561 100 - Falk True Hold Low Speed Backstops - Product Sheet

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Falk™ TRUE HOLD® Low Speed Backstops — Never Let Safety Slip


Anytime you’re moving materials
upgrade, you have the potential for
trouble. Should the electrical power Long Lasting Available
fail, a motor fail or someone trip the
emergency cable, the results can The Falk NRT backstops are Stock bore sizes available in 1 week
be disastrous. . . for employees and furnished with the best available or less with our premium breakdown
equipment. lubrication and lubrication sealing service. (See reverse side.)
system in the industry. Two double-lip
That’s why operations the world over, seals on both sides of the backstop
rely on Falk TRUE HOLD Backstops assure positive lube retention. The
and their instant-response, no-slip external seal grease purge feature
mechanism to help put a stop to trouble combined with the Airmax breather
before it can start. prevent contamination of the
generous oil supply from particulate
Size-for-size TRUE HOLD Backstops matter and from moisture laden air.
provide more system holding power
than any other backstop. Plus, Long- Increased Life
life designs and our ability to engineer
and manufacture complete, integrated The oversized, heavy-duty
drive packages, assure that you get the cylindrical rollers have a wide
ideal system for your needs, whether it’s contact area and the rolling action
a single, tandem or multiple backstop minimizes wear and increases
configuration. performance, life, and reliability.
Choose from Type NRTH for both low
speed and semi-high speed applications No Slip
and Type NRT for heavy-duty high The instant response, fail safe roller/
torque applications. ramp stopping mechanism prevents
reverse rotation and eliminates the
Now, that’s confidence... that’s TRUE potential for slippage, protecting man,
HOLD. machine, and your entire investment.

Stock Bore Size Rexnord Experience
NRT SIZE Inch Metric
Rexnord Drives System Expertise
1075 3.4375 100
1075 3.9375 Assistance with proper selection for
1085 4.4375 130 your specific application whether single,
1085 4.9375 tandem, or multiple drives.
1095 4.9375 150 For virtually any application where
materials need to be moved up steep
1095 5.4375
grades, including inclined conveyors,
1105 5.9375 200 high angle conveyor, or bucket elevators
1105 6.4375 used in mining, grain, power generation,
1105 6.9375 cement, and aggregates. TRUE HOLD
1115 6.9375 220 NRT backstops with torque rating to
747,000 ft-lb (1,012,185 Nm).
1115 7.4375
1115 7.9375
1115 8.000
1115 8.4375
1125 8.5000 240
1125 8.9375
1125 9.0000
Factory WarrantyH — We’re so confident
1135 10.5000 260 in the performance and reliability of these Also available in larger sizes, up to 20
1145 300 backstops that we’re backing the fully inch/510 mm bores and 747,000 ft-lb/
1155 350 featured NRT series with the best standard 1,012,185 Nm torque capacities. See
The bore sizes listed above can ship
warranty in the business. Our full, 3-year Selection Guide 561-110 or contact
from stock in one week. NRTH is Heavy-Duty Warranty provides “shaft-to Rexnord for detailed availability.
bored to suit with shipping lead time shaft protection on all Falk components
of one week. – including bearings and seals (warranty
extends for years from date of shipment).
It’s an industry first. . . and one more
powerful reason why Rexnord is your
ultimate bottom-line value.
++ NRTH series are provided with one year warranty.


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Fax: 55-51-579-8029 Fax: 32-15-443860 Phone: 52-442-218-5000 Phone: 1-414-643-2366
Fax: 52-442-218-1090 Fax: 1-414-643-3222
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Rexnord Canada Ltd. Betzdorf, Germany SINGAPORE
Scarborough, Ontario Phone: 49-2741-2840 Rexnord International, Inc.
Phone: 1-416-297-6868 Fax: 49-2741-284-385 Singapore City, Singapore
Fax: 1-416-297-6873 Phone: 65-6338-5622
Fax: 65-6338-5422
Rexnord Industries, LLC, 3001 West Canal Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208-4200 USA
Phone: 414-342-3131 Fax: 414-937-4359 Web: www.rexnord.com
©2009 Rexnord Industries, LLC. 561-100 02/2009 Delzer Litho Printed in USA

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