Biogas Potential From Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Faecal Sludge With Food Waste and Garden Waste

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Biogas potential from anaerobic co-digestion

of faecal sludge with food waste and garden

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1826, 020032 (2017);
Published Online: 28 March 2017

Ukhtiy Afifah, and Cindy Rianti Priadi


Optimization of methane production by combining organic waste and cow manure as

feedstock in anaerobic digestion
AIP Conference Proceedings 1826, 020030 (2017);

Assessment of anaerobic biodegradability of five different solid organic wastes

AIP Conference Proceedings 1826, 020029 (2017);

Biogas production from broiler manure, wastewater treatment plant sludge, and greenhouse
waste by anaerobic co-digestion
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5, 043126 (2013); https://

AIP Conference Proceedings 1826, 020032 (2017); 1826, 020032

© 2017 Author(s).
Biogas Potential from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Faecal
Sludge with Food Waste and Garden Waste
Ukhtiy Afifah1,a and Cindy Rianti Priadi1
Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Indonesia Kampus Baru UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. The limited faecal sludge management can be optimized by converting the sludge into biogas. This study
purposed to optimize the biogas potential of faecal sludge with food waste and garden waste. The system using Anaerobic
Co-digestion on the variation 25% and 50% concentration of faecal sludge based on Volatile Solids (VS). Inoculum used
was cow’s rumen. The study was operated using lab-scale batch reactor 51 L for 42 days. Biogas produced at 25%
concentration of faecal sludge is 0,30 m3CH4/kg with 71,93% VS and 72,42% COD destruction. Meanwhile, at 50%
concentration of faecal sludge produce 0,56 m3CH4/kg VS biogas with 92,43% VS and 87,55% COD destruction. This
study concludes that biogas potential of 50% concentration greater than 25% concentration of faecal sludge.

Faecal Sludge is defined as material that comes from the septic tank pumped during drainage process. Everyone
produces 0,5 liters sludge/person/day where 62% of Indonesian people throw sludge into septic tank. The full septic
tank will do drainage with sludge trucks and will be placed to a Sludge Treatment Plant Installation (Indonesian name
is IPLT). However, based on data from the World Bank in 2013, approximately 90% of the 140 Sludge Treatment
Plant Installation in Indonesia do not operate properly. The management limitations can be overcome by implementing
waste to energy systems, where the sludge processed using anaerobic digesters to form energy from biogas. Biogas is
composed of methane and carbon dioxide [5] that is flammable so it can be used for cooking, heating, and lighting.
The potential of biogas from faecal sludge is very small compared to other substrates, amounting to 0.009 to 0.028
m3/kg VS [7]. It can be caused by the C/N ratio sludge is low at only 7.9 [7], thus requiring the help of other substrates
to increase it to the optimum, ie 20-30 [3] by using co-digestion process. Treatment of anaerobic co-digestion can
improve digestion process stability [4], minimizing inhibitor of the primary substrate, improving the balance of
nutrients, and increased production of biogas stable [1].
Anaerobic co-digestion of sludge can be done by adding a substrate which has higher in C/N ratio, for example
food waste with 24.5 [12] and garden waste, ie 40-80 [11]. In a previous study the BMP method showed that the ratio
of food waste and sludge of 1:1.5 and 1:2 can produce biogas with a range of 1,600-2,300 m3/day [9]. Meanwhile, a
mixture of sludge and garden waste can convert COD into methane gas by 56.4% [2]. Another study in the form of a
mixture of 1:1:1 between the sludge, food waste and garden waste get the biggest methane gas production, which
amounted to 0,015 m3/kg VS during the 55-day incubation period, compared to other variations [10]. Thus, large
biogas produced can be influenced by the concentration of sludge in the mixture.
Based on this background, this study aims to determine the process of anaerobic co-digestion that occurs in faecal
sludge with food waste and garden waste, sludge concentration variation that has the greatest potential for biogas
production, as well as its comparison with anaerobic digestion faecal sludge only.

Renewable Energy Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development

AIP Conf. Proc. 1826, 020032-1–020032-8; doi: 10.1063/1.4979248
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1494-5/$30.00

This research use a quantitative approach in a laboratory scale testing of several parameters. The research variables
there are three types, namely the independent variable, dependent variable, and variable control. The independent
variables such as the concentration of faecal sludge as the main substrate in each anaerobic reactor based on the value
of volatile solids (VS), which is 25% and 50% of the total value of the VS mixture of substrates and co-substrates.
The dependent variable in the form of the potential of biogas production and methane produced from the various
concentration of sludge used. The control variables is great value in order to be in the range pH optimum by adding
sodium bicarbonate buffer to raise the pH.
Subjects in this study were substrate of faecal sludge obtained from tank sludge trucks that will empties in Sludge
Treatment Plant Installation in Kalimulya, Depok. Co-substrate food waste taken from the Canteen of Faculty of
Engineering, University of Indonesia and co-substrates garden waste originating from the foliage around the Faculty
of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Inoculum is cow's rumen that obtained from the Cow Slaughterhouse in
Tapos, Depok.
The study is divided into the pre-study and study period. Pre-research shows the preparation of research carried
out in the form of sampling and testing of baseline characteristics. The first research preparation, ie the preparation of
inoculum that is going through the process of degasification, purging, and acclimatization before being used and stored
in anaerobic reactor is simple. In the feeding process of acclimatization given in the form of the substrate and co-
substrate. Inoculum will undergo anaerobic digestion stages which can be determined by checking the pH and test
identification acidogenesis and methanogenesis Durham. Inoculum, substrate and co-substrate is ready for use later
tested baseline characteristics such as C/N, COD, TS and VS. Other research preparation is preparation lab-scale
anaerobic reactor which has been chosen because of the ongoing process of anaerobic digestion reactor can represent
the state in the field. 51 L reactor size and made of stainless steel with a batch type, homogenous one-phase with
mesophilic temperatures. The location of manufacture and leak testing of the reactor was at PT Cipta Karya Sukses
Sejahtera, Lindeteves Trade Center (LTC), Glodok, Jakarta.

FIGURE 1. Sketch of Reactor, B (50% concentration of faecal sludge) and A (25% concentration of faecal sludge)

In the study period, the ratio of input inoculum and mix the incoming substrate of 2:1, based on the value of volatile
solids (VS). Next, inoculum, substrate and co-substrate is also calculated based on the VS thus obtained sludge
concentration variation of 25% and 50%. The mixture was tested with parameter C/N, COD, TS and VS. The study
period begins when entering all of the mixture into the reactor as day 0 of reactor operations and operate until 42 days.
During the study period of several parameters tested in the Laboratory of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia on September 2015 until July 2016.

This research first prepares an inoculum to optimal the anaerobic co-digestion using acclimatization process.
During the acclimatization cow rumen pH fluctuations occur as a form of activity of microorganisms that can be seen
in Figure 2. The pH of inoculum at the start of the first feeding of 5.2 can make acid can be produced and make the
acclimatization process fails [13] so overcome by the provision of buffer sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) that can be
used to raise the pH [6]. Then, the pH increase slowly so that when used the pH at day 84 that meets pH of 7.0 for the
anaerobic digestion process, which is 6.6 to 7.9 [7]. Durham test on days 36th and 42th showed that the
microorganisms in the inoculum still in acidogenesis phase. Inoculum may not yet have reached the phase of
methanogenesis because the feeding on a few days before the test so that the pH is affected by the substrate and co-
substrate is given, it is evident when testing Durham pH is below 6.7 and doesn’t support the process of
methanogenesis [13].

FIGURE 2. pH Graph during Acclimatization

In this study, a temperature in the range of 27-30°C so it is still within the range of mesophilic, i.e. 22-40°C, but
not in the optimum range so that the reaction process that runs probably still less than the maximum and less efficient.
Temperatures is fluctuating, an increase likely due to the exothermic nature of the produce heat during the process of
decomposition of organic matter and the possibility of a drop-in temperature caused by the decomposition of organic
materials that produce water [7]. Temperatures then tends to stabilize at the end due to a decrease or absence of activity
decomposition of organic material [7]. But, the temperature during the operation of both variation has no statistically
significant differences.
Meanwhile, pH during reactor operation in both variation (shown in Figure 3) fluctuated with a slight difference,
especially the concentration of sludge 25% on day 3 to day 14 pH was decreased. Decrease in pH can caused by
acidogenesis and acetogenesis bacterial activity which has a regenerating every 36 hours and 80-90 hours working at
a pH of 5.2 to 6.3 [13] so that the pH is outside the optimum range, ie 6.6 to 7.9 [7] and the process of anaerobic co-
digestion can walk less than optimal. The addition of buffer on the 10th day is proven to increase the pH so that on
the 14th day of the pH to 7.0. Whereas, during the start of operation sludge concentration of 50% is likely to have a
stable pH of 7.0. This is most likely because the sludge concentration of 50% has entered methanogenesis process that
works at pH 6.7 to 7.5 [13]. This is supported by the results of the test concentration at day 7 which have demonstrated
the presence of methane gas. pH in the both variation of the concentration of faecal sludge during the operation
continues to rise slowly is caused by the process of methanogenesis and also due to the formation of alkali buffer [7].
pH during the operation of both variation was not statistically significant difference.
Value Volatile Solids (VS) is a downward trend shows the degradation of organic material solids [7]. VS represents
a large reduction in the efficiency of the process of digestion that occurs in anaerobic co-digestion is performed [8].
Based on the correlation, namely in terms of the value of R2, which reached about 88%, decline in the both VS sludge
concentration variations associated with reactor operation time. Efficiency of decrease VS value of reactor with sludge
concentration of 25% and 50% is 71.93%, and 92, 43%. In comparison, the efficiency decline at a concentration of

sludge VS 50% greater than efficiency decrease in anaerobic co-digestion sludge and food waste with a ratio of 2:1
on the previous study, which amounted to 66-78% [9].

FIGURE 3. Temperature and pH Graphs during Operational Reactor

FIGURE 4. Volatile Solids (VS) Graph during Operational Reactor

There is difference value of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of both concentration. In a reactor with a sludge
concentration of 50% increase in the second week and further decreased significantly. Meanwhile, other concentration
experienced a slight rise at the end of the operation. However, both fixed sludge concentration variations tend to
decrease. This shows the degradation of organic material in liquid form. COD reduction correlates with the time
operation of the reactor running. It can be seen from the number of correlation (R2), which amounted to 89-93%. COD
removal efficiency reached 72.42% and 87.55% in the reactor with sludge concentration of 25% and 50%.
In this study were measured inhibitor ammonia with ammonia values were obtained in the range 240-504 mg/L.
Ammonia of both variation of the concentration increased at day 21 which coincides with the increase in pH. Although
the pH is above 7.4, but a large ammonia is not included within the range that inhibits ammonia, in the range of 1500-
3000 mg/L. In comparison, the ammonia value of both variation differences was not statistically significant. The value
of alkalinity demonstrates the system's ability to maintain its pH is in the range 1200-8600 mg/L CaCO3 so that there
is an excess of alkalinity than that commonly occurs in the process of anaerobic digestion, which is 2000-5000 mg/L
CaCO3. Increased alkalinity means increased methanogenic bacteria and as a decline in mean ability methanogens
produce methane slower than acidogenesis ability to produce VFA. In comparison, the alkalinity value of both
variations has a difference was not statistically significant.

FIGURE 5. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Graph during Operational Reactor

FIGURE 6. Ammonia (left) and Alkalinity (right) Graphs during Operational Reactor

FIGURE 7. Biogas Volume Graph during Operational Reactor

The biogas volume for sludge concentration of 25% occurred on the 35th day which is not accompanied by a
decrease in the value of the VS and the greatest COD. This shows a decrease in VS and COD as a representation
detruksi organic material is not absolutely affect the volume of biogas, but there may be other factors that may include
pH and temperature which leads to an optimum pH, ie 7.2 ± 0.2 [8] and the temperature increases toward the optimum
temperature, so that it supports the formation of biogas temperature is greater. Biogas this great show alkalinity formed
on that day to support the production of gas.
At a concentration of 50% sludge, the largest biogas volume occurred on the 28th day. Similarly, the largest biogas
sludge at a concentration of 25%, at the time the largest biogas is not accompanied by the biggest drop in VS and
COD, even an increase in the value VS. Another factor that may affect is a decrease in pH near the pH optimum is to
give positive support to produce biogas and rising temperatures lead to the optimum temperature, although not too big
also give positive support to the formation of larger biogas. Additional support is in the absence of the inhibitor in the
form of ammonia due to a substantial drop.
At a concentration of sludge 50%, the volume of biogas greatest happening faster than the concentration of sludge
25%, which can be caused by a pH that is more stable at the beginning of the operation and did not experience large
temperature fluctuations of up to day 28th compared to the concentration of sludge 25% which decreased the
temperature up to 27oC on the day. Another thing that might affect is the alkalinity of the day 28th of 50%
concentration of sludge formed is 5,800 mg/L CaCO 3 alkalinity closer to the normal range for anaerobic digestion
sludge concentration compared with 25% reaching 8,600 mg/L CaCO 3. After experiencing a significant increase in
volume, both variations such sludge concentration decreased volume of biogas. The decline can occur at
concentrations of sludge 25% on day 42 possibilities for VS and COD values are rising. Meanwhile, the sludge
concentration of 50%, a decrease in the volume of biogas may be caused by the increase in alkalinity than ever before.
The volume of biogas on average every 7 days of both variation of the concentration of sludge did not have significant

FIGURE 8. 25% (left) 50% (right) Faecal Sludge Gas Concentration Graph during Operational Reactor

Based on the chart above, it can be seen that the concentration of methane gas of both reactor fluctuated. At the
beginning of the operation of the reactor, the concentration of sludge 25% do not have a methane gas at all until the
day 14th. It can be caused by a pH that occur at the beginning of the operation decreased to 6.5, while the minimum
methanogenesis process occurs at pH 6.7 [13]. On day 14th, the concentration of sludge 50% decreased the
concentration of methane gas until it reaches 0%. This is most likely because there is a leak in the gas hose to inject
gas into the gas sample bottle. Leaks in the gas hose is identified from the smell of gas that appear around the hose.
This causes gas leak tested concentration is probably the gases that arise from the results of purging the gas sample
bottle. Thus, improvements were made in the form of paste sealent on the gas hose so that at day 21th perfect sample
gas can enter into the bottle and gas concentration can be measured. Furthermore, methane concentrations continue to
rise during the operation to decrease at day 42th. This decrease may be due to the increase in pH of both variation of
the concentration of sludge that reached 8.5 so that the pH is not in the range anaeobic digestion process occurs, ie 6.6

to 7.9 [7] and a reduction in solids destruction process and the fluid that is visible from nearly the same temperature
since the 38th [7].
The operation of the reactor in this study ends on the day of the 42nd. At the end of reactor operation was also
conducted tests on biological parameters such as the initial stage of operation of the reactor, namely total coliform.
Number of total coliform were obtained at 5.0 x 10 4 MPN/100 ml and 1.4 x 104 MPN/100 ml for fecal sludge
concentration of 25% and 50%. This figure does not meet the quality standards of waste water according to WHO
guidelines in 2006, is a maximum of 10 3-104 ≤ MPN/100 ml. However, the number of total coliform decreased
compared to when the initial operation of the reactor, on the efficiency of the decline reached 66.67% and 55.53% for
the concentration of sludge by 25% and 50%. This suggests that the process of anaerobic co-digestion can reduce the
number of pathogens, particularly total coliform and became one of the solutions to tackle waste pollution.

FIGURE 9. Methane Yield Cumulatif Graph during Operational Reactor

Based on the data in the form of gas concentration Gas Chromatography test results, value cumulative methane
yield for 42 days for the concentration of sludge by 50% greater than the concentration of sludge by 25%. It can be
caused by the C/N ratio at a concentration of sludge by 50%, which tend to approach the optimum value range 20-30
[3] compared to the concentration of sludge by 25%. C/N ratio is very important in anaerobic co-digestion system for
the assimilation process done by microorganism. In addition, other factors are VS removal efficiency reached 92.43%
at the concentration of sludge by 50% greater than the concentration of sludge by 25%, amounting to 79.43%. It is
also common in COD removal efficiency, ie 87.55% for the concentration of sludge by 50% greater than the
concentration of sludge by 25%, ie 72.42%. This values associated with a decrease in methane yield VS. This is
because the removal efficiency VS indicates the amount of organic matter degradation [7].
Value methane yield obtained for the concentration of sludge by 25% and 50% is 0.3 m3/kg VS and 0.56 m3/kg
VS. Value methane yield on the concentration of sludge by 25% carried out during the 42 days is similar to research
on BMP which is equivalent to the concentration of sludge 35% (ratio sludge: food waste: garden waste is 1: 1: 1) for
55 days, that only equal to 0.3 m3/kg VS [10]. This shows the methane yield in this study is faster compared to the
BMP method. In addition, this study also showed smaller concentrations can produce methane yield equal. Meanwhile,
the concentration of sludge by 50% can give methane yield results were as great as the study of anaerobic co-digestion
sludge and food waste with a ratio of 2: 1 for 40 days with an optimum temperature of 35oC [9]. This shows that even
though the study was conducted at the not optimum temperature can produce methane yields were as high as previous
studies with the optimum temperature. Value methane yield of anaerobic co-digestion in this study is about 10-20
times larger than anaerobic digestion sludge only, that amounted to only 0.009 to 0.028 m 3/kg VS [7]. Thus, it can be
said anaerobic co-digestion process provides better results with methane yield values.

Anaerobic co-digestion in the sludge with the addition of food waste and garden waste using anaerobic reactor
lab-scale batch type for 42 days, with variations in the concentration of sludge by 25% and 50% do and produce biogas

with a methane yield reaches 10-20-fold greater than the sludge anaerobic digestion alone. Anaerobic co-digestion
with various concentration of sludge to produce methane yield 50% greater, ie 0.56 m3/kg VS with VS reduction of
92.43% and 87.55% compared to the variation COD sludge concentration of 25%, ie 0.3 m 3/kg VS with a reduction
of 79.43% and 72.42% VS COD.

The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of
Indonesia, who supported this research and our colleagues from Environmental Engineering Program, Universitas
Indonesia who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research.

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