Mobile Computing and Its Security: Abstract
Mobile Computing and Its Security: Abstract
Mobile Computing and Its Security: Abstract
Nowadays many people are enjoying the services offered through the mobile computing, it is becomes a new
trend in this generation. As we all know with new devices their comes different problems same is the case
with mobile computing, securing mobile computing is being difficult day by day and requires more attention
from developers to secure it. From the last decade the quantity of computing machinery is increasing rapidly,
integrated by increasing in their computing power has led to the increased computing devices. It allows users
to communicate with different people’s from anywhere in the world and also connect us to get notification of
important news, these device’s solved our so much of hard work like writing letters to the ones who are living
far away from us. As we all know due to the increase of these devices there comes many problems to be dealt
with the major one of them is its security and the security of data which is stored in these devices. In this
paper the security issues are discussed in mobile computing and how to protect ourselves from these issues.
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Danwar et al. IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:57-61
services while some of them are being released day This research paper will help students and different
by day to provide flexibility in daily life activities researcher to understand the common security issues
and working environment on the Go. But as we know regarding mobile computing devices and will also
with great features and advantages there are also help them to solve or simply avoid that issues which
some disadvantages which should be keep in mind sometimes can cause big threats to the owners of
before providing these devices to your children’s. In these devices and also his/her family members and
newspapers and articles there are many incidents sometimes these threats can be life threatening.
being written regarding the mobile security and
mobile threats which are being caused by II SECURITY ISSUES
inappropriate use of these device’s and due to basic
knowledge. Because knowledge is the only source Here are some goals of security in different types of
through which we can be careful enough before mobile computing devices which should be keep in
sharing or providing any confidential information mind before using these devices.
over mobile phones and tablet pc. Before using these
gadgets we must get the basic knowledge of using it Confidentiality: In This section we must prevent
appropriately in order to avoid any harm some times unauthorized users to gain any kind of access to the
which can also be life threatening according to recent critical information.
research many of burglary, violence, life threatening
and scams are being done through these gadgets. Integrity: In this section we ensure that no any
There are many of security and privacy risks in unauthorized adjustment, obliteration or construction
mobile technologies, including malwares that steals of information should take place.
our personal and confidential information from
Availability: In this goal we will ensure that only
Android devices or by sending (SMS) texts to
authorized user should get the access they want any
numbers, Mobile devices that have access to
corporate applications, systems, and data; Addressing
Security and Privacy Risks in are also due to mobile Legitimate: In this goal we will ensure that only
Apps that can leak our confidential information such authorized users should have the access to services.
as our mobile number, home address, photos, etc.
Data security and privacy are the serious concerns for A. SECURITY RISKS OF WLANS
enterprises and mobile users because it will be a big
loss for them if any of their data is leaked, we Wi-Fi isn't restricted to the physical limits of a
recently saw the first real attacks against smart building, potential exists for unapproved access to the
phones: In March 2010, Iozzo and Weinmann evil system from staff outside the expected inclusion
spirit began a drive-by download assault against an zone.
iPhone 3GS that empowered an aggressor to take the
SMS database from the telephone [3]. In November The majority of safety concerns arises through this
2010, one of the principal open endeavors to play out side of WLANs and divide it in to categories like as:
an assault against the versatile program dispatched
with Android was discharged [4]. B. PHYSICAL SECURITY
In this research paper we will survey the area of As in LAN, a wire is required to connect any
Telecommunication security. This will cover all computer with the network, a WLAN (Wi-fi)
techniques that will increase the security of mobile connects different computing devices such as mobile,
phones and tablet pc. The contributions of this paper tablet, laptop and many other devices to the network
will help us to avoid these issues. First, we will by utilizing wireless routers. The (AP) Access Point
survey the area of smart phone security. We will also is a device which is used to connect different devices
use old research papers to help us understand data integrated with wireless network connecters and it
security and how can we secure it. Secondly, we will attaches those devices to a static network. As here is
work on the solution to avoid data breaches through no any wires are used between the WLAN and the
smart phone. In a summary section, this paper will (AP) access point, the user’s send and receive
include a detailed overview of different issues information with the help of “air” and anyone within
regarding smart phone security. its range (which something like 250 feet for
802.11b/g) can simply interfere or sniff on TCP
Importance of this study protocol to spy on message channel. Additionally, a
hacker or attacker can install other devices to
Danwar et al. IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:57-61
generate new wireless connection by persevering it in devices. An attacker/Hacker with proper devices and
clients or by locale up fake access point with same equipment can easily synflood the 2.4/5 GHz
name. [8] frequency, which in result will corrupt the wireless
signals until the network is malfunction. Since the
C. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS OF AD HOC attackers use these attacks so that authorized users
NETWORKS should not get the access to network services, these
attacks are also known as denial of service (DoS)
The objective is to shield the data and the assets from attack.
assault and misbehave. There are numerous
prerequisites that a compelling security must IV SECURITY COUNTERMEASURES
Secure Mobile computing is vital when you are going
Availability: The coveted system administrations to develop any application of wireless networks,
must be accessible at whatever point they are Today’s many mobile malware models contain non-
normal regardless of assaults. technical vulnerability but by using a trick the
technical security mechanisms can be override. [6]
Authenticity: Communication between the hubs is
certified. A malevolent hub can't take on the V SIGNATURE-BASED MALWARE
appearance of confided in one. DETECTION
Data Confidentiality: Only the beneficiaries must In markets the pattern-marching approach is utilized
comprehend the message however not by others that for the signature based malware detection in which
can be accomplished by cryptography. the byte sequences of a program are scanned for to
detect and resolve the malicious data. The malicious
Integrity: The message sent from hub A to hub B
data is detected during compilation time. Through
was not adjusted by hub C amid transmission.
this approach the complete program is compiles in
Non-revocation: Ensures that a substance can short time. Yet, this approach is limited because of
demonstrate the transmission or gathering of data by the instruction semantics ignorance, which permits
another element, i.e., a sender/recipient can't malware clouding during the program execution. [10]
erroneously deny having gotten or sent certain
information. Advanced mark is utilized to guarantee VI SECURITY REQUIREMENTS
nonrepudiation. [7]
In comparison of the outdated networks, the missions
D. SECURITY THREAT TO AD HOC of mobile computing security can be obtained
NETWORKS through the attributes such as: Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability and Authenticity.
Remote worms can likewise be utilized to assault
'portable specially appointed systems', which are CONFIDENTIALITY: In this sector we must
intended to interface gadgets, for example, cheap, stop unofficial users to gain any kind of access to
low power consumed sensors utilizing short-extend the serious information.
remote correspondence [5]. These systems have INTEGRITY: In this segment we make certain
applications in natural checking, fiasco alleviation that no any illegal modification, destruction or
and military tasks; when the hubs of such a designing of information should take place.
framework are put in generally settled positions and AVAILABILITY: In this objective we will
there is a nearby similarity to probably the most make sure that only certified user should get the
established and best-contemplated models of access they want anytime.
infection pandemics, in view of short-term spatial AUTHENTICITY: In this objective we will
contacts in two measurements. guarantee that only approved users should have
the right to use the services. [4]
In mobile computing Smart-phone provides an
As we all know that Wi-Fi uses a lower bandwidth
integrated infrastructure which integrates
than the wired network (LAN). Which in result have
telecommunication onto a single resource as it
limited size of a data to be transmitted between
Danwar et al. IJCET VOL2(2)- Pg:57-61
contains the mobile phones portability and features of essential part of our world and as we all know with
laptop which will help us to perform any every advantage there are also some disadvantages
computational work on our smart phone on-the-go and security threats with it in this paper we have tried
while we are travelling anywhere and its lighter then to explain each and every step to be careful from any
laptop. It also offers us Wi-Fi features to connect unknown security threat. In Conclusion I would like
ourselves with the internet service and transmit our to add that before using anyone else’s computing
data to anyone in the world.. [3] device and entering our personal data in it we need to
be more careful because sometimes they have
A. DATA SECURITY IN MOBILE COMPUTING installed some software’s which might save your
DEVICES personal information data in hidden backup file for
future use which in result sometime maybe very risky
Data security is the major concern of any and he will try to blackmail/harm you by using that
user/organization and digital products vendors information in future.
because with data any digital device will be useless
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