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United International University

An Established New Symmetric Key Cipher

in Cryptography

Submitted By:
Md. Anisur Rahman
MSCSE, CSE Department,
United International University

Submitted To:
Dr. Salekul Islam (SaIm)
Professor & Head of Department, CSE,
United International University.

Submission Date:
This project is included in Network Security Course (CSE 6127).
The main aim of my term paper is to establish a new traditional symmetric - key
cipher in security with cryptography. Traditional symmetric- key ciphers will be
introduced here using examples from cryptography. Symmetric- key ciphers are
not used today. But it plays important role in modern cipher. First, they are very
simple and easier to understand. Second, it is basic foundation of cryptography.
Third, it comes to provide rationale for using modern ciphers. Because the
cryptography said, traditional ciphers can be easily attacked using computer. So
we need a powerful symmetric-key cipher for cryptography. (Cryptography and
Network Security - Behroz A. Forouzan), (2013 International Conference on
Communication Systems and Network Technologies-IEEE).

My traditional symmetric-key ciphers explain principles of cryptography. Some

objectives of symmetric-key ciphers, they are -

 To defines the terms of concept of symmetric key cryptography.

 To emphasize the two categories of symmetric ciphers: Substitution and
Transposition ciphers.
 Mathematical function uses in security of cryptography.
 My own theory of arithmetic integers.
 My new symmetric encryption, decryption, algorithm and cipher
 Compares all symmetric cipher vs. my own symmetric cipher.
 Conclusion of my traditional symmetric-key ciphers.
Cryptography is a security mechanism or technique. Cryptography is derived
from Greek word, “Kryptos” means hidden or secret and “Graphien” means
writing. So cryptography is a secret writing.

Cryptography is a process of science to protect or secure the messages or

information in untrusted communication channel with encryption.

Cryptography can be defined as techniques that cipher data, depending on

specific algorithms that make the data unreadable to the human eye unless
decrypted by algorithms that are predefined by the sender. ( 2019 7th International
Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), IEEE).

There are two types of Cryptography –Traditional symmetric-key ciphers and

Modern Ciphers.

Symmetric encryption is widely used to enforce data security and provide other
cryptographic primitives. Despite significant research that has led to the
development of sophisticated symmetric encryption algorithms, very little has
been done to develop systematic frameworks that can support the creation of
adaptable, application-specific encryption techniques with varying levels of
security. (2013 International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and
Materials (ICCCCM), IEEE)
My new traditional symmetric-key ciphers is depends on my own algorithm of
theory (set of integers) of arithmetic integers. It includes two operation of
mathematics: Binary Operation, Division Operation and Number to Digit to
Number Convert.

General idea of my symmetric-key cipher:

 The original message from Alice to Bob is called plaintext;

 The message that is sent through the channel is called the ciphertext.

 To create ciphertext from plaintext, Alice uses encryption algorithm & shared
secret key.

 To create plaintext from ciphertext, Bob uses a decryption algorithm & same
secret key. (Cryptography and Network Security-Behroz A. Forouzan).
Traditional symmetric-key ciphers classifaction:

Substitution Ciphers:

A transposition cipher does not substitute one symbol for another; instead it
changes the location of the symbols.

A symbol in the first position of the plaintext may appear in the ninth position of
the ciphertext. A symbol in the eighth position of the plaintext may appear in the
first position of the ciphertext. For example, the plaintext characters “hello” may
be encrypted as “elhol.”

A substitution cipher replaces one symbol with another. For example, we can
replace letter A with letter D, and letter T with letter Z. If the symbols are digits,
we can replace 3 with 7, 2 with 6.

Substitution ciphers can be categorized as either Monoalphabetic ciphers or

Polyalphabetic ciphers.

Transposition ciphers:

There are three types of transposition cipher:

1. Keyless Transposition Ciphers

2. Keyed Transposition Ciphers
3. Keyed Columnar Transposition Ciphers or Columnar Transposition
Mathematical term in cryptography of Security:
Modern security is heavily based on some areas of mathematics, including
number theory, linear algebra, and algebraic structures.

Security algorithms are designed around computational hardness assumptions

using mathematical functions and formula, making such algorithms hard to
break in practice by any adversary.

Number theory:
It is used to understand why and how RSA works. Some algorithms use number
theory for the difficulty of factoring large numbers as their basis.

Linear Algebra:
Lagrange interpolation is used in Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme. Some linear
operations are also used in AES.

Algebraic structure:
The theory of finite fields is used in multiparty computation.

Integer Arithmetic: The Set of Integers:

In integer arithmetic, we use a set and a few operations. The set of integers,
denoted by Z, contains all integral numbers (with no fraction) from negative
infinity to positive infinity. (Network Security- Willium Stalling).

Figure: Set of integers


My new traditional symmetric-key ciphers is depends on my own algorithm of

theory (set of integers) of arithmetic integers. It includes three operation of
mathematics: Binary Operation, Division Operation and Number to Digit to
Number Convert.

Binary Operation
A binary operation takes two inputs (e.g. a and b) and creates one output (e.g. c).
In cryptography, we are interested in three binary operations applied to the set of
integers: addition, subtraction and multiplication and modulus.

Figure: Three binary operations for the set of integers

Division Operation:
In integer arithmetic, if we divide a by n, we can get q and r. The relationship
between these four integers can be shown as

Figure: Division Operation

Here, a =Dividend,
n =Divisor,
q =Quotient,
r =Remainder.

Division is not a binary operation, because it produces two outputs instead of

one (q and r). Instead, we can call it division relation.

Number to Digit to Number Convert:

It is extra feature of my cipher. It provides more security of symmetric key

Example: 20 is a number 2 and 0

2 and 0 are digits 20
My traditional symmetric key encipherment:

My theory of Arithmetic Integers:

Law 1: The result of subtraction of two positive consecutive integer’s square is

always positive odd number.

Law 2: From law 1, the result of subtraction is equal to addition of these


Z (odd) = n + (n-1)
The parts of my symmetric Cipher in cryptography :

1. Plaintext
2. Encryption Algorithm
3. Decryption Algorithm
4. Key
5. Number to Digit to Number convert
6. Ciphertext

 Plaintext:
It is the original message that is being protected.

 Ciphertext/ Encoded text/ Encrypted text:

It is the encoded message which is the result of transforming a plaintext
using encryption. My cipher text is power based.

 Cipher/ Cryptographic Algorithm:

A cipher is an algorithm for performing encryption. It is a mathematical
formula used to scramble the plain text to yield ciphertext. Converting
plain text to ciphertext using the cryptographic algorithm is called
encryption, and converting ciphertext back to plain text using the same
cryptographic algorithm is called decryption.

 Symmetric Share Key: Symmetric secret share key is a set of

mathematical value, operates on. It determines how a plaintext message is
encrypted or decrypted.

 Encrypt: To transform a plaintext into ciphertext.

 Decrypt: To transform a ciphertext into plaintext. It is the science of

studying attacks against cryptographic schemes. Successful attacks may,
for example, recover the plaintext (or parts of the plaintext) from
ciphertext, substitute the parts of the original message. (Cryptography and
Network Security-Behroz A. Forouzan).
My Encryption Algorithm:
Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} = C’sTotal

1. if Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} < 26

then C’sValue = C’sTotal;
Represent C’sValue to ciphertext;

2. if Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} => 26

then Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} % 26;
and Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} / 26;
Quotient number to digit convert,
Represent C’sValue to ciphertext;
End (Masayuki Murata, Member, IEEE,)


Pk +{(Pk)^2 – (Pk-1)^2} = C’sTotal

Input plaintext = hello

Input symmetric secret share key = 2

P1 = h = 07, =07*2 +{(07*2)^2 – (07*2-1)^2

=14 + (14)^2 - (13)^2
=14 + 27
= 41
41>26, 41 % 26 =15 =P and 41 /26 =1 =B, number to digit convert.
C’sText = P^B
P2 = e = 4,
= 04*2 +{(04*2) ^2 –(04*2-1)^2}
= 08 +(08)^2 – (07)^2
= 08 + 15
= 23
23<26 ,
C’sText = X

P3 = l = 11,
= 11*2 + {(11*2)^2 – (11*2-1)^2}
= 22 + 22^2 – 21^2
=22 + 43
= 65
65%26 and 65/26
65%26 =13 and 65/26 = 2
number to digit converts.
13 = N, and 2 = C
C’sText = N^C

P4 = l = 11,
C’sText = N^C

P5 = o = 14,
=14*2 + {(14*2)^2 – (14*2-1)^2}
= 28 + 28^2 – 27^2
= 28 + 55 = 83
83>26, 83%26 = 5 = F and 83 /26 = 3 = D, (number to digit convert.)
C’sText = F^D

Cipher Text = P^B X N^C N^C F^D

My Decryption Algorithm:

C’sTotal = 3pk -1 ………….(i)

C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue Base


1. if C’sText is non-power based,

then C’sValue = C’sTotal;
then C’sTotal = 3pk -1;
Represent ciphertext to plaintext;

2. if C’sText is power based,

then C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue
then C’sTotal = 3pk -1;
Represent ciphertext to plaintext;

(Masaaki Yamauchi, Graduate Student Member, IEEE)

o Convert number to digit is included with binary and division
o Convert digits to number is addition of digit * place value.

Cipher Text = P^B X N^C N^C F^D

Input symmetric secret share key = 2

1. C’sText = P^B is power based cipher text, P=15, B =1

C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue Base

= 1*26 + 15
= 41

C’sTotal = 3pk -1;

41 = 3p.2 – 1
41 = 6p – 1
6p = 41 + 1
6p = 42
Plaintext = h
2. C’sText = X is non-power based cipher text, X= 23,
C’sValue = C’sTotal;
C’sTotal = 3pk -1;

23 = 3p. 2 – 1
6p = 24
Plaintext = e
3. C’sText = N^C is power based cipher text, N = 13, C = 2,

C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue Base

= 2 *26+13
= 65
C’sTotal = 3pk -1;
65 = 3p.2 – 1
65 = 6p – 1
6p = 65 + 1
6p = 66
P = 11 = l
Plaintext = l

4. C’sText = N^C is power based cipher text, N = 13, C = 2,

C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue Base
= 2 *26+13
= 65
C’sTotal = 3pk -1;
65 = 3p.2 – 1
65 = 6p – 1
6p = 65 + 1
6p = 66
P = 11 = l
Plaintext = l
5. C’sText = F^D is power based cipher text, F =5, D = 3,
C’sTotal = digit to number convert (power) * modulus + C’sValue Base
= 3*26+5
= 83
C’sTotal = 3pk -1
83 = 3p.2 – 1
83 = 6p – 1
6p = 83 + 1
6p = 84, p = 14
Plaintext = o
Plaintext = hello (Proved)
Compares in all traditional ciphers vs. my new
symmetric cipher:

Cipher Key Alphabetic Cryptographic

Shift cipher Secret Share key 3 Monoalphabetic Easy
Additive cipher Additive inverse Monoalphabetic Easy
Multiplicative Multiplicative Monoalphabetic Medium
cipher inverse
Affine cipher Combination of Monoalphabetic Medium
Additive and
Autokey cipher Automatic key Polyalphabetic
generate from Strong
Hill cipher Columnar keyed Polyalphabetic Strong
Playfair cipher Block key Polyalphabetic Medium
My Symmetric Secret Share key Monoalphabetic Medium

(Cryptography and Network Security-Behroz A. Forouzan). (Network Security- Willium


In the modern world, cryptography plays an important role in security

mechanism. Some cryptographic techniques are easy and simple. But
cryptography is a basic security to maintain over protocol. Now-a-days
traditional symmetric key ciphers are not used today. For this, we need a
powerful symmetric-key cipher in cryptography.

So I have established a new symmetric-key cipher. It is a power based cipher so

that it looks mathematics formula; intruder can’t realize these are cipher texts. It
works look steganography technique but it is still cryptography. It provides
confidentiality, secrecy, integrity and availability. It has extra feature is
number to digits convert and digits to number convert. So it becomes the cipher
more secure than other ciphers.

My new traditional symmetric-key ciphers is depends on my own algorithm of

theory (set of integers) of arithmetic integers. It includes two operation of
mathematics: Binary Operation, Division Operation. At last I would have made
a name of my symmetric cipher is “Power Cipher” or “Anis Cipher.”

1. Importance of Cryptography in Network Security - 2013 International Conference on

Communication Systems and Network Technologies-IEEE.
2. Cryptography and Network Security – Behroz A. Forouzan
3. A Review Paper on Cryptography - 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital
Forensics and Security (ISDFS), IEEE.
4. A design pattern for symmetric encryption - 2013 International Conference on Control,
Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM), IEEE
5. Network Security- Willium Stalling.
6. Masaaki Yamauchi, Graduate Student Member, IEEE – Anomaly Detection in Smart
Home Operation From User Behaviors and Home Conditions – 2020 ( I follow that
design of his algorithm)

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