Abbas College of Technology: 13-B Lake Road Lahore

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13-B Lake Road Lahore. CHAP# 01

Student Name ________________. Class: CIT 2ND Year Paper Code.CIT-223

Write the Short Answers of these Questions any Fifteen (15).

1. What is Network & Computer Network?

2. What is Communication & Data Communication?
3. Write about the Development of Communication & Network?
4. What is Transmission & it’s Types?
5. Define method of data Communication?
6. Illustrate Block Diagram of Computer Network?
7. Define Transmission. and It’s Types.
8. List of Errors in Transmissions
9. What is Media?
10.Define types of Media.
11.Define Analog and Digital Signal .
12.Differentiate Hardware & Software in Network.
13.What are Types of Computer Network?
14. What is advantage and Disadvantage Network?
15.What is data Communication? and its Sources.
16. Differentiate Medium & Devices.
17.What is Internet & Web Browser?
18.Illustrate signal types in Transmission.

Long Questions
Solve any Three (03).
1. What Is Computer Network? And Data Communications.
2. Define Devices & types in Network.
3. Define Binary Numbers & Conversions.
4. Define the Network & its Types.

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