Youtube Video Refrences

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YouTube Reference


Waner Bros. Pictures. (2013). Gravity - "Detached"

[HD]. [Online Video]. 23 July 2013. Available from:
Gravity [Accessed:
“Detached” 18 October 2020].
Flicks and the city clips. (2017). Go behind the
Behind the scenes on split. [Online Video]. 4 January 2017.
scenes of Available from:
Split v=VhqTmB0NHxc&t=403s. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras FilmIsNow Movie
Bloopers & Extras. (2020). STRANGER THINGS | Camera &
Stranger Cinematography Spotlight (Netflix). [Online Video]. 2
things September 2018. Available from:
Cinematograph [Accessed:
y 18 October 2020].
Sky Avenger. (2020). Joker Kills Murray Scene - JOKER
Joker Kills (2019) 4K Movie Clip. [Online Video]. 17 December 2019.
Murray Available from:
v=axWt4HVT7iY. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Memorable Film Scenes. (2020). Harry Potter kills
Harry Potter Voldemort | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Deathly [HD]. [Online Video]. 23 July 2014. Available from:
Hallows part [Accessed:
2 18 October 2020].
Movieclips Movieclips. (2020). La La Land (2016) -
You're Fired Scene (3/11) | Movieclips. [Online Video].
La La Land 11 April 2018. Available from:
(Your Fired [Accessed:
scene) 18 October 2020].
ScreenWeek TV | Trailer e News sui Film al Cinema
ScreenWeek TV | Trailer e News sui Film al Cinema.
La La Land, (2020). Another Day of Sun - La La Land Opening Scene.
(Another Day [Online Video]. 25 April 2017. Available from:
of Sun) [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Movieclips. (2020). La La Land (2016) - A Lovely Night
La La Land, Scene (5/11) | Movieclips. [Online Video]. 11 April
(A Lovely 2018. Available from:
Night) v=_8w9rOpV3gc. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Movieclips Movieclips. (2020). La La Land (2016) -
La La Land Someone in the Crowd Scene (2/11) | Movieclips. [Online
(someone in Video]. 11 April 2018. Available from:
the crowd) [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Movie Maker. (2020). Spectre- Opening Tracking Shot in
Spectre, (Day 1080p. [Online Video]. 19 January 2016. Available from:
of the dead – [Accessed:
Opening 18 October 2020].
KBN Next Media. (2020). "1917" FLARE SCENE MAKING OF.
Flare Scene [Online Video]. 29 January 2020. Available from:
(the Making [Accessed:
of) 18 October 2020].
universal Pictures All-Access. (2020). The First 9
First 9mins Minutes of 1917 (in One Unbroken Shot) | Own now on
of 1917 Digital, 3/24 on Blu-ray & DVD. [Online Video]. 26
February 2020. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Universal Pictures. (2020). 1917 - Official Trailer
1917, Trailer [HD]. [Online Video]. 18 December 2019. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
David's Movie Corner. (2020). The first Steadicam test
Steadicam by Garrett Brown. [Online Video]. 12 June 2017.
Test Available from:
v=QKKGzRIr7A8. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Full Entertainment Zone Full Entertainment Zone.
Lion, End (2020). Lion 2016 Most Emotional Last Scene (1080p).
scene [Online Video]. 12 October 2017. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Rati Kharatishvili. (2020). "Atonement" - Dunkirk
Dunkirk Scene, Five minute single take tracking shot. [Online
Tracking Shot Video]. 6 March 2016. Available from:
v=QijbOCvunfU&has_verified=1. [Accessed: 18 October
AJ16 Entertainment. (2020). John G. Avildsen: King of
John. G the Underdogs Official Trailer (2017). [Online Video].
Avildsen 12 July 2017. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Rocky Movieclips. (2020). Rocky (8/10) Movie CLIP - Training
Training Montage (1976) HD. [Online Video]. 19 February 2014.
scene Available from:
v=_YYmfM2TfUA&t=2s. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
wolfcrow wolfcrow. (2020). 15 Essential Camera Shots,
15 Essential Angles and Movements in Filmmaking. [Online Video]. 12
Camera shots September 2017. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Ariel Jiménez Saint. (2020). Dolly Zoom Effect (Vertigo
Vertigo 1958). [Online Video]. 28 April 2016. Available from:
(Dolly Zoom
effect) v=G7YJkBcRWB8&pbjreload=101. [Accessed: 18 October
Culmacatrane. (2020). Jaws - 1975 "Get Out Of The
Jaws (dolly Water" | Dolly Zoom 1080p 60fps. [Online Video]. 14
Zoom Effect) September 2019. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Todd Vaziri. (2020). The Hidden Dolly Zoom in
Hidden Dolly "Ratatouille". [Online Video]. 6 September 2018.
Zoom In Available from:
Ratatouille v=3QdFGrEq2GI. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Leather Apron. (2020). The Lodger | 1944. [Online
The Lodger Video]. 21 June 2015. Available from:
[Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Fayaz12 Gaming. (2020). 21st Century Fox Intro 4k UHD.
21st Century [Online Video]. 17 April 2016. Available from:
Fox Intro [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Change Before Going Productions. (2020). World's Oldest
Worlds Oldest Color Film (1901 / 1902) - Edward Turner - Recently
Coloured Film discovered 1st colour footage. [Online Video]. 12
September 2012. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
George Eastman Museum. (2020). The Two Color Process -
The Two Technicolor 100. [Online Video]. 22 January 2015.
Colour Available from:
Process v=8iy_MjegGWY. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Benjamin Portman. (2010). Dorothy entering Technicolor.
Dorothy [Online Video]. 19 October 2010. Available from:
Entering [Accessed:
Technicolour 18 October 2020].
CrashCourse CrashCourse. (2020). Citizen Kane: Crash
Citizen Kane Course Film Criticism #1. [Online Video]. 11 January
(Crash 2018. Available from:
Course) v=qk0-m_LARCY&list=PLACKNSEBvf5k-
9pKe0j0efnkc8W4a2n_v&index=2. [Accessed: 18 October
Citizen Kane Movieclips. (2020). Citizen Kane - How to Run a
(Newspaper Newspaper Scene (3/10) | Movieclips. [Online Video]. 27
Scene) January 2017. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Kellan Reck. (2020). Depth of Field: An Easy Overview
Depth of (2020). [Online Video]. 16 January 2019. Available
Field from:
[Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Depth of Jonathan Hughes. (2020). Depth of Field in Film.
Field in [Online Video]. 9 July 2017. Available from:
[Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Movieclips. (2020). Citizen Kane - Rosebud Scene
Rosebud Scene (10/10) | Movieclips. [Online Video]. 27 January 2017.
(Citizen Available from:
Kane) v=fr93wwtiKQM. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Movieclips. (2020). Citizen Kane - Famous Last Words
Citizen Kane Scene (1/10) | Movieclips. [Online Video]. 27 January
(Famous Last 2017. Available from:
Words) v=BFSjHBVx-xk. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
TopMovieClips. (2020). Spider-Man & Iron Man - Ferry
Spider Man Rescue Scene - Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Movie CLIP
(Ferry HD. [Online Video]. 18 July 2020. Available from:
Rescue) [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
The Movieclips. (2020). The Impossible (7/10) Movie CLIP -
Impossible Reunited (2012) HD. [Online Video]. 19 May 2016.
(Reunited Available from:
Scene) LhZ2YpGc. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Movieclips Verified. (2020). The Hunger Games: Catching
Catching Fire Fire (3/12) Movie CLIP - The Tributes are Taken (2013)
HD. [Online Video]. 3 November 2014. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Louis Le Welcome to Leeds. (2020). Louis Le Prince - Lost In
Prince (Lost Motion. [Online Video]. 24 August 2016. Available from:
In Motion) [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
One Hundred Years of Cinema. (2020). 1915: The Birth of
Birth Of A a Nation - Hollywood's first motion picture. [Online
Nation Video]. 10 May 2016. Available from:
v=nvG0K5AdKiM&has_verified=1. [Accessed: 18 October
Birth of a C-SPAN. (2020). 1915 Film "The Birth of a Nation" Clip.
Nation [Online Video]. 15 November 2015. Available from:
Scene) [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Amateur Hour Productions. (2020). History of the Movie
History of Camera - In the Shot. [Online Video]. 17 April 2018.
the camera Available from:
v=Y6NLNMNFsMA. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Oshawa Museum. (2020). The History of the Kodak
History of Brownie. [Online Video]. 10 July 2012. Available from:
the Kodak The History of the Kodak Brownie. [Accessed: 18 October
Brownie 2020]
videolabguy. (2020). 64 Sony CV-2000 Prototype
Sony CVC 2000 Videocorder. [Online Video]. 20 February 2011.
Available from:
v=PvN3ydhGzDA. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Tech House. (2020). 10 Best Professional Camcorders
Proffesional 2020 - Professional Video Camera 2020. [Online Video].
Cameras 10 March 2019. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].
Screen Themes. (2020). Out of Africa (1985) - 'Flying
Out of Africa Over Africa' scene [1080]. [Online Video]. 11 October
2016. Available from:
v=HrnC7QzfFwQ. [Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Fast Movie TV. (2020). avatar: Jake and Neytiri Kiss
Avatar (Kiss Scene [4K](6/12) Avatar Love Scene 4K Jake Kissing
Scene) Neytiri (2009). [Online Video]. 17 May 2020. Available
[Accessed: 18 October 2020].
Blade Runner Benatos. (2020). Blade Runner 2049 - Chinatown Scene
2049 [HD]. [Online Video]. 26 December 2017. Available from: [Accessed:
18 October 2020].

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