Marines and Military Law in Vietnam Trial by Fire

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COVER: Mai ¡Vinn M. Thurman presides at
an investigation in the NCO club of the 2d
Battalion. ist Marines, in July 1967. The
reporter, Cpi Michael J. Partyka, uses the
closed microphone system to record the tes-
timony of the Vietnamese witness, as rep eat-
ed by the translator. Other participant z Capt
Eugene A. Steffen, at left.
Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginbotham, USMCR

Lieutenant Colonel Gary D. Sous
U.S. Marine Corps



Volumes in the Marine Corps
Vietnam Series

Operational Histories Series

US. Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1964, The Advisory and Combat

Assistance Era, 1977
US. Marines in Vietnam, 1965, The Landing and the Buildup, 1978
US. Marines in Vietnam, 1966, An Expanding War, 1982
U S. Marines in Vietnam, 1967, Fighting the North Vietnamese, 1984
US. Marines in Vietnam, 1969. High Mobility and Standdown, 1988
US. Marines in Vietnam, 1970-1971, Vietnamization and Redeployment, 1986

In Preparation

US. Marines in Vietnam, 1968

U.S. Marines in Vietnam, 19 71-1973
U S. Marines in Vietnam. ¡973-1975

Functional Histories Series

Chaplains with Marines in Vietnam, 1962-1971, 1985

Anthology and Bibliography

The Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1973. An Anthology andAnnotated Bibliography,

1974, reprinted 1983; revised second edition, 1985

Library of Congress Card No. 77-604776

PCN 190 003105 00


This is the second of a series of functional volumes on the Marine Corps' participation
in the Vietnam War, which will complement the nine-volume operational and chrono-
logical series also underway. This particular history examines the Marine Corps lawyer's
role in Vietnam and how that role evolved. Also considered is the effectiveness of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice in a combat environment.
Military law functioned in Vietnam. but was it acceptably efficient and effective? There
were several thousand courts-martial tried by the 400 Marine Corps lawyers who served in
Vietnam. Those trials stand as testament to the Marines, officer and enlisted, who made
the justice system yield results through their work, dedication, and refusal to allow the
circumstances of Vietnam to deter them.
Did the military justice system really work? The reader can be the judge, for both suc-
cesses and failures are depicted here. This book presents a straightforward and unflinching
examination of painful subjects. Marine lawyers in Vietnam came to legal grips with drug
use, racism, fragging. and the murder of noncombatants, along with the variety of offenses
more usually encountered. The Marine Corps can take pride in the commanders and the
judge advocates who ensured that whenever those crimes were discovered they were ex-
posed and vigorously prosecuted. There were no cover-ups; no impediments to the judge
advocates who conscientiously represented the accused or the United States.
To study the military lawyer is to examine the military criminal. Reprehensible acts
and unsavory individuals are described here. The outcomes of some cases are shocking and
dismaying. But while verdicts cannot be ordered, the cases were always brought to trial.
The author, Lieutenant Colonel Gary D. Solis, was first in Vietnam in 1964 as an am-
phibian tractor platoon commander. He returned there in 1966-67, when he commanded
Headquarters and Service Company. and then Company A, 3d Amphibian Tractor Bat-
talion. He later received his law degree from the University of California at Davis and
a master of laws degree in criminal law from George Washington University. He was chief
trial counsel of the 3d Marine Division on Okinawa in 1974. then of the ist Marine Divi-
sion at Camp Pendleton in 1975-76. Later, he was the staff judge advocate of Headquart-
ers Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, and head of the Military Law Branch, Judge Advocate
Division. He served two tours as a general court-martial judge and is a member of the
bar of three states and the District of Columbia. He is a past secretary of the Marine
Corps Historical Foundation and a member of the Supreme Court Historical Society. He
served with the History and Museums Division from August 1986 to June 1989. when
he retired from active duty.

Brigadier General. U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
Director of Marine Corps History and Museums


The war in Vietnam has long since passed from the headlines to the history books, yet
the many issues it raised have only slightly receded, and the controversy barely at all,
The functioning of the military justice system in that warthe practice of criminal law
on the battlefield - is one of those issues, and the controversy sparked by it is far from
being extinguished. To the contrary. that systems increasing "civilianization" by statuto-
ry and appellate law keeps the ember alive, potentially to flame anew to bedevil our com-
manders in the next war.
But, as with so many such issues, the debate is conducted with little fact intruding on
the rhetoric. This volume goes a long way toward remedying that omission. In it are as-
sembled the recollections, reflections, and accumulated wisdom of those charged with
making that systema relatively primitive version of today'swork in Vietnam,
What a curious group it was: The senior leadership of Marine Corps lawyers (they would
not be titled "judge advocates" until well past halfway in the war) was predominantly
combat officers, who had served in World War II and Korea in "line" billets, and who had
later come into the legal field. The 'worker bees," the trial and defense counsel, were
almost exclusively first-tour Reservists, many only recently removed from the hotbeds of
antiwar activism which their college campuses had become. A surprisingly thin cushion of
mid-career lawyers filled the interface.
Yet differences of background and of such temperament and philosophy as existed were
submerged, for in its essential construct, the law is the great unifier of peoples and societies.
And thus it was too for our lawyers in Vietnam: the single focus of this diverse group
and of their common effort was to make the system "work." We each must draw our own
conclusion concerning their success or failure.
However, to read this volume only to resolve such weighty questions is to overlook much
of its worth. It also tells an interesting storyas well it should. For writing history is much
like preparing a difficult and complicated case for trial. One must conduct thorough
research, interview many witnesses, visit the scene of the crime, develop a theory of the
case, marshal the facts persuasively to support it, and finally, present the results of all this
effort in a manner that will hold the listener's attention.
Accordingly, when we conceived the idea of an official history of the activities of Ma-
rine Corps judge advocates in Vietnam, we looked for an officer who excelled as a trial
advocate and who had fought in Vietnam. We found one in the author, Lieutenant Colonel
Gary D. Solis.
As this volume attests, we made a good choice. Because he has been both a combat
officer and a judge advocate, Lieutenant Colonel Sous brought to this effort a unique
perspective. He also brought to it a talent for research and writing, which I think has
resulted in not only an outstanding piece of scholarship, but also a compelling and unusual
piece of literature,

Brigadier General. U.S. Marine Corps
Director, Judge Advocate Division


"In the Armed Fo rces. as eveywhere else, there are good men and rascals, courageous
men and cowards, honest men and cheats."
Ball et al. y. United States
366 U.S. 393, 401 (1961)

Of the 448,000 Marines who served in Vietnam, only a small percentage carne into
contact with the military justice system. By far the greater number served honorably and
never committed illegal or improper acts. But in a book about lawyers and military lawa
criminal justice systemthe focus is necessarily upon criminals as well as lawyers.
In this volume a number of cases are recounted in which the accused escaped punish-
ment or even trial, despite clear indications of guilt. Military law, like civilian criminal
law, demands proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt for a conviction. When the govern-
ment falls short of that high standard, for whatever reason, the accused must go free.
Occasionally that results in a seeming miscarriage of justice. Recounting such cases may
illustrate the workings of the system and make for interesting reading, but they were
not the norm. The reader should not be misled into thinking that most Marines were
criminals, nor that most, or even many, courts-martial ended in acquittal.
This book relates events that occurred in Vietnam, with only that description of inci-
dents in the U.S. and elsewhere as necessary to explain the evolution of the Marine Corps'
Judge Advocate Division and to describe a few wartime cases tried in the U.S. There is
little mention of the significant support provided Vietnam lawyers by judge advocates
on Okinawa, in Japan, and in the United States. Nor is distinction made between Reserve
and regular officers; such distinctions were ignored in the combat zone. The grades used
in the body of the text are those held by individuals at the time they are mentioned.
Court-martial cases are described to the exclusion of nonjudicial punishment. Although
NJP was the commander's most immediate and most frequently employed disciplinary
tool, it does not usually involve lawyers, it is reserved for minor offenses, and no detailed
records of its employment are kept.
Not all participants will agree with everything I have written. The voice of memory
is single and uncontested and tends to rigidify with time. History, on the other hand,
allows many voices, is open to debate and calls for revision. Still, all history is an interpre-
tation, and I have doubtless made mistakes. I alone am responsible for the text and any
errors found there.
The history of Marine Corps lawyers in Vietnam is based on more than official records,
books, records of trial, journals, and newspapers. Hundreds of letters to and from the
lawyers who served in Vietnam have resulted, I believe, in a uniquely personal view of
the events of that period which no official source can impart. I thank those who con-
tributed so much through their responses to repeated inquiries, notably Colonels Clarke
Barnes, Pete Kress, Charlie Larouche, Mike McCollum, and former Captains Tone Grant
and Chuck Kall. Also, Mr. Denzil D. Garrison was unfailingly helpful. Almost a hundred
reviewers, most of whom served in Vietnam, read a draft of the manuscript. Their com-
ments were indispensable and where applicable are incorporated into the text.
Thanks are due Mrs. Pat Amenson and her predecessor, Mrs. Ellen Burkett, of the
Promulgation Section. Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy. They lent vi-
tal support in locating obscure records of trial.
No history volume has a single author. Colonel W. Hays Parks began this project some
10 years ago. The questionnaire he developed and the letters he collected were critical
foundations for my research. Major Leonard A. Blaisol's perceptive critiques of draft chap-
ters were invaluable. Mr.Jack Shulimson, Histories Section head, and Mr. Henry 1. Shaw,
Jr., Chief Historian of the History and Museums Division. were patient mentors who
willingly imparted their experience and expertise.
Thanks to Brigadier General Michael E. Rich, Director of the Judge Advocate Divi-
sion and friend of many years, who conceived the idea for this book. He was my harshest
critic, strongest support. and most perceptive editor.
Finally, this volume is dedicated to Mrs. Carolyn Fave W. Marshall. personal secretary
to every director of the Judge Advocate Division since its formation in 1968. and secre-
tary to the Head. Discipline Branch, before that. Besides her encyclopedic memory, good
humor, and always willing assistance, her long and dedicated service ro the Marine Corps
and its lawyers are without parallel. She is a wonderful person and we are proud to know

Lieutenant Colonel
U.S. Marine Corps

Table of Contents

Foreword iii
Introduction y
Preface vii
Table of Contents ix


Chapter 1 Origins of Military Law and Marine Corps Lawyers 2

Ancient Roots 2
Beginnings: Army Courts, Naval Boards 3
World War II and Beyond: Miliury Justice is to Justice
as Military Music is to Music 4
The Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1950: OId Ills Redressed 5
Continuing Tension: Justice Versus Discipline 7
The Death Penalty in the Armed Forces: Yes But No 7
Marine Corps Lawyers: From Thc Line to Discipline Branch 8
In Support: Navy Lawyers 11
In Support: Headquarters Marine Corps 13
The Pentalateral Agreement; Diplomatic Riflemen 14
MilItary Law Comes to Vietnam 15
A Beginning 17
Chapter 2 1965: 3d Marine Division and 9th MEB Open Shop 18
From a Lawyer's Case File: One Homicide, Two Victims 23
Trying Cases 24
III MAF; Headquarters Without Lawyers 27
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Touching Down 28
Legal Duty in a Combat Zone; Problems 29
From a Lawyer's Case File: The Marine Corps' First War Crime
Conviction in Vietnam 32
Perspective 34
Chapter 3 1966: Building on Sand 35
Trying Cases: Using 'The Red Book' 35
From a Lawyer's Case File: Pilot to Copilot to Brig 37
The Other Prisoners: North Vietnamese POWs 39
The ist Marine Division Arrives: More Lawyers, More Cases 40
Force Logistic Command: New Guy on the Block 42
Trying Cases 45
Courtroom Personnel: Just Passin' Through 51
Homicide on Patrol; Men. Women, and Children 53
3d Marine Division; On The Road Again 54
Ill MAF: Double-Hatting The Lawyer 55
Perspective 56


Chapter 4 1967: Trying Times 59
III MAF: Double-Hatted Twice 60
ist Marine Division: Rising Caseloads, More Lawyers 63
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts 65
Force Logistic Command: Continue to March 68
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Much Like Home 69
From a Lawyer's Case File: Psychiatry and Appellate Review 70
Project 100,000: Prelude to Problems 73
Drugs: Recognizing the Problem 74
Transportation: Hitchhiking to Court 75
Trying Cases 76
Marine Corps Lawyers in Combat: They Also Serve 82
The First Lawyer General Officer: No Immediate Change 83
Perspective 84
Chapter 5 1968: High Tide 88
ist Marine Division: Lawyers in the Storm's Eye 89
3d Marine Division: Every Marine a Rifleman 91
ist Marine Aircraft Wing/Force Logistic Command: Doing Time at Da Nang. 96
From a Lawyer's Case File: Civilian Court-martial 99
Drugs: 'High' Tide 103
Trying Cases 104
Trial Under Fire: Khe Sanh Court 106
Legal Assistance, Claims, Reviews: Someone Has To Do It 109
Fragging: Friendly Fire With Malice 110
Homicide on Patrol: Nothing Hidden 111
III MAF Brig Riot: Prisoner's Kangaroo Courts 114
Perspective 119


Chapter 6 1969 Preamble: Discipline in Disarray 124

The Military Justice Act of 1968: Evolutionary Fine-Tuning 124
Marijuana: Persons of Ill Repute 126
Racial Conflict: Black, White, and Green 127
Administrative Discharge: The Right Ftx 131
Fragging: Killers In Our Midst 133
From A Lawyer's Case File: Murder of a Company Commander 134
Real or Imagined: The 'Mere Gook' Rule 138
Perspective 140
Chapter 7 1969: Military Justice Tested 142
III MAF: No Longer Two Hats 142
ist Marine Division: The Law Center Concept 142
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts 147
From a. Lawyer's Case File: Murder on Stage 148
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Looking For Action 151
Force Logistic Command: Approaching Breakdown 156
Trying Cases 159
Exits: Marine Corps Draw Downs 162
Perspective 164
Chapter 8 1970-71 Preamble: Discipline in Disarray 167
Civilians at Courts-martial: Latney Reversed 167
Fragging: Killers in Our Midst 168
From a Lawyer's Case File: Criminal-Criminologist 169
Drugs: Marijuana and More 170
Racial Conflict: High Tension 171
Administrative Discharge: The Marines Clean House 171
From a j.awver's Case File: Homicide on Patrol 174
Chapter 9 1970-71: Redeployment 191
Force Logistic Command: Playing Catch-Up 191
From a Lawyer's Case File: The Defense Wins Four 193
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Prepared for Takeoff 196
ist Marine Division: New Broom 196
Trying Cases 202
Last Call for Combat 208
Closing Cases Versus Best Defense 208
The Last Marine Lawyer Out 212
Perspective 216


Chapter 10 Prisoners of War, and Others 218

Prisoner Misconduct: Charges 218
From a Lawyer's Case File: Wartime Acts, Post-War Trial 221
Deserters in the Hands of the Enemy 223
White VC?: Robert R. Garwood 223
Chapter 11 Mopping Up 231
Drugs, Race. Dissent: Same Problems, New Venues 231
Vietnam Finale: Bien Hoa and the Rose Garden 232
Perspective 240
The Uniform Code of Military Justice: Did It Work in Vietnam? 241
Summation 244


Marine Corps Lawyers, Navy Law Specialists, and Naval Service
Judge Advocates who Served as Lawyers in Vietnam 269
Staff Legal Officers/Staff Judge Advocates in Vietnam 274
U.S. Medals Awarded Marine Corps Lawyers
and judge Advocates for Vietnam Service 275
Cases Cited 278
Review of Confinement Adjudged in Cases of Marines Convicted
of the Murder of Vietnamese Noncombatants, 1965-71 280
E Confinement Actually Served in Selected Cases of Marines Convicted
of the Murder of Vietnamese Noncombatants, 1965-71 282
Senior Marine Corps Lawyers, 1950 to 1966 283
Heads of Discipline Branch and Directors of the
judge Advocate Division, 1950 to 1988 284
1. List of Reviewers 286


Origins of Military Law and Marine Corps Lawyers

Ancient Roots - Beginnings: Army Courts, Naval Boards - Vorld Wzr II and Beyond
Military Justice is to Justice as Military Music is to Music The Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1950:
Old Ills Redressed Continuing Tension: Justice Versus Disctôline The Death Penalty in the Armed Forces:
Yes But No - Marine Corps lawyers: From The Line to Disctpíine Branch - In Support. Navy Lawyers
In Support: Headquarters Marine Corps - The Penta.lateral Agreement: Diplomatic Riflemen
Military Law Cornes to Vietnam A Beginning

Captain Peter N. Kress arrived in Vietnam a little bers of the MEB staff trudged to the nearby French-
after noon on 8 March 1965. He carried a seabag, a built compound that lay just west of the Da Nang Air-
Manual Jòr Courts-Martial, aJAG Manual, and a yel- base runways. They moved into an unpainted concrete,
low legal pad.* He was the first Marine Corps lawyer one-story, L-shaped building. reputedly a former
assigned legal duty in Vietnam. Three bouts earlier French Foreign Legion barracks. Field desks were set
that day, at 0903, elements of the 9th Marines were up throughout the short side of the L and the MEB
the first ashore in a major escalation of the war. At staff began operating ashore. The small rooms that
the same time, Air Force C-130s carrying portions of ran down the long arm of the L served as the officers'
the ist Battalion, 3d Marines began landing at Da billeting spaces.
Nang. arriving from Futema. Okinawa.' Captain Kress Because his work would involve occasional confiden-
was in the initial contingent that arrived by air. At the tial discussions with Marines needing legal assistance,
end of a second tour of duty in Vietnam six years later, as well as those involved with some aspect of courts-
Lieutenant Colonel Kress would be one of the last Ma- martial, Captain Kress was given permission to locate
rine Corps lawyers to leave Vietnam. his "office" in his quarters, away from the distractions
of the MEB staff. He set up a field desk in his room.
The units that landed in Da Nang were part of the
penned "Staff Legal Office" on a piece of yellow legal
9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB), from Okina-
paper, and taped it to the door. The Marines' first le-
wa. The senior lawyer on Okinawa was Colonel Olin
gal office in Vietnam was open for business. Captain
W. Jones, the staff legal officer (SLO) of the 3d Ma-
Kress was beginning the newest chapter in a story of
rine Division. Several days before the landings he had
military law and Marine Corps lawyers that had be-
conferred with the Commanding General, 9th MEB.
gun long before.
Brigadier General Frederick J. Karch. They decided
to detail a legal/civil affairs officer to the MEB. which Ancient Roots
was then afloat in the South China Sea preparing for Military law is virtually as old as military force. Un-
the imminent Vietnam landings. They selected Cap- til recently, there were two distinct bodies of military
tain Kress. law: that of the sea, and that of land armies. A body
As Captain Pete Kress recalled his arrival, Da Nang of sea-law took form under the Phoenicians. eventu-
was even more humid and hot than Okinawa. But this ally inherited and shaped to the modern world by the
was not his first time in uncomfortable operational cir- English, who, in 1649, during the era of Cromwell,
cumstances. He had been a Marine for nearly ii years, adopted rules for governing the fleet. These were the
formerly a company commander and, just two years precursors of modern American naval law.
previously, a weapons instructor at The Basic School. The law governing armies arose under the Romans
While stationed at Quantico, Virginia. he had attend- and their legion tribunes, who administered the
ed Georgetown University's law school at night, gradu- Magistri Militum. Later, the Franks produced the first
ating in 1962. He transferred to Quantico's staff legal known written code of military law, and William the
office and in December 1964 proceeded to Okinawa Conqueror introduced his version of military justice
for duty. to England in 1066. In 1640 Parliament passed the
After landing, Captain Kress and the other mcm- landmark Ordinances of Armies, and later the Ameri-
can colonies followed the British pattern.
*Usually referred to as 'the JAG Manual," its correct title was In 1775 the Continental Congress adopted the first
Manual of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy. lt contained
American code, based on the British Articles of War.
legal administrative matters and material supplementing the Manual
On the naval side, Rules for the Regulation of the Navy
for Courts-Martial.

Photo courtesy of Col Peter N. Kreis, USMC (Ret.)

Peter N. Kress ispromotedlo the grade of captain by LtGen Frederick L. Wiesman, Com-
manding General o/Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia. Fourteen months later
Capt Kress landed at Da Nang, the firs: Marine lawyer assigned legal duty in Vietnam.
of the United Colonies were enacted in 1776. During incumbent. Several years later, in 1878, Marine Corps
this period. Marines were governed by the Army's Ar- Captain William B. Remey served as ActirìgJudge Ad-
ticles of War when serving ashore, and by the Rules vocate General, until 1880, when Congress passed
for the Regulation of the Navy when serving afloat. legislation creating the office of the Judge Advocate
Over the next 87 years Congress made six changes to General of the Navy.7 President Rutherford B. Hayes
naval law and, in 1862, passed the Articles for the appointed Captain Remey the Navy's fìrstJudge Ad-
Government of the Navy (25 iii number), commonly vocate General, to serve with the grade of colonel while
referred to as Rocks and Shoals."* With several in that billet. Colonel Remey held the billet for the
amendments, Rocks and Shoals remained in effect un- next 12 years.**
til 1951. Army law, meanwhile, underwent significant
Beginnings: Army Courts, Naval Boards
revisions in 1786. 1806, 1874, and 1917.
By the end of World War I a three-tiered court-
In 1865 the United States established the position martial system was well-established. In the naval serv-
of Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate General, but ice the lowest level court was the deck court (called
Congress abolished the office after the death of the a summary court-martial in the Army), a one-officer
proceeding, limited to punishment of confinement or
*The term derives from Article XIX, Rules and Regulations for
the Government of the Navy, 1862: "1f any officer ... shall, through solitary confinement for up to 20 days. Bread and
inattention . suffer any vessel of the navy to be stranded, or run
- water for a similar period was authorized. The inter-
upon rocks or shoals.., he shall suffer such punishment as a coun
maniai shall adjudge." The term came to be applied to those Arti- **Colonel Remey's final years found him mentally infirm. He
cies for the Government of the Navy, enumerated in Naval Courts died in a Massachusetts institution in 1894. (Biographical files. Ref-
and Boards, that were required to be read periodically to ships' crews. Sec, MCHC).

The administration of military justice in the Navy

and Marine Corps entailed similar inequities under
Natal Courts and Boards, the Navy legal manual of
the day, and Rocks and Shoals. During this period no
lawyers or judge advocates acted as such in the Ma-
rine Corps. Neither did the Navy place a particularly
high premium on uniformed lawyers. The World War
I NavyJudge Advocate General's Office boasted that
there was not a single lawyer on its staff.''In fact, the
Judge Advocate General of the Navy was not required
to be a lawyer until 1950.12
Akin to the Army's reconsideration session, Naval
courts and Boards provided the specific format for the
order directing members of a court-martial to reexa-
mine their results with a view to stiffening a sentence:
The record of proceedings . - is returned herewith to
the court.
The INavyl departmem. after careful consideration, is
Marine Corps Historical Collection of the opinion that the sentence adjudged by the court is
Col William B. Remy, US. Marine Corps, was ap- not adequate to the offense found proved .

The coun will reconvene for the purpose of reconsider-

pointed the first Judge Advocate General ofthe Navy.
ing its sentence.'3
mediate level court was the summary court-martial Such direction made clear what was expected.
(called a special court-martial in the Army), composed Public pressure grew for reform of the Army's justice
of at least three officers. It could impose punishments system. The result was the 1920 Articles of War, the
of a bad conduct discharge, bread and water, and up first major legislative revision of Army law since the
to 30 days confinement or solitary confinement. The Revolutionary War, and the guide under which the
general court-martial in both the Navy and Army was Army conducted its courts-martial until the Korean
reserved for offenses that, in the convening officer's War. Although the Navy and Marine Corps' Articles
opinion, were of the most serious nature, meriting for the Government of the Navy were not similarly
more significant punishment. The general court- amended, a military-wide pattern for change was dis-
martial was composed of no fewer than five officers cernible for the first time.
and could impose sentences up to and including
death ,8 'or/d Wär II and Beyond'
Military Justice is to Justice
The period following World \sr I brought pressure as Military Music is to Music
for change in the military's justice system and set the
stage for reforms bringing both streams of military During World War II millions of Americans joined
the ranks of the Armed Forces and, in far greater num-
justice, sea and land, into the modern era.9 During
that time convening authorities sometimes appoint- bers than in World War I, the citizen-soldier again
ed members (jurors) to suit their own ends, trial-level came into contact with military justice. There were
reviews were sometimes less than impartial, and law- about 1,700,000 convictions by courts-martial during
the war.'4 Sentences were often harsh and inconsistent
yers were a rarity in courts-martial. There were no
judges, disinterested or otherwise. Meaningful review with inexplicable verdicts and, too often, overbearing
command influence. This reflected, in part, the inex-
was virtually nonexistent. Convening authorities could
order reconsideration sessions and, indeed, during perience of the personnel who comprised the courts
World War I fully one-third of all Army court-martial and the harsh views of some commanders as to the
purpose of military justice. As one antimilitary parti-
acquittals were "revised" to findings of guilty in such
reconsideration sessions.'° Until 1920 a court-martial san phrased it:
conviction need only be approved by the officer who No one blushed in admitting that the court-martial was
convened the court, except in officer dismissal and not a trial, that the commander used it to enforce his dis-
ciplinary policies and inculcate military values in his men.
death cases.

that it was administered by officers alone, that there was no was in the air, and pressure again mounted for reex-
right to review, and that the sentences were calculated w amination of the military system of justice.20 The
set an example and nor to provide justice.
American Legion, other veteran's groups. and state bar
It became apparent that what had worked well associations all pressed for change. Studies were in.
enough for the small prewar Armed Services could not itiated and boards convened, all with reform as their
bear the stress of major wartime expansion in the goal.
modern day. The Marine Corps, for example. was Movement toward change was slow, but legislation
manned at 65.881 on the eve of the war and reached moved forward. In 1948 the U.S. Army'sJudge Advo-
a peak strength of 484,631, an increase of almost 750 cate General's Corps was formed despite strong op.
percent.rt Although official Marine Corps records of position by the Army Chief of Staff, General Dwight
the number of courts-martial tried were not kept dur- D. Eisenhower.* He viewed the divorce of lawyers from
ing World War II (nor were they kept until the the rest of the officer corps as contrary to Service har-
late-1960s). most were tried without lawyer participa- mony. Since 1862 the Army had assigned "judge ad-
tion, suggesting the uneven quality of justice that vocates" to the headquarters of every field army. Until
sometimes prevailed during those years. 1948, however, any commissioned officer could be
designated a "judge advocate."21 In addition to aJAG
During World War Il the few regular Marine Corps
Corps, the Army's Articles of War were again moder-
officers with law degrees were assigned to Atlantic or
nized in 1948. The Navy sought to introduce a com-
Pacific fleet headquarters or to Headquarters Marine
panion bill to the Army's, but was unsuccessful. The
Corps. Fòr the remaining reservist-lawyers on active
Navy had waited to see the outcome of the Army's
duty, a law degree was simply an item of passing in-
bill and the congressional session ended before action
terest in his field record, like having been to barber's
could be taken on the Navy bill. So the Navy and Ma-
school. Not until mid-1942 was a staff legal advisor
rine Corps continued to operate under essentially the
first provided for: a captain's billet on the staff of each
same Articles for the Government of the Navy, which
Marine division.' (An Army division, in contrast, was
they had followed for two hundred years.
authorized a three-officer judge advocate section of
lieutenant colonel, captain, and warrant officer, plus It was unclear if the 1948 Army modifications ap-
two enlisted clerks.) Otherwise, a law degree only made plied to the newly established Air Force, formerly a
one assignable to each general court-martial tried in part of the Army. Nevertheless. the Air Force quickly
on&s battalion; not necessarily viewed as a blessing. published its own blue-covered Manual for Courts-
Rather than looking to lawyers, commanders divined Martial and proceeded to trial. In fact, no military ap-
their legal counsel from hard-won experience and pellate court ever decided whether or not the Air Force
Naval Courts and Boards. Of course, having a billet properly claimed jurisdiction for itself. The soon-
for a staff legal advisor required neither that the billet enacted uniform code subsumed the Air Force manual,
be filled nor that the incumbent, if any, be a lawyer. making it a moot point.
Indeed, he usually was nor, because lawyer-Marines The Uniform Code of Miitaiy Justice, 1950:
with career aspirations believed that being sidetracked Old Ills Redressed
from a normal career path onto the dead-end legal
road (no major's billet for a legal advisor existed) was On 26 July 1947 legislation abolished the War
not the route ro either command or promotion. Department and created the Department of the Army
Nevertheless, during the late war years the Marine and the Department of the Air Force. Those two
Corps recognized the utility of lawyers and employed departments, along with the already existing Depart-
Reserve officers, primarily, to fill its headquarters com- ment of the Navy, were bunched under the newly
mands' legal billets. At war's end, by Marine Corps
bulletin, officer volunteers were again sought for post- *Although the Army's modern JAG Corps was formed in 1948.
the first Judge Advocate of the Army was appointed during the
graduate training in law, recognizing the need for Revolutionary War, on 29 July 1775. In July 1862 the Congress
more senior, regular officers who could lead the reser- provided for an Army corps of judge advocates. The Army's Bureau
vist lawyers.18 The Marine Corps had periodically of Military Justice, established in 1864. became the Judge Advo-
sought officer-lawyer candidates in that way since af- cate General's Department in 1884. and, on 24 June 1948. became
ter World War I) the Judge Advocate General's Corps. (Military Lau's of the United
Siates 1949 IWashingron: Government Printing Offìcc, 19501
With the end of the war unification of the Services Sec.62, p. 71-74.)

formed Nacional Defense Establishment, which was 1920. there had been no requirement that he be a law-
redesignated the Department of Defense in 1949.22 yer until their short-lived 1948 modifications.
The first Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrescal, took The modern trilogy of summary. special. and gener-
office in September of 1947. He recognized that the al courts-martial was now in place for all Services. For
recent legislation reforming the Army's court-martial the first time law officers less than judges but more
system would soon become law and that it was con- than senior memberswere required to be lawyers.
trary to Armed Services unification. Secretary Forrestat Also, lawyer defense counsel and trial counsel (prose-
acted to supersede the one-Service reform and to cutors) were permitted at all levels of court-martial,
produce a justice system applicable to all the Services. although they were required only at general courts.
He formed another committee, with a particularly In addition, any time the trial counsel was a lawyer.
ambitious and demanding mandate. He directed the the code required that the defense counsel be simi-
committee to integrate the Army's (and the Air Force's) larly qualified.
Articles of War, the Navy and Marine Corps' Articles Safeguards against improper command influence,
for the Government of the Navy, and the Disciplinary a major concern of the drafters, were woven through-
Laws of the Coast Guard * Additionally, the commit- out the new code. Although no system could be made
tee was to write a modern code "with a view to pro- totally immune from misuse, the Morgan Commit-
tecting the rights of those subject to the code and tee, which was well aware of the public's concern
increasing public confidence in military justice, regarding past problems, sought "to draw a line be-
without impairing the performance of military fu ne- tween the commander's dut) to enforce military law
tIOfls."23 Secretary Forrestal had set them a formida- and his power to influence its administration."24 They
ble task. acted to preclude future abuses by, among other
Headed by Edmund M. Morgan, the members were things, including two new articles making improper
Assistant General Counsel of the Department of command influence a military crime.25 The capstone
Defense Felix E. Larkin and the Under-Secretaries of of the effort was establishment of theJudicial Coun-
the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Morgan was a highly cil, or Court of Military Appeals, the specialized
respected Harvard law professor and, along with Lar- civilian tribunal empowered to entertain appellate
kin, proved to be the driving force of the committee review26 Finally. Article 36 of the new Code opened
and its team of supporting lawyers. the way for the last aspect of this major overhaul, a
new Manual for Courts-Martial.
In January 1949 the Morgan Committee reported The first Uniform Code of Military Justice was a
to Secretary Forresta! that it had completed the writ- landmark achievement which brought the military
ing of a uniform code of 140 articles. Three issues re- court-martial into the mainstream of contemporary
mained upon which they could not agree. lt fell to law. The United States Court of Military Appeals, the
the Secretary to make the decision, over Army objec- military's highest court, later said:
tion, to adopt a military appellate "Judicial Council"
(or Court of Military Appeals, as it was finally desig- Members of the legal profession within the military es-
tablishment are made primarily responsible for the elimi-
nated) of three civilians. The Secretary also approved.
nation of the abuses formerly affecting military justice, and
despite Navy objection, the seating of enlisted per- are relied upon for the establishment of a court-martial sys-
sonnel as court-martial members, if requested by an tem truly judicial in viewpoint, and administered in accor-
enlisted accused. Finally, a "law officer," who was re- dance with established American concepts of Iurisprudence27
quired to be a lawyer, gained approval, again over the
The Code became law on 5 May 1950. President Tru-
Navy's objection. Although the Army had been em- man ordered the 1951 Manual jr Courts-Martial,
ploying a 'law member" in general courts-martial since
which implemented ir, into effect on 31 May 1951,
repealing the Articles for the Government of the Navy,
sThe United States Coast Guard, a separate military service since the Articles of War, and the Disciplinary Laws of the
January 1915. first employed the Disciplinary Rules for the Revenue Coast Guard.**29 The Manual specified that from that
Cutter Service as its disciplinary tool, later adopting the Discipli-
naiv Laws of the Coast Guard. In November 1941 it began operat-
ing as part of the U.S. Navy for the war's duration, and came under **ln 1955 the flrstjAG Manual, then known as che Naval Sup-
the Articles for the Government of the Navy. At the war's conclu- plement ro the Manual/or Courts-Martial, United States, 1952. was
sion it again utilized its Disciplinary Laws until the 1950 UCMJ be- published for the use of Navy law specialists and Marine Corps law-
came effective. (50 CMR ix, 1975.) yers. lt was six by nine inches in size and cost ten cents.

date Army and Air Force lawyers could be appointed Marine Corps Colonel Olin W. Jones recalled "the en-
"judge advocates." Navy and Coast Guard lawyers, it mity of virtually all Marine Corps commanders to the
said, were to be "law specialists." Marine Corps law- new system. This was the first time they had to be told
yers, however. went unmentioned in the new manu- they could not do many things they had done in the
al.° This, presumably. was because the drafters past .. . This transition period was difficult for many

assumed the Navy would provide Marines their lega! of us.'33

counsel, as it did their chaplains and doctors. The In the 1950 UCMJ the balance between discipline
failure to appreciate and provide for the fact that the and justice was apparent. The commander would ap-
Corps would want its lawyers to come from its own point counsel, members, and law officer. and have first
ranks was to have considerable effect. Over the next review of the case. Lawyers would conduct the pretri-
lo years, until Marine Corps lawyers were given their al investigation and guard against baseless charges. The
own career pattern, it affected the promotions and law officer would ensure a trial according to law. His
careers of Marine Corps lawyers, senior and junior, who performance and the record of trial, as a whole, would
would find themselves in Vietnam courtrooms. But be subject to review not only by the commander, but
in 1951, named in the Code or not, lawyers became by a military appellate panel. A second, final appel-
a fact of everyday Marine Corps life. late review would be in the hands of the all-civilian
Continuing Tension: Justice Versus Discipline Court of Military Appeals. Apropos of the court-
Despite the barbs of critics, the phrase "military martial which the new Code ushered in, trial attor-
justice" was no longer a contradiction in terms. Still, ney E Lee Bailey, himself a former Marine Corps legal
until the modest amendments of 1920 and the major officer, wrote: "The [civilian jury] system simply can't
reform of 1950. discipline had prevailed while justice be counted on. In my opinion, despite all the criti-
stood in shadow. As a 1945 editorial in the Chicago cism leveled at the military, the odds are that a mili-
Tribune read: tary court will produce a more accurate verdict in a
Manial taw was drafted in different ümes, for a different
disputed issue of fact than a civilian jury."
kind of soldier to the orle who wears the United States uni-
The Death Penalty in the Armed Forces: Yes But No
form today. The professional soldier of a century or more
ago was recruited, as often as not, from the dregs of society.
In 1817 William Boyingtorì, U.S. Marine Corps, was
When a weapon was placed in his hand the most savage dis-
cipline was required to insure that he did not turn it against executed by a firing squad, the last Marine to be put
those whom he was enlisted to protect. Such a code is neither to death pursuant to the sentence of a court-martial.
necessary nor desirable to govern civilians in uniform defend- His offense goes unrecorded, but during that period
ing a free country of which they are frte citizens.' the death penalty was reserved for mutiny, desertion,
The reforms of 1950 reflected the continuing ques- and murder. According to the sketchy and incomplete
tion of the purpose of military law: is it to enforce dis- records of the era, three other Marines were certainly
cipline or to insure justice? Or both? Can both ends executed before Boyington, and another three proba-
be simultaneously served? If so. in what order? bly were.
Until 1950 the commander had great influence over There has not been an execution in the U.S. Navy
courts-martial. Trial procedure was simple, requiring since 1849 when two seamen were hanged from a ship's
no legal training or experience to employ it. Review yardarm as a result of a mutiny on a smallboat from
procedures lent themselves to quick confirmation of the U.S. Survey Schooner Ewing. (Their conviction fol-
verdict and sentence. In this way discipline was en- lowed a spirited defense by a prominent civilian
forced by demonstrating to all the swift punishment defense attorney, paid for by the Navy) Prior to the
of infractions. The influence of the commander was Ewing hangings, five other sailors were certainly ex-
not lightly surrendered, nor the military lawyer eagerly ecuted and another three probably were. Among the
received. General William Tecumseb Sherman, him-
five known to have been executed, three were alleged
self a lawyer, earlier stated from the commander's per-
mutineers of the brig-of-war Somers, hanged from the
spective: yardarm after a summary proceeding in 1842. One of
It will be a grave error if by negligence we permit the mili- the three was Midshipman Philip Spencer, son of a
tart law to become emasculated by allowing lawyers to in-
ject into it the principles derived from their practice in the
former Secretary of War, which led to the "Somers In-
civil courts. which belong to a totally diffrrcnt system of juris- cident" becoming a cause celebre. As a result of the
diction 32 executions the captain of the Somers, like the corn-

modore who authorized hanging the Ewing cifically authorize the court to consider death as a pos-
mutineers, was himself tried by a court of inquiry. The sible punishment, and the members must unani-
commodore was suspended from duty for five years mously sentence the convicted individual to death.
the Somers captain was exonerated. Since those Other procedural steps complying with current U.S.
nineteenth century executions, a number of sailors and Supreme Court opinions are mandated by Court of
Marines have been condemned to death whose sen- Military Appeals decisions.
tences were commuted to a lesser punishment.35 Marine Corps Lawyers.
In the U.S. Army 270 soldiers were executed prior From The Line to Disczline Branch
to World War 1. During World \Var 135 more were
executed, and during World War II 146 death sen- Under the late Articles for the Government of the
tences were carried out. (Two soldiers of that number Navy there was no requirement for lawyers in a Ma-
were executed after the war as a result of sentences im- rine Corps general court-martial. The commander sim-
posed during the war.) Since implementation of the ply could detail an officer to be the judge advocate
Uniform Code of Military justice in 1950, the Army (prosecutor), a "suitable officer" to be defense coun-
has executed 10 soldiers, the last in 1961 for the rape sel, and five members and try the accused.38 Until 1920
of an Austrian child.36 The U.S. Air Force executed (in the Army), a conviction only needed approval of
three men in 1948 and another two in 1954. There the officer who convened the court for the sentence
has not been a death sentence carried out by the U.S. to be executed, except in cases of officer dismissal or
Coast Guard. a death sentence. But in 1950. the Marine Corps and
The stark difference in the number of executed the other services realized that the new UCMJ would
death sentences in the Army and the naval service was require a great many lawyers to meet its requirements.
due to dissimilar procedures for approving them in Now the Marines had to survey those within its ranks
the naval services' Articles for the Government of the who were law-trained but laboring in other orchards,
Navy and the Army's Articles of War. Under the Ar- as well as locating regular officers who wanted to be-
ticles of '(/ar commanding generals of armies in the come lawyers. In the next few years the Marine Corps
field in time of war were empowered to order death found exemplary officers to meet the new challenge.
sentences carried out. The Articles for the Government Colonel Hamilton M. Hoyler, for example, was an
of the Navy, on the other hand, requited approval by infantry and artillery officer, as well as a Harvard Law
the President of the United States of any sentence to School graduate. In World War II he saw action on
death, except in very limited situations. With enact- Tulagi and earned the Silver Star Medal on Guam,
ment of the UCMJ in 1950, approval procedures were where he commanded a battalion. He was awarded
made uniform, and Presidential approval is now re- the Purple Heart for wounds received on Bougainville
quired before a death sentence can be carried out in while a member of the 3d Raider Battalion. During
any armed service. the Korean War he commanded the 5th Marines and.
Since the last military execution in 1961 there have before heading the Marine Corps' Discipline Branch
been numerous court-martial sentences to death, but in 1961, served as chief of staff of the 3d Marine Di-
as of this writing, all such sentences that have been vjsion.
ruled upon have either been mitigated to lesser Major james F. Lawrence, jr., had been an infantry
punishments or reversed by military appellate courts. platoon commander on Guadalcanal and Cape Glou-
Since 1986 the Army's prescribed method of execu- cester. In Korea he was awarded the Navy Cross for
tion, although never put to use, has been lethal in- his leadership of an infantry battalion during the
jection. The naval service has not prescribed a method breakout from the Chosin reservoir. He gained his law
of execution.* degree in 1953 and later became the first officer
Before a court-martial may sentence a convicted promoted to the grade of brigadier general as a lawyer.
serviceman or woman to death, the Manual for Courts- Major Duane L. Faw held two Air Medals, earned
Martial must authorize death as a penalty for the as a dive-bomber pilot in combat over Guadalcanal.
offense, the officer referring the case to trial must spe- Munda, Rabaul, and other World War II Pacific is-
lands. He later was the first brigadier general Direc-
*Ruk for Court-Martial 1113(dXl): A sentence to death which tor of the Judge Advocate Division.
has been fmnallv ordered executed shall be carried out in the man- Major Joseph R. Motelewski held a law degree when
ner prescribed by the Secretary concerned.' he was commissioned in 1942. As a motor transport

officer he saw combat on Guadalcanal and Peleliu. In

Korea he briefly commanded the ist Battalion. 7th
Marines. In Vietnam he would be the chief of staff
of the 3d Marine Division.
These men, and others, exemplified the Marine
Corps tenet that every Marine is a rifleman. Comman-
dants and commanders wanted their newly highlight-
ed legal officers to be regular, as opposed to Reserve,
officers with line experience and preferably with com-
mand experience. Such a background provided an ad-
vocate with insight into the problems of both the
commander and the enlisted Marine. But it proved
difficult and, finally, impossible to meet the desire
for lawyers with such qualifications.
Since the end of World War I the Marine Corps had
detailed a few officers each year to duty as law stu-
dents, ordering them to civilian law schools. During
the 1920s and 30s it was Harvard University's School
of Law from which Marine Corps officers often gradu-
ated.° During World War II the program languished,
but thereafter several majors were sent each year to
law school with full pay. The post-war program, which
placed officers at George Washington, Georgetown,
or Catholic Universities, all in Washington. D.C.. was
in full force in 1950 in anticipation of the UCMJ's re-
quirements for lawyers.' Marine Corps law students
were required to purchase their own books and to as-
sume duties in the office of the judge Advocate Gener-
al of the Navy during school breaks and vacations.
Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard law students had
no similar requirements. Major Earl E. Anderson, a
student at George Washington University's law school Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 311245
from 1949 to 1952, recalled that "many of us had full- Gen clifton B. cates. 19th commandant of the Ma-
time [military] jobs . . . . For example. for over a year. rine Corps, was a second lieutenant in France during
I was the Foreign Claims Officer for JAG. handling World War I, a year after graduating from law school.
all foreign claims."42 After 1952, largely due to Major
Anderson's petitioning the Judge Advocate General command, or flying, or whatever his pie-law school
of the Navy on the matter, naval service law students specialty had been. Every Marine a rifleman. It also
were no longer required to simultaneously mix law put the lawyer who was a regular officer in a difficult
study and military duty, or to spend school breaks in position.
the office of the Navy JAG. During the 1950s the In the years between World War II and Vietnam,
graduating officer received a secondary military oc- a law degree, combined with command experience,
cupational specialty (MOS) designator of 0185, tri- was recognized as a positive factor in gaining
al/defense counsel, upon passing a state bar promotion - not necessarily to employ as one's primary
examination. duty, but as an indication of drive, ambition, and abil-
The assignment of a secondary, rather than a ity. Indeed, until 1967 when james Lawrence was
primary MUS, after three years of specialized and ex- promoted to brigadier general. only three of the eight
pensive civilian schooling, was significant. It reflect- serving or future general officers who had law
ed a philosophy that legal work was the graduate's degrees - Cates, Anderson, Wensi riger, Twining, Ax-
secondary job, his primary duty remaining infantry tell, Beckington, Kier, and Snedekerever practiced

law in the Marine Corps, or anywhere else.* Yet in the issue of traditions versus specialization. Is every Ma-
1950s, the Marine Corps fostered an approach of rine, including the lawyer, a rifleman? The Marine
specialization without application by creating lawyers Corps found the answer in Vietnam.
on the one hand, while branding their specialty as During the 1950s and 60s the legal community was
secondary on the other. The Marine Corps lawyer with also securing its position in the command structure
career ambitions recognized that he should try to re- of the Marine Corps. After World War II, lawyer as-
main in his former nonlegal specialty and, more im- signments were not tracked or controlled in any for-
portantly, obtain command of a unit.** That outlook mal way, there being no reason to be concerned with
squared with Headquarters Marine Corps' view that attorneys. With the advent of the UCMJ and its man-
legal expertise was needed, but only as a specialized date for lawyers, concern became a necessity.
skill for the commander to call upon when neces- Gen Holland M. Smith, seen in ¡919 as a major in
sary.4' The Marine Corps looked for a solution to the France, graduated from law school in 1903 and prac-
ticedin Alabama before being commissioned in 1905.
*General Clifton B. Cates. 19th Commandant of the Marine Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 515291
Corps. was a 1916 University of Tennessee law school graduate. He
retired from the Marine Corps in 1953. General Earl E. Anderson
was a lieutenant colonel when he graduated from George Washing-
ton University's school of law (as law review editor-in-chief) in 1952.
For the nest 12 years he mixed legal and aviation duties then, until
his retirement in 1975. was an aviator and a senior staff officer. Lieu-
tenant General Walter W. Wensinger was a 1917 University of Michi-
gan law school graduate before oining the Marine Corps and, other
than duty in the Office of the NavvJAG for three years, was a career
infantry officer. General Merrill B. Twining, a 1932 graduate of Ge-
orge Washington University's law school, was a career infantry officer.
Lieutenant General George C. Axtell was a career aviator who gradu-
ated from George Washington University's law school as a major
in 1952. Lieutenant General Herbert L. Beckington, an artillery and
infantry officer, graduated from Catholic University law school in
1953. as a major. Major General Avery R. Kies was a 1927 graduate
of Kansas City School of Law, but was a career aviator. Brigadier
General James Snedeker. an infantry officer, was a 1940 law school
graduate who represented the Marine Corps and the naval service
on numerous boards and committees relating to military law, and
was the first Marine to hold the billet of Deputy Judge Advocate
General of the Navy, loan earlier era. General Holland M. Smith,
who retired in 1946, was a graduate of the University of Alabama's
law school, and practiced. briefly, before entering the Marine Corps.
(RefSec; and Gen Anderson ltr to author, dtd 22Feb89; Anderson
folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

**After World War Il. when the postgraduate law program was
curtailed for several years. Congress became concerned over the num-
ber of new lawyers who were returning to their pre-law school mili-
tary specialties without practicing that which had been paid for with
public funds. Additionally. General Earl E. Anderson recalls that
Navy law specialists lobbied Congress for an end to Marine Corps
participation in the law program because of dissatisfaction that their
JAG and deputy JAGs remained line officers, rather than mem-
bers of a JAG corps. (Gen Anderson hr ro author. dtd 22Feb89,
Anderson folder, Mannes and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

***As late as 1964, the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Gener-

al Wallace M. Greene, Jr.. expressed that view when he said, "We
want Marine lawyers to vary their legal duties with command and
staff assignments because we feel they make better military lawyers
as a result." (The Army, Navy, and Air Force journal and Register.
4Jan64. p. 13.)

Legal matters were conducted by Discipline Branch was seeking legislation providing for its own JAG
(usually referred to by its Headquarters designation, Corps, but the Marines opposed it because the intend-
"Code DK"). a part of the Personnel Department of ed legislation precluded a Marine from again becom-
Headquarters Marine Corps. Although Discipline ing the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, no matter
Branch had existed during World War II, not until the how remote such a possibility was.46 (The Navy had
Uniform Code of Military Justice became effective was to wait until 8 December 1967 for its lawyer-officers
Discipline Branch headed by a lawyer.* The first at- to become aJAG Corps.)47 The Marines, while com-
torney to be designated head of Discipline Branch was plaining that one of their own could not be Navy JAG,
Colonel James C. Bigler, who had been assigned to insisted that a Marine Corps JAG corps was neither
the branch since 1949. Successive branch heads were needed nor desired.
Colonels Stjulien R. Marshall in 1952. Paul D. Sher-
man in 1954, andJohn S. Twitchell in 1956. As law- In Support: Navy Lawyers
yer identification, assignment and utilization became In 1942 the Naval Courts and Boards Training
routine, Discipline Branch, or Code DK, evolved into Course was established at the Advance Base Receiv-
a branch concerned solely with legal matters. ing Barracks, Port Huenerne, California. It was the
In the late 1950s the Commandant found it difficult naval services' first legal school attended by both Navy
to meet the requirements for junior officer-lawyers. and Marine Corps personnel. In April 1946 a seven-
The Marine Corps had 129 officer-lawyer billets, filled week training course for Navy yeomen and Marine le-
primarily by Reserve officers augmented by a few gal clerks was added to the curriculum, and in Febru-
senior, regular officer-lawyers who alternated between ary 1950 the school, now redesignated the U.S. Naval
legal and rionlegal assignments. Lawyer shortages were School (NavalJustice). was relocated to the Naval Base,
a continuing problem. To resolve that problem, in Newport, Rhode Island. It was again redesignated in
1959 the Commandant proposed establishing a new, May 1961, this time as the Naval Justice School.
primary MOS for lawyers who desired to perform only In 1965 Navy lawyers were properly referred to as
legal duties. He also proposed safeguards against pro- "law specialists." Confusingly, law specialists could also
motion discrimination and sought more reservists to be staff judge advocates, if assigned that specific billet
meet the expanding requirement for lawyers. He on the special staff of a commander. The title 'staff
hoped to avoid a separate legal corps, such as the Navy judge advocate" was a carryover from the period be-
was proposing.43 By Marine Corps order Reserve law- fore the UCMJ, when the senior officer in a legal billet
yers were soon being recruited as candidates for regu- on the commander's staff was referred to as the 'staff
lar commissions. Within two years 0185 (trial/defense judge advocate," whether he was a lawyer or a layman.
counsel), and 0195 (law officer), became primary Marine Corps lawyers remained unmentioned and un-
MOSs, assigned upon graduation from law school arid titled in the UCMJ. Nevertheless, as with their Navy
the passing of a state bar examination, and lawyers counterparts, if they served in a legal billet, they were
were assured equality of promotion opportunity.**45 commonly, if inaccurately, called "judge advocates."
That was the situation on the eve of the Marine The UCMJ's omission of the Marine Corps lawyer
landings at Da Nang in March 1965. The U.S. Army's had an effect on a more substantive level. Records of
JAG Corps had existed since 1948. The Air Force em- court-martial proceedings must be reviewed for legal
ployed a de facto JAG Corps while claiming opposi- sufficiency and correctness. Cases involving significant
tion to a separate category of lawyer-officer. The Navy punishment, as defined in the Uniform Code, re-
quired review by appellate courts. The 1950 UCMJ
*Before 1941. legal issues arising in the field, few as they were, specified that the records of some lower-level courts,
were an aspect of the personnel officer's duties. Courts-martial and summaries and specials that did not include a bad con-
legal matters were first mentioned in Headquarters Marine Corps duct discharge as a part of the sentence, need not go
organi2ation in 1941 when the Personnel Department formed a to the appellate level. They did, however, require
Courts and Boards Branch. Courts and Boards evolved into Dis.
review for legal sufficiency and correctness by a law
cipline Section. then Discipline Division, and finally, Discipline
Branch, which continued in existence until thejudge Advocate Di- specialist or judge advocate. Marine Corps lawyers, not
vision came into being on 17 April 1968. (RefSec, MCHC). being classified as either, were in the position of
**ln 1964 the 4405 MOS designator was first assigned Marine prosecuting significant numbers of courts-martial
Corps lawyers. (LiCo] Brian B. Kent kr to author. dtd 28Feb89, Com- while lacking the authority to review many of them.
ment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). The solution was for the Navy to assign a law


Photo courtes', of Col Robert C. Lehnen. USMC (Ret.)

The staff of the Naval School of justice, Port Hueneme, California, March 1948. istLt
Robert C. Lehnen', secondfrom rzh was the school's first Marine Corps instructor though
not yet a lawyer In 1967 he became StaffLegal Officer of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing in
Da Nang, Vietnam. His relief at the School ofJustice was Capt William A. Murphy,
USMC. secondfrom left. Navy Lt (later Capt) Wyman N. Jackson, third from rzght. was a
lau' officer in Vietnam during 1966 and 1967. The school's commun ding officer Cdr (later
RAdm) Frederick Albrink, centei later was AssistantJudge Advocate Generai ofthe Navy.
specialists, who were authorized to conduct the re- any billet. By fiat, every Marine was still a rifleman.*
quired review, to all major Marine commands that con- In Washington disagreement continued between
vened courts-martial. The Navy was glad to the Marine Corps and the Navy's Judge Advocate
accommodate the Marines, because such assignments General's office over the establishment of a Navy JAG
offered Navy lawyers a broader exposure to military corps. The Marines still opposed legislation offered by
justice practice. In exchange, Marine Corps lawyers in the Navy that would create a Navy JAG corps, now
roughly equal number were assigned to Navy legal because the Navy would not include provision for a
offices and the appellate sections in the Office of the Marine Corps Assistantjudge Advocate General of the
Judge Advocate General of the Navv. Navy, a rear admiral/brigadier general billet.5° (The
The Navy sought legislation, with Marine Corps
concurrence, to amend the UCMJ to permit review of *During this period, acceptance of a primary legal MOS was still
optional for regular officers. Lawyers commissioned prior to 1961
all court-martial records by 'any qualified officer law- had primary MOSs other than legal. Another Marine Corps order
yer of the Navy or the Marine Corps. whether or not decreed that 'when there isa sufficient number of lawyers to meet
he is designated as a law specialist." But in March the needs of the Marine Corps, those officers not assigned a primary
of 1965, when the Vietnam landings occurred, pas- legal MOS will be detailed to assignments other than legal
sage of that amendment was several years away and in accordance with the requirements of the Marine Corps." (Head.
quarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Division of Information, Service In-
the Marine Corps relied on Navy lawyers to help man
formation Release, Release No. RWJ-67-63, 29Mar63; and MCO
its legal offices. At the same time, Headquarters Ma- 1040.21, dtd 26Dec62. Subj: Marine Corps Lawyers; policy concern-
rine Corps continued to hold that Marine Corps law- ing, Para 3.b(3); 4400 MOS Establishment folder, Marines and Mili-
yers remained unrestricted officers who could serve in tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

Marines had given up their insistence that language rifle Corps order. Further, to be on a par with the
be included in the legislation to provide for the pos- other services, Marine Corps lawyers sought credit for
sibility of a Marine in the top billet. Judge Advocate the time spent in law school preparing for the special-
General of the Navy.) This conflict, though without ized duty they performed. Such "constructive service"
impact on Marine Corps lawyers in Vietnam, raised would be significant when promotion eligibility was
basic issues. For example, in the Navy legal commu- considered, because the practical effect would be that
nity it was suggested that there should only be one lawyers would be promoted to captain with less time
'law firm," and it should wear a blue suit: that is, be on active duty than nonlawyer officers.
composed entirely of Navy personnel.51 Eventually, the
Without constructive service, not only was there a
Marine Corps itself was to ask if that might not be
lack of recognition for the effort and time spent
the wiser course.52
preparing to become a service lawyer, but disparities
In Support. Headquarters Marine Corps in grade could arise between lawyers. Captain W. Hays
Critical to Marine Corps lawyers in Vietnam was the Parks, for example, initiated his service while still a
support of those in charge of legal matters at Head- college undergraduate. He arrived in Vietnam seven
quarters Marine Corps. Since the UCMJ had gone into years later, a captain with seven years time in service.
effect, the number of Marine Corps lawyers had grown Although he had not been on active duty, he had been
significantly. Headquarters' Discipline Branch con- advanced in grade throughout the seven years he had
tinued its evolution within the Personnel Department. been in college and law school. His law school class-
In the branch's Navy Annex offices plans were formu- mate, Jerald D. Crow, was commissioned upon gradu-
lated for eventually moving from Personnel and mak- ation from law school, and arrived in Vietnam at about
ing "legal" a separate division. Colonel John S. the same time as Captain Parks. Without construc-
Twitchell and his successors, Colonels Hamilton M. tive service, and because of his later commissioning
Hoyler, Robert A. Scherr. and Robert B. Neville. laid date, Crow was a second lieutenant receiving little
the groundwork for the future Judge Advocate Divi- more than half the pay that Captain Parks did.56 Con-
sion during their tenures in Discipline Branch, from structive service would have put the two officers, who
1956 to I966. had equal time actually in uniform, on a par, rather
The problems they faced were daunting. Should than essentially rewarding Parks for merely having
lawyers be assigned only legal duty? If so, that would signed his service contract earlier. Legislation was pro-
reduce the number of lawyers required and probably posed to meet the constructive service issue, but it re-
ensure green suit" (Marine), rather than blue suit" mained unresolved for several more years.
(Navy) lawyers. Legislation to this effect was proposed The number of lawyers being commissioned in the
in 1958, but then withdrawn for fear of establishing Marine Corps was not sufficient to meet the needs of
a single-skill, JAG-type corps in the Marines. Instead. a Service expanding to meet the Vietnam War. Nor
in 1962, a Marine Corps order established the com- did the pressure of the draft entirely close the lawyer
promise policy that regular officers would not have ro manpower gap. A solution came in 1961, when a tradi-
perform solely legal duties if they did not wish to, but tional source of officer accessions, the Platoon Lead-
could if they wanted; on the other hand, Reserve law- ers' Class (PLC), was expanded to embrace law student
yers (usually captains and lieutenants) could serve only candidates as well as undergraduates who intended to
in legal billets. A later modification established the pursue a law degree following graduation.5 l'he PLC
policy that lieutenant and captain lawyers would serve (Law) program allowed prospective officers between
one tour of duty out of three in a nonlegal billet. college graduation and law school to be commissioned
Presumably, this would ensure that every Marine would as second lieutenants. Previously this route had been
continue to be a rifleman. Another issue was the law- open only to graduating college seniors who could im-
yers' continuing concern that they might not receive mediately begin Marine officer training. The PLC
consideration by promotion boards equal to that of (Law) program, by committing lawyers to Marine
line offìcers.* In 1964 that, too, was addressed by Ma- Corps service before law school, addressed the short-
age of lieutenants and captains. However, the continu-
*A 'line officer" is an officer assigned to the combat arms of the
service involved. In the case of the Marine Corps those are infantry, ing paucity of midlevel lawyers, majors and lieutenant
artillery, armor, and engineer officers: as opposed to staff, service, colonels, was a retention problem which was to bur-
and specialist officers. den the Marine Corps for the entire war.

Solutions to the problems were hammered out. ment, governing the legal status, rights, and
Lawyers soon were assigned legal duty almost exclu- obligations of American personnel in Vietnam, was
sively; the Commandant directed parity in promo- signed in Saigon by the United States, France, Cam-
tions; and law school graduates were to receive bodia. Laos. and Vietnam on 23 December 1950.
constructive service. Those resolutions and their im- Although similar to mutual defense assistance agree-
plementation were the result of long planning, intense ments the United States had concluded with other al-
effort, and inspired staff work. The officers in Dis- lies, the Pentalateral Agreement was brief (less than
cipline Branch in the late 1950s and early 1960s made six pages long), and its terms were broad and gener-
the UCMJ a practical and workable system of military al, leaving many legal questions to be settled on a case-
justice in the Marine Corps. by-case basis.
Among those matters upon which they advised the The agreement provided that all American forces
Commandant was the legal status of those Marines entering Indochina were to be considered members
who were to land in Vietnam: invaders or invitees? of the U.S. diplomatic mission with the same legal sta-
The Pentalateral Agreement: Diplomatic Riflemen tus as actual members of the U.S. mission of cor-
responding grade. American military personnel were
Few Marine riflemen in Vietnam knew that in terms
divided into three categories: senior military members
of legal jurisdiction they were considered to be diplo-
of the U.S. mission with full diplomatic Status; a less-
matic mission clerks.
er, undefined category which, significantly, excluded
A basic tenet of international law is that the courts
its membership from the civil and criminal jurisdic-
of a country have jurisdiction ro try all cases arising
tion of Vietnam; and the third category, whose mem-
out of wrongful acts committed in tha country. With
bership was again undefined, but with the legal status
Vietnam's permission the United States could, in Viet-
of clerical personnel of the diplomatic mission. In
nam, try U.S. citizens for wrongful acts committed in
1958. the United States advised the Vietnamese
Vietnam. or lacking permission. the trial could be held
government that it would consider top U.S. military
elsewhere. But generally, a sovereign state has primary
commanders to be in the first category. officers and
jurisdiction over all persons within its territory. This
warrant officers to be in the second, and enlisted men
includes the military personnel of another nation, un-
to be in the third category. So, in diplomatic terms,
less the host state consents to surrender its jurisdic-
Marine riflemen were considered diplomatic mission
clerks. Major General George S. Prugh, Judge Advo-
The United States, naturally, desired to retain the cate General of the Army. wrote:
greatest possible measure of jurisdiction over its own
When the pentalateral agreement was signed in 1950. the
forces in Vietnam. In time of peace jurisdiction is a
signatory parties obviously meant the agreement to apply
matter for negotiation with a host country, formalized to the activities of the small U.S. Militsrv Advisory Assistance
in a status of forces agreement, or SOFA.* Group staffs operating at the time in Cambodia, Laos. and
Usually a SOFA is not concluded when one nation Vietnam. During the early 1950s, there were 200 to 300 of
these military advisors ....It [s unlikely that the diplo-
is engaged in a war on the soil of another nation. mats ever imagined that its simple provisions would govern
Moreover, in Vietnam government courts were still the legal status and activities of almost 600,000 Americans
functioning and, according to international law, those in Vietnam. Yet . . no more detailed agreement was ever

courts retained primary jurisdiction over American negot iated.

troops in Vietnam. Clearly, an accord regarding juris- As Major General Prugh pointed out, once large
diction was needed. numbers of American forces were in the country, they
The Agreement for Mutual Defense Assistance in were immediately engaged in combat, and a status of
Indochina, commonly referred to as the Pentalateral forces agreement, a peacetime document, never be-
Agreement, was concluded long before the 1965 land- came necessary. The Pentalateral Agreement provid-
ings, and resolved the issue of jurisdiction. That docu- ed a minimal but adequate framework, and the
generality of its provisions allowed a flexibility that
*The concept of SOFA first arose in 1941, when the United proved valuable in meeting the many legal complica-
States leased bases in Great Britain in exchange for destroyers. The tions that were to arise.60
concept was "perfected" in the North Atlantic Treaty SOFA of 1951.
(Burdick H. Brittin. Internalional Law For Seagoing OJjìcers(An- The legal status of American civilians in Vietnam,
napolis: Naval Institute Press. 4th cd.. 1981>. PP. 187-193. other than the actual diplomatic mission, was not ad-

visors for 30-day periods. In April 1962 a Marine

helicopter squadron deployed from Okinawa co an old
Japanese-built landing strip near Soc Trang. It sup-
ported forces of the Government of Vietnam battling
Communist guerrillas. The squadron and its support-
ing establishment, known by the codename Shufly,
moved from Soc Trang to Da Nang five months later.
The French had rebuilt Da Nang's civilian airfield as
a military base following World War II. The airbase,
surrounded by the city itself, was relatively modern
and was occupied by Vietnamese and U.S. Air Force
units. It served the city as a commercial airport, as well
as a military airbase.63
Marine Corps lawyers stationed in Japan and Okina-
wa noted that units were deployed in combat and con-
sidered how they also might get to where the action
was. First Lieutenant Robert J. Blum. on temporary
Department of Defense Photo (USA) SC-613296
additional duty with Marine Aircraft Group 11 at
LtCol Paul J. Durbin was Deputy Staff Judge P'ing-Tung, Formosa, convinced his commanding
Advocate, US. Army, Pacific, when selectedfor tem- officer that the Marines at Da Nang were in need of
porary duty in Saigon in June 1959, the first Armed
legal assistance. (Legal assistance is the military term
Service lawyer to be assigned legal duty in Vietnam.
for counsel on virtually any legal matter other than
dressed when the Pentalateral Agreement was reached. military justice, e.g.. indebtedness, divorce, taxes,
Eventually. 10,100 civilians would be in Vietnam, com- adoption, to name but a few.) On 18 April 1963, Lieu-
mitting their share of criminal offenses, so their legal
The Da Nang Airbase was closely surrounded by the
status and amenability to trial was no small issue. In
city of Da Nang. 9th MEB Headquarters and Capt
1965 military dependents. contractor employees, mer-
Kress office lay just to the left of the runways.
chant seamen, reporters, and businessmen, were not
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A423023
considered by the American military legal system in
Vietnam. Marine Corps lawyers would later be close-
ly involved in the question of whether American
civilians were subject co court-martial jurisdiction.
Military Law Comes to Vietnam
President Truman ordered the establishment of a
U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in
French Indochina. to provide materiel support to the
French Expeditionary Corps fighting there. Lieutenant
Colonel Victor J. Croizat, the first Marine Corps ad-
visor to serve in Vietnam. arrived in August 1954.81
Five years later, in June 1959, Lieutenant Colonel Paul
J. Durbin, U.S. Army, was the first military lawyer as-
signed to Vietnam. He and five successor Army law-
yers served on the staff of the U.S. Army Element,
MAAG, in Saigon before Captain Pete Kress, the first
Marine assigned exclusively for legal duty in Vietnam.
arrived in March 1965.82
Beginning in May of 1961, volunteers from the 3d
Marine Division. on Okinawa, and the Ist Marine Air-
craft Wing, at Iwakuni, Japan, went co Vietnam as ad-

Courtesy of Col Robert J. Blum, USMC (Ret.)

lstLt Robert J. B/urn was in Da Nang on ¡8 April ¡963 to provide legal assistance for
ShuJly Marines almost a year before the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade landed
tenant Bob Blum became the first Marine to reach before the 9th MEB landed in March 1965. Major Bri-
Vietnam as a lawyer, and provided legal assistance for an B. Kent went ashore at Da Nang in September or
three days to the Shufly Marines. Although he did pro. October 1964 as counsel to an investigation conduct-
vide a service to the aviation unit, in truth, he said, ed by the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing inspector. There
he wrangled his way in-country "mostly just to see had been reports that helicopter extractions had been
what was going on." Three months later he was again negligently delayed, resulting in casualties to the
directed to Da Nang, this time to conduct a pretrial South Vietnamese and their U.S. Marine Corps advi-
investigation.64 sors. Major Kent remained in Vietnam for a week. The
investigation determined that the delays had result-
Two months after Lieutenant Blum's Vietnam visit,
ed from an insufficient number of available aircraft.68
in June 1963, Colonel Earl E. Anderson arrived at
MAAG Headquarters in Saigon to assume duties as
Major Paul E Henderson, Jr., accompanied other
members of the 9th MEB staff to Shufly headquart-
chief of staff of the MAAG. Since attainment of his
ers for a week-long period in August 1964.67 A few
law degree in 1952, Colonel Anderson had been the
weeks before the Marine landings the staff legal officer
staff legal officer of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, in
of the 3d Marine Division, Colonel Olin W. Jones, ac-
addition to commanding several aviation units.* Ii
companied the division commanding generai on a liai-
Vietnam, Colonel Anderson served as chief of staff of
son visit to Da Nang and Hue, as welL68
the MAAG for the next year. while also flying more
than 40 combat missions On the day of the initial 1965 Marine Corps land-
ings, when Captain Pete Kress arrived for duty, Navy
A few other Marine Corps lawyers were in Vietnam law specialist Lieutenant Hugh D. Campbell was al-
ready ashore at Da Nang. He was on temporary duty
*Colonel Anderson had no further assignments in the legal field.
After billets including Commanding General. Fleet Marine Force,
from the 3d Marine Division and provided income tax
Atlantic. and Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. he re- legal assistance to Shufly personnel.69 The Navy and
tired in 1975 as a genera]. Marine Corps joint legal support for Vietnam Marines

represented by Captain Kress and Lieutenant Camp-

bell was to continue throughout the war and beyond.

A Beginning

On 8 March 1965 when Captain Kress stepped from

the C-130 that had brought him to Da Nang, there
were 168 lawyers in the Marine Corps.* Only 83 of
them were regular officers. Forty-five percent of them
were majors or above - ari inordinately high percen-
tage of supervisory officers. But the stage was set for
trials in a combat zone.

*Qf this number 19 were colonels. 34 lieutenant colonels (in-

cluding the sole woman lawyer in the Marine Corps. liCol Lily H.
Gridlev, a non-deployable reservist who was the long-rime legal as- Marine Corps Historical Collection
sistance officer at Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington). 25 Gen Earl E. Anderson, here a colonel, received the
majors. 20 captains, 60 first lieutenants. 9 second lieutenants, and
Legion ofMerit with Combat "Von 15 October 1964
a CWO-2 who had first enlisted in 1935. Two colonels and a major
were lawyers but did not practice law in the Marine Corps. (HQMC, for service with the MA.AG in Saigon. In 1952 he was
Code Al, Directory of Marine Officer Lawyers. dtd 1May65; Direc- editor-in-chief of the George Washington University
tories folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). law review and graduated with highest honors.

1965: 3d Marine Division and 9th MEB Open Shop

From a lawyer's Case File. One Homicide. Two VictimsTrying Cases-1H MAF: Headquarters E2'ithout Lawyers
ist Manne Aircraft lVing: Touching Down Legal Duty in a Combat Zone.- Problems - From a Lawyer's Case File.
The Manne Corps' First Var Crime Conviction in Vietnam - Perspective

Captain Peter N. Kress. acting Staff Legal Officer joined by Navy law specialist Lieutenant (junior grade)
(SID) of the newly arrived 9th Marine Expeditionary Keith G. O'Brian.
Brigade (MEB), discovered that he was less than over- Eventually an Article 32 investigation, akin to a
worked. In fact, his earliest employment of any sig- civilian court's preliminary hearing, was held in the
nificance was as the civil affairs officer, his secondary airbase chapel, to the distress of the Navy chaplain.
assignment. (In rime, Vietnam courts-martial were routinely tried
Rats infested the old French compound that was in messhalls, officers' clubs, staff offices, chapels-
now the MEB headquarters and billeting area. The any place with sufficient seating space.) An unnoticed
question put to the legal-cum-civic action officer was electrical outage stopped the recording of the proceed-
how best to end this situation; traps or poison? ing before its conclusion and made the required ver-
Presumably Captain Ksess fell heir to the problem be- batim transcript impossible. The partial record,
cause of the potential impact that poisoned rats might though, was sufficient to allow the 9th MEB com-
have upon the surrounding Vietnamese community. manding general and convening authority, Brigadier
On occasion, the rodents found their way into the lo- General FrederickJ. Karch, to determine that a court-
cal diet. The consequences of civilian illness or death martial was not warranted. The difficulty with elec-
caused by American poison would be tragic. Sagely, trical power, however, was a portent of generator
Captain Kress recommended traps, which were sub- failures, power drops, surges, and outages that would
sequently requisitioned from Okinawa. delivered, and plague courts-martial as long as the Marines remained
put to use. The value of a legal officer was thus demon- in Vietnam.
strated on another Marine Corps field of conflict. In April 1965 civil affairs and legal matters increased
In early May the MEB was redesignated III Marine as the number of Marines in Vietnam increased. Two
Amphibious Force (III MAF), reflecting the Marines' of the 3d Marine Division lawyers who had augment-
increased strength and role in Vietnam. The change ed Captain Kress' office for the shooting investigation,
in designation had no effect on the legal section, which Lieutenant Harris and Navy Lieutenant O'Brian, re-
continued to service 1H MAF Headquarters, the 3d mained in Da Nang, Lieutenant Harris as III MAF's
Marine Division. and until late May. the ist Marine first civil affairs officer.' Lieutenant Harris' initial as-
Aircraft Wing, as well. signment was to write a handbook on civil affairs, a
Until 9th MEB's arrival in Vietnam, Shufly's few subject about which he knew little. Undaunted, he
cases requiring trial by special or general court-martial visited a U.S. Army Special Forces unit in Da Nang
had been disposed of by sending the accused and the and borrowed its Army civil affairs field manual. He
essential witnesses back to Okinawa or to Atsugi, copied most of it in longhand, making appropriate
Japan, for trial. With so many Marines now in Viet- changes to conform to Marine Corps terminology, and
nam, that course was less practical. forwarded "his" handbook to the commanding gener-
The first potential general court-martial case arose al. It was returned with the notation, "outstanding job,
in March 1965, when a returning Marine patrol was lieutenant." Lieutenant Harris' nonlegal assignment
mistakenly fired upon by other Marines, resulting in was secure.2 His later Navy Achievement Medal recog-
the death of two, and the wounding of two others. nized his more substantive achievement in the Viet-
Captain Kress requested legal support from Colonel namese pacification program.3
Olin W. Jones, the 3d Marine Division SLO on Okina- Sometime later the commanding general directed
wa, who dispatched First Lieutenants Frederick C. Captain Kress to confer with Colonel George S. Prugh,
Woodruff and Donald W. Harris from Okinawa to act the U.S. Army's StaffJudge Advocate at the U.S. Mili-
as defense counsels in the investigation of the incident. ta Advisory Command, Vietnam (MACV), in Sai-
They joined Captain Kress and the two enlisted clerks gon. Colonel Prugh, a future judge Advocate General
who made up the MEB legal office. They were soon of the Army, and Captain Kress coordinated commu-

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A-184276

Commanding General BGen Frederick j Karch, sits fifth from right, and Capt Peter N.
Kress, acting staff legal officer and lstLt Donald W Harris, civil affairs officer stand
center row, seventh and fourth from right, in this photo of 9th MEB staff in May 1965.
nication procedures between their respective legal Okinawa to Da Nang to replace Captain Kress, who
offices, methods of handling foreign claims (over returned to Okinawa. On 1 July Lieutenant Colonel
which the Army had cognizance), and other routine Thomas B. Sparkman, in turn, replaced Major King.
administrative matters.4 That was the second of many On 1 August Lieutenant Colonel Sparkman was suc-
meetings between Army judge advocates in Saigon and ceeded by Lieutenant Colonel Charles B. Sevier, who
Marine Corps lawyers in III MAF. The first had been assumed the billet of Staff Legal Officer, the first in
on 18 March 1965, when Colonel Prugh, along with Vietnam to hold the title as well as the billet.6 Lieu-
his Vietnamese counterpart, Colonel Nguyen Mong tenant Colonel Tom Sparkman remained as Lieutenant
Bich, and the MACV Chief of Claims, had flown to Colonel Sevier's deputy.
Da Nang to meet Captain Kress, discuss claims mat- The SLOs' increase in grade, from captain to lieu-
ters, and tour Marine Corps positions. Colonel Prugh tenant colonel in a period of five months, reflected
said, "I think we enjoyed excellent relationships be- the accelerating pace of Marine Corps deployments to
tween MACV and Marine lawyers." Vietnam. In April two battalion landing teams and
Through mid-1965 the 3d Marine Division (Rear), a regimental landing team headquarters arrived, fol-
on Okinawa, continued to provide legal support for lowed by three squadrons of the ist Marine Aircraft
the 9th MEB/IlI MAE Before the level of the division's Wing. Those additions brought Marine Corps strength
eventual involvement in Vietnam became apparent, in Vietnam to 8,878. The future requirements for in-
Colonel Jones, the Division SLO, planned to rotate creased legal support, however, were not yet recog-
the MAF's legal officer every few months. According- nized, either on Okinawa or at Headquarters Marine
ly, in May 1965, Major James P. King deployed from Corps in Washington.

In May 1965 airbase construction began at Chu Lai,

a barren stretch of coastline 57 miles southeast of Da
Nang, where previously there had been no permanent
American military presence. Three more battalion
landing teams arrived there, and the ist Marine Air.
craft Wing established a forward headquarters at Chu
Lai, as well.
By mid-June another 9,000 Marines were ashore in
the three enclaves, now established at Da Nang, Chu
Lai, and Phu Bai. In July Okinawa's 3d Marine Divi-
sion (Rear) joined 3d Marine Division (Forward), unit-
ing the division in Vietnam. In August the new
commanding general of both III MM and the 3d Ma-
rine Division, Major General Lewis W. Walt, split the
division staff by establishing another headquarters,
Task Force X-Ray, at Chu Lai.7 As the build-up
proceeded, the lawyers' caseloads increased as well. The
III MAF SLO's small section was still servicing both
the MAF headquarters and the 3d Marine Division.
both of which had grown in size dramatically, as well
as units of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing.
The SW, Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Sevier, had
already been selected for promotion to colonel when
he arrived in Vietnam. He had been an enlisted Ma- Photo courtesy of BGen James P. King. USMC (Ret.)
rine in World War II, eventually becoming a lieutenant Maj James P King, Ill MAP Civil Affairs Officer,
and a tank platoon commander. He had seen combat center, looks on ai an officer is questioned by LtGen
on Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa and after the war Victor H. Krulak, the Commanding General, Fleet
earned his law degree and returned to active duty and Marine Force, Pacific, at Chu Lai in May 1965.
the Korean War. In 1956 he was the prosecutor in the
For a year after the initial landings the Staff Legal
widely reported McKeon case, in which a Partis Island
drill instructor was convicted of negligent homicide Office for HI MAF headquarters and the 3d Marine
Division remained a single office. Major General Walt
in the drowning deaths of six recruits at Ribbon Creek
Now in his third war, Lieutenant Colonel Sevier not-
commanded both units. Lieutenant Colonel Sevier
ed that, at first, the division moved support person-
recalled, "Walt had two hats. We talked to him in
whichever office we happened to catch him, about
nel, including lawyers, from Okinawa to Vietnam only
either [Uflit]."IO Although this duality of command
with reluctance. An example was demonstrated by
often led to confused staff work, it was not a problem
Major King, a 3d Division lawyer trained in civil af-
fairs. Major King, having been relieved as the III MAF
for the SW, because the few court-martial cases
presented no difficulty.1I A general court-martial was
legal officer by Lieutenant Colonel Sparkman, wished
not held in Vietnam for four months after the land-
to remain in Vietnam. Although there were no vacant
ings.'2 Initially, the Marines were too busy to fall prey
legal billets, Major King prevailed upon the SLO on
to disciplinary problems. Lieutenant Colonel Sevier
Okinawa to offer him to III MM as the civil affairs
said, "when we first got down there, they were not let
officer, replacing Lieutenant Harris. Not long after
stray too much . . . . It's a combat situation that's new
Major King's arrival in Da Nang the commanding
to them, so initially you don't get a lot of trouble. It's
general spotted him and, recognizing him as a law-
only when they've been in country a while and they've
yer, growled, "What the hell are you doing here?"°
Nevertheless, for the first time since the Korean War, got their confidence built up."
Marine Corps lawyers were in the field with combat Lieutenant Colonel Sevier's new deputy, Major Fred
elements. As support personnel, they had no direct Grabowski, proved adept at the location and procure-
role in combat operations, but answered the com- ment of materiel useful to the legal office, often
mander's need for specialized advice and support. without disturbing usual supply channels, Shortly after

his arrival, inJuly 1965, Major Grabowski acquired four leakage, damage to documents, and drainage. Still,
highly valued general purpose tents. One of these he the lawyers knew they were better off than the many
gave to new-found acquaintances in a nearby wing en- Marines who lacked even a tent.
gineer unit. They, in return, constructed wooden fram- Through 1965 the number of cases assigned to each
ing and flooring for the remaining three tents, which counsel - the caseload - remained low. Recollections
were erected near the rear of MAF/Division Head- of the actual number of cases assigned varied from two
quarters. The tents allowed the small legal staff co or three cases to nine or ten.'5 In any event, the num-
move from a partitioned corner of the messhall where ber was fluid and not very high. In September the sur-
they had previously been located. One of the tents rounding city of Da Nang was put off limits to all
was employed as the work space for the SLO, his Marines, except for purposes of official duty or busi-
deputy, and the enlisted legal chief, Master Sergeant ness, two broad exceptions.b6 The commission of minor
Harold L. Tetrick; another was for the defense coun- offenses and crimes was reduced by the off-limits order.
sels, legal assistance, and claims lawyers; the third was Unlike later arriving units, the first Marines that land-
for trial counsels. Later, a fourth tent was added and ed in Da Nang were integral, cohesive units. That, too,
used as a "courtroom," to the relief of the chaplain, contributed to the initially low offense rate. Second
as well as the mess chief, whose messhall had also been LieutenantJohn E. Gillmor,Jr., recalled: "During that
pressed into service as a hearing room.'4 period we sent half the legal department to China
The tents' sides could be rolled up in hot weather, Beach to go swimming . . Boredom was our big-
. .

but that provided little relief. The dank, heavy odor gest real enemy."7
of a hot tent was not soon forgotten. The tentage Of the three levels of court-martial under the 1951
found in Vietnam was old. Rain created problems of Manual for Courts-Martial, which was still in effect,
Maj Fred Grabowski. Deputy Staff Legal Officer Ill MAP/3d Marine Division, works in
a section of the messhal/ before legal personnel were assigned their own work space.
Photo courtesy of Col Daniel E McConnell. USMC (Ret.)

Photo courtesy of Col Charles B. Sevier, USMC (Ret.)

In September 1965, LtCol Charles B. Sevier III MA F/3dMarine Division StaffLegal Officer
stands before hz.c recently erected 'fJìce" in the rear of the 111 MAF compound
the most serious offenses were tried at a general court- punishment if found guilty at a special court-martial.
martial, which required lawyer counsel. The However, most often, Marine Corps lawyers participat-
intermediate-level special court-martial was employed ed in special courts-martial only when the offense ap-
for the majority of cases, Lawyers were not a require- peared to warrant a bad conduct discharge.'9
ment in special courts, although they were sometimes Lieutenant Colonel Daniel F. McConnell, later a
assigned. Summary courts-martial were one-officer deputy SLO in Vietnam, noted that he regularly made
hearings which disposed of minor offenses, as the term the more capable junior lawyers available to act as sum-
suggests, in a summary, greatly simplified proceed- mary courts-martial, as well. "The convening authority
ing. The maximum permissible punishment a sum- was generally pleased," McConnell recalled. "The ac-
mary court-martial could impose was much less than cused felt more secure, and justice was served."20 But
that of a special or general court-maniai. The officer within a few years, Marine Corps lawyers would be too
hearing the summary court-martial case did not have occupied with more serious cases to allow such a
to be a lawyer. and rarely was. The accused could re- luxury.
fuse trial by a summary court, in which case the officer General and special courts-martial were decided by
with authority to convene the court-martial could, and members. The 1951 Manual for Courts-Martial did not
usually did, upgrade the case to a special court-martial, provide for a case to be heard solely by a judge. In-
which could not be refused.18 deed, there were no judges, as such. A law officer,
In many cases the non-lawyer officer assigned to similar to a judge, presided at general courts-martial.
conduct a summary court-martial would advise the ac- Occasionally, a law officer was made available to act
cused, before trial, to confer with a lawyer. That could as the senior member of a special court, which had
result in the lawyer advising the Marine to refuse a no provision for a law officer and was otherwise direct-
summary and request a special court, if a lawyer would ed by a nonlawyer officer.21
then be assigned to represent him. Sometimes such Most of those cases that reached Marine Corps law-
an agreement could be struck with a convening yers in Da Nang were serious. For example, a high
authority. In that way the accused would have attor- number of negligent homicide cases were tried2 Many
ney representation, although he also risked greater of those were referred to as "quick draw" cases in which

Marines mishandled their weapons, often .45 caliber in one, and mixed findings (guilty of some offenses,
pistols, with tragic consequences. not guilty of others) in three. Only one resulted in
A typical caseload was that of First Lieutenant a straight guilty finding.23
Robert A. "Tony" Godwin. After spending five and Homicide, rape, robberyserious offenses were be-
a half months on Okinawa, he arrived in Da Nang ing tried in Vietnam, even at that early point. At the
in August 1965. In the seven and a half months he same time, 15 cases in seven and a half months is a
remained, he was defense counsel in ten general and very light caseload, even with the other duties all coun-
five special courts-martial. The general courts-martial sels carried out.
included two homicides, a vehicular homicide, two Those other duties included legal assistance coun-
rapes, and two robberies. Among the special courts- selling (always of significant volume overseas); boards
martial was a "quick draw' assault with a deadly of investigation which occasionally involved lawyer par-
weapon, two assaults of officers, and sleeping on post. ticipation; administrative discharge boards; occasion-
Seven of the 15 courts-martial were pleas of guilty. al informai, one-officer (',JAG Manual") investigations;
several with pretrial agreements which limited punish- and the usual legal advice to the command.*
ment to agreed upon limits Of the eight cases that
From a Lawyer's Case File:
went to trial as not-guilty pleas, Lieutenant Godwin
One Homicide, Two Victims
gained acquittals in three, conviction of a lesser offense
Private First Class Kenneth Wheeler was th years
IstLt Robert A. Godwin, starched and pressed, poses old when he killed his best friend.24 Before coming
at Camp Courtney, Okinawa, shortly before his depar- to Vietnam he and the victim, Private First Class
ture Jr Da Nang and duty as a defense coun5el. Richard E. 'Rick" Cronk, had been close, going on
Photo courtesy of Col Roben A. Godwin, USMCR liberty together and living in the same squadbay.
Wheeler had dated Cronk's sister. On 23 August 1965.
with Company E, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, they had
been in combat, and later, were relaxing with their
unit. As his friend, Cronk, floated on an air mattress
in a shallow stream, Wheeler, thinking it unloaded.
pointed his M-14 rifle at Cronk in jest. Cronk died
almost instantly from a bullet that pierced his throat.
Wheeler arrived at the battalion aid station in shock,
unaware of his surroundings or those who carried him
there. He could neither walk nor speak.
Forty-seven days later, before a general court-martial,
he pleaded guilty to culpably negligent homicide. He
offered neither defense nor excuse and made no plea
for mercy. His defense counsel, First Lieutenant Tony
Godwin, offered a letter in mitigation from the
mother of the victim. She wrote:
I was stunned and heartsick to hear that my suns friend
K. Wheeler is being tried for his death. . . but we did know
in our hearts it was a tragic accident. . . All of these men

were tired, dirty and probably tensed up from four days our
on duty.
Rick leaves a family who loved him dearly and he was 50
much a part of all our lives, but to know that Wheeler
must pay for his dearh won't make it any less hard to
bear. In fact, we feel it will serve no purpose for this boy

*Boards of investigation, relating to non-judicial punishment.

were provided for in the 1951 Manual/or court.r-Martial. They ex-
pired with the implementation of the 1969 Manual for Courts-

Photo courtesy of RAdm Hugh D. Campbell, JAGC, USN (Ret.)
Drinks were inexpensive but ambience was in short supply, at the Chu Lai officers' club.
to be punished any more than h is already. l-le is in his Tiying Cases
own private hell which is enough'
I hope. on our behalf, you can enter a plea foi complete The lawyers of the combined 3d Marine Division/Ill
acquittal . . . He needs his friends now.
. MAF legal office prepared to split into two separate
The court-martial took only two hours and thirty- offices in early 1966. Meanwhile, that part of the air-
five minutes from opening to sentencing: confinement
base's former French Foreign Legionnaires barracks
at hard labor for 12 months, forfeiture of all pay and that now housed Marine Corps officers was known as
the bachelor officer quarters, or BOQ. Each room was
allowances for a year, and reduction to private. Neither
assigned a Vietnamese housemaid, usually referred to
a dishonorable discharge nor a bad conduct discharge
was a part of the sentence. as a house mouse,' who washed the occupants'
In his review of the trial the SLO, Colonel Sevier, clothes, kept the room reasonably clean, and shined
boots to a high luster. The cost for these services was
wrote: "Under the circumstances of this case, confine-
ment would be of no benefit to the United States or 500 piasters, or about $4.50. per month. The cost of
to the accused." The court-maniai convening authority, rations was automatically deducted from each officer's
General Walt, agreed arid reduced the sentence to for-
pay. An officer's club which served 15-cent beer and
feitures of $60 a month for six months and reduction
20-cent mixed drinks and employed Vietnamese
waitsesses, was available.26
to private.
Within two weeks of the court-martial PFC Wheeler The tent working spaces of the lawyers were not on
required psychiatric care, and on 18 November, suffer. a par with those of the staff in the permanent French
ing from severe depression, he was admitted to the buildings, but they were satisfactory. The four legal
psychiatric ward of the U.S. Naval Hospital in Yokosu- tents allowed for more space than the indoor staff en-
ka, Japan. After six months' hospitalization he was ad- joyed and a greater degree of privacy, which was neces-
ministratively discharged from the Marine Corps25 sary for interviewing witnesses and those accused.

Photo courtesy of liCol John L. Zorack. USMC (Ret)

Vietnamese interpreters were not assigned to legal sections. LiCo/John L. Zorack, Task
Force X-Ray 's Staff Legal Officer in 1967. sits with an interpreter he hired, 13-year-old
Binh Nguyen. With LiCol Zorack 's assistance, Binh later emigrated to the United States.
Mud, rain, and dust were endured by everyone. The Law Directory (a digest of state laws and a guide to
monsoon rains penetrated tents and rain gear. At times attorneys in the U.S.), and the 1951 Manual Jòr c'ourts-
blowing almost parallel to the ground, the rain left Martial. Volumes of the United States Supreme Court
puddles on cots, desks, and plywood floors. Mildew Reports, other Federal reports, form books, model jury
quickly formed on virtually any stationary object. In instructions, legal treatises, and similar references were
summer's heat the dust was ankle-deep in places, bil- not among the combat materiel shipped to Vietnam.27
lowing in the air with each footfall. Passing vehicles In lieu of a law library the counsels relied on their
left dust clouds hanging in their wake which deposit- notes from Naval Justice School and cited authority
ed gritty coatings ori exposed skin, papers, and court- with which they hoped the law officer was familiar.
recording equipment. Lieutenant (jg)John E Erickson. a Navy law specialist,
In Da Nang that important legal tool, the law was once reduced to citing as authority a case he had
library, was at best limited. The "standard issue" law read about in a recent edition of the Stars and Strip es
library was not yet implemented. In 1965 and 1966 newspaper, a lawyer's field expedient.8
advance sheets did not reach Vietnam.* The Da Nang Numerous Marines school-trained in the Viet-
"law library" contained only bound volumes of past namese language were assigned to Vietnam as trans-
militar appellate opinions, the Martinda/e-Hubbe/l lators, usually to interrogator-translator teams and
intelligence units. None served with the legal offices
*Advance sheets arc copies of appellate court opinions, mailed
that often dealt with Vietnamese witnesses, victims,
to legal commands and offices as they are announced. Periodically
the accumulated advance sheets appear as bound volumes. They and claimants. For courtroom use the Marines hired
ate important to lawyers because they are the latest word on the translators from the local Vietnamese population,
appellate court's interpretation and application of the law. some of whom spoke excellent French and English.

At Chu Lai's Task Force X.Ray Lieutenant Colonel John broken connections, and interruption for higher pri-
L. Zorack's first interpreter was a 13-year-old boy. Of ority calls were the rule. Captain William B. Draper.
course, the Vietnamese were not trained as courtroom Jr.. recalled his attempts to go from one codenamed
translators and their skills varied widely. In general, switchboard to another via a military telephone, called
the standard was not high. "The problems in trying a "double-E-eight' for its military designation, EE-8.
a case with an interpreter." Lieutenant Hugh Camp- As he recalled:
bell recalled, "were just impossible ....[They] made lt is doubtful if everyone doesn't have several hair raising
it almost impossible to cross-examine witnesses."29 Se- tales of . . frustration. Who can forget hollering 'lsher-
cond Lieutenant John E. Gillmor, a 3d Marine Divi- wood, give mc Grasshopper'." into a seemingly dead double-
sion defense counsel, added: E-eight for hours on end, only o finally get the connection
and have it pre-empted immediately. Occasionally commu-
Da Nang was on a border area for local dialects, and it nication foul-ups resulted in something more than jangled
was difficult to get a translator who could communicate with nerves: . - wails with your fist imprint in them.5'
the (witnesses]. In addition, there was a cultural gap which
made me suspect that the witnesses were trying to tell us As difficult as it was to locate a Marine. finding a
what they thought we wanted to hear. . . . I was very much Vietnamese was even more challenging. Phone books
afraid that if we had a contested trial, my case would col-
lapse over the translation issue.°
and subpoenas were not an option. To an American,
Vietnamese names were similar and confusing. There
Although their function was explained and although simply was no practical way to summon a Vietnamese
the interpreter acknowledged understanding, coun- to a court-martial. All one could do, if the statement
sel often realized in the midst of examination that the of a Vietnamese witness or victim was required, was
witness and the interpreter were having their own to go to them.
parallel conversation. The responses to questions often
Twenty-seven Navy lawyers serz'ed:n Marine Corps le-
were suspected to be an amalgam of the witness' and
gal offices in Vietnam during the war The first was
translator's view of what constituted an appropriate
Lt (later RAdm Hugh D. Campbell, shown at Da
answer. Sometimes a lengthy, obviously complex Nang in 1965. He was ¡Ii MA F/3d Marine Division
response by the witness would be translated by the in-
chief defense counsel, In November 1986 he assumed
terpreter as, "yes." But no case was reversed at the ap-
the duties of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy
pellate level for inadequacy of translation, perhaps in
and Commander, Naval Legal Service Command
recognition of the fact that al! parties labored under Photo courtesy of RAdni Hugh D. Campbell, JAGC. IJSN (Ret.)
the same burden.
As challenging as accurate translations were, locat-
ing and interviewing of witnesses, both military and
Vietnamese, was equally difficult. The problems in
locating a Marine witness, for example, were several.
if he was an infantryman, he was probably in the field.
But where was his companyif his company could be
determined? Was the Marine unavailable because he
was on patrol? Assigned to an outpost? Sent out of
country on R & R? Had he been killed or wounded
since the offense was reported? Had he already rotat-
ed back to the U.S. because his 13-month tour of duty
in Vietnam was completed? Had he been sent home
on emergency leave? Was he in an unauthorized ab-
sence status?
Although the same problems arose in non-combat
areas, they were heightened in Vietnam by tactical con-
siderations and inadequate communications and trans-
portation. For lawyers accustomed to instant telephonic
access, Vietnam was a new experience. Telephoning
anyplace outside the vicinity reached by the unit's
switchboard was a significant chore. Static, poor and

Colonel Sevier recalled when he first became aware gal Office, relocated to Hill 327,6 The ist Marine Air-
that his lawyers were taking the initiative in the wit- craft Wing, including its legal personnel, and HI MAF
ness location process: headquarters, remained at the airbasc.
I walkcd out of the legal tent and I saw this [militaryJ
Colonel Vernon A. "Vap" Peitzer was the first Staff
truck, and it had about four of my lawyers and two of my Legal Officer assigned to III MAF Headquarters.
NCOs on it, and they were all holding goddamn rifles! (Although Colonel Sevier had been overseeing III MAF
1 turned to this Navy lieutenant Campbelt]: "What Headquarters' legal affairs, he was actually assigned
in the hell are you people doing?" "We're going out there to the 3d Marine Division.) As a matter of fact,
in bandit country, and pick up the Vietnamese witnesses."
Well, I looked, and then I said Ito myselfl. I'm going to let
Colonel Peltzer was the headquarters's only legal
them go and they'll hang me. But I said, "Okay." A Navy officer at the time. Several other attorneys were on the
lieutenant! A helluva nice kid. MAF staff, but they were acting in other capacities.
Lieutenant Campbell, who became the Judge Advo- In retrospect, the assignment of a colonel as SLO
of III MAE was notable. Those making assignments
cate General of the Navy 21 years later, was on one
at Headquarters Marine Corps could not have antici-
of the earliest forays to find witnesses in contested ter-
pated that, when the headquarters of III MM and the
ritory. In the next six years countless similar missions
3d Marine Division became geographically separated,
to locate essential trial participants were carried out,
III MAF would not be designated a court-martial con-
It was a novel but necessary trial preparation method
vening authority. The commanding general of the 3d
in Vietnam. As Colonel Sevier noted:
Division had always had such authority. The command
lt worked because of the people we had ..,.Lieutenants having only recently been formed in Vietnam, III
who'd gone through OCS and the Basic School. They had MAF's commanding general did not have such
some background in the infantiy and could get around. They
were capable of leaving the C.P. and going to a regiment,
authority. Without this authority (a simple adminis-
ora battalion and doing their investigation, running a pre- trative act by the Secretary of the Navy confers it) the
trial (investigations. going out in the bush with a patrol. MAF commanding general could not order a court-
They'd interview witnesses through an interpreter. They had martial convened. Lacking that power, and having rela-
that capability. tively few Marines assigned to it, the MAF had little
When not locating witnesses or preparing for court, need for lawyers, so the lawyers all moved to Hill 327
the lawyers often looked for other constructive activi- with the command that conducted trials, the 3d Di-
ty to occupy free time. Civic action, for example, was vision. It was not surprising that the SW for the ist
not only the concern of the staff officers assigned to Marine Aircraft Wing wrote the legal officer for Fleet
that section. The 3d Marine Division's command chro- Marine Force, Pacific that "although I do not know
nology for the period noted: At this stage Divi- ... if III MAF has requested a lawyer, I earnestly do not
sion Civic Action units are stressing maximum contact feel that they need one, Any legal work that they have
with the local Vietnamese population." Although at- can be accomplished by the lawyers presently on hand
torneys had no formal connection with civic action, as an additional duty." The 3d Marine Division SW,
First Lieutenant Tony Godwin and other lawyers from Colonel Sevier, was more laconic when he said about
the 3d Division/Ill MAF staff taught English in a lo- the III MAF legal office, "there wasn't much to do,
cal Vietnamese high school, using Vietnamese-English down there."
textbooks. The Marine Corps teachers concealed their If Colonel Peltzer found himself without a great
sidearms under their utility uniform shirts. Through- deal of work, the fault was not his. He shared an office
out the war Marine Corps lawyers took an active role with the III MAF surgeon, had no law library, did no
in the civic action program. legal assistance, and had no subordinates. What were
the responsibilities of the Ill MAF SW? "Just to keep
III MAF. Headquarters Without Lawyers General Walt informed as to what was going on,"
After an enemy attack on the Da Nang Airbase in Colonel Peltzer recalled with frustration. He also
July 1965 General Walt, concerned with security, or- reviewed cases tried at other commands, convened a
dered the 3d Marine Division command post moved number of investigations, and acted as counsel for the
from the airbase to a location three miles to the west growing Da Nang port facility,
on the northern slope of Hill 327, The other attorneys on the MAF staff were assigned
From 11 to 15 November in heavy monsoon rains nonlegal duties. Colonel Olin W. Jones. SW of the
the 3d Division Headquarters, including the Staff Le- 3d Marine Division, had served with General Walt in

He later received the Legion of Merit for his work.41

Captain William T Warren was assigned to the Ill
MAF G-4 office. Like Major Keever. he had been a
lawyer serving on Okinawa and had asked to be sent
to Vietnam, even if in a non-legal capacity. In June
he found himself the III MAF Real Estate Officer,
another billet not found in the table of organization
but closely related to the tactical security of the Da
Nang Airbase. After theJuly 1965 Viet Cong raid on
the airbase destroyed a number of Air lksrce planes,
Captain Warren was tasked with clearing a 300-yard
wide security zone around the entire perimeter of the
airbase. That effort eventually involved the relocation
of 826 Vietnamese houses, approximately 5,000 Viet-
namese, and (a delicate matter) 6,000 graves. Work-
ing with Le Chi Cuong. the mayor of Da Nang. the
relocation effort took three and a half months to dis-
mantle and move houses, shrines, shops, and temples
to new locations. Work crews, with the approval of the
owners, simply demolished some structures, and III
MAF compensated the Vietnamese. Each family
received a 30.000 piaster (about $270) relocation al-
lowance in addition to compensation, if their house
was demolished. Captain Warren was surprised to find
that the Vietnamese, although concerned, did not ap-
pear to be at all hostile.42 His work was one of the few
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A-413090 instances in 1965 when a lawyer had opportunity to
Marine Corps lawyers served in numerous roles in Viet- directly support the commander's tactical mission.
nam. In 1966 Maj Charles j Keever became the III Another lawyer on the staff of III MAF was Major
MAF Assistant Chief of Staff G-5 and Special Assis- Benjamìn B Ferrell, the Assistant G-1/Civil Affairs
tant to the Commanding General (Civic Action). Officer. The citation for his Bronze Star Medal sum-
marized his duties and performance:
Korea. Shortly after assuming command in June 1965,
[Hisi area of responsibility covered approximately 7,000
General Walt sent to Okinawa for Colonel Jones, who square miles . . . During the day he traveled throughout
then acted as General Walt's Deputy Chief of Staff the area meeting the Vietnamese leaders of towns and ham-
for Administration, Logistics and Area Coordination lets. discussing their problems and ascertaining their needs.
Matters. That novel billet continued for two months Ar night Major Fendi prepared the detailed orders and
and made Colonel Jones available for legal corisu Ita- reports required to implement a meaningful civil affairs pro-
gram and to procure needed .,. supplies and equipment.3
tion along with the MAF's assigned SW°
Major Charles J. "Chuck" Keever, recently of the The III MAF lawyers remained at the Da Nang Air-
Staff Legal Office on Okinawa, was the Assistant Chief base while the 3d Marine Division Headquarters
of Staff, G-5 and Special Assistant to the Command- moved to Hill 327 into newly erected strongback tents.
ing Generai (Civic Action). General Walt believed that
Ist Marine Aircraft Wing.' Touching Down
civic action was more than benevolence. He thought
that it could be used as a weapon to sever the populace Until 31 August the elements of the ist Marine Air-
from Viet Cong controL Major Keever. without prior craft Wing (1st MAW) in Vietnam were designated ist
training in civic action, was directed to draft a policy MAW (Advance). Parts of the MAW headquarters re-
that would give overall direction to the civic action pro- mained at Iwakuni, Japan, until early in 1966, while
gram and focus the good-will efforts of individual Ma- most of the wing deployed to Da Narig in increments
rines. He wrote the first MAF order for civic action throughout 1965
and, upon its acceptance, saw to its implementation. The MAW's first SLO, Major Paul A. A. St.Amour,

arrived in Vietnam shortly after the wing command- -a

ing general moved his flag to Da Nang on li May.

Major St.Amour's overseas tour ended a month and
a half later and Colonel Harry S. Popper replaced him.
Colonel Popper, like most of the senior legal officers
of the period, had served in World War II. He had
commanded a light antiaircraft group and in 1956 was
the commanding officer of the 3d Battalion. 2d Ma.
rines. As the wing SLO in 1965, he supervised four
lawyers, a gunnery sergeant as legal chief, five other
enlisted legal clerks, and the wing's sole Marine Corps
criminal investigator.
Like the 3d Marine Division, the ist MAW had few
cases with which to contend. Through the first eight
months in Vietnam the Wing's lawyers tried no gener-
al courts.martial.48 A variety of special courts similar
to those in the 3d Division were conducted in addi-
tion to routine legal matters.
Legal Duty in a Combat Zone: Problems
The supporting elements that made the trials pos-
sible were of great importance to the accomplishment
of the lawyers' mission in Vietnam. The enlisted le-
gal clerks and legal chiefs met the daily challenges of Photo courtesy of Col Hany S. Popper. USMC (Ret.)
administrative and clerical support under difficult con- ist Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) working spaces
ditions. Their dedication and ability to improvise were were no better than those of III MAF/3d Marine Di-
indispensable in bringing military justice to the com- vision, early in the war. Here Col Harry S. Popper, Jr.,
bat zone. Wing Staff Legal Officer. stands beside his "office."
More prosaic, but also important, was court record-
ing equipment. Article 19 of the 1951 UCMJ speci- The variety of recorder brands and models made
fied that a bad conduct discharge could not be repair and resupply a significant problem and creat-
imposed unless "a complete record of the proceedings ed confusion when equipment familiarization was
and testimony" had been made. Because a bad con- necessary. The expeditionary setting of Vietnam, where
duct discharge was a possibility in virtually all special personnel were frequently transferred and resupply
and general courts-martial, almost every court required problems were greater, magnified the difficulties.
a verbatim record. The court reporter accomplished Lieutenant Colonel Verne L. "Bubs" Oliver, a
that by using an electrically powered recorder employ- Yokosuka-based law officer in 1965, noted: "Each com-
ing either a belt or reel-to-reel tape in conjunction mand would end up with two or three diffèrent makes,
with a closed-mask microphonea mask/microphone with no single agency or facility to service them. I do
fitting flush against the face, into which the reporter not care what make of machine you are employing,
repeated everything said by the court-martial par- you must have a service and repair facility to help keep
ticipants. The reporter's voice, contained by the mask, them on line."48
was inaudible to others in the courtroom. A "back- Lance Corporal Gene E. White was a legal clerk as-
up" recording was made on a second machine with signed to Headquarters Battalion, 12th Marines. His
an open microphone. After the court concluded, the experience with the equipment of that period was typi-
reporter replayed the tape, either employing a speak- cal. He recalled:
er or, more often, earphones, and typed a word-for-
A lot of trouble was esperienced with my record-
word record on a manual typewriter, making four car-
er/transcriber. I was using the old plastic belt, electric Dic-
bon copies. Dictaphone was the prevalent brand of taphone machine . . . . Sand/dust was also a big problem
recording equipment early in the war, but there were with my machine. The "floor" of our tent was ankle-deep
others, as well. sand. This sand filled the foot pedal on my machine and


Photo courtesy of Col Harry S. Popper, USMC (Ret.

Lwyers oJ'the ist Marine Aircraft U"ing (Forward) legal office posed at Da Nang, Vietnam,
June 1965. From left. lstLt Bruce A. Hoffman; istLtJohn U Clark. Col Harry S. Popper,
Jr., Staff Legal Officer, LtCo/ Frederick H. Campbell; Lt Edward A. Arianna, USN.
got into the the Dictaphone itself. Only luck and a lot of The U.S. Army, subject to the same reporting re-
cleaning kept them going. quirements and difficulties, took action to end the
A number of court reporters used their personal tape equipment problem. In October 1965, the senior
recorders at trial in an effort to overcome balky Army judge advocate sponsored an interservice con-
government-issued equipment.° That usually preclud- ference at MACV headquarters in Saigon. Colonels
ed the professionally embarrassing exchanges found Popper, Sevier, Peltzer and Blackburn attended.
in a number of appellate opinions of that period, such Colonel Popper noted in a letter to Headquarters Ma-
as the case of United States y. Private First Class Gary rine Corps:
O. Harrison, a general court-martial for murder. The One item of particular interest was the announcement
opinion read: that, after extensive investigation the Army has adopted the
At the pre-senrencing stage the defense counsel offered Gray Audiograph equipment: both the regular office model
an eyewitness . . After the testimony was given, it was and the portable power pack model. I have not seen either
discovered that the recording machine had failed and did of them, but we are particularly interested . . . One ad.

not pick up [the witness'] testimony. The following stipula- vantage in regard to the Gray is that ir can be serviced out
tion of testimony was then entered: "DC: Due to a mechan- of Saigon. I wonder if anyone in Headquarters Marine Corps
ical failure of the recording machine the machine did not has checked out . . . this equipment?52
pick up the testimony of [the witness], so trial counsel, with
the express consent of the accused will enter into a stipula- Benefitting from the Army's research, the Marine
tion with the defense concerning the sworn testimony of [the Corps purchased Gray Audiograph recorders and the
smaller, portable Gray Keynoters for issue to legal
But what if the accused was not as agreeable as in this offices in Vietnam. But what looked promising at the
case, and would not stipulate? Was the witness still outset became a serious problem. The machines
available to again testify? What effect would inevita- proved unreliable in the extreme heat and dust, and,
ble minor inconsistencies in the two testimonies have worse, repairs were unavailable in Saigon. contrary to
on the court? How might the opposing counsel attack initial assurances. 'Whether any recorder employing the
the testimony, given a second "bite of the apple?" The technology of the 1960s could have overcome the harsh
potential pitfalls were several. operating conditions that defeated the Grays is ques-

Photo courtesy of RAdm Hugh D. Campbell, JAGC. USN (Ret.)

USO Entertainer Martha Raye visits Da Nang, 13 November 1965. She is flanked by 3d
Marine Division lawyers Capt Fred R. Files, left, and Lt Hugh D. Campbell, USN.
tionable. Those machines, combined with the un- Navy Corrections Manual. He immediately acted to
dependable power sources upon which the reporters ensure that the division did not use the "facility." His
had to rely, vexed the legal system as long as the Ma- forceful discussion of the issue with General Walt's
rines remained in Vietnam and led to the reversal of
several cases for lack of the required verbatim record. The Martha Raye USO show pick-up band of Marine
Corps musicians included /awyer-cum-civil affairs
Another problem was the lack of a brig in the III officer Maj James P King, left, a trombone player of
MAF area, through 1966. At first, convicted Marines professional caliber in Da Nang, 14 November 1965.
were confined at their unit in a tent, with a chaser Photo courtesy of Mr. Donald W. Harris
(an armed Marine guard) posted at the "door." That
was satisfactory only so long as the sentence was not
lengthy and the number of confined Marines remained
very small. As the frequency of courts-martial rose with
the number of Marines deployed to Vietnam. and sen-
tences escalated in severity, another solution was re-
While the 3d Division and III MAF were still col-
located, the provost marshal improvised a confinement
"facility," which was simply a hole in the ground, quite
deep, covered by barbed wire. Convicted prisoners with
long-term sentences were to be kept there for the sever-
al days it took for transportation to be arranged to a
brig on Okinawa or in Japan.55 Colonel Peltzer, the
III MAF SLO, was alerted to this procedure, which was
contrary to military law and the Department of the

service personnel entering the country had to exchange

thegreen" for MPC and were paid in MPC while
they remained in-countly All U.S. facilities, such as
PXs, clubs, and post offices, accepted only MPC. The
purpose of withdrawing U.S. dollars from circulation
was to keep U.S. and Vietnamese monetary systems
separate and to deter black market operations and cur-
rency manipulation. This dampened the country's se-
vere inflation which had lured some Americans to play
the exchange rate of the piaster against that of the U.S.
dollar, pocketing the difference as illegal profit.5
Illegal currency transactions often involved black
market sales of items stolen from the PX system. Ex-
change pilferage losses in Vietnam for 1965. alone,
amounted to $2.25 million. Besides the dollar loss,
black marketeering weakened the already fragile Viet-
namese economy.58
Black market activities were common among soldi-
ers and Marines who were absent without leave
(AWOL) from their units. They often found refuge in
Da Nang and other large cities in South Vietnam, fre-
quently with prostitutes. Captain Robert W. Wachs-
muth, a Force Logistic Command trial counsel,
": - I

AWOL Marines were afforded safe haven with Vietnamese

Photo courtesy of Mr. Donald W. Harris
prostitutes. They were told they could have all of the wom-
Bng-in-a-tent without the tent. The week-long pretrial en. beer and food the) wanted ... in exchange for their
confinement of a Marine in this open-air enclosure making one trip to the exchange in Da Nang. Vietnamese
at Phu Bai resulted in the dismissal of charges. prostitutes had collected considerable MPC in consideration
of their favors, but were prohibited from possessing or spend-
chief of staff led to a reexamination of the prisoner ing MPC Consequently. MPC would be given to the AWOL
holding policy. The use of aircraft for ferrying prisoners Marine who was instructed to purchase television sets at the
exchange. When the television sets were handed over to the
to Okinawa could not continue indefinitely, because pimps or heads of the operation, the sets would be trans-
tactical missions required more and more aircraft. ported to Saigon where, upon resale, they often brought five
which left few to carry prisoners. Plans were initiated to ten times their original purchase price.59
for a brig to be built in Vietnam, but construction
It was another, newer variety of crime that Marine
was not completed until late 1966.56 Until then the
Corps lawyers prosecuted throughout the war.
brig-in-a-tent system continued for short-term
prisoners, while those with more substantial sentences From a Lawyer's Case File:
were flown to Okinawa or Japan for confinement. The Marine Corps' First
War Crime Conviction in Vietnam
Offenses new to Marine Corps lawyers, if not to Ma-
rines, began to appear on court-martial charge sheets. "War crime" is the legal expression for a violation
The profits to be had from currency manipulation and of the law of war by any person, military or civilian.°°
black marketeering attracted the few who were will- Directive Number 20-4 of the Military Assistance
ing to accept the risk of trial and punishment. Cur- Command, Vietnam, defined a war crime simply as,
rency violations became common. Until 1 September "every violation of the law of war." It referred to a will-
1965 U.S. dollars were an authorized medium of ex- ful killing (other than in combat) as a "Grave
change in Vietnam. After that date U.S. currency was Breach."6'
withdrawn from the economy and military payment No Marine was charged with the commission of a
certificates (MPC) substituted. The Vietnamese piaster war crime, as such, in Vietnam. Rather, any "viola-
remained in circulation in the civilian community. All tion of the law of war" committed by a Marine against

a Vietnamese was charged as a violation of the UCMJ. walked through Marine lines, past the defensive
For example, the murder of a civilian noncombatant barbed wire and toward a nearby village. In answer
was charged as a violation of Article 118. murder, to a Marine sentry's shouted question, he responded
rather than as a war crime in violation of the Geneva that he was going after a VC. Two Marines were dis-
or Hague conventions. Technically, the killing of a patched to retrieve McGhee. As they approached the
South Vietnamese could not be a war crime. The vic- village they heard a shot and a woman's scream and
tim was a citizen of an allied nation, protected by the then saw McGhee walking toward them from the vil-
laws of Vietnam, rather than an enemy protected by lage. Calml he said he had just killed a VC and other
the Geneva Convcnrions.82 VC were following him. The other two Marines saw
Other than homicides, the Marine Corps did not nothing. McGhee then exclaimed that he was going
maintain records of offenses committed against Viet- to get the other VC and strode back toward the vil-
namese.63 Ninety-five U.S. Army personnel were con- lage, despite efforts to stop him. Within a few minutes
victed by court-martial of the murder or manslaughter he returned to Marine lines a second time, now with
of Vietnamese. Twenty-seven Marines were found a 'wild look," according to a defense witness.
guilty of the same offenses.84 Lance Corporal Marion At trial Vietnamese prosecution witnesses testified
McGhee was the first Marine to be convicted of the that McGhee had kicked through the wall of the hut
murder of a Vietnamese noncombatant. where their family slept. He seized a 14-year-old girl
On 12 August 1965 Lance Corporal McGhee was a and pulled her toward the door. When her father in-
fireteam leader in Company M, 3d Battalion, 3d Ma- terceded, McGhee shot and killed him. Once outside
rines, located on the Chu Lai perimeter. He had no the house the girl escaped McGhee with the help of
record of prior disciplinary violations. Several of his her grandmother. McGhee stood by his assertion that
buddies noted on the 12th that his behavior seemed he had been pursuing someone he suspected to be a
unusual. Drunk, some testified; "strange," but not VC and, in a pleading encountered many times over
drunk, others testified. the next few years, raised the defense of insanity.

Around 2100 that night Lance Corpora] McGhee After lengthy testimony by two psychiatrists the
LtCol Charles B. Sevier, right, with law officer Capt Jam es E. Keys, USN, in 1965 stands
behind the 3d Marine Division command post. Four years later Capt Keys represented
Navy Cdr IJoydM. Buche,; captain of the ill-fated Pueblo (AKL 44), at his court of inquiry.
Photo courtesy of Col Charles B. Sevier, USMC (Ret.)

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court concluded that the government had met the bur- But for the moment, while the war increased in in-
den of proving Lance Corporal McGhee's mental ca- tensity and the number of Marines in Vietnam con-
pacity; that beyond a reasonable doubt, he was free tinued to rise, crime remained a minor problem.
from mental defect, disease, or derangement and was Except for isolated instances, drugs were not yet a con-
abk to distinguish right from wrong and adhere to cern. 'Fragging," the murder of officers and noncom-
the right. The court found him guilty of unpremedi- missioned officers by their own men, was unknown.
tated murder and sentenced him to reduction to pri- Civilian lawyers were not yet regular arrivals at the Da
vate. loss of all pay and allowances, confinement at Nang Airbase. Racial conflict had not spread to the
hard labor for ten years, and a dishonorable discharge. Marine Corps in any significant way.
At the appellate level McGhee's confinement was For Marine Corps lawyers, 1965 was the first test of
reduced to seven years.65 He actually served six years the Manualfor Courts-Martial under expeditionary cir-
and one month. cumstances. Still, as staff officers, lawyers played no
Perspective part in the commander's operational scheme. Lieu-
tenant Colonel John L, Zorack, who led the ist Ma-
In March 1965 the single Marine Corps lawyer as- rine Division's legal office at Chu Lai, recalled, "we
signed legal duties in Vietnam taped a hand-written were just 'there,' to be frank with you. When they [the
sign to the door of his room: "Staff Legal Officer." By Marine commandersi had a problem, they called on
the end of the year three staff legal officers. all us.,,70
colonels, and more than 30 other Marine Corps law- In Washington Colonel Robert B. Neville continued
yers and Navy law specialists were involved in trying in charge of Discipline Branch, which remained a part
courts-martial in Vietnam. Official totals of the num- of Personnel Department. The Marine Corps tried 204
ber of cases tried in Vietnam in 1965 were not kept, general, and 4,620 special, courts-martial, world-wide,
but according to the Navy's Judge Advocate General, during the year.7' So far, no special programs or re-
the number was proportionally lower than in other lo- quirements were identified that would assure an in-
cations where Marines were based.67 crease in the number of lawyers on active duty to keep
High-level concern regarding the treatment of Viet- pace with the 40 percent increase in Marine Corps
namese prisoners of war was already evident. In Sep- strength.72 The Corps did, however, increase recruit-
tember the Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, ment levels in the Platoon Leaders' Class (Law). By
Pacifjc, Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak, contact- 1965 there were 75 entrants, as opposed to only one
ed Major General Walt, saying, "I am anxious that all officer in 1961, the program's first year.73
of our people are made fully aware of their obliga- Personnel Department and Discipline Branch were
tions, under the Geneva Convention, as to the treat- concerned with the serious lack of senior lawyers who
ment of prisoners. This point acquires particular carried a primary legal MOS. To meet the need for
importance now that the flow of replacements will these experienced majors, lieutenant colonels, and
bring you a large group of new and uninitiated peo- colonels, Colonel Neville and his seniors decided that
ple each 68 General Krulak emphasized the the Marine Corps would have to rely on those with
same point two months later, in another message to secondary legal MOSs - those officers who had been
General Walt: "Ensure that every officer in the chain commissioned in fields other than legal then gained
of command knows the rules, the reasons for the rules, law degrees along the way. some on their own, and
and the penalties for their violation, and then accept some with Marine Corps assistance. For the next de-
no compromise at all."89 Despite the concern for the cade, said the planners at Headquarters Marine Corps,
proper treatment of prisoners, throughout the war Ma- they would have to serve solely in legal billets. The
nne Corps lawyers would try Marines charged with the choices earlier given riflemen-lawyers were narrowing
very acts feared by General Krulak. with the drift toward lawyer specialization.

1966: Building on Sand

Trying Cases: Using The Red Book From a Lawyer's Case File. Pilot to Copilot to Brig
The Other Prisoners: North Vietnamese POW The ist Marine Division Arrives: More Lawyers, More Cases
Force Logistic Command New Guy on the Block Trying Cases - Courtroom Personnel: Just Passin' Through
Homicide on Patrol: Men, Women, and Children - 3d Marine Division: On The Road Again
¡II MAF: Double-Hatting The LawyerPerspective

Br January 1966 Major General Lewis W. Walt, MAW legal office remained at the airbase with the ist
Commanding General of 1H MAF and the 3d Marine Marine Aircraft Wing staff.
Division. had more than 41.000 men uncr his com-
Trying Cases: Using 'The Red Book'
mand. The United States' recent decision to double
U.S. forces in Vietnam meant that the ist Marine Di- Most of the courts-martial convened in Vietnam
vision, lately moved from Camp Pendleton, Califor- were being tried by officers who had never opened a
nia, to Okinawa, would be moving again, this time law book. Their reference was the Manual for Courts-
to the combat zone. Martial, 1951. known to lawyers and nonlawyers alike
The Marines in Vietnam were located in I Corps Dc- as "the Red Book" for the color of its cover. (It was
rica! Zone, the northernmost of South Vietnam's four actually a distinctly maroon color.) Appendix 2 of the
military regions. I Corps was bordered on the north Red Book reprinted the Uniform Code of Military
by the Demilitarized Zone; to the south, by the Ar- Justice (UCMJ), usually referred to simply as, "the
my's Il Corps Tactical Zone; to the east, by the South Code." Article 27(b) of the Code read: "Any person
China Sea; and to the west by Laos. The Marines oper- who is appointed as trial counsel or defense counsel
ated from three tactical areas of responsibility in the case of a general court-martial (1) shall be a
(TAORs), and virtually all courts-martial arose from judge advocate of the Army or the Air Force, or a law
events that occurred within those TAORs. The Da specialist of the Navy or Coast Guard." (Emphasis
Nang TAOR covered 530 square miles and contained supplied.)
over a quarter of a million South Vietnamese. The The prosecutor and defense counsels at special
headquarters of III MAF, the 3d Marine Division, and courts-martial most often were not lawyers, because
the Ist Marine Aircraft Wing were located there. Three lawyers were required only in general courts. (Lawyers
infantry regiments, an artillery regiment, and two air- had never been a part of summary courts-martial.) So
craft groups were based in the Da Nang TAOR as well. most special courts were tried "in house" by the officers
Fifty-seven miles to the south the Chu Lai TAOR of the battalion to which the accused Marine be-
longed. The nonlawyer trial counsel and nonlawyer
contained over 100,000 civilians in 205 square miles.
defense counsel, usually lieutenants and captains, were
Chu Lai was home to two Marine Corps infantry regi-
ments. an artillery group. and three aircraft groups. the work horses of the system represented by the Red
Units of the ist Marine Division arrived during the Book. As a convenience, the staff legal officer (SW)
first three months of 1966 and assumed tactical usually made a lawyer defense counsel available to a
responsibility for the Chu Lai TAOR.' unit, either for advice or for an actual trial, in cases
where the facts were unusually complex, or where
The Phu Bai TAOR, 35 miles northwest of Da Nang, potentially difficult legal issues were present. A ques-
covered 76 square miles and held 36.000 South Viet- tionable search, a shaky confession, or a circumstan-
namese. Two infantry battalions, an artillery battal- tial case, might lead to a request for lawyer assistance.
ion, and one aircraft group were based there. But nearly every junior officer eventually acted as a
As the new year began Colonel Vernon A. Peltzer's trial or defense counsel in a special court-martial, and
Force Legal Office remained with the III MAF Head- as a member (juror). Every Marine lawyer a rifleman,
quarters staff at the Da Nang Airbase. Colonel Charles and every Marine officer a court-martial counsel.
B. Sevier's 3d Marine Division legal office had moved In 1966 First Lieutenant John T Fischbach was an
from the airbase to the northern slope of Hill 327, artillery officer who had not been to law school, but
southwest of Da Nang, along with the rest of the di- who enjoyed participating in the military justice sys-
vision staff. Colonel Harry S. Popper, Jr., and his ist tem. As he recalled:

Department of Defense Photo (tJSMC) A186827

lstLt Anthony P Tokaîz without helmet, later a judge advocate, was an infantry platoon
commander in Company L, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, in March 1966. He was seriously
wounded and earned the Silver Star Medal the day after this photograph was taken.
I travelled between battalions in the 12th Marines Each battalion was assigned a legal clerk to moni-
as a wandering triai counsel. Since ¡ liked to try courts-martial tor the companies' unit punishment books, track bat-
and most other non-lawyers didn't, tht battalion adjutant,
talion disciplinary matters, and execute court-maniai
Ist Lieutenant Pete Van Ryzin, put me on most appointing
orders when I was not out on operations i recall one
documents such as the charge sheet, convening
trial interrupted by sniper fire and two interrupted by Lime authority's action, and Article 32 investigating officer's
missions which required members of the court. witnesses. report. The legal clerk was also responsible for "tak-
and the accused to man their posts. It was interesting to try ing" the courtrecording the proceedings via the
cases where most parties. including the accused, were armed.
closed-microphone recording system. Finally, he typed
Some cases were trkd outdoors, with members sitting be-
hind tables made of ammo boxes and ever one sitting either
the record of trial as well.
on camp stools or empty animo boxes. Usually, the legal clerk was also assigned other ad-
It was my experience trying cases as a non.iawyem counsel
- that caused me to leave active duty to go to law school
ministrative duties within the battalion office, such
Practicing law under combat conditions gave me the a.s unit diary clerk, R & R clerk, or files clerk; whatever
opportunity to distinguish between the essentials of the law clerical work the battalion required. This approach to
and the trappings2 assignments inevitably had a negative effect on the
Lieutenant Fischbach's experiences were similar to performance of the legal clerk's specialized and
those of other nonlawyer counsels who "practiced" un- demanding duties. Battalion adjutants, responsible for
der the Red Book. all of the many administrative matters within the corn-

mand, often did not have the luxury of choice when write the opinion upholding the conviction of turn-
it came to assignment of clerical personnel. Neverthe- coat Private First Class Robert R. Garwood.*
less, in an area as detailed as the law there was no room Captain Wallace L. "Wally" Campbell was an RF-4
for part-time legal clerks. Court-martial processing er- Phantom reconnaissance systems operator in 1966. The
rors were too often made because field commands Commandant of the Marine Corps presented him a
could not afford to assign exclusively legal duties to Silver Star Medal for heroism in a series of reconnais-
their legal clerks. sance missions over North Vietnam.8 He, too, would
What did the Marine infantry commander think become a colonel and the staff judge advocate of sever-
about lawyers? Lieutenant Colonel Paul X. Kelley, later al Marine Corps commands.
the 28th Commandant of the Marine Corps, com- Although not the only Marines to move from line
manded the 2d Battalion, 4th Marines, during part billets to the courtroom, they belonged to that
of 1966. Asked if lawyers had played any part in his category of post-Vietnam lawyer who knew the mili-
exercise of command, he replied: They really didn't.
tary courtroom from the perspective of both com-
and there was a very good reason for that . . We
. .
mander and jurist. Like their World War II and Korean
had very little opportunity to have what I would con- War predecessors, they were to lead a new generation
sider the rear area problems; you don't have problems,
of Marine Corps lawyers. Unlike their predecessors,
normally, in the field . . . So, as a battalion com-
they would have to deal with the disciplinary problems
mander, I had very little requirement for lawyers." He
spawned by a nationally divisive war.
went on to say that, until he had a court-martial case
that required a lawyer, he simply gave lawyers no Along with other nonlawyer counsels and officer-
thought. So long as they were there when you need- lawyers, they also filled the need for court-martial per-
ed them, lawyers were properly supporting the corn- sonnel in Vietnam. The modest disciplinary rate of
m ander. 1965 continued into 1966. According to the ist Ma-
Several nonlawver trial and defense counsels in Viet- rifle Division's command chronology:
nam later attended law school and returned to duty The current low disciplinary rate within the Division is
as judge advocates. The experience they gained in indicative of the high state of morale. During the months
operational matters and in the command of Marines of April through June 1966. the Division had 116 courts-
in combat would serve them well, and serve the Ma- marnai (including summaries]. During a like period in 1965
when the Division was stationed at Camp Pendleton. there
rine Corps well, in future years. were 266.
Among the future lawyers was Captain Kenneth T.
"K.T." làylor. In 1966 he was awarded the Silver Star Although those circumstances would worsen dramat-
Medal for heroism while an advisor to a Vietnamese ically within two years, light caseloads continued to
army battalion. In future years, as a colonel, he was prevail in Vietnam.
the staff judge advocate of several major commands. From a Lawyer's Case File: Pilot to Copilot to Brig
Corporal Philip A. Seymour, an infantryman, was In 1966 the review was completed in the general
awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy Commen- courts-martial of the United Stales r'. Privates First
dation Medal, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and Class Robert L. Bright and Lucien J. Gonzales. In
the Purple Heart. He later gained college and law retrospect their cases may seem humorous footnotes,
degrees and became a Marine Corps judge advocates but they did flot amuse those involved. A record of
First Lieutenant Anthony P. "Tony" Tokarz was an trial does not reveal the fear, anger, uncertainty, and
infantry platoon commander. In March 1966, in a ser- violence involved in dealing with drunken, belliger-
ies of search and destroy missions during which he was ent individuals in the prime of physical strength and
seriously wounded, he earned the Silver Star Medal.8 aggressiveness. Potential tragedy was never far away in
He later became a lawyer and attained the grade of the less-than-grave events that transpired in the Bright
colonel. and Gonzales cases.
Captain James S. May, the combat cargo officer on At about 2030 on aJuly night Bright and Gonzales
board the Ca/veri (APA 32), was also the ship's legal were returning to their unit, the 3d Engineer Battal-
officer. As a colonel he was a staff judge advocate as ion, after an evening of drinking. They were quite
well as a judge on the Navy-Marine Corps Court of
Military Review. While in the latter billet he was to See Chapter lO.

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A188367 Marine Corps Historical Collection

Capt Kenneth T Taylor later a judge advocate, Col James S. May, shown in a 1988 photograph. In
received the Silver Star Medal from MajGen FVoodB. 1965, as a captain, he was the combat cargo officer
Kyle u'hile sporting the black beret of the Black Pan- and also the legal officer on board the Calven (APA
ther Company, ist ARVN Division, to which he was 32) off Vietnam. He later became a judge advocate.
an advisor Capt Taylor said, "General Kyle was less
than enthusiastic about my rather unorthodox cover Capt W'Wlace L. Campbell, later ajudge advocate, was
and jcial hair While he made no comment. an RF-4 reconnaissance systems operator with VMCS-I
I did not spend any time in light conversation." when he was awarded the Silver Star Medal by Gen
Leonard E Chapman, fr, Commandant of the Marine
Infantry squad leader Cpi Phi/ti) A. Seymour. later a Corps, Jbr a series of classified combat missions.
judge advocate, received the Bronze Star and Navy Photo courtesy of ol Wallace L. Campbell, USMC
Commendation Medals and the Purple Heart, as well
as the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantiy, for combat ac-
tions in Vietnam with the ¡st Battalion, ist Mannes.
Photo courtesy of Maj Philip A. Seymour. USMC

drunk. Their route took them across the Da Nang Air- tenant Donald W. Harris, raised a spirited defense to
base and, as luck would have it, past the U.S. Air Force the charges presented by First Lieutenant Frederick C.
flight line where two B-57 bombers sat on 15-minute Woodruff, the trial counsel. But little could be done,
alert. Each bomber was armed with four 500-pound given the accused's apprehension while engaged in the
bombs, a number of smaller fragmentation bombs, acts charged and surrounded by officers and air police.
and a machine gun. The bombers' jet engines could In his separate trial Bright was found not guilty of at-
be started from the cockpit without an external pow- tempted wrongful appropriation of the bomber. but
er source, and the bombs, which were armed, could like Gonzales, he was convicted of willfully damag-
be dropped with the push of a button, even if the ing it and of being drunk and disorderly. The court
bomber was not airborne. found Gonzales guilty of the attempted wrongful ap-
Recognizing their opportunity, a plan began to propriation of the aircraft. On initial review the com-
form. As Gonzales later testified, "me and my best manding general reduced their sentences to
friend wanted to do something more about the war confinement at hard labor for twelve months, minor
We decided to try and fly one, to kill all the forfeitures for a year, and reductions to private. On
V.C. we could . . . . Bright, he is a pretty smart guy. appeal. after seven months of confinement had been
he was going to drive the plane." Bright added: "I served, the sentences were further reduced to five
would fly out there on a bombing run and bomb the months' confinement and forfeirures.'° Privates Bright
V.C. This is my fourth time down here [at Da Nang and Gonzales both returned to duty, as engineers.
and I know the land real well. I always wanted to fly,
The Other Prisoners: North Vietnamese POW/S
anyway," Minutes later, as a night-shift mechanic
walked past the bombers, he heard someone calling, On 1 July 1966 U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf of
"Sir! Sir!" Looking up he saw Bright in the pilot's cock- Tonkin were attacked by three North Vietnamese PT
pit and Gonzales behind him in the navigator's cock- boats. All three PT boats were sunk. Nineteen sur-
pit. The' had dropped a helmet and wanted the vivors were recovered and held on board the Cavalier
mechanic to pass it back up to them. (APA 37) as prisoners of war (POWs). At MACV's in-
Within moments Bright and Gonzales were sur- struction, lii MAF engineers completed construction
rounded by numerous Air Force personnel who, recog- of a POW screening facility near Da Nang on 5 Sep-
nizing the dangers of the armed munitions, tried to tember. It eventually included an adjacent, permanent
talk the Marines from the cockpit. Bright and Gon- brig facility for Marine prisoners in pretrial and post-
zales, however, only wanted help in starting the en- trial confinement. Finally, the practice of holding Ma-
gines. As Bright worked the plane's controls. Gonzales rine prisoners in a tent, or flying them to Okinawa,
yelled, "Leave the pilot alone. Co-pilot to pilot, let's could be discontinued.
get this thing off the ground!" The 19 POWs were later transferred to the com-
Frustrated by the lack of cooperation, Gonzales ex- pound, where they were "screened" for the next four
plained his next actions, saying, "if I couldn't fly it years. MACV considered them potentially valuable for
nobody else was going to fly my plane, so I broke exchange purposes and, just as importantly, they were
it." He pulled wiring loose, smashed indicator lights, said to be providing valuable information about North
and broke control mechanisms. "It seemed to me," he Vietnamese naval capabilities. For those reasons, the
later testified, "every time you turned a knob, every- 19 never joined the other POWs that U.S. forces rou-
thing would fall off. It was fascinating." As he broke tinely turned over to the South Vietnamese.11
off each fascinating piece of equipment, he tossed it
to the tarmac. Because the POWs were held in the Da Nang
Eventually, Gonzales was induced to climb from the TAOR, the SLO of the 3d Marine Division was respon-
cockpit. Bright, however, remained determined to go sible for ensuring that the conditions of the POW
"up to twenty thousand feet" and bomb VC. 'Some screening camp (which never held anyone other than
people tried to get me to leave the plane. When I the 19 PT boat crewmen) were in accord with the
asked them for advice ori how to start it, they pulled Geneva Convention. Later, III MAF assumed respon-
me out, without my consent." Indeed, Bright finally sibility for the POWs. The 19 North Vietnamese were
had to be lifted from the cockpit by the straps of the finally repatriated to North Vietnam in 1970.12
parachute he was almost wearing. Aside from this nominal contact, Marine lawyers
At trial, defense counsel for Gonzales, First Lieu- were never involved with enemy long-term prisoners

Department of Defense Photo (USAF) DF-SN-83-07782

A US. Air Force B-5 7A Canberra bomber, shown here in a single-seat version, was the
subject of wrongful appropriation charges against Marine PFCs Brzght and Gonzales.

of war, or with the five POW camps jointly manned he received the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple
by the South Vietnamese and the U.S. Army.'3 Heart as an artilleryman on Saipan, Tinian, and
The ist Marine Division Arrn'es: Okinawa. After the war, on inactive duty, he earned
More Lawyers, More Cases his law degree and was recalled to active duty during
the Korean War.
On 27 March 1966 the ist Marine Division's forward Now at Chu Lai, he and the other legal personnel
headquarters moved from Camp Courtney, Okinawa. moved into a partially completed camp near the beach.
to Chu Lai, South Vietnam. Initially, the senior law- While awaiting conclusion of camp construction, the
yer with the advance party at Chu Lai was Navy law legal office was located in two widely separated areas,
specialist Commander William E. Clemmons, accom- but within a month their offices were consolidated.
panied by the legal chief, Master Sergeant Len E. As Lieutenant Colonel Casey remembered, "Except for
Pierce. and a few lawyers and enlisted personnel. The some minor inconveniences such as crowded office
Divisions SLO, Colonel George P. Blackburn, Jr., along spaces and an occasional generator failure, it was bus-
with his acting legal thief, Gunnery Sergeant Wesley iness as
Crow, and the remainder of the lawyers, remained at Four Southeast Asia huts (SEAhuts) constituted the
Camp Courtney until June, as did other support sec- legal section offices. These were raised plywood build-
tions of the division staff not directly associated with
combat operations. But byJuly they, too, had deployed LtCol Thomas R Casey, the StaffLegal Officer, ist Ma-
to Chu Lai. rine Division, seen outside his office at Da Nang.
Photo courtesy of LtCoI William B. Draper, Jr., USMC (Ret.)
Colonel Blackburn had been an infantry platoon
commander and artillery battery commander during
World War lI. After that war he commanded the 2d
Battalion, 3d Marines, as well as the ist Amphibian ovlst0
'ilactor Battalion. In 1950 he attended law school on
Marine Corps orders. In 1966, soon after accompany- $LCTIOU
ing his 12 lawyer-officers and 18 enlisted legal clerks
to Vietnam his overseas tour of duty ended and in early
August Lieutenant Colonel Torn P. Casey, the deputy
SU) since January, assumed the SLO's duties.'
As were most of the senior lawyers in Vietnam, Lieu-
tenant Colonel Casey was serving in his third war. He
joined the Marine Corps as an enlisted man in De-
cember 1942. Commissioned shortly after boot camp,

Photo courtesy of Capt William S. Kirkpatrick, USMC (Ret.)

GySgi William S. Kirkpatrick was promoted to the grade of second lieutenant by Maj-
Gen Lewis]. Fields, left, Commanding General, ist Marine Division. at Chu Lai on 15
July 1966, assisted by the Division Staff Legal OfJ1cer Col George P Blackburn.
ings roughly the same size as a general purpose tent, the fabric of the Marine Corps. Wartime expansion
with plywood sidewalls, screened from the corrugat- created a demand for many more Marines: more
ed tin roofs halfway to the flooring. Eventually, the recruits, more officers, a shortened boot camp, and
screens were augmented with canvas or green, trans- accelerated promotions. While the overall quality of
lucent plastic sheeting which could be raised or lo- the Marine recruit remained high, recruiters in all the
wered and served as protection from the frequent Armed Services enlisted individuals who in peacetime
heavy rains. The staff conference room of division would not have been accepted. The Armed Forces
headquarters (in another nearby SEAhut) served as the reflect the society from which they are drawn, and
general court-martial courtroom.'6 All in all, these troubling aspects of civilian societal conflicts began to
were fairly comfortable accommodations for a com- appear with the Marines arriving in Vietnam in 1966,
bat zone. alihough the signs remained muted.
As with the other major commands in Vietnam, the To meet the need for experienced leadership, Ma-
caseload was at first notably light in the ist Division. rine noncommissioned officers were given temporary
"We had a low level of disciplinary problems during commissions to the grades of second lieutenant and
my entire tour as Division legal officer," Colonel Black- warrant officer. In the past such "mustang" officers
burn recalled. "We conducted intense schooling on had proven their value in numerous campaigns and
the UCMJ prior to entering Vietnam, and believed it wars, and they were to do so again in Vietnam.
contributed a great deal to the low level of discipli-
Gunnery Sergeant William S. Kirkpatrick was the
administrative law and foreign claims chief in the ist
Inevitably, as more of the division's personnel Marine Division's legal office when, on i5July 1966,
deployed to Vietnam, the number of offenses grew. he became the first enlisted legal noncommissioned
As in the other units, a disproportionate number of officer (NCO) to be commissioned a second lieu-
serious crimes were committed. In September, for ex- tenant. Lieutenant Kirkpatrick had enlisted in the Ma-
ample, 24 criminal investigations were initiated, of rine Corps in December 1950 and had been a machine
which three were rapes and eight were homicides.1B gunner in Korea. Selected for the legal field in 1958,
More than the caseload was changing. As at the be- his performance as an NCO was superior. In Vietnam,
ginning of World War II, Vietnam brought change in for example, his SLO noted: "His drive, enthusiasm,

perseverance, and professionalism resulted in [the ist] and men. To accommodate the increased size, func-
Division being termed by . MACV as having the tion, and importance of the Vietnam logistic effort,
most outstandingly effective foreign claims section in a new unit, Force Logistic Command (FLC), was es-
the entire Republic oí Vietnam."9 After receiving his tablished on 15 March 1966 to provide sustained sup-
commission, Second Lieutenant Kirkpatrick was trans- port to III MAF organizations.24 Initially located near
ferred co the 7th Marines to serve as the regimental Da Nang, adjacent to a Vietnamese settlement fond-
legal officer.20 h referred to as Dogpatch, in July FT.0 moved to Camp
Two weeks after Lieutenant Kirkpatrick's promotion, Books, Red Beach, eight miles northwest of Da Nang,
Gunnery Sergeant Kenneth W. Jones, chief court where it would remain until the Marines left Vietnam.
reporter of the ist Marine Division's legal office, was FLC's first commanding officer was Colonel George
similarly commissioned a second lieutenant and be- C. Axtell,Jr., an aviator and 1952 law school gradu-
came the assistant foreign claims officer. A month be- ate who did not practice law while in the Marine
fore, on 30 June, the legal chief, Master Sergeant Len Corps. Within 75 days of its formation, FLC grew to
E. Pierce, had been appointed a warrant officer, and a strength of over 5,300.25 Among the new personnel
like Lieutenant Kirkpatrick. was promptly transferred, was Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Larouche, FI.C's first
and became the adjutant of the Ist Battalion. 7th saff legal officer and, for several weeks, its only lawyer.
Marines.21 Lieutenant Colonel Larouche joined the Marine
In October 3d Marine Division Headquarters moved Corps in 1942, and was an enlisted scout on Guadal-
from Da Nang to Phu Bai. The ist Division's Head- canal. On Tarawa, Larouche received the Purple Heart.
quarters, in turn, moved from Chu Lai to the vacated He saw further combat on Saipan and Tinian. Com-
3d Division headquarters area at Da Nang. Four Ma- missioned in 1945, he left active duty, completed col-
rine infantry battalions and their supporting units, lege. and returned to the Marine Corps in 1950 with
designated Thsk Force X-Ray, remained at Chu Lai un- a law degree. after having briefly practiced law in
der the command of the ist Division's assistant corn- Boston, Massachusetts. But FLC was a new experience:
mander.22 Lieutenant Colonel Casey and most of the My reception at FtC was far from enthusiastic . . . No

ist Division legal personnel left their recently occupied one, other than the CO.. Colonel Ckorge Axtell. could even
SEAhuts at Chu Lai and moved north with the divi- imagine why a lawyer was needed there. I was told to find
myself a bunk, preferably unoccupied at the moment, since
sion headquarters.
this new command was short of everything, especially bunks.
Lieutenant Colonel Casey's deputy. Lieutenant This! did, for several nights, lying down on freshly vacated
Colonel John L. Zorack, and a few lawyers and clerks sacks . While this was unpleasant. it was better than
remained at Chu Lai. Lieutenant Colonel Zorack, some of the infantry units . . . i moved inns at least a dozen
formerly an infantry company commander in Korea, different huts/tents while in VN. This was due to the cons-
tantly growing FI.C.
had enlisted in the Marine Corps in World War II and My working facilities were only slightly better: I was told
was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1945. While there was no space then available for a legal office, but I
Task Force X-Ray remained at Chu Lai from October could occupy a small corner of the messhall. i scrounged a
1966 to March 1967, Lieutenant Colonel Zorack's three large packing box for a desk and a small one for a chair,
lawyers. Captains Francis T Coleman, Paul R. Con- and a few pencils. . My library consisted of my own Manu-
al for Courts-Martial andJAG Manual ....I had no derk1
stantino, and Daniel M. Hanlon, tried 26 general was the 'legal office."
courts-martial, 16 of which involved capital offenses.
lt was an extremely taxing period, even though the Because the command was new it did not yet have any
Chu Lai lawyers were temporarily augmented by five courts-martial pending, but a number of accidental
lawyers from Colonel Casey's Da Nang office during death investigations awaited Lieutenant Colonel
the height of the trials.23 Larouche's review.
The command's sole attorney, Lieutenant Colonel
Force Logistic Command New Guy on the Block Larouche sat upon his packing box writing reviews in
The procurement, distribution, and replacement of longhand without clerk, references, or typewriter. An
materiel is a major wartime challenge. In 1965 the Ma- equitable borrowing of lawyers from the other nearby
rines looked to the Force Logistic Support Group commands was initiated, and supplies were acquired.
(FLSG), based in Da Nang, for logistic support. Dur- In June Major James R. Ziemann arrived, and other
ing that year, as the Marine presence escalated. FLSG enlisted and officer personnel soon followed.
grew from 700 personnel to more than 3,000 officers Major Ziemann located a tin shed, which allowed

'é %

Photo courtesy of liCol James R Ziemann. USMC (Ret.

"Dogpatch" was the cluster of Vietnamese small business establishments on the heavily
travelled highway between the ist Marine Division and Force Logistic Command head-
quarters. Many offenses that were tried by Marine Corps lawyers had their genesis here.

the office to move from its corner in the messhall. That LtCol Charles R. Larouche, shown in a 1968 photo-
the shed had formerly been a pig sty did not deter graph as a colonel, was Force Logistic Command's first
the lawyers. FLC's caseload was expanding with its staff legal officer and, for a while, its only lawyer
population, and a permanent office was required, Photo courtesy of Col Charles R li touche. USMC (Ret.)
regardless of its past history.
Legal clerks were a constant problem. They were too
few, and those who arrived in Vietnam were often in-
adequately trained. In 1967 Nava! Justice School, at
Newport, Rhode Island, would initiate a five-week le-
gal clerk/court reporting course, but in 1966. Marine
Corps legal clerks were receiving on-the-job training.
Battalions and squadrons routinely dragooned Marines
into legal clerk billets, even though the Marines might
lack legal training or basic administrative skills. Usual-
!y, the units soon recognized that the legal arena was
unsuited for OJT. Colonel Larouche devised a solution:

lt was painfully obvious that my Office needed more clerks

our subordinate units needed more legal clerks, and
the two Divisions and the Wing needed more legal clerks.
Rather than wait for clerks that would never come, or come
too late, I decided to run a legal clerk school to train clerks
for all the major commands in ill MAF. The school would
run for two weeks . . . All major commands would pro-

hundred and three Vietnamese women, usually called

"hoochmaids," were hired to keep the officers' tents
and clothing clean.30
Legal assistance services were a staple in the three-
lawyer office. (Captain Franklin R "Skip" Glenn
reported on board in July.) The lawyers regularly visit-
ed FLC units at Chu Lai, Phu Bai, and Dong Ha to
meet their legal assistance needs.' Domestic relations
problems predominated, typically involving a wife
back home seeking a divorce. In such instances, steps
were taken to protect the Marine's interests and carry
out his desires.
Besides their primary duty as litigators in the crimi-
nal forum. Marine Corps lawyers handled the usual
problems faced by any attorney in civilian practice,
such as powers of attorney, indebtedness, taxes, wills,
naturalization, adoptions, contracts, name changes,
and passports.
The issues involved in marrying a Vietnamese arose
on a regular basis.32 A proxy marriage between a
regimental executive officer and a prospective bride
in Georgia was unsuccessfully attempted, as well.
Some of the issues the lawyers solved would have
challenged the most experienced counsel.
Vietnamese claims for compensation were similar-
ly time consuming. Most often claims were submit-
Photo courtesy of LtCol James R. Ziemann, USMC (Ret.) ted for relatively minor damage or compensation: a
Maj James R. Ziemann, left, and LtCol Charles R. motor scooter hit by a Marine Corps truck, a rice pad-
Larouche stand in front of the former pig sty that was dy damaged by a tank, or a defaced burial mound.
Force Logistic Command's first legal office location. Usually, the claims presented were for legitimate arid
appropriate recompense for injury or damage done by
vide a few instructors each, and I would coordinate the whole Marine Corps activities or personnel. But not always.
For example, Colonel Neville said:
Colonel Larouche was well-qualified to form the class. I recall one incident where Vietnamese villagers were
having previously been the Marine Corps instructor claiming the standard payments for deaths and wounds of
on the staff of the Naval justice School for three years. several villagers, saving one of our patrols had inflicted the
On 29 August the first class convened and graduated damages . . . The emphasis on prompt reporting made

30 newly trained legai clerks two weeks later.28 The first reports very sketchy and generally unreliable. I stopped
the report (for further investigation] . . The medical
graduates were addressed by the III MAF Assistant officer's examination of the wounds raised many doubts and
Chief of Staff, attorney Colonel Robert B. Neville, now a few hours later the basically friendly villagers told us the
assigned to Vietnam after guiding Discipline Branch VC had inflicted the wounds and sent the villagers to col-
at Headquarters Marine Corps. Over the course of the lect the payment which was, of course, to be turned over
next year, Lieutenant Colonel Larouche conducted to the
several more legal clerk schools, temporarily solving Soon FTC and the other commands would encounter
the clerk problem. similar claims which regrettably would prove
Although the legai pace was quickening, duty was legitimate.
not onerous at the "Funny Little Circus," as FLC was At Camp Books, the new FLC camp at Red Beach,
dubbed by its less respectful Marines.29 The SEAhuts the general court-martial caseload was rising. During
were an improvement over tents, even if monsoon rains the same time the legal chief. Staff Sergeant Jerome
blew through them and summer heat made their in- E. Riser, was commissioned a second lieutenant and
teriors unbearably hot, much as the tents. One promptly transferred, hobbling office productivity.

The SLO's offices had come a long way from the Wing to Camp Smith. Hawaii, headquarters of Fleet
original partitioned corner of the messhall. Now they Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPac). Force Logistic Com-
consisted of two Quonset huts, one of which was office mand was not formed until the next month, so was
space for the SW, counsels, and clerks. Lieutenant not represented. That first Staff Legal Officers' Con-
Colonel Larouche directed Major Ziemann to arrange ference was held from 15 to 17 February. Such confer-
the other hut as a courtroom, which was to conform ences were to be an annual event until the war's end.
as closely as possible to civilian standards. Major Zie- Numerous problem areas that had come to light
mann scrounged materials to produce a hearing room over the Ii months since the Marines had landed in
featuring a jury box and a judge's bench with a hand- Vietnam needed resolution. Agenda items included
carved figure of justice on its front. On the ceiling were such questions as: Were too many lawyer colonels as-
140 egg carton separators, each hand-dipped in white signed to Vietnam? What was a fair distribution
paint, their function purely decorative. Within months among the legal offices of lieutenants and captains.
an enemy rocket would badly damage the courtroom. given caseloads and trials? Would any electronic
egg separators and all. recording gear work in the hostile climate of Vietnam,
Trying Cases and if so, how could the SIOs get that gear? How could
the Marine Corps best retain the first-term lieutenants
In February 1966 Colonel Earl H. Johnson sum- and captains who, for the most part, were returning
moned the SLOs from III MAF Headquarters, the ist to civilian law practice as soon as their obligated serv-
and 3d Marine Divisions, and the ist Marine Aircraft ice was completed?36
A lawyer's quarters are rain-soaked at Camp Book, Red Beach, the morning 0/31 August
1966. Rain is on the plywood flooring, having b/own in through the screening.
Photo courtesy of LtCoI James R. Ziemann.USMC (Ret.)

Photo courtesy of LtCoI James R. Ziemann, USMC (Ret.)

Force Logistic Command's first general court-martial convened in the Red Beach officers'
club. Trial counsel, Maj James R. Ziemann stands at left. Defense counsel, Lt John £
Szymansk: USN, a ist Marine Aircraft Wing defense counsel, awaits the accused
Force Logistic Command's Quonset hut courtroom had a judge 's bench: members seat-
ing. right: counsel tables, left; and 140 hand-dipped egg carton separators overhead
Phow courtesy of Col Charks R. Larouche, USMC (Ret.)

Photo courtesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell, USMC (Ret.)
The I Corps Bar Association 's initial social event was he/dat Camp Books, Red Beach, 17
September 1966. At the head table, from left, unidentified officer; ist Marine Aircraft
Wing 510, LtCol Ralph Culver; law officer LtCo/ William Wander: FLC Commanding
Officer and lawyer Col George C. Axtell, hidden: FIC's SLO, LtCol Charles R. lamuche, 3d
Marine Division 510, Col Charles H. Beale, Jr., standing; ist Marine Division 510, LtCol
Thomas R Casey, hidden; and two unidentified officers. Fly paper hangs fiom the rafters.
At such conferences, both in formal sessions and in for Ziemann's skill as a scrounger.)38 FLC's command-
casual conversation at the officers' club, common is- ing officer, Colonel George C. Axtell, was the party's
sues were raised and policies were informally ham- guest of honor. In Lieutenant Colonel Larouche's
mered out. In Vietnam the lawyers had the I Corps words: "The event seemed to generate ideas for a bet-
Bar Association, a loose amalgam of lawyers primari- ter future legal clerk's school, to develop ideas for
ly from the Marine Corps but with representation from greater mutual help and cooperation among all major
all the Armed Services. The sole requirement for mem- commands in I Corps area."3° In other words, there
bership was presence at an association social event. was plenty to drink, and everyone had a good time.
really the principal purpose of the association. The I On a more serious level, lawyers continued to take
Corps Bar Association (originally called the Red Beach part in the Marine Corps' people-to-people program.
Bar Association) was, probably, the idea of FLC's Lieu- Lieutenant John F. Erickson, a Navy law specialist
tenant Colonel Larouche. He hosted the first social loaned to FLC by the Naval Support Activity, coordi-
event on 17 September 1966 at Red Beach, attended nated a program, supported by his home county in
by most of the lawyers in I Corps, including four Navy Kansas, which provided clothing and toys for a Viet-
law specialists from the nearby Naval Support Activi- namese orphanage4° A thank-you letter from the com-
ty and four Army judge advocates attached to III MAF mander of the 51st ARVN Regiment read, "The
Headquarters as foreign claims specialists. "Jim Zie- children of our orphanage. that is, the sons and daugh-
mann and his legal chief, Gunnery Sergeant [Bill] ters of men of our Regiment who has given their lives
Dedic," Major William B. Draper. Jr. recalled, "did for our country's freedom, will he the recipients of your
a substantial amount of scrounging, borrowing, and donations. . . . Words do not hold enough meaning
midnight requisitioning to supply steaks, a cocktail to rightfully express our feclings."4 L Lieutenant Erick-
bar, wine, rolls, etc."37 (Colonel Beale, the 3d Marine son later received a Navy Achievement Medal, in part
Division's SLO, referred to Major Ziemann as "possi- for his civic action work.
bly the greatest liberator since Lincoln," out of respect Major Draper, a ist Marine Division defense coun- -

sel, wrote to the Daily Dartmouth, the newspaper of advised the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gener-
his alma mater, suggesting that shirts would be ap- al Wallace M. Greene, Jr., that:
preciated by the local Vietnamese children. The Ma-
LtCol Keever has becn offered high level policy making
rine on the Dartmouth Navy ROTC staff, Major Orlo ob on national level in Office Civil Operations (OCO). the
K. Steele, organized a major clothing collection ef- new organization ro control all civil agencies in revolution-
fort on campus and at nearby Hanover, New Hamp- ary development in RVN . . . Keever wants the job and

shire. based on Major Draper's letter. Soon. Major I believe he could do us a lot of good in that position. Am-
Draper found himself before the ist Division's public bassador Porter recognizes Keever as an eapert in civic ae-
tion who can get things done and he needs that kind of man.
affairs officer, explaining where 4,000 tee-shins had especially now. Request guidance as to your desires in this
come from (most emblazoned with "Dartmouth" matter. Very respectfully, I
across the chest) and why the public affairs office had
not been consulted beforehand. That bureaucratic de- A week later, the Commandant indicated his approval
tail satisfied, Major Draper soon passed out the shins of the unusual arrangement and Lieutenant Colonel
to appreciative children in the Da Nang area.42 Keever was soon in civilian clothes, reporting to the
Office of Civil Operations in Saigon, where he was to
The Marine Corps had little direct involvement in
Revolutionary Development, which was essentially civic
earn the Legion of Merit for his work.4
action on a higher political level. An exception was In Marine Corps courtrooms, meanwhile, lawyers
Lieutenant Colonel Charles J. "Chuck" Keever. Form- were beginning to recognize that problems with wit-
erly a 3d Marine Division lawyer on Okinawa, he came nesses were going to be difficult, if not impossible,
to Vietnam as a major on the III MAF staff. His sub- to solve. While a criminal trial and the cross-
sequent expert direction of I Corps' civic action effort examination of witnesses may be a great engine for
was noticed by U.S. State Department representatives the discovery of truth, unusual courtroom difficulties
in Saigon. In December 1966 Lieutenant General Walt arose in Vietnam's expeditionary circumstances. The

Maj William B. Draper, Jr., a ist Marine Division defense counsel, hands out tee-shirts
featuring his alma mater's name, Dartmouth, to eager children of the Da Nang area.
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 02-0465-67

Photo courtesy of Col Curtis W. Olson, USMC (Ret.)

Maj Curtis W Olson conducts an investigation in a Vietnamese schoolhouse. "We rapid-
ly found out that going to the people with investigative hearings was not the way to go."

trial process was foreign and disquieting to the Viet- The theory was that we would take the investigations to
namese witness. First the alleged offense was investigat- the people. and thus get better cooperation from them, as
it would be less of an interruption in their Lives. h didn't
ed, usually by an officer from the accused's unit. Next.
work for a number of reasons. First, our portable recording
witnesses were interviewed by the trial counsel and equipment was not that good. Second, the Vietnamese did
then the defense counsel, seldom on the same day. not have a very good appearance record at these hearings.
Then, if a general court-martial was anticipated, the They seemed to respond better if we sent a vehicle out to
lawyers conducted an Article 32 investigation. Final. round them up . . . [That) seemed more officially impor-

tant to them than just showing up at the local schoolhouse

ly. the Vietnamese witnesses were summoned to re-
We rapidly found out that going to the people with
late their testimony at the court-martial, and then investigative hearings was not the way to go.47
cross-examined. Captain Francis T Coleman recalled:
Another factor influencing Vietnamese witnesses was
Long patient hours must be expended in eliciting even
the most simple narrative from these frail, bewildered, awe-
that they were not paid a witness fee if the proceed-
struck onlookers. Questions must be methodically worded ing was taken to them. To be paid, they had to ap-
and reworded , . , Even the most diligent pretrial prepa- pear at a hearing held in a Marine compound. Colonel
ration of a witness often leaves the attorney shaking his head Charles H. Beale, SW of the 3d Marine Division,
at the trial. Successful cross-examination is practically negated recalled that "the witnesses were brought in by
by the language barrier.
helicopter, and we paid them at the end of each day.
South Vietnamese witnesses, like Marine Corps wit- They would immediately go on shopping trips and
nesses, were sometimes killed or wounded. They often bought everything in sight."4
were moved to new villages or resettlement camps. Fre- Even when Marines brought a Vietnamese witness
quently, not even the Vietnamese National Police to court things could go awry. Once, a general court-
could locate Vietnamese witnesses. Major Curtis W. martial was in progress when the trial counsel called
Olson, a 1st Marine Division lawyer, recalled that the rape victim to the witness stand. He began his
"Vietnamese witnesses never fully understood why they direct examination, but encountered difficulty from
had to appear agarn and again to repeat the same story the start. As the trial counsel questioned the woman,
over again."46 through the interpreter, he could not even establish
Occasionally, as Major Olson noted, the Marines her identity, as basic as that should have been. Final-
would attempt to take the hearing to the witnesses: ly the prosecutor discovered that, yes, she had been

the victim of a rape, and yes, she was to testify at a journey back to Red Beach.50 The Vietnamese witness-
Marine's court-martial, but, no, this accused was not es would not return for the second trial, and the case
her attacker. The wrong rape victim had been brought had to be dropped for lack of proof.
to court.49 In Vietnam, not only Vietnamese witnesses present-
Two FI.0 cases involving two Marines who were ed difficulty. The memories of Marine Corps witness-
separately charged with committing the same offense, es could become hazy, as the date of their return to
reflected the difficulty in securing Vietnamese witness- "the world" approached. Advised that their testimo-
es for trial. The trial counsel, Captain Franklin P. ny might require that they be kept in Vietnam on "le-
Glenn, caught a ride to the Da Nang Airbase where gal hold," they sometimes developed signs of
he was able to get manifested on a C-130 departing pronounced amnesia in an effort to avoid remaining
at 0630 for Dong Ha. At Dong Ha he transferred to in Vietnam any longer than necessary.5'
the unlikely-named "African Queen II," a 4-knot per In the courtroom problems with reliable electrical
hour LCM (landing craft) that took him down the Cua power and recording equipment persisted. Generator
Viet River to the Gulf of Tonkin. There he crossed sand failure in the midst of trial was common; court ad-
dunes, waded a stream, and traversed marshlands, fi- journed until power was restored. Often, the genera-
nally reaching the small fishing village of Phoi Hoi, tors would run, but their output was so reduced that
located in an area of heavy enemy activity. He found the reporter's tape would barely turn. Other times
the witnesses and escorted them back to Da Nang. power surges resulted in a recording on which all voices
They testified, then departed for Phoi Hoi via a sounded like cartoon characters. At the 1966 General
helicopter, arranged for by Captain Glenn. He accom- Officers Symposium at Headquarters Marine Corps
panied them on the helicopter to persuade them of Major General Avery R. Kier noted that "generators
the need for them to later journey to Da Nang, again, have been another recurring problem. The expedition-
for the trial of the second accused. At Phoi Hoi the ary type generators do not stand up under continu-
trial counsel inadvertently was left behind by the ous usage. The garrison type generators are not
. . .

helicopter pilot. After a tense night beyond friendly supported by adequate spare parts. There is an insatia-
lines Captain Glenn caught an LCM and began his ble demand for power."3 In the 3d Marine Division
Two ist Marine Division lawyers conduct interviews far from the Division Headquarters.
"Vietnamese witnesses never ful/y understood why they had to appear again and again."
Photo courtesy of RAdm Hugh D. Campbr-lI. JAGC, USN (Ret).

the Staff Legal Officer cured his power problem by Lieutenant John F. Erickson, "thrown together in a
purchasing portable Honda generators; expensive but semi-combat situation, was remarkable . . I often
- .

effective.Nor was efficient power the only courtroom thought, while I was at my second duty station in
problem. 'The most frustrating aspect," recalled Hawaii, that the cases were tried better and faster in
Colonel Benjamin B. Ferrell. "was the continual break- Vietnam."6°
down of recording equipment. No system we tried All general courts-martial were presided over by law
could be relied on to function for long in the dusty officers, all of whom were lawyers. Under the Red
or rainy weather of Vietnam" Recording equipment Book, the law officer advised the members of their
and power sources remained unsolved issues for the duties, directed the progress of the trial, ruled on mo-
war's duration. tions and objections, and instructed the members. Like
Courtroom Personnel; Just Passin' Through a judge he had broad discretion, and by virtue of his
position and senior grade, was a figure of some
In Vietnam, with the Uniform Code of Military authority in the courtroom. They were appointed law
Justice of 1950 and the 1951 Manual for Courts- officers by the Navy's Judge Advocate General, the
Martial, military law was maturing with wartime ap- departmental judge advocate for the Marine Corps.
plication, despite the staggered changing of person- Consideration for appointment came only after long
nel every 13 months (the length of a Marine's tour of seasoning as a trial-level defense counsel and trial
duty in Vietnam). counsel. The maxim that there is no test of character
The judicial process began with the commander, like authority fully applied to law officers. A law officer
who had the power to send, or refer. Marines in his with a tyrannical or petty streak could make life very
command to a court-martial that convened at his direc- unpleasant for counsel. Most valued were those law
tion. Colonel Robert B. Neville was an infantry officer officers who were firm, yet fair; who remained un-
in World War Il, who saw combat on Guadalcanal. disturbed by the inexperienced lawyer who might per-
New Guinea, and New Britain, before he became the form poorly in trial. Not every law officer possessed
III MAF Deputy Chief of Staff and Headquarters the wisdom and character to be a good jurist, hut Viet-
SLO.56 He said of convening authorities: nam lawyers were fortunate in that most were both
highly respected and able.6t
In all honesty, I neer met a convening authority who was
disposed to violate or disregard the law. I have seen more
Colonel Beale. 3d Marine Division SLO, wrote: "I
subjective, arbitrary decisions and conduct by judges, justices would be completely remiss if I did not mention the
of the peace. and prosecuting attorneys in civilian life than magnificent performances of the various military
I have even heard about in the military . . I found con-
. . judges [law officers] during my tenure. I recall, in par-
vening authorities who were not lawyers to be more com- ticular Colonel William Wander, Colonel Verne L.
passionate and understanding of human frailty than those
who had formal legal training.
Oliver, Colonel Don 1-lolben, and Captain [Wyman]
Jackson. US. Navy"82
Once referred to trial, if lawyer counsel was appoint- During 1965 and 1966 law officers were stationed
ed, lieutenants and captains still tried most cases. in Yokosuka. Japan, and on Okinawa, In May 1966
Numerous attorneys were in Vietnam now, but ex- a Navy-Marine Corps Judiciary Activity branch office
perienced trial lawyers were few. Lawyers who had was established in Da Nang3 When the SW of a par-
not tried a case until arriving in Vietnam were often ticular command believed that enough general courts
assigned ro prosecute or defend the most serious of were ready for trial to justify requesting a law officer,
offenses after the briefest apprenticeship. Despite their he did so and specified the anticipated period the law
lack of legal experience, most of the young lawyers officer would be required. After arrival, if the general
thrived on the challenges, which they viewed as op- court-martial docket permitted. law officers also served
portunities. When he wasJudge Advocate General of as senior members of special courts-martial, sort of a
the Navy. Rear Admiral Hugh D. Campbell recalled: super-juror. The canny wisdom of these senior law-
"My experience in Vietnam [as a Navy lieutenant) is yers was reflected in Major Draper's recollection of "the
probably what caused me to augment into the Navy travelling law officer, Colonel Wander, who displayed
- - - I was amazed at the responsibility I had in the his in-depth knowledge of lengthy supply lines and
trial arenathe types of cases ------ve never had the inconveniences inflicted thereby, when he showed
challenges any greater than the challenges we had up in Chu Lai with his own olives and his own toilet
there." "The dedication of the lawyers:' added Navy paper."84

Legal Office Locations

in the Da Nang Area
0 2
o IO

Lien Chieu Esso Depot

Nam O
J3e & ver Bridge Red Beach:
( 1Force Logistic
/ Command
eicb 2
South China
4,. .-Headquarters,
June 1966 - March 1970
China Beach
Da Nang Airbase
364 ist Marine "
Aircraft Wing
327 Le /1.


HiU 327. ist

Marine Division
October 1966 - June 1971



The enlisted Marines of every staff legal office were old, effectively, took control of the patrol, supplant-
critical to the system's operation. Although legal chiefs ing the nominal leader, Sergeant Ronald L. Vogel. Un-
were not found in the courtroom (they had already usual as that was, the other Marines followed Potter
served their time in court, usually as reporters), they rather than Vogel, whom they viewed as ineffective.
supervised and scheduled the work of the clerks and The patrol's Navy corpsman, Hospitalman Jon R. Bre-
reporters. They assured the correct preparation of the tag, later testified:
numerous documents necessary to courts-martial, in-
He [Potter] said that this would be a raid instead of an
cluding the verbatim record of trial. Regarding his en- ambush - . . We are to beat up the people, tear up the

listed Marines, Colonel Beale recalled: hooches. and kill, if necessary. . . He told us to roll down

I was blessed with two of the best Master Sergeant Harold our sleeves, take our insignias off, make sure our covers are
L. Tetrick and, later, Gunnery Sergeant Bill Dedic. And the on [and] assigned us numbers. He said if you want to get
court reporters were the most dedicated people I have ever somebody, don't mention his name, call him by number
known. We had so much trouble with our recording equip- - . . The encire squad moved out69

ment that many of them used their own personal tape record-
ers (Altai or Sony) as back-up [to the closed-microphone
They entered the hamlet of Xuan Ngoc (2). They
recording system]. i always marveled at their efficiency: most seized Dao Quartg Thin.h, whom they accused of be-
of the time they typed up the record with a headset that ing a Viet Cong. and dragged him from his hut. While
had music from recording tapes going in one ear, and the they beat him, other patrol members forced his wife,
court record playing into the other ear. The performance Bui Thi Huong, from their hut. They pulled her three-
by these court reporters was absolutely superior. lt goes
year-old child from her arms. Then four of them raped
without saying that the legal chiefs were outstanding lead-
ers. They solved all difficuJties.5 her.
A few minutes later three other patrol members shot
The caseload, meanwhile, continued to rise modest- her husband, her child, her sister-in-law, and her sister-
ly, while remaining generally low. In FLC only about in-law's child, with automatic and semi-automatic ri-
six general courts-martial per month were dockered.°8 fle fire. Hearing the sister-in-law moan, Potter ex-
The pace was even slower in the ist Marine Aircraft claimed, "Damn, she's still alive!" He fired another
Wing, where each lawyer's caseload averaged two or burst of automatic fire into her at point blank range.
three cases at any tinle.67 Potter then tossed a hand grenade near the bodies in
Alihough the numbers were low, the caseload did an attempt to cover the patrols' atrocities and "to make
not always tell the whole story. Sometimes a few cases it look good." Next, they shot the rape victim, Bui Thi
could be overwhelming in terms of effort. In Septem- Huong, and left her for dead. She lived to testify at
ber 1966. 18 months before the killings at My Lai, a their courts-martial.
series of such difficult cases fell to the lawyers of the Upon rewrning to the battalion command post, the
ist Marine Division. company commander sought details of the reported
Homicide on Patrol: Men, Vomen, and Children "enemy contact:' Suspicious, he ordered their new pla-
Lieutenant General LeoJ. Dulacki was a colonel in toon leader, Second Lieutenant Stephen J. Talty, to
1966. He said: go back to the scene of the "contact" with the patrol.
Once there, Talty realized what had happened and
I remember sitting in General Walt's officeI was chief
of staff at that time - discussing the case with him at
. .
directed efforts to disguise what had occurred. As they
length. Let me say. he had deep problems in trying to ac- were doing so, one of the previously wounded chil-
cept thc results of the investigation. He couldn't believe that dren was discovered still alive. Potter raised his rifle
a Marine, any Marine, would do something like this over the child, saying, "someone count for me." Vogel
. . This had ro be someone other than Marines, because
- .
counted to three as Potter repeatedly slammed his ri-
Marines just wouldn't do something like this. . . . We had
to do this Irefer the cases to general courts-martial] because
fle butt into the child's head, killing him7°
the evidence was such that ir indicated that these people The morning after the killings, the rape victim,
were involved. Whether they were eventually acquitted. or Huong, was carried by her villagers to the Marine base
not, we had no alternative. . . . We would not tolerate such for treatment of her gunshot wounds. The Navy doc-
action, they would be punished. and we didn't cover it up.68
tor immediately reported her wounding and rape.
At 1900 on 23 September a nine-man ambush When confronted by his company commander, Lieu-
patrol from the Ist Battalion, 5th Marines, left Hill tenant Talty, a Marine for only ten months, admitted
22, northwest of Chu Lai. Private First Class John D. all.
Potter, Jr., an aggressive, combat-experienced 20-year Potter was convicted of five specifications of

premeditated murder, of rape, and the attempted rape give rise to very strong resentment from the Marine troops,
of a second Vietnamese. He was sentenced to confine- especially when it is clear that the civilians can prevent the
ment at hard labor for life, reduction to private, loss death of numerous Marines by providing information about
the presence of enemy troops and the location of booby traps
of all pay and allowances, and a dishonorable dis- and mines. This is a situation that caused PFC Porter to feel
charge. The conviction and sentence were approved appropriately angry and frustrated and to look forward to
through the appellate levels. Potter was released in raiding a village . .. Potter's state of emotional turmoil

February 1978, after having served twelve years and against the Vietnamese people probably accounts for his
one month. His was the longest period of confinement lactsl.
served by any prisoner convicted by Marine Corps Captain James P. Shannon received the Navy Com-
court-martial of murdering a Vietnamese noncom- mendation Medal, in part for his energetic, tenacious,
batantP but ultimately fruitless, defense of Potter,74
Hospitalman Bretag testified against Potter, hop- These were not the last murders of Vietnamese non-
ing to gain favorable consideration regarding his six- combatants by Marines, though they were among the
month sentence for his own part in the rape of Huong. most heinous. If anything positive is to be found in
Another patrol member. Private First Class James H. these cases, it was the Marine Corps' approach to such
Boyd, Jr., pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced cases. As Major William B. Draper pointed out, "we
to four years confinement at hard labor and a dis- did not close our eyes or our ears to the allegations
honorable discharge. He, too, testified against Potter. that a crime may have been committed in the name
as did Vogel. Vogel. convicted as a principal in the of combat . . . . Nothing was swept under the rug
murder of one of the children and in Huong's rape, in hopes that it would go away."7
was sentenced to 50 'ears confinement at hard labor 3d Marine Division: On The Road Again
and a dishonorable discharge.* On appeal, his con-
finement was reduced to 10 years. After he had served The Marines' Vietnam command structure under-
more than nine years, the Secretary of the Navy fur- went major alteration in 1966, as Marine leadership
ther reduced confinement to eight years. and Vogel was adjusted to best meet the tactical situation in I
was released 72 Corps. The year began with Colonel Sevier as the Di-
vision SW, located at the division command post (CP)
Two patrol members were acquitted of major
on Hill 327. In mid-March General Walt relinquished
charges, but were convicted of a relatively minor as-
command of the 3d Division to Major General Wood
sault with intent to commit rape. After final review
B. Kyle in order to devote more time to his duties as
each one's approved sentence included si months con-
HI MAF Commanding General.
finement. Three others were acquitted of all charges.
In June Colonel Sevier returned to Headquarters
Lieutenant laity was found not guilty of being an
accessory to murder, but was convicted of the innocu- Marine Corps in Washington. D.C. His replacement
as 3d Division SLO was Colonel Beale, another World
ous charge of making a false report. He was sentenced
War Il combat veteran.
to dismissal from the Marine Corps. forfeitures of
$500. and a loss of numbers on the promotion lineal
Then, in October, the division CP moved to Phu
Bai, while 3d Marine Division (Forward) was estab-
list. Two years later, the dismissal was set aside upon
appellate review.73
lished at Dong HaY6 When the division CP moved,
How could young Marines and a sailor, all with good
several serious felonies were pending trial. The brig.
prior records, commit such crimes Potter did not with the lawyers' "clients." was at Da Nang. Phu Bai
had no space for a legal office, nor could the base be
speak in his own defense, but the words of the Navy
expanded until the rainy season was over. So Colonel
psychiatrist, who found him to be sane, shed light on
the actions of Potter and other Marines who commit- Beale's office remained temporarily at Hill 327, with
the Ist Marine Division CP, which had moved into the
ted war crimes:
area the 3d Division had vacated. Colonel Beale
War in Vietnam is one where the enemy is usually un.
seen until he chooses to make himself known, while the Ma. recalled:
tines are forced to repeatedly expose themselves to attack The physical plant changed so many times that it is
and ambush. Civilians often shelter and aid the enemy and difficult to recall, Originally Ion Hill 327] the office was lo-
cated in four srrong.back rents. One of these was used as
*A principal is one who does nor actually commit an offense, but a courtroom. Then we moved the offices into a double Quon.
"aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its commission." (Art. set hut, and still used the tent for a courtroom, ¡then, after
77. UCMJ. 1969.) moving north, we] used the officers' dub for courts-martiaJ7

Photo courtesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell, USMC (Ret.)

Col Charles B. Sevier, center stands with his re/jefas 3dM4rine Division SLO. Col Charles
H. Beale, Jr., second from right, with Navy law specialist Lt Bruce C. Murphy, left, Div:-
sion Legal Chief MSgt Harold L. Tetrick, second from left, and deputy SLO, D'Col Fred
Grabou'sk: right. in front of one of the Division legal Quonset hut offices on Hill 327.
The 3dMarine Division SLO's office was on Hill 327, near Da Nang, in June 1966. "The
[3d Marine Division 's] physical plant changed so many times that it is difficult to recall."
Photo courtesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell, USMC (Ret.)

Photo courtesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell. IJSMC (art.)

The III MAF Staff Legal Officer Col Vernon A. Peltzer left, in Da Nang with 3dMarine
Division lawyer Maj Robert j Chadwick (gesturing), and ist Marine Division Staff Legal
Officer LtCol Thomas P Casey (sunglasses). An unidentified officer stands at right.
1}ansportation was a major difficulty. The SW and of the school that still considered nonlegal field as-
the lawyers were required to travel continually between signments as necessary for promotion, and it was w-
Da Nang and Phu Bai to confer with the command- mored that a general officer's legal billet might soon
ing general and other convening authorities, irnerview be authorized.
witnesses, and meet with accused Marines. As under-utilized as his predecessor had been,
Finally, on 27 November 1966, more than a month Colonel Neville now found himself very busy. The III
after the 3d Division's CP had moved, the legal office MAF chief of staff was a brigadier general, and the
followed. At Phu Bai they again had tents for office day-to-day direction of the MAF staff was largely left
and courtroom, but as Colonel Beak noted, "I had to his assistant, Colonel Neville. To relieve the pres-
a few uncomfortable nights, but the sack was always sure on him, General Walt asked the Commanding
dry . and I always had clean, dry clothes." General of FMFPac, Lieutenant General Krulak, to as-
III MAF: Double-Hatting the Lawyer sign in-coming Captain William B. Draper, Jr., to his
On 26 June 1966, as Colonel Peitzer's tenure as III
staff. When General Krulak refused the request for
Captain Draper or any other lawyer, General Walt per-
MAE SLO was ending, General Walt's Headquarters
moved from the Da Nang Aiibase, across the Han (Da sisted:
Nang) river, opposite east Da Nang.79 Shortly there- III feel constrained to request you reconsider I need
after, Colonel Peitzer was relieved by Colonel Robert all the talent I can get . . . If I assign Col. Nevilk primary

duties as legal officer I am wasting his effectiveness. On the

B. Neville. other hand if I continue him as deputy chief of staff with
Colonel Neville had served under General Walt as additional duties as force legal officer I am . . . subjecting
an infantry company commander in World War Il and him to an unacceptably excessive workload ....He has
as an instructor at Marine Corps Schools, at Quanti- competed for selection [foi promotion] as infantry officer,
co, Virginia. Later, he and General Walt had also not as primary MOS lawyer . . He desires to complete
. .

his career in the same way . .lt is again requested that

. .
served together at Headquarters Marine Corps. When Capt. W. B. Draper be assigned ro III MAF.81
General Walt assigned Colonel Neville as his assistant
chief of staff, as well as the Staff Legal Officer. Colonel General Krulak relented: "[I] will provide a second
Neville gladly accepted such double duty.80 He was lawyer to your staff immediately . . . You are there

I)cpartment of Defense Photo (IJSMC) A18V'13

LiGen Lewis W Walt poses with the ¡II MAF staff in November 1966. LeGen Walt is
seated center To his right sits hic Assistant Chief of Staff lawyer Co/Robert B. Nevi/le.
and know better than anyone else the nature of your not yet on court-martial dockets in significant num-
staff needs.. . . The commander on the spot deserves bers. Reassuringly, the Uniform Code of Military
the maximum support that his superiors can give Justice and the 1951 Manual for Courts-Martial ap-
him."82 (Although General Walt got a second lawyer, peared to be workable tools for pursuing justice in a
he did not get Captain Draper.) predominantly static corn bat environment,
Perspective In Washington a Navy Commendation Medal was
By the end of 1966 Marine Corps strength stood at awarded and forwarded to Colonel Neville for the work
278,000 men and women, the highest cotai since he had done before going to Vietnam. His citation
World War II. Two hundred and twenty-three of that read, in part: "Fruition of his project recommenda-
number were lawyersonly one of whom was a wom tions for the combination of the Discipline and Lega]
an.*sa Throughout the Marine Corps, 213 generai and Branches of the Personnel Department brought about
4,728 special courts-martial were tried in 1966.84 No significant economy of personnel and effon."85 Despite
records survive that detail the number of courts-martial the inference of the citation, however, there was still
tried that year in Vietnam. but the total clearly was no separate legal branch at Headquarters Marine
escalating. Drugs, fraggings, and racial conflicts were Corps. So Colonel Neville's successor at Headquart-
ers, Colonel Charles B. Sevier, continued to bend Code
8Ffrsr Lieutenant Patricia A. Murphy. fuss commissioned in June
DK, Discipline Branch. away from the Personnel Di-
1963. was the Marine Corps' second woman lawyer. The first, Lieu.
tenant Colonel Lily H. Gridley. was commissioned in February 1943 vision and toward a separate lega] section within Head-
and retired in 1965. quarters Marine Corps.

1967: Trying Times

III MAF: Double-Hatted Twice ist Manne Division.' Rising Caseloads, More Lawyers
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts - Force Logistic Corn rnand. Continue to March
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Much Like Home - From a Lawyer's Case File: Psychiatry and Appellate Review
Project 100,000: Prelude to Problems- Drugs.' Recognizing the Problem
Transportation: Hitchhiking to c'ourtTtying casesMarine Corpi Lawyers in Combat. They Also Serve
The First Lawyer General Officer. No Immediate Change - Perspective

As 1966 ended, the Marines of III MAF were fight- threat of enemy incursion across the I Corps border,
ing essentially two separate, interrelated wars. The 3d to destroy Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army units
Marine Division fought a conventional war along the entering III MAF's tactical area of responsibility, and
DMZ against North Vietnamese Army formations. At to ensure the security of allied base areas and lines
the same time, the ist Marine Division continued a of communication. In a change of strategy, South Viet-
combination of large-unit and counterguerrilla Oper. namese forces assumed primary responsibility for
ations south of Hai Van Pass. which stood a few miles pacification of the civilian populace. Marine efforts in
north of Da Nang. that regard nevertheless continued. The tempo of
At the beginning of 1967 18 Marine infantry bat- guerrilla warfare had substantially increased, and III
talions and 21 aircraft squadrons occupied bases MAF Headquarters anticipated large-scale attacks
throughout I Corps. Those units and their support- along the DMZ by enemy regular forces.2
ing organizations totaled more than 70,000 Marines Concern increased over the potential for legally sig-
and sailors) nificant incidents occurring in combat situations, The
On the legal front four general court-martial (GCM) Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Wallace
commands were based in I Corps.* The ist Marine Di- M. Greene, Jr., in a bulletin to all commanding
vision was still headquartered at Da Nang with a officers, noted:
detached brigade-sized force, Task Force X-Ray, at Chu I am extremely concerned in regard ro recent incidents
Lai. Lieutenant Colonel Tom P. Casey remained the of wanton disregard for the personal lives and property of
staff legal officer (SLO) at Da Nang (sharing space with che civilian populace of the Republic of Vietnam . . . .

the 3d Division legal office during the first part of the charge all Commanding Officers with the responsibility to
insure that all personnel receive instruction in regard to the
year), while his deputy, Lieutenant Colonel John L. standards of conduct expected of the U.S. Marine.
Zorack, was in charge at Chu Lai. The 3d Marine Di-
vision (Forward) command post was at Dong Ha with Equally concerned, General Krulak. Commanding
the main command post at Phu Bai. The 3d Division's General. FMFPac, wrote:
office moved from Da Nang to the main command The nature of the conflict in Vietnam has placed an un-
post during April and May 1967. The ist Marine Air- usual requirement on low ranking leaders to carry out sen-
sitive combat operations. often in an environment where
craft Wing (MAW), meanwhile, remained at the Da large numbers of civilians are present . Determination
. . .

Nang Airbase. Its legal staff was now led by Lieutenant of right and wrong to be made on the spot. and
Colonel Ralph K. Culver. Force Logistic Command often in the heat of battle ....The weight of this decision
(FLC) was at Camp Books, Red Beach, near Da Nang often falls on the shoulders of the small unit leader - platoon
with Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Larouche still 51.0. leader, squad leader, patrol leader - individuals who, be-
. -

cause of their relative youth and short time in service, are

The fourth SLO was Colonel Robert B. Neville, who least able to exercise mature, deliberate judgement under
continued as III MAF's assistant chief of staff with col- the pressure of combat ....Nevertheless, [they] must be
latera] responsibility for MAF Headquarters legal fully aware of their responsibilities for their conduct, and
matters. the conduct of their subordinates ....Moreover, every Ma-
rine must be made ro understand that deviation from rhese
In 1967 the Marines' missions were to counter the
standards is a grave offense and not to be tolerated
A general court-martial command is one char is empowered ro The SLOs continued to support the execution of
convene GCMs. The fact that a general officer commands a unir
is nor determinative of GCM jurisdiction. For example. III MAF.
their command's mission by prosecuting offenses,
commanded by a lieutenant general, did not have GCM conven- providing general legal advice to the commander, and
ing authority. In contrast, units commanded by colonels sometimes furnishing technical support. such as legal assistance,
did have such authority. claims service, and administrative discharge processing.

By 1967 Marine Corps colonels and lieutenant gon.9 Numerous female Navy nurses. Red Cross
colonels designated to be SLOs in Vietnam attended workers, and civilian news personnel were in the III
the Army's Judge Advocate General's School, in MAF area, but no woman Marine lawyer was ever as-
Charlonesville, Virginia. for a five-day indoctrination signed to Vietnam
course.5 Only then did they proceed to Vietnam. III MAP. Double-Hatted Twice
More lieutenantand captainlawyers were in
Vietnam now, but a high number of senior lawyers Across the Han River at III MAF Headquarters, on
were also assigned there. Colonel Eugene B. "Doc" Fai- 1 June, Lieutenant General Robert E. Cushman, Jr.,
Ion, slated to become the 3d Marine Division's SLO, relieved Lieutenant General Walt as commanding
believed that "[Headquarters Marine Corps] sent too general. In Saigon MACV directed III MAF to plan
many colonels to Vietnam." He noted that at one time for construction of a strongpoint obstacle system south
in 1967, in the ist Marine Division alone, there svere of the DM1'° The incoming SLO would be heavily
four lawyer colonels, making turnaround time for involved in that planning. Colonel Robert B. Neville,
colonels too brief.* He suggested that only three who was still "double hatted" as assistant chief of staff
lawyer-colonels were required in Vietnam: one each and MAF Headquarters SLO, was relieved on 30 July
for the ist Division, 3d Division, and FLC. Neither by Colonel Duane L. Faw.
III MAF Headquarters, nor ist MAW, in his opinion. Like his predecessor, Colonel Paw had seen exten-
had enough work to justify a colonel as SLO.6 Head- sive World War Il combat. After Pearl Harbor he had
quarters Marine Corps accepted the recommendation enlisted as a Navy seaman and then become a Naval
as to totals, if not distribution, and in later years the Aviation Cadet. Commissioned a Marine second lieu-
number of colonel lawyers in Vietnam dropped. tenant, he later piloted dive bombers in aerial com-
Headquarters III MAF, ist Division, ist MAW, and bat over Guadalcanal, Munda, the Russells, and
FLC, all benefitted from their common location in Da Rabaul. On inactive duty after the war, he earned his
Nang. With the passage of time their facilities became law degree and then returned to active duty during
more comfortable and settled, although subject to the Korean War. After that war he commanded the
rocket and infrequent sapper attacks. 2d Battalion. 6th Marines and led its deployment to
Guantanarno during the 1961 Cuban Crisis. I.ater, for
Numerous amenities were available in and around
Da Nang. Twenty-four post exchanges and 43 snack a brief period, he commanded the 6th Marines.****
bars were in American base areas there. Large fans, Colonel Paw, a self-taught Vietnamese linguist, had
small refrigerators, television sets, high-quality
sought the III MAF billet. "It was," he later said,
"where the action was, with respect to the war, but
cameras, and a wide variety of other goods were rou-
there was practically no legal work." When Colonel
tinely available. The ist Division's incoming SI.O, Lieu-
Faw reported on board, Brigadier General Robert C.
tenant Colonel William T. Westmoreland,Jr., noted.
"we were in pretty much of a hase camp tactical situ- Owens, Jr., the MAE chief of staff, was about to go
ation during the time I was there, and any minor on R & R. He told Colonel Paw that in his absence,
Colonel Neville. who was not returning to the Unit-
difficulties [were cured] by the fact that we had about
i2 hours a day, 7 days a week to overcome them. A ed States for several days, would be the acting chief
moving situation, of course. would have been differ-
of staff. Could Colonel Paw act as the assistant chief
ent indeed."**8 of staff for that period of a few days? 'Thirteen months
later, I was still there," Colonel Faw recalled.
The first woman Marine arrived for duty in Viet- Although Colonel Faw was both assistant chief of
nam in March 1967 and served with MACV in Sai- staff and MAF Headquarters legal officer, the deputy
legal officer, Major Ronald J. Kaye, handled day-to-
5lurnaround time was the period between Vietnam assignments.
day operations of the legal office. These included mak-
Those of the same grade and military occupational specialty with
the longest time since their last overseas/unaccompanied tour of
5551n 1967 the sole woman Marine lawyer on active duty con-
duty (usually Vietnam) became next scheduled for such duty. The
fewer lawver.colonels in the queue. the sooner each lawyer-colonel tinued to be Ist Lieutenant Patricia A. Murphy.
was sent to Vietnam: similarly, the more who were sent to Vietnam ****After leaving Vietnam Colonel Paw became one of the origi-
during any given period, the faster the queue moved and the faster na! 12 Navy Court of Military Review appellate judges. l-le then
one's turn came again. became the third Director of the Judge Advocate Division and the
5Colonel Westmoreland was not related to Army General Wil- first to hold general officer grade. advanced to brigadier general
liam C. Wesrmoreland. on 7 August 1969.

Photo courtesy of BGen Duane L. Paw, USMC (Ret)

Col Duane L. Faw, left, was III MAF Assistant Chief of S.aff and Headquarters Staff Le-
gal Officer, as was his predecessori Col Robert B. Ne ville. Here, Col Rtw discusses a III
MAF case with civilian lawyer, Ms' Melvin Belli, who was visiting III MAF headquarters.
ing arrangements for the return from the United States that, between Marine intelligence sources and the
of witnesses required in courts-martial and coordinat- mayor's less organized, but nearly as effective infor-
ing legal holds for all of III MAF.* Few disciplinary mation sources, a fair guess could be made as to when
problems arose in III MAF Headquarters, and seldom VC rocket attacks on Da Nang would occur. Besides
were there more than one or two active cases at a warning their respective countrymen, both were con-
time)' The few serious cases that arose in the head- cerned about the safety of the Helgoland, a German
quarters were convened by other commands that, un- hospital ship which had recently docked on the Han
like III MAF, had general court-martial convening River near III MAF Headquarters. Colonel Faw and
authority. Mayor Cuong visited the Helgoland's captain and
One of Colonel Faw's duties was to maintain liai- offered to warn him of impending attacks so that he
son with the civilian mayor of Da Nang. Le Chi might move to safety in nearby Da Nang harbor. The
Cuong.** At one of their meetings the two realized captain haughtily declined, saying that his ship's med-
ical staff treated all Vietnamese, including VC, and
*L.egal hold was an administrative action that held a Marine in
Vietnam until an ongoing legal proceeding was concluded, or un-
no VC rocket would be fired that might endanger his
ul the legal hold was lifted. Since ir often resulted in keeping an ship.
individual in Vietnam beyond his scheduled departure date, legal Nevertheless, a few days later, Colonel Faw warned
holds were very unpopular with Marines. the Helgoland's captain that a rocket attack was an-
Brigadier General Paw sponsored the American ticipated that night. The warning was ignored. Late
citizenship of Le Chi Cuong. his wife, two sons. and three daugh-
rets. all of whom escaped, separately, from Vietnam as ir fell to the
that night there was indeed a heavy rocket attack, in
North Vietnamese. Their eventual reunion in California is an amaz- which two rockets bracketed the hospital ship, one hit-
ing story. In ail. General Paw sponsored the citizenship of 13 South ting a ship moored just outboard of the Helgoland.
Vietnamese. (Paw intvw.) After that warnings were welcomed and heeded by the

1966 NSA Cruise Book

The German Red Cross hospital ship Helgoland steams in Da Nang Bay. People around
there got to knou' that u'hen the Helgoland left, we were likely to get a rocket attack.

ist Marine Division lawyers seen at officers' ca/I in the club. From left, Maf Winn M.
Thurman; LtCol Villiam T rvestmoreland Jr..- istLt Donald E. Wittig: Capt Harry D.
Sabine; Capt Ross T Roberts; unidentifiedmotor transport officer; Maf William B. Drapei
Jr.: unidentified nonlawyer; Capt Paul R. Constantino,- and Capt James P Shannon.
Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginbotham. USMCR

I don't recall the caseload, but we had too many lawyers.

I encouraged those hard-chargers who wished to. to seek duty
with [combat] troops. As I recall. [Major] Winn Thurman
was a battalion XO in the 7th Marines, for a while; [Cap-
tain Paul R.l Constanttno had a rifle company; and (Cap-
tain Bernard A.] Bernie Allen had a platoon. (Captain
Donald] 1-ligginbotham was CO. of the Headquarters Bat-
talion Reaction Company. In addition, other personne!, both
officer and enlisted, made inserts ....ith patrols from
reconnaissance battalion.* [Navy Lieutenant John J. I Mar-
tens, the law specialist, w-as particularly enthusiastic about
recon patrols.'

Until late March 1967 three ist Division lawyers and

several enlisted ]egal clerks remained at Chu Lai un-
der the deputy SLO, Lieutenant Colonel John L. Zo-
rack. By this time Chu Lais tents had been replaced
by SEAhuts, but living conditions remained more
Photo courtesy of LtCol William B. Draper. USMC (Ret)
austere than those at the Da Nang Airbase. The SEA-
Capt Donald Higginbotham was a ist Marine Division huts were always damp and unheated. (Vietnam was
lawyer and CO of Headquarters Battalion Reaction surprisingly cold during the monsoon seasons.) Cold
Company. At a Sunday steak fly, he is teased by water showers were available,'5 Finally, on 26 April
officers' club employee, Mai Lee. Hill 327's cantilevered 1967 Task Force X-Ray was deactivated, and the U.S.
SEA hut living quarters are in the background Army's Task Force Oregon took over its responsibili-
Helgoland. and she would move into the harbor to ties and facilities. After the other ist Division lawyers
escape the anticipated rockets. Colonel Faw recalled. left to join the rest of the office in the Da Nang area,
"People around there got to know that when the Hel- Lieutenant Colonel Zorack remained at Chu Lai as the
goland left, we were likely to get a rocket attack, so "Chief of Staff, Chu Lai Installation Coordinator:' un-
when it pulled out everybody buttoned 7 til completion of his tour of duty three months later.t6
The Helgoland, soon referred to as the "Chicken The location of a U.S. Army command in the I
of the Sea," otherwise remained at its customary dock- Corps TAOR was recognition by MACV of III MAF's
side position near III MAF Headquarters for almost difficulty in countering enemy incursions across the
three years. The ship. with its complement of nurses, DMZ while also keeping base areas secure. During this
hosted several 1 Corps Bar Association parties and time, III MAF had launched Operations De Soto and
dances over that period.'3 Cochise with units from Chu Lai. Further north ist
Division units had initiated Operations Stone and
¡st Marine Division: Rising Caseloads, More Lawyers Lafayette in the first two months of the year. By deac-
In February Colonel Casey was relieved as SLO by tivating Task Force X-Ray, the ist Marine Division
Lieutenant Colonel William T Westmoreland,Jr., who could move men northward and more easily meet the
during World War EI had commanded the Marine enemy threat to the 3d Marine Division on the DMZ.
detachment on board the Savannah (CL 42). After For the division's lawyers Task Force X-Ray's deactiva-
World War II he commanded the 3d Battalion, 9th tion meant the SLO's office was once again consoli-
Marines and later the ist Infantry Training Battalion. dated, this time at Hill 327, near Da Nang.
Remembering that promotions for senior lawyers had The number of cases increased, but because a great-
in the past required command of line u flits, he hoped er number of lawyers was available to try them, on an
for an infantry billet in Vietnam and was a staff legal individual basis the caseload remained low: around
officer only over his own objection. four or five general and eight to 10 special courts-
After less than a year the ist Division SLO's office martial per counsel. Most special court-martial cases
had grown from 13 officers and 18 enlisted men to were still being tried by nonlawyers at the battalion
24 officers and only 14 enlisted Marines. This includ-
The patrol inserts involved legal personnel accompanying the
ed one lawyer assigned to process claims and a full- helicopter insertions of patrols. Lawyers did not participate in the
time legal assistance officer. As Lieutenant Colonel patrols. More than one helicopter engaged in inserts or extractions
Wesimoreland noted: was shot down, although never when a lawyer was on board.

Photos courtesy of author (top) and LtCoI John L. Zorack. USMC (Ret.)
Genera/purpose tents served as living quarters at Chu lai until mid-1967. Plastic is nailed
to the top frame to minimize rain leaks. The tents'sides were rolled up, weather permitting.
Lower photograph shows the two Task Force X-Ray legal SEA huts, with afour-holer night.

Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginbotham, USMCR

Saturday night poker is played in the ist Manne Division legal office. From left, IstLt
James Ehlers, Capt Harry D Sabine; Mai Wi1/zim B. Draper Jr.; and istiLt James E. Barneit.

level, and some cases referred to trial with lawyer coun- the coast and the South China Sea.** To the west of
sel were disposed of without trial. So the number of Dong Ha the 3d Division held Cam lo, CampJ.J. Car-
cases actually tried was less than the caseload indicat- roll, the Rockpile, and Khe Sanh, the latter only a few
ed.* For example, during one year and two weeks in miles from the Laotian border, Just south of the DMZ,
Vietnam, Captain Donald Higginbotham tried only Con Thien and Gio Linh were being established as
six general and 12 special courts. (Although. like most strongpoints and enemy contact was routine. Opera-
counsels, a portion of his tour was spent in duties other tions Prairie II, Ill, and IV continued throughout the
than trial or defense counsel, reducing the time he year, with continuous, heavy combat. The first battle
was assigned to try cases.)'7 In August Colonel John of Khe Sanh began early in the year.
J. Ostby relieved Lieutenant Colonel Westmoreland A civilian-conducted study had proposed a barrier
as SLO of the ist Marine Division. system across infiltration routes into South Vietnam.
Meanwhile, the ist Marine Division continued to Sec retarv of Defense Robert S. McNamara, over Navy
conduct operations throughout the TAOR. Operations and Marine Corps objections, directed that a portion
Union Il and Medina were particularly hard-fought of the system be made operational by 1 November
battles in III MAF's plan to destroy enemy bases previ- 1967. Construction of the strorìgpoint obstacle system,
ously left alone because of the lack of forces.'8 or "McNamara Wall," as it was often referred to. be-
gan in May.'9
3d Marine Division. More Combat, Fewer Courts From Phu Bai, 3d Division lawyers served Marines
North of Da Nang the 3d Marine Division (Forward) throughout the TAOR. visiting each camp and out-
command post remained at Dong Ha, not far from
**During 1967, Major WalterJ. Donovan, serving near Dong Ha.
was the operations officer of the ist Amphibian Tractor Battalion.
case could be dropped for lack of evidence. or it could be taken and later, of Task Force Hotel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit
back by the accused's commanding officer and be dropped, or for his performance of duties in Vietnam. Returning to the United
referred to a summary court-maniai or an administrative discharge States, he attended law school at night, gaining his law degree in
boaxd. Essential witnesses may have been unavailable due to ina- 1973. later, he was a Distinguished Graduate of the Naval War Col-
bility to locate them, if Vietnamese, or due to death or being wound- lege. In April 1983 he was promoted to the grade of brigadier general
ed, if Marine. and became the ninth Director of the Judge Advocate Division.

gal clerks, in Colonel Fallon's opinion as the incom-

ing SW. Five had been assigned their administration
MOSs after only two weeks of legal school and then
sent directly to Vietnam. Two of che five could not
type, nor record a court-martial.
Telephones remained a test of patience. To get
through to Da Nang from Quang Tri took hours, if
one was fortunate. It sometimes took as long as two
days. Captain Francis T. Coleman (a ist Division law-
yer), wrote: "The switchboard network ... is more
reminiscent of a backyard walkie-talkie than a serious
vehicle of communication."23
The III MAF brig posed difficulties for the 3d Di-
vision lawyers, because it took defense counsels two
to three days to visit an accused Marine incarcerated
there. The SLO's suggestion of a detention facility, a
brig extension at Quang Tri, was rejected by division
headquarters as being unnecessary.24
Photo courtesy of BGen Walter J. Donovan, USMC (Ret.) In June Colonel Beale was briefly relieved by Lieu-
Maj Walterj Donovan was operations officer of the ist tenant Colonel Norris C. "Sweeper" Broome. Lieu-
Amphibian Tractor Battalion. The future Director of tenant Colonel Broome became the deputy SW less
the Judge Advocate Division is shown in October 1967 than a month later, when Colonel Eugene B. "Doc"
at Cua Viet with his trademark two wristwatches. Fallon arrived.
Colonel Fallon was a 1944 Naval Academy gradu-
post as needed. The division SLO was Colonel Charles
H. Beale, Jr. In World War II he was a radar officer ate who had been an infantry platoon commander in
on Guadalcanal and later participated in the invasions Senior lawyers pose at Phu Bai, north of Da Nang.
of Munda. Rendova, and Guam. After the war he From left. 3d Marine Division StaffLegal Officer Col
earned his law degree and returned to active duty in Eugene B. "Doc" Fa/Ion; his deputy, LtCol Norris C.
the Korean War as commanding officer of a signal Broome; and law officer LtCol Donald E. Ho/ben.
company. His duties after Korea were a mix of com- Photo courtesy of Col Paul E Henderson. USMC (Ret.)
munications and legal assignments. After becoming r
SLO. Colonel Beale supervised the legal office's move
from Da Nang to Phu Bai, conducted in stages from
28 March co 5 June.2° The SW's work spaces were the
usual SEAhuts. By midyear, three of them housed all
of "legal," one of the huts being the courtroom with
not one, but two, air conditioning wall units.21
Familiar problems persisted through 1967. Lawyers
arrived in Vietnam with no legal experience. Of the
several captain-lawyers in the 3d Division, all but one
had come directly from Naval Justice School. The
young lawyers were only too aware of their la k of
seasoning. Captain Charles E. Patterson's first gener-
al court-martial was a six-day murder trial with lengthy
psychiatric testimony. As he recalled: "There were
many times during the course of that trial that I wished
that I had considerably more experience in the court-
room than I'd had at the cime."22
The junior enlisted personnel constituted "a gross
injustice," foisted upon field commands as trained le-

the battle for Okinawa. One of those few officers sent

to law school by the Marine Corps in the early 1950s,
he described his tenure as SLO as "the most challeng-
ing tour I've ever experienced as an officer lawyer, the
most frustrating . . and the most rewarding."25
He found that the several moves the office had ex-
perienced had been hard on recording equipment and
typewriters. He also found that electrical power, es-
sential to the office, was shut off for several hours ev-
ery da He turned to portable generators as a solution.
Two newly arrived electric typewriters came with one
power pack and no means by which to recharge it.
Given the increasing number of trial records to be
typed, Colonel FaJion instituted a 24-hour-shift sys-
tem for court reporters.
Like the ist Marine Division, the lawyer strength
of the 3d Division had grown, but unlike the ist Di-
vision, greater numbers were needed. Combat units w _____
were so heavily committed the' could not muster Photo courtesy of Col Paul F. Henderson. USMC (Ret.)
enough officers to prosecute. defend, and make up 3d Marine Division Deputy Staff Legal Officer, LtCol
members panels for their own special courts-martial. Paul F Henderson works in his Phu Bai office. Thai
Colonel Fallon's solution was to provide them with trial counsels worked on the other side of the partition.

Force frgistic Commands legal personnel. seen at Camp Books, Red Beach, early 1967.
From left, Cpi Eckes; Sgt Harms: Capt Franklin P 'Skip" Glenn, Cpi Grover: SW, LtCol
Charles R. Larouche: Capt Charles j Kall: Deputy SW, LtCoiRichard E. lVray: Cpi Hayes:
Capt Lan-y J. Miner; Cpi Can-: unidentified driver, and office Legal Chief GySgt Lyon.
Photo courtesy of Mr. CharksJ. Kall

teams whenever possible: a trial and defense counsel ing June, alone), the number of foreign claims and
and a senior memberall lawyersand a court report- legal assistance cases increased. Most claims by Viet-
er.26 Throughout the division, in any special court namese involved motor vehicle accidents. Combat-
where a bad conduct discharge might be imposed, a associated claims were not considered, as they were un-
trial team was detailed to the Unit.27 der the cognizance of the Military Civic Action Pro-
The 3d Marine Division SLO's office was to move gram. handled by the Government of Vietnam.3'
yet again. In December 1967 the commanding general FLC's legal assistance docket for a typical month
ordered establishment of a new forward command post numbered 127 cases. Included were 32 domestic rela-
at Dong Ha and the actual movement of division sup- tions cases. 25 powers of attorney, 10 letters of indebt-
port elements from Phu Bai to Quang Tri.28 edness, 8 wills, 4 tax problems, and 3 naturalizations.32
Force Thgzstic Command Continue to March By late 1967 legal assistance attorneys in Da Nang
could, with patience, occasionally complete telephone
Logistical support of the Marines of III MAF con- calls to the United States. This involved making the
tinued to be the mission of the 5,500 officers and men call through the division's communications section via
of FtC. Although redesignated Headquarters, ist Force one or more radio patches. Success depended upon
Service Regiment/Force Logistic Com.mand on 16 good weather in the China Sea/Pacific area, after tak-
February 1967. ii still was referred to as "FLC' or ing into account the international date line and a
Flick." The command grew to a strength of 9,551 by minimum of an eight-hour time zone difference.
the end of the year. When successful, the lawyers often heard a disbeliev-
Colonel Larouche and his lawyers supported FIC ing state tax clerk respond to a phone call from
units located at the Da Nang headquarters, as well Viernam.
as Support Unit i at Dong Ha. Force Logistic Support
Group (FLSG) Alpha at Phu Bai, and FLSG Bravo at FLC's school for legal clerks fell by the wayside.
Chu Lai.29 Simultaneously they conducted their third Colonel Oliver noted that "various commands, for one
legal clerk school for the five legal offices in Vietnam30 reason or another, did not want to lose the services
On 1 june Colonel I.arouche was relieved by Lieu-
of their people for two weeks."3 But, on a much
reduced scale, Colonel Oliver continued training new
tenant Colonel Verne L. "Bubs" Oliver. who had al-
clerks from the local FLC units
ready served in Vietnam in his previous billet as a law
officer, based in Yokosuka, Japan. Lieutenant Colonel Marijuana offenses were being noticed for the first
Oliver found that, besides a rising caseload (three time. Judging from the charge sheets, replacement
general and 26 special courts-martial were tried dur- personnel in 1967 had more drug and disciplinary in-
Basic legal clerks shown at their graduation. Lt'ols Larouche and W4ay .ciand. center
The third basic legal clerk t c/ass graduated at FLC 's Camp Books in ApriI 1967.
Marine Corps Historical Collection

cidents than their predecessors. In rear area units, like

FLC, the most severe disciplinary problems were to oc-
cur in coming months.
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Much Like Home
Throughout 1967 fixed-wing aircraft squadrons ro-
tated between the Da Nang Airbase and Iwakuni,
Japan, where they underwent aircraft rehabilitation.
Three squadrons returned to the United States and
another tojapan and were replaced by squadrons from
those locales.
Living and working conditions at the airbase re-
mained comfortable, despite the threat of rocket at-
tacks. Captain Charles H. Mitchell recalled his arrival
in Vietnam for duty with ist MAW:
I flew in to Da Nang airport on a Continental Airliner,
replete with stewardesses . . I sort of expected there to

be things like security, and people to be running around

with guns. and. . - all I saw, looking out the window, were
all the accouterments of U.S. garrison existence ....Then
you got off the aircraft and . . have the impression that

you should be looking for a foxhole, or something . . . and

when they finally get you inprocessed to the command you're
going to. somebody comes by in a jeep, picks you up and
drives you over to a compound which is stucco buildings and
tile roofs and a good deal of air conditioning . . . lt was Photo courtesy of Col Charles H. Mitchell. USMC
pretty comfortable. The cultuie shock in going ro war, for Capi Char/es H. Mitchell, ist Marine Aircraft Wing
me. was not one of deprivation, but shock at the opulence lawyer waits in the Wing legal office to join a Rough
As urne went on. I found out that, with the exception
Rider resupply convoy from Da Nang to Dong Ha.
of the combat units . . there wasn't an war going on at

all, except an occasional rocket attack?

alternated between flight duty and legal duty and re-
The Wing SLO was Lieutenant Colonel Ralph K. cently had been squadron commander of VMF-3i2,
Culver, another World War II veteran. His deputy was Now in another combat zone he took every opportu-
Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. "Chuck" Spence, nity to return to the cockpit. The Wing was willing
described by a later director of the Judge Advocate Di- to employ qualified, experienced pilots, and Colonel
vision as "one of the greats in this business," In Au- Lehnert flew with Marine Aircraft Group 12 out of
gust, Lieutenant Colonel Culver was relieved by Chu Lai, logging combat missions in A-4 aircraft. As
Colonel Robert C. "Curly" Lehnert, and the follow- Major Tiernan later recalled, "the figure that sticks in
ing month, Major William H. J. Tiernan became the my mind is 85 combat missions , . . He rarely missed

deputy SW, relieving Lieutenant Colonel Spence.* a week." And as Captain Mitchell remembered.
Before becoming a lawyer, Colonel Lehnen had "Major Tiernan ran the office, really, and Colonel Leh-
been a Marine fighter pilot during World War II and nert fought the war,"° In his third war. Colonel Leh-
Korea and had been awarded a Distinguished Flying nert won a third Distinguished Flying Cross.
Cross in each conflict. Since the Korean war he had In an effort to better manage the wing's general
court-martial caseload, Colonel Lehnert initiated a spe-
*Brigadier General Tiernan became the eighth Director of the
Judge Advocate Division in April 1980. As a captain he was an in- cial court-martial 'task force." and assigned a lawyer
fantry company commander during the 1961 Cuban Crisis, and to be counsel for each wing unit, responsible for the
deployed ro Guantanamo Bay. He served in the Office of rhejudge special, as well as the general court-martial cases that
Advocate General of' the Navy, and was editor the iAGJoumal. After arose in his group or squadron. Often, trial teams
Vietnam he served in a variety of legal billets, was a distinguished
graduate of the Naval War College, SJA of five major commands.
would be in the field several days a week and typical-
and chief of staff of the ist Marine Division. (Biographical Files ly traveled to a squadron. prepared the cases for trial
RefSec, MCHC). the first day, tried them the next, and returned to Da

na/Law Reporter were promptly received." On a more

substantive level, Colonel Lehnen noted that, "the
wing [legal office] was blessed with one ser-
geant/reporter who was skilled in the use of a steno-
type machinehe was worth his weight in gold.* That
equipment needed no power, was very portable, and
could set up in field in an instant.5 Reporters with
stenotype proficiency, unfortunately, were rare in the
Vietnam war,
From a Lawyer's Case File:
Psychiatry and Appellate Review
The general court-martial of Private First Class Ed-
ward P. Boltik illustrates the roles of appellate review
and psychiauy in the court-martial process46 Although
both psychiatry and appellate practice figured in
courts-martial convened under the old Naval Courts
andßoards. under the "Red Book" they played an even
more important part.
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 88583 While Private First Class Boltik was standing sen-
IstLt Robert C. Lehnen' stands beside his F4U Corsair try duty, a young Vietnamese boy grabbed a bottle
in the Marshall Islands during World lr II. He earned of soda from him and ran. Private First Class Boltik
his third Distinguished Flying Cmss as a colonel, while raised his rifle and killed the boy with a single shot.
SW of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing in 1967-68. At a general court-martial convened by the command-
Nang the third. General courts were usually tried at ing general of the 3d Marine Division. Private First
Class Boltik was charged with murder. He was defend-
the wing headquarters at Da Nang.4'
ed by Captain Mark L. Haiman, the third lawyer as-
Despite these efforts to be responsive to the legal
signed to represent him. The first assigned defense
needs of the Wing commands and the relatively light
counsel. Captain James W Jones, withdrew after he
caseload, problems of transportation, communica-
was physically beaten by Boltik, when Jones visited him
tions, equipment, and personnel made ir impossible
in his cell. The second defense counsel, Captain Paul
to satisfy everyone. Later, Major Tiernan recalled:
S. Zonderman, only participated in pretrial
"[There were] group commanders who were constantly
complaining about the system being inadequate, and proceedings.
of course it was. It was a question of trying to get the
Prior to trial Boltik underwent psychiatric exami-
nations in Vietnam, Japan. and Philadelphia, Penn-
work done with the resources we had. . . . Inadequate
resources .
. Too much work and not enough sylvania.** At the Da Nang trial the law officer was
resources."42 Lieutenant Colonel Donald E. Holben; the trial coun-
Colonel Lehoert noted that commanders often were sel was Captain Charles E. Patterson. Psychiatric tes-
dissatisfied with delays in trying simple marijuana pos- timony raised questions as to Boltik's mental
session cases. But, as Colonel Lehnen pointed out: responsibility at the time of the shooting, but the
members, nevertheless, found him guilty of un-
In the absence of a stipulation [that the substance was premeditated murder. He was sentenced to a dis-
marijuana], which eager defense counsel rarely advised, the
substance had to be transponed out-of-country tojapan for *Beginning in the late 1970s closed microphone court reporting
laboratory analysis - . . There were always the evidentiarv
of special and general courts-marnaI gave way to reporters using
problems relating to chain of custody, lack of cross- stenotype machines. Stenotype reporting, despite its advantages,
examination lof the analyst], coupled with the attendant was not cunsidered practicai for Vietnam employment because skilled
delays" reporters took several years to train, and were prohibitively expen-
On the bright side, electrical power for courtroom sive to school in the required numbers.
**The records of the case do not explain how Boltik came to be
recording equipment was seldom a problem ar ist examined in Pennsylvania, an unusual occurrence in light of the
MAW "legal.' Additionally, its law library had im- numerous uniformed psychiatrists available in Vietnam and the
proved. and publications like Law Week and the Crim:- western Pacific area.

All photos on this page courtesy of Col Charles H. Mitchell. USMC

LtCo/ Ra/ph K. Cu/ver the Wing SW. was about to return to the United States after
completing his tour of duty in fu/y ¡967. From left, Legal Chief MSgt Evoy; Deputy
Sf0. LiCol Char/es E. Spence, Jr.; LtCol Culver: Sgt Morgan.' lstLt Macauley arter Jr.:
and Capt David B. King. Hidden behind King are GySgi Russell and Cpi Mitchell.

Left, the Ist Marine Aircraft Wing legai office, seen

in 1967. One of the numerous post-World War II
French-built buildings adjacent to the Da Nang
Airbase runways. Below left, the deputy 510, LtCol
Char/es E. Spence. Jr., right, at work in the ist Ma-
rine Aircraft Wing legal office. Below, electricalpow-
er was seldom a problem at the ¡st Marine Aircraft
Wing. Wing defense counsel Capt Donald R. Pritch-
ard rests in his bachelor officers' quarters room beside
his reel-to-reel tape deck. fan, Tensor light, and radio.

chiatrist testified and agreed with the third

psychiatrist - Bol tik could distinguish right from
The appellate court, in its opinion pointed out the
greater experience of the Navy captain psychiatrist (the
third expert witness who found Boltik unable to dis-
tinguish right from wrong), noting that he was neither
selected nor paid by the accused, and repeated the psy-
chiatrist's testimony from the record of trial:
It has been mv experience that psychiatrists in the Navy
are very conservative in the area o1 this 'knew right from
wrong" and "adhere to the right" and so on: that a person
has to be quite sick, ill, mentally disturbed, before we will
Photo courtesy of Col Rufus C. Young. USMC (Ret.)
say this about him. And I think. personally, that I am prob-
A ist Marine Aircraft Wing trial team shown in transit. ably more conservative than most of the psychiatrists within
Capt Donald R. Pritchard/oaks toward Capt Rufus C. my acquaintance.
Young 's camera as the two lawyers fly from Da Nang
Placing the burden of proof where required by the
to an outlying Marine unit in a CH-46 helicopter
1951 Manual for Courts-Martial, the appellate court
honorable discharge. confinement at hard labor for concluded:
30 years, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and This Board is clearly convinced that the prosecution failed
reduction to private. The convening authority ap- to prove. . . beyond reasonable doubt that the accused was
proved the findings and sentence. The case then went so far free from mental defect, disease, or derangement as
to the Navy Board of Review in Washington, where to be able . . to distinguish right from wrong and to ad-

here co the right . . . Accordingly, the findings and sen-


military appellate counsels entered an appeal on Bol- tence are set aside and the charge and specification . . are

tik's behalf. ordered dismissed.

At the Navy Board of Review in Washington, a Private First Class Boltik was tried in a combat zone
panel of three senior judges heard oral argument and and defended by a Marine lawyer, whom he did not
considered government and defense briefs. Boltik was meet until the lawyer was assigned his case. At his
not present, nor did the appellate panel e\rer see him. counsel's request. he received psychiatric examinations
The panel was composed of Colonel George P. Black- in hospitals in Vietnam,Japan, and the United States
burn, who had been the SW of the ist Marine Divi- from a psychologist and four psychiarrists. Upon con-
sion in Vietnam; Colonel Ralph K. Culver. formerly viction his case was appealed on the basis of the stan-
the SLO of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing in Vietnam;
and K. B. Hamilton. a civilian judge serving on the Accused murderer PFC Edward P Boltik. nght, is
Navy Board of Review. shown with his defense counsel, Capt Mark L. Hai-
man, in the 3d Marine Division 's legal office.
On 5 September 1968 the Court issued a unani-
Photo courtesy of Col Mark L. Haiman. USMC
mous opinion finding Boltik insane. They observed
that during the trial a Navy psychologist, when asked
whether Boltik was responsible for his actions at the
time of the shooting, answered no. He felt that Bol-
tik was psychotic at the time, and gave his reasons for
thinking so. Another Navy psychiatrist also testified
that Boltik was indeed unable to distinguish right
from wrong and that Boltik was not responsible for
his actions. Next, the Chief of Psychiatry of the Navy
Hospital, Yokosuka, a Navy captain with 17 years ex-
perience as a psychiatrist, testified similarly. A third
Navy psychiatrist who also examined Boltik, however,
testified that he believed him to be antisocial, but able
to distinguish right from wrong. Yet another Navy psy-

Photo courtesy of Navy-Marine Corps Cours of Military Review

A panel of the Navy Court of Militaiy Review similar to this one dismissed Boltik s con
viction and sentence, finding that the government had failed to prove him sane. Shown
in this 1972 photograph are, front, from left. Judge John L. Osrby, Col, USMC; Senior
Judge Charles Timblin, Capt, JAGC, USN (Ret.); ChiefJudge Gale E. Krouse, Capt. JAGC,
USN; Judge j Fielding Jones (a civilian jurist); Judge Robert C. Lehuert, Col. USMC
Rear from left: SeniorJiidge Horace H. Morgan, Capt. JAGC, USN; Judge Louis L. Milano,
capt. JAGC, USN; Judge Paul E Henderson, Jr.. Col, USMC; Judge Thomas P Smith,
Jr., Capt. JAGC, USN; and Judge Raymond U Glasgow, Cdr, JAGC, USN (Ret.).
dard one-paragraph, written request of his triai defense The Armed Forces Qualification Test is administered
lawyer. An appellate defense counsel who never met to all prospective Armed Service volunteers and
Boltik represented him before a panel of experienced draftees. It classifies them in one of five intelligence
lawyers. two of whom had combat backgrounds and categories according to their test scores. Those scor-
Vietnam service. They reversed his conviction within ing in categories I, Il. and III are automatically accept-
eleven months of his court-martial, all without finan- able for enlistment or induction; those in category V
cial cost to Boltik. That was the military justice svs- are automatically rejected. Since 1952 recruiters had
tern, as experienced by a Marine private first class in accepted a small number of individuals scoring in
1967 and 1968. category IV. but now all Services were required to sig-
Project 100,000: Prelude to Problems nificantly lower their standards to accept many more
"Cat lVs," as they were termed by Marine Corps law-
In 1964 the Federal Task Force on Manpower found yers. In October 1966, the Secretary of Defense direct-
that the military services rejected about 600,000 men ed that 40,000 category IVs be accepted by the Services
each year who failed to meet intelligence standards. during 1967 and IOOMOO each year thereafter,
The task force, chaired by Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
suggested that some of those individuals were suita- After the first year the Marine Corps was required
ble for military duty. The Department of Defense es- to accept 18 percent (18,000) of the 100,000 category
tablished a program which required the Armed IV individuals each year. As Brigadier General Jonas
Services to accept some of those previously rejected M. Platt told the 1967 GeneraI Officers Symposium:
men. Secretary of Defense McNamara called the pro- "Unfortunately it has been necessary to turn away
gram 'Project 100,000" many high quality applicants in order to meet the

mandatory quotas of individuals of lower mental lowing year. III MAF's commanding general, Lieu-
caliber. The Marine Corps is on record as opposing tenant Generai Cushman,Jr.. shared his concern with
this requirement."9 Lieutenant General Krulak, Commanding General.
The influx of category 1V Marines had an im medi- FMFPac, in a September 1967 message;
ate negative effect on discipline and on Marine law- [ l am sure you have noticed that the use of marijuana
yers. Major General Rathvon McC. Tompkins. is mentioned in far too many administrative and discipli-
commanding general of the 3d Marine Division in late nary reports originating in Marine units in Vietnam
1967, said 'that [Project 100,000] was a very grave There has been a substantial increase in marijuana
traffic io J Corps, this year . . . It is sold locally both in
problem . . [Categoryj IV was a guy who could see
bulk and in machine-rolled cigarettes. Major CID [Crimi-
lightning and hear thunder, maybe . . . It's a great nal Investigation Divisioni effort has been devoted to locat-
waste of the taxpayer's money and every other damned ing the source. It is clearly a Vietnamese operation .
thing . . Great waste of effort, great waste of time, Street vendors are usually women and children, Appetites
and a very dangerous thing."5° Captain W. Hays Parks, are teased by tossing cigarettes on passing trucks carrying
troops. Vendors are found at almost every place where Ameri-
the ist Marine Division's chief trial counsel, com- can servicemen can be contacted. Prices have increased from
plained that "in the midst of the war the military- 10 to 50 piastres per cigarette. over the past few months
through Project 100.000 became a uniformed Job In spite of the seriousness of the problem. there is no
Corps . The idea worked much like that of toss-
. . . epidemic of marijuana use in III MAF .....ith the
ing water on a drowning man."5' Army General Wil- promised support and cooperation of the Mayor lof Da Nang,
Le Chi Cuong. and Vietnamese law enforcement agencies.
hain C. Wesrmoreland put it more bluntly: the problem should be greatly reduced.
Category 1V is a dummy. . Give him menial jobs and
he is not a troublemaker. But it is awfully difficult to tui- But the U.S. command found drug abuse difficult
lize that many category ¡Vs . . That is important when
. to deal with in Vietnam: Vietnamese drug laws were
you start reflecting on the drug syndrome, the fragging ill-defined, no central Vietnamese narcotics enforce-
That introduced a weak.minded. criminal, untrained ment agency existed, and enforcement of existing laws
element . . When those people came to Vietnam
that's when disciplinary problems began on the banlefiekl.52
was lax. By 1967 opium sold for $1.00 per injection,
and morphine was $5.00 per vial. Heroin had not yet
Statistics for the life of the program that compare appeared on the market.5
the disciplinary rate of category IV Marines with other lt seemed that all at once marijuana use was com-
Marines have not been discovered, but category IV mon. Da Nang and the Army's Long Binh-Bien Hoa
Army enlistees were initially found to have discipli- areas were major problem areas.56 A Congressional in-
nary problems and court-martial convictions at about quiry revealed that between 1 June and 3 October
double the rate of other soIdiers. marijuana had been discovered in the III MM brig
Disciplinary incidents associated with the "Car IV" on 16 occasions. In all 16 instances che source was said
Marine did not end with the Vietnam War. Until the to have been Vietnamese who passed it to prisoners
enlistments of the "Cat IVs" were completed in the on working parties, often throwing it into passing
mid 1970s, they remained disciplinary problems for trucks in which prisoners were being transported.5
commanders and cases for lawyers. General Krulak was concerned. He sent a confiden-
Drugs.' Recognizing the Problem tial message to General Cushrnan: "The existence of
Drugs and marijuana became a major concern in the problem is apparent . . . In order to acquire a

Vietnam only in 1967.* This coincided with the dra- full picture of the problem, I am sending LtCol W.
matic rise in their use in America. First noticed in C. Jaeck from this HQ on 24 November to confer wich
1966. military commanders only became aware of the you. your staff, and anyone else who can help put the
depth of the drug and marijuana problem in the fol- matter in perspective."58
Lieutenant Colonel William C. Jaeck was the assis-
"Marijuana is a drug, according to Schedule I of the Controlled tant Force Legal Officer at General Krulak's Hawaii
Substances Act (21 USC 812). A distinction is made in this volume headquarters. His investigative mandate included only
because of the usual dichotomy between the two in the view of com marijuana, because, as he noted, "in those days we
manders and, usually. lawyers. The specification for charging a
were hardly conversant with anything stronger."59
marijuana offense differs from that of other drug offenses, in both
the 1951 and 1969 Manna/for Courts.Mart:aI. In the 1969 Manie. Lieutenant Colonel Jaeck's subsequent report high -
al, the maximum confinement for a marijuana offense is half that lighted many of the problems associated with the
of other drugs. further illustrating he distinction. prosecution of marijuana cases. He confirmed its ready

vehicles. Vietnamese authorities, he noted, were not

overly concerned with the problem. His report con-
cluded that "disciplinary measures are having little ap-
parent effect in deterring the use of marijuana."
Lieutenant General Krulak, in a handwritten adden-
dum to the report, approved Lieutenant Colonel
Jaeck's recommendation that Vietnam commands sub-
mit a monthly report to FMFPac on disciplinary and
administrative actions taken in regard ro marijuana.
and he noted the need for uniformity in disciplinary
action.60 As accurate as his report was, Lieutenant
Colonel Jaeck could hardly foresee the impact that
marijuana and other drugs were to have on the Ma-
rine Corps in Vietnam and beyond.
Transportation: Hitchhiking to Court
Captain Donald Higginbotham, a lawyer in the ist
Marine Division S10's office at Hill 327, said of trans-
Travel in RVN was purely on a "catch as catch can" basis.
While there was assigned one Mighty Mite for some 20-plus
personnel the damn thing was always broken down
I have travelled in DC-3s which were used, ai the same time.
ro bring the dead from staging areas: ridden helicopters.
both Marine and Army: travelled on "rough rider" convoys
Depanment of Defense Photo (USMC) A229525
where m temporary duties . were to man an M-60
. .

LtGen Victor H. Km/ak was Commanding General, machine gun, and became a past master ai hitchhiking
Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. To gain a view of the bur- Transportation was a simple matter of going to a helipad
geoning marijuana problem he sent LtCol William C. or convoy staging area and begging or intimidating a ride
Jaeck, of the FMFPac legal office, to Vietnam. to one's destination. limited only by one's ability and in-
itiative as a con artist ....Travel for lawyers was normally
based upon very low priorities.
availability and the difficulty in determining with any
(Oncel. while returning by vehicle from the 3/1 area near
accuracy the extent of its use. He also noted the dis- Marble Mountain, three lawyers and the driver received sniper
parity in disciplinary approaches in the several com- fire from a tree line ....We all departed the vehicle, with
mands: In FLC, marijuana possession or use was haste, into a ditch. Unfortunately, the ditch and the sniper
virtually an automatic general court-martial: in other were on the same side of the road. We never knew whether
the sniper ran out of ammunition or simply could not draw
commands it could go to a special or even a summary
another bead due to laughter.e2
court. "The difficulty," Lieutenant Colonel)aeck wrote,
"is to determine the appropriate action to be taken Despite the many vehicles usually in a Marine-
against one who has had one [marijuanaj cigarette controlled area, it was seldom easy to get to the scene
while not in a specific duty status, who is rio more of an offense, meet with witnesses, or report to a con-
impaired than the man who has had his daily ration vening authority in the field. In rainy weather roads
of two beers," became virtually impassable: in some areas no roads
The lack of a crime laboratory in Vietnam, he existed. In hot weather, helicopters could muster only
reported, was a major handicap to prosecutions. The enough lift to carry essential passengers, which usually
only laboratory in the Far East was at Camp Zama, did not include lawyers. Helicopters were subject to
Japan, and test results could take as long as 45 days abrupt and unannounced diversions from scheduled
to be returned to Vietnam. He noted that "Dogpatch," destinations.62 Captain Roben A. Godwin recalled that
a collection of Vietnamese shops astride the major Da this led "to uncomfortable situations, such as being
Nang roadway, was a particularly troublesome area. left in remote areas at dusk when no Marines or ARVN
It was a traffic chokepoint that allowed easy access by troops were in the area. This happened to me on sever-
marijuana street vendors to Marines in slow-moving al occasions,"83 Regardless of the mode of travel, the

waiting was often lengthy. Travelling counsels had no

special priority.
Traffic between ist MAW and the ist Marine Divi-
sion on Hill 327, or going ro the Ill MAF brig, had
to pass through Dogpatch," a center of marijuana
sales and prosritution Danger could be found there,
as well. A hand grenade was tossed into a jeep in which
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel F. McConnell. the 3d Ma-
rine Divisions deputy SLO, was riding. Luckily, the
grenade was a dud. Captain Mark L. Haiman, a 3d
Marine Division lawyer, when asked about transpor-
tation difficulties, replied. "no air, no trucks, no roads,
no shit."66
Trying Cases
Securmg witnesses for trial in the combat zone never
became routine. Obtaining them often depended on
the tenacity of the individual lawyer. The 3d Marine
Division's SLO said: "E recall Major [Robertj.1 Chad-
wick . . . going with a patrol on the day before he
was scheduled to leave Vietnam. to locate some Viet-
namese witnesses. The patrol was involved in a fire-
fight, but Major Chadwick got his witnessesand Photo courtesy of Col Mark L. Haiman. USMC
without them, there could have been no rrial."*87 Ground transportation was as difficult to secure as air
Finding the witnesses. Vietnamese and American. transportation. Capt Mark L. Haiman, 3d Marine Di-
could be only the beginning. Captain Higginbotham vision lawyer. sits behind the wheel ofa Mighty Mite.
recalled: the Vietnamese seldom referred to their villages by the
Vietnamese witnesses particularly difficult, since they same names shown on American maps, which made
seldom had any concept of dates or time. . . and could not direct and cross-examination confusing. Equally
understand why they were not allowed to testify as to what
troublesome, Vietnamese witnesses often were una-
they had been told by others within their village . .. On

one occasion . . before the matter la rape chargel could ble to identify an accused because, as one record of
go to trial, one of the defendants was killed in combat and trial read, "all Marines look alike to them.'7°
the other was medically evacuated from RVN with a broken Sometimes it was not possible to examine a crime
leg . . . On still another occasion
. .. I discovered, just
scene, or to go to a village in search of witnesses, be-
as I was about to conclude my opening argument, dias my
cause the place in question was in an unsecured area.
witness had been sent home two days prior to trial, forcing
me to grudgingly join with the defense in a motion to dis. The attorney could, however, request to accompany
miss the charges. a Marine patrol to the desired location, or request that
a patrol be designated to escort him to that location.
Vietnamese witnesses, most of whom did not own
watches, described time in terms of cigarettes; they Captain James L. Williams commanded Company
testified that an event took two cigarettes, or half a H, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines, in late 1967. He was
cigarette. to transpire.89 Marine lawyers also found that assigned to take a party of Marine lawyers and wit-
nesses, participants in an Article 32 investigation, to
*Ø 2 March 1976. Robert J. Chadwick was promoted ro the grade
a village in contested territory. The charges involved
of brigadier general and four months later became the sixth direc. the murder of Vietnamese. At first light Captain Wil-
tor of the Judge Advocate Division. Commissioned a second lieu. liams led his entire company, with legal party, from
tenant in June 1951. he was an infanrr platoon commander in Quang Tri. With one platoon forward, two back, and
combat in Korea and, later, a reconnaissance platoon commander.
lawyers in the middle they proceeded about 10 kilo-
After serving at thc American Embassy in Paris, France. he earned
a law degree and master of laws degree, eventually becoming SJA
meters through "Indian country" to the village. Upon
of several major commands, an appellate judge on the Navy Court arrival the area was cordoned off and the lawyers and
of Military Review, and an Assistant Judge Advocate General of the witnesses entered to conduct their business. For several
Navy. (RefSec. MCHC). hours the infantry company remained immobile, and

Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginbotham. LJSMCR

Maj Winn M. Thurman presides at an investigation in the NCO club of the 2d Battalion,
ist Mannes. in July ¡967. The reporter, Cpi Michael j Partyka, uses the closed micro-
phone system to record the testimony o/the Vietnamese witness, as rep eated by the trans-
¡ator Other particzants are c'apts Ross T Roberts and Eugene A. Steffen, at left.

On Thanksgiving Day 1967, near Quang Tri. Capt Ross T Roberts uses a EE-8 telephone
to search for witnesses. In the background Capt Donald E. W/ittig heats C-rations.
Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginbotham, USMCR

Photo courtesy of Mr. Victor J. Havdcl

A lineup, with counsel present. From left, Capts Victor]. Haydel, Harvey j Gleason,
and Robert W W"achsmuth; hiLt Jerry G. Cunningham, Capts H. Edward Moore, Jr
and Dennis H. Siems, Force Logistic Command lawyers, at their Camp Books office.
subject to periodic sniper fire. No casualties resulted. wouldn't allow you to use anything, even though you
Finally, mission accomplished. Captain Williams led had two or three machines up."78
his company and attached court personnel back to A solution, of sorts, to the inability to repair the
Quang Tri, arriving as darkness fell Grey Keynoters and Audiographs was eventually
Technology continued to bedevil courts-martial in found. if repairs were not available in Vietnam. take
Vietnam. By 1967 both the ist and 3d Marine Divi- the machines where repair facilities were available:
sion's SLOs countered electrical power losses with port- Okinawa or Japan. Sending a Marine, often an enlist-
able generators72 Recording machines remained ed legal clerk or reporter, ro Japan to wait several days
inadequate to their tasks. Colonel "Doc" Fallon an- while repairs were made had the added advantage of
grily pointed out that, on the average, three of his ten effectively gaining an R & R quota. As Major Michael
Grey Keynoters were in repair each week, and at one Patrick Murray viewed it, that was "just a little bit of
point, eight of 10 were under repair by FLC (whose the usual Marine ingenuity."
personnel were not (rained to repair Grew equipment) The Uniform Code of Military Justice specifically
and it took up to six months to complete the work. allowed an accused to be represented by a civilian law-
He recommended they be written off and replaced yer in the court-martial process, and a surprising num-
with equipment manufactured by IBM, which was said ber of civilians ¡nade appearances in the combat zone
to have in-country repair facilities. Even when the on behalf of accused Marines.78 Although fee arrange-
machines were functioning, the heat of Vietnam could ments were between lawyer and client, most often fees
melt recording machine discsY Perspiration fell on and expenses were paid by the accused or his family
records of trial as they were reviewed, sometimes mak- who frequently were distrustful of the quality of mili-
ing (hem illegible. The systems:' Captain Mitchell tary representation. Often the civilian attorney ap-
pointed out, "were put together with patchwork ca- peared pro bono - that is, without fee, sometimes even
bles. You could find yourself in a situation where you paying his own expenses, such as transportation.
had a combination of machines and cables which Civilian lawyers ate in unit messhalls, used officers'

Photo courtesy of LtCol Wdliam B. Draper. Jr.. USMC (Ret.)

Court is adjourned ist Marine Division lawyers re/ax at Chu Lzi in October 1966, shortly
before moving to Hi11327. From left. Lt lValterJ. Landon, USN, back to camera; uniden-
tified; istLt Michael!. Naughton: Capt Francis T Coleman; and Capt Daniel M. Han/on.
and enlisted men's clubs, and were billeted in officers' yer is retained. The civilian lawyer usually enlists his
quarters. Lieutenant Colonel William T West- military counterpart to carry out those functions relat-
moreland, Jr.. former SLO of the ist Marine Division, ing to the military aspects of the trial, such as dealing
noted that "everythingthe head, the messhall, the with the convening authority, securing witnesses, and
showers, the courtroom was either up or down hill. marshalling evidence of a military nature. Among
And it was raining and it was slippery. I felt we were military defense counsels so employed there sometimes
very lucky not to have any civilian heart attacks or is a feeling that they have done the most onerous
broken legs."79 preparation for trial, while the civilian is paid as if he
Civilian representation at courts-martial can be a alone had prepared and tried the case. But for the most
two-edged sword. The civilian usually brought a part, a mutual respect existed between civilian and
degree of experience and practiced skills outweighing military lawyers in Vietnam.
those of the Marine trial counsel. On the other hand, On 18 January 1967, two West Virginians hired by
they sometimes were unable to develop the rapport an accused's family were among the first civilian law-
with Marine Corps members that was important to yers to arrive in Vietnam, escorted by Lieutenant
courtroom persuasion. They seldom knew how to deal Colonel Frederick M. Haden.* Twelve days earlier Pri-
effectively with a convening authority when seeking vate First Class Charles W. Keenan, a sophomore at
withdrawal or downgrading of charges or bargaining Wake Forest University before joining the Marine
for a pretrial agreement. They did not know how to Corps. had been convicted of two specifications
locate military witnesses or secure their presence, once (counts) of murder and had been sentenced to hard
sEarly in the war civilian lawyers were escorted from Hawaii to
The accused's assigned military defense counsel nor- Vietnam by a Marine lawyer from FMFPa's legai office. That proved
mally continues in that capacity, even ifa civilian law- unnecessary and was soon discontinued.

labor for life, loss of all pay and allowances, reduction Before they returned to West Virginia, the civilian
to private, and a dishonorable discharge.80 His two lawyers were interviewed by an Associated Press report-
civilian lawyers now wanted to review the record of tri- er, Mr. Robert Ohman. They told him they had been
a], visit their client in the III MM brig, and form their shown everything they had asked to see, were "very
own opinion as to the fairness of the conviction. "They satisfied" with the military defense counsel, Major Cur-
showed up quite aggressive; you might even say tis W. Olson, and, demonstrating their basic ignor-
hostile," Lieutenant Colonel Westmoreland remem- ance of the military legal system, noted that they were
bered.81 The records were reviewed, the client visited, surprised to learn Major Olson was a lawyer. Their
and the military defense counsel interviewed. As the client, they acknowledged, "got as fair a trial as he
SW, Lieutenant Colonel Casey, recalled: would have gotten in any civilian court."84
They requested to see the scene of the incident. The re- The Keenan case also generated correspondence il-
quest was granted, so an armed Ipatrol] was obtained, the lustrating the regard for militaey' law held by at least
attorneys were outfitted in helmets, flak jackets, etc.. one elected official. A West Virginia member of the
and were asked to sign a waiver of liability in the event of
death or injury, and had it explained to them that we did U.S. House of Representatives, in a nine-page letter
not have this area under control. At this point they reached to the Secretary of Defense, protested the conviction
the condusion that a view of the scene was not necessary. of Keenan, his constituent, and berated the military
justice system:
In a message to the Commandant, General Walt wrote
that "[the two lawyers I stated they would nor want to Throughout the court-martial there was always an
underlying but unprovable suspicion that he was being
risk having a Marine hurt on such a mission, and that prosecuted primarily at the urging of persons ....ho wished
official photographs taken at the scene. . would serve
to curry favor - in the Saigon Government Ir was
their needs."83 completely impossible ro explain to anyone how a Marine

The government rests. In February 1967 LtCo/ John L. Zorack, right, officer-in-charge
of the Task Force X-Ray legal office at Chu Lai, celebrates the conclusion of nine courts-
martial, all involving charges of murdering noncombatants. One of those charged was
PFC Charles W Keenan. LtColZorack hosteda dinner, complete with wine, for defense
and prosecution lawyers, including several sent from Da Nang to augment his stafffor
the nine cases. From left: Capt James P. Shannon, IstLt Daniel M. Han/on: unidenti-
fied partially hidden officer; May Curtis W. Olson, and Capt Francis T. Coleman.
Photo courtesy of LtCol John L. Zorack, USMC (Ret.)

could be charged with premeditated murder while on patrol another. Mr. Cooper was a prominent los Angeles trial
and following orders.. That preposterous charge -
attorney, who had been defense counsel in a number
The monstrous damage which has been done to him almost
defies a suggestion of proper restitution.85
of widely reported cases and was the author of several
respected legal texts. He later defended Sirhan B.
The House member detailed his dissatisfaction with Sirhan, the murderer of Robert Kennedy.
Keenan's conviction of murder by firing automatic ri- The lance corporal represented by Mr. Cooper, ac-
fle fire at point-blank range into an unarmed, elder- cording to the charges, had been riding in the canvas-
ly Vietnamese woman, and an unarmed Vietnamese covered bed of a Marine "six-by," a two-and-a-half-ton,
man.* Then he suggested how amends might be made multi-purpose cargo truck. He was intoxicated. As the
to Keenan: truck passed through the village of An Khe, the lance
Only one course of action is possible . . I do request
- . corporal had indiscriminately fired several rounds from
and require that you take action . to restore and make
. .
his M14 rifle. Allegedly, one of the rounds had gone
whole the life, career and reputation of P.F.C. Keenan im-
mediately. Specifically, the following actions seem appropri-
through the truck's canvas covering, pierced the
ate as a bare minimum: thatched wall of a dwelling, killed the victim, and con-
A letter to PEG. Keenan from the Commandant of tinued on to wound the second victim in the shoul-
the Marine Corps complimenting him on his courage and der. Several other Marines had been riding in the back
his willingness to maintain the faith and the discipline of of the truck, and there was evidence that more than
the Corps . . This letter should be widely publicized.
. .
one Marine had been firing his weapon.
An official statement by the Department admitting that
an error was committed and summarizing the actions be- At trial, in addition to Mr. Cooper. the lance cor-
ing taken to restore and make whole the name and reputa- poral was defended by his assigned defense counsel,
Lion of P.F.C. Keenan. Captain Harry D. Sabine. Captain James P. Shannon
There is no specific total dollar value which can be placed was the prosecutor. Because of Mr. Cooper's presence,
upon a man's good name. I mu5t therefore reserve the right interest in the case was high, and several ist Division
to consider alternative or supplementary courses of action.
I would regret exceedingly the necessity to place this mat-
lawyers observed the court-martial.
ter formally before a Congressional Committee . . . . I have No defense motions were raised; both sides moved
seldom written an official of Cabinet level and then released directly to the allegations. In two days the government
the contents of my letter to the press prior to the time that called 14 witnesses, then rested. Mr. Cooper opened
I received his response. I believe it is an undignified proce- the defense of the lance corporal. He made no open-
dure and I deplore the practice. In this case, however.
ing statement, but during the third day of trial, and
Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford. in a brief part of a fourth, called nine defense witnesses and rest-
reply to the representative, noted that the case was still ed. The members had heard complex testimony from
under review and that "it would be inappropriate for a ballistics expert, accident investigators, and a blood
me to intervene." He closed, "your continued interest expert, as well as several conflicting accounts of the
in matters relating to our national security is appreciat- incident.
ed."7 Normally, the trial counsel next makes an opening
Another case involved civilian attorney Grant B. argument to the members, in which he summarizes
Cooper. In June 1967 he arrived in Da Nang to de- the evidence, as viewed by the government, and ar-
fend a Marine lance corporal charged with the murd- gues the accused's guilt. The defense counsel then
er of one elderly Vietnamese man and the assault of makes his closing argument, countering the govern-
ment, and offers the defense view of the case. The tri-
*After an initial mistrial, Keenan was convicted at a rehearing al counsel then makes a final argument. in which he
of the murder of the two Vietnamese. His resulting life sentence may answer the defense's closing argument.
was reduced by the convening authority to 25 years confinement.
Upon appellate review, the conviction of the woman's murder was
Major Bill Draper recalled the events of the trial:
dismissed, and Keenan's confinement was reduced to five years. I.ater [Jim Shannon) had presented a good case, including sever-
clemency action further reduced his confinement to two years and al incriminating admissions from the accused during cross-
nine months. A co-accused. Corporal Stanley J. Luczko, was also exam. His major concern was how to keep Cooper from des-
retried after his initial conviction for the two murders was set aside. troying him with his years of experience in closing argument.
The law officer at Luczko's Quantico, Virginia. rehearing was Colonel Jim decided that the best course was to cause a role reversal
Jark E. Hanthorn. soon to be the SiA of the ist Marine Division by waiving [giving upl opening argument. Then he would
in Vietnam. Found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Luczko was be able to poke holes in Cooper's argument. It was a well.
sentenced to a bad conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and al- conceived plan and would have no doubt been successful,
lowances, reduction to private, and confinement for three years. had Cooper been as gullible. . s.s Jim thought. Shannon

was still a potential rifleman, every lieutenant and cap-

tain a potential platoon or company commander. With
such training, several lawyers achieved recognition in
Vietnam as Marine Corps small-unit leaders.
When he first arrived in the office of the ist Ma-
rine Division's SLO in March 1967, Captain Donald
Higginbotham was a defense counsel. He took every
opportunity to be involved in combat operations. "The
overall philosophy [wasj that we were Marine officers
first and attorneys second," he said. Practicing that be-
lief, he once accompanied a four-tank reaction force
sent to assist a heavily engaged platoon and for four
days remained in combat. After that he was given com-
mand of a reaction company based near Hill 327.*
Captain Higginbotham conducted numerous cordon
and search operations and molded his reaction com-
pany into an effective combat unit.
When the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive began
on 3oJanuary 1968. enemy sappers mortared and over-
ran a ridgeline above the division's command post on
Hill 327, killing seven Marines. As the enemy was
about to reach the division command post, Captain
Higginbotham deployed his men and led a counter-
attack that threw back the enemy and secured a vital
hill, where he established a defensive perimeter. His
company continued in action through the next day
with telling effect. For his actions. Captain Higgin-
botham received the Legion of Merit and the Viet-
namese Cross of Gallantry.9'
Photo courtesy of Col Donald Higginborham. USMCR Second Lieutenant Michael I. Neil had just gained
"The overall philosophy [was] that we were Marine his law degree, when he came on active duty. Despite
officers first and attorneys second" Capt Donald Hig- efforts to classify him as a Marine lawyer, Lieutenant
ginbotham was awarded a Legion of Merit for a com- Neil was adamant in his desire to be an infantry officer.
bination of his combat actions and legai work. (Although lawyers were permitted to request non-
legal duties during their initial tours of active duty,
waived opening and Cooper promptly followed suit. Thus
a complex case was submitted to the members without at that time no lawyer lieutenant had done so.)92 Lieu-
benefit of argument.98 tenant Neil prevailed, and in June 1967 he command-
After 35 minutes of deliberation the members found
ed the ist Platoon, Company D, ist Battalion, 7th
the lance corporal not guilty of all charges.89 In the
On the night of 20-21 December Lieutenant Neil,
officers' club that night, the Marine lawyers and other
after having been on patrol for three days, was lead-
officers accepted Mr. Cooper's offer of a celebratory
round of drinks for the house9° 9A reaction company was a unit, often composed of Marines from
various headquarters sections. which "reacted' to enemy incursions.
Marine Corps Lawyers in Combat: They Also Serve lt was a demanding assignment, compared to the usual rear area
duty, since it was in addition ro one's normal duties. Reaction forces
Unlike the other Armed Forces, in which judge ad- usually assembled at night. were subject to frequent false alarms.
vocates or law specialists received military training in and were without benefìt of significant training as a unit. Each even.
only their specialty, the Marine Corps lawyer had at- ing. one third of the reaction force assembled, was issued weapons
and ammunition, then slept. fully armed and clothed, in a centrai
tended The Basic School, where all newly commis- location within the compound. The next night the same third was
sioned Marines are taught the skills that lead to off-duty; the nests night the same third manned defensive positions
qualification as an unrestricted officer. Every Marine on the perimeter and so on.

ing his platoon in the area of Happy Valley. not far

from Da Nang. Unexpectedly, they encountered a
North Vietnamese infantry battalion. In the ensuing
all-night battle Lieutenant Neil's platoon was sur-
rounded and continuously engaged in fierce fighting t e.
and hand-to-hand combat. All of his squad leaders
were either killed or wounded. At dawn a relief
column finally reached Lieutenant Neil's position, and
as the combat continued, a medevac helicopter
managed to land briefly and evacuate the most seri-
ously wounded.
One of Lieutenant Neil's squad leaders, Corporal
Larry E. Smedley, was posthumously awarded the Me-
dal of Honor for his part in the battle. Lieutenant Neil
received the Navy Cross for his heroism that night.
His citation reads, in part:
Photo courtesy of BGen Michael L Neil. USMCR
Disregarding the intense enemy fire, he led his men across isiLt Michael I. Neil, right, seen on Hill 41 with an
1,300 meters of thickly forested terrain - with complete
disregard for his own safety. lhel exposed himself ro the
artilley Jiru'ard observer and a Vietnamese scout in
devastating fire to hurl hand grenades and direct his men's December 1967. A year after attaining a law degree
fire . . . Shouting words of encouragement to his men,
- lstLt Neil leda platoon against an estimated 100-man
he boldly moved through the hail of enemy fire, leading enemy force, for which he received the Navy Cross.
an assault against the enemy positions . Throwing hand
grenades as he advanced, he destroyed a machine.gun em- Star Medal and the Purple Heart. In the Korean War
placement and mortally wounded several enemy with his he commanded the 2d Battalion, 7th Marines, dur-
pistolY ing the 1st Marine Division's withdrawal from the Cho-
sin Reservoir and received the Navy Cross and a second
Two other platoon members were awarded Bronze Star
Medals and the pilot of the medevac helicopter Bronze Star. Upon returning to the United States, he
attended law school, then served in a variety of legal
received the Silver Star Medal. The platoon, as a whole,
and nonlegal billets. Through assignments at Head-
was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation, the
quarters Marine Corps he became closely associated
only infantry platoon in the Vietnam war to be so
honored.* with Marine Corps legislative affairs. In May 1967 he
was promoted to the grade of brigadier general, the
Later, Lieutenant Neil became an air observer and
first Marine Corps officer selected for flag rank spe-
eventually left Vietnam with the Navy Cross, Purple cifically considered "qualified for legal duty," in the
Heart, and six Air Medals. He then became a defense
words of the selection board's precept. Notably, he was
counsel at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Die-
not serving in a lawyer's billet when he was selected
go.94 Lieutenant Neil's combat record remains unique
for general. At that time Colonel Charles B. Sevier was
among Marine Corps lawyers.** still the head of Discipline Branch at Headquarters.
The First Lawyer General Officer: "Actually," General Lawrence said, "my legal ex-
No Immediate Change perience, as far as court-martial work was concerned
was quite limited." Upon learning of Colonel
In World War II james F. Lawrence, jr., command- Lawrence's selection for pfomotion, Colonel Sevier and
ed an infantry platoon and then a company on the rest of the Marine Corps legal community antici-
Guadalcanal and New Britain, and received the Bronze pated Discipline Branch becoming a separate, new di-
vision, Judge Advocate Division, with General
*Only three other platoon-sized units in Vietnam received the Lawrence at its head.96 Brigadier General Lawrence an-
MUC: a combined action platoon. an explosive ordnance disposal
platoon, and a graves registration platoon. (RefSec. MCHC).
ticipated much the same thing, recalling that "[I] had
been selected, initially, to be the head of the Discipline
**After completing his obligated service, Neil continued to serve
in reserve unitsas an infantry officer and tracked vehicle offìcer Branch at Headquarters' Instead, he was assigned
In 1988 he was selected for advancement to the grade of brigadier to be Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for
general in the Marine Corps Reserves. Legislative Affairs, a billet in which he had great ex-

perience and expertise. General Earl E. Anderson. a yers concerned that General Lawrence achieved pro-
former Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. motion as a lawyer, despite a lack of significant time
recalled: "Marine Corps Headquarters made a concert- in military justice billets. As Brigadier General Faw
ed effort to have General Lawrence returned to head later noted, after his having been the Director of the
Judge Advocate Division, but the Office of the Secre- Judge Advocate Division, "he made his star that way
tary of Defense refused to release him."98 Brigadier [as a legislative affairs expert]. But anybody that got
General Lawrence served in the Office of the Secre- selected at that time would have had to make their
tary of Defense until his retirement from the Marine star some other way than law. I'm convinced that I
Corps in November 1968. Then he was recalled to ac- made mine some other way than law."°° Still, for the
tive duty to fil! the same billet, which he did until first time a lawyer, James Lawrence, had been promot-
1972. ed to the grade of brigadier general as a lawyer.
Colonel Sevier, who had served much of his Ma- Though the star was worn by General Lawrence in a
rine Corps career in law billets, continued to shepherd nonlegal assignment, the legal comm unity knew that
Discipline Branch's evolution into a separate division eventually he would either be reassigned to head a new
within Headquarters Marine Corps. Because he was legal division at Headquarters, or retire, making the
too junior to be selected for promotion to brigadier brigadier general's grade available to another Marine
general. Colonel Sevier was unconcerned that General Corps lawyer.
Lawrence had been considered as his replacement at Perspective
a higher grade. Nor were other senior Marine law- One hundred and sixty-eight Marine lawyers were
The first Marine Corps general officer adz'ancedto that on active duty in 1965, 223 in 1966, and 277 in
grade specifically for dnty as a lawyer was BGen James 1967.101 That represented an increase of 64 percent.
E Lawrence, fr He was awarded the Navy Cross for all lieutenants and captains, in two years.8 The num-
heroism at the Chosin Reservoir in the Korean Var ber of general and special courts-martial, Marine
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A41996 Corps-wide, had increased from 4,824 to 7,091, or 47
percent, during the same period.b02 Most of the in-
crease was in special courts, usually tried by nonlaw-
yers at the battalion and group level. The kinds of cases
that were being tried at the general court-martial lev-
el, and at the special court-martial level with lawyer
counsel, were now more serious than the cases encoun-
tered prior to 1965. Murder, rape, and aggravated as-
sault were not unusual, particularly in Vietnam, and
required more lawyers, more legal support personnel,
and more man-hours than anticipated in 1965.
Given the rapid growth in the lawyers' ranks and
the steep increase in case numbers that was ex-
perienced, it was not surprising that the military justice
system did not always operate with ideal smoothness.
Captain Williams, whose infantry company had ac-
companied a party of lawyers into an unsecured area,
thought that the legal process worked "in strange
ways." He recalled that sometimes seven or eight courts
would be pending, with no action taken for weeks and,

*This number does not include five officers who then had law
degrees. but did not practice law in the Marine Corps: Major Generai
Avery R. Kier; Brigadier General Earl E. Anderson; Brigadier General
George C. Axtcll.Jr.; Colonel Herbert L. Beckington: and Colonel
james T. Kisgen. (Brigadier General Anderson and Colonel Kis.
gen both, until shortly before the Vietnam War, served in legal
billets, but no longer did so.)

sometimes, months. Meanwhile, the accused Marines termine the requirements of both the Navy and the
remained in his company, with charges unresolved. Marine Corps for uniformed lawyers. Colonel Sevier
Frustrated by the lack of action, Captain Williams was the Marine Corps representative to the commit-
urged the battalion commander to resolve the cases tee. The possibility of discontinuing all Marine law-
through nonjudicial punishment rather than wait any yer billets and replacing them with Navy law specialists
longer. Yet, in other instances, the system acted with was discussed but ultimately rejectcd.b04 Instead, the
a swiftness that amazed him, as when one of his squad Muse Committee recommended that 67 additional
leaders purposely shot and killed a Vietnamese farm. lawyer billets be authorized for the Marine Corps and
er's water buffalo. Almost immediately, the Marine was that new lawyer procurement programs be initiated.b05
pulled from the company, tried, and convicted. Cap- Elsewhere in the naval service on 8 December 1967,
tain Williams said that he "never figured rhyme or after efforts spanning several years, legislation was
reason for the difference."° passed that created a Navy Judge Advocate General's
The need for additional Marine lawyers became an Corps. Henceforth Navy law specialists would be desig-
increasingly higher priority. In May 1967 the Secre- nated "judge advocates."
tary of the Navy chartered a committee, chaired by Anticipating the Marine Corps lawyer shortage. the
a Navy lawyer, Rear Admiral George R. Muse, to de- Excess Leave Program (Law) was initiated in June

The Commandant of the Marine Corps visited Vietnam in August ¡967. General Wdlace
M. Greene, Jr., toured! Corps headquarters with Vietnamese LtGen Lam. III MAP Com-
manding General. LaGen Robert E. Cush man. Jr.. Li in the background Gen Greene
decided many of the issues that affected Marine Corps lawyers during the Vietnam War
Deparment of Delènse Photo (USMC) A189011


- ii

Photo courtesy of Capt Dennis R. Zoerb, USMC (Ret.)

Capt Michael E. Rich, left, a future director of the Judge Advocate Division, was an in-
fantry company commander at Gio Linh in 1967. He and platoon leader 2dLt Dennis
R. Zoerb hold the flak jacket and he/met of a Marine killed by an artillery round
Among the first of the Marine Corps' "legal admin 'officers, pictured before their promo-
tions, are, from left, GySgt William S. Kirkpatrick, GySgt Kenneth W Jones, unidentified
nonlega/ NCO, and MSgt Len E. Pierce, on Okinawa prior to their departure for Vietnam.
Photo courtesy of C \Villiarn S Krkn:rick, USMC (Ret.)

1967.106 Officers already on active duty for a minimum and might not be promoted to captain until their peri-
of two years and a maximum of six years were allowed od of active service was about to end. AdmiralJoseph
to apply for excess leave without pay to attend law B. McDevitt. thejudge Advocate General of the Navy,
school, with an obligation to serve an additional three questioned whether the requirement to volunteer for
years active duty as a lawyer upon graduation. This four years was a correct interpretation of the law,
was viewed as a way o attract line officers to the legal nevertheless, until 1968 that was how the law was ap-
field at little cost, while also encouraging them to re- plied.1 ¡ Until then constructive service was a great in-
main on active duty as career officers.07 Six officers ducement to "sign up" for four, rather than three years'
entered the program in its first year and nine more service.
followed in 1968*108 The Platoon Leaders' Class (Law) continued to be
After a long gestation period constructive service the principal source of newly commissioned lawyers.
credit for lawyers was authorized in December 1967.109 As PLC (Law) graduate, Captain l-I. Edward Moore,
Although not used until 1968. the original commis- Jr., noted:
sioning date of lawyers could now be revised, retroac- Most of the individuals who were in the PIC (Law) pro-
tively, for a period equalling the years spent in law gram did exceedingly well in the PLC program and in Basic
school before becoming a Marine officer. The effect School, For instance, at my graduation from PLC there were
two of us in my company who were our platoon's honor men.
was to give lawyers that additional time in their cur-
The fact that ... lawyers had to undergo the strenuous and
rent grade. Because eligibility for promotion was by demanding training required of all Marine Corps officers
lineal list seniority, this "leg up" on the promotion did, without doubt, contribute ro our being much better
ladder made a Marine Corps commission more attrac- lawyers . . - It has always been somewhat surprising to me

tive to newly graduated civilian lawyers. It also put that, in light of the fact that all . . . lawyers had ro undergo
a total of nine months of infantiy training, that the Marine
the Marines on an equal footing with the other Serv-
Corps did attract individuals with strong academic back-
ices, which had similar policies for their lawyers.1 IO Un- grounds - . . . I found that the typical resel've lawyer was
til 1968, however, constructive service credit was far above average in all respects.2
available only to those lawyers who contracted to serve
To relieve Marine lawyers from some of the burden-
on active duty for fout years. Those opting for only
some administrative tasks that legal clerks were not
three years' service did not receive constructive service
qualified to carry ou, a legal administrative officer
pilot program was initiated at Camp Pcndteton,
*One of the nine was Captain Michael E. Rich, who command-
ed Company F, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, while in Vietnam (and
California.l Chief Warrant Officer 4 Maynard K.
who took his LSAT examination in DaNang). He received the Bronze "Sonny" Baird was the first such officer. He, and Chief
Star Medal and the Purple Heart. After law school, among other Warrant Officer 4 Len E. Pierce, the first two "legal
assignments, he was the StaffJudge Advocate of the Marine Corps admin" officers, demonstrated the value of ex-
Logistics Base. Barstow. the ist and 3d Matine Divisions, and Ill perienced nonlawyer officers in smoothing the ad-
MAE Later he was a Distinguished Graduate of the Naval War Col-
lege. In September 1988 he was promoted to the grade of brigadier
ministrative intricacies of the court-martial process.
general and became the 11th Director of the Judge Advocate Di- Their skills, and those of Marine Corps lawyers, would
vision. be severely tested in the next few years.

1968: High Tide

ist Marine Division: Lawyers in the Storm c Eye - 3d Marine Division.' Every Marine a Rifleman
ist Marine Aircraft Wing/Force Logistic Command' Doing Time at Da NangFrom a Lawyer's Case File.'
Civilian Court-martial Drugs.' Hgh' Tide Trying Cases Trial Under Fire,' Khe Sanh Court
Legal Assistance, Claims, Reviews.' Someone Has To Do It - Fragging: Friendly Fire With Malice
Homicide on Patrol' Nothing HiddenIll MAF Brig Riot.' Prisoner's Kangaroo Courts Perspective

In January 1968 III MAF numbered over 100,000 and Chu Lai were all heavily rocketed. A!! provincial
Marines, sailors, and soldiers, Besides the ist and 3d capitals had been marked for attack, but the main ef-
Marine Divisions, the ist Marine Aircraft Wing, and forts were reserved for Hue and Da Nang. For 12 days
Force Logistic Command (FLC), III MAF now includ- heavy fighting raged throughout South Vietnam. As
ed portions of the 5th Marine Division, the Army's Marine Corps historian, Brigadier General Edwin H.
23d Infantry (America!) Division, and nearly 3,000 Simmons later wrote:
Marines of the Seventh Fleet's two special landing The enemy's ambitions for the Tet offensive had been large.
forces,1 He had told his troops and his political cadre that the time
had come for a general offensive and a popular uprising
North Vietnamese Army large-unit operations, He did achieve considerable surprise. He did tear up
which had increased in late 1967, continued into 1968, lines of communication and cause widespread destruction
To meet them, III MAF had shifted Marine forces and temporary chaos in the populated areas. But by the mid-
northward, the resulting gaps being filled by U.S. dle of February. he was through. He had not gained the
Army troops. Construction of the strongpoint obsta- popular support he expected. The American presence was
unshaken .4
cte system, the "McNamara Wall:' continued along the
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), despite strong enemy op- Task Force X-Ray, deactivated at Chu Lai in 1967,
position and a shortage of men and materiel, was reformed on 13 january 1968 at Phu Bai and as-
Operation Checkers, designed to relieve the 3d Ma- sumed responsibility for the surrounding tactical area
rine Division from covering the approaches to Hue, Co/John L. Ostby was Task Force X-Ray 's Chiefof Staff
was essentially completed by mid-january. The entire and the former StaffLegal Offlcer ist Marine Division.
3d Marine Division was deployed either along the Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A419003
DMZ or at Kbe Sanh. In turn, the ist Marine Divi-
sion shifted one regiment northward to Phu Bai to
cover the western approaches to Hue.
In late 1967 and in early 1968 the North Vietnamese
launched a series of company-size attacks on Marine
positions near the DMZ. Further south the ist Ma-
rine Division engaged strong enemy forces through-
out the southern portion of its tactical area of
responsibility. Many signs indicated a major enemy
offensive was imminent, General William C. West-
moreland, Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Com-
mand, Vietnam (CornUS), wrote:
Quite apart from the assault on Khe Sanh and the
presence there of two North Vietnamese divisions, the ene-
my threat in the north [in I Corps) was real and disturbing:
another North Vietnamese division was in the DMZ north
of the Rock Pile . . Another was just outside the gates
. .

of the vital Da Nang airfield; the equivalent of a reinforced

division was at Hue; and rwo more were within the DMZ
or just south of it near the coast - all together seven enemy

The 1968 Tet Offensive began on 30 january when

the Da Nang Airbase, Marble Mountain Air Facility,
1968: HIGH TIDE 89

Photo courtesy of Col Robert C. Lehnert, USMC (Ret.)

The senior lawyers of the ist Manne Division during 196 7-68, greet Fleet Marine Force,
Pacific's Staff Legal Officer in August 1967. LtCo/ William T Westmore/and. Jr., night,
is about to be relieved by Co/John L. Ostby, second from left. Four months later Col
Ostby became Task Force X-Ray c chief ofstaffandLtCol Clyde R. Mann, left, became SID.
They Join Co/Robert C. "Curly" Lehnen, second from right, FMFPac 's SW, on Hill 327.
of responsibility. It quickly became engaged in the let son, the division's commanding general, decided to
Offensive. During the clearing of Hue, the brigade- fan out in deeper-reaching operations which would
sized unit was involved in some of the heaviest sus- keep enemy forces at arm's length.
tained combat of the war. From its reforming until On 13 January Colonel Clyde R. Mann assumed the
its second deactivation on 16 August 1968, Task Force duties of the Division SLO when Colonel Ostby was
X-Ray's chief of staff was Colonel John L. Ostby, form- transferred to Task Force X-Ray. In 1950 then-First
erly the staff legal officer (SLO) of the ist Marine Di- Lieutenant Mann was the assistant operations officer
visions By virtue of his World War Il combat record of the 2d Marine Division. when he was selected for
as an infantry officer, Colonel Ostby was well-qualified assignment to law school. Later, as a lieutenant
for the post. He later received the Legion of Merit for colonel, he was assigned to Vietnam as the deputy SIX)
his performance with TF X-Ray.6 and had since been promoted to the grade of colonel.*
During the let Offensive Captain Bernard A. Al-
len, Jr., a defense counsel with the ist Marine Divi- By now the SLO's offices were well-established on
sion, was dispatched to Hue to investigate reports of the north slope of Hill 327: two Quonset huts for
looting by Marines who had retaken the imperial offices, one 80 feet long, the other somewhat shorter;
citadel. The reports were not substantiated, but Cap- and a plywood, tin-roofed, windowless, air-
tain Allen was the sole lawyer involved in the offen- conditioned courtroom. When power was lost, a still-
sive in a legal capacity.8 frequent occurrence, the courtroom was completely
ist Marine Division.' Lawyers in the Storm 's Eye *A former infantry officer and air observer. Colonel Mann was
awarded the Legion of Merit following his duty in Vietnam. He went
It was relatively quiet for the ist Marine Division
on to serve as SJA of MCRD. Partis Island, South Carolina. and
as the year began. Rather than defend Da Nang from then graduated with honors from the Naval War College. On 20
the heavily patrolled "rocket belt," extending in a semi- August 1971. he was promoted ro the grade of brigadier generai
circle around the city, Major General DonnJ. Robert- and became the fourth Director of the )udge Advocase Division.

darkened and had to be evacuated until power was re- of adequate training was often a source of problems.
stored. Although the Quonset huts occasionally Some came to Vietnam directly from boot camp with
slipped from their moorings, creating alarming in- inadequate schooling. Of five newly assigned report-
clines until repaired. conditions were adequate. The ers Colonel Mann said: "They couldn't even type their
officers' quarters were further up the hillside in other names! I used one of them as a driver, and one as a
SEAhuts, usually four to six men to a hut, with Viet- coffee maker. I tried to get their MOSs changed."16
namese 'hoochmaids" to clean, do laundry, and pol- The FT reporter schools, which had eased the reporter
ish boots. The enlisted legal personnel lived in problem in 1966 and 1967. had been forgotten.
identical huts, five or six men to a hut. Like the One of se%xral exceptions to the inadequate reporter
officers' quarters, most of the enlisted hooches had syndrome was Sergeant R. Thomas Seymour, a 1967
both a small refrigerator and a small black and white Harvard law school graduate, who had been an un-
television set.'° Cold water showers were available.' successful Marine Corps officer candidate. "In addi-
Unlike ist Marine Aircraft Wing legal personnel who tion to being an excellent court reporter, he was a
enjoyed flush toilets, the head facilities were of the platoon sergeant in my reaction company," recalled
four- or six-hole variety.12 Captain W. Hays Parks, chief trial counsel for the di-
Sixteen lawyers were assigned to the division, an vision. "I shall always remember this Marine of slight
adequate number.' Among the 16 were five trial build, weighed down with all of his equipment,
counsels, six defense counsels, and one review officer.' hustling around his platoon, a blue streak of invec-
Each lawyer's caseload remained low, but included seri- tive worthy of the salriest gunnery sergeant streaming
ous general court-martial offenses such as murder and from his mouth, but grammatically perfect . . . . I
negligent homicide.' Trial teams were frequently sent had great respect for
to outlying units. Eighteen enlisted men were assigned For the first (and only) time, accused Marines who
to the office. Once again, enlisted court reporters' lack were assigned to distant division units were being
By 1968 the Ist Marine Division SW 's offices and quarters were well-established on the
north slope ofHil/327. Shown is the hooch of the deputy SW, LtCol Daniel E McConnell.
Photo courtes of Col Daniel E McConnell, USMC (Ret.)
1968: HIGH TIDE 91

transferred to Headquarters Battalion on Hill 327.18 the 3d Marine Division as well as in the ist. On lo
In this way they were easily available to their defense January 1968 elements of the 3d Division Headquart-
counsels and the trial process, problems of travel and ers moved north from Phu Bai to Dong Ha. On 7
communication were avoided, and their operational March Colonel Eugene B. "Doc" Fallon's legal person-
commands were relieved of an administrative burden. nel moved to Quang Tri, which was a few miles short
It was an ideal solution to the lawyers' recurring of the Division's forward elements at Dong Ha. For
difficulties, so long as the number of accused individu- the next four days, without lights, communications,
als brought in from the field remained low, their or power, the attorneys and legal clerks dug fighting
offenses were such that they could remain at liberty holes and bunkers,2' The 20 lawyers and other staff
within the Headquarters Battalion area, and numer- officers drew M16 rifles and ammunition and were as-
ous accompanying witnesses were not required. Un- signed defensive positions. Colonel Fallon had respon-
fortunately. those circumstances often did not prevail, sibility for coordinating the defense ofa section of the
and the practice of transferring accused Marines to perimeter while camp construction continued. Office
Headquarters Battalion did not continue for long. huts had first priority, so officers and men again were
The lawyer's lot was not all work. Marines could billeted in tents until SEAhuts were raised. Through-
check out basketballs and volleyballs from division spe-
out this period courts-martial continued to be tried
cial services.19 Even skin-diving equipment was avail- despite occasional enemy rocket and mortar fire and,
able, Several legal clerks dived regularly at the U.S. sometimes, friendly fire. Captain Richard D. Lane's
Navy Seal Base beach, beyond the Tien Sha deep water diary entry for 27 April read: "At 1100 I was sitting
pie r.2° in the courtroom observing a trial when we took in-
coming . . . It was [friendly] RVN troops. They

3d Marine Division: Eveiy Marine a Rifleman erred."22 There were no casualties.

The tempo of combat operations had increased in The deputy SLO, Lieutenant Colonel Paul E Hen-
Vietnamese "hoochmaids" did laundry and cleaning for officers and enlisted Marines.
These women worked in the lawyer's tents at Camp Books, Red Beach. near Da Nang.
Photo courtesy of Col Charles R. Larouche. USMC (Ret.)

Photo courtesy of Mr. Jerald D. Crow
The 3d Marine Division SLO 's trial counsel office was at Quang Tri in September 1968.
"l didn't have the luxury of sending people back to sit in a brig fora month or two."
derson, Jr., recalled, "[When] there was incoming stayed at the firebase, because we didn't have the lux-
while a court-martial was in session . . you can be-
. ury of sending people back to sit in a brig for a month
lieve there was no formal declaration of a recess as or two," the division chief of staff recalled.28 A full 13
everyone exited and made for the nearest hole."23 Dur- months of "good time" was required. before one was
ing one shelling a mortar fragment killed a court eligible for a return to the United States. Time spent
member as he lay on the courtroom floor. in the brig was "bad time" and was deducted from
Coincidentally, Captain Jerome R. Kiukas, a 3d Ma- the prisoner's time in country.
rine Division lawyer, was assigned to the Division In- In the 3d Marine Division a shortage of junior
spector's office as the friendly fire investigator. officers had developed. Infantry platoon commanders.
Whenever there was an injury resulting from friendly particularly, were needed. The shortfall was addressed
fire, Captain Kiukas investigated the incident. Sadly, by a lawyer, Colonel Joseph R. Motelewski. Colonel
it was a full-time job.25 Motelewski already had a law degree when he enlist-
Throughout 1968 the caseload in the 3d Marine Di- ed in the Marine Corps in May 1942. Commissioned
vision tended to be higher than that of the ist Divi- a second lieutenant five months after enlisting, he saw
sion, probably because there were more personnel in combat on Guadalcanal and Peleliu as an infantry
the 3d than in the ist. In June, for example, 3d Divi- officer. In Korea he had been a legal officer in the early
sion lawyers tried only three general courts-martial, part of his tour and, later, was executive officer and.
though six trial teams visited subordinate units, and briefly, commander of the ist Battalion, 7th Marines.
tried numerous special courts with each visit. Thus, Colonel Motelewski arrived at 3d Marine Division
a lawyer could try 104 cases, 97 of them specials, in Headquarters at Dong Ha, anticipating assignment
a 13-month tour, as Captain Clarke C. Barnes did.26 as the Division SLO. Instead, on 7 September, the
Legal assistance continued to be heavily employed, as commanding general, Major General Raymond G. Da-
well, with 85 cases handled in a typical month.27 vis, designated him the division's chief of staff. No
In 3d Marine Division cases a court-martial sentence lawyer had been chief of staff of a division in combat
to confinement often was not carried out. "Unless a before. When asked why he was selected, Colonel
guy really got convicted of something serious . . they
. Motelewski replied:
1968: HIGH TIDE 93

Photo courtesy of Mr Jeffery W. Maurer

Capt Philip S. Keith j.c shown preparing for trial at Quang Tri in ¡968. Military reporter
volumes are at right and a 'short-timer's calendar" is just above Capt Keith's head

I don't know. I know there were a lot of colonels whose The Chief of Staff of the 3d Marine Division, Col
hurts were burned - who felt really upset about that. Of Joseph R. Motelewski, shown here in a 1965 photo-
course, when I wem to General Davis I told him, in Korea
graph, was originally slated to be the Division SLO.
I had primarily been in legal work - - I wanted him to
. .

understand what he was getting. He told me, "Don't worry Marine Corps Historical Collection
about it." He said he knew enough about me that he "was
confident "29
During Colonel Motelewski's tenure as chief of staff.
Lieutenant Colonel Rollin Q, Blakeslee was the divi-
sion's deputy SLO, having succeeded Colonel Fallon.
Colonel Blakeslee was away on other tasks much of
the time, however, "So," as Colonel Motelewski
recalled. "[Captain DavidJ.] Cassady handled the le-
gal shop and he did an outstanding job."°
To relieve the shortage of infantry lieutenants
Colonel Motelewski, with General Davis' approval,
authorized volunteers from the division staff sections
to become platoon leaders on a temporary basis, Law-
yer lieutenants. Reserve officers all, leaped at the op-
portunity. The lawyers' workload was manageable
enough that one officer's cases could be shifted ro the
other lawyers remaining in the legal office. While law-
yers had not previously been regularly employed as pla-
toon commanders in Vietnam, there was no reason
why they could not be, As Commandants had insist-
ed since the 1950 Uniform Code of Military Justice
became effective, all Marine Corps officers, including

Photo courtesy of Mr. Jerald I) Crow

Quang Tri had no hoochmaids. These u.'ere a 3d Marine Division lawyer's quarters in
September 1968. A sandbagged bunker may b e seen outside the tent 's rolled-up side wait
lawyers, were unrestricted in the assignments they of assigning all willing lieutenants, including lawyers,
could assume, commensurate with their grade. Regard- to be infantry platoon commanders for three months.
ing the call for volunteer platoon leaders, Colonel On several occasions, captain-lawyers were appointed
Motelewski explained: company commanders. The practice continued for
And from thai we grew into. "Well, lets assign [all lieu. roughly the next six months.
ienantsj up there for two or three months." .. Once we
assigned a lawyer up there, particularly when they just came During that period lawyer First Lieutenant David
in-country, they warned to stay up there! They wanted to G. Moore earned the Bronze Star Medal and Viet-
get at it, even though they knew they were lawyers [and wer- namese Cross of Gallantry while a platoon leader in
en't required toi . - Therr battalion commanders or com- the 3d Battalion, 9th Marines. On a search and des-
pany commanders would go to bat for them, . . Nobody's
troy operation his platoon came under heavy automat-
arm was twisted, and ir wasn't held against anybody if he
didn't go. . . It was the greatest thing in the world, be. ic weapons and mortar fire and one of his wounded
cause when these guys came back and subsequently went men fell in a position exposed to enemy fire. Lieu-
out to firebases Ion trial teamsl. they knew what the hell tenant Moore crawled to the wounded man, stood,
they were talking about.3' threw him across his shoulders and, in the words of
So, what began as a call for volunteers from the divi- his citation, "fearlessly maneuvered through the in-
sion headquarters evolved into an unwritten practice tense hosule fire" to a place of safety. Lieutenant Moore
1968: HIGH TIDE 95

later received the Navy Commendation Medal for his He also was awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallan-
service as a defense counsel.32 try with silver star.35
Lawyer First Lieutenant William T. Allison II did Captain William H. McAdam,Jr., while command-
not volunteer for infantry duty, but nevertheless he ing officer of Company M, 3d Battalion. 3d Marines.
found himself in the infantry. As executive officer earned the Bronze Star Medal for a night-long defense
of Company!, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines he earned the of his position. followed by an assault on North Viet-
Bronze Star Medal. While wounded Marines from his namese Army strongpoints which resulted in 36 ene-
company were being evacuated, he led a team against my dead. As a trial counsel he, too, later earned the
North Vietnamese positions that had taken the Navy Commendation Medal.36
medevac landing zone under fire. His daring assault Other lawyers who acted as platoon and company
accounted for numerous enemy dead. Later, he be- commanders were similarly recognized for their accom-
came commanding officer of the company and was plishments and bravery under fire. A number of them
awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with sil- also received decorations for their performance of duty
ver star.34 as lawyers, after having served as infantry commanders.
On Mutter's Ridge. while commanding Headquart- In the 3d Division the Marine Corps demonstrated
ers and Service Company, ist Battalion, 3d Marines, that evefl' Marine, including lawyers, was indeed a
lawyer Captain William L. Fly was wounded in action. rifleman. In no other service did a judge advocate or
3d Marine Division legal personnel line up in front of the legal office at Quang Tri in
mid-1968. Front. from left, Maj Ronald]. Kaye. lstLt Boyd L. George. lstLtJeffery W
Maurer Capt Hairy L. Shorstein. Center Capt Richard D. Lzne, Capt Mahlon C'. Schneidei
Capt Sandy S. McMath. lstLt P Keith Keller lstLt M, Kevin Phalin. istLi Robert M.
Lee. Rear unidentjied captain. Capt Charles E. Patterson, and Capt Philzb S. Keith.
Photo courtesy of ML Jeffery W. Maurer

Photo courtesy of Col Clarke C. Barnes. USMCR

3d Marine Division lawyers pose at a Quang Tri Christmas party in 1968. Kneeling, from
left, Capt Michael D. Schrunk and Capt David G. Moore. Rear Capt Stanley L. Smith,
Jr.; lstLtJeraldD. Crow; Capt W/il/iam L. Fly; Capt Clark A. Halderson; Capt W Tommy
Allison II; and Capt Clarke C. Barnes. Later several acted as infantry commanders.
law specialist without special training assume com- that, and find out what the war was like."38 As in most
mand or leadership of a combat unit. Marine Corps legal offices in Vietnam, lawyers volun-
ist Marine Aircraft Wing/Force Logistic Command.' teered to lead the perimeter guard and reaction units.
Doing Time at Da Nang Colonel Lehnen recalled that during the Tet Offen-
sive most of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing reaction
Colonel Robert C. "Curly' Lehnerr and Major Wil-
units were led by lawyers.
liam H. J. Tiernan. who began the year with 10 law-
yers under their leadership, continued as the SLO and Force Logistic Command (FLC) remained at Red
deputy at the Da Nang Airbase.a7 The wing was un- Beach, eight miles northwest of Da Nang. Lieutenant
der strength in legal clerks and reporters, but each law- Colonel Verne L. "Bubs" Oliver continued as SW. Ear-
yer's caseload was only four or five cases, which eased ly in the year his deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Richard
the shortage of enlisted men. As Captain Charles H. E. Wray, was replaced by Major Michael Patrick Mur-
Mitchell noted: "We didn't have any work, to speak ray. They were supported by four trial and three
of. . . so you sort of looked around for the war. You'd defense counsels and a legal assistance lawyer.
take Rough Riders [armed truck convoys] and stuff like Although authorized six lawyers and 10 enlisted le-
1968: HIGH TIDE 97

Photo courtesy of Col Rufus C. Young IV. USMC (Ret.)

The lawyers o/the ¡st Marine Aircraft Wing, seen at Da Nang Airbase in January 1968.
From left, Capt Charles H. Mitchell; IsILt Michael 1. Willing: Capt Rufus C. Young:
2dLt Macauley Carter fr; Capt William F Whiting; Deputy 510. Maj William H. j Tier-
nan; Capt Donald R. Pritchard; the SLO, Col Robert C. "Curly" Lehnert; Capt David
B. King: Capt Walter A. Stewart. fr; Lt fared O. Bauch, USN; and Capt John N. Post.
Home Li- where you hang it. Capt Robert W Wachsmuth sits on his rack in a SEA hut
in 1968, His wash basin is at left while hic flak jacket and helmet hang nearby.
Phow courtesy of Mr. Robert W. Wachsmuth



Photo courtesy of Mr. Roben W. Wachsmuth

By 1968 FLC's legal offices had expanded well beyond the ongina/ former pig sty.
gal clerks, FLC sought an increase to 16 attorneys. As vocate.) Monsoon rains, hardly lethal but always
it was, FIL lawyers provided support to two subor- memorable, were particularly heavy in 1968. On 14
dinate commands, Force Logistic Support Group October 10 inches fell at Da Nang, and on the 15th
(FLSG) A, at Phu Bai, and FLSG B, at Dong Ha and and 16th. another 15 inches fe1l.
Quang Tri, as well as trying cases arising at III MAF FIL. which lacked the more substantial structures
Headquarters, all of I Corps' Combined Action of the wing, was even more discomforted by the rains
Groups. and two U.S. Army detachments of the ist and more endangered by rocket attacks. On 14 June
Air Cavalry Division located near Red Beach. Having a legal clerk, Lance Corporal G. E. Korson. was killed
tried 83 cases in the last year, FLC's was the busiest and several others wounded by an enemy rocket.
legal office in Vietnam° In 1968 the number of cases
Whenever the opportunity presented itself, FIL per-
tried rose every month, escalating from 32 in January
sonnel took steps to improve the comfort and habita-
to a high of 67 in December. Roughly half the cases
involved use or possession of hard drugs or marijuana1
bility of their camp. As Captain Robert W.
Wachsmuth, an FLC counsel, recalled:
Working spaces and air-conditioned living quart-
ers in the cement buildings of the ist Marine Aircraft When units of the (Army I Air Cas Division began to ar-
rive in force in I Corps . . they bivouacked at Red Beach.
Wing were comfortable, although enemy sappers and .

The Marines were amazed and resentful of the abundance

rocket attacks were threats. The rocket attacks, of new equipment furnished Irhemi. I specifically remem-
although frequent, were often ineffective. An air sup- ber the Air Cay leaving behind hundreds of brand cors
pon control officer who worked near the Da Nang Air- when they pulled out on operations. Of course, we very
base, Second Lieutenant James A. Cathcart, said of resourcefully appropriated all of the equipment we could
the rocket attacks, that "there seemed something
vaguely un-Marine-like about sitting in front of your Weather permitting, many lawyers undertook ex-
tent in the squadron area, watching rockets come up ercise programs. "I will wager:' Captain Wachsmuth
out of the valley and impact around the airfield, while noted, "we were in better physical condition than any
you sipped a beer and people acted as if it was a fire- other lawyers in Vietnam. I attribute this to Major
works display."42 (Lieutenant Carhcart later gained his Mike Murray [deputy SLO]. who insisted that we join
law degree and attained the grade of colonel, having him in his pursuit of physical fitness. At FIL we had
spent most of his Marine Corps career as a judge ad- a complete weight room and regularly ran three miles
1968: HIGH TIDE 99

during the lunch hour ....I have never been in bet-

ter physical condition."48
In mid-year Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Haden
relieved Lieutenant Colonel Oliver as FLC's staff legal
officer, and in August. Lieutenant Colonel Max G.
Halliday replaced Colonel Lehnert as ist Marine Air-
craft Wing SLO.* Lieutenant Colonel Halliday, who
had been a company commander in World War II, was
of a category of officer frequently encountered in Viet-
nam: a reservist voluntarily returning to active duty
for a specified period - five years, in Colonel Halli-
day's case.47
On 1 November President Lyndon B. Johnson halt-
ed all air, naval, and artillery bombardment of North
Vietnam. On 3 November the Vietnamese Com-
munists announced that they were ready to partici-
pate in peace talks.48 But for Marine Corps lawyers,
the war continued as before.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Victor J. Haydel
From a Lawyer's Case File: Civilian Court-martial
Merchant Seaman James H. Latney was a civilian con-
In August of 1967 Mr. James H. Latney, a six-foot, fined in Da Nang 's HI MAF brig. Charged with murd-
four-inch, 46-year-old Bermudian able seaman off the er he was one of only four US. civilians who were
SS Amtank, was drinking in "Mamasan's," a Viet- tried by court-martial during the Vietnam lVar
namese bar at My Khe Beach. Da Nang. The Amiank
was a Military Sea Transportation Service contract ship got to be some solution to this. What do you
carrying petroleum among Japan, the Philippines, recommend?"'
Thailand, and Vietnam. Byethe A. Trimm was a ship- Sixteen years after the Pentalateral Agreement set-
mate of Latney's.49 Reportedly a former Marine who tled the question of jurisdiction over American mili-
had received a bad conduct discharge, Trimm was tary forces in Vietnam, the unresolved issue of
described as a disagreeable individual with a history American non-diplomatic civilians now required im-
of goading Latney. As the two drank, they argued. mediate resolution. The choices were to leave Mr. Lat-
Trimm threw a chair at Latney, who thereupon stabbed ney's trial to South Vietnamese courts, which had
Trimm with a large pocket knife, killing him. The primary criminal jurisdiction, try him by U.S. court-
commotion brought Marine MPs from the nearby III martial, or remove him to a U.S. court outside Viet-
MAF compound. They apprehended Latney and trans- nam, where jurisdiction would be questionable. At
ported him to the only place available for safekeep- that time two American civilian contractor employees
ing prisoners, the III MAF brig.° were about to be tried by the Government of Viet-
Shortly, Colonel Duane L. Faw, III MAF assistant nam for negligent homicide and aggravated assault,
chief of staff and Headquarters SLO, received a tele- and a third American civilian was pending Vietnamese
trial. If Latney, too, were tried by the Vietnamese,
phone call from the American Embassy in Saigon.
Colonel Faw recalled the conversation. "thok," the Am-
it could become standard practice for American
civilians who committed crimes to face Vietnamese
bassador's representative said, "the last thing we want
to do is have the Vietnamese prosecute (another] courts. The U.S. Army had consistently opposed any
American . . . . Politically it's unacceptable. There's attempt to court-martial civilians. Colonel George S.
Prugh, the MACV StaffJudge Advocate throughJune
1966, later wrote:
*ln Ma',' 1972, after serving as the Deputy Director of the Judge
Advocate Division, Colonel Halliday became the first Marine in re- It was our understanding of the U.S. law that we were
cent times to be appointed Assistant Judge Advocate General of without UCMJ jurisdiction under the circumstances. I recall
the Navy for Military Law. In July 1975, upon his retirement, he briefing Ambassador Taylor and later Ambassador Lodge on
advanced to the grade of brigadier general. the only Marine this issue. Although each wanted the civilian offenders tried
Corps Reserve judge advocate io achieve that grade. by court-maniai, each . . . deferred to our recommends-

the case, over the objections of the SW, Colonel

i Oliver, who observed:
Our command could care less about two merchant sea-
men in a fight where one ended knifing the other in some
bar 15 miles from our command .... We were in the midst
of an ever-increasing caseload and a case of this magnitude
would break our backs . . If Latney were to be tried in

Vietnam, he should be tried by the Naval Supply Command.

as ¡he ship the accused was on was under contract to them
. . . Colonel Paw came up with the theory of "territorial

jurisdiction." Since the M.P.s that apprehended Latney were

from . . FLC. FLC should try the case.51

As incumbent of the senior Marine Corps legal billet

in Vietnam. Colonel Faw's decision that FLC try Lar-
ney prevailed. He also promised to provide FLC with
additional manpower.
Lieutenant Colonel Norris C. Broome and Major
Brian B. Kent were loaned to FLC from the 3d Ma-
tine Division and III MAF. respectively, to defend Mr.
Latney. Lieutenant Colonel Broome had been one of
the early Marine Corps lawyers assigned as an instruc-
tor at the Navy's Naval Justice School in Newport,
Rhode Island.* His employment in the case, and that
of Major Kent, two experienced lawyers. would ease
Photo courtesy of Mr. Victor J. Haydel
the workload on FLC's few attorneys and preclude any
Latney trial counsels Capts Victor j Haydel and suggestion that Latney had been defended by inex-
Charles j Kall hold broom they referred to as "Norris." perienced counsel. Until Lieutenant Colonel Broome
Latney c defense counsel was Col Noms C'. Broome. and Major Kent were appointed, Captain George Tozi.
Jr.. had represented Latney. Captains Charles). Kall
non that the most effective remedy, if trial was essential, and Victor j. Haydel were the trial counsels. The law
was to be in a Vietnamese court.53 officer was Lieutenant Colonel Donald E. Holben,
But in 1968, the Latney case was to break new whose reputation as a demanding jurist was
ground. Among the American Embassy, the Office of well-known.
the Secretary of Defense, the State Department, the At trial the issue would not be guilt or innocence,
Army MACV SJA, and Colonel Faw, they decided to because several people witnessed the killing. The ques-
recommend to the HI MAF commander. Lieutenant tions, per Article 2, were whether Latney was "serving
General Cushman, that Lames' be considered a per- with or accompanying the Armed Forces," whether he
son accompanying the Armed Forces in the field in was "in the field," and whether it was "time of war?'
time of war and within the jurisdictional scope of Ar- Actually, the application of Article 2 of the UCMJ co
ticle 2 of the Uniform Code of MilitarvJustice (UCMJ). Latney was on trial, and the resolution of pretrial juris-
General Cushman adopted their recommendation. dictional motions would effectively decide the case.
Latriey's case would be handled by court-martial, as
would any other homicide within Marine Corps juris- *He was the sixth. In March 1947, First Lieutenant Robert C.
diction. MACV headquarters in Saigon, which had Lehnen, although riot then a lawyer, was the first Marine Corps
cognizance over such matters, sought a waiver of juris- instructor at the U.S. Naval School (Naval Justice), at Port Hue.
neme, California. In April 1948 he was followed by Major William
diction from the South Vietnamese Ministry of,Justice A. Murphy. a lawyer. Next, the first Marine Corps instructor at the
that was In a confidential message to the redesignated Naval Justice School in its new location at Newport.
Commandant, Lieutenant General Cushman accurate- was Major John L. Ostby, followed by Captain Arthur R. Petersen.
ly noted that "we can anticipate a great hue and cry Major Thomas B. Casey. and Major Broome. (Col Casey itt to BGen
about civilians being tried by military courts."58 Edwin H. Simmons. dtd 30Jan89, and Col Robert C. Lehnen tr
to author, dtd 1Feb89. both ltrs in Comment folder, Marines and
FLC was selected as the command that would try Military Law in Vietnam. MCHC).
1968: HIGH TIDE 101

Photo courtesy of LICol Brian B. Kent, USMC (Ret.)

One ofLitney 's two defense counsels was Ma] Brian B. Kent, assigned to III MA F's legai
office. He was loaned to FLC to participate in the trial of the Latney court-martial.
In preparation, Lieutenant Colonel Holben travelled men of the Amtank, then docked in Yokohama.9
to Saigon and Japan to carry out legal research. Mamasan, owner of the bar that was the crime scene,
Although he had already tried two other civilians in insisted that her deposition be taken at her place of
Vietnam for relatively minor offenses, those cases had business and refused to suspend business while the
not raised the issues that the Latney case did. "Latney deposition was in progress.6°
was probably the poorest case, as far as jurisdiction was By now Captain Kall's 13-month tour of duty was
concerned," Lieutenant Colonel Holben recalled.58 Un- completed and he returned to Camp Pendleton,
like most civilians living in Vietnam and entitled to California. But having been involved in the case for
PX and officers' club privileges, military medical care, four months, his intimate knowledge of ail that had
and free mail privileges. Latney was essentially just transpired was missed. InJanuary 1968 he voluntarily
passing through. returned to Vietnam to see the case to completion.
Prosecutors Kall and Haydel went to Saigon to in- Defense counsel Lieutenant Colonel Broome, ac-
vestigate how the decision was made to court-martial companied by the returned trial counsel, Captain Kall,
Latney. Captain Kall recalled: "[We] were concerned travelled to Washington, D.C., to take the deposition
that there might be some bad news in the files of of Senator Herman E. Tairnadge, "to plumb the depths
MAC-V, e.g., 'This is a test case; even if there is no of the constitutional underpinnings, or lack thereof,
jurisdiction, get the Marines to prosecute him anyway;' of the war in Vietnam," Captain Kall said. In the se-
that sort of thing .
. . Everything we found was neu-
. nator's office, with a court reporter at the ready, just
tral or quite appropriate." After five days in Saigon as Colonel Broome's questioning was to begin, the trial
they went to Japan, accompanied by assistant defense counsel interrupted to voir direexamine the witness
counsel Captain Tozi, to take the depositions of crew- as to his competence to give evidence on the subject.

It quickly became apparent that the senator was not

expert in constitutional law. Nevertheless, the depo-
sition was taken and ultimately considered by the law
officer for whatever weight it merited. Also considered

dL1 at trial was a written jurisdictional opinion by Sena-

tor Sam J. Ervin, Jr.
In Vietnam. the night before the jurisdictional mo-
tion was to be heard by Lieutenant Colonel Holben,
Captains Kall and Haydel were in a SEAhut near the
courtroom formulating their arguments, when the
sound of incoming enemy rockets was heard. They ran
for the nearest bunker, but Captain Kall stopped to
secure the classified documents they had been study-
ing. "one of the least sensible acts I have ever per-
formed.' he later noted. As he fled the hut, an enemy
rocket exploded 20 feet from Captain Kall, who was
caught in the open. Amazingly, he was uninjured. A
SEAhut near the courtroom and next door to the SJA's
Photo courtesy of Mr. Charles J. Kall office sas destroyed by a second rocket. The courtroom
The ou'ner ofMamasan 's bar refused to close her estab- itself sustained heavy shrapnel damage, including
lishment. The prosecution took her statement in the decapitation of the carved wooden figure of Justice
bar between customers. capts Victor j Haydel and With Scales, with which Major Ziemann had deco-
Robert W Wachsmuth, with paper listen to translator rated the law officer's bench two years before.
This Quonset hut near FLC 's courtroom, was destroyed the night before the Luney trial.
A/though 20 feet from an exploding rocket. Capt Charles j Kall escaped injury.

Photo courtesy of Col Charles R. Larouche, USMC (Ret)
1968: HIGH TIDE 103

FLC's staff legal offìcer, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver,

decided that Captain Kall had done enough for one
whose tour of duty had been completed months be-
fore, and returned him ro Camp Pendleton. Captain
l-I. Edward Moore replaced him just as the trial began.
The next morning, with the adjacent hut leveled
and still smoldering, and shrapnel damage to the
courtroom unrepaired. the law officer accepted the
government's argument that they were in che field in
time of war. The court decided it had jurisdiction to
try Seaman Latney.
The critical pretrial motions having been decided
in the government's favor, the trial itself was an-
ticlimactic. On 25 February 1968, Latnev, who had
been charged with premeditated murder, was convict-
ed of the lesser included offense of unpremeditated
murder and sentenced to confinement at hard labor
for 15 years.6' The law officer, Lieutenant Colonel HoI-
ben, remembered:
After the triai, the president [senior member) was reported i 73
to have said something co the effect that they the mem- ft1flJ
bers) couldn't fully comprehend all of the instructions
but they knew he was guilty of something, so they setS .j
tied on the lesser included offense . Substantial justice
was accomplished at the tria] level, all any sensible lawyer / L]LL 'I ,

Department of Defense Photo (LISMC) A413166

can hope to achieve.62
"They were tried, convicted, and heaved out...."
Administratively the case remained difficult, even MafGen Raymond G. Davis. Commanding General,
after its completion. The record of trial was about 700 3d Marine Division. took a tough stand on marijuana.
pages long, not counting roughly 250 exhibits. As
jurisdiction to try civilians in a combat zone, was only
Colonel Oliver recalled, "everyone and his brother
wanted a copy of the record, . some 26 copies."ea

Before xerography was common, copies, each with four Drugs.- 'High' Tide
carbons, were manually typeda staggering task in By 1968 the use of marijuana by Marines in rear
this instance. However, Colonel Oliver encountered a areas was becoming epidemic. Vietnamese sellers did
stroke of luck. Returning from a conference in Hawaii, not have to be sought out, they had to be fended off.
Colonel Oliver had a day's layover on Okinawa. "In The price was cheap, even on a private's pay. Some-
the officers' club ...
I struck up a conversation with times marijuana was literally given away. Vietnamese
a civilian who turned out to be . . . in charge of the authorities had little interest in interdicting the trade.
Government Printing Office on Okinawa. I did not and U.S. authorities had little success in doing so.
realize we had such an office there."64 Back in Viet- Colonel PeterJ. Muironey, commanding officer of the
nam, printing of the record at che Okinawa Govern- 12th Marines, remembered:
ment Printing Office was authorized and funding was Its use is more widespread than anyone would care to ad.
approved. FLC reporters typed one original record of mit. Every one of my battalions had investigations going all
trial and one copy. Twenty-five additional printed co- the time. lt is almost impossible to keep somebody chat wants
to get marijuana from getting it. [Lt'sl sold at every road.
pies were available in three weeks.
As Latney sat in the ill MAF brig awaiting trans- *A tota] of four U.S. civilians were tried by military courts-martial
portation to a federal facility in the United States, the during the Vietnam war. (Prugh. Law At Jt'ar. pp. 109-110). Latney
e Ignotins. the appeal that resulted from Latney's conviction, and
lawyers involved in his case anticipated the appeal that United Stares s' Avererte, the later Vietnam court-maniai involv-
was sure to follow. The Latney case was not over, and ing a civilian accused that settled the jurisdictional question, are
the precedent it established, that ,ourts-martial had detailed in Chapter 8.

side ville, peddled by all the civilians. . . You would have

. between the tin roof and the wail . . . . Spray from the

to have an officer or staff NCO on every vehicle to keep them prisoners' showers would water the plants. When the plants
from getting it ....The other point to make is misplaced reached a sufficient size, plastic ....ould be placed be-
loyalty. Some of the young officers and even some of the tween the shower spray and the plant. causing the plant to
staff NCOs that have a man that does a good job in the die. The plants would then be crushed and rolled in toilet
daytimeafter hours, if there is such a thing in Vietnam. paper to make joints. We were never able to identify any
he isn't going to pay attention to what that man does, or individual prisoner being directly involved.72
isn't going to place him on report. That is misplaced Iovahv6s
Occasionally, marijuana was turned to a positive
In 1968 marijuana was usually confined to areas end, if one were detailed to transpon it to Japan for
where there was seldom enemy contact. The 3d Ma- analysis. In 1968, at Long Binh, the Army opened the
rifle Division's commander, Major General Raymond only crime laboratory in Vietnam available to U.S.
G. Davis, pointed out that "there is no drug problem Armed Forces.73 If the Long Binh laboratory was back-
out in the hinterlands, because there was a self- logged. or if a case had to be tried quickly to avoid
policing by the troops themselves. Their life depend- end-of-tour rotation dates, a Marine Corps lawyer or
ed on a clear head, and they would just not permit enlisted clerk would travel to the crime lab at Camp
anybody to smoke a marijuana cigarette, or consume Zama, Japan, to secure the documentation necessary
drugs."66 Commenting on the disciplinary action taken for in-court use. Upon arriving, the Marine's first
upon discovery of drugs. General Davis continued: question usually was how long the analysis would take.
At that time, anyone caught with as much as a half-inch The reply often was, "How long do you want it to
of marijuana cigarette in their pocket was given a discharge take?
from the Maxine Corps. They were tried, convicted, and Trying Cases
heaved out . . During my review of trials, where there

was no other evidence except this very small piece of a Special courts-martial often were still tried by non-
cigarette. I let the conviction stand, but [directedj a year's
lawyers at the battalion and group level, although visit-
ing trial teams commonly tried any pending cases.
While General Davis' description of the court-maniai Since the major commands all had detachments in lo-
process took a few intermediate in-court steps for cations separate from their headquarters, each com-
granted. it correctly reflected the serious disciplinary mand had adopted the trial team concept by 1968.
approach being taken in attempting to reverse the ris- A triai team usually consisted of two lawyers: a triai
ing tide of marijuana use. Lieutenant Colonel Jaeck, and a defense counsel, If a complex or unusual case
in his 1967 fact-finding repon on drug abuse had not- was anticipated, a third lawyer might join the team
ed that FLC referred all marijuana cases to a general to act as the senior member. Court reporters were still
court-martial as a matter of course. Other commands assigned to individual battalions or squadrons. as well
determined appropriate action "by the attitude of the as to the various legal offices. Captain Clarke C.
commander."68 By 1968 most commanders were in Barnes, a 3d Marine Division lawyer, recalled: "Courts
agreement with the need for serious steps, and that were held in the field in bunkers, tents, S-1 hooches
made the marijuana problem a legal problem. For- at the battalion rear, et cetera - - . The practice was

tunately, although hard drugs were available, their use to go to the field where the witnesses were, to inves-
in Marine units was still rare.60 tigate and develop a case, or see a convening authori-
Military personnel were being arrested in R & R ty, causing the least amount of operational interference
pons for importation of marijuana7o Not even the Da possible."
Nang brig was free from the problem. ColonelJames
Travel between commands remained haphazard and
W. Shank, the 111 MAF Inspector noted that "the boys
dependent on the persistence and ingenuity of the
out of the brig, when they're travelling back and forth
lawyers involved. Only rarely were vehicles assigned to
to where ever they're working, why, the civilians will
legai offices and lawyers often took to the road, usually
throw marijuana into the truck for the boys, so the
hitchhiking.76 Inadvertent trips down enemy con-
problem of keeping marijuana out of the brig has been
trolled roads and helicopters forced down by mechan-
a big one."71 It was not always solved successfully. Cap-
ical failu re remained unremarkable occurrencesY7
tain Wachsmuth recalled one of his cases:
Members of brig working parties would obtain mariju- *Simple tests to confirm a substance o be marijuana took up
ana seeds lwhich were planted in rows of dirt above the to 60 days at the Long Binh laboratory. If sent by mail. the Camp
shower stalls which were opened to the outside by the gap Zama lab could take as long as three nsonths. (Mann intvw).
1968: HIGH TIDE 105

Photo courtesy of Col Rufus C. Young IV. USMC (Ret.)

Lit Marine Aircraft Wing trial teams frequently brought legal services to the field Ca/its
Donald R. Pritchard left, and Rufus C. Young, at CAP unit F-4 in January 1968.
Equipment problems persisted, too. In the 3d Ma- RTD-induced memory lapses. Commonly however,
rine Division the year began with three out of 10 port- participants in pending trials asked, "My RTD's com-
able Grey Keynoters working. At mid-year, two of 10 ing up. Can't you just take my statement and use it
were functioning. The only effective method of repair in court?" Captain Barnes recalled:
required hand-carrying the units to Okinawa or The more senior the witness, the greater the flap .
Japan.78 The ist Marine Division had adhered to usual On occasion Colonel Mo [J. R. Motelewski, the 3d Marine
repair practice and turned in their inoperative Key- Division chief of suffI would counsel convening authorities
noters to ist Force Service Regiment for repair. Now who expected the trial counsel or delense counsel to waive
eight of those machines were missing and never reco- the right to confrontation, but for the most part everyone
cooperated. After all, everyone in the [legai] office wanted
vered In self-defense three court reporters were sent to rotate on time, also. So everyone worked hard to bring
co Japan to attend a Grey maintenance and repair to trial quickly. cases where witnesses were on legal hold.2
Law officers, required for all general courts-martial,
Colonel John R. DeBarr, a law officer, noted that had worked out of Yokosuka, Japan, since before the
cases were being lost because of equipment that mal- Marines landed in Vietnam in 1965. A Marine Corps
functioned in the course of trial.81 Typically, that oc colonel and a Navy captain were normally assigned
curred when an appellate defense counsel in there. In 1968 the Yokosuka law officers were Colonel
Washington saw a reporter's notation in a record of Alexander M. "Sandy" Hearn and Captain Wyman
trial that the testimony was 'reconstructed," because .Jackson.JAGC. USN. Besides coveringJapan and Viet-
the recorder quit working in the midst of a witnesses' nam, they heard cases at Subic Bay in the Philippines,
testimony. If the appellate court considered the miss- on Okinawa, and, occasionally, on Guam. When in
ing verbatim testimony substantial and critical to the Vietnam they sat at the ist Marine Division's Head-
defense, it was obliged to reverse the guilty verdict. quarters in Da Nang, FLC's Red Beach facility, and,
Rotation tour dates (RTDs), the scheduled dates for Navy cases, the Naval Support Activity at Tien Sha,
that Marines returned to the United States, always con- near Da Nang. The law officers seldom knew what
cerned lawyers, convening authorities, and witnesses, cases or issues they would encounter in Vietnam, but
but no cases are known to have suffered because of they were experienced enough to deal with most con-

Photo courtesy of Col William R. Eleazer, USMC (Ret.)

A gas attack drill at FLC's Camp Books interrupted United States s'. Montovon. a general
court-martial involr'ing the charge of murder The testimony o/a cir'ilian defense wit-
ness, psychiatrist Dr Pearman, masked man at right, continued after the drill's conclusion.
tingencies. As Colonel Hearn noted. "Research materi- that period. They considered their infrequent trips to
als were not a problem. At first, I tried to carry some Yokosuka and the Philippines to try cases almost as
materials, but soon abandoned that idea. As a practi- R & R.B5 One place not visited by a law officer,
cal matter, complicated legal issues seldom arose."83 however, was Khe Sanh.
In late 1966 a Navy-Marine Corps Judicial Activity Trial Under Fire: Khe Sanh Court
branch office opened at III MAF Headquarters in Da
Nang to respond to in-country needs and ease the bur- At the beginning of 1968, three infantry battalions
den on the Yokosuka law officers, who spent a great defended Khe Sanh. From January through March the
deal of time travelling. Lieutenant Colonel William base relied upon massive supporting arms fire to keep
W. Wander, Jr.. was the first law officer assigned to the enemy at bay. This included tactical aircraft sor-
the new office, followed, a year later, by Lieutenant ties at the rate of nearly one every five minutes. B-52
Colonel Donald E. Holbcn.84 In May 1968 Colonel bombers dropped over 75,000 tons of bombs around
Hotben turned over his duties to Colonel John R. De- the base. U.S. Army and Marine Corps artillery fired
Barr.* The law officers found it to be a demanding nearly 1,500 rounds a day.86 Yet the enemy still regu-
billet, with trials virtually every day, and always with larly placed heavy and accurate artillery, mortar, and
members as was required in general courts-mania! of rocket fire on Marine positions there.**

s*Thc commanding officer of Khe Sanh combat base (and 26th

5'The fifth Director of the Judge Advocate Division, Col DeBarr Marines) was Colonel David E. Lownds. In April 1968 he relin-
was promoted to the grade of brigadier general on lO April 1974. quished command to Colonel Bruce E Meyers. who had previously
In World War Il he was an infantry platoon commander on Iwo earned a law degree while stationed in Washington, D.C. Colonel
Jima. In 1953.55 he served on the U.N. Truce Supervision Com- Meyers said of his law degree, "1 kept it off my record until just
mission in Palestine, and later served as an appellate counsel, law prior to retirement (I was an 03 infantryman] and wished no part
officer, and military judge. In Vietnam, he tried 195 general courts- of the JAG bit). Had I taken a bar, it would have precluded my
martial. including more than a dosen murders, in 12 months. In having Icommand of] . . . Special Landing Force Alpha. the 26th
1971 he advised President Nixon regarding the case of the United Marines, and The Basic School!" (Col B. F. Meyers Irr to BGen E.
States y. Lt. William Cailey. U.S. Army. (DeBan 1986 intvw and H. Simmons, dtd 7Dec87. Correspondence folder. Marines and Mili.
Biographical Files. RefSec. MCHC) wy Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
1968: HIGH TIDE 107

Departmeni of Defense Photo (LJSMC) A190685

A special court-martial was tried in an underground Khe Sanh bunker in Februarj 1968.
After being convicted of sleeping on post the Marine was kept at Khe Sanh rather than
being allowed to serve his sentence in the safer confines of Da Nang III MAF brig.
An Air Force C-130. similar to the ones that delivered the court-martial counsels, sits
on the runway at Khe Sanh with its cargo ramp lowered Enemy artillery rounds land
in the background and, moments after the photograph was taken, destroyed this aircraft.
Photo courtesy of LtCol David Douglas Duncan. USMCR (Ret)

Photo courtesy of Mi. Harry L. Shorstein

"During the lulls we allfilled sandbags and reinforced our positions." Capt Hariy L. Shor-
stein, a 3rd Marine Division lawyer was the prosecutor in a Khe Sanh special court- martial.
He returned to Khe Sanh two months later as counsel in a formal invest::gation.
Despite the constant and intense volume of fire. a The court acquitted the accused of marijuana pos-
Marine sentry, suspected of being in possession of session but convicted him of sleeping on post. The
marijuana, was found asleep at his post. In mid- members sentenced him to a reduction in grade and
February a special court-martial was convened by the forfeitures. "The sentence was appropriate," thought
commanding officer of the ist Battalion. 26th Marines Captain Wachsmuth. 'The accused was not sent back
to try both charges. The counsels were Captain Harry to the brig or otherwise allowed to escape the confines
L. Shorstein, a 3d Marine Division lawyer, and Cap. of Khe Sank"
tain Robert W. Wachsmuth of FLC. After the court-martial, Captain Wachsmuth
The C-130 in which Captain Shorstein was a pas- departed as he had arrived, by leaping aboard the lo-
senger landed at Khe Sanh under heavy artiller rock- wered ramp of a moving C-130, while incoming ene-
et, and mortar fire. Captain Wachsmuth arrived a short my fire rained down. Captain Shorstein remained at
time later, the only passenger on another C-130. Cap- Khe Sanh for several more days. "I stayed because
tain Wachsmuth said the crew warned me that when fixed-wing aircraft were not coming in and the
he touched down, we would immediately receive in- choppers were full of medevacs . . . During the lulls

coming mortar fire. I was instructed to run down the Ein shelling] we all filled sandbags and reinforced our
[rear facing] ramp after all the cargo had been off- positions." During his stay he provided legal assistance
loaded, as the aircraft would only be [making a) touch- to the Khe Sanh Marines. (On 23 February, he also
and-go, i.e., a 'rolling stop.'" witnessed the worst shelling of the entire siege of Khe
After several days of investigation and court prepa- Sank 1,307 incoming rounds in an eight-hour peri-
ration. the trial was conducted in the underground od, during which 10 Marines were killed and 51
command bunker of the 26th Marines. The lawyers wounded.)87 When the runway reopened, Captain
did not anticipate a bad conduct discharge, and they Shorstein left Khe Sanh on an Air Force C-123. "[It]
made no effort to make a verbatim record of the trial. landed, troops exited without its stopping and 1, and
1968: HIGH TIDE 109

others, jumped on while it taxied."88 Four months later would call her nation's embassy fandi we would have a mini-
the Marines abandoned the base.89 diplomatic incident on our hands. Alternatively, the Ma-
rine would bring this woman home, and the Commandant
Captain Shorstein received the Bronze Star Medal of the Marine Corps would incur the wrath of some senator
and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, in part for his or congressman because a constituent (the Marine's parents)
actions at Khe Sanh.* While numerous trials took had called, asking why the Marine Corps had permitted their
place under sporadic enemy fire, few were as dramat- eighteen or nineteen year old son, whom they had entrust-
ic as the Khe Sanh court-martial. ed to the Marine Comps, to marry.°

Legal Assistance, Claims, Reviews: Division Order 1752.1 was the ist Marine Division's
Someone Has To Do lt effort to anticipate such problems. It required the
Marines were discovering that Marine Corps lawyers commanding general's written permission before a Ma-
did more than try courts-martial. Legal assistance was rine outside the United States could marry. Counsel-
for all Marines, and statistics reflected the growing ap- ling by the division chaplain and a judge advocate and
preciation of that fact. Marine Corps-wide, from 1965 documentation of the prospective bride's background
through 1968, the legal assistance workload grew from were required before that permission was given. "In
51,602 to 73,735 cases. In 1968 alone the major Ma- Vietnam," Captain Parks recalled, "we simply had an
rine Corps commands in Vietnam handled 4,561 le- agreement with local authorities that they were not
gal assistance cases. authorized to grant any marriage licenses to Marines
Requests to marry Vietnamese women became so without the commanding general's written
common that legal assistance lawyers served on mar- permissionwhich, of course, he would not give."
riage counselling boards that were established by their Captain Parks continued:
commands.90 Typically, a young Marine would fall in Practically speaking, a Marine would have to meet his
love while on R & R and propose marriage to his Viet- prospective bride six months to a year before he ever came
to Vietnam in order to wade through this intricate labyrinth
namese, Thai, Japanese, or Chinese girlfriend. Even during his tour. To my knowledge, only one Marine was suc-
if they were to marry, the bride might not be allowed cessful in doing so. He was a major who had met and dated
to immigrate to the United States. If a background aJapanese woman. . . during the three-year tour at Yokosuka
check revealed her to be a prostitute, immigration was that preceded his Vietnam tour.92
certainly precluded and delicate and complex legal is- The wide range of other legal assistance subject mat-
sues would likely follow. Captain W. Hays Parks not- ter (wills, powers of attorney, adoptions, taxation,
ed other potential problems: avoidance of civil action, citizenship. landiord-tenant,
If the Marine did marry. . once he got back to the United to name some of the more common topics) required
States he might decide that she didn't look as good to him skilled lawyers with a broad range of expertise.93
as she did before, and simply walk away from her . She
Vietnamese claims against the United States in-
*TwO months later, Captain Shorstein was again associated with creased, as well. The ingenuity exhibited in devising
events involving the Khe Sanh garrison. On 16 April 1968 a patrol fraudulent claims was impressive. For example, Cap-
of two platoons was engaged by the enemy near Khe Sanh. A fierce tain C. Clarke Barnes, a 3d Marine Division lawyer,
engagement ensued, eventually involving three companies. The Ma-
rines finally withdrew, leaving behind what turned out to be two
was once searching for a ride out of Da Nang. He
wounded and 13 dead. Over the next two days attempts to rescue walked down the road, keeping watch over his shoul-
the wounded and recover the dead uagica]iy failed. One of the der for a Marine Corps vehicle. As a Vietnamese three-
wounded. Corporal Hubert H. Hunnicutt. was finally recovered and wheeled bus approached him, a motorcyclist darted
later received the Navy Cross. At Cam Lo, on 22 April, a formal around the bus and into his path. Captain Barnes
investigation inquired into the debacle. Captain Shorstein was coun-
sel to the commander of the battalion involved. Colonel Norris C.
Broome, Assistant STD of the 3d Marine Division. was counsel to I had just enough time to step out of the way . . but.

the investigation. As Captain Shorstein said, 'heads rolled, from his forehead hit . . my right arm, extended with my val-

the Task Force X-Ray commander on down." The battalion com- par in it. The little man was peeled off the motorcycle like
mander was relieved for cause, and the regimental and task force he had been clotheslined . . . He lay there momentarily

commanders were given substandard fitness reports. (Col Walter and looked dead, then moaned and struggled to his feet
H. Cuenin Irr to CG. 3d MarDiv, Subj: Informal investigation into About a week later I encountered the area foreign
circumstances of a night operation conducted by the ist Bn., 9th claims officer (Army). As I was relating my experience, the
Marines, in the vicinity of Khe Sanh, ori the roghi of 16-17 April Army officer began laughing. . . They had received a claim
1968 (MCHC): and Harry L. Shorstein ltr to author. dtd 30Jan89. from a Vietnamese that a tank had collided with him, he
Comment folder, Marines and Military Liw in Vietnam file. MCI-IC). had received a head injury, and his motorcycle was destroyed.

I ol



Courtesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell. USMC (Ret)

The foreign claims investigator's pass issued to lawyers of the ist Marine Division.
The Iclaimsi office had received no reports from Army or committed: the attack with intent to murder one's own
Marine tank units admitting to such an accident, and he officers and noncommissioned officers, most often by
said, "lt's obvious, you're it, you're the tank!" The veracity fragmentation hand grenade. The charge for the com-
of that claim was the same as every claim for restitution for
water buffalos killed n the field: they are always female and
pleted offense was premeditated murder. The cowardly
always pregnant94 act was commonly referred to as "fragging."
Another function of the staff legal offices was to Such incidents, although hard to document, are
review courts-martial and one-officer investigations part of the ugly lore of every conflict. The first veri-
(the latter referred to as 'JAG Manual" investigations fied incident involving the murder of a commander
after the Navy legal manual that contained investiga- by his own troops occurred on 1 January 1781, when
tion guidelines), The Navy law specialists, attached Pennsylvania soldiers of the Continental Army killed
to each office, still had to review summary courts- one of their captains.5 In Vietnam fraggings were car-
martial and some special courts and attest to their le- ried out for a variety of "reasons," including imagined
gal correctness. JAG Manual investigations, usually wrongs, punishment for perceived over-zealousness in
conducted to resolve losses of government property or the performance of duty, for racial reasons, and sim-
fix responsibility for accidents, could be reviewed by ply to intimidate. Although there reportedly were such
any lawyer. These administrative tasks, while not as assaults as early as 1966, only in 1968 were they recog-
exciting as others in the legal offices, were as neces- nized as more than isolated occurrences. The Marine
sary and important as those requiring courtroom ap- Corps did not keep fragging statistics until late in the
pearance. war and then not in all commands, Official figures
Fragging.' Friendly Fire With Malice reflecting the number of these murders, or attempts
The Vietnam war produced a form of felony that, to commit murder, and the number of deaths or
although a part of all wars, had never been so woundings that resulted, are incomplete. The Marine
widespread, so callously carried out, or so frequently Corps' total, based upon those incomplete statistics,
1968: HIGH TIDE 111

is estimated to be from 100 to 150 incidents for the

entire war.* Despite those estimated numbers, few
deaths resulted from such attacks. (Army statistics are
similarly fragmentary, although 527 incidents between
1969 and 1971 is a figure cited by several unofficial
sources.)96 A review of Vietnam-era Marine Corps ap-
pellate cases reveals no opinions relating to fragging.
Those who committed the offense could not easily
be identified, so there was little to deter or inhibit
the criminally inclined Marine. As Colonel James W.
Shank, the III MAF Inspector in 1968, pointed out:
"There are no fingerprints on a grenade ....There
is no reluctance at all for an individual who doesn't
like his first sergeant, who doesn't like his major, to
throw a grenade under his hootch."98
In a study of 28 soldiers convicted of fragging su-
periors, an Army psychiatrist reported that those con-
victed were dissatisfied with their job assignments and
felt they were scapegoats or singled out for minor
punishments within their units. Most were support
personnel. The majority (87.5 percent) involved in the Photo courtesy of Col W Hayes Parks. USMCR
study were intoxicated by alcohol or drugs at the time On 6 May 1968 two Vietnamese noncombatants were
of their offenses. They later lacked feelings of remorse murdered on this bridge at Van Duong. Four Marine
and had little insight into their own behavior. Corps investigators look for physical evidence.
Although a sample of 28 is too small to allow the would have nothing to do with him. ¡ was so emotional about
drawing of firm conclusions, the study's author be- being confronted with a man rhat would do this that I'm
lieved that neither racial tension nor political activism sure I violated the UCMJ and a lot of other things when
were significant causal factors° I said. l've found out who you are, you son-of-a-bitch, and
Most Marines found it difficult to believe that such I'll see you on the gallows!"°°
cowardly, reprehensible acts could be committed by The fragging cancer was just beginning. In the next
fellow Marines. The Commanding General of the Fleet two years it would occur frequently usually among
Marine Force, Pacific, Lieutenant General Victor H. rear-area Marines.
Krulak, said:
Homicide on Patrol: Nothing Hidden
I remember my first experience with an enlisted man be-
having in this way . . . I was inspecting in Vietnam and On 16 March 1968, Company C, Task Force Barker,
I knew about a situation where a captain had lost an arm of the Army's Americal Division, assaulted My Lai (4).
because of a grenade. The whole of our outfit was aghast
Soldiers of the first platoon of Company C murdered
at this and the individual was very quickly surfaced by his
peers. I was inspecting the brig at Da Nang and I went into 175 to 200 civilian noncombatants. An Army court-
the maximum security area . . asking them what they did
. martial found First Lieutenant William L. Calley, U.S.
and why they were thete . . . I came to this fellow and
. Army, guilty of numerous offenses relating to the in-
he was s'erv reticent. He said, "Well. I'm in here for some cident and sentenced him to dismissal from the Army
little difficulty with my captain." The turnkey took me aside
and confinement at hard labor for life. Ultimately, the
This is the fellow that threw the grenade." I could
tell that he was a pariah, that the rest of the Marinesand Secretary of the Army reduced the confinement por-
this is just 1968, mark youthat the rest of the Marines tion of the sentence to 10 years and Calley was im-
mediately eligible for parole.
5'The estimate is the author's, based upon reported fragging cases, On 5 May, a month and a half after the My Lai (4)
the number of Marines in Vietnam. and the period during which incident, Lance Corporal Denzil R. Allen and five
fraggings were known to have occurred. Because fraggings were some-
others from the ist Battalion, 27th Marines, left their
times reported as enemy action, accident, or friendly fire, and be-
cause there w-as no requirement that suspected fraggings be reported patrol base near Hue to establish an ambush. While
to a central authority, any estimate, no matter how informed, is moving to the ambush site they encountered two Viet-
necessarily rough. namese men, aged 50 and 53. After interrogating

Anthony Licciardo, Jr., hanged him. When the rope

broke and the Vietnamese fell to the floor still alive,
Allen cut the man's throat, killing him. The body was
thrown into the stream and, as before, grenades were
dropped on jt.b01
Several Marines refused to participate in the execu-
tions and immediately reported the incidents. The six
participants charged with the murders and their squad
leader, Sergeant James W. Adams, were referred to
general courts-martial. Among the several trial coun-
sels involved, those accused of the shootings were deri-
sively referred to as "the magnificent seven," after the
then-popular movie.
Four months later Lance Corporal Allen pleaded
guilty to five specifications of unpremeditated murd-
er. The law officer in Allen's case and in the trials of
all of the co-accused was Colonel John R. DeBarr. The
court members sentenced Allen to reduction to pri-
vate, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, a dishonora-
ble discharge, and confinement at hard labor for life,
Prior to trial, Allen and his defense counsel, Captain
Sandy S. McMath, had secured an agreement with the
convening authority to limit confinement to 20 years
in exchange for the guilty pleas. Later clemency ac-
tion further reduced Allen's confinement to seven
Photo courtesy of Col W. Hayes Parks, USMCR years. His later appellate assertion of incompetence of
A member of the Marine Corps investigating team counsel failed to impress either the Court of Military
stands beneath the rafter from which Ho Cam, a Review or a Federal District Court.'°2 (Nevertheless,
43-year old Vietnamese noncombatant, was hanged he was paroled after having served only two years and
11 months confinement.)'°3
them Lance Corporal Allen and Private Martin R. Al-
varez stood the two Vietnamese beside a ditch and, Lance Corporal Maushart pleaded guilty to one
on a count of three, shot them to death. Lance Cor- specification of unpremeditated murder and, through
poral Allen turned and said to the others in the patrol. his Marine Corps lawyer and an individually request-
"You didn't see nothing." Later that night, after the ed Air Force judge advocate, secured a pretrial agree-
patrol had returned to its base, the outpost was at- ment to limit confinement to 10 years. The court
tacked by an enemy force. The next morning a patrol members, unaware of the agreement (as required by
searched for enemy bodies. Instead, three Vietnamese military procedure). sentenced him to two years con-
male civilians, aged 32, 43, and 65. were taken into finement at hard labor, plus the accompanying reduc-
custody and brought back to the patrol base. The idea tion, forfeitures, and dishonorable discharge usual in
somehow developed that the Vietnamese should be such serious cases. As provided for in the Manual for
put to death. Two of the prisoners were forced onto Courts-MartthI the lesser of the two possible sentences,
a footbridge and a "firing squad" allegedly consisting that imposed by the court and that contained in the
of Allen, Alvarez, Lance Corporals John D. Belknap, pretrial agreement, applied. Impressed by Maushart's
James A. Maushart, Private First Class RobertJ. Vick- evidence of apparent good character, the members
ers, and two others, formed, Again on the count of recommended that all confinement over eight months
three, they shot the two Vietnamese to death. The be suspended. The convening authority rejected the
bodies fell into a stream below, where they were again recommendation. Maushart served a year and eight
shot. Then hand grenades were dropped on the bod- months confmnement.b04
ies. The group next forced the third Vietnamese into Lance Corporals Belknap and Licciardo, both with
a building where Lance Corporals AI len, Belknap. and - pretrial agreements limiting confinement to 15 years,
1968: HIGH TIDE 113

Photo courtesy of Coi William R. Eleazer. USMC (Ret.)

Senior lawyers gatlered on Hill 327. From left. Col Paul JV Seabaugh, III MAP SLO;
LtCol W7i/liam R. Eleazer; and ist Marine Division SItJ, Col Jack E. Hanthorn.
pleaded guilty to single murders. Their courts sen- As required by the UCMJ, Vickers' case was reviewed
tenced both to two years confinement. Beiknap served by the SLO, Colonel Hanthorn.* Colonel Hanthoro
a year and three months; Licciardo served his full sen- had been informed by his chief trial counsel, Captain
tence.105 W. Hays Parks, of a post-trial conversation Captain
Private Alvarez, represented by First Lieutenant Parks had with a court member who related that Vick-
Thomas A. King and a civilian co-counsel, was found ers' conviction was partially based upon his greater age
to lack mental responsibility and was thus adjudged and his mere presence which, the members improperly
not guilty.b06 Colonel Hanthorn. the SLO, arranged reasoned, had encouraged the others.b05 Colonel Han-
for Alvarez to return to the United States with his thorn recalled of the case:
mother, who went to Vietnam to attend her son's Taking all this [veracity and character evidence] into con-
court-martial held on Hill 327.107 The squad leader, sideration, and after much deliberation over the fact that
Sergeant Adams, received nonjudicial punishment the court had apparently not believed him, I concluded that
J did believe him. Accordingly, I recommended to the CG
from the division commander for dereliction of duty that he disapprove the guilty findings. The CG studied the
and failure to report his squad's offenses.boB case ven' carefully [then] disapproved the guilty findings,
Private First Class Vickers, the oldest accused at 25 and the accused was returned to duty. There was an interest-
years of age, pleaded not guilty to two specifications ing further development. The L.A. Times had been follow-
of unpremeditated murder of the two Vietnamese who ing the trials rather closely, and when the result of the CG's
had been executed by the 'firing squad" on the foot-
bridge. Although testimony placed him with the fir- *"The convening authority shall refer the record of every general
court-martial to his staff judge advocate or legal officer, who shall
ing squad. Vickers swore that, just as he was submit his written opinion thereon to the convening authority
approaching the footbridge to see what the commo- .. The review will include . . . his opinion as to the adequacy
tion was about, the two victims had been killed. He and weight of the evidence......Articles 85.b and 61. respectively,
also offered evidence of his veracity and good charac- UCMJ. Colonel Hanthorn later wrote, "We are proud of the review
system and believe that it is extremely fair and just . . . Both law-
ter in the form of laudatory letters from people who .

yers and nonlawyers are . .striving for the most neatly perfect
knew him from his pre-service civilian employment. system of justice that we can devise." (Col. Jack E. Hanthorn, "The
The members, disbelieving his assertion of innocence, Charge of the First Legal Division," Harvard law School Bulletin.
found him guilty of both murders. Mar.Apr69. p. 10.)

action was made known, the Times reporter came to talk Indeed, that had been one of Lieutenant Colonel
so me. He couldn't understand why we had referred the case Jaeck's findings in his 1967 study of the marijuana
to trial since we had now dismissed it. ¡ showed him roy problem. Lieutenant General Krulak had penned at
review of the case, with aIl mv reasons, but he still didn't
understand . . The reporter intimated that maybe we
the end of Colonel Jaeck's report. "We must attempt
took the action because of some pressure. perhaps because to establish more uniform standards of disciplinary ac-
the accused was the only black on trial. I am not sure that tion respecting marijuana offenses,"h12 but the
I ever convinced him that we were just honest people doing pronounced differences in sentences from command
our jobs.l O
to command persisted.
In this case, unlike the My Lai courts-martials, all At 2210 on Friday, 16 August, prisoners were return-
participants were tried within five months of the kill- ing to the brig compound from a movie. Different par-
ings and, in five cases, convicted by courts-martial. ticipants recalled the incident starring in different
III MAF Brig Riot: Prisonerr Kangaroo courts ways. Whether it was Prisoner McDonald taking
offense at the way a guard closed the gate in front of
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph j. N. Gambardella was him, or whether Prisoner Webb jumped a guard af-
the commanding officer of the 3d Military Police Bat- ter being reprimanded, brig personnel quickly lost
talion, FLC, and the officer in charge of rhe III MAF control of the situation. While prisoners egged on both
brig. He had been concerned over the increasing brig McDonald and Webb as they wrestled with brig per-
population (from 175 prisoners in May to 298 in Au- sonnel, the guards backed out of the compound.
gust) and the inmates' hostility. A prisoner. Private Warning shots were fired from the four guard towers,
Talmadge D. Berry. later testified: "As a matter of prac- but, unhampered by guards inside the compound,
tice and habit, we would harass and test the brig per- prisoners ignored the shots and began destroying
sonnel. .. . To prove yourself you had to do something equipment and fixtures. Gates between internal areas
like . . - when told to stand up we would say, were forced open and locks on prisoner SEAhuts and
'F--- you,' or something similar. Normally this would cells were broken off. Prisoners inside the compound
get us thrown in the cell block, and then we would stormed about, while their guards watched impotently
be one of the gang."11 from outside.
No specific factor ignited the riot of 16-18 August In the morning Lieutenant Colonel Gambardella,
1968. While racial overtones quickly surfaced, they unarmed, entered the brig. For an hour he spoke to
were incidental to the riot's inception.* Militant black the prisoners and listened to their complaints. "I told
prisoners also assumed leadership roles among the ri- them . I would do all in my power to expedite the
. .

oting prisoners, but as a guard, Staff Sergeant Hey- legal process, and address the other grievances as best
sel, said: "It was spontaneous, and a mixed group, I could ......I made this known to the commanding
Negro and white." A black prisoner, Private Nolan J. general, III MAF, who responded immediately, and
Nunnery, said: "I don't know any specific grievances. that is how the brig [later] became flooded with law-
As far as I am concerned, they didn't have any." Lieu- yers?"3 At Lieutenant Colonel Gambardella's request,
tenant Colonel Gambardella later pointed to one a judge advocate, Captain Martin E. Conway, Jr., was
source of conflict: made available to advise Gambardella as he conduct-
ed meetings and issued directives.' 14 For the rest of
The inconsistency of justice. There isa difference in the sentences,
and I will give you an example. We have one sailor who was sen-
the morning the prisoner's response to anyone who
tenced to 30 days for possession of marijuana. I have people in the approached the perimeter of the brig was to throw
brig sentenced to one year and a dishonorable discharge from a rocks and threaten to kill anyone attempting to enter
general court-martial [for the same offense]. That does not create the compound.
any well-being among che prisoners, somebody else getting a hell
of a lot less than them. They did agree with Lieutenant Colonel Garn-
bardella to talk about their "grievances," one-on-one.
0The sparse press accounts of the riot were reasonably accurate in the main control building. As prisoners later
and objective, making no mention of race as a cause of the distur- gathered in the building, however, they became un-
bance (e.g., Neu' York Times, 19Aug68, sec.1, p. 5). Later authors, ruly and began to destroy its contents and furnishings.
however, ascribe a racial basis for the events (e.g., David Cortright,
Soldiers in Revolt [New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1975], p. They broke into the contraband locker and passed out
40: James W. Gibson. The Perfect Ur. Technowar in Vietnam hundreds of marijuana cigarettes they found there.
[Boston/New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986], p. 217). Outside, now in complete control of the compound,
1968: HIGH TIDE 115

Division Headquarters
3d Marine Dhlslon
Headquarters, March
Locations in
ong H
1968 - November 1969 I Corps Tactical Zone
Quang, T ri
0 25 50 75
J kilometers
3d Marine Divtsíon
Headquarters, October
Thua Bai
1966 - March 1968
3d Marine Division
.- .
Headquarters,/May..,..,,, Da
1965.- October 1966 Narig'
ist Marine Division . Hoi
-e Sea
Headquarters, October All
1966 - April 1971

ist Marine Division

Headquarters, March
to October 1966
Tam Ky
Q. #J Chu

t., Quang


Thailand 's.) j
South V\i e t n a m
Cambodia /

j Il COR

prisoners burned what they could of the cinder block Officer, and asked that he come to the brig to "get
cell block, destroying it. As Colonel Gambardella a firsthand feel of it" Major Donald E. Malone, the
recalled: III MAF Assistant Provost Marshal, testified that "all
We would have to use the force necessary, but at a time
of a sudden, a bunch of lawyers appeared." The
and place of our choosing. We could then minimize the con- prisoners were told of their arrival and availability for
tact between the brig personnel and the prisoners so there consultation. The lawyers' presence, however, failed to
would be no physical injuries. . . The safety of the prisoners
alter the standoff.
and my own men . . .This was of prime importance
If you force them up against the wall, there is rio place The prisoners remained in control of the brig's in-
for them to run except towards you. If we did that we are terior compound throughout Saturday and into Sun-
going to get in a hell of a lot more trouble than we already
day. After the usual III MAF Sunday morning staff
briefing. Lieutenant Colonel Gambardella explained
Throughout Saturday the prisoners remained in con- the situation to the commanding general. "General
trol of the brig, although there was no attempt to es- Cushman asked me if I had control. I told him that
cape. "They would have been shot, had they tried," I was going back and get it."
said an MP officer, First LieutenantJimmie W. Glenn.
But while no prisoner escaped, brig authorities learned That afternoon he returned to the brig and an-
that several prisoners had been attacked by other nounced to the prisoners that he would give them 15
prisoners during the night. Chief Warrant Officer minutes to surrender, or the compound would be
Steven J. Mihalak, the Corrections Officer, said that taken by force, to include the use of tear gas. The
"each one of the [eight] injured prisoners stated that prisoners, armed with clubs, sharpened screwdrivers,
they were subject to a kangaroo court. We had to bring gasoline-soaked rags, and a gasoline-filled fire extin-
Prisoner Rezzoffi out on a stretcher." guisher employed as a makeshift flamethrower,
responded by setting another fire and again chalieng-
Prisoner Nunnery, a black Marine, underwent one
ing Lieutenant Colonel Gambardella.
of the "courts-martial." He later testified:
Military Police First Lieutenant Glenn selected 12
Prisoner Gardner. . . said. "1 am the judge.' l-le also said
that as far as he was concerned. everyone knew what the ver-
Marines from the Headquarters Battalion reaction
dict was. He walked up to the side of my rack and took a force, most of whom were sergeants with combat ex-
swing at me . . . I knew what the rest of them were going
. perience. He armed 10 of the men with baseball bats
to do . . . The guy that was my defense counsel. I didn't
and two with shotguns. "Some of them," Lieutenant
know him, tripped me. and the rest of them jumped on Glenn reported, "didn't like the idea that it was go-
me. There were six [of them]
ing to be 12 against 300." Lieutenant Glenn told the
Prisoner Berry added, "They started beating on him 12 that, if a prisoner attempted to attack them, they
I suggested throwing him in the ditch and bury- were to use the baseball bats. "I also told the men with
ing him alive with sand bags. The guys were going the shotguns that if I pointed at a man, I wanted that
to do this, but then somebody threw him [Nunnery] man to be dropped right on the spot . . . . If they
through the window and he ran away." had time, to first fire a warning shot, and then shoot
at the legs."
Berry described another Saturday afternoon "court:"
At 1530 Lieutenant Glenn formed his men in a
[Seven prisonecs[ came in my hut and talked about a kart.
wedge and approached the entrance to the sallyport,
garoo court they had just held because he didn't participate
and he was a dime.dropper. I don't know his name . beyond which the prisoners waited.'' Lieutenant
He had a jury, prosecution, defense counsel, and a judge, Colonel Gambardella had posted a judge advocate and
just like a regular court-martial, and had sentenced him to a photographer at each guard tower. "I was using them
be beaten, which they all said they participated. They talked as witnesses . to prevent false accusations about the
about the one they had pulled on Prisoner Zotts the night
force we would use."116 After donning gas masks, Lieu-
before (Friday) and had beaten him as their sentence.
tenant Glenn's detail tossed tear gas grenades into the
At least 11 "courts-martial" were carried out by the compound.
The riot was over within minutes. "There was only
Lieutenant Colonel Gambardella contacted Lieu- one prisoner hit with a bat," Lieutenant Glenn
tenant Colonel Frederick M. Haden. FLC's Staff Legal recalled. The prisoner refused to enter a truck, so "he
1968: HIGH TIDE 117

_Ápg -
Marine Corps Historical Collection
The first tear gas grenade detonates as it is thrown into the III MAF brig 's sallyport. lstLt
Jimmie W Glenn leans on a baseball bat. All 12 men of the detail wear gas masks.

The first prisoner surrenders as the tear gas is blown throughout the brig compound
Marine Corps Historical Collection

_____ -

f --- -.
Marine Corps Historical Collection
Tear gas permeates the III MAF brg, forcing rebellious conjmnees to surrender As they
abandon the compound they are herded to a ho/ding area outside the brig fence line.
The takeover ended 76prisoner.c are held outside the compound Prisoners used wet towels
in an attempt to escape the tear gas. lstLt Glenn is at lower center without cover
Marine Corps Historical Collection
1968: HIGH TIDE 119

was smacked across the back of the legs ....It only tenant Jerry D. Rucker, on loan from Subie Bay's Navy
hurt his pride."* Legal Service Office, where he was the chief defense
While FLC lawyers formulated charges and III MAF counsel. Captain Hoblock and Lieutenant Rucker
engineers rebuilt the burned cell block, 31 suspected negotiated a package pretrial agreement with the con-
ringleaders were held on diminished rations in open vening authority that promised guilty pleas by White,
dog cages in what had previously been the military Brice, and Berry to all charges except mutiny, in return
police dog kennel. III MAF authorities did not con- for a limit on each accused's punishment of one year's
sider the brig's SEAhuts, to which the other prisoners confinement and a dishonorable discharge.122
returned, secure enough to hold the ringleaders. As Of the 31 accused, only Private Roberts pleaded not
soon as transportation could be arranged, about 10 guilty to the Da Nang brig charges. and to new charges
days later, all 31 were moved from the dog cages to of mutiny and assault that arose from what Lieutenant
brigs ât Subic Bay and Sangley Point, in the Philip- Rucker called a "latenight hoorah" in the Subie Bay
pines, and Camp Butler, Okinawa.h17 Normally, FLC brig. Robert's case, like those of White. Brice, and Ber-
lawyers tried offenses occurring in the III MAF brig, ry, was tried at Subie Bay.123 Defended by his request-
but because of the large number of prisoners charged, ed defense counsel, Lieutenant Rucker, and his
responsibility for trial reverted to the prisoners' par- assigned defense counsel. Captain Hoblock. the prose-
ent units.' 8 The four principal ringleaders in the riot cutor was again Lieutenant Oberhansly.** Having al-
and subsequent kangaroo courts were Privates Michael ready prosecuted guilty pleas to essentially the same
A. Roberts, Stephen F. Brice, Calvin L. White, and events several times before, he proved Roberts' guilt
Talmadge D. Berry. At the time of the riot all four had only after a hard fought, seven-day trial in which
been serving sentences that included bad conduct dis- defense motions resulted in half the charges being dis-
charges.'19 They now faced charges of mutiny, riot, con- missed by the military judge. On 23 February 1969
spiracy to assault other prisoners, and multiple the court sentenced Roberts to 15 years confinement
assaults.120 The command charged the other 27 prin- at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge.*** All 31
cipal actors with varying lesser offenses; most were to ringleaders were convicted, most with pretrial agree-
be tried by general courts-martial. First Lieutenant ments that insured their quick departure from Viet-
Curtis K. Oberhansly was the trial counsel in many nam and a dishonorable discharge from the Marine
of those cases. Corps.t24
The lawyers involved in prosecuting and defending Perspective
the 31 accused Marines began a tedious series of trips
back and forth among Vietnam, the Philippines, and In the first half of 1968 the war's heaviest combat
Okinawa, although any case requiring a trip out of activity occurred, with the enemy's main effort cen-
Vietnam had its advantages. ("And don't come back tered on the two northern provinces. III MAF forces
to the 'Nam without . . a pair of size 11 and a pair
and the South Vietnamese repelled the enemy's in-
of size 13 tennis shoes and a couple of pairs of medi- cursions across the DMZ, ejected them from Hue, and
um handball gloves for yours truly,' one Da Nang defeated his attempts to take Khe Sanh. In May the
defense counsel wrote another.)121 enemy shifted his main attack southward against Da
Nang and again met defeat. In the last half of the year
In early 1969 Colonel John R. DeBarr tried the four
main actors in the riot, Roberts, White, Brice, and Ber-
the enemy pulled his major units back beyond the
ry at Subie Bay Naval Station. Captain MichaelJ. Hob- borders of Vietnam and reverted to small-unit tactics
and harassment.125
lock, Jr., who had never tried a contested case before,
represented all four at their request. Co-defense coun- Line officers in increasing numbers completed their
sel on the four cases was Navy judge advocate Lieu- Vietnam duty and began law school, to return later
to active duty as lawyers. Major james P. McHenry was
*Two weeks later, at the U.S. Army's Binh brig, a violent the operations officer of the ist Battalion, ist Marines.
and protracted riot occurred. A few of the 719 prisoners controlled
a portion of that brig for more than a month. Sixty prisoners and **During the trial, Lieutenant Oberhansly met, and six months
ftve guards were injured and six black prisoners were charged with later married, the daughter of Captain Robert H. Nicholson, the
conspiring and bearing a white prisoner to death with a shovel. One Naval Base Staff judge Advocate Lieutenant Oberhansly's best man
murder conviction resulted. (New York Times, 1Oct68, p. 3, and was his courtroom opponent. Lieutenant Rucker.
8Jan69. p. 12; David Cortright. Soldiers in Revolt [Garden City: was released in February 1973, having sersvd just under
Anchor Press/Doubleday. 19751. p. 40-41). four years post-trial confinement.

He received the Bronze Star Medal and returned to DK) was redesignated as the new division (with the
the United States and law school through the excess correspondence code AI). Colonel Charles Sevier had
leave program. He then continued his career as a judge led Discipline Branch since July 1966 and he con-
advocate and attained the grade of colonel.128 Cap- tinued as the first Director, Judge Advocate Division
tain Ronald C. Rachow provided ground defense for until August 1968. The new division was comprised
the Da Nang Airbase as a member of the ist Military of 15 officers, 10 enlisted men, and 14 civilians. It had
Police Battalion before becoming a judge advocate four functional branches: Military Law; Research and
and, eventually, a lieutenant colonel and general court- Plans: Legal Assistance; and General Law. Regulations.
martial military judge.127 Captain Harry K. Jowers was and Reference. Colonel Sevier's official tide was Direc-
an Army officer in Vietnam. In one remarkable year tor, Judge Advocate Division: Staff Judge Advocate
of combat he earned three Silver Star Medals, two for the Commandant of the Marine Corps. That title
Bronze Star Medals, four Purple Hearts, five Air Me- recognized the fact that there was only oneJudge Ad-
dals, and two Army Commendation Medals. After vocate General in the Naval Service, the JAG of the
completing nine years in the Army and attending law Navy.'29
school, he joined the Marine Corps as its most highly At year's end an even 300 Marine Corps lawyers were
decorated judge advocate.128 The value of such tested on active duty. Brigadier General James Lawrence re-
and experienced officers was proven in their leader- tired in November, but was immediately recalled to
ship and direction of judge advocates and the legal active duty to continue serving as Deputy Assistant
community long after the war was over. to the Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs).'°
Judge Advocate Division came into being on 17 While he had remained unretired and on active duty,
April 1968. In a reorganization of Headquarters Ma- no other lawyer colonel would be selected for promo-
rine Corps effective that date, Discipline Branch (Code tion to his grade, because Brigadier General Lawrence
Capt Ronald C. Rachow of the Ist Military Police Battalion takes a break outside Da
Nang. He completed his Marine Corps career as a general court-martial military judge.
Phow courtesy of LtCoI Ronald C. Rachow, USMC (Ret)
1968: HIGH TIDE 121

Photo courtesy of Col Harry K. jowers, USMC
Capt Hany K. jowers, US. Army, secondfrom right, was awarded one of his three Silver
Star Medals by Adm John S. McCain, Jr., Commander-in- Chief Pacific, on 17 Septem-
ber 1968. Capt Jowers later was a Marine Corps colonel and judge advocate. Marine Maj-
Gen Hugh M. Elwood, Assistant Chief of Staff (J-3), CinCPac. stands with hand on hiO.
held the sole "qualified for legal duty" general's slot duty.'' The number of these officers who were serv-
that had been authorized. Even after he retired and ing in Vietnam at any given time varied, but was
was recalled, it was two years before the annual roughly between 60 and 70.
brigadier general selection board was authorized to For the moment, the number of lawyers exceeded
again select for promotion a colonel lawyer "qualified the number of billets requiring lawyers. This surplus
for legal duty." resulted from several initiatives that came to fruition
Also on active duty were 21 lawyer colonels. 31 lieu- in 1968. The excess leave program, by which regular
tenant colonels, a mere 18 majors, and 206 captains. officers were granted up to three and a half years ex-
(Captain Patricia A. Murphy was still the sole woman cess leave (without pay or allowances) to obtain a law
Marine Corps lawyer on active duty.*) Finally. 11 first degree, placed 15 officers in law school, nine of whom
lieutenants and 12 second lieutenants were on active would soon return to active duty rolls. Another pro-
gram had already returned six experienced lawyer
*Captain Murphy became the first Marine Corps woman lawyer reservists to active duty. Their seniority helped ease
in Vietnam when, on 30 November 1968, she arrived from Okina- the continuing shortage of majors. In addition, the
wa. where she was assigned. to attend an I Corps Bar Association
Platoon Leaders Class (PI..C), Law was successfully
meeting held at the U.S. Air Force's Gunfighter's Officers Club.
in Da Nang. Departing on 1 December, she was eligible for two recruiting newly graduated lawyers.
monrh5 combat pay (Parks 28Dec88 Irr., p. 11: and Halliday intvw.) A Department of Defense Lawyer Working Group

Photo courtesy of Col Curtis W. Olsen, USMC (Re.)

Senior lawyers attended the Pacific Legal Conference at FMFPac Headquarters, Hawaii in
1968. Front row, from left, Col Donald E. Ho/ben; Co/Paul V Seabaugh; Co/Marion G.
Truesdale; Co/Jack E. Hanthorn: Co/Joseph R. Motelewskz Col Robert C. Lehnert; Col
Charles B. Sevier; Col Verne L. Oliver Second ro w. Maj Curtis W Olson; LtCol William C.
Jaeck; LtCol Frederick M. Haden; Co/Arthur R. Petersen: Co/John R. Deßarr; LtCol Max
G. Hal/iday; LtColRo/lin Q. Blakeslee; MayJoseph A. Ma//eiy, Jr Back row, Maf William H.
j Tiernan; Maj Lawrence G. Bohlin: and non/awyer Capt Frederick B. Steves, FMFPac staff

recommended lawyer incentive pay and bonuses for personnel. Significantly, however, the number of
those lawyers who volunteered to extend their initial general courts-martial rose by 209 percent.'35 This
service obligation. The Group believed this would en- reflected the lesser quality of recruit and the snore seri-
hance retention. The recommendation, however, be- ous offenses being committed. (Three percent of Ma-
came mired in bureaucratic discussion and was not put tine Corps strength was now of the lowest intelligence
into effect.'32 The next year, however, both the U.S. group, Mental Category Group lV"Cat four"with
Senate and House would introduce bills providing for projections of six percent and seven percent for the
special pay and reenlistment bonuses for military next two years.)'36
lawyers.'" In Vietnam, Marine Corps troop strength continued
In 1968, for the first time, the Judge Advocate its steady climb, reaching a peak of 85.520 in Sep-
General of the Navy kept statistics on courts-martial tember 1968. The departure of Regimental Landing
tried in Vietnam: 148 general courts; 1,284 specials Team 27 reversed that trend. By year's end about
(the bulk of them tried by lawyers, though not re- 81,000 Marines and sailors were in III MAF.'37
quired by the UCMJ); and 1,406 summary courts (vir-
tually none of which involved lawyers) were tried.'" Captain Donald Higginbotham of the ist Marine
Since the beginning of the war, the number of Division's legal office wrote: "As ridiculous as it may
courts-martial throughout the Corps had grown com- sound to some, if I had one year of my life to live over,
mensurate with the increase in manpower: a 62 per- it would be the time I spent in Vietnam. Everything
cent rise in trials and a 65 percent increase in in my life since that time has seemed iiiI38

1969 Preamble: Discipline in Disarray

The Military Justice Act of 1968: Evolutionary Fine-Tuning - Mariluana: Persons o/I/I Repute - Racial Conflict:
Black, White, and Green Administrative Discharge. The Right Fix Fragging. Killers In Our Midst From A
Lawyer's Case File: Murder o/a Company Commander Real or Imagined The Mere Gook Rule - Perspective

Disciplinary problems foreshadowed in preceding In 1969 slightly more than 18.600 Mental Category
years rose to troubling levels in 1969. While most Ma- IV enlisrees were wearing Marine greensix percent
tines quietly carried out their duties without fanfare of Marine Corps active duty strength. Although not
or disciplinary involvement, more and more of them all disciplinary problems were their fault, Project
were becoming enmeshed in the military justice sys- 100,000 individuals had a boot camp dropout rate
tem. Marijuana use, which increased dramatically in more than twice that of other recruits and continued
1968, was virtually out of control in 1969. 'Fraggings" to have a higher disciplinary rate than other Marines.6
were no longer unusual. Marine Corps draftees with Marines now arrived in Vietnam for 12-, rather than
antagonistic attitudes were more frequently encoun- 13-month tours of duty? The 12-month tours brought
tered. Disciplinary incidents were no longer uncom- the Marine Corps in line with the Army, which had
mon in combat elements and were alarmingly always assigned one-year tours. But the continuous per-
frequent in combat support units. Racial conflicts were sonnel turbulence meant that each rotation's lawyers
becoming violent and more frequent. Tensions in tended to face the same problems as their predeces-
American society were being reflected in America's sors; each year they rediscovered the same solutions.
military society. Marine Corps attorneys were now assigned the 4400
Retired Marine Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr., ex-
legal MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) designa-
pressed a disturbing view when he wrote: "The morale,
tor as a matter of course.6 Besides entering an arena
discipline and battleworthiness of the U.S. Armed filled with legal challenges, new 4400s found that the
Forces are, with a few salient exceptions, lower and
military justice system itself was on the brink of a
worse than at any time in this century and possibly
major change for the better.
in the history of the United States." Marine Corps law-
yers, reviewing burgeoning court dockets, would have The Military Justice Act of 1968:
agreed. Evolutionary Fine-Tuning
The Marine Corps was shocked by a July race riot Since the first court-martial guide. Manual for
at a Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. enlisted man's Coaris-Martial. US. Army (1920), three other Army
club. It resulted in the death of one Marine and the manuals had been in use.* A fourth came into use on
injury of 14 others.2 A riot at the Camp Pendleton, 1 August 1969, when the Military Justice Act of 1968
California. brig in September further alarmed Marine became effective Naval Courts and Boards. the legal
Corps leaders. manual employed by the Navy and Marine Corps prior
Gunnery Sergeant Joseph Lopez. an infantryman to the Uniform Code of MilitaryJustice, first appeared
who returned to Vietnam for a third tour of duty in in 1910. Revised editions were issued in 1917, 1923,
February 1969, said: and 1937. In 1969 the old "Red Book:' the 1951 Manu-
At first I noticed the discipline of the troops was very lax al Jò r Courts-Martial, was to be replaced by a larger,
Tell a man to square his cover away. tell him he loose-leaf volume.
out of uniform, the man look at you like he was gonna kill
you . . Never did I ever see anybody give a superior NCO In 1963 Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., introduced legis-
the looks that these young men give us nowadays. . . Once lation to, as he put it, "perfect the administration of
they was brought up on charges that should have warrant- justice in the Armed Forces."° After lengthy hearings
ed a court-martial and brig rime, well, they didn't get no
btig time or court-martial . We're dealing with a differ-
and delays the legislation became law. The Uniform
ent type of Marine, here . . . We need more discipline
in this Marine Corps, or we're going to lose out.4 *Manua//òr Courts-Martial, US. Army (1928) and (1949) (the
short-lived Manual for Courts-Martial, US. Air Force 119491 was
"Where do we get these individualsthese young virtually identical to the Army manuai), and the ManualJòr Courts-
criminals in Marine uniform?" asked Colonel John R. Martial (1951). A draft proposaJ for a 1964 revision of the 1951 manu-
Deßart, a general court-martial military judge. al was completed but not adopted.


Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) of 1950 had been a contend that a veterinary officer or a transportation
landmark improvement in military law, but the years officer who has read a few pages of the Uniform Code
since its implementation had revealed flaws and gaps . . can adequately represent a defendant in [a court-

that the Military Justice Act of 1968, with its revised martial]." Constitutional and criminal law had
UCMJ. was designed to cure. changed dramatically since adoption of the 1950
Among the changes, the act provided that an ac- UCMJ. Landmark opinions such as Miranda y. Arizo.
cused could not be tried by a summary court-martial na, Mapp rt Ohio, and Gideon y. linwnght, had
(in which rhere was no tight to a defense counsel or been issued, and all of those decisions were binding
an independent judge or jury) over the accused's ob- on military courts as well as civilian.* Given the rights
jection. Now, the accused could refuse a summary now available to suspects. evidentiar limitations, and
court and opt for a special court, where those rights the increasingly complex nature of a special court-
would automatically be available. martial, the Senator's view was not unreasonable.
Military trial procedures were brought more into Nevertheless, the Navy resisted the counsel provision
line with federal court practice. The act added pre- of the act, citing the difficulty of securing lawyers in
and post-trial sessions involving the military judge. the sufficient numbers and problems in convening courts
accused, and both lawyers, but without the mcm bers.1 at sea. The Air Force held that it was already capable
At such sessions motions and procedural issues could of providing lawyers in every special court-martial, and
be decided. the Army, by regulation, did not then permit special
courts to impose bad conduct discharges.12
The designation "law officer" was changed to "mili-
tary judge," and military judges were given authority Finally, the new amendments to the UCMJ provid-
roughly equivalent to that of federal district court ed that Marine Corps lawyers could be designated
judges. The act provided that a military judge was "judge advocates" and allowed designation of the
mandatory in any case in which a bad conduct dis- senior lawyer of a command as "staff judge advocate,"
charge might be imposed. Effectively then, military rather than staff legal officer,' Authorized by a Ma-
judges would be required in virtually all special courts rine Corps order, both changes in designation became
and, certainly, in all general courts-martial (where law the practice as soon as the act was passed and before
officers had always been mandated). That provision it became effective.'
was a compromise resulting from Congress' desire to With the act, instead of a battalion commander tell-
see military judges in all special courts and the Armed ing one of his officers acting as trial counsel that he.
Services' opposition to judges in any special court. Mili- the commander, expected a certain case to be tried
tary judges were required to be certified for such duty. within a certain period, the commander had a judge
Special court-martial military judges remained in the advocate defense counsel to work with (or contend
normal chain of command. General court-martial with). On the other hand, he also had a judge advo-
judges, however, would be responsible only to their cate trial counsel assigned to prosecute his cases. But
Service's Judge Advocate General (JAG). Because the neither defense nor trial counsels were in the battal-
Marine Corps had no JAG, it would look to the Na- ion commander's chain of command. Years later,
vy'sJAG for certification. This removed general court General Paul X. Kelley, 28th Commandant of the Ma-
judges from the local chain of command and fitness rine Corps, said of the Military Justice Act:
report chain, and ensured their independence and
freedom from local command influence. For the first Under the old system there's a great psychology in hay-
ing the commander say. "I award you a special court-martial,"
time an accused was allowed to opt for trial by mili- and for that individual to know that the commander is go-
tary judge alone. This corresponded to the civilian 'ing to follow that special court-martial through . . . . This
bench trial. was a great change, and a culture shock for Icommandersl.
because no longer were you the man in charge.'5
The most significant change in the 1968 act required
that a lawyer represent every accused at special courts- From the judge advocate's perspective, his skills were
martial, whether or not a bad conduct discharge was
*The warning of rights required by Miranda (384 U.S.436; 86
a possibility (unless lawyers were unavailable because
S.Ct.1602 119661) are well known. Mapp (367 U.S.643; 81 S.Ct.1684
of military conditions, an unlikely situation). Senator [19611) forbade admission of improperly seized evidence. Gideon
Ervin said of prior provisions allowing nonlawyer (372 U.S.335: 83 S.Ct.792 [1963]) settled the right of indigents to
defense counsels, "it is sheer fantasy, in my view, to appointed counsel in noncapital cases.

simply extended into new arenas. As Captain John S. martial military judges strained legal office manpow-
Papa, a Fòrce Logistic Command (FLC) lawyer, noted: er, because the newly created posts were filled from
the complement of judge advocates then present
A battalion commander sees a lawyer come in and say,
without compensating replacement lawyers.23
"Sir, this is a good pretrial agreement. because chis is all I
can get from a court." and in fact thats all he does get: or At 0730 on 1 August 1969 five ist Marine Division
he comes in and says. 'This is a bad search and seizure:' judge advocates were sworn in by the division's com-
and . . in fact the court dismisses the charge. Slowly, a con- manding general as special court-martial military
fidence is built up. The lawyer begins to be respected for
what he can do for the command.16
judges. Because of time zone differences, it was still
31 July in the United States. Promptly at 0800, Viet-
Captain Papa added that 'we lawyers had a growing nam time, as planned by the division's lawyers. Lieu-
experience, also, when we began working at the bat- tenant Colonel William R. Eleazer opened the first
talion leveL We're beginning to learn a little bit more court-martial anywhere to employ the 1968 act's new
about our bastard system . . . being a disciplinary as military judge provision.24
well as a legal system."7
Marzfuana: Persons of Ill Repute
A critic, after reviewing the Military Justice Act of
1968, conceded that "it extended substantially new Nearly half the cases tried in Vietnam in 1969 in-
due process rights to servicemen, some of them more volved possession or use of marijuana. MACV's 1969
favorable than were then provided in civilian courts. Command History reported:
and its changes in court-martial procedures, especial- Marijuana was sold by taxi drivers, prostitutes, street ur-
ly the general court-martial, considerably replaced the chins, and other persons of ill repute. The enforcement ef-
old disciplinary flavor with a judicial one."8 President fort directed toward the elimination of the source of
Lyndon B. Johnson, upon signing the act into law, not- marijuana was hampered by the lack of interest by
ed: "We have always prided ourselves on giving our Government of Vietnam authorities.25
men and women in uniform excellent medical serv- Marijuana cost ten cents a stick at virtually any store
ice, superb training, the best equipment. Now, with or traffic light.26 (A "stick" of marijuana, as the name
this, we're going to give them first-class legal service implied, was a slim wooden stick, around which were
as well." All of the act's improvements were needed wound strands of the marijuana leaf.) In a postwar in-
to cope with the disciplinary crisis building in the terview, Army General William C. Westmoreland was
Armed Forces and in Vietnam. asked about accounts of Vietnam drug use and frag-
contrary to the Navy JAG's fears, there were enough gings. He replied: "I was aghast when they had soldi-
judge advocates to meet the expanded requirement ers killing other soldiers, smoking pot in their bunker.
for lawyers. Marine Brigadier General Duane L. Faw It didn't happen . . If it happened, it was very ex-
. .

recalled that "my problems were with retention ceptional."27 But judge advocates knew that those
not with getting bodies. The [new act] didn't make offenses were all too unexceptional.
that much difference."20 In 1969 Marine Corps leaders faced an epidemic of
When the act went into effect on 1 August, law marijuana use and the breakdown of authority that
officers - those senior Marine Corps lawyers assigned accompanied it. Major Ives W. Neely, commanding
to Navy and Marine CorpsJudicial Activity offices- officer of Maintenance Company, Force Logistic Sup-
changed titles and became general court-martial mili- ply Group-Bravo, said with resignation:
tary judges. FLC conducted seminars on the new act In the company at least 70 ro 80 percenta very high
for both judge advocates and cornmanders' The new- number of peoplewere using marijuana. . . . People who
ly mandated special court-martial military judges were were pushing the marijuana had put fear into the person-
drawn from the more experienced trial and defense nel not using it, to the point that no one down in the troops
counsels in each staff judge advocate's (SJA) office. Of area, from private through sergeant, would put a man on
report. even when he knew he was smoking marijuana, be-
necessity, they were predominantly captains and cause of the strong union of marijuana smokers.
almost exclusively Reserve officers who were on their
first tours of duty as lawyers and Marines. III MAF sent Reflecting the pernicious effect that marijuana had
as many of them as possible to Subie Bay Naval Base on overall discipline, Major Neely continued:
in the Philippines for a Navy-conducted, 10-day mili- They would catch a new man as he reported into the unit
tary judges' course2 The requirement for special court- and tell him that if he was going to buy marijuana he would

Photo courtesy of Col William R. Eleazer. USMU (Ret.)

At 0730 on 1 August 1969. the day the Military Justice Act became effective, newly ap-
pointed special court-martial military judges took their oaths at the ist Marine Division
Headquarters in Da Nang from Assistant Division Commande, BGen Samuel Jaskilka.
The new judges were, from left, Capt Martin G. McGuinn, Jr.; Capt George G. Bashian,
Jr.; LtCol James P King; LtCol William R. Eleazer: and Capt Arthur W Tifford
buy it from them, and if anyone told, turned in any of their general courtsmartial,*32 Nor was drug abuse any
names, there were ways to do these people in. Usually it was longer restricted to rear area units.
with the threat of a hand grenade.28
As Lieutenant Colonel Carl E. Buchmann, FLC's
Marijuana detecting dogs first appeared in III MAF
deputy SJA, observed: '1 don't know what the solu-
in 1968. Kept by the Military Police Battalion Dog Pla-
tion is. It's a problem that's going to be with us for
toon near the III MAF brig, they were invaluable in
a long time, the way the climate back in the States
detecting concealed marijuana. They were especially
appears at the moment . . . I don't know what rhe
effective in stemming entry of the substance into Viet-
hell we're going to do."3
nani by Marines returning from R & R ports. Colonel
Duane Fas formerly the III MAf assistant chief of staff Racial Conflict.' Black, White, and Green
and headquarters staff lega! officer, recalled: "Tensions of Black Power Reach Troops in Vietnam,"
Before disembarking the [aircraft], passengers were told a New York Times headline read. "There is no longer
that the provost marshal was beyond the end of the ramp
with a marijuana sniffing dog. and anyone detected with
any doubt that the black-power issue and its tensions
marijuana . . would be prosecuted. They could avoid
have come to the United States troops in Vietnam
punishment only one way: at the end of the ramp was an The racial problem appears to be caused mainly
"amnesty barrel.' ... A substantial number of returning by a hard core of militants of both races, estimated
service personnel placed sonsething in the amnesty barrel. at 1 percent or less."
A new Marine drug rehabilitation center located at Approximately 41,000 black Marines served in Viet-
Cua Viet was available to drug users from nearby in-
fantry batralions.° Still, marijuana use increased, Its *A not-unusual case was (iS. n PiaLes/erE. Allison, of ist Force
burden on the military justice system was reflected in Service Regiment. On 25 October 1969 he was convicted by general
the changing approach to penalties. In 1968, FLC sent court-martial of possession of 1,400 marijuana cigarettes. He was
cases involving use of marijuana to general courts- sentenced to a bad conduct discharge. confinement at hard labor
for 18 months, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. (Ill MAF
martial; by 1969 such cases were tried at special courts results of trial by general court-martial Itt. dtd 3Nov69. Federal
and, for first offenders, at summary courts.3' Only Records Center folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
dealers and those involved with hard drugs faced MCHC.)

nam, many in demanding combat leadership roles.

But a significant number, victims of prejudice in
civilian life and suspicious of the military system, were
quick to find or infer discrimination in the Marine
The first black Marine was not enlisted until 1942,
and then only in compliance with an Executive Ord-
er directing an end to racial discrimination in the
Armed Forces. Initially, blacks were restricted to all-
black units commanded by white officers. The Korean
War finally brought integration to the services. At the
end of that conflict 15,000 blacks were in Marine Corps
ranks in every military occupational specialty. (Not un-
til March 1954, however, did Marine Corps enlistments
for "Steward Duty Only" end.) By the 1950s official
policy required an end to segregation in the Marine
Corps. But the actions and attitudes of a few white
Marines who were products of a lifetime of segrega-
tion, the hardcore one percent, ran counter to that
policy and often created situations ending in discipli-
nary proceedings.36
In Vietnam in mid-1969 the commanding general
of the 3d Marine Division, Major General William K.
Jones. distributed a letter to his commanders, ad- L)eparrment ot L)etense Photo (IJSML) 114-IUV4-OI-/5
dressed, "Confidential, Addressee Eyes Only": LtCo/ Carl E. Buchmann was FLC's Deputy SJA in
In view of the apparent lack of awareness of some officers
1969-70. He ir shown in a 1973 photograph as a
and staff non-commissioned officers of the basic human colonel. He said of marijuana use in Vietnam.' 'It's
rights of all Marines, I will amplify that point . . . Every
. aproblem that's going to be u'ith usforalong time."
Marine, regardless of race, color, creed, or rank has certain
basic human rights. These arc the right to fair and equal of a tent, a space normally reserved for a dozen Ma-
treatment and the right to respect for his individual digni- rines." Lieutenant Webb confirmed that the four had
ty. [Those rights] deserve more than lip-service; [they] must the pistol and were going to try to sell it. Webb con-
be vigorously observed
In rear areas blacks and whites mingled on the job I walked over to the black shack. There was a sign up above
but usually re-segregated themselves when off duty. the door -.- Im going to quote it exactly: "Chuck dudes, stay
Many liberty areas near Marine Corps bases had de the f-.- outthis means you!" ... I walked into the tent.
facto white and black sections. which members of the IA poster of] Bobby Seale was staring at me from one wall,
other race entered at their peril.38 A sign, "Kill the Beast." was up on another wall. This is in-
side a Marine compound in Vietnam.
In April 1969 Second Lieutenant James H. Webb,
Jr., future Secretary of the Navy, commanded a rifle Although Lieutenant Webb faced down the four and
platoon in the ist Battalion, 5th Marines. While his ordered them to empty their packs and other equip-
company was in the regimental rear at An Hoa, one ment onto their cots he did not locate the pistol.39 The
of his men reported the theft of his .45 caliber pistol incident illustrates the tenor of race relations in the
and his belief that it was concealed in the "Black combat units during the period.
Shack." Lieutenant Webb confirmed that the pistol Bernard C. Nalty, in his history of blacks irs the
had indeed been stolen by the occupants of the Black Armed Forces, notes:
Shack, apparently so it could be sold. As Webb re- Like the Army, the Marine Corps had been experiencing
counted: "There were four individuals, all of them out occasional racial clashes since 1965. th vcar of the Watts
riot and the Americanization of the Vietnam War - . . -
of the inner city, who were awaiting courts-martial for
Senior Marine Corps officers saw no emerging pattern and
violent acts, who literally would just as soon slit your treated the incidents as unrelated lapses in discipline. There
throat as look at you. They had forcibly taken over half are no black Marines and no white Marines, only green Ma-

rifles (a reference to the color of the uniform), ran the sb. sion, the almost visible progression of offenses
gan of the mid 196Os.° discernable from a charge sheet. Judge advocates
Nalty went on to note that by 1969 some blacks were referred to that progression as the bursting radius of
"streetwise advocates of black power who would take a hot Marine.
offense at injustices, real or imagined, and lash out On 2 September the Commandant of the Marine
violently."41 Corps. General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., issued a
"Dapping," passing power. afros, and black power directive to all Marines (called an ALMAR) regarding
symbols all took on special significance. Dapping was race relations and racial violence. He directed com-
the stylized ritual sorne black servicemen employed manders to make 'positive efforts to eradicate every
upon meeting, involving a series of mirrored, uniform trace of discrimination, whether intentional or not."
motions beginning with a variation of a handshake. He further instructed them to permit "Afro/Natural"
Dapping was akin to a secret fraternity grip raised to haircuts, provided they conformed with haircut regu-
a new level, representing a form of cultural identifi- lations. He declared that 'individual signs between
cation and a solidarity a kind of racial salute. "Pass- groups and individuals will be accepted for what they
ing power" was essentially dapping with an intent to aregestures of recognition and unity:' but, he con-
represent racial assertiveness and aggressiveness. Afros, tinued, "they are grounds for disciplinary action if ex-
the haircuts favored by some young blacks, were rare- ecuted . . . in a manner suggesting direct defiance of
ly in compliance with Marine Corps grooming regu- duly constituted aurhority."42 While the Comman-
lations. Many white NCOs and officers viewed Afros, dant's intent was clear, imprecise wording of the direc-
dapping, and passing power as threats to authority and tive provided grist for many a defense counsel's
challenges to leadership. Confrontations over these argument.
things often resulted in court-martial charges of dis- In a letter to Headquarters Marine Corps, the SJA
obedience, disrespect. assault, and resisting apprehen- of the ist Marine Division, Colonel Robert M. Lucy,
noted the looseness of the directive's language, saying:
2dLt James H. Webb, Jr.. was a platoon commander We have found it to be in need of clarification. The 'Afro
in Company D. ist Battalion, jib Marines. He was haircut" is not well understood.. . . Our Division Sergeant
awarded the Navy cross, the Silver Star and two Major says the NCOs do not know how to enforce it. Often
Bronze Star Medals, as well as two Purple Hearts. In when admonished to get a haircut, Negro Marines will pull
1987 he became Secretar)' of the Navy. While in An out a battered copy of the ALMAR and wave it at the NCO
Hoa, Vietnam. he bad to deal with racial problems.
Marine Corps Historical Collection In a remarkable message. the commanding general
I'.. of lii MAF, Lieutenant General Herman Nickerson,
Jr., told the commanding general of FMFPac, Lieu-
tenant General Henry W. Buse, Jr., that "blacks whom
I am dealing with out here feel that the Comman-
dant owes them an explanation concerning ALMAR
65. Part of this explanation would be a description of
what actually is allowable for an Afro-American hair-
cut."44 But other than courtroom interpretations.
clarification was not to be had.
Colonel Lucy advised the division commanding
general. "militancy among Negro Marines is definitely
on the increase. lt cuts across almost every unir in the
Division."5 Indeed, racial concerns were becoming a
major command preoccupation. A system of I Corps
Tactical Zone Watch Committees was established to
"monitor and recommend appropriate action on ra-
cial tensions and incidents" The Watch Committees'
reports recapitulated courts-maniai and disciplinary
actions resulting from racial incidents.46 Weekly Sub-
versive Activity Reports included "assessment of the

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A1934ó0

LtGen Herman Nickerson, Jr.. ¡JI MAF commanding general, rtght. wanted the Corn-
mandant. Gen Leonard F Chapman. Jr., center to explain hic message on racini matters. In
this 1970 picture the commandant presents LiGen Hoang Xuan lam the Legion of Merit.
current threat to the command from subversive/racial few rough edges . . . He was not the easiest to get

standpoint." Still, serious racial incidents increased along with." Among the other ist Division attorneys,
in number. Between April and June 1969 there was he was referred to as "X," or "Brother X," an appella-
an average of one large scale riot," per month, accord- tion intended, and accepted, in good nature. Many
ing to the Watch Committee's report. Racially moti- lawyers actually thought that his middle initial was
vated fraggings, armed confrontations, and even "X," it was so commonly applied. Captain Stephen
intramural small-arms firefights were cases on the C. Berg recalled that Captain Williams was effective-
dockets of III MAF judge advocates.48 ly unorthodox in the courtroom and always ready for
Only three black Marine Corps judge advocates were a legal battle.5°
assigned to Vietnam during the war. All three arrived Colonel Robert M. Lucy had requested that Cap-
in Da Nang in 1969. Captain Jacob R. Henderson, Jr., tain Forster be assigned to his ist Marine Division
was assigned to RC. Captains Cecil R. "Butch" For- office, saying '[he] would be very helpful. I believe,
ster, Jr., and Robert C. Williams were both ist Ma- with any future racial problems." Captain Forster did
rine Division judge advocates. prove to be an exceptionally able counsel, defending
Captain Williams proved an abrasive but effective 128 Marines in nine months.52 He was articulate, well-
defense counsel, and was often requested by black liked, and often referred to by Captain Williams as
defendants who may have heard of the Malcolm X and 'Oreo" black on the outside, white on the inside. The
black power posters in his quarters. Brigadier Gener- two were not close
al James P. King, a former Director of the Judge Ad- Major Charles A. Cushman recalled of Captain
vocate Division, recalled that "Williams had quite a Henderson, the third black judge advocate:

Jake Henderson was an ethical and competent judge ad- processnotice, representation by counsel, an oppor-
vocate who never compromised his profèssional ethics or prin- tunity to be heard, and cross-examination of witness-
ciples for the benefit of a black accused. You must also bear
es. An "admin" discharge hearing, conducted before
in mind that the NAACP and other civil rights groups were
distressed by the small number of black attorneys in uni- a board of at least three officers, could result in a dis-
form and with the lack of confidence young blacks had in charge characterized as undesirable, unsuitable, gener-
the military justice System.54 al, or honorable, or could result in retention, although
The 1969 general officers' symposium at Headquart- that was seldom the outcome. lithe Marine under con-
ers Marine Corps concluded that "we do have a dis- sideration requested. he was provided judge advocate
sent/racial problem in the Marine Corps. We should representation. The government might or might not
not overreact to this problem, and the Corps should be represented by a lawyer. The board heard evidence,
rely on fair, impartial leadership" to resolve The deliberated, and made a recommendation to be act-
commanding generai of the ist Marine Division. Major ed upon by the commanding general, who had
General Ormond R. Simpson, in the combat zone. authority to administratively discharge individuals. If
agreed that racial conflict was the ist Division's num- he disagreed with the board's recommendation, he
ber one problem58 While there were only green Ma- could upgrade the discharge, that is, elevate it to a
rines in the eyes of some, Marine Corps judge more desirable type, or even retain the Marine. He
advocates knew better. could not downgrade the discharge recommended.
From the Marine Corps' viewpoint the significant
Administrative Discharge: The Right Fix
advantage to an admin discharge was that, unlike a
As the phrase implies, an administrative discharge court-martial, an admin could be processed in a mat-
is the mechanism by which a Service member is dis- ter of one or two weeksdays, if walked through the
charged by administrative process. An administrative administrative processing stages. Unlike a court,
discharge cannot be given by a court-martial. Also, an however, no punishment other than a discharge of bad
administrative discharge may be issued only after due character could be imposed by an ad min board; it was
Three black Marine Corps lawyers served in Vietnam. Capt Robert C. Williams, fourth
from rzght, received his certification as a special court-martial military judge from the
commanding general of the ist Marine Division in February 1970, at Da Nang. From
left, Col Robert M. Lucy, the Division SiA, observing: LtCol James P King. u'ho had
taken his judge's oath five months before; Capt Mark L. Haiman; Capt Daniel H. LeGear
fr, Williams; Capt Adrian R. King; Capt Gary E. Bushell,- and MajGen Edwin B. Wheeler
Photo courtesy of Col Robert J. Blum. USMC (Ret.)

a simple question of the board reviewing the case and ly employed. As Captain John Papa noted: "The Ma.
deciding whether the individual should be retained rifle Corps has to cut out. [in] the least expensive way
in the Corps, or discharged. If discharged, the addi- those persons who are non-rehabilitatable. and
tional question was the type of discharge. Those were those persons who just can't hack it. and the right
the only issues. Usually, an act that could result in a route is the administrative route."7 The 3d Marine
court-martial could be the basis for an administrative Division's assistant division commander, Brigadier
discharge proceeding. Frequent involvement with General Regan Fuller, was more direct when he
authorities, character and behavior disorder (emotional remarked that "we're getting rid of these bums who
unsuitability), and conviction of a felony by civilian shouldn't have been in the Marine Corps in the first
courts were some of the other grounds for admin dis- place!"58 General Fuller went on to detail the "jump
charge. sumrnary"a quick summary court-martial conduct-
'lhrough his court-martial counsel, an accused Ma- ed in the field, that primed the record of a habitual
rine could request an admin discharge in lieu of trial, offender for an undesirable discharge, once he came
as well. If granted, the accused would avoid court- before an administrative discharge board. In 1969 few
martial and its prospect of conviction and confine- commanders were inclined to question the ethical is-
ment, l'bis was often referred to as a 'good of the sen'- sue of the jump summary's fairness.
ice" discharge. or "G.O.S.," after its description in the An example of the adinin discharge process.
Administrative Discharge Manual. The price for an ad- although hardly typical, was the case of Corporal Leo
min discharge in lieu of trial, a GOS," was admis- O. Testman. Force Reconnaissance Company. 3d Ma.
sion of culpability for the offense charged, and an rifle Division.59 Corporal Testman, with IO months in
undesirable discharge was automatic. If the request Vietnam, had been meritoriously promoted to his
for discharge was denied, no reference to the accused's grade and had been wounded in action. He was highly
admission of guilt could be made in a subsequent regarded in his unit as a Marine and a combat leader.
court-maniai. He was also a deserter from the U.S. Air Force, with
The military justice system was becoming so over- a prior general court-martial conviction. A routine FBI
burdened that the initial decision in many pending record check uncovered his past. Upon being notified,
special courts was whether a Marine should go to an his unit had no choice but to forward the fraudulent
ad min board or to a court. Was the goal simply to be enlistment charge to an admin discharge board,
rid of the man as expeditiously as possible, without although Force Reconnaissance Company made it
concern for punishment? Of course, a board recom- known that it would like Testrnan back. His platoon
mendation for retention was always a possibility. That commander, First Lieutenant Ronald "Xi. McLean, visit-
required the command to take the man back. ed the office of the Division SJA and provided a state-
The commanding general's considerations regard- ment to Corporal Testman's counsel. Captain Clarke
ing approval or disapproval of a board-recommended C. Barnes.
discharge included Marine Corps-wide personnel poli- Sadly, by the date of the hearing, late ,July 1969,
cies. Admin discharges had a cumulative effect on Ma- Lieutenant McLean, the stepson of actor Jimmy
rine Corps strengthon the number of Marines on Stewart, and Testman's most persuasive witness, had
active duts'. That, in turn, was tied to the Corps' budg- been killed in action. Still, despite Corporal Testman's
et: when strength dropped below certain levels. Con- Air Force record, the board recommended Testman's
gressionally imposed budget restrictions took effect. retention in the Marine Corps. The commanding
So, depending on Corps-wide manpower levels, com- general differed with the board's recommendation and
manding generals could be constrained to disapprove advised the Commandant of the Marine Corps of the
a recommendation for discharge for reasons unrelat- case. The Commandant disagreed with the division
ed to the conduct of the Marine involved. commander, In a message to the Air Force, the Com-
Previously, administrative discharges had been spar- mandant noted Testmari's wounding and two promo-
ingly employed. But rising caseloads and the tide of tions while ¡n Vietnam. He concluded: "Based on the
marijuana were combining to compel consideration above, it is recommended Testman be discharged from
of administrative discharges as a safety valve allowing the Air Force and allowed to continue serving his coun-
quick separation of problem Marines. In late 1968, and try in the Marine Corps."8° The Air Force acquiesced.
even more so in 1969, admin discharges were liberal- Corporal Testman was retained in the Marine Corps,

returned to his unit, and went on to be awarded the

Navy Achievement Medal for combat valor»
Few administrative discharge cases involved Marines
like Corporal Testman or outcomes similar to his. Dur-
ing the last six months of 1968, 2,535 enlisted Ma-
rifles and 14 officers were administratively discharged
from the Marine Corps worldwide.2 During 1969 in
the ist Marine Division alone 121 undesirable and un-
suitable administrative discharges were ordered.63
Worse svas to come in following years.
Fragging: Killers In Our Midst
Even without offìcial statistics to establish the nurn-
ber of Marine Corps fragging incidents in Vietnam.
they clearly increased sharply in 1969.* In the U.S.
Army, fraggings escalated from 126 incidents in 1969,
to 271 in 1970, and 333 in 197L°4
Major Charles A. Cushman, an FLC judge advocate,
said about this type of assault: "They may or may not
have known the victim or even had a grudge against
him. Their only thought was to 'Get the lifer and blow
him away.' "65 Colonel John R. DeBarr, general court-
martial military judge. said: "lt's just a way for them
to lash out against authority - . . . These boys are real
criminals, and there's no way you can protect yourself
against that individual . It has to be stamped out!"
- . -
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A413516
Indiscriminate assaults were becoming frequent. but MajGen William K. Jones was commanding general
evidence admissible at court-martial was difficult to of the 3d Marine Division from April 1969 to April
obtain. Colonel DeBarr, in a debriefing following com- 1970. He took aggressive and imaginative action to
pletion of his tour of duty, said of the homicide cases meet the fragging scourge. "It is deemed ofparamount
awaiting trial in Vietnam; 'Most of them are fragging importance to find and punish those responsible.' -
cases - .and don't be disappointed in the results.

I'll be surprised if you get convictions. These are The 3d Marine Division, commanded by Major
difficult cases -. To prepare such a case takes a lot
. . General William K. Jones, suffered 15 fragging as-
of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of money." He went saults in the first six months of 1969. A suspect was
on to note that usually there were witnesses to frag- apprehended in only one case. Moreover, the usual
ging assaults, or those who knew who had commit- minimizing statementthat problems were confined
ted them, but they were intimidated into silence. He to rear-echelon units, and that combat-committed Ma-
urged that those witnesses had to be assured of pro- rines were too busy fighting the enemy to engage in
tection and suggested they be removed from Vietnam such actswas no longer true. Only five of the 15 3d
until they testified, and then, after testifying, be trans- Division incidents were committed in rear areas.
ferred to a command in the United States.66
General Jones took energetic and imaginative steps
*Department of Defense figures specify that no Marine in Viet-
to end fraggings in his division, saying; "lt is deemed
nain died of a nonhostile gunshot, grenade, fragmentation und. of paramount importance to find and punish those
or "misadventure." Twentv.two Marines are said ro have died of "in- responsible for these senseless acts of violence, not only
tentional homicide.' Those figi.ires are clearly, and unaccountably, for the crimes already committed, but because con-
incomplete. Ir is possible that deaths by fragging are considered unued undetection will almost certainly lead to con-
in that category, although that would reflect a remarkably low num-
ber of deaths and would have to ignore the more logical categories tinued frequency." He directed that access to hand
under which such deaths should be listed. (DOD. US. Casualties grenades be restricted where feasible, that informants
in Southeast Asia: Statistics os of April 30. 1985 [Washington: 19851, be relied upon, and that they be protected by trans-
p. 5.) fers to other commands or to units in the United

States. He directed his commanders to be alert to questioning, suspects were isolated and not returned
groups of malcontents and to disperse them by trans- to their quarters.68
fers to other units. Administrative discharge of "hard- Fragging assaults in the 3d Marine Division
core troublemakers" was emphasized, even if it meant declined, but did not end. Recognizing the value of
giving them honorable discharges. Generaljones em- aggressive action in such cases, other commands adopt-
phasized that "commanding officers must abandon ed the 3d Marine Divisions blueprint for the appre-
the concept that the only way a 'bad' Marine should hension of suspects. Nevertheless. fragging assaults
leave the service is with a bad discharge." because the continued as long as Marines were in Vietnam.
lag time involved in processing courts-martial or un-
From a Lawyer's Case File:
desirable discharges only allowed the troublemaker op-
portunity to contaminate others. An administrative Murder of a Company Commander
honorable or general discharge, on the other hand. The commanding general of the 3d Marine Divi-
could be processed quickly and easily and without ap- sion, Major General Raymond G. Davis, remembered
peal. All 3d Division clubs were ordered closed at 2130 First Lieutenant Robert T "Tim" Rohweller: "[He was]
and a 2200 curfew was instituted in rear areas. Mili. a very fine lieutenantin fact, at one time he was my
tary Police Company sought volunteers from Marines son's company commanderwho was killed by a cou-
who had clean records and who had already served six ple of Marines . . . Marines who were avoiding their
months in an infantry battalion. MP Company was car- duty and had been caught at it."69
ried overstrength. An extensive division intramural First Lieutenant Tim Rohweller commanded Com-
athletic program was instituted, as well. pany K, 3d Battalion, 9th Marines. He was a
While aggressively taking action directed towards "mustang." an officer with prior enlisted service, and
malcontents, General Jones reminded his corn- had completed a previous Vietnam tour of duty as a
ru anders: sergeant in a reconnaissance battalion. Now, accord-
ing to his battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel
In any dispersal of a group or association, particularly
Elliott R. Laine, jr., he was one of the best company
where the membership of that group is based upon race,
the utmost degree of common sense, tact, and discretion commanders in the battalion and was widely recog-
is required. Under the First Amendment ....cry man is nized as a superior leader.70
guaranteed the right of peaceful assembly and freedom of On 20 April 1969, shortly after the conclusion of
speech. While these rights are not absolute, they are still Operation Dewey Canyon, Lieutenant Rohweller left
to be held in the highest respect.67
his company's forward position for Quang Tri Com-
Finally by division order. General Jones outlined bat Base to take care of company matters and to check
procedures to be followed after any act of violence, on the "sick, lame, and lazy" in the rear. In the course
such as a racial incident or fragging assault: The area of the day he confronted several Marines who thought
where the act occurred was immediately isolated by to remain irr Quang Tri, until forcefully told other-
MP teams who controlled movement into or our of wise by Lieutenant Rohweller. The rear area Marines
the area. Next, a roll call was held to determine who included Privates Reginald F. Smith and Jimmie Dud-
was missing and who was present who should not be. ley, and Privates First Class Donald R. Egan and David
Concurrently, all transient movement (R & R depar- Napier. All four were billeted in the transient hooch.
tures, temporary additional duty departures, even per- a few yards from the company office. Throughout the
manent change of station departures to the United day and into the evening the four. Smith particularly,
States) was suspended for the period of the investiga- nursed imagined wrongs. Their anger gradually esca-
tion. All sergeants and below were ordered to their lated into a determination that the focus of their dis-
tents or SEAhuts for as long as the investigation last- content, Lieutenant Rohweller. was responsible not
ed. Sandwiches were delivered from the mess hall to only for their problems, but for the imagined unneces-
the men's quarters. as no movement was permitted un- sary death of other Marines during combat operations,
nl the investigation concluded. After consultation with as well. Smith formed a plan to murder the lieu-
the SJA, quarters of all suspects were searched by a tenant.7'
team headed by an officer. Each Marine in the area Lieutenant Rohweller was aware of the danger. The
of isolation was escorted, one-at-a-time, to an inter- company administrative chief later testified that in the
rogation site for questioning and was reminded of the early evening the lieutenant entered the company
policy to protect those providing information. After office and retrieved his pistol, chambered a round, and

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A192824

MajGen Raymond G. Davis, näht. was Commanding General, 3dMrine Division. Here,
assisted by Col Robert H. Barrow, 9th Marines cornrnander he promotes his son, Miles
Davis, to Jirst lieutenant. Lt Davis was assigned to IstLi Robert T Robwel/er's company.
stuck the .45 automatic, cocked and locked, into the geant quickly held a company formation and
waistband of his utility trousers. Later at the officers' determined that one man, Egan. was unaccounted for.
club several officers noticed the pistol. but said Suspicion immediately centered on him and his com-
nothing. panions.
Late that night, Smith, Napier, Egan, and Dudley, While standing in the formation, Smith held his
joined by Private First Class Bobby R. Greenwood and hand up to Dudley. Dudley testified that on Smith's
Lance Corporal Hercules E. Brooker, sat before the index finger was a metal ring, the pin from a hand
transient hooch smoking marijuana and discussed grenade. "I did that m ," Smith confided. "He
Smith's plan. According to Brooker's later trial resumo- won't f--- with nobody else no more."
ny, Smith said, "Lieutenant Rohweller and Lieutenant Transported to the hospital ship Repose. Lieutenant
Newsome are in the rear, and when those m s Rohweller died at 1120 that morning. Back at Quang
go to the field, they're taking every-f---ing- body with Tri members of Company K were still being ques-
them." Smith said of Lieutenant Rohweller that he, tioned. When word was passed that the lieutenant had
Smith, was "going to 'do' that m as soon as died. Lance Corporal Hercules Brooker made a quick
he crashes" and discussed his plan to frag the lieu- decision. As he testified in Napier's trial, "I grabbed
tenant. Dudley told Smith that he was crazy and left my tape recorder and went into the company office
the group. and saw a lieutenant and just started blurting out
At 0210 on 21 April those in the transient hooch names. I told him Smith threw the frag and that Na-
were awakened by an explosion. An M26 fragmenta- pier held the door; also about Egan and Dudley."
tion grenade had detonated in the neighboring com- Given the strong case against him, Private Smith
pany offIce directly under the cot upon which and his counsel concluded that a guilty plea was un-
Lieutenant Rohweller slept and inflicted shrapnel avoidable. Before Smith went to trial, however, his al-
wounds of the head, chest, and abdomen. As the bat- leged accessory to murder. Napier, was first tried for
talion surgeon worked over the lieutenant, the first ser- having held the door open while Smith rolled the

grenade into the hooch. The evidence against Napier Napier testified in his own behalf, swearing he had
appeared as overwhelming as that against Smith. been asleep when the lieutenant had been assaulted.
The general court-martial of Private First Class Na- The defense vigorously attacked the credibility of
pier convened on 11 August. He was 19 years old, a Brooker. Brooker's platoon commander testified that
ninth grade dropout. Charged with conspiracy to com- Brooker "tends to fabricate fantasies" and he would
mit murder and premeditated murder, he pleaded not believe Napier over Brooker. His platoon sergeant
guilty. His defense counsel was Captain Clark A. Hal- swore, "Brooker has the worst character for truth and
derson. The trial counsel and assistant trial counsel veracity I have ever known." Another lance corporal
were Lieutenant Robert D. Zsalman, JAGC, U.S. Navy, testified: "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw
and Captain Edward L. Murphy, respectively. The mili- him." In another vein, a corporal testified that, when
tary judge was Lieutenant Colonel Henry "Hank" the grenade went off, he had leapt from his rack and
Hoppe. stepped on the accused, who, rather than holding any
The government's principal evidence against Napi- doors open, was asleep on the floor of the transient
er was the testimony of Lance Corporal Brooker. He hooch. Another witness, Lance Corporal Wilkinson,
swore that immediately after the blast he had seen testified almost in passing that Private First Class
Smith and Napier run back into the transient hooch, Greenwood had told him that he, Greenwood, had
and that later Napier had told him he had held the assisted in the killing.
door open while Smith rolled the grenade into the In retrospect, spotlighting snippets of testimony and
office hooch. ignoring days of conflicting evidence, Napier's inno-
lstLt Robert T "Tim" Rohweller kneeling right, shown two weeks before his murder by
fragging. The officers of the 3d Battalion, 9th Marines pose outside the officers' mess
at Vandegrift Combat Base on 5 April 1969. The occasion was a farewell dinner for the
regimental corn mander Col Robert H. Barrow, standing second from right. lstLt Roh-
weller's battalion commander was LtCol Elliott R. Laine, standing third from rtght. Others
are Capt Thomas E Hinkle. standing far right, and Capt Joe A. Arroyo, kneeling left.
Photo courtesy of Col Elliott R. Laine. USMC (Ret.)

cence seemed apparent. But at the moment of deci- while he had been in Pretrial confinement with Smith,
sion. after lengthy contradictory testimony, unresolved Smith repeatedly told him that it was Greenwood, not
discrepancies, and emotional arguments, the mem- Napier, who had held the door open when he tossed
bers found Napier guilty of conspiracy to commit the grenade under the lieutenant's cot.
murder but nor guilty of the murder itself. They sen- Wilkinson, the witness from the Napier court,
tenced him to reduction to private, loss of all pay and reaffirmed that Greenwood had admitted to him that
allowances, confinement at hard labor for 20 years, and he, Greenwood, had assisted Smith in the killing.
a dishonorable discharge. Although awaiting trial himself, Smith made a sworn
After Napier's conviction, but before Smith's trial, statement that Napier had nothing to do with the
events took an unusual turn. Dudley. who was origi- murder, and that it was Greenwood who had held the
nally charged with the murder but not tried because door for him. A polygraph examination indicated that
of his withdrawal from the conspiracy, revealed that, Napier was not deceptive in his denial of guilt.
At his separate trial Private Smith pleaded guilty
Lt Robert D. Zsalman, JAGC, USN, was a 3d Marine to premeditated murder and conspiracy to murder.
Division trial counsel. 4/ter learning of new evidence With a record of two prior nonjudicial punishments
he joined the de/nse in seeking to overturn Napier's in Vietnam for avoiding service in the field. Smith was
conviction of the murder of IstLi Tim Rohweller sentenced to life imprisonment, later reduced to 40
Photo courtesy of Col Clarke C. Barnes, USMCR years confinement.5 Because he pleaded guilty, there
is no detailed testimony or courtroom record of the
details of the killing, although Smith repeated that
it was Greenwood. not Napier. who had held the door
open for him when he rolled the grenade into the
Before it was known that Smith would plead guilty,
Egan had been granted immunity in return for his tes-
timony in the Smith court-martial. But before Smith's
trial, Egan was diagnosed as a schizoid personality and
he was administratively discharged from the Marine
What of Brooker's damning testimony against Na-
pier? Under post-trial questioning he admitted he had
been "guessing" when he identified Napier. because
he had figured that Napier was guilty. and he thought
that was what the government wanted him to say Cap-
tain Clarke C. Barnes, a 3d Marine Division defense
counsel, later wrote that "Brooker was a first class
prevaricatorhis lies kept him embroiled in the in-
vestigation and out of'the bush.' I'm convinced that
was his primary ii After Napier's trial
Brooker returned to the hospital where he was recover-
ing from a self-administered injection of saliva into
his knee, which rendered him unfit for combat duty.
He received a medical discharge.
Upon learning of Greenwood's involvement, Napi-
*lr May 1971, Smith was transferred from the Naval Discipli-
nary Command. Portsmouth. New Hampshire, to a federal prison.
He died on 25 July 1982. while sull in confìnement, after having
served almost 13 years. No record has been located that shows the
cause of death. (NC & PB hr to author, dd 31Aug88; and Reginald
F. Smith service record: both in war comes folder, Marines and Mili-
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC.)

er's counsel made a motion for a new trial based upon bers, in findings difficult to reconcile, found him
newly discovered evidence. After investigation of the guilty of assault, but not guilty of rape.
allegations contained in the motion, the findings of Based upon the results of the first court-martial, the
guilty and the sentence of Napkr's court were disap- charges against the two co-accuseds were dropped. If
proved, and the charges against him were dismissed. the strongest case of the three produced so negligible
He was released after having served two and a half a result, the cost and effort involved in prosecuting
months in confinement, returned to his former grade, the two weaker cases was not justified. Captain Cassa-
given back pas' and honorably discharged, because his dy later spoke to the colonel who had been the senior
enlistment had expired. member of the court-martial. Captain Cassady recalled
A year and three months after Lieutenant Roh- the colonel saving: "Well, there's not much doubt
weller's murder. Lince Corporal Bobby R. Greenwood's what happened there, but we're not going to ruin the
general court-martial convened at Camp Pendleton on lives of these young Marines for some 'Vietnamese.'
17 July 1970. Represented by civilian, as well as mili- That wasn't the word he used, Captain Cassady not.
tary counsel, he pleaded not guilty to conspiracy, ed, "but that's essentially what he said. This became
murder, and perjury. The case was long and hard- referred to - and there were other cases similar to that
fought, with an extraordinary number of defense mo- the mere gook theory. I've never forgotten that
tions to dismiss charges and for mistrial. case."7
Private Smith was brought from confinement to tes- The term "gook" originally referred not to Viet-
tify that Greenwood had held the door for him. namese or orientaIs, but to Nicaraguans, its first use
Wilkinson repeated Greenwood's admissions that he noted during the U.S. intervention in Nicaragua in
had been involved in the murder. Napier was called 19l2. The term was a common one in Vietnam. In
but, strangely, invoked his right to not incriminate his book on the Vietnam war, Professor Guenter Lewy
himself and answered no questions. wrote: "Callousness toward the Vietnamese was
Greenwood testified effectively in his own defense. caused by the writings and pronouncements of many
He had an unblemished record with excellent conduct American journalists and politicians who . . for years

marks and was quite intelligent. The written testimony exaggerated the faults of the South Vietnamese
of 27 defense character witnesses was read to the mem- and gradually created an image of people not worth
bers. That testimony was from, among others. Green- defending. if not altogether worthless."76 Still, soldi-
wood's high school principal, four teachers, two ers of all nations in every modern war, and probably
ministers, and a hometown police lieutenant. in ancient conflicts as well, have ascribed base racial
The members were faced with the conflicting tes- or cultural characteristics to peoples and cultures they
timony of several questionable defense and govern- don't understand, particularly when the enemy peo-
ment witnesses and the stipulated testimony of ple or culture was of a differing race or color.
numerous citizens who had long familiarity with Professor Lew continued: "acceptance of the 'mere-
Greenwood, The members took 64 minutes to find gook' rule has probably been exaggerated. For each
Greenwood not guilty of all charges. misdeed and instance of mistrust and hostility, unbi-
ased observers in Vietnam could see examples of
Real or Imagined. The 'Mere Gook' Rule friendship and generosity." As far as courts-martial
Three 3d Division Marines were charged with as- were concerned, the record demonstrates that Profes-
sault and rape. The evidence proved that while on sor Lewy is correct: acceptance of the "mere gook" rule
patrol the three had entered a Vietnamese hut in has been exaggerated.
which they found three women: grandmother, mother, Marine Corps judge advocates were aware of the as-
and daughter. The grandmother and daughter fled serted existence of the "mere gook" rule, and if it
when the criminal intentions of the three Marines be- might aid the defense of their client, were not above
came apparent. The mother was held at rifle point, considering its effect. An FLC defense counsel recalled
while each raped her. The three were quickly found a 1969 murder case in which the accused had purposely
out and charged with assault with a deadly weapon thrown a heavy pipe from the rear of a moving truck
and rape. The trial counsel, Captain David J. Cassa- at a column of South Vietnamese soldiers. He killed
dy, elected to first try the Marine against whom the the soldier he hit. At the outset of the Marine's court-
evidence was strongest. The accused did not deny in- martial the defense counsel requested that enlisted
tercourse, but raised consent as his defense. The mein- men be included on the panel of members, admitting:

Mv theory was that enlisted Marines (knowing I would or dismissal, a rate essentially the same as that found
get E-9's [master gunnery sergeants and sergeants major] and in Marine Corps courts.82
above) who had fought n thc Pacific during World War II,
As in civilian jurisdictions, however, significant
Korea and now, Vietnam. would not be particularly disturbed
about the death of another "gook." In interviewing niem- reductions in the confinement portions of sentences
bers of the court following the trial, my hypothesis proved resulted from appellate review and parole and clemen-
correct. cy action. How did the 27 Marines convicted of mur-
The accused was convicted only of a lesser offense and dering Vietnamese noncombatants fare? After
sentenced to six months confinement, later reduced completion of clemency action only two of the 27
to a shorter period after the enlisted members of the court-martial sentences remained in excess of 10 years:
court and one of the officers joined in a petition for 12 and 19 vears.*** Seventeen of the other sentences
clemency.78 were reduced to less than five years confinement.
Individual anomalies like the foregoing case can al- Charges were dismissed in two instances.83 The aver-
ways be found, hut did the usual case exhibit a cal- age time served by the 27 convicted murders was less
lousness toward the Vietnamese victim?* During the than four years.84
war. 27 Marines were convicted by courts-martial of The "mere gook" rule may have existed in isolated
murdering South Vietnamese noncombatants.**79 Itt instances at the trial level, employed in either the find-
several of those cases there were multiple victims or ings or sentencing phases of courts-martial. but statisti-
associated crimes, such as rape. Twenty-five of the 27 cal evidence refutes any assertion that such a racist,
received, among other punishments, dishonorable dis- reprehensible mind-set had any recurring effect in
charges; the other two received bad conduct discharges. homicide cases. Similar statistics are available for other
in 15 of the 27 convictions, the sentence imposed by major felonies and reflect a like conclusion. But nota-
the trial court included confinement at hard labor for ble reductions in sentences were seen at the appellate
life; three other cases included confinement for 20, level, followed by further abatement as a result of
30, and 50 years. Only in seven of the cases was the clemency and/or parole action. Professor Lewy sug-
imposed confinement less than 10 years.8° Case com- gests that those reductions, too, were consistent with
parisons are suspect, but the range of sentences mec- civilian experience:
ed out by courts-maniai was comparable, at least, with lt is well known that civilian parole boards often act as
those that might be anticipated in a civilian jurisdic- much in response to political pressures and the currents of
public opinion as on the basis of the severity of the crime
tion. At the trial level, Captain Cassady's case notwith-
or the conduct of the prisoners, and the situation was prob.
standing, Marine Corps court members apparently did ably no different in the case of servicemen convicted of atroci-
not consider the Vietnamese to be beneath justice. ties or war crimes in Vietnam. In short, in order to account
Acquittals can be as revealing as sentences imposed. for light sentences and earls release on parole for such men
because acquittals may indicate the reluctance of a there is no need for the 'mere.gook" hvpothesis.85
court to convict, let alone sentence an accused. Six- As in any codal or statutory scheme, the UCMJ
teen Marines, or 37 percent of those tried for the raised such safeguards as were possible against cour-
murder of Vietnamese noncombatants, were acquit- troom injustices, but there is no litmus test to uncover
ted or had their charges judicially dismissed.81 In Unit- hidden ignorance and bigotry.
ed States District Courts in 1969, 33 percent of the
homicide cases that went to trial resulted in acquittal ***"Good time," the credit received for good behavior while in
confinement, potentially reduced longer sentences by as much as
*ln CS. e PIISgI Roy E. Bumgamer, U.S. Army (43 CMR 5)9, a third. If a prisoner was con±ined at the United States Discipli-
ACMR. 1970). the accused, charged with premeditated murder, ad- naiv Barracks. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, or the Disciplinary Com-
mitted killing three Vietnamese male noncombatants. He argued mand, Portsmouth. New Hampshire, "extra abatement" was
the killings were justifiable as having been committed in the per- sometimes available, in addition to good time. So, although the
formance of duty during a combat mission. Found guilty of the lesser Corrections Manual indicated the maximum "good time" applica-
included offense of unpremeditated murder in all three instances, ble in sentences of 10 years or more was 10 days per month, in fact.
the members sentenced him to reduction in rank to private, and if an extra abatement waiver was in effect, a prisoner could receive
forfeitures of $97 per month for 24 months. No confinement was up to 17 days credit per month beyond time actually served, effec-
imposed. At the appellate level error was found and the sentence tively reducing a sentence by 57 percent even before clensency or
was reduced to reduction to private and forfeiture of $97 dollars parole action was considered. The decision to issue an extra abate-
per month for six months. Pvt Bumgarner was then reenlisted. ment waiver for a certain period of time rested with the Comman-
**Ninet-yfive Army personnel were similarly convicted. (Lewy, dants of the Disciplinary Barracks and Disciplinary Command.
America in Vietnam, p. 325.) s***See Appendices E and F.

On the morning of 1 March 1969 an eghr-man Ma-

rifle ambush was discovered by three Vietnamese girls,
aged about 13. 17, and 19, and a Vietnamese boy,
about 11. The four shouted their discovery to those
in the nearby village who were being observed by the
ambush. Seized by the Marines, the four were bound.
gagged, and led away by Corporal Ronald J. Reese and
Lance Corporal Stephen D. Crider86 Minutes later, the
four Vietnamese were seen, apparently dead, in a small
bunker. The Marines tossed a fragmentation grenade
into the bunker, which then collapsed the damaged
structure atop the bodies. Those responsible were ap-
prehended and tried. Reese was convicted of four
specifications of murder. His sentence included con-
finement at hard labor for life and a dishonorable dis-
Crider, too, was convicted of four specifications of
murder and received a like sentence, except that no
discharge was imposed. Moreover, all eight of the
members of Crider's court, including two colonels,
joined in a petition for clemency. In it they told the
convening authority that, given the military judge's
instructions, they felt compelled to impose confine- UI_lili ilTI
ment for life, but they urged that all confinement in Marine Corps Historical Collection
excess of three years be disapproved. A telling phrase General court-martial military judge, Col Henry
in the petition read that "the fact of his apprehen- Hoppe III, seen returned from Vietnam. 'i told the
sion, confinement, and trial are sufficient in them- members of the court that they had, in my opinion,
selves to satisfy the requirements of the Vietnamese just prostituted 190-odd years ofMarine Corps history,"
The military judge again was Lieutenant Colonel ment was cut. Reese's confinement for life also was
Hank Hoppe. He received the members' petition with reduced to three years.
its recommendation of three years confinement and, Perspective
because the sentence included no discharge, a return
to duty. Incredulous, he asked the members, on the Not only was the 1969 court-martial rate higher
record, if they had considered imposition of a dis- than ever before, but the nature of the offenses had
charge? He was assured they had, but they felt that changed. Currency manipulation. black marketeering.
Crider should be returned to duty as a Marine after destruction of government property, even negligent
serving his confinement for the murder of four chil- homicide, although still frequent enough. were no
dren. Colonel Hoppe described what followed: longer the daily fare of the Marine Corps judge advo-
I adjourned the court, the court reporter shut off his
cate. Now the lawyers were coping with a major break-
machine, at which time ¡ told the members of the court that down in discipline and a disrespect for authority in
thes had, in my opinion, just prostituted 190-odd years of general. as evidenced by the most serious kinds of
Marine Corps history The next day [Il was advised offenses: murders and aggravated assaults in numbers
that the commanding general (the convening authority in that only three years previously would have been con-
the casel wanted to see me. You are aware, of course, that
commanding generals hare no control over the judges sidered incredible. The sale and use of marijuana was
The general inquired ill had indeed made those re- so prevalent that it overloaded the general court-
marks to officers who were mv seniors? I assured him that martial process and often did not even result in a spe-
I had, and he said, "Thank you very much. Now I don't have cial court-martial. The brig was so filled with hardened
to do so" individuals that, even when a court-martial ended in
At the appellate level Crider's confinement was a sentence to confinemen, commanders declined to
reduced to three years. Because his co-actor's confine- send first-time offenders to its confines. Racial mci-

dents, which had been a frequent occurrence, now By every conceivable indicator, our army that now remains
sometimes evolved into deadly encounters in which in Vietnans is in a state approaching collapse. . Murder-
ing their officers and noncommissioned officers, drug-ridden,
the participants armed themselves with weapons in-
and dispirited . . buffeted from without and within by
tended for combat with the enemy. At FLC. to pre- social turbulence . - race war and common crime
vent further fraggings, the Maintenance Battalion Often reviled by the public, the uniformed services
enlisted men's club was lit by high-powered search today are places of agony for the loyal, silent professionals
lights and armed sentries patrolled its perïmeer.88 who doggedly hang on and try to keep the ship afloat
With all this, however, it should not be forgotten
that the far greater number of Marines served honora- Discipline had fallen into disarray, and it would be
bly and bravely. Relatively few became involved in the a long lime recovering. During this period some Ma-
military justice process. Nevertheless, Marine Corps rine judge advocates assumed from their experience
judge advocates who dealt with the criminals on a daily that 1969 was representative of caseloads and case com-
basis might have agreed with Colonel Robert D. Heini plexion. They did not realize that they were struggling
when he wrote: through the Marine Corps' disciplinary nadir.

1969: Military Justice Tested

III MAF: No Longer Two Hats - ist Marine Division: The Law Center Concept
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts - From a Lawyer's Case File: Murder on Stage
Ist Marine Aircraft W'ing: Looking For Action - Force Logistic Command: Approaching Breakdown
Trying Cases - Exits: Marine Corps Draw Downs - Perspective

At the outset of 1969 111 MAF estimated there were cases in the Headquartersnever more than two at
90,000 enemy troops in the I Corps tactical area of a time during this periodColonel Seabaugh acted
responsibility or poised on its borders. Along the DMZ solely as the SLO/SJA.5 III MAF still did not have the
the 3d Marine Division enjoyed a combat lull, until authority to convene courts-martial, and as in the early
it began Operation Dewey Canyon, south of Khe months of the war military justice activity in the legal
Sanh. By the time that operation ended in mid-March, office was slow, But the SLO/SJA billet was a busy one.
more than 1,600 of the enemy had been killed and Hundreds of "JAG Manual" personal property loss in-
1,461 weapons captured. The ist Marine Division vestigations were processed by III MAF "legal," for ex-
guarded the approaches to Da Nang, while its Oper- ample. Each time a supply dump or depot was
ation 'Iàylor Common continued. The ist Marine Air- rocketed or burned. Marines who lost personal gear
craft Wing su.s preparing to redeploy several squadrons to damage caused by the enemy shelling submitted
to Iwakuni, Japan. and to Okinawa.l claims for reimbursement for their lost belongings. Le-
By 1969 the assignment of junior lawyers to Viet- gal assistance matters arising in the Headquarters were
nam, lieutenants and captains, was controlled by the continually dealt with, as well. To keep the III MAF
Staff Legal Officer (SLO) of Headquarters, Fleet Ma- brig population manageable, the SLO/SJA coordinat-
rine Force, Pacific (FMFPac). in Hawaii. In 1969 the ed shipment of prisoners out of Vietnam to other
SLO was Colonel Robert C. "Curly" Lehnert, who was brigs.6 There was more than enough work to keep Ill
assisted by his deputy, Major William H. J. Tiernan. MAF Headquarters lawyers occupied.
Both officers had led the ist Marine Aircraft Wing's On 27 April Ammunition Supply Point No. 1, not
Da Nang legal office in 1968. Headquarters Marine far from Ill MAF Headquarters, caught fire when
Corps forwarded to FMFPac the names of captain and burning trash started a grass fire which, in turn, ig-
lieutenant lawyers to be transferred to Vietnam, nited stored munitions. The resulting explosions des-
Okinawa, and Japan. At FMFPac, the SJA allocated troyed 38,000 tons of ammunition and 20,000 drums
the lawyers, by name, to the various commands.2 As- of fuel. The fire damaged the nearby III MAF brig
signment of attorney majors. lieutenant colonels, and to the extent that the prisoners were moved to tem-
colonels continued to be controlled by Headquarters porary locations at Camp Books. Red Beach, and the
Marine Corps. About 90 Marine Corps judge advo- Naval Supply Activity Hospital prison ward.
cates were in Vietnam at any given time in 1969. By
In August 1969 Colonel Marion G. Truesdale. previ-
comparison, the U.S. Army had 135 lawyers in Viet-
nam during the same period? ously Colonel Charles B. Sevier's successor as Director
of the Judge Advocate Division at Headquarters Ma-
Ill MAF No Longer Two Hats rine Corps, relieved Colonel Seabaugh. In World War
On 26 March 1969 Lieutenant General Herman Il Colonel Truesdale had been an infantryman, com-
Nickerson, Jr., succeeded Lieutenant General Cush- manding a machine gun platoon on Peleliu under
man as Commanding Generai, III MAF. Colonel Du- Lieutenant Colonel Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller. Colonel
ane L. Fam, who had been double-hatted as III MAF Truesdale had also been in combat on Okinawa. At
Deputy Chief of Staff and MAF Headquarters Staff Ill MAF Headquarters, in addition to his duties as SJA,
Legai Officer, had been succeeded by Colonel Paul W. he acted as Chief of Staff whenever the actual Chief
Seabaugh in August 1968. Colonel Seabaugh, holder was absent.8
of the Bronze Star Medal for service in Korea, was as- ist Marine Division: The law Center Concept
sisted by Captain G. Ward Beaudry, followed by Cap-
tain Stanton M. Cole, and later Captain Emilic V. The enemy's 1969 Tet Offensive, although only a
Belluomini,Jr. Although there were few court-martial shadow of the prior year's offensive, struck Da Nang

thorn was in combat on Roi-Namur. Saipan. Tinian,

and Iwo Jima in World War II and fought in Korea.
Several times he had commanded infantry companies
and briefly in 1965 had commanded the ist Marine
Brigade.'° In mid-year Lieutenant Colonel Roben M.
Lucy, who would be promoted to colonel two months
after his arrival in Vietnam, succeeded Colonel Han-
thorn. While virtually all of the senior legal officers
early in the Vietnam conflict had been in combat in
World War II, now the in-coming SJAs. like Colonel
Photo courtesy of Col Manon G. Truesdale. USMC (Ret.) Lucy, had not. Colonel Lucy, a 1947 graduate of the
In August 1969 Col Marion G. Truesdale, left, being U.S. Naval Academy, had been an infantry officer in
sworn as a military Judge. relieved Col Paul W. Sea- the Korean War and participated in the Inchon land-
baugh. nght, as SIA of Headquarters, III MAE ing as a weapons company commander, and was
awarded the Bronze Star
on 23 February. The enemy suffered heavy losses when Living conditions at ist Marine Division Headquart-
his sapper attacks on the ist Marine Division's com- ers remained comfortable. The SJA shared his SEA-
mand post on Hill 327 were beaten back, largely by hut with one other colonel and dined in the
reaction companies and elements of the 7th Marines? commanding general's mess each evening. He enjoyed
One of the reaction companies was commanded by luxury unsuspected by less senior Marines.12 Captains
a judge advocate. Captain FrancisJ. Kaveney. The ex- and lieutenants were billeted six to a SEAhur, but their
ecutive officer (second in command) of another heav- hooches were larger than the colonel's and usually in-
ily engaged reaction company was Captain W. Hays cluded a television set and a small. two-cubic-foot
Parks, chief trial counsel for the ist Division. Several refrigerator, which passed from occupant to occupant,
other judge advocates were involved in the defense of as tours of duty were completed. The enlisted legal
the command post as commanders of reaction pla- Marines had quarters identical to ithe officers, usually
toons, as well. including refrigerators and television sets. Like Marines
In August 1968 Colonel Jack E. Hanthorn replaced at the Da Nang Airbase, lawyers on Hill 327 had
Colonel Clyde Mann as Division SJA. Colonel Han- learned to live with the rocket attacks on Da Nang.
Personnel of the Of/ice o/the SIA, ist Marine Division, shown on Hill 327 in 1969. Seat-
ed officers are, from left, Capt Allen E. Falk; Capt George G. Bashian. Jr.; Capt Martin
G. McGuinn. Jr.; LtCol William R. Eleazer, SJA Col Robert M. Lucy: Deputy SJA LtCol
James P King; Capt Arthur W Ti/ford, legal admin officer CFVO4 Maynard K. Baird,
Capt Franz P Jeune.' and Capt John D. Moats. The legal chief MSgI Atkins, stands at nhi.
Photo courtesy of Col William R. Ekazer. USMC (Ret.)

Marine Cps Historical (ollertson

The III MAF brig, shown in ¡969. The brg buildings, right center, adjoin the P0 IV com-
pound which still housed ¡9 North Vietnamese sailors, the compound's only occupants
during the war Many buildings show the effects of the explosion o/A rnmunition Supply
Point i shortly before this photograph was taken. The top of one guard tower is destroyed

Captain Daniel H. LeGear, jr.. a ist Marine Division ment rather than the accused. For six months before
defense counsel recalled: "We did have sandbag joining the SJA's office, Lieutenant Schermerhorn had
bunkers for such attacks, but after the first few attacks been a platoon commander with the 7th Marines,
they were rarely used. We would either sleep through where he served with distinction and was awarded the
them or awake and watch the action down around the Silver Star and Navy Commendation Medals for com-
airfield." bat bravery.'6
The ist Division SJA's manning level was 23 judge The caseload in the ist Division remained low.
advocates, i legal administration officer, and 38 en- although its nature had changed. Each judge advo-
listed men.'4 During 1969 the actual number of law- cate carried about one general court-martial and eight
yers varied from 18 to 33, with the average being to 10 specials.'7 The overall decline in discipline was
somewhere between 20 and 25. The quality of the bringing more significant cases. "Sixty percent of all
officer lawyers was termed "excellent' by the SJA, our crimes are crimes of violence - and they're seri-
although three out of four arriving lawyers came ous," Colonel Lucy reported.'8 The trial of several
straight from Naval Justice School (now expanded murder cases in a single month was no longer unusual.
from 7 to 10 weeks in length) and had never tried a During 1969 ist Division personnel were charged with
case before.L5 "That's a very bad policy." Colonel Lucy 13 murders, 32 aggravated assaults, 41 simple assaults.
said 'We're in the big leagues, now." The return to 2 rapes, and 490 marijuana/narcotics offenses.'
Vietnam of seasoned officers such as Lieutenant By 1969 those convicted and sent to the brig were
Colonel james R King. on his second Vietnam tour,
usually such poor quality personnel that commanders
was an important addition to office effectiveness.
hesitated to allow any but their worst men to be in-
One of those assigned to the ist Marine Division's carcerated there. They believed that conditions in the
SJA office was ist Lieutenant james M. Schermerhorn, brig offered no hope of rehabilitation. As First Lieu-
a law school graduate who had not yet passed a bat tenant Warren S. Mathey, FI.SG-A's group legal officer,
examination. Because he was not a member of any reported:
state's bar, he could not be designated a judge advo-
Any time we have a man that goes before a special court
cate and could not be a defense counsel. He could be that we fee] is a good man and has learned his lesson from
employed as a nonlawyer trial counsel (prosecutor). a court alone, we do not confine him at the brig . . . Bor-

Any mistake he might make would affect the govern- derline cases that received six months from a court. six

months confinement, we've kept them our of the brig Sony tape recorders from the PX for the use of court
If they went to the brig it'd have a much greater ill- reporters.
effect on them.20
Equally vexing was court reporter proficiency.
Lieutenant Mathey also noted that the brig was not Colonel Lucy noted that, while there were enough of
even considered for pretrial confinement of accused them, "the quality of court reporters that we've been
Marines. Instead, they were held for up to 10 days in getting has been terrible." Most required on-the-job
CONEX boxesmetal storage containers about eight training, risking the loss of a case because of a signifi-
feet by ten feet and about six feet tall. Not as harsh cant error in recording or transcribing the record of
as their description implies, CONEX boxes were often trial 22 Each year since the beginning of the war SLOs
partially buried and sandbagged, making them fairly and now SJAs had discovered anew the same reporter
secure from enemy fire and insulated, to a degree, inadequacies. Each had passed word of those inade-
from weather extremes.2' quacies to higher authority, yet the deficiency con-
The same inadequacies that plagued thc legal ef- tinued unresolved. Without priority in assignment of
fort in the past remained problems. Colonel Lucy MOS, the legal community was too often left with en-
called the recording equipment "still a miserable sit- listed personnel who had been shunted from infan-
uation:' noting that, even though IBM equipment had try training because of a lack of aptitude or ability in
largely replaced the Grey recorders, repairs were avail- that nontechnical field. While many junior legal clerks
able only in Saigon. That required an officer or NCO were stellar Marines and impressive workers, too often
to escort the gear there and back to ensure it was not they were forced to carry the workload for their less
lost or forgotten. Mail, Colonel Lucy said, just took able peers.
too long. The remaining Greys still had to go to Japan Second lieutenant John R. "Rusty" Taylor. Jr., and
for repair, which took three to four months if sent by his wife Priscilla were married shortly befote he depart-
mail. Finally, the colonel authorized purchase of four ed for Vietnam and the office of the 1st Marine Divi-

Rather than send Marines to the III MAF brig, pretrial confinement was sometimes served
in CONEX boxes like the one at left. This CONFX box was part of a mail facility.
Photo courtesy of tiCol David Douglas Duncan, USMCR (Ret.)

sion's SJA. Priscilla obtained a 90-day visa allowing approval. Once approved, the case continued up the
her to enter Vietnam on the strength of promised em- appellate chain, if appropriate. For the first time the
ployment in Saigon with an American doctor who was SJA's office had the capacity to act as a full-service le-
a family friend. Three weeks after her husband's depar- gal center.
ture Priscilla flew to Saigon where she and Rusty had The Navy had been first to employ the law center
assumed he would be stationed. Lieutenant Taylor had approach in 1966.* Initially calling it the County
managed to get word to her prospective employer of Courthouse System. Colonel Lucy found the law center
his actual location and Priscilla took an Air Vietnam concept an efficient method which relieved field com-
commercial flight to Da Nang. Unaware of Priscilla's manders of a heavy burden. As he pointed out, "if
arrival, Lieutenant Taylor did not meet her at the air- we can do it in combat, we can do it anywhere."24
base, which also serviced the country's few civilian air- Law centers required a knowledgeable manager to
craft. An American civilian worker took Priscilla in tow ensure their smooth functioning; someone, akin to a
and delivered her to the ist Marine Division com- civilian office manager, not concerned with trial prepa-
pound and her husband's office. ration, who could track case progress and ensure
Lieutenant Taylor had arranged for Priscilla to be proper documentation, format, and timeliness from
quartered in Da Nang in che back room of the office original complaint to conviction or release. Those
of an American Catholic priest. She found employ- managers were the Marine Corps' legal administrative
ment at the Da Nang USO as a counter girl with a officers. In 1967 a one-year pilot program had been
grand salary of 50 cents per day. Although Lieutenant initiated at Camp PendIeron to test the practicality
Taylor was required to be "inside the wire" each night, of "legal admin" officers, and it proved a major suc-
he and Priscilla met in Da Nang with some regularity cess. As a result such officers were assigned to all Ma-
over the next month and a half. Inevitably the SJA. rine Corps legal offices. Legal admin officers were
Colonel Lucy, learned of her presence. When he did usually former enlisted legal clerks or reporters, ap-
he ordered Lieutenant Taylor to immediately see to pointed as warrant officers and given a general ad-
her departure. upon pain of his being sent to the far- ministrative officer's MOS. Later, they would have a
thest of the division's outposts. Already concerned for separate MOS designating them as legal administra-
her safety in the frequent rocket attacks on Da Nang, tion specialists. Colonel Lucy wrote to Brigadier Gener-
Lieutenant Taylor bid Priscilla goodbye and she al Faw. then the Director of the judge Advocate
returned to the United States without having been Division at Headquarters Marine Corps that "I think
paid by the USO. All concerned heaved a sigh of relief, this warrant officer billet of administrative officer is
including the Catholic priest who found it difficult absolutely essential . . . . Chief Warrant Officer Baird
to explain to his flock his relationship with the wom- [the ist Marine Division's incumbent] is an outstand-
an who slept in the back of his office.23 ing addition to this office."
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Maynard K. "Sonny" Baird,
With implementation of the Military Justice Act of the first Marine to be designated a legal admin officer
1968, the law center concept became a practical alter- by military occupational specialty (MOS), was also the
native to prior methods of managing and processing first to arrive in Vietnam. ("Gunner" Baird had
cases. All legal assets and personnel were consolidat- briefly been in Soc Trang, Vietnam, in 1962 with Shu-
ed in the various SJAs' offices. No longer were report- fly personnel.** He had been the station adjutant and
ers assigned to the separate infantry battalions and legal officer at the Marine Corps Air Station, Fute-
aircraft groups. Line officers were no longer trial and
defense counsels, and charge sheets were no longer *In 1965 a Secretary of the Navy task force recommended for.
mation of Navy legal services offices. The pilot office was estab-
drafted by infantry administrative clerks. The staff
lished at Norfolk, Virginia, in 1966. When that proved successful
judge advocate's office embraced the entire process. a second was formed in San Diego, California, with others soon fol-
Now, a field command sent an offense report to the lowing. By 1970 the Navy had 30 operational law centers world-
SJA's office, where charges were drafted, counsels as- wide. (U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Annual Report o/the US.
signed, and a tentative trial date set. At trial a legal Court of Military Appeals & the Judge Advocates General o/the
Armed Forces & the General Counsel of the Department of the
clerk assigned to the SJA's office recorded the trial and
Treasury. For the Periodjanuary 1December31, 1966; and Esame
afterward made a typed copy of the record. An initial title] For the PeriodJanuasy 1December 31, 1969 [Washington:
review was prepared in the review "shop" of the SJA's GPO, 1966 and 1969, respectively]. pp. 26 and 28, respectively.)
office and forwarded to the convening authority for *sSee Chapter 1.

Photo courtesy of RAdm Hugh D. C2mpheIl. JAGC. USN (Ret.)

At Quang Th 3d Marine Division lega/personnel take time out. Capt Clarke C. Barnes,
center spikes the ball past Cpi]. R. Hartman. Capt David]. Cassady, left, looks on.

ma, Okinawa, at the time.)26 He was invaluable in es- make great insulation for the courtroom, which is how
tablishing and refining the law center concept to which it was finally employed.°
Marine Corps SJAs were moving, while also serving
as the ist Marine Division's claims officer and review In September Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin B. Fer-
officer. For his work in Vietnam he later received the tell became the division SJA, succeeding Colonel
Bronze Star Medal27 The law center concept became Motelewski, who later received the Legion of Merit for
the model employed throughout the Corps for the rest his performance of duty as chief of staff and SJA. Lieu-
of the war and afterward. tenant Colonel Ferrell would later oversee the 3d Ma-
rine Division lawyers as they withdrew from Vietnam,
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts together with the rest of the division and would, him-
Operations Kentucky, Dewey Canyon, and Virginia self, receive the Legion of Merit. But for the two
Ridge, three of the division's most costly but success- months his office was in Vietnam, his difficulties as
ful 1969 operations, continued through February, SJA were no different than his predecessors': transpor-
March. and July, respectively.28 The office of the 3d tation, court reporters, and equipment. As Lieutenant
Marine Division's SJA remained at Quang Tri Com- Colonel Ferrell noted: "The most frustrating aspect
bat Base with the division headquarters (rear). After was the continual breakdown of recording equip-
four months as the division chief of staff, Colonel ment. No system we tried could be relied on to func-
Joseph R. "Mo" Motelewski returned to legal duty as tion for long in the dusty or rainy weather of
the division SJA. The number of judge advocates in Vietnam."'
the 3d Division varied throughout the year from 20 The most heavily engaged division in III MAF, the
to 30.29
3d Marine Division also had the fewest court-martial
Construction of an air conditioned courtroom was offenses.32 Although more cases were awaiting trial
completed in April. Styrofoam, used in packing ar- than ever before, the division was still relatively un-
tillery fuses, was seldom encountered in volume but touched by the breakdown of discipline, which affected
Lieutenant Colonel Rollin Q. Blakeslee, the deputy most rear area units. At any given time a 3d Marine
SJA, managed to have an entire planeload of it deli- Division judge advocate's caseload was around two or
vered to the SJA's office. No one was sure what to do three general courts-martial, 20 to 30 specials, and five
with it but eventually the lawyers decided that it would or six admin discharge cases33 While the numbers were

as high as in the ist Marine Division, the offenses tend-

ed to be less serious.
Interestingly, infantry officers and air observers who
had completed roughly lo months of their 12-month
tours in Vietnam with good combat records were
sometimes assigned to be standing court-martial mem-
bers until their tours of duty ended. Those officers,
captains and lieutenants, were temporarily quartered
in the judge advocate's SEAhuts. The lawyers enjoyed
the company of the combat veterans, and the visiting
officers enjoyed the more relaxed assignment at Quang
Tri3 The periodic rocket attacks were minor matters
to them. As Captain Clarke C. Barnes, a 3d Marine
Division attorney» recalled. "a rocket attack was consi-
dered no big deal. It was just another inconvenience
that would pass."35 The question of court members
fraternizing with and actually living with the lawyers
who tried the cases in which they sat as members, never
From a Lawyers Case File: Murder on Stage
On 20 July 1969 a USO show was in progress in the
Staff and Officers' Club at the ist Force Reconnais-
sance Company's base camp. Miss Catherine Anne
Warnes, singer for the Australian musical group,
"Sweethearts on Parade:' stepped back from the micro-
phone after singing the show's final song, just as there Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 016248573
was a muffled shot. The 20-year old Australian fell to LtColBenjmin B. Pen-eli, shown as a colonel, was SJA
the floor, dead.36 of the 3d Manne Division. Under his ieadershz the
A month before, during the night of 21-22 June. division 's judge advocates left Quang Tri for Okinawa.
The 3d Marine Division courtroom at Quang Tri, Vietnam, center, was a styrofoam insu-
latedSEAhut. It stands among other structures housing division headquarters elements.
Photo courtesy of Col Paul F. Henderson. USMC (Ret.)

namese Cross of Gallantry and had been on numerous

combat operations. At his request he was loaned the
pistol and several rounds of ammunition before he left.
Killen later testified that he took it to shoot feral dogs
that were in the area, and finding none, he claimed
he returned the weapon within a few minutes. Before
he left, Killen, Stockham, and Prohaska discussed how
a person could kill without discovery by using a si-
lenced weapon.
By 2100 the Staff and Officers' Club was filled with
Marines anxious to hear the band and the attractive
singer in the pink miniskirt. The ist Force Reconnais-
sance Company commander, Major Roger E. Sim-
mons, sat about eight feet from the stage. At the
nearby Enlisted Mens' Club Sergeant Killen drank 11
to 12 beers and then left at around 2120. Later inves-
tigation revealed that the killer had fired one
.22-caliber round from behind a jeep that was parked
35 yards from the Staff and Officers' club. The bullet
cut through the club's screen wall, entered Miss
Warnes' left side, pierced her aorta, and exited her
right side, killing her almost instantly.
L.rps Historical Collection Was Major Simmons the intended target?
Miss catherine Ann Uirnes was a USO peformer in Newspapers speculated that Miss Warnes had stepped
Vietnam. She was shot and killed as she sang in the into the line of fire ("Was Girl's Killer Gunning for
ist Reconnaissance Battalion 's staffand officers club. Maj?" read one headline), but Major Simmons
a .22-caliber Hi-Standard semiautomatic pistol had thought not.37 lt was not an issue at trial, although
been stolen from the desk of the ist Force Reconnais- a straight line could be drawn from the major's posi-
sance Company operations office. The pistol had a tion co Miss Warnes to the jeep from behind which
silencer permanently affixed to its muzzle. According
the fatal round was fired.
to later testimony, on the afternoon of Miss Warnes' At Sergeant Killen's court-martial, Lance Corporal
murder Corporal Robert E. Stockham and Lance Cor- Prohaska testified that Killen had entered his, Pro-
poral Ronald B. Prohaska were examining a handgun haska's, hooch just after the incident, while the camp
said to belong to Stockham. They fired a round into was still searching for the presumed enemy sniper. Sus-
the deck of their hooch to test the pistol's function- picious, Prohaska, according to his testimony, asked
ing. The handgun was a discolored, rust pitted, Killen, "Why in the hell did you do something like
.22 -caliber Hi-Standard semiautomatic, without a that for?" Killen replied. "She was just winged." Asked
magazine or grips. It had a nonremovable silencer. Be- where the gun was. Killen replied it was "taken care
cause the slide return spring was broken, each round of." Those statements were the only evidence linking
had to be individually inserted into the chamber, and Killen to the murder. The pistol, later found in a
the slide manually pushed forward into the locked po- ditch, revealed no fingerprints and there were no wit-
sition. SergeantJames W. Killen, a 28-year-old recon- nesses.
naissance scout and the battalion operations NCO, The trial counsel, Captain John D. Moats, and as-
entered Stockham's and Prohaska's hooch.* Sergeant sistant counsel, Captain John A. Milici. used the tes-
Killen, often referred to as "Pappy" because of his rela- timony of Stockham and Prohaska to prove Killen's
tively older age, held the Purple Heart and the Viet- possession of the murder weapon near the time of the
killing. They also used his incriminating statements
*151 Force Reconnaissance Company, of which Killen was a mem-
ber. was attached to the ist Reconnaissance Battalion, thus he could shortly after the event. Defense counsels Captains
be assigned to the battalion staff although riot a member of the Daniel H. LeGear and TheodoreJ. Padden were una-
battalion. ble to shake their accounts. Sergeant Killen testified

Marine Corps Historical Collection

The ist Reconnaissance Battalion s thatch-roofed staff and officers' club was located near
Da Nang, Vietnam. Miss Catherine W/arnes was standing in the center o/the cleared area
when she was killed by a .22-caliber bullet that passed through the screening at left.

A .22-caliber Hi Standard semiautomatic pistol with a silencer permanently affixed

Although rusted and without grips, on 20 July i969 this weapon killed Miss JVarnes,
Marine Corps Historical Collection

MStC ØWI*4 Ala lila.

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AA_Sta -..-
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selves or each other, immunity took on an even greater

import. According to affidavits submitted later, Stock-
ham and Prohaska had been told that immunity was
'available." Prohaska was shown a copy of a letter from
the SJA to the Naval Investigative Service assuring the
latter that immunity would be granted, "if necessary."
The trial counsel also orally assured Prohaska that im-
munity was obtainable. Shortly thereafter, Stockham
and Prohaska both revised their original statements
and implicated Killen, in the mistaken belief that they
enjoyed full immunity. The case proceeded to trial on
the basis of the revised statements.
A year and a half later, the Navy Court of Military
Review, in a unanimous opinion, held that "unques-
tionably, the testimony of Stockharn and Prohaska was
induced, in part at least, by the offers of immunity.
To what extent their testimony might have been ren-
dered less believable by this inducement is a question
for the [members]."aS Significantly, the court added,
Marine Corps Hiswrica! Collection
The headline read "IVas Girl's Killer Gunning for "the evidence of record, if believed, supports a find-
Maj?" May Roger E. Simmons, Sgt James J1' Kilen s ing beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused
[Killen] shot her." Nevertheless, the court members
company commande points to the hole in the screen-
were required to evaluate Stockham's and Prohaska's
ing made by the bullet that killed Miss -irnes.
testimony, knowing that it was given after the two
in his own defense that he had handled the murder thought they were immune from possible prosecution.
weapon earlier on the day of the murder, that he had Killen's findings of guilty and his sentence were set
been intoxicated, and that he had left the Enlisted aside.
Club at about the time of the murder. He denied any A rehearinganother trial was authorized. In
knowledge of the killing itself. A motive for the kill- mid-1971, after the 1st Marine Division had returned
ing was never established. to Camp Pendieron the SJA advised the command-
On 29 October 1969 the court members found Ser- ing general: "Because it has been nearly two years since
geant Killen guilty of unpremeditated murder and the death of Miss Warnes any rehearing would be time
sentenced him to 20 years confinement at hard labor, consuming and expensive . . Physical evidence and
. .

loss of all pay and allowances, reduction to private, vital witnesses are scattered across the United States
and a dishonorable discharge. however, due to the serious nature of the charges
The day after the court-martial, the trial counsel I respectfully recommend that you order a rehear-
mentioned to Captain LeGear, the defense counsel, ing."3 Killen was retried on the same charges on 4
that Stockham and Prohaska had at one point been and 5 August 1971. He was found not guilty and im-
offered grants of immunity in return for their testimo- mediately released from confinement. His enlistment
ny, but that ultimately, the immunity grants had not having expired in August 1969. he was released from
been required. That was the first the defense had heard active duty. He served only two years and nine days
of an immunity offer, and Captains Dan LeGear and confinement for his initial conviction of the murder
Ted Padden immediately recognized an issue of im- of a 20-year-old woman.
portance to the defense. (If a witness testifies under
a grant of immunity, the members must be advised ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Looking For Action
of that fact so they may evaluate the credibility of the The ist Marine Aircraft Wing had as many as 26
testimony in light of the immunization.) In this case, squadrons in Vietnam. At the end of 1969, because
because Stockharn and Prohaska, the closest of friends, one fighter and two helicopter squadrons had departed
had themselves been initial suspects and because the for Okinawa and Iwakuni, Japan, a new wing legal
two admitted they had lied in their initial sworn state- office was established in Japan.4° But for the time be-
ments to investigators to avoid incriminating them- ing, Colonel Max G. Halliday continued as wing SJA

at the Da Nang Airbase. Throughout the year the secretaries, "Sally" and Lee," who had been working
number of lawyers on board varied from 12 to 16, and for the SJA for some time, relayed instructions to the
enlisted personnel from 10 to new typists each morning. Marine Corps court report-
Late in 1969 Colonel Halliday traded the SJA's office ers worked through the night preparing rough records
spaces in the old French compound for a larger, air of trial from tapes of courts-martial. The toughs were
conditioned building outside the compound near the reviewed and corrected by the counsel involved in the
Golden Gate USO. The new building had recently case. The corrected roughs were then turned over to
been vacated by the ist Light AntiAircraft Missile Bat- the Vietnamese typists who copied whatever was on
talion, which had returned to Okinawa in August. the pages in the smooth, understanding little of what
Although not as centrally located, the new building's they were typing. Major Brahms recalled "it didn't
air conditioning allowed for greater comfort and work very well - . The guys would work all night
. .

productivity.42 and spend all day chasing after all the pretty, young
Colonel Halliday and his deputy, Major David M. Vietnamese, so they weren't getting much sleep. The
Brahms, had the same complaints legal officers always equipment was breaking down because it was being
had in III MAF: equipment durability, a lack of trans- used 24-hours a day . . We finally said, 'That ain't
. .

portation, and untrained court reporters.* As in the gonna work.' " The experiment was abandoned after
other legal offices, IBM equipment was gradually a month's trial.
replacing the Grey and Dictaphone recorders, but A new legal chief, Master Sergeant Cecil Reitz,
problems persisted throughout most of 1969. Each found a solution to the backlog of untyped records
brand was repaired in a different location, Saigon, by instituting team reporting. He formed several teams
Okinawa, or Japan, and each required someone to ac- around a few competent reporters and initiated a com-
company it through the otherwise interminable repair petition between the teams to see which could produce
process. Even new gear had to be jury-rigged to ac- the most error-free pages the quickest.
commodate the closed-microphone mask reporting Among the more capable reporters were two enlist-
technique. Major Brahms recalled the difficulty: ed Marines with law degrees. They were draftees who
There were no masks that came with any of this equip- had been sent to court reporter school because of their
ment. It was an IBM machine with an open microphone. backgrounds. Not sure how to best utilize enlisted Ma-
So we simply took the closed-microphone mask, cut a hole rines with such unusual credentials, the two were used
in it, and put the microphone from the IBM machine into sometimes as reporters and sometimes as legal as-
the closed microphone mask. We also had to jury-rig the sistance attorneys.45
plug because none of the plugs were appropriate to the recep-
tacles we had. Despite the warnings from the IBM folks that
Difficulties with translators remained unresolved.
our warranties would be invalidated, we whacked the plugs The case of United States e Hodge illustrated the
off and put on our own. Screw it! It got the job done. problems encountered when local Vietnamese acted
To meet the critical need for competent prepara- as translators. All of the witnesses in that murder tri-
tion of records of trial, Colonel Halliday took novel al were Vietnamese. The trial counsel was Captain
measures. He hired five female Vietnamese typists to Richard A. Muench. Wary of the interpreter's relia-
assume some of the burden. The young ladies spoke bility, he conferred with him before trial. As he later
little English. However, two other Vietnamese civilian recalled:
I rotally lost confidence' in him when he asked me, "What
5As a first lieutenant Major Brahms was deputy StO of Marine do you want the witnesses to say?" ... The last thing I needed
Corps forces during the 1965 Dominican Crisis. Just before his duty was a double credibility problem created by an interpreter
in Vietnam he was the distinguished graduate of the Army Judge of questionable integrity. (It was tough enough to get a con-
Advocate General's School career course. After Vietnam, he was the viction where Vietnamese witnesses were involved.) I got real
SJA at Albany, Georgia, then Head. Research & Policy Branch of lucky. I went to the Army's Ametical Division in Chu Lai
the Judge Advocate Division, After receiving a master of laws degree and found a Spec.5 interrogator/translator . . . Fortunate-

with highest honors from George Washington University, he again ly the Army made him available. 1-le did a fantastic job. and
was Head. Research & Policy Branch, then SJA of the 3d Marine we got our murder conviction6
Division, and Head, Research & Policy Branch a third time. As a Caseloads were not heavy in wing legal. The few
colonel he was Deputy Director of the Judge Advocate Division.
cases allowed, for example, Captain Michael G. McCol-
followed by duty as Chief of Staff of Camp Pendieron, California.
On 2SJuly 1985 he was promoted ro the grade of brigadier general lum to spend successive weeks with friends at Fire Sup-
and a month later became the tenth Director of the Judge Advo- port Base Vandegrift; ist Battalion, 5th Marines in "the
cate Division. Arizona;" and 3d Combined Action Group, south of

Photo courtesy of BGen David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)

Ma] David M. Brahms was Deputy SJA of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing during 1969.
He and the SIA, Col Halliday, hired five female Vietnamese to type records of trial.
Personnel ofthe StaffJudge Advocate 's office, ist Marine Aircraft Wing. pose at Da Nang
in 1969. Front, from left, Capt Michael]. Hoblock, Jr. Capt Richard A. Muench; Capt
G. David c'arlock 1H, and Capt Carey H. Johnson. Rear, Lt Frank A. Wohl. JAGc, LTSN
Capt John C. Reynolds, legal administrative officer. CWO 2 Len E. Pierce; Maf David
M. Brahms; MSgt RonaídL. Green; Capt Thomas J. Glenn, Jr.; and Capt James D. Stokes.
Marine Corps Historical Collection
Photo courtesy of Mr. Nathaniel E Emmons
A special court-martial is shown in progress at the ist Marine Aircraft Wing. The court
reporter nght. talks into a closed microp hone recording mask. The accused left. sits be-
side his counsel, Capt Michael M. Anello. Trial counsel is Capt Anthony L. Hodge.

Photo courtesy of Mr. Nathaniel F. Emmons

Maj David M. Brahms gave chthtmas presents to the legal office s Vietnamese employees.
Sunday brunch in the ist Marine Aircraft Wing messhall was always enjoyable. From left,
L: John G. Niles, JAGC, USN, Capt G. David Carlock 1H, and Capt Nathaniel E Em-
mons finish dessert and coffee. Uniformed Vietnamese waitresses stand in the background
Photo courtesy of Col Michael G. McCollum. USMCR

If more than one trial team member was certified, the

judge's role, too, would rotate.
Like the ist Marine Division, the ist Marine Air-
craft Wing had its indispensable legal administrative
officer to act as office manager. Chief Warrant Officer
2 Len E. Pierce had been a master sergeant when
selected for commissioning in 1966. Little went on in
the office of the SJA that escaped his scrutiny. The
Gunner's room in the BOQ area, unaccountably
known as "The Beaver Den," was a popular gathering
The legal chief, Master Sergeant Noah Green, was
accomplished in locating supplies and material for the
legal section's operation. Warrant Officer Pierce
recalled that "his uncanny ability - . . was a large boost
to morale and efficiency of the law center . . . His

favorite saying was, 'How can I tell you what I need

until I see what you've got?' "e'
As in the ist Marine Division, the wing considered
the III MAF brig so filled with dangerous individuals
that it was used only for prisoners sentenced to more
Photo courtesy of Mr. Nathaniel F. Emmons than two months confinement, and an unsuspended
Capt Nathaniel R Emmons at work in the office of the bad conduct discharge. No Marine from the wing went
StaffJudge Advocate, ist Marine Aircraft Wing. The to the brig for pretrial confinement unless awaiting
arrow on the map reads, "Shea stadium 8,975 miles." court-martial for a crime of violence.52 The other Da
Nang-based command, Force Logistic Command
Phu Bai.47 Similarly, Major Brahms, in conversation (FLC), took a similar approach. The SJA of FLC, Lieu-
at the officers' club with a Navy pilot, learned of long tenant Colonel Frederick M. Haden, noted that "the
delays in trying cases on board the pilot's ship, the worst bunch of people l've ever seen are in that brig,"
aircraft carrier Ranger (CV-61). Navy trial teams, rather and he urged that no FLC personnel be held there,
than making the trip from Subic Bay to ships under- unless sentenced to confinement for more than two
way off the coast of Vietnam, usually waited for the months.53
ship to return to Subic Bay before trying her courts- InJuly 1969, shortly before the MilitaryJustice Act
martial. Major Brahms offered to solve the Ranger's made it unnecessary that lawyets be appointed to the
military justice problems on the spot. Within two days position. Captain Nathaniel F. Emmons was the senior
a Marine Corps trial team was at sea disposing of cases,
to the delight of the aircraft carrier's captain and the CWO 2 Len E. Pierce was the legal administrative
Marine Corps lawyers, who rarely had an opportunity officer of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing. He is shown
to go on board ship.8 at a farewell party for a departing judge advocate.
Photo courtesy of BGen David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)
When wing cases were to be tried, the lawyers were
equally aggressive. One trial team, headed by Major
Brahms, tried seven special courts in two days. The
team hitched helicopter rides from wing headquart-
ers, where they tried the first three cases, to Quang
Tri Combat Base, where they tried two more cases,
then to Phu Bai for the final two trials. Customarily,
on such trial teams the lawyers would alternate, act-
ing first as trial counsel then as defense counseL'9 Only
the military judge's role remained constant, because
he was required to be certified to act in that capacity.

member at the special court-martial of Private First

Class Willie Harrison. Captain Emmons was usually
a ist Wing defense counsel. He recalled that at Chu
Lai, at 2200 on an evening a month or two earlier. Har-
rison and four friends were wending their way back
to their unit when they were passed by a jeep from
the U.S. Army's nearby Americal Division. The jeep
skidded to a stop. One of its three Army officer oc-
cupants barked, "ïbu soldiers better square away!"
One of the Marines replied, "We ain't soldiers,
m , we're Marines!" The Army lieutenants dis-

mounted for further discussion of the matter. The en-

suing fight ended only after one of the officers pulled
his pistol and fired a round into the air. Two of the
officers were briefly hospitalized. The third, First Lieu-
tenant William L. Calley, was merely beaten up. The
four Marines pleaded guilty at special courts-martial,
in each of which it was stipulated they had not known
the soldiers had been officers. Captain Emmons' panel
Photo courtesy of Capt G. H. O'KeI!ey, USMCR
reduced Harrison to the grade of private and imposed
forfeitures. Harrison's accuser, Lieutenant Calley, was Army lstLt William L. Ca/ley as he appeared the day
himself tried a year and a half later for the murder after an encounter with several Marines. This photo-
of 107 Vietnamese noncombatants at My Lai. graph was admitted into evidence in the court-martial
Captain Mike McCollum, a defense counsel in the of PFC Willie Harrfcon to show calle y c injuries.
wing legai office, joined the Platoon Leader's Class at Camp Lejeune and wrangled an extraordinarily
(Law) program in 1966, while in law school. After ob- quick transfer to Okinawa. Once there, through a series
taining his law degree he came on active duty, hop- of probably unenforceable promises, he managed an
ing to be an infantry officer. Instead he was assigned assignment trade and six months after he had left, was
a legal MOS. He arrived at the ist Marine Aircraft again in Vietnam. Over the next half year Mike McCol-
Wing's legal office in Da Nang in june 1969, a se- lum became the chief air observer of the ist Marine
cond lieutenant hoping to avoid receiving construc- Division, flew 217 missions and earned the Bronze Star
tive service credit for his time in law school. He knew Medal and 19 Air Medais.
that with constructive service he would immediately
be promoted to the grade of captain, which would Colonel Nalton M. Bennett replaced Colonel Hal-
preclude a later transfer to an infantry unit as a pla- liday as the wing SJA on 7 September, and in Novem-
toon commander, which was his goal. But, unable to ber Rear Admiral Joseph B. McDevitt was the first
affect inexorable administrative process, he was Judge Advocate General of the Navy to come to Viet-
promoted to captain anyway. As his Vietnam tour of nam. He visited Marine Corps and Navy legal offices
duty neared its end. Captain McCollum submitted a in the Da Nang area, where he had informal discus-
request to Headquarters Marine Corps. He asked to sions with many of the younger Marine judge advo-
revert to the grade of first lieutenant (although he had cates.56
never been one), remain in Vietnam, and be assigned
Force Logistic Command' Approaching Bïeakdown
to an infantry command or, failing that, to attend the
air observer's (AO) school near Marble Mountain and The year began with Lieutenant Colonel Frederick
remain in Vietnam as an AO. Instead, with a newly M. Haden continuing as SJA. His relief, in May, was
awarded Navy Commendation Medal, he was trans- Lieutenant Colonel William M. "Ace" Cummings, who
ferred to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, as a reluc- was followed only three months later by Lieutenant
tant legal assistance officer. With the blessing of Colonel Arthur R. Petersen. Throughout the year FLC's
former 3d Marine Division chief of staff and SJA, lawyer strength hovered around 15: the SJA, deputy
Colonel Motelewski, who was by then the Camp SJA, five trial counsels, six defense counsels, and two
Lejeune SJA. Captain McCollum attended AO school review officers. A legal clerk, Lance Corporal Thomas

Photo courtesy of Col Michael G. McCollum, USMCR

Capt Michael G. McCollum flew 217 missions as an air observer after his tour as a judge
advocate was completed He stands, left. with other Marines in his air observer unit.

As solid a bunch as I've ever seen in a shop," the command staffjudge advocate said
Personnel of Fir s defense section are shown, from left, kneeling, Capt Jack C. Provine,
LtCol Carl E. Buchmann, PFC W/ong, Capt Richard D. Lane, Capt John j Reilly. Stand-
ing, Capt Rex L. Jones IlL unidentified, GySgt Jones, unide nti led, Vietnamese
interpreter Maj Charles A. Cushman, MSgt Bruno B. Bucknas, and unidentified
Photo courtesy of BGen Charles A. Cushman, USMC (Ret.)

McGrath, was also a law school graduate, and he served

as a legal assistance officer as well as a clerk.57
Legal assistance was a secondary duty shared by
Lance Corporal McGrath and all the other attorneys.
It had become a widely employed service. In March,
for example. 119 legal assistance cases were handled,
with other monthly legal assistance totals ranging from
52 to 105 cases.
Lieutenant Colonel Cummings described his FLC
lawyers: "As solid a bunch as l've ever seen in a shop.
No wise asses, no obstructionists, all candid, respon-
sible and honorable advocates."58 The FIXI lawyers were
trying more cases than ever before, despite having no
more, and sometimes fewer, judge advocates to meet
the caseload. And they were falling behind. In Febru-
ary, they tried nine general courts-martial and 22 spe-
cials. In April, 15 generals and 53 specials were
disposed of. In June, six and 44 were tried. The dis-
ciplinary breakdown was being felt with full force at
Camp Books, and it was badly straining FLC legal fa-
Marine Corps Historical Collection
cilities at the same time the ist Marine Aircraft Wing
lawyers were experiencing slack periods. LtC'olArthur R. Petersen, shown as a colonel, was FLCs
SJAfromJuly 1969 to June 1970. He inheriteda nearly
Upon his arrival, Colonel Petersen was greatly con-
cerned with the situation that greeted him. "I found
unmanageable backlog of uni ranscribed cases.
one hell of a mess."60 "I immediately became aware witnesses and drop the case. Trial counsels and mili-
of a then-current posture of the staff judge advocate's tary judges soon realized that some requests for civilian
office of complete helplessness to cope with discipli- lawyers were often no more than a ruse to be raised
nary problems of any magnitude . . . No one had
on the day of trial for purposes of delay. Major Charles
any real hope of ever catching up."6' The problem had A. Cushman recalled how the accused would stand
arisen in part, because of the unusually high number and tell the court:
of Marines, roughly 18.000, in the 16 different com- [He] recently had mailed a letter requesting representa-
mands that FLC's legal office serviced. Additionally, tion to a civilian attorney in the States but had not received
the rear echelon Marines tended to have a higher dis- a reply. The issue for the military judge was whether to grant
ciplinary rate than the combat troops who made up a continuance knowing that the witnesses may or may not
the bulk of the ist and 3d Marine Divisions. When he available at a later date, or note the objection on the
record and proceed with the trial of the case. More often
the Military justice Act took effect in 1969. the require- than not the objections were noted and the trial continued.
ment for a greater number of lawyers to try all special
courts-martial began to overburden the Red Beach Legitimate requests for civilian counsel, initiated a
reasonable time prior to the date of trial, were always
SJA's office. Case backlogs quickly reached a serious,
then a critical, level,62
sufficient cause for a continuance, witness problems
A growing number of court-wise accuseds only ad- or not.
ded to the difficulty. Every accused had the right to With the centralization of legal assets in SJA offices,
retain civilian counsel to represent him at trial, even courts-martial, other than summary courts, were tried
in Vietnam. Prosecution evidence often consisted of at the headquarters location, rather than throughout
the testimony of Marines who were subject to transfer the command. An unanticipated bonus was that the
from Vietnam. In 1969 canny defendants were more need for lawyer travel was greatly reduced. Now trial
often exercising their right to civilian representation participants came to the lawyers. rather than vice ver-
simply as a tactic to postpone the trial dare. They sa. Pretrial interviews and convening authority con-
hoped that the convening authority, who might be un- ferences still required the judge advocate to go on the
willing to keep witnesses on legal hold for the possi- road, however. Fortunate FLC lawyers hardly traveled
ble conviction of a single wrongdoer, would release the at all, because their command was largely self-

depot in the I Corps area, the SJA's office was bur-

dened with a shortage of the most mundane supply
items. Lieutenant Colonel Carl E. Buchmann, the
deputy SJA, noted with irritation:
Recording belts, typewriter ribbons, paper. pencils, a great
number of just plain ol office supplies! And the only real
feasible solution we came up with was to have people from
the States send us some of theirs. I never experienced a supply
system ... as bad as it appears to be over here. So we used
to write away for CARE packages from friends of oucs in other
legal offices.

He went on to detail FLC's version of the familiar

unavailable-repair refrain:
We bought a number of IBM machines and . there
. .

was to be a service contract with this. We bought a great

number of themreproducers and typewriters. Well, they
never did finish getting that service contract negotiated.
[IBM] said it was too expensive to have a guy in Da Nang.
Photo courtesy of Mr. R. W. Wachsrnuth
Now they have a man in Saigon, but the cost of having that
Mai worked in FIC's civil affairs section. Marine Corps repairman come here is confiscatory. He charges $27 an hour.
legal offices in the Da Nang andRedBeach areas were porta] to portal, so you pay him for flying up here, sleep-
often able to hire Vietnamese to act as interpreters. ing. flying back, et cetera.°7

contained at Red Beach. Conditions for the trial of Nor was FLC immune from the problem of inade-
courts-martial were poor at FLC, though the courtroom quately trained reporters. Lieutenant Colonel Buch-
and office spaces were standard SEAhuts with screened mann noted: "We have been plagued with this .

sides and tin roofs and were subject to the noise and We're not getting any assistance from Headquarters
the dust clouds raised by constantly passing trucks, In Marine Corps or FMFPac ....It can't be solved here
an effort to keep up, cases were tried in those SEA- at this level."68
huts seven days a week, from seven in the morning, Even with manpower and equipment difficulties,
often until nine at night, with an hour and a half off PLC remained the most active trial activity in III MAF
for lunch and for dinner. During the hottest months, in 1969. Still, case loads steadily rose as the number
August and September. courtroom and office temper- of personnel available to meet the load diminished.
atures usually exceeded loo degrees and often rose as A shortage of court reporters, when they were most
high as 117 degrees.64 Finally, in the fall of 1969, the needed, contributed to the mounting backlog of un-
courtroom was moved to PLC's former computer build- transcribed cases, leading FLC into the next year with
ing, a windowless, air conditioned, dust-free structure serious handicaps.
across the road from the camp's donut shop (referred Trying Cases
to by one officer as «'The War-Is-Hell Donut Shop").
Conditions there were ideal for courts-martial, and, "The Marines," wrote author Richard Gabriel, "seem
as Major Cushman recalled, "that is when we started to have maintained . . . a rapid and efficient
getting good records of i'65* The lawyers' offices prosecutorial system for containing and dealing with
remained in SEAhuts. disciplinary problems."69 Perhaps so, but Marine Corps
lawyers in Vietnam in 1969 were unaware of their in-
Although located in the largest and busiest supply
stitutional superiority. They found it to be plain, hard,
*After Vietnam, Major Cushman was SiA of the ist Marine Air- often frustrating, work. Travel was as difficult as it had
craft Wing (Rear), then the ist Marine Brigade, the ist Marine Air- been in previous years. Captain Daniel H. LeGear
craft Wing, and the Marine Corps Development & Education recalled: "It seems as though I was always getting on
Command. He also was a branch head in HQMC'sjudge Advocate a helicopter to go to one unit or the other to inter-
Division, and graduated from the Naval War College. In 1984 he
view witnesses and clients."70 FLC's Lieutenant Colonel
became Assistant JAG of the Navy for Military Iaw and Officer in
Charge of the Navy and Marine Corps Appellate Review Activity. Buchmann said: "We were losing a lot of lawyer time
On i July 1987 he was advanced to the grade of brigadier general by travelling to the far reaches of I Corps." Captain
and retired from active duty. Mike McCollum, of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing,

remembered a brig prisoner whom he had signed for their damaged ammunition stockpiles in a quarry just
and taken to a distant medical facility for psychiatric outside the airbase. "Shamefacedly," Colonel Hoppe
evaluation. Unable to locate a ride when the evalua- recalled, "I returned to the bench and we resumed the
tion concluded. Captain McCollum and his client be- trial."
gan hitchhiking back. Jaded brig personnel took little In December Colonel DeBarr returned to Da Nang
notice when the lawyer arrived at the gare, briefcase from Camp Pendleton to attempt to salvage several
in hand, prisoner in tow, riding the front bumper of Vietnam records of trials at which he had presided.
a 50-ton Bay City crane!7' Undiscovered equipment failures had rendered the
Early in 1969 the general court-martial military records so deficient that they could not pass appel-
udge for all of III MAF and the naval commands was late muster, unless they could be reconstructed.
Colonel John R. DeBarr, who in 12 months presided In order to implement the provisions of the Mili-
in 195 cases, including 15 murder trials.72 In mid-year tary Justice Act that required military judges in spe-
Colonel DeBarr was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonels cial courts-martial, the Judge Advocate General of the
Henry "Hank" Hoppe III. then Lieutenant Colonel Navy certified approximately 500 Navy and Marine
Paul A. A. St.Amour. Lieutenant Colonel Hoppe Corps judge advocates as special court-martial judges.
recalled one of his first Vietnam trials, which began The number of Navy and Marine Corps general court-
around 0930 in the ist Marine Aircraft Wing court- martial military judges was also expanded from 12 to
room. Shortly thereafter, "there was a tremendous 23 Th
detonation, the building rattled, and I, having been The judges found no lack of cases in Vietnam. "It
in-country only a few days, recessed the court on my is fair to say that blackmarketing and currency viola-
way to the bunker. About 4 or 5 steps out, I realized tions literally went out of control," wrote Major Gener-
nobody else was moving and [the counsels and mem- al George S. Prugh. former Judge Advocate General
bers] were just cracking up laughing." At that point of the Army. "By 1969 [they] were beyond the capa-
the judge learned that at precisely 1000 each morn- bilities of the law enforcement agencies until the draw-
ing the South Vietnamese were authorized to detonate down of troops changed the siruation."76
"It seems as though I was always getting on a helicopter to go to one unit or another
to interview witnesses and clients." A CH-46 of HMM-161 about to lift offfrom a 3d
Marine Division landing zone while several Marines wait for the next available helicopter
Marine Corps Historical Collection

Marines were escorted from Saigon to the III MAP brig

by Captains W. Hays Parks and Patrick H. Mathews.
and Navy Lieutenant WilliamJ. Cosgriff, the ist Ma-
rine Division lawyers who were to try the apprehend-
ed Marines. Captain Parks signed for $990 in military
payment certificates and $2.800 in U.S. postal money
orders that had been in Private Dunbar's pockets when
he was apprehended. "As I had no handcuffs," Cap-
tain Parks recounted, "I made each Marine remove his
boot laces and belt, and loosen his trousers to the point
that they would fall down unless he held them up."
For the trip back to Da Nang Captain Parks empha-
sized his seriousness with a loaded shotgun.77
Dunbar pleaded guilty to desertion, currency vio-
lations, and possession of marijuana, and was sen-
tenced to confinement at hard labor for 10 years,
forfeiture of all pay, and a dishonorable discharge. In
accordance with a pretrial agreement, his confìntment
was reduced to two years. The fate of the others is un-
remem bered.
Photo courtesy of BGcn John R. Deßarr. USMC (Ret.) While few courts-martial had the visibility of the
Co/John R. DeBarr was a general court-martial mili- Dunbar case, the sad, the bizarre, and the uplifting
tay .iudge asstgned to III MAF in 1969. He tried 185 were often encountered at trial. In the latter category
courts-martial, including 15 murders, in one yea,: was the case of the United States y Private First Class
Eugene R. Ho/steiler. Captain Clarke C. Barnes
A case of currency violation that was not beyond
defended Hofstetler, who was charged with sleeping
the capabilities of law enforcement was that of Pri-
on post twice in one week. The charge sheet did not
vate Jimmie Dunbar, tried by general court-martial
indicate that during that week, his first in Vietnam,
on 5 January 1969. He and two other Marines had Hofstetler had been engaged in Operation Dewey
deserted from Khe Sanh. While hiding out in Da Canyon and constant patrolling. After the operation
Nang. they sold stolen items on the black market and,
ended and by the time of trial Hofstet let had become
with cash in hand, typed bogus orders that allowed
a mainstay of his platoon. Although his platoon com-
them to fly to Saigon. Once there they joined a ring mander now urged that the charges be dropped, the
of 47 U.S. Army deserters in a postal money order
convening authority, the battalion commander, be-
scheme. Using bad checks, the ring purchased numer-
lieved them too serious to disregard. He did, however,
ous money orders at various military post offices. They
refer the case to a special, rather than a general court-
often bribed postal clerks to leave the payee line blank,
martial. At trial Captain Barnes introduced the brief,
which was in violation of regulations then in effect.
handwritten statements of 12 Marines from Hofste-
Each day the money orders were sold at a premium
tIer's platoon. Although some were barely legible and
on the Vietnamese black market, sometimes to a sin-
some not particularly articulate, their sincerity was un-
gle buyer. The proceeds of the sales were used to cover
questionable: "He has lots of guts and he does his
that day's checks, which had financed the money ord-
share," wrote one Marine. Another wrote, "During
ers, and the sales profits were split among those in-
Operation Dewey Canyon. . . Huff was equal in every-
volved. By such apparently modest means, the group
thing including the risk of death. He fast thinking and
garnered hundreds of thousands of dollars each action saved the lives of his buddies and mine." A fel-
month, which allowed them to rent Saigon apart-
low private first class simply wrote: "In the bush. I
ments, pay cash for American automobiles to be deli-
would trust my back to him." Hofstetler pleaded guilty
vered in the United States, and bribe military police
to the charges. The maximum permissible punishment
for advance word of random raids.
was the jurisdictional maximum of a special court,
Eventually, military authorities apprehended the which included six months confinement a hard labor
members of the ring. Dunbar arid the ring's two other and a bad conduct discharge. Instead, the members

cision to withdraw U.S. troops from South Vietnam.

Redeployments were to take place irr increments; a to-
tal of 45,000 troops, including 18,483 Marines were
scheduled to leave South Vietnam by year's end. The
4$: 3d Marine Division was to redeploy to Okinawa and
Camp Pendleton, California, and portions of the ist
Marine Aircraft Wing to Iwakuni, Japan.8°
The Commanding General, 3d Marine Division, left
à for Okinawa on 7 November. having been preceded
two days earlier by Colonel Ben Ferrell and his legai
staff of 21 officers and 25 enlisted Marines.8 i Colonel

it) Ferrell said of the redeployment:

Leaving Vietnam was the most difficult job I had in the
Marine Corps. IThe commanding general] ordered me ro
have all cases tried before leaving country. We did our best
and did get nearly every case tried . . . . What kept us from
completing all cases was the fact that we had to pack and
crate all equipment and move it ro the dock about 10 days
before we left .. . We packed our [gear] in wooden boxes

and banded them. They were all crated and in rows outside
the legal office and then it pouted rain for about five days
and nights. That did not make much difference, however.
Marine corps rirstorical Collection Before the crates were loaded aboard ship, high-pressure
Co/Max G. Ha//iday, ist Marine Aircraft W'ing SJA, in hoses were turned on them to kill bugs, etc. When we got
back to Okinawa everything, including books, were water
a 1972 photograph. After the war he became Assistant soaked.82
Judge Advocate Genera/ of the Navy for Mi/itaiy Law.
The lawyers boarded Navy landing craft and followed
sentenced him to 45 days hard labor without confine- the Cua Viet river to the sea, where they embarked
ment. Hofstetler happily returned to his platoon, on board the LPD-8, Dubuque, for the trip to
where every day was hard labor without confìnement. Okinawa.83
Another court-martial, tried at Cua Viet, had a Shortly before the Marines of the 3d Marine Divi-
more serious outcome. On the night of 10 April 1969
Co/ Max G. Ha//iday seen at his June 1969 wetting-
a staff sergeant walked out of his hooch and froze, star-
down party upon promotion to co/one/. His escorts are
ing at the hand grenade taped beside the doorway
Ma/ David M. Brahms, /eft, and CWO 2 Len E. Pierce,
inches away from him. Dangling from the string that
Photo courtesy of BGen Max G. Halliday, USMCR (Ret.)
he had just pulled by opening the door was the pin
from the grenade. But there was no explosion. Instead,
the now-assembled hooch occupants read a typewrit-
ten note tucked behind the deactivated grenade: "Dear
Lifers, I'm tired of this peddy bulishit. If it keeps up.
I'm sorry to say that I'll have to do you a JOB. This
little frag is just a warning . . . Maybe I won't get

all of yous, but who wili I get? You, you, or you." It

was signed "Your Friendly famthom frager." The staff
noncommissioned officers were not amused.
At his special court-maniai the "famthom frager."
Lance Corporal Richard E. Eicholtz, pleaded guilty to
assault and was sentenced to a bad conduct discharge.
reduction to privare, and confinement at hard labor
for four months.79 No one took such cases lightly.
Exits: Marine Corps Draw Downs
On 8 June 1969 President Nixon announced his de-
----=-,.- --

----c' 'v' -ce'--'


Republic of' Viet Nam
This Is To Certify That

is duly enrolled as an attorNey iii the I Corps Rar Association of the Republic of Viet
Nani. That having fulfilled the requiremeiils of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and
hissing been approved by the Board of Law Examiners of one of the several states of the
tlnitcd States is a member in good standing of the I Corps Bar Association.

Given aider ni h and seal of I o Co iriator, at Da Nang, Republic

of Viel Nani, this thef5'1ì day 4.0.

Certificate courtesy of Col Clarke C. Barnes, USMCR

The I Corps BarAssociationjlourishedMroughout the war The certificates were designed
and printed by the mother of a Vietnam-stationed Marine Corps judge advocate.
sion embarked for Okinawa, Major General William Iwakuni, Futema, Okinawa, and MCAS El Toro,
K. Jones, the commanding general, asked his SJA if California), but most of Colonel Bennett's judge ad-
he could order all troop baggage searched for weapons. vocates remained at Da Nang.
Lieutenant Colonel Ferrell replied: "General, before The principal wing unit leaving Vietnam for Iwaku.
I answer that question let me ask you, do you want ni was Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 12. At Iwakuni
weapons, or do you want convictions?" General Jones the wing headquaners (rear) and Colonel Mallery's few
wanted to ensure weapons were not smuggled to lawyers were in for a surprise. As Major Brahms
Okinawa, so blanket searches were conducted know- recalled: "We loaded up MAG-12 with every bandit
ing that, lacking probable cause, convictions could not we could find, on the theory that we would make the
combar zone less of a problem and they could proba-
Lieutenant Colonel Max Halliday, SJA of the ist Ma- bly deal with these things a lot better in Iwakuni.
rine Aircraft Wing, was promoted to colonel in July. MAG-12 became a very big group."87
Two months later, Colonel Nalton M. Bennett relieved
him, Before departing. Colonel Halliday designated If the wing sent its disciplinary problems to Iwaku-
three judge advocates to move to Iwakuni to establish ni. there was a measure of justice in the wing SJA be-
a legal office at the wing's rear hcadquarters.85 Cap- coming responsible for most of the 3d Marine
tain Alan R. Wolfert was the first (Acting) SJA (Rear). Division's small units that were left in Vietnam. "We
He opened shop on 10 November. On 24 November took over all the cat and dog outfits, up and down
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph A. Mallery succeeded I Corps' recalled Major Brahms. These included the
him.86 Elements of the wing withdrew from Vietnam 3d Reconnaissance Battalion, four Combined Action
from August through the end of the year (going to Platoon units, an engineer battalion, and a bridge

company, among others.*88 What units the wing did Lawrence did) to make the general's star available to
not take over, the ist Marine Division fell heir to, as another lawyer. That was a significant and selfless de-
it too prepared to leave Vietnam. cision because, by statute, General Faw could remain
The ist Marine Division and Force Logistic Com- on active duty in the director's billet for several years.
mand continued to march. The year began with He chose not to. recognizing that otherwise no colonel
79,844 Marines. 3,378 sailors, and 59,403 soldiers in would have further promotion opportunity. Lacking
III MAF. It ended with 54,541 Marines, 2,144 sailors, that incentive, many senior judge advocates would re-
and 61,792 soldiers. tire as quickly as they became eligible to do so. That
Perspective "gentleman's agreement." as it was often referred to,
On 7 August 1969 at Headquarters Marine Corps, whereby the director retired after two years in office
Colonel Duane L. Faw was promoted to the grade of continued to be honored by the next four directors.
brigadier general and assumed the directorship of the General Faw closed his letter to Colonel Lucy by say-
Judge Advocate Division, the first general officer to ing: "We have a hard job ahead of us to make the
hold the billet9° He succeeded Colonel Truesdale, who career of a Marine Corps judge advocate sufficiently
had previously replaced Colonel Sevier. attractive to retain the number and quality of lawyers
General Faw immediately set to work to cure sever- needed. I am convinced the career is actually more re-
al ills affecting the Marine Corps' legal community. warding than it appears to junior officers."93 At that
In a letter to Colonel Bob Lucy, the ist Marine Divi- time 359 Marine Corps judge advocates were on ac-
sion SJA, he wrote: "Turning first to the lawyer tive duty, a 20 percent increase in one vear.**94 Com-
problem: it is worse than I imagined . . My top pared to their authorized strength the Marines were
priority project is to obtain and retain qualified law- still short 95 field grade lawyersmajors and above-
yer assistance for you . . . . Our poor lawyer retention and short 14 lawyers overall. As General Faw noted.
record in the past is really the result of many factors," the retention rate for first-term judge advocates was
and he specified uncaring personnel assignment poli- bad. In Vietnam Lieutenant Colonel Carl Buchmann
cies and lack of professional recognition. He detailed highlighted the retention issue when he said:
his efforts at Headquarters to cure those situations: Of the 22 lawyers on the Office of the StaffJudge Advo-
More attention would be given to the wishes and needs cate at FtC right at the moment, there are three regulars
of lawyers when assignments were considered; at the E regular officers, as opposed to reservistsl: a colonel, a lieu-
tenant colonel, and a mai01. Now, none of the remaining
Congressional level he was seeking approval for law- 19 . . . have any intention of staying in the Marine Corps.
yer "incentive retention pay;" and he assigned Lieu- What is hurting us is the fact that we have no depth in the
tenant Colonel Charles E. "Chuck" Spence legal office. . - You have some senior people who've been

responsibility for procurement of legal personnel. Lieu- around anywhere from 12 to 28 years. and then sou have
tenant Colonel Spence's efforts soon produced excel- the next group down, in the service less than a year.°5
lent results.' Colonel John R. DeBarr said of the one-term judge
General Faw was also concerned that senior officers advocate: "He's dedicated, he's professional, he's eager,
have the career incentive that a frequently available he workshe's working hard! But he goes home."98
brigadier general's billet would provide. Because there At the 1969 General Officers Symposium, held at
was only one general's billet for lawyers, that of Direc- Headquarters Marine Corps, the assembled generals
tor, Judge Advocate Division, he obtained the Com- heard Brigadier General Homer S. Hill, Assistant
mandant's approval for selection of a new director every Commanding General, ist Marine Aircraft Wing, say:
two years. "It is my intention," General Faw wrote, "to "We cannot afford to lose our Marine lawyer capabili-
set the pace by taking whatever measures are neces- ty. All-out efforts in retention and procurement must
sary to precipitate the selection of a Marine Corps law- now be made."
yer as a brigadier general at a rate of one every two General Hill's view was in keeping with a major in-
years."92 In other words, after two years in office he ternal study. completed only a few days before his
would either retire or move to a billet outside the statement98 The Commandant had directed the study
Judge Advocate Division (as Brigadier General
**Besides General Faw and General Lawrence, who continued
Combined Action Platoons were small units based in Vietnamese in his legislative billet in a retired, but status, there
villages that, along with Vietnamese forces, provided security for were 25 colonels, 26 lieutenant colonels, 17 majors. 257 captains,
the area. and 32 first and second lieutenants.

to recommend the most practicable procedures for ices ofExperienced Lawyer Officers Needed," followed
providing future legal services to the Marine Corps." by a story detailing the situation ("There is an urgent
Chaired by the Director of Personnel, Lieutenant need ..." ) with instructions as to how inactive reserve
General [nuis B. Robertshaw, and without judge ad- Marines could volunteer to return to active duty 100
vocate membership. the panel also examined whether Recruitment of law students was intensified, and soon
it was practical to even compete for lawyer entrants PLC (Law) programs for law students graduating in
into the Marine Corps or whether it would be prefer- 1971 and 1972 were over-subscribed by 50 percent.'°'
able to simply go to "blue suiters," that is, to ask the Colonel James H. Granger, a reservist infantry
Navy to fill Marine Corps legal needs. In its wide- officer who had gone to law school following active
ranging report the panel made several suggestions that duty, was one of those who returned:
were to shape the Judge Advocate Division for many
I was practicing law in Austin, Texas. in 1969 when the Marine
years to come. Corps initiated its full-court press to recall experienced lawyers.
Among its 18 recommendations the panel conclud- Brigadier General Faw. himself, had called me, as well as Lieutenant
ed that the system then in place best answered Ma- Colonel (Rollio Q.J Blakeslee. and as enticement to returning to
active duty, I was given my first two preferences [for duty and lo-
rine Corps needs. ("Marine commanders will be better cation 1.102
able to accomplish [their function with) advice from
Marine lawyers who think, are trained, have ex- A closely watched and much discussed aspect of law-
perienced field hardships . the same as their Com- yer retention was commonly referred to by judge ad-
manders.") The panel also recommended that vocates as "pro pay." The Department of Defense
nonlawyers, such as legal administrative officers, take proposed to Congress that the lawyer retention issue
a greater role in the legal process; that more women could be solved by paving attorneys a monthly premi-
Marines be employed as judge advocates; that, because um and a bonus upon extending their period of ob-
over 10 percent of Marine Corps judge advocate ligated service. Higher ranking lawyers would receive
strength was assigned to Navy JAG billets, the Secre- a higher monthly premium, to encourage majors, lieu-
tary of the Navy be asked to assign a Marine Corps tenant colonels, and colonels to remain on active duty.
lawyer on a continuing basis as Deputy Judge Advo- The lump sum paid for continuing one's initial peri-
cate General of the Navy (another brigadier general's od of active duty would encourage captains to remain.
billet); and that judge advocates be allowed to attend These bonuses in recognition of professional
graduate legal school at Marine Corps expense. The trainingpro paywould be similar to those long
panel essentially threw up its hands over the reten- paid to doctors, dentists, and veterinarians in the
tion issue, reporting that 'this problem has not been Army, Navy, and Air Force. On 12 December 1969 Se-
satisfactorily resolved during the past 18 years by the
nator Daniel K. Jnouye addressed the Senate on the
Marine Corps (or any of the Armed Services)." They subject of a bill he had introduced on 22 July:
did, however, predict that with the end of the war in The problem of keeping competent. experienced judge
Vietnam and its associated unaccompanied tours, advocates has become acute. . . The number of experienced

lawyers relative to the total on board will be as follows: Army,

sufficient lawyers would become available to meet Ma- 29 percent: Navy, 36 percent: Marine Corps, 16 percent: and
rine Corps needs. Finally, the panel noted: "Judge Ad- Air Force, 42 percent . . . This is not a safe balance be-

vocates who choose the Marine Corps for a career tween experienced and inexperienced lawyers . . S. 2674
. .

definitely want to be recognized as Marine officers and will meet this problem of retention by providing increased
compensation for military lawyers. First, there will be spe-
part of the Marine Corps team; not as a group of
cial pay each month, ranging from $50 for a second lieu-
specialists outside the regular officer corps." tenant to captain to $200 for colonels and above. Second.
The Commandant, General Leonard E Chapman, the judge advocate who agrees to extend for at least 3 years
will receive continuation pay at a rate equal to 2 months'
Jr.. penned on the panel's report: "This is one of the
basic pay per additional year he agrees ro remain on active
best staff studies I have ever read. It has removed all duty.. . . The time has come to recognize the critica] dimen-
my doubts, and I now unequivocally, without reser- sions of the problemlos
vation, endorse and support our present system, with
A similar bill had already passed the House of
noted improvements. Let's go all-out to effect those
Representatives, and service lawyers anticipated a sig-
approved improvements."
nificant raise in pay. Instead, the legislative session
The next issue of The Reserve Marine, the newslet- ended without the Inouye bill coming to a vote. Rein-
ter sent to all inactive reservists, was headlined: "Serv- troduced the next year, the bill again failed to come

Photo courtesy of Co] Clarke C. Barnes, USMCR

Capt Clarke C. Barnes, left, poses with Capt Michael j Levin outside a 3d Marine Divi-
sion legal office at Phu Bai. Capt Barnes said' "The professional experience was fantastic.
But even more important was the urgency of it all the team work, the camaraderie."
to a vote. That pattern continued for several years, until in Da Nang. Musically trained Marines were hired as
finally, pro pay expired along with the crisis in dis- a band. Colonel Truesdale recalled: 'We sent out in-
cipline. Military lawyers receive no special pay and vitations to all members . . . . All Army, Navy, and
never have. Air Force nurses in the area received invitations. The
ball was held on a Sunday evening [14 September
In Vietnam, largely unaware of the events in 1969] and was a great success."°5 Nurses from the Ger-
Washington, Marine Corps judge advocates continued
man hospital ship, the Helgoland, were also invited.
to try cases: 123 general and 1,023 special courts-
While Marine Corps judge advocates may have
martial in 1969, declines from the preceding year of
sponsored a dance, that was an anomaly; creative
18 and 20 percent, respectively. (Troop strength, late
whimsy near the field of battle. Close by, the war con-
in the year, had dropped 32 percent.)104 tinued. Captain Clarke C. Barnes reminisced: "The
In Vietnam. the I Corps Bar Association held a professional experience was fantastic. But even more
"ball." With the commanding general's permission the important was the urgency of it all, the team work,
III MAF officers' club was reserved and excess quart. the camaraderie . . . . My experience in the combat
ers were acquired for attendees who were not billeted zone was invaluable."°6


1970-71 Preamble: Discipline in Disarray

Civilians at Courts-martial.' Latney Reversed Fragging: Killers in Our Midít
From a Lawyer's Case File: Criminal-Criminologist Drugs. Marijuana and More - Racial Conflict: H:gh Tension
Administrative Discharge: The Mannes Clean House From a Lawyer's Case File: Homicide on Patrol

In July 1970 General Leonard E Chapman. Jr.,

Commandant of the Marine Corps, opened the an-
nual General Officers Symposium. In remarks to the
assembled generals he said: "In preparing for this talk
this morning. I looked back over the notes l've used
for last year and the year before, and I was impressed
with the fact that so many of the problems I spoke
about are still with us't Elsewhere, Major General
William K. Jones, ending his tour as commanding
general of the 3d Marine Division in Vietnam,
recalled: "I was absolutely astounded and horrified by
the breakdown of discipline that I witnessed."2
In 1970 the Armed Forces continued ro confront a
deterioration of discipline. The unrest reflected the
divisions within American society as a whole and their
effects on the Services, which were engaged in a long
and unpopular conflict. The prospect of redeployment
actually weakened discipline, as servicemen found it
difficult to maintain a sense of purpose in a war that
was ending without decisive resu1ts. Rapid manpow-
er turnover, a decline in training standards and per-
sonnel quality, and boredom as combat action Department of Defense Photo (uML) ¡s'tìu'ì'ì
diminished, added to the undermining of discipline Gen Leonard E Chapman, Jr., was Commandant of
and morale. All of the Armed Services were affected. the Marine Corps as the Vietnam War neared end He
In July 1970 there was a major riot in the Marine Corps told a gathering ofgenerals. "I was impressed with the
brig at Iwakuni,Japan.4 The superintendent of the U.S. fact that so many of the problems.. . are still with us."
Military Academy, Lieutenant General David Palmer,
later recalled: 'The Army was hollow at the gut. It matic difference in the Marine Corps between the time we
went in. in '65, and the time we went out in '71. A very,
nearly disintegrated." In May the Navy's Richard B.
very dramatic difference in the Corps. . . . When I arrived
Anderson (DD 786), on her way to a western Pacific on the scene [in 19701 1 was somewhat appalled.8
deployment, was the first reponed victim of Vietnam-
era ship sabotage and was forced to return to port with The difficulties of preceding years had not lessened,
major engine damage.6 For four days in May the Air and solutions were yet to be found.
Force suffered large-scale riots at Travis Air Force Base, Civilians at Courts-martiaL' i.atney Reversed
California, a primary Vietnam air embarkation point?
Colonel Paul X. Keiley, on his second Vietnam tour James Latney, the civilian seaman convicted of
of duty in 1970, commanded the ist Marines. Years murder in a 1968 general court-maniai, set the prece-
later, after retiring as Commandant of the Marine dent that military courts had jurisdiction over civilians
Corps, he said of that period: who committed crimes in the combat zone. Latney had
appealed. Sixteen months after his court-martial the
We had a new Marine Corpc By 1970. . . we had
basically "fillers," people who hadn't come over [so Vietnam I
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia over-
with units . . . . The average age of a squad leader in the turned his conviction. The appellate court held that
ist Marines was 18 and a half [and] we had all the cultural the UCMJ could not reach a civilian seaman who lived
problems of the United States . . . Thcre was a very dra-
. on his ship, and who had not assimilated with mili.

tary personnel in terms of living quarters or con- question of criminal jurisdiction over American
ditions.° civilians in Vietnam, not addressed by the 1950 Pen.
The Marine Corps considered urging an appeal of talateral Agreement, was resolved. As a matter of law,
the appellate court's decision, but Brigadier General civilians in Vietnam could not be court-martialed.
Faw, Director of the Judge Advocate Division, ex- The Avererte decision created a significant problem.
plained: "This [opinion] wasn't binding on even The South Vietnamese Government routinely declined
another Federal District Court .. .. If we sent it up to exercise jurisdiction in cases involving Americans
we might get a loser, so let him go, because who committed crimes against other Americans or
. our disciplinary needs are met when he's convict- American law. Moreover, American civilian laws
ed."bo Nine months later, even this limited victory of against most criminal acts, including murder, man-
conviction was negated by the Court of Military Ap- slaughter, assault. blackmarketing and currency vio-
peals' decision in another case, United States y. lations, had no extraterritorial application and could
A verette. not be tried by any Federal District Court. As a result,
In Vietnam civilians continued to commit crimes, in a later case involving a civilian and a soldier in a
most often black marketeering and currency violations. bribery-blackmarket scheme, the soldier was convict-
The State Department considered administrative ed by court-martial and the civilian was set free. The
measures, such as withdrawal of military privileges and Averette case created a group of U.S. civilians, con-
loss of employment, to be sufficient punishment. tractor employees, that was not subject to prosecution
Courts-martial should be reserved for only the most for crimes committed in Vietnam.'3
serious cases. MACV. on the other hand, urged courts- After the Averette decision, administrative debar-
martial in all cases. While that disagreement con- ment was the sanction applied in most cases of civilian
tinued, only 16 civilian cases entered the military wrongdoing. That involved a bar to the wrongdoer's
justice system through 1968. No military charges were employment by any U.S. contractor in Vietnam and
brought in 10 of those cases, two more were dropped the firing of the wrongdoer. As an indication of the
after charges were preferred, and four civilians were level of civilian misconduct in Vietnam, by the end
tried by courtsmartial.1 t One of the four was Latney. of the war 943 contractor employees had been de-
Another was Mr. Raymond G. Averette. barred.'
Averette, a civilian employee of an Army contrac-
Frgging: Killers in our Midst
tor, was convicted by an Army general court-martial
of conspi racy to commît larceny and attempted larce- The Marine Corps did not record the number of
ny of 36,000 batteries. He appealed his conviction and fraggings that occurred during the war. In 1970,
sentence to confinement at hard labor for one year and however, the principal infantry command remaining
a $500 fine. In April 1970 the Court of Military Ap- in Vietnam. the 1st Marine Division, did: One Ma-
peals reversed the conviction and dismissed the case. rifle was killed and 43 were wounded in 47 fragging
The Court noted that, unlike Larney, Averette was as- incidents.*15 As experience was gained in dealing with
signed to an Army post in Vietnam and enjoyed full fragging incidents, apprehension of those responsible
military privileges. Moreover, his offenses could be became more frequent. That was largely attributable
tried in a United States District Court, The rationale ro "Operation Freeze," a III MAP Order based on
of the decision, however, was that the article of the Major General William K. Jones' similar 3d Marine
UCMJ upon which jurisdiction was based required that Division order of the preceding year. Operation Freeze
the civilian's offense be committed in time of war. "We provided for swift isolation of any unit in which an
conclude," the Court wrote, "that the words 'in time act of violence occurred, followed by immediate in-
of war' mean. . - a war formally declared by Congress." vestigation. Additionally, an order directing the pro-
Because there was never a declaration of war against
North Vietnam. the UCMJ could not apply to civilians *ln comparison, the U.S. Army, which during the same period
accompanying U.S. Armed Forces in the field, or so had eight times as many men in Vietnam (an average of 274,100
the military appellate court reasoned. (In the same soldiers to the Marines' 32,500). suffered six times as many (271)
fragging incidents. Thirty-four soldiers were killed. (Guenrer Lewy.
opinion the court held that the lack of a declaration America ¡n Vietnam INew York: Oxford University Press. 1978),
of war was not a bar to invoking the "in time of war" p. 156; and DOD, Selected Manpower Statistics. Fiscal Yeai 1982
provision of the unauthorized absence artide.)'2 The ¡Washington. 19821. p. 129).

Photo courtesy of Mr P. C. Tower

The bunker in which Sgt Richard L. Tate died. Fragging, the murder of one Marine by
another with a fragmentation hand grenade, occurred throughout the Vietnam Var.
tection of informants resulted in greater cooperation weeks. The explosion also wounded the other two ser-
from those with knowledge of the incidents. Still, only geants occupyIng the bunker.'
22 of the ist Division's 47 fraggings resulted in ap- Hendricks' regimental commander was Colonel Paul
prehensions. Of the 37 Marines apprehended, 21 were X. Kelley, who clearly recalled the case years later.
court-martialed and five received administrative dis. "Why would a kid like that, a farm boy from Ohio.
charges. The remaining cases were dropped for lack brought up very decently, why would [hei frag and
of evidence.16 No fraggings occurred in Marine Corps murder a very fine noncommissioned offìcer?"18
units in 1971, the year in which all remaining Marine Captain Philip C. Tower was assigned to defend
combat units redeployed from Vietnam.'7 Hendricks, who was charged with aggravated assault
and premeditated murder, which carried a possible
From a Lawyers case File: Criminal- Criminologist sentence of death. Hendricks, who was apprehended
after admitting his act to other Marines, said he hoped
L On 23 October 1970 the ist Marine Division's only
death by ftagging occurred on Hill 190, west of Da he "had gotten one [sergeanti, at least." Besides his
Nang. That evening, Private Gary A. Hendricks of admissions and physical evidence placing him at the
Company L, 3d Battalion, ist Marines, was one of two scene. Hendricks had signed a written confession.
Marines found sleeping on post by their platoon ser- With few avenues available to the defense, Captain
geant, Sergeant Richard L. Tate. Tate reprimanded the Tower sought psychiatric evaluations in Vietnam and
two in strong words, but took no further action. At on Okinawa, neither of which raised a basis for an in-
0110 the next morning Private Hendricks dropped a sanity defense. Captain Tower remembered:
fragmentation grenade down the air vent of the It was clear to me that the command did not wish to
bunker in which Sergeant Tate and two others were negotiate in this case, and that they very much wanted to
see the defendant receive the death penalty. I was informed
sleeping. The grenade landed on Sergeant Tate's that no one had been executed in the naval services for almost
stomach. Reflexively, the sergeant brought his legs up a century. but I was extremely concerned that this case might
to his chest, cradling the grenade in his lap. where end up being the first one. Ar trial I had very little to present
it exploded. His legs torn from his body, Sergeant Tate in the way of a defense.
died several minutes later. He had been due to return Hendricks was convicted and sentenced to death.
to the United States and bis wife and child in three The convening authority, however, mitigated the sen-

tence to confinement at hard labor for life and a dis- in 1965 there had been 47 apprehensions; there were
honorable discharge. While in military confinement 344 in 1966; 1,722 in the next year; 4,352 in 1968;
Hendricks pursued ars unsuccessful appeal in the U.S. and 8.446 in 1969. In 1970 the number was 11,058.
Court of Claims, based upon an asserted inadequacy despite rapidly dropping troop strength. MACV's corn-
of counsel.* He was paroled from the Federal Correc- niand history noted that "it became apparent appre-
tions Institute at Ashland, Kentucky, in November hensions were not an accurate measure of the
1980, having served eight years and nine months con- magnitude of the problem."26 Departmeni of Defense
finement. He went on to obtain college and post- and Congressional drug and narcotics committees
graduate degrees. His major was criminology. which came to Vietnam for firsthand views of the is-
sue were told that drug use was even greater than the
Drugs: Marijuana and More
numbers indicared.27 In 1970, in the ist Marine Divi-
The Vietnam drug situation is extremely serious," sion alone, there were 142 courts-martial for drug
read the New York Times.2° Drug abuse had reached abuse and 211 drug-related administrative discharges8
"crisis proportions." Major Genera! Alan). Armstrong. The Army also used administrative discharges for
Ist Marine Aircraft Wing commander, told an au- drug abuse as a relief valve. As Major General George
dience at Hawaii's FMFPac Headquarters in 1971: S. Prugh,Judge Advocate General of the Army, wrote:
"Those of you that think you know a lot about the lt became increasingly clear that tria] by court-martial was
drug problem. if you were not out there in the last an awkward, ineffective, and expensive means of attempt-
year, you need to reappraise your thoughts."2' Drug ing to cope with a large-scale [drug I problem . . . Soldiers

abuse in Vietnam reflected the drug problem in whose behavior indicated that they lacked the desire or ability
American society, except drugs were cheaper and more to rehabilitate themselves were eliminated through adminis-
trative channels 29
easily available in Vietnam. According to the Securi-
ty Company commander at Force Logistic Command's FLC, like other Marine Corps and Arnw commands,
(FLC) Camp Books. "The kids would come up and toss employed admin discharges to clear the decks of drug
the marijuana over the wire to sentries, day and users and marijuana smokers. As Lieutenant Colonel
night."22 Marines in rear areas who sent their utility Carl Buchmann, FLC's Deputy SJA, said:
uniforms to Vietnamese laundries often found sever- We had used administrative discharges for marijuana
al marijuana "joints" in their shirt pockets upon return smokers, extensively . . . When I arrived [in 19691 we had

of the uniformsa form of business solicitation. The something like 85 or 95 general courts that. . . hadn't been
abundance of cheap, pure quality drugs, coupled with tried yet. So we let ir be known Ito defense counsell that
we lthe commanding general. with the SJA's advice] would
lax Vietnamese enforcement of its own narcotics con- entertain some admin discharges ro avoid trial, and in one
trol laws, made it easy for Marines with drug habits period, I remember giving out 25 in a very short period of
to continue and facilitated experimentation by the time; approving them after they requestedfor pot .
uninitiated. "We found," Lieutenant General William Some we did, some we didn't give admins to. So. if you say

K. Jones said, 'that 48 percent, or nearly half of the a solution has been arrived at. no, it hasn't. We're still
Marines, indicated a use of drugs at one time or
another."23 The flow of drugs was unabated. Retired Marine
Colonel Robert D. Heinl reported in a magazine arti-
Heroin was rare until late 1970, when cheap and
cle that: "In March [1971], Navy Secretary John H.
plentiful quantities of the narcotic, long available fur-
Chafee . . said bluntly that drug abuse in both the

ther south, reached northern I Corps.24 Major Gener-

Navy and Marines is out of control."3' Lieutenant
al Armstrong noted that "[drugs) really began to take
General Leo J. Dulacki recalled that "just about the
their toll on our Marine population in Vietnam at
time the last Marines were leaving, the countryside
about the 1970-71 period, and particularly in 1971,
suddenly appeared flooded with hard drugs, availa-
when the tempo of operations had slacked down."25
ble anywhere and everywhere."32 In January 1971
The increase in drug use was reflected in the number
Brigadier General Edwin H. Simmons, Assistant Di-
of apprehensions for drug abuse. MACV, which in-
vision Commander of the ist Marine Division, point-
cluded all American troops in Vietnam, reported that
ed out that "you can go down to Freedom Hill
*An appeal of a court-maniai conviction sia the Court of Claims recreation area and you can find a mama-san who will
is very unusual. Presumably the appeal was collateral to a claim for sell you a cap of pure heroin for from three to five
back pay. dollars. It's a bargain! The same cap would cost you

50 dollars in [the U.S.J." Major General Armstrong Corps efforts to ease racial friction and to take action
reported that one air group "had a heroin problem against those who participated in racially inspired
that I viewed as an operational problem, no longer offenses, regardless of their race. During this period
an administrative problem."34 blacks constituted about 13 percent of Marine Corps
The Marine Corps took action to fight marijuana strength, but were the accused in an estimated 50 per-
and drugs in Vietnam, which relied heavily on troop cent of Vietnam courtsmartial.42 Ici F1.0 monthly Sub-
education. A platoon leaders' antidrug pamphlet was versive Activities Reports, actual! r racial disturbance
issued. Special drug education teams were employed, reports, were a continuing requirement for all subor-
and drug abuse councils were formed. Finally, law- dinate commands. In the ist Marine Division leader-
yers of the various SJA offices tried abusers, or ship councils ("just a euphemism for race relations,"
processed their administrative discharges. Throughout admitted Brigadier General Simmons, the assistant di-
that period the Marine Corps took an adamant stand vision commander) were conducted at company, bat-
against amnesty programs. As the Commandant said: talion, regimental, and division levels each month.44
"The Manne Corps cannot tolerate drug use within Keeping in mind that, as General Simmons noted.
its ranks. Those who experiment with drugs can ex- "the aggravation doesn't always come from the black
pect to be punished. Those who become addicted will side, it's very often prompted by the white side," hu-
be separated."38 Until the Department of Defense re- man relations seminars, workshops, and black studies
quired all Armed Services to initiate amnesty pro- programs were efforts made to improve relations be-
grams, the Marine Corps maintained its resistance to tween races.45
them.7 Meanwhile, drug use increased. The "Green Marine" approach (there are no black
The lawyers involvement with drug users was not Marines or white Marines, only green Marines) was be-
always a matter of charge sheets and analysis. Captain ing recognized as ineffective. Not every problem was
Tommy W. Jarrett, an FLC defense counsel, was inter- solvable through traditional leadership methods. Lieu-
viewing a client when he became suspicious of his state tenant General Jones, Commanding General of the
of sobriety. Captain jarren paused in his questioning 3d Marine Division in early 1970, and then Com-
and asked the young Marine: "Tel! me something. Just manding General of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific,
between you and me. have you had a little pot today?" said: "I think that 'all Marines are green' is an over-
His client replied: "Sir, just between you and me, I simplification of the very basic psychological quivers
have a little pot every day."38 that are going through our society. And I think that
it is wrong."46 In 1970, despite changing attitudes and
Racial Conflict: High Tension
the Marine Corps' best efforts, 1,060 violent racial in-
According to MACV's 1971 Command History for cidents occurred throughout the Corps, resulting in
Vietnam: 79 Marines being seriously injured and two killed.
Many black soldiers in RVN. increasingly more articulate, As redeployments from Vietnam continued into 1970,
better educated, and more impatient than their predeces- far fewer such incidents occurred in the war zone, and
sors, continued to view the military establishment as a ra- in 1971 there were none.48
cist institution, within which linIe redress was possible. To
many of them, the war in Vietnam was viewed, rightly or Administrative Discharge: The Matines clean House
wrongly, as a white man's war in which they had no vested
The Marine Corps was having serious disciplinary
problems among its junior personnel. III MAF's ser-
Major General Edwin B. Wheeler. Headquarters Ma- geant major in 1971 was Sergeant Major Edgar R. Huff.
rine Corps' G-1, noted: He noted:
There can he little doubt . . . that the most insidious ob- There is an element of men in the Corps today who have
stade to manpower readiness is that of racial unrest and vio- gotten past the recruiters . . . This element has managed

lence. lt strikes at the heart of two essential principles upon to fool, momentarily, the leadership of our Corps, just
which our Corps is built: good order and discipline . . enough to get by for the time being . . . bem on ruining
And it is especially unsettling when ir results in Marines kill- the proud record of the Corps. This element seems to make
ing each orhcr.'° up less than one percent of the Corps' strength . . . . An
Another Marine Corps general, questioned by news element of hate, discontent, and even subversion, aimed at
terrorizing. . . They must be found out. punished. and
men after a racial incident, reportedly said: "We're not .

expelled from our Corps9

having a racial problem we're having a criminal
problem."4' That hard line was mixed with Marine Besides malcontents, the Marines were troubled br

Administrative discharge was the quick fix for deal-

ing with malcontents, returned deserters, and drug
abusers, all of whom, by their sheer number, threa-
tened to overwhelm the military justice system.
Colonel Roben M. Lucy, ist Marine Division SJA,
reflected: "If he appears to be a troublemaker... we
just can't afford to keep him around. We just need
to go ahead and get him our [through administrative
discharge J because it's too dangerous, in a combat area,
to keep that individual around."3 Lieutenant Gener-
al Jones spoke to the Commandant, General Chap-
man, about the need to act:
I used the administrative discharge before Chappy said
do it. I told him I was doing it. and I said, "1 know Senator
Ervin's given us hell for 20 years on it, but," I said, "we've
got to do it. I'm administratively getting rid of these bums!"
and Chappy said, "Go ahead."

I I As the Marines left Southeast Asia, General Chapman

anticipated post-Vietnam manpower reductions and
initiated a "house cleaning" to separate those who
didn't measure up. "Instead of moving in the direc-
tion of what is the mood of society in relaxing dis-
cipline:' General Chapman told his generals, "what
I L we must do is move in the other direction and tight-
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A419515 en it up."55 In Vietnam, commanders took full advan-
SgtMaj Edgar R. Huff was III MAPs sergeant major tage of that policy. The ist Marine Division, for
in 1971. He was troubled by the poor quality of Ma- example, ordered only 121 admin discharges in 1969,
rine recruits that he saw in Vietnam. "They must be but issued over 800 in l970.° In the first suc months
found out, punished, and expel/ed from our Corps.' of 1970 III MAF issued 199 admin discharges for drug
abuse alone. As Brigadier General Simmons noted:
the highest desertion rate in modern Marine Corps "The greatest boon to our efforts at solving the mar-
history twice the rate of the Korean War's peak and ginal Marine problem has been the liberalized use of
nearly four times that of World War 1L5° The U.S. Ar- administrative discharges."58
my's desertion rate was even higher than that of the Brigadier General William HJ. Tiernan. a former
Marine Corps.51 Often both soldiers and Marines Director of the Judge Advocate Division, recalled the
deserted while on R & R in the country they were visit- role that the administrative discharge (to escape trial
ing.* Another 2,500 military men deserted and re- by court-martial, a specific type of admin discharge)
mained in hiding in Vietnam, most of them in played, particularly in major U.S. commands: "It's
Saigon 52
amazing that we survived that era," he said, "and I
think the reason we did survive it was because we de-
*In a variation on this theme. Marine PFC Douglas Beane deserted veloped the discharge . . in lieu of court-martiaI."

on 28 Febru sty 1970 while awaiting a general court-martial for black Often referred to as a "good of the service" discharge,
marketeering and threatening a witness. He made his way to Aus- or "GOS," this variety of administrative discharge re-
tralia. a popular R & R spot. and remained there until he volun-
tarily returned to the United States in June 1987 and was quired only that the defense counsel prepare a state-
apprehended by the Marine Corps. Newspaper reports quoted Beane ment in which his client admitted his desertion, for
as saving. "I went AWOL after one year of fighting in Vietnam. example, and requested an administrative undesira-
because I had enough of the war." He had been a cook, assigned ble discharge in lieu of court-martial. Almost always
to the ist Force Service Regiment in Da Nang. In a controversial approved by the commanders involved, by 1971 the
decision, the Marine Corps gave Beane an other-than-honorable ad-
minisuative discharge, and dropped all charges against him. (Navy
process took only a day or two o complete. It allowed
Times, 22jun87, and 6jul87, p. II; Washington Post, 18Dec86, p. both the Marine Corps and the accused Marine to close
A59.). the books on offenses without a costly court-martial.

Department of Defense Photo (LJSML) (.S-0213-11

The 1970 FMFPac meeting of senior judge adi.'ocates took place at camp Smith, Hawaii.
Present were, front. from left, Col Robert M. Lucy; Co1 Donald E. Holben; Col Verne L.
Oliver: Col Robert C. Lehnen'; BGen Duane L. Bzw: Co/Marion G. Truesdale; Co/Na/ton
M. Bennett; Col Arthur R. Petersen. Rear LtCol Wu/liszrn H. J. Tiernan; unidentified,
LiCol Brian B. Kent; LtCol Robert]. Chadwick; Col Charles E. Spence, Jr.; Col Benjamin
B. Ferre/l. LiCo/Henry Hoppe III; LtColJoseph A. Ma//er5, Jr.; and Ma] Curtis U Olson.

on the Marine Corps' part, or a sentence to the brig. tees] could be seen arriving on foot au the gate. some with
on the accused's part. Few deserters were concerned lengthy beards. headbands. ponytails, earrings. etc .
When it was recognized thai extraordinary methods were
that the discharge was characterized as undesirable.
required to process these unauthorized absentees, the "GOS"
"While the discharge to escape trial definitely did play provided a solution
a role in. . . Vietnam:' Brigadier General Tiernan con-
tinued, "its use was insignificant in comparison with Each administrative discharge was processed by law-
its use [in the U.S.] as the war wound down."80 'We yers, whether in the U.S. or in Vietnam. Besides as-
were, frankly, going under, and we could not have sur- signing a judge advocate to represent the individual,
vived if we hadn't come up with the . - - discharge
the SJA prepared a recommendation for the com-
to escape trial . . . . It was a difficult and very painful manding general's consideration. In Vietnam in late
evolution because it was contrary to all previous Ma- 1970 Major James H. Granger was a lawyer in the ist
Tine Corps disciplinary standards."6' While com- Division's SJA office. He recalled that "administrative
manders only reluctantly authorized admin discharges discharges peaked in December [1970] when we
in lieu of court-martial for absentees, many of whom processed 69 new cases, although we had another big
had deserted to avoid service in Vietnam. they had month in March, as the Division prepared to
little choice. As Brigadier General Tiernan recalled: withdraw."83
Upon learning of the increased number of admin
The base legal office [in the U.S.] could not have processed discharges, then-retired Lieu tenant General Victor H.
this group of malingerers if trial . . . was required in ever) Krulak said: "I applaud them, because it's wise
case.. . It would cake literally years to complete the process.

even with the maximum utilization of assets. i.e.. trying cases

They're culling out the Project 100,000s, and
both nights and weekends . . On any given day during the dissidents, and recalcitrams. . . the guys who don't
this period, members of this group [of unauthorized absen- belong in the Marine Corps. "64

From a Lawyer's case File: Homicide on Patrol cal responsibilities in that hostile environment was the
impact of Mixmaster." In September 1965 the Ma-
"This is an initial report of possible serious incident
nne Corps ended its peacetime intertheater battalion
involving . Vietnamese civilians of Thang Tay (1)
rotation between the Eastern Pacific and Western Pa-
hamlet," read the message ro the commanding general
cific and moved to an individual replacement system,
of Ill MAF. It continued:
codenamed Operation Mixmaster.69 Lieutenant
Civilians allege U.S. Marine unit entered hamlet on 19 Colonel Cooper noted that Mixmaster involved not
Feb 1970 and killed women and children. Patrol sent ro check
only replacements from the United States, but trans-
allegation found the bodies of approximately 16 men and
children recently slain ....M-16 and .45 cal cartridge cases
fers of Marines within Vietnam, where the tactical sit-
were noted in the immediate arca. Earlier a patrol - . . report- uation in the south of III MAF's area of operations
ed a contact ... in the same area with an estimated 25 VC differed dramatically from that in the north, along the
resulting in 6 enemy kills. There are some indications that demilitarized zone (DMZ). "The DMZ was like World
this report is inaccurate. Full scale inquiry commencing im-
War I," Lieutenant Colonel Cooper said. "If it moved,
blow it away."7° In the more heavily populated south,
The hamlet designated Thang Tay (1) on American however, greater restraint was required in combat Oper-
maps and the events that transpired there were soon ations, to preclude or at least minimize civilian casual-
known to Marine Corps lawyers by the hamlet's Viet- ties. Lieutenant Colonel Cooper recalled the effort to
namese name: Son Thang (4). educate new arrivals to the southern portion of the
Later, during his debriefing at FMFPac Headquart- III MAF battle area:
ers in Hawaii, Colonel Robert M. Lucy, recently the Our approach to the constant influx of new people. both
SJA of the ist Marine Division, noted: experienced and newly arrived, was to put them through
a three- ro four-day orientation period, and specific instruc-
The fella who really gets out there and meets the [Viet-
tions on the rules of engagement - . . It concerned me

namese] civilians so frequently is a 19-year-old lance corporal

no end thai the mystery of identifying who the enemy was.
who has very little maturity. lt's a tremendous amount of
never was resolved, nor could it have been. Basically you
responsibility. He's got all that firep'er. and it's not a great
responded Co fire, and often that was too late'
surprise that every once in a while one out of many goes
sacra lt's really, really serious business - The great
. . . . . -
Despite training in the local rules of engagement.
majority of them are doing a great job . . They're bear- .

Lieutenant Colonel Cooper contended that "the troop-


ing such a tremendous burden and load in the war. Sull

66 er rightly never understood why we could order an air
strike on a village that was the source of [enemy] fire,
Colonel Robert C. Lehnert, the SJA for Headquart-
but a more definitive rule of conduct applied to the
ers, FMFPac, agreed, saying that the 19-year-old lance
man with the rifle." Cooper believed that Mixmaster
corporal is the same one that couldn't be driving the played an unnoted but important role in the Son
family car, at home, yet is placed in a position of Thang (4) incident.
tremendous pressure and responsibility lt's a . . - -

wonder that he functions as well as he does, under On 19 February 1970 Company B. ist Battalion, 7th
the circumstances that we place him ifl" Marines, commanded by First Lieutenant Lewis R.
Ambon, an experienced combat leader, was in a night
Of the hundreds of thousands of Marine patrols
defensive perimeter on Hill 50, southwest of LZ Ross,
conducted in Vietnam. only a very few resulted in im-
The company had been in heavy combat over the past
proper or illegal acts. The Son Thang (4) case was one
few months and had suffered 14 Marines killed in ac-
of those few. It remains a sad and tragic illustration
tion and 85 wounded since November. Two weeks be-
of misused authority
fore, while pursuing several suspicious Vietnamese
The ist Battalion, 7th Marines operated from Land- women later determined to be enemy nurses, a Com-
ing Zone (LZ) Ross in southern Quang Nam Province, pany B patrol was led into a booby trap which wound-
Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Cooper, the battalion ed several Marines.*73 A week before a patrol had
commander, described the area as "mostly uncultivat- encountered three Vietnamese boys. estimated to be
ed rice paddies. tree lines and - ruined villages, . .

thinly populated. now. This area is honeycombed with Ljeutcnant Colonel Cooper's recollection is that the patrol was
bunkers, trench lines, spider holes, a million and one led into an ambush that resulted in heavy casualties and a two-day
battalion.level engagement. (LtGen C. G. Cooper Itr to author. dtd
places a unir could be ambushed."68 23jan89, Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Complicating the commander's execution of tacti- file, MCHC.)

9 to 12 years old, carrying automatic weapons. In the mended for the award by his previous platoon
ensuing firefight, one of the youths was killed. commander. First Lieutenant Oliver L. North.77
That same day, on 19 February. before occupying Herrod had been convicted of unauthorized absence
their night defensive position on Hill 50, Company at a recent special court-martial. As a result he would
B had observed five or six Vietnamese boys, between be reduced to the grade of private within a few days,
9 and 13 years old, in a nearby treelinc, just before when the sentence of the court was approved. On the
the company was taken under heavy automatic evening of 19 November be was still a lance corporal.
weapons fire. In yet another incident that day a mem- All of the members of the killer team were volun-
ber of the comparl\' had been shot and killed in an teers. Herrod was armed with a .45-caliber pistol and
ambush. Company B had learned that the enemy an M79 grenade launcher with buckshot rounds. There
could be a woman as well as a man and that youth were four others in the killer team: Lance Corporal
did not preclude a deadly intent. Michael S. Krichten, Private First Class Thomas R.
Late that afternoon the battalion operations officer, Boyd, Private First Class Samuel G. Green, Jr. (on his
Major Richard E. Theer. had radioed Lieutenant Am- first patrol, having arrived in Vietnam only 12 days
bort and asked what patrols he planned for the night. before), and Private Michael A. Schwarz (transferred
'He told me his company was pretty well bushed. to the unit from the ist Reconnaissance Battalion in
He only intended to send out local security and one the northern portion of III MAF just six days before).
short patrol."74 As dusk fell, Lieutenant Ambort or- Lieutenant Colonel Cooper noted that during that
dered a "killer team" formed. At a later court-martial period, "this type of small unit jury-rigging was un-
a corporal from Company B (who had not been in- fortunately not unusual, and the high level of person-
volved in the events being tried) described a killer nel turbulence added to the reduced profes-
team's purpose: "A killer team is to go out and rove sionalism."78
around and try to catch the enemy off guard, trying Shortly before the killer team departed, Lieutenant
to hit quick and fast and try to get our of the area Ambort spoke to them:
as quickly as possible without getting any casualties I gave them a pep talk . . I was talking to Herrod.
. .

I told him. . I didn't want any casualties.

. I empha-
. . .
Any movement after dark was considered fair sized the fact to him not to take any chances, ro shoot first
game, because they're [the Vietnamese] supposed to and ask questions later. I reminded him of the nine people
be in their hooches sleeping."*75 that we had killed on the twelfth of February, and I reminded
him of Whitmore. who had died that day. I said, "Don't
Usually such teams were led by noncommissioned let them get us any more. I want you to pay these little
officers, but that night Lance Corporal Randell D. bastards back!" That's about
"Randy" Herrod, recently transferred from the 3d Ma- At the Article 32 investigation the platoon sergeant,
rine Division in the northern part of the III MAF, was Sergeant Harvey E. Meyers, testified:
in charge. Lieutenant Colonel Cooper recalled that I heard this rumor that the killer team was supposed to
Herrod "was considered bush wise and more mature kill anything that moved, so I asked Private Hetrod about
that most of his comrades."76 He was also a proficient it; exactly what he w-as told to do. And he said that the skip.
map reader, a valuable skill on night missions beyond per [the company commanderl told him to kill anything that
moves. And I told him not to do it. I said. "Don't do any.
friendly lines. Further, Herrod was awaiting presen- thing stupid. Just go out and do your job and get some.'**s5
tation of the Silver Star Medal, having been recom-
Asked what the term "get some" meant, Sergeant
Meyers replied, "It means going and getting as many
*The same corporal was asked to describe a killer ream mission kills as possible: make contact with VC or NVA; kill
he had been on: "Answer: Yes, sir. Like, lets see ....There were
five of us and we went into a ville area. There was some movement
as many as possible."8'
and talking in this one hooch . . . This man from another bunker
**A, Article 32 investigation is a pretrial investigation, required
starts hollering . He's got a rifle, or something, so I went over before a general court.martial may be convened. lt is conducted
and fragged him, Then, when! did that, all of the women started by an impartial officer, usually a senior lawyer in the SJA's office.
to run for the hootchwent around back. So my men opened up to determine if there is reason to believe an offense has been com-
on the three mamasans. And, the next morning we came back, we mitted, and that the individual charged is the one who committed
found orte man and one mamasan dead. it. It is similar to a civilian preliminary hearing. The accused's counsel
"Trial counsel Ito military judgej: Colonel, the government re- tights are fully applicable at an Article 32, but the tules of evidence
quests that this witness be warned of his rights under Article 31 are relaxed. Often, evidence comes to light that will not be admis-
[against self.incrirninationl. sible in a subsequent courr.martial, with its more stringent appli-
'Military judge: lt's a bit late in the day, isn't it. Captain?" cation of evidentiary rules.

on me thar these people. a bunch of people were lying rhere

in front of me4
According to later trial testimony, the killer team
then formed in a column and, without discussion,
walked towards another hooch. They left behind a
Vietnamese woman of 20, three boys aged 13, 8, and
6, and two 13-year-old girls, all dead.
At the second hooch, much the same events oc-
curred. As Krichten testified: "Schwarz was just com-
ing out of the hooch, and Boyd and myself were just
coming up on line, when Private Herrod gave the order
to kill them all, And everybody hesitated. Then again
he hollered at us, and said, 'I want these people killed
-,w, immediately!' And then everybody started firing."85
L,., Schwarz testified concerning the same event:
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A371757
"I don't know who shot first, but I think it was a '79 A. 1-lerrod yelled. 'Open up, shoot them, kill them all."
that went offfirst and then Herrod said to kill them Q. What was in 'our mind at chat time?
A. The gook5 had come back; we had more gooks
all" Here a Marine fires an M79 grenade launcher
Then I was firing and it dawned on me the women
As darkness fell the killer team moved out. There and people were right there in front of me .
was a bright moon as they approached the hamlet of Again, according to trial testimony, the team turned
Son Thang (4), only 500 yards from Company B's Po- and, with no discussion, moved on toward a nearby
sition on Hill 50, but a considerable distance in the tree line. This time they left behind two women (one
area's harsh rerrain.82 Approaching a Vietnamese of them blind), and two girls, aged eight and six, all
hooch, Herrod directed Schwarz to enter and inspect dead in front of their thatched-roof dwelling.
its interior. The six Vietnamese occupants were At a third hooch the scene was repeated. Schwarz
gathered at the front of the hooch on what was sub- entered to ensure the hooch was empty. Outside, Her-
sequently referred to as the "patio." rod yelled: "There's a mamasan reaching for some-
Later, testifying under a grant of immunity, thing!" and as Krichten later testified:
Krichten recalled the sudden and unexpected events
I don't know who shot first, but I think it was a '79 [M79
of the next few minutes: grenade launcher] that went off first, and then Herrod said
Herrod gave the order w kill the . peopk. and I told to kill them all, and everybody hesitated again, and he
him not to do it . . Then he says, "Well, I have orders
. . hollered at us again, "I told you that I want these people
to do this by the company commander, and I want it done," killed, and I mean it!" By that time everybody started open.
and he said it again, "I want these people killed!" And I ing up on the people.8?
turned to PFC Boyd, and I said to PFC Boyd, "Is he crazy, Schwarz testified:
or what?" And Boyd said, "I don't know, he must be."
. . And then everybody started opening up on the people Herrod said, "Open up. kill them all, kill all of them!"
He fired his '79, then he reloaded, and all this time
The range was estimated to be 10 to 15 feet, Schwarz, he was reloading he was yelling, "Shoot them, kill them all.
testifying in his own court-martial, said: kill all of them bitches!"
Q: Did you ever fire your .45?
A.....All of a sudden. Herrod started yelling, "Shoot A. Yes, sir, I did . , . All ola sudden I started catching

them, shoot them all, kill rhem." these flashes . . so I started firing through there . . . .

Q. What was in your mind at that time? thought they were muzzle flashes . .

A. To "get some" ....I grabbed my rifle, started firing. Q. What about these people ]in front of the hooch]? Did
got with them in the direction they were firing and fired you shoot at these people?
the same way , A. I shot towards the people, but I didn't shoot at the
Q. And what was in your mind at this minute? people.
A. That we had some gooks in the bushes firing at us, Q. You shot between them?
Q. What about the people Ion the patio]? A. Yes, sir. I was trying to pur my rounds between them.
A. I didn't even see the people. I didn't even remember. sir.. .. Then someone yelled, "Cease fire," sir,
I had forgotten completely about the people. Q. What happened after that?
Q. And how did the firing stop? A. I was standing there. I heard a baby cry and [-lerrod
A. Someone yelled, "Cease fire," ....Then it dawned said. "[Schwarz], go shoot the baby and shut it up.....

Marine Corps Collection

This was investigative exhibit number 23 from the Article 32 investigation of events that
occurred in Son Thang (4). Huts 1, 2, and 3 mark where the Vietnamese victims died
I put my .45 down and fired two rounds over the right shoul- Back at Hill 50 the firing was heard, raising con..
der [of the babyj. cern for the killer team. The platoon sergeant testi
Q. You didnt hit anybody?
A. No, sir. I know definitely I didn't hit anyone.8
fied: "We called them in and told them to return
immediately to the pos [position), and then they told
Krichten then testified: "I heard Private Herrod, I me that they had six confirms [confirmed enemy
heard Private Herrod tell Private Schwarz to go shoot killed]." Private Herrod and Lieutenant Ambon con-
the baby that was crying. but I don't know if he did. ferred to formulate the required spot report. Herrod
I don't know if he did. All I heard was a .45 go ff"89 told the lieutenant that there could have been as many
(At the Article 32 investigation, the officer who first as 12 to 16 enemy confirmed killed. Lieutenant Am-
viewed the bodies the next day reported that a dead bort called for an enemy rifle that had been captured
woman at the third hooch was clutching a baby, "about several days before. He directed that it now be sent
5 or 6 years old, at the most," who was also dead. "Its to battalion headquarters with the Son Thang (4) spot
head had just been blown apart, and its grey mauer repon, to add veracity to the claim of six enemy killed.
was laying on the ground:' he testifìed.)9° At the third The report was logged in the battalion operations
hooch the killer team left four females, aged 40, 35, journal at 1950 that evening: "Spotted 15-20 VC, some
13. and 8, and two boys, 10 and 6. all dead. carrying arms, with no packs, moving southwest along

The report was again received by the operations

officer, Major Theer. Theer, on his third tour of duty
in Vietnam. was a highly experienced combat veteran
who had operated in the same area as a company com-
mander in 1965-66. He knew there had been an ene-
my contact reported in that location the night before
by a patrol from Company B and suspected that some-
thing was amiss. After approval by the battalion com-
mander, Lieutenant Colonel Cooper. Major Theer
recalled all of Company B to the battalion headquart-
ers at LZ Ross to determine what might have hap-
pened. Later in court, Major Theer was asked:
Q. When he mentioned that 16 women and children [were
dead), this raised no suspicion in your mind?
A. No, because it was in the hamlet where they had a
contact on the nineteenth, and I had no reason to doubt
that those people might have died as a result of fire between
the Marines and the enemy, in that contact. That happens,
you know, in war.
Q. Did you find ir unusual that there were no men men-
A. Not at all. That area, there are ven few men out there.
The men that you see out there are usually past the age of
70 or below the age of lo.

To determine if there had been any Marine involve-

ment in the deaths, Lieutenant Colonel Cooper im-
mediately ordered Major Theer to conduct an
Photo courtesy of liCol Richard E Theer. USMC (Ret.) investigation.* The major interviewed the company
Maj Richard E. Theer operations officer of ist Battal- commander, Lieutenant Ambort, who admitted that
ion, 7th Marines, shown as a captain during a previ- his spot report was false, and that the enemy rifle had
ous tour of duty in Vietnam. He conducted the initial not been recovered by the previous night's patrol.
investi:gation of the events of 19 February 7970. Next, the major interviewed each member of the
patrol after warning them, in writing, of their rights
trail. Set up hasty ambush, killed 6 NVA and 1 fe- to counsel and against self-incrimination. Each of the
male. Patrol withdrew to Co. CP with i SKS."92 The
next morning, the battalion intelligence officer led a pJ0 the war, Lieutenant Colonel Cooper remembered the events
patrol in the vicinity of Son Thang (4) to check mo- somewhat differently. His recollection is that the first report of the
tion sensors that had been planted in the area. He was incident was overheard on a battalion tactical radio net by himself,
sometime after midnight. He recalls that soon afterward he asked
approached by a Vietnamese woman who indicated for more information and upon learning that only one enemy
that the night before Marines had killed inhabitants weapon had been recovered, "I began to smell a rat." The next morn-
of her hamlet. He radioed that information to the bat- ing he recollects flying to Company B's position by helicopter, and
talion command post, where it was received by Major thinking. "something just didn't add up." He recalls that he then
Theer. Theer recalled that "I had switched the radio sent the patrol to Son Thang (4) to investigate his suspicions. He
further recollects that before Major Theer later interviewed the patrol,
off the squawk box in the combat operations center
he, Lieutenant Colonel Cooper, had first warned them of their rights
to receive [his] message, because he indicated he did and interviewed them, only to stop them when they began to ad-
not want anyone to hear our conversation." Direct- mit the truth. (LtGen Charles G. Cooper intvw, 14Aug, Session 10,
ed by Major Theer, the lieutenant detoured to inves- Oral HistColl. MCHC: and Cooper itt to author, dtd 12Sep88).
tigate and discovered the bodies of 16 women and Major Theer, on the other hand, recalls that he and Lieutenant
Colonel Cooper had agreed that only he. Major Theer, should ques-
children laying before three different hooches, along
tion Lieutenant Ambon and the patrol members because of Lieu-
with a number of spent M16, .45-caliber, and M79 car- tenant Colonel Cooper's potential conflicting role as a court-martial
tridge casings. He radioed his discovery to the battal- convening authority. (Maj Theer Irr to author. drd 24Feb89. Theer
ion command post. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC.)

five readily agreed to an interview, and each declined I felt that perhaps each of these men might have been
legal counsel. All five gave written, sworn statements under some duress, and I could recall the Colonel [Cooper,
similar to the oral reports they had given Lieutenant the battalion commander] had told me that we must in.
sure that each man's rights were preserved ....Having been
Ambort upon their return from Son Thang (4) the a company commander myself once before, you have a fa-
night before: As they approached the hamlet they mUy relationship, the company commander being the father.
heard men's voices from a large group gathered on a The platoon commander, the platoon sergeants are the
patio. Thinking they had stumbled onto a meeting brothers, and all the men are the teenagers of the family
of VC. they stealthily approached, only to find the There are very right bonds. If the commanding officer
said something. I'm sure that the men would feel like that
males gone. As they were detaining the remaining might be whatthey would take it as authoritative. Like
women and children they received enemy small arms your father speaking to you.97
fire. They returned the fire. Then, hearing noises in
Major Theer approached Lieutenant Colonel Coop-
a previously cleared hooch, they returncd to it and
forced the occupants outside, whereupon the patrol er and told him that he needed legal advice, He sug-
gested that division legal be consulted and Lieutenant
was again taken under fire. Again, they returned fire.
Colonel Cooper immediately contacted division head-
Implicit in their recitations describing the two in-
stances was that the women and children had been quarters.
caught in a crossfire. At the Article 32 investigation, That evening Colonel Bob Lucy, the ist Marine Di-
Major Thecr testified: "In each case their statements vision SJA, arrived by helicopter at LZ Ross. For two
were almost identical, with a few discrepancies. And hours Lieutenant Colonel Cooper. Major l'hecr, and
.. I know that no five people could see the same
he discussed the cases in general terms, because it ap-
thing."95 peared that Colonel Lucy would soon be involved in
The next morning, accompanied by a patrol. an in- the processing of the cases. Major Theer asked Colonel
terpreter, and a scout dog, Major Theer made his own Lucy if he should keep. or disregard as improperly ob-
examination of Son Thang (4). He later testified: tained, the statements he already had. "He said that
I went to each of these places that the men had described
was my decision, since I was the investigating officer."
that they had taken fire from, and I put myself where I would After Colonel Lucy's departure Major Theer decid-
have believed a sniper would have been hidden, or enemy ed to again interview each of the patrol members. This
soldier.. or soldiers . . . and in every case it was impossible time he advised each of them in a typewritten pream-
for me to see the patio in front of each house where these ble on a blank page: "I should not be influenced into
people were located.
making a statement merely because my commanding
Additionally, Major Theer looked for signs of the officer, First Lieutenant Ambon, told me to tell the
enemy: ruth and tell the whole story." Additionally. "I do
There were numerous freshly expended M79. M-16, and desire/do not desire to withdraw my statement which
.45 caiiber casings lying on the patio. . . . The patrol probed was made on 21 February:' was added to the written
the entire scene in a 180 degree fan ....ithout finding advice. Each of the five were to be given the option
any expended enemy brass . . . or any sign of blood, drag
marks, footprints, or broken vegetation . . - At that point
of withdrawing their previous statement, and would
I seriously began to doubt the statements the patrol had have to line out and initial his choice on the new form
given me.96 Major Theer would give each of them. One by one,
Upon returning to LZ Ross the major learned that he called the patrol members to his hooch for a se-
after Company B had been called back to the battal- cond interview.
ion headquarters, and before he had conducted his Lance Corporal Herrod said he would stand by the
interviews. Lieutenant Ambon apparently had second statement he had already given. Next, Private First
thoughts about the patrol report. Ambort had Class Green, after being advised that he could with-
gathered the patrol members and told them that draw his first statement and that, if he did so, it could
events were taking a very serious turn, that it would not be used against him, said he too would stand by
be best to simply tell the truth, and that he intended his original statement, but that he would orally
to do so himself, starting with revealing his own false respond to new questions. As Major Theer later tes-
spot report. tified:
Major Theer was concerned that the statements he I asked Green to go over the circumstances again and
had taken might have been subtly coerced without his he began to teIl me this in his narrative, and then he mers-
having known so. He testified: tioned sniper fire. When he said that I said, "Now wait a
Marine Corps Historical Collection
A member of the patrol from ist Battalion. 7th Marines which investigated allegations
of murder in Son Thang (4). He stands on the 7?atio" where six women and children died

Marine Corps i-listorical Collection

This photograph was Article 32 investzative exhibit 15. Marine investigators examine
the Son Thang (4) hut where four Vietnamese women and children were murdered

"Open up! Kill them all, kill all of them!' Six women and children died in front ofthis hut.
Marine Corps Historical Collection

Photo courtesy of Col Robert J. Blum, USMC (Ret.)

Maf Robert]. B/urn conducted the joint Article 32 investigation that resulted in charges
of murder against the Son Thang (4) "killer team" members. In later years he became
one of the Marine Corps' most experienced general court-martial military judges.
minute, Sam. You know and I know that there wasn't any statement . . . During the course of the time he was writ-

sniper fire." And he became very hostile at that point and ing this statement I could hear him sobbing in there, cry-
turned towards me with fire in his eyes, and said. "What ing in the office.'°°
do I care about a gook woman or child? It's them or me!
If they get in my way, that's too bad!" And then I asked Schwarz was a 21-year-old ninth grade dropout. (He
him to go on, and mentioned, he mentioned the nexi house. had scored a notably low 79 on the Armed Forces
and also taking sniper fire from it. And I told him, I said.
"I've been out there. The area that you are describing was
General Classification TestGCTa test akin to the
impossible for anyone to see where you were, if you were
civilian IQ test.) In his seven-page, handwritten state-
standing on the patio." And, with that, he turned around ment he wrote: "When I reused what was happening
and said that he wasn't going to answer any more questions I got scard and sick but was orderd to shot the people
that he had been in jail for some 23 months prior to and knew if I did not obay the order I could get court
coming in the Marine Corps. and that he wasn't going back. mariald. From the time we started shorting I regerted
And I said, "Okay. Sam. The interview is terminated. You
may return ro your post." ever going with this team . . The patrol resicved
. .

no sniper fire."101
Next, Private Schwarz entered and, like the others,
was again advised of his right against self- Within four days of the incident, despite the patrol
incrimination, to have legal counsel present, to decline members' attempt to conceal their crime, it had been
a further interview, and to retract his statement of the discovered, investigated, and revealed by the com-
day before. As Major Theer recalled: mand. The five suspects were placed in pretrial con-
finement. The commanding general of the division,
When Schwarz came into my quarters that night. he had
a very bold approach. Very confident air about him
who had been kept informed of the progress of Major
While we were going over this narrative . . . he be. Theer's investigation, initiated daily message reports
came nervous, and continued to smoke cigarettes one after to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, as was usual
another, and 1. 1 felt that he was under some pressure. And in any major event. The press was advised of the case.
I asked him . . if what he had been telling me was the
and two helicopters flew 11 reporters to LZ Ross, where
truth? And he indicated that it had nor been the truth
I asked if he was willing to make another written state-
they were briefed for an hour by Lieutenant Colonel
ment, or modify the one that he had already presented me. Cooper.'°2 Newspaper reports quoted him: "You've got
He said that he would . . . I gave him a pad and a pen.
. to realize the tremendous mental pressure these men
He went in to the desk and commenced writing another are under . . . - Just because they are charged doesn't

tilla operations as a mitigating factor. In replying to

such letters on the Commandant's behalf, the Judge
Advocate Division avoided comment on the pending
cases, but noted:
There is no denying that the ordeal of combat purs ex-
treme pressures on the Marines fighting in Vietnam.
Howevet, the Marine Corps is fighting in Vietnam in the
name of a nation which requires certain standards of civi-
lized conduct to be maintained even under the trying cir-
cumstances of combar. Those standards do not permit the
intentional killing of persons. such as civilians or prisoners
of war, who are not actually participating in combat. When
there is an allegation that such an event has occurred ap-
propriate action must be taken in accordance with the law.'°0
Seventeen days after Schwarz' admissions a joint Ar-
ticle 32 investigation, at which the government had
to present its evidence against all five accuseds. was
convened. The investigating officer, Major Robert J.
Blum, found it a demanding task to control the in-
quiry, with its five accuseds and five lawyers. Captain
Robert C. Williams, defending newly demoted Pri-
vate Herrod, was particularly aggressive in his represen-
tation: "Sir, are you aware of the fact that I was ordered
into this courtroom, today?" He repeatedly moved to
have Captain Cecil Forster allowed to join in defend-
ing Herrod, despite repeated denials of that request.
He questioned the investigating officer's activities out-
Photo courtesy of LtCol Paul J. Liveroni. LJSMCR side the hearing and his conversations with the SJA
Capt Robert C. Williams was Pet Rande/ID. Herrod's when the investigation was not in session: "During the
rnilitaîy defense counsel. His statements to the me- course of the recess, Mr. Investigating Officer, where
dia resulted in a warning letter from the SJA. did you go? . . . Did you have a conversation with the
at all mean they are i'° On 4 Match the divi- Staff Judge Advocate?" Captain Williams correctly
pointed out that the investigating officer was the same
sion SJA, Colonel Lucy, briefed seven newsmen regard-
Major Blum who had presided at Private Herrod's spe-
ing the leg-al events in progress. Afterwards he
reported: cial court-martial a few months before. Although Her-
rod had pleaded guilty then, and Major Blum had
We've been hit with more reporters than Carter has pills recommended clemency by reviewing authorities, Cap-
We've tried to give the press as much information as
possible on these investigations, and on the trials. Of course. tain Williams made repeated, unsuccessful demands
we've had [civilian] reporters attend all of our trials . - that Major Blum not be allowed to conduct the inves-
Our biggest problem has been how much information to tigation of Herrod's involvement: "On the start along
give them in the investigative stage . . - So far we haven't the long row of motions I have here today, it's request-
had . . any real conflicts that couldn't be resolved .
. .
ed, first, that a separate Article 32 investigation be
At the general's direction [I] try to cut them in, informally,
on what is going on in the case.104 held for Private Herrod......
After eleven days the Article 32 investigation was
Additionally, newsmen were permitted to accompa-
completed. Acting on Major Blum's recommendations,
ny patrols that passed through or near Son Thang the commanding genera! referred Herrod and Schwarz
(4),105 No aspect of the case was hidden.
to general courts-martial, in which they were charged
Press reports of the charges provoked numerous let- with 16 specifications (counts) of premeditated murd-
ters to Headquarters Marine Corps objecting to what er. Both cases were referred to trial with instructions
some perceived as the prosecution of young men for that they were to be tried as noncapital. Boyd and
doing the killing they had been trained for. Many of Green were referred to general courts, in which they
the letters stressed the emotional toll of counterguer- were charged with 16 specifications of unpremeditat-

ed murder. Krichten's unrebutted testimony had been from the outset, was defense counsel. Seven officer
that he never fired at any of the civilians. Lieutenant members heard the case, which lasted six days.* Dur-
Colonel Cooper recommended that he not be charged ing the trial the defense counsel emphasized the
at all.b07 Krichten was granted immunity in return for danger of the area in which the ist Battalion, 7th Ma-
his promise to testify in the trials of the other four. rines operated. On cross-examination the defense
First Lieutenant Ambon, the company commander, counsel asked the lieutenant who discovered the bod-
was defended by Captain Frank G. Roux, Jr., at his ies, "Would you consider the areas surrounding that
separate Article 32 investigation. The investigating ville to be 'indian country?' " The lieutenant replied:
officer, Lieutenant Colonel james P. King, the ist Ma- "I'd say it definitely wasn't pacified, sir,"'' Lieutenant
rine Division deputy SJA. ultimately recommended Colonel Cooper. in a newspaper interview conducted
that Lieutenant Ambort receive nonjudicial punish- about the time of the trial, said: "That's a big fort,
ment. At that proceeding, held by the ist Marine Di- out there:' and described the area as one fighting
vision's commanding general, Major General Charles trench and bunker after another. He went on to de-
F. Widdecke, Lieutenant Ambort received a letter of tail the many instances where Vietnamese children and
reprimand and forfeitures of $250 per month for two women had proven to be the enemy'2 (Major Blum
months for having made a false report. That was the later wrote of Lieutenant Colonel Cooper: "He could
maximum punishment imposable.108 never quite accept as true that his Marines could com-
Shortly before the first of the courts-martial began. mit murder.")' ' Confirming the hostile nature of the
Herrod's military lawyer. Captain Williams, was quot- area's inhabitants, the Vietnamese district chief repon-
ed in the Pacific Stars and Strzôes: ed that the husbands of three of the dead women were
confirmed to be Viet Cong. and that the inhabitants
I Captain Wilhamsl said the case was 'political in nature
and controlled by headquarters to make sure that "the Ma-
of Son Thang (4) had refused resettlement.114
rifle Corps is not going to get caught up Like the Army did. Much of the court-martial was spent in an unsuc-
covering up at My Lai . . Everybody lis] scared . . . The
. . .
cessful defense effort to keep Schwarz' damning writ-
Marine Corps just wants to wash its dirty linen in public.
ten statement from being admitted into evidence.
Finally. Captain Williams argued that. "evidence When defense motions and objections were overruled,
presented against the men at a pretrial hearing was and it was admitted and shown to the members, the
not sufficient to warrant a court-martial, but that one defense shifted to an attempt to demonstrate that
was ordered by 'authorities higher than the ist Ma- Schwarz had only acted in obedience to the direct ord-
rine Division.' " His remarks were also carried on ers of Herrod to shoot the victims.
Armed Forces Vietnam radio. Five days later the SJA, In the end. Private Schwarz was convicted of 12 of
Colonel Lucy, gave Captain Williams a letter citing the 16 specifications of premeditated murder. The
Canon 7 of the American Bar Association's Code of members apparently accepted Schwarz' testimony that,
Professional Responsibility. The letter read, in part: at the hooch where four victims had been killed, he
Disciplinary Rule 7-107 . . . cautions all lawyers in a crirni- fired only when he thought he was himself being fired
nal matter against expressing publicly opinions "as to the upon by an enemy. They found him not guilty of those
guilt or innocence of the accused, the evidence or the merits
four murders. The military judge's lengthy instructions
of the case:' i do not intend to take any further action in
relation to the statement attributed to you . . however. .
to the members included: "I repeat, the accused com-
.. any Ei rther public communications of this type will be mitted no crime unless he knew that the enemy forces
closely examined and may require the trial counsel to re- were not attacking him and his teammates at the time
quest official consideration of them prior to tria], by the the alleged victims were allegedly shot." The later
militan judge."°
Private Herrod arranged for civilian counsel shortly aThere is no prescribed maximum number for a court-martial
after this, and Captain Williams played a minor role panel. The minimum number for general courts is five, and three
for special courts. Any number above the minimum may be ini-
at trial. tially appointed, often 8 to 12 for general courts. That number may
Private Schwarz' court-martial began on 15 June be reduced by an unlimited number of challenges for cause availa.
1970. The military judge was Lieutenant Colonel Paul hIe to both sides. Each side also has one preemprory challenge. As
long as the minimum number remains on the panel after challenges
A. A. St.Amour. Captains Franz P. Jevne and Charles
are exercised, the trial proceeds. 1f challenges reduce the member-
E. Brown represented the United States. Captain ship below quorum, the court is recessed for as long as it takes to
Daniel H. LeGear, Jr., who had represented Schwarz appoint new members and secure their attendance.

UPI/Bettmann Newsphows
Pvt Michael A. Schwarz with his lawyer, Capt Daniel H. LeGear Jr., in the second day
of Schwarz' trial. In his fourth court-martial, Schwarz was sentenced to confinement at
hard labor for life for the premeditated murder of 12 Vietnamese women and children.

appellate opinion in Schwarz' case held that "by their the military judge. Captain Charlie Brown was trial
conviction of the accused, the court members neces- counsel. In addition to his military defense counsel,
sarily found as a matter of fact that the accused could Captain Michael R Merrill, Boyd was defended by Mr.
not have honestly and reasonably believed that Her- Howard P. Trockman of Evansville, Indiana. Mr. Trock-
rod's order to kill the apparently unarmed women and man was reportedly paid through donations from the
children was legal."tle Outside the courtroom. Boyd citizens of Evansville, Boyd's home town.' 18 The
heard of the verdict and cried: "They're a bunch of 19-year-old Boyd and his lawyers opted to be tried by
pigs. man. A bunch of... pigs."7 the military judge alone, perhaps out of concern for
After determining Schwarz' guilt, the members were the heavy sentence the members had imposed in the
required to determine an appropriate sentence. Dur- Schwarz case. Even though Boyd would have had an
ing that phase of the trial they learned that, in just entirely new panel of members. Boyd and his lawyers
over three years. Schwarz had compiled a disciplinary went "judge alone." It could not be any worse and it
record of five nonjudicial punishments, a prior sum- might be better.
mary court-martial, two special court-martial convic- Lance Corporal Krichten, again testifying for the
tions, and now a general court-martial conviction. The government, swore that Boyd "fired well over their [the
members sentenced him to be confined at hard labor victims'] heads when they were already on the deck
for life, to forfeit all pay and allowances, and to be He was aiming over the people by about five
dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps. feet and was the last to fire in all three shootings."19
The day after Schwarz was convicted, the court- Krichten had not mentioned those facts in Schwarz'
martial of Private First Class Boyd, who already had trial, but that testimony from the principal prosecu-
one special court-martial conviction, was convened. As tion witness made Boyd's defense considerably easier.
in the Schwarz case, Lieutenant Colonel St.Amour was (Krichten's grant of immunity required him only to

Photo courtesy of Col Robert j. Blum, USMC (Ret.)

Capt Franz P Jevne, left, prosecuted two of the four Son Thang (4) cases. Capt Daniel
H. LeGear. right. deJènded one. They sit outside the Ist Marine Division Officers' Club
on Hill 327 with Cap: Theodore j Padden after the courts-martial had ended
PFC Thomas R. Boyd right, and his defense counsel. Cap: Michael P Merrill. on their
way to court on 22 June 1970. PFC Boyd was acquitted of all charges against him.
Associated Press

testify truthfully in the trials of the other four it could Bushell, and). Len Skiles. Defending Herrod were Mr.
not require that he testify "against' the other four.) Gene Stipe, assisted by Mr. Denzil D. Garrison, both
Boyd was found not guilty a few hours later. Oklahoma state senators who had agreed to defend
Private First Class Samuel G. Green. Jr.'s trial be- one of their constituents. They were assisted by civilian
gan shortly thereafter. Again, the military judge was attorneys Richard Miller and Harry Palmer and mili-
Lieutenant Colonel St.Amour. Again, the trial coun- tary counsel, Captain Williams. As in the Boyd case.
sels were CaptainsJevne and Brown. Captain John J. reports arose that Herrod's defense costs were paid
Hargrove defended the 18-year-old Green. The case through donations from the citizens of Oklahoma. In
was heard by three officer and two enlisted members. fact, State Senators Stipe and Garrison received no
Several pretrial motions had been denied, including payment for their services and ïncurred considerable
a change of venue motion. Once more, the govern- out-of-pocket expenses as a result of their representa.
ment's principal witness was Krichten, who testified non of Herrod. "We did not ask for a fee, nor did we
that Green had fired his weapon in each instance expect one," Senator Garrison later wrote.'22 Captain
where the victims had been killed, but that he did Williams' services, of course, were free. One hundred
not see Green personally shoot any one of the 16. The and sixty thousand Oklahomans did sign a petition
government, however, did not proceed on the theory to the Commandant of the Marine Corps urging the
that Green had personally killed anyone. Rather, it release of the five "unjustly confined" men.'23 All
urged that he was guilty as a principal to the murd- civilian defense counsels were flown to Vietnam at Ma-
ers, for having aided and abetted those who actually rine Corps expense.'24
shot the victims - Herrod and Schwarz. The courtroom was small and filled by the various
As in the Schwarz trial, the defense argued that counsels and media representatives. Although all of
whatever Green had done was only in obedience to the judge advocates assigned to the defense section
Herrod's orders and stressed Herrod's command of the had become part of the defense effort, there was little
patrol and his combat experience, as opposed to room for them to view the proceedings.125
Green's youth. his 12 days in Vietnam, and five and The defense's pretrial motions were numerous and
a half months total Marine Corps service. After the aggressively presented, supported by witnesses and le-
close of evidence, and arguments by counsels, the mili- gal authority. The government vigorously met each
tary judge's instructions to the members included: defense gambit with its own witnesses and citations.
The defense raised motions for a new Article 32 in-
If you find beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused.
under circumstances of his age. and military experience, could Capt John j Hargrove defended PFC Samuel G.
not have honestly believed the orders issued by his team lead- Green, Jr Green was convicted of the unpremedi-
er to be legal under the law and usages of war. then the kill- tated murder of 15 Vietnamese women and children.
ing of the alleged victims was without justification. A Marine Photo courtesy of Col Robert J. Blum. USMC (Ret.)
is a reasoning agent who is under a duty to exercise judge-
ment in obeying orders. 20
As in Schwarz' case, the members apparently believed
that Green could not have honestly and reasonably
believed an order to kill unarmed women and chil-
dren was legal. He was convicted of 15 specifications
of unpremeditated murder. He was acquitted of one
specification in which testimony indicated Herrod
alone had shot one woman, and Schwarz had followed
Herrod's order to finish her off. Apparently giving
Green the benefit of his youth and inexperience, the
members sentenced him to confinement at hard labor
for five years, reduction to private, forfeiture of all pay
and allowances, and a dishonorable discharge.
A week after Green's conviction, 21-year-old Private
Randell D. Herrod went to trial.121 The military judge
was Commander Keith B. Lawrence, JAGC, USN. Trial
counsels were Captains Charlie Brown, Gary E.

Photo courtesy of Mr. Denzil D. Garrison

The ist Marine Division courtroom where the Son Thang (4) defendants were tried The
members box spans the far side of the room. The witness stand is to the left. The reporter's
table is partially visible at right. The military judge c bench is out of the photo to the right.

vestigation (denied). a change of venue (denied), ed that Herrod's case be considered noricapital. Six
production of the service records and billeting assign- months after the Son Thang (4) incident, the presen-
ments of everyone involved in the case (records de- tation of evidence in the court-martial of the team
nied/billeting granted), all messages mentioning the leader began. (The government now referred to the
case, including classified message traffic (granted), patrol as a "mobile night ambush," rather than a "killer
suppression of photographs of the dead victims team.") The prosecution took less than eight hours to
(granted - a significant defense victory), release of Her- present its case. The defense took less than three days,
rod from confinement (denied), autopsies of the vic- including presentation of testimony from Lieutenant
tims (withdrawn), "relief from all of the other Colonel Cooper, who returned to Vietnam for the sole
oppressive procedures of the UCMJ" (denied), for the purpose of testifying on Herrod's behalf. He returned
Marine Corps to pay for the hire and attendance of only four days after reaching the United States, fol-
a civilian psychiatrist (granted), for an entirely enlist- lowing his own Vietnam tour26 In addition, Sena-
ed members panel (denied), and numerous other mo- tors Stipe and Garrison presented evidence of an
tions, as well. Disposing of motions took five days. American M60 machine gun that had been captured
The maximum penalty for premeditated murder in the vicinity of Son Thang (4) shortly after the inci-
was death, but the commanding general had direct- dent. That supported other testimony that a machine

gun was heard by Company B personnel, firing while . . . I remember

21st Infantry, 196th [U.S. Army] Brigade .
the killer team was in Son Thang (4), and buttressed him telling me about one of his units capturing an M-60
the contention that the team had been returning fire machine gun after an engagement with a VC unit south and
west of Hiep Duc. That location was over 1) miles south-
when the victims were killed. Senator Garrison not- west of Son Thang (4) . . Further, there was never any
ed: "In my judgement, this was a very important facet mention of a machine gun being fired by any of the patrol
of evidence. Schwarz and Green did not have that tes- members in the alleged enemy contact on the evening of
timony to corroborate their story."27 19 Februarv.'
Major Theer's tour of duty was also completed be- As the trial continued, Herrod's platoon com-
fore the courts-martial began. He twice returned to mander, Second Lieutenant Robert B. Carney, also tes-
Vietnam to testify, first against Schwarz, then Herrod. tified in his behalf, as did his past platoon
He later wrote that he had been very disturbed" upon commander, First Lieutenant Oliver L. North.
learning that Lieutenant Colonel Cooper had testified Through Lieutenant North's testimony the members
for the defense.128 Additionally, although Major Theer learned of Herrod's pending Silver Star Medal, direct
was a government witness in the Herrod trial, he had evidence of which had been ruled inadmissible. A dis-
been unaware of the testimony regarding the captured tinguished Oklahoma psychiatrist, Dr. Hayden Dona-
machine gun. Years later, when he learned of it Major hue, testified as to the conditioned response that
Theer wrote: Marine training ingrained in infantrymen like Her-
I very clearly recall that M-60 capture. I frequently spoke rod. Finally, Herrod took the stand in his own defense
by radio with the S-3 [operations officer] of 3d Battalion, and repeated that the victims had been killed in cross-
The Herrod defense team poses with some of the defense witnesses. From left. State Se-
nator Gene Stipe, partially hidden,' attorney Mr Richard Miller,' Capt Robert C. m'il-
hams,' Pit Rande/iD. Herrod,' lstLt LloydS. Grant,' lstLt Oliver L. North,' attorney Mr
Har7y Palmer. isiLt Lewis Ronald Ambon',' and State Senator Denzil D. Garrison.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Denzil D. Garrison

fires between his team and enemy forces. He told the

members: "I do not now, and I did not then, feel that
I had killed anyone it wasn't necessary to kill."°
Before resting, the defense made several motions for
a mistrial based upon purported misconduct by
government counsels. All were denied. After resting.
there were further defense motions for mistrial, renew-
al of motions previously denied, motions to dismiss,
and motions for a finding of not guilty, one based on
Herrod's asserted lack of mental responsibility. All were
After 12 days in court, the members were instruct-
ed, and retired to deliberate. They returned with their
verdict after three hours. The members found Her-
rod not guilty of all charges and specifications. "We
walked the patrol leader," defense counsel Garrison
later said, seemingly still amazed.''
Captain Paul J. Laveroni, a ist Marine Division
defense counsel, recalled that the outcome "raised all
the usual questions in the minds of laymen, who
couldn't understand how Herrod had walked, when
Photo courtesy of Mr. Denzil D. Garrison
two of his subordinates ended in the slammer."132 They
were not unreasonable questions. The accused and witnesse.r for the defense await the
trial's outcome. Pvt Herrod is flanked by his company
Privare Herrod was released from confinement. Soon commander lstLt Lewis R. Ambort, left, and his fo rm-
thereafter, the deputy SJA. Lieutenant Colonel Peter er platoon commander lstLt Oliver L. North, who had
N. Kress, escorted him to division headquarters. where recommended Herrod for the Silver Star Medal.
he received the Silver Star Medal for his combat ac-
tions before Son Thang (4). lt was a muted award presents no impediment to the trial and conviction
presentation, conducted by the division personnel of a person charged with aiding and abetting the com-
officer, Colonel Hugh S. Aitken.133 Within days, Pri- mission of the crime. This is because one who aids or
vate Herrod returned to the United States and was dis- abets . . is guilty as a principal of a substantive, in-

charged, having served his en1istment.' dependent offense." The appellate court denied
Schwarz' appeal.'35
The commanding general of the ist Marine Divi-
sion reduced Private Schwarz' confinement from life Private Green's five years confinement was similar-
to one year. His dishonorable discharge was left un- ly reduced by the commanding general to one year.
disturbed. With credit for 'good time" and for pretrial His dishonorable discharge, too, remained un-
confinement, Schwarz was eligible for release injanu- disturbed. On appeal, his argument that Herrod's ac-
ary 1971, less than a year after the murders of which quittal required disapproval of his own conviction met
he stood convicted. the same result as Schwarz' similar argument.'36
Future Secretary of the Navy James H. Webb served
On appeal, Schwarz' lawyers argued that the acquit-
as a Marine Corps platoon commander and company
tal of Herrod required disapproval of Schwarz' con-
commander in the Son Thang (4) area.* He found un-
viction. The appellate court did not dispute Herrod's
fairness in the conviction of Private Green and later
role. ("The record ... shows beyond any doubt that
wrote a law review article urging that "justice was not
Herrod's orders to kill the unarmed women and chil-
served."37 He suggested several bases upon which the
dren were patently illegal.") It noted, however, that
Schwarz' conviction was based upon the theory that
*Webb earned the Navy Cross, Silver Star Medal, two Bronze
he either did the actual killing, or aided and abetted
Star Medals, and two Purple Hearts. In 1972 he was medically re-
the actual killing. Under the latter theory, the court tired from the Marine Corps as a captain, and in 1975 attained a
held that, "the acquittal of the principal (Herrod] law degree.

conviction should be set aside, including Green's be- tary of the Navy urging clemency. The Secretary
lief that Herrod's orders to kill the civilians were justi- declined to actJ38
fied, and that Green had a duty to obey the orders In 1977, at Webb's urging, Green's dishonorable dis-
of his team leader. Captain Webb, an infantry officer, charge was upgraded to a general discharge.'° But in
also pointed out that none of the members who heard July 1975, before Webb's intervention, former Private
Green's case had infantry backgrounds. While still in Green had shot and killed himself.
law school, 'Webb aided a civilian attorney, Mr. James While awaiting a general court-martial for his part
Chiera, in an unsuccessful attempt to have the courts in the coverup of the My Lai incident, Arm', Colonel
of Ohio, which had jurisdiction over then-civilian Oran K. Henderson charged that every large Ameri-
Green, set aside the court-martial conviction. can combat unit in Vietnam had its own My Lai.'0
Although the civilian judge dismissed the collateral If there was anything positive in the Son Thang (4)
attack on the military conviction he was sufficiently cases, it was that no thought was ever given to a My
impressed with Green's case to himself write the Secte- Lai-type coverup at any point, at any level.

1970-1971: Redeployment
Force Logistic Command. Playing Catch-Up - From a Lawyer's Case File: The Defense Wins Four
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Prepared for Takeoffist Marine Division: New Broom Trying Cases
Last Ca/I for Combat - Closing Cases Versus Best Defense - The Last Marine Lawyer Out - Perspective

By early 1970 the timetable for Marine Corps with- FLCs SJA office was a very active trial shop. In 1969,
drawal from Vietnam had taken form. U.S. Army units with roughly 23 percent of the Marines in Vietnam
in the I Corps area were assuming Marine Corps tac- assigned to it. its 12 judge advocates (the average num-
tical responsibilities. During March. in an exchange ber in 1969) tried 55 percent of all general courts-
of roles, the Army's XXIV Corps took command of martial and 46 percent of all special courts tried by
all remaining United States forces in the I Corps area. Marines in Vietnam.*
The reduced III MAF Headquarters, now under Army The assignment of lawyers to Vietnam did not
operational control, continued ro command the ist recognize FLC's disproportionate case load. As 1970
Marine Division, squadrons of the ist Marine Aircraft began, 17 judge advocates were assigned to FLC, 26
Wing, and elements of Force Logistic Command. The to the ist Marine Division. and 14 to the ist Marine
Army's XXIV Corps took over the III MAF compound Aircraft Wing. That distribution was consonant with
east of Da Nang. The Marine headquarters moved to the number of Marines assigned those commands.
Camp Haskins. Red Beach. near FLC's cantonment at However, it did not take into account that aircraft
Camp Books. By 9 March, the date of the official wings historically had fewer courts-martial than other
change of command. III MAF Headquarters was similarly sized commands. Additionally, units engaged
reduced in strength to 105 Marine Corps and six Navy in combat operations also had a lower disciplinary rate
officers. Under it were 40,000 Marines, down 15,000 when compared to rear-echelon units like FLC.
from just two months before.'
Headquarters Marine Corps and FMFPac respond-
Colonel Marion G. Truesdale continued as III MAF
ed to Colonel Petersen's urgent requests and the num-
Headquarters staff judge advocate (SJA) until the end
of February 1970. Upon his departure, III MAF SJA
ber of judge advocates assigned to FLC began to
increase from 13 in September 1969 to 15 in Novem-
responsibilities were assumed by the SJA of FIL
Colonel Arthur R. Petersen, who had been promoted
ber, then 17 in January, and eventually a peak of 22
to that grade in October 1969.2 Three Marine Corps in late 1970. Throughout 1970 the number averaged
SJA offices remained in Vietnam: those of the ist Ma-
an adequate 15.6
rine Division, ist Marine Aircraft Wing. and FLC/Ill When lawyer strength was still low. Colonel Peter-
MAF Headquarters. sen, his deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Carl E. Buch-
man n, and the legal administrative officer. Chief
Force Logistic Command Playing Catch-up Warrant Officer 2 Len E. Pierce, redoubled their ef-
in July 1969 when Colonel Petersen first became forts to reduce the transcription backlog. Captain
FLC's staff judge advocate, he found an appalling" Wood recalled, "Those guys worked themselves from
backlog of untranscribed cases, a shortage of both morning till night, and everybody else, too."7 Report-
judge advocates and court reporters. and equipment ers and typists were assigned to shifts and the typing
defìciencies. "It was in a hell of a mess." recalled Cap- of backlogged court-martial tapes progressed around
tain W. Mark Wood. one of his trial counsels. The the clock. One judge advocate was assigned to do noth-
tapes of 34 generaI courts-martial awaited transcrip- ing but write reviews of those recordsseven days a
tion, an alarmingly high number, and there was no week. Trips to Da Nang were curtailed, liberty runs
accurate count of the special courts awaiting jypjng.5 to China Beach were cancelled, and leave was delayed.
If a court-martial is not tried within a reasonable peri-
od, or if a conviction is not reviewed for legal suffi- *ln January 1970. FtC personnel totalled approxmarely 11,550;
the [s, Marine Division. 24.000; the ist Marine Aircraft Wing,
ciency and correctness in timely fashion a conviction
12,050; Headquarters III MAF. 3,050 (Cosmas and Murray. Viet.
may be set aside and the charges are subject to dis- namizalion and Redeployment. App. F. pp. 457-461). In 1969, FtC
missal. FLC's backlog was affecting the review of cases tried 68 of 123 GCMs and 472 of 1023 specials (Navy JAG. Code
at the appellate level. 64.2; and FtC ComdC. Jan.Dec69. MCHC.)

Photo courtesy of Capt G. H. O'Kc]ley, USMCR

Judge advocates seen at Camp Books. Kneeling, Capi Reynold L. ('aleen, fr Standing,
from left, Capt RicbardL, Franks, Capt Stephen H Vengrow; ('apt Tommy WJa'rett, Capt
John S. Papa; Capt W Mark Wood, Captjacob R. Henderson, fr (raisedjìst); Capt Richard
S. Towers, Capt Terrance B.; and Lt Kenneth Rothmeier Medical Corps, USN.

Reducing the backlog overrode all considerations ex- under the law, have placed FLC in the position it
cept prosecuting current cases. presently finds itself."
Since the movement of the courtroom to the air con- The enlisted tide began to turn when Brigadier
ditioned, former computer building in late 1969, General Mauro J. Paladino, FLC's new commanding
courts-martial proceeded smoothly. But more court general, ignored manning levels and tables of organi-
reporters and typists were needed to attack the back- zation and ordered 10 clerk-typists transferred from
log and to maintain the flow of current trials. Because various other FLC units to the SJA's office for training
typists were not arriving from stateside schools or com- as legal clerks. Gunnery Sergeant John Casey, the
mands, Colonel Petersen sought them from local FLC reporter chief, soon had them typing excellent records
personnel officers. Unlike the response to the report- of trial. By mid-1970 the accumulation of untyped trial
er shortage in 1966, commanders were unwilling to records was shrinking and lawyer assignments were in-
give up personnel for an in-house reporter school since creasing.b0
the trial and processing of courts-martial was now sole-
ly the SJA's responsibility. As Colonel Petersen not- During 1970 the number of special court-martial
ed, 'No general officer who is already understrength convening authorities dropped from 16 to 11 as units
in personnel . wants to surrender even more billets
departed Vietnam." That, too. helped the lawyers
to bring up to [strength] the office . . . that deals ex- reduce backlogs. In the months remaining before FLC
clusively with his 5 to 10 percent 'bad asses.' "8 But was itself deactivated, the caseload wound down with
recognizing the reluctance to meet the problem did the decreasing number of personnelonly 3,800 by
not ease it. "My patience with personnel types is grow- year's end.12 From July 1970 through March 1971 eight
ing thin," Colonel Petersen wrote, "poor planning, or general and 144 special courts-martial were tried. It
guessing, as to an adequate [SJA officel table of or- was a large but manageable caseload.'
ganization initially, and ever-increasing requirements Colonel Petersen was relieved by Colonel Daniel F
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 193

McConnell on 1 July 1970. Colonel McConnell had was performing at "Andy's Pub:' the Maintenance Bat-
enlisted in the Marine Corps during World Wax H and talion enlisted men's club at FLC's Camp Books. ini-
served in the Marshall Islands and on Okinawa. After tially the USO group had been asked to cancel their
the war he was a first sergeant when selected for com- show because of simmering racial discontent among
missioning. He commanded a Marine aircraft group the battalion's Marines, but recognizing that cancel-
headquarters squadron in Korea during that conflict lation could cause more problems than ir might avoid,
and obtained his law degree in 1954. Now on his se- the show went on. About 400 Marines crowded into
cond tour in Vietnam, he inherited 44 previously tried the 50-by-30-yard patio outside the club, which was
cases that remained to be cleared. Although there were surrounded by a seven-foot-high wooden fence.
sufficient captain judge advocates. Colonel McCon- At 2045. as the girls sang one of their last num-
nell was essentially without a deputy and not a single bers, a band member saw an object tossed over the
major was assigned to his office. FLC's personnel situ- fence. A few seconds later, a second object was thrown
ation, so recently corrected, was again skewed in an- over. The first hand grenade had failed to detonate.
ticipation of deactivation and withdrawal from The second exploded.' Suddenly there was an ex-
Vietnam. Colonel McConnell recalled that working plosion:' a band member later said, "and sand, stones,
hours for legal personnel were from 0700 to 2100. For- and bits of wood, and metal from tables and chairs
tunately. I had some fine captains' he said.14 came flying up on the stage."6 Corporal Ronald A.
Nevertheless. FLC's last two years in Vietnam were Pate, who had been standing by the patio fence watch-
difficult ones. ing the show, was killed. Sixty-two other Marines were
From a Lawyer's Case File: The Defense Wins Four injured, 52 of them requiring hospitalization.'
A few hours before the explosion, there had been
On 5 February 1970 The Chiffons, a three-girl Aus-
a gathering of 20 ro 30 black Marines assigned to
tralian singing group backed by a three-man combo,
Maintenance Battalion. In the past. many similar
The new SJA of FIC, Co/Daniel F McConnell, found meetings took place on the battalion basketball court.
many backlogged cases, as had his predecessor Grievances were aired and responses discussed. The
Photo courlesy of Col Daniel F. McConnell. USMC (Rei.) most frequent complaints were seemingly minor
issueshaircut regulations and the lack of soul mus-
ic in the enlisted club's jukebox. The battalion com-
mander later testified he had been aware of the
meetings for five months, but had taken no action
either to address the men's concerns or to end the
gatherings.18 At the meeting on 5 February Lance Cor-
poral Joseph L. Jones told the assembly, "we're going
to 'do' some beasts [white Marines] tonight," and those
present were warned not to go to the enlisted men's
In a written statement he later provided investiga-
tors, Corporal Ronald E. Gales admitted breaking into
an ammunition storage locker, assisted by Lance Cor-
poralsJones and James B. Addison. They stole 12 M26
fragmentation hand grenades and placed them in an
empty sandbag.'° The three were then joined by Lance
Corporal Andrew M. Harris, Jr. All four had been at
the earlier meeting on the basketball court.2° Asked
if the only motivation for the attack had been racial,
trial counsel Captain Mark Wood opined: "Definitely
This was a deliberate, carefully thought out at-
tempt to kill a hell of a lot of people ... strictly be-
cause of racial problems. That was the only
In the early evening darkness Gales, Harris, Jones,

Marine Corps Historical Collection

The scene in "Andy's Pub" shortly after an M26 fragmentation hand grenade was deto-
nated near the fence. at right. One Marine was killed and 62 others were injured

and Addison walked to the enlisted men's club where ploded grenade was found in the debris, investigators
The Chiffons were performing. Jones entered to warn realized what had happened. After several days of in-
blacks inside to leave, but because of the crowd, tense investigation Jones was identified as the Marine
reached only a few. Those he did reach left without who had warned blacks to leave the club. He was ap-
question. According to Gaies, when Jones rejoined the prehended. and the other three were soon identified.
other three outside the club, Harris exclaimed, 'Tm Harris, two days from his discharge. was returned from
going to fire a whole bunch of these beasts up" and Camp Pendleton to Vietnam to stand triai.
lobbed a grenade over the fence. According to Gales. The trial counsel for all four cases was Captain
Harris had pulled the grenade's pin, but neglected to Wood, who was assisted by Captain John A. Bergen.
remove the tape that secured the spoon ro the striker, Although investigators had been able to identify the
preventing detonation. When it failed to detonate, accuseds by piecing together numerous statements,
again according to Gales. Harris tossed the second there were no witnesses to the act who could provide
grenade over the fence.* Blacks and whites alike were testimony against the four, other than the conspira-
wounded in the explosion that followed.2t tors themselves. The investigators did, however, have
Sirens blared as reaction platoons rushed to their the detailed written, sworn statement of Gales, which
assigned areas. assuming that enemy infiltrators were appeared sufficient w convict him, at least. He might
inside the wire. Minutes later, when the first, unex- then be used as a witness against the other three. Still,
when Gaies' defense counsel. Captain Stephen H. Ven-
Orher evidence indicated that Gaies threw the grenade that liad grow. offered his client's testimony in the other three
not detonated, and that Harris threw the one that did detonate. cases in return for immunity, the command, for rea-
It was never proven who threw which grenade, however. sons not recorded, accepted the offer. Captain Wood
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 195

was not consulted, although defense counsel Captain with premeditated murder, conspiracy to commit
George H. O'Kelley recalled that "the government was murder, and 62 specifications of assault with intent
sucking wind for any strong proof, without Gales." to commit murder. He was defended by a seasoned
Later events demonstrated that Gales was nor the civilian counsel, Mr. Reuben A. Garland of Atlanta,
government's best choice for immunity. Georgia, and by his military defense counsel, Captain
Gales was transferred to the brig at Iwakuni. Japan, O'Kelky. Later, Captain Wood ruefully said: "I can
tell you, I learned a lot about the practice of law from
out of fear for his safety in the III MAF brig, where
that civilian counsel."2a
anyone testifying for the government faced physical
harm by other prisoners. Several other Maintenance Testifying under his grant of immunity, Gales
Battalion personnel who provided statements in- described the events of 5 February and identified Har-
criminating the four accuseds were transferred to ris as having thrown both grenades. Taking the stand
Okinawa for their own safety. It was feared that in his own defense. Harris swore it was Gales who threw
reprisals would be taken against them by unknown both grenades. In this "swearing contest," the prose-
persons.'22 cution had the problem of employing one "bad guy"
to point the finger at another. Unfortunately, the
On 1 June 1970 Lance Corporal Andrew M. Harris prosecution's "bad guy" had a poor disciplinary record,
went on trial before Lieutenant Colonel Paul A. A. while the accused had a clean record. That fact was
St.Amour and a panel of officer members, charged spotlighted for the court by Mr. Garland.

This was prosecution exhibit 4 from U.S. y Harris. The enlisted men 's club is at right.
The messhalí where the accused conspirators worked is bottom center The area between
the bairacks where they gathered befo re walking to the enlisted men 's club is upper center
Marine Corps Historical Collection

the others in rewrn for sentence reduction?24 Like all

post-trial second guessing, Captain Wood knew they
were questions without answers.
Ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Prepared/or Takeoff
?osEcurl0,1 In 1969 two fixed-wing and two helicopter squa-
¡Jx,#/R/7 5 drons together with support personnel left Vietnam.
In March 1970 the ist Marine Aircraft Wing's strength
in Vietnam was down to 10,243. In August and Sep-
tember additional squadrons of the wing redeployed
to Hawaii and El Toro, California. By the end of 1970
the wing, with 6,100 Marines remaining in Vietnam,
was working out final standdown and redeployment
Marine Corps Hisorical Collection schedules.25
This was the first fragmentation hand grenade that In September 1970 Colonel Nalton M. Bennett. SJA
was tossed over the fence of the enlisted men 's club. since September 1969, was succeeded by Major Cur-
The conspirators pulled the pin but neglected to re- tis W. Olson. a former helicopter pilot and the deputy
move the tape that allowed the striker to operate. SJA for the preceding three months. Having complet-
ed a previous tour in the office of the SJA of the ist
After a six-day triai, the members found Lance Cor- Marine Division, Major Curt Olson served slightly
poral Harris not guilty of all charges. His enlistment more than two years in Vietnam. longer than any other
having been served, he was honorably discharged. Marine Corps judge advocate in the Vietnam war.* Of
Next to be tried was Lance Corporal James B. Ad- his two tours he recalled:
dison. All parties agreed that he had not thrown the
There was a considerable difference between my two oun
grenades, but he was to be tried as a principal to the in Vietnam. In my first tour I do not recall any drug cases
act. Defended by Captains William A. Price and Rey- nor do ¡ recall any black market or currency exchange
nold L. Caleen, Jr., Addison's case, too, was heard by cases. Upon my return . . . those types of cases were a large
Lieutenant Colonel St.Amour and a second panel of share of the case load . . . . My second tour also covered
officer members. After Gales testified against him, racial incidents and murderous assaults on officers and
NCOs, both categories of which were absent on my first tour.
Addison swore that on 5 February he had turned and On the brighter side, living conditions were vastly improved.
ran when he realized what was about to happen. We had better fbod. the amenities such as clubs, movies.
Choosing. as in the first trial, to believe the accused television.. . floor shows, thc USO, libraries. . and large.

and to disbelieve the government's witness, Gales, the well-stocked PXs6

members found Addison nor guilty of all charges. Major Olson recalled of his eight-month tenure as the
The Marine Corps was unwilling to meet the ex- wing's last SJA in Vietnam: 'Not much of interest hap-
pense and effort of another trial in what appeared to pened . . . The wing never did have much military

be a losing cause. Rather than try Jones, the remain- justice action, and by that rime, things had begun to
ing accused, he was administratively discharged for un- wind down. Except for the big increase in drug activi-
related drug involvement which predated the ty . . there just wasn't much remarkable."27

murder-assault charges.
Although the overwhelming percentage of courts- ist Marine Division: New Broom
martial that go to trial end in conviction, in the cases In early 1970 the ist Marine Division's four infan-
of Harris, Addison and Jones, no one was convicted try regiments were deployed in concentric belts around
of the murder and 62 assaults. Later, Captain Wood Da Nang in defense of the city.28 Picking up many of
pondered what might have happened if the four had the small units left behind when the 3d Marine Divi-
been tried in a different order, or if someone other sion left Vietnam the year before, the division strength
than Gales had been granted immunity. If tried first,
Captain Wood wondered, how would Jones have ex-
*Second Lieutenant, later Captain, Edward E Kelly served in the
plained his entry into the club to warn away black pa- office of the ist Marine Division SJA from 30 September 1967 to
trons, other than as a prelude to the fatal attack? If 7june 1969over 20 monthsthe longest continuous period served
convicted, would he have been willing to testify against in Vietnam by a Marine Corps judge advocate.
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 197


Photo courtesy of Col Rober, J. Blum. USMC (Rec.)
The ¡st Marine Division SJA buildings were located near the eastern base of Hill 327.
Maj Robert]. B/urn sent this captioned photograph to show his wifr where he worked
grew to 24,000 personnel. Before, Colonel Robert M. cates. In June the division's offense reports reflected
Lucy, division SJA, believed that the 33 judge advo- three new murders and 52 new drug offenses.32 Cap-
cates called for by che division table of organization tain James H. Granger remembered:
were about seven too many. Now, however, the 25 Business was booming, and the work load was stagger-
judge advocates he actually had were pressed co keep ing. 'Case load" is a poor measurement of work load in a
up with the increase in cases. Moreover, division "le- combat environment, in any event, because the administra.
rive and logistical problems thoroughly distort case time.
gal" had only 27 of the 43 legal clerks it rated. Like And, of course, ours was a seven-day-per-week job, although
FLC, Colonel Lucy had acquired unschooled typists Sunday usually began late, ended early, and was used for
from other division units and was training them to catching up on paperwork and research, with occasional fo-
be legal clerks. That took time.29 Lieutenant Colonel rays to China Beach.3
James P. King, deputy SJA, recalled "six and-a-half- While most ist Marine Division courts-martial were
day workweeks. and working at night were routine conducted at the division headquarters, trial teams
We handled a tremendous volume of cases."3° were still frequently dispatched to outlying units. Un-
Colonel Lucy, noting the number of general courts- like FLC, whose constituent commands were either lo-
martial scheduled for trial, wrote a friend. "Our work cated at the Red Beach cantonment or nearby, division
load is out of this world, and rising every day, it units were distributed throughout a large area. "But
seems."3' During the first four months of 1970, 30 when there were several cases from the same unit,"
general and 225 special courts-maniai were tried in Captain Granger noted, "all those involved were re-
the division, a notable total, even for 25 judge advo- quired to leave their positions and report to division

headquarters for trial, and the unit practically shut

down. A commander in that situation must wonder
if military justice is worth jt."
"Arranging trials so as to accommodate the com-
mand:' Captain Granger noted, "is quite simply,
sound management, ensuring that the military justice
tail does not wag the dog."35 Former Judge Advocate
General of the Army, Major General George S. Prugh,
agreed that military operations and courts-martial did
not always mix smoothly:
Many commanders found the procedures less than satis-
factory because of the difficulties in performing their Oper-
ational tasks and at the same time meeting the time
restrictions imposed by the military justice system. Many
deserving cases simply were not referred to trial, with con-
sequences on discipline impossible to calculare but obviously
deleterious . .
. Statistics do not reflect these serious


During this period Captains Franz P. Jevne and

Charles E. Brown, prosecutors in the Son Thang (4)
cases, were awarded the Navy Achievement Medal and
the Navy Commendation Medal, respectively. On the
defense side, Captains Daniel H. LeGear,Jr.. andJohn
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A705 288
J. Hargrove received Navy Commendation Medals,
while Captain Michael P. Merrill was awarded the Co/Dona/dE. Ho/ben became the SIA of the ist Ma-
Navy Achievement Medal. The awards were only in rine Division in July 1970. Under his direction the ist
part based on the Son Thang (4) trials.. Division left Vietnam with virtual/y no cases pending.

In mid-year Colonel Lucy was succeeded by Colonel

The deputy SJA of the Ist Marine Division was LtCo/ Donald E. Holben, a 1945 Naval Academy graduate
James P King. On his second tour of duty in Viet- with two years prior service as an enlisted Marine.
nam, he reca//ed six-and-a-ha/f-day workweeks. Colonel Holben had served as a company commander
Photo courtesy of BGen James P. King, USMC (Ret.)
in North China under Colonel Samuel B. Griffith II,
a renowned World War II combat leader, and was later
assigned to the light cruiser W"orcester (CL 144). Af-
ter graduating from law school in 1954, Colonel Hoi-
ben commanded a company at Partis Island's Recruit
Training Battalion. Following that he served as an in-
structor at Quantico's Junior School. a Marine Corps
career officer's school. By 1967, when he became the
second law officer (military judge) assigned to the
Navy-Marine Corps Judiciary Activity office in Da
Nang, he had served in a wide variety of legal billets.
As the only in-country law officer from mid-1967 to
mid-1968. he heard over 160 general courts-martial and
established a reputation as a demanding jurist. Judge
advocates appearing before him soon learned that his
gruff exterior actually was bone deep.
On 22 June Colonel Holben assumed the duties of
staff judge advocate of the division. Lieutenant
Colonel Pete Kress was his deputy, relieving Lieutenant
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 199

Photo courtesy of Maj Mario A. Gomez, USMC

Cpi Mario A. Gomez was an experienced court reporter. ist Marine Division reporters
transcribed cases virtually until the day they left Vietnam. Their role was a critical one.

Colonel Jim King.* Five years before, then-Major King reached, all parties gained, and he was willing to
had relieved then-Captain Kress as legal officer of 9th recommend that the convening authority accept the
MEB/Ill MAE By the date of Colonel Holben's arrival agreement between the accused and the lawyers as-
the Grey Audiograph recording machines were signed to the case. He also knew that the Marines
replaced by IBM equipment and the division was flush would soon be leaving Vietnam. He did not intend
with lawyers. Colonel Holben was unimpressed: to have cases left untried when that date arrived, and
"There was a backlog of cases to be tried and a back- he took steps to ensure there were none:
log of cases to get off the tapes and on to paper As soon as I got there and my predecessor had left. I got
Not as bad as FLC. The problems in FI.0 were (the chief defense counsel] in and I said. "We're going to
a result of bad management. [They] didn't know how do it differently, now. You're well aware of what the 'Fleet
to run a legal office." Colonel Holben vowed "that was Of Foot Doctrine' is; and that's if you have some defense
the problem at FLC that ¡ wasn't going to let develop counsel that want to come in and talk about pleading guilty
and getting a good deal, get 'em in here fast, because the
in the ist Division." He believed that it was coun- longer you hang on, the less likely I'm going to recommend
terproductive to attempt to try every case that was something that's advantageous to you and to the general (the
referred to trial. If a reasonable plea bargain could be court-martial convening authority]." As a result, we cleared
up the backlog of cases fairly early.
Lieutenant Colonel King was commissioned in 1952. He twice The reporters were key personnel in moving cases
served as a weapons platoon leader, then an infantry company ex-
through the system. "There was always a shortage of
ecuúve officer. After obtaining a law degree in 1959 he was honor
student at the Army's Civil Affths School and later, chief trial coun- good court reporters," Colonel Holben noted. "and the
sel. 3d Marine Division, then division Civil Affairs Officer in Viet- conditions under which they worked in the ist Divi-
nam. He later was S)A of Marine Corps Air Station. Cherry Point. sion were atrocious . . . . The office spaces they had,
North Carolina, senior Marine Corps instructor at the Naval Justice had bad lighting."° In 1970. Corporal Mario A. Go-
School. and, again in Vietnam. deputy SJA. ist Marine Division.
mea was one of the ist Division general court-martial
Following that he was SiA FMFPac, then earned an LL.M degree
with highest honors. After serving as Deputy Director of rhcjudge court reporters. He recalled the manual typewriters as
Advocate Division he was advanced to the grade of brigadier general the most frustrating aspect of his job. The lack of copy-
on 27 February 1978. becoming seventh Director of the Division. ing machines forced the use of the manifold system-

an original page bonded to a series of multi-hued flim- Colonel Holben saw to the air conditioning of the
sies with carbon paper between each page. Corrections reporters' work space, and he did not object when they
were a lengthy process of separate erasures on each moved into the office permanently. He reported:
page. "Sometimes we'd run out of a simple thing like Production went up, to the point where we would get a
ribbon, typewriter ribbon, and we'd have to use the judge from the Philippines and [the reporters] would hand
cloth-type ribbon that you had to replace frequently him the record of trial for correction before he left Vietnam.
in order to have legible copies," Corporal Gomez com- They prided themselves on doing that. Staff Sergeant [Wi]-
ham L.] Rose was our chief reporter at that time. So any time
mented. "As far as the equipment we used - I wouldn't they got off, I would have a truck take them to the beach,
wish that on anybody. But I can't say that it didn't and iusr gave them a break from their work. And it paid off"
get the job done. It did."
Upon arrival at Da Nang Colonel Holben also assessed
To reduce the backlog of untyped cases, ist Divi-
the lawyers assigned to the office:
sion reporters, like those at FLC, went to day and night
shifts to wring maximum use from the available equip- If there was anything I didn't need, it was more lawyers!
ment. When Brigadier General Duane L. Faw, Direc- I had more lawyers than h needed. Some quality was lack-
ing in some of them, but we assigned them to jobs that were
tor of the Judge Advocate Division, made the first of appropriate to their skills. One. . was the 'property officer."
his two 1970 visits to Vietnam, he asked Colonel Hoi- I always found that was an adequate job for him. And when
ben if he needed anything. "I said, 'Yes!' " Hoiben he left, I assigned another offìcer. . . to handling typewriters.
recalled. "Send me 10 court reporters."2 Shortly, 10 The proper assignment of officers was probably more im-
court reporters, assembled from legal offices on Okina- portant than the numbers we had. . . We ended up. after

a few moves and a few transfers, with a very capable staff.

wa and in the United States, arrived with six-week tem-
porary duty orders to assist in reducing the Colonel Holben's concern with the operation of the
accumulation of untyped cases. "We ended up with military justice system extended to all facets of the
about four or five good ones," Colonel Holben not- court-martial process. When a sentence imposed by
ed. "The rest we terminated their orders and returned a military judge was conspicuously less than he consi-
them to the United States as soon as we found out dered appropriate, Colonel Holben. himself a former
who was capable and who wasn't." judge, summoned the military judge to his office to
The court reporters of the ist Marine Division SJA's office relaxing at China Beach, near
Da Nang. Afternoons off resulted in improved morale and greater office productivity.
Photo courtesy of Maj Mario A. Gomez. USMC
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 201

air his opinion of the judge's sentence. " 'If we want incredible experiences of my life:' Continuing, he
sentences like that, we'll keep these cases at office recalled:
hours!' is a line I particularly recall," said Captain While we were cerrainis part ofrhe war. and while I made
Stephen C. Berg, remembering the incident.46 The it a practice to get out in the field as much s.s L could .

military judge involved, Navy Commander Keith B. and while our office hootch was right above a medical landing
Lawrence, noted that he was extensively questioned port where che body bags of the dead were brought in each
evening, there was still a true sense of unreality ro the posi-
by the counsels involved in his next few courts-martial. tion we occupied. While our accommodations were rustic
Having learned of his conversation with Colonel HoI- at best, they were nothing compared to the adverse condi-
ben, they were concerned that Commander Lawrence tions under which most Marines in the field lived. While
might be influenced, one way or another, in his dis- there were a number of occasions when I felt thai my life
position of their cases. He assured them that he would might be in some danger. I did nor have to live with the
constant threat of death, day after day, day in and day out.
not be, and later wrote that "the defense counsel were as most Marines in Vietnam did
reasonable and professional lawyers and after about
In addition to their legal work, Captain Tower and
three trials . the matter was dropped"

Captain Tone N. Grant, another defense counsel,

Colonel Holben instilled in his legal personnel that taught English to local Vietnamese school children.
their mission was to serve, and not impair, the com- At the conclusion of his Vietnam tour Captain Tower
mand. Not to the prejudice of fairness or ethical con- was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for his
duct, but to the limits that their roles in the military work as a defense counsel.
justice system allowed. If some ist Division lawyers Additionally, the lawyers were allowed the oppor-
viewed being urged to serve the command as only a tunity to temporarily escape Da Nang entirely. Fol-
step from overbearing influence on their professional lowing a particularly heavy rocket attack on the Da
discretion, no one could dispute the results the SJA's Nang Airbase, the ist Marine Aircraft Wing decided
office produced. ist Marine Division cases moved, and to fly its multi-million dollar C-130 cargo aircraft to
as in any civilian jurisdiction, "deals" were available Ubon, Thailand, each night, since enemy attacks were
to the accuseds who sought them. Those who contest- almost always in darkness. Flight time to libon was
ed their cases had a prompt day in court. barely an hour. Colonel Holben received permission
The perspective of most Reserve captain-lawyers to send legal section personnel to Thailand on board
differed from that of the SJA and the few career judge the otherwise empty flights and he allowed them to
advocates. These reservists were the backbone of the stay for up to three days. The flights were "for any-
Marine Corps' legal effort in Vietnam. One such was body that wanted to go, anybody that could get away:'
Captain Philip C. Tower. who served four years' active Colonel Holben said. "And we used them!"5° Simi-
duty. As he recalled: larly. he routinely allowed the officers and enlisted
men to catch the weekly flight to the Philippines for
While in law school I was aware that I was facing the pos- informal R & R. China Beach, a broad beach with
sibility of being drafted once my student deferment ran out
at the end of law school . . . . To be perfectly frank, my
white sand and no women, remained popular and
main reason for joining the Marine Corps was that, by that more readily available a few miles from division head-
time. I was rather tired of school, and was not looking for- quarters. Colonel Holben regularly sent lawyers and
ward to proceeding on ro work in a Phoenix law firm. In clerks alike to China Beach. Morale improved in the
short. L was looking for something different.° SJA's office.
The monsoon season was particularly harsh in 1970.
He came on active duty, attended The Basic School,
Four typhoons passed through I Corps in October. The
then Naval Justice School, and was ordered to Viet-
last two brought more than 17 inches of rain in eight
nam. 'I had no desire to go to Vietnam ....Arriv-
days and halted virtually all military activity.5' Trials.
ing was, for me, a truly overwhelming experience.
however, continued uninterrupted. Major James H.
because it was something that I felt would never ac-
tually happen to me, I certainly had concerns for my
Granger. a special court-martial judge during that
personal safety, and was not particularly happy," he ad-
time, recalled that no day was necessarily a free day:
Holidays were business as usual, and I sat as military judge
mitted. "Moreover, as I began my work, my main reve-
on two cases [on Chrisunasl day. Defense counselsJack Lynch
lation was realizing how inadequate I felt to handle and Phil Tower requested the unusual trial date, no doubt
real cases. However, as time went on, the overall ex- hoping that the occasion might stir some vestigial trace of
perience of Vietnam expanded into one of the most beneficence in the judge. The trial counsel, [James W.]

Marine Corps Historical Collection

The monsoon rains were particularly harsh and heavy in 1970. A Force Logistic Com-
mand bulldozer clears a drainage path to allow accumulated rainwater to drain.
"Killer" Carroll, took perverse delight in the idea of Christ- ting down was later described b' the Deputy SJA,
mas trials, savoring the expectation that the two accuseds' Lieutenant Colonel Kress, as 'truly one of the high-
first meal in the brig would be Christmas dinner [and[
lights of the Vietnam legal experience" But as Major
both accused did dine in confìnement.52
Granger recalled:
Colonel Holben added: 'I insisted that all accused lt was not an ea,sv thing ro get approval . , Colonel
. .

tried on Sunday be given the opportunity to attend Holben, his gruff manner haidly concealing his enthusiasm
the church service of their choice."3 for the idea, gave me permission to approach the division
As 1970 drew to a rainy close. Jim Granger, promot- chief of staff, Colonel [Don H.] 'Doe" Blanchard. The chief
ed to the grade of major a short time before, planned of staff was gravely concerned that women in the canton-
ment was a recipe for catastrophe, and agreed to permit such
a wetting down party, ro celebrate his advancement* an event only if the function was chaperoned by stern, high-
The event was to be held in the lawyers' hooch ("a ranking, mature leaders. He reckoned as how he fit that bill,
majestic structure"), which reportedly had originally and he was promptly invited. Then it looked doubtful that
housed the Seabees who constructed the encampment. helicopters could be diverted from their combat roles to
transport the nurses to and from the hospital ship, but af-
That rumor was fueled by the fact that the unique,
ter invitations were extended to the operations officer and
double-sized SEAhut contained, along with severa] in- an aviator or two, che mission was approved. The motor trans-
dividual rooms and a bar, two smaller rooms that har- port officer graciously accepted my invitation and prompt-
bored the cantonment's only flush toilets outside the ly approved my request for ground transportation. Thus it
commanding general's quarters. Major Granger decid- was that a brave contingent of greatly outnumbered nurses
was entertained by the lawyers of the ist Marine Division.
ed that nurses from the hospital ship Sanctuary (AH
lt was a splendid
17) would add to the celebration. Indeed, the wet-
Trying Cases
term "wetting down" originated in the British Army with
the now forgotten custom of the promoted person placing his new
Tactically, American units no longer conducted
grade insignia at the bottom of a large glass filled with beer, then operations on their own, but supported and assisted
drinking it dry without stopping. South Vietnamese forces in their operations. For the
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 203

judge advocates of the ist Marine Division, circum- bility of the Marine Corps . . . We're going to do every-

stances were changing as well. For the first time in thing possible to get rid of them.38
several years case loads were declining as Marines con- The Military Justice Act of 1968 took effect in Au-
tinued to leave Vietnam. In January 1971, 48 cases were gust 1969. By 1970 it was already clear that its im-
tried; in February, 43; and in March, 27.56 plementation had brought about significant
Although the number of cases dwindled, the bleak improvement in the court-martial system. Lawyers were
disciplinary picture that continued into 1971 was not now involved in the trial of special courts-martial, as
brightened by the large number of Mental Category well as general courts, and the process was centralized
IVs still mandated by Project 100,000. In 1970 seven in SJA offices. Lieutenant Colonel Carl E. Buchmann,
percent of Marine Corps enlisted strength were Cat FLC's deputy SJA, noted that "errors in the records
lYs. A comparison of their service with that of other of trial were less severe . , . and we had less errors in
Marines showed their recruit attrition rates and deser- drafting charges that, in the past, had been left up
tion rates were twice as high, their promotion rates to the local legal offices in the battalions . And . . .

significantly lower, and their nonjudicial disciplinary we speeded up the process all the way around." A
rate significantly higher. Surprisingly, though, the Cat ist Marine Division study found that 37 percent of
IV's court-martial rate remained less than that of other the cases in which bad conduct discharges were ad-
Marines.7 The Commandant of the Marine Corps, judged were disapproved due to lega! error before the
General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., declared: act was implemented. After it became effective, only
five percent "bounced."60
We're going to fight to the highest levels of government
projects like Project 100,000 . They've got a lot of merit Worldwide the number of general court-martial
in the social sense, but they don't contribute a single thing military judges in the Navy-Marine Corps Trial
to. the readiness of the Marine Corps, to the combat capa. Judiciary decreased by two in 1970 to 21, even though

Officers' call was sometimes held in the double -sizedlawyers' hooch. Ist Division lawyers
present were, from left, Capt William J. O 'Byrne (hidden),' Capt Lawrence W Secrest
(j,artially hidden); lstLt Roland K. Iverson, fr (glasses); Lt Allen C. Rudy. Jr.. JAGC,
USN, lstLt Joel Levine (sunglasses.): MajJames H. Granger (seated.): legal administrative
officei lstLt ArmandH. Desyv'din (glasses.), unidentified nonlawyer; Col Donald E. HoI-
ben; Capt Dirk T Metzger; Capt Otis E Cochran (hat); and Capt E. Randall Ricketts.
Photo courtesy of Col James H. Granger. USMC

Photo courtesy of LtCoI Richard A. Muench, USMR

Capt James D. Stokes, left, Capt RichardA. Muench, cente and Lt Richard Blume, JAGC.
USN, shown on a river patrol boat (RPB). Captains Stokes and Muench assisted Lt Blume
in investigating Cambodia 's capture of a RPB that had strayed into Cambodian waters.
general courts-martial increased 42 percent that year; alone" case those phases are dispensed with. Moreover,
in 1971 there was a further decrease of one. while the there tends to be less repetition by the trial and
number of general courts-martial declined roughly 25 defense counsels, because there are no members to im-
percent.81 The 1970 decrease in judges, in the face of press and the military judge usually recognizes and
a rising workload, may have anticipated post-Vietnam recalls critical evidence without having to be remind-
manpower reductions. ed. Thus, a "judge alone" case is tried much more
quickly. As Lieutenant Colonel Buchmann recalled,
In Vietnam those figures translated, for example.
"instead of two cases in a day's time ... we could try
to 160 general courts-martial tried by Lieutenant
four or five with 'judge alone.' Much quicker, same
Colonel Henry Hoppe during one year in Vietnam,
safeguards, but you didn't have all this business of go-
a very heavy docket, and no different from that of the Ninety-
ing back and forth with the members . . . .

other general court judges in Vietnam. The good news

nine percent of our special courts are now 'judge alone.'
for military judges was that, since implementation of
We are not enjoying this same rate at general courts."62
the Military Justice Act, the number of members General courts-martial, at which the more serious
courtsjury trialshad declined dramatically.* A
offenses were tried, still tended to "go members'
members court-martial is complicated and lengthy,
sometimes because the matter at issue was thought
compared to a judge alone" trial. A members trial
too weighty to ask one person, the military judge, to
requires selection of panel members (voir dire), open-
decide; sometimes in the defense counsel's hope that
ing instruction of the members, instructions on find-
he could convince members of that which a military
ings (guilt or innocence), followed by sentencing
judge would not accept. Also, a military judge tends
instructions if the accused is found guilty. In a "judge
to know what a case is worth. That is, after long court-
room experience a judge knows the range of punish-
SEIther the accused or the government may request trial by mem-
bers. rather than by judge alone. In practice the option is exercised ments that an offense merits. Members, on the other
by the accused in virtually all cases where members are requested. hand, having found an accused guilty, have no bench
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 205

mark by which to fashion an appropriate sentence. time."64 Colonel Petersen, not one to equivocate,
A number of general court-martial military judges responded to the chief judge about the same officer:
heard cases in Vietnam in 1970 and 1971. Besides those "So long as I am here, I will not permit [him] to be
stationed in the Da Nang office of the Trial Judiciary appointed to a general court-martial convened by this
Activity, other senior Navy and Marine Corps judge command . . . His alcoholic intake was such as to

advocates from Okinawa, Japan, che Philippines, and, be a matter of note by the commanding general, the
on occasion, from Washington, D.C., heard cases. chief of staff, and all counsel practicing before him."65
To ensure their independence and freedom from (Colonel Holben, referring to the same military judge,
command pressure, all general court-martial military later remarked that "he was a better judge drunk than
judges were assigned to the Navy-Marine Corps Trial some of the others I could mention.")66
Judiciary Activity, based in Washington, D.C. Their In an era before "alcohol abuse" was a fashionable
fitness reports were completed by the ChiefJudge of phrase. a number of officers in rear echelons of the
that organization and they were exempt from local combat zone over-indulged occasionally, some with
watch duties, or additional duty assignments. In the regularity. Judge advocates were among them. In a!!
rare case of a general court-martial judge's substan- but a few cases, however, military judges, staff judge
dard performance, either in personal conduct or in advocates, and judge advocates remained above
court, there was nothing to be done in the field, other reproach.
than to notify the Chief Judge in Washington. either Major General Charles F. Widdecke, Commanding
directly or through one's superiors, and await a General of the ist Marine Division for most of 1970,
response. Similarly, meritorious service could not be wrote to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy con-
locally recognized. cerning general court-martial military judge Lieu-
tenant Colonel Henry Hoppe:
In 1970 Colonel Petersen, SJA of flC, became con-
[HeI has been the military judge in over 63 Ist Marine
cerned at what he considered the continuing deficient
Division general courts-martial . . . I would like to report

perfbrmance of a particular general court-martial to you on the high esteem in which he is held . . . The

judge. He twice advised Brigadier General Faw, Direc- many difficulties of presiding over courts.martial in a com-
tor of theJudge Advocate Division, of the officer's con- bat environment, such as the numerous unavoidable trial
duct on the bench, once attaching the verbatim record delays. frequent losses of electrical power . - interruption

of court proceedings by enemy fire . - have not deterred

of the murder trial concerned. In his initial letter to .

him from maintaining a dignified. judicial atmosphere in

General Faw, Colonel Petersen noted that 'he has an- his court - I have refrained from conveying any com-

tagonized the court, counsel, and witnesses with dis- ment on Lieutenant Colonel Hoppe's performance of duty
plays of impatience, omnipotence and almost until the end of his tour to avoid any hint of influence on
contempt." In a subsequent letter Colonel Petersen his decisions. It seems appropriate at this time. however, to
inform you of his unusually fine record of service.87
pointed out that the judge had 'refused" to instruct
the members on an essential matter, despite the trial Lieutenant Colonel Hoppe was awarded the Legion
counsel's request, which refusal all but mandated a of Merit for his Vietnam service.68
not guilt-v finding. Colonel Petersen continued, "It is Special courts-martial were usually heard by "ad
another instance of what is likely to occur when judi- hoc" military judges. Since few senior, experienced
cial inexperience, compounded with an abrasive per- judge advocates were designated military judges, they
sonality becomes the third-party litigant . . . . I would were employed almost exclusively in general courts-
like [him] advised of my observations in this matter, martial. For the more numerous special courts, cap-
for his own benefit and for the fact that we have offi- tains and majors with courtroom experience were
cially expressed concern."63 Eventually, the military designated by the Judge Advocate General of the
judge was transferred to other duties outside the Navy, ad hoc, to be special courts-martial military
courtroom. judges. Their designation was based upon the recom-
mendation of the Director of the Judge Advocate Di-
Another general court-martial judge had an ill-
vision* "Ad hoc" judges were a makeshift response to
concealed drinking problem. In response to discreet
the staggering caseload that confronted the few mili-
inquiry from the Chief Judge of the Judiciary Activi-
tv, Colonel Lucy. then-SJA of the ist Marine Division
tary judges of the period. The "ad hoc" judges could
replied, "We all know that he drinks too much. This *A separate Marine Corps Special Court-Martialjudiciary was es-
is obvious even to those who meet him for the first tablished in 1974.

sit only in special courts. Unlike the general court- court-martial military judge. agreed: "I suggest we get
martial judges, they were not selected and interviewed the brig out of there just as fast as we possibly can -
by the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, nor did out of country."75 Colonel Petersen urged that there
they always receive special schooling as judges before was no place in a combat zone for "honest to good-
assuming their judging duties. Often they were law- ness criminals:' and he would "strongly recommend
yers still on their initial period of commissioned serv- serious rethinking of our solution to that problem."76
ice who had shown skill and promise as courtroom The brig passed to U.S. Army control in 1970, and
advocates. Their workload in Vietnam was high. Major was finally closed in June 1971.
RobertJ. Blum, for example. tried 210 special courts- As far as case preparation was concerned, transpor-
martial in one year.69 Worldwide, in both the Navy tation remained a sometimes thing for Marine Corps
and Marine Corps, approximately 500 "ad hoc" spe- lawyers, as Captain Paul J. Laveroni, a ist Marine Di-
cial court-martial military judges were appointed in vision defense counsel, recalled:
1969, and 673 more in 1970. General court-martial There were a lot of ways to get around Vietnam, and dur-
military judges, on the other hand, never numbered ing the course of our tour we used them all ....The
mote than 23.° preferred mode of travel was by helicopter ....Most of
my helicopter jaunts were in Mission 10 birds, the daily milk
In 1970 a common special court-martial offense was
run . . . The typical aircraft used was the CH-46, usually

sleeping on post. As Captain George H. O'Kelley, an in pairs, but sometimes a CH-53 was used . . . . To catch
FLC defense counsel, recalled: Mission 10 you had to be at the helipad [below the divi-
It was so common that the standard sentence was two sion's legal offices] about 0730-0800. . . . Recon ceams, load-
months brig time. It was also the practice that anyone that ed up and heavily camouflaged, waited for their lift, along
got two months or less did not go to the brig. The sentence with dog handlers and their dogs, troops who had come to
was automatically suspended. If the person got in more trou- the rear on some boondoggle or other, lawyers trying to get
ble, then the suspension was revoked and he served the two somewhere?8
months and also faced any other sentence from the new One always had to confirm the helicopter's desti-
nation with the crew chief, as itineraries frequently
Although a common offense, obtaining a convic- changed and one had to be prepared to leap from the
tion for sleeping on post was not an easy matter. Cap- helicopter at the spot closest to one's destination. Cap-
tain W. Hays Parks recalled that 'at night, in the dark, tain Laveroni continued:
ir is very hard to catch a Marine in such a way that
Mission 10 wasn't very glamorous nor usually very excit-
you can convince a court beyond a reasonable doubt
ing. but it was a tremendous asset for us . . . We sent one

(in the face of deni-als) that he was sleeping on post."72 of our sergeants to Hill 10 to bring back a Vietnamese woman
Petty black marketeering offenses were also in vogue. who was going to be a witness. He got her and himself on
The profits were tempting: A box of laundry soap that board a '46 . . .. Someone must have miscalculated the
cost 40 cents in the PX was worth $1.75 on the black lift because the '46 barely cleared the ground, then slowly
tipped to one side and rolled down the hill. Miraculously,
market. A $3 bottle of whiskey brought between $10 no one was killed, but the experience so unnerved our ser-
and $14 from unauthorized Vietnamese purchasers. geant that. . . he would never step on board a chopper again.
In October 1970 the legal rate of exchange was 118 That's tise problem wich mass transit. You just can't please
piasters to one U.S. dollar, while on the currency black everyone?9
market the rate was 220 to Unless the charges in- On a professional level, lawyers in Vietnam con-
volved significant figures, however, few convicted Ma- tinued to attend meetings of the Federal Bar Associa-
rines were jailed for black marketeering. either. tion, the I Corps Bar Association, and even continuing
After he left Vietnam, Colonel Lucy reported that legal education (CLE) classes for which various state
"the III MAF brig is not adequate. It never has been bar associations granted credit. The classes and meet-
It should not be used other than just as a de- ings were often held in Saigon.80
tention facility. We've been recommending this for A three-man civilian law office, funded by the Law-
some time, but it stays at capacity, at over capacity."
yers' Military Defense Committee, of Cambridge, Mas-
Colonel John R. DeBarr, concluding a year as a general
sachusetts, was 'also located in Saigon. The antimilitary
attorneys provided free civilian legal services to
8First Marine Division prisoners sentenced to more than two
months confinement were transferred to the brig at Camp Pendle-
servicemen Army personnel, almost exclusively-
ton as soon as possible. (Cmd Information Notebook, ist MarDiv, facing courtsmartial.61
RVN, 10Apr71, p. 9.) In October 1970 Captain Eileen M. Albertson be-
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 207

Albertson was listed merely as "E. M. Albertson," in

the usual manner of manifest lists. Accompanied by
defense counsel, Captain Robert A. Preate, Captain
Albertson arrived at Camp Tien Sha, the Naval Sup-
port Activity camp in east Da Nang. Because woman
Marines did not wear the utility uniform in that era,
she wore the smallest men's utilities she could bor-
row, and size 8 1/2 combat boots worn with multiple
pairs of socks.
Just after her arrival all hands were restricted to base
for five days because of Vietnamese presidential elec-
tions. Captain Albertson was billeted in the Tien Sha
BOQ with special hours arranged for the head and
shower facilities. During the restriction to base she ac-
cepted an invitation to accompany a night patrol of
Da Nang Bay on a U.S. Navy Swift boat.
After restrictions were lifted, five day's investigation
confirmed the accused's innocence and Captain Al-
bertson returned to Okinawa. Having been in Viet-
nam for 10 days, the last few days of October and the
first few of November, she received two months com-
Photo courtesy of Col Eileen M. Albertson, USMC bat pay at $65 per month.82
Capt Eileen M. Albertson poses at Camp Tien Sha, Occasionally in the trial of courts-martial. judge ad-
NSA. She was the only woman Marine Corps lawyer vocates encountered cases more notable for their ac-
to reach Vietnam in relation to a court-martial. tors than for their facts. Captain George H. O'Kelley
came the second woman Marine Corps judge advo- was an FLC defense counsel who represented Private
cate to reach Vietnam and the only one to do so in Curtis Crawford, originally charged with sleeping on
connection with a court-martial. (Captain Patricia A. post. Against the advice of Captain Tommy jarren,
Murphy attended a Da Nang legal conference in Sep- his initial defense counsel, Crawford went to trial and
tember 1969) Captain Albertson was a trial counsel was found guilty and received the usual two months
assigned to the joint law center on Okinawa. In the confinement from the court and the usual suspend-
prosecution of a three-month unauthorized absence ed sentence from his commander. Three nights later
case defense witnesses and documents supporting the Crawford was again found asleep on post in the 3d
accused's claim of innocence were located in Da Nang. MP Battalion guard tower. He swore to the officer of
where the absence had begun. With the exception of the day who had discovered his offense that it would
a small number assigned to the joint-service staff of never happen again. But as Captain O'Kelley re-
MACV in Saigon, woman Marines were not normally counted:
permitted to enter Vietnam.* With the approval of About two hours later, the OD. made the rounds. Cur-
her SJA and the convening authority, Captain Albert- tis had moved his sleeping area on top of the trap door [into
the guard tower enclosure so no one could catch him sleep-
son received area clearance from FMFPac, and her
ing. The OD. couldn't arouse him, so he stepped down and
name was added to the manifest of a Vietnam flight. fired his .45. Curtis jumped up and yelled, "Halt! Who goes
The Camp Butler, Okinawa. G-1, Colonel Valeria E there?" He went to the brig, this time.83
Hilgart, a woman Marine. ensured that neither the
His previously suspended sentence was vacated and
area clearance request nor the flight manifest includ-
Crawford was jailed. He became ill while in the brig
ed the 'W" that normally preceded women Marines'
and was given a mild narcotic medicine. Later, when
service numbers. On the flight to Vietnam, Captain
the Navy doctor declined to continue the narcotic
*Throughout the war, only 36 women Marines were stationed
treatment, Crawford badly beat the doctor. "Curtis was
in Vietnam. (Col Mary V. Stremlow, USMCR, A Hoioy of the Wom- placed in solitary confinement, awaiting disposition.
en Marines, 1946-1977 [Washington: Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, 1986. I was appointed to represent Curtis, this time," Cap-
p. 82.]) tain O'Kelley recalled. " He faced 37 years as a possi-

hie sentence on all charges. I was then approached by ment to infantry commands.* While he was the ist
the SiA, Colonel Petersen. about Curtis getting an ad- Marine Division SJA, Colonel Bob Lucy, in a letter to
min discharge. Well, I jumped on that.' Crawford, the assistant division commander noted, "A lawyer
meanwhile, was seen by PLC's commanding general from this office has consistently been CO. of the Bra-
at request mast, with a complaint of mistreatment in vo Reaction Company . . . . I have always had more
the brig. The commanding general, too, decided that volunteers for this type of duty than I could fill. I
an administrative discharge would best serve the in- might also add that every officer who has filled this
terests of all parties. In light of Crawford's past dis- billet has been commended highiy'84
ciplinary record an undesirable discharge (UD.) would During the 1969 Tet offensive, as executive officer
be administratively imposed. As Captain O'Kelley (second in command) of a provisional rifle company,
recalled: Captain W. Hays Parks, ist Marine Division chief tri-
I took the UD. package . . . to the brig and saw Craw- al counsel, led two rifle platoons in the defense of the
ford in his cell. I explained the U.D. to him. He said, "Wait division command post, an action resulting in seven
a minute, lawyer. The general said I was gonna get an ad. enemy dead. He received the Navy Commendation
ministrative discharge." And so you are, I explained to him. Medal.85 Captain Robert M. MacConnell received the
I couldn't make him understand that a UD. was the type same award in recognition of his service as Sub-Team
of admin he was getting. The tops of the cells at the III MAF
brig were covered with bars, so other prisoners in solita' Commander, 13th Interrogation-Translation Team 88
confinement could hear us. Other prisoners started yelling, Captain Raymond T Bonner was awarded the Navy
"Don't sign it, Doodle!" "That lawyer's lying, Doodle!" Achievement Medal for his performance of duty as the
"Generals don't make mistakes, man!" regimental S-5 (Civil Affairs Officer) for the 5th Ma-
rines. Numerous other Marine Corps lawyers were
The commanding general made a special trip to the recognized for their performance outside the legal
brig to assure "Doodle" that the discharge he was get- field, as well, demonstrating the utility of maintain-
ting was, in fact, the one they had agreed upon. That ing lawyers' status as unrestricted officers.
was not the end of the case. Curtis Crawford was
released from the brig and ordered to the Da Nang Closing Cases Versus Best Defense
Airbase to board his flight to the United States, and In 1977 Major Stephen C. Berg, a former ist Ma-
discharge. Captain O'Kelley reported what followed: rine Division judge advocate, wrote: "Any official his-
Some MPs spotted Curtis going towards his plane with
tory will, I expect, place Marine military justice in a
a large brown box under his arm. They knew Curds, of most favorable light because, superficially, the system
course, because he had been in their outfit. "What's n the ran smoothly . . . But, from an insider's point of

box, Curtis?" ... They took the box. It was full of mariju. view, no history will be complete unless the impact
ana, a little going away present from Curtis to himself. These of personality on the system, and those executing the
two young MPs would have made sergeant major, if they
system, is discussed."88 As a captain, Berg had served
stayed in the Corps. They exercised remarkable initiative.
They tonfìstated the marijuana, snatched Curtis up by the under Colonel Donald E. Holben, certainly a strong
scruff of the neck and showed him to his sear aboard the personality, during the trial of the Aragon/Anderson
plane. They saved the government a sack full of money in cases.
legal problems.
Sergeant Adrian Aragon was a 60mm mortar squad
leader in Company M, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines. His
[,ast Call For Combat assistant squad leader was Corporal Joseph W. "Thum-
per" Anderson.Jr., who was particularly noted for his
Throughout the war Marine Corps judge advocates
skill as a mortar gunner. The squad, as a whole, was
took every opportunity to assume command billets in
respected within the company for its ability and per-
combat units. Except in the 3d Marine Division in
formance in combat. At 1425 on 17 August 1970, as
1968, when all incoming officers were assigned to in-
Company M prepared to return to LZ Ross, the corn-
fantrv units for three months, the infantry billet usual-
pany commander directed his mortar squad to fire 20
ly available to lawyers was that of reaction platoon or
rounds on a distant tree line from which sniper fire
reaction company commander. Lawyers sought that ad-
ditional duty and excelled. Although the war was com- *In 1969 the Marine Corps suffered 2,258 battle deaths, com-
ing to a close for the Marine Corps and enemy activity pared to 529 in 1970. In 1971 only 20 Marines were killed in at-
grew less frequent, judge advocates still sought assign- don. (Casualty file. RefSec. MCHC.)
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 209

Photo courtesy of Mr. Philip C. Tower

Capts Tone N. Grant, left, and Step hen C. Berg in the field during an investigation. Capt
Grant was a reaction force company commander in addition to being a defense counsel

had earlier been received. Witnesses later testified that ing evidence that the incident was caused by misap-
from nine to 12 rounds impacted in the tree line. Ac- plication of friendly fìre."
cording to the investigation, the remaining eight to Sergeant Aragon and Corporal Anderson were
11 mortar rounds landed at the base of the hill oc- charged with five specifications of negligent homicide.
cupied by Company M and inexorably marched back Aragon was also charged with negligence in instruct-
up the hill into Company M's own position. Three Ma- ing and supervising his mortar squad.92 The second
rines and a female Vietnamese prisoner were killed gunner was initially charged, as well, but he accepted
while 30 Marines were wounded, including the act- immunity in return for his testimony in the other two
ing company commander. One of the injured Marines cases. Captain Tone N. Grant represented Aragon and
died of his wounds a few days later.89 Mortar fin as- Captain PaulJ. Laveroni was Anderson's counsel. The
semblies of detonated rounds found in Company M's trial counsel in both cases was Captain Edwin W.
position carried lot numbers that were traced to rounds Welch, assisted by Captain James W. Carroll.
issued to an unrecorded unit at LZ Ross, Company M's Captain Grant had already been a reaction force
base. In a message to the commanding general, company commander for several months and, to the
FMFPac, the commanding general of the ist Marine degree that his defense counseJ duties allowed, sought
Division reported that "cursory examination indicates other opportunities to participate in combat action.
an extremely high angle of impact." suggesting that His and Captain Laveroni's extensive trial preparation
the mortar rounds had been fired straight up and included several days in the field with Company M,
fallen back into the company's own position.° The during which they located Marine witnesses who
mortar squad, concluded the initial investigation, had thought the fatal mortar rounds were actually fired
fired more rounds than necessary in order to avoid hav- by Vietnamese mortars. Reportedly, the enemy occa-
ing to carry them back to Ti Ross and had simply been sionally retrieved lost or dropped American mortar
careless in the control of its fire. A later message from rounds and, under cover of U.S. artillery or mortar fire,
the division commander to the commanding general, would fire them at American positions from their own
FMFPac, reported that there was "abundant support- 61mm mortar tubes. The noise of the U.S. fire masked

that of the enemy rounds, preventing counter-fire. We knew we were going to come back to the States; we
(Earlier, in yet another message, the commanding didn't know when, and we had (O get the work done. You
cannot have these trials dragged out forever by requests for
general of the division noted that such an occurrence
numerous witnesses from the United States. And they were
could only be the "result of a series of highly improb- all in mitigation and extenuation. We offered ro stipulate
able coincident actions.") The defense counsels also [to their testimony]. We offered everything we could to
found physical evidence indicating that most, if not mitigate this process. He [Captain Laveroni] was adamant.
all, of the 20 rounds may have impacted in the target I was willing, on occasion, and did on occasion, bring over
tree line. Additionally, numerous members of Com- two or three key witnesses in mitigation. So . . I didn't

sas' no in every event. But I did say no, this time.95

pany M were willing to testify to the exceptional ex-
pertise of Sergeant Aragon and his mortar squad. As The question of which witnesses the government
the trial date approached, messages began to arrive will secure for the defense (at government expense, of
at ist Marine Division Headquarters reflecting Con- course) may be informally decided between the
gressional interest in the case. defense counsel and the government prior to trial.
Lacking such agreement, it is an issue argued in open
Believing they had an effective defense to the
court, on the record, and decided by the military
charges. Captains Laveroni and Grant conferred with
judge. The government must comply with the judge's
the SJA, Colonel Holben, in an attempt to persuade
decision or the judge may ultimately dismiss the
him that the cases should not go to trial. Captain charges. As Major General George S. Prugh, former
Laveroni recalled that "as we described how expensive
Judge Advocate General of the Army, wrote:
these trials would be and how many witnesses, includ-
The opportunity to delay proceedings pending the loca-
ing civilians, we would seek from the U.S., he blew
tion oía departed witness was and remains substantial. The
up . . . He decided in his own mind that we were
expense. delay, and difficulty of returning witnesses to the
'threatening' him with huge costs if the command per- theater could dissuade a convening authority from pursu-
sisted in going ahead. He said he would not recom- ing the prosecution any furth,er. And where the witness was
mend dismissal." Nor was that the first time a no longer in the service the power to require the witness to
appear was severely circumscribcd.
disagreement regarding witness requests had arisen be-
tween Colonel Holben and Captain Laveroni. Of this In this case the military judge later ordered produc-
case Colonel Holben recalled: tion of some, but not all of the witnesses requested
Capt Paul j Lai'eroni, left, congratulates Cpi Joseph U Anderson, Jr.. shortly after Cpi
Anderson 's general court-martial for negl,gent homicide had ended in acquittaL
Photo courtesy of Philip C. Tower
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 211

by the defense. Among those ordered to be made quested reassigrsment.98 In either event, after his
available were half a dozen from the United States. eventual transfer back to the United States, Captain
On 6 December 1970 Corporal Anderson went to Grant recalled: "I began to hear from other Marine
trial before Lieutenant Colonel John E. Crandell and officers that . . Paul [Laveronil and I had been trans-

a panel of five officers.* The court-martial lasted 10 ferred because of our performances in the Aragon and
days. Defense counsel Laveroni recalled the result: Anderson cases, as well as other cases." Still, two
"The court was out for five minutes. The verdict was months later, Colonel Holben wrote a laudatory offi-
'not guilty' ort all counts. Afterwards, the members cial letter describing Captain Grant's "consistently
said the defense didn't have to put on a case. The thorough preparation," "outstanding reputation," and
government had nothing." "dignity and respect for the law, the legal profession,
Sergeant Aragon was tried two days later, again be- and the Marine Corps."99
fore Lieutenant Colonel Crandell and members. Cap- Several weeks later Captain Laveroni, too, was sum-
tain Grant conducted the defense, assisted by Mr. Alan moned before Colonel Holben. In a proceeding un-
Kyman, a civilian defense counsel from Phoenix, Ari- related to the Anderson/Aragon cases, Captain
zona, hired by Aragon's parents. After a five-day tri- Laveroni, exercising tactics not usually condoned, had
al, Aragon, too, was acquitted. written a letter to the senator of a lance corporal, relay-
The events that followed the two courts-martial dis- ing complaints about the propriety of the lance cor-
tinguish them from others of a similar nature and, be- poral's administrative discharge. He had also written
sides illustrating the impact of personality, reveal a a letter to the commanding general of III MAF, out-
tension in the military justice system: the staff judge side the chain of command. Colonel Holben had
advocate as both staff officer and judge advocate. learned of this through Congressional inquiries just
What if delay is an effective defense tactic? What if then reaching the division and by the return of Cap-
a motion for witnesses can "price" a case beyond prose- tain Laveroni's letter to the III MAF commanding
cution? Should a staff judge advocate exert personal general, which had been intercepted before reaching
influence or authority over subordinates, each of whom the general. Captain Laveroni recalled his subsequent
he is required to rate in comparison to the other, to meeting with Colonel Holben: "I was relieved as
prod a case to resolution? Or should the prosecution defense counsel, fired, kicked out ....I was immedi-
of cases be the duty of the trial counsel alone? Does ately transferred to the Division Inspector's office
the SJA's responsibility as a docket manager conflict It occurred to me that Colonel Holben had
with his duty to make available the most effective relieved me for my actions as a defense counsel in
counsel? Does the defense counsel have a responsibility representing a Marine, and that was a violation of [the
to assist, or at least not impede, the justice system? UCMJ]." Additionally, Captain Laveroni was given a
Many years later, Brigadier General james P. King, af- damning fitness report.'°° Colonel Holben later said
ter retiring as Director of the Judge Advocate Divi- that "they were reassigned out of the legal office. I
sion, said about such issues in general: Had the made their names available to the assistant chief of
defense counsel really wanted to play a bad garne, they staff, G-1, personnel, and they were reassigned." It was
could have probably stopped the system." again Colonel Holben's recollection that Captain
Laveroni had requested a reassignment.b01
Captain Grant recalled that "the afternoon of the
From Vietnam Captain Laveroni secured the as-
'not guilty' verdict . . Colonel Holben asked to see

sistance of Brendan V. Sullivan. Jr., a Washington at-

me. He told me that 1 was going to be transferred offi-
torney and former law schoolmate who, 17 years later,
cially out of the legal division . . I would be work-
. .

would represent Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver P.

ing with a group which would be spending full-time
coordinating the ist Division's . leaving Vietnam."
. .
North. Mr. Sullivan contacted the Director of the
Judge Advocate Division, Brigadier General Faw, and
Colonel Holben's recollection is that, in light of the
discussed the issues. That was followed by senatorial
declining caseload and his desire to serve in a nonle-
gal capacity in the combat zone, Captain Grant re-
and Congressional involvement. Few civilians in
Washington. however, were likely to fully appreciate
the impact of the parties' actions or their personali-
*Lieutenant Colonel Crandel!, not a regularly appointed mili-
tart judge, was authorized to sit for the Anderson and Aragon cases,
ties. Eventually, a formal opinion was issued by the
onh (Col Daniel E McConndl Irr to author, dtd 25Jan89, McCon- General Counsel of the Department of Defense that
nell folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC.) Captain Laveroni had not acted improperly and the

Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A373860

The Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps visited the newly established3dMarine
Amphibious Brzgade in April 1971. Gen Raymond G. Davis, center Jrmerly the com-
manding general of the 3d Marine Division, poses with MajGen Alan]. Armstrong, left,
the MAB commander and BGen Edwin H. Simmons. the MAB deputy commander
negative fitness report was later removed from his long-time location on Hill 327.'° On the same day
record.102 that 3d MAB was activated, what remained of III MAF
The Last Marine Lawyer Out Headquarters redeployed to Okinawa. The HI MAF
In Vietnam, despite greatly reduced troop stren units still in Vietnam, portions of the ist Marine Di-
93 general courts-martial were tried in 1970, compared vision and Force Logistic Command, were included in
with 123 in 1969. Seven hundred and ninety-six spe- 3d MAB, with a strength of 1,446 officers and 14,070
cial courts were tried, compared to 1,023 in the preced- enlisted men. The MAB never functioned as an oper-
ing year.'°3 ational command. Rather, its task was to redeploy its
subordinate units out of Vietnam.b08
As 1971 began, there was little change in the war.
The enemy avoided Marine units and concentrated in- On 14 April the office of the SJA, ist Marine Air-
stead on South Vietnamese targets while the Marines craft Wing, led by Major Curt Olson, and only sever-
continued their redeployment. During March and al lawyers strong, redeployed to Iwakuni, Japan, along
April the flow of departing Marine Corps units be- with the remainder of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing.
came a torrent.'°4 Its few remaining cases were either disposed of before
On 13 April III MAP turned over its tactical respon- redeployment or returned toJapan for disposition. At
sibilities to the U.S. Army's Ametical Division, and Iwakuni the judge advocates joined those of the ist
the next day a new unit, the 3d Marine Amphibious Marine Aircraft Wing (Rear), forming a single SJA's
Brigade (3d MAB), was activated. The brigade, which office under Lieutenant Colonel St.Amour, lately the
replaced III MAF, was commanded by Major General general court-martial military judge in Da Nang. For
Alan J. Armstrong. The SJA's office remained at its the first time since the ist Marine Aircraft Wing (Rear)
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 213

was formed in November 1969, the wing's judge ad- offenses, passed to the 3d MAB) 10 FtC's judge advo-
vocates were in a single office.b07 cates redeployed to commands in Japan, Okinawa, and
Colonel Holben and Lieutenant Colonel Kress re- the United States. Force Logistic Command, created
mained on Hill 327 as the 3d MAB's SJA and deputy. in Vietnam in 1966 from the Force Logistic Support
Their office was manned with judge advocates, enlisted Group, which in turn had been created from elements
clerks, and reporters who volunteered to stay in Viet- of the ist and 3d Force Service Regiments, was deacti-
nam. The inherited two general courts-martial. 17 vated on 27 June 1971.111
specials. and two administrative discharge cases from On 26 April the North Vietnamese and the Viet
the ist Marine Division and FLC as both of those com- Cong opened another offensive in the Da Nang area.
mands prepared to redeploy. Colonel Holben con- U.S. Army troops met that surge while the enemy con-
tinued to press his lawyers to complete the reviews of tinued to avoid contact with Marines. Two Marines
the cases recently tried, even as the office began to were killed in action in April. The enemy campaign
pack for its own departure.b08 Of that chaotic period continued into May with occasional rocket attacks on
Major General Armstrong recalled: the 3d MAB compound.h12
They were, for all practical purposes, military nomads The units of the ist Marine Division to leave Viet-
one grandiose transient camp. As each outfit left, the
castoffs would spill downhill ....An awful lot of loss of
nam departed on 14 April. Airlift of the remaining
records and things like this, because we were operating un- portions of the division from Da Nang to Camp Pen-
der a situation in which people were thrown together at the dleton began on 14 June.' 13 Colonel Holben's earlier
last minute who didn't know what was going on . and determination that the division leave Vietnam with
didn't know each other. And it didn't work very well, in my a clean docket had paid off. The few unresolved cases
remained with Colonel Holben at the 3d MAB. where
FLC's Staff Judge Advocate. Colonel Daniel F. they were tried with the same attention to fairness and
McConnell, left Vietnam on 21 April 1971, his office justice that cases in less hectic periods had always
closed and its few remaining cases, all of them recent received. The records of trial of every ist Marine Divi-
The fudge advocates of the 3d Marine Division sit for a Jrma/photograph in November
1970. Their number had been significantly reduced as Marine Corps ¡arces in Vietnam
redeployed Col Ho/ben and LtCol Kress are front row, /ìfth and fourth from left.
Photo courtesy of Col Donald E. Holben. USMC (Ret.)

sion case were completed, as well as the reviews and JI Bradford and Sergeant [William L.] Rose were preparing
preliminary convening authority actions for each.' '4 records of trial before the triai, then making necessary changes
afterward.* Cases were reviewed and convening authority's
"And we did not whitewash a bunch of cases in order action taken overnight . . The real difficulties we had
to get rid of them, when we left," Lieutenant Colonel were not related to courts-martial and administrative sepa-
Kress added. "We were caught up." rations. Retrograde movements generate an inordinate num-
The 3d MAB's trial of courts-martial continued, as ber of nonjudicial punishment appeals. requests for legal
well. In April 21 cases were tried and in May, 14116 assistance, [and] invesugations, all ata time when reference
material is unavailable. To this day I have no idea whether
With most of the court-martial convening authorities
the action we took in some of these matters, particularly in
now out of Vietnam, new administrative hurdles arose. one unusually complex . . investigation, was in accordance

Lieutenant Colonel Kress recalled his efforts to amend with law and regulation, but each matter was well-
the composition of a general court-martial members considered, and I am convinced they were handled in ac-
panel, a change that could only be authorized by the cordance with what the law should be . . I was satisfied
. .

we had left no work undone, and I knew we had not bur.

court's convening authority. "I had to call the com-
der,ed the command.122
manding general at Pendleton . . . and get one guy
excused and another court member appointed."1 A few more of the remaining legal personnel drift-
Majorfames H. Granger added, "Everything became ed out of Vietnam between the twelfth and twentieth
hard to do. The network of people we regularly dealt ofJune. Finally, on 24 June 1971 the last of the SJA's
with was gone . . Support and supplies became
. contingent moved to the Da Nang runway to board
hard to get. The law center became a prime source aircraft taking them out of country. The judge advo-
of manpower for the many working parties engendered cates were among the last of 3d MAB personnel to
by the deployment."118 But the work continued. leave Vietnam. Major Granger, senior officer on the
On 3 June Colonel Holben and Lieutenant Colonel flight, shepherded the lawyers and others on board
Kress left Vietnam. The new 3d MAB SJA. who had the plane:
been in the office since July of 1970, was Major I was at the rear of the formation . . . Finally [Captain

Granger, who was supported by eight judge advocates Lawrence W.] Larry Serren and i were the only Marines left
and 14 enlisted men, again all volunteers. 'As was his on the runway. After some jockeying around. I acquiesced
practice, Colonel Holben left a 'clean house.' " Major and moved on up the ladder, leaving tarry as the last
deployed Marine Lawyer on Vietnam soil.123
Granger remembered. "We had only I special court-
martial pending, and 3 administrative discharge cases No roster was maintained, but in the six years and
in process." ' One other case came up the day before three months between Captain Kress' arrival and Major
Colonel Holben departed. "A rape case that arose in Granger's departure, about 400 Marine Corps lawyers
FLC. that obviously could not be tried [before depar- were assigned to Vietnam. Thirteen of that number
ture]," Colonel Holben recalled. "This was a young had two tours. Twenty-seven U.S. Navy lawyers sen'ed
man that decided to rape his 'house mouse' the day with the Marines. There would be other Marine Corps
he left ....And that was it." 120 The case was eventu- lawyers in Vietnam for brief periods, but none for a
ally tried in Vietnam by a trial team from Okinawa's full tour of duty.
3d Marine Division, the accused's parent command.
Two days after Major Granger's departure the last
A week later, on 10 June, the packing of equipment 64 Marines of the 3d MAB left Vietnam for Hawaii's
was completed. and half the legal clerks and court Camp Smith (named after lawyer-turned-Marine,
reporters left country.'2' MAB "legal" then consisted General Holland M. Smith). The Marine Corps oper-
of four officers and seven enlisted Marines. The re- ational history for 1970-1971 noted:
maining judge advocates were Major Granger; Lieu-
tenant Allen C. Rudy, Jr.. JAGC. USN; Captain *Although unorthodox, completing a retord of trial before trial
Lawrence W. Secrest; and Captain Roland K. Iverson, is easily done. Because most 3d MAB courts-martial were guilty.
Jr. Major Granger recalled the last few, hectic days in plea special courts, only a summarized record of trial was neces-
Vietnam: saly. ifa punitive discharge was not imposed. (Verbatim records are
required only when a punitive discharge-bad conduct discharge
We only tried 5 courts-martial, after Colonel Holben's [BCD] or dishonorable dischargeis imposed, or when confine-
departure, but we completed review of 18. Finding conven- ment exceeds one Year.) Experienced legal personnel can anticipate
ing authorities became difficult, and finding transportation a sentence with fair accuracy. and the scenario of a "non-BCD spe-
was even harder. Those involved in the court-martial process cial" is easily anticipated, allowing the pre-formatted. non-BCD.
. became fanatics about speed. Staff Sergeant [Lonnie
- summarized record of trial to be completed before trial.
1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT 215

In spite of racial tension, drug abuse, occasional fraggings,

and general dissension. Ill MAF. until the fina] redeploy.
ments, continued ro carry out daily operations .

Nevertheless, the faci that the question of troop reliability

even arose demonstrated the severity of the internal problem
[buti thousands of Marines continued to do their duty
to the end}
In a sense, the war was not over for Marine Corps
judge advocates. Formally, the Vietnam conflict con-
tinued until 27 January 1973, when cease-fire agree-
nients were signed in Paris. But, as Professor Guenter
Lewy pointed out in his history of the war: "The crisis
in military discipline, it should be stressed, was world-
wide and not limited to i125 Marine Corps
lawyers still faced the courts-martial of accuseds whose
offenses had arisen in Vietnam but were tried else-
where; of prisoners of war charged with crimes while
in enemy hands; of malcontents who caused trouble
in the combat zone and in the future would cause
trouble at posts and stations throughout the Marine
Captain Philip Tower, among the last of the law-
Photo courtesy of Mr. Philip C. Tower yers to leave, said of his duty in Vietnam:
I am not sure that I have ever come to terms with how
Capt Philzj C. Tower was a ist Division lawyer in 1971.
I feel about my experience in Vietnam, and I often wonder
He said.' ? am not sure that I have ever come to terms how many other Marine lawyers, as well as servicemen in
with how J feel about my experience in Vietnam." general. have coped with that experience . . The intense
. .

As the Marines left Vietnam discipline and crime remained major concerns for Marine
Corps judge advocates. Here, Marines depart Da Nang for White Beach, Okinawa.
Department of Defense Photo (USMC) A800444

E pp- . d]GHYING

friendships ... the excitement of beginning my practice Thirty-eight career officers had been selected to at-
as an attorney, the wild and totally carefree times, the fear, tend law school through the Excess Leave Program
the intense pressures of defending capital murder cases (Law) in 1972; another 16 were selected for the fol-
listening to New Year's Day bowl games over Armed
Services radio in the midst of intense monsoon rain, the lowing year.128 Their return to active duty upon at-
laughter and wild parties, the depths of depression and fear, tainment of their law degrees would go far to fill the
the sight of death on a daily basis . . and the general middle management gap in the grades of major and
recollections of a beautiful yet sad country, are all parts of lieutenant colonel, although they would lack ex-
an experience, the breadth and intensity of which have never
perience as advocates. In that regard, the Court of Mili-
been repeated in my life.126
tary Appeals reported that, for all the Armed Services,
On 27 June 1971 the 3d MAB, the last Vietnam-based the court "remained concerned over the shortage of
command to which Marine Corps judge advocates were experienced military lawyers." The court pointed out
assigned, was deactivated. that "competition with private firms and other
Perspective Government agencies, and the end of the draft, and
the close of the Vietnam conflict have caused a steady
Whether the Marine Corps needed its own lawyers,
decrease in applications for career positions as judge
and whether they should serve solely in legal billets
advocates . . . The outlook for improved retention
were no longer issues. If it had not been so before,
is uncertain."129
the disciplinary issue made it clear that Marine Corps
lawyers were best suited to act in cases involving Ma- In post-Vietnam years the Marine Corps on a few
rines, and that the need for lawyers precluded their occasions turned to direct commissions to ease the
routine assignment outside the legal field. shortage of experienced lawyers. That program provid-
In 1971, 339 judge advocates were on active duty. ed for appointment of lawyers with specialized or
Brigadier General Faw continued as Director of the lengthy experience to be commissioned, usually as
Judge Advocate Division, and Brigadier General majors, for a contractual period of three or four years.
Lawrence, recalled to active duty, continued as Deputy Although not widely used, the direct commission pro-
Assistant to the Secretary (Legislative Affairs), Depart- gram did meet immediate short-term needs for sea-
ment of Defense. Twenty judge advocates were soned lawyer personnel.
colonels, 21 were lieutenant colonels, and a mere 18 As the Marines left Vietnam. discipline and crime
were majors, evidence that the retention of captain were still major concerns. Experienced advocates were
lawyers continued to be a problem. Two hundred needed, but those who were not experienced soon
seventy-three captains, and only five first lieutenants would be. The Commandant of the Marine Corps,
were on active duty. Virtually all of the captains and General Paul X. Kelley, later recalled: "In the '71
lieutenants were Reserve officers.127 period, it was as bad as I could ever
Prisoners of War, and Others
Prisoner Misconduct: Charges From a Lawyer's Case File: Wirtirne Acts, Post-Wir Trial
Deserters in the Hands of the Enemy - White VC?.' Robert R. Garwood

In July 1967, at the direction of the Joint Chiefs Processing Team. In January 1973 Lieutenant Colonel
of Staff, planning for the return of American prisoners Mallery and Major Roundtree arrived at Clark Air Force
of war (POWs) began. A Department of Defense Base, in the Philippines, where the ex-POWs initially
Prisoner of War Policy Committee, which included landed after their release, Once the first increment of
Marine Corps representation, was established. In June ex-POWs arrived on 12 February, it was clear that one
1968 the committee issued guidance to the secretar- Marine Corps lawyer was sufficient to meet their le-
ies of the military departments delineating policies for gal assistance needs and Lieutenant Colonel Mallery
processing returned POWs.' returned to Okinawa.6
In late 1971 the U.S. Air Force plan for the repatri- At Headquarters Marine Corps. the POW screen-
ation of its POWs, eventually named Operation ing board, to which Major Brahms was assigned, had
Homecoming, became a joint service operation un- been aware that there probably would be allegations
der Air Force leadership.2 That same year Headquarters of misconduct made against a few prisoners. The board
Marine Corps formed a three-officer POW screening wrestled with its recommendation as to how such al-
board. The Judge Advocate Division's representative legations should be handled. 'After the POWs were
to the board was Lieutenant Colonel Michael Patrick coming out, a couple of policy decisions were made
Murray, succeeded in 1972 by Major David M. Brahms, [by the Department of Defense], restricting how we
formerly the deputy SJA of the ist Marine Aircraft would do business," Major Brahms recalled. "One,
Wing in Da Nang. Major Brahms, along with there would be no 'propaganda statement' prosecu-
representatives from Headquarters' public affairs office tions [and] no charges would be brought against any
and the personnel division, continually reviewed the POW except by another POW."7 So the decision to
status and circumstances of Marine POWs.3 charge would not be that of the Department of
At the signing of the Agreement on Ending the War Defense or the Secretary of the Navy, but of the
and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. the North Viet- prisoners themselves.
namese provided the names of 555 American service- The policy to not charge former prisoners for
men held prisoner and 55 others who had died in propaganda statements was intended to ensure that
captivity. Twenty-six Marines were among the captives;
no prisoner would be tried for "confessions" or broad-
eight were reported to have died Forty-one POWs of casts made as a result or coercion or torture. The ex-
various Services had already been released by the Viet-
emption, necessarily broad, was eventually employed
namese. Operation Homecoming went into effect in defense of statements made under far less onerous
upon the signing of the peace agreement. At Head-
quarters Marine Corps Colonel Richard G. Moore was
the Judge Advocate Division's action officer for Prisoner Misconduct,' Charges
Homecoming.S* Air Force lawyers addressed legal is-
Eight enlisted men, three Marines and five soldi-
sues relating to the operation itself, although Lieu-
ers, and one Navy and one Marine officer were charged
tenant Colonel Joseph A. Mallets', Jr., and Major Neal
with misconduct while in the hands of the enemy.
T. Roundtree were legal advisors to the Marine Corps
Staff Sergeant Alfonso R. Riate, Sergeant Larry Able
5'After serving in Vietnam as a major and deputy SJA of Force
Kavanaugh, and Private Frederick L. Elbert, Jr., and
Logistic Command in 1968-69, Colonel Moore was SJA of the 3d five Army enlisted men, were charged with mutiny,
Marine Aircraft Wing at El Toro, then Deputy Director of the judge making propaganda statements, cooperating with the
Advocate Division. He then graduated from the State Department's enemy, disobedience of orders, and attempting to per-
year.lcsng Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, followed by duty as SJA.
suade other POWs to disobey orders. The charges
3d Marine Division, and a second assignment as SJA, 3d Marine
Aircraft Wing. After serving as Assistant Judge Advoca,e General against all eight were sworn to by Air Force Lieutenant
of the Navy for Military Law, he retired and was advanced to the Colonel Theodore Guy, himself a prisoner for five
grade of brigadier general on i May 1981. years.

- - is justified in being disappointed that the PW com-

mand structure was not ultimately

At a 1 June 1973 meeting with the Secretary of the
Navy, representatives of the Army, Navy, and Marine
Corps discussed their views of the charges to assure
a generally similar approach.1° After that meeting "we
sorted through the enlisted cases, first:' Major Brahms
recalled. "The Army decided, fairly early on, that they
did not want the problem and the Secretary of
- . .

the Navy pretty much decided the same thing."1'

On 22 June 1973 the ActingJudge Advocate Gener-
al of the Navy, Rear Admiral Horace B. Robertson, Jr.,
forwarded a lengthy memorandum to the Secretary,
reviewing the charges against the three enlisted Ma-
rines, discussing the legal issues, and recommending
possible courses of action. The admiral pointed out
that many of the charges were subject to the Depart-
ment of Defense policy against prosecuting propagan-
da statements made in captivity, and that other charges
technically failed to state an offense. He noted that
Marine Corps Historical Collection the cases would be long and drawn out and accompa-
Three enlisted Marines u'ere charged with misconduct nied by great publicity, that the possibility of convic-
while prisoners of the North Vietnamese. Two of them, tion was marginal, and that former POWs would be
SSgt Alfonso R. Riate, left, and Pet Frederick L. Elbert, called as witnesses and "would certainly be subjected
fr., are shown after returning to the United States. to the most rigorous and searching cross-examination
as to their own conduct and motives."t2 Even in the
The two officers. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel event of conviction, he noted, the likelihood of a sub-
Edison W. Miller and Navy Captain Walter E. "Gene" stantial sentence was small. In light of those facts, Ad-
Wilbur were charged with mutiny, failure to obey ord- miral Robertson recommended the charges be drop-
ers by accepting special favors from the enemy, making ped. On 3July, the Secretary of the Navy determined
propaganda statements, informing on fellow prisoners, that further proceedings against the enlisted Marines
attempting to persuade others to disobey orders, would be inappropriate. Six days before, Sergeant Able
wrongfully communicating the activities of fellow Kavanaugh had shot and killed himself. The two re-
prisoners to the enemy, and attempting to promote maining enlisted accuseds were given honorable dis-
mutiny, disloyalty, and insubordination among fellow charges.'3
POWs. Their accuser was Rear Admiral James B. Stock- The cases of Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Miller
dale, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his con- and Navy Captain Wilbur were addressed next. Lieu-
duct during the seven and a half years he was a tenant Colonel Miller was shot down over North Viet-
prisoner. Admiral Stockdale later said of his having nam and captured on 13 October 1967. He was held
to initiate the legal proceedings, "Let us hope that the captive for the next five years and four months. Cap-
U.S. government feels a little more sense of responsi- tain Wilbur was a prisoner for four years and eight
bility for seeing that justice is done after the next months. Among the charges still pending against the
prisoner return, and files its own charges."8 Major
General George S. Prugh, the Army'sJudge Advocate *ln discussing the prisoner's command structure while in enemy
General, agreed, saying: hands. Vice Admira] Stockdale wrote, "You would be doing most
of us ca-prisoners of Hanoi a favor (in discussing the creation of
Ir would have been useful for the Navy, Marine Corps. prisoner of war law) if you would just omit that term '4th Allied
and the Air Force to have supplied senior prosecutor types POW Wing - To most of us, references to this so-called '4th
to advise and assist the senior PWs in the drafting of charges. Allied Wing' make us [sick] . . I would just refer to it as the
. .

especially where the issue involved command in the PW com- prisoner underground organization." (VAdm james B. Stockdale ltr
pound by the senior officer present. That concept had not to author, dtd 28Jan89. Comment folder. Marines and Military Law
been tested in law - .. Certainly Admiral Stockdale
. in Vietnam file, MCHC.)

two were soliciting fellow prisoners to mutiny, refus- it was General Cushman's decision . . . and ultimately, of
ing to obey lawful orders, accepting special favors from course, the Secretary's."
the enemy. and informing against fellow prisoners. In the Commandant's office on the second deck of
Lieutenant Colonel Miller's assigned defense coun- the Navy Annex, Secretary Warner conferred with the
sel was Captain John L. Euler, senior defense counsel Commandant, the Assistant Commandant, General
at Camp Pendleton and formerly a defense counsel Earl E. Anderson, and Brigadier General DeBarr. The
at Force Logistic Command in Vietnam.' Miller later decision was not a simple one, General Anderson later
retained civilian counsel. Secretary of the Navy John noted.'6 As Brigadier General DeBarr remembered:
Warner assumed personal control of the two officer 'The evidence and the circumstances of the case were
cases. He sought the recommendation of the Com- reviewed. It was the position of the Marine Corps to
mandant of the Marine Corps in Miller's case. As Major try the case, but it was evident. . . that the case could
Brahms recalled: not be successfully prosecuted. It was then that Gener-
The Marine Corps initially thought that prosecuting Miller al Cushman signed the letter prepared by Major
was probably the right way to go. I was called in one Satur-
day morning by my boss [Brigadier General John R. De-
Brahms."7 General Anderson recalled that "it was a
Barr. Director of the judge Advocate DivisionI and told. "The very difficult decision for General Cushman to make,
Commandant [General Robert E. Cushman.Jr.1 wants a let- but he realized the constraints placed on him and
ter to the Secretary of the Navy on his position regarding reluctantly took his final position."8
prosecuting Miller' ... I went through all the evidence again
Secretary Warner considered the advice of the Corn-
and wrote a couple of pages that concluded that prosecu-
tion was not called for.., and [the Commandantl signed mandant and the Judge Advocate General of the Navy
it. without change . . . lt obviously was not my decision and personally interviewed 19 former POWs before
Sgt Lany A. Kavanaugh is greeted at Clark Air Force Base soon after his release. Kavanaugh
committed suicide six days before it was announcedthat he would not be court-martialed
Department of Defense Photo (USAF)

administrative grounds that the censure be removed.

In 1982, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Man-
power and Reserve Affairs, John S. Harrington, un-
der whose purview such matters fell, rejected BCNR's
recommendation. Miller sued the Secretary of the
Navy in United States District Court, seeking removal
of the censure. In 1985 the district court agreed with
BCNR and ordered the censure removed.' That de-
cision was appealed by the Navy, resulting in reversal
of the district court's order by the District of Colum-
bia Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals did,
however, order BCNR to decide whether or not Miller's
conduct as a POW merited the letter of censure given
12 years before.22 In a later cover memo on a letter to
Vice Admiral Stockdale, apprising him of the status
of the case, David Brahms, by then a brigadier gener-
al and Director of the Judge Advocate Division, wrote,
"Fourteen years and we are still wrestling with Miller,
Department of Defense Photo USMC) A26909
Finally, on 17 May 1988 BCNR determined that
The only Marine Corps officer charged with miscon- there were indeed grounds for a letter of censure. It
duct while a prisoner of the Vietnamese was LtCol Edi- remains in Colonel Miller's permanent military
son W Miler left Here he is greeted by LtGen Louis record.24
H. Wilson, Commanding General, FMFPac, on 16 "The bottom line:' General Brahms later said, "is
February 1973, as he first arrives in the United States.
that we decided to let everybody off." He continued:
deciding to dismiss the charges against Miller and Wil- I think 1 would Itodayl recommend we try those people
bur. He did issue both of them administrative letters lt's probably necestary to get . . the definitive judge.
of censure. Captain Wilbur accepted his letter and re- ment, and in this country the only way to do that is in court
tired from the Navy. Lieutenant Colonel Miller's let- 1f I had to do it all over again, and had any input,
I would feel strongly enough to take them to court-martial.25
ter of censure read, in part:
After deciding against trying the returned POWs,
I have reached the judgement that your conduct. . . failed
to meet those high standards which are required of an officer the last echo of the Asian war still had not been heard.
You placed your personal comfort and welfare above From a Lawyer's Case File.' Wzrtime Acts, Post-Jir Trial
that of your fellow prisoners of war, But of greater serious-
ness, your conduct, at times and for extended periods, was Marine Corps judge advocates addressed the after-
severely detrimental to both the welfare and morale of your math of the Vietnam war for years after the peace ac-
fellow prisoners.ts
cords were signed. Even before the war ended, Marine
Prior to his repatriation, Miller had been selected Corps lawyers who had not served in the combat zone
for promotion to the grade of colonel. Although the were trying cases that had their genesis in Vietnam.
Headquarters Marine Corps POW screening board had One such case was the LTnited States o. Sergeant Jon
been aware of Miller's conduct while a prisoner, they M. Sweeney. Sweeney joined Company M, 3d Battal-
had not reported it to the promotion board, not want- ion, 9th Marines in January 1969 as a private first class,
ing to interfere with the regular administrative pro- and quickly earned a poor reputation. His battalion
motion process before Miller had an opportunity to commander, Lieutenant Colonel Elliott R. Laine, jr..
respond to the allegations against him.2° remembered that "about all he'd do was feed him-
Freed of court-martial charges, Miller was promot- self."26 Two weeks after his arrival, during Operation
ed to colonel and retired for physical disability. He im- Dewey Canyon, Sweeney's company was heavily en-
mediately applied to the Board for Correction of Naval gaged. In the midst of the action Captain Thomas F.
Records (BCNR) for removal of the letter of censure Hinkle, the company commander, was repeatedly ad-
from his record. After two hearings and an amazing vised by radio that Sweeney. or "Sierra," as he was
seven years' consideration, BCNR recommended on referred to on the radio, could not keep up with his

Marine Corps Historical Collection

Sgt Jon M. Sweeney in Hanoi shortly after his re/ease by the North Vietnamese. He was
later triedfor misconduct while a prisoner His general court-martial ended in acquittal.
unit and had fallen behind? Sweeney's company was script of the broadcast read, in part: "Stage a strike
the battalion's point company, which was fighting to against the war . . . Refuse to obey any orders which

wrest high ground from the enemy. Captain Hinkle would endanger your life . . . Stage mass demon-

later testifìed, "My point commander informed me strations . . . I came to Vietnam in February '69 and

that he was having difficulties with the character 'Sier- I crossed over to the side of the Vietnamese people
ra' . . I told him to leave him in his position and
. . two weeks later." The speaker signed off, "Jon M.
I would be up there with the senior corpsman. and Sweeney, USMC, deserter." Fifteen other broadcasts
we'd take a look at him." Captain Hinkle found followed in the next five months. Some urged racially
Sweeney lying on the ground. His squad had already oriented disobedience: "Black brothers, you must
shouldered all his gear except his rifle and ammuni- unite . . Your fight is in the streets and cities of
. .

tion. According to Captain Hinkle, "The senior corps- the United States . . . Refuse to serve as cannon fod-

man looked at him . - . . He said there was nothing der for the white oppressors." Others praised the ene-
wrong with him, physically. And I told him to move my: "I am grateful to the Vietnamese people for letting
out and rejoin his people, and he said he couldn't me take part in their noble cause." Still others coun-
make it." Disgusted, Captain Hinkle told Sweeney to selled desertion: "I'll inform you of the different ways
wait for the rear guard which would be passing by to leave while on R & R, and then I will . . . tell you
within a few minutes, then left to rejoin the engaged how to desert in Vietnam." As long as the circum-
lead element of his company. When the rear guard stances of the broadcasts remained unknown, however,
arrived they could not locate Sweeney. He had disap- Sweeney was continued in a POW status and, in ac-
peared. When the firefight waned, a search was con- cordance with Marine Corps policy, promoted at the
ducted. Only Sweeney's weapon and ammunition were same rate as his nonprisoner contemporaries. That
found. eventually proved difficult to explain to the military
Nine months later a North Vietnamese broadcast, judge in Sweeney's prosecution for collaboration.
beamed to U.S. forces in Vietnam, was monitored by
the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service.* A tran- In a debriefing conducted soon after his release,
Sweeney alleged that he had originally been captured
*Lleulenant Colonel Laine, Sweeney's battalion commander. when he wandered from where he was left by his com-
recalls that Sweeney, using a false name but his correct service num- pany commander and, three days later, he was taken
ber. made broadcasts within two weeks of his disappearance while
Operation Dewey Canyon was still in progress. Those broadcasts
prisoner. Over the next month, according to Sweeney,
were not offered as evidence in Sweeney's subsequent court-martial. he twice unsuccessfully attempted escape. After that,

he said he was held in Hanoi for a year and a half, was operating on behalf of the enemy. the Court apparendy
although not with any other prisoners. On 25 August was persuaded to accept his allegation that he did all of this
1970, for reasons not explained by the North Viet- under some type of duress°
namese, Sweeney was released. Holding a North Viet- Admiral Stockdale, who later derided "our courts,
namese passport, he was escorted to Sweden with spring-loaded to excuse any action to which the general
intermediate stops in Peking and Moscow. At a Stock- term coercion is attached," might have predicted the
holm press conference Sweeney admitted that he had trial's outcome.3' On lii August the military judge
stayed with the enemy to engage in propaganda ac- found the accused not guilty of all charges. Colonel
tivities against American troops. He added, "The rea- Benjamin B. Ferrell. Quantico's Staffjudge Advocate,
son why I do not want to return to the U.S. is not only called the case "the greatest miscarriage of justice that
because punishment is waiting for me there. I have I witnessed in the Marine Corps."32 Sweeney was
changed sides."28 honorably discharged as a sergeant.
An interview of Sweeney by Mr. Mike Wallace was Deserters in the Hands of the Enemy
shown on the CBS Evening News on 27 November
On 8 November 1967 Private Earl C. Weatherman
1970. Sweeney acknowledged making anti-American
escaped from the III MAF brig in a truck that had been
propaganda broadcasts for the enemy. The interview
filled with sandbags. He had been convicted of several
was later entered in evidence at Sweeney's court-
relatively minor offenses at a 22 September 1967 spe-
martial, as was a Communist television news clip aired
cial court-martial and sentenced to five months con-
in Vietnam just after Sweeney's release, in which he
finement and a bad conduct discharge. After his
made further incriminating statements.
escape, while en route to see a girl friend in a village
Sweeney did return to the United States, and upon
near Chu Lai, he was captured by the enemy He sub-
his arrival was placed under military apprehension (ar-
sequently defected to the Viet Cong and assisted in
rest). A Marine Corps intelligence debriefer noted that
their propaganda effort by making propaganda broad-
Sweeney's activities while a captive were not explored:
casts and signing a propaganda leaflet. The Marine
"The nature of that of which he was suspected -
Corps listed him as a deserter in the hands of the ene-
collaboration with the enemyand the fact he had
mv.33 Despite his actions, some American prisoners
an appointed military lawyer [Captain Carter LaPradel
who were held in the same camp as Weatherman be-
to represent him during the conduct of the debrief-
lieved that he never really accepted the propaganda
ing precluded thorough exploitation."29
he was himself spreading. That view may be correct,
Sweeney, a sergeant by the time he was released, was
for he later was again considered by the VC to be a
charged with deserting his unit in combat, running
prisoner, and on 1 April 1968 he was shot and killed
from the enemy, and communicating with the enemy
while attempting to escape.34 The only other Marine
by broadcasting disloyal statements. (The Department
in the Vietnam war to be listed as a deserter in the
of Defense policy against trying former POWs for state-
hands of the enemy was Private First Class Robert R.
ments made in captivity had not yet been formulated.)
Garwood, who reportedly had convinced Weatherman
Sweeney's general court-martial convened at Quantico,
to go over to the enemy.
Virginia, on 15,,June 1971. He was represented by Cap-
tain James R. O'Connell and Mr. Gerald AIch of Mas- White VC?.' Robert R. Garwood
sachusetts. The trial counsels were Captains William The longest court-martial in Marine Corps history,
D. Palmer and Clyde R. Christofferson. The military tried long after the war's end by judge advocates who
judge, hearing the case without members, was Cap- had not been to Vietnam, was also grounded in events
tain "B" Raymond Perkins, JAGC, USN. that occurred in the combat zone. On the evening of
Brigadier General Clyde R. Mann. then Director of 28 September 1965, Private Robert R. Garwood, a
theJudge Advocate Division. wrote of the 10-day trial: driver assigned to the 3d Marine Division motor pool,
We had trouble convincing the [military judge] that he left on what he said was an official mn within the di-
had voluntarily aided the enemy, as the evidence indicat- vision headquarters area.35 Instead, he drove to Da
ed. After the Government had made a puma fiucie Nang, passed the Marine checkpoint near the beach,
case. . . . Sweeney raised an affirmative defense. . . admit- and continued toward the village of Cam Hai, where
ting that he did do certain things. . but claimed that he
several VC attacked and captured him. The jeep was
did them because someone held a gun to his head. In the
absence of a rebuttal witness, and in view of our lack of partially dismantled then burned. For the next year
response during his captivity and during the time . . . he and eight months Garwood was a prisoner of war, held

in the regional detention camp, Camp Khu, north-

west of Da Nang, along with two U.S. Army prisoners.
On 17 December 1965, three months after Gar-
wood's disappearance, the 3d Marine Division recom-
mended to Headquarters Marine Corps that his status
be changed from missing to presumed captured. The
recommendation was based on an anti-American
broadcast and on propaganda leaflets, all written and
signed by Garwood. Despite the broadcast and leaflets,
his duplicity was not considered confirmed and as in
Sweeney's case the Marine Corps promoted him,
although missing, to the grade of private first class.
Neil Sheehan, a civilian war correspondent during
the Vietnam war, later wrote:
Those whom the Viet Cong thought they could convert
to their cause . [rhey[ "reeducared' ... at clandestine
prison camps in remote areas with indoctrination courses
that consisted of work. lectures, political study. and primi-
tive diet. The average confinement was chree co six months,
after which the prisoners were released36
Marine Corps Historical Collection
In May 1967, after repeated indoctrination sessions,
The accused in the longest court-martial in Marine
Garwood, like Sweeney and several other Americans
Corps history was Pt't Robert R. Garwood His boot
before him, was offered his release. He was given, and
camp photograph was taken in October 1963.
for the remainder of his time in Vietnam carried, an
undated "Order of Release."* It was written in English, National Liberation Front. He adopted the Viet-
apparently so Garwood would recognize its impor- namese name Nguyen Chien Dau and joined the ene-
tance, and it bore the seal and authorizing signature my. As a member of the Military Proselytizing Section
of the "Central Trung Bo National Liberation Front of Military Region 5, he taped and wrote propaganda
Committee," apparently so any Vietnamese would messages, made loudspeaker broadcasts near Marine
similarly appreciate its significance. It read, in part: Corps positions, and assisted in guarding and indoc-
Carrying out the lenient and humanitarian policy of the trinating U.S. prisoners in the MR-5 POW camp lo-
South Vietnam National Front for Liberation toward prisoner cated in the village of Tra Khe, Tra Bong District,
of war .... Basing on the improvement of the prisoner. Quang Ngai Province. Garwood lived with the camp
The Central Trung Bo National Front for Liberation decides
guards outside the compound and, when not in the
The prisoner: Bobby R. Garwood . . . . Captured on: Sep.
tember 28, 1965 at: Cam Hai village. Quangnain province camp, was armed with a rifle or pistol. He dressed as
be released. From now on Bobby can enjoy freedom and is the guards did and had freedom of movement both
not allowed to take arms or do anything against the South within and outside the camp. He frequently ques-
Vietnamese people.37 tioned U.S. prisoners and, as with Weatherman, con-
Unlike those who had been offered release before tinually urged them to "cross over," as he had. In a
him, Garwood declined and instead asked to join the surprisingly short period Garwood became fluent in
Vietnamese and often acted as an interpreter for the
*After the conclusion of Garwood's general court-martial, his North Vietnamese when they interrogated American
defense counsel inadvertently delivered the Order of Release. among prisoners.
a sheaf of other material, to Major Werner Helmet, Garwood's
prosecutor. Helmet wrote, "I noticed that a piece of paper -
In July 1968 Garwood was given officer status in the
was protruding slightly from one of the binders. When I first opened National Liberation Front and promoted to a grade
up the sheet it looked like the standard release order given other equivalent to second lieutenant38 About a year later,
prisoners of war who were released [and returned to U.S. controlJ Garwood had a conversation with POW Bernhard
during the 1968.69 time frame. Upon closer examination I noticed Diehl. a German nurse who, along with four other
Garwood's name, age and other information!" Here was proof that
Garwood had been freed by his captors. (LrCol Werner Hellmer
German nurses, three of whom were female, had been
ltr to author. dtd 2Mar89, Garwood folder, Marines and Military captured by the North Vietnamese in April 1969. in Vietnam file, MCHC.) Diehl later related that he asked Garwood how he


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Document courtesy of LrCol Werner 1-leilmer. USMC

U'brn. faded and Jò/ded after years of having been carried Garwood's re/ease order was
evidence that he had been re/eased in May 1967 and yo/u ntarily remained with the enemy.

came to work for the Viet Cong. and Garwood a living breathing traitor who bad taken up arms on
responded, "I don't think the Americans have suffered behalf of the enemy and had no compunction about
any great loss because I chose to fight on the other helping to hold American troops in vile captivity."°
side. In any case, so many Americans are fighting with Treason is an offense not addressed by the Uniform
the South Vietnamese; why shouldn't there be a few Code of Military Justice. Aiding the enemy and mis-
fighting with the North?"39 Author John Hubbell conduct as a prisoner, Articles 104 and 105, are mili-
wrote in his history of the Vietnam ow experience: tary offenses, each punishable by confinement at hard
"Bobby Garwood was hard to believe, but he was real, labor for life.

Throughout the war reports were heard of "white my. Even though the Marines fired at him the Cauca-
VC," American turncoas engaged in combat on the sian did not appear to be hit. Captain (later brigadier
side of the enemy. Several Americans were suspected general) Brandtner was aware of reports that Garwood
of such activity, and Garwood was repeatedly men- was suspected to be in that area and believed the man
tioned in intelligence reports as possibly fighting for he saw with the enemy was indeed Garwood.
the VC.' When guarding POWs, Garwood made no After 1969 Garwood was not seen in the POW
secret of his participation in combat against Ameri- camps. A Headquarters Marine Corps POW screen-
can forces.42 Army Sergeant First Class Robert Lewis, ing board (a member of which was judge advocate
a prisoner for six years, recounted in a sworn statement: Lieutenant Colonel Michael Patrick Mu rrav) suggest-
"Garwood told me on a couple of occasions that he ed in 1972 that he had "gone to Moscow for training:'
was shot at by the U.S. forces he was talking to, and and concluded that 'PFC Garwood is still alive and
that he came very close to being captured by U.S. probably still aiding the VC/NVA in SVN."°
forces. Garwood often bragged about close calls he In early 1979, in Hanoi, Garwood passed a note to
had." a Finnish businessman associated with the United Na-
On 15 July 1968 a ist Force Reconnaissance Com- tions: "I am American in Viet Nam. Are you interest-
pany patrol reported contact with a 20- to 25-man ene- ed? Robert Russell Garwood. 2069669 USMC."SI On
mv force. At a range of 20 meters the Marines opened 22 March. 13 years and 6 months after he was cap-
fire. Four patrol members identified one of the ene- tured, Garwood flew from Hanoi to Bangkok and was
my as Caucasian, and they all heard him cry. 'Help met by a contingent of diplomatic, press, and mili-
me!" as he fell, wounded. The patrol broke contact tary officials. Among them was Captain Joseph Com-
to escape the larger enemy force and reported that they posto, the Marine Corps defense counsel assigned to
had killed a Caucasian. Based upon the patrol's represent Garwood.
report the ist Battalion. 5th Marines searched the area Robert R. Garwood, born in April 1946, had com-
of the contact for the body or a grave. "Suspect white pleted two years of high school with two arrests for
male to be American reported in several other actions minor offenses as a juvenile, before joining the Ma-
with NVA UflitS," (he battalion's orders read. But rine Corps.52 He had been on active duty for 23
neither body nor grave were found. The reconnaissance months when he was captured. Before arriving in Viet-
patrol's 10 members were shown photographs of cap- nam, he had several psychiatric consultations and had
tured and missing persons. Four believed that Gar- been diagnosed as a "passive-aggressive personality
wood was the man they had shot. A message from ii! with manipulative interpersonal relationships." He
MAF to Saigon, substantiated by a later counterintel- also received nonjudicial punishment five times for
ligence investigation, read, "it is considered probable minor infractions, usually involving brief unauthorized
that the Caucasian is in fact Garwood."46 Army Pri- absences. Because his activities in the enemy camp had
vate First Class james A. Strickland. a prisoner some- been known and corroborated by numerous intelli-
times guarded by Garwood, said, after his release: "No, gence sources. Garwood. unlike POWs, had not been
Bob Garwood wasn't killed by the Marine patrol. He promoted beyond the grade of private first class while
left our camp in July . . . - He went to the hospital in a missing status.
during this time [but] there was nothing to indicate His return from Vietnam was carefully planned.
Garwood had been wounded." However, later med- Captain Composto noted that, "Planning and
ical examination of Garwood revealed, besides a preset- guidance came directly from CMC by classified mes-
vice gunshot wound to his right upper arm, a gunshot sage and secure voice transmission . . . . My job was
wound in his right lower arm, as well as shrapnel to stand by and advise Garwood. should he desire it."
wounds of the back, neck, and arm. Also, Garwood In Washington, at Headquarters Marine Corps' Judge
told examining doctors of having received blood trans- Advocate Division, Lieutenant Colonel Brahms was
fusions after being wounded.48 detailed to coordinate legal aspects of Garwood's
In September or October 1969, a year after the return, assisted by Captains William T. Anderson and
reconnaissance patrol's encounter with the white VC. James E. L. Sezy, who addressed military justice and
Captain Martin L. Brandtner commanded Company administrative law issues, respectivelv5 The Comman-
D. Ist Battalion, 5th Marines in an operation in "Ari- dant, General Louis H. Wilson. jr.. wanted to ensure
zona Territory." During a firefight he saw a Caucasian that Garwood was treated no differently than any other
who appeared to be pointing out targets for the ene- Marine returning from a lengthy unauthorized ab-

Marine Corps Historical Coilernon

Just after his release, Garwoodand his appointed military counsel, Gap: Joseph Composto,
talk over the roar of a C-130 's engines on the flight from Bangkok, Thailand to Okinawa.

sence. General Wilson took pains to ensure that if North Carolina, on 11 March 1980. Garwood, then a
court-martial charges were brought against Garwood 33-year-old private first class, pleaded not guilty to
the case would not be complicated by failure to desertion, soliciting American forces to refuse to fight
promptly advise him of his rights, including those to and to defect. maltreatment of two American prisoners
counsel and against self-incrimination. In a letter to he was guarding, and communicating with the enemy
the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State coordinating by wearing their uniform, carrying their arms, and ac-
Garwood's return. General Wilson wrote: "I must in- cepting a position as interrogator/indoctrinator in the
sist that the following sequence of events take place enemy's forces. The maximum punishment for the
to insure that full legai rights of PFC G-arwood are pro- combined offenses was death, but the base command-
tected," and he detailed the scenario he required. 'Im- ing general, the convening authority, referred the case
mediately, repeat immediately, advise Garwood of his to trial as noncapital,
full legal rights. This advice must be the first words
Pretrial motions and unforeseen delays pushed the
spoken to Garwood . . . . The warning must be wit-
actual trial back more than eight months. The mili-
nessed by a third party. . . A tape recording of the
tary judge was Colonel Robert E. Switzer. Initially,
foregoing events will be made."56 The Commandant
Garwood was defended by Mr. Dermot G. Foley of
went on to specify the precise wording of the warn-
New York City. Defense counsel Captain Composto
ings to be given, essentially those given prior to ques-
was released by Garwood, as was a second appointed
tioning any suspect. General Wilson's instructions were
defense counsel, Captain Dale W. Miller, both of
carried out, witnessed in writing by the American Con-
whom had tactical differences with Mr. Foley. A month
sul in Bangkok.
after the trial opened, Captain Lewis R. Olshin was
Garwood's biographers, in an otherwise negative as- appointed as military defense counsel. Still later, but
sessment of the military, describe his court-martial say- well before the first witness appeared, Mr. John Lowe
ing: "There was a certain correctness in everything the of Charlottesville. Virginia, a former Army judge ad-
Marine Corps did, an air of playing fair. Hard but vocate. joined the defense ream as lead counsel. Two
fair." Garwood's court convened at Camp Lejeune, weeks later he was joined by his associate, Mr. Vaughn

through 14 witnesses, nine of whom were former

POWs. The month-long defense case was primarily
psychiatric testimony urging that Garwood's initial
captivity had been so brutal as to cause him to act as
he later did without the mental responsibility neces-
sary to make his acts punishable.
Throughout the Vietnam War and its aftermath
civilian defense lawyers often prevailed in courts-
martial of heightened visibility and public interest.
On 5 February 1981 it was the Marine Corps' and Major
Hellmer's turn. Eleven months after convening, after
92 trial days, more than 60 defense motions, 3,833
pages of transcript, and two days of deliberation by
the members, Garwood was convicted of communicat-
ing with the enemy and assaulting a POW. He was
sentenced to reduction to private, loss of all pay and
allowances, and a dishonorable discharge. No confine-
ment was imposed and Garwood was immediately dis-
charged from the Marine Corps.
Like Edison Miller's case, Robert Garwood's inched
through military appellate forums and civilian courts
for several more years. While his case was still under
appellate review, Garwood sought immunity for any
Marine Corps Historical Collection
Garwood'c militaiy counsel during h::c general court- PFC Garwood's civilian defense team, shown during
martial was Capt Lewis R. 0/shin. The last u/three trial. Garwood stands beside former Army judge ad-
military lawyers who represented Garwood, Capt 0/- vocate Vaughn E. Taylor, center, and John Lowe.
shin was appointed a month after the court convened Marine Corps Historical Collection

E. Taylor. Reflecting dissension in the defense camp.

Mr. Foley left the case shortly after the arrival of Lowe
and Taylor, taking with him many critical defense files.
Mr. Taylor, newly discharged from the Army, had re-
cently been an instructor at the Judge Advocate Gener-
al's school, where he had a large part in drafting the
mental responsibility instructions included in the mili-
tary judges' handbook. The crux of the defense case
was to be Garwood's mental responsibility.
Trial counsel was Captain Werner Helimer (recent-
ly selected for promotion to the grade of major), as-
sisted by Captain Teresa J. Wright. Ironically, Marine
Captain Helimer had attended the Army's JAG school
where one of his instructors had been then-Captain
Taylor. Captain Heilmer came late to the prosecution,
after the trial counsel who had conducted the Article
32 investigation returned to civilian life. Adding to
Captain Hellmer's considerable burden, the Garwood
trial was the first general court-martial he had ever par-
ticipated in.
The case was tried before five officer members. Over
11 days the government presented its case-in-chief

Marine Corps Historical Collection

Trial counsels in the Garwood court-martial were Capti Werner Helimer and Teresa J.
lVnght. The conduct of the military judge created potentially serious appellate issues.
offenses he might be charged with having committed tain evidence. In a decision eventually concurred in
between 1970 and 1980 the years when charges of by the United States Court of Military Appeals, Ma-
collaboration were still a possibility if new evidence rine Corps Colonel James S. May, an appellate judge
arosein return for information he claimed to have on the Court of Military Review, wrote: "We find in-
regarding American POWs still in enemy hands. But excusable the decision by the trial judge here to in-
there was "a rea! possibility that the Court [of Mili- volve himself in the clearly predictable media interest
tary Appeals may reverse the court-martial convic- in this case . . . . There is very' simply, no justification
tion," wrote the General Counsel of the Navy.60 In a or excuse."83 But the court went on to note that the
handwritten addendum to his memorandum to Secre- judge's indiscretions were not shared by or with the
tary of the Navy John Lehman, the General Counsel members who had decided Garwood's guilt or inno-
added: "This guy will cause lots of grief irrespective cencc. and that the military judge had maintained an
of what is done. He's no good and I wouldn't believe unbiased in-court decorum throughout the trial. Gar-
him."6' General Paul X. Kelley, Commandant of the wood's conviction was affirmed by the Court of Mili-
Marine Corps, agreed, saying: "I find this whole bus- tary Review and, later, the Court of Military Appeals.
iness to be repugnant. How do we explain a grant of l-lis later appeal to the United States Supreme Court
immunity to the families of the 50 thousand KIAs in was denied.
RVN?"62 Immunity was not granted and no informa-
Although Garwood was not promoted beyond pri-
tion was offered by Garwood.
vate first class while he was classified as missing. the
The principal issue on appeal and the basis for the
lesson of the Sweeney case had been forgotten, for
General Counsel's fear that the case might be over-
neither had he been declared a deserter.65* Neverthe-
turned. was the conduct of the military judge, Colonel
Switzer, during trial. While the court-martial was in *In 1977. a Headquarters Marine Corps POW screening board
progress, and in violation of his own instructions, he had recommended chat Garwood's status be changed from prisoner
had granted several interviews to reporters, and had of war to deserter. At the time of his return to U.S. control that
been interviewed on the CBS Evening News and the administrative action had not been completed, though his conduct
ABC program, "Nightline." In those interviews he was documented and well-known. (HQMC. Judge Advocate Divi-
sion comment on Review Board Report RLP;caw of 28Sep77, dtd
voiced his opinions of the defense trial tactics, credi- 29Aug78. Garwood folder. Marines and Military law in Vietnam
bility of a defense witness, and the relevance of cer- file. MCHC.)

authority's staff judge advocate during Garwood's

pretrial maneuvering. He noted:
I recommended, initially .. that we should never try
the Garwood case; that we should give him an administra-
tive discharge . . . . Give him a kick in the ass and send
him out, and it wouldn't have cost us a penny .. Every

witness that we had to call back, primarily, was a former

prisoner of war, and if anybody knows anything about
prisoners of war, those guys went through hell. They all had
to come back and. . . admit to the public those things which
they had done under horrible conditions - . . . I worcied
about the Garwood case.87
But, as Admiral Stockdale suggested in alluding to
Garwood's psychiatric defense, other considerations
were involved in bringing Garwood to justice:
Marine Corps Historical Collection hope that America will salvage from the tragic case
PFC Robert R. Garwood was the only Manne convict- of PFC Roben R. Garwood... a dear definition of the stan-
ed of misconduct while in the hands o/the enemy. dard of conduct tobe demanded of any future POWs.
To try to claim "brainwashing" or "breaking' would never
Here he appears to he wearing a POW bracelet. do. It just doesn't happen that way . . . Prisoner miscon-

duct charges ... do not pertain to pain thresholds. depres.

less, upon his return from Vietnam his application for
sion of isolation, interrupted consciousness, disconcinuities
almost 14 years' back pay was refused by a Marine of judgement patterns oc temporary factors of any sort. The
Corps disbursing officer. Deserters may not be paid charges are about character ....Garwood's case is a partic-
for the period of their desertion, and the disbursing ularly sad case, but to conclude from ir that one's responsi.
officer, supported by Headquarters Marine Corps, con- bility for long.crm actions can be absolved by some sort
of hypnotic "whammv" ... would be dead wrong68
sidered Garwood to have been a deserter from the date
of his initial capture, despite the lack of official clas- Why was Garwood tried, while others, including a
sification as such. Several months before his court- Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, were not? That ques-
martial convened, Garwood filed suit in the U.S. Court tion, too. was an appellate issue addressed by the Court
of Claims for $146,749.24 in back pay and allowances, of Military Review. The court wrote: 'the specific cir-
as well as for promotions that were, he alleged. wrong- cumstances of this case are an appropriate reference
fully denied him. The Court of Claims case was stayed point to determine the extent, if any. of arbitrari.
until the court-martial proceedings were concluded. ness."69 The' found, as did the court of Military Ap-
On 6 September 1984. three and a half years after his peals, that Garwood was in a category by himself: "We
court-martial conviction, the U.S. Claims Court (form- have some doubt whether he even makes a colorable
erly the U.S. Court of Claims) granted the govern- claim that there were others similarly situated against
ment's motion for summary judgement, thereby whom his treatment can be measured."70
denying Garwooci's claim to back pay and promo- Garwood was the only former prisoner of war of any
tions. Armed Service convicted of acts committed while with
The longest and most expensive court-martial in the enemynot for acts committed while a prisoner.
Marine Corps history was over. Colonel Joseph R. for his prisoner status ended the day he refused release
Motelewski, who had been the chief of staff of the 3d and asked to remain with the enemy. Robert R.
Marine Division in Vietnam, was the convening Garwood was the enemy.

Mopping Up
Drugs, Race, Dissent; Same Problems, New Venues Vietnam Finale. Bien Hoa and the Rose Garden
Perspective The Uniform Code of Military Justice: Did It lVork in Vietnam? Summation

American forces continued to redeploy from Viet- nal recruits, or discharging large numbers of
nam after the last combat unit left Da Nang and while substandard Marines, the flow of administrative dis-
the prisoner of war cases were progressing toward reso- charges was curtailed in 1972. Brigadier General Wil-
lution. Meanwhile, on Marine Corps bases through- liam H. J. Tjernan, a former Director of the Judge
out the world, issues and problems that arose during Advocate Division, noted that "the situation was a clas-
the war continued to affect not only lawyer's caseloads, sic Catch 22.' On the one hand, we were bogged down
but morale and readiness as well. Drug use remained with thousands of substandard individuals who never
endemic. Racial conflict continued to divide the ranks. could be productive Marines, and on the other hand
Dissent and disobedience still plagued commanders. we were imposing quotas on the number we could di-
Judge advocates remained overburdened with cases, spose of out of fear of a declining end strength."
some of which had arisen in Vietnam to be tried else- Nevertheless, Major General Edwin B. Wheeler, the
where. Marines of every occupational specialty con- Marine Corps' manpower chief, told commanders that
tinued to deal with the aftermath and echoes of the "in the past, our approach has been, 'If they don't
war long after the last round was fired. measure up, kick 'em out.' Our course now, in order
Drugs, Race, Dissent. Same Problems, New Venues to preserve our numbers is: 'If they don't measure up.
work with them until they do.' " The tilt towards
A month after the Marines left Vietnam, Lieutenant
numbers as opposed to quality was supposed to be
General William K. Jones, Commanding General, overcome by traditional Marine Corps leadership skills,
Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, in addressing a symposi- but that hope was not fulfilled. Discipline suffered
um of general officers at Headquarters Marine Corps, and court-martial rates increased. Desertions rose un-
til, in 1975, the desertion rate was the highest it had
Drug abuse, racial incidents, permissiveness fallout. This ever been. General Louis H. Wilson,Jr., who succeed-
triple challenge is not an easy one to grasp and it is going
ro be even more difficult to solve . . . We can issue direc-
ed General Cushman as Commandant in 1975, wrote
tives and these will have the same general effect as the old in a report to the Senate Armed Services Committee:
"There will be no more V.D' orders. Yet, there must be so-
Recent criticism of the quality of Marine Corps person-
lutions and we must find them, quickly.'
nel is largely founded in such categories as unauthorized ab-
General Leonard E Chapman, Jr., Commandant of sence. desertion, drug abuse, and enlistment of non-high
school graduates. These problems stem almost entirely from
the Maxine Corps, added, "There are organizations like
past acceptance of excessive numbers of substandard appli.
the Movement for a Democratic Military that advo- canta . . . The Marine Corps . .
. enlisted a significant

cate eliminating discipline in the Armed Forces. They number of persons who simply did not meet existing qual-
advocate such things as electing officers . . . eliminat- ity standards, a fact reflected in subsequent disciplinary
ing the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the statistics.
like."2 Civilian labor unions attempted unionization The Commandant continued:
of the Armed Forces. Later, General Robert E. Gush-
Marine Corps court.martial rates have tended to be hsgher
man, Jr., General Chapman's successor as Comman- than those of the other services. This condition can be ex-
dant, recalled with frustration: plained in part by the fact that the Corps has a much higher
Vietnam was over, yet we were still being told to take percentage (55 percent in FY 75) of personnel under 22 years
so many Group lVs. . . . We just had a hell of a time of age than the average for all the military services (34 per-
with quality. . I was always massaging the numbers and
. .
cent in F's' 75). A second factor has been the fact that Ma-
trying to get the mental Group IVs down to the lowest Pos. rine Corps commanders have consistently adhered to high
sible level and the high school graduates up as far as we could standards . . . and disciplinary processes have resulted in
You had to lower your standards somewhat to keep punishments that reflect thisY
the number of people up to near the authorized strength.
Upon becoming Commandant, General Wilson
To maintain Congressionally ordered manpower lev- directed a return to higher disciplinary standards
els without accepting an excessive number of margi- without regard to maintaining numbers. "If we can't

find enough fine young men who want to bear the guided instruction for all Marines, officer and enlist-
title 'Marine,' then we're simply going down in ed, in racial issues. The Marine Corps Human Rda-
strength."8 He ordered the early discharge of over 4,000 dons Institute at San Diego, California, was designated
marginal and unsuitable Marines and initiated new a formal Marine Corps School. The Advisory Commit-
recruiting standards that emphasized high school tee for Minority Affairs, composed of prominent
graduation as a prerequisite to enlistment.9 It took minority civilians, advised the Commandant on equal
time for those initiatives to have effect in the field. opportunity matters.'3 Bernard C. Nalty, author of a
Meanwhile, through the mid-1970s judge advocates history of black Americans in the military wrote:
mopped up the disciplinary aftermath of the war. "These efforts seemed to be paying off ....Com-
Brigadier General John R. DeBarr, Director of the pared with the draftees inducted during the latter
Judge Advocate Division from 1973 to 1976. recalled: stages of the Vietnam War, the black volunteers [of
"Those were tough years." He noted that at one time. the mid-1970sJ were less likely to be streetwise advo-
besides the usual courts-martial, 20 cases were pend- cates of black power who would take offense at in-
ing in various Federal District courts in which the Ma- justices, real or imagined, and lash out violently."
rine Corps was the defendant. Most of those suits were From 1970 to 1975 reenlistment rates rose and deser-
brought by disgruntled Marines over such things as tion rates fell.' Drug use remained high, but showed
haircut regulations.'° signs of abating.** By 1975 the problems that had
Low quality enlistees continued to join the Marine plagued all of the Armed Forces continued, but they
Corps through the early 1970s, but slowly the results were easing significantly.
of higher enlistment standards began to show. Enlist-
A poll of 7,000 Marines of all grades, released in
ment of high school graduates rose from a 1973 low
1972, indicated confidence in the military justice sys-
of 46 percent to 74 percent in 1976.11* The enlistments
tem. Asked if they would prefer trial by civilian or mili-
of previously recruited "Cat IVs" were completed. tary court, if charged with an offense, sixty percent
Others who did not meet disciplinary standards were
of the anonymous respondents indicated they believed
administratively discharged. a military court-martial was as fair or fairer than civilian
In 1971, 634 general and 5,835 special courts-martial courts. That result was constant regardless of race. The
were tried throughout the Marine Corps. In 1972, same confidence was not expressed in military lawyers,
although Marine Corps strength dropped seven per- however. By a margin of almost two to one, the Ma-
cent, general courts-martial rose slightly, and special rines polled preferred a civilian lawyer over a judge
courts lessened only minimally. In 1974, when low advocate. The poll ascribed no reasons for the lack of
quality Marines who had enlisted in 1973 joined their confidence in Marine Corps lawyers, but the younger
units, 521 general and 7,690 special courts were tried, the respondent and the more junior in grade. the
an increase of 17 percent over the preceding year's to- greater the preference for civilian counsel.'
tals despite a four percent drop in strength. But in
Vietnam Finale: Bien Hoa and the Rose Garden
1975, when manpower increased four percent, courts-
martial dropped 17 percent, to 395 generals and 6,413 In Vietnam the war continued after the Marines
specials. That year, 1975, was the beginning of a long withdrew. In May 1972, responding to a determined
upward trend in the quality of recruits and a long enemy offensive and a request by the South Viet-
downward trend in disciplinary cases.'2 namese government, portions of the ist Marine Air-
Another long-standing problem area, racial conflict, craft Wing revisited Vietnam. Marine Aircraft Group
was attacked on a broad front. A human relations (MAG)-15, returned to Da Nang, and MAG-i2 trans-
training program was initiated by Headquarters Ma- placed to Bien Hoa, just north of Saigon. In June
rine Corps in 1972, and 113 instructors were assigned
exclusively to human relations duties at major Marine a 1971 survey of 6.669 anonymous Marines, conducted by
Corps commands. The program required 20 hours of FMFPac's Operations and Analysis Branch and Human Affairs Di-
vision, 48 percent of the respondents indicated they had used drugs
at one time or another, 44 percent of that group indicating first
*Ten years later, in 1988. 98 percent of all enlistees would be high use in the Marine Corps, 59 percent indicating use of LSD at least
school graduares. Category IV (Cat IV) enlister, for the years 1986, once, and 20 percent indicating use of heroin. (Analysis, FMFPac
87. and 88 would total less than one hundred, less than 0.2 per- Human Affairs Poll folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
cent of all enlistees. (Navy Times, 6Mar89, p. 6.) file, MCHC.)

Marine Corps Historical Collection

The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen Leonard R Chapman, Jr., poses with the
Advisoy Committee for Minority Affairs. The 12 civilians advised the Commandant on
equal opportunity issues and ways to ease racial tensions within the Marine Corps.
MAG-15 moved westward from Da Nang to a remote First commissioned in 1953, Lieutenant Colonel Ed-
Royal Thai Air Force Base at Nam Phong, Thailand, wards had been an artillery officer for 16 years and ob-
and was redesignated Task Force Delta.'7 Combat air tained his law degree during off-duty hours.18 From
sorties would be flown over Vietnam by U.S. aircraft Iwakuni, Japan, he directed the wing's lawyers
based at both Nam Phong and Bien Hoa. Nam Phong throughout the Nam Phong-Bien Hoa deployments.
was shared with Royal Thai Air Force personnel. in- He recalled that "the delivery of legal services during
cluding 200 Thai security guards. The threat from this period was amazing. The ist Wing had units in
Communist forces was minimal, although in Septem- mainland Japan, Okinawa, - . . the Philippines,
ber and October 1972 several LIS. Air Force bases in Republic of South Vietnam (2 locations) and in
Thailand were attacked. During the Marine Corps' te- Thailand, as well as units afloat . . Logistically it
. .

nure, however, there was no ground combat at Nam was a nightmare."9 Shortly after his arrival at Iwaku-
Phong. ni Lieutenant Colonel Edwards accompanied the wing
Because of its remoteness and inhospitableness, commander on a week-long trip to Nam Phong to de-
Nam Phong was facetiously referred to as "The Rose termine how his judge advocates could best serve the
Garden," a nickname adopted from a Marine Corps task force. He had been to Nam Phong before. In
recruiting slogan of the day, taken in turn from a then- 1966, as the Plans Officer of 9th MAB/Task Force 79,
popular song, "1 Never Promised You A Rose Garden." he had surveyed Northern Thailand to locate poten-
The nearest town, Khon Kaen, was 15 miles away. tial contingency air fields. He had selected Nam
Advance elements of Task Force Delta arrived at the Initially, legal service for the Rose Garden was
Rose Garden on 24 May 1972 when Seabees began provided from Bien Hoa, Vietnam. Because of the law-
base construction and erection of tents and the familiar yer's low air travel priority, that was impracticable and
ShAhuts. Lieutenant Colonel Raymond W. "Wes" Ed- legal personnel were moved to the Rose Garden, it-
wards became the SJA of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing self. Lawyers and clerks at both Bien Hoa and the Rose
a few days later, Garden would be rotated to and from Iwakuni every

30 days. That, too, proved impracticable. Rose Garden

deployments were lengthened, generally, to six
months, although deployments from Iwakuni re-
mained flexible and responsive to individual circum-

In June 1972 the branch law office at the Rose

Garden was opened and was initially manned by Cap-
tains Michael C. Warlow, the officer-in-charge of le-
gal personnel. and William D. Blunk. Master Sergeant
William C. Davis, the legal chief, and a court report-
er/legal clerk, rounded out the four-man legal section.
They had no office and worked wherever they could
find space. In October Captains Warlow and Blunk
were relieved b' Captains Richard L. Prosise, the new
officer-in-charge, and Daniel Parker.Jr. Captain Vin-
centJ. Bartolotta,Jr., arrived in December 1972 and
remained until the base was turned over to the host
nation 10 months later. Several other judge advocates,
including Captains Keith E. Rounsaville, Robert E.
Hilton, Van E. Eden, and Stephen C. Eastham, rotat-
ed through the Rose Garden during the legal office's
15-month tenure there.21
Marine Corps i-listorical Collection Living and working conditions were Spanan. Task
The StaffJudge Advocate of the ist Marine Aircraft Force Delta's 3,200 officers and men originally antici-
Wing in 1972 was LtCol Raymond W Edwards. Shown pated remaining in Thailand no longer than 90 days,
in a 1975 photograph as a colonel, he directed the but the deployment was repeatedly extended.22 As a
judge advocates at the Rose Garden and at Bien Hoa. result, facilities improvements were delayed in amici-

Nam Phong, Thailand, "The Rose Garden," shown after the base was well-established
The legal office center under the trees to the right of three trailers in the shape ofan "H."
Marine Corps Historical Collection

Photo courtesy of Mr. Vincent J. Bartolotta, Jr.

Recreational opportunities at the Rose Garden were few. Capt Vincent j Bartolotta, Jr.,
left, plays liar's poker with an unidentified PFC, anda Navy doctor, dentist and chap lain.

Shortly after the Rose Garden was established the enlisted legal clerks lipedin this shab-
by hardback tent. IVithin a few months they moved to a more comfortable SEA hut.
Photo courtesy of Col A. F. J. Miciczarski, USMC

pation of a continually receding withdrawal date. the mask caused in the heat of the Thai summer led
Tents, cots, and water in five-gallon cans were the mie. to open-microphone recording of courts on cassette
The first court-martial was tried in the chapel. When recorders. The microphone was simply passed back and
a SEAhut was eventually provided the legal section, forth between the reporter and the person speaking.2
cases were tried there. The billeting spaces of the law- The Bob Hope USO Christmas show played at the
yers and clerks were at one end of the hooch, and field Rose Garden on 23 December 1972. An unexpected
desks and office gear at the other end. Before court result was easier trial of courts-martial. An air condi-
was convened, the lawyers would just rearrange the tioned trailer van, one of several employed at the Rose
desks. Eventually, the enlisted reporter/clerks were Garden as aircraft ready-crew sleeping vans, was cleared
provided separate living spaces. and set aside as a dressing room for the troupe's fe-
Large rats infested the Rose Garden and the Ma- male members. Immediately after the show and be.
rine SEAhuts. When Task Force Delta's aviator com- fore the van could be returned to its proper location,
manding general loaned Captain Prosise some rat defense counsel Captain Bartolotta, borrowed the trail-
traps, Captain Prosise noticed the general's prominent er and had it moved to another portion of the camp,
office wall display of spray-painted rat silhouettes, where a makeshift bench was quickly installed. "There-
commemorating the general's numerous kills.23 after, we convinced the chief of staff that the com-
Courts-martial were difficult to conduct so close to mand needed some sort of decorum for their legal
the flight line. The parties to the trial paused in mid- proceedings, and we got to keep our 'courtroom' un-
sentence, while aircraft took off on afterburner. The til we closed the base," he recalled 25 After having per-
closed mask reporting system required the reporter to fected their claim to it. legal personnel frequently slept
speak into a microphone encased in an oxygen mask- in the courtroom trailer when trials were not in
like device held directly to his face. The discomfort progress.

The Bob Hope christmas show played at the Rose Garden in December 1972. The show
led to an unexpected bonus for the branch legal office: an air conditioned van.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Richard L. Prosise

Photo courtesy of Mr. Vincent J. Bartolotra, r.

The Rose Garden 's temporary detention facility was crude but efji'ctive. Marine Corps
defense counsels preferred to visit their clients at the US. Army's brig at Pattaya Beach.
An 'ad hoc" special court-martial military judge [defense counsell became a much sought-after as-
from Iwakuni, initially Captain Richard D. Sullivan, signment."27
spent several days each month at the Rose Garden.26 The caseload hovered around four or five special
During that time the judge would try the cases that courts-martial per lawyer. Only four general courts-
had been readied since his last visit. Later military martial arose during the Marine Corps' stay at the Rose
judges were Captains Michael C. Vesey, Charles R. Garden. Three of them were transferred to Iwakuni
Oleszycki and Franklin D. Holder, and Major Antho- for trial. The fourth, an attempted murder case
ny F. Mielczarski. The judges found that flights from prosecuted by Captain Rick Prosise and defended by
Iwakuni to the Rose Garden were long and circuitous. Captain Daniel Parker, was tried in the Rose Garden
Additionally, they were often bumped from their air- messhall. The ubiquitous Colonel Donald E. Holben,
craft en route to Nam Phong. To make their flights once again a general court-martial militaiy judge, came
more certain, if not shorter, Lieutenant Colonel Ed- from Yokosuka, Japan, to hear the case. Corporal
wards arranged for military judges to be designated Clifford K. Somerville, who shot and wounded a staff
as couriers, which gave them a transportation priority sergeant with a .38 caliber revolver after having been
that precluded their being bumped. put on report, was tried over the course of five days
In January 1973 a rudimentary temporary deten- in February 1973. The wounded staff sergeant testi-
tion facility was constructed to hold prisoners await- fied to Somerville's good character and prior good
ing transportation to the brig at Iwakuni or on record, following his conviction. Somerville was sen-
Okinawa. The U.S. Army brig near Pattaya Beach, tenced to confinement at hard labor for two years,
south of Bangkok, was usually used for pretrial con- reduction to private, loss of pay and allowances, and
finement, however. Recalling the beauty of Pattaya a dishonorable discharge.28
Beach, Captain Bartolotta said that "once we realized Many courts involved Marines sent from the 3d Ma-
that the counsel for these defendants would have to rine Division on Okinawa to assist the Thai police in
go to this brig to interview his clients prior to trial camp security. Lieutenant Colonel Michael Patrick

There was no status-of-forces agreement (SOFA)

with the Thai government, which sometimes resulted
in jurisdictional disputes with Thai police. That situ-
ation was made more difficult by the lack of availa-
bility of Thai lawyers to assist in representing Marines
in Thai criminal proceedings, or in disputes with Thai
nationals. In such cases the Rose Garden judge advo-
cates telephoned U.S. Ais Force lawyers at Udorn for
advice and assistance. A Thai attorney employed by
the Air Force grudgingly assisted Marines in legal
difficulty, most of which resulted from drug involve-
ment. As Lieutenant Colonel Edwards noted, "Beer.
soft drinks, PX supplies, liberty, etc. were in limited
supply. but drugs weren't."3°
Drug use was the most common offense at the Rose
Garden, despite an aggressive drug abuse prevention
program. If anything, drugs and marijuana were more
Photo courtesy of Mr. Vincent J. Bsrtolorta. Jr.
readily available in Thailand than in Vietnam. Early
The Rose Garden 's courtroom trailer, center was a
on Thai nationals began aggressively marketing
former aircraft crew sleeping van. The spectator's sec- marijuana to the troops. Marijuana cigarettes, often
tion of the makeshift courtroom was deep, but narrow.
laced with heroin, came in packs of 20 for less than
Murray. who relieved Lieutenant Colonel Edwards as a dollar. Thai stick, marijuana soaked in water and
SJA, said of those Marines, "[the Rose Garden] did dried into a cigar-like shape, was frequently encoun-
not get the cream of the crop. They got the shitbirds tered. Heroin was widely available and, alarmingly,
and troublemakers, and with them came many of the was more frequently the basis for charges than was
problems, particularly racial "29 In July 1973 there was marijuana. Incoming mail was examined by drug de-
a cross-burning incident involving white Marines, fol- tection dogs and outgoing mail by U.S. customs per-
lowed by a racially instigated riot in the messhall in sonnel. Marine passengers on buses to and from liberty
which eight Marines were injured. spots were routinely searched at the camp gate. In Au-
In 1972, when ist Marine Aircraft Wing lawyers were assigned to the Rose Garden, this
SEA hut was both quarters and courtroom. Here, Capt Robert E. Hilton enjoys the view,
Photo courtesy of Mr. Vincent J. Bartolotta. Jr

Photo courtesy of Mr. Richard L. Prosse

In the new Rose Garden legal office, Capt Richard L. Prosise anticzates opening a pack-
age from home. As in the old office, the lawyers' quarters are just behind the partition.
gust 1972 random urinalysis testing began, and wi- tioned quarters and an air conditioned trailer in which
thin a few months an average of 1,900 such tests were to work. The few courts-martial were tried in a court-
conducted monthly. room on board the base. Captain Rick Prosise, one of
After the Vietnam cease-fire took effect on 27Janu- the Rose Garden judge advocates who often flew to
ary 1973, Rose Garden combat flights were redirect- Bien Hoa for cases, noted, 'Bien Hoa ... was not
ed against Laotian and Cambodian targets. When what I expected it to be. It had an air conditioned
bombing throughout Indochina was halted on 15 Au- theater, air conditioned quarters, a nice-sized PX, an
gust 1973, Task Force Delta began to redeploy to officers' club with good food and frequent bands, a
Iwakuni and Okinawa. bank, several tennis courts and even a swimming
On 10 July 1973 Lieutenant Colonel Murray relieved pool."32 Bien Hoa was also subject to frequent enemy
Lieutenant Colonel Edwards as the Wing SJA and later rocket attacks, and the lawyers' office trailer was later
directed the withdrawal of legal personnel from the damaged by rocket fire but, as Captain Prosise recalled,
Rose Garden, assisted by his deputy, MajorJosephJ. "the only casualty at Bien Hoa during the last months
Hahn. Jr. On 6 September the Nam Phong facility of the war was a dog on the Vietnamese side of the
was turned over to the Government of Thailand. The base . . . . I had come too late to find the war."33
last Marine departed on 21 September. There was one attempted fragging at Bien Hoa, in
While the Rose Garden grew, other judge advocates which the evidence was too inconclusive to bring the
from Lieutenant Colonel Edwards' 10-lawyer office in suspect to trial. For the most part, disciplinary
Iwakuni were deployed to Bien Hoa Airbase, a long- problems were few, and near the end of 1972 Lieu-
established Vietnamese airfield several miles north of tenant Colonel Edwards withdrew his clerks and law-
Saigon, where the lawyers sen'ed their temporary duty yers to Japan.* All Marine Corps personnel returned
in a more comfortable setting. Marine Corps aircraft from Bien Hoa to Iwakuni by 3 February 1973. For
from MAG-12 were based there from May 1972 until the few weeks between the Bien Hoa legal office's clos-
the March 1973 cease-fire. The first judge advocate ing and the return of MAG-12 to Japan trial teams
to arrive at Bien Hoa was Captain John T John. ac-
companied by a court reporter/legal clerk. While two *Following duty as SJA of the ist Marine Aircraft Wing, Colonel
attorneys usually manned the Rose Garden, Bien Hoa Edwards went on to be SIA of the Marine Corps Development and
Education Command, then an appellate judge on the Navy-Marine
rarely had more than one. When a court-martial was Corps Court of Military Review, and AssistantJudge Advocate Gener-
pending, another judge advocate and a military judge al of the Navy for Military Law. In July i984, he cetired with the
would fly in from Iwakuni. They enjoyed air condi- grade of brigadier general.

dividuals . . . When they finished an overseas tour


I would offer them a stabilized tour that would hold

them as high as six years at the same post or station,
if they wanted it, so their wives could get a job, their
kids could go to one high school." The Assistant Com-
mandant, General Earl E. Anderson, noted that the
artillery community, for example, would like a deal
such as the lawyers had. General Faw had a response:
"I told him that I had to retain lawyers, and that a
'cannon cocker' couldn't go out there and get a job
cocking cannons at 10 times the pay, like mv lawyers
could . . and if I'm going to have the job of retain-

ing them, I've got to know what it takes to keep them,

and I've got to do it."38*
Photo courtesy of Mr. Richard L. Prosise
General Faw's concern for first-term lawyer reten-
At Bien Hoa, Vietnam, in 1973, the ist Marine Air-
tion was well-founded, and his efforts quickly showed
craft Wing branch legal office shared space with the
results. The pre-Vietnam requirement for 168 lawyers
public information office. The szgns on the door read
had grown by the war's end to a wartime requirement
"MAG 12 Law Center." and Press Center. PIO."
of 375 and a peacetime requirement of 273 judge ad-
from Iwakuni were available. Captain Rick Prosise, the vocates. A peacetime procurement goal was established
final ist Marine Aircraft Wing judge advocate assigned at 60 lawyers per year.39 The authority for the Judge
temporary duty at Bien Hoa was probably the last Ma- Advocate Division, with the Personnel Division's as-
rine Corps lawyer to have been in Vietnam. sistance, to assure lawyers of certain assignments was
Perspective an important tool in keeping lawyer-officers in the
After the war, a number of rehearingsretrials- Corps and countering civilian recruiting efforts.
were held in military courtrooms in the United States. Additionally, the return of six majors completing
The rehearings were cases originally tried in the com- the law school excess leave program in 1971 eased the
bat zone in which the result had been set aside upon severe shortage in mid-level supervisory billets° A
appellate review. They were usually the most serious valuable source of experienced officers, the excess leave
of cases. Problems of proof inherent in retrying program returned 38 majors to the legal community
offenses long past, committed at scenes far away, often in 1972, and a high of 54 more in 1973. The goal was
led to "not guilty" findings.36 The courtroom echoes for the excess leave program to level out with the an-
of Vietnam were a long time dying. nual return of 14 new lawyers with former line ex-
At war's end other issues faced Marine Corps judge perience.'
advocates. Still alarmed by the lawyer retention issue, The difficulty in retaining first term judge advo-
Brigadier General Duane L. Faw, Director of the judge cates lasted for the entire war. Overlaying the reten-
Advocate Division. conferred with the Commandant. tion issue was the opinion of many senior judge
General Faw recalled the meeting: advocates that career-oriented Marine Corps lawyers
He said. 'We're having deep trouble with our lawyers now. should have experience as line officers. General Faw
and your job is to retain them." I said, 'General Chapman. said, "I feel very strongly that every Marine lawyer
J know what to do to retain lawyers, if you will give me the ought to be a line officer [for some period] . . No. .

authority to do it . . . One of the problems, of course,

lawyer can do his job properly until he knows the
is our personnel assignment problem. I would like to han.
dle all of these through the Judge Advocate Division." He problems of a commander."2 Colonel Joseph R.
said, "Fine. You have it." Just like thar! Motelewski, formerly chief of staffi then SJA of the
General Faw had been granted a unique authority. 3d Marine Division, agreed: "If you don't have some
Thereafter, the judge Advocate Division, with the
cooperation and approval of the Personnel Division, *General Anderson. however, Marine Corps Director of Person-
nel at that time, recalls that assignment procedures and policies
orchestrated the assignment and transfer of the rela- for judge advocates remained unchanged except in isolated cases.
tively small legal community. General Faw recalled: (Gen Anderson hr to author, dtd 22Feb89, Anderson folder, Ma-
"I felt that we needed to offer some stability to in- rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC.)

line officer's mark on you you've got a real long

. commander in Korea . . and I don't recall having

row to hoe." Colonel Robert B. Neville. former Dis- many disciplinary problems - certainly none of a vio-
cipline Branch head and deputy chief of staff of III lent nature which was so common in Vietnam." The
MAF. added, "I don't think any lawyer can effectively Vietnam War was the first real application and test
represent his client, unless he can understand the so- of the Code under combat conditions, although "com-
ciety . in which his client lives." bat conditions" was an elastic term when examining
General Faw and Colonels Motelewski and Neville, the circumstances in which judge advocates worked.
with their own exceptional backgrounds in infantry Brigadier General Edwin H. Simmons, assistant di-
and aviation commands, experienced early careers in vision commander of the ist Marine Division in the
which lawyers were not only expected to aspire to line final year of the war, wrote of conditions in the late
experience, but could expect careers to wither without stage of the war:
it. By the time the Vietnam War began, Marine Corps Neither the 3d nor the ist Marine Division headquarters
policy had expressly freed senior lawyers from the de ever really operated "in the field" in Vietnam ....There
J2cto requirement to command or forego promotion. were air-conditioned work spaces, good billeting, first-class
messing, adequate recreational facilities, good clubs - -
As the war progressed, and to a greater degree after Probably a whole generation of Matines thinks that is the

the war, legal services assumed an ever more promi- way a Division command postina combat zone should look
nent role. That militated against intermittent assign- and operare. (I have heard far more senior officers say that
ments to line billets, while encouraging expertise and our experience in Vietnam "proves" that - . the present

specialization acquired through continuous applica- cumbersome system of military justice will "work" in a com-
bat environment.) . . must find ways of keeping the
tion of legal skills. Still, the judge advocate's suspi- . .

extraneous administrative functions in the rear out of the

cion, that without line experience, he was not a "real" objective area.8
Marine in the line commander's view, died hard.
Colonel john R. DeBarr, after having been a general
General Paul X. Kelley, former Commandant of the
Marine Corps, believed that "the great strength of our court-martial judge in Vietnam, noted that the judi-
judge advocates was the fact that an awful lot of them cial process could no longer easily be moved to a se-
had served as combat . . officers, and had actually
cure area like Okinawa or Japan. He pointed out that
led troops . .I was concerned that if the trend [to
the trial should be held where the crime was commit-
judge advocates without line experience] continued, ted, because witnesses and evidence were there, and
we could end up literally with a civilian judiciary in the commander will want to keep apprised of the ad-
uniform." Vietnam demonstrated that Marine Corps
ministration of military justice, a function of
lawyers, having received the same basic training as ev-
ery infantry officer, willingly and capably command- More important than the place of trial is the ques-
ed line units, given the opportunity tion of the workability of the system itself. Did the
UCMj work in Vietnam? Clearly. it worked in the sense
The Uniform Code of Miitay Justice. that thousands of courts-martial were tried.
Did It Work in Vietnam?
Many senior judge advocates thought the system
In 1949 the House Armed Services Committee had worked quite well. Throughout the war lawyers
Report on the newly enacted Uniform Code of Mili- worked hard and prosecuted thousands of cases
tary justice (UCMJ) read: "The law which we are now
through to conviction. But opinion was divided.
writing will be as applicable and as workable in time Brigadier General Faw. Director of the Judge Advo-
of war as in time of peace and ....e must avoid the
cate Division during the war, bluntly stated:
enactment of provisions which will unduly restrict
those who are responsible for the conduct of our mili- I'm one of the people that thinks that the Uniform Code
of Military Justice failed in Vietnam, and it'll be a greater
tary operations."46
failure in succeeding wars, if we get into one like World War
The Code became law in May 1950, a month be- II - . . . There were too many people who were guilty of
fore the outbreak of the Korean War. Most courts- very, very serious crimes who were never brought to trial be-
martial tried in that conflict were conducted in Japan, cause of the difficulties of getting witnesses, keeping wit-
not the combat zone. Colonel Robert M. Lucy, form- nesses [in countryl, and so forth . . Justice isn't just unless

er SJA of the ist Marine Division, noted that "Viet- it also convicts those who are guilty.°
nam posed a peculiar set of disciplinary problems Another former Director, Brigadier General Tier-
which may not be repeated . . . I was a company
, nan, agreed:

The military justice system] was far less than satisfacto-

ry, far less than ideal. A lot of cases, I know for a fact.
were just not prosecuted . . Resources were so limited

[that minor cases] were, necessarily, ignored. We had to con-

centrate on the more serious crimes .....'hat we consi-
dered to be a special court-martial misdemeanor.
military-type offense was not being prosecuted, simply be-
cause of a lack of resources. We couldn't do it. period.5'
A seminal law journal article examining the Code's
effectiveness in Vietnam was written by Major Gener-
al George S. Prugh, former Judge Advocate General
of the Army, and General William C. Westmoreland,
former commander of MACV and Chief of Staff of
the Army. They wrote:
lt is our conclusion that the Uniform Code of Military
Justice is not capable of performing its intended role in times
of military stress is presently too slow, too cumber-
some, too uncertain, indecisive, and lacking in the power
to reinforce accomplishment of the military mission, to de-
ter misconduct, or even to rehabilitate."52
Professor Guenter Lewy, in his analysis of the war, Photo courtesy of MGen George S. Prugh. JAGC. USA, (Ret.)
wrote: "Many commanders felt that the system of mili- MajGen George S. Prugh was the Judge Advocate
tary justice was too permissive and over-zealous in General of the Army from 1971 to 1975. He said- "The
guarding the rights of individuals, and thus was more Uniform Code of Military Justice ¿r not capable o/per-
of an antagonist than an ally of their efforts to con- forming its intended role in times of military stress."
trol the deterioration of discipline"3 Colonel Arthur
R. Petersen, while still an SJA in Vietnam, wrote: "The requests for expert witnesses from the U.S.; requests for de-
Code does not work in combat and does not accom- lay while the accused attempted to obtain civilian counsel
in the U.S.; requests for individual military counsel who just
plish its only legitimate objective of promoting dis-
happened tobe across the world from Vietnam. All of these
cipline . .. Changes must be made."5
combined with the witness problems ... made the trial
Colonel Donald E. Holben had more practical ex- of a serious or complex case very difficult to get off the ground
perience with the Code in Vietnam than any other The system survived in Vietnam not so much because
it was a superior system, there were serious flaws, but be-
Marine Corps judge advocate. He said: cause . . . a lot of people worked very hard to make it work.
The system does not work, from a military viewpoint
Under no circumstances will it work in an all-out war,
General Tiernan, as well, believed that changes in
as it is now organized . . . Under the phoney circumstances
military law since the Vietnam War had critical impact:
of Vietnam we were sitting there in barracks, in essence, in
It's totally unworkable in a combat environment. The state of
Da Nang and Chu Lai and Quang Tri . it permitted us
. .

case law has grown ever more complex, and the role of the defense
to operate the system . It did not adequately support
. . .
counsel . . has expanded many times over. . . . You could come
command, and accomplishment of its mission. Proceedings up with a dozen things the defense counsel can legitimately request
are too long and drawn out, too far removed from reality. in order to assist the defense of his client that were not even consi-
I think even now 119861, with the new changes, with the I see no way that the UCMJ could function
dered in 1970 - . .

defense "command structure," it would be ridiculous to think

today, even in a Vietnam-type situation.58
that the system would work.55
Major Curt Olson, the ist Marine Aircraft Wing's What solutions present themselves? Senior lawyers
last SJA in Vietnam, agreed that post-war changes to with long Vietnam experience recommend major
the Code made its future application in combat even change in the military justice system. Colonel Holben
more difficult. "I do not think that we could have suggested the system "should be done away with, Not
made it under those conditions with our present be revised, cosmetically. I mean the whole system
rules."56 Major Olson was also concerned about defense should be done away with and a different system im-
tactics that affect case disposition: posed" Colonel Motelewski, SJA of the 3d Marine
Defense requests for numerous character witnesses from Division in Vietnam, essentially agreed: "We should
the U.S.: requests for psychiatric examinations in the U.S.: get some realists to revise the Uniform Code of Mili-

tary Justice . In wartime you've got to operate on

- In 1983 the Judge Advocate General of the Army
a different basis I hesitate to even say it: have appointed a Wartime Legislation Team (WALT) of
two different systems for wartime and peacetime."60 Army lawyers to evaluate the system and recommend
According to Brigadier General Tiernan, "We've got wartime improvements 89 The WALT report noted that
to . give serious thought to going to another set after the UCMJ was first promulgated:
of rules [in combat]summary.type procedures that The United States Court of Military Appeals quickly es-
would function, perhaps in a limited jurisdiction."61 tablished a new doctrine called "military due process of JawS'
In a law review article predating the Vietnam War, a powerful concept whereby the Court applies legal protec-
Army Colonel Archibald King suggested: "If it is im- tions derived from principles applicable in civilian criminal
proceedings, but not provided for by the UCMJ.°
possible, impracticable, or undesirable to . follow

in time of peace a procedure which will work in time Court decisions, the report continued, combined
of war, then the law should provide in advance for an with statutory enactments, led to "judicialization" of
automatic change on the outbreak of war from the military discipline. 'American society has come to ex-
peacetime procedure to that of wartime."62 Major pect a high level of 'due process' to be built into its
General Pnigh concurred, saying: "A much more sig- punitive systems. In military law . - too many short-

nificant overhaul is necessary, and the time to do this cuts in the system will lead to perceptions of unfair-
is when we are at relative peace and can study and ex- ness."7' Nevertheless, the WALT committee urged
periment without wartime risks. Furthermore, the limiting or suspending the right to representation by
study must encompass experienced line commanders, counsel of the accused's choice, including civilian
not judges of the U.S. Court of Military Appeals."63 counsel, in areas of hostilities.72 Generals West-
Along the lines suggested by Colonel King, Generals moreland and Prugh agreed, saying the right to com-
Westmoreland and Pnigh, offering a draft amendment petent counsel "does not require that the counsel be
to the UCMJ, said: "One possible way of dealing with a civilian attorney transported halfway around the
the inadequacies of the Code in its wartime or mili- world."
tary stress operation is to enact a special codal provi- A major concern of the ALT committee was the
sion which would take effect only in time of war or lack of court-martial jurisdiction over civilian em-
other military exigency."64 ployees who, during wartime, might desert their posts
Colonel Charles H. Mitchell, Assistant Judge Ad- in the combat zone. Civilians, such as technical
vocate General of the Navy for Military Law and former representatives of civilian defense firms ("tech reps"),
Vietnam trial counsel, suggested that "it's probably and civilian combat service support personnel, pro-
time to rethink the entire process from the ground vide critical skills needed by military forces. Indeed,
up. We have to have something that's a whole lot more civilian employees of the military services constitute
summary than we now have in dealing with relatively virtually the entire logistic personnel base in Europe.
minor offenses, and maybe even all disciplinary Currently, the only penalty a civilian would suffer for
offenses."65 deserting his post is monetary loss and a possible
Colonel Mitchell also raised a theme that goes to breach of contract action, both of which would apply
the fears of civilian critics of military justice when he after the fact and far from the combat zone.74
noted, "we're disciplining an Armed Force, not provid- In addressing the application of military law to the
ing the panoply of Constitutional safeguards to in- combat serviceman, the WALT report quoted an Army
dividual citizens . .We need to have a system which
. . Judge Advocate General Corps (JAGC) brigadier
balances the realities against what the lawyers perceive general who urged. "Revive the use of depositions. In
to be necessary to due process."88 Colonel Neville wartime, they will be indispensable." In their arti-
wrote: "The drive to make military justice identical cle Generals Westmoreland and Prugh also urged such
to that found in civilian life [is one of the greatest a step.76
dangers . . . If we cannot educate our people to the
. An ArmyJAGC major general urged in the WALT
essential differences, we may as well disband our report, "Travel of witnesses to areas of hostilities should
Armed Forces."67 No one would suggest employing the be virtually eliminated." AnotherJAGC major general
Punishment Battalions of the Nazi èbrrnacht, where addressed Article 32 investigations as well as trials. say-
conviction resulted in dangerous battlefield assign- ing, "After the experiences we all went through in Viet-
ments, but neither should one confuse the ends of nam, I believe it is obvious that in future wartime
military justice and civilian justice. conditions - we must eliminate the requirement
- .

for personal appearance of witnesses before both bod- The final word may be that of Brigadier General
ies." Generals Westrnoreland and Prugh suggested Charles A. Cush man, former Assistant judge Advo-
the substitution of depositions or videotape for wit- cate Genera] of the Navy for Military Law. He was
nesses who were no longer in the combat zone.78 asked if the military justice system would work in a
The WALT report concluded that "although the cur- future war. His answer strikes a familiar chord with
rent system will work with reasonable efficiency dur- any Marine: "Would it work? Of course it would work.
ing a short, low intensity conflict, several changes are It would work with major flaws and major difficulties
necessary in order to be confident that the system will and major delays, but. . . you would make ir work."83
operate effectively during a general war."7° The WALT
report was submitted, but no changes resulted. Summation
Colonel Robert M. Lucy, who left Vietnam and later The last major operation in Vietnam involving U.S.
became legal advisor and legislative assistant to the ground forces, Operation Jefferson Glenn. ended in
Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested that "relatively sim- October 1971. U.S. forces continued to support the
ple changes could make [the system] much more work- South Vietnamese with advisers and air support. On
able, such as removing the option to refuse trial by 27 January 1973 cease-fire agreements were signed in
a military judge sitting alone, and restricting the re- Paris. On 29 March the last American troops, other
quirement to produce certain witnesses from outside than defense attaché personnel and Marine Corps em-
the combat zone."8° bassy guards, left South Vietnam. On 30 April 1975
In 1984 the Secretary of Defense appointed a nine- Marine Corps and Air Force helicopters evacuated the
member commission to report to the Armed Services last Americans from Saigon. For the United States the
Committees on aspects of the 1983 MilitaryJustice Act,
Vietnam War was over.
which had already been passed. Two members of the Over 448,000 Marines served ¡n Vietnam. Approx-
committee were Colonel Mitchell and Captain Edward imately 400 Marine Corps lawyers served in the com-
M. Byrne, JAGC, USN, who joined in a trenchant bat zone, 13 of them for two tours. No lawyer was
separate report to the full committee report. Besides killed and only two. Captain William L. Fly and First
noting the wholesale inapplicability of civilian law to Lieutenant Michael I. Neil, were wounded, both while
the Armed Forces, they proposed a "field court," akin serving as infantry officers.
to a nonjudicial punishment hearing, which would be For most Marine Corps lawyers who practiced in
authorized to try petty crimes and all disciplinary Vietnam, particularly those in the Da Nang area af-
offenses and empowered to impose up to six months ter the first year or two of operations, the circumstances
confinement, but no punitive separation 81 No changes of everyday living were not particularly harsh and cer-
resulted from the commission's report. tainly less onerous than those of the Marine infantry-
In their article, Generals Westmoreland and Prugh man. But, as for all combat support Marines, the
emphasized: possibility of violent death was a constant. The threat
Probably the most worrisome aspecr of this situation [is] of rocket attack, enemy sappers, misdirected friendly
that nowhere does there seem to be any recognition of the fire, and death or wounding while in the field with
special need for the military justice system to work in times a trial team, forever separated the Marine Corps law-
of military stress. Certainly there has been no effort to evalu-
ate how it has worked and might work in the future. The
yer from those who had not undergone their ex-
emphasis has all been in the direction of civilianization. The perience. As British novelist John LeCarre wrote,
one certainty is that it is not at all likely to do the job of "Nothing ever bridged the gulf between the man who
requiring obedience ... in time of hostilities.82 went and the man who stayed behind."

PART I Edward F. Sherman, With Justice For Some: An Indictment of

From Genesis to Vietnam the Lau' by Young Advocates, B. Wasserstein and M.). Green, eds.,
(Boston: Beacon Press. 1970), pp. 69-70.
CHAPTER 1 liCol Frank O. Hough. Mai Verle E. Ludwig, and Henry I. Shaw,
Jr.. History ofMarine Corps Opera/ions in World War ¡1, Voll: Pean'
Harbor To Guadalcanal (Washington: Historical Branch, G-3 Di-
AND MARINE CORPS LAWYERS vision, HQMC, 1958), p.48; and Col Robert D. Heinl,jr., Soldiers
o/the Sea: The United States Marine Corps, 1775-1 962 (Annapo-
Jack Shulimson and Maj Charles M. Johnson. U.S. Marines in lis: U.S. Naval Institute. 1962), p. 508.
Vietnam: The Landing and the Buildup. 1965: (Washington: Table of Organization D-95: Special Staff Sections. Division
Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, 1978). pp. 6-15, hereafter Shulimson and Headquarters; Headquarters Company. Headquarters Battalion. Ma-
Johnson, Landing and Buildup. ¡965. rine Division, approved Jul42 (MCHC).
Edward J. Marolda and Oscar P. Fitzgerald. Fmm Milhiay As- BGen Duane L. Paw intvw. 8Oct86. Tape 6470 (Oral HistColl.
sistance to C'omba.': The Un jied States Nary andthe Vietnam Con MCHC), hereafter Paw incvw; and Col Olin W. Jones ltr to BGen
filet. Volli (Washington: Navy Historical Center, 1986), p. 526. Edwin H. Simmons, n.d. (Comment folder. Marines and Military
Col Peter N. Kress intvw, 5Dec86. Tape 6469 (Oral HistColl, Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). hereafter Jones ltr. Gen Faw recalls
MCHC), hereafter Kiew incvw; and Col Kress Irr to author. did that the Marine Corps bulletin was in effect in 1943. Col Jones'
25Nov86 (Kress folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. recollection is that it was not in force until 1945.
MCI-IC). Col Robert M. Lucy Irr to BGen Simmons, dtd 16jan89 (Com-
Col Hamilton M. Hos'ler, "Legal Status of the Marine Corps." ment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Manne Corps Gazette, Nov50. pp. 6-12. This article is a detailed In Tokyo, Japan. after World War Il an international military
examination of the legal basis of the Marine Corps and its relation- tribunal tried 28 Japanese officers for war crimes. Field Marshal Shun-
ship with the Navy, originally written for the Armed Services unifi. roku Hata was defended by Marine lstLt Aristides G. Lazarus. a
cation hearings that followed World War II. Macinc Corps Reserve lawyer. (U.S. Department of State. Trial of
Capt Edward M. Byrne, JAGC, USN. Military Law (Annapolis: Japanese War Criminals, Publication 2613, Far Eastern Series 12
Naval Institute Press, 3d ed., 1981). pp. 1-8. [Washington. 1946], p. 45; and Aristides G. Lazarus hr to author.
Act of2 March 1865 (13 Star. 468). 22 june 1870 (16 Stat. 162), dtd 1Sep87. [Lazarus folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
and Act of 19 june 1878 (20 Stat. 205). file, MCHCfl.
Act of 17Ju11862 (Sec. 5, 12 Star. 598).
Beginnings: Army Courts. Naval Boards
The Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1950:
Act of 8 June 1880 (21 Stat. 164). Old Ills Readressed
Naval Courts and Boards (Washington: Government Printing
Office, 1917), hereafter Naval Courti and Boards; and. A Manual Except where otherwise noted, this section is based on Gener-
For Courts-Martial Courts of Inquiry, And of Other Procedure tin- ous, Sword and Scales, pp. 34-53.
der Militari; Law (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916).
William T. Generous, Jr., Susords and Sca/es. The Development A. C. Cole. A. Goldberg, S. A. Tucker, and R. A. Winnacker,
of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (New York: Kennikat Press, eds., The Department of Defense.- Documents on Establishment
1973) pp. 12-13. hereafter Generous. Swords and Scales. This ex- and Organization. ¡944-1978 (Washington: Office of the Secretary
cellent volume provides a detailed hiwory of the development of of Defense Historical Office. 1979). pp. 33. 87. Originally referred
the UCMJ from WrId War I to the Military Justice Act of 1968. to in the National Security Act of 1947 as the "National Military
Ibid. p. 8. Establishment." it was denominated the Department of Defense
Edmund M. Morgan, "The Background of the Uniform Code in a 1949 amendment to that act.
of Military Justice," 6 Vanderbilt Law Review, 1952-1953, p. 172. James V. Forrestal memorandum to UMJ Committee. "Precept
10 U.S.C., sec. 5148 (1950). and Terms of Reference:' quoted in Generous, Sword and Scales,
Naval ('omis and Boards. ChJX. Pt.1., sec. 379. pp. 363, 364. p. 34.
Col Hamilton M. Hovler. "Caveat: The Manual for Courts-
World War II and Beyond: Martial. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. Jan60. p. 59.
Military Justice is to Justice Uniform Code of Milita.ryJustice (Act of May 5. 1950), Article
as Military Musk is to Music 98b, knowingly and intentionally failing to enforce or comply with
the provisions of the Code; and nonpunitive Article 37, unlawful.
RAdm Robert J. White, ChC, USN (Ret), "The Background ly influencing action of the court.
and the Problem," 35 St. John's Law Review. 1961. p. 200. Gen William C. Wesimoreland, USA. and MajGen George S.

Prugh, USA, "Judges in Command: The Judicialized Uniform Code CMC Gen Randolph McC. Pate memo to Secretary of the Navy,
of Military Justice in Combat." 3 HarvardJournal ofLaw and Pub- Subj: Proposed administrative solution to the Marine Corps lawyer
lic Policy, 1-94 (1980), at 12. shortage. did 23Apr59. (4400 MOS folder, Marines and Military
U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Annual Report of the United Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
States Court of Military Appeals and the Judge Advocates General MCO 1120.10 dtd 1Oct59. Subi: Regulations for the Platoon
of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel of the Department Leaders Class (Law) Program. MCI-IC, Washington.
of the Treasury. For the PeriodJanuaiy 1, 1960, to December 31, MCBuI 1040 dtd 9Aug61, Subj: Marine Corps Lawyers, policy
¡960 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961), P. 5. concerning; and MCO 1040.21 did 26Dec62. Subj: Marine Corps
PL 506. 81st Congress, e 169. sec. 1, 64 Stat. 108, 50 USC Lawyers, policy concerning. MCHC. Washington.
(chap.22) secs. 551-736. Navy Chief of Legislative Affairs, Office of Legislative Liaison,
Executive Order No. 10,214, 16 Federal Register 1,303 (1951). memo for Assistant Secretary of the Navy (P&RF), Subj: Proposed
Manna/for Courts-Martial, United States, ¡951, par. 6b; and legislation to establish ajudge Advocate General's Corps in the Navy;
Uniform Code of Military justice (Act of 5 May 1950), Article 6(a). request for resolution of diffèrences concerning, dtd 30Sep59. (4400
MOS folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
Continuing Tension: Justice Versus Discipline hereafter Navy Chief of Legislative Affairs memo.
U.S. Court of Military Appeals. Report of theJAG of the Navy,
Hearings on H.R. 2575, Committee on Armed Services, House Annual Report of the United States Court of Military Appeals and
of Representatives, 1947, p. 2161, quoting from the Chicago mb- the Judge Advocates General of the Armed Forces and the Gener-
une, 8Jun45. a/Counsel of the Department of the Treasury. For the PenodJanu-
Hearings on HR. 2498, before a special subcommittee of the ai-y 1,2967 to December 31, 1967 (Washington: Government
House Committee on Armed Services, 81st Cong., ist Sess. 780 Printing Office, 1968), p. 26.
Jones hr. In Support: Navy Lawyers
F. Lee Bailey, with Harvey Aronson, The Defense Never Rests
(New York: Stein and Day, 1971). P. 259. Col Daniel E McConnell hr coauthor, dtd 2 5Jan89 (Comment
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
The Death Penalty in the Armed Forces: Yes But No Navy Chief of Legislative Affairs memo. pp. 10-11.
Col Matthew A. Clary,Jr., intvv,ç 14Apr87, Tape 6473 (Oral Hist-
James E. Valle, Rocks & Shoals- Order and Disctbline in the Coli. MCHC); Navy Chief of Legislative Affairs memo. p. 1; CMC
Old Navy. 2800.1861 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1980), Pp. memo to Chief of Legislative Affairs. DON, Subj: S. 2002-2015,
8-9, 103-110. This excellent book provides a highly readable cover- S. 2017-2019, amendments to the UCMJ. dcd 22Aug63, encl.(15);
age of discipline in the Navy's age of sail. and DepChief of Legislative Affairs memo to SecNav, Subj: S. 2016,
ILdr Mark Dawson,JAGC, USN, "Is the Death Penalty in the a bill "To further insure due process in the administration of mili-
Military Cruel and Unusual?," 3IJAGJ 53 (Summer, 1980), at 54; tary justice in the Department of the Navy by establishing a Judge
and Navy Times, 2 5Jul88. p. 10. Advocate General's Corps in such department," dtd 23Oct63 (me-
Col W. Hays Parks, USMCR, Chief, International Law Branch, mos in 4400 MOS folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Internacional Affairs Division, Office of the JAG, Dept of the Army, MCHC).
memorandum for the record, Subj: Executions of U.S. Military Per- AJAG for Military Justice memo to Navy JAG. Subj: Marine
sonnel in World Wars I and Il, dtd 30Oct81 (Articles folder, Ma- Corps objection to Navy JAG Corps, dtd 4Oct63 (4400 MOS folder,
rines and Military 12w in Vietnam file, MCHC); and Navy Times, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
25Jul88, p. 10. HQMC Staff Study: Marine Corps Legal Services Study Rpt,
dtd 6Jun69, pp.lS-16: summary of C/S Project 13-68 (Legal Serv-
Manne Corps Lawyers: ices Study Report folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
From the Line to Discipline Branch MCHC), hereafter Marine Corps Legal Services Study.

Naval Courts and Boards, sec. 266, p. 192. In Support: Headquarters Marine Corps
Col Hamilton M. Hoyler hr to author, dtd 30May88 (Hoyler
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Except where otherwise noted, the material in this section is from
IstLt St.julien R. Marshall. for example, was selected to attend Marine Corps Legal Services Study, pp. 3-10.
Harvard's School of Law in February 1931. liCol Hamilton M. Hoyler,
was another Harvard law graduate. Coi RobertJ. Chadwick, "Judge Advocates of the Marine Corps."
Col Marion G. Truesdale intvw, 7Oct86. Tape 6471 (Oral Hist- The Judge Advocate Journal, 1964. pp. 50-51; biographical files (Ref.
ColI, MCHC): BGenJames F. Lawrence. Jr., transcript of intvw by Sec, MCHC); Sevier intvw; and Truesdale intvw.
Oral History Unit, Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, cltd 22Aug78. P. 80 (Oral MCO 1040.24 dtd 10Dec64, Subj: Marine Corps Policies and
HistColl. MCHC); Gen Earl E. Anderson lis to author, dtd 22Feb89 Programs Relating to Officer Lawyers, pertaining to assignment of
(Anderson folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); captains and lieutenants: and MCO 1040.21 dtd 26Dec62, Subj:
and Col Donald E. Holben intvw, 7Oct86, Tape 6472 (Oral Hist- Marine Corps Lawyers; policy concerning. The latter order remained
CoIl, MCHC). in effect until 12Nov71 and pertained to assignments vis-a-vis MOS.
Gen Anderson Itt to author, dtd 22Feb89 (Anderson folder. (4400 MOS folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter An- MCHC).
derson Irr. Ibid.

Coi W. Hays Parks Irr to author, drd 22Dec88 (Parks folder, BGen james P. King intyw. 5Nov86, upe 6478 (Oral HisrCoII,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). MCHC). hereafter King intvw.
Bernard C. Nalty and LiCol Ralph F. Moody. USMC. A Brief iO. Sevier intvw.
History of US. Marine Corp5 Officer Procurement, 1775-1969 Shulirnson and Johnson, Landing and Buildup, 1965. p. 44.
(Washington: HistDiv. HQMC. 1958. revised 1970), pp.20-21. 3d Marine Division (Fwd) general court-martial appointing order
Ser: 1-65 (i.e., 3d MarDiv [Fwd]'s first appointing order in 1965)
The Pentalareral Agreement: Diplomatic Riflemen directs that the court convene at 0900, 14 July 1965 at Da Nang
(Harris folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Wilson y. Girard, 354 Us 524,529: 77 SCt 1409 (1957). Sevier intvw.
MajGen George S. Pt-ugh, USA. Vietnam Studies, Law At Ur.' liCol Fred Grabowski questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks, nd.;
Vietnam, 1964-1973, (Washington: Dept of the Army. 1975). p. 118; John E. Gillmor, Jr.. Itr to author, dtd 23jan87; and Col Robert
hereafter Pt-ugh, law At itar. A. Godwin. USMCR, ltr ro author, drd 9May87 (Grabowski.
Ibid., pp. 88-90. Gillmor. and Godwin folders, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
nam file, MCHC), hereafter Gillmor ltr and Godwin Itt.
Military Law Comes to Vietnam RAdm Hugh D. Campbell inrvw, 26Nov86, Tape 6475 (Oral
HistColl, MCHC). hereafter Campbell inrvw.
Capt Robert H. Whidow, USMCR. US. Marines in Vietnam, Campbell intvw; Gillmor Itt.
The Advisory & Combat Assistance Era. 1954-1964 (Washington: Gillmor ltr.
Hisr&MusDiv, HQMC. 1977). pp. 15-16, hereafter Whitlow, Aidr'i- Manual for Courts-Martial. United States, 1951. par. 79.d.(i);
so,y & Combat Assistance Era. and Uniform Code of Militaryjustice (Act of 5 May 1950), Article 20.
Prugh, law At War. p. 118. Col Robert A. Godwin, USMCR. Irr to BGen Edwin H. Sim-
Whitlow, Advisory & CombatAssistance Era. pp. 39. 60. 74-75. mons, dtd 30jan89 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law
175. in Vietnam file).
Col Roberrj. Blum ltr to Mai W. Hays Parks. drd 24Jan77 (Blum Col Daniel F. McConnell ltr to author, dud 25jan89 (Comment
folder, Marines and Military Law In Vietnam File. MCHC). folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC)
Anderson Irr; and RefSec, MCI-IC. Uniform Code of Military Justice (Act of 5 May 1950), At-rick
LtCol Brian B. Kent lus to author. dtd 29Apr87 and 28Feb89 26(a).
(Kent folder. Marines and Military Law In Vietnam File, MCHC). Campbell nrvw; Gillmor ltr.
Col Paul F. Henderson, Jr., Irr to author, dtd 14Oct86. (Hen. Godwin Itt.
derson folder, Marines and Military Law In Vietnam File, MCHC).
jones Itr. From a Lawyer's Case File:
RAdm Hugh D. Campbell. JAGC, USN, intvw, 26Nov86, Tape One Homicide, Two Victims
6475 (Oral HistColl, MCHC).
Throughout, the text cases are referred to as they are titled in
the court-martial record of trial, a public record. The Navy court-
CHAPTER 2 martial (NCM) number, where available, is included.
Record of trial, United States y. PFC Kenneth W. Wheeler, NCM
1965: 3D MARINE DIVISION 66 0376; and service record book of Kenneth W. Wheeler. Perti-
AND 9TH MEB OPEN SHOP nent portions of the record of trial are in Godwin folder (Marines
and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

Col Peter N. Kress itt to author. dtd 24Jan89 (Comment folder. Trying Cases
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Kress
letter. Col Harry S. Popper, Jr., ltr to Maj Charles W. Collier, dud 5Oct65
Donald W. Harris intvw. 23Jul87. Tape 6480 (Oral HistColl. (Popper folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC), hereafter Harris intvw; and Harris Irr to author, dtd Ibid.; Campbell intvw.
12May87 (Harris folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. I.CdrJohn E Erickson questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks, dud
MCHC). 1Nov77 (Erickson folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
ist Lt Donald W. Harris Navy Achievement Medal citation. nd. MCHC).
(Harris folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Campbell intvw.
Col Peter N. Kress ltr to author, dtd 25Nov86 (Kress folder, Ma- Gillmor Irr. In 1965 Gillmor was the third-oldest second lieu-
rines and Militan' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). tenant in the Marine Corps, other than officers commissioned from
MajGen George S. Prugh, USA (Ret), hr to BGen Edwin H. Sim- the enlisted ranks.
mons, did 29Dec88 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law liCol William B. Draper. Jt-.. questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks.
in Vietnam file. MCHC). dtd 12Dec76 (Draper folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Col Charles B. Seviet inrvw, 9Oct86, Tape 6474 (Oral HistColl, file, MCHC).
MCHC), hereafter Sevier intvw; and Kress lii. Sevier intvw.
Shulimson and Johnson, landing and Buildup, 1965, pp. 24-49, Ibid.
120, 228. 3d MacDiv ComdC, Nov65, end. (1), p. 27 (Unit Command
SSgt Matthew C. McKeon court-martial notebooks, part 2 (Ref. Chronology File, MCHC).
Sec. MCHC). Godwin Irr.

III MAF: Headquarters Without Lawyers dtd 9Mar76 (War Crimes folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
nam file, MCHC).
Shulimson and Johnson. Landing and Buildup, 1965. P. 188; Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford Univer-
and 3d MarDiv ComdC, Nov65, end. (1), p. ii (Unit Command sity Press, 1978), p, 325.
Chronology file, MCHC). Record of trial, United States y. LCpl Marion McGhee, NCM
Col Harry S. Popper, Jr.. hr to Col Earl W. Johnson, did 26Oct65 66 0484 (1966); pet. den. 16 USCMA 663 (19,701).
(Popper folder, Marines and Militari' Law in Vietnam fìle, MCHC). Naval Clemency & Parole Board itt to author, dtd 31Aug88 (War
Sevier intvw. crimes folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col Vernon A. Peltzer intvw. 7Oct86, Tape 6479 (Oral Hist-
Coil, MCHC), hereafter Peltzer intvw. Perspective
111MM ComdC, Jul. Aug65 (Unit Command Chronology File.
MCHC); and Jones Irr. U.S. Court of Military Appeals. Report of theJAG of the Navy.
Biographical files (RefSec. MCHC); and Shulimson and John- Annual Report of the United States Court of Milita0' Appeals and
son, Landing and Buildup. 1965, pp. 47, 142-144. the Judge Advocates General of the Armed Forces and the Gener-
Capt William T. Warren 111 intvw, nd., Tape 18 (Oral HistColl, al Counsel o/the Department of the Treasury, Por the Periodjanu-
MCHC). ao 1. 1966 to December 31, 1966 (Washington: Government
Maj Benjamin B. Fetrell Bronze Star Medal citation, n.d. (Fer. Printing Office, 1967) p. 51. There are records that reflect the total
rell folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). number of courts-martial tried, but they do not reflect the places
where they were tried.
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Touching Down CG FMFPac msg to CG Ill MAF, dtd 28Sep65 (POW folder.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Shulimson and Johnson, Landing and Buildup. 1965, pp. 25. CG FMFPac msg co CG III MAF, dtd 6Nov65 (POW folder.
229. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col I-larry S. Popper, Jr.. Itr to author, dtd 15Sep86 (Popper LtCol John L. Zorack intvw, 14Sep87, Thpe 6483 (Oral Hiss-
folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Coli. MCHC).
Col Popper hr to RAdni Wilfred Hearn, dtd 28Oct65 (Popper Marine Corps Legal Services Study. p. 31.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Kenneth W. Condii, Mai John H. Johnstone, USMC. and Ella
W. Nargele, A Brief History of Headquarters Marine Corps Staff
Legal Duty in a Combat Zone: Problems Organization (Washington: HistDiv, HQMC, 1963, revised 1970),
p. 34.
Col Clyde B. Mann intvw, 8Aug68, Tape 2980 (Oral l-listCoIl, Bernard C. Nalty and LtCol Ralph F. Moody, History ofMarine
MCHC). Corps Officer Procurement (Washington: HistDiv, HQMC. 1958,
rev. 1970), p. 21.
Col Verne L. Oliver Irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, dtd 2Feb89 BGen Raymond G. Davis, Personnel: G-1 Presentation, HQMC,
(Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, General Officers Symposium. 1965. tab VAi., p. 5.
MGySgt Gene E. White lit to author, dtd 18Mar87 (White
folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Campbell intvw. 1966: BUILDING ON SAND
Record of trial, United States y. PFC Gary O. Harrison, NCM
65 2160. Jack Shulimson. US. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War;
Col Popper ltr to Col Robert B. Neville, dtd 14Oct65 (Popper 1966 (Washington: Hist&Mus Div, 1982,) pp. 3-6, 9.10, 75, here-
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). after Shulimson, An Expanding War.
Campbell iritvw.
Sevier inrvw. Trying Cases: Using 'The Red Book'
Peltzer intvw. Col John T. Fischbach, USMCR, questionnaire to author, n.d.
Prugh. Law at Wr, pp. 104.106. (Fischbach folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Ibid., p. 103. Gen Paul X. Kelley intvw. 30Sep87. Tape 6477 (Oral HistColl,
Robert W. Wachsmuth ltr to author, did 13Nov87 (Wachsmuth MCHC).
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Col Kenneth T Taylor hr to author. n.d. (K. T Taylor folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
From a Lawyer's Case File: Maj Philip A. Seymour Itr to author, did 6Oct86; and Sgt Sey-
First Marine War Crime Conviction in Vietnam mour Navy Commendation Medal citation, nd. (Seymour folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Department of the Army. The Law of Land Warfare, FM 27-10 IsiLt Anthony P. Tokarz Silver Star citation. nd. (Tokarz folder,
(Washington, 1956). p. 178. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
HQ, USMACV Dir No. 20-4. dtd 10Jul70 (War Crimes folder, Col James S. May Icr to author. dtd 29Mar87 (May folder, Ma-
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). rines and Military Law in Vietnam file MCHC).
Prugh. Law At Wr, p.102. The missions for which the award was made were classified and
Director, Judge Advocate Division Irr to Professor Guenter L.ewy, for there was no notation of the award in Col Campbell's officer

qualification record. Fortunately, there was a photograph of the Com- folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
mandant awarding the medal to then-Capt Campbell. For years that after Larouche ltr.
was his primary substantiation for the award he wore. Ibid.
lsiMarDiv ComdC, Jul66 (Unit Command Chronology file, B.0 ComdC. Aug66 (Unit Command Chronology file. MCHC).
MCHC). Col Charles A. Cushman intvsç 4Dec86. Tape 6481 (Oral Hist-
Cull, MCHC), hereafter Cushman intvw.
From a Lawyer's Case File: Pilot to Copilot to Brig III MAF Provost Marshal Itr to CG. RC. Subj: CID Physical
Security Survey of FIL, dial 28Sep67 (Federal Records Center folder,
Marines and Military Justice in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Record of trial, United States y. PFC LucienJ. Gonzales lI, NCM
LtCol James R. Ziemann questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks,
65 2090 (1965). Pertinent portions of the record of trial are in Har-
n.d. (Ziemann folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
ris folder (Marines and Military Justice in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). hereafter Ziemann questionnaire.
FIL ComdC, Sep, Oct 1966; Apr. Jun 1967 (Unit Command
The Other Prisoners: North Vietnamese POWs Chronology file. MCHC).
LiCol Fred Grabowsky questionnaire to author. dtd 2Sep86
il. United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com- (Grabowsky folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
mand History, 1966 (MACV Cmd Histories folder, Marines and Mili- MCHC).
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), pp. 689-693. Col Robert B. Neville Itt to Maj Parks, dtd 12Jun77, (Neville
United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com- folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam, MCHC) p.8. here-
mand History, 1970, Vol II (MACV Cmd Histories folder, Marines after Neville Itt.
and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). p. X-51. 1.arouche Irr, p- 11.
MajGen George S. Prugh. USA, Vietnam Studies. Law At War:
Vietnam, 1964-1973 (Washington: Dept. of the Army, 1975), p. Trying Cases
CG, FMFPac Itt to CGs, III MAE, ist MarDiv, ist MAW, 3d MAW,
The ist Marine Division Arrives: 3d MarDiv, Force Troops, and COs, ist MarBrig, Camp Butler, Subj:
More Lawyers, Mote Cases Staff Legal Officers Conference, dtd 3Jan66 (Popper folder. Marines
and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col George R Blackburn, Jr., questionnaire to author, dtd liCol William B. Draper, Jr.. hr to Mai Parks, dtd 5Jan77 (Draper
4Dec86 (Blackburn folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
file, MCHC). hereafter Blackburn questionnaire. after Draper Itt.
Col Thomas P. Case', hr to author, dtd 9Oct86 (Casey folder, Col Daniel F. McConnell Irr to author, dtd 25Jan89 (Comment
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). folder. Marines and Military law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Ibid. Larouche Itt, p. 9.
Blackburn questionnaire. LtJohn F. Erickson Navy Achievement Medal citation, nd. (Erick-
ist MarDiv ComdC, Sep66 (Unit Command Chronology file, son folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). Maj Truong làn Thuc ltr to the people of Clay County, Kansas.
USMC, lstMarDiv 51.0 hr to CO, 7th Marines, Subj: Recom- U.S.A., drd 4Apr67 (Erickson folder, Marines and Military Law in
mendation for commendation for meritorious service; case of 2ndLr Vietnam file, MCHC).
William S. Kirkpatrick, dial 6Aug66 (Granger folder, Marines and LtCol William B. Draper, Jr., intvw, 13Oct86. Tape 6482 (Oral
Military Justice in Vietnam file, MCHC). Lt Kirkpatrick received HistColl, MCHC), hereafter Draper intvw; and Draper Itt.
the Navy Commendation Medal for his performance of duty, and CG III MAF msg to CMC, 20Dec66 (Federal Records Center
received a second Navy Commendation Medal for a second tour folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
of duty in Vietnam. CMC mag to CG III MAF. 27Dec 66 (Federal Retords Center
Capt William S. Kirkpatrick ltr to author dtd 10Aug87 (Kirk- folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
patrick folder, Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Capt Francis T Coleman, USMCR. "Lawyers In Vietnam," Res
LiLol Kenneth W. Jones hr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, dtd IpsaLoquitur; Georgetown Review ofLau' andPub/ic Interest, Vol.
29Dec88 (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam 17, No. 1. Fall, 1966, p. 14.
file, MCHC), hereafter Jones hr. Ibid.
Shulimson, An Expanding lr, p. 223. Col Curtis W. Olson Itt to author. dtd 23Jan87 (Olson folder,
LtColJohn L. Zorack Irr to author, dtd 9Feb89 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Col Charles H. Beale hr to Maj W. Hays Parks. dtd 31Dec76,
(Beale folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
hereafter Beale Itt.
Force Logistic Command: New Guy on the Block
Kress intyw.
Larouche Irr. pp. 12-14: and Col Charles R. Larouche ltrto author,
MajGen Avery R. Kier, FMFPac Presentation, HQMC. General dial 16Sep86 (Larouche folder. Marines and Military- Law in Viet-
Officers Symposium, 1966, tab ¡lA, Statistics and Supplementary nam file, MCHC).
Data, p. 38, hereafter, MajGen Kier presentation. CoI Curtis W. Olson questionnaire to author, dial 27Oct86, (Ol-
Ibid., pp. 287-289. son folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
Col Charles R. Larouche lu to author, dtd 8Dec86 (Larouche after Olson questionnaire.

Jones kr. 3d Marine Division: On the Road Again

MajGen Kier presentation. p. 16.
Col Daniel F. McConnell questionnaire to author, dtd 16Sep86 Shulimson, An Expanding War. pp. 75, 223, 342-344.
(McConnell folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, Beale hr.
MCHC). Ibid.
Col Benjamin B. Fend unpublished study, 'Critique of U.S.
Courts-Martial Proceedings Against War Criminals in the Vietnam 111 MAF: Double-Hatting the Lawyer
War: A Case Study." (Ferrell folder, Marines and Military Law in
Vietnam file, MCHC), p. 17. Ill MAF ComdC. Jun66 (Unit Command Chronology file.
Neville lic.
Courtroom Personnel: Just Passin' Through
CG Ill MAF msgs to CG FMFPac. 29Jul66 and 11Sep66; and
CG FMFPac msg to CG III MAF, 8Aug66 (Neville folder. Marines
Biographical files (RefSec, MCHC). and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Neville Irr, pp. 10-11. CG FMFPac mag to CG Ill MAF. 16Sep66 (Neville folder. Ma-
Draper inrvw. rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Campbell intvw.
Lt John E Erickson questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks. dtd Perspective
1Nov77 (Erickson folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
MCHC). HQMC. Code DK, Directory of Marine Officer Lawyers. did
Campbell intvw. Feb66 (Directories folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Beale lcr. MCHC).
U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Report of theJAG of the Navy, Marine Corps Legal Services Study, p. 31.
Annual Report of the United States Court ofMilitary Appeals and Col Robert B. Neville Navy Commendation Medal citation, n.d.
the]uge Advocates General of the Armed Forces and the Gener- (Neville folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
al Counsel ofthe Department of the Treasury, For the Periodjanu-
ary 1, 1966 to December 3), 1966 (Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1967), p- 53.
Draper questionnaire. Build Up and Consolidation
Beale ltr.. pp. 5-6.
Col Charles R. Larouche questionnaire to author. dtd 8Dec86
(Larouche folder. Marines and Military law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Col Ralph K. Culver questionnaire to author, did 20Oct86 (Cul. 1967: TRYING TIMES
ver folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Maj Gary L. Telfer, LtCol Lane Rogers, and V. Keith Fleming,
Jr., U.S. Marines I Vietnam.- Fighting the North Vietnamese, 1967
Homicide on Patrol: Men, Women, and Children
(Washington: Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, 1984), pp. 4-5, hereafter,
Telfer. Rogers, and Fleming, F:ghting the North Vietnamese, 1967.
LtGen Leo J. Dulacki intvw, 24Oct74, pp. 111.112 (Oral fist- Ibid., pp. 6.10.
Coil, MCHC, Washington, D.C.), hereafter Dulacki intvw. CMC Bulletin 5370 to all commanding officers, Subj: Personal
Record of trial, United States y. PFC John D. Potter, Jr., NCM Conduct of Marines in the Republic of Viemam, dtd 28Nov66 (Parks
67 1348, 39 CMR 791 (1967). Unless otherwise attributed, all quotes folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
relating to this case ate from the record of PFC Potter's trial. The FMFPacO 1610.2 dtd 28Nov66, Subj: Individual Responsibili-
records of trial of the companion cases, Vogel and Boyd. as many ty, para. 2 (War Crimes folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
other records from the Vietnam era, have been lost. nam file. MCHC).
United States y. Sergeant Ronald L. Vogel. NCM 67 1347, 18 Col Eugene B. Fallon intvw, 11Jul68, Tape 2979 (Oral HisiColl,
USCMA 160. 39 CMR 160 (1967). MCHC). hereafter Fallon intvw.
Naval Clemency Board action, serial no. FOO6A.71, did 10Jun71; Ibid.
and Naval Clemency & Parole Board ltr to author, dtd 31Aug88 United States Military Assistance Command. Vietnam, Com-
(War crimes folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, mand History. 1967, Vol Il. p. 932 (MACV Cmd Histories folder.
MCI-IC), hereafter NC & PB Irr. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam fue. MCHC).
Ibid. LiCol William T. Westmoreland,Jr., Irr to Mai W. Hays Parks,
Navy JAG memorandum for SecNav, did 6Sep68 (CMR opin- dtd 23Mar77 (Westmoreland folder, Marines and Military Law in
ions folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Westmoreland ltr.
SI.O, ist MarDiv ltr to CG, FMFPac, Subj: Recommendation Col Mary V. Stremlow. A History of the Woman Marines.
for Navy Commendation Medal, case of CaptJarnes P. Shannon, 1946-1977 (Washington: Hist&MusDiv, HQMC. 1986), p. 83.
nd. (Granger folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
MCHC). III MAE: Double-Hatted Twice
LiCol William B. Draper, Jr. questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks.
did 12Dec76 (Draper folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam 'l'elfer, Rogers, and Fleming. Fighting the North Vietnamese,
file, MCHC). 1967, pp. 273, 293.

il. LtCol G. Ward Beaudry questionnaire to Maj Parks, dtd 4Feb77 34. Col Verne L. Oliver irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, dtd 2Feb89
(Beaudry folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
Faw inrvw. MCHC).
Col Marion G. Truesdaleintvw, 7Oct86. Tape 6471 (Oral Hist-
Coil, MCHC): and Faw inrvw. ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Much Like Home

ist Marine Division: Rising Caseloads, More lawyers Teller. Rogers, and Fleming, Fighting the North Vietnamese,
1967. pp. 278-281.
LtCol William T. Westmoreland,Jr., questionnaire to Maj Parks, Col Charles H. Mitchell inww, 28Oct86, Tape 6486 (Oral Hist-
dtd 23Mar77 (Westmoreland folder, Marines and Military Law in Coil, MCHC). hereafter Mitchell inrvw.
Vietnam fric, ÌvICHC), hereafter Wesrmoreland questionnaire. Faw inrvw.
Col Curtis W. Olson Irr ro Maj Parks. dtd Dec76 (Olson folder, MCHC RefSec; and Col Robert C. Lehnen ltr to author, dtd
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), hereafter Ol- 1Feb89 (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
son Irr. file. MCHC). hereafter Lehnen hr.
TE X-Ray ComdC, Jun67 (Unit Command Chronology file. BGen William H.J. Tiernan intvw, 14Oct86, Tape 6484 (Oral
MCHC); LtColJohn L. Zorack irr to author, dtd 9Feb89; and LtCol HistColi, MCHC). hereafter Tiernan intvw.
Zorack Bronze Star Medal citation, n.d. (Comment and Zorack Mitchell intvw.
folders, respectively. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. Young inrvw.
MCHC). Tiertsan intvw.
Maj Donald Higginbotham. USMCR, questionnaire ro Maj Lehnen Itt.
Parks. drd 15Jan77 (Higginbotham folder, Marines and Military Young inrvw.
Justice in Vietnam file, MCHC). hereafter Higginbotham ques. Lehnert itt.
Teller. Rogers. and Fleming, Fighting the North Vietnamese. From a Lawyer's Case File; Psychiatry and Appellate Review
1967, pp. 52, 74, 139, 141.
United Scares y. PFC Edward P. Boltik, NCM 68 0552 (1968)
3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts (CMR Opinions folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
Ibid., pp. 86-92.
Co! Charles H. Beale. Jr.. questionnaire to Maj Parks, dtd Project 100.000: Prelude to Problems
31Dec76 (Beale folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
MCHC), hereafter Beale questionnaire. James William Gibson, The Perfect War; Technowar in Viet-
Col Paul F. Henderson. Jr., itt to author, dtd 3Oct86 (Hen. nam (Boston/New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986). p. 216.
derson folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
Ibid.. p. 215.
hereafter Henderson itt. BGcn Jonas M. Platt. Manpower. G-1 Presentation, HQMC.
Capt Charles E. Patterson iürvw, 13Dec68. Tape 3497 (Oral Generai Officers Symposium, 1967, tab Il.E-1. p. 9.
HistColl, MCHC).
Tompkins intvw, pp. 93-94.
Capt Francis T. Coleman, "Lawyers in Vietnam," Res ¡psa Lo- Maj W. Hays Parks, "Crimes in Hostilities," part 2. Marine Corps
quitar; Georgetown Review of Law and Public Interest, Vol. 17,
Gazette, Sep76, p. 35.
No. 1, Fall, 1966, p. 13. Laura Palmer, "The General, At Ease: An Interview with West-
Personnel, telephone, and brig problems: Fallon intvw.
moreland," MHQ, The QuarterlyJournalofMiitaiy History, Au-
Ibid.; and Col Eugene B. Fallon questionnaire to Maj Parks,
tumn 1988, p. 34.
n.d. (Fallon folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. 53, Gen Bruce Palmer, Jr.. Army Vice Chief of Staff, hearings be-
MCHC). fore House Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on
Fallon intvw. Department of Defense, DOD Appropriations for 1972, 92nd
Henderson liz.
Cong., ist sess., Pt. 9 at 578-582 (1971), cited in Lewy, America
MajGen Rarhvon McC. Tompkins. Transcript of intvw by Oral
in Vïetnam (New York, Oxford University Press, 1978), p. 160.
History Unit, HistDiv, HQMC, dtd 13Apr73 (Oral HistColl.
MCHC). p. 9, hereafter Tompkins intvw.
Drugs: Recognizing the Problem
Force Logistic Command: Continue to March
CG Ill MAF msg to CG FMFPac, 10Sep67 (Command con-
Teller. Rogers, and Fleming. Fighting the North Vietnamese, cerns folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
1967, pp. 224-225, 277. MajGen GeorgeS. Prugh, USA, Vietnam Studies, Law At War:
FLC ComdC, Mar67 (Unit Command Chronology file, MCHC). Vietnam, 1964-2973 (Washington: Dept of the Army, 1975), p.
United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com- 106.
mand History. 1967, Volume II, pp. 953, 954 (MACV Cmd His- United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Com-
tories folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). mand History. 1967, Volume 11, p. 957 (MACV Cmd Histories folder.
PLC ComdC,Jun67 (Unit Command Chronology file. MCHC). Marines and Military Law in Vietnam 6k, MCHC).
Col Rufus C. Young intvw, 12Oct86. Tape 6485 (Oral Hist- CG III MAF msg ro ComUS MACV, 3Oct67 (Command Con-
Coli, MCHC), hereafter Young intvw. cerns folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

CG FMFPac rnsg to CG III MAF, 23Nov67 (Command Con- CG III MAF msg to CMC. 2 3Jan67 (Casey folder, Marines and
cerns folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
LtCoJ William C. Jaeck Irr to author, dtd 1Feb87 (Jaeck Folder, RepresentativeJohn M. Slack ltr to Honorable Clark M. Clifford.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). did 14Jun68 (Zorack folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
LiCol William C. Jaeck TAD Trip Report to CG, FMFPac. dtd file, MCHC), hereafter Slack lit.
9Dec67 (Jaeck folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, Slack lii.
MCHC). SecDef Clark M. Clifford Irr to Representative John M. Slack,
dtd 21Jun68 (Zorack folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Transportation: Hitchhiking to Court file, MCHC).
Draper questionnaire.
Maj Donald Higginbotham ltr to Maj W Hays Parks, did 15Jan77 Record of trial, United States y. I.Cpl Douglas R. Collard, NCM
(Higginbotham folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, 67 2117 (1967). Pertinent portions of the record of trial included.
MCHC), hereafter Higginbotham hr. (Draper folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Maj Eugene A. Steffen questionnaire to Maj Parks, dtd 26Jan77 Steffen questionnaire.
(Steffen folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC),
hereafter Steffen questionnaire. Marine Corps Lawyers in Combar: They Also Serve
Godwin Itt.
Michael G. McCollum tapes appended to Irr to author, dtd 1-ligginbotham ltr; and Capt Donald Higginbotham 1.egion of
15Oct86 (McCollum folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam Merit citation, nd. (Higginbotham folder, Marines and Military Law
file; and Tapes 6495, Oral HistColl, MCHC). in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col Daniel E McConnell questionnaire to author. did 16Sep86 Marine Corps Legal Services Study, p. 55.
(McConnell folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, lstLt Michael I. Neil Navy Cross citation, n.d. (Neil folder, Ma-
MCHC). rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col Mark L. Haimart questionnaire to author, n.d. (Haiman Col Michael I. Neil, USMCR, intvw, 15Oct86. Tape 6487 (Oral
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). HistColl, MCHC).

Trying Cases The First Lawyer General Officer: No Immediate Change

Beale ltr, p. 6. BGenjamesF. Lawrence,Jr., Transcript of intvw by Oral Histo-

Higginbotham Itt. ry Unit. Hist& MusDiv. HQMC. did 29Aug78 (Oral HistColI,
Campbell intvw. MCHC) p. 138, hereafter Lawrence inrsw.
Record of trial, United States y. CpI Richard M. Ford. NCM Faw intvw.
66 0269 (1965). Art. 32 Investigating Officer's report. pp. 3, 6. Per- Lawrence inww. pp. 128-129.
tinent portions of the record of trial, including the Art. 32 report. Gen Earl E. Anderson hr to author, dtd 22Feb89 (Anderson
(CMR Opinions folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). Sevier intvw.
CoI james L. Williams summary of intvw to author, dtd 5Nov86 Faw intvw.
(Williams folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
hereafter Williams intvw. Perpective
Fallon inrvw; Wesrmoreland questionnaire.
Fallon intvw. HQMC, Code DK, Directory of Marine Officer Lawyers, dtd
CoI Earl W. Johnson Irr to author, dtd 4Sep86 (Johnson folder, Aug67 (Directories folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). file, MCHC).
Tiernan intvw, Legal Services Study, P. 31.
Mitchell inww. Williams intvw.
Col Michael Patrick Murray questionnaire to author, dtd 8Dec86 Sevier inrvw.
(Murray folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Legal Services Study. pp. 11-12.
AI 'suai for CourtsMartiai, United States, 1951. par. 34e, 48a, MCO 1050.14 did 6Jun67, Subj: Excess Leave Program (Law).
and 102.c. Supplement to Symposium Book, HQMC. General Officers
LiCol William T. Westmoreland, Jr.. questionnaire to Maj W. Symposium, 1966. pp. A-5,A-6.
Hays Parks, dtd 23Mar77 (Westmoreland folder. Marines and Mili- Legal Services Study, P. 46.
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). 10 U.S.C. sec. 801 (1967), Pub. L. No, 90-179 (1967). The U.S.
United Stares y. PFC Charles W. Keenan, NCM 67 0913; 18 Code does not reflect the language relating to constmctive service.
USCMA 108, 39 CMR 108 (1969), and the companion case, Unit- That is in sec. 5587a.(a) of the public law upon which the code
ed States y CpI Stanley J. Luczko, NCM 67 0952, 18 USCMA 638 section is based. The same public law establishes the Navy JAG Corps
(1969). and amends a prior law to provide that a Marine Corps major general
Westmoreland questionnaire. may be detailed as JAG of the Navy and a Marine Corps brigadier
Col Thomas P. Casey ltr to author. dtd 9Oct86 (Casey folder, general may be AssistantJAG. Finally, the law added language to
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). assure annual promotion of judge advocates in a proportion at least
CG III MAF msg to CMC. 2 1Jan67 (Casey folder, Marines and equal to that of line officers. This latter provision was repealed by
Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Public Law 96-513. Title 3, section 333, 12Dec80, 94 Stat.2897.

Legal Services Study, p. 3. 3d Marine Division: Every Marine a Rifleman

Col Robert M. Lucy Itt to BGen Duane L. Faw, dtd 22Nov69
(thcy folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam fìle. MCHC). Col Eugene B. Fallon intvw, 11Jul68. Tape 2979 (Oral HistColt,
H. Edward Moore Itt to author, dtd 26Mar87 (Moore folder, MCHC), hereafter Fallon intvw.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Richard D. Lane lcr to author. dtd 18Aug88 (Lane folder, Ma-
CWO 4 Maynard K. Baird intvw, 10Oct86. Tape 6488 (Oral rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
HistColl, MCHC). Col Paul F. Henderson, Jr., Itr ro author, dtd 14Oct86, (Hen-
derson folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
BGen John R. DeBarr intvw. 2Oct86, 1pe 6491 (Oral Hist-
CHAPTER 5 ColI, MCHC). hereafter Deßarr 1986 inrvw.
1968: HIGH TIDE LtCol Kenneth W. Jones Irr to BGen Edwin l-I. Simmons, dtd
29Dec88 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Jack Shulimson ms. "U.S. Marines in Vietnam: January to May. file. MCHC).
1968" (MCHC, 1987), pp. 1-42. Col Barnes, ltr to author, dcd 10Dec86 (Barnes folder. Marines
Ibid. and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). hereafter Barnes Dec. irr.
Gen William C. Westmoreland, USA, A Soldier Reports (New 3d MarDiv ComdC. Jun68 (Unir Command Chronology File.
York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1976), p. 342. MCHC).
BGen Edwin H. Simmons, "Marine Corps Operations in Viet- CoI Joseph R. Motelewski intvw, 24Feb87, Tape 6489 (Oral Hist.
nam, 1968," The Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1973, An Anthology Coli, MCHC).
andAnnotatedBibliography, 2nd ed. (Washington: Hist&MusDiv, Ibid.
HQMC, 1985) p. 111, hereafter. Marines in Vietnam Anthology. Ibid.
Simmons, "Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, 1968." Ibid.
'lT X-Ray ComdCs. Jan-Aug68 (Unit Command Chronology file. Captain David G. Moore Bronze Star and Navy Commenda-
MCHC). tion Medal citations, both n.d. (Citations folder, Marines and Military
FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, dtd Aug77 (MCHC), n.p. Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
CG Il! MAF mag toCOMUSMACV, 28Feb68; and Gen Creighton Capt William T. Allison il questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks,
W. Abrams, USA, msg to Gen William C. Westmoreland. USA, dtd 13Dec76 (Allison folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
2Mar68 (Abrams EOs, Abrams Collection, Center of Military His- file, MCHC).
tory. Washington. D.C.), (Federal Records Center folder, Marines ist Lt William T Allison Bronze Star citation, n.d. (Citations
and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Gen Abrams. USA. msg to Gen Wesimoreland. USA, 2Mar68 Capt William L. Fly Navy Commendation Medal citation, n.d.
(Federal Records Center folder, Matines and Military Law in Viet- (Fly folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
nam file, MCHC). Capt William H. McAdam. Jr., Bronze Star and Navy Com-
mendation Medal citations, both n.d. (Citations folder. Marines and
Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
ist Marine Division: Lawyers in the Storm's Eye

Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper- Ist Marine Aircraft Wing/Force Logistic Command:
ations in Vietnam, 1968," p. 115. Doing Time at Da Nang
IO. GySgt Richard A. Bailey, Cpi Gerald L. McCall, and LCpI
GeorgeJ. Leahey combined incvw, 20Feb68, Tape 2476 (Oral Hist-
Coli, MCHC), hereafter Bailey-McCall-Leahey intvw. Ist MAW ComdC, Dec67 (Unit Command Chronology File,
Col Jack E. Hanthorn questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks, dtd MCHC).
8Jan77 (Hanthorn folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, Col Charles H. Mitchell intvw, 28Oct86, Tape 6486 (Oral Hist-
MCHC). Coli, MCHC).
LtCol Ronald C. Rachow ltr to author, dtd 8Nov87 (Rachow Col Robert C. Lehnert lcr to author, dtd 1Feb89 (Comment
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), here- folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
after Rachow Itt. after Lehriert ltr.
Col Clyde R. Mann inrvw, 8Aug68, Tape 2980 (Oral HistColl, PLC ComdC. Feb-Dec68 (Unit Command Chronology File.
MCHC). hereafter Mann incvw. MCHC); and Maj Michael Patrick Murray intvw, dtd 2 2Jun68. Tape
Bailey-McCall-I.eahey intvw. 2849 (Oral HisrColl. MCHC), hereafter Murray intvw.
Lt WilliamJ. Cosgriff,JAGC, USN, ltr to Maj W. Hays Parks, VicrorJ. Haydel III questionnaire to author, dtd 16Sep87 (Haydel
drd 28Dec76: and Col Parks, Iii to author. dtd 22Dec88 (Cosgriff folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
and Parks folders, Marines and Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), Col James A. Carhcart itt to author, dtd 23Nov87 (Cathcart
hereafter Parks Irr. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). here-
Mann invvw. after Cathcart Iii.
Parks Irr. Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
Ibid. ations in Vietnam, 1968," p. 125.
Daniel H. LeGear,Jr., lcr to author, dtd 6May87 (LeGear folder. Murray intvw; and PLC ComdC. jun68 (Unit Command Chro-
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). nology File, MCHC).
Bailey-McCall-Leahey intvw. Robert W. Wachsmuth hr to author, did 13Nov87 (Wachsmuth

folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). here- liCol William C. Jacck TAD Trip Report to CG FMFPac, dtd
after Wachsmuth ltr. 9Dec67 (Jaeck folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Ibid. MCHC), pp. 2-3.
BGen Max G. Halliday intvw, 13Oct86, Tape 6490 (Oral Hist- LtCol W. Hays Parks, 'Statistics Versus Actuality in Vietnam:'
Coil, MCHC), hereafter Halliday intvw. Air University Review, May-Jun 1981. pp. 84, 86.
Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons. "Marine Corps Oper- United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Com-
ations in Vietnam, 1968," p. 126. mand History, 1968, Volume II, p.811 details the arrest of three sold-
iers in Sydney. and the concern of the Sydney Special Federal Court
From A Lawyer's Case File: Civilian Court-Martial over the rising number of similar cases (MACV Cmd Histories folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Jurisdictional brief for accused, at 1-2, United States y. Latney, Col James W. Shank intvw, 19May69. Tape 4268 (Oral Hist.
NCM 68 1965. Like many records of trial of the Vietnam era the Coil, MCHC).
Latney record has been lost. A copy of the defense brief re jurisdic- Wachsmuth Itt.
tion was retained by defense counsel, LtCol Kent. (Kent folder. Ma-
rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Falton intvw.
VictorJ. Haydel Ill hr ro author, dtd 10Feb87 (Haydel folder, Wachsmuth itt.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). hereafter Hay-
del Feb hr. Trying Cases
Faw inrvw.
United States Military Assistante Command, Vietnam, Com- Col Clarke C. Barnes itt to author, dtd 10Dec86 (Barnes folder,
mand History. 1967, Volume Il, p. 953 (MACV Cmd Histories folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Marines and Militan' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter MACV ist LtJeffery W. Maurer intvw, 12Dec68, Tape 3498 (Oral Hist-
History. Coil, MCHC).
MajGen George S. Prugh. USA, Itr to BGen Edwin H. Sim- Col Clarke C. Barnes hr to author, dtd 5Feb87 (Barnes folder,
mons, dtd 29Dec88 (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), hereafter Bames
in Vietnam file, MCHC). Feb. Itt.; and Wachsmuth Irr.
Few intvw; and MACV History, 1967. Vol II, pp. 949, 953. Col Eugene B. Falton intvw, 11Jul68, Tape 2979 (Oral HistCoil,
MACV History, 1967. Volume II, p. 953; and MajGen George MCHC).
S. Prugh, USA, Vietnam Studies, Law At War: Vietnam, 1964-1973, Mann intvw.
(Washington: Dept of the Army. 1975), p. 10, 109. hereafter, Prugh, Col Jack E. Hanthorn. "The Charge of the First I.egal Division,"
Law At War. Harvard Law School Bulletin, Mar-Apr69 (Parks folder, Marines and
CG III MAF msg to CMC, 15Aug67 (Federal Records Center Miiitary Law in Vietnam, MCHC), p. 11.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). DeBarr 1986 intvw.
Col Verne L. Oliver hr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, dtd 2Feb89 Barnes Dec. Itt.
(Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. Colonel Alexander M. Hearn itt to author, dtd 27Feb87 (Hearn
MCHC), hereafter Oliver ltr. folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam Isle, MCI-IC).
Col Donald E. Holben intvw. dtd 13Oct86, làpe 6472 (Oral Holben inrvw.; and Col Donald E. Holben Irr to BGen Edwin
HistColt, MCHC), hereafter Holben intvw. H. Simmons, dtd 16Feb89 (Comment folder, Matines and Military
Capt VictorJ. Haydel intvw, 16Sep68. Tape 3243 (Oral Hirt- Law n Vietnam file, MCHC).
Colt, MCHC). Ibid.: and BGen John R. DeBarr ltr to author. dtd 2 5Jan89
Robert W. Wachsmurh Irr to author, dtd 13Nov87 (Wachsmuth (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). MCHC).
I.atney y. Ignatius. 416 F.2d 821 (1969).
Pretrial and posttrial descriptions and quotations. unless other- Trial Under Fire: Khe Sanh Court
wise attributed: Haydel Feb Itt; Cot Donald E. 1-lolben hr to author.
dtd 2 7Feb87, Holben folder; LtCol Brian B. Kent Irr to author. dtd Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
3Mar87, Kent folder: CharlesJ. Kall attachment to hr to author, ations in Vietnam. 1968:' pp. 106, 113.
dtd 8May87. Kall folder; H. Edward Moore, Jr. hr to author, dtd Capt Moyers S. Shore Il, The Battle For Khe Sanh (Washing-
26Mar87. Moore folder (Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, ton, D.C.: Historical Branch. G-3 Division. Headquarters, U.S. Ma-
MCHC). rine Corps, 1969). p. 122.
Oliver ltr, Unless otherwise noted, descriptions and quotations are from:
Ibid. Robert W. Wachsmuth Irr to author, dtd 13Nov87, Wachsmuth
folder; and Harry L. Shorstein ltn to author. dtd 8Oct86 and 4Dec86,
Drugs: 'High' Tide Shorstein folder (Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Mannes in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons. "Marine Corps Oper-
Cot Peter J. Mulroney intvw, 17Jul69. 'Thpe 4384 (Oral Hist. ations in Vietnam, 1986," p. 120.
Coil, MCHC).
Gen Raymond G. Davis, Transcript of intvw by Oral History Legal Assistance. Claims, Reviews: Someone Has to Do lt
Unit, Hist & MusDiv, HQMC, dial 2Feb77 (Oral HistColl, MCHC),
p. 250. LtCdr Larry R. Rowe Itt to Capt W. Hays Parks. dtd 10Feb77
Ibid.. pp. 251.252. (Rowe folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).

9L Parks hr. as cover sheet) is included. (Reynolds folder, Marines and Military
Ibid. Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Legal Services Study, p. 32, and Annex E. liCol William C. Jaeck TAD Trip Report to CG FMFPac dtd
Barnes Dec Itt. 9Dec67 Uaeck folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Fragging: Friendly Fire With Malice ColJosephJ. N. Gambardella Irr to author, dtd 10Feb89 (Com.
ment folder, Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
Col Robert D. Hein!, Jr., "The Collapse of the Armed Forces," hereafter Gambardella Irr.
Armed Forces Journal, 7Jun71. p. 31. Ibid.
See. e.g.. Richard A. Gabriel and Paul L. Savage. Critic in "2d Riot Quelled at Vietnam Brig:' New York Times, 19Aug68,
Command-Mismanagement in the Army (New York: Hill and p. 5. (The 'fimes considered the events of Friday night and Sunday
Wang. 1978), table 3. p. 183: James William Gibson, The Perfect afternoon to constitute separate riots.)
War Technowarin Vietnam (Boston/New York: The Atlantic Month- Gambardella Irr.
ly Press, 1986), p. 211; and David Cortright, Soldiers in Revolt: The MichaelJ. Hoblock,Jr, intvw, 2Mar87, Tape 6493 (Oral Hist.
American Militaiy Today (Garden City. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975), Coil, MCHC). hereafter Hoblock inrvsv.
P. 44. CO, Marine Wing HQ Group One hr to CG Ist MAW, dtd
United Stares y. ILpl John W. Thomas. 41 CMR 828 (NCMR 24Nov68 (Hoblock folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
1970), rev'd 43 CMR 89. 20 USCMA 249 (1971), involved a tear- file, MCHC).
echelon Marine who murdered another Marine through use of a Hoblock intvw.
hand grenade to escape a $1,000 poker debt. Both were junior en DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet), case of Pvt Stephen F. Brice,
listed Marines and the case is not considered a fragging. dtd 26Sep68 (Hoblock folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet-
Col James W. Shank intvw, 19May69. Tape 4268 (Oral Hist. nam file. MCHC).
Coli, MCHC). Ist Lt Curtis K. Oberhansly ltr to Lt Jerry D. Rucker, JAGC,
Dr. Thomas C. Bond, "Fragging: A Study:' Army. Apr77. pp. USN. dtd 4Dec68 (Rucket folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
45.47, citing his own study in The American Journal of Psychiatry. nam file, MCHC).
Vol. 133. 1976. pp. 1328-1331. Hoblock inrvw.; and Cdt Jerry D. Rucker itt to author, dtd
LtGen Victor H. Krulak. 'franscript of intvw by Ora! History 16Jan89 (Comment folder. Matines and Military Law in Vietnam
Unit, HistDiv, HQMC, dtd 1973, intvw dtd 20Jun70 (Oral Hist- file, MCHC), hereafter Rucker Itt.
Coil, MCHC). pp. 132133. United States y Pvt Michael A. Roberts, NCM 70 0021.
Rucker Irr; and Hoblock intvw. Petitions for grants of review
Homicide on Patrol: Nothing Hidden in both of Pvt Roberts' cases, the first of which had resulted in a
bad conduct discharge, were eventually denied by the Court of Mili.
LtCoi W. Hays Parks, "The Law of War Adviser." 31 The JAG tary Appeals (18 COMA 629 [Feb69], and 21 COMA 628 [Mar72]).
Journal 44.47 (Summer, 1980).
United States y. I.Cpl Denzil R. Allen, NCM 68 3152, pet. Perspective
den. 19 USCMA 604 (1970); 436 E2d 625; cert. den. 402 U.S. 1008.
(Allen was represented by Caiky defense counsel and former Cours M.arines in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons, 'Manne Corps Oper.
of Military Appeals judge. George W. Latimer. Government coun- ations in Vietnam, 1968." p. 128.
sel was LtCol ChariesJ. Keever, last seen in Saigon. attached to the Col James P. McHenry questionnaire to author. dtd 1Oct86
Office of Civil Operations. In 1971 he was head of the government (McHenry folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
section, Navy Appellate Review Activity, Washington. D.C.) liCol Ronald C. Rchow hr to author, dtd 8Nov87 (Rachow
NC & PB itt. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Ibid. Col Harry K. Jowers questionnaire to author. dtd 11Apr86 (Jow-
Ibid. ers folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
United States y. LCpl James A. Maushart, NCM 68 3388, pet. Coi RobertJ. Chadwick, "Judge Advocate of the Marine Corps:'
den. 18 USCMA 636 (1970); United States y. LCpl John D. Beiknap, The Judge Advocate Journal, Bicentennial Issue, 4Jul76, pp. 50-54;
NCM 68 3657, pet. den. 18 USCMA 636 (1970); and United States and Legal Services Study, p. 6.
y. LCp1 Anthony Licciardo, Jr., NCM 69 0205: pet. den. 18 USC- Biographical Files (RefSec. MCHC).
Combined Lineal List of Officers on Active Duty in the Ma-
MA 643 (1970).
Col Jack E. Hanthorn ltr to Maj W. Hays Parks, dtd 3Jan77 rine Corps. 1 January 1969.
(Hanthorn folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, Legal Services Study, PP. 4, 13. 46, 57.
MCHC). S. Res. 2674; H.R. 4296 and H.R. 9567, 91st Cong.. Ist sets.
Parks, op. cit.. p. 47. See Chapter 6 for the fruitless outcome of those resolutions.
Office of the judge Advocate General of the Navy, Code 64.2
Parks lia.
(Case Stats folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
III MAF Brig Riot: Prisoner's Kangaroo Courts LegaI Services Study, p. ii.
MajGen Jonas M. Platt, Manpower, G-1 Presentation, HQMC.
All riot events and quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from General Officers Symposium, 1969, tab E, pp. 18-19.
the record of Article 32 investigation, an incomplete copy of which Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
(with a mis.matched Article 32 appointing letter incorrectly attached ations in Vietnam, 1968." p. 128.

138. Col Donald Higginbotharn questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks. Daniel H. LeGear,Jr.. Irr to author, dtd 6May87 (LeGear folder,
dial 15Jan77 (Higginbotham folder. Marines and Military Law in Marines and Militar5' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter LeGear
Vietnam file, MCHC). Irr.
King intvw.
PART III Col William R. Eleazer Irr to Maj W Hays Parks, drd 11Nov77
(Eleazer folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Winding Down
Marijuana: Persons of Ill Repute
1969 PREAMBLE: DISCIPLINE IN DISARRAY United States Military Assistance Comnsand, Vietnam, Com-
mand History, 1969, Vol Ill, p.XIV-4 (MACV Cmd Histories folder,
Col Robert D. Heinl, Jr., "The Collapse of the Armed Forces," Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Armed Forces Journal, 7Jun71, pp. 30-38. hereafter Heinl, "The LiCol Frederick M. Haden intvw. 12May69, Tape 4258 (Oral
Collapse of the Armed Forces." HistCoII, MCHC), hereafter Haden inww.
Henry I. Shaw, Jr., and Ralph W. Donnelly, Blacks in the Ma- Laura Palmer, "The General At Ease: An Interview with West-
nne Corps (Washington: Hist&MusDiv, HQMC. 1975), pp. 72-73. moreland," MHQ, The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Au-
hereafter Shaw and Donnelly, Black in the Marine Corps; and New tumn 1988, p. 34.
York Times. 15Aug69, p. 1. p. 23. Maj Ives W. Neely, Jr., inrvw, 21Feb70, lape 4748 (Oral Hist-
New York Times, 16Sep69, p. 95. CoIl, MCHC).
GySgt Joseph Lopez intvw, 21Feb70, Tape 4749 (Oral l-lisrColl, BGen Duane L. Faw Irr to author, dial 15Jun88 (Paw folder,
MCHC). Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col John R. DeBarr debriefing at FMFPac, dtd 9Jun69, Tape 4254 Commandant of the Marine Corps WestPac Visit, 4-12Aug69,
(Oral HistCoIl, MCHC), hereafter Col DeBarr intvw. Briefing Book 3. Tab S, p. 3 (Command Concerns folder, Marines
MajGen Jonas M. Platt, Manpower, G-i Presentation, HQMC. and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). hereafter CMC West-
General Officers Symposium. 1969, läb E, p. 19. Par Visit Briefing Book.
BGenJames P. King intvw, 5Nov86, 'l'ape 6478 (Oral HistColl, Haden inrvw.
MCHC), hereafter King inrvw. Cushman intvw.
Col David). Cassady intvw, 4Nov86, Tape 6493 (Oral HisrColl, LtCol Carl E. Buchmann intvw, 26Feb70 (Oral HistCoIl, MCHC).
Racial Conflict: Black, White, and Green
The Military Justice Act of 1968:
Evolutionary Fine-Tuning New York Times, 13Apr69, p. 1.
Shaw and Donnelly, Blacks in the Marine Corps, pp. 78, 81-82.
Pub.L. No. 90-632, 82 Stat. 1335 (1968). Ibid.. pp. 1-3, 15, 47, 54, 66.
Senator Sam J. Ervin. Jr., "The Military Justice Act of 1968," CG 3d MarDiv Irr to commanders, dtd 19Jun69, CMC West-
45 Military Law Review 76, 79 (Jul 1969). Par Visit Briefing Book 3. Tab 5. enclosure (5). The letter, signed
U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Joint Report of the U.S. COMA. by MajGen W. K. Jones, was written by his SJA, Col Rollin Q. Blakes-
and the JAGs of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel of the lee, according to the originator's code. (Command Conterns folder,
Dept. of Transportation, p. 2, Annual Report of the United States Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Court of Military Appeals and the Judge Advocate Generals of the Graham A. Cosmas and liCol Terrence P. Murray, US. Marines
Armed Forces and the General Counsel ofehe Department of Trans- in Vietnam: Vietnamization and Redeployment, 1970-1971
portation, For the Period January i, 1968 to December 31. 2968 (Washington: Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, 1986). p. 354.
(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1969). Hon. James H. Webb. Jr.. Irr to author, dtd 22Dec88 (Webb
Ervin, op. cit., p. 80-94. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC): and Col
Uniform Code of Military Justice, as amended by the Act of John C. Scharfen, "An Exclusive Interview With James H. Webb.
24 Oct 1968, Articles 1(13), and 6.(b). Jr.. Secretary of the Navy:' Amphibious Warfare Revieu.', Summer
MCO 5800.7 dtd 28Oct68, Subj: Marine Corps Judge Advo- 1987, pp. 25-28. A fictionalized version of this encounter appears
cates; Designation as and Granting of Service Credit to. inJames H. Webb. Fields of Fire (Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice
General Paul X. Keller intvw, 30Sep87, Thpe 6477 (Oral Hist- Hall. Inc., 1978) pp. 162-165.
CoIl. MCHC). Nalty, Strength for the Fight, p. 306.
Capt John S. Papa intvw, 24Feb70 Tape 4750 (Oral HistColl) Ibid., p. 339.
MCHC), hereafter Papa intvw. CMC msg to ALMAR, dial 2Sep69 (Negro Marines, ALMAR-65
Ibid. Subject File. RefSec, MCHC).
Edward F. Sherman, With Justice For Some: An Indictment of CoI Robert M. Lucy ltr to BGen Duane L. Paw, dial 22Nov69
the law by Young Advocates, B. Wasserstein and M. J. Green, eds. (Lucy folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1970), p- 77. LtGen H. Nickerson, Jr.. msg to LtGen H. W. Buse. Jr., dtd
Ibid., cited at p. 83. 16Dec69 (Command Concerns folder, Marines and Military law in
BGen Duane L. Faw intvw, 8Oct86, 'Thpe 6470 (Oral HistColl, Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). CoI Robert M. Lucy memo to MajGen Ormond R. Simpson,
BGen Charles A. Cushman inrvw, 4Dec86, lape 6481 (Oral Hist- Subj: Asst. Secretary of Defense (Civil Rights) Visir. dtd 6Nov69
CoIl, MCHC), hereafter Cushman inrvw. (Lucy folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

III MAF Fact Sheet, Subj: I Corps Tactical Zone Watch Com- From a Lawyer's Case File: Murder of a Company Commander
mittee. dtd 7Aug69 (Command Concerns folder, Marines and Mili-
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Ill MAF Fact Sheet. Gen Raymond G. Davis. 'ilanscript of intvw by Oral History
CG III MAF msg to CGs, ist and 3d MarDivs, ist MAW, and Unit, Hist&MusDiv. HQMC, dtd 2Feb77 (Oral HistColl, MCHC),
PLC. dtd 25Aug69 (Command Concerns folder. Marines and Mili- pp. 250-251.
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Col Elliott R. Laine, Jr., summary of intvw to author, dtd
III MAF Fact Sheet. 16Mar87 (Laine folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
King intvw. MCHC).
LtCol Stephen C. Berg ltr to author, dtd 29Oct86 (Berg folder, The description of events and all quotations, except where other-
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Berg hr. wise indicated, are from the records of trial, United States y PFC
Col Robert M. Lucy ltr to Col Roben C. l.ehnert. nd. (Lucy folder, David Napier, NCM 70 1453, and United States y LCpI Bobby R.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Greenwood, NCM 70 3843.
Capt Cecil R. Forster. Jr., Navy Achievement Medal recommen- Col Clarke C. Barnes ltr to author. did 10Dec86 (Barnes folder,
dation. n.d. (Granger folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
file, MCI-IC). Col Clarke C. Barnes Itt to author, dtd 6Feb89 (Comment folder.
Berg lic. Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
BGen Charles A. Cushmari Itt to author, dtd 17Jan89 (Com-
ment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Real or Imagined: The 'Mere Gook' Rule
hereafter Cushman itt.
MajGenJonas M. Platt. Manpower. G-i Presentation, HQMC. Col DavidJ. Cassady intvw. 4Nov86, Tape 6493 (Oral HistColl,
General Officers Symposium, 1969. tab E, p. xx. MCHC).
Col Lucy itt to BGen Faw, dtd 22Nov69 (Lucy folder. Marines ColJohn R. Eiting. USA, SgtMaj Dan Craig, USA, SFC Ernest
and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Deal, USA. A Dictionary of Soldier Talk (NY: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1984), p. 135.
Administrative Discharge: The Right Fix Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 1978), p. 310, hereafter Lewy, America in Vietnam. This
Papa intvw. outstanding work provides an excellent analysis of the treatment
BGen Regan Fuller intvw, 17Nov69, Tape 4689 (Oral HistCoIl. of servicemen of both the Army and the Marine Corps who were
MCHC). accused of crimes in Vietnam.
United States y. Leo O. Testman, aka Andre Orville Testman, Ibid.
administrative discharge hearing, 24Jul69, ist MarDiv, Quang Tri, Roben W. Wachsmuth itt to author, dtd 13Nov87 (Wachsmuth
RVN, (Barnes folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Maj W. Hays Parks. "Crimes in Hostilities." Marine Corps
CMC msg to USAFMPC. Randolph AFB, Texas, drd 16Aug69 Gazette. Aug76. p. 14.
(Barnes folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). BGenJ. R. DeBarr. DirJA Div. ltrto Prof G. Lewy, did 9Mar76
FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, dtd 24Aug77. Book 4 of 4, n.p. (War Crimes folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
MCHC). end. 9, hereafter DicJAD itt.
Legal Services Study, p. 32. DirJAD br, end. 8
Command Information Notebook, ist MarDiv, FMF, Republic U.S. Department of Commerce, StatisticalAbstract of the United
of Vietnam, dtd 10Apr71, n.p. (Command Info Notebook folder, States 1970 (Washington: 1970), table no. 236, p. 153.
Marines and Military law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Lewy, America In Vietnam, table 10-5. p. 458.
NC & PB itr.
Fragging: Killers in our Midst Lewy, America in Vietnam, p. 371.
Appellate opinions, United States y. Cpi RonaldJ. Reese, NCM
U.S. House, Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on 70 0855. and United States y. LCpI Stephen D. Cridec, NCM 69
Dept of Defense, DOD Appropnafions for 1972, Hearings, 92nd 4114. (CMC Opinions folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Congress, ist sess., part 9, 17 May-23 Sep 1971, p. 585; as cited in: file, MCHC).
Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford University Hoppe hr.
Press. 1978), p. 156.
Cushman irr. Perspective
CoI John R. DeBarr debriefing at FMFPac, 9Jun69. Tape 4254
(Oral HistColl, MCHC). Cushman liz.
Descriptions of 3d Division actions to counter violent acts, and Heinl, "The Collapse of the Armed Forces."
quotations, are from: CMC WestPac Visit Briefing Book 3, Tab 5,
enclosure (5) (Command Concerns folder, Marines and Military Law
in Vietnam file, MCHC). CHAPTER 7
3d MarDivO 5370.4, dtd 4Jul69, Subj: SOP for Apprehension 1969: MILITARY JUSTICE TESTED
of Individuals Involved in Acts of Violence Towards Members of This
Command, a copy of which is in CMC WestPac Visit Briefing Book i. Marines in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
3, lib 5 (Command Concerns folder. Marines and Military Law in ations in Vietnam, 1969-1972."
Vietnam file, MCHC). 2. BGen William H. J. Tiernan intvw, 14Oct86, 'lpe 6484 (Oral

HisrColl, MCHC); and Office of the Force SJA memo to Force Per- Col Lucy hr to BGen D. L. Faw. dtd 22Nov69 (Lucy folder. Ma-
sonnel Office. Subj: Assignment of incoming judge advocates to rines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
WesiPac, dtd 11Sep69 (Lucy folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet- CWO 4 Maynard K. Baird íntvw, dial 10Oct86, Tape 6488 (Oral
nam file, MCHC). HistColl. MCHC).
Prugh. Law At War, p. 100. CWO-4 Baird Bronze Star Medal recommendation. dtd 20Apr70
(Granger folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC);
Ill MAP: No Longer Two Hats and FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, vol 1, dtd Aug77, MCHC. n.p.

Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, Marine Corps Oper- 3d Marine Division: More Combat, Fewer Courts
ations in Vietnam, 1969-1972,' p. 135.
Maj George Ward Beaudr questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks, Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, Marine Corps Oper-
dtd 4Feb77 (Beaudry folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam ations in Vietnam. 1969-1972,' pp. 133-136.
file, MCHC). Col Benjamin B. Ferrell and Maj David J. Cassady question.
Col Marion G. Thsesdale tr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, n.d. naires to Maj Parks, nd. and 22Dec76, respectively (Ferrell and Cas-
(Comment folder, Marines and Militan Law in Vietnam file, sady folders, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). Col David J Cassady inlvw, 4Nov86, Tape 6493 (Oral HistColl.
III MAF ComdC. Apr69 (Unit Command Chronology File, MCHC).
MCHC): and Marines in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons. 'Marine Col Benjamin B. Ferrell, "Critique of U.S. Courts-Martial
Corps Operations in Vietnam. 1969-1972;' P. 137. Proceedings Against War Criminals in the Vietnam War," p. 17.
CoI Marion G. Truesdale inryw. 7Oct86, 'lape 6471 (Oral Hist- Case study, The School of the judge Advocate General of the Army,
Coli. MCHC); hereafter Truesdale intvw. nd. (Ferrell folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
ist Marine Division: The Law Center Concept Col John R. Deßarr debriefing at FMFPac, 9Jun69, lape 4254
(Oral HistColl, MCHC).
Col Clarke C. Barnes questionnaire to author. drd 10Dec86
Marines in Vietnjrn Anthology. Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
(Barnes folder. Marines and Militan' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
ations in Vietnam, 1969-1972," p. 133-134. hereafter Barnes questionnaire.
Col Jack E. Hanthorn questionnaire ro Maj Parks, dtd 8Jan77
Capt Christopher Q. Britton summary of incvw to author. dtd
(Hanthorn folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, 14Apr88 (Britton folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Col Robert M. Lucy questionnaire to author, dtd 29Oct86 (Lucy Barnes questionnaire.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col Jack E. Hanthorn ltr to Maj Parks, dtd 3Jan77 (Hanthorn
From a Lawyer's Case File: Murder on Stage
folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Daniel H. LeGear, Jr., ltr to author. dtd 6May87 (LeGear folder.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); hereafter LeGear Record of trial. United States y. SgtJames W. Killen, NCM 70
ltr. 1100. Unless otherwise attributed, all quotes relating to this case
Col Robert M. Lucy debriefing at FMFPac, 24Jun70, Tape 4814 are from the record of trial (U.S. y. Killen folder. Marines and Mili-
(Oral HistColl, MCHC); hereafter Lucy intvw. tary Law in Vietnam fìle, MCHC).
U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Annual Report of the United The Overseas iVeekly -Pacific Edition, 13Sep69 (I.eGear folder,
States Court ofMilitary Appeals and the Judge Advocates General Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). p. 1.
of the Armed Forces asid the General Counsel of the Department U.S. v.James W. Killen, NCM 70 1100, 43 CMR 865 (NCMR,
of Transportation, For the PeriodJanuary 1, to December 31, 1969 1971).
(Washington: Government Printing Office. 1970). p. 29. SJA hr to CG ist MarDiv. Subj: SJA's advice on recommenda-
lstLt James M. Schermerhorn Silver Star and Navy Commen- tion for trial by GCM, case ofJames W. Killen, nd. (U.S. y. Killen
dation Medal citations, both nd. (Citations folder, Marines and Mili- folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Li William J. CosgriffJAGC, USN, Irr to Maj Parks, dtd 28Dec76 ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Looking For Action
(Cosgriff folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC);
and LeGear ltr. Marines in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
Lucy intvw. ation in Vietnam. 1969-1972," pp. 136, 137.
lstMarDiv ComdCs, Jan-Dec69 (Unit Command Chronology ist MAW ComdCs, Jan-Dec69 (Unit Command Chronology file,
file, MCHC). MCHC).
lstLt Warren S. Mathey intvw, 11Jun69, Tape 4283 (Oral Hist- BGen Max Halliday intvw, 13Oct86, Tape 6490 and BGen David
Coil, MCHC). M. Brahms intvw, 2Dec86, Tape 6494 (Ora] HistColl, MCHC), here.
Ibid. after, Halliday intvw and Brahms intyw, respectively.
Ibid. Brahms inrvw.
John R. Thylor.Jr.. summary of irltvw to author, dtd 31Jan87 Brahms and Halliday inrvws.
(J. R. 'Ikylor folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. Brahms intvw.
MCHC). LiCol Richard A. Muench lu to author, dtd 3Sep86 (Muench
Lucy intvw. folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).

Col Michael G. McCollum inrvw. 17Feb87, Tapes 6495 (Oral Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Hoppe
HistColi, MCHC), hereafter McCoIIum intvw; and Col McColium ltr.
itt to author, did 21Dec88 (Comment folder, Marines and Military DeBarr inrvw li.
Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter McCollum itt. U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Annual Report of the United
Brahms inrvw; McCoilum intvw. States Court of Military Appeals and the Judge Advocates General
ibid. of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel of the Department
Brahms intvw. of the Transportation, For the Period January 1. 1969, to Decent-
CWO 4 Len E. Pierce Itt to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, drd 7Jan89 her 31. 1969 (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1970). p. 28.
(Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, Gen William C. Westmoreland, USA. and MajGen George S.
MCHC). Prugh, USA,Jucges in Command The JudicieJized Uniform Code
Ibid. of Military Justice in Combat, 3 Harvard Journal of14w and Public
LtCol Frederick M. Haden intvw, 12May69, Tape 4258 (Oral Policy 4 (1980), 1-93, at 60.
HistColl, MCHC). Parks itt. and Court-Martial Order, case of U.S. y. Pvt.Jinimie
Nathaniel E Emmons itt to author, dtd 19May88: Capt Ge- Dunbar. dcd 3 1Jan69 (Parks folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet-
orge H. O'Keiiey,Jr., itr to author, dtd 16May88; and Emmorss hr nam file, MCHC).
to BGen Edwin H. Simmons. dtd 24Feb89 (Emmons, O'Keiley, and Barnes ltr. with copies of 12 written statements.
Comment folders, respectively, Marines and Military Law in Viet- Trial counsel itr to CO 3d Shore Parry Bn, 3d MarDiv; Subj:
nani file, MCHC). SpCM. case of LCpi Richard E. Eicholtz-result of trial (Barnes
McCollum intvw; McCollum irr; and FMFPac Awards Alpha folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Roster, dtd Aug77, MCHC, Voi 3, n.p.
ist MAW ComdC, Nov69 (Unit Command Chronology file, Exits: Marine Corps Draws Downs
MCHC); and Coi Arthur R. Petersen hr to BGen Duane L. Faw,
dtd 25Nov69 (Petersen folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet-
Marines in Vietnam Anthology, Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
nam file, MCHC).
ations in Vietnam, 1969-1972." p. 140; and LtGen Henry W. Buse.
Jr., Pacific Operations Presentation, HQMC, General Officer's Sym-
Force Logistic Command: Approaching Breakdown
posium, 1969. tab M, p. 7.
3d MarDiv ComdCs. Oct-Dec69 (Unit Command Chronology
Col W. Hays Parks ltr to author, dtd 22Dec88 (Parks folder,
file, MCHC).
Marines and Milirary Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), hereafter Parks
ltr. Col Benjamin B. Ferreil ltr to author, dtd 2Jan87 (Ferrell folder,
Coi William M. Cummings itt to Col Arthur R. Petersen, dtd Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
26Apr69 (Petersen folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. LtCoi Michael J. Levin itt to author, dtd 17Mar89 (Comment
MCHC). folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
FLC ComdCs. Jan-Dec69 (Unit Command Chronology file, Ibid.
MCHC). BGen Max G. Halliday intvw, 13Oct86, Tape 6490 (Oral Hist-
Col Arthur R. Petersen ltr to author, dtd 11Jul88 (Petersen folder,
Coli, MCHC).
Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). ist Marine Aircraft Wing (Rear) History (Unit Command Chro-
Col Arthur R. Petersen, affidavit, dtd 4Apr70 (Petersen folder, nology file. ÌvICHC).
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). hereafter Peter-
Brahms ntvw.
sen affidavit. Ibid.
ibid. Mannes in Vietnam Anthology. Simmons, "Marine Corps Oper-
BGen Charles A. Cushman hr to author, dtd 17Jan89 (Com- axions in Vietnam, 1969-1972," p. 142.
ment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Petersen affidavit. Perspective
LtCoi Cati E. Buchmann intvw, 26Feb70, Tape 4751 (Oral Hist- Biographical files (RefSec, MCHC).
Coil, MCHC), hereafter Buchmann intvw. BGen Duane L. Paw hr to author, dtd 15Jun88 (Paw folder, Ma-
Ibid. rines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Ibid. BGen Paw Irr to Coi Robert M. Lucy, dtd 22Sep69 (Lucy folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Trvuig Cases Ibid.
CombinedLinealList of Officers on Active Duty in the Marine
Maj Richard A. Gabriel, USAR, "Professionalism Versus Man. Corps. 1 January 1970.
agerialism in Vietnam« Air University Review, Jan-Feb8l, pp. 7 7-85. Buchmann intvw.
Capt Daniel H. LeGear'ltr to author, dtd 6May87 (LeGeat folder, DeBarr intvw I.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter LeGear BGen Homer S. Hill, General Officers' Comments, p. 2, General
Itt. Officers Symposium, 1969.
McCollum intvw. Legal Services Study Rpt, p. 1.
BGen John R. DeBarr intvw, 2Oct86, Tape 6491 (Oral Hist- Ibid.. at CMC Decision page. appended to final page of report.
Coli. MCHC). hereafter DeBarr intvw Il. The Reserve Marine, Nov69, p. 1.
Col Henry Hoppe III Itr co author, dtd 27Mar87 (Hoppe folder, loi. Legal Services Study Rpt, p. 45.

Col James M. Granger its to author. drd 1Jun88 (Granger folder, From a Lawyer's Case File: Criminal-Criminologist
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
U.S. Senate, 12 December 1969, Congressional RecordSl6572. Except where otherwise noted, all descriptions are from: CMC
Office of Navy JAG. Code 64.2 (Case Stats folder, Marines and (JAM) first endorsement on NC&PB Itt 5800 NC&PB:401 of
Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). 23Oct86 ro Exec Secretary. Naval Clemency and ParoI Board. Subj:
Truesdak intvw. Progress Reports In Certain General Court-Martial Cases, dtd
Barnes questionnaire. 6Nov86; Philip C. Tower questionnaire to author. dtd 18Nov86 (Tow-
er folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC): and
ist MarDiv, BGen Edwin H. Simmons Orientation 111k, dtd 10Jan71
CHAPTER 8 (Command Info Notebook folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet-
1970-71 PREAMBLE: DISCIPLINE IN DISARRAY nam file, MCHC), p. 24-26. hereafter Simmons Orientation Talk;
and Marine Corps Casualty Reports (RefSec. MCHC).
i. Gen Leonard F. Chapman,Jr., Opening address. HQMC Gener- Kelley intvw
al Officer's Symposium. 1970, p. 1.
LtGen William K. Jones. Transcript of intvw by Orsi History Unit, Drugs: Marijuana and More
Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, dtd 13Apr73 (Oral HisrColl. MCHC), p. New York Times. 5Sep71. p. 36.
40, hereafter Jones intvw.
MajGen AlanJ. Armstrong debriefing at FMFPac, 29Jun71, upe
Graham A. Coimas and LtCol Terrence P. Murray, USMC. US. 5010 (Oral HistColl. MCHC), cited in Cosmas and Murray, Viet-
Marines in Vietnam. Vietnamization and Redeployment, 2970-1971 namization and Redeployment, p. 359, hereafter Armstrong
(Washington: Hist&MusDiv, 1986), pp. 352-353, hereafter Cosmas debriefing.
and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment. CaptJerry K. Taylor intvw, 29Mar71, Tape 4997 (Oral HisrColl,
Clark Smith, "Marine Doves and the Baffled Brass,' The Nation. MCHC).
Sep70, p. 201. LtGen William K. Jones. CG FMFPac Presentation, HQMC,
Michael Satchell, 'The Military's New Stars," US. News and World
General Officers Symposium. 1972, tab M, p. 23.
Report, 18Apr88, p. 34. Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization and Redep loyment, p. 360.
NHD, NavDept. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Shit's. MajGen Alan). Armstrong. Transcript of intvw by Oral Histo-
vol VI (Washington. 1976), p. 95; and David Cortright. Soldiers ry Unit, Hisc&MusDiv, HQMC, dtd 2Oct73 (Oral HiscColl, MCHC),
in Revolt (New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1975), p. 123, here-
p. 48. hereafter Armstrong transcript.
after Cortright, Soldiers in Revolt. United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Corn.
Facts On File. Inc., Faats On File Yearbook, 1971 (New York, 1972),
mand History, 1970. VoI II, p. XII-4.
p. 388; and Cortright, Soldiers in Revolt, p. 130. CG III MAF msg to CG FMFPac, dtd 11Sep70 (Command Con-
Gen Paul X. Kelley inrvw, 30Sep87, Tape 6477 (Oral HistColl, cerns folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
MCHC). hereafter Kelley intvw. Simmons Orientation Talk. P. 14.
Prugh, Law At War, p. 108.
Civilians at Courts-Martial: Lames Reversed LtCol Carl E. Buchmann intvw, 26Feb70. Tape 4751 (Oral Hist-
Coli, MCHC).
Latney y. Ignarius. 416 F2d 821 (CA DC Cit. 1969). Colonel Robert D. Hein],Jr.. "The Collapse of the Armed Forces,"
Faw intvw.
Armed Forces Journal. 7Jun71, p. 34.
Prugh. Law A: lr, p. 109. where Averette's first name is mis- LcGen Leo). Dularki. Transcript of intvw by Oral History Unit,
takenlv noted as William. Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, dtd 24Oct74 (Orsi HistColl, MCHC). p. 106.
United States y. Averette, 19 USCMA 363,41 CMR 363 (1970).
United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com- Simmons Orientation Talk, p. 14.
mand History. 1970, Vol II (MACV Cmd Histories folder, Marines Armstrong debriefing, p. 360; and Armstrong transcript, p. 46.
and Military Law in Vietnam fìle, MCHC), p. XII-17.
Cosmss and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment, pp.
Prugh, Law At FFir, p. 110-ill. 360-361.
Ibid.. p. 361.
Fragging: Killers in Our Midst The DOD-wide amnesty program was not a successful approach,
either. The Chief of Staff of XXIV Corps wrote to the Chief of Staff
BGen Edwin H. Simmons. Vietnam service debriefing to CG of USARV LBN RVN, "The amnesty program, or promise of im-
FMFPac. dtd 24May71; and Command Information Notebook, ist munity does not bring on a rush of volunteers . . . . While the
MarDiv, FMF, Republic of Vietnam, dtd 10Apr71 (Command Info response varies from unit to unit, it can be categorized as minimal."
Notebook folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). (MajGen W. E. Shedd, USA, msg to MajGen V. L. Bowers, USA,
p. 4 and p. 24, respectively; hereafter Simmons Vietnam Debrief- dtd 15Aug70 (Case Stats folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
ing, and Command Information Notebook, respectively. nam file. MCHC). hereafter: Shedd to Bowers msg.
Command Information Notebook, p. 24. Twenty-nine of the Capt George H. O'Kelley,Jr.. Irr to author, dtd 12Sep86 (O'Kel.
47 incidents occurred in or near the Da Nang/Division CP area; ley folder, Marines and Militan' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
18 occurred in forward areas. Nine of the 42 casualties were officers.
nine were SNCOs, and 24 were sergeants or below, including il Racial Conflict: High Tension
corporals and four PFCS. Those wounded were not always the in-
tended victims. United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com-
Command Information Notebook. p. 6. mand History. 1971, Volume U, p. x-9.

MajGen Edwin B. Wheeler. Manpower. G-i Presentation. record has been lost. checked out from the government repository
HQMC. Genera! Officers Symposium. 1971. tab E. p. 40. hereafter in December l96 and never returned. All exhibits from the Schwarz
Wheeler. Manpower Presentation. record of trial, including his critical initial written statements and
Capt George H. O'KelleyJr., Irr ro author, did 16May88 (O'KcI. the photos of the victims taken the morning after the events, are
ley folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). missing from his record of trial, as are the last 32 pages of the record
Dept of Defense, "Race Relations in the U.S. Marine Corps," itself. (Copies of the missing statements are included in the record
Com,nanders Digest, 30Nov72. p. 8: and Col Robert M. Lucy memo of the Article 32 investigation.)
to ist MarDiv chief of staff, drd 6Nov69 (Lucy folder, Marines and Jack Shulimson, US. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding l.
Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Note that court-martial stat is- 1966 (Washington: Hist&Mus Div. 1982), p. 283n.
tics were not kept by race and the 50 percent figure was only Col LtGen Charles G. Cooper Into author, did 2 3Jan89 (Comment
Lucy's estimate. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
CG FLC Itt 2/FRW/dwe 5500 of 8Oct69, referred to in Supply after Cooper Jan89 Itt.
Bn Subsersive Activities Report, did 16Aug70 (Command Concerns li. Cooper jan89 In.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Ibid.
Simmons Orientation Talk, p. ii. LtGen Charles G. Cooper ltr to author, did 12Sep88 (Cooper
Ibid.. pp. 11-12. folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), here-
jones intvw, p. 84-85. after Cooper Sep88 Icr.
Wheeler. Manpower Presentation. p. 40. LiCol Richard E. Theer lit to author, did 24Feb89 (Theer folder,
Command Information Notebook. p. 6. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), p. 6. hereafter
Theer lin.
Administrative Discharge: The Marines Clean House Record of trial. United States y. Pvc Michael A. Schwarz, NCM
71 0029, 45 CMR 852 (NMCR, 1971). pp. 370-371. hereafter U.S.
SgrMaj Edgar R. Huff. Transcript of intvw by Oral 1-listory Unit, y. Schwarz.
HistDiv. HQMC. dtd 27Jun72 (Oral HistColl. MCHC), pp. 176-177. Cooper Sep88 Itt.
MajGen Wheeler, Manpower Presentation. p. 29. CG Ist MarDiv mag to CMC, did 1Mar70 (Son Thang [4] folder,
New York Times, 5Sep71. p. 36. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC. Washington);
United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Com- and FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, did 24Aug77. Book 2 of 4, np.
mand History. 1970. Vol 11. pp. XII-2-XIi-4. (MCI-IC).
Co! Roben M. Lucy debriefing at FMFPac, 24Jun70, 1pc 4814 Cooper Sep88 ltr.
(Oral HinCo!!, MCHC), hereafter Lucy debriefing. U.S. s'. Schwarz. p. 348.
Jones intvw, P. 42. Verbatim record of joint Article 32 investigation, cases of Pat
Gen Leonard F. Chapman. Jr.. CMC's introductory remarks co R. D. Herrod. PFC 'L R. Boyd. PFC S. G. Green. iCpl M. S.
HQMC. General Officers Symposium. 1970, p. 21. Krichten, and Pat M. A. Schwarz: testimony of Sgt H. E. Meyers,
U.S. Marine Corps. Report on Marine Corps Manpower Quali- pp. 549-5 50. A partial copy of the Article 32 record is included.
ty and Force Structure, did 31Dec75. pp. 18-19 (Report on Man- (Blum folder, Marines and Military Law in Viemam file. MCHC).
power folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC): Except where otherwise noted. all subsequent quotes. extracts from
and Cosmas and Murras Vietnamiza.ezon and Redeployment. p. 363. the record, and descriptions are from this document: hereafter Son
Shedd to Bowers msg. Thang (4) Article 32.
Simmons Vietnam Debriefing. P. 2. Ibid.
'l'iernan inrvw. United States y, PFC Samuel G. Green, jr.. N/CM 70 3811; 21
BGen Tierrsan Itt to author (Comment folder. Marines and Mili- USCMA 609 (24,527).
tary Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). hereafter Tiertsan Itt. U.S. y. Schwarz. p. 287.
Tiernan inrvw. ibid.. pp. 406-407.
Tiernan Itt. ibid., P. 290.
Col james M. Granger Itt to author. dtd 1Jun88 (Granger folder, Ibid., Pp. 408-409.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), p. 5. Ibid., P. 294.
LtGen Victor H. Krulak. Transcript of intvw by Oral History Ibid., Pp. 411-412.
Unit, }-listDiv, HQMC, did 20Jun70 (Oral HisiColl, MCHC). PP. Ibid.. p. 29).
135-136. Son Thang (4) Article 32. pp. 50. 60-61: and U.S. y. Schwarz,
p. 50.
From a Lawyer's Case File: Homicide on Patrol U.s. s', Schwarz. p. 185.
1/7 ComdC. Feb70 (Unit Command Chronologt- file, MCHC).
CG ist MarDis msg to CG Ill MAF, dtd 20Feb70 (Son Thang Theer Itt, p. 6.
[4] folder. Marines and Military 12w in Vietnam file, MCHC). An account of a 1966 patrol led by then-Captain Theer is relat-
Lucy debriefing. ed in a Readers Digest feature book condensation by AndrewJones,
Ibid. (Col Lehnen made his remarks in introducing Col Lucy "Where Do We Get Such Men?:' Readers Digest. Sep85, pp. 2 16-218.
to the debriefing audience.) Son Thang (4) Article 32. p. 216.
Record of trial. United States y. Pvt Michael A. Schwarz. NCM Theer Icr, p. 8.
71 0028: 45 CMR 852 (NCMR. 1971). Since Krichten was granted Son Thang (4) Article 32. p. 190.
immunity and Herrod and Boyd were found not guilty the only Ibid., P. 190.
verbatim records of triai were those of Green and Schwarz. The Green Ibid., P. 232.

Ibid.. pp. 327-328. Laveroni Irr.

Ibid.. statement of Pvt Schwarz. dtd 23Feb70, Investigation Col Peter N. Kress Irr ro author, dtd 24Jan89 (Comment folder,
Exhibit 47. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
CG Ist MarDiv msg to CMC. dtd 28Feb70 (Son Thang 141 U"iishington Post, 23Dec86. p. Di.
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam (11e. MCHC). United States w. l'vt Michael A. Schwarz. 45 CMR 852 (NCMR,
Associated Press, in Los Angeles Times. 27Feb70: and Wshing- 1971).
ton P051, 28Feb70. United States y. PFC Samuel G. Green, Jr.. unpublished NCMR
CG ist MarDiv msg to CMC, dtd 4Mar70 (Son Thing [4] folder, opinion, decided 19May71: 21 USCMA 609 (#24.527).
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC): and Lucy Webb, "The Sad Conviction of Sam Green," p. 13.
debriefing. Hon. James H. Webb, Jr.. telephone conversation with author,
CG ist MarDiv msg to CMC. dtd 6Mar70 (Son Thang [4] folder, 3Jan89 (Memorandum for the record, General Correspondence
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Col Max G. Halliday. Head, Military Law Branch.JAD, lu to Timberg. "The Private War of 011ie and Jim." p. 152.
Mrs. Kenneth D. Coffin, dcd 19Mar70. cited in Cosmas and Mur- New York Times. 25May71. p. 13.
ray Vietnamization and Redeployment. p. 347.
CG 1st MarDiv msg to CMC. dtd 20May70 (Son Thang [4] CHAPTER 9
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). 1970-71: REDEPLOYMENT
CG ist MarDiv msgs to CMC. dtd 31Mar70, 8Apr70, 19Apr70.
and 15May70 (Son Thang (4] folder. Marines and Military Law in Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization nd Redeployment. pp.
Vietnam file, MCHC). 1)-20, 88.
UP! in Pacific Stars and Strröes, 2 1May70, p. 6. III MAF and FLC ComdC, Jan-Mar7O (Unit Command Chro.
CG Ist MarDiv msg to CMC. dial 26May70 (Son Thang [4] nology File, MCHC).
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
ilL Son Thang (4) Article 32, p. 142. Force Logistic Command: Playing Catch-up
Pacific Stars and SIrrias. 1Mar70. p. 6.
Col Robert J. Blum ltr to author, dtd 2Mar89 (Blum folder, Col Arthur R. Petersen ltr to Col Robert C. Lehnen, SJA, FMFPac,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). dtd 3Jun70 (Petersen folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Pacific Stars and Srrrbes, 2Mar70. folder. MCHC), hereafter Petersen.Lehnert ltr.
United States y. Pvt Michael A. Schwarz. 45 CMR 852 (NCMR. W. Mark Wood intvw, 2 7Jul88, Tape 6496 (Oral HistColl. MCHC):
1971). hereafter Wood intvw
ibid. Col Arthur R. Petersen affidavit. drd 4Apr70 (Petersen folder.
Los Angeles Times. 22Jun70. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), hereafter Peter-
James H. Webb, "The Sad Conviction Of Sam Green: The Case sen affidavit. This unusual and revealing document was prepared
for the Reasonable and Honest War Criminal," Res ¡psa Loquiriir to explain the circumstances prevailing in FLC upon Col Petersen's
Georgetown Review of Law and Public interest. Vol. 26. No. 1, arrival as SJA. It appears to have been prompted by complaints of
Winter. 1974, p. II. hereafter Webb. "The Sad Conviction of Sam appellate counsel concerning delays in FIC's processing of cases. Such
Green." delays wre legitimate grounds for appellate defense attack.
Pacific Stars and Stripes, 24Jun70. FLC ComdC, Sep69.Dec7O (Unit Command Chronology file.
United States s. PFC Samuel G. Green, Jr.. NCM 70 3811, 21 MCHC).
USCMA 609 (#24,527). Waod inrvw.
Record of trial, United Statesv. Pvt Rande!! D. Herrod. NCM Petersen-Lehnen Irr.
70 2970. Ibid.
Denzil D. Garrison hr to author. dtd 22Aug88 (Garrison folder, Ibid.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Gar- Petersen affidavit.
rison Itt. Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment. p. 192.
Lewv, America in Vietnam, p. 356; and Webb. "The Sad Con- FLC ComdC, JuI7O-Mar71 (Unit Command Chronology file,
viction of Sam Green:' p' 12. MCHC).
CG lstMarDiv mag to CMC. did 7Mai70 (Son Thang 14] folder, Col Daniel E McConnell Irr to author. dtd 25Jan89 (Comment
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
LiCol PaulJ. Laveroni hr to author, dtd 1Oct87 (Lavcroni folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Lavero- From a Lawyer's Case File: The Defense Wins four
ni Irr.
Cooper Sep88 Irr. New York Times. 8Feb70, p. 2, and 9Feb70, p. 12: Pacific Stars
Garrison lu. and Stripes. 25May70: and Capt George H. O'Kellev Irr to author.
¡28. Theer Itt, p' 9. dial 12Sep86 (O'Kellev folder, Marines and Militar Law in Viet-
Theer ltr, p. 12, nam file, MCHC).
Ben Brad lee, Jr.. Guts and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Oliver New York Times, 9Feb70, p. 12.
North (New York: Donald I. Fine. Inc.. 1988), p. 92. Paci/la Stars and Stripes, 25May70.
Quoted in Robert Timberg, "The Private War of 011ie andJim," Verbatim record of joint Article 32 investigation: cases of Cpi
Esquire. Mar88, p. 144. at 152. hereafter Timberg. "The Private War Ronald E. Gales, LCpl Joseph L. Jones Ill, LCpl James B. Addison,
of 011ie and Jim?' and ICpl Andrew M. Harris. Jr., hereafter Joint Article 32.

Ibid. Ibid.
Joint Article 32; Capt George H. OKelley ltrs to author, dril Holben intvw.
12Sep86. 16May88. and 9Jun88 (O'Kelley folder, Marines and Mili- Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment. pp.
tarv Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); and Wood intvw. 108.109.
Record of trial. United States y. l.Cpl James B Addison. NCM Granger Irr.
70 2433. Col Donald E. Holben Irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, drd
Ibid.. appellate exhibit 5. 16Feb89 (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam
Wood inrvw. file. MCHC), hereafter Holben hr.
Ibid. CoI Peter N. Kress !tr to author. dril 24Jan89 (Comment folder.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). hereafter Kreta
ist Marine Aircraft Wing: Prepared For Takeoff ltr.
Granger ltr.
Cosma.s and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment, pp.
11, 15, 95. 192. Trying Cases
Col Curtis W. Olson questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks. dtd Ibid.
Dec76 (Olson folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MajGen Jonas M. Platt. Manpower. G4 Presentation. HQMC.
MCI-IC). General Officers Symposium, 1969, Tab E. p. 19.
Col Olson questionnaire ro author, dtd 27Oct86 (Olson folder, Gen Leonard E Chapman, Jr.. opening remarks. HQMC, Gener.
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). ah Officers Symposium. 1970, p. 20.
LiCol Cari E. Buchmann inrvw, 26Feb70. Tape 4751 (Oral Hist.
ist Marine Division: New Broom Coil, MCHC), hereafter Buchmann intvw.
Col Lucy hr to BGen Duane L. Faw, did 22Nov69 (Lucy folder,
Cusmas and Murray. Vietnamization and Redeployment, p. 27. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col Robert M. Lucy Irr to Col Robert C. Lehnert, dtd 23Dec69 U.S. Court of Military Appeals, Annual Report of the United
(Lucy folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). States Court ofMilitary Appeals and the judge Advocates General
BGenJames P. King intvw, 5Nov86. Tape 6478 (Oral HistColl. of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel of the Department
MCHC). of Transportation, For the Periodjanuary 1, to December31, 1971,
Col Lucy ltr to Col john R. Deßarr, n.d. (Lucy folder, Marines and, (same title). . . . For the PeriodJanuary 1. to December 31,
and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). 1972 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1972 and 1973),
ist MacDiv ComdC. Jun70 (Unit Command Chronology file, pp. 27 and 29. respectively.
MCHC). Buchmann intvw.
Col James M. Granger hr to author, dtd 1Jun88 (Granger folder, Col Petersen lirs to BGen Fam, dtd 15 and 25Jun70 (Petersen
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC), hereafter folder, Marines and Militan Law file, MCHC).
Granger hr. CoI Lucy ltr to Capt B. R. Perkins. JAGC. USN, dtd 9Jun70
Ibid. (hier folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Col James M. Granger Irr ro BGen Edwin H. Simmons. dtd Col Petersen ltr to Capt Perkins. did 14Jun70 (Petersen folder,
24Jan89 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam Marines and Militan Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
file, MCI-IC). Holben Irr.
Gen William C. Westmoreland. USA. and MajGen George S. CG ist MarDiv hr to NavyJAG. Subj: Performance of duty as
Prugh, USA,Judges in Command: The judicialized Un,iarm Code Military Judge of Lieutenant Colonel Henry Hoppe III. dtd 14May70
ofMilitary justice in Combat, 3 Harvard journal ofLaw and Pub/ic (Granger folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Policy 4 (1980), 1-93, at 60; hereafter Westmoreland and Prugh. FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, did 24Aug77, Book 2 of 4. np.,
Judges in Command. MCHC.
FMFPac Awards Alpha Roster, dtd 24Aug77. Books 1. 2, and Col Robert J. Blum questionnaire ro Maj W. Hays Parks, did
3 of 4. np., MCHC. 24Jan77 (Blum folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Col Donald E. Holben intvw, 13Oct86, làpe 6472 (Oral Hist. MCHC).
Coil, MCHC). hereafter Holben intvw. U.S. Court of Military Appeals. Annual Report of the United
Ibid. States Court ofMilitary Appeals and the Judge Advocates General
Ibid. of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel of the Department
Capt Mario A. Gomez inrvw, 10Oct86, Tape 6488 (Oral Hist- of Transportation, For the Peyiodjanua,y 1. to December31, 1969,
ColI, MCHC), hereafter Gomez intyw. and (same title) . , For the Period january 1. to December 31,
. .

Holben intvw. 1970, pp. 28 and 27, respectively.

Ibid.; and Kress intvw. O'KeIley Itt.
Holben intvw. Col W. Hays Parks. USMCR, Irr to author, dtd 22Dec88 (Parks
Ibid. folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Maj Stephen C. Berg questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Parks. drd United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com-
5Jan77 (Berg folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. mand History, 1970, Vol hI, p. XII-1.
MCHC), hereafter Berg questionnaire. Col Lucy debriefing at FMFPa, 24Jun70, Tape 4814 (Oral Hist-
Capt Keith D. Lawrence. JAGC, USN, Irr to author, dtd 16Feb89 CoIl, MCHC).
(Lawrence folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Col John R. DeBan debriefing at FMFPac, 9Jun69, Tape 4254
Tower liz. (Oral HistColl, MCHC).

Col Petersen ltr to author, drd 11Jul88 (Petersen folder, Ma- LtCol PaulJ. Laveroni Kr to author, dtd 1Oct87 (Laveroni folder,
rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
Holben intvw.; and Cosmas and Murray. Vietnamization and Holben ltr.
Redeployment, p. 250. LtCol PaulJ. Laveroni Itt to author. dtd 30Jan89 (Comment
LtCol PaulJ. Laveroni hr to author, did 2Oct87 (Laveroni folder, folder): and Mai Berg questionnaire to Maj Parks, dtd 5Jan77 (Berg
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), hereafter Lavero- folder) (Both Comment and Berg folders in Marines and Military
ni itt. Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Coi Edwin W. Welch questionnaire to author. dtd 18Sep86 The Last Marine Lawyer Out
(Welch folder, Marines and Militan' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC);
and O'Kelley Itr. Office of the judge Advocate General of the Navy, Code 64.2
Col Robert D. HcinLjr.. 'The Collapse of The Armed Forces," (Case Stata folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
Armed Forces Journal, 7Jun71, p. 32. MCHC).
Col Eileen M. Albertson intyw, 2Dec86, Tape 6498 (Oral Hist- Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment. pp.
Coil, MCHC). 211-213.
O'Kelley liz. Kress Itt.
i06. Ibid., pp. 190. 235, 238.
Last Call For Combar Col Curtis W. Olson lit to author, dtd 9jan87 (Olson folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC); and 3d MAB's
Col Lucy ltr to ADC, 1st MarDiv, dtd 26Apr70 (Lucy folder,
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). "Final ComdC of ist MAW," did 25May71 (Unit Command Chro-
Capi W. Hays Parks Navy Commendation Medal citation, n.d. nology file, MCHC).
(Granger folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Oranger ltr; and Kress intvw.
Capt Robert M. MacConnell Navy Commendation Medal cita- MajG'en Alan J. Armstrong. Transcript of intvw by Oral His-
tion, nd. (Oranger folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam tory Unit. Hist&MusDiv, I-IQMC, drd 25Sep73 (Oral HisrColl.
file, MCHC). MCHC), pp. 8-9.
Capt Raymond T. Bonner Navy Achievement Medal citation, Col Daniel F. McConnell questionnaire to author, dtd 16Sep86
n.d. (Granger folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, (McConnell folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file,
Cosmas and Murray, Vietnamization and Redeployment, p. 246.
Closing Cases Versus Best Defense Ibid., p. 240-241, 243.
Ibid., p. 236; and ist MarDiv ComdC, l4Apr'3OJun7l (Unit
Maj Stephen C. Berg questionnaire to Maj Parks, dtd 5Jan77 Command Chronology file, MCHC).
(Berg folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Holben intvw.
317 ComdC, Aug70 (Unit Command Chronology file, MCHC); Kress inrvw; and Kress hr.
and Cosmas and Murray, T/ietnamizatzoa and Redeployment. p. 350. Granger lit.
CG ist MarDiv msg to CG FMFPac. dtd 18Aug70 (ist MarDiv Kress intvw.
msg files, MCHC). Granger irr.
CG ist MarDiv msg to CG FMFPac. did 29Aug70 (ist MarDiv Ibid.
msg files, .MCHC). Holben intvw; and Holben lit.
Gomez inrvw.
DD Form 458, Charge Sheet; case of Sgt Adrian Aragon. Sgt Cosmas and Murray. Vietnamization and Redep loymens', pp.
Aragon's and CpI Anderson's records of trial have both been lost, 246. 369.
A copy of Sgt Aragon's charge sheet is available (Grant folder, Ma- Ibid
rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Cosmas and Murry. Viernamization and Redeployment. pp.
CG ist MaiD iv msg to CG FMFPac, dtd 19Aug70 (ist MarDiv 246, 369.
msg files, MCHC). Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford Univer-
The description of events surrounding the cases and the events sity Press. 1978), p. 159.
that followed, except where otherwise indicated, are from: LiCol Tower ltr.
Paul J. Laveroni Itt to author, dtd 1Oct87; Tone N. Grant, ltrs to
author, did 11May88 and 22Jul88: and Col Edwin W. Welch liz ro Perspective
author, dtd 16Feb87 (Laveroni, Grant, and Welch folders, respec-
tively. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC); and HoI- Combined Lineal List of Officers on Active Duty in the Ma-
ben intvw. rine Corps, 1 January 1971.
Holben intvw. BGen Harvey E. Spielman, Education and Transition Presen.
Westmoreland and Prugh, Judges in Command, p. 34. cation, HQMC, General Officers Symposium, 1972, tab V, pp. 4-5.
BGenJames P. King intvw. 5Nov86, Tape 6478 (Oral HistColl, U.S. Court of Military Appeals. Joint Repon of the U.S.
MCHC). COMA. and the JAGs of the Armed Forces and the General Coun-
Holben Itt, sel of the Dept. of Transportation, Annual Report o/the United
SJA hr to Assi Chief of Staff, G-4, ist MarDiv, Subi: Letter of States Court of Military Appeals and the Judge Advocate Generals
continuity, case of Capt Tone N. Grant, did 23Feb71 (Grant folder, of the Armed Forces and the General Counsel o/the Department
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). of Transportation. For the PeriodJitnuary 1, 1972 to December 31,

1972 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1973). p. 3. Anderson its.

130. Kdley inrvw. Cited ai 3. Miller y. Lehman. No. 85-5328 (U.S. Cc of Appeals
for D.C.. 19Sep86).
Brahms intvw.
PART IV Miller y. Lehman, 603 E Supp. 164 (D.C. Cir. 1985).
Aftermath and Echoes Miller y. Lehman, 801 F.2d 492 (D.C. Cii. 1986).
HQMC routing sheet on Navy JAG Irr to VAdm James B. Stock-
CHAPTER 10 dale, did 27Aug87 (POW folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
Draft Dep Asst Navy JAG memo to "Distribution List." Subj:
L Director, OSD Historical Office lu to BGen Edwin H. Simmons. File Materials on Colonel Edison W. Miller. n.d. (POW folder. Ma-
did 29Dec88 (Comment folder. Marines and Military Law in Viet- tines and Militai-s' Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
nam file. MCHC). Brahms intvw.
USAF. 13th Air Force Joint Homecoming Reception Center
(JHRC) Ailier Action Report (POW folder, Marines and Military Law From a Lawyer's Case File: Wartime Acts, Post-War Trial
in Vietnam 6k, MCHC).
BGen David M. Brahms inrvw, 2Dec86, Tape 6494 (Oral Hist- Col Elliott R. Laine, jr.. summary of intvw to author, dtd
Coli, MCHC). hereafter Brahms inrvw. 16Mar87 (I.aine folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file.
DOD. "Prisoner of War Return Underway." Commanders Digest. MCHC).
March 1, 1973, P. 2. Record of trial, United States r. SgtJon M. Sweeney. NCM 71
Col Richard G. Moore Certificate of Commendation, dtd 2Dec75 2662.
(POW folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Com-
CG Ill MAE "Homecoming Marine. Phase li After Action Repon, mand History, 1970, Vol Ii. p. X-35.
13 Dec 1972-6 Apr 1973," did 5Apr73 (POW folder. Marines and DepDir of Personnel route sheet to Assi Chief of Staff. G-1,
Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Subj: Briefing of father of SgtJ. M. Sweenee did 26Aug70 (Sweeney
Brahms intvw. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
JAD (Code AI) Comments did 4Nov71 to Screening Bd Recom-
Prisoner Misconduct: Charges mendation; case of PFC Garwood, did 6Jan72 (Sweeney folder, Ma-
rines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
The Washington Post, 9Feb81, p. A13. VAdm James B. Stockdale, USN. A Vietnam Evpenence: Ten
MajGen George S. Prugh, USA. irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, Years of Reflection (Stanford: Hoover Institution, 1984), p. 124.
did 29Dec88 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet. Col Benjamin B. Ferrell Itt to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, did
nam file. MCHC). 21Feb89 (Comment folder, Marines and Militan' Law in Vietnam
Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Memoran- file, MCHC).
dum for the Record, dtd 4Jun73 (POW folder, Marines and Mili.
rary Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). Maj Brahms was not present at Deserters in the Hands of the Enemy
this particular meeting. Those present were: Secretary of the Navy
Warner; Secretary of the Army Caiiaway: Acting General Counsel, Rpt of Disposition Bd. to review the case of Pri Earl C. Weather-
DoD. Leonard Niederlehner; Assi General Counsel, DOD, Frank man, dtd 3Jul79;JA.R memoro SecNav. Subj; Pri Earl C. \X'eather-
Bartimo; General Counsel. Dept of the Army. Robert Berry: Assi man; contemplated action with respect to, n.d. (Weatherman folder.
JAG of the Army. MajGen Parker; Dep JAG of the Navy. RAdin Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); CMC Refer-
Robertson; Acting Dir,JAD. ColJohn R. DeBan, USMC; Col Charles ence Notebook-1972, Book Ill, tab 3-H-7. end. (3): and U.S. Ma-
Keever, USMC; and Special Counsel to SeeNav. Cmdr Lynch, JAGC. rine Corps Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Roster, HQMC
USN. (Code MP). dtd 17Oct72 (POW folder. Marines and Military Law
il. Brahms intvw. in Vietnam file, MCHC).
12. Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Memoran- HQMC Marine Liaison ir to AO2A, Subj: Summary No. 27
dum for the Secretary of the Navy. Subj: Court-martial charges Operation HOMECOMING Intelligence Debriefs, dtd 14Mar73;
against three enlisted Marine ex-POWs. did 22Jun73 (POW folder, and Headquarters Marine Corps (Code INT) briefing. "Experience
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). of POWs". nd., wich transparency labeled: "Died in Captivity"
12. Director. Judge Advocate Division memo to Acting Comman- (POW folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
dant of the Marine Corps, Subj: POW Discipline Cases, did 5Jul73
(POW folder, Marines and Military Law iii Vietnam file, MCHC). White VC?: Robert R. Garwood
Affìdavit of Capt Thomas P. Coffey at 3, Miller y lehman (U.S.
Cc. of Appeals. D.C., No. 85-5328XPOW folder. Marines and Mili- Unless otherwise noted the material relating to the capture and
tary Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). activities of PFC Gai-wood is derived from an amalgam of intelli-
Brahms nu'w. gence, administrative, and litigation sources: HQMC. 'Biographic
Gen Earl E. Anderson Irr to aurhor, did 22Feb89 (Anderson Site Rpt as of 20 Mar 1979," np.. n.d.; "US Troops Held By VC,"
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam flIc. MCHC); here- nd.. np.; 11th CI Team "Camp Location Study," dtd 22Sep71. np.,
after Anderson hr. all miAD Garwood file: and CO, HQ Bn, 3dMarDiv msg to CMC,
BGen John R. DeBarr Irr to author, dtd 25Jan89 (Comment did 17Dec65: USDAU mag toJCS/DLA, did 12May73; Draft, Navy
finder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam 6k, MCHC). JAG Itt ro Civil Div. Dept of Justice, nd.: Defense Information

Report Evaluations (Bright Light rprs), dtd 2Jun71. 22Sep77; and Enemy (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1983), p. 342, hereafter
NIS rpt of inrvw of SFC Robert Lewis Ill, USA, dtd 2May79; copies Conversations with the Enemy.
of all of which are on file. (Garwood folder. Marines and Military Unless otherwise noted, material relating to the court-martial
Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). is from appellate opinions. U.S. r. PFC Robert R. Garwood. 16 M.J.
Neil Sheehan. A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vana andAmeri- 863 (NMCMR 1983); U.S. y. PFC Robert R. Garwood. 20 M.J. 148
ca in Vietnam (New York: Random House, 1988), p. 115. (CMA 1985); and JPAO AAR for GCM of PFC Robert R. Garwood,
Enclosure to LrCol Werner Hellmer Itt to author, dtd 2Mar89 dial 5Mar81 (Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet-
(Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). nam file, MCHC); and Conversations with the Enemy. pp. 333-394.
Defense Information Report Evaluation (Bright Light rpt), dtd WaIter T. Skallerup, Jr., memo to Secretary of the Navy, Subj:
19Sep73; NIS rpt of intvw of SFC Robert Lewis III, USA, dtd Grant of Immunity For PFC Garwood, USMC, dtd 25Feb85 (Gar-
2May79; and USMC, Headquarters. Biographic Site Rpt as of 20 wood folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Mar 1979."JAD Garwood fIle. n.p.; copies of all of which are avail- Ibid.
able (Garwood folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, CMC comment on Routing Sheet, drd 13Feb85. covering Navy
MCHC). JAG memo to DoD General Counsel, Subj: Grant of Immunity
Monika Schwinn and Bernhard Diehi, ¡ Came To Help (New In Case of PFC Robert R. Garwood (Garwood folder, Marines and
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1976), p. 86. Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
John G. Hubbell, PO.W' (New York: Reader's Digest Press, 1976). U.S. r. PFC Robert R. Garwood. 16 M.J. 863. 869 (NMCMR
p. 401. 1983).
E.g., Department of Defense interrogation report, dtd 14Nov68 cert. den.. 474 U.S. 1005; 106 SCt. 524.
(Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). NavyJAG draft itt to Civil Division, Dept ofJustice, n.d. (Gar-
Navy JAG draft ltr to Civil Div, Dept ofJustice. n.d. (Garwood wood folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). HQMC, Memorandum, Subj: PFC Robert R. Garwood, USMC.
NIS rpt of intvw of SFC Robert Lewis III, USA. dtd 3May79 nd.. inJAD Garwood file (Garwooci folder. Marines and Military
(Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Operation Order 305.68, Operation Houston: Patrol: Dublin Col Joseph R. Morelewski intvw, 24Feb87. Tape 6489 (Oral Hist.
City; Patrol Report dtd 15Jul68, in ist Force Reconnaissance Co. Coil, MCHC).
ComdC. Jul68 (Unit Command Chronology file, MCHC). The if/ashington Post. 9Feb81, p. A13.
5th Mar FragO 66-68 to FragO 65-68 in 5th Mar ComdC, Jul68 U.S. y. Garwood, 16 M.J. 863 (NMCMR 1983), at 873.
(Unit Command Chronology file, MCHC). U.S. y. Garwood, 20 Mj. 148 (CMA 1985), at 154.
ist CIT Investigation Rpt 024-9K-68, dtd 24Jul68; and CG III
MAF msg to ComUSMACV, dtd 17Jul68 (Garwood folder, Marines CHAPTER 11
and Military Law in Vietnam 111e, MCHC). MOPPING UP
Zahn Grant. Survivors (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc.,
1975), p. 149. Drugs. Race, Dissent: Same Problems. New Venues
Rpt of Medical Examination, USNRMC Okinawa, dtd 25Mar79
(Garwood folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); i. LtGen William K. Jones, CG FMFPac presentation, HQMC,
hereafter Medical Examination. General Officers Symposium, 1971, tab J, p. 13.
Col Martin L. Brandtner summary of inrvw, dtd 5Apr88 (Brandt- Gen Leonard F. Chapman. Jr., opening address, HQMC, Generai
net folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Officer's Symposium, 1970. p. 21.
USMC Headquarters, Screening Bd Recommendation; Case of Gen Robert E. Cushman, Jr. Transcript of intvw by Oral History
PFC Garwood, dtd 30Mar72 (Garwood folder, Marines and Mili- Unit, Hist&MusDiv, HQMC, dtd 5NOv82 (Oral HistColl, MCHC),
tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). pp. 344, 361-2.
Plaintiffs Brief for Summary Judgement at i. Garwood y. U.S., BGen William H. J. Tiernan irr to author, dial 6Feb89 (Com-
U.S. Ct. CI. (No. 551.79C) (Garwood folder, Marines and Military ment folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); and HQMC, JAD Garwood file. MajGen Edwin B. Wheeler, Manpower, G-I Presentation, HQMC,
NIS rpt of police records review, Indianapolis, Indiana Police General Officers Symposium, 1972, tab H, p. 18.
Dept., dtd 17Apr79 (Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in USMC. Report on Marine Corps Manpower Quality and Force
Vietnam file). Structure, dtd 31Dec75 (MCHC), pp. i-2 of Executive Summary;
Medical Examination. p. 7. hereafter Report on Marine Corps Manpower.
Mai Joseph Composto Icr ro author, dtd 25Nov86 (Garwood Ibid.. p. 9-10.
folder. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). The Camp Lijeune Globe (MCB Camp lejeune, NC.), 14Aug75,
LrCol William T Anderson Irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, p. 1.
drd 26Jan89 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet- Report on Marine Corps Manpower. p. 2 of cover Itt.
nam file, MCHC). DeBarr inrvw.
CMC memo to Dep Asst Secretary of State and Coordinator li. Report on Marine Corps Manpower, p. 6.
for POW/MIA Matters, Subj: Return of PFC Robert R. Garwood Office of Navy JAG, Code 40.12 (Case Stats folder, Marines and
USMC from Vietnam. dtd 7Mar79 (Garwood folder, Matines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); and Directorate for Infor-
Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). mation. Operations and Reports, The Pentagon, Department of
Certification of U.S. Counsel, Bangkok. Thailand, dtd 22Mar79 Defense. Selected Manpower Statistics. Fiscal Year 1982. p. 77.
(Garwood folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam). "Race Relations in the U.S. Marine Corps," Commanders Dgest,
Winston Groom and Duncan Spencer. Conversations with the 30Nov72. pp. 8-9.

Bernard C. Nalty, Strength For the Fight (New York; The Free Col Joseph R. Motelewski inww, 24Feb87. Tape 6489 (Oral Hist-
Press. 1986) pp. 338-339. Coil, MCHC), hereafter Morelewski intvw.
Report on Marine Corps Manpower, pp. 8, 12. Col Robert B. Neville Irr o Maj W. Hays Parks, dtd 12Jun77
USMC, Analysis of FMFPGC Human Affairs Poll; July 1972 (Neville folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC),
(FMFPac Human Affairs Poll folder. Marines and Military Law in hereafter Neville irr.
Vietnam file, MCHC). pp. 2.1-2-4. Gen Paul X. Keiley intvw, 30Sep87. Tape 6477 (Oral HistColl.
MCHC). hereafter Kelley intvw.
Vietnam Finale: Bien Hoa and the Rose Garden
The Uniform Code of Military Justice: Did it Work in Vietnam?
Except where otherwise noted all material in this section is der-
ived from; Hq. ist Marine Aircraft Wing, 'The Rose Garden Sto- House Report, to accompany HR 4080. No. 491, Hearing be-
ry,' n.d. (The Rose Garden folder. Marines and Military Law in fore the House Armed Services Committee, 81st Con., ist Sess., p.
Vietnam folder. MCHC). 8 (1949).
Bio File, (RefSec, MCHC). Col Robert M. they Irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, dtd 16Jan89
BGen Raymond W. Edwards Itt to author. dtd 9Dec86 (Edwards (Comment folder. Marines and Militan Law in Vietnam file,
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC). MCHC), hereafter Lucy ltr.
BGen Raymond W. Edwards Irr to BGen Edwin H. Simmons, BGen Edwin H. Simmons, Vietnam service debriefing to CG
dtd 26Jan89 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law in Viet- FMFPac. dtd 24May71 (Command Info Notebook folder. Marines
nam file. MCHC). hereafter Edwards 1989 Irr. and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). p. 10.
Edwards 1989 ltr: and Vincent). Bartolotta Itr to Col Michael CoI John R. DeBarr debriefing at FMFPac, 9Jun69. Tape 4254
Patrick Mucray, dtd 2Feb87 (Comment folder and Bartolotta folder, (Oral HistColi, MCHC).
both in Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC); here. Faw intvw.
after Bartolotta hr. Tiernan intvw.
HqFMFPac, Narrative Summary of Significant Activities; "Oper- Gen William C. Westmoreland and MajGen George S. Prugh,
ations of U.S. Marine Forces in Southeast Asia. 1 July 1971 'I'hru Judges in Command The Judicia/ized Liniform Code of Military
31 March 1973," nd., p. 3-17; hereafter HqFMFPac Narrative Justice in Combat, 3 HarvardJournal of Law and Pub/ic Policy 4
Summary. and 53, 1-93: hereafter Westmoreiand and Prugh, Judges in Com-
Richard L. Prosise itt to author, dtd 9Mar89 (Comment folder, mand. This is an outstanding and comprehensive review of the
Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC); hereafter Prosise problems of codal application in combat.
ltr. Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York; Oxford Univer-
ibid. sity Press, 1978), p. 160.
Battolorta Irr. Coi Arthur R. Petersen itt to BGen Duane L. Faw, dtd 9Mar70
BGen Raymond W. Edwards Itt to author. dtd 9Mar88 (Edwards (Cushman folder, Marines and Military Usw in Vietnam file, MCHC),
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Hoiben intvw.
Bartolotta ltr. LtCol Curtis W. Olson questionnaire to Maj W. Hays Packs, dtd
Prosise Itt. Dec76 (Olson folder, Marines nd Military Law in Vietnam file,
Col Michael Patrick Murray Itt to author, drd 10Feb87 (Murray MCHC).
folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC). Coi Olson questionnaire to author, dtd 27Oct86 (Olson folder,
Edwards 1989 Itt. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC).
HqFMFPac Narrative Summary, p. 2-22. Tiernan intvw.
Prosise itt. Holben intvw.
Ibid. Motelewski intvw.
Ibid. Tiernan intvw.
HqFMFPac Narrative Summary, p. 6-6. Coi Archibald King, JAGC. USA (Ret), Changes in the Uni-
form Code of Military Justice Necessary To Make It Workable In
Perspective Time of War, 22 Fed. Bar J. 49, 49-59 (Winter 1962).
MajGen George S. Pmgh, USA. Irr to BGen Edwin H. Sim-
One notable rehearing, however, resulted in a second convic- mons, dtd 29Dec88 (Comment folder, Marines and Military Law
tion and spanned five yeats from the offense (murder of a first lieu- in Vietnam file, MCHC).
tenant in Vietnam) to a second conviction at Quantico, Virginia. Gen William C. Westmoreiand and MajGen George S. Prugh,
illustrating the Marine Corps' willingness to pursue a case about Judges in Command The Judicialized Uniform Code of Mi/itvy
which it felt strongly. See United States y. Cpi Charlie Eason, III. Justice in Combat (A Draft Code Amendment), 4 Harvard Jour-
NCM 702612,45 CMR 109 (COMA, 1972); 49 CMR 845 (NMCMR, nal of Law and Pub/ic Policy 199. This is an addendum to their
1974). articie of the same name. op. cit.
Faw intvw. Mitchell intvw.
ibid. Ibid.
Legal Services Study, pp. 42-43. Nevilie itt.
Ibid., p. iii. "Ein Menschenleben gilt fur nix" (A Human Life Is of No Ac-
BGen Harvey E. Spielman, Personnel Presentation, HQMC, count), Der Spiegel, 28Oct87 (Articles folder. Marines and Mili-
General Officers Symposium, 1972, tab V, Pp. 4-6. tary Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), p.112. This brief article recounts
Faw intvw. how many of the 1.3 million German soldiers convicted by courts-

manial after December 1940 were assigned to Strafbataillons Ibid., App. D, p. D-19.
(punishment battalions), tasked with the most dangerous battlefield Ibid., p. 37.
duties. Alternatively, they were assigned to Disziplinieren und Ibid., p. 51.
Kleinkriegen (field punishment groups). to dig trenches, erect ob- Lucy ltr.
stacles, and bury the dead, on a subsistence diet, subject to execu- DoD, The Military Justice Act of 1983: Advisory Commission
tion for failure or refusal to work. Report, Voll. Commission Recommendations and Position Papers;
69. USA. Report to the Judge Advocate General by the Wartime franscript of Commission Hearings (Washington: 1984). pp. 54-67.
Legislation Team. dtd Sep83 (UCMJ in Combat folder. Marines and A copy of the Mitchell-Byrne minority rpt is included, (Mitchell
Military Law in Vietnam file, MCHC), p. 3. folder, Marines and Military Law in Vietnam file. MCHC).
0. Ibid., p.1. Westmoreland and Prugh, Judges in Command. p. 55.
Ibid., p. 6. BGen Charles A. Cushman inrvw. 4Dec86, 'Pape 6481 (Oral I-list-
Ibid., p. 28-31. Coli, MCHC).
Weirmoreland and Prugh, Judges in Command, p. 83. Summation
Ibid., pp. 13-17: App. F, pp. F-5--F-9.
Ibid. John LeCarre. The Lookìng Glass War (New York: Coward-
Westmoreland and Prugh.Judges in Command, pp. 37 and 83. McCann. Inc., 1965), p. 266.
Appendix A
Marine Corps Lawyers, Navy Law Specialists, and Naval
Service Judge Advocates Who Served as Lawyers in Vietnam

No official record of those lawyers who served in Viet- IstLi Roger G. Darley 3d MarDív
nam was kept, either by the officer assignment branch iseLt Larry B. Funderburk 9th MEB/Chu
IseLt Donald W. Harris 9th MEB/3d MacDiv
of Headquarters Marine Corps, or by the Judge Ad- ist MAW
ist.Ls Theodore J. Hodan, jr.
vocate Division. Later in the war some Vietnam units, lstLt Bruce A. Hoffman Ist MAW
such as Force Logistic Command, listed individual law- Lt (jg) Keith G. O'Brian, USN 3d MarDiv
yers in their command chronology. Other units, such istLt James K. Rader 3d MacDiv
istLt David M. Skeels ist MAW
as the 3d Marine Division, never did so. The follow-
lstLt William T. Warren III 3d MarDiv
ing listing was compiled by the author from command 3d MarDiv
isiLt Frederick C. Woodruff
chronologies, convening orders, records of trial, tele-
phone directories, photos, and letters. Regrettably, er- 2dLt John E. Gillmor, Jr 3d MarDiv
rors and a few omissions are inevitable. 2dLt Lonnie O. Grigsby 3d MarDiv
2dLt William H. Hampton 3d MarDiv
Col George P. Blackburn ist MarDiv
Col Olin W. Jones, jr. III MAF Col Charles H. Beale, Jr 3d MarDiv
Capt James E. Keys. USN* Law Officer, Yokosuka Col Ralph K. Culver Ist MAW
Col Vernon A. "Vap" Peltzer 111 MAF Capt Wyman N. Jackson, USN Law Officer, Yokosuka
Col Harry S. Popper, Jr ist MAW Col Earl W. Johnson TAD, FMFPac
Col Charles B. Sevier 3d MarDiv/lIl MAF Col Robert B. Neville (and Asst CotS) Ill MAF

LtCoi Frederick H. Campbell ist MAW LtCol Thomas P. Casey ist MarDiv
LtCol Fred Grabowski 3d MarDiv Cdr William E. Clemmons, USN ist MarDivlLaw Officer
LtCol Verne L. "Bubs" Oliver Law Offjcer. Yokosuka LtCol Donald E. Holben Law Officer. Da Nang
LiCol Thomas B. Sparkman 3d MarDiv LtCoI Charles R. Larouche FIG
LiCol Daniel F. McConnell 3d MarDiv
Maj Robert J. Chadwick 3d MarDiv LtCol Charles E. Spence, Jr ist MAW
Maj John E. Crandall ist MarDiv LtCol William W. Wander, jr Law Officer, Da Narsg
Maj Benjamin B. Ferrell III MAF (civil affairs) LiCol John L. Zorack ist MarDiv (TF X-Ray)
Maj Charles J. Keever 111 MAFIMACV, Saigon
Maj James P. King 9th MEB/IJI MAF Maj George L. Bailey ist MarDiv
Maj Joseph A. Mallerv 3d MarDiv Maj Frederick D. Ckments 3d MarDiv
Maj Paul A. A. St.Amour ist MAW Maj Charles W. Collier ist MAW
Maj William B. Draper, Jr ist MarDiv
Lt Edward A. Arianna, USN ist MAW Mai Curtis W. Olson ist MarDiv
Capt Robert J. Blum 3d MarDiv Maj Robert E. Switzer Ist MarDiv
Lt Hugh D. Campbell. USN 3d MarDiv/Ill MAF Maj Winn M. Thurman ist MarDiv
Capt Fred R. "Buck" Files, Jr. 3d MarDiv Maj James R. Ziemann FIG
Capt Robert A. Godwin 3d MatDiv
Capt Petet N. Kress 9th MEB/3d MarDiv Capt George B. Bancroft, Jr ist MarDiv
Capt J. Kent Riegel 3d MarDiv Capt Ronald D. Bonnets ist MarDiv
Capt Philip D. Sharp. Jr Ist MarDiv Capt Francis T. Coleman ist MarDiv (TF X-Ray)
Capt James W. Spindler 3d MarDiv Capt Paul R. Constantino ist MarDiv (TF X-Ray)
Lt Norman D. Wolff. USN Ill MAF Capt James R. DeMarco 3d MarDiv
Lt John F. Erickson. USN FIG
istLt William J. Carroll 3d MarDiv Capt Peter D. Fitzgerald ist MarDiv
istLt John W. Clark ist MAW Capt Edward F. Fogarty 3d MarDiv
Capt Mark F. Geary ist MarDiv
The designation, JAGc:' did not follow Navy lawyers' names Capt Franklin P. "Skip" Glenn FIG
until their Judge Advocate General's Corps was formed on 8 De- Capt Daniel M. Hanlon ist MarDiv (TF X-Ray)
cember 1967. Capt Harry R. Hull. Jr 3d MarDiv

Lt Walter J, Landon, USN ist MarDiv Capt James W. Jones 3d MarDiv

Capt Robert L. Luce ist MarDiv Capt Charles J. Kall FLC
Capt Philip S. Keith 3d MarDiv
Capt Robert j. Madigan ist MacDiv Capt David B. King ist MAW
Capt Robert W. Mann ist MAW Capt Richard D. Lane 9th MAB/3d MarDiv
Lt Brian P. Murphy, USN 3d MarDiv Lt Robert L. Locke, USN 3d MaiDiv
Capt Joseph C. Olson ist MarDiv Capt Vincent R Maroney PLC
Capt Kurt M. Penn 3d MarDir Lt John J. Martens, USN Ist MarDiv
Capt Clifford E. Roberson ist MAW Capt Michael C. McCarey ist MarDiv
Capt Harry D. Sabine ist MarDiv Capt Michael J. McHale ist MAW
Capt Allen R. Saxe 3d MacDiv Capt Larry J. Miner FI.0
Capt James R Shannon ist MarDiv Capt Charles H. Mitchell ist MAW
Capt Sheldon K. Stock 3d MarDiv Capt H. Edward Moore, jr FLC
Lt John S. Szymanski, USN ist MAW Capt Jerrold Oldani ist MarDiv
Capt Paul S. Zonderman 3d MacDiv Capt Charles E. Patterson 3d MarDiv
Capt William E. Peacock Ist MAW
lstLt Bernie S. Allen Ist MacDiv Capt John N. Post ist MAW
istli James E. Barnett ist MarDiv Capt Donald R. Pritchard ist MAW
isth James Ehlers ist MarDiv Capt Jay D. Reynolds ist MarDiv
isth Michael J. Naughton Force Logistic Cmd Capt Ross T. Roberta ist MarDiv
Lt (jg) [arty D. Schlue, USN 3d MarDiv Capt John E. Russell ist MarDiv
lstLt Richard N. Stuckey 3d MarDiv Capt Gary A. Sargent Ist MarDiv
istLt Donald E. Wirtig ist MacDiv Capt Mahion C. Schneider 3d MarDiv
Capt Harry L Shorstein 3d MarDiv/9th MAß
1967 Capt Dennis H. Siems PLC
Capt Eugene A. Steffen ist MarDiv
Capt Benjamin H. Berry, USN Law Officer, Yokosuka Capt Walter A. Stewart, Jr ist MAW
Col Norris C. Broonse 3d MarDiv Capt George Tosi, Jr 3d MarDiv
Col Eugene B. "Doc" Failon 3d MarDiv Capt Robert W. Wachsmuth PLC
Col Duane L. Faw (and Asst CofS) III MAF Capt William E Whiting ist MAW
Col Alexander M. "Sandy" Hearn Law Officer, Yokosuka Capt John P. Williams 1/9, 3d MarDiv
Col Robert C. "Curly" Lehnen ist MAW Capt Richard M. Williams 3d MarDiv
Col John L. Ostby ist MarDjv Capt Peter B. Work 3d MarDiv
Capt Rufus C. Young IV ist MAW
LtCol Paul F. Henderson 9th MEB/3d MarDiv istLt Mortill Dunn Ill ist MarDiv
LtCol Richard D. Humphreys ist and 3d MarDivs istli Boyd L. George 3d MarDiv
LtCol William C. Jaeck TAD, FMFPac istLt Robert M. Lee 3d MarDiv
LrCol Clyde R. Mann ist MarDiv istLt Jeffery W. Maurer 3d MarDiv
LtCoi William E Morely Not specified istLt Michael K. Phalin 3d MarDiv
LtCol Verne L. "Bubs" Oliver FLC lstLt Michael I. Walling ist MAW
LtCoI William T Westmoreland, Jr ist MacDiv
LtCol Richard E. Wray FLC 2dLc Macauley Carter, Jr ist MAW
2dLt Jerry G. Cunningham FLC
Maj Max C. Fischer 3d MarDiv 2dLt William E. Eaken ist MarDiv
Maj Ronald J. Kaye Ill MAF/3d MarDiv 2dLr James G. Ehlers ist MarDiv
Maj Brian B. Kent III MAP 2dLt Thomas M. Flournoy, Jr Not specified
Maj Michael Patrick Murray PLC 2dLr Edward F. Kelly ist MarDiv
Maj H. Terry Reiniche 9th MAß
Maj William H. J. Tiernan ist MAW
Capt Bernard A. Allen. Jr. ist MarDiv
Capt G. Ward Beaudry III MAF Col jack E. Hanthorn ist MarDiv
Lt Jared O. Bauch, USN ist MAW Col Joseph R. Morelewski (and CofS) 3d MarDiv
Capt Michal B. Cotten ist MAW Col Paul W. Seabaugh III MAF
Capt Vincent J. Erichs, Jr. ist MAW
Capt Harvey G. Gleason PLC LtCol Rollin Q. Blakeslee 3d MarDiv
Capt Mark L. Haisnan 3d MacDiv LtCoi William M. "Ace" Cummings ist MarDiv/FIC
Capt Victor J. Haydel FIC LtCol John R. DeBarr Law Officer, Da Nang
Capt Donald Higginbotham ist MarDiv LtCol William R. Elcazer ist MarDiv
Capt Bruce R. Hoffman ist MAW LtCol Frederick M. Haden PLC
Capt Tristam T Hyde 3d MatDiv liCol Max G. Halliday ist MAW

Maj Lawrence G. Bolin 9th MABI3d MarDiv istLt John J. Reilly FI.0
Maj Richard G. Moore PLC

2dLt George G. Bashian, Jr ist MarDiv

Capt W. Tommy Allison il 3d MarDiv 2dLt Barry M. Gallagher III MAFI ist MarDiv
Capt Charles W. Babcock, Jr FLC
Capt Robert B. Baker ist MAW
Capt Clarke C. Baines 3d MarDiv 1969
Capt Steven H. Bowytz 3d MarDiv
Capt James B. Brookshire ist MarDiv
Col Nalton M. Bennett ¡st MAW
Capt David J. Cassady 3d MarDiv
Col Robert M. Lucy ist MarDiv
Capt Charles W. Cherry FLC
Col Arthur R. Petersen FLC
Capt Stanton M. Cole HI MAP
Col Marion G. Truesdale Ill MAF
Capt Martin E. Conway, Jr 3d MarDiv
Capt William J. Cook Ist MAW
Lt William J. Cosgriff. JAGC. USN ist MarDiv LrCol Cari E. Buchmann FIC
Capt Chapman B. Cox 9th MAß LtCol Benjamin B. Ferrell (2d tour) 3d MarDiv
Capt Jerald D. Crow 3d MarDiv LtCol Fred Grabowski (2d tour) FLC
Capt James H. Cummings ist MarDiv LtCol Henry Hoppe III Mil Judge, Da Nang
Capt Robert R. Davis, Jr ist MarDiv LtCol James P. King (2d tour) ist MacDiv
Capt Richard J. Dove ist MAW liCol Rufino R. Saez 3d MarDiv
Capt Donald W. Doyle, Jr ist MarDiv
Capt William L. Fly 3d MarDiv
Capt Clark A. Halderson 3d MarDiv Maj Steve R. Balash, Jr RC
Capt Michael J. Hoblock, Jr ist MAW ist MarDiv
Maj Robert J. Blum
Capt Carey H. Johnson ist MAW Maj David M. Brahms ¡st MAW
Capt Edward F. Kelly (back-to-back tours) ist MarDiv B.0
Maj Charles A. Cushman
Capt Jerome R. Klukas 3d MarDiv
Maj Leo K. O'Drudy 3d MacDiv
Capt Edward J. Lopata 9th MAß
Capt Peter J. Mastaglio FLC
Capt Patrick H. Mathews Ist MarDiv Capt Steve A. Bamberger FLC
Capt William H. McAdam, Jr ist MarDiv Capt Emilic V. "Bob" Belluomini. Jr. III MAF
Capt Martin G. McGuinn, Jr Ist MarDiv Capt John A. Bergen FtC
Capt Sandy S. McMath 3d MarDiv/FLC/9rh MAB Capt Terry A. Bond 3d MarDiv
Capt Jack R. Mennis Not specified Capt Raymond T. Bonner Ist MarDiv
Capt John D. Moats Ist MarDiv Capt Martin D. Boudreau Ist MarDiv
Capt David G. Moore 3d MarDiv Capt John A. Bracher 3d MarDiv
Capt Stephen P. Oggel Ist MAW Capt Charles E. Brown Ist MarDiv
Capt W. Hays Parks ist MarDiv Capt David M. Brown ist MarDiv
Capt William G. Proctor, Jr ist MAW Capt Gary E. Bushell ist MarDiv
Capt Jack C. Provine PLC Capt Reynold L. "Rip" Caleen. Jr PIC
Capt John C. Reynolds ist MarDiv Capt G. David Carlock III ist MAW
Lt Lawrence R. Rowe, ,JAGC, USN Ist MAW Capt Dallas C. Clark. Jr 3d MarDiv
Lt Jerry D. Rucker, JAGC, USN TAD, NavBase. Subir Bay Capt Robert W. Cook ist MAW
Capt Michael D. Schrunk 3d MarDiv Lt William T. Cranfill, Jr. JAGC, USN ist MacDiv
Capt Thomas A. Schwindt FLC Capt Thomas A. Crawford, Jr ist MarDiv
Capt Robert L Sikma ist MAW Capt Stephen E. Davis FLC
Capt Stanley L. Smith, Jr 3d MarDiv Capt Nathaniel F. Emmons Ist MAW
Capt Arthur W. Tifford ist MarDiv Capt Allen E. Falk ist MarDiv
Capt Ronald W. Williamson FI.0 Capt Cecil R. Forster ist MacDiv
Lt Robert D. Zsalman, JAGC, USN 3d MarDiv Capt Fred L. Fox ist MarDiv
Capt Richard L. Franks PLC
luit Thomas A. Bergstrom ist MarDiv Capt Thomas J. Glenn, Jr ist MAW
lstLt Marshall W. Dooley ist MAW Lt James C. Gries, JAGC, USN 3d MarDiv
lstLt Donald W. Gtiffìs FLC Capt Mark L. Haiman (2d tour) ist MarDiv
IstLt Robert A. Jones 9th MAB Capt Clark A. Haiderson 3d MarDiv
istLt Francis J. Kaveney ist MarDiv Capt Dennis L. Hanssen 3d MacDiv
istLi P. Keith Keller 3d MarDiv Capt J. Michael Hardin 3d MarDiv
istLi Thomas A. King ist MarDiv Capt John J. Hargrove ist MarDiv
istLt Harry N. Lembeck 9th MAB Capt Louis J. Hellerman ist MAW
lstLt William G. Nash lar MarDiv Capt Jacob R. Henderson, Jr. PLC
istLt Curtis K. Oberhansly ist MAW Capt Douglas G. Hendricks ist MarDiv

Capt Anthony L. Hodge ist MAW Capt James E. Keys, JAGC, USN (2d tour) Military Judge
Capt William E. brio ist MarDiv/3d MarDiv Col Daniel F McConnell (2d tour) Ill MAP/PLC
Capt Tommy W. Jarren FTC
Capt Franz R Jcvne ist MarDiv
Capt Rex L. Jones Ill LtCol John E. Crandell (2d tour) FTC
Capt Edward J. Karfeld ist MAW LtCoI Peter N. Kress (2d tout) ist MarDiv
Capt Scott Keep FTC
Cdr Keith B. Lawrence, ,JAGC, USN Military Judge
Capt John F. Kent. Jr 3d MarDiv LtCol Paul A. A. St.Amour (2d tour) Miijudge, Da Nang
Capt Adrian R. King iSt MarDiv
Capt Joseph S. King 3d MarDiv Maj James H. Granger ist MarDiv
Capt Richard D. Lane (2d tour) FLC
Mai Curtis W. Olson (2d tour) Ist MAW
Capt E. Ray Laitier FTC
Capt Thomas O. Lavoy ist MarDiv
Capt Daniel H. LeGear, Jr ist MarDiv Capt Eileen M. Albertson TAD, 3d MarDiv
Capt Michael J. Levin 3d MarDiv/FIC Capt Michael M. Anello ist MAW
Capt Robert M. MacConnell ist MarDiv Capt James J. Barry. Jr ist MacDiv
Capt Alfred W. Mackey ist MarDiv Capt Stephen C. Berg ist MarDiv
Capt Fred C. Mather 3d MarDiv Capt Allen J. Borne ist MarDiv
Capt Michael R Merrill ist MarDiv Capt Michael G. Carpenter ist MarDiv
Capt John A. Milici ist MarDiv Capt James W. Carroll ist MarDiv
Capt louis A. Moore, Jr 3d MarDiv Capt Otis F. "Butch" Cochran, Jr FTC
Capt Charles H. Moses Ill ist MAW Capt Thomas A. Crawford ist MarDiv
Capt Richard A. Muench Ist MAW Capt John L. Euler FI-C
Capt Edward L. Murphy 3d MarDiv Capt Bruce M. Frey ist MacDiv
Lt John G. Nues, JAGC. USN ist MAW Capt Tone N. Grant ist MarDiv
Capt George H. O'Kelley FTC Capt Robert Kirkman 3d MacDiv
Capt Theodore J. Padden ist MarDiv Capt Paul J. Laveroni ist MarDiv
Capt John S. Papa FTC Capt John A. lockwood 3d MarDiv
Capt Robert E. Parker PLC Capt John J. Lynch ist MarDiv
Capt Terrance B. Rodsky PIC Capt Michael J. Mangan FI-C
Capt Peter M. Rosen Ist MAW Capt Michael G. McCol]um (2d cour) AO, istMarDiv
Capt Jack A. Rosenzweig 3d MarDiv Capt Dirk T. Metzger ist MarDiv
Capt Frank G. Roux, Jr ist MarDiv Capt Carl J. Moroney PLC
Capt Thomas A. Rulon ist MAW Capt James V. Murray IT! 3d MarDiv
Capt Donald F. Shanahan 3d MarDiv Capt William J. O'Byrne Ist MarDiv
Capt David E. Skaggs ist MarDiv Capt Frank J. O'Connor ist MarDiv
Capt J. Len Skiles ist MarDiv Capt Allan L. Paglia ist MarDiv
Capt David P. Smith FTC Lt Robert Pierson, JAGC, USN Not specified
Capt Edwin A. Snyder FTC Capt William R. Porter ist MarDiv
Capt Richard F. Staley 3d MarDiv Capt Robert A. Preate ist MarDiv
Capt James D. Stokes Ist MAW Capt John P. Proctor 3d MarDiv
Capt John R 'Ilylor, Jr 3d MarDìv Capt E. Randall Ricketts PLC
Capt Richard S. Towers FTC Capt Alan W. Roles ist MarDiv
Capt Stephen H. Vengrow FTC Lt Allen C. Rudy, Jr., JAGC, USN ist MarDiv
Capt Paul F. Wendler. Jr FI-C Capt Lawrence W. Secrest ist MarDiv
Capt John L. Westney. Ji FI-C Capt Bruce D. Strathearn PLC
Capt Charles E. Williams FTC Capt Reginald K. Templeton ist MAW
Capt Robert C. Williams ist MarDiv Capt James L. Thompson Ist MAW
Lt Frank A. Wohl, JAGC, USN ist MAW Capt Michael C. Vesey ist MAW
Capt W. Mark Wood FTC Capt Edwin W. Welch ist MarDiv
Capt John R. Woodard 3d MarDiv Capt Robert S. Wiggins. Jr ist MarDiv
istLi Thomas D. Home FTC
lstLt James M. Schermerhorn ist MarDiv
istLt Robert W. Detrick FI-C
2dLt Christopher Q. Britton 3d MarDiv istLt Robert E. Dinardo ist MAW
2dLz Michael G. McCollum ist MAW istLt Roland K. lverson, Jr ist MarDiv
lstLt Joel Levine ist MarDiv
istLt Donald B. Myers ist MarDiv
1970- 197i IstLt Philip C. Tower Ist MarDiv

Col Donald E. Holben (2d tour) ist MacDiv 2dLt William A Price FTC

Marine Corps and Navy judge advocates who served Capt Stephen C. Eastham
with Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 1, Ist Ma- Capt Van N. Eden
Capt John S. Edwards
rine Aircraft Wing. Bien Hoa. South Vietnam. and
Capt William T. Enslen
Nam Phong ("The Rose Garden"), Thailand. Capt Robert E. Hilton
Capt Franklin D. Holder
June 1972Sept 1973 Capt John T. John
Capt Michael C. McDermott
LiCol Raymond W. Edwards (SJA) (2d tour) Lt Jack C. Myers. JAGC. USN
LtCol Michael Patrick Murray (SJA) (2d tour) Capt Charles R. Oleszycki
Capt Daniel Parker, Jr.
Maj Anthony F. J. Mielczarski Capt Richard L. Prosise
Capt Keith E. Rounsaville
Capt William J. Baker Capt Richard D. Sullivan
Capt Vincent j. Barrolotta, Jr. Capt Michael C. Vesey
Capt William D. Blunk Capt Michael C. Warlow
Appendix B
Staff Legal Officers!
Staff Judge Advocates in Vietnam
ifi Marine Amphibious Force Sep69-Sep70. Col Nalton M. Bennett
Sep7O-l4Apr7l Maj Curtis W. Olson
8Mar65-May65 (9th MEB) Capt Peter N. Kress
May6)-Ju165 Maj James R King The Wing SJA's office, originally at the Da Nang Airfield, re-
LtCol Thomas B. Sparkman mained there until redeploying to lwakuni, Japan. on 14 Apr 1971.
lAug6S.Nov65 LtCol Charles B. Sevier
Nov65-29Jul66 Col Vernon A. Peltzer
Col Robert B. Neville ist Marine Division
(and Asst Chief of Staff)
30Ju167-4Aug6S Col Duane L. Paw ul65.9Aug66 Col George P. Blackburn
(and Asst Chief of Staff) IOAug66-13Feb67 LrCol Thomas P. Casey
5Aug68-31Ju.169 Col Paul W. Scabaugh 14Feb67-6Aug67 liCol William T. Westmoreland. Jr.
1Aug69. 28Feb70 Col Marion G. Truesdale 7Aug67-3Dec67 Col John L. Ostby
lMar7O-1Ju170 Col Arthur R. Petersen 4Dec1967-5Aug1968 Col Clyde R. Mann
2Jul70.l4Apr7l Col Daniel E McConnell 6Aug68-8Jul69 Col Jack E. Hanthorn
9Jul69-2lJun7O Col Robert M. Lucy
Originally located at the Da Nang Airfield. MAF headquarters 22Ju170-l4Apr7I Col Donald E. Holben
and the SJD's office displaced on 26 Jun 1966 to Camp Horn on
the east bank of the Song Han (Da Nang River), opposite east Da
Nang. The office moved to Camp Haskins, Red Beach. north of Originally located at Chu Lai, the SUYa office displaced on 23
Da Nang, on 9 March 1970. On 28 Feb 1970 III MAE SJAs duties Nov 1966. a month after the rest of the division headquarters, to
were assumed by FLC's SiA. Hill 327, northwest of Da Nang. During April and May 1971 the
legal office, along with the rest of the division headquarters.
3d Marine Division redeployed to Camp Pendleton. California.

IAug65-Jun66 LtCol Charles B. Sevier

(and Ill MAF SI.0) Force Logistic Command
Jun66-Jun67 Col Charles H. Beale, Jr.
Jun67.30Jun67 LtCol Norris C. Broome 17Mav66-31May67 liCol Charles R. Larouche
13u167.10Jul68 Col Eugene B. Fallon 1Jun67-3lMay6R LtCol Verne L. Oliver
llJul6S-0cr68 LrCol Rollin Q. Blakeslee lJun68-lMay69 LtCol Frederick M. Haden
0cr68-Sep69 Col Joseph R. Moselewski 2May69-13Jul69 LtCol William M. Cummings
Sep69-5Nov69 liCol Benjamin B. Ferrell 14Jul69-l8Jul69 liCol Carl E. Buchmann
19Ju169-30Jun70 liCol Arthur R. Petersen
Originally located at the Da Nang Airfield, the SLD's office dis- (and Ill MAF SiA)
placed on 11-15 Nov 1965 to Hill 327, northwest of Da Nang. In l,Jul7O-2lApr7l Col Daniel E McConnell
Nov 1966 the legal office moved to Phu Bai, following the division (and III MAF SJA)
headquarters which had moved there the month before. On 7 Mar
1968 the SliD displaced to Quang Tri. On 5 Nov 1969 the SJA's The SJA's office, originally located at Camp Books, Red Beach.
office redeployed to Okinawa with the Division headquarters. remained there until the office was deactivated on 21 Apr 1971.

ist Marine Aircraft Wing

3d Marine Amphibious Brigade
20May65-2Jul65 Maj Paul A. A. St.Amour
3Jul65-3IMayfl6 Col Harry S. Popper, Jr. l4Apr7l.3Jun71 Col Donald E. Holben
1Jun66-31Ju166 Maj Charles W. Collier 4Jun71.24Jun71 Maj James H. Granger
lAug66-31Jul67 LtCol Ralph K. Culver
IAug67-26Aug68 Col Robert C. Lehnen Established at Hill 327. the SJA's office and most of the MAB
27Aug68-6Sep69 Col Max G. Halliday headquarters remained there until deictivatcd on 24 June 1971.

Appendix C
U. S. Medals Awarded Marine Corps Lawyers
and Judge Advocates for Vietnam Service
No official awards roster exists. This listing is extract- Distinguished Flying Cross
ed from the untitled record of Headquarters, Fleet Ma-
rine Force, Pacific, considered by the Decorations and Co! Robert C. Lehnen
Medals Branch of Headquarters Marine Corps to be
the most complete and accurate record available. Bronze Star Medal
Nevertheless, several omissions have been noted and
Capt W. Tommy A!!ison Il
corrected. Other unidentified omissions may have es-
Col Charles H. Beale, Jr.
caped notice. The Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Me- LtCol Rollin Q. B!akeslee
dal, Navy Commendation Medal, and Navy LtCol Robert J. Blum
Achievement Medal may be awarded with or without Maj David M. Brahms
Combat V. In all but a few instances those awards to LtCol Carl E. Buchmann
LtCol Thomas P. Casey
lawyers and judge advocates were with Combat V. No
Capt Martin E. Conway. Jr.
distinction is made here between medals awarded with LtCol William M. Cummings
Combat V and those few awarded without. Maj William B. Draper. Jr.
LtCol William R. E!eazer
Maj Benjamin B. Ferre!!
Capt Fred L. Fox (2 awards)
Navy Cross
LtCol Fred Grabowski
lsth Donald W. Griffìs
IstLt Michael I. Nei! LtCol Paul F. Henderson, Jr.
LtCo! James P. King
Silver Star Capt Jerome R. Kiu kas
LtCo! Peter N. Ktess
lstLt James M. Schermerhorri Capt E. Ray Lanier
Capt William H. McAdam. Jr.
Capt Michael G. McCo!!um
Legion of Merit LtCo! Daniel F. McConnell
IstLt David G. Moore
Co! Nalton M. Bennett Maj Richard G. Moore
Col Norris C. Broome Maj Curtis W. Olson (2 awards)
Col John R. DeBarr Capt Charles E. Patterson
Col Eugene B. Fa!!on Col Vernon A. Peltzer
Co! Duane L. Faw Capt Harry L. Shorstein
LtCo! Benjamin B. Ferrell Maj Winn M. Thurman
LtCol Frederick M. Haden Maj William H. J. Tiernan
LrCo! Max G. Ha!!idav Col Marion G. Truesdale
Col Jack E. Hanthorn LtCol William W. Wander. Jr.
Capt Dona!d Higginbotham LtCo! John L. Zorack
Co! Donald E. Ho!ben
LtCol Henry Hoppe, III Air Medal
Maj Charles J. Keever
Col Robert C. Lehnen
Col Robert C. Lehnett (7 awards)
Col Robert M. Lucy
Capt Michael G. McCollum (19 awards)
Co! Clyde R. Mann IsiLt Michael I. Neil (6 awards)
Col Daniel F. McConnell
Co! Joseph R. Mote!ewski
Col Robert B. Ncvi!!e Purple Heart Medal
Co! Verne L. Oliver
Co! John L. Ostby Capt William L. Fly
Co! Charles B. Sevier lstLt Michael I. Neil

Navy Commendation Medal Capt Paul J. Laveroni

Capt Daniel H. LeGear, Jr.
lstLm Robert M. Lee
Capt Bernard A. Allen. Jr.
Capt Joel Levine
Maj George L. Bailey
Capt Edward J. Lopata
lstLt George G. Bashian
Capt John J. Lynch
Col George P. Blackburn
Capt Robert W. Mann
Capt Raymond T. Bonner
lstLt Jeffery W. Maurer
Capt Steven H. Bowytz (2 awards)
Capt William H. McAdam. Jr.
Capt James B. Brookshire
Capt Michael G. McCollum
Capt Charles E. Brown
Capt Robert M. MacConnell
Capt Gary E. Bushell
Capt Martin G. McGuinn, Jr.
Capt G. David Carlock Ill
Capt Sandy S. McMath
Capt Michael G. Carpenter
Capt John A. Milici
Capt James W. Carroll
Capt Charles H. Moses III
lsrLr William J. Carroll
Capt Richard A. Muench
lstLt Macauley Carter. Jr.
Maj Michael Patrick Murray
Capt David J. Cassady
Capt Donald B. Myers
Capt Dallas C. Clark. Jr.
lstLt William G. Nash
Capt Francis T. Coleman
Mai Leo K. ODrudy
Capt Paul R. Constantino
Capt Stephen P. Oggel
Col Charles W. Collier
Capt Jerrold Oldani
Capt Jerald D. Crow
Capt Theodore J. Padden
Col Ralph K. Culver
Capt John S. Papa
Capt James H. Cummings
Capt W. Hays Parks
lstLt Jerry G. Cunningham
lstLt Michael K. Phalin
Maj Charles A. Cushman
Col Harry S. Popper
Col John R. DeBarr
Capt Richard L. Prosise
Capt Robert E. Dinardo
Capt Jack C. Provine
lstLr Morrill Dunn III
Maj I-l. Terry Reinirhe
Col Raymond W. Edwards
Capt Ross T. Roberts
lstLt James G. Ehlers
Capt Frank G. Roux, Jr.
Capt Nathaniel F. Emmons
Capt Thomas A. Rulon
Capt Vincent J. Erichs. Jr.
Capt John E. Russell
Capt John L. Euler
Capt Gary A. Sargent
Capt William L. Fly
Capt Allen R. Saxe
Capt Cecil R. Forster
lstLt James M. Schermerhorn
Capt Mark F. Geary
Capt Mahlon C. Schneider
IstLr Boyd L. George
Capt Dennis H. Siems
Capt Harvey G. Gleason
Capt David E. Skaggs
Maj James H. Granger
Capt J. Len Skiles
Capt Tone N. Grant
Capt Stanley L. Smith, Jr.
Capt Mark L. Haiman
LtCol Charles E. Spence. Jr.
Capt Clark A. Halderson
Capt Reginald K. Templeton
Capt Daniel M. Hanlon
Capt Arthur W. Tifford
Capt John J. Hargrove
lstLt Philip C. Tower
Capt Victor J. Havdel
Capt Robert W. Wachsmurh
Capt Louis J. Hellerman
LtCol William T. Westmoreland. Jr.
Capt Douglas G. Hendricks
Capt Richard M. Williams
Capt Thomas D. Home
Capt Ronald W. Williamson
Col Richard D. Humphreys
Capt W. Mark Wood
Capt Tristam T. Hyde
LrCol Richard E. Wray
Capt Roland K. Iverson, Jr.
Capt Carey H. Johnson Capt Rufus C. Young IV
Capt Charles). Kall Navy Achievement Medal
lstLr Francis J. Kaveney (2 awards)
Maj Ronald J. Kaye Capt Steve A. Bamberger
Capt Adrian R. King lstLt James B. Barnett
Capt Jerome R. Klukas lstLt Thomas A. Bergstrom
Capt Richard D. Lane Capt Allen). Borne
LtCol Charles R. Lacouche Major Robert J. Chadwick

Capt Otis F. Cochran, Jr. Capt Frank J. O'Connor

Capt Stanton M. Cole Capt Charles E. Patterson
Capt Chapman B. Cox Capt John N. Post
Capt John L. Euler Capt J. Kent Riegel
Capt Fred R. Files, Jr. Capt John J. Reilly
Capt Michael J. Hoblock Capt E. Randall Ricketts
Capt William E. brio Capt Clifford E. Roberson
Capt Franz P. Jevne Capt Terrance B. Rodsky
Capt Rex L. Jones III Capt Harry D. Sabine
Capt Scott Keep Capt Michael D. Schrunk
lstLt Edward F. Kelly Capt Lawrence W. Secrest
Capt Robert Kirkman Capt James P. Shannon
Capt Richard D. Lane Capt Philip D. Sharp. Jr.
Capt Thomas O. Lavoy Capt Edwin A. Snyder
Capt Michael J. Levin Capt Bruce D. Strathearn
Capt Alfred W. Mackey Maj Robert E. Switzer
Capt Patrick H. Mathews Capt James L. Thompson
Capt Michael C. McCarey lstLt Michael I. Walling
Capt Michael P. Merrill Capt John L. Westney, Jr.
Capt Charles l-l. Mitchell Capt Robert S. Wiggins, Jr.
Capt David G. Moore lstLt Donald E. Wittig
Capt William J. O'Byrne Maj James R. Ziemann
Appendix D
Cases Cited
Latney y. Ignatius, 416 F.2d 821 (1969) n, 103; 167
U.S. y. LCpI James B. Addison, NCM 70 2433 193
U.S. y. LCpI Denzil R. Allen, NCM 68 3152 111
U.S. y. Pvt Lester E. Allison n, 127
U.S. y. Pvt Martin R. Alvarez 112
U.S. y. Cpi Joseph W. Anderson. Jr. 208
U.S. y. Sgt Adrian Aragon 208
U.S. y. Mr. Raymond G. Averette, 19 USCMA 363 (1970) 103; 168
U.S. y. PFC Douglas Beane n, 172
U.S. y. LCpI John D. Belknap, NCM 68 3657 112
U.S. y. Pvt Taimadge D. Berry 119
U.S. s PFC Edward P. Boltik, NCM 68 0552 70
U.S. y. PFC James H. Boyd, Jr . . 54
U.S. y. PFC Thomas R. Boyd 175
U.S. y. HN Jon R. Bretag 53
U.S. y. Pvt Stephen F. Brice 119
U.S. y. PFC Robert L. Bright 37
U.S. y. PltSgt Roy E. Bumgarner, U.S. Army n, 139
U.S. y. lstLt William L. Calley, U.S.Army 111
U.S. y. LCpI Douglas R. Collard, NCM 67 2117 81
U.S. y. Pvt Curtis Crawford 207
U.S. y. LCpI Stephen D. Crider, NCM 69 4114 140
U.S. y. Pvt Jimmie Dunbar 161
U.S. y. Cpi Charlie Eason, III, NCM 70 2612 240
U.S. s'. LCpI Richard A. Eicholtz 162
U.S. y. Pvt Frederick L. Elbert, Jr 218
U.S. y. Cpi Richard M. Ford, NCM 66 0269 76
U.S. y. PFC Robert R. Garwood, NMCM 811892 223
U.S. y. PFC Lucien J. Gonzales II, NCM 65 2090 37
U.S. y. PFC Samuel G. Green, Jr., NCM 70 3811 175
U.S. y. Bobby R. Greenwood, NCM 70 3843 135
U.S. y. LCp1 Andrew M. Harris Jr. 193
U.S. y. PFC Gary O. Harrison, NCM 65 2160 30
U.S. y. PFC Willie Harrison 156
U.S. y. Pvt Gary A. Hendricks 169
U.S. y. Pvt Randell D. Herrod, NCM 70 2970 175
U.S. y. PFC Eugene R. Hofstetler 161
U.S. s Sgt Larry A. Kavanaugh 218
U.S. y. PFC Charles W. Keenan, NCM 67 0913 79
U.S. y. Sgt James W. Killen, NCM 70 1100 149
U.S. y. Mr. James H. Latney, NCM 68 1965 99; 167
U.S. y. LCpI Anthony Licciardo, Jr., NCM 69 0205 112
U.S. y. Cpi Stanley J. Luczko, NCM 67 0952 n, 81
U.S. y. LCpI James A. Maushart, NCM 68 3388 112
U.S. y. LCpI Marion McGhee, NCM 66 0484 32
U.S. y. LtCol Edison W Miller 219

U.S. y. PFC David Napier, NCM 70 1453 134

U.S. y. PFC John D. Potter, Jr., NCM 67 1348 53
U.S. y. Ronald J. Reese. NCM 70 0855 140
U.S. y. SSgt Alfonso R. Riate 218
U.S. y. Pvt Michael A. Roberts 119
U.S. y. Pvt Michael A. Schwarz, NCM 71 0028 175
U.S. y. Pvt Reginald F. Smith 134
U.S. v CpI Clifford K. Somerville 237
U.S. y. Sgt Jon M. Sweeney. NCM 71 2662 221
U.S. s'. 2dLt Stephen J. Thhy 53
U.S. s LCpI John W. Thomas 111
U.S. y. PFC Robert). Vickers 112
U.S. y. Sgt Ronald L. Vogel, NCM 67 1347 53
U.S. y. PFC Kenneth W. Wheeler. NCM 66 0376 23
U.S. y. Pvt Calvin L. White 119
Appendix E
Review of Confinement Adjudged in Cases
of Marines Convicted of the Murder of
Vietnamese Noncombatants, 1965-71

Resulting from
Parole (P) or
Sentence Sentence Approved Cle menc' (C)
Adjudged (in years) Action Action d
Individual (in years) By CA By NCMR' by USCMA (in years)

1 10 10 7 Appeal denied C: 61/12

2 Life Life 25 Sentence affirmed C: 6
3 5 5 5 Appeal denied C: Denied
4 Life Life 3 Appeal denied
5 Life 25 5 Appeal denied C: 2%
6 4 4 4 Appeal denied C: Denied
7 Life Life Life Appeal denied C: 12
8 50 35 10 C:8
9 Life 35 5 Appeal denied C: 2/12
10 30 30 Dismissed
11 10 5 5 No petition C: 4
12 Life 30 30 Appeal denied C: 3
13 Life Life Life Appeal denied C: 9
14 Life 20 20 Appeal denied C: 7'/12
15 Life 20 20 Appeal denied C: 7
16 2 2 2 Appeal denied C: Denied
17 2 2 2 C: Denied
18 2 2 2 Appeal denied
19 Life Life 3 Appeal denied
20 Life 30 3 Appeal denied
21 4 1/4 Did not petition C: Denied
22 Life 30 15 10 years P: 3
23 Life 40 15 Appeal denied P: 3%
24 5 1 1 Appeal denied C: Denied
25 Life 1 1 Did not petition C: Denied


Resulting from
Parole (P) or
Sentence Sentence Approved Clemency (C)
Adjudged (in years) Action Action d
Individual (in years) By CA B NCMR' k' USCMA (in years)

26 20 20 Dismissed
27 Life 25 25 Appeal dismissed C: 19

SOURCES: Data provided by U.S. Marine Corps and Department of the Navy, Offices of
the Judge Advocate General, and by Naval Clemency and Parole Board.
a Convening authority.
bayy Court of Military Review.
U.S. Court of Military Appeals.
Does not take into account time off earned for good behavior.

Excerpted with permission from: Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford University Press. 1978),
ThbIe 10.), P. 458
Appendix F
Confinement Actually Served in Selected Cases
of Marines Convicted of the Murder of
Vietnamese Noncombatants, 1965-71

The numbers and adjacent names correspond to the numbers in Appendix E. Only those
cases listed in Appendix E and mentioned in the text are included here.

Trial Confinement
Court's Release Actually
Sentence Date Served

1. M. McGhee 10 yrs 14 Dec 1971 6 yrs, i month

6. J. H. Boyd 4 yrs 23Jan 1970 3 yrs
7. J. D. Potter (1) Life 16 Feb 1978 12 yrs, I month
8. R. L. Vogel 50 yrs ? 1975 9 yrs, plus
15. D. R. Allen (2) Life 2 Aug 1971 2 yrs, 11 months
16. J. D. Belknap 2 yrs 5 Dec 1969 1 yr, 3 months
18. J. A. Maushart 2 yrs i May 1970 1 yr, 8 months
19. S. D. Crider (3) Life 2 Mar 1973 3 yrs, 9 months
20. R. J. Reese (3) Life 8 Dcc 1971 2 yrs, 4 months

Convicted of five specifications of premeditated murder, rape, and attempted rape

Convicted of five specifications of unpremeditated murder
Convicted of four specifications of premeditated murder
(Release dates provided by Navy Clemency & Parole Board)

Appendix G
Senior Marine Corps Lawyers, 1950 to 1966
Prior to 1941. legal matters. nc1uding courts-martial. were the province of Marine Corps
personnel officers, in 1941, at Washington, D.C., the Courts and Boards Division was
established within the Personnel Department of Headquarters Marine Corps. Thereafter
legal affairs, other than the actual trials of courts-martial, were centralized in that divi-
sion. Most active-duty lawyers were reservists, supervised by a few regular officers who
alternated legai and nonlegal assignments. All lawyers were assigned either to Headquarters
Marine Corps or to Headquarters, Fleet Marine Force Pacific. in Hawaii, or to Headquart-
ers. Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, in Norfolk, Virginia.* There were no billets for attorneys
in the fleer or at any post or station until 1942 when a billet for a captain-lawyer was
included in each Fleet Marine Force division headquarters.
During World War lithe Courts and Boards Division evolved into Discipline Section,
then Discipline Division. and, finally, into Discipline Branch. Although partially staffed
by lawyers, Discipline Branch was headed by a nonlawyer personnel officer.
In May 1950 the Uniform Code of Military Justice became Jaw. At the same time a
lawyer was appointed head of Discipline Branch for the first time. Colonel James C.
Bigler. whose father had also been a Marine Corps officer and a lawyer on active duty
from 1900 to 1925, was the first lawyer Discipline Branch head. Colonel Bigler, a 1932
graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, had been an infantry officer until 1938, when he
was ordered to George Washington University's law school. After his graduation in 1941
he alternated legal and infantry assignments until ordered to Discipline Branch in late
1949. He continued as Branch head until August 1952.
Subsequent Discipline Branch heads were: Colonel StJulien R. Marshall, from August
1952 toJuly 1954; Colonel Paul D. Sherman, fromJuly 1954 toJune 1956: Colonel John
S. Twitchell, from June 1956 to an undetermined month in 1958: and Colonel Hamilton
M. Hoyler, branch head until July 1958. Colonel Robert A. Scherr filled the billet from
July 1958 to July 1964. During hís tenure there were 129 lawyer billets in the Marine
Corps. Colonel Robert B. Neville headed Discipline Branch fromJuly 1964 toJuly 1966.
When Marine Corps units landed at Da Nang in March 1965 there were 168 lawyers on
active dut
Colonel Charles B. Sevier assumed the duties of branch head in July 1966. There were
223 lawyers on active duty then, increasing to 277 in 1967. On 17 April 1968 Discipline
Branch was deactivated and, in a reorganization of the Headquarters Marine Corps staff,
the Judge Advocate Division was established as a separate division. All of the 15 Head-
quarters Marine Corps lawyers, in addition to 10 enlisted clerks and 14 civilians, were
assigned to the new division which was divided into four branches: military law; research
and plans: general law; and legal assistance.
Colonel Sevier continued as the first Director, Judge Advocate Division, with the ad-
ditional title of Staff Judge Advocate for the Commandant of the Marine Corps, from
July 1966 until August 1968.

*FMFPaC was formed in April 1944. Before that the lawyers were assigned ro FMFPa's predecessor, Head-
quarters V Amphibious Corps. FMFLant was formed in December 1946. Before then the lawyers were assigned
to FMFLanr's precursor. the ist Special Marine Brigade.

Appendix H
Heads of Discipline Branch and Directors of the
Judge Advocate Division, 1950 to 1988


Col James C. Bigler Col St.Julien R Marshall Col Paul D. Sherman

Head of Discipline Branch Head of Discipline Branch Head of Discipline Branch
May 1950 - September 1952 September 1952 - July 1955 July 1955 -June 1956

Col John S. TwitcheR Col Hamilton M Hoyler Col Robert A. Schert

Head of Discipline Branch Head of Discipline Branch Head of Discipline Branch
July 1956 - ? 1958 1958 - June 1958 July 1958 - July 1964

Col Robert B. Neville Col Charles B. Sevier Col Marion G. Truesdale

Head of Discipline Branch Director, Judge Adovcate Division Director. Judge Advocate Division
July 1964 -July 1966 July 1966 -July 1968 July 1968 -July 1969

BGcn John R. De Barr

BGen Duane L. Faw BGen Clyde R. Mann Director. Judge Advocate Division
Director, judge Advocate Division Director, judge Advocate Division April 1973 -July 1973 (Acting)
August 1969 - August 1971 September 1971 - July 1973 july 1973 -June 19'6

BGen Robert J. Chadwick BGen james P. King BGen William H. J. Tiernn

Director, judge Advocate Division Director, judge Advocate Division Director. Judge Advocate Division
July 1976 . February 1978 March 1978 - April 1980 May 1980 - June 1983

BGen Walter J. Donovan. jr. BGen David M. Brahms BGen Michael E. Rich
Director, Judge Advocate Division Director. judge Advocate Division Director, Judge Advocate Division
jurie 1983 - September 1985 September 1985 - August 1988 September 1988 - prescrit
Appendix I
List of Reviewers

Marines Col Henry Hoppe III (Ret)

Col Hamilton M. Hoyler (Ret)
Hon. James H. Webb, Jr.. Col Olin W. Jones (Ret)
Secretary of the Navy (Capt, Ret) Col Peter N. Kress (Ret)
Gen Earl E. Anderson (Ret) Col Elliott R. Laine, Jr. (Ret)
Gen Leonard F. Chapman. Jr. (Ret) Col Charles R. Larouche (Ret)
Gen Wallace M. Greene, Jr. (Ret) Col Robert C. Lehnert (Ret)
Gen Louis H. Wilson, Jr. (Ret) Col Robert M. Lucy (Ret)
Col Michael G. McCollum
LtGen Charles G. Cooper (Ret) Col Daniel F. McConnell (Ret)
LtGen William K. Jones (Ret) Col Joseph R. Motelewski (Ret)
LtGen Victor H. Krulak (Ret) Col Michael Patrick Murray (Ret)
Col Verne L. Oliver (Ret)
BGen Charles A. Cushman (Ret) Col Curtis W. Olson (Ret)
BGen John R. DeBarr (Ret) Col W. Hays Parks
BGen Walter J. Donovan (Ret) Col Arthur R. Petersen (Ret)
BGen Raymond W. Edwards (Ret) Col Harry B. Popper (Ret)
BGen Duane L. Faw (Ret) Col Charles B. Sevier (Ret)
BGen Max G. Halliday (Ret) Col Marion G. Truesdale (Ret)
BGen James F. Lawrence, Jr. (Ret)
BGen Michael I. Neil LtCol William T. Anderson
BGen Michael E. Rich LtCol Stephen C. Berg
BGen William H. J. Tiernan (Ret) LtCol William B. Draper (Ret)
LtCol David C. Hague
Col Eileen M. Albertson LtCol Werner Heilmer
Col Clarke C. Barnes LtCol William C. Jaeck (Ret)
Col Charles H. Beale, Jr. (Ret) LtCol Kenneth W. Jones (Ret)
Col George P. Blackburn (Ret) LtCol Paul J. Laveroni
Col Robert J. Blum (Ret) LtCol Richard A. Muench
Col Norris C. Broome (Ret) LtCoI Ronald C. Rachow (Ret)
Col Carl E. Buchmann (Ret.) LtCoI Richard E. Theer (Ret)
Col Thomas P. Casey (Ret) LtCol John L. Zorack (Ret)
Col David J. Cassady
Col James A. Cathcart Capt George H. O'Kelley
Col Ralph K. Culver (Ret)
Col William R. Eleazer (Ret) CWO 4 Len E. Pierce (Ret)
Col Benjamin B. Ferrell (Ret)
Col Joseph J. N. Gambardella (Ret) MGySgt Gene E. White
Col Robert A. Godwin
Col James H. Granger Others
Col Mark L. Haiman
Col Jack E. Hanthorn (Ret) VAdm James B. Stockdale, USN (Ret)
Col Paul F. Henderson, Jr. (Ret) RAdm Hugh D. Campbell, JAGC, USN (Ret)
Col Donald Higginbotham MajGen George S. Prugh, JAGC, USA (Ret)
Col Donald E. Holben (Ret) Col Ted B. Borek, JAGC, USA

Capt Edward M. Byrne, JAGC, USN Mr. Daniel H. LeGear

Col Henry G. Green, USAF Professor Guenter Lewy
Capt Keith B. Lawrence, JAGC, USN (Ret) Mr. Richard L. Prosise
Cdr Jerry D. Rucker, JAGC, USN Mr. Harry L. Shorstein
Mr. Vincent J. Bartolotta, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Wachsmuth
Mr. Nathaniel F. Emmons
Mr. Denzil D. Garrison
Professor William T. Generous, Jr. Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Mr. Tone N. Grant Historical Division, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mr. Donald W. Harris Chief of Military History & the Center of Military
Mr. Victor J. Haydel History, Department of the Army
Judge Richard D. Lane Office of Air Force History
Key; boldface type = illustrations; n = footnote

"ad hoc" special court-martial judges, 205-206, 237 Belknap, LCpI John D., United States y., 112.13
Adams, SgtJamesW.. 112-13 Belli. Melvin, 61
Addison, LCpI James B., United States y., 193, 196 Belluomini. Capt Emilic V., Jr.. 142
Administrative discharge. 131-33, 147, 170-73. 196. 208, 213-14 Bennett, Col Nalton M., 156, 163, 173. 196
Advance Base Receiving Barracks. Port Hueneme, California. Il Berg. Capt Stephen C.. 130. 201, 209; Maj. 208
Agreement for Mutual Defense Assistance in Indochina. (See also Bergen, Capt John A., 194
Pentalateral Agreement) Berry. Pvt Talmadge D., 114. 119
Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, 218 Bigler, Col James C.. 11
Aitken, Col Hugh S., 189 Black market activities, 32
Alberson, Capt Eileen M., 206-207, 207 Blackburn, Col George P., Jr., 30. 40-41, 41. 72
A.lbrink, Cdt Frederick, JAGC. USN, 12 Blakeslee. liCol Rollin Q., 122, 147
Aich, Gerald, 223 Blanchard. Col Don H. "Doc", 202
Allen. Capt Bernard A., Jr., 63, 89 Blum. lsth Robert J.. 1), 16; Maj. 181, 182-83, 206
Allen, LQpI Denzil R., United States y., 111-12 Blume. Lt Richard. JAGC. USN. 204
Allison, Pvt Lester E., United States y., 127e Blunk. Capt William D.. 234
Allison. lstLt William T., 11, 95; Capt. 96 Board for Correction of Naval Records. 221
Alvarez, Pvt Martin R., United States y., 112-13 Bohlin, Mai Lawrence G.. 122
Ambon, lsth Lewis R., United States y., 174-75, 177-79, 183, 188 Boltik. PFC Edward P., United States y., 70, 72, 72, 73
American Legion, 5 Bonner. Capt Raymond T, 208
Arntank (SS). 99, 101 Boyd, PFC James H., Jr., United States y., 54
Anderson, Maj Earl E.. 9; Co!, 16; BGen, 84n; Gen, IOn, 17. 84, Boyd. PFC Thomas R., United States y., 175, 182, 184. 185. 186
220, 240 Boyington, William, USMC. 7
Anderson, Cpi Joseph Wir., United States y., 208-209, 210, 211 Bradford. SSgt 1.onnieJ., 214
Anderson. Capt William T., 226 Brahms. Maj David M.. 152, 153, 154, 155, 162, 163. 218, 219-20;
Anello. Capt Michael M., 154 liCol, 226; BGen. 221
Aragon. Sgt Adrian. United States y., 208.11 Brandtner. Capt Martin L.. 226
Arianna, Lt Edward A., USN. 30 Bretag, HM Jon R.. USN. United States y., 53.54
Armed Forces Qualification Test, 73 Brice. Pvt Stephen E, United States y., 119
Armstrong, MajGen Alan J., 212. 212-13 Brig facilities. 145
Army Commands and Units in 1966, 39
Judge Advocate General's Corps. 5, 5e, 11. 243 damage to. 142
Task Force Oregon, 63 Ill MAF, 66, 144, 155. 206
U.S. Military Advisory Command, Vietnam, 18. 30. 39, 60, 63 increased populations. 114
Articles for the Government of the Navy, 3-6 (See also "Rocks and lack of. 31.32
Shoals.") riots in. 114-19
Articles of War. 2-6 Bright, PFC Robert L., United States y., 37, 39. (See also United
Averette, Raymond G., United States y., 168 States i. PFC Lucien J. Gonzales.)
Axtell, Col George C.. Jr., 47, 47; BGen, 84e; LtGen. 9. 10e Brooket, lLpl Hercules E., 134-37
Broome, liCol Norris C. "Sweeper", 66. 66. 100-101; Col. 109e
Brown, Capt Charles E.. 183-84, 186, 198
Baile F. Lee, 7 Buchmann, liCol Carl E., 127, 128, 157, 159, 164, 170. 191. 203-204
Baird, CWO 4 Maynard K. 'Sonny", 87. 143, 146 Bucknas, MSgt Bruno B.. 157
Barnes. Capt Clarke C., 92, 96, 104.105, 109, 132, 137, 147, 148, Bui Thi Huong. 53-54
166, 166 Bumgarner, PlSgt Roy E.. USA. United States y., 139e
Barnett, lsth James E.. 65 Buse. LtGen Henry W., Jr., 129
Barrow. Col Robert H., 135. 136 Bushel!. Capt Gary E., 131. 186
Bartolotta. Capt Vincent J.. Jr., 234. 235. 236 Byrne. Capt Edward M.. JAGC. USN. 244
Bashian, Capt George G.. Jr.. 127, 143
Bauch, Li Jared O., JAGC. USN, 97
Beale, Col Charles H., Jr.. 47. 49, 51, 53-54. 55. 56, 66 Calcen, Capt Reynold L.. Jr., 192. 196
Beane, PFC Douglas, United Stares y., ¡72e Calley. lstLt William L.. USA, 111, 156, 156
Beaudry, Capt G. Ward, 142 Calvert (APA 32). 37
Beckington. Col Herbert L., 84e; LtGen. 9, 10e Cam Le, 65

Camp Books, Red Beach, 42. 44, 45. 50. 59, 78. 142, 158-59, 170, Da Nang. 2, 11, 15-17. 20-23, 25-26, 29. 32, 35, 42, 50, 54, 56,
193 59. 65. 68. 70
Camp Carroll. 65 Da Nang Airbase, 15, 27-28, 34, 39, 59, 63, 69
Camp Hark-ins. Red Beach. 191 Da Nang River. (See also Han River)
Camp Zama. Japan, 74. 104 Dao Quang Thinh. 53
Campbell. Capt Wallace L., 37. 38 Dartmouth College. 48
Campbell. Lt 1-lugh D.,JAGC, USN, 16-17. 26. 26, 27. 31; RAdm. 51 Davis, lstLt Miles, 135
Campbell. LtCol Frederick I-1., 30 Davis. MajGen Raymond G., 92.93, 104, 134, 135; Gen, 212
Carlock, Capt G. David, III, 153, 154 Davis. MSgt William C., 234
Carney, 2dLr Robert B., 188 DeBarr, ColJohn R., 104, 106, 112, 119. 122. 124, 133. 160. 161,
Carroll. Capt james W.. 201-202, 209 164, 206, 241; BGen, 220. 232
Carter. 2dLz Macauley, Jt., 97; IstLt. 71 Deck court, 3. (See also Summary court-martial)
Casey. GySgt John, 192 Dedic. GySgt William. 47. 53
Casey. liCol Thomar R. 40. 40, 42. 47, 56, 59; CoI, 63 Demilitarized Zone, 35. 59. 60. 65
Cassady, Capt David J., 93. 138. 147 Department of Defense. 6
Category IV personnel. 73-74, 122, 203, 231-32 Lawyer 'rking Group. 121
Cates, Gen Clifton B.. 9, 10e Prisoner of War Policy Committee. 218
Carhcart, 2dLt James A., 98 Desjardìn, Isilt Armand H.. 203
Catholic University, 9 Diehl. Bernhard, 224
'avalier (APA 37), 39 Direct Commissioning Program, 216
Chadwick, Maj Roben J., 56. 76; LeCol, 173; BGen, 76e Disciplinary Laws of the Coast Guard, 6
Chaire, Secretary of the Navy John H., 170 "Dogpatch". 42. 75-76
Chapman. Gen Leonard F.,)r., 129. 130. 165. 167. 167, 172. 203, Donahue, Dr. Hayden. 188
231, 233 Dong Ha, 44. 54, 59, 65, 68
Chiera, james, 190 Donovan, Maj Walter j.. 66; BGen, 65e
China Beach, 21 Draper, Capt William B., Jr., 26. 56-57; Maj, 47.48, 48, 54, 62,
Christofferson, Capt Clyde R.. 223 65, 81
Chu Lai, 26, 33-35, 40, 42. 63. 68 Drug rehabilitation. 127
Chu Lai Airbase, construction of, 20 Drug resting facilities. 104
Civic action. 27-28, 47-48, 68 Drug use, 74, 103-104. 170-71, 231-32, 238. (See also marijuana use)
Civil affairs, 18 Dudley, Pvt Jimmie, United States V., 134-36
Civilian courts-martial, 99-100. 1034, 168 Dulacki, LeGen Leo J., 53, 170
Clark, lstLr John W., 30 Dunbar. Pvt Jimmie, United States y., 161
Clemmons, Cdr William E., USN. 40 Durbin, LtCoI Paul j., USA, 15, 15
Clifford, Secretary of Defense Clark M., 81
Cochran. Capt Otis F.. 203
Cole. Capt Stanton M., 142 Eastham, Capt Stephen C., 234
Coleman. Capt Francis T.. 42. 49. 66. 79. 80 Eden. Capt Van E., 234
Composto. Capt Joseph, 226-2 7 Edwards, LtCol Raymond W. "Wes", 233. 234, 237-39
Con Thien. 65 Egan, PFC Donald R., United States y., 134-35, 137
Constantino, Capt Paul R., 42, 62, 63 Ehlers, lstLt James, 65
Constructive service, 87 Eicholrz, [CpI Richard E., United States y., 162
Conway, Capt Martin E., Jr., 114 Eisenhower, Gen Dwight D., USA. 5
Cooper. Grant B., 81-82 Elbert, Pvt Frederick L., Jr., United States y., 218. 219
Cooper. LtCol Charles G., 174.75, 178, 178e, 179-81, 183, 187-88 Eleazer, LtCol William R., 113. 126, 127, 143
Con'ections Manual, 31 Elwood, MajGen Hugh M.. 121
Cosgriff. Lt William J.. JAGC, USN, 161 Emmons. Capt Nathaniel E. 154, 155. 155
Court of Military Appeals. (See also U.S. Court of Military Appeals) Erickson, Lt John F.. JAGC, USN. 47, 51
Erickson, Lr(jg) John F., JAGC, USN, 25
Court of Military Review, 60e, 73. (See also Navy Board of Review) Ervin, Senator Sam J., Jr., 102, 124.25
Crandell, LtCol John E., 211 Euler, Capt John L., 220
Crawford, Pvt Curtis, United States y., 207-208 Ewing. 7-8
Crider. LCpI Stephen D., United States y., 140 Excess Leave Program (Law), 85. 121, 216. 240
Croizat. LtCol Victor J., 15 Executions, 8
Cronk, PFC Richard E., 23
Crow, 2dLt Jerald D.. 13: lsth. 96
Crow. GySgt Wesley. 40 Falk, Capt Allen E., 143
Culver. liCol Ralph K.. 47. 59. 69. 71; Col. 72 Fallon, Col Eugene B. "Doc", 60. 66. 66. 67, 78, 91
Cummings. LtCol William M. 'Ace' 156. 158 Faw. Maj Duane L., 8; Col, 60, 60e, 61, 61, 61e, 63, 99.100, 127;
Cunningham, lstLt Jerry G., 78 BGen, 84, 126, 146, 164, 168, 173, 200, 205, 211, 216, 240-41
Cushman. LrGen Robert E.,Jr.. 60. 74, 85, 100. 142; Gen. 220, 231 Federal Task Force on Manpower, 73

FetidI, Maji Benjamin B., 28; liCol, 147, 148: Col. 51, 162-63, 173. Hahn. Capt Joseph J.. 239
223 Hai Van Pass, 59
Fields, MajGen Lewis J.. 41 Haiman, Capt Mark L., 70. 76. 76, 131
Files, Capt Fred R.. 31 Halderson, Capt Clark A., 96, 136
Fishbaçh, lstLt John T, 35-36 Halliday, LtCol Max G., 99, 122: Col, 15 1-52, 156, 162, 163
Fly, Capt William L.. 95, 96. 244 Hamilton, K. B.. 72
Foky, Dernior G.. 227 Han River. 56. 60
Foreign claims, 68 Hanlon, lsth Daniel M., 80: Capt. 42, 79
Forrestal, Secretary of Defense James V.. 6 Hanthorn. Col Jack E., 113, 113, 122. 143
Forster. Capt Cecil R.. 130 Hargrove. Capt John J., 186, 186. 198
Fragging. 34. 57. 110-11. 124, 133-34, 136n, 141, 168-69, 239 (See Harrington. Assistant Secretary of the Navy John S., 221
also Operation Freeze, 168) Harris, LCpl Andrew M., jr., United States y., 193-96
Franks. Capt Richard L., 192 Harris, lsttt Donald W., 18, 19, 39
Fuller. BGen Regan. 132 Harrison, PFC Gary O., United States y.. 30
Harrison. PFC Willie, United States y., 156
Gabriel. Richard, 159 Harvard University School of Law, 9
Gales, CpI Ronald E., 193-95 Haydd. Capt Victor J.. 78. 100, 100, 101-102, 102
Hayes, President Rutherford B., 3
Gambarddla. LtCol Joseph J. N.. 114.15
Garland, Reuben A.. 195 Hearn, Col Alexander M. 'Sandy", 105.106
Garrison, Senator Denzil D., 186-88, 188. 189 Heinl, Col Roben D., jr.. 170
Garwood, PFC Robert R., 37 224; United States y., 223-30, 224e He/go/and (West German hospital ship). 61, 62. 63, 166
General court.martial. 4. 22, 23. 69 Heilmer, Capt Werner. 228. 229: Maj. 224e
Henderson, Capt Jacob R., jr., 130-31, 192
Article 32 investigation, 49
requirement for lawyers in, 35, 51 Henderson, Col Oran K., 190
general court.martial commands, 59 Henderson, Maj Paul F.. Jr., 16; liCol, 67. 91.92: Col, 73
General Officers' Symposium. Marine Corps Hendricks, Pvt Gary A., United States y., 169-70
Herrod, Pvt Randcll D., United States y., 175-77. 179, 182-83.
1966, 50
1967, 73
186-90. 188, 188.89. 189
1969, 131
Higginbotham. Capt Donald. 63. 63. 65. 75-76. 82, 82. 122
George. lsth Boyd L., 95 Hilgart, Col Valeria F.. 207
George Washington University, 9 Hill, BGen Homer 5., 164
Georgetown University, 9 Hill 22. 53
Gideon y. Wainwright, 125 Hill 327. 27. 28. 35, 63. 143
Gillanor. 2dLt John E., Jr., 21, 26 Hilton, Capt Robert E.. 234, 238
Gio Linh, 65 Hinkte. Capt Thomas E, 221-22
Glasgow. Cdt Raymond W., JAGC. USN, 73 Hoblock. Capt Michael J.. Jr.. 119. 153
Gleason. Capt Harvey J.. 78 Hodge. Capt Anthony L.. 154
Glenn. isiLt Jimmie w.. 116. 117, 118 Hoffman, lstLt Bruce A.. 30
Glenn. Capt Franklin P., 44. 50, 67 Hofstetler. PFC Eugene R., United State y., 161.62
Glenn. Capt Thomas J., Jr., 153 Holben. LtCol Donald E., 66, 70, 101.103, 106; Col. 122. 173, 198,
Godwin. lsrLt Robert A.. 23, 23. 27; Capt. 75 198.200, 202. 203, 205, 208, 210-11, 213, 213, 214, 237, 242
Gomez. CpI Mario A., 199, 199-200 Holder. Capt Franklin D.. 237
Gonzales, PFC LsicienJ.: United States y., 37, 39. (See also United Hoppe, LtCol Henry, III, 136. 140, 140. 160, 173, 204.205
States y. PFC Robert L. Bright.) Hoyler. Col Hamilton M.. 8. 13
Grabowski, Maj Frcd. 20-21, 21; LtCol. 55 Hubbell. John. 225
Hue. 89
Granger. CaptJames H., 197-98; Mai, 173. 201-202. 203. 214: Col,
Huff, SgtMaj Edgar R., 171, 172
Grant. lsrLt Lloyd S., 188
Hunnicutt. CpI Hubert H.. 109e
Grant. Capt Tone N.. 201. 209. 209-11
Green. MSgt Noah, 155
Green, MSgt Ronald L, 153 I Corps Bar Assoaation. 47. 63, 121e. 163. 166. 206
lnouye. Senator Daniel K., 165
Green, PFC Samuel G.. Jr., United States y., 175, 179, 182. 186.
Iverson. lstLt Roland K.. Jr., 203: Capt. 214
Greene, Gen Wallace M.. Jr., 10e. 59. 85
Greenwood. PFC Bobby R., United States y.. 135-38
Jackson, Lt Wyman N.. JAGC. USN. 12; Capt. 51. 105
Gridley, LtCol Lily H., 17e, 57e
Jaeck, LtCol William C., 74.75, 104, 114. 122
Gulf of Tonkin, 39
Guy, LtCol Theodore, USAF. 218 Jarrett, Capt Tommy W.. 171. 192. 207
Ja.skilka, BGen Samuel, 127
Jevne, Capt Franz P., 143, 183, 185, 186, 198
Haden, liCol Frederick M.. 79, 99, 116, 122, 155-56 John, Capt John T.. 239

Johnson, Capt Carey H.. 153 LaPadre, Capt Carter, 223

Johnson. Col Earl H., 45 Larkin, Asst General Counsel of DOD Felix E., 6
Johnson, President Lyndon B.. 99, 126 Larouche, LtCol Charles R.. 42-43.43, 44. 44.45, 47, 47. 59, 67. 68
Jones, J. Fielding. 73 Latne', Merchant Seaman James H.. United States y., 99-102, 167
Jones. Capt James W.. 70 Laveroni, Capt Paul J., 189, 206, 209-10, 210, 211
Jones, LCpI Joseph L., United States y., 193-94, 196 Law center, 146
Jones, GySgt Kenneth w., 42, 86 Law officer, 6. 51, 105-106, 125, 198
Jones. Col Olin W., 2, 7, 16, 18-19, 27-28 Lawrence, Maj James E, Jr., 8-9; BGen, 83-84, 84. 120. 216
Jones. Capt Rex L. 111, 157 Lawrence, Cdr Keith B.. JAGC, USN, 186, 201
Jones, MajGen William K., 133, 133. 134. 163, 167-68; LtGen, Lawyers' Military Defense Committee. 206
170-72, 231 Le Chi Cuong. Mayor of Da Nang, 28. 61. 74
Jowers, Capt Harry K., 120, 121 Lee. istLi Robert M., 95
Judge advocate, 7, 125 Legal administrative officers, 146
Judge Advocate General, U.S. Navy, 3-4, 9, 11-13, 34, 51, 122, 125-26, Legal assistance, 15-16. 23, 44, 59, 63, 68. 92. 96, 108, 109. 158,
160. 205-206 214, 218
Judge Advocate General's Corps. U.S. Army. 5, Sn. 11, 243 Legai status of American civilians in Vietnam. 14
formation of, 5 LeGear. Capt Daniel H..Jr.. 131, 144. 149, 151. 159. 183. 184, 185,
Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Navy; creation of, 85 198
Judge Advocate General's School, U.S. Army, 60 Lehman, Secretary of the Navy John, 229
Judge Advocate of the Army, Sn Lehnerr, lstLt Robert C. "Curly". 12. 70; Col, 69-70. 73, 89, 96,
97, 99, 122, 142, 173, 174
Levin, Capt Michael J.. 166
Kall, Capt Charles J., 67, 100. 100, 101. 103 Levine, lstLt Joel, 203
Karch, BGen Frederick J., 2, 18. 19 Lewis, SFC Robert, USA, 226
Kavanaugh. Sgi Larry A., 220; United States y., 2 18-19 Lewy, Guenter, 138-39, 215, 242
Kaveney. Capt Francis J.. 143 Licciardo, I.Cpl Anthony, Jr., United States y., 112-13
Kaye, Maj Ronald J., 60, 95 Lopez. GySgt Joseph, 124
Keenan, PFC Charles W., United States y., 79-81, 8m Lowe, John, 227, 228
Keever, Maj Charles J. "Chuck", 28, 28; LiCol, 48 Lucy, LtCol Robert M.. 143, 143; Col. 129, 131, 144-45. 164, 172,
Keith, Capt Philip S.. 93. 95 173, 174, 179, 182, 197-98, 205-206, 208, 241, 244
Keller, lstLr P. Keith. 95 Lynch. Capt John, 201
Kelley, Capt Edward F., 196n
Kelley, LtCol Paul X., 37; Col, 167, 169; Gen, 125, 216, 229, 241
Kent. Maj Brian B., 16, 100, 101; LiCol, 173 MAAG. (See a/SO U.S. Military Advisory Assistance Group)
Keys, Capt James E., JAGC, USN. 33 MacConnell. Capt Robert M., 208
Khe Sanh. 65. 108-109 Magistri Mi/itum. 2
Kier, MajGen Avery R., 9, iOn, 50. 84n Mallery, Maj Joseph A.. Jr., 122: LtCoI, 163, 173, 218
Killen, Sgr James W., United States y., I Malone, Maj Donald E., 116
King. lstLt Thomas A., 113 Mann, LtCol Clyde R.. 89, 89, 89n, 90: Col, 143; BGen, 223
King. Capt Adrian R., 131 Mapp y. Ohio, 125
King. Capt David B., 71, 97 Marijuana
King, Col Archibald, USA, 243 detecting dogs. 127
King, MajJames P.. 19, 20, 31; LtCol, 127, 131, 143, 183. 197; Col, offenses, 68
199; BGen, 130, 211 use, 74, 124, 126. 140
Kirkpatrick, GySgt William S., 41. 41, 86; 2dLr. 42 effect on discipline, 126-27
Kisgen. Col James T., 84n problems in prosecution for, 74-75
Klukas, Capt Jerome R., 92 testing for, 74
Korean War, 4 Marine Corps Air Station, Futema, Okinawa, 2
Korson, LCpl G. E., 98 Marine Corps Commands and Units
Kress, Capt Peter N., 2,3, 15-18, 19; LrCol 189, 198-99. 202. 213, Headquarters Marine Corps. 5, 10, 12
213. 214 Judge Advocate Division, 13. 60n. 83-84. 165
Krichten, [CpI Michael S.. United States v, 175-76, 183-84 creation of, 120
Krouse, Capt Gale E., JAGC, USN. 73 Personnel Department/Division, Discipline Branch, il.
Krulak, LtGen Victor H., 20, 34, 56, 59, 74-75, 75, 111, 114, 173 13-14, 34, 57, 83-84
Kyle. MajGen Wood B., 54 disestablishment of, 120
3d Engineer Battalion, 37
Laine, LtCol Elliott R.. Jr.. 136. 221, 222n; Col, 134 ist Marine Aircraft Wing, 1516, 18-20, 28-29, 35, 53, 59,69
Landon, Lt Walter J., JAGC. USN. 79 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, 16
Lane. Capt Richard D., 91, 95, 157 Ground
Laos, 35 Ill Marine Amphibious Force (BI MAF), 18.20, 35, 39, 59,

63, 88 of 1968, 124-26, 146, 155, 158. 203

Force Logistic Command. 32, 42. 44, 50, 53, 69, 96 of 1983. 244
Force 1.ogistic Support Group. 42 Miller, Capt Dale W.. 227
9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (9th MEB), 2, 16, 18-19 Miller. LrCol Edison W.. 221, United States y., 219.20
ist Marine Division, 27, 37, 40, 42. 59, 67 Millet, Richard, 186, 188
Legal Office. 34, 41, 63 Miner, Capt l.arryJ., 67
3d Marine Division. 2. 15-16, 18, 27-28. 31, 35, 42. 59, 63, Miranda y. Arizona, 125
65. 67-68, 70. 142, 147.48 Mitchell, Capt Charles H., 69, 78, 96. 97: Col, 243-44
Legal Office. 24 Moats. Capt John D., 143, 149
3d Marine Division (Rear), 20 Moore. lsth David G., 94; Capt, 96
Task Force X-Ray, 20. 26. 42, 59. 63. 88 Moore. Capt H. Edward, Jr.. 78. 87, 103
3d Marines Moore, Col Richard G., 218
ist Battalion, 2 Morgan, Capt Horace H.. JAGC, USN. 73
3d Battalion Morgan, Edward M.. 6
Company M. 33 Morgan Committee. 6
4th Marines Motelewski, Mai Joseph R., 8; Col, 92, 93. 93-94, 105, 122. 147,
2d Battalion, 37 230. 240.41
Company H. 76 Moynihan. Senator Daniel Patrick. 73
5th Marines Muench. Capt Richard A.. ¡52, 153. 204
Ist Battalion. 53 Mulroney, Col Peter J.. 103
7th Marines Murphy. lstLt Patricia A., 57n. 60n; Capi, 121, 12m, 207
ist Battalion Murphy, Capt Edward L., 136
Company B, 174-75 Murphy, Capt William A., 12
Company D, 82 Murphy, Lt Bruce C.. JAGC, IJSN. 55
9th Marines, 2 Murray. Maj Michael Patrick. 78. 96. 98; LtCol. 218, 226. 237-39
2d Battalion Muse. RAdm George R., JAGC. USN, 85
Company E, 23 Muse Committee, 85
12th Marines M' Lai, ill, 190
Headquarters Battalion. 29
Marine Corps Human Relations Institute, 232 Natty. Bernard C., 128-29, 232
Marshall, Col St.Julien R., 11 Napicr. PFC David. United States y.. 134.38
Martens, Lt John J., JAGC, USN. 63 National Defense Establishment, 6
Mathews, Capt Patrick H.. 161 Naughton. lsth Michael J.. 79
Mathey. isd.t Warren S., 144-45 Nasal Courts and Boards, 3n, 4, 5, 70, 124
Maurer, IstLt Jeffery w., 95 Naval Justice School, II. 12, 25, 43-44, 100, 144
Maushart, 1.Cpl James A., United States y., 112 Naval Supplement to the Manual for Courts Martial (1951), 6n
May. Capt James S.. 37; Col, 38, 229 Navy Board of Review. 72
McAdam, Capt William l-1., Jr.. 95 Navy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary' Activity, Da Nang, 51, 205
McCain, Adm John S.. Jr.. USN, 121 Neely, Maj Ives W.. 126
McCollum, Capt Michael G.. 152, 156, 157, 159-60 Neil, 2d1t Michael 1., 82-83, 83; lath, 244: BGen, 83n
McConnell, liCol Daniel F.. 22, 76; Col, 192-93, 193, 213 Neville. Col Robert B.. 13. 34. 44. 51, 57, 57, 59, 60. 61. 6m, 241.
McDevitt, RAdm Joseph B., JAGC. USN, 87, 156 243
McGhee. 1.Cpl Marion, United States y., 33-34 Nguyen Chien Dau. (See also United States y. PFC Robert R.
McGrath, LCpl Thomas. 156, 158 Garwood.)
McGuinn. Capt Martin G., Jr.. 127, 143 Nickerson, LrGen Herman. Jr.. 129, 130, 142
McHenry. Maj James R. 119 Niks. Lt John G., JAGC. USN, 154
McLean, lsth Ronald W., 132 North, lstLt Oliver L., 175. ¡88. 188
McMath. Capt Sandy S.. 95. 112 Nunnery, Pvt Nolan J., 114. 116
McNamara, Secretary of Defense Robert S.. 65. 73
"McNamara WaIl", 65, 88
"Mere gook" rule, 138-39 Oberhansly, lath Curtis K., 119
Merrill, Capt Michael P., 184, 185, 198 O'Brian, Lt(jg) Keith G., JAGC, USN. 18
Metzger, Capt Dirk T., 203 O'Byrne, Capt William J.. 203
Meyers, Col Bruce F., 106n O'Connell. Capt James R.. 223
Meyers, Sgt Harvey E.. 175 Office of Civil Operations. Saigon. 48
Miekzarski. Maj Anthony F., 237 Ohman, Robert, 80
Mihalak, CWO Steven J., 116 O'Keliey. Capt George H., 195. 206, 207
Milano. Capt Louis L.. JAGC. USN, 73 Okinawa, 18
Milici, Capt John A.. 149 Oleszycki, Capt Charles R., 237
Military judge. 125 Oliver, LiCol Verne L. "Buba", 29, 68, 96, 99. 103; Col, 51. 100,
Military Justice Act 122. 173

Olshin, Capt Lewis R. 227, 228 Quang Tri, 68

Olson, Maj Curtis w., 49. 49. 80. 80. 122, 173, 196, 212. 242
Operations in Vietnam
Checkers, 88 Rachow, Capt Ronald C., 120, 120
Cochisc. 63 Racial conflict. 34. 124, 127-31, 140.41. 171. 231. 238
De Soto, 63 as reported in Subversive Activity Reports. 129-30, 171
Dewey Canyon, 134, 142, 147, 221 Watch Committees, 129-30
Kentucky. 147 Ringer (CV-61), 155
Lafayette, 63 Red Book. (See o/so Manual for Courts-Martial)
Medina, 65 Reese. CpI Ronald J.. United States y., 140
Mixrnaster, 174 Reilly. Capt John J.. 157
Praire II. 65 Reita, MSgt Cecil, 152
Praire III, 65 Remey. Capt William B.. 3; Col. 4
Prairie IV. 65 Repose (AH 16). 135
Shufly. 15, 16 Retention of lawyers, 240-4 1
Stone, 63 Revolutionary Development, 48
Taylor Common. 142 Reynolds. Capt John C., 153
Union II, 65 Risse. SSgt Alfonso R., 219, United States y., 218
Virginia Ridge, 147 Rich, Capt Michael E.. 86. 8Th
Ordinances of Armies (British), 2 Richard B. Anderson (OD 786), 167
Ostbv, Col John L.. 65, 73. 88, 89. 89 Ricketts, Capt E. Ronald, 203
Owens, BGen Robert C., Jr.. 60 Riser. SSgt Jerome E., 44
Roberts, Capt Ross T, 62, 77
Roberts, Pvt Michael A., 119
Padden. Capt Theodore J.. 149, 151, 185 Robertshaw. LrGen louis B.. 165
Padalino. BUen Mauro J., 192 Robertson, MajGen DonnJ., 89
Palmer, Capt William D.. 223 Robertson, RAdin Horace B.. Jr., JAGC. USN. 219
Palmer. Harry. 186, 188 Rockpile. the. 65
Palmer. LtGen David. USA, 167 "Rocks and Shoals' 3-4. (See also Articles/or the Government of
Papa, Capt John S., 126, 132, 192 the Navy.)
Parker, Capt Daniel. Jr., 234, 237 Rodsky, Capt Terrance B., 192
Parks, Capt W. Hays, 13, 74, 90, 109, 113, 143, 161. 206, 208 Rohweller, lstLt Robert T "Tim". 134. 134-35. 136. 138
Partyka, CpI Michael J.. 77 Rose. Sgt William L.. 214; SSgr 200
Pate. CpI Ronald A.. 193 Rose Garden, the. 233-34, 236-39
Patterson, Capt Chaiks E.. 66, 70. 95 Rothmeier. Lt Kenneth, MC, USN. 192
Peltzer, Col Vernon A. "Vap", 27. 30-31, 35, 56, 56 Roundtrce. Maj Neal T. 218
Pentalateral Agreement. 14-15. 99, 168 Rounsaville, Capt Keith E., 234
Perkins, Capt "B" Raymond, JAGC. USN, 223 Roux, Capt Frank G., Jr.. 183
Petersen, LcCol Arthur R., 156. 158; Col, 122, 173, 191-92, 205-206, Rucker. Lt Jerry D.. JAGC. USN, 119
208, 242 Rudy. Lt Allen C.. Jr.. JAGC. USN. 203. 214
Phalin. lsth M. Kevin, 95 Ru/es for the Regulation of the Navy o/the United Colonies. 2-3
Phoi Hoi, 50
Phu Bai, 20, 35, 42, 44. 56. 59, 65, 68
Pierce, MSgt Len E., 40. 42, 86; CWO 2. 153. 155, 155. 162, 191; Sabine. Capt Harry D.. 62. 65, 81
CWO 4. 87 Saigon, 18, 19. 30
Platoon Leaders' Class (Law), 13, 34. 87, 121, 156 Sanctuary (AH 17), 202
Platoon Leaders' Class (PLC), 13 Schermerhorn, lstLr James M., 144
Platt, BGen Jonas M.. 73 Scherr, Col Robert A., 13
Popper, Col Harry S.. Jr.. 29, 29. 30. 30. 35 Schneider. Capt MahJon C., 95
Post. Capt John N., 97 Schrunk. Capt Michael D., 96
Porter, PFC John D., Jr.. United States y., 53-54 Schwarz, Pvt Michael A., 184. United States y., 175-78, 181-84. 186.
Preate, Capt Robert A., 207 189
Price. Capt William A., 196 Seabaugh, Col Paul W., 113. 122, 142, 143
Prisoners of war, 39 Seay, Capt james E. L., 226
Pritchard. Capt Donald R., 71, 72, 97. 105 Secrest, Capt Lawrence W.. 203, 214
Prohaska, LCpI Ronald B.. 149-50 Sevier, LtCol Charles B.. 19-20. 22. 24. 33; Col. 27. 30. 35, 54, 55,
Project 100,000, 73-74, 124, 173, 203. (See also Category 1V pet. 57. 83-85. 120, 122, 142
sonnel) Seymour, CpI Philip A.. 37. 38
Prosise, Capt Richard L., 234. 236, 237. 239. 239-40 Seymour. Sgt R. Thomas. 90
Prugh, Col George S.. USA. 18, 99; MajGen, 14. 160, 170, 198. Shank. Col James W., 104, lii
210, 219. 242, 242, 243-44 Shannon. Capt Jantes P.. 54. 62, 80. 81

Sherman, Col Paul D., 11 Tifford, Capt Arthur W. 127, 143

Sherman, Gen William Tecumseh, USA. 7 Timblin, Capt Charles, JAGC, USN, 73
Shorstein, Capt Harry L., 95, 108. 108, 109 Tokarz, lsth Anthony P.. 36-37
Siems. Capt Dennis H.. 78 Tompkins, MajGen Rathvon McC., 74
Simmons, BGeri Edwin H., 88, 170, 172, 212, 241 Tower, Capt Philip C.. 169, 201, 215. 215
Simmons. Maj Roger E., 149, 150 Towers, Capt Richard S.. 192
Simpson, MajGen Ormond R.. 131 Tozi. Capt George, 100-101
Skiks, Capt J. Len. 186 Tomm. Merchant Seaman Bycthe A.. 99
Srnedky. CpI Larry E., 83 Trcstkman. Howard P.. 184
Smith. Gen Holland M.. 10. lOa ijuesdale, Col Marion G.. 122. 142, 143. 166. 173, 19!
Smith. Pvt Reginald F.. United States y., 134-38 Twining, Gen Merrill B.. 9, iOn
Smith. Capt Stanley L.. 96 Twitchell, Col John S., 11, 13
Smith, Capt Thomas P., Jr., JAGC, USN, 73
Snedeker. BGen James, 9, IOn
Soc Trang. 15 Uniform Code of Military Justice, 5-7, 14. 35, 51, 57, 241-43
SOFA. (See also Status of Forces Agreement) amendment of, 12-13
Somers, 7-8 application to civilians, lOO, 168
Somerville, CpI Clifford K., United States y., 237 ommission of Marine Corps lawyers in. 11-12
Son Thang (4), 175, 177. 178-79. 180. 182. 187-90 United States y.
Sparkman. liCol Thomas B.. 19. 20 Lance Corporal James B. Addison. 193, 196
Special court-martial. 22-23. 69, 205 Lance Corporal Denzil R. AlIen, 111-12
military judges for, 126 Private Lester E. Allison, 127n
requirement for lawyers in, 35 Private Martin R. Alvarez, 112-13
Spence. LtCol Charles E.. Jr., 69, 71. 164; Col, 173 First Lieutenant Lewis R. Ambon, 174-75, 177-79. 183
Spencer, Mdn Philip, USN, 7 Corporal Joseph W. Anderson, Jr., 208-211
Staff Legai Officers' Conference. 1966, 45 Sergeant Adrian Aragon. 208-11
St.Amour, Maj Paul A. A., 28-29; LtCol, 160. 183-85. 195, 212 Raymond G. Averette, 168
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). 14 Private First Class Douglas Beane. 172e
Steele, Maj Orlo K., 48 Lance Corporal John D. Belknap. 112-13
Seffen, Capt Eugene A., 77 Private First Class Thomas R. Boyd, 54, 175. 182, 184, 186
Steves, Capt Ftedrick B.. 122 Hospitalnsan Jon R. Bretag, USN, 53-54
Stewart. Capt Walter A., Jr.. 97 Private Stephen F. Brice. 119
Stipe, Senator Gene, 186-87. 188 Private First Class Robert L. Bright. 37. 39
Stockdale. RAdm James B., USN. 219; VAdin, 221, 223, 230 Platoon Sergeant Roy E. Bumgarner, USA. 139e
Stockham. CpI Robert E., 149-50 Private Curtis Crawford, 207-208
Stokes, Capt James D., 153. 204 Lance Corporal Stephen D. Crider, 140
Strickland. PFC James A.. 226 Private Jimmie Dudley, 134-36
Strongpoint obstacle system, 60. (See also "McNanaara Wall") Private Jimmie Dunbar. 161
Sullivan, Brendan V..Jr.. 211 Private First Class Donald R. Egan, 134-35. 137
Summary court-martial, 3, 22 Lance Coporal Richard E. Eicholtz. 162
requirement for lawyers in, 35 Private Frederick L Elbert. Jr.. 218
Sweeney. Sgt Jon M., 222, United States y.. 221-23, 222n Private First Class Roben R. Garwood. 223-30, 224n
Switzer. Col Roben E., 227, 229 Private First Class Lucien J. Gonzales, 37. 39
Szymanski. Lt John S.. JAGC. USN, 46 Private First Class Samuel G. Green. Jr., 175, 179, 182, 186.
Dimadge. Senator Herman E.. 101 Private First Class Bobby R. Greenwood, 134-38
Llty, 2dLt Stephen J., 5 3-54 Lance Corporal Andrew M. Harris. Jr.. 193-96
Tate, Sgr Richard L., 169. 169 Private First Class Gary O. Harrison, 30
Taylor. 2dLt John R., 145-46 Private First Class Willie Harrison, 156
Thylor, Capt Kenneth T. 37, 38 Private Gary A. Hendricks. 169-70
Taylor. Vaughn E., 227-28. 228 Private Randell D. Herrod, 175-77, 179, 182-83. 186-90, 188-89
Testrnan, CpI Leo 0., 132 Private First Class Eugene R. Hofstetler, 161-62
Tet Offensive Lance Corporal Joseph L. Jones, 193-94, 196
1968, 88-89, 96 Sergeant Larry A. Kavanaugh. 218-19
1969, 142 Private First Class Charles W. Keenan. 79-81, 81e
Tetrick, MSgt Harold L.. 21. 53-54 Sergeant James W. KiIlen, 149-50
Theer. Mai Richard E., 175, 178-79, 181, 188 Lance Corporal Michael S. Knehien. 175-76. 183-84
Thong Tay (1). 174 Merchaor Seaman James H. Larney. 99-102. 167-68
Thurman, Maj Wina M., 62. 63. 77 Lance Corporal Anthony Licciando, Jr.. 112-13
Tiernan. Maj William H. J., 69. 70, 96, 97. 122, 142; liCol. 173; Lance Corporal James A. Maushant, 112
BGen, 69n, 172-73. 231, 241-43 Lance Corporal Marion McGrath, 33-34

Lieutenant Colonel Edison W. Miller, 219-21 Webb. 2dLt James H., 128. 129; Capt. 189-90
Private First Class David Napier, 134-38 Welch, Capt Edwin W., 209
Corporal Ronald J. Reese, 140 Wensinger. LtGen Walter W., 9, 10e
Staff Sergeant Alfonso R. Riate, 218 Wesrmoreland. Gen William C.. USA. 74. 88. 126, 242-44
Private Michael A. Schwarz, 175-78, 183-84, 186, 189 Westmoreland, LtCol William T. Jr.. 60, 62, 63, 65. 79-80, 89
Private Reginald E Smith, 134-38 Wheeler, MajGen Edwin B., 131, 231
Corporal Clifford K. Somerville, 237 Wheeler, PFC Kenneth. United States y., 2 3-24
Sergeant Jon M. Sweeney. 221-22, 222n, 223 White, LCpl Gene E.. 29
Private First Class Robert J. Vickers, 112-13 White, Pvt Calvin L., United States y., 119
Private Calvin L. White, 119 Whiting. Capt William E., 97
Captain Walter E. Wilbur, USN. 219, 221 Widdecke, MajGen Charles E, 183, 205
U.S. Coast Guard, 6n, 7 Wieseman, LzGen Frederick L., 3
U.S. Court of Military Appeals, 6-7, 151, 168, 229, 243 Wilbur. Capt Walter E., USN, United States y., 219, 221
U.S. Court of Military Review, 230 Williams. Capt James L.. 76, 78. 84
U.S. Military Advisory Assistance Group, 14-16 Williams. Capt Robert C., 130. 131. 182, 182. 188
Wilson, LtGen I.uis H.. Jr., 221; Gen. 226-27, 231
Van Ryzin, luit Peter, 36 Wiiiig, lstLt Donald E., 62; Capt. 77
Wohl, Lt Frank A., JAGC, USN, 153
Vengrow, Capt Stephen H., 192, 194
Wolfert, Capt Alan R., 163
Vesey. Capt Michael C., 237
Wood, Capt W. Mark, 191, 192. 193-94, 196
Vickers, PFC Robert J., United States y., 112-13
Woodruff, IstLt Frederick C., 18, 39
Vogel, Sgi Ronald L., United States y., 53-54
Wray. LtCol Richard E., 67, 96
Wright, Capt Teresa J.. 228, 229
Wachsmuth, Capt Robert W.. 32, 78. 97, 98. 102, 108
Wallace, Mike, 223
Walling, lst.Lt Michael I., 97 Xuan Ngoc (2), 53
Walt, MajGen lewis W., 20, 24, 27-28, 34-35; LtGen, 48, 53-54,
56, 57, 60, 80
Wander, LtCol William W., Jr., 47, 106; Col, 51 Young, Capt Rufus C., 97, 105
War crimes, 32
Warlow. Capt Michael C., 234
Warner. Secretary of the Navy John, 220 Ziemann. Maj James R., 42, 44, 45, 46, 47
Warnes, Catherine Anne. 148. 149. 150 Zoerb, 2dLt Dennis R., 86
Warren. Capt William T., 28 Zonderman, Capt Paul S.. 70
Wartime Legislation Team (WAIT), USA, 243-44 Zorack. LtCol John L., 25, 26, 34, 42. 59, 63, 80
Weatherman, Pvt Earl C., 223-24 Zsalman, Lt Robert D., JAGC. USN, 136, 137
The device reproduced on the back cover is
the oldest mnilitaîy insignia in continuous use
in the United States. It first appeared, as
shown here, on Marine Corps buttons adopt-
ed in 1804. W7ith the stars changed to five
points this device has continued on Marine
Corps buttons to the present day.

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