Conc. Beam Code Checking.
Conc. Beam Code Checking.
Conc. Beam Code Checking.
Beam Checking
Using the results obtained from the analysis of the entire structure and additional design data, automatically design concrete
beam members according to the following design codes: American Concrete Institute (ACI318-89, ACI318-95, ACI318-99,
ACI318-02 & ACI318-05), Canadian Standards Association (CSA-A23.3-94), British Standard (BS8110-97) and European
Standard (ENV 1992-1-1:1992 & EN 1992-1-1:2004).
Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ-WSD91), Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK-USD94), Korean Society of Civil Engineers
(KSCE-USD96), Korean Concrete Institute (KCI-USD99), Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK-WSD2K), China Standard
(GB50010-02) and Indian Standard (IS456:2000) are available upon request.
As for how to check serviceability, refer to [Procedure for Serviceability Check as per Eurocode 2] at the bottom of the
Serviceability check is performed as per EN 1992-1-1:2004. Deflection is checked on the basis of the elastic analysis results
(Note that deflection check is not based on the plastic section with the concrete crack taken into account).
From the Main Menu select Design > Design > RC Design > Concrete Code Check > Beam Checking.
The strength verification results sorted by elements are based on the maximum negative and positive moments and shear
forces calculated at the positions (I, M & J) of each element in accordance with the load combinations for concrete design.
The strength verification results sorted by properties are based on the maximum results obtained by considering all the
elements and sectional locations pertaining to each section property in accordance with the load combinations for concrete
The results appear in blue when the strength verifications for the given section properties and rebars are satisfactory,
otherwise they appear in red.
Strength verification can be performed by automatic design or by using the information on main rebars (diameter, number),
sub-rebars (diameter, number) and design parameters entered by the user.
The strength verification results are produced in the unit system selected by the user.
The design results for M reflect the strength verification for the maximum negative and positive moments and shear forces at
1/2 & 3/4 points.
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= "OK": Strength verification results satisfy the design strength for the factored negative moment, positive moment and
= "N**": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored negative moment
= "*P*": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored positive moment
= "**V": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored shear force
= "NP*": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored negative and positive moments
= "*PV": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored positive moment and shear force
= "N*V": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored negative moment and shear force
= "NPV": Strength verification results do not satisfy the design strength for the factored negative moment, positive moment
shear force
AsTop: Steel area of the top main rebars entered by the user or updated by in the automatic design.
AsBot : Steel area of the bottom main rebars entered by the user or updated by in the automatic design.
N(-)Mu or N(-)M_Ed, LCB: Maximum factored negative moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the
corresponding load combination.
N(-)phiMn or N(-)M_Rd: Maximum negative design moment strength calculated for the given section dimensions and rebar
placement of the beam member.
Rat-N: Factored negative moment / Negative design moment strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0
P(+)Mu or P(+)M_Ed, LCB: Maximum factored positive moment occurring in the relevant element or section and the
corresponding load combination.
P(+)phiMn or P(+)M_Rd: Maximum positive design moment strength calculated for the given section dimensions and rebar
placement of the beam member.
Rat-P: Factored positive moment / Positive design moment strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0
Vu or V_Ed, LCB: Maximum factored shear force occurring in the relevant element or section and the corresponding load
ACI318-89, ACI318-95, ACI318-99 & ACI-02, Vc = (unit: lb/in )
where, should not be taken as greater than 3, should not be taken as less than 1.
For characteristic concrete strengths greater than 25 N/mm , the values may be multiplied by . The value of
should not be taken as greater than 40.
where, = basic design shear strength = should be taken as 1.5. = 1 for members where more
than 50% of the bottom reinforcement is curtailed.
otherwise, (d in metres)
= the area of tension reinforcement extending not less than beyond the section considered.
Rat_Vc: V_Ed/V_Rdc.
Rat_Vs: V_Ed/V_Rds.
AIK-USD94, Vc = (unit: kgf/cm )
KSCE-USD96, Vc = (unit: kgf/cm )
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KCI-USD99, Vc = (unit: kgf/cm )
Rat-V: Factored shear force / Design shear strength, which shows in red if it exceeds 1.0.
Ast,req, Ast,use: Required transverse reinforcement or used transverse reinforcement for torsion.
Asl,req, Asl,use: Required longitudinal reinforcement or used longitudinal reinforcement for torsion.
Common Control
"Sorted by Element" displays the results of strength verification for the maximum factored negative moment, positive
moment and shear force at the sectional locations (I,M & J) extracted from all the load combinations.
"Sorted by Property" displays the results of strength verification of the member producing the maximum factored negative
moment, positive moment and shear force at the sectional locations (I, M & J) representing all the elements attributed to
the relevant section property. Since the results do not pertain to a single element, ELEM (element number) is "0".
Once property is selected, SEL controls all the elements attributed to the same section properties.
Re-verify the strengths of the selected members. When the strength re-verification is executed from the results displayed
by section properties all the elements attributed to the same sections are included.
: Produce the strength verification results in summary calculations for the selected members.
: Produce the strength verification results in detail calculations for the selected members.
: Produce the summary list of strength verification results for the selected members.
"Sorted by Property" produces the results of the maximum quantity of rebars representing all the members of same properties.
"*" is displayed to the right of the output data when RatN, RatP and RatV exceed 1.0.
= All : Produce all the strength-verified results in the Checking Results dialog box
= OK : From the strength-verified results, display only the results that have met the design requirements(OK) in the
Checking Results dialog box
= NG : From the strength-verified results, display only the results that have not satisfied the design requirements(NG) in
the Checking Results dialog box
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: Check in the option to select and highlight the selected members in Model View.
3. Enter the ratios of the modulus of elasticity of reinforcement to the modulus of elasticity of concrete for short-term
and long-term, respectively
Design > General Design Parameter > Serviceability Load Combination Type
Top-s : Stress at the top of the section due to the negative moment
Top-sa : Allowable stress at the top of the section due to the negative moment
Bot-s : Stress at the bottom of the section due to the positive moment
Bot-sa : Allowable stress at the bottom of the section due to the positive
Top-w : Crack width at the top of the section
Top- : Allowable crack width at the top of the section
Bot-w : Crack width at the bottom of the section
Bot-wa : Allowable crack width at the bottom of the section
Def : Deflection
Defa : Allowable deflection
When "strength"is selected, Strength checking results will be produced. When 'serviceability'is selected, Serviceability
checking results will be produced.
Both 'Strength' and 'Serviceability' results are produced in the Detail Report.
Q1. How midas Gen calculates maximum deflection in a member in Service Limit State Check?
A1. In serviceability verification, deflection of beam considers only (b) in the figure below where as analysis results display total
displacements (a+b). If a beam member is assigned with support at both ends or connected with vertical members, it will be
considered as simple/fixed beam condition instead of cantilever beam condition. If a member has no support condition and no
connected elements in i-end or j-end, it will be determined as cantilever condition.
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