Keyboard-Based Control and Simulation of 6-DOF Robotic Arm Using ROS
Keyboard-Based Control and Simulation of 6-DOF Robotic Arm Using ROS
Keyboard-Based Control and Simulation of 6-DOF Robotic Arm Using ROS
Abstract— In this paper, we are proposing the design and for the control of the 6DOF robotic arm using the keyboard is
simulation of a 6 DOF robotic arm to be used for the search and RVIZ.
rescue operations in the disaster-hit areas. An algorithm
developed for the keyboard based interaction with the 6 DOF II. RELATED WORKS
robotic arm which makes it more user-friendly is also discussed.
The 6- DOF articulated robotic arm was designed and visualized Paper [1], discusses about simulating a robot in the Gazebo
in RVIZ and, Moveit is being used as a control interface using with the help of ROS_control packages and how the robot
Robot Operating System (ROS). The manipulation of the arm configuration is generated in Gazebo using the URDF file. The
with end effector refrain us from using the joint by the joint paper describes the extensive use of simulation platform for a
control mechanism. The technique presented in this research real-life scenario. In paper [2] the design and inverse
work is inexpensive and easier to control. In the designed 6 DOF kinematics of a 3 DOF robotic arm is described. It discusses
robotic arm, the first three DOF is for the position of the arm and the practicality of the arm design in work and the calculations
the rest three are used for the manipulation of the gripper. of the joint angles using kinematics while performing some
tasks. Paper [3] describes how the robot’s motion is controlled
Keywords—Inverse Kinematics, URDF, Forward Kinematics,
Transfer Matrix, Moveit, 6-DOF, ROS.
using inverse kinematics and the use of depth camera to
capture the user's input. It also explains how to control the end
I. INTRODUCTION effector using some speech and gesture commands. Paper [4]
Basically a robotic arm is a mechanical system which reports the mobility of a 5 DOF articulated arm that has been
works similar to a human arm. It consists of an end effector tested using direct and indirect kinematic model. The robot is
usually designed to manipulate and interact with the simulated in MATLAB - Simulink and the trajectories and
surroundings. They are mostly used in industrial and service working domain is determined. Based on the known gripper
purposes like pick and place, exploration, manufacturing, position and orientation the desired rotation is calculated.
laboratory research, space exploration etc. The 6 Degrees of Paper[5] presents the concept of an in-parallel actuated
freedom is to pivot in 6 different ways which resembles a mechanism and also derives the basic kinematic equations to
human arm. The major issues concerned in an industrial manipulate the 6 DOF robotic arm. They also used Jacobian
robotic arm are its mechanical structure and the control matrix for simulation. Paper [6] explains about the most
mechanism. So we designed a lightweight robotic arm which commonly used simulations in various robotic fields. The
makes it easy to mount and carry on any robotic system. The mathematical and analytical approach to solve the problems of
keyboard based control proposed in this research work which forward and inverse kinematics to control the end effector is
makes the designed arm easier to control compared to the discussed in [7] and [14]. Underwater workspace and
other control mechanisms like the joystick control, slider kinematic analysis of a robotic arm is studied in paper [8]. In
based control etc. This keyboard based interface is compatible the paper [9] the equations of forward kinematics are derived
with any other robotic arm provided the dimensions and using D-H notation. The simulation is done in MATLAB by
URDF of the robotic arm. creating 3D graphics.. The simulation helped them to detect
Robot Operating System (ROS) provides an integrated the motion of the robotic arm. Paper [10] uses a simplified
platform to control robotic systems. ROS is a special kind of simulation to control the movement of a 4 axis arm. The
framework initially developed with the purpose of working on kinematics and inverse kinematics of the robotic arm based on
robots in the research fields. In order to understand how the the D-H parameters are calculated in paper [11]. Paper [12]
ROS framework works one should be clear about the concept and [13] gives a detailed description about multi-robot
of communication of messages through topic between nodes. simulator and the library for grasp synthesis. Paper [15] details
Simulation is one of the ways to optimize the design and us on tracking and position object using vision systems
improve the control of the robotic systems.ROS provides a 3- associated with the robotic arm using laser range method.
D visualizer (RVIZ) which helps us to visualize the pose or III. ROBOTIC ARM KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS
estimates of the robot. With properly-set URDF file, one can
visualize robot model in RVIZ. The Simulation software used Kinematics deals with the spatial displacement of the robot
as a function of time. In general, we face two main problems
The User interface block has two different interfaces
associated in controlling of 6 DOF robotic arm. Through slider
based GUI user can simulate the model robotic arm using
forward kinematics. Fig. 4 represents the slider based GUI.
This GUI consists of 6 sliders which represents the current
joint states of each DOF. Every joint can be controlled
manually by changing the joint values in GUI. The inputted
joint values are published to Move group. Move group
monitors the current transform information and joint states to
know the current pose of the model arm. With reference to the
current pose, it produces the corresponding joint trajectory
path to the required goal pose. Once the path is produced,
RVIZ will simulate the model arm.
move group. We published different x, y, and z coordinate
values to the Move group to manipulate the pose of the model
arm. In figures 6, 7, 8 and 9 the transparent orange colored
arm represents the previous pose of the model arm. The silver
colored arm represents the goal pose of the arm for the user
inputted values. The blue line indicates the z-axis, the red line
indicates the x-axis and green line indicates the y-axis.
The algorithm is tested by simulating robotic arm for
different user inputs. Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9 are some of the
sample results of the robotic arm visualization of different
coordinates given by the user.
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calculation of 6-DOF underwater manipulator,” 2017 14th International
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Lab of ECE Dept for providing us a wonderful opportunity to 10-14 January 2014.
test and complete our project successfully. [9] Alla N Barakat, Khaled A. Gouda, Kenza.Bozed, “Kinematics analysis
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