Acfn 723 Chapter 7 - 2019

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Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing

Addis Ababa University

College of Business and Economics
Department of Accounting & Finance

• Module Title: Advanced Auditing

• Module Code: ACFN 723
• Credit Value: 2 Cr hours [4.5 ECTS]
• Instructor: Dr. P. Laxmikantham

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Chapter 7

Reports on Audited
Financial Statements

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Chapter 7 - Contents
Reports on audited financial statements
(ISA 200, ISA 450, ISA 700, ISA 705)
• Reporting on the financial statement audit:
– Standard audit report with an unmodified opinion
– Audit reports with modified opinion
– Conditions requiring audit reports with modified
– Reporting on comparative information
– Reporting on specialized areas

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Standard Audit Report with an
Unmodified Opinion
An audit report with an unmodified opinion is issued when
the auditor concludes that the financial statements are
prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework.

Nine Elements
1. Report title
2. Addressee
3. Introductory paragraph
4. Management’s responsibility
5. Auditor’s responsibility
6. Auditor’s opinion
7. Auditor’s signature
8. Date of audit report
9. Auditor’s address
Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK
Standard Audit Report with an
Unmodified Opinion
The Auditor’s Standard Report with an Unmodified Opinion

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Standard Audit Report with
an Unmodified Opinion


Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Emphasis of Matter Paragraph
and Other Matter Paragraph

An emphasis of matter An other matter

paragraph does not affect paragraph does not affect
the auditor’s opinion the auditor’s opinion
because it can only be because it relates to a
included in the audit matter other than those
report if the matter is required to be presented
appropriately presented or disclosed in the
or disclosed in the financial statements.
financial statements.

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Emphasis of Matter Paragraph

A matter, although appropriately presented or disclosed in

the financial statements, that is of such importance that it is
fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial

• The emphasis of matter paragraph is included immediately

after the opinion paragraph in the audit report and the heading
‘Emphasis of Matter’ is ordinarily used.

• The paragraph includes a clear reference to the matter being

emphasized and to where relevant disclosures that fully
describe the matter can be found in the financial statements.

• The auditor should indicate that the auditor’s opinion is not

modified in respect of the matter emphasized.

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Emphasis of Matter Paragraph for
Going-Concern Problems
Audit Report with Unmodified Opinion and with an Emphasis of Matter
Paragraph for Going-Concern Problems

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Emphasis of Matter Paragraph

An emphasis of matter paragraph is used only if

the matter is of such importance that it is
fundamental to users’ understanding of the
financial statements.

Auditing standards give these examples:

• An uncertainty relating to the future outcome of
exceptional litigation or regulatory action.
• Early application (where permitted) of a new accounting
standard that has a pervasive effect on the financial
statements in advance of its effective date.
• A major catastrophe that has had, or continues to have,
a significant effect on the entity’s financial position.

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Other Matter Paragraph

• The term ‘other matter’ is used because the matter

communicated is a matter other than those that are
presented or disclosed in the financial statements.

• The other matter must relate to the understanding of

the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s

• An other matter paragraph is headed ‘Other Matter’ and

the paragraph is included in the audit report
immediately after the opinion paragraph and any
emphasis of matter paragraph.

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Other Matter Paragraph
Audit Report with an Other Matter Paragraph for Prior Period
Corresponding Figures Audited by a Predecessor Auditor

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Conditions of Modification

Results from the auditor’s

inability to obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence

Departure from Results when financial

Applicable statements are prepared or
Financial Reporting presented in a manner that
Framework conflicts with the applicable
financial reporting framework

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Types of Audit Reports with
Modified Opinion

‘except for’



Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Effects of Materiality and

Pervasive effects on the financial statements are those

1. Are not confined to specific elements, accounts or
items of the financial statements;
2. If so confined, represent or could represent a
substantial proportion of the financial statements;
3. In relation to disclosures, are fundamental to users’
understanding of the financial statements.

Applying this guidance requires a lot of auditor

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK
An Overview of Audit Opinions

An Overview of Audit Opinions

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Scope Limitation:
Disclaimer of Opinion

Audit Report with a

Disclaimer of Audit
Opinion: Scope

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Scope Limitation:
Qualified Opinion
Audit Report with a Qualified Opinion: Scope Limitation

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Departure from Applicable Financial
Reporting Framework: Qualified Opinion
Audit Report with a Qualified Opinion: Departure from the Financial Reporting Framework, and with the Inclusion
of an Emphasis of Matter Paragraph: Uncertainty Relating to a Pending Exceptional Litigation Matter

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Departure from Applicable Financial
Reporting Framework: Qualified Opinion
Audit Report with a Qualified Opinion: Inadequate Disclosure of Going-Concern

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Departure from Applicable Financial
Reporting Framework: Adverse Opinion
Audit Report with an Adverse Opinion: Departure from the Financial Reporting Framework

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Special Reporting Issues

Reports on comparative

Other information in
documents containing
audited financial

Reports on specialized

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Reporting on
Comparative Information

Corresponding figures are comparative

information where amounts and other
disclosures for the prior periods are an integral
part of the current-period financial statements,
and are intended to be read only in relation to
current-period figures.

Comparative financial statements are considered

separate financial statements and are included
for comparison with the financial statements of
the current period.

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Corresponding Figures:
Audit Report with a Qualified Opinion

Figures: Audit
Report with a

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Comparative Financial Statements:
Audit Report with an Unmodified Opinion

Comparative Financial Statements: Audit Report with an Unmodified Opinion

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Other Information in Documents
Containing Audited Financial Statements
A client may publish documents, such as annual reports, that
contain other information in addition to the audited financial
statements and the audit report.
The auditor’s reporting responsibility is restricted to
information identified in the audit report. The auditor has no
obligation to perform any audit procedures to corroborate the
other information.
However, the auditor is required to read the other information
to identify material inconsistencies, if any, with the audited
financial statements.

Annual Reports
Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK
Report for Material

Audit Report with an Other Matter Paragraph for Material Inconsistency

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Reporting on Specialized Areas

Reporting on Reporting on
Financial Statements Single Financial
Prepared in Statements or
Accordance with a Elements of a
Special Purpose Financial
Framework. Statement.

Reporting on

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Special Purpose Frameworks


Tax Basis Cash Basis

Regulatory Basis Contract Basis

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Audit Report on Financial Statements
prepared on a Tax Basis
Audit Report for Special Purpose Financial Statements

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

A Single Financial Statements or
Elements of a Financial Statement

In some situations an auditor may be engaged to

audit a single financial statement or elements of a
financial statement such as accounts and items.

General Basis of Special

Purpose Accounting Purpose
Framework Framework

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

Reporting on Summary Financial
Auditor’s Report on Summary Financial Statements

Acfn 723: Advanced Auditing/PLK

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