CON-1022 Basic Blueprint Reading and Drafting

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CON-1022 Basic Blueprint Reading and Drafting

Course Number: Co-Requisites: Pre-Requisites:
CON-1022 N/A N/A
Prepared by: Steve Minten, Outline Creator
Approved by: Joel Van Bynen, Associate Dean, Technology and Trades
Approval Date: Friday, June 12, 2020
Approved for Academic Year: 2020-2021
Normative Hours: 30.00

Course Description
In this course students learn how to read and interpret blueprints and specifications. Students will develop skills at
manual architectural drafting and be introduced to various computer assisted drafting and blueprint viewing

Course Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives

1. Interpret features and components of various blueprints and discuss how this relates to design and
architecture in project management.
1.1 Identify differences between architectural drawings and engineered blueprints.

1.2 Identify information the “Title Block” of a set of drawings.

1.3 Distinguish between the various plans in a set of construction drawings.

1.4 Interpret common scales used on drawings and blueprints.

1.5 Identify symbols used on drawings and blueprints.

1.6 Identify different types of lines and lineweights used to create distinction between components of a

1.7 Identify the various drafting tools used in manual drafting.

1.8 Describe how blueprints and specifications are used together to convey important information.

2. Interpret information from a set of construction specifications and shop drawings.

2.1 Identify all the sections on a typical set of construction specifications (Masterformat).

2.2 Categorize construction materials and processes into their proper specification section.

2.3 Interpret a set of constuction specifications.

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2.4 Interpret various subcontractor shop drawings.

3. Produce practical manual orthographic and idometric drawings.

3.1 Create manual orthographic drawings of a three dimensional object to a specified scale.

3.2 Create manual isometric drawing of a three dimensional object to a specified scale.

4. Produce a set of manual construction drawings for a small construction project.

4.1 Create a manual siteplan for a small construction project.

4.2 Create a manual set of drawings including a title block, floor plan, elevations, details.

5. Constuct and interpret construction plans using various computer software.

5.1 Interpret various blueprints and specifications using planreading software (i.e. Bluebeam revue).

5.2 Compare various planreading software.

5.3 Create basic three dimensional buildings using computer assisted drafting software (i.e. Google

5.4 Compare various comuter assisted drawing software.

Relationship to Vocational Learning Outcomes

This course provides the opportunity for you to achieve the following Program Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLO)
which will be taught and evaluated at an taught (T), assessed (A) or culminating peformance (CP) level:

CPMT - Construction Project Management

VLO 2 Evaluate construction project activities for compliance with relevant legal, regulatory and
contractual obligations, and industry and organization standards, policies and codes for quality
assurance, health and safety, and economic, social and environmental sustainability. (T, A)
VLO 4 Communicate effectively with all stakeholders to achieve project goals. (T, A)
VLO 5 Apply principles and best practices in project management throughout the lifecycle of a
construction project to control costs, time and scope. (T, A)
VLO 7 Manage construction procurement and supply chain to successfully minimize project costs and
optimize project requirements. (T, A)

Learning Resources
a. Required:

b. Supplemental:

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Student Evaluation
Tests and Quizzes 68%
2 Tests @ 20% = 40%
Quizzes 4 @ 6% = 24%, 1 Quiz @ 4%
Assignments 32%
In class assignments 8 @4%= 32%

Grade Scheme
The round off mathematical principle will be used. Percentages are converted to letter grades and grade points as

Mark (%) Grade Grade Point Mark (%) Grade Grade Point
94-100 A+ 4.0 67-69 C+ 2.3
87-93 A 3.7 63-66 C 2.0
80-86 A- 3.5 60-62 C- 1.7
77-79 B+ 3.2 50-59 D 1.0
73-76 B 3.0 0-49 F 0.0
70-72 B- 2.7

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Students who wish to apply for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate
competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements outlined above. Evidence of
learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes:
• Not Applicable: Post graduate course and not eligible for PLAR.

Course Related Information

This course provides a basic understanding of blueprint structure and reading. This course will also teach the
basics of freehand drafting. The information will be delivered through lectures, in class presentations, group
discussions both in class and online, group work exercises, demonstrations, practical lessons, simulations and
question and answer periods. The written material needed for this course will be provided by the instructor along
with guidance to researching online material.

Department Related Information

School of Technology & Trades Missed or Late Evaluation Policy
In general, only illness and domestic affliction (i.e. death in the family, sick children, legal appointments etc.) will
be considered as valid reasons for a missed or late evaluation (exam, test, quiz, assignment, or lab). In cases
where, in the judgment of the instructor, other circumstances clearly beyond the control of the student (i.e. co-op
Job Interviews, Jury duty, etc.) have led to a missed or late evaluation, consideration may also be granted.

In the event a student misses or is late for an evaluation, the student must attempt to:
• Contact the instructor in advance, if at all possible, informing the instructor of the particular situation and attempt
to make alternate arrangements. Presented with a valid reason for a missed or late evaluation, the instructor will
consult with the student to set up a mutually agreeable evaluation date. The instructor will provide a suitable

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evaluation at that time and mark it. For other missed or late evaluations, the instructor may opt to instill a penalty
at his or her discretion.
• In the event a student cannot contact the instructor in advance, the student must inform the instructor in writing
as soon as possible after the missed evaluation and attempt to make alternate arrangements.

In all cases in which a student seeks remedy for a missed or late evaluation, the instructor may require a medical
certificate or other substantiating documents by way of validation. When, in the judgment of the instructor, the
student’s reason is invalid, the student shall be refused any further remedy. The decision of the instructor not to
allow the student the opportunity to reschedule the evaluation may be appealed under the Academic Appeal
policy which is available on the Web under Registration on the Current Student page.

Use of Prior Evaluation

If a student is unsuccessful in a course, in any academic term, that student is not able to use any previous
evaluation or original material towards their current evaluation in another course in the school of Technology &
Trades. e.g. In the situation where a student has failed the theory portion of a course, but was successful in the
lab portion, that student would not be able to use the original lab mark from the failed course towards the
evaluation in the current course.

College Related Information

Academic Integrity
Lambton College is committed to high ethical standards in all academic activities within the College, including
research, reporting and learning assessment (e.g. tests, lab reports, essays).
The cornerstone of academic integrity and professional reputation is principled conduct. All scholastic and
academic activity must be free of all forms of academic dishonesty, including copying, plagiarism and cheating.

Lambton College will not tolerate any academic dishonesty, a position reflected in Lambton College policies.
Students should be familiar with the Students Rights and Responsibilities Policy, located at
The policy states details concerning academic dishonesty and the penalties for dishonesty and unethical conduct.

Questions regarding this policy, or requests for additional clarification, should be directed to the Lambton College
Student Success Department.

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability please identify your needs to the professor and/or the Accessibility Centre so
that support services can be arranged for you. You can do this by making an appointment at the Accessibility
Centre or by arranging a personal interview with the professor to discuss your needs.

Student Rights and Responsibility Policy

Acceptable behaviour in class is established by the instructor and is expected of all students. Any form of
misbehaviour, harassment or violence will not be tolerated. Action will be taken as outlined in Lambton College

Date of Withdrawal without Academic Penalty

Please consult the Academic Regulations and Registrar's published dates.

Waiver of Responsibility
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information as of the date of publication. The content

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may be modified, without notice, as deemed appropriate by the College.

Students should note policies may differ depending on the location of course offering. Please refer to campus
location specific policies:
LAMBTON COLLEGE POLICIES – applicable to all Lambton College students.
• Student Rights & Responsibilities & Discipline policy (2000-5-1)
• Test & Exam Writing Protocol (2000-1-6)
• Evaluation of Students (2000-1-3)
• (
Note: It is the student’s responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for
transfer of credit to other educational institutions.

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