LAB 5A Single Phase Current Transformer PDF
LAB 5A Single Phase Current Transformer PDF
LAB 5A Single Phase Current Transformer PDF
Determining the transformation ratio of a current transformer for various primary currents and
investigating the influence of the load on the transformation ratio.
To explain the terms ratio error (current error), accuracy class and rated accuracy limit factor.
In electrical power supply systems, the currents and voltages are constantly measured and
monitored to ensure that they remain within certain limits. The measured values are required for
three reasons:
a) To provide the maintenance personnel with constant information regarding the state
of the system.
b) To be able to determine the amount of power supplied to a customer.
c) To switch off faulty network sections rapidly in case of a fault.
Generally the current and voltage values are so high that they cannot be measured directly.
For this reason, special transformers are used to reduce these values to a level which can be
processed safely and economically: the so-called instrument transformers.
Lab No. 5A
Current transformers (CT) are constructed as single-phase transformers; the current of the
installation flows directly through the primary side.
In accordance with the standards, these supply a rated current on the secondary side of 1A, or
also 5A at rated operation of the installation. The rated transformation ratio
KN Eq5A.1
When installing current transformers, attention must be .paid to the direction of the current.
For this purpose, the terminals on the primary side are labelled “K” (for power plant) and “L”
(for line). Correspondingly, the terminals on the secondary side are labelled “k” and “1”. The
following figure shows the graphic symbol and the connection of a current transformer.
In order to maintain unambiguous potential relationships on the secondary side, one terminal
(usually terminal k) must be grounded.
Lab No. 5A
The resistive load is located in the primary circuit and for this experiment the three
individual resistors are connected in parallel: set the load resistance value to R3.
Set the resistive CT load on the secondary side to an initial value of 0%: this means that
the only load in the secondary circuit is the ammeter in the circuit and its internal
resistance is negligible.
Connect the current transformer so that the resulting current transformation ratio is 1:1.
Set the supply voltage 0 ÷ 250 V and starting from 0 V, increase the value of the voltage
to obtain the current values I1 = 0.1 A to 1 A in steps of 0.1 A in the primary circuit of the
current transformer.
Read off the corresponding secondary currents I 2 in the secondary circuit and enter these
values in the following table.
K ⋅ I −I Eq6.2
Fi = N 2 1 ⋅100(%)
and enter the results in the table: determine the maximum current error
Fimax = …………………..
The rated load of the current transformer is 5 A, i.e., 5Ω at a secondary rated current of 1A.
Set the resistance load for the current transformer on the secondary side to approximately 5Ω,
and repeat the above experiment. Enter the measured and calculated value in the following table.
Lab No. 5A
To represent better the influence of the load on the secondary current record the voltage on the
secondary side as function of the resistance load of the current transformer at a constant primary
To do this, connecting the voltmeter to the terminals 2.1 and 2.2 of the current transformer, vary
the resistance load of the current transformer from 0Ω to the maximum.
For this experiment, the current in the primary circuit of the transformer must be set to 1 A and
be held constant by regulating the supply voltage.
U2 (V)
Note: If you want to test the performance of the current transformer with transformation ratio of
5:1, replace the 1A ammeter on the primary side with another one with 5 A range and connect
the current transformer so that the resulting current transformation ratio is 5:1.
Set the resistive load located on the primary circuit to the value R7 and repeat the same
procedure as before.
Lab No. 5A
Lab No. 5A
Needs Total
Category Excellent 8 Good 6 Satisfactory 4
improvement 2 (40)
Clearly describes the Adequately Describes the Cannot describe
objectives of lab. describes the objectives but the objectives of
Understands possible objectives, but misses some the lab, or what
Objectives and sources of errors and cannot discuss details. Cannot was learnt,
Results their effects. possible sources discuss possible sources of errors
Suggests ways to of errors and their sources of error or and their effects
minimize them. effects their effects