S4 Online Eng
S4 Online Eng
S4 Online Eng
ABB reserves the right to change this document, measurements, and technical
data without prior notice. ABB takes on no responsibility for possible errors in
this document. Under no circumstances can ABB be held liable for incidental or
consequential damages arising from the application of this document or the hard-
ware and software described therein.
We point out that any kind of reproduction is prohibited, also for internal pur-
poses. The contents may not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any un-
authorized purpose. Any violation will be prosecuted.
Users Guide S4Online
TABLE OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................................................V
Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online
Fig. 2-1: Interlink version-window....................................................................................................... 2-3
Fig. 3-1: Language selection for installation ........................................................................................ 3-1
Fig. 3-2: S4Online Welcome window of installation ........................................................................... 3-2
Fig. 3-3: S4Online licence agreement dialog........................................................................................ 3-3
Fig. 3-4: Search previous installation of S4Online............................................................................... 3-4
Fig. 3-5: Search previous installations of S4Online ............................................................................. 3-4
Fig. 3-6: Previous installation found window....................................................................................... 3-5
Fig. 3-7: S4Online Readme file ............................................................................................................ 3-6
Fig. 3-8: Select installation directory dialog......................................................................................... 3-7
Fig. 3-9: Select program group dialog .................................................................................................. 3-8
Fig. 3-10: Create desktop icon dialog................................................................................................... 3-9
Fig. 3-11: Select I nterlink installation dialog .................................................................................... 3-10
Fig. 3-12: Installation settings and start installation dialog ................................................................ 3-11
Fig. 3-13: Indication of installation progress window........................................................................ 3-12
Fig. 3-14: Done window..................................................................................................................... 3-13
Fig. 3-15: Interlink Unpacking window ............................................................................................. 3-16
Fig. 3-16: Interlink Prepare Installation message ............................................................................... 3-17
Fig. 3-17: Interlink installation Welcome window ............................................................................. 3-17
Fig. 3-18: Interlink licence agreement window .................................................................................. 3-18
Fig. 3-19: Window for entering the user information......................................................................... 3-19
Fig. 3-20: Selection of supported controller types.............................................................................. 3-20
Fig. 3-21: Interlink Setup Type window............................................................................................. 3-21
Fig. 3-22: Interlink Desktop shortcuts window .................................................................................. 3-22
Fig. 3-23: Interlink copying files window .......................................................................................... 3-23
Fig. 3-24: Interlink Finish Setup window........................................................................................... 3-24
Fig. 3-25: Interlink Restart window.................................................................................................... 3-24
Fig. 3-26: Run dialog of windows ...................................................................................................... 3-25
Fig. 3-27: Re-registering Interlink ...................................................................................................... 3-25
Fig. 3-28: Virtual Robot Browser....................................................................................................... 3-26
Fig. 3-29: Correctly running virtual controller ................................................................................... 3-26
Fig. 3-30: Start InterLink configuration ............................................................................................. 3-27
Fig. 3-31: Interlink configuration program......................................................................................... 3-28
Fig. 3-32: Profile management window ............................................................................................. 3-29
Fig. 3-33: Add Profile for S4 controller ............................................................................................. 3-30
Fig. 3-34: Profile Settings window for S4 controller.......................................................................... 3-30
Fig. 3-35: Backup settings in a profile................................................................................................ 3-31
Fig. 3-36: Backup settings in a profile................................................................................................ 3-32
Fig. 3-37: Create a S4 controller alias ................................................................................................ 3-33
Fig. 3-38: Create a S4 controller alias ................................................................................................ 3-33
Fig. 3-39: Create a host file entry ....................................................................................................... 3-34
Fig. 3-40: Configure a TCP/IP address............................................................................................... 3-34
Fig. 3-41: Select TCP/IP address........................................................................................................ 3-35
Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 1: Introduction
This guide describes the functionalities of the PC program S4Online.
It enables the user to record and save data from ABB robots. It is fur-
thermore possible to remote control the robot while the currently
loaded RAPID program is still being executed, i.e. the robot is produc-
This document also explains the installation process and the use of the
program in detail. It furthermore contains all information regarding the
possibilities of adapting the program to the user’s needs.
When using S4Online, the user can select a robot and then select one
application page from a selection list, e.g. for creating backups or han-
dling logs, in order to execute the corresponding function.
S4Online was designed for the use with industrial robots from ABB
for handling, arc welding, spot welding, gluing, and painting applica-
tions, it supports the controllers S4, S4C, S4Cplus, S4P, S4Pplus and
Interlink: WebWare SDK Users Guide Version 4.5
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Chapter 1: Introduction Users Guide S4Online
1 -2
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 2: Requirements
The whole system must consist of at least one robot (booted with Fac-
toryWare or RAP Serial Link software option) and one PC (Windows
2000 SP2, Interlink and S4Online installed). There must be a physical
connection between these two (either via a network or via a serial
port) and the robot must be in automatic mode. Otherwise Interlink
will produce an error during certain operations.
The following list states the detailed requirements regarding the PC:
1. Processor: at least Pentium class; Pentium IV is recommended.
2. Operating system: Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 or
Windows XP with Service Pack 1.
3. At least local administrator’s rights.
4. At least 256 MB main memory, 512 MB recommended.
5. Combination of monitor and graphics board that allows a resolu-
tion of at least 800 x 600 pixels.
6. 200 MB free space on hard disk for the program as well as further
space for the data that is created while working with the program.
7. CD-ROM drive.
8. Microsoft compatible mouse.
9. ABB Interlink software (or ABB WebWare SDK) must be in-
stalled and have a network connection to the robot.
Chapter 2: Requirements Users Guide S4Online
The target computer must have installed the ABB software Interlink
with at least version 3.2.
Interlink with version 4.0 or newer can only be run under Win 2000 or
Windows XP, older version will run under Windows NT as well.
S4Online is in its actual version tested and translated under Win 2000
Sp 4 with Interlink 4.5 and therefore only released officially for these
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 2: Requirements
Chapter 2: Requirements Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
S4Online is delivered with an installation program to supports you to
install the program on your PC. This installation program is automati-
cally started when you insert the S4Online-CD into your CD-ROM
drive. Should this not be the case, you can manually start the installa-
tion by double-clicking the file ABBS4Online.exe in the main direc-
tory of the CD.
After the start of the installation program the following window ap-
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Select the language you want to use during the installation and con-
firm the selection by clicking the OK-button. The selected language
will be used later also as the initial user language for the S4Online
Now the following window appears:
The button Cancel aborts the installation (also in the following dia-
After clicking the Next button the following dialog comes up:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Here you can advise the installation program to search for a previously
installed version of S4Online. If the checkbox is checked, the follow-
ing message comes up indicating that the program searches for a pre-
viously installed version when the Next button is clicked. If the check-
box is cleared, the installation continues with the Readme dialog (see
Fig. 3-7: S4Online Readme file) directly.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Clicking the OK button, the following dialog for selecting the installa-
tion directory comes up (if a previous installed version was found the
default path is set to the installation path of the old version):
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Pressing the Next-button starts the installation and the required files
are copied to the PC.
During the installation process the current status is displayed in an-
other window.
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
After all required files have been copied another window appears,
showing that the installation of the program is complete.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
To be able to exchange data between robot and PC the ABB software
Interlink must be installed, it is included on the S4Online installation
The following cases for the installation of interlink have to be made:
• If you have installed no other ABB Robotics products, proceed
with the installation as described further down.
• If you already have installed a Webware Server or Webware SDK
from version 2.0 or newer, no more additional software is needed,
as interlink is already part of those products. Proceed with the next
Nevertheless it is recommended, that you upgrade those products
and interlink with them to the latest version.
• If you use other ABB-Robotics products on your PC (like Ro-
botStudio, Quickteach etc.), there are possibly parts of interlink al-
ready installed on your PC. In this case proceed with the installa-
tion of interlink as described below. After the installation is done
please take care of the chapter Registering Interlink
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
By clicking the Next-button you proceed to the next window, the li-
cense agreement window:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Please read the license agreement carefully. If you accept the license
agreement, check the corresponding check mark. By clicking the Next-
button the installation proceeds with the dialog for the input of the
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
To have an easy and fast access to all programs, you can use the instal-
lation program to create shortcuts on your desktop for all installed pro-
After clicking the Install button, the setup starts the installation of all
necessary files, showing a progress information screen:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
After the restart has been finished, the installation of the interlink
package is completed.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
If you already have an ABB product installed, which is using interlink,
interlink must be registered again after installing a newer version.
Therefore open (after the interlink installation is complete including a
restart of the PC) the run dialog and enter cmd as command:
When the re-registering is done, you have to start once the Virtual Ro-
bot Browser and select a different robot and set this one active with
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Now start your application you had already before installation if inter-
link, i.e. Quickteach, ProgramMaker or Robotstudio. The Virtual Con-
troller should now start as usually, you can verify this by checking the
icon in the tray area of the windows taskbar.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
The three right most toolbar buttons are used to create aliases as well
as profiles for the aliases. The following paragraphs will show the
steps by creating a profile and an alias for a S4Cplus and an IRC5
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
To create a S4 controller profile click the Add Profile button, the fol-
lowing dialog comes up:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Key in a name for the profile and select Type S4 as the controller type
for this profile. When clicking the OK button, the following dialog for
making the profile settings comes up:
On the first page please set the robot’s I/O configuration file, as this
enables the S4Online program to access the different I/O signals from
the robot information area.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
On the page Backup File Set an output signal can be set, which is used
to indicate a backup process by setting the given signal. This can be
used to inform e.g. a PLC that a backup is under progress for the ro-
On the page FTP the ftp interface can be enabled to be used during the
transfer of files:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
In the first field please enter a name for the alias to be created. Then
select the profile (the just created one) to be used from the drop down
list beside of the text field for the profile:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Click the ADD button for getting a dialog to be able to enter a name
and an IP address for the robot to be connected with the alias which is
currently defined:
To save the address in the hosts file and close the window click the
OK button. The previous shown dialog comes up again, this time it
holds another (just created) entry, which is already the selected one:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Click the button Select to use the selected address for the alias which
is to be created:
Now select and click the button Create to create the alias with the
made settings. Then close the window using the Close button. In the
configuration program window now a new alias is shown:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
To create an IRC5 profile click the Add Profile button, the following
dialog comes up:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Enter a name for the profile and select Type IRC5 as type of the pro-
file. Clicking the OK button brings up the dialog for the profile set-
In the right dialog area the user to be used for the connection between
Interlink and the robot controller is to be defined. This user must be
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Enter a name for the alias in the top most text field and select the pro-
file (the one created before) to be used from the corresponding drop
down list:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Check the Address check mark and click the Address command but-
ton, the following dialog for entering an IP address comes up:
Click the ADD button for getting a dialog to be able to enter a name
and an IP address for the robot to be connected with the alias which is
currently defined:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
To save the address in the hosts file and close the window click the
OK button. The previous shown dialog comes up again, this time it
holds another (just created) entry, which is already the selected one:
Click the button Select to use the selected address for the alias which
is to be created:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
By default click the and set the check mark for the Address and select
the address from the Select TCP/IP address selection window, but if
you don’t know the address you can use also the other check marks to
select presettings for your IRC5 controller. Finally select the Scan but-
ton to search the IRC5 controllers fitting to your settings:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Select the IRC5 controller you want to use for your alias from the list
of found controllers. Change the name of the alias if necessary and
then click the button Create, to create the new alias. Now close the
window by selecting the button Close. In the device configuration
window now an additional alias is shown:
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Now you have set a fixed IP address for the robot controller, no more
settings are necessary at the robot controller.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
• Switch to the window "System Parameter"
• Select the submenu "Communication" from the menu "Param"
• Select the submenu "Appl. Protocol" from the menu "Types"
• Select the entry RAP1 with the <ENTER> key
• Select entry "Remote Address" and press the <ENTER> key
• Enter the IP address of the computer, e.g. ""
• Finish entry by pressing the function key "OK" twice
• Initiate restart of the robot controller.
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Physical channel:
Name: LAN1
Port: LAN
Transmission protocol:
Name: TCPIP1
Type: TCP/IP
Phys. channel: LAN1
Application protocol:
Name: RAP1
Type: RAP
Transaction protocol: TCPIP1
Remote address <IP address of PC>
Port no. -1
Sending StartUp mess.: No
Enable SUBSCW: No
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 3: Installation
Name: TCPIP1
Type: TCP/IP
Phys. Channel: LAN1:
Local Address: (IP address for the robot)
Subnet Mask: (Subnet mask for the robot)
• Select the submenu “Application protocol” via the menu “Types”
• Add the following settings (if not already present):
Name: RAP1
Type: RAP
Transm. Protocol: TCPIP1
Remote-Address: <IP address of the PC>
Port-No. -1
Send StartUp Mess: No
Enable SUBSCW: No
• Initiate a restart of the robot controller.
Within the parameters the names for the channel and the protocols are
freely selectable, the local address, the remote address and the subnet
mask have to be adapted to the local environment. All other parameter
should be set as shown above.
Chapter 3: Installation Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 4: Robot Licensing
The S4Online program must be licensed for the PC where it is in-
stalled and where it shall be used. The amount of licensed robots is set
in the license as well. Which robots are to be used with S4Online is
decided by the user, when he selects a robot, which is not licensed so
far. He has to confirm that in a dialog when there are licenses left.
In order to be able to make use of the complete functionality of
S4Online with a selected robot, an individual license must be selected
for each robot that is to be operated with S4Online.
To request a license key:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, ABB Industrial IT, Robotics
IT, Licensing and then select License Key Request Wizard.
2. Follow the instructions in the wizard and enter the requested in-
formation. When the wizard is completed, a license key request
file is saved to a file on your PC. Its name is LicenseKeyRequest-
S4Online-unique number.txt located on the desktop.
3. Attach the license key request file to an e-mail and send it to
[email protected]. The file must be attached to the e-
mail (not copied into the body of the e-mail) and have the exten-
sion .txt (as it is created), otherwise the license key request will
fail the processing. A license key file will then be sent by e-mail to
the e-mail address specified in the license request wizard within a
few minutes.S4Online runs in a demo mode if no valid license for
the currently selected robot is loaded. In demo mode all program
functionalities can be viewed, but no writing actions can be per-
formed. The demo mode allows the user to get to know the pro-
gram without having to buy it. For further tests it is possible to ob-
tain licenses with limited validity from ABB.
4 -1
Chapter 4: Robot Licensing Users Guide S4Online
2. Double-click the license key file. This opens the License Key In-
stall Wizard.
3. In the License Key Install Wizard, follow the instructions in the
You can now run S4Online. To work with a robot controller, you also
must connect the PC to the robot.
S4Online will run in demo mode, if no valid license is installed for the
selected robot. In the demo mode all windows can be shown, but no
actions for writing data are enabled, this gives the opportunity to test
the program. It is possible to get demo licenses from ABB.
In demo mode the following actions are possible:
- Selecting a robot
- Setting the robot clock
- Saving logs
- Editing log files
- Saving parameters
If a robot is selected, which is not licensed so far, and robot licenses
are still available, the program asks the user to select whether this ro-
bot shall be marked as a licensed one. If not S4Online will run in
demo mode with this robot, if answering yes the robot will be saved as
a licensed one.
When loosing your license, it is possible to request it again using the
email described above if the presuppositions have not changed.
If the presuppositions have changed, e.g. a new hard disk is used in the
PC, please redo the license request action as described above.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 5: Program Settings
Starting S4Online the first time after the installation, it works with
standard program settings. In order to fit the needs of the local installa-
tion it is possible to adapt the settings.
The settings are discussed in detail in Chapter 7, section The Settings
Window. For the first program start after the installation the settings
are preset with standard values and kept until a later change.
These standard values are:
Path on the PC: Installation directory of S4Online
Editing program: Windows Accessories program Note-
Comparison program: no program.
Path in the memory device: S4O.
Language selection: German or English, according to lan-
guage selected during installation.
TimeOut time: 60 sec
Terminate program only with password: not set.
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Chapter 5: Program Settings Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 6: Starting the Program
S4Online is started by choosing the corresponding entry in the start
6 -1
Chapter 6: Starting the Program Users Guide S4Online
After the loading process is complete the robot selection window ap-
pears, the information window disappears and the password dialog is
opened. Please enter a valid password. After installation the passwords
are preset as 007 for an operator and 008 for a programmer. You
should change these passwords right after starting the program. The
passwords may consist of a combination of letters, figures and special
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
The program was designed for the use with a minimum screen resolu-
tion of 800 x 600 pixels and the windows were constructed accord-
The program window is divided into four sections:
- the section functions selection
- the section for selecting standard functions (password entry etc.)
- status display
- information section which offers information about the selected
- the program window itself, in which the window of the currently
selected function is displayed.
The following picture shows the S4Online program window after the
first start following the installation (the section robot info is not visi-
7 -1
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Selection of
status bar
In the following the different sections are presented and their basic
functions are described.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
In this section the user can select the functions he wants to work on
with the connected robot. Three sub-sections are differentiated here
into the section Settings, the section Functions, as well as the section
7 -3
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
In this section the user can select the functions that are required re-
peatedly and are not assigned to a robot functionality. These are:
- the button Enter Password, it calls up a dialog for entering or
changing the password, respectively,
- the button to turn the robot information section on and off,
- a button to keep the program window in the foreground,
- the Program Info button, as well as
- a button for terminating the program. If the setting Terminate pro-
gram only with password is set and the actual user has entered
only the user password, the clicking of the button brings up a
password dialog box to enter the programmers password to be able
to terminate the S4Online program.
The status bar contains information about the robot which is currently
selected, the currently active user status, as well as the robot and PC
clocks. When moving the mouse pointer over the fields for the PC’s
and robot’s time, it changes to a hand symbol, indicating the possibil-
ity to click on to the fields. This brings up a dialog asking to set the
robots respectively the pc’s time to the time of each other.
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
In this section the user can select the type of information that he needs
from the robot, as for example the display of I/O signals.
Furthermore this section contains an operator bar for the robot, in or-
der to switch the robot mode to operation or stand-by or to execute
program start or program stop commands, respectively.
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
By clicking the button Set Robot Time the clock of the selected robot
can be matched with the clock of the PC. If this is not possible, be-
cause e.g. no valid password has been entered, the program will also
create an error message:
When the robot has been successfully connected, the section Robot In-
formation will also be refreshed. There the user can query the current
states of the robot. When the required password has been entered and
the EIO configuration file has been entered in the Interlink installation,
the user can query and set the I/O signals.
If already a robot is selected and any logging or time-controlled
Backup function is active for this robot, the user will be asked whether
he wants to stop the current action and to activate the new selected ro-
bot. Answering yes stops the actions running and activates the new ro-
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
bot, answering no breaks the activation of the new robot and the old
one remains the active one.
If a robot is selected, which is not licensed so far, but there are robot
licenses left, a dialog box comes up asking to license the particular ro-
bot just selected:
If Yes is clicked, S4Online just goes on, saving the robot to the li-
censed ones, if No is selected S4Online gives a message that it is run-
ning in demo mode only.
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
7 -13
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
This description field allows you to enter a path in which all data
for the different selected robots is filed.
For filing data a directory for each robot is created below the
given path with the name of the robot. In this directory all data,
backups, logs, etc. are saved. The structure looks as follows:
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
Editor program:
For selecting the editor you can also use the button Browse to the
right of the description field. This reduces the risk of entering an
invalid program, since the program must be selected directly.
The standard setting for the editor is the Windows accessory pro-
gram Notepad.exe.
Compare Program:
7 -15
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Fig. 7-16: The setting Path in the memory device of the robot
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
Language selection:
7 -17
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
This window consists of a tool bar in the upper part of the screen, a di-
rectory tree in the left and a file list in the right section of the window.
In addition there is a status bar in the right section of the window. By
clicking a folder in the left section the files contained in this folder are
displayed in the right section.
The status bar informs about the selected robot, the date and time and
after clicking the ABB logo about the file manager itself.
Double-clicking a folder opens it and the contained subfolders are dis-
7 -19
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
The icon Large Icons changes the appearance of the files in the
right window to large icons.
The icon Small Icons changes the appearance of the files in the
right window to small icons.
The icon List changes the appearance of the files in the right win-
dow to a list.
The icon Details changes the appearance of the files in the right
window to a list with file details.
The icon Cut removes the selected files or folders and places them
on the clipboard. You can use the function Paste to insert them in an-
other place.
The icon Copy copies the selected files or folders to the clipboard.
They can be inserted in another place with the function Paste.
The icon Paste inserts the files or folders that are stored on the
clipboard in the currently selected place in the directory structure.
The icon Delete deletes the selected files or folders.
The icon Rename opens a dialog box for renaming the selected
The icon Refresh refreshes the screen, i.e. all information about the
folders and files of the current robot are read in again from the robot.
The icon SafeCopy creates a safe copy.
The icon Help opens the online help function of WebWare SDK.
The dropdown-list RobotSelection is to
be used for the selection of a robot, which is used in the file manager.
If the file manager was started by clicking the button in the main win-
dow, the actual robot is preselected. The dropdown-list is only visible,
if the RobotSelectList button was pressed after the file manager was
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
started. With this button the list can be made invisible again by click-
ing it again.
The icon RobotSelectList switches the dropdown list RobotSelec-
tion visible and invisible.
The icon EndProgram terminates the file manager program.
Furthermore some of these functions can be reached by using the con-
text menus (right-clicking on a file or folder).
The language used in the file manager depends on the settings in the
Windows Control Panel, section Regional Settings.
7 -21
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
This window consists of a file list, a status LED with a label, two
check boxes, as well as three command buttons.
The window is used to save modules from the program memory of the
robot controller to the local memory device Ramdisk or Flashdisk of
the currently selected robot, or to load modules from the local memory
device to the program memory. In addition to that, during the saving
process the modules can also be copied to the hard disk into the subdi-
rectory MODULES below the current robot directory or they can be
transferred from there to the robot for loading, respectively.
7 -23
Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
The modules and programs can only be loaded into the user mem-
ory of the robot by S4Online, when no program is executed in the
robot and when the robot is in automatic mode.
The modules which can be loaded or saved are displayed in the selec-
tion list. The list is generated by showing the files which are in the di-
rectory MODULES in the robot directory on the PC and in the direc-
tory Path on memory device (see chapter The Settings Window) on the
robot memory device. The files are additionally marked by icons in
two columns to the left of the list, which indicate where the files were
found. The robot symbol appears in the first column if the file was
found in the robot directory Path on memory device. Furthermore the
PC symbol appears in the second column if the file was found in
the directory MODULES in the robots directory on the PC. If a module
exists in both locations, both icons ( ) are displayed.
Depending on the locations of the files, the correspondingly applicable
command buttons are enabled.
The following is a description of the single components.
Module list:
Lists the modules which can be loaded into the user memory of
the robot or saved from the user memory. It does not matter
whether the modules are on the PC or already in the specified di-
rectory on the robot memory device. The displayed icons indicate
where the modules are located.
Check box Copy to the PC:
If this check box is activated, all modules that were saved in the
robot memory by clicking the Save button are additionally copied
to the PC. There they are stored in the directory MODULES be-
low the robot directory.
Check box Copy to the robot:
If this check box is activated the loading process is modified so
that the modules from the directory MODULES on the PC are
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This window allows you to log or change variables of the selected ro-
bot, respectively. Furthermore the variables listed in the table can be
protocoled, i.e. every change will be written into a protocol file.
It is possible to log or write variables of the types num, bool, and
The following is a description of the single components.
List of variables:
Lists the variables that have been read into the program through
reading of a backup or a RAPID module for the selected robot
(see chapter The Tools Window). By clicking an entry and click-
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
ing the button Add below the list the selected variable is added to
the table of variables for logging.
Button Add (below list of variables):
This button inserts the selected variable into the table of vari-
ables. If the variable is already in the table, a corresponding mes-
sage will be displayed.
Text field Name:
The name of a variable that is to be added to the list of variables
can be entered in this description field. The adding is executed by
clicking the button Add below.
Selection list Type:
Used for selecting the data type for the variable entered in the de-
scription field Name.
Button Add (below Type selection list):
This button inserts the variable entered in the description field
Name into the list of variables with the data type selected in the
selection list Type. If the variable is already in the table, a corre-
sponding message will be displayed.
Text field Current Value:
Shows the current value of the variable selected in the table of
Text field New Value:
Used to enter a new value for the variable selected in the table of
Button Write:
Writes the value entered in the description field New Value into
the variable selected in the table of variables.
Table of variables:
Lists all variables selected for logging. The data type is displayed
in the second column. The third column shows the current value
of the variables, it is refreshed when the variable changes in the
robot controller and when the entry is selected by clicking it with
the mouse. The current value of these variables is then transferred
into the description field
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The RAPID variable ww_StartBck controls, whether a backup
ordered by the robot is to be started or not. This is done by sur-
veying of the variable in the robot controller (It is read once per
second). If a change from False to True is detected, a backup pro-
cedure is started. This backup is done only for the robot which is
surveyed, even if the all robots check mark is checked. If the vari-
able is not defined, it is not possible to do a supervision, an error
is produced and the check mark is reset immediately.
All four variables must be declared as persistent and with the data
type bool. Alternatively the included system module S4O.SYS can
be loaded.
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The signal is set to 1 also during the copying of the backup, if copying
is ordered. By checking the signal state from the robots program it can
be used e.g. to stop a background task during the time of backup.
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Chapter 7: Program Description Users Guide S4Online
the check box is marked, both checkboxes for copying and mov-
ing should not be set. Furthermore this function requires having
no files with more than 8.3 characters in their names, even when
using a S4Cplus controller. This is necessary, as the use of the ftp
interface from the belonging robot’s profile must be deactivated
to use this function properly.
Text box Remote Mounted Disk:
Contains the name of the remote mounted disk.
Command button Remote Mounted Disk:
Clicking this command button results in a search through the
saved parameters of the robot for a remote mounted disk name, if
a name is found, it will be put into the text box Remote Mounted
Start Backup command button:
This button starts the backup procedure. For this the path for sav-
ing a backup on the robot's memory device is determined and of-
fered to the user for confirmation, as can be seen from the follow-
ing graphic:
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When the button is clicked, the label changes to Stop Date. If the
button is clicked again now, the internal timer mechanism is
While the backup is created according to the cycle data, no mes-
sages or prompts are displayed.
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If all the prompts were answered positive, first the backup files
are copied to the memory device of the robot and then loaded into
the controller from there. Afterwards the robot is automatically
Label Message:
During a backup this indicates the action which is currently being
executed, e.g. "copying" or "saving".
Label Robot:
Indicates with which robot a backup or restore is currently being
Text field Info:
Indicates with which file of the backup the action shown in the
messages label is being executed.
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If a file with saved system parameters exists for the selected ro-
bot, they will be copied into a temporary directory in the robot
controller and loaded into to controller from there. If the follow-
ing prompt whether the robot should be restarted to activate the
parameters is answered with Yes, the program S4Online instructs
the robot to execute a restart.
If the robot is in the wrong operating mode for the loading of pa-
rameters, a message will be shown as well and the process is can-
Users Guide S4Online Chapter 7: Program Description
Label Robot:
Indicates which robot the program is currently working with. The
label will become visible when a save or load parameter action is
started and afterwards he will become invisible again.
Text field Info:
Indicates which file the action shown in the Messages label is
executed with. The field will become visible when a save or load
parameter action is started and afterwards he will become invisi-
ble again.
Command button Restart:
After a safety prompt a restart is executed with the selected robot.
Command button P-I-C-Restart:
Switches the command buttons P-Start, I-Start and C-Start visible
respectively invisible. If the buttons are visible, they will become
invisible again after they have been clicked.
Command button P-Start:
After a safety prompt a P-Start is executed with the selected ro-
bot. Afterwards the buttons P-Start, I-Start and C-Start will be-
come invisible again.
The P-Start executes a restart with a reinitialisation of the booted
process software and a restart of possible existing background
tasks in the controller.
Command button I-Start:
After a safety prompt an I-Start is executed with the selected ro-
bot. Afterwards the buttons P-Start, I-Start and C-Start will be-
come invisible again.
The I-Start executes a restart and then asks for the software option
to be installed to the baseware of the robot, the necessary boot
software has to be available.
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