The Uptake and Implementation of Sustainable Construction - Transforming Policy Into Practice PDF
The Uptake and Implementation of Sustainable Construction - Transforming Policy Into Practice PDF
The Uptake and Implementation of Sustainable Construction - Transforming Policy Into Practice PDF
Sustainable Construction:
Transforming Policy into Practice
Sachie Gunatilake
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Central Lancashire.
February 2013
Student Declaration
I declare that while registered as a candidate for the research degree, I have not been a
registered candidate or enrolled student for another award of the University or other academic
or professional institution.
I declare that no material contained in the thesis has been used in any other submission for an
academic award and is solely my own work
A more qualitative research approach was used to achieve the aforementioned aim. An
analysis of 18 advisory documents (chosen using criterion sampling) was carried out
using qualitative content analysis to ascertain how SC was interpreted in these
documents. Case study methodology and the principles of grounded theory analysis
were used in order to allow for an understanding on the interpretation of and the process
of implementing SC to emerge at project level. Three case studies were selected and
semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from four different
stakeholder groups (i.e. client, contractor, design team and facilities management)
within each case.
Through the advisory document analysis, a view of SC at strategic level was developed
comprising of 15 characteristics and 80 objectives of SC. The study found that there
was a strong focus on the environmental element of SC within the advisory documents.
At the construction project level, there was a tendency to focus upon the issues that are
capable of bringing in tangible, ‘quick-wins’ in terms of cost savings.
provides the basis upon which SC objectives can be set for a particular construction
project. The third and fourth sections of the framework address the implementation of
SC at project level. The actions for SC implementation are presented within the third
section divided into four lifecycle phases. The internal and external influence factors
affecting the said process are presented within the fourth section of the framework. The
developed framework also highlighted the need for feedback at two levels (i.e. within
the construction project level and from project level to strategic level).
The findings of the research emphasise the need for streamlining the development of
advisory documents on SC and increasing the level of comparability between the
existing advisory documents. Further attention should also be given towards providing
more conceptual understanding on SC, especially for those project team members, who
do not possess specific educational backgrounds or experience in addressing SC. At
project level, there is a need to consider SC as an integral part of the construction
process itself rather than something superfluous or extra that has been necessitated
through mandatory legislations. The project level SC objectives should align with the
national and sector level policies and guidance on SC. However, the ultimate
applicability of these SC objectives for projects should be decided taking into
consideration the specific requirements of each project.
The study was limited to PPP/PFI projects in the healthcare sector. Hence, opportunities
for further investigation exist by expanding the number of case studies to widen the
scope of the research; for example by including projects in other sectors and using other
types of procurement. The outcomes of the research can be used by the project level
stakeholders, particularly clients, in adopting pro-active approaches in the uptake and
implementation of SC within construction project environments.
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... I
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Origins and evolution of sustainable development ................................................ 13
2.2.1 International policy developments ............................................................. 14
2.3 Defining sustainable development ......................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Sustainability vs. sustainable development ............................................... 22
2.3.2 Sustainable development vs. environmental protection ............................ 24
2.3.3 Sustainable development vs. economic growth ......................................... 24
2.3.4 Different perceptions and criticisms of sustainable development ............. 26
2.4 The construction industry: Narrow and broad interpretations ............................... 28
2.5 Sustainable development in the construction industry: Different
terminologies ......................................................................................................... 30
2.6 Sustainable construction - A review ...................................................................... 33
2.6.1 Consider the whole life-cycle of construction ........................................... 35
2.6.2 Elements of SC .......................................................................................... 36
Table of Contents
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 48
3.2 What is a Conceptual Framework? ........................................................................ 48
3.3 The uptake and implementation of SC – Key issues ............................................. 49
3.4 A review of existing models and frameworks for SC............................................ 52
3.5 Areas of focus ........................................................................................................ 56
3.5.1 Stage 1: Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC ................................. 57
3.5.2 Stage 2: Interpretation of SC by Construction Project Stakeholders ......... 59
3.5.3 Stage 3: Implementation of SC at Project Level ........................................ 61
3.6 Summary ................................................................................................................ 63
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 64
4.2 Research design ..................................................................................................... 64
4.3 Research paradigms and perspectives ................................................................... 66
4.3.1 The philosophical positioning of the research ........................................... 68
4.4 Research approach ................................................................................................. 71
4.5 Research framework .............................................................................................. 74
4.6 Stage 1: Literature review...................................................................................... 75
4.7 Stage 2: Analysis of advisory documents .............................................................. 75
4.7.1 Document selection – criterion sampling .................................................. 77 Sampling strategies ................................................................... 78 Criteria considered for selecting documents ............................. 79
4.7.2 Data analysis – choice of Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) ................ 83 First review of documents - Open coding ................................. 85 Subsequent review of documents - Axial coding ...................... 87
4.7.3 Presentation of results ................................................................................ 89
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Appendices
Appendix 3: Interview guide for refining and validating the proposed 300
framework for uptake and implementation of SC
List of Figures
List of Tables
First and foremost, I would like to thank my Director of Studies Dr. Champika Liyanage
for her guidance, support, patience and encouragement throughout the course of my
PhD. She has been the best advisor I could have hoped for and her work ethic and
professionalism has been an inspiration. I am also grateful to her for encouraging and
supporting me to start my PhD here.
I would also like to thank my co-supervisors Prof. Joe Howe and Prof. Akintola
Akintoye. They have provided direction when needed and their experience and insight
have been invaluable to the research process. I would like to further extend my gratitude
to all the interview participants for taking time out from their busy schedules to share
their views and experiences.
A further thank you goes out to my friends in room KM002 for creating a happy and
stimulating research room. A special thank you goes out to Ms. Nalika Rajapaksha, who
has been like a big sister to me, Mr. Jonathan Cooper, for his assistance with printing
and Dr. Celine Germond-Duret and Dr. Basil Germond for their informal input,
guidance and friendship during these past three years. I would also like to thank the
academic and support staff in the School of Built and Natural Environment for all their
assistance in a variety of ways. I am also grateful to all my friends in the UK and back
home in Sri Lanka, who have been supportive and helpful during this period.
Last but definitely not the least, I owe a special thank you to my dear parents, Mr.
Wijitha Gunatilake and Mrs. Ramani Samarakone. If not for their love, support and
sacrifices along the way, I would not be where I am today. I would also like to thank my
wonderful little brother, Harinda, for the support, encouragement and laughs throughout
the years.
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Construction Products Association (2007) states that the UK and EU legislations, UK,
EU and international product standards and government policies are amongst the drivers
of SC in the UK. An industry consultation carried out by the Joint Contracts Tribunal
(JCT) has revealed that a majority of the respondents (i.e. 84%) felt that SC
performance of the industry could be improved by industry specific documentation
(JCT, 2009). However, other parties such as, GVA (2011), Innovation and Growth Team
(2010) and UK Green Building Council (2009) have observed that the sheer number of
documents available is actually a barrier for implementing SC at project level. Indeed,
as Carter and Fortune (2008) point out, the delivery of SC at construction project level
in the UK is founded upon ‘a quickly evolving environment, with constantly changing
legislation, guidance and policy’. Compounding the issue is the fact that the
development of these documents has taken a scattergun approach with the policy
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Similar observations have been made by GVA (2011) and UK Green Building Council
(2009) as well.
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Considering the attention towards developing advisory documents and the lack of a
generally accepted definition, at the very outset, a research need arises to establish how
SC is interpreted in the various advisory documents and by those involved in its actual
delivery at project level. Even if the perceptions of the stakeholders are found to be
similar to what is stated in the advisory documents, not adopting a clear, robust process
for implementing SC at construction project level could leave the whole effort fruitless.
Given the nature of the concept, implementation of SC requires decision processes that
are integrated across various project level interfaces demarcated by different phases of a
construction project. However, achieving this has proved to be a very challenging task
due to a number of factors such as, fragmented nature and complexity of the
construction sector (Myers, 2005), the multi-dimensional nature of SC, the lack of a
structured methodology and the lack of information at various hierarchical levels (Ugwu
and Haupt, 2007). There is further evidence that even the commercially available and
proven technologies that could deliver SC (such as, smart designs, improved insulation,
low energy appliances, and high efficiency ventilation) are under-utilised. Cheng et al.
(2008) for example, have found that utilising these commercially available and proven
technologies to their full potential can result in lowering the industry’s energy usage by
an estimated 30-50% without causing any significant increase in investment costs.
Therefore, it appears that the problem may lie with the management processes
associated with the implementation of SC rather than the technological capabilities of
the industry. Rydin and Vandergert (2006) in ‘Sustainable construction: a social science
research agenda’ have identified understanding the decision-making processes and
actors, as well as the inter-relationships between them in addressing SC, as a key, yet
poorly explored area for social science research. In light of the above discussions, two
research needs can be identified, in relation to the practice of SC within the UK
construction industry. Firstly, given the lack of a uniform understanding, there is a need
to explore how SC is interpreted within the industry. Secondly, there is a need to explore
how these interpretations are transformed into practice through project level
implementation. This research therefore, tackles these two issues of ‘uptake’ (i.e.
interpretation) and implementation of SC. As a result, the research is unique in
scrutinising the above issues through both the strategic level and construction project
level perspectives.
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
The research aim, objectives and questions have been developed to address the above
identified gaps in literature. The aim of this research is to understand the interpretation
of SC and to develop a framework that can assist in its effective uptake and
implementation within construction project environments.
The above stated aim was accomplished by achieving six (06) objectives. These
objectives were as follows;
i. To review the concept of SD and its impact and application within the
construction industry (i.e. SC).
iii. To analyse and report on how the concept of SC is set out in government
policies and other advisory documents.
vi. To refine and validate the framework for uptake and implementation of SC in
light of the findings from objectives (i) to (v) above.
The research questions lay out the specific queries that are to be addressed under the
above mentioned objectives of the research. These research questions, which are given
in Table 1.1 below, help set the boundaries of the research study and determine the
methods to be used in data collection and analysis (Corbin and Strauss, 2008).
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
(ii) To develop a conceptual framework to illustrate the RQ1: Is there a need for a framework to address the uptake and implementation of SC
concept of SC and its implementation within a within a construction project environment?
construction project environment.
(iii) To analyse and report on how the concept of SC is RQ2: What are the different advisory documents available addressing SC?
set out in government policies and other advisory RQ3: How is SC interpreted in these different advisory documents produced for the
documents. industry?
(iv) To ascertain and report on the perceptions of RQ4: How do the actors involved in implementing SC at construction project level
construction project stakeholders regarding the understand the concept of SC?
concept of SC.
(v) To analyse and detail the actions and influence RQ5: How is SC addressed and implemented at construction project level?
factors in implementing SC within a construction RQ6: What factors influence the decisions made in implementing SC at project level?
project environment.
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
The research programme comprised of four stages as shown in Figure 1.1 below. Each
of these research stages and the research approaches adopted to address the objectives
of each stage are further explained in Chapter 4. The research outputs from each stage
are discussed in the remaining chapters.
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Stage 3
Actions for implementing SC at project Objective 5
Chapter 7
Stage 4
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Furthermore, during the case study stage, three cases were selected from Public Private
Partnerships (PPP)/ Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) projects in the healthcare sector.
The focus on PPP/PFI projects was mainly due to the promotion of this type of
procurement by the government and the academia alike, for their enhanced capabilities
to incorporate sustainability requirements (refer to section Particular attention
on the healthcare sector was due to the high proportion of PPP/PFI projects that are
being undertaken and the domination of a single public sector provider within this
sector (refer to section Furthermore, there is a high level of attention from the
NHS to incorporate SD into its practices, however, relatively less attention has been
given to incorporating SD principles to the procurement of the NHS built environment.
There has been an increased level of focus on the application of SD principles to the
activities of the construction industry, particularly within the last two decades. However,
a large portion of research in this area has focused on providing technological solutions
to the issue. This research on the other hand focuses on the non-technological,
managerial issues in the uptake and implementation of SC. The research resulted in
several important outputs contributing to furthering the existing body of knowledge.
Secondly, the research also provides improved awareness and understanding on the
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Thirdly, from a practical point of view, the research developed a framework that enables
project parties to develop a common understanding of SC keeping in line with the
strategic level objectives and in turn, guide pro-active measures for implementing SC.
This fulfils an identified gap in literature for a holistic, integrated framework addressing
the issues relating to both the uptake and implementation of SC. Interviews with
industry practitioners, as well as members of the academic community, established that
there is a good level of coverage in terms of the main sections that constitute the
framework and the content within each of the constituent sections of the framework.
The developed framework was also found to be clear in terms of the flow or logic
between different sections.
Finally, from a methodological point of view, the research successfully used a more
qualitative research approach to gain in-depth understanding of the above issues in a
field that is generally considered to be dominated by quantitative methodologies.
Overall, this research employed a combination of top down and bottom up perspectives
to investigate the interpretation of SC that has so far received little attention in the
existing literature. The outputs of the proposed research will add value to government’s
SD agenda in the construction sector. The intended outcome will also allow the public
clients and contractors to adopt a pro-active approach in applying SC strategies within
construction project environments.
This thesis consists of ten (10) chapters. The contents of each of these chapters could be
summarised as follows.
Chapter 1 provides the introduction to the thesis. It gives the background and
justification for selecting the particular research topic for this study. This chapter
also lays out the research questions and aim and objectives of the research. An
outline of the research flow throughout the four stages of the study is also
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Chapter 6 presents some of the findings from the grounded theory analysis of
Chapter 1▐ Introduction
Chapter 7 discusses the findings from the analysis of case studies in relation to
the implementation of SC within construction project environments. The
emerging framework for implementing SC is presented with detailed discussions
on the actions for implementing SC during the different phases of the
construction life cycle. This fulfils the fifth research question (RQ5) and part of
objective 5 of the research.
Chapter 8 presents the remaining findings from the case study analysis in
relation to the factors influencing the uptake and implementation of SC. The
internal and external influence factors that have been identified are discussed in
detail within this chapter. The implications of these findings are also discussed
towards the end. As a result, this chapter fulfils the sixth research question
(RQ6). Together, the chapters 7 and 8 fulfil objective 5 of this research.
Chapter 9 presents the final framework developed (which is the final output of
the study) based upon the findings from the previous stages of the research. The
validation of the framework through qualitative interviews conducted with
members of the industry and the academic community are also discussed. This
fulfils the sixth and final objective of this research.
Chapter 10 is the final chapter of the thesis and thereby, presents the
conclusions of the research. A summary of the overall research process adopted
is also presented, demonstrating how each of the objectives set in section 1.2
were achieved throughout the course of the research. Recommendations for
different parties i.e. the government, industry practitioners and the academic
community (for further research), are also presented in this chapter.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
The main focus area of this research is the uptake and implementation of SC within
construction project environments. Accordingly, this research draws from two main
bodies of literature: i.e. (i) literature on SD and (ii) construction management literature
(see Figure 2.1). Construction industry is considered as a key sector for achieving SD
goals. For instance, the UK government expects the construction industry to make a
significant contribution in achieving its target of reducing Green House Gas (GHG)
emissions by 80% by the year 2050. This has led to an emphasis on the need to adopt
SC. However, this poses a concern as the terms ‘sustainable’ and ‘construction’ are both
complex concepts, open to much debate. The placing of these two terms together to
form a new phrase further magnifies this ‘interpretive dilemma’ (Du Plessis, 2007). In
order to address this, the literature review presented within this chapter is mainly
divided into two sections. The first section addresses the concept of SD. The second
section reviews different outlooks on the boundaries of the construction industry and its
impact and role in attaining SD. A review of the concept of SC is also provided. Chapter
2 mainly fulfils objective 1 of this research.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Various scholars have described SD as ‘the central’ (Jabareen, 2004) or ‘the most
fundamental’ (Sustainable Development Research Network, 2002) challenge facing the
world as of today. Consequently, SD has now become an overarching policy goal for
governments around the world (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2012).
Despite this increased level of attention, disagreements still prevail in relation to
defining SD and what it should aim to achieve. Awareness of the origins and historic
development of SD is viewed as essential for gaining understanding of the concept
(Bebbington, 2001; Elliot, 1999). As Adams (1990 cited Elliot, 1999) states, SD cannot
be understood in a ‘historical vacuum’. Various authors such as, Mitcham (1995),
Pezzioli (1997), Mebratu (1998), Robinson (2004), Dresner (2008), and Elliot (1999)
have provided comprehensive discussions on the origins and evolution of SD with the
aim of providing greater clarity and understanding of the concept.
Most discussions on SD (see Mehta, 2009; Sobol, 2008) originate with references to the
work of the Brundtland Commission (see section 2.3). However, although the
Commission’s work played a significant role in bringing SD to global prominence, the
origins of the concept could be traced back to much earlier days. Of particular
importance to this discussion on historic development of the concept are the changing
ideas about what constitutes ‘development’ (including how to go about achieving it) and
the role and significance of the environment (Bebbington, 2001; Dresner, 2008;
Mebratu, 1998). It is this literature that resulted in raising the profile of the concept,
placing it at the forefront of today’s ‘main stream policy agenda’ (Bebbington, 2001).
Mebratu (1998) presents a historical over view of human development and how it
affected man’s relationship with the environment. He focuses on how the fundamental
values of man underwent changes during key stages of human development, resulting in
a continuous devaluation of the early importance placed on nature. The advent of the
industrial revolution, which began in the UK, is considered to mark one such key stage,
leading to drastic changes to social structure and population distribution. The success of
this transformation has led to 'ecological scarcities’, ‘not only in terms of natural
resource supply, but also [in terms of] the absorptive capacity of the natural sinks'
(Mebratu, 1998). Concerns were raised as early as 1798 by the likes of Malthus, who in
his ‘Essay on population’ raised alarms regarding the rate of population growth and the
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
adequacy of food supply. Later, during the 1960s and 1970s, further criticisms were
raised regarding the ‘indiscriminate use and exportation’ of technologies and man-made
chemicals and their ability to harm the environment (Bell and Morse, 2008). Evidence
of these criticisms can be found in certain well-known publications such as, Silent
Spring by Rachel Carson, published in 1962 and Small is beautiful by Schumacher,
published in 1973. It has also been noted that hazards of pollution, deforestation, land
degradation and chemical food adulteration have all been affecting humanity for most of
its existence (Hill and Bowen, 1997; Ofori, 1998).
The difference between these concerns in relation to issues such as, population growth,
environmental degradation and technological developments in the past and today is that
in the distant past, these changes all took place at a relatively slow pace, making the
changes often imperceptible during an individual life span (Meadows, 1994). Moreover,
the slow pace of change also meant that there was reasonable time for either the
problems to disappear or for solutions to be found (Bossel, 1999). This however, has not
been the case during the past two centuries. Issue of SD arises as the rate of the above
mentioned changes exceeds the ability of the earth’s response rate. It is now generally
accepted that the current development patterns are contributing to the regular
degradation of resources and mounting world poverty. The ability of the present
economic and social transformation patterns to address the needs of the population into
the future, providing higher standards of living has therefore, been brought under
serious doubt (Elliot, 1999). Herein, SD moves beyond from being a mere
environmental movement, bringing concerns of social and economic wellbeing into the
equation as well. In this sense, some authors (such as Elliot, 1999) view SD as an
alternative development pattern to meet the needs of the global community. Since the
early 1970s, efforts have been made at an international level to develop a world
approach to SD (see Appendix 1). The next section goes on to discuss some of these key
developments at the international level.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
‘southern’ countries have emphasised the fact that they are not willing to accept limits to
growth that the ‘northern’ countries have not enforced themselves (Langhelle, 1999).
This was evident for example, in the opposing views of ‘pollution’ expressed by
Sweden (in relation to the pollution of their lakes) and India (Indira Gandhi, the then
Prime Minister of India, stating that 'poverty is the worst pollution'). Despite these
differences the conference was a noteworthy success, as it managed to bring the
environmental issues to the international arena for the first time (Dresner, 2008; Kates et
al., 2005).
In 1974, the ecumenical study conference on ‘Science and Technology for Human
Development’ held by the World Council of Churches came up with the idea of a
‘sustainable society’ (Dresner, 2008). Their main emphasis was on social concerns
rather than environmental concerns with calls for equitable distribution and democratic
decision making. However, the council also identified the importance of physical
sustainability by recognising the need for functioning within the limits of the earth’s
carrying capacity (Dresner, 2008). Most of these ideas were later taken up by the
Brundtland Commission and was used in describing their own concept of ‘SD’ (see
section 2.3).
By the late 1990s, SD had gained recognition surpassing the boundaries of various
environmental organisations (Elliot, 1999). Contributing to this wide spread recognition
was the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) or the
‘Earth Summit’ held in 1992. The summit, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
had the central aim of identifying the main actions to be undertaken towards SD in the
future. The realisation of the need for highest level consensus to achieve this resulted in
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
the gathering of heads of state for the first time to consider the environment (Elliot,
1999). As a result, the conference was attended by representatives of 178 national
governments, including over 100 heads of state, as well as, numerous representatives of
non-government organisations. The conference also marked the first instance, where the
need for strategies for SD for countries was recognised. At the summit, the heads of
government from around the world adopted Agenda 21, calling all countries to develop
national SD strategies.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
comprehensive list of these international level conferences). The latest amongst these
was the Rio+20 conference held in June, 2012, which marked the 20th anniversary of the
‘Earth Summit’. According to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, this
conference has affirmed the fundamental principles of SD and renewed the essential
commitments towards it (UN Department of Public Information, 2012). The final
agreements of the conference, which were put forward in a document entitled ‘The
Future We Want’ called for a wide range of actions including, launching a process to
establish SD goals, establishing a new forum for SD and recognising the importance of
voluntary commitments towards SD (United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development, 2012).
Likewise, the realisation that the sustainability of the human society is at stake has now
made SD into an issue, which is rarely out of international and national level discussion.
While the majority recognise the concept to be of utmost importance, it remains poorly
understood and the source of much debate and disagreement (Blair and Evans, 2004;
Daly, 1991; Halliday, 2008; Hopwood et al., 2005). The following sections go on to
discuss some of the different attempts at defining SD as well as some disagreements and
debates surrounding the concept.
The need for a fairly detailed definition for SD has been stressed by many authors (see
Pezzey, 1992, Kates et al., 2005). According to Elliot (1999), definitions play the
important role of providing a basis for developing the means to achieve SD in future.
Following the different international developments discussed in the previous section, as
well as academic interest, a large number of definitions of SD are now in circulation.
Indeed, some authors have observed the number of available definitions to be over 200
(see Parkin, 2000). The range and diversity of these definitions indicates that SD is a
concept that ‘everyone agrees, but no one defines consistently’ (Pezzey, 1992).
One of the most commonly cited definitions of SD has been put forward in the report of
the Brundtland Commission. As mentioned in section 2.2, the Commission envisioned a
new development path that,
‘sustained human progress not just in a few places for a few years, but for the entire
planet into the distant future' (WCED, 1987).
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
This new path was called 'SD' and it was defined as,
‘development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs' (WCED, 1987).
Following the years that passed since the report first came out, this phrase has been
‘repeated, misquoted and rewritten’ countless times (Dresner, 2008) giving rise to a
plethora of criticisms, arguments and various strategies and policies. One of the often
cited criticisms alludes to the simplicity and vagueness of the above statement.
However, authors such as, Langhelle (1999), Lafferty (1999) and Dresner (2008) all
stress that this criticism is often related to ‘selective reading’ of the text. Dresner (2008)
for instance, notes that the paragraphs subsequent to the above stated definition within
the report clearly show the complexity and the comprehensiveness of the Commission's
notion of SD. Three main aspects are highlighted within this explanation of SD by the
Commission. These are;
‘meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to fulfil their
aspirations for a better life' (WCED, 1987).
The report further highlights that ecological and other catastrophes cannot be effectively
addressed unless the problem of poverty is first resolved. However, the Commission
recognises that just a new form of economic development would not be sufficient to
address this issue of widespread poverty. In order to provide an effective sustainable
solution, this new form of development would have to be reinforced with political
systems that encourage effective participation of citizens in decision making (Dresner,
2008). Consequently, more democracy is called for in international decision making.
The idea of limitations: The limits implied here are those imposed by, (a) the
present state of technology and social organisation on the environment, and (b) the
ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities. The report goes on to
explain that, ultimately SD is a ‘process of change’ as opposed to a ‘fixed state of
harmony’. Political will is paramount in managing this change process within the above
mentioned limitations. For instance, the report states that SD requires,
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
are made consistent with future as well as present needs’ (WCED, 1987).
The idea of equity: The Brundtland report also emphasises that equity (both inter-
generational and intra-generational) is a crucial aspect of SD even at its narrowest
definition. Bebbington (2001) notes that this emphasis placed on inter-generational and
intra-generational equity is a notion that is often overlooked in subsequent debates on
The Commission’s work has been explained as a ‘way of catching and taking seriously,
the growing scepticism in developing countries toward the environmental concerns of
the West’ (Langhelle, 1999). Accordingly, the Commission’s report has been largely
credited for successfully giving economic and social significance to an issue, which was
previously conceived as being largely environmentally biased (Carter and Fortune,
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
However, the main drawback of this approach is that it places emphasis on the
environmental issues paying little to no attention to the socio-economic consequences
(Hopwood et al., 2005). In addition, whilst the application of this approach is suited at
national level (and indeed, has been effectively used at this level) its use in evaluating
sustainability performance at industry level has been brought into question (Pearce,
In 1987, the Economist Ed Barbier postulated that SD rests on ‘three pillars’ or ‘spheres
of development’ (Du Plessis, 2007). This perspective, which evolved from the WCED
definition of SD, indicates a need to reach a balance between the social, environment
and economic elements (also, referred to as People, Planet and Profit or 3Ps) in
achieving SD. Today, this three pillar (or the triple bottom line) approach; which is
usually depicted in a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles (see Figure 2.2); is
one of the most commonly used ways of defining SD.
This three pillar approach of defining SD is not without its criticisms. Lehtonen (2004)
has criticised this depiction of SD due to four main reasons. Firstly, he states that such
an approach could ‘reinforce the status quo’ by enabling the governments and other
institutions to justify their own objectives in terms of sustainability. Secondly, there is
concern that distinguishing ‘social’ from the ‘economic’ detaches the economic
considerations from the wider social context. He notes that viewing SD in this manner
could result in a false sense of consensus between the three elements reflecting flaws in
the relationships between the elements. Lehtonen’s third criticism is that the three pillar
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
conception does not provide any guidance on how to consider the trade-offs and
synergies between the potentially conflicting objectives within the environmental, social
and economic elements. His fourth criticism is based upon the argument that the three
pillars are not qualitatively equal and therefore, relates to the disagreements on the
hierarchy of the three elements. In order to address these weaknesses, Lehtonen
proposes the depiction shown in Figure 2.3 to illustrate the three pillars.
This model of illustrating SD clearly recognises that the activities of the human society
should be retained within the environmental constraints and that the economic activities
should be carried out to service the entire human society (Lehtonen, 2004). Gibson
(2001) calls this a ‘deep green’ depiction, as it implies that the environment is the most
significant element of SD. However, Lehtonen observes that the hierarchy of the three
elements can change depending upon the relative importance attributed to the elements
in different circumstances. This means that ‘environment’ does not have to remain as
the most significant element always. Social or economic elements may be regarded as
the most important at any relevant situation or time, given that their operation does not
undermine the environment.
Several attempts have been made to categorise the available definitions on SD (see
Hopwood et al., 2005; Kates et al., 2005; Mebratu, 1998; Pezzey, 1992). Mebratu
(1998) has identified the definitions and conceptions of SD could be categorised into
three main types according to their source of origin as; institutional, ideological, and
academic. He provides a conceptual review of definitions falling into these categories,
focusing on the questions of what is the identified source of the crisis?, what is the
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
proposed solution?, what is the solution platform? and what is the key instrument for the
Kates et al. (2005) and Parris and Kates (2003a) have noted that although the definitions
of SD generally address concerns for development, environment and equity, there are
differences within them with regard to the emphasis given to aspects such as what is to
be sustained, what is to be developed, how to link environment and development and
for how long a time (Kates et al., 2005; Parris and Kates, 2003a; Parris and Kates,
2003b). Accordingly, they state that defining SD can be viewed as ultimately a ‘social
choice’ about what to develop, what to sustain and for how long (Parris and Kates,
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
NGOs seem more inclined towards using the term sustainability. This variance could be
attributed to the association of the term ‘development’ with ‘economic growth’ (refer to
section 2.3.3). Due to this, SD is sometimes perceived as being supportive of continuous
economic growth, which is not favoured by the environmentalists, whereas,
sustainability is seen to demonstrate more attention towards environmental constraints
(Robinson, 2004).
In his report to the Balaton group, Bossel (1999) refers to the Webster Dictionary
definition of ‘sustain’, which means, ‘to maintain; keep in existence; keep going; or to
prolong’. Bossel (1999) states that taken strictly in this sense, human society cannot be
maintained at a particular rate forever. The human society is a complex system that
continuously evolves and adapts itself to its surroundings. It exists within the natural
environment, which is also a dynamic and possibly even more complex system. Hence,
Bossel states that ‘change and evolution is permanent... and must be maintained if the
systems are to remain viable and sustainable’. He describes this as SD.
According to Bell and Morse (2008), the ‘sustainable’ part of the SD paradigm is both a
descriptor of something and a target to achieve. In its broadest sense, it describes that
our actions today should not harm the future generations (often expressed as ‘don’t
cheat on your kids’ in sustainability literature) (Bell and Morse, 2008). In the same way,
Kiewiet and Vos (2007) stress the importance of asking the question ‘sustainability of
what?’ as an essential step in bringing about sustainability. Laloe (2007) also states that
‘sustainability’ is something that is ‘dependent on an object which must be described’.
He goes on to state that no unique definition to sustainability alone can be proposed, as
it is always dependent upon the ‘object’ being described. Similar explanations of the
terms sustainability and SD have been given by Bhamra and Lofthouse (2007) and
Lutzkendorf and Lorenz (2007) as well.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Brandon and Lombardi (2011) highlight that achieving the goal of sustainability within
this context should not be about maintaining status quo or reaching perfection. Moving
forward, this research will use the term ‘sustainability’ in a broad, generic sense and
terms such as, ‘SD’ and ‘SC’ will be used to describe its applicability in the respective
arenas (in this case, development and construction respectively).
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
objectives, used so that SD could be forced to the top of the United Nations and
multilateral development banks’ agendas.
Dresner (2008) observes that more often than not SD has been used to refer to old
fashioned economic growth while paying ‘lip service’ to the environmental concerns.
Meadows et al. (2005) note that most parties prefer to use the term ‘growth’ as it is
generally viewed as a ‘cause for celebration’. They state that;
‘Individuals support growth oriented policies, because they believe growth will give
them an ever increasing welfare. Governments seek growth as a remedy for just about
every problem. In the rich world, growth is believed to be necessary for employment,
upward mobility, and technical advance. In the poor world, growth seems to be the
only way out of poverty (Meadows et al., 2005)’.
Daly (1991) draws upon a crucial difference in meaning between the terms
‘development’ and ‘growth’ to differentiate SD from ‘sustainable growth’. According to
the Webster dictionary, ‘grow’ is defined as, ‘increase in size by assimilation of material
into the living organism or by accretion of material in a non-biological process’. The
same dictionary defines the word ‘develop’ as, ‘to work out the possibilities of or to
create or produce especially by deliberate effort over time’ (Merriam-Webster, 2012).
Daly (1991) simplifies this difference by saying that growth refers to quantitative
physical increase, and that development refers to more qualitative improvements,
especially with regard to potential. Thus, he places greater emphasis on qualitative
rather than quantitative improvements with reference to SD. He views the economy as a
sub-system within the finite global ecosystem. The latter does not grow, but develops
over time, making it impossible for the economy to grow in a sustainable manner over
the long term. Therefore, the term ‘sustainable growth’ is viewed as a ‘bad oxymoron’
that must be rejected, as opposed to the term SD (Daly, 1991). Similar views are shared
by Georgescu-Roegen (1988 cited Pezzey, 1992) and Brandon and Lombardi (2011).
Georgescu-Roegen for instance, differentiates between growth and development as
‘Growth’ is if you get just an increasing number of the same type of mail coaches and
if you pass from travelling in mail coaches to travelling by railway that is
‘development’ (Georgescu-Roegen 1988 cited Pezzey, 1992).
On the other hand, Pezzey (1992), who defines ‘economic growth’ as rising aggregate
consumption of output, emphasises that ‘growth’ is measured in value rather than
physical units. According to Pezzey, growth of economic output does not need to be
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
From the discussions in sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 above, SD could be viewed as being
more about the relationship between the environment and the social and economic
dimensions of development, rather than being solely about protecting the environment
or controlling economic growth (Sobol, 2008).
Given that all social transformations are ‘messy’, the above discussed linguistic
confusions surrounding SD are viewed as being acceptable by Donella Meadows, who
is one of the leading academic contributors to the area (Dresner, 2008). She perceives
that although there are disagreements and contrasting views surrounding SD, this will
not be a permanent state of affairs. The next section goes on to discuss these different
views or perceptions in relation SD shared by different authors.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
the ambiguous nature of the concept gives it an ‘oxymoron-like’ like character, ironing
out what are considered as real conflicts between the different elements, as well as
different temporal scales of SD. This provides an opening for people to pass off
anything as SD and thereby, has the danger of reducing the term to meaninglessness.
This is especially evident in many of the definitions put forward by different institutions
for SD, which reflect their own institutional objectives and political positions rather
than unambiguous and unbiased scientific views (Mebratu, 1998).
However, Dresner (2008) maintains that the above mentioned ambiguity or vagueness
surrounding SD does not reduce it to a meaningless concept. Along the lines of this
view, the vagueness surrounding SD has led Jacobs (1999) to refer to it as a ‘contestable
concept’ rather than a meaningless one. This means that the interpretation of SD
remains open to different conceptions. Accordingly, Jacobs’ view SD is similar to
concepts such as, liberty or justice; the basic meaning of which are generally accepted
by all, although concerns remain with regard to how they should be interpreted and
applied. Mitcham (1995) views SD to be an ideal, similar to love or patriotism,
‘something necessary and even noble’, which at the same time ‘can become a cliché and
be misused by ideologues. A similar view is expressed by Redclift (1997 cited Elliot,
1999), who states that ‘like motherhood and God, it is difficult not to approve of it
[SD]’. [However], at the same time, the idea... is fraught with contradictions’. Some
even see it as an emerging meta-discipline that is beginning to define a whole new
subject area (Fenner et al., 2006).
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Defining construction is an complex issue (Innovation and Growth Team - IGT, 2010;
Du Plessis, 2007). This is evident from the variety of ways in which ‘construction’ has
been interpreted by different authors. As this research is particularly concerned with the
uptake of SD in the construction industry (i.e. SC), it is important to establish what is
referred to as the construction industry and what its parameters are. Irurah (2001 cited
Du Plessis, 2007) presents four ways in which ‘construction’ can be interpreted. These
are interpreting construction as;
The first, which is the most commonly used definition of construction (Du Plessis,
2007), provides the narrowest interpretation. It interprets construction only as the site
activities that lead to the development of constructed facilities. This view is adopted by
Morton (2002 cited Bosher et al., 2007), who refers to the ‘construction industry’ as all
the firms involved directly in the design and construction of buildings. It ignores other
phases of the construction life cycle (such as planning, operation and maintenance and
decommissioning) and excludes important stakeholders such as, materials
manufacturers, suppliers and facilities managers that play integral roles in the
construction industry. The concept of SC on which this research is based upon,
perceives the construction industry in a much broader perspective, which necessitates
the inclusion of the above mentioned aspects.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
important to highlight that the work in the construction industry includes both pre and
post-construction activities. This whole life cycle view of the construction industry,
which is further discussed in section 2.6.1 below, is comparable to Irurah’s third
interpretation of construction set out above.
Even a broader interpretation has been put forward in the ‘Agenda 21 for SC in
developing countries’ (Du Plessis, 2002), which describes construction as;
‘The broad process/mechanism for the realisation of human settlements and the
creation of infrastructure that supports development. This includes the extraction and
benefication of raw materials, the manufacturing of construction materials and
components, the construction project life cycle from feasibility to deconstruction, and
the management and operation of the built environment’.
This is in line with the fourth level interpretation of construction given by Irurah (2001
cited Du Plessis, 2007). This view makes it apparent that the construction industry
activities have a significant impact on determining the ‘quality of life’ of people.
However, the problem here is that following ambitious construction programmes in the
traditional manner to support improvements in quality of life would require large
amounts of resources (such as, energy and money). This in turn would result in
significant environmental and economic impacts, which would ultimately result in the
detriment of rather than the intended improvements in relation to ‘quality of life’.
Therefore, the challenge facing the industry is meeting the construction targets for
housing, education, industry, infrastructure, etc, without compromising the ability to do
it again in the future (BRE, 2002; Construction Products Association, 2007; Waddell,
2008). In order to achieve this, the industry has to adopt SD practices.
There is much evidence within the built environment on links between the economy,
environment and society (see sections, and These include; the
complex problems of increasing traffic congestion and commute times, air pollution,
inefficient energy consumption, loss of open space and habitat, inequitable distribution
of economic resources and the loss of a sense of community (Augenbroe et al., 1998).
All these have been identified as drivers calling for a change in the industry practices to
adopt SD.
Following the logic of the discussions in section 2.3.1, SC appears as the suitable
terminology to discuss the application of sustainability principles within the
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
construction industry. However, several different terms were found to have been used
interchangeably by different authors in addressing the same. For example, Robichaud
and Anantatmula (2011) state that SC is also referred to as ‘green building’, ‘high
performance building’, or ‘sustainable building’. A review of these different
terminologies is provided in the next section.
Whilst, green building is seen to focus on the environmental element, use of the term
‘high performance’ (Baum, 2007; Circo, 2008; Kibert, 2008) implies consideration of
the economic aspects, especially in terms of efficiency and business case. According to
Kibert (2008) the high performance green building movement is considered as the most
successful environmental movement in the USA.
John et al. (2005) cites a definition put forward by the OECD for the term ‘sustainable
buildings’ as;
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
‘Buildings that have minimum adverse impacts on the built and natural environment,
in terms of the buildings themselves, their immediate surroundings and the broader
regional and global settings’.
According to the above, the term ‘sustainable building’ (Anink et al., 1996; Bunz et al.,
2006; John et al., 2005; National Audit Office - NAO, 2007; Rohracher, 2001) focuses
specifically on the state of the end product, which is the ‘building’. The concept
considers environmental and functional quality and the functional value of a building
during its whole life cycle. However, the process of achieving that end product has been
neglected. As noted by Kibert (2008) a ‘sustainable building’ refers to the ‘quality and
characteristics of the actual structure created using the principles and methodologies of
‘Smart’ (Bell, 2005) is another term that is sometimes used together with ‘sustainability’
in the context of buildings. However, ‘smart buildings’ or ‘smart construction’ are not
synonymous to ‘sustainable building’ or ‘SC’. ‘Smart’ often refers to ‘responsiveness of
the building’ (for example through the use of information technology or control
systems) rather than to the ‘use of materials and design in smart ways’ (Bell, 2005). Bell
stresses that SC do not always need to be ‘smart’. Nonetheless, significant value could
be added to such constructions (especially commercial buildings) through the use of
smart technologies.
‘Sutainable procurement’ has also been used synonymously with SC by some authors.
In order provide clarification between these two terms it is necessary to first explore and
scrutinise the definition of procurement as applicable today, especially within the
context of the construction industry.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
industry performance and the attention given at policy level to delivering SD agenda.
More often than not, the term ‘procurement’ is taken to be synonymous with
‘purchasing’. Although this is more commonly an issue for the manufacturing industry
rather than the construction industry, certain early attempts at defining construction
procurement also seem to reflect this view. One such example is Abdul-Kadir and
Price’s (1995) definition of procurement strategy as a;
In exploring the relevant literature it could be observed that, as expected, the definitions
of construction procurement has also progressed over time with the evolution of
procurement strategies. Most of the early definitions of procurement seem to be limited
to the design and construction phases of a construction project. For instance, Franks
(1984) states that procurement is ‘the amalgamation of activities undertaken by the
client to obtain a building’. Similarly, Mohsini and Davidson (1991) has defined
‘procurement’ as,
‘…a ‘process’ term, which refers to the acquisition of new buildings or space within
buildings either by directly buying, renting or leasing from the open market, or by
designing and building the facilities to meet a specific need’.
‘a strategy to satisfy client’s development and/or operational needs with respect to the
provision of constructed facilities for a discrete life cycle’.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
mentioned, also incorporates the features of the constructed facility. It therefore appears
the most suitable and comprehensive term to discuss the application of sustainability
practices within the construction industry. As a result, this research will use the term SC
throughout in referring to the aforementioned. This is also keeping in accordance with
the discussions in section 2.3.1 above. As the next section will go on to explain, the
term is adopted in a holistic sense, giving consideration to the environmental, social and
economic issues throughout the life-cycle of a construction.
The Pearce report (Pearce, 2003) had argued that before the construction industry can
proceed towards contributing to SD, it needs to adopt a more holistic definition for SC.
UK Green Building Council (2009) also observes that having an ‘applicable and
universally understood’ definition is necessary for attaining ‘cross-sector buy-in’, which
is needed to support the momentum required to create real, industry-shifting, changes
towards SC. Nevertheless, attempts at developing a generally accepted definition for SC
have been so far unsuccessful (Cooper, 2006; Du Plessis, 2007; Hill and Bowen, 1997;
Ofori, 1998; Ofori et al., 2000). Table 2.1 below shows a number of different definitions
found in literature for SC. Despite the lack of a common understanding, several key
features of SC could be identified by reviewing these different definitions as follows:
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Reference Definition
Hendriks (2001) ‘A way of designing and constructing buildings that support health (physical, psychological, and social) and which is in harmony
with nature, both animate and inanimate’
Kibert (1994 cited Hill and Bowen, ‘Creating a healthy built environment using resource-efficient, ecologically-based principles’
Huovila and Richter (1997) ‘SC, in its own processes and products during their service life, aims at minimizing the use of energy and emissions that are
harmful for environment and health, and produces relevant information to customers for their decision making’
Lanting (1998) ‘a way of building which aims at reducing (negative) health and environmental impacts caused by the construction processes or by
building or by the built environment’
Augenbroe et al. (1998) ‘A possible strategy to better meet the needs of clients and owners while ensuring success in an increasingly competitive and
constrained operational environment’
Habitat II (1996 cited Ofori, 1998) ‘SC will make use of resources within the carrying capacity of ecosystems and take into consideration the precautionary principle
approach and by providing the people... with equal opportunities for a healthy, safe and productive life in harmony with nature and
their cultural heritage and spiritual and cultural values and which ensures economic and social development and environmental
Raynsford (2000) ‘The set of processes by which a profitable and competitive industry delivers built assets (buildings, structures, supporting
infrastructure and their immediate surroundings) which, enhance quality of life, offer flexibility and the potential to cater for user
changes in the future, provide and support desirable natural and social environments, maximize the efficient use of resources'
The Agenda 21: SC for Developing ‘The principles of sustainable development are applied to the comprehensive construction cycle, from the extraction and
Countries (Du Plessis, 2002) beneficiation of raw materials, through the planning, design and construction of buildings and infrastructure, until their final
deconstruction and management of the resultant waste. It is a holistic process aiming to restore and maintain harmony between the
natural and the built environments, and create settlements that affirm human dignity and encourage economic equity’
van Bueren and Priemus (2002) ‘The design, development, construction, and management of real estate such that the negative environmental effects of the
construction, restructuring, and management of the built environment are reduced as far as possible’
UNEP (2003) ‘The use and/or promotion of a) environmentally friendly materials b) energy efficiency in buildings and c) management of
construction and demolition waste’
Kibert (2008) ‘SC may best be defined as how the construction industry together with its product the built environment, among many sectors of
the economy and human activity, can contribute to the sustainability of the earth including its human and non-human inhabitants’
Shen et al. (2010) 'SC practice refers to various methods in the process of implementing construction projects that involve less harm to the
environment (i.e. prevention of waste production), increased reuse of waste in the production of construction material (i.e. waste
management) and beneficial to the society, and profitable to the company'
Robichaud and Anantatmula (2011) 'a philosophy and associated project and construction management practices that seek to: (1) minimise or eliminate impacts on the
environment, natural resources and non-renewable energy sources to promote the sustainability of the built environment; (2)
enhance the health, wellbeing and productivity of occupants and whole communities; (3) cultivate economic development and
financial returns for developers and whole communities; and (4) apply life cycle approaches to community planning and
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Brandon and Lombardi (2011) highlight that all SD related discussions are underlined
by considerations of the period of time to be considered for decision making. This is
also applicable to discussions on SC. In looking at SC, some authors, such as Hendriks
(2001), in their definitions have referred to the design and construction phases only.
However, according to Pearce (2003), a holistic definition of SC must include property
and its management. Herein, the importance of realising that SC is concerned with the
life cycle of the ‘construction’, rather than the lifetime of the ‘project’ (see Figure 2.4
below) has been emphasised (Parkin, 2000). In other words, as Hill and Bowen (1997)
note, it is important to realise that although SC incorporates the word ‘construction’, it
describes a process that starts well before the physical construction phase and continues
after that as well.
Planning and Operation and
Construction Liability
design Maintenance
Figure 2.4: Life time of project vs. Life time of construction (Adapted from Parkin, 2000)
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
as well (Wyatt et al., 2000). Additionally, Cooper (2006) also brings in urban planning
under the umbrella of SC. This recognises the need for the industry to work closely with
planners to ensure the delivery of a holistic approach to SC ultimately leading to
sustainable communities. This view is also reflected in the public consultation report on
the Draft Strategy for SC (Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform -
BERR, 2008), where the respondents have suggested the inclusion of the role of urban
design within the scope of the strategy.
Likewise, many researchers such as, Hill and Bowen (1997), NAO (2007), Ofori
(1998), Parkin (2000), Shi and Gong (2008), Wyatt et al., (2000) are in consensus that
the concept of SC incorporates a ‘cradle-to-grave’ approach, starting from the planning
and design stages and continuing through to the de-construction stage. In the past
decade, this cradle-to-grave approach of SC has undergone a further conceptual shift
towards the cradle-to-cradle framework. As opposed to the one-way material flows in
cradle-to-grave approach, the cradle-to-cradle framework looks at material flows in
‘safe, regenerative, closed-loop cycles’ (McDonough et al., 2003). Thus, SC has evolved
from focusing on mere reduction of negative impacts (i.e. cradle-to-grave approach) (for
example see, Huovila and Richter, 1997; Lanting, 1998; van Bueren and Priemus, 2002)
to maximising the positive effects in terms of benefits (i.e. cradle-to-cradle framework)
towards the environment, society and economy (Du Plessis, 2005; McDonough and
Braungart, 2003).
2.6.2 Elements of SC
The second issue that draws attention in reviewing the available definitions for SC is the
different elements of SC that the authors have focused upon. These elements of SC have
also been referred to as dimensions of SC. Some authors such as, van Bueren and
Priemus (2002), Huovila and Richter (1997) and UNEP (2003), in their definitions, have
viewed SC as primarily an environmental issue. This has led several authors to view SC
as being synonymous to ‘good environmental management’. However, this
understanding of SC as primarily an environmental issue has undergone noticeable
changes over the years. Initially, the emphasis was on the issue of limited resources
(especially energy) and reducing the environmental impacts (see section 2.5). The
solutions were sought mainly through technical improvements to building materials,
components and energy related design concepts (Sjostrom and Bakens, 1999). However,
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Dimensions of SC Environmental/
Sjostrom and Gavle (2000) • • • • • •
Pawlowski (2008) • • • • • • •
Valentin and Spangenberg (2000) • • • •
Sutheerawatthana and Minato • • •
Persson and Olander (2004) • • • •
Sjostrom (2001) • • • • • • •
Hill and Bowen (1997) • • • •
Ofori (1998) • • • • •
Mitlin and Satterthwaite (1996) • • •
Liu (2006) • •
Ashley et al. (2003) • • • •
Nelms et al. (2005) • • • •
Du Plessis (2002) • • • •
Langford et al. (2000) •
IISD (1997) • • • •
In addition to the above mentioned, Liu (2006) uses two other elements, socio-
economic (which describes the behaviour of project participants’ in acquiring built
assets) and socio-environmental, in place of the more common three elements. Hill and
Bowen (1997) have used the term bio-physical in place of the environmental element
and introduced a fourth technical element in addition to the three main elements. The
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
technical element introduced by them, describes the principles that relate to the
‘performance and quality of a building or structure’. Although, this could typically be
viewed as part of the social element, the introduction of the additional element has been
justified due to the fact that it requires application of technology (Hill and Bowen,
1997). Valentin and Spangenberg (2000) have also used a fourth element to differentiate
the institutional aspects from the environmental, economic and social elements. Herein,
the institutional element is described as referring to the human interaction and the rules
by which they are guided, which in other words is viewed as ‘institutions of the
society’. In contrast, the social element according to Valentin and Spangenberg consists
of the aggregate of human capabilities.
Selection of what specific elements are to be considered and prioritised would depend
upon the context of the study (Ofori, 1998). The type and scale of problems faced,
development priorities, capacity of local industry and government, nature of building
stock, stage of industrial development, skill levels and cultural values are some of the
factors that could play a part in determining the significance of different SC elements in
a given context (Sjostrom, 2001; Sourani, 2005). For example, Ofori (1998) states that
managerial and community elements are especially relevant for developing countries.
This is because in these contexts, managerial sustainability can ensure that ‘construction
products, especially large and complex ones undertaken by foreign companies, remain
in effective and efficient use throughout their lives’. Similarly, community
sustainability is important in instances where major developments are carried out
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
without due regard to the community concerns, thereby, causing disruptions to the local
livelihoods and social links.
Pawlowski (2008) postulates that there is a hierarchal relationship between the different
elements of SD. He views moral issues to hold the highest position in this hierarchy.
The ecological (or environmental), social and economic issues comprise the second
level, whilst legal, technological and political elements are at the final level. He views
full integration of all these three levels as necessary, even though extremely difficult to
achieve in reality.
However, there is wide acceptance that SC should incorporate at least the three
environmental, social and economic elements. These appear to be the most commonly
discussed and used throughout the literature. Furthermore, typically, the issues
considered under the legal, political, ecological, cultural, bio-physical, technical,
managerial and community elements can also be broadly categorised under the three
main elements. Therefore, it could be postulated that attaining SC requires reaching a
state of harmony between these three basic elements during the life of a construction.
This will in turn contribute to the achievement of long-term SD goals. The following
sections go on to discuss the importance of and goals in relation to each of the three
main elements.
Construction sector activities and end products have significant impacts on the
environment. The major environmental impacts of construction include, energy
consumption, air (e.g. dust and gas) emissions, waste generation, noise pollution, land
use, existing site dereliction, habitat destruction, the use of natural resources, the use of
water resources, and water discharges (Tam et al., 2006). The environmental costs of
construction are not limited to the physical construction phase, but accrue over the
entire life cycle of the construction (Circo, 2008).
Worldwide, the construction industry is responsible for more than one third of total
energy usage and the associated GHG emissions (Cheng et al., 2008). The United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has reported that 30-40 % of all primary
energy used worldwide is in buildings (Cheng et al., 2008; Circo, 2008). This value is
expected to further increase over the years with the increasing demand for housing and
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
iv. Extract fossil fuels and minerals, and produce persistent substances foreign to
nature, at rates which are not faster than their slow redeposit into the Earth’s
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Pawlowski (2008) views the social element as an environment that could undergo
degradation in the same way as the natural environment. According to Pawlowski, this
‘environment’ comprises of a large number of factors, including customs and traditions,
culture, spirituality, interpersonal relations and living conditions. Hence, social
dimension of SC could be seen as concerned with addressing the needs (related to the
above mentioned factors) of people that are involved in the construction at different
stages of its life cycle. This may include stakeholders such as, clients/users, suppliers,
employees and local communities. Addressing the social concerns over the construction
life cycle is especially difficult because, unlike the other manufactured products,
constructed facilities (especially buildings) have significantly longer life spans.
Typically, the construction industry has acquired a negative perception amongst the
public. The industry has been perceived as being dirty, disruptive, dangerous, old
fashioned and sometimes dishonest (Construction Industry Research and Information
Association - CIRIA, 2001; Myers, 2005). The latter is mostly attributed the existence
of rogue traders, known as ‘cowboy builders’ that tarnish the industry reputation
(DETR, 2000).
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
The social element of SC is, therefore, concerned with the legal, moral, and ethical
obligations of the construction industry to its stakeholders such as, employees,
suppliers, and the community in which it operates (Adetunji et al., 2003). Given below
are some of the various principles of social sustainability in construction found in
literature (Dair and Williams, 2006; DETR, 2000; Hill and Bowen, 1997; Sjostrom,
iv. Protecting and promoting health through a healthy and safe working
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
xv. Providing structures that meet the needs of the customers and users (e.g. provide
greater satisfaction, well-being and value).
According to Adetunji et al. (2003), the economic sustainability of construction is, ‘the
industry’s contribution towards maintenance of high and stable levels of economic
growth and employment through increased productivity and improved project delivery’.
This requires efficient use of resources including labour, materials, water and energy so
that profitability may be increased. However, the pursuit of profitability should not be
sought at the expense of the environment or public needs (BRE, 2002). Hence, SC in an
economic or business sense, seeks to provide better value for clients, whilst reducing the
impacts on the environment and better addressing the needs of all stakeholders.
The construction industry is key to a nation’s economy. Not only that, the industry is
also seen as a critical component for governments to achieve many of their policy aims
(Bosher et al., 2007). Construction industry is also the largest economic sector in many
countries. In the UK, the construction sector contributes approximately 7.6% to the
overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Office for National Statistics, 2012). In 2010,
the sector contributed £71 billion to the national Gross Value Added and played a
crucial role in sustaining the economic recovery (GVA, 2011). Being mostly labour
intensive, the construction industry is a major source of employment for people. It also
has strong backward and forward linkages with numerous other industries. For instance,
the construction products accounts for 20% of UK’s total manufacturing output, which
represents 4% of the country’s GDP (Construction Products Association, 2007).
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Furthermore, the state of the buildings and other constructed facilities can make a major
impact on the productivity of the other industries.
The consideration of sustainability issues can also help minimise some of the key risks
associated with construction for the clients. This could be through reducing the
exposure to Green taxes, minimising costly planning application processing delays,
avoiding loss of reputation and resistance by pressure groups and/or making buildings
more accessible. In addition, various researchers have shown a positive link between
business performance and sustainability in the construction industry (Adetunji et al.,
iii. Using full cost accounting and real cost pricing to set prices and tariffs for
goods and services fully reflecting social and bio physical costs.
vi. Investment of some of the proceedings from the use of non-renewable resources
in social and human-made capital (this is to ensure that the needs of the future
generations could be met).
Adetunji et al. (2003), Sjostrom (2001) and Sourani and Sohail (2005) have all observed
that compared to the environmental dimension, the social and economic dimensions of
SC appear to be far less developed.
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
This third feature characterising SC questions the sole reliance on technology to drive
forward the SC agenda. There are several problems associated with pursuing SC
primarily through the provision of technological solutions. For instance, Murray (2009)
argues against the emphasis on technology as the primary means for achieving SC due
to the following reasons;
ii. the necessity to have ‘effective uptake of technologies in order for them to be
iii. it can ‘draw attention away from more urgent needs for systematic change’
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
The construction practice relies upon the interactions among many different
stakeholders in a ‘complex network of relations’ (Atkinson et al., 2009; Bosher et al.,
2007). The traditional viewpoint within the construction industry is that the constructed
facility has to address the needs of their clients and owners. This same view is taken up
by Augenbroe et al. (1998) in defining SC as a ‘possible strategy to better meet the
needs of clients and owners' (refer to Table 2.1). However, SC calls for extending this
traditional view to ensuring that the real needs of all present end-users are met, whilst
recognising the impacts on future generations as well (Fenner et al., 2006). The latter
requires the completed facility to have the flexibility to address the changing needs of
the various stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the construction (for example,
Raynsford, 2000).
Whilst developments are still being made in relation to providing conceptual precision
on SD, the principles of SD continue to be applied at various levels/sectors. The
activities of the construction industry result in significant environmental, social and
economic impacts. The adoption of sustainability principles within the construction
industry is therefore, crucial to attain the overarching goals of SD. Herein, different
terminologies (such as, green construction, high performance construction) have been
used to describe the application of sustainability principles within the construction
industry practices. However, further scrutiny revealed that although they have often
been used interchangeably within the literature, there are differences in the meanings
and applications of these various terminologies. After reviewing these, SC was chosen
as the most suitable term to discuss the focus area of this research, as it includes a more
Chapter 2▐ SD and the Construction Industry
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
This chapter presents the conceptual framework developed to guide the next stages of
this research. The developed framework encompasses three key focus areas, which are
explained in depth within this chapter. Overall, the conceptual framework addresses the
key issues highlighted in section 2.7 relating to the interpretation and practical
implementation of SC. These issues are discussed in greater detail within the first part
of this chapter. A review of the various models and frameworks addressing the
aforementioned issues that are available in literature is then provided. This review has
been used to justify the need for a novel, more holistic framework addressing the uptake
and implementation of SC within construction project environments. The conceptual
framework developed is then presented. The first and second stages of the framework
address the issues relating to the interpretation (i.e. uptake) of SC and the third stage
addresses the implementation issues. The framework also presents the research
questions that will be explored at each stage. Accordingly, this chapter fulfils objective
2 and the first research question (i.e. RQ1) of this research.
Conceptual frameworks act as the under-pinning of a general theory (Dean and Clarke,
2003). When there is an absence of theory, a conceptual framework is useful in
organising a particular subject, by identifying the connections between various
component parts and recognising areas where further development is required (Sprague,
1980). Frameworks are useful for theory generation as they assist in organising inquiry.
Within the literature, ‘framework’ has often been used interchangeably with ‘model’.
However, a ‘model’ is,
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
Building a model of a decision problem therefore, allows for analysing, explaining and
arguing about a decision problem. On the other hand, frameworks by themselves do not
explain or predict outcomes (Walt et al., 2008). According to McGaghie et al. (2001),
developing a conceptual framework can contribute to the research process by
identifying research variables and clarifying relationships among variables. Thus,
clearly a conceptual framework should be closely linked to the research aim (refer to
section 1.2) and ‘should set the stage for the presentation of the research questions’ that
are being investigated within the research (McGaghie et al., 2001). The next section of
this chapter discusses the key issues that emerged through the initial literature review
that formed the basis of the main focus areas of the conceptual framework. The
developed conceptual framework is presented in Figure 3.3.
The discussions in chapter 2 made it evident that the construction sector has a key role
to play in achieving the goals of SD. Indeed, the construction industry acts as the
‘delivery mechanism’ for many aspects of government policy that are aimed at
providing and modernising the nation’s built environment (DETR, 2000).
Pressures on the industry to pay more attention towards the social, environmental and
economic issues, have led to the development of a plethora of advisory documents (refer
to section 1.1). SC is being driven and enforced by the UK Government through
stringent fiscal policies and regulations, various ‘naming and shaming’ policies and
several government initiatives (Adetunji et al., 2003). For instance, the Aggregates and
Landfill Taxes and waste management licensing regulations have now turned recycling
of construction materials into a ‘commercial necessity’ (Environmental Agency, 2012).
Parkin (2000) states that evidence-based policy and UK policy framework are two of
the key contexts and drivers for SD in the UK. Taking this commitment forward, the
new Greening Government Commitments, published in February 2011, have set out the
coalition government’s ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gases, waste and water
usage and to further improve the sustainability of its procurement by 2015 (DEFRA,
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
It has been noted that the sheer number as well as the uncoordinated nature in
developing these various documents, have made the uptake and implementation of
these, at project level, often confusing and inefficient (GVA, 2011; UK Green Building
Council, 2009). Indeed, a review of SC activity within England have found that only a
small proportion of buildings can claim to be sustainable in any way, revealing that SC
is not happening in any substantial way (Halliday, 2008; Williams and Lindsey 2005;
Wyatt et al., 2000). The result is that in the construction industry many opportunities
that could help make the sector more efficient, less polluting, more socially responsible
and therefore, ultimately more sustainable are missed. One indication of this is given in
Figure 3.1 below, which shows the SC performance of the construction and
refurbishment projects (measured through BREEAM rating system) undertaken by the
government departments and agencies during the 2005-2006 period.
Furthermore, NAO (2007) has found that even in instances where SC is considered,
certain issues were addressed more widely compared to others. Some of the widely
addressed SC issues included;
the use of sustainable timber, ensuring both the health and well-being of
occupants by allowing adequate day light penetration and installation of an air
intake system;
energy saving through the incorporation of energy efficient lighting systems and
monitoring systems for energy usage;
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
On the contrary, issues such as use of renewable sources for energy generation,
monitoring of the environmental impacts during the construction process and social
issues such as, local community consultations were given less consideration (National
Audit Office - NAO, 2007). The disparity between the levels of consideration given to
issues could be attributed to the availability of regulations to guide actions.
There are also indications that the available technological expertise seem to be under-
utilised, as evidenced by the gap between the levels of technological ability and the
actual performance of the building stock (Rohracher, 2001). This has led to some
authors to state that technical solutions are only a minority solution to the challenge of
SC (see Rohracher, 2001; van Bueren and Priemus, 2002). Far more important are the
‘social embedding’ and the ‘social interactive process’ that must be followed throughout
the construction life-cycle to achieve SC (Rohracher, 2001). In this respect, the
implementation of SC is not just dependent upon the technological practices, but also
the industry structure, communication channels, and the ‘organisation and strategic
orientation of its constituent actors’ (Boden cited Rohracher, 2001).
Thus, the problem appears to be two-fold; i.e. a number of key issues exist both in terms
of the uptake of the SC concept and its practical implementation at construction project
level. Herein, the term ‘uptake’ is concerned with the aspects of ‘understanding’ and
‘comprehension’, whereas, the term ‘implementation’ refers to the actual execution and
accomplishment (which in other words is described as giving ‘practical effect to’ and
ensuring of ‘actual fulfilment by concrete measures’) (Merriam-Webster, 2012).
Accordingly, implementation involves the active and therefore the most visible phase of
achieving a goal. It involves different steps such as making budgets, finding resources,
hiring people, establishing and managing organisations, inventing technologies,
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
The review of literature revealed a number of different frameworks that address some of
the above discussed issues. A review of these available frameworks are provided in the
following section. Such a review is necessary as a starting point to establish whether a
need exists for the development of a new framework within the context of this research.
However, Augenbroe et al. (1998) acknowledge that this framework ignores what they
state as the ‘real problem’. According to them this lies on the transition or boundaries
between different system levels, actors and life cycle stages. They further stress the lack
of support for integral comparison of different alternatives. When the effectiveness of
implementing SC is considered, it is important to see how well the stakeholders
involved in a particular process phase, interact to deliver SC requirements at different
system boundaries. Augenbroe et al. (1998) advocate transparency across system
boundaries at different system levels, as a solution for lack of co-ordination, which has
been identified as a root cause for past problems.
A similar framework to the above has been proposed by Matar et al. (2008), called the
Operational Context Space (OCS) framework (see Figure 4.2). This framework
addresses the issue of lack of an integrated framework for addressing both the SC issues
and construction practices at an operational level. It takes the form of a modular
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
integration grid with the three axes; (i) project life cycle phases, (ii) project executing
entities and (iii) sustainability performance parameters.
Figure 3.2: Operational Context Space (OPS) Framework (Source: Matar et al., 2008)
Considering the level of prescription within the above mentioned frameworks, neither
of these frameworks has been developed to the point of being a useful tool for taking
proactive measures in addressing SC. As per the discussions in section 4.3, both these
frameworks address issues relating to the ‘implementation’ of SC. No information has
been provided for the project level stakeholders to improve the ‘uptake’ of SC.
A third framework has been provided by Hill and Bowen (1997), called a ‘framework
for the attainment of SC’. They present SC principles divided into the four of social,
economic, technical and biophysical pillars, which could act as checklists for achieving
each of these sustainability ‘pillars’. These principles represent ‘what’ is to be achieved
in terms of SC in a particular construction project. In addition to the aforementioned, a
set of ‘over-arching, process-oriented’ principles are also presented. The latter could
help to determine both the applicability and the relative importance of each of the
above-mentioned four pillars and the different principles coming under each of the said
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
pillars, in a given context. These process-oriented principles include, inter alia, prior
assessment of proposed activities, timely involvement of stakeholders, promoting inter-
disciplinary collaborations and utilisation of life-cycle frameworks. The framework
covers ‘how to’ achieve this through the application of ‘Environmental Assessment
(EA) during the planning and design stages of projects’ and ‘implementation of
Environmental Management Systems (EMS)...during construction, operation and where
appropriate...decommissioning’ (Hill and Bowen, 1997).
This framework differs from the previously mentioned two frameworks due to several
reasons. Firstly, it provides a set of SC principles that could assist in understanding and
comprehending the concept of SC by the project parties. Secondly, Hill and Bowen’s
framework targets SC from an organisational point of view, as opposed to one of a
physical facility. This prescriptive model is targeted to policy makers and managers in
construction organisations. However, a key issue with the principles of SC put forward
by Hill and Bowen is that they have been developed at a very high aspirational level.
Hence, the practical application of these at project level could be brought into question.
The OGC (2005) framework on SC procurement sets out a way in which the
government clients can deliver SC projects. The framework is part of the Achieving
Excellence in Procurement guides, which has replaced the Construction Procurement
Guidance Notes series. The framework highlights the key decision stages throughout the
life-cycle of a construction project and the sustainability issues to be considered at each
of these stages. However, Sourani and Sohail (2005) has questioned the evidence base
used in establishing the SC aims and issues used in this framework.
The final framework reviewed was called the Sustainability Management Activity Zone
(SMAZ) (Khalfan, 2006). This has been developed based upon a previous framework
called ‘the process protocol for design and construction’ which was the output of a
research project carried out by Salford University. The SMAZ expands this protocol
further to incorporate a sustainability management activity zone (Khalfan, 2006). The
ambition of the process protocol was to provide an agreed set of processes and
procedures in order for the various organisations involved in a construction project to
work together seamlessly. One of the key features of the process protocol is that it does
not use the professional titles of the project team members. Therefore, instead of using
terms such as, Contractor or Designer, the protocol uses terms such as, production
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
management, design management etc. (Lee et al., 2000). The rationale behind this
approach is to promote integration within teams by minimising the inherent
fragmentation observed within construction team environments based upon different
professions and/or organisations. In doing so, it appears the aspiration of the process
protocol was to act, in time, as an alternative or replacement for the RIBA plan of work
(Lee et al., 2000; Winch and Carr, 2001).
The protocol is presented as a generic process protocol that is applicable to all project
delivery contexts. However, it has been brought into question the level to which such a
generic approach is applicable to the construction project environment. For instance,
given the nature of the construction industry the standardisation of processes (where
clients are more proactive than reactive) is viewed as highly elusive (Winch and Carr,
2001). Furthermore, Winch and Carr (2001) draw attention to an earlier study carried
out by them in trying to apply this protocol. This revealed the depth of detail and
prescription of the protocol, which makes it difficult for single construction clients to
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
Several key issues have been identified in relation to the above mentioned, which in
turn, form the key areas of focus for the conceptual framework. These issues are;
Figure 3.3 below, shows the developed conceptual framework addressing the
aforementioned key focus areas. The research questions that need to be investigated
under each of these key areas are also presented. Discussions on the main areas of the
framework are given in the remaining sections of this chapter.
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
STAGE 2: Interpretation of SC by stakeholders
involved in project-level implementation
Figure 3.3: The conceptual framework for the uptake and implementation of SC
The uptake and implementation of SC in the UK, is guided and stimulated by the use of
financial instruments (for example, subsidies and fiscal advantages), product standards,
government policies and communicative instruments (e.g. model projects and
covenants) (Construction Products Association, 2007; van Bueren and Priemus, 2002).
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
For several years, SC has been a popular policy issue with policy makers and various
government authorities, as well as, other non-governmental institutions directly
involved in the construction industry. The last two decades have seen the publication of
several government initiated reports on the construction industry (DETR, 2000;
Innovation and Growth Team - IGT, 2010; Latham, 1994; Pearce, 2003). All these
reports share a common theme in that they call for industry reforms, moving away from
the traditional fragmented approaches, highlighting the role of innovation, training, and
research (Myers, 2005). ‘Rethinking construction’, the report of Sir John Egan’s
Construction task force, called for the Government and industry to work together for
radical change and improvement in construction performance (DETR, 2000). As a
result, a vast number of policies, guidance and other advisory documents on SC have
been produced.
The Innovation and Growth Team in its spring 2010 report state that the number of
recent reports and initiatives that have been produced just in relation to carbon reduction
by the Government, NGOs or other interest groups to be above 200 (Innovation and
Growth Team - IGT, 2010). Referring to the different available government initiatives
on SC, GVA (2011), which is a leading UK property advisor, notes that;
‘at the moment there is a bewildering array of government incentives and initiatives
designed to address these issues. But the existing or proposed schemes are generally
complex, vary in their market coverage, and are not clearly directed. Despite the
significant levels of funding (around £billion per annum) they may not be achieving
maximum benefit from their investments’ (GVA, 2011).
Another key issue highlighted by most parties in relation to the development of advisory
documents is the fragmented policy responsibility for SC, which is shared by several
government bodies in the UK. This fragmented nature of responsibility for developing
and implementing different aspects of SC, has sometimes led to ‘reinventing the wheel’
by different parties (UK Green Building Council, 2009). The NAO in its report
‘Building for the future: SC and refurbishment on the government estate’ has also
addressed this and recommended that clear understanding should be established on the
division of responsibilities for SC in the public sector, so that clear accountability for
policy could be ensured (National Audit Office - NAO, 2007). The uncoordinated
development of various policies, regulations and tools on SC have made the uptake and
implementation of these at project level often confusing and inefficient (UK Green
Building Council, 2009). In addition the various government departments, several non-
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
governmental institutions such as, the Strategic Forum, Institution of Civil Engineers
and Building Research Establishment have also come up with various guidance on SC
for the project stakeholders. Cooper (2006) states that there is an ‘unresolved
bifurcation of SC between the planning system and the construction industry in the
UK’. This has resulted in the development of broad policy guidance addressed at urban
planners and detailed technical issues addressed at construction industry professionals.
However, this divide has not constrained the development of policy initiatives on SC at
either level (Cooper, 2006).
In considering the above, at the first instance, there is a need to understand how these
various advisory documents interpret SC. This is pertinent to understanding the strategic
level interpretation of SC, particularly given the lack of a uniform definition for the
concept (refer to section 2.6). Little attention has been given to this issue so far within
existing research. Bartlett and Guthrie (2005) have partly addressed this issue by
analysing how 17 of the publicly available guides in the UK have defined SD. However,
the documents analysed by them, have all been published between 1999 and 2003 and
for the most part have now been superseded. In addition, a vast number of key
documents have been published since then, including the revised Strategy for SC (HM
Government, 2008). This stage of the conceptual framework therefore investigates the
following research questions;
RQ2. What are the different advisory documents available addressing SC?
RQ3. How is SC interpreted in these different advisory documents produced for the
The construction industry activities rely upon the interactions among many stakeholders
on a ‘complex network of relations’ (Atkinson et al., 2009; Bosher et al., 2007). Kibert
(2008) states that in the USA, SC has provided a platform for bringing together a wide
variety of stakeholders such as, builders, manufacturers and others who are generally
not considered as ‘environmentalists’. Extensive research has been carried out by Dair
and Williams (2006) to identify different groups of stakeholders involved in
construction. They present six groups of stakeholders, loosely classified according to
their involvement in the different phases of the construction life cycle (see Table 3.1).
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
Note: the stakeholders within [ ] were not included in the original list provided by (Dair and Williams,
2006) and were included for the purposes of this research to make the list comprehensive.
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
Accordingly, this stage of the framework investigates the following research question;
At this third stage, the main focus of the framework is to establish the process of
implementing SC at project level. According to Rydin and Vandergert (2006), when it
comes to implementing SC, one has to understand the decision-making processes and
actors together with the inter-relationships between them. Up to now, this is a key area
that has been poorly explored through research (refer to section 1.1). As stated in the
previous section, the effective integration, communication and co-operation amongst
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
In addition to these, it is also important to investigate the influence factors that act as
enablers and barriers to this process. A main challenge now facing the industry is
transforming the strategic SD objectives for the nation, which are represented in the
industry specific advisory documents, into concrete project level action. In order to
achieve this, Augenbroe et al. (1998) call for a ‘fundamental paradigm shift’ in the way
we approach construction itself, stating, that widespread disconnected initiatives alone,
are not sufficient to achieve SC.
Chapter 3▐ Conceptual Framework
circles of blame’, where each party seeks to pass the blame to the others for not
adopting SC practices (Dewick and Miozzo, 2002). Therefore, it is important to
investigate whether all the ‘right’ stakeholders, whose input is necessary, are involved
within the decision process.
Accordingly, this stage of the framework investigates the following research questions;
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
This chapter is about the choice of a suitable research methodology to achieve the
research aim and objectives of this study. The chapter first lays out the philosophical
orientation of the research taking into consideration the epistemological and
methodological choices. It then goes on to discuss in detail the chosen strategies of
inquiry, including data collection and analysis techniques, for each stage of the
research. Overall, the research design consisted of four main stages. The first stage
was the literature review. The second stage focused on analysis of advisory documents
on SC. The third stage explored the interpretation and implementation of SC at
construction project level, using three case studies analysed using the principles of
grounded theory. The fourth and final stage of the research focused on the
development of a framework that address the uptake and implementation of SC within
a construction project environment. The validation and refinement of the developed
framework was also addressed during this stage. Methods used to ensure the
trustworthiness of research findings are also discussed within this chapter.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
qualitative approaches.
During the past two decades, there have been rising arguments against the dominance
of positivist approaches in construction management research (Dainty, 2008; Seymour
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
and Rooke, 1995; Seymour et al., 1997). Concerns have been raised that the natural
science based epistemological and ontological positions within the positivist approach
does not give due consideration to the people element, which is an essential aspect in
the field of construction management (Seymour and Rooke, 1995; Seymour et al.,
1997). Dainty’s aforementioned review of the journal volume also highlights that there
is a lack of attention given to articulating the methodological position of the researcher
in the papers. This makes it difficult to determine whether the dominance of
quantitative approaches within the research community is actually the result of
positivist philosophical views of the researchers or merely a reflection of the
adherence to natural science methodologies within the field (Dainty, 2008). Whichever
is the case, Dainty (2008) questions the ability of quantitative approaches in providing
‘rich and nuanced understanding of industry practice’.
Existing research addressing SD issues in the construction industry have used a variety
of research designs. Chong et al. (2009) for example, have used a quantitative
approach to understand and interpret the baseline perceptions of SC amongst civil
engineers in the United States. Similarly, Rwelamila et al. (2000) and Manoliadis et
al., (2006) have also used quantitative approaches to study sustainability issues in the
construction industry. On the other hand, Carter and Fortune (2008) have used a
qualitative approach to develop a set of features for sustainable social housing.
Williams and Dair (2007) have also used a qualitative approach, using case studies to
investigate the SC aspects of using prefabrication. Accordingly, examples could be
found of research using both qualitative and quantitative designs within existing
research addressing SC issues in the construction industry. What is important here is
that whichever the chosen research design is, it has the ability to fully address the
research aim and objectives of the study (refer to section 1.2) whilst being sympathetic
to the nature and characteristics of the field within which the research is conducted.
The remaining sections of this chapter presents the research design of this study,
elaborating the decisions made in relation to philosophy (i.e. research paradigms),
strategies and methods adopted in order to achieve the aim and objectives of the
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
beliefs, which represents a particular way of viewing the world’. It is a term that has
been popularised following the work of T.S. Kuhn. In relation to research, paradigms
are defined as ‘a cluster of beliefs’ (Bryman, 2008; Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). These
beliefs influence the researcher’s choice of ‘what should be studied, how research
should be done and how results should be interpreted’ (Bryman, 1988). Research
paradigms have also been referred to as a ‘net’ or an ‘interpretive framework’ that
influence the researcher’s view of the external world and how he/she operates in it
(Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). In addition, others have referred to research paradigms as
‘world views’ (Creswell, 2007; Fossey et al., 2002); ‘schools of thought’ (Snape and
Spencer, 2003); ‘systems of ideas’ (Fossey et al., 2002); broadly conceived research
methodologies (Neuman, 2006); and knowledge claims (Creswell, 2003).
Herein, epistemology is the technical term given to the ‘theory of knowledge’ (Benton
and Craib, 2001; Crotty, 1998). It addresses the relationship between the researcher
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
and the known (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). On the other hand, ontology refers to the
‘theory of what exists in the world’. Accordingly, the beliefs about ontology
determines the answers to questions such as, ‘what kinds of things are there in the
world?’ (Benton and Craib, 2001), ‘what kind of being is the human being?’ or ‘what
is the nature of reality?’ (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). A way of thinking about and
studying this reality could be presented through the chosen research methodology. The
role given to values in the research is addressed within axiological assumptions.
Finally, the rhetoric determine the language of the research (Creswell, 2007). The
assumptions made in relation to the above within the context of this research, are
discussed in the next section.
As Corbin and Strauss (2008) point out ‘every methodology rests on the nature of
knowledge and of knowing’. The available options of research paradigms are wide and
ever expanding. In fact, Creswell (2007) observes that any attempt at discussing
available research paradigms would be a partial description of possibilities. According
to Fossey et al. (2002) the three principal research paradigms are the empirico-
analytical, interpretive and critical research paradigms. Creswell (2007) have
described post-positivism, constructivism, advocacy/ participatory (which includes
feminist perspectives, racialised discourses, critical theory, queer theory, disability
inquiry) and pragmatism as the major paradigms influencing qualitative research.
These paradigms continually evolve over time. A good example of evolution of
research paradigms could be found in comparing the work of Lincoln and Guba in
1994 and 2000. In their 1994 work Lincoln and Guba have identified the four major
research paradigms influencing qualitative research as; positivism, post-positivism,
critical theory, and constructionism. However, in Lincoln and Guba (2000), they go on
to introduce an additional fifth paradigm called the participatory/co-operative
paradigm, after taking into account the developments made by other authors since the
publication of their original work.
Likewise, numerous research paradigms exist that the researchers use to guide their
work. On one end of the paradigm spectrum are positivism and postpositivism, which
respectively asserts that objective or partially objective accounts of the real world are
possible (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). Positivist/ postpositivist research have the
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
In between the above extremes is the pragmatist paradigm. Mead (1956 cited Corbin
and Strauss, 2008) notes that pragmatism originated from an interest in the ‘act itself’
and ‘the relationship of thought to the act’. A key feature of pragmatist research is the
acknowledgement that research always occurs within a context. Pragmatism also
acknowledges that discoveries about reality cannot be separated from the ‘operative
perspective’ of the researcher. However, Corbin and Strauss (2008) highlight that this
acknowledgement does not at all lead to radical relativism (i.e. the belief that no
certainty about any given reality can be assumed as no version or interpretation can be
proven). Rather Corbin and Strauss put forward two main assumptions in relation to
‘truth’ in pragmatism. Firstly, that truth is equivalent to ‘for the time being this is what
we know – but eventually it may be judged partly or even wholly wrong’ and
secondly, despite this that the ‘accumulation of knowledge is no mirage’.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
interpretations of SC held by different stakeholders and also to gain insight into the
process of implementing SC grounded upon the complexities and realities at
construction project level. Under the umbrella of pragmatist paradigm the following
assumptions were made in relation to this research.
The above ontological and epistemological underpinnings call for a methodology that
is capable of capturing as much complexity as possible. The research aim and
objectives of this study highlight the need to obtain multiple perspectives on SC,
which in turn necessitates the construction of variation and differences in
interpretations into the analytic process. These could be facilitated by adopting a more
qualitative research approach. This methodological assumption, which is the third
assumption underpinning this research, guides the choices made in relation to the
strategies of inquiry and data collection/analysis methods discussed within the
remaining sections of this chapter.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
practice. Finally, in relation to the rhetoric of the research, the research findings are
presented in a formal language using the third person passive voice considering the
audience of this thesis. However, in-verbatim quotes are also used to explicate some of
the findings, particularly during the case study stage, so as to bring in the voice of the
participants to the research.
The choice of a research approach is a fundamental part of the research process. The
main aim of choosing a research approach is to establish the best possible way of
answering the research questions (Blaikie, 2000). Research approaches are also
referred to as research strategies. Bryman (2008) notes that the term research strategy
simply means ‘a general orientation to the conduct of ...research’. Research
approaches or strategies help put the research paradigms into motion in the empirical
world through specific methods of data collection (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). Thus,
research approaches act as links between research paradigms and research methods
and comprise the ‘skills, assumptions, enactments, and materials practices’ of the
researcher (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005).
Research strategies or approaches fall into the two main clusters of quantitative and
qualitative research. A quantitative approach is best suited for research that test
theories or explanations. Such an approach is also suited for research, where the
research problem involves identifying factors that influence outcome or understanding
the ‘best predictors’ of outcomes (Creswell, 2003). Accordingly, quantitative research
is generally underlined as fixated upon the four aspects of measurement, causality,
generalisation, and replication (Bryman, 2008). On the other hand, research that seek
in-depth understanding of a phenomena or concept requires a more qualitative
approach (Creswell, 2003; Dainty, 2008).
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
counter-disciplinary’ and interlinks the natural and social sciences (Nelson et al. 1992
cited Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). A qualitative approach also allows the innovative and
flexible working within ‘researcher-designed’ frameworks (Creswell, 2003). This is a
major advantage of qualitative research compared to quantitative research (Charmaz,
2006). This flexibility of qualitative research allows the researcher to explore leads
that are generated during the research process.
Table 4.2: Quantitative vs. Qualitative research approaches (Sources: Bryman, 2008;
Creswell, 2003; Creswell, 2007; Denscombe, 2007; Denzin and Lincoln, 2005)
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Creswell (2003) observes that the situation today has moved away from the issue of
quantitative versus qualitative into determining how the research approach lie on a
continuum between the two extremes. Accordingly, the researcher has to decide
whether a particular research study is more qualitative than quantitative or vice versa.
As Crotty (1998) highlights this determination should be based upon the purpose of
the research, as well as the theoretical perspective of the researcher. Similarly,
Creswell (2003) notes that the choice of a suitable research approach depends on the
research problem. He further emphasises the importance of researcher’s personal
experiences and the intended audience of the research outputs in determining the
research approach.
The research aim of this study (refer to section 1.2) is particularly concerned with ‘in-
depth’ understanding of the concept of SC. In addition, the concept under scrutiny (i.e.
SC, which is a sub-set of SD) is context dependent and open to a wide variety of
interpretations (see sections 2.3, 2.6, 3.5.2 and 4.3). Investigating the process of
implementing SC within a construction project environment requires research to be
conducted in a natural setting giving due cognisance to the context and associated
realities and complexities (see section 4.3.1). Due to all of these reasons, a more
qualitative approach seem better fitting to achieve the aim and objectives of this
Having decided upon the qualitative research approach, the next step is to determine a
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
suitable strategy of inquiry for the study. A strategy of inquiry encompasses the ‘skills,
assumptions, enactments, and materials practices’ (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005) of the
researcher. There are a large number of strategies of inquiry available for qualitative
research (see section 4.8). This research employs a mix of strategies of inquiry to
achieve its aim and objectives. These are; (i) document analysis and (ii) case studies
together with grounded theory analysis. The rationales for selecting each of these
strategies, as well as the methods used for data collection and analysis are discussed in
the following sections.
The research process used in this study can be depicted using a research framework
consisting of four key stages as shown in Figure 4.2. In depth discussions on how the
research was conducted within each of these stages are provided in the sections below.
Literature Review
Development of conceptual Methodological
framework Development
Analysis of advisory documents –
Investigation of Interpretation of SC STAGE 3
Development of framework
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The literature review is a crucial phase of any research, as it helps to provide the
context for a study and identify the gaps in knowledge. In establishing what is already
known in the area, the literature review helps to avoid ‘reinventing of the wheel’
(Bryman, 2008).
At the very outset of the research process, an initial review of literature was carried out
covering the three main focus areas of this study as shown in Figure 2.1. This helped
to establish the background of the research and to identify the gaps in knowledge.
More in-depth and focused reviews of literature were conducted once findings started
to emerge from the latter stages of the research process. Such focused reviews were
necessary to strengthen arguments and increase the credibility of the research findings
(Charmaz, 2006). The literature survey covered a variety of sources, which included;
Journal articles
Conference proceedings
Web sites
Key word searches using internet search engines (E.g. Google scholar)
Bibliographical software (i.e. Reference Manager) was used during the literature
review process to keep the references organised. The findings of the initial literature
review led to the development of the conceptual framework discussed in Chapter 3.
Overall, this first stage of the research framework addressed the first and second
objectives of this research (refer to section 1.2).
The second stage of the research concentrated on analysing the available advisory
documents on SC. These documents had been produced by a variety of parties with the
intention of providing guidance on the uptake and implementation of SC to the
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
construction industry stakeholders. The objective of this analysis was to ascertain how
these different documents interpret the concept of SC (i.e. objective 3 and research
questions RQ2 and RQ3 of this research). The research design for this stage of the
study is shown in Figure 4.3.
Research questions:
RQ2 - What are the different advisory documents available
addressing SC?
RQ3 - How is SC interpreted in these different advisory
documents produced for the industry?
A ‘document’ is often viewed as an artefact, which has as its central feature, inscribed
text (Scott, 1990). Herein, the term ‘text’ does not merely refer to the written word.
Taking this into consideration, Altheid et al. (2008) define a ‘document’ as ‘any
symbolic representation that can be recorded and retrieved for description and
analysis’. The focus on documents as containers of information for research is well
established, particularly within the social sciences research (Prior, 2008). Documents
or texts used in research can fall into two categories based on the researcher’s
involvement in producing them. These categories are (Charmaz, 2006);
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
ii. Extant texts (i.e. documents that the researcher had no involvement in
producing. In other words, extant texts have been produced for purposes other
than the needs of the research).
From the above two categories, the advisory documents with which this research is
concerned with, fall into the category of extant texts. This is because the researcher
had no input in the development of these documents. The extant texts have the added
advantages of being ‘non-reactive’ and ‘stable’ (Bowen, 2009) thereby, contributing to
the trustworthiness of the research findings (see section 4.7.4). The next section goes
onto discuss the process of selecting documents for analysis.
Bryman (2008) notes that the process of searching for documents relevant to a
research can be a ‘frustrating and highly protracted process’. This was indeed true
within the context of this research, as one of the initial difficulties faced was in
selecting documents to be analysed. Given the high level of focus on SD as a whole, as
well as the significance of the construction sector in achieving it, the number of
advisory documents that have been published so far is vast (refer to sections 1.1 and
3.5.1). Due to the large number of documents available as well as, the variety of
sources that have produced these documents, it was not possible to analyse all the
available documents in a thorough, in-depth manner within the time frame of this
research. Therefore, it was necessary to adopt a systematic approach to set
‘boundaries’ for selecting documents. This could be achieved by using a suitable
sampling strategy. Employing such a systematic approach was also important in
avoiding limitations due to ‘biased selectivity’ (Bowen, 2009; Yin, 2003), which could
adversely impact on the trustworthiness of the research findings.
There are numerous sampling strategies available that could be used in selecting
documents for analysis. The following section discusses the rationale for selecting
‘criterion sampling’ for document selection.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
7. Critical case Identifies cases that can make a dramatic point or are
sampling particularly important, useful in situations where resources
are limited, does not permit broad generalisations to all
possible cases.
8. Snowball or chain Identifies cases of interest from people, who know people,
sampling who know people, who know information rich cases.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
12. Opportunistic Following new leads during field work, taking advantage of
sampling the unexpected, flexibility.
13. Random purposeful Adds credibility to sample when potential purposeful sample
sampling is larger than one can handle, reduces judgement, improved
14. Sampling politically Selecting (or sometimes avoiding) a politically sensitive site
important cases or unit of analysis, attracts attention to the study or avoids
attracting undesired attention by purposefully eliminating
from the sample politically sensitive cases.
15. Convenience Doing what is fast and convenient, saves time, money and
sampling effort, lowest credibility, yields information poor cases.
From the descriptions given in Table 4.3, it is clear that criterion sampling is best
suited for the purposes of this stage of the research as it ‘picks all cases that meet some
criterion’, thereby, providing quality assurance. For that reason, from the different
sampling techniques described in Table 4.3 above, criterion sampling was chosen as
the most suitable sampling technique for selecting documents.
The criteria used to carry out the selection of documents using criterion sampling are
presented in the following section.
Various types of documents exist that can be used as sources of data in research. These
include; personal documents (e.g. diaries and letters), official documents deriving from
the state, official documents deriving from private sources (e.g. organisations), mass-
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
media outputs and virtual outputs (e.g. internet resources) (Bryman, 2008). However,
given the focus of this phase of the study, it was important that the analysis be limited
to ‘official’ documents. Official documents can originate from either the state or
private sources. General web surveys using internet search engines were used as the
primary means of identifying documents for analysis. Particular attention was given to
the ‘publications’ sections in the web sites of key government departments and non-
governmental institutions relevant to sustainability issues in the construction industry.
The key words used in the search for documents included ‘sustainability’, ‘sustainable
development’ and ‘SC’.
Since, this study is focused on the issue of sustainability in the construction industry,
only those documents that are specific to the construction sector were selected for
analysis. Therefore, the selected documents did not include documents such as, the UK
government’s ‘Strategy for Sustainable Development’ or ‘Sustainable Procurement
Action Plan’. Although, these documents had implications for the construction
industry, it was assumed that the sector specific strategies/policies reflect more
specifically on the area of research. Furthermore, due to the differences in governance
structures between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, it was decided to
limit the study to documents that are relevant to England. All the documents
considered for the study had been published in or after the year 2000. This year
provided a milestone as in April 2000, the then Department for Environment,
Transport and the Regions (DETR) published the first strategy addressing SC in UK,
called ‘Building a Better Quality of Life’. Finally, all the selected documents were
those that were freely available for the public.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Strategies lay out broad, long-term plans of action aimed at achieving the goals
of SC and ultimately, SD. The Strategy for Sustainable Construction (HM
Government, 2008) for instance, aims to provide clarity around and signal the
future direction of government policy in relation to SC. The strategy is wide
ranging and is aligned with the ‘broader aim of modernising construction’ (HM
Government, 2008).
ii. Guides - Guides (also referred to as guidance within this research) are sets of
recommendations about things that should be considered when implementing
SC. These are not requirements. They are merely suggestions that may have
been written up into an informal checklist or similar format. Various such
guides have been developed aimed at different groups of stakeholders, to assist
them in the uptake and implementation of SC.
iii. Reports - Reports include those documents that have been published to
describe the present state in relation to various aspects of SC in the
construction industry. These reports sometimes also include various
recommendations aimed at improving the industry’s performance in relation to
The selected documents include four key policy/strategy documents, three industry
reports, seven guides and four measurement tools or codes (refer to Table 4.4).
Each document was assigned an identification code, which constituted of three parts;
i.e. (i) a letter indicating the type of document (P – policy/strategy, R – report, G –
guide, M – measurement tools), (ii) a document number (between 1 and 18) and (iii)
the year of publication. These document codes were useful during the analysis process,
as they enabled easy reference and identification of documents.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Document Type
Measurement Tools/
Codes/ Standards
Policy/ Strategy
Title Publishing Body Year
1 Building Research Establishment Building Research 2011 • M1-2011
Environmental Assessment Tool Establishment (BRE)
2 CEEQUAL- The Assessment and Institution of Civil 2010 • M2-2010
Awards Scheme for improving Engineers (ICE)
sustainability in civil engineering
and the public realm
3 Building a sustainable future Joint Contracts 2009 • G3-2009
together: Guidance note Tribunal (JCT)
4 Sustainability in the built Atkinson et al. 2009 • R4-2009
environment: An introduction to
its definition and measurement
5 Making the case for a code for UK Green Building 2009 • R5-2009
sustainable buildings Council
6 Strategy for sustainable HM government/ 2008 • P6-2008
construction Strategic Forum for
7 Sustainability in building BSI 2008 • G7-2008
construction: general principles
8 Building for the future: SC and National Audit 2007 • R8-2007
refurbishment of the government Office (NAO)
9 SD strategy and action plan for ICE 2007 • P9-2007
civil engineering
10 2012 Construction Commitments Strategic Forum 2006 • M10-2006
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Bowen (2009) notes that when it comes to selecting documents for a document
analysis exercise, the main concern should be about the ‘quality of the documents and
the evidence they contain’ and not the number of documents selected. The quality of
the results of a document analysis exercise is highly dependent upon the quality of the
documents that have been selected for analysis. Scott (1990) has put forward four
criteria that could be used to ascertain the quality of selected documents. These are;
Credibility (i.e. establishing that the documents are free from error and
Meaning (i.e. establishing that the documents are clear and comprehensible?)
The selected documents shown in Table 4.4 can be considered as authentic as they
have all been produced by either a government body or a recognised professional
institution. When selecting documents all the documents were checked to verify their
authorship. In some instances, the documents have been compiled by a group of
individuals under the auspices of a particular government department or an institution
(for example, see Atkinson et al., 2009). In such instances, it was assumed that these
documents represent the views of the relevant government body or institution, as the
documents have been published under the names of these bodies. Further, before
publishing, these documents have been subjected to rigorous public consultation
processes to ensure that they are free from errors and that their meanings are generally
clear and comprehensible. They can also be considered as typical compared to other
documents within their representative category. Therefore, it appears that in general,
the selected documents can be considered as of high quality.
The main purpose of this document analysis exercise was to ascertain the
interpretation of SC. According to Taylor (1985 cited Langhelle, 1999) interpretation
aims to bring to light an ‘under-lying coherence or sense’ in a text, which is in some
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Content analysis is a research tool or technique for ‘making replicable and valid
inferences from data to their context’ (Krippendorff, 1980). It is a highly flexible
research method that could be used to analyse a wide variety of unstructured
information such as, words, meanings, pictures, symbols, ideas, themes or any
message that could be communicated through written, visual or spoken form (Bryman,
2008; Neuman, 2006). It is also a very transparent research method as the coding
scheme can be set out to enable replication and follow-up studies.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The coding system plays a fundamental part of data analysis in QCA. The ‘coding
system’ refers to ‘a set of rules on how to systematically observe and record content
from text’ (Neuman, 2006). According to David and Sutton (2004), coding is the
‘single most significant act’ in the process of qualitative analysis of texts. Coding
allows the identification of themes within the data being analysed, which could be
used to develop concepts. The latter should be achieved through a ‘recursive and
reflexive’ movement between data coding, analysis-interpretation and concept
development (Bryman, 2008). Accordingly, Neuman (2006) observes that,
Within this context, coding serves to achieve two objectives (David and Sutton 2004;
Neuman, 2006);
analytic categorisation.
In order to achieve the above, coding of documents during this stage of the research
was carried out in two main stages; i.e. open coding and axial coding. These stages of
coding and how they were carried out are explained in detail in the following sections.
This study also made use of NVivo computer software for analysis of qualitative data.
The rationale for using Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
(CAQDAS) within the context of this research is given in section 4.9.
Open coding marked the first attempt of the researcher in condensing the collected
data into categories, by locating themes and assigning initial codes. During open
coding, the researcher is open to creating new themes and the possibility of changing
these initial themes during subsequent analysis. The themes generated from open
coding serves three purposes (Neuman, 2006);
The list of themes can be used to build a universe of all themes in the study,
which in turn could be reorganised, discarded, extended, combined during
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
further analysis.
Some researchers suggest that open coding process should begin with a list of
concepts (i.e. deductive approach). This was not suitable within the context of this
research, as the inductive process called for within this stage of the study required the
researcher to generate themes during the process of reading the documents itself.
The degree of detail in coding (i.e. whether the coding is limited to a few words or
whole paragraphs) depends on the research question, the richness of the data and the
researcher’s purposes. During the analysis of advisory documents, care was taken to
retain as much detail as necessary during this initial coding stage in order to derive the
most comprehensive view of the concept of SC. The use of ‘in-vivo’ codes was found
to be particularly useful in this respect.
In-vivo codes refer to the coding of certain phrases or terms as they are found in the
analysed texts. According to Charmaz (2006), in-vivo codes act as ‘symbolic markers’
of meanings and could fall into the following three categories;
i. ‘General terms’ that everyone knows, which provide condensed but significant
iii. ‘Insider shorthand terms’ that are specific to a certain industry or a group of
In-vivo coding was useful in identifying the discourse of terms and language that have
been used within the documents. For example, phrases such as ‘synergy rather than
compromise’ were retained in their original form as a result of the in-vivo coding
process. During this study, the above mentioned open codes were created as ‘Free
Nodes’ in NVivo (see Figure 4.4).
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
While open coding focused on raw data and assigning code labels to themes, it did not
attempt to make connections between themes or to elaborate the concepts that emerged
out of those themes. This second stage of coding (referred to as axial coding) focused
on these latter two aspects.
In axial coding, the researcher moves towards ‘organising ideas or themes and
identify[ing] the axis of key concepts in analysis’ (Neuman, 2006). Miles and
Huberman (1994) also stress the importance of having some ‘conceptual or structural
order’ to the codes. They state that the ‘codes should relate to one another in coherent,
study important ways’ and that ‘they should be part of a governing structure’.
Although the primary focus during axial coding is to review and examine the initial
codes, additional codes or new ideas can still emerge during this process.
In this research, the second review process involving axial coding began with the set
of initial codes or preliminary concepts that were generated through the open coding
process. During axial coding, the possibility of dividing these existing concepts into
subcategories and/or categorising few of the existing concepts together into more
general categories was explored.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The ‘tree node’ function in NVivo was particularly useful during this stage to achieve
the aforementioned. Tree nodes allowed the ‘free nodes’ created during the previous
analysis stage to be organised into hierarchical structures consisting of ‘parent’ and
‘child’ nodes (see Figure 4.5).
Axial Coding
In the example shown in Figure 4.5, the two codes ‘achieve zero-carbon in new builds’
and ‘contribute to CO2 reduction targets’, which were initially created as free nodes
(as shown in Figure 4.4 above), have been categorised under the ‘parent node’ of
‘carbon and energy’. This ‘carbon and energy’ node in turn has been categorised as a
‘child node’ under ‘environmental’ objectives. This process was followed for the entire
set of free nodes that were created during the open coding process. As a result, at the
end of the axial coding process two main categories emerged, which provided a
picture of how the analysed advisory documents interpreted the concept of SC. These
categories were called ‘characteristics of SC’ (see section 5.3.1) and ‘objectives of SC’
(see section 5.3.2). Figure 4.6 shows how NVivo software enabled the axial coding
process in developing the elements, sub-elements and objectives of SC.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Axial coding
Open coding
The results of this stage of the research are presented mainly within Chapter 5 of this
thesis. Matrices as shown in Table 4.5 below have been used to depict the results of the
document analysis exercise. This provided a way of presenting the results, illustrating
the relationships between the findings (shown down the left hand side of the Table)
and the documents (shown along the top of the Table) using symbols placed at
intersections. This way of presenting data, referred to as ‘matrix analysis’, provided a
useful means of summarising the data in one Table and highlighting the ‘gaps in
knowledge and relationships between items’ (Department of Trade and Industry,
The main purpose of depicting the document analysis findings in matrices, as shown in
Table 4.5, was to provide insight into the manner in which the derived characteristics
and objectives of SC had been covered across the documents. This is different from an
attempt at quantification of qualitative data. Moreover, developing such Tables was
also important for maintaining an ‘audit trail’, which helped in improving the
credibility and transferability of the research findings (refer to section 4.7.4).
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Document analysis was found to be a useful and cost effective strategy of inquiry to
address the objective of this second stage of the research process. Moreover, as data
contained within the documents can be considered as ‘stable’, document analysis
provided a means of investigating the phenomenon of SC over a long period of time
(Berg and Lune, 2012).
One of the major disadvantages of the method was that the coding process, described
within section 4.7.2, was extremely time consuming. Since the QCA process followed
in this research was inductive in nature, there were no pre-set codes used. The codes
were generated while going through the documents. It was necessary to constantly
revise and change the codes during the analysis process to ensure that the codes were
‘internally homogeneous’ and ‘externally heterogeneous’ (Patton, 1987 cited
Graneheim and Lundman, 2004). In other words, the categories generated through
coding needed to be exhaustive and mutually exclusive (Krippendorf, 1980). To ensure
these conditions, the open codes initially generated were often revisited and revised
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
during the axial coding process. The use of Nvivo software helped to make the coding
process more efficient and manageable through easy data retrieval and arrangement
During the early stages of coding, there was a tendency on the part of the researcher to
over code the documents. Over coding during the open coding stage made further
analysis through category development, a tedious and an overwhelming process.
Hence, it was necessary on two occasions to completely scrap the coding and start the
process from the beginning. The tendency to over code could be seen as partly the
result of the use of CAQDAS as opposed to manual coding (see section 4.9).
In addition, the QCA process discussed here required the researcher to exercise
judgement in interpreting data and developing categories. Waltz et al. (2010) observe
that this could result in losing or modifying of the original meaning of text due to lack
of information and/or subjectivity of the researcher. Furthermore, this reliance on
interpretive skills of the researcher in QCA (especially when using inductive processes
as was the case in this research), minimises the ability to standardise the research.
Given these drawbacks of QCA approach, there is a need to establish the
trustworthiness of the research findings by evaluating the research process adopted in
generating those findings.
Establishing the ‘credibility’ of the document analysis process ensures the ‘truth-value’
of the research findings. Credibility establishes the extent to which the research
findings are reflective of reality (Shenton, 2004). This is equivalent to the positivist
research criteria of ‘internal validity’. Yin (2009) has emphasised the importance of
adopting ‘correct operational measures’ throughout the research process to enhance the
credibility of the research findings. Within this research, credibility of the research
process was ensured by clearly stating and justifying how advisory documents were
selected for analysis and how the coding process was conducted. Establishing the
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
quality of the documents selected for analysis through the four criteria mentioned in
section, was also important in establishing the credibility of the document
analysis findings. Furthermore, these selected documents had come from different
sources (including several government departments and non-governmental
institutions) and fall into different categories. This also improves the credibility of the
research by enabling the research question to be addressed in a richer manner
(Graneheim and Lundman, 2004). Furthermore, peer scrutiny of the research project
(Shenton, 2004) during the coding process also helped to verify the robustness of the
document analysis by bringing in fresh perspectives of individuals other than the
researcher. This was useful for challenging the assumptions made by the researcher
(for example, in relation to developing categories), requiring the researcher to provide
clear justifications for the decisions made during the coding process and strengthen the
arguments made.
‘Transferability’ establishes the extent to which the results of a qualitative research can
be generalised or transferred to other contexts. As this stage of the research used
publicly available documents as sources of data, the collected data was clearly visible
and traceable (Prior, 2003). This helped to improve the transferability of the research
findings by providing the readers with access to data sources. Moreover, providing
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
clear and distinct descriptions of background data to establish the context of the study
(Shenton, 2004) and providing thick descriptions on how the documents were selected
and their characteristics also helped to further improve the transferability of the
This stage of the research was undertaken to answer the research questions RQ4, RQ5
and RQ6 given in section 1.2. These questions are mainly exploratory in nature and
are aimed at scrutinising the interpretation and implementation of SC at project level
in an in-depth manner.
A number of strategies of inquiry are available that fulfils the criteria of qualitative
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
research, which could be used to obtain in-depth understanding on an issue. The most
commonly used strategies amongst these include; Phenomenology, Grounded Theory,
Ethnography, Case Study and Narrative Research (see Table 4.6). Creswell (2007)
notes that these strategies can be singled out, as they all have well established
systematic procedures for inquiry with rigorous methods for data collection and
From the above mentioned, ‘narrative’ research focuses on stories of individuals and
include approaches such as, biographical studies, autobiographies and life histories
(Creswell, 2007). As Pinnegar and Daynes (2006 cited Creswell, 2007) note narrative
can refer to the ‘method’, as well as the ‘phenomenon’ of study. It is generally used in
studies focused on one or two individuals to report their stories and life experiences in
chronological order (Creswell, 2007).
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
‘Ethnography’ focuses on an entire cultural group and studies the life styles,
understandings and beliefs of those within that culture or group (Denscombe, 2007).
The term ethnography refers to both a process and a product (Creswell, 2007; Tedlock,
2000). It represents an ‘on-going attempt to place specific encounters, events and
understandings into a fuller, more meaningful content’ (Tedlock, 2000). The purposes
of ethnographic research have been observed to fall within a spectrum, which ranges
from providing rich descriptions of real life situations to acting as a ‘test-bed’ for
development of theories (Denscombe, 2007). Similar to narrative and
phenomenological research, ethnography also draws upon people’s experiences and
autobiographies (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). However, unlike narrative or
phenomenology, ethnography aims to provide a holistic view of an entire culture
sharing group (Creswell, 2007). Denzin and Lincoln (2005) also observe that
ethnography is perhaps the most contested amongst qualitative research strategies
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
and analysing data. The aim of grounded theory is not just to describe the phenomenon
or concept under study, but also to explain it. This is achieved by generating ‘theory’,
which refers to a general explanation or ‘an abstract analytical schema of a process’
(Creswell, 2007). Such schemas are often presented in the form of figures or diagrams
(Strauss and Corbin, 1998). ‘Grounded theory’ can complement both qualitative and
quantitative research approaches (Charmaz, 2006).
The focus of this stage of the research is to understand the concept of SC and its
project level implementation, based upon the views of construction project level
stakeholders. Therefore, from the above discussions, narrative research (which is
suitable for exploring the life an individual) and phenomenology (which is suited for
obtaining understanding of the meaning of experiencing a phenomenon) can be
excluded from consideration as suitable strategies of inquiry for this research.
Out of the remaining strategies, case studies have the characteristic of being specific
(with boundaries) rather than general. Stake (2000) for example, views a ‘case’ to be
an ‘integrated system’ with an identity, purpose and working parts. This can be
compared to studying a culture-sharing group (i.e. the focus of ethnography), which
could also be considered as a case. However, the difference is, while using
ethnography could help to understand the workings of the culture, case study research
could be used to understand a specific issue within that culture (Creswell, 2007). Yin
(2003) states that case studies are suitable for occasions where the phenomenon being
studied cannot be clearly separated from its context. Furthermore, Eisenhardt (1989)
have also highlighted how case studies are useful in ‘understanding the dynamics’
within a particular setting. Barrett and Sutrisna (2009) observe that case studies are
particularly useful in investigating complex situations, such as, construction projects.
This is because the case study approach has the ability to capture reliable and rich
information whilst retaining the ‘holistic and meaningful characteristics of real-life
events’ (Barrett and Sutrisna, 2009).
The purpose of this third stage of the research was two-fold. Firstly, the focus was on
gaining understanding on the concept of SC ‘grounded’ in the views of the
construction project level stakeholders. Secondly, it was necessary to attain in-depth
understanding on the process of implementing SC within a construction project
environment. Accordingly, this third stage of the research was undertaken, not just to
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The research design adopted for this stage of the research is shown in Figure 4.7.
Research questions:
(RQ3) How do the actors involved in implementing SC at project
level understand the concept of SC?
(RQ4) How is SC implemented at construction project level?
(RQ5) What factors influence the decisions made in implementing
SC at project level?
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The development of grounded theory was an answer to the criticisms during the mid-
twentieth century that qualitative research was ‘impressionistic, anecdotal,
unsystematic, and biased’. The rigour and usefulness of grounded theory has led
quantitative researchers using mixed method research approaches to also accept it
(Charmaz, 2006).
Grounded theory was first discovered by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss and
was articulated in their book titled ‘The discovery of grounded theory’ (Glaser and
Strauss, 1967). Since their collaboration in the development of grounded theory,
Glaser and Strauss have moved the method in different directions. Corbin and Strauss
(1990) prescribed a detailed set of procedures that must be followed when using
grounded theory. This approach of Corbin and Strauss’ was heavily criticised by
Glaser (1992) as being too prescribed and structured. According to Glaser, this high
level of prescription reduces the level of flexibility allowed for the qualitative
researcher in using grounded theory. The process advocated by Glaser, as noted by
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Although the use of grounded theory is quite common in social sciences related
disciplines (particularly research in the area of health), it is not as widely used within
construction management research. Examples of researchers in construction
management using grounded theory can be found in the works of Carter and Fortune
(2008) and Thomson (2006). Carter and Fortune have used a similar approach to the
Strauss and Corbin’s version of grounded theory to explore the perceptions of
sustainable procurement within the social housing sector. Thomson has also opted to
adopt the Strauss and Corbin’s version in his study aimed at gaining understanding on
the innovation process within a construction project environment. However, Thomson
has introduced certain modifications to the process presented by Strauss and Corbin, in
order to address some of the criticisms put forward by Glaser. This modified process
of grounded theory is shown in Figure 4.8.
Thomson’s modified grounded theory process consists of four main phases. This
process avoids the criticisms raised by Glaser through the use of principles of
saturation within each phase of the analysis (see Figure 4.8). The need to reach the
point of saturation is highlighted within each phase. This requires, the activities within
each phase to be continually revisited and repeated (Thomson, 2006). Each phase of
the process is made up of a series of activities that are interrelated and therefore,
carried out in an iterative, ‘fluid’ manner. The recognition of this fluid, iterative nature
of the activities helps to avoid the main criticism of Strauss and Corbin’s approach,
which is the use of a too formally structured and prescribed process.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Interview planning Coding of Theory formulation presentation
Decision gate
Progression flow Category Saturation point
Re-evaluation flow formulation
Flow between
Phase Saturation point
A Axial coding
S Selective coding
Figure 4.8: Grounded theory process used in this research (Source: Thomson, 2006)
The application of grounded theory approach adopted in this research differed from
that described by Glaser. According to Glaser, the phenomenon or issue to be studied
has to be identified once the researcher has entered the field based upon the collected
data. However in this study, the phenomenon for study, which is the issue of ‘uptake
and implementation of SC’, was identified prior to commencing data collection. This
is supported by Strauss and Corbin’s approach to grounded theory, where they permit
the researcher to determine a subject of inquiry before data collection (Parker and
Roffey, 1997). However, in order to accommodate for the criticisms of the Strauss and
Corbin’s approach, Thomson (2006)’s modified grounded theory process was used
within this research.
Having decided upon the case study approach, the next step is to select the appropriate
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
‘cases’ for the study. A ‘case’ is a ‘naturally occurring’ phenomenon that exists
independent of the research been undertaken (Yin, 2009). It is not something that the
researcher has a hand in creating for the specific purposes of a study. The study of a
particular ‘case’ involves carrying out an in-depth scrutiny of the complexity and
particularity of that ‘case’, typically using multiple perspectives (Stake, 2000). Case
studies could be designed as either single or multiple case study designs. Similarly,
they could be either holistic or embedded. These different case study designs and their
suitability for this stage of the research are discussed in the following two sections.
One point of ambiguity in relation to case study approach is in defining the ‘unit of
analysis’. ‘Unit of analysis’ help determine the scope of data collection in case study
research, ensuring that the case study stays within feasible limits (Yin, 2009). The term
‘unit of analysis’ has sometimes being used synonymously with the term ‘case’
(Grunbaum, 2007). For example, Gerring (2004) defines a ‘unit’ as a ‘spatially
bounded phenomenon, observed at either a single point in time or over a demarcated
period of time’. However, ‘unit of analysis’ differs from the ‘case’. As Yin (2009)
explains, the purpose of the ‘unit of analysis’ is to differentiate between data about the
subject of the case study (i.e. ‘phenomenon’ or ‘case’) from data external to the case
(i.e. ‘context’). The boundaries of a unit need not always be explicit and can be
implicit. A unit of analysis can vary from an individual person or an organisation to an
event (for example, a decision, a programme, an implementation process, etc.). Data
collection in case studies is determined by the chosen unit of analysis and any sub-
units therein (Grunbaum, 2007; Yin, 2009).
Depending upon the number of units of analysis selected, the case study design can be
considered as either holistic or embedded. Case study design is considered holistic
when the research involves a single unit of analysis. On the contrary, embedded case
studies have multiple units of analysis (Yin, 2009). In embedded case study
methodology, the identification of sub-units allows for a more detailed level of inquiry
to be carried out on the features, context, and process of a phenomenon (Yin, 2009).
Based upon the objectives of this stage of the research, adopting an embedded case
design was considered to be more advantageous compared to a single case design.
This was because the former design enabled the investigation of both the stakeholder
interpretation of SC and the SC implementation process within each case study. In
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
order to address the above, within each case study, the process of implementing SC
was selected as the main unit of analysis and the individual project team members
involved in the said process was selected as the sub unit of analysis.
Deciding whether to collect data from a single case or multiple cases is a primary
decision to be made in relation to case study design (Yin, 2003). A single case design,
which is similar to a single experiment, can be justified under the following conditions
(Yin, 2003);
Critical case: where a single case meets all the necessary conditions to test a
well-formulated theory.
Likewise, it has been noted that single case designs can make significant knowledge
contributions by studying scenarios that cannot be satisfied using multiple case
designs. However, the main drawback of the single case design is its vulnerability to
failure as the researcher is required to ‘put all her/his eggs in one basket’ (Yin, 2009).
On the other hand, a multiple case design, although more demanding than a single case
design, ‘permits the induction of more reliable models’ (Bourgeois and Eisenhardt,
1988). Multiple case designs therefore, provide a better chance of doing a ‘good’ case
study (Yin, 2003). Hence, it was decided that a multiple case design is most suitable
for this study.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
As this stage of the study employs grounded theory approach, the selection of case
studies is mainly governed by the need to select theoretically useful cases, following
the principles of saturation (Corbin and Strauss, 2008). Theoretically useful cases in
this instance are those that would help to replicate or extend theory by filling the
conceptual categories (Eisenhardt, 1989). Thus, within the context of this research, the
main focus was on selecting cases that have been recognised as being ‘sustainable’ or
implementing sustainable practices. This was achieved by selecting projects that have
been rated as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very good’ by BREEAM, which is the most commonly
used rating system in the UK to assess SC performance. In order to obtain a rich, in-
depth understanding of the process of implementing SC, it was important to minimise
the variances between cases due to other project attributes such as, procurement type
and/or project type. Accordingly, the selection of cases was limited to PFI projects in
the healthcare sector. The rationales for selecting these attributes are discussed in the
next two sections.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
organisational system’ that ‘assigns specific responsibilities’ to the project parties and
‘defines the relationships’ between them. Hence, it is clear that different procurement
approaches will have different impacts on the process of implementing SC at project
level. It was decided to limit the selection of cases to PFI procurement projects, so as
to avoid variances in findings between cases due to differences in procurement
methods. The selection of PFI was due to a number of reasons as discussed below.
Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) are a form of Public Private Partnership (PPP) that
was first launched in UK in 1992. However, PPPs remain poorly defined and
evaluated, and there is dispute and low level of understanding surrounding their
meaning (Hodge, 2006; Hodge and Greve, 2007). The differences of opinions on PPPs
range from some viewing it as a new governance tool replacing the traditional method
of procuring public services (Hodge and Greve, 2007) to others viewing it to be a mere
‘language game’ (Hodge, 2006). In general, PPPs can be described as long-term
development and service contracts used by governments to obtain capital-intensive
infrastructure with long life spans using a combination of government and private
finance. These projects are then operated by private entities under long-term
franchises, contracts or lease agreements (Maskin and Tirole, 2008; Savas, 2000).
The initial drivers for the UK government to take up PPP/PFI schemes mainly rose out
of concerns regarding the availability of public finance. These schemes provided a
means for the government to keep the infrastructure costs off the public balance
sheets, thereby cutting public spending, whilst maintaining high levels of investment
and avoiding public sector borrowing limits (Bing et al., 2005). However, Bing et al.
(2005) note that the above interests have now significantly shifted. They postulate that
nowadays, PPP/PFI schemes are being pursued more and more for their capacity to
accommodate novel methods of risk allocation.
In the European PPP market, UK remains the most active user of PPP/PFI
procurement in terms of the number of deals (European PPP Expertise Centre - EPEC,
2010). These contracts as mentioned earlier are typically long term (in general, 25-30
year periods) and are high valued (see Table 4.7). Consequently, this has led to a
general increase in commitment towards good procurement practices within PPP/PFI
projects, which in turn has been broadened to incorporate SC/sustainable procurement.
There is higher emphasis upon establishing business cases and rigorous review
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
PFI procurement also provides room for ‘programme effect’ in procurement (Green
Alliance, 2004). This means that as contractors may be bidding for several projects,
there is potential for developing increasingly sophisticated bids. Similarly, sponsoring
departments and local authorities can indicate their expectations on sustainability
across a whole programme, thereby increasing the incentive for contractors to invest in
appropriate supply-chain management and research and development to address those
requirements (Green Alliance, 2004). Moreover, since there are relatively few key
players in terms of contractors and funders, there is more opportunity for penetration
of guidance and spread of successful ideas.
PFI procurement in the UK is mainly used in the procurement of the following types
of facilities; i.e. transport, healthcare, fire and police stations, waste treatment plants
and schools (HM Treasury, 2012). From amongst these, the selection of cases for this
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
study was limited to the healthcare sector. This was due to several reasons, including
the high capital value of healthcare sector PFI projects, the increased level of attention
given to PPP/PFI procurement in the health sector and the domination of a single
public sector provider within the sector. Chris Naylor, who is a Fellow in health policy
at the King’s fund, argues that;
‘It [i.e. healthcare] is a sector dedicated to improving human lives, and dominated in
the UK by a single provider – the NHS – which is under public control. It might be
hoped that these characteristics would provide fertile conditions for developing
sustainable practices.’ (Naylor, 2012)
During the past decade, PFI has been the main mode of modernising hospitals. As of
March 2011, there were a total of 698 current PFI projects (out of which 632 were
operational) with a total capital cost of £52.9 billion in the UK (HM Treasury, 2012).
Out of these the most number of projects (i.e. 166) was in the education sector and the
second highest number of projects (i.e. 118) was in the healthcare sector. However, the
total capital cost of the healthcare sector projects (i.e. £11,614.3 million) far exceeded
the total capital cost of education sector projects (i.e. £7,731.1 million). It had been
further estimated that healthcare projects with an aggregate capital cost of £90 million
will reach preferred bidder stage during the 2012-13 period (HM Treasury, 2012). An
overview of characteristics of the PFI population within the healthcare sector in the
UK is shown in Table 4.7.
Table 4.7: Characteristics of PFI population of NHS hospital projects (Source: National
Audit Office - NAO, 2010)
Average Average
Minimum Maximum Total
(Mean) (Median)
Capital value (£m) 3.7 512 82 46 6000
Current unitary
0.6 63.1 11.8 6.5 890
charge (£m)
Contract length
24 60* 32 30
*Contracts of 60 years have break clauses which can be exercised at an earlier point.
According to Barlow and Koberle-Gaiser (2008), the government was driven by three
main factors to consider the PFI schemes for the healthcare sector. Firstly, PFIs
provided an opportunity to bring in private sector finance to renew the healthcare
infrastructure. This was a faster mode of obtaining finance for revamping the sector
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
than waiting for public funds. Secondly, PFI schemes provided provisions for the
maintenance of facilities over the life time of the contract, which would in turn
minimise the burden on the public sector for maintenance of these facilities. Thirdly,
PFIs were viewed as a means of bringing in the skills and expertise of the private
sector to provide innovative design and construction solutions for the healthcare
infrastructure provision.
Healthcare in the UK is mainly provided by the National Health Service (NHS). The
NHS, which was launched in 1948, is the world’s largest publicly funded health
service today (National Health Service - NHS, 2011). NHS mainly comprises of two
sections; i.e.
Primary care (controlled by Primary Care Trusts or PCTs - forms the first point
of contact for most people) and,
Secondary care, also known as, acute healthcare (controlled by Acute Care
Trusts - includes planned specialist medical care or surgery and emergency
From these the selection of case studies was limited to acute care hospitals, as they
involve the larger scale PFI projects. There are differences in the PFI procurement
process depending on the capital value of contracts. Hence, selecting large scale
projects (i.e. over £35 million in capital value) helped to avoid discrepancies in
findings due to such procedural variations.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Following the above criteria, three PFI acute care hospitals were selected for analysis.
All three of the hospitals had been accredited as either ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ by
BREEAM. Each case was assigned a code as shown in Table 4.8 for ease of reference.
The next section provides the background details of each of the three cases selected for
this phase of the research.
A brief description of background details of each case is given in Table 4.9. The details
of selected cases are given in greater detail within the remaining parts of this section.
Case study 1 - CS1: The inception of CS1 was as early as 1999. The hospital, which
is estimated to treat an estimated 700,000 patients a year, has a capital value of £320
million. During the early 2000s, when the outline business case for the project was
being prepared, PFI in the UK healthcare sector was still a relatively new venture. The
Trust had expressed interest from three potential bidders at this stage, out of which one
bidder dropped out soon after. There was a long gestation period for the project with
the preferred bidder being selected in 2004 to finally reaching financial closure in
2007. This was mainly due to a need to re-scope the project after the contractor had
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
been selected to accommodate changes to policy and national targets for affordability.
The re-scoping of the project presented several challenges to the Trust as well as the
PFI consortium. For the Trust, it meant that some of the original project objectives had
to be scrapped with concentrating the focus upon the priority objectives. The long
gestation period since preferred bidder selection was also creating pressures for the
consortium, which were magnified by delays to the financial close of the project.
However, even with these added pressures the project has succeeded in achieving a
BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’. Despite the difficulties, the re-scoping process is
now viewed in a positive light by the project parties for allowing the project to be re-
energised with a strong focus on delivery.
Case study 2 - CS2: CS2, which is part of a £350 million PFI, is located in the East
Midlands region and provides healthcare for approximately 300,000 people per year.
The PFI contract incorporated the design, construction, finance and operation of the
hospital until year 2035. The project involves the refurbishment of a small portion of
retained facilities. However, the majority of the work (approximately 70%) is new
built. The redeveloped hospital has a total area of 140,000 m2 and a total capacity of
920 beds (i.e. 100 additional beds than before). The construction was scheduled to be
completed in March 2011, however, 60% of the new facilities were available for use
from 2009 onwards. The hospital remained fully operational throughout the
development. As a result of the new build, the hospital has been converted from what
was originally an old, tired estate (known to be the second worst polluter in the region
after the motorway) to a modern purpose built facility.
The project has been rated Excellent by the NHS Environmental Assessment Tool or
NEAT and has also won a gold award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of
Accidents. One of the key considerations for the Trust was the need to improve
adjacencies and co-location of services within the site. These requirements were laid
out in the output specifications by the Trust. A partnership approach was adopted
during the design development between the Trust and the consortium. As a result, the
Trust strongly believes that the PFI design solution for the hospital achieved the
project’s objectives of high quality design and being fit for purpose. In addition, the
PFI has also been recognised at international level for its consideration of various
aspects of SC such as, innovative energy efficient/saving technologies.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Case study 3 - CS3: CS3 involved the modernisation of one of the largest and busiest
hospitals located in the south of England. The PFI was the most significant
modernisation carried out at this hospital since 1913. One of the main challenges in
CS3 was to incorporate the design and construction of the new build into a very tight
urban site, whilst adhering to the hospitals Victorian heritage. The project company
was led by a contractor who was new to the PFI market in UK. As a result, the
contractor was determined to deliver a high quality, sustainable facility as a means of
breaking into the UK healthcare PFI market. The project achieved the highest possible
score in one of the pilot studies carried out in developing the NHS Environmental
Assessment Tool (NEAT).
The case study approach does not prescribe specific methods to be used in data
collection. On the contrary, one of the strengths of the case study approach is that it
allows the researcher to use a variety of methods to collect a range of data from
different sources (Denscombe, 2007). It can often be found that several data collection
methods such as, interviews, questionnaires, observations and archives are used
together to collect data in case studies. The nature of data thus collected may be purely
quantitative, purely qualitative or a mixture of both (Denscombe, 2007; Eisenhardt,
1989). However, the case study approach is often associated with qualitative
techniques (Yin, 2009). This research used semi-structured interviews and project
documents as the main methods of collecting data from the selected case studies.
Interviews can take various forms. In structured interviewing, the interviewer asks the
same set of questions with a limited set of responses from all the respondents. Little to
no flexibility is allowed in the way the questions are asked or answered. Thus,
structured interviews require the interviewer to play a neutral role restraining from
improvising or displaying independent judgement (Fontana and Frey, 2000). This type
of interviewing does not take into consideration the differences in social context or
individuals that can influence the responses. Furthermore, the rigid format of
structured interviews is not suitable for obtaining in depth answers to questions from
the respondents. An opposite approach to the above is to use unstructured interviews.
Unstructured interviews are generally carried out in the style of everyday
conversations (Fossey et al., 2002) and are advocated for their ability to provide
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
greater breadth of data. In unstructured interviews, the agenda is generally set by the
interviewees and the interviewer acts as the facilitator of the discussion (Fossey et al.,
2002; Thomas, 2011). The main disadvantage of this type of interviews is that they can
go in unexpected directions. This can result in the interviewer losing control of the
data collected.
Thus, the interview format used in this research was semi-structured interviews with
open ended questions. The interview guide used is given in Appendix 2. The interview
questions addressed the following four main areas;
i. Background of interviewees
Follow up questions were asked on occasions where further clarity was required on the
responses given.
In developing interview guides, the use of reference groups or pilot studies is useful to
ensure ‘sensitivity to participants’ language’ and ‘privilege [from] their knowledge’
(Fossey et al., 2002). Therefore, before commencing the case study interviews two
pilot interviews were conducted; one with a member of the academic community with
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
expertise on SD and the other with a construction industry professional with expertise
in PPP/PFI projects. These pilot interviews were useful in establishing any issues
relating to clarity of the questions asked. As a result of the feedback received, the
initial interview guide was refined by changing the phrasing of two questions, so as to
make them more understandable for the interviewees. Furthermore, notes were made
on the interview guide where further guidance may need to be provided during the
interviews in order to obtain all the necessary information from the respondents.
Within each case study, respondents belonging to the following four main stakeholder
groups were selected to be interviewed;
FM organisation and
Figure 4.9 shows the generic contract structure of the selected case studies, with the
organisations represented by interview respondents highlighted.
Altogether, twelve people were interviewed from the three case studies. All but two of
the interviews were carried out as face-to-face interviews, which facilitated maximum
interaction with the interviewees. Two interviews were conducted as telephone
interviews due to difficulties in arranging face-to-face interviews.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
NHS Trust
Bond Holders
‘Z’ Ltd.
Each interview lasted between one to two hours. All the interviews were recorded
using a digital voice recorder. These recorded files were then transferred and stored as
computer files in Waveform Audio File or WAV format. This format was easy to
record and could be played back using many of the commonly available tools.
Furthermore, it also presented a ‘lossless’ format (i.e. no audio information was lost
during the creation of the file) and was therefore, useful for retaining first generation
archived files in high quality over longer periods (Dunning, 2005).
According to Turner (1983 cited Denscombe, 2007) the ‘novelty of grounded theory
lies not in the mode of investigation associated with it, but in the manner in which the
collected information is analysed’. The data analysis in grounded theory comprise of
qualitative coding. Coding refers to ‘naming segments of data with a label that
simultaneously categorises, summarises and accounts for each piece of data’
(Charmaz, 2006). It represents an analytic process through which whole-text data are
fractured, conceptualised and integrated to form theory. Data collection and analysis
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
processes in this stage of the research were conducted interactively (see Figure 4.8)
The recorded interviews were transcribed word for word, manually in MSWord
documents to facilitate coding. The transcribed files were then imported to NVivo to
begin analysis. The transcribed interviews were then analysed using the processes of
open coding, axial coding and selective coding developed by Strauss and Corbin
(1998) and shown in Figure 4.8.
Open coding was carried out during the first pass through the data. At this first
instance, no attempts were made to establish criteria or discover patterns within the
data. The saturation point (refer to Figure 4.8) was reached for this activity when no
further codes were emerging from the data. Once the saturation point was reached, the
open codes were reviewed to establish patterns and relationships. This was done by
creating Nodes as mentioned in section 4.7.2. Establishing patterns and relationships
between coded data led to the emergence of a hierarchical structure for the Nodes (i.e.
Tree Nodes). Axial coding is the activity of reconsidering and reviewing these Nodes
further and developing sub-nodes around the axis of the central node. The component
parts of theory put forward by Strauss and Corbin (refer to section 4.8) were useful in
order to achieve this. Accordingly, axial coding was useful for developing the shape of
the research findings through its display as categories. Once saturation was reached for
this activity, selective coding was employed to develop the depth of each of the
categories and assess for codes previously missed. Each of the aforementioned
activities was continually revisited until saturation was reached, both individually and
as a phase as a whole (refer to Figure 4.8). In addition, the revisiting of the first phase
of the process occurred at numerous occasions, as patterns emerged during this phase
required further investigation during the interview process. This emphasised the need
for an iterative process between data collection and analysis that constantly revisited
previous activities (Thomson, 2006).
Conditional matrixes are useful tools in grounded theory that helps in fully
understanding a particular phenomenon. The use of conditional matrixes in grounded
theory studies have been proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1998). According to them a
conditional matrix can be defined as;
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
‘An analytic device to stimulate analysts thinking about the relationships between
macro and micro conditions/consequences both to each other and the process’
Therefore, a conditional matrix is useful in establishing how the macro and micro
conditions and activities often intersect and interact with each other. The Figure 4.10
below shows the conditional matrix that has been used in this research.
National level
Community level
Global level
Project level
Project component/
systems level
Figure 4.10: Conditional matrix (Adapted from Strauss and Corbin, 1998)
In order to properly address the issues within the context of this research in developing
the matrix presented in Figure 4.10, Strauss and Corbin’s depiction of conditional
matrix has been integrated with the frameworks for systematic nesting of different
scales for SD in the built environment presented by the likes of Sexton (2000) (see
Figure 4.11 below).
Figure 4.11 depicts the relationships between the different components of the built
environment (refer to section 2.4) and illustrates the broad areas that need to be
considered in addressing SD within the built environment context (Brandon and
Lombardi, 2011).
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Global level
Community level
Project level
Component level
Figure 4.11: Nesting of scales in the built environment (Source: Sexton, 2000)
The use of a conditional matrix poses several advantages for this research. First, the
uptake and implementation of SC at construction project level cannot be understood in
isolation, ignoring the contextual situation at global, national and community levels.
From the discussion in chapters 1, 2 and 3 it could be postulated that the activities and
developments being made at these macro levels have impacts on how the concept of
SC is understood and implemented at the project level. The advisory document
analysis carried during the stage 2 of this research for instance, looked to establish the
national level context in terms of SC. On the other hand, the actions taken and the
experiences gained from the activities at project level could in turn influence the
developments being made at macro levels.
For ease of reference during data analysis, each interviewee was assigned a code as
shown in Table 4.10.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Similar to stage 3 of this research, Tables were produced as shown in Table 4.11 to
present a summary of results from the case study phase. These Tables were used to
depict the SC issues identified by each respondent in the three case studies. Therefore,
producing these Tables was especially helpful in the cross-case analysis of research
findings. The findings of this stage are presented in chapters 6, 7 and 8 of this thesis.
Quotations from interview transcripts have been used throughout the discussions in the
aforementioned chapters to support the inferences made and improve the
trustworthiness of findings. Where parts of the quotation has been omitted for brevity,
a ‘...’ has been used to represent a break in the actual quotation. On certain occasions,
it was necessary to insert words into a quotation to enable clear understanding for the
reader. On such instances, square brackets ‘[ ]’ have been used to indicate the inserted
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
Section 4.7.4 discussed how thick descriptions and audit trails can be used to improve
the trustworthiness of research findings. These were applicable to this third stage of
the research as well. Accordingly, within section 4.8, thick descriptions have been
provided on the research process, along with justifications for the decisions and
choices made. In addition, the chapters 6, 7 and 8 discuss the research findings in
depth, making co-relations to the data sources through the use of quotations and
matrices (see section Use of CAQDAS was particularly helpful for
maintaining an audit trail of the data analysis process discussed in section 4.8.4.
In addition to the above, discussions within section 4.8 asserted the need to maintain
objectivity within the grounded theory analysis process. It is important at this point to
note that the notion of objectivity differs within the quantitative and qualitative
research domains. In quantitative research objectivity deals with controlling variables;
in qualitative research it refers to ‘openness’, ‘a willingness to listen’ and ‘give voice
to respondents’ (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). When carrying out data analysis in
grounded theory, it is prescribed that the researchers set aside any preconceived
concepts that may be the result of knowledge and/or experience, thereby bringing in
complete objectivity to the analysis process. However, over the years it has been
acknowledged that such complete objectivity is not realistic (Charmaz, 2006; Strauss
and Corbin, 1998). Charmaz (2006), as well as Strauss and Corbin (1998)
acknowledge that researchers have ideas and skills and that they bring into the
research, which in turn brings in a level of subjectivity to the research. The issue here
is minimising the effects of this subjectivity on the analysis process. However, the
openness in data analysis is highlighted as key to developing grounded theory by all
proponents. The structured process for grounded theory analysis used within this
research as shown in Figure 4.8 was useful in minimising the effects of subjectivity
through the emphasis on techniques such as constant comparison and saturation.
In addition, several techniques that have been suggested by Strauss and Corbin (1998)
were used to ensure the objectivity during data analysis;
Thinking comparatively
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The qualitative data analysis entails activities such as, coding of data into sub-
categories, categories, concepts, themes etc. The use of Computer-Assisted Qualitative
Data Analysis Software or CAQDAS is becoming increasingly popular amongst
qualitative researchers. These packages are especially helpful in managing large
amounts of data available for qualitative researchers providing a methodological
framework (Blismas and Dainty, 2003). Dainty et al. (2000) have observed three ways
in which the use of computer software in qualitative data analysis can improve the
research process by;
ii. Providing the facility code and retrieve all data on a particular topic
However, Richards (1996 cited Blismas and Dainty, 2003) have criticised research
offering no reflections on the use of CAQDAS in terms of how they have assisted or
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
hindered the data analysis process. Therefore, this section provides a critical
discussion on using CAQDAS within this research.
NVivo8 qualitative computer software was used within this research to assist in
analysing data. NVivo provides advanced data handling and manipulation features
over the other CAQDAS packages (Blismas and Dainty, 2003).
The stage 2 of the research included the analysis of 18 advisory documents. Most of
these documents had in excess of 50 pages. In addition, during the case study stages
12 interviews with open ended questions were carried out. This generated in over 20
hours of recorded interview data which was then transcribed word for word. Using
NVivo software was useful in managing and analysing of this data in a timely and
efficient manner. Furthermore, CAQDAS has facilities to code and retrieve data on a
particular topic or category which is not possible when using manual techniques
(Blismas and Dainty, 2003). This was useful in making the coding process much more
organised and less time consuming.
However, there are also several criticisms of using CAQDAS for qualitative analysis,
particularly when using grounded theory. For example, Glaser is opposed to the use of
CAQDAS for grounded theory analysis claiming that it undermines the creativity of
the researcher (Glaser, 2003). Hesse-Biber (cited Bryant and Charmaz, 2007) also
acknowledges that there is a possibility of losing the intimacy between the researcher
and the data through the use of CAQDAS. However, he maintains that ‘software
supports structure’ and ‘enriches the learning process’ (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007).
Therefore, care was taken to ensure that the use of CAQDAS within this research did
not change the process of coding and data handling and only served as a tool to reduce
the time and labour spent on this process.
Overall, using NVivo enabled to reduce the time spent on clerical tasks associated with
data handling, allowing more time to be spent on the actual analysis process. The rigid
time frames of the PhD programme also necessitated the speeding up of data analysis
phase which provided motivation for using CAQDAS.
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
The findings from the previous stages of the research established the need for a
framework to address the issues of uptake and implementation of SC within a
construction project environment. Figure 4.2 how these findings from research stages
1 to 3 were used to develop and refine this framework for uptake and implementation
of SC. This allowed for using triangulation in the development of the final framework,
thereby giving the contents of the framework more depth and richness.
Triangulation is a term that is used to describe the use of multiple methods in a single
study. Triangulation in qualitative research assists in developing an in-depth
understanding of the studied phenomena. Flick (1998 cited Denzin and Lincoln, 2005)
has highlighted that triangulation is not a tool for validation. Rather it is an exercise
that helps in providing rigor, breadth, richness, and complexity to the study. In this
study, the triangulation process used the findings from the literature review, advisory
document analysis, and the case study interviews to establish a broader understanding
of the concept of SC. These multiple data sources were useful in substantiating the
constructs and hypotheses (Eisenhardt, 1989). The in-depth understanding of these
findings and analyses was used to develop the proposed framework presented in
Chapter 9.
This developed framework was then refined and validated further using qualitative
interviews. Interviews were conducted with two members of the academic community
and two industry practitioners. The members of the academia were those with
specialised expertise in the subject area of SD/SC. Accordingly, their input was useful
in establishing the theoretical soundness of the developed framework. The industry
practitioners were those with experience in working within construction project
environments addressing SC issues. Their inputs were useful to ensure the practical
applicability of the developed framework.
The final framework was sent out to all four of the interviewees prior to the
interviews. The interviews consisted of open ended questions addressing the following
aspects (refer to Appendix 3);
Chapter 4▐ Research Methodology
This chapter presented the overall research design of the study. It was decided that the
research aim and objectives of this research could be best achieved through the use of
a more qualitative approach. This allows for more in depth investigation and
understanding of the research questions stated in section 1.2, whilst taking into
consideration the contextual factors and inherent complexities identified within the
subject areas of this research. Overall, the research process consisted of four key
stages; i.e. literature review, document analysis, case studies, and development of the
final framework. The strategies of inquiry employed during each of these stages, along
with techniques used for data collection and analysis, were also presented within this
chapter. Within each stage of the research, the justifications for selecting the
aforementioned strategies of inquiry and data collection and analysis techniques have
also been provided. The remaining chapters of this thesis go on to present the findings
of the research derived using the research approach and methods discussed within this
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
The complete list of documents analysed during this review (along with the rationale for
selecting them) has been provided in section Before embarking on in-depth
analysis of these documents to ascertain how SC is interpreted in them, the stated
purposes for developing the documents were reviewed. This helped in contextualising
the findings from the subsequent analysis on the interpretation of SC.
Out of the 18 documents reviewed, four did not explicitly state the purposes for
producing the documents. All the other documents contained either a single purpose or
multiple purposes. Upon analysis using QCA (see section 4.7.2), it emerged that these
stated purposes of the documents could be categorised under eight broad themes. These
were; (i) increasing awareness and understanding, (ii) providing guidance, (iii)
encouraging consideration, (iv) examining current practice, (v) promoting good practice
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
and improved performance, (vi) providing a tool, framework or method, (vii) making
commitments, and (viii) supporting government policy. Table 5.1 presents the analysed
documents categorised according to these main theme areas and the purposes under
each of the main themes.
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
According to Table 5.1, the highest level of emphasis was on the theme of ‘increasing
awareness/understanding on SC’ (addressed by eight, i.e. 50% of the documents). This
was followed by ‘providing guidance on SC’ (addressed by seven, i.e. 39% of the
documents). Together, ten separate documents (i.e. 56%) emphasised the
aforementioned two key themes. The next highest level of focus was on the theme of
‘providing a framework, tool or method’ for assessing SC performance. This was
addressed by five documents (i.e. 28%). In addition, the themes of ‘promoting good
practices and improved performance on SC’ and ‘supporting government policies on
SC’ were covered by three documents (i.e. 17%) each.
The above analysis highlights the high levels of emphasis placed within the documents
on providing guidance and understanding on SC issues to their intended users. This
poses an interesting issue, as the discussions in chapter 2 highlighted the lack of a
common understanding and numerous disagreements surrounding the concept. This
further underpins the need for further analysis of these documents to ascertain how they
interpret the concept of SC. It could be assumed that having such an interpretation,
whether explicit or implicit, is essential for achieving the aforementioned purposes of
providing guidance and understanding on SC. The remaining sections of this chapter go
on to discuss the findings from the document analysis exercise in relation to the above.
The QCA process used to analyse the documents was discussed in section 4.7.2. The
analysis made it apparent that the advisory documents described SC, by either
discussing the features or attributes of the concept (i.e. characteristics of SC) or its end
goals (i.e. objectives of SC). Findings relating to the former are presented within the
following section and findings relating to the latter are given in the subsequent section.
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
characteristics of SC describe the nature and features of the concept of SC around which
the advisory documents’ interpretation of SC is based upon. These characteristics or
features determine how the objectives of SC (discussed in section 5.3.2) should be
considered. Table 5.2 presents the characteristics of SC identified through the advisory
document analysis.
Altogether, 15 characteristics of SC were identified through the analysis. For the most
part, characteristics were explicitly stated in the documents. However, on a few
instances certain characteristics were found to be only implied in some documents. One
example is the first characteristic presented in Table 5.2. While the documents R5-2009,
G14-2004, G16-2002 and M17-2002 did not explicitly state that SC comprised of the
three main environmental, social and economic elements, they went on to discuss
objectives of SC that fell under these three elements (see Table 5.3). Therefore, it was
postulated that these documents also recognise that SC should incorporate all three of
these elements (i.e. characteristic 1 given in Table 5.2).
The remainder of this section goes on to provide detailed discussions the characteristics
of SC presented in Table 5.2.
It is generally accepted that similar to SD, SC also consist of the three principal
environment, social and economic elements (refer to section 2.6.2). This was mentioned
in all of the analysed documents. Although the Table 5.2 uses the term ‘elements’,
different terminologies have been used in the documents in referring to the
environmental, social and economic aspects of SC. These include, ‘triple bottom line’
(R5-2009), ‘the three pillars of sustainability’ (G12-2005) and ‘dimensions’ of SC (P9-
2007). These terms are in direct reference to the SD literature.
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
A further 16 (i.e. 89%) documents highlight the need for considering the whole life
cycle, advocating long term thinking in SC decision making. Such thinking is necessary
to consider the impacts handed down over time as a result of the development (i.e.
intergenerational consequences). This was the second most mentioned characteristic
across the analysed documents. Seven out of these 16 documents specifically mention
the use of whole life costing or life cycle costing as a tool in decision making. Adopting
a long term approach to decision making within construction project environments, also
raises the need for project level decision makers to reconcile between the seemingly
contrasting requirements of short-term and long-term planning.
There is also a high level of emphasis placed on the need to adopt a ‘holistic’ approach
when considering SC. This is the third most mentioned characteristic in the documents
(mentioned in 67% of the documents). However, some disparities were found in relation
to the interpretation of the term ‘holistic’ between different documents. G18-2001 and
M17-2002 merely acknowledge that the term ‘holistic’ in relation to SC refers to
‘embracing of all the issues’. According to R5-2009, this can be summarised as
addressing the ‘triple bottom line’ of social, economic and environmental
considerations. On the other hand, G7-2008 describes the term ‘holistic’ as bringing
together the global concerns/goals of SD and the project level SC demands and/or
requirements (for example, in relation to aspects such as functionality, efficiency and
Six out of the 18 documents (i.e. 33%) have specifically highlighted that the
environmental, social and economic elements of SC are not mutually exclusive. Rather
they form a ‘complex web of systems’ (R4-2009) with each dimension ‘overlap[ing]
and relat[ing] with the others’ (G14-2004). This means that decisions taken with regards
to one element have implications on the others. Herein, the aim should be to achieve
‘synergy’ between the different elements (as mentioned in characteristic 3 above). For
instance, the decision-makers need to view SC with a ‘joined up attitude’ (G14-2004
and P9-2007) resisting the need to make any trade-offs.
In contrast to the aforementioned call for adopting a joined-up or holistic approach to all
three elements of SC, a higher emphasis on the environmental element is evident from
characteristic 6 given in Table 5.2, which was mentioned in seven (i.e. 39%) documents.
This characteristic, which was mentioned for example in R8-2007, states that
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
The fourth most widely mentioned characteristic (stated in nine, i.e. 50%, of the
documents) acknowledges the ‘context dependent’ nature of SC. This means that the
implementation of SC needs to reflect the local circumstances, needs and priorities and
therefore, will vary from project to project. As stated in M2-2010, the definition of
‘local’ in this context is ‘dependent on the location and, occasionally, on the nature of
the project’. This in turn highlights the importance of ‘judgement and individual
interpretation’ on the part of the decision-makers (M1-2011, G3-2009 and G12-2005) in
identifying and prioritising the issues to be addressed in relation to each specific project
(i.e. characteristic 10 – mentioned in 22% of the documents). Moreover, this means that
there is no ‘right answer’ to be reached when it comes to implementing SC (i.e.
characteristic 14 – mentioned in 11% of the documents).
The analysis also revealed that relatively less focus was given in the documents to
expand the aforementioned holistic view of SC and long term thinking beyond the life
cycle of the construction to consider the intergenerational, interregional or global
consequences of decisions made. Five (i.e. 28%) documents highlight that SC is to be
viewed as a sub-set of SD. This encourages the project parties to take into consideration
the larger scale impacts of decisions made at project level. For instance, G7-2008 states
that discussing how and to which extent the built environment can support and
contribute to SD is more important than referring to SC or sustainable buildings in
terms of ‘absolute attributes’. Similarly, six (i.e. 33%) documents have mentioned the
need to consider the global consequences of local actions in SC decision making. G7-
2008 for instance, specifies aiming for ‘equity’ in terms of ‘balanced and objective
consideration of intergenerational, interregional and inter-societal’ issues. These aspects
appear to be considered as being mainly the responsibility of the planning system, as
they are primarily mentioned in P11-2005, which is the Planning Policy Statement for
delivering SD and M17-2002, which is the ‘Sustainability Checklist for Developments’.
Thus, the planning system can be viewed to act as the link between SC at project level
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
and how it results in achieving sustainable communities at a larger scale (see Figure
Sustainable Communities
Planning system
Considering all of the above, as per the advisory documents’ interpretation, SC could be
characterised as follows;
‘SC is a sub-set of SD, which is a broad and complex concept under constant study. It
poses a global challenge. SC addresses the three primary environmental, social and
economic elements, which have complex interrelationships. The issues to be considered
under each element are context dependent and vary from project to project. The
identified context specific issues of SC should be addressed in a balanced way, aiming
to achieve synergy rather than compromise. This requires decisions to be made in a
balanced manner, taking into consideration the whole life cycle of constructed facilities
using techniques such as, whole life costing and life cycle assessments. Decisions made
should also take into consideration the global consequences of local actions and should
make business sense. This in turn calls for judgement and individual interpretation to be
used on the part of the decision-makers when addressing SC’.
5.3.2 Objectives of SC
Objectives of SC lay out the desired end points or ultimate expected outcomes of SC.
These objectives of SC have sometimes been referred to as ‘principles’ of SC (for
example, see M17-2002). These objectives or principles are useful as they provide
‘precise guidance for action’ (Gagnon et al., 2009) when implementing SC. Therefore,
the objectives of SC stated in the analysed documents can provide insight into how the
characteristics of SC discussed in section 5.3.1 translate into targets or goals for
construction project level action.
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Overall, 80 objectives of SC were identified through the analysis. During the coding
process, the identified objectives were categorised under various issue headings or sub-
elements (also referred to as ‘indicators’ within this thesis). Altogether, 27 sub-elements
emerged from axial coding under which the objectives of SC were categorised. These
27 sub-elements, in turn could be grouped under the three main categories of
environmental, social and economic elements (Figure 5.2). Detailed discussions on the
coding process adopted to achieve the aforementioned, have been given in section 4.7.2.
The Table 5.3 below shows the coverage of the aforementioned sub-elements across the
analysed documents.
Figure 5.2: Issues addressed under environmental, social and economic elements of SC
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Table 5.3: Coverage of environmental, social and economic sub-elements across the analysed documents
4. Biodiversity √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 14 (78%)
5. Water √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 14 (78%)
6. Materials √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 14 (78%)
7. Transport √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 (56%)
8. Climate change adaptation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 (44%)
9. Land use √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 (44%)
10. Landscape √ √ √ √ 4 (22%)
TOTAL (Env-SE) 9 10 6 6 7 8 1 7 6 5 9 9 5 5 6 2 9 8
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 (67%)
1. Health and wellbeing
2. Local community/ stakeholder √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 (67%)
relations +impacts
3. Social cohesion, inclusion, √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 (44%)
equal opportunity
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ 7 (39%)
4. Customer/user satisfaction
TOTAL (Soc-SE) 6 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 9 9 2 1 5 2 7 9
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Table 5.3: Coverage of environmental, social and economic sub-elements across the analysed documents - Contd.
Document Code
Element Indicators/ sub-elements M1- M2- G3- R4- R5- P6- G7- R8- P9- M10- P11- G12- P13- G14- G15- G16- M17- G18- Total
2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 2001
1. Whole life value √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 13 (72%)
2. Training/ education √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 (67%)
3. Local economy √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 (33%)
4. Profitability √ √ √ √ √ 5 (28%)
5. Future adaptability and reuse √ √ √ √ 4 (22%)
6. Business Opportunity √ √ √ 3 (17%)
7. Competition √ √ √ 3 (17%)
TOTAL (Ecn-SE) 2 3 2 0 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 6 0 4 4 2 3 5
TOTAL (SE) 17 17 9 7 11 14 6 14 11 10 21 24 7 10 15 6 19 22
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
The following sections go on to discuss in detail the SC objectives identified under each
environmental, social and economic sub-element shown in Table 5.3.
Table 5.4 presents the objectives derived under each environmental sub-element.
Sub-element Objectives
1.1 Carbon & 1.1.1 Achieve zero-carbon in new builds
Energy 1.1.2 Reduce carbon emissions
1.1.3 Use energy efficiently
1.1.4 Monitor/ reduce energy consumption
1.1.5 Use renewable energy
1.1.6 Generate energy on-site
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
1.8 Climate 1.8.1 Adoption of flood and coastal erosion risk management
change approaches
Adaptation 1.8.2 Ensure resilience and adaptability to climate change
1.9 Land use 1.9.1 Encourage the use of most appropriate sites for development
1.9.2 Protect areas of natural beauty
1.9.3 Encourage a mix of land uses
The environmental element had the most cited number of sub-elements across the
documents (refer to Table 5.3). The highest emphasis in the documents was on ‘Carbon
and energy’ and ‘waste’. Objectives addressing these sub-elements were cited in 16 (i.e.
89%) of the documents. In addition to these, 14 (i.e. 78%) of the documents addressed
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
The objectives identified under ‘carbon and energy’ are reflective of two complimentary
policy trends set by the UK Government in order to mitigate the effects of climate
change. These trends are reflected in the objectives set out in the Energy White Paper
(Department of Trade and Industry, 2007) for;
The UK government has shown its commitment to achieving the set targets for GHG
emission reduction through the development of the Climate Change Act (2008). Indeed,
the UK government claims to be the first country in the world to adopt a long-term legal
framework for emission reduction through a system of five-year Carbon budgets
(DEFRA, 2012). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fourth
assessment report stated that the building sector has the largest potential for
significantly reducing the GHG emissions. The report further claimed that this potential
is relatively independent of the cost per ton of CO2 equivalent achieved (Cheng et al.,
2008). Specific schemes have been set up to reduce emissions and improve the energy
efficiency of buildings. These include key programmes such as, the Carbon Emissions
Reduction Target (CERT), the introduction of Energy Performance Certificates, the
Energy Saving Trust’s Act on CO2 advice line, Warm Front and Decent Homes schemes
(P5-2008). In addition, there has been increased attention on promoting renewable
energy sources as well. The Feed in Tariff, which came into effect in 2010 for example,
offers financial support for small scale renewable, low-carbon energy generation
installations (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2011). At present,
public authorities and institutions providing services to a large number of persons and
occupying over 1000m2 of total useful floor area are required to display a valid ‘Display
Energy Certificate (DEC)’ at all times (Department for Communities and Local
Government, 2008). In addition, other tools such as the ‘Carbon Calculator’ developed
by the Environmental Agency are available to determine the total carbon footprint of
construction and highlight areas where possible carbon savings can be made
(Environmental Agency, 2012). Likewise, there has been a high level of activity in
developing legislations, tools and guidance on carbon and energy related issues of
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
construction. All of these have put pressure upon the actors at construction project level
to give these issues a high level of attention.
‘Waste’ was the other highest cited environmental sub-element in the documents. The
Waste Strategy for England (2007) have identified construction waste as a main sector
for action, given the high volumes of construction, demolition and excavation waste
generated by the construction industry. The main objectives in relation to waste are to
produce less waste or reduction of waste. This could be achieved through activities such
as, reducing construction packaging waste (HM Government, 2008), designing to
minimise waste creation, considering the long term impacts of design decisions (The
Chartered Institute of Building, 2004), use of prefabricated components to reduce waste
(Addis and Talbot, 2001; The Chartered Institute of Building, 2004) and increasing the
efficiency of construction processes. Techniques such as, ‘Just in Time’ and ‘lean
construction’ have been highlighted as useful practices to achieve the aforementioned.
When waste is generated the objectives are to recycle as much as possible, reduce the
impact of waste that cannot be recycled and divert the construction and demolition
waste away from land fill sites. Introduction of monetary measures such as, the
Aggregate Levy and Landfill Tax has helped to minimise creation of waste by
associating high costs with disposal. The fiscal impacts these taxes and levies have on
businesses increase each year, pressuring them to take positive action. For example, the
Landfill Tax for non-inert waste is expected to go up from £40/tonne in 2009/10 to an
estimated £72/tonne in 2013 (Waste and Resources Action Programme - WRAP, 2010).
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
The sub-element of ‘bio-diversity’ (also cited in 78% of the documents) addresses the
principle of ‘equity’ amongst species (refer to section 2.3). There is a requirement for all
construction projects over £1 million to carry out bio-diversity surveys and to undertake
necessary actions to mitigate any impacts (P6-2008). The objectives under this sub-
element focus not just upon ‘protecting’ or ‘conserving’ existing bio-diversity, but also
on ‘enhancing’ it. The Business and Bio-diversity Resource Centre postulate that the
planning authorities, clients/developers and designers should work together to address
the following aspects in relation to bio-diversity (The Business and Biodiversity
Resource Centre, 2001):
Enhance the overall quality by creating new habitats, buffer areas and
landscape features,
Avoid developing in sites or areas within sites that could have key adverse
impacts on species,
Most of the objectives derived in relation to ‘water’ (which was also cited in 78% of the
documents) related to the operational phase. As recommended in the Strategy for SC
(i.e. P6-2008), revisions to Building Regulations in relation to addressing the issues of
water efficiency (particularly in relation to dwellings) came into effect in April 2010.
The main target in relation to water efficiency is to reduce the average consumption of
‘wholesome’ water from the existing average of 150 litres per person per day to 125
litres. This is to be achieved through the installation of more efficient water fittings and
appliances (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2011).
In addition, ‘materials’ was also mentioned in 78% of the documents. The most number
of objectives were identified under this sub-element. Attention has been given to issues
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Whilst greater attention is being paid to ensuring the sustainability credentials of the
construction materials, at present, there are no mandatory regulatory requirements to
address these. However, from 1 July 2013, under the Construction Products Regulation
2011, it will become mandatory for materials manufacturers to apply CE markings to
any products that are covered by harmonised European standards or European Technical
Assessments (CPA, 2012). CE marking represents a manufacturer's declaration that the
product complies with the essential European health, safety and environmental
protection legislative requirements.
Overall, the advisory document analysis revealed that the environmental element of SC
appear to be well developed with clear sub-elements and objectives stipulated.
The objectives derived under each of the social sub-elements identified are presented in
Table 5.5. The most number of social objectives were mentioned in P11-2005, G12-
2005 and G18-2001, with each document mentioning nine objectives. On the other
hand, three documents (i.e. G3-2009, R4-2009 and G14-2004) only mentioned one
social objective each.
Sub-elements Objectives
2.1 Health and 2.1.1 Reduce the incidence rate of fatal and major injury
wellbeing accidents
2.1.2 Improve working conditions
2.1.3 Reduce cases of work related ill health
2.1.4 Provide Occupational Health Support on projects
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
2.5 Culture and 2.5.1 Enhance or preserve existing culture and heritage
heritage 2.5.2 Sympathetic to local styles of architecture
2.5.3 New developments to reflect the cultural/historic
context of area
2.6 Accessibility 2.6.1 Ensure equity by enabling all in society to have access
2.6.2 Access to green space
The most widely cited social sub-elements were ‘health and wellbeing’ and ‘local
community/stakeholder relations and impacts’. These sub-elements were mentioned in
12 (i.e. 67%) documents each.
The objectives identified under ‘health and wellbeing’ in G3-2009, P9-2007, M10-2006
and G12-2005 specifically addressed activities during the physical construction phase.
Health and safety on construction sites is a key issue that has received a lot of attention
during the past two decades. The national government, the Construction Industry
Advisory Committee (CONIAC), Health and Safety Executive (HSE), various trade
associations and trade unions, as well as pressure groups, have all being pushing for
change in the health and safety performance of the industry. Back in 2002, the Health
and Safety Executive in its discussion document on ‘Revitalising Health and Safety in
Construction’ has noted that despite advancements made, the industry still remained
‘dangerous’. A large proportion of accidents occurring, including fatalities were noted to
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
be preventable. The report attributed the industry’s poor performance in health and
safety issues to a number of reasons. These are (HSE, 2002);
tendency to confuse lowest cost tenders with best value, which in turn leads to
shortage of skilled workers due to losses during the recession and a lack of
investment in training,
‘Social cohesion, inclusion and equal opportunity’ was the third highest cited social sub-
element. Eight (i.e. 44%) documents highlighted that SC should offer equality of
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
opportunity and promote social inclusion. During the construction phase this includes
promoting equality and diversity in the workplace (G12-2005). During commissioning
and operation phases the clients should take into consideration the management
implications of inclusion and equality (M1-2011). The Equality Act implemented from
October 2010, replaced the previous anti-discrimination laws with one single Act and
legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society.
From the above discussions, it is interesting to note that five out of the ten social sub-
elements requires project level decision makers to take into consideration issues that are
beyond the boundaries of a construction project.
Table 5.6 below presents the document analysis findings in relation to the objectives
derived under the economic sub-elements of SC.
Sub-Element Objectives
3.1 Whole life value 3.1.1 Consider whole life value of constructed facility
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
‘Whole life value’ and ‘Training/education’ were the highest cited sub-elements from
the economic perspective. These sub-elements were referred to in 13 (i.e. 72%) and 12
(i.e. 67%) of the documents respectively. ‘Business opportunity’ and ‘competition’ were
the least cited sub-elements from the economic perspective.
In relation to ‘whole life value’, the documents referred to terminology such as, 'whole
life costing', 'life cycle costing', 'life cycle analysis', ‘whole life environmental
assessment’ and 'full life costing'. The main feature of all of these is the need to account
for impacts at all life cycle phases including the indirect effects such as those associated
with the manufacture of components (M2-2010). Another key principle highlighted in
relation to this was ‘Value-for-money (VFM)’. According to the Treasury department,
VFM is defined as, ‘the optimum combination of whole life cost and quality (or fitness
for purpose) to meet the user’s requirements’ (HM Government, 2004). It incorporates
the principle of whole life costing in procurement of construction projects. Such an
approach requires the calculation of costs over the life time of the construction, rather
than the project, thereby taking into consideration the operational, as well as, the
building costs (Parkin et al., 2003). The various economic benefits of SC, such as,
reduced operating costs and improved productivity (due to better and healthier working
environments) (National Audit Office - NAO, 2007), can justify the uptake of SC
approaches in terms of VFM.
The second most cited economic sub-element was ‘training/education’. This was
mentioned in 12 (i.e. 67%) of the documents. Although, ‘training’ and ‘education’ has
often times been used interchangeably, ‘education’ differs from training in that it refers
to a more formal, longer term process (Liyanage, 2006). At a generic level,
enhancement of the human capital through education and training has been identified as
essential for improving productivity and economic growth (BIS, 2010). In relation to
SC, project-specific training can be provided to inform the project parties on the
environmental and social issues/impacts of the construction and to provide them with
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
instruction on how to address those issues (M2-2010). The documents suggest formal
courses for project team members, training sessions within project team meetings, site
inductions, and toolbox talks (M2-2010) for providing project-specific training and
adopting business support tools such as, Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
and training plans for providing non-project specific training (P6-2008). In relation to
education programmes, organisational level education on SC issues (for example, health
and safety) have been suggested (P6-2008), as well as contributing to the education of
the local community by providing site visits and materials for curricula (M2-2010). In
addition to these, training and education also need to be provided for building users and
operators on how to operate the facility optimally (R8-2007).
The objectives identified under the ‘local economy’ sub-element (cited in six, i.e. 33%
of the documents) aim at ensuring the viability and/or sustainability of local economy
by providing economic benefits to local communities. The most number of economic
objectives were identified under this sub-element. Construction projects can contribute
to the local economy by providing employment opportunities for the local workforce
and supporting local trades (M10-2006, M17-2002). Carefully planned large scale
developments can also contribute to local economic regeneration by improving access
to services and encouraging new businesses to the area (G12-2005).
Overall, the economic element was found to be given the least amount of attention in
the advisory documents. This was both in terms of the number of sub-elements and
objectives identified, as well as the percentage of citations of these sub-elements across
the documents. This could be attributed to the fact economic objectives are viewed as an
obvious consideration in carrying out construction projects.
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
could also bring about economic benefits, such as increased profitability. Similarly,
local sourcing of materials minimises the need for transport and thereby, minimises
pollution as well as the use of non-renewable energy sources (i.e. fossil fuel). On the
other hand, the most appropriate material to maintain the historic value of a structure
may not fulfil the environmental objectives under the ‘materials’ sub-element. For
example, the material may need to be transported over a long distance even though a
less historically appropriate material could be locally sourced, requiring the decision
makers to strike a balance between the environmental and social objectives (M2-2010).
The how this balance will be reached will depend upon the emphasis attributed to each
SC objective by the project parties. Acknowledging these relationships enhances the
complexity of SC and helps in further understanding of the concept.
In reviewing the findings in relation to the characteristics and objectives of SC, there is
evidence of frequent usage of certain language or terminology that could be commonly
found within SD literature. These terminologies, which included ‘holistic approach’,
‘quality of life,’ etc, were often used in a vague manner within the documents without
providing any descriptions on their meanings or usage. The term ‘quality of life’ has
been often described as an ‘elusive concept’ (Felce and Perry, 2001), which could be
applied at different levels from social or community wellbeing to situations pertaining
to individuals or small societal groups. Different perspectives of quality of life can be
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
A fourth perspective has been put forward by Felce and Perry (2001), which views
quality of life as ‘a combination of life conditions and satisfaction but emphasises the
need to take account of personal values, aspirations, and expectations’.
The document analysis exercise also revealed that different documents interpreted the
term holistic or joined-up approach in different ways. The interpretations differed with
some documents describing this to mean addressing the environmental, social and
economic elements of SC to others describing it as bringing together the global and
project level concerns. The report of the Bellagio project, which was undertaken by the
International Institute of Sustainable Development or IISD reveals a combination of the
above viewpoints. The report postulates that the holistic perspective of SD should
incorporate the following three key aspects (Hardi and Zdan, 1997);
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
It has been noted that while most environmental objectives, such as reduction of energy
and water consumption result in measurable financial savings, the performance and
benefits in relation to other objectives, particularly those in relation to social
sustainability, are hard to measure. R8-2007 calls for a better framework which allows
the latter to be assessed and justified, which in turn could bring these objectives to the
same level of prominence as the environmental concerns. R5-2009 particularly states
the lack of quantitative measures as a reason for exclusion of social sustainability issues
in their draft code for SC, thereby compromising the holistic nature of SC. DEFRA
(2010) also notes the pressures to report quantitative and more focussed information in
relation to sustainability issues.
Giddings et al. (2002) have observed how in England and the USA, environmental
concerns have focused on the issues of country-sides, wild animals, and wilderness with
the ‘aim of preservation from people’. They highlight how this has resulted in little
attention been paid to the urban environments, which is addressed under the social sub-
elements. This correlates to the views expressed by Carter and Fortune (2008), that
where the construction industry is concerned the perception of SC seems mainly biased
towards the environmental concerns. They go on to state that this in turn could have a
significant impact how SC is taken up and delivered in construction projects. Hence, a
question remains whether an actual transformation has been made from what was called
as ‘green’ construction (see section 2.5) to truly sustainable construction.
Hill and Bowen (1997) in their seminal work on SC are of the view that social element
of SC should be based on the notion of social justice or equity as intended in the
Brundtland report. This encourages the adoption of a wider perspective on the part of
the decision makers looking beyond the boundaries of a single project. Based on this
view the social ‘principles’ presented by Hill and Bowen (1997) include amongst others,
more aspirational aims such as, ‘poverty alleviation’, ‘fair and equitable distribution of
social costs of construction’, ‘equitable distribution of social benefits of construction’
and ‘intergenerational equity’ (see section These are high level objectives
requiring national government level interventions and therefore, are not useful when it
comes to project level actions. In contrast, the social actions found through the QCA
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Community level
Horizon of Responsibility
Project level
Figure 5.3: Horizons of influence, attention and responsibility in space and time
(Source: Sexton, 2000)
The objectives of SC as discussed within this chapter cover a range of spatial levels as
shown in Figure 5.3 above. Drawing on from the above discussion, the advisory
documents’ interpretation of SC can be mapped in the modified conditional matrix
introduced in chapter 4 (refer to section This is shown in Figure 5.4.
In mapping these objectives, the derived objectives within each document were
scrutinised to identify the spatial scale (i.e. project level, community level, national
level, etc) at which the impacts of addressing each objective would impinge upon. For
example, the impact of addressing the economic objective of ‘consider viability of local
businesses’ is at the local community level. This not only means that the benefits of
addressing this objective would be experienced at the local community level, but also
that the decision makers at construction project level should consider the impacts at
local community level in making decisions in relation to this objective. Some objectives
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
had impacts at a multiple number of scales. For example, the social objective of
‘preventing opportunities for crime’ has impacts at both project (by ensuring site
security) and local community levels (by contributing to creating safe communities). It
was necessary to a certain extent to use the judgement of the researcher in mapping
some of the impacts.
Project component/ system level
- Objectives: Environmental
- Objectives: Social
- Objectives: Economic
Local community level
National level
Project level
Global level
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
In looking at Figure 5.4, it is appears that most objectives requires project stakeholders
to take into consideration the issues relating to project level only. However, there is also
a high level of attention on the immediate environment surrounding a construction; i.e.
local community level. Only environmental objectives are spread amongst all of the
macro and micro level scales. Indeed, a majority of the environmental objectives at
construction project level could be traced back national level policies and legislations,
which have in turn been developed in response to various international level
conventions and treaties. For example, The UK Biodiversity Action Plan published in
1994 was part of UK Government’s response to the Convention on Biological Diversity
signed at the ‘Earth Summit’ held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (HM Government, 2008).
Such interconnections and flows between spatial scales could not be observed in
relation to the social and economic elements to a significant extent.
As shown in Figure 5.3 above, as the spatial and temporal scales covered by the SC
objectives expand, the uptake and implementation of SC becomes a more complex
issue, requiring integration and collaboration amongst an increasing number of
stakeholders. In order to address these issues successfully, the construction project level
stakeholders’ need to have a comprehensive understanding of SC, acknowledging the
complex nature of the concept.
The analysed advisory documents have been published to serve various aims or
purposes. These stated aims of the documents could be categorised under eight broad
themes. The most frequently stated purposes for producing advisory documents were to
‘increase awareness and understanding’ and ‘providing guidance’ for their intended
users. Despite this, not all documents endeavoured to define or describe SC, so as to
provide a conceptual background for their intended users. In reviewing the documents,
it emerged that they addressed the concept of SC by discussing one or both of the two
main categories of; characteristics of SC and objectives of SC. Altogether the analysis
revealed 15 characteristics of SC. In total, ten categories of sub-elements emerged under
environmental and social elements, whereas, seven sub-elements emerged under the
economic element. Various objectives of SC were in turn identified under each of these
Chapter 5▐ Advisory Documents’ Interpretation of SC
Overall, the results of the advisory document analysis led to the following inferences:
The main focus of the analysed advisory documents seemed to be upon setting
objectives for achieving SC and recommending actions for its implementation. There is
a lack of common understanding across the analysed documents in relation to the
characteristics and objectives of SC. In contrast to the view that SC constitutes of the
environmental, social and economic elements and the call for a joined up attitude to
address all of these three elements, there is a clear significance placed upon the
environmental issues. Objectives under the environmental sub-elements were far more
widely cited within the documents in comparison to the objectives under social and
economic sub-elements.
Overall, this chapter investigated how SC has been interpreted within the advisory
documents produced for the industry. This addressed the first stage of the conceptual
framework shown in Figure 3.3 and objective 3 of the research. The second stage of this
framework highlights how the project stakeholders’ perceptions of SC acts as a filter
between these strategic level interpretations of SC and how SC is implemented at
construction project level. Therefore, the next chapter of this thesis goes on to explore
this by investigating how SC is interpreted by construction project stakeholders.
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
As stated in section 1.2, the first part of the aim of this research involves investigating
the interpretation of SC within the UK construction industry. The previous chapter of
this thesis (i.e. chapter 5) tackled this issue from a strategic level perspective by
analysing and reporting on how SC has been interpreted within the advisory documents
produced for the industry. This chapter on the other hand, investigates the above issue
from the project level perspective by discussing some of the findings from the case
study interviews in relation to the project stakeholders’ perceptions on SC. Accordingly,
this chapter addresses stage 2 of the conceptual framework presented in Figure 3.3.
Similar to the document analysis findings, the stakeholder views on SC are also
presented under the two main categories, characteristics and objectives of SC. A
comparison of advisory documents’ and project stakeholders’ views on SC is also
presented at the end of the chapter. Overall, this chapter addresses objective 4 and the
research question RQ4 of this research.
This research employed an embedded case study design (refer to section
Accordingly, there were two main units of analysis within each case study. These were;
(i) the individual project stakeholders and (ii) the process of implementing SC. The
semi-structured interview guide developed, therefore, constituted of two main sections
to address the aforementioned issues (refer to Appendix 2). The first section of the
interviews focused on gaining insight into how the project parties viewed or interpreted
SC (This has also been referred to as the project stakeholders’ perceptions on SC within
this thesis).
Overall, the respondents agreed that SC was an important issue that needed to be
addressed. Some respondents noted that SC has now become an integral part of how
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
they deliver construction projects. For instance, the respondent from the contractor
organisation in CS2 stated,
Some respondents felt that the rising attention towards SC has made the construction
industry a ‘whole lot better’. As was noted in section 2.6, historically, construction has
been a highly polluting industry with a negative public image. Consideration of SC
aspects has driven the industry stakeholders to take action to alleviate some these
negative impacts. This is evident from the following quote by one of the respondents;
‘I think generally the industry is getting better. In the old days people wouldn’t have
thought about our construction site around Considerate Constructors and the noise it
made etc. you just wouldn’t have given it a thought. Whereas, now people are far more
considerate around it’ – FM2
‘...not just because it’s the law. But because I have a very strong personal interest as
well. I think that it’s something that we need to do socially. I think it’s something that
we have to do’ – CL1
6.2.1 Characteristics of SC
Altogether, seven characteristics of SC emerged from the case study interviews (see
Table 6.1). There was general awareness also amongst the interviewees that SC should
incorporate the three environmental, social and economic elements. This was mentioned
by 75% of the respondents.
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
Similarly, there was wide agreement that SC should incorporate a whole life cycle view
of the construction. This was mentioned by 58% of the respondents;
‘And the sustainability aspects of it come within the construction of the project, they
come within the design of buildings and I guess they come within the use of the
buildings once we’ve built them. And it’s those three aspects that we try to address
from a sustainability point of view’ - CL1
‘The whole of it, how to use it, the social, economic issues come into it and everything
else’ – FM2
Contractors, in particular, appear to slowly move away from focusing just upon issues in
relation to the ‘physical construction’ of facilities towards the consideration of the
whole life cycle issues. However, according to many of them, this appears to be a
relatively recent trend in the construction industry. For example, the respondent from
the contractor organisation of CS2 noted that;
‘[CS2] was really the first hospital, where we actually introduced and brought into
play real green initiatives in terms of the end product. Everything done up to that point
has been very much focused on green delivery, and actually how we deliver projects
from a logistics point of view’ – CT2
According to CT2, previously, attention towards SC has been primarily limited to issues
in relation to the construction processes (for example, adopting lean construction
practices, logistics on site) and use of sustainable, environmentally friendly materials
(for example, sustainable timber, environmentally certified aggregates/quarry products,
eco-paints). This could be partially attributed to the legislative changes towards the
promotion of these particular SC practices. CT2 affirms that most of the aforementioned
practices (in relation to construction processes and use of materials) have now become
standard practice for their company.
Five interviewees highlighted that there is an inherent need for balancing between issues
when considering SC. In section 5.3.1, this was referred to as making trade-offs. This is
especially applicable when selecting objectives of SC to be addressed at project level.
However, this raises a further question as to what criteria are being used by project
stakeholders when making these trade-off decisions. Some explanations in relation to
these criteria could be established through the discussions in section 6.2.2, under the
objectives of SC.
Consideration of the local context was another characteristic that emerged through the
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
analysis. In all three case studies, the local context within which the projects were
situated in, presented some opportunities, as well as impediments, in addressing SC.
Four of the interviewees highlighted that the local conditions played an important role
in the decisions made in relation to what and how SC issues are addressed in practice at
project level (this is discussed in further detail in section
From the preceding discussions it appears that, in defining SC, a majority of the project
stakeholders limit their attention to the immediate space surrounding a construction
project (refer to Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11). Most of the respondents showed a
propensity to describe SC at a project component or project level perspective, with only
four interviewees drawing attention to the immediate local context within which the
project is situated upon. Only two of the respondents; an FM team member from CS2
and a design team member from CS3; drew attention to the larger scale consequences of
SC, as evidenced by the following quote;
‘a lot of the SC are driven by the wrong considerations. We just look at the bit we are
interested in. The old one didn’t have all these new technologies we’ve got them now,
aren’t we clever. Not the fact that we’ve just dug another hole in the earth to dig up all
these material.’-FM2
Design team members also considered future adaptability of designs as being a defining
feature of SC. The two main concerns highlighted by designers in relation to future
adaptability were; (i) the need for designing spaces that are flexible enough to adjust to
future changes in stakeholder needs and/or technological advances and (ii) creating
development plans for the whole site (i.e. making provisions for future developments) at
the outset of projects. The latter also relates to the earlier references towards the need to
consider the whole life cycle issues of the construction. The following quotes provide
examples of attention given to these future adaptability aspects by design team
‘It was 1999, at that time we were all using computers with these big monitors and
every nurse station had one of those. It requires quite a lot of space and it was already
very packed that we needed every little space. So we suggested to the Trust, and at that
time it was very brave of them, to allow the design to be based on flat screens. Saying
that there was no way back, it’s only going to go that way. Yes, it was a little more
expensive at the time, but each year they are going to become more affordable and you
are going to save a lot; first, on use, because you are gaining the space and energy
consumption is much lower. So they accepted that. And we designed for flat monitors.
In 1999 it was quite a brave step...
One of the first things that we did was the development control plans. Which is looking
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
at where we are now, and where we want to be and how we are going to get there?. It
was looking at the whole site and how we develop it... So one of the things with the
DCP is to try and get an overall picture for the future. And too many sites do fire
fighting, and you end sometimes later in the development ‘if only I had known that’ or
something that they do stops them doing something else later’ – DT3
6.2.2 Objectives of SC
As stated in section 6.1, similar to the advisory documents, the project stakeholders also
showed a propensity to define or describe SC using the characteristics and/or objectives
of SC. The main objectives of SC emerging from the analysis of project stakeholder
interviews are presented in Table 6.2. Overall, 11 objectives were identified in relation
to how the project stakeholders defined or described SC. All of these objectives, except
two, could be categorised under the various environmental, social and economic sub-
elements that were derived through the document analysis (see section 5.3.2).
Amongst these objectives, the highest level of focus was on the energy and carbon sub-
element. When describing what SD means for the construction industry, the priority of
most respondents was on energy related issues. Overall, 92% of the respondents viewed
reducing energy consumption as an objective of SC. As shown in Table 6.2, there is a
strong association between SC and aspects such as, energy efficiency, reducing energy
costs and reducing carbon emissions for many of the interviewees. For example, one
respondent from CS1 perceived SC to be about achieving a balance between three
aspects. These were; (a) the environment of the building, (b) reducing energy usage and
energy cost, and (c) reducing CO2 production. The high level of focus on energy related
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
concerns could be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, the addressing issues of energy
efficiency and reducing energy costs can result in direct economic benefits for project
parties, particularly the clients. For instance, the respondent from the NHS Trust in CS2
‘Well, I think the obvious one is its ability for energy saving. The obvious one is
around how it saves money and becomes more efficient I guess’ –CL2
As a result, while the above concerns in relation to energy and carbon emerged as
environmental objectives in the previous chapter, it appears that at the project level,
these objectives are pursued mainly due to economic motivations. As the Trust
respondent from CS2 further highlighted, addressing energy efficiency was a chance to
make a ‘quick win’ as it can deliver cost savings within a short period of time;
‘It’s always a quick win. It’s a big expenditure but it’s always a quick one to be able to
say can you reduce the energy?’ – CL2
In all three of the case studies, energy supply was the responsibility of the NHS Trust.
Therefore, for Trust representatives, saving energy costs was also a social responsibility.
Saving money spent on energy means more money is available for spending on the
primary focus of healthcare. As one NHS representative observed;
‘... if we are not burning excessive energy we are not spending everybody else’s money
on anything other than health care, are we?’ – CL2
Secondly, the high emphasis placed on the energy and carbon related issues could also
be attributed to the emphasis placed on these in policy and legislation. In fact, energy
was a main policy focus, even before SD or SC came into prominence at national level.
Thirdly, the energy performance targets are also built into the PFI procurement system.
For example, there is a requirement for project parties to demonstrate how the energy
performance targets are met within the designs for new builds in order to get the
business case approval;
‘We had to go to the DoH with our business case and we couldn’t get past go unless
we showed that our energy performance of the new build hit the target levels that have
been set for us’ – CL1
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
Environmental Element
1) Reducing energy consumption Energy & 11
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2) Reducing CO2 production Energy & 5
√ √ √ √ √
3) Use of environmentally friendly Materials 4
√ √ √ √
4) Reduce waste (particularly, waste Waste 2
√ √
sent to landfill)
Social Element
5) Ensure a better patient experience Customer/ user 8
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6) Quality of internal environment Internal 7
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
Economic element
7) Consider whole life cycle costs Whole life value √ √ √ √ √ 5
8) Reducing energy costs Whole life value √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8
9) Increasing efficiency (in use of Profitability 4
√ √ √ √
energy, materials etc.)
10) Achieving mandatory targets - √ √ √ 3
11) Adopting lean approaches (i.e. lean 2
√ √
Total 8 6 4 4 4 7 3 6 2 6 5 4
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
Finally, the focus on energy and CO2 reduction can also be attributed to the availability
of support and guidance from external bodies. For instance, one of the respondents from
the Trust in CS1 noted how they were able to develop their Trust sustainability strategy
with the help of the Carbon Trust. In addition to the reduction of energy consumption
and CO2 production, the other environmental objectives that emerged through the
analysis were the use of environmentally friendly materials (see section 6.2.1) and
reducing waste (particularly waste sent to landfill).
The second highest mentioned sub-element was ‘whole life value’. Objectives under
this sub-element were mentioned by 83% of the respondents. The only other economic
sub-element emerging from the analysis was ‘profitability’ (addressed through the
efficient use of energy and materials). This was principally mentioned by the
respondents from the contractor organisations. One respondent from a contractor
organisation highlighted that improving efficiencies is a particular concern of SC,
especially in the present economic climate.
There was also a high level of focus on ensuring user satisfaction. Out of the interviews
conducted, 75% of the respondents mentioned that ensuring a better patient experience
is a paramount aspect of SC in healthcare. In particular, the respondents from the Trusts
and the design teams placed a high level of importance on this issue. Given the context
of the case studies (i.e. acute care hospitals) addressing end user satisfaction (i.e. better
patient satisfaction) was perceived by some of the respondents to be something that is
implied and non-negotiable when discussing SC. This was highlighted by one Trust
representative as follows;
‘I think for us sustainability here is more around using those aspects to make the
patient experience better’ – CL2
The findings also identified that user satisfaction could be ensured and improved
through user/local community engagement activities during the initial phases of the SC
implementation process (refer to section 7.3). This requires a level of facilitation from
the project company, which is usually led by the contractor organisation. A good
example of such initiatives leading to high levels of user satisfaction was observed in
CS2, where the contractor and the design team jointly conducted workshops, engaging
local groups in order to gain feedback on the design from the very outset (refer to
section 7.3.2). End-user satisfaction is also affected by the quality of the internal
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
environment. This was the only other social sub-element, in addition to end-user
satisfaction, that emerged through the analysis of interviews. This was mentioned by
58% of the respondents, many of whom were from FM and design teams.
‘I think it’s most simple. We have the statutory mandatory targets that we have to
achieve, through Climate change Act of 2008. And they set us targets for carbon
reduction. So if we weren’t seeing sustainability in any other way then we need to hit
those targets...By hitting those lower energy consumption targets, it also allows us to
achieve lower levels of CO2 reduction. So almost like a by-product at that time rather
than as a prime focus, we were improving sustainability’ – CL1
The perception that SC is achieved just by meeting mandatory legislative targets poses
the danger of SC been considered at a superficial level, leading some parties to claim
they have addressed SC, when in reality they have only considered one or two issues
that fall under the umbrella of SC.
Secondly, some of the respondents, particularly those from the contractor organisations,
viewed adopting ‘lean’ approaches to be another objective of SC. For instance, one
interviewee from a contractor organisation noted;
Various industry reports such as, the Egan report (DETR, 1998) have promoted the use
of lean approaches within the construction industry as a solution for increasing industry
productivity and project performance. This onus placed upon the economic element
could explain the attraction of viewing ‘lean approaches’ as being equivalent to SC,
particularly to those in contractor organisations, who need to ensure the profitability of
their organisations. This relates to the earlier discussions in this section that SC is about
increasing efficiency as well.
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
It was evident from the interviews that the project stakeholders’ views on SC were
strongly shaped by the available legislations and regulations. One interviewee observed
how people’s views on SC have changed over the years shaped by changes to
government priorities and legislations over the years;
‘It seems almost incredible when we are in 2011 looking back at 2004/5 saving energy
was the biggest issue. Getting the energy footprint of a building down was a big issue.
But it was all focused around cost, cost reduction not around CO2 reduction. And it
was only around 2007/8 in my view that much greater emphasis started to be given
towards the impacts on climate and the need to reduce carbon’-CL1
Another interesting finding emerging from the analysis was the way learning
environments had been created within project teams in relation to SC. This was
especially highlighted on occasions, where a particular team member did not come into
the project with clear understanding or prior experience on SC. On such instances, it
was observed that the learning process was facilitated through the influence of other
project parties within the project team, as well as the sustainability policies of their own
organisations. The former is dependent upon factors such as, the level of involvement
and integration of parties within the team (refer to section, existence of
effective and efficient communication lines (refer to section and knowledge and
experience of the other project parties (refer to section Good examples of such
learning taking place were observed in both CS1 and CS2. In CS2 particularly, the
project director from the Trust, who had an FM (i.e. catering) background, came into the
project with no particular knowledge on SC. She noted that,
‘ it was really as part of the build you become more and more aware of what’s
happening... So that was how I started getting aware. But I had no background in
sustainability. It was all learnt as being part of this project really. – CL2
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
tools to support such processes’. However, application of this within the construction
sector poses some unique challenges (Shelbourn et al., 2006) such as;
Much of the knowledge in the construction sector resides in the minds of the
individual professionals and,
The intent behind the decisions made is often not recorded. This is mostly
because a large part of the project-related information comprises numerous ad-
hoc messages, phone calls, conversations and complex processes are required to
track and record these.
In defining SC, most respondents directly associate SC with energy and carbon related
objectives. This view is further evident within the overall context of the Health sector as
well. The NHS Confederation report (2007) has noted that the NHS facilities are
responsible for an annual usage of energy costing around £400 million and resulting in a
net emission of 1 million tonnes of carbon. Reducing this high level of energy usage is
beneficial from a business case (or economic) perspective, in addition to an
environmental perspective. Furthermore, carbon and energy related issues are supported
by a wide range of guidance from the NHS itself. These include, the NHS Carbon
Reduction Strategy (2009) and Procuring for Carbon Reduction - P4CR (2012). It
appears that, within the sector, there is a prioritisation of carbon and energy issues over
the overall sustainability issues. A good example is the replacement of ‘The Energy and
Sustainability Fund’ with the ‘The Carbon and Energy Fund’ within the DoH. This fund
is used to support initiatives by NHS Trusts that meet certain levels of carbon and
energy savings per £1000 of investment (Carbon and Energy Fund, 2011).
This high level of focus on carbon and energy within the NHS has been beneficial to
some extent. A report by the NHS Sustainable Development Unit (2012) notes that
improvements in building energy efficiency and availability of renewable energy has
resulted in improvements made in carbon emission reductions within the NHS. The
carbon footprint for NHS England for example, shows emissions have stopped rising
and are levelling off. However, the report maintains that meeting NHS carbon reduction
targets is still a significant challenge within the present context.
The focus on energy efficiency is further reinforced by the standard forms of contract
employed in the PFIs. In CS2, one interviewee noted that provisions such as, energy
payment mechanisms or pain–gain share agreements in their PFI contract have
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
encouraged the project company to invest on renewable energy sources and other forms
of energy saving mechanisms. Such a shared savings/risk scheme promotes joint
responsibility between the Trust and the project company for energy consumption,
allowing these parties to take a share of the rewards if energy falls below target levels
and a share of the pain if energy consumption exceeds agreed target values.
Some respondents viewed that SC was achieved by meeting the mandatory regulations
or statutory targets. Indeed, the Building Regulations stimulate the implementation of
certain SC practices (Atkinson et al., 2009; Smith and Crotty, 2006). However, the UK
building regulations are criticised by some for falling short of pushing the industry to
achieve its full potential, for instance, in cutting CO2 emissions. Halliday (2008) notes
that the current standards for SC seem to be significantly below what is required of and
possible for the industry to deliver. Building Regulations prescribe minimum standards
and do not promote best practice in SC. The result is that most developments meeting
these minimum standards have ignored some basic SC issues (Dair and Williams, 2006;
Rydin et al., 2007). A joint report by the Construction Industry Environmental Forum
(CIEF) and Construction Productivity Network (CPN) emphasises that a lack of
standards and a range of new legislations are incapable of promoting a balanced
approach to SC. Thus, there have been proposals to upgrade the Regulations further (at
least for new housing) in order to ensure that all new buildings are carbon neutral by
2016 (Rydin et al., 2007).
Kibert (2002) has noted that for policy instruments to be effective, ‘they must
comprehensively and holistically address the wide range of activities directly or
indirectly connected to the built environment’. An industry consultation carried out by
the JCT has also revealed that the majority (84%) of the respondents thought that SC
performance of the industry could be improved by industry specific documentation.
However, there was a disagreement with respect to the type of documentation required
(JCT, 2009). A survey carried amongst Architects by Adeyeye et al. (2007) have
revealed that building design is affected by existing legislation (which are legally
binding), but often not by policies. Adeyeye et al postulate that;
‘…. respondents comply with Building Regulations because they are required to do so,
therefore lack of enforcement might be another reason why measures are not being
implemented. Furthermore, energy conservation policies are not compulsory and are
thus reliant on the architect’s discretion and the client’s willingness to approve
implementation in projects’ (Adeyeye et al., 2007).
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
The above view is supported by the findings within this chapter. As was noted by one
Trust representative;
‘My big disappointment about the PFI is that we are hitting the energy targets which
help us to hit the CO2 reduction targets for 2015, but we have very little in the form of
sustainable forms of energy built into the building. And one of the big issues that we
are trying to take forward at the moment with the project company is trying to take
forward sustainability initiatives which we don’t need to hit the energy targets.’- CL1
The background of the respondents was also significant in determining the project
stakeholders understanding of SC. The respondents from NHS Trusts largely viewed SC
as reducing energy consumption/costs, reducing carbon emissions and ensuring user
satisfaction by providing a better patient experience. On the other hand, the respondents
from the contractor organisations placed a high level of importance on the issues of
efficiency and profitability. Myers (2005) has observed that the large companies in the
construction sector were now moving towards viewing SC from a more holistic point of
view. He states that this is evidence of construction companies acknowledging that,
This was indeed supported by the case study interviews. However, associating SC with
lean approaches by some respondents from contractor organisations supports the
assertion that, in the mind-sets of the professionals in the contractor organisations, the
highest level of emphasis is still on the economic element.
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
Intervening conditions
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
The most commonly cited characteristics of SC found in the advisory documents were
that SC (refer to Table 5.2);
iii Requires a holistic approach aimed at synergy rather than compromise between
objectives, and
The 1st, 2nd and 4th ranked characteristics above are moreover the same in the findings
from the project stakeholders’ perceptions on SC (refer to Table 6.1). Thus, there is
conformity between the two analyses. The order of these characteristics was identified
by the number of citations deduced from the interviews/documents.
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
to which those chosen objectives are addressed (Hill and Bowen, 1997). This in turn
would determine the level of sustainability that has been achieved in a project.
In looking at the number of objectives derived, it appears that the stakeholders’ views
were mainly focused on a limited number of objectives. However, at the end of the
interviews, each interviewee was given a list of SC objectives derived from the advisory
document analysis (see sections 5.3). The list included a five point Likert scale where
the respondents were asked to indicate their views on the level of importance for each
listed issue. The respondents then went on to indicate that all the presented objectives
were of importance. This could be taken as indicative of the need for a comprehensive
guidance or framework on the above issues.
In terms of the objectives of SC, the document analysis findings placed a high level of
emphasis on the environmental sub-elements. On the other hand, while some of the
project stakeholders demonstrated a genuine concern for the environment and the
sustainability of earth’s systems, their consideration of SC is mostly rooted in economic
considerations. This is evident for example, by the focus given to cost savings that could
be achieved by energy efficiency measures and to the potential reputation and market
share gains by taking on a ‘green’ image. The decisions made by the decision makers in
relation to the SC objectives to be addressed appear, for the large part, to be based upon
such economic considerations. The following quote by one of the interviewees is a good
example of this;
‘So much of the design around the PFI was focused on trying to get the energy
consumption down and the energy performance of the buildings more efficient. To
make it more cost efficient not make it more carbon efficient if you see what I mean’ –
The Figure 6.2 below shows the stakeholder views on objectives of SC mapped on the
modified matrix introduced in section
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
- Objectives: Environmental
- Objectives: Social
Project component/ system
- Objectives: Economic
- Objectives: Other
Local community level
National level
Project level
Global level
Chapter 6▐ Project Stakeholders’ perceptions of SC
The aim of this research, as stated in section 1.2, is to understand the interpretation of
SC and to develop a framework that can assist in its effective uptake and
implementation within construction project environments. Together, chapters 5 and 6
focused on the first part of this aim by investigating the interpretation of SC at strategic
and construction project levels respectively. The following chapters go on to address the
second part of this aim by investigating the process of implementing SC and developing
a framework for the uptake and implementation of SC at construction project level.
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
The idea of this chapter is to present the findings in relation to the process of
implementing SC within a construction project environment. This addresses the third
stage of the conceptual framework shown in Figure 3.3 and the first part of objective
five of the research (refer to section 1.2). The findings presented within this chapter
have been derived using grounded theory analysis of case study interviews. The
findings from this chapter are in turn used to develop the proposed framework for
uptake and implementation of SC (refer to chapter 9) as stated by the aim of this
research given in section 1.2. The chapter first discusses the wider contextual factors
affecting the process of implementing SC at construction project level. The theory
developed through the grounded theory process has been presented in the form of an
emergent framework within the second part of the chapter. This emergent framework
consists of four main phases. In-depth discussions on each of these phases are also
provided within the chapter. Finally, a synthesis is provided comparing and contrasting
the emerging findings with the available literature.
Each construction project exists within a context. Accordingly, there are wider
contextual factors that need to be understood, which can affect the uptake and
implementation of SC at project level.
At the highest level amongst these contextual considerations are the global
developments in relation to SD and the widespread recognition of the significance of the
construction sector in achieving the goals of SD. These global level developments have
in turn been reflected in the EU and the UK national level policies. The construction
industry specific advisory documents on SC discussed in chapter 5 have in turn been
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
published taking into consideration the above macro level developments. However, the
documents considered in chapter 5 were not sector specific and therefore, addressed the
issue of SC at the generic construction industry level. When it comes to construction
project level, these generic industry level considerations are often filtered through sector
policies, guidance and regulations to reflect the sector specific conditions and
The case study projects selected for the purposes of this research were in the healthcare
sector. Therefore, the DoH and NHS advisory documents acted as a filter in linking the
national level issues to the project level. Several such sector specific documents were
identified during the interviews. These included, the NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy,
Health Building Notes (HBN)/Hospital Technical Memoranda (HTM) and BREEAM
Healthcare. It was interesting to note that none of these documents (may be with the
exception of BREEAM Healthcare) were directly addressing SC as a concept within the
healthcare sector. Even BREEAM, although often used as a measurement tool for SC, is
primarily an environmental assessment technique. Despite this, the requirements set out
in these strategies, guidelines and regulations have a significant impact upon the
decisions made at project level in relation to issues such as, which SC considerations
should be addressed and to what extent these considerations should be addressed.
The HBNs set out the DoH’s best practice standards in relation to planning and design
of specific departments and service requirements of healthcare facilities. They are often
used to support the economic case for investments by demonstrating Value for Money
(VFM). HTMs on the other hand, set out the requirements in terms of standards for
building components (e.g. windows) and the design and operation of engineering
services (e.g. fire safety requirements). These HTMs are again supported by other
technical guidance such as, the Model Engineering Specifications. The case study
interviews revealed that the stringent regulations laid out in these documents in the
health sector can sometimes act as a constraint in addressing certain SC practices. One
such example was found in CS3. Here the window design put forward by the design
team allowing for maximum day light penetration and natural ventilation, did not meet
the minimum sill height and maximum allowed opening criteria set out in the HTM. A
key problem here was the different interpretations of the regulation by the two parties
(i.e. client or the Trust and the design team). The argument of the design team was that
the regulation applies only to the patient rooms, whereas the Trust’s interpretation was
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
that it applied to the whole facility, including offices. One of the design team members
noted that;
‘Guidance isn’t there, it doesn’t say that. But their interpretation of the guidance is
very rigid. It was a bit f a fight, but we managed to win that one’ – DT3
In addition, the respondents also noted BREEAM healthcare as another key document
affecting the uptake and implementation of SC at project level. The DoH requirements
state that all new build and refurbishment projects within the NHS estate must use
BREEAM to assess their environmental performance. New build projects are required
to achieve an ‘Excellent’ rating and refurbishment projects are required to achieve a
‘Very Good’ rating. However, the analysis revealed that this mandatory approach has
opened up certain pitfalls that the project team members need to avoid. For instance,
some interviewees noted that on occasion, contractors or designers were inclined to use
BREEAM to guide their designs rather than to assess them, resulting in unfavourable
outcomes (refer to section
During the time of this research, there was a high level of focus on modernising the
healthcare sector with the aim of providing the public with an improved and more
responsive healthcare service. As a result, a heightened level of attention was given to
the refurbishment of outdated hospitals that had a backlog of maintenance requirements.
This context gave the Trusts an opportunity to justify SC requirements within the
business case for projects. In fact, the prevailing policy and regulatory climate made it
compulsory for Trusts to address certain SC issues in developing the business cases.
However, despite this increased attention towards modernising healthcare facilities there
was a lack of public funds available to achieve this. This meant that on all three of the
selected case studies, Trusts had no option but to select PFI to procure the facilities. As
one Trust representative noted;
‘It was either PFI or nothing or don’t do it. Theoretically, there was an alternative. In
practice there wasn’t. There was no public money available. There was no other way
we could get procurement, where we could bring money in that would allow us to do
it.’ - CL1
Likewise, the project stakeholders did not have any choice in selecting the procurement
approach for these projects, giving due considerations to issues such as VFM or
availability of expertise. There were several problems associated with this obligatory
selection of PFI schemes. Foremost amongst these was the lack of the number of
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
contractors with the relevant experience, expertise and capabilities to bid for the
projects (refer to section The clients in CS1 and CS2 both faced difficulties in
attracting the stipulated minimum number of three contractors to bid for the project at
the negotiation stage. This was a major drawback particularly for CS1, as the client did
not have the opportunity to select a contractor giving due consideration to aspects such
as, contractor’s past experiences in relation to SC.
The grounded theory analysis revealed that the activities within the process of SC
implementation could be divided into four distinct phases. These are; (i) conceptual
phase, (ii) idea development/negotiation phase; (iii) construction phase and (iv) hand
over/operation phase. These four phases emerged as distinctive due to several reasons.
Firstly, the activities within each of these phases allocated varying levels of
responsibility to the different project parties in relation to addressing SC. Herein, the
term ‘project parties’ is used to refer to the four main groups of construction project
team members that were selected for the semi-structured interviews (refer to section
Secondly, the four phases are further characterised by specific outputs. Fulfilment of
each of these outputs signifies the end of each phase. In order to ensure the successful
implementation of SC, these outputs need to satisfy particular criteria. These outputs
also act as linkages between phases. For example, in order to reach the end of the first
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
phase (i.e. the conceptual phase), agreement must be reached within the client
organisation in relation to the SC requirements for the project. These requirements then
need to be incorporated into the project brief, which in turn is transformed into an
output specification. The latter inter-links activities within this conceptual phase to
those of the next phase (i.e. the idea development/negotiation phase) by providing
potential bidders with insight into the client’s SC requirements. The activities in relation
to implementation of SC within each of these phases (discussed in the remaining
sections of this chapter) suggest that there is a need to expand the traditional
construction process activities to incorporate SC considerations.
Activities within each of these phases are in turn affected by influence factors that either
facilitate or inhibit the effective implementation of SC (see Figure 7.1). Some of these
influence factors include the wider contextual factors discussed in section 7.2. The
grounded analysis revealed that the main factors influencing the implementation of SC
at project level could be divided into two main categories as; internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors have been categorised as ‘internal’, because they are
within the control of project parties. Accordingly, proper management interventions
were identified as necessary throughout the implementation process to control the
negative effects and capitalise on the positive effects of these factors. External factors,
on the other hand, are outside the control of the project team members. One example of
an external factor is the legislative environment, which was identified as a key driver for
considering SC in all three case studies. Another example of an external factor was the
local context of projects. This includes opportunities and obstacles presented due to site
conditions, local planning policies, as well as, socio-economic situation of the locale.
For instance, both CS1 and CS2 were located in areas that were experiencing economic
depression at the time the projects were initiated due to the decline of major local
industries. Therefore, in the case of both CS1 and CS2, local economic regeneration was
an important issue that needed to be addressed through the projects (refer to section
In looking at the inter-relationships between these internal and external factors, the
analysis revealed that the external factors had the ability to influence, not just the
activities, but also the internal factors within each phase of the implementation process.
One example of this is the effect the external changes to the policies and regulations had
on the internal factors and activities of the negotiation/idea development phase in CS1.
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
In this instance, changes to Treasury rules meant that the project needed to be re-scoped
in order to get approval for the Full Business Case. Due to this, the project had to
undergo a long and challenging period of re-negotiation and re-designing before
Financial Close could be reached. This in turn had an influence on the internal project
environment, as both the Trust and the contractor were de-motivated and stressed.
However, due to proper leadership and facilitation by the project management, the
project parties were able to maintain focus on delivery and were ultimately able to come
up with what they felt as a superior design for the project;
‘On the positive side, the re-scoping concentrated minds on what was needed to give
the project the best chance of success. When agreement was reached on the scheme it
re-energised the project and made everyone focus on delivery. Further reiterations of
the design actually enhanced and gave back benefits lost in the previous design’ – CL1
External Factors
Phase 2:
Phase 1: Idea Phase 4:
Phase 3:
Conceptual Hand over/
development/ Construction
phase negotiation operation
Internal Factors
Flow of influence
Figure 7.1: The emergent framework for implementing SC at construction project level
Although, the external factors had the ability to influence the internal factors, the
analysis revealed that the internal factors did not have the ability to directly influence
the external factors.
Whether the above mentioned internal and external factors acted as enablers (also
referred to as drivers or facilitators) or barriers (also referred to constraints or
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
impediments) depended upon the specific context of each case study. This further
highlights the importance of contextual considerations in the uptake and implementation
of SC that has been stressed throughout this thesis.
The Figure 7.1 depicts the above described emergent framework for implementing SC
at construction project level. The figure shows the four main phases of the process and
how these phases are affected by the internal and external factors. The remaining
sections of this chapter go on to provide in depth discussions on activities within each of
the four phases. In order to improve clarity, these discussions also include dialogue on
how the activities are influenced by some of the internal and external factors. However,
in depth discussions on these internal and external factors are provided in chapter 8 of
this thesis.
This is the first phase of the SC implementation process (see Figure 7.1). The main
focus of the activities within this conceptual phase is to provide the basis for the uptake
and implementation of SC by laying out the client’s requirements. The case studies
revealed that the success of the SC implementation process is greatly increased when
SC was considered from the very outset of a project. A good example of embedding SC
within the project processes from an early stage was observed in CS2. In this case study,
SC was identified as necessary by the Trust in establishing the need for the new built
itself. It was acknowledged that the traditional way of doing things was not sufficient to
address the need for modernisation and increased levels of efficiency.
As noted by respondents from the design and contractor organisations, client leadership
is of paramount importance when it comes to implementing SC within construction
projects. Putting SC requirements at the top of the client’s agenda at this stage is
therefore necessary to bring in positive responses from the contractors during the
negotiation/idea development phase. Both the contractors and the design team members
acknowledged that clear indication of client demand was one of the key drivers that
encouraged them to put forward design solutions addressing a wider range of SC
objectives. For example, one design team member noted that;
‘But the consequence is that unless they [i.e. clients] put certain things in the brief, it’s
less likely that things will get achieved’ – DT3
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
The first phase of the SC implementation process therefore, was identified to include
two main types of activities. These were; (i) activities in relation to establishing and
prioritising client’s requirements in terms of SC and (ii) activities in relation to
communicating these requirements to potential bidders. Within the PFI procurement
process, this latter category included activities such as, developing the strategic business
case, obtaining outline planning permission, and placing of OJEU notice. Figure 7.2
below provides a detailed breakdown of the activities and internal and external
influence factors identified within this phase.
External Factors
Procurement method related
Local context
Statutory and legislation
Availability of experienced
Market demand
External consultants with SC
The first set of activities mentioned above relates to establishing and prioritising client
requirements in relation to SC. When the construction client is a large organisation
rather than an individual, as was the situation within the case studies, establishing and
prioritising client’s SC requirements also includes reaching agreement within the wider
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
client organisation on these requirements. Within the context of the selected case studies
this involved the project director, who leads the project team from the Trust’s side,
getting the approval for the outline business case from the top management of the Trust,
the Strategic Health Authority and the DoH. The analysis revealed that the activities in
relation to this often had to be repeated until agreement was reached between these
various levels.
The second set of activities within this phase relate to the clear communication of
clients’ agreed SC requirements to potential bidders. Typically, within the context of PFI
procurement process the client’s needs are laid out in the output specification.
Accordingly, the output specifications generally stipulate the ‘nature and level of service
required’ by the clients (NHS Executive, 1999). Within the output specifications, SC
requirements can be stated as either ‘expected’ or ‘desired’ requirements depending
upon their level of importance. The inclusion of SC requirements within the output
specifications is important as it provides contractors with an idea of the importance
placed on these issues by the client. CS1 provided a good example of how the lack of
attention given to this second category of activities resulted in lower than expected
levels of achievements to be made in relation to SC. In the case of CS1, the Trust had
failed to properly communicate their SC requirements (that went beyond meeting the
mandatory legislative requirements) to the contractor by incorporating them in the
output specification. The only requirement stated in the output specification referred to
the need to comply with the NHS specific, as well as, non-NHS specific legislations.
This could be further related to the discussions within the previous chapter, where it was
discussed how some project parties viewed SC as a by-product of achieving mandatory
legislative targets (see section 6.3). For example, the respondent from the Trust in CS1
‘So that’s a big weakness. What we did do was to say that they had to comply with the
legislative requirements that were non-NHS specific’ –CL1
This failure on the part of the Trust to clearly communicate their SC requirements to the
bidder provided an excuse for the project company to design, prioritising the issues of
simplicity and cost reduction rather than SC. This resulted in numerous problems and
disagreements between parties during the latter phases of the implementation process
over the extent to which some SC issues were addressed. Thus, in hindsight, failure to
clearly communicate their requirements to potential bidders was viewed as a missed
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
opportunity by the Trust, when it came to achieving particular SC targets. The above
scenario could be contrasted with CS2, where the client demand for SC was clearly
conveyed to the contractor, who in turn responded positively, resulting in a design
solution satisfying both parties.
One of the main internal factors affecting the activities within this phase was support
and commitment from the top management and wider organisation within the Trust’s
side. This is especially important on occasions where the motivation to address SC
originate from within the Trust project team, which is led by the project director, rather
than the top level management of the Trust. This was the case in CS1, where the project
director from the Trust side had to convince the upper management on the benefits of
adopting SC practices. He observed that;
‘It has been on occasion quite difficult to get the wider organisation to believe in
climate change and to believe in sustainability and there are still quite a lot of people
who don’t think that it is real. So that’s still an issue’ – CL1
This could be contrasted with CS2, where there was a high level of attention and
interest given to sustainability issues by the top management and wider organisation
within the Trust. Therefore, in CS2, the interest from these parties acted as a facilitator
for the uptake and implementation of SC.
Another key internal factor affecting the success of this conceptual stage is the client’s
knowledge and understanding on SC. The previously mentioned failure to communicate
the SC requirements observed in CS1 could also be attributed to a lack of knowledge
and experience on the part of the Trust side. When the expertise is not available in-
house, it is important to bring in outside experts at this stage. However, it was evident
from the analysis that although clients almost always opted to employ outside
consultants at this stage, they were usually general building consultants with no specific
expertise in SC issues. As one Trust respondent observed;
‘They are a general building services consultancy who had knowledge in the area
rather than being specialists in the area. That was where we got our main advice
around sustainability issues. In the main, I think we were very happy with the advice
that they’ve given to us. So yes we did use specialist advisors, but specialist advisors
who were general in nature’ – CL1
Although there was no indication of expert advisors being involved at this stage of the
process, there was a tendency to appoint specialist sustainability officers closer to the
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
operational phase. This was observed in all three case studies. In these instances, the
responsibility of the sustainability officer was to monitor and report on the performance
of the building (this is further discussed under the hand over /operation phase in section
A further finding that emerged through the grounded theory analysis was the role of a
sustainability champion within the implementation process. Whilst the whole SC
implementation process benefited from this role, its impacts were especially significant
within the first two phases of the implementation process. As mentioned earlier, the
appointment of a specialist expert on sustainability issues often did not happen until
towards the end of the construction phase. However, it became clear from the analysis
that in all three case studies, one or more project parties assumed the role of
championing SC. This was not an official role. The project parties who championed SC
demonstrated a strong interest on sustainability issues (refer to section These
SC champions often viewed addressing SC as more of a moral obligation rather than a
legal obligation. This was either as a result of strong personal interest in sustainability
issues and/or due to policies and culture of the organisations they represented. In CS1,
the project director from the Trust was a strong champion of SC. On the other hand, in
CS3, SC was championed by the contractor and the design team. Both the project
director in CS1 and the design team members from CS3 were driven by personal
interests and commitments to address the SC issues. Conversely, the contractor in CS3
was driven more by the culture of their organisation as well as previous experience of
working in other European countries.
As mentioned in section 7.3, this phase reaches conclusion when agreement is reached
on SC requirements within the client organisation and in turn successfully
communicated to potential bidders.
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
success and satisfactory completion of this phase, all three aforementioned categories of
actions need to be fulfilled. Figure 7.2 details the activities and internal and external
influence factors identified within this phase.
External Factors
Opportunities and obstacles due to
project location
Availability of experienced
Availability/access to knowledge
and innovation
Legislation and policy
requirements + changes
The first set of activities during this phase relates to selecting a project team that has the
capacity and willingness to facilitate the implementation of SC. The project parties’,
particularly contractors’, capacity and commitment to facilitate SC depends upon a
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
number of internal factors. These include the parties’ knowledge and understanding on
SC, the organisational culture and the value placed on sustainability issues within
organisational policies, past experience and attitudes towards risk. A good example of
how the above factors worked in a positive manner to result in a project team
facilitating implementation of SC was found in CS3. In CS3, the contractor was a
Swedish organisation who was new to the UK PFI market. During the negotiation/idea
development phase of CS3, the contractor took the initiative of suggesting a number of
SC options with particular focus on addressing the environmental objectives of SC.
Most of these initiatives were informed through the contractor’s previous experience in
carrying out construction work in their native country. The process of idea development
in CS3 was further facilitated by a knowledgeable and supportive design team that was
committed towards sustainability issues. The design team respondent in CS3
particularly observed that whilst they are generally willing to design for SC, they are
often hindered by reasons such as lack of funding and budget allocations. This barrier
was overcome in CS3 due to the interest and motivation of the contractor (who is the
main partner of the PFI project company) to address SC. For instance, the design team
respondent from CS3 observed that;
‘They wanted high quality and there was a budget for that and that was different from
any other PFI I’ve worked in before or after’ – DT3
As a result, the design team in CS3 was able to respond positively to the call for a more
sustainable, high quality and efficient building by the contractor and the project
The second set of activities within this phase involves idea generation and reaching
agreement between project parties on the generated ideas. Depending upon source of
idea generation on SC, the analysis revealed that the process of uptake and
implementation of SC within a construction project environment could take the form of
(i) a top-down approach, where the SC issues are driven by the client and/or (ii) a
bottom-up approach, where the SC initiatives are brought up by a member of the project
team (e.g. contractor or the design team). Comparing the findings from the three case
studies during these first two phases, different approaches to idea generation on SC
could be observed, resulting in different outcomes. A more top-down type of approach
was evident in CS1. Herein, even though there was failure from the Trust’s side to
incorporate SC requirements into the output specification, sustainability issues were
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
being strongly driven and advocated by the Trust’s project director. Conversely, a more
bottom-up type of approach was observed in CS3, where the Trust did not demonstrate a
strong level of motivation or interest in addressing SC. The implementation of SC in
this case was mainly driven by the contractor and the design team. Accordingly, such
bottom-up approaches to SC idea generation were found to be particularly useful on
occasions when clients did not clearly specify SC requirements. As one contractor
‘If the client isn’t calling for major green initiatives we will always put forward...
green initiatives so that they’ve got options when they see the prices. And we will try
and lead them into a much greener solution to their projects’ – CT2
A balance between these top down and bottom up approaches was observed to bring
about the best results as was evident from the CS2. As the project director from the
Trust in CS2 noted;
‘We knew what we wanted. But then you get [CT2] as builders, they come along and
they’ll offer you, well, why don’t we do this? We may not have considered it at the time
but that’s how the partnership worked’ – CL2
The project team’s ability to deliver a sustainable and fit for purpose facility in CS2 was
attributed by both the client and the contractor to this partnership approach to idea
One of the key benefits or selling points of PPP/PFI schemes has been their ability to
draw in the skills and expertise of the private sector to bring about innovative design
and construction solutions (refer to section This is particularly useful when it
comes to bottom-up idea generation. As is evidenced from the above discussions, in
both CS2 and CS3, the public sector clients (i.e. the Trust) greatly benefited from the
skills and expertise of their private sector partners in relation to SC. In both these cases,
the private sector contractor put forward ideas that addressed SC over and above the
requirements set by the Trust. However, this could be contrasted with the experience of
CS1, where the contractor failed to bring in any substantial initiatives in relation to SC
(refer to section This emphasised the importance of factoring in the
contractors’ capabilities and experience, specifically in relation to SC, during the
contractor selection process. However, CS1 was prevented from doing this due to the
paucity of the number of PFI contractors available in the market (refer to section 7.2).
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
Ideas generated in relation to SC during this stage could be further categorised as either
externally generated or internally generated. Externally generated options refer to those
SC options that have been incorporated in order to meet the mandatory requirements set
in legislations and/or regulations. On the other hand, internally generated SC options
include ideas and initiatives of the project parties that go above and beyond meeting the
mandatory requirements. During the period of 1999/2000, when CS3 was being
designed, SC did not hold the level of priority that it does today. During this time, SC
was not being driven by the building regulations or other legislative requirements to
extent that it is today. However, the contractor in CS3 was resolved not to aim for the
minimum regulatory requirements. Rather the aim was to deliver the facility to the
highest possible standard. This commitment towards achieving high levels of SC
performance of the contractor was in turn reciprocated by the design team. On the other
hand, in CS1, the client requirements laid out in the output specifications only required
the contractor to meet the NHS and non-NHS specific legislative requirements. There
was no attempt on the part of the contractor or the design team to deliver SC options
that went over and above these legislative requirements.
The second set of activities within this phase also involves reaching agreement between
project parties on the generated ideas. The analysis revealed that this often requires a
constant back and forth process until satisfaction and agreement is reached between all
project parties. Examples of this back and forth processes were found in all three of the
case studies. However, there were instances when complete satisfaction of all the parties
could not be achieved despite repeating the process several times. In such instances, it
was required to reach a level of compromise between parties. A good example of this
was found in CS1. In here, there was dissatisfaction within the Trust on how the design
team had modelled the thermal performance of the new construction. This is evidenced
by the following quote from the Trust respondent;
‘… they have tried to model thermally the performance of the building in the future.
We have argued that they haven’t done it well enough and have had it done again
since and we believe that there will be problem areas’ – CL1
Although the modelling was redone to address the client’s concerns, the Trust was still
not fully satisfied with the outcome. Despite this, the parties decided to compromise and
the process was continued based on this revised model.
The third set of activities within this phase involves reaching agreement between parties
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
‘Setting targets was difficult. ...there’s a negotiation process involved. If the project
doesn’t perform the project company could be penalised for it not performing. When
attaching targets that have financial impacts, there could be some bridges to cross’ -
In setting performance standards, obtaining input from the building users in relation to
their expectations on the standards of performance of the completed facility, emerged as
an important factor. These inputs should relate not just to the design aspects of the
facility but also to its operational performance, in particular, to the delivery of services
during the operation phase. Not giving proper attention to gauging user expectations in
relation to the latter sometimes resulted in dissatisfaction amongst users on the
standards of performance delivered. This was the case in CS1, where only a few weeks
into the FM contract, the hospital management received a large number of complaints
about the standard of food being delivered by the FM company. However, none of the
penalty clauses that had been built into the PFI contract to ensure the standards of
performance delivered was triggered due to poor performance. This was indication that
the level of service being delivered still fell within the performance levels stipulated in
the contract suggesting a discrepancy between the assigned performance standards and
the user expectations. Accordingly, it is important not just to set out clear targets for
performance, but also to align these targets with the service levels expected by the users.
The project parties’ perception and attitudes towards risks (refer to section is an
internal factor that affects the success of this set of activities. Construction industry, in
general, is regarded as risk averse (Cheng et al., 2008). SC opens up new risks in
addition to the traditional construction risks faced by the project parties. For instance,
some stakeholders show a resistance to adopt new sustainable technologies and
materials from a fear of the unknown and a lack of willingness to assume additional
uncertainties and responsibilities. A good example of contrasting attitudes towards
assuming risks by project parties was observed in comparing CS1 with CS2 and CS3. In
CS1, there was a level of disappointment from the Trust’s side with regard to the
contractor’s lack of willingness to assume risks and coming up with innovative
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
‘They like simplicity, they like being told what to do. And they don’t like the ambiguity
of them deciding’ – CL1
As is evident from the following quote by the respondent from the Trust, there was
some degree of going backwards and forwards in relation to assuming responsibility by
‘What the designers try to do, what the contractors try to do is to constantly bring this
back to us signing off their design. And we said that’s not our job. Our job is to tell
you what we want, the output that we want. It is your job to actually deliver that
output. They hated that and they still do. But it is the very nature of the risk transfer of
a PFI contract, whether that’s a good thing or not is another matter. Because all it
does is build up problems down the stream’ –CL1
In contrast to this, in both CS2 and CS3 the contractors and the design teams
demonstrated greater willingness to assume risks. This in turn led to these parties to take
the initiative in putting forward suggestions, which often went above and beyond
meeting the requirements initially set by their respective clients. One respondent from
the contractor organisation of CS2 noted how they always gave their clients a more
sustainable option even on occasions where SC was not at the top of clients’ agenda;
‘If we pick up that it is not at the top of the agenda for our client we will offer it at an
option price. - CT2
The analysis also revealed that the parties’ reluctant attitude towards assuming risks
relating to SC appears to improve with experience.
Another internal factor affecting the activities within this phase is the differences in
work ethics between the public and private sectors. The following quote from the
Trust’s respondent in CS2 explicates some of these difficulties;
‘It isn’t the easiest relationship. You have a public sector organisation trying to work
side by with a private sector organisation. And that’s two different work ethics. We
wanted as much design certainty as possible and cost certainty as possible. Don’t
forget we are a public body.’ - CL2
In order to overcome the above issues it was important that good communication
channels were established between the different project parties. As was demonstrated in
CS2, establishing good communication during this phase can result in inclusive and
collaborative decision making overcoming the aforementioned difficulties. In the case
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
of CS2, communication between parties was facilitated through regular face to face
meetings. The project director from the Trust in CS2 noted;
‘We had to go through the contractual hierarchy.... We’d have design team meetings
throughout. So you would have the whole of their design team sit with our design
team. It was an inclusive process, it wasn’t always easy... But it was generally
collective. Often times you would have the architects, our architectural advisors would
talk to their architectural advisors. It was over a year worth of face to face discussions
before we got out on the ground’ - CL2
The above could be contrasted with CS1, where the Trust’s project director was
frustrated with the distance between them as the client and the design team. He
particularly allocated this to be a weakness of the PFI procurement system, even though
the same issue was overcome in CS2 through better facilitated communication.
‘… a big disadvantage of the PFI contract is the separation of the design team from us
as the ultimate client. We have so many levels between us and the people who are
designing the buildings. It’s a great frustration.’ – CL1
Within the PFI model, the design team is contracted by the contractor organisation (see
Figure 4.9). Therefore, it was typical to find during the interviews that the design team
members referred to the contractor or the project company as their ‘Client’. However, it
is clear from the above discussions that there is a necessity for direct communication
paths between the design team and the ultimate client of the construction (i.e. Trust).
Involvement and integration of all project parties is another internal factor that is
influencing the activities within this phase. The analysis revealed various levels of
involvement of parties during this phase. In all case studies, a strong partnership was
evident between the contractor and the design team. There was generally a high level of
involvement and participation of these parties within the decision process. In contrast,
some respondents from FM organisations were dissatisfied with their level of
involvement in the SC decision process. Although, FM was involved in the decision
process in all three case studies, there was discontent on the level of input they had
when it came to influencing the decisions been made. As one FM respondent observed;
‘You’ve got to remember you have a PFI construction company, which is usually a
massive multi-million pound contractor. Say £100-200 million contract and then you’ll
have a couple of million pounds a year FM contract. Which do you think is the more
powerful player of those two? To some extent some of them did it. They all talk with
their FM Teams. Some of them have bigger input than others’- FM2
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
Engaging with local community groups is another internal factor that is particularly
important during these first two phases of the implementation process to broaden the
scope of SC issues considered. Indeed, the analysis found that involving the local
community representatives within these early phases gave the communities a sense of
ownership of the new hospitals. During this second phase of the implementation
process, involvement and consultation with a variety of internal and external project
stakeholders was found to be useful for developing a design solution that closely
satisfied the stakeholder requirements. Within the case studies, these consultations were
found to be conducted in both formal (e.g. organised meetings) and informal (e.g.
information days) ways. In CS2 for example, during this second phase of the
implementation process, the contractor took the initiative in organising workshops to
incorporate the end user ideas into the design development process. This engagement
process was continued throughout the negotiation/idea development phase until the
design was finalised. One outcome of this consultation process was the altering of the
orientation of the main entrance in order to make it more visible for patients upon
arrival. The local community groups were keen and enthusiastic about the opportunity
to provide input to the design process as was evident from the positive feedback given
by the workshop participants.
The analysis also found that a number of problems could arise during the latter phases
of the implementation process when proper stakeholder consultations were not carried
out during this phase. One such problem was faced by the parties of CS1 during the
hand-over of a completed section of the new build. Herein, a group of patients were
driven to hold a protest demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the lack of a dedicated
patient care unit addressing their particular user needs. The Trust on the other hand, was
of the opinion that such a unit was not possible due to issues such as, feasibility and
staffing. However, the users had not been kept properly informed on these during the
negotiation/idea development phase, which in turn led to a mismatch between user
expectations and what was delivered in practice.
The general buzz surrounding SC issues from national government level downwards
was generally found to act as a facilitator to implementing SC during this phase.
However, the analysis found that this high level of focus on SC also had the likelihood
to act as an impediment to implementing SC. This was mainly because the buzz
surrounding SC sometimes drove project parties to implement certain SC aspects
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
without giving due consideration to the project contextual factors (for example, location
and the type of service provided). A good example of this was the local council’s
decision to cap the number of car parking spaces in CS2 as a means of promoting more
sustainable travel choices. This was one of the environmental objectives identified
through the document analysis (refer to section However, this initiative was not
suitable for CS2 due to the location of the hospital, which was in between two major
towns. Furthermore, as FM respondent noted, given that CS2 was an acute care hospital,
the patients generally sought to arrive at the hospital using the fastest mode of
transportation they had available. The lack of car parking spaces within this context was
therefore a source of great frustration to the users;
‘That’s not been so successful. Because sometimes it’s the nature of the business. If
you’re sick and you need to get to a hospital you come in the quickest fastest mode
don’t you? So that hasn’t been as successful as we would have liked... It was the
biggest thing that people complained about. They arrive on site anxious, not sure
where they are going. They are terrified of being late for an appointment if they are
coming to out-patients. It’s not the best thing. People will argue I suppose. It’s not the
best model for an acute care hospital’ -FM2
Another external factor affecting the activities within this phase was the legislative
environment in relation to SC. Whilst, the general legislative environment was found to
be an enabler for implementation of SC, the constant changes and developments being
made in this area were found to negatively affect the process. A good example of this
was the lengthy re-scoping process undergone by CS1 in order to accommodate changes
to legislation;
‘We got to 2005 and found that we couldn’t get the Full Business Case approved by the
Department of Health. Treasury rules were changing. We couldn’t meet the new
treasury rules so we had to redesign and it took us a year to get to an agreement with
the project company. So by July 2006, we signed the agreement in principle and then it
took us another year to get to Financial Close. So, Financial Close in 2007. So an
awfully long gestation period and if we deserved a price for anything at all, it was
persistence I think. Because at times you feel like just giving up because it’s so
difficult’ –CL1
As was observed in the case of CS1, the commitment and motivation of the client as
well as the project team is critical to manage and overcome the effects of such external
The end of this second phase is marked when the project reaches financial close. In
theory, reaching financial close means that the process of idea generation, negotiation
and formulation of design solutions to deliver the agreed upon outputs has been
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
completed. This would mean that all the requirements in relation to SC have been
agreed upon between the client and the contractor by this time. However, in practice,
some variations and additional considerations may still be taken into consideration even
after this phase, if agreed upon by both the client and the contractor. A good example of
introducing such an additional SC feature was observed in CS2, where the contractor
brought forward the idea of using a lake source heating system after the financial close.
The project team only had a small window of opportunity before the construction work
commenced to reach an agreement and carry out the implementation. The adoption of
this technology as a variation was again evident of the willingness to assume risks
associated with novel SC technologies by both the contractor and the client. This also
highlights the fact that the activities within the phases of the implementation process do
not follow a rigid step-by-step structure. Rather, these activities (shown in Figures 7.2,
7.3, 7.4 and 7.5) are often carried out in a fluid, non-structured manner, allowing for the
inherent complexities and contextual considerations within construction project
environments. However, the analysis revealed that the generic nature of the activities
within each phase, as discussed within the sections 0, 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and 7.3.4 of this
chapter, remained more or less the same.
The third phase of the SC implementation involves the physical construction phase
(refer to Figure 7.1). The activities within this phase are focused on the transformation
of the concepts and ideas on SC developed during the previous phases into their
practical functions. The activities within this phase results in the physically constructed
facility ready to be handed over to the clients/users upon the completion of the phase.
Consequently, activities within this phase involve the consideration of SC issues in
relation to the construction site level activities and are for the most part, led by the
contractor organisation. Figure 7.4 below details the activities and internal and external
influence factors identified within this phase.
The physical construction phase activities could be divided into three main categories;
i.e. (i) activities in relation to developing and implementing programmes and
methodologies to address the SC objectives, (ii) activities in relation to gaining
commitment and involvement of other stakeholders (e.g. suppliers, sub-contractors,
local community) and (iii) activities in relation to monitoring, reporting and improving
performance levels in relation to addressing SC. The analysis revealed that
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
consideration of SC during this phase is fairly well-developed and given a higher level
of focus compared to the other three phases of the implementation process.
External Factors
Legislation +regulations
Taxes and levies (e.g. Landfill
Tax, Aggregate Levy)
Availability of voluntary schemes
(e.g. Considerate Constructors)
Importance+ perception of SC
issues held by public
The activities within this phase are also affected by a number of internal and external
influence factors. Similar to the previous phases, the exact nature and effect of these
influence factors (i.e. whether the factors acted as facilitator or impediment) were also
found to be determined by the specific contextual factors of each project.
The first set of activities within this phase as mentioned above, involves developing
processes and methodologies to deliver the sustainable design solutions agreed upon
during the negotiation/idea development phase. This is particularly facilitated by high
levels of SC related knowledge, creativity and innovation potential within contractor
organisations. In addition, this first set of activities also involves further developing and
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
The high level of focus given to the aforementioned issues was to a certain extent driven
by external factors affecting this phase of the implementation. These external factors
included, the legislative and regulatory environment promoting SC, Taxes and Levies
(e.g. Landfill Tax, Aggregate Levy), as well as, the importance placed on sustainability
issues by the general public. The latter was associated with the reputation of
organisations. Project parties (particularly, contractors and clients) from both CS2 and
CS3 viewed implementing SC practices as a means of improving the reputation of their
organisations. However, the issue here is that, these activities alone only address SC at
the most basic levels (i.e. product/component level and project level, as shown in the
Figure 5.4). In order to address SC in a more holistic and comprehensive manner
focusing on the other activities identified within this and the other phases of the
implementation process, is crucial. The analysis further found that often the
aforementioned methodologies and processes for delivering sustainable design solutions
would be decided during the previous phase (i.e. negotiation/idea development phase)
of the implementation process. In such instances, the activities during this phase
involved, modifying these decided upon processes and methodologies, taking into
consideration the local and site level conditions.
The second set of activities within this phase is focused upon gaining the commitment
and involvement of other stakeholders such as, sub-contractors and suppliers, who play
a key role in the activities during this phase. Consideration given to sustainability issues
by these parties has an impact on the overall SC performance within the construction
process as well as the constructed facility. As explained in section 2.6, the concept of SC
incorporates considerations with regard to both of these aspects. Much of the
responsibility for gaining commitment towards SC from these other stakeholders lies
with the contractor during this phase. CS2 demonstrated some good examples of
initiatives taken by the main contractor in ensuring that the sub-contractors were
committed to SC. For instance, the contractor took an active role by intervening to take
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
corrective action, when it was revealed that one of their sub-contractors was
underpaying some construction workers. A good example of supplier involvement
facilitating the SC implementation was observed in CS1. Here, the involvement and
engagement with a specialist supplier allowed the contractor to successfully adopt a
modular assembly system during the construction phase. The input from the supplier in
relation to the preparatory work required, helped the contractor to meet ambitious
installation targets whilst not compromising on aspects such as, access or
The analysis also found that there were benefits in continuing the local community
engagement activities described within the first two phases, during this construction
phase as well. However, the analysis revealed that the purpose of conducting
community engagement activities within this phase differs from that of the previous
phases. The main purpose of conducting stakeholder engagements during this
construction phase was to keep these parties informed, whereas, the main focus of these
engagement activities during the previous two phases was on obtaining inputs. The
contractor organisation in CS2 in particular, gave a high level of attention to conducting
stakeholder engagements during this phase. One such example was a safety awareness
project, which was carried out with the participation of children from three local
schools. Given the context of case studies, such exercises were useful for giving the
local community a sense of involvement and ownership over the new facility.
The third set of activities identified within this phase involves the monitoring, recording
and reporting the SC performance and quality standards being achieved. These actions
were important to keep the project parties, particularly the client, informed on the
progress being made, as well as any problems or issues encountered. Provision of
training and education on SC to site level workers is an internal factor that can impact
on the quality and standards of SC performance achieved during this phase. In all three
case studies, training activities were carried out to provide site level workers knowledge
and awareness in relation to some aspects of SC (such as, health and safety, recycling
and waste management).
Overall, internal factors such as, contractors’ past experience, attitude and motivation
towards SC and their organisational culture were identified to play a crucial role in
determining the level of attention given to SC within this phase. These factors can drive
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
‘There’s no benefit for the consortium, who are running the building to do actually
anything more than what they have to do. Obviously they’ll do what they have to do
legally. So it is interesting how in this case the contractor still did certain things, such
as the triple glazing, which was quite good.’ – DT3
In this instance, the contractor of CS3 was a Swedish company committed to SC. The
use of triple glazing was normal practice for them from their experience within the
Swedish construction industry. Thus, the contractor’s initiative to use triple glazing in
this instance was driven by both their past experience as well as organisational culture.
Some of the external factors affecting the activities within this phase were discussed at
the beginning part of this section. In addition to those, the availability of voluntary
codes and schemes for benchmarking purposes was another external factor that affected
SC implementation during this phase. Conforming to schemes such as, Considerate
Constructors by contracting organisations for example, was observed within all three
case studies. Obtaining good ratings from such schemes were seen by contractors as a
means of enhancing their company reputations (which in turn could be translated into a
business benefit).
The main output of this construction phase is the completed facility. Therefore, this
third phase of the implementation process reaches completion when the facility is ready
to be operational.
The fourth and final stage of the process is called the hand over/operational stage (see
Figure 7.1). Although this has been introduced as a separate phase following the
completion of the construction phase, given the type and scale of the three case studies,
significant overlapping of the construction and operation phases could be observed.
However, as mentioned in section 7.3.2, the generic nature of the activities within this
phase could be identified and remained the same across the case studies. These activities
and the internal and external influence factors affecting them are shown in Figure 7.5.
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
External Factors
Changes to user needs
Availability of SC performance
measurement schemes
Technology changes+
The activities within this phase can be categorised into three main types. These are; (i)
activities in relation to providing training and improving engagement of building users
to ensure the sustainable operation of the facility, (ii) activities in relation to
continuously improving the sustainable performance levels of the completed facility and
(iii) activities in relation to dissemination of knowledge and experience gained in
relation to SC implementation process.
The first set of activities within this phase is crucial for ensuring that the performance
levels and standards set at the idea development phase in relation to aspects such as,
energy conservation are actually realised in practice. Providing training for users of the
facility (particularly, the hospital staff within the context of the case studies) and
improving their awareness and commitment towards sustainability issues are essential
for achieving this. The analysis revealed a range of initiatives undertaken by the project
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
companies as well as the Trusts during this phase to increase the awareness and
commitment of users towards sustainability issues. These included;
Using ‘house-keeping’ to push the energy reduction agenda (e.g. Turning off
It is interesting to note that most of the user training initiatives emerging through the
analysis were focused upon issues relating to the energy sub-element. It appears that
there is room for expanding these user training initiatives to incorporate the other sub-
elements of SC as well.
The second set of activities within this phase relates to continuous improvement of SC
performance of the completed facility. In order to achieve this monitoring and reporting
the current levels of SC performance is important. The client representatives were keen
to highlight the importance of appointing a dedicated sustainability manager at this
stage, even though within the PFI schemes the responsibility for the operation of the
facility lies with the project company. The analysis revealed that the Trusts in all three
case studies had opted to appoint a dedicated person with the responsibility for carrying
out the performance monitoring, measurement and reporting activities in relation to SC
during this phase. In both CS1 and CS2, this role was referred to as a sustainability
manager or advisor.
‘I have a sustainability advisor now, so he’s the guy that has all the facts and figures
now’ – CL2
‘We have employed a sustainability manager whose job is to try and persuade people
to behave better within the building. We employed her in the middle of the last year’ –
In the discussions carried out under the second phase of the implementation process
(refer to section 7.3.2), the importance of obtaining input from the facility’s users in
setting performance standards was highlighted. The analysis revealed that this input was
particularly important to ensure user satisfaction during the hand over/operation phase
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
of the implementation process. Continuing this dialogue with the users throughout this
hand over/operation phase (for example, by facilitating discussions between the FM
provider and users) can help ensure that the FM services continue to be delivered to the
expected standards. It emerged through the analysis that the activities in relation to
performance monitoring during this fourth phase could also be carried out with the
involvement of users. One such example was the introduction of a Helpdesk linked to
performance parameters in CS2. The idea of this was to automatically identify any non-
compliance or service delivery problems through the user complaints. These identified
problems were then linked to the payment mechanism to automatically generate the
penalties/deductions the project company incurred for non-compliance.
Overall, the analysis found that Trusts in all three case studies showed commitment
towards continuously improvement of the SC performance levels of their respective
facilities. This is evidenced from the following quotes by the Trust respondents;
‘I think we are continuing to look at it. So we are not standing still’ – CL2
‘One of the big issues that we are trying to take forward at the moment with the
project company is trying to take forward sustainability initiatives, which we don’t
need to hit the energy targets’ – CL1
The third set of activities identified during this stage involves the dissemination of
knowledge and experience gained from the SC implementation process. The analysis
revealed that this dissemination could take two forms. Firstly, external dissemination
involves sharing the knowledge and experience gained by the project parties with those
that are outside the project team. A good example of this external dissemination was
observed in CS2 as demonstrated by the following quote by the Trust’s project director;
‘It has been the subject of a number of interests, we get quite a number of people
coming in. Myself and a colleague, we were out in New York last year talking at one of
the New York hospital conferences. Because they were interested in how we’ve used
green and sustainability into the health care environment. Actually, we are also going
out to Sweden in the next couple of months. Because in Sweden, there’s a big project
there and they also want to look at how we integrated sustainability elements to the
new built’ –CL2
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
‘..So lots of initiatives are now starting to build into our new projects..., based on the
experience we’ve had on [CS2] and other projects. So now it’s a cornerstone of
everything that we sell. Be it our hospital projects, our commercial projects, each bid
we put in is the greenest submission we’ve ever made. And we strive to get Excellence
in all of the benchmarks that actually sit alongside those projects’ – CT2
Overall, the success of the activities within this phase was improved by the continuation
of personnel from the previous phases of the implementation process. Indeed, all four
phases of the implementation process were found to benefit from continuity of project
personnel (refer to section as this allows the SC implementation process to
progress with minimum disruptions, particularly when progressing from one phase to
another. During the hand over/operation phase, the continuation of project personnel
from the previous phases was helpful in ensuring that the facility is operated the way it
was intended. Continuation of project personnel throughout the implementation phases
was also found to be useful in encouraging project parties to take into consideration the
whole life cycle issues from the early stages.
The significant external factors affecting the success of activities within this phase were
the potential changes to user needs and technological advancements that could occur
over time. The analysis revealed that the smooth functioning of the hand over/operation
phase greatly improved on occasions where, foresight was used by the project parties to
accommodate for such changes during the design of the facility (i.e. the negotiation/idea
development phase).
The preceding sections of this chapter provided in depth discussions on the process of
implementing SC within construction project environments. The analysis of case studies
led to the development of the emerging framework for SC implementation, which was
presented at the beginning of this chapter (refer to Figure 7.1). The next section goes on
to further discuss these findings by comparing and contrasting them with the available
literature in order to strengthen the discussions presented and increase credibility of the
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
The grounded theory analysis led to the development of the emergent framework for SC
implementation comprising of four main phases (shown in Figure 7.1). There are a
number of existing frameworks and models that lay out the generic phases of a
construction project. May be the best known amongst these is the outline plan of work
developed by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). This plan presents the
activities within the processes of managing and designing building construction projects
and administering building contracts, organised into a number of ‘work stages’. Whilst
the RIBA outline plan of work presents these work stages in a generic manner, it
acknowledges that the sequence of the work stages and the activities contained within
the stages vary depending upon the type of procurement used. Winch and Carr (2001)
have also developed a 10 phase model for the generic construction process. Their model
is based upon the RIBA plan of work and the ‘Code des Marches Publics’ developed in
France. Similarly, OGC (2005) has also put forward a framework detailing the key
stages of the construction procurement process. All of these frameworks and models
have been useful in developing a common language for construction sector activities.
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
Similar to the above observations made in relation to the generic construction process,
the SC implementation process was also found to not adhere to a strict, step-by-step
structure. Although a common set of activities and influence factors could be identified
within each phase, the order in which these activities were carried out differed from one
project to the next based upon the contextual factors of each construction project. In
other words, the actions identified within each phase of the implementation process
were not carried out in the same identical order across the case studies. These
discussions highlight the importance of allowing for flexibility within the emergent
framework for SC implementation process. The level of attention given to fulfilling all
of the identified activities within each phase would determine level of success of the SC
implementation process. This may include going beyond meeting only the minimum
requirements set in the mandatory legislation and regulations, towards exceptional
achievements in SC that are over and above the minimum requirements set in
So far there has been a lack of attention given to gaining detailed understanding of the
SC implementation process grounded in the project level realities (i.e. bottom up
approach) within existing literature. Most of the work in this area to date have focused
upon prescribing actions from a top down perspective. This research discovered that
exploring the SC implementation process grounded within the realities of construction
project environments was useful in establishing interrelations between various actions
and influence factors. Furthermore, even though this study has been carried out within
the context of PFI projects, most of the identified actions within the implementation
process phases are transferable to project environments using other types of
procurement as well. NAO (2009) observes that good practices needed to ensure the
success of PFI projects (such as, setting clear output specifications) are transferable to
other non-PFI projects, highlighting that good practice can flow in both directions
between PFI and non-PFI.
The local context of projects was repeatedly emphasised throughout the discussions
within this chapter as a factor affecting implementation of SC within construction
projects. Planning system regulates the development of land and is hence, responsible
for determining the national and local context of construction projects. Accordingly, the
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
planning system has a key role to play in underpinning SC (Harman and Benjamin,
2005). Harman and Benjamin (2005) have particularly noted that planning system has
the ability to encourage higher standards of building performance than those stipulated
through building regulations. They further highlight that the planning system has the
ability to introduce ‘area-based’ measures in order to improve building performance in
areas that are outside the scope of building regulations. Furthermore, Kibert (2008)
observes that how the distribution of different types of developments is determined by
the planning system has a number of consequences on addressing aspects of SC at
project level. He notes that segregation of buildings by type (such as, residential,
commercial, government, etc.) forces people to increase their use of automobiles or
public transport to commute from one type of building to another. Concepts such as,
‘New Urbanism’ seek to provide a solution to this by mixing building types and
designing urban areas to encourage pedestrian movement. Ideally, availability of all
daily needs within a 10 minute walking distance of the place of an individual’s
residence is preferred (Kibert, 2008). However, the analysis of case studies highlighted
that decisions on which SC issues to be encouraged for each project through the
planning system should be made taking into consideration the realities of each
individual project. As was discovered in CS2, the blind implementation of certain
regulations (such as, limiting the number of car park spaces) without giving due
consideration to factors such as site location is not recommended. Such actions could in
fact, impact negatively on the overall sustainability of projects due to reasons such as,
reduced user satisfaction.
While the need for clearly specifying client requirements for SC emerged as an
important finding within the conceptual phase, the extent to which these requirements
can be precisely described, assessed and communicated to third parties remains in need
of further clarification (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz, 2007). In the case studies, varying
levels of prescription were observed in relation to specifying client requirements for SC,
resulting in different outcomes in terms of the overall performance of SC
implementation process. Client’s demand for SC itself could be improved by several
mechanisms such as (Lutzkendorf and Lorenz, 2007);
Changing the values and concerns of societies and strengthening the willingness
of individuals and corporations to take responsibility for society and
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
Harnessing the property sectors methods and instruments such as, risk analysis,
valuation and transaction analysis to communicate the benefits of SC.
This chapter addressed part of objective 5 of this research (refer to section 1.2) by
analysing and detailing the actions needed for implementing SC within a construction
project environment. The findings of the grounded theory analysis led to the
development of four phased emergent framework for the implementation of SC. Each
phase of this emergent framework includes a set of activities and influence factors. The
cross-case analysis revealed that the activities within the phases did not always follow a
strict, structured order. Furthermore, even though these activities and the influence
factors could be identified as generic in nature at a high level, their exact nature and
characteristics were found to vary, depending upon the context of and realities within
each project. The discussions on each of the phases of the process highlighted the need
Chapter 7▐ Implementing SC at Project Level
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Cultural factors
IF 1: Attitudes, commitment and motivation of parties
IF 2: Perceptions / attitudes towards risk
IF 3: Differences in work ethics (e.g. private and public sectors)
IF 4: No blame, collaborative, positive attitude to problem
Organisational/ managerial factors
IF 5: Top management support and commitment
IF 6: Integration / alignment of SC and project objectives /
Internal Factors (IF)
IF 7: Communication channels
IF 8: Level of involvement and integration of parties (i.e. within
project team)
IF 9: Engagement of users and local community
IF 10: Organisational policies and culture
IF 11: Continuation of project personnel throughout
implementation phases
IF 12: Learning and knowledge sharing within project team
IF 13: Client demand and leadership
IF 14: Suppliers and sub-contractors committed to SC
Resource factors
IF 15: Cost/ Funding implications
IF 16: Availability of knowledge , creativity and innovation
IF 17: Previous experience
IF 18: Training, education and development
External factors
External Factors (EF)
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
As mentioned in section 7.3, the ‘external factors’ refer to those influence factors that
are outside the control of project parties, whereas, the ‘internal factors’ are within the
control of project parties. The effect of internal factors on the success of the SC
implementation process could therefore, be managed through proper management
interventions. Upon further scrutiny, it was identified that three different types of
management facilitations were required to effectively manage these internal factors.
These included cultural facilitation, organisational/managerial facilitation and resource
facilitation. Accordingly, the 18 internal factors were categorised into three main types
as, cultural factors, organisational/managerial factors and resource factors. Whether
these factors acted as enablers or barriers to the success of the SC implementation
process, depended upon the context each project and the nature and extent of
management facilitation received.
Unlike the internal factors, the effect of the external factors was observed to be, by and
large, uniform across all three case studies. The obvious exception to this was factor EF
4, which was determined by the local context within which each project was situated.
The following sections provide detailed discussions on each of these factors.
Cultural factors refer to those factors that affect the attitudes and mind-sets of project
parties towards SC. The analysis identified four main cultural factors that affect the
success of the SC implementation process. These factors are discussed in detail below.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
A positive attitude and commitment towards SC meant that project stakeholders had a
motivation for addressing SC issues, other than the fact they were required to do so by
legislation. A good example of such a positive attitudes and interest towards SC are
evidenced by the following quotes by the project director from the Trust side in CS1 and
a design team member from CS3;
‘Not just because it’s the law, but because I have a very strong personal interest as
well. I think that it’s something that we need to do socially. I think it’s something that
we have to do. I think in truth it’s too late already. But a lot of the adverse impacts are
going to happen anyway. But I think we need to address the issues as much as we can
in all the buildings that we produce’ - CL1
‘Nowadays, everyone talks about sustainability...I started bit more before that and it
was part of our normal design process. Because, for me, it was part of what you do
anyway. How to make it as efficient as possible and energy saving and all those other
aspects. Now, it’s compulsory and everyone talks about it. When we started it was not
at all common place. And many contractors wouldn’t worry too much about it at all
and Trusts too. There were not many directives on those. We started talking because
we passionately believed and we wanted to. That’s how we started’ - DT3
The level to which these attitudes and motivations of parties towards SC translated into
practice depended upon the level of influence those individuals had on the decision-
making process within the project teams, as well as, the willingness of and facilitating
environment created by the other project parties towards addressing SC. Therefore,
when it was the project director for the Trust who showed strong interest in SC, such as
was the case in CS1, it acted as a strong driver for implementing SC in the project.
However, in the case of CS1, this driver was impeded by a lack of enthusiasm and
initiative from the other project parties. This could be compared with the experience in
CS3, where the parties championing SC were the contractor and the design team. There
was no strong interest from the Trust towards addressing SC. However, they were
encouraged and persuaded by the contractor and the design team to accommodate the
new and innovative ideas put forward to them. In the cases where the project parties
demonstrated a positive attitude and commitment towards SC, there was a higher
likelihood to realise achievements that were over and above those required by
legislation. This was the case in CS3 as demonstrated by the following quote;
‘Also they [i.e. CT3] didn’t go for the minimum requirements, in say, thermal
insulation and everything else. They said just go to the maximum you can. So that was
all built into the concept. It was [CT3] and it was us as a design team that said let’s go
for the highest standard’ - DT3
On the other hand, when there was no strong interest or motivation in project parties
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
towards SC, there was a tendency to address only the minimum mandated requirements.
This was the case in CS1;
‘… We are hitting the energy targets, which help us to hit the CO2 reduction targets for
2015. But we have very little in the form of sustainable forms of energy built into the
building... So I think the designers have designed for simplicity and to reduce cost
rather than trying to achieve the sustainability targets that we might have hoped to
achieve’ (CL1)
However, in the case of CS1, the effects of lack of commitment and motivation towards
SC on the part of the contractor and designers was exacerbated by a lack of initiative on
the part of the client in laying out the SC requirements at the very outset of the project
(see sections and
The above discussions illustrate that despite the motivation to address SC by some, the
negative attitudes of others can sometimes result in derailing the attempts at
implementing SC. Respondents from all three case studies acknowledged the difficulties
faced with people that regard SC issues with negativity. For example, one respondent
‘Some people think it’s an absolute load of rubbish, an absolute waste of time and
money and resources’ –FM2
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Within the case studies, significant variations were observed in the attitudes of the
contractors in relation to their perceptions of risks associated with various SC solutions.
In CS1, the contractor was reluctant to assume the risks associated with the design of
the facility. As is evident from the following quote by the Trust respondent, there were
attempts by both parties to pass off the responsibility to the other;
‘What the designers try to do, what the contractors try to do is to constantly bring this
back to us signing off their design. And we said that’s not our job. Our job is to tell
you what we want, the output that we want. It is your job to actually deliver that
output. They hated that and they still do. But it’s the very nature of the risk transfer of
a PFI contract, whether that’s a good thing or not is another matter. Because all it
does is build up problems down the stream’ – CL1
This was in contrast to what was observed in CS2 and CS3, where the previous
experience and attitudes of the contractors and design teams resulted in a positive
attitude towards assuming risks associated with SC options. This is supported by the
inferences made by Rahman and Kumaraswamy (2002). They state that factors such as,
attitude and perception of parties towards risk, play an important role in determining
how and to what extent the parties assume risks. Although, some risks can be
considered as generic, their exact nature, extent and importance is very much dependent
upon the context of a specific project and can vary as the project progresses. This makes
risk allocation often an implicit process, which is dependent upon the qualitative
judgment and past experience of parties (Rahman and Kumaraswamy, 2002).
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Different work ethics between project parties (for example,. between private and public
sectors) was another cultural factor identified as having an impact on the success of the
SC implementation process. This is especially relevant within the context of this
research, as the PFI projects have public sector clients working together with private
sector contractors. As was discussed in section 7.3.2, the different work ethics of project
parties particularly affected the activities of the negotiation/ idea development phase.
These differences include (Boyne, 2002);
i Bureaucracy (Public sector organisations in general have more formal and risk-
averse decision making processes with little room for flexibility).
iii Managerial autonomy (Compared to the private sector, the public sector
managers have little freedom to be reactive as they see fit to situations).
Furthermore, there are differences in the importance placed on values. Buelens and Van
Den Broeck (2007) refer to research that indicate private sector put much higher value
on economic rewards compared to the public sector. In CS2, efficient communication
between parties (facilitated through regular project meetings) was useful in overcoming
these inherent differences in work ethics between parties (refer to section
The analysis revealed that the SC implementation process could benefit from a
collaborative, no blame attitude to problem solving and decision making. Construction
industry has often been criticised for its adversarial nature (Construction Industry
Institute - CII, 2012; Bishop et al., 2008, Latham, 1994). Bishop et al. (2008) observe
that the productive system of construction work effectively institutionalises hostility and
forms a culture of distrust. In section above, it was stated that SC incorporates a
higher level of perceived risk for parties compared to traditional construction practices.
All of these factors highlight the benefits of a collaborative, positive approach to
problem solving when it comes to implementing SC project level. In CS1, such an
approach helped the project team to get through a period of high stress brought upon by
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
The analysis identified the significance of the support and commitment from top
management of organisations as a factor facilitating the SC implementation process. In
the case studies, this was found to be an important enabler throughout all the four
phases of the SC implementation process. CS1 illustrated difficulties faced in gaining
the commitment of top level management of the Trust at the conceptual phase to
‘accept’ the need to consider SC.
‘It has been on occasion quite difficult to get the wider organisation to believe in
climate change and to believe in sustainability and there are still quite a lot of people
who don’t think that it is real. So that’s still an issue. Less of an issue now than say 3
years ago. Three years ago, when I put the strategy forward about CO2 reduction there
was a great deal of scepticism within the trust board itself about whether it really
mattered, whether it was real. And even if it was real whether anything we could do
would make a jolt of difference. So quite a lot of flat earth people’ –CL1
In this case, the project director for the Trust was faced with difficulties in getting the
top management on board with the sustainability agenda, especially during the early
years of the project. The analysis further revealed that improved awareness on
sustainability issues could partly help to alleviate such resistance. On the other hand, in
CS2, the enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by the top level management from
the Trust during the hand over/operational phase towards addressing issues such as
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
energy efficiency, acted as a motivation to the other staff to adapt these practices as
The analysis found that the success of the SC implementation process was greatly
improved on occasions where, SC objectives/processes were integrated into the generic
project objectives/processes. The SC implementation process was even further
facilitated, when this integration was carried out at the very outset of a project. CS2
provided a good example of early integration of SC and project objectives leading to
positive outcomes. In contrast, CS1 illustrated the problems that could emanate from a
failure to align SC and project objectives/processes at the outset of the project.
‘One of the big issues that we are trying to take forward at the moment with the
project company is trying to take forward sustainability initiatives, which we don’t
need to hit the energy targets and we don’t need to hit the CO2 reduction targets that
are set in legislation at the moment. But I think we can do to improve even further our
reduction in CO2 production. So we have no solar panels. We have no wind turbines.
We have none of the other things that you might expect. We don’t even have a great
deal in terms of automatic controls within the building for lighting, we don’t have the
extent of LED lighting that we might expect if we were designing the building now’ -
The above findings are further supported by a research carried out by Swarup et al.
(2011). After investigating 12 sustainable office buildings in the US, they have observed
that early inclusion of SC strategies can have positive effects on achieving SC goals.
Ryan (2004) has also observed that the incorporation SC requirements in output
specifications as key to ‘giving life to sustainability aspirations’ within construction
projects. In this respect, Value Management (VM) has been identified by some authors
as a helpful mechanism to achieve commitment for SC at the early stages of the
implementation process. In the UK, VM workshops are conducted at pre-brief, briefing,
outline/final sketch design and pre-construction stages (Abidin and Pasquire, 2005) and
therefore, could help ensure adherence to the SC agenda throughout the lifecycle
phases. However, one important issue to keep in mind here is not to sacrifice SC
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
‘So it was all this willingness to listen by the main contractor and the developer and
participate and allow for all these issues’ – DT3
On the other hand, CS1 provided a good example of poor communication channels
between the client and the design team during the negotiation/idea development phase
resulting from a lack of managerial/organisational facilitation. Here, the client attributed
the distance between them and the design team, which he referred to as ‘a great source
of frustration’, to be an inherent characteristic of the organisational structure of the PFI
procurement system. Such structural barriers can however, be overcome through
organisational/managerial facilitation. A good example of using of such
organisational/managerial facilitation to overcome the communication barriers due to
‘distancing’ of the client and design team was observed in CS2. Here, conducting
regular, face to face meetings between the design team members and client’s design
advisors greatly facilitated the success of the negotiation/idea development phase of the
implementation process.
The effectiveness and efficiency of communication channels also has an impact on other
internal influence factors such as, the involvement and integration of project parties
(section, learning and knowledge sharing within project team (section
and collaborative, positive attitude to problem solving (section
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
The research found that in general, there were high levels of integration between
contractors and design teams within the case studies, which was facilitated by the
organisational/managerial structure of the PFI schemes. This was useful to ensure the
buildability of the design and that the construction was carried out according to the
design, without the contractor opting to go for cheaper alternatives. However, the
investigation further identified that there were needs for improvement in the levels of
integration of the other parties. Additional management facilitation is needed to achieve
these improvements. It especially emerged that the respondents from the FM
organisations were dissatisfied with their level of involvement within the SC decision
process. This could be attributed to the differences in organisational sizes (and therefore,
the levels of power and authority) of the contractor and FM organisations, who are
partners in the project company. Involvement from FM is important to ensure not only
that the buildings are managed and operated in accordance with the design, but also to
ensure that the design is fit for operational needs of the facility. One respondent from a
FM organisation noted that;
‘Whilst these were being built, we saw a big variance between the amounts of
operational input that went into the design. There are PFIs out there that the FM
companies that run them think that the design is pretty poor for operation, primarily
around access and things like that. That’s one of the things that keep coming up’ –
In addition, as discussed in section, the level of integration between clients and
design teams (particularly within the context of PFI procurement) is also highly reliant
upon the effectiveness of communication channels.
Use of integrated teams has been advocated by a number of parties to overcome the
barriers within construction project environments caused by fragmentation.
Fragmentation of parties within construction project processes is the result of a number
of factors. Buildings, compared to most manufactured products have a longer life-span,
which could be divided into several life cycle phases. Different construction project
stakeholders play key roles during these different life-cycle phases (refer to section 7.3).
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Depending upon the type of procurement method selected, this set up could mean that
there is only a limited amount of interaction and coordination occur amongst the
stakeholders that are involved in different phases of a construction. This could result in
several drawbacks, such as disregarding life-cycle implications due to lack of input
from different stakeholders (Cheng et al., 2008). Compounding the issue is the lack of a
common language (Dammann and Elle, 2006) between these different parties.
iii. Work towards mutually beneficial outcomes by supporting each other and
sharing achievements.
iv. Have the ability to make more accurate time and cost estimates utilising the
collective skills and expertise of parties.
vi. Have a flexible member composition so that it can respond to change over the
project duration.
vii. Offers the members the opportunity to contribute to the delivery process.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
all parties within the construction project team in order to ensure the success of SC
implementation process. This section focuses on the importance of involving the other
project stakeholders, who are external to the project team. Foremost amongst these
stakeholders are the end users of the facility and local community. Since the case studies
in this research were hospital projects, the local community also represented the end
users. The analysis of case studies identified, engagement of users from the early stages
of the implementation process helped to improve the levels of user satisfaction
achieved, by helping to identify and prioritise objectives of SC that are most important
to the final users. CS1 provided an example of lack of user engagement within the early
stages of the implementation process leading to a misalignment of user expectations and
what was actually delivered on site (refer to section 7.3.2). On occasions, where the
engagement of local community groups/end users was carried out successfully (as was
the case in CS2), it emerged that this resulted in establishing a sense of ownership and
involvement within the community towards the new facility. In addition, review of the
available literature also suggest that engagement with end users has the ability bring
about user-builder innovations (Slaughter, 1993 cited Rohracher, 2001).
The research identified that the culture and policies of organisations that formed the
project team as an important factor that affected the success of SC implementation
process. The uptake and implementation of SC was facilitated on occasions where,
consideration of sustainability issues had been incorporated within the culture and
policies of organisations. This was observed in both CS2 and CS3. For example, in the
case of CS3, the contractor organisation had a high level of emphasis on SC embedded
into their organisational culture and policies. The level of attention given to
sustainability issues within the culture and policies of organisations also had an impact
on shaping the attitudes and motivations of the individuals who are employees of those
organisations. One example of this was the respondent from the FM organisation in
CS1, whose attitudes towards SC was directly influenced by his company’s policies. On
the other hand, the interest and motivations of individuals towards SC sometimes
resulted in organisational wide changes to the way the wider organisations looked at and
approached sustainability issues. A good example was the project director of CS1, who
put forward a paper to his Trust calling for wider recognition of sustainability issues in
its practices.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
This is especially important to ensure linkages between the main phases of the SC
implementation process. It was observed that continuation of project personnel helped
in developing a sense of ownership and commitment in relation to the project within the
project parties. In all three of the case studies, the high level project team members
representing different project organisations, more or less remained constant from the
conceptual phase until the hand over/operation phase. On occasions where a person left
the project team, replacing them with another party who was already involved in or
familiar with the project was found to result in the least level of disruption to the project
team dynamics and the project processes. A good example of this was observed in CS2,
the project director from the Trust, who left the project after the negotiation/idea
development phase, was replaced by an existing project manager who was involved in
the project from the initial stages. This ensured that the new project director was
familiar with, not only the specifics of the project, but also the other project parties,
resulting in a smooth transition with minimum disruption.
As previously discussed in chapters 6 and 7, there were instances where some members
of the project team came into the project with no background knowledge in SD or SC.
Several interviewees stated that they did not have any past experience or specific
knowledge on SC, but learned of these as a result of being part of the project team.
Therefore, ability to gain new knowledge and experience on SC issues emerged as an
important enabler during the implementation process. The importance of KM was
highlighted in section 6.3 in order to achieve this. The analysis identified effective
knowledge sharing within a project team could be affected by several cultural, as well
as organisational/managerial factors. These include, inter alia, parties’ attitudes and
commitment towards risk (section, communication channels (section,
level of involvement and integration of parties (section and the organisational
cultures and policies (section These aspects are further supported by Lindner
and Wald (2011) who have identified, ‘knowledge culture’, ‘management commitment’,
‘project culture’, ‘mistake tolerance’ and ‘informal networks’ as important factors that
affect the knowledge sharing within project teams.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
In general, there was wide agreement amongst the interviewed contractors that client
demand was a key driver for implementing SC within construction project
environments. Due to the high capital costs associated with SC initiatives, the
contractors were often concerned that incorporating such initiatives within bid proposals
on occasions where there were no specific demand for these initiatives from clients,
would negatively affect their competitive advantage. Other researchers have made
similar inferences about the importance of client demand and leadership when
implementing SC.
Pitt et al. (2009) have found client demand as one of the key drivers of SC. Similarly,
Adetunji et al. (2003) have found that the clients and employees form the two highest
ranking stakeholders when it comes to implementing SC. They postulate that the
increasing number of green consumers is evidence of stakeholders using their buyer
power on companies to exert pressure to be more sustainable (Adetunji et al., 2003).
According to JCT (2009), there is a higher tendency amongst construction clients now,
to shift away from focusing on lowest price towards evaluating bids on the basis of
price and quality and other sustainability criteria. This is important because the lack of
change in customer demand in this regard, reduces the supply chain’s confidence to
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
deliver innovative products (Innovation Growth Team, 2010). ‘Agenda 21 on SC’ has
observed that ‘measures to change market demand are the most promising method for
achieving substantial change in market-oriented economies’ (Du Plessis, 2002).
However, in order for such an approach to be effective it is necessary that the
consumers, or in this case the construction clients, are well informed and are aware of
the available choices (Warnock, 2007). One down side to increased client demand is the
danger of minimising SC to a mere ‘PR tool’. As one interviewee observed;
‘..some… clients … just fancy having a green building and knock the old one down
because it’s ‘sexy.’ You know it is good PR’ -FM2
The danger of the above approach is the tendency to pass off anything as SC.
As was discovered within the case studies, not all construction clients possess the ability
to provide leadership to the SC implementation process and therefore, will rely upon the
assistance of the rest of the project team to reach the project objectives (Construction
Clients’ Group, 2008). On such occasions, there is a need for the other project parties to
take the initiative in leading the clients towards SC by educating them on the benefits
(Pitt et al., 2009). CS1 and CS3 both lacked client leadership in relation to SC; in terms
of developing clear project briefs incorporating SC requirements and setting clear SC
objectives to be achieved at the outset of these projects. However, in the case of CS3,
there was strong interest and motivation on the part of the project team (particularly the
contractor and the design team) to incorporate SC into the project. They were able to
lead the client towards taking on a number of SC initiatives. In contrast, in CS1 there
was a lack of enthusiasm or interest from the contractor and design team to incorporate
high levels of SC considerations into the project. The result was that the design was
only carried out to meet the minimum regulatory requirements. Therefore, it is
necessary to highlight that the client interest and leadership is only capable of taking
things so far in terms of addressing SC issues in projects. In order to be successful, the
clients’ interest in terms of SC needs to be reciprocated by the other project parties.
Selecting a project team that is facilitating and supportive towards addressing SC is
important to ensure this.
Success of the SC implementation requires the main contractor to take the lead in
ensuring that the suppliers and sub-contractors are committed to SC. Good examples of
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
this was found within both CS1 and CS2 as was discussed in section 7.3.3.
Implementation of SC cannot be viewed in isolation from the supply chain or the sub-
contractors involved. The use of subcontracting is commonplace within the construction
industry, especially in large scale projects. The reliance on sub-contractors means that
many main contractors only undertake the management and co-ordination activities
during the implementation process. However, Humphreys et al. (2003) have observed
that as main contractors have become more and more aware of the potential cost savings
lying with the subcontractors, the prevalence of unfair practices has also increased.
Altogether, four resource factors were identified as influencing the success of the SC
implementation process through the analysis. Herein, resources mainly refer to the
availability of funds and knowledge and expertise on SC issues. The following sections
provide detailed discussions on these factors.
The perceived high capital costs of SC options and availability of funding was a main
resource related factor that affected the success of the SC implementation process. As
previously mentioned in section, the high capital costs of some SC initiatives
often prevented contractors from putting forward SC proposals at the bidding stage on
occasions where these have not been specified by clients. As one respondent from the
contractor side noted;
‘There’s a lot of capital involved in bringing the green initiatives into reality and the
pay back is over 10, 15, 20 years. Therefore, to put a high capital cost in at the bid
stage would make us not competitive’ –CT2
A similar observation was also made in relation to the design team members. Even
though, most designers were willing to incorporate SC aspects into their designs, they
were often constrained by the availability of funding.
‘They don’t want to build old, inefficient… most designers, their heart is in the right
place although they can’t always afford to’ – FM2
Indeed, the respondents from the design teams often noted that availability of funds was
a major facilitator that encouraged the development of design proposals meeting high
standards of SC requirements. As one design team respondent noted;
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
‘They wanted high quality and there was a budget for that. And that was different from
any other PFI I’ve worked in before or after’ – DT3
The general perception in the industry that SC requires higher capital investments than
conventional buildings has also been identified within the literature as one of the
foremost barriers to adopting SC (Robichaud and Anantatmula, 2011; Halliday, 2008).
This increase in capital costs in delivering a more sustainable building compared to a
conventional building has been quoted to be around 2% by Kibert (2008). However, a
report to the California Sustainable Building Task Force has identified that this increase
in investment could lead to life-cycle savings that are 10 times greater than the
incremental cost increase (Kibert, 2008). In addition, a study on the PNC Firstside
Centre, which is a 647,000 square-foot, environmentally and economically sustainable
workplace in Pittsburgh, USA, has found that this building costs 20% less to operate
than its traditional, comparably sized sister building located in Philadelphia
(Lockwood, 2006). An opposing finding to these perceptions of high capital costs
associated with SC initiatives has been made by Kuprenas (2010); who based on data
collected from over 30 large, public sector educational building program projects, has
come across the ‘surprising discovery’ of little cost impact when implementing
green/sustainable measures.
The ability to make cost savings was one of the key factors driving the consideration of
SC issues at project level (refer to section 6.2.2). However, van Bueren and Priemus
(2002) note that as environmental costs are mostly external costs, market prices ‘give
wrong signals’ to those that are taking decisions on SC. For instance, they state that ‘the
too low prices of current flows such as water and energy usually mean that investments
to save on such flows are not cost effective’. Another factor to take into consideration in
relation to this is the unequal distribution of costs and benefits between different players
in the decision process. Typically in a building project, the stakeholders (such as,
designers, contractors, investors) that are responsible for making the decisions on design
and cost are not the ones to reap the benefits of those decisions (such as, associated cost
reductions) during the operation phase (Cheng et al., 2008). This was particularly an
issue within the context of the case studies, where the energy payments remained the
responsibility of the public sector (i.e. the NHS Trusts). In such instances, building in
measures within the project contracts (such as, pain share/gain share arrangements)
were important for providing incentives for other project parties, to take such SC
objectives into consideration. Commitment of project parties towards SC, as well as
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
good communication and partnership attitude between parties are also important to
overcome any barriers due to cost/funding issues.
As per the discussions in chapter 6, there are certain disparities and deficiencies in
relation to the individual stakeholder interpretations of SC. Zou and Couani (2012) have
found that the lack of expertise and limited creativity and innovation in relation to SC
amongst design team members are two of the foremost factors acting as barriers to
implementing SC. Similarly, Shelbourn et al. (2006) have also stated that achieving SC
is not possible without new resources of knowledge and expertise. In particular, further
knowledge resources are needed in relation to good practice, standards, enhanced
process models, as well as, capacity development in decision making (for example, to
enable taking into account, the contextual considerations in decision making).
Shelbourn et al. stress that new modes of knowledge creation and management are
important aspects in achieving the above mentioned. Indeed, recently there has been a
joint call by the government and industry calling on firms associated with SC practices
to share their knowledge and expertise in low carbon research, in order to create a
knowledge database (Business Green, 2012). However, even when there is sufficient
technical knowledge available, the implementation process could be ineffective if there
is a lack of support from the cultural/managerial environment within the project team
(refer to section 2.6.3).
The past experience of parties in relation to SC was another factor that affected the
success of the SC implementation process. Although it did not emerge from the
interviews that clients considered past SC experience of the contractors as a specific bid
evaluation criteria in either CS2 or CS3, both of these cases benefited from the
contractors’ previous experiences in this respect. In comparison to CS1, in both the
aforementioned cases, the contractor was observed to be more forthcoming in putting
forward creative and innovative SC solutions (see section and had less of a risk
averse attitude when considering SC options (see section In CS3, the contractor
(who was originally from Sweden) benefited from previous experience in working in
their home country, where incorporation of certain SC options was considered the
normal practice. The respondent from the design team in CS3 noted;
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
‘When I raised the question about windows, what about triple glazed windows?, their
design manager said, for us in Sweden it’s normal. It’s more expensive to use double
glaze because you have to special order. Standard production is triple glazed’ (DT3)
There was also some evidence of parties learning from both positive and negative
experiences of SC implementation. Such experiences were observed to provide project
parties with new levels of knowledge and confidence (for instance, in providing better
leadership to address SC) to incorporate higher levels of SC initiatives into their new
SC, as a concept is still at its development stage within the construction industry. There
is some level of confusion and disagreement within the advisory documents (refer to
chapter 5), as well as amongst project stakeholders (refer to chapter 6) on what SC
means and how it could be implemented within construction project environments.
Within this context, the training, education and development of project stakeholders was
identified to positively impact the SC implementation process.
Within the case studies, SC related training activities were mainly found to be carried
out during the construction and hand over/operation phases. During the construction
phase, providing training for site workers facilitated the achievement of certain SC
objectives such as, health and safety, employing a skilled workforce, waste
minimisation through recycling, etc. During the hand over/operation phase, providing
training and education to building users helped in shaping user behaviour to ensure that
the constructed facility is operated in an optimal manner to achieve the SC performance
standards. In CS2, these training and education activities were further facilitated by the
example of the top management of the hospital, who themselves went on training
‘And I think the good thing is that we are not resting. We are about to do a huge push
on energy reduction from a house keeping perspective. Getting people to turn off their
computers and that sort of thing. We have a big energy awareness week. We’ve got the
chief executive and the chairman going on one of this carbon gym things’ – CL2
The analysis did not identify any specific or formal training and development activities
to improve project parties’ knowledge and understanding on SC issues during the earlier
stages of the implementation process. However, there was some evidence of project
parties’ knowledge and perceptions of SC improving during these phases, facilitated
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
mainly by factors such as, learning and knowledge sharing within project team (refer to
section, organisational policies (refer to section and the availability of
guidance (refer to
In addition to the above discussed internal factors, five external factors were also
identified through the analysis as influencing the success of the SC implementation
process. These factors are discussed in detail below.
Legislation and regulatory requirements emerged as a strong driver for the uptake and
implementation of SC throughout this research. For instance, in the case studies one
driver for reducing energy consumption was the requirements set by the DoH in order to
get business case approval for the projects. The Trusts had to demonstrate that the new
builds were able to achieve the target levels for energy performance set by the DoH, as a
prerequisite to proceeding to the next stage of procurement.
Whilst legislative and regulatory requirements were generally found to be a driver, the
investigation also identified that sometimes efforts to address SC could be hindered by
existing legislations. One such factor was the complexities of and incomparabilities
surrounding some of these legislations/regulations. The main frustration in relation to
the comparability between requirements was the number of different targets that had to
be achieved, especially in relation to CO2 reduction (refer to Appendix 4). As one
respondent noted;
‘But it is so complicated. It’s been made so complicated that it’s almost unmanageable
in its complexity. We have to actually deal with two different carbon trading
arrangements, one the EU carbon trading standards. And the other one, Carbon
Reduction Commitment, which the Department of Energy and Climate Change have
introduced. And to try and manage both of those at the same time is almost
unattainable...’ – CL1
A further example of conflict between regulatory requirements was found in the case of
CS3, which involved the refurbishment of an existing Victorian building. In this
instance, the flexibility the design team had in what SC options could and could not be
included was limited by the regulations protecting listed buildings.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Availability of expertise in the form of contractors and consultants, with knowledge and
experience on SC, was another factor that emerged as affecting the success of the SC
implementation process. Engagement of external consultants can help alleviate
drawbacks due to lack of in-house expertise, particularly for clients that are new to
adopting SC practices. Zou and Couani (2012) recommend engaging specialists for
activities such as specification writing, compliance monitoring, providing cost advice
and training in such instances. In the case studies, there was lack of evidence of clients
employing external consultants to specifically address SC issues during the conceptual
phases. Whilst it was observed that the clients always employed consultants at this
stage, this was in relation the general construction activities (i.e. design, engineering,
costing). No consideration was given when selecting these consultants to assessing their
ability to provide support and expertise on SC aspects. This was particularly an issue on
occasions where clients lacked the previous experience in relation to implementing SC.
The availability of guidance and performance measurement tools was another external
factor identified through the analysis as influencing the implementation of SC. In the
healthcare sector, there is a minimum requirement for all new build projects to achieve a
BREEAM rating of ‘excellent’ and all refurbishment projects to achieve a rating of
‘very good’. Such tools for measurement of SC provide a means of benchmarking best
practice. Accordingly, the investigation identified that the project parties attributed high
levels of achievements in these measurement tools with improved reputation of
organisations. However, this association was also found to result in some poor practices,
such as allowing the design to be led by the measurement tool criteria, without giving
due considerations to specific contextual requirements of each project. This was
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
‘Speaking for BREEAM, sometimes it’s misused. Sometimes people use BREEAM to
lead design rather than designing and measuring with BREEAM to see how
sustainable your design is. If you use BREEAM to lead the design you’ll end up in a
mess’ – CT2
The danger in the above approach was that the ultimate design outcome, although may
be rated high, may not be suitable for the context and or its intended purpose. In
addition, there are other drawbacks associated with the BREEAM assessment process
such as, difficulties in attaining high scores for refurbishments, ability for designers to
‘play to the system’ to obtain a rating regardless of the level of actual environmental
benefits and not having provisions to weigh the SC solutions to the relative needs of
specific sites and locations (NAO, 2007).
The extent to which the respondents found the available guidance easy to understand
depended upon the background of the respondents. The project team members,
particularly those from the Trust or FM side, who did not have a technical background,
found some of the available guidance difficult to grasp at first. This was particularly an
issue for the current project director from the Trust in CS2 (who initially came into the
project with a catering background) and the respondent from the FM organisation in
CS3 (who had a nursing background).
I personally won’t [refer to any advisory documents]. I personally don’t have that
particular knowledge – CL2
In the early days; I’m a nurse by back ground; I had to get a technical guy to explain
them to me. But now after four five years on, I can actually grasp them a lot better
than I did before. – FM3
In these occasions they either opted to not refer to the documents themselves, relying
upon other project team members with technical backgrounds to interpret them, and/or
refer to the documents with the assistance of technical personnel.
The importance of considering the local context when implementing SC had been
stressed throughout this thesis. The local context could present opportunities, as well as
obstacles when it comes to implementing SC. The location of CS2, which was in close
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
proximity to a large lake, for example, presented the project team of CS2 with the
opportunity to consider including a lake source heat pump for this project.
The importance attributed to SC issues by the public was another external factor that
influenced the implementation SC at project level. This factor also had an influence on a
number of internal factors discussed within this chapter such as, the project parties’
attitude, commitment and motivation towards SC issues, top management support and
commitment and client demand. For example, in CS3, the contractor organisation of the
PFI consortium at the time was new to the UK PFI market. The organisation saw the
delivery of a more sustainable, innovative facility as a significant factor for breaking
into the market. This resulted in the contractor organisation driving the design team and
the Trust to consider SC aspects and deliver a facility to standards that surpassed the
minimum regulatory and legislative requirements at the time. For instance, the project
had achieved higher standards, when it comes to addressing certain aspects of
sustainability (e.g. insulation) than those specified by the Building Regulations. As the
respondent from the design team noted;
‘It was their first PFI project in UK. So they were trying to break into the market. All
this contributed to them being willing to discuss many things that otherwise wouldn’t
be discussed’ – DT3
It was evident that there was a certain amount of pride attached to achievements made
in relation to various SC initiatives in case studies. For instance, in CS2, the SC aspects
addressed within the project were viewed with a sense of pride by both the Trust and the
contractor. As the respondent from the Trust observed,
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
‘There’s a certain amount of pride being a health care organisation when you can
actually say you are doing something’ -CL2
This was also true in relation to the contractor organisations. Some respondents from the
contractor organisations were particularly keen to refer to their organisations as the
‘greenest’ in the industry. This was used by them as a ‘selling point’ with future clients.
The above sections discussed internal and external factors that were identified to
influence the process of implementing SC at construction project level through the
analysis of case studies. In addition to this, the analysis of advisory documents also
revealed some influence factors that affect the SC implementation process. This section
presents a summary of these factors identified from the advisory document analysis.
The influence factors derived through the advisory document analysis could be
presented under six main categories as shown in Table 8.2 (Note: these categories were
developed using the QCA approach discussed in section 4.7). These derived factors,
which are discussed below, support the findings that emerged from the case study
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Table 8.2: Factors influencing the implementation of SC: Advisory document analysis findings
Document Code
Factor category M1- M2- G3- R4- R5- P6- G7- R8- P9- M10- P11- G12- P13- G14- G15- G16- M17- G18- Total
2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 2001
Embedding SC during
concept and development √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 7 (39%)
stages of project
Motivation and
leadership from the √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 (33%)
project parties
Stakeholder engagement √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 (44%)
Integration and
√ √ √ √ √ √ 6 (33%)
involvement of parties
Training and awareness √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 (33%)
measurement and √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 (56%)
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
A further 33% of the documents have highlighted that in relation to the project team,
implementing SC calls for strong commitment and leadership from clients and
construction team members. G18-2001 states that in order to promote SC within the
industry as a whole, this leadership role should also involve the key clients and
construction organisations disseminating information on progress that has been made in
relation to SC in projects undertaken by them. In order to ensure commitment to SC, the
need for selecting project team members with ‘tried and tested levels of commitment
and experience’ not relying solely upon fee competition has also been highlighted.
The third category of actions in Table 8.2 is the consultation and engagement of
stakeholders or all interested parties. Eight (i.e. 44%) of the documents have mentioned
this. Herein, the term ‘stakeholder’ refers primarily to those stakeholders that are
outside the project team (e.g. users, local community). It has been highlighted that
adopting a ‘one size fits all’ kind of solution is not suitable as this will fail to robustly
address the needs of each group of stakeholders. The engagement of stakeholders
should be carried out in a timely manner to be effective. For instance, it is
recommended that the members of the supply chain should be engaged at the earliest
possible instance. Similarly, there should be representation from the demand side,
especially from those involved in operating the building, at workshops from the early
stages of the project.
It is also advised that the project teams should function in an integrated manner
encouraging multi-disciplinary working amongst parties. The government’s Strategy for
SC (P5-2008) has set the target that 40% of the work of different parties of the industry
(i.e. clients, consultants, main and specialist contractors, product manufacturers and
suppliers) should be conducted through integrated project teams by 2012.
The next key set of factors was identified under the category of training and awareness.
This includes improving the understanding and awareness on SC amongst the project
team members, as well as the end-users of the facility. Documents recommend actions
such as, providing induction, continuous professional development and awareness
training events to achieve this. The employment of a fully trained and skilled work force
in projects is also highlighted.
Performance measurement and feedback was the highest cited set of influence factors in
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
the documents with 56% of the documents mentioning it. The factors included under
this category included, inter alia; adopting appropriate indicators/standards allied to a
systematic process of independent benchmarking at each stage of life cycle,
benchmarking and sharing best practices and transparency about decision processes.
Herein, a question arises as to which extent measurable or quantifiable targets can be
set, particularly for some of the social aims of SC (see section As a means of
overcoming this issue some documents (for example, UK Green Building Council,
2009) have recommended measuring only those SC aspects that could be monitored and
measured quantitatively until some form of quantitative measurements are developed
for the other issues. However, this once again compromises the holistic nature of SC.
The influence factors derived under the above mentioned six main categories cover
three cultural factors (i.e. IF1, IF2, IF4), seven organisational/managerial factors (i.e.
IF5, IF6, IF7, IF8, IF9, IF12, IF13, IF14), three resource factors (i.e. IF16, IF17, IF18)
and two external factors (i.e. EF1, EF3) identified through the case study analysis.
In addition to the above, some work has been carried out by a number of researchers
that have identified influence factors when implementing SC. Du Plessis (2007) for
example have proposed that implementation of SC is affected by three types of ‘inter-
dependent and multi-dimensional enablers’ (see Figure 8.1). These include; (i)
technological enablers, (ii) institutional enablers and (iii) enablers related to value
systems (which include both how things are valued and the social, spiritual or moral
values that guide decisions). Similar to this, van Bueren and Priemus (2002) note the
barriers to the uptake and in turn the effective implementation of SC can be viewed
from a technological and an institutional perspective. In comparing the three types
enablers mentioned by Du Plessis to the findings from the grounded theory analysis
some similarities could be observed. For instance, Du Plessis’ technological enablers are
similar to the resource factors identified through the analysis findings. The institutional
enablers mentioned by Du Plessis are incorporated within the organisational/managerial
factors identified through the analysis. Similarly, the value system enablers are
incorporated within the cultural factors derived through the analysis. As Du Plessis has
approached the categorisation of influence factors from a generic industry wide
perspective, no differentiation has been made between the internal and external factors.
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
Sourani (2006) have put forward eight categories of factors that he declares as important
for the UK public sector clients to better address SC when developing procurement
strategies. These categories include; knowledge and perception factors, organisational
and management factors, political and regulative factors, contractual factors,
instrumental factors, logistical factors, strategic factors and financial factors. All of
these categories, except contractual factors, correspond with the factor categories
developed through the grounded theory analysis. The introduction of contractual factors
is important for Sourani’s study as he particularly looks at the integration of SC with
procurement strategies. However, this study mainly looked at the SC implementation
process from a managerial perspective. Therefore, factors such as ‘establishing SC
performance measures and standards’ and ‘establishing SC monitoring/reporting
requirements and penalties/incentives’ (that Sourani categorises as contractual factors)
have been included as actions within the negotiation/idea development phase in this
study (see section 7.3.2).
In addition, Pitt et al. (2009) have identified eight drivers and eight barriers SC that is
available in literature. While he does not categorise these factors, they cover all four of
the factor categories that emerged through the case study analysis.
The main differences between the factors identified by the above mentioned various
sources appear to be two-fold. The first difference is in terms of the number of factors
identified and their categorisation and the second relates the contextual differences
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
between the studies. The influence factors identified within this study, as stated earlier,
mainly relates to the process of implementing SC at construction project level. On the
other hand, the factors put forward by Sourani relates specifically to the development of
procurement strategies within public sector client organisations. The studies by Van
Bueren and Priemus, Du Plessis and Pitt et al. have taken a generic industry perspective
to the identification of factors. The factors identified through the analysis of advisory
documents, on the other hand, show a mixture of perspectives. These contextual
differences also affect the categorisation of identified factors as discussed above. This
further reinforces the importance of contextual considerations in addressing SC as
highlighted throughout this thesis. Therefore, considering the above, it could be
postulated that the factors developed through this study provides a comprehensive
picture of influence factors affecting the success of SC implementation process at
construction project level that require managerial interventions.
The activities and the decisions made in each phase of the SC implementation process
(see chapter 7) are affected by two main sets of influence factors; internal and external
factors. Altogether, 18 internal factors and five external factors emerged through the
analysis. Higher level (i.e. national, industry level) interventions are necessary in order
to effectively address the affect of the external factors on the SC implementation
process. The internal factors require cultural, organisational/managerial and resource
facilitation from the project level management. These factors identified through the
grounded theory analysis were compared with the findings from the advisory document
analysis as well as existing literature. The main differences between these different sets
of influence factors pertain to the number of factors identified and the context within
which the factors have been identified. The influence factors identified through the
grounded theory analysis mainly relates to the management of the process of
implementing SC within a construction project environment. Overall, this chapter
(together with chapter 7) fulfils the fifth objective of the research.
The aim of this research involves understanding the interpretation of SC and developing
a framework that can assist in its effective uptake and implementation within
construction project environments. Chapters 5 and 6 mainly addressed the first part of
this aim (i.e. the interpretation of SC), whereas chapters 7 and 8 addressed issues in
Chapter 8▐ Influence factors
relation to implementing SC. The next chapter uses the findings in relation to the above
to develop a framework for the uptake and implementation of SC within a construction
project environment.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
The aim of this research, as stated in section 1.2, is to understand the interpretation of
SC and to develop a framework that can assist in its effective uptake and
implementation within construction project environments. This chapter therefore,
presents the proposed framework addressing the uptake and implementation of SC
within construction project environments. This fulfils the sixth and final objective of
this research. The findings and key conclusions from chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 are used to
justify the need for the proposed framework and to develop its component areas. The
developed framework aims to provide the project parties with a comprehensive level of
understanding on the concept of SC, as well as the requirements for its successful
implementation at project level. This chapter also discusses the validation of the
developed framework through interviews with members of the academia and industry
The construction projects have a variety of stakeholders who are involved in the
decision making process when it comes to implementing SC at project level. These
stakeholders come from different backgrounds and therefore, have varying degrees of
knowledge and understanding on SC (see section 6.3). These project stakeholders’
understanding of SC has not yet being fully facilitated through the range of advisory
documents available. There is no comprehensive picture of SC provided in the advisory
documents addressing the characteristics, objectives and actions to be considered in
implementing SC (sections 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.4). Furthermore, there is a perception
amongst some stakeholders that SC is achieved just by fulfilling mandatory
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
legislation/regulation targets (for example, in relation to carbon and energy) that have
been set at sector (e.g. healthcare) and/or national level for the industry (section 7.2).
However, it is apparent from the discussions in section 6.3 that these mandatory targets
only set out minimum base level requirements and do not facilitate achieving SC in any
substantial way. Hartman (2012) for example, observes that the reductive approach of
building regulations and certification systems has diminished SC to a series of
checklists and credits. Therefore, the current situation in relation to the uptake and
implementation of SC could be facilitated through a framework that could help in
broadening the project stakeholders’ views in relation to SC. This requirement was
further validated by the fact that the project stakeholders identified a wider range of SC
objectives as being important, when presented with a comprehensive list at the end of
the case study interviews (refer to section 6.4).
The above discussions make it apparent that there are inefficiencies and clear room for
improvement in the ‘uptake’ and ‘implementation’ of SC within the context of
construction project environments. Herein, the term ‘uptake’, as stated in section 3.3,
refers to the understanding and comprehension of SC issues by project parties, whereas,
‘implementation’ refers to practical measures that are required in addressing those
Ugwu and Haupt (2007) highlight the lack of flexible user-friendly tools for decision
support as contributing to the gaps in implementation of SC. Similarly, Adeyeye et al.
(2007) have observed that it would be useful to have a guidance document, which could
provide a ‘quick guide’ for construction professionals on practices and techniques
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Considering the above discussions, it is clear that there exists a need for a holistic,
comprehensive framework addressing the issues relating to both the uptake and
implementation of SC. Such a framework should be clear and easily understood by a
variety of stakeholders with diverse backgrounds, who are involved in the different
phases of the implementation process. The framework should also have a means of
aligning and integrating the project level objectives and actions for SC with the
objectives/goals set at larger scales (i.e. local, regional, national).
This section presents the proposed framework for the uptake and implementation of SC
within a construction project environment (see Figure 9.1). The framework consists of
four main component sections. The first section addresses the wider contextual factors
that affect the uptake and implementation of SC within a construction project
environment. The understanding and appreciation of these contextual factors facilitates
the understanding of SC, which is addressed through the second section of the
framework. How this understanding is transformed into project level actions are
addressed through the third section of the framework. Finally, the fourth section of the
framework presents the influence factors that affect the process of implementing SC.
The framework also highlights the need for feedback, not just at project level, but also
from project level to national level. Discussions on each of these sections are provided
within the following sections of this chapter.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
What is it?
This section of the framework highlights the contextual National level objectives of SC (set out not
factors that affect the uptake and implementation of SC only in regulations/ legislations, but also in
within a construction project environment. policies, strategies and other advisory
Main contextual factors identified are; national level
SC objectives, sector specific SC requirements and
procurement strategy related requirements. The local
context of a project acts as a filter between the above
considerations and the project level. Sector specific
strategy related
Who should do it? factors/
There is a need to assign responsibility to a project requirements
team member (preferably from the client organisation) to
collate a list of SC advisory documents that are relevant for
the project and disseminate these to all the project parties.
This should be done at the outset of the project, as part of
communicating client requirements in terms of SC. SC agenda for
the project
The responsible person could be the project director,
sustainability champion or the procurement manager for
the client side. Local contextual factors
acting as a filter
Limitations to avoid
The blind application of the requirements/suggestions
set in the collated documents should be avoided. The
documents (particularly, the measurement tools) should
not be used to ‘lead’ the design. Instead, the suitability/
applicability of the requirements set in these documents to
the specific context of each project should be evaluated.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Priority level: The priority level of each indicator (and in turn the objectives), should be determined by the client at the conceptual stage. These
prioritised indicators and objectives should be clearly communicated to the rest of the project team at the end of this phase.
Performance measures: Where possible, it is important to establish performance measures for each objective, in order to facilitate performance
monitoring, measurement and reporting. Setting of performance measures should not be a one sided task undertaken by the client. Rather it should
be done in collaboration with the project team.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
1.9 Land use 1.9.1 Encourage the use of most appropriate sites for
1.9.2 Protect areas of natural beauty
1.9.3 Encourage a mix of land uses
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
2.5 Culture and 2.5.1 Enhance or preserve existing culture and heritage
heritage 2.5.2 Sympathetic to local styles of architecture
2.5.3 New developments to reflect the cultural/historic
context of area
2.6 Accessibility 2.6.1 Ensure equity by enabling all in society to have access
2.6.2 Access to green space
2.7 Crime 2.7.1 Minimise opportunities for crime/ provide safe
prevention environment for residents
and security
2.8 Quality of life 2.8.1 Improve quality of life now and for future generations
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
OJEU notice, Output community, supply chain management, safety, etc.) on SC performance
specification - Agreement on SC objectives Sub-contractors and suppliers Continuous improvement of
desirable/expected outcomes) Idea generation committed to SC performance
Evaluate market capabilities Idea acceptance + development Monitor, record and report on Internal + external
and generate interest Establish SC performance SC performance, standards dissemination of knowledge
targets/penalties/incentives and quality and experience
Establish SC monitoring and Local community – keep Contact with media
reporting requirements informed
Provide training + education
on SC to site workers
Top management and wider Partnership culture within Contractor’s organisational Continuation of personnel
organisation support/ project team culture from previous stages
commitment Communication channels Attitudes and motivation Appointment of a dedicated
Client championing and Perception +attitude towards risk towards SC sustainability manager
leadership on SC Level of involvement and Knowledge/creativity/ User attitudes and motivation
Knowledge/understanding on
Internal factors
Procurement method related Opportunities +obstacles due to Legislation + regulations Changes to user needs
Taxes and levies (e.g. Availability of SC
External factors
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
At the highest level amongst the wider contextual considerations driving forward the SC
agenda is the profound focus placed upon the goals of SD at the global level. In the
Rio+20 conference held in June 2012, seven priority areas were highlighted as needing
special focus in moving towards SD. These include decent jobs, energy, sustainable
cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness.
The construction sector has direct impacts on a majority of these focus areas; including
decent jobs, energy, sustainable cities, water and disaster readiness. These high level
goals for SD are to be pursued at different spatial scales (i.e. national, regional and
local) (Fischer et al., 2007; Mehta, 2009). However, it is stressed that there should be a
level of cohesiveness between the goals set at these different levels.
The intense international focus has resulted in making SD a central issue when it comes
to policy development in many countries, including the UK. At present, the UKs
commitment to certain aspects of SD has gone beyond being mere policy objectives to
legal obligations. One example is the target to reduce the GHG emissions by at least
80% by 2050. The high level of emphasis that has been placed on SD at national level in
the UK during the past two decades is being continued by the coalition government.
There is expressed commitment by the coalition to take SD from being a ‘separate green
issue’ that is the focus of a few government departments to a core strategic issue
(DEFRA, 2011). As a first step towards achieving this goal, recommendations have
been made in the publication ‘Mainstreaming Sustainable Development’ (DEFRA,
2011) that the Environmental Secretary will sit in the key Cabinet Committees on
domestic policy (including the Economic Affairs Committee).
All of this attention towards SD, both at global and national levels, has resulted in a
high level of focus been placed on the construction industry in attaining the goals of SD.
Within the UK, a number of key industry reports (for example, Low Carbon Innovation
and Growth Team, 2010 and UK Green Building Council, 2009) have stressed the need
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
for best practice within the industry to ensure that the aforementioned SD goals are met.
However, the present economic climate means that the construction industry is required
to take on various initiatives to address SC, whilst at the same time facing a slowdown
of the economy. There is evidence that the current economic climate has indeed affected
the construction industry activities negatively. For instance, as the largest client of the
industry, the spending cuts in government has meant that around 280,000 jobs has been
lost since 2008 in the sector (GVA, 2011). Despite this slowdown of the economy, the
pressures remain for the industry to address SC issues, particularly in the face of legally
binding commitments. The result has been an increasing number of different
government policies, initiatives, incentives and other advisory documents on SC that
has been identified by some as a source of confusion for project level stakeholders in
implementing SC.
In the UK, PFI procurement is been employed by various sectors. These different
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
sectors have different priorities and user requirements, which will in turn affect the
prioritisation of SC objectives. Different mechanisms also exist in these different sectors
for money allocation, as well as guiding and monitoring outcomes (Green Alliance,
2004). The healthcare sector (from which the case studies of this research were drawn
from) provides an interesting testing ground for exploring uptake and implementation of
SC (see section However, whilst a lot of emphasis has been placed on making
the operations of the health sector more sustainable, relatively less attention has been
given to the SC of healthcare infrastructure.
Considering all of the above, it is clear that the issue of uptake and implementation of
SC within a construction project environment cannot be looked at in isolation. All of the
above mentioned contextual factors will have an influence in determining the SC
agendas to be followed at project level. This means that the project stakeholders need to
appreciate and be aware of these wider contextual factors, when making project level
decisions in relation to SC. The first section of the proposed framework, therefore,
draws attention to these contextual considerations. These considerations discussed
above could be summarised as;
The global and national level developments and goals on SD, which will in turn
be filtered through to the construction sector through policies and other advisory
documents on SC.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
contextual factors to the project parties. The assigned person can be the project director,
the procurement manager or a champion/expert on SC from the client side. The person
responsible should also make sure to keep up to date records of the policies/regulations
and circulate them when changes occur in the wider context (i.e. sector level, national
level, etc.). This will help overcome the problems faced in CS1, particularly in relation
to the disagreements between client and design team/contractor on some of the
guidelines and regulations used in designing the facility.
The effective uptake and implementation of SC is not possible without the stakeholders
responsible for decision making, properly understanding the concept of SC. Insufficient
understanding on SC could result in many claiming their opinions/actions as sustainable
without having to substantiate them with comprehensible arguments in relation to the
nature or characteristics of SC (Christen and Schmidt, 2012). Such an understanding
should first emanate from a comprehension of the characteristics or nature of SC (see
section This understanding of the characteristics of SC should in turn form the
basis upon which objectives of SC are set for a particular construction project (see
section Hence, Section 2A of the proposed framework aims to provide the
project parties with a comprehensive view on the nature (i.e. characteristics) of SC,
which would in turn lead on to the delineation of the objectives of SC within Section 2B
of the framework.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
SC as a concept is still at the early stages of development. Given the rate of constant
change and developments being made in the area, it is important that the
aforementioned training and development programmes on SC issues should not be one-
off activities. The construction project parties should be encouraged to continuously
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Firstly, there is wide agreement that SC incorporates the three main environmental,
social and economic elements. These primary elements of SC are also known as
‘dimensions’, ‘three pillars’ or ‘triple bottom line’. An important factor to be taken into
consideration here is that the issues to be addressed under each element are often inter-
related and not mutually exclusive. In other words, each element ‘overlaps and relates
with the others’. Thus, the project parties should recognise that decisions taken with
regard to one element will in turn have implications on the others.
Secondly, SC should consider the whole life cycle of construction. The emphasis is on
the ‘construction’ as opposed to the life cycle of the ‘project’ (refer to section 2.6.1).
Herein, it is important to consider SC as a ‘process’, rather than a ‘product’ that need to
be delivered at the end of the physical construction phase. Hence, the impacts (in terms
of environmental, social and economic elements) as well as user requirements of a
proposed construction should be addressed through the whole life cycle perspective.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
offs are an integral part in implementing SC. This was highlighted throughout the
interviews by the case study respondents (refer to section 6.3). Therefore, providing an
‘open and explicit’ reasoning behind the compromised decisions made (Kemp et al.,
2005) should be considered.
Fourthly, it is also important to consider the local context within which the project takes
place. The importance of considering the contextual concerns in operationalising
sustainability has been widely acknowledged (See Kiewiet and Vos, 2007; Mehta, 2009;
Pezzey, 1992). However, these local interpretations must share the general features of
the concept, ‘based on a broad strategic framework for achieving it’ (WCED, 1987).
The actions to be achieved under each element of SC are ‘context dependent’. They
should reflect the local circumstances, needs and priorities and will therefore, vary from
project to project. Judgment and interpretation on the part of the decision-makers play a
key role in identifying issues to be addressed, as well as, prioritising them. The aim
should be to achieve SC in a balanced way and optimise benefits. Moreover, this means
that there is no ‘right answer’ to be achieved when implementing SC. The final
outcomes will be shaped not only by the legislative and regulatory requirements but also
by the perspectives and requirements of clients and other stakeholders.
Although only a limited number of SC objectives emerged through the analysis of case
study interviews (refer to section 6.2.2), when presented with this comprehensive list at
the end of the interviews, the respondents identified all of the stated objectives as very
important to achieving sustainability in projects. This provides further evidence to
highlight the need for a comprehensive, single source to provide guidance for project
stakeholders on SC. Therefore, a Section 2B has been developed as an integral part of
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
the proposed framework to address the aforementioned. The table provided within this
section of the framework comprises of four main columns. The first column presents the
indicators identified under each of the main environmental, social and economic
elements. The second column presents a comprehensive list of SC objectives that should
be addressed when implementing SC. In the third column of this table, the project
parties can indicate the priority level attributed to each of the aforementioned
objectives. The contextual factors discussed within Section 1 of the framework (refer to
section 9.3.1) as well as, characteristics of SC (refer to section should form the
basis for prioritising these objectives. What the proposed framework suggests here is
that, the main aim of the project should not be to achieve ‘all’ of the SC objectives set
within the table (which is impossible in any project), but to fulfil the priority areas and
objectives ‘right’.
The fourth and final column of the table in Section 2A requires the setting of
performance measures and standards in relation to the agreed upon SC objectives. This
will facilitate the activities of performance monitoring, control, measurement and
reporting in relation to each SC objective identified. Setting performance measures and
standards for SC has often been observed to be a challenging task, particularly within
the context of one-off projects, due to the cutting edge developments involved (JCT,
2009). Herein, it is necessary to first determine the expected standards of performance
in relation to each agreed upon (or prioritised) SC objectives. Where possible,
performance targets satisfying SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Repeatable/Realistic, within a Timeframe) criteria should be set for each agreed upon
SC objective. However, it is also important that the performance targets and measures
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
should not be overly prescriptive or unrealistic (JCT, 2009). The performance targets
should be accompanied by performance measures to monitor and ascertain the level of
achievement of the targets. These performance measures should be relevant and
appropriate not just to the context of each SC objective, but also to the context of each
construction project. The project parties responsible for achieving each performance
target should be required to provide evidence of regular progress monitoring towards
each target.
The process of development of performance measures and standards should not be a one
sided task carried out by the client. Rather it should be done in collaboration with the
other project parties. In particular, there should be a meeting of minds between the
client and the contractor in terms of the expected levels of performance in relation to
each SC objective. In order to ensure compliance, the agreed upon performance
standards could be linked to financial incentives and penalties (refer to section 7.3.2). It
should be noted that developing performance measures and standards is in itself a vast
research area and is therefore, outside the scope of this research.
During the grounded theory analysis it emerged that, within the case studies, the SC
implementation process occurred as a linear process comprising of four phases, which
are inter-linked by specific outputs of each phase. These four phases of the
implementation process were referred to as the conceptual phase, idea
development/negotiation phase, physical construction phase and hand over/operation
phase. The actions to be carried out during each of these phases are presented under
Section 3 of the proposed framework.
The conceptual phase includes activities from the project inception to the development
of output specification. Accordingly, the activities during this phase should aim at; (i)
establishing and prioritising client’s requirements in terms of SC and (ii)
communicating these requirements to potential bidders. The inclusion of SC
requirements within the output specifications is key to communicating clients’ SC
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
priorities to the other project parties. The findings revealed that there is a need to embed
SC objectives/processes with the objectives/processes of the construction project itself
at the very outset to ensure the successful implementation of SC (refer to section It is highlighted that SC considerations should not be viewed as an ‘extra’ set
of objectives or criteria that need to be addressed in addition to fulfilling the
construction project objectives.
The second stage of the implementation process is called the idea development stage.
The activities during this stage should focus upon; (i) selection of a project team that is
facilitating or supportive towards SC, (ii) reaching agreement between project parties on
the SC objectives to be addressed and (iii) agreeing upon the extent to which these SC
issues will be addressed and setting performance measurement targets (refer to section
7.3.2). The success of this phase is greatly dependent upon the input from the other
project parties (i.e. bottom-up idea generation). In order to facilitate this bottom-up idea
generation process, it is important to give attention to factors such as, the level to which
sustainability aspects are embedded in the organisational culture and policies, the
attitudes towards risk, knowledge, creativity and past experience of project parties (refer
to section 8.3) in selecting a project team that is supportive and facilitating towards
implementing SC.
The third phase is the physical construction phase. Activities during this stage should
address; (i) developing and implementing programmes and methodologies to address
the SC objectives, (ii) gaining commitment and involvement of other stakeholders (e.g.
suppliers, sub-contractors, local community) and (iii) monitoring, reporting and
improving performance levels in relation to addressing SC (refer to section 7.3.3). The
addressing of SC issues during this stage is fairly well developed. However, the issue
here is that these activities alone only address SC at the most basic levels (i.e. product/
component level and project level). In order to address SC in-depth, embedding SC
within the project process as discussed in the first two phases, is crucial. Contractor’s
attitude and motivation towards SC and organisational culture play a crucial role in the
level of attention given to addressing SC during this stage.
The final and the fourth phase of the process is the hand over/operational stage. During
this phase, consideration should be given to fulfilling the activities in relation to the
following; i.e. (i) providing training and improving engagement of building users to
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
ensure the sustainable operation of the facility, (ii) continuously improving the
sustainable performance levels of the completed facility and (iii) internal and external
dissemination of knowledge and experience gained in relation to SC implementation
process. The client representatives were keen to highlight the importance of appointing
a dedicated sustainability manager at this stage in order to monitor the sustainability
performance of the facility. A key factor at this stage is provision of training for the
users of the facilities. The case studies revealed a range of initiatives that were
undertaken to increase awareness amongst the users, particularly the hospital staff.
These activities included; using ‘house-keeping’ to push energy reduction agenda (e.g.
turning off computers), arranging energy awareness weeks and top management training
(e.g. participation in programmes such as, ‘energy gyms’), etc. Dissemination of
knowledge and experience on the process of uptake and implementation of SC is also
important at this stage.
The internal factors for example, are within the control of the project parties and
therefore, could be managed through effective management interventions (refer to
section 7.3). The project management should establish the internal factors for the
context of each construction project. This will give the project management the
opportunity to take necessary pro-active measures to mitigate any negative impacts on
the SC implementation process and utilise to the maximum the potential opportunities
presented. As opposed to the internal factors, the management of external factors is not
within the control of the project parties and therefore, require higher levels of
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
interventions (i.e. at construction industry level, business sector level and/or national
level). These external factors have the ability to influence not only the actions within the
SC implementation process, but also the internal factors. Hence, the necessary
precautions must be put in place by the project management to manage the effect of
these external factors on the SC implementation activities.
The need for two distinct feedback loops has been emphasised within the framework
(refer to Figure 9.1). Firstly, there is a need for internal feedback within the
organisations forming the construction project parties. This will help the project parties
to learn from their experiences from the process of uptake and implementation of SC.
This feedback could be both formal as well as informal in nature.
Secondly, there is also a need for feedback from the project level to the macro level.
This will ensure that the development of policies and other advisory documents are
informed by the project level experiences and needs. The main discrepancy between the
advisory documents’ and project stakeholders’ views was around the underlying focus
placed on the main elements of SC. Whilst a high level of attention was placed on the
environmental element within the advisory documents, there was a tendency at the
project level to focus upon the issues that are capable of bringing in tangible, ‘quick-
wins’ in terms of cost savings. As was discovered through the advisory document
analysis in chapter 5, there was relatively less focus placed within the analysed
documents on the economic element of SC. Emphasising the business case for SC has
been identified in many instances as a significant driver for the uptake of SC (For
example, BERR, 2009; UK Green Building Council, 2009; Kibert, 2008). This is
especially important to promote SC practices within the context of the current economic
downturn (refer to section 9.3.1). The investors/clients/occupiers often need to attribute
a ‘value’ for SC in order for them to justify their investment/development/occupation in
such facilities. This ‘value’ is more often than not expected to be in the form of
‘financial value’ (UK Green Building Council, 2009). The lack of hard evidence to
prove the business case of SC in UK (especially when compared to countries such as,
USA and Australia) is an important factor that needs to be addressed within the industry.
The second feedback loop of the proposed framework could for instance, inform the
strategic level of this need to highlight the business benefits of addressing the
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
The proposed framework is particularly useful for the project level management to take
proactive actions necessary to manage the success of the SC implementation process.
This is facilitated within the framework by the identification of sets of activities that
need to be fulfilled within the different phases of the implementation process and
presenting the requirements for cultural, organisational/managerial and resource
facilitation within each phase.
Whilst it is hoped that the above uses of the proposed framework will drive forward the
construction project stakeholders to uptake the framework, its use in practice may be
limited by a number of factors. Firstly, the findings in relation to the implementation
process of SC have been developed using three case studies carried out in PFI
healthcare projects. Although, the actions as well as the external and internal factors
identified within the developed the framework were found to be common at a generic
level across the case studies, their applicability within construction projects in other
sectors or in projects using other types of procurement approaches has not been
extensively verified. Some of the interviews conducted to validate the framework
however, established the comprehensive nature and applicability of the contents of the
framework for use at the construction project level (see section 9.4).
Activities within the framework such as setting SC objectives, requires the project team
members to work together in an inclusive and collaborative manner. Therefore, the use
of the framework may also be limited by the poor levels of integration of project parties
within construction project environments.
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
Interventions are necessary at national and industry levels to manage some of the
barriers in implementing SC at project level. The framework provides a means of
guiding some of these interventions. In particular, the need for more cohesiveness and
coordination in developing policies, legislations and other guidance, the need for
training and education programmes and promotion of best practices is highlighted.
The proposed framework was ‘validated’ using qualitative interviews during the final
stage of the research. Herein, the term ‘validation’ is not used in the positivist sense; i.e.
to refer to ‘nothing less than the truth’ known through ‘language referring to a stable
social reality’ (Seale, 1999). Rather the term is used to encapsulate some of the criteria
put forward by Corbin and Strauss (2008) to evaluate the ‘quality’ of research findings
derived using the principles of grounded theory. These criteria are;
‘Fit’ (i.e. ensuring that the findings ‘resonate’ with the experience of the
professionals for whom they are intended).
‘Logic’ (i.e. ensuring that there is a logical flow of ideas, making sure that there
are no significant gaps in logic).
‘Depth’ (i.e. ensuring that there is sufficient substance within the findings).
Four semi-structured interviews were carried out with two members of academia and
two industry practitioners to ensure that the proposed framework shown in Figure 9.1
satisfied the above criteria. The interviews consisted of open ended questions addressing
the following aspects;
i. Level of coverage in terms of the main sections constituting the framework (i.e.
ii. Level of coverage in terms of the contents within each of the constituent sections
of the framework (i.e. ‘Depth)
iii. The flow/logic/clarity within the framework (i.e. ‘Logic’ and ‘Fit’)
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
The interviewees agreed that there is a very high level of coverage in terms of the
constituent sections of the developed framework. There was further agreement amongst
interviewees that there was a high level of coverage in terms of the contents provided
within each section. However, one industry practitioner mentioned that the framework
could be further improved through the incorporation of performance measures within
section 2B, which would in turn improve its applicability in practice. The interviewees
also felt that the flow and the logic of the framework were easy to understand and clear,
indicating a high level of logic. Overall, the interviewees felt the framework presented a
Chapter 9▐ Development and refinement of framework
useful tool for providing greater understanding and awareness on SC issues and guiding
actions for implementing SC within construction project environments. Given below are
some of the comments from the interviewees;
‘It looks very comprehensive, because it goes into details in each section’ – Int. 1
‘I’m sure it will be useful to the construction industry to consider SC, because now it’s
becoming more and more of a requirement... I think it will be useful to the construction
industry to understand more, what SC is about’ – Int. 2
This chapter addressed the second part of the research aim presented in section 1.2, by
developing a framework for the uptake and implementation of SC within a construction
project environment. The developed framework addresses the two key problem areas of
understanding SC and implementing SC that were uncovered through this research. The
proposed framework comprise of four main sections addressing, (i) the contextual
considerations, (ii) understanding the phenomenon of SC (through the characteristics
and objectives of SC) (iii) actions for implementing SC and (iv) influence factors. The
contents, logic/flow and structure of the developed framework were validated using
qualitative interviews with members of the academic community and industry
The developed framework provides a starting point for broadening the project
stakeholders’ awareness and understanding of SC and actions needed for its practical
implementation at project level. It is hoped that the developed framework will provide a
useful tool for taking implementation of SC at project level beyond the mere
achievement of mandatory legislative targets. The proposed framework is particularly
useful for the project level management to take proactive actions necessary to manage
the success of the SC implementation process. The contents within the sections 3 and 4
of the framework could be further developed and generalised by using case studies from
other sectors and different types of procurement. Overall, this chapter fulfilled the sixth
and final objective of this research.
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter summarises the key research findings in relation to the aim and objectives
of the research. A summary of the research process adopted to accomplish the same is
provided at the beginning of the chapter. The conclusions emanating from the research
findings are then presented. Recommendations for academic community as well as
industry practitioners are given at the end of the chapter. The possible areas for further
research are also presented within this chapter.
The aim of this research was to understand the interpretation of SC and to develop a
framework that can assist in its effective uptake and implementation within construction
project environments. Six objectives were set to achieve this overall aim. These were;
i. To review the concept of SD and its impact and application within the
construction industry (i.e. SC).
iii. To analyse and report on how the concept of SC is set out in government policies
and other advisory documents.
vi. To refine and validate the framework for uptake and implementation of SC in
light of the findings from objectives (i) to (v) above.
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
The research process adopted to realise the aforementioned aim and objectives consisted
of four key stages:
The first stage of the research process comprised of a critical review of available
literature relevant to the main focus areas of the research. The literature review
established a background understanding of SD and explored its implications to the
construction industry. A conceptual framework was developed to address the gaps in
research identified through the literature review process. Overall, the first stage
addressed objectives 1 and 2 and research question RQ1 of the research. During the
second stage of the research, a qualitative document analysis was carried out to identify
how SC has been interpreted in 18 advisory documents developed for the industry. This
addressed objective 3 and research questions RQ2 and RQ3 of this research. The third
stage employed a case study approach, together with grounded theory analysis, to
establish (a) the project stakeholders’ perceptions on SC, (b) how SC is implemented at
construction project level and (c) any influence factors affecting the said
implementation process. Three case studies were chosen for this stage of the study.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with project parties representing the client,
contractor, design and FM organisations. Accordingly, this stage fulfilled objectives 4
and 5 and research questions RQ4, RQ5 and RQ6 of the research. The fourth and final
stage of the research process covered the development of a framework for the uptake
and implementation of SC at construction project level. The framework was refined and
validated by qualitative interviews carried out with two members of the academic
community, as well as two industry professionals.
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
context of the construction industry. The ‘ground level’ experiences gained in such
applications in turn fuel the conceptual development. This was one of the main
inferences forming the base of this research.
The activities of the construction industry result in significant environmental, social and
economic impacts. The adoption of SD in the construction industry is therefore, crucial
to attain the overarching goals of SD. Herein, SC is the most suitable terminology to
describe the application of SD principles within the construction industry activities. As
opposed to other terminologies that are sometimes used interchangeably in literature
(e.g. green construction), the term SC incorporates the following characteristics that
better encapsulates the principles of SD within the context of the construction industry.
These characteristics are;
- Focuses not just upon the environment, but also the economic and social
aspects of construction, thereby addressing both hard and soft issues.
- Meets the needs of all present stakeholders, whilst having the ability to be
flexible to address the changing needs of stakeholders throughout the life
- Requires the application of not just technological solutions, but also non-
technological, process directed measures (such as, changes to the traditional
institutional structures, knowledge, information, methods and lines of
communication) as well as changes to the traditional values and attitudes of
There is a variety of advisory documents available on SC for the project parties. The
most widely cited reasons for producing these documents were to ‘increase awareness
and understanding on SC’ amongst project stakeholders and to provide them ‘guidance’
for addressing SC. Despite these stated purposes for producing documents, not all
documents endeavoured to provide an outright definition or description of SC for their
intended users. This lack of a proper definition/description of the concept of SC, upon
which the objectives or actions for implementing SC are to be founded upon, in turn
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
According to their coverage across the documents, the highest level of attention was on
the issues of carbon and energy, waste, pollution, biodiversity, water, materials and
whole life value. The objectives of SC (particularly, those in relation to the
environmental element) cover a range of spatial scales from project component (i.e.
micro) level to global (i.e. macro) level. Therefore, there is a need for the project level
decision makers to expand their ‘horizons of attentions’ in decision making, beyond the
traditional boundaries of construction projects in order to address SC in a holistic,
comprehensive manner.
There is wide appreciation amongst project parties that SC is an important issue that
need to be addressed. However, the project parties involved in the process of
implementing SC at project level have varying levels of understanding on the concept of
SC. These views on SC range from more superficial outlooks, such as regarding SC as a
by-product of achieving mandatory legislative requirements, to more well-rounded and
comprehensive stances. The emphasis placed on different SC objectives also varies
between different stakeholder groups. This variation of perceptions could be attributed
to several factors such as, the prevailing legislative environment, backgrounds and past
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
experiences of project parties, their awareness on and attitudes towards wider issues of
SD, as well as the policies and cultures of their respective organisations.
Reducing energy consumption, reducing energy costs and ensuring end user satisfaction
were the most prominent SC objectives for construction project stakeholders. Overall,
there is a high level of emphasis placed on the economic element of SC by the project
parties. Financial benefits, user satisfaction, meeting legislative targets and reputation
gains are key drivers for considering SC at project level.
Timely management interventions and control is necessary during each phase of the
implementation process to manage the effect of the influence factors and ensure the
success of the SC implementation process. Each phase of the SC implementation
process is affected by two types of influence factors; internal factors and external
factors. In particular, a pro-active approach to cultural, organisational/managerial and
resource facilitation is required to manage the effect of the internal factors, which are
within the control of the construction project stakeholders. National, sector and industry
level interventions should be taken to manage the effect of external factors, which are
outside the control of the project parties.
The exact order or structure of the activities within each phase of the SC
implementation process, as well as the exact nature of influence factors affecting those
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
activities, differ based upon the realities and complexities of each construction project.
Dissemination of knowledge and experiences gained through media, industry events or
conferences are important in improving knowledge and awareness on SC, which could
be used in future projects.
The research developed a holistic framework addressing the uptake and implementation
of SC, in response to the identified deficiencies in the conceptual precision of SC
(provided within the advisory documents, as well as held by the project stakeholders)
and the lack of a holistic framework inter-relating the SC requirements in policies and
other guidance with on the ground realities.
From the analysis of advisory documents it was apparent that no single document
provided a comprehensive picture on SC encompassing all issues. There were
discrepancies between documents on the meaning of certain terminology and the sub-
elements/indicators and objectives identified differed between documents as well.
Whilst, there was an expressed understanding that SC should incorporate a joined up
approach when considering the environmental, social and economic issues, there was a
clear emphasis on the environmental element; i.e. green issues.
With regards to the project stakeholder perceptions on SC, these were found to be
generally focused on a few key issues that have been the main focus within the
government agenda. Furthermore, given the context of the case studies, there were some
instances where certain project team members came into the project without clear
knowledge or prior experience on SC. These stakeholders often displayed a very
superficial understanding of SC and were faced with difficulties in understanding some
SC related guidance.
Setting project level goals for SC for each phase of the construction life-cycle, which
are in line with the policies and advisory documents, will enable key parties involved in
implementing SC at different life cycle stages, to develop a uniform understanding on
issues to be addressed. This will therefore, help integrate what is agreed at strategic
level (and in turn laid out in policies and guidance) and what is being achieved at
project level, when it comes to implementing SC. An important aspect to take into
consideration here is that implementing SC must not be separated from the achievement
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
The developed framework addresses the aforementioned issues through four main
sections. One of the main attributes of the proposed framework is that it avoids being
too rigid or prescriptive in its application. Through the stated characteristics of SC and
the identification of contextual considerations, the framework acknowledges that the
objectives, activities and influence factors of SC within construction projects differ,
based upon the context of each project. Therefore, it allows the project parties to adapt
the framework, taking into consideration the specifics of each project.
The framework also highlights the need for feedback, not just at the project level, but
also from project level to the policy development level. The latter could help bridge the
gap between content within policies and other guidance documents and on the ground
realities. The developed framework is comprehensive in the issues covered and has the
potential of being a useful tool at project level implementation of SC.
Considering the above findings of this research, the following recommendations could
be made to the government and other industry bodies, industry practitioners and
members of the academia.
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
sustainability issues.
Best practice examples, from not just within UK, but also from other countries
should be promoted.
Accordingly, construction clients should lay out the SC requirements at the very
outset of a construction project with the expected and/or desired levels of
attainment of each requirement clearly stated. The knowledge and skills, past
performance in terms of SC and organisational policies on SC should be
considered as important criteria in selecting project parties.
The project level implementation of SC should align with the national policies
and guidance on SC and the sector policies and guidance. However, the blind
application of the above at project level is not recommended. Instead,
consideration should be given to the specific requirements of each project,
which may be determined by the user requirements and local context of each
Chapter 10▐ Conclusions and Recommendations
The case studies used in this research were all selected from the healthcare
sector (refer to section 4.8.2 for rationale behind the selection of these cases).
Therefore, including case studies from other sectors could assist in generalising
the contents within sections 3 and 4 (i.e. process of implementation and
influence factors) of the developed framework.
Similarly, as the case studies were selected from PFI projects, replicating the
methodology of this study in construction projects using other methods of
procurement could be useful in providing greater insight into the procurement
method related factors affecting the uptake and implementation of SC.
The intention behind the developed framework was to provide a useful tool for
project parties to improve how SC is addressed at project level. Therefore,
developing this framework as a user friendly IT tool could further improve its
ease of use and appeal for project level stakeholders.
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A Summary of International Events/Conferences on SD
Case Study Interview Guide
The purposes of the interviews are two-fold: i.e. (i) To obtain insight into the
understanding of SC amongst project level stakeholders and (ii) To understand the
process of implementing SC (including the influence factors that affect this process)
within a construction project environment.
Target respondents:
Respondent details:
Name of respondent:.......................................................................................................
Project details:
Name of project:.......................................................................................................
Location:.................................................................................................................... .......
Cost (approx):....................................................................................................................
Current stage:............................................................................................................... .
Section 1
2. Do you think it is an important issue that needs to be addressed? (Can you please
explain your reasoning)
Section 2
8. Are the documents current and reflect the present circumstances when it comes
to sustainability? (currency) (core content)
10. Are there any other documents, that you are aware of but do not use?
Section 3
11. According to your understanding, what were the main reasons for considering
SD /SC in this project?
12. What were the main goals/objectives set to be achieved in terms of SD in this
project? (What were the main SC issues addressed?)
13. Were there any particular reasons for selecting those specific SC
goals/objectives for implementation in this project? (criteria for selection of SC
14. Could you please describe your role in selecting and implementing the
aforementioned SC objectives in this project? (e.g. Idea generation, idea
development, providing consultation, monitoring implementation)
15. Could you please describe the role of other stakeholders of this project in
selecting and implementing the aforementioned SC objectives in this project?
(e.g. Idea generation, idea development, providing consultation, monitoring
16. What were the actions taken to address those objectives in different phases?
(initial stage, tendering stage, construction stage, operation stage)
Section 4
17. How would you describe the main drivers or enablers you came across in
implementing sustainable construction? (during different phases)
18. Did you face any practical difficulties or challenges in implementing sustainable
construction aspects in this project?
Would you be willing to be contacted for further input/ comments later on for the
purposes of this research?
Interview Guide for Refining and Validating the Proposed
Framework for Uptake and Implementation of SC
The interview seeks to refine the proposed framework for the uptake and
implementation of SC within construction project environments.
Respondent details:
3. What is your opinion on the issues covered under Section 1: Context within the
proposed framework?
4. What is your opinion on the issues covered under Section 2: What is SC? within
the proposed framework?
5. What is your opinion on the issues covered under Section 3: Actions /Strategies
for implementing SC within the proposed framework?
6. What is your opinion on the issues covered under Section 4: Influence factors
within the proposed framework?
10. In your opinion what are the practical difficulties or challenges in the uptake and
implementation of SC?
A Summary of Existing Emissions Reporting Mechanisms in
the UK
There are currently several requirements on organisations in the UK to collect data and
report on their emissions. Although these various schemes require that the organisations
covered measure and report on certain parts of their emissions footprints, reporting is
not the main aim of any of these schemes but rather a means to the achievement of
emissions reductions (DEFRA, 2010). The Table below gives a summary of the three
main emissions reporting requirements in UK.
Development of the Framework for Uptake and
Implementation of SC: Draft Version
Global concerns for SD
UK national perception/ goals for SD
Construction industry contribution – SC
Advisory documents on SC
SC: Characteristics
Three elements: environmental, social and
Consider whole life cycle of construction
Holistic approach
between levels. i.e. project, local,
Alignment of SC aims & actions
Context specific
Filter 1: Legisltive+
regulation targets - DoH/
NHS/DoH, National
Influenced by:
External factors
Internal factors
Project level
SC: Implementation
SC operational actions within life cycle phases
Organisational structure + division of
Performance measurement + reporting +
Achievements and Conference Publications during the PhD
2010 World Congress, 10-13 May 2010, Salford Quays, United Kingdom.
6. Yatanwala, S., Gunatilake, S., Jayasena, S. and Liyanage, C., 2009. Use of PFI
as a tool for delivering transport infrastructure in developing countries: the Sri
Lankan context. In: Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Association of Quantity
Surveyors Congress, 17-18 August 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.