WHLP-WEEK 1 - Grade10 Science
WHLP-WEEK 1 - Grade10 Science
WHLP-WEEK 1 - Grade10 Science
1:00-3:00 Science Describe and relate 1. Read the foreword that serves as a guide in using the self-learning kit. Printed SLKs
the distribution of 2. Read the instructions and answer the Review/ Motivation Part 1 and 2 on Asynchronous online delivery (for
active volcanoes, pages 4-5. Use separate sheets for answers. learners with access to internet) for
earthquake Part 1: K-W Chart supplemental learning
epicenters, and Part 2: Word-Up *In case the learner needs clarifications to
major mountain 3. Read and understand the Short Discussion on pages 5-10 and Examples on answer some activities, learners or parents
belts to Plate pages 11-14 in the SLK. can contact the subject teacher via text
Tectonic Theory 4. For supplementary reference, watch the videos about Plate Tectonics Theory message, phone call, or online chat when
on this links: available.
5. Perform the Exercises/Activities listed below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet.
Activity 1: Continental Drift (page 15)
Activity 2: Draw It (page 16)
Activity 3: Plate Tectonics Word (page 16)
Activity 4: Volcano Crossword Puzzle (page 17)
Activity 5: Active Volcanoes in the Philippines (page 18)
Activity 6: What Cause Earthquake (page 19-20)
Activity 7: Earthquake Safety Measures (page 20)
Activity 8: Mountains in the Philippines (page 21)
6. Read and analyze the Generalization part on page 22 in the SLK.
7. Write your insights on what you have learned from the SLK as a responses to
the Application part on page 22.
8. Answer the Assessment on page 23-25 of the SLK.