More Sophisticated Discrimination Index

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More Sophisticated Discrimination Index

.Item discrimination

-refers to the ability of an item to differentiate among students on the basis of how well they know the
material being tested.

>Various hand calculation procedures- used to compare item responses to total test scores using
high and low scoring groups of students.

>Computerized analyses- provide more accurate assessment of the discrimination power of items
because they take into account responses of all students rather than just high and low scoring groups.

The item discrimination index

-reflects the degree to which an item and the test as a whole are measuring a unitary ability or
attribute, values of the coefficient will tend to be lower for tests measuring a wide range of content
areas than for more homogeneous tests.

-the item discrimination index provided by ScorePak@ is a Pearson Product Moment correlation
between student responses to a particular item and total scores on all other items on the test.

.Item discrimination indices must always be interpreted in the context of the type of test which is
being analyzed.

> Items with low discrimination indices -are often ambiguously worded and should be examined.

> Items with negative indices -should be examined to determine why a negative value was obtained.

. ScorePak@ classifies item discrimination as :

- “good” if the index is above .30;

- “fair” if it is between .10 and .30;

- “poor” if it is below .10.

At the end of the Item Analysis report, test items are listed according to their degrees of difficulty ( easy,
medium, hard) and discrimination (good, fair, poor). These distributions provide a quick overview of the
test, and can be used to identify items which are not performing well and which can perhaps be
improved or discarded.

Index of Difficulty

Ru + RL
P= -------------- x 100
Ru ---- The number in the upper group who answered the item correctly.
RL ---- The number in the lower group who answered the item correctly.
T ---- The total number who tried the item.

Index of item Discriminating Power

Ru + RL
D = -------------
½ T
P ---- percentage who answered the item correctly (index of difficulty).
R ---- number who answered the item correctly.
T ---- total number who tried the item.
P = ------- x 100 = 40%
>The smaller the percentage figure the more difficult the item.

Estimate the item descriminating the power using the formula below;

Ru – RL 6-2
D = ------------- = -------- = 0.40
½ T 10
The discriminating power of an item is reported as a decimal fraction; maximum discriminating
power is indicated by an index of 1.00.

Maximum discrimination is usually found at the 50 percent level of difficulty

0.00 - -.20 = Very difficult

0.21 – 0.80 = Moderately difficult
0.81 – 1.00 = Very easy

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