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Gas Engines
and Installation

● Commissioning Guide

LEKQ7262 9-97
Commissioning Guide
Design Review
Explanation of Design Review Report
Construction Review
Explanation of Construction Review Report
Air Intake System Evaluation
Combustion Air
Remote Mounted Air Cleaners
Air Inlet Ducting
Air Cleaner Provided by Others
Cooling System Evaluation
Engine Cooling Circuits
System Coolers
Expansion Tanks
Cooling System Protection
Central Cooling Systems
External System Piping
Corrosion Protection
Heat Recovery
Cooling System Performance
Starting System Evaluation
Battery Charger

Batteries Daily Log Sheet
Wire and Cabling Ventilation System Evaluation
Alternate Forms of Starting Engine Room Ventilation
Air Compressor Switchgear Room Ventilation
Air Receiver Tanks Serviceability Evaluation
Air Supply Piping Engine Component Removal
Engine Starters and Accessories Engine Maintenance
Cold Ambient Starting Reserved Work Area
Exhaust System Evaluation Spare Parts Storage
Exhaust System Warnings Equipment Safety Evaluation
Exhaust System Piping Engine Room
Exhaust Emissions Control Room
Legislation Generator Control Evaluation
Emission Permitting Generator Voltage Control
Emissions Compliance Generator Monitoring
Fuel System Evaluation Switchgear Evaluation
Gaseous Fuels Switchgear Cabinets
Heat Value Current and Potential Transformers
Detonation Characteristics Circuit Breakers
Contaminant Gases Electrical Cables
Fuel Pressure Generator Protective Relays
Fuel Lines Control Voltage
Fuel Filters Paralleling Operations
Governors Operation and Maintenance Evaluation
Lubrication System Evaluation Engine Operation and Maintenance
Engine Oil Engine Support Equipment
Engine Sump Mechanical Training
Engine Prelube Maintenance Contracts
Oil Pressure Shutdown Crankcase Ventilation System Evaluation
Mounting and Alignment Evaluation Crankcase Breathers
Vibration Isolators Crankcase Ventilation Piping
Engine Base Generator Set Commissioning Report Form
Engine to Driven Equipment Alignment Industrial Engine Commissioning Report
Driven Equipment Evaluation Form
Generator Analysis of Test Data and Physical Systems
Driven Equipment Engine Performance Data Form
Coupling Engine S/N Generator Set Form
Torsional Analysis Commissioning Sequence of Events
Engine Protection System Evaluation Startup Procedure for
Engine Protection 3500 Series Low Emission Gas Engines
Monitoring System Spare Parts List
Engine Operating Parameters Maintenance Items
Generator Operating Parameters Common Repair Items
Driven Equipment Parameters G3500 Engine Commissioning
External Engine Support Systems Tools

Design Review Explanation of Design
Review Report
Introduction The Design Review Reports in this guide
A well-planned installation will aid reliability, provide a checklist for dealer or Caterpillar
performance, and serviceability. To be representative use only, and is available from
successful, the installation designer must be Caterpillar.
aware of the application and installation
requirements for Caterpillar G3500 Generator It is a checklist to determine if sufficient
Set or Industrial products. As a first step, the information has been provided to the
designer should be aware of all pertinent installation designer for completion of initial
Caterpillar reference publications, such as the layouts in compliance with requirements in
Gas Engine Application and Installation the Gas Engine Application and Installation
Guide, Form No. LEKQ2368, as well as other Guide.
information available from Caterpillar G3500 Complete the form with general information
Family of Engines. about the owner, power station, and
Design the installation to give efficient and builder/installer. Using design criteria of the
reliable operation. A poorly designed power station, record specific data concerning
installation can hinder serviceability, and physical features of the site as well as the
make routine maintenance and repairs engine and generator support systems.
difficult. The neglect of specific design There is provision to record Caterpillar
requirements for mounting, alignment, and reference materials provided to the designer
support systems, can lead to poor performance as well as a checklist for results of the design
and increased cost of operation. and serviceability review. Compliance with
When the installation designer has completed Caterpillar requirements is noted by placing
a review of the Caterpillar application and an “X’’ in the box next to the system reviewed,
installation requirements, a discussion should indicating satisfactory or unsatisfactory
take place with Caterpillar dealer personnel compliance. If the design of a system does not
to cover concerns he may have about specific comply, space is provided to record action
areas of the design. This will establish ground required to follow-up and correct the problem
rules for further working relationships in the areas.
design phase. After the initial installation After completion of the design review and
drawings have been completed, have follow-up design review form, and after reaching
discussions with the designer to make sure agreement on required corrective action, it is
the drawings meet application and recommended that all concerned parties sign
installation requirements. As an aid in the the form at the designated location.
review of the design, use the G3500 Generator
Set Design Review Report on page 7 or the
G3500 Industrial Engine Design Review
Report on page 9.

Caterpillar G3500 Generator Set Design Review Report
Selling Dealer _______________________________ District or Subsidiary _____________________
Servicing Dealer _______________________________
Equipment Suppliers and Contractors: ____________________________________________________
Customer _______________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Application: Prime Power __________ Continuous ________________ @ ______________ % load
Peak Shaving _________ Standby _____________
Engine Model ________________________________ Engine Arrangement No. __________________
OT Specification No. ______________________________ Serial No. ____________________________
Rating __________________ bhp ___________________ bkW _____________
Engine Cooling System: Separate Circuit _______________Combined Circuit _________________
Governor: 2301/EG3P ________ 2301A Load Share/EG3P __________ 701/EG3P ____________
EPG Load Share _________ SPM-A ___________ AGLC ___________ APTL ___________ Import
Export Controller ________ 3161 ________ Other (specify) __________
High Idle: Specified _________________________ OT Specification __________________________
Low Idle: Specified __________________________ % Droop Specified ________________________
Fuel Used: Pipeline Natural Gas ____________ Field Gas __________ Landfill Gas ___________
Digester Gas ____________ Propane (HD-5) __________ Other (Specify) ___________
Fuel Lower Heat Value _________ Btu/scf mJ/m3) Methane number ________
Specific Gravity _________ Wobbe Index _________
Minimum Fuel Pressure ________ kPa (psi) Fuel Filtration __________
Filter Efficiency ________
Engine Coolant: Antifreeze _________ % Corrosion Inhibitor ________ Heat Recovery ________
Separate Circuit Coolant: Antifreeze ___________% Corrosion Inhibitor ______________
Oil to be used in engine __________________________________________________________________
Engine site conditions: Elevation __________________
Typical Ambient Temperature range for the year: ____________________ to ___________________
Atmospheric conditions: Typical relative humidity level ___________________________________%
Air Quality: Salty ____________ Dusty _________ Clean ____________

Application Summary

The following parties have discussed and agreed to the results and required action during the
design review process.
Field Engineer Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Builder/Installer Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________
Owner Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________

Caterpillar G3500 Industrial Engine Review Report
Selling Dealer _______________________________ District or Subsidiary _____________________
Servicing Dealer _______________________________
Equipment Suppliers and Contractors: ____________________________________________________
Customer _______________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Application: Driven Equipment _________________ _______________ rpm @ ___________ % load
Engine Model ________________________________ Engine Arrangement No. __________________
OT Specification No. ______________________________ Serial No. ____________________________
Rating __________________ bhp ___________________ bkW _____________
Engine Cooling System: Separate Circuit _______________Combined Circuit _________________
Governor: 3161 ____________ 2301/EG3P ___________ 2301A Load Share/EG3P ____________
701/EG3P__________________ Suction Pressure Controller ______________ Discharge Pressure
Controller _________________ Other (specify) ___________________
High Idle: Specified _________________________ OT Specification __________________________
Low Idle: Specified __________________________ % Droop Specified ________________________
Fuel Used: Pipeline Natural Gas ____________ Field Gas __________ Landfill Gas ___________
Digester Gas ____________ Propane (HD-5) __________ Other (Specify) ___________
Fuel Lower Heat Value _________ Btu/scf mJ/m3) Methane number _________
Specific Gravity _________ Wobbe Index _________
Minimum Fuel Pressure ________ kPa (psi) Fuel Filtration __________
Filter Efficiency ________
Engine Coolant: Antifreeze _________ % Corrosion Inhibitor ________ Heat Recovery ________
Separate Circuit Coolant: Antifreeze ___________% Corrosion Inhibitor ______________
Oil to be used in engine __________________________________________________________________
Engine site conditions: Elevation __________________
Typical Ambient Temperature range for the year: ____________________ to ___________________
Atmospheric conditions: Typical relative humidity level ___________________________________%
Air Quality: Salty ____________ Dusty _________ Clean ____________

Application Summary

The following parties have discussed and agreed to the results and required action during the
design review process.
Field Engineer Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Builder/Installer Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________
Owner Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________

Design Review Results
System Design Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements
Air Intake

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Design Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Safety and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Design Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Operation and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Design Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Construction Review Explanation of Construction
Review Report
Introduction The Caterpillar G3500 Construction Review
After the Design Review is satisfactorily Report is intended to provide a checklist for
completed, the next step is the construction of dealer use only, and is available from
the installation site. During this phase, visit Caterpillar. The report is a simple checklist
the construction site at least twice to perform used to determine if the previously agreed on
a review of systems installation progress. design is being successfully implemented
during the construction process.
The first visit should follow installation of the
Caterpillar G3500 unit(s). Additional visits Fill out the report with general information
may be necessary, depending on the difficulty about the owner, installation site and
of the installation, and the stage of builder/installer, including the power station
completion. Make the final visit before the physical features. Provisions are made for
commissioning process begins. recording the engine and generator systems
descriptions, including serial numbers, and
The objective of these visits is to determine if manufacturer, where applicable.
the previously approved design is being
followed. These visits not only continue to When the construction and installation are
produce a better understanding of Caterpillar incompliance with Caterpillar requirements,
requirements, but also provide a more reliable indicate this by placing an “X’’ in the box next
installation. Experienced construction to the system reviewed for satisfactory or
builders will make necessary changes as soon unsatisfactory compliance to requirements. If
as possible, to avoid costly delays and a system does not comply, there is space to
eventual customer downtime. record the necessary corrective action.
After the construction review and the
construction review form are completed, and
any corrective action is agreed to, it is
recommended that all concerned parties sign
the construction review form at the
designated locations on the report.

Caterpillar G3500 Construction Audit Report
Selling Dealer ____________________________ District or Subsidiary ________________________
Servicing Dealer __________________________
Equipment Suppliers and Contractors: ____________________________________________________
Customer _______________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Application: Prime Power _______________ Continuous ____________ @ ______________ % load
Peak Shaving ______________ Standby _____________
Engine Model _____________________________ Engine Arrangement No. _____________________
OT Specification No. ______________________ Serial No. ___________________________________
Rating ____________________ bhp _________________ bkW ______________ @ ______________
Jacket Water: Radiator ___________ Heat Exchanger ____________
Evaporative Cooler ________ Heat Recovery _________ Coolant Temperature _______ (°F) (°C)
Water Pump Drive (specify) _____________ Oil Cooler _______
Separate Circuit: Radiator ____________ Heat Exchanger ______________
Evaporative Cooler ________ Heat Recovery _________ Coolant Temperature _______ (°F) (°C)
Oil Cooler __________
Oil Cooler Circuit: Radiator ___________ Heat Exchanger __________
Evaporative Cooler ________ Heat Recovery _________ Coolant Temperature _______ (°F) (°C)
Application Summary
The following parties have discussed and agreed to the results and required action during the
construction audit process.
Field Engineer Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Builder/Installer Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________
Owner Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________
Construction Audit Results
System Construction Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements
Air Intake

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Construction Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Safety and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Construction Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Operation and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Construction Compliance with 3500 Engine Requirements

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

Introduction Air Intake System Evaluation
This document gives guidance to personnel To evaluate the engine air intake system, the
commissioning Caterpillar G3500 Family of total system must be evaluated from the air
Engines. Use the included information to source for the engine to the inlet to the
prepare the final commissioning report and turbocharger. This may include engine room
documentation of performance of each engine air or the air cleaner may be mounted outside
as it goes into full service. Any deletion of the engine room. Whichever the case, consider
information can cause confusion during future the following items when evaluating the air
maintenance or warranty activity. Document intake system.
each item included in each discussion in the
final report establishing the initial condition Combustion Air
of engine operation. Air inlet temperature to engine should not
Commissioning has many activities associated exceed 49°C (120°F).
with its definition. The Field Engineer Is the quantity of air available for combustion
responsible for Commissioning must be sufficient? This requires approximately
prepared to give guidance to all areas of the 0.084 m3/min/bkW (2.0 ft3/min/bhp) for low
project as well as being the final evaluator of emissions engines. Standard (stoichiometric)
operating systems and engine performance. engines require 40-50% less air.
This guide is intended to assist in this activity
and to complement the existing “Gas Engine The engine room or enclosure should not
Application and Installation Guide”. experience negative pressure if combustion air
and ventilation air are from the same source.
It is important to understand the standards
established for each system and the For extremely cold climates, an alternate
specifications accompanying those standards warm filtered air source should be available
to give the Caterpillar G3500 Generator Sets for starting the engine. The air temperature
and Industrial Engines the highest reliability for starting should not be less than
and customer satisfaction possible. Any -25°C (-13°F).
deviation from the standards or specifications
can be detrimental to the life of the product. Remote Mounted Air Cleaners
Normal operation of systems can cause
Air cleaner elements must be accessible for
deterioration in their performance over their
periodic maintenance.
expected life. Starting with deviated
standards and specifications will only shorten The air cleaner elements must be mounted in
the expected life. the housing to assure the engine does not
ingest foreign material due to incorrect
Items included in the system guides are
intended to assist in the documentation of
facts to be included in the final commissioning The air cleaner housing must have surface
report. Pictures and other schematics or protection when subjected to a harsh
visual aids included as attachments to the environment such as salty atmosphere.
commissioning report are valuable to help
others understand the descriptions given in Air inlet restriction is recommended not to
the report. exceed 38 cm (15 in.) of water. New, clean
systems should be near 13 cm (5 in.) of water
Caterpillar personnel are available to restriction to allow appropriate service
commission G3500 Generator Sets and intervals for the filter elements.
Industrial Engines for a nominal fee. If this is
not done, the responsibility of system The air cleaners should draw outside air
evaluations and full commissioning is that of through the elements and use air ducting to
the described party designated by the Project the turbo inlet.
Manager for any project.
Air Inlet Ducting cooling system is essential for satisfactory
The interior surface of the intake ducting engine life and performance. Defective cooling
must be protected from future rust and systems and careless maintenance are a
corrosion due to intake air quality. direct cause of many engine failures. Consider
the following when evaluating the engine
The intake air piping must have long gentle cooling system.
radius bends (2 x Dia = Radius) and generous
straight lengths if a single straight length is Engine Cooling Circuits
not possible.
The Caterpillar G3500 Generator Sets can be
The cross sectional area of the intake ducting configured four ways depending on the
must be the same or larger than the air customer requirements. The standard cooling
cleaner housing inlet/outlet or the air inlet system has a two circuit design. The jacket
adapter for the turbocharger. Any abrupt water and oil cooler are on the same cooling
changes must be avoided, see “Air Intake circuit and the aftercooler is on a separate
System” of Gas Engine Application and circuit. The landfill cooling system is also a
Installation Guide for more information on air two circuit design but due to higher jacket
inlet ducting. water temperatures the oil cooler is moved to
the separate circuit and an oil thermostat is
The air inlet restriction created by the ducting added. The cogeneration cooling system is
must be minimal to allow normal service either a two or a three circuit system. As the
intervals for the air cleaner elements. jacket water temperature is in excess of the
capabilities of the engine driven jacket water
Air inlet ducting must not be rigidly mounted
pump a customer supplied boiler class pump
to the air cleaner housing. Flexible
is used on the jacket water circuit. In the two
non-metallic connections must be used
circuit system the separate circuit pump is
between the ducting of the air cleaner
used to supply coolant to both the aftercooler
and the oil cooler. In the three circuit system
Observe the proximity of the exhaust piping the engine driven separate circuit pump
and the air intake ducting. Insure there is no circulates water to the aftercooler. The second
heat transfer between the two sets of piping. engine driven pump circulates water to the
If evident, insist either or both are insulated oil cooler.
to protect both air inlet temperature and the
The G3500 Industrial Engine’s standard
non-metallic connections.
cooling system has a two circuit design.
Air inlet ducting must be inspected for leaks The jacket water and oil cooler are on the
during engine operation. same cooling circuit; the aftercooler is on a
separate circuit.
Air Cleaner Provided by Others
Air cleaners not provided by Caterpillar for System Coolers
the engine must meet air flow and Radiators are the most common way to cool
contamination containment requirements to coolant water on the G3500 Family. Other
protect the engine from shortened component methods include heat exchangers and cooling
life. This requires prior factory approval. towers. It is the user/installer’s responsibility
to provide proper venting and isolation of the
cooler for required maintenance or repair.
Cooling System Evaluation If an open cooling tower system is used,
A cooling system evaluation for the insure the water from the cooling tower does
Caterpillar G3500 Family of Engines must not enter the engine. Debris collected by the
include engine operating parameters, external water from the atmosphere can be
system piping, water quality, and external detrimental to water pumps and be deposited
cooling components. A properly controlled in the engine. Consider the cooling tower
water as raw water and make the engine
circuits closed-loop using a heat exchanger. When altitude becomes a consideration for the
boiling point of water, insure the standard
When impractical to route vent lines long pressure cap is adequate to prevent coolant
distances to a common venting point, a boiling below the alarm and/or shutdown
5N3727 float valve or APCO air release protection settings. For example, a jacket
valve, Model 200AB.3, or equivalent is water temperature shutdown would require a
recommended. It has a cast iron body and 7.5 psi cap at sea level to maintain 104°C
stainless steel trim. The cover includes a (219°F) setting. At 3048 m (10,000 ft), the
1/2 in. NPT plug that should be removed for pressure cap would only provide the
installation of a nipple and ball allowing rapid equivalent of 4 psi and the boiling point of
venting during initial fill of the system. The water is reduced to approximately 93°C
valve’s internal diaphragm collects entrained (200°F). The shutdown setting would not
air and automatically releases it to protect the engine. A 14 psi cap would be
atmosphere during operation. required.

Expansion Tanks If an expansion tank pressure cap is not used,

adjust water temperature alarm and
The water level in the expansion tank should
shutdown contactors according to atmospheric
be at the highest point in the cooling system
conditions to insure adequate engine
to allow proper venting during initial filling of
the system. This will also provide a single fill
point for the cooling system. If a non-Caterpillar expansion tank or a shunt
style cooling system is provided for the engine,
If the expansion tank is not the highest point
a complete test must be done complying with
in the system, it is the user/installer’s
requirements listed in EDS 50.5, Cooling
responsibility to provide an auxiliary
System Field Test, Form No. LEKQ7235.
expansion tank at the highest point in the
system. The auxiliary tank must be
inter-connected with the expansion tank to Cooling System Protection
provide complete venting of the system. Protecting the engine from cooling system
problems is imperative. Insure the engine is
Any other cooling system component should equipped with a high jacket water temperature
have vent lines run to the auxiliary tank or shutdown, and the protection system
must be vented independently. Vent lines functions according to specification.
should be added if not provided. The vent
lines should run from the highest point on the It is the user/installer’s responsibility to
engine, which is usually the turbocharger provide additional pressure and temperature
housing, to the highest point in the expansion gauges and alarms in the external system for
tank or auxiliary tank if provided. Lines the operators to monitor daily. Detection of a
should be 3/8 or 1/2 inch diameter tubing, developing cooling system problem can
stainless steel or copper. Refer to “Cooling prevent an unscheduled shutdown of the
Systems” section of the Gas Engine engine or an operation alarm condition.
Application and Installation Guide.
Initial filling of the system must be done at a Central Cooling Systems
rate so that complete venting of the cooling Cooling multiple engines from a common
system can occur. Always be ready to add a system is not recommended. A devoted cooler
supplemental volume of water to system at for each engine is preferred.
initial start-up in case air has been trapped in
the system. The Caterpillar expansion tank is
provided with a 7 psi pressure cap. Re-install
the pressure cap prior to the engine
performance testing under load.

If a central cooling system is required for the Corrosion Protection
installation, insure that the system Caterpillar guidelines established for water
performance is evaluated with the maximum quality must be followed precisely. These
heat rejection possible from all engines being guidelines are published by Caterpillar and
cooled from the system. Since every system, available in the standard publication system.
application, and installation will be unique, Engine Installation and Service Handbook,
they must be approved by Caterpillar. Form No. LEBV0915, and Coolant and Your
Engine, Form No. SEBD0970, are two sources
External System Piping for information.
The external system piping must be clean and
For a cogeneration system, the jacket water is
free of weld slag and other debris that can be
greater than 111°C (230°F). Boiler class water
detrimental to engine components.
complying to EDS 56.0 Water Treatment
Inspect cooling system piping prior to the Recommendations for Ebullient and Solid
initial filling of the system. If debris is found, Water Cooled Engine, Form No. LEKQ8567
insure the piping is cleaned before filling should be used.
the system.
Insure the proper quality of fresh water is
Install temporary strainers at the engine in installed in the system. Also insure that the
the coolant inlet line(s) prior to initial engine water is properly treated with corrosion
operation. Operate the engine at no-load and inhibitor.
rated speed for at least 15 minutes. Remove
If ambient conditions require anti-freeze to be
the strainers and check for debris. If debris is
used, insure only low silicate anti-freeze is
found, reinstall the strainers and repeat the
installed. Test Concentration with a Coolant
operation. Continue this procedure until no
Tester (5P0957 for °F or 5P3514 for °C).
debris is found in the screen. The temporary
strainers are available from Caterpillar for Insure that the Cooling System Test Kit
4 in. (4C9045), 5 in. (4C9046) and 6 in. (8T5296) or Coolant Test Strips (4C9297) are
(4P9047) pipe. used to evaluate the concentration of
corrosion inhibitor in the system. Excessive
If a permanent strainer in the coolant inlet
concentrations are as detrimental to the
lines is provided by the user/installer, insure
engine as insufficient concentrations.
pressure drop across the strainer can be
monitored. Excessive pressure drop can cause
improper coolant flow to engine. Follow the Heat Recovery
same procedure for permanent strainers as Recovering heat from the engine coolant can
described for temporary strainers during improve the efficiency of the operation but can
initial engine operation. At maximum flow also be detrimental to the engine if not
condition, any clean strainer should have designed and installed properly.
maximum capacity to create no more than
10-14 kPa (1.5-2.0 psi) pressure drop. Insure any external temperature regulators
for the cooling system do not inhibit coolant
External piping must be isolated from the flow to the engine.
engine and driven equipment. The
recommended flexible couplings are; 4P5906 Insure any external temperature regulators
for 4 in. pipe, 4P5905 for 5 in. pipe and for the system do not in any way inhibit the
4P5907 for 6 in. pipe. Install the couplings operation of the cooling system and
between the point of piping support on the temperature control of the engine is
engine and the closest external piping support maintained.
to the engine. Insure external heat recovery components do
not contribute excessive resistance to
coolant flow.

Insure the water temperature returning to the powered alternator, should be sized to handle
engine has been cooled sufficiently to achieve the peak electrical demand of starting plus the
the required coolant temperature at the continuous current draw of the auxiliary
engine pump inlet(s). electrical equipment.

Cooling System Performance Batteries

The complexity of the external cooling system, Caterpillar offers various size batteries for
which may include heat recovery and/or some starting depending on the desired ambient
other cooler, is best understood by reviewing starting capability required. These batteries
the installed system and producing a are low maintenance lead acid batteries and
schematic of that system. The schematic should be mounted near the engine to keep
should indicate all the system flow paths, test electrical cabling short. Because a small
and monitoring points, and external system amount of explosive gases that can be
components. generated by lead acid batteries during
charging they should be well ventilated. This
Include the system schematic as an is another reason to mount the batteries near
attachment to the Commissioning Report. the engine to take advantage of the engine
Assign 900 series description numbers to each room ventilation. Other battery types can be
of the test and monitoring points and record used, such as NiCad batteries. These batteries
on the Commissioning Report test sheet. are maintenance free and reportedly have
longer service life.

Starting System Evaluation Wire and Cabling

The interconnect wires and cables must be
The Caterpillar G3500 Family of Engines has sized adequately for the circuit. A minimum of
various starting methods. The most common 16 gauge wire is recommended regardless of
method is 24VDC electric start system. Select the current requirement. For additional
the size of storage batteries as well as the guidance see the “Starting” section of the Gas
number of starters depending on the ambient Engine Application and Installation Guide.
temperature starting capability required. Use
the price list to select proper componentry.
Alternate Forms of Starting
The Caterpillar G3500 Industrial Engines Air starters are also available for the
have various starting methods. The most Caterpillar G3500 Generator Set Engines.
common is pneumatic starting. These can These can include manually actuated,
include manually actuated, electrically electrically actuated, or pneumatically
actuated, or pneumatically actuated starting. actuated starting.
The working fluid can either be compressed
air or compressed gas (field gas or natural The Caterpillar G3500 Industrial Engines can
gas). use a 24VDC electric start system. The size of
storage batteries as well as the number of
Battery Charger starters should be selected depending on the
ambient temperature starting capability
In addition to the starting requirements, the required. The price list can be used to help
Caterpillar G3500 Family of Engines has an select the proper componentry.
engine protection system which operates from
the 24VDC supply. Often an electric governor
is used which also is powered by the batteries. Air Compressor
The G3500 Low Emission Engines have The air compressor must be sized to match the
electronics to protect the engine from air receiver tank(s) make-up rate due to
detonation. The switchgear is typically 24VDC starting. Also consider site for altitude and air
powered as well. The charging system, density.
whether AC to DC battery charger or engine
An air dryer on the compressor outlet is Take care when starting the engine that the
suggested to prevent water vapor in the air starter silencer discharge does not endanger
from freezing if expanded below 0°C (32°F). personnel safety. If the discharge is directed
toward any potential occupied area, provide
Air Receiver Tanks shielding between the starter and the area
in question.
Insure the air receiver tanks are sized to
provide the required consecutive engine starts
without depletion of air pressure below the Cold Ambient Starting
minimum starting pressure. For cold ambient, jacket water heaters are
recommended. These AC electric heaters
Receiver tanks must have manual or circulate warm coolant through the engine
automatic drains to allow oil and water making a cold start much easier.
condensate to be drained daily to prevent
damage to the starters. Inform operators of For extremely cold ambients, an alternate
this requirement. warm filtered combustion air source should be
available for starting the engine. The
Receiver tanks must meet specific temperature for starting should not be less
characteristics, such as the specifications of than -25°C (-13°F).
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME). Insure each receiver tank
has been tested at 1-1/2 times the normal
working pressure unless local codes require
Exhaust System Evaluation
some greater value. Set the tank relief valve The exhaust system for G3500 Engines must
pressure at a level below the test pressure. be evaluated from the exit of exhaust gases
from the turbocharger to the atmospheric
Receiver tanks must be equipped with a conditions existing at the muffler outlet. Fuel
maximum pressure relief valve and a consumption, exhaust emissions, detonation
pressure gauge. These should be monitored and backfire characteristics, and component
periodically to assure proper operation. life of the engine are affected by the exhaust
system design and proper installation.
Air Supply Piping
Size piping to provide a minimal pressure Consider the following items when evaluating
drop of supply air from the receiver tank to the exhaust system.
the engine starters. Piping should not be
smaller than the connection at the engine. Exhaust System Warnings
The engine installer must protect engine room
Route piping so that water vapor and oil equipment and personnel from the heat of
deposits collect at a trap in the lowest point in exhaust system piping.
the piping. Drain the trap daily. Operators
must be informed of this requirement. The engine installer must provide appropriate
drains and/or rain caps to protect the engine
Prior to initial start-up of the engine, from rainwater entering the engine through
disconnect the air piping from the engine and the exhaust piping. The last few feet of the
allow controlled air to blow any water vapor, exhaust outlet should be installed to prohibit
oil deposits or debris out of the pipe to prevent rainwater entry without inducing excessive
ingestion into starters. exhaust backpressure.

Engine Starters and Accessories Common exhaust systems between engines is

Adjust the starter lubricator during the initial to be strictly avoided.
starting of the engine to limit slobber of
starter lubricant at the starter air outlet.

The turbocharger must be protected from Exhaust Emissions
debris entering the exhaust outlet during The exhaust emissions from G3500 Engines
construction of the exhaust piping. A properly often are regulated by country, state, county, or
tagged blanking plate is recommended. The local legislation. G3500 Engines can operate
tagged plate must be removed prior to initial over a wide range of NOx emission level and
engine operation. The debris collected on the can be adjusted to meet most regulations. The
plate must not go into the turbocharger. various versions of G3500 Engines can operate
from 1.0 g/bhp-hr NOx to 20 g/bhp-hr NOx.
Exhaust System Piping This is one reason why the G3500 is chosen
The exhaust system piping must be made of a over its diesel counterpart. Proper selection of
material to withstand the effects of exhaust engine arrangements is required to obtain the
gas temperature, velocity, and thermal proper emissions, power, fuel consumption,
expansion. Insure that any insulation added to and performance.
exhaust piping does not deteriorate the piping
Consider the following when evaluating
since the pipe temperature will be higher than
exhaust emissions.
if not insulated.
The backpressure of the total piping system Legislation
must be minimal to allow for muffler It is the customer’s responsibility to
restriction, outlet piping from the muffler, and understand the legislation at all levels in the
piping degradation during the life of the area where the engine is to be operated. In the
engine. Fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, United States the US Federal EPA has the
detonation and backfire characteristics, and responsibility to regulate emissions throughout
component life of the engine will be affected if the USA. Many states have even stricter
the backpressure exceeds the recommended regulations than the US Federal EPA. States
value of 27 inches of water pressure. that are known to have stricter regulations
There must be expansion joints and vertical than the US Federal EPA are Arizona,
supports in the appropriate positions to assure California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois,
free movement of the exhaust piping during Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,
thermal expansion. Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
Rigidly support the exhaust piping (with off- Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and West
engine supports) near the engine to minimize Virginia. Certain local regions have even
compression and offset of the engine exhaust stricter regulations. These are currently
bellows. Exhaust pipe expansion must be in located in the Southwest and Northeast. Many
the direction away from the engine. Rollers are countries in Europe and Asia have strict
strongly recommended when vertical supports regulations as well.
are required between expansion joints and
rigid supports. Review with federal, state, and local
government agencies the regulations in the
The exhaust piping routing must not interfere area where the engine will be operated.
with the service of the engine. Pay particular
attention to the use of an overhead bridge Emission Permitting
crane. It is the customer’s responsibility to obtain
A point for measuring exhaust system required operating permits for the area the
backpressure should be in a straight length of engine will be operated. All emission
the exhaust pipe at least 3 to 5 pipe diameters regulatory agencies need to be considered. The
away from the last size transition change from permitting process may be a time consuming
the turbocharger outlet. System backpressure exercise and may delay power production if not
measurement is part of the engine initiated early.
performance testing.

Emissions Compliance Heat Value
The engine emissions should be evaluated in To produce power, all engines gas or liquid
the field. Due to site conditions, gaseous fuel fueled, combust fuel to produce heat. The
used, etc. the engine may require resetting to amount of heat produced determines the
obtain the desired emissions level. An amount of power produced. The unit for heat
emissions analyzer (4C8710) can be used to is Joules or British thermal unit (Btu). For
reset the engine to the desired oxygen level in hydrocarbon fuels, the lower heat value of the
the exhaust and verify the NO emissions. fuel is what produces power. Liquid fuel is
regulated by the petroleum industry and is
For additional guidance see the “Emissions” very consistent. Gas fuels can vary
section of the Gas Engines Application and dramatically. For proper engine operation, the
Installation Guide. LHV of the fuel must be known. The
composition of the gas is what determines its
heat value. The lower heat value of a gas is
Fuel System Evaluation described in mJ/m3 or Btu/SCF of gas. Each
The Caterpillar G3500 Engines can operate on constituent in the gas has a different heat
a wide range of gaseous fuels and supply value. The sum of the percentage of each
pressures. This ranges from propane fuel with constituent times the respective heat value
a lower heating value (LHV) of 2300 Btu/SCF determines the heat value of the fuel in
to landfill gas with a LHV of 500 Btu/SCF. question. Caterpillar and Caterpillar dealers
Fuel supply pressures can either be high (30 have a computer program, Spark Ignited
psig) or low (1.5 psig). Because the engine is Engine Programs (Methane No. and NOx),
designed and built for a specific fuel heat Form No NETG5016 and NETG5017 to help
value and fuel pressure; this information must determine the lower heating value of a fuel
be provided at the time the engine order is from a gas analysis. Caterpillar uses
placed. Dual gaseous fuel engines are also 905 Btu/SCF as the standard fuel and corrects
available. This will allow an engine to operate all engine data to this standard.
on the primary fuel such as natural gas and
when it is required switch over to the auxiliary Detonation Characteristics
backup fuel such as propane. Fuel composition also affects the rate of fuel
combustion. The rate of combustion
The combustion of fuel is required to obtain determines the detonation characteristics of
the desired primary output, the production of the fuel when burned in an engine. Methane
power (and heat). The saying “You are what number is the unit of measure for resistance to
you eat” applies equally well for Caterpillar detonation. This is similar to the more familiar
gas engines. Octane number for liquid fuels. Similar to
Consider the following when evaluating the lower heat value, each constituent has a
fuel system. different Methane number. The Methane
number can be determined from the
percentages of each constituent that makes up
Gaseous Fuels the fuel. Caterpillar and Caterpillar dealers
Gaseous fuels consumed by the engine are have a computer program (Methane No. and
rarely pure. Rather they are a blend of various NOx), Form No. NETG5016 and NETG5017 to
combustible gases, inert gases, contaminant help determine the Methane number of a fuel
gases, liquids, and particulates. For proper from a gas analysis. A fuel usage chart is
engine operation the composition of the fuel available to help determine the compression
gas must be known. A gas analysis is very ratio, timing, and maximum allowable power
important for proper long term for the engine.
engine operation.

Contaminant Gases Fuel Filters
Some gases found in fuel gas can cause Clean, dry gas is a requirement for
premature engine wear and failure. These Caterpillar Gas Engines. A fuel filter(s) can be
gases produce chemical attack of the engine if used to remove liquids and particulates.
not treated properly. The gases of concern are Common liquids are water and heavier
those that contain sulfur, chlorine, and hydrocarbons. Small amounts of water are
fluorine atoms. The most common usually not detrimental to the engine, but
contaminants are hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and large amounts are. Water, when combined
chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC). CFC are common with some gases such as carbon dioxide, cause
solvents and refrigerants. H2S is found in field acids which can attack the fuel system and
gas, digester gas, and landfill gas. CFC are engine. Water in the fuel line can generate
commonly found in landfill gas. When these rust which, if not filtered, can damage the
compounds are burned in the engine, they engine. Heavier hydrocarbons like butane,
produce very strong acids which can attack pentane, hexane, etc. can exist in the fuel,
engine components and cause premature particularly field gas. These hydrocarbons
engine wear and failure. Allowable limits, have very low detonation resistance and can
precautions, treatment, and maintenance cause detonation engine failures or nuisance
procedures are covered in the “Low Btu detonation shutdowns in low emissions
Engines” section of the Gas Engine engines. These liquids can be removed by
Application and Installation Guide. proper filters and de-misters; or they can be
vaporized by using a fuel heat exchanger.
Fuel Pressure Particulates in the fuel need to be removed.
The G3500 Family is available in a high Filter specifications for fuel are similar to
pressure or a low pressure fuel configuration. those used for inlet air. Failure to remove
The engine of choice depends on the fuel particulates can cause premature engine wear
pressure available at the site. The high and damage. Landfill gas has a particularly
pressure system is standard from Caterpillar difficult filtering requirement. Landfill gas
and gives the overall best performance. But in has large quantity of sub-micron silicon
many locations 30 psig gas is not available particulates which must be removed for
and the low pressure version will service proper engine operation. Refer to the “Fuel
those locations where as little as 1.5 psig is Systems” section of the Gas Engine
available. The high pressure system is slightly Application and Installation Guide for
more responsive and stable when compared to specifics.
the low pressure system. The fuel pressure
requirement is higher on low emission Prior to initial start-up of the engine,
engines. Fuel pressure to the engine must be disconnect fuel piping from the engine and
within specified limits to obtain proper engine allow controlled fuel to blow out the pipe to
operation. Refer to the “Fuel Systems” section remove water, oil, and debris preventing
of the Gas Engine Application and ingestion by the engine.
Installation Guide for specifics.

Fuel Lines Governors

The fuel supply line to the engine must be There are a variety of governors available for
adequate in size to provide the required fuel G3500 Engines. For most industrial
rate without causing a pressure loss to the applications, the hydra-mechanical governor
engine fuel system. Fuel density must be is used. The 3161 Woodward governor fills
considered when sizing fuel lines. Fuels such this requirement. It can also be used on
as landfill gas and digester gas are low in heat generator sets, but electric governors typically
value, are very dense, and require special give better performance than hydra-
attention to fuel line sizing. mechanical governors. There are several
options on the electric governors. A simple
speed control governor can be ordered. This is A system must be in-place to properly handle
the Woodward 2301 speed control governor. If waste oil from the engine oil changes.
the engine needs to be paralleled with other
generator sets, use a 2301A load share Schedule oil samples every 250 engine hours
governor. If the generator set is to be used with appropriate transportation to provide
stand-alone as well as paralleled with the adequate turn-around time for results.
distribution buss, use a 701 digital governor. Submit a sample of new oil for testing prior to
A Woodward load sensor will be required to the first interval sample. If transportation is a
parallel the 701 with other equipment. serious problem, insure the minimum oil
Electric governors have the provision to be change period is communicated. Only after
field adjusted to optimize stability and/or several sampling periods during this mode of
response. The 2301 has potentiometer operation can the engine be allowed to go
adjustments, while the 701 requires a hand beyond the minimum change period. Insure
held programmer keypad. The 2301A load the appropriate oil information is provided to
share and 701 governors can be used in the operating personnel and other appropriate
conjunction with other Woodward equipment personnel to enforce this. Instruct the
like SPM-A synchronizer, Automatic personnel on trending the results of the oil
Generator Load Control (AGLC), and analysis. Refer to the appropriate Operation
Automatic Power Transfer and Load Control and Maintenance Manual for 3508, 3512,
(APTL). Refer to the “Governors” section of 3516 Spark Ignited Engines, Form No.
the Gas Engine Application and Installation SEBU6355, for further description.
Guide for additional information. Engines operating on landfill gas or other
potentially corrosive gas may require an oil
with a higher total base number (TBN) to
Lubrication System Evaluation counteract the acids generated. Refer to
The lubrication system supplies a constant oil “Lubrication” section of the Gas Engine
flow to engine components. Oil is filtered, Application and Installation Guide for
cooled, and pressure regulated throughout the additional information.
engine operating range. Bearing failure,
piston ring sticking, and excessive oil Engine Sump
consumption are classic symptoms of oil The oil sump must be filled through the oil
related engine failures. Maintaining the filler tube. Do not remove the engine
lubrication system, scheduled oil sampling, crankcase cover to fill the sump.
and quality oil can mean the difference
between repeated oil related failures and The user must connect oil sump drain valves
satisfactory engine life. Consider the following to external piping for draining oil during an
when evaluating the Caterpillar G3500 oil change. Provide a flexible connector
lubrication system. between the external piping and the
drain valve.
Engine Oil Use a dedicated pump if oil is to be pumped
Engine oil to be used must meet Caterpillar into and out of the oil sump. This helps
requirements prior to filling the oil sump. eliminate the chance of foreign material or
Record oil brand and type. debris entering the oil sump.
Note: Refer to the “Lubrication’’ section of the Insure cold engine oil level is correct and
Gas Engine Application and Installation check the oil level several times during initial
Guide and “Caterpillar Spark Ignited engine operation. Allow engine oil
EPG/Industrial Engine Lubrication temperature to reach normal operating
Recommendations” Form No. SEBU6400 for temperature 82-85°C (180-185°F).
additional information.

Engine Prelube Vibration Isolators
Prelube is an option on the G3500 Family of It is the user/installer’s responsibility to
Engines. Two types of electric prelube systems provide adequate support and isolation
are available. between the engine and driven equipment
base and the floor. The foundation must be
The first is a 24VDC motor-powered oil pump designed and constructed to support the
that operates prior to engine cranking. An engine. Refer to the “Vibration” section of the
interlock prevents engine cranking until the Gas Engine Application and Installation
engine has reached prelube pressure. The Guide for more information.
pump motor is factory wired and requires no
customer wiring other than hooking up the
batteries. This type of prelube requires Engine Base
approximately one minute to complete If driven equipment and/or engine have been
prelube and allow engine cranking. In certain removed during shipment, assure engine,
applications this delay cannot be tolerated. coupling, and generator or driven equipment
mounting bolts are properly torqued prior to
A continuous prelube system is available for alignment checks.
engines that must start and be available
quickly . This uses a AC motor powered oil Assure flexible connectors are used between
pump that operates continuously. A spill valve the generator set or driven equipment and
is used to prevent unwanted accumulation of external system components rigidly mounted
oil in cylinder and turbocharger housings. off the package.
Once the engine is started, a pressure switch
turns the continuous prelube motor off. The Engine to Driven Equipment
customer must wire the AC power to the Alignment
motor which must be considered in the plant Assure that the engine and driven equipment
design. are properly aligned by taking bore and face
dial indicator readings.
Oil Pressure Shutdown
Make necessary adjustments to the alignment
Oil pressure shutdown is provided on the
prior to starting engine.
G3500 Engines. Two-level protection is used.
A low pressure setting is used at lower speeds Record final alignment measurements and
and a high pressure setting at higher speeds. include as an attachment to the
Commissioning Report.

Mounting and Alignment Check crankshaft endplay and crankshaft

deflection and record in Commissioning
Evaluation Report.
G3500 Family of Engines using the
Caterpillar rigid base are self-supporting
structures. The package will maintain Driven Equipment Evaluation
alignment if the floor is true (flat). Consider
the following when evaluating the proper Driven equipment for the G3500 Family of
mounting of the package and checking Engines have been selected based on the
alignment of the engine and generator or particular load profile of the site. When more
engine and drive equipment on-site. than one unit is involved, each piece of
equipment must be described in the
commissioning findings report.
Consider the follow items while evaluating
the driven equipment.

Generator Engine Protection
Record the manufacturer, model number, and Insure the following shutdowns are provided
serial number of the generator and other and are functional on G3500 Family of
appropriate data relating to rated voltage, Engines:
rated current, frequency, temperature rise, etc. • Engine oil pressure
Insure the generator windings have been • Jacket water temperature
meggered prior to initial excitation. Megger
the cables between the generator and • Overspeed
generator circuit breaker. • Detonation or high inlet manifold
Driven Equipment • Emergency stop switch
Record the manufacturer, model number, and Standard generator set engines have the above
serial number of the driven equipment and shutdowns provided (except COSA engines).
other appropriate data relating to rated The actual set points will vary depending on
pressure, rated flow, rotating speed, rated the configuration of engine ordered. Some
torque, temperature rise, etc. engines come with additional shutoffs, such as
cogeneration or landfill engines. Alarms that
Coupling indicate potential problems can be obtained as
If a two-bearing generator or other driven an attachment. Depending on the
equipment is to be used, select an appropriate configuration, these shutdowns and alarms
coupling. Features such as engine speed, may not be annunciated. In these cases it is up
torque capacity, rotating inertia, etc. need to be to the customer to provide annunciation for
considered in selecting the coupling. the specific shutdown and/or fault. A terminal
connection is provided for each available
Torsional Analysis indication.
Once a coupling and damper have been Standard industrial engines have the
selected, perform a torsional analysis to ensure previously mentioned shutdowns provided.
torsional vibration amplitudes will be within The actual set points will vary depending on
acceptable limits. the engine configuration ordered. The low
emissions version may have an SI Status
Control to provide the shutoffs. These shutoff
Engine Protection System points are programmable and the set points
Evaluation need to be verified. Refer to the engine service
manual for proper verification and
The engine protection system gives operators programming procedure. Some engines come
early alert to pending problems or it shuts with additional shutoffs. Alarms that indicate
down the engine. This protects the engine potential problems can be obtained as an
and/or driven equipment from imminent attachment by using the alarm module or
failure and limits the contingent damage due Customer Interface module. The standard
to failure. Proper maintenance and periodic shutdowns are annunciated by the SI Status
testing is imperative for a reliable protection Control. In the case of additional shutdowns
system. and alarms, it is up to the customer to provide
annunciation for the specific shutdown and/or
Consider the following when evaluating the
engine protection system.
While an emergency stop switch is provided on
the engine control panel, it is important for the
user to provide remote emergency stop
switches. Locate these switches in areas where
an operator can shut the engine down without
risking personal injury. Typical locations
would be at the switchgear panel and the External Engine Support Systems
monitoring panel. Guard emergency stop The user is responsible for providing gauges
switch(es) from accidental personnel contact, and or instrumentation to monitor operation
but still be operational by personnel in the of the external engine support systems. These
case of an emergency. should include but are not exclusive to the
• Oil storage tank site glass.
Monitoring System • Water temperature to and from external
Monitoring of the engine requires periodic cooler. This may include radiators, heat
reading of gauges, sensors, readout, and exchangers, or cooling towers.
displays to assure all systems are performing • When strainers are permanently installed
satisfactorily. before the pump inlets, monitor pump inlet
Consider the following when evaluating pressure for condition of strainers.
monitoring system operation. Daily Log Sheet
The user is responsible to provide a log sheet
Engine Operating Parameters to record all gauge and instrumentation
Gauges and instrumentation must give readings periodically by operators and/or
accurate readings of operational parameters automatic monitoring system.
for the engine basic support systems. These
include oil pressure, coolant temperature, The user must maintain trained personnel
manifold pressure, and exhaust port capable of recognizing operational changes in
temperatures. These parameters are provided a monitored parameter, and be aware of the
for by the Cat instrument panel and/or SI effect the change may have on engine
Status Control. operation.

Periodic maintenance of oil, fuel and air filters

is based on differential pressure as well as Ventilation System Evaluation
hours. Assure the gauges or restriction
indicators are provided to monitor filter The radiated heat from generator sets,
condition. A service meter is required to log all switchgear, engines, and driven equipment
engine parameters. can cause site temperature rise which can
adversely affect operating and maintenance
Generator Operating Parameters personnel as well as equipment performance.
Ideally, clean, cool air should be supplied to
The user must assure that generator output switchgear rooms and engine rooms and flow
can be properly monitored to allow correlation across and around the equipment to carry the
with other data and to monitor electrical radiated heat to the outside.
Consider the following when evaluating the
The user is responsible for monitoring ventilation system.
generator winding and bearing conditions.
Engine Room Ventilation
Driven Equipment Parameters
Ventilating air should flow near the floor of
The user must assure the driven equipment the engine room and then upward around the
can be monitored to assure proper operation engine before exiting above the engine.
and to schedule maintenance. It is often
desirable to have instrumentation to monitor Design building ventilation to bring the
the work being performed, be it compression of coolest air to the generators or driven
gas, water flow or torque. equipment.

If the building has a pitched roof, ventilating component removal and use of necessary
air should flow out at the peak or near the top tools. Unfortunately, at the time of
of the gable ends. The source of the air must commissioning, it may be too late to change
be low in the room and rise across the engine the configuration.
or generator set and other equipment.
Overhead lifting equipment must be provided.
For personnel comfort, maintain air velocity Most all major engine components are heavier
at 1.5 m/sec (5 ft/sec) in areas of heat sources than one man can safely lift. Review the
or areas exceeding 38°C (100°F). overhead features for multi-direction motion.
Most engine component removal involves at
Check potential dead air spaces for least two direction motion for removal.
temperature rise during engine operation.
Check all electrical and mechanical Arrange multiple engine installations to use
equipment in the dead air space for any the same overhead lifting equipment without
detrimental effect from the temperature rise. major disassembly of piping or ducting.
Require corrections if necessary.
Equipment should be available for engine
Engine room pressure should not become component movement to and from the
excessively negative (≥1/2 in. H2O). This engine room.
would indicate a shortage of ventilating air or
excessive ventilating fans. For additional Engine Maintenance
information refer to the “Engine Room The engine, generator and driven equipment
Ventilation” section of the Gas Engine installer is responsible for providing an engine
Application and Installation Guide. service platform to perform all periodic
maintenance functions. This should consider
Switchgear Room Ventilation all daily inspections and activities including
Cool, dry ventilating air should flow across an engine overhaul.
the switchgear cabinets to remove the
radiated heat created during generator set Overhead and/or side clearance and a
operation. platform must be provided for servicing all
periodic maintenance components. For
Switchgear room pressure should not be example, changing air, fuel or oil filters,
excessively negative (≥1/2 in. H2O). This setting valve lash, etc.
would indicate a shortage of ventilating air.
Reserved Work Area
Provide a work area in the engine room for
Serviceability Evaluation disassembly and cleaning of engine
Well designed engine rooms include features components and other engine support
contributing to the serviceability of the equipment. The area must have overhead
engine(s) and support equipment. These lifting capacity sized for the largest
features can include overhead lifting, push component expected to be placed in this area.
carts, component storage and cleaning, and
building equipment arrangement along with Spare Parts Storage
the required tools. Reserve an area for storage of spare parts and
tools for all equipment in the engine room.
Consider the following for the evaluation of
Inventory parts and tools to insure ready
access during a repair. Insure the area can
be locked to prevent missing parts or tools
Engine Component Removal that would impair scheduled maintenance
Overhead and side clearance must be or repair. See recommended spare parts list
provided around the engine for major on page 52.

Equipment Safety Evaluation Control Room
The commissioning engineer must be able to Insure that the control system meets local fire
recognize a safe operating environment. The protection codes.
entire system operation must be reviewed to Insure that control room emergency stops are
provide operator safety during any normal or guarded to prevent accidental contact.
abnormal situation.
Insure that all high voltage equipment and
Consider the following when evaluating the cabinets are inaccessible via locks and/or
safety of operating systems. cages with locks.

Engine Room Insure Kirk-Key interlocks are available for

the appropriate switchgear cabinets.
Shield or guard hot engine water pipes to
prevent operator contact. Check control room noise levels and compare
to general rules or local specifications. Include
All generator drive components and damper
this data in the commissioning report.
guards must be in place prior to operating
the engine.
All floor openings in the engine room must be Generator Control Evaluation
covered with plating or grating.
Control of generator output is imperative to
Chains and hooks on overhead lifting maintain the residential and/or commercial
equipment must not endanger operating customers during prime power operations.
personnel. Generator sets in severe climates are
extremely important to provide life support
Floors must be cleaned of any debris or liquid power. Standby generator sets can also be
spills. applied in both of the above situations. It is
not typically the responsibility of the
Heat shields on the engine must be in place
commissioning engineer to make these
prior to operating the engine.
systems operate according to required
Remote emergency system stops must be specifications, but to insure the systems are
guarded, but must operate during a safety compatible with the design requirements.
Consider each of the following items during
Test fire suppression systems prior to allowing the evaluation and the specific application
normal operation. If this has already been requirements during the evaluation.
completed, verify a certificate of system
operation exists. Generator Voltage Control
Independently test all emergency stops for the The voltage regulator must have the voltage
engine while operating at no load. droop adjusted to be compatible with the
system and/or with other generator sets being
Check engine room noise levels in normal paralleled to provide electrical power onto a
operating areas and compare to general rules distribution buss.
or local specifications. Include this data in the
commissioning report. For paralleled generator sets, cross-current
compensation is necessary.

Insure automatic voltage control systems Switchgear Evaluation
have manual control that can be operated if
problems develop with the automatic control. Switchgear is a necessary part of distributing
electrical power produced, as well as
Even though not required, monitoring exciter providing input to monitoring and control
DC voltage is a common gauge to detect any systems. This equipment is not typically
diode or surge suppressor problem in the provided by Caterpillar, but its interaction
exciter. Insure gauge is operating properly, if and possible detrimental effect on engine and
provided. generator operation makes it necessary to
insure that the system functions according to
Several different voltage regulators are specifications.
supplied for specific applications.
Volts-per-Hertz, constant voltage, and the Consider the following when evaluating
combination of both functions are available. switchgear systems.
Insure that the regulator output to the
generator provides the correct system voltage Switchgear Cabinets
and voltage response to load changes.
Insure switchgear cabinets are properly
If a constant voltage regulator is used, insure vented and ventilation air is available.
that the excitation circuit can be turned off
Mount switches and controls not involved in
before the engine is started and ramped up to
daily operations inside the cabinets.
speed, or is stopped and ramped down in
speed. Operating at other than synchronous Insure that any high voltage cabinet has
speed can be very detrimental to the voltage Kirk-Key interlocks (or equivalent) to lock the
regulator. cabinet and prevent accidental personnel
Generator Monitoring
Current and Potential
Generators are supplied with either 10 Ohm Transformers
or 100 Ohm RTDs mounted in the windings
and the bearing housing(s). Insure the Inspect mounting and wiring of all current
temperatures can be monitored daily. Several and potential transformers to insure they are
types of alarms and or shutdowns are installed properly before energizing the
optional. If included, insure they function voltage control circuit. This is imperative for
properly. proper engine operation monitoring.
Insure generator voltage, amperage, power
factor and kW load are gauges in the control
panel and are monitored on a daily basis.
Compare initial readings to engine operating
parameters to insure proper wiring.

Circuit Breakers Paralleling Operations
Insure the circuit breaker has been manually Protect manual paralleling operation against
tested before installing in the test position. out-of-phase engagement of the circuit
breaker. A synch check relay or SPM
Insure the circuit breaker is in the test Synchronizer are typical components to
position during any testing of the generator provide this protection.
controls and/or engine safety system.
Auto-paralleling is typically controlled by an
Initial energizing of the electrical system with SPM Synchronizer; both engine speed and
the circuit breaker should be coordinated with generator voltage, or just engine speed, can be
all on-site personnel. controlled. If voltage control is not included,
Note: Important appropriate arrangements the system voltage must not vary more than
must not be overlooked by all site disciplines. the voltage regulator compensation capability
with a closed circuit breaker.
Electrical Cables It is imperative to insure the generator
Electrical cables between the generator and rotation and phasing match the distribution
the switchgear cabinets must be high-pot buss.
tested prior to terminating. Review data from
Parallel generators must have the same pitch
tests and include in the commissioning report.
to prevent harmonics creating current flow on
Insure terminations have shielding removed the neutral side of the system. Use a neutral
from ends prior to connecting. ground resistor if neutral currents exist.

Generator Protective Relays

Insure the generator protective relay setting Operation and Maintenance
for both the instantaneous and time delay Evaluation
agree with the results of the Relay Operation and maintenance training for
Coordination Study of the system. operators designated to be involved in the
operation and/or maintenance of Caterpillar
Control Voltage G3500 Family, and the associated support
A mixture of control voltages may require equipment, is an important factor in
multiple banks of batteries. Insure the achieving dependable generator set operation.
appropriate charging method for the batteries The commissioning engineer should be
is maintained. prepared to give this training on the engine
and generator or driven equipment.
Insure the batteries are placed between the
charger and the controls to prevent the Consider the following when evaluating how
controls from receiving voltage spikes or stray well operation and maintenance will be
currents from the battery charger. completed.

Engine Operation and

Insure each operator is introduced to the
maintenance guide for the engine and each of
the topics explained. This may require the
presentation to be given several times to
match the shift work of the operators.
Coordinate the effort with the appropriate
operating supervisor.

Insure instruction is given for starting and Crankcase Ventilation
stopping the engine. Include a demonstration
at the engine and allow each operator to
System Evaluation
observe and follow the directions given. Normal combustion pressures of an internal
Follow the procedure outlined in the Starting combustion engine cause a certain amount of
System Evaluation section. blow-by past the piston rings into the
crankcase. These crankcase fumes must be
The servicing dealer is responsible for piped away from the engine to atmosphere.
providing appropriate forms and record
keeping information. Consider the following when evaluating
crankcase ventilation systems.
Engine Support Equipment
Review the list of equipment suppliers that Crankcase Breathers
will be on-site during commissioning. If the Crankcase breathers can be arranged in
representative is going to be on-site, insure several positions to match the best piping
they are prepared to train operators. routing away from the engine. Assure that
breather connections can be easily
Mechanical Training disconnected for scheduled maintenance.
Train operators and maintenance personnel to
make minor repairs if needed; or provide Crankcase Ventilation Piping
assistance to the dealer mechanic while Generally, piping of the same size as the
making a repair. breather outlet is suitable unless the length
and or bends cause excessive restriction and a
Maintenance Contracts false crankcase pressure measurement.
Review any maintenance contract to insure Note: See the “Crankcase Ventilation’’ section
all maintenance and repair responsibilities of the “Gas Engine Application and
are defined for each activity. Also, understand Installation Guide” for additional information
and record the duration of the contract. Insure on pipe sizing requirements. Consideration
responsible personnel are properly trained to must be given to the blow by requirements of a
perform their respective functions. If a worn engine when initially sizing the pipe.
training deficiency is found, take corrective
action. A separate ventilation piping system must be
installed for each engine.
Piping should slope away from the engine
at a minimum of 13 mm per 300 mm,
(1/2 in. per ft).
Configure the outlet to collect oil droplets
prior to fumes exiting the piping.
If piping rises from the engine, a trap must be
installed to collect any condensation or oil
droplets before they re-enter the breathers.
Crankcase fumes must never be discharged in
the engine room.

Caterpillar G3500 Generator Set Commissioning Report
Selling Dealer _______________________________ District or Subsidiary _____________________
Servicing Dealer _______________________________
Equipment Suppliers and Contractors: ____________________________________________________
Customer _______________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Application: Prime Power __________ Continuous ________________ @ ______________ % load
Peak Shaving _________ Standby _____________
Engine Model ________________________________ Engine Arrangement No. __________________
OT Specification No. ______________________________ Serial No. ____________________________
Rating __________________ bhp ___________________ bkW _____________
Engine Cooling System: Separate Circuit _______________Combined Circuit _________________
Governor: 2301A w/EG3P _____ 2301A Load Share/EG3P __________ 701/EG3P ____________
EPG Load Share _________ SPM-A ___________ AGLC ___________ APTL ___________ Import
Export Controller ________ 3161 ________ Other (specify) __________
High Idle: Specified _________________________ OT Specification __________________________
Low Idle: Specified __________________________ % Droop Specified ________________________
Fuel Used: Pipeline Natural Gas ____________ Field Gas __________ Landfill Gas ___________
Digester Gas ____________ Propane (HD-5) __________ Other (Specify) ___________
Fuel Lower Heat Value _________ Btu/scf mJ/m3) Methane number ________
Specific Gravity _________ Wobbe Index _________
Minimum Fuel Pressure ________ kPa (psi) Fuel Filtration __________
Filter Efficiency ________
Engine Coolant: Antifreeze _________ % Corrosion Inhibitor ________ Heat Recovery ________
Separate Circuit Coolant: Antifreeze ___________% Corrosion Inhibitor ______________
Oil to be used in engine __________________________________________________________________
Engine site conditions: Elevation __________________
Typical Ambient Temperature range for the year: ____________________ to ___________________
Atmospheric conditions: Typical relative humidity level ___________________________________%
Air Quality: Salty ____________ Dusty _________ Clean ____________

Application Summary


The following parties have discussed and agreed to the results and required action during the
commissioning process.
Field Engineer Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Builder/Installer Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________
Owner Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________

Caterpillar G3500 Industrial Engine Commissioning Report
Selling Dealer _______________________________ District or Subsidiary _____________________
Servicing Dealer _______________________________
Equipment Suppliers and Contractors: ____________________________________________________
Customer _______________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Application: Prime Power __________ Continuous ________________ @ ________________ load
Peak Shaving _________ Standby _____________
Engine Model ________________________________ Engine Arrangement No. __________________
OT Specification No. ______________________________ Serial No. ____________________________
Rating __________________ bhp ___________________ bkW _____________
Engine Cooling System: Separate Circuit _______________Combined Circuit _________________
Governor: 3161 ____________ 2301/EG3P ___________ 2301A Load Share/EG3P ____________
701/EG3P__________________ Suction Pressure Controller ______________ Discharge Pressure
Controller _________________ Other (specify) ___________________
High Idle: Specified _________________________ OT Specification __________________________
Low Idle: Specified __________________________ % Droop Specified ________________________
Fuel Used: Pipeline Natural Gas ____________ Field Gas __________ Landfill Gas ___________
Digester Gas ____________ Propane (HD-5) __________ Other (Specify) ___________
Fuel Lower Heat Value _________ Btu/scf mJ/m3) Methane number _________
Specific Gravity _________ Wobbe Index _________
Minimum Fuel Pressure ________ kPa (psi) Fuel Filtration __________
Filter Efficiency ________
Engine Coolant: Antifreeze _________ % Corrosion Inhibitor ________ Heat Recovery ________
Separate Circuit Coolant: Antifreeze ___________% Corrosion Inhibitor ______________
Oil to be used in engine __________________________________________________________________
Engine site conditions: Elevation __________________
Typical Ambient Temperature range for the year: ____________________ to ___________________
Atmospheric conditions: Typical relative humidity level ___________________________________%
Air Quality: Salty ____________ Dusty _________ Clean ____________

Application Summary


The following parties have discussed and agreed to the results and required action during the
commissioning process.
Field Engineer Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Builder/Installer Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________
Owner Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________

Analysis of Test Data and Physical Systems
System Summary of Results
Air Intake

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

System Summary of Results

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

Safety and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

System Summary of Results

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

Operation and

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■

System Summary of Results

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■


Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

Satisfactory ■
Unsatisfactory ■
Not Complete ■

Engine Performance Data
Record the following data using field test equipment while the engine is being load tested under
site conditions.
________ % Load

900 Actual
Series Description Measured


Engine S/N _________Generator Set
Engine Instrument Panel and Generator Control Panel Instrument Readings.

Description 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 110%

Actual Load EKW
Voltage kV
Amperes A
Power Factor LAG 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Gen Bearing Temp °C
Gen Stator Temp °C
Engine Coolant °C
Air Inlet Man. Temp
Air Inlet Restr. LH
Air Inlet Restr. RH
Oil Pressure
Oil Temperature
Oil Filter Press Diff
Fuel Filter Press Diff
Crankcase Pressure
Air Inlet Man. Press
Fuel Pressure
Engine Hours
Stack Exh Temp RH °C
Stack Exh Temp LH °C
Cyl Exh Temp 1 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 2 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 3 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 4 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 5 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 6 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 7 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 8 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 9 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 10 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 11 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 12 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 13 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 14 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 15 °C
Cyl Exh Temp 16 °C

Commissioning Sequence of Events
1. Pre-delivery design review
Complete Design and Construction Review Reports
2. Record Equipment Manufacturer, Part Number, and Serial Number
3. Engine setup
Interconnect harness
Fill sump with oil
Prelube (if provided)
Check alignment
Check crank deflection
Check air cleaner and turbo inlet and outlet for debris
Check engine protection system
Adjust fuel supply pressure
Start engine (see LE engine startup procedure)
Check phase and rotation*
Turn on voltage regulator*
Close breaker*
Load engine
Tune & Adjust engine
4. Document Engine Performance
Fuel consumption
Exhaust Emissions
5. Make sure support systems function to spec
Fuel system
Cooling system
Engine room ventilation
Crankcase ventilation
Check engine and driven equipment vibration
6. Reliability and Availability
Record reliability deficiencies for two days
7. Commissioning Engineer Findings Report
8. Correct Deficiencies
9. Issue Commissioning Certificate

* Gen Set engine only

Startup Procedure for • Using the DDT, put the timing control in
Mag, Cal. Mode.
3500 Series Low Emission
Gas Engines • Start the engine and operate it at either a
low load or high idle-no load. Adjust the gas
• Determine the free oxygen percentage to be differential pressure. Where 2 mixers are
present in the exhaust from the 02/NOx used, the gas differential variation side to
charts using the T&A section of the service side should be within ± 1 in. H2O. Gas
manual. supply pressure variation side to side should
• Obtain a fuel gas analysis for Btu content be within 10 kPa. The closer these
and methane number so you can determine tolerances are, and the less variation with
the correct timing and the correct gas increasing load (step 9/10), the better final
differential pressure using the charts in the engine performance will be.
T&A section. (A gas analysis is essential for • Again, using the DDT, put the timing
setting up the engine — anything else is a control in mag. cal mode. Rotate the
compromise that can affect long term magneto as required to set the actual timing
engine/lubricant life). 6 degrees more advanced than the desired
• Connect the following instruments to the full load rpm timing specification.
engine: • With the DDT place the timing control in
A digital diagnostic tool (DDT). timing cal mode. Set the desired timing to
An exhaust oxygen analyzer. the timing specification.
A water manometer for measuring gas • Increase the speed and load on the engine
differential pressure. until it is carrying rated load. Listen for
(Two manometers for low pressure engines detonation and observe the amber
with 2 mixers). detonation-retarded timing light on the
A boost gauge set up to measure intake timing control. If detonation occurs, retard
manifold pressure (below throttle) and the desired timing and/or turn the
aftercooler outlet pressure. carburetor power screw clockwise.
A pressure gauge in the fuel supply line. • When full load is reached, adjust the
(Two pressure gauges for low pressure carburetor power screw to obtain the desired
engines with 2 regulators/mixers). exhaust oxygen level. For low pressure
engines with 2 mixers, the carburetor power
• Service the engine and driven equipment, screws should be within ± 1/6th of a turn of
being certain that all fluid compartments each other.
are filled correctly. Screw the carburetor
power screw all the way in, then back it out
three and a half turns. Set the fuel gas
supply pressure regulator from 24 to 35 psi
(25 kPa for low pressure systems). For Low
Emissions engines, the power screw may be
up to 6 or 7 turns out in final adjustment.

• Be certain that the engine is now carrying • To obtain the best settings for the site,
either full load or the maximum it will be conditions may require repeating these
expected to carry (if less than full load). steps with minor changes to gas differential,
Compare the manifold pressure with the power screw setting, with wastegate setting
aftercooler outlet pressure. It is desirable for done separately to find optimum
the throttle plate to be almost fully open at combination. Timing should be sufficiently
rated load, or maximum load the engine will advanced, but not detonating, to still
be expected to carry. Adjust the boost control maintain adequate boost.
wastegate) to get the desired differential
across the throttle plate (manifold pressure • On landfill gas (low Btu fuel), hard starting
to aftercooler outlet pressure). A low value, may be experienced with settings that are
14 kPa, gives minimum fuel consumption, best for operation at operating load. If this
but may result in instability with some occurs, a small flat filed on one of the low
loads and on LE engines. On LE engines, a Btu mixer valves on each side will allow
value up to 35 kPa is needed for stable extra gas for starting.
operation. Each gas is different and the engine knows
• On LE engines, if there is insufficient boost what it likes best. The goal is to optimize
to obtain the desired pressure differential engine performance.
across the throttle plate, it may be necessary
to retard the timing. This will provide more
energy to the turbocharger.
On landfill gas, the combustion is slow (high
Methane number), and the timing needs to
be advanced. This reduces the power in the
exhaust and in turn to the turbocharger. So
the boost may be reduced and now be
inadequate. To be sure there is enough
boost, use 20 timing. For best performance
(stability) and fuel consumption (power),
use 30° timing or the maximum timing
between 20-30°.

3500 Gas Engine Recommended Spare Parts
Maintenance Items
Part Number
Quantity 3508 3512 3516 Description Comment

4 8N6309 8N6309 8N6309 Air Filter Element

8 4P2839 4P2839 4P2839 Oil Filter Element
4 7E4841 7E4841 7E4841 Fan Belt-Alternator
4 6V8917 6V8917 6V8917 Rod End-Bearing
4 6V8955 6V9855 6V9855 Rod End-Bearing
4 7E9748 7E9748 7E9748 Rod End
4 6V9163 6V9163 6V9163 Rod End
4 7C3095 7C3095 7C3095 Regulator-Temp (Optional Parts Available)

Common Repair Items

Part Number
Quantity 3508 3512 3516 Description Comment
Ignition System

35 4P8294 4P8294 4P8294 Spark Plug 106-4128

Replaces 4P8294
2 9Y7042 9Y7042 9Y7042 Extenders
4 7W4377 7W4377 7W4377 Transformers Magneto System
1 3E8640 3E8640 3E8640 Cont Gp (Timing Control) 3E9371 For 11:1 & 9:1
Compression Ratio Only
2 7X1168 7X1168 7X1168 Magneto Pickup
2 9X4836 9X4836 9X4836 Detonation Sensor
1 4P8399 4P8400 4P8401 Altronic Interface Box
1 7C6743 7C2210 7C2211 Back Plate-Magneto

Fuel System
1 2W7978^ 7E3407* 7E3407* Regulator ^Fisher *Sprague
1 9Y6992 9Y6992 9Y6992 Valve Gp-Fuel
2 7E1552 7E1552 7E1559 Kit-Shaft and Bearing
(Carburetor Bearing)
1 7E4064 9Y4255 Stoic 9Y4352 Stoic Carburetor (Optional Parts Available)
9Y4358 LE 9Y3834 LE
1 4P7087 4P7087 4P7087 Actuator Gen Set
1 4P4628 4P4628 4P4628 3161 Governor (Optional Parts Available)
2 5L3291 5L3291 5L3291 Bearing As
(Pillow Block)

Part Number
Quantity 3508 3512 3516 Description Comment
Air System
1 7E4299 7E4299 7E4299 Wastegate
1 Turbocharger Numerous Parts
1 Check Engine Arrangement
1 Cartridge Numerous Parts
Check Engine Arrangement
1 Aftercooler Numerous Parts
Check Engine Arrangement
1 7W1497 7W1497 7W1497 Valve Gp (AMOT)
8 102-2674 102-2674 102-2674 Flame Arrestor
Electrical System
1 None 6V6149 LE Status Control
1 3E8542 3E8542 3E8542 Cont. Gp
(Transducer Mod)
Kit Relay Gen Set
1 4W6085 4W6085 4W6085 Alternator Gp, 35 Amp
1 7N7981 7N7981 7N7981 Alternator Gp, 60 Amp
Major Repair Items
2 7C3218 Std 7C3218 Std 7C3218 Std Head Gp OR2913 Std/OR3840 Std*
OR3839 Landfill*
2 6I4610 6I4610 6I4610 Rod and Piston Gp 11:1 Compression Ratio
2 7E7580 7E7580 7E7580 Rod and Piston Gp 9:1 Compression Ratio
2 102-2256 102-2256 102-2256 Rod and Piston 8:1 Compression Ratio
1 7W8866 7W8868 7W8867 Camshaft Gp Numerous Parts
Check Engine Arrangement
8, 12, 16 7E7997 7E7997 7E7997 Bearings Rod
5, 7, 9 4W5704 4W5704 4W5704 Bearings Main
2 7C6209 7C6209 7C6209 Plate Thrust
2 8N6861 8N6861 8N6861 Liner Cylinder
Miscellaneous Items
1 4W5409 4W4980 4W5405 Oil Cooler
Gasket Kit Numerous Parts
Check Engine Arrangement
1 Starter Numerous Parts,
Check Engine Arrangements
1 2W9725 2W9725 2W9728 Pump Gp Water
1 7E9781 7E9781 7E9781 Pump Gp Auxiliary
*EIS Compatible

G3500 Engine Commissioning
Title Form Number

Gas Engine Application and Installation Guide........................................................... LEKQ2368

EDS 50.5; Cooling System Field Test............................................................................. LEKQ7235
Engine Installation and Service Handbook................................................................... LEBV0915
Coolant and Your Engine ................................................................................................ SEBD0970
EDS56.0; Water Treatment Recommendations for
Ebullient and Solid Water Cooled Engines ............................................................... LEKQ8567
Service Manual 3508, 3512, 3516 Spark Ignited Engines ........................................... SENR4600
Operation and Maintenance Manual............................................................................. SEBU6355
G3500 Gas Engine Performance .................................................................................... LEBQ2023
Digital Diagnostic Tool Software Subscription ............................................................. NEXG4511
Spark Ignited Engine Programs (Methane No. and NOx) 3 1/2 in. diskettes ........... NETG5017
Spark Ignited Engine Programs (Methane No. and NOx) 5 1/4 in. diskettes ........... NETG5016
Woodward 701 Governor Application on
3500 Family Spark Ignited Low Emission Engines ................................................. LEXQ1142

Quantity Description Part Number
As required Adapter 1/4 in. NPT 5P2725
As required Adapter 1/8 in. NPT 5P2720
As required Adapter 9/16 in. o-ring 5P3591
2 Probe 5P2718
1 Digital Diagnostic Tool (NEXG4511 Software required) 7X1400
1 Pressure group 1U5470
1 Coolant tester °F 5P0957
1 Coolant tester °C 5P3514
1 Coolant conditioner test strips 4C9297
1 Coolant test kit 8T5296
1 Multimeter (Fluke 87) 9U7330
1 Scopemeter (Fluke 97) (optional) 9U7331
1 Temperature Adapter Group 6V9130
4 Regulator (Thermostats must be blocked open) 4W4011, etc.
2 Gasket-housing cover (thermostat) 7N4927
1 Exhaust Analyzer 4C8710
1 Yoke 6V2042
1 Bar 6V2043
2 Dial Indicator Test Group 8T5096
1 Crankshaft Deflection Dial Indicator Staurett
1 if required Programmer (701 Governor) 4P6547
1 Tuning Wand (2301 Governor & SI Status Control) 4C4029
1 Timing Light 9U5358
1 Indicator-spark plug firing 9U6695
1 Tester-magneto 9U6958
1 Ammeter-clamp on 8T0900

Materials and specifications are
subject to change without notice.

©1997 Caterpillar Inc.

Printed in U.S.A.

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