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Part I.—Workshop Practice
Metals Used in Mechanical Engineering
sec. page
1. Ferrous Metals. 1
2. Non-Ferrous Metals . 5
3. Non-Ferrous Alloys . 7
Mechanical Drawing
4. Mechanical Drawing and Conventional Signs 9
Production of Castings
5. Principles of Design .12
6. Patternmakers’ Work.14
7. Principles of Moulding that a Patternmaker
must know.16
8. Patternmakers’ Details.20
9. Moulders’ Work.22
10. Iron Founding .34
11. Brass Moulding and Founding .. .. 39
12. Miscellaneous .41
13. Foundry Layout.42
Blacksmiths’ Work
14. Introduction .43
15. Smiths’ Tools . 45
16. The Air-Blast .49
17. Smiths’ Work .51
18. The Power Hammer . - 59
19. Layout of Shop.61
Boilermakers’ Work
20. The Shop, Tools and Materials .. .. 64
21. Types of Work.66
I-Ieat Treatment
sec. PAGE
22. Introduction .74
23. Hardening.74
24. Tempering.76
25. Normalizing and Annealing.78
26. Case-Hardening.79
27. Alloy Steels .8J
Soldering, Brazing and Welding
28. Introduction .. .. .. .. 83
29. Soldering.83
30. Relining White Metal Bearings .. 87
31. Welding by Gas and Electricity .. 90
32. Oxy-acetylene Welding. 91
33. Electric Welding.104
34. Metal Cutting by Gas and Electricity .. 110
35. Gas and Electric Welding and Cutting
Compared .. .. .. .. .. ..112
Fitters’ Shop Work
36. Work and Tools.113
37. Bench Work .116
38. Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Hand .. 123
39. Measuring and Gauging.128
40. Standard Limits, Fits and Tolerances .. 132
41. Overhaul of Steam Engine Slide Valve .. 133
Machine-Shop Work
42. Machines and Tools .140
43. The Lathe.147
44. Planing and Shaping Machines.171
45. Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Machine .. 173.
46. Milling Machines.182
47. Grinding Machinery .188
48. Manufacturing Machinery .. . 196
49. Testing Machine Tools .. .. . 198
50. Power to Drive Machinery .. . 201
Wood-Cutting Machinery
sec. PAGE
51. Introduction .203
52. Forms of Saw Teeth and their Sharpening .. 204
53. Circular Saws .209
54. Band Saws.222
55. Log Frame Saws.227
56. Woodworking Machinery for Joinery .. 228
57. Safety Precautions for Woodworking
Workshop Economics
58. Factory Organization Generally .. .. 235
59. Cost Accounts .239
60. Repair Workshops.241
Practical Strokes and Valve Timing
66. Four-stroke Cycle Engines .260
67. Two-stroke Cycle Engines .. .. .. 265
68. Valve Timing .267
Types and Rating of I.C. Engines
69. Types of I.C. Engines.269
70. Rating of I.C. Engines.’. .. 272
Governing, Lubrication, Air Filtering, Cooling and
Silencing of I.C. Engines
71. Governing.278
72. Lubrication.288
73. Air Filtering .300
74. Cooling .301
75. Silencing .308
Gas Engines and Producers
Petrol Engines
77. Introduction .317
78. Principles of Carburation and Induction
79. Types of Carburettor.324
80. Fitting and Tuning Carburettors .. .. 330
81. Petrol Supply to Carburettors .. .. 332
82. Ignition in Petrol Engines .. .. .. 334
83. Magneto Ignition Systems .339
84. Faults in Magneto Ignition Systems .. 350
85. Battery and Coil Ignition Systems .. .. 352
86. Valve Timing in Petrol Engines .. .. 355
87. Starting Petrol Engines .357
88. Petrol Engine Faults.359
89. Maintenance of Petrol Engines .. .. 361
90. High-speed Petrol-Paraffin Engines .. .. 364
Oil Engines
91. Introduction .367
92. Ignition and its Control .367
93. Running and Care of Oil Engines .. .. 374
94. Mechanical Aids to Starting.379
Heavy-Oil Engines
sec. PAGE
95. Introduction .383
96. Semi-Diesel Engines .384
97. Diesel Engines, Air - Injection, General
98. Diesel Engines, Air-Injection, Instructions
for Working . 394 .
99. Diesel Engines, Solid-Injection, General
100. Diesel Engines, Solid-Injection, Instructions
for Working .405
101. High-speed Diesel Engines .407
102. Diesel Engines, Routine Inspection and Main¬
tenance .410
103. Solid-Injection Diesel Plant, Layout .. 419
Overhaul of I.C. Engines
104. Introduction .420
105. Dismantling the Engine.. .. 421
106. Principal Repair Operations.423
107. Reassembling and Testing Engine .. .. 435
Steam Boilers
108. Elementary Properties of Steam .. .. 437
109. Boiler Principles.441
110. Feed Water.444
111. Shell Boilers .448
112. Fire-tube Boilers.450
113. Water-tube Boilers .452
Care, Working and Management of Boilers
114. General Rules .456
115. Inspection and Insurance .460
116. Coal-fired Boilers.461
117. Oil Fuel . .. 467
Boiler Fittings
sec. page
118. Fittings on the Boiler.474
119. Injectors and Feed Pumps .478
Boiler Auxiliaries >
120. Nature and Use of the Common Auxiliaries .. 481
121. Automatic Stoker and Special Grates .. 484
122. Natural, Induced and Forced Draught .. 486
Reciprocating Steam Engines
123. Introduction .. .. .. .. .. 491
124. Elementary Thermodynamics of the Steam
Engine .491
125. Practical Efficiencies.496
126. Cylinder Condensation.498
127. Engine Details .499
128. Governing.499
129. Lubrication.500
Valve Gears
130. The Slide Valve and Expansion Gears .. 502
131. Corliss and Drop Valves and Central Exhaust 507
132. Object of Condensers.509
133. Types of Condensers .509
134. Condenser Accessories.510
Care and Running of Steam Engines
135. Portable and Semi-Portable Engines 514
136. High-Speed Engines .516
Layout and Installation of Steam Plant
sec. page
137. Pipes and Valves.519
138. Pipe Lines.522
139. Station Layout.524
Engine Testing
140. Introduction .528
141. Measurement of Indicated Horse-Power .. 528
142. Measurement of Brake Horse-Power .. 532
143. Testing Steam Plant .533
144. Testing Internal Combustion Engines .. 536
Selection and Erection of Engines
145. Selection of Prime Movers .545
146. Engine Foundations .546
Part III.—Application
Transmission of Power
147. Principles of Transmission .553
148. Line Shafting and Plain Bearings .. .. 555
149. Ball, Roller and Thrust Bearings .. .. 561
150. Clutches '.565
151. Belt, Rope and Chain Drives.569
152. Toothed Gears .579
153. Indirect Transmission Systems .. .. 587
154. Practical Application.588
155. Principles of Lubrication .592
156. Properties of Lubricating Oils .. .. 593
157. Systems of Lubrication.600
158. Selection and Care of Lubricants .. .. 603
159. The Recovery Treatment of Lubricating Oils 605
Air Compressors and Pneumatic Tools
sec. page
160. General Principles .608
161. Compressor Sets.613
162. Care, Working and Management of Air Com¬
pressors .616
163. Pneumatic Tools.618
Refrigerating Machinery
I. Standard Screw-Threads and Tapping Sizes 648
II. Table of Wire and Plate Gauge Standards .. 650
III. Patternmakers’ Tools and Stores .. .. 652
IV. Moulders’ Tools and Stores.654
V. Blacksmiths’ Tools and Stores .. .. 655
VI. Personal Tools required by a Boilermaker 656
VII. Tools required by a Fitter and Fitter-
Driver, R.E.658
Bibliography .. 686
A. Carbon Content of Cast-iron and Steel .. 4
B. Particulars of Roots Blowers .. .. 50
C. Particulars of Centrifugal Blowers .. 50
D. Colour Temperatures of Steel .. .. 75
E. Details for Tempering Tool Steels .. .. 77
F. Annealing Temperatures for Plain Carbon
Steels .79 *
G. Particulars of Solders and Fluxes .. .. 84
H. Melting Points of Metals and Alloys .. 85
I. Consumption of Gases and Electrodes in Oxy-
Acetylene Welding .103
J. Consumption of Gases in Oxy-Acetylene Cut¬
ting ■ • .. .. .. .. .. •■ 111
K. Cutting Speeds of Various Tools in Feet per
Minute .146
L. Power Required to Drive Machine Tools .. 202
M. Power Required to Drive Circular Saws .. 218
N. Power Required to Drive Log Band Saws .. 225
O. Power Required to Drive Re-Saws .. .. 225
P. Tension for Large Band Saw Blades .. 226
Q. Speed of Small Band Saws .226
R. Details of Small Band Saws .. .. .. 226
S. Power Required to Drive Log Frame Saws 227
T. Particulars of Fuels used in I.C. Engines .. 251
U. Typical Data of 4-stroke I.C. Engines .. 273
V. Monthly' Maintenance Sheet and Cleaning
Table for Diesel Engines.418
£ X
1. Conventions used in Mechanical Drawing .. 10
2. Details of Moulders’ Work 17
3. Details of Moulders’ Work 21
4. Production of Castings 31
5. Cupola and Crucible Furnace .. 35
6. Improvised Crucible Furnace .. 40
7. Details of Smiths' Hearths 44
8. Smiths' Tools . 47
9. Smiths’ Work . 53
10. Details of Smiths' Work 57
11. Drop Forging . 60
12. Lay-out of Smiths' Shop 62
13. Boilermakers’ Work 65
14. Boilermakers’ Work 71
15. Remetalling Bearings 89
16. Low Pressure Acetylene Welding Plant .. 93
16a. Autogenous Welding Details .. 94
16b. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Details 95
16c. Welding Details. 99
17. Consumption of Ouasi-arc Electrodes 109
18. Fitters’ Tools . 115
19. Fitters’ Tools . 119
20. Die Stocks for Pipe Screwing .. 127
21. Fitters’ Tools 130
22. Dial Test Indicator 131
23. Fitters' and Turners’ Work 135
24. Turners’ Tools 142
25. Turners’ Work . 151
26. Lathes . 154
27. Turners’ Work . 156
28. Screw Cutting . 166
29. Milling and Grinding 175
29a. Twist Drill . 179
30. Machine Tools . 180
31. Milling and Shaping 185
32. Grinding Work . 190
33. Sawyers’ Work . 205
34. Sawyers' Work . 212
35. Sawyers’ Work . 213
36. Types of Circular Saw .. .. facing page 224
37. Sharpening Machines and Woodworking Tools
after PI. 36
38. Band Saws and Mortising Machines .. after PI. 37
39. Variety Woodworker and Overhand Planer
after PI. 38
40. Types of Saws .after PI. 39
41. Horizontal Oil Engine.255
42. Indicator Diagrams, 4-stroke Cycle Engines 256
43. Typical Valve Timing Diagram .. .. 263
44. Indicator Diagrams, 2-stroke Cycle Engines 264
45. Compression and Explosion Pressures, 4-
stroke Cycle Engines.274
46. Governors of Campbell and Tangye Engines 283
47. Hornsby Ackroyd Governing and Fuel
System .. .. .. 284
48. Tangye Fuel Pump . 285
49. Quantity Governing, Crossley Gas and
Petrol-Paraffin Engines . 286
50. Lubricating Devices . 292
51. D.V.4. Crossley Forced Lubrication System 295
52. Davey Paxman Forced Lubrication System 297
53. Mechanical Lubricator. 298
54. Water Cooling Systems 304
55. Water Cooling Systems. 305
56. Typical Silencer, Exhaust Pit and Blow
Lamp .. .. .. .. .. .. 309
57. Suction Gas Producer. 313
58. Carburettors . 319
59. Multiple Jet and S.U. Carburettors 325
60. Zenith Carburettor . 326
61. Solex Carburettor . 329
62. Autovac . 333
63. H.T. Magneto . 340
64. Ignition Wiring Diagrams . 344
65. Wiring Diagrams of H.T. Magneto 345
66. Inductor Magnetos, etc. . 349
67. Battery and Coil Ignition System 353
68. Valve Timing Diagrams. 356
69. Sparking Plugs and Crossley Vaporizer 365
70. Hornsby Ackroyd Oil Engine. 369
71. Faults on Oil Engines as shown by Indicator
72. Tangye Oil Engine Details .373
73. Typical Air Starting Arrangements .. .. 381
74. Tangye Semi-diesel Engine Details and
Timing Chart.386
75. Vertical 2-stroke Semi-diesel Engine .. 387
76. Timing and Indicator Diagrams of Air-
injection Diesel Engine .390
77. Lay-out of Air Injection Diesel Engine .. 391
78. Air-injection Diesel Engine Details .. .. 392
79. Typical Diesel Indicator Diagram .. .. 398
80. Timing and Indicator Diagrams of 2-stroke
Solid-injection Diesel Engine .. .. 399
81. Paxman Spring Injection .402
81a. Paxman Spring Injection .403
82. Blackstone Horizontal Solid-injection Heavy
Oil Engine .facing 404
83. Davey Paxman Vertical Solid-injection Heavy
Oil Engine .after PI. 82
84. Ruston Vertical Solid-injection Heavy Oil
Engine .. .. .. .. .. after PI. 86
85. Benes Fuel Pump.408
86. Gardner High Speed Solid-injection Heavy
Oil Engine .facing 410
87. Lay-out of Heavy Oil Engine .. .. facing 418
87a. Lay-out of Power Station .. .. after PI. 87
88. Lay-out of Power Station (Underground)
after PI. 87a
89. Ames Dial Gauges.facing 422
90. Engine Overhaul Operations, Crankshafts
and Journals.424
91. Engine Overhaul Operations .. .. facing 430
92. Honing Machine and Valve Grinding Machine
after PI. 91
93. Engine Overhaul Operations. 433
94. Properties of Steam . 440
95. Circulation of Water in Steam Generation 443
96. Shell Type Boilers . 449
97. Shell Type Boilers assisted by Water Tubes 453
98. Water Tube Boiler . 454
99. Boiler Operation. 458
99a. Boiler Operation. 464
100. Coal Firing Boilers . 465
101. Coal Firing Boilers . 466
102. Oil Firing Boilers . 470
103. Oil Firing Boilers . 471
104. Boiler Fittings. 475
105. Boiler Fittings. 476
106. Boiler Fittings and Auxiliaries 483
107. Diagrams of Theoretical Chimney Draft Power 488
108. Reciprocating Steam Engine Details .. 492
109. Steam Indicator Diagrams .493
110. Mollier Diagram.facing 494
111. Diagrams of Slide Valve Settings .. .. 503
112. Forms of Valve and Valve Gear .. .. 505
113. Central Exhaust Engine, Condensers, &c. .. 511
114. High Speed Steam Engine .517
115. Steam Pipes, Valves and Fittings .. .. 520
116. Boiler Room and Engine House Lay-out .. 525
117. Engine Testing Gear and Diagrams .. .. 529
118. Performance Curves and Heat Balance for
I.C. Engines .537
119. Engine and Machine Foundations .. .. 549
120. Bearings and Couplings.554
121. Types of Clutches .566
122. Belt Transmission 570
123. Rope and Chain Transmission.575
124. Gears and Gearing .581
125. Gears and Gearing .582
126. Lubrication .. .. .. .. .. .. 597
127. Compressed Air Plant.610
128. Broomwade Portable Compressor .. facing 614
129. Section of Sleeve Valve Compressor .. 615
130. Principles of Compression and Absorbtion
Types of Refrigerating Machines .. .. 625
131. Entropy Temperature Diagram and Metiiyl
Chloride Refrigerator .. .. facing 626
132. Performance Curves, Ammonia Refrigerator 630
133. Small Ammonia Compressor .632
134. Condensers for Refrigerating Plant facing 634
135. Valves for Refrigerating Plant .. .. 639
1. Ferrous Metals
1. These include iron and steel in all their many varieties,
the element iron forming the principal constituent of all of
them, together with carbon, silicon, sulphur, and numerous
other constituents, metallic and non-metallic.
2. Pig iron is the raw product of the blast furnace, in
which the iron is extracted from its ores. From pig iron
wrought iron is produced by purification process, and cast
iron by melting and mixing in a cupola.
Pig iron contains about 3-5 per cent, to 4 per cent, of
carbon as an essential constituent; also silicon, sulphur,
phosphorus and manganese as impurities. Both combined
and uncombined (or “ graphitic") carbon are present in
various proportions, causing the pig to vary from “grey ,"
through " mottled” to “ white.” Grey pig may contain only
0-3 per cent, combined carbon, while white pig contains
combined carbon only. The greater the proportion of
combined carbon, the harder and more brittle the iron.
(See also Sec. 10, para. 8.)
From 1 per cent, to 3 per cent, of silicon is usually present,
and increases the fluidity. It tends to turn combined carbon
into graphitic, but if it exceeds 5 per cent, it makes the iron
very hard and brittle.
Sulphur has the opposite effect, i.e. it turns graphitic into
combined carbon, and makes the iron hard and white; it
also decreases its fluidity when molten.
Phosphorus increases fluidity*but decreases strength;
useful for.fine castings, up to 1 per cent.
Manganese increases the proportion of combined carbon,
and helps to eliminate sulphur.
3. Cast iron is generally similar to pig iron, but the
proportions of carbon are controlled in the foundry, both
by mixing various grades of pig iron and scrap,, and by control
2 Sec. 1.—Ferrous Metals
of the temperature and rate of cooling. The total carbon
content is usually reduced by the action of the cupola to
about 3 per cent, to 3-5 per cent., and the combined carbon
should not exceed 0-8 per cent, in the finished casting, or it will
be too hard to machine. (See also Sec. 10, para 8.)
Cast iron is harder than wrought iron, but brittle and
weak in tension, and cannot be forged.
4. Malleable cast iron is cast iron produced from white
pig in which the carbon content is reduced below 1 per
cent, after casting, by an oxidizing process. (See Sec. 12,»
para. 2.)
5. Wrought iron is a comparatively pure form of iron, con¬
taining from 0-1 per cent, to 0*25 per cent, of carbon, which
is present entirely in the combined form, i.e. as carbide of
iron. It also contains various impurities, phosphorus,
sulphur, and silicon being the most important. At high
temperatures wrought iron assumes a pasty condition and
cannot be cast, but it is ductile at ordinary temperatures,
and can be readily worked at red-heat and welded at white-
heat. It resists corrosion better than steel. It is not hardened
by heating and quenching.
Its ductility is seriously affected by excess of impurities.
Carbon should not, as a rule, exceed 0-15 per cent., and the
other non-metallic impurities together should not exceed 0-25
per cent.
(>•25 per cent, of Phosphorus will make it cold short.
0*03 per cent, of Sulphur will make it red short.
0-35 per cent, of Silicon will make it cold short.
General engin¬
eering tools,
0-9-10 do. No. 2 tem¬ Yellow J cutters, taps,
per. | reamers, drills
and punches,
1 shear blades.
Tools talcing
light or finish-
10-1-2 High-carbon
No. 1 tem¬
Red and
yellow. I
ing cuts on all
3-5 Cast iron —
3. Non-Ferrous Alloys
1. The number of alloys available and their infinite
variety of composition and properties, render it useless to
attempt any detailed account of them. Only the main classes
can be indicated.
2. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, containing over
50 per cent, of copper (66 per cent, being used for cast brass).
Brass with a small proportion of copper is hard and brittle;
with a large proportion of copper it is soft and ductile, if
pure and well annealed.
Iron, tin or lead are frequently present up to 2 per cent.
Brass is suitable for castings and machines well.
Brass castings become very brittle when heated to dull
3. Bronze, strictly speaking, is an alloy of copper and
tin, but the term covers a great variety of alloys of copper
with other metals, such as zinc, aluminium, manganese, &c.
Phosphor-bronze contains copper (over 90 per cent.), tin, and
a trace of phosphorus, and is a hard malleable alloy, which
makes good intricate castings, machines easily, and resists
corrosion well. Manganese bronze is really a brass containing
60 per cent, copper, to which a small quantity of manganese
has been added. It can be forged and can be made stronger
than mild steel, but is less ductile. Used for many machine
parts, where mild steel would be liable to corrosion.
Aluminium bronze contains 2-50 per cent, to 12 per cent, of
aluminium, and is malleable and resists corrosion. Gun-
metal contains copper, tin and zinc, and is similar to phosphor-
bronze, but cannot be forged.
4. Magnalium.—A group of alloys of aluminium with
small quantities of magnesium, copper, tin, nickel and lead.
They are lighter, tougher and stronger than aluminium, and
can be cast, forged, machined and welded.
5. Duralumin.—90 per cent, of aluminium with copper,
manganese and magnesium. Can be hardened by suitable
heat treatment. Can be forged and drawn, hot or cold. As
strong as mild steel with one-third of the weight.
8 Sec. 3.—Non-Ferrous Alloys
6. Elektron.—An alloy of magnesium (about 75 per cent.),
aluminium, manganese, zinc and silicon. It is considerably
lighter than aluminium and can be cast, forged, rolled and
7. Aluminium-silicon alloys are suitable for castings
owing to their low contraction.
8. Bearing metals.—These may be brasses or bronzes,
as described above, phosphor-bronze being a good example,
or white metals containing tin, lead, antimony and coppen
in various proportions. The bronzes are hard and will
wear well under heavy loads, while white metals bed them¬
selves to the shaft better, cause less friction, do not wear the
shaft so much as bronzes, and* if they overheat, will melt
superficially, and as a rule the shaft will escape damage. On
the other hand they are more liable than bronze to fail, if at
all tight or insufficiently lubricated. If the bearing becomes
slack white metal is liable to fail through hammering. (See
also Sec. 30.)
9. Solders.—Easily fusible alloys used for joining metal
surfaces by applying in a molten condition. There are three
main groups:—
(a) Brazing or spelter solder, for use with brass, copper,
iron and steel; contains copper, zinc, and sometimes nickel
or tin.
(b) Silver solders, for use with silver, gold, copper and
iron ; contains copper, silver and zinc.
(c) Tin-lead solders, for use with tin, lead, copper, brass,
&c.; contains from 35 per cent, to 90 per cent, of lead alloyed
with tin.
See Table G, page 84.
There are also solders for aluminium and other special
4. Mechanical drawing and conventional signs
1. Mechanical drawing.—Drawings required by the
mechanical engineer may be either fully detailed and
dimensioned for use in the workshop or may be merely
illustrations showing the general effect the designer wishes
to produce. The former type only will be considered in this
The object of all dimensioned drawings is to put the
designer’s ideas clearly and accurately before the workman
who has to turn these ideas into concrete forms.
Machine drawings will be used by the man at the bench,
and must be simple. They should not contain a single
superfluous line or dimension, but must, nevertheless, include
all the information necessary to enable thp workman to con¬
struct the work represented by the drawing.
All dimensions should, as far as possible, be clear of the
drawing. It is essential that the number required, together
with the material of which it is to be made, be written legibly
against each separate detail, c.g. “ 6 off, brass Details
should be well spaced on a sheet and lettered A, B, &c.
Standard size sheets should be used.
The scale should be clearly written oil every sheet. If
drawn full-sized, the fact should be stated. It should be
clearly understood that dimensions must never be measured
off a blue print. Such measurements, owing to the contraction
of the paper during the printing process, will be quite
The date on which a drawing is completed should be written
upon it, and any alterations made subsequently should
likewise be dated.
All drawings should show by whom and on what date the
dimensions were checked, together with the signature or
initials of the draughtsman. It is thus possible to trace the
responsibility for errors in drawings.
All drawings should be numbered to facilitate filing and
Ornamental work, elaborate shading, &c. should be
avoided. Clear bold lines should be employed, and the
draughtsman must bear in mind that his original drawings
will not be put into the hands of the workman. The latter
10 Sec. 4—Mechanical Drawing and Conventional Signs
Plate 1.
invisible lines
pfNc/4. on red ink.
-] 'p~i
riNo sometimes \Prths on motion. rig 2. Eg. 3.
WITH SO. ENO sene in
filq. S.
3 ^OP£T
SPOKEN smart.
(metal) (metal)
rig. 8, breaks or CIRCLES
Sec. 4.—Mechanical Drawing and Conventional Signs 11
5. Principles of design
1. Introductory.—The economical production of service!
able castings is dependent on:—
i. A good design for the finished product.
ii. A pattern of suitable material and construction, made
in such a way as to facilitate the work of the moulder.
iii. Careful moulding and casting.
iv. Correct composition of the metal or alloy most suitable
for the finished article.
In the designing of a casting, it is not generally practicable
to calculate its size from the stress which it has to bear.
Correct proportioning is a matter of judgment and experience.
The various stresses set up by the contraction of molten
metal on cooling, and the direction in which the iron crystals,
on cooling, tend to set themselves, must be understood by the
designer; any design which is at all complicated should be
the outcome of co-operation between the draughtsman,
patternmaker, and moulder.
2. Effects of crystallization.—When molten metal
solidifies in a mould it crystallizes out, and the crystals so
arrange themselves that their longer axes are perpendicular
to the surfaces of the casting.
For instance, in an angle casting, which has sharp comers,
the crystals set themselves as shown on PI. 2, Fig. 1, and,
consequently, lines of cleavage are formed at the corners,
which must reduce the strength of the casting.
As far as the design permits, all corners must be rounded,
as shown on PI. 2, Fig. 2, and it will be seen that no definite
lines of cleavage are formed. This is the first rule of design.
In some cases this rule will affect not only the comers but
the whole design, e.g. when hydraulic cylinders are made of
cast iron, the casting will be as shown on PI. 2, Fig. 4 and
not as shown in Fig. 3; in the latter case the end would be
forced out.
3. Effect of contraction.—When a thick casting is
made, the exterior solidifies first during the cooling process ;
then the interior gradually solidifies and contracts, and
its volume becomes insufficient to fill the already solidified
envelope. This gives rise firstly to internal stresses, and then
Sec. 5.—Principles of Design 13
8. Patternmakers’ details
1. Constructional joints, &c.—Owing to changing
atmospheric conditions, articles of timber frequently warp,
shrink or swell.
The aim of the patternmaker should be to construct
patterns capable of resisting the dampness of the foundry
sand and the beat of the pattern store, and strong enough
to resist rough usage and the fair wear and tear of repeated
Timber is stronger with the grain than across the grain
and this must be borne in mind throughout.
i-j°r.^s1tance' ^e frame, PI. 3, Fig. 4 (a), if cut from the
aaa v 1 have no Pe™anence of form. The side members,
AAA, have not the grain in the direction of their length. The
bmlt-up frame, PI. 3, Fig. 4 (b), is strong, permanent in form,
and built on correct lines.
In curved work, where considerable distortion will occur
owing to shrinkage, it is the practice to build-up with a
number °i small curved sections, in which the grain runs
differently in contiguous sections.
PI. 3, Fig. 5 shows a built-up pattern, and PI. 3, Fig. 6 a
core* dox.
Sec. 8.—Patternmakers’ Details 21
22 Sec. 9.—Moulders’ Work
2. Finishing patterns.—Varnishing of patterns should
be completed before they go to the foundry, to protect them
from the damp of the moulds.
Two coats of shellac varnish (shellac in methylated spirits)
are usually given to those for important work.
Some such simple expedient as marking core-prints red,
and the rest of the exterior of the pattern black, is generally
adopted to help the moulder.
3. Storing patterns.—Patterns should be stored in
cool, dry, well-ventilated rooms fitted with shelves. A set
of patterns for one job may involve several pieces ; thus, a
plummer block and bearing will have top, bottom, bushes,
loose pieces, core-boxes, &c., and all these should be tied
together and labelled.
A pattern register should be kept, showing clearly the
job for which each set was made and the number and nature
of the separate articles in each set, so as to avoid losses. If
this is done methodically, much time will be saved, especially
in large shops.
4. Altering patterns.—It will often happen that a job
is received in a shop for casting, and that patterns nearly
the same as those required are available in store. The rule
should be to make additions only to existing patterns in order
to adapt them ; never cut into an existing pattern unless it is
absolutely certain it will never be required again, as patterns
are expensive to produce.
9. Moulders’ work
1. Tools, equipment, and stores.—Moulders in different
parts of Great Britain call the same tools by different names.
The personal tools of a moulder are given in Appendix IV.
2. Types of iron moulding.—Iron moulding comprises
three distinct branches, viz. :—
i. Green sand.
ii. Dry sand.
iii. Loam.
In addition to these, there is chill casting.
Green sand does not refer to the colour of the sand, but
means that the metal is cast in a damp mould. This is the
normal practice with iron.
Dry-sand moulding implies that the mould is dried
thoroughly before metal is run into it, and is employed where
a fine surface is required and also for heavy and expensive jobs.
Loam moulding does not require a pattern in the ordinary
sense; strickles and sweep boards are used with wet loam,
straw, &c. It is confined to symmetrical articles.
Sec. 9.—Moulders’ Work 23
top of the mould are filled up, and to intimate when the
mould is full. They would not be fitted for shallow castings
when extra pressure is not required, the metal being poured
direct into the hole left by the runner-stick.
In this case the pouring cup should be made as shown on
PL 3, Fig. 18. A depression is made at “ a ” so that metal
will not flow down the runner until the depression has been
filled, by which time, the man using the ladle can ensure a
steady flow.
■When the metal is poured into the mould, it tends to
float the cope and force it off the drag. To prevent this,
either weights must be laid on the cope or it must be joined
to the drag by cotters through the pins.
The mould is now ready for the operation of casting, which
if dealt with in Sec. 10.
6. Use of lifters, nails, and sprigs.—The example
given in para. 5 is of the simplest nature, and is intended for
comparatively small castings only.
With bigger and more complicated patterns, the weight of
unsupported sand in the cope would be too great, and recourse
is had to lifters, which are pieces of round iron, bent and
hooked on to the bars of the cope, as shown on PL 3, Fig. 10.
With still larger moulds, grids (see PL 3, Fig. 9) are cast
and hung from the bars of the cope for the same purpose.
In all work where there are small isolated bodies of sand,
and narrow weak edges, projections, &c., cut nails, from \ inch
to 6 inches in length and known as sprigs, are inserted at the
time of moulding, and also after the pattern has been with¬
drawn. Should the mould crack or show signs of giving way,
nails are thrust in to strengthen it and to prevent the sand
from being washed away by the rush of the metal.
7. Chaplets.—These are used to support long or bent
cores, where the print is insufficient to hold them firmly.
Pl. 3, Fig. 11 and PL 4, Fig. 13 (a) show the method of using
them. A small footing of wood or iron is placed under the
chaplet in the case of large work.
For pipes 6 feet long or over, additional chaplets should be
placed on the top, to prevent the core from lifting.
Chaplets should be made of non-rusting material, and be
tinned all over before insertion. Rust would cause blow¬
8. Venting.—There is always a free escape for gas from
the top of the cope. The drag, however, rests on a sand bed,
and gas coming through vent-holes finishing on the bottom
of the drag must have a clear path through the sand floor.
This is effected by venting the floor, as shown on Pl. 3, Fig. 12,
or by making grooves in the bed.
Sec. 9.—Moulders’ Work 27
Plate 4.
32 Sec. 9.—Moulders’ Work
tightly round the bar and, over this, a coating of loam is
applied as the bar is revolved.
A good composition for loam cores is yellow sand mixed
with clay-water containing one-fifth of its volume of horse
dung and cow hair. Loam is added until the board, a on
PI. 3, Fig. 3, set to the correct distance, trues up the edge
of the revolving core. The core is dried in the stove (it will
be seen that the ends of the core-pipe form the core-prints),
and is then given a coat of blackwash.
To make the pattern itself, the core, after baking, is put>
back on the trestles, and another layer of loam is added to the
required thickness of the pipe. The whole is baked, and any
flanges required are made by the patternmaker and fixed by
nails to the loam pattern.
The pattern is then moulded in the usual way, the thick¬
ness-piece is peeled off (the blackwash forming the parting),
and the core is placed in position.
Bent-pipe patterns can be made in a similar way in loam
by the strickle, PI. 3, Fig. 2. Tfte core and pattern are made
in halves and stuck together by the moulder with blackwash
17. Faults to look for when inspecting castings.—
A good specification for castings states :—
The castings shall he clean and sound, both externally and internally.
They shall be free from honeycombing, blow-holes, scabs, cold shuts, draws,
and other defects.
No stopping-up or plugging shall be permitted. No casting shall be
made in open sand. Cores shall be cast-in accurately.
The metal shall be re-melted once in the cupola, and free from admixture
of inferior material. It shall be uniformly tough and close-grained. It
shall be of such strength that a turned bar having an area of 2 square inches
shall bear a tensile strain of not less than 16,000 lb. per square inch.
A test bar, 2 inches deep by 1 inch thick, placed on supports 3 feet wide,
shall bear a cross-breaking strain of not less than 28 cwt., with a deflection
of not less than | inch before breaking.
poured into the runner and allowed to flow through the mould
and then to waste. The portion of the original casting inside
the mould is gradually heated up to fusing point, and, when
this occurs, the pouring is stopped.
This process requires great skill on the part of the moulder.
It is likely to be more successful with the copper alloys than
with those of iron.
10. Iron founding
1. The cupola. PI. 5, Fig. 2 (see also PI. 6, Fig. 2), shows
a simple design of cupola installed in the Workshops S.M.E.,
which is suitable for melting 25-30 cwt. of iron an hour. It
is constructed of f-inch steel sheet, lined with 4^-inch fire¬
brick set in fireclay, and mounted on a steel pedestal, the legs
of which are set in concrete.
The drop bottom is of |-inch steel sheet. The tuyeres,
slag hole, tapping hole, running spout (let through the
foundry wall) and coloured sight glasses are all indicated
in the figure.
2. Blowers.—The air-blast for a cupola is provided by a
blower, which maybe either of the Roots’ or centrifugal type.
See Sec. 16 for particulars of blowers. The Roots' blower has
the advantage of a more positive action, and in the past has
been largely used, but the modem tendency is to use centri¬
fugal blowers, which have a higher efficiency, are cheaper and
easier to maintain and are much quieter in operation.
3. Relining a cupola.—The firebricks should be laid in
the best quality of fireclay which should be thoroughly mixed
with water, and thin enough to ensure close joints. Each
layer of bricks should be bedded upon the clay grouting
as quickly as possible, and as each brick is laid it should be
lightly tapped down with a hammer to ensure a solid bearing.
Instead of using a trowel to spread the thin clay, the bottom
and one side or end of each brick may be dipped into the clay
before being laid. The joints between bricks should never
be more than \ inch thick.
A clearance of \ to £ inch should be left between the bricks
and the shell of the cupola. This space is filled with grouting
made of about equal parts of fireclay and old firebricks ground
or broken up small.
4. Drying the lining.—After a cupola has been lined it
should be dried as slowly and completely as possible, other¬
wise the lining will be burnt much more by the first blow
than need be the case.
To carry out the drying, the drop doors are closed and
covered with sand to a depth of 2 to 3 inches to prevent the
heat from warping them. Wood is placed on the sand in an
Sec. 10.—Iron Founding 35
36 Sec. 10.—Iron Founding
Plate 6.
12. Miscellaneous
1. Steel castings.—The difficulties experienced in the
production of steel castings are chiefly (a) the large amount
of contraction, owing to the high temperature of molten steel,
(6) the frequency of blow-holes.
Moulds for steel are made mainly in dry sand, faced with
silica paint or tar. High pouring-runners are used, special
arrangements for skimming slag are adopted, and the molten
metal is poured from the bottom of a ladle with straining
42 Sec. 13—Foundry Layout
14. Introduction
1. Blacksmiths’ work consists mainly in the working
of bars, &c. of wrought iron and mild steel into the required
shape, whilst hot, by means of hammer blows.
O Tlifl cmittic’ in i+r> r»Af ^r\n>l hnc the
Plate 7.
V 3
heart h
back ro*
h, 5•
* ?V.6.
-—— -
J Slide valve ros
Sec. 15.—Smiths’ Tools 45
A sheet-iron cowl is placed above the top of the hearth,
and should be fitted with a sheet-iron chimney of sufficient
length to clear the smoke properly, or connected by piping to
an exhaust fan.
PL 7, Fig. 3 shows a type of brick hearth, which is easily
built and gives satisfactory results. Such hearths are usually
built in pairs, for economy of flue arrangements. A hollow
space should be left underneath for the storage of ashes, &c.
The cast-iron hearth-back, PI. 7, Fig. 4, is fixed to the brick¬
work by means of bolts. The tue-iron, shown on PI. 7, Fig. 5
(not waterrcooled in this case), is inserted in the hearth-back.
An angle-iron coping, shown on PI. 7, Fig. 3, runs round the
outer top edge of the brickwork forming the hearth.
Both the above mentioned hearths are of the back-blast
type ; bottom-blast types, in which the tue-iron is underneath
the fire, are equally common.
4. The fuel used is small coal, coke, charcoal, or breeze.
If coal is used it should be bituminous and free from sulphur,
&c., which is very detrimental to the working of iron.
5. The hearths described in this section, PI. 7, Figs. 1 and
3, are only types. The design might be modified by giving
Fig. 1 a brickwork back, or Fig. 3 a cowl and chimney instead
of a flue.
15. Smiths’ tools
1. Smiths’ tools have different names in different parts of
the country. Those used here are the service names.
The anvil, PI. 8, Fig. 1, is made of wrought iron or steel,
with a double-shear steel top welded on and hardened. It is
placed on a metal or timber anvil block, of such a height that
the top of the anvil is about 2 feet above floor level.
A lj-cwt. anvil is not suitable for taking big work where
heavy blows are required. An anvil weighing 2\ cwt. is the
smallest size suitable for permanent shop work. The anvil
top must be perfectly true (it works hollow in course of time)
and the edges must be square.
A is the horn or beak, B the core, and C the tail. The
square, D, upon which work is cut is not hardened, to avoid
damaging the cutting tools. The square hole, E, takes the
shanks of bottom tools. Another square hole, near the
beak, and a round hole at F are useful, but must be specified
when ordering; they are useful for punching over. The
quality of an anvil can generally be judged by its ring.
A good anvil when struck with a hammer will give a clear,
sharp sound, and a defective one a dull sound.
2. Hammers.—The hammer in most common use is the
hand hammer (hammer, fitters’, 32-oz.), which has a broad,
46 Sec. 15.—Smiths* Tools
Plate 8.
48 Sec. 15.—Smiths' Tools
spot; by the time the bar has been turned completely round,
the set has almost severed it. In use the set becomes hot;
therefore, after every four or five blows it is cooled in water.
A hot set is made of tool steel, not hardened as it would
soon lose its temper, and its edges are ground to 30° and of
slightly convex form. It is preferably made with an eye for
a wooden handle.
6. Fullers, PL 8, Fig. 14, are very blunt chisels with well-
rounded edges ; their size is denoted by the size of the groove
they are capable of making. They are made both as top
and bottom tools, and are used for indenting work in certain
operations, hereafter described.
7. The flatter, PL 8, Fig. 15, is used for flattening and
finishing plane surfaces, and for removing hammer marks.
8. The set hammer, Pl. 8, Fig. 16, is a similar but smaller
tool, used for forming shoulders and getting into corners.
Flatters and set hammers are sometimes required with square
edges, but, whenever the work will permit, the comers should
be well rounded to avoid any tendency to start a fracture
in the work.
9. Swages, Pl. 8, Figs. 17 to 21, are made as both top and
bottom tools for finishing work of circular, square, hexagonal,
or other forms. The top and bottom tools are sometimes
united, as in the dolly. Fig. 20, or the spring swage, Fig. 21 ;
with the latter the smith is able to work single-handed.
10. The swage block, Pl. 8, Fig. 23, is usually made of
cast iron and should be installed in every smithy ; it embodies
a wide range of shapes and sizes, and avoids the use of the
large number of bottom swages that would otherwise be
11. A collar swage is shown on Pl. 8, Fig. 22.
12. Punches are made either round or square. The work
to be punched is raised to a bright red or white heat and
placed on the anvil, and the punch is driven half-way through ;
it is then reversed, and a dark spot in the iron shows the
position of the hole, which enables the smith to set the punch
to pierce the metal so that the hole is accurately punched
through. During the second operation, the work is laid either
on a bolster, Pl. 8, Fig. 24, or placed over the hole in the
anvil (or swage block), and the punch then passes freely
13. Drifts are used to finish holes that have been punched
smaller than the required dimensions. They may be taper
or parallel, and of any desired section. Drifts are smooth,
and being driven through the punched holes, enlarge, shape.
Sec. 16.—The Air-Blast 49
and smooth them while the metal is red hot. Smooth drifts
are rarely absolutely parallel, or their withdrawal would be a
matter of great difficulty; the sides are usually tapered
about 4°.
14. The smiths' mandrel, PI. 8, Fig. 25, is a conical
casting employed chiefly in making rings. Small taper
mandrels, or beak irons, which fit in the square anvil hole, are
also used.
15. An adjustable support, PI. 8, Fig. 26, for long work,
a vice, standing, 80-lb., and a tool stand will, together with the
above tools and a mechanically-driven blast-producer, complete
the initial equipment of most smithies.
16. Appendix V gives the tools, &c. to be ordered when a
shop is being equipped. • The N.I.V. hand \ools can usually
be made by the smith.
\ ‘
Sec. 16.—The Air-Blast
6c® i
SJI-s rt |
O ‘3 «3 tj
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3 8
JJ H1 I "<8 8 ■o ■-3 S-| | d Si sg.’S
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36 in.
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36 in.
5 in.
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15 in!
m CD §§«»
oO d..
36 in.
36 in.
§ «r*a r-H
12$ in.
CO Hoi OO®1” J
rf © !2 a -5'
Table B.—Particulars of Roots' blowers
29 in.
36 in.
4 in.
o n
10 in.
O O If T
on -t
w t
3 in.
1 1
OONxi rj
8 in.
O O +J .3 '
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*3 3 § 11 3«1 B 1
>2 » a Q« m «3q
Sec. 17.—Smiths1 Work 51
Plate 10.
58 Sec. 17.—Smiths’ Work
iron can be worked almost up to fusing point, each different
sample of steel seems to work best at a particular tempera¬
ture, but never beyond a full red heat; otherwise it will
become burnt and crumble to pieces under the hammer.
Neither steel nor iron should ever be hammered at a so-called
blue heat, i.e. after it has ceased to show red, or it will be
much weakened. For these reasons, work has to be performed
more quickly on steel than on wrought iron, and probably
two heats will have to be given to it, whilst only one is
necessary with iron. As a very rough guide, steel is better*
fitted for small, delicate, and intricate forgings, since there is
not the same tendency to split along the fibres as with iron.
For large work, iron is better, since it can be hammered through
a greater temperature range.
11. Examples of work.—The following examples will
serve to show how the smith executes some typical jobs :—
Forging a bolt in sizes up to | in.—PI. 9, Fig. 28 (a) to (/).
{a) Iron bar of correct dimensions.
(b) Jumping-up the end to form the bolt head. (Alter¬
natively the head may be jumped-up in the vice
using grip plates.)
(c) Head beaten down in heading tool.
(d) Head trued and new heat taken.
(e) Head shaped in hexagon swage.
{/) Edges rounded in cup tool.
In the case of medium sizes (J inch to 1 inch) a quicker
method is to weld the head on. In large sizes (over 1 inch) it
is usually necessary to draw-out from the solid.
Forging a nut.—PI. 9, Fig. 29 (a) to (/).
(a) Material.
(b) Bend hot and nick.
(c) Weld round mandrel.
(d) Shape hexagon in swage.
(e) Round edges in cupping tool.
(/) Finally true the centre hole by drifting.
In the foregoing examples, the size of nut and bolt-head
will of course be obtained from the standard tables.
Forging a pipe hook.—PI. 10, Fig. 1 (a) to (e). The
figures are self-explanatory.
Forging a double-eye.—PI. 10, Fig. 2 (a) to (e).
Forging a shackle.—PI. 10, Fig 3 {a) to (g).
Forging a box spanner.—PL 10, Fig. 4 (a) to (g).
Bending angle iron.—This is best done round a cast iron
block, PI. 10, Fig. 5. The angle iron is heated where it is
to be bent, and one end is clamped to the block, the other
end being hammered round; as it bends, it will be found that
Sec. 18.—The Power Hammer 59
the top flange will tend to pucker up on the inside; this
is counteracted by a few blows with a sledge hammer.
Irregularities on the outside are removed by a flatter. In
making a square comer, a 45° piece is cut out, the bend is
made, and the edges of the nick are scarfed’ and welded (see
Fig. 5).
18. The power hammer
1. The power hammer is a very useful machine where
heavy material has to be worked; it may be either steam
or pneumatic. The latter can be electric-motor driven,
and is made in various sizes complete with motors in
self-contained sets. A handy size is the 3-cwt. hammer,
i.e. a hammer in which the weight of moving parts is
3 cwts. A set of tools suitable for such a hammer is shown
on PI. 10, Figs. 6 to 13. Work for the 3-cwt. hammer can
be heated in an ordinary smith’s hearth. Where a very
large number of repeat articles is required, the power hammer
can be used for stampings or drop forgings, which are made
between dies of cast steel. Three pairs of dies go to a set.
The white-hot metal is rough-shaped and then placed in
roughing dies. Metal is squeezed out at the ends from between
the faces of the dies. Next, stripping dies are used to remove
the metal fin, and finally finishing dies. Heating between
the processes will be necessary.
2. Drop hammers.—In works where drop forging is
regularly carried out, it is usual to employ drop hammers
for the work. In these, the hammer head, which may weigh
several tons, is hoisted by ropes or belts and allowed to fall
freely, whereas in the normal power hammer, the hammer
head is carried on a piston rod and is forced down by steam
or air pressure. In drop forging, there is normally only a
small thickness of hot metal between the edge of the hardened
dies, and if a piston type hammer is used, the jarring effect
on the piston rod is much greater than in ordinary forging,
where heavy blows are only struck when a considerable
thickness of hot (and therefore soft) metal is interposed
between the hammer and the anvil. In time this jarring
may lead to fatigue fractures, and drop hammers are therefore
used to avoid this danger.
3. Simple die-sinking is an expensive process, and
should only he resorted to where a sufficient number of
forgings is required to justify the initial expense. The sets
of dies would normally be obtained from manufacturers;
but, in emergencies, it is possible to make them in very solid
chilled cast iron, with wrought iron bands shrunk round
them. Another way is to make a master forging in, hardened
Sec. 18.—The Power Hammer
tool steel which can be driven into a hot steel block by blows
under the power hammer, thus forming the die.
4. As an example of a modified drop forging, the formation
of an eyebolt under a power hammer is given. Round bar
is used, and is first shaped like a on PI. 11, Fig. 3, the forging
being done in the die, b. This die, as well as the other one
shown, consists of two blocks of steel fastened together
with a spring handle. The inside faces of the blocks are
formed to shape the piece as shown. The bar is revolved
about 90° between each two blows, and the hammering is
continued until the die faces just touch. For the second
step, the ball is flattened to about the thickness of the finished
eye between the bare hammer dies. The hole is then punched
under the hammer with an ordinary punch. The forging is
finished with a few blows in the finishing die, d, which
is so shaped that, when the two parts are together, the hole
formed is exactly the shape of the finished forging.
5. Where large numbers of the same article are to be
bent to shape, much time will be saved by the adoption of
simple jigs or formers, round which to bend the work; this
method will, moreover, result in absolute uniformity of the
finished pieces, which would be difficult to produce in any
other way.
As an example, take a hook, a, to fit round the flange of an
I beam. Two cast iron blocks, b, are cast to shape, and
fitted with handles. The iron or steel bar, cut to correct
length, is heated up and placed on the lower block. The
top block is then hammered into position and the bar is bent
to the shape of the jig ; see PI. 11, Fig. 2.
20. The shop, tools and materials
1. Scope of work.—The work of a R.E. boilermaker will
normally be limited to repairs to existing boilers.
He may also be required occasionally to carry out platers’
work in the construction and repair of bridge structures.
Under normal service conditions, the boilermakers' shop
should be combined with the smithy, under the one foreman ;
if it is a separate shop, it should be near the smithy, to which
boilermakers should have access for any work which requires
a forge, an anvil, or smiths' tools.
The repairs to boilers normally include:—
i. Replacement of broken rivets.
ii. Replacement of broken or corroded stays.
iii. Caulking the edges of plates.
iv. Removing, replacing, and expanding boiler tubes.
v. Patching the outside shell of a boiler.
vi. Patching the firebox plates.
vii. Repairing tube plates.
viii. Replacement of extensively damaged plates.
ix. Building up or thickening plates by oxy-acetylene
or electric welding.
After any repair work has been executed, a hydraulic
test should be applied to the boiler.
2. Personal tools.—Every boilermaker needs the tools
listed in Appendix VI for his own personal use. Some of
these tools are expensive, and it is not necessary for each man
to have all of them in his tool chest when working in the shop.
Those marked with an asterisk would, therefore, usually be
kept on shop charge, and would be drawn when required in the
shop or when a boilermaker is sent to execute repairs to a
boiler outside the shop.
Those tools which are special to the trade are illustrated
on PI. 13, Figs. 4 to 11. Other tools used are similar to those
used by fitters or blacksmiths.
3. Shop equipment.—
i. The equipment must include a supply of those tools
given in Appendix VI, which are marked with an
asterisk as not normally kept in a boilermaker's
Sec. 20.—The Shop, Tools and Materials 65
66 Sec. 21.—Types of Work
Plate 14.
22. Introduction
1. Steel is considered to be an alloy of iron and iron carbide.
Whereas pure iron is a soft and ductile metal with a high
melting point (1,530° C.), iron carbide is intensely hard and
brittle and its addition to iron has the effect of lowering the
melting point. When the iron carbide, called “ cementite,"
is in solid solution in the iron, it confers properties of hardness
and brittleness upon the resulting steel; when it is just mixed
up with the iron in grains or crystals it makes the resulting
product stronger under tensile stress but reasonably soft.
Steel, therefore, can be made hard or soft according as to
whether the cementite of its composition is in solution or just
mechanically mixed with the iron, and its condition can be
controlled by “ Heat Treatment.”
In all heat treatment operations the temperature must be
very accurately controlled, especially in the case of modern
alloy steels.
23. Hardening
1. If the steel is to remain hard when it has cooled down,
the cementite must be kept from coming out of solution in
the iron. This can be effected by cooling the steel so quickly
through the critical range that there is no time for the change
to take place. The rate of cooling determines the degree of
Sec. 23.—Hardening 75
°C. °F.
Tempera¬ Tempering
Oxide tint ture Uses of steel bath
in the dark
° F.
0-2 845 1,550 855-870 1,570-1,600
0-3 810 1,490 820-835 1,510-1,540
0-4 775 1,430 800-815 1,470-1,500
0-5 765 1,410 775-795 1,430-1,460
0-6 1 755 1,390 765-775 1,410-1,430
0-7 745 1,370 I
0*8 740 1,360 > 750-765 1,380-1,410
0-9 730 1,350 J
and above :
29. Soldering
1. Soft soldering.—Soft soldering is usually done with a
copper soldering iron or bit (see PI. 16A, Fig. 1); the bit is of
copper, since this metal is a good conductor of heat. Owing
to the fact that a copper bit readily oxidizes, and that the
film of oxide so formed is a bad conductor of heat, it is neces¬
sary to coat the nose of a hot bit with soft solder or tin. This
operation is called timing the bit. The tin on the bit does
not oxidize nearly so quickly as the copper forming the bit,
and, therefore,, the heat of the bit is not insulated by the
non-conducting oxide.
To tin the bit, first heat it to below red heat, clean the
nose with a file and rub it in some suitable flux, such as sal-
ammoniac, and then let the solder melt over the nose.
It is important not to overheat the soldering iron. This
must be kept well below a red heat or the tin will be burnt
84 Sec. 29.—Soldering
Composition of Metals
of Fluxes
solder joined
Silver soldering Solder for general Gold, silver, Borax or, for very
work:— copper, hard solders,
Copper, 43 per iron, and powdered glass.
cent. alloys of | Solder filings may
Silver, 9 per these be mixed with
cent. metals. borax.
Zinc, 48 per
Solder for thin
sheets of mild
Copper, 90 per
cent, to 95 per
Silver, 10 per
cent, to 5 per
Solder for small
brass work:— i
Copper, 50 per
Silver, 30 per
Zinc, 20 per cent, i
Sec. 29.—Soldering 85
Table G.—continued
Composition of Metals ‘
of Fluxes
solder joined
Hard soldering, Spelter or brass for Brass, cop- Borax with pow-
or brazing general iron- per, iron, dered spelter, or
work :— and steel. borax alone.
Zinc, 35 per cent. Acid fluxes should
Copper, 65 per not be used on
cent. electrical work.
For brazing cop¬
per •
Zinc, 40 per cent.
Copper, 60 per
White spelter:—
Copper, 35 per
Zinc, 57 per cent.
Nickel, 8 per
1. Fine solder 334 170
2. Tinman's solder .. . 374 190
3. Plumber's solder 437 225
4. Tin 446 230
5. Lead . 626 330
6. Zinc . 788 420
7. Silver solder (copper 43 per cent., silver 9 per
cent., zinc 48 per cent.) 1,580 860
8. Spelter (copper 60 per cent., zinc 40 percent.) 1,652 900
9. Spelter (copper 65 per cent., zinc 35 per cent.) 1,679 915
10. Silver 1,760 960
11. Brass (copper 67 per cent., zinc 33 per cent.) 1,778 970
12. Silver solder (copper 90 per cent., silver 10 per
cent.) •• •• •• •• •• •• 1,030
13. Cast jron. 2,192 1,200
14. Mild steel . 2,732 1,500
86 Sec. 29.—Soldering
off the nose of the bit, oxides will form, and the bit will
require to be re-tinned.
The surfaces of the pieces to be joined must be thoroughly
cleaned, tinned, and then securely fixed. They must then be
neatly coated with flux where the solder is required to run, and
placed together. The tinned bit is then held against the work
till the latter is well heated. A drop of molten solder is then
allowed to come off the bit and will spread over the joint
where the flux has been placed. Then draw the bit along
the joint to make the solder run where it is wanted. A stick
of solder held against the hot bit keeps up the supply of
molten solder on the joint.
Always work the molten solder down hill.
On completion of work, all traces of flux, especially acid
flux, must be carefully removed.
2. Hard soldering or brazing.—As with soft soldering
the secret of successful brazing is the thorough cleaning of the
parts to be joined. The solder or spelter is applied in the form
of rod or filings. The filings must not be too fine or they will
be oxidized before they are able to flow as molten metal to the
joint. Moistened borax must be freely applied to the solder
and to the joint. The parts to be brazed are given a coat of
borax paste, clamped or bound together and placed on the
hearth surrounded with firebrick, charcoal, or other non¬
conducting material to reduce the rate of cooling during the
brazing operation.
The whole joint is then heated to a bright cherry-red by
a paraffin blow lamp or by a gas blow pipe. Experience is
necessary to judge the correct temperature, and care must be
taken not to melt the parts being joined. This remark
applies particularly to brass which has a melting point not
greatly exceeding that of the spelter. When the correct
temperature is reached a mixture of borax and spelter is
applied to the joint. The spelter melts and permeates the
joint, forming a hard soldered or brazed junction. When the
borax is allowed to remain on the work until it is cold it will
be found to be glassy and difficult to remove. Some common
salt thrown on to the work just after the spelter sets will
obviate this trouble.
3. Silver soldering.—Silver soldering is akin to brazing
and is carried out in much the same manner. The melting
point of most silver solders is a little lower than that of spelter,
and the operation is somewhat easier to carry out than brazing.
A silver soldered joint, however, is not so strong as a brazed
one. The most economical method of applying the silver
solder is to cut off a narrow strip and fix it in the end of a thin
iron rod slotted at the end. When working with thin brass.
Sec. 30.—Re-lining White Metal Bearings 87
Plate 15.
90 Sec. 31.—Welding by Gas and Electricity
Flame temperature
Gas Approx, calorific value
B.Th.U. per cubic foot With air With oxygen
°C. °C.
Coal 550 1,600
Hydrogen 290 1,700 ISEIBkI
Acetylene 1,450 2,300
(The temperature readied with the electric arc exceeds 4,000° C.)
Plate 16a.
Sec. 32.—Oxy-acetylene Welding 95
Slag Protection _ covering
5 I Front sJhis space must
be Kept clear
of &ag.
R$.Z Crater
* £
S' l
o s’
1 o
£ <o
■JP *6*
« ou
< »
104 Sec. 33.—Electric Welding
be washed away with warm water and a brush. The part
should then be re-heated and allowed to cool slowly.
13. Welding aluminium alloy castings.—The above
notes on welding aluminium apply equally well to aluminium
alloys, but special aluminium alloy welding rods must be used
with appropriate fluxes.
14. Welding lead.—The autogenous welding of lead is
commonly known as lead burning.
Although first introduced for jointing lead pipes, tanks,
&c., in chemical works where acids and fumes would attack
soldered joints, the process is now replacing ordinary plumbing
and soldering in many other operations with a great saving of
time and labour.
• The seams in sheet lead burning are of two kinds, butt
and lap, and the two edges are not usually bevelled. The
lap joint should be used in both horizontal and vertical seams
on a vertical surface. The only preparation necessary is the
cleaning or shaving of the edges of the metal near the joint.
A plain lead feeding rod is used and the flame must be
absolutely neutral. No flux is required.
The ordinary standard oxygen and acetylene cylinders may
be used but a special lead burning outfit must be employed.
This includes special regulating valves for both oxygen and
acetylene cylinders, and a special blow-pipe with a number of
interchangeable tips (generally 5). Nos. 1 and 2 tips are used
with 2 and 3 lb. lead and No. 5 tip with 20 to 30 lb. lead. The
lead burning outfit can be used for thin sections of other metals
up to -- in. in thickness.
Table I gives the approximate consumption of gas with
the various tips. It will be noticed that the gas consumption
is relatively small compared with that required for welding
the harder metals.
33. Electric welding
1. There are two main processes of electric welding, viz.:
(1) resistance welding, in which the welding heat is generated
by the contact resistance at the junction to the passage of an
electric current, and (2) arc welding.
Resistance welding is possible with almost any metal, but
arc welding is really only suitable for ferrous metals and
2. Resistance welding includes spot, butt and seam
welding. The process is really similar in principle to forge
welding, the temperature of the work being raised to a suitable
value and the welding effected by pressure or percussion.
Resistance welding is largely used in factories for repetition
work which can be carried out in automatic machines by
semi-skilled labour. A.C. is invariably used owing to the
Sec. 33.—Electric Welding 105
between the electrode and the work when the arc is broken,
it is unwise to practise welding on supply voltages higher than
110 volts through a series resistance.
Not only docs a high voltage increase the liability to draw
a long flaming arc which will overheat and bum holes in the
work, but it increases the danger from electric shock.
If the local supply is A.C. it is preferable to use a double
wound static transformer or a motor generator. It is per¬
missible to use a series resistance on voltages up to 110 volts
A.C., but it must be pointed out that A.C. is definitely more
dangerous than D.C. of the same maximum voltage, and the
former must never be used inside boilers or where the operator
has to work on lofty staging.
In situations involving special risk from electric shock,
D.C. at a voltage not exceeding 50-60 volts should be used.
The use of A.C. for welding is not recommended for service
purposes, particularly in exposed situations. Apart from the
increased danger from shock, A.C. welding is more difficult to
learn, and the results are not so uniformly reliable as those
obtained with D.C. welding.
Moreover, flux-covered electrodes must be used with A.C.
With D.C., plain electrodes may sometimes be used in
emergencies with satisfactory results.
The best work is done with a special D.C. welding genera¬
tor with a drooping voltage characteristic, i.e. a voltage which
falls as the current rises, giving a voltage of about 60 on open
circuit and 15-30 volts when the welding current is flowing.
An inductance is generally inserted in series with the arc to
increase the voltage to 100 momentarily if the arc goes out.
This is necessary with flux-covered electrodes to pierce the
slag layer.
The Home Office " Memorandum on Arc Welding ”
(Form 329) has been drawn up for the guidance of those
concerned with the provision and observance of precautionary
measures. This memorandum should be carefully studied.
iii. Electrodes.—Bare mild steel electrodes can be used in
emergencies, preferably in conjunction with a flux such as
borax or black oxide of manganese, but the welds obtained
are not so uniformly satisfactory as those effected with paste
or flux-covered electrodes.
Paste-covered electrodes are largely used, the object of the
paste coating being to minimize oxidation, firstly by protect¬
ing the electrode itself, and secondly, by forming a gaseous
envelope around the molten metal to keep it from contact
with the atmosphere. Many kinds of solutions and pastes
are in use to make up coating compounds, one of the simplest
(used for mild steel) being a mixture of lime 65 per cent, and
silica 35 per cent.
Sec. 33.—Electric Welding 107
ins. ins. ins. lb./sq. in. minutes cu. ft. cu. ft.
per ft.
Mild steel
32 A 24 1 0-75 0-2
i 1
TG 28 1 1-0 0-3
1 A A 32 n 2-2 0-5
2 A 32 45 2 50 1-0
Cast iron
3 110 5 30-0 10-0
Up to 1* ff
1J to 3 A i 120 7 50-0 15-0
Plate 18.
116 Sec. 37.—Bench Work
removed, only very fine file marks are left, and, if carefully
done, a highly finished surface is obtained.
7. Emery finishing.—A polished surface can be pro¬
duced after draw filing by rubbing with a piece of fine emery
cloth, or with leather rubbed with emery oil-paste, wrapped
round the file. But a good fitter disdains the use of emery.
8. Scraping a surface.—When a flat surface is required
to be more accurate than can ordinarily be produced by filing
alone, it should be filed as flat as possible, draw-filed, and then
scraped to fit a face-plate.
Face-plates are usually made of cast iron, PI. 19, Fig. 2,
ribbed or otherwise made stiff enough to bear considerable
pressure without warping, and very carefully finished to a
dead-flat surface.
The face-plate should be rubbed over with the palm of the
hand, slightly moistened with a thin paste of oil and red lead,
or preferably Venetian red, if available. Only the smallest
amount of paste that will colour the plate should be used.
The face-plate is then applied to the surface of the work,
or the work to the plate if more convenient, and moved about
a little while in contact. On separating the surfaces, high
spots on the work will be coloured by the paste from the
plate. These high spots should be carefully scraped down by
short strokes with the scraper, as shown on PI. 19, Fig. 3,
the coloured metal only being removed. All the strokes should
be in the same direction.
The face-plate should then be applied again, and the high
spots will now be smaller but more numerous than before.
They should be similarly scraped down, the strokes being made
in another direction.
The operation should be repeated until the coloured spots
appear as highly polished metal, and are very small and
evenly distributed over the whole surface.
Curved surfaces can be similarly scraped to fit any standard
surface of opposite curvature. If the surfaces are such that
no relative movement can be made, the colouring paste can
be made to transfer itself from the master surface to the high
spots on the work, by forcing the surfaces together by a blow
from a wooden mallet.
9. Scraping a bearing.—A special case of scraping
curved surfaces is the scraping-in of a bearing. Some know¬
ledge of the principles of lubrication is essential if success is
to be obtained (see Chap. XXXIII).
New bearings on productive work should require very little
scraping-in if they are machined according to the B.S.I.
standards of clearance fits (see B.S.I. Spec. 164). Take, for
example, a l|-in. shaft and bearings. A good clearance fit
Sec. 37.—Bench Work 121
Since the lips of the drill slope back from the point, a
shallow cup-like depression is first produced, whose diameter
is less than that of the drill. The drill should now be with¬
drawn and this depression examined to ascertain whether it
is central with the marked circle. If it is much out of the
centre the depression should be cut central with around-nosed
chisel, or preferably a hand drill about |-inch diameter. This
practice is commonly known as drawing the hole. The outside
edge of the drill must not be allowed to reach the work till
the depression is truly central.
An error of 0-01 inch in the position of a hole should not be
permitted in ordinary work.
3. Drills.—There are numerous types of drill, but the
fluted drill is the type normally used for all ordinary purposes.
Occasions may arise, however, especially in the field, when a
fluted drill is not available. In these circumstances flat drills
may be found useful.
A flat drill can be knocked up quickly to any desired size,
or an available flat drill may be altered in a few minutes, either
by grinding or dressing. A flat drill may, if necessary, be
given a glass-hard cutting edge which will stand harder usage
than the average twist drill.
As there is nothing to keep the point central, however, this
type of drill cannot be relied upon to drill straight holes and
it can only be used for rough work.
Fluted drills are either spirally fluted (PI. 19, Fig. 12) or
straight fluted (PI. 19, Fig. 11). Straight fluted drills are
used for drilling soft materials such as brass and copper, and
spirally fluted or twist drills for iron and steel. The spiral
flutes enable the cutting edges to have rake, and thus reduce
the amount of power required. The flutes also assist by their
screwing action in removing chips from the hole and so
facilitate the drilling of deep holes. This type of drill cuts
fairly accurate holes, because the shank is guided by the first
part of the hole drilled and the point is thus kept in line.
Further remarks on drilling and instructions for grinding
fluted drills are given in Sec. 45.
4. Reaming holes.—A reamer is a finishing tool for
trueing a hole that has been drilled to nearly the correct size.
This is necessary because no drill can be relied upon to
make a hole truly round, straight, and exactly to size. The
drilled hole should be not more than about ^ inch below the
finished diameter, because a reamer cannot be expected to
remain accurate long if it is subjected to the wear of removing
much metal.
PI. 19, Fig. 13, shows a hand reamer. It is slightly tapered
near the point to enable it to enter the drilled hole. The
Sec. 38.—Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Hand 125
Plate 20.
Plate 21.
^ _<^w_ J
fig / capstan lathe Type OF WORK
r i.
ng 1
Arrt& I
J T I Fig J tqamvu fop testing
_C 1 “ SC PC w THREADS 1n—'1 iJ=3
d □a_Q_J
sr**Ti£AJr f£3<tf
r* 0X6 rr
Ao //, a a justing rw t2 effect or inaccuracy
136 Sec. 41.—Overhaul of Steam Engine Slide Valve
2. Re-facing slide-valve ports.—The face upon which
the slide valve of a steam engine moves wears down and
requires attention to the following points :—
i. The face may be hollowed or grooved, so that steam
escapes between the valve and its seating. This can be
corrected as follows :—
(a) If the inaccuracy is small, by scraping both valve and
seating to a face-plate, as described in Sec. 37, para. 8,
and then to each other.
(b) If the inaccuracy is large, by re-surfacing in a shaping
machine or surface grinder if available, and finishing
by scraping, as in (a).
ii. The face may have worn down in the centre, leaving a
shoulder, S, at one or both ends, PI. 23, Fig. 8. This causes
knocking, and may also allow steam to escape, producing loss
of power in the engine and heavier fuel consumption. The
shoulder should not merely be removed, but should be cut well
down by chipping and filing, so that the valve distinctly over¬
runs the working face. This will ensure that a fresh shoulder
will not be soon worn. See PI. 23, Fig. 10.
iii. The face may have worn down so that the wall between
the passages and the face is too thin, and the form of the ports
may have become inaccurate. This can only be remedied
by fitting a new face, as follows :—
(a) The face is smeared with red lead paste, and a sheet
of paper is pressed down on it to give a colour
template showing the ports as they are.
(b) A drawing is made from this template, showing the
ports as they apparently should be.
(c) A wooden pattern is made to the drawing, and from
this a plate of hard cast iron is cast.
(d) The plate, P on PI. 23, Fig. 9, is machined on both
sides, the ports in it arc cleaned out by filing, and
one side is scraped to fit the old face, or vice versa.
[c) Holes are drilled in the new face to take tapered peg
screws, S, being carefully placed so that they will
have a good hold in the solid metal of the old face.
{/) Tapping holes are drilled in the old face, using the
new one as a template, and then tapped.
(g) The peg screws are driven hard home, nicked with a
hacksaw, broken off, and filed down flat. A little
red lead between the faces will improve the joint.
(h) The new face, which may have been distorted in
screwing it down, is scraped to fit a surface plate.
(i) The valve is scraped, first for convenience to fit a
surface plate, and then to fit the new face accurately.
Sec. 41.—Overhaul of Steam Engine Slide Valve 137
A r
Material or work
(relief) (tool angle) (rake)
iv. The formula given below for lathe tools applies only to
heavy cuts made slowly with a roughing tool. For light
finishing cuts, the speed should be half that given by the
formula and'never more than the maximum given.
Cutting speed, maximum feet per minute = V
Area of chip (depth of cut X traverse per
rev. in square in.) = A
Constant depending on metal worked and
tool steel used - C
Plate 25.
152 Sec. 43.—The Lathe
how these angles are completely altered if the tool is too high
or too low. In the English type, the toolpost is normally
made so that it will hold a standard tool too low, and it is
necessary to insert suitable packing under the tool. Packing
of precisely the correct thickness must be used ; otherwise
work would be delayed and spoilt, and tools would not last
In many American and other types of lathes a cupholder,
PI. 25, Fig. 6, is fitted, by means of which the tool can be
canted to bring the point to the desired height. This is not
good practice, as it alters the angle of rake and the clearance.
11. Cuts and traverses.—The largest cut that should be
taken in a standard modern lathe is one-fortieth of the height
of centres, e.g. in an 8-inch lathe, 8/40 or ~ inch.
The largest traverse, when taking this maximum cut,
rt 1
should not exceed e.g. for an 8-inch lathe, 9q inch. Large
traverses may be used for shallow cuts, but the area given by
A X must not be exceeded. Service lathes,
40 160 6,400
especially those of mobile units, are normally of light con¬
struction, and are not intended for heavy cuts, portability
having been studied in their design more than large output,
e.g. in a light 8-inch lathe the cut should not exceed £ inch,
and inch may be regarded as the normal traverse for this
12. Plain turning between centres.—Accurate cylindri¬
cal tinning can only be performed by following carefully a
systematic sequence of operations and tests.
The lathe centres should first be checked and if necessary
Both centres should be ground, in turn, when fixed in the
mandrel pocket of the headstock, using a centre grinder on a
toolpost. The tail centre should be ground first and then
replaced in the tailstock (free from dirt and lightly oiled).
When the revolving centre has been ground, the alignment
should be checked as follows: Slide tailstock up so that tail
centre is within ~ in. of revolving centre, and clamp. With
the aid of a piece of white paper observe if the centres are in
line. If not, unclamp tailstock and make the necessary
lateral adjustment with the offsetting screw on its base,
clamp up and re-check.
Example.—To turn a spindle, about 12 in. long, If in.
diameter, from a 2-in. mild steel bar.
(1) Cut off material by hand or machine saw to required
length plus - in.
154 Sec. 43.—The Lathe
(2) Mark the centre of each end with a bell punch (PI. 25,
Fig. 10) or by a centre-head square (PI. 25, Fig. 12),
if available, or by some geometrical method (PI. 25,
Fig. 11), make light centre-punch mark and test
again to ensure that it is truly central.
(3) Centre the spindle accurately, either by self-centring
chuck (if the hollow mandrel on the lathe is big
enough), or otherwise by 4-jaw independent chuck,
and fix a steady on the projecting end. Then,
using tailstock with a drill chuck carrying a centre
or other drill, drill the ends as shown on PI. 24,’
Fig. 17.
In long lengths this can be done by a breast or
other drill.
(4) Fill the centre holes with grease, fix a driver (PI. 24,
Fig. 13) and place the bar in the lathe between
centres. Screw up the tail centre until it grips
the work firmly but without binding.
(5) Place a right-hand knife tool in the tool post and
square the end down to the centre, removing only
enough metal to be cutting everywhere.
(6) Put in a round-nosed roughing tool (cuts in either
direction) traverse slide rest to the left, feed tool
up and take a light cut for about half the length of
the bar.
(7) Run saddle clear to tailstock, turn bar end for end,
refix in centres and again traverse to left, keeping
on the same cutting feed for remaining length of bar.
Now measure up accurately and make any
necessary tailstock adjustments.
If a definite ridge appears near the centre of the
bar where the two cuts join, the tailstock must be
moved laterally by the offsetting screw; if the
work is larger at the tailstock end than in the centre,
the tailstock must be brought towards the cutting
tool—and vice versa.
(8) Next use a straight-nosed roughing plain angle tool,
turn down the shaft at about 50 ft. per minute to
l*13/16-in. diameter.
(9) Face the other end as in (5) to correct length.
(10) To finish off, use a right-hand finishing tool with a
top rake of about 25° and take a cut equal to half
the oversize measured above (i.e. ~ in.). Run at
half the original speed and use an ample supply
of lubricant (a soapy compound is the best on mild
By having a positive cut on the work a smooth
and true highly polished surface should result.
Rounding at crest and root a = 0- 1666P. Radius at crest and root = O’ 1666P.
Fig. 3.—Cycle Engineers’ Institute Standard Thread.
iv. Square Thread.—This form of thread is used to trans¬
mit motion, e.g. on the feed mechanism of machines, vice
screws, screw jacks, etc. It is not so strong as the Whit¬
worth thread, but it offers less frictional resistance to motion.
As the name implies, the height of the teeth in a square
thread is equal to the width. (Fig. 4.)
if TTHTTI111111 nfiTTT
d — depth = 0-5P. w — width = 0*5P.
Fig. 4.—Square Thread.
164 Sec. 43.—The Lathe
Theoretical depth h = P.
Actual depth d — 0-75P.
Angles at crest and root truncated to depth a — 0-125<£.
the tool is not only drawn up from the surface of the work, but
also swings away from the cut.
3. Shapers.—Shapers are straight-line cutting machines
in which the tool is moved to produce the cut, carried by a
ram, R on PI. 30, Fig. 7, which is driven by a rack and pinion
in the case of large machines, with reversing gear like that of a
planer, giving a suitable forward speed for the cut and a quick
return. In small machines the ram is moved by some device,
such as the vibrating link and crank shown on PL 30, Fig. 8,
which supplies the desired quick return. The great unsup¬
ported length of the ram deprives the machine of the rigidity
and accuracy of the planer.
The ram-head, H on PI. 30, Fig. 7, carries a swing frame,
slider, tool-box with apron, and toolpost as described for a
The table, T, is often of box form, generally capable of
being elevated and tilted to any desired angle, and cut with
wards on the top and all three sides, to which vices can be
fixed. It is provided with screw adjustment for height, and
in American type machines is carried upon a traversing saddle.
In English type machines the table is stationary, and the ram
is carried in a traversing saddle.
4. Slotters.—A slotting machine is a shaper, whose ram
has a vertical movement, the working stroke being made down¬
wards towards a table, which is generally provided with feed
traverse in either direction, and also feed rotation, PI. 30,
Fig. 9. It is particularly adapted to cutting keyways in the
bosses of pulleys, and holes and outlines of irregular shapes,
rectangular, circular, &c.
The design of the machine ensures great rigidity.
5. Holding work.—Large work is generally bolted down
to the surface of the table. Smaller rectangular work is
normally held in a machine vice, PI. 29, Fig. 9. Round work,
such as shafts to be key-slotted, is held between centres, or
clamped down to a ward in the table, PI. 31, Fig. 2, or to
V blocks.
6. Special work.—Circular arc outlines may be cut in a
pjaner or shaper by fitting an attachment, as shown on PI. 31,
Fig. 3, which is carried in the toolpost. The inserted tool
point, I, sweeps out a circular arc when the head, H, is turned
by means of a hand-operated worm gear, W.
Spiral slots may be shaped in shafts by fitting a device
which turns the shaft between the centres with a reciprocal
motion corresponding to the strokes of the ram.
7. Shaping spur gears.—Gears may be shaped by
mounting the blank on a mandrel held between centres, and
Sec. 45.—Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Machine 173
Plats 29.
176 Sec. 45.—Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Machine
Plate 29a.
180 Sec. 45.— Drilling, Reaming and Tapping by Machine
Plate 30.
MstcwNe Tools
operating upon the work. Thus, any one edge, after operating
for a short period only, enjoys a period of rest, during which
the heat generated passes away, partly into the air or any
cooling fluid which may be provided and partly into the body
of the cutter. Thus, when the tooth comes into action again,
it will be comparatively cool.
During the next period of action, the amount of heat
generated by cutting may exceed the amount conducted away,
but no harm will be done, provided the excess of heat is
insufficient to raise the temperature of the cutting edges to
such an extent as will draw their temper. Obviously,
therefore, in otherwise similar conditions, a circumferential
milling cutter can cut the same metal faster than a turning or
planing tool, whose edge is in action for long periods. On the
other hand, the edges of an end-milling cutter, PI. 31, Fig. 8,
are not only in action continuously, or nearly so, but they
follow one another before the heat developed in the work can
be much dissipated. The metal worked upon becomes very
hot, and assists little in conducting away heat from the cutting
edge of the tool. Therefore, in end-milling, the metals cannot
be cut so fast as by turning or planing.
Small end-mills are merely many-toothed drills, see Sec. 45.
Large end-mills are sometimes used for machining flat surfaces,
but so long as they cut on the whole face or end of the cylinder,
they must be run at drilling speeds.
2. Machines.—Milling machines are usually similar to a
planer or shaper, in which a milling cutter is substituted for
a plain tool.
In nearly all milling operations the work, i.e. the object
which is being worked upon, is fed slowly and continuously
towards the cutter, and in a direction opposite to that of the
cutting movement of the teeth, PI. 31, Fig. 9.
Each tooth in succession removes a chip of metal; teeth
of the same length .remove equal amounts of metal, provided
they are equally spaced round the cutter and the feed is
The pressure of the cutting edge resists the action of the
feed, and thus takes up any backlash in the feed mechanism;
thus a truly uniform rate of feed is ensured. If the feed were
in the same direction as the movement of the teeth, the
work would occasionally be drawn forward by a tooth to the
extent of the backlash, the feed would be unsteady, and some
teeth would cut more metal than others. The heavy load
thus put upon the cutter and machine might stop the machine
or cause breakage.
3. Cutters.—In any milling operation, the feed and the
rotation of the cutter combine to produce a surface whose
184 Sec. 46.—Milling Machines
Plate 32.
Gff/no/NC Work.
Sec. 47.—Grinding Machinery 191
to support it, till true all over. Slack back the tail centre
and take a light cut all along. Any considerable taper
indicates inaccurate lateral alignment. A very slight increase
in diameter towards the tailstock end may be caused by whip
in the work. Vertical alignment can be similarly tested with
a tool as shown on PI. 23, Fig. 4.
vii. Testing alignment of tailstock with bed.—Draw the quill
of the tailstock well back into the body, and turn up a test
piece of work between centres, measuring it carefully.
Unclamp the tailstock from the bed shears and force it away
from the work bjr screwing forward the quill. Take another
light cut in this position. Any considerable taper, or change
of taper, indicates that the quill does not run out parallel
with the bed.
2. The operations described in para. 1 (ii), (iii), (v), (vi)
and (vii) correctly indicate the principles involved, but they
are somewhat old-fashioned and are all much more easily and
accurately carried out by means of a standard mandrel (PI. 27,
Fig. 3) and a dial test indicator (PI. 22).
3. Trueing up a lathe.—The first surfaces to be trued
should be those of the bed shears, since these form the main
framework of the lathe, and no subsidiary surfaces, such as
saddle or slide-rest vees, can be satisfactorily tested until the
bed is true.
i. Top surfaces.—A long, wide straight-edge, or narrow,
long face-plate, should be lightly smeared with red lead or
Venetian red, applied to the top surfaces after careful cleaning
and moved about a little after application. The top surfaces,
all treated as one face, should be scraped to fit well to the
face-plate everywhere.
In the removing of metal it must be borne in mind that
the final surface must be parallel with the axis of the head-
stock spindle, and that the bed is more likely to be worn down
near the centre and at the headstock end than under the
tailstock ; see para. 1 (vi).
ii. Side surfaces.—The surface which normally controls
the accuracy of the cut is that shown at D on PI. 25, Fig. 3.
This surface should be scraped up to fit a straight-edge,
observing the same precautions as in (i), viz., that it is made
parallel to the axis of the spindle if the headstock is fixed.
iii. Secondary surfaces.—The under side and the outer
edge, C on PI. 25, Fig. 3, of the bed are secondary to the top
and inner edge, D, respectively. They must first be brought
parallel to their primaries, A and D, by callipering the
thickness of metal between them, and scraping down in
certain chosen spots. The surface can then be fitted to a
Sec. 50.—Power to Drive Machinery 201
51. Introduction
1. The circular saw is required in engineer workshops
both in peace-time and war; its various processes are, therefore,
described at length. The process requiring most attention
is the sharpening and setting of the saw. The band saw will
be little used for large work, owing to difficulties of installation
and the skill required for manipulation and sharpening. Ex¬
perience has shown that the large band saw is not suited to
military requirements, although in civil establishments its two
advantages, less power to drive and less sawdust formed, are
now recognized. Small band saws, not designed for the
conversion of timber but for sawing small pieces into intricate
shapes, arc of great use in connection with joinery manufacture
and patternmakers’ work.
2. The frame saw, used for conversion of logs, &c., may,
like the large band saw, be met with by the military engineer ;
he should know its principles of working, but it will not
normally be a machine with which he works.
The various joiners’ machines, c.g. planers and thicknessing,
morticing, tenoning, and moulding machines, will be met with
in peace-time.
3. Woodworking machinery, although apparently
simple to work, really requires considerable knowledge of
detail and skill to work successfully. Great care on the part
of the operator is. also required, or serious accidents will
occur. It is for this reason that only sawyers and wood
machinists, who realize the danger, should normally be
permitted to manipulate woodworking machinery.
Plate 33.
[Figs. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 17 reproduced from "Sates; their Care and
Treatment" by permission oj Messrs. William Rider & Son, Ltd., London, E.C.4.
Fig. 16 reproduced by permission of Messrs. A. Ransome & Co., Ltd., 63, Queen Victoria
Street, London, E.C.4.]
206 Sec. 52.—Forms of Saw Teeth and their Sharpening
ii. Fix the saw as in (i). Hold the file at right angles to
the blade in both directions, as shown at a and a on PI. 35,
Fig. 2, and cut down between each two teeth till all are
exactly the same size, irrespective of their relative heights,
as shown at b on PI. 35, Fig. 1. This method is much better
than taking alternate teeth, as in (i). The cutting face of the
teeth must be filed so as to fall backward about 12°, thus
making an angle of 78°, as shown at c on PI. 35, Fig. 1 ; this
is done by setting the bevel at tlic proper angle and testing
the filing from time to time. This angle gives the best results
for general work.
Next reduce the teeth to a common level, which is done by
lightly rubbing off the higher points with a file run down the
whole length of the saw and carefully re-sharpening them,
removing a portion from each side of the tooth, as shown by
the dotted lines at b on PI. 35, Fig. 3. This keeps the teeth
the proper size, or as they were when first produced. Several
such runnings down will make a good, even, level surface,
which should be either straight or slightly convex, as the
tendency is for the saw to wear hollow.
To set the saw.—This is done by bending the teeth alter¬
nately outward with the aid of a saw set, or, if it is done
judiciously, with a punch made by breaking olf the point of a
worn-out file, tempering it and grinding it ilat. In the latter
case, the saw should be held on the end grain of a piece of
hard wood, and the punch struck with a light hammer. For a
dovetail saw this method is better than using a set, as the
teeth are so small that unless the set exactly fits the blade,
the latter is likely to be bent and crippled, instead of the
tooth only being bent. This will occur with all saws if the
set is too low down on the teeth.
If the timber to be cut is dry, very little set is necessary,
as it increases the labour of cutting and wastes the material;
it is, however, important that all the teeth should have the
same amount of set, and it must be remembered that inferior
sharpening often leads to the mistaken idea that a saw requires
more set.
The teeth should now be adjusted to the proper angle for
cutting, and an angle must be given which will answer for all
general purposes, but which can be altered to meet special
Start with the handle of the saw on the right hand, and,
with the handle of the file 30° below the horizontal (see b on
PI. 35, Fig. 2), and with about the same inclination toward
the point of the saw (as shown at b), cut on the back of the
tooth which is set away from the operator and which is
nearest the handle. This cut should be as shown (correctly)
208 Sec. 52- Forms of Saw Teeth and their Sharpening
on PI. 35, Fig. 3, where 1 and 2 are correct and 3 and 4 are
While this cut is being formed, a like cut is being produced
on the front of the tooth immediately behind this one, and
the two surfaces should be so cut that when one of them is
completely bevelled the other is in a like condition ; it is
necessary for the whole of the squareness to be removed to
ensure good results. The treatment of one of these hollows
between two teeth is the same for all the others. Alternate
hollows are dealt with on one side of the saw and then or the,
If this operation is properly executed, the cross-section
will be as shown at b on PI. 35, Fig. 1. A needle laid in the
channel between the teeth should traverse the whole length
of the saw when the handle is raised.
iii. When the teeth of the saw are in a very bad condition,
it is quicker to remove them entirely and replace them with
new ones.
To do this, file off the old teeth so that the surface of the
blade is perfectly clean, and start the cutting from the handle
A half-rip saw requires about 2 teeth to the inch.
A hand saw requires about 4 teeth to the inch.
A panel saw requires about 8 teeth to the inch.
A tenon saw requires about 10 teeth to the inch.
A dovetail saw requires about 16 teeth to the inch.
Thus the division of an inch by these numbers gives the
space each tooth should occupy.
Take the hand saw as an example. Cut the first hollow
\ in. wide, and the extremity nearest the point of the saw
will represent the point of the first tooth (see c on PI. 35,
Fig. 3). Now start another hollow a little distance from the
intended point, as shown, and gradually work back to the
handle end, thus forming the tooth immediately behind.
When this is done, the hollow can be made \ in. wide as
before, and the process is repeated until all the teeth are cut
in, when the second process can be carried out to complete the
It is better first to measure the teeth to ensure that they
are all the same size.
5. The pit saw is still a service article, and is shown on
PI. 33, Fig. 9. It is used for ripping only, and the form of its
teeth and their sharpening is similar to that of the circular
rip saw, described in detail in Sec. 53.
It may be useful in mountainous countries where the
transport of machine-driven saws is impossible. It may also
Sec. 53.—Circular Saws 209
Plate 34.
Plate 35.
214 Sec. 53.—Circular Saws
towards the sharpener first, and then reverse the saw in the
vice and file the others.
Regarding (iii), the inclination of the back of the teeth
should be adjusted to a template. A clearance of 5° is generally
sufficient, PJ. 34, Fig. 19. If this is exceeded, the tooth is
apt to become weak or to have insufficient hook or forward
inclination ; it is on the hook that the speed of the cutting
depends. Saws thus filed can be re-sharpened with a few
light strokes of the file. This re-sharpening process can be
carried out three times before the saw requires stoning*
It is the practice of some sawyers to put a bevel on the
face of rip-saw teeth [i.c. not to file them straight across), and
also to put a bevel on the top of the teeth (i.c. not to file
them at right angles to the blade when the teeth are set).
Whatever the merits of this practice, it should not be practised
in the service.
The inserted tooth saw, PI. 34, Fig. 2, which cannot be set
in any other manner, possesses the following advantages -
i. The diameter is constant for the whole of the life of the
ii. Re-gulleting is eliminated.
iii. A worn or broken tooth can be easily replaced.
iv. The separate points can be made harder than is possible
with teeth which form a part of the saw, and they,
therefore, require repointing less frequently.
v. The bod}' can be made of a less brittle material.
the saw. Table M shows both the size of the cut that can
be made with a saw of a given size and the maximum power
required under normal commercial conditions. If the saw
has only rarely to take wood of the maximum size that
can be dealt with, the power can be considerably reduced by
merely lessening the rate of cutting on such occasions.
It ip saws
Depth of
Ihanictei Speed i land Itoller Pack ( ut
feed feed bench
* * *
24 1,650 10 15 - - 10
30 1,300 12 20 — 13
3(S 1,100 16 28 — 15
42 920 20 32 - 17
48 820 25 40 32 20
54 700 — -
* 40 23
80 600 — - -
48 27
72 500 —
55 30
walks to the other end of the bench and pulls on the wood,
whilst the sawyer holds the end to be cut against the fence,
finally pushing it into the saw by means of a push stick ;
working with short stuff, he should push it through from the
back with a stick, for safety. In sawing long stuff and thick
stuff, small steel wedges should be driven into the cut to open
it out and prevent the saw binding. The riving knife, when
fitted, will also serve this purpose.
When logs are cut before they have been properly seasoned,
the side towards the heart wood tends to bulge and that
towards the sap wood to hollow. The sawyer will, therefore,
meet with straight timber of section as shown at a on PI. 34,
Fig. 8, straight timber of skew section, timber bent in the
direction of its length, and twisted timber.
Pieces like a should be sawn by putting the concave side
against the fence, which for this purpose should preferably be
fitted with ribs, PI. 34, Fig. 4. Timber bent in the direction
of its length should be sawn with the convex side of the long
bend to the fence.
Stuff like c, which is convex both sides, can only be properly
sawn by making two points of contact on the ribs of the fence.
If it is required to saw small logs, a square batten should be
cut first for the log to rest on and so prevent rolling.
In sawing long thick stuff (c.g. a piece of 14-in. by I4-in.
pitch pine or a thick log) the sawyer and puller-through should
be assisted by helpers, who should support the projecting end
of the baulk. The helpers should be under the control of the
sawyer, and trained not to move the log sideways or to lift
it higher than the table. Trolleys, PI. 36, Fig. 3, are probably
better than men for this purpose, as moving and lifting are
The following precautionary measures should be taken when
working circular saws. Use the right hand to take stuff from
the right side of the saw and the left hand for stuff on the other
In cutting any wood that will take the hand near the saw,
use a short stick, with a slot at the end to prevent it from
slipping. If it is necessary to hold short stuff in the fence,
use a good block of wood instead of the palm of the left hand.
14. Saw-sharpening machines are made in two types,
viz., hand and automatic. The hand variety only, PI. 37,
Figs. 1 anti 2, will be considered.
It is claimed to be possible completely to gullet and sharpen
circular rip, circular cross-cut, and frame saws with the aid
of this machine. In the service, however, the gullets and
points of the teeth only should be dealt with by machine,
the tops of the teeth being finished off with a file. The hand
saw-sharpening machine, or, as it should more properly be
Sec. 53.—Circular Saws 221
and they are then suitable for topping, gulleting, and bevel-
It will be found that the abrasive wheels will glaze and
lose their cutting power alter a time ; their cutting surface
must then be trued up with a diamond dresser or the edge of a
54. Band saws
1. Introductory.—Band sawing machines may be divided
into :—
i. Log band saws with a separate log carriage on wheels,
for ripping only.
ii. Band re-saws for cutting down slabs into thin boards,
with roller feed.
iii. Small machines, using narrow band saws, for cutting
intricate shapes, as in patternmaking and some
phases of joinery ; such saws will require a blade
with teeth designed to cut both with and across the
grain oi the wood.
Of these, (i) and (ii) may be found in permanent military
mills and base park workshops, but will not be otherwise used
by the military engineer.
A property qualified saw fitter is required to make these
machines run successfully ; he should be able to sharpen, set,
hammer, tension, and doctor the saws. Provided this is done,
the conversion of timber by large band saws requires no very
great degree of skill on the part of the operator.
All band saws have the advantage over circular saws in
that they remove less wood ; their relative thinness, however,
leads to more frequent damage to their comparatively weak
teeth. The principles for sharpening them are the same as
those for circular saws. PL 34, Fig. 11, shows typical teeth
formed for ripping soft wood.
An automatic sharpening machine is essential for all types
of band saws. The teeth are usually spring set, but swage
set teeth are effective. Care must be taken that the set on
each side is exactly the same, or digging in will result (and,
consequently, broken saws).
AV*rn In
]’LATJ£ 38.
Pctni ,. iu,i of M .'ri. .1. A f;; <3- Co., L\/., <■<:), ‘7 i /..C.4 ]
Platk 39.
[l‘c>mi,swn of Minis. A. Kansomc & Co., Ltd., 63, Queen \’irtuna blurt, London, 2i.f.4.1
Sec. 54.—Band Saws 225
Jn. H.P.
54 5A 520 4 45
<50 6 480 4-1 55
60 6J 480 41 60
72 n 60 400 H 75
84 9 60 335 7 85
No. of 13.H.F.
Size of Kevs.
Stroke saws
log per min.
in frame Light Cut
In. In No.
18 17 200 18 3* 20
24 20 180 24 6 30
30 24 150 30 7 38
36 ' 26 140 36 8 42
42 28 130 42 9 50
46 30 120 48 10 60
Fitting and I3oiler-shop Foundry foreman Sawmill and
machine-shop foreman woodworking
foreman shop
Erecting-shop Smiths' shop
foreman. foreman
I Millwrights
Fitters Smiths Welders
Tool-room Plumbers
Derived heat S.G. at Flash
from value 60° F. point
per lb.
Petrol .. Crude Petrol 'l 18,500 0-69 14° F.
petroleum. (3 } to to
grades). 1 19,500 0-74
Paraffin (kerosene) do. Oil, fuel, | 18,500 0-80 75° F.
for oil > to to to
engines. J 19,500 0-85 100° F.
Gas oil .. do. Gas oil 19,000 0-86 150° F.
■ to to
19,500 0-89
Heavy fuel oil do. Oil, fuel. '
18,000 0-9 175° F.
(residual oils). for heavy
to to
20.000 0-98
engines. .
Benzol .. .. Coal — 17,800 0-88 —
256 Sec. 64.—Cycles of Operation
Plate 42.
To T, (;) (K1‘ -
1 -
1-4(T2 - TJ “ 1 1-4(K - 1)
in which r — compression ratio as before and
K = rrz = constant pressure expansion ratio.
and the efficiency ratio = = 0-64.
For the average practical values of these quantities for
other I.C. engines, see Table U.
Diagrams such as those shown on PI. 42, Fig. 2, can be
obtained by. means of an indicator, which is dealt with in
Chap. XXX.
Plate 44.
F/q I
Theoretical Diagram.
To Illustrate S Str Cycle
C r\
Atmospheric Lina Cylinder volume
Actual Diagram
(Theoretical Diagram
S ho*rn Dotted J
1. UiiO Wl
Sec. 70.—The Rating of I.C. Engines
Plate 45.
1 42 42 28 28
4* 35-2 17-6 15-8 7-9
3 30-4 10-1 13-1 4-37
4 10-67 2-66 10-5 2-62
6 10-80 1-80 3-0 0-50
again, the governor balls drop, the knife edge, c, rises and
becomes disengaged from d, the exhaust valve is closed, and
the cycle is resumed.
(iii) PI. 46, Fig. 2, shows an inertia governor, on the hit-
and-miss principle, as used in an old design of the Tangye
oil engine. The pecker, P, is carried by a holder, B, hinged
on the pin, A, and resting on a roller turning on a fixed
pin, C.
A is borne in a bracket, D, to which a reciprocating motion
is given by the cam, E. The lower edge of B is formed with
an inclined surface, K, as shown. A spring, H, maintains a
slight tension on one end of B, thus tending to preserve
contact with the roller, C. At normal engine speeds the
spring pressure is so adjusted that B, during its motion from
right to left, does not part contact with C, and the pecker, P,
then engages with the groove, V, and the exhaust valve is
allowed to close.
At increased engine speeds, however, the upward
momentum communicated to B by the reaction of the roller
on the inclined surface, K, is sufficient to cause the pecker to
fly above V. This results in the exhaust valve being held
open owing to the engagement of the two hardened steel
plates, X and Y.
7. Quality governing.—(i) This is effected either by—
(a) Varying the pump stroke, or
(h) Taking a full pump stroke every time and by-passing
more or less oil, as the speed increases or
(ii) PI. 47 shows the arrangement in the Hornsby oil
engine. The governor sleeve actuates a rod, so that when the
speed increases, the projecting piece, 6, is forced down and
opens a valve, c, against a spring. Oil is sprayed into the hot
bulb through the holes, d. It enters from the oil pump at e,
the force with which it is pumped being sufficient to open the
fuel inlet valve, /, against the spring. At normal speeds, the
valve c being closed, the whole of the oil pumped up per stroke
is sprayed into the vaporizer through d. As the speed
increases, the valve c is opened, and some of the oil pumped
up makes its way past this valve through the return pipe, g,
and back to the feed tank. If c is wide open, all the oil
pumped will escape back to the feed tank. The net result
is that the engine gets less and less oil as its speed increases
above the normal. The fuel supply can be varied by hand
independently of the governor by altering the length of
stroke of the fuel pump.
(iii) PI. 48 illustrates the method adopted in the modem
Tangye heavy oil engine. The governing is effected by
Sec. 71.—Governing of I.C. Engines 283
Plate 46.
Plat* 47
Sec. 71.—Governing of I.C. Engines 285
Plate 48.
286 Sec. 71.—Governing of I.C. Engines
Platr 49.
Sec. 71.—Governing of l.G. Engines 287
valve gear are provided with oil holes for oil-can lubrication
by hand.
In large engines all these parts are usually fed from the
main oil circulating system.
When an engine has been at rest for some time the oil
films on the various working parts have more or less completely
broken down. They have been squeezed out by the sustained
pressure due to the weight of the parts and a certain amount
of metallic contact takes place. As a result, the starting
effort of an engine is very considerable and the static coefficient
of friction may quite easily approach that of solid friction.
Further, the increased viscosity of the lubricating oil when cold
will cause the power lost in friction to continue to be excessive
until the oil has warmed up.
Perhaps the most frequent cause of wear in petrol engines
is the running at starting, when the old oil has drained away
from the various parts and before the new supply of cold and
relatively thick oil has had time to reach them. For this
reason, as well as others, engines should invariably be started
with as small a throttle opening as possible, and run light
for a few minutes at low speed until the oil has warmed up
and can circulate freely. The practice of racing an engine at
starting to warm it up cannot be too strongly deprecated.
5. Examples of lubrication systems likely to be met
with in the service.
(i) Open type horizontal engines.—(a) Piston and cylinder.
—In small engines the following devices are employed,
PI. 50, Fig. 1 :—
A sight-feed lubricator is screwed into the top side of the
cylinder near the open end. The oil path from the lubricator
is through the cylinder liner on to the top of the piston, on
which are oil grooves. The lubricator is provided with a
needle valve, a, which is lifted by turning the hinged piece, b,
upright. The screw, c, adjusts the lift of the needle valve to
suit varying rates of drip. It should be adjusted to keep the
piston lightly oiled.
These lubricators require watching, as they are somewhat
unreliable. When not required to feed, the needle valve is
(b) Gudgeon pins.—One method in use is shown on
PI. 50, Fig. 1. Some of the oil delivered to the top of the
piston is led through a small hole in the piston, directly above
a conical passage in the top of the small-end bearing into
which the oil drips.
A modification of the above method is shown on PI. 50,
Fig. 2. Here a separate sight-feed lubricator is screwed
into the end of the cylinder. It delivers oil to a disc, d,
292 Sec. 72.—Lubrication of I.G. Engines
Sec. 72.—Lubrication of I.G. Engines 293
Plate 51
296 Sec. 72.—Lubrication of I.G. Engines
A small quantity of oil should be added each day before
starting, to keep up the level to the place marked inside the
left-hand sump cover.
It is absolutely necessary for the oil strainers to be com¬
pletely covered with oil, otherwise air may be sucked in
instead of oil and the bearings thereby ruined.
When the engine is first started, or when re-starting after
the lubricating oil pump or any of the oil pipes have been
dismantled, such as after an inspection of the bearings, the
engine should be turned round slowly by hand until the
lubricating oil pipes are full of oil and until the oil is actually
delivered to the bearings.
Also a few ounces of lubricating oil should be poured into
the cylinders through the test cocks to ensure that the cylinders
start with some lubrication.
Should the engine be started and no pressure be shown on
the pressure gauge, the engine should be stopped and the
cause of the absence of pressure ascertained.
PI. 52 shows the bearing lubrication system on the modern
enclosed type of Davey Paxman heavy oil engine. Its
resemblance to the Crossley system will be noted and the
instructions given above for that system generally apply.
The gudgeon pins are, however, normally fed through a
drilled connecting rod. The position occupied by an oil
cooler (when fitted) is shown.
The oil pressure should be maintained at 15 lb./sq. inch
(minimum safe, 10 lb.). Use excess pressure only if required
after fitting new parts or to cool any part which may be heated
unduly. The pressure may be higher at starting but should
be adjusted to the correct figure when oil is warm.
Before starting, circulate oil through system and raise
pressure to 5 lb./sq. inch at least by means of hand pump
provided. Also work pump for a minute after shutting
engine down.
The cylinder lubrication in these Davey Paxman engines
is by splash in the case of small engines and on large engines by
mechanical force feed lubricators. PI. 53 shows the type of
mechanical lubricator fitted to the 120 B.H.P. engine in the
E. & M. School, S.M.E.
The eccentric rocks the lever carried in the bearing
(S.35), and through the medium of the ratchet pawl (S.34)
and ratchet wheel (S.32) revolves the pump lever cam (S.25)
and the distributor cam (S.21). The lubricator operates in
the following manner :—
Starting from the position shown in the side section, the
plungers (S.28) are delivering oil through the distribution
valve (S.17) and lower tubes (S.18) to the delivery pipe
connection (S.13) at the back of the lubricator.
Sec. 72.—Lubrication of I.G. Engines 297
Plate 52.
Before the plungers are allowed to rise, the valve has taken
up its mid-way or vertical position (Fig. b), thus allowing the
plungers to draw oil from the well of the lubricator. While
the plungers are still at the top, the valve (S.17) takes up the
angular position shown in Fig. c, thus connecting the plungers
with the upper tubes (S.19) which lead to sight drips (S.20).
To regulate the quantity of oil delivered, the set pins (S.29)
are screwed in or out, thus altering the stroke of the plungers.
When first starting up the engine, the lubricator handle
(S.38) should be pushed endwise into engagement with the
pump spindle and turned until oil is seen to flow freely from
all the sight drips. This ensures that all the pumps are in
working order. It is not positive evidence that all the feed
pipes are delivering oil to the engine parts but obstructions
in these short lengths of pipe are unlikely.
In this respect the type is inferior to other designs of
mechanical lubricator in which the quantity of oil passing
can be clearly seen and measured.
A lubricating oil connection to the cylinder, with check
valve, is shown in PI. 53, Fig. d.
(iii) Open type vertical engines. — The Davey Paxman
engine in the E. & M. School is of this type {see PI. 83), and
the lubricating arrangements are somewhat different from
those outlined above. The crankshaft and camshaft bearings
are ring-oiled and the cylinders small ends and big ends arc
force fed by a mechanical lubricator similar to that described
above. The camshaft and governor gears and exhaust valve
cams and guides are in oil baths, and small lubricators arc
provided for the governor and eccentrics.
Other parts are oiled by hand.
6. Faults in lubrication systems.—i. If the oil tell-tale
or pressure gauge is correctly placed on the end of the line and
is registering the right pressure, it is almost certain that oil is
reaching the important bearings. Accidental obstruction in
the oil passages on the delivery side of the oil pump is most
unlikely. The pressure is usually sufficient to clear such
obstruction, except in the case of pieces of rag, fluff, &c., left
inside the engine by carelessness when overhauling.
ii. If no oil pressure is indicated, the most likely causes are:—
{a) No oil in the sump, or not enough.
{(b) Oil pump empty; needs priming. This is very common
after overhaul, with the gear type of oil pump.
(c) Serious air leak on suction side of pump. Most
oil pumps now are submerged in the sump to avoid
this trouble and obviate priming.
If insufficient or unsteady oil pressure is indicated, the most
likely cause is a choked filter on the suction side of the pump.
300 Sec. 73.—Air Filters for I.G. Engines
These symptoms may also be due to insufficient oil in the
sump. Filters must be cleaned and the oil level inspected
It is uncommon to have faulty ball valves in the plunger
type of oil pump. Worn plungers are also uncommon and
are usually only found in old engines.
iii. Excess pressure in forced lubrication systems is usually
noticed after starting a cold engine and is due to the thickness
of the cold oil. As soon as the engine is warmed up the oil
pressure should fall to normal. If it remains above normal
a thicker oil may have been put in the crankcase or there t
may be an unusual obstruction in the oil ways somewhere on
the delivery side of the tee to the oil gauge. In some engines
a relief valve is fitted to the pump to limit the pressure.
Plate 54.
Plate 56.
m d *"OM
nf 3-
310 Sec. 75.—Exhaust Silencers
and all clinker should be removed from the side of the brick¬
work by this means. The ash and clinker can then be with¬
drawn from the step grate.
To avoid variations in the quality of the gas, it is advisable
to leave the poke-hole open for as short a period as possible.
It is not necessary to clean out the fire more often than two
or three times a day.
If a piece of clinker is too large to be drawn out, say,
through the spaces above the top grate plate, it can be pushed
by the poker to the centre of the fire; the centre of the fire
itself is cleaned by drawing away a portion of the bed of ash1
upon which it rests in the middle of the generator.
viii. Maintenance.—If the water used is dirty or hard, the
external vaporizer will require examining periodically and the
tubes cleaning.
After about every 1,500 hours of work, the coke in the
scrubber, R, should be renewed and the water sprinklers
inspected to ascertain whether they are distributing the water
Hard furnace coke should be used in the scrubber, and it
should be broken to a suitable size, varying from 2- to 3-in.
cube on the lower grid to, say, f-in. cube at the top of the
Care should be taken that air is not sucked into the joints
of the hopper; the rotary portion should be taken asunder
frequently for the purpose of cleaning, and the springs and
adjusting screws on the hopper body should be examined to
see that they are properly adjusted to ensure an airtight
7. General.—The precautions to be taken against gas
poisoning are dealt with in Regulations for Engineer Services,
Part II.
Producers using wood, bituminous coal, &c., make dirty
gas (tarry), and special methods of purification are required.
Producers of all types require to be watched by a permanent
man. They are, therefore, not suitable for use in the service.
The instructions given in para. 6 above are sufficient for
working most of the small civil plants that are likely to be met
with in war-time.
77. Introduction
Petrol engines used by the R.E. may be of any power
between 1 and 40 H.P.; may have one, two, four, or six
cylinders, may be water- or air-cooled, and may be four-stroke
or two-stroke.
Space will only permit of dealing mainly with the most
usual types, viz. the one- and four-cylinder, four-stroke,
Information regarding the elementary principles of the
action of four-stroke oil engines is given in Sec. 66, and
applies equally to petrol engines.
The main points of difference between petrol and oil
engines are:—
i. The method of vaporizing the fuel and obtaining the
explosive mixture.
ii. Ignition.
iii. Higher speed and, hence, much lighter construction
for a given horse-power.
iv. Valve timing.
v. Governing.
vi. Compression pressure. The maximum compression
pressure in ordinary petrol engines varies from 90
to 110 lbs. per square inch, as against 60 to 80 lbs.
per square inch in paraffin engines.
Plate 58.
320 Sec. 78.—Carburation and Induction Systems
Flats 59.
Plats 60.
Sec. 79.—Types of Carburettor 327
bringing the jets into operation one by one. This really
amounts to having several carburettors. combined in one,
each adding its share of the mixture as the engine demands.
Multi-jet carburettors are usually thought too com¬
plicated for service purposes. Their only drawback is that
there are several small jets to get choked with dirt in place of
one large one.
3. The S.U. carburettor. See PI. 59, Figs. 2 and 3.
See Sec. 78, para. 10 (i), for the principle of its mixture strength
compensation. This carburettor has no special slow-running
device. Starting from cold is effected by lowering the sleeve
which surrounds the jet needle. This makes the jet larger
and gives as rich -a mixture as necessary. This operation can be
performed from the dashboard. It is a very simple matter to
tune this apparatus, it only being necessary to adjust the upper
limit position of this sleeve. The higher the sleeve the weaker
the mixture at all throttle positions. The jet needles must sit
centrally in the sleeve, and care is required when the piston
is removed not to damage the needle. The dashboard control
of the jet is very useful when running under different atmo¬
spheric conditions.
4. The Zenith carburettor.—(i) The Zenith carburettor
illustrates the principle of the compensating jet. On PI. 60,
Figs. 1 and 2, the float chamber communicates with the main
jet, a, direct, and with a compensating jet, b, via the vessel,
c, the top of which is open to the air. Petrol will flow
into c, through the small orifice d, at a rate dependent
on the difference of level of petrol in the float chamber and
the vessel, c. The flow through d is unaffected by the drop
of pressure at the jet, b, owing to the vessel, c, having an
open top.
For running at normal rates of speed the petrol is delivered
through the jet, 6, as fast as it will flow from the orifice, d,
so that the chamber, c, is then empty ; petrol thus flows into
c at a constant speed.
Both jets are situated in a choke-tube and the proportion
of petrol issuing from the main jet, a, to air increases as the
air speed past the jet rises. The jet, b, will not deliver
more petrol per second than can flow in through d, and, there¬
fore, as the air speed past the jets increases the proportion
of petrol to air delivered by jet, b, decreases. Hence, on an
increase of dir speed, the action of jet, a, is to make the mixture
stronger and that of jet, b, to make it weaker.
By suitably proportioning jet, a, orifice, d, and the choke-
tube, a carburettor can be produced which will give a fairly
correct mixture at all speeds and loads.
PI. 60, Fig. 1, shows the actual construction .of the Zenith
328 Sec. 79.—Types of Carburettor
carburettor. It will be seen that the compensating jet sur¬
rounds the main jet. It is more usual to call the orifice, d,
the compensating jet, and the annular jet, b, is then referred
to as the compensating jet tube.
(ii) Starting and slow running.—The chamber, c, con¬
tains a small subsidiary carburettor for easy starting and
slow running. It delivers into the induction pipe above the
choke-tube, through the passage,/.
When the engine is not running, chamber c fills up to
float chamber level. With a practically closed throttle the
engine is cranked, and a comparatively high air velocity is
obtained through the narrow opening, /, resulting in the
sucking in of petrol through the passage, g, and a rich mixture
for starting. If the throttle valve were opened too wide,
difficulty would be experienced in starting, as the air velocity
, would not then be large enough to form a rich mixture either
from the main or compensating jets or from the pilot jet,/.
(iii) Immediately the engine starts, the level of the petrol
in c will be lowered. When the engine is running slowly under
no load, the petrol will rise a little way in c. When the
throttle is opened the jet, b, can first of all draw on the reserve
of petrol in c, thus providing a temporarily over-rich mixture.
The level in c is thus gradually lowered. Immediately normal
loads and speeds are reached, petrol is drawn out of c by the
jet, b, as fast as it can run into c through d.
(iv) This carburettor has the following advantages :—
i. Good compensation.
ii. The slow-running device is easily adjusted, and as it
gradually goes out of action when the throttle is
opened, waste is avoided.
iii. A good reserve of petrol for acceleration. If the
throttle is opened too suddenly, however, the
reserve is drawn off too quickly. This may
result in too rich a mixture to fire, and the engine
stops. This is called choking (lack of air).
(v) Adjustments.—The main adjustments of Zenith carbu¬
rettors will usually be made by the engine maker to suit the
particular engine. They are :—
i. By changing the diameter of the choke-tube.
ii. By changing the main jet.
iii. By changing the compensator, d, which regulates the
rate of flow of petrol through the compensating jet.
It must be remembered in changing Zenith jets that the
main jet has most influence on the mixture at high speeds and
full throttle, and that to test the effect of the main jet, the
Sec. 79.—'Types of Carburettor 329
Plate 61.
330 Sec. 80.—Fitting and Tuning of Carburettors
below the level of the top of the jet. Note that petrol will
rise higher up fine jets than large ones, .owing to capillary
attraction. Do not attempt to tune with flooding
2. Before any carburettor adjustment is made, make
sure that the engine is otherwise in good working order,
especially as regards the valve timing and tappet clearances.
As a general rule, the first step in tuning is to get the
slow-running system working, so that the engine can be
started and warmed up. Adjustments to choke-tube and
jet should always be made with a warm engine, and with as
constant atmospheric conditions as possible.
this time leaving the fibre coupling on the engine. Turn the
magneto back slightly so that it will re-engage with the fibre
ring one tooth back, i.e. retarded by — degrees. The net
result is an advance degrees of the magneto on
top of whatever the timing was before (about 1 degree).
aecoNOftnv winding
• EfilftTM
Sec. 83.—Magneto Ignition Systems 345
Plate 65.
346 Sec. 83.—Magneto Ignition Systems
iii. Weak spark (a) Faulty plug, Clean or replace. See remarks to
at starting (not (ib) Magnetism of ♦Re-magnetize. (i), above.
sufficient to start magnets weak.
the engine when {c) Damp mag¬ ♦Dry out coils in
under compres¬ neto. a slow oven.
sion). (d) Dirty tung¬ Clean with paper
sten points. and petrol.
(e) Fitted and True with a very
uneven tung¬ smooth file or
sten points. emery cloth.
(/) Tungsten See para. 3.
points breaking
too much or too
Accomp a n 1 c d (g) Pierced con¬ ♦Renew conden¬
by sparking at the denser or a con¬ ser or replace
tungsten points. nection to con¬ lead.
denser broken.
(A) Magneto too Advance.
far retarded.
(j) Dirty distri¬ Clean.
iv. Magneto (a) A faulty plug. Replace.
sometimes gives a (b) A faulty lead. Replace.
spark, and some¬ (c) An internal ♦Repair.
times does not. disconnection
either between
unearthed ends
of H.T. winding
or L.T. winding.
3. Ignition system.—
i. All terminals should be secure.
ii. Magneto points should be clean and even, and should
separate the right distance (-012 in.).
iii. The magneto distributor should be spotlessly clean.
iv. Sparking plug points and interiors should be free
from carbon.
v. Sparking plug points should be set to *025 in.
vi. There should be no leakage between plugs and
cylinder. If tightening up does not effect tight¬
ness, a new copper and asbestos washer should be
4. Water circulation system.—
i. All water connections should be tight.
ii. Pump glands (if fitted) should not leak.
iii. The radiator should be clean. This can usually
be effected by occasional flushing out with a
hose. If oil finds its way into the radiator (usually
caused by a leaky cylinder head), the radiator
should be filled with soda solution and the
engine run for 15 minutes, after which it should
be flushed out.
iv. Cylinder water-jackets should be freed from scale
if any has formed. (See Sec. 106.)
v. The radiator fan belt should not slip.
vi. The system should be drained in frosty weather.
5. Cylinders and pistons.—
i. Cylinder heads should be cleared of carbon deposit.
ii. Pistons should be free of carbon both on top and
iii. Piston rings should be free in their grooves.
iv. Valve caps should fit tightly. This may necessitate
a new copper and asbestos washer.
Sec. 89.—Maintenance of Petrol Engines 363
91. Introduction
1. The oil engines dealt with in this chapter may now be
regarded as obsolescent for military purposes, but their
principles of operation should be understood if only as a
stepping-stone to the study of the more modem engine dealt
with in the next chapter. Moreover, there are many thousands
of paraffin engines in use in various parts of the world and they
have a long life.
2. Mixtures of 1 part by weight of paraffin to from 10 to 17
parts of air are explosive, and are easily ignited. Mixtures
weaker or stronger in paraffin are difficult to ignite, and
bum comparatively slowly. Paraffin will not vaporize
completely, even at pressures considerably below atmo¬
spheric, unless it is heated up.
The usual method of vaporizing is to pump or suck a fine
spray on to the heated walls of a hot bulb or vaporizer,
PI. 41 f which is a prolongation of the cylinder, and which is
not water-jacketed. At starting, the hot bulb is heated up
to the required temperature by a blow-lamp. When the
engine is running, it is kept hot by contact with the burning
charge, and the blow-lamp may be removed. The heat so
given to it is not conducted away, as it is from the rest of
the cylinder, by the circulating water, and a cover prevents
it from being cooled too rapidly by radiation and convection.
Plate 70.
- ffctcaovo mr-jg/KJS.
370 Sec. 92.—Ignition and its Control
Plats 71.
Plate 72.
,SHtF~'rt!>tQ vwlvcr non
/ werreia iNj-£cno\
374 Sec. 93.—Running and Care of Oil Engines
ii. By altering the compression space with conical caps,
PI. 72, Fig. 5.
iii. By replacing the hot bulb by one of greater or smaller
iv. By securing a plate with set screws to the end of the
piston, PI. 72, Fig. 3.
Method (iv) can be adopted in the case of engines not
fitted by the makers with other devices for regulating com¬
pression pressure, but should only be used for small engines.
In order to maintain the designed maximum compression,
pressure, when engines are installed at high altitudes, the
compression ratio may be increased to compensate for the
rarefication of the atmosphere. This may be done by grinding
a little off the face of the cylinder head flange.
Plate 73.
95. Introduction
1. “ Heavy-oil engines " is a loose general term often used
to cover all engines which work with “ heavy ” oils.
To ensure the complete combustion of such oils in a cylinder,
better atomization of the fuel and higher temperatures than
are obtained in the paraffin oil engine must be employed.,,
In order to obtain higher temperatures in the cylinder, it
is necessary to work with higher compression pressures.
2. In the paraffin oil engine, if the mixture is compressed
beyond 60 to 80 lb. per square in., the heat of compression
will cause pre-ignition. The spontaneous ignition point of the
heavier oil fuels being much the same as that of paraffin, it
is not feasible to raise compression pressures in heavy-oil
engines beyond this point if the mixture is compressed.
3. In all heavy-oil engines, pure air only is, therefore,
drawn into the cylinder on the suction stroke and compressed.
Near the end of the compression stroke a charge of heavy oil
is introduced into the cylinder in a very finely-divided spray,
and is quickly vaporized and ignited by the high temperature
of compression, in some cases aided by a hot bulb.
Engines of this type not only use a cheap fuel, but, having
a high compression ratio and, therefore, a high thermal
efficiency, they also have a low fuel consumption.
The service fuels used for these engines are, Oil, fuel, for
heavy-oil engines, and gas oil.
4. Fuel oil filtering.—Heavy fuel oil must always be
strained before use, otherwise the fine orifices of atomizers
will quickly become choked. A strainer is invariably in¬
corporated in the expense oil tank and one or two other
strainers may be inserted in the fuel oil circuit.
5. Fuel oil heating.—The object of this is to make the
oil more fluid, thus enabling it to flow more easily through
the pumps, pipes and passages into the atomizers. It may
only be necessary in cold weather. The heat of the exhaust
is generally used for this purpose.
The degree of heating can be regulated by varying the
distance of the heater from the exhaust pipe. The distance
should never be such as to cause the oil to give off vapour;
otherwise an air-lock would be caused in the pipes and pump,
384 Sec. 96.—Semi-Diesel Engines
^JPlate 74.
388 Sec. 96.—Semi-Diesel Engines
6. The two-stroke semi-Diesel, usually vertical, is quite
a good type of engine for stationary and semi-portable
military purposes.
i. It is lighter for a given power than the horizontal
four-stroke type.
ii. Having no valves in the cylinder head, and few adjust¬
ments, it is fairly simple to operate and maintain.
iii. It is more economical than the four-stroke paraffin
engine to which the two-stroke principle cannot be
economically applied, but it is not so economical as
two-stroke or four-stroke Diesels.
7. PI. 75, Fig. 1, shows a typical two-stroke semi-Diesel
PI. 74, Fig. 5, shows a typical port-timing diagram.
Air only is compressed in the crankcase, which must there¬
fore be kept airtight. The fuel injection is similar to that of a
four-stroke semi-Diesel.
The exhaust port is uncovered for a comparatively small
portion of the working stroke. If the exhaust gases are to
escape without undue back pressure the silencer must be very
near the cylinder.
8. Compressed-air starting is effected as described
in paras. 4 and 5 (except that the valve between the receiver
and cylinder is actuated by a cam on the crankshaft).
9. Reversing.—Two-stroke semi-Diesels can be made to
run in a reverse direction by altering the time of fuel injection.
This will be obvious on looking at the port and fuel timing
diagram in PI. 74, Fig. 5. This will involve moving the cam
or eccentric device which operates the pump through an angle
of, say, 30 degrees relative to its shaft. Such adjustment
may be provided by the makers.
10. Faults in semi-Diesel engines.—The semi-Diesel
is prone in general to the faults which have already been dealt
with in Sec. 93 for oil engines.
i. Faults common in semi-Diesels.—The greatest difficulty
in semi-Diesels is to ensure always complete combustion
when the engine is on varying load, such as electric
lighting, and to avoid pre-ignition. This is because of the
variation in temperature of the hot bulb. The temperature
of the hot bulb can be increased or decreased by the applica¬
tion or removal of the blow-lamp, or by adjustment of the
water snifting device. In this connection errors of judgment
on the part of the driver will lead to dirty exhaust or pre¬
ignition, both of which will be harmful to the engine, and may
cause excessive fuel consumption. Below about one-third
of full load it is generally necessary to use the blow-lamp.
Sec. 97.—Diesel Engines (Air-Injection) 389
Plate 76.
Plate 77.
Plate 79.
Sec. 99.—Diesel Engines (Solid-Injection) 399
Plate 80.
400 Sec. 99.—Diesel Engines (Solid-Injection)
(b) Since the fuel will not vaporize at ordinary temper¬
atures, it must be “ atomized," i.e. reduced to a very finely
divided spray—practically a mist—in order that the heated
air may come in contact with every particle of fuel. This is
accomplished in the air-injection Diesel engine, as already
explained, by means of an air-blast; in the solid injection
engine it is accomplished by a purely mechanical atomizing
device, consisting essentially of a pump and a fine nozzle,
through which the fuel is forced by a pressure of 1,000 lb. per
sq. in. or more. J
The development of the atomizer has rendered solid
injection possible, and the satisfactory running of these engines
depends to a very great extent on this component.
3. As compared with the air-injection engine, the solid
injection engine possesses the advantage of simplicity. The
compressor is dispensed with, and with it the necessity
for regulation and adjustment of the blast pressure and the
risks attendant on careless or unskilful adjustment of the same.
It is, therefore, more suitable than the air-injection type for
use in comparatively unskilled hands.
4. The gain in mechanical efficiency, due to the absence
of a compressor, is offset by lower thermal efficiency, but the
overall efficiency approaches that of the Diesel engine.
5. Compression pressures are slightly lower than with air-
injection Diesel engines, about 420 lb. per sq. in. being a
common figure, but maximum explosion pressures are higher.
This is due to the fact that combustion is more rapid than
when an air-blast is used. In the air-injection engine the
pressure does not rise appreciably above the compression
pressure, but remains at that level for a considerable portion
of the working stroke. In the solid-injection engine the
pressure rises immediately to nearly 600 lb. per sq. in. but
falls off at once. Compare indicator diagrams (PI. 79, Figs.
1 and 3).
In this respect the air-injection Diesel engine has an
advantage ; to deal with the higher pressure the solid-injection
engine requires greater strength, and it does not run quite so
sweetly, but always thumps to a certain extent.
6. Combustion does not appear to be quite so perfect as in
the air-injection engine, and it is more difficult to obtain an
absolutely colourless exhaust.
7. The fine nozzles of the atomizers are readily choked;
careful filtration of the fuel oil and periodical cleaning in
paraffin should, however, obviate trouble of this nature.
8. The majority of solid-injection engines work on the
four-stroke cycle, and these are made by a number of makers
402 Sec. 99.—Diesel Engines (Solid-Injection)
Sec. 99.—Diesel Engines (Solid-Injection) 403
Plate 81(a).
Carter’s Patents
Fig. :i.
404 Sec. 99.—Diesel Engines (Solid-Injection)
must start and stop smartly, and therefore air injection cannot
be employed.
To ensure the requisite degree of atomization and pene¬
tration, very high injection pressures (up to 10,000 Ib./sq. in.)
have been employed in some designs, but the use of such high
pressures in the fuel system, with the necessary small holes
in the atomizer, has caused a good deal of trouble. Better
results are now being obtained by so shaping the combustion
chamber that the air enters at high velocity with a rotational
swirl and the resulting turbulence gives satisfactory operation
with much smaller injection pressures (1,000-2,000 lb./sq. ill.).
3. The Bosch fuel pump, which is largely used on low-speed
solid-injection Diesel engines, is quite suitable for the high¬
speed designs, so also is the Benes fuel pump, shown in PI. 85,
which is of British design and manufacture.
Fig. 1 shows a four-cylinder model; Fig. 2, one element in
section ; and Fig. 3 (a) to (e), various positions of the plunger.
Referring to Fig. 2, the plunger A works in a sleeve B
with inclined faces. The sleeve is carried in the pump barrel
C, the former being fixed relative to the barrel. Rotatably
mounted about the pump barrel at the lower end is a two-piece
sleeve D which is operated by a control arm E. This arm is
provided with slots at its lower end in which projections F
on the plunger engage, so that rotation of the sleeve D by
means of the arm also rotates the plunger, the slots being so
arranged as to permit the plunger to reciprocate while it is
being rotated. The plunger is cam-operated in the usual
manner, being returned on the suction stroke by the spring G.
The plunger, it will be noted, is guided by the cup-shaped
member H. The construction of the plunger is such that
there is no side-thrust on it. The upper part of the pump
plunger is provided with a long central hole, communicating
with relief ports, formed by drilling a radial hole right through
the plunger at the end of the vertical central hole. The
suction chamber of the pump is formed by the space in the
pump housing which surrounds the top part of the barrel.
The spaces formed by the inclined faces on the sleeve B
are, like the radial hole in the plunger, in direct communica¬
tion with the suction chamber of the pump.
The operation of the pump can be followed from Fig. 3.
(a) shows the pump plunger at the bottom of the suction
stroke. As soon as the ducts in the barrel and the spaces
formed by the inclined faces communicate with the suction
chamber, these spaces, together with the clearance space
above the plunger, are filled with fuel, (b) shows the point
at which injection is commencing—that is, when the suction
ports are closed by the plunger. Injection is carried out
over the period represented by the travel of the pump plunger
Sec. 101.—High-speed Diesel Engines 400
410 Sec. 102.—Diesel Engines, Inspection, &c.
from position (b) to position (c). The arrows in the diagrams
indicate the point at which the radial plunger port is almost
uncovering the relief port. As soon as communication is
established between the radial plunger port and the relief
port in the body of the pump, an instantaneous destruction of
pressure naturally occurs and fuel injection ceases, (d) is the
position when the engine is on partial load, the plunger having
been rotated through a suitable angle in the direction of the
arrow shown at the bottom of the rod. In this way, on the
up-stroke of the plunger the radial relief ports are uncovered
earlier by the inclined faces on the sleeve, so that the pressure
is relieved earlier and the quantity of fuel injected into the
cylinder is correspondingly reduced. When it is desired to
stop the engine, the plunger is rotated through a further
angular distance until it assumes the position shown at (e),
when obviously no fuel can be pumped up.
The pump can be used with any design of atomizer (or
injector nozzle).
4. Although the high-speed heavy-oil engine is of com¬
paratively recent introduction and cannot yet be said to have
been thoroughly tried out, it is reasonable to assume that its
reliability will be at least equal to that of the petrol engine,
in which case it should prove very suitable for small portable
generating sets, pumping sets, &c.
Somewhat higher combustion pressures are employed
than in the ordinaiy low-speed engine.
The full-load fuel consumption of small engines of 9\ B.H.P.
per cylinder, is about 0*41 to 0-45 lb./B.H.P. hour, which is
about half the weight of fuel required in a petrol engine of
corresponding size and speed.
Moreover, the heavy fuel-oil is relatively cheap and can be
more safely stored.
PI. 86 shows a four-cylinder Gardner high-speed heavy-oil
generating set. The rated B.H.P. is 38 at 1,000 r.p.m. for
continuous running, but the engine can be run up to 1,300
r.p.m. and will then develop up to 50 B.H.P. for intermittent
demand in a road vehicle.
The overall dimensions of the engine are 55 in. by 25 in.
by 40 in. high, and the weight is 29 cwt.
It is started from cold, by hand, simply by cranking.
Forced lubrication is employed throughout.
The following remarks, of course, only refer to the blast
air-injection type Diesel.
11. Compressor piston.—The compressor piston should
be drawn and thoroughly cleaned after 1,500 hours' running.
The compressor cylinder should be examined for signs of
over-lubrication. Too much oil will cause carbonization of
pistons and valves and wear and corrosion of the intercooler
tubes. At the same time micrometer readings of the bore
should be taken and checked for wear.
The liners and water-spaces should be treated on the same
general principles as those laid down in paras. 8 and 9 for the
main cylinders.
• 12. Compressor valves.—These should be cleaned and
ground in according to the following table :—
Two-stage compressors .. H.P. valves 300 hours.
L.P. „ 500 „
Three-stage compressors . H.P. „ 500
I.P. „ 1,000
L.P. „ 1,000
Compressor valves are usually of the disc type, and the best
way to grind in these and their seats is to rub them up to a
common surface on a piece of plate-glass or metal with fine
carborundum paste and finish off with metal-polish. The
intercooler pressure gauge gives a very good indication of the
condition of the valves.
The lift of the compressor valves should be adjusted when
it exceeds by 50 per cent, the original lift given by the engine
13. Intercooler coils.—In some engines the H.P. cooler
consists of a copper coil. This is subject to a certain amount
of deterioration and wastage, generally attributed to acidity
produced by the presence of lubricating oil in the high-pressure
air. Dust or water particles in the air will increase this wear.
These coils should be weighed periodically (every 1,500
hours is suggested), and when the weight has decreased to
75 per cent, of the original, then the coil should be replaced.
A method adopted by some engine-builders is to drill a
hole with the point of a —in. drill, to a depth of one-third
of the thickness of the metal, in the portions of the coil where
wear is most likely to occur. When the coil has worn away
to the bottom of this hole, a pinhole is formed through which
air escapes into the cooling water and an indication is given
that the coil should be replaced.
In any case the coil should be scrapped after 10,000 hours'
Sec. 102.-—Diesel Engines, Inspection, &c. 417
-The testing of air vessels is dealt with in Regulations for Engineer Services, Part II, para. 27a.
Sec. 103.—Solid-Injection Diesel Plant, Lay-out 419
The point at which the valve leaves the seat can best be
determined by means of the Ames magnetic gauge-mount
(see next para.). If this apparatus is not available, a piece
of tissue-paper between tappet and valve-stem will be just
gripped when the valve commences to lift. (Checking timing
by piston position is not an accurate method, because the
critical moments occur near the end of the stroke.) If the
flywheel has to be moved forward beyond the correct position
before the valve lifts, wear is indicated. If the inaccuracy is
due to the drive, the timing of all the valves will be retarded,
and before proceeding to investigate the condition of individual
cams, the flywheel must be moved forward so that the backlash
in the drive is the same as when running.
Note and record results carefully.
(iv) Test connecting-rod bearings for wear— Take off cylinder
head and remove loose carbon. Put each cylinder in turn on
top dead-centre and measure the combined wear of the big
and small ends. This can be done most conveniently and
quickly by means of the Ames magnetic dial micrometer
gauge-mount (PI. 89, Fig. 1) and a rubber suction cup as
shown in PI. 89, Fig. 2.
When the piston is raised by the suction cup (which has a
lift of about 50 lb.) the dial micrometer indicates the move¬
ment due to wear, which should be carefully recorded.
In the average lorry engine, if the play measured in this
way does not exceed 0-005 in., it is unnecessary to dis¬
mantle the engine on this account alone, but if a general
overhaul is carried out the fault must, of course, be rectified.
(v) Carefully note and record any other irregularities which
are detected.
2. Dismantling may now be proceeded with. Any other
defects which become apparent during the stripping down
must be carefully recorded as the work proceeds, and the
overhaul inspection sheet filled in.
i. First empty oil sumps and water-jackets.
ii. Remove small fitments. Magneto, carburettor, gauges,
thermometers, &c., which are liable to get lost or
broken in lifting or in transit, should be removed
on site and carefully packed in a separate box.
Replace nuts and washers on studs and bolts.
iii. Transfer engine to workshop and remove the inlet and
exhaust manifolds, oil- and water-connections and all
iv. The dismantling of the main parts of the engine can
now be carried out. The procedure will depend upon
the size, type and construction of the engine.
To face p. 422] Plate 89.
Sec. 106.—Principal Repair Operations 423
The piston-rings must be carefully removed in case it may
be possible to use them again.
If they are slightly gummed in their grooves, apply some
paraffin and loosen them by tapping with a block of hard wood.
When the rings are loose they can be taken off the piston
with four thin metal strips about A in. wide.
Plate 90.
iWlTT v
_ V
Sec. 106.—Principal Repair Operations 425
Plate 93.
Fiq. 2.
An. r,ff. 6.
434 Sec. 106.—Principal Repair Operations
tu in ■
Sec. 107.—Reassembly and Testing 435
108. Elementary properties of steam
1. Effect of heating water.—
i. When 1 lb. of water is heated, every B.Th.U. of
heat which passes into it has the effect of raising
its temperature by approximately 1° F. (exactly
1° F. at 60° F.). This is true for water at low and
atmospheric pressures as long as it all remains a
liquid. Thus, 1 lb. of water open to the air at
sea level will require 180 B.Th.U. of heat to raise
its temperature from freezing point to boiling
point (32° F. to 212° F.). Normal atmospheric
pressure =■ 14-7 lb. per square in.
ii. When the boiling point is reached, a further and
comparatively large quantity of heat is required
to turn the water into steam, and the addition
of such heat has no effect on the temperature.
In the case taken, 970 B.Th.U. are required to
turn the 1 lb. of water at 212° F. into steam at the
same temperature. If only 500 B.Th.U. were
added—then only 500/970 lb. of steam would be
iii. If, after complete evaporation of the lb. of water
more heat were added to the steam formed, its
temperature would rise. The amount of heat
required for every degree rise, i.e. the specific
heat, is not always the same, depending on whether
the steam is confined in fixed volume or subjected
to a constant pressure.
iv. Steam at its temperature of formation (212° F. in
the case we have taken), or any steam in contact
with water, is spoken of as Saturated steam.
Steam above the temperature of formation is
called Superheated steam.
v. When superheated steam is cooled, i.e. heat extracted
from it, it eventually comes back to its original
state as water, the order of events being the exact
reverse of that outlined in i., ii., iii., above, the
quantities of heat being exactly the same for the
reverse process.
438 Sec. 108.—Elementary Properties of Steam
2. Steam terms.—
i. Water heat (sometimes called sensible heat).—The
heat required to raise the temperature of 1 lb. of
water from 32° F. to the boiling point is called the
Total heat of water.
ii. Latent heat.—The heat required to evaporate 1 lb. of
water when boiling point has been reached is
called the Latent heat of steam.
iii. Total heat of saturated steam.—This is the heat
content of 1 lb. of saturated steam (measured from
32° F.). It is the sum of the water heat and the
latent heat.
iv. Total heat of superheated steam.—This is the total
heat of saturated steam at the particular pressure
plus the heat required to superheat the steam to
the particular temperature.
E.g. suppose p — 200 lb./sq. in. gauge and
T = 600° F. The temp, of saturated steam at
200 lb./sq. in. is 388° F. (Table W.)
Therefore, there are 600 — 388 = 212 degrees
of superheat, and the total heat of the superheated
steam = 1207 + 0 48(212) = 1309 B.Th.U. (0 48
is the specific heat of steam at constant pressure).
3. Boiling point of water and steam tables.—
i. The boiling point of water varies with the pressure
to which the water is subjected. In the case of
water heated in the open air at sea level the boiling
point is 212° F., but if the water is contained in a
closed vessel such as a boiler, where the pressure
on the water surface is, say, 100 lb. per square
inch above normal atmospheric pressure (14-7 lb.
per square inch absolute), the boiling point will
no longer be 212° F., but 338° F. Thus more
water heat will be contained in the water at
its higher boiling point. When water boils at
338° F., the latent heat required to evaporate it
is not the same as it was at 212° F., and atmospheric
pressure; thus the total heat of the saturated
steam at 338° F. will be different for this additional
ii. Table W, known as a saturated steam table, shows
the various pressures and boiling points which
correspond, also the latent heats, total heats, and
steam volumes. All the figures concern 1 lb. of
water or steam, and the temperature of 32° F. is
taken as the arbitrary starting point from which
all quantities of heat are measured.
Sec. 108.—Elementary Properties of Steam 439
degrees F.
per lb.
0-5 79-5 ' 47-4 1045 1092
10 101-7 69-6 1032 1102 333-1
20 126-1 93-9 1020 1114 173-5
30 141-5 109-3 1012 1121 118-6
4-0 153-0 120-8 1005 1126
5-0 162-3 130-1 1000 1130 73-4
14-7 212-0 180-0 970 1151 26-8
200 228 0 1961 961 1157 20T
250 240-1 208-4 954 1162 16-29
30-0 250-3 218-7 947 1166 13-74
400 267-2 236-0 936 1172 10-50
60-0 292-6 262-0 918 1180 7-18
80-0 312-0 282-0 904 1187 5-49
100-0 327-7 298-0 893 1191 4-45
115-0 338-0 309-0 885 1194 3-90
125-0 344-2 316-0 880 1196 3-61
135-0 350-1 322-0 875 1197 3-36
165-0 366-0 339-0 863 1202 2-78
215-0 388-0 362-0 845 1207 2-167
245-0 399-0 373-0 836 1209 1-916
265-0 406-0 382-0 829 1211 1-780
315-0 422-0 399-0 815 1214 1-511
365-0 436-0 415-0 802 1217 1-315
415-0 449-0 429-0 790 1219 1-165
3650-0 717-0 846-0 0 846
Plate 95.
444 Sec. 110.—Feed Water
110. Feedwater
The fact that water is clear and bright is no indication of
its suitability for boiler feed.
1. Common impurities are :—
i. Organic impurities in suspension which must be
removed by filtering.
ii. Acids due to the decomposition of organic matter,
oil, &c. Even rain-water, which is usually very
soft, may be slightly acid. The acidity should be
neutralized by an alkali such as soda ash, or inter¬
nal corrosion will result. Considerable protection
against corrosion is also afforded by securing
blocks of zinc to various parts of the boiler, in
metallic contact with the boiler shell.
iii. Oil and grease in suspension from pumps and steam
engine condensate. This should not be allowed
to enter boilers for several reasons :—
(a) The oil will form a coating on the boiler plates
and so retard the conduction of heat that
dangerous overheating of the plates may
occur and also the boiler efficiency will be
(b) The oil may decompose into corrosive acids
at the boiler temperature. «
(c) The oil may saponify and cause foaming.
Oil and grease can be coagulated by the addition
of newly mixed alumina ferric sulphate (crude
alum) and sodium carbonate (soda ash), and can
then be completely removed by filtering.
Sec. 110.—Feed Water 445
iv. Salts (mainly of calcium and magnesium) in solution
which make the water hard.
When hard water is used, the soluble salts are
precipitated at boiler temperatures and form a
more or less hard scale or encrustation on the
boiler plates. This scale is objectionable mainly
because, having a low heat conductivity, it causes
a large increase in the temperature of the boiler
plates. With a water temperature of 380° F.,
the metal temperature is about 400° F. if the
plates are quite clean, but with scale £-inch thick
the temperature of the metal may rise to 700° F.
(dull red), which will lead to serious trouble.
There is also a small loss in the steaming capacity
and efficiency .of the boiler but this is relatively
To avoid the very frequent scaling which would
otherwise be necessary with hard water, it should
be treated before use to remove as much as possible
of the scale-forming contents. The correct treat¬
ment which a particular water should be given can
only be decided by chemical analysis, but the
following notes may be helpful.
2. Water-softening. Lime-soda process.—The hard¬
ness of water is conveniently divided into two categories, viz.:
temporary hardness and permanent hardness.
(i) Temporary hardness.—This is due mainly to the
bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium and can be removed
simply by boiling the water. It is, however, cheaper and
more convenient to remove it chemically by adding caustic
lime in the proportion of 1| oz. per degree of temporary
hardness per 1,000 gallons. The effect is to convert the
soluble bicarbonates into carbonates, which are precipitated,
being practically insoluble in water free from C02. The
precipitates are then removed by filtration. The caustic
lime (quicklime) should be stored in airtight containers and
slaked immediately before use.
(ii) Permanent hardness.—This is due mainly to the
sulphates of calcium and magnesium, which are soluble up to
300° F., but are precipitated at boiler temperatures. It is
the scale formed by these precipitates which gives the most
trouble in boilers, as it is relatively hard and adherent com¬
pared with the 'precipitates due to temporary hardness which
form a more sludgy deposit, not very adherent and largely
removed through the scum-cocks.
Permanent hardness may be removed by the addition of
sodium carbonate (soda ash) in the proportion of 2\ oz. per
degree of permanent hardness per 1,000 gallons.
446 Sec. 110.—Feed Water
Plate 96.
fCo.S Lancashire boiler vatu a uperhca.ter
450 Sec. 112.—Fire-tube Boilers
plates, often the end plates of the shell. These plates are
much weakened by the holes, and when exposed to the full
heat of the fire, as in the locomotive type, are very liable to be
overheated, since the tubes impede the circulation of the water
on the surface of the plate.
3. Tube plates.—The force used to expand the tubes, and
the constant change of stress, due to their expansion and
contraction, both circumferentially and longitudinally, tend
to produce cracks between adjacent holes.
Sudden changes of temperature are, therefore, very
injurious to these boilers. The tube plates must be examined
frequently for such cracks ; they are difficult to repair, and if
not attended to, the leakage from them causes rapid corrosion
of the external surface. If several cracks occur, it is advisable
to remove the whole plate and put in a new one.
If the plate is otherwise good, a tube-plate patch comprising
all the tubes may be applied, the central portion of the old
plate being cut away. This is a difficult operation, requiring
very skilled work.
4. Fireboxes.—The firebox of a locomotive boiler,
PI. 97, Fig. 2, and some others of the fire-tube type, is
generally of rectangular form, and has flat sides which would
collapse inwards if they were not held in place by a large
number of stays, S, which connect them to the plates of the
shell or outer casing.
The crown plate, C, being at a considerable distance from
the top of the outer casing, is normally stayed by bolts, B,
which sometimes are forged at the upper end to form forked
links and bolted to angle-iron strips riveted to the outer
boiler casing. Often bolts of ordinary shape pass through
cast-steel girders which span the top of the firebox.
The side and end stays are threaded and screwed into both
plates. The ends are left protruding about one diameter, and
they are then riveted. Stays are normally of copper, but
mild steel is used occasionally.
5. Firebox stays are very liable to corrosion, and often
crack or break near the firebox plate. Broken stays may be
detected by striking them lightly with a hammer ; the sound
is dead and the hammer does not rebound.
A damaged stay must be drilled out and replaced.
The firebox is normally connected to the outer casing at
the bottom by a solid base-ring of wrought iron. The rivets
pass through both plates and the base-ring. Grooving of the
plates is likely to occur along the edge of the ring.
6. Locomotive boilers .-^-The locomotive type boiler is
specially designed to produce? as large a quantity of steam as
possible for its size and weight, PI. 97, Fig. 2. Whil,e very well
452 Sec. 113.—Water-tube Boilers
Plate 97.
CnouyE Bon-ER
ii. Fire evenly all over the grate, PI. 100, Figs. 2 and 3.
Thin patches quickly bum away to holes, which
allow air to be drawn through without burning
any coal. The air chooses the easiest path and
goes up through the holes instead of through the
thicker parts of the fire where it is needed, so that
coal tends to bum around the holes only and to
make them larger.
iii. Regulate the air.—Open the main damper enough to
keep the pressure up, but not enough to blow off.
Keep the fire door open enough to bum all the
gases and stop all smoke when a new charge is
put on. Then shut it gradually and keep it shut
until more coal is required.
PI. 100, Fig. 4, shows the correct method of firing.
9. The ideal of firing is to burn completely every atom
of the fuel fired on, or immediately above, the grate, using
only enough air to effect this combustion thoroughly; thus
all the available heat from the fuel is carried by the hot air
and gases to the boiler at the highest possible temperature.
It is, however, far better to use too much air than too little.
CO and C02 indicators are of great use in this connection.
For the best results the COa percentage should be as
high as possible and the CO negligible. It will be clear from
PI. 99A, that C02 readings between 6 per cent, and 13 per
cent, give no clue as to whether there is too much or too
little air. To decide this, the CO content must be known as
10. The deflector used in many fire doors, PI. 101, Fig. 1,
especially of locomotive type boilers, guides the air coming in
through the door down on to the top of the fire where it is
required, and where there is a high enough temperature to
make sure that the gases bum completely.
Plate 100.
466 Sec. 116.—Goal-fired Boilers
Plate 101.
Sec. 117.—Oil Fuel 467
If it were open, cold air would be going into the flues without
passing over or through the fire. It could , not help at all in
finishing combustion, and would merely cool the flues without
serving any useful purpose.
. ****** oJ
at 0*mac£ stance \anww j'W« *ar
472 Sec. 117.—Oil Fuel
118. Fittings on the hotter
1. List of fittings.—Every boiler should be provided
with the following fittings :—
i. Safety valve.
ii. Pressure gauge.
iii. Anti-priming pipe or steam dome.
iv. Water gauges.
v. Fusible plug (on fire-tube boilers).
vi. Internal feed pipe.
vii. Feed check valves (two) with stop cocks.
viii. Blow-down cock.
ix. Injectors or feed pumps.
x. Main stop valve.
A large boiler may also be fitted with :—
xi. High- and low-water alarm.
xii. Feed water regulator.
2. Safety valves are of several types. All consist
essentially of a metal valve which is normally kept closed by
either a weight or a spring, either directly or by means of a
Deadweight valves, PI. 104, Fig. 1, are simple and effective
on stationary boilers. They cannot easily be tampered with,
but are difficult to ease by hand on account of their great
Lever valves, PI. 104, Fig. 3, are more convenient for easing
by hand, but are open to the objection that the position of the
weight upon the lever is easily altered, and a small alteration
is not very noticeable.
Spring-loaded valves, Ramsbottom type, PI. 104, Fig. 2,
are essential for portable boilers, locomotives, and ships’ boilers,
which are subject to jarring and tilting.
Safety valves must be large enough to allow the full
amount of steam produced by the boiler to escape, should the
engine be suddenly shut down. The valve, V, on PI. 104,
Fig. 3, should be capable of being turned on its seating, S,
for grinding in.
3. Pressure gauges are normally of the Bourdon type,
PI. 105, Fig. 1, in which a curved tube, T, of oval section is in
communication with the boiler. The effect of the steam
pressure inside the tube is to make it less oval. In consequence
the curvature of the tube is decreased. The tube is fixed at
Sec. 118.—Fittings on the Boiler 475
Plate 104.
Plate 105.
in the steam used passes back into the boiler, injectors are
2. Lifting injectors.—When high-pressure steam is
used, an injector may be made to lift water into itself from
a tank placed slightly below it. The steam jet, when first
turned on, reduces the pressure in the mixing tube to a
little below atmospheric pressure, provided there is a free
exit for the steam, through which it can escape and entrain
with it any air which may be present. Water is then forced
up from the tank, by the pressure of the atmosphere upon it,
and into the mixing tube, where the injector action takes
place as with the non-lifting injector.
The lifting action may be started either by hand control
or by an automatic device. In the hand controlled type the
size of the steam jet, J, on PI. 106, Fig. 2, is controlled generally
by a cone-valve, C, and when first started it only opens
slightly. The amount of steam entering is then so small that
after it has expanded it can still escape easily by the overflow
vents, O. Water having been drawn in, as indicated by
water pouring from the overflow, the jet can be fully opened
and the water supply adjusted till neither water nor steam
3. Automatic injectors.—These have some device, such
as a large extra overflow valve, Q, or a split mixing tube, so
that when steam is first turned on it can lift the valve or spread
the split tube and so escape freely. See PI. 106, Fig. 2.
As soon as a partial vacuum has been formed, i.e. as soon
as the pressure is well below atmospheric, the valve or tube
closes automatically, and simultaneously water rises through
the supply pipe, W. The injector then works normally.
Automatic injectors are necessary for locomotives if the
feed water is to be lifted, because the action of a lifting injector
is liable to be stopped by jolting, in which case it must be
started afresh.
Lifting injectors cannot be made to work satisfactorily
with exhaust steam.
4. Feed pumps.—When boilers are fed with water
returned from a condenser, the temperature of the water is
usually too high for the use of an injector. Such boilers are,
therefore, supplied by feed pumps. Feed pumps are of four
main varieties, viz.:—
i. Simplex or duplex type of double-acting steam pump,
. which is simple but rather uneconomical in steam.
ii. The eccentric-driven ram pump, driven from the main
iii. Three-cylinder ram pumps, driven by electric motor.
iv. Rotary pumps, normally electrically driven. .
Sec. 119.—Injectors and Feed Pumps
120. Nature and use of the common auxiliaries
1. Definition.—An auxiliary is any device provided for
improving the efficiency or ease of working of a boiler or set
of boilers.
2. A chimney, fan, or other device for producing a good
draught through the fire, which is necessary for all boilers,
may be regarded as an auxiliary.
Other auxiliaries may or may not be considered necessary
or desirable. Those in normal use are :—
i. Feed water heaters.
ii. Economizers.
iii. Superheaters.
iv. Automatic stokers.
v. Means for burning fuels other than coal or wood.
vi. Air preheaters.
3. It must be realised that the above are not essential,
and in many cases their addition would not produce an
improvement in efficiency proportionate to the increased cost
of providing or working the plant. In small plants, the
addition of unnecessary auxiliaries would often necessitate
an increase in the staff required, and would seldom cause a
proportionate saving.
In service plant, the necessity for simplicity and reliability
is of more importance than extreme economy, and therefore
few auxiliaries are used, except in the larger and comparatively
permanent installations.
4. Feed water.heaters.—A feed water heater, PI. 106,
Fig. 5, utilizes some of the heat in the exhaust steam, which
would otherwise be lost in the condenser, to heat the feed water
to some extent before it passes to the economizer or boiler.
The exhaust steam is usually passed through a barrel in
which are a number of tubes, through which the feed water is
made to circulate.
5. Economizers.—An economizer utilizes some of the
heat which remains in the flue gases after the boiler has
extracted as much heat from them as is economically possible.
Since the water in a boiler working at 150 lbs. absolute is at
358° F. it follows that the flue gases leaving it must still be
well above that temperature. Therefore, the water, after it
has left the feed water heater at perhaps 120° F., can absorb
482 Sec. 120.—Nature and Use of the Common Auxiliaries
Plate 106.
all. odd numbers move together backwards, and then all even
numbers do likewise. In consequence, all the bars move
backwards without moving the fire. The next step is that
all the bars move forward together, carrying the fire with
them, and complete the cycle. Thus the fire is slowly
carried forward as on a chain grate.
3. Sprinkling stokers.—The sprinkling type of auto¬
matic stoker consists merely of a spring operated ram which
throws very small quantities of coal on to the firebars, and
whose stroke is varied by using various cams in succession,
so that an even fire is maintained all over the grate. The
firebars may also be oscillated to get rid of the ash.
4. Handling of coal.—The main object of every auto¬
matic stoker—the reduction of labour—can only be effected
by providing an efficient system of hopper feed and coal hoist,
so that the fuel is not man-handled at all. The coal must be
broken small enough to descend freely through the hoppers.
5. Pulverized fuel.—A type of automatic firing which has
been used largely in cement factories and is also highly
efficient in its application to steam raising, is that known as
pulverized coal firing.
Coal must have been dried, crushed and milled to
impalpable powder before it can be described as pulverized.
Pulverized coal is usually fed by a screw conveyor, or some
similar device, to a fan, by which it is suspended in a certain
amount of air and the mixture forced into the furnace, where
more air is added to ensure the complete combustion of the
fuel. A large combustion space should be provided.
On account of the finely-divided state of the fuel, combus¬
tion is easily completed, less air need be passed into the
furnace than for burning ordinary coal, no ordinary clinker
can be formed, poor coal can be used economically, and black
smoke is eliminated although a large proportion of the ash
finds its way up the chimney.
The consumption of fuel can be quickly increased,
decreased, or completely stopped at will.
In consequence of the hotter furnace gases, due to less
dilution, and of the complete combustion of the fuel, the
efficiency is very high.
6. Refuse burners.—The ordinary refuse of a town or
barracks may be burnt to produce steam. It is usually
difficult to ignite, its calorific value is low, and it may contain
a large percentage of moisture.
Plant to consume such refuse includes generally a small
grate upon which coal or coke is burnt with an excessive supply
486 Sec. 122.—Natural, Induced and Forced Draught
of air. The hot gases from this grate, containing a high per¬
centage of unused oxygen, are then passed through the larger
grate, upon which the refuse is burnt. Any further air
required to complete combustion is drawn in through passages
in hot brick walls, so that it is delivered at a high temperature.
The refuse is often dried on a dead plate before it is fed into
the grate, so that it is fired in dry and hot.
It is essential, when burning refuse, whose combustion
is liable to produce an objectionable odour, that all the vapour
from the dead plate should pass through a hot fire, so that all
organic vapours may be completely destroyed. In this case
the refuse is first dried in a chamber kept hot by the flue
gases, and burnt upon a grate, the temperature of which is
maintained by the proximity of a small but hot coal fire,
through which the gases from the refuse fire are passed to
deodorize them.
Refuse containing a large percentage of easily burnt fuel,
such as sawdust, bark, straw, &c., may be used on an ordinary
grate, the fire being fed alternately with the refuse and with
coal or coke. This system is not easy to work satisfactorily,
since it is difficult to eliminate smoke, and the refuse is liable
to be carried by the draught into tubes and flues.
ir* oi O
- “ a
2 <
“ Jfe^ t
^ 2 <
•v * Q
B|B2«BH»SK»3SB*Bk«Wl^BBBBB^Pa — >-
iBBkgaaia^«iifeJBB^BklgB^tlBBBB5Bl ? x ^
^KBBh^BBCtSiaBttBBaBttKBKWBBBiBfl * 1 1
• § 5
mmmmmmwMZMZtzmummmmmMmmmumMi 5 o
*“ U. Uj lu; U.
.«n ** *
< «■ «o © o
Sec. 122.—Natural, Induced and Forced Draught 489
Plats 108.
Sec. 124.—Elementary Thermodynamics 483
Plate 109.
Exhaust opens.
Qi— Qk>2 Lj + Tj — t2
ii. For superheated steam—
Q» — Qs
Qi — Q«a
(T.-T^l+^)+0-48(T,—T,) -T^log.^ +0-48 Iog,±j)
= 1l1+t,-Ts+6-4S(t,-f j2 L
Q, = total heat of superheated steam at stop valve.
Qi = „ „ saturated steam at stop valve.
Q2 = „ „ water and steam at exhaust.
Qw2 = „ „ water at exhaust.
T, = absolute temperature of superheated steam at stop
Tx = absolute temperature of saturated steam at stop
T2 = absolute temperature of water and steam at exhaust.
Lj = latent heat of steam at Tj.
0*48 = assumed specific heat of superheated steam.
4. Entropy.—When a substance takes in or rejects heat
it is said to change its entropy. The change of entropy is
defined by the expression dp — T JQ, entropy being denoted
by p. Each increment (or decrement) of entropy dp is equal
to the quantity of heat dQ taken in or rejected, multiplied
by the absolute temperature, T, of the substance.
Sec. 124.—Elementary Thermodynamics 4S5
130. The slide valve and expansion gears
1. The D slide valve.—The slide valve is primarily a
plate or cover which slides to and fro over ports in the face
of a cylinder casting, and so opens and closes these ports to
admit steam and cut off the supply. It also places these
ports during the return stroke of the piston in communication
with a passage to the atmosphere, or the condenser (if one is
used), through which the used steam can escape.
The elementary D slide valve, D on PI. Ill, Fig. 1, has
faces of the same width as the cylinder ports, P, so that it
just closes them completely when in the centre of its travel.
In use it is central when the piston is at the end of its stroke at
either end, and during a stroke it is traversed so as to admit
steam from the chest in which it works to the working end of
the cylinder, and at the same time to allow the steam to
escape from the other end of the condenser through passage, E.
A slide valve is normally operated by an eccentric, X, upon
the main shaft, S, of the engine, through rods, R. The
eccentric is, in principle, merely a crank of short radius; see
PI. 108, Fig. 5. In order to bring the valve central when the
piston is at the end of its stroke, or on the dead centre, the
eccentric must be set at right angles to the main crank, and
in order to admit steam to the desired end of the piston it
must be placed so as to precede the crank. It is then said
to have 90° advance upon the crank, or to be at a 90° setting.
Such a valve admits steam during the whole stroke.
2. Outside lap.—To cut off steam before the end of a
stroke, and so use it expansively, the valve is made to overlap
the ports slightly on the outside when central. The valve
must now move slightly before it can admit steam, and in
returning will cover the port sooner than before, PI. 111, Fig. 2.
To admit steam at the dead centre, the eccentric must now be
turned so as to have more than 90° advance on the crank,
possibly as much as 110°.
3. Lead.—In order that full steam pressure may act on
the piston, as soon as it begins to move, the eccentric is given
still more advance. The amount by which the port is open at
dead centre is called the lead of the valve, PI. Ill, Fig. 3.
4. Angle of advance.—The total angle by which the
eccentric is set in advance of the elementary 90° setting is
known as the angle of advance, A on PI. 111, Fig. 3.
insioc lup sHomite crricr on mnmst ©c. ^
504 Sec. 130.—The Slide Valve and Expansion Gears
Plate 112,
Sec. 130.—The Slide Valve and Expansion Gears
Plate 113.
512 Sec. 134.—Condenser Accessories
by drawing direct from the river or lake and returning the
water to it after use. Otherwise, some device must be used
to cool the water before using it again.
In small plants this can be effected by exposing the water
in tanks to the air.
For larger plants some evaporative method is necessary.
Either the water can be pumped to the top of a tower and
allowed to trickle down over coke, broken brick, tiles, or some
other porous material, or it can be sprayed into the air and
caught in large flat reservoirs. A small portion is lost by
evaporation and must be made up. »
2. Air pumps.—The air in a condenser is usually removed
by means of a pump working under water, which acts as a
seal. The old type of air pump shown on PI. 113, Fig. 5,
draws air, with any excess of water in the condenser base, into
the cylinder, in which the water lies at the bottom. On the
descending stroke the air, with any quantity of water above
that which fills the clearance, passes above the piston through
a non-return valve. On the up-stroke the air is expelled
through the delivery valves, together with any water above
that which will fill the clearance space above the piston.
In the Edwards' air pump (PI. 113, Fig. 6) the only valves
are those in the top of the barrel. The condensed steam flows
continuously by gravity from the condenser into the base of
the pump. The air has a free passage from condenser to pump
at all times.
On the down stroke the condensate passes round a curved
passage C through ports P on the top of the piston. On the
up stroke the condensate both air and water is entrapped above
the piston and expelled through the delivery valves V.
The piston has no rings or leathers, but is turned an easy
fit in the cylinder and contains several grooves which when
water filled make it sufficiently air and water-tight. A relief
valve is fitted to the base of the pump to prevent damage
when starting up with the base full of water.
Steam air ejectors, combined with centrifugal extraction
pumps, have now taken the place of the wet air pump, in all
but very small plants.
3. Leaks.—Condenser tubes are very liable to develop
leaks. In water-cooled surface condensers the effect is that
cooling water enters the condenser and is removed to the
storage tank with the condensate. If it becomes unnecessary
to add make-up water, or if the level in the storage tank rises,
this is a likely cause. The purifier should be made to deliver
sufficient reagent to deal with this influx of crude water, as a
temporary measure, and the condenser should be overhauled
when an opportunity offers.
Plats 114.
518 Sec. 136.—High-Speed Engines
In permanent installations a concrete bed as specified by
the makers, or at least three feet thick, should be provided,
and also a cast-iron bed-plate, B, on PL 114, to carry the
engine and generator, with means for accurately lining up.
In semi-permanent and portable power plants, the engine
and generator may be mounted upon steel joists not less than
10 inches deep. A flexible coupling between the engine and
generator is advisable, unless the generator bearings are
actually held in the bed-plate of the engine and the latter has
been designed specially rigidly for use on such insecure,
A water separator, W, should be fitted between the steam
main and the engine steam-chest, provided with adequate
drainage, such as a steam-trap of the falling-bucket type,
PL 115, Fig. 8.
5. Starting.—The valve lubricator, L, on Pl. 114, should
be set to deliver oil at the correct rate. The stop-valve, V,
may then be opened very slightly and the drain-cocks, Z,
opened to carry away all water that condenses.
A small engine should then be moved by hand for a few
revolutions, or a large one should be cranked alternately to
dead centres until the cylinders are warm. The engine
should then be run at about 60 revolutions per minute until
thoroughly warm, then gradually speeded up to its correct
revolutions, the drain-cocks closed, and a load brought on
gradually. The condenser stop-valve may then be opened
and the atmospheric release valve closed.
The drain-cocks should be opened occasionally until the
cylinders are thoroughly hot.
6. Running.—The engine should need little attention
while running, provided the load is fairly constant. If it is
possible to foresee sudden large increases of load, notice should
be given to the engine-driver so that he may open the drain-
cocks, since water is liable to collect in the cylinders when the
governor first opens the throttle-valve wide.
7. Stopping.—Before stopping, the load should, if possible,
be removed gradually, and the condenser stop-valve closed-, so
that the engine exhausts to atmosphere. Drain-cocks should
be opened and the stop-valve gradually closed when the load
is taken off entirely, but the engine should not be entirely
deprived of steam until it has nearly come to a standstill.
The engine should be left with drain-cocks open so that
the cylinders cannot fill with water.
138. Pipe-lines
1. Pipe-lines.—Pipes carrying steam, at whatever
pressure, must be so sited that no water can collect in them
anywhere. Otherwise, water hammer would be liable to
occur, masses of water would be carried forward with the
steam and thrown violently against bends or closed valves with
an alarming noise, and produce stresses in the pipe that would
cause joints to leak in minor cases, and might cause fracture
and a dangerous explosion if the quantity of water were large.
On PI. 115, Fig. 5, the quantity of water collecting above
the globe-valve might be sufficient to cause a disaster if the
valve were suddenly opened. In such cases a steam trap
must be fitted.
On PI. 115, Fig. 6, the water collecting in the bend will
cause a distressing hammer and endanger the pipe-line
farther on. Here again a steam trap is required.
If the pipe-line is so placed that the right-angle valve
shown on PI. 116, Fig. 1, is at its highest point, with a slight
but even gradient thenceforward to the engine, no large
quantity of water can collect anywhere, because all condensate
will travel forward with the steam as it precipitates.
2. Steam driers.—A steam drier or separator is merely
a sufficiently large vessel in which the steam is made to turn
a sharp comer, thus flinging out any liquid it contains into a
sump, from which it can be drained. On PI. 115, Fig. 7,
the steam entering downwards through A, turns sharply to
emerge by B, and any liquid, whether water or oil, in
suspension in the steam, tends to fly straight on into the
sump', C, which is fitted with a gauge glass, D, so that the
attendant can see how much is collecting. A drain, £,
may be fitted with a valve which the attendant can open
to let out water, or it should preferably be fitted with an
automatic steam trap.
Sec. 138.—Pipe-Lines 523
3. Steam traps.—Any dangerous point in a steam pipe¬
line and every steam drier should have a drain pipe led out
at the bottom and descending to a steam trap. The latter is
merely a device which permits water to escape, while confining
the steam.
The falling-bucket type of trap, shown on PI. 115, Fig. 8,
is bulky, but reliable in action. The bucket, B, normally
floats and keeps the valve, V, closed to prevent the escape of
steam. When sufficient water has collected, it will pour over
the top and sink the bucket, the contents of which are ejected
through the valve. Then die bucket floats again, and closes
the valve until enough water has collected to repeat the cycle.
In this particular type, the valve is automatically ground-in
by the spin of the bucket produced as the water flows through
the turbine, T. •
Many temperature-operated traps are available. They are
comparatively cheap, but are apt to leak excessively unless
the valve can be ground-in at intervals.
PI. 115, Fig. 9, shows a Sirius trap, which is much used
for draining steam radiators, &c., on account of its low price.
Liquid in the oval tube, T, expands if steam enters, and
closes the valve, V. There is no easy means of grinding-in
the valve, and the seatings are not renewable.
PI. 115, Fig. 10, shows a Geipel trap, whose valve, V,
is closed by pressure against the stop, S, when steam enters
the cantilever tubes, the lower one, B, being of brass, and the
other one, A, of steel, so that a rise of temperature causes the
cantilever to raise its apex. The valve is easily ground-in by
gripping the squared portion of its shank with a key. The
stop is adjustable and yielding, so that the apparatus cannot
strain if excessively heated.
4. Expansion joints.—It is essential that steam pipes
should be free to expand in length when steam enters, other¬
wise great strains will be caused in the pipes and joints, and
walls or machinery may be damaged.
Large easy bends in the lay-out of the pipes will provide
sufficient flexibility, provided the pipes are slung from brackets
or girders and in no way rigidly fixed.
If a considerable length of pipe must be straight, a
U-shaped piece should be introduced at least once every
fifty feet to provide for expansion and contraction. The bend
should be preferably in a horizontal plane to allow a free
passage for water. If it stands vertically upward it will
prevent water flowing and if hung downward it forms a water-
pocket. In both cases careful drainage is necessitated. A
special sliding joint is sometimes used, in which a portion of
pipe, P, on PI. .115, Fig. 11, machined outside, is held in a
stuffing box, S, in which it can move longitudinally.
524 Sec. 139.—Station Lay-out
5. Lagging.—All pipes carrying live steam should be
lagged when possible, to prevent excessive loss of heat by
radiation and convection.
Lagging materials must be soft and spongy, or their
effect is small. The best materials, such as soft asbestos,
slagwool, and magnesia, in coats about two inches thick,
keep down the loss to about 250 B.Th.U. per square foot of
external surface per hour or less, whereas bare steel, if
dirty, loses about 1,000 B.Th.U. at ordinary steam tempera¬
A polished steel pipe only loses about 200 B.Th.U. per
hour per square foot, copper or brass about 100, and plated
pipes such as fitted to many modem engines, only about 50
if kept bright.
Soft lagging should be encased in varnished canvas, or in
planished steel sheet to protect it and enhance its value. All
lagging should be given a smooth finish to reduce its radiation.
Aluminium paint is suitable for this.
6. Identification.—B.S.S. 3011—1929 lays down a system
of colouring, by which pipes in a power station may be identified.
The colours are very convenient and can be painted on the
whole pipe or on bands nears the flanges. Stripes are
The principal colours are :—
Saturated steam .. red.
Superheated steam .. red with white stripe!
Exhaust steam .. black with red flanges.
Cooling water (fresh) .. sky blue with black stripe.
„ „ (salt) .. sea green.
Pure feedwater .. sky blue with white stripe.
Compressed air .. white with violet flanges.
Refrigerating pipes .. French grey.
Plate 116.
ftg 2 COAL
526 Sec. 139.—Station Lay-out
A hot-well, H, of ample capacity, should be provided,
preferably in a pit below the condenser, C, but accessible for
cleaning, into which the condensate from the main condenser
and all steam trap should be led. Since feedwater heaters
in the exhaust mam line, and cocks and taps draining the low-
pressure cylinders and exhaust main, will be under less than
atmospheric pressure, their outlet pipes must be air-tight, and
led to the condenser or to a closed vessel communicating
therewith, sited to drain into it by gravity.
2. The boiler-house.—The boiler-house should be so*
sited, if possible, that coal may be brought to the bunkers by
rail or lorry, and that the least effort is required to get coal
from the bunkers into the furnace.
The floor of the bunkers should be about two feet above the
boiler-house floor for hand firing, and about seven feet from
the furnace door, see PI. 116, Fig. 3. Attendants can then
reach the coal easily, and need not stoop to fill a shovel.
3. Sample lay-out.—
i. As an example, assume that a high-speed vertical engine
taking 25 lb. of steam per B.H.P.-hour, according to the
makers’ specification, and coupled to a 35 kW. generator, is to
be installed as a semi-permanent set, supplied with steam
at 120-lb. gauge from two locomotive type boilers, and
exhausting into a surface condenser.
The engine will be required to develop about 55 B.H.P.
and may take 30 lb. of steam per B.H.P.-hour in adverse
conditions. Therefore, 1,650 lb. of steam per hour should
be allowed for, i.e. 27*5 lb. per minute, which, at 3*3 cubic feet
per lb., equals 91 cubic feet per minute. The area of the steam
main should be 91/5,000 = 0-018 square foot, or 2-6 square
inches. A 2-in. main will suffice, and screwed tube may
be used. It would be better practice to use rather larger
piping with flange joints if the station were to be permanent,
particularly because 2-in. pipe would not allow of the
installation later on of another engine if the demand for
power should increase.
The exhaust pipe should be similarly calculated for steam
of, say, 3 lbs. pressure, and may be of cast-iron with gate valve
and atmospheric release valve, A.
ii. PI. 116 shows a general lay-out suitable for this plant.
The engine and its auxiliaries are placed in a separate room
to keep them free from coal dust; they are grouped to keep
all pipes, as short as possible, and the hot-well consists of a
steel tank in a pit below the condenser. In a permanent
plant, standard practice would be to place the condenser also
in a pit.
Sec. 139.—Station Lay-out 527
Plats 117.
530 Sec. 141.—Measurement of Indicated Horse-Power
therein, and run the engine for some definite time (say, 1 hour)
with constant load. Then refill the tank, weighing the quantity
of fuel required to do so.
i. Tank in Ihe engine W-Obtain a separate tank of
suitable dimensions, PI. 117, Fig. 8, fitted with a pointer
which can be adjusted vertically. When ready to commence
the test, adjust the pointer until its point is just below the
surface. Note the time when the fuel drops off the point.
Add a measured quantity of fuel which will keep the engine
running for about 1 horn. Note the time when the fuel
again drops off the pointer.
iii, Separate tank--Employ the pointer method as in (ii).
The pointer method is very accurate, It cannot be used
where engine tanks are fixed to the engine, owing to vibration,
nor where tank-filler caps are small.
normal working from 10 to 20 per cent, less output must be expected. For installation, allow 25 per cen
Table Y.—Sample performances of steam boilers on test, when new, with various fuels
f“\ O00 n c
9: ogo O- o
;eam in
MM 1 W
wo 1 o
Cn M
1 l>UtOM
1 cn o cn M
Fuel consumption in lbs.
per square foot of grate
area, per hour
a ®ro*i ow
542 Form 2
1 Full load.
Time. Period
w JS to
to t-i
Temperatures CF.
■■ ■■
■ ■
B to
03 . 3
L Alternator
stator “C.
field 3C.
A 9>
o _
• S
* efficiency.
£ nuoj
Overall eaergy efficiency of generating set
Up to 16 Up to 40 2 ft. 4 Sin.
20 to 50 50 to 60 , 2 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. 4 1 in. to IS in.
51 to 100 70 to 160 4 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 6 IS in. to 1| in.
101 to 150 160 to 200 5 ft. to 6 ft. 6 in. 6 if in. to if in.
Base area (square
30 22 4 ft.
65 68 5 ft.
Plate 119.
550 Sec. 146.—Engine Foundations
The time required will depend on the size of the block.
A 10 B.H.P. engine can be placed on its block after four days
if time presses, but seven days should be allowed if possible.
The use of rapid-hardening cement will reduce the minimum
time to two days. The holding-down bolts and plates can
then be placed in position, and the engine put on its founda¬
tion. The engine must then be carefully levelled up by
inserting thin iron wedges under the bed, using a spirit level
on the crankshaft and side shaft.
The nuts can be screwed on the bolts, and the bolt-holes
should then be filled with a grouting of one part cement and *
two parts sand, being made thin so that it flows easily.
When the holes are filled, the grouting can be allowed to
flow all over the top of the foundation to grout in the engine
bed, and this is generally done by placing boards round the
top of the block forming a ledge the height required.
Some engine beds are provided with grouting holes, to
enable the grout to be poured inside the bed as well.
The iron wedges used for levelling up the bed should not be
removed, and the grouting should be given from two or four
days to set before the nuts are tightened and the engine is run.
Also, the engine should not be run until the foundation is
properly finished and all loose material removed.
An alternative method which can be used for engines up
to (say) 100 H.P. is to place the engine, with holding down
bolts, in its correct position over the excavated foundation
pit. The engine is supported on R.S. Js. and the lower ends
of the bolts attached to a stiff wire or strap iron template.
The shuttering is then placed in position and the whole con¬
creted in. This is a very quick method as it is unnecessary
to wait for the concrete to set before placing the engine on the
bed. The R.S.Js. on which the engine is supported reinforce
the concrete foundation.
Next slack off the bearing cap, turn the shaft through 180°,
clamp down the cap and again gauge at the same points.
If the outer bearing is out of true, webs will open and
close, causing the two readings to differ.
If a smaller reading is obtained with the crank on top
centre, the outer bearing is too low, and vice versa. The
amount of out-of-alignment will be approximately half the
difference between the readings, but depends largely on the
proportions of the engine dimensions.
The flywheel is again packed up, and the necessary
adjustment made to the level of the bearing. The test is then
repeated until the error does not exceed *001 inch.
Before finally securing the bearing, test the bedding of the
shaft in it by means of marking black on the journal. One
end of the bearing may still be low, the weight being taken
by the other end only. This must be corrected by packing up,
552 Sec. 146.—Engine Foundations
Plate 120.
FVl w
150. Clutches
1. Positive clutches-.—When a length of shafting is to be
coupled occasionally to another or to a pulley which is normally
freely mounted on it, and both can be stopped to effect the
coupling, a simple dog clutch of the type shown on PI. 121,
Fig. 1, can be employed. The drive being absolutely rigid and
positive, the clutch must not be thrown in unless the shafts
are at rest or revolving at the same speed. The sliding sleeve,
S, is free to move longitudinally, but is prevented from
revolving on its shaft either by a feather, F, or by a square
formed on the shaft.
2. Friction clutches.—Friction and other non-rigid
clutches are intended to be capable of being thrown in without
undue shock while one shaft is revolving and the other is
stationary, and to absorb shocks by slipping a little when they
occur. They may be of several types:—
i. Single-plate clutches consist of two single disc plates, P
on PI. 121, Fig. 2 (which may be of different metals, or one
may be faced with leather, fibre, or special composition),
one of which can slide longitudinally. They are usually kept
in contact by a spring, S, and may be thrown out of gear by
means of a jaw, J, working in a circular groove in the hub of
the sliding disc.
ii. Multiple-plate clutches consist of several discs, of which
all odd numbers, O on PI. 121, Fig. 4, are keyed to a quill,
Q, on which they fit, by feathers, F, which prevent them
from revolving on it, while allowing them to slide longi¬
tudinally. All even numbers, E, are similarly keyed on their
outer edges to 'a drum, D, fixed to a shaft, A. These plates
are kept jammed up close by a spring, S, but can be released
from pressure by means of a jaw and collars on the quill.
The quill is free to slide longitudinally, but is prevented from
turning on the shaft, B, by a feather. The grip of the plates
may be increased by forming circular corrugation^ in their
Sec. 150.—Clutches 567
surfaces, which increases the surface in contact and produces
a certain amount of jamming.
iii. Band dutches consist of a drum, rigidly keyed to one
shaft, and a band, generally carried on a plate or hollow drum
on the other shaft. They are actuated by tightening the
band on the drum which it encircles.
iv. Expanding clutches may be of the band type, where the
band is stiff, and placed inside the drum. They are actuated
by uncoiling the band and so expanding it against the inner
surface of the drum.
Frequently, instead of one continuous band, two or more
segments, S on PI. 121, Fig. 3, are provided, all of which are
simultaneously expanded by means of some device, such as
a cam plate or a series of toggle levers, L.
v. Cone clutches are merely a variation of the plate clutch,
in which a better grip is obtained by substituting for the plates
a pair of cones, one of which is forced into the other by a spring,
PI. 121, Fig. 5.
Cone clutches may also be multiple.
vi. Combined positive and friction clutches consist of any
type of friction clutch and a dog clutch, which does not come
into operation until the plates, &c. are already firmly engaged.
On PI. 121, Fig. 6, the first movement of the sliding quill,
Q, forces the friction plates, P, together, acting through the
springs, S. Further movement of the collar causes the dogs,
d, to engage. Thus a comparatively light friction clutch
can be made to start up a shaft running light. When it is
running the dog clutch can be thrown in, and a load can then
be taken without slip.
3. Magnetic clutches.—Magnetic clutches are normally
of the single-plate type, an electro-magnet being incorporated
in one of the plates to produce adhesion and the torque is
transmitted by friction.
Magnetic clutches have the advantage that they can be
controlled from a distance. The normal attractive force is
about 100 lb. per square inch of magnet-pole area.
4. Hydraulic clutches.—Hydraulic transmission from
one shaft to another may take one of the following forms:—
i. A plate or drum carrying one or more plunger pumps
operated by an eccentric on the shaft. Any relative move¬
ment of the shaft and drum causes oil or water to be drawn
from a reservoir and driven back again through an open
control valve. On closing the control valve, the plunger
is prevented from working and the relative movement cannot
take place. The barrel is then carried round with the shaft.
This constitutes a hydraulic clutch, which can be made very
gentle in its action by designing the control valve so that it
can only be closed gradually.
568 Sec. 150.—Clutches
Plate 122.
Belt 7k/iN5M/s$iON
sgf*”" (
'’•fc*!!1 \
Plate 123.
teeth is that the velocity ratio of the two gear wheels shall
remain constant. With teeth of incorrect form, if the speed
of the driving wheel is steady, the speed of the driven wheel
will vary slightly while each pair of teeth travel through their
arc of contact, resulting in considerable vibration, noise, and
Cycloidal teeth are little used except for delicate instru¬
ments ; they probably give the best results, but are expensive
to make, and have practical disadvantages ; a pair of wheels
must be designed to suit one another, and will not gear
correctly with another wheel of a different size; and they
must be accurately adjusted at the correct distance apart.
Involute gears are almost universally used. Any
involute gear wheel will run correctly with any other of the
same pitch and obliquity [see below], and slight errors in
separation of the wheels are unimportant. Moreover, they
can be easily and accurately generated by milling, grinding,
or planing ; for while the teeth on a wheel are convex faced,
the convexity decreases as the radius of the wheel increases
(the size of the teeth remaining unaltered), until in the
limiting case of a wheel of infinite radius, i.e. a straight rack,
the teeth are straight sided. The angle which the faces of
the teeth make with the perpendicular to the rack is called
the obliquity of the teeth. This rack can be machined with
great accuracy, and a planing tool can be ground to the profile
of the teeth. See PI. 125, Fig. 1.
As the rack will gear correctly with any wheel of the same
pitch and obliquity, the tool so formed can be used to cut the
teeth on a wheel of any size, if the wheel be rotated, and the
tool traversed at the correct speed. This can be done in a
special machine, the gear planer.
PI. 125, Fig. 2, shows how the teeth can be formed by
grinding with a grinding wheel, with a straight cutting side
working at an angle to the radius of the gear-wheel.
By this method a cutter in the form of an involute gear¬
wheel, with the cutting edges on one face of the wheel, may
be formed ; this cutter may be used for cutting wheels with
any number of teeth; the cutter moves axially to take the
cut, and at the same time cutter and gear-wheel are rotated
very slowly at the correct relative speeds. (PI. 125, Fig. 3.)
3. Helical gears.—In very high-speed machinery, such
as the reduction gear of turbines, helical gears, as shown on
PI. 124, Fig. 2, are used. In these, the teeth are cut at an
angle across the face of the wheel blank, so that contact
between two teeth takes place first on one side, and gradually
, passes across to the other as the gears turn. By this means
shock and noise is#almost entirely eliminated, but a longi¬
tudinal thrust on the shaft is produced. Two such gears
Sec. 152.—Toothed Gears 58
tviM-Hoe: fimdoN
582 Sec. 152.—Toothed Gears
Flats 125.
In ceare to avoid
MOVES Ifi a circular 0/BECHQA
HcrwLcrrriE cutter
Sec. 152.—Toothed Gears 583
placed side by side, having teeth inclined in opposite directions
as shown, cause opposite thrusts which balance one another.
Such gears are called double-helical.
The pinions are usually of nickel steel and the larger wheels
of carbon steel of about 35 tons/sq. in. tensile strength.
The efficiency of transmission through well-cut double¬
helical gears is very high, approximately 98 per cent.
4. Silent gears.—All metal gears with parallel teeth,
e.g. spur gears, are inclined to be noisy, especially if they run
fast. To reduce the noise, it is usual to make a fast-running
pinion of raw hide or some special compound, of which there
are several on the market, such as Fabroil. The pinion blank
is made by compressing discs of raw hide or other material
between two discs of steel by some such arrangement as that
shown on PI. 124, Fig. 3, and then the teeth are cut as though
the blank were solid metal.
Such gears run well under a comparatively light load at
very high tooth velocities, and almost silently.
Oil is very harmful to raw hide, and must not be allowed
to get on to such pinions. They should be lubricated with
a mixture of graphite and tallow.
For tooth pressures that are too high for raw hide, pinions
are similarly made by building them up of plates of spring
steel. These plates are not necessarily fiat. A considerable
increase in flexibility is obtained by coning them at various
angles, as shown on PI. 124, Fig. 4.
5. Speed ratios.—In the case of all gears, whether spur,
bevel, or skew, two gears working together must turn at
speeds exactly in inverse proportion to the number of teeth
they contain. Thus two gears of 48 and 12 teeth must revolve
at a speed ratio of 12 to 48, or 1 to 4, the smaller gear moving
at the higher speed. The smaller of two gears whose ratio is
large is generally called a pinion.
The possible ratio is only limited by the necessary number
of teeth on the pinion for smooth working. No pinion should
have less than 12 teeth normally, or 8 if specially designed.
Gears can be made up to any size that existing machinery can
deal with, so that the ratio is theoretically unlimited.
In practice, a ratio of six to one is seldom exceeded, except
in turbine reduction gears, in which, by the use of double¬
helical gears of fine pitch and great width and made of alloy
steels of great strength, a ratio of ten or more to one can be
used, but the number of teeth in a double-helical pinion should
not be less than 22.
6. Pitch.—Two gears working together, as shown on
PI. 124, Fig. 5, and having a ratio of two to one, if placed with
their centres at 6 inches distance, revolve at the same relative
584 Sec. 152.—Toothed Gears
155. Principles of lubrication
1. General principles.—The principle of lubrication is
the elimination of solid friction between moving surfaces by the
substitution of fluid friction, which is very much less in amount
and does not involve wear and damage to the working parts.
The most perfectly ground surfaces • are rough when
viewed under the microscope, and the coefficient of friction
between bare metals is very high, causing tearing away and
destruction of the surfaces if a bearing is allowed to run dry.
If a film of liquid can be maintained between the surfaces,
the only friction is the internal friction of the liquid, which
tends to adhere to the surfaces.
The film is, however, gradually squeezed out under
pressure. The fluid must therefore possess sufficient viscosity
to resist squeezing out long enough to enable the film to be
renewed before it breaks down.
Viscosity is, however, not a measure of the lubricating
power of the liquid; on the contrary, high viscosity implies
high fluid friction and consequently less effective lubrication.
The lubricating power of any liquid depends chiefly on the
somewhat indeterminate but easily recognisable property
which may be termed “ Oiliness.” Exactly what constitutes
oiliness is not easy to say, but it appears to be a surface-tension
effect which resists the final break-down of the film, without
affecting the ease with which the particles of the liquid slide
past one another.
Thus we can easily recognize that a fluid such as treacle,
though viscous and not easily squeezed aside, nevertheless
does not maintain a film between the surfaces when squeezed
between finger and thumb, while quite a light and liquid oil
cannot be squeezed out altogether except by considerable
Unless oil is forced into a bearing under pressure, lubrica¬
tion is only possible if:—
i. There is a portion of one surface which is free from
ii. Oil is continually spread there.
iii. The oiled portion sweeps the whole of the other surface,
sojas to cover the latter with an oil film.
iv. Itjretums to be oiled again before the pressure has
squeezed out the oil film.
Sec. 156.—Properties of Lubricating Oils 593
In such a bearing, perfectly lubricated, there is no metallic
friction, but merely a resistance to movement due to the
viscosity or stiffness of the oil. Therefore, in an ordinary
bearing, oil should be led in on whatever side has normally
no pressure; for instance, the top of line-shaft bearings, and
the top of a wheel hub revolving on a fixed axle, but the
bottom of a railway axle-box.
In thrust bearings, where there is no side free from pressure,
it is necessary to provide one artificially, by cutting away a
sector of one of the surfaces, as described for Michell thrust
bearings in Sec. 149, para. 9.
A thin oil may be used in rapidly-revolving bearings,
whereas in slowly-moving ones, such as a country-cart wheel,
only a thick grease can withstand the load for the long period
between one revolution and the next one.
Plate 126.
mans on mat uooe
Mtaumo's vr&conertm
wirn necepst o par
_L 3^.
SH/irr bearing Ay 7
scraping orr oil
sloping oum rtxontrta
YiBKirrinc-ntcoLC lubricator
— ■ ■
ft} 12.
U “
598 Sec. 156.—Properties of Lubricating Oils
7. Hard asphalt content.—If they comply with the
British Standard Specification, mineral lubricating oils should
not have any asphalt content, except in the case of steam
cylinder oils, when the maximum percentage allowed is 0*5.
The importance of this requirement is due to the fact
that asphalt does not distil but forms coke when the oil is
heated, thus contributing to “ carbonization."
The content is determined as follows :—
Ten grams of the sample of oil to be tested are dissolved
in 100 c.c. of petrol, thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand,
for 24 hours. The whole is then filtered through an 11-cm.
folded filter-paper and washed with petrol until the washings
are colourless. The material on the paper is then dissolved
in benzol, which is distilled off on a water-bath, and the asphalt
is then dried in a steam oven for an hour and weighed.
8. Acidity.—Acid reaction can be tested with litmus
paper, or by suspending a piece of polished tool steel in the oil
for some days, when no rust or corrosion should be observed.
A more decisive test is to spread some of the oil on a bright
surface of the metal of which the bearings are made, leave it
so for several days enclosed in a box away from dust, and then
test the oil chemically for presence of dissolved metal.
It is very unlikely that mineral oils will give an acid
reaction unless they are broken down due to the action of
heat, moisture, dirt, &c.
9. Emulsification.—In cases where it is not possible to
prevent the access of water to a lubricant, as in steam-engine
cylinders, it is essential that the oil and water shall readily
separate after having been vigorously shaken together. The
more rapid the separation, the better the oil for use in all
cases in which water contamination is possible. Animal
and vegetable oils and some mineral oils when treated in this
manner (as they are in engines), especially if a trace of lime
be present, form a thick emulsion which ultimately becomes
a tacky mass, totally unfit for lubrication.
In I.C. engines, too, the same trouble may occur, especially
when water injection is practised, and in engines with water-
cooled pistons. The lubricating properties of an oil-water
emulsion are much inferior to those of oil alone, and the
viscosity is very much in excess of that of either of the two
components. Moreover, such an emulsion will not readily
pass through the oil pipes, and may choke the suction side of
the lubricating oil pump, thereby causing failure of the oil
10. Keeping qualities of oil.—In modem machinery,
provision is generally made for using the same oil over and
over again, as, for instance, by means of a circulating pump.
Sec. 156.—Properties of Lubricating Oils 599
the bearing itself and its case. Since the oil never goes outside
the bearing shell it does not gather grit and dust, and little
evaporation can take place. Such bearings are no more
expensive than the older type, and are much more reliable.
8. Forced lubrication.—In modem high-speed engines
and in expensive machinery of other kinds, the ring, described
in para. 7, is sometimes replaced by a small pump which
draws oil from a sump, generally in the bed-plate, which may
contain several gallons of oil. The oil is drawn in through a
strainer, and is forced first through a filter and then through?
pipes to every important bearing in the engine.
Moving bearings, such as those of crank pins and gudgeons,
are often supplied through small holes drilled through the
crankshaft, connecting rod, &c. All oil squeezed out pours
down, or is flung away against the crank chamber walls, and
so pours back into the sump. Here any grit picked up either
settles down or is strained out. Gum or soap formed is
extracted in the filter. Not only does the oil lubricate the
bearings, but the circulation is rapid and copious, so that it
carries away heat and so keeps the bearings cool. The system
can be clearly seen on Pis. 51, 52 and 114.
9. Splash lubrication .—In many small high-speed engines,
oil is freely splashed all over the working parts by allowing the
big-ends, or scoops attached to them, to dip at every revolution
into a trough of oil. In simple engines the oil merely drips
down again into the trough. In many designs an improve¬
ment is made by allowing the oil to collect in a sump, from
which a pump draws it out through a strainer and replaces it
into the trough. Thus the level of oil in the trough is kept
constant, provided there is oil in the sump. Splashing alone
will not lubricate bearings. Above each bearing there must
be some vessel, or a recess in the casting, to catch the oil, and
a passage must lead the oil into the bearing in the right place.
This is not always easy to arrange, as, for instance, in con¬
necting-rod big-ends, where rapid movement tends to fling
away oil rather than collect it in any catcher provided.
In Willan’s high-speed steam engine this difficulty was
overcome by providing an open cap to the big-end, so that
part of the crank pin is bare, and this dips into the oil sump
at each revolution.
10. Combined systems.—Combinations of the above
systems are in common use in engines. Thus, in some cases,
the main bearings and big ends only are supplied with oil
under pressure, and splash is relied on for the cylinder and
the gudgeon pin.
For further particulars, see Sec. 72.
Sec. 158.—Selection and Care of Lubricants 603
Plate 127.
= 100 X 0=9 X
air per minute to a gauge pressure of 100 lb./sq. inch
114-7x0 29
— 1 | — 20 B.H.P. approx.
Plate 130.
&»gu?**or KwVa
tntm* 6o*t+K
Ammar>/& (G*r)
626 Sec. 167.—Choice of Refrigerant
gas into the compressor ; this helps to keep the pressures and
temperatures in the compressor within reasonable limits,
as the evaporation of the remaining liquid absorbs much of the
heat of compression. Machines in which the gas is thus
still mixed with liquid on reaching the compressor are said
to work on the Wet Compression cycle. Dry compression
avoids the danger of too much liquid in compressor head.
The entropy-temperature diagram for the cycle is shown
on PI. 131, Fig. 1.
AB = evaporation at constant temperature. »
BC = adiabatic compression.
CD = condensation at constant temperature.
DA = expansion through expansion valve.
The line AH represents the change of entropy necessary
to convert all the liquid into vapour. The change AB occurs
during evaporation and BH during compression.
The step DA is not reversible, but in the practice the loss
is so small that an expansion cylinder which would make the -
cycle reversible is not warranted.
Fl£. '1.
• ] 1ALLMAKK” MKTJlVl.-CHJ.ORJnr; self-contained
refrigerating machine unit
Sec. 167.—Choice of Refrigerant 627
refrigerant effect. (N.B.—The critical temperature of a gas
is the temperature above which it is impossible to liquefy
it by pressure, however high.)
(d) Non-poisonous and have no tainting effect on food¬
stuffs if it escapes.
3. For practical purposes the choice of a refrigerant is
restricted to ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and
methyl chloride. Their principal properties are tabulated in
Table ZB. Anhydrous ammonia gives the greatest energy ratio
and has every advantage except (d) above. It is decidedly
poisonous and will taint foodstuffs readily. With modem
plant, properly maintained, leakages should be rare, and
owing to the pungent smell are quickly detected. Ammonia
corrodes brass and copper, but does not affect iron or steel.
4. Carbon dioxide is much used on board ship as it is
non-poisonous and will not taint food; but it is generally
unsuitable for military purposes, as the energy ratio is low, and
owing to the very high pressure required, special attention is
necessary. Moreover, in tropical climates the condenser
temperature may exceed the critical temperature (88° F.),
with consequent loss of efficiency and output, though this
difficulty can be met by using a special cycle of operations
(see Sec. 170, para. 11).
For a given output, owing to the high pressure, C02
machines are small compared with ammonia machines, but
very strong, heavy, and expensive.
5. Sulphur dioxide uses very low pressures—undesirably
low, as they may fall below atmospheric. Leakage of air
and water into the system causes the formation of highly
corrosive acid. The gas is poisonous and offensive. It has
the advantage that in the liquid state it is a lubricant, which
makes it suitable for small automatic machines. Otherwise
it is not to be recommended, and has now largely been
displaced by methyl chloride, except for domestic refrigerators.
6. Methyl chloride machines have only recently been
developed. They are usually small machines with automatic
or semi-automatic control, for which duty methyl chloride is
almost ideal. The pressures are low, but not too low; it
is non-corrosive, but inflammable and somewhat poisonous.
Energy ratios are good, but not equal to ammonia. It mixes
with lubricating oil, thus avoiding troubles due to oil in the
7. Ammonia machines are recommended for outputs
above 150 B.Th.U. per minute. For smaller duties methyl
chloride machines with automatic control are suitable.
628 Sec. 168.—Performance of Refrigerating Machines
Plate 132.
MACHINE OF 100 0 Th. U&
Sec. 169.—Constructional Details 631
Thus with ammonia the pressure range is normally about
25 to 125 lbs. per square inch, for which a simple compressor
of normal construction is suitable, whereas with carbon
dioxide the range is about 300 to 1,000 lbs. per square inch,
for which a very strong construction and special means of
preventing leakage of gas are necessary.
PI. 133 shows a typical small ammonia compressor,
single cylinder, single acting, with automatic spring-loaded
valves. It should be noted that the crankshaft is provided
with a packing gland ; the crankcase and cylinder jacket are
maintained at suction pressure (being connected up to the
suction side of the machine by the crankcase vent-pipe).
This minimizes the loss of gas due to leakage past the piston,
which is bound to occur to a certain extent. Any gas which
leaks through is drawn off into the suction pipe. There is
little likelihood of any escaping past the crankshaft packing
gland, as the pressure difference is small and the packing can
be made very efficient at this point. It also enables the oil
to be blown out of the ammonia system into the crank case
without losing any ammonia, while the jacketing of the
cylinder with the cold gas of the suction side assists to keep
down the temperature in the cylinder. Single-acting com¬
pressors sometimes have water-cooled heads, but this is not
Single-stage compressors, as illustrated, are suitable for
compression ratios up to about 6 to 1, which is sufficient for
the temperature ranges usually dealt with. For very low
temperatures it may be necessary to use two-stage compressors.
These will seldom be met with in military service.
To obtain the maximum output and efficiency, the
clearance volume of the compressor must be reduced to a
minimum, especially with wet compression, but on the other
hand when using wet compression a certain amount of clear¬
ance is essential for safety, as there is always a possibility of
an excess of liquid refrigerant reaching the compressor; if
there is insufficient clearance this may blow off the cylinder
head. Large compressors are usually provided with a safety
device, such as a spring head, to avoid this possibility. Small
compressors frequently depend on sufficient clearance volume
as a safeguard.
A low piston speed has been usual in the past in machines
with plate valves, chiefly dependent upon the relative area
of the piston and the valves. The latter should be as large
and light as possible. Higher speed machines with sleeve
valves for direct drive by electric motors, or high-speed
engines, are now being largely employed (see Sec. 161).
2. Oil separators.—Referring again to PL 133, it will be
seen that the ammonia on leaving the delivery valVe passes
632 Sec. 169.—Constructional Details
Plate 133.
Sec. 170.—Condensers 633
through an oil separator. A certain amount of oil is bound to
work past the piston into the compressor cylinder, and is
carried away in a finely divided state in the ammonia. If not
previously removed, much of it will be deposited in the
condenser, forming a film which will impede heat trans¬
ference and seriously affect the efficiency. In the oil separator
the particles of oil are carried to the bottom of the vessel by
their momentum, while the gas passes out by the pipe at the
top of the vessel. The separator is connected by a pipe, with
stop-valve, to the crankcase. Every three or four hours,
while the plant is running, the attendant should open the
valve for a few seconds, when the pressure of the gas will drive
the oil into the crankcase. A sight-glass on the crankcase
enables the level to be checked. Splash lubrication is used
in this case, and is adequate for small plants, with the low
speeds used.
3. C02 compressors.—Both C02 and ammonia machines
are made in a full range of sizes from about l ton to 200 tons
The heavy construction of C02 machines will be noted;
the cylinders are machined from solid billets of steel. A
special high-pressure packing gland is used on the piston-rod,
and crosshead construction is used to relieve the packing of
the heavy side thrusts, which would cause leakage.
4. Methyl chloride compressors.—PI. 131, Fig. 2,
shows a small methyl chloride machine, complete with air¬
cooled condenser and electric motor. A machine of this
type, which is usually provided with automatic control, is
very suitable for small meat stores, &c., up to about 500 cu. ft.
in temperate climates. About 1 j B.H.P. would be required
for this duty, the machine running intermittently.
170. Condensers
1. The condensers used for refrigerating machinery do
not differ in principle from steam condensers, being simply
heat exchangers, by means of which the heat generated by
compression and the latent heat of evaporation are trans¬
ferred from the refrigerant to the cooling water (or air),
thus liquefying the refrigerant. In all types of refrigerating
condensers the refrigerant passes through a coil or series of
pipes, while cold water or air passes over the surface of the
pipes. To effect heat transference as rapidly as possible,
the velocity of both the refrigerant and the water should be as
high as possible. To bring the final temperature of the
refrigerant as low as possible, the contra-flow principle is
normally adopted—i.c. the refrigerant and the water enter at
634 Sec. 170.—Gondensers
171. Evaporators
1. In the evaporator (sometimes called the refrigerator)
the action is the reverse of that in the condenser, the liquid
refrigerant evaporating, under the low pressure maintained
by the suction of the compressor, and absorbing heat from its
surroundings. Evaporators are of two principal types, (a)
direct expansion evaporators and (b) brine coolers. Direct
expansion evaporators are as a rule only used for air cooling.
The air of the cold store is circulated over coils of piping in
which the refrigerant evaporates. To keep the pipes free
from frost (which acts like a lagging and impedes heat
transfer) when dealing with temperatures below freezing
point, the coils stand over a brine tank and brine is circulated
over the pipes.
Direct expansion is also used in some cases for ice-making,
milk cooling, &c. The designs depend on requirements, and
are outside the scope of this book.
2. Brine coolers employ brine as a medium for transferring
heat from the object to be cooled to the refrigerant. In
general, they are similar in design to condensers, the brine
replacing the cooling water. They may be submerged, double¬
pipe or open flooded. Detail designs depend on application,
as before.
The brine used is usually a solution of calcium chloride,
4 lbs. per gallon, which is cheap, has a freezing point of
—20° F., is non-corrosive and leaves no deposit. Sodium
chloride [i.e. common salt) brine can be used, but, being much
less soluble, it is apt to crystallize out at low temperatures,
and its freezing point is higher. Moreover, it has a corrosive
effect on steel unless a little caustic soda is added.
A minimum of 12 square feet of pipe surface per ton of
refrigeration is required for double-pipe evaporators, and at
least double thi« surface area for other types.
Sec. 172.—Accessories
172. Accessories i
1. Stop-valves.—PI. 135, Fig. 1, shows a typical ammonia
stop-valve, which is usually made of semi-steel or high grade
cast-iron. The valve discs have white metal seatings, and a
seating is provided on the upper side to seal the valve when
in the open position, enabling the spindle to be repacked
without loss of ammonia. C02 valves are usually machined
from solid billets of mild steel.
Valve spindle should be of rustless steel.
2. Regulator.—This valve (PI. 135, Fig. 2) requires
accurate adjustment with a small opening to give the best
results. It is therefore made with a fine thread, and the
spindle has a tapered end extending through the valve opening.
The hand-wheel is provided with a pointer and index to
enable the correct position, once settled, to be found at once.
It should not be used as a stop-valve; a stop-valve should
adjoin it on the condenser side (known as the liquid stop-
3. Piping and joints.—For ammonia machines, wrought
iron piping is suitable. A typical joint for ammonia piping is
shown in PI. 135, Fig. 3. The flanges are screwed on to the
pipes, one pipe being recessed in the flange and the other
projecting. A metal packing ring—aluminium may be used—
is placed between the pipe ends, which are accurately faced
up, and the flanges drawn together by the bolts.
For C02 machines, special hydraulic piping is used with
heavy flanges and copper jointing rings.
4. Pressure gauges should be fitted on the suction and
delivery pipes of the compressor; besides the ordinary pres¬
sure graduations, these gauges usually have an outer scale of
temperatures. These temperatures represent the evaporation
and liquefaction temperatures of the refrigerant at the corre¬
sponding pressures, and since the pressure in either side of the
system is approximately the same throughout, the temperature
indicated by the gauge at any moment is the temperature at
which the refrigerant is condensing or evaporating. This is the
temperature at which most of the heat transference takes place,
Sec. 172,—Accessories
640 Sec. 173.—Absorption Machines
177. General
1. Lubricating oil.—The service oil for refrigerating
compressors is Oil M. 60—“ Light non-freezing mineral lubricant
for refrigerating plant,” but in some cases oil M.80 is better.
One of these two oils should be suitable for any machine
likely to be met with in the service. In case of doubt the
makers should be consulted ; it is essential that suitable oil
should be used.
Proprietary oils suitable for most machines are Gargoyle
Arctic "C,” A.II. Refrigerator Oil (Shell-Mex), Castrol
Refrigerator Oil, and Zerolin (specially prepared for Lightfoot
The specification given by Messrs. J. & E. H^ll for oil for
their machines is :—
Specific gravity 0*915 to 0*925.
Flash point (closed test) 325° F. to 335° F.
. Freezing point —30° F. to —35° F.
Viscosity at 70° F. (Redwood No. 1). 350 secs.
The W.D. specification does not mention freezing point,
but requires a special test of fluidity at —5° C.
646 Sec. 177.—Genera!
British standard,
o5'S"S"5'oB'^-'(3"S'o5"^"S tu Is !jj Oo Oj ki Cii P bolt
o> oj o> a> Oi «»oj»o tsftM
(OOOMMtOh3<UA»Olklk(«aOD«i«0 Threads per in.
standard, fine
lit-*rrtfitirT^rriP- H-'5B'“"iS^"SB'i^"M'5'oS"S3 P
Ol Ol ffl ® (DM M
0-4845 Threads per in.
Size of tapping
standard, pipe
-»H 00 its 00 l5 00 iS 00 P tube
Full diameter of
hhhmmmhmhnmhhhhwmM^ Threads per in.
0*4iHuia*nicHap»»t*aH OOtsQO^tOs-OO^ts.
Js<JiyiVlC505sJsJOOCCO — t0054s05000^' Threads per in.
1 23/32
1 19/64
1 11/64
1 5/64
1 25/64
Size of tapping
►- >-* 1—
to to to ►— I-* I-* § Diameter of
6 6 bolt
ooidioioooclioiMMooi^-joidia Pitch
tn cn cn cn oi c/i P
MWMMHWMwMMKt3tOO)Ulti4Sly Approximate
threads per in.
VJ Ol <J| Wl
I xjpnaddy m
The Whitworth sizes below £ in. areno longer British Standard.
650 Appendix II
•ut ut
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8uj}bu8is3q NNnwnne'innnnn'i'^^^^^
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©©©©©© ** r-c
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•ui UI
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.§ M*j£
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© bp a gfc® saaquinu Opp©-«NW*iO<0t>.«®©,-iNm-*
-§ 1 ‘C l-o# 3ui;bu3is3q 88®
.« | a.SjS5
^ W<3Www
•ui UI
A. W.G.
B. W.G.
8 sjaquma
rt vrt rrt rt
•ui ut
»■* 1"^ f4
Neo'i'iocoh'ooojo — Nw^'ifttot^ooojo
co hnnh
® NIOOOOO^Tn _ ^ 05
usotNoooo^N w MS® l» 00
vvTT'?T,?,??9999 999tttttttt?tt
N.I.V. Stores
Box, with lock, 18 in. X 10 in. x 10 in. 1
Chisels, swan-neck, } in., I in., £ in.each 1
Gouges, long, paring, inside ground, radii 3 in., 2 in., 1 in., £ in.,
£ in., £ in.each 1
Gouges, swan-neck, £ in., £ in., £ in.. 1
Rules, contraction (iron and brass) . •• 1
Vocabulary Stores
Mallets, carpenters’
Planes, rabbet, square, 1 in., £ in. .. ea
Punches, centre, 4£ in., G.S.
Appendix III 653
N.I.V. Stores
Chisels, long, thin, paring, 1| in., 1J in., 1 in., } ini, £ in., f in.,
^ m., ^ in. . . a. .« a. .. .. .. 6cLch 1
Chisels, swan-neck, 1 in., £ in. 1
Gouges, long, thin, paring, inside ground, } in. radius 1
,, ,, ,, ,, outside ,, i m. ,, 1
„ swan-neck, 2 in., J in., ^ in. radius .. .. each 1
Planes, round, 1£ in., 1 in., £ in. .. 1
,, Stanley .. .. .. .. .. 1
Squares, 12 in. 1
N.I.V. Stores
Depth gauge .. 1
Gouges, } in., \ in., paring .. each 1
Brown and Sharpe protractor 1
Blacksmiths' tools and stores
Articles Remarks
Personal tools required by a boilermaker
Chest, tool, empty, with padlock, No. 11.. No.
Bevels, steel, 9 in. (N.I.V.).
♦Braces, ratchet, 18 in.
* „ ,, drills, f in. to 1J in. (11 drills) Set
* „ „ ,, tapping, f in. to 1 in. (6 drills) fl
Bolts, with nuts, hexagon head, i in. x 3J in., fully
threaded .. .. .* «# .. .. .. No. 12
Paper, stiff, for templets (N.I.V.).Sheets 2
Red lead, mixed (N.I.V.).Lb. 1
Sal-ammoniac, small grain .. .. .. .. .. „ 1
Tools required by a fitter and fitter driver, R.E.
Wooden box with lock and key, about 18 in. long x 10 in
X 10 in. No. 1
Callipers, 5 in., inside . Pair 1
„ 5 in., outside . il 1
Cans, oil, lubricating, G.S., with lever valve No. 1
Card, scratch .. .. .« «. ■. Foot £
Chisels, cross-cut, 7 in. X £ in. No. l
„ ,, 4£in. X £in. M l
„ hand, cold, 8 in. x £ in. IS l
„ „ „ 6 in. x | in. l
„ round nose .. l
Cloth sponge »• .. .. .■ .. l
Dividers, spring, 6 in., Mark II l
Files, bastard, half-round, 12 in. .. l
n „ hand, safe edge, 14 in. l
i» „ round, 12 in. l
II „ ,. 8 in. II l
„ square, 10 in. II l
„ second cut, half-round, 12 in. 1
„ „ „ hand, safe edge, 12 in. .. l
„ smooth, half-round, 8 in. l
„ „ hand, safe edge, 6 in. l
Hammers, fitters', 16 oz. l
Handles, file, large .. l
„ „ middling i
Pliers, side-cutting, 8 in. Pair l
„ round nose ii l
Punches, centre, 4* in. No. l
*» piu, ^ in. .. l
Rules, armament artificers', 12 in. l
Saws, hack, 12 in., with three blades l
Scrapers, bearing (N.I.V.) (see M.T. Vocabulary) 4
Screwdrivers, G.S., 9 in. 1
,, ,, 4 in. .. *• •.
Spanner, armament artificers’, double-ended, £ in. and
m. • a a a 1
Spanners, armament artificers', double-ended, ft in. and
ft in. 1
Spanners, armament artificers', double-ended, £ in. and
£ in. •. .. 1
Spanners, armament artificers’, double-ended, £ in. and
£ in. (N.I.V.) 1
Spanners (box), socket, double-ended, £ in. and f in
(N.I.V.) . Set 1
Spanners, magneto (N.I.V.).. • • • • No. 1
„ adjustable, 11 in. • ■ • • II 1
Squares, fitters', 6 in. II 1
Vices, hand, combination .. 1
Wrenches, adjustable, 9 in. (footprint) 1
Accounts and administration .239
Acetylene, dissplved.96
„ gas, purification of .92
Acme thread.164
Adiabatic change ..254
Administration and accounts .239
Air-blast for smith's fire ..49
Air compressors .608
„ „ installation of .617
„ „ lubrication of .617
„ „ power for.616
„ „ receivers of.613
„ „ selection of.618
„ „ sets.613
„ „ sleeve valve type.614
,, „ valves and cylinder heads of .. .. .. 616
Air filters for I.C. engines.300
Air preheaters.484
Air pumps for condensers.512
Alloys, ferrous . 3
„ non-ferrous. 7
,, steel «* •• ■ •* 3
Aluminium, oxy-acetylene welding of .102
Ames’ crankshaft gauge .422
„ cylinder gauge .430
„ magnetic gauge mount .422
Ammonia poisoning.646
„ refrigerating machine.624
Angle iron, bending of .58
„ of advance of valves,.502
Annealing iron and steel .78
Anti-priming pipe of boiler.477
Appendices, list of. x
Arc welding.105
Artificial draught .489
Autogenous welding.83
Automatic machines.198
„ stokers. 484
Auxiliaries, boiler .481
Babcock and Wilcox boilers.454
Balanced valves .504
Ball and roller bearings .561
„ races .. •.. 562
„ thrust bearings .. 563
660 Index
Band saws ■ « ■ • a a .. 222
Barrel bearings . • • • • • a .. 563
Bearings, ball and roller ■ • • • a a .. 561
ft races • • •• •■ • • • • a a .. 562
tf tt thrust • ■ • • • • • • • • a a .. 563
tt barrel • • »• • • ■ • • • a a .. 568
„ lor shafting • • • • a a .. 557
„ lubrication of • ■ a a 290, 599
„ machinery, re-fitting of .. ■ ■ a a .. 425
„ Michell thrust • ■ a • a a .. 564
tf of engines • • • • ■ • • • • • aa .. 515
„ roller • • • • aa .. 562
„ swivelling devices of ■ • • • a a .. 562
„ thrust collars ■ ■ a a a a .. 564
Bedding-in . • • ■ ■ a a 28
Belts, arrangement of drive of •■ a a .. 573
„ compounded ■ ■ • ■ a a .. 571
„ countershafts for • a • • a a .. 576
„ dressings for • • • ■ a a .. 572
„ fast and loose pulleys for ■ a a a ,. 574
„ joints in ■ ■ a a .. 571
„ losses in ■ ■ • • a a .. 573
„ power transmitted by .. • a • • a a .. 571
„ pulleys for • • • • a a .. 574
„ rules for driving of s# ■ • a a .. 572
tt sizes of •• • • ,, a a .. 589
„ speeds of • • a a .. 569
ft types of •• • • •• ■ ■ ■ ■ a • .. 569
Bench work of fitters .. • • • a a a .. 116
Benches, circular saw •a a a .. 216
Bending in smithing. a a a a 54
Blacksmith’s shop, lay-out of •• a a a a 61
„ work • ■ a a a a 51
Blowers, centrifugal .. ■ • a a a a 49
„ Root's ,, a a a a .. 49
Blow-pipe for oxy-acetylene cutting . . a a a a 95, 110
Blow-pipes for oxy-acetylene welding • a a a 95. 96
Blue prints a a a a 11
toiler auxiliaries ,, a a .. 481
„ „ artificial draught .. . . a a a a .. 489
„ „ automatic stokers • ■ a a a a .. 484
„ ,, definition of ■ • a a a ■ .. 481
„ „ economizers • • a a aa .. 481
„ „ feedwater heaters • a #, ,, .. 481
„ „ natural draught • • • , .. 486
„ „ oil fuel aa .. 467
„ „ pre-heated air ,, a a a a .. 484
„ „ pulverized fuel a. a a a a .. 485
„ „ refuse burners a a • a .. 485
„ ,, special grates .. 484
., „ sprinkling stokers .. 485
„ „ . superheaters «• a a .. 482
„ cracks, plugging of • • aa .. 70
ii fittings •• •• •• •• ■• •• .. 474
„ „ anti-priming pipe •• a a .. 477
„ „ feed pumps a • a a .. 479
„ „ fusible plugs .. aa a a .. 477
„ „ gauge glasses .. ■• aa a a .. 477
„ „ injectors «• a a • a ,. 478
Index 661
Boiler fittings, list of. •• • • a a 474
M „ pressure gauges • • ■ • a a 474
ft „ safety valves .. • • • a a a 474
Boiler-house of steam plant .. • • m a a a 526
Boilermakers' materials • ■ • a a a 66
shop equipment ■• a a a a 64
tools • • • ■ • ■ a a a a 64 ,656
work. ■ • a a a a 64
Boilermaking, caulking and fullering • • a a • a 68
„ design of joints ■ ■ a • a a 66
„ rivets, closing of a a a a 67
„ . „ cutting-out of a a a a 67
„ „ proportions of • • a a a a 67
„ stays, replacing of ■ • a a a a 68
Boiler tube plates, fitting of .. ■ • a a , . 72
ft f§ ff repair of ■ • • ■ • • a a • a 72
ft tubes, removal of • ■ a a a a 69
ft „ replacement of .. •a a a a a 69
Boilers, air regulation of •• a a a a 462
ft Babcock and Wilcox a a 452
ft balanced draught a a 490
ft blowing down of a a 459
ft brickwork settings for a a 448
ft care, working, and management of a a 456
f» coal for a a 461
ff corrosion in .. • ■ a a a a 457
ft economy in working of • ■ a • a a a • 456
ft expansion of .. • • a a a a 138, 514
11 feedwater of .. •• a a a a a a 444
fire-tube • ■ a a a a a a 450
ft firing of . • • a a a a a • 462
ft forced draught • a a m a a a a 489
ft heat transference in .. a • a a a a a a 442
it heating area of • • a a a a 441
•» horizontal • ■ a a a a a a 448
ft inspection of .. • a a
a a a a a 460
U insurance of .. | a a
t • a a • 460
ft laying of fire of a a a a a a a a 461
ft laying-off of .. • • a a a a a a 459
ft lighting of . • a a a a a a a 461
locomotive •• a a a a a a 451
materials of .. ‘ • ■ a a a a a a 441
ft object of . • a a a a a a a 441
ft patching of .. • • ■ a a a a a 70
ft plates, thickness of .. • a a a a a a a 441
rate of combustion in • • a a a a a a 463
ff responsibility of attendant for • • a a a a a a 456
ff < rules for firing of • a a a a a a a 462
shell «. ,. •. .. • a a a a a a a 448
ft soot and tar deposit on ■ a a a a a a a 444
ft steam. • a a a a a a a 441
ff testing of ■ . • • a a a a a a 460
ff tests with various fuels, sample performances of a a 540
ft types of •• •• •• • * a a a a a a 448
vertical . • • a a a a a a 448
ft washing out of • • a a a a a a 460
ft water circulation in .. • • a a a a a a 442
ft „ level of •• a a a a a a 457
ff water-tube. a • a a a a a a 452
662 Index
Callipers, fitters’ 128
Calorific value of fuels 251
Capstan lathes 196
Carbon deposit in petrol engines 363
„ steel, hardening of .. 74
,, ,, service kinds of 4
„ „ uses and carbon content of .. 4
Carburation, principles of 317
„ scent-spray principle of 318
Carburettors, fitting and adjustment of 330
„ float adjustment of 321
„ mixture adjustment .. 322
„ petrol supply to 332
„ Smith multiple jet 324
„ Solex 336
,, S.U. «• .. .. .. 327
„ White and Poppc 324
,, Zenith .. a. a. aa 327
Carburizing (steel) 79
Case hardening 79
Castings, brass 39
cold shuts in 33
contraction of 15
crystallization of 12
drawing of .. 13
honeycombing and blow-holes in 32
inspection of 32
malleable 42
principles of design of 13
production of 12
scabbings in.. 33
aa aa aa aa aa 41
Caulking of boilers 68
Central exhaust engines 508
Centres of lathes 149
Centrifugal blowers .. 50
Index 663
Chain drives .. 577
Chaplets 26
Chill casting 23
Chucks of lathes .. 155
Circular saws .. .. 209
Circulation of heat in boilers .. 442
Clutches .. 565
„ fitting of .. 568
„ friction .. 565
„ hydraulic. .. 567
„ magnetic .. 567
„ positive .. ■ .. .. 565
Cold set .. 46
Cold-starting engines. .. 397
Combination set 122, 130
Combustion of oil fuel .. 250
Compressed air .. 608
„ „ compressors .. 608,613
„ „ heat losses .. 611
„ „ receivers .. 613
„ „ unloaders .. 612
„ uses of .. 608
„ ,, volumetric efficiency .. 609
„ „ water jackets .. 611
Compressed-air tools .. .. 618
„ „ care of .. 621
„ „ efficiency of . .. 618
„ ,, reciprocating . .. 619
.. „ rotary .. .. 620
„ „ use of .. .. 618
Compression-ignition engines .. 407
Compression ratio .. 259
Compressors, air (see also Air compreissors) . 608
Condensers ■■ •• ** • .. 509
„ accessories for .. 510
,, air pumps for .. 512
„ jet. .. 510
,, leaks in .. 512
„ objects of .. .. 509
„ open-air .. .. 510
„ surface .. .. 509
„ types of .. .. 509
„ water coolers for .. .. 510
Conduction of heat in boilers .. 441
Contraction of metals ... .. 12
Conventions in mechanical drawing .. 11
Cooling of I.C. engines .. 301
Copper, oxy-acetylene welding of . .. 102
Copying attachment. .. 148
Cores for moulding. 18
Corliss valves .. .. 508
Corrosion in holers .. .. 457
Cost accounts .. .. 239
dep^iation .7 .. 241
.. 239
V ..
„ indirect charges .. 239
Countershafts for belts .. 576
Couplings for shafting .. 556
Cracks, boiler, plugging of 70
Crankshafts, trueing of ■ • .. 423
Critical range (steel) .. • • 74
„ temperature (steel) .. • • 74
Cross-cut saws • • 204
Crucible furnaces •• 41
Cupola, charging of •• 36
„ cleaning •• 37
„ description of •■ 34
„ relining • • 34
Cuts and traverses of lathes .. •■ 153
Cutter-blocks .. •• 228
Cutters, chain, sharpening of • B 231
„ milling machines •• 183
„ woodworking, ordering of • a 231
„ „ preparing and sharpening of 230
Cutting metal with the electric arc 111
» .. m gas 110
„ square threads 168
„ V threads 165
Cutting-out in smithing 52
Cyclic irregularity. 279
Cylinder condensation 498
Cylinders, re-boring of 191 ,429
„ welding cracks in .. a • 434
Daily time sheet a a a a a a .. 541
Pecalescence point a a a a a a 74
Design of castings, principles of a a a a a a .. 13
,, rules of • • •• ■. a a a a a a .. 13
Detonation a b a a a a a a a a a a .. 252
Dial gauges a a a a a a a a a a a a .. 422
„ test indicator a a a a a a .. 131
Die plates a a a a a a a a a a a a .. 126
Dies and stocks a a a a a a .. 12B
Die-sinking a a a a a a a a a a a a .. 59
Diesel cycle a a a a a a a a .. 259
„ engines a a a a a a 270,389
tt it air compressor and vessels of a a 393, 397
a tt cold starters .. a a a a a a .. 397
tt tt definition of .. a a a a a a .. 270
a tt foundations for a a a a a a .. 546
a* tt fuel and filters fora a a a a a ..383, 397.404
it tt fuel-injection valve of a a a a .. 393
it tt fuel pump of .. a a a a a a a a .. 408
it it governing of .. a a a a a a a a .. 287
tt it valves of a a a a a a a a • a uUU
Index ooe
Direct-coupling .553
Draught, artificial. .. .. 489
„ natural .486
Drawing-down in smithing .. .. .. ,. .. 52
Drawing, mechanical, conventions in .. .. .. .. 11
Drawings, patternmakers .. 15
Drifting in smithing .. .. .. .. 54
Drilling in fitting .173
»» 11 lathes .• .. .. .. ., ,, ,, 174
„ „ smithing.54
•# Jig ;• ■• .■ .. .. >> ., ■ < 177
,, machines .174
.. pilot.176
,, reaming, and tapping by hand.123
1, „ „ ' „ „ machine .. .. .. 173
„ speeds of .176
Drills, chucks and sockets for 177
„ fitters, types of .124
„ sharpening of .. .. .. .. .. 178
„ types of.124
Drives for shafting.573
Drop valves .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 507
Dry-sand moulding .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22
Economics, workshops 235
Economizers of boilers 481
Efficiency, mechanical 261
ratio «• •• 261
thermal, brake 261
If ■1 indicated •• •• ■• 261
Electric-air system of operation of tools 621
Electrical drive of grinders .. 196
#1 transmission of power 587
Electric ignition of engines .. 339
M „ system, faults in .. 350
M welding •• •• •• •• •• 104
Elektron 8
Engine-house of steam plant 524
Engines, central exhaust 508
*9 cold-starting 397
■ comparative table for selection of prime movers 546
Diesel (see also Diesel engines) • • 270 389
99 electric ignition of .. •• 339
foundations for •• •• •• •• 546
•• gas (see also Gas engines) .. •• 311
99 heavy oil (see also Heavy oil. Semi-Diesel and Diesel
engines) ■■ •• •• •• 383
91 high-compression 383
high-speed oil 407
11 steam •• •• •• 516
99 I.C. (see also I.C. engines and Oil engines) 249
11 testing of •• •• «■ •• 536
oil (see also Oil engines and I.C. engines) 367
petrol (s« also Petrol engines) • a0 317
DOD Indeft
Engines, prime movers, selection of .. 545
„ selection and erection of .. .. 545
„ semi-Diesel (see also Semi-Diesel engines) .. 384
,, steam (see also Steam engines) 491,514
„ „ reciprocating (see also Reciprocating steam
engines) 491,514
Engine testing 528, 531
„ „ indicators .. 528
„ „ measurement of brake horse-power .. 532
m ,, ,, f# diagram • • ■- .. 530
„ „ „ „ indicated horse-power .. 530
Entropy .. 494
,, —temperature diagrams . .. 495
Equipment, boilermakers’ shop .. 64
Erection and overhaul of machinery 410,420, 545
„ of engines .. 545
Exhaust silencers .. 308
,, temperatures .. 536
Expansion valve .. 507
Expansive use of steam .. 491
Explosive mixtures and ignition .. 250
„ „ formation of .. 250
„ „ nature and behaviour of .. 250
Face-plates of lathes .. .. 155
Facing in lathes .. 159
,, sand *• •• .. 23
Factory, objectives of .. 235
,, organization .. 235
„ „ labour .. 237
,, „ materials .. 237
Fans, exhaust .. .. 231
Fast and loose pulleys .. 574
Faults in carburettors .. 321
„ „ electric ignition system .. 350
„ „ lubricating systems .. 299
„ „ oil engines .. .. 377
„ „ petrol engines .. 359
Feed pumps .. 478
Feeding-gates .. .. 28
Feed water, filters for .. 447
,, ,, heaters ■, ■, .. 481
„ „ impurities in .. *444
„ „ oil separators for .. 447
„ ,, permanent hardness .. 445
„ „ regulators .. 480
„ „ temporary hardness .. 445
„ „ testing of .. .. 446
„ „ treatment of .. 445
„ „ valves .. 480
Ferrous metals 1
Fettling . .. 39
Files, description and uses of .. 114
Filing. .. 117
Filters for feed water .. .. 447
,, ,, I.C. engines •« .. 300
Index 667
Firebox patches . • • 70
Fire-tube boilers . • • 450
li „ fireboxes of • • 451
ii „ firebox stays of • • 451
ii „ locomotive • • 451
• f „ tube plates of ■ • 451
ii ,, tubes of • • 450
IS „ types of • ■ 450
Firing boilers .. • • 462
Fits, standard .. • • 132
Fitters' tools » ■ .. •. .. • • 113,658
it work ... ... • • • • 116
ii „ bearings, scraping of .. • ■ 120
i» „ callipers • ■ 128
i> „ die plates • • 126
11 „ draw filing ■ • 118
ii „ drilling .. • • 123
*1 „ drills, types of* .. • • 124
it emery finishing
„ • • 120
ii gauges „ . • • 131
if hand-fitting
„ • • 116
ft machinery, erection and overhaul of
„ (see also
Machinery) .. 133
•i marking out
„ 121
tl measuring instruments
,, 128
if reaming holes
„ .. 124
ii safe-edged files, use of
„ 118
i» surfaces, chipping of
„ .. .. • • 116
ii „ completion of
„ 122
li „ filing of
„ 117
if ,, scraping of
„ .. 120
li taper files, use of
„ 118
If „ tapping holes 125
ii „ threading with stocks and dies 126
Fitting, definition of .. 113
II operations of .. 113
Fittings of boilers 474
Flash-point of oils 595
Flatters ■■ «. ■• ■■ 48
Fluxes ■ • ■ • •• •• *• • • 83, 85, 86
li welding .... 98
Fly-cutters .. .* 177
Flywheels 280
Forced lubrication 294
Forging, description of 58
if various articles, methods of 58
Former turning in lathes 158
Forms for use in testing steam plant 541, 542
Foundations for Diesel engines • * 547
If „ engines ■ • 546
II ,, ,, construction of • • 548
II ,, . „ dimensions of • • 547
ff „ oil engines .. • • 548
Foundry, lay-out of .. • • 42
if sands •• ■■ •• •• • • 23
Four-stroke cycle • • 254
Frame saws • • 227
Friction clutches • • 565
Ii losses in shafting • • • • • 558
Fuel for boilers 461,467
ft tt IiO* engines •• «• •• • .. 249
„ „ „ engine tests, measurement of .. 536
„ „ „ „ „ typical consumptions of .. 273
„ „ steam plant tests, measurement of .. 533
,, oil •> •• •• •• •• • .. 249
„ pulverized .. 485
Fuel pumps, Benes .. 408
„ „ Hornsby 282.284
,, ,, Tangye •» •• •• •• • 282.285
„ smiths' 45
Fuels, calorific values of .. 251
„ for heavy oil engines, filtering 383,397
„ „ „ „ „ heating .. 383
„ heat value .. 249
Fullering of boilers .. 68
Fullers .. .. 69
- Furnaces, crucible 41
Fusible plugs.. .. 477
Gas engines and producers .. .. 311
„ principles of action of .. .. 311
producers, fuel for .. 314
„ maintenance of .. 316
„ precautions against gas poisoning .. 316
„ principles of action of .. 312
„ running of .. 312
Gauge glasses .. 477
Gauges, British standard fits .. 132
crankshaft .. 423
cylinder .. 429
fitters .. .. 131
pressure .. 474
wire and plate, standards of 650,651
Gauging and measuring in fitters work .. 128
Gears 579
bevel .. 579
boxes ■• ■• •■ .. 585
classification of .. 579
helical .. .. 580
mitre .. 579
pitch of .. .. 583
selective'and gate changes .. 586
silent. .. 583
skew. .. 579
speed ratios of .. .. 583
spur . .. 579
trains of .. 584
General joiner. .. 228
Governing of oil engines .. 278
Governors of, reciprocating steam engines .. 499
„ „ steam engines .. .. 499
„ sensitiveness of .. .. 278
Graphite . .. 599
Green-sand moulding .. .. 241
Index DOT
Grinders,belt drive oi .. .. .. .. .. 195
„ electrical drive of. .. .. 196
„ guard for.195
„ lubrication of .. .. .. .. .. 195
,, universal .. .. .. 192
,, wheels of.192
Grinding attachment .. 191
„ cylindrical.189
„ in lathes.189
„ internal .191
„ machinery .. .. .. .. .. 188
„ surface .. ' .. .. .. .. 191
Grooving with machines .. .. .. .. .. .. 230
Hammer, power 59
Hammers, smiths' 45
Hangers for shafting .. .. 558
Hardening carbon steel 74
„ iron and steel 74
Headstock of lathes .. 149
Heat balance, solid injection oil engine .. 537
„ engines .. .. 249
„ transference in boilers .. .. 441
„ treatment of steel and iron .. 74
Heavy-oil engines .. 383
„ „ „ fuel for .. .. 383
Helical gears .. .. 580
Heratol .. 92
High-tension magneto .. 339
Holes, plain, grinding-out of .. 429
„ re-bushing of .. .. 428
Honing ,. .. 429
Horizontal boilers .. 448
Hornsby oil engine .. 367
„ „ „ fuel pump 282,284
Horse-power, brake .. 532
„ indicated .. 528
Hot-plate tempering .. 76
Hot set .. 46
Hydraulic clutches .. 567
„ transmission of power .. 588
I.C. engines .. .. . •■ •. .. 249
changing direction of rotation of ., .. 268
compression stroke and ignition .. .. 257,262
cooling of .. .. .. •. .. .. 301
efficiency of the four-stroke cycle .. .. .. 258
electric ignition of .. .. .. .. .. 334
exhaust stroke .. .. .. .. .. 257,265
four-stroke Otto cycle applied to .254
fuel for • • ■• •• •• •« •■ • • 251
graphical representation of the Otto cycle .. .. 256
heat regulation of .. .. 371,372
„ work, and efficiency of .. .. .. .. 259
670 Index
I.C. engines, mechanical aids for engine starting .. 379
power stroke 257.265
practical strokes .. 262
rating of .. 272
silencing of .. 308
suction stroke .. 257,262
testing of 536
fuel consumptions, typical examples of .. 273
„ „ measurement of .. 536
types of .. .. 269
valve timing .. 267
Ignition and explosives mixtures .. 250
battery, coil and contact breaker .. .. 352
„ „ „ trembler .. .. 354
electric, system, faults in .. .. 350
in oil engines and its control .. 371
magneto •• *• »■ .. 339
Indicated horse-power, measurement of .. 528
„ mean effective pressure (I.M.E.P.) .. 530
Indicator diagrams .. 530
Indicators for measurement of indicated horse-power .. 530
Injectors, boiler .. 478
„ „ automatic .. .. 479
,, ,, lifting ■• •• .. 479
Inspection of boilers .. .. 460
„ castings 32
„ „ oil engines 379
Installation and lay-out of steam plant 519
„ of air compressors 617
„ „ high-speed steam engines 516
„ „ steam engines 514
Instruments, measuring, fitters 128
Insurance of boilers .. .. 460
Iron, annealing of .. 78
carbon content and uses of 4
composition of .. 1
founding 34
cupola, charging of .. 36
„ description of .. 34
fettling 39
mixing of metal .. 37
pouring iron .. 38
hardening of .. 79
heat treatment of .. 74
oxy-acetylene welding of 97,101
smithing with .. .. 56
tempering of 76
Isothermal change 254,494
Joints soldered and brazed, strength of 87
» welded, strength of .. 56
Keyway cutting and surfacing 169
Labour in repair workshops .. .. 244
Lagging of steam plant .. 524
Lap of valves. .. 502
Latent heat of’steam .. 438
Lathe tools, tipping with high-speed tool steels .. 81
Lathes ■■ •• •• .« >• .. 147
boring in .. 157
capstan .. 196
centres of .. 149
compound slide rest of .. 152
copying attachment .. 148
cuts and traverses of .. 153
drilling in .. 158
face-plate and chucks of .. 155
facing in .. 159
former turning in .. 159
grinding attachment .. .. 191
f| 111 • • • • mm .. 190
hand traverses and clamps of .. 152
headstock of .. .. 149
keyway cutting and surfacing .. 169
mandrels of .. 155
milling attachment .. .. 170
i fin •• •• *• .. 186
plain turning between centres .. 153
principle of .. 147
radius turning in .. 159
range of work of .. 147
saddle of .. 150
„ traverses of .. 152
screw cutting in .. 159
slide rest of .. .. 152
speeds of ■, ■ •* •• .. 143
tailstock of .. 149
taper turning attachment .. .. 159
,, ,) in •• • • .. 157
threading tools, forms of .. 165
threads, chasing of .. .. 168
„ cutting of 165,168
,, forms of .. 160
toolposts of .. 152
trueing up of .. .. 200
Laws of gases ■ ■• •* •■ .. 253
Laying-out line shafting .. 559
Lay-out and installation of steam plant .. 519
„ of blacksmiths’ shop .. 62
,, ,, foundry * ■ ** •• .. 42
„ „ steam plant, sample of .. .. 526
Lead-alloy bath tempering .. .. 77
Lead of valves .. 502
Malleable castings .. 42
Mandrels of lathes. .. 155
Mandrel. 49,155
Manufacturing machinery .. .. 196
Marking-out fitters' work .. 121
Materials, boilermakers’ .. 66
„ for engine foundations .. .. 547
„ of boilers. .. 441
ii patternmakers •■ •■ .. 14
Mean effective pressure, brake .. 530
„ „ „ indicated .. .. 530
Measurement of brake horse-power .. .. 532
„ „ indicated horse-power .. 530
Measuring and gauging in fitters' work .. 128
Mechanical efficiency. .. 531
„ drawing, conventions in 9
Melting-points of metals and alloys. .. 85
Metallic packing of engines .. .. 499
Metals, angles of tools for cutting of .. 140
contraction of. .. 15
ferrous . 1
for iron founding, mixing of .. 37
non-ferrous. 5
oxy-acetylene, welding of .. 91
Meyer expansion gear .. 507
Michell thrust bearings .. 599
Micrometer callipers. .. 129
Milling attachment. .. 170
circular . .. 186
cutters . .. 183
in lathes . 170,186
machines .. 182
machine sawing .. 188
pTOfilc ■■ ■■ •• .. 186
spur gears . .. 186
worms. .. 187
Moulders' tools and stores .. 22,654
„ work . .. 22
Moulding, bedding-in. 28
„ brass . 39
„ by turning over, details of 24
„ chaplets for .. 26
„ cores for . 18
„ dry sand. .. 22
„ economies in .. 33
„ facing sand for .. 23
feeding-gates 28
foundry sands for .. 23
green sand .. 24
iron, types of .. 22
lifters, nails, and sprigs for .. 26
loam . .. 30
machine. 29,229
parting sand for .. 24
patternmaker to know principles of .. 16
patterns for •• 14
pktc i* i• t• •• .. 30
runners and risers for ■• .. 27
venting in. •• .. 26
Index 675
Natural draught .. 486
Nitralloy .. 5, 82
Normalized steel .. 78
Oilcups . . ■ • a a .. 600
Oil engines . • • • • .. 367
„ „ cooling of . . • • a a .. 301
„ „ cyclic irregularity in a a .. 279
„ ,, faults in .. a a 376, 377
,, ,, foundations for a a .. 546
„ „ four-stroke Qtto cycle applied to a a .. 262
.. „ governing of • . » a .. 278
„ „ heat regulation of . • • a a .. 371
,, ,, hot bearings in • • a a .. 376
„ „ ignition in and its control • a .. 367
„ „ inspections of a a .. 379
„ „ lubrication of 288, 375
„ „ mechanical starting of .. 379
„ „ oiling of a a .. 375
„ „ running and care of a a .. 374
„ ,, seizing in .. a a .. 376
„ „ silencing of a ■ .. 308
„ „ speed regulation of a a .. 278
,, „ stopping of a a .. 377
„ „ working the lamp of a a .. 374
ii fuel • • • • •• •• 251,467
„ „ combustion of 250, 467
„ „ compressed-air system of a a .. 469
„ „ for heavy-oil engines • • a a .. 251
„ „ oil engines
„ a a a a .. 251
,, „ pressure-oil system of a a a a .. 469
,, „ reasons for use of , , a a .. 467
„ „ simultaneous coal and oil firing a a .. 472
„ „ steam system of a « a a .. 468
„ „ systems of • • • a .. 468
„ „ working of . • • a a .. 472
Oiling, hand a ■ • a .. 600
Oil separators .. *
.. a a .. 447
Oils, animal a a 595, 596
„ flash-point of a a .. 595
„ keeping qualities of a a .. 598
„ lubricating, service, table of .. 604
„ mineral .. .. 595
„ service • a a a .. 604
„ vegetable • a a a 595, 596
„ viscosity of • • a a .. 593
Open-air condensers .. • • a a .. 510
Organization, factory .. a • • a .. 235
Otto cycle a • a • .. 254
Overhand planing machine .. • • a a .. 228
Overhaul of I.C. engines a a .. 420
„ line shafting
„ • a a a .. 560
„ machine tools
„ .. • a a a .. 198
„ petrol engines
„ .. a a • • .. 361
„ slide valves
„ a a • 4 « at 133
676 Index
Oxy-acetylene cutting .. 110
ii „ speed of .. Ill
li welding 91
«« „ blow-pipes .. 96
il „ flame regulation 98
„ fluxes .. 98
ii „ installation for .. 93
ii „ oxygen for .. .. 91
if „ purifiers for .. .
. 92
ii „ speed of .. 103
if ,, systems of .. .. 91
ii ,, various metals, welding of 100-104
il „ welding rods . . 98
ii „ welds, execution of 97-99
ii ,, ,, preparation of ..97-99
Oxygen for welding purposes . .. 91
Paraffin fuel 251,253
Parting sand. 24
Parts of machinery, care in handling and replacing of 420
Patching boilers 70
Patternmakers* drawings 15
„ materials 14
ii tools •• •• •• •• 14, 652
„ work .. •■ 14
Patterns, altering of .. •• 22
for moulding ■• 14
joints of *• 20
p?ii ntrng of •• «■ •* •• 22
storing of .. •• 22
Performance curves, solid-injection Diesel engines • • 537
Petrol engines (carburettors) * • 317
„ „ carburettors fitting and adjustment of • • 330
„ ,, faults in • ■ 321
„ „ float chamber of ■ • 321
„ „ forced lubrication of • • 294
„ „ lubrication of ■ • 293
„ „ maintenance work by engine-driver • • 361
„ „ overhaul of .. • * 420
$$ a power of •• •• ■■ •• • • 276
„ „ principles of carburation • • 317
„ „ pump and splash lubrication of • • 293
„ „ running and care of. • • 361
„ „ scent-spray principle of carburation • • 318
„ „ Solex carburettor • ■ 330
„ ,, splash lubrication of • • 293
,. „ starting of. 357
„ „ S.U. carburettor • ■ 327
„ „ White and Poppe carburettor • • 324
„ „ - Zenith carburettor .. • • 327
Petrol-paraffin engines . • • 364
Pilot-drilling .. .. • ■ 176
Pinking . • • 253
Pipe-lines of steam plant . • • 522
Index 677
Pipes of steam plant. •• •• a • 519..
„ „ materials for jointing of • a • ■ 519a a
M II If Of •
a •• • ■ • a 519a a
„ „ size of .. ■ ■ a • a a 519a a
„ valves. ■• • a • a 504a a
„ moulding. . ., 30
a a
Power hammer a a 59
a •
„ „ machinery a a 202
a a
„ transmission of 553
a a
„ „ direct-coupling.. . . 553
a a
„ „ electrical aa 587
a a
„ „ hydraulic a . 588
a a
„ ., losses in 558
a a
„ ,, methods of • a 555
a a
„ „ pneumatic a a 588
a a
Practical heat-treatment a a 74
a a
„ tempering .. a a 76
a a
Pre-ignition a a 253a a
„ „ „ indicated .. a a 530a a
Quasi-arc welding .107
Radial valve gears.506
Radius turning in lathes .159
Rankine cycle.494
Reaming, drilling, and tapping by hand.123
.. „ „ „ „ machine .173
„ holes .124
Recalescence point of steel.74
Receivers of air compressors ,. .613
Reciprocating steam engines .491
,, action of .491
„ bearings of.515
„ brake horse-power of .. 532,539
„ cycles of .491
„ cylinder condensation in .. .. 498
„ engine details of .. .. .. 499
„ „ performance of .. .. 539
„ governors of. 499,515
„ indicated power of .. .. 493, 496
„ lubrication of .500
„ metallic packing of.499
„ stuffing boxes of .499
„ variation of load, effect of .. .. 497
Redwood’s viscometer .594
Refrigerating machines, absorption type. 623,640
air expansion type .. .. 623,641
compression type. 623, 624
condensers for.633
energy ratio (factor of performance) .. 628
valves for .. .. .638
Refrigeration, cycle of operations, ammonia machine .. .. 624
„ general principles.623
Refuse burners. .. .. .. .. .. 485
Regulators, feed water .480
Repair workshops .241
„ „ classification of repairs.242
„ „ labour for . .. .. 244
,, „ organization of.241
„ works orders .243
Resistance welding. 104
Ring lubrication . 293,601
Rings, piston.431
Rip saws . f.203
Risers and runners for moulds .. .. '.27
Rivets, closing of .67
„ cutting-out of .67
„„ proportions of ..
types used in boilermaking.
.. .. 67
Rods, welding.%
Roller bearings .562
Root's blowers .49
Index 679
Rope drives. 576
Runners and risers for moulds 27
Tables, list of. .. .. xi
Tailstock of lathes. .. 149
Taper turning attachment. .. 159
,, ,, in lathes ■« «■ *, .> .. 157
Tapping, drilling, and reaming by hand .. 123
,, ,, „ ,, „ machine .. .. 173
,, holes ■« «. .. 125
Tar deposit on boilers . ..444
Temperatures and colours of steel when heated .. 75
Tempering iron and steel. ..7Q
Index 683
Tempering tool steel, details for 77
Templates . ■* .. 548
Tenoning with machines . •• .. 230
Test bench, Ames', for small I.C. engines .. ■■ 422,432
Testing engines (see also Engine testing) •• .. 528
„ machine tools . •• .. 198
„ steam plant [see also Steam plant) •• .. 528
Tests of boilers . .. 540
„ „ steel for boiler work .. 66
Thermal efficiency, brake. 261,496
„ „ indicated 261,496
Thicknessing machine . .. 229
Threading tools, form of . .. 165
Threads and tapping sizes, standards of 648,649
„ chasing of. .. 168
„ cutting of *. .. 165
„ forms of . .. 160
Thrust bearings .. . .. 563
„ collars. .. 564
Tongs, smiths’ .. 46
Tool grinders. .. 192
Toolposts of lathes. .. 152
Tools, boilermakers’ .. 64,656
„ compressed-air (see also Compressed-air tools) .. 618
„ cutting, angles for •• .. 141
i / fitters •• •• •• 113,658
,, for machine-shop work , , .. 140
„ machine-shop, cutting speeds of •, .. 143
„ „ forms of •. .. 141
„ „ particulars to be given in demands for .. 145
„ machine, testing of .. 198
„ moulders’ . 22,654
„ patternmakers' 14. 652
„ smiths’ .. 45,655
Toothed gears (see also Gears) .. 579
Total heat of water .. .. 438
Pf pp pp steam • ■ •• •• .. 438
Transmission of power .. 553
„ „ electrical .. 587
„ „ hydraulic .. 588
„ „ indirect systems of .. .. 587
„ „ pneumatic .. .. 588
„ „ practical application of .. 588
Traverses and cuts of lathes. .. 153
Trueing cylinders . .. 429
„ journals . .. 423
„ mushroom valves and seatings .. 432
Tubes of boilers, removing. .. 69
„ „ replacement 69
Turning between centres of lathes .. • • 153
Two-stroke cycle . .. 265
Types of boilers. .. 448
„ „ condensers. .. 509
Universal coupling. •• •% .. 556
ii grinders •• •• •• •• «* .. 192
Upsetting in smithing . •• •• 51
684 Index
'•V" threads. e 4 .. 161
Valve gears. ** •s s• 502
Valves, Corliss. •• .. 508
pi drop • • •• •» •• •• •• ,. .. 507
if D slide •• •• <4 •• •a • • 502
ip feed w&tcr •• ■* •• •* .. .. 480
„ mushroom, and seatings, trueing of •» .. 432
,, of steam plant . •• «• 521
p$ safety •• •• •• •• •• •• .. 474
„ slide, angle of advance of •. •4 502
pi pp balanced •• •• ■• •• .. 504
„ „ errors in •• .. 137
„ „ expansion in .. •• .. 507
„ „ inside lap of. .• .. .. 504
pp pp lead of •• •• •• ■■ •• .. 502
„ „ Meyer expansion gear •• •e «• 507
„ „ outside lap of. •• .. 502
a ii piston • • •• •• •• •. ..504
„ ,, radial valve guars of .. .. ..506
ii ii setting of •• •* •• .• .. 137
„ „ Stephenson’s link motion .• .. 504
Valve timing in l.C. engines. •• 262-355
„ type of lubrication. •t .. 600
Variety woodworker. •• .. 228
Venting of moulds. *■ .. .. 26
Vernier callipers . •• .. 129
Vertical boilers. •• .. 448
Vibrating needle lubrication. s. .. 600
Vices. ., .. 113
Viscometer, Redwood's . ., •• mt 594
Viscosity of oils . •• ■< «• 593
Volume of steam, changes in •■ .. 439
Washing out boilers 460
Water, boiling points .. 439
„ circulation in boilers .. 442
„ coolers for condensers 510
„ heat (sensible heat) .. 438
„ injection (in I.C. engines) 372
„ latent heat 438
Water-tube boilers 452
„ „ Babcock and Wilcox 452
,, ,, true •> •» 452
,, ,, types of .. •• 452
„ „ working of 455
Weaver press. 423
Welded Joints, strength of • i 56
Welding, autogenous. • e 83
„ boiler plates • • 78
„ electric . 104
„ in smithing. 55
„ oxy-acetylene (see also Oxy-acetylene welding) 91
Wheels of grinders. 192
Index 685
White and Poppe carburettor .. .. .. 324
„ metal bearings. .. .. 87
Whitworth threads .. .. 161
Wire and plate gauges, standards of . 650,651
Wood-cutting machinery .. .. .. .. 203
Workshop economics .. .. .. .. .. .. 235
Workshops, repair (see also Repair workshops) .. .. .. 241
Works order forms. 240,245
„ orders .. .. .. .. .. 240,243
Worms, milling . . .. 187
Worm-wheel, milling of .. .. .. .. .. . • 187
Zenith carburettor 327
Engineering Workshop Drawing—Parkinson 4/6 Pitman.
Elements of Machine Design (2 Vols.) Unwin
& Mellanby.each 15/- Longmans, Green
& Co.
B.S.S. 308. Engineering Drawing Office
Practice .2/-
Mechanical Technology—Charnock .. .. 10/6 Constable.
General Foundry Practice—Roxburgh .. 6/- Constable.
B.S.S. 321. General Grey Iron Castings
(Grades A and C).2/-
Mechanical Technology—Charnock .. .. 10/6 Constable.
B.S.S. 43. Boiler Tubes. Charcoal, Iron Lap-
welded .2/-
B.S.S. 425. Rivets for Boilers .. .. 2/-
Steel Works Analysis—Arnold & Ibbotson 12/6 Pitman.
Engineering Steels—Aitchison .. .. 25/- Macdonald &
Hest Treatment—Bullens.21/- John Wiley &
The Metallography of Steel and Cast Iron—
Woodward.15/- Crosby Lockwood
& Son.
Elements of Metallurgy for Engineers—
Gordon .8/6 Constable.
Bibliography 687
Diesel Engine Design—Purday .. .. 21/— Constable.
Diesel Engine Running and Maintenance—
Smith .3/6 Constable.
Compression-ignition Engines .. 3/6 Temple Press.
B.S.S. 211. Heavy-Oil Engines for Electri¬
cal Purposes, Diesel Air-Injection .. 2/-
B.S.S. 212. Heavy-Oil Engines for Electri¬
cal Purposes, Surface Ignition .. .. 2/-
B.S.S. 213. . Heavy-Oil Engines for Electri¬
cal Purposes, Airless Injection .. .. 2/-
A.F. G 853. Care and Working of Internal-
Combustion Engines.
D.W.S. Spec. 8. Heavy-Oil Engine-Driven
Generating Sets.
D.W.S. Spec. 11. Power Station Auxiliary
Bibliography 689