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Thapathali Campus

Lab Report - 8
To Transfer Data between Two PC’s of Different Network Using
Static Routing

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name: Saugat Tripathi Department of Electronics
Roll No. 2072/BEX/337 and Computer Engineering
Static routing is a form of routing that occurs when a router uses a manually-
configured routing entry, rather than information from a dynamic routing traffic. In
many cases, static routes are manually configured by a network administrator by adding
in entries into a routing table, though this may not always be the case. Unlike dynamic
routing, static routes are fixed and do not change if the network is changed or
reconfigured. Static routing and dynamic routing are not mutually exclusive. Both
dynamic routing and static routing are usually used on a router to maximize routing
efficiency and to provide backups in the event that dynamic routing information fails
to be exchanged.
Static routes, which define explicit paths between two routers, cannot be automatically
updated. Static routes use less bandwidth than dynamic routes.
Static routing, if used without dynamic routing, has the following advantages:

 Static routing causes very little load on the CPU of the router, and produces no
traffic to other routers.
 Static routing leaves the network administrator with full control over the routing
behavior of the network.

In this practical we used Static Routing protocol for the transfer of data between PC’s
of different networks. The routers and PC are connected in the following manner.

Figure 1 Connection of different networks

1) Firstly, all the routers are configured and the gateways are assigned their respective IP
according as per the network interface port using graphical interface on Config tab.

Figure 2 Configuring IP of Router in CLI

2) Now, the Server of the networks is assigned static

IP as shown on the figure aside. For this the server
is selected and inside Desktop tab IP Config is
selected where the respective IP address is

Also the subnet mask is specified along with the

gateway which is an absolute necessity during the
commnication between different networks. This
is done in similar manner for the other PC’s.

Figure 3 Assigning IP to Server

3) The Static Routing protocol is configured on the router in CLI using the commands as
shown in the screenshot below. Similarly, other routers are also configured for the
Static Routing protocol.

Figure 4 Router Configuration for Static Routing protocol

Here in the command line it is seen there is the use of “ip route” and along with it is the
IP address and subnet mask of the network it will be establishing the communication
followed by the interfacing port though which the communication is going to be
For eg- ip route se 0/3/0

Here, is the IP of the network and is the subnet mask and
se 0/3/0 is the port through which it will interface occurs for the transfer of data.

And as we can communicate through three ports in this network so all are used so that
the network will work even in the case if one fails.
Similarly, others Routers are configured in the same manner.

This can be also be configured using a master command instead of using separate for
each network. eg- ip route se 0/3/0
And using this command for separate ports of the router.
4) The packet of data is sent between PCs and Router to check for the well configured
protocol. Successful status indicates that there is successful data transmission as on
the picture below.

Figure 5 Indication of Successful data transmission

5) Then the connection between the host and the routers were seen using the following command.

Figure 6 Connection between Router3 and Hosts

In this practical class we learnt about the transmission of the data between two different
PC of two different networks which uses Static Routing. This class was aimed to
understand the Static Routing protocol and to get the knowledge about cross network

Static routing causes very little load on the CPU of the router, and produces no traffic
to other routers as well as leaves the network administrator with full control over the
routing behaviour of the network but is vulnerable to human error. It also does not have
fault tolerance and this configuration can take a long time if there are many routers.

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