Surgical Dressing QC
Surgical Dressing QC
Surgical Dressing QC
M.B.Rahul Reddy
A. Shravya
I M. Pharm - Pharmaceutical Analysis
Asst. Professor
b) Bright Viscose
Viscose is made from wood cellulose by
soaking in alkali and carbon disulphide,
4) Weight Per Unit Area (SDM IV) :
followed by precipitation of the cellulose in
A. Non- Adhesive Dressings
the form of a thread by forcing the solution
Determine the weight of the specimen being
of thread by forcing the solution of cellulose
examined (W g). Measure its un-stretched
through fine holes in a metal plate into a
width (a cm) and its fully stretched length (b
coagulation fluid.
cm). Calculate the weight per unit area in
i. When examined under a microscope, gm-2 from the expression.
the fibers are clearly visible in chloral
hydrate solution and lacto phenol,
almost invisible in cresol and invisible in
cresol. Ex: standard: for cellulose wadding weight
ii. Dissolve the residue obtained in the per unit area must be in between 425 to 550
test for sulphated ash in 5 ml of gm-2.
sulphuric acid with slight warming allow Ex: standard: for non adhesive dressings
to cool and add 0.2ml of hydrogen weight per unit area not less than 84 gm-2
peroxide solution the solution does not
become orange yellow B. Adhesive Dressings
2) Yarn Number (SDM II) Determine the weight of the specimen being
Yarns numbered in the Tex system. The Tex examined (Wg). Measure its width and
number is the weight in g of 1000 m of yarn. length and calculate its total area (Am2). Cut
In the British pharmacopoeia the yarn out rectangular full width samples, each
numbers are rounded up to the nearest Tex. weighing 3g to 4g from three positions
approximately equidistant along the length
3) Threads Per Stated Length (SDM III) of the specimen, combine the samples and
a) Unstretched: weigh accurately (wg). Macerate the
i. Method 1: Determine the number of combined samples with successive 250ml
threads over a distance of 2.5 cm by quantities of chloroform or other suitable
means of a suitable instrument. If the solvent until the adhesive mass appears to
size or number of units available permits have been removed decant each extract
repeat the determination at not less than through a sieve with a nominal mesh
four other independent positions selected aperture to 106 µm, and return any fibers
as being representative of the material retained by the sieve to the bulk of the
being examined and calculate the fabric.
average number of threads per 10cm,
QC – Surgical Dressings Page 3
Cover the extracted fabric with a 50% v/v Apply gradually to the movable grip a force
solution of acetic acid and allow to stand of 10 Ncm-1 width (1.0 kg f cm-1 width)
until all of the zinc oxide retained in the ensure that the full load is applied within five
fabric has dissolved. Decant the liquid and seconds from starting to stretch. Measure
wash the fabric with successive quantities of the length of the material between the
water until the washings are free from marks, to the nearest cm, as soon as the full
acidity fibers retained by the sieve to the load is applied (S cm).
bulk of the fabric.
Maintain the load for a total stretching time
Dry the extracted fabric at 105°, recondition of fifty five to sixty five seconds, ensuring
it by subjecting it to the regulated that at no time the load is exceeded and
atmosphere for twenty four hours, and then release the tension as rapidly as
determine its weight (f g). possible without allowing the material to
Calculate the weight per unit area, in gm-2, tangle. Remove the material from the grips,
from the expression loosely fold the whole length in a zig zag
with folds of 15 to 20 cm, and allow the
material to relax for 4.75 to 5.5 minutes
from the time of release of the tension. In
the case of adhesive material, fold it edge to
5) Minimum Breakage Load (SDM V)
edge along its length with the adhesive
(Tensile strength)
surface inner most before removing the
Prepare five strips of the material to be
material between the marks, to the nearest
examined as representative of the sample as
cm (r cm).
possible, each 200mm in length and of
known widths not greater than 25nm (or cut
Calculate the fully stretched length and the
longitudinally to get strips of that width) so
regain length from the following expressions:
that both surfaces are freely accessible to
the regulated atmosphere for 24 hours
preceding the test. Determine the breakage
load of each strip using a traverse machine
having a movable grip with a speed of 270 to
330mm per minute and a capacity such that
when the specimen breaks the reading
obtained is between 15% and 85% of the full Repeat the procedure on another sample and
scale deflection. Place one end of the strip in calculate the average value.
the fixed grip and the other in the movable
grip in such a way that the distance w 7) Extensibility (SDM VII)
between the grips is 100mm. any strip which Carry out the tests on a constant rate
slips during the test, or breaks within 10mm tranverse machine. Test six representative
of the grips, should be excluded and specimens of the sample each at least
replaced by another strip. Repeat the 100mm long, and as representative as
procedure on the other four specimens and possible of the sample, and calculate the
calculate the average values. average result.
6) Elasticity
Measure the length of the material in the
unstretched condition (L cm). Place one end
of the material in a fixed grip and the other
in a movable grip of a spring dynamometer
or other suitable device in such a way that
the ends of the material stretches in the
elastic direction.
Ensure that the ends of the
materials are securely held for
example by means of pins in the
Determine the load required to produce a
grips to minimize any slip while
20% extension at a rate of extension of 270
the materials are under tension.
to 330mm per minute, the load is not more
Mark the material between the
than 14 Ncm-1 width (about 1.4 kgfcm-1
grips at points approximately
50cm apart (l cm).
The test solution is not more intensely if appropriate, the structure (braided,
coloured than the appropriate reference monofilament, sheathed).