WHO 2019 NCoV Antigen Detection 2020.1 Eng
WHO 2019 NCoV Antigen Detection 2020.1 Eng
WHO 2019 NCoV Antigen Detection 2020.1 Eng
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
and cohorting of the most infectious cases and their close contact tracing efforts) and prioritize sample
contacts (16). Patients who present more than 5-7 days collection from RDT-negative individuals for NAAT.
after the onset of symptoms are more likely to have lower
viral loads, and the likelihood of false negative results iii) To monitor trends in disease incidence in
with Ag-RDTs is higher. communities, and particularly among essential
workers and health workers during outbreaks or in
Despite these expected limitations in performance, if regions of widespread community transmission
correctly performed and interpreted, Ag-RDTs could where the positive predictive value and negative
play a significant role in guiding patient management, predictive value of an Ag-RDT result is sufficient to
public health decision making and in surveillance of enable effective infection control. 2
COVID-19. At minimum, Ag-RDTs would need to
correctly identify significantly more cases than they iv) Where there is widespread community
would miss (sensitivity ≥80%) and have very high transmission, RDTs may be used for early detection
specificity (≥97-100%). Based on these performance and isolation of positive cases in health facilities,
parameters, this interim guidance proposes several COVID-19 testing centres/sites, care homes, prisons,
potential roles for Ag-RDT and offers general schools, front-line and health-care workers and for
recommendations for selection of tests and key contact tracing. Note that the safe management of
considerations for their implementation. patients with RDT-negative samples will depend on
the RDT performance and the community
General recommendations for the use of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence of COVID-19 (see Annex). A negative
Ag-RDTs Ag-RDT result cannot completely exclude an active
COVID-19 infection, and, therefore, repeat testing
1. SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDTs that meet the minimum or preferably confirmatory testing (NAAT) should
performance requirements of ≥80% sensitivity and ≥97% be performed whenever possible (Figure 1),
specificity compared to a NAAT reference assay 1 can be particularly in symptomatic patients.
used to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection in a range of
settings where NAAT is unavailable or where prolonged
v) Testing of asymptomatic contacts of cases may be
turnaround times preclude clinical utility.
considered even if the Ag-RDT is not specifically
To optimize performance, testing with Ag-RDTs should authorized for this use, since asymptomatic cases
be conducted by trained operators in strict accordance have been demonstrated to have viral loads similar
with the manufacturer’s instructions and within the first to symptomatic cases (17), though in that situation,
5-7 days following the onset of symptoms. a negative Ag-RDT should not remove a contact
from quarantine requirements.
1 Based on well-designed and executed evaluations in minimum performance criteria met; increases to 93% if prevalence
representative populations is 20%
2 Risk of false positive results is high in low prevalence settings;
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
Other warning signals might include patients who are necessary to avoid many false-positive results.
test-negative but have a classical syndrome, are close Sensitivity will depend on the status of patients
contacts of a case or are tested in a high-prevalence studied (degree of illness, days since onset of
setting. In such situations, considerations should be symptoms, etc.) as well as the product quality,
given to repeating the test, especially if there is also any but should reach a minimum of ≥80%. A useful
uncertainty about the visual result (faint bands) or assessment is the sensitivity of the test in
adequacy of sampling. patients with a rRT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct)
below a specific value (e.g. 28 or 30), because
5. Use of Ag-RDTs is not recommended in settings or the virus is expected to be abundant in
populations with low expected prevalence of disease respiratory samples when the test is in this
(e.g. screening at points of entry, blood donation, range, and test sensitivity correspondingly high
elective surgery), especially where confirmatory testing (exceeding 90% in some published and
by NAAT is not readily available. Such use will not be unpublished studies) (4,11). It is important to
possible until there are more data from high-quality note, however, that Ct values at a given input
studies confirming high specificity (>99%) of one or concentration of target RNA vary between rRT-
more of the commercialized Ag-RDT test kits. PCR assays and are not strictly quantitative.
3. Manufacturing quality and regulatory status.
Selection of tests for procurement and Tests should be procured from manufacturers
implementation: who work under a quality management system
Though there are a limited number of SARS-CoV-2 Ag- (e.g. ISO 13485) and with at least local
RDTs currently available commercially, multiple regulatory approval or right of free sale granted
products, of variable quality and performance, are by the country of manufacture. RDTs, as all in
expected to enter the marketplace soon. As noted in the vitro diagnostics intended for clinical use,
Introduction, most commercial SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDTs should undergo a rigorous and transparent
use a conventional lateral flow format with colloidal regulatory review. Approval or authorization by
gold or other visible dye as indicators. Several systems, a stringent regulatory body and/or Emergency
including some with US FDA approval under EUA, use Use Listing by WHO should be available at the
alternative indicators that may lead to enhanced time of procurement.
sensitivity but require a specific device to read and 4. Manufacturing capacity and further
interpret the test results. evidence of quality. Many new companies
There are a number of factors to consider when without a history of success in the manufacture,
selecting Ag-RDTs for use in the scenarios presented sales and support of in vitro diagnostics are
above, in the recommendations section. These include: entering the market with SARS-CoV-2 Ag-
RDTs. Procurers should consider the range of
1. Quality of available data used to validate the other products offered by the company
test. The source of data should be considered (especially lateral flow tests), what regulatory
(independent vs. internal/corporate sponsorship) approvals they have for non-emergency
as should study design (e.g. the reference diagnostic products, and their manufacturing
standard used, the type of specimen, the delay and post-market surveillance capacity. Many
between sample collection and test execution companies are able to manufacture high-quality
and the number of days since symptom onset), prototypes or completed tests at low volume but
the number of subjects enrolled, and the setting may have difficulty when scaling up
of enrolment. As the concentration of virus in manufacturing to meet global needs.
specimens is the greatest predictor of test
sensitivity, the selection of patients and study 5. Distribution and technical support.
sites is of critical importance. Prospective Consideration should be given to a supplier’s
clinical studies are generally superior to distribution and product support capacity,
retrospective studies. Data from studies especially in low and middle-income countries.
independent of corporate sponsorship have This is particularly true for tests that require
particular value if the studies are well- additional equipment like readers.
performed. 6. Shipping and storage conditions and shelf-
2. Reported performance. Data demonstrating life. The capacity to withstand temperature
the performance of an RDT should be carefully stress and having an extended shelf-life are
reviewed before procurement is initiated. Given critical to the ease-of-use of Ag-RDTs. With
the relatively low prevalence of active SARS- new products, shelf-life must be estimated
CoV-2 infections even in settings with based on accelerated stability studies (usually at
community transmission, high specificity higher temperatures), but target shelf-life
(minimum >97% and ideally >99%) is should be at least 12-18 months at 30°C and
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
ideally 40°C. A cold chain requirement for 3. Use of instrumented detection systems
shipping and/or storage would significantly demands additional training requirements
increase the cost and complexity of (instrument use, calibration as required, service
procurement and distribution. requirements, operating conditions) and
sufficient infrastructure, such as a reliable
7. Specimen collection requirements. SARS-
source of electricity.
CoV-2 Ag-RDTs vary in their requirements for
specimen type, number of processing steps, 4. Sample collection is one of the most critical
need for accurate timing, instrumentation and factors affecting performance of Ag-RDTs.
interpretation of results, which will influence Instructions for use should be carefully
the extent of training and supervision required. followed, and any staff collecting samples
For this reason, an ease-of-use assessment is an should be trained in the methodology.
important consideration along with test
5. Each of these tests has a specifically indicated
method for sample processing after collection.
8. Contents of test kit. Standard kit contents do Instructions should be followed precisely, and
not necessarily include everything required to no alternative reagents used (e.g. water or other
perform and quality control the test, and this liquid instead of dilution/mixing buffer).
must be verified prior to purchase. Several
6. Biosafety requirements for operators must be in
commercially available Ag-RDTs for SARS-
place – personal protective equipment,
CoV-2 utilize a reading instrument.
biohazard waste bag and good ventilation are
9. The cost of the test. The cost of tests will vary essential (19).
according to the test and the volume to be
purchased. In general, they should be less Methods
expensive than PCR tests. The cost of This Interim Guidance document outlines potential use
transportation, import tariffs, storage, end-user and non-use case scenarios for SARS-CoV-2 antigen-
training (and supervision) and post-purchase detecting RDTs based on minimum performance
quality control testing activities required to criteria. Minimum performance requirements for Ag-
support quality implementation of RDTs must RDTs were established through a formal process of
also be considered. target product profile (TPPs) development for priority
10. Availability, completeness and clarity of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics (20). They were informed by
instructions for use. These should be clear, an evolving understanding of the temporal dynamics of
contain illustrations and be user-friendly for a viral shedding and transmissibility and the anticipated
benefits of earlier and expanded testing. PubMed and
non-laboratory specialist.
medRxiv databases were searched for both peer-
Implementation considerations: reviewed and published, pre-print reports of test
accuracy of point of care/near patient rapid antigen-
1. Even though Ag-RDTs may be considerably
detecting SARS-CoV-2 tests. One systematic review of
easier to perform than NAAT, they still require
diagnostic test accuracy was identified (21).
that supplier-recommended procedures be
Additionally, unpublished independent reports on the
strictly followed with due attention to
performance of two SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDTs were
documentation, execution of time-dependent or
shared confidentially with WHO. Interim guidance was
volume-dependent steps, storage conditions
reviewed by members of the WHO Reference
and shelf-life and equipment and stock
Laboratory Network for COVID-19 and members of the
management. All test operators must have
WHO COVID-19 Diagnostics Target Product Profile
training in sample collection, relevant biosafety,
Review Group, as well as other outside experts.
performance of the test and interpretation and
reporting of results as well as in waste We recognize the shortcomings of the available
management. Quality control measures also evidence. They include small sample sizes, skewed
need to be put in place. sampling based on expected presence or absence of
SARS-CoV-2 infection, and lack of details in studies
2. Post-market surveillance, with regulatory
aimed at validating tests regarding symptom status or
oversight, is critical to discover defects in
time from symptom onset. In addition, the lack of data
product performance and is an important
from asymptomatic cases, use of tests outside of
requirement for the manufacturer. The health
manufacturers’ instructions for use and performance of
system should ensure there is monitoring and
tests in laboratories as opposed to point of care/near-
evaluation of COVID-19 diagnostic testing
patient settings limit the generalizability of
activities and clear mechanisms for reporting
recommendations. Nonetheless, it was concluded that
problems (18).
some Ag-RDTs are likely to at least meet and likely
exceed minimum performance requirements in the early
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
phase of the illness (within the first 5-7 days, when viral a test-negative patient is not to have the disease, see
loads and risk of transmission are highest). Expanding Annex. For example, when the prevalence of active
testing to potentially interrupt transmission through the SARS-CoV-2 infection in a community is 1%, even a
use of antigen RDTs is considered more beneficial than test that is 99% specific would have a poor positive
not testing or performing tests that fail to inform predictive value, since one-half of all positive results
infection control measures due to very long turnaround would be false positive.
times or the risk of false negatives in patients with low
viral loads. Roles for antigen detecting RDTs for case management
and surveillance for COVID-19
Test performance
Use of Ag-RDTs can be considered in countries or areas
The performance of an Ag-RDT is determined by the that are experiencing widespread community
sensitivity and specificity of the test to detect a SARS- transmission, where the health system may be over-
CoV-2 infection compared with a reference standard, burdened and where it may not be possible to test all or
NAAT (generally rRT-PCR). any suspect cases by NAAT. As with all diagnostic tests,
but especially those with sub-optimal sensitivity and/or
Sensitivity is the percentage of cases positive by a specificity, to correctly interpret and act on the results
NAAT reference standard that are detected as positive of the RDT, the prevalence of disease (according to
by the Ag-RDT under evaluation. the reference standard) must be estimated based on
surveillance, since this determines the positive and
Specificity is the percentage of cases negative by a negative predictive values (PPV and NPV, respectively)
NAAT reference standard that are detected as negative of the RDTs (see Annex). The proposed process for
by the Ag-RDT under evaluation. The prevalence of utilizing an Ag-RDT for COVID-19 case management
disease in the community being tested strongly affects when there is widespread community transmission is
the predictive value of a positive or negative result (see shown in Figure 1. In such a setting, the pre-test
Annex). Thus, the clinical value of a positive or probability of COVID-19 disease (the likelihood that
negative test result will depend on what action is taken the patient has COVID-19 before their results are
on the basis of the test result when interpreted in the known, based on epidemiologic and clinical factors) is
context of local prevalence. relatively high, and positive test results have a high
predictive value. Likewise, in a setting of community
In general, the higher the prevalence of SARS-COv-2 transmission, the predictive value of a negative RDT
infection in the tested population, the more likely a result may be low, even when there are strong
person who tests positive is to have COVID-19. The epidemiologic or clinical indicators of COVID-19
lower the prevalence in the community, the more likely exposure or disease.
Figure 1. Flowchart demonstrating the potential use of antigen-based RDTs (that meet minimum performance
criteria) in settings of widespread community transmission and where there is no NAAT capacity.
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
Table 1. Situations where SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDTs should not be used, based on currently available information
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
WHO continues to monitor the situation closely for any changes that may affect this interim guidance. Should any
factors change, WHO will issue a further update. Otherwise, this interim guidance document will expire 2 years after
the date of publication.
© World Health Organization 2020. Some rights reserved. This work is available under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
WHO reference number: WHO/2019-nCoV/Antigen_Detection/2020.1
Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid immunoassays: Interim guidance
Annex : Positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) and the number of true positive (TP), false positive (FP), true negative (TN) and false negative (FN) tests in a
population of 10 000 with the prevalence of COVID-19 estimated at 5, 10, 20, 30% prevalence and based on recommended performance criteria: sensitivity of 70, 80%, 90% and specificity of
98% and 100%.
Example prevalence Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity NPV PPV TP FP TN FN No. with No. positive Total
target populations (%) disease tests
70 98 98 60 350 238 9263 150 500 588 10000
70 100 98 88 350 48 9453 150 500 398 10000
Symptomatic general
80 98 99 63 400 238 9263 100 500 638 10000
population; contacts of 5
80 100 99 89 400 48 9453 100 500 448 10000
index case
90 98 99 65 450 238 9263 50 500 688 10000
90 100 99 90 450 48 9453 50 500 498 10000
70 98 97 76 700 225 8775 300 1000 925 10000
70 100 97 94 700 45 8955 300 1000 745 10000
Symptomatic patients 80 98 98 78 800 225 8775 200 1000 1025 10000
presenting to health 80 100 98 95 800 45 8955 200 1000 845 10000
care facilities; contacts 10 90 98 99 80 900 225 8775 100 1000 1125 10000
of index cases; 90 100 99 95 900 45 8955 100 1000 945 10000
institutions & closed
communities with
confirmed outbreaks
70 98 93 88 1400 200 7800 600 2000 1600945 10000
Symptomatic at referral 70 100 93 97 1400 40 7960 600 2000 1440 10000
centre; Symptomatic or 80 98 95 89 1600 200 7800 400 2000 1800 10000
screening of health care 20
80 100 95 98 1600 40 7960 400 2000 1640 10000
work workers; care
homes 90 98 98 90 1800 200 7800 200 2000 2000 10000
90 100 98 98 1800 40 7960 200 2000 1840 10000
70 98 88 92 2100 175 6825 900 3000 2275 10000
70 100 89 98 2100 35 6965 900 3000 2135 10000
Symptomatic health 80 98 92 93 2400 175 6825 600 3000 2575 10000
care worker/cleaners; 30
80 100 92 99 2400 35 6965 600 3000 2435 10000
care home residents
90 98 96 94 2700 175 6825 300 3000 2875 10000
90 100 96 99 2700 35 6965 300 3000 2735 10000