Configuring IBM HTTP Server SSL Mutual Authentication PDF
Configuring IBM HTTP Server SSL Mutual Authentication PDF
Configuring IBM HTTP Server SSL Mutual Authentication PDF
We have two options when we implement security on our website. Either we buy 3rd
party SSL certificates or we can implement self signed certificates which come with
WebSphere Application Server by default. 3rd party certificates are issued & verified
by some authorized 3rd Party organizations like Verisign, Entrust etc.
Self signed certificates come up with Websphere Application Server
In our scenario, we will be configuring a 3rd party certificate which we have already
bought from a 3rd Party organization.
IBM HTTP Server supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Version 2 and Version 3 and
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Version 1. IBM HTTP Server is based on the Apache
Web server, but for SSL configuration it requires the IBM-supplied SSL modules,
rather than the OpenSSL modules. This document describes configuration of 3rd Party
SSL Certificates on IBM HTTP Server, although it is possible to use another supported
Web server.
Considering the following points when you plan for the CA-signed certificate:
• On the certificate signing request that you send to the CA, specify the
common name for the certificate. The common name is the primary, universal
identity for the certificate. It should uniquely identify the principal that it
represents. Verify that the common name is valid in the configured user
registry for the WebSphere domain.
• Check the formatting of the address fields that your CA requires when
planning the address for a certificate request.
Once the request is accepted, the certificate authority verifies your identity and
finally issues a signed certificate to you. The certificate is usually sent through e-
What to do next
Once you receive the e-mail from the CA, follow the instructions to store your signed
certificate as a file. Receive or store the certificate into the keystore file as a personal
Common Name
Enter the common name. This name is the primary, universal identity for the
certificate; it should uniquely identify the principal that it represents. In a
WebSphere environment, certificates frequently represent server principals,
and the common convention is to use common names of the form host_name
and server_name. The common name must be valid in the configured user
registry for the secured WebSphere environment.
Enter the name of your organization.
Optional fields
Enter the organization unit (a department or division), location (city), state
and province (if applicable), zip code (if applicable), and select the two-letter
identifier of the country in which the server belongs. For a self-signed
certificate, these fields are optional. However, commercial CAs might require
Validity period
Specify the lifetime of the certificate in days, or accept the default.
5. Click OK.
Your key database file now contains a self-signed personal certificate.
What to do next
If you need a test certificate signed by a certificate authority.
Once the certificate signing request (CSR) is accepted, a certificate authority (CA)
processes the request and verifies your identity. Once approved, the CA sends the
signed certificate back through e-mail. Store the signed certificate in a keystore
database file. This procedure describes how to receive the CA-signed certificate into
a keystore file using the key management utility (iKeyman). You use this utility the
same way for both test certificates and production certificates. The primary
difference between the two certificate types is the amount of time it takes for the CA
to authenticate the principal your certificate represents. Test certificates are
authenticated automatically based on some simple edit checks and returned to you
within a few hours. Production certificates may take several days or a week to
authenticate and return to you. If the CSR request is made for the cryptographic
token, the certificate must be received into that token. If the request is made for the
secondary key database of the token, the certificate must be received into that
Before you begin
Receive the signed certificate from the CA through e-mail. Follow the instructions
from the CA to store the certificate into a file.
The personal certificate list now displays the label you just gave for the new CA-
signed certificate.
What to do next
Once the CA-signed certificate is successfully received, you can extract or export the
public key of the certificate to a file for distribution to the network.
Use this procedure to extract a public certificate, which includes its public key, from
a keystore file. If a target truststore file already contains the signer certificate of the
certificate authority (CA) that signed the certificate, you do not need to extract and
add the certificate to the target truststore file. However, in general, you need to
complete this procedure for a self-signed certificate.
Extracting a certificate from one keystore file and adding it to a truststore file is not
the same as exporting the certificate and then importing it. Exporting a certificate
copies all the certificate information, including its private key, and is normally only
used if you want to copy a personal certificate into another keystore file as a
personal certificate.
If a certificate is self-signed, extract the certificate and its public key from the
keystore file and add it to the target truststore file.
If a certificate is CA-signed, verify that the CA certificate used to sign the certificate
is listed as a signer certificate in the target truststore file. The keystore file must
already exist and contain the certificate to be extracted.
A certificate file that contains the public key of the signed personal certificate is now
available for the target truststore file.
After you secure the channel between the IBM HTTP Server and the WebSphere
Application Server, you must secure the channel between the IBM HTTP Server and
the Web browsers that will be used to access Lotus Connections.
Configure the IBM HTTP Server to support SSL before you complete this
To secure the connection between the IBM HTTP Server and a requesting Web
browser, you must import certificates into the IBM HTTP Server key store. There are
different types of certificates that you can use. This procedure describes how to
import the self-signed certificate that is shipped with the IBM Websphere Application
Server into the IBM HTTP Server. This is just one of the methods you can use. You
could also import a certificate purchased from a third-party Certificate Authority, or
create and use a new self-signed certificate. See the IBM HTTP Server
documentation to determine which key strategy is best for your environment.
To import the public IBM WebSphere Application Server certificate into the
IBM HTTP Server, complete the following steps:
2. Click Personal Certificates, select the default check box, and then click
3. Give the extracted file a name and save it in a place you will
5. Click OK.
b. WebSpherePluginConfig "C:\IBM\HTTPServer\Plugins\config\
d. <Property
e. Name="keyring"
key.kdb" />
7. From the bin directory of the IBM HTTP server, execute the
ikeyman.bat file.
8. Click KeyDatabaseFile > Open, and then select a key database type of
CMS. Specify plugin-key.kdb as the file name. Specify the file path to
the KDB file. For example:
11.Click Add.
12.Find the file you exported with the *.arm extension, select it, and
then click OK.
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