English File: Answer Key

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7  Answer Key   A Upper-intermediate

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation PRONUNCIATION

GRAMMAR 6 1 muscle
2 comb
1 1 must have 3 knee
2 could have 4 wrist
3 should have gone 5 thigh
4 may have
5 can’t have 7 1 eye|lash|es
6 shouldn’t have 2 ad|vise
7 must have 3 in|ves|ti|gate
4 ar|gu|ment
2 1 eat 5 ex|pre|ssion
2 didn’t meet
3 picked
4 not go Reading and Writing
5 did
3 1 feel 1 1 E
2 as if 2 A
3 pineapple 3 F
4 smells 4 C
5 feels 5 B
6 like
7 though
8 sounds like WRITING
Student’s own answers.
Task completion: The task is fully completed and the
VOCABULARY answer easy to understand. (4 marks)
4 1 remind Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures
2 noticed to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the
3 prevent meaning. (3 marks)
4 mind Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of
5 beat words and phrases to communicate the message clearly.
6 refuses (3 marks)
7 risen
8 laid
9 robbed
10 advise

5 1 wrinkles
2 comb
3 point
4 eyebrows
5 shake
6 thumb
7 nose
8 shoulders
9 neck
10 nails

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 1

7  Answer Key   A Upper-intermediate

Listening and Speaking

1 Speaker 1:  B
Speaker 2:  D
Speaker 3:  F
Speaker 4:  A
Speaker 5:  E

2 1 our own negative thoughts

2 quality
3 laughing at ourselves
4 telling family members a story
5 a characteristic of all people

Interactive communication and oral production:
The student communicates effectively with his / her
partner, asking and answering simple questions, and
where necessary initiating conversation, and responding.
The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the
task successfully. (10 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses
a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and
articulation of sounds make the message clear and
comprehensible. (5 marks)

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 2

7  Answer Key   B Upper-intermediate

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation PRONUNCIATION

GRAMMAR 6 1 in|ves|ti|gate
2 ar|gu|ment
1 1 picked 3 ex|pre|ssion
2 not go 4 eye|lash|es
3 did 5 ad|vise
4 eat
5 didn’t come 7 1 wrist
2 thigh
2 1 pineapple 3 muscle
2 sounds like 4 comb
3 like 5 knee
4 as if
5 feel
6 though Reading and Writing
7 smells
8 feels READING
1 1 E
3 1 may have 2 A
2 can’t have 3 F
3 must have 4 B
4 could have 5 D
5 should have gone
6 must have
7 shouldn’t have WRITING
Student’s own answers.
Task completion: The task is fully completed and the
VOCABULARY answer easy to understand. (4 marks)
4 1 shake Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures
2 thumb to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the
3 nose meaning. (3 marks)
4 point Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of
5 nails words and phrases to communicate the message clearly.
6 shoulders (3 marks)
7 neck
8 wrinkles
9 Comb
10 eyebrows

5 1 remind
2 refuses
3 risen
4 prevent
5 advise
6 laid
7 robbed
8 beat
9 noticed
10 mind

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 3

7  Answer Key   B Upper-intermediate

Listening and Speaking

1 Speaker 1:  D
Speaker 2:  F
Speaker 3:  C
Speaker 4:  E
Speaker 5:  A

2 1 think positive thoughts

2 be relaxed before bedtime
3 watch something funny
4 satisfy us
5 making an effort to get on with others

Interactive communication and oral production:
The student communicates effectively with his / her
partner, asking and answering simple questions, and
where necessary initiating conversation, and responding.
The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the
task successfully. (10 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses
a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not
impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and
articulation of sounds make the message clear and
comprehensible. (5 marks)

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 4

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