potential for confusion by including all of these This finding suggests that the GCA/Achievement
interpretive values on the record form, some test discrepancy may be consistent with much
would likely argue that for the frequent DAS user of current practice in the assessment of learning
the advantages of speed and convenience far out- problems.
weigh any disadvantages. Testimony to the thoroughness of the DAS
Supplementary interpretive methods and as- manual is the fact that a cluster analytic study was
sociated values are offered for evaluating the included. The researchers selected 136 children
child's diagnostic subtest performance. Tables from the DAS standardization sample who had
of shared subtest hypotheses are also offered, GCA scores >85, Word Reading scores <85, and
as shown on pages 101 and 102 of the Handbook Word Reading scores at least 15 points below
(Elliott, 1990b). These tables allow the examiner the score predicted by their GCA. These chil-
to apply numerous theories to the interpretation dren were considered reading disabled, and their
of the DAS. For example, Elliott (1990b) shows scores submitted to a cluster analysis. The cluster
how the K-ABC simultaneous/sequential distinc- analysis produced four clusters. Three of the
tion may be applied to the DAS. clusters were marked by a relative strength in spa-
The DAS also offers tables and procedures for tial ability and one by a relative strength in verbal
interpreting ability/achievement discrepancies ability. All mean GCAs were in the middle to
for the purposes of learning disability diagnosis. high 90s. Although the sample was selected on
The DAS Manual and Handbook offer values for the basis of reading scores, spelling scores were
determining the statistical significance and fre- also low. Spelling scores for the four clusters
quency of a difference between the DAS ability ranged from 77 .1 to 82.l. Basic Numbers Skills
and achievement tests. Similarly, the Manual scores were not as depressed, but they were con-
and Handbook provide tables of the frequency and sistently lower than the GCAs with means in the
significance of differences in the population high 80s to low 90s. The ranks of the achieve-
between a child's expected achievement level and ment tests in this study are the same as those
his or her actual achievement. This reg;ression for the school-selected sample cited previously.
Background Information
Dahlia lives with her birth mother and father. Both her mother and father are faculty members at a local junior
college. The parents could not describe any particular strife at home with the exception of some arguments over
Dahlia's mother reports a normal pregnancy and delivery. At age 3, Dahlia contracted chicken pox, which is the
only childhood illness that was reported.
According to her mother, Dahlia's developmental milestones were delayed. However, once she acquired these
skills, she did not differ noticeably from her peers. Her mother also reported that she was given a readiness test be-
fore entering kindergarten, on which she did very poorly. The school decided to admit Dahlia, contingent upon her
Dahlia's academic performance has been inconsistent, which has been of considerable concern to her parents.
They stated that after approximately 3 weeks of this school year, her attitude seemed to change for the worse and
she seemed "stressed." Of all her academic subjects, Dahlia's mother is most concerned with mathematics. After an
initial parent-teacher conference at the beginning of the school year, Dahlia's teachers decided to help her work on
her organizational skills and completion of assignments. They have incorporated a plan of initialing her assignment
list to verify that Dahlia had copied her assignments.
Dahlia's most recent vision and hearing exams were given in the fall of this year. The results were negative.
Behavioral Observations
Dahlia was pleasant and well mannered during the testing session. She was reticent at first, but rapport was quickly
established. A notable observation was her attempt to control her inattention and impulsivity. On one test she said
aloud "think," which seemed to be aimed at ensuring a nonimpulsive response. On some tests she seemed dis-
interested (e.g., she sat far away from the test table), and on some she responded impulsively by not surveying
problems before responding.
Assessment Results
Dahlia's performance on the intelligence measures was variable, making it difficult to summarize her performance
with a single score. Her WISC-III revealed a Verbal greater than Performance profile with a difference of 19 points.
Her Verbal score was a relative strength with a score in the above-average range with her Performance score in the
average range.
The Differential Abilities Scales (DAS) includes subtests that assess Verbal, Nonverbal Reasoning, and Spatial
skills. Dahlia's summary score on this measure, the General Conceptual Ability score (GCA), was also less relevant
(as were WISC composites) because of variability in her subtest scores. Her WISC-III and DAS scores taken to-
gether suggest that Dahlia has problems with subtests that require sustained effort and concentration. These tests
happen to be on nonverbal reasoning scales of the DAS and WISC-III. These tests usually involve manual activi-
ties and good spatial skills in which the child has to copy a pattern or solve figural analogies. Her performance is
somewhat better, by contrast, when she solves verbal items. These items involve tasks such as defining words or giv-
ing oral descriptions of how to solve practical problems.
Academic Achievement
Dahlia's academic achievement was evaluated with the ½J-R and the K-TEA. Both of these measures contain sub-
tests similar to school-related tasks, such as reading comprehension, mathematics calculation, and spelling.
Psychometric Summary
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-III)
Verbal 104 61
Nonverbal Reasoning 89 23
Spatial 111 77
General Conceptual Ability 102 55
Reading 105 63
Mathematics 120 91
Battery 112 79
Mathematics Applications 130 98
Reading Decoding 110 75
Spelling 102 55
Reading Comprehension 100 50
Mathematics Computation 107 68
Depressed 55
Unpopular 55
Somatic Complaints 55
Self-Destructive 55
Thought Disturbances 55
Delinquent 55
Aggressive 55
Sum 33
Activities 48
Social 55
Total Competence 52
Parenting Stress Index (PSI)
Child Domain Score 78
Adaptability 17
Acceptability 12
Demandingness 19
Mood 3
Distractibility/Hyperactivity 20
Reinforces Parent 7
Parent Domain Score 90
Depression 12
Attachment 11
Restriction of Roles 5
Sense of Competence 25
Social Isolation 10
Relation with Spouse 10
Parent Health 10
Total Stress Score 5
Social Skills Rating System-Parent Form
CASE NOTES Dahlia's WISC-III shows a relative verbal strength and the DAS does not. The WISC- III and DAS
scores were also somewhat erratic. On the DAS, for example, there is a relative Nonverbal Reasoning weakness, but
it occurs as a result of one test (Matrices) and the other nonverbal test, Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning, is
average. Hence, several of Dahlia's composite scores are comprised of heterogeneous subtest performances. Even
scores that typically correlate highly, namely Block Design and Pattern Construction, are inconsistent. What's
wrong here? I suspect that the answer lies in Dahlia's behavior. She is inattentive, disorganized, and her motivation
wavers. The report does not make a great deal of her intelligence test profile because it seems secondary to social/
emotional/behavioral issues and tainted by them.
scores on some tests and low scores on others. GCA, subtest scores, and achievement, thereby allowing
Given her lack of "risk" factors, an a priori hy- for more precision in the identification ofstrengths and
pothesis of average intelligence test scores seems weaknesses. (p. 282)
• The DAS is a comprehensive battery of cog-
The DAS is yet another promising intelligence nitive and achievement tests that are designed
test instrument. There is every indication that for children and adolescents between the ages
the developers of the DAS erred in the direction of 2 ½ and 17 years.
of quality at every turn. The manual is extraordi- • The DAS borrows from numerous theorists
narily thorough, the psychometric properties are and research findings.
strong, and the test materials are of high quality. • There are two sets of subtests on the cognitive
This test deserves more research attention than it scales of the DAS. One set is a group of "core"
has received and a clinical trial by all who assess subtests that are used to derive the GCA com-
children. The extended range of scores to a stan- posite score. In addition to these there are a
dard score of 25 make this an especially appeal- number of "diagnostic" subtests that are in-
ing test to those who are trying to differentiate tended to measure relatively independent
among levels of mental retardation. Other unique abilities.
features include the Nonverbal scale and provi- • There are three achievement tests on the
sions for out-of-level testing. The learning curve DAS. These include arithmetic computation,
for administration and scoring seems steep, but spelling, and word recognition (decoding).
for some if not many clinicians the effort may
• The DAS also includes a nonverbal scale to
be well worth it. In fact, the DAS is favored by
allow for even greater flexibility in the assess-
our students as it provides a very time efficient
ment of children.
assessment of "g" and of several important Stra-
tum II abilities. Moreover, our examinees experi- • The DAS was normed on a representative na-
ence less frustration and failure due to the use of tional sample of 3,475 children tested between
item sets. 1987 and 1989.
Aylward (1992) identified numerous features • Several correlational studies show good evi-
of the DAS by concluding: dence of concurrent validity for the DAS.
• The DAS GCA should not be used for predict-
The DAS contains many subtle ''perks" such as per-
ing school achievement if the DAS achieve-
formance analysis in Word Reading, the Informal Be- ment test scores are available.
havior Scale, and scoring templates for drawing tests. • The learning curve for DAS administration
Comparison can be made between Cluster scores, the and scoring may be steep.
• Supporting evidence: Screeners may also be used settings. One may conjecture, however, that
for the purpose of confirming other assess- some clinicians continue to use the PPVT-III as
ment results. a brief screening measure of overall intellectual
ability or cognitive development. The authors of
Caveat: It is emphasized that screening mea- the PPVT-III also mention that it is considered
sures alone are not sufficient to form definitive to be a good rapport-building instrument for
diagnoses, but that they are considered to be use- assessment in that it requires little or no oral re-
ful preliminary and/or ancillary measures in the sponse. It can also be used with success for some
assessment process. This chapter consists of two individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, and reti-
primary sections: intelligence screeners and aca- cent behavior for this same reason. The PPVT-
demic achievement screeners in which specific III also has specialized uses in the area of speech
instruments and their purposes are described. and language assessment. For example, nonread-
Not all tests of this nature are covered in this ers and children who may have normal hearing
text, and exclusion of a test is not a comment on but impaired oral communication skills could be
its quality. Instruments were selected for discus- assessed with the PPVT-III since the items re-
sion primarily according to both their frequency quire only a pointing response. The PPVT-III
of use and technical adequacy. can serve as a screening device for verbal ability
in preschool-age children, a measure of English-
language proficiency in those who use English
as a second language, giftedness, mental retarda-
INTELLIGENCE ScREENERS tion, and language disorders. However, the au-
thors caution against overgeneralizing the results
Peabody Picture Vocabulary of PPVT-III administrations, stressing that the
specific skill measured is hearing or receptive
Test-Third Edition (PPVT-III) vocabulary. The PPVT-III contains some new
The PPVT-III (Dunn & Dunn, 1997 a, 19976) is features that improve upon previous editions, in-
the successor to the PPVT-R (Dunn & Dunn, cluding extended age-based norms (ranges from
1981) and the original PPVT (Dunn, .1959). The 2 years, 6 months through 90+ years), updated
PPVT-III is perhaps one of the shortest screen- item content with refined ethnic and gender bal-
ing measures of intelligence ever developed. It ance, numerous new stimulus words, arrange-
is an unusual test in that it has an identity prob- ment of items into sets grouped by difficulty, and
lem of sorts. In its first edition, the test was of- improved packaging. This instrument is also
fered to clinicians as a quick screening measure available in Spanish, TVIP: Test de Vocabulario
of general intellectual ability. This claim, how- en Imagenes Peabody (Dunn, Lugo, Padilla, &
ever, was attacked by a number of reviewers be- Dunn, 1986), and measures the receptive vocab-
cause of the brevity of the measure as well as the ulary of Spanish-speaking children ages 2 years,
limited skills it assessed. Therefore, this assertion 6 months to 18 years.
of being a screening measure of general intelli-
gence was withdrawn with the publication of the
PPVT-R in 1981. Most recently, the authors of
Administration and Scoring
the PPVT-III purport that the instrument is an The construction of the PPVT-III is relatively
achievement measure of receptive language or simple in that it is an untimed, individually ad-
"hearing vocabulary" acquisition for standard ministered test having an easel format. It consists
English and a screening measure of verbal ability of two ,,quivalent forms, IIIA and IIIB, with 204
for those individuals who speak English as a first items pe; form, and items are grouped by diffi-
language across home, school, and community culty level into 17 sets of 12 items each. Each item
consists of a "PicturePlate" or page having four Whole-year intervals were used for children be-
black-and-white illustrations and a stimulus word tween the ages of 7 and 16 years, as language de-
to be read by the examiner. The examiner dic- velopment occurs at a steadier rate. Accordingly,
tates a stimulus word, and the examinee is re- multiyear intervals were used for individuals over
quired to point to one of the four pictures that age 16, as language acquisition at this time is rela-
best describes the meaning of the word dictated. tively stable. Standardization was conducted dur-
The examiner then uses basal and ceiling rules ing 1995 and 1996, and the sample was selected to
to determine, based upon the individual's per- correspond proportionately to the U. S. Census
formance, the appropriate sets of the 204 items data as presented in the March 1994 Cun-ent Pop-
to be administered. Training or teaching items ulation Suroey. The sample was stratified accord-
are also included. Alternatively, the PPVT-III ing to variables of age, gender, race/ethnicity,
manual also includes useful guidelines for adapt- socioeconomic status (as defined by education
ing administration for those with severe motor level of self or parent), geographic region, and
and/or speech impairment. In such a case, the special education category. Overall, the standard-
examiner may point to each of the four pictures ization sample of the PPVT-III appears to be
and have the examinee use a head shake, other closely representative of the U.S. population.
signal, or communication board to indicate a
yes/no response. Total standard test administra-
tion time is generally 11 to 12 minutes. Scoring
procedures are relatively quick and simple and Internal consistency estimates for the PPVT-III
do not require extensive psychometric training are stronger than those found for the PPVT-R
and/or experience. Responses to each item are overall. Split-half reliability coefficients for Form
scored as pass or fail, and the total raw score is IIIA ranged from .89 to .97 with a median of
converted to a single age-based standard score .94 and ranged from .86 to .96 with a median
with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. of .94 for Form IIIB across the standardization
A normal-curve graphic display of score classi- sample. Alpha coefficients are also reported, rang-
fication schemes is provided on the PPVT-III ing from .93 to .98 with a median of .95 for Form
protocol. Scores are classified in a symmetrical IIIA and .92 to .98 with a median of .95 for Form
fashion: Extremely High Score (130 and above), IIIB. Test-retest reliability coefficients were com-
Moderately High Score (115-129), High Aver- puted for a sample of 226 individuals ages 2 years,
age Score (100-114), Low Average Score (85 to 6 months to 57 years, 11 months, ranging from
99), Moderately Low Score (70-84), and Ex- .91 to .93 for Form IIIA and from .91 to .94 for
tremely Low Score (69 and below). The combi- Form IIIB with an approximate 1-month adminis-
nation of quick, simple administration and scoring tration interval. In addition, alternate-forms relia-
and a broad age range serve to make the PPVT-ill bility coefficients for the standard scores of the
an attractive screening measure. standardization sample are presented, ranging
from .88 to .96 with a median of .94. These figures
suggest a high degree of item uniformity within
each form and throughout the test overall, as well
The PPVT-III norming sample consisted of2,725 as stability of scores.
individuals between the ages of 2 years, 6 months
through 90+ years, with 2,000 children and adoles-
cents and 725 individuals over the age of 19. Due Validity
to the rapidity of language development in young The PPVT-III manual presents a variety of types
children, 6-month intervals were used for children ofvalidity, including content, construct, internal,
between the ages of 2 years, 6 months and 6 years. and concurrent or criterion-related validity. In
terms of content validity, the PPVT-III appears and .76 to .78 for the K-BIT IQ Composite. As
to measure what it claims to measure (i.e., hear- can be seen, PPVT-III scores correlated higher
ing or receptive vocabulary for standard English). with the Vocabulary scores on the K-BIT. Over-
Examination of the test items in addition to the all, these figures appear to be adequate, as most
methodology used to select these items as de- intelligence tests seem to correlate with each
scribed in the manual provides evidence for con- other in the .70s and sometimes in the .80s.
tent validity. Construct validity is used to support In addition, two studies were conducted for
the claim that the PPVT-III is a screening mea- the purpose of correlating the PPVT-III with
sure of verbal ability. References to studies in- the Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS).
dicating that Vocabulary subtests of intelligence For a sample of 41 children ranging in age from
instruments such as the WISC-III correlate most 3 years to 5 years, 8 months, correlations were
highly with composite intelligence scores are used .63 to .66 for Listening Comprehension, .77 to
to demonstrate evidence of construct validity. .83 for Oral Expression, and .77 to .82 for Oral
However, as the PPVT-III only measures one Composite. For a sample of 43 children ages 8
mode of vocabulary knowledge (i.e., receptive years, 1 month to 12 years, 10 months, correla-
only versus receptive and expressive), this de- tions were .70 to .77 for Listening Comprehen-
fense is not infallible. Documentation of internal sion, .67 to .68 for Oral Expression, and .75 to
validity is presented in terms of age differentia- .77 for Oral Composite. On the surface, it ap-
tion, item growth curves, Rasch models, and item pears that the correlations between the PPVT-
homogeneity. However, the bulk of evidence III and the OWLS are less robust than they
concerning the validity of the PPVT-III relies should be; however, the OWLS measures several
on concurrent or criterion-related validity, at skills associated with oral language, whereas the
least in terms of its ability to serve as a screening PPVT-III measures only receptive vocabulary.
measure of verbal intelligence. Correlations be- Lastly, a summary of validity studies conducted
tween standard scores on both forms of the with the PPVT-III's predecessors, the PPVT and
PPVT-III and the WISC-III were calculated PPVT-R, is presented, as these studies are more
for a sample of 41 children between the ages of plentiful than what is yet available on the PPVT-
7 years, 11 months and 14 years, 4 months. III. A summary of selected studies correlating
These figures ranged from .82 to .84 for Per- scores on the PPVT-R and scores on intelligence
formance IQ, .91 to .92 for Verbal IQ, and .90 tests is presented, including the Columbia Men-
for Full Scale IQ. As expected, PPVT-III scores tal Maturity Scale (N=44, r=.23); the DAS Ver-
were found to correlate higher with the WISC- bal Ability Cluster (N=103, r=.70); the K-ABC
III Verbal IQ. Scores on the PPVT-III and the Mental Processing Composite (N=2,790, r=.58)
KAIT for a sample of 28 adolescents between and Achievement Composite (N=2,822, r=.75);
the ages 13 years and I 7 years, 8 months were the KAIT Composite IQ (N=l92, r=.76), Crys-
correlated. The correlations ranged from .87 to tallized IQ (N=l 92, r=.78), and Fluid IQ (N=l 92,
.91 for Crystallized IQ, .76 to .85 for Fluid IQ, r=.67); the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abili-
and .85 to .91 for Composite IQ. As anticipated, ties General Cognitive Index (N=155, r=.69),
it was found that PPVT-III scores were more Verbal (N=155, r=.65), Perceptual (N=155,
highly correlated with Crystallized IQ scores r=.58), Quantitative (N=l55, r=.56), and Mem-
on the KAIT. Further, for a sample of 80 adults ory (N=155, r=.43); the Raven's Coloured Pro-
between the ages of 18 years and 71 years, I gressive Matrices (N=60, r=.56); the SB-IV Test
month, scores on the PPVT-III and the Kauf- Composite (N=424, r=.58), Verbal (N=329,
man Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT) were cor- r=.69), Abstract/Visual (N=329, r=.43), Quanti-
related. Specifically, these figures ranged from tative (N=208, r=.29), and Short-Term Memory
.80 to .82 for Vocabulary, .62 to .65 for Matrices, (N=329, r=.44); the WAIS-R Full Scale IQ
(N=314, r=.73), Verbal IQ (N=283, r=.74), and screener for children, and then use this informa-
Performance IQ (N=262, r=.64); the WISC-R tion to select a comprehensive test battery for use
Full Scale IQ (N=l,099, r=.70), Verbal IQ in the complete evaluation. This practice seems
(N=l,345, r=.69), and Performance IQ (N=l,034, acceptable in that the PPVT- III in this case is
r=.51); the WPPSI-R Full Scale IQ (N=154, being used truly as a screener. One must keep in
r=.68), Verbal IQ (N=154, r=.68), and Per- mind, however, that the PPVT-III measures
formance IQ (N=154, r=.50). Additionally, a . only one facet of intelligence: crystallized or
comprehensive review by Bracken, Prasse, and verbal ability from Carroll's (1993) theory. Con-
McCallum (1984) indicates that the PPVT-R sequently, the PPVT-III may not be useful for
yields correlation coefficients with popular in- screening for reasoning, visualization, or other
telligence tests in the general range of the .70s, problems. One of the pitfalls of the PPVT-III
although in some individual studies, the corre- and its forerunners is that its brevity has made
lations have been poor. A summary of studies it apt for misuse and overuse by clinicians. Occa-
correlating the PPVT-R with a variety ofVocab- sionally, the PPVT- III has been used as a sub-
ulary tests and subtests is provided in the man- stitute for a more comprehensive measure of
ual, including the WISC- R Vocabulary subtest intelligence, a practice that is not suggested by
(N=640, r=.70), the Beery Picture Vocabulary its authors. Overall, the PPVT-III appears to
Test (N=l 46, r=.65), the Boehm Test of Basic be well normed and technically adequate, even
Concepts (N=99, r=.64), the Boston Naming though more criterion-related validity studies
Test (N=305, r=.59), the Bracken Basic Con- and independent studies would be beneficial.
cepts Scale (N=247, r=.76), the DAS Naming As with any test, however, clinicians should take
Vocabulary subtest (N=79, r=.73), the Expressive care to use this test for the purposes for which it
One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (N=l,283, was intended, a measure of hearing vocabulary
r=.62), the SB-IV Vocabulary subtest (N=207, or, a screening measure of crystallized ability.
r=.66), the Test of Language Development Pic-
ture Vocabulary subtest (N=201, r=.63), and the
WPPSI-R Vocabulary subtest (N=154, r=.40). Slosson Intelligence Test-
Validity evidence presented for the PPVT-III
appears to be adequate, although more infor-
Revised (SIT-R)
mation would be useful. It should be noted that The SIT-R (Slosson, 1991a, 1991b) is the latest
since the PPVT-III represents a significant re- revision of its predecessor, the SIT (Slosson,
vision of the PPVT-R, the numerous validity 1963). As a screening instrument, the SIT-R was
studies from the PPVT-R may not necessarily designed to provide a quick estimate of verbal,
hold true for the PPVT-III. Certainly, there is crystallized intelligence for individuals between
a need for more studies of concurrent or crite- the ages of 4 and 18+ years. The author cautions
rion-related validity to be conducted with the the test-user against interpreting the SIT-R as
PPVf-III. anything but a screener, suggesting that follow-
up assessment is necessary to confirm results.
Suggested uses of the SIT-R include large-scale
screening, tentative diagnosis, and corroboration
The PPVT-III has a long tradition as a screening of other assessment results. More specifically, the
measure of intelligence. Its simple format, ad- SIT-R was "designed to be an individual test for
ministration, and scoring have proved enticing use in screening or estimating the cognitive abil-
to psychologists and others who have used the ity of an individual, public school student, college
test as a screening measure. Some psychologists, student, mental patient, or mentally handicapped
for example, may use the PPVT-III as an initial person" (Sloson, 1991a, p. 1). Lastly, although
during the trial and standardization phase, the Administration and Scoring
SIT-R was administered to "blind, learning
disabled, cerebral palsy, orthopedically handi- Overall, the SIT-R is easy to administer and to
capped, emotionally disturbed, mentally han- score and requires minimal competency in psy-
dicapped, and behavior disordered subjects" chometrics to interpret. The SIT-R is an untimed,
(Slosson, 1991 a, p. 9), the author strongly cau- individually administered test that consists of one
tions against interpretation of scores obtained form containing 187 items. Within the test, six
for persons with disabilities. These two state- domains, or types of items are included: Vocabu-
ments, therefore, appear to be conflicting and lary (VO)-33 items, General Information (Gl)-
could be potentially confusing for the examiner. 29 items, Similarities and Differences (SD)-30
Further, it is stated that as the SIT-R was only items, Comprehension (CO)-33 items, Quanti-
administered to individuals fluent in English, it tative (QN)-34 items, and Auditory Memory
should not be used for those lacking proficiency (AM)-28 items. Items are arranged by level of
with the English language. The SIT-R reflects difficulty, and unlike more extensive intelligence
the following improvements upon previous edi- tests such as the WISC-III, item types are dis-
tions: More even distribution of item types, persed throughout the test rather than separated
updated language, updated and expanded stan- into subtests. Items are administered in a straight-
dardization sample, more extensive reliability forward question-and-answer format. Training or
and validity studies, scoring guidelines allowing teaching items are not included. The SIT-R man-
for English or metric responses, and changing ual offers some suggestions for testing persons
the term Intelligence Quotient (IQ) to Total with disabilities, such as excluding items requiring
Standard Score (TSS). Further, in this revision, visual ability for those with visual impairment.
Slosson departed from his prior use of the However, it should be noted that no norms in-
Stanford-Binet as a model for developing the cluding testing modifications are included for the
SIT-R. The development of the instrument was SIT-R, thus weakening the interpretation of such
not guided by any one test, but by a theoretical scores. Total standard test administration time
rationale of the construct of intelligence as ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. Responses to items
described by experts in the field such as Thur- are scored as pass or fail, and basal and ceiling
stone, Guilford, Wechsler, Thorndike, and Cat- rules are used to determine the appropriate num-
tell. The SIT-R model consists of global ability ber of items to be administered. Computerized
"g" at the top of the hierarchy, with crystallized scoring is available. The total raw score on the
intelligence and memory at the second level of SIT-R is converted to a single Total Standard
the hierarchy. Crystallized intelligence is fur- Score (TSS) with a mean of 100 and a standard
ther subdivided into verbal and quantitative deviation of 16. These scores may also be con-
components. Per this model, several types verted to standard scores having a mean of 100
of items from six domains are found on the and a standard deviation of 15. The SIT-R also
SIT-R. Crystallized intelligence, verbal in- provides a "Slosson Classification Chart," which
cludes Vocabulary (VO), General Information presents a "classification" of ability levels as well as
(GI), Similarities and Differences (SD), and a description of "school accomplishment and
Comprehension (CO); crystallized intelligence, placement." For example, any individual with a
quantitative includes Quantitative (QN); mem- TSS of 148 and above is classified as "very supe-
ory includes Auditory Memory (AM). The SIT- rior" and school accomplishment and placement is
R is designed such that at least one item from described as "gifted programs, college, and gradu-
each of these domains is present within every ate work." At the other extreme, any individual with
group of ten items with the exception of two a TSS of 35 and below is classified as "severe/
groups of ten items. profound M/H" and school accomplishment and
placement is described as "classes for severe/ norms were published for the SIT-R to correct
profound" (Slosson, 1991a, p. 41). This classifica- this problem. The normative information is the
tion chart is evaluative in nature and may likely same, except that the norms tables are divided
encourage the overinterpretation ofscores, a prac- into 3-month intervals up to age 64 years, 9
tice that the author cautions the test consumer months as opposed to 18+ as presented in the first
against in other sections of the manual. Further, edition of the norms tables. Additionally, individ-
Kamphaus (1995) indicates that this chart may uals with disabilities were either not included in
suggest that the TSS can be used to diagnose per- the sample or omitted in the presentation of the
sons with syndromes such as mental retardation normative information. The omission of individ-
or giftedness. However, to rely wholly on intelli- uals with disabilities is inconsistent with the
gence scores for any type of diagnosis is an un- aforementioned purposes and uses of the SIT-R.
sound practice. The inclusion of this classification Overall, although improved from the previous
chart conflicts with the delineated purposes of the edition, the norming sample of the SIT-R is not
SIT-R and may confound appropriate test use. adequately representative of the U. S. population
Nevertheless, the fact that the SIT-R is quick and in all areas described. Further, the SIT-R does
easy to administer and score makes it an inviting not offer sufficient information pertaining to age
choice for practitioners. without the newly calibrated norms.
Internal consistency estimates for the SIT-R were
The SIT-R norming sample consisted of 1,854
computed by age levels (4 years to 64 years, 9
subjects between the ages of 4 years and 18+
months) for 1,793 subjects from the norming
years. Interestingly, the SIT-R was administered
sample using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20
to a total pool of more than 2,400 persons, and
(KR-20), an estimate of coefficient alpha (i.e.,
the final subjects to be included in the sample
the mean of all possible split-half reliability co-
were subsequently chosen according to demo-
efficients). These figures ranged from .88 to .97,
graphic characteristics. Attempts were made to
indicating a high degree of item consistency. Fur-
approximate the sample to the U. S. population as
ther, KR-20 was computed for the entire stan-
described in the 1990 World Almanac as opposed
dardization sample, yielding a coefficient of .96.
to U. S. Census data. The sample was stratified
Split-half reliability was also calculated for the en-
according to gender, geographic region, occupa-
tire sample, yielding a coefficient of.97 using both
tional category, education level, size of population
the Spearman-Brown correction and the Rulon
center, and race. However, the standardization
procedure. Test-retest reliability was estimated to
sample underrepresents minorities for the total
be .96. However, this coefficient was computed
sample as well as individuals living in areas
using a 1-week administration interval for a small
with populations below 5,000 and above 500,000.
(N=41) sample having an unspecified age range.
Further, the norms do not present the number
The reported reliabilities for the SIT-R appear to
of individuals per stratification variable by age
be adequate; however, more extensive studies of
group. Such information should have been pre-
test-retest reliability using longer test administra-
sented, as the Total Standard Scores were delin-
tion intervals would be more informative.
eated by age group in the normative tables. In this
same vein, it is unclear why separate age group
norms are not presented for those 18 years of
age and over, as 517 cases ranging in age from 18 Information on construct, content, and criterion-
years to 64 years, 9 months are depicted in the re- related or concurrent validity is presented for the
liability section of the SIT-R. Recently, calibrated SIT-R. In terms of construct validity, the authors
pulled from a number of theories of intelligence for the purpose of comparing scores on the SIT
to develop a theoretical model for the SIT-R. with scores on the SIT-R for a sample of32 indi-
The model consists of global ability "g" at the viduals of unspecified age. As a result, the corre-
top of the hierarchy, and crystallized intelligence lation between the two tests was .87.
and memory at the second level of the hierarchy. In an independent study, Smith, Klass, and
Crystallized intelligence is further subdivided into Stovall (1992) found that the SIT-R Total Stan-
verbal and quantitative. Content validity is de- dard Score (TSS) and the K-BIT IQ Composite
scribed, as well, and primarily described in terms correlated at .61 for a sample of 32 gifted stu-
of similarities between SIT-R items and items on dents. Further, a correlation of .62 was found
other well-known tests of intelligence such as between K-BIT Vocabulary and the TSS, and
the WISC-Rand the SB-IV. As mentioned pre- a correlation of .40 was found between K-BIT
viously, the SIT-R includes items in the following Matrices and the TSS. Kunen, Overstreet, and
domains: General Information (GI), Vocabulary Salles (1996) conducted a study for the purpose
(VO), Similarities and Differences (SD), Com- of providing concurrent validity data on the
prehension (CO), Quantitative (QN), and Audi- SIT-R in relation to an abbreviated form of
tory Memory (AM), with approximately 30 items the SB-IV for a sample of 191 persons ranging in
per domain. Incidentally, over half of the items age from 5 to 69 years, including 61 individuals
on the SIT-R were also included in the original with mental retardation. For the total sample,
SIT. These two types ofvalidity could profit from the correlation between these two measures was
more explanation. Limited documentation of .92, and for the sample of persons with mental
concurrent criterion-related validity is provided. retardation, the correlation was .63. The study
For example, it was found that the SIT-R corre- also included a comparison of IQ classification
lated .82, .88, and .73 with the WAIS-R Full according to the SIT-R and the abbreviated form
Scale IQ, Verbal IQ, and Performance IQ, re- of the SB-IV. Of those previously diagnosed with
spectively, in a sample of 10 subjects of unspe- moderate mental retardation (n=23), 95.6% were
cified age. Further, scores on the SIT-R and classified as such using both the SIT-Rand the
the WISC-R were correlated for a sample of 234 SB-IV. In contrast, only 23.7% of those with a
children ranging in age from 6 to 16 years. The prior diagnosis of mild mental retardation were
overall average correlations for this group were classified as such with the SIT-Rand the SB-IV.
.84 with the WISC-R Full Scale IQ, .89 with In general, it was found that the SIT-R did not
the Verbal IQ, and .63 with the Performance IQ. adequately match IQ classification as assigned
This sample was further broken down by age. For by the SB-IV. Thus, although the SIT-R corre-
a sample of 53 children ages 6 to 8, correlations lated highly with this form of the SB-IV overall,
were .92, .91, and .84 with the WISC-R Full the authors caution against the use of the SIT-R
Scale IQ, Verbal IQ, and Performance IQ, re- for assigning persons to IQ categories. Thus, the
spectively. Correlations were .61, .89, and .61 use of the "Slosson Classification Chart" may
with the WISC-R Full Scale IQ, Verbal IQ, and be inappropriate. Although the given validity re-
Performance IQ scores for a sample of 74 chil- sults are for the most part adequate, additional
dren ages 9 to 11 years. In a sample of78 children studies of concurrent validity with a wider variety
ages 12 to 14 years, correlations with the WISC-R of tests and age groups would be useful.
Full Scale IQ, Verbal IQ, and Performance IQ
were .74, .83, and .43, respectively. Lastly, for a
sample of 29 children ages 15 to 16 years of age,
correlations with the WISC-R Full Scale IQ, The SIT-R is considered to be a fairly popular
Verbal IQ, and Performance IQ were .85, .83, and screener of intelligence. However, it does suffer
.38, respectively. Another study was conducted from some significant weaknesses. According to a
review by Kamphaus (1995), these include "lim- and their definitions, as well as general informa-
ited evidence of concurrent validity, lack of evi- tion. It consists of two parts: Part A, Expressive
dence of a match of the norming to U. S. Census Vocabulary, which has 45 items, and Part B,
statistics, dependence on a classification system Definitions, which has 37 items, and both types
for total scores that may encourage misuse, and ofitems are grouped by difficulty. The Expressive
excessive dependence on English-language flu- Vocabulary portion requires the individual to
ency" (p. 956). Watson (1995) moreover cites a name a pictured object presented by the exam-
lack of adequate reliability data and the omission iner. Responses to these items may be made in
of data pertaining to individuals with disabilities English, sign language, or other languages, such
in the norming sample as being problematic. as Spanish. The Definitions portion requires the
Thus, Kamphaus (1995) suggests that although individual to supply a word that best suits two
the SIT-R is not entirely without merit as an clues (a short description of the word as well as
intelligence screener, there are alternatives with a partial spelling of the word). Responses to
better psychometric properties, such as the Kauf- these items are permitted in English only, and a
man Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). maximum of 30 seconds is allowed to answer.
Whereas Expressive Vocabulary is administered
to all individuals, Definitions is administered to
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test those aged 8 years and above only. The second
(K-BIT) subtest, Matrices, is designed to measure nonver-
bal or fluid ability through assessing the ability to
The K-BIT (Kau&nan & Kau&nan, 1990) is a
solve novel problems that involve understanding
relatively new instrument designed to provide a
relationships and completing analogies. This sub-
brief measure of verbal (crystallized) and nonver-
test consists of 48 items having a multiple-choice
bal (fluid) intelligence for individuals from 4 to
format that are grouped by difficulty level. The
90 years of age. The fact that the K-BIT mea-
items utilize pictures and abstract designs as to
sures both verbal and nonverbal abilities differ-
limit the need for language skills. For example,
entiates it from the PPVT-III and the SIT-R.
Matrices items include having the individual
However, the authors emphasize that this in-
choose which one of five pictures goes with the
strument is not to be considered a substitute for
stimulus picture presented by the examiner and
a more comprehensive measure of intelligence.
choosing which one of a number of alternatives
The authors indicate that among other purposes,
best completes a visual analogy or matrix. Teach-
the K-BIT is a useful instrument for reevaluating
ing items are included for both subtests. The
the intellectual status of individuals who have pre-
items are scored as correct or incorrect, and
viously received comprehensive evaluations, large-
the clinician uses set basal and ceiling rules to
scale screenings for at-risk children or children
determine the appropriate number of items to be
who may be gifted, obtaining estimates of in-
administered. Total test administration time takes
telligence for persons referred for psychiatric
15 to 30 minutes, and it is relatively easy to ad-
assessments, and assessing persons in need of vo-
minister and score. Raw scores for each subtest
cational evaluation.
are converted to standard scores with a mean of
100 and a standard deviation of 15. AK-BIT IQ
Administration and Scoring
composite that combines the subtest scores may
The K-BIT is an individually administered test also be computed. A normal-curve graphic dis-
having an easel format that consists of two sub- play of descriptive categories is provided in the
tests, Vocabulary and Matrices. The Vocabulary manual. Scores are classified in a symmetrical,
subtest is designed to measure verbal or crystal- nonevaluative fashion: Upper Extreme (130 and
lized ability through assessing knowledge of words above), Well Above Average (120-129), Above
Average (110-119), Average (90-109), Below posite as estimates of internal consistency across
Average (80-89), Well Below Average (70-79), the standardization sample. On the Vocabulary
and Lower Extreme (69 and below). Significant subtest, split-half reliability coefficients ranged
differences between Vocabulary and Matrices from .89 to .98 with a mean of .92. Coefficients
standard scores may also be calculated. However, for the Matrices subtest ranged from .74 to .95
it is recommended that these discrepancies be with a mean of .87. The K-BIT IQ Composite
interpreted with caution as the K-BIT only con- split-half reliability coefficients ranged from .88
sists of two subtests (Cohen & Spenciner, 1998). to .98 with a mean of .93. Test-retest reliability
In addition, a three-page report template is pro- coefficients were also computed for a samnle of
vided in the manual as a guide for examiners. 232 individuals ages 5 to 89 years, with the inter-
val between testing being 21 days on average.
Standardization Across this sample, the mean test-retest coeffi-
cients for Vocabulary, Matrices, and the K-BIT
The K-BIT was standardized on 2,022 individ-
IQ Composite were .94, .85, and .94, respec-
uals between the ages of 4 and 90 years. This in-
tively. This sample was also subdivided into four
strument was both codeveloped and conormed
groups. For a subsample of 53 children ages 5 to
along with the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult
12, the test-retest coefficients were .86, .83, and
Intelligence Test (KAIT) for those ages 11 to 90
.92 for Vocabulary, Matrices, and the K-BIT IQ
years, allowing for direct comparisons between
Composite, respectively. Test-retest coefficients
the measures. Also, construction of items on the
for a subsample of adolescents ages 13 to 19
K-BIT for young children ages 2 to 6 years was
(N=60) were .96, .80, and .93 for Vocabulary,
done in conjunction with the development of
Matrices, and the K-BIT IQ Composite, respec-
AGS Early Screening Profiles. The norming
tively. For a subsample of 69 adults ages 20 to 54,
process took place during 1988 and 1989, and
the coefficients were .97, .86, and .95 for Vocab-
the sample was selected to correspond with the
ulary, Matrices, and the K-BIT IQ Composite.
most current U. S. Census data (1985 estimates
Lastly, for a subsample of 50 adults ages 55 to 89,
or 1990 projections). The sample was stratified
the test-retest reliability values were .95 for Vo-
according to gender, geographic region, socio-
cabulary, .92 for Matrices, and .95 for the K-BIT
economic status (as defined by education level of
IQ Composite. These estimates of reliability in-
self or parent), and race/ethnicity. The bulk of the
dicate a high degree of item consistency and sta-
sample was within the age range of 7 to 19 years,
bility between test administrations.
and the sample sizes decreased significantly with
age. On most stratification variables, the K-BIT
standardization sample appears to be an ade- Validity
quately close match with U. S. population statis-
The K-BIT manual presents a variety of infor-
tics. However, the Northeast region was slightly
mation pertaining to validity. To establish test
underrepresented, and those with 1 to 3 years of
validity, the test developers used a process that
college or technical school education were slightly
provided for the careful selection of the subtests,
overrepresented. There wa,s no mention of ac-
item analysis, and internal and external test
counting for individuals with disabilities, and
analysis. The construct validity of the K-BIT was
samples sizes for adults were somewhat small in
described in terms of its relationship to compre-
comparison with younger age groups.
hensive intelligence tests such as the Wechsler
scales, the K-ABC, and the SB-IV. The Vocabu-
lary and Matrices subtests were chosen to reflect
Split-half reliability coefficients were computed the Verbal/Performance split in the WISC-R,
for both subtests as well as the K-BIT IQ Com- the Achievement/Mental Processing structure of
the K-ABC, and the crystallized/fluid differenti- IQ, and Full Scale IQ were .58, .52, and .61,
ation in the SB-IV. Further, vocabulary and ma- respectively. Lastly, correlations between the
trices tasks have been found to be good measures K-BIT IQ Composite and the Verbal IQ, Per-
of "g." Construct validity was also examined in formance IQ, and Full Scale IQ were .73, .60,
terms of correlating the K-BITwith the K-ABC, and .75, accordingly. These correlations provide
the WISC-R, and the WAIS-R. Scores on the moderate support for the construct validity of the
K-BIT were correlated with K-ABC scores for K-BIT, but additional studies would be useful in
three samples of children, including children aged confirming these preliminary findings.
4 to 6 years (N=41), 7 to 9 years (N=70), and 10 Concurrent validity was examined in relation
years to 12 years, 6 months (N=39). Correlations to other brief tests of intelligence as well as
with the K-BIT Vocabulary subtest across these achievement tests. For a sample of 54 children
samples of children were .29 to .56 with Sequen- ages 7 to 11, correlations between the Test of
tial Processing, .34 to .55 with Simultaneous Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI) Quotient and
Processing, .47 to .63 with the Mental Process- the K-BIT Vocabulary, Matrices, and IQ Com-
ing Composite, .66 to .87 with Achievement, and posite scores were -.04, .36, and .23, respectively.
.41 to .50 with Nonverbal. Correlations with the Scores on the K-BIT were correlated with Slos-
K-BIT Matrices subtest across these samples of son Intelligence Test (SIT) scores for four sam-
children were .37 to .57 with Sequential Process- ples of individuals, including children aged 4 to
ing, .38 to .54 with Simultaneous Processing, .44 5 years (N=62), 6 to 11 years (N=70), 12 to 17
to .62 with the Mental Processing Composite, years (N=42), and 18 to 47 years (N=53). Across
.44 to .63 with Achievement, and .34 to .61 with these samples, correlations between the Slosson
Nonverbal. Finally, correlations with the K-BIT IQ and the K-BIT Vocabulary subtest ranged
IQ Composite across these samples of children from .46 to .73, for the Matrices subtest they
were .41 to .65 with Sequential Processing, .50 ranged from .37 to .61, and for the K-BIT IQ
to .61 with Simultaneous Processing, .58 to .69 Composite they ranged from .50 to .76. Correla-
with the Mental Processing Composite, .74 to tions between the SIT and the K-BIT were also
.76 with Achievement, and .48 to .58 with Non- computed for a sample of 55 gifted children ages
verbal. Correlations for a sample of 35 children 8 to 13. Correlations between the Slosson IQ
ranging in age from 6 to 15 years were calculated and the scores on the K-BITVocabulary subtest,
using the WISC-Rand the K-BIT. Correlations Matrices subtest, and IQ Composite were .50,
between the K-BIT Vocabulary subtest and the .25, and .44, accordingly. These figures indicate
Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ moderate support for concurrent validity. Fur-
were .78, .54, and .75, respectively. Correlations ther, the Kaufman Test of Educational Achieve-
between the K-BIT Matrices subtest and the ment (K-TEA), Comprehensive and Brief Forms
Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ and the Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised
were .48, .50, and .56, respectively. Lastly, corre- (WRAT-R) were correlated with the K-BIT to
lations between the K-BIT IQ Composite and illustrate concurrent validity with achievement
the Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale tests. Scores on the K-BIT and the K-TEA Brief
IQ were .77, .63, and .80, accordingly. In addi- Form were correlated for two samples of chil-
tion, correlations for a sample of 64 adults aged dren, including children 6 to 9 years of age
16 to 47 years were calculated using the WAIS-R (N=50) and 12 to 17 years of age (N=38). Corre-
and the K-BIT. Correlations between the K-BIT lations between the K-BIT Vocabulary subtest
Vocabulary subtest and the Verbal IQ, Perfor- and the K-TEA Brief Form across these samples
mance IQ, and Full Scale IQ were .60, .45, and were as follows: Math (r=.40 to .72), Reading
.61, respectively. Correlations between the K-BIT (r=.47 to .80), Spelling (r=.36 to .69), and Battery
Matrices subtest and the Verbal IQ, Performance Composite (r=.47 to .86). Correlations between
the K-BIT Matrices subtest and the K-TEA 24 years, and 34 school dropouts ages 18 to 49
Brief Form for these samples were as follows: years. Across these samples, the K-BIT Vocabu-
Math (r=.29 to. 73), Reading (r=.31 to .63), Spell- lary subtest correlated with the WRAT-R Read-
ing (r=.31 to .43), and Battery Composite (r=.31 ing (r=.32 to .82), Spelling (r=.42 to .74), and
to .70). Correlations between the K-BIT IQ Arithmetic (.28 to .60). The K-BIT Matrices
Composite and the K-TEA Brief Form for these subtest correlated with the WRAT-R Reading
samples were as follows: Math (r=.46 to .80), (r=.18 to .42), Spelling (r=.19 to .46), and Arith-
Reading (r=.53 to .78), Spelling (r=.44 to .60), metic (r=.31 to .63). The K-BIT IQ Composite
and Battery Composite (r=.53 to .86). Next, cor- correlated with the WRAT-R Reading (r=.34
relations between the K-BIT and the K-TEA to .65), Spelling (r=.35 to .64), and Arithmetic
Comprehensive Form are presented for a sam- (r=.35 to .69). Further, intercorrelations between
ple of 49 children ages 6 to 12 years and a sample the Matrices and Vocabulary subtests across the
of 39 adolescents ages 12 to 17 years. Here, standardization sample are also presented as mea-
representative correlations between the K-BIT sures of convergent validity. These values ranged
Vocabulary subtest and the K-TEA Comprehen- from .38 to .75 with a mean of .59. These coeffi-
sive Form were as follows: Reading Composite cients show that each subtest makes a unique
(r=.57 to .78), Math Composite (r=.57 to .69), contribution to the K-BIT as a whole.
and Battery Composite (r=.61 to .82). For the K- Other validity studies on the K-BIT have been
BIT Matrices subtest, representative correlations published. Prewett (1995) examined the con-
were Reading Composite (r=.43 to .50), Math currentvalidity of the K-BITwith the WISC-III
Composite (r=.62 to .67), and Battery Composite for a sample of 50 students ages 6 years, 1 month
(r=.52 to .58). Correlations between the K-BIT to 14 years, 2 months, all of whom were referred
IQ Composite and the K-TEA Comprehensive for psychoeducational evaluation. Per the results,
Form included Reading Composite (r=.53 to .71), the K-BIT IQ Composite correlated .78 with
Math Composite (r=.66 to .77), and Battery Com- the WISC-III Full Scale IQ. Prewett (1992a)
posite (r=.61 to .78). In addition, correlations also found that the K-BIT IQ Composite corre-
for two samples of children with learning dis- lated .69, .36, and .64 with the WISC-R Verbal,
abilities, one consisting of 49 children ages 6 to Performance, and Full Scale IQ, respectively,
14 years and the other consisting of 48 children in a sample of 40 incarcerated adolescent males.
ages 11 to 17 years, were calculated using the Further, K-BIT Vocabulary correlated .70, .27,
K-TEA Comprehensive Form and the K-BIT. and .60 with the WISC-R Verbal, Performance,
Correlations between the K-BIT Vocabulary and Full Scale IQ, respectively. Finally, K-BIT
subtest included Reading Composite (r=.69 to Matrices correlated .46, .29, and .45 with the
.70), Math Composite (r=.56 to. 74), and Battery WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale
Composite (r=.72 to .74). Correlations between IQ, accordingly. In a sample of 35 referred stu-
the K-BIT Matrices subtest included Reading dents ranging in ages from 7 years to 16 years,
Composite (r=.3 3 to. 77), Math Composite (r=.61 4 months, the K-BIT IQ Composite correlated
to .78), and Battery Composite (r=.45 to .80). .79, .69, and .81 with the WISC-R Verbal, Per-
Lastly, correlations between the K-BIT IQ Com- formance, and Full Scale IQ scores, accordingly.
posite included Reading Composite (r=.53 to K-BIT Vocabulary correlated .83, .58, and .77
.80), Math Composite (r=.65 to .83), and Battery with the WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full
Composite (r=.62 to .84). Correlations were also Scale IQ, respectively. K-BIT Matrices cor-
calculated using the K-BIT and the Wide Range related .62, .70, and .72 with the WISC-R Ver-
Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R) for a bal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ, respectively
sample of 49 children with learning disabilities (Prewett, 1992b). Naugle, Chelune, and Tucker
ages 12 to 19 years, 41 normal adults ages 19 to (1993) investigated the concurrent validity of the
K-BIT with the WAIS-R for a sample of 200 ganization, .56 with Freedom from Distractibil-
clinical patients ranging in age from 16 to 74 ity, and .26 with Processing Speed. Lastly, the K-
years. The WAIS-R Verbal IQ and the K-BIT BIT IQ Composite correlated .81 with Verbal IQ,
Vocabulary subtest correlated .83, the Perfor- .71 with Performance IQ, .82 with Full Scale IQ,
mance IQ and the Matrices subtest correlated .78 with Verbal Comprehension, .72 with Percep-
.77, and the Full Scale IQ and the K-BIT IQ tual Organization, .64 with Freedom from Dis-
Composite correlated .88. Canivez (1995) in- tractibility, and .27 with Processing Speed. Scores
vestigated the concurrent validity of the K-BIT on the K-BIT correlated with selected tests and
with the WISC-ID for a sample of 137 children composites of the WJ-R ACH in the .50s. Fur-
ages 6 to 15 who were referred for psychoeduca- ther, a high rate of agreement was found between
tional evaluation. K-BIT Vocabulary correlated the K-BIT and the WISC-III in determining
.80, .62, and .76 with the WISC-Ill Verbal, Per- achievement-ability discrepancies for learning
formance, and Full Scale IQ. Further, K-BIT disability criteria with scores on the WJ-R ACH.
Vocabulary correlated .79, .62, .65, and .36 These initial findings pertaining to validity appear
with the Verbal Comprehension; Perceptual Or- promising. However, additional studies of this na-
ganization, Freedom From Distractibility, and ture are warranted.
Processing Speed Indices on the WISC-III, re-
spectively. K-BIT Matrices correlated .67, .74, Summary
and .75 with the WISC-III Verbal, Performance,
The K-BIT is a comparatively new screening
and Full Scale IQ, respectively. Further, K-BIT
measure of intelligence. Other measures such as
Matrices correlated .66, .70, .60, and .47 with the
the PPVT-Ill and the SIT-R have undergone
Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organiza-
revisions and considerable more research that
tion, Freedom from Distractibility, and Process-
have served to improve these instruments. How-
ing Speed Indices on the WISC-III, respectively.
ever, the K-BIT seems to hold promise as a
Lastly, the K-BIT IQ Composite correlated with
strong competitor. In a review of this test, Miller
the WISC-III Verbal, Performance, and Full
(1995) notes that the K-BIT appears to be a
Scale IQ .84, .79, and .87, respectively. Further,
sound instrument overall, but that it would bene-
the K-BIT IQ Composite correlated .83, .76,
fit from additional subjects in the older age ranges
.71, and .48 with the Verbal Comprehension,
of the standardization sample and further valida-
Perceptual Organization, Freedom from Dis-
tion studies.
tractibility, and Processing Speed Indices on the
WISC-III, respectively. Canivez (1996) also in-
vestigated the concurrent validity of the K-BIT Wechsler Abbreviated Scale
with the WISC-III and the Woodcock Johnson
Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised, Tests of
of Intelligence (WASI)
Achievement (\VJ- R ACH) for a sample of 75 As a new addition to the market, the W ASI (The
students with learning disabilities, ages 6 to 15 Psychological Corporation, 1999) is the first com-
years. Here, correlations for K-BIT Vocabulary mercially published screening measure of intelli-
were .72 with Verbal IQ, .51 with Performance gence to emerge from the Wechsler series. This
IQ, .67 with Full Scale IQ, .73 with Verbal Com- instrument is designed to provide a quick, reli-
prehension, .5 5 with Perceptual Organization, able measure of intelligence for individuals 6 to
.48 with Freedom from Distractibility, and .18 89 years of age. In the Wechsler tradition, the
with Processing Speed. Correlations for K-BIT WASI yields information pertaining to both ver-
Matrices were .60 with Verbal IQ, .64 with Per- bal and performance abilities. The test creators
formance IQ, .67 with Full Scale IQ, .56 with specifically indicate that the W ASI is not a sub-
Verbal Comprehension, .62 with Perceptual Or- stitute for more comprehensive measures of in-
telligence and that comprehensive tests should one's expressive vocabulary, fund of information,
be used for making diagnostic decisions. Instead, and verbal knowledge. The Similarities subtest
the W ASI is purported to be useful in screening of the WASI, which comprises 26 items, is paral-
for mental retardation and giftedness, reassess- lel to the counterpart WISC-III and WAIS-III
ment of persons having received a comprehen- versions, but also includes picture items to en-
sive evaluation previously, obtaining estimates hance the floor of the subtest. The first four items
of current cognitive functioning for psychiatric, require the individual to identify the one of four
vocational, or rehabilitation purposes, and for picture choices that best goes with a given set of
estimating intellectual ability for large samples similar pictures, while for the remaining 22 ver-
of individuals. However, the WASI is linked to bal items, the examinee is required to explain the
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, similarity between two orally presented words.
Third Edition (WISC-III) and the Wechsler The Similarities subtest is considered to be a
Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition (WAIS- measure of abstract verbal reasoning, general in-
III), and tables are included in the WASI manual telligence, and verbal concept formation. Block
that allow the examiner to estimate IQ score Design, which has 13 items, is similar to the
ranges or "prediction intervals" on the WISC-III WISC-III and WAIS-III version and is included
and the WAIS-III. as a measure of visual-motor coordination skills,
spatial visualization, perceptual organization, and
general intelligence. Each item is either a mod-
Administration and Scoring
eled or pictorially presented geometric design
The WASI is an individually administered in- that the examinee is required to replicate using
strument that consists of a total of four subtests. cubes within a specified time limit. The Matrix
Importantly, the WASI was developed as an in- Reasoning subtest, consisting of 35 items, is sim-
dependent scale. All items are new, albeit parallel ilar to that of the WAIS-III and is intended to as-
to their full WISC-III and WAIS-III counter- sess nonverbal fluid abilities as well as general
parts. Vocabulary and Similarities subtests com- intelligence. The items of this subtest consist of
prise the Verbal scale, and Block Design and incomplete patterns for which the examinee is
Matrix Reasoning comprise the Performance to complete the pattern by choosing from one of
scale. These Wechsler subtests were chosen for five possible choices. Teaching items are provided
inclusion on the WASI as they have the highest for the W ASI and starting and stopping points are
"g" loadings and also "tap various facets of intel- determined by examinee age. Reversal rules are
ligence, such as verbal knowledge, visual informa- also provided. Scoring guidelines are clear, as
tion processing, spatial and nonverbal reasoning, are the test instructions, making the WASI fairly
and crystallized and fluid intelligence" (The Psy- simple to administer and score. Guidelines for
chological Corporation, 1999, p. 3). Unlike the testing examinees with physical or language chal-
WISC-III and WAIS-III version of the Vocabu- lenges are also included in the manual. The W ASI
lary subtest, the WASI Vocabulary subtest, con- may be given in a four-subtest or two-subtest for-
sisting of 42 items, involves both the oral and mat. The four-subtest format takes approximately
visual presentation of words. Further, picture 30 minutes to administer. Here, Vocabulary and
items were added to extend the floor of the sub- Similarities comprise the Verbal scale that yields a
test. Items 1- 4 require the examinee to name Verbal IQ (VIQ), representing a measure of crys-
individually presented pictures, while items 5-42 tallized abilities. Block Design and Matrix Rea-
require the examinee to orally define both orally soning form the Performance scale that yields a
and visually presented words. The Vocabulary sub- Performance IQ (PIQ) score. Altogether, the four-
test is considered to be a good measure of crys- subtest format yields a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ-4),
tallized as well as general intelligence, as it assesses as well. The two-subtest version is composed
ofVocabulary and Matrix Reasoning. This format ment Test (WIAT). This serves to increase the
takes 15 to 20 minutes for administration. The clinical utility of the WASI, allowing the eval-
FSIQ score (FSIQ-2) is provided for this abbrevi- uator to estimate FSIQs on the corresponding
ated format. Each subtest is scored in terms of T comprehensive batteries and to calculate ability/
scores having a mean of 50 and a standard devia- achievement discrepancies. Further, the clinical
tion of 10. FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ scores are pre- utility of the WASI was assessed using data from
sented as standard scores having a mean of 100 various clinical samples (e.g., mental retardation,
and a standard deviation of 15. Qualitative de- learning disabilities, Attention-Deficit/Hyperac-
scriptions for WASI IQ scores are provided in the tivity Disorder), and results are presented in the
manual: Very Superior (130 and above), Superior manual.
(120-129), High Average (110-119), Average
(90-109), Low Average (80- 89), Borderline
(70-79), and Extremely Low (69 and below). Sig- Reliability
nificant differences between VIQ and PIQ scores A variety of information pertaining to reliability
may also be computed for the four-subtest format. is available for the WASI. Split-half reliability
coefficients were calculated for all four subtests,
as well as VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ-4 for the four-
subtest version and FSIQ-2 for the two-subtest
The W ASI was standardized on a sample of version for each age group from the standardiza-
2,245 individuals between the ages of 6 and 89 tion sample. First, reliability coefficients are pre-
years. The national standardization sample was sented for the children's sample (ages 6-16,
stratified on variables of sex, race/ethnicity, N=l,100). For the Vocabulary subtest, the co-
geographic region, and socioeconomic status (as efficients ranged from .86 to .93 with a mean of
defined by education level of self or parent) ac- .89. For Similarities, coefficients ranged from .81
cording to the 1997 U. S. Census data. The bulk to .91 with a mean of .87. Reliability coefficients
of the sample was comprised of children within for the Block Design subtest ranged from .84 to
the age range of 6 to 16 years, with 100 par- .93 with a mean of .90. For Matrix Reasoning,
ticipants of each year of age (N=l,100). For the reliability coefficients ranged from .86 to .96
adults, 75 to 100 participants were included for with a mean of .92. The IQ split-half reliability
each specified age group (N=1,145). The manual coefficients for the children's sample are higher,
included exclusionary criteria for the standard- as would be expected. For VIQ, the coefficients
ization process. For example, persons with in- ranged from .92 to .95 with a mean of .93. Coef-
sufficient English-language proficiency, persons ficients ranged from .92 to .95 for PIQ, yielding
requiring treatment for alcohol and/or drug a mean of .94. For FSIQ-2, the coefficients
dependence, persons with uncorrected hearing ranged from .92 to .95 with a mean of .93.
and/or vision loss, and persons with any medical Finally, for FSIQ-4, the coefficients ranged from
or psychiatric condition that could potentially .95 to .97 with a mean of .96. Next, split-half
affect cognitive functioning (e.g., Alzheimer's reliability coefficients are presented for the adult
dementia) were not included in the standardiza- sample (ages 17-89, N=l,145). Overall, these
tion sample. On most stratification variables, the figures are slightly higher than those computed
W ASI standardization sample appears to be an for the children's sample. For the Vocabulary
adequately close match with U. S. population subtest, the coefficients ranged from .90 to .98
statistics. However, children in the West region with a mean of .94. For Similarities, coefficients
were slightly underrepresented. Correlational ranged from .84 to .96 with a mean of .92. Relia-
research data link the WASI with the WISC-III, bility coefficients for the Block Design subtest
WAIS-III, and the Wechsler Individual Achieve- ranged from .90 to .94 with a mean of .92. For
Matrix Reasoning, the reliability coefficients indicate a strong degree of item consistency and
ranged from .88 to .96 with a mean of .94. The stability between test administrations.
IQ split-half reliability coefficients for the adult
sample are also higher, as would be expected. For
VIQ, the coefficients ranged from .92 to .98
with a mean of .96. Coefficients ranged from Numerous types of evidence concerning validity
.94 to .97 for PIQ, yielding a mean of .96. For are depicted in the W ASI manual. In terms of
FSIQ-2, the coefficients ranged from .93 to .98 content validity, the WASI subtests were chosen
with a mean of .96. Finally, for FSIQ-4, the co- on the basis of both their high "g" loadings and
efficients ranged from .96 to .98 with a mean of the cognitive functions assessed by each, as the
.98. Further, the WASI manual also presents WASI's purpose is to be a screening measure of
standard errors of measurement by subtests and intelligence. Parallel items were designed for the
IQ composites by age group. Test-retest relia- W ASI based on content analyses of the counter-
bility coefficients were also computed for a sam- part WISC-III and WAIS-III subtests. In addi-
ple of 222 participants representing each of the tion, expert reviewers were utilized to ensure that
age groups. The interval between testing sessions the WASI items were indeed parallel to their
was 31 days on average. The test-retest stability counterpart comprehensive batteries and that
coefficients were calculated for four separate age item content was similar. Information pertain-
ranges: 6-11, 12-16, 17-54, and 55-89. Results ing to convergent and discriminant validity is
are also presented in terms of an overall chil- . also presented. To determine the degree of these
dren's sample (ages 6-16, N=l 16) and adult sam- types of validity, correlational studies were con-
ple (ages 17-89, N=106). Subtest stability ducted comparing the WASI to the WISC-III,
coefficients per the children's sample were .85, WAIS-III, and the Wechsler Individual Achieve-
.86, .81, and .77 for Vocabulary, Similarities, ment Test (WIAT). First, the WASI and the
Block Design, and Matrices, respectively. Sta- WISC-III were given in counterbalanced order
bility coefficients are higher for the IQ com- to a nonclinical sample of children 6 to 16 years
posite scores: VIQ (.92), PIQ (.88), FSIQ-2 of age (N=176), with approximately 14 to 18 par-
(.85), FSIQ-4 (.93). Subtest stability coefficients ticipants representing each of the age groups.
per the adult sample were .90, .88, .86, and .79 On average, the time between testing sessions
for Vocabulary, Similarities, Block Design, and was 23 days. Correlations between the WASI
Matrices, respectively. Stability coefficients are and WISC-III Vocabulary, Similarities, and
higher in general for the IQ composite scores: Block Design subtests were .72, .69, and .74, re-
VIQ (.92), PIQ (.87), FSIQ-2 (.88), FSIQ-4 spectively. Correlations could not be computed
(.92). A study of interscorer agreement was also for the Matrix Reasoning subtest, as there is no
conducted to assess scoring of the Vocabulary counterpart on the WISC-III. For the IQ com-
and Similarities subtest, as these two subtests posites, correlations for VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and
require more judgment in the scoring process. FSIQ-4 were .82, .76, .81, and .87, respectively.
For this study, 60 cases (30 children and 30 adult These results suggest that the subtests and IQ
cases) were randomly selected from the stan- composites of the WASI measure constructs sim-
dardization sample. A total of four raters, two ilar to those assessed by the WISC-III. Because
with extensive experience and two with limited of this, the obtained data from this study were
experience, scored each of the 60 protocols inde- used to develop prediction intervals for the
pendently. The resulting interrater reliability WISC-III FSIQ based on WASI FSIQ-4 scores.
coefficients across the raters were .98 for Vocab- Next, the WASI and the WAIS-III were given
ulary and .99 for Similarities. Overall, the pre- in counterbalanced order to a sample of adults 16
sented estimates of reliability for the WASI to 89 years of age (N=248), with approximately
17 to 21 participants representing each of the age Composite (.63), and Writing Composite (. 72).
groups. On average, the time between testing For FSIQ-4, correlations were as follows with
sessions was 28 days. Correlations between the WIAT subtests and composites: Basic Reading
WASI and WAIS-III Vocabulary, Similarities, (.63), Mathematics Reasoning (.64), Spelling (.59),
Block Design, and Matrix Reasoning subtests Reading Comprehension (.71), Numerical Oper-
were .88, .76, .83, and .66, respectively. For the ations (.56), Listening Comprehension (.57), Oral
IQ composites, correlations for VIQ, PIQ, Expression (.47), Written Expression (.64), Read-
FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .88, .84, .87, and .92, ing Composite (.72), Mathematics Composite
respectively. As with the WISC-III study, these (.64), Language Composite (.64), and Writing
results suggest that the subtests and IQ com- Composite (.72).
posites of the WASI measure constructs similar Construct validity of the WASI was examined
to those assessed by the WAIS-III. Likewise, be- in terms of intercorrelations of the WASI sub-
cause of this, the obtained data from this study tests and IQ composites as well as by factor
were used to develop prediction intervals for the analyses. Predictions were made that each of the
WAIS-III FSIQ based on WASI FSIQ-4 scores. WASI subtests would have moderate to high
Finally, the WASI and the WIAT were adminis- correlations with each other and that Verbal sub-
tered to a sample of 210 nonclinical participants tests would have higher correlations with each
6 to 19 years of age. For this study, counter- other than with the Performance subtests. The
balancing was unnecessary, and the WIAT was intercorrelation study was conducted using the
administered following the WASI on the same entire standardization sample. Figures are pre-
day. Overall, moderate correlations were found sented according to each age group, in addition
between the WASI and WIAT. For VIQ, corre- to the averages for the children's sample,
lations were as follows with WIAT subtests and the adult sample, and the total sample. For the
composites: Basic Reading (.60), Mathematics children's sample (N=l,100), the Vocabulary
Reasoning (.58), Spelling (.57), Reading Com- subtest correlations with Similarities, Block De-
prehension (.66), Numerical Operations (.48), sign, and Matrix Reasoning were .71, .46, and
Listening Comprehension (.58), Oral Expression .50, respectively. The correlations ofVocabulary
(.42), Written Expression (.57), Reading Com- with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .71,
posite (.69), Mathematics Composite (.58), Lan- .54, .50, and .68, respectively. The Similarities
guage Composite (.60), and Writing Composite subtest correlations with Vocabulary, Block De-
(.70). For PIQ, correlations were as follows with sign, and Matrix Reasoning were .71, .47, and
WIAT subtests and composites: Basic Reading .48, respectively. The correlations of Similarities
(.50), Mathematics Reasoning (.54), Spelling with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .71,
(.46), Reading Comprehension (.60), Numerical .54, .69, and .68, respectively. The Block Design
Operations (.53), Listening Comprehension (.41), subtest correlations with Vocabulary, Similari-
Oral Expression (.41), Written Expression (.55), ties, and Matrix Reasoning were .46, .47, and .54,
Reading Composite (.59), Mathematics Compos- respectively. The correlations of Block Design
ite (.56), Language Composite (.53), and Writing with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .50,
Composite (.57). For FSIQ-2, correlations were .54, .57, and .58, respectively. The correlations of
as follows with WIAT subtests and composites: Matrix Reasoning with Vocabulary, Similarities,
Basic Reading (.61), Mathematics Reasoning and Block Design were .50, .48, and .54, respec-
(.64), Spelling (.57), Reading Comprehension tively. The Matrix Reasoning subtest correla-
(.67), Numerical Operations (.60), Listening tions with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were
Comprehension (.52), Oral Expression (.47), .53, .54, .50, and .60, respectively. In terms of
vVritten Expression (.64), Reading Composite composite scores for the children's sample, the
(.69), Mathematics Composite (.66), Language intercorrelation for VIQ and PIQ was .59. VIQ
correlated .85 and .90 with FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4, .62, and .62, respectively. The correlations of
respectively. PIQ correlated .81 and .89 with Matrix Reasoning with Vocabulary, Similarities,
FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4, respectively. The intercor- and Block Design were .56, .54, and .59, respec-
relation for FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4 was .93. For the tively. The Matrix Reasoning subtest correla-
adult sample (N=l,145), the Vocabulary subtest tions with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were
correlations with Similarities, Block Design, .59, .59, .56, and .66, respectively. In terms of
and Matrix Reasoning were .79, .54, and .61, re- composite scores for the total sample, the inter-
spectively. The correlations of Vocabulary with correlation for VIQ and PIQ was .63. VIQ cor-
VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .79, .64, related .87 and .91 with FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4,
.61, and .76, respectively. The Similarities sub- respectively. PIQ correlated .84 and .90 with
test correlations with Vocabulary, Block Design, FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4, respectively. The intercor-
and Matrix Reasoning were .79, .55, and .59, re- relation for FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4 was .94. Over-
spectively. The correlations of Similarities with all, these results support the "g" factor, and
VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .79, .63, evidence of convergent and discriminant validity
.77, and .75, respectively. The Block Design amongst the subtests and composites of the WASI
subtest correlations with Vocabulary, Similari- is confirmed.
ties, and Matrix Reasoning were .54, .55, and .63, Both confirmatory and exploratory factor
respectively. The correlations of Block Design analyses were performed to assess the degree to
with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .58, which the W ASI measures the constructs of
.63, .65, and .65, respectively. The correlations of verbal and performance (nonverbal) cognitive
Matrix Reasoning with Vocabulary, Similarities, abilities. Exploratory joint factor analyses were
and Block Design were .61, .59, and .63, respec- conducted using the data from the WASI/WISC-
tively. The Matrix Reasoning subtest correla- III (N=l 76) and the WASI/WAIS-III (N=248)
tions with VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were correlational studies. As expected, the results
.64, .63, .61, and .71, respectively. In terms of supported a factor pattern that separated verbal
composite scores for the adult sample, the inter- from nonverbal subtests. For the WASI/WISC-
correlation for VIQ and PIQ was .67. VIQ cor- 111 joint factor pattern, the WASI Vocabulary
related .88 and .92 with FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4, and Similarities subtests loaded on the Verbal
respectively. PIQ correlated .86 and .91 with Comprehension factor of the WISC-III .87 and
FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4, respectively. The intercor- .66, respectively. The WASI Block Design and
relation for FSIQ-2 and FSIQ-4 was .95. For the Matrix Reasoning subtests loaded on the Per-
total sample (N=2,245), the Vocabulary subtest ceptual Organization factor of the WISC-III .60
correlations with Similarities, Block Design, and and .54, respectively. Similarly, for the WASI/
Matrix Reasoning were .75, .50, and .56, respec- WAIS-III joint factor pattern, the WASI Vocab-
tively. The correlations of Vocabulary with VIQ, ulary and Similarities subtests loaded on the Ver-
PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .75, .60, .56, bal Comprehension factor of the WAIS-III .90
and .72, respectively. The Similarities subtest and .75, respectively. The WASI Block Design
correlations with Vocabulary, Block Design, and Matrix Reasoning subtests loaded on the
and Matrix Reasoning were .75, .51, and .54, re- Perceptual Organization factor of the WAIS-III
spectively. The correlations of Similarities with .73 and .68, respectively. However, it is noted in
VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .75, .59, the manual that although the four-subtest version
.73, and .72, respectively. The Block Design sub- of the WASI is the better screening tool as op-
test correlations with Vocabulary, Similarities, posed to the two-subtest format, the WASI lacks
and Matrix Reasoning were .50, .51, and .59, re- useful information that can be derived from
spectively. The correlations of Block Design with the third and fourth factors of the WISC-III/
VIQ, PIQ, FSIQ-2, and FSIQ-4 were .54, .59, WAIS-III (Working Memory and Processing
Speed). The WASI standardization data were These results indicate that the WASI may be a
used for the confirmatory factor analyses. These useful tool for screening children who may
analyses were conducted using the total sample, be intellectually gifted. Moreover, the WASI
all adults, all children, and six more specified age was administered to 46 children diagnosed
groupings. Here, a one-factor model (all four with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
subtests on a general factor) and a two-factor (ADHD) and a matched control group. Results
model (two Verbal subtests and two Performance showed that the group with ADHD scored only
subtests) were compared. Results indicated slightly lower (FSIQ-4 = 101) than the control
that the two-factor model provided the best fit group (FSIQ-4 = 103). This was expected as the
for all groups, including the total standardization WASI is considered to be a measure of "g" that
sample. does not include subtests associated with the
Additionally, evidence of clinical validity is third and fourth factors (Working Memory and
presented for the WASI. At the outset, it is Processing Speed). The WASI was also given to
mentioned that the clinical samples are indeed 89 children and adolescents with learning dis-
convenience samples that are not intended to be abilities. Of this sample, 23 individuals were di-
absolute representations of these groups. The agnosed with a mathematics disability, 47 were
WASI was administered to a group of 119 per- diagnosed with a reading disability, and 19 were
sons diagnosed with mental retardation. More diagnosed as having both a mathematics and a
specifically, the sample included 57 individuals reading disability. A matched control group was
with mild mental retardation, 30 individuals with selected from the WASI standardization sample
moderate mental retardation, and 32 persons for each of these groups. The average FSIQ-4
with Down syndrome. Results supported the score for the individuals with mathematics dis-
diagnoses, with the mean FSIQ-4 WASI scores abilities was 90. No significant performance dif-
being 63, 55, and 56 for the samples of persons ferences were noted amongst subtests or score
with mild mental retardation, moderate mental composites. The matched control group
retardation, and Down syndrome, respectively. achieved a mean FSIQ-4 score of 97, yet the dif-
Interestingly, all groups performed best on the ference between this group and the group with
Block Design subtest. However, further analysis mathematics disabilities was not considered sig-
of the data revealed that 61 % of the individuals nificant. The average FSIQ-4 score for those
with mild mental retardation obtained WASI with reading disabilities was 94. Although the
FSIQ-4 scores of 56 to 70, 67% of those with mean VIQ score was slightly lower than the
moderate mental retardation obtained scores of mean PIQ score, this difference was not signifi-
55 or below, and 97% of those with Down syn- cant. However, the group performed signifi-
drome scored in the range of 52 to 69. These cantly more poorly on Vocabulary than on Block
results suggest that although the WASI may be Design. The matched control group scored sig-
useful as a screening instrument for mental re- nificantly higher (103) than the group with read-
tardation, the WASI is not able to adequately ing disabilities. The average FSIQ-4 score for
assess the degree of mental retardation. As such, individuals with reading and mathematics dis-
a comprehensive intelligence test as well as a abilities was 88. Here, the mean VIQ score was
measure of adaptive behavior should be used for significantly lower than the mean PIQ score, and
purposes of determining a diagnosis of mental the mean Vocabulary score was significantly
retardation. The WASI was also administered to lower than the average Block Design and Matrix
a sample of 33 children and adolescents classified Reasoning scores. The control group scored
as being gifted. The mean WASI FSIQ-4 per- substantially higher (98) than the group with
formance for this group was 129, and 67% of the reading and mathematics disabilities. Further,
sample obtained a FSIQ-4 of 125 or above. WISC-III IQ scores were calculated for 35 of
reading, spelling, and arithmetic. This basic solve problems that are dictated (15 items), and
tenet of the WRAT-3 has not been changed a timed Written Arithmetic section in which
since its original publication over 60 years ago. the examinee is required to perform arithmetic
Also, many of the items found on the WRAT-3 computations (40 items) within a 15-minute
were first constructed for previous editions of the time liinit.
test. For these reasons, this test has been criti-
cized as being outdated. There is also substantial Items are scored as correct or incorrect, and set
confusion regarding the name of the test and the basal and ceiling rules are used to determine the
skills that it purports to measure. At first glance, appropriate number ofitems to adininister. Com-
a test consumer may assume that the name "Wide puterized scoring is available. The total test ad-
Range" implies that a wide range of skills is as- ministration time takes from 15 to 30 minutes,
sessed. However, the name refers to the fact that and the test is relatively quick and simple to
a wide range of ages is covered (5 years to 74 score. Raw scores can be converted to standard
years, 11 months). Further, the names of the sub- scores having a mean of 100 and a standard devi-
tests, Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic, may ation of 15. Scores for each subtest can be com-
imply that a broad range of skills is assessed puted for the Blue, Tan, and Combined forms.
within each of these areas. Upon closer examina- Profile/Analysis forms may be used to graphically
tion of the rationale and descriptions in the test display scores. In addition, a score classification
manual, it is found that this is not the case. scheme is presented in the manual: Very Supe-
rior (130 and up), Superior (120 to 129), High
Administration and Scoring Average (110 to 119), Average (90 to 109), Low
Average (80 to 89), Borderline (70 to 79), and
The WRAT-3 is an individually administered test Deficient (69 and below).
of academic skills. It consists of two forms, Blue
and Tan, with the same number of items for each
subtest per form. Additionally, both Blue and Tan
forms can be adininistered (i.e., Combined form). The standardization sample of the WRAT-3
The test consists of three subtests: consisted of 4,433 individuals between the ages
of 5 years and 74 years, 11 months. The norming
1. Reading. This subtest is essentially a test of process took place during 1992 and 1993, and the
word recognition alone, as opposed to a test sample was selected to approximate 1990 U. S.
that measures more than one reading skill. Census data. The sample was stratified according
Here, the individual is required to recognize to variables of age, gender, geographic region,
and name 15 letters and 42 words as presented ethnicity, and socioeconomic level (as defined by
on a card. Ten seconds are allowed for the in- occupational category). It is unclear how many
dividual to respond to each item. individuals with disabilities, if any, were included
2. Spelling. This subtest is a test of written en- in the sample. Overall, it appears that the ob-
coding that requires an individual to write tained normative sample resembles that of the
his/her name and to write letters (15 items) U. S. population.
and words (40 items) from dictation. 15 sec-
onds are allowed per item. Reliability
3. Arithmetic. The Arithmetic subtest is basically Internal consistency estimates for the WRAT-3
a test of computation. The subtest consists of were determined using coefficient alpha for
an untimed Oral Arithmetic section in which each test across the standardization sample and
the examinee is required to read numbers and for each form (Blue, Tan, and Combined). For
the Combined form of the Reading subtest, co- taught in grades Kindergarten through high
efficients ranged from .91 to .97 with a median of school for arithmetic" (p. 176). The Rasch sta-
.95. On the Blue form, the values ranged from tistic of item separation was used to indicate
.88 to. 95 with a median of.91. On the Tan form, whether or not adequate numbers of items at
the coefficients ranged from .88 to .94 with a me- varying levels of difficulty were chosen for the
dian of .90. For the Combined form of the test. However, item separation does not directly
Spelling subtest, the coefficients ranged from .89 measure the content validity of a domain. There-
to .97 with a median of .95. On the Blue form, fore, it appears that more evidence of content
the values ranged from .83 to .95 with a median validity is in order. Construct validity is pre-
of .91. On the Tan form, the coefficients ranged sented in terms of developmental skills, intercor-
from .83 to .94 with a median of .89. On the relations of the WRAT-3 tests, and relationships
Combined form of the Arithmetic subtest, the with measures of intelligence and achievement.
coefficients ranged from .72 to .96 with a median Intercorrelations suggest that the subtests of the
of.92. On the Blue form, the values ranged from WRAT-3 are moderately to highly related to one
.69 to .82 with a median of .86. On the Tan form, another. Median intercorrelations were .87, .66,
the coefficients ranged from .70 to .92 with a me- and .70, respectively for Reading and Spelling,
dian of .85. Alternate form correlations were also Reading and Arithmetic, and Spelling and Arith-
computed to compare the Blue and Tan forms of metic. WRAT-3 Combined form scores were
the WRAT-3. On Reading, correlations ranged correlated with results on the WISC-III for a
from .87 to .99 with a median of .92. Spelling sample of 100 children ages 6 to 16 years. The
correlations ranged from .86 to. 99 with a median WISC-III Verbal IQ scores correlated .70,
of .93, and Arithmetic correlations ranged from .69, and .71, respectively, with the WRAT-3
.82 to .99 with a median of .89. Further, the sta- Combined scores on Reading, Spelling, and
bility of the WRAT-3 was assessed using test- Arithmetic. WISC-III Performance IQ scores
retest reliability, with an average of 37.4 days in correlated .52, .53, and .67, respectively, with
between test administrations, for a sample of 142 the WRAT-3 Combined scores on Reading,
individuals between the ages of 6 and 16 years for Spelling, and Arithmetic. The Full Scale IQ scores
each form. These coefficients ranged from .91 to correlated .66, .66, and .73, respectively, with the
.98 overall, with a range of.96 to .98 for Reading, WRAT-3 Combined scores on Reading, Spelling,
.93 to .96 for Spelling, and .91 to .94 for Arith- and Arithmetic. Correlations for the WRAT-3
metic. Altogether, the presented reliability esti- Combined scores and WISC-III subtests are also
mates for the WRAT-3 appear to be adequate. presented: Picture Completion (Reading r=.47,
Spelling r=.46, Arithmetic r=.49), Information
(Reading r=.71, Spelling r=.63, Arithmetic
r=.66), Coding (Reading r=.44, Spelling r=.55,
Content and construct validity are addressed in Arithmetic r=.54), Similarities (Reading r=.68,
the WRAT-3 manual. In terms of content valid- Spelling r=.60, Arithmetic r=.66), Picture Arrange-
ity, it is reemphasized that the test intends to ment (Reading r=.33, Spelling r=.31, Arith-
measure basic academic skills, specifically, word metic r=.48), Arithmetic (Reading r=.54, Spelling
recognition, spelling from dictation, and arith- r=.59, Arithmetic r=.66), Block Design (Reading
metic computation. However, evidence of ade- r=.41, Spelling r=.42, Arithmetic r=.64), Vocabu-
quate content validity is not well delineated. The lary (Reading r=.64, Spelling r=.64, Arithmetic
author (Wilkinson, 1993) claims that the subtests r=.58), Object Assembly (Reading r=.3 7, Spelling
of the WRAT-3 measure the domains of "all the r=.30, Arithmetic r=.45), Comprehension (Read-
words in the English language for reading and ing r=.53, Spelling r=.60, Arithmetic r=.59),
spelling and the arithmetic computation problems and Digit Span (Reading r=.58, Spelling r=.64,
Arithmetic r=.52). In a separate study, WRAT-3 are also presented. First, WRAT-3 and CTBS-4
scores were correlated with WAIS-R scores for scores were correlated for a sample of 46 chil-
a sample of 40 adolescents and adults 16 to 63 dren ages 8 to 16 years. Here, the WRAT- 3
years of age. The WAIS-R Verbal IQ scores Reading subtest correlated .69 with Total Read-
correlated .63, .59, and .53 with the WRAT-3 ing on the CTBS-4, WRAT-3 Spelling corre-
Combined scores on Reading, Spelling, and lated .84 with CTBS-4 Spelling, and WRAT-3
Arithmetic. WAIS-R Performance IQ scores Arithmetic correlated .79 with Total Math on
correlated .31, .28, and .54 with the WRAT-3 the CTBS-4. Next, scores on the WRAT-3 and
Combined scores on Reading, Spelling, and the CAT were correlated for a sample of 49
Arithmetic. WAIS-R Full Scale IQ scores cor- children ages 8 to 16 years. Results yielded cor-
related .53, .49, and .60, respectively, with the relations of .72 between WRAT-3 Reading and
WRAT-3 Combined scores on Reading, Spelling, CAT Total Reading, .77 between WRAT-3
and Arithmetic. Correlations for the WRAT-3 Spelling and CAT Total Spelling, and .41 be-
Combined scores and WAIS-R subtests are also tween WRAT-3 Arithmetic and CAT Total
presented: Picture Completion (Reading r=.3 5, Math. Finally, scores on the WRAT-3 and the
Spelling r=.19, Arithmetic r=.26), Information SAT were correlated for a sample of 31 children
(Reading r=.52, Spelling r=.44, Arithmetic r=.34), ranging in age from 9 to 15 years. WRAT-3
Similarities (Reading r=.47, Spelling r=.52, Arith- Reading correlated .87 with SAT Total Read-
metic r=.46), Picture Arrangement (Reading ing, WRAT-3 Spelling correlated .76 with SAT
r=.39, Spelling r=.42, Arithmetic r=.43), Arith- Spelling, and WRAT-3 Arithmetic correlated
metic (Reading r=.36, Spelling r=.36, Arithmetic .81 with SAT Total Math. Discriminant analy-
r=.46), Block Design (Reading r=.32, Spelling sis was used to determine the utility of the
r=.32, Arithmetic r=.49), Vocabulary (Reading WRAT-3 in special education placement. Of a
r=.62, Spelling r=.58, Arithmetic r=.46), Object sample of 222 persons, the WRAT-3 grouped
Assembly (Reading r=.05, Spelling r=.05, Arith- gifted children at 85% accuracy, children with
metic r=.25), Comprehension (Reading r=.48, learning disabilities at 72% accuracy, children
Spelling r=.43, Arithmetic r=.46), Digit Symbol with mental handicaps (mildly mentally retarded)
(Reading r=.09, Spelling, r=.24, Arithmetic r=.48), at 83 % accuracy, and "normal" at 56% accuracy.
and Digit Span (Reading r=.45, Spelling r=.41, As a result, the test developer purports that the
Arithmetic r=.35). WRAT -3 can be a useful tool in making special
Relationships between the WRAT-3 and the education placement decisions, although it
WRAT-R are also presented for a sample of should not be the only criteria utilized.
77 children. Here, each form of the WRAT-3 Independent validity investigations have been
was administered on average 82 days after the done with the WRAT-3. Vance and Fuller (1995)
WRAT-R was given. As a result, correlations examined the validity of the WRAT-3 in rela-
between Reading on the WRAT-3 and the tionship to the WISC-III for a sample of 60
WRAT-R ranged from .90 to .95, correlations children ages 6 years to 15 years, 8 months who
between Spelling on the WRAT-3 and the were referred for special education. WRAT-3
WRAT-R ranged from .96 to .99, and corre- Reading correlated with the WISC-III Verbal
lations between Arithmetic on the WRAT-3 IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ .71, .62,
and the WRAT-R ranged from .79 to .85. and .72, respectively. WRAT-3 Spelling corre-
Correlations of the WRAT-3 Combined form lated with the WISC-III Verbal, Performance,
with standardized group achievement tests, e.g., and Full Scale IQ .66, .59, and .68, respectively.
the California Test of Basic Skills-4th edition Finally, WRAT-3 Arithmetic correlated with the
(CTBS-4), California Achievement Test Form E Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ .79, .73,
(CAT), and the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) and .82, respectively. Smith, Smith, and Smithson
(1995) examined the relationship between the of validity, among other concerns. Cohen and
WRAT-3 and the WISC-III for a sample of 37 Spenciner (1998) suggest that although the
rural children ages 6 to 16 years whom were WRAT-3 possesses adequate norms and relia-
referred for psychoeducational evaluation. Com- bility, that this test should be used solely as a
bined Reading scores on the WRAT-3 correlated "screening instrument, if at all" (p. 148).
with the WISC-III Verbal, Performance, and
Full Scale IQ .59, .45, and .59, respectively. Com-
bined Spelling scores on the WRAT-3 correlated Woodcock-McGrew-Werder
with the WISC-III Verbal, Performance, and Mini-Battery of Achievement
Full Scale IQ .51, .51, and .58, accordingly. Com-
bined Arithmetic scores on the WRAT-3 corre-
lated with the WISC-III Verbal, Performance, The MBA (Woodcock, McGrew, & Werder,
and Full Scale IQ .66, .48, and .66, respectively. 1994) is a relatively new brief academic achieve-
Although most of the figures pertaining to con- ment screening measure that may be used with
struct validity of the WRAT-3 appear adequate, children and adults from 4 to 95 years of age.
there are problems pertaining to the definition of This test is designed to expand upon content that
the constructs themselves and with the limited va- is generally found in brief achievement screen-
riety of instruments and the limited sample sizes ing measures such as the WRAT-3. Specifically,
upon which the validity evidence is based. the MBA contains tests of reading, mathematics,
writing, and general knowledge. These tests
are highly similar in format and content of the
vVJ-R ACH, which is discussed later in this
The WRAT-3 has a long history, as well as an chapter. In fact, vVJ-R ACH counterparts for
ample number of users. Its brevity and ease of the MBA are presented in the manual, and
use make it popular instrument. However, it MBA items were drawn from vVJ-R ACH item
does appear to be riddled with numerous prob- banks. Each of the MBA tests covers more than
lems. First, the terminology used throughout one skill, thus providing "more extensive cover-
the test (i.e., Reading, Spelling, Arithmetic, and age of basic and applied skills than any other
Wide Range) can be problematic. Such terms brief achievement battery" (Woodcock, Mac-
may imply to some test consumers that the Grew, & Werder, 1994, p. 219). The authors
WRAT-3 covers a wide array of skills, which of the MBA suggest several applications of this
it clearly does not. Instead, it assesses three dis- instrument: Screening for special education re-
crete skills: word recognition, spelling from dic- ferrals; intake screenings in pediatric, geriatric,
tation, and arithmetic computation. Although psychological, medical, and other clinical set-
these skills are outlined in the manual, the test tings; hiring and job placement decisions; initial
would benefit from revised terminology that screenings of new students in educational set-
better reflects the test content. Also, it should tings; and research uses. However, the authors
be noted that the WRAT-3 differs from many of this instrument also point out that the MBA
other screeners of academic achievement in that should be not used without corroborating in-
it assesses considerably fewer skills. In a sense, formation to make placement or treatment de-
the WRAT-3 could be considered a "screener cisions. Instead, it is recommended that MBA
of a screener." Clinicians should take care to see results be utilized to identify potential need
that the WRAT-3 is used for screening purposes for more in-depth evaluations using instru-
only. Mabry (1995) criticizes the WRAT-3 for its ments such as the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-
obsolescence, test content, lack of underlying ra- Educational Battery-Revised (Woodcock &
tionale and philosophy, and insufficient evidence Johnson, 1989a).
be beneficial. Concurrent validity studies were PIAT-R Written Language Composite, and .78
conducted with other popular tests of achieve- with WRAT-R Spelling. MBA Mathematics test
ment using three different samples. Selected scores correlated .88 with \VJ-R ACH Broad
correlations are presented here. For a sample of Mathematics, .76 with K-TEABriefForm Math-
55 sixth-grade students, MBA Reading test ematics, .83 with PIAT-R Mathematics, and .75
scores correlated .79 with \VJ-R ACH Broad with WRAT-R Arithmetic. MBA Factual Knowl-
Reading, .75 with K-TEA Brief Form Reading, edge test scores correlated .77 with \VJ-RACH
.82 with PIAT-R Total Reading, and .64 with Broad Knowledge and .69 with PIAT-R General
WRAT-R Reading. MBA Writing test scores Information. The MBA Basic Skills Cluster cor-
correlated .53 with \VJ-RACH Broad Written related .88 with the \VJ-RACH Skills Cluster.
Language, .62 with K-TEA Brief Form Spelling, Further, MBA subtest and Basic Skills Cluster
.64 with PIAT-R Written Language Composite, intercorrelation patterns for those individuals be-
and .57 with WRAT-R Spelling. MBA Mathe- tween the ages of 5 and 79 are reported for the
matics test scores correlated .72 with \VJ-R purpose of contributing evidence for construct
ACH Broad Mathematics, .67 with K-TEABrief validity. The median correlations were Reading
Form Mathematics, .62 with PIAT-R Mathe- with Writing (r=.80), Reading with Mathematics
matics, and .66 with WRAT-R Arithmetic. MBA (r=.66), Reading with Factual Knowledge (r=.74),
Factual Knowledge test scores correlated .74 Writing with Mathematics (r=.65), Mathematics
with \VJ-RACH Broad Knowledge and .64with with Factual Knowledge (r=.68), Writing with
PIAT-R General Information. The MBA Basic Factual Knowledge (r=.68), Basic Skills Cluster
Skills Cluster correlated .82 with the \VJ-RACH with Reading (r=.90), Basic Skills Cluster with
Skills Cluster. For a sample of 58 college stu- Writing (r=.93), Basic Skills Cluster with Math-
dents, MBA Reading test scores correlated .70 ematics (r=.82), and Basic Skills Cluster with Fac-
with \VJ-RACH Broad Reading, .60 with K- tual Knowledge (r=.76). The figures show that
TEA Brief Form Reading, .68 with PIAT-R the four MBA subtests measure different but re-
Total Reading, and .66 with WRAT-R Reading. lated academic skills. No studies relating the
MBA Writing test scores correlated .74 with MBA to measures of intelligence are presented.
\VJ-RACH Broad Written Language, .80 with Altogether, there needs to be more clarifica-
K-TEA Brief Form Spelling, .70 with PIAT-R tion pertaining to content and construct validity.
Written Language Composite, and .67 with Further, despite the fact that the figures pertain-
WRAT-R Spelling. MBA Mathematics test ing to concurrent validity appear adequate, stud-
scores correlated .84 with \VJ-R ACH Broad ies having a wider variety of instruments and
Mathematics, .75 with K-TEA Brief Form Math- increased sample sizes would enhance claims of
ematics, .82 with PIAT-R Mathematics, and .72 validation.
with WRAT-R Arithmetic. MBA Factual Knowl-
edge test scores correlated .77 with \VJ-RACH
Broad Knowledge and .53 with PIAT-R General
Information. The MBA Basic Skills Cluster cor- The MBA is a new brief screening measure of
related .85 with the \VJ-RACH Skills Cluster. In academic achievement. It appears to be techni-
a sample of 59 adults, MBA Reading test scores cally adequate in some respects. However, more
correlated .75 with \VJ-RACH Broad Reading, recent norms and enhanced reliability and valid-
.70 with K-TEA Brief Form Reading, .73 with ity studies would certainly be beneficial. Unfor-
PIAT-R Total Reading, and .70 with WRAT-R tunately, little independent research has been
Reading. MBA Writing test scores correlated. 78 conducted using the MBA. The content of the
with \VJ-RACH Broad Written Language, .76 MBA covers a broader range of skills than do
with K-TEA Brief Form Spelling, .59 with other brief screeners of achievement such as the
WRAT-3, but it still might be considered a Skills assessed include the recognition and
"screener of a screener" as there are yet more naming of numbers, as well as computation
comprehensive screening measures of academic using the four basic arithmetic operations with
achievement. The instrument appears to be quick whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and per-
and easy to use, has close ties with the \,\,J-R, and centages. Items are presented on the Basic
comes with a computerized scoring program. Number Skills worksheet. Low scores on this
Michael (1998) concluded in a review of the MBA test may indicate that a child has poor under-
that "this reviewer would consider the MBA to be standings of mathematical operations, numer-
a practical measure requiring a relatively short ation, and/or poor attention or motivation.
time (about 30 minutes) to administer and in light
2. Spelling. Like Basic Number Skills, Spelling
of the supporting reliability and validity data
is administered to children ages 6 years to
would recommend its use" (p. 1142). As always,
17 years, 11 months. This 70-item test as-
clinicians should take care to use the MBA for the
sesses knowledge and recall of spellings by
purposes for which it was intended.
requiring the child to write words that are
dictated to him or her onto the Spelling work-
Differential Ability Scales School sheet. Low scores on the Spelling test may in-
dicate poor knowledge of phonological skills,
Achievement Tests (DAS ACH)
poor auditory and/or visual memory, or poor
The DAS ACH (Elliott, 1990a, 19906) is a por- auditory discrimination.
tion of the Differential Ability Scales, a compre-
3. Word Reading. The usual age range for ad-
hensive instrument designed to assess cognitive
ministering Word Reading is 6 years to 17
ability and achievement. Although the DAS covers
years, 11 months, but on occasion, this test
an age range of 2 years, 6 months to 17 years,
is administered to children as young as 5
11 months overall, the DAS ACH tests are de-
years old. On this 90-item test, word recogni-
signed to cover an age range of 6 years to 17 years,
tion is assessed by having the individual read
11 months. The DAS ACH consists of three
aloud printed words as presented on the Word
school achievement tests that measure the basic
Reading card. Low scores on this test may re-
skills of word reading, spelling, and arithmetic,
flect similar difficulties as those described for
similar to the WRAT-3. An advantage of the
DAS School Achievement Test component is that
it shares a common normative sample with the
DAS Cognitive Battery, thus enhancing ability- The DAS ACH tests may be given separately, or
achievement comparisons. The test author cau- in any combination desired. Items on each of
tions against misuse of the DAS ACH, stating that these tests are scored as correct or incorrect, and
these tests should not be considered as measures set basal and ceiling rules are used to determine
of general achievement in their respective areas. the appropriate number of items to administer.
The total test administration time takes about
15-2 5 minutes, and the test is relatively simple to
Administration and Scoring score. Raw scores for each test are first converted
The DAS ACH is an untimed, individually ad- to "Ability Scores," and these can be further con-
ministered test of basic academic skills. It consists verted to standard scores having a mean of 100
of three school achievement tests: and a standard deviation of 15. Computerized
scoring is also available. Further, each of these
1. Basic Number Skills. This test consists of a tests can be subjected to a performance analysis.
total of 48 items and is generally administered Performance analysis calls for the clinician to
to children ages 6 years to 17 years, 11 months. examine the child's responses for the purpose of
identifying strengths and weaknesses in terms .92 for Word Reading. In addition, the coeffi-
of more discrete skills. For example, discrete aca- cient was computed as .68 for the 5 year to 5
demic skills presented in the Basic Number Skills year, 11 months age group (N=200) for Word
subtest include multiplying simple fractions and Reading. Indicators of test-retest reliability were
naming a two-digit number. Performance analy- also computed. The interval separating the test
sis guidelines are presented on the test record administrations spanned 2 to 6 weeks. For chil-
forms as well as in the manual. The DAS ACH dren ages 5 years, 9 months to 6 years, 11 months
includes guidelines for testing children with dis- (N=67), test-retest reliability was .79 for Basic
abilities and children who are not proficient in Number Skills. On this same test, the reliability
English. Instructions and suggestions for com- was .85 for children ages 12 years to 13 years,
puting ability-achievement discrepancies are pre- 11 months (N=121). Test-retest reliability for
sented, as well. Spelling was .89 for children ages 5 years, 9
months to 6 years, 11 months (N=62), and for
Standardization children ages 12 years to 13 years, 11 months
(N=118), it was .94. For children ages 5 years,
The standardization sample of the DAS, hence
9 months to 6 years, 11 months (N=79) test-
the DAS ACH, consisted of 3,475 children, in-
retest reliability was .97 for Word Reading. On
cluding 175 children for each 6-month interval
this same test, the reliability was .94 for children
for ages 2 years, 6 months to 4 years, 11 months,
ages 12 years to 13 years, 11 months (N=121).
and 200 children for each 1-year interval for ages
These figures suggest a high degree of item con-
5 years to 17 years, 11 months. The standardiza-
sistency and score stability.
tion process took place from 1987 to 1989, and
the sample was selected to approximate U. S.
Census data as presented in the March 1988 Cur- Validity
rent Population Survey. The sample was stratified
Internal validity of the DAS as a whole is de-
according to variables of age, gender, geographic
scribed in terms of intercorrelations of tests
region, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
and composites. Correlations between the DAS
(as defined by education level of parent(s) or
School Achievement Tests and the Cognitive
guardian(s)), and preschool enrollment. Students
Battery General Conceptual Ability (GCA)
enrolled in special education classes, with the
composite are moderate. lntercorrelations are
exclusion of children with severe disabilities,
reported for 2,400 individuals ages 6 years to 17
were also included in the normative sample.
years, 11 months with 200 cases per 1-year age
Overall, it appears that the obtained normative
level. Basic Number Skills, Spelling, and Word
sample for the DAS is representative of the U. S.
Reading correlated with the GCA .60, .52, and
.60, respectively. For Verbal Ability on the DAS,
correlations were .48, .49, and .59 for Basic Num-
Reliability ber Skills, Spelling, and Word Reading. For
Internal consistency reliabilities based on item- Nonverbal Reasoning Ability, correlations were
response theory were computed for the DAS .59, .49, and .52 for Basic Number Skills, Spelling,
ACH using individuals ages 6 years to 17 years, and Word Reading. For Spatial Ability, correla-
11 months from the standardization sample. tions were .45, .34, and .40 for Basic Number
Two hundred cases at each 1-year age level were Skills, Spelling, and Word Reading. Further, the
used in the calculations (N=2,400). These coeffi- correlation for Basic Number Skills with Spelling
cients ranged from .82 to .90 with a mean of .87 was .56, for Basic Number Skills with Word Read-
for Basic Number Skills, .91 to .94 with a mean ing was .53, and Word Reading with Spelling
of .92 for Spelling, and .88 to .95 with a mean of was .81. Several concurrent validity studies are
also reported. Correlations of the DAS ACH and lated .24 with Verbal Reasoning, .36 with Ab-
the WISC-R were calculated for a sample of 66 stract/Visual Reasoning, .43 with Quantitative
children 8 to 10 years of age. Basic Number Reasoning, .35 with Short-Term Memory, and
Skills was found to correlate with the WISC-R .46 with the Test Composite. Word Reading
Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ, and correlated .50 with Verbal Reasoning, .51 with
Freedom from Distractibility .62, .53, .68, and Abstract/Visual Reasoning, .52 with Quantitative
.69, respectively. Spelling correlated with the Reasoning, .43 with Short-Term Memory, and
Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ, and .61 with the Test Composite. Correlations of the
Freedom from Distractibility .57, .34, .50, and DAS ACH and the K-ABC were calculated for a
.47, respectively. Word Reading correlated with sample of 18 to 27 children ages 5 to 7. Correla-
the Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ, tions of K-ABC Sequential Processing and the
and Freedom from Distractibility .68, .50, .66, DAS ACH yielded values of .58, .49, and .34 for
and .50, respectively. Further, Basic Number Basic Number Skills, Spelling, and Word Read-
Skills correlated .66 with Arithmetic on the ing, respectively. Accordingly, correlations were
WISC-R. For a sample of 60 children 14 to 15 computed with K-ABC Simultaneous Process-
years of age, Basic Number Skills correlated with ing, yielding values of .38, .38, and .38 for Basic
the WISC-R Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Number Skills, Spelling, and Word Reading, re-
Scale IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility .66, spectively. Correlations with K-ABC Mental Pro-
.40, .68, and .63, respectively. Spelling correlated cessing Composite were .66, .51, and .38 for Basic
with the Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale Number Skills, Spelling, and Word Reading, ac-
IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility .57, .34, .55, cordingly. For K-ABC Achievement, correlations
and .47, respectively. Word Reading correlated were .64, .60, and .83 for Basic Number Skills,
with the Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale Spelling, and Word Reading, respectively. Corre-
IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility .74, .38, .72, lations between scores on the DAS ACH and the
and .63 respectively. In addition, it was found PPVT- R were also reported for a sample of 64
that Basic Number Skills correlated .67 with children ages 6 years to 10 years, 9 months. The
Arithmetic on the WISC-R. Correlations of the PPVT-R and Basic Numbers Skills correlated
DAS ACH and the SB-IV were calculated for a .31, Spelling and the PPVT-R correlated .42, and
sample of 55 children 9 to 10 years of age. Basic Word Reading and the PPVT-R correlated .48.
Number Skills correlated .55 with Verbal Rea- In addition, correlations are reported using
soning, .56 with Abstract/Visual Reasoning, .69 both individually administered and group admin-
with Quantitative Reasoning, .28 with Short- istered achievement tests. Correlations were
Term Memory, and .66 with the Test Com- calculated for a sample of 198 children of age
posite. Spelling correlated .34 with Verbal 7 years and 157 children of age 11 years using
Reasoning, .44 with Abstract/Visual Reasoning, the Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener
.50 with Quantitative Reasoning, .39with Short- (BASIS). Basic Number Skills correlated .75 to .79
Term Memory, and .49 with the Test Compos- with the BASIS Mathematics subtest, Spelling
ite. Word Reading correlated .58 with Verbal correlated .87 to .88 with the BASIS Spelling
Reasoning, .48 with Abstract/Visual Reasoning, subtest, and Word Reading correlated .64 to .79
.63 with Quantitative Reasoning, .45 with Short- with the BASIS Reading subtest. In a sample of
Term Memory, and .66 with the Test Compos- 100 children ages 8 to 11 years, a correlation
ite. For a sample of 29 children having gifted of .83 was found between Word Reading and
referrals 7 to 11 years of age, Basic Number'~kills the Total Reading score on the Woodcock Read-
correlated .28 with Verbal Reasoning, .52 with ing Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R). Cor-
Abstract/Visual Reasoning, .64 with Quantita- relations for a sample of 29 children ages 7 to 11
tive Reasoning, .3 7 with Short-Term Memory, years having gifted referrals were calculated with
and .57 with the Test Composite. Spelling corre- the K- TEA. Basic Number Skills correlated .84
with the K-TEAMathematics Composite, Spelling between the 1989 and 1997 versions of the PIAT -
correlated .85 with the K-TEASpelling, and Word R is that the 1997 update contains a more current
Reading correlated .85 with the K-TEA Reading standardization sample. The PIAT-R includes a
Composite. Correlations were also calculated to greater number of items and more contemporary
compare the scores on the DAS ACH with group items than its predecessor, and a new subtest,
achievement test results collected from the stan- Written Expression, was also added. The PIAT-R
dardization sample. The group tests included mea- is an individually administered achievement test
sures such as the California Achievement Test, designed to provide a wide range of assessment in
the California Test of Basic Skills, the Stanford six content areas: General Information, Reading
Achievement Test, and the Iowa Test of Basic Recognition, Reading Comprehension, Mathe-
Skills. Basic Number Skills correlated at .62 with matics, Spelling, and Written Expression. Accord-
total mathematics scores on the group tests, Word ing to the test author, the PIAT-R is useful in
Reading correlated at .67 with total reading scores, providing a survey of an individual's academic
and Spelling correlated with spelling scores at .77. achievement. As such, results of th·e PIAT-R may
Further, DAS ACH scores and school grades were be used to determine the need for diagnostic test-
correlated for the standardization sample. Basic ing. Other purposes include individual evaluation,
Number Skills and mathematics grades correlated program planning, school admissions and place-
at .43, Spelling and spelling grades correlated at ment, ability grouping, guidance and counseling,
.60, and Word Reading and reading grades corre- personnel selection, and follow-up evaluation,
lated at .48. Overall, these figures lend adequate as well as research uses. Several caveats are pre-
support for the validity of the DAS ACH. How- sented in the manual, cautioning the test consumer
ever, additional studies with larger sample sizes against the limitations of the PIAT-R-for exam-
would be more informative. ple, that the PIAT-R is not designed to be a diag-
nostic test of achievement or to provide highly
Summary precise measurements of achievement, that it is
not based on any one curriculum used in schools,
The DAS ACH appears to be a useful tool for
and that the qualifications of the test consumer
measuring basic academic achievement skills. Be-
may influence the interpretation of the test.
cause the DAS ACH examines a limited range
of skills, not unlike the WRAT-3, it may be best
considered a "screener of a screener." However, Administration and Scoring
the DAS ACH possesses several characteristics The PIAT-R is an individually administered test
that make it worthy of use, including an adequate of academic achievement constructed for use with
standardization sample and the ability to make individuals ages 5 years to 18 years, 11 months.
direct comparisons with the DAS Cognitive Bat- The PIAT-R consists of one form having six sub-
tery, adequate reliability and validity data, and the tests presented in an easel format:
availability of performance analysis procedures.
Aylward (1992) indicates that DAS as a whole is a 1. General Information. This subtest contains
psychometrically sound, well-constructed test. 100 items. The examinee answers open-ended
questions as read aloud by the examiner. Items
cover general encyclopedic knowledge in the
Peabody Individual Achievement areas of science, social studies, the humanities,
Test-Revised (PIAT-R) and recreation.
The PIAT-R (Markwardt, 1989) is the revision of 2. Reading Recognition. This subtest contains
the original PIAT (Dunn & Markwardt, 1970). 100 items comprising two distinct types. Items
Recently, a normative update was released for the 1-16 are multiple choice in format (4 alterna-
PIAT-R (Markwardt, 1997). The only difference tives per item) and assess readiness skills. Here,
the student is to choose the correct word or subtest is scored differentjy, and the manual pre-
picture to demonstrate knowledge of phonics sents a detailed scoring guide for examiner use.
skills. Items 17-100 require the examinee to A computerized scoring program is also available.
read aloud words as presented by the examiner. The total test administration time takes about 60
3. Reading Comprehension. The Reading Com- minutes. Raw scores can be converted to standard
prehension subtest contains 82 items designed scores having a mean of 100 and a standard devi-
to measure the individual's understanding of ation of 15 among other scores. These scores can
what is read. Each item covers two pages in be calculated for each subtest. Written Expres-
the Book of Plates. On the first page, the ex- sion is an exception to this, and yields a "develop-
aminee reads a sentence silently, and on the mental scaled score," which ranges from 1 to 15,
second page, chooses one of four pictures that as well as grade-based stanines. In addition, a
best illustrates the sentence. Total Test Composite score comprising General
Information, Reading Recognition, Reading Com-
4. Mathematics. This subtest consists of 100
prehension, Mathematics, and Spelling, a Total
items in which the examiner reads aloud each
Reading Composite comprising Reading Recog-
item while displaying the four choices to the
nition and Reading Comprehension, and an op-
subject. The content of this test focuses on
tional Written Language Composite comprising
application of mathematical concepts rather
Spelling and Written Expression can also be com-
than computation, and the level of difficulty
puted. Instructions for determining significant
ranges from recognizing numbers to solving
differences between scores are given in the man-
trigonometry problems.
ual. Guidelines for testing individuals with dis-
5. Spelling. Unlike other tests of this nature, the abilities are also provided for reference. Further,
Spelling subtest of the PIAT-R is presented in a Report to Parents form is included in the man-
a multiple-choice format. This subtest consists ual and can be used as an aide in communicating
of 100 items requiring the examinee to accu- scores.
rately recognize letters and correct spellings of
words from four given choices.
6. Written Expression. This subtest consists of
two levels. Level I (19 items) is designed for The PIAT-R was renormed between October
use with kindergarten and first-grade students 1995 and November 1996 to match U.S. Census
and measures readiness skills, including writ- data as depicted in the March 1994 Current
ing one's name, copying letters and words, and Population Survey. These updated norms were
writing letters, words, or sentences as dictated published in 1997. The standardization sample
by the examiner. Level II is designed for use is linked to those of the Kaufman Test of Edu-
with students in grades 2 to 12. Here, the stu- cational Achievement, the Woodcock Reading
dent is asked to write a story in response to Mastery Tests-Revised, and the KeyMath-
one of two picture prompts (A or B) with a Revised. The sample consisted of 3,429 individ-
time limit of 20 minutes. Stories are scored on uals, including 3,184 students in kindergarten
24 criteria relating to content, organization, through grade 12 and 245 young adults ages 18
and mechanics. to 22 years. The sample was stratified according
to variables of age, gender, socioeconomic status
Items on the first five subtests are scored as cor- (i.e., parent education level), race/ethnicity, and
rect or incorrect, and set basal and ceiling rules geographic region. Gifted and special education
are used to determine the appropriate number of status was also considered when constructing
items to administer. Training exercises or teach- the sample. Overall, the sample appears to
ing items are provided. The Written Expression adequately match census statistics. However,
Caucasians are slightly overrepresented, as are Reading Recognition ranged from .94 to .98 with
individuals from the Southern and North Cen- a median of .96. For Reading Comprehension,
tral regions of the country. coefficients ranged from .65 to .97 with a median
of .90. The Total Reading Composite coeffi-
cients ranged from .87 to .98 with a median of
.96. The Mathematics subtest coefficients ranged
In looking at reliability, it should be noted that from .67 to .94with a median of .90. Coefficients
the original PIAT-R norms from 1989 were used, for Spelling ranged from .78 to .97 with a median
not those from 1997. Split-half reliability co- of .90. Coefficients for the Total Test Compos-
efficients were calculated for a sample of 1,563 ite ranged from .88 to .99 with a median of .96.
students ages 5 to 18 years from the original Item response theory reliability coefficients are
PIAT-R normative sample. Reliability informa- presented for a sample of 1,560 children ages 5 to
tion is also presented according to grade level in 18 years, as well. For the General Information
the manual, but is not presented here. For the subtest, coefficients ranged from .95 to .98 with a
General Information subtest, split-half coeffi- median of .97. Coefficients for Reading Recog-
cients ranged from .92 to .96 with a median of nition ranged from .96 to .99 with a median of
.94. Coefficients for Reading Recognition ranged .98. For Reading Comprehension, coefficients
from .94 to .98 with a median of .97. For Read- ranged from .94 to .98 with a median of .96. The
ing Comprehension, coefficients ranged from Total Reading Composite coefficients ranged
.90 to .96 with a median of .93. The Total Read- from .97 to .99 with a median of .98. The Math-
ing Composite coefficients ranged from .95 to ematics subtest coefficients ranged from .91 to
.98 with a median of .97. The Mathematics sub- .99 with a median of.96. Coefficients for Spelling
test coefficients ranged from .83 to .98 with a ranged from .93 to .98 with a median of .97. Co-
median of .94. Coefficients for Spelling ranged efficients for the Total Test Composite were all
from .91 to .97 with a median of .95. Coefficients .99. Reliability information pertaining to Writ-
for the Total Test Composite ranged from .98 to ten Expression is also presented. Coefficient
.99 with a median of .99. Kuder-Richardson reli- alpha reliabilities for Level I of Written Expres-
ability coefficients were also calculated for that sion were calculated for a sample of 437 children
same sample. For the General Information sub- in kindergarten and first grade. These values
test, coefficients ranged from .93 to .97 with a ranged from .60 to .69. For a sample of 45 first-
median of .96. Coefficients for Reading Recog- graders, test-retest reliability coefficients were
nition ranged from .93 to .97 with a median of calculated for Level I Written Expression with a
.96. For Reading Comprehension, coefficients testing interval of 2 to 4 weeks. The overall coef-
ranged from .92 to .98 with a median of .95. The ficient was .56. Further, interrater reliability was
Total Reading Composite coefficients ranged calculated. For a sample of 299 kindergarten
from .96 to .99 with a median of .97. The Math- children, the interrater reliability was .90, and for
ematics subtest coefficients ranged from .87 to a sample of 138 first graders, the interrater relia-
.98 with a median of .95. Coefficients for Spell- bility was .95. Coefficient alpha reliabilities were
ing ranged from .90 to .97 with a median of .95. also calculated for Level II of Written Expres-
Coefficients for the Total Test Composite ranged sion for samples of children in grades 2 to 12. For
from .98 to .99 with a median of .99. Test-retest Prompt A (N=530), these values ranged from .69
reliability was calculated for a sample of 225 indi- to .89 with a median of .86, and for Prompt B
viduals ages 6 to 16 years, with the testing inter- (N=5 41) these values ranged from .76 to .91 with
val being 2 to 4 weeks long. For the General a median of .88. Interrater reliability for Prompt
Information subtest, coefficients ranged from A (N=537) ranged from .30 to .81 with a median
.83 to .97 with a median of .90. Coefficients for of .58, and for Prompt B (N=550) ranged from
.53 to .77 with a median of .67. Alternate-forms correlated with PPVT-R scores for a sample of
reliability coefficients were also presented for a 1,522 children ages 5 to 18. For General In-
sample of 168 children in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. formation, correlations ranged from .61 to .81
The coefficients ranged from .44 to .61 for these with a median of .72. For Reading Recognition,
grades, and for the total sample, was .63. Overall, correlations ranged from .51 to .70 with a me-
the reliability estimates for the PIAT-R are ade- dian of .62. Correlation coefficients ranged from
quate, but this information would be improved if .54 to .75 with a median of .66 for Reading Com-
it had been based on the more recent standard- prehension. For the Total Reading Composite,
ization sample. As expected, coefficients are not correlations ranged from .52 to .78 with a me-
as impressive for Written Expression as this sub- dian of .69. For Mathematics, correlations ranged
test requires more subjective scoring. from .50 to .69 with a median of .56. Correlation
coefficients ranged from .28 to .58 with a median
of .50 for Spelling. For the Total Test Compos-
ite, correlations ranged from .62 to .81 with a
As with the reliability information, validity infor- median of.72.
mation for the PIAT-R is based on the 1989 Further, the underlying constructs of the
norms. Content validity of the PIAT-R is ad- PIAT-R were examined via a factor analysis of
dressed in terms of the development process for subtest intercorrelations for those in grades 2
each subtest. Also, the test author asserts that the through 12 in the standardization sample. Six fac-
internal consistency coefficients indicate that each tors were identified, but three of these factors
subtest measures a clear content domain. Fur- were found to account for 64.3 % of the total vari-
ther, intercorrelation data support the content ance. Factor I had high loadings for General
validity of each subtest. For a total sample of715 Information (.71), Reading Comprehension (.52),
children ages 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 years, in- and Mathematics (. 70), appearing to represent a
tercorrelations between subtests and composites general verbal-educational ability factor. Factor
with the Total Test Composite are presented: II was characterized by high loadings for Reading
General Information (r=. 78 to .86), Reading Recognition (.73) and Spelling (.75), appearing to
Recognition (r=.78 to .95), Reading Comprehen- represent a more specific verbal factor involving
sion (r=.85 to .93), Total Reading Composite knowledge of letters and phonics. Factor III was
(r=.90 to .96), Mathematics (r=.66 to .87), and marked by modest loadings for Reading Com-
Spelling (r=.66 to .92). Construct validity is evi- prehension (.39) and Written Expression, Level
denced through age differentiation of scores, II (.39). This factor appears to represent a more
correlations with other tests, and factor analysis. complex verbal factor involving knowledge of
Correlations between scores on the original PIAT grammar and syntax. Although the inclusion
and the PIAT-R were calculated for a sample of of factor analyses lends unique evidence of con-
273 children ages 6 to 17. Correlations for Math- struct validity for the PIAT-R, other forms of
ematics ranged from .54 to .93 with a median of validity are certainly missing. For example, no
.78, correlations for Reading Recognition ranged correlations with other measures of achievement
from .68 to .95 with a median of .88, correlations or intelligence are provided in the manual. In-
for Reading Comprehension ranged from .63 to stead, numerous validity studies on the original
.90 with a median of. 79, correlations for Spelling PIAT are provided. The utility of this informa-
ranged from .59 to .92 with a median of .76, cor- tion is questionable as only about 35% of the
relations for General Information ranged from items on the PIAT-R are found on the PIAT.
.46 to .86 with a median of. 78, and correlations In an independent investigation, Prewett and
for the Total Test Composite ranged from .82 to Giannuli (1991) investigated the relationships
.97 with a median of .91. As further evidence of among the reading subtests of the PIAT-R, \VJ-
construct validity, scores on the PIAT-R were R ACH, K-TEA, and the WRAT-R for a sample
may use paper and pencil to complete neces- ment that is designed for use with children ages
sary calculations, but must respond orally. 6 years to 18 years, 11 months. This test consists
2. Reading. This subtest also consists of 52 items of a single form and contains items that are com-
that assess reading decoding and comprehen- pletely different than the ones on the K-TEA
sion. Items 1-2 3 assess decoding skills, requir- Brief Form. The K-TEA Comprehensive Form
ing the examinee to identify printed letters consists of the following subtests presented in an
and words as presented. Items 24-52 assess easel format:
comprehension and require the examinee to re-
spond orally or in gestures to printed instruc- 1. Mathematics Applications. This subtest con-
tions as presented by the examiner. tains 60 items that assess arithmetic concepts
3. Spelling. The Spelling subtest consists of 40 and problem-solving applications. Each prob-
items. Here, the examiner reads aloud a word lem is presented orally along with an accom-
both in isolation and as used in a sentence, and panying picture, graph, etc. The examinee
the examinee writes each word on the Spelling may use paper and pencil to complete neces-
Sheet. Alternatively, the examinee may spell sary calculations, but must respond orally.
the word aloud. 2. Reading Decoding. This subtest also consists
of 60 items that assess decoding skills, re-
The K-TEA Brief Form generally takes 30 min- quiring the examinee to identify and read
utes to administer. Items are grouped into units aloud printed letters and words as presented
and are scored as correct or incorrect. Verbal re- to them.
sponses may be made in languages other than
3. Spelling. The Spelling subtest consists of 50
English provided that the correctness of such re-
items. Here, the examiner reads aloud a word
sponses is easily determined. Set basal and ceiling
both in isolation and as used in a sentence, and
rules are used to determine the appropriate num-
the examinee writes each word on the Spelling
ber of items to administer. Extensive psychomet-
Sheet. Alternatively, the examinee may spell
ric training is not a prerequisite for administering
the word aloud.
and scoring the K-TEA Brief Form, although
practice is recommended. Separate subtest scores 4. Reading Comprehension. This subtest con-
as well as a Battery Composite may be calculated. sists of 50 items. Here, for some items, the stu-
Among other scores, the K-TEA Brief Form dent is to read passages and answer questions
yields standard scores having a mean of 100 and a about them. Other items require the student to
standard deviation of 15. Computerized scoring read printed instructions and to respond orally
is available. The K-TEA Brief Form also allows or in gestures, accordingly.
for subtest comparisons for the purpose of identi- 5. Mathematics Computation. This subtest
fying general strengths and weaknesses. A graphic consists of 60 items that measure computa-
display of descriptive categories is presented in tional skills involving the four basic arithmetic
the manual for the purpose of interpreting stan- operations to more complex (e.g., algebraic)
dard scores: Upper Extreme (130 and above), operations. The examinee completes the prob-
Well Above Average (120-129), Above Average lems on the Mathematics Computation Work-
(110-119), Average (90-109), Below Average sheet.
(80-89), Well Below Average (70-79), and Lower
Extreme (69 and below). AK-TEA Brief Form The K-TEA Comprehensive Form generally
Report to Parents is also available for use to report takes 60 to 75 minutes to administer. Items are
test results. grouped into units and are scored as correct or
The K-TEA Comprehensive Form is an indi- incorrect. Verbal responses may be made in
vidually administered test of academic achieve- languages other than English provided that the
correctness of such responses is easily deter- Overall, the sample appears to adequately
mined. Set basal and ceiling rules are used to de- match census statistics. However, Caucasians
termine the appropriate number of items to are slightly overrepresented, as are individuals
administer. Extensive psychometric training is from the Southern and North Central regions
not a prerequisite for administering and scor- of the country.
ing the K-TEA Comprehensive Form, although
practice is recommended. Separate subtest scores
as well as a Reading Composite, Mathematics
Composite, and Battery Composite may be Reliability data are based on the original K-TEA
calculated. Among other scores, the K-TEA norms from 1985. Internal consistency reliability
Comprehensive Form yields standard scores coefficients for the K-TEA Brief Form were cal-
having a mean of 100 and a standard deviation culated for each subtest as well as the Battery
of 15. Computerized scoring is available. The Composite across 589 individuals ages 6 to 18
K-TEA Comprehensive Form also allows for years from the standardization sample. Coeffi-
subtest comparisons for the purpose of iden- cients were also presented in the manual accord-
tifying general strengths and weaknesses. Fur- ing to grade level, but are not presented here.
ther, detailed error analysis procedures are Reliability coefficients for the Mathematics sub-
available to provide more refined information test ranged from .81 to .92 with a mean of .87.
pertaining to specific skills. Further, the same For the Reading subtest, the coefficients ranged
graphic display of descriptive categories is pre- from .83 to .97 with a mean of .91. For the Spell-
sented in the K-TEA Comprehensive Form ing subtest, reliability coefficients ranged from
manual for the purpose of interpreting stan- .79 to .96 with a mean of .89. Reliability coeffi-
dard scores, and a K-TEA Comprehensive Form cients for the Battery Composite ranged from .91
Report to Parents is also available for use to re- to .98 with a mean of .95. Test-retest reliability
port test results. was also assessed for a sample of 153 students
in grades 1 to 12, with an average testing interval
of 1 week. In a sample of 79 first through sixth
Standardization grade students, test-retest coefficients were .88
The K-TEA was renormed between October for Mathematics, .84 for Reading, .90 for Spell-
1995 and November 1996 to match U. S. Cen- ing, and .94 for the Battery Composite. In a sam-
sus data as depicted in the March 1994 Current ple of 74 students in grades 7 to 12, test-retest
Population Survey. These updated norms were coefficients were .85 for Mathematics, .85 for
published in 1997. The standardization sample Reading, .84 for Spelling, and .92 for the Battery
is the same for the K-TEA Brief Form and Composite. A sort of "alternate forms" reliability
Comprehensive Form and is linked to those of is also presented using the Brief Form (Mathe-
the Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Re- matics, Reading, Spelling, and Battery Compos-
vised, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests- ite) and the Comprehensive Form (Mathematics
Revised, and the KeyMath-Revised. The Composite, Reading Composite, Spelling, and
sample consisted of 3,429 individuals, including Battery Composite) for a sample of 576 children
3,184 students in kindergarten through grade 12 ages 6 to 18 years. For Mathematics, correlations
and 245 young adults ages 18 to 22 years. The ranged from .79 to .90 with a mean of .85. For
sample was stratified according to variables of Reading, correlations ranged from .68 to .95 with
age, gender, socioeconomic status (i.e., parent a mean of .83. Correlations on Spelling ranged
education level), race/ethnicity, and geographic from .86 to .94 with a mean of.90. Finally, corre-
region. Gifted and special education status lations for the Battery Composite ranged from
was also considered in constructing the sample. .90 to .97 with a mean of .93.
As with the K-TEA Brief Form, reliability as that presented for the Brief Form (see above).
data pertaining to the K-TEA Comprehensive Altogether, the estimates of reliability for the
form are based on the 1985 norms. Internal con- K-TEA appear to be strong. However, such in-
sistency reliability coefficients for the K-TEA formation needs to be calculated with the nor-
Comprehensive Form were calculated for each mative update to make it more current.
subtest and composite for 2,476 individuals ages
6 to 18 years from the normative sample. Coeffi-
cients were also presented in the manual accord-
ing to grade level, but are not presented here. Content validity for the K-TEA Brief Form was
Reliability coefficients for the Mathematics Ap- described in terms of the item selection process.
plications subtest ranged from .86 to .94 with a The test authors indicated that content validity
mean of .92. For the Mathematics Computation was in part established through consultation with
subtest, the coefficients ranged from .83 to .97 curriculum experts in each subject area. In addi-
with a mean of .92. These two tests combine to tion, item analysis procedures such as the Rasch-
form the Mathematics Composite, for which re- Wright and Angoff methods were utilized. Mean
liability coefficients ranged from .93 to .98 with a intercorrelations are presented ·for the K-TEA
mean of .95. For the Reading Decoding subtest, Brief Form for a sample of 589 individuals ages
the coefficients ranged from .91 to .97 with a 6 to 18 years from the normative data. Mathe-
mean of .95. Coefficients for the Reading Com- matics correlated with Reading and Spelling .63
prehension subtest ranged from .89 to .96 with and .55, respectively, and Spelling correlated .65
a mean of .93. These two subtests combine to with Reading. Evidence of construct validity is
form the Reading Composite, for which reliabil- presented in terms of age differentiation in the
ity coefficients ranged from .94 to .98 with a K-TEA Brief Form. Also, correlations were com-
mean of .97. For the Spelling subtest, reliability puted between the subtests and the Battery Com-
coefficients ranged from .88 to .96 with a mean posite for a sample of 589 children ages 6 to 18
of.94. Finally, reliability coefficients for the Bat- years. Correlation coefficients for Reading and
tery Composite ranged from .97 to .99 with a the Battery Composite ranged from .62 to .86
mean of .98. As a measure of stability, test-retest with a mean of. 79. Correlations for Mathemat-
coefficients are presented for a sample of 172 in- ics ranged from .75 to .93 with a mean of .84. For
dividuals in grades 1 to 12 with an average testing Spelling, correlations ranged from .68 to .90 with
interval of about 1 week. In a sample of 85 first- a mean of .81. Evidence of concurrent validity
through sixth-grade students, test-retest coeffi- is also presented. For a sample of 198 students in
cients were .90 for Mathematics Applications, grades 1 to 12, correlations between Reading on
.83 for Mathematics Computation, .93 for the the K-TEA Brief Form and Reading on the
Mathematics Composite, .95 for Reading De- WRAT ranged from .61 to .74. For Mathematics
coding, .92 for Reading Comprehension, .96 for on the K-TEA Brief Form and Arithmetic on the
the Reading Composite, .95 for Spelling, and .97 WRAT, correlations ranged from .42 to .84 in a
for the Battery Composite. In a sample of 87 stu- sample of 200 students in grades 1 to 12. For
dents in grades 7 to 12, test-retest coefficients K-TEA Brief Form Spelling and WRAT Spelling,
were .94 for Mathematics Applications, .92 for correlations ranged from .43 to .87 in a sample
Mathematics Computation, .96 for the Mathe- of 200 students in grades 1 to 12. For a sample of
matics Composite, .91 for Reading Decoding, .90 52 students in grades 1 to 12, correlations were
for Reading Comprehension, .94 for the Reading calculated between the K-TEA Brief Form and
Composite, .96 for Spelling, and .97 for the Bat- the PIAT. The correlation between the K-TEA
tery Composite. The information pertaining to a Brief Form Mathematics subtest and Mathematics
variety of "alternate forms" reliability is the same on the PIAT was .59. Reading on the K-TEA
Brief Form correlated .78 with Reading Rec- PPVT-R scores ranged from .2 5 to .46. For Read-
ognition and .80 with Reading Comprehension on ing, correlations with PPVT-R scores ranged
the PIAT. Spelling on the K-TEA Brief Form from .42 to .66. For Spelling, correlations with
correlated .68 with Spelling on the PIAT. Finally, PPVT-R scores ranged from .25 to .42. Correla-
the K-TEA Brief Form Battery Composite corre- tions between the Battery Composite and PPVT-
lated .84 with the Total Test score on the PIAT. R scores ranged from .35 to .59.
Correlations between the K-TEA Brief Form Content validity for the K-TEA Comprehen-
and the K-ABC are also presented for a sample of sive Form was also described in terms of the item
105 children ages 6 to 12 years. For this total selection process. The test authors indicated that
sample, Mathematics on the K-TEA Brief Form content validity was in part established through
correlated .39 to .45 with Sequential Processing, consultation with curriculum experts in each sub-
.36 to .58 with Simultaneous Processing, .52 ·to ject area. In addition, item analysis procedures
.60 with the Mental Processing Composite, .19 such as the Rasch-Wright and Angoff methods
to .66 with Nonverbal, .60 to .71 with Achieve- were utilized. Mean intercorrelations are pre-
ment, .26 to .37 with Faces & Places, .71 to .78 sented for the K-TEA Comprehensive Form for
with Arithmetic, .32 to .42 with Riddles, .26 to 2,476 individuals ages 6 to 18 years from the
.55 with Reading/Decoding, and .57 to .66 with standardization sample. The Mathematics Com-
Reading/CTnderstanding. Reading on the K-TEA posite correlated with the Reading Composite
Brief Form correlated .27 to .38 with Sequential and Spelling .74 and .64, respectively. Spelling
Processing, .36 to .46 with Simultaneous Pro- correlated .81 with the Reading Composite. Evi-
cessing, .46 to .48 with the Mental Processing dence of construct validity is presented in terms
Composite, .22 to .59 with Nonverbal, .73 to .82 of age differentiation in the K-TEA Compre-
with Achievement, .28 to .43 with Faces & Places, hensive Form. Also, correlations were computed
.55 to .63 with Arithmetic, .30 to .54 with Rid- between the subtests and the Battery Composite
dles, .45 to .90 with Reading/Decoding, and .78 for a sample of 2,476 children ages 6 to 18 years.
to .95 with Reading/Understanding. Spelling on Correlation coefficients for Reading Decoding
the K-TEA Brief Form correlated .3 7 to .41 with and the Battery Composite ranged from .83 to
Sequential Processing, .11 to .21 with Simultane- .93 with a mean of .87. For Reading Compre-
ous Processing, .23 to .39 with the Mental Pro- hension, correlations ranged from .84 to .92 with
cessing Composite, .21 to .23 with Nonverbal, a mean of .88. Correlations for Mathematics
.52 to .75 with Achievement, .3 2 to .3 3 with Faces Applications ranged from .72 to .91 with a mean
& Places, .42 to .50 with Arithmetic, .18 with of .84. Correlations for Mathematics Computa-
Riddles, .63 to .86 with Reading/Decoding, and tion ranged from .73 to .90 with a mean of .82.
.46 to .79 with Reading/Understanding. The For Spelling, correlations ranged from .76 to .91
Battery Composite on the K-TEA Brief Form with a mean of .85.
correlated .44 to .48 with Sequential Processing, Evidence of concurrent validity is also pre-
.33 to .47 with Simultaneous Processing, .51 to sented for the K-TEA Comprehensive Form.
.54 with the Mental Processing Composite, .22 For a sample of 199 students in grades 1 to 12,
to .60 with Nonverbal, .77 to .84 with Achieve- correlations were computed between Reading on
ment, .34 to .39 with Faces & Places, .63 to .76 the WRAT and reading scores on the K-TEA
with Arithmetic, .26 to .45 with Riddles, .58 to Comprehensive Form. For Reading Decoding,
.90 with Reading/Decoding, and .78 to .92 with correlations ranged from .67 to .90, Reading
Reading/Understanding. Lastly, for a total sam- Comprehension from .51 to .78, and the Reading
ple of 580 children in grades 1 to 12, scores on Composite .65 to .89. For a sample of 201 stu-
the K-TEA Brief Form and the PPVT-R were dents in grades 1 to 12, correlations between
correlated. For Mathematics, correlations with Arithmetic on the WRAT and Mathematics
Applications, Mathematics Computation, and .89 with Reading/Decoding, and .74 to .92 with
the Mathematics Composite were .35 to .66, .34 Reading/Understanding. Spelling on the K-TEA
to .52, and .37 to .66, respectively. For a sample Comprehensive Form correlated .45 with Se-
of 201 students in grades 1 to 12, correlations quential Processing, .14 to .30 with Simultaneous
ranged from .43 to .84 for the K-TEACompre- Processing, .30 to .47 with the Mental Process-
hensive Form Spelling and WRAT Spelling. For ing Composite, .19 to .23 with Nonverbal, .51 to
a sample of 52 students in grades 1 to 12, corre- .77 with Achievement, .28 to .30 with Faces &
lations were calculated between the K-TEA Places, .45 to .56 with Arithmetic, .17 to .19 with
Comprehensive Form and the PIAT. The cor- Riddles, .60 to .88 with Reading/Decoding, and
relation between Mathematics on the PIAT and .43 to .83 with Reading/Understanding. The
Mathematics Applications, Mathematics Com- Battery Composite on the K-TEA Comprehen-
putation, and the Mathematics Composite were sive Form correlated .51 to .55 with Sequential
.72, .63, and .75, respectively. Correlations be- Processing, .38 to .58 with Simultaneous Pro-
tween Reading Recognition on the PIAT and cessing, .56 to .67 with the Mental Processing
Reading Decoding, Reading Comprehension, Composite, .25 to .61 with Nonverbal, .83 to
and the Reading Composite were .84, .73, and .84 with Achievement, .27 to .43 with Faces &
.82, respectively. For Reading Comprehension Places, .73 to .80 with Arithmetic, .28 to .5 5 with
on the PIAT, correlations were .81, .74, and Riddles, .65 to .85 with Reading/Decoding, and
.82 with Reading Decoding, Reading Compre- .76 to .86 with Reading/Understanding. Next,
hension, and the Reading Composite, respec- for a total sample of 1,054 children in grades 1 to
tively. Spelling on the PIAT correlated .78 with 12, scores on the K-TEA Comprehensive Form
Spelling on the K-TEA Comprehensive Form. and the PPVT-R were correlated. For the Read-
Finally, the K-TEA Comprehensive Form Bat- ing Composite, correlations with PPVT-R scores
tery Composite correlated .86 with the Total ranged from .45 to .67. For the Mathematics
Test score on the PIAT. Composite, correlations ranged from .41 to .54.
Correlations between the K-TEA Compre- For Spelling, correlations with PPVT-R scores
hensive Form and the K-ABC are also presented ranged from .29 to .46. Correlations between the
for a sample of 106 children ages 6 to 12 years, Battery Composite and PPVT-R scores ranged
6 months. For this total sample, the Mathematics from .47 to .63. For a second sample of 1,402
Composite on the K-TEA Comprehensive Form children in grades 1 to 12, scores on the K-TEA
correlated .39 to .55 with Sequential Processing, Comprehensive Form and the PPVT-R were
.43 to .66 with Simultaneous Processing, .63 to correlated. For the Reading Composite, correla-
.67 with the Mental Processing Composite, .29 tions with PPVT-R scores ranged from .57 to
to .68 with Nonverbal, .69 to .76 with Achieve- .68. For the Mathematics Composite, correla-
ment, .25 to .32 with Faces & Places, .79 to .85 tions ranged from .49 to .64. For Spelling, corre-
with Arithmetic, .38 to .54 with Riddles, .34 to lations with PPVT-R scores ranged from .40 to
.59 with Reading/Decoding, and .63 to .66 with .51. Correlations between the Battery Composite
Reading/Understanding. The Reading Compos- and PPVT-R scores ranged from .57 to .70.
ite on the K-TEA Comprehensive Form corre- Lastly, concurrent validity studies involv-
lated .45 to .54 with Sequential Processing, .34 ing group achievement tests are presented.
to .54 with Simultaneous Processing, .50 to .64 The correlations between Reading on the Stan-
with the Mental Processing Composite, .19 to ford Achievement Test (N=53), Metropolitan
.56 with Nonverbal, .80 to .84 with Achieve- Achievement Test (N=41), and the Comprehen-
ment, .27 to .48 with Faces & Places, .59 to .69 sive Test of Basic Skills (N=43) and the K-TEA
with Arithmetic, .24 to .61 with Riddles, .75 to Comprehensive Form Reading Composite were
.79, .75, and .73, respectively. The correlations as a technically strong instrument with more
between Mathematics on the Stanford Achieve- than adequate reliability and validity. As such,
ment Test (N=54), Metropolitan Achievement the K-TEA holds promise as a prominent com-
Test (N=41), and the Comprehensive Test of petitor in the field of achievement assessment.
Basic Skills (N=43) and the K-TEA Comprehen-
sive Form Mathematics Composite were .78, .74,
and .87, respectively. The correlations between Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-
Composite scores on the Stanford Achievement Educational Battery-Revised,
Test (N=42), Metropolitan Achievement Test Tests of Achievement
(N=30), and the Comprehensive Test of Basic
Skills (N=35) and the K-TEA Comprehensive
Form Battery Composite were .85, .80, and .90, The WJ-R ACH (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989a;
respectively. Lavin (1996b) examined the rela- Woodcock & Mather, 1989) is one of two
tionship between the WISC-III and the K-TEA components of the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-
Comprehensive Form for a sample of 72 children Educational Battery-Revised (WJ-R; Woodcock
ages 7 to 16 years with emotional handicaps. & Johnson, 1989a). The original Woodcock-
WISC-III Full Scale IQ correlated .66 with Math- Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery was published
ematics Applications, .54 with Mathematics Com- in 1977 (WJ; Woodcock &Johnson, 1977). The
putation, .38 with Spelling, .51 with Reading other component of the battery is the Woodcock-
Decoding, .53 with Reading Comprehension, .53 Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised
with the Reading Composite, and .65 with the Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-R COG). The
Mathematics Composite. WISC-III Verbal IQ \VJ- R COG was developed according to
correlated .64 with Mathematics Applications, .52 the Horn-Cattell "g/'-"gc" (fluid and crystallized
with Mathematics Computation, .5 5 with Spelling, abilities) theory as noted elsewhere. Certain por-
.63 with Reading Decoding, .67 with Reading tions of the WJ-RACH are also supportive of this
Comprehension, .60 with the Reading Compos- framework. The WJ-R COG and WJ-R ACH
ite, and .57 with the Mathematics Composite. were conormed, allowing the examiner to make
WISC-III Performance IQ correlated .37 with meaningful ability-achievement comparisons. In
Mathematics Applications, .27 with Mathematics comparison to the original WJ ACH, the WJ-R
Computation, .05 with Spelling, .13 with Reading ACH has been improved in a number of ways and
Decoding, .10 with Reading Comprehension, includes two parallel achievement batteries, as
.19 with the Reading Composite, and .42 with the well as four new subtests. The WJ-R ACH is an
Mathematics Composite. Overall, the presented individually administered test of achievement de-
indices of validity appear to be adequate, although signed to provide a complete assessment of read-
more studies using a wider variety of tests and in- ing, mathematics, written language, and general
cluding the updated norms would be desirable. knowledge. Specific tests may be selected to suit a
Specifically, some studies should be conducted variety of testing purposes. The test authors pur-
using special populations, as these are included in port several uses of the WJ-RACH in the manual,
the normative sample. including diagnosis, determination of psychoedu-
cational discrepancies, individual program plan-
ning, program placement, guidance, assessment
of growth, program evaluation, and research. A
The K-TEA is a relatively new measure of aca- Spanish-language version of the entire battery is
demic achievement in that it is still in its first also available: Bateria Woodcock-Mufioz-Revisada
edition. Worthington (1987) describes the K-TEA (Woodcock & Mufi.oz-Sandoval, 1996).
3. Quantitative Concepts (Test 33). This test Concepts, and Broad Mathematics. Writing
consists of 48 items that require the examinee Fluency may be used as a measure of processing
to respond to questions involving mathemati- speed "gs," and Word Attack may be used as a
cal concepts and terminology. measure of auditory processing "ga." Science,
4. Proofing (Test 34). Proofing consists of 36 Social Studies, and Humanities may be used as
items in which the examinee must identify and measures of comprehension-knowledge "gc."
explain how to correct a mistake (e.g., punctu- Further, Letter-Word Identification, Applied
ation, spelling, etc.) in a printed passage. Problems, Dictation, Science, Social Studies,
Humanities, the Broad Knowledge, and Skills
5. Writing Fluency (Test 35). This test consists cluster scores may be used as Early Develop-
of 40 items in which the examinee must write ment (EDev) measures.
a sentence that relates to a given stimulus Items on most of the tests are scored as cor-
picture and includes three given words. An- rect or incorrect, with the exception of Writing
swers are recorded in the designated portion Samples, which is scored 2, 1, or 0. Writing Flu-
of the Subject Response Booklet, and there is ency, Punctuation & Capitalization, Spelling,
a 7-minute time limit. Usage, and Handwriting also have differing scor-
ing criteria. Set basal and ceiling rules are used
Additional test scores may be obtained for Punc- to determine the appropriate number of items to
tuation & Capitalization (P), Spelling (S), and administer. Teaching items are provided. The
Usage (U). Responses from the Dictation and total test administration time varies according to
Proofing tests are used to obtain these scores. how many tests are administered, but generally
Further, a Handwriting (H) test score may be ranges from 20 minutes to over an hour. As the
obtained from the Writing Samples test. \VJ-R ACH is lengthier and somewhat more
Various combinations of tests from the \VJ-R complex than other measures of achievement,
ACH Standard Battery yield five cluster scores: the authors recommend that the training steps
Broad Reading (Letter-Word Identification and outlined in the manual be followed before at-
Passage Comprehension), Broad Mathematics tempts are made to administer the test. Raw
(Calculation and Applied Problems), Broad scores can be converted to standard scores having
Written Language (Dictation and Writing a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15,
Samples), Broad Knowledge (Science, Social among other scores. These scores can be cal-
Studies, and Humanities), and Skills (Letter- culated for each individual test and for each clus-
W ord Identification, Applied Problems, and ter, provided that the appropriate tests are
Dictation). Supplemental Battery cluster scores given. Further, instructions for determining sig-
may also be computed: Basic Reading Skills nificant intra-achievement and ability-achieve-
(Letter-Word Identification and Word Attack), ment discrepancies are outlined in the manual. A
Reading Comprehension (Passage Comprehen- standard score and percentile rank classification
sion and Reading Vocabulary), Basic Mathe- guide is provided in the manual: Very Superior
matics Skills (Calculation and Quantitative (131 and above), Superior (121-130), High Aver-
Concepts), Mathematics Reasoning (Applied age (111-120), Average (90-110), Low Average
Problems), Basic Writing Skills (Dictation and (80-89), Low (70-79), and Very Low (69 and
Proofing), and Written Expression (Writing below). Alternate descriptive labels are also pro-
Samples and Writing Fluency). Of further note, vided, for example, Mentally Deficient (69 and
the following tests and clusters can be used as below), but these are excessively evaluative in
a measure of quantitative ability "gq" when ana- nature. Guidelines for testing preschoolers, in-
lyzing cognitive factors of the \VJ-R COG: dividuals with disabilities, and those with lan-
Calculation, Applied Problems, Quantitative guage differences are also provided for reference.
to .98 with a median of .95. The coefficients for .63 and .52 with the PPVT-R, respectively.
Broad Mathematics ranged from .93 to .99 with Broad Knowledge and Skills correlated .32 and
a median of .95. The coefficients for Broad Writ- .29, respectively, with Expressive Vocabulary on
ten Language ranged from .85 to .98 with a me- the K-ABC for this same sample. Broad Knowl-
dian of .94. For Broad Knowledge, the values edge and Skills correlated .29 and .10 accord-
ranged from .91 to .98 with a median of .94. ingly with Faces & Places on the K-ABC. For a
For Skills, the coefficients ranged from .94 to .99 sample of 30 children ages 2 years, 6 months to
with a median of .96. For Basic Reading Skills, 3 years, 7 months, correlations were .72 and .63
the values ranged from .93 to .98 with a median with Broad Knowledge and Skills for Arithmetic
of .96. Coefficients for Reading Comprehension on the K-ABC. For this same sample, correla-
ranged from .90 to .97 with a median of .95. For tions of .47 and .24 were found with Broad
Basic Mathematics Skills, the values ranged from Knowledge and Skills for Riddles on the K-ABC.
.89 to .97 with a median of .94. For Mathematics Lastly, for the sample of 62 children of this
Reasoning, the coefficients ranged from .84 to same age group, Broad Knowledge and Skills
.97 with a median of .91. Coefficients for Basic correlated .61 and .52, respectively, with the
Writing Skills ranged from .91 to .98 with a me- Total Achievement score on the K-ABC. Next,
dian of .94. Lastly, coefficients for Written Ex- concurrent validity studies are presented for a
pression ranged from .87 to .97 with a median sample of 70 nine-year-old children. Selected
of .93. These indices of internal consistency are correlations are presented here. Broad Reading
quite adequate. Test-retest reliability informa- correlated as follows with the following mea-
tion is not presented in the manual; however, sures: BASIS Reading (r=.63), K-ABC Reading
more detailed information pertaining to reliabil- Composite (r=.80), K-TEA Reading Composite
ity can be found in the \VJ-R Technical Manual (r=.85), PIAT Reading Composite (r=.86), and
(McGrew, Werder, & Woodcock, 1991). WRAT-R Reading (r=.83). Broad Mathematics
correlated as follows with the following mea-
Validity sures: BASIS Math (r=.71), K-ABC Arithmetic
Content, concurrent, and construct validity are (r=.71), K-TEAMathematics Composite (r=.83),
addressed for the \VJ-RACH. Content validity PIAT Mathematics (r=.41), and WRAT-RMathe-
is described in terms of the item selection pro- matics (r=.63). Broad Written Language corre-
cess. The authors indicated that expert opinion lated as follows with the following measures:
was used in developing the test content and that BASIS Spelling (r=.63), K-TEA Spelling (r=.68),
the tests were designed to provide a sampling of PIAT Spelling (r=.53), and WRAT-R Spelling
skills in a number of areas. This area of validity (r=.69). Further, Broad Knowledge correlated
could profit from more explanation. Concurrent .64 with General Information on the PIAT. Con-
validity investigations are presented in the test current validity studies are also presented for a
manual. For a sample of 62 children ages 2 years, sample of 51 17-year-olds. Broad Reading cor-
6 months to 3 years, 7 months, correlations with related as follows with these measures: BASIS
the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts-Preschool Reading (r=.36), K-TEA Reading Composite
Version of .61 and .53 were found for the \VJ-R (r=.49), PIAT Reading Composite (r=.68), and
ACH Broad Knowledge Cluster and Skills Clus- WRAT-R Reading (r=.57). Broad Mathematics
ter, respectively. For this same sample, the Broad correlated as follows with these measures: BASIS
Knowledge Cluster and Skills Cluster correlated Mathematics (r=.65), K-TEAMathematics Com-
.61 and .49 with the Bracken Basic Concepts posite (r=.73), PIAT Mathematics (r=.74), and
Scale, respectively. Also for this same sample, the WRAT-R Mathematics (r=.72). Broad Written
Broad Knowledge and Skills Cluster correlated Language correlated as follows: BASIS Spelling
linked to the WISC-III, WPPSI-R, and WAIS- 5. Numerical Operations. This subtest contains
R. This advantage allows for more precise ability- 40 problems that the examinee is to answer in
achievement comparisons. the provided Response Booklet. The first four
items require the examinee to write numerals
dictated by the examiner. The remaining
Administration and Scoring
items require the examinee to solve problems
The WIAT is an individually administered test covering basic arithmetic operations to alge-
having an easel format that is designed for use braic equations. Items are scored as correct or
with children and adolescents ages 5 years to 19 incorrect.
years, 11 months. This test consists of a single
6. Listening Comprehension. This subtest con-
form with the following subtests:
sists of 36 items that assess one's ability to
comprehend orally presented information.
1. Basic Reading. This subtest contains 55 items Items 1-9 require the individual to point to
that assess decoding and word reading ability. one of four pictures correctly describing a
The first seven items contain picture cues and word spoken by the examiner. The remaining
require pointing responses only. Items 8-55 items require the examinee to listen to a pas-
require the examinee to read aloud printed sage read aloud by the examiner and to answer
words as presented by the examiner. Items are one or more questions about it. A correspond-
scored as correct or incorrect. ing, stimulus picture is presented for each of
2. Mathematics Reasoning. This subtest con- these items. Items are scored as correct or in-
tains 50 items that assess one's ability to rea- correct.
son mathematically. Here, the examinee is 7. Oral Expression. This subtest contains 16
to respond orally, point, or write answers items intended to assess one's ability to express
to questions posed by the examiner. For words, give directions, and describe scenes. For
some problems, visual stimuli are provided. items 1-10, the examiner presents a picture de-
If needed, the examinee may use pencil picting a word and defines the word. In turn,
and paper. Items are scored as correct or in- the examinee is to orally respond to these clues
correct. with the correct word. Items 11-12 require the
3. Spelling. This subtest consists of 50 items. individual to orally describe a scene depicted in
Items 1-6 require the examinee to write single a stimulus picture, items 13-14 require the in-
letters, and items 7-50 require the examinee to dividual to look at a map and describe how to
write words as dictated by the examiner. Re- get to one location from another, and items
sponses are written in the designated section of 15-16 require the examinee to describe the
the Response Booklet. Items are scored as cor- steps needed in order to complete an action.
rect or incorrect. Items are scored according to sets of criteria for
4. Reading Comprehension. The items on this a total possible raw score of 40 points.
38-item subtest are designed to measure an 8. Written Expression. This subtest is adminis-
individual's ability to comprehend printed tered only to students in grades 3 to 12. Here,
passages. Items 1-8 contain a one-sentence the examinee is given 15 minutes to write in
passage accompanied by a picture. The re- response to one of two prompts. Responses
maining items contain longer passages with- are written in the designated section of the
out picture cues. For all items, the examinee Response Booklet. The Written Expression
is to read the passage and respond orally to a subtest is scored analytically and holistically
question asked by the examiner. Items are according to a given set of criteria for a total
scored as correct or incorrect. possible raw score of 24 points.
The WIAT Comprehensive Battery takes 30 to ages 5 years to 19 years, 11 months, in grades
60 minutes to administer in general, depending kindergarten through 12. The sample was strati-
on the age of the individual. Written Expression fied according to variables of age, grade, sex,
is the only timed subtest, although suggested race/ethnicity, geographic region, and parented-
time limits are given for the other subtests. Items ucation. In addition, it is noted that 6% of the
on Basic Reading, Mathematics Reasoning, normative sample consisted of children classified
Spelling, Numerical Operations, Reading Com- as learning disabled, speech/language impaired,
prehension, and Listening Comprehension are emotionally disturbed, or physically impaired.
scored as correct or incorrect. However, Reading Children served in gifted programs comprised
Comprehension and Listening Comprehen- 4.3 % of the sample, and those classified as bor-
sion, as well as Oral Expression and Written Ex- derline or mildly mentally retarded comprised
pression, are scored somewhat subjectively in 1.4% of the sample. Separate norms are not pre-
nature. Scoring guidelines and examples are pro- sented for these groups. Further, the linking sam-
vided in the manual. Teaching is allowed forcer- ple is described. This sample consisted of 1,284
tain items. Set basal and ceiling rules are used children who were administered the WPPSI-R,
to determine the appropriate number of items to the WISC-III, or the WAIS-R. The sample
administer. Guidelines for testing special popula- slightly overrepresents those with parents having
tions are provided. Extensive psychometric train- higher education levels and those living in the
ing is not a prerequisite for administering and southern region of the United States. Weighting
scoring the WIAT, although practice is recom- procedures were used to adjust race/ethnicity pro-
mended. The WIAT also includes Skills Analysis portions to U.S. Census data. Overall, the WIAT.
procedures allowing for more in-depth exam- standardization sample closely matches the U. S.
ination of the individual's performance. Further, population as described in the 1988 Census.
detailed procedures for determining ability-
achievement discrepancies are provided. Among
other types of scores, the WIAT yields stan-
dard scores having a mean of 100 and a standard Split-half reliability coefficients were used to
deviation of 15. These scores can be calculated estimate internal consistency across the stan-
for each of the eight subtests, in addition to a dardization sample for the WIAT. These are
Reading Composite, Mathematics Composite, presented according to both age and grade. Age-
Language Composite, Writing Composite, and based coefficients are presented here. For Basic
Total Composite for the Comprehensive Battery. Reading, reliability coefficients ranged from .87
The WIAT Screener consists of the identical to .95 with a mean of .92. Coefficients for Math-
Basic Reading, Mathematics Reasoning, and Spell- ematics Reasoning ranged from .74 to .92 with a
ing subtests as found on the WIAT Comprehen- mean of .89. Spelling coefficients ranged from
sive Battery. The Screener takes about 10 to 15 .80 to .93 with a mean of .90. Reading Compre-
minutes to administer. Although not really neces- hension coefficients ranged from .81 to .93 with
sary, separate WIAT Screener test protocols are a mean of .88. Numerical Operations had coeffi-
marketed. Computerized scoring and reporting cients ranging from .69 to .91 with a mean of .85.
programs are available. For Listening Comprehension, values ranged
from .80 to .88 with a mean of .83. Oral Expres-
sion coefficients ranged from .88 to .92 with a
mean of .91. Written Expression coefficients
The standardization sample of the WIAT was ranged from .76 to .84 with a mean of .81. Coef-
selected to match March 1988 U. S. Census data. ficients for the Reading Composite ranged from
The sample was composed of 4,252 individuals .90 to .97 with a mean of .95. For the Mathemat-
ics Composite, coefficients ranged from .83 to .95 the WIAT to the Wechsler scales to promote
with a mean of .92. Coefficients for the Language meaningful ability-achievement comparisons.
Composite ranged from .88 to .93 with a mean of Third, the WIAT was designed to reflect the
.90. For the Writing Composite, the values seven areas of achievement specified in the Indi-
ranged from .89 to .92 with a mean of .90. The viduals with Disabilities Education Act that may
Total Composite coefficients ranged from .94 to be used to identify children with learning dis-
.98 with a mean of .97. For the Screener, coeffi- abilities. Subtest and item specifications, field
cients ranged from .91 to .97 with a mean of .96. testing, and item analysis procedures are de-
In addition, test-retest reliability was assessed scribed at length in the manual, and a clear scope
for a sample of 367 children in grades 1, 3, 5, 8, and sequence chart of curricular objectives ad-
and 10. The median interval between testing was dressed is included. Overall, the information
17 days, ranging from 12 to 52 days. The average pertaining to content validity appears to be ade-
test-retest reliability coefficients across this sam- quate. Construct validity is evidenced by inter-
ple were as follows: Basic Reading (r=.94), Math- correlations amongst the subtests, correlations
ematics Reasoning (r=.89), Spelling (r=.94), with the Wechsler scales, and in studies of group
Reading Comprehension (r=.85), Numerical differences. As a whole, the intercorrelation pat-
Operations (r=.86), Listening Comprehension terns confirm expected relationships amongst
(r==.76), Oral Expression (r=.68), Written Expres- the subtests and composites. For example, at age
sion (r=.77), Reading Composite (r=.93), Mathe- 7 years, the Reading Composite correlated .98
matics Composite (r=.91), Language Composite with Basic Reading and .95 with Reading Com-
(r=.78), Writing Composite (r=.94), Total Com- prehension. At this same age, the Mathematics
posite (r=.96), and Screener (r=.95). As the Read- Composite correlated .96 with Mathematics
ing Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Reasoning and .91 with Numerical Operations.
Oral Expression, and Written Expression sub- The Language Composite correlated .82 with Lis-
tests require more judgment in scoring, studies tening Comprehension and .90 with Written Ex-
of interscorer agreement were conducted. Fifty pression. As an additional measure of construct
protocols were randomly selected from the stan- validity, correlations with the Wechsler scales
dardization sample, including protocols from are presented. For children in the linked sample
each grade level. Four raters independently at age 5 years to 5 years, 11 months, scores on
scored responses on all 50 protocols for these the WPPSI-R and the WIAT were correlated.
four subtests. For Reading Comprehension and Verbal IQ correlated as follows: Mathematics
Listening Comprehension, the mean interscorer Composite (r=.65), Language Composite (r=.65),
agreement was .98. The mean for Oral Expres- Screener (r=.62), and Total Composite (r=. 70).
sion was .93. Average correlations for Written Performance IQ correlated as follows: Mathe-
Expression were .89 for Prompt 1 arid .79 for matics Composite (r=.61), Language Composite
Prompt 2. Overall, indices for reliability on the (r=.54), Screener (r=.53), and Total Composite
WIAT appear quite adequate. (r=.59). Full Scale IQ correlated as follows: Math-
ematics Composite (r=. 70), Language Composite
(r=.67), Screener (r=.63), and Total Composite
(r=. 71). For children ages 6 to 16 years, scores on
Information pertammg to content, construct, the WIAT were correlated with scores on the
and criterion-related validity is presented in the WISC-III. Verbal IQ correlated as follows: Read-
WIAT manual. Several goals guided the devel- ing Composite (r=.50-.81), Mathematics Com-
opment of the WIAT. One of the aims was to posite (r=.62-.78), Language Composite (r=.40-
develop an achievement test that reflected cur- .71), Writing Composite (r=.49-.67), Screener
rent curricular trends. Second, a goal was to link (r=.59-.84), and Total Composite (r=.69-.84).
Performance IQ correlated as follows: Reading were correlated for a sample of 28 children ages
Composite (r=.31-.55), Mathematics Composite 6 to 16 years. K-TEA Reading Decoding and
(r=.44-.63), Language Composite (r=.30-.55), Basic Reading correlated .86, K-TEA Reading
Writing Composite (r=.32-.45), Screener (r=.41- Comprehension and Reading Comprehension
.61), and Total Composite (r=.46-.61). Full Scale on the WIATcorrelated .78, K-TEAMathemat-
IQ correlated as follows: Reading Composite ics Applications and Mathematics Reasoning
(r=.48-. 75), Mathematics Composite (r=.65-.79), correlated .87, K-TEA Mathematics Computa-
Language Composite (r=.49-.68), Writing Com- tion and Numerical Operations correlated .81,
posite (r=.51-.60), Screener (r=.55-.81), and Total and K-TEA Spelling and WIAT Spelling corre-
Composite (r=.53-.80). Lastly, correlations were lated .73. Scores on the WRAT-R and the
calculated between the WIAT and WAIS-R for WIAT were correlated for a sample of 251 chil-
the sample of adolescents ages 17 years to 19 dren ages 7 to 19 years of age. WRAT-R Read-
years, 11 months. Verbal IQ correlated as fol- ing correlated .84 with Basic Reading, WRAT-R
lows: Reading Composite (r=.77), Mathematics Arithmetic correlated .77 with Numerical Oper-
Composite (r=.73), Language Composite (r=.57), ations, and WRAT-R Spelling correlated .84
Writing Composite (r=.63), Screener (r=.76), with WIAT Spelling. Further, scores on the \VJ-
and Total Composite (r=.83). Performance IQ R ACH and the WIAT were correlated for a
correlated as follows: Reading Composite (r=.54), sample of 43 children ages 7 to 14 years. Here,
Mathematics Composite (r=.66), Language WJ-R ACH Letter-Word Identification corre-
Composite (r=.27), Writing Composite (r=.52), lated .79 with Basic Reading, WJ-R ACH Pas-
Screener (r=.64), and Total Composite (r=.62). sage Comprehension correlated.74 with Reading
Full Scale IQ correlated as follows: Reading Comprehension, \VJ-R ACH Calculation corre-
Composite (r=.74), Mathematics Composite lated .68 with Numerical Operations, \VJ-R
(r=. 77), Language Composite (r=.49), Writing ACH Applied Problems correlated .67 with
Composite (r=.64), Screener (r=. 78), and Total Mathematics Reasoning, and \VJ-RACH Dic-
Composite (r=.81). Further, several studies were tation correlated .72 with Written Expression and
conducted with various clinical groups (e.g., .88 with Spelling. Scores on the DAS ACH and
mental retardation). Scores for such groups were the WIAT were correlated for a sample of 29
compared with those of the standardization sam- children ages 8 to 13. DAS ACH Word Reading
ple. Expected differences were found, verifying correlated .82 with Basic Reading and .42 with
the construct validity of WIAT interpretations. Reading Comprehension, DAS ACH Basic Num-
Overall, these indices of construct validity appear ber Skills correlated .75 with Mathematics Rea-
adequate. Studies using other major measures of soning and .70 with Numerical Operations, and
intelligence would also be of interest, however. DAS ACH Spelling correlated .86 with WIAT
Criterion-related validity evidence is demon- Spelling. For a sample of 51 children ages 6 to
strated through comparisons with other achieve- 16 years, scores on the WIAT and the PPVT-R
ment tests, grades, and special education classifi- were correlated, as well. Basic Reading, Reading
cation. The BASIS was administered to a sample Comprehension, and Listening Comprehen-
of 80 children in grades 3 and 8. Across this sion correlated .68, .68, and .75 with the total
group, correlations between BASIS Reading score on the PPVT-R, respectively. Correlations
were .80 with Basic Reading and .81 with Read- between the composite scores of the WIAT and
ing Comprehension. Correlations with BASIS composite scores of group-administered achieve-
Mathematics were .82 with Mathematics Reason- ment are also presented. Nine hundred forty-four
ing and .79 with Numerical Operations. BASIS children ages 6 to 19 years were administered the
Spelling correlated .88 with Spelling on the Stanford Achievement Test, the Iowa Tests of
WIAT. Scores on the WIAT and the K-TEA Basic Skills, or the California Achievement Test
Assessment Procedures
Differential Ability Scales (DAS)
Slosson Intelligence Test-Revised (SIT-R)
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI)
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
Test of Written Language-Third Edition (TOWL-3)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
Behavior Assessment System for Children-Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report (BASC)
Behavior Assessment System for Children-Structured Developmental History (BASC-SDH)
Parent Interview
Adolescent Clinical Interview
Review of Records
Ben is a 15-year, 7-month-old male who was referred for an evaluation of his learning capabilities. He currently lives
with both of his parents. He has undergone evaluations in the past, which have yielded some evidence of a possible
learning disability. However, with modifications, Ben demonstrates a solid performance in school, maintaining a 3.5
grade point average.
Intellectual testing indicates that Ben's cognitive functioning is in the significantly above average range as com-
pared to his peers. However, he did demonstrate a relative weakness in visual-spatial processing. His academic
achievement test scores overall are commensurate with his intelligence. However, lower scores on reading subtests
indicate relative weaknesses in this area. Scores in the area of basic reading skills were low enough to indicate the
presence of a reading disability. In spite of this, Ben's high intelligence as well as his usage of classroom modifi-
cations enable him to compensate for this weakness. Further, no remarkable emotional or behavioral problems
were noted.
Reading Disorder (DSM-IV Code 315.00)
This report should be shared with the school to assess eligibility for special education services and modifications.
Additional information may need to be gathered.
Ben should be allowed extra time to complete reading and writing assignments when needed.
Ben should receive extra time on both informal and standardized tests as needed.
Ben should receive extra assistance in learning to identify mistakes in his writing and should be provided with
extra practice in essay writing.
High-interest reading material should be provided to Ben to promote better appreciation of reading.
Ben should be allowed to consult aides such as a dictionary, thesaurus, or spell checker as needed to complete
Psychometric Summary
Differential Ability Scales (DAS)
Word Definitions 74
Similarities 64
Nonverbal Reasoning
Matrices 66
Sequential & Quantitative 70
Recall of Designs 70
Pattern Construction 53
107 68
Contextual Conventions 13 84
Contextual Language 16 98
Story Construction 15 95
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
Word Identification 96 40
Word Attack 92 29
Basic Skills Cluster 95 38
Hyperactivity 51 54
Aggression 49 53
Conduct Problems 47 51
Externalizing Problems Composite 48 53
Anxiety 36 38
Depression 38 54
Somatization 36 36
Internalizing Problems Composite 34 41
Atypicality 39 39
Withdrawal 39 40
Attention Problems 41 50
Behavioral Symptoms Index 40 47
Social Skills 53 50
Leadership 58 61
Adaptive Skills Composite 55 53
Behavior Assessment System for Children-Teacher Rating Scales (BASC-TRS)
Hyperactivity 47
Aggression 54
Conduct Problems 44
Social Skills 47
Leadership 49
Study Skills 55
Adaptive Skills Composite 51
Attitude to School 39
Attitude to Teachers 41
Sensation Seeking 36
School Maladjustment Composite 36
Atypicality 39
Locus of Control 39
Somatization 37
Social Stress 39
Anxiety 38
Clinical Maladjustment Composite 37
Depression 44
Sense of Inadequacy 39
Emotional Symptoms Index 38
Normative scales like the [Bayley Scales of Infant De- cognitive and motor domains simultaneously. The
velopment} BSID-II may be useful for monitoring McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (Mc-
changes in the mental or motor status of children par- Carthy, 1972), for example, is designed for ages
ticipating in early intervention programs, but they are 2 ½ through 8 and includes a motor domain.
not appropriate as instruments for identifying behavior Motor domains are even more common for in-
goals for intervention. (Dunst, 1998, p. 92)
fant measures. Some measures also assess behav-
ioral, temperamental, and emotional status. The
Battelle Developmental Inventory (Newborg,
CHAPTER QUESTIONS Stock, Wnek, Guidubaldi, & Svinicki, 1984) is a
broad-based diagnostic measure that assesses
personal-:-social, adaptive, motor, communica-
What are the special reliability and validity tion, and cognitive skills.
issues associated with the assessment of Many tests for young children also focus on
young children? screening (see Chapter 14). Usually, cutoff scores
What are some strengths and weaknesses of for at-risk status are rather generous in order to
the Bayley Scales? err in the direction of more false positives (chil-
dren identified by the screener as at-risk who are
Infant and preschool measures, which are usually subsequently found to not be at-risk) than false
associated with the age range of 1 year to 6 years, negatives (children who were not identified
differ from other intelligence tests in scope. Infant as at-risk by the screener who may in fact have
measures in particular are usually multidimen- developmental problems). Screeners are brief
sional. Infant tests, for example, frequently assess by definition and more prone to measurement
error. Screeners are designed for use by pro- diagnosis of very young children, and there has
fessionals or trained paraprofessionals and are been an associated increase in the number of
multidimensional. These measures are designed available instruments for the cognitive assessment
for the screening of large numbers of young of this age group.
children in a variety of settings ranging from neo-
natal clinics to prekindergarten school screen-
ing. These devices have briefintellectual/cognitive Sources of Items
tests, and in some cases the cognitive component
There is a notable lack of differentiation between
is not emphasized any more than any other part
the item pools of infant measures. Most of the
of the battery. The Developmental Indicators
widely used tests of infant intelligence can trace
for Assessment of Learning-Revised (DIAL-R)
their roots to a single item pool, that of Arnold
and the Denver Developmental Screening Tests
Gesell, the famous developmentalist.
are examples of multidimensional screening
This item similarity among preschool instru-
ments was formally evaluated by Lewis and -
This chapter focuses on comprehensive mea-
Sullivan (1985), who compared the items of 11
sures. It discusses intelligence test batteries that
different tests spanning 50 years of test devel-
emphasize the assessment of cognitive functions
opment. The tests that they reviewed are listed
and that are typically used for making diagnostic,
as opposed to screening, decisions.
Gesell Developmental Schedules (1939)
IssuEs IN PRESCHOOL Uzgiris-Hunt (1976)
AssESSMENT Denver Developmental Screening Test
United States Public Law 99-457 Iowa Tests for Young Children (1936)
Merrill-Palmer (1926)
Just as IDEA provided impetus for increased as-
sessment of children and adolescents by the pub- Kuhlman-Binet (1922)
lic schools, PL 99-457 is a major extension Minnesota Pre-School Scale (1932)
of these services for preschool children and in- Kuhlman Tests of Mental Development
fants. The major provisions of the law are (1939)
twofold. It mandates the extension of services
Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale (1940)
under IDEA downward to the 3- to 5-year-old
age group. Preschoolers with disabilities are enti- Bayley Scales of Infant Development
tled to a free and appropriate public education be- (1969)
ginning in the 90-91 school year. The second Griffiths Mental Development Scale
component is the creation of a new federal Hand- (1945-70)
icapped Infants and Toddlers Program for chil-
dren from birth to 2 years of age. Children are Lewis and Sullivan (1985) noted remarkable
eligible for the birth to 2 program if they are ex- similarity among the items in these tests, and
periencing developmental delays, have a physical most of the items could be traced to the pioneer-
or mental condition that places them at risk for ing work of Gesell. This situation is reminiscent
later delays (e.g., Down syndrome), or are at risk of the rush to copy Binet early in the last century.
for physical or emotional delays. These provi- At that time there were numerous adaptations
sions have renewed interest in the assessment and of the original Binet scales, all of them bearing
striking similarities to the original. If, in fact, im- view appears to be supported by subsequent fac-
itation is a sincere form of flattery, then Gesell's tor analyses of preschool measures such as the
work on measuring mental development has had Binet-4 where numerous researchers identified
a substantial impact on the measurement of in- only one factor for 2- and 3-year-olds. The Bay-
fant intelligence. ley was also not devised to make inferences about
past history or etiology. It was intended only as
Intelligence versus a measure of the current status of a child's cog-
nitive development. The Bayley and the Gesell,
Developmental Status
by the way, did not offer "IQ" scores.
It is interesting that Arnold Gesell, while provid- Gesell, Bayley, and Binet were all cautious
ing the basis for so many test development activi- about the interpretation of their scales as measures
ties, did not believe that intelligence could be assessed. of intelligence. Does this caution have anything to
He was more interested in measuring the gen- do with their experiences with young children?
eral maturation of the child (Goodman, 1990). Perhaps, but these viewpoints are currently impor-
Gesell conducted his important research as a tant as they emphasize the fairly knv level ofinference
contemporary of Terman, Goddard, Binet, and that is appropriate for all intelligence measures. Ac-
other early workers. These were the "heady" days cording to these great researchers, modem-day
when intelligence testing had become known as psychologists should regard preschool intelligence
the major practical contribution of psychology. assessment as the evaluation of developmental sta-
Many scientists of the day believed that Binet's tus in the cognitive domain.
test measured only or primarily biologically de-
termined intelligence (see Chapter 1). Others,
such as Gesell, believed that while intelligence Assessing "Developmental
was a construct worth studying, direct measures Status" at All Ages
of this biological entity were not yet available and
Sandra Scarr (1981) provided a theoretical
likely not to be discovered for some time. This
framework for the viewpoint of these early work-
idea is similar to the widely held view today that
ers, and she advanced the idea that assessment of
intelligence tests measure psychometric intelli-
older children follow the lead of the early child-
gence (Hebb's Intelligence B, 1949; Eysenck's
hood tests by emphasizing the assessment of
Psychometric Intelligence, 1986), not biological
multiple domains. Analogous to the term devel-
opmental status, Scarr proposed that clinicians
This view, that infant tests measure a multide-
measure "intellectual competence" (as opposed
termined general developmental status, has been
to intelligence). Scarr concluded that school per-
carried forward by Nancy Bayley, the author of
sonnel in particular measure three domains: cog-
the respected Bayley Scales of Infant Devel-
nitive (similar to current intelligence tests),
opment (1969). Bayley (1969) did not use the
motivation, and adjustment. She summarized her
word intelligence in the title of her original test
argument for broadening intellectual assessment
nor in her manual. She referred to her test as a
by offering that:
measure of developmental status. She stated fur-
ther that there are not "factors" of intelligence
W7?enever one measures a child's cognitive functioning,
for preschoolers but rather clusters of abilities
one is also measuring cooperation, attention, persistence,
that differentiate at school age. As Bayley stated, ability to sit still, and social responsiveness to an assess-
"... any classification of abilities into parallel ment situation. This is certainly not an original thought;
arrays purporting to designate different factors David Wechsler, for one, said this for nearly 50 years.
that develop concurrently is artificial and serves Binet, before him, was aware that testing sampled far
no useful purpose" (1969, p. 3). This point of more than cognitive development. (p. 1161)
In many ways Scarr described the history of a substantial likelihood that a child diagnosed as
the practice of early childhood assessment where developmentally delayed during the first 2 years of
there is a longer tradition of not placing one life will retain such a diagnosis (Goodman, 1990)
domain of development at a higher premium (see Chapter 3). Although infant cognition is pre-
than others. Why did this orientation not take dictive of later cognitive development, the causes
a foothold in the assessment of school-age chil- of continuity and change are unknown (Slater,
dren? The reasons are likely multitudinous and 1995).
speculative. It is clear, however, that the intelli-
gence test has historically been the loadstar of
Inadequate Theory
the school-age child's evaluation whereas many
cautioned against the same for preschoolers, Some of the same problems that have plagued all
of intellectual assessment of course also apply to
the assessment of infants and preschoolers. Since
Stability Revisited most of the items currently in use can be traced
One of the unusual aspects of preschool intellec- to the pioneering work of Arnold Gesell in the
tual assessment is that psychologists cannot de- 1920s, the item content of many of these measures
pend on these measures to show strong evidence is not specified by a theory unique to each test·au-
of stability (of past and future intelligence test thor. Early developers of infant tests were driven
scores; see Chapter 3). Stability research with by the same empiricism as Binet, who sought high
preschoolers also differs in that there are sig- correlations with school achievement. Infant and
nificant differences in stability for normal devel- preschool test developers used the same approach
oping and developmentally delayed infants and but gave attention to a different type of validity.
preschoolers. These test developers were seeking strong evi-
The typical stability coefficients for intelli- dence of age differentiation validity. Goodman
gence tests hover in the .70s range and higher (1990) eloquently states the problem:
when tests are first administered at ages 6-7 or
above and a second test is given about a year later From today's distance, one wonders why the one funda-
mental criterion for item selection was goodness offit
(see Chapter 3). For normal developing children
with evolving age. Apparently no effort was made to
evaluated between birth and 2 ½ years of age the predefine the nature of intelligence and then to select
correlation with scores obtained at ages 3 to 8 items that most adequately fit the construct(s), regardless
range from .01 to .59 (Goodman, 1990). These ofhow smoothly they paralleled age changes. Theories of
coefficients are particularly unimpressive given mental growth were generated by, rather than generat-
that the correlation between parental intelli- ing, item development. (p. 187)
gence or SES and child's scores on the Bayley
approximate these values with coefficients as Some tests that are designed for wide age
high as .50 for normal developing children. The ranges may make some theoretical contributions
trend, however, does differ for children showing to preschool assessment. The K-ABC, W-J Cog,
developmental delays. and DAS have tried to develop theory-based items
Developmentally delayed young children's in- down to age 2 years.
telligence test scores are considerably more stable.
Whereas stability coefficients between early (taken Preschool and Infant
below 2 years of age) and later tests (taken at age
4-5 or above) for nonchallenged children reach
Assessment as Specialty
.50 at their zenith, stability coefficients for handi- In many instances infant and preschool intellec-
capped children are in the .70s to .90s range for tual assessment is full of pitfalls for the clinician.
children tested at 1 year of age and older. There is The test instruments offer choices ranging from
the psychometrically inadequate to the antique. administered to older children are to be admin-
The usual thinking regarding predictive validity istered in prescribed order, this is not the case
and stability does not apply to these measures, for younger children. Standardized procedures
and the challenges presented by this age group, for infants are more of a "guide" than a rigid set
ranging from adorable manipulation to soiled of rules. Examiners should feel free to violate the
pants, require a skilled clinician. prescribed test's sequence in order to maintain
Given that intellectual assessment of pre- the infant's interest in the tasks. Scoring may be
schoolers requires a different set of knowledge flexible as well. On the Bayley, for example,
and skills than for older children, there seems an item may be scored correct if the child dem-
to be a need for specialized training in this area. onstrates the criterion behavior outside the test
It is akin to the assessment of children with hear- session (e.g., in the waiting room).
ing impairments, children from cultures vastly It is also conventional wisdom that mothers
different from that of the examiner, and other or other caretakers are not to be present for in-
children which require new sets of knowledge tellectual evaluations. Not only are mothers
and skills. While formal guidelines for the train- "allowed" to be present for the testing of pre-
ing of individuals to assess young children are schoolers, they may also administer some items if
lacking, it seems wise for clinicians to seek spe- the infant is more likely to respond to the mother
cialized coursework and supervised practica be- (Bayley, 1969). It is therefore important that
fore conducting evaluations of young children the examiner develop a good rapport with the
(see Box 15.1). mother as well as with the baby. In fact, rapport
with the mother is probably equally important.
In this setting the word doctor may not be wise
ASSESSING INFANTS to use when introducing oneself to the child's
mother since it may remind the child of some
painful medical procedure. Rapport with the
The assessment of children under 24 months mother will be facilitated by making eye con-
of age typically involves some modifications in tact, smiling, and approaching her in a direct and
the standard assessment procedure. While tests friendly manner. The reason for the assessment
and/or more neutral topics such as the weather table as opposed to beside the child (Bayley,
and parking difficulties may provide good mate- 1969). This arrangement may work better for
rial for an opening conversation. It is also impor- the reticent child who may feel uncomfortable
tant to explain the testing procedures thoroughly if the examiner comes too close.
to the mother (or father or other caregiver as the Because infants have such brief periods when
case may be) and to continue to explain proce- they are happy and alert, the examiner must pace
dures as the evaluation unfolds. the session carefully and be extremely flexible.
The child should not be approached abruptly The pace of the session must be rapid in order
(Bayley, 1969). The examiner may place a toy to catch as much optimal behavior as possible
or other object near the child, then speak with and very calm and gentle in order not to over-
the child's caregiver for a brief time or arrange the stimulate the baby. As Bayley (1969) aptly stated,
test setting. The examiner may then gradually "Hurry yourself but do not hurry the child"
approach the child while interacting with the (p. 27). Too many repetitions of an item or too
parent. Approaching the child with the parent many items in too little time can cause the baby
will help allay the baby's fears. to be overwhelmed and fall apart. Flexibility is
The examiner should be aware of the context also necessary-the examiner may have to follow
surrounding the individual testing session. This a toddler around the room administering what-
awareness is particularly important when testing ever item seems most likely to attract the child's
infants because the examiner has the opportunity attention. Generally, young children respond
to provide the parent with some information better when the session begins with manipula-
about his or her child. For example, the examiner tives such as blocks or other test toys (Bayley,
may use the session to model appropriate inter- 1969). Oral questions or items involving follow-
action with an infant for a parent whose parent- ing instructions should be administered after
ing skills need strengthening, or may highlight the working with a few manipulatives. Finally, as the
child's capabilities in order to reassure an overly child tires and needs a break from sitting, gross
anxious parent. and fine motor activities may be optimal.
Scheduling is a crucial consideration with in- The key to flexible, swift, yet relaxed adminis-
fants. Young infants may have only an hour or tration of a test is a thorough knowledge of the
two of alert time each day, and it is imperative test and total familiarity with the materials. This
that examiners attempt to schedule testing for knowledge enables the examiner to move rapidly
this time (Bayley, 1969). Unfortunately, predict- from one item to another while focusing on the
ing these alert times is often difficult and thus child and maximizing the likelihood that the child
makes the testing of infants very tricky indeed. will perform up to the level of his or her true
A testing session should never be scheduled dur- capability. Test familiarity will also allow the
ing a regular nap or feeding time. Breaks may examiner to collect valuable nontest data for do-
also be taken for feeding, nursing, or changing mains such as parent-child interaction, parenting
diapers as needed. skill, and child temperament.
Recommendations regarding the environment
differ for infants and preschoolers compared to
older children. The floor should be carpeted or
Comprehension of Instructions
otherwise be made comfortable, and there should Some children may simply not be able to under-
be homelike places for the young infant-a blan- stand the instructions given them, which may pre-
ket on the floor or an infant seat, for example. If clude the, psychologist from validly assessing a
infant seats are not available, a car seat or stroller preschooler's cognitive development (Flanagan,
seat can be used instead. Some preschoolers may Alfonso, Kaminer, & Rader, 1995). Flanagan et al.
respond better to an examiner sitting across the (1995) reviewed the incidence of basic concepts in
test directions for the Wechsler Preschool and Pri- a long career of research on the mental develop-
mary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R), ment of children, primarily with the Berkeley
Binet-4, DAS, W-JRCog, and Bayley Scales of Growth Study. Based on this research, Bayley
Infant Development-Second Edition (BSID-II, concluded that infant's mental development was
Bayley, 1993) and found numerous incidents of the highly unstable and that no general factor of in-
use of difficult-to-understand basic concepts in telligence existed (Goodman, 1990).
the test directions. Basic concepts such as "on, big, The original Bayley scales differed from other
red, missing, all, without, together, over, same, infant tests of its day because of its technical su-
alike, etc." all have known difficult indices for periority. It, for example, broke with tradition
3- and 4-year-old children, thanks to the availabil- by offering standard scores instead of the ratio
ity of norming data from the Bracken Basic Con- IQ that was typical of its predecessors. This tra-
cepts Scale and the Boehm. Thus, Flanagan et al. dition of psychometric quality continues with the
(1995) were able to estimate the comprehensibility BSID-11, as will be noted later.
of test instructions to the typical preschooler. The two Bayley composite scores of interest
They concluded that the DAS and W-JR Cog are the Mental Development Index (MDI) and
were among the worst offenders, but even the the Psychomotor Development Index (PDI).
BSID-11 included 28 concepts such as "red, one, The Mental and Motor scales of the BSID-11
like, in, on, big, and with" (pp. 356-357). These have been enhanced considerably in this edi-
results suggest that many children may simply tion with new stimulus materials, new items,
misunderstand the directions given them, pre- and more extensive content coverage (Fugate,
cluding the examiner from obtaining an estimate 1998). The MDI and PDI are normalized
of the child's cognitive development. Moreover, standard scores using the familiar mean of 100
the problem may be exacerbated during the and standard deviation of 15. Their values
evaluation of preschoolers with limited English only range as low as 50, making it difficult
proficiency. to make differential diagnostic decisions for
One of the very reasonable suggestions offered children with severe disabilities (Dunst, 1998).
by Flanagan et al. (1995) is that knowledge ofbasic These are not, however, IQs or meant to serve
concepts should be assessed for all children prior to as meaures of intelligence per se, but rather as
administration ofone of the popular preschool intelli- measures of developmental status. According
gence tests. This procedure will allow the clinician to Bayley (1969), the three scales serve as "a tri-
to more accurately gauge the veracity of the child's partite basis for the evaluation of a child's de-
results. velopmental status in the first two and one half
years of life" (p. 3).
Virtually all infant and preschool tests are dif-
INFANT TESTS ficult to administer in standardized fashion given
the behavioral characteristics of this age group,
especially the difficulties in gaining and sustain-
Bayley Scales ing their attention. Consequently, test develop-
The most popular of infant cognitive develop- ers make heavy use of manipulatives, resulting in
mental status measures is the Bayley Scales ofln- test kits that resemble toy boxes and weigh nearly
fant Development-Second Edition (BSID-II; as much. All parents know how difficult it is to
Bayley, 1993). The latest version of this venera- find the toy you want in a toy box! Finding and
ble scale extends from 1 to 42 months of age and using the test materials of the Bayley and other
includes a Mental Scale, Motor Scale, and Be- scales is similarly difficult. The Bayley requires
havior Rating Scale. Nancy Bayley's original test extraordinary familiarity with its materials in
was somewhat unique in that it was the result of order to administer it properly.
The BSID capitalizes on new developments 7. The new stimulus materials are more appealing and
in measurement theory by utilizing latent trait realistic to children, durable, washable, and generally
theory in a manner similar to that employed by easierfor the examiner to manage.
the DAS. Like the DAS, children of a specific 8. Improved scoring criteria and more succint norming
age are administered uniform sets of items. conversion tables compared to its predecessor. (p. 12)
One must administer every item in the first set
appropriate for the child's age in order to obtain
a basal of 5 items correct on the Mental Scale
and 4 items correct on the Motor Scale. A ceiling The BSID-II was normed on a sample of 1,700
is obtained when a child makes at least 3 errors (100 per month) infants and preschoolers aged
in a set on the Mental Scale and 2 on the Motor 1 to 42 months in 1991 and 1992. The sample
Scale. Of course, flexibility is built into the was a good match to the 1988 U.S. Census data
BSID-II, which allows testing below the basal (Flanagan & Alfonso, 1995).
for children suspected of developmental delays
and above the ceiling as needed to ensure full
assessment of the child's abilities. The use of item
sets is relatively new to the work of psycholo- Internal consistency coefficients for the MDI
gists, some of whom may find it disquieting to hover at about .90. This level of reliability is
give a youngster credit for a failed item that somewhat lower than that obtained for other
is within a set of items that was passed (Schock measures cited in this chapter, however, one
& Buck, 1995). Examiners may think that this should keep in mind that the Bayley attempts to
procedure could serve to produce less accurate assess much younger children than the others. In
scores, as has been intimated by some (Mayes, fact, a test-retest coefficient of .91 for the MDI
1994). over an average 4-day interval is impressive for
Schock and Buck (1995) conducted an infor- such young children.
mal survey of early BSID-II adopters and re-
ported the following impressions regarding the
practical aspects of the scale.
There is clear evidence to support Bayley's (1969)
1. Practitioners appreciate the flexibility ofthe order of point that the abilities assessed by the MDI
item administration within an item set. change qualitatively over time. Fugate (1998)
2. Considerable familiarity with the items, and their points out these developmental differences by
associated materials, is required prior to adminis- noting:
3. BSID-II record forms are well organized and in- The mental scale should not be considered an "IQ" mea-
strnctions explicit. sure as the items are not generally concerned with the
4. The Infant Behavior Record was viewed as supe- functions generally measured by intelligences scales.
ri01· to its predecessor. Its parent reportform and the Prior to 12 months of age, the Mental scale of the
availability of percentile ranks for specific domains BSID-II essentially measures [the] sensory and per-
were also perceived to be advantages. ceptual development. Items are highly dependent upon
auditory and visual skills, although early vocalization,
5. The imnased age range is a significant advantage. memory, and social skill development are also assessed.
6. Prepublication research with children with prenatal Beyond 12 months, the mental scale becomes more ori-
drug exposure, Down syndrome, and premature ented toward vocalization and language skill develop-
birth provides guidance to practitioners regarding ment, problem solving, generalization, classification,
the ''potential needs and responses" ofexaminees be- social skills, and the development of early number con-
forehand. cepts. (p. 93)
These was one study of the relationship be- This reviewer has administered hundreds of Bayley
tween the Stanford-Binet L-M and the Bayley Scales and has overseen the administration of the scales
reported in the original Bayley (1969) manual. by psychologists with children participating in several
At age 24 months the correlation between the early intervention programs, and the scales simply have
two measures was .53, at 27 months .64, and at limited value as a tool for informing practice. (p. 92).
30 months it was .47. These relationships showed
some independence of the two measures. The
BSID-II manual shows stronger relationships for Measures of Infant
the MDI with other products developed by the
same publisher (e.g., WPPSI-R = .73), but the
Information Processing
relationship of the MDI to many infant and pre- Tests of infant mental processing skills have re-
school tests is still unknown. ceived considerable attention as a potential break-
It is especially curious that factor analytic through in the assessment of infant intelligence.
data are presented for the BRS and not for the These "tests," although many of these measures
Mental or Motor scales in the BSID-II manual. are experimental in nature, have received atten-
A rationale for this decision is not given but tion because of claims of stronger predictive
sorely needed since the publisher has access to a validity coefficients, even for nondisabled chil-
larger and more representative sample than dren. They measure attention, retrieval, encod-
anyone else. Overall, BSID-II validity evidence, ing, and other processing skills, using a variety
however, is meager when one considers that this of paradigms.
scale is so widely used (Fugate, 1998). Specifi- One of the well-known information processing
cally, predictive and factor analytic validity evi- characteristics of infants is habituation. Most of
dence are generally lacking (Flanagan & these paradigms present face-like stimuli to in-
Alfonso, 1995). fants. As the child becomes familiar with the visual
stimulus, his or her interest in it and attention to it
begins to wain. This decrement in attention to a
familiar stimulus signifies "habituation." In other
The original Bayley was generally considered an words, more capable children direct less attention
important psychometric achievement in the de- to the familiar stimulus.
velopment of infant tests. The BSID-II extends Another habitation method is to measure re-
this reputation by providing good evidence of covery of attention when a novel stimulus (e.g.,
norming and reliability (Dunst, 1998). The valid- face-like pattern) is introduced. This paradigm,
ity evidence available for the BSID-II is currently commonly referred to as novelty preference or
insufficient for some applications (Fugate, 1998). dishabituation, measures the attention that a
For example, no studies of the use of the Bayley child gives to a newly introduced stimulus. Chil-
with children from various cultural and linguisitc dren with impaired intelligence do not recognize
groups are currently available (Black & Matula, or respond to the novel stimulus as quickly in
2000). such procedures.
Regardless of its psychometric properties, A novelty preference task was used by Fagan
psychologists who use the Bayley have to con- (1984b) who tested 36 suburban nondisabled chil- ·
tinually remind themselves of the undifferenti- dren on a novelty preference task at age 7 months.
ated and less stable nature of the cognitive skills Each infant was shown pairs of pictures (black and
of young children and the limitations of formal white) ofwomen and babies until a child fixated on
psychometric assessment with this age range. To one of the faces for 20 seconds. The child was then
this end, Dunst (1998) lauded the psychometric shown this face again paired with a novel face for
properties of the BSID-II and yet concluded: two 5-second test intervals to determine the child's
preference for novelty. The children were then measuring and how much reliance can be placed on
evaluated again at 3 years on a recognition memory them. (p. 199)
task and the PPYr-R. The children were given
these same tests again at 5 years of age. Ross (1989) assessed the practical utility of
The reliability of the novelty preference mea- Fagan's and similar approaches and draws two con-
sures was quite low at .32. The predictive validity clusions: (1) information processing approaches
of the novelty preference task at 7 months for are less satisfactory from a clinical standpoint, and
PPVT-R scores at age 5 was higher at .42. The (2) their predictive validity advantage is insignifi-
recognition memory scores at age 3 were more cant for clinical cases. The narrow set of skills as-
highly correlated with PPvr-R scores at age 5 sessed by information processing measures results
(r = .66) than novelty preference at age 7 months. in less of an information yield than that obtained
These are all modest stability and validity coeffi- from traditional measures that sample a larger
cients that do not differ significantly from the variety of infant behavior.
data for more traditional measures. The predictive superiority of information pro-
The finding of significant predictive validity cessing measures is insignificant for challenged
coefficients for the novelty preference task is ro- infants when ranges of scores are utilized. Ranges
bust (Fagan, 1984b). A novelty preference task may include broad categories such as >85 (nor-
has also been found effective for differentiating mal), 70-85 (at risk), and < 70 (handicapped).
low birth weight and high-risk monkeys (Gun- These ranges correspond to typical diagnostic
derson, Grant-Webster, & Fagan, 1987; Gunder- practice where children are classified or diagnosed
son, Grant-Webster, & Sackett, 1989) from based on the range in which their scores lie. Ross
normal monkeys. This line of research has re- (1989) found a correct classification rate of 87%
sulted in the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence using the Bayley with a sample of 94 preterm in-
(Joseph F. Fagan, Department of Psychology, fants. Siegel (1979) obtained an 84% correct
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, classification rate when using the Bayley. Fagan,
OH, 44106). Fagan (1984) also draws theoretical Singer, and Montie (1986) found a classification
implications from his work suggesting that visual rate of 86% with preterm infants when a novelty
preference and visual recognition tasks measure preference task was used.
developmentally continuous intellectual skills The novelty preference task, however, does
that may shed light on the nature of "g." show more consistent superiority when used to
Goodman (1990) is critical ofFagan's work on predict the performance of nondisabled children
a variety of levels. She notes that there are relia- (Ross, 1989). The information processing ap-
bility problems with these types of tasks because proaches of Fagan and similar methodologies
of the difficulties involved in measuring infants' are pr01nising (Colombo, 1993). More large-scale
attention. Typical reliability coefficients are in investigations and greater attention to issues of
the .40s. Predictive validity coefficients for nor- norming, reliability, and validity are necessary be-
mal children are higher than those of tests such fore clinical application is warranted.
as the Bayley, but coefficients for samples of
children with disabilities are similar to those for
traditional tests (Goodman, 1990). After a thor- Battelle
ough review of the data on measures ofinfant in-
formation processing, including Fagan's work,
Developmental Inventory
Goodman (1990) concluded: The Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) was
developed as part of a large-scale federal research
Until we have more predictors and criteria, it will re- program concerned with planning and evaluating
main unclear just what the visual recognition tasks are intervention programs for at-risk infants, toddlers,
and preschoolers. The BDI was published in 1984 Administration and Scoring
and manual and norms were updated in 1988.
The BDI, because of its comprehensive nature,
The BDI was designed for children from birth to
is somewhat more lengthy to administer than
8 years of age, and it includes five major domains. many preschool and infant test batteries. A study
These domains include Cognitive, Personal- by Bailey, Vandiviere, Dellinger, and Munn
Social, Adaptive, Motor, and Communication. (1987) evaluated several practical aspects of BDI
Each domain is comprised of numerous sub- administration and scoring. They included a
domains. Consequently, the BDI is extremely study of 76 teachers who had administered the
comprehensive, capable of producing a profile of BDI to 247 handicapped preschoolers as part
30 scores. These scores include: of a statewide study evaluating the use of the
BDI. One of the findings of this implementation
1. Adult Interaction study was that the BDI required on the average
2. Expression of Feeling-Affect 2½ sessions to administer. Average administra-
3. Self-concept tion time was 93.4 minutes and the mean amount
4. Peer Interactions of scoring time was 34.4 minutes. Hence, the
5. Coping BDI, on average, will require 2 hours of exam-
6. Social Role iner time.
7. Personal-Social Total The BDI offers a variety of scores, including
8. Attention percentile ranks, age equivalents, and develop-
9. Eating mental quotients (DQ) (standard scores with a
10. Dressing mean of 100 and SD of 15). One of the problems
11 . Personal Responsibility identified with BDI scoring is the difficulty in
12 . Toileting obtaining extreme DQ values for domains. In
13. Adaptive Total the Cognitive domain, for example, the lowest
14. Muscle Control value available for the DQ is 65. The manual,
15. Body Coordination however, provides a procedure for calculating
16. Locomotion (extrapolating) DQs below this level. This pro-
17. Gross Motor cedure, however, is somewhat cumbersome and
18. Fine Muscle has resulted in what appear to be spurious values
19. Perceptual Motor (Bailey et al., 1987). McClinden (1989) clarified
20. Fine Motor the nature of the problem of calculating extreme
2 1. Motor Total BDI scores. Apparently, it is possible to obtain
22. Receptive negative developmental quotients. In the im-
23. Expressive plementation study by Bailey et al., 28% of the
24. Communication Total children obtained a negative developmental quo-
25. Perceptual Discrimination tient. In addition, McClinden (1989) has criti-
26. Memory cized the wide age ranges used in developing
27. Reasoning and Academic Skills the norms. It was noted, for example, that a tod-
28. Conceptual Development dler tested at 23 months of age with a total raw
29. Cognitive Total score of 243 would receive a DQ of 99. If this
30. Total Battery same child was tested one month later at 24 months
of age, and again obtained a raw score of 243, the
The BDI is in many ways similar to the Bayley developmental quotient would be 65. Norms for
Scales because of its multidimensional emphasis lower functioning levels and ceiling effects are
and because it does include a cognitive domain, frequently cited problems with the BDI (Oehler-
which is the focus of this review. Stinnett, 1989).
The BDI also requires a considerable number between BDI Cognitive DQ scores and other
of manipulatives in the administration process. cognitive measures in a sample of first-grade
Many of the manipulatives have to be produced children. In this investigation, the BDI Cognitive
by the examiner. The examiner, for example, DQ correlated .38 with the PPVT-R and .31
must cut out puzzles and pictures for administra- with the Stanford-Binet Third Edition Vocabu-
tion purposes-materials that may show consid- lary subtest. A similar investigation by Mott
erable wear and tear (Paget, 1989). (1987) was conducted on 20 children diagnosed
as having significant speech-language disorders.
Standardization For this small sample, the BDI Cognitive DQ
Standardization of the BDI was conducted from correlated .32 with the PPVT-R.
December 1982 to March 1983. A stratified na- A classification study by McLean, McCor-
tional sample was collected consisting of 800 chil- mick, Baird, and Mayfield (1987) involved 30
dren, approximately 50 boys and 50 girls at each handicapped and 35 nonhandicapped children
1-year age level. The sample was constructed so between the ages of 7 months and 72 months.
as to reflect 1980 Census Bureau statistics. The The handicapped sample included primarily
sample, however, was not specifically stratified children diagnosed as developmentally delayed
for socioeconomic status, leading to some ques- or multihandicapped. A small number of chil-
tion about the accuracy of the sampling program dren were diagnosed as hearing impaired or be-
(McClinden, 1989). haviorally disordered. This study compared the
diagnostic agreement between the BDI screen-
Reliability ing test (a short form of the BDI) and the Denver
Developmental Screening Test-Revised. These
Reliability coefficients for the BDI are extremely authors found that the Denver and the BDI
high. A study of 183 children involved in a test- disagreed substantially in identifying children
retest reliability study produced coefficients rang- for follow-up evaluation. Specifically, "Out of a
ing from .71 to .99, with a .99 also being yielded group of 35 children with no prior indication of
for the BDI total score. Interrater reliability co- exceptionality, the BDI identified 22 as needing
efficients for the BDI are similarly high. Several further testing while the Denver Developmental
authors have cited the small standard errors of Screening Test-Revised identified all as nor-
measurement of the BDI as a potential strength mal" (McClean et al., 1987 p. 19). An interesting
of the instrument (Oehler-Stinnett, 1989; Paget, investigation by Sexton, McLean, Boyd, Thomp-
1989). McClinden (1989), however, challenges son, and McCormick (1988) compared the BDI
the values for the standard errors of measurement to the Bayley Scales for a sample of 70 handi-
included in the BDI manual. McClinden suggests capped children who were less than 30 months
that the test authors used the incorrect formula to old. The correlation between the BDI Cognitive
calculate the SEMs. It appears that the authors and Bayley Mental Score was quite high at .93.
of the BDI used the formula for the standard error This high coefficient lead Sexton et al. to con-
of the mean as opposed to the formula for SEM. clude that "The correlation coefficients ... indi-
Correctly computed SEMs for the BDI are re- cate that the scales within both measures tend to
ported in an article by McClinden (1989), and place the 70 children in roughly the same order.
they are considerably more realistic and larger The results strongly support the concurrent va-
than the "SEMs" reported in the manual. lidity of the newly developed BDI" (p. 22).
Oehler-Stinnett (1989) concluded that corre-
lational studies of the BDI and other popular in-
An early concurrent validity study by Guidubaldi telligence tests have produced modest evidence
and Perry (1984) showed substantial correlations of criterion-related validity. She observed:
Lower than expected correlations betweeen the BDI somewhat briefin comparison to other preschool
Cogn,itive domain and the S-B [Stanford-Binet} and measures, which again could adversely affect its
WISC-R would suggest this domain is not,for the most correlational relationship with well-known com-
part, measuring the same cogn,itive skills assessed by petitors. The BDI differs in concept to such a
these IQ tests. (p. 67) substantial extent from many multisubtest mea-
sures of intelligence that one has to evaluate
One of the frequently cited strengths of the the utility of the BDI in a much larger context.
BDI is its content validity (Paget, 1989). The The decision regarding selection of the BDI has
final BDI item pool was selected from an initial more to do with the nature of the assessment
pool of 4,000 items that were derived from other purpose that the clinician has in mind. Clinicians
tests and evaluated carefully in two preliminary have to decide how the BDI or its competitors in
studies. a particular age range fit into the larger context
The factor structure of the BDI in an early in- of the assessment of an infant or preschooler.
vestigation suggests some correspondence be- The bar, however, continues to be raised, and the
tween the five domains of this measure and its revision of the Bayley (BSID-II) and other mea-
factor structure for children from birth to 5 years sures may make them better options.
of age. At ages 6 through 8 more than five factors
were yielded suggesting that factorial support
is strongest for younger age groups (Newman &
Guidubaldi, 1981). PRESCHOOL TESTS
knowledge, whereas the Memory and Motor of motor activity (i.e., gross motor tasks are in-
scales are designed to assess how well a child cluded that allow the child to get out of his or
processes information (Valencia, 1990). The sub- her seat), which is clearly congruent with the ac-
tests of the McCarthy, and their scale member- tivity level of young children. The McCarthy is
ship, are shown in Table 15.1 in their order of one of the few tests that has these built-in
administration. The sixth scale of the McCarthy is "breathers" for young children. This design can
an overall composite score called a General Cog- be seen in Table 15.1, where the motor subtests
nitive Index (GCI) (Mean= 100, SD = 16). The are administered halfway through the evalua-
GCI is comprised of 15 subtests from all of the tion; thus, the child is provided with a reprieve
scales (three of the motor tests are omitted from from sitting.
the GCI and two are retained).
The McCarthy is designed so that all of the Standardization
tests are to be administered to all children (with
The standardization sample consisted of 1,032
the exception of Right-Left Orientation, which
boys and girls divided equally among 10 age
is only administered at ages 5 and above). This
groups ranging from 2½ to 8½ years. The sam-
may sound lengthy to a novice, but the Mc-
ple was selected based on 1970 U.S. Census sta-
Carthy subtests are designed to be relatively short
tistics. Stratification variables included gender,
so as to hold the child's interest. The brevity of
age, father's occupation, ethnicity, geographic
the subtests precludes subtest interpretation for
region, and urban/rural residence. The standard-
the McCarthy. The subtests also vary in terms
ization sample used sophisticated procedures for
its day (Nagle, 1979); however, it cannot be con-
TABLE 15 .1 Subtests of the McCarthy scales of sidered to be representative of the national pop-
children's abilities ulation of young children today.
few children. This is likely to be a particular prob- points. This finding has led some clinicians to
lem for some of the composites other than the view the McCarthy skeptically. Unfortunately,
GCI. It is also predictable from previous research this difference between the McCarthy and the
on preschoolers that stability will be an even WISC-Rand the Binet LM cannot be explained
greater problem with children toward the bottom by differences in dates of norming sample as one
of the McCarthy age range. would predict since all were normed in the early
1970s. An interesting finding is that the Mc-
Carthy and K-ABC agree more closely (Valencia,
Factor analytic studies of the McCarthy have Evidence for the predictive validity of the
produced inconsistent results (Valencia, 1990). McCarthy is strong, with coefficients from most
Some studies have produced a large first or "g" studies being in the .60s and .70s. This type of
factor (Kaufman & Hollenbeck, 1973; Keith & validity evidence is of particular relevance for
Bolen, 1980), whereas others have not (Kaufman a preschool instrument designed to identify
& DiCuio, 1975; Teeter, 1984). There has been children at risk for educational problems. The
consistent evidence, however, of factors that cor- McCarthy has also piqued interest in predictive
respond to the Verbal, Motor, and Perceptual- validity issues because of its well-known screen-
Performance scales (Kaufman, 1982; Valencia, ing short form, the McCarthy Screening Test
1990). The Quantitative and Memory scales, in (MST; The Psychological Corporation, 1978).
contrast, do not show consistent factorial support Lyon and Smith (1986) compared the Mc-
(Kaufman, 1982; Valencia, 1990). This sounds Carthy and the K-ABC performance of groups
vaguely familiar, does it not? These results are of repeating and nonrepeating preschoolers.
strikingly consistent with the Binet-4 findings, One group had been recommended for kinder-
indicating a lack of factor analytic support for its garten (N=27) and a second group of children
Quantitative and Short-Term Memory scores, had been recommended for retention in the pre-
and the DAS data, which showed no indication school program (N=13). Both the McCarthy
of a separate memory scale. In the light of these and K-ABC scores discriminated between the two
findings for other tests, the McCarthy results groups. The mean GCI for the repeaters was
seem predictable and reasonable. 67.0, whereas for the nonrepeaters, the mean
Valencia (1990) concluded that there is strong GCI was 86.5. In parallel fashion the MPC for
evidence for the concurrent validity of the Mc- the repeaters was 76.2 as opposed to 91.4 for the
Carthy. He reviewed the available correlational nonrepeaters. It is noteworthy in this study that
studies comparing the McCarthy with the Binet, the McCarthy scores are lower for both the re-
\VPPSI, and other scales and found a mean corre- peater and nonrepeater groups. This finding is
lation of.74, a substantial correlation. The greater consistent with other research showing that the
controversy regarding the McCarthy deals with McCarthy tends to produce lower scores than
the issue of mean differences between McCarthy other tests (Valencia, 1988).
GCI and overall composite scores of other mea-
sures, notably the WISC-R Full Scale score (see
the discussion of the difference between correla- McCarthy Screeners
tion and agreement in Chapter 5). Many studies The MST consists of six subtests, including
have addressed this issue, and the conclusion Right-Left Orientation, Draw-A-Design, Nu-
across investigations is that the GCI underesti- merical Memory (Parts 1 and 2), Verbal Mem-
mates intelligence test scores from the Wechsler ory (Part 1), Leg Coordination, and Conceptual
scales and the Binet LM (which is now super- Grouping. In lieu of a GCI or other total score,
seded by the Binet-4) by about 4 standard score the MST offers two decision points: at risk at
one of three cutoffs of the 10th, 20th, or 30th of this problem is the fact that for 11 of the I 7
percentile rank, and "failure" of one, two, or subtests the raw score standard deviation at age
three subtests. 2½ is larger than the mean raw score.
There has been some controversy regarding Although the McCarthy norms may need up-
the construction of the MST, which has resulted dating, the extensive supportive research base of
in the development of alternative screening the McCarthy suggests that every clinician who
forms of the MST (Taylor, Slocumb, & O'Neill, assesses the intelligence ofyoung children should
1979). The most serious challenge to the MST is become familiar with this scale. The well-known
the Kaufman short form (Kaufman, 1977; here- psychometrician Cronbach (1989) rates the Mc-
after referred to as the KSF). This short form for Carthy highly by saying: "The McCarthy scales,
screening purposes also includes six McCarthy despite out-of-date norms, appear to be the in-
subtests: Puzzle Solving, Word Knowledge, Nu- strument of choice at early ages" (p. 77 5).
merical Memory, Verbal Fluency, Counting and
Sorting, and Conceptual Grouping. The KSF
has impressive psychometric properties with cor-
relations with complete GCI being in the low The release of the Binet-4 was generally not
.90s in the majority of investigations (Valencia, greeted with enthusiasm by those who assess
1990). Perhaps because of these impressive psy- preschoolers. In comparison to previous editions,
chometric properties, the KSF has spawned a the Binet-4 lacked manipulatives (toys, dogs,
number of studies comparing the MST and the cats, scissors, etc.), and clinicians thought that it
KSF (see Valencia, 1990, for an excellent review would be less likely to hold preschooler's inter-
of the McCarthy research, including screener in- est. Anastasi (1989) notes this poor early accep-
vestigations). The available research has been tance among clinicians by stating that "At this
somewhat more supportive of the KSF. Based stage, its principal limitation centers on commu-
on his extensive and insightful review Valencia nication with test users, especially in clinical
(1990) concludes: settings" (p. 772). Cronbach (1989) echoed some
of the concerns of clinicians when he observed,
Taken together, the available research on the three Mc- "My impression is that the SB4 is less game-like
Carthy shortfarms clearly points to the Kaufman SF as than some other individual tests and will be less
the instrument ofchoice, and thus I endorse it as a useful
attractive to children" (p. 773).
screening tool. Both psychometric and "hands-on" studies
I also question the arrangement of Binet-4
speak to its effectiveness as a screening tool. (p. 233)
subtests for preschoolers. Pattern Analysis, for
example, uses three different item types and the
Summary child shifts abruptly from one to the other as the
The McCarthy is a unique instrument that is es- test becomes more difficult (see Chapter 9). This
pecially suited to assessing the emerging cogni- procedure complicates the examiner's duty to ad-
tive abilities of preschool and young school-age minister a variety of item types correctly.
children. Research abounds on the use of the Practical problems and concerns aside, the
McCarthy and its various screeners as predictors Binet-4 is being used with preschoolers, and it
oflater academic problems. The McCarthy is well has a number of positive attributes to recom-
constructed and alluring to young children. It mend its use. The continuity of measurement
is gamelike, which can place some demands for with the Binet-4 is one admirable characteristic.
motor skill on the part of the examiner. Its wide age range and extended standard score
The McCarthy could benefit from greater scale (to a low of 35) make it a useful tool for as-
floor. While the materials are childlike, there are sessing developmentally delayed young children
not enough easy items for 2½ year olds. Evidence and following them through their school years.
The K-ABC authors also took great care to en- cessing Composite scales for preschool chil-
sure that young children are able to understand the dren. The test-retest coefficients are generally
test instructions. This feat was accomplished by re- higher (in the middle .90s) for the Achievement
moving potentially difficult verbal concepts from scale. This is an interesting finding in that the
the examiner instructiohs. Such concepts as "mid- K-ABC Achievement scale is similar to tra-
dle" and "after," which Boehm (1967) had found to ditional measures of verbal intelligence (Kam-
be difficult for young disadvantaged children, ap- phaus & Reynolds, 1987). Furthermore, the
pear commonly in the directions spoken by the K-ABC Achievement scale is the test's best pre-
examiner wh~n administering various standardized dictor of future achievement. Since prediction of
preschool instruments (Kaufman, 1978). Many ex- future achievement is one of the central purposes
aminers have asked why, for example, the Photo of preschool intelligence testing, it is fortuitous
Series instructions do not use the words sequence for practitioners that the best predictor on the
or order. These words were not used because it was K-ABC clearly possesses the best reliability.
believed that they would be difficult for some Lyon and Smith (1986) assessed the long-term
6-year-olds to understand. In the K-ABC, how- stability of the K-ABC with at-risk preschoolers.
ever, there is an additional fall-back position if a The K-ABC was administered at a 9-month in-
young child does not understand even these sim- terval to 53 children between the ages of 49 and
plified directions: Sample and Teaching Items. 73 months who had been referred for early inter-
Telzrow (1984) described several potential uses vention. The stability coefficients ranged from
of the K-ABC with preschoolers. She proposed .84 for the MPC to .73 for the Sequential scale.
that the Nonverbal scale is a needed addition The coefficient was .76 for the Simultaneous
for preschoolers. She noted the deficiencies in scale and .82 for the Achievement scale. While
other nonverbal measures and suggested that these results support the overall accuracy of the
the Nonverbal scale should be given a trial by K-ABC, an equally useful finding for practition-
those charged with the evaluation of hearing-im- ers was the level of gain over this time period.
paired and severely speech-impaired preschoolers. The Simultaneous scale was the big gainer
Telzrow cautioned that some severely language- (87.9 on test 1 to 97.2 on test 2) which is con-
disordered children may be misidentified, possibly sistent with the test-retest data presented in the
as mentally retarded, by many existing measures of K-ABC Interpretive Manual (Kaufman & Kauf-
intelligence that depend heavily on the assessment man, 1983b). The Sequential and Achievement
of verbal skills and knowledge. scales each improved by about 3 points. The MPC
Telzrow (1984) also argued that the K-ABC improved by about 8 points over the 9-month
offers two advantages in the identification of time period.
preschool gifted children. One of these advan- In fact, the Achievement scale of the K-ABC
tages is the availability of an achievement scale yields comparable or higher stability coefficients
that is normed down to age 2½. She noted that at the preschool level than do the composite
academic achievement has been proposed as an scores of tests such as the Stanford-Binet-
important measure of early academic potential Fourth Edition, "\VPPSI-R, and McCarthy scales
and that the K-ABC is unusual in that it pos- (see Bracken, 1987, for a review of the stability of
sesses one of the few achievement scales that is preschool tests).
appropriate for this age group.
Reliability The K-ABC Achievement scale, like the Verbal
The test-retest coefficients for the K-ABC are scale of the WISC-R, is the best predictor of
generally in the middle .80s for the Mental Pro- subsequent school achievement (Kamphaus &
Reynolds, 1987). This finding is an important re- challenge precocious preschoolers, especially be-
minder to psychologists that measures of achieve- ginning at age 4½ where tests such as Reading/
ment, basic concepts, readiness skills, and related Decoding can be administered via the out-of-level
measures are likely to be better predictors of norms procedure.
future school achievement than intelligence mea- The K-ABC has a number of diaracteristics
sures. I recommend that the Achievement scale to recommend its use with preschoolers. At pres-
be routinely administered when assessing pre- ent, the K-ABC is among the most frequently
schoolers. This is consistent with the recommen- used tests in handicapped children's early edu-
dations of Kaufman and Kaufman (1983b) that cation programs (HCEEP) (Thurlow, Ysseldyke,
the Achievement scale always be administered in Lehr, & Nania, 1988), and in programs for pre-
conjunction with the Mental Processing scales of school children with learning disabilities (Esterly
the K-ABC. & Griffin, 1987).
Other research with at-risk preschoolers com-
pares the K-ABC to other popular tests. Lyon and
Smith (1986) compared the K-ABC, Stanford- Wechsler Preschool and Primary
Binet Form L-M, and McCarthy scales for a
Scale of Intelligence-Revised
group of 72 children referred for early interven-
tion. The children ranged in age from 49 to 73 The WPPSI-R (1989) is a revision ofWechsler's
months. The correlations between the K-ABC WPPSI (1967). There were several test develop-
and the other tests were moderate; .59 with the ment goals for this revision, including updating
GCI and .45 with the Binet IQ. The correlation the norms, improving the appeal of the content
between the K-ABC Achievement scale and the to young children, and expanding the original
GCI was also .59. The correlation between the age range of the WPPSI so that it now applies to
Achievement scale and the Binet IQ, however, children aged 3 years, 0 months through 7 years,
was considerably higher (. 71 ). In this study, the 3 months (Gyurke, 1991). It should be noted,
K-ABC MPC (M=85.9) and McCarthy GCI were however, that highly intelligent kindergarten and
highly consistent (M=86.3). The Binet mean IQ first-grade children may find the test too easy
of 82.4 was somewhat lower. (Kaplan, 1992).
Factor analytic studies of the K-ABC for pre- The WPPSI-R follows loyally in the original
schoolers are consistent with the three-factor- Wechsler-Bellevue tradition by emphasizing in-
structure identified for older ages (see Chapter telligence as a global capacity, but having Ver-
l 0) but less robust. The distinctiveness of the bal and Performance scales as two methods for
Achievement factor is particularly lacking with assessing this global entity. The subtests of the
the Achievement subtests having numerous sig- WPPSI-R consist primarily of adaptations of
nificant coloadings on Sequential and Simul- Wechsler-Bellevue subtests. The subtests of the
taneous factors. These results suggest that the WPPSI-R are shown in Table 15.2
Achievement scale in particular may not be in- The content of the WPPSI-R subtests has
terpreted as a distinct entity with confidence changed substantially in an effort to be more
(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). attractive to children. This change reminds me
of the controversy over the "colorization" of
old movies that were filmed in half-tones. The
WPPSI-R, in effect, is a "colorized" version ofits
The K-ABC has some floor problems. As a result, predecessor that is more appropriate for young
K-ABC users have to be wary of obtaining too children.
many zero raw scores when assessing handicapped A new feature of the WPPSI-R is in line with
children. The K-ABC has plenty of difficulty to modern tests of intelligence such as the K-ABC
Verbal Tests
• Information: The information subtest of the WPPSI-R is a simplified version of the traditional
Wechsler information test in that it requires the child to initially point to a picture to answer
a question and later give oral responses to questions from the examiner.
• Comprehension: The child is required to give oral responses to questions about common place,
actions, or consequences of events.
• Arithmetic: The child must demonstrate elementary counting, number concept, and
computation skills on pictorial item types and word problems.
• Vocabulary: The child has to orally identify pictures of objects. On more difficult items the
child has to provide verbal definitions of words.
• Similarities: There are three item types on this test. The first requires the child to choose
a group of objects that is most similar to another group of objects that share a common
feature. The second part requires the child to orally complete a sentence that reflects an
analogy. The last portion of the test is similar to the traditional Wechsler item type which
requires the child to orally identify commonality among verbal concepts.
• Sentences: The child has to repeat sentences from memory in the same manner as dictated
by the examiner.
Perfonnance Tests
• Object Assembly: The child has to assemble colorful puzzles.
• Geometric Design: The first part of the task requires the child to look at a design and find a
similar one to match it. The second part of the task requires the child to draw a geometric
figure based on a model.
• Block Design: The child uses flat two-colored chips to construct patterns based on a model.
This is a timed task.
• Mazes: The child uses pencil and paper to trace mazes. This is a timed task.
• Picture Completion: The child has to identify a missing element of pictures of common
events or objects.
• Animal Pegs: Much in the same manner as the coding test for other versions of the Wechsler
scales, the child has to match particular color pegs to a series of pictured animals. This is also
a speeded test.
and the DAS. Examiners are allowed to give extra with a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3.
help on early items of subtests in order to ensure These in tum are converted to Verbal, Perfor-
that the young child understands what is expected mance and Full Scale IQs with a mean of 100
of him or her. This practice is vitally important and standard deviation of 15. In addition, the
for testing preschoolers, especially the reticent WPPSI manual is considerably more comprehen-
ones. The only subtest that does not allow for this sive than previous editions of the Wechsler scales.
type of assistance is the Arithmetic test. Interpretive tables are provided that allow the ex-
Computation of WPPSI-R scores is familiar aminer to determine the statistical significance
to Wechsler users. Subtest scores are provided and clinical rarity of Verbal and Performance
score differences, determining strengths and weak- manuals in providing validity evidence, it still
nesses on WPPSI-R subtests, and in making pair- comes up short in relationship to newer measures
wise comparisons among WPPSI-R subtests. such as the DAS, K-ABC, and Binet-4. For ex-
These interpretive data are likely to be extremely ample, no predictive validity data are included in
helpful to the new WPPSI-R user. the WPPSI-R manual.
Exploratory factor analytic investigations re-
Norming ported in the manual show generally good
The WPPSI-R norming sample was obtained congruence with the well-known verbal and
via a stratified sampling procedure based on 1986 nonverbal dimensions from the research litera-
U.S. Census Bureau estimates. The sample in- ture. The data, however, may not be as clearcut
cluded 1,700 children. The stratification variables as they first appear. The Arithmetic subtest, for
included gender, race (White, Black, Hispanic, example (see Table 64 in the WPPSI-R man-
other), geographic region, parental occupation, ual), has a substantial loading of .57 on the ver-
and parental education. The 1,700 cases were bal factor and .44 on the performance factor.
divided among nine age groups that included Similarly, Picture Completion loads .39 on the
200 children in each. The 7-year-old age group verbal factor and .53 on the performance factor.
was the lone exception in that it included only The Animal Peg subtest does not have a partic-
100 children. There is generally good correspon- ularly strong loading on either factor with a
dence between the sample statistics and the Cen- .25 on the verbal factor and a .41 on the per-
sus statistics. formance factor. The factor structure of the
WPPSI-R will likely be better understood when
Reliability additional analyses are conducted by indepen-
dent researchers. For example, the notion of
The WPPSI-R appears to be highly reliable. the WISC-R third factor was not explored
The average Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale thoroughly in the analysis conducted in the
internal consistency coefficients across age groups WPPSI-R manual. Similarly, confirmatory factor
are .95, .92, and .96, respectively. The internal analyses would be helpful in clarifying the nature
consistency estimates are slightly lower at age 7, of the WPPSI-R structure.
where it is recommended that the WPPSI-R is There are a number of concurrent validity
most appropriate for below-average children and studies showing correlations between the WPPSI-
the WISC-III is generally recommended for use R and other well-known measures ofintelligence.
with other children. The correlation between WPPSI and WPPSI-R
The reliability coefficients for the individual Full Scale IQs was reported at .87, and the cor-
subtests vary substantially from an average inter- relation between WPPSI-R and WISC-R IQs
nal consistency coefficient of .86 for the Similar- for a sample of 50 children was reported at .85.
ities subtest to an average of .63 for the Object The correlations between the WPPSI-R and
Assembly subtest. As is typically the case, sta- other preschool cognitive measures is somewhat
bility estimates are somewhat lower than internal lower than the .80s, which is to be expected. The
consistency estimates. A test-retest investigation correlation of the composites from the WPPSI-R
of 175 children from the standardization sample with the Stanford-Binet is .74, with the Mc-
yielded coefficients in the high .80s and low Carthy .81, and with the K-ABC .55. The low
.90s. The test-retest coefficient for the Full Scale correlation of .49 with the K-ABC is curious
was .91. and inconsistent with the study correlating the
K-ABC and the old WPPSI (Kaufman & Kauf-
man, 1983b). Otherwise, these concurrent valid-
While the WPPSI-R manual goes much further ity coefficients provide strong evidence for the
than the older WPPSI or other Wechsler scale construct validity of the WPPSI-R.
A predictive validity study with middle- and in and of themselves reliable and interpretable is
high-SES children (FSIQ = 114) produced con- most appropriate for the more patient and coop-
siderable evidence for the predictive validity of erative adult client. For extremely young chil-
the Verbal IQ with no additional contribution dren, however, the use of brief sets of items as
to the prediction of academic achievement for was popularized by the original Binet and intelli-
the PIQ (Kaplan, 1993). Children were assessed gence tests such as the Bayley and McCarthy
prior to kindergarten and their achievement in scales is more suitable to the attention spans
Listening, Reading, Math, and Word Analysis of young children. In addition, the WPPSI-R
was assessed at the end of first grade. still suffers from a limited age range. A broader
Correlations between VIQ and these four age range extending down to 2 ½ years of age is
areas ranged from .44 to .71, whereas the PIQ offered by numerous other tests including the
correlations were in the range of .38 to .65. Binet-4, K-ABC, McCarthy scales, and Differ-
When VIQ was entered into a multiple regres- ential Ability Scales. In addition, the WPPSI-R
sion equation first as a predictor of achievement, competitors also have upper age limits beyond
the subsequent addition of the PIQ added noth- that of the WPPSI- R.
ing to the prediction. Kaplan (1993) advised that Another holdover from the Wechsler tradi-
recommending children for an accelerated cur- tion that makes the test more cumbersome for
riculum based on a strong WPPSI-R PIQ and use with preschoolers is the use of 10 subtests as
weak VIQ is ill-advised. the standard battery. The WPPSI-R has always
been known for its high reliability; however, this
reliability has always come at a price, and the
price is having to push a young child through
The WPPSI-R is a major update and improve- a minimum of 10 subtests. Block Design itself
ment of its predecessor, the 1967 WPPSI. could theoretically take 25 minutes to administer
Strengths of the WPPSI-R include more attrac- (Slate & Saddler, 1990). Other preschool mea-
tive materials than its predecessor. The use of sures such- as the Binet-4 (abbreviated battery),
materials that are more intrinsically interesting Woodcock-Johnson Revised, McCarthy scales,
to young children should improve child interest K-ABC, and DAS are much more realistic in
and motivation. The flexible administration al- their demands on the attention of preschool chil-
lowing examiners to teach the tasks should also dren. With these caveats and strengths in mind,
improve the utility of the test with young chil- the WPPSI-R should be considered a contribu-
dren. Other practical features of the WPPSI-R tion to preschool assessment that warrants con-
include the extended age range and a more com- sideration for use by clinicians who work with
prehensive and well-written manual. young children.
The psychometric quality of the WPPSI-R is
unimpeachable, including the updated stan-
dardization sample. The reliablity and validity
Differential Ability Scales
evidence was carefully gathered, and it but- The DAS has a battery of tests designed specifi-
tresses the quality of the instrument (Bracken cally for preschoolers beginning at age 2 ½. The
& Delugach, 1990). core and diagnostic (supplementary) subtests for
The WPPSI-R, however, is burdened by its the DAS are shown in Table 15.3. The Block
heritage. Its primary weaknesses are due to the Building, Verbal Comprehension, Picture Simi-
fact that it is inextricably linked to the work of larities, and Naming Vocabulary tests contribute
Wechsler in adult intellectual assessment. Poten- to the GCA (General Conceptual Ability) score at
tial weaknesses include the fact that it clings to ages 2 ½ through 3 ½. Block Building is not used
the individal subtest format that Wechsler popu- in the GCA at the remaining preschool ages and
larized in the 1930s. The use of subtests that are Early Number Concepts, Copying, and Pattern
Medical History
Information provided by the parents suggested that Matt's condition at birth was good. He was delivered by
Caesarean section with a birth weight of 6 lbs., 5 oz. No difficulties were noted in Matt's early developmental
history. His medical history is significant for asthma, which seems to be improving, and scarlet fever at age 3.
Frequent rashes around Matt's mouth are treated with hydrocortisone cream. Parental report indicates that Matt
passed vision and hearing screenings administered at school within the last year.
Background Information
Matt lives with both parents and one sister, age 11. Matt's sister has been previously diagnosed as having an atten-
tion deficit disorder, and Matt's father reported having experienced similar difficulty in school: "daydreaming" and
an inability to complete tasks. A psychoeducational evaluation was desired as part of a comprehensive assessment.
Parents report that their most difficult problems with Matt involve discipline. Although very loving, Matt can be
stubborn, and he "talks back." When he doesn't get his way, he becomes angry, whines, and cries. Matt reportedly
loves preschool, but last year, he had difficulty listening, following directions, and making wise use of his time. He
often screamed or made other loud noises, disrupted the activities of other children, and demanded attention.
Behavioral Observations
Matt was nicely dressed in casual clothes and appeared comfortable. He was brought to the testing session by his
father and mother. Throughout the evaluation Matt was responsive and candid in his responses. He demonstrated
fair to low task persistence yet seemed to try hard on some tasks presented. Rapport was established and maintained
throughout the testing session. At times Matt cooperated fully with the examiner, but for the most part he was un-
cooperative, and he was very difficult to keep in his seat. Matt was able to be redirected.
Assessment Results
Matt was evaluated with the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (SB-IV). Matt obtained a Test
Composite Score of 90 ± 6. The chances are 95 out of 100 that Matt's scores meet or exceed 16% to 40% of the
children his age. This estimate of his current cognitive functioning classifies him in the average to low-average
range. On the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale oflntelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) his Full Scale Score was
slightly lower. He obtained a score of80 ± 6, which means that the chances are 95 out of 100 that Matt's scores meet
or exceed 4% to 18% of the children his age. This estimate classifies him in the low-average range. This lower score
may be due in part to fatigue, inattention, and overactivity level, which were more evident during administration of
the vVPPSI-R than during the Stanford-Binet.
Matt demonstrated a weakness in his ability to mentally compute arithmetic problems and to complete visual-
motor tasks. His weakness in perceptual-motor skills was mainly due to his lack of attention and concentration on
tasks that demanded tedious and accurate work. Matt demonstrated strengths in his verbal ability to comprehend
words and verbal concept formation.
The Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI), a measure of the degree to which visual percep-
tion and motor behavior are integrated, yielded a Standard Scaled score of 80. This score is consistent with Matt's
ability scores and his weakness in visual-motor coordination.
Matt's behavior is characteristic of children diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-com-
bined type.
Matt is a 4-year-old boy who will soon be entering kindergarten. He is very active and inattentive at times. Current
assessment data suggest that Matt's cognitive functioning is in the average to low-average range, but this should be
considered merely an "estimate" because of his youth and inattentiveness. Matt's basic concept scores are com-
mensurate with his cognitive ability.
Psychometric Summary
Vocabulary 54
Comprehension 50
Absurdities 49
Verbal Reasoning 102
Pattern Analysis 41
Copying 49
Abstract/Visual Reasoning 87
Quantitative 39
Quantitative Reasoning 78
Bead Memory 54
Memory for Sentences 45
Short-Term Memory 99
Test Composite 90
Object Assembly 6
Geometric Design 5
Block Design 6
Mazes 7
Picture Completion 7
Animal Pegs 9
Performance 76
Information 8
Comprehension 7
Arithmetic 7
Vocabulary 7
Similarities 11
Sentences 11
Verbal 87
Full Scale 80
Construction subtests are added to the aforemen- of the Binet. The use of toy-like objects for the
tioned core subtests to create a battery of six Verbal Comprehension test is most similar to the
subtests for 31/2 through 6-year-olds. The four earlier Binet editions. Given that these are tried-
diagnostic subtests shown in Table 15.3 are also and-true item types for these age groups, one
available for various young age groups. The would predict that they should work well with
preschool battery gets equal emphasis with the young children. One unknown aspect of the DAS
school-age battery of the DAS and it has its own is its interest level to young children. New clini-
record form. · cians should make an effort to consult DAS users
The item types on the DAS are well known, to assess this variable as it is crucial for the suc-
most of them being variants of Binet-type tasks. cessful use of the DAS with this age group.
Tests such as Block Building, Verbal Compre- The DAS also offers some administration
hension, Naming Vocabulary, and Copying are flexibility at this age range. Most of the subtests
reminiscent of similar items on previous editions allow for out-of-level testing so that an examiner
could give a test that is ordinarily too difficult for well (.47). It is for this reason that Pattern Con-
an age group to a precocious child, and con- struction is not part of the regular battery for
versely, give a subtest that is normally too easy for this age. For high-ability 3-year-olds (Tscore >
an age group to a developmentally delayed child. 60), however, the reliability of the test is consid-
erably better (.93). The opposite is true where
Norming and Reliability
there are ceiling effects (negatively skewed).
The psychometric properties of the DAS are These reliability data for out-of-level testing are
commendable, including its standardization pro- reported on page 183 of the DAS Introductory
gram (see Chapter 13). Some of the subtests do and Technical Handbook (Elliott, 1990b).
not have an extraordinary amount of floor. If, for The DAS manual (p. 191) also reports sub-
example, a child obtains a raw score of only 1 on test specificity values for the preschool subtests.
Block Building, the corresponding T score is 37, Some of the subtests with the most specificity
which is slightly less than 1½ standard deviations and correspondingly low error variances include
below the mean. The GCA, on the other hand, Pattern Construction, Copying, and Recall of
appears to have plenty of evidence of floor. Digits. The ratio of specificity to error variance
Both internal consistency and test-retest reli- is lowest for Naming Vocabulary, which has a
abilites for the GCA are strong, rarely dipping mean specificity of .34 and error variance of .22.
below .90. A rather unusual feature of the man-
ual is to report reliability estimates separately for Validity
ability levels for the purposes of out-of-level Intercorrelations of the subtests and composites
testing. This practice shows clearly the amount at the preschool-age level (p. 199 of the Handbook,
of confidence an examiner may place in a test Elliott, 1990b) suggest that the memory tests,
that is administered out of level. Pattern Con- particularly Recall of Objects Immediate and
struction, a test that is relatively difficult for Delayed, are least likely to covary with the GCA.
young children, has a slightly positively skewed In addition, Matching Letter-Like Forms and
distribution for 3-year-olds. Because of this fact Block Building have relatively low correlations
the test is less reliable for low-achieving 3-year- with the GCA. Block Building does have a higher
olds (T score < 40) because it does not have correlation with GCA at ages 2 1/2 to 3½. The
enough easy items to measure these children core subtests clearly have the higher correlations
with the GCA, which is their reason for inclusion types, factor analytic support, good reliability and
in the GCA (see Chapter 13). concurrent validity, good norming, out-of-level
The "g" factor at ages 2½ through 3½ is testing, and strong manuals. Some questions re-
marked by Verbal Comprehension and Naming main about the ability of the DAS to hold the in-
Vocabulary with loadings of .80 and .74, respec- terest ofyoung children and ease ofadministration.
tively. The remaining four subtests have load- The DAS now needs to be "road tested" with clin-
ings only in the .50s (Elliott, 1990b). Subtests with icians who assess preschoolers.
high first-factor loadings (using a one-factor
confirmatory model) at ages 4 and 5 include
Verbal Comprehension, Naming Vocabulary,
and Early Number Concepts. Subtests with low
loadings on this factor included Recall of Digits
and Recall of Objects. These results, therefore, The state of the art in infant and preschool intel-
parallel the intercorrelation matrices cited ear- ligence testing is changing rapidly. While there
lier and show which subtests are not likely to are few current competitors for the Bayley, there
align themselves with the GCA. are likely some under development. Generally
Based on factor analytic evidence Elliott speaking there have been many practical im-
(1990a) concluded that at ages 2½ through 3½ a provements in preschool testing technology in
single general factor was the most appropriate particular. While lack of adequately easy items
explanation for the intercorrelation matrix. At remains a problem for many scales, evidence of
ages 4 through 5-11 a two-factor model was pro- test-retest reliability (Flanagan & Alfonso, 1995)
posed as the best fit to the data. These two fac- and better quality norming samples make the
tors were labeled as verbal and nonverbal. BSID-II, DAS, and other measures clearly supe-
Concurrent validity studies reported in the rior to their predecessors.
Handbook (Elliott, 1990b) show strong and lawful In addition, new procedures based on cogni-
correlations between the DAS and other popular tive science research may eventually change the
preschool tests. In a variety of studies of pre- face of infant testing. Until that time we are des-
schoolers the GCA of the DAS correlated .89 and tined to utilize the existing technology that, im-
.81 in two studies with the WPPSI-R Full Scale, provements in psychometrics aside, still does not
.77 with the Binet-4 Composite, .76 and .82 with help significantly clarify our understanding of
the McCarthy GCI, and .68 with the K-ABC the nature of infant and preschool cognition and
MPC. There was also a consistent trend for the its developmental course.
GCA to be 1 to 4 standard score points lower than A convening of a U.S. governmental com-
these other measures. It is a small difference, but it mittee in 1997-1998 produced a booklet with
occured in every study. The GCA was consider- some practical advice for those who assess pre-
ably lower than the McCarthy GCI, being about 8 schoolers (Shepard, Kagan, & Wurtz, 1998).
points lower in two separate studies. One plaus- Some of the general principles emanating from
able explanation for this substantial difference is this panel represent sound practical advice for
the age of the McCarthy norms, although this is the psychologist who assesses infants and pre-
somewhat surprising given the concern about the schoolers. Much of this advice is consistent with
McCarthy scoring lower than other tests (Valen- points made in this chapter. In abbreviated form
cia, 1990). the panel recommends:
1. Assessment should bring about benefits for children.
The DAS possesses a number of characteristics of 2. Assessments should be tailored to a specific pur-
good measures of preschool intelligence, including pose and should be reliable, valid, and fair for that
provisions for teaching, familiar and attractive item purpose.
3. Assessment policies should be designed recognizing • The assessment of children under 24 months
that reliability and validity of assessments increase of age typically involves some modifications
with children's age. in the standard assessment procedure.
4. Assessments should be age-appropriate in both con- • The most popular and respected of infant
tent and the method ofdata collecti_on. intelligence measures is the Bayley Scales of
5. Assessments should be linguistically appropriate, rec- Infant Development-Second Edition (Bay-
ognizing that to some extent all assessments are mea- ley, 1993).
sures oflanguage.
• Tests of infant information processing skills
6. Parents should be a valued source ofassessment infor-
have received considerable attention lately as a
mation, as well as an audience for assessment results.
(pp. 5-6)
potential breakthrough in the assessment of
infant intelligence.
• The McCarthy scales (McCarthy, 1972) have
CHAPTER SUMMARY been the recipient of considerable research at-
tention (Kaufman, 1982; Valencia, 1990).
• Infant measures of intelligence are usually • There has been some controversy regarding
multidimensional. the construction of the McCarthy Screening
Test, which has resulted in the development
• PL 99- 457 is a major extension of the pro-
of alternative screening forms of the MST
vision of educational services for preschool
(Taylor et. al., 1979).
children and infants.
• Although the McCarthy norms may need up-
• Lewis and Sulllivan (1985) noted remarkable
dating, the extensive supportive research
similarity among the items in infant tests and
base of the McCarthy suggests that every
most of the items could be traced to the pio-
clinician who assesses the intelligence of
neering work of Arnold Gesell.
young children should become familiar with
• Arnold Gesell, while providing the basis for this scale.
so many test development activities, did not be- • Cronbach concluded that the Binet-4 was
lieve that intelligence could be assessed. likely to be as interesting to preschoolers as its
• For normal children evaluated between birth predecessor or as other measures.
and 2 V2 years of age the correlation with scores • The K-ABC enjoys considerable popularity
obtained at ages 3 to 8 range from .01 to .59 for use with preschoolers and it possesses a
(Goodman, 1990). strong research base.
• Stability coefficients between early and later • The WPPSI-R (1989) is a revision ofWech-
tests for normal children reach .50 at their best, sler's WPPSI (1967).
but stability coefficients for handicapped chil-
• The Differential Ability Scales (DAS) pos-
dren are in the .70s to .90s range.
sesses a number of characteristics of good
• Specialized training for child clinicians who measures of preschool intelligence including
assess infants and preschoolers might include provisions for teaching, familiar and attractive
strong coursework in normal and handi- item types, factor analytic support, good relia-
capped child development, preschool assess- bility and concurrent validity, good norming,
ment coursework, and supervised experience out-of-level testing, and strong manuals.
in an early childhood setting.
C H A P r E R 16
Nonverbal Tests
"... the Perfonnance IQ corresponds most closely to Gv, The need for nonverbal measures of the intelli-
broad visual perception." (Carroll, 1994, p. 139) gence construct has been present since the early
days of World War I (see Chapter 1). In fact,
Wechsler (1939) clearly recognized this need
CHAPTER QUESTIONS for a nonverbal measure by including the Per-
formance scale as part of his original test battery.
Over the past 70 years, the assessment of non-
What are some common problems with "non- verbal intelligence has continued to evolve.
verbal measures"? Now, there are numerous measures that were de-
What cognitive abilities are typically assessed signed specifically to serve as nonverbal measures
by nonverbal tests? of intelligence.
intelligence" (p. 348). Others have argued that are reverting back to the practice of Wechsler.
there is not such a construct as nonverbal intel- Many test batteries offer nonverbal intelligence
ligence (Glaub & Kamphaus, 1991). These in- tests or scales as supplemental scales or special-
dividuals have proposed that the use of the word ized short forms. Tests of this variety are multi-
nonverbal simply describes a methodology for purpose test batteries such as the K-ABC and the
accessing the same general intelligence that has Differential Ability Scales. This chapter will also
always been of interest to psychologists since the discuss these nonverbal measures that are part of
early part of the last century. other comprehensive measures.
Traditionally, most nonverbal measures were More comprehensive measures such as the
considered to be primarily perceptual. Thus, WISC were not deemed as ideal for use with a
many tests were not considered capable of assess- variety of populations in which language/hearing
ing higher-order intellectual abilities that cor- variables loom as confounds. The WISC-III oral
related more substantially with "g." In fact, instructions to examinees, for example, are ex-
Wechsler's assumption that the Performance ceedingly wordy for tests such as Coding. Popu-
scale provided a "language" through which "g" lar nonverbal (or perhaps a better term is less
could be assessed is untrue. Decades of research verbal) tests such as the Hiskey-Nebraska and
has shown that the PIQ is simply a modest cor- the Leiter include nonverbal instructions and use
relate of various measures of academic achieve- pantomime as part of the administration process.
ment and occupational success. On the contrary, This method allows these measures to be used
the Verbal scale correlates significantly better with children with hearing impairments with a
with such criterion measures. greater degree of confidence.
In effect, many traditional nonverbal mea- Nonverbal intelligence measures later became
sures were probably measuring abilities similar popular for use with children who do not speak
to the Performance scale or Carroll's Stratum II English (the most popular language used by test
Visualization/Spatial ability factor which, pre- developers). While English is the dominant lan-
dictably, is less related to general intelligence than guage in the United States, for example, the
reasoning, verbal, or memory abilities. Hence, United States continues to be a multilingual so-
newer nonverbal measures tout themselves as mea- ciety. Just as the Army Beta was used to assess the
suring these higher-order mental abilities that are intelligence of waves of immigrants after World
both more correlated with general intelligence War I, so too modern nonverbal tests of intel-
and more predictive of important life outcomes. ligence are attractive to psychologists who work
We will see if this is the case. in areas. of the United States with large non-
English-speaking populations.
Nonverbal measures can also be helpful for
U.S. Needs assessing children with significant speech or
The development of nonverbal scales of intel- language impairments. A child or adolescent
ligence seems to have come full circle since the who may have lost speech due to a head injury
time of Wechsler. Wechsler included the more may be a good candidate for the use of nonver-
nonverbal Performance scale as an integral part bal measures of intelligence. These three audi-
of his intellectual assessment battery. Subsequent ences-children who are non-English-speaking,
to this development, many authors prepared non- hearing-impaired, and speech-impaired-pro-
verbal intelligence tests that were designed ex- vide a healthy demand for the use of nonverbal
clusively as nonverbal measures. These include measures.
tests such as the Hiskey-Nebraska Tests of There is also a cadre of nonverbal intelligence
Learning Aptitude and the Leiter International Per- assessment screeners. Some of the more well-
formance Scale. Now intelligence test developers known names here are the Raven Progressive
Matrices and Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. parental educational attainment as a measure of
An overview of several multi-subtest measures SES. Altogether 108 sites in 38 states were uti-
follows. lized (Bracken & McCallum, 1998). Overall
match to stratification statistics was good, giving
one confidence in the obtained scores.
UNIVERSAL NONVERBAL Normalized standard scores are offered for
INTELLIGENCE TEST (UNIT) subtests (mean = 10, SD = 3), and Memory, Rea-
soning, Symbolic, Nonsymbolic, and Full Scale
composite scores (mean = 100, SD = 15).
The UNIT exemplifies the new genre of non- Three administration options are offered;
verbal tests that purports to assess higher-level Abbreviated Battery (2 subtests), Standard Bat-
cognitive abilities than the typical assessment of tery (4 subtests), or Extended Battery (6 sub-
visualization/spatial/perceptual abilities (Bracken tests). The manual offers good detail regarding
& McCallum, 1998). The theoretical model un- the oft-complex nonverbal administration pro-
derlying the UNIT is hierarchical in nature with cedures along with a thorough and clear treatise
"g" at the apex. Their general intelligence is de- of scoring rules. A videotape gives thorough in-
fined as "the ability to solve problems using mem- formation regarding administration gestures and
ory and reasoning" (p. 12). The UNIT assess two pantomime.
abilities at the next level of the hierarchy (Stratum
II, if you will); namely, memory and reasoning,
two familiar factors on intelligence test batteries.
Overall, Bracken and MacCallum are clearly try- Subtest internal consistency is good with coeffi-
ing to differentiate the UNIT from its predeces- cients typically in the .80s. Estimates for Mazes
sors by emphasizing the assessment of cognitive are the lowest (average= .64) with Object Mem-
abilities that are closer to many theoretical tradi- ory second to lowest (.76). Cube Design has the
tions that posit a hierarchical arrangement of highest average coefficient at .91, which is not
abilities with at least two strata. surprising given the tried-and-true nature of the
Another clever attempt made by the UNIT is Block Design task. Separate internal consistency
to differentiate abilities into "symbolic" and coefficients are provided for children with learn-
"nonsymbolic" domains. Symbolic subtests are ing disabilities, mental retardation, intellectual
simply those that use nonverbal stimuli and, yet, giftedness, and speech and language impairments.
are amenable to or encourage verbal mediation Full Scale composite score internal consistency
(e.g., utilizing concrete stimuli in an analogical estimates are very good with a .96 for the Ab-
reasoning task). Nonsymbolic subtests then uti- breviated Battery, .98 Standard Battery, and .98
lize abstract figural stimuli. Extended Battery.
Test-retest stability coefficients are lower,
yielding a .79 Full Scale for the Abbreviated Bat-
Standardization tery, .84 Standard Battery, and .81 Extended
The UNIT was standardized on a nationally rep- Battery (coefficients corrected for restriction of
resentative sample of 2,100 children between range are higher). These coefficients likely more
the ages of 5 years, 0 months and 17 years, 11 realistically reflect the stability that will be ob-
months, 30 days. Stratification was accomplished tained in clinical practice. A finding of particular
using 1995 U .S. Census estimates. Stratification importance is that the stability of the Abbrevi-
variables included child sex, race, Hispanic ori- ated Battery may be greater with increasing age.
gin, geographic region, community size, class- In fact, this battery was essentially unreliable be-
room placement, special education services, and tween ages 8 and 10, where it yielded a Full Scale
reliability coefficient of only .64. The Abbreviated 3. Does the Reasoning scale correlate highly with
Battery did yield a .81 at ages 5 to 7. For the most other reasoning composites?
part other composite score stability coefficients 4. Does the Symbolic composite correlate sig-
are acceptable or quite good. Subtest stability nificantly better with verbal composites than
coefficients can be quite variable for some age the nonsymbolic composite?
groups, occasionally yielding coefficients in the
.60s. In fact, four of the subtest coefficients were The answer to question 1 is a preliminary
in the .60s at ages 5 to 7 and one was .70. These "yes." UNIT Full Scale correlates .71 (Extended
results give one pause when making subtest inter- Battery) with WISC-III Full Scale for a sample
pretations, particularly for younger children. of children with LD, .72 for a sample with MR,
.54 for a sample of Gifted (although this sample
was severely restricted, so the corrected correla-
Validity tion of .88 is probably more accurate), and .53 for
a Native American Sample. Moreover, UNIT
Bracken and McCallum (1998) have written an
scores correlated with W-J achievement scores
easily readable and relatively thorough manual
at nearly the same level as WISC-III Full Scale
that provides at least the basic validity evidence.
for three samples. It should also be noted that
Several internal validity studies utilizing explora-
UNIT Full Scale composite mean scores tend to
tory and confirmatory methods are included.
be very similar to those of other intelligence tests
Of greatest importance is that these studies sub- used in these studies.
tantially inform interpretive practice. The most
The answers to questions 2 and 3 are difficult
compelling finding from the confirmatory stud- to ascertain because correlational studies are of-
ies (which I think are the most relevant in this fered for criterion tests that do not possess well-
case since the authors clearly had an a prior validated measures of memory (i.e., WISC-III,
structure in mind) is that a one-factor, general W-J-Cog, K-BIT) or reasoning. One study stands
intelligence, model accounts well for the data. as an exception in that the Raven's Progressive
Therefore, in the interest of parsimony, the Full Matrices is considered to be the "gold standard"
Scale composite should be valued more than for cross-cultural studies of reasoning ability. The
others when interpreting the UNIT. It should UNIT Extended Battery Full Scale correlated .71
be noted, however, that a Memory and Reason- with Raven's Total Test Score for a small sample
ing model also fit the data well, suggesting that of27 children from Ecuador. Clearly, much more
this dichotomy may be relevant for some cases. evidence needs to be gathered.
These findings, however, do not reveal much The WISC-III VCI serves as a good criterion
about the nature of the Memory and Reasoning measure for answering question 4. The obtained
scales without comparisons to other measures of correlations for the four special samples identified
like constructs. earlier suggest that the symbolic/nonsymbolic
The theoretical model of the UNIT suggests distinction is questionable at the moment. The
several key criterion-related validity questions: correlations between the Symbolic and VCI com-
posites for the four samples were .45, .43, .00, and
1. Does the Full Scale correlate at about .70 or .40, whereas the correlations for the nonsymbolic
greater with other composite scores from in- and VCI were .37, .52, .28, and .32.
telligence tests suggesting that it is a good
measure of "g"?
2. Does the Memory scale correlate highly, Summary
at about .70 or greater with other memory The UNIT is a promising addition to the arma-
composites? mentarium of psychologists who have to deal
with an increasingly diverse audience of clients. 4. The item had to be one that in previous re-
While promising, the UNIT is in need of further search has been shown to yield high correla-
validation in order to gain wide acceptance. The tions with acceptable criteria of intelligence or
need for nonverbal instruments is, however, so learning ability.
substantial that the UNIT will likely find a num- 5. The item had to be capable of being con-
ber of uses even if all of its derived scores are not structed and presented in such a way that the
supported by future validation studies. child could make a definite response, thus mak-
These future studies are more important for ing the scoring objective and easily done.
ensuring proper interpretation of the battery. At
6. The item had to be appealing and attactive to
the moment the overall composite score appears children.
to have enough evidence to be used routinely for
interpretation. The other composite and subtest 7. The item should be capable of being scored
scores, while intuitively appealing, are not yet without the score being based on time.
well enough understood to be routinely utilized 8. The difficulty of the item should appear to
in clinical practice. be within the age range of the standardization
9. The item had to be likely to show high dis-
criminative capacity.
(HNTLA OR HISKEY) The seventh point about time is an interesting
one. This criterion makes the Hiskey more of a
power test than the WISC. It is in contrast to
The Hiskey was designed specifically to assess tests such as Object Assembly, where the only
the cognitive skills of deaf children and adoles- means of obtaining a high score is through quick
cents (Hiskey, 1966). The Hiskey-Nebraska age performance. Hiskey clearly differentiated his test
range extends from 2½ years through 17½ years. development philosophy from Wechsler on this
The Hiskey suggests the use of pantomined in- point. The Hiskey does, however, use tried-and-
structions for hearing-impaired individuals. There true items. No attempts were made to develop
are five subtests that are administered to ages 3 to novel item types. The use of novel items would
10 and four subtests that are specific to ages 11 not have been consistent with item specification 4.
to 17. There are three subtests on the Hiskey One weakness of the Hiskey may be a lack of
that extend across all age ranges. Administration creativity in item development.
of the Hiskey takes approximately 45-50 minutes The Hiskey is designed to be a broad-based
for an experienced examiner. measure of intellectual skills. For this reason, the
The procedures that were used for the selec- test consists of a number of subtests as opposed
tion of items were specified prior to test develop- to using only one- or two-item formats to assess
ment and explicitly stated. Item selection criteria a child's intelligence. In this way the Hiskey is
included: analogous to the WISC in that numerous types
of "languages" may be used by the child or ado-
1. Tasks should be similar to those that young lescent to express his or her intelligence.
children encounter in school. The subtests of the Hiskey include the fol-
2. The item had to be adaptable for use in a non- lowing:
verbal test.
1. Bead Patterns-ages 3-10
3. The item had to be able to be presented in such
a way that directions could be given through 2. Memory for Color-ages 3-10
simple pantomime. 3. Picture Identification-ages 3-10
the Pictorial Test of Intelligence (PTI). The excellent alternatives to the Hiskey, such as the
Hiskey correlation with the K-ABC was .72 and Leiter-R described next.
with the PTI .80. The Hiskey yielded 10 scores
above a standard score of 116. The K-ABC
yielded the lowest scores, but the authors stated LEITER INTERNATIONAL
that this result is to be expected because of the PERFORMANCE SCALE-
out-of-date (and, therefore, softer) Hiskey and
PTI norms. An independent factor analytic in-
vestigation by Bolton (1978) found that the fac-
tor structures of the Hiskey differed for hearing The Leiter-R (Roid & Miller, 1997) is one of
and deaf children for the 3- to 10-year-old age the most venerable of nonverbal intelligence
group. Specifically, the Memory for Colors and tests. This measure was revised in 1948 and
Block pattern subtest loaded on different factors most recently in 1997 (Roid & Miller, 1997).
for the hearing and deaf children. Unfortunately The Leiter-R, like the UNIT and many other
the Hiskey does not seem to be the recipient of a new tests, attempts to capitalize on the recent
great deal of recent research interest. work of theoreticians who emphasize hierarchi-
cal approaches to intelligence. The new measure
assesses "g" as well as visualization, reasoning,
Summary memory, and attention abilities via 20 subtests.
The Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Apti- Reasoning subtests include Classification, Se-
tude is a multisubtest comprehensive intellec- quential Order, Repeated Patterns, and Design
tual assessment battery designed specifically Analogies. Visualization subtests include Match-
for hearing-impaired children and adolescents ing, Figure-Ground, Form Completion, Picture
between the ages of 2½ and 17½ years. The Context, Paper Folding, and Figure Rotation.
Hiskey is primarily an adaptation of earlier edi- Memory subtests include Memory Span (for-
tions of the Stanford-Binet. In fact, some of the ward), Memory Span (reverse), Spatial Memory,
items can be traced directly to the Binet scales. Visual Coding (symbol and digit), Associative
The Hiskey was the first of its genre in that it Memory, Associative Delayed Memory, Immedi-
was specifically defined for the deaf population, ate Recognition, and Delayed Recognition. The
making it particularly attractive for use with this Attention subtests are twofold, including Atten-
group of children. In many ways, however, the tion-Sustained and Attention-Divided. This total
Hiskey is also wedded to earlier intelligence battery clearly represents the most broad-based
tests and earlier Stanford-Binet assessment tech- assessment of cognitive abilities via nonverbal
nology in particular. The standardization and means. The battery is made more manageable
scaling procedures used by the Hiskey would by separating the Visualization and Reasoning
not be acceptable today. The manual may have Battery (VR) from the Attention and Memory
been adequately prepared for the 1960s, but does Battery (AM). Of course, a complete Leiter-Ras-
not meet modern standards of assessment prac- sessment requires more time. Completion of all
tices. For all practical purposes, in the light of four domains probably requires well over an hour,
current developments in noverbal intellectual and perhaps an hour and a half or more of admin-
assessment, the Hiskey is psychometrically in- istration time.
adequate and cannot be recommended for use. Further testimony to the broad-based nature
It is primarily of historical interest in that it of the Leiter-R is its inclusion of four behavior
was the most broad-based nonverbal assessment rating scales for the examinee, parents, teachers,
battery available. There are currently available and a self-report for the examinee. Some of
other broad-based nonverbal measures that are the subscales of these measures, which differ by
disability, but the addition of the Examiner Rating make it clear, however, that my interpretation of
Scale Cognitive/Social Composite significantly these results may differ from those of the au-
improved the correct classification rate. Clearly, thors, which is not unreasonable, given the lack
behavior rating scales are better than intelligence of hard-and-fast rules for interpreting various
tests for making the ADHD diagnosis. Taken CFA fit indices and residuals.
altogether, these classification studies suggest that We are seeing a trend here. Both the UNIT
the Leiter-R is similar to well-known and valued and Leiter-R need additional criterion-related
intelligence tests. validity studies, utilizing the equivalent of "gold
A very strong correlation of .86 between the standard" measures of reasoning, visualization,
Leiter-Rand WISC-III Full Scale IQ is reported memory, and so on, in order to help clarify the
in the manual for a sample of 122 cases. In addi- results of CFA studies. Still other validation
tion, the Leiter-R mean in this study only dif- approaches may be conducted to give clinicians
fered by 3 points (lower) from the WISC-III, greater confidence that the domain composite
which is within the realm of predictability given scores are measuring that which they purport to
the Flynn effect (see Chapter 3). Unfortunately, measure.
the correlation between the other Leiter-R com- Exploratory factor analyses of the Examiner,
posites and the WISC-III Index scores is not Parent, Teacher, and Self-Rating scales suggest
reported. In similar fashion the correlations be- that two factors underly these instruments. The
tween the Leiter-R Full IQ and WIAT, \VJ-R, authors named the factors Cognitive/Social and
and WRAT-3 achievement test results are also Emotions/Regulation. It is difficult to imagine,
high, ranging from .62 to .82 for several small however, that four rating scales utilizing different
samples. Correlations with group-administered informants could produce the same two factors
achievement tests are somewhat lower. Again, given the differences in factor structure com-
however, we are prevented from knowing the monly found between adult and child ratings and
criterion-related validity of the various Leiter-R the known differences in contexts and accuracy
composites as they were also not reported for of raters (Kamphaus & Frick, 1996). More valid-
these samples. ity evidence would be welcomed for the rating
Exploratory factor analytic results are re- scales. For example, no criterion-related validity
ported but the value of this procedure seems studies are reported.
questionable since the Leiter-R is clearly based The authors did make efforts to identify and
on a priori theory. Fortunately, some confir- eliminate problems with bias. A study by Flem-
matory models were also tested. Generally mer and Roid (1997) studied 10 Leiter-R subtests
speaking these results echo those of the UNIT in and found significant differences on 3 between
that the one-factor model consistently emerges adolescents identified as either "Euro-American"
across age groups as a relatively good fit to the or Hispanic.
data. These results, combined with those of
the criterion-related validity studies, suggest that
the Leiter-Risa good measure of psychometric
"g" through nonverbal means. This version of the Leiter is far superior to its
In direct contrast, support for the other com- predecessors. The Leiter-R is clearly based on a
posites is less compelling. We have no evidence thorough and thoughtful test-development pro-
available from the criterion-related validity stud- cess that attempted to establish fairness and
ies and a four-factor hierarchical CFA model expand the range of abilities and behaviors as-
(Fluid Reasoning, Broad Visualization, Atten- sessed. It is a complex instrument; in fact, it may
tion, and Memory with "g") did not "fit" as well. be more appropriately described as a system that
Three five-factor models also did not fit signifi- possesses a large package of stimulus materials
cantly better than a one-factor model. I should and easels and numerous record and rating forms.
Although daunting at first the examiner in need with, keeping administration time to far less than
of such an assessment should try to master at an hour.
least a portion of the Leiter-R.
On the other hand, this version is so differ- Standardization
ent from its predecessor that much needs to be
learned about its validity. While the overall com- The test was normed on 2,129 children from 23
posite produces a measure of general intelligence states. Sex, ethnicity, community size, family in-
comparable to other multi-subtest intelligence come, parental educational attainment, disabil-
batteries, the validity of its various domains, and ity status, and geographic region were utilized as
subtests for that matter, requires much more study stratification variables in order to match U.S.
in order to guide appropriate interpretive practice. Census estimates. The match to U.S. Census data
was generally good (van Lingen, 1998).
Internal consistency and test-retest reliability esti-
NONVERBAL INTELLIGENCE mates tend to be in the .80s and .90s as is the case
(CTONI) for similar measures. Internal consistency esti-
mates also did not vary for several ethnic and dis-
ability status groups, nor did they differ by sex.
The CTONI (Hammill, Pearson, & Wiederholt,
1996) seems streamlined in comparison to both Validity
the UNIT and Leiter-R. This impression is im-
mediate upon lifting the test kit, which is effi- Criterion-related validity was studied for a sample
ciently packaged in a lightweight cardboard box. of 43 children with LD who were administered
It seems efficient compared to the substantial the WISC-III and PPVT-R. The correlation be-
canvas bags needed to hold all of the pieces of tween the Nonverbal Intelligence composite and
the aforementioned competitors. The CTONI WISC-III Full Scale was very high at .81; how-
is normed for ages 6 years, 0 months through 18 ever, the mean scores for the sample are not re-
years, 11 months. ported so conclusions about agreement cannot be
In this small package, however, is included made. This lack of information is very problem-
six subtests designed to measure three abilities: atic for the practitioner.
analogical reasoning, categorical classification, Generally speaking, I perceive the validity sec-
and sequential reasoning. All of these constructs tion of the CTONI manual as inadequate com-
could be easily subsumed under fluid abilities. pared to those of the UNIT or Leiter-R. The
The six subtests of the CTONI-Pictorial Analo- sections on concurrent and factor analytic validity
gies, Geometric Analogies, Pictorial Categories, could not even be described as minimal. Alter-
Geometric Categories, Pictorial Sequences, natively, it should be noted that the CTONI is
and Geometric Sequences-provide a balance intuitively appealing causing external reviewers to
between pictorial and abstract stimuli. The com- suggest that the measure holds promise.
posites offered are the overall Nonverbal Intel-
ligence, Pictorial Nonverbal Intelligence, and Summary
Geometric Nonverbal Intelligence. Both subtest Aylward, for example, (1998) concluded:
and composite standard scores utilize the familiar
means of 10 and 100 and standard deviations of The combination of pictorial and geometric content,
3 and 15, respectively. absence ofpurely perceptual-peiformance matching or
Administration of the CTONI is efficient. gestalt closure tasks, or better normative data are po-
There are no manipulatives to be concerned tential advantages over existing nonverbal tests such as
Raven's Progressive Matrices .. . or Martix Analogies It has been recommended that if these tests seem
Test-Extended Form. (p. 312) inappropriate that the Performance score may be
prorated so that the Performance scale is effec-
Van Lingen (1998) also sees promise by con- tively serving as a four-subtest nonverbal short
cluding: form (Sullivan & Burley, 1990).
Summary Standardization
The WISC-III Performance Scale is likely to The K-ABC Nonverbal scale norms are derived
continue to be a popular nonverbal test of intelli- from the same national standardization sample
gence. One caution is that the WISC-III Perfor- that was selected so as to meet 1980 U.S. Census
mance subtests do seem to require substantially data (see Chapter 10). The featured score for the
more verbalization on the part of the examiner K-ABC nonverbal scale is a composite with the
and verbal comprehension on the part of the mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. Other
child than some nonverbal measures. More im- derived scores for the Nonverbal scale such as
portantly, little validity evidence is available to percentile ranks are also included as part of the
support the use of the PIQ with children with regular K-ABC manuals and software.
hearing impairments.
K-ABC Internal consistency coefficients for the K-ABC
NONVERBAL SCALE Nonverbal scale are strong, ranging from a .87
coefficient for 4-year-olds to a .94 for a number
of the older age groups. The average coefficient
Analogous to the inclusion of the Performance for school-aged children is .93. One study of the
scale in the Wechsler series, the Kaufmans test-retest reliability of the K-ABC Nonverbal
(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b) included a Non- scale reported a coefficient of .87 (Kaufman &
verbal scale as part of the K-ABC development Kaufman, 1983b).
process. The K-ABC Nonverbal scale is a subset
ofK-ABC Mental Processing subtests that spans
the ages of 4 to 12 1/2 years. It is considered a
"special short form of the mental processing
composite, one that correlates quite well with There is substantial evidence from the K-ABC
this total score" (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983c, Interpretive Manual (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b)
p. 35). The test is designed for use with "deaf, that the Nonverbal scale correlates highly with
hearing-impaired, speech or language-disordered, the Mental Processing composite of the K-ABC.
autistic, and non-English-speaking children" This finding holds true even when the coeffi-
(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983b, p. 35). cients are corrected for spurious overlap. Corre-
The subtests comprising the K-ABC Nonver- lations between the nonverbal short form and the
bal scale include Face Recognition (age 4 only), Mental Processing composite range from .88 at
Hand Movements, Triangles, Matrix Analogies, age 4 to .94 at several of the older age groups.
Spatial Memory, and Photo Series (ages 6 and Studies by Ulyssi et al. (1985), Ham (1985), and
up only). Porter & Kirby (1986) all yielded significant
Given that the instructions to the K-ABC re- correlations (typically in the .60s and above)
quire litle oral expression on the part of the ex- between the K-ABC and other nonverbal intel-
aminer and verbal comprehension on the part ligence measures. These three investigations
of the child, this test can be administered readily also yielded mean K-ABC Nonverbal compos-
using pantomime and gestures. Several studies ites for hearing-impaired children ranging from
(Porter & Kirby, 1986; Ulissi, Brice, & Gibbons, 97 to 101, suggesting that the normal distribu-
1985) have shown no specific problems with the tion of intelligence for hearing-impaired chil-
administration of the Nonverbal scale to hearing- dren is strikingly similar to that of the population
impaired children. at large when using the K-ABC Nonverbal scale.
Although the samples for these studies were rela- The DAS subtests that may be used to com-
tively small, the trend is clear. Hearing-impaired pute a Nonverbal composite at each age include
children have relatively normal IQs as assessed by the following:
the K-ABC Nonverbal scale.
The Porter and Kirby study also tested the util- 1. Ages 2.6 through 4.11-Block Building, Pic-
ity of pantomimed versus sign language admin- ture Similarities
istrations of the K-ABC Nonverbal scale. The 2. Ages 3.6 through 7.11-Pattern Construction,
means for the pantomimed and sign language Copying, Picture Similarities (i.e., the Non-
administration groups were 98.8 and 96.8, respec- verbal cluster)
tively. For this relatively small sample, this differ- 3. Ages 5.0 through 17.11-Pattern Construc-
ence was not statistically significant. These results tion, Recall of Designs, Matrices, Sequential
argue for using the K-ABC Nonverbal scale as it and Quantitative Reasoning
was originally designed, in pantomime.
The norms for the special nonverbal composite
The K-ABC Nonverbal scale carries on the tra- (SNV) are derived from the regular DAS norm-
dition of using portions of a larger intelligence ing program. The Nonverbal composite yields
test battery as nonverbal intelligence measures. a standard score with a mean of 100 and stan-
The K-ABC Nonverbal scale holds promise as a dard deviation of 15. (See the earlier parts of
nonverbal intelligence measure for a variety Chapter 13 for a detailed description of the DAS
of populations (Kamphaus & Reynolds, 1987). normative sample and the various scores avail-
The relevance of the nearly 20-year-old K-ABC able for the DAS.)
norms, however, is questionable.
Reliability and Validity
DIFFERENTIAL ABILITY SCALES Special Nonverbal composite score reliabilities
are generally high. The mean Nonverbal com-
posite reliability coefficient for ages 3.6 through
The DAS takes a similar route to the K-ABC by 5.11 is .89; for ages 6 through 17, the mean is
including a Nonverbal scale as part of a larger .94. The reliability of the two-subtest composite
test battery. The rationale for use of the DAS for age 2.6 through 4.11 is somewhat lower,
Nonverbal scale is given in the following quote: averaging .81. The SNV is a high correlate of
Ifthe examinerjudges that subtests involving verbal pre- the GCA. Correlations between the SNV and
sentation or 1·esponse may not be reliable and valid mea- GCA scores at their lowest are .85 for ages 2.6
sures ofa particular child's abilitit:y, a briefer battery may through 3.5 and .88 for ages 3.6 through 5.11
be administered in order to obtain a special nonverbal suggesting good concurrent validity for the SNV
composite scoi·e in place of the GCA score. ... shy pre- score (Elliott, 1990b). Separate validity evidence
schoolers, those reluctant to talk to an unfamiliar adult, for the Special Nonverbal composite particularly
children with delayed language 01· speech problems, elective for hearing-impaired or non-English-speaking
mutes, children from culturally different backgrounds, children is currently lacking.
childiw whose primmy language is not English, and chil-
drm with middle ear infections or suspected hearing loss
frequent~y are referred fa,· assessment. Dii-ections far the Summary
subtests of the special nonverbal scale may be conveyed
through gestures, and the child's responses require only As a Nonverbal scale of intelligence, the Special
pointing, drawing, or manipulation of objects. (Elliott, Nonverbal scale of the DAS is relatively brief at
Daniel, & Guiton, 1990, p. 17) some ages yet it remains as a multisubtest battery
with a variety of item types that may be used for maturity index (Ml). This 1s m effect an age
assessing intelligence and limiting the confound- equivalent developmental norm.
ing effects of verbal and hearing issues. Early re-
liability studies of this specialized composite are
favorable. Given the recency of the publication Standardization
of the DAS, it is not suprising that validity evi-
The Columbia standardization sample is now
dence is lacking. Given the norming and reliabil-
somewhat dated, since it was collected in the
ity properties of the DAS Nonverbal scale, this
late 1960s and early 1970s and based on 1960s
scale requires further study and consideration for
U.S. Census data. At the time, the standardiza-
at least trial clinical use. At this point, the DAS
tion sample of the Columbia was first rate, con-
nonverbal scale does show promise as another
sisting of 2,600 children, which in turn included
useful alternative in the area of Nonverbal intel-
200 children in each age group of the Columbia.
lectual assessment.
The sample was stratified based on geographic
region, race, sex, and parental occupation.
MATURITY ScALE Reliability
Considering that this is a single subtest measure,
The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (Burge- reliability estimates for the Columbia are quite
meister, Blumm, & Lorge, 1972) is designed to good. Split-half reliability coefficients are high
assess the "general reasoning ability" of children for most age groups, ranging from .85 to .91.
from 3½ to 9 years, 11 months of age. The test They are more consistently in the mid-80s range
is designed for children who may have commu- between the ages of 6 and 9 years. Test-retest re-
nication or motor problems, including those with liability coefficients are slightly lower, ranging
problems, such as mental retardation, hearing from .84 at ages 5 and 6 to .86 at age 4.
loss, speech impairment, or cerebral palsy. The
test does not require the child to read or speak
English and so it is advised as a nonverbal mea- Validity
sure for assessing intelligence. The test consists
of 92 items each presented on cards with 3 to 5 The Columbia depends primarily on correlations
drawings per card. These items are divided among of other tests as evidence of its validity. An ex-
eight levels where the child is administered a set tensive study in the manual showing correlations
of items at an appropriate level designed for his between the Columbia and the 1964 edition of the
or her chronological age. However, additional Stanford Achievement Test showed moderate
levels of items may be administered depending correlations between the two batteries. Most of
upon the child's score earned on the first level these correlations were in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
administered. The stimulus cards used depict Correlations between the Columbia and the Stan-
drawings where the child is asked which drawing ford-Binet Intelligence Scale Form LM for a sam-
does not belong in the set. The objects used on ple of 52 preschool and first-grade pupils yielded a
the cards are intended to be familiar to American coefficient of .84.
The feature score of the Columbia is an age
deviation score (ADS). The ADS is a standard
score with mean of 100 and standard deviation of The Columbia is a rather unique single subtest
16. ADS scores may be converted to percentile measure of"reasoning ability" for children of ages
ranks and stanines. The Columbia also offers a 3½ to 9 years of age. At the time of its publication
in 1972, this test typically exceeded standards of publication does not describe a set of national
psychometric quality for clinical instruments. At norms for the Raven but rather a collection of
this point, however, the Columbia is thoroughly norm tables from 10 local norming investigations
in need of revision. It would be especially desire- conducted in various areas of the United States.
able to have a revised standardization sample. There was an attempt to provide combined
norms for the United States for the Standard
and Coloured matrices. However, descriptions
RAVEN'S of how these norms were derived, including de-
PROGRESSIVE MATRICES scriptions of socioeconomic status, geographic,
racial, age, gender, and other representations
of the samples, are not included in the manual.
As the name implies, the Raven's is comprised of The description given by Raven (1986), with its
a set offigural matrices that may be used as a mea- lack of detail, leads one to believe that these were
sure of general intelligence. In fact, the Raven's is more or less "convenience" samples. Certainly,
the defacto standard for cross-cultural and cross- more detail is needed on the description of these
national studies of intelligence (see Chapter 3). samples to help clinicians understand the value of
Given the minimal language involvement and using these norm tables.
requirement of this item type, this test is par-
ticularly suited to assessing the intelligence of
individuals with hearing impairment, language
disabilities, and children whose native language Reliability data are now presented in the 1986
is not English. Raven manual showing adequate reliability for
The two most popular matrices are the Stan- research purposes, which is the primary use of
dard and the Coloured. The Coloured Progres- this measure.
sive Matrice includes 30 items and the Standard
Progressive Matrices contain 60 items. Each
item consists of 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 figural matrices Validity
presented in a multiple-choice format where the Validity evidence for the Raven's extends primar-
child has to identify the missing element. ily from correlational studies with other tests.
The Standard and Coloured matrices raw A correlational study with the California Achieve-
scores can be converted to percentile ranks. ment Test yielded a coefficient of .76 with the
These percentile conversions are available for Standard Progressive Matrices. A correlation of
ages 6½ to 16½. Percentile ranks can also be .69 was found with the Standard Matrices and
converted to other derived scores such as stan- WISC-R Full Scale score and .61 between the
dard scores. This conversion, however, is not Coloured Matrices and WISC-R Full Scale score
very effective at the tails of the distribution. This for a sample of Mexican American students.
conversion of percentile ranks to standard scores
will not yield a very wide range of standard scores
below 70 and above 130. Summary
Although the Raven Standard and Coloured
Matrices have a long history, they have not been
the beneficiary of continuing sophisticated
Both the Standard and Coloured Progressive psychometric development. The 1986 Com-
Matrices were recently renormed in the United pendium of local norms is an example of this
States (Raven, 1986). This renorming, however, problem. These norms may be perfectly ade-
was somewhat unusual in the sense that this 1986 quate for users of the Raven. However, there is
not enough information provided to determine As is the case with several of the measures dis-
whether or not this is the case. Given such a cussed previously, test-retest coefficients are con-
paucity of technical information, the Raven siderably lower. Test-retest reliability of the total
should likely be considered as a research instru- test score over a I-month interval is only .77.
ment, an area in which it has enjoyed a great
deal of historical popularity. This status should
change, however, once the psychometric prop-
erties and/or information on the Raven's be- The validity of the expanded form has been as-
come more compelling. sessed primarily via correlations of other tests such
as the WISC-R. Correlations with the WISC-R
for a sample of normal children were .41, for
MATRIX ANALOGIES TEST Native American children .43, and for hearing-
impaired children, .68. Expanded form correla-
tions with the Wide Range Achievement Test
Yet another variation on the Raven's theme is
Reading test were .45. Several have found the ex-
this modern version of a figural matrices test
panded form to produce consistently lower scores
by Naglieri (1985d). There are two forms of the
than the WISC-R Performance Scale score. The
Matrix Analogies Test: a short form consisting of
trend across studies is for the expanded form to
34 multiple-choice items and an expanded form
score about 10 points lower than the Performance
consisting of 64 multiple-choice items. The age
score of the WISC-R (Naglieri & Prewett, 1990).
range of the Matrix Analogies Test is from
5 through 16.
The uses for this measure are the same as Summary
those for tests of figural matrices mentioned ear-
The Matrix Analogies Test, particularly the ex-
lier. Raw scores on the expanded form of the Ma-
panded form, follows in the tradition of the use of
trix Analogies Test can be converted to standard
figural matrices as a means of assessing the intelli-
scores with a mean of 100 and standard deviation
gence of children with communication problems,
of 15. These scores in turn can be converted to
motor problems, and children for whom English
age equivalents and percentile ranks. Raw scores
is not their first language. The Matrix Analogies
on the short form can be converted to percen-
Test, however, is considerably more modern than
tiles, stanines, and age equivalents.
many of its predecessors. Its norming sample is
more recent, larger, and more psychometrically
Standardization sophisticated. If one is going to use single subtest
screeners of intelligence for a particular purpose,
The expanded form was administered to 5,718
or is interested in conducting research on the men-
children in the United States in the early 1980s.
tal processing of figural matrices by children, the
The sample was stratified according to U.S. Cen-
Matrix Analogies Test expanded form would be a
sus statistics by race, sex, age, geographic region,
viable candidate for such endeavors.
community size, and socioeconomic status. The
match between the sample and Census statistics
is adequate.
some preliminary validity evidence. Certainly, for assessing the same general intelligence,
newer measures take a broader sampling of cog- not a different "nonverbal intelligence"
nitive abilities, and norming evidence and relia- construct.
bility evidence is impressive. Clinicians can now • The Hiskey was designed specifically to as-
have greater confidence in the use of such mea- sess the cognitive skills of deaf children and
sures for limited English speakers in the United adolescents.
States and children with speech, hearing, and
language impairments. • The UNIT purports to assess higher level cog-
The major question remaining to be answered nitive abilities such as reasoning.
is whether or not the new measures adequately • The standardization and scaling procedures
measure multiple intellectual abilities such as used by the Hiskey would not be acceptable
memory and reasoning. It is too early to know the today. The manual may have been adequately
answer to this question. In the interim, one can prepared for the 1960s, but it is in dire need of
interpret the composite scores of many of these revision in order to meet modern standards
new tests as measures of general intelligence. of assessment practice.
This development alone is a substantial improve-
• The psychometric properties of the Leiter In-
ment over the technology available previously.
ternational Performance Scale-Revised gen-
Some of the newer nonverbal tests such as the
erally meet modern standards.
Leiter-R and UNIT and nonverbal short forms
of tests such as the DAS and K-ABC are clearly • The K-ABC Nonverbal Scale holds promise as
better alternatives than utilizing the Performance a nonverbal intelligence measure for a variety
scale of the WISC-III. The availability of high- of populations although its norms are dated.
quality nonverbal measures makes the tendency • Given the strong norming and reliability prop-
to use the Wechsler scales as the default measure erties of the DAS Nonverbal Scale, this scale
with all referrals a practice to be abandoned. warrants further study and consideration for at
least trial clinical use.
• The WISC-III Performance scale is likely the
most popular nonverbal test of intelligence in
spite ofits limitations. Now the sheer number
• Nonverbal intelligence tests are best con- of modern alternatives suggest that this prac-
sidered as simply a clever and unusual means tice should be abandoned.
Modern Interpretation
We observe that it is a warm day, and there is not much and judgment on the one hand, and that degree of re-
doubt about it until we read the thermometer. Then we finement which makes such observation and judgment
find that our impression ofwarmth is modified by hu- impracticable on the other. (Doll, 1953, p. 60)
midity, air currents, amount of clothing, time of day,
degree of activity, season, and the like. A warm day
in winter would be a cold one in summer. A warm CHAPTER QUESTIONS
day in between two cooler days is pyschologically warmer
than one between two hotter days. Altitude makes a dif-
ference, as does one's mental or physical state at the time. How important is background information for
A day too warm for office work may be cool enough the useful interpretation of scores?
for tennis; one cool enough for hiking may be too coolfor
sailing. We re-examine the (ordinary) thermometer.
How can the validity ofinterpretations be max-
We thought it was reasonably accurate; but it is not so imized by using psychological science?
accurate as a clinical thermometer, nor so sensitive as the How valid are commonly made intelligence
delicate thermopiles ofthe physics laboratory. We find it test interpretations?
is difficult to estimate temperature without regard to al-
titude, barometric pressure, humidity and other related The extent of "crudity" to employ in test inter-
variables. Nevertheless, we return to the original con-
pretation remains the central conundrum for the
clusion, that it is a warm day, and this general observa-
psychologist. And was said well by Doll (1953),
tion is agreed to by those present with due regardfor the
degree ofaccuracy warranted by the circumstances, then,
the special circumstances of each assessment, such
that governs the crudity of the refinement of the mea- as the differing needs for diagnosis, treatment
surement for the purpose in hand. It becomes important planning, and establishing prognosis, all must be
to effect a compromise between that degree of crudity met. In addition, the context of the client's life,
which allows too wide a margin of error of observation akin to the relationship ofhumidity to perceptions
of temperature, affects interpretation. The fourth tendency is to more closely join our clinical deci-
child in a family of academically gifted children sion making with measurement, developmental,
may be perceived as cognitively delayed if his cognitive, and intelligence science.
overall intelligence composite is a mere 100. On Test score inferences can be based on a con-
the contrary, a hard-working person of average tinuum where theory-based inferences (be they
general intellectual ability may seem precocious formal psychological or informal theories born of
if she attends a college with an easy curriculum. everyday experiences and biases) are made at one
In other words, we must carefully consider con- extreme and scientifically based interpretations
textual variables such as career choice, educational are made at the other. This chapter encm1 ··ages
aspirations, educational history, curriculum de- the reader to move toward the scientific end
mands, peer competitors, sibling performance, point of this continuum. In doing so, I hope to
cultural demands, linguistic competencies, med- create greater respect for intelligence test in-
ical history, and numerous other qualitative vari- terpretive work. Clinical acumen that is the prod-
ables prior to judging the appropriate "crudity" uct of years of careful observation and rigorous
of our conclusions. For this reason I use the habits of thought remains important. Such acu-
term integrative or integrate with some frequency men, however, can be strengthened substantially
throughout this chapter in order to emphasize the by giving the clinician access to the results of
necessity of making interpretations in the light of thousands of additional cases that cannot be seen
knowledge of environmental contexts. in several lifetimes of work. Realistically speak-
Psychologists have often been criticized for ing, it is difficult for us to maintain rigorous
failure to consider context and for reifying intel- thought processes in our everyday work. Our per-
ligence test results (Stanovich, 1999). This latter spectives, and norms perhaps, are shaped and
tendency causes us to be more likely to error in skewed by our clientele, which usually represents
the direction of overinterpretation of results. a limited range of typical abilities, referral prob-
We may b,e tempted, or in fact solicited, to infer lems, SES, ethnicity, geographic region, and other
causality (etiology), prognosis, genetic or envi- characteristics. I will now try to convince the
ronmental contributions to test scores, potential reader to adopt an interpretive system that is inte-
curriculum choices, job placement, life-long grative, parsimonius, and science-based.
enduring profiles or abilities, and capacity for
happiness among other issues. We must now be
more humble about our intelligence test results
in order to prevent a public backlash that has
already occured in some fields, such as learning
disabilities (Stanovich, 1999)-a field where in-
Substandard Practices
telligence tests are falling into disuse for diag-
nostic purposes. One way of remaining humble Matarazzo (1990) identified some disturbing
and making interpretations that are consistent problems in the interpretive aspect of the assess-
with the current state of technology is to try to ment process, including a lack of knowledge of
achieve parsimony in the interpretive process, the psychometric properties of the tests that psy-
where the law of parsimony as it is applied to test chologists use (a science-based practice problem)
interpretation is defined as: in explaining an assess- and a lack of congruence between test results
ment result, no more assumptions should be made and other information about the client (an inte-
than necessary. One way of striving for parsimony gration problem). Matarazzo (1990) offered the
is to reduce the number of statistical and logical example of neuropsychologists who would con-
gyrations involved in the interpretive process. clude that a cognitive deficit was due to some
Another way of avoiding the overinterpretation traumatic injury without carefully checking the
individual's prior academic records. He noted that call of scientists (Dawes, 1995) and practice lead-
these records sometimes revealed that patient test ers (Bush, 1997) to return "back to the future" of
scores subsequent to an injury were low, just as test interpretation by reembracing the 1948
had been the case when they were in school, long "Boulder scientist/practitioner model" of clini-
before the occurrence of the supposed insult. cal psychology. One way of implementing a
Matarazzo (1990) explained why substandard in- scientist/practitioner model is to develop prac-
terpretion of psychological assessment instru- tice guidelines for intellectual assessment just
ments cannot continue to be widespread. as has been attempted for psychotherapy prac-
tice (Clinton, McCormick, & Besteman, 1994).
These congressional and judicial decisions had a clear Practice guidelines for intelligence testing are
message for psychology: Given the human costs involved, probably not in our near future, but the revised
in the event a mistake was made, society now wanted Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
firmer evidence ofthe validity ofopinions offered by psy- (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) may be perceived
chologists injob hiring and in the schools. Society had spo- as a significant step in that direction. In fact, the
ken out 25years ago that turning down ajob applicant or mere use of the term standards in the title of
placing a minority child or a poor child in a special edu-
this respected document suggests that these are
cation class for slow learners entailed human costs that
more than aspirational. We could conceivably be
were too high to be based solely on the professional beliefof
the consulting psychologist (or technician surrogate) that found in violation of these "standards" for assess-
the tests, which formed a core part ofhis or her assessment ment as case law accumulates. Consequently, this
decision, had been adequately validated. (p. 1001) publication provides even more impetus for sci-
ence-based practice.
Many concerns are leading to the need to There are additional reasons to argue for
change traditional test development, selection, some variant of the scientist/practitioner model
and interpretation practices. Now, for example, as the ideal for intelligence test interpretation.
psychologists have to also consider the conse- Quality of care, the need to practice "defensive
quences of their conclusions (Messick, 1989). In medicine," accountability for outcomes, and
fact, even the most reliable and valid measure the desire to preserve the guild are a few reasons
of intelligence may still be used in a manner to ensure that intelligence test interpretation is
that does harm (Anastasi, 1988; Jensen, 1980; grounded in scientific rigor. These rationales are
Matarazzo, 1990; Thorndike, 1990). In addition, also interrelated. The logic is frequently offered,
the science of psychology and the politics of for example, that quality of care can only be pro-
health care delivery and reimbursement are cre- vided by skilled providers, necessitating preser-
ating a need for practitioners to have demon- vation and enhancement of the guild.
strated validity evidence for their interpretations Current intellectual assessment practice relies
(see Chapter 7). Hence, the groundwork has primarily on the theories and experiences of the
been laid for a movement toward science-based practicum and internship supervisors and profes-
interpretive practice. sors who train each new generation of practi-
tioners. Unfortunately, some of the rules handed
down to the new generation of professionals are
Acting "in the questionable if not invalid.
Russell (1994) noted that physicians also con-
Absence of Evidence" duct numerous medical assessment practices
Elsewhere, I have suggested that we pursue a (e.g., prostate screening) on the basis of common
greater reliance on a scientific approach to test sense and good intentions rather than because
interpretation (Kamphaus, 1998). This proposal of strong scientific evidence. She elucidates the
was far from new-I was simply reinforcing the problem by demonstrating the dubious value of
widespread prostate screening in order to trigger Arrangement review (reported in part in Kam-
the delivery of expensive therapeutic or preven- phaus, 1998) follow.
tive interventions (e.g., radical prostatectomy).
One research study involved 58 men in the
United States, where expensive medical and sur- Picture Arrangement
gical procedures are often delivered once cancer as Exemplar
is diagnosed, and 58 in Sweden, where th~ men
Psychologists continue to presume that Wech-
were typically "followed" in the absence of mter-
sler subtests assess "specific capacities" (Lipsitz,
vention, whose screening test results identified
Dworkin, & Erlenmeyer-Kimling, 1993). Most
cancer (Russell, 1994). She noted that at 10-year
Wechsler subtests, however, have little research
follow-up the morbidity rate of the two samples
to either support or refute popular subtest in-
was virtually identical, in spite of dramatic differ-
terpretations (Kamphaus, 1998). The Picture
ences in treatment approaches between the two
Arrangement (PA) subtest is unusual in that
countries. Consequently, the utility of prostate
some research has been devoted to identifying
screening, which often triggers expensive and
the latent trait (or specific capacity) that is unique
invasive surgery in the United States, is called
to PA. The preponderance of evidence suggests
into question by some (Russell, 1994). Psycholo-
that performance on PA is determined by a
gists probably acquire their assessment knowl-
single cognitive ability (see Appendix A)..The
edge in the same manner as physcians and other
difficult issue is reaching consensus regardmg a
professionals, which may, in turn, hinder the
label for this ability. Several researchers have
integration of science and practice. Professional
suggested that the PA subtest measures a con-
psychologists likely depend heavily on the rec-
struct requiring some type of visual/spatial abil-
ommendations of "experts" such as their profes-
ity (Carroll, 1993; Cohen, 1959). The commo_n
sors, valued colleagues, practicum, and internship
labels for this ability include perceptual organi-
supervisors. Physician assessment practices are
zation, visualization, spatial:mechanical, and si-
then altered, "correctly or incorrectly" (Russell,
multaneous processing. Furthermore, Carroll's
1994), by subsequent clinical experiences.
(1993) reanalysis of some WISC-R data sets sug-
Given this scenario it is a difficult task indeed
gests that this subtest measures the same ability
for the "typical" psychologist to systematically
as a broad visualization factor and that PA cannot
use scientific findings to interpret intelligence
be easily categorized as either fluid or crystallized
tests. Science-based practice is made more un-
likely given the dearth of high-quality research.
There has also been some research that iden-
I propose that the scientific basis for many
tifies the abilities that are not assessed by PA. In
popular intellgence test interpretations is more
particular, the theory that PA measures soc!al
perception than reality. I often hear the refrain
judgment has been tested in at least four studies
that the use of the Wechsler scales is supported
(see Lipsitz et al., 1993, for a review). In a de-
by hundreds of research studies. Well, as it
tailed study of the relationship of the PA subtest
turns out, many of the studies are of dubious
to criterion measures of social adjustment, Lipsitz
quality (e.g., small samples with inadequate de-
et al. (1993) drew the following conclusion:
signs) while others suggest that popular interpre-
tations have been proven wrong in numerous
The absence of a positive association between peifor-
studies. This observation led me to more system- mance on the Picture Arrangement subtest and either
atically tally the high-quality research studies social adjustment measure is consistent with earlier neg-
that are available for popular intelligence tests. ative findings in both clinical (Joh.nson, 1969) and nor-
Some of the results of my WISC-III Picture mal (K:rippner, 1964; Simon & Evans, 1980) samples.
Moreover, in this investigation, comparisons using Pic- An essential conclusion to make, however, is that
ture Arrangement scatter scores suggest that normal most of the presumed abilities that are offered
adolescents for whom the Picture subtest was a relative for Wechsler interpretation are just that: pre-
strength (positive Picture Arrangement scatter) in fact sumptions that are not supported by a prepon-
had greater deficits in social adjustment. Brannigan derance of scientific evidence. The number of
(1975) has observed that even if Picture Arrangement
untested hypothesized abilities is far larger than
peiformance does reflect sensitivity in the social environ-
ment, this is not synonymous with positive social adjust-
the list of tested ones.
ment or competence. (p. 435) Some Wechsler subtests, however, are more
frequently studied. There are a few studies, for
There remain many untested hypotheses re- example, of the information processing compo-
nents of the Block Design task (e.g., Royer, 1984;
garding the central ability assessed by PA (see
Schorr, Bower, & Kiernan, 1982). This series
Appendix A). Some of these hypotheses include
of studies, however, has not led to agreement
integrated brain functioning, convergent produc-
tion and evaluation of semantic stimuli, planning, regarding the central processes that are assessed
common sense, distinguishing essential from non- by the Block Design task, but to the development
essential details, and synthesis. Some of these hy- of new stimuli that better isolate cognitive pro-
potheses could be subsumed under the generai cesses (Royer, 1984).
PA ability of visualization (e.g., synthesis, distin- The Digit Span subtest has also generated
guishing essential from nonessential details). much research. The results of this research, how-
Until proven otherwise, the semantic aspects of ever, have not clarified the nature of the underly-
this task are secondary or of minimal importance ing ability being assessed. A central impediment
in the determination of PA factor loadings. More- to the understanding of Digit Span performance
over, tasks of the PA variety are not identified as is the finding that the forward and backward
markers of reasoning ability or speed of mental spans measure different traits (Reynolds, in press).
processing in the numerous factor studies con- Yes, hundreds of studies have been conducted,
ducted by Carroll (1993). but many aspects of even our most popular intel-
ligence tests are unknown and some routine in-
terpretations are refuted.
Interpretations Abound Interpretation History
The current body of PA evidence suggests two There are identifiable trends in test interpreta-
implications for WISC-III scientist practitioners: tion practice (Kamphaus, Petoskey, & Morgan,
(a) interpretation of a PA score as a measure 1997). During the early part of the 1900s psy-
of some variation of visualization/spatial ability chologists emphasized quantification of a general
constitutes a case of interpretation that is sup- intellectual level. After World War II and the
ported by some scientific evidence, whereas (b) publication of the first of the Wechsler scales,
making an inference regarding social adjustment/ interpretive practice became dominated by pro-
judgment based on PA scores is contraindicated file analysis. In addition, specific profiles and sub-
by research. test results were linked to diagnoses. A relative
A review of research provided in Appendix strength on the Object Assembly test, for exam-
A leads inevitably to the conclusion that the ple, was specifically linked to the diagnosis of
Wechsler tests measure fewer constructs than "simple schizophrenia" (Kamphaus et. al., 1997).
are typically suggested in most textbooks that are Profile analysis changed in the 1970s due to the
used to train practitioners (including this one). ready availability of factor analysis. Many factor
analyses yielded the familiar WISC-R three fac- tion of the results, and application of the results
tors that served as alternatives to interpreting to assessment practice (see Appendix A).
clinically derived subtest profiles or the overall I seek to integrate backgound information, re-
IQs. This psychometric approach to intelligence ferral questions, theory, psychometric principles,
test interpretation was accompanied by an em- and most importantly, scientific findings with an
phasis on using numerous calculations to identify individual's test results. My advice for doing so is
significant profiles and factors. described next.
The current wave of intelligence test interpre-
tation identifies theory as central to interpreta-
tion. The works of John Carroll (three-stratum PREPARATION
theory) and John Horn ("g" fluid/"g" crystal- FOR INTERPRETATION
lized theory) are noteworthy examples of an
emphasis on theoretical approaches to deriving
score meaning (McGrew & Flanagan, 1998). I choose the term integrative for my interpretive
approach in order to ensure that I consider the
patient's context. The term integrate has been
Moving Forward:
defined as "to make into a whole by bringing all
Science-Based Practice
parts together; unify" (American Heritage Dic-
I aspire to build on the research compendium in- tionary, New College Edition). Granted it is dif-
cluded in my 1998 book chapter by compiling ficult for the new clinician to make all pieces of
the results of major intelligence test research data (quantitative and qualitative) for a client fit
findings in Appendix A. Such a compendium is a together to make sensible and practical interpre-
necessary precursor to science-based practice. tations and recommendations. One byproduct of
You, the practitioner, may consult Appendix A as this difficulty is that it leads to the temptation to
needed to determine if you are making your in- ignore one's own observations and intuitions,
terpretation based on research findings, or your preferriri.g instead to derive "the answer" to a
clinical experience, or that of mentors or col- child's profile from a textbook such as this one.
leagues. I am not suggesting that psychologists Here is a concrete example. Given a Digit Span
abandon making interpretations that are based weakness, a clinician might conclude that the
primarily on their experience or other sources child has an auditory short-term memory deficit.
of information. Moreover, I do not wish to incapaci- This conclusion is what many textbooks would
tate the practitioner by discouraging innovation or the suggest as a plausible one. In fact, the clinician
application ofskilled clinical acumen. I think, how- may make this conclusion based on the writings
ever, that it is important for the practitioner to of others without considering the fact that the
know the basis for his or her conclusions. In this child was more inattentive during this test than
way the clinician can continue to engage in a during any others. New clinicians in particular
process of continuing professional development will favor the textbook interpretation in this case
based on the dissemination of new research find- and ignore, or fail to integrate, the relevant ob-
ings. It is also important for the consumer to servations that provide a defensible interpre-
know the basis of the clinician's reasoning in tation of the subtest score. I have observed that
order to allow each client to make informed de- my students are even more likely to fail to inte-
cisions about his or her treatment. With these grate findings with other data if the interpretive
premises in mind I constructed Appendix A. Fur- textbook they are using requires numerous cal-
thermore, in an effort to ensure some semblance culations and manipulation of statistical and inter-
of quality for the research presented I adopted pretive tables as part of the interpretive process. I
specific criteria for study inclusion, interpreta- keep calculations to a minimum in my interpretive
work in order to avoid taking quantitative inter- data, making the most parsimonius conclusions,
pretation to its illogical extreme and to prevent and supporting conclusions with scientifically
new examiners from getting bogged down in based theory and research.
calculations. I have seen many of my students
focus so much on the calculations involved in test
interpretation that they overlook their own expe- Integrate Multiple Data Sources
riences with the child and other important pieces and Referral Questions
of qualitative information. Besides, software pro-
grams make whatever calculations that may be Intelligence test interpretation is fraught with
needed easily accessible. In keeping with this problems when these tests are interpreted in
philosophy of minimal calculation, only average isolation. The integrative approach emphasizes
values are used in the interpretive process. Hence, collecting data from a variety of sources so that
the integrative approach described herein at- intelligence test results can be checked against
tempts to unify all test- and non-test-based data other sources of information. Consider the case
for a child in order to draw conclusions and of an adolescent who obtained a relative weak-
to deemphasize statistical calculations or other ness (a lower subtest score than on any other
machinations that dissuade examiners from inte- subtest) on the Arithmetic subtest. The clinician
grating assessment results and, hopefully, achieve may conclude, based solely on WISC-III per-
parsimony. formance, that the child shows arithmetic diffi-
An integrative approach to interpretation culties. A clinician could look foolish if he or
takes time. As a general rule, I advise examiners she cited a mathematics problem in the report,
to not draw premature conclusions because of time which could easily happen, if the examiner lacked
or other pressures in a nonemergency case. An analo- information from the child's teacher regarding
gous situation would be for a pediatrician to ex- school performance. It may be that the child ex-
amine a child with stomach problems, collect a cels in math in school. Matarazzo (1990) gives a
history, and conclude that the child has an ulcer similar example, from a neuropsychological eval-
without seeing X rays or other test results. Sim- uation, of the failure to integrate test results with
ilarly, the psychologist should feel equally free background information.
to "order" (to use medical parlance) additional
diagnostic tests before a definitive diagnosis is There is little that is more humbling to a practitioner who
uses the highest one or two Wechsler subtest scores as the
only index ofa patient's "premorbid" level ofintellectual
Taking the time to engage in this "iterative" functioning and who therefore interprets concurrently
process is especially useful when surprising obtained luwer subtest scores as indexes ofclear "impair-
findings occur. A clear understanding that this ment" and who is then sh=n by the opposing attorney
type of detective work is often necessary has elementary and high school transcripts that contain sev-
the additional advantage of precluding clini- eral global IQ scores, each ofwhich were at the same /QW
cians from making premature and potentially IQ levels as are suggested by the currently obtained /QWest
erroneous conclusions. Wechsler subtest scaled scores. (p. I 003)
The interpretive approach described next is
basically a codification of what has always been All intelligence test results should be integrated
considered sound clinical assessment practice. with otlier information about the individual to por-
There are several hallmarks of sophisticated tray a more valid picture of a person's intelligence.
assessment practice, including an emphasis on This "integration" can only be accomplished if
the collection of multiple data sources in order to multiple data sources are available.
consider context, searching for hypotheses that Furthermore, failure to consider all data sources
can be corroborated by more than one source of (qualitative as well as quantitative) leads to a most
common interpretive and logical error-the fail- qualitative sources of evidence is demonstrated
ure to consider information that is contrary to in case studies throughout this text. In order to
the clinician's hypothesis. Harkness and Lilien- implement the desire to integrate multiple data
feld (1997) refer to the problem of ignoring rel- sources I propose the concrete rule of thumb that
evant data as violation of Carnap's (1962) each conclusion drawn in a psychological report should
"requirement of total evidence" for hypothesis be supported by at least two data sources.
testing. In their words, "If relevant facts X, Y, A clinician, for example, may conclude that a
and Z are available, induction will be flawed if child's composite score of 84 (below average)
one decides to ignore Z and only use one's fa- means that she possesses below average general
vorite facts, X and Y" (p. 349). If we decide to intelligence. Even this seemingly obvious con-
adopt a single theory of intelligence, perhaps clusion should be corroborated by two external
focusing exlusively on Stratum II of Carroll's sources of information. If the majority of the
three-stratum theory, we may systematically fail child's achievement scores are in this range,
to recognize relevant Stratum I hypotheses. Let and her teacher says that she seems to be pro-
us propose that Price (a sample case) has prob- gressing more slowly than the majority of the
lems with verbal skills that result in verbal ability children in her class, then the conclusion of
scores being lower than other Stratum II scores. below-average intelligence has been corroborated
In order to incorporate the principle of total evi- by two sources of information external to the in-
dence and, to achieve integration, we review sub- telligence test.
test scores only to find that subtests requiring The criterion of two pieces of corroborating
keen auditory skills (e.g., phonological coding information sounds stringent although this is not
tasks administered by his teacher, tests of audi- the case in actual practice. Frequently, substantial
tory discrimination administered by an audiolo- evidence for corroborating hypotheses may be ob-
gist), are his worst performances. Upon further tained from caretakers, other clinicians, and teach-
qualitative data collection we discover that he has ers, let alone prior test results.
always suffered from ear infections, has had Integtative interpretation also requires testing
pus aspirated from his ear on numerous occa- and matching intepretations to the referral ques-
sions, and still frequently displays symptoms tions of interest. Most referral questions are,
of sinusitis. Our favorite facts (i.e., X) provide frankly speaking, Stratum III questions, for ex-
ample evidence of a verbal ability deficit, but ample, "I want to know my IQ." Other Stratum
other facts (i.e., Y and Z) yield evidence in sup- III questions might include:
port of an auditory discrimination deficit that
adversely impacts cognitive performances, espe- Does he possess mental retardation?
cially verbal ones. Consequently, the conceptual- Should he be in the gifted class?
ization and treatment of Price's problems in the
Can he avoid the death penalty because of the
workplace would differ substantially if the total-
diagnosis of mental retardation?
ity of evidence was not considered.
I am not advocating that each client should be Is her intelligence at least average?
administered multiple intelligence measures in He has bipolar disorder; can you rule out an
order to obtain the corroborating evidence nec- intelligence problem?
essary for interpretive integration. On the con-
trary, I propose that psychologists make greater These questions are best answered with overall
use of the numerous test and nontest data sources composite scores. Furthermore, when these ques-
such as background information, observations tions are the focus of assessment, Stratum I or II
during testing, and parent and teacher reports. interpretations are of little importance unless
The integration of these various quantitative and there are compelling findings. Other strata may
need to be interpreted only if there is such scatter individual with memory problems is not likely to
in the profile that Stratum III interpretation is be satisfied with knowing that their general in-
inappropriate. Specifically, a 40-point difference telligence is average or that they possess a weak-
between Verbal Reasoning and Abstract/Visual ness in memory abilities. This individual will want
Reasoning area scores on the Binet-4 would ne- to know the specific nature of his memory dif-
cessitate effectively changing the referral question ficulties (short versus long term, visual or aural,
to a Stratum II question that was unanticipated. concrete versus abstract stimuli, effects of distrac-
In other words, the referral question would change tors, etc.), which is not capable of being answered
from "Does she have mental retardation," to by popular intelligence tests that, at best, provide
"What are the educational implications ofher hav- Stratum II assessment of memory with very lim-
ing average spatial skills with verbal skills in the ited assessment of Stratum I memory abilities.
mental retardation range?" The necessary assessment of Stratum I abilities
Stratum II referral questions many include: will have to be conducted with a dedicated mem-
ory assessment battery such as those discussed in
My child wishes to attend medical school as I detail in Chapter 19.
did but she also may have my same weakness in In like manner the emerging consensus in read-
geometry and chemistry. I suffered from weak ing disability assessment is that the core deficit
spatial skills in these courses and we want to for the most prevalent reading disorder, phonetic
see if she has the same weakness. coding, is a Stratum I ability rendering Stratum II
I want to better understand my child's abili- or III assessment of limited, if any, value (Siegel,
ties in order to help choose his high school 1988, 1990, 1992; Stanovich, 1999). Most intel-
coursework. ligence measures do not possess phonetic coding
I've always struggled with my writing and I subtests or, if they do, they do not possess the
want to know why. content validity necessary to conduct the neces-
sary error analyses (Siegel, 1999). Significantly
These referral questions are notably different more achievment measures assess this ability, as
from Stratum III questions in that they are more was revealed in Chapter 14. Stanovich (1999),
appropriate for the application ofStratum II tests to Siegel (1999), and others in the learning disability
assess functioning in areas of concern. An estimate field review considerable data showing that in-
of general intelligence will likely be found wanting telligence assessment is not necessary to diagnose
as a response to these ques~_ons. The same can be learning disability. They find that, regardless of
said, however, for the following Stratum I questions overall intelligence composite score, individuals
where Stratum II assessment may be found lacking. with phonetic coding deficits all read words in the
Some sample questions include: same flawed manner. This point of view is akin
to saying that whether of tall or small stature, all
I've had memory problems since my automo- individuals with breast cancer experience similar
bile accident. I took a leave from law school pathogenesis, or regardless of overall intelligence
for a year, but I do not think that I am back to or Stratum II ability profile, all children with cleft
normal yet. Please tell me what sort of prob- palate have similar speech difficulties. The same
lem I have and what I can do about it. thinking holds true with the phonetic coding
I want to know if my child has a reading dis- deficits associated with reading disabilities. Chil-
ability. dren with above- or below-average general in-
Does my child have a writing disability? telligence, intact or impaired verbal or auditory
processing abilities, or other profiles all read sim-
These referral questions cannot be answered ilarly if they have phonetic coding (i.e., Stratum I)
by Stratum II or III assessment measures. An deficits. In effect then, for most individuals with
reading disabilities, impaired Stratum III or II This advice is not intended to communicate
abilities are a comorbidity not a cause of reading dis- that clinicians have to routinely give formal
abilities. Kline, Snyder, and Castellanos (1996) written citations supporting their conclusions
provide a model for reading disability assessment (e.g., Kamphaus, 1993). While this practice is
where an ability/achievement distinction is not desirable, it is too burdensome for most pur-
made. In their model, Stratum II verbal, visual- poses. Clinicians should simply retrieve what-
spatial, and memory cognitive abilities are merely ever theory or research knowledge they have
contributors to early letter-word recognition skills regarding a conclusion that they draw about an
along with phonological processing and listening individual's intelligence. Even without formal
comprehension skills. In this model intellectual citations, this recommendation at least fosters
abilities are not viewed as necessarily causal but the practice of clinicians checking their results
as co-occuring. More information on this topic is with their knowledge base regarding intelligence
provided in Chapter 20. research and theory.
As can be seen from these examples, the focus
of intellectual assessment is dictated by the refer-
ral questions offered. This fact necessitates that
clinicians learn enough intelligence, achievement, Knowledge of theory is important above and be-
and related tests to be able to answer questions at yond research findings because theory allows the
all three strata and integrate results with the re- clinician to do a better job of conceptualizing a
ferral question(s). An alternative approach is to child's scores. Having a clear conceptualization of
work collaboratively with professionals who have the child's cognitive status then allows the clini-
complementary expertise. cian to better explain the child's results to par-
ents, teachers, colleagues, and other consumers
of the test findings. Parents will often want to
Apply Psychological Science know the etiology of the child's scores. They will
question, "Is it my fault for not sending her to
Empirical Findings
a more academically demanding preschool?" or
The "clinical impressions" of examiners are "Did he inherit this problem? My brother had
no longer adequate for supporting interpretations the same problems when he was in school." Clin-
of an individual's intelligence test scores (Mata- icians will find themselves unprepared to give
razzo, 1990). Consider again the example above plausible answers to such questions without ade-
in which the child with persistent school prob- quate theoretical knowledge.
lems obtained a composite score of 84. Given Unfortunately, much of our research is not di-
the data showing the positive relationship between rectly applicable to the individual. We do not,
intelligence and achievement scores, the results for example, have research-based plausible expla-
seem consistent with the research literature and nations for the child who changes composite in-
lend support to the interpretation of below- telligence test scores by 15 points or more upon
average intelligence. If necessary, the clinician retesting (see Chapter 3). The reason for change,
could give testimony citing studies supporting the on the other hand, is quite obvious in the case of
correlational relationship between intelligence the child who has lower scores subsequent to a
and achievement test scores to support the con- traumatic head injury. Given the lack of appli-
clusion of below-average intelligence (see Appen- cability of much research to the individual the
dix A). As is stated clearly in the Test Standards, clinician has to become an "intelligent tester"
all conclusions that are made based on intelligence (Kaufman, 1979b) who has the breadth and depth
tests should have empirical support. of knowledge to apply numerous theories and
research findings to explain the child's scores. Conversely, poor reliability makes validity un-
This individualized approach lies in contrast to obtainable.
making the child's scores fit the theory of the From a psychometric standpoint Stratum III
particular test or the clinician's most valued the- scores are likely to have better measurement
ory. Individualized interpretation requires con- properties than either Stratum II or Stratum I
siderable skill and flexibility on the part of the scores or shared abilities (see Chapter 8) due to
exammer. their increased reliability, which gives them a
I try to accomplish this goal of individual- better opportunity to demonstrate validity. A
ized interpretation by using the names of in- conceptualization of this psychometric hierarchy
dividuals who are associated with particular is shown in the table below.
theories or research studies to help me con- Adherence to this hierarchy may also produce
ceptualize the child's performance. Even while interpretation that achieves parsimony. An adult
testing a child, I will make remarks to myself may, for example, have the following WAIS-III
such as, "Sternberg would love to see this child; scores: Full Scale= 78, Verbal Conceptualization
she cannot allocate her time resources. This = 83, Perceptual Organization = 82, Working
inability is dramatically lowering her Perfor- Memory= 84, and Processing Speed= 69. One
mance IQ." Clinicians can refer to Chapters 2, could say that this woman has a weakness in
3, and similar sources to acquire the knowledge Processing Speed that adversely affects her cog-
requisite for individualized interpretation of a nitive performances. If, on the other hand, one
child's scores. appealed to Kaufman's hierarchy the conclusion
more likely to have evidence of validity would
be subaverage general intelligence, a deficit that
is more likely to adversely affect a variety of
Integration of test findings with psychometric cognitive performances. Additionally, the con-
theory may also increase the validity of obtained clusion of subaverage general intelligence is also
results. The hierarchical aspects of Kaufman's parsimonius.
(19796) approach to WISC-R interpretation has Although Stratum II has received consider-
proven popular for two decades. This approach able research attention since the publication of
emphasizes drawing conclusions based on the Carroll's landmark work, many of the Stratum II
most reliable and valid scores yielded by intel- constructs lack validity evidence. McGrew and
ligence tests. At its essence, psychometric theory Flanagan (1998) provide a comprehensive view of
suggests that larger samples of behavior are more the criterion-related validity of Horn's "g/'-"gc"
likely to have good evidence of reliability and, factors (which are in many cases similar to Car-
of course, reliability is a necessary but insuffi- roll's). I was struck, after reviewing their compi-
cient condition for the establishment of validity. lation of prior criterion-related studies, by the
fact that several of the Stratum II-like abilities problem is even more acute for shared subtest hy-
were virtually unvalidated. Specifically, in their potheses, as is shown next.
Table 2.1, which provides a summary of numer- Interpretation of shared subtest hypotheses
ous studies of the relationship between "g/'-"gc" or profiles has proved especially problematic.
intellectual abilities and reading skill, there were For the purposes of this discussion a subtest
no studies that attempted to validate the visual profile consists of a pattern of subtest strengths
processing factor. Even more remarkable was (high subtest scores) and weaknesses (low sub-
that only one study was devoted to the fluid, test scores) that are considered distinctive for
short-term memory, and long-term storage and a particular person or clinical sample thereby
retrieval abilities. They cite many related studies warranting interpretation. The centerpiece of
but few of these are direct tests of the "g/'- "gc" profile analysis is ipsative interpretation-the
model, and most of these were conducted by Mc- process of discovering intra-individual strengths
Grew and his colleagues. Similarly, mathematics and weaknesses in cognitive areas. In ipsative in-
achievement has not been studied in terms of its terpretation the patient is used as his or her own
relationship to either visual processing or long- standard or norm. In contrast, in normative-
term storage and retrieval abilities, and other based interpretation a patient's score is compared
ability factors have only been studied in two to that of a reference group of his/her peers.
investigations by McGrew, Flanagan, and col- An example of a hypothesis from a normative
leagues (see their Table 2.2). Finally, McGrew approach would be, ''James has above-average in-
and Flanagan were only able to identify nine telligence as measured by the WISC-III." An ip-
studies that correlated "g/'-"gc'' abilities with sative interpretation would be something like,
occupations. Most of these studies attempted to "James's mathematics skills are better than his
validate visual-processing-like abilities. Only two reading skills."
studies, by contrast, were devoted to studying the One of the most popular methods of ipsative
relationship of fluid abilities to occupations. I interpret;ation involves interpreting clusters of
conclude that Carroll's Stratum II factors have subtests that are relatively high or low in relation
impressive evidence of internal validity, espe- to the other subtests. A conclusion based on two
cially when one takes into account the cumula- or more subtests that are deviant from the re-
tive findings of the Vernon, Horn-Cattell, and mainder of the profile has been referred to as
related research traditions aimed at identifying shared abilities or hypotheses (Kaufman, 1979b;
ability factors beneath "g." On the other hand, Sattler, 1988). The crucial problem with inter-
external validity-specifically, criterion-related preting shared hypotheses is their lack of validity
validity-has not been well established to date evidence (Lyman, 1998). Unfortunately, the va-
despite the substantial number of "related" re- lidity of many combinations of subtests as shared
search studies. This state of affairs is not surpris- hypotheses is not known because it simply has
ing given that Carroll's relatively recent work not been studied. One of the few shared hypothe-
served as the primary work to stimulate research ses that has been studied is the regrouping of
of these abilities. My advice to clinicians is to re- WISC-R subtests proposed by Bannatyne (1974).
view carefully the evidence provided by McGrew His recategorizations are shown in the table on
and Flanagan (1998) and prepare to integrate the next page.
new evidence into one's practice as it becomes Matheson, Mueller, and Short (1984) studied
available. In the interim, the relationship between the validity of Bannatyne's recategorization of
Stratum II abiliries and many achievements is the WISC-R using a multiple group factor
either unknown or preliminary in nature, requiring analysis procedure with three age ranges of the
further validation. The criterion-related validity WISC-Rand data from the WISC-R standard-
ization sample. They found that the acquired gain validity support as strong as that which has
knowledge, conceptualization, sequencing, and been found for the three-factor structure of the
spatial categories of the WISC-R had high reli- WISC-R.
abilities but problems with validity. Matheson In one sense the Matheson et al. (1984) and
et al. (1984) found, for example, that while the Naglieri et al. (1983) investigations support the
acquired knowledge category had sufficiently hierarchical aspects of the integrative method of
high reliabilities, it was not independent of the interpretation proposed in this chapter, whereby
other three categories, particularly conceptual- interpretation of the composite scores, in this case
ization. This finding is sensible given that the the Verbal and Performance scales, receives pri-
conceptualization and acquired knowledge cate- macy over interpretation ofrecategorizations such
gories have one subtest in common (Vocabulary) as Bannatyne's. Fortunately, the validity ofBanna-
and that previous factor analytic studies of the tyne's and Kaufman's recategorizations has at least
WISC-R revealed three not four factors. The been tested. The vast majority of other proposed
subtests from the conceptualization and ac- recategorizations that will be discussed in upcom-
quired knowledge categories form the large first ing sections have not been tested to determine
factor, labeled verbal comprehension. As a re- the extent of their validity (see also McDermott,
sult, Matheson et al. (1984) advise that the ac- Fantuzzo, & Gluttings [1990], and Anastasi [1985],
quired knowledge category not be interpreted as for a discussion of measurement issues in profile
a unique entity. Said another way, these results analysis). Most importantly, clinicians need to be
suggest that the acquired knowledge and con- aware of the fact that shared subtest profile analysis
ceptualization categories are best interpreted as depends exclusively on the clinical acumen ofthe exam-
one measure ofverbal intelligence, which is more iner not rm a sound research base.
consistent with the factor analytic research on I concur with the views of Kline et al. (1996)
the WISC-R. with regard to shared subtest and individual sub-
In a similar investigation Naglieri, Kamphaus, test interpretations. They observed:
and Kaufman (1983) tried to test the accuracy
of Kaufman's (1979b) recategorizations of the Instead, we recommend that subtests be viewed as ob-
WISC-R into successive and simultaneous tests served variables in the technique ofconfirmatory factor
analysis: fallible (not perfectly reliable) means to mea-
based on Luria's theory (see Chapter 2). They
sure underlying abilities that are not expressed in a
met with mixed results. While there was some single, direct way. Thus, the lowest level ofprofile analy-
support for Kaufman's recategorization, it was sis, if conducted at all, should concern scale or composite
not robust. Mazes, for example, was hypothesized scores. (p. 14)
to be a strong sequential test, yet it had its high-
est loadings on the simultaneous factor. Again, a An individual's profile simply cannot be
recategorization of the WISC-R subtests failed to matched to some of the theoretical profiles
mentioned in the literature. Nor can a valid reigns, however, if clinicians think that certain
conclusion be drawn without the integration achievements are in large part determined by
of other pieces of evidence. Similarly, a clinical intellectual abilities. Psychologists are likely to
diagrzosis should never be made solely on the basis consider this proposition true, especially if they
ofa subtest profile. have little experience with achievement tests. For
A related scientific and conceptual problem is this reason a chapter on achievement testing is
the false distinction between ability (a capacity) included in this volume (see Chapter 14). In cases
and achievements (an accomplishment) (Kauf- of referrals for academic problems I consider
man, 1994; Wesman, 1968). The distinction be- ability and achievement tests to be coequals.
tween ability and achievement measures has never In other words, abilities may cause achievements
been empirically demonstrated. In fact, dissimi- and achievements may cause abilities, but we do
lar interpretations can be made of the same mea- not have adequate scientific evidence to date
sures. The same item, a mathematics addition to always know the direction of the causal arrow.
item, when placed on the Wechsler scale Arith- Kline et al. (1996), based on a review of relevant
metic subtest is deemed a measure of quantitative research, make a convincing case that the read-
reasoning, but when the identical item is placed ing-related abilities often assessed on achieve-
on a mathematics test, it is interpreted as a mea- ment measures are the causal variables for
sure of knowledge acquired. reading disabilities, and intellectual abilities
A similar problem is encountered in personal- are not core deficits, although they may be co-
ity assessment when some of the same items are occurring problems.
assigned, via empirical means, to more than one A child may, for example, be a gifted reader and
scale. It is not uncommon to find that "worry" yet have general intelligence test scores in the
items are found on both depression and anxiety average range. In direct contrast, a gifted child
scales (Kamphaus & Frick, 1996). This lack of may possess basic reading skills in the average
differentiated item content, whether it be on in- range. It follows that if a clinician is testing a
telligence 'or personality measures results in con- child who is referred for academic problems,
siderable interpretive confusion. Alas, however, then the core deficits in achievement should be
the distinction between constructs is primarily the primary focus of assessment and intellectual
theoretical, although empirical analyses are of abilities the secondary aim. A framework for
some value. Recent analyses have been able to such reading disability assessments is provided by
better differentiate the item content of depression Kline et al. (1996).
and anxiety child behavior rating scales (Reynolds Psychologists would also be hard pressed to de-
& Kamphaus, 1992). Similarly, Carroll's (1993) fend conclusions about the relationship between
compendium has delimited reading skills to serve intelligence and various achievements. It is as dif-
as but one indicator of crystallized abilities and ficult to defend a conclusion that a person's read-
not other Stratum II factors. In addition, he did not ing problems were caused by her poor verbal skills
find adequeate support for a Stratum II quantita- as it is to propose the opposite-that her verbal in-
tive factor that obviated the need to have mathe- telligence has been adversely impacted by reading
matics measures serve as indicators of Stratum II problems (Stanovich, 1999). Much more research
abilities. Moreover, measures of reading are not is needed to establish the direction of causality
required to assess crystallized abilities. between the intelligence and achievement con-
At least a theoretical distinction could be structs. At this point in time I prefer to emphasize
made between abilities and achievements where the delineation offunctional deficits and strengths
item content is kept distinct, as was the case for (to be discussed in the next section) and engage in
the K-ABC, and has been done in some cases "therapeutic testing," which may eventually allow
in personality assessment. Conceptual confusion for making inferences about causality.
Until more research regarding causality or co- less likely to be concerned about making causal
occurrence becomes available J t;reat intelligence inferences between the two. Kline et al. (1996)
and achievement tests as measures ofdiffering types of provide a similar conceptual model for the case
achievements that have reciprocal influences upon one of reading disability assessment. Their model, re-
another. Intelligence and achievement measures produced in Figure 17.1, treats both achievement
are considered as coequals by doing so. This jux- and intelligence measures as precursors to the
taposition of intellgence and academic achieve- development of reading skills. A research study
ment essentially brings us back to Binet's original by Vellutino, Scanlon, Sipay, Small, Pratt, Chen,
notion (see Chapter 1) that the only meaningful and Denckla (1996) further demonstrates the
distinction between intelligence and achievement equality of intelligence and achievement testing
tests is the test content (i.e., psychological versus in the reading disability diagnostic process.
pedagogical, respectively). If, however, we do treat Velluttino et al. (1996) conducted one of the
the two sets of constructs as equals, then we are few empirical tests of the stimulability of children
Cognitive Processes
Working Memory
Processing Early Reading
Instruction Later Grades
Natural Speech
Text-Like Speech
IQ Scores
Conceptual model of assessment for poor readers
SouRcE: Adapted from Kline et al. (1996) with permission.
with poor basic reading skills where, coinciden- they had the poorest response of four poor
tally, they showed that children with a great vari- reader groups to 15 weeks sessions (70 to 80)
ety of reading skills may have average of tutoring.
intelligence test scores. They formed six groups Group 4. Low group had either Word Attack
of children for the purposes of their study, two and Word Identification scores at or below
groups of normal readers and four groups of the 15th percentile rank, intelligence test
children with reading problems who responded composite scores of 90 or above, and they
differently to a 15-week tutorial intervention. had the second poorest response of four poor
The six groups were formed according to scores reader groups to 15 weeks sessions (70 to 80)
on the Woodcock Reading Master Tests-Re- of tutoring.
vised (Woodcock, 1987) Word Identification and
Word Attack subtests. According to the authors, Group 5. Good group had either Word Attack
"The Word Identification subtest evaluates fa- or Word Identification scores at or below the
cility in naming printed words individually and 15th percentile rank, intelligence test compos-
the Word Attack subtest evaluates the child's ite scores of 90 or above, and they had the sec-
knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by ond best response of four poor reader groups
having him or her sound out pseudowords" to 15 weeks sessions (70 to 80) of tutoring.
(p. 605). All children were drawn from a large Group 6. Very good group had either Word
community sample and a minimum WISC-R Attack or Word Identification scores at or
Full Scale IQ of 90 was required for all. The below the 15th percentile rank, intelligence
groups were formed according to their Word test composite scores of90 or above, and they
Attack and Word Identification scores in the fol- had the best response of four poor reader
lowing manner: groups to 15 weeks (about 70 to 80 half hour
sessions) of tutoring.
Group 1. Normal readers had both Word
Attack ·and Word Identification scores above The mean overall intelligence test results
the 15th percentile rank and they represented and Word Attack and Word Identification raw
the lower half of the normal reader's intelli- scores for these groups at the beginning of the
gence test score distribution. study show (below, adapted from Table 1 of
Group 2. Normal readers had both Word Vellutino et al., 1996) that poor readers exist
Attack and Word Identification scores above throughout the intelligence test score distribu-
the 15th percentile rank and they represented tion, and response to reading intervention is
the upper half of the normal reader's intelli- better predicted by initial reading scores than by
gence test score distribution. intelligence test sccores.
Group 3. Very low group had either Word These results suggest that initial reading score
Attack and Word Identification scores at or is by far the best predictor of response to inter-
below the 15th percentile rank, intelligence vention. However, response to intervention is
test composite scores of 90 or above, and best predicted by the delivery ofintervention not
by passive prediction with a test score. It is also Ashonte' is considered to be performing ade-
noteworthy that none of these groups had signifi- quately in high school by her teachers where she
cant verbal/performance discrepancies. Finally, receives primarily grades of B with course aver-
and ofutmost importance for interpretation, these ages in the 80s.
results show that significant functional cognitive Ashonte' achieved cognitive ability test scores
impairment can be present when average or better in the average range on the Stanford-Binet Fourth
intelligence test results are obtained. The rela- Edition. Her scores were Verbal Reasoning= 90,
tionship offunctional impairment to test interpre- Abstract/Visual Reasoning = 114, Quantitative
tation is explicated next. Reasoning= 92, Short-Term Memory= 89, and
Test Composite = 96. Ashonte's achievement
test scores ranged from a low of 94 on Applied
Identify Functional Problems to a high of 117 on Passage Com-
prehension of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of
Impairments and Strengths Achievement. Similarly, her Woodcock Read-
Our conclusions necessarily lack importance for ing Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT) scores in-
understanding patient function if they are reflec- cluded a 93 on Word Attack and 109 on Passage
tive of individual differences but they do not re- Comprehension. Finally, she achieved a Listen-
flect functional impairment or strength. When ing Comprehension score on the OWLS of 93.
referring to functional impairment, I am refer- All of Ashonte's behavior rating scale results
ring to the concept that an individual difference were unremarkable with the exception of signifi-
in cognitive abilities is causing a patient to ex- cant ratings of hyperactivity and inattention by
hibit habitual behavior that is impaired in com- her parents. Teacher and self-ratings were within
parison to his or her peers. In the case of the normal limits. A structured diagnostic interview
Americans with Disabilities Act it is referred to revealed that she did not meet diagnostic criteria
as the "average person" standard (Gordon, for a psychiatric disorder including ADHD or an
Lewandowski, & Keiser, 1999). This definition Adjustment Disorder. Moreover, the clinician
necessarily embraces a broad definition of behav- concluded that there was not adequate evidence
ior that may include academic or other "cogni- of a learning disability.
tive" performances. Consider the following Typical intelligence test interpretive practice in
example, which is a disguised actual case. the case of Ashonte' may be to conclude that
Ashonte' is a 17-year-old attending a private she has a relative strength in spatial/visualization
school. Her parents are seeking an updated psy- abilities, and/or weaknesses in verbal, quantitative,
chological evaluation prior to making application or memory abilities. If, on the other hand, we
to college. Ashonte' has a long history of aca- were interpreting behavior ratings we may simply
demic problems dating back to the fourth grade conclude, as was done in this case, that there is no
when she was first cited by parents as having aca- evidence of behavioral problems that produce
demic problems. Her pediatrician at the time functional impairment-an interpretation based
suggested a diagnosis of attention deficit hyper- on a lack of rating scale results that are signifi-
activity disorder. She was evaluated by a psychol- cantly deviant from the average. Interpretation of
ogist in the fifth grade who made the diagnoses the rating scale results, then, emphasize interpre-
of ADHD, Adjustment Disorder with Mixed tation of "level" over "type" whereas intelligence
Features, and Reading Disorder. Her teachers, test results have often been interpreted in relation
however, did not report any concerns with in- to one another-a "type" interpretation.
attention or learning problems until the sixth In Ashonte's case we could simply emphasize
grade. She began taking Ritalin in the sixth grade her level of performance by saying that her intel-
and she remains on this medication to this day. ligence test results are within normal limits since
no scores are significantly high enough to iden- intelligence and reading skill scores in the 80s.
tify them as strengths in comparison to her peers Even a 15-point discrepancy may be highly mean-
and none are low enough to produce functional ingful in this case, causing one to interpret both
impairment. In sum, we would do well to ask level and type although the level hypothesis is
ourselves if an interpretation of a score as a rela- not particularly deviant from average. This in-
tive strength or weakness is warranted. Such an terpretation is made due to the finding that read-
interpretation is more likely warranted ifit is deviant ing and related scores at this level (i.e. <90) do
by level, which is an indicator ofa functional impair- result in functional impairment in reading
ment or strength. If all of Ashonte's scores were in (Stanovich, 1999). It is equally conceivable, how-
the 60s and 70s or the 120s and 130s her intelli- ever, for a type interpretation to be made when
gence test results would be of greater importance all scores are within the average range. Type in-
and, correspondingly, an interpretation of"within terpretation, however, is most meaningful when it is
normal limits" would be insufficient. also associated with a deviant level.
The next logical question is to inquire as to Kline, Snyder, and Castellanos (1996), in like
guidelines for identifying a deviant "level." It is manner, suggest that intelligence tests possess
rather easy to agree that scores at two or more the greatest utility for individuals with scores that
standard deviations from the mean indicate a de- indicate functional impairment. They offer the
viant level. Such a criterion seems too stringent, following, highly similar point of view.
however, for clinical interpretation, particularly
in the light of the research suggesting that read- There can be little doubt that the general verbal, visual-
ing scores that are about one standard deviation spatial, and memory skills measured by tests such as the
or more below the mean may indicate functional K-ABC, the Wechlser scales, or the Stanford-Binet are
impairment (Siegel, 1999). In the light of these factors in school success. But the estimation ofvery gen-
considerations, I suggest the following guide. eral, broadband competencies may be the only real value
Scores that are in the extreme 10% (approxi- ofIQ tests. Certainly, very low IQ scores indicate high
mately) ofthe population (standard score of80 or less risk for poor scholastic performance and possible cognitive
and 120 or more where mean = 100 and SD = JS) and developmental disorders, such as mental retarda-
tion. Likewise, very high IQ scores may evince the capa-
indicate a deviant level where functional impairment
bility to benefit from an accelerated academic program.
or strength is probably present, thus warranting Between these two extremes, however, the potential
interpretation due to the likelihood that these value ofthe information provided by IQ tests is very lim-
results are producing functional impairment or re- ited for perhaps most children for reasons already re-
flect a strength. viewed. Kaufman (1994) reported that Wechsler once
Standard scores that are between 80 and 89 and said: ''My scales are meant for people with average or
111 and 119 are in the marginal range, which may near-average intelligence, clinical patients who score be-
indicate a deviant level if there is ample evidence of tween 70 and 130." Many of the research results cited
functional impairment or strength. Normally, scores earlier, however, suggestjust the opposite: IQ test results
between 90 and 110 do not indicate functional may be least informative for children who score more or
impairment or strength. less in the normal range. (p. 12)
As the case of Ashonte' exemplifies, level in-
terpretation will normally take priority over type I expand on the observations of Kline et al.
unless highly unusual circumstances are present. (1996) by noting that it is, for example, only of
It is conceivable, for example, for an individual interest to know the type of ADHD if a child
with a reading disability to possess phonological possesses the level of disruptive behavior prob-
coding problems combined with a global verbal lems needed to warrant the diagnosis. Similarly,
ability deficit. This individual may have intelli- when we take our car to a mechanic for a routine
gence test scores in the average range save verbal checkup, we are not as interested in whether or
not our engine is in better condition than our au- had to leave her favorite playmate to attend the
tomobile body if the machanic tells us that there test session. She had a noticeable scowl on her
are "no problems." In like manner, we become face during administration of the Information
much more interested in the types of investments subtest, and she offered minimal effort with no
we possess if we have considerable wealth to in- elaboration of her answers. After the Information
vest. And finally, the track and field team mem- subtest the examiner was able to more firmly
ber differs from most of the population in level establish rapport and the child's effort improved
of athletic ability, making judgments regarding substantially thereafter. The examiner may then
preferred competition specialty a decision of type. hypothesize based on these observations that the
Thus, in many spheres of endeavor level takes pri- child will score lower on the Information subtest
macy over type. than on others because of her poor motivation.
If, in fact, this finding obtains, then the examiner
can feel confident that the a priori hypothesis is
A CLASS EXERCISE confirmed. This method virtually guarantees in-
tegration of intelligence test results with other
findings since the hypotheses are already based
I use the a priori interpretive method espoused in on other findings.
the first edition of this text (Kamphaus, 1993) as The a priori approach also forces considera-
a method for ensuring that trainees apply their tion of research and theory because the clinician
theortical and scientific knowledge from the do- is operating on the basis of research and theory
mains of psychometrics, cognition, development, when the hypothesis is drawn. Another example
and others to intelligence test interpretation. I will clarify the element of previous research. A
have found that the process of offering a priori child is referred for psychological evaluation be-
hypotheses prior to the calculation of a client's cause of a failure to make academic gains in first
scores is a powerful method for encouraging the grade. He does not yet know his letters and
integration of test results with other information. numbers and he is being retained in grade one
The word a priori is defined as "proceeding from while receiving remedial assistance. Based on the
a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related known correlation between intelligence and aca-
effect; deductive ... Based on a hypothesis or demic achievement (see Chapter 3) the examiner
theory rather than on experiment or experience" hypothesizes that below-average intelligence test
(American Heritage Dictionary, 1981). This defi- scores will be the result. If the child obtains a
nition is in contrast to the term a posteriori, which WISC-III Full Scale of 89 or below, the hypoth-
is defined as "denoting reasoning from facts or esis would be confirmed and, additionally, the
particulars to general principles, or from effects examiner's conclusion would be based on research
to causes; inductive; empirical" (American Heri- findings.
tage Dictionary, 1981). In this case a posteriori is Yet another example demonstrates the link be-
meant specifically to refer to the latter parts of tween a priori hypotheses and theory. A child is
the above definition, which emphasize inferring referred subsequent to a brain injury with com-
causes from effects. plaints of short-term memory deficits and declin-
A priori hypotheses are based on previous in- ing school performance. The child's grades have
formation about the client, including reports deteriorated from primarily As to mainly Cs. The
from teachers, clinicians, and parents; previous psychologist conducting the evaluation may hy-
school grades; medical and developmental histo- pothesize that Digit Span would be a weakness on
ries; and observations during the test session. The the WISC-III because of the reported short-term
clinician, for example, may observe that a child memory deficits. In addition, the psychologist may
entered the test session begrudgingly because she also hypothesize that the child will show a lower
WISC-III Full Scale than would be predicted (in associated with mental retardation such as Down
the average as opposed to the above-average Syndrome or Fragile X syndrome.
range) based on the child's previous academic
record. Borkowski theorizes (see Chapter 2) that Hypothesis
the architectural system must be intact for the
executive system to work adequately. This theory Significantly below-average measures of "g."
may lead the psychologist to predict an overall
deficit (in comparison to previous estimates) in Background Information
intelligence test scores due to damage to the archi- Greg's mother reports that his language devel-
tectural system which in turn damages the execu- opmental milestones were delayed. He did not
tive system. If one of the child's lowest scores is on use single words until 2 years of age.
Digit Span and his Full Scale falls somewhere in
the average range or below, then the clinician's
hypotheses may again be confirmed.
This approach to interpretation is analogous to Average to below-average verbal ability scores.
one of the differences between exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis, wherein the latter Background Information
procedure theories about the factor structure
Chloe's mother complains of a decline in school
are offered a priori (see Chapter 5). Traditional
performance subsequent to a head injury that
"exploratory" methods of interpretation give the
occurred when her daughter was struck by a car
clinician a data set (i.e., Wechsler scores) and ask
while riding a bicycle.
the clinician to make sense of them, which is
similar to what a researcher does by labeling
exploratory factors post hoc. I have found this ex- Hypothesis
ploratory method of interpretation to be difficult Lower intelligence test scores than premorbid
for new students because it is bereft of theory, levels (i.e., her scores may be lower than esti-
and it does not emphasize the integration of in- mates of her intelligence prior to the accident).
telligence test results with other findings. New
trainees, in particular, feel very insecure about Background Information
"naming factors" or drawing conclusions post hoc,
causing them to sometimes revert to cookbook Beda was referred for evaluation for a second
methods of interpretation that are far from in- opinion. Some of the previous evaluation data
sightful or helpful. A priori hypotheses should receive (i.e., achievement test scores at the 99th per-
priority in the interpretive process because these hy- centile) suggested that she would be a good
potheses are already based on substantial information candidate for the gifted program, other data were
suggesting that they are likely to be highly meaningful inconsistent.
in the context ofthe child's referring problem(s).
Listed below are some examples of hypotheses Hypothesis
that emanate from data acquired prior to the cal- Significantly above-average measures of "g."
culation of scores. The hypotheses are based on
research and theory cited earlier.
Background Information
Rowanda has a history of a mild hearing deficit
Background Information
and chronic otitis media (ear infections). She is
Elizabeth is starting school and has a prior diag- also receiving speech therapy for articulation
nosis of a genetic abnormality that is frequently difficulties.
be tested against alternative hypotqeses in order Step 1. Collect adequate qualitative and
to ensure that they fit well with other information quantitative data from numerous sources.
about the client. There is probably an excess of data that has
We have been accused of routinely failing to been collected for this case, far beyond that
entertain alternative hypotheses for our findings. which is necessary for most clinical work. In this
In the case of diagnostic practice, Dawes (1995) sense Michael's case is unrealistic. However, the
concluded that thorough treatise of developmental history is
crucial. Clearly, Michael's parents have already
We often make diagnoses consistent only with the identified his learning disabilities in the lan-
numerator in the likelihood ratio form of Bayes' theo-
guage areas. In fact, they have already put edu-
rem-thereby making what is technically termed a
pseudo-diagnostic judgment as a result of evaluating
cational remediation in place. This information
only the degree to which evidence supports a particular leads us to begin by hypothesizing the existence
hypothesis, rather than comparing that support to the of a learning disability, which influenced test
degree to which the evidence.supports alternative hy- selection. Specifically, more reading and other
potheses as well. (p. 38) achievement tests were necessary for this eval-
uation. In addition, the application of several
An example may serve to elucidate Dawes's intelligence measures allows the clinician to de-
point. A psychologist may draw the conclusion termine the extent ofcognitive deficits. It would
that a child who is having academic problems be interesting to see if his learning disabilities
may show an intelligence decline and be func- also affected Stratum II and Stratum III abili-
tioning "beneath his potential" due to the effects ties. In this case Stratum I abilities are primarily
of protracted parental fighting over custody and affected.
poverty subsequent to parental divorce. The cur-
rent composite score estimate may be a standard Step 2. List all scores that may indicate
score of 90. Well, a careful review of this child's functional impairment or strength and
school records may reveal that his academic draw hypotheses for each score.
achievement scores and the results of a group- Virtually all of Michael's intelligence scores
administered intelligence screener prior to the reflect functional strengths. In fact, this result
family strife and change in SES were virtually is so obvious that it is not necessary to list
identical to current findings. In this case the all of these. Some potential weaknesses that
alternative hypothesis of no significant change in may be listed include the Freedom from Dis-
intellectual functioning is supported. Personally, tractibility Index score (109) and Coding score
in this case, I would assess behavioral changes re- (8). Upon reflection, however, the FDI score
lated to family functioning (e.g., failure to com- of 109 should not be listed because it does not
plete homework) as explanatory variables for this indicate funcional impairment. This score is
child's academic difficulties. merely relatively lower that his other WISC-
III index scores. In addition, his Coding score
borders on the average range. There are not
any indicators here of functional impairment;
TO A SAMPLE CASE (Box 17.1) in contrast, there are numerous indicators of
functional strength. We may have great news
The following five steps will be discussed in tum for Michael's parents.
for the Michael case. The results obtained are
real but every other aspect of the case has been Step 3. Integrate all information and draw
disguised far beyond recognition. conclusions that are contextually valid,
parsimonious, and consistent with the state hypothesis is that his general intellectual
of scientific knowledge. ability is not above average. It could be that
Well, Michael's results are quite easy to sup- he does not have a learning disability but
port with background information. He has rather just below-average intellectual abili-
long been suspected of possessing strong intel- ties overall. We can test this hypothesis by
lectual abilities while simultaneously struggling searching for convincing evidence to sup-
with reading and writing. These impressions fit port it. His reading and writing performance
well within the context of his daily functioning. in school may support this rival alternative
He is recognized by all as having good general hypothesis. His record of average to above-
intellectual abilities and, yet, inexplicably strug- average achievement in mathematics, the
gling in some academic areas. consistent results of two individually admin-
His intellectual abilities are quite easily istered intelligence tests, and parental and
summed up with the composite scores of the teacher perceptions of above-average gen-
DAS and WISC-III. This conclusion is par- eral intellectual ability based on long-term
simonious. knowledge of him all argue against this rival
Lastly, his case fits well with the emerging hypothesis.
scientific evidence that reading disabilities are
modular and unrelated to estimates of general
intelligence or intelligence test profiles (Siegel, Step 5. Include remaining conclusions in
1999). In summary, my preferences for con- all oral and written communcation regard-
textual validity, parsimony, and scientific evi- ing the case.
dence appears to have been achieved. One singular conclusion remains regarding
Michael's intellectual abilities. Michael's cur-
Step 4. Develop and test rival hypotheses. rent estimates of general intellectual ability
One, however, should not be hasty; hence, are clearly above average in comparison to his
some rival hypothesis could be offered. A rival same-age peers.
Assessment Procedures
Differential Ability Scale (DAS)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III)
Kaufman Test of Education Achievement (K-TEA)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R)
Test of Written Language-Second Edition (TOWL-2)
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement~Revised (\VJ-R)
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist-Parent Form (CBCL-P)
Referral Question
This evaluation was requested by Mr. Perla for assessment of Michael's reading difficulties. Mr. Perla expressed
concern that Michael is able to recognize words in isolation, but not within the context of a sentence. As a result, a
psychoeducational evaluation was conducted in order to assess the need for appropriate school placement and sup-
porting therapies.
Background Information
Michael is the third child born to Lee and Beverly Perla. Michael has two brothers, ages 13 and 6, and one sister,
age 10. Michael's father works for a gas company. Michael's mother is Q.lfrently a waitress. Mr. and Mrs. Perla both
have a high 'school diploma. Mr. Perla did report, however, that he did not learn to read until he was 19 and his fa-
ther exhibited similar difficulties. Currently, Mr. Perla notes that he does not read very often, although Mrs. Perla
reads to the children 3 or 4 times a week. According to Mr. Perla, Mrs. Perla experienced severe swelling during
her pregnancy with Michael. She often had to keep her legs elevated and wrapped with towels in order to minimize
swelling. Michael was carried full-term but complications at birth included anoxic blue skin tone. Mr. Perla re-
ported that this constriction seemed to last for approximately one minute. According to Michael's father, Michael
was within normal limits in reaching his developmental milestones. Mr. Perla does report, however, that numerous
respiratory problems have been experienced since he was 1 month old. He currently has asthma and is prescribed
Ventolin and Prednisone. Mr. Perla also reported that Michael has been admitted to the hospital on numerous oc-
casions for his asthma. In conjunction with his asthma and allergies, Mr. Perla reports that Michael has experienced
frequent ear infections.
Michael's father reported that Michael had pneumonia when he was 4 or 5 and was in the hospital for approxi-
mately 9 days. Michael also has had pneumonia one or two times since. In addition, Mr. Perla reported that Michael
has choked on food on numerous occasions. Michael's tonsils often swell up when he comes in contact with aller-
gens (e.g., cats, dust, mold). Since Michael's tonsils are already somewhat enlarged because of numerous infections,
this allergic swelling has caused some life-threatening incidents. For example, Michael's father reports that in July
1995, Michael choked on a hot dog and "went limp" before his father applied the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge
the food. According to Mr. Perla, similar incidents have occurred on 11 occasions. He also reported that previous
doctors were hesitant to remove Michael's tonsils. However, Michael's current physician has indicated he will have
them removed if another choking inciqent occurs.
Michael attended kindergarten and is enrolled in the second grade. Mr. Perla reported that he is pleased with
Michael's school and current teacher. When Mr. Perla originally referred Michael to the Clinic, he reported that
Michael may be retained in the second grade. However, during the interview for this evaluation, Michael's father
Teacher Interview
Michael's father indicated that his major concern about Michael was his reading skills. For example, Michael's third
quarter report card indicates that he earned grades of Satisfactory (Ss) in every subject but reading, in which he
earned Ns (i.e., Need Improvement). His teacher added that Michael often becomes frustrated when he is trying
to read. She noted that he is usually able to recognize and say a word that is printed on a flashcard, but is unable to
recognize and say the same word when it is within the context of a sentence. She also indicated that the speech and
language pathologist recently assessed Michael's hearing, with findings within normal limits. Lastly, his teacher re-
ported that Michael is "very intelligent," but that she often has to redirect him, especially in reading. Nevertheless,
she does not consider his behavior within the classroom to be a problem.
Classroom Observation
Michael was observed at school in his classroom. His seat in the classroom is in the front and center of the room.
Reading a story about Pecos Bill was the first activity observed. Throughout the activity Michael remained atten-
tive and involved. He answered promptly and correctly when the teacher called on him. The next activity involved
completion of basic addition problems, and then calling out the answer when called on. Again, Michael participated
appropriately and responded correctly. The last activity observed was a calendar activity using questions about the
days and months of the year in order to practice math. The children sat on the floor for this activity. Michael followed
the teacher's directions, and sat quietly with the group. Overall, Michael's behavior and academic performance was
not distinct from his peers. His teacher indicated that Michael's behavior during the observation was typical of his
presentation on most days.
Behavioral Observations
Michael was friendly, talkative, and cooperative throughout the testing sessions. Rapport was easily established
and maintained and Michael appeared eager to relate stories and interact with the examiners. Moreover, he
seemed exceptionally friendly and asked one of the examiners if he wanted to go to one of his baseball games. In
addition, Michael was very persistent on tasks as they became increasingly more difficult. When off-task, he often
self-monitored himself and said to the examiner that "they better get back to work." Michael also commented nu-
merous times that he was fidgety and restless because of the medicine, Prednisone, which he started taking a few
days before the testing. He reported that he did not like the way it made him feel. Although he was somewhat
"fidgety" during the testing sessions, neither examiner experienced significant problems with his behavior.
Michael's performance on the PPVT-R was in the above-average to well-above-average range. These results indi-
cate that he has a well-developed ability to understand and comprehend words that are read to him. These results
are consistent with above-average PPVf-R scores provided by his private tutor.
Michael was administered the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA). Michael's overall estimate of
achievement, the Battery Composite score, indicates that his performance is in the below-average range. There is
a significant difference, however, between his mathematics and reading scores. Michael's mathematics composite
score was in the average range, while his reading composite score was well-below-average. These findings are con-
sistent with information provided by Michael's teacher.
In addition, Michael was also administered the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised (\VJ-R). On
this instrument Michael was administered subtests that assessed his broad mathematics and reading skills. Similar
to his performance on the K-TEA, Michael's math and reading scores were significantly different. His broad math-
ematics score was of average to above-average quality, while his broad reading score was in the well-below-average
to below-average range.
To further assess Michael's reading ability, the Wookcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R) was
administered. Michael's Total Reading Cluster score was in the well-below-average range. Similarly, his perfor-
mance on the Word Identification, Passage Comprehension, Letter Id,entification, and Word Attack subtests was
significantly deficient. Michael's performance on the Visual Auditory Leaming subtest, however, was inconsistent
with these findings and found to be in the upper extreme range. This subtest requires memorizing symbols that cor-
respond to words. The examinee reads a sentence by using these memorized symbols. Findings from this subtest
suggest that Michael's above-average intellectual ability and memory skills enabled him to score well on this sub-
test. Overall, the results on the WRMT-R are consistent with Michael's well-below-average to below-average
reading performance on both the K-TEA and \VJ-R.
The Test of Written Language-Third Edition (TOWL-3) was administered to Michael to assess his written
language skills. Michael was administered the Spontaneous Writing Section of the TOWL-3, which yielded a score
in the well-below-average range. These results are also consistent with Michael's reading difficulties.
.Michael's mother and father completed the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Parent Rating Scale
(BASC-PRS), and the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). These instruments assess the parents' view of
their child's behavior, emotional functioning, and social competence.
On the BASC-PRS, Mr. and Mrs. Perla both indicated significant problems on the Somatization scale. This
scale assesses the child's tendency to have numerous medical (somatic) complaints. These results are consistent
with Michael's history of chronic health problems. Michael's father and mother indicated no significant problems
on the CBCL.
Michael's second grade teacher completed the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Teacher Rating Scale
(BASC-TRS) and the Achenbach Teacher Report Form (TRF). On the BASC-TRS, his teacher also endorsed sig-
nificant problems on the Somatization scale, which is consistent with ratings provided by Michael's parents. Michael's
teacher indicated no significant problems on the TRF. Mr. and Mrs. Perla also completed the Parenting Stress Index
(PSI). The PSI is designed to assess the overall stress in the parent's life. The only significant area indicated by
Michael is an 8-year-old male who was referred by his father for an evaluation due to his reading difficulties. Mr.
Perla reported that Michael was being considered for retention in second grade due to his reading problems.
School officials have since indicated that he will be promoted to the third grade. Mr. Perla and Michael's teacher
reported that Michael is performing in an acceptable manner in all of his subjects except reading. Administration
of the intellectual test measures indicated that Michael's current level of intellectual functioning is in the above-
average to well-above-average range. On tests of academic proficiency, Michael's achievement scores on both in-
struments were consistent with indications of his reading and mathematics abilities within the classroom. As such,
a significant scholastic discrepancy is noted with reading scores in the well-below-average to below-average range,
while math scores were average to above-average. Social/Emotional/Behavioral assessment indicated significant so-
matic complaints and parental restriction of role. Both of these results are consistent with Michael's chronic health
problems and associated stress on Michael's parents and siblings. As a result of these findings, it is highly recom-
mended that Michael be considered eligible for Specific Learning Disability (SLD) placement in the areas of read-
ing comprehension, reading recognition, and written expression.
Learning Disability
Reading Recognition
Reading Comprehension
Written Expression
1. It is strongly recommended that Michael not be retained in second grade. In the light of his Learning Disabil-
ity, no benefit would be derived from a retention of this nature.
2. It is strongly recommended that Michael's school communicate with his private teacher in order to determine
what has and has not been effective in promoting Michael's reading skills. His tutor has compiled a list of areas
that Michael has not mastered: (a) consonant blends; (b) consonant digraphs; (c) long vowels; (d) R-controlled
vowels; (e) double vowels; (f) variant/irregular vowels; (g) syllabication.
3. It is recommended that a number of reading approaches be explored with Michael, including whole-language,
phonetics, and so on, in order to find the instructional methodology that is most effective in assisting Michael
with his reading deficits.
4. Michael should utilize a computer and software designed to increase his reading, spelling, and overall language
skills. Fun and interesting programs are available for teaching children decoding, phoneme awareness, and
blending skills as well as others.
5. It is recommended that Michael's teachers evaluate the manner in which they assess what Michael has learned.
Oral tests or tests on a computer are strongly encouraged given his significant deficit with written expression skills.
6. It is recommended that Michael's parents encourage reading at home. For example, playing games could make
reading fun for Michael while increasing his vocabulary. The use of flashcards can be continued with multiple
variations. Michael could have a Word Bank using flashcards. The words could be written on one side of the
card, while Michael could draw a picture about the word on the other side. These cards could be kept in a box
for Michael so that he could practice and drill with them in school and at home.
7. A study skills training program is recommended for Michael (e.g., how to outline, take tests, and complete home-
The following T scores have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Scores between 40 and 60 are in the
average range. Scores between 60 and 70 are above average, and scores above 70 are very high.
Word definitions 63
Similarities· 68
Matrices 55
Sequential & Quantitative Reasoning 59
Recall of Designs 55
Pattern Construction 66
The following composite scores have a mean score= 100 with a standard deviation= 15. Scores between 85 and
115 are considered average.
Thematic Maturity 6
Contextual Vocabulary 8
Syntactic Maturity 6
Contextual Spelling 3
Contextual Style 10
The following quotients have a mean = 100 with a standard deviation = 15. Quotients between 85 and 115 are
considered average.
Withdrawn 54 58
Somatic Complaints 50 64
Anxious/Depressed 50 50
Social Problems 50 50
Thought Problems 50 57
Attention Problems 50 50
Delinquent Behavior 50 50
Aggressive Behavior 50 50
Internalizing Composite 43 53
Externalizing Composite 43 49
Total Composite Score 40 47
Withdrawn 55
Somatic Complaints 50
Anxious/Depressed 51
Social Problems 55
Thought Problems 50
Attention Problems 56
Delinquent Behavior 57
Aggressive Behavior 50
Internalizing Composite 51
Externalizing Composite 48
Total Composite Score 53
Hyperactivity 52 41
Aggression 55 46
Conduct Problems 49 52
Adaptability 41 47
Social Skills 50 48
Leadership 41 48
Adaptive Skills Composite 43 47
Hyperactivity 44
Aggression 41
Conduct Problems 47
Externalizing Problems Composite 44
Anxiety 59
Depression 48
Somatization 72
Internalizing Problems Composite 62
Attention Problems 60
Learning Problems 59
School Problems Composite 60
Atypicality 47
Withdrawal 45
Behavioral Symptoms Index
Adaptability 43
Social Skills 53
Leadership 55
Study Skills 41
Adaptive Skills Composite 48
Adaptability 65 65
Acceptability 70 70
Demandingness 45 25
Mood 60 75
Distractibility/Hyperactivity 10 10
Reinforces Parent 45 45
Child Domain Score 35 33
Depression 20 20
Attachment 1 1
Restriction of Role 92 92
Sense of Competence 7 7
Social Isolation 75 75
Relationship with Spouse 75 75
Parent Health 65 65
Parent Domain Score 42 42
Total Stress Score 36 35
not yet apparent. A second Information-like mea- Of course, the psychologist's (and the physi-
sure should be obtained to see if this is a reliable cian's) job in many cases is to infer cause-and-
finding. One source of additional information effect relationships. The point that I wish to make
could be scores on file such as Al's scores on the is that psychologists should at least clearly rec-
science, history, and social science sections of ognize when they are making such a conclusion
the achievement test used by his school. so that they think critically about these infer-
ences before making them. Examiners should
also label an inference as such when offering it as a
Inferring Cause-and-Effect conclusion.
A particularly disconcerting problem of assess- Retesting
ment reports is the tendency to offer cause-and-
effect relationships between intelligence test
In some cases a psychologist may feel that the
current intelligence test results are invalidated
profiles and a child's school or other problems.
by other factors. In these instances there are ba-
For example, concluding that a child cannot
sically two choices. The psychologist can make
write because of poor visual-motor skills seems
an estimate of the client's intelligence or retest
sensible but it is, nevertheless, a supposition of
unknown validity. the child. An example of using background in-
The examiner who offers such conclusions is formation to help gauge if a client's scores were
inferring etiology, a tricky proposition at best. valid may help explicate the issue of retesting
A similar temptation occurs in medical diagnosis. further.
\Vhen a pediatrician diagnoses a problem, par- A 15-year-old female was hospitalized in a
ents often ask questions such as, "How did he get psychiatric unit of a general hospital for severe
this?" If a child were diagnosed with leukemia, a depression with psychotic features. This young
woman was suffering from visual hallucinations
physician 'would be unlikely to say that the child
and an inability to "slow down" her thought pro-
acquired the condition from the chemical waste
dump down the street. While this may be true, cesses. She had also slit her wrists in a suicide at-
tempt just prior to admission. This young lady
it _woul~ be difficult to prove given the multiple
etiologies of leukemia. Similarly, the argument was the product of a very supportive family back-
that a child's visual-motor weakness, as identi- ground. Her father was an engineer and her
fied on Block Design or similar tests, is the cause mother a school teacher. She had nearly a straight
A average in her high school advanced placement
of a reading problem is a high-inference enter-
prise. It is entirely possible that these two prob- program.
lems exist but are not related. On the WISC-III this woman obtained a
Full Scale of 115, which corresponds to the
Other examples of inferring cause-and-effect
relationships include the following. 84th percentile rank. While this score is above
average there is considerable evidence that her
"Jason's mathematics problem is due to his score could have been adversely affected by
problem with psychomotor speed." her mental illness. In this case the client should
be tested again once her depressive and psy-
'\\1ichelle's inattentiveness is caused by her chotic symptoms were under better control.
school failure, which is adversely affected by Unfortunately, inaccurate intelligence test
her poor verbal intelligence." scores can remain in an individual's records for
"Aaron's writing problem is the result of his s?me time and potentially result in mispercep-
spatial processing problem." tlons of that individual's skills.
• Matarazzo (1990) identified some disturbing • Two pieces ofevidence are generally adequate to
problems in the interpretive aspect of the corroborate or reject a hypothesis.
assessment process, including a lack of knowl- • Psychometric science suggests that we always
edge of the psychometric properties of the try to subsume less reliable and valid hypotheses
tests that psychologists use (a science-based under more reliable and valid ones. By doing
practice problem) and a lack of congruence so examiners are erroring in the direction of
between test results and other information drawing hypotheses based on greater evi-
about the client (an integration problem). dence of reliability and validity.
• Always attempt to offer research and theory to • Examiners should "order a retest" if there is
support conclusions. reason to believe that current intelligence test
• Clinicians should consider deferring offering results were invalidated by other factors.
conclusions prematurely.
Report Writing
and Oral Reporting
on the effects of report writing on important One of the difficulties with report writing is
outcomes such as the likelihood that a recom- that different audiences require different reports.
mendation will be followed (Ownby & Wall- For example, a psychometric summary (a psycho-
brown, 1986). metric summary is a portion of the report that
The conclusions of Ownby and Wallbrown presents only test scores and is usually given as
(1986) are still pertinent today. They observed an appendix at the end of a report) given out of
that psychological reports context is likely to be of little use to parents, but
of great potential use to colleagues and perhaps
1. are considered useful to some extent by teachers. An important decision that each psy-
consumers such as psychiatrists and social chologist must make prior to report writing is to
workers, determine the primary audience for the report.
2. are frequently criticized by these professional A psychometric summary is more appropriate in
groups on both content and stylistic grounds, a clinic situation where it is imperative that a psy-
and chologist communicate effectively with knowl-
3. may (or may not) make substantial contribu- edgeable colleagues.
tions to patient management.
In addition to psychiatrists and social workers,
a number of studies have assessed teachers' satis-
faction with psychological reports, and the news As Tallent (1988) observed, "That many psycho-
is not good (Ownby & Wallbrown, 1986). Re- logical reports are written so as not to be very
searchers have found that teachers are frequently useful, so as not to contribute to decision making,
dissatisfied with psychological reports (Ownby & is a complaint that just won't go away." Norman
Wallbrown, 1986). Tallent's (1988) textbook on report writing sum-
One can get a sense of why teachers and other marizes the literature on the strengths and weak-
professiorials are dissatisfied with psychological nesses of reports as identified by psychologist's
reports by reading the following excerpt that was colleagues in mental health care, most notably
taken verbatim from a psychological report that social workers and psychiatrists. Some of the
was given to me several years ago by a colleague. highlights of Tallent's (1988) review will be sum-
Keep in mind that all of the conclusions drawn marized next.
by the evaluator in this case were based on one test
requi1·ing the child to simply reproduce 9 designs with Vocabulary Problems
pencil and paper.
The problem of using vague or imprecise lan-
The Bender-Visual Motor Gestalt test suggests delin- guage in report writing persists. The colloquial
quency and an acting out potential. He is anxious, con- term used to describe such language is psychobab-
fused, insecure and has a low self-esteem. He may have ble. Siskind (1967), for example, studied the level
diffimlties in interpersonal relationships and tends to iso- of agreement between psychologists and psychi-
late himselfwhen problems arise. ... (He) also seems to
atrists in defining words such as the following.
have a lot ofanxiety and tension over phallic sexuality
and may be in somewhat ofa homosexual panic.
Abstract Compulsive Depressive
This examiner was probably using an anti- Affective Constriction Hostility
quated cookbook approach to interpretation in Aggression Control Immaturity
order to prepare this report. Needless to say, a
Anxiety Defense Impulsive
report that makes extraordinary inferences based
on limited data is of no help to anyone, especially Bizarre Dependent Emotional
not the client being evaluated. Bright Normal Depressive
The results of the study showed very little And my personal favorite is:
correspondence between the definitions prof-
fered by the two groups of professionals. "Scores have little meaning even to the psy-
Harvey (1989) explained how this problem of chologist who understands their rationale, un-
vague or imprecise language applies to school psy- less he knows how they fit together in terms of
chologists, who probably do the greatest amount cause and effect regarding behavior. To cover
of assessment work with children and adolescents. up his ignorance he resorts to the reporting of
She also pointed out that because of the passing of percentages, ratios, etc., and overwhelms his
the "Buckley Amendment" and the increasingly reader with such technical language that little
common practice of giving reports to parents, that information is conveyed."
the educational level of the typical consumer of
psychological reports is lower than in the past. Actually, I have one more favorite.
While many writers of psychological reports use
language consistent with their graduate-level "They are not clear enough to be wrong."
training, such language may be at a reading level
far beyond the capability of the target audience, Of course, psychologists cannot be singled
particularly if the audience is parents or even ado- out as the only profession with a preference for
lescents. Harvey (1989) noted that even respected its own idiosyncratic terminology, as anyone
magazines are written at a high school level. The who reads a physician's report or legal contract
Atlantic Monthly is written at a 12th-grade level, will admit.
and Time and Newsweek at 11th-grade levels (Har-
vey, 1989).
Tallent (1988) referred to one aspect of this Eisegesis
problem with language as "exhibitionism," which This is the problem of "faulty interpretation
seems to be a frequent criticism of reports, par- based on personal ideas, bias, and what not"
ticularly on the part of other psychologists. (Tallent, 1988). It is most readily seen in reports
One commentator stated, "They are written in where the psychologist is clearly using the same
stilted psychological terms to boost the ego of theories or drawing the same conclusions in
the psychologist." every report. A psychologist may conclude that
Other pertinent observations (Tallent, 1988) all children's problems are due to poor ego ftmc-
on the use of language by psychologists in reports tioning, neuropsychological problems, or family
include: system failure. Psychologists who aspire exclu-
sively to behavioral principles, for example, will
"Often padded with meaningless multisyllabic attribute all child problems to faulty reinforce-
words to lengthen report." ment histories. The savvy consumer of this psy-
"Gobbledygook." chologist's reports will eventually become wary
of the skill of the psychologist, as the relevance of
"Semantics have a tendency to creep in, and
this theory to some cases is questionable. One
the phenomenon of 'verbal diarrhea' occurs
can imagine the skepticism that may be engen-
too often."
dered by a psychologist who concludes that a
"They are too often written in a horrible psy- child whose school performance has just deterio-
chologese-so that clients 'manifest overt ag- rated subsequent to a traumatic head injury
gressive hostility in an impulsive manner'- merely needs more "positive reinforcement" to
when, in fact-they punch you on the nose." bring his grades up to pretrauma levels.
"They are not frequently enough written in The problem of eisegesis may also occur if a
lay language. I believe it requires clear think- psychologist draws conclusions that are clearly
ing to write without use of technical terms." in conflict with the data collected. I have seen an
extraordinarily large number of students who secondary importance and the numbers are of
never seemed capable of assessing intelligence greatest importance (Tallent, 1988). The psychol-
accurately, because they always found some mit- ogist needs to keep clearly in mind that the child
igating circumstance. Either the child was not is the loadstar of the evaluation, and the numbers
sitting still, the room was too hot, or the child obtained from intelligence tests and the like are
just did not seem motivated to take the test. If a only worthy of emphasis if they contribute to
child obtained a low standard score (which is typ- the understanding of the child being evaluated.
ical because children are usually referred because All too frequently, the numbers take precedence
of problems), it was considered invalid and the in assessment results sections. One way to think
conclusion drawn that the child's "true ability" of the scores is as a means to an end, the end
was undoubtedly considerably higher. Teachers being better understanding of the child. The
who receive this interpretation consistently from same numbers for two children can mean two
the same psychologist may eventually pay more quite different things. Just as a high temperature
attention to the data presented in the reports and reading can be symptomatic of a host of disor-
ignore the psychologist's conclusions. ders from influenza to appendicitis, so, too a low
intelligence test score can reveal a host of possi-
ble conditions.
Report Length One horrendous error made often in report-
Psychologists, more so than other groups, com- ing test scores is when a psychologist reports a
plain about the excessive length of reports (Tal- child's IQ and then says that it's invalid. Then
lent, 1988). However, length may not be the real why report it (Tallent, 1988)? If a test score is
issue. Perhaps long reports are used to disguise invalid, how does it serve the child to have this
incompetence, fulfill needs for accountability, or score as part of a permanent record? Is it to
impress others. The possibility that length is a record for all time the lack oflogic on the part of
cover for other ills is offered in the following the psychologist? This purpose seems to be the
quote (Tallent, 1988). only one· served by reporting scores in which the
clinician has little, if any, faith. Reporting invalid
A certain business executive likes to relate the anecdote scores is akin to a physician making a diagnostic
about the occasion when he assigned a new employee to decision based on a fasting blood test where the
prepare a report for him. In due time a voluminous piece patient violated the fasting requirements. In all
ofwriting was returned. Dismayed, the executive pointed
likelihood the flawed results would not be re-
out that the required informati<m could be presented on
one, certainly not more than two, pages. "But sir, " ported, rather the patient would be required to
pleaded the young man, "I don't kn<JW that much about retake the test. My rule of thumb is that one does
the matteryou assigned me to." (p. 72) not have to report scores for a test just because it was
It may also be worth considering that the Ten
Commandments are expressed in 297 words, the
Declaration of Independence in 300 words, and Failure to Address
the Gettysburg Address in 266 words (Tallent,
Referral Questions
Tallent (1988) points out that psychologists too
often fail to demand clear referral questions and,
A Number Emphasis as a result, their reports appear vague and unfo-
Psychologists are also infamous for having sec- cused. This very obvious point is all too fre-
tions of their report entitled something like quently overlooked. Psychologists should insist
"Test Results." In this part of the report, the that referral sources present their questions
reader usually gets the sense that the child is of clearly and, if not, the psychologist should meet
with the referring person to obtain further detail acronyms, to shorten length, conclusions were
on the type of information that is expected from drawn without reference to a data source, and
the evaluation (Tallent, 1988). Many agencies recommendations were given without elabora-
use referral forms to assist in this process of de- tion. The psychoeducational report format was
claring assessment goals. A form similar to those 3 ½ single-spaced pages. It used headings such
used by hospitals is shown in Figure 18.1, and as reason for referral, learning style, mathematics,
one suitable for use by school systems is given in conclusions, and recommendations. Observations
Figure 18.2. were stated in behavioral terms with examples used
freely. Recommendations were given and elabo-
THE CoNSUMER's Vrnw rated, and acronyms and other jargon were only
used when they were defined in text. The ques-
tion-and-answer report was similar to the psy-
A few studies have evaluated psychological re- choeducational report in many ways, but it did
ports from the viewpoint of the consumer (Brandt not use headings per se. This report listed refer-
& Giebink, 1968; Mussman, 1964; Rucker, 1967). ral questions and then answered each question in
One rather clever recent study evaluated teacher turn. This report was 4½ pages long.
preferences for and comprehension ofvarying re- Now the time has come to crown the winner!
port formats (Wiener, 1985). This study required Was it the short form, the psychoeducational,
a group of elementary school teachers to read and or the question-and-answer format? Amazingly
rate their comprehension of and preferences for enough, in this study length was preferred. First,
three different reports for the same child. teachers comprehended the two longer reports
The three reports used were a "short form," better. Secondly, of the two longer reports, the
"the psychoeducational report," and "question teachers preferred the question-and-answer re-
and answer." The short form report was one port over the psychoeducational report. The
page, single spaced. It used some jargon, such as short form was clearly preferred least.
Attending Physician - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Type of Consultation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Signed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ _ __
Results of Consultation:
Date of Consultation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Signature of Consultant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ __
Referral for consultation
Sample student referral
These are interesting results in that they hint happen onto a great deal of information during
that length may be overrated as a problem in the course of an evaluation, some of which is tan-
report writing and that teachers may prefer a gential. Say, for example, a child is referred for an
question-and-answer report format. This find- evaluation of a suspected learning disability. Dur-
ing is interesting to me because I have never ing the course of an interview with the child's
seen anyone use this format in my entire career mother, she recounts at length her disappoint-
as a psychologist! ment in her husband. She tells the examiner that
Do parents have different preferences from he is dating other women, and she believes that he
teachers? In a follow-up study with parents, is not spending adequate time with their son.
using the same methodology, Wiener and Koh- In writing the report for this case, the clinician
ler (1986) found that teachers and parents have has to determine whether or not this information
similar preferences. In this second study, the is pertinent to the learning-disability evaluation.
same three report formats were used. As was This example is used because it is rather obvious
the case with teachers, parents comprehended the that the husband's infidelity is not directly linked
two longer reports significantly better than the with learning disabilities, and the mother's report
short form report. An interesting additional about her husband may or may not be able to be
finding was that parents with a college educa- corroborated. In most cases, however, the deci-
tion comprehended reports better than parents sion is not so obvious. If, for example, the above
with a high school diploma. Parents also tended case were a referral for behavioral problems at
to prefer the question-and-answer format to the home, the parent's marital satisfaction might be
other two formats, although the difference in of relevance to the referral problem. Clinicians
preference scores between the psychoeduca- must think critically about the information that
tional and question-and-answer reports failed to they include in reports and consider its relevance
reach statistical significance. to the case. If information is not relevant to the
Taken together, these two studies suggested referral problem, and it is very personal informa-
that the two most frequent consumers of child tion, the psychologist should consider carefully
and adolescent psychological reports, parents and the decision to invade the families' privacy and
teachers, consider the clarity of reports to be more include the information in the report.
important than their absolute length. They also
show a preference for reports that have referral Define Abbreviations
questions as their focus. The importance of refer-
ral questions has also been emphasized by Tallent and Acronyms
(1988). These two findings should be kept clearly Acronyms are part of the idiosyncratic language
in mind by all psychologists who write reports for of psychological assessment. They can greatly
children and adolescents. facilitate communication among psychologists
but hinder communication with nonpsycholo-
gists. Psychologists, just as other professionals,
need to use nontechnical language to communi-
cate with parents, teachers, and other colleagues
in the mental health field. A pediatrician would
Report Only not ask a mother if her child had an emesis;
rather, the physician would inquire whether or
Pertinentlnfonnation not the child vomited.
One of the most difficult decisions to make when When writing a report, psychologists should
writing a report involves gauging the relevance of try to avoid using acronyms, at least undefined
information included (Teglasi, 1983). Examiners ones. To simply use the acronym "WISC-Ill" is
inappropriate. On the other hand, the use of the of reports. The second example is a rewrite of
complete name, the "Wechsler Intelligence the first paragraph that uses a lower vocabulary
Scale for Children-Third Edition," repeatedly level:
throughout a report seems clumsy and laborious.
Acronyms and short forms can be used effectively if There is also evidence from the cogn-itive test data to sug-
they are defined. However, short form names gest that Pam is very obdurate in response to anxiety.
(abbreviations) of tests should be used for reports She may also tend to be very concrete and not notice some
geared toward parents and teachers, and acro- of the subtleties of interpersonal discourse. Given these
nyms should be used in reports for mental health idiosyncrasies, she may find it difficult to generate effec-
care colleagues who are used to receiving test tive social problem-solving strategies and strategies for
scores. Examples of how one could define abbre- coping with life's stressors.
viations or acronyms for later reference in a report
are shown below. The next paragraph tries to communicate
more clearly by using, among other things, sim-
• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- pler language.
Third Edition (Wechsler Scale)
Pam responds to stress by withdrawing from others
• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- (e.g., in her room, or leaving a group offriends on a so-
Third Edition (WISC-IIn cial outing), which seems to be the only method she uses
for dealing with stress. She also has trouble under-
At later points in the report, the psychologist standing and responding to messages given by others in
can then refer to the WISC-III or Wechsler social situations (e.g., body language or verbal hints).
Scale. Because of these behavior patterns, Pam has trouble
keeping friends.
Emphasize Words
Related to the use of difficult words is the issue
Rather Than Numbers of using the correct person. I have occasionally
Particularly in the test results section of a re- seen reports where instead of using the child's
port, clinicians must resist the "wizardry of num- name, he or she was referred to as "the child"
bers" (Zimmerman & Woo Sam, 1967). Words or "the subject." This usage sounds too mecha-
communicate more effectively than numbers be- nistic and impersonal for a psychological report.
cause they communicate more directly. The typ- In most cases the use of the child's name is bet-
ical question is not what the child obtained on ter. In a sentence such as the following: "The
the WISC-III, but rather determining how the child scowled at the examiner," I suggest this
child's intelligence compares to others. As an alternative: "Sandy scowled at the examiner."
example, instead of saying, "Demetrius obtained
a Full Scale standard score of 106," say some- Describe the Tests Used
thing like "Demetrius' intelligence is in the aver-
age range." In many cases, it is safe to assume that the reader
of the report has little knowledge of the tests
being used. For this reason I suggest that report
Reduce Difficult Words writers describe the nature of the assessment de-
This issue is by now an obvious one. The difficult vices. Prior to the ready availability of personal
part for report writers is following through on this computers, this task would have been onerous.
advice. Consider the following two paragraphs Now it is relatively easy to store, retrieve, and
that differ greatly. The first one uses a level of insert a description of a test in the body of a re-
vocabulary that is too high for most consumers port or in the psychometric summary so as to
avoid requiring the reader to encounter the de- of knowledge that was demonstrated on the In-
scription prior to seeing the results of interest. formation subtest (sample item: Who was Pablo
I occasionally use the following descriptive para- Picasso?) of the WISC-III. When sample items
graph for the WISC-III in my psychometric are used, however, they should be analogous
summary. items and not actual test items. This suggestion
is in keeping with the ethical guidelines of the
(Child's Name) was evaluated with the Wechsler In- American Psychological Association that charge
telligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III). This psychologists with maintaining the security of
test is a popular scale made up of 12 subtests that assess test items (see Chapter 7).
various aspects ofintelligence. The tests are divided into
two types: Verbal and Performance. Verbal tests have
items such as defining vocabulary words, answering Edit the Report at Least Once
commonsense questions, and answering factual ques-
tions on topics such as science. The Performance tests I have found that a number of my students do not
have items such as constructing puzzles and abstract de- take a critical eye toward editing their own work.
signs, and identifying missing parts of a picture. The Editing is necessary to ensure the most accurate
WISC-III produces three scores: Verbal, Performance, communication in the least amount of space.
and Full Scale, where the Full Scale is based on the sum Tallent (1988) provides the following excellent
ofthe scores on all ofthe tests. example of how an editor thinks:
An introductory paragraph for a test such as There is the tale ofthe young man who went into the fish
the WISC-III is probably not as crucial because business. He rented a store, erected a sign, FRESH FISH
of the WISC's long-standing popularity. Even SOLD HERE, and acquired merchandise. As he was
so, the WISC-III is not well known to most par- standing back admiring his market and his sign, a friend
ents. An introductory paragraph describing the happened along. Following congratulations, the friend
intelligence test being used is even more appro- gazed at the sign and read aloud, "FRESH FISH SOLD
priate for newer tests such as the DAS and vVJ-R, HERE. Ofcourse it's here. You wouldn't sell it elsewhere,
since these tests are not as widely used as the would you?" Impressed with such astuteness, the young
WISC-III. man painted over the obviously superfluous word. The
next helpful comment had to do with the word sold. "You
The naive reader of a report will also be
aren't giving it away?" Again impressed, he eliminated
helped by descriptors of the nature of a subtest the useless word. Seemingly that was it, but the critic then
that is being discussed. This observation is par- focused on the word fresh. "You wouldn't sell stale fish,
ticularly true for tests that are not adequately wouldyou?" Once more our hero bowed to the strength of
described by their names. Take, for example, the logic. Butfinally he was relieved that he had a logic-tight
Coding subtest of the WISC-III. The name sign for his business; FISH. His ever alert friend, how-
"Coding" could conjure up a variety of images ever, audibly sniffing the air for effect, made a final ob-
in a report reader's mind. In this case the exam- servation: "You don't need a sign." (p. 88)
iner should try to describe the nature of the task.
Instead of concluding that a child had a weak- Psychologists do not need to engage in such
ness in coding, the report writer could state that severe editing, but they should at least make an
the child had a weakness on a test that required attempt to think critically about their word usage
using a pencil to copy as many geometric sym- in order to reduce report, sentence, and para-
bols (that are to follow a code given at the top graph length. The problem with editing is that
of the page) as possible in a 2-minute period. for some people it can become a "neurosis" in it-
On verbal tests examples of items may be given self, as was the case in the smelly fish story above.
to communicate the nature of a task. One exam- Despite this downside, judicious editing can go a
ple may be to say that a child showed a wide range long way toward clarifying meaning in a report.
An examiner could conclude, for example, if a section of their report stretches for nearly a
that, "Roy performed in a manner on the WISC- page (single spaced) without a heading. Examin-
III that is indicative of intelligence in the average ers should consider lists if they want to add im-
range when compared to his peers." An editor pact to statements that they want to ensure the
might suggest the following alternative for this reader remembers.
statement: "Roy's intelligence is average."
Sometimes new examiners are not accus-
tomed to critiquing their own writing. One read- Use Examples of
ily available option is to have a colleague read Behavior to Clarify Meaning
reports. Confidentiality, however, should be kept
in mind if an editor is used. Since there is some disagreement as to the mean-
ings of particular words, report writers should
clarify meaning in order to ensure accuracy.
Use Headings and Lists Freely Words that may conjure up a variety of inter-
pretations include anxiety, cooperation, depen-
Headings and lists can serve to enhance the clarity
dent, hyperactive, and low self-esteem. One way
of communication (Harvey, 1989). If, for example,
to foster clarity is to use examples of the child's
an examiner draws a number of conclusions
behavior. Here, for example, are two ways to say
about a child, these can sometimes lose their im-
that Emilio was anxious.
pact if they are embedded in paragraphs. Here is
an example.
1. "Emilio exhibited considerable anxiety during
the testing."
Shirley has a specific learning disability in mathematics
reasoning. In addition to this, she is having difficulty 2. "Emilio appeared anxious during the testing.
interacting with her peers. She appears to have a social He frequently asked whether or not he had
skills deficit. Shirley exhibits strong reading skills and a solved an item correctly, he would occasion-
great deal ofinterest in reading for pleasure. ally look at the ticking stopwatch during an
item and then hurry, and his face became
These conclusions could have an increased flushed when it was obvious to him that he did
impact if headings and lists were used as shown not know the answer to a question."
An additional benefit of using examples of be-
CONCLUSIONS havior generously is that it forces the psychologist
to consider the extent ofsupporting evidence for a
1. Shirley has a specific learning disability in
conclusion about a child's behavior. If a psycholo-
mathematics reasoning.
gist writes that a child is anxious but cannot think
2. Shirley has social skills problems that are ad- of behaviors to help explain this, then the conclu-
versely affecting relationships with her peers. sion should not be drawn as it is unsupportable.
3. Shirley's strength is in reading, which she nou- Direct quotes are also very helpful in clarifying
rishes with a great deal of leisure reading. meaning. If a clinician concludes that an ado-
lescent is "suicidal," a quote from the child may
As one would predict, the use of headings and help clarify this statement considerably. The child
lists to excess has a downside. A report that uses may have said, "I thought about taking some pills
too many lists, for example, becomes stilted, once" or "I feel like I want to run out in front of a
and it may not communicate all of the texture and car tonight and if that doesn't work, I will steal
subtleties of the child's performance. Report my father's gun and kill myself." These are obvi-
writers should consider using additional headings ously varying degrees of suicidal intent that are
most clearly differentiated by knowing what the each test protocol that is scored by hand be checked
child or adolescent actually said. against computer scoring. If this is not possible, the
test scores should at least be double checked
prior to finalizing a report. Having to recant
Reduce Report Length scores because an error was caught by someone
Tallent (1988) gives the following instances as else is a very embarrassing experience.
indices of undue length. A report is too long One way of checking scores is to be alert to in-
when consistencies. If a child who was referred for pos-
sible mental retardation obtains a score in the
1. the psychologist is concerned that it took too average range, then the score should be double
long to write it. checked to see if a scoring error is the source of
2. the psychologist has difficulty organizing all the incongruity. Other situations that may make
of the details for presentation. an examiner suspicious would include a child
suspected of a learning disability in math whose
3. some of the content is not clear or useful.
Arithmetic score is the child's highest score on
4. the detail is much greater than can be put to the \VISC-III, a child with a 50-point discrep-
good use. ancy between Verbal and Performance IQs, or
5. speculations are presented without a good ra- the case where the examiner thought that the
tionale for them. child was doing rather well on a test and yet it
6. when the writing is unnecessarily repetitious. turned out to be the lowest score in the profile.
The clinician, then, needs to be ever vigilant in
7. when the organization does not represent
order to avoid scoring errors. If a score doesn't
seem sensible, then the examiner should always
8. when the reader is irritated by the length or check for a scoring error in order to rule out this
reads only a few sections such as the summary possibility.
or recommendations sections.
to conclude that if a child from a low-SES back- As such, the intelligence test results are of great
ground obtains a high score that this finding is concern and are usually the featured aspect of the
inconsistent with research on the relationship report. Teachers are also seeking information to
between SES and intelligence test scores. Simi- assist them in curriculum decisions.
larly, if this same child obtains a slightly below- In a psychiatric hospital setting, the most fre-
average Full Scale score, one may conclude that quent referrals are likely to be for problems such
this score is consistent with research findings as depression, conduct disorder, and alcohol or
which suggests the Full Scale score is a predicta- drug abuse. In this setting, intelligence test re-
ble finding. In this case, however, the clinician sults are frequently oflittle concern to the treat-
should not conclude that the child's low SES cir- ment team. Of greater concern are issues such
cumstances caused the lower-than-average scores. as suicide potential, personality structure, and
It could be that a brain injury caused the lower coping strategies. These questions are very dif-
scores independent of SES. ferent than those of the school setting, requiring
Often psychologists will be asked to infer eti- a focus on topics other than intelligence.
ologies in court testimony or other forums. These Parents are yet another audience with different
occasions require careful study, exhaustive data questions. When conducting an evaluation for
collection, and presentation of results with appro- parents in a private practice setting, the emphasis
priate caveats. Often consumers of intelligence is on what the parents can do to effect a change in
test data want simple answers regarding etiologies, their child's behavior. The three reports given
but these are indeed rare in everyday practice. next reflect the variety of report writing styles
Often children experience multiple insults (as that may be used in different settings.
will be shown in many of the case studies herein),
making the determination of a single insult as the Private Practice-Parents
etiological agent a veritable impossibility. These
This report was written for the adolescent being
comments are not intended to convey the idea that
evaluated and for the parents (who paid for the
the assessment of cognitive development or skills
evaluation). Both the parents and client were look-
lacks utility; to the contrary, knowledge of cogni-
ing for explanations and assistance in dealing with
tive status can be revealing. These cautions are given
the client's difficulties in high school.
to discourage the routine determination ofintelligence
etiology in oral or written psychological reports when
substantial evidence is lacking.
This report is pitched to teachers who are mak-
ing a special education classification decision and
ADAPTING REPORTS are interested in curricular planning. In this case,
parents will likely review the report.
Assessment Procedures
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (Wechsler)
Diagnostic Interview
Mental Status Exam
Sentence Completion Test
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Comprehensive Form (K-TEA)
Family History (By mail)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent (MMPI-A)
Referral Information
Harry's father initiated the evaluation process. He was referred by a local tutoring service. Harry is having some dif-
ficulty with his coursework at the residential high school he attends. Harry also expressed an interest in determin-
ing whether or not he has a learning disability and in deciding whether or not to attend college.
Background Information
Harry grew up in a large eastern city with his parents and his older sister. His father and mother both have some
college education. His father is a manager, and his mother is a nurse.
Harry's parents describe his developmental history as normal. He was also described as having school problems
at an early age. During elementary school, he had difficulty with reading, writing, and arithmetic, and a generally
slow rate of learning. His parents provided for tutoring beginning in the fourth grade. Harry also had ear surgery
when he was 9 years old to correct a mild hearing loss. His parents were told by his teachers that he had a reading
comprehension problem. His mother also reported being told that Harry had a below-average IQ and that he would
probably never be able to succeed in college. He was never retained.
Harry had many friends in grammar school, but he has had some problems with social relationships in high
school. Harry describes himself as being rebellious during his teenage years. He obtained primarily average grades.
He stated that he did not like himself until his junior year when he read a self-help book. When he was 10, he was
seriously injured in a train wreck. He has a large scar on his cheek that he said is the result of being thrown into a
seat during the accident. Harry reported that he was unconscious for about a week. Harry was in a rehabilitation
program at University Hospital for about a month, where he received speech and physical therapy. Harry said that
he had to learn how to write and speak all over again. He said that his school grades were about the same before and
after the accident. He did miss a great deal of school because of the accident.
At school Harry lives in a dormitory. He had particular problems this past year with a political science class, for
which he received tutoring. He has also received poor grades in the sciences, mathematics, and history. He has re-
ceived better grades in art, physical education, and music. His cumulative grade point average is now a 2.0 (where
2.0 = C). He has scored poorly on college entrance exams. He reports that "studying does not help."
Harry is involved in other student activities including a French club and band. He likes dancing, conversation,
"hanging out with friends," and parties. Harry expressed some concern about not having a girlfriend.
Information 5
Similarities 9
Arithmetic 6
Vocabulary 10
Comprehension 5
Digit Span 8
Picture Completion 6
Coding IO
Picture Arrangement 5
Block Design 5
Object Assembly 5
Symbol Search 9
This report attempts to follow the guidelines of Tallent (1988) for a "case-focused report." In this case the audience
consists of the treatment team at the hospital, which includes the attending psychiatrist, nurses, aides, teachers, and
social workers.
Assessment Procedures
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (Wechsler)
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Survey Form (Vineland)
Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener (BASIS)
Clinical Interview
Teacher Interview
Record Review
Classroom Observation
Referral Information
Shawn was referred by the Director of Psychological Services for a 3-year reevaluation to determine whether or not
his educational placement was still appropriate.
Background Information
Shawn's mother describes his early development as uneventful. She did note, however, that many of his early mile-
stones were delayed. He did not speak in sentences until about age 5. She describes him as a compliant child who
has not presented any significant behavior problems.
Similarly, his special education teacher describes him as hard working and polite. She also reports that he is well
liked by the other students and is a leader in the class. She does wonder if he sometimes does not work up to his
Shawn seems to be a congenial adolescent who is functioning in the well-below-average range intellectually and
possesses an average level of adaptive behavior skills. He shows particular strengths in practical problem-solving and
adaptive life skills. These skills are most critical for vocational success. However, his vocational success could be hin-
dered drastically by his lack of academic achievement. Therefore, his vocational plans should be addressed as soon
as possible by giving him appropriate training for a career. Also, his academic program should be intensified to bring
his academic skills up to par with his intellectual skills. Once he has accomplished this goal, Shawn shows potential
for responsible and independent functioning as an adult.
1. Shawn's vocational plans should be considered as an entry on his individual educational plan. He should begin
working with vocational rehabilitation personnel in order to plan career training for him. His individual educa-
tion plan should be adjusted so as to be congruent with his career objectives.
2. Shawn's academic expectations should be raised. He shows more intellectual and adaptive behavior potential than
he is applying to the academic situation. He may respond, because of his very pleasant personality, to tutoring by
peers. This practice would have the added benefit of allowing him to interact with positive peer models.
3. An attempt should be made to get Shawn involved in extracurricular school activities. Indications are from
Shawn, and the peer group that he interacts with, that he may be tempted to drop out of school prior to high
school graduation. Involvement in extracurricular activities would perhaps provide the immersion necessary to
keep him in school through graduation.
4. Shawn should be referred to the dropout prevention program for evaluation.
when reporting intelligence test results in a vari- "Janie obtained a WISC-III Full Scale stan-
ety of ways. Some examples of how report writ- dard score of 109 (106-112)."
ers have included confidence bands are shown "There is a 68% probability that Janie's three
below. Full Scale standard scores lie within the range
of scores of 106-112."
"Janie obtained a WISC-III Full Scale stan-
dard score of 109± 3." Report writers also use differing levels of con-
"Janie obtained a WISC-III Full Scale stan- fidence. While the above examples use 1 SEM
dard score ofl09 ± 3.19." (68%), many report writers adhere to Kaufman's
(1979b) advice and use a 90% confidence band. LEVEL RANGE INIQ
Of course, the decision is up to the examiner,
who must consider factors such as the nature Idiots 0-24
of his or her audience. In order to promote this Imbeciles 25-49
flexibility, most test manuals offer 68%, 85%, Morons 50-74
90%, 95%, and 99% confidence bands. One of Borderline 75-84
the examples above uses decimals although most
Dull 85-94
manuals use only whole numbers for simplicity
of calculation. Average 95-104
This text will use 90% confidence bands be- Bright 105-114
cause of Kaufman's (1979b) precedent, but also Very Bright 115-124
because this book emphasizes using percentile Superior 125-149
ranks in report writing. Higher levels of confi- Very Superior 150-174
dence (95% and 99%) produce such large per-
Precocious 175 and over
centile rank bands that the scores look grossly
inexact. This is an artifact of the nature of the
The typical procedure used by modern psy-
percentile rank scale and its unequal intervals
chologists is to place the Full Scale standard
(see Chapter 5).
score into the Wechsler classification system
given in the WISC-R manual (Wechsler, 1974).
This classification system is given below. This
Score Classification Schemes
system is very similar to that of Levine and
Some of the systems used today are very old Marks (1928).
and in need of revision in the light of changes
in terminology. The Wechsler-Binet classifica- FULL SCALE
tion systems can be traced to the early part of CLASSIFICATION STANDARD SCORE
last century. They are very similar to descriptive
schemes proposed by writers such as Pintner Very Superior 130 and above
(1923) and Levine and Marks (1928). Pintner's Superior 120-129
(1923, p. 77) early classification scheme is shown Above Average (bright) 110-119
below. Average 90-109
Below Average (dull) 80-89
Mentally Deficient 69 and below
Feebleminded 0-69
Borderline 70-79 Using the classification system ofWechsler, if a
Backward 80-89 child obtains a score of 105, he or she is classified as
average, 84 as below average, 126 as superior, etc.
Normal 90-109
What is to be said, however, if a child obtains a
Bright 110-119 score of 109? It does not seem fair, given what we
Very Bright 120-129 know about the standard error of measurement, to
Very Superior 130 and above assign this child to the "average" classification. In
order to address this problem I have devised a rule
The classification system of Levine and Marks for my own students. Given that the standard error
(1928, p.131) is as follows: of measurement for the Full Scale standard score
Yet another nonevaluative classification sys- issue at all. I am sympathetic to the point of view
tem is offered by the Differential Ability Scales that parents do tend to take scores too seriously.
(DAS; Elliott, 1990b). Much to my chagrin, I have even seen IQ scores
Fish (1990) offered an intelligence classifica- used by parents to play "oneupmanship" at cock-
tion scheme that is also descriptive and yet is not tail parties. On the other hand, test scores can
easily confused with diagnostic categories. Fish's enhance the clarity of communication. If I were
scheme includes the following score ranges and told that my child was below average, I would
classifications (where M=lO0 and SD=15). not be satisfied with that. I would want to know
exactly how far below average.
Significantly below average 69 and below One option is to effect a compromise by re-
Moderately below average 70-79 porting scores, but also clearly stating the error
Below average 80-89 associated with them. The score that many
prefer is the percentile rank, as this score seems
Average 90-109
to be the most easily understood by parents
Above average 110-119 (Lyman, 1998). In addition, Lyman (1998) sug-
Moderately above average 120-129 gested using percentile rank confidence bands.
Significantly above average 130 and above This practice is consistent with my bias of
gearing reports to the least sophisticated audi-
I have used the Kaufman and Kaufman (1983b) ence. If a psychologist can communicate effec-
and Fish (1990) systems throughout most of this tively with an unsophisticated audience, then he
book because, in my opinion, these seem less or she will have no difficulty with other audi-
evaluative. ences. In addition, percentile ranks are less apt
Undoubtedly, psychologists will find that to produce inaccurate reactions that are more
other systems are more appropriate for particular typically associated with IQ scores (Kellerman
settings. The point being made by offering so & Burry, 1981 ). A sample sentence from a re-
many different classification schemes is that the port using these guidelines may read something
decision to use a particular system should be like this:
made by the psychologist writing the report. The
psychologist should choose a system based upon "Laura's intelligence test scores fell in the aver-
the setting in which the report is being written, age range.
the purpose(s) of the evaluation, the audience for Her performance exceeded that of anywhere
the report, and other factors. Clinicians should from 25 to 50 percent of the children her age."
not use a system just because it is written in a test
manual, particularly if the system is likely to pro- This practice is in contrast to the more tra-
mote confusion or even inappropriate practice. ditional practice of giving the obtained score
with a confidence band. This approach would
Reporting Scores read something like:
Another debate in report writing is the issue of "Laura obtained a WISC-III Full Scale IQ of
whether or not, or how, to report scores. Some 95 ± 5."
professors argue that IQs should never be given
in a report because they are prone to misinterpre- An excellent example of using percentile rank
tation, particularly overinterpretation, by parents confidence bands to communicate with parents is
and others. Yet other professors and supervisors available for the Peabody Individual Achievement
do not see including scores in the report as an Test-Revised (PIAT-R; Markwardt, 1991) report
Psychological Report
Name: Connie P.
Birth date: 7/31/73
Age: 16 years, 2 months
Date of Report: 10/6/89
Gender: female
Grade: 11
Evaluated by: Ashley S. Kamphaus, B.A., psychology practicum student
Assessment Procedures
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III)
Referral Questions
This evaluation was requested by Connie's treatment team coordinator at the psychiatric hospital while she
was being treated as an inpatient. Specifically, the treatment team wanted to rule out mental retardation as
a possible contributory factor to her depression.
Background Information
Connie has had a tumultuous family background. She has never known her biological father. For the first
3 years of her life she was reared by foster parents. Since that time she has lived with her biological mother.
Her mother has married and divorced three times. Consequently, Connie has moved and changed schools
frequently, resulting in her missing a considerable amount of school. Her mother currently works as an
administrative secretary.
Connie has always been cited by her teachers as being an underachiever. Although she has never failed
a grade, she reportedly tends to do just the minimum to get by. Her grades have ranged from Es to Ds.
According to her mother, Connie's current problems with alcohol abuse can be traced to the 8th grade.
During this year, she moved to a less-man-desirable neighborhood. She began to associate with a group
of older children who were heavy users of alcohol and drugs. For some reason, Connie has avoided sig-
nificant drug use in spite of peer influence. She has been drinking beer and/or hard liquor at least 5 days
a week since the 8th grade.
Sample psychological report for Connie
Information 13
Similarities 13
Arithmetic 13
Vocabulary 12
Comprehension 13
Digit Span 13
Picture Completion 14
Coding 4
Picture Arrangement 10
Block Design 10
Object Assembly 10
Symbol Search 9
that is superfluous or an undue invasion of privacy attributed to the father. Statements that could
(Teglasi, 1983). Material should only be included if be used for making such attributions include
it has some potential impact on the interpretation the following:
of the child's scores in order to answer the referral
question(s). "According to ..."
While parental occupation and marital sta-
"His father/mother said ..."
tus are generally private subjects, these may be
important pieces of information, given what is "His mother's/father's opinion is ..."
currently known about the effects of SES and "His teacher's view of the situation is ..."
parental strife (divorce) on a child's cognitive
"_____ reports that ..."
functioning (see Chapter 3). A sample of how
background information may be written in a re- "_ _ _ _ acknowledges that ..."
port is provided in Figure 18.3.
The report writer should also be clear about If care is not taken to make clear the sources
the sources of information. If the father views of information, questions may arise at the time
his son as lazy, then this statement should be that feedback is given to involved parties.
Sensitive background information should also 3. Global composite score percentile rank confi-
be corroborated, or excluded from the report if dence bands
it is inflammatory and cannot be corroborated.
For example, a 5-year-old may say something like
"mother shoots people," and later the psychologist
discovers that the child's mother is a police officer. 4. Area score (e.g., Verbal, Performance, or
Previous assessment results should also be in- other composite scores based on two or more
cluded in this section (Teglasi, 1983). Also, previ- subtests) classification, conclusions, and sup-
ous experiences with psychological or educational porting evidence
interventions should be noted here.
5. Area score percentile rank confidence bands
If several evaluations are already available, the
report writer can simply refer the reader to an-
other source (Zimmerman & Woo-Sam, 1967). THIRD PARAGRAPH
This practice can substantially reduce bulk.
6. Shared subtest conclusions and supporting
Observations and
Interview Results
In this section the behaviors that the child ex-
hibits during the assessment are recorded. The 7. Single subtest conclusions and supporting
behaviors that may be significant were cited in evidence
Chapters 3 and 5. When writing this section, the
number of observations made, the setting where This outline, of necessity, may promote stilted
the observations were made (e.g., school, clinic, writing at first. It is intended to ensure that stu-
etc.), and the person who made the observations dents apply the same interpretive logic to their
should be included (Teglasi, 1983). Observations report writing that they applied to interpretation.
for Connie are shown in Figure 18.3. At this point in the report the intelligence test
This section is also the place to enter inter- results should also be integrated with other find-
view results that may assist in the process of cor- ings, as "the IQ score ... does not exist in a vac-
roborating or rejecting hypotheses. uum" (Kellerman & Burry, 1981).
Less stilted usage of this and similar report
formats is demonstrated in several of the chap-
Assessment Results ters. A sample of this section of a report is given
and Interpretation in Figure 18.3.
This section is where the intelligence test results
for the child are reported. For the beginning re- Summary
port writer who is trying to communicate with
parents, the following sequence for reporting in- The final section of the report is intended to give
telligence test results is suggested. an overview of the major findings (see Figure
18.3). This review helps ensure that the reader
FIRST PARAGRAPH understands the major points made in the report.
A rule of thumb for writing summaries is to use
1. Introduction to the WISC-III one sentence to summarize each section of the
2. Global composite score (e.g., Full Scale or report. In addition, a sentence should be devoted
overall composite from other tests) classifica- to each major finding presented in the test results
tion, conclusions, and supporting evidence section and to each recommendation. In some
cases, one sentence can be used to summarize Students should also be careful to represent
multiple findings and recommendations, as was themselves accurately. A title such as practicum
done for the sample report given in Figure 18.3. student, intern, trainee, or something similar
One of the common pitfalls in preparing sum- should be used. Psychological custom also deter-
maries is including new information in the sum- mines the inclusion of the highest degree ob-
mary section. If an examiner introduces a new tained by the clinician.
finding in the summary, then the reader is lost.
The reader has no idea as to the source or ratio-
nale behind the conclusion. I suggest that stu-
Writing Recommendations
dents read their draft summaries carefully and This part of a report is often the most difficult
check every conclusion made in the summary for new clinicians to write. It is difficult primar-
against the body of the report. ily because it requires them to draw on informa-
tion from a host of graduate training, practicum,
and internship experiences. Fortunately, the age
Signatures of the Internet has eased this process. Numerous
Reports typically require signatures in order to Web sites offer suggested interventions and re-
attest to their authenticity. It is important for mediation strategies. Obviously, the quality of
clinicians to use titles that represent them accu- these suggestions is uneven and unregulated.
rately. Some states, for example, do not have The clinician can be selective about Web sites
specialty licensure, and as such the use of a title used or merely use experience to determine the
such as licensed pediatric psychologist is not ap- quality of suggestions offered. A list of some po-
propriate. In this case, a more generic term such tentially useful sources of recommendations is
as licensed psychologist should be utilized. provided in Figure 18.4.
Special Education Resources on the Internet
User-Friendly Mental Health Information and
Resource Directory service for consumers and
Addressing Student Problem Behavior
The Anxiety Panic Internet resource (tAPir)
Consensus Statement Overview: Diagnosis and
Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder l lO_intro.htm
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Disorder (CHADD)
Internet resources for report writing
Leaming Disability Policy
LD Online
Empirically Supported Treatment Documents
Healthy People 2000 home page 000/
CEC ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and
Gifted Education
At Risk Institute, USF-Home Page
Child Growth and Development l 0/
Information on Specific Mental Disorders,
Their Diagnosis and Treatment
The Preschooler's Project
CMH Depts/PsychWeb/
Intl. Soc. Infant Studies
Clinical Psychology Resources:
Psychotherapy li_pt.htm
Division 17 APA Division 17-Counseling
Phi Delta Kappa
American School Counselor Association
American Counseling Association
National Association of Child Development
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
National Association of School Psychologists
American Psychiatric Association
APA-Division 16-School Psychology
United States Department of Education
National Institute of Health
HOME PAGE: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human
Education Week
Making the Grade
National Mental Health Association
Zero to Three
School Mental Health Project
CDC's Adolescent and School Health Information
School Psychology Resources Online
school _psych.html
Adolescents Online
KidSource online
The divorce page
Gifted and Talented Page
Center for the study of Autism
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Society of Pediatric Psychology http:l/
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
AAP-The Best of the Pediatric Internet
Virtual Children's Hospital Home Page
MedWeb: Robert W. Woodruff Health
Science Center
Library of Emory University
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Home Page
Neuropsychology Central
National Academy ofNeuropsychology
The Neuropsychology Center/Neuropsychology
NIMH Human Genetics Initiative
Child Neurology Frames Page
Folkstone Design Anatomy Resources
Neurosciences on the Internet Table of Contents
Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities
Brain Injury Glossary
Genetic Conditions I Rare Conditions Information
Office of Rare Diseases (ORD)
Epilepsy FAQ
Society for Neuroscience
Physiology and Endocrinology Neuroscience
Strathearn Neurological Access Point
The Whole Brain Atlas
Mental Health Net-Neurosciences and 10.htm
N europsychology
CDC Division of Adolescent & School Health
National Information Center for Children &
Youth w/Disabilities (NICHCY)
Center for Effective Collaboration & Practice
Autism Society of America
Internet Mental Health
American Academy of Pediatrics
American School Counselor Association
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
National Mental Health Association
In order to help report writers think critically about their work, the following checklist is offered.
This "test" can be completed periodically to help ensure that reports are carefully prepared.
True False
Item (circle one)
Report writing self-test
Ricks (1959) summarizes the heart ofthe dilemma. child's father. I suggest allowing 2 hours for
such a session with parents. If it does not
The audience ofparents to which our test-based infor- take this long, then the clinician can take a
mation is to be transmitted includes an enormous range long lunch or, even less likely, see another
and variety ofminds and emotions. Some are ready and
child earlier than planned.
able to absorb what we have to say. Reaching others may
be as hopeless as reaching TV watchers with an AM 6. Practice communicating with parents from
radio broadcast. Still others may hear what we say, but a variety of backgrounds. Some parents can
clothe the message with their own special needs, ideas, be addressed as colleagues, while others may
and predilections. (p. 4) have only a limited education. Sometimes
translators may be needed.
Regardless of the potential pitfalls, parents 7. Never make an overly explicit prediction
must be informed of the results of a psychological (Lyman, 1998). A phrase to be avoided
evaluation of their child (the legal, ethical, and would be something like, "She will never go
regulatory mandates for this practice are given in to college," or "She will always have trouble
Chapter 7). with school." These types of statements can
Hints for communicating intelligence test be very offensive to parents, not to mention
results to parents include (see also Research very inaccurate.
Report 18.1):
8. Use good basic counseling skills. Every par-
I. Avoid excessive hedging or deceit. I have ent likes to talk about the trials, successes,
seen many students get into trouble with par- and tribulations of raising a child. Give par-
ents by trying to dupe them. The problem ents at least some opportunity to do this, as it
with excessive hedging or failure to report allows you to show interest in the child by
the "bad" news is that many parents sense your listening to the parent's story.
this deceit and respond to the psychologist 9. Do not engage in counseling that is beyond
with great mistrust. Honesty on the part of your level of expertise (Lyman, 1998). Par-
the clinician is also easily sensed by parents, ents are often very eager to obtain advice
which ultimately enhances the credibility of from a professional. It is inappropriate (and
the clinician. unethical by most standards) for a psychol-
2. Use percentile ranks heavily wheri describ- ogist to provide services for which he or
she is not trained. If, for example, a parent
ing levels of performance.
requests marital counseling and you have no
3. Instead of lecturing, allow parents opportu- training in this area, you should inform the
nities to participate by asking about things parent of this fact and offer a referral. In
such as their opinion of the results and how fact, the psychologist will be helped by hav-
they fit with their knowledge of their child. ing referral sources readily available for such
4. Anticipate questions prior to the interview eventualities.
and prepare responses. How would a psychol- 10. Be aware that some parents are not "ready"
ogist answer the question, "Will my son's in- to accept some test results. Some parents
telligence get better?" One way of preparing will impugn your skills because psychologi-
would be to reread Chapter 3 of this book. cally they cannot accept the fact that their
5. Schedule adequate time for the interview. child has a severe disability. They may leave
Parent conferences often become more in- the session angry, and you may feel inept.
volved than one has planned. I once had a The hope that every parent conference will
session turn into therapeutic counseling for end on a happy note is unrealistic. Examine
the mother, who had just separated from the your skills critically in response to parent
1. the initial conference analysis, where parents are asked for their own observations, impressions, and/or concerns
about the child's behavior during an evaluation or any other concerns about the assessment process,
2. the problem discussion, where the psychologist presents the various assessment findings and discusses the
implications of the assessment results,
3. the consultation process, where recommendations and intervention planning are considered and recommenda-
tions may include those related to family, the child, the clinical facility, or the child's school, and
4. the summary, where the examiner reiterates the nature of the referral, significant assessment findings, and the
recommendations and interventions to be carried out.
Tuma and Elbert (1990) further recommend that if a psychologist also has to present findings at the child's
school where a large meeting will be called, it is incumbent upon the examiner to meet with the parents prior to
the larger school conference. This allows parents and the psychologist to discuss aspects of the evaluation that
would be inappropriate in a larger meeting because some topics may be invasions of the child's (or parents) pri-
vacy and confidentiality.
feedback, but realize that some parents sim- child may have a disability. The session with
ply will not accept the results because of such a parent will likely end on a tense note.
their own personal issues. I have encoun- In many of these cases, however, the parent
tered this problem on numerous occasions, will accept the bad news after a number of
particularly if a parent had a subtle disability. evaluations of the child reveal the same re-
If a parent was labeled "slow" and ridiculed sults. Thus, the parent may be able to inter-
by peers, then this parent may become de- act more positively with the clinician on
fensive and angry at the suggestion that their their next encounter.
• A continuing debate regarding report writing Use percentile ranks heavily when describing
is the issue of whether or not, or how, to re- levels of performance.
port scores. Allow parents opportunities to participate.
• Percentile ranks are less apt to produce inaccu- Anticipate questions prior to the interview and
rate reactions that are more typically associated prepare responses.
with IQ scores.
Schedule adequate time for the interview.
• A proposed report format for new students in-
cludes the following headings. Practice communicating with parents from a
variety of backgrounds.
Identifying Information
Assessment Procedures Never make an overly explicit prediction.
Referral Questions Use good basic counseling skills.
Background Information Do not engage in counseling that is beyond
your level of expertise.
Observations and Interview Results
Assessment Results and Interpretation Be aware that some parents are not ready to
accept some test results.
• The most important thing to remember about
teacher conferences is that they should take
Recommendations place.
Psychometric Summary • The major decision that a clinician needs to
• Hints for communicating intelligence test re- make before giving feedback to a child is to de-
sults to parents include: termine the type of information that is appro-
Avoid excessive hedging or deceit. priate for a child's developmental level.
Mary Kral
The University of Georgia
disabilities and disorders of attention, for exam- traditional psychometric tests of intelligence.
ple, offer much promise for both theory and While well standardized, he cogently argued
remediation (Cohen, Branch, Willis, Weyandt, that these measures essentially assessed verbal
& Hynd,1992; Goldstein, 1992; Obrzut & Hynd, ability, and as such, served primarily as criterion
1986). measures of academic success. Halstead poi-
Characterized by investigation of underlying gnantly expressed this contention in the follow-
brain processes, the field of neuropsychology ing statement: "It is my belief that psychometric
holds the potential to contribute substantially to intelligence, as reflected by the IQ, does not ad-
current theories of intelligence. The explanatory equately indicate the 'wisdom' of the healthy
power of this field of inquiry may be particularly nervous system or of its alteration in the patho-
relevant to the developing organism. While a logical nervous system. We have repeatedly found
thorough treatise of the field is beyond the scope normal or superior IQs in neurosurgical patients
of this chapter, an attempt will be made to tie lacking up to one-fourth of the total cerebrum
current trends in neuropsychological assessment following frontal lobectomy" (cited in Reitan,
to the development and assessment of intellec- 1994, p. 55).
tual function in children. Consequently, Halstead (1947) attempted to
deliver a comprehensive theory of intelligence in
which he made a distinction between "biological
N EUROPSYCHOLOGICAL intelligence," or innate ability, and "psychological
THEORIES OF INTELLECTUAL intelligence," that which is measured by more
traditional tests of intellectual function. While
both types of intelligence were regarded as dis-
tinct, they are, nonetheless, interdependent. Hal-
Although the study of brain-behavior relation- stead devoted much of his research efforts toward
ships dates back to Aristotle (Beaumont, 1983), uncoverjng the neuroanatomical correlates of
several theoretical models have shaped the field, biological intelligence. Based upon factor analytic
both in terms of empirical investigation and in- techniques, Halstead identified four basic com-
strumentation. The contributions of Ward Hal- ponents of biological intelligence, which he la-
stead and Aleksandr Luria have been particularly beled C, A, P and D. These factors are briefly
formative. These and other theories are briefly de- described below:
scribed, with particular attention directed toward
theoretical application to intellectual function. • C, the central integ;rative field factor, comprises
the ability to flexibly adapt to new circum-
stances and to integrate novel information and
Halstead's stimuli into new symbols and frames of refer-
"Biological Intelligence" ence. The C factor enables the individual to
Regarded as the first proponent of systematic assimilate the constant and varied bombard-
neuropsychological evaluation, Ward Halstead ment ofexternal stimuli as an internalized sense
is arguably the father of clinical neuropsychol- of order.
ogy (Reitan, 1994). Primarily an experimental, • A, the abstraction factor, represents the ability
physiological psychologist, Halstead was criti- to think abstractly or to synthesize a series of
cal of prefrontal lobotomies, a widely practiced seemingly unrelated stimuli into a meaning-
intervention during his day. His objection was ful assemblage or idea. This factor affords the
leveled primarily against the nonstandardized ability to find similarity among differences,
methodology of this procedure. On the other and, conversely, uniqueness within homoge-
hand, Halstead looked with equal disfavor upon nous elements.
• P, the powerfactor, is described as the "reserve" long regarded as silent areas, are the portion of the
energy within the brain required for thinking. brain most essential to biological intelligence. They
This mental energy correlates with the rate of are the organs of civilization-the basis of man's de-
neuronal firing and is coordinated by the spair and ofhis hope for the future. (Halstead, 1947,
pp. 148-149)
frontal lobes.
• D, the directional factor, was the most difficult
component of biological intelligence to sub- While neither Halstead's factor structure nor
stantiate with factor analysis. Halstead, none- the alleged coordinating function of the frontal
theless, maintained that D is the primary lobes have been substantiated in subsequent re-
mode of expression for innate ability, includ- search, his work provided a significant founda-
ing, for example, reading, writing, speaking, tion for the clinical assessment of neurocognitive
or artistic mediums. Also, D is characterized impairment because, it appeared, his tests pro-
by attentional processes. That is, in order to vided the best means to differentiate "organic"
express intellectual ability, focused attention from "nonorganic" explanations of behavior.
or sustained mental effort is required. In particular, his battery of tests have emerged
as a standard core battery, as evidenced in the
Having established these components of bio- Halstead-Reitan N europsychological Batteries
logical intelligence, Halstead's work turned to (Reitan, 1994; Reynolds, 1981 b).
the discovery of their neuroanatomical correlates.
This seminal work served as the very foundation
of contemporary neuropsychology (Reynolds, Luria's
1981b). To this end, he developed a battery of "Functional Systems Model"
tests to assess the C, A, P and D factors. This bat-
tery lead to the development of the well-known Aleksandr Luria, a soviet neuropsychologist and
Halstead Impairment Index, as performance on prolific researcher, offered an alternative model
these measures reliably discriminated among in- of intellectual function from a neuropsycho-
dividuals who had suffered brain insult from those logical perspective. In accord with Halstead,
who had not. Also premonitory, Halstead main- Luria ascribed a central role to the frontal lobes
tained that the components of biological intelli- in mediating intellectual function. However,
gence were differentially represented throughout influenced by the work of Karl Lashley, Luria
the cerebral cortex, although primacy was attrib- offered an integrationist model, or the func-
uted to the frontal lobes, the seat of higher cogni- tional systems model (Luria, 1966, 1973, 1980).
tive function: As such, this model suggests that behavior is the
result of coordinated efforts among three hier-
Biological intelligence is a basic function of the brain archically organized functional units:
and is essentialfor many forms ofadaptive behavior of
the human organism. While it is represented through- 1. The first functional unit, the subcortical unit,
out the cerebral cortex, its representation is not equal "is subserved by the brainstem, reticular for-
throughout. It is distributed in a gradient with its mation and midbrain (including areas of the
maximal representation occurring in the cortex ofthe
limbic system and hippocampus). This unit
frontal lobes. The nuclear structure ofbiological intel-
ligence comprises four basic factors which, in unified
functions as the conscious base, organizing
fashion, enter into all cognitive activities. While these and regulating the functions of the other
factors make possible the highest reaches ofhuman in- units. The subcortical unit, therefore, medi-
tellect, their dysfunction, as produced by brain dam- ates arousal, regulates the energy level or "cor-
age, may yield progressively maladaptive forms of tical tone" of the brain, and supports functions
behavior, 01· "biological neurosis. " The frontal lobes, such as orientation, learning, and memory.
2. The second functional unit, the posterior corti- such as block design and puzzles. Neuroanatomi-
cal unit, is located in the parietal, occipital and cal correlates of this type of processing are located
temporal lobes, including projections radiat- in the parietal and occipital lobes. Luria main-
ing from the thalamus. Compared to the gen- tained that these two methods ofinformation pro-
eral arousal function of the first unit, the cessing are not modality specific. That is, both
second unit subserves very specific functions verbal and nonverbal stimuli may be processed
(e.g., auditory processing in the temporal re- either successively or simultaneously. However,
gion, visual processing in the occipital region, one or the other mode is more efficient for certain
and tactile processing in the parietal region). stimuli (e.g., language is most efficiently processed
Frequently referred to as the association areas via successive means, where as figure drawing is
of the cortex, most cognitive information pro- most effectively processed simultaneously).
cessing occurs in this unit, including recep- Neuropsychological evaluation, following
tion, storage, and analysis of sensory input. from this integrationist view, was described as
3. The third functional unit, the anterior cortical "synthesis analysis" (Luria, 1970). Following
unit, is comprised of the remainder of the from this perspective, impairment in one unit
cortex anterior to the central sulcus (princi- will necessarily affect the integrity of the whole,
pally the frontal lobes and their projections). interconnected system. However, failure in a
Involved in every complex, higher-order be- particular unit may also produce specific distur-
havior, this unit activates the brain; regulates bances in behavior. For example, a focal lesion
attention and concentration; and plans, initi- may produce specific impairment, depending
ates, and monitors behavior and mental activ- upon the systems involved (e.g., a focal lesion
ity. In short, this third unit serves an "executive in the occipital region may produce visual dis-
function" for the entire system. orientation). Luria was therefore critical of
quantitative, norm-referenced assessment, which
Figure 19.1 offers a pictorial view of Luria's tends to !'!rroneously categorize function and re-
functional systems model. Intelligent behavior, duce disparate information into summary scores
according to Luria, "is not a property of only Qorgensen & Christensen, 1995). Instead, Luria
one of these functional parts, but requires the adopted a more qualitative approach, involving
coordination of all three functional units, each careful analysis of individual performance and
of them playing its own, highly specific role, in observation of problem-solving behaviors on a
the organization of behavioral processes" (Luria, variety of tests. Additionally, a pattern analysis
1973, p. 5). was preferred to single test performance, as em-
Luria (1966) also described two modes of in- phasized within the quantitative tradition. Luria
formation processing that are primarily accom- was also critical of the emphasis placed on re-
plished by the second functional unit, in concert liability of results in standardized testing, calling
with the first and third units. Successive processing attention to the varied performance of patients
involves sequential, temporally based, linear pro- who suffer brain injury. Reliability, according
cessing. Serial tasks, such as learning to write, in to Luria, occurs when a similar functional deficit
which the elements are related to one another in a associated with a particular syndrome is mani-
linear fashion, involve successive processing. Luria fested consistently on several tests that pur-
maintained that this type of information process- portedly assess the same function. The Luria
ing was subserved by the frontal and temporal Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB)
lobes. Conversely, simultaneous processing is em- was developed from this qualitative approach
ployed when all elements of a stimulus can be sur- (Golden, 1997). The psychometric properties of
veyed at the same time. For example, visual-spatial this instrument will be further detailed in subse-
tasks involve this type of information processing, quent sections.
Central Parietal Lobe
Cerebral Cerebellum
Reticular Formation
(A) (B)
Prefrontal Prefrontal
Region Region
(C) (D)
Depiction of Luria's "functional systems" of the brain. A. Gross anatomy of the human brain, left hemisphere view.
The remaining depictions identify the three major units of the brain involved in the organization of behavior.
B. The subcortical unit includes the brain stem and evolutionarily "old cortex." It serves a regulatory function in
wakefulness and responsiveness to stimuli. C. The posterior cortical unit includes regions of the association cortex
posterior to the central sulcus (parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes), as illustrated by the shaded areas. These cor-
tical regions mediate the analysis, coding, and storage of information. D. The shaded area denotes the anterior
cortical unit, comprised of the regions anterior to the central sulcus (i.e., the frontal lobes, including the motor strip).
This region is involved in the formation of intentions and planning.
So uRcE: Adapted from Luria (1970).
Input Output
Serial Concurrent Serial Concurrent
First Third
Functional Unit Functional Unit
c0 E E c0 E
0. E
0. 0.
s s
<l) <l)
u <l)
u <l)
.... <l)
u u
<l) <l)
0... 0...
u O
I Perceptual
The PASS model of intellectual function. Based upon Luria's theory of "functional units," the
PASS model purports that attention, simultaneous and successive processing, and planning,
while subserved by distinct regions in the brain, are interrelated components of cognition.
These units operate concertedly in the knowledge acquisition process. In addition, prior learn-
ing, or one's knowledge base, influences the learning process and moderates on-going process-
ing of information.
SoVRcE: Naglieri & Das, 1990, p. 316. Originally appeared in Das, Naglieri, & Kirby, 1994. Reprinted with permission.
units form a dynamic, interrelated system within Das, 1997) is offered as an alternative test of in-
the PASS model, where each unit responds to the telligence. Standardized with a nationally repre-
developmental changes and experiences of an in- sentative group of 2,200 children and adolescents,
dividual, and yet concurrently maintain distinct the CAS is normed for ages 5 years through 17
functions. In this sense, experience or a knowl- years, 11 months. Unlike the atheoretical nature
edge base is the product of the interrelated activ- of more traditional tests of intelligence, the CAS
ity of these functional units. is comprised of four scales following from Luria's
The authors of the PASS model contend that functional systems model. The tasks comprising
constructs such as "intelligence" and "IQ" are the four scales were designed to assess basic cog-
obsolete and should be replaced by the assess- nitive processes, as opposed to cognitive abilities,
ment of "cognitive processes." That is, tested which are sensitive to educational experience.
models of cognitive processing should be utilized The structure of the CAS offers a 12-subtest
when attempting to measure intellectual func- standard battery and an abbreviated 8-subtest
tion: "The PASS view of cognitive processes basic battery. The subtests associated with each of
opposes general ability as a real entity and ques- the PASS scales are listed below.
tions its value as an average or composite mea- The CAS yields standard scores for the sub-
sure of a set of processes. This concept is limited tests and composite scores for the PASS scales,
because it does not adequately recognize that which combine to yield a full scale score. The au-
human cognitive functioning is comprised of thors report reliability coefficients ranging from
varied cognitive processes. The conception of .95 to .97 for the Standard Battery Full Scale
general intelligence does not describe adequately score, and the following coefficients for the PASS
the processes by which intelligent action is pro- scale scores: .88 (Planning), .88 (Attention), .93
duced, nor does it suggest a means to enhance (Simultaneous), and .93 (Successive).
performance" (Naglieri & Das, 1990, p. 331). While the authors of the CAS have presented
Moreover, Naglieri and Das (1988) maintain that consider,able research with various populations,
two impo.rtant aspects of intellectual function- particularly factor analytic support for the valid-
namely, planning and attention-are missing ity of a four-factor solution (e.g., Das, Mensink,
from more traditional measures of intelligence, & Mishra, 1990; N aglieri & Das, 1987; N aglieri,
possibly accounting for the fact that IQ tests Das, Stevens, & Ledbetter, 1991), further empir-
are not good discriminators of frontal lobe dam- ical exploration concerning reliability and valid-
age or sensitive to differences characterized by ity is needed by independent investigators.
exceptional populations, particularly children Preliminary review of the CAS highlighted the
with learning disabilities (Naglieri & Das, 1990; inconsistent use of different subtests that pur-
Lezak, 1995). portedly measure the PASS components across
Based on the PASS model, the Das-Naglieri separate empirical investigations, resulting in com-
Cognitive Assessment System (CAS; Naglieri & promised factor analytic results (Telzrow, 1990).
Additionally, Lambert (1990) suggested that this Far from the overpopularized and oversimpli-
factor analytic research was erroneously consid- fied notions of "right-brain" and "left-brain"
ered apart from the contribution of general in- function, this field of research is sizable and com-
tellectual ability, or "g." More recently, Carroll plex. No attempt will be made here to present a
(1995) and Kranzler and Weng (1995a, 19956) thorough overview of the literature; a descrip-
reanalyzed the data from many of these factor an- tion of the research will necessarily be concise.
alytic studies. These investigators concluded that Contemporary research, which followed from
the PASS model does not provide an adequate examination of split-brain patients, has utilized a
"fit" for the obtained correlational structure. For number of highly specialized tasks to examine
example, the Planning and Attention scales perceptual asymmetries and to localize special-
proved to be highly correlated and, thus, indistin- ization of function (e.g., dichotic listening tasks,
guishable. Instead, an underlying neurological tachistoscopic visual-perceptual tasks, and haptic
process, such as speed of information processing, identification tasks). General agreement exists
may be shared by the timed subtests of these within the literature to suggest that the left hemi-
scales. Moreover, subtests from each of the PASS sphere is specialized for linguistic, serial, and
scales loaded significantly on a general ability fac- analytic tasks, as demonstrated in patients with
tor, "g," accounting for more variance on the aphasic disorders (i.e., disorders of speech), or
CAS than on more traditional measures of intel- patients with unilateral damage to the left hemi-
ligence. In sum, while commendation should be sphere. Conversely, unilateral damage to the right
extended to the authors of the CAS for their at- hemisphere revealed the relative specialization of
tempt to develop a battery firmly grounded in this cerebral region for visual-spatial processes,
neuropsychological theory, further empirical val- face recognition, music perception and percep-
idation of the constructs purportedly assessed by tion of affective components of speech (Bryden
this measure is necessary. & Saxby, 1986; Spreen, Rissell, & Edgell, 1995).
Rather than viewing these relative specializations
as strictly dichotomous, the widely held view
Cerebral Lateralization
contends that functional asymmetries exist along
Not unlike the theoretical basis for the PASS a continuum, the difference between hemispheric
model, research in the area of cerebral lateraliza- function being one of quantity rather than quality
tion draws heavily from information processing (Hahn, 1987).
theory and cognitive psychology. As such, it may Whether cerebral lateralization is present at
very well hold the potential to integrate all three birth or results from developmental changes has
previously outlined models (Reynolds, 1981 b). been the target of much empirical investigation
The theory of cerebral lateralization finds its and theorizing in neuropsychology. The work
basis in Sperry's classic "split-brain" studies, which of Karl Lashley and others suggest that the im-
involved an operation that severed the com- mature brain possesses "equipotentiality," and
missural connections between the hemispheres. specialization of hemispheric function is the re-
Independent functioning of the two cerebral sult of a developmental process. For example,
hemispheres was the presumed result, affording damage to the left hemisphere at an early age
the study of the relative specialization of each may result in compensatory specialization for
hemisphere for the processing of various tasks. language within the right hemisphere (Hahn,
Theories of cerebral lateralization, therefore, 1987). Conversely, Kinsbourne (1982) offered
concern functional asymmetries, or the relative the selective activation hypothesis, maintaining
specialization of one hemisphere for a particular that hemispheric asymmetries are "hard wired"
function (Hynd & Willis, 1988). both anatomically and functionally from birth
and remain constant throughout development. lative (Bryden & Saxby, 1986; Hahn, 1987; Spreen,
Because there is contralateral representation of Rissell & Edgell, 1995). In a longitudinal study
sensory information in the cerebral cortex, per- of 93 children, Sulzbacher, Thomson, Farwell,
haps differential activation of these pathways ac- Temkin, and Holubkov (1994) report negligible
counts for hemispheric dominance for different correlations between lateral preferences and
perceptual abilities. In the statement to follow, measures of intelligence (.08) and achievement
K.insbourne underscores the interconnection, via (ranging from -.04 to .02). The authors con-
commissural pathways, between these specialized clude, "children who demonstrated inconsis-
cerebral regions that operate concertedly to pro- tencies in hand, eye and foot lateral preference
duce behavior: at an early age did not subsequently demonstrate
intellectual or academic deficits. In fact no re-
lationship was found between early lateral con-
Lateralization provides neural distance, not between
sistency and later intellectual performance or
alternative mutually exclusive acts, but between comple-
mentary component processes that combine to program a academic achievement" (p. 477).
unitary pattern ofbehavior. (p. 413)
Not only do children differ in the types of brain insult Still, the contribution of a number of other
commonly experienced, they also differ with respect to variables highlights the complex nature of child
the specificity of behavioral effects manifested, the pat- neuropsychological assessment (Obrzut & Hynd,
tern and course of (re)acquisition offunction after in- 1986). Neurological variables, such as the presence
jury, the modifying effects of ongoing developmental and length of unconsciousness, type of treatment
change, and the extent to which deficits sometimes can be
following injury (e.g., surgery, irradiation, or
delayed or "silent" until later developmental periods.
chemotherapy), type and size of lesion, and the
Developmentalists argue that a child should never be
viewed as simply a scaled-down version of an adult.
extent and location of brain damage, also must be
Likewise, an appropriate assessment of brain-behavior considered. Cognitive factors, namely the specific
relationships in children cannot be based simply on mental activities implicated in brain insult and
scaled-down versions of assessment methods used with the cognitive complexity of such functions, are
adults. (p. 4) important considerations as well. As highlighted
previously, the onset of symptoms associated with
The relationship of brain injury within the con- neurological impairment may be delayed due
text of develop~ent is, therefore, multivariate and to development. Environmental variables, such
a complex interaction. Obrzut and Hynd (1986) as socioeconomic status and educational attain-
highlight several developmental variables that ment have demonstrated sizable contributions to
must be considered in the context of neuropsy- the outcome of neurological trauma. And, finally,
chological assessment with children. Among these premorbid functioning is a critically important
variables, age ofonset ofinjury may likely constitute part of neuropsychological assessment, especially
the developmental factor that elicits the greatest when establishing a decrement in function sub-
debate. In children, the age at which brain injury is sequent to brain insult. Very often, however, a
acquired plays a critically important role when referential baseline, such as intelligence test
attempting to untangle the complex interactions scores, is not available, and in these cases pre-
of stage of brain development, environmental morbid functioning must be estimated (Craw-
demands at the time of injury, and nature of the ford, 1992).
brain injury. "Plasticity" of brain function and
critical periods for "transfer of function" are rele-
vant issues in this regard (see Box 19.1 for more Assessing Premorbid
information). Also, Hynd and Willis (1988) refer-
ence the extant literature in cognitive psychology,
Level of Functioning
which suggests that children may perform differ- Estimation of premorbid function, or establish-
ently on similar tasks at different developmental ing a referential baseline of preinjury ability, has
stages, employing different cognitive strategies historically been a difficult endeavor. In recent
at each stage. Finally, children who exper-ience years, while investigation of the predictive accu-
brain insult at an early age may not demonstrate racy ofseveral methods has been on the rise, there
deficits until certain cognitive functions that rely remains no consensus regarding a superior method
upon the impaired cortical regions reach maturity for estimating premorbid functioning (Johnstone,
at a later age (Williams & Boll, 1997). The issue Slaughter, Schaap, McAllister, Schwake, & Lueb-
of organicity vs. ontogenetic development poses an bering, 1997). Moreover, there remains a paucity
often nebulous distinction between neurodevel- of empirical efforts aimed specifically toward
opmental anomalies and individual differences in the estimation of children's premorbid ability
the rate and pattern of development. That is, (Franzen, Burgess, & Smith-Seemiller, 1997).
making a distinction between developmental lag As previously stated, premorbid functioning is
versus abnormal cortical development is a mercu- an integral component of neuropsychological as-
rial undertaking. sessment. In most cases, a defensible decrement
The period from six months from conception to several years after birth is called the period of organiza-
tion. During this time several processes are being completed: the alignment, orientation and layering of
cortical neurons; the elaboration of dendrites and axons; contacts between synapses; elective elimination
of many cells; and glial proliferation and differentiation. Relatively little is known about the primary dis-
orders at this time, with the exception of response to trauma (such as birth injury). The final stage is myeli-
nation. This is most rapid immediately after birth but continues to adulthood. Again, primary disturbances
of this stage are little documented, but certainly some of the effects of malnutrition in early infancy can
be attributed to interference with this process. (pp. 17-18)
While substantial empirical evidence would seem to challenge the concept of brain plasticity, the aforementioned
neurodevelopmental scene sheds some light on the potential vulnerability and resilience of the developing brain.
Depending upon the nature of injury, the effect of early brain insult on intellectual function is variable. In a
study of children with unilateral lesion sustained prior to 6 months of age, Aram, Ekelman, Rose, and Whitaker
(1985) report little decrement in intellectual function when assessed between the ages of 18 months to 8 years
postinjury. Conversely, Nass and Peterson (1989) report greater deficits in intellectual function among a group of
children with right-hemisphere congenital injury. The authors suggest that early right-hemisphere damage results
in more severe deficits in overall intellectual function, as compared with early left-hemisphere damage. Similarly,
in a summarization of research findings concerning the effects of early damage to the frontal lobes, Kolb and
Fantie (1997) conclude, "Although there are likely differences in etiology and extent of injuries in the children in
different studies, the overriding conclusion that intelligence is severely compromised by early frontal injuries is
inescapable" (p. 36). In general, nature seems to confer a preferential sparing of certain functions (especially lan-
guage) subsequent to brain injury sustained very early in life. However, this sparing of function is often not with-
out cost to other functional domains.
Banich, Levine, Kim, and Huttenlocher (1990) investigated the differential effects of congenital lesion on Vo-
cabulary and Block Design subtest scores of the WISC-Rover time. Congenital conditions are those conditions
present at birth, the etiology of which is not attributable to genetic factors. The results of this study suggest that
length of recovery period has a significant effect on intellectual functioning. At age 6, children with congenital le-
sion performed similarly to age-matched controls on measures ofverbal (Vocabulary) and nonverbal (Block Design)
abilities. However, with increasing age these children demonstrated progressive decrements in function (see figure
on next page). The authors offer tentative hypotheses that relate directly to plasticity of function:
The reorganizational capacity of the young lesioned brain is adequate to support early developing
functions, but not more complex functions that typically develop later, as the normal brain matures. Early
A graphic representation of differential performance on both WISC-R Vocabulary and Block Design subtests over
time appears below.
0 40
u u
30 30
... 20 ... 20
:;I 10 ::, 10
0 0
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Age (in Years) Age (in Years)
Coding, and Block Design), to yield the follow- with and without brain impairment (Klesges,
ing equation: 1982; Klesges & Sanchez, 1981). Moreover,
Franzen et al. (1997) suggest that the clinical util-
hold-don't hold ity of regression formulas is suspect, as the ob-
hold tained correlation provides information about the
linear relationship between demographic variables
Performance on the "hold" subtests was pre- and IQ, as opposed to providing information
sumed to be free from impairment or deteriora- about the accuracy ofIQ estimates.
tion following brain injury, as compared with Clinicaljudgement is often utilized in the absence
performance on "don't hold" subtests, which of a standard and reliable method for predicting
was thought to reflect marked decrements in cog- premorbid intellectual function, relying upon clin-
nitive function (Crawford, 1992). Estimates of ical acumen and the synthesis of multiple sources
premorbid function based on "hold-don't hold" of information (e.g., school records, standardized
formulas have proven to be "notoriously unreli- tests of achievement, parent interview, medical
able" (Klesges, Fisher, Vasey, & Pheley, 1985). records and developmental history) to determine
N europsychological theories of intellectual func- a decline in function. According to a recent sur-
tion may shed some light on this empirical find- vey of neuropsychologists, the most frequently
ing. This method assumes equal functioning used method was indeed clinical judgment (Smith-
across all cognitive domains prior to injury, an Seemiller, Franzen, Burgess, & Prieto, 1997). In
erroneous assumption particularly for the devel- an empirical investigation designed to compare
oping brain. Also, empirical investigation sug- the predictive validity of clinical judgment versus
gests that some "hold" subtests (e.g., Vocabulary) demographic regression formulas, clinician's IQ
are differentially affected by neurological trauma, estimates approximated those obtained with mul-
depending upon the size and extent of injury, tiple regression formulas, producing significantly
than previously presumed. Additional criticism narrower confidence intervals, in fact, than those
of this estimation formula includes the failure to derived from the regression formulas (Kareken &
account for regression effects and measurement Williams, 1994). These authors recommend cau-
error, leading to overestimations of premorbid tious application of this estimation methodology,
function in many cases (Franzen et al., 1997). favoring the use of actuarial methods that may
Demographically based regression formulas were minimize sources of bias, such as failure to con-
offered as an alternative to the "hold-don't hold" sider such variables as regression to the mean when
formula (e.g., Reynolds & Gutkin, 1979). Vari- making an estimate. A child with a premorbid IQ
ables such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and of 130, who loses 20-25 IQ points subsequent to
education were utilized in multiple regression for- head trauma, may be missed because they appear
mulas with the original WISC-R standardization "normal" (Reynolds, 1997). Cases such as this un-
sample. Due to high correlations between edu- derscore the need for standardized procedures for
cation and intelligence, and the fact that demo- estimating premorbid function.
graphic variables are impervious to neurologic
trauma, these variables comprise potentially useful
estimates of premorbid ability. Correlations be- NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
tween the demographic variables and performance ASSESSMENT WITH CHILDREN
on the WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full
Scale IQ scores were reported as .44, .37, and .44,
respectively. Unfortunately, subsequent cross- Following from the previously detailed devel-
validation studies failed to replicate this signifi- opmental concerns, child neuropsychological as-
cant level of correlation with samples of children sessment must necessarily consist of more than
Box 19.2 Neuropsychological Screening and Neurological "Soft Signs"
For psychologists engaged in psychometric assessment, knowing when to refer for a complete neurological evalu-
ation is important. This may become increasingly more relevant given the current definitions of behavioral and
learning disorders that implicate a neurological basis, but no "hard" neurological signs, and the trend to elucidate
the neuroanatomical correlates of psychopathology. Careful observation of possible minor neurological abnormal-
ities is indicated, as these so-called neurological soft signs have been detected in the nonnormative performance of
children on neurological exams in the absence of known brain insult. Additionally, early detection of soft signs have
been variously associated with subsequent behavioral disturbances, such as hyperactivity and conduct disorders, and
emotional and cognitive disorders (Tupper, 1986). As such, presence of these neurological soft signs may indicate
the need for further neuropsychological evaluation.
While the detection of neurological soft signs seems a pertinent endeavor, these signs are difficult to evaluate and
often produce poor interrater reliabilities. For example, a classification system has been offered, dividing soft signs
into two different categories (Spreen, Risser, & Edgell, 1995). The developmental soft signs include behaviors that are
considered abnormal beyond a certain developmental period. This category includes the delayed onset of certain
age-appropriate behaviors (e.g., late onset of walking) or the persistence of behaviors beyond expected develop-
mental periods (e.g., delayed suppression of the Babkin reflex). Comparatively, the soft signs ofabnormality are those
behaviors that are considered to be abnormal at any age, although they are not characteristic of neurological dis-
ease (e.g., significant incoordination; nystagmus or spasmodic, involuntary eye movements). These signs may reflect
more subtle manifestations of underlying central nervous system dysfunction. Empirical investigation of soft signs
often fail to uniformly apply such classification systems. Additionally, much research is needed to provide develop-
mental norms for these signs. Taken together, the methodological problems in this area of research seriously com-
promise the validity of inference (Ardila & Rosselli, 1996).
Efforts to provide standardized measurement of neurological soft signs are evident, nonetheless, in the devel-
opment of early childhood screening instruments. Neuropsychological screening is concerned with early detection of
children at risk for subsequent neurological or behavioral disability. The goal, therefore, is to identify among large
groups those with a predisposition for neuropsychological abnormality, and referral of these individuals for a more
comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Empirical investigation in this realm is fraught with methodological prob-
lems, including sampling inconsistencies, suspect psychometric properties of the screening instruments, and a lack
of longitudinal data (Pine, Scott, Busner, Davies, Fried, Parides, & Shaffer, 1996).
While longitudinal data is limited in this area, one such study offered by Shaffer and colleagues (1985) reported
that soft signs of motor incoordination present in childhood were predictive of subsequent psychopathology in
adulthood, particularly anxiety disorders. Additionally, soft signs at age 7 were associated with lower IQ at age 17.
Comparatively, Huttenlocher, Levine, Huttenlocher, and Gates (1990) studied the predictive validity of neurolog-
ical soft signs and predisposition for subsequent learning disabilities. In this investigation, a standardized neu-
ropsychological screening battery was administered to 200 at-risk children and age-matched controls, ages 3
through 5. A significant, negative correlation was found between children identified as at risk during early neu-
ropsychological screening and subsequent performance on the WISC-Rat age 7. The graph below depicts this lin-
ear relationship. In this graph, IQ scores at age 7 are plotted against neurological test scores at age 5 (test score
represents number of items failed on a neuropsychological screener, ranging from 0 to 10).
-;; 100
"" 80
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Neurological Test Score
Sm:RcE: Adapted from Huttenlocher, Levine, Huttenlocher, & Gates, 1990.
"downward extensions" of adult measures. Unfor- neurocognitive abilities, especially in concert with
tunately, many of the currently available batteries socioeducational factors.
are just this-renormed adult tests for children The general purposes of child neuropsycho-
that lack adequate national, cross-sectional norm- logical evaluation center around diagnosis and
ing and tasks that are age appropriate (Tra- remediation. Lezak (1995) suggests that the diag-
montana & Hooper, 1988). There is a need for nostic function of neuropsychological assessment
neuropsychological measures capable of assessing may have been more important in the early his-
normal cognitive development at different age- tory of this discipline, as neuroimaging technol-
referenced points. For example, research suggests ogy has increasingly assumed this role. However,
the presence of a "general memory factor," as chil- fine diagnostic discriminations remain the pur-
dren's performance on tests of memory stabilize view of neuropsychological assessment. Cases
with increasing age, implicating, perhaps, devel- such as mild head trauma or toxic encephalopa-
opment of various memory strategies (Morra, thy are exemplary of the discriminative accuracy
1994). Clearly, more research is needed to un- of neuropsychological measures. Additionally,
derstand normal development in this area. Addi- neuropsychological assessment aids in diagnos-
tionally, Hynd and Obrzut (1986) maintain that tic screening (see Box 19.2 for more informa-
developmental considerations, such as short atten- tion). Finally, Hynd and Willis (1988) highlight
tion span and the tendency for an idiosyncratic the importance of neuropsychological assess-
presentation of deficits among children, may ment for the purpose of differential diagnosis in
warrant a more flexible approach, as compared several important areas: (1) functional versus
to neuropsychological assessment with adults. And organic disorders; (2) areas of deficit versus areas
finally, to date, there exists no formalized nosology of strength in children with "organic" disorders;
or diagnostic classification system in child neuro- and (3) subtypes of neurodevelopmental disor-
psychological assessment. Again, this issue may ders. In this regard, neuropsychological assess-
reflect the unique profile produced by developing ment is becoming increasingly important in the
TABLE 19.1 Several currently available tests of memory designed for use with children
*Supplemental subtests
TABLE 19.2 Select instruments that assess the general components of a neuropsychological evaluation
The fixed battery approach, characterized also Reitan Batteries for Children and the Luria-
as the "quantitative" approach to neuropsycho- Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Chil-
logical assessment, is rooted in the American dren's Revision.
psychometric tradition. As such, it is "actuarial" The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological
(i.e., statistical) in emphasis. Advantages of tjiis Battery for Children (HRNB-C), developed for
orientation include objective, standardized pro- children ages 9 to 14, and the Reitan-Indiana
cedures and empirically defined, scaled products Neuropsychological Test Battery for Children
that can be compared across tests. The very (RINTB), developed for children ages 5 to 8, are
strengths of this approach have also been the tar- modified versions of the. adult battery. Based
get of criticism, in that the statistically driven upon Halstead's theory of biological intelligence,
essence of this orientation may produce results in these batteries were designed to assess the bio-
a "psychological vacuum" (Lezak, 1995). Two logical basis of behavior and to infer brain func-
widely utilized batteries that are characterized tion from performance on these measures. Both
by this assessment approach are the Halstead- batteries are often administered in conjunction
with a standardized test of intelligence and an teries. Criticism of the Halstead-Reitan batteries
achievement measure. Table 19.3 provides an includes the lack of specifically labeled tests of
overview of the subtests that comprise both bat- memory and language (Williams & Boll, 1997).
TABLE19.3 Subtests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Batteries for Children and Adolescents
(HRNB-C) and the Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Test Battery (RINTB).
Subtest Primary abilities assessed Ages 9-14 Ages 5-8
Category Test Complex concept formation, reasoning abilities
Tactual Performance Test Right/left-sided sensory perception, sensory
recognition, spatial memory, manual dexterity
Finger Tapping Test Right/left-sided manual speed
Aphasia Screening Test Letter identification, follow directions regarding
right-left hands, copy abilities, basic arithmetic
Grip Strength Test Right/left-sided muscle strength
Lateral Dominance Right/left-sided preference
Sensory-Perceptual Tactile, auditory, and visual sensory recognition,
Examination perception, and localization (minor differences
in administration for two age groups)
Tactile Finger Localization Perceive and localize sensory stimulation
Fingertip Number/Symbol Perceive written numbers (or symbols) on
Writing Test finger tips (graphesthesia) (Xs and Os are
the symbols used for the 5-8 age group)
Tactile Form Recognition Sensory recognition, tactile-visual integration
Test (stereognosis)
Seashore Rhythm Test Sustained auditory attention; perceive and match
auditory rhythmic sequences
Speech Sounds Perception Sustained attention, auditory perception,
Test auditory-visual integration
Trail Making Test Cognitive set shifting, sequencing, psychomotor
speed, attention
Color Form Test Cognitive flexibility, sequential reasoning
Progressive Figures Test Visual-spatial reasoning, cognitive flexibility,
sequential reasoning
Matching Pictures Test Perceptual generalization, ability to categorize
Target Test Pattern perception, ability to attend to and copy
visual-spatial configurations
Individual Performance Test Visual perception, visual-motor integration
Marching Test Visual-motor integration, coordination
Additionally, the batteries do not provide trans- sis approach of Luria and the psychometric
formation of raw scores to scaled scores, making soundness afforded by the quantitative approach
meaningful comparisons among scales difficult (Golden, 1997). Table 19.4 provides an overview
(Reynolds, 1997). of the subtests that comprise the LNNB-CR.
In addition to the diagnostic accuracy (validity) Although the LNNB-CR was designed to pro-
of the RINTB and the HRNB-C for the identifi- vide a measure sensitive to developmental changes,
cation of children with brain damage, these mea- the battery has been criticized as a downsized ver-
sures are more commonly utilized to assess a sion of the adult battery, including similar tests that
child's behavioral strengths and weaknesses, such are simply modified for use with children. Addi-
as sensory functioning, motor abilities, auditory tionally, while the LNNB-CR includes a memory
processing, attention, visual-motor abilities, con- scale, its coverage of the memory construct is al-
ceptual processing, sequential processing, and legedly limited and inadequate. Moreover, perfor-
language function (Nussbaum & Bigler, 1997). mance variability may be accounted for by general
For example, Batchelor, Sowles, Dean, and Fis- intellectual ability, or "g," compromising its clini-
cher (1991) studied the effect of age on factor so- cal utility with brain-injured populations (Williams
lutions for the HRNB-C, W1SC-R, and WRAT & Boll, 1997). Finally, Reynolds (1997) suggests
among a sample of 1,236 students with learning that the products of the LNNB-CR, T scores, are
disabilities. The results yielded a six-factor solu- problematic psychometrically.
tion for the 9- to 10-year-old group and a seven- Beyond the psychometric issues that plague
factor solution for the 11- to 12-year-old and 13- the HRNB-C and LNNB-CR, neither battery
to 14-year-old groups. The authors suggest that has been normed for use with preschool children.
the different factor solutions as a function of age Hartlage and Telzrow (1981) suggest that "one
group may reflect an increased complexity or so- factor which has delayed the development of neu-
phistication of neuropsychological ability with ropsychological assessment batteries for very
development. As such, the authors concluded that young children is uncertainty over the extent to
the HRNB-C is an appropriate measure to utilize which stable neuropsychological patterns can be
for psychoeducational purposes. measured in young children" (p. 41). Addition-
The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Bat- ally, assessment of higher-order cognitive func-
tery-Children's Revision (LNNB-CR) was de- tion in children prior to complete language
signed for use with children ages 8 to 12. In formation is also problematic. One recent at-
accordance with Lurian theory of neuropsycho- tempt to include the assessment of very young
logical development, the adult version of the children is the NEPSY (Korkman, Kirk, &
LNNB is administered to children ages 13 and Kemp, 1998). The name of this battery is derived
older, as performance of this age group was from the NE in neuro and the PSY in psychology, in
found to be similar to that of adults. Also consis- order to facilitate its utilization cross-culturally.
tent with the Lurian theoretical foundation of The NEPSY was standardized with a nation-
this measure, pattern analysis is the primary in- ally representative group of 1,000 children and is
terpretive method utilized. As highlighted previ- normed for ages 3-12. This battery consists of 27
ously, this method is characterized by careful, subtests designed to assess neuropsychological
qualitative analysis of test performance, as op- development across five functional domains: (1)
posed to the more traditional psychometric ap- attention and executive function; (2) language;
proach that emphasizes comparisons between (3) sensorimotor ability; (4) visuospatial process-
products of performance (i.e., scaled scores). The ing; and (5) memory and learning. Table 19.5
LNNB-CR attempts, therefore, to provide a provides a description of the subtests that com-
marriage between the qualitative, pattern analy- prise the NEPSY. The complete battery may be
TABLE 19.4 Subtests of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision for use with chil-
dren ages 8-12.
administered for a comprehensive neuropsycho- gation is needed to substantiate the clinical util-
logical evaluation, or the core battery may be ad- ity and psychometric properties of the NEPSY.
ministered for an abbreviated overview of a The flexible battery ("eclectic'') approach, in con-
child's abilities. Both assessments yield a profile trast to the fixed battery approach, has been
of results representative of a pattern of relative characterized as the "qualitative" approach to
strengths and weaknesses across the five ftmc- neuropsychological assessment. Not unlike the
tional domains. The NEPSY yields scaled scores fixed battery approach, the flexible battery ap-
for each of the subtests and composite scores for proach also emphasizes standardized test proce-
each of the five functional domains. The authors dures for the measurement of cognitive and
report the following reliability coefficients for behavioral functioning. However, this approach
the 5-12 core domain scores: .82 (Attention/Ex- emphasizes the "flexible" selection of measures
ecutive), .87 (Language), .79 (Sensorimotor), .83 in an attempt to tailor the battery of tests to the
(Visuospatial), and .87 (Memory and Learning). specific purposes of the examination and sus-
This developmental neuropsychological battery pected deficits. As such, this approach begins
is purportedly sensitive to abilities affected by with a core battery of tests, assessing broad do-
learning disabilities, ADHD, traumatic brain in- mains of cognitive function. Performance on this
jury, and various other developmental disorders. battery then informs selection of additional mea-
While a promising addition to child neuropsy- sures. The result is both a comprehensive and in-
chological assessment, further empirical investi- dividualized assessment (Williams & Boll, 1997).
TABLE 19.5 Subtests of the NEPSY: A developmental neuropsychological assessment for use with children
ages 3-12
Body Part Naming Naming, expressive vocabulary
Phonological Processing Phonological segmentation, identification of visual stimuli
from word segments
Speeded Naming Rapid naming by size, color, and shape
Comprehension of Processing and responding to instructional sets of increasing
Instructions syntactic complexity
Repetition of Phonological encoding and decoding, articulation of complex
Nonsense Words nonsense words
Verbal Fluency Ability to generate words in semantic or phonemic categories
Oromotor Sequences Rhythmic oromotor coordination, repetition of sound sequences
Sensorimotor Functions
Fingertip Tapping Finger dexterity, lateralized manual speed
Imitating Hand Positions Imitation of hand positions, motor coordination
Visuomotor Precision Fine motor skills, visual-motor integration
_Manual Motor Sequences Perception and imitation of rhythmic motor sequences
Finger Discrimination Tactile perception unaided by visual cues
Visuospatial Processing
Design Copying Visual-motor integration, ability to copy
Arrows Visual-spatial ability, judgment of line orientation
Block Construction Visual-spatial and motor integration
Route Finding Visual-spatial reasoning, directionality and orientation
Reliability and Validity Issues in shared by other psychometric measures. The un-
predictable nature of brain impairment imposes
N europsychological Assessment serious limitations on determination of reliability
Neuropsychological assessment presents unique coefficients through, for example, test-retest
challenges to the development of reliable and methods. Additionally, split-half reliability coef-
valid measures. Brain damage and subsequent ficients are often precluded by the frequently
decrements in performance often do not present small item samples comprising many neuropsy-
a one-to-one correspondence. Numerous stud- chological subtests (Goldstein, 1990). Batchelor
ies underscore the varieties of "type-locus" inter- and Dean (1996) suggest that pervasive individ-
actions, or the dynamic interplay between the ual differences in brain development during
location and extent of lesion and the behaviors childhood may account for poor reliability coef-
that these particular regions subserve. Neuropsy- ficients for neuropsychological measures admin-
chological theory, such as the functional systems istered specifically at young ages. Finally,
model, would suggest that the pervasiveness and Reynolds (1997) reports that "even in the re-
pattern of behavioral deficits will vary to a large search literature, reliability data are seldom pre-
extent based upon the nature of the brain injury. sented and the most frequently used of the
In spite of advances in medical technology, various batteries, the HRNB, does not even
neuropsychological assessment measures have have a discussion of reliability in the manual. Re-
historically been more sensitive than their vali- liability of the LNNB is reported but is based
dating criteria (i.e., neurological indices) in terms on highly heterogeneous groups, across a too
of diagnostic accuracy. However, with increasing wide age span, and is likely spuriously inflated"
sophistication in brain imaging technology, these (p. 187).
neurological indices are quickly overtaking the
diagnostic role of neuropsychological assessment
and are also providing increasingly sensitive val-
idation criteria for both neuropsychological as- NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
sessment and theory. While neuropsychological ASSESSMENT AND "G''
instruments have demonstrated remarkable abil-
ity to predict the degree of recovery or response
to treatment, predictive validity remains prob- Traditionally, neuropsychological assessment in-
lematic due to the paucity of longitudinal studies struments have been utilized to detect the pres-
to date. Finally, construct validity remains the ence or absence of brain damage. While the
focus of the majority of research efforts in neu- diagnostic accuracy of such test batteries as the
ropsychology, as this field centers around such LNNB and HRNB has been well established,
theoretical concepts as memory, attention, and there is increasing concern that standard neu-
executive function. Factor analytic studies are ropsychological batteries for children assess "g,"
often employed when construct validity is in general cognitive ability, as opposed to distinct
question. For example, factor analytic investiga- neuropsychological processes (Obrzut & Hynd,
tion may address the extent to which memory 1986). Although Lurian theory would predict
subtests load on a "memory" factor versus factors correlations between "g" and other neuropsy-
more accurately labeled "general intellectual chological functions, redundancy has been noted
ability" or "attention" (Goldstein, 1990; Lezak, in comparative studies of the Wechsler scales
1995). with the HRNB and the LNNB (Kane, Parsons
As with issues of validity, the reliability of in- & Goldstein, 1985). The pertinent question then
struments available for use in neuropsychologi- becomes one ofvalidity: What distinguishes neu-
cal assessment is subject to some problems not ropsychological assessment from assessment of
intellectual ability? Hynd and Willis (1988) sug- tional domain targeted in the assessment (e.g.,
gest that this question is especially important to language function versus motor skills). In sum-
answer for children, whose short attention span mary, reliable and comprehensive neuropsycho-
may warrant an abbreviated assessment battery, logical measures designed to assess distinct
such as that offered by tests ofintelligence. Kelly, brain-behavior relationships are needed to in-
Arceneaux, Dean, and Anderson (1994) empiri- form both diagnosis and effective educational
cally addressed the issue of redundancy by com- planning (Reynolds, 1981a; Tramontana &
paring summary scores on the WISC-R (PIQ, Hooper, 1988).
VIQ, and FSIQ) and the HRNB-C for 423 chil-
dren with learning disabilities. Results of multi-
variate analyses indicated that the WISC-R NEUROCOGNITIVE CORRELATES OF
summary scores and HRNB-C subtest scores VARIOUS PEDIATRIC SYNDROMES
shared 29% of common variability. The authors
conclude that while both measures share some
commonality, accounted for by general intellec- In addition to the diagnostic accuracy of various
tual ability, both instruments also provide unique neuropsychological instruments in detecting
information. brain impairment, there are other reasons for the
As early as 1949, Hebb described a case in increasing relevance and importance of develop-
which nearly one-third of the cerebral cortex had mental neuropsychology. First, legislation, such
been surgically removed. The intellectual ability as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
of this patient was surprisingly reported to be (the latest amendment of the Education for All
within the superior range (cited in Lezak, 1995)! Handicapped Children Act; PL 94-142) requires
This and subsequent empirical evidence seemed that all states provide adequate educational ser-
to suggest that while traditional tests of intellec- vices for all handicapped children. Addressing the
tual ability may produce reliable capability to de- presumed neuropsychological origin of learning
tect generalized brain impairment, these disabilities and other developmental disorders,
measures possess far less sensitivity to detect this legislation implicates the necessary role of
focal lesions. In particular, the Wechsler scales neuropsychological assessment in diagnosis,
have not demonstrated an ability to reliably lo- prognosis, and educational planning (e.g., IEP)
calize or even lateralize the site of brain insult. for children with acquired brain injury or neuro-
Reitan (1994) maintains that traditional tests of developmental disorders (Riccio, Hynd, & Cohen,
intellectual ability are not good discriminators of 1993). Sexson and Madan-Swain (1995) suggest
neurologic impairment, as they are designed typ- that the increased survival rates of children with
ically to predict academic achievement as op- neurological trauma due to advances in medical
posed to the biological condition of the brain: technology, along with concomitantly increasing
"IQ measures, which relate more closely to aca- incidence rates, further substantiate the need for
demic success, also appear to be influenced heav- appropriate psychoeducational assessment. More-
ily by environmental and cultural advantages. On over, there is mounting evidence suggestive of
the other hand, tests developed specifically to a neurological basis for various developmental
evaluate impairment of brain functions seem to learning and behavioral disorders (Denckla,
be fairer (unbiased) in terms of cultural and envi- 1996; Hynd & Semrud-Clikeman, 1989; Hynd,
ronmental experiences and advantages" (p. 62). Semrud-Clikeman, Lorys, Novey, & Eliopulus,
Comparatively, the sensitivity of some neuropsy- 1990). While the scope of this chapter precludes
chological measures to detect focal deficits re- a thorough review of the spectrum of childhood
mains suspect. Perhaps the difference between disorders with consequent neurocognitive seque-
these sets of measures depends upon the func- lae, several syndromes with relatively prevalent
occurrence rates will be covered. Additionally, is critically important for accurate diagnosis and
this review wiH focus primarily on intellectual se- prognosis. As noted in the earlier section ad-
quelae. dressing developmental considerations, predic-
tion of outcome is predicated upon a number of
highly interactive and complex factors: (1) age at
onset and impact on neurological development;
Traumatic Brain Injury (2) preexisting conditions, such as premorbid in-
The rough and tumble play associated with tellectual function, psychiatric disorder, and/or
childhood often results in minor head injuries, learning disability; (3) type of injury, referring to
such as bumps and bruises, that are usually in- focal, lateralized, or diffuse; (4) severity of injury,
consequential to normal brain function. How- often measured by length of coma and posttrau-
ever, when such events are of sufficient force to matic amnesia; (5) age at the time of assessment,
cause total or partial impairment of the brain's as deficits may not manifest until a later develop-
regulatory function, they are classified as trau- mental period; and (6) sensitivity of the instru-
matic brain injury (TEI). An estimated one million ments utilized to detect brain impairment (Boll
pediatric TBis occur annually, accounting for the & Stanford, 1997; Ryan et al., 1996; Williams &
leading cause of death and the single greatest Boll, 1997).
source of neurological disability in children Interest in TBI grew out of the literature con-
(Ryan, Lamarche, Barth, & Boll, 1996). Also, the cerning plasticity, as pediatric head injury offers a
epidemiology of TBI is different for children as window for observation of the interrelated effects
compared with adults. Whereas adults are more of cerebral damage on the developing brain
likely to experience TBI as a result of motor ve- (Dalby & Obrzut, 1991; see also Box 19.1). In
hicle accidents, TBI during childhood is com- this regard, Jaffe and colleagues (1992) suggest
monly the result of the following sources, in that TBI may interrupt previously established
decreasing order of occurrence: pedestrian car abilities. However, depending upon the site of
accidents, falls, and child abuse (Dalby & the injury, the effects of TBI may not manifest
Obrzut, 1991). Additionally, males in all age behaviorally until a later time, when more ma-
groups suffer a higher incidence of TBI than ture cognitive skills call upon the impaired re-
their female cohort, with some estimates sug- gion of the brain. This may be especially true in
gesting a more than two-to-one ratio (Boll & cases of early frontal lobe damage (Kolb &
Stanford, 1997). Finally, this epidemiology of pe- Fancie, 1997). Recall Luria's theory of cortical
diatric head injury does not seem to be charac- development, suggesting that the frontal lobes
terized by random data. Rather, several risk are not fully developed until around ages 12 to
factors, such as psychosocial adversity, poor 14. Early damage to this cerebral region may not
parental supervision, and a variety of impulsive, evidence impairment in function until a later age,
risk-taking behaviors have been positively corre- when development of higher-order cognitive
lated with the occurrence of pediatric head injury function is completed. In contrast, early and dif-
(Rutter, Chadwick, & Shaffer, 1983). Recent em- fuse head injury may result in impressive com-
pirical evidence confirms the role of preinjury pensatory mechanisms. Nonetheless, plasticity
psychiatric disorders and behavior problems in of function is not equally likely throughout
the increased risk for TBI among children (e.g., brain. For example, early damage to the visual
Max et al., 1997). cortex may produce irreversible deficits, com-
Head injury is a complex phenomenon and pared with compensatory responses to focal
best viewed along a continuum of cerebral im- damage in other cortical areas, such as the lan-
pairment and consequent deficit of neurocogni- guage centers (Williams & Boll, 1997). As neu-
tive function. Assessment of premorbid function roimaging procedures may provide less-sensitive
age and length of coma, neurocognitive sequelae
following pediatric TBI may include impairment
in the following functional domains: disturbances 0 I Yr. 2½Yr.
in memory and learning (particularly verbal Time Since Injury
memory); slowed rate of information processing;
deficits in motor ability (e.g., fine motor speed, FIGURE 19.3
dexterity, and strength), visual-spatial skills, at- Cognitive recovery following mild versus severe
tention, speech and language; and impaired cog- traumatic brain injury
nitive function (Ryan et al., 1996). In a seminal SoURCE: Rutter, Chadwick, & Shaffer, I983. Reprinted with permission.
investigation conducted by Chadwick, Rutter,
Brown, Shaffer, and Traub (1981, cited in Rutter,
Chadwick, & Shaffer, 1983), performance on the
WISC was compared between children ages 5 to
14 having suffered either mild or severe TBI In a more recent study, Jaffe et al. (1992) at-
(based upon length of posttraumatic amnesia) to tempted to control for several important pre-
that of matched controls, who had suffered or- morbid differences that have been associated
thopedic injury. Assessment was conducted im- with outcome in pediatric TBI populations. In
mediately following injury, and at intervals of 4 a prosp~ctive study, 98 children ages 6 to 15
months, 1 year, and 2 ½ years postinjury. By di- with mild, moderate, and severe TBI were in-
rectly assessing recovery of function, the authors dividuaily matched to control for premorbid
attempted to investigate the causal role ofTBI in characteristics, such as demographic background,
neurocognitive impairment. Results indicated perinatal risk factors, preinjury scholastic achieve-
greater impairment on timed measures of visual- ment, and psychosocial indicators. Results of this
motor and visual-spatial function (e.g., Perfor- investigation yielded a dose-response relationship
mance scale subtests of the WISC), as compared between magnitude of injury severity and asso-
with performance on measures of verbal ability. ciated degree of neurocognitive impairment, as
Additionally, this impairment was more pro- measured by the WISC-R, the WRAT, and sev-
nounced immediately following injury for the se- eral neuropsychological measures selected from
vere group, as compared with the performance of the HRNB. In particular, this study replicated
subjects with mild head injury. Figure 19.3 offers previous findings suggestive of statistically sig-
a graphic depiction of the course of recovery for nificant decrements in PIQ, as a function of both
head injured and control subjects. The investiga- injury severity and matched control cases. These
tors concluded: "It is evident that there was a decrements were attributed to the nature of the
marked cognitive recovery phase in the severe- WISC-R nonverbal subtests-timed tasks in-
head-injury group but none in the mild-injury volving tactual, cognitive, and motor problem-
group. We conclude that severe head injuries did solving abilities. While the moderate and severe
indeed cause intellectual impairment, but equally TBI cases manifested the greatest degree of im-
that mild injuries did not" (p. 88). pairment, results of this study also yielded small
but significant decrements in performance on upon the age at which the injury occurred. For
tasks of speeded motor ability and long-term example, right-hemisphere damage, if suffered
verbal memory among children with mild TBI. early 1n the child's development, results in
The authors concluded: "Because of our close greater risk of intellectual impairment (Aran &
matching overall and within severity groups, the Eisele, 1994). Comparatively, left hemisphere
difference in outcome between cases and con- damage suffered at a relatively later time in child-
trols is most likely attributable to· the brain in- hood interferes with the normal development of
jury" (p. 545). language, producing delays in expressive lan-
In general, the finding that children who suf- guage, slower rates of speech, and deficits in
fer moderate to severe traumatic brain injury evi- phonological processing (Lord-Maes & Obrzut,
dence subsequent decline in intellectual function 1996).
is well-supported in the literature. Degree of im- While formal tests of intellectual function
pairment (e.g., postinjury IQ) seems to be corre- often prove to be sensitive indicators of brain
lated with severity of injury, with the greatest impairment, a note of caution is in order. These
impairment immediately following onset of in- instruments do not assess the range of neurocog-
jury and a period of recovery lasting anywhere nitive abilities implicated in TBI (e.g., attention,
from 1 to 2 years postinjury (Danders, 1997; memory, motor). This is especially important to
Rutter et al., 1983). In fact, Beardsworth and remember in cases when the child performs in
Harding (1996) contend that the the average range on intelligence tests, but evi-
dences impairment in other areas critical to
WISC-III Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) before discharge has school performance (e.g., attention, memory, or
been found to be the best single predictor ofoutcome in a executive function). An additional consideration,
study including a wide variety of other investigations. Farmer and Peterson (1995) suggest that the ar-
Deficits in FSIQ are largely due to a lowering of Per- tificially structured nature of the assessment set-
formance IQ (PIQ). This is rarely because of any real ting may in fact overestimate attentional function
loss of spatial ability, but because the child is slowed
in this pddiatric population. Finally, in consider-
down, and so is penalized for this on non-verbal tests
which are timed. Recovery in IQ can continuefor several
ation of the aforementioned assessment issues,
years post-injury. Although many aspects of neuropsy- Kinsella and colleagues (1995) echo the impor-
chological test scores after head injury can be accounted tance of neuropsychological assessment to guide
for by a general loss of ability and slower information individualized educational programming for
processing, specific deficits in verbal memory and in other children with TBI. Flexible allocation of special
measures of verbal ability, such as verbal fluency and education services is also advised, in concert with
naming, have been reported. (p. 25) varying rates of recovery.
rize the three major classifications of seizures, group differences for FSIQ at any time during
as defined by the Commission on Classification the study; IQ scores did not decline appreciably
and Terminology of the International League with time for the epilepsy group. However, a
Against Epilepsy. Parital seizures are limited to subset of the epilepsy group, characterized by
seizure activity within an area, or "part," of one higher incidence of drug levels in the toxic range,
cerebral hemisphere. In contrast, generalized greater difficulty with seizure management, and
seizures are characterized by approximately equal early onset of seizure activity, did yield a statisti-
seizure activity within both hemispheres and are cally significant decline in FSIQ of 10 points or
further classified as convulsive or nonconvulsive. more. Subsequent research seems to tentatively
Unclassified seizures include seizure activity that point to a similar relationship between some
cannot be clearly classified as either partial or medications and certain neurocognitive abilities.
general. Of interest, neonatal seizure activity is Namely, barbiturates (e.g., phenobarbital and
often categorized as unclassified. As this summa- primidone) have been most frequently associated
rization does not include further subdivisions of with negative effects, whereas carbamazepine
these categories, or an account of unique seizure (Tegretol) yielded the most favorable results (see
disorders of childhood, the interested reader is Dodrill & Warner, 1996, for a review).
directed to Tharp (1987) for a more thorough Following from the aforementioned interac-
discussion of pediatric epilepsy. tive factors, formal studies of neurocognitive cor-
Not unlike TBI, seizure disorders and the as- relates of pediatric epilepsy have not yielded a
sociated neurocognitive features form a very specific profile or pattern of impairment (Hart-
complex interaction. Hartlage and Hartlage lage & Hartlage, 1997). Deficits in attention,
(1997) suggest that among children such factors memory, perceptual-motor skills, and learning
as premorbid brain dysfunction, anticonvulsant (due to auditory or visual processing deficits) are
medication, and psychosocial factors interact in a common correlates of pediatric seizure disorder.
complex fashion to produce variable neuropsy- Language skills have also been variously affected,
chologicai outcome. As such, the mercurial na- perhaps resulting in difficulties in learning to
ture of pediatric seizure disorders poses a read. In their recent research, McCarthy, Rich-
considerable methodological obstacle to re- man, and Yarbrough (1995) suggest that
search. Sampling bias, for example, often favors
selection of more severely disordered children problems with sustained attention may be partially re-
who participate in epilepsy programs and clinics. lated to medication, whereas problems with selective at-
Perhaps the most prevalent confounding factor tention have been associated with generalized,
in pediatric seizure disorder research is the early-onset seizures. ... Short-term memory deficits are
unique contribution of antiepileptic medication commonly reported in individuals with partial seizures
to outcome. Surprisingly, there is a paucity of re- oftemporal lobe origin, especially left temporal lobe. Ver-
search on medication-peiformance interactions, al- bal memory deficits have tended to occur more often in
though the vast majority of children referred for individuals with left temporal lobe foci, whereas visual
neuropsychological assessment arc managed with memory deficits have tended to occur more often in indi-
viduals with right temporal lobe foci. (pp. 72- 73)
medication, and results of limited empirical in-
vestigation tend to yield equivocal findings. In an
important prospective study, Bourgeois and col- Williams, Sharp, Lange, Bates, Griebel,
leagues (1983) compared the performance of Spence, and Thomas (1996) provide further in-
children with epilepsy to that of their nonepilep- vestigation of memory and attentional sequelae
tic siblings on measures of intellectual ability, in children with epilepsy. No statistically signifi-
from the time of diagnosis through a period up cant deficits in memory or attentional skills were
to 6 years. The results dici not yield significant reported, based on seizure type, although mean
scores on measures sensitive to attention and with epilepsy. Decrements in scores on Infor-
concentration (e.g., WISC-R Digit Span and mation, Digit Span, and Coding versus rela-
Coding) were slightly lower than other subtest tively higher scores on Picture Completion and
scores. The investigators note that scores on Picture Arrangement accounted for the verbal/
Digit Span Forward and Digit Span Backward performance discrepancy. The authors also note
were equally depressed in the epileptic group, subsequent depression of the third factor, Free-
pointing to an overall deficit in attention and dom from Distractibility, which may be substan-
encoding (versus working memory, a distinguish- tially affected by working memory.
ing skill required for Digit Span Backwards). In summary, a positive history of seizure-
Additionally, management of seizure activity related activity may affect performance on various
with more than one medication was associated psychometric measures. In particular, Beards-
with significant deficits on verbal and visual worth and Harding (1996) suggest that measures
memory skills and auditory inattention. While of general intellectual ability are typically insen-
this difference may be confounded by underlying sitive measures of medication-performance in-
neurologic pathology and cannot, therefore, be teractions, whereas motor and speeded tasks may
attributed to a medication-performance inter- be more useful. Similarly, Dodrill and Troupin
action, the investigators contend· that this study (1975) caution that the Wechsler scales may be
offers empirical support for subtle attentional more affected by antiepileptic medications than
difficulties among children with various levels of many other neuropsychological measures, impli-
epilepsy severity. cating the reliability of these instruments. These
There is some evidence to suggest that for factors should be considered when interpreting
some children with epilepsy, average IQ scores test results for this population of children. Also,
may range from one standard deviation below the skilled examiner will carefully observe the
the mean. Age of onset, seizure type and fre- child during performance of assessment tasks for
quency, and drug-related variables have all been any over;t signs of seizure activity and consider
negatively correlated with IQ. While age at onset such observations during interpretation of test
may covary with duration and frequency of results.
seizure activity, this variable is perhaps the most
salient predictor of subsequent intellectual abil-
ity. Evidence suggests that onset of seizure activ-
ity prior to age 5 yields greater risk than onset at
older ages (Beardsworth & Harding, 1996; Ben- Leukemia, the most prevalent form of malignancy
nett & Ho, 1997; Hartlage & Hartlage, 1997). diagnosed during childhood, is a disease in which
In a study of 118 children with epilepsy, Far- there is an abnormal proliferation of lympho-
well, Dodrill, and Batzel (1985) reported a sig- blasts, a certain type of white blood cell, in bone
nificant negative correlation between seizure marrow. This abnormal growth of white blood
type, years of seizure activity, and degree of med- cells results in symptoms of anemia, bone pain,
ical management and FSIQ, as measured by the fatigue, and easy bruising. The incidence of leu-
WISC-R. Additionally, regardless of seizure kemia is reportedly greater for boys than for girls
type, children with epilepsy differed from age- and peaks around age 4. Sequelae of leukemia
matched controls in distribution of FSIQ: 63 % have received increasing empirical emphasis, as
of children with epilepsy produced FSIQ scores treatment has greatly enhanced the survival rate
less than or equal to 100, as compared with of children with this disease. Such treatment
50% of the controls. More recently, Forceville, commonly includes cranial irradiation, intra-
Dekker, Aldenkamp, Alpherts, and Schelvis (1992) thecal methotrexate (i.e., chemotherapy injected
found a significant VIQ > PIQ split for children directly into the spinal fluid), or a combination
of the two. Treatments are primarily adminis- lower scores on measures of in:tellectual function,
tered prophylactically to prevent disease relapse visual-motor and fine motor skills, nonverbal
and the spread of leukemic cells to the central memory, and arithmetic achievement for the
nervous system (CNS). While the advantages long-term survivor group receiving cranial irra-
of such treatment for survival are clear, they are diation and intrathecal chemotherapy. This
not without cost. Research indicates that cranial group was also distinguished by significantly
irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate have lower scores on the Freedom from Distractibility
possible neurotoxic effects, damaging glial cells, factor of the WISC- R. The authors attribute this
which are abundant in CNS white matter. This difference to increased distractibility. Compara-
side effect may be particularly deleterious in tively, newly diagnosed groups, receiving either
younger children, as myelination is not com- treatment modality, demonstrated decrements in
pleted until ages 8 to 9. Young children, there- fine motor and visual-motor skills only. Con-
fore, who are treated with cranial irradiation and versely, Stehbens and colleagues (1994) provide a
intrathecal methotrexate are at risk for CNS comparative study of the effect of type of CNS
damage and consequent learning and behavioral prophylaxis on neurocognitive outcome at 9
problems (Berg & Linton, 1997; Brown et al., months postdiagnosis. This study of 42 children
1992a; Williams & Williams, 1996). diagnosed after age 6 did not yield significant
Results of research investigating the neu- group differences. The performance of children
rocognitive sequelae of various forms of treat- treated with cranial irradiation plus intrathecal
ment are equivocal, with some evidence for methotrexate was similar to those receiving pro-
deficits following cranial irradiation therapy, but phylaxis intrathecal methotrexate alone on mea-
not following intrathecal chemotherapies (Dow- sures of general intellectual ability, academic
ell, Copeland, & Judd, 1989). Similar to the achievement, memory, language, motor func-
methodological problems characteristic of re- tion, and perceptual-motor abilities. More
search in the areas of pediatric TBI and epilepsy, recentlyfMacLean and associates (1995) investi-
investigation of the neurocognitive sequelae of gated the acute neuropsychological effects of
cranial irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate leukemia and various forms of treatment at 9
is subject to such limitations as small sample size, months postdiagnosis for a cohort of children
variability in treatment regime, lack of appropri- ages 3 through 6½ years. Results indicated
ate comparison groups, and differences in age at greater risk for children treated with both cranial
the time of diagnosis and assessment across stud- irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate before
ies (Butler & Copeland, 1993). In spite of these age 5. In sum, a general consensus in the litera-
limitations, a review of 20 years of published in- ture is suggestive of more pronounced deficits
vestigations of children treated both with cranial in intellectual function, attention, and memory
irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate is sug- for children diagnosed before age 5 (Berg & Lin-
gestive of neurocognitive deficits in fine motor ton, 1997).
skills, visual-spatial abilities, somatosensory func- Findings specifically implicating general in-
tioning, attention-concentration skills, and ver- tellectual function among children diagnosed
bal and nonverbal memory (see Stehbens et al., with leukemia covary with age at diagnosis
1991, for a review). Copeland and associates and prophylactic CNS treatment. Williams and
(1988) conducted a comparative study of treat- Williams (1996) contend that most findings re-
ment modality (cranial irradiation and/or in- port intellectual performance of children with
trathecal chemotherapy) and treatment status leukemia in the average range. Where statistical
(newly diagnosed versus long-term survivors). differences are reported, the leukemic group
Results of neuropsychological assessment in often performed in the average range as com-
this investigation were indicative of significantly pared to the above-average performance of the
control group. The authors qualify this general- ments in learning than general intellectual func-
ization by noting the deleterious effects of re- tion for children receiving CNS prophylactic
peated high doses of CNS prophylaxis: "The best treatment.
predictors of IQ following treatment were the In summary, children treated for leukemia
number of radiation therapy courses, age, and with CNS-prophylaxis may experience subtle de-
the presence of cerebral pathology measured by terioration of neuropsychological function that
computed tomography (CT)" (p. 256). Brown is delayed several years subsequent to diagnosis.
and colleagues (1992b) compared performance These late effects underscore the need for peri-
among three groups of children with leukemia odic reevaluations of function. Additionally, tra-
on the K-ABC. Group 1 was comprised of chil- ditional measures of general intellectual function
dren recently diagnosed. Group 2 consisted of may not provide sufficient sensitivity to detect
children with leukemia 1 year postdiagnosis who subtle late effects of the illness and its treatment.
were receiving CNS prophylactic chemotherapy. Finally, empirical investigation to date highlights
And group 3 included children with leukemia the predictive value of age at diagnosis, as well as
3 years postdiagnosis who were also receiving the specific and enduring effects of prophylactic
CNS prophylactic chemotherapy. Children who CNS treatment. Box 19.3 presents a case study
had been receiving treatment for 3 years demon- illustrative of several neuropsychological seque-
strated significantly greater impairment on tasks lae associated with pediatric leukemia.
of simultaneous processing than other treatment
groups or healthy sibling controls. Recall from
previous discussions of the K-ABC, the Simulta-
neous scale is a purported measure of right-
Sickle Cell Anemia
hemisphere function. Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that af-
In an investigation of the long-term effects fects 1 out of every 400 African Americans
of CNS prophylactic treatment (intrathecal (Brown et al., 1993). This lifelong, chronic ill-
methotrexate) on neuropsychological function- ness ensues from a genetic defect in the gene that
ing, Brown, Sawyer, Antoniou, Toogood, Rice, codes for hemoglobin. Red blood cells assume a
Thompson, and Madan-Swain (1996) provide a sickle shape, which compromises the efficient de-
prospective study of a cohort of 63 children with livery of oxygen throughout the system. The re-
leukemia followed 3 years from time of diagno- sultant ischemia, or decreased blood supply to
sis. Children diagnosed with other types of can- vital organs and tissue, can produce a variety of
cer comprised the control group. Surprisingly, deleterious effects, including recurrent painful
no significant decline in intellectual ability was crises, cardiomegaly, liver dysfunction, respira-
found over the 3-year interval, substantiating tory complications, and small physical stature
previous findings that the neurotoxic effects of due to delayed growth (Fowler et al., 1988). Ad-
chemotherapy are less severe for children re- ditionally, central nervous system effects result,
ceiving this type of prophylactic therapy than for including cerebral vascular accidents (CVA), or
children receiving CNS radiation. However, the stroke. An estimated 5% to 10% of individuals
CNS-treated group evidenced a significant dis- with sickle cell disease experience stroke, with
crepancy between achievement test scores and the average age of onset around 6 years (Cohen,
intellectual function, with lower scores in the Branch, McKie, & Adams, 1994). Moreover, re-
areas of reading, spelling, and arithmetic as com- cent MRI investigations reveal that a significant
pared to FSIQ at the year 3 follow-up evalua- proportion of children with sickle cell disease
tion. W'hile replication with larger samples of experience "silent cerebral infarcts" that are
children is needed, the authors suggest that not associated with overt neurological symptoms
these findings indicate perhaps greater impair- (DeBaun et al., 1998).
Psychometric Summary
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-Ill)
Information 7 Picture Completion 8
Similarities 12 Coding 5
Arithmetic 8 Picture Arrangement 10
Vocabulary 8 Block Design 9
Comprehension 11 Object Assembly 8
(Digit Span) (12) (Symbol Search) (9)
Visual Immediate 76 5
Visual Delay 91 27
Verbal Immediate 109 73
Verbal Delay 109 73
General Memory 95 37
Attention/Concentration 106 66
Learning 103 58
Delayed Recall 115 84
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised (WJ-R)
Numeration 5
Geometry 14
Basic Concepts Area 92 30
Addition 11
Subtraction 6
Multiplication 9
Division 12
Mental Computation 7
Operntions Area 95 37
Measurement 12
Time and Money 9
Estimation 11
Interpreting Data 6
Problem Solving 9
Applications A1-ea 94 34
Total Test 94 34
In a recent review of the literature, Goonan, hypothesized cumulative effect of this illness,
Goonan, Brown, Buchanan, and Eckman (1994) older children in the sickle cell group performed
highlight not only the paucity of research, but more poorly on the WISC-R Digit Span subtest
also the multitude of methodological problems and on visual-motor tasks. The investigators
in this line of research. The astute reader will concluded that children with sickle cell disease
recognize many of the same methodological lim- constitute an at-risk group for learning difficul-
itations that plague the empirical investigation of ties, particularly in the areas of reading, visual-
other pediatric illnesses. The list includes the motor ability, and attentional skills. Following
lack of a developmental focus; heterogeneous from this pioneering study, Swift, Cohen, Hynd,
subjects across studies; suspect assessment instru- Wisenbaker, McKie, Makari, and McKie (1989)
ments (i.e., questionable reliability and validity); investigated the neuropsychological function-
poor control for demographic variables (e.g., ing of 21 children with sickle cell anemia, ex-
SES); and, in general, a poor understanding of cluding cases with a known history of CVA,
the contribution of various aspects of the disease compared with the performance of healthy sib-
to a decline in performance across functional do- ling controls. Results of this investigation were
mains. A logical outcome of these methodologi- suggestive of subtle cognitive impairment, as
cal issues would include inconsistent findings the sickle cell group produced scores that were
across studies. These limitations notwithstand- roughly one standard deviation below the sibling
ing, preliminary evidence is suggestive of neu- group on most cognitive measures. For example,
rocognitive deficits in visual-motor tasks and performance of the sickle cell group on the
attention/concentration among children with WISC-R yielded a mean FSIQ of 77.7, com-
sickle cell disease. Additionally, given the "silent" pared to a mean score of 94.3 for the sibling
neurological course of sickle cell· disease, these group. Also, in agreement with the Fowler et al.
deficits may very well prove to be cumulative study, the sickle cell group produced significantly
over the course of development. lower scores on measures of verbal function,
In an early investigation of the neuropsycho- perceptual organization, attention/distractibility,
logical correlates of pediatric sickle cell disease, memory, and academic learning, as compared to
Fowler and colleagues (1988) compared 28 chil- sibling controls.
dren with sickle cell anemia to age-, sex-, and More recently, Brown, Buchanan, Doepke,
SES-matched controls on measures of general Eckman, Baldwin, Goonan, and Schoenherr
intellectual ability, academic achievement, vi- (1993), in response to the potential SES effects of
sual-motor integration, and attention. No signif- previous studies, implemented a study designed
icant differences were found between groups on to control for the effects of age, illness severity,
the composite scores of the WISC-R, with the and socioeconomic factors. In this investigation,
exception of scores on the Coding subtest. the performance of 70 children, ages 2 1/2 to 17,
Deficits on this scale among the sickle cell group on measures of neurocognitive and academic
were attributed to a decline in visual-motor abil- abilities, was compared to their healthy siblings.
ity and psychomotor speed. This finding was While the findings suggest generally normal in-
corroborated by visual-motor deficits on the telligence for both groups, the sickle cell group
VMI, yielding, on average, scores 3 1/2 years evidenced greater impairment on tasks measur-
below developmental expectations. Sickle cell ing sustained attention and academic achieve-
children also performed significantly poorer on a ment, in agreement with the aforementioned
measure of attention, demonstrating a tendency studies. Specifically, deficits among the children
for impulsive and inaccurate responding, and on with sickle cell disease seemed to be related to
academic achievement measures, particularly in the areas of attention, concentration, and read-
the areas of reading and spelling. As concerns the ing decoding. An age effect was also reported, as
older children with sickle cell disease demon- ilar to findings with adult stroke patients, chal-
strated greater declines in performance on mea- lenging studies that support plasticity of lan-
sures of sustained attention and visual-motor guage function and "shifting" of dominance for
function. The authors speculate that these find- language from the left hemisphere to the right.
ings may suggest early interference in frontal
lobe neurodevelopment due to the course of the
Evidence for decline in general intellectual
HIV Infection
function among children with sickle cell disease Pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
has been equivocal. Generally, overall lower in- (AIDS) is the direct result of a retrovirus,
tellectual performance has been reported for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), now the
children with sickle cell disease, as compared to ninth leading cause of death in children
age- and sex-matched controls (Berg & Linton, (Wolters, Brouwers, & Moss, 1995). Improve-
1997). These findings seem to be particularly rel- ments in medical technology and treatment,
evant to children who have suffered CVAs. In a and higher incidence rates, reportedly con-
study of 10 sickle cell children receiving trans- tribute to the exponential growth in the number
fussion therapy following stroke, Cohen, Branch, of children with HIV infection. The transmis-
McKie, and Adams (1994) subdivided this group sion of HIV infection may take several routes,
based on lateralization of stroke. Findings indi- most commonly including exposure to the virus
cated that left-hemisphere involvement resulted in utero by infected mothers or through infected
in general impairment on intelligence testing, in- blood transfusions. Symptomatology of the ill-
cluding measures of verbal, nonverbal, and spa- ness is, in some ways, not unlike adults, char-
tial ability. Comparatively, stroke lateralized acterized by opportunistic infections and/or
within the right hemisphere resulted in impair- Karposi's sarcoma. However, among infants the
ment of nonverbal/spatial abilities only. illness differs in its course due to the immature
nature of the immune system and presence of
Based upon the results of this study, children with left maternal antibodies in the infant's circulatory
hemisphere stroke demonstrated a global decline on in- system. As a result, the central nervous system
telligence testing with a very small VIQ-PIQ discrep- may be the most vulnerable target of the infec-
ancy in favor ofPIQ (4 points). In contrast, the children tion, particularly the regions of the basal gan-
with right hemisphere stroke demonstrated a marked glia, pyramidal tracts, extrapyramidal tracts, and
decline in PIQ only, resulting in a large (13 point) VIQ- cerebellum. Neurological sequelae include mi-
PIQ discrepancy in favor of VIQ. (p. 522) crocephaly, brain atrophy, encephalopathy, and
other abnormalities in neurological develop-
Additional neurocognitive findings included ment (e.g., neoplasms such as lymphoma of the
impairment across measures of language, which CNS). Children who are born infected are often
was significantly lower in the area of expressive small for their gestational age and demonstrate
vocabulary only, visual-spatial construction, au- numerous developmental complications', includ-
ditory/verbal memory, immediate visual/spatial ing failure to thrive (Llorente, LoPresti, & Satz,
memory, and all academic areas (consistent with 1997; Williams & Williams, 1996).
IQ) among children sustaining left-hemisphere Although the neurologic complications of pe-
involvement. Visual-spatial construction, imme- diatric HIV infection have been well researched,
diate visual/spatial memory, and arithmetic were the neuropsychological complications are less
compromised among children with a history of clear. Pediatric HIV infection constitutes a new
stroke localized within the right hemisphere. area of investigation. As such, it is characterized
The authors conclude that these results are sim- by a paucity of research and many of the same
methodological problems associated with the not infected with HIV, and healthy sibling
empirical investigation of other pediatric syn- controls over time. The performance of the
dromes. These issues may be particularly trou- HIV-infected group on measures of academic
blesome for investigators of pediatric HIV, as the achievement was lower than would be predicted
progression of this illness is complex and, in by their assessed cognitive ability. The authors
many cases, its onset is prenatal (Williams & conclude that these results are not suggestive of
Williams, 1996). These methodological obstacles progressive cognitive decline in asymptomatic
notwithstanding, neurocognitive areas report- HIV-infected children, and that age at infection
edly affected by CNS HIV infection include is a significant prognostic indicator.
deficits in motor skills, perceptual motor ability,
attention, and expressive language. However, as
concerns problems of inattention, the etiology is CONCLUSIONS
not dearly the direct result of HIV (Berg & Lin-
ton, 1997; Moss, Walters, Brouwers, Hendricks,
& Pizzo, 1996). This chapter has attempted to present the reader
Overall lowering of cognitive functioning with an introductory review of neuropsychologi-
among children with HIV infection is generally cal assessment with children. In particular, a brief
documented by empirical investigation. Given overview of theories of intellectual function from
that the CNS is the primary target during the a neuropsychological framework, as well as sev-
progression of the virus, cognitive decline is a eral approaches to neuropsychological assess-
likely result. In a study of 99 children with symp- ment, was presented. As such, recent advances
tomatic HIV disease who had received no anti- not only in neurodiagnostic imaging of brain
retroviral therapy, Brouwers, Tudor-Williams, function, but also in psychometric instrumenta-
DeCarli, Moss, Wolters, Civitello, and Pizzo tion hold much promise for a broader under-
(1995) report a mean FSIQ of 85.9 ±2.5, with a standing of intellectual function in children.
range from 39 to 131. Additionally, children who
acquired the virus prenatally demonstrated sig-
nificantly lower levels of functioning than a CHAPTER SUMMARY
transfusion-infected group. In conclusion, the
authors state that "this study shows that ad-
vanced immune dysfunction and elevated viral 1. Neuropsychology, which has gained eminence
burden as markers of disease progression place within the last thirty years, seeks to define and
children at increased risk for the development of describe brain processes, which subserve such
HIV-related CNS manifestations" (p. 719). In an unitary constructs as intelligence.
attempt to study the effects of HIV infection 2. Early pioneers in the field of neuropsychol-
acquired during childhood, Smith, Minden, Net- ogy, such as Ward Halstead and Aleksandr
ley, Read, King, and Blanchette (1997) con- Luria, developed neuropsychological theories
ducted a 3-year longitudinal investigation of the of intelligence. Such theories ascribed central
neurocognitive sequelae of transfusion-infected importance to the role of the frontal lobes.
children. In contrast to the aforementioned Similarly, modern neuropsychological re-
study, these authors report no significant differ- searchers advance a cognitive processing ap-
ences on measures of general intellectual func- proach to intellectual function. Additionally,
tion, memory, motor function, and language studies of cerebral lateralization suggest that
abilities among children infected with HIV and the hemispheres operate concertedly to pro-
hemophilia, children with hemophilia who were duce "intelligent" behavior.
3. The nature of the developing brain poses 6. Several approaches to child neuropsychologi-
considerable challenge to child neuropsy- cal assessment include the fixed battery ap-
chologists, who must consider multiple and proach, the flexible battery approach, and the
interactive variables when evaluating the im- process approach. Battery selection is driven
pact of early brain insult. by the purpose of the assessment or the refer-
4. Just as a child's brain should not be viewed as a ral question, and rehabilitative demands.
down-sized version of the adult brain, assess- 7. While neuropsychological measures share
ment of brain-behavior relationships in chil- some common variance with measures ofintel-
dren cannot be based simply on down-sized ligence (i.e., psychometric g), neuropsycholog-
versions of adult measures. As such, the state ical measures do provide unique information
of child neuropsychological assessment is in its about brain-behavior relationships.
infancy, with a need for the development of 8. The neuropsychological sequelae of various
measures designed to assess normal cognitive pediatric syndromes underscore the necessity
development at different age-referenced stages. for measures characterized by greater sensi-
5. N europsychological assessment with children tivity and specificity, as compared to tradi-
typically involves the functional domains tional tests of intelligence, for detection of
of general intelligence, memory, perceptual subtle functional deficits.
ability, visual-spatial function, attention, com-
munication and language skills, academic
achievement, and social-emotional function.
lowing applicable adaptive skill areas: communication, agnosis cannot be made is because the age of
self-care, home living, socials skills, community use, self- onset is outside that which is typically considered
direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure the developmental period.
and work. Mental retardation manifests itselfbefore age With regard to intellectual assessment, the
18. (p. iii) AAMR provides the following guidelines:
The AAMR has for some time considered 1. Determination of subaverage intellectual
mental retardation as a condition that can only functioning requires the use of global mea-
be diagnosed if dual deficits in intelligence and sures that include different types of items
adaptive behavior exist during the developmental and different factors of intelligence. The in-
period (usually considered to be 18 by most diag- struments more commonly used include The
nostic systems). All of the major diagnostic sys- Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, one of the
tems have adopted the view that an intelligence Wechsler scales (WISC-III, WAIS-R [now
deficit is at best only one of the core deficits of III]), or the Kaufman Assessment Battery for
mental retardation. Most diagnostic systems also Children.
mimic the DSM-IV by defining significantly
2. If a valid IQ is not possible, significantly sub-
below-average intelligence as a standard score
average intellectual capabilities means a level
(M=l00, SD=15 or 16) of about 70 or below.
of performance that is less than that observed
Often individual state departments of education
in the vast majority (approximately 97 per-
also stipulate, in their IDEA implementation
cent) of persons of comparable background.
regulations, that the standard error of measure-
ment may be taken into account. Specifically, 3. In order to be valid, the assessment of cogni-
scores of about 67 to 73 may be considered as ei- tive performance must be free from errors
ther qualifying or disqualifying a child for the di- caused by motor, sensory, emotional, or cul-
agnosis of mental retardation when other tural factors. (p. 1)
variables, such as adaptive behavior and age of
onset, are taken into account. These guidelines have several sensible impli-
The core logic of the criteria for the diagnosis cations for assessment practice. First, screening
of mental retardation can be simplistically ap- measures are discouraged. Second, it is recog-
plied to the following examples. nized that a standardized assessment ofIQ is not
always possible. Later I will suggest that an adap-
INTELLI- MENTAL tive measure be used for the intelligence measure
GENCE ADAPTIVE ONSET RETAR- in these extreme cases. Third, psychologists must
CASE COMPOSITE BEHAVIOR AGE DATION use good common sense and rule out nonintel-
lective causes for low intelligence test scores.
1 55 62 27 No
2 60 81 2 No
3 84 63 7 No Adaptive Behavior Scales
4 58 59 2 Yes Adaptive behavior scales assess the degree to
which an individual meets the standards of
The sample cases above, while oversimplifica- personal independence and social responsibility
tions of the diagnostic principles involved in expected for a child's age or cultural group
mental retardation diagnosis, do give some indi- (Grossman, 1983). This construct is more vari-
cation of the general parameters that are consid- able than intelligence since the standards of be-
ered in making the diagnosis. Case 1 is probably havior and achievement are determined by an
the trickiest because the sole reason that the di- individual's society. For example, adult expecta-
has eschewed this practice by emphasizing the them from walking and speaking. They re-
assessment of patient needs in a variety of do- quire constant supervision and lifelong custo-
mains. Some descriptions of the various levels of dial care. (p. 349)
mental retardation that have served as conven-
tions in the past are given below. These criteria It is in the differentiation of levels of mental
are adapted from Weiss and Weisz (1986). retardation that psychologists have come face to
face with the limitations ofintelligence tests. The
• Mild Mental Retardation (standard score scholastic nature of many of the items does not
range 55 to 69) provide easy enough items for children with se-
This group constitutes approximately 80% vere impairments. Infant and some preschool
of the cases of mental retardation. In most tests do have enough easy items because intelli-
cases, these individuals look relatively normal gence is defined differently, more globally, for
and often are not identified until they begin these ages. Motor scales, for example, are com-
school and experience considerable difficulty. mon and contribute to developmental indices
They can develop social and basic life skills (see Chapter 15). Some individuals have advised
and achieve up to about a sixth-grade level in using infant scales such as the Bayley with chil-
some academic areas. Mildly retarded individ- dren who are beyond the test's age range and yet
uals usually become self-supporting, but the have mental ages that are within the age range
jobs that they do may be viewed by most as (Sullivan & Burley, 1990). Differentiating be-
tiresome (see Box 20.1). tween severe and profound levels of retardation
remains a murky area where the intelligence test-
• Moderate Mental Retardation (standard
ing technology usually fails. In fact, the AAMR
score range 40 to 54)
approach, which places less emphasis on the dif-
About 12 % of the mental retardation cases
ferentiation of levels, may be of greater value for
fall into this range. These children often have
clinical assessment purposes with severely dis-
obvious physical abnormalities and appear
abled populations.
awkward or clumsy. They frequently show
language delays in the preschool years and do
not obey social conventions. These individu-
als may be able to work in a sheltered work- Profile Research
shop setting but rarely live independently.
Some research on the use of the intelligence tests
• Severe Mental Retardation (standard score with children has focused on identifying charac-
range 25 to 39) teristic composite score or subtest profiles. Kauf-
This group constitutes approximately 7% man (1979b) identified a WISC-R profile in
of the mental retardation cases. During early which mildly mentally retarded children ob-
childhood, they show significant speech and tained relative strengths on spatial tests such as
motor delays. Their schooling focuses on the Block Design, Picture Completion, and Object
development of personal hygiene and basic Assembly and relative weaknesses on school re-
communication skills. As adults, these individ- lated tests such as Arithmetic, Vocabulary, and
uals can only perform simple occupational Information. While this profile suggests that
tasks under close supervision. there may be a characteristic P>V profile, this
• Profound Mental Retardation (standard does not appear to be the case. As Kaufman
score less than 25) (1979b) emphasized, the WISC-R profile is
Individuals in this 1% of mentally retarded merely a trend in the data.
individuals suffer from physical abnormalities It is now clear that a mild P>V pattern and
and neurological problems that often preclude the aforementioned subtest profile are only
trends that are potentially theoretically signifi- point range (when the lowest subtest score is
cant but uselessfor making differential diagnoses. In subtracted from the highest subtest score). This
the majority of studies conducted with the finding is well within the range of 7 + or -
WISC-R, the P>V profile was only in the 8- to 2 points, which was found to be within the aver-
IO-point range (Kaufman & Van Hagen, 1977; age range for the WISC-R standardization sam-
Gutkin, 1979; Naglieri, 1979; Thompson, 1980). ple (Kaufman, 1979b).
A VIP difference of this magnitude is not reliable Overall, neither composite score or subtest
enough for individual assessment purposes and there- profiles for children with mental retardation
fore, not a valuable group trend that may be used have been of significant theoretical or practical
as a diagnostic sign. value. The overall composite score offered by in-
Why did this mild subtest and P>V pattern telligence tests has, however, been shown to be
occur in so many studies? It certainly makes of some value for predicting important phenom-
sense that children with mental retardation ena. For example, several studies have shown that
would have a deficit in school-related skills such psychostimulant therapy is ineffective for chil-
as those assessed by the Arithmetic and Vocabu- dren with ADHD and mental retardation if their
lary subtests, since the diagnosis of mental retar- overall IQ score is very low (i.e., about 55 or less)
dation is usually made by schools and children (Brown, Dreelin, & Dingle, 1997).
who are referred for suspected mental retarda-
tion are likely referred because of substantial
school failure (Kaufman, 1979b). It is also con- Selecting a Score for Mental
ceivable that the cumulative deficit phenomenon
(see Chapter 3) comes into play and adversely af-
Retardation (MR) Diagnosis
fects school achievement. This proposition may An important issue regarding the use of intelli-
be particularly true for mathematics tests since gence tests for the purposes of mental retarda-
later skill development is dependent on prereq- tion diagnosis is the decision about which
uisite skill acquisition. The relative strength on composite score to use in making a diagnosis
nonverbal tasks with a strong spatial component when there is a composite score (e.g., V/P) dif-
may be explained similarly. This profile could be ference and one of these scores is outside that
affected by the nature of mild mental retardation. which is typically considered to be the mental re-
Most mild mental retardation (about 75% of tardation range. A child, for example, could ob-
cases) is described as familial (Weiss & Weisz, tain a WISC-III Verbal score of 78 and a
1986), where problems such as poverty and illit- Performance score of 65. In this scenario, the
eracy are associated with the syndrome. Perhaps Full Scale score of 70 is not too problematic. If
Block Design, Object Assembly, and Picture the child's adaptive behavior composite score is
Completion are less affected by adverse cultural also about 70 or less, the diagnosis of mental re-
conditions. Yet another possibility is that some tardation becomes more likely as dual deficits in
mentally retarded children exhibit subtle neuro- intelligence and adaptive behavior are clearly
logical differences from the population at large documented.
that could be due to prenatal or postnatal factors. What if, however, a more difficult case with a
Reynolds and Kaufman (1990) have also sum- large V/P discrepancy is considered? A good ex-
marized the extent of WISC-R subtest scatter ample of this latter situation would be a child
(intercomposite or intersubtest differences) that who obtains a Performance score of 88, Verbal
has been found for populations of children with score of 60, Full Scale score of 72, and adaptive
mental retardation. They found that subtest scat- behavior composite score of 71. This case is
ter in the typical investigation was in the 6- to 7- more difficult to decide based on scores alone,
forcing logic and prior research to come into tory, other test scores, and related information as
play. This case is also a good example of why central to the mental retardation diagnostic process. In
rigid cut scores should not be used when making diag- cases where there are composite score differ-
noses based on intelligence test results (Kaufman, ences, with some scores within the mental retar-
1990). One may make quite different diagnostic dation range and others outside this range, the
decisions with this same set of scores, depending examiner should explain why the diagnostic decision
on other information about the child. This child was made, whatever that decision may be. This
may be diagnosed with mental retardation given practice at least allows for peer review and col-
information that he or she laboration. If the reason is defensible to other
professionals who know the child's circum-
1. is 9 years old and has failed most academic stances, then the clinician can feel more com-
subjects every school year despite the fact that fortable with the decision made. Writing the
his or her parents have hired tutors and he or rationale for the diagnosis has an additional ben-
she seems to be putting forth great effort in efit in that it may also help the clinician clarify
school; his or her thought processes regarding the diag-
2. was born in the United States and speaks Eng- nostic decision.
lish as his or her native language; and Unfortunately, the use of intelligence tests in
isolation has been reinforced by statutory guide-
3. has a developmental history indicating that he
lines such as those offered by some state depart-
or she achieved major language and motor
ments of education and U.S. federal agencies such
milestones considerably later than normal.
as the Social Security Administration. A cutoff
score of 70 has been identified by various agencies
A child with the scores cited above may just as
to decide everything from special education class
well not be diagnosed with mental retardation if
placement to eligibility for monetary benefits.
he or she
One can imagine the ire of physicians if the use of
medical 'diagnostic tests were similarly regulated.
1. is 7 years old, has lived in the United States
What if some governmental body decided that a
for only 1 year, and Spanish was his or her
person had to have a cholesterol level of 200
first language acquired;
(LDL) to be eligible to receive medicine to reduce
2. has failed only language arts subjects; and serum cholesterol (a practice that is now more
3. was reared in a high-SES family environment likely due to the ubiquitous nature of managed
where his or her needs were met by others, care)? The patients with levels of 195 would likely
and the acquisition of adaptive life skills was be very angry at being denied treatment, and those
not emphasized or deemed necessary (e.g., the patients with levels of 205 who wanted to treat
household employed both a maid and a cook). themselves with diet modifications would be sim-
This privileged environment resulted in a very ilarly angry. This situation is not far removed
low score on the Daily Living Skills domain of from current mental retardation diagnostic prac-
the Vineland with other domain scores being tice that occurs with school-aged children under
considerably higher. the aegis ofvarious governmental regulatory bod-
ies. If intelligence tests are going to be used in a
Since background information, other test larger context for decision making, then clinicians
scores, developmental history, and other factors have to use discretion as opposed to rigid cut
are so important in making diagnostic decisions scores or diagnostic formulas. To do otherwise is
with intelligence tests, perhaps the most reason- to promote the simplistic and inappropriate use of
able approach is to consider developmental his- intelligence tests, which serves no one.
scales are also more likely to produce much more adaptive behavior evaluations and background in-
important information for intervention design formation. A good example is the case of Daniel
than intelligence scales. It is also theoretically de- Hoffman who was diagnosed by a school board
fensible to use adaptive behavior scales as measures of psychologist as mentally retarded (Payne & Pat-
intelligence with the severely disabled, because the ton, 1981). He spent 12 years in a class for the
content domain at low levels of adaptive behavior mentally retarded before it was discovered that the
scales is strikingly similar to that of infant intelli- initial diagnosis was incorrect. He, in fact, was
gence tests such as the Bayley. Motor skills are above average intellectually, but he had a severe
part of intelligence scales for preschoolers; why speech defect. Remarkably, he had even accepted
can't they be part of a developmental assessment the fact that he was mentally retarded.
for the older child or adolescent who has a sig- The reasons for making the diagnosis of men-
nificant cognitive impairment? My opinion is tal retardation, since it does depend so heavily on
that adaptive behavior scales are the tests of choice the use of intelligence test results, should be ex-
for differentiating among moderate, severe, and pro- plained in writing. Simply reporting scores that
found levels of mental retardation or developmental are 70 or below and concluding that a child has
disability. MR is not adequate for modern assessment prac-
Unfortunately, some regulatory agencies still tice. Above all, intelligence test results should not
insist that every child diagnosed with MR have a be used rigidly in making mental retardation di-
recent intelligence test score on record. This re- agnoses. The use of strict cut scores serves to
quirement results in psychologists engaging in place too much emphasis on those very scores
questionable practices such as using preschool and cause evaluators to lose sight of the child's
tests to obtain a mental age for mentally re- full spectrum of strengths and weaknesses. Gone
tarded adolescents, and using the old ratio IQ are the days when the diagnosis of mental retar-
formula (MA/CA x 100 = IQ) to produce an dation is based solely on one measure-intelli-
IQ score. An intelligence test should never be gence te~ts. The practice of using intelligence
used outside its age range to produce a norm-refer- tests in isolation is analogous to using only the
enced score to be used in making diagnostic decisions. LDL serum cholesterol level to diagnose risk for
If an intelligence test is used in this manner, it is heart disease. It is now clear that other factors
likely no better, and it may be worse, than an (e.g., HDL) must be considered. The AAMR
educated guess by a skilled professional. The (1992) diagnostic manual has provided com-
sample case for Kent (in this chapter) shows how pelling empirical evidence and logical arguments
a credible evaluation of a severely disabled child to support the identification of adaptive be-
may be completed without using an intelligence havior, emotional functioning, health, and intel-
test. lectual abilities as part of MR diagnosis and
treatment planning.
Background Information
Health and Physical Development
The pregnancy with Kent was complicated by hemorrhaging in the first 6 weeks, followed by a high fever that re-
solved without treatment. His mother reported experiencing mild PET (toxemia) near term. Kent was born at term
via an elective caesarian section; birth weight 5 pounds, 12 ounces.
According to his mother, a milk allergy was diagnosed at 2 days of age. Kent continued to experience vomiting
and diarrhea from 10 days to 6 weeks of age. In addition, a ventricular septal defect was diagnosed at 10 days of age,
which later closed spontaneously. At 2 months of age, Kent's pediatrician queried deafuess and blindness. In addi-
tion, Kent was again experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Kent's mother reported that he exhibited "strange shak-
ing of the feet, arms, and grimacing of the face" around 2 1/ 2 months.of age. An EEG was performed at 5 months
of age and Kent was diagnosed as having hypsarrhythmia (infantile spasms). At the present time, additional diag-
nostic problems, as specified by the pediatric neurologist, include probable Cerebral Dysgenesis, Mental Retarda-
tion, Cerebral Palsy: Mild Spastic Diplegia, Microcephaly, Seizure Disorder, Congenital Renal Problems, and
Recurrent Otitis Media.
According to his mother, Kent held up his head at 3-4 months, sat at 10 months, pulled to a stand and crawled
at 12 months, and walked at 23 months of age. However, due to subsequent heel cord lengthening operations, Kent
again walked independently at 3 years of age. His mother reports that Kent has an expressive language vocabulary
of 15-20 words.
Kent wears corrective lenses for astigmatism. His hearing was assessed at Children's Hospital, and he was diag-
nosed as having "functional hearing for communication purposes." At the present time, Kent undergoes physical
and occupational therapy and is on a waiting list for kindergarten.
Family Background
Kent is the youngest of two children, the first being a boy also. The family is intact, and relationships appear to be
healthy. His mother was observed to verbally reprimand Kent when he played inappropriately. This discipline tech-
nique was appropriate for the situation. Both parents appeared to interact and cope with their handicapped child at
a high degree of proficiency. The social worker at the Child Development Center expressed concern that his par-
ents are overly involved with Kent's handicap such that their requests for services are, at times, unreasonable. Al-
though his parents intensely inquired about school district services, their questions were appropriate and indicative
of considerable thought and insight.
Kent underwent psychological assessments at Children's Hospital at ages 2 and 2 1/2. Test results from the Bayley
Scales of Infant Development were as follows:
Age Mental Age Motor Scale
2 13 mon,ths (below 50) 16 months (below 50)
2 1/2 15 months (below 50) 16 months (below 50)
Current Psychoeducational Assessment
Formal psychological assessment was attempted, but reliable and valid results were unobtainable due to the exten-
sive nature of Kent's communication disorder. Kent appeared to be at the exploratory level of functioning and was
unable to point to any object upon command or sit at an activity for a sustained period of time.
Due to Kent not being presently engaged in a preschool program, observations were made at the evaluation center
and at Kent's home. Each observation was approximately 1 hour in duration.
Kent walked independently, although he exhibited awkward gait and tended to lean forward with his arms stretched
forward while walking. Kent walked independently up and down stairs. His mother reported that Kent is unable to
run, jump, hop, or catch a ball.
Speech and Language
Kent did not attempt any vocalizations at home. However, he frequently gestured and whined for a coloring book
at home. These behaviors appeared to be an attempt to communicate with others. Kent did not voice any discern-
able words during either observation.
Awareness ofEnvironment and Exploratory Behavior
Kent demonstrated awareness (visual and auditory) of his environment. He was interested in watching and at-
tempting to engage in activities being conducted within his immediate visual field. He responded to loud noises by
visually orienting to the sound source. Kent wore glasses during both observations. Kent also actively explored his
surrounding environment. When at the center, Kent took objects from their container and replaced them upon
command from his mother. He actively sought new toys. When at home, Kent attempted to color in a coloring
book. He held the crayon incorrectly within his fist. When reprimanded for not completing his task, Kent left the
room and searched for a photograph album. His mother reported that Kent is unable to cut with scissors.
Interaction with Others
Kent attempted to solicit the examiner's attention on a variety of occasions. He readily approached the examiner
upon initial meeting and appeared pleased (i.e., smiled) when placed on the examiner's lap.
Following lnstmctions and Attending to Tasks
\\'hen requested by his mother to color on the page instead of the table, Kent readily complied. Kent did not fol-
low instructions provided by the examiner.
Peabody Picture Vocabula1y Test-Revised
This receptive vocabulary test was administered, but Kent was unable to produce a satisfactory pointing response.
He appeared to point at the pictures at random.
Brigance bzvento1y ofEarly Development
Self Help Skills: His mother answered these questions. The ratings assigned by his mother are as follows:
On the basis of these test results, when compared to his same-age peers, Kent is presently functioning 3-4 stan-
dard deviations below the mean, which is indicative of a Severe/Profound Mentally Handicapped child. (Please refer
to the protocol for an analysis of Kent's behavioral strengths and weaknesses.)
less likely that he would respond to a stranger. where below 20"). Instead, the examiner focused
Suggestions for evaluating challenging children more on determining the child's needs, making ap-
like Kent are given in Box 20.3. propriate programming recommendations, and
This case is also instructive in that it makes developing appropriate answers to the referral
the diagnosis of mental retardation without ap- questions, rather than expending great effort to
pealing to questionable assessment practices. It produce "the IQ." This report also follows the
would have been tempting to use an intelligence guideline that a good report presents and an-
test outside its age range or simply make an edu- swers referral questions in a straightforward
cated guess as to the child's "IQ" (e.g., "some- manner (see Chapter 18).
Box 20.3 Procedures for assessing individuals with severe and profound disabilities
Listed below are some unusual aspects that should be considered when assessing the intelligence of substantially dis-
abled children and adolescents. Children such as Kent (see sample case) require special skills to evaluate with intel-
ligence tests or other measures. Some ideas for assessing significantly impaired children are given below.
1. Sometimes severely disabled individuals are disrupted by new individuals in their environment. For this reason,
examiners should always observe the child first before introducing themselves. Frequently, repetitive, stereo-
typic, or self-stimulatory behavior will increase in response to a new person or a new environment (e.g., a test-
ing room). A child's home or classroom may be the best setting to use for the test session, as these children may
be adversely affected by novel surroundings. In addition, the child's teacher, teacher assistant, or a parent may
be used to administer some portions of the evaluation.
2. Many intelligence measures will not have a large enough number of low difficulty items to assess these signifi-
cantly impaired children. Examiners should broaden their focus to assess language, gross motor, fine motor,
adaptive behavior, and other skills that are at least somewhat relate6 to cognitive development. Examiners may
also need to make a dedicated attempt to describe what the child can do. Behavioral competencies should not be
overlooked in the evaluation of the intelligence of these individuals.
3. Attentional problems are frequently present in these children. This difficulty may result in the need for more
than one test session. Ideally, a second examiner or assistant should be present to record the child's responses and
take notes while the examiner is testing and interacting with the child.
4. Observe the child's teacher or parents in order to determine a method for communicating with the child. Com-
munication methods may include pantomime, gestures, sign language, eye blinking, or any other method the
child may use to signify at least a yes or no response.
5. A physically disabled child may require the assistance of a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or aide to
be placed in position for the testing to occur. Similarly, children should have their physical assistance devices and
communication devices (e.g., a computer) at their disposal.
6. These children may require considerable rewards in order to perform up to their potential. Primary.reinforcers
such as food may be necessary. Similarly, it may be necessary to reinforce successive approximations to terminal
behaviors in order to encourage the child to continue responding.
7. Be observant for physical limitations, illnesses, prosthetics, or medications that may be affecting intelligence test
performance. An exhaustive developmental history including medical information is central for appropriate in-
terpretation of these children's intelligence test scores.
8. Some of these children and adolescents will not possess even rudimentary skills such as imitation that are nec-
essary to take tests. In this case, clinicians may work with the child's teacher in order to develop test-taking skills
prior to an eventual evaluation.
tion, and may occur across the life span. Problems in self- Reading Disability
regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social inter-
action may exist with learning disabilities but do not by Perhaps the most well-known learning disability
themselves constitute a learning disability. Although is developmental dyslexia (now referred to as
learning disabilities may occur concomitantly with other reading disability), which is characterized by ex-
handicapping conditions (for example, sensory impair- traordinary difficulty acquiring basic reading
ment, mental retardation, serious emotional distur- skills (see Box 20.5). This disorder was first iso-
bance) or with extrinsic influences (such as cultural lated in the late 1800s (Hinshelwood, 1986; Shay-
differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction),
witz & Waxman, 1987). There is a long hist, •ry of
they are not the result of those conditions or influences.
(NJCLD, 1988,p. 1)
conceptualizing this disorder as neurologically
based, although documentation of flawed neuro-
logical makeup on the part of these children has
This definition was the product of a committee not been well documented (Stanovich, 1999).
comprised of members of several important orga- Neuropsychological research has been fos-
nizations including the American Speech-Lan- tered by the availability of more sophisticated
guage-Hearing Association (ASHA), the Council brain-imaging technologies. Prior to the exis-
for Learning Disabilities (CLD), the Division for tence of sophisticated noninvasive diagnostic
Children with Communication Disorders procedures the primary sources of evidence of
(DCCD), the Division for Learning Disabilities neurological problems in children with learning
(DLD), the International Reading Association disabilities came from more crude imaging pro-
(IRA), the Learning Disability Association of cedures or the rare autopsy study. There is evi-
America (LDA), the National Association of dence emerging from recent studies that some of
School Psychologists (NASP), and the Orton the neurological structures of reading-disabled
Dyslexia Society (ODS). children may be different from those of normal
The 1992 Federal Register contains the regula- readers, :;1.nd that dyslexia is by no means a visual-
tions for identifying and defining students with spatial but rather a language-based disability that
specific learning disabilities under the current In- adversely affects the phonological coding of in-
dividuals with Disabilities Education Act legisla- formation (Hynd & Semrud-Clikeman, 1989).
tion so that they may receive special education While the affected neurological structures re-
and related services. It is this definition that main open to debate, there is considerable con-
serves as the foundation for state department of sensus that the core psychological processing
education regulations regarding special educa- deficit is in phonological coding (Siegel, 1999;
tion eligibility. The definition is: Stanovich, 1999).
Siegel (1999) offers the following definition of
"Specific learning disability" means a disorder in one or dyslexia:
more of the basic psychological processes involved in un-
dei-standing or in using language, spoken or written, Dyslexia involves difficulties with phonological process-
that may manifest itselfin an impeifect ability to listen, ing, including knowing the relationship between letters
think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical and sounds. Over the years, a consensus has emerged
calculations. The te77n includes such conditions as per- that one core deficit in dyslexia is a severe difficulty with
ceptual disabilities, brnin inju1y, minimal brain dys- phonological processing. (p. 306)
function, dyslexia and developmental aphasia. The term
does not app~y to students who have learning problems She goes on to propose that reading disabilities
that are p1·imarily the result ofvisual, hearing, or motor are so intertwined with spelling and written lan-
disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional or behav- guage problems that a separate written expres-
ioral disorde1-s, 01· environmental, cultural, or economic sion disability cannot be demonstrated. The
disadvantage. (U.S. Office ofEducation, 1992) commingling of reading and other problems is
Verbal score of82 and Performance score of 102? discrepancy formula of a 20-point difference be-
Which score should be used as the criterion ofin- tween a composite intelligence test score and an
telligence for making the comparison between academic area test score. In this case the compos-
ability and achievement? In all likelihood the Full ite scores are uninsightful, but the profile is clear.
Scale is an average that may have little psycho- This child may suffer from a pervasive language-
logical meaning for the child. Some states have based learning disability that affects intelligence and
guidelines for deciding when the higher score can academic achievement test scores. If background and
be used as the test of intelligence. Cutoffscores in other information supports such a diagnosis, then
many cases, however, are too rigid and do not en- the intelligence composite scores are moot.
courage an in-depth understanding of the child It has often been argued that the PIQ should be
being evaluated. A large VIP or other composite used as the measure of educational potential in
score discrepancy often suggests that the child's such a case because the VIQ is tainted by the
cognitive skills cannot be understood in simplistic child's disability. This conclusion is, however, il-
terms. One procedure for investigating a com- logical if one is interested in predicting school
posite score discrepancy further is to administer a achievement. I have already revealed mounds of
second inteliigence measure. While intelligence evidence in previous chapters to show that the PIQ
tests correlate rather highly, they do measure dis- is a poor predictor of school achievement in com-
tinct content, which may cause them to disagree parison to the VIQ. Stanovich (1999) criticizes the
in individual cases. Administration of a second entire "educational potential" concept and the over
test would also help the clinician rule out situa- reliance on intelligence tests by saying:
tional and other confounding behavioral factors.
If a second test results in another large discrep- We seem to find it difficult to use this crude cognitive
ancy in composite scores (e.g., K-ABC Seq = 84 probe, an IQ Score, as a circumscribed behavioral index
and Sim= 108), then the examiner remains in a di- without loading social, and indeed metaphysical (Schef-
fler, 1985), baggage onto it. If these tests are mere pre-
agnostic quandary even though light llas been
dictors r,fschool peiforrnance, let's treat them as such. If
shed on the child's profile of skills. One still must
we do, peiforrnance IQ is manifestly not the predictor
choose an "ability" measure--or must one? In this that we want to use, at least in the domain ofliteracy-
case the child's profile should be evaluated for based educational prediction. (p. 355)
consistency with other data and the diagnostic de-
cision based on knowledge of the etiology, course,
and prognosis for LD temporarily disregarding any Other Antiquated Diagnostic
reg;ulations that foster simplistic discrepancy methods. Practices
This heretical statement is not meant to en-
courage civil disobedience, but rather to empha- Early Profile Research
size that the child's needs should take precedence Profile analysis has encountered difficulty since
in making the diagnostic decision. Consider the the inception of the practice. Rapaport, Gill, and
following profile of scores. Schaffer (1945-46) began research on profile
analysis in the 1940s shortly after the publication of
WISC-III FS = 102, V = 82, P = 119 the Wechsler-Bellevue Scales. These authors
worked at the famed Meninger Clinic with adult
Binet-4 Composite= 100, V/R = 81,
psychiatric populations. Their text was the product
NV= 117, Quant= 96, S-T M = 98.
of years of research aimed at using the Wechsler-
Word Reading standard score = 83 Bellevue to make differential diagnoses of condi-
tions such as schizophrenia and depression. In their
The profile above could be problematic for a classic text, Manual ofDiagnostic P.rychological Test-
clinician who is advised to comply with a rigid ing (Rapaport, Gill, & Schaffer, 1945-1946), which
summarized their findings, the authors noted that (1979b) noted a tendency for samples of children
the Wechsler scale would likely never yield char- with learning disabilities to score more poorly on
acteristic profiles because ofits psychometric prop- these Wechsler subtests. Similarly, the Bannatyne
erties. They observed: categorization (see Chapter 8) seemed promising
for diagnosing the presence of a learning disabil-
An ideal testfor scatter analysis should contain perfectly re- ity. Kaufman's own enthusiasm for Wechsler
liable subtests completely homogeneous andfactorially sim- profiles waned as he stated in his now-classic text.
ple, each ofwhich would be as independent as possible ofthe
others. .. . Some ofthe publications that have appeared in ... the extreme similarity in the relative strengths and
the past 20 years concerning the (Wechsler-Bellevue) and weaknesses of the typical profiles for mentally retarded,
the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale ... has shown how reading-disabled, and learning-disabled children renders
far from this ideal either ofthe Wechsler tests is. The stan- differential diagnosis based primarily on WISC-R sub-
dardization of the W-B left a great deal to be desired so test patterns a veritable impossibility. (p. 206)
that the average scatter-grams ofnormal college students,
Kansas highway patrolmen ... and applicants to the Kaufman (1979b) found Wechsler profiles
Meninger School of Psychiatry ... all deviated from a more useful for theory building and testing than
straight line in just about the same ways. (p. 161)
for clinical diagnosis ofLD. A review of the prob-
lems associated with profile analysis, particularly
This early concern about the utility of profile
regarding LD diagnosis, supports Kaufman's cau-
analysis for diagnosing psychiatric populations is
tious stance regarding the distinctiveness of LD
an important early failure that was predictive of
later research seeking profiles for LD children.
Some of the impetus to find characteristic pro-
files for LD children was provided by the imple- WISC-R Profile Research for LD Samples
mentation of PL 94-142 and the associated One of the more well known investigations of
"child find" effort. This law created the need to WISC-.B- profiles for LD children is the meta-
search for accurate means of identifying children analysis conducted by Kavale and Forness (1984).
with learning disabilities so that all of these chil- These researchers performed an exhaustive
dren could receive appropriate special education analysis of the ability of WISC-R profiles to dif-
services. The WISC-R was caught up in this ef- ferentiate samples of normal children and chil-
fort, and there was an almost feverish search to dren with learning disabilities. They included an
find a profile, or set of profiles, that could serve impressive number of studies, 94 to be exact, and
as a marker for this group of children. Many re- they assessed the ability of a variety of profiles to
searchers focused not on ability/achievement dis- differentiate learning disabled from normal chil-
crepancies but on finding scatter within the dren. One profile investigated by these re-
WISC-R that could signify the presence of a searchers was the aforementioned ACID profile.
learning disability. There is an enduring diag- Kavale and Forness (1984) compared the perfor-
nostic controversy regarding the utility of using mance of normal and LD children on the ACID
vVISC-R profiles (VIP or shared subtest group- profile for the 94 samples included in the meta-
ings) to diagnose the presence of a learning dis- analysis. Despite the fact that the ACID profile
ability (Reynolds & Kaufman, 1990). had been proposed as being diagnostic of learn-
In the 1970s there was optimism that such a ing disabilities, Kavale and Forness found the
"marker" profile could be identified. Kaufman's ACID profile to produce a very small effect size
(1979b) text noted some consistency in the litera- for differentiating normal children from those
ture regarding the ACID profile. This profile is with learning disabilities. The authors found
made up of the Wechsler Arithmetic, Coding, In- that the magnitude of the effect size of the 94 in-
formation, and Digit Span subtests. Kaufman vestigations produced an average scaled score
equivalent for the four subtests in the ACID points occurred for approximately 34 % to 43% of
profile of 8.66. Given that many diagnosticians the standardization sample (Kaufman, 1979b).
consider a significant deviation from the mean
scale score of 10 to be 3 points, a deviation of 1.4 The Question of Heterogeneity
points from the average for the ACID profile
Critics of nonsupportive studies of WISC-R pro-
hardly seems to be diagnostic of a pervasive
file analysis of children with learning disabilities
weakness on the part of LD children.
have ~rgued, however, that many of the samples
Kavale and Forness (1984) also evaluated sev-
used m such investigations are too heteroge-
eral possible recategorizations in addition to the
n~ou~. _They say that, for example, the learning-
ACID profile. In some cases there was a slight
disability sample was made up of children with
d~pr~s~i?n of scores for children with learning
mathematics, reading, oral expression, and other
disabtlmes, but there was nothing that would
types of disabilities or perhaps children who were
usually be considered as approaching clinically
Unfortunately, the heterogeneity argument
Among other findings from the Kavale and
also does not s~em valid. A well-controlled study
Forness (1984) investigation w~s the finding of
by Semrud-Chkeman (1990) mitigates again this
no significant differences between the normal
argument. In this study well-defined groups of
and learning disability samples on WISC-R fac-
normal readers, reading-disabled children and
tor scores or on Bannatyne's recategorization of
children with attention deficit hyperactivicy dis-
the WISC. Finally, this study debunked the myth
order were selected. The reading-disabled group
of children with learning disabilities exhibiting
was carefully selected from clinic cases. The
more scatter than normal children (Reynolds &
reading-disabled sample was selected so as to
Kau&nan, 1990), where scatter is defined as the
have a history of reading failure, a difference of
difference between the child's highest and lowest
20 standard score points between the WISC-R
WISC-R subtest score. The authors found a
Fu_ll Scale standard score and a reading measure
trend for normal children to exhibit slightly more
(with the WISC-R being the higher score), a Full
scatter than children with learning disabilities.
S~ale sta_ndard score > 85, and no history of
Reynolds and Kaufman (1990) reiterated
~eizur~ disorde~, head injury, or other neurolog-
these findings in a review by concluding that
ical history. It is noteworthy how even for this
samples of LD children exhibited about the same
homogeneous sample of reading-disabled chil-
amount of subtest scatter as was found for the
dren a VIP pattern does not emerge (they were
WISC-R standardization sample-about 7 to 8
virtually identical).
scaled score points (Anderson, Kau&nan, &
There was, however, one glaringly apparent
Kau&nan, 1976; Gutkin, 1979; Naglieri, 1979;
pattern that did result, and that was the differ-
Stevenson, 1979; Tabachnik, 1979; Thompson,
ence between the WISC-R and the WRMT-R.
1980; Ryckman 1981). ·
In this study, relatively low reading achievement
Similarly, Verbal and Performance scale differ-
was a clear marker for the LD group.
ences for samples of LD children have been in the
10- to 12-point range, oftentimes with a P>V pro-
file (Anderson, Kau&nan, & Kau&nan 1976· Measurement Problems
Gutkin, 1979; Naglieri, 1979; Stevenso~, 1979; ~cDermott,_Fantuzzo, and Glutting (1990) pro-
Thompson, 1980). While these VIP differences vided a_ detailed review of measurement prob-
are potentially statistically reliable, they are by no lems with profile analysis, some of which are a
means unusual in comparison to the VIP differ- more sophisticated explication of the Rapaport
ences of the WISC-R nondisabled standardization et al. (1945-1946) concerns. Most importantly,
sample. Differences of 10 to 12 standard score McDermott et al. (1990) provided some insight
into the reasons why so many of the LD profiling subtest and single-subtest conclusions. If such
studies have produced equivocal results. McDer- conclusions are offered, it should be understood that
mott et al. (1990) initially make the argument they are likely offered based on the clinician's acumen
that ipsatized scores are inherently problematic. and not on any sound research base. Profile-based
An ipsatized score is the difference score repre- conclusions will be warranted in some cases and
senting the difference between a child's score on for such purposes the requirement of having two
a subtest and the child's mean subtest score. pieces of corroborating evidence to draw such
These are the same scores that were computed as conclusions seem minimal, especially in the con-
part of the process of determining subtest text of the typical amount of data collected in an
strengths and weaknesses as described in Chapter evaluation. Second, it must be concluded that in-
8. McDermott et al. (1990) cite numerous prob- telligence test profiles remain virtually useless for
lems with these scores and conclude that "ip- diagnosing LD, or its various theoretical sub-
sative assessment has not been well researched, types. Third, although profiling provides no easy
and there is ample evidence to militate against its answers for diagnosis, it may still be beneficial
current applications" (see Chapter 8). Composite for research purposes and theory building. Pro-
scores such as the Verbal, Sequential, or Abstract/ files may be statistically significant but not clini-
Visual have some evidence of factorial (con- cally meaningful. Such a profile could be helpful
struct) validity. Similarly, most of these compos- for testing a theory, even though it is too in-
ite scores have evidence of predictive validity, but distinctive to be clinically meaningful. Fourth,
ipsatized scores did not (McDermott et al., given the lack of validity and reliability evidence
1990). Finally, by virtue of their being difference for profiles, one should be wary of interpreting
scores, ipsatized scores also lack strong evidence them in causal fashion. Statements such as those
of reliability (McDermott et al., 1990). below are at a high level of inference and there-
fore should be avoided.
The Ubiquity of Scatter
"He h~s a cause-and-effect relationship prob-
Comparison to an adequate null hypothesis was
lem that is the likely etiology of his mathe-
another criticism of profile research (McDer-
matics disability."
mott et al., 1990). One can crudely evaluate the
utility of profiles for LD diagnosis by comparing "His spatial processing difficulty is at the root
the profiles of LD children to those of other of his reading disorder."
groups, especially normal samples, to determine "Her long-term memory weakness explains
their distinctiveness from the null. There is a her mathematics problem."
trend for LD children to score slightly below the
normative mean, and for them to exhibit a P>V Such cause-and-effect statements made on the
pattern. Performance-like subtests on the K- basis of profiles are exceedingly risky and inap-
ABC are also slightly higher than other compos- propriate without overwhelming corroborating
ites. Specifically, the Simultaneous scale of the evidence. Even with corroboration the clinician
K-ABC is somewhat higher than the Sequential is making these statements without substantial, if
scale (usually less than 6 points). any, research support.
isolation. Siegel (1990) found little relationship reading, disability. Moreover, the consensus
between reading and intelligence test scores, seems to be that the cut score for a reading dis-
which she maintains supports her conclusion that ability should be set at about a standard score of
intelligence tests contribute little to the diagnos- 85 with some flexibility built in (Stanovich,
tic process. A decade later the data to support 1999). This proposal is both revolutionary and
Siegel's point ofview we.!"e even more convincing. parsimonious. First, it disavows the use of intel-
Siegel (1992) later found that "both these ligence tests for making the diagnostic decision.
groups [reading disabled (dyslexic) and poor Second, and of great political interest, this
readers] deserve the label of reading disabled and methodology requires that each individual con-
have similar problems in reading and spelling sidered as LD show functional impairment (see
and significant problems in phonological pro- Gordon, Lewandowski, & Keiser, 1999). Specif-
cessing, memory, and language" (p. 627). Simi- ically, by abandoning the notion of severe dis-
larly, Fletcher, Francis, Rourke, S. Shaywitz, and crepancy, individuals with average or better
B. Shaywitz (1992) tested the validity of discrep- reading scores can no longer be considered LD
ancy-based definitions of reading disabilities by just because of having high intelligence test re-
comparing the performances of four groups of sults. The effects of such a change would be
children classified as reading disabled according enormous in that the "gifted LD" field would
to four different methods, with one group of disappear and university students would find it
nondisabled children on a battery of neuropsy- more difficult to obtain the diagnosis of LD and
chological tests. They found no significant dif- receive accommodations in school (see Gordon
ferences among the "disabled" children, thus et al., 1999, for a thorough discussion of these is-
calling into question the "validity of segregating sues). Third, LD would be capable of being di-
children with reading deficiencies according to agnosed with a simple word reading test (e.g.,
discrepancies with IQ scores" (p. 555). Stanovich K-TEA Reading Decoding, WRAT-3 Reading,
and Siegel (1994) subsequently tested Stanovich's etc.). Tqis prospect may cause concern about the
phonological-core variable-difference model of qualifications of examiners.
reading disability, again finding that "garden va- Based on current evidence, I have concluded
riety" poor readers did not differ from reading- that intelligence tests are most appropriately
disabled readers on measures of phonological, used in a learning disability evaluation to identify
word recognition, and language skills. They con- cognitive comorbidities that may affect educational
cluded: achievement. Some intelligence tests may be well
suited to identifying the short- and long-term
If there is a special group ofchildren with reading dis- memory, spatial/visualization, or other cognitive
abilities who are behaviorally, cognitively, genetically, problems that are not core deficits of LD but,
or neurologically different, it is becoming increasingly rather, affect prognosis and response to remedi-
unlike~y that they can be easi{y identified by using IQ ation. In a similar fashion the sphygmomanome-
disffepancy as a pi-oxy for the genetic and neurological ter, cardiac stress test, and other measures are
diffe1·ences themselves. Thus, the basic assumption that not central to the diagnosis of diabetes in adult-
underlies decades ofclassification in research and educa- hood. These tests are crucial, however, for ruling
tionalpmctice 1·egarding 1·eading disabilities is becoming out some of the common comorbidities such as
increasing~y untenable. (p. 48)
high blood pressure and heart disease. Just as an
individual with diabetes and heart disease has a
In the light of this research the dominant poorer prognosis due to the comorbidity, it
emerging proposal is to use academic achieve- would seem reasonable that an individual with
ment tests, such as those discussed in Chapter 14, LD with long-term memory deficits would be at
to make the diagnosis of a learning, especially greater risk for poor educational outcomes.
• McDermott, Fantuzzo, and Glutting (1990) • New methods for diagnosing learning disabil-
provided a detailed review of measurement ities are evolving, and the role of intelligence
problems with profile analysis, some of which tests in this diagnostic process may be changed
are a more sophisticated explication of the Ra- dramatically as the discrepancy-based diagnos-
paport et al. (1945-1946) concerns. tic model is called into question.
Intelligence Test
Interpretation Research
Differing Interpretations
Study Selection of the Same Results
The majority of studies included in Appendix A I favored a "preponderance-of-evidence" crite-
were aimed at identifying the latent traits un- rion when alternative interpretations needed to
derlying test scores, and profiles are typically be reconciled. In his landmark factor analytic
factor analytic. Therefore, criteria for identify- study of nearly 500 data sets, Carroll (1993)
ing technically adequate factor analyses had to found that several Stratum I reading, spelling,
be addressed. The considerations that I used for and writing abilities loaded with the "gc" (crys-
including factor analytic studies were: tallized ability) factor for several data sets. In one
large-scale factor analytic investigation, McGrew
Sample Size
(1997) found a reading/writing factor that dif-
I chose primarily large, national standardization fered from a "gc'' factor. I think that Carroll's
samples where N equaled approximately 200 or findings represent a preponderance of evidence
greater. in comparison to the single study of McGrew
(1997). Consequently, I subsume reading and tions when disagreements arise between studies.
writing abilities under the Stratum II "gc" ability. When referring to identification of the latent
trait assessed by the WISC-III third factor again,
Differing Results Given the Same for example, Carroll (1994) asserts that "the
Interpretations WISC-III was not designed for factor analysis
because the various factors that it may measure-
An example of this scenario is as follows. On one at least beyond the Verbal and Performance fac-
hand, Cohen (1959) labels the third WISC factor tors-are not represented adequately by the
as Freedom from Distractibility; he characterizes multiple measures of those factors" (p. 138). I
it so "primarily due to the loadings of subtests agree that the measure ofinattention/distractibility
which clearly do not involve memory (Mazes, via the third factor is unsupportable. Drawing con-
Picture Arrangement, Object Assembly), but clusions, however, is clouded by scenarios where
which it seems reasonable to suppose are quite both positive and negative findings exist. In this
vulnerable to the effects of distractibility" (p. 288). case I make an arbitrary decision.
On the other hand, Blaha and Wallbrown (1996)
assign the same label as Cohen to the third factor
Exploratory versus Confirmatory Methods
with significant loadings only for the Arithmetic
and Digit Span subtests. Again, I invoke the pre- Generally speaking, confirmatory factor analytic
ponderance-of-evidence rule to make a decision methods have gained considerable popularity
regarding the conclusion to be drawn. Most stud- over exploratory methods in modem factor analy-
ies have found the Arithmetic and Digit Spans sis. I think that confirmatory methods may also
subtests to load on this factor. They have also, result in more scientifically useful tests of factor
however, found little evidence that inattention/ structure (see Kamphaus, Benson, Hutchinson, &
distractibility is likely to be the central latent trait Platt, 1994, for an example). Therefore, I prefer
assessed by this factor (Kamphaus, 1998). such methods over traditional factor analysis.
allowed to limit experimentation. I have and will assume incompleteness and build on the research
draw interpretations that are case specific and summarized here with continuing education ac-
untested. tivities. Having presented this caveat, it is also
clear that some research findings have stood the
test of time. One would be hard-pressed, for
Theoretical Evidence example, to find new evidence that vocabu-
Some test interpretations may be untested, and lary measures are, in fact, measures of spatial
yet they may be based on a theory that has some abilities.
empirical support. McGrew and Flanagan
(1998), for example, provide a comprehensive Applicability of Research from
test interpretation manual that, of necessity, Previous Editions
often theorizes about the fit of intelligence test
Fortunately, even the venerable Wechsler scales
subtests and scales with Horn's version of "grgc''
are evolving in a manner that precludes auto-
theory. They posit, for example, about the Stra-
matic generalization of previous findings to cur-
tum II and Stratum III abilities measured by nu-
rent editions. I think that some findings, such as
merous tests, including the WAIS-III and
the futility of using the PA subtest to measure
WPPSI-R. Their speculation about the abilities
social judgment, are applicable to the WISC-III
measured by the WAIS-III, for example, is es-
and WAIS-III. The addition of the Symbol
sentially theoretical since the WAIS-III has not
Search subtest, however, may make factor ana-
been factor analyzed jointly with well-validated
lytic evidence for the WISC-R less relevant for
measures of Horn's theory. Such theoretical
understanding the WISC-III third and fourth
propositions are of primary assistance to re-
searchers and of potential assistance to practition-
ers. In fact, speculation based on considerable
Definition of Terms
prior research and explicit theory is likely better
than speculation based on idiosyncratic theories Intelligence testing research is characterized by
or from a poorly articulated theory that is untest- similar sounding terms that are offered without
able. Nevertheless, I give theoretical evidence operational definitions. For instance, I do not
less weight than the results of research evidence. know the extent to which terms such as Spa-
tial:Mechanical, Visualization, Perceptual Organi-
zation, and Spatial Organization without Essential
Incorporating New Evidence Motor Activity are interchangeable. Moreover, I
My summary of extant interpretive research is admit to not having a sound working definition
outdated on its date of publication. We have the of terms such as integrated brain functioning,
good fortune now to be part of the Internet, which precludes me from using such a term for
which provides for quicker dissemination and interpretation. Do not make interpretations for
updates of findings. Readers of this text should which you do not have a working definition.
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings
Test Solutions Summary Conclusion
WISC-III Two factor The consistency of the WISC-III and the This study extended the examination of factor
WPPSI-R Verbal Comprehension and invariance to a larger number of age groups
Perceptual Organization factors was within the WISC-III and the WPPSI-R, as well
investigated using cross-validation of covariance as utilized contemporary, advanced
structure models applied to the data from the methodology to this end. In summary, the two- >
respective normative samples of the tests (Allen factor structure consisting of Verbal t'1
& Thorndike, 1995b). Comprehension and Perceptual Organization
was confirmed (Allen & Thorndike, 1995). .
Three factor The WISC-III was factor analyzed for the With the Symbol Search subtest deleted from >
national standardization sample without the analyses, the third factor, Freedom from
including the Symbol Search subtest (Reynolds Distractibility, appeared to be as stable on the
& Ford, 1994). WISC-Ill as on the WISC-R. A three-factor t"'
solution is therefore supported, with the third 6
factor being comprised of Arithmetic, Digit
Span, and Coding (Reynolds & Ford, 1994). t?l
Four factor The WISC-III was factor analyzed for the The four-factor (corresponding to the index
national standardization sample (Wechsler, scores) solution was deemed most appropriate
1991). based on a variety of criteria, including
confirmatory factor analytic fit statistics
(Wechsler, 1991).
WISC-III vs. WISC-R The WISC-III was administered to 257 The data showed that the WISC-III Full Scale,
children who were administered the WISC-R Verbal, and Performance IQs were 7.2, 5.8, and
earlier. The sample was comprised of 118 7.5 points lower than the corresponding WISC- 0
children with specific learning disabilities, 79
R scores (Slate & Saarnio, 1995).
with mental retardation, and 60 who were not
classified (Slate & Saarnio, 1995).
WISC-III Cluster Representative cluster subtypes based on factor In this study, five primary cluster subtypes were n
subtypes Index scores were examined in the found. Further, the results indicated support for
standardization sample of the WISC-III the presence of the fourth factor, Processing
(Donders, 1996). Speed (Donders, 1996).
WISC-III Index vs. This study tabulated the frequency distributions In this study, it was found that IQ and Index
IQ scores of standard score discrepancies between the score discrepancies were present, but not
WISC-III IQ and Index scores for 202, 115, significant enough to be practical indicators of
and 159 children who were identified as having abnormalities. Further, as with prior research
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
WISC-R One factor The factor structure of the WISC-R was Although the data yielded some support for a
studied in a sample of 829 children having Full two-factor solution for the WISC-R, analyses
Scale IQs equal to or above 120. The described indicated stronger support for a one-factor
factorial solutions were determined by parallel solution representing verbal, as opposed to
and minimum average partial analyses general, ability (Macmann, Placket, Barnett, &
(Macmann, Placket, Barnett, & Siler, 1991). Siler, 1991).
One factor Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess The data indicated that the practice of ;:j
the validity of the WISC-R for the normative interpreting a third factor, Freedom from
sample and for 11 additional samples (O'Grady, Distractibility, is not supported. Further,
1989). although no single factor solution was clearly
favored, it was found that a sizable proportion of
performance on the WISC-R can be attributed :i:
to a general intellectual factor (O'Grady, 1989).
Two factor The WISC-R was factor analyzed using subjects The data demonstrated a strong degree of
from the standardization sample for both upper similarity between the upper and lower SES
and lower SES groups (Carlson, Reynolds, & groups as well as support for the existence of a
Gutkin, 1983). Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual
Organization factor (Carlson, Reynolds, &
Gutkin, 1983). °'0
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued) 0-,
Three factor This study conducted confirmatory factor The results of this study suggested that the
analyses of the WISC-Rand the Hong Kong- three-factor model is applicable to American
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (HK- and Hong Kong Chinese children, as well as the
WISC) using the nonnative samples of the across-the-age cohorts of7, 10, and 13 for the
respective tests (Lee &.Lam, 1988). HK-WISC. The invariance of the factor
structure across cultures and age groups lent
support to the use of the Wechsler scales for
differing cultures and age groups as long as the 0
test is normed and adapted for use with a z
particular group (Lee & Lam, 1988)
Five factor (Language, Psychoeducational test scores from the records In this study, the Language factor was
Academic Achievement, of 360 children were factor analyzed. The comprised mostly of the WISC-R Verbal scale.
Visual Spatial, Attention results were compared to factors cited as Academic Achievement, the second factor, had
& Memory, Motor characterizing neuropsychological test batteries highest loadings on language arts subtests such
Speed) such as the Luria-Nebraska and the Halstead- as reading, grammar, and spelling. Each test
Reitan. The psychoeducational battery yielded that loaded on the Visual Spatial factor involved
five factors: Language, Academic Achievement, positioning objects or shapes in space, similar to
Visual Spatial, Attention and Memory, and such factors on neuropsychological tests.
Motor Speed (Sutter, Bishop, & Battin, 1986). Attention and Memory, the fourth factor,
consisted of tests used to measure short-term
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
Third factor & ACID day-hospital patients (Greenblatt, Mattis, & factor can be found across different psychiatric
Patterns (cont.) Trad, 1991). disorders. The number was lowest for the ADD
and ADD/H group, and also seemed to occur
with about equal frequency for the remainder of
the psychiatric groups. Thus, the findings >
suggest that attention as tapped by the WISC-R
is not specific to diagnoses of ADD or ADD/H "'.0z
as it is found across different psychiatric groups. ><
Further, the authors found Block Design to >
have a significant loading on the Freedom from .
Distractibility factor (Greenblatt, Mattis, &
Trad, 1991). r-'
Block Design The Dutch adaptation of the WISC-R was Results indicated that in all subgroups at each ci
administered to 770 children in the age level, the subjects mostly used an analytic zn
Netherlands. Stimulus characteristics of the problem-solving strategy on this subtest, tI1
Block Design tasks were varied to determine if although it is not impossible that a synthetic
analytic versus synthetic problem-solving strategy could be used. This was determined ..,t'1
strategies were used (Spelberg, 1987). from the presence of a strong relationship
between the number of interior edges and item tI1
performance (Spelberg, 1987). "Cl
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued) °'....N
Test Solutions Summary Conclusion
Cluster analysis (cont.) age groups in the standardization sample and three-factor solutions. Hence, it was
(Silverstein, 1985). recommended that for practical reasons, the
WAIS-R be regarded as measuring a single,
general intellectual factor (Silverstein, 1985).
Two factor In this study, WAIS-R scores for 234 The results of this investigation identified two 'd
incarcerated persons were factor analyzed factors, Perceptual Organization and Verbal z
(Faulstich, Mcanulty, Gresham, Veitia, Moore, Comprehension. These findings support the 0
Bernard, Waggoner, & Howell, 1986). interpretation of Performance and Verbal IQs
on the WAIS-R for incarcerated populations >
(Faulstich et al., 1986). z
Two factor The standardization samples for the WAIS and Results of the analyses supported the presence t-<
the WAIS-R were factor analyzed (Silverstein, of two factors, Verbal Comprehension and t-<
1982c). Perceptual Organization (Silverstein, 1982c). c
Two factor In this study, the factor structure of the WAIS The results of this study supported similar two- n
and the WAIS-R was investigated using two factor solutions for both the WAIS and the
samples of 198 and 276 neuropsychiatric WAIS-R. Freedom from Distractibility, the third V,
patients (Warner, Ernst, & Townes, 1986). factor, accounted for only a small portion of the
total variances. Further, the composition of the
third factor was inconsistent between samples,
thus showing weak, if any support for the third :,0
Two factor In this study, an exploratory principal axis factor Results of this investigation yielded a two-factor ::l
analysis was conducted on the WAIS-R solution, one consisting of Verbal subtests, and
performance of 345 persons receiving the other of Performance subtests (Athanasou, IT1
vocational guidance services (Athanasou, 1993). 1993).
Two factor This study used data reported in three previous The results of this study indicated strong n
factor analytic studies of the W AIS-R for the support for two factors on the WAIS-Rand ::c
purpose of further studying its factor structure. little evidence to support the presence of a third
The researchers used an alternative factor factor (Siegert, Patten, Taylor, & McCormick,
analytic technique, FACTOREP, which reduces 1988).
the influences of the general factor and error
variance (Siegert, Patten, Taylor, & McCormick,
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued) 0'I
Test Solutions Summary Conclusion
Three factor The dimensional structure of the W AIS-R was This study supported the presence of a three-
examined using multisample confirmatory factor solution for the WAIS-R (Verbal
factor analytic procedures for samples of 200 Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and
Anglo and 200 Mexican American adults (Geary Freedom from Distractibility). Further, it was
& Whitworth, 1988). found that performance on the Freedom from >
Distractibility and Perceptual Organization t'1
factors was not affected by cultural differences 0
between the Anglo and Mexican American .z
samples. However, performance on the Verbal >
Comprehension tasks may have been affected by
the bilingualism of the Mexican American
sample (Geary & Whitworth, 1988).
Three factor In this article, ten factor analytic studies done The reviewers concluded that although the 8
on the WAIS-R standardization sample and results of each study varied depending on the
various patient samples were reviewed for the author's theoretical orientation and
purpose of drawing conclusions pertaining to methodology, a three-factor solution (Verbal
the WAIS-R factor structure based on these Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and ..,
findings (Leckliter, Matarazzo, & Silverstein, Memory/Freedom from Distractibility) appears
1986). to offer the best source of hypotheses for
cognitive ability (Leckliter, Matarazzo, & I
Silverstein, 1986).
Three factor In this study, the factor structure of the WAIS- As a result, it was found that a three-factor
R was examined using a series of restricted model (Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual
factor analyses on the nine cohorts of the Organization, and Memory/Freedom from
WAIS-R standardization sample (Waller & Distractibility) best fits the WAIS-R for eight [/)
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
Test Solutions Summary Conclusion
Vernon's model paradigm. These findings support the validity of
("g," v:ed, k) (cont.) the WAIS-Ras a measure of"g," and support
the division of Verbal and Performance IQs
(Blaha & Wallbrown, 1982).
Vernon's model
A hierarchical factor analysis was conducted on The researchers found a structural arrangement 'C
("g," k:m, VC, FD) a sample of 232 learning-disabled adults' scores based on Vernon's paradigm for this sample. t'1
on the WAIS-R (Blaha, Mandes, & Swisher, The hierarchical model consisted of a somewhat
1987). weak general ("g") factor, and a primary level
including spatial-perceptual-mechanical (k:m), >
verbal comprehension (VC), and Freedom from
Distractibility (FD) factors (Blaha, Mandes, &
Swisher, 1987). b
Digit Span This article describes major research findings Conclusions state that forward and backward
pertaining to the Wechsler Digit Span subtests components can be looked at separately.
in relation to psychoeducational assessment Further, it was found that Digit Span is not only
(Mishra, Ferguson, & King, 1985). a measure of memory, but also attention, (/)
Low vs. High In this study, the K-ABC and the Stanford- Results showed that the Stanford-Bine t and
functioning Binet, Form L-M were administered to 93 n
K-ABC yielded close to identical results for the :r:
preschool children at risk for learning problems. higher ability group, but that scores on the
These children were divided into lower and K-ABC for the lower ability group were
higher ability groups per median split on the significantly higher than those on the Stanford-
Stanford-Binet (Bloom, Allard, Zelko, Brill, Binet. Thus, the ability of the K-ABC to dis-
Topinka, & Pfohl, 1988). criminate among preschoolers at risk for learning
problems is called into question (Bloom, Allard,
Zelko, Brill, Topinka, & Pfohl, 1988). ....
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued) °'0N
Test Solutions Summary Conclusion
Cognitive Complexity This study evaluated the complexity of abilities Findings indicated that the abilities tapped by
measured by the K-ABC and the WISC-R for a the Mental Processing scale of the K-ABC are
sample of 146 children referred for special not as complex as those measured by the
services (Kline, Guilmette, Snyder, & WISC-R. However, the K-ABC Achievement
Castellanos, 1992). scales appear to assess skills as complex as those
on the WISC-R. Thus, the relative cognitive t,1
each given the K-ABC, SB-IV, and the WISC- relationship between the PVIs on the K-ABC
R, and PVIs were calculated for each child for and WISC-Rand the children's achievement, as (")
each instrument (Kline, Snyder, Guilmette, & well as discrepancies between their actual and :r
Castellanos, 1993). predicted achievement levels were all
nonsignificant. Further, on the SB-IV,
variability had a positive relationship with
higher academic achievement rather than
indicating poor achievement (Kline, Snyder,
Guilmette, & Castellanos, 1993).
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
K-ABC and Attention Results of the scores of 52 referred children on As a result, significant interrelationships were
the K-ABC and the Continuous Performance found among the K-ABC and the CPT. This
Test (CPT) were analyzed to determine the study suggests that since about 25% of the
relationship between attention and performance variance in this sample was accounted for by the
on the K-ABC (Gordon, Thomason, & Cooper, CPT, the function of attention in intellectual >
1990). ability needs to be further investigated (Gordon, t'1
Thomason, & Cooper, 1990). z
DAS DAS&LD In this study, the DAS was administered to 53 As a result, it was found that the General ><
children with learning disabilities approximately Conceptual Ability (GCA), Verbal Cluster, and >
3 years after each child had been given the Spatial Cluster scores of the DAS were not
WISC-III. The relationship between the results significantly different from the Full Scale, tr,
of these two tests was analyzed (Dumont, Cruse, Verbal, and Performance scores of the WISC- t:
Price, & Whelley, 1996). 111. The Nonverbal Reasoning Cluster scores of 0
the DAS were significantly different from the zn
Verbal and Performance scores of the WISC- tr,
UL In addition, it was found that congruent
constructs on the two tests were highly >-l
correlated. Further, 96% of the children
classified as learning disabled from the WISC- tr,
III received an analogous classification on the
DAS (Dumont, Cruse, Price, & Whelley, 1996).
DAS&LD In this study, the performance characteristics of Results showed that this group of children
scores low on many subtests of the DAS in
83 children classified as learning disabled on the
DAS were investigated (Shapiro, Buckhalt, & comparison to the normative sample. The valid-
Herod, 1995). ity of the DAS scores was also demonstrated by
significant correlations with children's past
scores on the WISC-Rand achievement tests n
(Shapiro, Buckhalt, & Herod, 1995). :i:
DAS and core profile In this study, cluster analytic procedures were As a result, seven core profile types described in
types used to determine the core ability profiles that terms of ability level, achievement, subtest config-
are most representative of the school-age norm uration, and demographic trends were discovered:
group from the standardization sample on the high, above average, slightly above average,
DAS (Holland & McDermott, 1996). slightly below average with higher verbal, slightly
below average with higher spatial, below average, 0-,
and low (Holland & McDermott, 1996).
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued) °'N
\\J"-R Uniqueness and This study examined the uniqueness and general As a result, it was found that only 2 of the 19
General Factor factor characteristics of the Woodcock-Johnson subtests of the WJTCA-R had low general
Characteristics of the Tests of Cognitive Ability-Revised (WJTCA- factor loadings (Visual Closure and Incomplete
WJTCA-R R) using selected subjects from the standard- Words). Further, only 2 of the 19 subtests had
ization sample (McGrew & Murphy, 1995). low uniqueness (Listening Comprehension and
Cross Out). The remaining subtests had t'1
medium to high uniqueness and general factor z
loadings (McGrew & Murphy, 1995). ""'
lntracognitive scatter on This study examined the relationship between Results of this study suggest that an individual's >
the WJ-R school achievement and the number of signifi- total number of significant intracognitive
cant intracognitive strengths and/or weaknesses strengths and/or weaknesses on the WJ-R has
(scatter) on the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho- little diagnostic importance with regards to low r
Educational Battery-Revised (WJ-R) using or underachievement in mathematics, reading,
2,974 school-age subjects from the standardiza- and/or written language (McGrew & Knopik,
tion sample (McGrew & Knopik, 1996). 1996). tTl
"g,gc" clusters & This study investigated the relationship Results indicated that performance on the Pro- [J)
writing achievement between the seven "g,gc'' cognitive clusters of cessing Speed, Auditory Processing, Compre- '1
the WJTCA-R (Long-Term Retrieval, Short- hension-Knowledge, and Fluid Reasoning
Term Memory, Visual Processing, Auditory WJTCA-R cognitive clusters was significantly tTl
Processing, Processing Speed, Comprehension- related to performance on measures of writing
Knowledge, Fluid Reasoning) and written mechanics and fluency of written expression as
language achievement as measured by the Basic measured by the Basic Writing Skills and Writ-
Writing Skills and Written Expression clusters ten Expression clusters of the WJ-R. Thus, it
of the WJ-R using the standardization sample appears that measures of vocabulary knowledge
(McGrew & Knopik, 1993). and speed of mental processing are most related [J)
W-J!COG factor In this study, the Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Results suggested that there is only one
structure Battery (W-J/COG) was factor analyzed using meaningful factor present for the preschool n
data from the standardization sample for ages group, but that there are three factors present
preschool through adulthood (Kaufman & for grades 1 through 12 and ages 20-65+,
O'Neal, 1988). named Verbal Ability, Perceptual Speed, and
Reasoning. Also, loadings on the general ("g")
factor were found to increase through
adulthood (Kaufman & O'Neal, 1988).
Summary Table oflntelligence Test Research Findings (continued) °'N
WJ-R Tests of Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to As a result, two factors, as opposed to the sev-
Achievement factor examine the factor structure of the Woodcock- eral factors posited by the authors of the WJ-R,
structure Johnson-Revised Tests of Achievement using were found. The major factor, use and compre-
the standardization data (Sinnett, Rogg, Benton, hension of language, is thought to represent
Downey, & Whitfill, 1993). general intellectual ability. Number skill, the
second factor, was somewhat small in compari- trl
son. Thus, it was concluded that the use of z
discrepancies amongst the WJ-R scores and
discrepancies between the WJ-R and intelli- >
gence scores is not warranted for evaluating
individuals for learning disabilities (Sinnett,
Rogg, Benton, Downey, & Whitfill, 1993).
SB-IV Factor structure The factor structure of the SB-N was studied As a result of this investigation, it was found that
using confirmatory factor analytic procedures the four-factor model as proposed by the au-
on a sample of 50 children aged 2-6 years and thors of the SB-N was not supported for either
13 7 children aged 7-11 years who were not a age group. This finding is similar to that found
part of the standardization sample. The factor in earlier factor analyses (e.g., Keith et al., 1988;
models proposed by the test authors and by Kline, 1989; Ownby & Carmen, 1988; Reynolds
Sattler (1988) were tested (Gridley & McIntosh, et al., 1987). The Verbal, Quantitative,
1991). Abstract/Visual, and Memory area scores were I
not supported for the children aged 2-6 years.
The authors propose that either a two- or three-
factor model may better fit the structure of the ::l
SB-N for this group. For the children aged
7-11 years, neither the four-factor model pro- (/l
posed by the test authors or Sattler's three-factor
model fit the structure for this group. However,
the authors proposed that a modified four-factor :r:
model may better fit this age group, allowing
some subtests of the SB-N to load on more than
one factor (Gridley & McIntosh, 1991).
SB-N factor structure In this study, the factor structure of the SB-N The results of this study indicate that the four-
for 3-year-olds was examined for a sample of 50 three-year-old factor model describ"rl by the test authors of the
children. Further, the relationship between the SB-N is not accurate for 3-year-old children. In
verbal scores on the SB-N and the verbal scores this study, factor analyses identified only verbal
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued)
III and SB-IV scores administere d to 73 referred inner-city students WISC-III and SB-IV were highly correlated,
having low socioeconom ic status for the they did not give the same diagnostic @
purpose of comparing their performanc e on impressions with this sample of children. On
each of these measures (Prewett & Matavich, average, the scores on the WISC-III Full Scale
1994). IQ were 9.4 points lower than on the SB-IV
Test Composite. Thus, there could be
differences in diagnosis with this population.
Specifically, only 7 of 34 children diagnosed
with mental retardation (IQ below 70) on the
WISC-III obtained scores in this range on the °'VtN
Summary Table of Intelligence Test Research Findings (continued) N
(Spruill, 1996).
Comparison of SB-IV This study examined the floors of the SB-IV As ; result of this study, the author concluded
and Form L-M and the Stanford-Binet Form L-M for persons that the high floor of the SB-IV makes it
with mental retardation (Wilson, 1992). inadequate for the assessment of children under
age 5 who are believed to have mild mental I
retardation, or for any person thought to have
severe or profound mental retardation. As the
Stanford-Binet Form L-M has had a history of 5
successful use with such populations, it is z
recommended that this form be used until a V,
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Adams,]. W., 393 Bell, M. C., 234 582 Clarke, R., 264
Adams, R. J., 570, 575 Belmont,]. M., 61 Bruner,]. S., 243 Clayton, G. A., 233, 235
Aichinger, K. S., 607 Bender, L., 246 Bryan, D., 566 Cleary, T. A., 156
Aldenkampt, A. P. 568 Bennett, T. L., 566, 568 Bryant, D . M., 65, 74 Clinton, J.]., 465
Alexander, H. B., 87 Benson,]., 131, 136,137,604 Bryden, M., 546, 547 Clopton, J. R., 295
Allard, A. M., 619 Benton, A. L., 272 Buchanan,!. 570,574 Cobb, M. V., 21
Allen, L., 68 Benton, S. L., 624 Buck, K., 425 Cohen,]., 190,295,466,604
Allen, S. R., 606, 6 I 5 Berg, R. A., 569, 575, 576 Buckhalt, J. A., 621 Cohen, L. G., 368,378, 382
Alluisi, E., 57 Bernard, B., 612 Buchanan, I., 570, 574 Cohen, M., 132, 609
Alpherts, W. C.J., 568 Bernstein, M., 158 Burchinal, M. R., 65, 74 Cohen, M.]., 539,543,563 , 570,
Amrine, M., 24 Berry, D. T. R., 68 Burgess, E. J ., 548, 551 574,575
Anastasi, A., 3-5, 11, 23, 29, 39, Besteman, ]., 465 Burgmeister, B., 459 Colarusso, R. P., 393
40,42,49,50,63, 77,88,97, Bickley, P. G., 333, 336, 623 Burley, S. K., 2 JO, 456, 581 Cole, M., 59
98, 100, 101, 103, 116, 124, Bigler, E. D., 211,558,620 Buros, 0 . K., 168 Coleman, ]. S., 80
125, 127, 128, 131, 133, 135, Binet, A., 7, 8, 22, 29, 33, 98, 99 Burry, A., 520, 525 Coles, C. D., 86
140, 141, 143, 148,189,239, Bishop, P. C., 608, 609 Burt, C. L., 35 Colombo,]., 427
262,263,433,465,475 Bjorklund, D. F., 56-58 Busch, S. G., 567 Connell, S., 238, 257, 625
Anderson, D. F., 286 Black, M. M., 426 Bush,]. W., 465 Conway, G., 158
Anderson, J. L., 563 Blaha,]., 189,190,604,615,616 Bushkuhl,J., 24 Constantino, G., 160
Anderson, R. ]., 456 Blanc, W. A., 86 Busner, C., 552 Cool, V. A., 237,238,624
Anderson, T., 608 Blanchette, V., 576 Butler, R. W., 569 Cooley, E.,J., 287
Angoff, W. H ., 77 Bloom, A. S., 619 Bynner,J. M., 28 Cooper, S., 621
Ankst, 85 Bloom, B. S., 74 Copeland, D . R., 569
Antoniou, G., 560 Blum, L. H., 459 Campbell, D . A., 68 Costantino, G., 83, 84
Applegate, B., 287, 290 Boehm, A. E., 435 Campbell, D. T., 165 Costenbader, V. K., 393
Aram, D. M., 549 Bogel, F., 37 Campbell, E. Q., 80 Cox, T ., 71
Arceneaux,]. M., 563 Bogen,]. E., 211,264 Campbell, F. A., 54, 65, 74 Craft, S., 570
Archer, R. P., 292 Bohac, D. L., 617 Campbell, R.; 132,609 Cruse, C. L., 349, 621
Athanasou,J. A., 612 Bolen, L. M., 268, 432, 607 Campione,]. C., 55 Crawford, J. R., 548, 550, 551
Atkinson, L., 613 Boll, T .J., 548,554, 557-559, Cangir, A., 569 Cronbach, L.]., 231, 433
Atkinson, R. C., 56 561,564-566 Canivez, G. L., 371 Cummins, ]. P., 190
Atkinson, S. S., 570, 574 Bolton, B., 452 Cantor, N . ]., 569 Curtis, M. E., 58
Aylward, G. P., 109, 358, 389, Boodoo, G., 65, 84, 85, 538 Cantor, N. L., 569 Curtiss, G., 225
455 Bordeaux, J. D., 569 Carlson, L., 607 Cyr,].]., 613
Ayres, R. R., 287 Boring, E.G., 3, 7, 9 Carmin, C. N., 237,238,624
Borkowski, J. G., 55 Carroll,]. B., I, 35, 36, 43-48, Dadash-Zadey, M., 570
Baddeley, A. D., 49, 192 Bouchard, T.J.,Jr., 65, 74, 80, 53,116,137,192,216,221, Dai, X., 156,293,617
Baggaley, A. R., 328 84-86, 538 292,298,316, 324,328,329, Dalby, P.R., 564
Bailey, D. B., 428 Bourgeois, B. F. D ., 567 336,345,363,446,466,476, Daniel, M . H., 26, 62,309,316,
Baird, S., 70, 429 Bower, G. H., 202,467 546,603,604 458
Baldwin, A., 69 Boyd, R. D., 429 Carroll, J. L., 190 Daood, C.J., 611
Baldwin, C., 69 Boykin, A. W., 65, 84, 85, 538 Carter, B. D., 261 Dappen, L., 157
Baldwin, K., 570, 574 Bracken, B. A., 267, 268, 435, Carvajal, H., 233, 235, 303 Darden, C., 324
Balla, D. A., 23, 89, 580, 600 439,448,449 Caspi, A., 37, 68 Das,]. P., 190,275,292,
Baltes, P. B., 62, 69 Braden, J. P., 594 Cassidy, L. C., 66 543-545
Banich, M. T., 549, 550 Branch, W. B., 539, 543, 570, Castaneda, A., 164 Dasen, P.R., 159, 160
Bannatvne, A., 474 575 Castellanos, M., 269,472, Daub, D., 393
Bansal,"A., I 58 Brandt, H. M., 503 475-477,480,620,625 Davies, M., 552
Barber, T. X., 100 Brannigan, G. G., 467 Castillo, C. S., 564 Davis, F. B., 10, 27, 28, 54
Barkley, R. A., 543 Branyan, L. T., 451 Cattell, R. B., 22, 29, 42, 328 Daw, J. L., 409
Barnett, D. W., 286, 607 Bregman, E. 0., 21 Ceci, S.]., 65, 84, 85,538 Dawes, R. M., 465, 484
Barth,]. T., 564,565 Brentar,J. T., 206 Chadwick, 0., 564-566 Dean, R. S., 263, 554, 558, 562,
Batchelor, E. S., 554, 562, 558 Brice, P.J., 457 Chanana, N., 79 563
Bates, S., 567 Brill, W.]., 619 Chastain, R. L., 303, 616, 624 Deary, I.]., 37, 192
Battin, R. R., 608, 609 Brody, N ., 65, 77, 84, 85, 88, Chatman, S. P., 156, 270 DeBaun, M. R., 570
Batzel, L. W., 568 538 Chelune, G. ]., 370 DeCarli, C., 576
Baum, K. M., 137 Brooks-Gunn,]., 87 Chen,J-Q., 51, 70 DeFries, J. C., 7 5
Bauman, E., 66,611 Brouwers,P.575,576 Chick, D., 194 DeGraff, M., 619
Bayley, N., 422-426, 445,460 Brown, A. L., 55 Childers,]. S., 268 Dekker, M.J."A., 568
Beal, A. L., 15 5 Brown, B. B., 74 Christensen, A., 541,561 Delaney, E. A., 241,249
Beardsworth, E. 549, 566, 568 Brown, D. T., 317,322,329 Chu,]. Y., 570 Dellinger, J., 428
Dellinger, W. S., 86 Faulstich, M., 612 Goldfarb, L. P., 206 Herman, D. 0., 303
Delugach, R. R., 4.l9 Fay, G . C., 564 Goldgar, D. E., 451 Herod, L. A., 621
Denckla, M. B., 563 Fehrmann, P. G., 89, 90 Goldman,]., 99, 100, I I I Herrera-Graf, M., 607
Dennis, 8., 111, l 12 Feigenbaum, D., 156 Goldstein, G ., 539,554,561,562 Herrnstein, R. J., 24
Dennis, M., 64, 65 Ferguson, B. A., 616 Gomez, F. C., 617 Herron, D. G ., 161, 166
Destefano, L., 89, 90, 584 Fergusson, D. M ., 65, 88 Gomez, H., 86 Hertzog, C., 69, 70
Detterman, D. K., 38, I 83 Feuerstein, R., 78 Goodman,]. F., 66,420,421, Hessler, G. L., 623
Deutsch, G., 202 Field, D., 87 424,427,447 Hetherington, E. M., 69, 90
DeVries, R., 53 Figueroa, R. A., 100, 151, 152, Goonan, B., 570, 574 Hewes, P., 233, 235
Diamond, C. M., 619 160-162, 188 Goonan, B. T., 574 Hickman,]. A., 291 - 293
DiCuio, R. F., 432 Fischer, M., 188 Goonan, L.J., 574 Hilliard, A. G ., 180
Diener, M. M ., 86 Fischer, W. 558 Gong, Y., 617 Hiltonsmich, R. W., 451
DiGregorio, M. 206 Fish,]. M., 102, 520 Gordon, M ., 479, 599, 621 Hinshelwood, J., 592
Dingle, A., 582 Fisher, L., 551 Gorsuch, R.L., 13 5 Hinton, R. N., 607
Di pert, Z. J. 607 Flanagan, D. F., 298, 316, 322 Gottfried, A. W., 86 Hiskey, M. S., 450, 451
DiRienzo, P.J., 281 Flanagan, D. P., 216, 292, 316, Grant-Webster, K. S., 427 Ho, M . R., 566, 568
Dirks,]., 24 31~ 322,323,328,329, Greenblatt, E., 610 Hobson, C. J., 80
Dixnn, R. A., 69 423-426,444,473,605 Greenfield, D., 71 Hoffman, M. B., 78
Dixon, W. E., Jr., 608 Flanagan, R., 260, 318, 322, 323, Greenfield, P. M., 71,243 Hogg,]., 618,619
Dodrill, C. B., 566-568 328,329 Gregg, N., 324 Holland, A. M., 621
Doepke, K., 570, 574 Flavell, ]. H., 57 Gresham, F. M., 66, 183, 229, Hollenbeck, G. P., 156,432
Doll, E. A., 31, 89, 463 Fleming, M. Z., 61 7 612 Holubkov, A., 547
Danders,]., 215,566,606 Flemmer, D. D., 454 Gribbin, K., 69, 70 Honzik, M. P., 68
Dornbusch, S. M ., 74 Fletcher,]. M., 569,599 Gridley, B. E., 238,257, 345, Hood, C., 269, 270
Dotan, N., 211 Flynn,]. R., 73, 74,138,295, 624 Hooper, S. R., 547,553,563
Dowell, R. E., 569 300,324,580 Griebel, M., 567 Hoover, H. D., 132
Downey, R. G. , 624 Forcevill, E.J. M ., 568 Griffin, H. C., 436 Hopkins, T. F., 241,249
Dreelin, E ., 582 Ford, L., 606 Grossman, H . J., 64, 65,579,600 Horn,]. L. , 38, 42, 43, 75, 292,
Dresden,]., 97, 99-101 Forness, S. R., 213, 596, 597 Grossman, I., 111, 112 31~ 318,325, 328,32~335
Drudge, 0. W., 188 Fourquean,J. M., 209,213,285 Guidubaldi,J., 418,429,430 Horney, K., 72
Dube, E. F., 33 Fowler, M. G., 570, 574 Guilford,]. P., 22, 27, 29, 50 Horowitz, F. D., 74, 80, 81
Dubois, P.H. , 2, 3 Fraboni, M., 615 Guilmette, S., 269, 620, 625 Horwitz, E., 614
Dumont, K., 323 Francis, D.J., 599 Guiton, G . W., 458 Howell, R., 612
Dumont, R., 349, 621 Frank, R., 614 Gunderson, V. M., 427 Horwood, L. J., 65, 88
Dunbar, S. B., 269 Frankel, L. S., 569 Gustafsson, J., 37 Hritcko, T., 263, 286
Dunn, L. M ., 360, 389 Franzen, M. D ., 548,551 Gutkin, T. B., 156,157,551, Hsu, C., 82
Dunst, C. J., 424, 426 Frederiksen, N., 61, 63 582,597,607,613 Huang, L. N., 160, 164, 166
Durham, T. W., 268 French,]. L., 2, 3, 12, 145, 158, Gyurke, J. S., 436 Huberty, T.J., 61 I
Dworkin, R. H., 466 165, 166 Humphreys, L. G., 54, 156
Frick, P.J. 2,454,476 Haddad, F. A.,' 190 Hunsley,]., 618
Eberhart, S., 269, 270 Fried,]. A., 552 Hagberg, C., 323 Hunt, E., 28, 78, 89-91
Eckman,]. R., 570, 574 Fugate, M. H., 424-426, 619 Hagen, E. P., 123, 152, 231-241, Hunter, M., 71,615
Edelman, S., 196, 197 Fulker, D. W., 75 248,256,434 Hurnst 85
Edwards, B. T., 295 Fuller, G. B., 381 Hahn, W . K., 546, 547 Hutchens, T., 106
Edwards, R. P., 286 Hale, R. L., 2, 3, 12, 145, 158, Hutchinson, S., 604
Egeland, B., 68 Galton, F., 5 165,166 Huttenlocher,]., 552
Eisenmajer, R., 566 Galvin, G. A., 613 Hall, C. W., 607 Huttenlocher, P ., 549,550, 552
Ekelman, B. L., 549 Gardner, H., 51 , 70 Hall, G . C. N., 158 Hynd, G. W., 539, 543,
Elbe rt,]. C., 534 Gardner, J. F., 6, 292 Halpern, D . F., 65 , 84, 85, 538 546-548,553, 557,559,562,
Eliopoulos, D., 563 Garrett, H. E., 22, 26, 27 Halstead, W. C., 539, 540 563,574,592
Elliot, C. D., 169,292, 307, 344, Gates,]., 552 Ham, S. J., 457
345 , 348- 352, 386,443,444, Gay,]., 59 Hamm, A., 264 Imhof, E. A., 292
45 8 Gazzaniga, M. S., 211 Hammill, D. D., 455, 591 Imperato-McCammon, C., 32
Elliot, R., 25, 28, 147-150 Geary, D. C., 295,614 Hammond, G. D., 569 Inclan,]. E ., 161, 166
Elwan, F. Z., 619 Geisser, M. E., 295 Han, K., 292 Irvin,M. G., 146
Engin, A., 189, 190 Genshaft,J. L., 292, 316 Hanson, R. A., 72 Icard 77
Epps, E.G., 100 Gentry, N., 409 Hanson, R. K., 618 Ittenbach, R. F., 292
Erickson, S., 86 Gerber, ]., 23 3, 23 5 Harding, L. 549, 566, 568
Erlenmeyer-J(jmling, L., 466 Gerken, K. C., 209 Harkness, A. R., 32, 37, 68,470 Jacklin, C. N ., 85
Ernst, J., 612 Giannuli, M. M., 392 Harnqvisc, K., 72 Jaffe, K. M., 564
Esterlv, D. L., 436 Gibbons, S., 457 Harrington, R. G., 617 Jaffe, N., 569
Esters·, I. G., 292 Gibbs,]. T., 160, 164, 166 Harris, L., 238,257,625 Jarman, R. F., 275
Evans, J. R., 466 Giebink,J. W., 503 Harris, R. C., 86 Jencks, C., 90
Eysenck, H.J., 12, 62 Gill, M ., 497,595,597,601 Harrison, P. L. 89, 90,292,316, Jenkins,J.J., 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 27, 99
Gilliam, W. S., 79 291, 293 Jensen, A. R. , 21, 26, 36, 37, 62,
Fagan, J. F., 427 Glaser, R., 58, 73 Hartlage, L. C., 558, 567, 568 63, 82, 153, 155,166,264,
Falak, A., 86 Glasser, A. J., 99, IOI, 228, 499 Hartlage, P . L., 567,568 269,271,465
Fan , X. , 619 Glaub, V. E., 447 Hartwig, S.S., 233,235 Joe, G. W., 616
Fantie, B., 549, 564 Glick, ]., 59 Harvey, V. S., 501, 508 Johnson, J. ]. , 295
Fantuzzo,J. W., 328,475,497, Glutting,J.J., 78, 105, 135, 156, Hasegawa, C., I60 Johnson,M.B.,292, 382,399
597,598,601 232,233,237,239,240,328, Haskins, R., 79 Johnstone, B., 548
Farhnev, M. R., 625 475,497,597,598,601 Haywood, H. C., 54, 55, 63, 585 Jorgensen, K. 541,561
Farmer, J. E., 566 Goddard, H.H., 3 Helwig, S., 238, 257, 625 Judd, B. W., 569
Farwell,]. R., 547,568 Golden, C.]., 541,558 Hendricks, M. L., 576 Juliano, J. M., I90
Kagan, ]., 272 Klein, M ., 295 Lynn, R., 82, 156 Miller, T. L., 262
Kagan, S. L., 444 Klesges, R. C., 550, 551 Lyon, M.A., 432,435, 436 Minden, D., 576
Kaiser, S., 152-157, 166 Klien, R. E., 272 Minton, H. L., 35, 42
Kaleita, T. A., 569 Kline, R. B., 135,136,237,238, MacFarlane,J. W., 68 Mishra, R. K., 545
Kamin, L., 12 269,434,472, 475-477, 480, MacGruder, R. W., 109 Mishra, S. P., 545,616
Kamin, L.J., 148 620,624,625 MacLean, W. E., 569 Mittenberg, W., 137
Kaminer, T., 423,424 Klug, G., 566 Macmann, G. M., 607 Moffitt, T. E., 37, 68
Kamphaus, R. W., 2, 9, 32, 40, Knopik, S. N., 622 McAllister, ]., 548 Molfese, V., 238,257,625
83,89,90,97,99, 100,101, Koby, M., 570 McCall, R. B. , 54 Montie,]. E., 427
132, 138, 139, 154-156,192, Kohlberg, L ., 53 McCallum, R. S., 286, 448, 449 Mood, A. M ., 80
211,237,238,240,243,249, Kohler, S., 505 McCarthy, A. M., 567 Moore,]., 612
256,257,260,262,264-269, Kohs, S. C., 202,245,273 McCarthy, D., 240,274,418, Morgan, A. W. 324,467
270,273,276-282,285-287, Kolb, B., 549, 564 430,445 Morra, S., 553
289,365,367,384,402,435, Kolen, M. J., 132 McCormick, I. A., 612 Morris,]. M., 211,620
436,447,454,458,465-467, Korkman, M., 558 McCormick,K., 70,429,465 Moss, H. A., 575, 576
472,475,476,481,510,584, Kramer, D. A., 69 McDermott, P.A., 78, 105, 328, Moss, S., 618,619
604 Kranzler, J. H., 192, 193, 546 475,497,597,598,60!,621 Mott, S. E. , 429
Kane, R. L., 562 Krippner, S., 466 McGrew, K. S., 216,298,316, Mueller, H. H ., 474,475
Kaplan, C., 436, 439 Kroeten, T., 613 322, 328, 329, 382,403,404, Munn, D., 428
Kaplan, D., 135,232,233,237, Kunen, S., 366 473,603,605,622,623 Munoz-Sandoval, A. F., 342,
239, 240 Kyllonen, P., 37, 57 McGue, M., 74, 85 399
Kaplan, E., 561 McIntosh, D. E., 238,257, 345, Murphy, S., 622
Kareken, D. A., 551 LaBuda, M. C., 75 624 Murray, A., 268
Karnes, F. A., 286 Lachterman, T., 209 McKay, A., 86 Murray, C., 24
Kaufman, A. S., 22, 23, 31, 40, Lallinger, R.R., 570, 574 McKay, H., 86 Murray, D.J., 344
82,84,88,97,99-101, 108, Lam, Y. R., 608 McKay, M. F., 611 Murragh, D ., 566
111, 112, 129, 133, 134, 136, Lamarche,]. A., 564, 565, K. M., 574 Mussman, M . C., 503
153, 156, 171, 172, 175, 182, Lambert, N. M., 141, 546, V. C., 570, 574, 575
183,185, 188-191, 195-197, Landers, S., 25 McLean, J. E., 136, I 90, 270, Nadler,]. D., 561
I 99, 200, 203, 206-208, 211, Lange, B., 567 274,276,303,326,613,618, Naeye, R. L., 86
213,2!4,217,225,227-230, Lanius, G., 570 624 Naglieri,J. A., 190,285,286,
233, 236-238, 240, 262, Lavin, C., 399, 404 McLean, M., 70, 429 292,461,475, 543-546,615
264-274,276,279,280,282, Leckliter, I. N ., 295,614 McLinden, S. E., 428, 429 Nania, P . A., 436
283,286,287,289-296,303, Ledbetter, M . F., 545 McMillan, C., 570, 574 Narrett, C. M., 610
307,309,317-320,322-329, Lee, L. P., 608 McPartland, ]., 80 Nash, K. B., 570, 574
367,393,430-433,435,436, Lee, R. B., 570 Madan-Swain, A., 560, 563 Nass, R., 549
438,445,457,473-476,480, Lee, S., 82 Majovsky, L., 263 Naugle, R. I., 370
497, 518-520,581-583,596, Lee, S. W., 404 Makari, G., 574 Neale, M. D., 611
597,600,613,615,6!8,623, Legutki, G., 190 Malgody, R., G., 83, 84, 160 Neiderhiser,]. M., 69, 90
624 Lehr, C. A., 436 Mandes, E., 616 Neisser, U., 24, 33, 65, 73, 74,
Kaufman, J. C., 26, 229, 326, Leino, E. Z., 87 Markus, G. B., 85 77, 84, 85, 538
618 Lennon, R. T., 11, 25 Markwardt, F. C ., 389 Netley, C., 576
Kaufman, N. L., 23, 40, 82, 100, Levine, E. S., 456 Martin, K. M., 564 Newborg,]., 418
107,108,133,134,171,172, Levine, S. C., 549, 550, 552 Martin, R. P., 88 Newman, I., 430
175, 189,233,23~23~260, Lewandowski, L.J., 281,479, Maruish, M., 292 Ng, S., 552
262, 264-274, 276, 279, 280, 599 Marzano, P., 24 Nitko, A., 1I 7, 123, 127-129
282,283,286,287,289, Lewin, K., 64 Matarazzo,]. D., 294,295, 303, Noetzel, M., 570
291-293,307,317-320, Lewis, M. L., 295,419,445 464,465,469,472,497,614 Noll,]., 318, 329
322-329,324,367,393,430, Lezak, M., 538,545,553,554, Matavich, M.A., 233, 235, 236, Noll, R. B., 569
435,436,438,457,519,520 556, 561-563 625,626 Novak, C. G ., 237,238,624
Kavale, K.A.,213, 596, 597 Liaw, F., 87 Mather, N., 334 Novak, L.]., 569
Keiser, S., 479, 599 Lidz, C. S., 78, 99, 100 Matheson, D. W., 474,475 Novey, E. S., 563
Keith, T. Z., 89, 90, 192,237, Lilienfeld, S. 0., 32,470 Mattheis, P. J., 564 Nowak, T. J., 295
238,269,270,298,316,333, Lindgren, S. D., 564 Matthews, C. G., 609 Nunnally,]., 136
336,432,619,623,624 Lindley, R. H., 198 Mattis, S., 610 Nussbaum, N. L., 558
Kellerman, H., 520, 525 Linton,]. C., 569, 575, 576 Matula, K., 426
Kelly, M. D., 563 Lipsitz, J. D ., 466 Max,J. E., 564 Oakland, T., 105, 156
Kemp, S., 558 Little, S. G., 191 Mayer,]. D ., 51, 52 Oakman, S., 68
Kendrick, S. A., 156 Lloreda, P ., 86 Mayes, S. D., 425 Oas, P. T. , 261
Kennard, M., 549 Loehlin,J. C., 65, 84, 85,538 Mayfield, P., 70, 429 O'Brian, M., 74, 80, 81
Kennedy, M. H., 451 Loevinger, J., 136 Mcanulty,D., 612 Obringer,S. ]., 260
Ketron,]., 158 Loew, D. E., 188 Mearig, J. S., 78 Obrzut,]. E., 539,547,548,553,
Kiernan, R., 202, 467 Lohman, D. F., 2 Mednitsky, S., 111, 112 562,564
Kim, H., 549, 550 Lopez, I. R., 158 Mensink, D., 545 O'Connor, P.A., 552
King, P. V., 616 Lopez, S. R., 163 Mercer,]. R., 150, 166 Oehler-Stinnett,]., 429, 430
King, S. M., 576 Lowman, M. G., 192 Merrill, M . A., 344 O'Grady, K., 295, 607, 61 I
Kinsborne, M., 264, 546 Lorge, I., 459 Messick, S., 26, 35, 51, 60, 131, Okazaki, S., 82
Kinsella, G., 566 Lorys, A. R., 5 63 136,465 Oliver, R. R., 243
Kirby, E. A., 457 Lozano, R., 138 Meyer, K., 86 0, Neal, M. R., 623
Kirby,]. R., 275,543 Lucker, G. W., 82 Michael, W. B., 386 O'Neill,]., 433,445
Kirk, S. A., 591 Luebbering, A., 548 Mille, F., 155, 166 Osborne, R. T., 74
Kirk, U., 558 Luria, A. R., 540-543, 561 Mille,M., 155 Overstreet, S., 366
Kitamura, S., 82 Lyman, H.B., 123, 124, 127, Miller, L.J., 452 Ownby, R. L., 237,238,499,
Klass, P. D., 366 474,519,520,533 Miller, M. D., 371 500, 536, 609, 624
Paget, K. D., 100, IOI, 429 Reiss, D., 69, 90 Scharff, L., 111, 112 Smith, I. E., 86
Palkes, IL S., 567 Reitan, R. M., 539, 540, 563 Schatz,)., 570 Smith, M. L., 576
Paolo, A. M., 617 Resar, L., 570 Schelvis, A. J., 568 Smith, S. E., 610
Parham, I. A., 70 Reschly, D.J., 155,335,343,585 Schinka,J. A., 137, 225 Smith, T. D., 381
Parides, M., 552 Rethazi, M., 213 Schmitt, F. A., 68 Smith, T. S., 68
Parker, J., 614 Reynolds, C.R., 32, 83, 139, Schneider, F. W., 35, 42 Smith, W. L., 564
Parker, K. C.H., 615,618 152-157, 166, 183, 189, 190, Schock, H. H., 425 Smith, W.R., 198
Parsons, C. K., 54 193, 196, 197,199,200,203, Schoenherr, S., 570, 574 Smith-Seemiller, L., 548, 551
Parsons, 0. A., 562 206,207,210,211,228,230, Schooler, C., 74 Smithson, M . M., 381
Paterson, D. G., 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 27, 237,238,240,243,256,257, Schoop, L., 548 Snyder,]., 269,472, 475-477,
99 260,262,264-270,273, Schonfeld, R., 552 480,620,625
Patten, M . D. , 612 276-282,285,286,289,303, Schorr, D., 202, 467 Snyderrnan, M., 74
Patton,]. R., 586 435,436,458,476,510,519, Schuerger,J. M., 66 Solovitch, S., 91
Pauls, K. K., 303 540, 546, 551,558,562,563, Schulte, L. E., 608 Sowles, G., 558
Payne, J. S., 586 582,594,596,597,600,606, Schwake, C., 548 Sparrow, S.S., 23, 89,580,600
Pearson, K., 13 5 607,613,619, 624 Schwanz, K. A., 192 Spearman, C., 12, 27, 35
Pearson, L. S., 344 Rice, M., 560 Schwartz, E., 569 Spelberg, H. C. L., 610
Pearson, N. A., 455 Richardson, K., 28 Schwartz, W., 569 Spellacy, F., 71,615
Pelligrino,]. W., 28 Richman, L. C., 567 Schwean, V. L., 111, I 12 Spence, G. T., 567
Perloff, R., 65, 84, 85, 538 Richters,]. E., 64 Scott, M. J., 234 Spenciner, L. J., 368, 378, 382
Perry, J. D. , 429 Ried, H. L., 569 Scott, M. R., 552 Sperry, R. W., 211, 264
Peterson, H . D., 549 Ripple, C. H., 79 Segal, N. L., 74, 80, 86 Spitz, H. H., 2, 6, 79, 584, 586
Peterson, L., 566 Risser, A.H., 546,547,552 Seguin 77 Spreen, 0 ., 546,547,552
Peterson, N. S. , 132 Rivara,]. B., 564 Seidenburg, M., 614 Springer, S. P., 202
Petoskey, M. D. 467 Robin, D. A., 564 Seifer, R., 69 Spruill, J., 249, 626
P£ohl, W. 619 Rogers, B. G., 393 Sellers, A.H., 561 Stanford, L. D., 564
Pheley, A., 55I Rogg, K. L., 624 Semrud-Clikeman, M., 563,592, Stankov, L., 38
Phelps, L., 234, 451 Roid, G. H., 156,187,452,454 597 Stanovich, K. E., 171,228,464,
Piaget, J., 52 Rose, D. F., 549 Severson, H. H., 287 471,476,480,592,595,599
Pianta, R. C., 68 Rose, F. E., 561 Sexson, D., 429 Stehbens,J. A., 569
Piedmont, R. L., 617 Rosen, J. C., 188 Sexson, S., 563 Stein, C. L., 99, 100, 111
Pine, D.S., 552 Rosenthal, B. L., 237,238,240, Shadrach, E. A., 619 Steinberg, L., 74
Pintner, R., 3, 6, 7, 21, 27, 81, 243,249,256,257 Shafer, S., 552 Sternberg, R.J., IO, 26, 27, 51,
82,518 Ross, G. R., 427 Shaffer, D., 552, 564-566 58, 65, 84, 85, 158,210,229,
Piotrowski 292 Roszkowski, M.J., 618 Shapiro, E. G., 211 263, 269, 292, 538
Pizzo, P.A., 576 Rothlisberg, B. A., 233, 235 Shapiro, S. K., 621 Stevens, J. J., 545
Plake, B., S., 613 Rothman, S., 74 Sharp, D. W., 59 Stevens, M. L.," 6 I9
Plante, T. G., 206 Rourke, B. P., 599 Sharp, G., 567 Stevenson, H. W., 82
Plasket, C. M., 607 Royer, F. L., 467 Shaywitz, B. A., 592, 599 Stierwalt, J. A., 564
Platt, L. 0. 604 Ruchala, E., 37 Shaywitz, S. E., 599 Stigler, J. W., 82
Platzman, K. A., 86 Rucker, C. N., 503 Shellenberger, S., 209 Stock,). R., 418
Plomin, R., 69, 75-77, 84, 90 Rudner, L. M., 178 Shepard, L., 444 Stokman, C., 552
Plotkin, L., 24 Russell, L.B., 465, 466, 497 Shephard, L.A., 59 I, 594 Stough, C., 37
Polissar, N. L., 564 Rutter, M., 564-566 Sherman, E. M. S., 71,615 Stovall, D . L., 366
Pollitt, E., 7 I Ruyrnann, F. B., 569 Shiffrin, R. M., 56 Strauss, E., 71,615
Porter, L. J., 457 Ruyrnann, R., 569 Shinn, M., 86 Street, R. F., 273
Pottebaum, S. M., 89, 90,237, Ryan,].)., 293,295,617 Short, R.H., 474,475 Strommen, E., 618
238,269,270,624 Ryan, T. V., 564, 565 Shurtleff, H., 564 Sue, S., 82, 163
Potthoff, R. F., 157 Siegal, L. S., 71,427,471,599 Suen, H. K., 34, 131
Prenskv, A. L., 567 Saamio, D. A., 606 Siegel, M.J., 570 Sullivan, M. P., 569
Prewett, P. N., 233,235,236, Saco-Pollitt, C., 71 Siegert, R. J., 612 Sullivan, M. W., 419, 445
370,392,446,461,625,626 Saddler, C. D., 439 Siler, R. F., 607 Sullivan, P. M., 210,456, 581,
Price, L., 349, 621 Saklofske, D. H., Ill, 112,184, Silva, P.A., 37, 68 608
Prieto, L. R., 551 187,215 Silverstein, A. B., 190,214,295, Sullivan, S. A., 324
Prifitera, A., 184,187,215,296, Salles, C., 366 612,614 Sulzbacher, S., 547
299 Salovey, P., 51, 52 Simon, C . L., 295 Sutter, E.G ., 608, 609
Prior, M., 566 Saltstone, R., 615 Simon,]. M., 466 Svinicki, J., 418
Salvia,]., 263,286 Simon, T., 7, 8, 22, 29, 33, 98, Swift, A. V., 574
Querrv, S., 99, 100, 111 Sameroff, A., 69 99 Swisher, C. W., 616
Quinn, D., 111, 112 Sanchez, V. C., 551 Singer, L. T., 427 Switzky, H. N., 54, 63
Sandoval,]., 146, 155, 166 Sinisterra, L., 86
Rader, D. E., 423,424 Sapp, G . L, 233,235,409 Sinnett, E. R., 624 Tabachnik, B. G., 597
Rafferty, Y., 86 Sarason, S. B., 94, JOO Sisco, F. H., 456 Talent, B. K., 567
Raguet, M. L., 68 Sassenrath,J. M., 151, 152, 188 Siskind, G., 500 Tallent, N., 499-503, 505, 507,
Ramey, C. T. , 54, 65 , 74, 79 Sato, Y., 564 Skeels, M., 72 509,521
Ramev, S. L., 65, 79 Sattler,]. M., 97, 100, 103, 104, Skodak, M., 72 Taylor, A.J. W., 612
Rand,"Y., 78 110, 123, 231 - 241, 237,238, Slate,]. R., 194, 409, 439, 606, Taylor, L. H., 268
Rankin, R. J., I62 248,256,257,434,474,624 607 Taylor, R. L., 433, 445
Rapaport, D., 497, 595,597,601 Sawyer, M. B., 560, 566 Slaughter, J., 548 Teeter, P.A., 432
Ratcliffe, K. ]., 453 Saxby, L., 546, 547 Slocumb, P.R., 433, 445 Teglasi, H., 499, 505, 524, 525,
Ratcliffe, M. W., 453 Scarr, S., 72, 75,420 Slosson, R. L., 363-365 531, 535
Raven, J. C., 460 Schafer, R., 497, 595, 597, 601 Smith, B. L., 381 Telzrow, C. F., 434, 435, 543,
Read, S. E., 576 Schaie,K W., 69, 70, 87 Smith, C.R., 591 545,558
Reilly, T. P. , 188 Schalt, E., 37 Smith, D. K., 366, 432, 435, 436 Temkin, N ., 547
Terman, L. M. , 9, 10, 29, 344 Valsiner, J., 27, 59-61 Weinberg, R. A., 32, 35, 63, 72, Wise, S. L. , 613
Tharp, B. R., 567 Vance, H . B., 156,381 75, 76 Wisenbaker, J.M., 574
Thomas, M . G., 106 Van de Vijver, F., 165 Weiss, B., 578,581,582 Wissler, C., 5, 6
Thomas, P., 567 Van den Berg, A. R., 151, 152, Weiss, L. G., 184, 187, 188, Witt, A. C., 66
Thomason, D., 621 158 215 Win,]. C., 66,183,229
Thompson, B., 429 Vanderberg, S. G., 38, 74, 75, Weisz,]. R., 578,581,582 Wirta, E. L., 192
Thompson, D . S., 89, 90, 584 84,88 Wellman, H. M., 57 Wnek, L., 418
Thompson, G. B., 611 Vanderploeg, R. D., 137,225 Wells, R. J., 570, 574 Wolf, T. H., 8, 10
Thompson, N., 560 Vanderwood, M ., 298,316 Weng, L. , 546 Wolfie, L. M., 333 , 336,623
Thomson,]., 547 Vandiviere, P., 428 Werder,J. K., 382,403,404 Wolters, P. L., 575, 576
Thorndike, E. L., 21 Van Lingen, G., 455,456 Wesman, A.G., 22, 27, 29, 156, Woodard, A., 569
Thorndike, R. L., 34, 123, 152, Vasey, M., 551 476 Woodcock, R. W., 140,292,
153,231-241,248,256,434 Vaught, S. 55 Weyand, K., 233, 235 332, 335, 337, 338,342,382,
Thorndike, R. M., 2, 33, 40, 136, Veitia, M., 612 Weyandt, L. L., 539, 543 399,403,404
241,256,257,293,294,434, Vernon, P.A., 27 Whang, P . A., 153 Woodyard, E., 21
465,606,615 Vernon, P. E., 22, 29, 35, 41, 63, Whelley, P., 349,621 Woo-Sam,]. M., 183, 196, 197,
Thurlow, M . L., 436 190,208,232 Wherry, R.J., 156 204,217,506,531 , 535
Thurstone, L. L., 42, 63 Vogler, G. P., 38, 74, 75, 84, 88 Wherry, R. J., Jr., 156 Work, R. L., 80
Thuscott, S. D., 610 Von Mayrhauser, T ., 5, 11, 23 Whitaker, H . A., 549 Worrall, W ., 156
Toogood, I., 560 Vygotsky, L. S., 285 White, L.J., 237,238,624 Worthington, C. F., 399
Topinka, C. W., 619 White, R. F., 561 Wright, D ., 88, 157
Torrance, E. P., 50 Wada,]., 264 Whitfill,]. M., 624 Wurtz, E., 444
Townes, B. D., 612 Waggoner, C., 612 Whin,J. K., 569,570,574
Trad, P. V., 610 W aldman, I. D ., 295,614 Whitworth, R.H., 295,614
Tramontana, M. G ., 547,553,563 Wallbrown, F. H ., 156, 189 Wiederholt, ]. L., 455 Yackulic, R. A., Ill, 112
Traub, M., 565 190,499,500,536,604,615, Wielkiewicz, R. M., 611 Yaple, K. , 238,257,625
Trautman, P ., 552 616 Wiener,]., 503, 505 Yarbrough, D ., 567
T remont, G., 137 Wallbrown,]., 189, 190 Wilkinson, G. S., 378, 380 Ysseldyke, J. E., 335,336, 343,
T rent, D., 617 Waller, N. G., 295,614 Williams,]. M., 551,567,569, 436
Troupin, A. S., 568 Walconen, S., 261 575 , 576
Tucker, G.D., 370 Warner, M. H., 566,567,612 Williams, K. S., 569, 575,
Tudor-Williams, G ., 576 Wasik, B. H., 65, 74 576 Zachary, R. A., 294
Tulsky, D.S., 296, 299 Waskerwitz, M.J., 569 Williams, M . A., 548,554, Zajonc, R. B., 85
Tuma,J. M., 534 Watkins, M. W ., 328 55 7-559,561, 564,566 Zarantonello, M. M., 295
Tupper, D. E., 552, 553 Watson, B. U., 451 Willis, W . G ., 539, 543, 546, Zelko, F. A., 261,619
Tzuriel, D., 55 Watson, T. S., 367 548,553 Zheng, L., 293
Waxman, S, G., 592 Willson, V. L., 156,270,619 Zhong,L.,617
Ulissi, S. M., 457 Weaver, K. A., 233, 235 Wilson, A. K., 213 Zhu, J., 296, 299
Urbina, S., 49, 50, 63, 65, 84, 85, Webster, R. W., 607 Wilson, B., 68, Zigler, E., 79
116, 135, 538 Wechsler, D., 22, 33, 104, 105, Wilson, C., 257 Zimmerman, I. L., 99, IOI, 183 ,
U zgiris, I. C., 53, 63 108, 182, 184-187, 189, 191, Wilson, W . M ., 626 196,197, 204,217,228,499,
195,206,214,217,227, 228, Winfield, F. D., 80 506,531,535
Valencia, R.R., 162, 280, 233,292-297,303-305,309, Winick, M., 86 Zins, J. E., 286
430-433, 444,445 446,456,538,606 Winn, H. R., 564 Zuckerman, M., 83, 160, 161
Abbreviations in report writing, stability of test scores and, K-ABC in, 261-262 instructions for,
505 140 Auditory short-term memory, comprehension of,
Ability, 35 test interval and, 65-69 K-ABC and, 269 240-241
achievement and discrepancies test selection and, 175-181 Averages, 117 (see also Central interpretation of, 248-2 50
between, 594 Age differentiation validity, 13 3 tendency) factor analysis and, 256-257
definition of, 35,351 (see also specific tests) in preschool assessment,
Ability levels, reliability and, 128 ceiling effects and, 139 433-434
Accommodation, in Piaget's Age equivalents, 124 Background information mean differences with other
theory, 52 Agreement, correlation versus, collection of, 95-96 tests and, 233-234
Achievement 127 in report writing, 521, psychometric properties of,
ability and, discrepancies Alcohol, fetal exposure to, 86-87 524-525 234-238
between, 476 American Educational Research Battle Developmental Inventory reliability of, 234-2 35
intelligence as a type of, 477 Association (BDI), administration and report writing and, 250-251
intelligence versus, K-ABC test standards of, 167-175 scoring and, 428-429 standard score scale of, 241
and,264-265 American Psychological Associa- reliability and, 429 standardization sampling and,
Acronyms, in report writing, tion Ethnic Principles of standardization and, 429 232-233
505 Psychologists of, 175 validity and, 429-430 strengths of, 258
Activity requirements for, in test standards of, 167-175 Bayley Scales of Infant subtests of, 244-248
young children, 112-114 Anastasi's theory of intelligence, Development-Second in abstract/visual reasoning
Adaptive behavior, 89 49-50 Edition (BSID-11) area, 245-247
intelligence versus, 584 Anoxia, 86 reliability and, 425 in quantitative reasoning
Adaptive behavior scales, mental APA (see American Psychological standardization and, 425 area, 244-245
retardation and, 579-580 Association) validity and, 425-426 in short-term memory area,
Adaptive testing, in Binet-4, 240 Approval (see Praise) Behavior 247-248
Adjusted goodness-of-fit index, Architectural system, 55 (in Adaptive (see Adaptive in verbal reasoning area,
in confirmatory factor Borkowski's cognitive behavior) 242-244
analysis, 13 5 developmental model) age of child and, 99-101 theoretical basis of, 231-2 32
Administration procedure, Area Scores, Binet-4 and, characteristics of examiner, validity of, 235-238
105-107 (see also specific controversy about, rapport with, 98-10 I weaknesses of, 259
tests) 237-238 examples of,,for meaning Wechsler research and, 238
creating interest and Army Alpha, 13-21 clarification in reports, Binet-4 Standard Age Scores,
motivation in, 101 Army Beta, 13-21 508-509 normal curve and, 118
cuing responses in, 104 Assessment, purpose of, test examples of, for meaning Binet-Simon scale
developments in testing, 292 selection and, 175-181 observations of (see breakthrough of, 6-7
general scoring principles, Assessment ethics, I 75 Observations) content validity and, 8
107-108 Assessment procedures, report on-task, reinforcement of, 1905 version of, 7
infants and, 112 writing and, 521 103-104 Binet's test, Piagetian intelligence
maintaining on-task behavior Assessment process, 94-115 (see test session, validity of, 105 and, 53
and, 103 also specific assessment young children and, 99-101 Binet Subtest Score, 241
observations and, 108-1 10 instruments: Test entries) Behavioral goals, in triarchic Birth order, intelligence
problems in, 110 background information theory, 59 relationship to research
rapport establishment with, collection in, 95-96 Bell-shaped curve, 118-119 on,86
98-99 beginning of session in, 101-102 Bias, 153-158 (see also Item bias; Birth weight, 86
recording of responses, clinical skill acquisition for, Test bias) Brain-behavior relationships
108-109 94-95 selection, 140 (see Neuropsychological
standardized, adherence to, general administration Binet, Alfred assessment)
105-106 procedures in, 106-11 0 biography of, 8 Breaks, during test session,
testing the limits and, 107 practical aspects of, 101-104 theory of intelligence of, 35 97
timing of assessment and, 97 problems in, 110-111 Binet-4
young children and, 99-101 rapport establishment in, administration and scoring of,
Adoption studies, 72-76 98-99 239-241 CAK (Concept assessment Kit-
of environmental determinants, testing environment and, case study of, 251-255 Conservation), 54
72-74 96-98 Composite score, normal curve Calculations (see Psychometric
of genetic effects, 74-7 6 Assessment results (see Scores) and, 118 principles; specific type)
Adults (see also Age) interpretation and, in reporting area scores and, 237-238 minimization of, 469
developments in testing, 292 writing, 525 derived scores in, 241 Canalization,54-55
Age (see Infants; Young children) Assimilation, in Piaget's theory, developmental factors in, Carroll's three stratum theory,
floor and ceiling effects and, 52 238 43-49
139 Asymmetrical confidence bands, exceptional children and, Cattell's dichotomy
genetic effects and, 74-76 131 236 and KAIT, 317-318, 328
growth and decline of, 69-71 Attention Deficit hyperactivity factor analysis of, 236-238 Cause and effect relationships,
rapport establishment and, disorder (ADHD) general intelligence and, inference of, 496
112-114 confounding effects and, 112 231-232, 237 Ceiling effects, 139
Central tendency, measures of, Concordant correlational Criterion variable, predictor subtests of, 346
11 7 (see also Mean) relationship, 74 variable versus, intelligence theory and features of,
Cerebral lateralization, 546--547 Concurrent validity, 132 training and, 76-77 344- 345
(see also Hemispheric ofKAIT, 323-325 Crystallized abilities, fluid validity of, 348-349
specialization) of WAIS-Ill, 300-301 abilities and Cattell's Differential Ability Scales (DAS)
Children ofWISC-Ill, 187-188 theory of, 42-43, 70 Nonverbal Scale, 458-459
feedback session with, 53 5 Confidence intervals (confidence Trajectory of intellectual Differential Ability Scales School
rapport with, 98-101 bands), 130-131 development and, Achievement Tests
Chi-square statistics, in asymmetrical, 13 1 70-71 (DASACH)
confirmatory factor in report writing, 510, 518 Cuing, of responses, 104-105 administration and scoring of,
analysis, 135-136 symmetrical, 13 I Cultural differences, 158-165 386-387
China, testing in, 293 Confirmatory factor analysis, (see also Environment; reliability of, 387
Classification systems, in report 135-136 Multicultural assessment) standardization of, 387
writing, 518-520 Confluence model, birth order courts and, 146-150 validity of, 387-389
Clinical assessment, process of and,85-86 culturologic interview, 164 Discordant correlational
(see Assessment process) Construct validity, 131-136 problems in constructing relationship, 74
Clinical skill, acquisition of, bias in, 155-156 equivalent test for, Discriminant validity, 132- 134
94-95 Consumer, viewpoint of, about 162-163 Dishabituation, 424-426
Clinician reports, 503-505 scientific studies of, 153-158 Disruptive behavior, 88, 112
adherence of, to standardized Content test bias and, 153-158 Divergent production, 50
procedures, 105-106 process versus, K-ABC and, Cumulative deficits, 71-72, Documentation (see Report
attitude of, motivation of child 265 31 writing; Written record)
and, 101 in structure of intellect model, Cumulative family risk, 87 Doing, talking versus, rapport
cuing by, 104 50 establishment and,
praising by (see Praise) test score differences and, DAS (see Differential Ability 99-101
Coefficient Alpha, 124 140-141 Scales) Drugs
Cognition, information verbal versus nonverbal, Data sources, multiple inADHD, 112
processing approach to, 56 WISC-Ill and, I 91-193 collection and integration of Dunedin multidisciplinary health
Cognitive ability, definition of, Content validity, 131-132 data from, 469-471 and development study,
34 bias in, 154-158 conclusion corroboration with, 68
Cognitive Assessment System Binet-Simon scale and, 8 470 Dynamic assessment models (see
(CAS), 543-546 ofK-ABC, 268 Debriefing, 111-112 LPAD)
Cognitive deficits, acute Contextual subtheory, of Declarative memory, 57, 63 arguments against, 78
lymphocytic leukemia triarchic theory, 59 Deficits, cumulative, 13 I arguments for, 78-79
and,568-570 Contextualist nature of Depression, confounding effects wne of proximal development
Cognitive development intelligence, 58-62 and, 112 and, 61
maternal alcohol use during (see also Environment) Developmental ages (see Mental Dyslexia (see Reading disability)
pregnancy and, 86--87 Convergent production, 50 age)
Piaget's theory of, 52-54 Convergent validity, I 33-134 Development~! disabilities
Cognitive-developmental model, Cooperation, IOI (see Mental retardation; Ecology of intelligence, 60-61
55-56 Correcmess, praise for, praise for specific disabilities), Education (see Schooling)
information processing theory effort versus, 103-104 66 WAIS-III and educational
and, 56--58 Correlation, 126-127 Developmental, intellectual, attainment, 303
Cognitive tasks, elementary, multiple, 127 trajectory of, 69-71 Education for All Handicapped
reaction time and, 36-37 reliable specific variance and, Development status Child Act (PL 94-142),
Colleagues, report writing for, 129 assessment of, at all ages, (see IDEA)
510 test score differences and, 420-421 Educational remediation
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale 139-140 intelligence versus, in research, K-ABC and,
reliability and, 459 with other tests, 132-133 preschool assessment, 286--287
standardization and, 459 Correlation coefficients, 420 Effort, praise for, 102-103
validity and, 459 126--127 Developmental theories of Eisegesis, report writing and,
Composite score hypotheses (see in studies of genetjc effects intelligence, 52-55 501-502
Interpretation) 74-76 Deviation IQ, 119 (see also Elementary cognitive tasks,
Comprehensive Test of Non- problems with, 12 7 Standard score) reaction time and,
verbal Intelligence reliability coefficient, normal curve and, 118 36- 37
(CTONI) 127-128 Dianna v. State Board of Emotional Intelligence, 51 - 52
reliability and, 45 5 twin studies, 74 Education, 147-148 Environment (see Socioeconomic
standardization and, 45 5 Correlation matrix, in factor Difference scores status (SES)
validity and, 45 5 analysis, 13 5 (see also reliability of, 141 context of, in triarchic theory,
Concept Assessment Kit- Factor analysis) Differential Ability Scales (DAS) 59
Conservation (CAK), 54 Court cases, 146-150 (see also administration and scoring of, determinants of intelligence
Conclusions, 485 specific case) 346-347 in, 72-74
aposteriori, 481-484 Covariance, correlation case study of, 352-357 ecological theories of, 58-62
apriori, 481-484 coefficients and (see factor analysis of, 349-3 50 genetics and, in transactional
corroboration of, with Correlation coefficients) "g" loadings for, 345 theory, 54-55
multiple data sources, Creod for high intelligence, in preschool assessment, intelligence in, 60-61
469-472, 484-48; transactional theory and, 441-442 specific influences, in, 72-73
failure to draw, 495 54-55,63 interpretation of, 350-352 for testing, 96--97
reliability of, 473-479 Criterion-related validity, nonverbal scale and, 458-459 Epilepsy, 566--568 (see also
support of, with research, 132-134 (see also reliability of, 348 Seizure Disorders)
472 specific tests) standardization sampling and, Equivalent tests, construction of
validity of, 473-479 of WAIS-III, 301 347-348 problems in, 162-163
Error variance, 40 Wechsler's view's on, 182-184 Hypothesis testing, apriori, 481-484
difference scores and, 141 "g" (general intelligence) loadings nonstandardized cause and effect relationships
reliable specific variance versus, (see specific tests) procedures and, 107 and,496
129 in factor analysis, 39-41 empirical findings in, 472
Ethics Gain scores, reliability of, 141 "In-basket" tests, 62 evidence and, 465-466
assessment, 175 Galton, Sir Francis, 4-5 Individualization, of failure to draw conclusions and,
standards of practice and, Gardner's Theory, 51 interpretation, 22-23 495-496
167-175 Gaussian curve, 118, 139 Inductive reasoning, 58 five "easy" steps and, 484-485
Ethnic differences, 81-84 (see also Gender differences, 84 Infants (see Young children) functional impairments and
Multicultural assessment) General intelligence ("g") anoxia in, 86 strengths and, 479-481
Etiologies, in report writing, (see "g") assessment of, 66, 422-423 history of, 467-468
509 Genetics assessment process for, individualization of, 22-23
Examiner (see Clinical entries; effects on intelligence of, 112-114 in report writing, 525
Clinician) 74-76 as specialty, 421-422 integrative method of,
Examples, use of, in reports, environment and, in birth weight of, 86 468-479
508-509 transactional theory, information processing by, iterative and, 469
Exceptional children (see specific 54-55 426-427 level versus type and, 480
tests) malleability versus, 76-81 tests for, 424-427 multiple data sources and,
Identification of rare mild race differences and, 81-84 Information 469-472
handicaps and, 591 Goodness-of-fit index, in Background (see Background neuropsychological theories of,
Executive system, 55 (in confirmatory factor information) 539-547
Borkowski's cognitive- analysis, 13 5 identification of, report norm-referenced (see Norm-
developmental model) Grade equivalents, 124-125 writing, 521 referenced entries)
Exosession validity, 105 Guilford's strncture of intellect pertinence of, in report writing, referral questions and, 469
Experiential subtheory, in model, 50 505 retesting and, 496
triarchic theory, 59 Information processing theory, Picture Arrangement exemplar
Experimental psychology, early Habituation, 426-427 56 and,466-467
developments in, 4 Halstead's Biological Intelligence, cognitive-developmental model psychometrics in, 473-479
Explanatory factor analysis, 134 539-540 of, 55 sample case of, 495
confirmatory analysis versus, Head Start research, 79-82 Kyllonen and Alluisi's model science-based practice and,
135-136 Hemispheric specialization, of, 57 468
546-547 metacognition in, 57 substandard practices and,
Factor analysis, 39-41,134-136 Heritability index, 76-77 (see also triarchic theory and, 58-60 464-465
(see also specific tests) Genetics) Instrnctions, comprehension of, theory in, 472-473
ofBinet-4, 236-238 Hiskey-Nebraska Tests of 423-424 untested interpretations and,
confirmatory, 13 5-13 6 Learning aptitude Binet-4 and, 240-241 467
of DAS, 349-350 (HNTLA) Integrative method of interpreta- Interviews, results of, in report
"g" loadings in, 136-137 reliability and, 451 tion (see Interpretation) writing, 525
ofK-ABC, 269-270 standardization and, 451 Intelligence (sfe Theories) IQ
ofKAIT, 325 validity and, 451-452 adaptive behavior versus, concept of, introduction of, 9
TBOG and, 105 History of intelligence testing 584 demise of, 24-25
of WAIS-III, 301-302 age of theory in, 25-26 definitions of, 27 deviation (see Deviation IQ)
of\VISC-R, 189-191 American work in, 5-6 growth and decline of, 69-71 ratio, formula for, 10
of\VISC-III, 191-194 Binet-Simon breakthrough in, low, 77-81 (see also Low Item bias, 153-158
Factor loading, 39-41 6-7 intelligence; Mental K-ABC and, 154-155, 368
Fagan Test oflnfant Intelligence, definitions of intelligence in, retardation) \VISC-III and, 187
426-427 27 research findings about, Item response theory scaling
Fairness in testing, 173-174 demise ofIQ in, 24-25 64-90 (see also research methods, 125-126
Family (see Parents) early development in, 3-4 findings) Items
Head Start research and, size experimental psychology and, trainability of, 77-79 content differences in, differ-
of, decline in scores with, 4-5 Intelligence quotient (see IQ) ences in scores and, 140
79-81 IDEA and, 25 Intelligence screeners (see sources of, for preschool
Feedback session, with child, in 1920s, 12-21 Screeners of Screening) assessment, 419---420
535 "Intelligent Testing" in, Intelligence testing (see History
Fetal alcohol exposure, 86-87 22-23 of intelligence testing) Jensen's theory of reaction time,
Feuerstein's approach to in World War I years, 13-21 scores and (see Scores) 36-37
trainability, 78-79 Larry P. v. Riles and, 25 Intelligent testing, 22-23
Floor effects, 139 Mergers of theory and Intercorrelation matrix, in factor Kaufman Adolescent and Adult
Fluid abilities, crystallized intelligence testing in, analysis, 39, 13 5 Intelligence Test (KAIT)
abilities and Cattell's 25-26 Interest, creation of, for test administration of, 326
theory of, 42-43, 63 recent, 24-28 session, 101 Auditory Comprehension
trajectory of intellectual · societal need and, 6 Internal consistency coefficients, subtest of, 319-320
development and, 70-71 tests of the 1800s, 6 124 Definitions subtest of, 318-319
Flynn Effect, 73-74, 138-139 Wechsler's tests in, 21-22 Internet addresses Double Meanings subtest of,
Friends, testing of, 113 HIV infection, 575-576 for making recommendations, 320
Frontal lobe, 543-544 Hobson v. Hansen, 146-147 527-531 Famous Faces subtest of, 321
Furniture, in testing room, 96-97 Horn's theory, 42-43 for test publishers, 142 Interpretation of, 327-329
and KAIT, 317-318, 328 for test reviews, 142 Logical Steps subtest of, 319
"g" (general intelligence), 35-36 Hyperactivity (see Attention Interpretation (see specific tests) Memory for Block Designs
Cattell's two types, 42-43 Deficit Disorder aposteriori, 481-484 (see also subtest of, 321
factor analysis and, 39-41 (ADHD) Conclusions) Mental Status subtest of, 322
reaction time and, 36-3 7 Hypotheses, 481-485 (see also application of psychological Mystery Codes subtest of,
Spearman's theory and, 35-36 Conclusions) science, 468 320
psychometric properties of, Triangles subtest of, 273-274 Low birth weight, 86 Mode, 117
322-326 validity of, 267-270 Low intelligence (see Mental Morber (see Family; Parents)
Rebus Delayed Recall subtest developmental changes in, Retardation) alcohol use by, during
of, 320-321 267 "curing," 77-81 pregnancy, 86-87
Rebus Learning subtest of, weaknesses of, 288 LPAD, 78-79 (see also Learning Motivation
319 Work Order subtest of, 274-275 Potential Assessment creation of, for test session, IO 1
reliability of, 323 Device (LAPD)) enhancement of, reinforcement
scoring of, 326---327 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Luria's Functional Systems in, l02-I03
standardization of, 322 Children (K-ABC) Non- Model, 543-544 intelligence and, 88
strengths and weaknesses of, Verbal Scale, 288 depiction of, 542 Motor assessment, 554
329-330 Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test PASS model and, 543-546 Multiculmral assessment,
structure of, 318 (K-BIT) 158-165 (see also Culmral
subtests of, 318-322 administration and scoring of, McCarthy, Dorothea, differences)
theoretical foundation of, 367-368 contributions of, 22 multilingual children and,
317-318 reliability of, 367 McCarthy Scales of Children's 161-165
validity of, 323 standardization of, 365 Abilities SOMPA and, 150-152
Kaufman Assessment Battery for validity of, 368-371 reliability and, 431-432 Multilingual children, assessment
Children (K-ABC) Kaufman Test of Educational screeners and, 432-433 ot; 161-165
adaptive behavior and, 89 Achievement (K-TEA) standardization and, 431 Multiple correlation, 12 7
in ADHD, 261-262 administration and scoring of, validity and, 432 reliable specific variance and,
administration and scoring, 393-395 Malleability 129
270-271 reliability of, 395-396 genetic determination versus, Multiple responses, scoring and,
Arithmetic subtest of, 277-278 standardization of, 395 76---77 107-108
behavioral observation of, 283 validity of, 396-399 research on, 76---77
case smdy of, 283-284 Knowledge, 89 Malnutrition, 86 Naps, testing session and, 112
content validity of, 132 Knowledge acquisition Marshall v. Georgia, 149 Namre versus nurmre, 72-74
convergent/discriminant components, in Matrix Analogies Test (see also Environment;
validity of, 133-134 triarchic theory, 58-59 reliability and, 461 Genetics)
educational remediation Knowledge, metacognitive, standardization and, 461 NCE (normal curve equivalent),
research and, 286---287 56---58 validity and, 461 123
exceptional children and, Kyllonen and Alluisi's information Mamrity, social (see Adaptive Negative correlation, 126
284-286 processing model, 57 behavior) Neurological soft signs, 552-553
Expressive Vocabulary subtest Mean, 117 Neuropsychological assessment
of, 276---277 Language regression toward (see approachesto,554-562
Face Recognition subtest of, multilingual children and, Regression effects) Children's Memory Scale and,
272 assessment of, 162-163 Mean score differences, culmral 555
Faces & Places subtest of, 277 in report writing, 506 differences and, 15 3 fixed battery approach and,
factor analysis of, 269-270 Larry P. v. Riles, 148 Measurement (see Psychometric 556
general intelligence and, 13 6 Latent trait, definition of, 34-3 5 principles, specific methods flexible battery approach and,
Gestalt Closure subtest of, 273 Latent trait scores, 125-126 or measurement issues) 559,561
Hand Movements subtest of, Law (see specific cases; specific Median, 117 general intelligence and,
272 laws) Medication 562-563
interpretation of, 279-284 Learning disabilities (see inADHD, 112 Halstead-Reitan
Magic Window subtest of, 271 Exceptional children) Memory, 554 Neuropsychological
Matrix Analogies subtest of, ability achievement declarative, 57-63 Battery for Children
275 discrepancies and, 594 procedural, 57, 6 3 (HRNB-C), and 556-558
Nonverbal scale of, 288, case smdy of, 592 short-term, K-ABC and, 269 HN infection and, 575-576
457-458 composite scores, selection of, working and, 56---57 Leukemia and, 568-570
Number Recall subtest of, 273 594-595 Mental abilities, primary, case smdy of, 571-573
organization of, 265-266 definitions of, 591-592 Thurstone's, 42 Luria-Nebraska Neuro-
Photo Series subtest of, 276 dyslexia, 592-593 (see also Mental age, 10 (see also Age psychological Battery-
in preschool assessment, Reading Disability) entries) Children's Revision and,
434-436 heterogeneity of, 597 Mental retardation (see 559
psychometric properties of, measurement issues and, Exceptional Children; NEPSY and, 558-560
266-271 597-598 Low intelligence) Neurodevelopmental
Reading/Decoding subtest of, profile analysis and, 595-597 adaptive behavior scales and, considerations and,
278 scatter and, 598 579-580 547-551
Reading/Understanding subtest trends in, 598-599 assessment procedures for, 590 of children, 551-562
of, 279 Learning Potential Assessment case smdy of, 586-589 premorbid functioning and,
reliability of, 267 Device (LPAD), 78-79 definition of, 578-579 . 548-551
reviews of, 263-2 64 arguments against, 78 diagnosis of, 579, 586 "hold-don't hold" and,
Riddles subtest of, 278 arguments for, 78-79 intelligence and, 579 550-551
short forms of, 287 dynamic assessment and, 78-79 levels of, 580-581 seizure disorders and, 566-568
Spatial Memory subtest of, Leiter International Performance profile research and, 581-582 Sickle Cell Anemia and, 570,
275-276 Scale-Revised (Leiter-R) range of scores and, 58 5 574-575
standard score scale of, 266 reliability and, 45 3 regression effects and, 584-58 5 skills assessed in, 5 54
standardization sampling and, standardization and, 453 scores and, selection of, 582-583 Test of Memory and Learning
266-267 validity and, 453-454 Metacognition, 56---58 and, 555
strengths of, 288 Leukemia, cognitive deficits and, Metacomponential processes, traumatic brain injury and,
subtests of, 271-279 568-570 in triarchic theory, 58 564-566
supplementary scales in, 266 case smdy of, 571-573 Minority groups (see Culmral Wide Range Assessment of
theoretical framework of, Local norms, 138 differences; Multiculmral Memory and Learning
262-265 ' Long-term memory, 56---57 assessment) and,555
Scores (see specific tests) Single subtest hypotheses, K-ABC interpretation of, 473-478 Test setting, 96-97
birth order and, 85 and,282-283 profile analysis of, for infants, 112
differences in interpretation of, Skills, definition of, 35 de-emphasizing, 473-478 Test standards, 167-175
141 Skodak and Skeels smdy, on shared hypotheses and, 473-478 Theories, 35-62 (see also specific
for same child, 138-141 environmental (see also shared subtest theories; Intelligence,
interpretation of (see determinants, 72 hypotheses) theories of)
Interpretation) Slosson Intelligence Test- Subtest "Scaled Score" (see Therapeutic relationship, rapport
mean, test bias and, 15 3 Revised (SIT-R) Standard score) versus, 99
mental retardation and, 585 administration and scoring of, Subtest scatter, WISC-III and, Therapeutic testing, 165
norm-referenced, 119 364-365 214-216, 226 Three-parameter scaling
normal distribution of, 11 7 reliability of, 365 Subtest specificity, 129 techniques, 12 5
range of, 117 standardization of, 365 Successive processing (see Thurstone's primary mental
reporting of, 520---5 21 validity of, 365-366 Sequential processing) abilities, 42
research and, 79-81 Social approval (see Praise) simultaneous processing versus, Time, concepts of, young
stability of, 65 Social mamrity (see Adaptive 262-265 children and, 99-10 I
test selection and, l 75-18 I behavior) Symmetrical confidence bands, Time limits, adherence to, 107
types of, 119-124 (see also Societal need, development of 131 Timing of assessment, 97
specific type) intelligence testing and, 6 System of Multicultural Three Stratum Theory
verification of, report writing Socioeconomic status (SES) Pluralistic Assessment broad auditory perception
and, 509 (see Environment) (SOMPA), 150---151 factor and, 46
Scoring (see Scores; specific as stratification variable, broad cognitive speediness
tests) 137-138 Task, child's focus on, main- factor and, 4 7
general principles of, 107-108 cumulative deficits and, 87 taining, 103 broad retrieval factor and,
Screeners or screening, 359-360 Soft signs, 552-553 Teachers, conferences with, 53 5 46-47
DAS ACH and, 386-389 SOMPA (System of Multicultural Technical problems (see broad visual perception factor
diagnostic achievement tests Pluralistic Assessment), Psychometric principles; and,46
versus, 378 150---151 specific problems) crystallized intelligence factor
K-BITand, 367-371 Spatial/mechanical intelligence, Temperament, 88 and, 44-45
K-TEAand, 393-399 in Vernon's hierarchy, Temperament Assessment fluid intelligence factor and,
MBA and, 382-386 62 Battery for Children 44
in neuropsychological Spearman's theory of intelligence, (TABC), 88 general memory and learning
assessment, 552-553 35-36 Teratogens, 86-88 factor and, 45-46
PPVT-III and, 360--363 Specificity, subtest (see Subtest Terman, Lewis, contributions of, processing speed factor and
PIAT-R and, 389-393 specificity) 9-11 47
case study of, 4 I 0-4 I6 Stability of scores, 65 Test administration, procedures stratum I and, 43, 49
SIT-Rand, 363-366 Standard deviation, 117-118 for (see Administration stratum II and, 4 3
of academic achievement, age equivalents and, 124 procedures) stratum III and, 43
378-410 normal curve and, 118 Test bias Training, intelligence
of intelligence, 360---378 Standard error of measurement courts and, 146-153 improvement and
WASI and, 371-378 (SEM), 129-130 (see also scientific smdies of, 153-158 (see Malleability)
WIAT and, 404-410 specific tests) Test content, release of, 96-97 Trait, definition of, 34-3 5
W]-RACH and, 399-404 ofKAIT, 323 (see also Standards Transactional theory, 55, 63
WRAT-3 and, 378-382 of WAIS-III, 300 Testing room) Traumatic brain injury, 564- 566
Seating arrangements, for testing of WISC-III, 187 other people present, 97-98 Triarchic theory, 58
session, 98 Standardization sampling, physical arrangements in, 98 True scores, 131
Seizure disorders, 566-568 137-138 Test interval, stability of scores T-score, 123
Selection bias, 140 age of norms, 138-139 and,65 normal curve and, 118
SEM (see Standard error of Standardized procedures Test items (see Items) Twin studies, of genetic effects on
measurement) adherence to; 105-106 Test length Intelligence, 74-74
Sequential processing testing the limits of, I07 differences in scores and, 141
hypotheses for differences in, Standard score, 119-123 reliability and, 127
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence
280---282 conversion table for, 120---122 Test materials, 97
K-ABC and, 264-265 percentile rank and, 12 3 Test-retest coefficient, 128
reliability and, 448-449
simultaneous processing versus, Standards of practice, ethics and, Test-retest reliability, 323 (see
also specific tests of KAIT) standardization and, 448
264-265 167-175
validity and, 449
SES (see Socioeconomic stams) Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Tests (see specific tests)
case studies of, 180-18 I U.S. Census Bureau statistics,
Setting (see Environment) development of, fourth stratification variables and,
Sex differences (see Gender) edition of, 66 correlation between, 139-140
description of, in report 137
Shared variance, 127 Stanines, 123
Short-term memory, 56--57, 63 normal curve and, 118 writing, 506-507
Siblings, birth order of, scores Statistics (see Psychometric revisions of, old editions versus, Validation, process of, 136- 13 7
related to, 86 entries; specific measures 138-139 Validity, 130-137 (see also
Sickle Cell Anemia and, 570, or issues) selection of, 175-181 specific test; specific type
574-575 Sternberg's triarchic theory, test score differences and, of validity)
Significant others, testing of, 58-60 138-141 correlations with other tests
113 Stopwatch, I 05-106 Test publishers, internet and, 132-133
Simon and Binet (see Binet- Stratification variables, 137-138 addresses, 142 defined, 131
Simon scale) Stratum I, II, III (see Three Test session (see Assessment factor analysis and, 134-136
Simultaneous processing Stratum Theory) process) (see also Factor analysis)
hypotheses for differences in, Structure of intellect model, 63 breaks during, 97 Valsiner's ecological theory of
280---282 Student referral form, 504 modification of, in keeping Intelligence, 60-61
K-ABC and, 264 Subtests (see specific tests) children on task, 103-104 Variability, measures of, 117 (see
sequential processing versus, factor analysis of (see Factor Test session behavior, validity of, also Range; Standard
264-265 analysis) 105 deviation; Variance)