The Scientific Study of Human Society and Social Relationships
The Scientific Study of Human Society and Social Relationships
The Scientific Study of Human Society and Social Relationships
1. Anthropology – is the study of ancient societies and their Geography comes from the Greek words: geo meaning
cultural traditions. “Earth” and graphos meaning “charting or mapping”.
Anthropology came from the Greek word anthropos
meaning “humankind” and logos meaning “study”. This social science discipline studies where things are
Two broad fields of anthropology: physical and cultural on Earth, explains why they are there, and their
anthropology. relationships to other people, places and things.
Physical anthropology – which is also called
biological anthropology – studies the biological Two main branches of Geography:
evolution of man.
Cultural anthropology – investigates and A. Physical Geography studies the natural features of the Earth,
seeks to understand the cultural features of like climate, water, vegetation, and soil.
societies. Two approach in studying physical geography:
o Cultural anthropology is divided into 1) To look at the physical environment as the provider of natural
three subbranches: archaeology, resources, like food and water.
anthropological linguistics and 2) To look at the physical environment as hazard to human life.
ethnology. B. Human Geography studies human population and the impact
Archaeology – seeks to reconstruct of its activities on the planet. (e.g. agriculture, urbanization, land
the past life of ancient societies, trace reclamation)
the cultural changes that took place
and the reason behind the changes. The pioneer in the field of Geography is Eratosthenes of
Anthropological linguistics – involves Cyrene – who is the head of the Great Library at
the study of language in societies or Alexandria. He is also considered as the “Father of
communities where language may or Geography”.
may not be written. He wrote the first scholarly treatise on the topic, a
Ethnology – study marriage customs, three-book volume Geographika.
kinship patterns, economic systems
and religious rites of cultural groups. 4. History – is traditionally regarded as the study of the
A major step in the evolution of anthropology as a recorded past.
discipline is the period of European conquest during History – meant a systematic account of a set of natural
the sixteenth century. phenomena, whether or not chronological ordering was a factor
in the account.
2. Economics – is the study of efficient allocation of scarce ~Aristotle
resources in order to satisfy unlimited human needs and wants. It comes from the Greek noun historia meaning “learning”.
The word Economics came from two Greek words,
oikos meaning “home” and nomos meaning Two Types of Historical Sources
“management”. 1. Primary Source – is a testimony of an eyewitness or an
Economic resources that can be used to produce goods account to someone who has firsthand the information on the
and services are called factors of production. subject.
o Four Categories of Factors of Production: 1) Examples of Primary Sources: journal entries, transcripts, video
land 2) labor 3) capital and 4) interviews, monuments or structures, photographs, statistics
entrepreneurship and official government records.
1. Land – is anything that comes from nature 2. Secondary Source – is a testimony of someone who is not an
and which gives life and support to all living eyewitness to the event being narrated.
creatures. It simply uses primary materials as the source of information.
2.Labor – refers to any human effort exerted Examples include: biographies, textbooks, conference
during the production process which includes proceedings, and book reviews.
physical exertion, application of skills or talent
or exercise of intellectual faculties. 5. Linguistics – came from the Latin word lingua, meaning
3. Capital – refers to anything that can be used “language”.
to create or manufacture goods and services. Linguistics – it studies the nature of language, grammar and the
(e.g. buildings, machines, infrastructures, process of language acquisition.
4. Entrepreneurship – ability to organize all
Fields of Linguistics:
A. Phonology – it is the study of speech sounds. divides the personality into id, ego, and superego.
Language impairment: unable to differentiate between
sounds. 8. Sociology – it is the systematic study of human society.
e.g. BAT and PAT / S & Z It comes from the Latin word socius meaning “friend” or
B. Morphology – it is the study of how words are “companion” and the Greek word logos meaning “study”.
categorized or formed. Sociology studies how people relate to each other and how they
Language impairment: trouble with the structure of work as a whole in the larger society.
words. Auguste Comte – French social thinker who coined the word
e.g. adding an ED to signify past tense. sociology in 1838 to enclose the idea of improving society by
Prefixes, use of plural forms understand how it operates.
C. Syntax – it is the study of how words are combined to
form a sentence. 9. Demography – is the study of human population and how
Language impairment: trouble constructing a sentence. people move from place to place.
e.g. Mommy no go. It comes from two ancient Greek words demos meaning “the
D. Semantics – is the study of meaning-making. people” and graphos meaning “charting or mapping”.
Language impairment: problems
understanding question involving “how” and Four Basic Concepts of Demography
“why”. (I & YOU)
E. Pragmatics – is the study of language context. 1. Fertility – is the incidence of child bearing in a country’s
e.g. oh, please (different meaning if it was done in a population.
harsh tone. 2. Mortality – death rate
3. Migration – it is the movement of people into and out of a
6. Political Science – is the study of politics, power and particular territory.
government. 4. Population – all the inhabitants of a particular town, area or
The word politics comes from the Greek word politea, or a country.
person who participate in the polis.
Polis means taking part in its decision-making, which normally Empirical-Analytical Approaches in the Social Sciences
takes place in the agora, or the market place, where new laws A. Rational Choice Theory (RCT) is a powerful tool in making
are passed. sense of why people act or behave in the way they do.
Politics is the process of using power in the government, while
power is the means for the government to rule the people. According to Elster 1989 “the essence of rational choice theory
Government is the authority or the bureaucracy that provides is that when faced with several courses of action, people usually
the system of rule over its territory and for its people. do what they believe is likely to have the best overall outcome.
Aristotle’s book entitled Politics is considered a x in the field of
political inquiry. It delves on the topic government and the Rationalist states that individuals choose the best action
leaders behind it. (e.g. kings) according to stable preference functions and constraints facing
7. Psychology – is the scientific study of behavior and mental
processes. B. Symbolic Interactionism is a sociological framework that
It comes from two Greek words, psyche meaning “soul” or focuses on the different meanings individuals attach to objects,
“spirit” and logos meaning “study”. peoples and interactions as well as the corresponding behaviors
that reflect those interpretations.
3 Major Fields of Psychology:
1. Clinical Psychology: George Herbert Mead was an influential figure in the field of
Assesses and finds treatment for people with psychological symbolic interactionism.
2. Developmental Psychology: Gestures, according to him, are important in communication.
Studies the intellectual, social, emotional and moral When we interact with others, our posture, tone of voice, voice
development across lifespan. inflections, as well as hand and facial movements convey
3. Experimental Psychology: significance.
Studies the most basic concepts like cognition, perception,
memory and learning but mostly conducted on animals instead Social Self Theory
of humans. George Herbert Mead, a sociologist from the late 1800s, is well
known for his theory of the social self, which includes the
Wilhelm Wundt – German psychologist who is considered as the concepts of 'self,' 'me,' and 'I.'
Father of Modern Psychology. He is credited for being the first in
the movement to make psychology as a science. Development of Self
Sigmund Freud – known for his psychoanalytic theory which According to Mead, three activities develop the self: language,
play, and games.
Language develops self by allowing individuals to respond to
each other through symbols, gestures, words, and sounds. Language conveys others' attitudes and opinions toward a subject
or the person. Emotions, such as anger, happiness, and 7. Finally, a social system requires a language in order to
confusion, are conveyed through language. survive.
Play develops self by allowing individuals to take on different The Scientific Method and Its Applications
roles, pretend, and express expectation of others.
During role-play, a person is able to internalize the perspective The scientific method refers to a standardized set of
of others and develop an understanding of how others feel techniques for building scientific knowledge, such as how to
about themselves and others in a variety of social situations. make valid observations, how to interpret results to generalize
results. It allows researchers to independently and impartially
Games develop self by allowing individuals to understand and test preexisting theories and prior findings. It has the same
adhere to the rules of the activity. objectives with research, which investigates and studies
different materials and sources in the pursuit of advancing
Self is developed by understanding that there are rules in which knowledge. A researcher tests his or her hypothesis by
one must abide by in order to win the game or be successful at subjecting it to careful scrutiny and debate and finally comes up
an activity. with a conclusion that either validates or disproves the
Two Sides of Self: Me & I
In pursuing research, the use of scientific method is
According to Mead's theory, the self has two sides or phases:
required. The steps in scientific method (Rajasekharan 2013) are
'me' and 'I.'
as follows:
The 'me' is considered the socialized aspect of the individual.
1. Defining the problem
The 'I', therefore, can be considered the present and future
2. Reviewing the literature
phase of the self.
3. Forming hypothesis
4. Collecting and analyzing data
Parsons’ Structural Functionalism:
5. Drawing conclusions
1. A- adaptation
Types of Research Design
2. G- goal attainment
3. I- integration The research design sets the direction of the whole
4. L- latency study. According to Seluz, “research design is the arrangement
of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner
Structure of the General Action System that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with the
1. Action System economy in procedure.
Handles adaptation function by adjusting to and transforming
the external world Examples of Research Design and Characteristics
2. Social System
Copes with the integration by controlling its component parts
3. Personality System
Performs the goal attainment function by defining system goals
and mobilizing resources to attain them.
4. Cultural System
Performs the latency function by providing actors with the
norms and values that motivate them for action.