Starters For STEM

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Starters for STEM

Starters for STEM are 10 activities that parents can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills.
Theses activities are easy to resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them. If you see a link you can explore how to
extend these activities, you will need to sign up, for free, to access these materials. Don’t forget to share your work on social media
Worm charming Magic magnets
Ice hunt How tall are you in One cup of Lego
How many worms do feet?
Have you got a fridge What can you build with
you think you can charm Freeze some treasures magnet? What sorts of
out of the ground in 5 in a block of ice in the Draw around your foot just one cup of Lego?
things in your house are
minutes? Does anything freezer. Now can you attracted to it? Can you onto some paper and
help you to charm the rescue them? What is sort them? cut it out. Use your pa-
the best way of getting per foot to find out how
worms to the surface? many ‘feet’ tall are you?
your treasures back?
What about sprinkling What else can you Rocket mice
some water on the measure?
ground? Or dancing on As if by magic! Cut a circle shape from
it? a piece of paper and
Gloop! When light travels from then cut it from one
one material to another edge to the middle.
Put 2 tablespoons of it bends. Draw a small Human body Tape it into a cone and
Bake some bread cornflour into a bowl and arrow pointing left or add some mouse fea-
mix it with water until it right on a piece of pa- Have you ever won- tures. Balance your
There is so much going seems like a very thick per. Fill a large, trans- dered what is inside the cone mouse on top of
on ‘science wise’ in liquid. Play with it over parent glass with water. human body? Here you an empty plastic bottle.
bread baking. What job the bowl. Stir it with a Hold the arrow behind can look inside and ex- Press down on each
does the yeast do? Can spoon, hit it gently, put the glass of water. What plore the skeleton, the side of the bottle with
you see the bubbles? some in your hand, roll it happens? Try this out circulation system and some force and shoot
Why does it rise like into a ball, open up your with letters of the alpha- the digestive system. your mouse into space.
that? What is yeast? fingers bet. Does it work with See what the key fea- What makes a differ-
How much larger has them all? tures are and find out ence to how far your
your dough grown whilst Is it a liquid or a solid? explori- how the parts work. mouse travels?
it proved?

Week beginning 20th April 2020

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