SPE 68747 Clean Up and Well Testing Operations in High-Rate Gas-Condensate Field Result in Improved Sand Management System
SPE 68747 Clean Up and Well Testing Operations in High-Rate Gas-Condensate Field Result in Improved Sand Management System
SPE 68747 Clean Up and Well Testing Operations in High-Rate Gas-Condensate Field Result in Improved Sand Management System
An engineered clean up and well test package was Gas, oil, water, and solids enter the cyclone tangentially
designed with the additional capability of handling sand at through the inlet under pressure, and the resulting centrifugal
surface. force causes the gas to disengage and exit through the vortex
finder (Fig. 3). The liquid passes into the conical section of the
Process and Instrumentation Diagram Description cyclone where the reduction in diameter accelerates the fluid,
The process and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) in Fig. 1a generating centrifugal forces strong enough to separate the
shows components of the mobil clean-up and well-test unit solids from the liquid. The solids are forced toward the wall
employed to test high-rate gas condensate wells in Oman. The and travel down the length of the conical section of the
components are: cyclone in a spiral pattern toward the solids outlet, the
underflow. The gas and liquid migrate toward the center of the
Production Wellhead cyclone, where the flow reverses and moves toward the
1. Emergency shutdown valve overflow through the vortex finder.
There are various theories behind the principles of
Sand Management System (Fig. 1b) cyclone-based separators. In operation, the entire wellstream
1. Wellhead desander is fed into the desander vessel and directed into the insert.
2. Wellhead filters Cyclonic separation of the solids takes place in the insert, with
3. Flushing pump solids falling through into the accumulator vessel. The
4. Proppant recovery tank with measuring system selection of insert size will suit the particular design
conditions specified.
Process Equipment The desander and accumulator vessels are separated by a
1. Choke manifold double “block-and-bleed” gate-valve system, and the
2. Three-phase separator accumulator itself drains via a similar arrangement.
3. Metering tank with transfer pump Emptying or purging of the accumulator vessel involves its
4. Flare line isolation using the valve arrangement between the desander
and accumulator, venting the accumulator to atmospheric
Production Wellhead pressure, and flushing out the recovered solids using plant
The production wellhead comprises: water or clean produced water. The accumulator vessel will be
1. Lower manual master valve filled with plant water or clean produced water before it is re-
2. Upper hydraulic master valve opened to the process in order to minimize the ingress of oil
3. Swab valve into the accumulator and to keep the solids discharge process
4. Flow-wing valve as clean as possible. The desander is left on-line during the
5. Kill-line valve purging process. Solids separated in this period will collect in
The fluids from the wellbore and the reservoir flow as a the holding space beneath the insert in the desander vessel and
mixture of gas, oil, water and proppant into the production will pass to the accumulator, once it is reopened to the
tubing and through the production wellhead flow-wing valve process.
and a 690-bar emergency shut down (ESD) valve. The ESD Purging of the accumulators is a manual operation.
valve is mounted on the flow-wing valve and is hydraulically
actuated. A high-pressure kill pump is connected to the Wellhead Desander Vessel
wellhead through a check valve onto the kill-wing valve. The The wellhead desander vessel houses the cyclone separator
ESD valve and the upper hydraulic master-valve control lines insert (Fig. 4). Access to the desander for insert change-out or
are connected to a control panel that has two pumps that maintenance is achieved via an API flange connection in the
enable the fail-closed valves to open under hydraulic pressure. top of the vessel.
The end connections on the ESD valve are 4-1/16-in. flanges Solids hold-up volume in this vessel is approximately 8
with API 6BX ring gaskets that have a pressure rating of 690 gallons. Hold-up volume in the desander vessel is sized to
bar. provide enough capacity to collect solids when the
accumulator is isolated for emptying. Manually, this process
Sand Management System takes approximately 15 minutes.
Wellhead desander. Two types of wellhead desanders were
used on these wells. The first design (Design 1) is described Accumulator Vessel
below. Separated solids are collected in the accumulator vessel
located beneath the desander vessel.
Desander Vessel (Design 1). The wellhead desander unit is The accumulator vessel is a simple cylindrical pressure
comprised of two major components: vessel that incorporates inlet and outlet connections for the
1. A wellhead desander vessel containing a single cyclone separated solids along with vent and flush connections to
insert assist the purging process.
2. A solids accumulator vessel. The solids flushing mechanism inside the accumulator
consists of one flushing connection low down on the
accumulator which will ensure that the solids are fluidized and and where required, on the water line. Under normal flowing
flushed from potential dead spots in the vessel. conditions, this tank is always on a bypass. When a meter
calibration is to be carried out, the fluid is flowed into the tank
Wellhead Filter and allowed to settle. The calibration tank has a vent line
The desander is designed to remove 95% of produced well through which the gases escape, and a reading is taken and
solids. In order to collect remaining solids and to protect the corrected to standard conditions. The maximum allowable
choke from erosion, a dual-pod filter system is installed working pressure of the tank is 10 bar.
downstream of the desander (Fig. 5). The filter system is The transfer pump is used to pump the contents of the tank
comprised of two units, each housing two flange-connected to the flare pit and to empty the tank.
wedge-wire filter screen elements. The filter screen, with a
mesh size of 100 microns, is designed to treat flow from inside
to outside. The separated sand collects inside the screen in the Theories On Wellhead Desander Working Principle
lower part of the vessel. The filter vessel is periodically To understand the operation of the wellhead desander, four
isolated from the process, de-pressured, and the sand is fundamental parameters must be determined in terms of the
flushed to a cleaning/disposal system. Each filter can be operating and design variables. These parameters are:
flushed independently, and all valves on the desander and 1. The separation or cut size
filter units are manual. Each vessel is capable of processing 2. The flow split between overflow and underflow
100% of the specified capacity; thus, the system covers 200% 3. Sharpness of separation
of capacity. 4. Capacity – pressure drop
The wellhead filter system is installed downstream of the With the capability to calculate the above four parameters
desander system, treating the overflow (or solids depleted for a given set of conditions, it is possible to determine the
stream) from the desander. complete mass balance of the cyclone.
The objective of the wellhead filter is to catch any solids
fines that carry over from the wellhead desander. The mesh Cut Size1. It has become common practice to express the cut
size of the screen in the filter vessel is 100 µm or 200 µm. size in terms of the d50 size. The d50 size is that size having
The wellhead filter vessel was manufactured to the same equal (50%) probability of separation from the flow stream.
design code and specifications as the desander. Theoretical attempts to define the cut size in terms of
The desander vessel, accumulator, filter vessel, and the operating and design have been based on one of the following
piping spools are made from AISI 4130 material. The filter three hypotheses:
screens are made from 316 SS material.
The inlet and outlet connections on the desander and the (1) Equilibrium Orbit Hypothesis
filter are 4-1/16-in. flanges with API 6BX ring gaskets having Most of the fundamental equations used to calculate the
a pressure rating of 690 bar. separation size are based on the concept of the equilibrium
orbit. At some point in the cyclone, it is assumed that the d50
Process Equipment size particle is at equilibrium with respect to the two principal
Choke manifold. The clean fluid from the sand filters then forces acting on it — fluid drag force and centrifugal force. As
flows to the choke manifold where the pressure drop is taken illustrated in Fig. 6, the centrifugal force tends to force the
in order to provide stability to the separator. It provides a dual particle to the cyclone periphery, and the drag force tends to
path to the fluid flow — one through the adjustable choke and force the particle towards the cyclone center. As shown in
the other through the positive choke. Fig. 7, the particle in the outer periphery (where Fc > Fd) will
The choke manifold has 4-1/16-in. inlet/outlet flanged exit the cyclone via underflow; and the particles swept to the
connections with API 6BX ring gaskets. center (where Fd > Fc) will be carried over to the overflow.
Since the proppant particles are spherical in shape,
Three-phase separator. The 48-in. horizontal, three-phase assuming diameter d, the centrifugal force term becomes:
separator is capable of handling 3 million m3/day of gas.
Twenty-five hundred m3/day of condensate was used to Fc = ∏ d3 (ρs - ρ) ν2 (1)
provide differential density separation between the gas, oil, 6 r
and water by gravity segregation. The gas and water was
flared at the flare pit while the condensate was diverted to the Assuming laminar flow relative to the particle (Stokes'
condensate collection plant through the temporary lines. equation), the fluid drag force may be expressed as:
The maximum allowable working pressure of the separator
vessel is 100 bar. There are three pilot-operated relief valves, Fd = 3 ∏ d µ ω (2)
one inlet, and two pressure-relief valves on the separator.
At equilibrium, the two forces are equal, and assuming the
Calibration tank with transfer pump. The 16 m3 calibration particle to be a d50-sized particle, the expression becomes:
tank is used to calibrate the liquid turbine meter on the oil line
above occurred. Efforts were concentrated on improving bakes onto the filter screens and cannot be removed by back
clean-up times with the SMS because of the need to meet gas flushing.
delivery deadlines. The above conditions were attributed to:
The main needs for improving clean-up and testing times • High-gas-flow velocities
were as follows: • mechanical design of the equipment
• Erosion • prolonged proppant and fines back production5.
1. Insert erosion
2. Desander vessel erosion High Gas Flow Velocity
3. Mating flange of filter screens erosion Post erosional analysis showed that the velocity through the
• Filter screen: plugging due to formation fines flowback desander tripled after exiting the inlet. Meticulous scrutiny of
the mechanical design and the process simulation produced
Wellhead Desander the data shown in Table 1:
Desander erosion challenges existed from an early point in the
test sequence. Initial inspections revealed that severe damage Table 1— Post Erosional Analysis
to the desander inserts with further erosion to the wall of the Vapor fraction: 0.9275
vessel body (see Figs. 8 and 9) had taken place. It was evident Temperature: 85.39ºC
that operational changes were needed. Pressure: 105 bar
First, to resolve the erosion needs, inspection frequencies
Density (gas + condensate): 110.1211 kg/m3
were shortened so that the gas velocities at which the
washouts occurred could be identified. As a part of the Mass flow (gas + condensate): 149,340 kg/hr
solution to the operational challenges, wellhead desander Mass flow (gas): 106,030 kg/hr
design 2, which offered more efficient separation and overall Mass flow (condensate): 43,303 kg/hr
performance, was introduced to the project. Gas flow: 123,620 Sm3/hr
From the investigation results, it was determined that the Gas flow: 1287.6 actual m3/hr
rating of the standard chrome carbide-coated insert be Mole weight (gas): 20.2811
downgraded by 50% to gas-flow rates of 1.5 million m3/day. SG (air = 1.0): 0.7002
This had an economic impact on the project as it had been Z Factor (gas): 0.8674
that individual well gas capacities of up to 3 million Viscosity (gas): 0.0165 cP
m /day be tested. Condensate flow: 63.4 Sm3/hr
A typical clean out involves recovery of between 3 and 10
Condensate flow: 68.6 actual m3/hr
tons of proppant at initial gas rates up to 1 million m3/day
Mole weight (condensate): 105.8822
flowing at pressures of between 280 to 350 bar with a gas/oil
3 3 3
ration (GOR) in the region of 200m /m (CGR 350 m /million SG (water = 1.0): 0.6330
3 Viscosity: 0.3932 cP
m ). Once the initial solids have been recovered, the wells are
beaned up to a maximum drawdown of 106 bar with gas rates
of up to 3 million m3/day and condensate rates of between 750 *NOTE: The above data are based on a design-case flow rate
and 1,500 m3/day. of 3 million m3/day and associated condensate.
A variety of desander insert materials were manufactured
and tested. These included ceramic-lined; boron-diffusion The desander inlet piping is 4-in. nominal internal
plated; tungsten carbide coated; reaction-bonded and silicon diameter (ID) 690 bar piping. At the desander inlet, there is
carbide materials; however, with the exception of the original an inlet wear sleeve with an ID of 2-3/8-in. This results in a
chrome carbide-coated units, all failed to handle increased nozzle effect at the inlet because of the reduction in effective
velocities. flow area.
Wellhead Filters Based on the above numbers, the gas velocity through the
Since the wellhead desander is only 95% to 98% efficient, desander would be 131.8 m/sec (474 km/hr), and the line
small amounts of proppant were carried over to the filters. The velocities would be 45 m/sec (162 km/hr). These velocities
dual-pod filter units also incurred start-up challenges with can be calculated by the following equation:
washouts through erosion. Washouts occurred between the
interconnecting flange faces of the filters (inside the main Vg = 60 Z Qg T (6)
filter body) and in the welds connecting the filter mesh to the (ID) 2 P
interconnecting flanges.
Produced fines consisting mainly of mullite-corundum and Since Z is a constant based on temperature and pressure,
quartz, basically a crushed fracture proppant, were a continual the equation can be rewritten in the following way to get a
challenge in the filters. Standard filter back flushing will good approximation of the line velocity:
remove loose solids, but the fines build up a solids layer that
desander to provide an indication of the flow velocities within control of the gas velocities required to lift solids in an
the desander. A database of differential pressure versus the gas efficient manner was essential. Small choke sizes prevented
flow rate was set and maintained on the wells with Design 1 velocities from lifting solids, and oversized chokes resulted in
and design 2 desanders. This system, along with the insert overwhelming the system with proppant. Each well had its
inspection schedule, provided a useful comparison of insert own characteristics, but as a result of experience, a general
erosion in the two designs. procedure, which enabled efficient recovery of solids while
maintaining testing continuity, was adopted. Generally, choke
Wellhead Filters changes were varied only in 0.39mm (1/64-in.) increments
Mating flange erosion. The filter screens were manufactured between 2.38mm (6/64-in.) and 9.53mm (24/64-in.), and
in two 2-meter sections for easy handling. These two sections limitations on solids recovery amounts were set prior to
were mated using a mating flange with a metal-to-metal seal. making a choke variation. Once solids recovery rates fell
This sealing arrangement was rated to a pressure of 2 bar, but below specified levels, a more aggressive bean-up procedure
the filter units were being operated at 20 bar differential was adopted to achieve maximum drawdown at minimal
pressure. In order to increase the rating, the flanges were proppant rates. The criterion for a clean well is 0.5kgs
modified, and in order to effect a better seal, elastomers were proppant/day for every 1 million m /day gas produced.
inserted between the flange faces. While these modifications
were effective temporarily, the eventual solution was to weld Design Improvements on Design 2 Desander
the flanges and use them as a unit. The Design 2 desander has been in service since June 1999.
During that time, it has been observed that the vortex finders
Screen plugging due to fines. The initial resolution was to showed similar trends of erosion around the inlet/outlet and
dismantle the filter and steam clean the screens outside the the lip of the body. This indicates that the influencing factor is
vessel. For safety reasons, this necessitated shutting down the the angle of ramp on the vortex finder. After the flow exits
process, which incurred substantial downtime in the clean-up into the body of the insert from the ramp, a percentage of
program. proppant particles becomes trapped because of the form of the
One solution was to manufacture a 200-micron screen and vortex finder body, and this results in erosion.
run one pod with 100-micron screens and the other with 200- The solution was to increase the angle of the ramp in the
micron screens. This reduced the build-up of solids and vortex finder body so that the fluid exiting the ramp does not
screens-blockage, as the fines could be bypassed at low commingle with the fluid at the inlet. The approaches adopted
velocities without erosion to the downstream process. The were:
second attempted solution was to introduce chemicals into the • To build an epoxy polymer cement (EPC) coating
stream to dissolve or reduce the effects of solids build-up; this • To manufacture hardened steel inserts with a vortex finder
approach proved to be ineffective. • To improvise the manufacturing process of the original
The third method, which proved to be the most effective, insert material.
was the introduction of a jet washing system in situ. This
involved manufacturing an adaptor flange on top of the vessel Building epoxy polymer cement (EPC) coating.
to allow a jet wash nozzle, driven by a high-pressure pump, to Having identified that the ramp would need to be steeper, it
be inserted into the filter. This system washed the screens was necessary to find a simple way of determining the
internally, eliminating the need to remove them from the performance of the steeper ramp. The best method was to
vessel. This method not only saved time but also allowed the build an EPC coating on a used vortex finder. The selection of
well to continue flowing on the second filter pod while the EPC was based on its resistance to corrosion, erosion; and
cleaning was being performed. high impact resistance.
This jet-washing tool is used in conjunction with the real The flow body and the vortex finder with the modified
time data acquisition system, which displays the onsite real ramp were installed on one of the well test units.
time differential pressure across the filters. When the Following the rate test, the desander vessel was dismantled
differential pressure across the filters reaches a specific value to inspect the insert body and the vortex finders. The results
or shows a tendancy to increase, onsite personnel activate the showed that the erosion points inflicted by the flow were on
jet flushing operation. the body, but were inconclusive as the epoxy polymer cement
coating eroded resulting in similar erosion trends.
Fracture Flowback Procedures
Initial welltest data interpretation indicated that the well was Manufacturing Hardened Steel Inserts and Vortex
not performing as had been anticipated. When it was Finder
determined that the aggressive clean-up technique was proving In order to avoid any downtime and keep the system
to be detrimental to the formation, an appropriate clean-up and operating, the unit was supplemented with a supply of special
bean-up procedure was established. hardened steel inserts manufactured from AISI 4145 material.
Choke control played an important part in well clean up Since the inserts were not pressure containing parts of the
efficiency. With the well flowing through the SMS, tight system the hardness of the inserts could be increased in order
to make them impact and wear resistant. These steel vortex 2 The hands-on experience of commissioning and operating
finders were built with a modified ramp in order to achieve the the system proved invaluable in optimising and refining
desired flow direction. design and operating methods.
After fabrication, these inserts were installed. When they 3 Desander Design 1 has been downrated permanently to
were inspected after a period of operation, it was observed that 1.5 million m3/day and is used on low capacity wells, whereas
the steep ramp design assisted in controlling the erosion on the the design 2 is capable of handling up to 3 million m3/day.
vortex finder inlet/outlet and the lip. Only the body of the 4 Fracture clean up and flowback procedures developed for
insert was slightly eroded. this project should be considered for flowback of fractured gas
Improving the Manufacturing Process of the Original
Insert Material. Acknowledgements
Several difficulties still had to be addressed. Because of the The authors wish to thank Petroleum Development Oman; the
toughness of the ceramic material used for the fabrication of Ministry of Oil and Gas, Sultanate of Oman; and Halliburton
the inserts, the material tended to crack during the cooling Energy Services, Inc, for their permission to publish this
period after firing in the kiln. The other initial challenge was paper.
cutting the ramp in the vortex finder. Improved processes were The authors would like to take the opportunity to specially
put in place to resolve the first problem and allow manufacture thank Mr Thomas Watt and Mr Arild Fossa for their
of the inserts from the silicon nitride material. The latter contribution to the paper, untiring support, and persistent
difficulty was also resolved. encouragement.
The authors also wish to thank Mr Alan Richardson, Mr
Performance Comparison of Desander Designs 1 Alan Smith, Mr Brian Mcwilliams, Mr Brian Sealy, Mr Ian
and 2 Patterson, Mr. Mohammed Ali and Mr Martin Roberts for
During the course of the project, observations were made and motivating and leading the welltest crew to undertake the
documented. One of the main observation studies was of the challenges posed by the system and environment and for their
capacity of the two systems. A database of pressure drop contributions.
across the desander vessel for both the units was set up and
maintained. The following observations were made: References
• Desander Design 1 showed higher differential pressures 1. Plitt, L R. A Mathematical Model of the Hydrocyclone Classifier,
for the same flow rate when compared to Design 2 (see Figs. Mineral Processing, University of Alberta, Edmonton Calgary.
11 and 12). 2. Kelsall, D F: A Study of the Motion of Solid Particles in a
Hydraulic Cyclone, Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng., 30, p.87, 1952
• Higher differential pressures across Design 1 were due to 3. Lilge, E.O.: Hydrocyclone Fundamentalas, Trans. IMM, 71,
the inlet wear sleeve at the inlet of the desander design. The p.285, 1962
inlet wear sleeve acts as a nozzle resulting in significant 4. Fahlstrom, P H: Studies of Hydrocyclones as Classifier. Mineral
increase the velocity accompanied by a pressure drop (from Processing, proceedings 6th Int. Congress, Cannes, 1963.
Bernoulli's principle) 5. Al-Zakwani, S, Pongratz, R, Fidan, E, and Kaura, J D:
• Design 1 exhibited improved slug handling capabilities “Management of Proppant and Fines Back Production in High-
over Design 2. This explanation can be using the basis of Rate Gas-Condensate wells.” SPE 68103 submitted at MEOS in
crowding theory, since Design 1 has a single insert with an Bahrain in March 2001.
underflow apex diameter on the insert of 3.5-in.. The multi-
insert design has six inserts with an underflow apex diameter S.I. Metric Conversion
of 1-in. on each; hence the effective diameter is 2.44-in.. bar x 1.0* E + 05 = Pa
Note: Observation for Design 1 is in oilfield units and those ft x 3.048* E–1=m
for design 2 is in SI units. In x 2.54 E–2 =m
The other outcomes of the observation were that 1) design °F (°F –32)/1.8 = °C
1 obeys the Equilibrium Orbit Hypothesis, and the Retention lbm x 4.535 E – 1 = kg
Time Theory, whereas design 2 tends to obey the “equilibrium gal x 3.785 E - 3 = m3
orbit hypothesis” and the “Crowding Theory.” psi x 6.895 E + 3 = Pa
mD x 9.869 E - 1 = µm2
Conclusions MT x 1.0 E + 3 = kg
1 The experience gained through the operation of an lb/gal x 1.2 E + 2 = kg/m3
unproven system has been invaluable. In considering the
success of the project, it should be noted that this system is a Symbols and Abbreviations
world's first in capacity design, and no direct experience was Fc = Centrifugal Force
available prior to its commissioning. d= Particle diameter
ρs = Solids density
ρ= Liquid density
T= Temperature
10,000 psi WP
10,000 psi WP 35 37
Production 5
6 PI Wing Valve 9
Service ESDV 26
Wing Swab 2 36 38
18 20
24 40
5 7 19 21
4 Master
2 10 23
10,000 psi
Annulus 11
Valves 1
27 22
12 13
14 15
29 32 33
16 17
30 34
10,000 psi WP
2nd Cement
1 Vent Linev
2 3 1.) ESDV-2 is bolted directly to PDOs
65 Production Wing Valve. (One some wells
56 their Wing Valve will be actuated and have
PSV designation ESDV-1.)
1 CAILBRATION 2.) ESDV-2 is a Halliburton valve.
42 TANK 3.) The Propant Flushing Tank will be located next
to the Cement Pump and gravity feed to that pump.
1440 psi PUMP 63
LCV 62
51 52
47 49 LCV 54
48 50
Date: 25.11.97 3rd party control: OIL AND GAS IN PROCESS
Description: Issued for Commissioning Drawn: Arild Foss OIL IN PROCESS LNG PACKAGE
Ref.: PDO_LNG.PPT Checked: Dave Mennie
Contract: PDO C684007 Ref. Documents:
Fig. 1b — SMS equipment on location with frac tanks and proppant recovery
tank in the background
feed inlet
Isolation Valves
Accumulator Vessel
Filter Vessel
with wire
Radius = r
Vortex Finder
Envelope of zero
vertical velocity
Fig. 8 — Undamaged insert, inlet wear sleeve and Fig. 9 — Erosion on the desander vessel wall.
damaged insert.
Operate below 145psi DP to minimise
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Gas rate mmscfd
Gas sm3/d
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Delta P psi