Test Your English - Mariana Simion

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Mariana SIMION

-i E*i-$ ffi
Ht& dfu €e***"e,pffi!ffi c,us

ffipum-*umif ex

Pi,kffiru Hffiffiffi M*Ck Sali*tk

@ roruuRA CRnirztrNrs
/. Tom has become a ... .
a) custom officer b) customs officer c) custom-officer

2. t witt buy myself that blue ... .

a)three-pieces suit b)three-piece suit c) three pieces suit

3. Susan has just offered me a huge bunch of ... .

a)forget-me-nots b)forgets-me-not c) forgets-me-nots

k. fUy sister does her ... in the morning.
a) homework b) homeworks c) homeswork

S. ... is a fascinating game for children.

a) Domino b) Dominos c) Dominoes

O. Can you see the man at that ... .

a) billiards-table b) billiard-table c) billiards table

7. they are always talking ... .

a) nonsenses b) nonsense c) a nonsense

B. wr. Brown lives on ... of Paris.

a) the outskirt b) the outskirts c) the outskirtes

9. those ... are well-known for their hits.

a) man singers b) men singer c) men singers

/O. nis wife worked in ... for ten years.

a)The Public Relation Department
b)The Public Relations Department
c) The Public Relational Department

11. *ey both went to the ... two days ago.

a) Brown b) Browns' c) Brown's

12. mey all know her... desire.

a) heart b) heart's c) hearts
13. ttelen is five ... tall.
a)foot b) feet c) feets

/k. Look at him! He is always in good ... .

a)spirit b) spirits c) spirites

lS. you willfind the information you need in ... of our meeting.
a)the minutes b)the minute c)the minutiae

16. t bought all this at the ... .

a) grocer (shop) b) grocers (shop) c) grocer's (shop)

f7. tne example that contains a mismatched pair is:

a)formula - formulasformulae; medium - media/mediums
b) virtuoso - virtuosos/virtuosi; cactus - cacti/cactuses
c) bureau - bureaux/bureaus, ox - oxes/oxen

/8. Granny went to the grocer's to buy ... flour.

a)a piece of b) a bag of c) a drop of

9. tsthere ... paper in your printer?

a)some b) any da
20. ffre famous ... always in the spotlight.
a) is b) are c) stays

ANswrn IGy
1. b always plural for this meaning cus- 15. a "the minutes" - plural, accompanied
tom (obicei) - countable by"thd'when it refers to the written
2.b 3.a record of a meeting
4. a "homeworlC'- an uncountable noun 16. c
that has no plural 17. c The plural for'bx' is'bxeni'.
5.c 18. b abag offlour/sugar (see other phrases
6.b "billiard (table)" - as an adjective, with'bf " before uncountable nouns:
"billiards" - the uncountable noun a bar of chocolate, a bar of soap, a
7.b "nonsense' - uncountable bunch ofgrapes, a pack ofwolves)
8.b "the outskirts" - always plural and 19. b We use the determiner "any''before
accompanied by "the' uncountable nouns in questions and
9. c r0. b r1. b l2.b r3.b negatives.
14. b 'tpirits" - always pluralwhen it refers 20.b Adjectives used as personal nouns
to someone's mood ("the famous'') use a plural verb.
l. ... sudden gust of wind blew out ... candle on ... table.
al0; a;the b) A; the; a c) A; the; the

2. lohn was ... cold, remote person, who was difficult to talk to.
al0 b) the c)a

3. fhey looked out of ... plane window as they flew over ... range of ...
a) the; the; A b) a; the; the c) the; the; the

k. Mary holds a Bachelor's degree from ... university outside the uK.
a) an b) the c)a

S. these are ... books which have been made into ... films.
a)the;0 b)the; the d A; A

6. oigital cameras don't need ... film.

a) the b)a c)0
7. Parents say ... event was not ... success.
a) the; a b) an; the c) the; the

8. He would like to drive ... car with ... powerful engine.

a) 0;0 b) a; the c) a; a

9. n lot of ... Russian children have ...fair hair.

al O;0 b) the; a c) the; the

/O. Some digital cameras use up ... batteries at ... alarming rate.
al0; an b)the; the
d A; a
ll. -..learning to drive gave her... sense of ... independence and ... con-
a) A; a; the; the il @; a; A;0 c) The; the; the; the

12. telling... stories has always been ... part of my lifu.

a) the; the bl0; a c)0; the
13. their baby had ... few hairs.
a) a ilA c) the

fl+. t have always had tea ... for ... breakfast.

al6; @ b) the; the c) a; the

lS. varge has ... fear of dogs.

a) a b) the cl0
16.. We should drink ... water every day.
ala b) the c)a

f7. Have you got ... money in ... Bank?

a) 0; the b) the; a c)a;a

l& Peter and Emily have just come back from '.. odeon.
a)the dA c)an

19. rn"y took ... picture in front of ... Houses of ... Parliament.
al a;the; @ b)the; Q;the c) an; the; @

20. nis mother was asked to go to ... school.

a)the ilA c) a


l. c Whenweusethedefinitearticle"thd' 7. a "to be a success"

to speak about a specific candle, the 8.c
only candle on a specific table (no 9.a We talk about Russian children in
other candle). general, as a rule, therefore we dont
Lc fohn is one of many such persons, use any articles; moreover, hair =
therefore we use an indefinite article. uncountable, so it cannot be used
3. a Arange of + mountains/hills - zero with the indefinite article'h''.
article before the noun "mountains'1 10.a "an" + a noun/adjective beginning
We can also say'ta mountain/hill with avowel
range". l l. b "a sense ofindependence/confidence/
4- c'?'+nounbeginningwithaconsonant liberty etcl'
or awordbeginningwith "u" onlyif 12.b
pronounced /ju:/ ('h universif) f3. a/b'hairs' - countable use ofthe noun
*hair", in the plural ("fire de pir");
5. alc
5.c - as an uncountable noun ) 'h fev/' + countable noun = enough
it cannotbe usedwith the indefinite (hairs = ,,chtevafire de pdf'); "feu/' +
article "d'. Moreover, here "fiInt'' is countable noun = not enough (hadrs
used to talk about things generally, = ,,pu{inefire depdr")
therefore without an article.
14. a "to have tea/toast, etc. for breakfast/ 18. a names of theatres, cinemas, hotels,
lunch/dinner" restaurants - always accompanied
15. a fear - an abstract uncountable noun by the definite article "thd'
that in this case has a countable use 19. c the Houses of Parliament; the White
+ therefore we use "d'. House
16. a @ aticle before uncountable nouns 20. a we use "the" before a noun meaning
like "water" a place, not an institution; when we
17. a @ article before uncountable nouns talk about the institution (a place for
like "money"; the definite article education), we use the zero article:
"the" before a noun preceded by be at school, go to school (= learn in a
a preposition (in the bank, on the school).

Gsr 3
/. fhe ... I drove, the ... petrol I used.
a)fastest; more b)faster; more c) fast; more

2. tiving in Bucharest is just ... expensive ... living in prague.

a) as; as b) so; as c) so; so

3. Sfre doesn't look ... her elder sister.

a) old than b) older than c) oldest than

k. tter brother is five years ... than she (is).

a) elder b) older c) oldest

S. fnat house is ... more expensive than I thought.

a) most b) much c) lots

6. As I started feeling ... I decided to go to bed at once.

a) more and more tired b) most and most tired c)tired and tired

7. lt'sgood/nice ... you, Karen!

a)seeing b) see c) to see

8. lt was nice ... her yesterday.

a)to meet b) meeting c) meet

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