Journal of The American Chemical Society 1950, 72, 5, 1888-1891
Journal of The American Chemical Society 1950, 72, 5, 1888-1891
Journal of The American Chemical Society 1950, 72, 5, 1888-1891
At the time the major portion of this work had above 120' were also liberated by refluxing the
been completed the vapor phase reaction between corresponding monosubstituted carbamyl chlo-
phosgene and amines had not been described.2 ride in benzene or toluene.
However, a somewhat similar reaction was re- The method is applicable apparently to the use
ported recently.S The use of catalysts, preheating of any primary or secondary monoamine which
of the phosgene, and relatively long sojourn times can be boiled readily without decomposition.
(2.3-17.7 sec.) were recommended. Work re- For practical purposes the procedure is limited to
ported here more closely defines the conditions of amines containing from one to twelve carbon
the reaction and shows that the recommendations atoms. Only two conditions were found neces-
cited above are not necessary. sary for the satisfactory operation of the vapor-
This process has been made the basis of a gen- phase reaction. These were, (1) the amine vapor
eral synthetic procedure for the preparation of must be adequately mixed with phosgene, and (2)
carbamyl chlorides and isocyanates. the reaction zone must be hot enough to avoid the
The development of this procedure was separation of reaction products from the gas phase
prompted by a study of the preparation of meth- in that zone.
ylcarbamyl chloride by passing phosgene over Similarly, a t 500' ammonia was converted to
molten methylamine h y d r o c h l ~ r i d e . ~Experi-
~~ carbamyl chloride in almost quantitative yield.
ments showed that the yield of isocyanate was ad-
versely affected when the area of contact was in-
3" + COClz +HzNCOCl + HC1
creased by dispersing phosgene beneath the surface The reaction between ammonia and phosgene a t
of the molten salt. This observation suggested 400' was mentioned by Rupe and Labhard,6 but
that the reaction involved not only the liquid-gas no experimental details were given. When this
interfacial contact, but also depended upon condi- reaction was run a t 400°, considerable amounts of
tions in the gas phase. It was reasoned that some ammonium chloride were formed. In contrast, a t
of the methylamine hydrochloride was vaporized 500' this undesirable by-product was almost en-
and dissociated and that the free amine may then tirely eliminated. The carbamyl chloride was
have reacted with phosgene. If this were true, a readily converted to cyanuric acid by heating to
direct reaction between methylamine and phos- 180'
gene in the vapor-phase should be feasible. Such
3HzNCOCl- (HNC0)a + 3HC1
a reaction was carried out successfully, and meth- A consideration of the temperatures used in the
ylcarbamyl chloride was obtained, which was con- vapor-phase reaction and in the thermal decompo-
verted by more orthodox methods to the isocya- sition of monosubstituted carbamyl chloride^^,^
nate in 88% over-all yield. indicates that the isocyanate is the end-product of
The vapor-phase method for the preparation of the vapor-phase reaction a t 275' when primary
methyl isocyanate was found to have wide appli- amines are employed, but, upon cooling, the iso-
cability. A variety of mono- and disubstituted cyanate may combine with hydrogen chloride to
carbamyl chlorides and isocyanates were prepared give the carbamyl chloride.
in 70 to 90% yield by the reaction between phos- That this sequence is true was demonstrated by
gene and primary or secondary amines a t 275'. removing the hydrogen chloride from the products
RNHz +
COClz RNHCOCl HCl + of the reaction before combination with the isocya-
nate could occur. As typical examples, methyl,
RNHCOCl RNCO 4-HCl phenyl and octyl isocyanates were prepared di-
RzNH 4- COClz ---f RzNCOCl HCl + rectly without the intermediate formation of the
The isocyanate was obtained from the mono- carbamyl chlorides.
substituted carbamyl chloride by treatment with Experimental
a tertiary amine. Those isocyanates which boil General Method for the Preparation of Carbamyl Chlo-
(1) The work described in this paper was done in part under Con- rides.-The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The reactor
tract OEM-sr-845, recommended by the National Defense Research (K) was made of 15-mm. i. d. Pyrex tubing. The heated
Committee, between the Office of Scientific Research and Develop- portion was 15 in. long and wound with l/l&. nichrome
ment, and the Monsanto Chemical Company. A portion of this ribbon having a resistance of 15 ohms. Phosgene entered
work has been described by Jenkins and Hardy in Off. Pub. Bd. the reaction zone (M) through a 6-mm. tube (A) which
Report, P. B. 27396, "The Preparation of Isocyanates, Cyanuric was drawn out to a 1-mm. tip. Amine vapor entered the
Acid, and Decontaminant 40." reaction zone through the annular space between the phos-
(2) Saunders and Slocombe, Chcm. Reus., 45, 203 (1948). gene inlet tube and the reactor tube. Indentations were
(3) Modersohn, "Action of Phosgene on Primary and Secondary made in the walls of the reactor to impart added turbu-
Amines in the Gas Phase," Off. Pub. Bd., Report P B 707. lence t o the gases.
(4) Gattermann and Schmidt, Bcr., 20, 118 (1887).
( 5 ) Gattermann, Ann., 244, 29 (1888). (6) Rupe and Labhard, Bey., 33, 233 (1900).
ACID 1889
Fig. 1.-Vapor-phase reaction apparatus: A, phosgene inlet from flowmeter; B, nitrogen inlet to amine feed flask;
C, amine feed flask; D, amine flow control cock; E, calibrated tip for amine addition; F, nitrogen inlet for sweeping;
G, preheater section of vaporizer; H, flash vaporizer; I, salt-bath heated with bunsen burner; J, electrical leads t o
vaporizer heaters; K, reactor tube; L, electrical leads to reactor heater; M, reaction zone; N, product condenser; 0,
receiving flask; P, thermometer for reactor outlet temperature; Q, off-gas outlet.
The salt-bath (I) for the flash vaporizer (H) was heated Yields and physical properties are given in Table I.
to a temperature a t least 100' above the boiling point of I n spite of extreme care t o avoid the presence of moisture,
the amine being used. A weighed amount of the desired crystals frequently occurred in n-butyl and s-butyl iso-
amine, if a liquid a t room temperature, was charged into cyanates when these isocyanates were distilled a t atmos-
the amine feed flask ( C ) . Nitrogen pressure (l/* to l/1 pheric pressure. Distillation a t 20 mm. gave crystal-free
p. s. i. from a cylinder reducing valve) was applied to the products.
amine feed flask a t (B) to force the liquid to the stopcock n-Butyl isocyanate showed a marked tendency to poly-
(D) which controlled the rate of amine flow. If the amine merize in the presence of the tertiary amine hydrochloride.
was a gas a t room temperature it was fed from a cylinder An equal volume of "orthene" (technical o-dichloroben-
through an orifice-type flow meter. In such cases the zene) and of dimethylaniline were used to decompose the
amine vaporizer was not used. butylcarbamyl chloride. The final reaction mixture was
The reactor (K) was heated to a temperature of 275', cooled to freeze out the amine hydrochloride. The super-
read at ( P ) , while a slow stream of nitrogen was sweeping natant liquid was decanted and distilled with good yields.
through the system from the nitrogen inlet (F) on the side (b) Refluxing with an Inert Solvent.-The crude
of the amine preheater (G). The phosgene was turned on phenylcarbamyl chloride obtained from 50 g. of aniline
to the desired rate as shown by an orifice-type flowmeter. was dissolved in 75 ml. of toluene or benzene and refluxed
The amine addition was then begun. The maximum rate until no more hydrogen chloride was evolved. On frac-
of addition of liquid amine was estimated from the rate of tional distillation, 55 g. (86%) of phenyl isocyanate was
drop formation a t (E). A phosgene:amine molar ratio of collected, b. p. 158-162'. Other carbamyl chlorides
1.3 was used. The flow of nitrogen was used only when above butyl were converted to the isocyanate by this
the operation was started, interrupted or terminated. method. Yields and physical data are given in Table I.
The nitrogen served to prevent phosgene or hydrogen Disubstituted Carbamyl Chloride.-The general pro-
chloride froni backing into the amine vaporizing system cedure was the same as for the monosubstituted carbamyl
and forming a deposit of the urea and the amine hydro- chlorides. The reaction product was refluxed with one-
chloride. Excess phosgene was decomposed with steam. half its weight of dry toluene t o drive out dissolved phos-
The limits of the conditions for the reaction are broad. gene and hydrogen chloride. The solvent was removed
Reaction temperatures of 240-350°, sojourn times of 0.24- and the product distilled. Yields and physical data are
2.6 sec., and phosgene-amine molar ratios as low as 1.2 given in Table I.
have been used with good success. Carbamyl Chloride .-The general procedure was the
same as that used in the preparation of substituted car-
Conversion of Carbamyl Chlorides to Isocyanates bamyl chlorides, with the following exceptions. In the
(a) Use of a Tertiary Amine.-Into a 1-l., 3-necked first experiments carbamyl chloride was collected as a
flask was placed 150 g. of crude methylcarbamyl chloride colorless liquid. In later experiments the receiver
obtained from 49 g. (1.57 moles) of methylamine. The equipped with a reflux condenser and a mechanical stirrer,
flask was fitted with a reflux condenser, mechanical stirrer and containing 1.5 to 2 . 0 1. of orthene, was attached di-
and dropping funnel. A solution of 165 mi. (2.0 moles) rectly to the vapor-phase reactor. The reaction tempera-
of dry pyridine and 165 ml. of dry toluene was added slowly ture was 500'.
with stirring. Vigorous reaction accompanied this addi- The undiluted carbamyl chloride showed a marked tend-
tion. The resulting solution was distilled through an 18- ency to solidify below room temperature, and to lose
in., helix-packed column. The yield of methyl isocya- hydrogen chloride and polymerize on standing. When
nate, b. p. 37-39', was 79 g., 88% based on amine. the carbamyl chloride was t o be used at once in the syn-
Other isocyanates below amyl were obtained by adding thesis of cyanuric acid, orthene was put in the receiver
dimethylaniline directly to the carbamyl chloride and dis- and stirred to prevent caking of the solid. No yield of
tilling. One-fourth molar excess of amine was used. pure carbamyl chloride was determined.
with the hydrogen chloride at a temperature above that at finic, alicyclic and aromatic amines is described.
which methylcarbamyl chloride dissociates (93-94') .6 2. Carbamyl chloride was prepared by the re-
Summary action between phosgene and ammonia at 500'.
1. The vapor-phase reactions of primary and The carbamyl chloride was of high purity and was
secondary monoamines with an excess of phosgene readily converted to cyanuric acid by heating.
were investigated. A new method for the prepara- A ~A~~~~~~ ~ RECEIVED'~
~ ~1, 1949
~ AUGUST ~ ~
tion of mono- and disubstituted carbamyl chlo-
rides and of monoisocyanates from aliphatic, ole- (12) Original manuscript received September 24, 1948.