Test Your English - Mariana Simion
Test Your English - Mariana Simion
Test Your English - Mariana Simion
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ffipum-*umif ex
@ roruuRA CRnirztrNrs
/. Tom has become a ... .
a) custom officer b) customs officer c) custom-officer
lS. you willfind the information you need in ... of our meeting.
a)the minutes b)the minute c)the minutiae
ANswrn IGy
1. b always plural for this meaning cus- 15. a "the minutes" - plural, accompanied
tom (obicei) - countable by"thd'when it refers to the written
2.b 3.a record of a meeting
4. a "homeworlC'- an uncountable noun 16. c
that has no plural 17. c The plural for'bx' is'bxeni'.
5.c 18. b abag offlour/sugar (see other phrases
6.b "billiard (table)" - as an adjective, with'bf " before uncountable nouns:
"billiards" - the uncountable noun a bar of chocolate, a bar of soap, a
7.b "nonsense' - uncountable bunch ofgrapes, a pack ofwolves)
8.b "the outskirts" - always plural and 19. b We use the determiner "any''before
accompanied by "the' uncountable nouns in questions and
9. c r0. b r1. b l2.b r3.b negatives.
14. b 'tpirits" - always pluralwhen it refers 20.b Adjectives used as personal nouns
to someone's mood ("the famous'') use a plural verb.
l. ... sudden gust of wind blew out ... candle on ... table.
al0; a;the b) A; the; a c) A; the; the
2. lohn was ... cold, remote person, who was difficult to talk to.
al0 b) the c)a
3. fhey looked out of ... plane window as they flew over ... range of ...
a) the; the; A b) a; the; the c) the; the; the
k. Mary holds a Bachelor's degree from ... university outside the uK.
a) an b) the c)a
S. these are ... books which have been made into ... films.
a)the;0 b)the; the d A; A
/O. Some digital cameras use up ... batteries at ... alarming rate.
al0; an b)the; the
d A; a
ll. -..learning to drive gave her... sense of ... independence and ... con-
a) A; a; the; the il @; a; A;0 c) The; the; the; the
l& Peter and Emily have just come back from '.. odeon.
a)the dA c)an
19. rn"y took ... picture in front of ... Houses of ... Parliament.
al a;the; @ b)the; Q;the c) an; the; @
Gsr 3
/. fhe ... I drove, the ... petrol I used.
a)fastest; more b)faster; more c) fast; more