Lesson 3: The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
Lesson 3: The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
Lesson 3: The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
According to TOMAS MERTON (1948), a Trappist * Hinduism holds that humanity’s life is a continuous cycle
Monk, there is no other way for us to find who we are than by (samsara), while it is the spirit is neither born nor does it die,
finding in ourselves the divine image. We have to struggle to the body, on the
regain spontaneous and vital awareness of our own other hand, goes through a transmigratory series of birth
spirituality. and death.
Transmigration or metempsychosis is a doctrine
He talks about a continual movement away from our that adheres to a belief that a person’s soul passes into
inner and outer idols toward union with the desert God of his some other creature, human or animal. If a person has led a
Christian faith. good life, the soul goes up the scale. The soul of an evil
In Philosophy, the adjective transcendental and the person, on the other hand, may pass into the body of an
noun transcendence convey the basic ground concept from animal.
the word’s literal meaning (from Latin) of climbing or going There will be no end to the cycle unless the
beyond. individual exerts real efforts to break away or liberate one’s
spirit from the monotonous cycle.
ULTIMATE LIBERATION, that is, freedom from
The fact that we have a soul that is capable of coming to life rebirth is achieved the moment the individual
and experiencing profound and hidden values, which the flesh attains stage of life emancipation from which the
and its senses can never discover alone. This spirituality in us individual arises a total realization by the individual
is identified with the divine image. or spiritual nature as well as the transient character
of the body.
WILL COVER: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity MOKSHA- thus, is an enlightened state wherein
A. HINDUISM one attains one’s true selfhood and finds oneself
Brahman is Selfhood one with the ONE, THE Ultimate Reality,The All
*At the heart of Hinduism lies the idea of human beings quest Comprehensive Reality: BRAHMAN
for absolute truth, so that one’s soul and the Brahman or Ultimate Moksha leads the spirit out of the
Atman (Absolute soul) might be some one. monotonous cycle of life and death (samsara) to a
state of “nothingness in life”
THE AUM – is the root of the universe and everything that The Hindu view of humanity’s reality places a lot of
exists and it continues to hold everything together. emphasis on the attainment of SELF KNOWLEDGE. The
According to Hinduism human beings have a dual nature: goal of human life as conceived by the different Upanishads
1. Spiritual & Immortal essence 2. empirical and is TO OVERCOME CONGENITAL IGNORANCE. The ideas
character of the Upanishads are the spiritual core of Hindus.
*Hindus generally believe that the soul is eternal but is bound THE UPANISHADS OR VEDANTA- variously
by the LAW OF KARMA to the world of matter, which it can interpreted to mean either the “last chapter, parts of Veda”
escape only after spiritual progress through an endless series or the object, the highest purpose of the Veda.” The concept
of births. of Brahman and Atman (soul self) are central ideas in all the
*God allots rewards and punishments to all beings according Upanishads, with “KNOW YOUR ATMAN as their thematic
to their karma (actions). focus.
* According to Hinduism, MOKSHA JIVA or LIBERATION OF
SPIRIT is the humanity’s basic goal in life (similar to a prisoner WHEN WE REALIZE THIS UNITY WITH THE ABSOLUTE,
enclosed within the wall of his prison) WE REALIZE OUR TRUE DESTINY.
Also common to all Hindu thought are the 4 PRIMARY
For Hinduism, one’s whole duty is to achieve self- VALUES in order of increasing importance, they may be
knowledge in order to achieve self-annihilation and roughly translated as
absorption into the Great Self. 1. Wealth, 2. Pleasure – are worldly values but when kept in
True knowledge (VIDJA) consists an understanding perspective they are good and desirable
and realization of the individual’s real self (atman) as 3.the spiritual value of DUTY OR RIGHTEOUSNESS –
opposed to lower knowledge that is limited to an refers to patience, sincerity,fairness, love honesty and
interpretation of reality based solely on the data similar virtues.
offered by sense experience. 4.the spiritual value of ENLIGHTENMENT – by which one is
An individual, by seriously understanding oneself, illuminated and liberated and most importantly finds release
comes to realize the dictates of karma that point the from the wheel of existence.
way toward moral progress and perfection. TAKE NOTE: REPEATED EXISTENCE IS THE DESTINY
One concept common to all expressions of Hinduism is the OF THOSE WHO DO NOT ACHIEVE ENLIGHTENMENT
oneness of reality. This oneness is the absolute, or Brahman, Finally, to understand enlightenment, one must understand
which the mind can never fully grasp or express in words. Only the law of karma, the law of sowing and reaping. All of us,
Brahman is real; everything else is illusory manifestation of it. through what we do or not do, supposedly determine our
The concept of atman or no self is a correlative belief. This destiny. The wheel of existence turns until we achieve
means that the “ I” or the self-illusion for each true self is one enlightenment, after which we are released from the series
with Brahman. of rebirth.
Lesson 3: The Human Person as an embodied spirit
( 5th Century) ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO He Considers human beings as MORAL AGENT. We are
The Biblical God and Humanity both spiritual and material. Through our spirituality, we have
#3“This lesson looks at reasonableness of belief in CONSCIENCE. Thus, we choose to be good or evil
God’s existence. In doing so, we shall treat the statement becomes our responsibility.
“God exists” as a hypothesis, which we call the “THEISTIC
existence of God provides the best explanation of the FOR THEIR TRANSCENDENCE
existence of the world, as we know it. A. Forgiveness - When we forgive, we are freed from our
#4Religious people definitely do not treat God’s anger and bitterness because of the actions and or words of
existence as a hypothesis, for God is a constant presence, another. On the other hand the hardness of our heart is
rather than a being whose existence is accepted as the best reinforced by whole series of rational arguments.
explanation of available evidence.
#5 In neither the Jewish nor Christian Bible is there B. The Beauty of Nature - There is perfection in every
any argument for God’s existence. For the biblical single flower; this is what the three philosophies believed.
writers,proving God;s existence would be as pointless as For a hug, for every sunrise and sunset, to eat together as
trying to prove the existence of the air we breathe. family , are our miracles. These kinds of experiences can be
#6 The religious problems reflected in the Old truly moments of grace. They touch us deeply and the
Testament narratives is not atheism but polytheism. In the human heart is spontaneously lifted. During this experience
New Testament, the reality of God is unquestioned due to the we need to offer praise.
conviction that in Jesus of Nazareth the eternal God became
flesh and dwelt among human beings. C.VULNERABILITY- We need to acknowledge the help of
other people in our lives.
SAPIENTIAL” , THE LOVE OF WISDOM. Its aim is to produce D.FAILURE - Our failure force us to confront our
happiness. However, for him, wisdom is not just an abstract weaknesses and limitations. Such acceptance of failures
logical construction;but it is substantially existent as the Divine makes us hope and trust that all can be brought into good.
Logos. Hence, philosophy is the love of God, It is then, Even, if we have sinned, as Augustine had, there is hope
religious, teachings of Christianity are based on the love of and forgiveness
*#7 Christianity presenting the full revelation of the true God, E.LONELINESS- can be rooted from our sense of
is the only full and true philosophy. However, we can only love vulnerability and fear of death. With our loneliness we can
which we know. realize that our dependence on other people or gadgets is a
#8 When comes this knowledge of God? It begins with faith possessiveness that we can be free from.
and is made perfect by understanding. All knowledge lead to
God. F. LOVE -to love is to experience richness, positivity and
#9 It should be taken as a humble acceptance of the fact that transcendence.In Buddhist view, the more we love, the
human beings alone, without God, are bound to fail. more risks and fears there are in life.
(JOhn15:5, Psalms 4)
#10We must first all prove that TRUTH is attainable by reason. RECOGNIZE THE HUMAN BODY IMPOSES LIMITS
For Augustine, even if we grant that the sense yield no #An interesting Hindu belief is the transmigration or
certainty in themselves so that we can always doubt their souls, reincarnation, or metempsychosis.
reports, one thing we cannot doubt, and that is the fact that we
doubt. Here, then, is absolute certainty. Now, if we doubt, we
#Essential Hinduism is based on the belief in karma
are and as doubting we must be living and rational beings.
and has its first literary expression in UPANISHADS.
#11 we are then established with certainty three grades or
level of existence: mere being, living being, and rational being.
SENSATION - is the lowest form of knowledge , as we ascend # Everything in life,say the Hindus. Is a consequence
higher to knowledge of rational principles, it is the will which of actions performed in previous existence. Only by
directs the mind’s eye to truth. building up a fine record or “karma” can final
Augustine before speaks in Platonic phrase of humanity as a salvation can be achieved.
rational soul using mortal body. Later he favors “ MAN IS A
RATIONAL SUBSTANCE CONSTITUTED OF SOUL AND # For the Jains, there is nothing mightier in the world
BODY” than karma; karma tramples down all powers. The
Buddhists took it over in large part when they broke
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS- another Medieval philosopher away from Brahmanism.
believes that of all creatures, human beings have the unique
power to change themselves and things for the better. His B. BUDDHISM: NIRVANA
philosophy is best grasped in his treatises “ SUMMA CONTRA Nirvana- means the state in which one is absolutely free
GENTILES OR SUMMA THEOLOGICA”. from all forms of bondage and attachment. It means to
Lesson 3: The Human Person as an embodied spirit