Prandtl Number Effects On Laminar Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in A Lid-Driven Cavity
Prandtl Number Effects On Laminar Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in A Lid-Driven Cavity
Prandtl Number Effects On Laminar Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in A Lid-Driven Cavity
Printed in Great Britain 0 1992 Pergamon PressLtd
Abstract-This paper considers the flow and heat transfer in a square cavity where the flow is induced by
a shear force resulting from the motion of the upper lid combined with buoyancy force due to bottom
heating. The work is motivated by the application in the production of plane glass where the glass sheet
is pulled over a bath of molten metal while being cooled and solidified. The numerical simulations,
therefore, are performed for two-dimensional laminar flow (100 < Re < 2200), and effects of small to
moderate Prandtl numbers (i.e. 0.01 < Pr < 50) on the flow and the heat transfer in the cavity are
investigated for different values of Richardson number. The temperature and the flow fields in the cavity
are calculated and presented to illustrate the strong influence of Prandtl number. The local and average
Nusselt numbers are also reported for different values of Re, Ri, and Pr.
is not yet validated for Pr << 1 fluids, due to the non- vertical walls of the cavity are insulated, and the lid
existence of experimental data for this range of Pr. and bottom surfaces are maintained at constant tem-
Recently, however, Mohamad and Viskanta [19] peratures, Tc and TH, respectively, with Tc < TH. The
reported on the effects of Pr on the onset of instability flow is assumed to be laminar, and the fluid properties
in a shallow lid-driven cavity heated from below. are constant except for the density in the buoyancy
Through a linear stability analysis, they found that Pr term (the Boussinesq approximation).
influenced the conditions for the initiation of the The governing equations of the problem are
mixed convection regime. expressions of conservation of mass, momentum, and
This paper considers the flow and heat transfer in thermal energy. Using L, U,, and (T, - T,-) as length,
a square cavity where flow is induced by a shear force velocity, and temperature scales, the governing equa-
resulting from the motion of the upper lid combined tions are non-dimensionalized to yield
with the buoyancy force due to bottom heating. The
work is motivated by the application in the production
au av
of plane glass where a glass sheet is pulled over a bath
of molten metal while being cooled to solidify. The
numerical simulations, therefore, are performed for ug+vgL -g+L&+!g) (2)
two-dimensional laminar flows. The effects of small
to moderate Prandtl numbers (i.e. 0.01 < Pr < 50) on
the flow and heat transfer in the cavity are investigated
for different values of Reynolds and Richardson num- U = UL, V = 0, Tc
2 -0.0604 2 0.100
1 -O.WOO 1 0.000
FIG. 2. Effect of Pr on the flow temperature fields in the cavity, for Re = 1000 and Gr = 104.
may develop on the vertical wall near the lid, for of the value of Pr. Moreover, the size, position, and
Re > 1000, as the lid draws fluid from the comer into strength of the secondary eddies are almost identical
the lid boundary layer [l l-131. All these features are for the three cases presented in this figure. These con-
present in the flow fields shown in Fig. 2, regardless firm the established notion that for Ri << 1, the flow
Laminar mixed convection heat transfer 1885
in the cavity is defined by the shear action of the heat transfer is mostly via convection in the boundary
moving lid [ 151, and thus, is independent of Pr which layers, the core of the cavity is isothermal, and the
defines the temperature and buoyancy variations in buoyancy effects are only significant near the cavity
the cavity. wall. And these together result in the enlargement of
The temperature distributions in the cavity, shown the DSE, and the elimination of the USE. For
on the right side of Fig. 2, exhibit strong dependence Pr << 1.O, the heat transfer in the cavity is mostly due
on Pr. These indicate that the thermal boundary layers to conduction, resulting in a rather gradual variation
over the bottom and the lid surfaces thicken as Pr is of temperature in the cavity, and therefore, a small
reduced. The large isothermal region which extends buoyancy field. In the bottom flow field in Fig. 4, the
over most of the cavity for Pr = 7.1, shrinks with presence of USE and upper secondary eddies in the
decreasing Pr, and disappears for Pr < 0.1. The cavity is the result of weak buoyancy or, in other
strong dependence of the temperature distribution on words, strong shear-induced recirculation.
Pr does not reflect on the flow pattern in the cavity The flow and temperature fields for Ri = 4
which again demonstrates the insignificant con- (Re = 500 and Gr = 106) illustrate similar effects and
tribution of buoyancy in the flow development for interactions, as shown in Fig. 5. Comparing the flow
Ri cc 1. fields in Figs. 4 and 5 shows the influence of a change
Figure 3 presents the flow and temperature fields in shear at constant Gr for different values of Pr. In
calculated for Re = 500, Gr = 10’ (i.e. constant the top rows (Pr = 7.1), a decrease in Re results in
value of Ri = 0.4), and for Pr = 7.1, 1.0, and 0.1. The significant change in the flow structure, i.e. the
flow fields of this figure indicate to a more significant enlargement of the DSE. Whereas, for Pr = 0.1, a
contribution of buoyancy in defining the flow pattern decrease in Re causes a change in the strength of the
in the cavity, as compared with the flow fields of Fig. primary eddy, with little effect on the secondary eddies
2. The upstream secondary eddies have vanished, and or the temperature field. The influence of a change in
the downstream secondary eddies have changed size. buoyancy on flow and heat transfer in the cavity at
On the upstream wall, buoyancy assists the core flow constant lid shear may be revealed in a comparison
to make a sharp turn, and thus, the secondary eddy at of Figs. 3 and 5. For large values of the Prandtl
the upstream corner disappears. On the downstream number, i.e. Pr 2 1.0, an increase in Gr results in
wall, however, buoyancy is opposing the core flow significant change in the secondary eddies, as well as
and causes the downcoming boundary layer to detach the primary eddy. This is due to the fact that for this
from the wall at a larger Y, resulting in a larger eddy. range of Pr, the flow in the cavity is boundary layer
The effects of Pr on the temperature distribution in type. For Pr < 1.0, however, the cavity flow is more
the cavity in this figure are similar to those of Fig. 2, of a core flow type, and an increase in buoyancy results
i.e. large isothermal core region for large Pr, and very in a stronger primary eddy and this manifests in the
thick thermal boundary layers for small Pr. For the formation of an upper secondary eddy on the vertical
cases of Fig. 3, however, a change in Pr results in a wall near the lid, and the resurgence of the USE.
change in the flow pattern in the cavity, confirming The variations of local Nusselt number over the lid
the important role of buoyancy in defining the flow and bottom surfaces for different values of Re, Gr,
field in the cavity. For large values of Pr, since the and Pr are presented in Figs. 6-10. Over the cold lid
core is isothermal, the influence of buoyancy is limited surface, the heat transfer rate generally drops in the
to the boundary layers, and appears in the form of direction of the lid motion due to the formation and
reduction in the size or position of the secondary growth of the boundary layer over this surface. Over
eddies. For small values of Pr, the effects of buoyancy the bottom hot surface, however, the variation of the
manifest in the boundary layers, and also in the core local heat transfer rates is more complex, and exhibits
of the cavity. Therefore, a reduction in Pr will result local maxima and minima which are defined by the
in a stronger primary eddy while affecting the sizes action of the primary and secondary eddies on this
and positions of the secondary eddies, as well. surface. The local NuH has a relative maximum at a
The flow and temperature fields in the cavity for point that cold fluid impinges on the cavity floor. The
Re = 1000 and Gr = lo6 are presented in Fig. 4. This drop in the heat transfer subsequent to an impinge-
figure shows that for Ri = 1.0 the fluid flow in the ment point is due to the formation and growth of
cavity is established by a relatively balanced inter- boundary layers over the cavity floor. The points of
action of the two driving mechanisms involved, with relative minimum NuH correspond to the points of
a strong dependence on Pr. For Pr equal to unity, the detachment of these boundary layers from the cavity
balance of the shear and buoyancy effects is mani- floor. These may be examined by referring to the cor-
fested in the formation of two eddies of almost equal responding flow fields presented in Figs. 2-5.
size. The upper eddy is driven by the moving lid, and In Figs. 6 and 7, for which Ri < 1, the local and
encapsulates an isothermal core. This is in fact the area-averaged heat transfer rates over the lid as well
primary eddy which is deformed due to the opposing as the floor surfaces increase with an increase in Pr. This
action of the buoyancy. The eddy in the lower half of trend is consistent over both surfaces since neither the
the cavity is driven by buoyancy, and is the enlarged dashed lines nor the solid lines cross each other. For
form of the DSE. For Pr greater than unity, the these cases, it may be concluded that the heat transfer
1886 K. MOALLEMI and K. S. JANG
A o.OOo7
9 0.800
9 o.moo
6 0.700
6 -0.0083
7 0.600
7 -0.0186
6 -0.0267
6 0.400
5 -0.0389
4 0.300
4 -0.0490
3 0.200
3 -0.06Q2
2 O.?OQ
2 -0.06Q4
1 -o.OwJ 1 0.000
t.emI TEMP
Level STR B 1 .OOo
ii 0.0030 A 0.900
9 O.OQfO e 0.800
8 0.0000 a 0.700
7 -0.0039 7 0.600
6 -0.0127 6 0.500
5 -0.0304 5 0.400
4 -0.0461 4 0.300
3 -0.0659 3 0.200
2 -0.0636 2 0.100
1 -0.1013 1 0.000
Level STR
A O.Oof5
0 0.0000 9 o.wO
8 -0.0020 B 0.700
7 -0.0196 7 0.600
6 -0.0371 6 0.600
5 -0.0547 5 0.400
4 -0.0722 4 0.300
3 0.200
3 -0.0898
2 0.100
2 -0. f 073
1 0.000
1 -0.1249
FIG. 3. Effect of Pr on the flow and temperature fields in the cavity, for Re = 500and Gr = IO’.
in the cavity is defined by the shear flow that dictates as the positions of maximum and minimum heat
the primary recirculation in the cavity, since the form transfer rates do not noticeably change with a change
of variation of Nut along the lid does not change with in Pr.The small change in the local variation of Nut.,
Pr.The effect of buoyancy on the local heat transfer with Pr is due to the weak influence of buoyancy on
rate from the cavity goor is recognized to be minimal, the secondary eddies.
Laminar mixed convection heat transfer 1887
Level sm
B 0.001 B 1.060
A 0.000 A 0.600
9 -0.011 9 0.606
6 -0.032 6 0.700
7 -0.063 7 0.606
6 -0.073 6 0.600
5 -0.064 5 0.406
4 -0.115 4 0.300
3 -0.136 3 0.200
2 -0.156 2 0.100
1 -0.177 1 0.006
FIG. 4. Effect of Pr on the flow and temperature fields in the cavity, for Re = 1000 and Gr = 106.
In Figs. 8 and 9 (Ri > l), the variations of Nuu and correspond to the points of cold flow impingement on
Nut illustrate stronger dependence on Pr, indicating the floor, and points of boundary layer detachment
a more significant contribution of buoyancy to from the floor, respectively. In these figures, the effects
heat transfer and fluid flow in the cavity. For Nuu of Pr on Nu, and Nut may be noted to be both
variations, the points of maxima and minima again quantitative (i.e. mostly higher heat transfer rates for
1888 M. K. MOALLEMI and K. S. JANC
2 -O.O4!ii 3 0.200
1 -0.0637 2 0.100
1 0.000
B 1.000
Lwal STR A OS00
S 0.0100 0 0.800
8 0.0004 8 0.700
7 0.0000 7 0.600
6 -0.0064 6 0.5SO
5 -0.t we 5 0.400
4 -0.1725 4 0.300
3 -0.2261 3 0.200
2 -0.2796 2 0.100
1 -0.3332 1 O.ooO
FIG. 5. Effect of Pr on the flow and temperature fields in the cavity, for Re = 500 and Gr = 10’.
larger values of Pr) and qualitative (i.e. changes in the effects are felt by both the primary and the secondary
positions of maximum and minimum Nuu with a eddies, particularly for cases with Pr 2 1.O.
change in Pr). In either sense, however, the influence The inftuence of Pr on the variation of the area-
is more pronounced for larger Pr. This confirms the averaged heat transfer rate with Ri, for different values
earlier observations that for Ri 3 1.0 the buoyancy of Re, is presented in Fig. 10. The experimentat results
Laminar mixed convection heat transfer 1889
Re = 500, only 3% above the conduction limit of
unity. The results also illustrate that up to a minimum
level of buoyancy, the heat transfer rate in the cavity
is essentially via forced convection and independent
of Ri. The departure from the forced convection heat
40 transfer- mechanism to a mixed convection one, for
which Nu = f (Re, Rl), is noted to be a function of Pr.
Prasad and Koseff [ 161have correlated their exper-
20 imental results as
Nu A’.’
cc ~eO.‘8 Ri-0.02
0 where A is the depthwise aspect-ratio of the cavity.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.oo
X This correlation should be quite useful for design
FIG. 8. Variations of the local Nu over the cavity floor (solid applications, as it has a simple form and spans four
lines), and the lid (dash lines), Re = loo0 and Gr = lo6 decades of Ri (i.e. 0.1 < Ri < 1000). It does not,
(Ri = 1.0). however, provide any clues to the interaction of the
two heat transfer mechanisms involved. Moreover,
of Prasad and Koseff [16], for water (Pr = 6.0) at the experimental conditions of ref. [16] correspond to
Re = 2200 are also shown in the figure, which com- 2200 < Re < 12000 and 10’ < Gr < 5 x lo’, which
pare well with the results of simulations performed include laminar and turbulent regimes for both the
for the same set of parameters. The figure indicates a forced and natural convection mechanisms. The cast-
rapid drop of convective heat transfer in the cavity ing of the data for the two flow regimes into one
with a decrease in Pr. This
- drop which is also a func- correlation had resulted in a very weak dependence of
tion of Re brings the Nu to 1.03 for Pr = 0.01 and the heat transfer rate on buoyancy, which may be
1890 M. K. MOALLEMIand K. S. JANG
justified for turbulent flows but is an anomaly for These are in agreement with the results for heat trans-
laminar flows. fer over a flat plate which are proportional to Pr”‘l
It has now become a common practice in mixed and Pr’/3 for Pr < 1 and Pr > 1, respectively [22].
convection literature [Zl] to correlate heat transfer To find the correct form of variation of NU with Ri
results by an expression of the form and Pr for the mixed and natural convection regimes,
it is first noted that Ri is not the correct scaling par-
;\;i;” = Nu”+Nu”
F- N (8)
ameter for both Pr > 1 and Pr < 1 conditions, as the
where subscripts F and N refer to pure forced and curves for Pr < 1 in Fig. 11 have knees at around Ri
natural convection, respectively. The value of the equal to unity, while other curves in the figure seem
exponent n and the sign between the two terms on the to have departures from pure forced convection mech-
right-hand side of the equation depend on the flow anism at values of Ri greater than unity. This is in
configuration and geometry. ____-The correlations for the agreement with the scaling analysis of Bejan [18] for
average Nusselt numbers Nup and NuN are determined mixed convection heat transfer over a vertical wall,
with clues from the existing correlations for similar which suggests use of different scaling criteria for tran-
geometries. Equation (8) yields the correct form of sition from forced convection to natural convection
dependence on the governing parameters of the prob- regimes. These criteria are
lem in the two limiting cases (i.e. forced convection as
for Pr < 1 fluids
Gr -+ 0, and natural convection as Re -+ 0), a charac-
teristic that equation (7) does not have. < 0( 1) forced convection
To identify a correct form for the heat transfer > O( I) natural convection (10)
“.“b.*..1”. Ri 1
FIG. 11. Variation of averaged i”iu scaled by Re”-*with Ri FIG. 12. Variation of heat transfer in the cavity as a function
for different values of Pr. of Re, Ri, and Pr (symbols are the same as those of Fig. 11).
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R&arm&On considere l’ecoulement et le transfert de chaleur dans une cavite car&e pour laquelle le
mouvement du fluide est induit par le frottement resultant du mouvement de translation du couvercle et
par la force de flottemeut due au chauffage du plancher. Cette etude est motivee par l’application a la
production du verre plan dans laquelle celui-ci est pousse sur un bain de metal liquide, puis refroidi et
solidifii. Les simulations numeriques sont faites pour un kcoulement laminaire bidimensionnel
(100 Q Re < 2200) et, pour differentes valeurs du nombre de Richardson, on Btudie les effets du nombre
de Prandtl depuis les valeurs faibles (0,Ol < Pr < 50) sur l’ecoulement et le transfert de chaleur dans la
cavite. La temperature et le champ d’kcoulement sont calculbs et prisentes pour illustrer la forte influence
du nombre de Prandtl. Les nombres de Nusselt locaux et globaux sont aussi rapportcs pour diffkntes
valeurs de Re, Ri et Pr.
1892 M. K. MOALLEMI and K. S. JANG
Zusammenfassung-Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit der Stromung und dem Wirmeiibergang
in einem quadratischen Hohlraum, wobei die Stromung durch die Reibungskraft als Folge der Bewegung
der oberen Deck&he, in Verbindung mit der Auftriebskraft als Folge der Bodenheizung verursacht wird.
Die Arbeit wurde durch ihre Bedeutung fur die Produktion von Flachglas angeregt. Dort werden die
Glasscheiben iiber ein Bad mit fliissigem Metal1 gezogen, wahrend sie gekiihlt werden und erstarren. Aus
diesem Grund werden die numerischen Simulationsrechnungen fur zweidimensionale laminare Stromung
(100 < Re < 2200) im Bereich kleiner bis mittlerer Prandtl-Zahlen durchgefiihrt (0,Ol < Pr < 50). Der
Warmetibergang im Hohlraum wird fur unterschiedliche Werte der Richardson-Zahl untersucht. Urn den
starken EinfluB der Prandtl-Zahl zu verdeutlichen, werden die Temperatur- und Striimungsfelder im
Hohlraum dargestellt. Dariiberhinaus werden lokale und mittlere Nusselt-Zahlen fiir verschiedene Werte
von Re, Ri und Pr prlsentiert.